#Gardening Therapy
sabo-pon · 11 months
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rose buds
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ineffable-suffering · 9 months
Trauma-Dumping on your plants: The Anthony J. Crowley Chronicles
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This has been living in my silly head rent free for so long, I finally decided to slap it on here in hopes of thinking about it a little less (than three times a day. It's been years. I need to get over it.)
Also, I'm absolutely certain I'm not even remotely the first person to realize or post about this, since it's not the hardest of parallels to figure out. Alas, I still shall, because out of mind, out of sight and all that. So:
Let's talk about how Crowley is using his houseplants to work through his own Trauma of the Fall. Or, well, maybe not work through it per se, but more so roleplay it to give it somewhat of an an outlet because he never got over it. Lol.
It's not rocket science to figure it out and God Herself actually gives us a pretty spot-on explanation of it in her own narration.
Crowley's plants are perfect. They're, as God Herself tells us, the most luxurious and beautiful in all of London. He takes great care of them, waters them, mists them. Does any and everything to give them the perfect conditions so they won't have a worry in the world.
And yet, we're immediately shown that despite the seemingly perfect conditions they're living in, Crowley's plants still get *gasps quietly* spots. And we all know how Crowley feels about that:
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It seems like such an unnecessary tiny thing to get upset about, right? Like, plants get spots all the time. They're not perfect, they're part of nature and nothing is ever perfect in nature. Crowley would know that by now. Imperfection is the whole point of nature. If everything had stayed exactly the way it always was, nothing would have ever changed or evolved.
Besides, Crowley is a demon. If it were merely about aesthetics to him, he could easily miracle away any spot with a blink of his serpent eyes. But he gets so angry about it, it's almost comical. At first we think it's just to show us, the audience, that, in contrast to Aziraphale, who cares very dearly and lovingly for his books, Crowley is a mean, mean demon who, instead of being outwardly nice to the things he loves (like Aziraphale does), yells at his plants because he's a mean meanie.
But! If you look at the whole scene and what God says, it's pretty obvious what he's actually doing is something else entirely: "What Crowley does is he puts the fear of God in them. Or, the fear of Crowley. The plants are the most luxurious and beautiful in London. Also the most scared."
Folks, this man dude serpent is literally roleplaying the concept of God/Heaven threatening angels with their Fall in order to keep them obedient ... with his houseplants.
Have I mentioned yet that I am absolutely obsessed with him and also desperately wanna get him a therapy voucher?
Because what does he do once he sees a plant disobeying his rules of perfection and acting out? The same thing God did to her questioning, equally disobedient angels (including Crowley): Parade it in front of the very scared rest, making an example of it ...
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... only to then, well ...
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... quite literally chuck it out.
To anyone else, this seems like a completely ridiculous thing to do over a tiny, minuscule spot. There would have been a bunch of other ways to go about fixing that spot.
Figuring out what it was the plant needed that might not have been given to it yet.
Taking care of it in a different, individual way so it would have been able to thrive again.
Listening to the plant and letting it tell you why its spot appeared in the first place.
Telling the plant, that loves and relies on you entirely, you love it too, despite it not being without fault, despite of it not fully living up to your unreachable standards of perfection.
Caring for the plant not because you want it to be perfect, but because you're okay with it being imperfect.
(We're no longer talking about plants here, as you are probably aware.)
Alas, this isn't what Crowley does. Because it wasn't what God did, either. We still know very little about Crowley's actual Fall and the Fall of Lucifer and the rest. But we do know that Crowley was never like or even with them.
All he did was ask some questions. A tiny spot. A seemingly insignificant blemish in the luxurious, beautiful flora of Heaven.
And yet, before he knew it, he did a "million lightyear freestyle dive into a boiling pool of sulfur". Cast out, chucked away, just like his little spotty plant. And for what? Well ...
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... to keep the others angels plants check, for the rest of time.
(Addendum from the comments: If we go by what the book tells us, Crowley doesn’t actually end up violently throwing out the ‚bad‘ plants. He just finds a different place for them and makes sure they‘re looked after. So much to him being a big, bad, meanie-mean demon.)
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vanalex · 1 month
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moonhedgegarden · 9 months
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Send your butterflies to my inbox🦋
+1 if you decorate it
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madb0nes · 5 months
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castoff fanart marathon
1. fav character
2. vector time 1/2
3. vector time 2/2
4. au or headcanon
5. arianna time 1/2
6. arianna time 2/2
7. fan oc
8. frankie time 1/2
9. frankie time 2/2
11. marina time 1/2
14. rori time 1/2
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amethysttribble · 25 days
I am not immune to a good ‘Feanor Needs Therapy’ joke myself, but when I stop to think about it, I’m compelled to believe that, actually, Feanor was in therapy from the moment he could talk and it made him worse
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turbomnstr · 1 month
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virsancte · 2 months
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hey buddy
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sabo-pon · 2 years
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Sapporo, 2022
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glitterpennotes · 2 months
top ten ttpd lyrics - first impressions!
I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean; "Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth"
Put me back on my shelf; But first, pull the string; And I'll tell you that he runs; Because he loves me
You left your typewriter at my apartment; Straight from the tortured poets department; Who else decodes you?
I hate it here so I will go to secret gardens in my mind; People need a key to get to, the only one is mine; I read about it in a book when I was a precocious child
Beauty is a beast that roars down on all fours; Demanding more; Only when your girlish glow flickers just so
You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me; So all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs
At the park where we used to sit on children's swings; Wearing imaginary rings; But it's gonna be alright, I did my time
And it was written; I got cursed like Eve got bitten
They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did; Lights, camera, bitch, smile
So I crossed my thoughtless heart; Spread my wings like a parachute; I'm the albatross; I swept in at the rescue
i keep going back and forth on the order but here!
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rowanthestrange · 4 months
Doggy DNA test results are back, and baby Cody is none of the breeds anyone thought he was.
he is…
Quarter Cocker Spaniel (cute and fluffy yay! Guess that’s where his slightly curly tail hair comes from)
Quarter XL Bully/Pit-and-mix (the UK’s answer to the banned pitbull that just also got banned)
and Half Belgian Malinois (German Shepherd on Hard Mode)
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😬🥲 Pray for him, and us lol
Though the people we used also give you relative links, and there’s a dog which has low genetic match but high breed match (so they’re not directly related but their root breeds are very similar) and damn true. Roch even does the ear thing.
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bi-stormfur · 26 days
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vanalex · 2 months
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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haha therapy AU
#suletta mercury#miorine rembran#nika nanaura#chuatury panlunch#g witch#the witch from mercury#my art#tw blood#no because what the fuck#i am personally sending them to therapy#kinda modern AU and asticassia is like a psychiatric home#suletta has obvious high functioning anxiety and is schizophrenic#aerial and prospera are two of her more common hallucinations and voices she hears#both will never appear at the same time and depending on who is out atm dictates how comfortable suletta is with speaking#when (the few times) neither of them are there suletta will be on constant edge and more jumpy than usual (which says a lot)#also idk in here elnora and prospera are two separate identities#mio has moderately severe depression and ptsd cough ep12 cough#seeing clusters of red or red objects scattered around would send her into a massive panic#she put down playing the piano but still enjoys gardening and has a few plants that are easy to take care of in her room#slowly she expands to the home's indoor garden and practically owns it and the staff are just happy to let her do her thing#(not before relocating all the red flowers to a far away area lmao)#chuchu just goes in and out for anger management sessions lol#nika is a volunteer that helps around#still working out some stuff#sulemio will bump into each other and heal together like the homies they are and fall in love#there will probably definitely be more of this nonsense stay tuned i have no idea what happens either#i just want to put them in a safe place from bullshit to heal#they are so#also im laughing cause this reminded me of my dead wr hospital AU#anyway i hit the 30 tag limit so bye
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the-worst-fe-player · 8 months
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Got a shiny event slowpoke while walking back from therapy:3
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androdconstruction · 11 months
The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.
~ Alfred Austin
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