#George and Fred
iifishizzleii · 1 year
ron is a moral compass.
u cannot convince me that ron weasley isn’t a mother hen. because while hermione is a child prodigy, she’s breaking laws and committing war crimes half the time when it benefits her. and harry ‘i’m the Chosen One’ potter attracts danger like a flame would a moth.
so while they’re a duo of danger, there’s ron.
who grew up with siblings and spent a lot of his childhood making sure ginny didn’t get hurt playing in the mud.
who’s as nervous as Molly when Charlie works with the Dragons, and panics when Bill gets attacked by the werewolf.
who steals specific concoctions from the twins when they try to prank Percy because it could possibly harm him.
who wraps harry’s wounds when he gets hurt and is too tired to see madam pomphrey. who helps hermione understand why killing Rita in the jar wouldn’t help in the long run.
Ron Weasley, the worrier and moral compass of the Golden Trio. he doesn’t believe how many times he saved the wizardry world by simply being himself. and everyone at hogwarts but him can see it.
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joka13 · 3 months
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 31
WARNINGS: light kissing
"Merlin's beard..." Fred whispers in disbelief.
"We've done it!" you exclaim, squealing cheerily and clapping your hands together.
"No," George says. "You've done it!" He stands up, taking your hand and leading you into an energetic dance. You both laugh as he spins you around.
"I hardly did anything," you humbly point out. "The Room gave me the last ingredient."
Before you can think about it, George passes you to Fred, who rolls his eyes and says, "Whatever! You found all of the other pieces." He ends the dance with a dip. As he cradles you in his arms, Fred leans down so his face is only inches away from yours. You can't help but giggle as he proceeds to plant multiple kisses all over your face. "Thank you, y/n," Fred says sincerely, then kisses you once more on the lips.
"Aww," you swoon and blush as Fred lifts you upright. "It was nothing really..."
"Let's collect the remaining nougat!" George says, rubbing his hands together excitedly before placing his bag on the table by the cauldron. "We can start selling tomorrow!"
Fred goes to help his twin carefully cut the purple candy into small rectangles. "Our Skiving Snackboxes are now complete!"
At hearing these words, a feeling of dread wells up inside you. The first time you'd felt this particular dread, you'd told yourself to simply stop worrying. But now that the moment had come in which the Weasley twins would no longer have use for your academic skills, you begin to panic.
"No... no, no, no, no..." you whisper. You turn away so that Fred and George don't see the tears in your eyes. But, before you can pull yourself together, the twins notice that something is wrong. The shuffling sounds at the table behind you stop.
"Y/n?" Fred asks.
"Are you alright?" George finishes.
"I-I'm fine," you reply, though your shaky voice betrays you.
You cover your face in shame as you hear the twins' footsteps coming toward you.
"Hey, hey," Fred's voice says softly, concerned. You feel his fingers try to coax your hands away from your face, but you keep your palms tight over your leaking eyes, moving away and accidentally bumping into George.
George steadies you with a gentle hug. "What's the matter?" he asks.
You choke. "It's stupid..."
"Your feelings aren't stupid," Fred consoles. His fingers pry at yours once again, and this time you let him pull your hands away from your face. You look up to meet his eyes as he stands behind George, resting his chin on his brother's shoulder. He gives you an empathetic, crooked smile. The sight of it overwhelms you, bringing more tears to your eyes, and you hide your face against George's chest.
"Talk to us," George encourages. He rubs your back soothingly.
You take in a deep breath. "I... I got t-the idea into m-my head a while back... that when I was finished h-helping you with project nosebleed..." you sniff. "You wouldn't... w-want me around anymore..."
For a moment that felt like a lifetime, neither of the twins speak. Then you feel George's hold loosen around you, and you look up at his face in confusion.
"You're right," George says, his brow furrowing and his mouth in a frown. "That is stupid."
"George!" Fred hisses at him, but you just chuckle gingerly.
"I know, I know..."
George takes a step back as Fred quickly comes forward to hold your hands. He kisses the top of each. You won't look him in the eyes, so he crouches down to where he can see yours.
"Y/n," Fred sighs, shaking his head and smiling. "Have our previous affections meant nothing to you?"
You start to defend yourself. "W-well, there are some people in this world—"
You hadn't noticed him come up behind you, so you gasp in surprise when George's arms snake around your waist. He kisses the top of your head and continues, going down your temple and to your ear. He nibbles at it, causing you to giggle and squirm, but he holds you in place.
"We have no intention of ever leaving you," George whispers into your ear, and you love the sound of his voice, for something about it makes you sure he's telling the truth.
"In fact," Fred begins, pausing to glance at George attentively. You sense a moment of tension, and then George nods. Fred grins ecstatically and goes on. "We were hoping you would leave with us."
TAG LIST: @tomhockstetter7-111 @jasm-1ne @costheticbabe @luthien-elvenia-asher @megablonde22 @thecuteavocado @weasleylady92 @websfromallthespiders @rubyintheforest @weasleylover4eva @georgeweasleyslostearhq @im-coolrat @them-cute-boys @xmadigurlx @keirasinbin @huayan
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thestorycomesalive · 11 months
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You, Baby
George Weasley x Reader
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: You had been suffering from nightmares for a while now. This was nothing new to you. But when you have a nightmare that wakes you up in tears, you find yourself instinctively in front of George's dorm, seeking his comfort.
AKA: George is a softie. Two idiots in love, oblivious pining. Fred and Lee will not stop teasing the two dummies.
Lyrics included from the song: Nothing's Gonna Hurt You, Baby by Cigarettes After Sex
You were not a stranger to nightmares. These terrifying dreams had haunted you since you were very little. But you mostly suffered through them alone. You never wanted to wake anyone else or concern them with your deepest fears and troubles. You guessed a part of you didn’t want to accept that you had these fears at all. So, one cold, autumn night, you found yourself sneaking up to the Astronomy Tower, hoping not to be seen, but daring to do so anyways. For another haunting dream had plagued your sleep just moments ago. These days, they seemed to be getting worse, and your first instinct tonight was to escape and get some fresh air.
As you walked through the entrance of the tower, you felt the breeze flow in through the open walls, chilling your skin and, ever so slightly, whipping your hair. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you approached the opening of the tower. The frigid wind woke you from your sleepiness and seemed to remind your body that you were here. That you were okay. You overlooked the black skyline and closed your eyes, breathing in the burning atmosphere. You weren’t sure how long you stayed like that. It wasn’t until you heard the sound of the railing creak next to you that you awoke from your hypnotic state. Your eyes opened and you turned to look to where you had just heard the weight of the metal bar on your right, moments before. There stood a tall and sleepy George, adorned in a knitted sweater and sweatpants, arms crossed, as he leaned against the railing next to you. He looked out at the skyline. His expression mirrored the one you had sported before, but his eyes were open as he saw you turn to him in his peripheral vision.
“I honestly thought you might’ve been sleepwalking,” he chuckled as he stared at the darkness ahead of him.
“What are you doing here, Georgie?” you asked, puzzled.
“I could ask you the same thing, love,” he said with a small smile on his face. He turned his head to bring his eyes to meet yours.
You smiled back at him lightly. “I meant, more so, how did you know I’d be here?”
He dramatically placed his hand on his chest and faked shock and offense, his mouth wide. “Who said I knew? Maybe I just needed some fresh air too,” he tested, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Well then it seems great minds think alike,” you laughed at your best friend.
George quickly dropped his act, a mischievous grin on his face. “I’m only kidding. Fred and I borrowed the Marauder’s Map from Harry last night. I couldn’t sleep and gave it a look. I saw you wandering,” he said with a shy grin on his face.
“Bad dream?” you asked him, softly, your eyes slightly become distant at the memory of your own nightmare.
“Nah,” he said. “I had the coffee cake at dinner tonight. I ate so much of it, I could’ve run the entire quidditch field twenty times over,” he chuckled. He took in your slightly distant eyes as you laughed slightly at his response. “You?” he asked, concerned.
“Yeah. It was stupid. I just needed a change of scenery,” you sighed.
“I’m sorry,” he said gently as he wrapped his arm around your shivering form, pulling you into him. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“It’s okay. It was nothing,” you lied. You leaned your head into George’s shoulder, your heart doing cartwheels at the unexpected contact from him. You, the twins, and Lee had been best friends since your first year, but it didn’t take long for your friendship with George to quickly blossom into more, in your heart. You had fallen for him completely, but you knew you would never utter a word about it out of fear of losing your best friend in the whole entire world.
Oblivious to you, George felt the same exact way. He loved everything about you. The way your hair bounced when you walked, the glisten in your eyes when you looked at him, the way you tilted your head slightly when you laughed, the sound of your voice. Everything. He had entirely fallen for you over the years. What started as a simple crush in his first year, never subsided. Rather it took his body and soul by storm. He felt warm whenever you were near. His heart skipped in his chest and his knees weakened. But how could he ever tell his best friend that he was completely and entirely in love with her? He thought that you would likely feel obligated to awkwardly thank him, never to talk to him again. And to him, a world in pining and longing with you in it, was better than one in relief without you there.
He felt his heart rate patter as you reciprocated his touch and rested your head on his shoulder.
“Aren’t you cold out here?” he asked quietly.
“A little bit,” you smiled up at him. “But I don’t mind it.”
George hesitated. He wanted to just take you completely into his arms and hold you through the cold, sharp wind. But he didn’t want to scare you away. The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. He settled upon simply draping his other arm over you gently rubbing up and down your arm to generate some heat to you.
Your legs nearly gave out from the feeling of his touch. You and George had hugged many times before, but this time, he was so close to actually holding you. You wanted nothing more. You loved the feeling of George’s strong arms around you and his large hand running along your arm. You decided to be a little bit brave as you tucked into him a little bit more, wrapping your arms around his waist, your cheek in his sweater.
George’s arms froze in surprise as you curled yourself into him. He felt his cheeks flush red with warmth as he tried his best to bring himself back to reality. He moved his frigid arms to gently wrap around you, squeezing you to him. “Is… is that a little bit warmer?” he asked, hesitantly.
“Much. Thank you,” you smiled up at him as your own face flushed red with longing and bashfulness.
The two of you stayed that way for another half an hour or so, neither wanting to let go of the other. But when you let out a yawn, George looked down at you, a gentle smile on his face.
“We should probably get you to bed,” he rubbed your arm gently, in his embrace.
“You too,” you said, looking up at him with a sleepy smile.
The two of you walked back to the Common Room where George walked you up to the door of your dorm. George stood there awkwardly, his arms at his side as he bid you goodnight. Everything in him wanted to pull you into him again, to hug you. His arms felt so empty without you. Hell, he wanted so badly to kiss you. To feel your lips against his gently as you parted ways for the night, but his mind convinced him against it. What he didn’t expect was for you to take a step closer to him and to move up on your tiptoes. He didn’t expect you to wrap your arms around his neck and whisper in his ear. But you did.
“Goodnight, Georgie. Thank you for everything,” you said sweetly as you hugged the boy you loved so dearly. You wished you could ask him to stay. You wanted him to hold you all night, but you convinced yourself that you had to let him go. He wrapped his arms around you in return, his eyes wide in surprise as he spoke, “N…No problem, goodnight.”
And you parted ways.
In the coming days, neither George nor you brought up that night to anyone. Not to your friends, not to each other. To you, it was a beautiful memory that you would cherish forever. You didn’t want to share it with anyone else. You didn’t want it to belong to anyone but you. You wanted it all to yourself… and to him. You survived on small, happy moments like that with George. Moments where you allowed yourself to feel all of the love you had for the boy fully and completely. You knew you would never be able to confess your feelings to him, so this is how you would live. Off of every happy and soft moment you could possibly get with the gentle, ginger boy. And although you two never spoke of that wonderful, simple night, you always found your place next to him, and he always found his next to you.
Fred and Lee had constantly teased the two of you on the subject. Anytime you had to choose partners for a project in Potions, Fred would utter an “Oi, ten galleons I can tell you where George is headed as soon as Snape lets us up." This would earn him a glare and an eye roll from George and a snort from Lee. Another time, at the end of a long, random day, you were writing in the Common Room with your friends, and your legs found themselves draped over George’s. You sat horizontally on one side of the sofa, and he sat facing forward, his hand mindlessly holding your ankle in place, in his lap.
This wasn’t something unnormal for the two of you. George and you had a sort of magnetic force and you always seemed to be engaged in the smallest motions of physical touch in some way. You were never as close as you had been that night in the astronomy tower, but you were nearly always touching, none the less. The domestic picture of you and George instinctively sitting together on the couch, had Fred rolling on the floor laughing. Lee was trying to shush him, not wanting to embarrass either of you, however this seemed to be a fruitless prospect. The two boys couldn’t understand how oblivious you and George both were. It was obvious to your best friends that you liked each other, but no matter how many times they tried to convince each one of you, you never seemed to believe that it could be remotely possible. They could’ve given both of you Veritaserum and forced you to confess your love plain and simple, and both of you would probably still be too blind to see it.
“A little bit comfortable, are we there, Y/N?” Fred asked you, eyebrows wiggling in a teasing manner.
Your face flushed completely red, giving away your thoughts on the matter right away, to everyone but George.
“Don’t worry, I think our Georgie likes it,” Fred said, shooting a wink to George.
It was George’s turn to flush red with embarrassment. He took a pillow from next to him on the sofa and launched it at Fred’s face, causing him to roll back, holding his stomach as he laughed uncontrollably. Lee joined in on the chuckle and playfully slapped Fred’s arm.
“I think it’s sweet,” Lee said, laughing still.
George and you said nothing as you both found your hands to suddenly become increasingly interesting, trying to diffuse the situation in your minds.
The next day, you had dropped your books all over the stairs as you were walking with Fred, Lee, and George from Transfiguration. A first year Hufflepuff had accidentally bumped into you as it was clear she was running late to her next class, and she wasn’t looking where she was going. As your books tumbled down the stairs, she apologetically called out to you.
“I’m so sorry!” She automatically turned down the stairs to head back down to help you retrieve the books she had thrown from your hand, disregarding her rush. But you gently smiled at her and stopped her in her tracks.
“It’s okay, darling. Go on, I’ve got it,” you said as gave her a reassuring wave onwards and a bright smile.
She thanked you quickly and nodded, as she returned to rushing up the stairs. As you turned back to look down at the books you had dropped, you saw that George was already bent down collecting them. He had a smile on his face as he had just watched the interaction you had had with the little Hufflepuff girl. You bent down too, collecting the last two books, as George placed the remainder of them into your hands.
“Here you go,” he said.
“Thanks, Georgie,” you smiled at him. His hand brushed against yours as he placed the books into your possession. He let them linger there, as you both stared at each other for a fraction of a moment.
“Good grief!” You were pulled out of your trance by Fred who had his arms crossed and eyebrow raised. Lee was next to him as they had turned to see what had kept you two from following them down the stairs. “Get a room, you two!” he shouted up at you as other students passed by.
You both immediately shot up from the ground, your faces heated, and your vision slightly blurred from embarrassment.
As the two of you headed down the stairs to catch up with Fred and Lee, Lee elbowed you playfully and whispered, “Your hero to the rescue.”
You lightly, and playfully slapped him on the shoulder with one of the smaller books in your arms as you exclaimed, “At least he helped me! You lot just stood there and watched.”
Lee laughed as he tried to dodge your whacks to his shoulder. “It’s more fun that way! Besides, it looked like George was eager to help. You didn’t need us.”
The teasing never did stop and your feelings for George only grew and grew. You weren’t sure how it was possible to be so enamored with anyone. But here you were,  living proof that it was not only possible, but real.
After a particularly stressful day, you curled up in your bed and tried to think of pleasant thoughts to lull you to sleep. Most of the thoughts consisted of George. You eventually found yourself counting each individual thing you loved most about him, which could honestly take you forever. You figured it was like counting sheep. You weren’t intent on ever finishing your count, but rather falling asleep in the middle of it. Today had been a day of rarity. Everything seemed to go wrong. You failed your Potions exam, and you had gotten scolded by Professor McGonagall because you had slept in too late, missed breakfast and nearly missed the first half of her class. You were usually a pretty decent student, but your nightmares had been keeping you up at night, making it hard for you to focus and stay awake in class. Which, of course, now that you actually wanted to go to sleep, your body had to make it as difficult as possible for you to do.
You had drifted off into a deep sleep at some point, somewhere between recounting the sound of George’s laugh and the deep color of his eyes. But your sleep didn’t last long as you began tossing and turning, shooting up in a cold sweat. You were shaking and… crying? You reached up to touch your cheeks. You were definitely crying. Quiet sobs wracked from your body, as you covered your mouth, trying your best not to wake your dorm mates. You had to leave. You had to escape. But there was only one place you wanted to go. The Astronomy Tower hadn’t even crossed your mind this time.
In a daze, your feet subconsciously carried you down the stairs, up another set, and stopped in front of a large, brown, wooden door. Normally, your brain would’ve told you that it was wrong to enter people’s rooms uninvited. Your brain would’ve reminded you that you were crossing a boundary and that you were completely disregarding other peoples’ privacy. But tonight, there was only one thought playing over and over in your mind. You creaked the door open and quietly shut it behind you. It was like you were on autopilot as you made your way to the side of a bed, George’s beautiful, sleeping frame facing you.
Tears were still flowing down your face, but your sobs had stopped now that you could see him here. You gently, nervously brought your hand to his shoulder and shook it softly. “Georgie…” you squeaked out.
George’s eyes fluttered open in a confused daze. He took in his surroundings for a moment and when he saw you standing there, his heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline coursing through him. He thought for sure, he must be dreaming. There was no way that you were actually here, right in front of his bed, in the quiet of the night.
“Y/N/N…” he called out, brows furrowed in confusion. As the moonlight shone in from the window, he finally caught a glimpse of the tears that stained your face and the sadness in your eyes. He sat up immediately, his hand reaching for your cheek as he wiped your tears away.
“Oh, love. What’s wrong?” he murmured to you. “Another bad dream?” he asked, softly.
Concern filled his eyes. It split his heart into two seeing you this sad and frightened. You simply nodded your head in response, like a petrified doe in headlights.
“Do you wanna take a walk? We can go to the Astronomy Tower.” he offered gently, pushing his blankets off of him.
You didn’t want to be anywhere but right here, with him. You mustered up the courage, or rather cowardly gave in to the urge that was telling you to ask George a question that could quite possibly put your friendship on the line. You shook your head.
“Can…” you took a deep, unhelpful breath, “can I stay with you?” you looked up at him with defeated eyes, searching his for any sign that you had just crossed a line.
His eyes went wide. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He couldn’t believe that you were here, and he really couldn’t believe what you were asking him. He nodded his head quickly.
“Of course,” he whispered hurriedly. Without hesitation, he moved over to make room in his bed for you, lifting the covers as an invitation for you.
You sighed out in relief and disbelief. He had actually said yes. You hadn’t ruined anything. You gently laid yourself down as George sat there awkwardly next to you, afraid to touch you as if the act would send you running. He didn’t want to do anything to scare you off or make you feel like you had to leave him. But he wanted to move. He wanted to hold you, to run his hands through your hair and tell you that everything would be okay. That he would keep you safe.
But you couldn’t hold back. You had no sense of logic tonight. You only knew that you need to see George, to feel him. You needed to hear his heartbeat and know that he was there. You moved your head to rest on his chest, curling your legs closer to your stomach. You could feel him tense up and you hoped that you didn’t make him uncomfortable. Your own body tensed when you felt his apprehension.
George was feeling an immense number of emotions. He was in complete shock at the close proximity you had placed yourself into him, but he also felt his entire body melt at the sensation. Now was his chance. He could finally give into all of the urges he had felt pile up inside him just moments ago. Well, at least a select few of them. He allowed his arm to curl underneath you, pushing you closer to him, bringing his other arm around you, over your side, completely enveloping you in his embrace.
“It’s okay, I’m right here,” he whispered as he held you in his strong arms.
You had been holding your breath, waiting to see George’s reaction to your embrace. When he didn’t respond right away, you felt your heart drop and your eyes begin to water once more, but when he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into him, you breathed out and snuggled in closer to him, as he whispered to you. You listened carefully to the pattern of his heartbeat, as if it was your lifeline keeping you tied to reality. He felt you sigh into him and whispered to you once more.
“Nothing’s going to hurt you. As long as you’re with me you’ll be just fine.”
And you truly believed that. As long as George was here, you would always be okay. Which is why losing him felt like the most frightening thing in the world to you.
“Thank you, Georgie,” you whispered, as you felt yourself creeping into a deep sleep, listening to his heartbeat, feeling your lifeline in the arms of the man that you loved so dearly.
He tossed the idea of kissing the top of your head around in his mind. It was a big risk and normally he would turn the thought away, but tonight was a night full of new progressions and big chances. So, he did it. He gently kissed the top of your head and waited with bated breath to see how you would react.
Your mouth turned up into a gentle smile that you pressed into his chest. You took one of your legs and curled it around his, entangling the two of you together. He couldn’t hide the huge smile that grew on his face and the rapid increase of his heartbeat that you had been listening intently to. He didn’t sleep much that night, going in and out, in the awe of having you curled into him. He wanted to soak up every minute that you were entangled with him, in his arms.
When the morning arrived, George had finally fallen asleep, arms still wrapped around your body. He awoke quickly to a loud shout from Fred.
“BLOODY HELL!” Fred shouted as his face was mere inches away from George’s own.
George startled awake, nearly jolting from the image of his brother’s shocked face so close to his.
“George, I think you have a visitor!” Lee said from across the room, grinning widely at the scene before him.
“Your ‘best friend’ is sleeping in your bed, ole’ Georgie!” Fred shouted at him, rolling his eyes sarcastically at his own use of the term best friend, taunting George who had always insisted your relationship was platonic. “Better yet! She’s laying on top of you! Do you treat all of your friends like that? Because I assure you, Lee and I want no part of that!” Fred teased George loudly, still in shock from the scene in front of him. He was nearly bouncing up and down with excitement at the prospect of his brother and his best friend finally owning up to their feelings for each other. George quickly looked down at you, hoping Fred hadn’t awoken you. But you had been so tired from your nights of missed sleep, that you were still as a rock, breathing shallow as you continued into your unconsciousness.
“Will. You. Quit. It?!” George whispered furiously as he launched the pillow next to him straight into Fred’s face.
Fred rolled back off of his bed as the pillow met his face, laughing maniacally as he did so.
“It’s not what it looks like,” he whispered stubbornly. “She had a bad dream.”
“And so she had to come find her sweet, heroic Georgie to comfort her?” Fred taunted as he crossed his arms in front of himself.
“Come on, George. Why won’t you accept that she likes you too?” Lee asked George, supportively.
“Aren’t you two late for breakfast?” George shot back.
“Oooo, I see. Georgie wants alone time with his lady,” Fred teased as he gave George a big wink.
“Come on, Fred. Let her sleep. We’ll meet you two down there,” laughed Lee playfully.
George nodded and Lee and Fred began to exit the dorm room. However, Fred purposefully slammed the door shut on the way out trying to wake you , making George glare sharply at the other side of the door. George could hear Fred’s evil laugh fade as he raced down the stairs. Fred’s plot had worked. The jolt of the door jostled you awake. Your eyes shot open as you took in your surroundings for a moment. You lifted your head, your face flushing red as the memories of the night before came rushing back to you. You sat up and turned to George. He smiled at you.
“George…I’m so sorry,” you started. “I shouldn’t have let myself in last night.”
George felt his heart drop. Did you regret coming to see him? Staying with him?
“Oh,” George said. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for. I really don’t mind,” he tested.
You smiled, a bit relieved. “Thank you for everything. You don’t know how much I needed that.” You weighed your words carefully.
George felt his heart lift back up, at your words. Hope filled his chest. “Of course, love. I will always be here for you. Anytime you need me.”
Your smile burned brighter. Did he really mean that? Anytime? If you could have it your way, you would always be curled into the tall boy. And although you didn’t know it, he wished for exactly the same thing.
“Thank you, Georgie. You know, I’m always here for you too,” you said softly as you placed your hand gently on top of his.
He smiled at you in pure adoration. “Do you wanna talk about it?” he asked, his brows furrowing as his eyes searched yours.
You realized he was referring to your nightmare that you had encountered the night before. You had previously turned down the opportunity to talk about your nightmares to him before, so he was surprised when you released a sigh and spoke up. You felt he deserved an explanation.
“It was the worst dream I think I’ve ever had. It felt so real… so terrifying.” Your eyes became distant as you recalled your dream that had frightened you to your deepest core.
“What was it?” he whispered, as he brushed his hand against your cheek in an attempt to comfort you.
You leaned into his touch. “It was you, Georgie. I dreamt I lost you. It was like my whole world fell apart. That’s why…” you started and sighed, “I had to know you were okay. That you were here.”
He felt his chest twist and his brows furrow as his he began to open his mouth to speak, but stopped, speechless. You had dreamt about him. Your most terrifying dream was losing him. He knew just how much you mattered to him, but was it possible he meant just as much to you? “I’m here,” he said. “I will always be here for you. Nothing could ever keep me from you, Y/N.”
You wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your cheek into his chest as you hugged him. You then pulled away and kissed him lightly on the cheek.
“Thank you, Georgie,” you simply murmured.
His face turned bright red in shock and love. Your own face flushed at the realization of what you had just done. It had come so naturally, in the moment, that you hadn’t even thought twice about it. You cleared your throat gently, as a smile creeped up onto George’s face.
“I should apologize to Fred and Lee for crashing their room without asking,” you laughed, embarrassed.
“It’s my room too,” he said. “And in my opinion, you are perfectly welcome whenever you want.”
The two of you decided that even though you were significantly late to breakfast, you would still make your way to the Great Hall. You had run off to your dorm to change into your clothes for the day and planned to meet up with George near the Portrait of the Common Room. Eventually, when you came down the stairs and found George waiting for you, you gave him a small smile as you skipped to his side. He watched you walk to his side with a look of awe on his face. You looked so beautiful, as always.
You made your way to the Great Hall, the two of you mentally preparing for Fred’s teasing. But, Merlin, was it worth it. You had planned to apologize to Fred and Lee for crashing in their dorm, but as you and George walked side by side into the Great Hall, the wide, goofy grins on their faces when they made eye contact with you, told you they would take your apology just fine. It also told you that you were in for a rough day of pestering and flustered faces. Hell, the way they were looking at you two this time, this one would probably last weeks.
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george-weasleys-girl · 11 months
George & Fred as Dads on Halloween
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Always decorates early.
Usually around mid-September.
Decorates the whole house, inside and out.
Goes for spooky, but not overly scary.
Insists on carving jack o' lanterns the muggle way every year.
Before he had kids, his favorite thing was giving out candy to all the trick or treaters and seeing all their costumes.
Now that he's a father, taking his kids trick or treating has become his favorite thing.
Matching family costumes are a must.
Involves his family in deciding what to dress up as each year and has it planned out months in advance.
Along with Fred, throws a Halloween party every year for family and close friends.
They switch out who hosts it each year.
Let's his kids have candy for breakfast the next day.
Like George, he always decorates early.
Also, like George, he decorates the whole house, inside and out.
Goes full-on creepy.
Why carve pumpkins the hard way when he can use magic?
Builds a haunted maze that trick or treaters have to go through to get candy.
Before having kids, he loved to jump scare trick or treaters as they navigated their way through the maze.
Now that he's a father, he loves taking his kids trick or treating more.
Usually meets up with George, and they all go together.
Doesn't care too much about matching costumes, but if his s/o and his kids want to do it, he's game.
He and his kids stuff themselves silly on candy Halloween night (ignoring his s/o's pleas against it).
Because they're all usually too sick to eat breakfast the next morning.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe
@drama-queen-fromthevault @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @smallsweetvanillabean @themaraudersslut @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @scooby-doo1995 @phant0mkitsune @spididerman @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @theimpossible-girl-whowaited @ceehance @Havenater1920 @charmedfandomgal @loveosewood @rhunew @lunacurlclaw
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Fred: I’m your big brother. I should be the one to protect you
George: you know we’re twins, right?
Fred: yeah, but I’m the older twin
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Hidden Feelings
Author's Note: Sorry that this doesn't look like it normally does. For some reason, the text was not working.
Y/n Malfoy was the only one who could always tell Fred and George Weasley apart, even though they were identical twins. She could see a slight difference in the way they spoke, their mannerisms, and even the way they walked. Of course, it wasn't just because of her sharp observation skills. It was also because she was secretly in love with George.
Y/n had always been considered an oddity in her family. As a Malfoy, she was expected to be cunning, merciless, and unwaveringly loyal to pureblood ideals. But she found herself drawn to the Weasley twins, who were everything her family despised: muggle-born sympathizers, pranksters, and undeniably Gryffindor.
Despite her differences with her own family, Y/n had always been an outcast in the Gryffindor social circle. But Fred and George had taken her under their wings since their first year at Hogwarts. They had welcomed her as their own, and it was through them that she had come to know and love George.
Y/n knew that her feelings for George were a secret she couldn't share with anyone. Not only would it be considered a betrayal of everything her family stood for, but she also knew that George had his eye on another girl - Angelina Johnson, one of the Gryffindor Quidditch players.
One day, Y/n found herself walking with Fred and George to their dormitory after a particularly eventful day. As they walked, she listened to the twins argue over something trivial, and she was struck by how much she loved their banter. Suddenly, George turned to her and asked, "So, did you hear what Fred just said?"
Y/n smiled and said, "Yes, George. I may not be a Gryffindor, but I can tell the difference between you two by more than just your looks, you know."
George looked at her quizzically and said, "Oh yeah? Then which one am I?"
Y/n laughed and said, "You're George, of course. Fred's the one who's always a little late to the party."
Fred grinned and said, "She's got us all figured out, George. You might want to watch out. I think she's been studying us too closely."
George just chuckled and wrapped an arm around Y/n's shoulder as they walked. Y/n felt a rush of happiness at his touch, but she knew she had to keep her feelings hidden. For now, she was content to just bask in the warmth of their friendship. But as she watched George walk away, she couldn't help but wonder if he would ever know how she truly felt.
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I can't stop thinking about the comment "that's everyone in the family" when Ron becomes the Gryffindor prefect. As a Weasley twin lover, I cannot fathom how rejected they would've felt after that comment, but at the same time, how used to it they were because it was nothing new.
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dear-reader-letters · 4 months
Possible Editions to the List of Characters
Hello Dear Readers!
I have been thinking about adding to my list of characters in the coming months. I have been contemplating adding the following
-Ted Lasso (Ted Lasso)
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-Roy Kent (Ted Lasso)
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-Jamie Tartt (Ted Lasso)
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-Sam Obisanya (Ted Lasso)
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-Tony Stark (Marvel)
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-Natasha "Phoenix" Trace (Top Gun: Maverick)
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-Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
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-Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter)
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-Fred or George Weasley (Harry Potter)
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-Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
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-Angus MacGyver (2016 MacGyver)
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If these new additions interest you please let me know by commenting or messaging me! I want to create quality letters and don't want to spread myself too thin but If there seems to be interest in characters I can add them to my list.
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3lle-l-black · 11 months
The Weasley Twins are golden retrievers + orange cats vibe
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writing-wh0re · 9 months
Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays x
Im writing a christmas Weasley Twins x Reader smut and I dont think ive been this excited / motivated about a story since I first wrote for the twins.
Hoping to have it completed by tomorrow!!
I hope you all have a great holiday break, you're all so amazing and im so greatful to have you here, reading my stories x
p.s. my husband is building me a desk for writing and im so so so excited!
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joka13 · 2 months
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birdiebirdjay · 6 months
happy birthday to freddie and georgie <333 always in my heart
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George and Fred Weasley's Flat, Pt.1🏠💖
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Living Room
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George's Bedroom
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Fred's Bedroom
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George's Bathroom
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Fred's Bathroom
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Guest Bedroom
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Guest Bathroom
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George's kitty, Jellybean
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Fred's kitty, Smudge
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Part 2
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe @drama-queen-fromthevault @thatonepersonwhocantwrite @smallsweetvanillabean @alexistonks @charmedfandomgal @lizzytrees
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yorsun · 2 years
Imagine George and Fred their first year finding the marauder’s map and they’re also taking care of scabbers and he sees them using a map he helped create with his friends.
Imagine how much he’d be wracked with guilt over watching his friendship dynamic play out in front of his eyes as the two twins tried to figure out the password and would see their interaction with the map aka HIM AND HIS FRIENDS
Imagine how much guilt he would feel to be reminded of what he had, and what exactly it was that he betrayed
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bethsvrse · 6 months
pov: I find a good smut fic but it includes a daddy kink
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nottsangel · 2 months
— hp porn links ੈ♡˳ 16k celebration.
warning: 18+ only. these are twitter links that contain porn videos. these are not fics.
includes: theodore nott, mattheo riddle, draco malfoy, tom riddle, lorenzo berkshire, pansy parkinson, fred weasley, george weasley, ron weasley and harry potter.
nav . m.list . drabbles m.list
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brother’s bsf!theo fucking you in your room
sex with toxic!theo after a fight
dealer!theo fucking you in his car
bf!theo using you as a stress reliever
roommate!mattheo fucking you while everyone’s asleep
missionary with mattheo in his dorm room
bsf!mattheo helping you relax after a long day
classmate!mattheo fucking you against his desk
enemy!draco fingering you in the bathroom
draco pounding into you from behind
dom!draco spanking you when you misbehave
draco sneaking into your dorm room late at night
dom!tom fucking your throat
rough sex with tom after you’ve been needy all day long
bf!tom fingering you
tom waking you up in the middle of the night
roommate!enzo fucking you in your room
makeup sex with bf!enzo after an argument
dom!enzo fingering you
reverse cowgirl with bsf!enzo
making out with bsf!pansy
gf!pansy eating you out
pansy fingering you in the bathroom between classes
sleepovers with bsf!pansy
bsf!fred eating you out
morning sex with roommate!fred
bf!fred fucking you after you flirt with someone else
riding fred’s face after a stressful day
bf!george breeding you full
baking with bsf!george
morning sex with roommate!george
george fucking you raw after you pull the condom off
jerking off sub!ron
riding classmate!ron after class
ron fucking you against the wall
sleepy sex with bf!ron
needy harry fucking your thighs
missionary with harry
dom!harry fingering you from behind
shower sex with bf!harry
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