#Gettin' Hitched
holyavarice · 2 years
Oh yeah by the way guys I’m getting married this summer
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Just saw the Michael Keaton Jimmy Fallon Interview
They played an extended clip of Lydia summoning Beetlejuice and let's just say (a) Beetlejuice is adorably shier this time about coming right out and asking to marry her (b) but Lydia figures out pretty quickly that's what he wants (c) she agrees to it without even seeming remotely perturbed tbh.
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willowser · 10 months
willow omg right person wrong time bakugou has me in SHAMBLES 😭😭 if you're still connected to his friend group, you'd meet up occasionally and he'd listen to you mention the person you're seeing to mina or someone 😭 and he'd just turn away even though he can't stop himself from listening 😭 because you deserve happiness and if he butts in, he'd be denying you of that !!!!! (if you ever write anything for this i will eat it up with a spoon even if it hurts not even kidding)
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i feel like it kills him to hear, like knife straight through to the heart 🥺 but he'll still ask you stuff like, "your dude buy that shit for you ??" if he sees you with a new necklace or something, and part of it is because he wants to know that he's treating you right, but it's also how he puts out his feelers, to see if you're still together LOL even if he knows he won't make a move, he still wants to know akfnduakak
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pastelsailorr · 1 year
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A Sinie I painted for my best friend and biggest supporter in what I do @mikoriin 💕(❁´◡`❁)
Watercolor on 4″x6″ paper
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noonmutter · 1 year
Save the Date
The Mailementals were going to be busy for a while, carrying little dark blue boxes tied with a simple white ribbon and addressed in glittering golden ink every which-a-way.
Each box's contents was the same: A card, and a little bag containing a pair of raspberry dark chocolate truffles.
The card was ornate and brilliant turquoise, fading into a deeper blue toward the edges, and covered in the same shining lettering as the box it'd arrived in.
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"Seven years ago, a wee elf came up to a drunken human to compliment the shirt he wasn't wearing anymore. "Seven years ago, a weary Gilnean asked a nervous Sin'dorei if he'd like to step outside for some air. "Five years ago, the Gilnean and the Sin'dorei admitted their affections by complete accident. "Five years ago, the Gilnean got into trouble, and the Sin'dorei dragged him out of it, and they admitted it intentionally this time. "Three years ago, they announced they would be wed. "Three months from now, provided their friends don't finally strangle them after all this waiting, they'll be following through with that promise." "You are cordially invited to witness the union of Leon Peppercog-Ambroce and Valarin Sunstorm"
The location, date, and time was written carefully by hand on the back, and signed by the both of them.
When: 6 PM (PST) Saturday, December 2nd, 2023 Where: The Ruby Life Pools (you will need a summon for this! We got fancy!)
((It's about dang time, right? Anyone and everyone who feels like attending is welcome and encouraged to do so, but because we'll be sneaking attendees into a normally-inaccessible part of the Ruby Life Pools, you'll need to reach out to be invited to an ingame party first.))
((The ceremony itself will be fairly short, and the afterparty as long as people feel like partyin'. See you there!))
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tinyliltina · 11 days
Tav crossed the main plaza of the Last Light Inn. The air, once rich with fear and sorrow, now sang with the promise of new hope and homecoming. Homecoming came with tears and smiles, and the sounds of embraces and music. The half-elf smiled and took a moment to take in the blissful respite. It had been some time since they’d seen a smile in the shadow-cursed lands.
They felt something brush their hand, warm and familiar. They turned and locked gaze with the amber-eyed Karlach. The flames flickering through her veins grew a little brighter as Tav pulled her hand into theirs, lifted it, and kissed the back.
“You did good, darling,” Karlach beamed.
“We did good,” Tav countered, “I won’t take all the glory.” They turned to the encampment and sighs. “I’m just relieved we could rescue those we could…”
Karlach’s hand tightened around Tav’s. A tight grip took their throat. Among the cheers and joy, there was a lingering somber. The forces at Moonlight had been more brash than anticipated. Not all had made it back.
A/n: Read more below! This is part 1 of a short series I might share, or might keep to myself depending how well it’s received. Lots of sappiness ahead, and mild spoilers for BG3 Act 2, nothing major though. Enjoy!
Karlach nudged them, “Hey, don’t beat yourself up. Did what we could, yeah? Now we just gotta make sure we hit those pricks even harder. For Cal.”
Tav nodded slowly, and offered her a smile. It felt weak, and Karlach’s expression wavered. She leaned in and brushed her forehead against Tav’s, always mindful of her horns so as to not leave a bruise. Tav leaned into the devil and sighed. For now, there was joy. Waning, but it was there.
“Hang in there, soldier,” Karlach whispered. Tav smiled, squeezed her hand. After a moment, the pair leaned back. Karlach announced she’d be having a few drinks, and Tav promised to join later. For now, the had a favor to cash in. They crossed the plaza, making a beeline for the mini-forge, one hand grazing their pocket. Still there.
“Dammon?” Tav called as they stepped into the half-barn. As usual, the pale tiefling was busied over his anvil, hammering what seemed to be a bronze bar. Tav stepped in as he turned.
“Ah, Tav. Good to see you.” Dammon smiled. He turned to his tools and placed them down, brushing his hands on his ashen clothes. “How can I help you?”
Tav shuffled on their feet. The small weight in their pocket felt incredibly heavy now. They cleared their throat. “I, ah…I have a request.”
“For you?” Dammon put his arms out. “My tools are at your disposal.” He smiled and crossed his arms, nodding to them. “Do you need me to upgrade your maul? You’ve been carrying that for some time now; it’s about due for a tune-up.”
Shaking their head, they thrust their hand out, revealing a scrap of infernal iron. Dammon’s brows raised. He took it quizzically. “You know…I can’t upgrade her heart any more, Tav. I won’t to, but-“
“No that’s…that’s not it.”
Dammon’s brow furrowed. “It’s…not?”
“No. I, you…I know…” their chest fluttered as the reality came rushing towards them. “I know. But…I want…er, I’d like you…um…these.” Their other hand jutted from their pocket, and Dammon stepped back at the sudden movement. Tav averted their eyes, scanning the plaza. “Don’t…don’t tell anyone. I, uh…I want to keep it…quiet.”
Dammon accepted the scrap with a quiet ‘oh?’. He unfolded the crumbled and scribble-ridden parchment, eyes flickering over Tav’s haphazard blueprint. It took a moment before a wide grin overtook his features. “Oh. I see.” His gaze brightened. “Tav, I’d be honored. When will you need them by?”
Relief flooded them, a warm relaxation to the rampant anxiety they’d been clutching for weeks. “Oh, there’s no rush. I…there’s a lot of planning to be done, and I want to get everyone their roles before we…well, before I…” Their face reddened. “Gods, I’m…I’m sorry, I’m just…”
Tav felt a hand on their shoulder. They looked up, meeting Dammon’s gaze.
“She’s going to love it.” He said surely. “Leave this to me, prepare all you need. Maybe have a drink or two while you do,” he chuckled. “You’re red as a dragon’s fire.” The blacksmith brought the parchment over to his desk, waving Tav off. “Come to me when you’re ready. I’ll try to have these done soon as I can.”
They nodded, quickly making themself scarce before anyone caught on. Thankfully, none were any the wiser, too preoccupied by the most recent heroic events. Tav joined Karlach at the bar and drank until their anxieties sank into a mug of ale and bubbles of laughter. For the first time in a long time, they were excited for the future.
The next part of their plan brought Tav to Gale’s tent. As usual, the human had his nose deep in a book, mumbling nonsensically to himself as he recited a spell to memorize. It wasn’t until Tav tapped his shoulder he looked up, blinking before beaming.
“Ah! Hello, Tav!” The wizard set his book aside, “I’m happy to see you so chipper this morning! From the looks of it, you had quite the night last night.”
Tav blinked. Perhaps they’d had more fun than they realized…but they smiled. “Good morning. Could I speak with you for a moment?”
Gale nodded, eagerly gesturing for them to take a seat. “Of course, yes! I was hoping you’d drop by today, I had some questions regarding the trajectory of our adventuring, if we’d were planning to rest and recuperate or if you’d wanted to storm Moonrise as soon as possible. Personally, I-“
“Gale,” Tav lowered their voice, ”I need a favor.”
He fell silent, then nodded, earnest. “Of-of course, I’m sorry, what did you need?”
“I…well, it’s…” their bravado faded almost instantly. The anxieties were flooding back, gnawing knots into their gut. Tav shifted. “It’s…easier if I show you.” They reached and pulled out the second copy of the blueprint they’d made, passing it to Gale.
He took it, frowned, but after a moment looked up with widened eyes.
“Are these-?”
“Yes,” Tav smiled.
“And you’re?!” He didn’t need to ask who it was for. His excitement was nearly electric, and he leaned forward, grin returned.
They nodded. “But I need you to keep it quiet. Please.
His brows rose. “A secret? Oh, I’m very good at those. I was a quiet lad in my classes, you know. One of the most-“
“Gale. I also need you to officiate.”
Gale froze. His eyes widened all the more. He looked back down to the paper, then to Tav. “Me?”
Tav smiled. “I can’t think of anyone more well-spoken to do it.” They took his hand, folding it in theirs. “But you have to keep it quiet.”
He nodded, his hand reaching to pat theirs. His mouth opened a moment, then closed, returning to his beaming smile. “Of course. Just tell me when you need me.”
Tav wrapped the wizard in a hug. Excitement bubbled in their blood, escaping in a quiet laugh as they twirled around. In doing so; they twirled Gale, until they heard the small man wheeze, and quickly put him down. Right, focus. With a smile, they were off to the next part of their plan.
Astarion and Shadowheart were not difficult to assemble. Nothing better to entice the pair than a good juicy story, and very little was juicer than plans for a wedding.
“So…you want us to decorate?” Astarion tilted his head. “I can hardly blame you. I do have impeccable taste~.” His hand swept back, gesturing to his ornately-decorated tent. Tav smiled.
Shadowheart had been staring at the parchment for a few moments, her eyes distant. She looked to Tav. for a moment, she was quiet, then passed them the paper.
“I’ll help, gladly.”
“Thank you, Shadowheart. I know it’s sudden-“
“Sudden? Darling, you do realize you’re absolutely smitten, don’t you?” Astarion smirked. “She has you wrapped around her flaming fingers…I’m more surprised it took you this long to admit it.”
Tav’s cheeks reddened. Shadowheart, who’d been quietly shifting through her things, passed Astarion a small bag. One jostle was all it took to confirm-it was gold.
“Here, you were right,” Shadowheart scowled at the pale elf.
“Thank you~,” he crooned, and snickered at Tav’s quizzical expression. “Oh please, don’t tell me you honestly thought we didn’t know.”
“It is fairly obvious,” Shadowheart added. “You two are constantly whispering to each other, giggling like children.”
Their blush deepened. “I…didn’t realize we were so obvious…”
“Tav, you spend nearly every waking moment making puppy eyes at Karlach,” Shadowheart smiled. “It was obvious from the first day you saw her.”
“And then you were so…annoyingly heroic,” Astarion mimicked waving a sword. He groaned, “all the while looking at her, practically begging for her approval.”
“To be fair,” the cleric leaned to the vampire, “I would too if it were a big, pretty woman who could carry me…”
“That’s because you breathe mommy issues, dear,” Astarion patted Shadowheart on the shoulder.
She recoiled, glaring at him. “That’s bold, coming from walking intimate and daddy issues.”
Tav held up a hand, “As much as you two have to…discuss? I have other plans to arrange. But…I assume I can count on you both?”
The pair glanced to each other, and nodded simultaneously.
“Good. Now, I’m off to get the muscle.”
Good. Got the decorations, the rings, the guests… Tav marched across the Inn plaza. The list was almost complete. Meaning…they’d have to speak to-
Before Tav could finish the thought, they felt a familiar tug on their arm. They turned to face Karlach.
“Hey-o~,” she hummed, smiling at Tav. They returned the expression, and tried to keep their muscles from melting. “Everyone’s…cheerful today, dontcha think?”
Sure enough, the Inn was alright with life and laughter. Astarion made quick work of passing out the Invitations, it seemed. Refugees and Harpers alike offered the couple smiles as they passed.
“Well, there is reason for celebration,” Tav patted Karlach’s hand. “These people are finally going to return home, once we clear Moonrise.”
“Home…” Karlach echoed. The longing in her voice twisted Tav’s innards. She sounded so somber, so different from how Tav knew her. Gods, how badly they wanted to take her home, to show her how it felt to lead a peaceful life again. No more wars, no more killing, and finally no more running.
Keep it together. They steeled themself, and smiled.
“Soon, we’ll be home, too,” they pulled Karlach in for a hug. “Together.”
Karlach’s arms ensnared them almost instantly. Tav smiled and relished in the weightlessness of her lifting them up. For only a moment, fewer things could make them happier.
“Fuck. Yes,” Karlach agreed as she set Tav on the ground. “I’m…so excited…just me and my darling. After, y’know, we figure out the parasite shit…”
“Me too, Ruby Red.”
Karlach’s flames flickered blue for a moment. She tittered, a strange sound coming from a creature as imposing as Karlach. For someone who didnt know their fiancée-to-be. For Tav, it set their fear at ease. They leaned in, meeting her impish gaze as the blue hue deepened.
“Gods-makin’ me blush~,” she nudged them, waving a hand. “I’m off to talk to some of the other tieflings, you wanna come?”
Tav promised again to join later. As Karlach walked away, Tav felt their chest surge. I have to get this right for her. With newfound drive, they moved off to make the final arrangements.
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yawnderu · 7 months
>Simon has a neet weirdo as a best friend Or Simon Riley lets his best friend see his naked body for art references.
This wasn't the way Simon was expecting to spend his PTO; naked in his best friend's bed with his hand covering his soft cock, hoping not to make you uncomfortable as you took notes of his body's reactions.
“Can you like... get hard?” He was trying his best not to get hard, going as far as to think about gross things he's seen throughout the years to distract himself from the feeling of your nails raking up and down his bare stomach, defined muscles tensing and bulging beneath your palm.
“'S not how it works.” He grumbled out, tired brown eyes looking away from you. Simon isn't embarrassed— not at all, he's simply not used to someone inspecting him the way you are, curious eyes fully focused on his body, taking in every single tattoo and scar, living proof of how many times he's kicked death's ass.
“Well, just think about... I don't know, tits.” He lets out a dry chuckle at the awkwardness in your tone, trying your best to keep it professional in the name of art. He looks down at you with pure amusement the moment he sees your hand drifting up, tracing the outline of his defined, muscular pecs.
You take a second to fully admire the view in front of you, absent-mindedly starting to play with his erect nipple, not registering the way his breath hitches. Simon looks like a gladiator— lightly tanned skin making his rippling muscles stand out greatly, becoming the virtual image of ancient Greek fantasies, a plethora of scars showing how often he crosses the edge of death.
“Gettin' a bit touchy there.” His playful tone doesn't save the mild embarrassment, about to let go of his nipple before his rough, calloused hand grasps your wrist, encouraging you to keep touching him.
“'S working.” Simon's other hand moves out of the way slightly, just barely enough for you to see his hardening cock, veins starting to become more prominent along his long, meaty shaft. He doesn't protest when you move his hand out of the way, getting a perfect look at him.
“That's... oddly interesting.” The awkwardness coming from you never fails to amuse him, only making his ego inflate by the second, even when you look down at your notebook to keep taking notes of his body's reactions.
“Does it feel weird to get a boner?” He thinks about it for a few seconds before shaking his head, holding back a laugh at the blunt questions. In the name of art, she says.
“Not weird, just... I don't know, bird.” The expectant look that you give him distracts him for a second, trying to think of a better way to explain it.
“Feels good. Bit tingly most of the time, and you can feel it... y'know, grow.” Explaining what getting a boner feels like isn't the weirdest thing he's done for you, half-lidded brown eyes focused on the way you simply nod and keep taking notes, using his words as inspiration for the erotic novels he knows you write.
The room is almost quiet for a few minutes, Simon's breathing becoming harder being the only sound, feeling your soft hands caressing every single inch of his skin, feeling him up more than he can take... and ultimately edging him without even being aware, stopping to take notes every once in a while.
“I can show you how a man jacks off, too. For the sake of art, yeah?”
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ozarkthedog · 6 months
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summary: joel fingers you for the first time in his truck.
warnings: 18+ mdni. joel miller x afab!reader. no physical descriptors of reader. fingering (pussy and ass). heavy ass play. Joel being a fucking menace. no beta. w.c: 823
author's note: had this thot for the last few days and had to write it out before i went insane but now i'm taking you all with meeee
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⋅ 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 ⋅ 𝐉𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Joel's two knuckles deep in your cunt while an old country tune quietly floats from the radio into his dimly lit truck that's parked on the side of a dusty road. He languidly fucks his thick digits between your sopping folds, each thrust making your breath hitch more than the last. 
He's taking it slow, figuring out what spots make your cunt spasm and quiver for the very first time. It's a mess of limbs in the front seat; your skirt is rucked up your hips, legs bent at the knee, and he's holding you against his side, cradling your head in the crook of his arm.
"Righ' 'ere?" he grits, swallowing hard as you clamp around his fingers. 
You grab at his worn button-up, tightly fisting the material with a needy whine as a wave of pleasure burns deep, and he doubles his efforts with a twist of his wrist. "That's it. Come on, pretty girl, there you go."
Joel curls his fingers, seeking the fleshy spot behind your clit that makes you see stars and forces you to the edge listening with perverted delight to your frantic cries.
He leaves his fingers in your obscenely wet pussy just a bit longer, enjoying the feeling of your cunt convulsing from the aftershocks. He teases his soaked fingers along your slit when he withdraws them, toying with your folds and puffy, hairy outer lips before moving south.
A gasp catches in your throat as he cautiously circles your rosebud.
"Ever been touched 'ere?" Bright moonlight casts off his dark coffee-colored eyes as he searches your face for discomfort.
All you can muster is a broken "No," and he hums a deep rumble. It sounds like the beginning of a summer storm, and the ominous tone sets a blazing fire in your belly.
"s'ok if I keep goin'?" he asks, timidly looking down at you through his lashes. He shifts his hips, grinding his cock against your outer thigh. You mewl upon feeling his hard, throbbing length through his jeans.
You dumbly nod, and a sly grin tugs at the corner of his lips. 
Your mouth drops open, panting, as he slowly presses one thick digit into your ass. He curses at your tightness but keeps moving until his knuckles graze the soft globes of your cheeks. "S'fuckin' tight lil' ass you got there, sweetheart." He croons, nudging his nose along your jaw and tipping your head back before branding you with a searing kiss.
You moan wantonly as he licks into your mouth and starts slowly fucking you. "Tell me how it feels." He husks, breaking the kiss.
His lips latch onto your neck, sucking and nipping his way down to your clavicle as your mind searches for anything remotely resembling words.
A mess of mumbled moans and broken curses stumble from your lips into the small truck cabin. Your hips move on their own, wanting his finger deeper and faster, but he never breaks his steady stride. He chuckles against your skin. "This sweet rose wants more, huh? First time bein' touched, and she's already gettin' greedy."
He leans back, pinning his eyes on where he's stretching you open, and groans at the filthy sight of his syrupy, thick fingers stretching your small, shiny hole. He meets your wild doe eyes with a wolfish grin before pursing his lips and spitting.
The shock of his warm spittle landing on the rim of your sensitive hole makes your insides violently churn, and a yearning, brazen moan spills from your lips.
"Gotta make sure it's nice n' wet," he says while lining up a second finger, still piercing your gaze. "Don't wanna hurt 'er."  
He watches your face twist from the pressure as he slowly glides two sizeable fingers into your snug hole. "S'ok, you can take it," he calmly encourages, kissing the pinched skin between your brows. 
He raises his thumb up and over your pusling, weepy core, and plants the heavy pad on your clit. He suffocates the tiny button, earning himself a full-on quiver and high-pitched wail from your defenseless, blissed-out body. 
"Thatta girl. Feels good, don't it?" he grunts, thrusting his fingers deeper.
A solid buzz blossoms in your veins under his wicked touch. The dual action he's doling out with his insanely massive hand makes your eyes roll into the back of your head. So overcome with the depraved rapture, you can't help but give in to the delirium.  
"Can feel you loosenin' up. S'good girl," he coos, smiling down at you even though your eyes are crossed dumb from the sheer euphoria racing through your veins. 
"Pretty soon, she'll be stretched around my cock." he informs, hissing when he feels you tighten at his words. Your mouth falls open with a silent wail, and your spine bends like a bow ready to strike as he purrs sinfully in your ear. "Tha's righ'. Gonna make this sweet rose take every fuckin' inch."  
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feel free to scream at me -> 💌
->reblogs & comments are extremely appreciated!<-
follow @ozzieslibrary for new fic updates!
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hoshigray · 8 months
this shit came in my mind but imagine reader ties toji wrist behind his back and teases him like touching herself n shit and he’s desperate and hard asf but reader not giving him any frictions just small touches to get him riled up and somehow toji unties the rope and rest in peace her and her pussy 🪦💕
we all love hardcore dom toji with degrading and oversim kink 💕💕
yes we do, yes we do~
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: hardcore dom! Toji x fem/afab! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - restricted movement (m! + f! receiving); use of rope - teasing - Daddy kink - masturbation (f! receiving) - oral (f! receiving) - impact play (pussy + ass slaps) - backshots position - multiple orgasms - degradation (broad, slut, whore) - dumbification - clitoral play (licking/sucking) - overstimulation - use of a BDSM collar - pet names (baby, good girl, mama). 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.4k
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He has a salacious grin plastered on his face. “You know it’s gonna take more than just one lil’ rope, right?”
You giggled, “Well, guess we’re testing your limits tonight.”
Toji sits on his knees on the hardwood bedroom floor, wearing nothing but his grey sweatpants, his bulky arms constricted behind his back as his wrists are restrained by a red rope, additionally tying his thumbs together. Other than this lies a black collar that slings around his neck, a leash that you twirl around your pretty fingers is connected to the ring part. 
You sit at the edge of the bed, wearing your undies and an oversized sweatshirt — his sweatshirt that you snatched the moment he took it off. Your eyes look down at him, a thing that rarely happens. And now that it’s happening, you take your time savoring it. “Just sit there and watch. No touchy, and no breaking that rope.”
He quirks a brow up. “Who made ya the one givin’ orders around here?”
“Me, of course; I’m the one who tied you up,” you lightly tug the rein, prompting Toji to bend a little closer. His jade eyes darken, and you can’t fight the smile that creeps on your face. “Be a good boy and enjoy the show, all right?”
He doesn’t answer, just watching you begin. You start by spreading your legs, exposing the region of your inner thighs and the cute design of your stripped panties. Your fingers crawl down to underwear, swiping up and down on the material to push between your vaginal folds. The wetness warming up causes a spot to form.
You can see Toji’s eyes follow every movement, tilting his head when your forefinger rubs a circle on your clothed clit. Your fingers then decide to sneak inside your undies, your wet cunt meeting your intruding digits. He glances back to your face when you release a soft moan and chuckles. “Enjoyin’ yourself, mama?”
“Mhmm, and you?” Your toes go to his chin, lifting his head. 
The action had his smirk broaden. “Ya sure gettin’ a kick outta this, huh.”
You don’t give him a response – you don’t need to. You’re in control now; he’s the one who should behave and do his part. Your foot then twiddles down to Toji’s sweatpants, pressing and sliding on his groin. It makes his breath hitch. “And what if I am?”
“Mmmph…Don’t start somethin’ you can’t finish, baby.” Fuck, the way he looked at you was making you turned on. Even if he’s limited to moving, his dominant side doesn’t falter. It makes you want to tease and push his buttons more.
You lie on your back on the bed, stuffing your fingers in your mouth to bathe them in saliva before returning inside your panties. The self-lubrication makes it easier to slide in your forefinger, a gasp leaving your lips at the insertion. Your toes curl on the tent of his sweatpants, which only get firmer with every second. 
You bring the collar of his shirt to your nose; the cologne remains and attacks your nostrils. “Mmmm…Ahhhh, fuuck…” your voice muffled from the sweatshirt, concealing your puffy lips after pressing on your clit with your thumb.
Toji watches you masturbate before him; he has no choice but to. His bulge becomes more and more annoying to push off, wanting to touch himself and revel at the view of you relieving yourself thinking of him. Hell, the image of your damp panties ticks him off, wanting to rip that skimpy material off himself to feast on your cunt all he wants. Fuck this rope, man…
And he stands by that thought when you warp the leash around your palm and tug it roughly, pulling Toji’s face closer between your legs. The squelching commotion made by your fingers ringing his ears. Fuck, it was so dirty, and he loved it. You peer down at him, “How’s the view down there?”
He scoffs with a bitten lip. “Oh, y’re such a fuckin’ tease, sweetie. You have no idea what y’re gettin’ y’reself into.” 
The sentence humors you. “What makes you say that?”
With a twinge of his lips, Toji straightens his posture and reveals his hands are untied, the red rope clutched in the grasp of his right hand. And the look on your face when he shows you? Priceless.
“Huh!?” You exclaimed with widened eyes! “B–But I made sure to tighten it—“
“I told you,” he gets up on his two feet while his hands undo the collar around his neck. Now, he’s looking down at you; the shiver slithering down your spine at the darkened emerald look he gave you was stomach-dropping. “Gonna need more than one rope. Now, let’s see who’s really gettin' a kick outta this…” 
Damn, you could only chuckle nervously. I’m so fucked.
Yeah, you are. 
Now you’re screaming your heart out from Toji using your body to how he sits fit, his mouth now ravaging your soapy folds and his tongue flicking up and down roughly on your clit. Your hands are tied to your back, your legs propped up by one hand and the other curled around with the leash connected to the collar around your neck. 
“—Ahaahhn!! Ohhhh!! Fuckin—Gahhhh…!” You could barely utter a word, Toji sucking the soul out of you through your essence. You almost choke on your tongue, back arching at the aggressive laps at your cunt.
“Stay still,”  he slaps on your chasm, and you cry at the impact. 
“Hoohhh!! T–Tojiii, please—Ohhhh!!” Another harsh smack; God, you choked on your spit. 
“That ain’t my name,” stern emerald eyes convey a commanding aura. “Actin’ all dumb on my tongue like a slut, can’t even follow an easy rule.” 
“…Ahhhh, I’m sorry, Daddy, I’m ‘orryyy…!”
“Hmph, good girl.” He praises – the only kind thing he’s done outside of the onslaught of teases and sucks he’s done to your body, forcing you to come for the third time in a row. 
“AHHCK!! D-Daddyyy, stooop!! It’s ‘oo muchhh!! Too muuuch—“ your words slur out in helpless cries, not being taken seriously by the man between your legs. 
Although, it’s necessary because your slit is going to need to provide as much slick it can to accommodate the girth of Toji’s raw cock penetrating inside you. Fuck, you could never mentally prepare yourself for him, being full of him every single time. Clenching around his length like crazy, wailing out for him like a porn actress.
Toji’s fucking you from behind — your head smushed to the pillow because his hand pushes you by the neck. On all fours, your arch propping your ass up, the quick strokes of his pelvis have his dick scrape your walls euphorically, all the while gripping your asscheeks like a toy. He’s had you climaxed four times already, and he’s going to get that fifth one unquestioned.
“Fuuuuck—Hic…!” Tears stream down from watery eyes, and pornographic whines squeak out from you.
“—Hnngh! Fuck, clenchin’ on my dick like a real whore, mama,” he gives your ass a swift smack, forcing you to cry and the gushy walls of your vagina to clamp onto him again. “Shiiiit, fuck, I’m gonna cum…”
You can feel it, too; the climb of your own crescendo is soon. “Me toooo, I wanna cummm, Daddy, please, I wanna—Ahhaaaah!!” He slaps your butt again – the sting on your skin causes more tears to fall. 
Toji doesn’t give what you want – no, sir. He removes his cock quick, and a choked mewl clogs your throat when he pulls the leash, yanking you towards him.  “Heh, fuckin’ broad; who said you can cum with me?” 
God, he’s so mean. I fucking love this so much! “—Khhh…Please, Daddy, I wanna cum so baaad, pleaseee…!”
“Oh, really?” His patronizing tone with his gruff voice was such a hot combination. Still holding onto the strap, he brings you up from his grip. You’re practically choking on your saliva, thanks to this damn collar.  “Did ya learn y’r lesson, hmm?”
“Mhmm! Yesshh, I’m sho sorryyy,” holy fuck, you gotta be looking so dumb right now; eyes rolling up with drool coming down your chin.
Not for Toji; it was the sight he wanted to see. And now that he does, he’s thoroughly satisfied. Finally, he releases the leash, having you fall to the pillow with no grace, drawing in of breath. He inserts his cock back into you with a hum, and another slap to your ass makes you jerk. 
“So good fr’ me always, mama…”
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hehehe~ it's been a while since I've done impact play *grins*.
© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – dividers from @/hitobaby.
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im-miss-sugar-pink · 1 year
please ask me about my wedding..........................
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thexsilentxwordsmith · 9 months
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Simon waking up in the middle of the night horny and unable to get back to sleep. There's only one thing he wants to fix it.
The room is doused in darkness when Simon stirs awake, an ache situating itself in his chest that only grows the more he comes into consciousness. There is a flush in his cheeks, a heat in his face that he can sense now; the beginning signs of something visceral happening in his body that cannot be stopped. It's very late, too late to be awake, yet the longer he lays there the more his thoughts keep him from drifting back off. 
Sleep has caused you both to separate and find yourselves on opposite sides of the bed, but that gnawing feeling in his abdomen pushes him to close the distance between your bodies. Turning back over to face you, he moves through the cover to wrap his strong arms around your middle and pull himself up against you until his warm, bare chest rests as your back. United once again, his nose nuzzles into the crook of your neck, broad chest molding perfectly into the curve of your spine. 
He hopes that maybe a little touch will sate him enough to fall back asleep, but it only makes the hunger worse. The blood begins to rush like liquid fire through his veins along with an overwhelming sense of anticipation: hot, invigorating energy coursing into his limbs that causes his mind to go hazy as he craves more contact. 
Movements are subtle at first, drawing you out of your dreams and gently back into being consciousness of the room as Simon stirs against your back, pressing himself tightly up to you until you mimic puzzle pieces with how your bodies fit together. You can feel the bulky contours of his chest through your tank top, the hair covering the surface lightly tickling the skin exposed along your shoulder blades between the straps as warm breath from his nose tingles across your shoulder and down your back.
Still drunk on sleep it takes you a minute to feel a stiffening, throbbing bulge pressing into your butt cheek through his boxers as the sensation of exploring hands finding their way underneath and inside your tank top numbs your already thoughtless mind. Roaming the curves of your hips and torso up towards your chest, delicate touches from calloused hands become more intentional by the second as soft, silky skin tantalizes his rough fingertips. 
Lips pepper themselves along your shoulder, quick, staccato kisses hot and sleepily sweeping over the curve of your neck as far as he can go. His lips leave burning trails along your flesh wherever they find themselves pressed until you tingle with a growing euphoric passion that urges you to seek more. Steamy breath hits your earlobe as that husky, gruff voice of his, more raspy and thickly accented from just waking up, breaks the silence.
"Can't sleep," he groans in a desperate whisper into your ear. “Need ya somethin’ fuckin’ fierce, sweet girl. Gotta come or I ain't gettin’ anymore rest tonight.”
Slowly he slides the arm on top of your hip palm side down over your abdomen and hooks his fingers into the waistband of your panties so that he can enter them and slip down the font. You are positioned on your side, your leg hiked up towards your chest so he can easily get between your legs. As fingers slip further down and into the space between your thighs, his breathing becomes more strained, hitching as he gets that first taste of the heat that waits for him. 
You adjust yourself in his grasp, pressing your butt up into him as his hand lingers against your inner thigh for only a moment. Your reciprocation only enhances his desire, positive nervous energy coursing through his limbs as he presses a burning palm up into the mound of your sex. Your body squirms at the sensitivity of that first contact as his hand applies pressure.
He inhales sharply through his teeth; he is losing it fast. “You’re so fuckin’ warm; so warm and soft. Fuck sweetheart, ya feel so goddamn good."
Gently, a finger splits you open to dive inside and up against that pleasure center as the top of your sex, drowsy whimpers and whines from your lips begin to fill his ears while he starts to draw soft circles over your clit. Careful, easy caresses he uses, nothing too hasty even with his gnawing desire eating away at him the more he gets a feel of all that ecstasy between your legs; soon enough he will be diving into all that goodness.
His mouth makes its way back to your shoulder, occasionally embracing the skin until your body trembles against his lips from the pleasure the more you melt into him. Words fail you as you can only focus on how good his fingers feel, relaxing your body with a few simple strokes while you still hover between sleep and awake. He feels like a goddamn dream, ecstasy in every single stroke to ease you into a tantalizing calm.
Faint, gratifying moans punctuate the silence of the night and send excited shivers down his spine. He wants to touch himself, but is satisfied enough to touch you while he lets the friction of his body grind his crotch into your side to take him further. “Goddamn, ya make me feel good. Do I make ya feel good, baby?” he asks breathlessly; he craves your music, but wants your desperate words most of all.  
Simon’s hand presses up harder into you, pushing you to answer him. You wriggle as you shake your head up and down. “Yes,” you mewl, a pronounced ache in your tone. 
You invite him to move in further as you spread your legs open wider so that he can access your core and with two fingers he pushes them inside. Instantly he is met by the slick wetness that envelopes his fingers as the walls of your pussy close around them to suck them in. 
“Such a pretty girl wrapped ‘round my fingers,” he purrs, as he rests his forehead on your shoulder, thrusting those longer digits in and out of you to the beat of his heart as you begin to rock on his hand. “Ya always look so good with any part of me buried in ya.”
His arm that is situated underneath you is still in your shirt and crawls to your chest to cup a breast against his palm, kneading all the beautifully plush tissue that fills it. Massaging all that fullness in his hand you lean into the feeling, but your tank top is a bit too restrictive, not allowing full ease of access, and so off it must go. Simon helps you wiggle out of it and discard it somewhere in the confines of the bed as his fingers stay resting inside of you until you can lay back down. The cool air outside of the covers sends a chill down your spine, though it doesn’t last as he is immediately pulling you back underneath and up against him again in that spooning position once more.
Your eyes flutter shut as you embrace the pleasure as your hazy mind is only full of thoughts of him. “You always do this to me, make me a mess,” you say breathlessly as he gets right back to work. 
In and out, in and out his fingers glide up into you as the dampness grows and leaks out of your entrance the longer he goes. Your body responds to him just as if it was designed to do so and soon you are a puddle in his capable hands. The more wet you get, the more his mind races; that urge that caused him to wake up reaching its peak. He needs to have you, needs to feel himself inside you, and with each pump of his fingers that need grows.
“Gettin’ fuckin’ desperate sweetheart, can't stop this ache till I have ya,” he groans at the edge of your ear before taking the tender flesh of your earlobe into his mouth to nibble at. “Do ya feel how fuckin’ hard I am? Goddammit, I need to be inside ya. Are ya ready for me?”
A muted hum of approval escapes your mouth; he’s gotten you close enough. “Please god, put in,” you agree between quick breaths. “I-I don’t wanna wait any longer.”
Simon is tugging down his boxers before you can even finish your sentence, his cock springing to attention now that it is free of its cage and pulsing wildly with his increasing heart rate. You go to roll over and face him, but he places his hand on your thigh to stop you from turning. He wants to fuck you like this, back to chest, spooning you in his arms. 
“That’s it, keep your leg up just like that. Wanna hold ya while I make the both of us feel fuckin’ amazin’."
Oh, you have no doubt about that. 
Keeping your hips forward and pulling them back he holds the base of his cock in his hand as he aligns it with your entrance, pressing the tip against the hole and adding his arousal to yours to coat you in even more lubrication. You can feel how hard it is, just waiting to pierce up into that tight, warm hole in your pussy. 
One arm wrapped around your middle holds you to him while his opposite hand grips into your ass cheek as he pushes against your top hip to keep you spread until he can carefully thrust inside. He only gets the tip in before he has to pause as the sudden restriction around his phallus has his body quivering and you gasping as he stretches you wide.
“So tight, so f-fuckin’ tight,” he bites back a moan as his voice wavers. “God, you’re fuckin’ heaven, luv.”  
A few deep breaths to calm himself and Simon thrusts again, this time pushing himself all the way inside right down to the base. Goddamn, the bellow of a moan that ripped through his chest vibrated throughout his entire body, his toes curling at all the overwhelming sensation of his cock smothering inside you, your walls clenching around him as your body desperately fights to accommodate being so full. 
“How the fuck am I not supposed to be obsessed with ya,” he whispers in a shudder, closing his eyes and bracing himself to become more calm before moving again. 
His thrusts are easy at first, but still forceful, shoving his thick, veiny cock as far into you as he can get. Hips rolling, back arching parallel to the mattress, he picks a steady rhythm and sticks to it while taking on the brunt of the work as it was his craving for your ecstasy that got you both here in the first place.
Every movement of his cock at this angle engages that sweet spot inside as wet, slapping sounds become more audible the more soaked you get, punctuated by his strained grunts with each time he slams into your pussy. The pressure feels divine, almost too good; mix that with the sinful beauty in your sounds and soon he’s being swept up in it all so that his mind goes numb. 
What starts as slow quickly picks up speed as more feral desires flood to the surface, leaving him at the mercy of his need. His pace is now intense, pounding into you with ferocity to make the bed shake beneath your bodies. The muscular arm that lays underneath you moves up to cradle your neck as it stretches across your chest to cup your breast. Again he kneads it more roughly this time, teasing the nipple with his fingertips as he rubs circles over it before taking it between his fingers to pinch at the tender flesh and make your body writhe with the extra stimulation.
Rotating your upper body at an angle, you now face him and immediately his lips are on yours, capturing them in sloppy, heated kisses that steal the oxygen straight from your lungs making you gulp in air in short bursts whenever your mouths break free, which isn’t for long. You are completely overtaken by his entire form as he steals kiss after aggressive kiss until your lips are raw and stinging.
Sweat gathers along your brow, tiny pinpricks of perspiration as he pushes you to your limit. At your back you can feel his abdominal muscles clenching tight with each plunge of his cock inside. You want more. Reaching down the front of your body, you find your clit and begin to rub circles around the nub. Simon catches the movement from the corner of his eye and breaks from your mouth.
“My job,” he struggles to speak as he rips your hand away from your pussy and replaces it with his own. 
Christ, you are on fire, grinding against his fingers as his cock fills your cunt from behind. “Yes, y-yes,” you choke out, eyes slamming shut as the multiple forms of stimulation drive you insane; every single brush of air upon your skin, each movement of his body against your own, each tug and grip and rub leaves only more pleasure in its wake.
“That’s it, sweet girl, ride me, ride me,” he grunts desperately. “Fuck, I’m almost there.” 
You were just as close, that gathering hot tension in your stomach ready to shoot off at any second. The slick begins to dribble down your thighs and onto the sheets, covering your skin in that warm, sticky liquid. Simon feels it too and the taste buds on his tongue light up as he thinks about all that sweetness coating the both of you. Even harder and faster his frenzied pace drills his cock into you relentlessly as those thoughts  fill his mind and make him ravenous for all parts of your beautiful body.
He’s about to blow. “Be a good girl and come for me-yeah?” he practically begs, wanting to feel himself come undone by your orgasm. “Let go, that’s it.”
All of a sudden you go silent as the string finally snaps and over the edge you fall with just a few more thrusts inside your dripping hole. Shit you are seeing stars as your toes curl and you cry out with a whimper that has him rocketing over the edge as your engorged walls clench around him.
“Fuck!” groans loud and forceful as his arms wrap around you tight, holding you to his chest so hard you can barely breathe. His hips continue to pound into you as he milks himself dry, grinding against your ass until he has nothing left to give. Body shuddering as all his urges drain from his mind he falls back onto the mattress to breathe through the high as you roll over to lay against him. 
It takes him a few minutes to calm down, but once his breathing is under control he leans down to press more delicate kisses to your lips this time. “Sorry I woke ya up,” he apologizes, though it hardly sounds like he is remorseful at all. “Seems I just can’t help myself when it comes to ya.”
You chuckle softly. “I’ve noticed.”
Simon smiles back at you, hand cupping your face so that he can rub his thumb gently over your flushed cheek. “Can ya blame me when I have such a sweet thing right at my fingertips? Who wouldn’t get a midnight craving?”
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starkeysprincess · 3 months
Idk I’d be horny if you elaborated on making a tape in the backyard of you and Rafe’s nice ass mansion. Personally.👀
i got carried away...oops? + based on this pic i posted warnings: oral (m receiving), use of daddy, degrading, mention of masturbation
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It all started when you found your old camcorder while going through bins of long-forgotten items placed in your backyard's guesthouse. You couldn't help but giggle, thinking about the various precious videos you could make with Rafe to capture memories and look back at years from now.
You walked out of the guesthouse, happily making your way over to Rafe, who was lounging around the fire pit, nursing a glass of whiskey in his hand. "Look what I found!" you grinned, handing him the camcorder.
"The fuck is this for?" Rafe snorted, his face scrunching in sheer confusion as he stared at the camcorder in his hands. He received a small shrug from you, "Just thought it would be fun to film and capture memories that we make".
"Plus, it would be nice to look back at in a few years" you added, bouncing back and forth on the balls of your feet. He rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I don't think so, bunny", his statement makes you pout.
"Don't see a point in it" he sighs, placing his glass down before grabbing your hips, pulling you to sit on his thigh. "Come on, Rafe, please" you whined, to which he shook his head, "No, not unless you can convince me why it would be a good idea".
You internally groan, the gears shifting before an idea pops into your head, "Okay, fine". You grab the camcorder from his hand, flipping it open, pressing on the switch to turn it on before handing it back to him, "Keep the camera on me".
He watches as you slip off of his thigh, sinking down onto your knees as your hands push his legs apart. Your knees digging into the gravel but you could care less.
Your hands rub up and down his thighs before popping the button of his shorts open. "Oh shit" Rafe mutters to himself, realizing what you were doing and he couldn't help but lift his hips up to let you pull his shorts down until they pooled around his ankles.
You're pressing open-mouthed kisses against his bulge through his boxers before pulling away. Your hand dips into the waistband, pulling his cock out before wrapping your fingers around him. Your hand moves up and down his length and you dip your head down, your tongue running against his swollen tip, earning a groan from him.
His left hand tightly grips the camcorder, angling it down to capture the sight of you on your knees while his right-hand gathers your hair, moving it out of your face. "Such a filthy little slut, huh? You really wanna do it that bad that you're gonna let me film you sucking my cock?" he chuckles.
He lets out a small, 'fuck' when you wrap your soft, plush lips around his head, looking up at him. You take more of him into your mouth, bobbing your head as you suck and lick.
His eyes are glued to watching you through the screen of the camcorder while his hand is bunched into your hair, guiding your mouth along his cock. His breath hitches in his throat when you take him further into your mouth, gagging around him as his tip hits the back of your throat, "Shit...just like that".
"Look at me, princess. Show the camera how much you love suckin' my big cock" he taunts, almost letting out a moan the second your eyes look up at the camera. You can feel yourself growing wet at his words, your free hand slipping down between your legs and into your shorts, pushing past your panties.
Your fingers rubbing small circles against your clit, causing you to moan around him. He notices your hand between your legs and smirks, "God, princess...you're such a pathetic little slut, aren't you? Gettin' off on sucking me off, huh?".
You hum around him, the vibrations sending a shiver up his spine. The sight of you pleasuring yourself while he films you sucking his cock alone was enough to have him near his release.
Rafe pulls your mouth off of him, his hand leaving your hair to wrap around his thick shaft, stroking himself quickly. He keeps the camcorder on your face, his cock twitching in his hand, "Fuck, you want daddy to cum all over that pretty little face?".
"Please, daddy. Want you to cover my face in your cum" you plead, sticking your tongue out, looking into the camera with big, doe eyes. Rafe's strokes quicken, "Oh fuck!" he grunts, thick ropes of cum landing on your tongue and face.
His chest rises and falls as he comes down from his orgasm. He leans forward, using his thumb to swipe at some of his cum off your face before pushing his thumb into your mouth. You giggle, eagerly licking and sucking his cum off his thumb.
Your eyes meet the camera, "How's that for convincing you?", earning a chuckle from him, "You know...i think you gotta convince me a bit more. Think you should let me film your sweet little pussy taking my cock".
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tagging: @oceandriveab @babygorewhore @bunnycrush @rafesthroatbaby @rafescurtainbangz @starkeyisthelastname @sturnioloshacker @redhead1180 @hallecarey1 @heartsforvin @ihe4rttwd @nemesyaaa @eddieslut69 @drudyslut @eternalbuckley @zyafics @kisses4angel @hyperfixationgirl @emilysuperswag @flvredcas @rafeinterlude @starkeysheart @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @fae-of-prey @amandabbbbb @rafecameroninterlude @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account @spid6y @chimindity @spacexdrago @honeybunniesoobin @juniebugg @strawberrydolly333 @slumnit @ijustwanttoreadlols @stoned-writer @shawtycoreee
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autisticgaypirates · 28 days
gettin' frisky (NSFW!) (*´ω`*)
writing this because i'm OVULATING 💜
you guys already know wtf is gonna go down rn
fem!afab!reader, established relationship
obviously nsfw, mdni!!!!!! nothing suuuper freaky but y'know.. you can't have smut without getting your freak on a little
includes zoro, sanji, and ace
zoro ˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
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- not big on foreplay at all, like don't even bother wondering if he'll be a tease because he won't
- oh he loves being dominant..... oh he LOVES it
- always missionary or doggy style, he likes being on top and getting the whole view
- will go even harder if you call him sir or daddy
- tbh? he's kinda a sadist, but not in a seriously harmful or hurtful way
- i mean sadist in a wants-to-smack-your-ass-so-hard-it-leaves-a-handprint way
- even though he's not a very talkative person, he LOVES to talk you through it
- he'll degrade you if you're cool with it, but if you do as he says you'll get a lot of praise
- LOVESSS to finish inside you
- he's not good at the whole aftercare thing, so you might just need to remind him your kinda.. y'know.. dripping his children
you lay beneath him in a mating press with the sound of the creaking bed and deep, heavy breaths in the background. his calloused fingers interlink with yours, pushing your hands above your head to ensure that you have no power. "you little slut, is this what you wanted for so long?" he said deeply, ramming himself inside you even harder than before. his grip on your hands tightens. "huh? huh?? you can't be silent forever. this is my pussy, and you're my bitch, answer me." you let out a high-pitched moan and choke out your next words. "y-yes zoro! it's everything i wanted!" his grip loosens as he smirks, looking down at you like you're his prey. he softens his thrusts a bit, just so he doesn't bruise your cervix. "goooood girl," he coos. "and who's pussy is this?" "yours, sir." he picks up his pace again. "and who do you belong to?" your legs begin to shake. "y-you, sir! i'm yours sir!" he goes full force as your breath hitches, a hungry smile plastered on his face. he licks his lips at you as you make your pretty sounds. "you're doing so good, i'm so close, pretty girl." his jaw hangs open as he lets out soft whimpers that harmonize with your whines as you both finish at the same time. he slowly pulls out as he watches it all pour out of you. he smirks at the sight before looking at you and placing a lazy kiss on your lips. he flops down beside you, an unconscious smile on his face as his eyes begin to flutter shut. "um..." you say, tapping him on the shoulder. he sits up and sees you pointing at your mess. "a little help here?" you say with a laugh.
sanji ˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
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- sanji doesn't fuck, he makes love
- even though he's all over women and seems incredibly perverted, he doesn't care for the idea of hooking up with a random woman
- LOVESS foreplay and taking his sweet time
- very much a switch tbh
- his favorite position is cowgirl, but when he's feeling more romantic and less frisky, he's big on missionary
- BIIIIIIIG mommy kink (when submissive) and praise kink
- he's either whispering sweet nothings in french or screaming your name two octaves higher than his normal voice, no in between
- when he's in control though, it's so intimate and genuine and he loves loving you
- he only cares about you, he doesn't care if he'll explode if he doesn't cum, he'll wait until you're ready too
- as much as he'd love to finish inside you, he's kinda afraid to, so he'll always make sure to pull out right after you're done
- will immediately clean you up and make you tea and tuck you into bed, you're his princess
both shirts were now off, your pants off and on the floor. with sanji above you, he slowly and passionately kisses you, one hand holding him up and the other undoing his belt. after getting his pants off, he hooks two fingers on the edge of your panties that you wear specially for him. he looks up at you with soft eyes. "may i?" he says gently. you nod in response as he pulls them down and off your leg. "même si la mer nous entoure, son scintillement n'est pas comparable à toi," he whispers, slowly spreading your legs open. he leaves gentle kisses along your soft thighs before reaching your womanhood. he kisses it deeply, just grazing over your clit, before dipping his tongue in and having a taste for himself. his refusal to break eye contact with you as he eats you out drives you crazy, and he knows it. when you ever so slightly begin to feel your high, he pulls away. "merci, belle," he tells you, aligning his shaft with you. he slowly pushes himself in, making both of you let out a groan of pleasure. he bites down on his lip hard as he grips the sheets beneath you. he begins to move slowly, looking into your eyes lovingly. you do the same back, letting out a quiet whimper with each thrust. he gently places a hand on your stomach, brushing it across your body and all your curves in admiration. his hand ends up on the side of your face, cupping it. he leans in close to your ear. "you are love. we are an art, mon amour." he plants a kiss on your temple before picking up his pace, going a little harder. with a consistent rhythm and floods of sweet nothings, sanji is finally starting to reach his climax. "i love you," he whispers before going full force on you. his eyes hardly ever leave yours, and if they do, they're admiring the sculpture in which your body was crafted into. "i love you," you whisper back, breathily. "i love you," you say a little louder. "i love you sanji, fuck, i love you!" you borderline yell your admiration for him as you come down from your high, sanji's pace settling. he pulls out and finishes on your stomach, truly believing you two created a masterpiece. "i love you. i'll be right back," sanji tells you before throwing a towel around his waist and leaving the room. you already know where he's going. he's grabbing a damp rag to clean you with, a cup of your favorite tea, and running you a hot bath with your favorite scented candle. this is what making love really means.
ace ˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
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- i'm gonna be so honest, he's so unserious about literally everything
- like you'll whip your tits out and this man will go "WOWZA!"
- he very much likes when you give him head beforehand, it gets him hard, hot, and ready
- very much dominant, but that's just because he's so passionate and so excited that he just wants to get going
- he LOVESSS doggy style, he's very much an ass man (he loves your face equally though don't worry) and he loves to smack your ass
- he's not huge on the romantic aspect and very much himself even in the bedroom
- very very chatty, loves to hear the changes in your voice and REALLY loves when you can't even speak
- when you think he's giving his all, girl not even close you just got started
- he'll compliment you on EVERYTHING, idk he kinda has this thing where he just needs to talk to you
- will ALWAYS ask if you want him to cum in you or pull out, and if you don't answer, he pulls out and cums on your ass
- aftercare with ace is so fucking funny because he'll talk about it like a sports event
you were on your knees in front of him, his shaft now covered in your saliva. he brushes his hand down your hair. "good job baby," he coos. you look up as he smiles down at you. "i'm ready for ya," he says with a smile. you stand up to an immediate smack on the ass. "c'mon pretty girl, ass up for me, i can't wait much longer," he tells you eagerly. you crawl onto the bed, ass up as you rest on your elbows. another smack, this one harder than the other. you let out a small whimper. "what a pretty sight for me," ace says under his breath, squeezing your ass and placing the tip along your slit. "a pretty pussy and nice, big ass on a beautiful girl." you suddenly feel his length push inside you, causing you to let out a yelp. he starts rocking back and forth, slow but hard. you feel his hands grip your hips to pull you up higher. each thrust makes you let out a noise of delight. "pussy is so good babe, and it's all for me?" ace asks you sweetly. "yes, yes all for you," you mutter, somehow already choking on your own words. he gives your ass another hard smack. "thank god," he mumbles before going harder into you. the wooden bed beneath the two of you is loud, and it almost feels unstable. "oh god... ah yeah," ace says, going even faster than he did before. "ohhh fuck yeah, you love it when i fuck you hard like this, huh?" "i- i fuck- i fucking love it!" "yeah? you love me, too?" "yes, yes, i- i love you, ace!" he keeps his speed but rams into your even harder. you can't speak at this point. you're yelling his name and letting out choked moans. "i love you so fucking much.." ace says with gritted teeth. "i love you, i love this pussy, i love this ass, i- gah, fuck! in or out?" "i-in!" the two of you are yelling at each other at this point. "oh god, oh god i'm cumming, mm fuck i'm cumming babe!" ace releases everything he has inside you, and the feeling of his length twitch right on your g-spot is enough to bring you to your climax as well. he slowly pulls out with a hiss, watching it all pour out of you. "damn... we did good," he says with a laugh. he grabs the towel nearby and cleans you up to the best of his ability. when he's done, you lower your hips onto the bed and flop down on your back as he crawls over to lay next to you. "have you like..." ace begins to ask. "... been doing squats lately? i always knew you had a great ass but-" "ugh, ace really?" you say with a laugh. "it's true! and y'know what, i found out that i really like when you tell me you love me during all that." you laugh and place a kiss on his forehead. "noted."
ok so this was insane lowkey and i did NOT expect to write that much for sanji but shit happens when you have a uterus
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writtenbymoonflower · 8 months
Hot and Bothered
You like to read spice and Sirius is inspired. shy fem!reader x Sirius Black
cw: pure smut, lowkey evil Sirius (he's sweet but gets too much joy in making her flustered), mention of smut/literary porn, oral sex (r receiving), kinda sorta cum play at the end? swearing
2.8k words
You had known it was risky, really there was no one to blame but yourself. You knew that attempting to keep any secret from Sirius would end in complete failure. In your defense, you had spent a long time reading this book, and you were desperate to finish it.
Unfortunately for you, it seemed like the last about 45% of your book was chalk full of a very specific set of scenes. Ones that you would rather walk into an oncoming stampede than let anyone know you were reading. Still, you brought the book to your boyfriends house to read during the "quiet time' that usually ended up occurring during every hang out. There usually ended up being a stretch of one to two hours where you and your boyfriends just sat in complete silence, comfortable in each others presence. This time, you were lounged on his leather couch, surrounded by his flashy throw pillows. He was nuzzled into your stomach through your sweater as he lay on top of you, letting his fingers freely explore your waist and tummy as the television droned on in the background.
You were holding your book close to your face, occasionally reaching down to scratch his scalp or stroke his face. It was a position familiar to you both, except it began to feel different.
When the scene in your book began to take a turn, you found your stomach knotting itself in arousal. Suddenly Sirius was too close for wholesome comfort, you were all too aware of his proximity to dangerous areas, making you squirm in his grasp. The teasing of his fingers didn't help the situation. You shivered under his hands, wanting to both shrink away and keen towards him at the same time. It didn't seem like he was aware of your predicament, he looked completely naive as he looked up at you, stormy clouds swirling in his irises as he gave you a heavy-lidded expression.
"You good, dollface?" He inspected your features, making you hide your heated face behind your novel.
"All good." You reassured, trying to keep your breathing quiet. Your voice hitched as he moved to rub at your hip, you swore you could feel his fingerprints through your cotton trousers. You suppressed the urge to wriggle.
"You're squirmin' around like a fish out of water." He said airily. "You gettin' overheated?" He was stroking your thigh now, squeezing and massaging the fat torturously.
"I'm okay, Siri." You reached down to grab his wrist, but this was your mistake. The hand that stayed on the top your book to hold the pages open wasn't as stable as you thought, making it slip from your grasp and fall open onto your tummy. You moved to grab it, but your boyfriend had other ideas. He took the book in his hand, moving to mark your place and close the it, but something on the page caught his eye. He immediately took the book in both hands.
"Oh, what've you got here, babydoll?" His eyebrows were almost to his hairline. You thought he was about to start licking his chops, staring at you like he was a wolf in a sheep pen.
"Siri! Give it back!" You floundered, but he was determined. He flung himself towards the other end of the couch, eyes scanning over the page. You could see his lips movie, mouthing along with the scandalous scene he was reading, his grin growing wider and wider. You gave up, relenting to hide behind your hands and curl in a ball. You heard him set the heavy book down and felt his hands wrap around your shins, slowly climbing their way up, past your knees to settle on your thighs, slipping between them to nuzzle up to your face.
"You gonna look at me, baby?" His voice was teasing, but far lower than you'd ever heard it. The gravely cadence lit up parts of you that you didn't know existed and your face flamed beneath your palms. "Sweetheart," he chuckled darkly.
Could the couch just swallow you whole?
Sirius tugged at your wrists, trying to expose your face with no avail.
"You can't see me. I'm gone." You groaned, body still alight with shameful wanting. His low voice and wandering hands did nothing to help the situation you were facing.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are." He sing-songed and you passed away on the spot. Your whole body went limp and your heart stopped. You were going to have to call a priest but even that couldn't save you. You shivered worse as his cold fingers slipped under the hem of your sweater, settling on your waist.
"Siri," You whined. "You're so mean." You heard him coo at you, voice filled with too much pity.
"Poor girl, c'mon, lemme see you." You shook your head. "Please, sweetheart. I'll be nice, I swear." He pleaded. You made no moves to expose your face, but you let your arms grow limp enough for him to pull them away. You looked at his chest, avoiding his hungry gaze. "There's my girl." He drawled. "My shy little girl." He shifted on top of you to be face-to-face, pinning you beneath him.
"How much did you read?" Your voice was so shaky Sirius didn't know if he wanted to laugh or cry.
"I read enough, trust me." He tilted your face up, forcing you to meet his eyes. You looked so insecure, fear swimming in your irises. But, what was beneath it all made him happy. There was poorly-disguised wanting buried deep in your gaze. Combined with your squirming hips, Sirius knew he was going to have fun with you.
"I'm sorry," You groaned, face alight with shame. "I didn't think you would see."
"First, you have nothing to be sorry for, silly. You can read whatever you want, especially when it's like that. 'S fucking hot, dollface." He kissed your cheek, moving down to your jaw, then your neck. "Second, I'm glad I saw it." He grinned at you, eyes seeping with dark wanting. "I'm so fucking glad. Didn''t know you liked stuff like that." He slipped the hem of your shirt up further, exposing a sliver of skin between your top and your trousers. "Tell me, sweet girl. Why were you shiftin' around underneath me?" He quirked a dark brow at you.
"No reason." Your voice was so quiet he had to strain to hear it.
This boy was going to be the death of you. Every movement he made just pushed you more and more into desperation.
"Why were you readin' that, baby?" His voice was syrupy, dripping with honey. "That something you want?" You gave him an incredulous look.
"Did you seriously just ask me if the sex scenes I was reading were aspirational?"
"What? Would you rather have said 'are you living vicariously through a main character by reading about them getting their pussy licked?''' You groaned loudly, trying to hide behind your hands again, but Sirius had a firm grasp on your wrists.
"You said you would be nice." You whined.
"Oh trust me, I can think of a way I can be very fucking nice to you." Your thighs clenched at that.
"You gonna let me? You know I've been wantin' to. Been fucking dreaming about it." He was right. Every time you messed around he had crawled between your thighs, only to be met by you trying to distract him. He always pretended not to notice for your sake, but it didn't dissipate his desire.
"You don't really want to." You muttered.
"Trust me, I do." He said, vehemently. He softened at your anxious expression. "What're you so scared of? You know I'll keep you safe, I always do." He started rubbing your thigh in a way you were sure was meant to be reassuring.
"I know you will, it's just..." You crossed your arms over your stomach. "I mean, it's just that you'll be right there." You cringed, half embarrassment, half wanting. "Like you'll be able to see everything, and smell and just-" You shook your head, cutting yourself off.
"I'm not seeing the downsides here, baby." He teased. The wanting in you just grew worse at his low voice. He looked at you with wide puppy eyes, making a spectacle of his begging. "You gonna let me make you feel nice like that? Please sweetness? I'll make you feel so good you won't even be able to think."
Oh fuck it. Your resilience snapped, giving over to the lust brewing in your belly.
"Okay, okay. Yeah, I want you to." Your face heated to an ungodly temperature and you turned to ash on the spot. Sirius' grin grew to grinch-like proportions, making you squirm even worse.
"There's a girl," He praised, leaning down to trap you in a heated kiss. His spindly hand snaked around your jaw, tilting your chin up and encouraging your mouth open even more. He was greedily exploring your mouth, pulling moan after moan from the back of your throat before you could smother your desperate sounds. You sunk your fingers into his inky hair, pulling him closer to your face as you bucked your hips into his. He pressed a final kiss to your lips before he began to mouth down your jaw, nuzzling his face into your neck and making you giggle at the feeling.
"Siri," You sighed, squirming away from his mouth.
"You sound so fucking cute." He teased. "You always do." He was pawing at your shirt, exposing more of your skin to kiss and lick, occasionally pulling back to appreciate the shiny, spit-slick skin. He slid his palms under your shirt before grasping the hem and pulling it over your head. You didn't have time to cross your arms over your chest before he was face-first in your torso, mouthing and sucking at your breasts. He held you firmly in place as you squirmed beneath him, trying your best not to tug harshly on his curls.
"Siri," You sighed as he flicked a puffy nipple with his tongue, chuckling as he tugged on your bottoms.
"I'm gon' take these off, okay?" You nodded rapidly, letting him tug the trousers off of your legs and throw them on the ground. He massaged your thigh with one hand, taking in the sight of your body under him. He was staring for a beat too long for comfort You were melting under his heavy eyes, shrinking into yourself as much as possible and covering your flaming face with your hands.
"What're you doing?" You said, half whisper half whine.
He just scoffed out a laugh. "Looking at you, babydoll. So fucking pretty, you expect me not to? 'S my favorite sight, all spread out and desperate for me. You really want this don't you?" He didn't give you time to respond, just moved to kneel on the ground, rotating you and pulling your hips to the end of the seat. You were slumped against the couch back, thighs pressed together, you whined at the accidental friction, too overstimulated between your book and your boyfriends teasing words. Your nipples were pinched and peaked in the air and you had goosebumps everywhere. Sirius laughed at your predicament, thankful you couldn't see how he was straining against his tight trousers.
"P- please. Please, Siri." You weren't sure what you were begging for. You wanted to hide, you wanted to hold him, you wanted some relief for your throbbing pussy. He just chuckled again and leaned down to trap you in a dizzying kiss, gently stroking at your jaw and neck.
"Poor baby," He teased, slipping his hand down to tentatively touch over your panties. "This okay, sweet girl?"
"Yes, please." You sighed, bucking up into his hand. He stroked his fingers over the wet crotch of your panties. Your breath stuttered, it tickled and made your clit throb. He was being mean and he knew it.
"So fucking cute." He groaned, pulling at your waistband. "Want these off? Wanna free your little pussy?" You wanted to shrink at his filthy words, but they just added more heat to your core. You nodded pathetically and covered your face to shield yourself from his grin. He pulled your underwear down your legs, allowing them to close after.
You whined at the contact of the cool couch and air on your heated cunt. Sirius chuckled again, tugging at your arms.
"Look at me, baby." He guided your hands to rest on his shoulders and urged your thighs open, tugging your hips even closer to him. He kept one hand on your waist, pinning you down while the other explored your pussy. He spread you open with one hand, looking at you greedily. You squirmed and groaned again, feeling far too exposed.
"Sirius," The word was tugged from your throat.
"Fuck, it's so fucking pretty, baby. Y' so wet, smell so fucking good, you were needy for a long time, huh?" He crooned, stage-pity written all over his features. "Want me to make it better?"
"Please," You moaned, barely recognizing your own voice. He just smirked at you again, before diving into your cunt. He licked at you like he was starved, making obscene sounds in the back of his throat. His tongue wiggled through your folds, setting all your nerves on fire. The slurped his way up to your clit, wriggling his tongue and flicking at the stiff bud. He gave you a harsh suck before pulling away, your slick shining on his pretty face.
"My poor girl, y' all swollen and sensitive. You were needin' this for a long time haven't you? Shoulda eaten this little pussy so fucking long ago. 'S so fucking sweet, you're gonna have a hard time getting me to stop." He went right back to lapping at your core, pulling more strained moans from your belly. You didn't know if you wanted to keen into his tongue or run away from overstimulation. You did your best to wriggle your hips in his hold. He released one hand to trail it down to your pussy. He pulled away, licking his lips.
He thumbed cruelly at your swollen clit, pinching lightly it before slipping his fingers to your entrance. He stuck two fingers, middle and marriage into your soaked hole, exploring your walls for the spot that will make you scream. He doubled down on his efforts when he found it, sucking and flicking at your clit with twice the vigor. Fluids gushed from your pussy around his fingers and he greedily allowed his tongue to lap it up. Your whole body tightened, growing more and more tense by the second.
"Shit, Siri." Your thighs shook and your back arched. You threaded your fingers into his humid-frizzy hair, suppressing the urge to press his face deeper into you.
"That feel nice, yeah?" He whispered against your cunt. "I feel you clampin' on my fingers, sweet girl. You gonna cum for me? You wanna give it to me?" He was borderline begging, like it was more for him than for you, like it was his sanity on the brink of shattering.
"I wanna, wanna cum so bad." You whined, tingles spreading through your pussy.
"Fucking do it, baby. Cum on my face." He flicked his tongue while fucking his fingers up into you. You shook and spasmed in his arms. He was pinning you to the couch, holding your legs open to do his work. You squeezed his fingers, gushing even more.
"Shit, Siri. 'S so much." You bucked harshly and the pleasure intensified painfully. His tongue was dragging through your overstimulated folds. You pushed his head away from your aching pussy, making him whine upsettably. He settled to continue finger-fucking your cunt. You squirmed and moaned.
"That's so fucking hot. Y' little pussy is all sensitive." He cooed, clearly not sympathetic as he continued massaging your walls. You grabbed his wrist, making him stop his movements. He relented, pulling his fingers out before giving a parting lick to your swollen folds. You whined and he chuckled darkly, resting his chin on your tummy to look up at you, pupils blown out. You looked so fucked out his heart clenched.
"Thank you. Thank you." You muttered. Going shy under his gaze.
"Aw, you're welcome sweet baby. You were so good for me. My good girl." He praised, sitting up to pull your mushy form into him. You soaked in his touch greedily, hungry for affection in your post-coital state. "You doing okay, babydoll? Are you cold?"
"No, 'm okay." You muttered into his neck. You sat back on the couch, whining at the wet spot you left on the leather.
"What's wrong, baby?" He asked, looking over your naked form. You looked down shamefully at the shiny spot between your legs. He laughed loudly, stroking your pretty face.
"I made a mess." You said, miserable.
"It's okay, sweet girl." He smiled kindly at you, before kneeling down and licking the spot away. You whined loudly and covered your face. "Aw, you shy? It's okay, I'll clean up my mess." He licked the couch again and you thought you would die on the spot. He just laughed again.
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princessbrunette · 5 months
linecook!jj put it in my butt please and thank you
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when he comes home from a particularly gruelling shift where the customers were difficult, his coworkers were useless and his manager was on his ass — he gets in a certain mood, where he wants to do extra nasty things to you to get that bad mood out of his system.
he’s still greasy in a white stained t-shirt from his day as he’s spreading your ass cheeks and spitting a dollop of bubbly drool onto your puckered hole, leaning further down to make out with your pussy and let it drip down.
“c’mon sugar, lemme have this pretty ass tonight.” he massages his drool into your asshole with his thumb, pushing in just a little making you cry, clammy back arching at the feeling. “yeaaaah, you like that don’t you pretty kitty? like it when i get nasty…” he mutters, seemingly in a trance from being so horny. he mouths at the forbidden hole, glossing it up with his saliva and making your neglected pussy clench hard around nothing.
as he unsheathes his cock, he gives your pussy an affectionate, but short lived rub. “yeah i know, i know. i’ll get that pretty pussy right, just lemme get mine first tonight yeah?”
“anythin’ for you, jayj.” your breath hitches, black mascara staining his side of the beds pillow as you nestle your cheek down, twitching at the way his fat tip grazed your asshole.
“well aren’t you the sweetest girl on this side’a the island?” he tilts his head with a smile as he pushes in. your jaw drops with a strained moan and he copies the sound — as if that would make you feel validated. “t’aw, i know babydoll. gettin’ it in’s always the hardest part, right?”
a cupped hand arrives at your front, lodging beneath your body to press at your clit routinely so you could hump away at his fingers whilst he takes your ass. “mmm…s’it good?” you ask weakly and he chuckles.
“oh it’s real good. relax for me pretty, don’t wanna break ‘ya.”
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wintrwinchestr · 10 months
fucksgiving 2023
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shoutout to @justagalwhowrites for coining the term :)
please enjoy a short filthy drabble to get you flustered at the dinner table on this fine american thanksgiving day
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
warnings: 18+, dirty talk with almost zero plot, daddy kink (no one is surprised), boyfriend's dad!joel, light choking, petnames, degredation, allusion to smut
word count: 332
divider by @saradika
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“The fuck do you think you’re doin’, hm?” Joel questions in a gravelly half-whisper, approaching from behind as you lean over his kitchen counter, propped up on your elbows. You had excused yourself from the table less than a minute ago, flashing him a flirty little wink as you stood up, a silent cue for him to follow you.
“Me? Wh– what do you mean?” You spin around to face him and bat your eyelashes in a display of feigned innocence, one he sees right through without even trying.
“Been testin’ me all goddamn evenin’, now you’re bent over in front of me like that, flashin’ me your soaked pussy under that slutty lil’ skirt… Too much of a fuckin’ whore to care that your boyfriend’s in the next room, ain’t that right?”
“Ew, why are you even looking up my skirt in the first place, old man?” you tease. Before you have a chance to release a full string of giggles, Joel’s large hand is wrapped around your neck, trapping your breath where it hitches in your throat.
“Drop the fuckin’ act, gettin’ tired of your bratty ass attitude. Callin’ me an old man like it doesn’t fuckin’ turn you on… Your daddy don’t pay enough attention to you at home, got you actin’ out, that it?”
You can’t help the involuntary whimper that slips from your parted lips at that word, the one you've been muttering to yourself late at night with your hand buried between your legs, thinking about your boyfriend’s father.
“Yeah? That do somethin’ for ya? Slutty lil’ girl needs a Daddy to put her in her place, don’t she? You got a thing for old men, babygirl, that it?”
“Uh huh, please, Daddy,” you manage to squeak out, Joel’s massive hand around your throat making you feel lightheaded and pliant.
“On your knees for me, baby, let Daddy teach you a fuckin’ lesson… act like a goddamn whore in his house, you get treated like one…”
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tag list: @beefrobeefcal @gracieispunk @iamasaddie @rebel-held @dilfgestivo @zliteraturehoe if you see this, it won't let me tag you :(
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