#Ginny be Thinking: Oh Captain
Every so often, I think about these two and then mentally shake my fists at the sky about how we were ROBBED. DAYLIGHT ROBBERY. I still can’t believe it. Man, fuck Fox for that 😤😭
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dazymaisy · 4 months
Do you think Ginny has her own " chest monster" version ? Just like Harry? We always talk about Harry's jealousy moments but Ginny also has her own when it comes to Harry
“Ginny! You’re drooling,” Demelza giggled.
She felt her fingers tighten around her broom and tore her eyes away from Harry, who was commandeering a clumsy group of first years. “I am not,” she said brusquely, “just scouting his body language, is all.”
“He’s not bad looking,” Dee qualified. “You like his captain’s badge, do you?”
“Shut up,” she groaned.
“He’s bound to pick you,” said Dee. “He practically lives with you, doesn’t he?”
“I don’t wan t him to put me on the team because he’s friends with my brother,” said Ginny. “I want him to put me on the team because I’m bloody good at quidditch.”
Dee patted her knee. “That’s very noble of you, Gin.”
Ginny huffed. A second group had taken to the pitch – a gaggle of third and fourth year girls, giggling and falling over themselves. Ginny spotted Romilda Vane immediately.
“Oh, god,” she moaned.
“What?” said Dee.
“It’s Romilda,” she said coldly. Romilda was not well-liked amongst Ginny’s dorm mates. They often heard her through the floorboards, in the fourth-year dormitory below – giggling loudly at all hours of the night. “No way she can fly a broom.”
Harry had his back to her – Ginny couldn’t see his face, but she could see the way Romilda looked at him, eyes wide and falsely bashful. Her hair wasn’t even tied back. It cascaded in long, dark curls down her back.
“She needs to put her hair up,” Ginny muttered, “that’s a hazard.”
Dee blinked. Their grudge against Romilda had always been quiet, a sort of unspoken undercurrent – Ginny had never been so outwardly venomous.
It took her a moment to understand. When it clicked, she crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes. “Yeah, who does she think she is?” said Dee.
“Harry, I’m so sorry –” Romilda’s high-pitched voice carried across the pitch, and Ginny cringed – “could you help me mount the broom?”
Ginny let out a disbelieving huff. Something deep inside her chest threatened to rear its ugly head. “Oh, that bitch.” 
Beside her, Dee dissolved into poorly concealed laughter.
Harry refused to help Romilda mount her broom. “It’s expected you know the basics of flying before you come to a try out,” she heard him say.
Romilda and the other girls did not last long. They just as soon got their brooms off the ground as they collapsed into a squealing heap. Harry told them to get off the pitch – the girls obeyed, clambering up into the stands to watch the rest of try outs.
“He’s very authoritative,” Ginny observed. Dee smirked at her.
And really, she needn’t have worried about her own try out – she easily out flew the rest of the contenders, and sank seventeen goals before Harry blew his whistle.
The chasers landed in a semi-circle around him, chests heaving as he announced his decision. Ginny hardly felt winded.
“Alright. Er – you all did very well –” Harry met her eyes for a split second before lowering his head. “But obviously I can only choose three...”
Ginny felt her heart sink. Was this his indirect way of letting her off easy?
“Katie Bell – we’ll keep you, obviously.” Ginny saw Katie grin with pride. She felt a surge of dislike toward her, though she couldn’t identify the source – Katie had never been anything but kind to her. “And next… Demelza Robins.” 
Dee let out an involuntary squeal of excitement, and squeezed Ginny’s hand. It was with great effort that Ginny returned the gesture. If Dee made the team and she didn’t, she’d have to seriously consider dropping out.
Harry was very pointedly avoiding looking at her. Ginny’s heart sank, she thought she might throw up right here on the pitch – she hadn’t made it.
Her disappointment was swiftly replaced with anger. How dare Harry not choose her? She’d filled in for him all last year – proven herself, again and again –
“And, er, Ginny Weasley,” said Harry. 
Everyone else let out soft sighs of displeasure. Ginny felt as though she might faint. “But like I said, you all did quite well, there’s always next year…”
“Yeah, right,” said a girl Ginny recognized as one of the seventh years. She crossed her arms and stormed off toward the changing rooms.
Harry watched her go, then clapped his hands together. “Good work today, everyone. Katie, Demelza, Ginny – I’ll see you all at practice. I’ve got to go find some beaters, now.”
Dee grinned at her sideways.
Ginny’s eyes were locked on Harry. He was turning to leave, to head back toward the group of potential beaters. He caught her eyes for a fleeting moment, just long enough to give her a small smile.
Something warm spread down to Ginny’s toes. She smiled back.
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 3 months
End Game: I wanna be your first string
A continuation of end game. This is stan tumblr's pov of Ginny's World Cup Semifinal match.
if you somehow got tagged in this, i am so sorry it was an accident
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The first semi-final match will start in just under an hour with England taking on Bulgaria!
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@ginwiz posted
i'm nervous, anyone else nervous?
@ginginweas replied: nervous? why would we be nervous? (i've vomited three times today)
@queezy-4-weasley replied: bulgaria's chasers still suck, so i have some hope
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@bitch-witchh posted
fuck bulgaria and fuck viktor krum!
@quid-bitch reblogged @bitch-witchh
I'm trying!
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
don't make me bring out the spray bottle cat meme
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@queezy-4-weasley posted
Krum will likely get the snitch over Shah, but Bulgaria's chasers still suck
@ginwiz reblogged @queezy-4-weasly
Shah could catch the snitch!
@ginginweas reblogged @ginwiz
yeah and I could win an order of merlin
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
Harry just finished the Frey Family case yesterday, so he should be able to make it to the game!
@harpies-hore reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
how do you know that?
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@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @harpies-hore
I listen to the auror scanner
@im-a-keeper posted
I am very excited to see England's chasers: Weasley, Alton, and Killick play against Bulgaria's beaters: Higgs and Ross. A fast, electric offense vs a brutal, widespread defense.
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The England World team has entered the arena. They play Bulgaria in Round 2 of the World Cup.
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
@quid-bitch posted
do you think Ginny Weasley, Richard Alton, and Ophelia Killick need a fourth?
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
there aren't 4 chasers
@quid-bitch reblogged @bitch-witchh
I wasn't talking about quidditch
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
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@queezy-4-weasley posted
i've been watching Higgs and Ross, and unfortunately they are on their A game today. I hope Gin, Oph, and Rick can handle them
@puddlemore-111 reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
weirdo, calling them Gin, Oph, and Rick like you actually know them
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @puddlemore-111
how have i not blocked you yet?
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@ginwiz answered
probably not yet since we haven't seen him, but he is going to be there
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@ginwiz answered
95% of my blog is Ginny, and the moment i talk about her boyfriend (someone who has been heavily involved in Ginny's life since she was 11), I get this stupid ask. Go take your hate somewhere else.
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
Bulgaria World Cup team, lead by team captain, Viktor Krum, has entered the arena.
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@ginginweas posted
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @ginginweas
wait, whats the lore
@ginginweas reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
krum took hermione to the yule ball back during the triwizard tournament was happening. obviously there is no bad blood, but it's just funny to see him boo his fiance's ex
@quid-bitch posted
poor ron, only member of the golden trio to not have been with an international quidditch star
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
that's what he gets for being a Chudley Cannons fan
@drarry-is-real posted
lol so ron is there but harry isn't, even tho @hinny-luv-4-eva knows that he is free. wonder where he is then
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @drarry-is-real
well we know he is not hanging out with a death eater rn
@gin-will-win posted
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@ginginweas replied: NO WAY
@ginwiz replied: OH SHIT HAVE SO MUCH FUN!
@queezy-4-weasley replied: STOP I AM SO JEALOUS
@im-a-keeper posted
looks like the ref team will be the same team from the france game
#hahaha oh fuck
@harpieshore reblogged @im-a-keeper
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@gin-will-win posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
get fucked @drarry-is-real
@bitch-witchh posted
okay but why was he late?
@harpies-hore reblogged @bitch-witchh
what if i told you he was in England's locker room
@bitch-witchh reblogged @harpies-hore
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@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
The semi-final match between England and Bulgaria has officially started with the release of the quaffle!
@gin-will-win posted
they are so fast in person wtf
@queezy-4-weasley posted
that bludger that nearly hit killick came out of NO WHERE
@bitch-witchh posted
merlins beard. why did no one tell me bulgaria was actually good now?
@ginginweas posted
did... the bulgaria chasers actually just score?
@ginginweas reblogged @ginginweas
did... the bulgaria chasers actually just score again?
@harpies-hore posted
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@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
you all need to have more faith in ginny lol
@gin-will-win posted
@ginginweas reblogged @gin-will-win
i don't like that you know what is going to happen 5 seconds before i do
@ginginweas reblogged @ginginweas
but omg yay!! she scored!!
@im-a-keeper posted
England only down 10-20 right now is somehow a miracle
@bitch-witchh posted
@gin-will-win posted
I have such a good view of Harry and he is such a nervous fan, omg. he is basically clinging onto the railing
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @gin-will-win
stop, he is so sweet
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
do you even like quidditch?
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @drarry-is-real
do you even have morals?
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginwiz reblogged @queezy-4-weasley
i think he is feinting
@im-a-keeper posted
Shah should start looking for the snitch himself instead of trailing Krum
@ginginweas posted
killick scored!! assist by ginny!
@harpies-hore posted
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@quid-bitch posted
omg they got their shit together
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz reblogged @ginginweas
Hermione looked so disappointed in them, im crying
@quid-bitch posted
what if i said ron is the hottest weasley
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
shut up
@quid-bitch reblogged @harpies-hore
they crucified jesus for being right
@harpies-hore reblogged @quid-bitch
who the fuck is jesus?
@bitch-witchh posted
LOL the bulgaria chaser dropped the quaffle again
@queezy-4-weasley reblogged @bitch-witchh
that's the bulgaria team i remember
@im-a-keeper posted
Alton just scored with an assist from Weasley! All England chasers have now scored! 50-20 in favor for England!
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Bulgaria's beaters are fucking aggressive
@bitch-witchh posted
@ginginweas posted
@ginwiz posted
@Im-a-keeper posted
that was a NASTY hit by Ross. It looks like Ginny was hit in the face and knocked from her broom.
@ginginweas posted
that hit was terrifying
@harpies-hore posted
Oh shit! is she okay?
@gin-will-win posted
guys, there is so much blood
@ginwiz reblogged @gin-will-win
fuck, i hope she is okay
@gin-will-win reblogged @ginwiz
Richard caught her, and she is moving fine. I think it looks worse than it was.
@ginginweas posted
They showed Harry, and he looks so upset.
@bitch-witchh reblogged @ginginweas
Ross better hire some bodyguards because Auror Potter looks like he is planning his murder right now.
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Harry's heart dropped out of his ass watching that. (my heart did too)
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
Harry looks like he wants to jump down to Ginny to comfort her right now :(
@puddlemore-111 reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
if a player getting hit by a bludger makes her whiny boyfriend act like this, she should just quit and stay in the kitchen
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
harry is faking sadness right now, he would much rather be with his boyfriend than be at this stupid quidditch game
@ginginweas posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva reblogged @ginginweas
you already know who I voted for
@ginwiz posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
They fixed her nose and she is okay!!
@harpies-hore posted
STOP!! she just looked up at the stands and gave the "I'm okay" sign
@gin-will-win posted
Harry visibly sighed when Ginny waved to him. Hermione was rubbing his back and Ron gave him a reassuring shake
@ginginweas reblogged @gin-will-win
Every day, I become more and more thankful for the golden trio
@quidditch-world-cup-updates posted
After a nasty hit, and a presumed broken nose, chaser, Ginny Weasley, makes her penalty shot increasing England's lead to 70-20.
@harpies-hore posted
like we always say. ginny shooting a penalty shot = free points
@bitch-witchh posted
Bulgaria's chasers have now gotten so desperate that they are stooging
@ginwiz reblogged @bitch-witchh
and the refs have done nothing to stop them
@ginginweas reblogged @ginwiz
I feel like I need to bring back the refs vs voldemort poll
@gin-will-win posted
Ross is out of control today. He just elbowed Shah
@harpies-hore posted
Shah gets hit in the face when he is the one player who a beater cannot touch with their body and yet the refs call nothing
@ginwiz reblogged @harpies-hore
hey @ginginweas, we need the poll now
@ginginweas reblogged @harpies-hore
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@im-a-keeper posted
I was really hoping that the ref team would have gotten better since the last match, but unfortunately they have not...
@bitch-witchh posted
lol while everyone was focused on Shah and Ross, Ginny scored again
@ginwiz posted
I fucking love Ginny Weasley
@qin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore posted
@ginginweas posted
okay, someone needs to take Ross's bat
@im-a-keeper posted
Ross hits a quaffle out of the hands of Alton. And of course the refs say play on.
@ginwiz posted
@quid-bitch reblogged @ginwiz
I am not going to do that
@gin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore posted
krum on his way to go yell at his beater
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@quid-bitch posted
Krum can come yell at me next
@bitch-witchh reblogged @quid-bitch
@ginginweas posted
@gin-will-win posted
@im-a-keeper posted
Is Shah about to????
@queezy-4-weasley posted
England's Shah catches the snitch while Krum is distracted. England wins 240-20!
@ginginweas posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@bitch-witchh posted
@puddlemore-111 posted
A pathetic win for England. How the hell did they make it all the way to the Quidditch World Cup?
@harpies-hore posted
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@im-a-keeper posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@ginwiz posted
The entire team jumping on top of Shah, celebrating. What if I cry?
@gin-will-win posted
@bitch-witchh posted
Shah it seems I’ve grown quite fond of you tho there are no sexual urges or desires you come to me as a long lost friend whom I once picked apples with in papa’s orchard
@queezy-4-weasley posted
Ginny, Ophelia, and Richard are dancing around Shah, this is adorable
@gin-will-win posted
@harpies-hore reblogged @gin-will-win
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@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@gin-wiz posted
@gin-will-win posted
@queezy-4-weasley posted
@harpie-hore posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@drarry-is-real reblogged @hinny-luv-4-eva
fuck you
@ginwiz posted
@harpies-hore posted
i am so single
@ginginweas posted
@hinny-luv-4-eva posted
@quid-bitch posted
@im-a-keeper posted
What a thrilling game. I will never forget this. (also hinny are so cute)
@ginnyweasley posted
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treacletartlett · 1 month
for the struggling girlies with anxiety♡
there's no one who you can really open up to, who you can talk about the most personal things with, but harry, he seems to be able to read you like an open book. he shows you how to make yourself feel good without guilt, he shows you how to be vulnerable with yourself and other people.
sorry guys this ended up being much longer than anticipated, I enjoyed writing this so much!
includes sexual content!
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You and Harry are not actually friends, but sharing a friend group and house forced you to be friendly acquaintances, and when passing each other in the halls you greet each other with a simple greeting.
secretly, there has always been a kind of attraction you held for him, his charm, his good looks, but you never spoke about it with anyone since it didn't seem like anything past friendly attraction. unfortunately, that quickly grew into something you’d rather not speak about.
you didn't experience such feelings often, but when you did, they weren't as intense as you felt with him, which was something you struggled with a lot. you didn't enjoy the things your friends loved, or when someone tried to get it on with you your body didn't react as you wanted it to, even if it's just for wanting to know that you could feel the same as the others.
during breakfast time, you were sitting with your friends as usual. though what were unusual was that you had joined them a bit later than the rest.
you were that type of person who arrives earlier than the rest and is always on time.
your friend, neville, who was as oblivious as they come and nicely sitting next to hermione granger, who was Harry's best friend, looked at you with confusion while asking "where were you at? you're never this late to breakfast, I was almost worried."
the rough start of the morning did nothing to ease this situation.
trying to act casual, you scooped some egg and other foods on your plate, not paying attention to what you were piling your plate with. a faint pinkish tint rising on your cheeks.
“nothing, just slept late.” You mumbled loud enough for them to hear.
“I dont think that’s true,” Hermione spoke softly, that look on her face indicating she knows something suspicious was going. “you slept and woke up at the same time as me.”
hermione really knew how to put someone on the spot. while uneasily trying to make something up, Harry, who was sitting two places to Hermione's right, spoke up while holding the morning edition of The Daily Prophet.
“that doesn't matter, more importantly, Ginny, you're going to the quidditch tryouts, aren't you?” successfully steering the conversation away from you, you felt grateful for the minor save. you looked at him for a second, smiling slightly before focussing on something else.
“Yes, I'm trying out for chaser, then I have an excuse to push people.” Ginny said, but you weren’t really listening, your mind wandering.
"I'm sure you'll do great, alongside Ron of course, anyone else going? are you?" he asked you, suddenly interested. you weren't actually sure if you wanted to try out, never having been on the team yourself, but you loved quidditch, and did want to be, but with Harry as captain this year, you weren't sure how focussed you could be.
"oh well, I'm not sure. I've thought about it, but I don't know." you replied sheepishly. the lack of confidence in your voice has always had a way to embarrass you, even after such a long time. you were never able to grow into your own skin much, even after having seen all your friends grow up and get that self-confidence you lacked.
"I've seen you fly, y/n, you really should try-out! you're an amazing flyer." Ron said, which shocked you slightly, unknowing to his seeing you fly before-which you did with your friends often, late in the night- and the fact that he just praised your skills, has plastered a smile on your face and lifted some of your self-consciousness.
Harry nodded, seemingly agreeing with Ron. "yea, you definitely should, Ron and I were impressed with you! we're surprised you haven't tried out before."
your face reddened even more, and you hoped you weren't the same shade as a tomato, being put on the spot. you were really bad at getting compliments, scared you would come off as rude or arrogant by how you reply to them, so you did what you thought you should and smiled, and told them a small thank you to which they both smiled back at before resuming their conversation with Ginny, and the rest of the Gryffindors.
after breakfast, you and your friends left for classes, but the way Harry complimented you hasn't been able to leave your mind, making you lose focus for the majority of the day.
when classes ended you decided to split off from your friends a walk your own way, needing some space to clear your mind. your footsteps echoed and you grazed the wall, slightly leaning right against it. there was such a peaceful silence that it made you doze off. you weren’t paying attention to anything or anyone around, but it wasn’t needed since there weren’t anyone but you in the corridor.
Or so you thought. a small grunt escaped your mouth, the impact of walking into a wall hit you hard. but, as it turns out it wasn’t a wall. it was a someone. steadying yourself you looked up at the person you just walked into.
Harry Potter turned around and chuckled when he saw you. “You okay?" he asked, while he tried to hold in his laugh
it wasn't a hard hit as it would've been if you walked into an actual wall, but it still shocked you slightly. because of quidditch, he’s grown quite muscular, not too much, but just enough to make his back feel firm to the touch.
“Oh, right, yea sorry about that, wasn’t paying attention.” You mumbled, a faintly blushing.
“I noticed,” he chuckled. "don't worry about it, I didn't pay attention either. where were you off to?" his quick change in subject startled you, but when you collected your thoughts you croaked out your answer. "just walking around, wasn't thinking of a specific place."
He nodded, in thought, as if he carefully constructed his next question in his mind. "why were you actually late this morning? it didn't seem like anything particular, but when I saw Hermione's face, I knew she was suspicious, and most of her suspicions are justified."
this was the last thing you expected him to ask you, after he led the conversation this morning elsewhere. your face heated up in a second, reliving the memories of you this morning. you weren't sure how to reply, knowing you weren't the best of liars, and harry seemed to catch on to this rather quickly. was this the time to be honest? to tell the person you've experienced a different feeling with than the handful others you thought more than once about? it would be weird, and damn random. you and Harry weren't even real friends, this was something you wouldn't even tell your closest friends.
"well, uh, nothing. it was nothing. I was only late once, it happens. anyway I should get going." you tried to hurry off, staying casual, but it didn't work. as you walked past him, he followed you, and it seemed like he was going to stop at any given moment.
"you know, I'm not trying to embarrass you or anything, I'm just curious since your face reddened a bit when neville asked, and we haven't really spoken before, so because you're going to be on the quidditch team I thought we should try and maybe get to know each other, even if it's just a bit? anyway, whatever it is, I know it isn't nothing, and while I'm mostly someone who doesn't push, I'm also very curious, also to know you a bit, so whatever it is, don't worry, I won't find it weird or anything."
after he stopped rambling, silence filled the hall while you tried to articulate a convincing excuse. you weren't sure what he would think, and after his speech, you tried to focus on anything but his remark that you'll be on the team, when you haven't even clarified if you're trying-out. after pondering, and dragging it out for as long as you can, you stumbled a bit over your words before you managed to just throw everything out, for some reason forgetting all the reasons why you didn't want to tell him anything in the first place. he looked at you with such a look that for some reason made you think he wouldn't be caught off guard by what you were about to say.
you flushed bright red, your body having a hobby of showing your embarrassment which you've always cursed your genes for. "well, I'm not sure. so I- I think there is something wrong, or I don't know, with me. This is probably really weird, so yea," he shook his head in disagreement. "I was just- you know, I was, I don't know. I've never experienced those feelings before, even though everyone around me has, and well, you know, I also haven't had intense feelings for anyone until recently and it's really weird, I'm not sure what to do with them, so I did what everyone does and woke up early after I- after I had a-," you stopped talking for a second. "a dream, about, well, someone I think, and I thought 'I just have to try' because I wanted my body to react normally like everyone talks about, but I felt really weird and I hate discussing stuff like this, so it didn't really work out and after I felt really uncomfortable and dirty, or something, that I did that. I don't know why I won't just enjoy it like everybody else, but I guess my body just won't change or turn normal or something."
after you finished your sentence and caught your breath, you realised you rambled on to Harry for a solid second. embarrassment and disbelieve clouded your head, but Harry just listened to you talk and seemed interested in what you had to say. you could almost see the wheels turn in his head, forming a reply to your story. nerves settled low in your stomach and doubt clouded your thoughts, afraid you overshared or made him feel weird, but when he spoke, he spoke with such interest and care you suddenly forgot every worry you had.
"y/n, just because you don't experience things like others doesn't mean you can't give love to yourself. there is nothing wrong with you, or your body. just because it's deemed 'the ordinary' doesn't tell you that you have to experience it the same way as others." he stepped closer, "you don't have to 'overcome' it, because there is nothing strange about those mental barriers you set, you just have to understand what your body is telling you, without feeling disgusted. it's nature." his words felt like a caress against your back, the soft tone of his whisper a hug around you. they reassured you, settled the doubts you've had for so long a fraction, which is a fraction more than anyone has ever.
you weren't sure how to reply, this whole conversation feeling weird to you, but when you looked at him he seemed at ease. it wasn't new though, your friends loved to talk about it, and even though you didn't, you didn't want anyone to know about your 'abnormality'.
"so who's the person anyway, the one you were talking about." he asked. you looked at him, confused, not expecting him to ask that either.
"what?" you asked, absentmindedly. "you know, the person you had feelings for." you tensed. he obviously didn't know it was him, and you weren't about to tell him. "well, I-, I don't know." it was a feeble attempt, but it didn't work, obvious by Harry who started laughing.
"that was a really sad excuse, sorry." he said when he caught his breath. "it's okay, I promise I won't tell anyone." he looked eager to know, to know which person managed to activate your sex drive for the first, and probably last, time in your life. having spilled so much, you were at a loss for words. slight panic overtook you as you stayed silent, trying to come up with something.
Harry kept looking at you patiently. it was visible he really wanted to know, but he tried to hide it while you looked for something to say. the corridor almost came to an end, giving way for the grounds outside. it wasn't cold per se, but it wasn't pure sunshine either.
it was perfect.
you gave up trying to find an excuse to say that would convince him otherwise, and kept silence, hoping he'll magically forget he's asked you anything. it was pathetic, but maybe it would work.
"it isn't going to work." he spoke.
well, it was worth trying.
"you can't ignore me, or your feelings. maybe I can help you. whoever it is, I won't judge, I won't even reply, if you don't want me to." he stopped walking, standing in front of you when you two just passed a large tree. he had this puppy dog eye look, and silently begged to know the answer.
you weren't really sure why he wanted to know so bad, but for some reason it felt good knowing he wanted to know something like that, so personal. nevertheless, it was hard trying to maintain secrecy while he's looking at you like that.
"what if it were someone you knew really well?" you asked softly, slightly hinting at who it could be. you felt anxious as you avoided looking at him, your head bowed to the ground, suddenly interested in the green of the grass.
it was quiet, there seemed to be no one outside except for you two, which was highly unusual, since it's always packing with this weather, but you guessed the universe was at your side, granting you full privacy with Harry.
"then that would be just fine." he answered. his voice was calm and gentle, unlike your hoarse whisper. you wanted him to suddenly know without having to tell him, it would be much easier.
"someone you wouldn't expect, that you knew better than anyone else?" your eyes met his, awkwardly. you hoped he would just get the hint, you'll both ignore this conversation, and act like nothing happened while still being on good terms.
that seemed like the perfect scenario, right?
he stepped closer, not close enough to kiss your shoes, but enough to see the green of his eyes and feel his body heat warm you up like a fire.
"then I wouldn't mind at at," he smiled slightly, melting your heart immediately. "y/n, let me help you."
what did that mean? help you? did he understand, and choose to ignore, or he just didn't, and was pushing you to tell him? you didn't know how to reply, the silence was loud in your head.
"it's okay, I promise. just trust me, it's gonna be okay." he said when you kept silent. it seemed as if he mistook your confusion for dread of what he meant, but this was awkward enough, so you kept silent, praying in your head for this conversation to end, or for the earth to swallow you and never spit you out. they both seemed like good solutions for now.
you realised you probably looked stupid, or rude, just staying silent and ignoring Harry like this, but it was difficult trying to come up with a good reply. but you tried, needing the misery to end.
"can we just forget all this?" mid-whisper, you heard how cliche and pathetic you sounded, feeling betrayed by your inner mind voice, which sounded perfectly fine saying this line in your head.
about to turn away, your head down, Harry seemed to understand how you feel. how, when you two didn't even talk on a daily basis, did he seem to understand you so deeply when even the people closest to you can't? you get it, maybe because you've told him things you haven't told anyone else, or because his eyes are so bright it feels like they are seeing through your mind. or because to him, you're such an open book, you're feelings are just so normal, he understands more than he's ever understood before, which interests him.
"you don't have to walk away, y/n. you don't have to understand everything at once. let me help you this time, and after you can figure it out, okay? just, come with me, and I'll be there, and I won't forget, because I want to show you I understand." he took your hand in his, signalling for you to follow.
though you are grateful he didn't make you have to answer, even though his words settled in your stomach, wrapped around your head and blinded you with something you can't put a name to.
but you did, you did follow him all the way to his bed, in silence, where it was empty and just the two of you.
you felt trepidation about what was going to happen. it clicked in your head, all the talk about loving yourself and helping you. it was scary, just because you weren't sure how you and your body would react to his hands all over your skin, when you so desperately wanted to enjoy it.
the door closed, the walls radiated silence, which bounced off of every solid thing right into your eardrum, deafening you with the loudness of it. your heartbeat felt faster than before, the skin of your hand scorching hot where he held it. his eyes burned to the back of your head, seemingly unmasking everything under the veil constructed to keep your thoughts and emotions at bay.
you tried to hide it all, the subtle excitement, the dread, worry, all the fear, the inexperience. you hoped what he planned wasn't to unmask all of it, because that means being even more vulnerable with him than you've already been.
"y/n," he called softly, your name coming from his mouth like a sweet melody, it awakened something inside of you only the soft voice of him could. it was gentle, but reassuring.
you looked at him, your full attention turned to him and this moment.
"tell me when it's too much." he caressed your cheek softly, instantly creating a hot flush on my skin. "okay?" he pushed.
you nodded, your mind too lost to form legible sentences. you couldn't think, couldn't speak, even if you wanted to. you couldn't move, unless he helped you. you didn't want it to be too much, you hoped it would be just enough.
you knew Harry, you knew he knew what you needed.
"tell me what you're feeling," he leaned his forehead against yours, pulling you even closer.
the soft heat radiating off of him was different than your friends explained, everything was so much different than your friends explained.
"tell me what you want," his lips were so close, almost close enough to feel, to taste. he pulled you even closer, you were inches apart. one hand holding your face, the other feather light on your back, almost as if he's scared to hurt you by holding you too firmly. his lips got closer, and closer, until they made the lightest contact with yours.
they were soft, and tender, and even though it was only a second, a second of his lips on yours, you felt every touch of him, you felt something that made you need him even more, that made you want his lips for even just a second longer.
then, he backed you against the bed, making you lay down and pulling him on top of you, maintaining eye contact. his hands found their way to your shirt, pausing before pulling it up.
"tell me everything." his gentle tone pulled at your heart. reason left you completely, and there was no way you would ever want to stop this moment.
"may I take this off?" he questioned, so serious, but patient, and so gentle. it made you feel so safe and cared for, so comfortable in a way you didn't think possible with anyone else.
you nodded. "yes," breathless, exhilarated, assured.
you didn't think about your insecurities anymore, or your friends, or even why and how this happened. nothing is flying around in your mind anymore except for Harry, and his bright green eyes, looking adoringly at you, while his gentle hands lifted your shirt, slowly pulling it off of you.
then, his fingers went to your pants, unbuttoning, and pulling down the zipper, taking them off of you completely.
you were left in your panties, almost completely naked in contrary to Harry, who was still fully, clothed. it was unnerving, but also exciting. knowing you were actually anticipating him taking off his clothes made you feel good.
"Harry," you called.
"yes, baby?" baby. one word. four letters. the absolute most ordinary and widely used nickname for a significant other, but still, when he called you that, in that tone, it made you want him to repeat it alongside your name for hours on end.
"aren't you going to take it off?" you asked, softly.
"I will, baby. right now." he took your hand, leading it to the hem of his shirt, helping you lift it off him. slowly, his torso was exposed. light abs began peeking from underneath, soft, roughened, pale skin, scars that littered all over his body. he was truly beautiful.
you knew he had endured a lot since he was a little boy, but for some reason you didn't think it would stay with him permanently in physical form. still, for some reason you find his scars and stories beautiful.
he was perfect in an imperfect way. his ribs were sticking out slightly, his nipples were a gorgeous pink, his neck tight and leading to a sharp and hot jawline.
you weren't sure if Harry was anxious about his appearance, but either way, you were grateful that he trusted you with this.
he, his knees on either side of you, sat upright, looking at you as if expecting a comment. a speck of dread mixed with curiosity in his eyes. with every second you stayed silent, his anxiousness worsened, probably thinking you don't find him beautiful, but in truth, you just didn't know how to express your thoughts and emotions.
"harry," you sat upright, resting on your hands. "you're even more beautiful than I imagined you'd be."
a blush spread on his cheeks, looking down. it looked like he wasn't someone who is used to getting compliments, but you hoped he knew how many people saw his beauty.
"t-thank you." he managed to reply, his face pink, looking grateful and sincerely grateful.
your hands found the button of his pants, unbuttoning them while looking at him, smiling. he took your hands in his while helping you get him out of his trousers. when his zipper was undone, you pulled them down a bit before he stood up to take it off completely, leaving you both in only your underwear.
he climbed back on top of you, brushing the hair out of your face, while his hand took yours and travelled down, and down, over your breasts and nipples until they were at your panties.
they were wet already, a huge spot of moisture visible, but for some reason you weren't embarrassed, you only felt more and more turned on.
"y/n," he breathed, looking at your panties with approval, and longing. he led your fingers inside your underwear, holding your fingers against your clit, eliciting a soft moan to escape.
"God, I love hearing those sounds, you sound angelic." he said, while moving your fingers up and down your slit, the first time you actually enjoyed touching yourself.
he let go of your hand. "keep going," he said, when you stopped moving them. he pulled your panties to the side and admired you completely. "baby, you're so beautiful." and in one second he attached his lips to your nipples, sucking and licking and teasing them until they were red peaks, switching from the one to the other.
"oh, Harry." sounds you've never heard yourself make were coming out of you in strings. Harry knew how to work your body so well, it almost felt he was made for you.
"keep touching yourself," he paused teasing your breasts, and left wet trails of kisses up your neck up until he reached your lips, where he hovered above them. "I want to hear you coming by fingering yourself."
his words shocked you slightly, expecting him to do it for you, but the you remembered him telling you he would help you, now getting the full meaning of the message.
"Harry, I can't..." you trailed off, and stopped moving your fingers, even though it felt great.
he lifted you slightly by your hips to make you sit against the headboard, spreading your knees, exposing you to him completely, the ruined wet piece of cloth pushed to the side. you were breathing heavily, anticipating anything.
"I know you can, I'll help, show me baby." he replied, whispering the last part, which only felt fitting.
so you did, you circled your clit while keeping your eyes on harry. he took your hand in his and guided you towards your release. he was on his knees in front of you, close enough you could almost taste him, which you craved in this moment of vulnerability.
you pushed your middle finger in your entrance, going deeper and deeper until your finger is completely buried. at first it felt uncomfortable, but after adjusting, it was something not like any other feeling. your slickness lessened the friction, heightening the pleasure. Harry's hand brushed your hair away from your face, holding it while moving his thumb in a gentle manner.
"I know, you can do this baby, you're doing so good." he kept whispering praises to you while watching you finger yourself, his hand releasing yours to play with your clit.
the pleasure was immense, being extra sensitive because of the time passed not having been turned on while touching. Harry wasn't even inside of you and you already understood what all your friends were gassed about.
you increased your pace, desperately chasing that release. harry watched so intently how you pleasured yourself, his fingers working your clit so well. you felt close to the edge, the tension inside of you building up quickly, coming and going in fast waves.
Harry noticed, and began kissing you intently, and when his hand went down to your nipple and began pinching it slightly, your first ever orgasm crashed into you with the force of a bomb, making your jaw drop as you cried out for Harry.
your legs were trembling, and that feeling deep in your stomach kept intensifying by every motion of Harry's finger on your clit.
you stopped moving your finger, needing a break from the intensity. arching your back slightly as you came down, Harry laid you down completely. "you were so good y/n, so good." spreading you open further, lowering his boxers and tossing them off completely.
"I know, take your time baby, I'll wait. you were so so good." he kept whispering praises to you while rubbing your face in an endearing matter.
for a second you felt disgust by what you just did climb up your throat and cloud your mind, feeling shocked by how you acted, but soon all those thoughts got crushed by the man in front of you.
being hit with the aftershocks from what you just endured, you didn't fully comprehend the situation. it was mind blowing, and you couldn't wait to discover what committing fully was going to feel like.
when he was holding himself up by his hands that were beside your head, it hit you all of a sudden, Harry was completely naked. when you looked down your breath got caught, and you needed a second to comprehend the sight in front of you.
you didn't think it was possible, but he was even more beautiful. he was so hard it almost looked painful. veins travelled the length until it reached his sensitive pink tip that had a leak of precum spilling out. he seemed nervous for your reaction, but he hadn't need to be. he was perfect.
"please, Harry." you moaned, desperate to feel him inside of you, despite knowing it will hurt.
Harry got the hint and lined himself up by your entrance. "Are you sure?" he asked before entering you.
you nodded immediately "jus- just be gentle okay?" you replied, nerves starting to gather in your stomach. his endearing look soothed them a bit though.
"of course baby, don't worry, I know it will hurt but only a bit okay?" he kissed the top of your head, then your lips, his hands, which were holding him up, now running down the length of your body, over your breasts, all the way to your thighs, rubbing up and down them. he was almost completely on top of you, saving his weight while he was on his knees, making sure not to crush you.
he held himself against you, watching you intently for you reaction while he was pushing himself in slowly, making sure to take the time for you to adjust every few inches.
it was no doubt Harry was big, especially for his built. he was long and thick, and despite him being tall and lanky, he managed to get himself a magnificent physique a lot of girls swoon over.
you loved that you got to see him like this.
at the halfway mark, you had to take a couple of seconds to adjust, subconsciously clenching and unclenching around him. pain and pleasure mixed together in a perfect fusion.
"oh, Harry." your back arched slightly, your nipples getting the friction from Harry's chest above you, his hands everywhere on your body, it was great, all of it, even if the pain overrode the pleasure in some instances, at the end it felt greater than anything you've ever felt before.
Harry's moans were something like you've never heard before. he groaned and whispered you praises, his words and sounds settling deep in your core and heart.
when you managed to relax, he began moving. at first slowly, but gradually quickening his pace.
the bed creaked, the headboard banging against the wall, but at this moment you didn't care if someone could hear, in this moment it was only you and Harry.
he moaned less, and definitely quieter than you, but somehow they were still the only thing you heard. the way his face scrunched everytime he bottomed out, or the way his hair fell in his face or the beads of sweat that was trickling down his forehead. everything about him in this moment was like nothing ever before. his hands held your hips down, flexing with every thrust. he bit his lip, seemingly trying to control himself.
"Oh God, y/n-" he kept repeating your name over and over again, and the way it sounded in that voice made your melt every time he said it. his lips found your neck and started kissing and biting and teasing the skin until you were a crying mess more than you already were.
you were screaming, crying, moaning so loud you were sure people could hear you, but you didn't care. no one made you feel like him, you deserved complete freedom during your first time.
the feel of him sliding in and out of you with least amount of friction caused by your slickness was otherworldly. the sounds of his thrusts and your wetness were definitely something you didn't expect to love to hear so much.
"you're so wet baby, you feel that- you hear that? is that what I do to you?" he kept rambling, right next to your ear.
it was hard to hear him talk so softly when the sounds of him pounding into you were so loud, but you loved hearing him talk to you like that, as if he's trying to connect with you while fucking you mercilessly.
"Harry, I- I'm close, I think." it was feeble, at best.
this was different than fingering yourself. a giant wave of pleasure rocked through you so intensely you cried out. it was too much and not enough all at once.
"let go baby, come on. it's okay, I want to hear you falling apart on my dick." his words raised goosebumps all over your skin, making butterflies flutter all around in your stomach.
his pace increased considerably, pulling out completely then thrusting into you with great force. tears sped down your face, looking completely ruined, accurate to what you're feeling.
it hurt, but in such a good way you didn't want it to end. you gripped his back hard enough to leave marks, but that seemed to drive him even more, holding you down hard enough to bruise, he drove into you with such force you were sure to hit your head if he wasn't holding you. your legs were spread widely, heightening the feeling even more, he let go of your hips, grabbing your knees and holding them up, exposing you completely, making him hit a whole different spot that left your jaw hanging.
it all happened so fast, your orgasm hit into you so violently you shook and screamed so loud Harry held his hand on your mouth.
"Baby, you're so good, you're doing so good, keep screaming, I love hearing you like this." he kept praising, holding one of your knees up while his other hand was on your mouth.
"Harry, oh, please," you kept moaning, for everything and nothing at all. it felt extraordinary, you understood the hype around sex completely, and never wanted this to end.
"I'm so close y/n, please let me come. so, so close." he said, even though you didn't ask for permission, he did, and for some reason, that turned you on even more.
"come Harry, go on." you kissed him, and in a second he came undone. you clenched around him, holding him tightly to you while he cried out, riding out his high as his pace became sloppy and his breathing uneven.
he held onto you while driving in and out of you messily. his cum filled you entirely, warming up your insides. it felt like it would never end, this endless pleasure you were both stuck in, Harry, still spilling inside of you, holding you so close waiting to be finished before he could hold you.
eventually he did, and collapsed lightly on top of you, cuddling you while you both caught your breaths and came down.
he pulled out and rested his hands on your sides, turning you so you were laying on his chest, he kissed the top of your head and pulled the covers on top of you, holding you tightly against him.
you stayed like this for a while, just sitting in a comfortable silence, basking in the endearing feeling of him against you. it felt surreal, everything about this felt surreal, and you wanted to cherish the moment for as long as possible.
after a while of comforting silence Harry spoke up, breaking the spell. "how was that?" he asked, rubbing the hair from your face so you could look up at him. "was I any good?" he blushed slightly while asking.
"Harry, I don't think I know how to explain it," you paused, trying to think of something that would be close to what you felt. "you were beyond amazing, and I don't know how to show you how grateful I am to you."
Harry seemed speechless for a couple second before he recovered and gathered his thoughts. "that's really, n-nice, I'm glad, thank you, really.I'm so proud of you. you were great, baby." and he kissed you again, then you both sat in comfortable silence again.
and for the first time you were able to feel like any other, and being vulnerable with Harry was better than anything would have been in a different situation. you loved it.
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a/n: hey guys, it's been a while. I've been busy but now since it's summer break I'll *hopefully* be able to update more frequently. this may be a bit rusty, but I hoped you enjoyed it nonetheless!
I also want to say, I definitely know my previous work isn't that great, considering I'm not an actual studied author and English isn't my first language, but I write for fun and all, so I hope you will still like my work despite the many flaws! if anyone has requests/ something to say, don't be scared! I love reading you guys' messages:).
check out my Wattpad...
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honeydukesheroine · 10 months
Hair 🚘
For @hinnymicrofic Day 10
Deleted Scene from Chapter 23: The In-Between's (6th Year)
Ginny had been getting more and more daring with her overt displays of public flirtations. Never mind any of Hermione’s proposed skillful hints or tactful exchanges. She couldn’t be bothered with them, not anymore. 
Harry was standing at his locker with the door open. His dark hair was wet and throwing beads of water on his fresh shirt. 
“Harry, why don’t you use a Hot Air Charm?” Ginny asked, gesturing towards his sopping wet hair.  
“I like how it dries better,” he said, hand jumping up to flatten his hair. “Otherwise, I look like a mad scientist.” 
“Bit preoccupied with your appearance, aren’t you, Captain Potter?” Ginny teased.
“Comes with fame.”
“Right, I caught that Witch Weekly article the other day: Harry Potter’s Hair Care Routine, And How to Replicate It On Your Wizard. I think Romilda Vane framed it.”
“It’s hard to come by good journalism these days.”
“But coincidentally, I like your hair best after Quidditch practice. Much more effortlessly tousled.” Ginny reached up, wove her hand in his half-dry hair and gave it a quick affectionate ruffle. 
For a split second, she wondered if she had gone too far. Hermione was wrong, she did have shame. It scared the hell out of her. Years of training herself to undo feelings for Harry because he did not, could not, like her in the same way, did not just go away. 
However, the look on his face could offer no doubt. He relished in it.
“Oi! You two. Wait up!” We heard Ron calling from several yards away. It wasn’t until then Ginny realized she and Harry had made it halfway to the castle. Lost in their exchange, instinctively chasing the chance to be alone. They reluctantly paused, waiting for Ron to scramble his way up the sloped path. 
“And Harry,” Ginny asked. “What’s a mad scientist?”
“Oh, er-” he thought for a moment. “Picture the evil Muggle version of Dumbledore brewing questionable potions, but with Hagrid’s hair. They usually blow stuff up or send cars back in time.” 
“See, those are the type of people we need more articles about. It’d make much better journalism.”
“Don’t you read the Quibbler?” Harry said, making Ginny laugh. 
Ron caught up with them, out of breath and winded. “So kind… of you… to wait,” he gasped, bent over with hands on his knees. 
“Harry, I think you need to host more conditioning days for the team. Looks like this one’s had too many Chocolate Cauldrons.” She wiggled her eyebrows in Harry’s direction, whose face split into a wide grin.
“Bugger off,” said Ron. 
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
Day 4: Red using my taylor hangover to try and catch back up with #SeveralSunlitDaylights & @corneliaavenue-ao3
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this is an extension (prequel?) to my hand's at risk (i fold) aka slytherin!harry
The platform bustled with nonstop conversation and chaos. Owls hooted, cats mewled, and frogs attempted escape from their owners. Friends and housemates greeted each other with cries of joy and claps on the back. Second years cackled as they darted between clusters of mums and dads and grans. It was the typical sort of mess Harry had come to expect from the first of September.
Only this time it was different. Because this time would be his last send off on the Hogwarts Express. He tried not to feel too nostalgic about it, but he couldn’t help taking it all in one last time. He was going to miss the clamor and excitement of a new school year. 
He’d miss school too, but he resolved not to think about that yet. He still had the whole year ahead of him, after all. 
His gaze scanned the colorful crowd, a warmth building up in his chest… until he realized more than one set of eyes stared back at him, and his parents, with awestruck expressions. Which just left him fidgety. 
He definitely wouldn’t miss the staring. 
“Write often,” Mum instructed, reaching out to adjust the collar of Harry’s jacket. “Just because you’re of age, doesn’t mean you don’t have to write anymore.”
“Yeah, alright.” Harry agreed half-heartedly. 
“Oh, that’s encouraging,” Dad deadpanned. “At least promise your poor mum she’ll get one letter a week?”
Mum rolled her eyes. “As if you don’t wait around for Hedwig at the kitchen window every–“
“Sure you didn’t forget anything?” Dad interjected loudly, changing the subject before she could reveal more. “Books? Quills? All those new pants your mum got you for your birthday?”
A snort, barely covered with a cough, sounded from just behind him, and Harry darted his gaze sideways to see Ginny Weasley ducking around the outskirts of their little group on her way across the platform. He watched her progression through the throng toward a large group of redheads a little ways away. Ron, who was in Harry’s year, was being fussed over by his mother. While the twins, who had already left Hogwarts, were handing out catalogs to any student that walked by. 
When Ginny reached her family, she glanced over her shoulder once and met Harry’s eye in an instant. Her hair was longer than when he had seen her at the end of last term, but her bright eyes were the exact shade he remembered. Like warm summer honey. Like dragon barrel brandy. Like glowing amber. 
A split second of impending confrontation passed between them. The kind of feeling that preceded a duel, the kind that narrowed his focus and set his nerves alight.
Then, she looked away, her gaze landing on something to his right, and the spell was broken. He allowed his eyes to linger on her for one extra moment, and noticed her cheeks held the faintest hint of pink. 
Wrenching his line of sight away from what the slight flush did to her freckles, Harry also glanced right to see what had caught her attention. He found his dad watching him with a knowing smirk. 
Of course, Ginny Weasley was staring at Dad. Everybody always stared at Dad. Or, at least, they stared at James Potter, Captain of the Tutshill Tornados. And they stared at Lily Evans Potter, author, activist and the best potion developer in generations. Which generally meant people stared at Harry, too, for having the audacity to exist as equal parts of both of them. 
“The Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, eh?” Dad asked in a mock whisper, reaching out to ruffle Harry's hair. 
Harry scowled at him and smoothed it all down again. 
"Go talk to her," Mum urged quietly and Harry nearly expired on the spot. 
"N-no!” he stammered in reply. “I don’t–it’s not…”
He trailed off as his parents exchanged barely concealed smiles. 
“You’ve got the wrong end of it,” Harry said in a rush. “She threatened to hex me into a jelly last year.”
If possible, Dad's grin stretched even wider. "Glad to see inter-house rivalry hasn't died completely."
Mum hummed thoughtfully as if she didn't quite agree. “Did you deserve it?” 
Harry shrugged, remembering the night he and Ron Weasley had accidentally disrupted a very private, very secret, passageway. “Does it matter? She’s still trouble.”
Dad slung an arm around Harry’s shoulders as the train bellowed out a warning whistle. “Not all trouble is bad, mate.”
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shellyseashell · 2 years
Worst Descendants names you've ever heard and why? You can rant about it.
oh my god the NAMES of descendants jesus christ. i haven’t read all the books yet, so there are some characters i don’t know enough about to care about the name.
mal is just. it’s a good name but i don’t like that her full name is maleficent. feels weird to me. personally i like melinoe as her name, since she’s also hades’ daughter.
there is no way the evil queen would name evie JUST evie. that has to be a nickname. honestly any full name is better, but i like everild because everild grimhilde has a nice ring to it. though i don’t get why her mother’s name is now her last name but oh well.
jay deserves a cultural name. please. give him one. i personally like jayanti, but i know a lot of people say it’s short for jakeem.
for carlos I’m just confused why he has a spanish name when he’s british.
ben’s name is fine but why is his last name beast. whose decision was that. also, why is beast called beast the whole time when his name is adam. king adam sounds so much better than king beast.
why is there harry and harriet. i know they were made by different authors but like. please. communication between writers. personally i like to think harriet is called captain a lot. she hates it (hook insists he be called captain and not dad or anything like that)
jordan is the same as jay. give her an arabic name. i like joudah.
lonnie and li’l shang are abominations. disrespectful to their culture on soooo many levels. i saw someone say lonnie is a nickname for lanying and i sort of adopted that. so thanks whoever that was. for shang i’ve seen sheng and shuang, but i don’t really have a preference.
it’s bothers me that claudine’s name is close to her father’s. i don’t really have a headcanon for her actual name any why she’s called claudine but yeah that just bothers me.
for ginny, i could actually see gothel being a genuine last name, so i’m not super mad about her last name being gothel. however, her first name is definitely a nickname (i like gwendolyn).
i fully think most of the names are nicknames, these are just ones that bother me more.
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ginnympotter · 7 months
Prompt: 33 —> Hinny
Harry shifted from foot to foot, feeling a bit uncomfortable and frustrated. As he stood in the pub and watched member after member of Puddlemore United come up to his fiancé and congratulate her on the Harpies win in the semi-finals, he felt the monster that lived in his chest most of his sixth year at Hogwarts make a roaring reappearance. Particularly when the handsome captain, Cassius Dormir, appeared in front of her.
"Looks like someone's trying to steal your fiancé, mate," said Ron, drinking a butterbeer.
Hermione rolled her eyes, leaning into Ron all the same. "Shut up, Ronald. Harry is secure in his relationship and has nothing to be worried about- right?"
He was about to say yes, but then Cassius leaned over and kissed Ginny on the cheek. It was chaste and friendly, but the monster in his chest growled.
"Right?" Hermione asked again, but Harry didn't hear her, as his legs started to move on their own accord, pushing through everyone to get to Ginny and Cassius. He was admitting his defeat when Harry arrived.
"Cassius Dormir, right? I'm Harry," he interjected, surprising even himself. He mostly liked to be in the shadows at these events.
Cassius surveyed him, then caught sight of his scar. "Oh, wow Mr. Potter... it's an honor to meet you. But, what are you doing at a Quidditch pub, may I ask?"
"I'm Ginny's fiancé," he answered quickly. Then he went and staked his claim by putting an arm around her, daring Cassius to do anything else. Ginny looked up at Harry, her eyes narrowed.
Cassius took a significant step back. "Wow, looks like I owe you a double congratulations, then! On the match and the marriage. Best of luck, yeah?"
He waved to Ginny, then moved through the crowd towards his teammates.
Ginny shimmied out of Harry's hold. "Alright, now what exactly was that about?"
"What exactly was what about?" he asked innocently.
"You know, that blatant display of jealousy. Scaring away people who are technically my co-workers. Care to explain?"
Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry, sorry, you're right. I just... Seeing all these blokes who are in top fit form and coming over to you and are much better at Quidditch than I am these days... just had me seeing red, that's all. I mean, you're the most beautiful, most talented person in the world. You could have any of them."
"But I don't want them. I want you." She grabbed his hand and kissed the back of it. "I've only ever wanted you for ten years. I don't think that's ever going to change. Can you trust that?"
Harry sighed, pulling her towards him for a hug. "Of course I can. Sorry."
"Guess you'll just have to make it up to me."
Harry pulled away and raised an eyebrow at her. "What do you have in mind?"
She smirked. "Oh, you know, just keep calling me the most beautiful and talented person in the world every day for the rest of our lives. I liked the sound of that."
Harry laughed, putting his forehead against hers. "That can be arranged.
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Of Drought and Downpour - Chapter four
“Daph! You’re back!” Screeched Ginny as she sat down at their table at the Green Viper. “Tell us everything!”
“Well, my work there was done. Fredrik was absolutely wonderful, I honestly thought of staying, but I don’t think he was The One. I considered a few things and I decided to come back. My life is here. I missed my troublesome friends! And I see we have a new member!”
“We missed you too!” replied the others.
Luna introduced Willow, who had since become a well integrated member of the group. Daphne listened to her in awe as she told a few of her adventures on the hellmouth.
“I dated a werewolf, before I became a witch. My best friend dated two vampires. Not at the same time, obviously.” She told her very attentive audience.
“We had a werewolf teacher, he was the best.” Said Hermione. “But vampires? Aren’t they soulless beings?”
“Angel, the first one, was all handsome and broody and had been cursed with a soul because he was a real baddie. He was a puppy with Buffy though, still broody but with googly eyes. That is until he lost his soul because they had sex.” She shrugged “With Spike, we called him captain peroxide because of his bleached platinum hair, it was a perfect enemies to lovers story. They hated each other, then, when Buffy came back from the dead, they began fucking like rabbits and he went out and got himself a soul just to be worthy of her.” She sighed. “Oh, and my other best friend dated a one-thousand-year-old vengeance demon who had come to Sunnydale to kill him.”
“And I though Hogwarts was a dangerous place.” Said Daphne in shock. The others chuckled.
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hinny-canons · 1 year
@corneliaavenue-ao3 ‘s Several Sunlit Daylights
Red: Everything Has Changed
Something about him intrigued her. She swore she’s seen him somewhere before. As he’s running through the brick wall for the first time, she catches a glimpse of his eyes and saw they were a pretty green. Ginny had never seen eyes so pretty.
It wasn’t until she went home when she realized the green eyes and found glasses belonged to no other than Harry Potter. The same one she’s heard countless stories about. She couldn’t believe she saw him in real life!
Soon, she couldn’t stop talking about him. Rom came back from his first year at Hogwarts and told her that he was friends with Harry and Ginny eyes went wide. Her brother, best friends with Harry Potter!?
Ginny was in her room one morning and she decided to go downstairs. She happily ran down the steps and was about to greet everyone when she met eyes with someone.
She paused. Harry Potter was in her kitchen.
How could this happen! It was insane!
“Hello,” he said softly, but Ginny couldn’t even talk. She just slowly backed away and ran up to her room. She was mortified!
She had to eventually go downstairs and found out that Harry was going to stay with them for a couple of days! She didn’t know how to take that.
Ginny embarrassed herself in multiple ways in the days he stayed at the Burrow. She accidentally put her elbow in a butter dish and dropped her porridge. Thank goodness he didn’t notice.
Harry was nice to her the whole time and that only made her like him more. He kept trying to talk to her, but Ginny couldn’t even talk back!
Oh, when will she just be normal!
“Ginny, please! No more broom racing!” Harry pleaded. Ginny could tell he was exhausted. He beat her twice and she beat him twice so it was a good time to stop.
“Fine,” Ginny laughed as they went to the broom shed to put their brooms away.
“You’re a wonderful flyer, only a fool would deny it,” Harry said.
Ginny tried to hide the fact she was blushing. “Thank you. You’re amazing, too. I’m glad you’re the captain.”
Harry blushed this time and reminded Ginny oddly of a setting sun. “Thank you. I’m not sure if I can pull this captain stuff off, though.”
“I could help you of you want. I know a lot more about Quidditch than most people think.”
Harry smiled. “I don’t doubt that. Thanks, Gin.” She got butterflies in her stomach from hearing the nickname. She hates when people call her a nickname, but with Harry, it was different.
Ginny was glad that Harry wanted her help. Ginny liked to think their friendship was evolving.
It was. She’s no longer embarrassing herself or stuttering around him and it’s made them closer and she feels comfortable with him.
However, she thought she was over her silly, fangirl crush on him and she was, but now it was something more. Something deeper. She truly liked him now and she didn’t think she was getting over this anytime soon. Everything has changed since she first met him.
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blueberrymash · 3 days
james sirius potter - the star boy
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·˚ ༘ just some headcanons on what I think harry potter's eldest son would be like
·˚ ༘ 1.4k words
- he's a big marvel fan and he lovess miles morales (he literally wants to be him), if he had a girlfriend he'd beg her to go as miles and gwen for halloween. literally don't talk to him about any superhero stuff though, he'll talk your ear off he's such a fanboy and gets like a little kid whenever he talks about batman, spiderman or captain america.
- he's extremely popular like almost ridiculously so. he has a huge friend group and everyone except maybe for the slytherins like and respect him. nobody says that they don't like james sirius potter and if anyone within the gryffindor house would even utter one bad word about him, they would definitely be frowned upon
- some say he's like a carbon copy of his father, because they're so similar in so many aspects (they're both sassy boys).
- OH he's absolutely a fuck boy. there's not a single doubt in my mind that he is. he's not against having a girlfriend but she'd definitely have to be super popular as well and stand out from the masses. he'd never date someone shy or introverted, since he's like "if the word 'extroverted' was a person" if you know what I mean. he just wants somebody to match his freak and do crazy irresponsible shit with. he's also the type of person who loves to go out & socialize so he'd need to date somebody who's also like that. he also needs to release the pent up energy inside him so staying in all of the time just isn't an option for him. but he would have introverted friends.
- he likes to make out with hot girls at parties and forget their name in the morning. he likes to drink and sometimes smoke as well. he's the life of the party, always animating everyone to dance and rink and play games, always doing smalltalk with everyone and remembering little details about them but forgetting the big things (like their name lmao). he's a beer pong champion and in general really good at all the party games. he's just like a party animal
- he always knows the right things to say at the right time and people adore him for it. he genuinely cares about everyone in his year, even the slytherin outcasts. if he sees someone crying or hurt he doesn't care who you are or which house you're in, he's cheering you up
- he likes to be the center of attention. whenever his dad is followed by paparazzi or journalists, he makes a show out of talking to them, posing for the cameras until he's pulled away by ginny. she's honestly so done with him by now because he's such a sucker for attention lmaoo. but then he ends up in like famous wizard magazines (even the daily prophet) and he just has the biggest, most smug grin on his face when he sees his picture, it definitely encourages him to keep giving the paparazzi what they want
- he's also a family guy even if he doesn't get along with albus that well. he loves his little sister lily though and his mom and his dad. christmas with his family is his favorite thing because he loves their little traditions. he always puts great care in what he gets eveyone as a present and he loves it when lily's face lights up when he gets her that exact thing she wanted. he also loves his grandmother (slayy grandma molly) and he always proudly wears the sweaters that she knits him! the whole weasley-potter-delacour and whatnot family always has a big get-together ont the 25th or 26th of december and that's where james whips out his guitar and performs the christmas songs he's been working on perfecting all season.
- he lovesss quidditch and dancing and he'd actually be the type to start kpop dancing or something and he'd be AMAZING like actually breathtaking. he's the only thing you can look at while he performs on stage, he's just the golden boy. he'd go to training like everyday when he's at home and while he's at school he'd practice on his own! he really looks up to celestia warbeck and wants to be the male version of her when he's older! definitely he's really dedicated and I can imagine him being in like a boy group when he's older or going on to be a solo performer
- he can also sing and play the guitar, bro writes his own songs! his voice is the one of an angel and whenever he sings at a gryffindor bonfire or party, the whole room is drawn to him, falls for him. he dreams of being an entertainer or professional quidditch player later in his life and he's honestly made for it as well. the scouts who watch him play or dance always eat whatever he does up. he's literally destined to be a superstar, plus he also has great advantages from being a nepo baby.
- he's not that good at school though, except maybe for flying class and some random subject like divination (let's be honest, only because he flirts with professor trelawney), he'll just get some ravenclaw girl to tutor him though
- he's the type to take feminist literature to a café and pretend he's reading it lmaoo. it's not like he's not a feminist or doesn't support women's rights (he loves women), the boy just doesn't read books, like at all. he just wants to pick up women with the feminist literature and he'll pretend like he's read the book.
- honestly he'd even listen to lana del ray or taylor swift and he's not embarrased or scared he'll be seen as gay or soft. he knows he's straight (maybe even a little heteroflexible) and cis and he doesn't feel threatened in his masculinity when a gay boy comes and flirts with him, he sees it as an honour and politely declines, I mean, he even has gay friends and gay cousins and bro let's be honest, even though he isn't out yet, his brother's definitely a bit fruity for his best friend scorpius. he's not scared of rumours about his identity or sexuality, people can misinterpret him, he literally doesn't care.
- unbothered king!! you either love him or you hate him but he literally doesn't care, he can be so nonchalant and can definitely break a girl's heart cause he literally DOES NOT CARE TUT and he's definitely gotten himself into a lot of situationships (like I said, he's a fuckboy) but he will only ever get with a girl he is in love with, he doesn't just bring any girl home to his momma, she'd have to be special
- apropos, he is such a mama's boy! not like those boys who's momma is in love with them and hates every girlfriend their son brings home, no, that's obviously not ginny, but he just honestly loves his mom! he likes to go shopping with her and lily or go get their nails done with them (yes, he also loves those pretty nails with designs, not the long acrylic ones obviously but the short ones. he practically advanced from just painting his nails black to getting designs on them)
- the best way to be in james' life is honestly to either be one of his cousins or friends. his friends are literally like family to him and he's so loyal to them. also he's such a fun friend and always comes up with the best ideas, it's never boring with him. he's also open to doing so many different things, depending on what his freinds are like. if you're introverted and like staying in, he'll literally just do that with you and yes, he'll even watch gossip girl and do face masks, he doesn't mind, he just likes spending time with his friends. he'll enjoy whatever he does as long as its with a friend. and if you're one of his cousins he'll literally treat you like a sibling / best friend because all of his cousins are his best friends
- he's sooo generous and caring. you haven't eaten all day and feel like you're about to die from starvation? have his entire sandwich and let him bring you a plate of food from the house elves kitchen to your room. you feel like throwing up? bbg he'll hold your hair while you're puking and give you back rubs. you don't have anything to do in the summer holidays? come with him on the potter family holiday to spain! he literally just wants his loved ones to be happy and he'll do anything for their happiness
y'all want more?
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startanewdream · 2 years
For @hinnyfest prompt #3: Sirius' birthday (or we will just pretend he didn't die at OotP so I can explain this sort of HBP missing moment)
The Owlery was at the other side of the castle, something for which Harry had never felt more grateful. It provided him a very valid reason to escape for a few minutes—or rather a few hours if he could spare. That wasn't very noble of him, but between Hermione's cold heartbreaking and Ron's passionate snogs with Lavender, he needed a moment alone.
Only the moment he arrived at the Owlery — appreciating all the thirty minutes he extended for it — he realised his plans wouldn’t work for a very nice reason.
His heart raced in a way that had nothing to do with the stairs he had just climbed. Ginny's vivid red hair was shining under the morning sunlight, wisps of her hair floating with the wind, and Harry would be lying if he'd say she didn't look like a vision coming out of his dreams—in fact, just two nights ago, he'd dreamed they had flown together to the Astronomy Tower, a thousand stars above them, and when they landed, he'd kissed her longly, desperately—
Harry had woken up feeling strangely grateful that he did not take Astronomy classes anymore because he would never be able to explain why that class would turn him on so quickly.
All in all, his creative mind was just adapting the scenario easily enough to the Owlery when Hedwig flew directly to him to land on his shoulder. Somehow, Harry's mind had ignored the owls in his fantasies involving the Owlery.
"Hey, hey, I missed you too," he told Hedwig, very conscious that Ginny had turned to him. 
“Hello,” she said, coming closer. Harry’s heart doubled its efforts in taking him to an early grave.
“Hi.” Two letters, one syllable, how did he manage to croak it in an unreasonable voice? “I didn’t expect to see you here.” There, a whole sentence, and a truthful one.
Ginny smiled; it seemed to light the whole room. Harry’s face burned as if he were too close to the sun.
“I was late to send Mum a letter—I’m a terrible person.”
“No, you are not,” he said at once.
She just shook her head. “I forgot my own mother’s birthday,” she whispered as if confessing a crime. “Between Quidditch this week and all the stress for the OWL’s, it just slipped my mind—but I’m only mentioning the stress for the exams, of course.”
He laughed, some tension easing from his shoulders, rejoicing in how at ease he felt around Ginny. Hedwig hooted with the movement, leaving his shoulder for the top of the nearest cage.
“You could blame me—the awful captain that’s making you work so much that you don’t have time for anything else.”
“Oh, I should have!” She threw him a mischievous grin that made Harry bite his tongue to keep from sighing. “Mum could never stay mad at you. Rather, Mum would have told me I need to practice more so I could be up to your standards.”
“That would be unfair—you are amazing.” Ginny blinked. Harry rushed to add: “I mean, last game—amazing Quidditch player, and the way you just made Smith eat his words—”
“Mum definitely would not appreciate this,” said Ginny, and Harry was strangely disappointed to see she still looked at ease, not picking his hidden feelings. “And what made you run here this morning?”
“Yeah, your face is all red.” Her gaze swept over his face, which did not help with the colour. “Have you run here all the way from the Common Room?”
He swallowed slowly. “Something like that.”
“That’s how you stay so fit?” She winked playfully, moving closer to Hedwig now to pet the owl. Hedwig hooted happily, a sound that Harry almost copied.
“You think I’m fit?”
Ginny gave him a funny look. “Are you that oblivious to the looks you are getting this year?”
“I am not—Looks?”
“You need a new prescription for your glasses,” she suggested. 
“I’m seeing just fine,” mumbled Harry. 
Ginny opened her mouth, but she gave up whatever she was going to say when Hedwig bit her finger gently. “Hey, she’s waiting.”
“Oh, right.” Harry waited for a moment but Ginny didn’t move away. He approached Hedwig, very conscious that his arms were brushing against Ginny’s shoulder as she resumed her caress on Hedwig, her fingers soft over the wings; for a brief, crazy moment, Harry suddenly wished that he were an owl—was it too late to become an Animagus…? “I’m sending a gift for Sirius,” he said, hoping for some coherence. Ginny’s perfume was far nicer than any smell in the Owlery. “It’s his birthday.”
“Oh, I didn’t know. I will send him a letter later!” Ginny was beaming, he knew, but Harry focused on attaching the package on Hedwig; his heart was beating so loudly that he didn’t know how she couldn’t be hearing it.
“You are a better godson than I am a daughter," she joked. "What did you get him?”
“For his birthday.”
“Oh.” His mind was having a hard time figuring out anything but the fact that they were very close. For all Ginny had said his face was red, he felt that her body was burning. “A gift.”
“That’s what usually one gets on their birthday.” Her voice was teasing still; Harry smiled back without controlling it. Hedwig was ready to depart, only Harry felt that the only way for him to remain coherent was to keep busy with the owl—she is Ron’s sister, she has a boyfriend, we are just friends, almost like brother and sister, only none of his feelings were brotherly at all or cared to whoever she was related to—”Oh, I get it.”
“You do?” He asked urgently, turning to her at last. Ginny’s brown eyes were warm and bright; Hedwig hooted and flew away, but Harry barely noticed it. 
“It’s a secret.”
He inhaled; her perfume was wonderful. “Maybe I can share it."
“Then it wouldn’t be a secret.”
“We can keep it between us, just us.” His gaze fell to her lips for a tiny moment; they looked so soft. “Ginny, I—”
The door of the Owlery opened. Harry leapt back, for a moment imagining Ron showing up with a beater’s bat on his hands, but it wasn’t him; it was Cho Chang, which Harry thought was slightly better, but not by much.
“Oh,” he said, at the same time that Cho said it. She looked flustered; there was a package on her hand but she looked back as if considering just fleeing the scene. “Er—hi.”
Ginny glanced between Harry and Cho, then took a step ahead. “Hi, Cho,” she said calmly. “I’m just leaving, don’t mind me.”
“I’m coming too,” Harry said hurriedly. He followed Ginny, trying to avoid looking in Cho’s direction. A relieved sigh escaped his lips when the door of the Owlery closed behind them.
Ginny didn’t look back until they reached the end of the stairs; they were alone in the hall, but this time Harry’s mind didn’t create any scenario. Ginny’s smile was gone, replaced by an annoyed frown.
“You didn’t need to come with me,” she said.
Harry blinked. “What?”
“If you wanted to talk to Cho—”
“I didn’t.” He fidgeted with his hands. “Things are awkward between us—if anything, I’m glad to have an excuse to just go away.”
“Oh, I thought—you seemed glad to see her, that’s all.”
“No, not really, I just—I just figured it could be someone worse.”
“Like my brother,” Ginny said, making Harry’s heart skip a beat. He opened his mouth, unsure, but Ginny added, oblivious to him: “Imagine him and Lavender coming to snog in the Owlery.”
Harry breathed again. “I would rather not.”
“Me neither, who wants to snog in the Owlery? Not very romantic.”
“No,” agreed Harry even as a part of his mind conjured the image of him pressing Ginny against the rounded wall of the Owlery, owls flying around them like angels giving them a blessing. He shook his head; Ginny was glancing at him, eyes slightly narrowed, thoughtful. 
After a moment, during which she seemed to debate something with herself, she said: “You are really over your feelings for Cho.” There was a smile at the corner of her lips. “That’s good.”
“Is it?”
“Oh, yeah. You should be with someone who makes you flush for a good reason, not because you are too nervous around them. Well, keep your eyes open.”
“For what?”
“All those who think you are fit, remember?” She patted him lightly on the shoulder, walking ahead.
Harry watched her figure for a moment, sighing quietly. Then he ran to join her. “I’m seeing very well,” he whispered, but he didn’t know if Ginny had heard him.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
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Writ, @writcraft, a creator I've long admired! Writer of excellent stories, thinker of excellent thoughts, human of excellent taste! They've written some of my favorite fics, such as How We Were Warriors and The Beating of this Fragile Heart. Oh and not to forget A Lion's Heart! (Not me sneakily sneaking in extra recs for you all.) (As if this list isn't stupidly long to begin with hahaha.) In fairness, I did strive to choose works I think need more attention and hype! Ones I love dearly that I need others to chat with about! Plenty of people know the above fics...it's the below fics I need to scream about!
But before we get there...Well, Writ is more than just a fabulous writer. They've modded many a fest and event over the years. In fact, you can check out their Fanlore page for more information about those! Not to mention their fantastic meta works (which...oh heck I'm gonna add some of those to the list too.) The point is, they've been in fandom for a very long time, and they've done so much for fandom in that time. The community is so important to them, and it shows. They are so dedicated and supportive. Even now, they manage so much in spite of how busy real life has kept them! They still care so deeply and it shows.
Thanks for being here, Writ. Thank you for all that you do for fandom. And for being so kind to me (even if I'm chatting your ear off! 😂)
Broken Promises, Shattered Dreams
Harry/Severus. Harry/Draco. Rated: E. Words: 6,995. Angst. Pining. Post-breakup.
This fic practically lives in an open tab on my phone, so often do I reread it.
Also AO3 keeps telling me I left kudos here, which: rude. Let me leave more!!!!
Draco left Harry and regrets it bitterly. He wants him back, but Harry is now in a relationship with Severus. As much as he wants to, Harry will not be able to make both men happy and someone is going to get hurt.
Dressed for Dinner
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 3,772. Formal wear kink. First time. Established relationship. PWP. Romance.
I did not have a thing for men in tuxedos until now. Hubba hubba!
Harry has a thing for men in tuxedos. Severus finds out.
Dirge Without Music
Albus Severus/Draco. Harry/Draco. Rated: E. Words: 6,029. MCD. Suicide. Dub-con. Knifeplay. Alcholism. Angst. Dark.
Ouch. But also: wow.
Albus is happy because everything seems to be coming together. He is captain of the Quidditch team and his father is getting married again – then one night the bottom falls out of his world. Written for the NextGen Darkfest on Livejournal (2012)
Forget Me Not
Harry/Severus. Draco/Harry. Draco/Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 8,219. PTSD. Threesome. Hurt/comfort.
One cleans, one collects and the other just wants to forget. Somehow, it works.
In the Palm of His Hand
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 6,969. (Wow what a word count 😉) Hand & finger kink (don't we all?) Glove kink. Getting together. Hot as all hell.
Harry has a thing for Snape’s hands. Snape indulges him.
Independent Love Song
Ginny/Millicent. Rated: E. Words: 6,255. Getting together. Matchmaker Hermione. Coming out. Queer themes.
I'm in love with tailor!Millicent and this does not disappoint.
Millicent Bulstrode is a tailor and Ginny is losing her mind over a woman in a tweed blazer and burgundy brogues.
Life Has Just Begun
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 6,230. Older characters. Internalized homophobia. Coming out. Romance. Salt and Pepper Fest 2018.
Harry has been carrying the weight of his secret desires for a long time. Severus is there when he’s finally ready to talk.
Stone Butch Blues
Minerva/Wilhelmina. Rated: T. Words: 1,019. Genderfluid character. Gender identity.
Will reminisces with Minerva.
Take Him to the Stars (Cut to the Feeling)
Harry/Scorpius. Rated: E. Words: 9,768. Age difference. Light bondage. Romance.
Scorpius has a thing for older men. For one older man, in particular.
Treading Water
James/Sirius. Rated: M. Words: 1,200. Implied/referenced homophobia. Angst. Closeted character. Ambiguous/open ending.
I’m sorry, Sirius wants to say. I’m sorry that people in this stupid world made you think loving me could only ever be a joke.
Albus Dumbledore: a Man More Sinned Against Than Sinning?
Comparing and Contrasting Snarry vs Drarry
Canon Critique and Creator Responsibility in Fandom
Fandom Platform Migration: Fandom History and Why It Matters
Tags, Warnings and Freedom of Content: On Non-Con, Dub-Con and Consent
Why dark fanworks matter to me
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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ginnyw-potter · 2 years
For the team
@fluffbruary Day 10 Prompts: moment   |   strong   |   neck (mostly strong but they're all in there somewhere, I promise)
Also on AO3
She had not seen the Bludger coming, she had been so focused on the Quaffle she did not see it at all until it hit her square in the shoulder. The piercing pain in her shoulder prevented her from clutching onto her broom as she was pushed sideways by the force of the Bludger.
“Shit, sorry!” she heard Peakes say but she dropped off her broom all the same.
With the arm that hadn’t been hit, she clutched onto the broom as her legs swung under her. She moved her hurt arm and immediately winced. Even if she could manage to keep her hold, she had no way of getting back on her broom. She could not move her other arm at all without the pain cutting through her.
Harry appeared in front of her so fast, he must have sped towards her even before she toppled off her broom. She met his eyes.
“I can’t reach up,” she clarified.
Harry nodded and flew closer to her, coming to soar beside her. His arm wrapped around her and with surprising ease, he pulled her on his broom. She looked back at him in surprise.
“When did you get this strong?” she asked as she settled on the broom a little more comfortably, resisting leaning into him more as his arm kept her steady.
“Oh,” he said. “Well, Captain’s duty to save players.”
“Haven’t seen you hurry to Coote’s aid before,” she teased.
He cleared his throat and turned to the rest of the team. “Practise is over for today! I’ll take Ginny to the Hospital Wing.”
Peakes flew to them. “I am so sorry.”
Ginny shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, it happens. If you could do that to Malfoy during a match.”
She offered him a smile and he shot an apologetic smile back. The whole team reached the ground. Ginny stepped off Harry’s broom.
“I can take Ginny if you want,” Ron offered.
“Ginny can take herself,” she suggested. “Ginny’s feet still work.”
Harry looked at her. “Okay and then ‘Episkey’ yourself around the corner? No.” He turned back to Ron. “Take our brooms and get changed. I will debrief later.”
The team trod off to the changing room. Harry walked with Ginny, heading for the Hospital Wing.
After a minute of silence, she spoke. “Sometimes I think you understand me better than my brothers.”
“Why?” he asked.
“I was absolutely planning on trying to fix this with an Episkey,” she admitted with a grin.
“I don’t blame you,” he replied. He opened the door for her to walk through. “I would have done the same.”
“Ah, so why won’t you let me?” she said, wincing again as she moved her arm a little.
“Look, using poor judgement on myself is one thing, shouldn’t extend that to others. Plus, I am terrified of your mum.” He grinned so brightly at her, it made her heart skip a beat.
She stepped forward and he backed up against the wall. She cocked her head. “Who are you more terrified of, me or my mum?”
He took in a sharp breath. “That’s a difficult call for sure but ...” His eyes focused on her, to her lips and back up.
“What?” she asked.
“Well, you’re... you’re...”
He leaned forward and she took her chance. She closed the space between them, bracing her own arm and kissed him. She felt him gasp against her lips but then he sunk into it. She kissed him slowly, savouring the feeling of his lips on hers, so soft, gentle. Then she tilted her head ever so slightly and he kissed her deeper, more eagerly. His arms came around her shoulder and—
“Fuck, Harry!” she let out as his hand touched her shoulder.
“Sorry.” His hands moved to her waist instead.
“Sucks I can’t hold you right now,” she muttered before leaning back in.
He kissed her again but then he paused. “Don’t think this is getting you out of your Hospital Wing visit.”
“Damnit.” She sighed. “Just as well.” She kissed him again, just another moment. Then she stepped away. “Let’s go then.”
They started walking again. It was silent for a bit.
“Aren’t you glad your brother didn’t bring you?”
She snorted. “At least with him, a bribe would have worked.”
“I am just concerned with your well-being,” he told her cheekily.
She nodded dramatically. “No no, I can definitely see that.”
They arrived at the Hospital Wing. Mrs Pomfrey pointed her to a bed and told her she would be right there. Ginny started undoing her vest, undoing the buttons. However, she couldn’t manage to shrug it off her shoulders by herself. She looked at him, red in the face.
“Can you help me?” she asked. She hated asking for help but at least his blush was worth it.
Gently he pulled her good arm out of the sleeve first and then moved to the other side. He started pulling and she gritted her teeth. It hurt, a lot. But Harry was so carefully pulling it off, as gently as he could. His hand brushed over hers as he pulled the sleeve over but they both avoided eye contact. Carefully the last sleeve came off. He put the vest aside.
“Thanks,” she said.
He looked at her carefully, fidgeting with his own sleeve. “So that kiss was that just a bribery attempt or...” He swallowed and glanced away.
“Ah, Harry.” She tilted her head. “I know you are not susceptible to bribery.”
“Miss Weasley, what brings you here today?”
Harry spoke quickly. “She got a bludger to the shoulder. I think it’s dislocated.”
“Oh, do you now, Potter?” Ginny responded with a smile. It quickly faltered as Mrs Pomfrey touched her shoulder.
“Yes, I think so too. It will just be a quick mend. It will hurt,” she warned.
“That’s fine, I can take—” An unsavoury crack halted her words. “MERLIN’S UNDERPANTS THAT HURTS,” Ginny screamed.
“Sorry, it’s better if you don’t expect it,” Mrs Pomfrey said. “I need you to stay for another ten minutes to make sure it is set well and then you can go.” She turned to Harry. “Nice to see you in here injury free.”
Harry only smiled as Mrs Pomfrey took off again. Ginny touched her hand to her mended shoulder.
“Better?” Harry asked.
She nodded. “Yes, but that was very unpleasant.” She moved her arm a little, it was just a little sore now.
“I thought you’d be more torn up about your most recent breakup with Dean,” Harry tried again. “But here you are kissing other guys.”
“This time was the final time, trust me,” she said with a scoff. Then she looked at him. “I don’t go around, just kissing guys, Harry. Just you.” She raised her eyebrows, their eyes locked.
He blushed. “Why?”
She was done being shy around Harry. Not any more now they had become friends, not when he had kissed her like that. “You are aware I’ve fancied you, right?”
A grin broke through on his face. He scratched behind his ear awkwardly. “Perhaps, yes.”
“I saw you looking at me like that, I just figured I’d take my chance.”
She looked up as Mrs Pomfrey came in their direction again and Ginny wanted to argue it definitely hadn’t been ten minutes yet. She handed Ginny a potion.
“Take that before you go to bed tonight. Three more days of rest,” she said. “That includes Quidditch evidently.”
She clenched her jaw. “Of course,” she replied without any enthusiasm.
“Well, off you go, Weasley,” she said.
Ginny slipped off the bed and took up her vest again. She pulled it back on. She turned to Mrs Pomfrey. “Thank you.”
They walked out in silence.
“Well, I suppose we should go back to the Pitch and get changed,” Harry suggested after a moment.
“Right,” she replied. The rest of the walk was spent in silence, both of them only making small comments before it fell silent again.
As they came up to the changing rooms, they paused.
“Well, I’d ask if you need help but—” He turned red.
Ginny laughed. “I’ll shout if I need help, don’t worry.” She was still laughing when she entered the girls’ changing room and she was sure he could hear it one room over.
When she exited the changing room, Harry was waiting for her.
“Do guys just have a secret on how you get changed so fast?” she asked as she paused in the doorway.
He met her eyes and smiled. “Well, we have the changing secret and you have Victoria’s Secret.”
She frowned and crossed her arms. “What’s Victoria’s secret? Because I am not in on it.”
“Nothing.” He turned redder. “It’s a muggle thing.”
She decided to drop it. She stepped a little closer to him. “So...”
His eyes locked with hers as she came to stand in front of him. He raised his eyebrows a little.
“I’ll blame it on you not having access to the Weasley nerve, but you can ask me to be your girlfriend, you know.” She looked for his reaction.
He swallowed hard as his eyes lit up. “When did you get this skilled at Legilimency?”
She worked to keep her face straight. “Too bad you are so poor at it, or you would have known my answer.” She turned on her heels and walked away from him, a smile breaking out.
As she expected he chased after her. What she hadn't expected, was him pushing her against the wall. She gasped in surprise. His face came closer to hers.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.
This time she had full use of both her arms and used them to pull him closer. “Yes.”
Their lips met again, heated this time. Harry’s hand came to her side, the other disappeared into her hair as he pulled her away from the wall and to him. She deepened the kiss, her tongue teasing at his lips and he let her in. Time stood still, it was just her and Harry. He kissed her like it was coming up for air, one hand tangling in her locks while the other moved up her side softly. She kissed him like it would be the last time. Both breathless, longing and eager. Harry felt like the only real thing in the world.
After several long moments, they broke apart. Harry looked at her like he had just won the lottery and she beamed at him. Slightly out of breath, she chose to hug him instead. She wrapped her arms tighter around him and tucked her head against his neck. Harry didn’t say anything and wrapped his arms tightly around her.
They stood there like that for a moment and Ginny took a few steadying breaths, wondering if her breath was tickling his skin. Suddenly he moved his hands and hoisted her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and put her arms around his neck. Their lips met again, softly this time.
“You are strong,” she reiterated as he held her up without huffing once.
He met her eyes with a cheeky grin. “The things I do for my team.”
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
Brumous Sneak Peek!
Okay, first two hot takes.
This is unedited so there's that.
My weekend is amazingly busy this weekend. All fun stuff though. Nothing crazy. I will update on Sunday, but it's not going to be until LATE my time. Like, I'm talking at night.
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Gaunt Family
“Harry!” Niamh said in an excited voice as she dug through her satchel. “I got my essay back! Look!”
She slapped the parchment down between them. Harry peered down at the parchment to see she had received an EE at the top of the paper with very minimal red marks throughout the essay. Niamh beamed at him. 
“I’ve never gotten anything above an Acceptable from Snape!” Niamh explained as she pointed down to Snape’s cramped writing. “He even praised me! Look, it says, ‘Interesting and thorough explanation.’ I don’t think he’s ever said anything nice to me before!”
Harry smiled. “That’s great, Niamh. I’m glad I could help.”
“You were a lifesaver, Harry!” Niamh exclaimed, bouncing in her chair. “If you weren’t dating Ginny, I would kiss you!”
Harry stared at Niamh while Ginny chuckled next to him, her hand pressing on his thigh.
Gemma squinted, leaning forward to look at the parchment. “You don’t reckon he’s been replaced by a lookalike or something, do you?”
Demelza laughed. “It’s good analysis! He can’t even deny that. It’s a fucking joke that he only gave you an Exceeds. I mean, that was O worthy! I read it myself.”
“He’s a prick,” Ginny concluded. “It was O worthy.”
Harry couldn’t deny that. Snape had all but ignored Harry in class, knowing he couldn't humiliate him with questions any more since he was top of his year at Defense. Harry didn’t offer to participate, continuing his philosophy from Umbridge’s class to sit down and shut up during class. It had worked out marvelous so far.
“Oi, Harry, are you ready for tryouts on Saturday?” Demelza asked.
Harry glanced over at her. “The real question is, are you?” 
Demelza laughed. “I’ll blow your bloody robes off and leave you naked on the pitch.”
Ginny let out a loud laugh, earning her several glares. Harry shifted in his chair.
“Oh, I guess I’ll have to sit and watch tryouts then,” Gemma said in a lazy tone, her lips curving. “Don’t let that get out, Demelza, or else I won’t get a good seat to the show.”
Niamh shot Demelza a look. “Demelza, Harry is for Ginny’s eyes only! You can’t just poof his clothes into existence!”
“I’m sorry I’m that good at Quidditch,” Demelza replied. “I’ve been doing drills for bloody years, waiting for this moment.”
“You do know that I have to pick who the best players are, right?” Harry explained.
While he liked Demelza and knew Ginny would love to play alongside her, he was captain. He couldn’t just pick friends or people he liked for the team. He had to pick the right people for the team.
Demelza waved him off. “Yes, I know, and I’m not worried about that. Ginny and Katie are shoe-ins. I’m confident that I could beat every other person who has already signed up for Chaser.”
“Your confidence astounds me, Dem,” Niamh commented, her brows tugging down. “Tell me, where do I get confidence like that? I want some. Even a fourth of the confidence you have! That’s all. Don’t be greedy, just share a tad.”
Demelza plucked something off her skin and blew it in Niamh direction. She caught, well, nothing before she thanked Demelza. Harry only sucked in a breath, turning his attention to Ginny.
“Hey, are you almost done for the night?” Harry asked in a soft voice.
Ginny shrugged. “Depends on what you had in mind.”
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honeydukesheroine · 1 year
Snippet Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @turanga4!
Here's a semi-edited sneak peak of Chapter 19 of my WiP: The In Betweens (6th Year)
Dangerous Daydreams 🏁
“I think you should know that we’re on an even playing field now.” Harry gave her a look, asking: what do you mean? “It’s easy to be the fastest on the team with a five hundred galleon broom.”   Harry inspected George’s old Cleansweep, turning the handle over in his hand. “Oh yeah? Shall we test it out then?”  Ginny snorted. “What, race?”  “Scared, Weasley?” He asked, leaning infinitesimally closer.  There was an irresistible challenge in his eyes, the hint of a daring smile on his lips, and Ginny’s heart began beating faster in anticipation. “Just of seeing your face when you hand over the Captain’s badge.” So the route was set. Whoever was first to make it over the small hill, around the far cluster of trees, and pass between the make shift hoops won. Absolutely no cheating would be tolerated. 
Let's see those snippets! @ginnyw-potter @curse-04 @fizzyginfizz @welsh-green @greenhousethree @tomjamesavery @deadwoodpecker
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