#harry potter next gen x reader
aacciorriptide-writes · 10 months
dating Teddy Lupin would include...
summary: a few ideas on how i think Teddy would act as a boyfriend a/n: i'm rewriting a bunch of old headcanon lists from my wattpad - find the full list here content warnings: n/a next gen masterlist
Neck/jaw kisses
Nose kisses
Stealing A L L of his jumpers.
Him calling you love/my love/baby ajadarfxreafgezvb
Neck/jaw kisses.
Him making a complete fool of himself whenever you're around.
Always sitting at the hufflepuff table
Cheering on hufflepuff in quidditch matches even tho you're not a hufflepuff.
Neck kisses.
Him always having his hair your favourite colour.
He always blushes.
When kissing. Touching hands. Just being around other people in general.
Him making lots of jokes.
Teddy being the only one able to cheer you up.
Neck kisses
Him freaking out over the littlest things.
Harry and Ginny love you.
Always getting teased by his siblings (JAMES, ALBUS AND LILY ARE HIS SIBLINGS, FIGHT ME)
Just - Teddy being sweet and adorable and perfect
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🤷‍♀️ means I genuinely have no idea
❤️ means headcanon
🌸 means it's one of the dialogue ones
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Characters/Fandoms I Write For (Is Open For Requests On Characters But Not Stories)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Damian Wayne (Robin): mostly Bat!Mom and Aged Up!Damian
Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing)
Jason Todd (Robin/Red Hood)
Tim Drake (Robin/Red Robin)
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield
Leon S. Kennedy
Star Wars
Prequel Trilogy
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Original Trilogy
Luke Skywalker
1989 (TV) Event
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Luke Alvez
Spencer Reid
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker (Tom & Andrew)
Natasha Romanoff
Pietro Maximoff
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Alex Summers (Havok)
Charles Xavier (Professor X)
Hank McCoy (Beast)
Jean Grey
Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
Logan Howlett (Wolverine)
Peter Maximoff (Quicksilver)
Scott Summers (Cyclops)
Warren Worthington III (Angel)
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Jonathan Byers
Nancy Wheeler
Steve Harrington
Song Prompts
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wingardiumiku · 2 years
ɞ adore you | james sirius potter x fem!oc
series coming soon!
summary : james sirius potter has been called 'all the marauders packed into one' too many times. while headmaster mcgonagall cannot catch a break with this overflowing ball of energy in the premises, she isn't the only one on his annoy-to-death list. too bad maeve wood finds him utterly adorable.
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Maeve Inanna Wood was born on 25th December to Oliver Wood and Maisie Prevell in her mum's family home in North Hampton.
Maeve looks so much like her mother, her grandparents often marvel at how much she looks like a young Maisie.
She has an older brother, Kenneth and a younger brother and sister—twins, Cecilia and Oscar.
During the sorting, the Sorting Hat exclaimed: "A good head on your shoulders, but your emotions often outweigh rationality. I can see a drive to play fair and a bravado that bends to no injustice. Better be. . .Hufflepuff!"
Maeve wouldn't be a Wood if she didn't inherit her dad's knack for Quidditch. Though it's much tamer than Kenneth and Cecilia's near-obsession with the game, she isn't below leaving Oscar and her mum(the only two in the house who don't rave about the sport) shaking their heads at her elaborate rants about every match she plays.
Maeve made Quidditch captain in 5th year and plays Chaser for Hufflepuff since her 2nd year.
She was born with a head full of periwinkle hair. (You already know what that means—) Maeve is a metamorphmagus (meaning she can change her appearance at will) But she likes to stick with her original face and only uses her abilities to kinda sorta get out of detention. . .sometimes.
Her patronus is an Occamy (a bird/serpent hybrid that is know for its choranaptyxic abilities to grow and shrink in size). It represents genuine flexibility and willingness to make a compromise and make peace.
She got to know about Potters and Weasleys through Roxanne Weasley(George and Angelina's youngest) whom she bumped into(literally) at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour.
She met James on the way to Platform 9¾ when her dad went to talk to Mr. Potter. Maeve was hesitant to casually chat with such big shots in the Wizarding world and hid behind her mum (Harry being Head of the Auror Dept. at the Ministry and Ginny being ex-captain of the Holyhead Harpies, her anxiety was justified)
It wasn't until the little tyke noticed Maeve, bounced towards her and introduced himself that she dared make a peep. "The name's James Sirius Potter. By the way, did it hurt?"
Maeve immediately recognized the cheesy pickup line from witnessing her brother hopelessly pine after that one Trisha Zabini girl for three years. Her smirk mirroring his own as she replied, "When I crawled up from hell? You bet."
The parents were shooketh at the giggling gremlins like 'Now there's two of them!' 😧
Maeve is an adept people-reader and her first impression of being an introvert gave her a leverage to assess them quietly. James Sirius gave off the vibe of being an open book—like a murder mystery that seemed to be an open-and-shut case but had layers of untapped information hiding underneath.
And she was all for it.
His bright brown eyes, light chestnut hair that bordered red and the happy-go-lucky demeanor didn't fool her one bit (Though, she had to admit he was quite the looker)
Aboard the Hogwarts Express, they sat together with Roxanne Weasley, Lorcan Scamander, Theresa Longbottom and Alex Jordan exchanging tales about their new school that were passed down from their parents and choking over the piles of sweets they had each chipped in to buy from the Trolley.
Despite being sorted into different houses(Lorcan being in Ravenclaw and Roxanne and James getting into Gryffindor), Maeve formed a close friendship with the three. And thus the next generation of Marauders was formed.
With James and Maeve, it is the 'the girl falls first but the guy falls harder' trope.
At first it was curiosity that made her stick close to James but by the time their third year came around, she couldn't turn a blind eye to the zoo of butterflies trampling inside her stomach whenever he was within ten feet from her.
Cue the knowing glances from Roxanne and Lorcan who had long proclaimed themselves the captains of Jameve.
It got so bad that she had to splash cold water onto her face after every encounter with James, even little ones like lending him a quill when he came barreling into Potions, half an hour late and physically restrain her hair from turning a blush pink.
As for James, it wasn't until their first Yule Ball that he was made aware of the situation he had landed himself in.
It was a running gag between his friend group to pull his leg whenever he sat a bit close to Maeve or asked to hang out with just her during their trips to Hogsmede.
And he swore that was the only reason he asked her to the stupid not-stupid dance. He couldn't ask Roxanne since she was his cousin, Theresa was going with her boyfriend and Maeve was the only girl he was close enough to endure a ball with.
Sure, he felt his stomach performing applause-worthy somersaults every damn time she would skip into the Great Hall, when she'd smile at every joke he said even if he himself knew they were stupid or when her hair would turn bright orange at the mention of a beta prank item that him and Roxanne nicked from WWW.
He genuinely enjoyed her company because she could cheer him up easily whenever he was pissed at something or someone. She was willing to listen to him rant without passing a quick judgment like 'Oh, it was just them goofing around' or 'Mate, it's you. Sure you didn't prank them or something?'
But him having a crush on her—pfft, now way!
Well, that idea flew out the window with one glance at her champagne colored gown, her hair curled and makeup done to perfection. If he thought she looked good without being dolled up, he was convinced that Maeve was a goddess now as he picked her up from the Hufflepuff Common Room.
The entire evening he couldn't get rid of the stubborn blush splattered across his cheeks that earned him more than one teasing look from his friends.
That was all three years ago. Now they weren't barely-teens who were figuring out their emotions.
They were two seventh years, well aware that they couldn't go back to being just friends anymore but also terrified of losing whatever was going on between them now.
And their friends? Oh, they were sick of the two's pining. Then again, it was their choice to keep them close. Idiots they may be, but James and Maeve were their family. And they would do anything for their happiness.
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fatedbutblinking · 2 months
scorpius malfoy x cho changs daughter: secret relationship
scorpius malfoy and cho changs daughter have a secret, forbidden relationship. she is a smart, kind, beautiful gryffindor girl, even moreso than her mother, and attracts a lot of attention. whereas no father lets their daughter near scorpius because hes a deatheaters son with a reputation of sex, smoking and disobeying hogwarts rules. this has especially been relayed to her, as her mother experienced firsthand the death of cedric due to death eaters. but, no matter how hard she tries, she cant stay away from him.
sexual tension. long glances in class. sneaking off during balls when theyve both got different dates, her with james potter and him with an angsty slytherin girl. meeting in the bathroom. midnight strolls through the corridors, teasing her with nobody around.
they almost get caught, and that changes everything for her. her parents would kill her if they found out she was sneaking around with a deatheaters son. but she cant stay away from him.
so she hatches a plan without telling scorpius: shell date her best friend james potter, someone all of her friends and family wanted her to be with anyway, so that nobody suspects anything between her and malfoy. what does james get? hes into teddy lupin, and he needs to cover up his feelings for him by dating a girl. with all the attention he was getting from girls, people were starting to wonder why he wasnt dating anyway.
scorpius fucking despises this. he doesnt know about the plan because she doesnt want to hurt his feelings or risk losing him. they continue to have sex on and off, still wanting each other, but he feels like shit that shes with james instead of him. he doesnt understand why she keeps coming back to use him if shes got a boyfriend already. and its his bestfriends brother - its fucked. feeling betrayed, he shags other girls, ones that want him because the bad boy act is appealing. he makes sure she sees him.
for a while, she lets him. because shes been loving him from a distance for so long. but everyone has a breaking point. she meets hers after seeing scorpius go off with a really pretty veela girl, someone who looks nothing like her, and she becomes so insecure that she sleeps with james.
james, on the other hand, is in shock that hes not completely gay. maybe like 80 percent. but she is really really hot so he cant even blame himself tbh. because hes not fully gay, she suggests they end things with each other since its caused enough pain for everyone, and shes already lost the boy that she loves. hesitantly he asks her to hang in there and stay with him until he figures out his sexuality properly.
so she watches malfoy from a distance again. he absolutely despises her.
james meets a boy he likes in school. they get along really well. he speaks to her about it, and he comes to accept that hes bisexual. he also accepts that teddy will never be his, and theres more out there that actually suits him.
one day she bumps into scorpius at dinner. malfoy takes one good look at her and walks the other way.
"please. i cant stand that you hate me."
"theres a first time for everything, angel."
"i just want to talk to you."
"i dont want to hear it."
"youre being a dick."
"youre the dick, angel."
"im a dick-angel?"
"you know what? fuck off. youve got no right to stand here talking to me like that when you fucked off with james. i mean, james? of all fucking people."
"but i didnt."
"you -- "
"because i loved you. i love you."
the words just come out. she cant even help them. she supposed she would prefer being known as a cheater to everyone than for outing james sexuality.
shes crying now. sobbing.
"im beyond in love with you, and i dont know what to do."
"dont cry, angel. fuck, please dont cry."
"i cant be away from you anymore, malfoy. please dont go."
"i wont. i promise."
"malfoy -- "
"dont talk, just breathe. youre choking on your own tears."
"but i -- "
"i know," he says. "and ive loved you too."
then james decides to stand up and come out publically. that makes it all clearer to malfoy. eventually they do have to confess that james and her had shagged one time to test if he was really gay (and because she was insecure), which scorpius almost kills james for, but he was shagging people too so he accepts it. scorpius and her get together properly. everyone thinks of them as the couple they never expected, but the one they needed.
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glittervame · 4 months
Someone tell me what to do
like frr i have no idea what to do
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stormymind14 · 4 months
Ok, idk if anyone has already mentioned it or not, but thinking about the whomping willow during the battle of hogwarts always gets me all the goddamn time
The way it'd be whooping them death eaters asses isudhbenwk [bonus points if it thrashes fenrir greyback to a pulp..preferably like the hulk and loki scene in the Avengers]
I need fanarts
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miss-bridgerton · 2 years
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i like you a latte // a freddie weasley romance here is a short snippet of freddie & olive <3
Olive’s eyes widened like saucers when she saw it. The last cauldron cake on the shelf. It must've been fate, or an Angel—the way the light shone juuuuust right on it. A little piece of Heaven on earth.
To Olive that is.
But the moment she made a bee-line for it, someone snatched it right off the shelf.
No. Not just someone.
Freddie Weasley. Or, as Olive started to refer to as in her head: her archnemesis. Even if he didn’t even know it yet. 
“Hey!” She yelled. She literally yelled—like in the middle of the candy shop, in front of people. Over a chocolate cake. Well, in her defense, it was the best piece of cake on the entire planet.
Freddie looked over his shoulder in bewilderment at her, his mouth opening slightly at the sight of this tiny young woman looking so fiercely at him as if he had just done something so terrible to her. But didn’t he?
“You-you can’t just do that!” She was pointing a finger at him. Merlin’s beard, just like those middle-aged women who complained about their lattes. Olive ignored the tiny little flutter in her chest at being so close to him because…. Well, to put it quite plainly: she liked his face. And his fit body. And God have Mercy—how tall he was. 
“I’m sorry, what exactly have I done?” The bloke had the nerve to look sincere. Like he didn’t just flat-out steal in front of her. Okay, he didn’t actually steal it. It was up for grabs for anyone and just because Olive saw it first didn’t mean it belonged to her. But she didn’t really care about that kind of logical thinking at the moment.
“You’re a thief,” she told him hotly. Now people were staring. Kids at the giant lollipops were smiling wickedly at the scene. A plump woman working at the counter looked quite shocked; probably because someone was accusing Freddie Weasley, nephew to the Boy-Who-Lived, of stealing a dessert.
He cocked his head at her, a smile tugging on his lips. Merlin’s beard, Olive couldn’t believe how handsome he was. His brown eyes twinkled a little with mischief; they basically were screaming I could make you scream my name and still impress your parents.
Well. Olive had never thought that about someone before.
“You’re staring.”
“Huh?” She said, quite dazely. 
Freddie crossed his arms across his chest, smiling. “I said you were staring. And I do look better naked, by the way.”
Olive shook her head. “I was not staring.” Was her face suddenly hot? Yes. Yes, it was.
“Ah. But you were thinking it, though.”
“No! No.” She spluttered and by the look on Freddie’s face, he quite enjoyed making her highly strung. “You took my Cauldron cake.”
“I didn’t know it was yours. My apologies…”
“Olive. Collins. Olive Collins. I work next door to you.”
He gave a little knowing look like he might’ve just been teasing her, asking her for her name. Olive could only think about how cute it was.
“I know. The Witches Brew Bistro. You make a brilliant chocolate croissant.” He told her.
Flabbergasted, she replied, “Thank you.”
He handed her the perfectly wrapped cauldron cake and it dropped gingerly into her hands. A small smile, coyly on his face. Almost like he was embarrassed or shy all of a sudden in front of her.
“I’ll try not to steal from you again, Olive.” 
A little breathlessly she replied again, “Thank you.”
He left Honeydukes leaving her utterly frozen in place, feeling as if she had done something both terrible and brilliant at the same time.
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myadmiringmind · 1 year
Lily Luna Potter Masterlist
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Next Gen Era Masterlist
Snowy Quidditch
You wake up early with your girlfriend before her big quidditch game. WC: 480
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itsalltaken · 2 years
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markster666 · 4 months
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Hello everyone! I'm a 20 year old psychology student with a love for writing. Welcome to my one and only writing (and shitposting) account. I have a hard time sticking with one fandom, but I mostly write reader inserts being paired with canon characters. I do take requests as well! Please check my bio to confirm that requests are open.
A lot of my content involves mature subjects and I strongly advise anyone under the age of 18 to steer clear from my profile.
Last Updated: 2/29/24
Total Works: 22
Hazbin Hotel:
Every Thought, You. (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Alastor Reacting To Stereotypical Activist Gen Zer
Breeding B*tch (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Tentacles (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Cleanliness Is Next To - Oh Wait. (Alastor x Fem!OC RP Thread)
Good To Be Back On The Air! (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #1: Dry Humping (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #2: Face F*cking (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #3: Begging (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #4: Masturbation (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #5: Daddy Kink (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #6: Overstimulation (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #7: Praising (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #8: Sound Kink (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #9: Mirror Sex (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #10: Orgasm Control (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #11: Face Sitting (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #12: Lingerie Kink (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #13: Deep Throating (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #14: Roleplay (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #15: Food Play (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #16: Car Sex (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #17: Toys (Alastor x Fem!Reader) Kinktober Day #18: Uniform Kink (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #19: Morning Sex (Alastor x Fem!Reader)
Kinktober Day #21: Unprotected Sex (Alastor x Fem!Reader) -I skipped #20-
Anybody (over the age of 18) is welcome to show up in my dms and chat with me or put in a request! I don't bite.
It is NOT guaranteed that I will do your request nor is it guaranteed that I will do it quickly. I get writing blocks sometimes or I just genuinely can’t think of a good plot for your scenario yet but I’ll try my best.
I have a pretty screwed up mind and will write about a lot so really, throw a prompt at me lol. I will also NOT do oc x oc, character x character, and character x oc.
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Five Night's At Freddy's
Harry Potter
South Park
Scat / Pee / Vomit play
Female on Male Domination
(If you have a taboo topic you want me to write about but I don't have it listed, feel free to ask!)
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and I hope I can hear from some of you soon!
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novelizt · 6 months
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GENRE ➺ HOGWARTS AU [slytherin! lockwood x fem! ravenclaw! reader]. rivals to lovers (and a dash of 'everyone knows but them'). fluff and angst.
WC ➺ 30.8k
SYNOPSIS ➺ after a six year rivalry with lockwood, your patronus suddenly matches his when it didn't before.
DISCLAIMER ➺ reader is implied to be shorter than lockwood. appearance of harry potter next gen characters and a few ocs. lockwood calls reader 'sweetheart' and 'my dearest vexation' (+'my girl'). prefect! lockwood. jessica lockwood lives!! (i also headcanon lockwood being a cunning-flirt, so lockwood might read slightly ooc.)
WARNINGS ➺ strained family dynamics (for reader), love potions (misuse of magic), dragons on the loose, wizard duels, boggarts, and a lot of unpolished dialogue. QUILL KIPPS. blood and injuries (tending to wounds). mentions of kids and marriage at the end.
SWEETHEARTS ➺ @kiyasoup @toddandersondupe @locknco @onecojg @avdiobliss @mentallyillsodapop @mitskiswift99 @mischivana @bella-rose29 @wordsarelife
NOTES ➺ it's been a long time coming. i got lost in the sauce. can you tell? this was originally a oneshot but tumblr's block limit was exceeded lol we can still pretend it's a oneshot!
i hope this finds you when you need it. this is for the girlies who are forever spellbound by london boys 💙 happy nanowrimo !!
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PART ONE ! 13.7k
PART TWO ! 17.4k
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⌠ @novelizt 2023 ⌡
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, January 31
JOYCE: Well, there are some things I'd be happy to see you share. Like the slaying. I mean, two of you fighting is safer than one, right? BUFFY: I guess. JOYCE: Unless, I mean, you heard her. She loves the slaying. Couldn't she take over for you? BUFFY: Mom, no one can take over for me. JOYCE: But you're going to college next year. I think it would be... BUFFY: Mom, the only way you get a new Slayer is when the old Slayer dies. JOYCE: Then that means you... When did you die? You never told me you died! BUFFY: It was just for a few minutes.
~~BtVS 3x03 “Faith, Hope, & Trick”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Heartless (Buffy, Angel, PG) by badly_knitted
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Healing Touch (Buffy/Giles, not rated) by ShyRomantic
This Is My Apocalypse (Willow/Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter xover, E) by SnarkyGranger1
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It’s always going to be you (Gilex/reader, not rated) by specialagentlokitty
The Burden of Fathers and Sons (Angel, Wesley, not rated) by naoa-ao3
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Walking With Ghosts (Buffy/Spike, G) by violettathepiratequeen
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Walking With Ghosts (Buffy/Spike, G) by violettathepiratequeen
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Blasphemy, Chapter 3/? (Buffy/Spike, T) by wickedrum
One Big Happy-ish Family, Chapter 4/? (Connor, Angel, Queer as Folk xover, T) by LolaRD
Staying Afloat, Chapter 3/? (Willow/Oz, T) by dwinchester
The Master and her Court, Chapter 2/? (Buffy/Angel/Darla/Drusilla/Spike, Explicit) by TheClowniestLivInExistence
Comic - In Your Shadow, Chapters 5-6 Complete! (Spike/Xander, T) by genericaces
[French language] Les deux Phénix, Chapter 9/? (Buffy/Faith, M) by FridayQueen
Spike's Price, Chapter 4/? (Buffy/Spike, G) by Jdharblood
Her Old Fashioned Boy, Chapter 21/? (Giles/Jenny, T) by Bobbie23
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Worship the Rain, Chapter 1 (Angel/Cordelia, T) by Cosmic Alice
Burden of Time, Chapter 59 (Xander, M) by Jennifer Schumacher
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Unborn, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Lizzie Queen of Meigas
Early One Morning, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by all choseny
Love Lives Here, Chapter 15 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Passion4Spike
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Old Fashioned Romance, Chapter 6 (Xander/Steve Rogers, Marvel xover, FR21) by calikocat
Back to the Light, Chapter 6 (Buffy, Torchwood/Doctor Who xover, FR18) by MountainKing
Healing After Heaven, Chapter 19 (Buffy, Highlander xover, FR13) by Kate
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A Breath is But a Soundless Whisper, Chapter 18 (Buffy/Spike, 18+) by Blackoberst
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Coming Through, Chapter 10 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by hulettwyo
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Chapter 21 (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only) by hulettwyo
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Massacre at Carabon Hill, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, M) by myrabeth
Stomping on butterflies, Chapters 8-9 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Blackoberst
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: they saw you from across the bar and liked your vibe (Spike/Drusilla, worksafe) by genericaces
Artwork: buffy the vampire slayer my little pony au (worksafe) by wiltinn
Artwork: “You better not tell anyone about this Spike!” (Buffy/Spike, worksafe) by ice-fire-art
Artwork: Owen and Buffy at The Bronze, painted for Previously On… Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (worksafe) by ghostrabbit87
Artwork: I mean we all saw this coming right (Spike, worksafe) by doctormage
Artwork: [Spike] (worksafe) by alessandra-estrella
Artwork: Spike But A Butch (worksafe) by transmasc-taub
Artwork: Willow Moment (worksafe) by squibkin
Artwork: Sarah Michelle Gellar (worksafe) by sofya-creations
Meme: sprusilla + textposts (worksafe) by lunar-beauty
Meme: Spuffy + these tiktok comments (worksafe) by mcgnagallsarmy
Icons: Angel — S01E01, S01E02, S01E03 (1999) (worksafe) by slashericons
Moodboard: buffy x willow (worksafe) by purgeshubble
Lockscreens: Faith Lehane Lockscreens (worksafe) by myriaeden
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Day 30: Favorite Season Finale: Season 2, Episodes 21 & 22: “Becoming” by k0nstantly-tragic
[Recs & In Search Of]
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Smutty Sunday: Angel x Drusilla x Spike fic rec recced by februaryfangfest
The Hunter and the Slayer by pherryt [Buffy, Dean Winchester, Supernatural xover, T] recced by genuaryficrecs
[Fandom Discussions]
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Angel/Spike for the shipping game by raelis1
The way people will hop into my mentions to attack Spuffy fans with reminders of Seeing Red tell me two things... by elysianholly
Re: BtVS “The Replacement” S5E03 aka the Toth episode by lierdumoa
I think a lot of people don’t know how to handle a show growing up along with them. by all-hail-the-water-god
Trigger Warning - Rewatching season 4 of Buffy and I’m at the arc where Buffy and Faith switch bodies... by kat–writes
Buffyverse Ship Tag Game by spangelmybeloved
Having thoughts about Jesse. by ammoniteflesh
Spuffy [for the shipping game] by raelis1
i love buffy the vampire slayer aus, but when authors make the slayer male, its kinda not lit by magneto-manifesto
Everyone in season 6 is making bad choices except for Anya, and I love it by marilyn-not-monroe
[Meta about BtVS, characters, and ships] by littleredruns
[Tribute to actor Hinton Battle and his performance as Sweet in OMWF] by xxgothchatonxx
riley leaving the decision about spike’s chip in buffy’s hands is so important to me by arthursdent
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Could Buffy maybe have possibly died a third time including when she was shot by Warren? by Kristine, multiple posters
Sweet actor Hinton Battle dies by nightshade, multiple posters
What If: Billy's gift did work on Angel? by nightshade, multiple posters
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I think Faith is partly well loved because of her relationships to others by Novel_Comparison7735
Sounds silly but does anyone get nightmares after watching? by cozyforestfairy
The most unrealistic thing in all of Buffy. by Reviewingremy, multiple posters
What are some small gripes/funny things you've noticed that don't ruin the shows for you? by jumpingjellyf1sh
Anything in Buffy: The Buffy Vampire Slayer and/or Angel You Think Could've Been Utilized More? by Big-Restaurant-2766, multiple posters
If you had to choose one, which of these major episodes from S2 deserves the most praise? Innocence, Passion, or Becoming, part two by InfiniteMehdiLove
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doodle-pops · 7 months
Hii mina mae-duh-whores anon here! Hope you are doing good! first of all,i saw that ask mina and if you were to actually write mgime related stuff, please id really go crazy!! i love your writing so much!!
Second of all to that anon, if you actually start writing silmarillion mgime i wanna be the first to read it!! id love to beta read or just brainstorm or plot with you if you're up for that kind of thing!!
Third, I've got a recommendation or two that no one really asked for haha. There aren't many silmarillion mgime fics so I thought I'd share the ones I've read on ao3 that I think you or your followers might like!
The first fic called, stardusts in our souls by Autumn_moonlight. its ecthelion x oc, it was last updated in July or something, but its such a fun read so far! the oc reads ecthellion the harry potter series and his reaction and eagerness to find out what happens next, its so cute!! I love when the modern girl shares technology or stories or songs from her world and seeing the characters' reaction to it is just so!!! Oh, there's also maeglin x oc smut in later chapters so there's that i suppose.
Second fic, it's called the knowing princess by Fantasticoncer. it's kinda long? The author still updates it I think, I haven't really finished it yet tbh lol. anyways main pov is basically female of x maedhros but it has got lots of other ocs x characters too, like fingon and mairon etc. it contains reincarnation and stuff, mc gets reincarnated as an elf in valinor along with her sisters from her own home reality.
Third is the Oialëa series by natelly
It's mcu/tolkien crossover fic, its kinda long I suppose, multiple books and many chapters etc but it's fun read, tbh I haven't this one either. its not exactly silmarillion events set but oc is kinda part of the kidnap fam, glorfindel's sister, and I've read spoilers that maedhros travels to mcu in second book or something so I thought I'd add it to the list? The first book which I've read is hobbit period set, btw its elrond x oc, and the oc is also doctor strange's daughter, and she also has powers and stuff. So yeah, if you love mcu and silmarillion hobbit lotr and mainly elrond, this fic is for you. Honestly I don't even like elrond that much, more into his sons lol, but still,, it was so interesting I ended up reading the first book! The oc is such a fun gen z mgime and i love her so much! The series is so well written too and there's even separate prequels and epilogue and fics written from other characters perspective and stuff too! In one of the books maedhros and oc also goes to therapy, haven't read that part but mae,, im so glad he got therapy, he really really needs that haha
I am doing better as I've resurfaced from my week disappearance 😁. Though, everything feels strange as though I've been gone for longer 😅.
Some recommendations for those who enjoy the Modern girl in Middle Earth troupe and for the anon who's in the process of creating a story for modern day reader. Thank you for assistance 💖
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simpingforthemm · 6 months
request guidelines
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
the fandoms I write for :
orange is the new black !
harry potter (next gen, marauders, golden trio)
the summer I turned pretty (maybe)
shadow and bone
the craft
cobra kai
sex education
gossip girl
emily in paris
everything now
one piece (netflix live action version bc I haven't watched the anime yet)
my life with the walter boys (isaac, alex, lee, jackie, danny, no cole)
outer banks
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
what I will write / not write :
I won't write smut
I won't write themes that are too dark
I won't write reader with male pronouns
I won't write yandere
I won't write any NSFW themes
I will barely or won't write character x character
I will write angst
I will write fluff
I will write polyamory (a lot probably)
I will write LGBTQ+ (obviously)
I will write character x reader
I will write reader with fem or gn pronouns
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
collages / moodboards :
If you want to request a collage / moodboard, give me the character, a colour, another person
if you want the collage to be about a ship, give me a faceclaim or another character, I will not be doing crossovers of fandoms for example harry potter and marvel so you couldn't request peter parker x harry potter but something like harry potter x neville longbottom would be possible
If you want a ship with a "new character / faceclaim", tell me more about the relationship character x new character have, maybe how they show love towards each other and ofc the name of the actor for the faceclaim
I hope this makes sense
you could also give me a scenario, like what would it be like to go to the cinema with this character, what would a date with them look likefor that, you can also give me an extra faceclaim or another character that they're doing those things with!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
headcanons / one shots :
if you request, ofc tell me what the headcanon / oneshot is about and with which character which pronouns does reader have
which trope ( angst, fluff, poly, etc. )for a oneshot I will need kind of a more detailed idea / plot
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
don't feel shy to request!!
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bookworm-center · 11 months
Duo Of Chaos
Senku Ishigami x Fem!Reader
Tumblr media
Chapter I: Kurayami
Y/n Asagiri
I can't help the happy little gasp that escapes my lips. I had dreamed of this day for as long as I could remember, ever since my parents told me tales of Kurayami. And now that I was finally here... It's even more gorgeous than I could have pictured.
Kurayami is built like a traditional sort of Japanese temple, except somehow with a magic flare to it. The three main buildings stretch up to the sky, roof tops covered with red clay tiles, walls made with dark wood panels. Lanterns adorn the latticework windows, lighting up the star dotted sky. The trees that peak out of the gaps in brickwork have already donned their fall hues of oranges and reds. I wish I could soak in the scene a little longer, but I'm quickly ushered inside by my older brother Gen, who seems a little too eager to be out of the cold.
My gaze darts around, standing on my tiptoes in hopes of finding my best friend. He had to be here. I'd spent the past week trying to convince him that magic was real and that he apparently had it, so my hard work had better not gone to waste. I can't catch a glimpse of him or his radish hair, not before there's a loud voice from the front of the room. Wherever we've been brought, it's crowded with people and chatter but it's all quiet once the voice speaks. I'm too far back in the room to see whose speaking, but judging from the expression of obedience of everyone's faces, it must be the head of the school.
I can't remember their name, or anything about them, only all of my parents' praises of their work and the disgruntled expression Gen always offered in response.
"Good evening students," their voice washes over me, a strange sense of calmness flowing over me in waves. "Welcome to Kurayami. My name is Kaze Kurayami. I am descended from the founders of this school. You may address me in any way you see fit, but do not think that makes me a friend." I can sense a hint of rage that quickly fades away. "New students, please file into the room on the left for orientation. Returning students, head to the right where you will be directed to your rooms for this year."
They raise their hand and speak one last phrase. It's too many syllables and letters, all swirled together into some language that I don't know, but somehow most of the students know it? Even Gen mutters the phrase next to me and he's never been particularly smart. Oh shit, does this mean I have to learn a new language?
I don't get a chance to ask Gen because by the time I turn to him, the walls are already shifting up and down and pulling away material into a doorway. It's the first time that I've ever seen this kind of magic, the kind that can morph the existing into something else. With that, I shuffle my way into the room to the left, fiddling with the strings to my sweatshirt.
A hand grips my shoulder. It's instinct to me to flip them over, grabbing their wrist. I'm not insanely strong but I know enough martial arts to defend myself so the person of grabbed me comes toppling to the ground.
My best friend lies on the ground, clutching his neck and groaning. His lab coat is stuffed to the bring with vials of some science stuff, sweater  and jeans pressed free of wrinkles. "Thanks for that, witchy."
"I told you, I'm not a witch, Senku. I'm a practitioner of the arcane." It's wordy, yeah, but that's the truth. "If anything I'm a sorceress."
Senku cracks a laugh. "Leave it to you to berate me on my sixteenth birthday."
I grin. "Like you care about that sort of thing." I heave Senku to his feet. In response, he flicks my forehead. I scowl but direct my attention to where the head of the school stands.
Since this room is a bit smaller than the last, I can finally get a good look at them. Contrary to all the beliefs about the world of magic, we don't all use wands and spells like how Harry Potter did a few years ago (Apparently he was famous enough that some normal human wrote a book series about him. I heard she turned out to be a bitch though...).
Instead, their hands glow with the bright blue of spacial arcana, strands of their blond curled hair dyed the same color. Their outfit consists of a sweater in bloody crimson and pants in the same color. A necklace of sorts rests against their collarbone, the gold strands glittering in the faint light, the glass clear jewels dangling down to their waist.
"I'll say it once more to you new students. Welcome to Kurayami, School of the Arcane." A small smile spreads across my face. Finally, I was here. After all the years of my life spent waiting for this day, I could finally learn to embrace and control this magic in me. I glance sideways to where Senku stands beside me. And I get to do it with my best friend!
...How was I supposed to know that the year just spiralled downwards from that point?
Author's Note: This fic was originally a Hogwarts AU but it's been reworked and rewritten so now the worldbuilding and magic system are my own (though the magic is loosely inspired by the Grisha in the Grishaverse). I have worked so hard on all the worldbuilding and plot, so I hope you enjoy this fic!
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ashdreams2023 · 2 years
Harry Potter one shots:
Pressure { draco malfoy x reader }
Child {severus snape}
Gift { severus snape }
Idiot potter { Harry Potter x fem Gryffindor reader }
Cold dungeons { severus snape x reader }
Stupid smile { severus snape x reader }
Next step { severus snape x reader }
Spy { platonic severus snape x reader }
Little boy { severus snape x son reader }
Never { severus snape x daughter reader } TW: SH
Big brother { severus snape x sibling gn reader }
Cross the line { severus snape x sibling gn reader }
Losing game { lucius malfoy x sister reader }
Detention { platonic severus snape x student reader }
Too late { severus snape x sibling reader }
Jealousy is a disease { severus snape x death eater reader }
In the shadows { Harry Potter x gen reader }
Yours { severus snape x fem reader NSFW }
Trust me { Harry Potter x fem reader NSFW }
Git { platonic severus snape x reader }
Just a vacation { Draco malfoy x fem reader x Harry Potter NSFW }
Never change { platonic severus snape x daughter reader }
Angel { Harry James potter x reader smut }
Alone { Draco Malfoy x reader smut }
Just between us { severus snape x reader }
Learned from the best { platonic severus snape x little sister reader }
Wedding night { Draco Malfoy x fem reader smut }
All my respect { platonic severus snape x fem reader }
The same tree { severus snape x Professor sister reader }
Selfish { Draco Malfoy x fem reader }
The only one left { hermione granger x sibling reader }
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