#Girls Floral Print Bow
stonedshesays · 4 months
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septembergold · 1 year
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pinkacademiaprincess · 5 months
smart girl spring 💐📚☀️🌷🎀
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spring is here & we're in the final stretch! time for floral prints & bows, study picnics, drinking matcha & eating fresh fruit while doing schoolwork, walking around campus during study breaks, finding a sunny spot to sit and read, seeing the flowers start to bloom, & soaking it all up before summer break rolls around!
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cordeliawhohung · 3 months
the prowl - single dad! Price x teacher! stripper! Reader (fem) taglist
[4] spice
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On Monday, Amelia arrives with a bouquet of flowers. 
Gentle steam wafts from your tea — which you had accidentally overheated in the teachers lounge — biting back the oddly cool summer day as rain taps against the windows. Your hands warm around the ceramic cup, making sure to keep an eye on your students as they roam in the play area before the day begins, sheltered from the unforgiving weather. 
When Amelia walks through the door, she brings an accord of something pale, sweet, and earthy with her. When you look up from your cup, you realize she’s holding roses. There’s a dozen of them in her arms at least. Bright, beautiful red petals in full bloom glisten with fresh rain water as tiny hands wrap around their stems. They’re held together by a fat, gold ribbon tied into a pristine bow.  
It isn’t until her blue eyes peek around the florist’s paper that you’re able to recognize the walking floral mess as John’s daughter. Her giggles cut through the chatter of the other students as she trots around your desk, mary jane shoes tapping on the tile floor. 
“Good morning, Miss Lolly,” she says, the grin evident in her voice, yet you have to peer over the bouquet in order to see it yourself. 
Forgetting your tea, you swivel in your chair to face her fully with an awkward smile. “You look like you got your hands full there,” you note. 
Nodding, Amelia carefully maneuvers the flowers so that they’re laying horizontally in her hands. She holds them out for you as if she’s bestowing some great duty upon you; the duty of accepting a gift that’s surely too luxurious for you. 
“They’re for you!” she announces proudly. 
She all but shoves the flowers into your hands where their redolent aroma washes over your nose. You hold them with care, as if they’ll disintegrate in your hands at any moment. Careful fingers brush over the full heads of the flowers. They’re still cold. Fresh out of refrigeration and perfectly crafted. Speechless, you look back at her just as she starts to slide her backpack off her shoulders. 
“Amelia, that’s so —”
“Hold on! I almost forgot!”
Dinosaur fabric morphs as her hand rummages through zippers and pockets. Eventually, she retrieves a cream colored envelope that has the name Miss Lolly written in sloppy, well meaning handwriting. She presents it with both hands, cheeks flushing a bright pink as she wiggles it around. 
“Is this all for me?” you ask, dumbfounded. 
Again, she nods. “It was daddy’s idea. We wanted to say thank you!” 
Resting the bouquet in your lap, you take the envelope from Amelia and quickly open it. It’s unsealed — excited to be read. It’s a decorative card with bright, 70’s flower themed drawings on the front with the words Thank You! written in fat, bubbly, groovy letters. On the inside, you see where an attempt was made at writing your real title, only to be crossed out and quickly replaced with Dear Miss Lolly in neat print handwriting. 
Dear Miss Lolly,
Amelia and I would like to express our gratitude for your work and care. Each day she comes home and tells me what a wonderful time she has in your class. She says she enjoys your pretty dresses and the silly voices you use during reading time. However, I can’t thank you enough for taking care of my little girl after her tumble on Friday. Please accept this as a token of our appreciation. 
John and Amelia
John’s signature is strong. Demanding. Dark. It looks out of place next to Amelia’s attempt at cursive — which you haven’t quite gone to that section in English yet — but it makes you smile all the same. As you set both the flowers and the card aside, a hint of something catches your nose. A gentle sillage. It’s warm and spiced, but you quickly push it out of your mind as you give your full attention to Amelia. 
“That’s so sweet of you, thank you so, so much Amelia,” you say softly. 
“Do you like them?” she asks, eyes wide and glistening with joy as she attempts to fight back a grin. 
“I love them.” 
It’s not a lie. You do. They’re beautiful, picked with care; not a single bruise or thorn to be seen, but every time you see them, you think of him. How a blessing and a curse can co-exist in the same object baffles you. Lush red catches your attention as you lecture and play games with your students, and you’re reminded of Amelia’s grin and giggles. At the same time, it makes you think of her father: it makes you think of John. 
He’s all you’ve been able to think about since Friday. The image of him sitting on that couch, legs spread wide and powerful as he sips on whiskey like it’s water burns into your mind. Butterflies harass your stomach as you think of that night, curled against his side, losing yourself to the scent of him as you chatted away, just how he told you to. That night, he tipped you enough to cover most of your rent, and a shameful fire burns your heart every time you think about it. 
John’s too kind, and so… lonely. 
You can’t help but feel as if you had taken advantage of him that night. A hidden identity. A fake name. A different mask. Would he have done all those things had he known who you truly were? Would he feel disgusted if he ever found out? You, his precious daughter’s teacher, rubbing up against strange men in your free time? 
That feeling of discomfort only gets worse at the end of the school day when he comes to pick Amelia up. 
A sleek black coat protects him from the incessant rain that’s plagued the city the entire day, but it does nothing to shield his hair. Ebony locks clump together with the troublesome precipitation, weighing them down along his forehead. It irritates him even as he enters your classroom, thick fingers attempting to get the strands to cooperate. Your pulse pounds erratically in your throat, throbbing and unforgiving, dancing just under your skin where it’s ready to burst. 
Swallowing, you look away from him as you continue to sort through papers and hope that he didn’t see you staring. Maybe if you look busy waiting around for parents to grab their children he’ll leave without talking to you. So you crunch. Eyes hyperfocusing on the work in front of you as if it’ll make everything else around you irrelevant. Grading young primary students' projects is always easy. Highly assisted, simple tasks means you’re putting stickers in the corner along with a kind note scrawled in red ink. 
You always save the dinosaur stickers for Amelia. 
“Miss Lolly?” 
Your eyes flutter shut as cologne wafts towards you, and for a moment you’re somewhere else. Bare skin against leather. Against cloth. Pressed against a chest. Arm wrapped around you. That reality doesn’t exist — shouldn’t exist — and it’s fleeting. The moment you open your eyes, it dissolves and morphs into the man in front of you. John Price, with a smile on his face, and his daughter’s hand in his. 
“I see you got our gift,” he notes, nodding to the flowers on your right. 
Trying to keep your eyes off of him as much as possible, you turn to look at the roses. Beautiful haematic flowers sit proudly in a spare vase you were able to scrounge up from the art teacher. It’s handmade — expertly blown glass that casts a blue shadow on the top of your desk as if the room had been submerged in an oceanic wonderland. 
“Amelia was very ecstatic to deliver them this morning,” you chuckle. Your pen clicks in even, consecutive strikes — like heels on marble flooring. 
“I helped pick them out! Oh, and the card, too,” she quickly announces before sheepishly sticking herself to her father’s side. 
“They’re beautiful,” you reiterate to her before anxiously looking up at John. “And… thank you. They do liven up the room a bit.” 
John waves his hand almost dismissively. “It’s nothing. Only fitting considering you took care of my girl.” 
Your legs press together as he speaks, baritone washing over you just like it did on Friday. It’s not as strong. Weaker. Not nearly as vibrant as it was when you were enveloped by him. Shame and desire fight tooth and nail inside of you, wreaking havoc on your gut, splitting apart offals as they fight for dominance. Despite the battle, you smile through it all — pretty and perfect, just the way Miss Lolly should be. 
“Always happy to help,” you chirp. 
As John and Amelia say their farewells, fauve blue eyes inspect you meticulously. You smile through the scrutiny, wave at little Amelia, and share your excitement to see her tomorrow, but you’re wary of his gaze. Is there recognition? Fraying at the edges of your disguise? Or can he see the way his fingerprints still linger on your skin? Maybe your guilty conscience is just eating you alive.
John doesn’t seem to find whatever he was looking for — if anything at all — and both him and Amelia leave with waves and smiles as they venture out into the pouring rain. Their absence doesn’t do anything to ease the feeling in your gut. It’s trepidation on steroids — a raging alarum that sickens you. You’re nothing but a charlatan; a silly pretender who gets off on thoughts of her student’s father. 
Silence settles over the classroom as the last parent comes to retrieve their child, and just like everyone else you send them off with a smile. That facade breaks the moment the door closes behind them, and you’re left solitary in a colorful room with a bouquet of flowers. 
The thought of throwing them into the bin crosses your mind. You’ve become so obsessed with boundaries that you’re terrified of them blurring. A card becomes flowers, which become friendship, which becomes more. As if it already isn’t there. As if you didn’t spend the evening in his arms just to help make rent for the month. 
Shaking your head, you remind yourself that Miss Lolly has no recollection of Friday night. No, she was at home, doing things an upstanding citizen would do. So, you treat the flowers as such — just flowers. A simple token of appreciation you will adoringly keep on the corner of your desk until they wilt and die, lest little Amelia’s heart shatter. As for the card, you have a corkboard for a reason. Adorned with cute art projects, sweet notes, and other trinkets. You reach for it, fingers bracing as if you expect it to burn, and as it rises from the desk, you freeze. 
Gentle sillage. Warm and spiced. For a moment, you think you’ve gone insane. Smelling things that have long since vanished as if you’re chasing ghosts. Jittery eyes glance around your empty classroom as if someone’s waiting for you to slip up. Some judge and executioner hidden in the corner waiting to make you pay for your transgressions.
Deciding to throw caution to the wind, you raise the card up until it’s just under your nose and you inhale slow and deep. Synapses fry, nerves and neurons sparking until the electricity melts your brain — you were right. It’s him. Molecules of cologne soaked into cardstock so faintly you almost didn’t notice it, but the card smells like him. Your mind spins as you push it away, but the scent is so intoxicating your body longs for it. 
John Price is going to be the death of you and he doesn’t even know it. 
It’s then that you decide that you can’t hang the card with the others. That aroma will haunt you if you do. Instead, you open some forgotten drawer in your desk, full of dust and old pencil shavings, and you lock it in the dark. Sealed tight where the scent has no chance of fighting to escape. Your mind wants to wander. Question if this was done on purpose, or if it was some lingering mistake the card gathered off the pocket of his coat. 
You refuse to entertain it. John has no reason to terrorize a simple school teacher.
Miss Lolly has had a very long Monday, and she plans on going home. Home, and well away from any place where John Price might be lurking in the corner, waiting to haunt her. If you’re lucky, the petrichor soaking the pavement outside will have you forget all about him and that stupid card.
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lewisvinga · 11 months
new date | lando norris x fem!reader / x daughter
summary: due to low staff at work, y/n isn’t able to make it to an important gala with lando. that just means it’s up to him to find a new date and luckily, he has the perfect girl in mind.
warnings; hmm reader is mentioned to be a healthcare worker , idk what other warning
notes; girl dad lando! girl dad lando! girl dad lando!
masterlist !
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As much as y/n loved to work in the hospital and help her patients, she also loved going attending galas with Lando, her husband. So, she was blown when she couldn’t go to a grand gala for the Formula One drivers due to a worker shortage in the pediatrics section of the hospital.
She wasn’t the only one upset.
Lando loved being able to show you off. He loved to show off his wife, his wife who helps people for a living. But when you broke the news that you couldn’t attend and jokingly told him to ‘find another date’, he already had someone special in mind.
His focus went to the curly haired one ( and a half ) year old girl sitting beside him on the couch. She was an exact copy of Lando, only having your nose. Her laugh, eyes, mouth, and even her curls was just like her father. If he couldn’t bring his wife, why not bring the mini version of himself?
Y/n didn’t believe him when he wanted to bring their 18 month old Evie to the gala. She thought he was joking and bursted into laughter which immediately stopped when he ran to Evie’s room.
She couldn’t help but sigh and follow him. When she stepped into the room, she didn’t expect him to be searching through Evie’s closet. “Love, what are you doing?” Y/n questions with a chuckle.
“Finding an outfit for Evie, duh.” Lando replies like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He pulls out a lilac dress. He frowns and quickly puts it back. “What should Evie wear…” He mumbles to himself.
“What team do you drive for?”
Lando turns around with a confused expression on his face. “You’re telling me after 4 years you don’t know what-“ He pauses when noticing her amused smile. He finally realized what she was trying to say. “I should dress her in orange!”
A week later right before it was time for the gala, you received a selfie taken by Lando of course with Evie next to him. She wore a white dress with orange floral print and a matching orange sweater. He even styled her brown curls into two little ponytails at the top with orange bows.
Lando was ecstatic to show his daughter to everyone. It was a special day for him and for little Evie, even if she had no idea what was going on. The moment he stepped on the red carpet with Evie in one arm and a baby bag in the other, the cameras went crazy.
He half expected her to shy away from the cameras but she’s as extroverted as her father. Evie smiled widely at the cameras and even signaled Lando that she wanted to be put down.
She immediately posed for the cameras. Remembering the past times of Y/n taking pictures of her. Although she was only a year and a half, she acted with confidence and spun around for the cameras.
Evie seemed so comfortable in the spotlight that Lando was taken aback, but nonetheless, he bursted into laughter. Once she felt like she was done posing, she went to her father to take a couple pictures with him.
At the end of the carpet, little Evie saw the familiar face is Lissie who watches her with a wide smile.
“Is that the Evie Norris?” Lissie exclaims as Lando walks up to her. She bends down to gently pinch the baby’s cheek.
“She’s my date tonight.” The McLaren driver says with a proud smile, picking her up in his arms. Evie leans her head against his shoulder.
Lissie lets out a chuckle and asks, “No Y/n? Well, I’m glad to have this munchkin!”
“Ah, you know, work got her busy but she’s savin’ people so I’m proud of her.”
Lissie proceeded to ask him a couple of questions in relation to the gala and upcoming events. By the time Lando answered the last question, she notices how Evie was patiently waiting.
“So, Evie,” She says, her smile turning wider as the one year old immediately leaned up. “Who dressed you?” She asks, holding the microphone close to her.
Lando lets out a dramatic gasp which made his daughter burst into fits of giggles. Even Y/n, who was watching the live stream during her break, bursted into laughter.
“Evie Abigail Norris!” He gasps, “It’s not good to lie! Tell everyone who really dressed you.”
Evie lets out a squeal into the microphone before admitting, “Papa!” She exclaims. She points to the orange flower and mumbles, “Papaya. McLaren.”
Lando wore the proudest smile on his face as he hears the mumbles of his daughter. She was his pride and joy. Her voice, despite only being one, was so much like his. Her laugh was exactly his. Everything about her was exactly like him and he loved it.
Lissie couldn’t hold back her laugh as Evie continued to repeat her words. “Well, princess Evie, Lando, I hope you both have a wonderful night. Not too many sweets for the little one, eh?”
“Trust me, if I gave her sweets, Mom would be upset.” Lando replies with a smile. “Say ‘bye’ to Lissie.” He says to his daughter. Evie immediately waved at Lissie and mumbles a ‘goodbye’ before Lando excuses himself.
Evie lays her head against Lando’s shoulder as they made their way into the venue. He pressed a kiss on her messy curls before gently resting his cheek against hers. “We’re gonna have so much fun tonight, aren’t we Evie.”
In response, she wraps her arms as much as she could around Lando to press a kiss on his cheek. “Fun. Fun.” She mumbles, already seemingly tired.
“I love you, my sweet girl.”
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
florist! abby Headcanons ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
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a/n: something quick n sweet you knowwwww got this random thought and had to write it I couldn’t resist I couldn’t. I also saw that no one done florist! abby(?) so I wanted to be the first to hop on! plus I missed writing for Abs — my baby, so enjoy ♡
warnings: 18+, MDNI, some fluff, gets smuttier halfway in, strap, blowjob (strap), eating you out, mentions of obsessive behaviors, polaroid nudes-ish, fingering, edging, public-sex-ishh, soft dom! Abby, tatted! Abby. Hinted at smoker Abby if you squint, petnames, fingers in mouth, masturbation, use of the word mommy, use of the word pussy, fem reader.
divider creds here
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ೀ florist! Abby wears a basic white cropped t-shirt and black dickies under her beige apron. Her apron has a rainbow flag pin, with black pliers in one pocket. Doc Martins on her feet, tied miserably into a bow, it’s a miracle she doesn’t trip around the flower shop. She has a carabiner on her belt loop that jingles every time she walks. 
– apart from smelling like the flowers (obvi bc of where she works) smells like heavy pine and fresh soap, like forget the additives – just clean if ykyk
ೀ florist! Abby gets little patchwork tattoos in random places: a dainty lavender tattoo on her wrist, a little crescent moon behind her ear, paw prints on her bicep for her late dog Alice, a ‘gentle artist’ in bolded times new roman font – but dainty on her forearm. Her knuckles are tatted spelling out “FUCK YOU”.
ೀ florist! Abby that has a ‘Save the Bees!’ sticker on the back of her phone case. Super Bee activist.
ೀ florist! Abby who spends all day in the floral shop, playing music from her playlist on the shop’s aux, slightly swaying to the music as she works on a bouquet. She works with such prestige, god her hands work so quickly at building arrangements but the outcome is so beautiful and that’s why she has many customers. She definitely uses any leftover flowers as bookmarks for her books.
ೀ florist! Abby who’s aux will go from Lauryn Hill to Boy Genius to Mac Miller — she gets compliments on her music taste by customers all the time.
ೀ florist! Abby stops working on a bouquet when you walk into the store because of how confused you look. Wanting to save a damsel in distress. Abby moves from her place at the counter walking over to where you stood looking at the different types of flowers, creeping behind you. You smell divine to her, driving her head crazy knowing that your scent alone will be stuck in her head all day. The floral shop is a slow yet steady business, so Abby definitely doesn’t forget a face or a smell. The form-fitting dress you wore that day, the way your hands bunched at the fabric in confusion had her head spinning!
“Beautiful aren’t they?” Abby whispers from behind you,
Actually scares the living shit out of you when you see her standing behind you, but the way the sun was hitting her face from the big window panels made you less nervous. Rather in awe at the beauty in front of you. Her sunkissed skin, and silky blonde mane, were raveled in a delicate braid with wispies around her face. The raspiness from her voice – which honestly sounded like a smoker's voice now that you thought about it. 
ೀ florist! Abby who makes small talk with you while making your boquette for you (taking her slow sweet time), asking you where you’re from and what you’re doing in town? Absolutely praying that the flowers aren’t for some significant other of yours, Abby letting out an exhale when you say that they’re for your mom who you are visiting for dinner. When you mention you are unsure of what flowers to get don’t worry Abby will help you!
“So pretty girl, are you more minimalistic, talking Lilies, Gardenia’s, Jasmine – which is over there...or colorful? Which I think your beautiful self enjoys a nice Orchid, Camellia, or Begonia?”
Definitely shocks you with how well she knows her stuff
ೀ florist! Abby zones out when you are speaking and stares at your lips for far too long, looking at the way your pink gloss shines wondering how your pretty lips would look taking her strap. Percase covered in spit, from your saliva that has built up from blowing her off. Abby wanted to do nothing more than take the pretty little fabric ribbon from your hair and tie it around your hands as she went down on you while you beg her to touch you in all the right places – it was all a dream to her. Wet dreaming with you right in front of her.
Undeniably horny and touch deprived…she spends so much time in the floral shop she doesn’t have time for dating apps and finds shit like Tinder CORNY LOL. 
Meanwhile, you are trying your hardest not to stare at the way her arms are flexing or how her fingers are paying delicate attention to your bouquet, mentally laughing at the “FUCK YOU” on her knuckles, it contrasted her soft nature so much.
ೀ florist! Abby who slips in a little note into your tote back when you’re not looking, with her number on it, hoping that you would find it and call her soon, Which you do find when you are scrambling for your keys on your way back to the car. Deciding it wouldn’t hurt to give the overly, steaming attractive florist a call. 
ೀ florist! Abby when the two of you start dating, she would teach you how to make a bouquet, standing closely behind you – her body right up against your back as you feel her breath tickling your ear as she whispers to you what to do
“Atta girl, look at that my sweet girl – woah! watch your hand there’s a thorn baby.”
Will definitely put her hands over yours as she works with the knife to make sure there isn’t any thorns so you don’t prick yourself. 
ೀ florist! Abby fucking you in the flower shop, when the shop is closed. Having her head in between your thighs, as her jaw slacks – the sound of your juices sloshing against her mouth as she sends hums into your pussy making you let out low mewls. Bringing a hand up to cover your mouth but she slaps it away so that she can see you
“Don’t hide from me baby, I wanna see you…look at how beautiful you look whining for me doll”
ೀ florist! Abby who kept your lace underwear in her pocket after she fucked you in the floral shop keeping it for safe-keeping (pft…we all know what she is doing with that)
ೀ florist! Abby who shows you her small pocket-sized notebook full of different flowers and arrangement ideas she had. Even the sketches of a flower bouquet that she made inspired by you and all your favorite flowers.
ೀ florist! Abby definitely tucks flowers behind your ears, specifically a white or light-pink Carnation. Especially loves putting one behind your ear as she fucks you with her strap, missionary style so she can see your face – just loves your face honestly. Bending down to kiss your lips, her cheeks dusted red with the pressure she applies.
Tucking her head into your neck swiftly smelling the carnation that she put behind your ear driving her even further insane as she drills into you — makes her go faster.
ೀ When she starts teaching you more about flowers, Definitely uses sexual enforcement to get you to remember it. Will have you sat on her counter as she stands in between your legs – locking you in as she lunges two fingers into you, edging you and not letting you cum until you say the right name of the flower that she taught you. But you could hardly focus staring at her inked knuckles as they pump in and out of you which only makes you reach your climax even further. 
“You wanna come don’t you my sweet girl? I know you want to…just say the name– awh don’t whine at me…I know you know it dollface, I don’t buy that you don’t.”
Sometimes she’ll give you a hint if the flower starts with one of the letters on her knuckles she will stick the corresponding finger into you, working at getting you just about there as her finger curls into you. Your vision is blurry as you can hardly tell what the letter is, moaning out as you try to focus on the order of the letters on her knuckles to catch the hint.
“C’mon baby I’m giving you a hint…pay attention sweetheart– focus!”
ೀ florist! Abby when you get it wrong and she finally lets you come — is fake-mad at you, shoving the lettered finger down your throat as you gag on her fingers covered in your juices.
“Baby the hinted letter was C, and the other finger was U, flower: Curcuma. You’ll get it right next time right sweetheart? You won’t let mommy down hmm?”
ೀ florist! Abby is definitely a soft dom just saying… soft as hell, loves when you hold her – kiss her, and skin-to-skin contact is important as hell she just wants to feel you and loves when you baby her. 
ೀ Definitely keeps a Polaroid of you holding flowers in pink floral lingerie in her beige apron and another one of you in her wallet, that way she has you on her at all times (honestly probably touched herself to blow off some steam after a hard shift while looking at it)
ೀ Depending on how far the relationship goes, especially if y’all start talking marriage will get your favorite flower tatted and not tell you until you see a dainty tattoo of your favorite flower on her collarbone slightly above her heart as she is filling you up, you questioning her in between moans about it.
“Mmhm…fuck is that new? Shit..abbyplease – wait is that my favorite flower?” You ask, as she grinds into you – your finger dragging against the tattoo
“Yes baby, you’re all mine. Mine…mine…mine” As she pounds harder into to you each time she says mine. Obsessive, possessive + territorial, let’s talk about it 
ೀ florist! Abby is overall just a sweetheart who loves you so much and just wants you to be her pretty flower – her muse, you definitely inspire most of her bouquets and she is so happy you ran into her shop looking for flowers that day.
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jadedxhearts · 8 months
You wear a new bikini with the intention of teasing Law with it. Only, your plan backfires on you.
Warnings: nsft, afab reader (no pronouns but Law does say “my girl”)
Originally posted on April 21st, 2023
repost from my main @jadedrrose as a part of my most popular fics event.
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You’d practically doomed yourself from the very start of your evening out. 
The crew was having a night out at some island, and truthfully you’d completely forgotten the reason why. It wasn’t anyone’s birthday, and there weren’t any holidays that you could think of. But, nevertheless you were excited for the excuse to dress up. 
It was very hot and humid on the island you’d be spending your evening at; and even with the sun fading away, the heat just never left the air. You also knew it was a beach town, meaning just about everything was on the front of the island, bars and such all incredibly close to the water, some even built on the water. So, with this knowledge combined you decided on an outfit that would work best. 
The base of it was a bikini. It was vibrant, your favorite color in a bright shade with a hibiscus floral pattern in white, littered across both the top and bottoms. It was also rather flimsy and small. The top was a basic triangle cup bikini shape that was held together by two string ties; one behind your neck and the other in your mid back area. The bottoms were similar, only the strings were more high-waisted and tied in little bows at your hips. The set was skimpy and daring, hardly hiding anything from wandering eyes. But it was an easy fix. You grabbed a pair of denim shorts and pulled them over the bikini, only leaving out the strings as the bows would get in the way. So while your ass was covered now, one could only imagine how the outfit looked underneath…
You slipped on a thin floral print open front shirt to cover up a bit more, then grabbed your favorite pair of sandals and sunglasses to complete the look. You reviewed the look over in your mirror, before deciding everything was set in place and you were ready to go.
When you emerged from the stairs of the submarine, it became evident that you were the last one to be ready. Some of the crew had stayed back to wait on you, but most had already departed for the island. 
Law stood at the front of the group, wearing white shorts and similarly to you, an open front shirt with a pattern on it. He looked at you suspiciously, raising an eyebrow and scanning the outfit you wore. He only let out a light huff and didn’t say a word, though. Once you reached his side, he seemed flustered as he slipped your hand into his and muttered, “took ya long enough…”
You looked up to gaze at his face, playfully smiling. There was a hint of blush dusted across his cheeks. But, you decided not to embarrass him over it. “I wanted to look cute… for you,” you replied to him, leaning up to place a little kiss on his flushed cheek. 
In the time that you’d spent pretty much partying in the beach town, you’d abandoned the shirt due to the heat. And now, since you were on the beach, you figured it would be fine to remove your shorts. Everyone else was in their swimwear, after all. It’s not like you’d stand out too much.
So you stood up from your seat in Law’s lap, stretching out your limbs before unbuttoning the shorts and moving your hands to slip them down your frame. 
You’d only gotten them slipped just under your bottom when you were suddenly stopped. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
Letting your hands and shorts freeze in the position they were in before you’d been stopped, you turned your head back to look at Law.
“Taking off my shorts so I can get in the water?” 
It was only then you noticed you’d barely stepped a foot away from Law, so you were pretty much directly on display for him. 
“Y/n… don’t you know what your bikini looks like?” 
“Yeah, why?” You asked, trying to play along with him; pretending to be oblivious.
“I can see all of your ass, you’re practically wearing a thong.” He remarked, arms crossed as he frowned.
“Do you like it?” You teasingly asked, smirking down at him. 
“Wh-? Yeah… but, I don’t want some creep looking at my girl’s ass.” He pouted, the same blush from earlier dusting across his face.
You giggled, deciding to let the shorts fall to the sand beneath your feet. “Fine then. You can come with me and cover my ass.”
“I can’t get in ocean water, y/n.”
Rolling your eyes, you decided to just return to his lap, only this time facing him. “Fine, fine. Honestly I just wore it to tease you… I didn’t really plan on letting anyone else see it anyway.”
“Then why did you-“
“To tease you,” you repeated, wrapping your arms around his neck and shimmying further into his lap. 
Law sighed, placing one of his tattooed hands on your lower back. “And did you plan on paying for it, too?”
“Don’t think you can just tease me and get away with no punishment,” he muttered into your ear, placing a small kiss on the skin of your neck. 
Feeling more daring, you decided to just dig your own grave now. With a sultry grin, you moved to kiss Law, removing one arm from his neck and placing your hand against his face, holding him as your lips connected.
Law seemed to tense up, probably because of the rather intimate display of affection you two were showing in public, but he moved his free hand to grab your bare thigh, squeezing the soft skin in his grasp. 
He briefly pulled away, but only far away enough to get some air. His breath came out hot as he panted against your wet lips, your mixed saliva still connecting you both together. 
Just before Law could kiss you again, you subtly began to rock your hips, grinding your lower region against him. A breathy grunt escaped Law’s lips, his body tensing up even more as he hardened his grip on your back and thigh. 
“Shit… you’re just asking for it now, hm?” 
You decided then to reconnect your lips, giving hot, wet opened mouth kisses against his own lips. You pushed your hips down harder, whining at the friction of your just barely covered cunt against his hardening length. 
Though your reply was late, you did so anyway, “mhm… please take me back home… punish me for being a whore, Law.”
Not wasting anymore time, Law practically shoved you off of him and slid your shorts back up, tossing your sandals and shirt at you before grabbing the towel you’d been laying on and taking your hand to lead you back to the sub.
As soon as you were back in your bedroom with the door locked behind you, Law jumped at you, grabbing your body and biting at the tender skin of your neck, sucking it between his teeth to mark you.
You let out a high-pitched cry, tilting your head back to give him more access. His lips were still wet, and as he dragged them across your skin, your neck became slick with his spit. The sensations felt so intoxicating; the slight pain of his bite before the feeling of his lips sucking you in, the hair of his goatee pleasantly scratching your skin.
“Law,” you quietly whined, legs shaking with need as you tried squeezing your thighs together, desperate to be touched. But his lips didn’t leave your throat.
“Law, please,” you pleaded, fisting his shirt into your palms. “I need you so bad…”
Finally, his attack on your neck ended and you watched with hazy eyes as Law looked down at your needy body with lust evident in his eyes, along with a mischievous look that meant you were really in for it this time.
Just before you could open your mouth to beg for him again, Law pushed you down onto the bed, grabbing at the fabric of the bikini top between your breasts, ripping the entire thing off of you. 
He quickly tossed the garment away, wasting no time to put his tattooed hands on your chest, groping and massaging the plushy mounds. Another whine left your lips as his palms brushed against your nipples, and you leaned your back up into his touch.
“God, you’re so needy,” Law shook his head, removing his hands and watching with amusement as you cried from the loss of his touch. 
Then he was grabbing your waist, fingers digging into your skin as he harshly flipped you over to lay on your tummy, one hand landing on your ass to hold you in place as the other delivered a teasing smack to your skin that poked out from underneath your ridden up shorts, which were removed from your body only a moment later.
Law didn’t even try to be gentle as he forced the denim off of you, throwing it away to free his hands. His palms were on your skin again, squeezing the fat of your bottom as he looked over what was left of your bikini.
The bottoms didn’t cover your ass at all, so when he spanked you again, the contact was directly on your skin this time with a loud slap. 
“You bought this thing knowing it’d piss me off, didn’t you?”
You tried shrugging but that was difficult with your current position. “I knew you’d like it on me… but not in public.”
“Exactly,” he hissed, smacking you again. “You’re such a brat, y/n.”
Letting go of your bottom, Law hastily untied the bows from your hips and pulled the rest of your bikini off. Once that too was tossed away, he freed himself from the restraint of his shorts. You continued to whine, voice louder now as he rubbed his cock against your skin, spitting down at it to get it wet. 
“Law, please!” You begged, “I need to feel you in me… I don’t care what else you do, just stuff me!”
“Don’t care what else?” He echoed your words, lining the tip of his member up with your soaked cunt. “This is a punishment, don’t forget. How about you don’t get to cum until I say so?”
You whined, clearly not liking that idea; but you had no say in whether or not Law would do it. 
You felt one of Law’s hands slip into your hair, grabbing fistfuls of it before pulling on it and finally sliding into your throbbing pussy at the same time. Already it was hard to not cum from that alone, and all you could do was moan and scream in frustration as you tried to hold your orgasm back. 
Law’s pace was ruthless and hard, not giving you any time to adjust to the stretch from his cock as he repeatedly slammed himself into you, getting lost in the feeling of your warm walls fluttering around him as you tried fitting him in. 
Already, your cunt was flooding with juices and that only created more opportunity for Law to fuck you faster, hitting into you more forceful than before; lewd squelching noises accompanied by the slapping of skin echoing throughout the bedroom. 
You moaned and grasped desperately at the sheets underneath you, letting your entire body rock back and forth from the motion of Law’s hard thrusts. “ah-ahh. Law!
“Law! I can’t hold it in anymore,” you cried and begged, letting his name fall from your lips a few more times. “L-Law! Please, I need to cum, Law! I can’t take it!”
You listened for his approval but all you got were grunts and loud pants from behind you, Law not giving you any mercy as he kept up with the abuse on your cunt. 
“Law! I- I can’t- Law,” you screamed, clenching hard onto his cock in an attempt to stop yourself from cumming.
“I don’t give a damn anymore,” he groaned. “Just cum, baby… cum on my cock.”
With his approval, you finally let yourself go and moaned loudly into the mattress as you came; creaming on Law, leaving a white ring of your cum around his cock. 
And Law wasn’t far behind, he continued to fuck you, slam his cock into your spasming pussy for just another moment before tightening his grip on your hips, thrusts becoming sloppy as he let himself start cumming. 
He let out a flustered moan as his hot seed began spilling into you, but he quickly pulled away and let the rest of his cum spill onto your back, leaving a warm sticky mess on your skin.
You both panted heavily, catching your breath and calming down from the intense punishment you’d just endured. After a moment, you felt his mess being wiped off of you, Law gently cleaning you off before turning you on your back so he could look at your face. 
His soft hand cupped your cheek and a kiss was placed on your lips. “You okay, y/n-ya?”
You nodded, blinking away the tears from your eyes. Another kiss against your lips, and you wrapped your arms around Law once again. 
Lifting you up into his hold, Law decided you deserved a relaxing warm bath after what he’d put you through. He carried you to the bathroom, kissing your shoulder and whispering quiet “I love you”s to you the whole way.
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gentlekalita · 2 months
Sissy BDSM Ideas
This unique expression of BDSM can encompass a variety of scenarios and dynamics that allow individuals to explore their identities, desires, and boundaries in a safe and consensual environment. Whether you're a seasoned participant or curious about trying something new, these ideas will help you embrace the beauty of sissy play within BDSM. Let’s explore together!
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Understanding Sissy BDSM
Sissy BDSM often involves a power exchange dynamic where the submissive partner embraces characteristics traditionally associated with femininity, such as clothing, behavior, and role. This journey can be liberating and empowering, allowing self-expression and exploration in a fun and playful manner.
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1. Outfit Play: The Power of Clothing
Clothing is a fantastic way to begin your sissy journey and can set the tone for the entire experience. Here are some ideas:
Lingerie and Frills: Start with soft, silky lingerie that feels luxurious against the skin. Think lace teddies, frilly panties, and satin bras. These pieces can enhance your femininity and encourage a softer mindset.
Dresses and Skirts: Consider wearing dresses that accentuate your curves or flowing skirts that allow you to feel graceful. Play with colors and patterns—floral prints and pastel shades can add an extra layer of charm to your sissy persona.
Accessories: Don’t overlook the power of accessories! Items like ribbons, bows, or even playful jewelry can amplify the feminine aspect of your outfit. A cute pair of heels can also change how you carry yourself, adding confidence to your presence.
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2. Makeup and Presentation
Taking time to enhance your appearance can be a fulfilling part of the experience:
Makeup Application: Experiment with makeup to highlight your features. Delicate eyeliner, soft blush, and a glossy lip can create a polished look. If you're new to makeup, try watching tutorials to help you along the way.
Hair Styling: Whether you have long hair or short, consider curling, braiding, or styling your hair in cute ways. Wearing a wig can also be fun if you’re looking to completely transform your appearance.
Mirrors and Reflection: Take time to admire your reflection. This can build confidence and help you embrace your sissy side as you explore your new look through the lens of BDSM.
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3. Role Play Scenarios
Incorporating role play can make sissy BDSM incredibly exciting:
Teacher and Student: Engage in a teacher/student dynamic where the “teacher” can guide you in embracing your sissy persona, perhaps by giving playful tasks to complete while dressed.
Sissy Maid: Embrace the sissy maid archetype, where your duties include serving your Domme while dressed in cute attire. This can involve chores, playful teasing, and engaging in tasks that reinforce the power dynamics.
Sissy Pet: Transform into a sissy pet, where you explore a playful dynamic that includes obedience and endearing behaviors. You can be rewarded with affection and gentle teasing for embodying your role.
4. Sensory Experiences
Incorporate sensory play to elevate your experience:
Feathers and Fabrics: Use soft feathers or silky fabrics to tease and tickle. This light touch can heighten sensitivity and encourage arousal, mixing pleasure with submission.
Temperature Play: Explore warmth and coolness using items like ice cubes or warm oils. Sensations can create exciting contrasts across your skin, further immersing you in the sissy experience.
Blindfolding: Introduce a blindfold to heighten other senses. Not being able to see can amplify feelings of submission and vulnerability, allowing your Domme to guide you through each moment more intimately.
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5. Affirmations and Praise
The power of words cannot be underestimated. Positive affirmations and praise can significantly enhance the experience:
Encouraging Words: Throughout your session, your Domme can offer kind words of encouragement. Hearing phrases like “good girl” or “you look so pretty” can boost your confidence and enhance the feeling of submission.
Guided Instructions: Your Domme can provide playful yet firm instructions on how to move or behave while in character. This not only reinforces submission but can also lead to a deeper connection.
6. Aftercare and Reflection
Aftercare is a vital component of any BDSM scenario, including sissy play:
Cuddling and Comfort: After an intense session, take the time to relax and cuddle. Gentle touches and comforting words can help you feel safe and cherished.
Reflections and Discussions: Engage in a conversation about the experience. Discuss what you enjoyed, how you felt, and any boundaries that were crossed. This openness fosters trust and deepens the connection between you and your partner.
Celebrate Progress: Recognize the courage it took to explore your sissy side. Celebrate your journey and the self-discovery involved in embracing your desires.
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✨ Join Me for More Sissy Adventures!
Are you ready to take a deep dive into the world of sissy BDSM with me? I would love for you to join my live camming sessions, where we can explore these ideas together, share experiences, and create a welcoming space for self-expression and exploration. Check my bio!
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chic-a-gigot · 2 months
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La Mode, Pl. 318, 3 août 1833, Paris. Chapeau de paille de riz orné de fleurs de Mimosa à feuillage en aigrette par M. Larochelle. Capotte de gros de naples, bonnet de mousseline et Robes de jaconas brodé garnies de dentelles des Magasins de Mme. Rome, passage Choiseul. Digital Collections of the Los Angeles Public Library
The woman on the left is wearing a yellow dress with a floral print, gigot sleeves, and a white tippet. She is wearing a white bonnet decorated with green bows and flowers. The young girls on the right are wearing identical short-sleeved, white dresses with mitts. They are wearing white bonnets decorated with bows.
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lizzisimss · 11 months
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Purple Apartment - Follower Request CC List
CC used (list below) 920 Medina Studios in San Myshuno 2 bed, 1 bath $108,109
Aira – https://www.patreon.com/airacc
Pear teapot
Books with a pen
Cloud pouffe
Wooden ballerina music box
Woodenland bear organizer v2
Woodenland bear organizer
Woodland shelf
Beans Builds – https://www.patreon.com/beansbuilds
Artsy paintings
Beach suntan lotion
charly pancakes - https://www.patreon.com/charlypancakes
The Lighthouse Collection merged
Miscellanea Merged
Modish Merged
Selection One Merged
Smol merged
Soak merged
Faded-springs – https://www.patreon.com/fadedsprings
Country living pattern add on pack pt 1
William morris-ish prints
Felixandre – https://www.patreon.com/felixandre
Fayun part 2
Gothic revival interior
house of harlix - https://www.houseofharlix.com
Orjanic pt 2
Baysic Bafroom Merged
Baysic Merged
Livin’Rum Merged
The Kichen
Tiny Twavellers Merged
harrie - https://www.patreon.com/heyharrie
Brownstone Collection part 1 & 2 merged
Brutalist Bathroom
Country Collection part 1 & 2
Joyceisfox – https://www.patreon.com/Joyceisfox
Simple Live
Summer Garden
Kasakokos – https://kasakokos.tumblr.com/tagged/ts4%20download
Floral wallpaper w trim 2
Kiwisim - https://www.patreon.com/Kiwisim4
KKB – https://www.patreon.com/user?u=15789815
Fragrant space
Citrus Room
JOMO Laundry
My Heimish Hall
Retro Korea
The chilling home
Lavilikesims – https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/lavilikesims/member/index/category/sims4/
Rustic Floral Floor
leaf motif - https://leaf-motif.tumblr.com
2202 Magnolia Bathroom
Aubrey Office
Basil Chair
Botanic Boudoir
Calliope Bathroom
Ivy Hallway
Old Hat
Starlight Crystals
Sunbeam Study
Vintage Crockery
Winter Village
Patron gift 1, 2 and 5
Lilis-palace – https://www.patreon.com/lilis_palace
Folklore set off the grid
Littlecakes – https://litttlecakes.tumblr.com/downloadspage
Twinkly lights LC
littledica - https://www.patreon.com/littledica
Rise & Grind Café merged
Sleek slumber stuff pack merged
Lumen-Niveus –
Millennia Merged
Lustrousims – https://www.patreon.com/lustrousims
Backend Shelf
MadameRia – https://www.patreon.com/MadameRia
Basic luxe kitchen main
Bow calendar
National park calendar
Madlen – https://www.patreon.com/madlen
Kei Plushie
max 20 - https://www.patreon.com/Max20
Child dream kit
Master bedroom
Mini pack (home atmosphere)
Mechtasims - https://www.patreon.com/mechtasims
Back to School Calendar
Cyber Girl
Essential Clutter
Mlys – https://mlyssimblr.tumblr.com/cc-catalog
Computer eMook v2.1
MycupofCC - https://www.patreon.com/mycupofcc
August 2021
November 2021
Tiny dreamers merged
myshunosun - https://www.patreon.com/myshunosun
Nora living
The art room
Daria bedroom
Dawn living
Bake it up
Herbalist kitchen
Lullaby nursery
Sol kitchen
Vanity nook
NolanSims - https://nolan-sims.com/downloads
Strawberry planters
peacemaker - https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/TS4O...
Creta kitchen
Elsie bedroom
Hinterlands bedroom
Hudson bathroom
Kingston dining
Kitayama living
Mid century eclectic
Phump sectional
Vara office
pierisim - https://www.patreon.com/pierisim
Precious promises
Calderone bedroom
MCM part 1, part 3, part 5 merged
Oakhouse part 1, 2, 3, 4 merged
Auntie vera bathroom merged
Coldbrew coffeeshop
David apartment part 1, part 3 merged
Domaine du clos part 2, part 3, part 4 merged
Teeny weeny merged
Winter garden part 1
RVSN – https://ravasheen.com/downloads/
Smarts Content School Posters
S-imagination – https://www.patreon.com/simagination
Nota living room merged
Simkoos – https://www.patreon.com/simkoos
Clutter dumo pt2
Morning routine glossier collection
simplisticsims - http://simplisticsims4.com
Painting indigo 2021
sixamcc - https://imfromsixam.tumblr.com/
Oak&Concrete Kit merged
Home Basics
Teen Room
SurelySims – https://www.patreon.com/surelysims
Office Space
Joliebean High Society
SYB – https://www.patreon.com/Syboubou
TaurusDesign – https://www.patreon.com/taurusdesign
Cassandra Bathroom
Eliza Walk In Closet
Elsa kids room
Jade build merged
Nina living room merged
Clutter Cat - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thec...
Busy bee 2
Busy bee
Dandy Diary part i
Dandy Diary part ii
TUDS -https://www.patreon.com/TudTuds
Beam kitchen completed set merged
Cross merged
Wave merged
Awingedllama – https://www.patreon.com/awingedllama
Paranormal plants all
Blooming rooms plants merged
Tray files are available on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lizzisimss
Please consider supporting if you wish :)
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sugarcandydoll · 5 months
hi dolly I'm trying to enter my girly era and you clearly know a lot about it based on your aesthetic and stuff! I was wondering if you could give me some advice or tips on being more girly and hyper feminine?🩷
aww aww angel im so flattered omgg ♡🎀 but don't think im the perfect example of a girly girl cause im so messy n emotional n disorganized :(♡ but i do love pinky n glam fashion n aesthetics hehe so i can totally share some tips on that ♡👛 also pls pls remember there is no right way to be a girly girl ♡💞 those are just tips n advice from my own experience abt what makes me feel girly n happy hehe ♡👼🏼
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🎀 Fashion
browse outfits on pinterest n make moodboards to find ur style hehe ♡ shein is also amazing for finding cute girly pieces for cheap!! i usually shop my pinky n barbiecore outfits from shein!! ♡ if u want inspo here is a link to my pinterest fashion board ♡ i love wearing crop tops, matching sets, cute dresses n skirts, white tights w heart patterns ♡ for my comfy n lazy day i go along with pink graphic sweatshirt w cute print on it like bambi or disney princess hehehe ♡ also get cute lingerie n pjs it's gonna make u feel like a lil princess ♡
🎀 Makeup
if ur into makeup, play with different look n choose whatever makes u feel the prettiest! ♡ my personal fav makeup look is a full face of makeup with frosty pink eyeshadow ♡ lots of white highlight on inner corners of eyes n nose tip ♡ black winged eyeliner ♡ white eyeliner on waterline ♡ cat eye faux lashes ♡ lots of blush, n too faced lip plumping gloss along with pinky lipstick hehe ♡ i also sometimes wear brown circle lenses to give that dolly look to my eyes ♡
🎀 Hair
pls pls take care of ur hair (it's smth i need to get better at cause i fried my hair w bleach) my fav hair care tip is too deep oil it w coconut oil ♡ choose a shampoo & conditioner that smells good n works for u ♡ if ur into dyeing ur hair play w colors hehe ♡ i personally loved a reddish brown and then later a light blonde on me ♡👸🏼💕 but now wanna switch things up cause blonde maintainance is getting too expensive n i feel bad wasting soo much of my dad's money on my hair :( so i might get back to like a caramel brown hehe ♡ i also love curling my hair n putting hair extensions n cute girly accessories like bows n pink barretes n huge pink scrunchies ♡
🎀 Nails
get ur nails n toes done often hehe ♡💅🏼 i love the whole salon experience of mani/pedi but since i don't work anymore n live w my parents i wanna be more frugal :(♡ so press ons are my bffs hehehe n i love putting press ons on my toes too hehe ♡ u can find a lot of cute press on nails on amazon n etsy ♡ i usually go for pink medium length nails either plain or w a cute pattern n rhinestones ♡ i sometimes love going with colors like red, baby blue, purple, n a leopard pattern too hehe ♡ my fav nail shape is coffin or stiletto ♡ but go along with whatever makes ur hands look pretty ♡🫶🏼💗
🎀 Accessories
get cute jewelery n accessories hehehe ♡🧁 i usually buy my cutesy pink jewelry from shein ♡ n i love carrying pink bags n purses ♡ my fav for school is definitely my victoria's secret's carry all pink tote hehehe ♡ i also love wearing rings n toe rings n anklets w little bells on it to jingle when i walk hehe ♡ also also i love getting a necklace w my fav fictional character's initial on it oops ♡ i also love wearing cute pink hair accessories like bows n barrettes n huge pink scrunchie ♡ or if i want my hair up i use a huge pink claw clip ♡
🎀 Smelling Good
perfumes n bodymists are the best hehehe ♡ explore different scents at shops n figure out what u like best!! ♡ my current favs are strawberry snowflakes by bbw & pure seduction shimmer mist by victoria's secret, & tease sugar fleur by victoria's secret ♡ usually go w super super sweet or fruity scents but u don't have to angel ♡🍰 florals n fresh scents are sooo cute too just go along w whatever feels the most you n the best in ur opinion hehe ♡
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nekomacheercaptain · 2 years
Day 15: Trafalgar Law x fem! reader
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I just think he would appreciate a nice set of lingerie...
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Word count: 0,8K
Content: lingerie, female reader, fingering (not much), vaginal sex, use of "good girl", "doll" and "whore"
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Surprising your boyfriend proved itself to be an impossible mission, as it seemed he always was one step ahead of you, somehow always just knowing what was going on inside that head of yours. However, he would never guess what kind of boutique you visited on your last island, when you begged to go shopping alone. Well, he heard the word ‘shopping’ and immediately left you alone, it not being of any interest to him. Jackpot. Your little escapade gained you an attire you were sure would have his tongue tied; a sight you yearned to see and experience from your stoic, composed lover.
So, after successfully getting him to leave his study and actually go to your shared cabin in the submarine, you managed to give yourself time to change before he arrived (grumpy, might you add).
“Y/n, what was so important that I had to-”
And there it was. The reaction you wanted, his adam’s apple bobbing while his eyes widened at your silhouette, eyes scanning every part of your body where you sat comfortably on the bed.
Eyes darting over the sheer black lace with floral print that left nothing to the imagination, a poor excuse for a bra decorating your chest, your nipples covered by two pieces of tape shaped like hearts beneath. How cheesy, but by judging his slack jaw, you knew he loved it. Tracing his eyes lower, a lacey garterbelt that hugged your stomach and accentuated your waist welcomed his gaze, and his mind wandered, realizing what a wonderful grip it would make while he fucked you from behind. His cock was already throbbing while his eyes travelled down the straps of the garterbelt, lingering over your laced panties, a cute floral print covering them, matching the bra. His final destination - or at least what he thought was the last part of your outfit, were the thigh highs connected to the straps of the garter belt with cute bows, and his chest was heaving, and you drooled at the very visible bulge in his pants. You couldn’t wait till he saw the main attraction.
“What do you think?” and fuck he loved when you teased him, but he’d be damned if he let you win by flustering him.
“Stand up” his voice barely hiding the strain he needed to sound calm and collected, trying to ignore the furious blush dusting his cheeks.
You ignored his command, and smiled while biting your lower lip, slowly spreading your legs, sure to show him something that would have him trembling in front of you; and you were right, seeing his breath knock out of his chest. And there it was, the final attraction; a slit in your panties showing your glistening pussy in all its glory.
And he had lost, completely and utterly defeated by you. He didn’t have any other words that could describe the sight he was seeing and the painful arousal he was experiencing other than a deep and shaky ‘fuck’ that passed through his lips, his brows knitted together in disbelief. With weak knees he managed to stalk towards you, and to your shock he fell to his knees in front of you.
“Law? What are you-“
“You’re such a fucking brat, you know that?” he grunted out with a small snarl, placing a bite on your inner thigh, making you hiss, “Forcing me away from my study, just to see you wearing this? To tempt me?”.
Not allowing you a chance to talk, his tattooed fingers plunged inside of your soaked cunt, and he smirked, “I don’t even have to prepare you to take my cock,” in a swift motion, the doctor had you pinned beneath him on the bed, forcing your knees against your chest while unbuckling his pants, “how long have you been playing with yourself today, doll? How long have you been waiting for me to fuck you in this?”.
“I-I bought it-“
And his eyes glittered maliciously, a small grin taking over his features as he slammed his cock into your cunt with a harsh thrust, feeling your walls clamp around his girth at the intrusion.
“How long have you been planning this?”
“Fuck! Law - ngh - so long!”
“Good girl,” he chuckled while keeping his hungry eyes at your features contorted in pleasure, “now that you sound and look like a whore, doll, you’ll get fucked like one”.
Law was a man of few words, but always a keeper of his promises. You had to buy more lingerie if you wanted him to make you gush all over his cock for hours at a time.
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Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed it!
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theroyalsims · 1 year
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Just like mummy!
Lady Ella, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Harvelle and the Queen's only grandchild, was spotted wearing a luxury bangle during her latest outing with her parents.
The accessory in question is reportedly custom made for the little lady, and is crafted in yellow gold and studded with diamonds.
The posh tot wasn't the only one sporting said bracelet. In fact, her mum, Eleanore, was wearing two bangles stacked on her right wrist. Lady Ella's custom bracelet is estimated to cost at least §6,500, while Eleanore's is said to be worth about §19,000 each.
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The photographs, rather expectedly, caused quite a stir online. Some royal watchers thought that splurging and showing off such luxuries seem tone-deaf and inconsiderate, seeing that a housing crisis is currently taking place in Brindleton. One commenter wrote:
"It's disgusting how tone deaf they all are. I'm not blaming the baby - I'm looking at her parents. We get that they're rich but they should've taken into consideration that there are thousands of homeless people in Brindleton now and hundreds more in fear of being evicted due to high costs of living."
Another wrote:
"Here I am debating if I should get the brand name pasta for dinner tonight or the cheaper generic one so I can save §5, while a literal baby is wearing a bangle that could pay off my utilities, rent, and food bills this month. BTW, that bracelet won't even fit that little girl in a few months time. She's gonna outgrow it really fast and then it's bye bye §6,500. She's hasn't even turned one, ffs! At least be smart about how you spend your money. You're not only showing off how rich you are. You're also showing off how dumb you are."
Some, however, are quick to defend Eleanore and Ibrahim's parenting skills:
"If I had that much money to burn, I'd buy my kids anything and everything, too. It's not Eleanore or Ibrahim's fault that other people are struggling. Poor people will still be poor whether or not Lady Ella has a §6,500 bracelet. Let this family live a little. They're not asking you to pay for it."
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The Harvelles were seen leaving Liberty Park located near their townhouse here in the city. For their low-key outing, Eleanore coordinated her outfit with her daughter, wearing a floral yellow wrap dress. Ella also donned an adorable yellow bumblebee print outfit that matched her yellow hair bows and sandals.
The Harvelles are expected to return to the country after a brief stint in the city following last week's activities.
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pastel-charm-14 · 7 months
: ̗̀➛how to be a soft girl ⍣ ೋ
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in a world that often celebrates boldness and strength, there's something truly enchanting about embracing your softness. the soft girl aesthetic celebrates all things gentle, dreamy, and whimsical, and it's more than just a fashion statement—it's a lifestyle. here's how to cultivate that enchanting aesthetic.
pastel colors - embrace shades like blush pink, baby blue, lavender, and mint green in your wardrobe, accessories, and even your living space.
flowy fabrics and feminine silhouettes - opt for flowy dresses, skirts, and blouses made from lightweight fabrics like chiffon, lace, and silk. look for pieces with delicate details such as ruffles, bows, and floral prints.
accessories - choose dainty jewelry like charm bracelets, pearl earrings, and delicate necklaces. don't forget to add hair accessories like bow clips, floral headbands, and ribbon scrunchies.
natural and glowy makeup - focus on enhancing your features with soft, neutral tones for eye shadow, blush, and lipstick. don't forget to add a touch of highlighter.
embrace your inner romantic - indulge in activities like writing poetry, reading fairy tales, or enjoying a leisurely picnic in the park. let your imagination soar and find beauty in the little things.
spread kindness everywhere you go - spread love and positivity wherever you go, whether it's through small acts of kindness or simply offering a smile to brighten someone's day. remember, kindness is always in style.
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shibaraki · 2 years
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tags: AFAB reader (referred to as mama), mention of pregnancy + childbirth, biological baby, established relationship, ushijima is a certified girldad, fluffy fluff I wrote this drabble for my wife (bea)
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Soft and warm, the flesh giving under the soft pressure like mochi. Ushijima’s thumb idles over the swell of her cheek, finding he is unable to part with her just yet, and the two watch each other with a similar tilt of curiosity. His little girl, barely a month old. Open mouthed, she turns her head into his touch with a quiet gurgle, instinctively searching for her mothers breast.
“I’m sorry sweetheart,” he murmurs, as she sounds out her immediate displeasure. A gentle smile pulls at the corner of his mouth when her tightly closed fist begins to wave in the air.
The growth undergone in just four short weeks has been incredible — and deeply emotional. Your midwife had informed him that not only would the newborn soon recognise familiar voices and start to talk more, but her eyes would begin to focus and wander.
“People tell me I’m not very adept at conversation,” he says, speaking with a soothing cadence, not wanting to startle her. “But I suppose you don’t mind, do you?”
She blinks up at him from the changing table, legs bending until her tiny body has curled into itself. And then, like a spring, she kicks him in the sternum.
He wraps his hand around her leg, lightly squeezing the chub around her thigh. She had been born a small baby, and still he has moments of hesitation while handling her. Before you, Ushijima knew intimately the importance of precision, but had not known much about delicacy. Not with himself, the ball in his palm, nor the people around him.
Now it is the back of his daughter's head that rests there. Ushijima Wakatoshi’s canon-powered striking hand, retired to an infant's cradle. The fulfillment is still there — his soul is full in a way he has never experienced. Beside the all encompassing love bloating in his chest, there is a flickering bulb of wonderment. An urge to call his own father and ask, “Did you feel this too, whenever you looked at me?”
“Shall we get you dressed?” he asks, bending to softly rub his nose to her temple. The delighted coo is all the answer he needs.
During your pregnancy, Ushijima spent most of his free time reading. You would sit beside him in bed, the room lit by the warm toned glow of his bedside lamp, and he would read the pages aloud while you lathered your growing stomach in cream.
Childbirth, child development, child rearing. All that knowledge was understood and absorbed, yet none of it could have prepared him for the emotion that came with parenthood. The birth of not only a new baby, but an entirely new world.
A world in which he apparently enjoyed picking out baby clothes. It quickly became his favourite part of the morning. While one hand rubs over her round belly, the other rummages through the dresser drawer until he finds what he is looking for — the mint floral romper.
Dotted across the fabric are mini prints of daisies and smiling bumble bees. The straps have pretty white buttons, as does the bottom to make for easy changing. Rubbing the fabric between his thumb and forefinger, Ushijima thinks it’s perfect.
He holds it up, flat to his chest and displaying it to his daughter. “What do you think?” and he smiles, tucking his chin to hold it in place as he reaches back for another clothing item. She squirms as he brings a white cotton shirt into view; the sleeves are long, with sweet little shoulder ruffles.
“Isn’t it pretty?” he continued, overlaying the two together into a cohesive outfit. Her happy babbling encourages him further, faintly giddy as he recalls the matching bow.
He starts with the shirt, widening the neck and gathering the fabric to slowly slip the back around her head, bringing the front down gently over her face. “There you are,” he says, brushing across her forehead. “Now let’s do the sleeves”.
Careful not to permanently stretch the fabric, Ushijima reaches into the sleeve to ease her little hands through. Next comes the romper. Brow pinched in concentration, he undoes each snap button at the bottom and lifts his daughters hips from the changing mat, sliding it down both legs as they kick, and then over her torso.
One by one, he pops the buttons back together and slips the romper straps over her arms and rests them behind the shoulder frills. “As I thought, it is much prettier on you,” he comments, rubbing along her tummy. “I wonder what mama will think”.
Spoken beneath the doorway, “Think about what?”
The sound of your voice warms him from the inside out, and he looks to find you leant against the doorframe, gaze tired and soft. Your daughter reacts similarly, her eyes immediately wandering in search of you.
“Look,” Ushijima moves to support the baby’s head, then cradling her to his chest. He turns, showing you the outfit. “Do you like it?”
You squint as you step forward, a knowing smile playing at the corner of your lips. He leans into your affections when you close the distance, and feels as you thumb over the bumblebee embroidered onto the breast pocket of his own t-shirt.
“Yes,” you breathe, placing a kiss to the crown of your daughter's crown before tilting your chin, asking for another. Ushijima gives, and between tender kisses you tell him, “I love it”.
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diamondcrownacademy · 9 months
DCA Info Part 65: Dorm Leader 3rd Edition Redesigns (Part 1)
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View Part 2
Much like their Dorm Fairy companions, the girls also got redesigned! The reason being is that Phoenix felt she was making them look to simple. So she chose to once again redesign them, only this time, designing them to cater more to their preferences and personalities, as well as matching the aesthetics of each Disney Princesses' respective movies.
🍎 Evonie Apfel
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Now resembling a soldier, Evonie's hair is now in a wavy low ponytail offering her much more mobility when she's fencing.
Her ensemble now consists of a pale yellow tunic with a sweetheart bodice and gold trim worn underneath a blue vest with gold trim, a pair of red gem buttons on each side of the vest each attached to a pair of gold toggles, red transparent floral printed bishop sleeves, and a small cleavage cutout. For footwear, Evonie wears a pair of black heeled shoes with gold circular buckles and blue cuffs with similar looking buckles, she's also shown wearing red socks.
Evonie accessorizes with a gold circlet with a red diamond jewel, a gold brooch with a red diamond on the center of her vest collar, black gloves worn underneath a pair of blue fingerless gloves with gold trim and a pair of pale yellow lace gloves underneath, a brown belt with a circular buckle and a gold crown ring with a red jewel on her right index finger.
👠 Ella Glaciel
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With a more professional ensemble due to representing her family's brand, Ella wears an ensemble that appears to take inspiration from Cinderella's servant uniform. The shoes were made and gifted to her by her father to serve as a memento of him when she enrolled. Like he's with her in spirit, he's thinking about her, and/or the shoes serve as a reminder of how he cherishes her dearly.
Ella's hair is now a lighter pink shade and she is shown wearing muted blue eyeshadow. The ensemble Ella wears consists of a white puff sleeve top with the sleeves having a silver outline, muted blue cuffs and muted dark blue ruffle. The top is worn underneath a muted pale blue dress with the upper part having the center portion a darker color, and a pair of white gem buttons on each side of the center attached to a pair of silver toggles. At the dress' waist, there is a pocket with the opening of it having muted navy blue trim and silver outline and a circular white gem attached to muted dark blue ribbon. The dress' skirt has a thin silver trim, muted blue trim and muted dark blue ruffle trim. For footwear, Ella wears a pair of muted blue heeled loafers with silver details and dark blue bows alongside white leggings with thin lines.
Ella accessorizes with silver three pointed tiara with a white oval gem worn behind a muted navy blue hair bow, a pair of pearl earrings, a muted navy blue cross tie with a silver brooch with three silver flowers and pale blue gems on the bottom and blue bird wings on each side with a light blue gem with a feather outline in the center, and a silver crown ring with a white jewel on her right index finger.
🐰 Allison Liddel
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Allison's new ensemble was made to be the polar opposite of her twin Maddison, as well as being made for active movement since she's constantly moving. Allison's hair is also a softer color than prior and has turquoise eyeshadow.
The ensemble consists of a white top with puff sleeves that include turquoise and gold cuffs. The top is worn underneath a muted turquoise mismatched jumper with suspenders and gold rectangular buckles and trim. For footwear, Allison sports a pair of black boots with gold rectangular buckles with white leggings.
Allison accessorizes with a black ribbon headband with a crown shaped charm in the center, a gold clock brooch with a turquoise and purple gradient, a pair of black waistbands and most notably a chain on her suspenders with charms shaped like a purple mushroom, a white rose with red paint and an orange cat attached to a a turquoise cookie brooch with the words "EAT ME" in pink and a gold key with card suit shapes and the bit resembling an eaten cookie.
🌹 Briar Auroria
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Briar's new ensemble was made to inline her with Aurora's Briar Rose persona, with the ensemble's color palette being more muted to make her resemble more of a young woman. The sash was gifted to her by Yolanda as a congratulatory gift. As a tribute to her friend, Briar commissioned her uniform to complement the sash. Her golden blonde hair is also slightly darker and she has magenta eyeshadow.
Briar's ensemble consists of a white-pinkish tinted blouse worn underneath a muted brownish purple sweetheart bodice with muted gold trim and a muted mauve pink skirt. For footwear, Briar wears a pair of flat sharp black shoes with gold buckles alongside grayish purple leggings.
Briar accessorizes with a muted gold five pointed tiara, a rectangular gold brooch with a magenta gem embedded inside on her bodice, a muted fuchsia shawl with magenta gems with muted gold tassels on each side, each of which connected by a pale gold chain, a brownish purple sash with brown trim, diamond designs and the gem in the center matching the brooch, and a muted gold crown ring with a magenta jewel on her right index finger.
🐠 Cerule Oceana
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Cerule's ensemble looks more sporty and less cluttered than her previous ensembles. Most notably, Cerule's hair features three ahoges and the rest of her hair is in a twist ponytail as an homage to her mermaid heritage. She also wears purple eyeshadow.
Cerule wears a turquoise sleeveless one piece sailor suit with the center being an off white color, has eight purple gem buttons and silver trimming. For footwear, Cerule sports a pair of turquoise boots with silver soles and transparent turquoise cuffs that resemble mermaid fins.
Cerule accessorizes with a pearl headband with each strap attached to a yellow seashell above her ear with the left one having a silver teardrop brooch with a purple gem embedded inside, a light brown choker attached to a silver hoop charm which is attached to a yellow seashell with three pearls on top, a violet scarf, a pair of pearl bracelets over brown waistbands, a brown belt with a yellow seashell satchel, a turquoise transparent wrap that resembles a mermaid's tail fin and a silver crown ring with a purple jewel on her right index finger.
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