#Glitch no more please-
stupid-thatsme · 1 month
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maranescence · 2 months
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Finally gathered the courage to draw some fan art for @lumineary-arts ‘s Murder Drones Swap AU, specifically the goofy little “we just hang out” message from episode 7! I honestly had trouble coming up with a fitting message that SD-Z (aka Swap!Uzi) would write and this is basically the best I could come up with 🤷🏻‍♀️ Please correct me if I made any mistakes somehow! (I followed the reference sheets and the headcanons as accurately as possible)
I might draw more of these if this happens to blow up lol 😅
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braisedhoney · 11 months
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the fundamental problem
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maedhrus · 3 months
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"Although perhaps, we shall never be [...] intimate friends [...], still I would not wish a better." (x)
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jhugh86 · 1 year
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She bites into cheese sticks instead of peeling them like a normal person
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As for N; I feel like he eats pizza with a fork
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medi-bee · 10 months
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These are the guys who have total martial control over the center of the galaxy? are you sure?
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r0semultiverse · 3 months
You know what feature we need to bother staff for next? Other people’s posts getting flagged as counting towards “strikes” on our blogs.
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forcedhesitation · 9 months
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#bg3 spoilers#thoughts about media#this is so sweet. corydalis would cherish this present to the end of his days.#so nice of mirkon to say we killed the harpies in one blow!#we did not.#I couldn't long rest and reset corydalis' empty spell slots because the scene was glitching and the kid would spawn dead.#so i had to forgo the long rest and just fight them.#and then astarion and karlach kept getting lured by the harpy song!#lae'zel was the only one getting anything done!#and she sure as fuck didn't even want to be there!! i brought her to try and boost her approval...#but it's like. stuck at 6 or something equally abysmal because I keep pissing her off by being too nice.#I didn't realise there was an interaction between her and a tiefling in the grove in my first playthrough...she hated me more after that.#GIRL I'M NOT GOING TO MAKE ZORRU BOW FOR YOU!#like corydalis is a tiefling himself! be real lae'zel!#being nice to zorru got us the information we needed anyways...#astarion for whatever reason didn't complain even though i'm pretty sure being too nice in this interaction is supposed to annoy him.#i'm literally LOOKING for interactions to gain his disapproval!!!!!#BECAUSE HIS APPROVAL WON'T GO DOWN!!!!!!!!!#please my dearest I would like to NOT trigger your first romance scene too soon.#honestly if i could romance him without suffering through that again I would be thrilled. but it is not possible.#REALISTICALLY corydalis wouldn't even fall for his lying. he's ten times better a liar than astarion could ever hope to be.#and he's also extremely kind and caring! there's noooo WAY he'd let astarion's evasiveness slide unmentioned.#BUT ALAS. the game only permits you to avoid this TORMENTUOUS experience if you are playing karlach.#goblin camp is next though. I'm SURE I can earn disapproval there with him.#he may be allergic to disagreeing with my tiefling but this is still act 1 astarion! he is a bitter HATER with no healthy outlet.#I just have to like. oh I don't know. offer to help some random npc and ask for nothing in return.
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biillys · 1 year
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i don't ever want to come down from this west coast rush and summer high and easy, peaceful sense of time i feel so alive at the moment any place i go is beautiful because in my mind i, i am miles and miles away
the maine; miles away
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maranescence · 5 days
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This one single animation has now become a goldmine for silly cringy memes
Feel free to repost them if you want lol
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webcxre · 6 months
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Bootleg vs the official Pomni plush
My sister and I love the show, so she bought me the one on the left for christmas 😭 she gave it to me early when she realized she'd been scammed (and learned I already ordered the official one)
The listing DID use the official image - look at the one on the right!
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Even though it might seem like a more affordable option, aside from the quality there's another reason you shouldn't get a bootleg!
The fabric irritates the skin, and could potentially contain harmful chemicals or cause rashes
Something about the printed fabric caused my hands to furiously itch long after I stopped holding it. I don't know what's in it, but it's clearly nothing good.
Please just save up for the official one to support the show! Wait for a sale if you have to! Make your own or customize something! Just please don't put yourself at risk for a low quality bootleg!
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eternalglitch · 1 year
Currently poking around a fic author's tumblr in hopes for some kind of signal a fic that hasn't updated in four years might make a return. The hopes are not high lolol
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jounosparticles · 6 months
I'm curious....... what do you think the hunting dogs's backgrounds are?
I mean, we know fukuchi's and tachihara's and jouno was in a crime ring but i mean like specific details. does that make sense?
like what was their education or did they ever have to do like a mini basic training? did tachihara create a milk locker?
idk they've been taking up my brain since like October and what I do is that since they don't have specific backgrounds my brain just fills in the spaces for me. just little backstory hcs djdebd
okay so….sorry in advance i got really rambly but here are some of my ideas for everyone
the whole team
- tachi joined likely after the others
- i assume fukuchi was there from the start
- but you don’t start a one person team so i’d assume teruko and tecchou were there as well!
- fukuchi specifically picked out jouno for the team. maybe he chose all the members? maybe not im not sure really.
- personally i think they started the team with tecchou, teruko, and fukuchi. then shortly after jouno joined then tachi after
- fukuchi wore the hunting dogs uniform during untold origins. this means either they never got new uniforms or the team has existed for at least 12 years.
- that makes me wonder if there are former hunting dogs that have retired or been killed? or maybe it was just fukuchi and teruko at the start.
- i suppose if tecchou joined while a teenager still (16-19ish) during untold origins it would make sense still. i assume he’s in his late 20s if not older (please i need canon ages asagiri please make them at least 28 please im so sick of everyone being in their early 20s sob. anyways). it would still make sense for them to form then
- however i don’t believe fukuchi makes an appearance in the untold origins book? so it may just be a lore mistake and the team may be newer. who knows.
now onto individual characters
- was in the military prior to the hunting dogs. we know this
- his power probably was the core reason the hunting dogs were founded
- i assume he started training and set this goal in his childhood after getting the signal from amenogozen
- he likely helped form the idea of the group
- i like to imagine he knew teruko beforehand
- i assume fukuchi’s ability manifested out of pure desire to save the world. likely around when he got drafted. since fukuzawa and him fought evenly as children i assume he didn’t have the ability then
- i feel the other hunting dogs likely warmed up to him quickly. he just has the personality of that
- he’s probably always felt immense pressure and stress throughout his entire life due to him knowing the worlds outcome results in his actions
- he likely started out with a strong fighting spirit (like when he met fukuzawa) but he was likely drained and very stressed over time
- as for education, hmmmmm. i actually am not sure. we really don’t get much of any mention of school in bsd in general (other than tanizaki and naomi being students and kunikida being a former teacher). i assume fukuchi got some schooling but enlisted while young
i don’t have too much to say about him since we seen a lot of his backstory.
- i want to say she was also likely military or a public service worker of sorts
- we really don’t know much about teruko. but she has the personality of someone who is very used to her work and likely has been here a long time
- i feel she probably completed school and went to further school in law enforcement
- she is very tough and good at interrogation. it likely made her one of the most noticeable candidates for the job
- i assume her ability manifested likely out of a time where she desperately wanted to change people, hence the way it is. i’m not really sure how exactly ill have to think more on this!
- i feel she was likely quick to adjust to the job. she doesn’t seem to have an issue talking to people and would likely be a good coworker from the start
- a lot of her background is hard to tell when we don’t quite know how old she is. if i could hazard to guess even roughly how long she’s been around i could come up with some better ideas i think
- i like to imagine she uses her ability to mess with people before they find out what her ability is. imagine going to get a coffee and coming back and seeing a random baby at ur coworkers desk. that would be so funny
- she also probably could use her ability to get those "kids eat free” meals and stuff. not really a backstory headcanon it’s just what i would do
- i bet she always had her sense of justice. i don’t think she ever swayed far from the way she is now. her job likely toughened her a bit and made interrogation easier that way but her heart was always the same intent
- i assume she knew who fukuchi was before they started working together (guessing his reputation was already good or maybe they knew each other).
- she’s probably the brains behind a lot of their work. despite fukuchi being the captain usually it’s her and jouno strategizing the most out of them all. i assume she’s super smart
- i feel she was probably very willing to do the surgeries. she already likely was very strong and skilled in her work. she’s dutiful and i think everything about her screams willing
- i assume he’s somewhat new to the squad. remembering he’s only 19
- that makes me wonder if he had went to highschool? if so he was part time hunting dog part time student. must have been one hell of a week. i’m saying he probably dropped out after getting recruited OR idk had a lesser workload until he graduated
- i wish i knew how long he has been in the mafia, that could help me figure out a timeline a lot easier for him.
- i assume he hasn’t been in the mafia much longer than the manga has been going on, however he must have very quickly moved up the ranks somehow without outing his ability. possibly his enhanced strength helped here
- he was found and recruited by the hunting dogs but we don’t know when. somehow long enough to gain their trust to infiltrate the mafia, but not long enough to make a name for himself as a hunting dog.
- guessing, he got found at 17, started infiltrating the mafia at 18, and has been since (at 19). best timeline i can think of that’s reasonable. of course he Could have been much younger but i just don’t see that
- anyway, prior to any of this. we know he wanted to be different than his brother which caused him to act out in rebellion
- regardless of that i think the people around him (including his brother) taught him a lot of who he is
- tachihara is loyal and caring, much like his brother seemed to be. they felt very similar in personality there it really shows
- i’ll also note that his eyes stay bright white most of the time in the manga. despite most of the mafia having black eyes
- but i think being in the mafia taught tachihara that good people can do horrible things, which likely influenced his decision in sparing yosano
- i’d guess his ability manifested out of grief for his brother. he formed a much more dangerous ability that would help him get revenge
- as for joining the hunting dogs, i assume he fit in well from the start
- i think he seems like the type to be very easy to get along with which probably made him an optimal choice for infiltrating but also being part of the job.
- we can see that he cares about the approval of his coworkers as well
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- he looks very happy and proud of completing his job. i think this just further shows that he’s always loyal to people, even if they contradict each other
- i bet he was surprised at the start of his military job. he likely didn’t have an option to not join. the sudden change from the surgeries was probably hard. i assume he didn’t train much beforehand since it wasn’t really important
- i like to imagine they all trained him a little bit and they all grew to like him rather quickly !!
- so all we know is that he was in a crime group six years prior to the current events
- as for schooling i’m really lost here. he might have went to school. he might not have went much. who knows. not me
- i assume jouno had a rougher upbringing. assuming he is at least in his mid-late twenties he was in his crime group until he was an adult
- that is explained a lot in his actions as well. he’s maintained his sadistic personality overtime. compare that to dazai who left his crime group while still a teenager and has had a clear change in some core personality traits
- of course, we don’t know how criminal-era jouno was. but i assume he didn’t change too much since based off the way he acts now.
- we also know he was an executive in said criminal organization, so he was likely affiliated with them for a long time.
- let’s take a quick look at the only executive jouno picture:
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this photo is really neat. the striped outfit could indicate that he was a prisoner that fukuchi spotted. it could also just appear that way to look ambiguous as well. jouno also is smiling in the image, this could also be him being asked by fukuchi to join the hunting dogs here. it doesn’t really explain what’s going on or where he is. i just think it’s neat and worth bringing up. had be been a prisoner though im sure it would have been an easy escape given his ability (unless he was in an ability space, of course).
- anyway. this picture also shows his eyes closed, meaning he loses his sight before joining the hunting dogs
- he mentioned that he Lost his sight when arresting dazai, which means he was not born that way. i switch between it being an injury or an illness that made him lose it. either idea is interesting to me and i hope we get an answer.
- either way, i want more criminal executive jouno information
- and i’d assume his ability formed when he felt trapped somewhere. possibly cornered or in a dangerous situation and just needed a quick way to escape and formed it out of fear maybe?
-as for joining the hunting dogs, i assume it was a rougher transition for him
- the people who were after him before are now his coworkers. he probably felt awkward over this (if the others know his past)
- i assume he had the hard time adjusting to everyone too. probably easily annoyed but not wanting to come off that way until he was confident in his job
- i also assume the surgeries wasnt something he initially wanted to do but ultimately did because that’s better than being executed or imprisoned for his crimes.
- he also seems like the type to be reluctant to work with others. possibly making adjusting harder for him
- his morality probably clashed against tecchou’s a bit at first, until jouno found the joy in helping others
- i believe the hunting dogs really helped him find joy in helping people as well. their dedication probably helped motivate him
- he also mentions in one panel after fukuchi asks him to betray "so this isn’t some kind of military test?" which (maybe a stretch) Could suggest he’s been tested by the military to see if he’s still reliable. maybe this creates some lack of trust because people don’t believe him.
- i also assume his upbringing influences the way he acts towards people. he’s cold and mean sometimes but that’s likely a defense mechanism to not b too close to others
- once again we don’t know much about tecchou yet. there’s nothing about his past yet but that doesn’t mean i don’t have a ton of ideas floating around
- i feel like teruko he probably went to school and then law-enforcement in post secondary. i know he was a good student too
- we know he’s typically very composed. even when joking he often keeps a straight face except that one time he teases jouno but that’s just him being gay idk
- because of this i wonder if he had some communication issues growing up? maybe working in anything unprofessional didn’t work for him since he often was taken seriously
- however with that in mind i believe he was definitely raised with his just morals. it seems really driven into him and seems to be a huge part of who he is
- i like to think his sense of justice stems from being failed by the system before. maybe he lost someone close to him and never got proper justice?
- what backs that up is how he mentions "there is evil that goes unpunished, and good that goes unrewarded.” and mentions that his blade helps decide that. that is an immense amount of pressure onto himself to keep everything he possibly can just
- such ideas i guess stem from his desire to never have someone not get what they deserve. destroy all evil, protect the innocent. he wants to do what the system failed before and takes it upon himself.
- maybe his ability manifested out of his desire to protect people?
- as for adjusting into the hunting dogs, i feel it wasn’t great or badly. got along with people fine but i feel maybe his very straight-faced personality was a strong contrast to the others at first
- he was possibly military beforehand? or law enforcement and was recruited because of his ability and his strong morals
- he was probably willing to do the surgeries and was already very physically trained. anything to serve proper justice
- he seems to be the calmest-acting of them all. very straightforward when he talks. maybe this was hard to get along with initially? until you’re used to him
- i don’t think he sees the way he acts as unusual either. probably just doesn’t care and is just himself. (which i love)
- i also like to imagine his fixation on ants and stuff is just something he’s always liked. idk he’s so cute for that
- he probably excelled at working right away. i see him to be very good at staying determined to get the job done
thank you for the question!! this was super fun to look at. also please ignore the grammar issues i am super tired
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taxes-and-laundry · 8 months
Hey Glitch Techs folks, I've figured it out.
Bolypius has the same memory-altering powers as a tech gauntlet. The reason no one can find them is that they wipe your memory if you ever track them down. This is why Miko's reset resistance is so important.
Also, Miko's parent's aren't her biological family (where Miko actually comes from remains a mystery). Hinobi most likely did something to her as an experiment, maybe she's a Glitch idk. But Hinobi messed with her family's memory to make them think she was their daughter. (We saw in the very first episode gauntlets, similar to the MIB flashy thing, don't just erase memories but also give you an opening to come up with fake memories).
This explains how Miko is able to have a family who are seemingly unaware of any weirdness whatsoever, while she herself definitely has something very weird somewhere in her past.
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simandy · 2 years
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Lucifer felt from Heaven, Icarus flew too close to the Sun, Cain knew damn well what he was doing.
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