#God of sun and fire
smudgingpumpkins · 5 months
May Day / Fire Festival
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When is Beltane?
It is celebrated on the first day of May, marking the near-beginning of summertime. May 1st is roughly the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice.
What does Beltane mean?
"Beltane" can be inferred as the Gaelic word for "bright fire." It signifies that the days are growing longer and warmer, and welcomes fertility, life, and love. The veil between the human world and the spirit world has become thin, connecting us to fairies, nature spirits, and the dead.
Who does Beltane celebrate?
One may worship any fertility deity on Beltane, including Cernunnos, the Celtic God of vegetation, fauna, and fertility; Flora, the Roman Goddess of flowers, fertility, and springtime; and Belenus, the Celtic God of the sun, fire, and healing.
Work with stones that activate the heart and spirit, including rhodonite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, emerald, and jade.
Use fresh, sweet-smelling flowers and herbs like roses, dandelions, lavender, mugwort, woodruff, and spearmint, all in which promote solace, pain relief, self-love, and spiritual healing. Mugwort may be beneficial to relieving colic and pain during mensuration.
Prepare and consume meals with honey, mint, and lemon, each considered aphrodisiacs. This mix of sweet and refreshing marks the revival of flora and fauna in the warming months. These three ingredients are also relatively hardy and are available year-round, symbolizing vitality and spirit.
Decorate and adorn yourself with soft pinks, greens, whites, and yellows.
Incorporate animal imagery (e.g., figurines, photographs, drawings, et cetera) of birds, cattle, stags, and other creatures associated with crop, fertility and strength.
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Create and/or wear a flower crown. Use seasonal flowers--especially white, yellow, and orange flowers to represent fire--and decorate your hair with them!
Take a ritual bath: add lavender, coarse salts, mint, and rose petals to your relaxing bath.
Light a fire. Safely light a bonfire and indulge as you would like: sit and chat by the fire, feast over it, or safely dance around it. You could also take a blank sheet a paper, write down one thing you would like to achieve in the year to come, and then toss it into the flames.
Dance around the Maypole. The maypole is a ceremonial folk dance performed to ensure fertility and union. People dance around a tall wooden maypole and weave colored ribbons by walking in a circle in opposite directions from each other.
Make a Beltane altar. In the center of the altar, add an image/icon of a fertility god(dess) of your choice, and decorate around it with seasonal flowers, bells, burning candles, soft colors, and sugar or honey.
Get creative with recipes! Carlota Santos, who is the author of Magika, recommends drinking freshly made lemonade and baking buttery sugar cookies!
Carlota Santos’ Beltane Cookie Recipe
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months
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Zuko was awoken by the ghost of a caress on his left cheek and the echo of a voice that told stories of dragons and spirits and love. No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are.
Zuko's childhood, as told in For the Spirits Chapter V: There Was Sun.
When did Zuko start seeing the spirits of the dead? How did loss become the norm for a child?
(Maybe it was after Lu Ten, or after Mother. Maybe it was because of the burn or the fire or the dreams sent to him by Agni. Maybe such was the way of things since the very beginning of time.)
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mugiwara--ya · 6 months
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wish you were here
don’t repost // support me on ko-fi
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mythwoven · 4 months
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Jean d'arc by GIIH / Sheryl Lee as Laura Palmer, Fire Walk with Me (1992)
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Day 9: Day/Night
Ngl i intended for Monkey King to be night, but I zoned out and forgot what i was doing so we ended up here as usual booois. next time i'll remember what i'm doing and do the less obvious
Prompt List
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dykealloy · 9 months
ripple effect legacy // my tears are becoming a sea, M83
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beeshoesometimesdraws · 4 months
Unhinged god Sun? Unhinged god Sun.
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Lore babble + other art under cut:
Sun, known in this au as Scorch due to his appearance and title and personality, is the god of energy (encompassing heat, light, electricity, etc) and power.
Due to these things he is quite popular with mortals, being the one who gifted them with fire and light, though he’s also popular for…not so good reasons; it’s not at all a rare occurrence, far from it, for power hungry mortals to pray to him and leave him offerings in hopes of gaining his favor in order to advance their power.
Scorch, while very particular on who he offers his support and blessings to, is by no means against aiding in such things as long as he is given the proper offerings and respect. Mortals who seek to only try and use him to take advantage of the power he could give them and treat him with little to no respect are always very quickly reminded of who exactly they are dealing with (and it may be in the form of a few new burn scars…or a pile of ashes on the floor-)
I kinda based him off Peril from WOF with his body always running hot, hot enough to burn if touched by a mortal. Standing next to him is like standing very close to an open heated oven, you can just feel the heat pouring off of him.
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Scorch’s domain is also based off WOF, this time based on the home of the NightWings.
Scorch’s domain is a fortress built upon and within a volcanic island, surrounded all around by lava and molten rock. It is a place to be treaded carefully by any mortal who ends up there (after all, they will not be saved if something goes wrong).
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silkentine · 5 months
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Here are all the drawings I made for Luffy Week 2024!!! I’m so proud of myself for sticking to it and finishing each piece on time!!! I also got to practice a few different art styles so I had a blast!
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sen-ya · 4 months
I love how you draw Luffy!!! But seeing Gear five Luffy?? Could you draw Ace’s reaction is he was still around? Also maybe more doodles of huge ass gear 5 dude?
ahh tysm!! I need u to know I started to draw an answer to this earlier this week and it turned into that one I posted w giant loof and law. There’s also more g5 in my queue now lol. Tysm for this ask I love g5!!
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luminouslumity · 6 months
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smile-files · 7 days
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a blackhole of happiness, greedy for the light it cannot give back
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calypsolemon · 1 year
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Creation of the Sun and Stars
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socksandbuttons · 9 months
New Solar Flare is Tiny. Like Lunar.
Im on it dont worry about it
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He's... hes just smaller. and also constantly on fire maybe.
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darkxsoulzyx · 2 years
Haha anyways, I’ve been watching the sun and moon show aaaand
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scorbunny · 2 years
if you were a fire emblem character what would your crit line be?
mine would probably be “thats not very cash money of you” 
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months
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For the Spirits— Chapter V: There Was Sun
I wish I could dream like I used to dream
I wish I could be all the things that I used to be
When there was sun
—There Was Sun by Nothing But Thieves
Zuko was a child when he first met Agni. He couldn’t remember the dream, not really. He woke up with ragged breaths and eyes older than his years on earth. Whenever he tried to drag the memories to the surface all that could be found was a blank space where the night’s visions should be. Zuko knew he had met Agni in the dream because that’s when the whispers started. The next day, a six-year-old Fire Prince burned for the first time.
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