Had an question or a request for the Appleseed AU? Are Charlie and Vaggie going to name a GodMother and GodFather for Sammy?
Hi, silencetheloudestsound!
I can think of a couple folks who they would consider the Godparents for Sammy. Let's see!
Apple Seed: Bonus - Godparent
Lucifer: So! Have you two considered who our lovely little prince's Godparents are going to be?
Charlie: (cradling Sammy to her chest as he eats) Mm-hmm!
Vaggie: Hey, Alastor?
Alastor: (turns head expectantly) Yes, my dear?
Vaggie: You know where Angel and Husk are? We gotta tell them their Sammy's Godparents.
Lucifer: Ha! Psych!
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graceofromanovs · 10 months
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Born during his grandfather's reign on 18 May (New Style) 1868 at the Alexander Palace, Tsarkoe Selo in Saint Petersburg. He was the eldest son of Alexander III and his wife Maria Feodorovna (then, the Tsarevich and Tsarina of Russia). He was christened on 1 June at the  Chapel of the Resurrection of the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoe Selo, by the confessor of the imperial family, protopresbyter Vasily Borisovich Bazhanov. His godparents were: 
ALEXANDER II, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandfather, the Russian Emperor stood as one of the godparents. He became the Emperor of All Russia in 1855. Alexander’s most significant reform as emperor was the emancipation of Russia’s serfs in 1861, for which he is known as Alexander the Liberator. He was assassinated in 1881 when the young Nicholas was only 12 years-old, to which he became the heir apparent upon his death.
PRINCESS MARIE OF HESSE AND BY RHINE, EMPRESS MARIA ALEXANDROVNA OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandmother, the consort of Emperor Alexander II, was another of his godparents. Known for her intellect, she was one of the founders of the Russian Red Cross Society. However, she suffered from tuberculosis from 1863 and spent long stays in southern Europe to avoid harsh winters. Although she and her husband were unofficially separated sometime after the death of their eldest son, Maria was treated with respect and love by her surviving family. Maria passed away from illness when the young Nicholas was still a child.
PRINCESS LOUISE OF HESSE-KASSEL, QUEEN CONSORT OF DENMARK - his maternal grandmother was listed as one of his godparents. Louise became the Queen consort of Denmark upon her husband's - King Christian IX - accession in 1863, just few years before her grandson Nicholas' birth. She, herself, was a niece of another King of Denmark (Christian VIII). The great dynastic success of Louise's six children was to a great extent a result of Louise's own ambitions - through them, she was a grandmother of not only the future Tsar of Russia (Nicholas II), but also that of King George V of the United Kingdom; King Constantine I of Greece; King Christian X of Denmark, and King Harken VII of Norway.
GRAND DUCHESS ELENA PAVLOVNA OF RUSSIA - his great-great-aunt, the wife of the late Grand Duke Michael Pavlovich, was one of his godparents. Born as Princess Charlotte of Württemberg, she became a close friend of his grandmother the Empress Maria Alexandrovna, and was known as an intellectual. She was also considered the most exceptional woman in the imperial family since Catherine the Great.
KING FREDERICK VIII OF DENMARK - then, the Crown Prince, his maternal uncle stood as one of his godparents. During the long reign of his father, he was largely excluded from influence and political power. Upon his father's death in 1906, he acceded to the throne at the advanced age of 62. In many ways, Frederick VIII was a liberal monarch who was much more favorable to the new parliamentary system introduced in 1901 than his father had been, being reform-minded and democratically inclined. 
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Big Brother Google thought I might enjoy learning about the Grosvenor Family 🤷‍♀️.
So I created a poll for royal watchers. Please answer the questions below:
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Old Money British Family Owns Half Of London
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hellenicowlette · 1 year
When practitioners say "The God/Goddess talks to me", we don't actually mean they talk to us in full pledged sentences. The "talking" is a nudge and oftentimes a feeling, is as if they wanted us to connect the dots ourselves. A notion of what the Gods/Goddesses wanted to say, we are just translating in a way we know how, because we are humans. I guess it is only tied to whether it is for entertainment or not. (Like skits on tiktok or convo-like scripts here on tumblr). I think practitioners should be responsible and put tags like "For entertainment purposes only" on the "convos" with their deities.
That way new practitioners don't get too carried away and doubt themselves like "How come my Deities don't talk to me like that? Am I doing something wrong?" or worst "I guess the deities just don't like me at all".
Ladies, Gents and Two-cents. Please know that your deities love you beyond your understanding and that they will always talk to you in a way that is SPECIAL and PERSONAL for you. So please don't doubt that they don't talk to you all because these witchtok skits make it seem that it's the "real" thing. And lastly, NEVER let ANYONE define the deity for you. Only you and you alone can define what your relationship is like.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 11 months
What if a former daycare kid was pregnant and wanted one of the SK boys to be the godfather
Oh god I think they'd cry.
And if the parent(s) is serious about the offer, they just may accept it.
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hrhzaratindall · 1 month
Confirmation on Lucas Tindall’s godparents
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bunny-is-cute · 3 months
Outside of family, who are the girls close with?
Calliope is close to her Godmother Rosie.
Cherie is close to Freya (her best friend/baby sitter) and her parents Angel Dust and Husk. Actually Husk is Cherie’s Godfather.
Alastor chose Rosie as Godmother because she’d helped him when he was giving birth.
Lucifer chose Husk as Cherie’s Godfather because he was there and helped Cherie be born and also had picked out her name.
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musicprincess1990 · 2 years
3 and 19 from the trope pairs list please! 😁👏
3: Bed-sharing; 19: Godparents. Taken from this list, and as much as I want to keep taking prompts, I'm going to have to close them, I just don't have my writing juices flowing right now.
But anyways, welcome to Angst Central! Proceed with caution. 😉 I am SO sorry I’m getting to this so late, but I guess better late than never?? Anyway, hope you like it!
Open Arms
Sherlock kept his eyes trained on the prone form of his best friend as the machinery beside his bed kept track of his vitals.  The quiet but steady beep of the monitor was both reassuring and a nuisance, as was the occasional puff of air through the oxygen tube.  Across the room, just outside the microscopic window, a light snow had begun to fall, and though Sherlock was not one to believe in signs or portents, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was an omen.
The door to the hospital room opened, but Sherlock didn’t turn, already knowing who it was.  A moment later, a hand softly touched his shoulder, and then its owner spoke.  “He’ll be fine, Sherlock,” said Molly, her voice as gentle as her touch.  “John is too stubborn to let this keep him down.”
“I wish I shared your optimism,” he answered, his voice low and gravelly.
She let out a sigh, then sat beside him on the tiny, uncomfortable sofa.  “You heard what the doctor said.  The procedure went well, his vitals are good, he’s breathing better every minute—”
“What if she’s wrong?” he asked, not taking his eyes off his injured friend.
“They’ve been very thorough, Sherlock,” she reassured him.  “They’ve run every test imaginable, if they do anything more, he’ll start to glow in the dark.”  Sherlock scowled at her terrible joke, but in fact he appreciated her trying to lighten the mood.  In a more serious voice, she added, “He’ll be well taken care of, I promise.  And we need to take care of Rosie until he’s healed.”
The mention of their goddaughter, who was currently in the care of Mrs. Hudson and blissfully unaware of her father’s current state, gave him considerable strength.  With a deep breath, he nodded his head.  “You’re right.  Best not keep Mrs. Hudson from her ‘herbal soothers,’” he said with a wry grin.
Molly beamed.  “There’s the Sherlock I know.”
With one last look at John, he allowed Molly to lead him out of the hospital.  The snow had increased a bit, leaving very few cabs on the roads, so they instead took the tube.  By the time they reached Baker Street, exhausted and emotionally spent, a layer of white at least two centimetres deep coated every surface.  Molly wordlessly held out a hand for Sherlock’s keys, and he handed them over, leaning against the jamb while she unlocked the door.
Mrs. Hudson greeted them cheerfully but was clearly as exhausted as they were.  Molly lingered for a quiet chat, while Sherlock gathered a slumbering Rosie against his chest, picking up the nappy bag on his way up the stairs.  She hummed sleepily, her hand closing over the lapel of his Belstaff, and he hesitated mid-step, afraid she’d woken, but she only sighed and shifted a bit before settling against him again.  Sherlock set her on the centre of his bed while he set up the travel cot in the corner of his bedroom.
As he finished the task, Molly appeared with a somewhat bemused frown.  “Why have you set it up in here? There’s more space upstairs in John’s old room.”
He didn’t answer immediately, his ears warming and likely turning pink, though thankfully that wouldn’t be visible in the darkened room.  “I… didn’t want her to be alone.”
Molly’s face softened, and for a moment, she looked as though she might start crying.  Please don’t, he silently pleaded; he was in no shape to comfort anyone at the moment, he’d undoubtedly muck it all up.  He was relieved, then, to see Molly smile in the next moment.  “That’s very thoughtful of you, Sherlock,” she complimented.  “It’s… unnerving, at times, waking up alone.”
As ever, Molly saw right through him, to the secrets he kept even from himself.  Without another word, she crossed the room and dug through a drawer until she found an old pair of pyjamas.  “Give me a few minutes to change, I’ll be back.”
Sherlock found himself unable to speak, only nodding in response.  Molly left the room, and a moment later he heard the bathroom door close.  He dazedly grabbed another pair of pyjamas, just tying the drawstring belt when Molly returned.  He swallowed against a wave of desire that washed over him at the sight of her wearing his clothing, and not for the first time, he questioned whether he’d made the right decision all those months ago.
After Sherrinford, Sherlock had taken a few days to sort out the crumbling debris of his mind palace.  He had hundreds upon hundreds of repressed memories, and all the emotions that came with them, and he’d been more than a bit daunted at the prospect.  At the end, though, everything had been sorted and catalogued, every thought and feeling… including those for Molly.  She’d been a central figure within his mind for years, but as the dust settled and he revisited his newly reconstructed mind palace, he finally understood just how central she had become.
She was everywhere.  In every room and corridor, even those she had no business being, such as the wing dedicated to his childhood and adolescence, there she stood.  Sometimes, she wore her lab coat and a familiar ensemble of her usual frumpy clothing; other times, the little black dress she’d worn one Christmas, complete with curled hair and red lips and ridiculous silver bow.  But always, always, she was there, watching him with those wide brown eyes, as if waiting, wondering what he would do.
What would he do?  Well, he didn’t know himself.  All he knew was that she mattered to him, more than she could ever know.
In all his years of chasing criminals and solving mysteries, he had never been more frightened than those three minutes.  He was terrified of losing her, of never seeing her eyes, hearing her awful jokes, working alongside her in the lab or the morgue, or sharing a cuppa as they kept an eye on Rosie.  Even as she said the words, and her life was saved—and then, when it became clear she was never really in danger to begin with—the fear remained.  He feared he’d already done too much damage.  After years of being dismissive or outright rude toward her, compounded with being forced to make her expose her heart in perhaps the worst three minutes of his life… how could they ever hope to repair that?
And yet, somehow, they had.  Molly, true to the person she had always been, had accepted his apology and explanation without question, and agreed to rebuild their friendship.  She did not, however, say a word about anything more than friendship, and Sherlock took that as a sign she was no longer open to more.  He’d felt some disappointment, but also relief, as he’d never attempted a romantic relationship—well, a real one.  Friendship, however, he was comfortable with, and it was more than he’d expected from her, so he accepted it without question.
But now…
Now, here she stood, all warm and soft and utterly, breathtakingly beautiful.  Even in the borrowed pyjamas that were far too big for her frame, she was absolutely radiant.  And as he watched her scoop up the still-sleeping Rosie, cooing softly as she laid her in the cot, his desire for her became more than simply physical.  He wanted love, he wanted family, he wanted… God, he wanted to spend forever just wrapped around her, doing absolutely nothing but being with her.
He loved her.
And he was finally ready to do something about it.
Molly ruffled Rosie’s blonde curls before straightening and smiling at him.  Sherlock barely noticed his own movements, only realizing he’d stepped toward her when he came toe-to-toe with her.  Her brows pulled together in a frown, her confusion evident, and he was tempted to press a kiss to her forehead to smooth them out.
“I love you, Molly,” he said, the words tumbling out in a low, breathless murmur.
For a moment, shock flickered across her eyes, followed by… sadness?  She gave him another smile, but he could see it was forced, strained.  “I know you do, Sherlock… I know we’re friends.”
“No,” he shook his head, lifting his hands to her face, cradling her head between them.  Molly’s eyes were wary, anxious, and his stomach twisted with guilt.  Of course, she misunderstood him, she had no reason to believe he meant it.  When she glanced away, he shook his head and gently swiped his thumbs along her cheekbones.  “Look at me, Molly… see me, the way you always do.”
He let one thumb slide over her lips, the softness of them driving him mad.  His eyes followed the movement, before he dragged them slowly back to hers.  Sherlock opened himself to her, letting every ounce of his feelings—all those complicated little emotions—show in his face as he willed her to believe.
“I love you,” he repeated himself.  “Please, Molly… please see that I meant it.  That I mean it.  I’m… I’m rubbish at this,” he half growled, frustrated with his blundering.  “I’d be a shit boyfriend, you know I would.  I’d forget to call or text, I would spend days away on cases, I haven’t the slightest inclination toward conventional courtship, and I really don’t see the point in marriage, and—”
“Sherlock, stop,” she cut him off with a quiet firmness.  His eyes found hers again, and to his surprise, they were wet with tears… but she was also smiling.  Molly’s lips trembled as she grinned up at him, her left hand reaching up to brush at the hair on his forehead.  Sherlock’s heart thundered in his chest at the contact, and he waited in breathless anticipation for her next words.
“Whatever gave you the impression that I wanted conventional?” she asked.  “I fell in love with you, didn’t I?”
There were no words for the feeling of relief, joy, and affection that rushed through his every vein.  He couldn’t have said who moved first, but suddenly, their mouths connected, and the sensation was at once everything he’d imagined and nothing he’d ever expected.  Her lips—soft, delicate, definitely not too small—teased at his with assuredness, and she left him wanting more, severing the contact all too soon and blessing him with a smile that outshone the sun.
“Come on,” she whispered, her hand sliding into his, and she led him toward the bed.  For a moment, he panicked, but sensing the direction his thoughts had taken, she added, “We don’t want to wake Rosie.”
Sherlock glanced at the cot where their goddaughter lay, oblivious to all the tension crackling in the air around them.  That tension eased, however, as he turned back to Molly, still wearing that sunny smile and waiting patiently for him.  He crawled under the covers and into her open arms, and the last coils of his anxiety were soothed away, all but forgotten.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Sherlock and Molly just cuddling and falling asleep together. I tend to write that A LOT, and I’m not sorry. 😁 Thanks again for the prompt!
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Nicknames (or what is a godparent?)
George and Angelina with their godchildren over the years! An afternoon with baby Maria Jordan, a dinner with Jacob Wood, a dance with Lucy Weasley at her 'second' wedding, a Christmas conversation with Hugo Weasley, and the baptism of Louis Weasley. Little moments where they feel close to the precious children put in their care and also each other.
Read here on Ao3!
Also a big shoutout to @liiilyevans for helping me come up with ideas and names! This definitely going to become a series 😘
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The most incredible thing happened today.
Yesterday my uncle reached out and asked to FaceTime today. Back story is my uncle is 14 years older than me and has always been like a big brother. He is easily the person in my family I am closest to. We are both kind of "black sheep" and just get each other. I'm one of the only ones who makes and effort to spend time with him, his wife and his 9 year old son who I absolutely adore. They live out of state but we still try to visit annually and send gifts to my cousin for holidays. I confide in them when I need family advice. They are truly rocks for Hubs and I.
Today they asked Hubs and I if we would be willing to be the beneficiaries of their trust and take care of my little cousin if anything were to ever happen to them. It took everything in me not to cry, and I said yes without hesitation. They let their son weigh in on the decision and all three of them picked us 🥲
To say I'm honored is an understatement. I get a lot of negative judgement from my family on my decisions because it differs from the lifestyle they choose, but my uncle has always supported me. I already knew what he thought of Hubs and I, but this takes it to another level. This means he trusts me to care for his kid and act in my cousins best interest. He trusts that I'm financially responsible. He trusts that my home is SAFE. He trusts that I can emotionally support his son in crisis. He believes I will be a good parent. He trusts my partner to be a good role model for his son. Most importantly, this means that the effort I have put in to make sure my cousin has a relationship with me despite the distance and age difference has paid off because at 9 years old he thought that having me as his godmother would be the best option.
I cried when we got off the phone. I obviously hope that I never, ever have to take on that role. I'm just so honored to even be asked. I spent my whole life questioning every decision I made, and this validated that I'm doing things right.
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iraniacraftboutique · 2 years
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• ¿Me harían el honor de ser mis padrinos? ⚜️ . . Kit Personalizado caja con detalles en madera y pintado a mano, tarjeta personalizada y termos. . . #padrinos #padrino #madrina #XVaños #quinceañera #fiesta #party #fifteenyears #godparents #godfather #godmother #honor #gracias #thanks #personalized #personalizados #kits #woman #adolescentes #hechoamano #hechoenmexico #Guadalajara #jalisco #mexico #detalles #creaciones #kitbox #papá #mamá #papás #mother #father https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck_mdH3uLTS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phonemantra-blog · 2 months
Luxury cruise line Seabourn breaks new ground by appointing the Wunambal Gaambera Traditional Owners as the godparents of their newest expedition ship, Seabourn Pursuit. This landmark decision signifies Seabourn's deep commitment to environmental stewardship, cultural responsibility, and sustainable tourism practices. A First for the Cruise Industry: Honoring Tradition and Community Seabourn takes the helm in a first for the cruise industry by selecting the Wunambal Gaambera people as Seabourn Pursuit's godparents. Traditionally, christening a ship involves selecting godparents to bestow blessings upon the vessel and its passengers. In this instance, the Wunambal Gaambera people, as the Traditional Owners of the Kimberley region in Australia, become symbolic guardians of Seabourn Pursuit, reflecting a commitment to respecting the lands and communities the ship will visit. Seabourn Sets Sail Natalya Leahy, President of Seabourn, emphasizes the significance of this selection: "We believe no one can give a better blessing to our ship than the communities we visit... We truly believe in the transformative power of travel, and when we visit local communities, we can both celebrate their culture and drive positive sustainable change in the places they call home." This appointment goes beyond a symbolic gesture. Seabourn acknowledges the importance of fostering long-term, sustainable partnerships. By collaborating with the Wunambal Gaambera people, Seabourn aims to contribute meaningfully to the cultural and economic well-being of the region. The Wunambal Gaambera People: Stewards of the Land and Sea The Wunambal Gaambera people are the rightful custodians of a vast Kimberley region encompassing the sea country around Ngula Jar Island (Vansittart Bay) and Yirinni (Hunter River), and extending to the freshwater country of Ngauwudu (Mitchell Plateau). Their rich cultural heritage and profound connection to the land and sea make them ideal partners for Seabourn Pursuit's inaugural voyage through Western Australia. The Wunambal Gaambera word for "godparent" is "garrangarru", which translates to "mother" or "listener." This beautifully captures the nurturing and supportive role the Wunambal Gaambera people will play in Seabourn Pursuit's journey. The Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation (WGAC) embodies the spirit of ideal ambassadors for Seabourn Pursuit. Their established sustainable tourism initiatives and deep respect for the environment perfectly align with Seabourn's values. A Welcoming Presence: Wunambal Gaambera Participation in the Naming Ceremony Representatives from the WGAC will extend a warm welcome to Seabourn Pursuit guests at Ngula Jar Island on the Uunguu Coast. This special occasion will culminate in an inaugural dedication ceremony scheduled for June 29, 2024. A Lasting Partnership: Investing in a Sustainable Future Seabourn's commitment extends beyond the ceremonial. As part of this partnership, Seabourn will provide financial support to the WGAC to cultivate a self-sustaining art and craft industry. This initiative will empower Wunambal Gaambera artists to create and sell authentic works of art, fostering cultural preservation and economic opportunities. Furthermore, Seabourn will donate pearl shells, art supplies, and polishing materials to the WGAC, enabling the continued development of sustainable art and craft ventures. Sharing the Uunguu Experience Seabourn looks forward to collaborating with the Wunambal Gaambera people to offer guests a unique and enriching cultural experience, the "Uunguu Experience." This immersive program allows guests to partake in traditional welcome and smoking ceremonies, explore ancient rock art, witness captivating junta song and dance performances, and gain insights from Uunguu Rangers dedicated to protecting the land. Catherine Goonack, Chairperson of the Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation, expresses her appreciation for this partnership: "We, the Wunambal Gaambera people, have a responsibility to look after and prosper from our country. Seabourn's contributions will assist us... to strengthen our Wanjina Wunggurr culture, and create economic opportunities for our people." Ms. Goonack highlights the importance of preserving their cultural heritage and traditions while ensuring a healthy future for generations to come. She welcomes the opportunity to share the Uunguu Experience with Seabourn guests and contribute to a mutually beneficial relationship.
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graceofromanovs · 2 months
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Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich was born on 1 January 1891 in Saint Petersburg, Imperial Russia. He was the third son and fourth child of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich of Russia and his German-born wife Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mavrikievna. Konstantin was christened on 3 January at 2 in the afternoon at Marble Palace Church, St. Petersburg, by the Confessor of Their Majesties. His godparents were:
ALEXANDER III, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - his father’s first cousin was named as one of his many godparents. He was highly reactionary in domestic affairs and reversed some of the liberal reforms of his father, Alexander II. He was most likely present at his young cousin’s christening.
GRAND DUKE KONSTANTIN NIKOLAEVICH OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandfather and namesake was one of his numerous godparents. He was the Viceroy of Poland from 1862 to 1863. His real influence on internal affairs after 1868 was insignificant. He was reportedly absent at his grandson's christening, due to his ill health.
CHARLES ALEXANDER, GRAND DUKE OF SAXE-WEIMAR-EISENACH - his parents' distant cousin (as a grandson of Emperor Paul I of Russia) was also named as the young Konstantin's godparent. He was absent at the prince's christening. He was the penultimate ruler of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, from 1853 until his death in 1901.
QUEEN MARIE OF HANOVER - his great-aunt, the last Queen consort of Hanover, was amongst his numerous godparents. She was absent at his christening.
ELISABETH, GRAND DUCHESS OF OLDENBURG - another of his great-aunt named as his godmother. Elisabeth, upon her marriage to the Grand Duke of Oldenburg used the funds given to her by her father to set up the Elisabeth Foundation, which still exists today. Like her sister Queen Marie, she was absent at her great-nephew's christening.
GRAND DUKE ALEXEI ALEXANDROVICH OF RUSSIA - his father's illustrious first cousin was named as the prince's godfather. Chosen for a naval career, Alexei started his military training at an early age. By the age of 20 he had been appointed lieutenant of the Imperial Russian Navy, eventually becoming general-admiral.
GRAND DUCHESS ALEXANDRA PETROVNA OF RUSSIA - his great-aunt,  the wife of Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich, was another of his godmothers.A plain, and serious woman, her marriage to Grand Duke Nicholas was an unhappy one. Nevertheless, she would enjoy and maintain a good relationship with a few of her nephews including Emperor Alexander III and Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, who were sympathetic to her.
GRAND DUCHESS ALEXANDRA GEORGIEVNA OF RUSSIA - his paternal first cousin, the eldest daughter of King George I and Queen Olga, had been present and named as a godparent of Prince Konstantin, who was merely nineteen years her senior. In 1889, she married Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, the youngest brother of Emperor Alexander III.
GRAND DUKE MICHAEL NIKOLAEVICH OF RUSSIA - his great-uncle was also listed as his godparent, and had been present at the christening. A soldier for most of his adult life, he enjoyed a favourable relationship with the three last Emperors of Russia - his brother Alexander II; nephew Alexander III; and great-nephew Nicholas II.
GRAND DUKE PETER NIKOLAEVICH OF RUSSIA - his father's first cousin was another of his many godparents. He was the younger son of Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich and his wife grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna (also named as a godparent of Prince Konstantin, listed above).
PRINCESS AUGUSTA OF SAXE-MEININGEN - his maternal grandmother was also named as his godmother. In 1862, she married Prince Moritz of Saxe-Altenburg, and bore him five children.
PRINCESS LOUISE CHARLOTTE OF SAXE-ALTENBURG - his maternal aunt, the youngest sister of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mavrikievna was amongst his numerous godparents. Both Louise Charlotte and her mother Augusta were absent at Konstantin's christening.
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andrewisdoing · 10 months
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Went to brunch today with my sister and brother in law, along with our beautiful, amazing and fabulous godparents.
Gabbi, my sister, was fascinated by my ability to make gifs so I decided to show her how by making this.
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Me, holding my new godchild: this is the most beautiful fucking thing on the planet
Me: ….. I probably shouldn’t have said fuck should I?
Baby’s mother: *shakes head* probably not
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kaorimiyazonotl · 1 year
Prompt 17: Write about your first home: your childhood home or your first apartment or house of your own.
The first house I grew up in, it was a pretty normal size house, big living room, grand kitchen with an island. My parents had a big master bedroom, where I think they had sliding doors. I had my own room for a while before my sister was born. Our backyard had one area of just cement and then the rest was dirt surrounded by that. When my sister I think turned two her godparents gave her a puppy and she was named comet, I mostly played with her though because my sister was still little. Sometimes my favorite movie would be on in the living room, it was Coraline and sometimes I’d wander the house. That house holds a lot of memories for me.
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