#Gonna give my take later on when im done rewatching
2tsuuuun2 · 5 months
I need to seat down and rewatch the animation, cause one of the main things that caught my attention is worms golf with friends
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brotherwtf · 1 month
Rewatching part 2 of mota and that scene with the RAF guys. The way that one guy was staring at Buck. Can we have jealous Bucky clocking the look and that being the reason he wanted to fight him? With hopefully a smutty happy ending?
John didn't blame Gale for not noticing the RAF prick basically ogling him. He, too, would ignore when slime looked at him the way this guy did with Gale, but he can't stop the ice that creeps up his spine.
Gale was attractive, no one on the air base could deny that, he looked exactly like the war bond posters back home with his perfectly quaffed hair and dashing smile. Everyone complimented him on how put together he was and how nice he smelled. Hell, even John knew how downright beautiful Gale was, but he hated how this British fuck was noticing as well.
He looked at Gale like he was a thing to be won, like something that he could talk pretty to and take him to bed at the end of the night. John bristles at the hooded expression he gives Gale when he puts a toothpick in his mouth. He wouldn't look at Gale the way this fuck looked at him.
Tensions reached a head when they started discussing their bombing tactics, suicide daylight missions or inefficient nighttime missions, and the RAF pilot finally leaned too close into Gales space in a seemingly friendly way. Tried to do the same thing John had done, cup Gale's jaw with his hands and smile at him dashingly.
But John intervened, placing a forceful hand on his shoulder and shoving him back in his seat. The man looked up at him with a playful grin, claiming he "didn't mean anything by it,". Gale stood up forcefully, pushing John back down in his seat and urging them to go outside and handle it like men.
Curt took a stand for Gale with pride, knocking the RAF pilot to the ground with a single jab, but John had managed to slink an arm around Gale's shoulder, leaned his nose into Gale's space and took in the wonderful aftershave he always wore. Even with the pilot on the ground, rage still bubbled inside John's stomach.
No one could take Gale from him, especially not some British fuck who only looks at him like he's an object. John looked at Gale like he was the whole world, and he was, to John.
He managed to slink off into a secluded alleyway just behind the pub, dragging Gale by the arm. He goes easily but with a confused expression on his face. When John turns to him and shoves his nose against Gale's jaw, he gasps.
"What has gotten into you?" Gale whispers, but makes no move to push John away.
His grip on John's uniform tightens when John kisses on the underside of his chin, licking a lewd stripe down to the hollow of his neck. He kisses the skin gently and tugs it into his teeth, careful not to mark but still pulling a breathy sigh from Gale.
"Didn't like the way that RAF prick was looking at you, Buck. Like you were something to be won," John mutters, pulling Gale closer into his chest and kissing possessively on his neck again.
Gale sighs, wrapping his arms around John's shoulders and shoving his head into John's curls. He moans a breath louder when John finally kisses him, something deep and devouring from the start. Gale's lips move easily with John's, taking John's tongue into his mouth almost as soon as John presses their lips together. John's hands come up to hold Gale's face, rubbing his thumb across Gale's cheek and threading his fingers into the short locks just behind his ears.
Gale's hands bravely find the buttons of John's uniform, not unbuttoning him but gently slipping his fingers into the material so he could feel a touch of John's skin. It makes John groan something sinful against Gale's lips, and he deepens the kiss, breathing in deep to take all of Gale in.
"Want you all to myself, you're all mine, Gale," John whispers and kisses Gale again, breathing in the moan that escapes Gale's lips.
not gonna finish this porn rn, might finish it a little later if y'all want it 👀
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 24!!
my internet has it out for me personally I swear 🙃
The Bad Batch 2x04
Omega vs Wrecker 🥰 "now you owe me 2 cartons of mantell mix" they're adorable
Hunter and Echo on their door dash mission lol
when Hunter and Echo are away Tech is the designated dad hehe
Tech dramatic sigh count: 4921
Omega and Wrecker are so happy to see the riot racing 😁😁
"you wanna challenge TAY0? Tech: sure why not
"spectacled spectator" 😂
Ciddarin scaleback now I know what to put on the wanted poster
Tech and Wrecker stepping up to protect Omega 👌
Millegi giving me jedi fallen order flashbacks 👀
Jet Venim is a cool name actually
"Safa Toma Speedway is not liable for any injury, death or disintegration" Tech Wrecker and Omega: 😳😳😳 y'all I had to take a photo of Tech's face so excuse the phone pic lmao
"whats wrong with the left tunnel?" it's a surprise tool that will help us later
TAY0 crashes, Tech "this speeder is in bad shape" = "where there's a farm, there's usually a farmer" 💀
Tech and Wrecker slowly reaching for their weapons 👌
Omega is the mediator 🙌
"they're gonna hurt cid if we do nothing" GOOD
Wrecker taught her to gamble 💕
TAY0 "😯 where are my arms and legs" bro Wrecker's got them chill
Techs so done 💀 his face when TAY0 tries to tell him how to fix him lmaooooo
THANK YOU TECH !! Cid is a problematic pattern
bro Millegi is right I'd be trusting him 🙌
"I might surprise you" kriff off Cid
Tech is smarter than this droid 100%
oop wipeout 🤭
Wrecker ready to thrash the driver 😂
Tech 🤔
I'm cheering for him 🥳
lmao is this race televised on other planets ??? can you imagine like Cody or someone just watching the race and seeing Tech like that Leo DiCaprio meme 💀
The Kiner siblings went so hard fr 👑
Tech: "Its called strategy" Wrecker: 'its called losing" bro 😂😂
sometimes I play this soundtrack in my car and it feels like I go faster lmao (don't speed 👀)
"I need more speed" iconic 👑
"the speeder can't make that jump" Tech really said challenge accepted
Phee is so right he has such pretty eyes I'm smooching the animators again 😘
"I thought you were a goner" BUT HE'S NOT SEE FORESHADOWING 👀
"I'll make it up to ya" I am infuriated 😡
"watch your backs" yo take his advice he has nothing to gain from lying to you
ayyy our boy is gonna become a professional mario kart player living happily ever after on pabu am I right
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Ok so finished watching Across The Spiderverse in theaters and here are my thoughts, under readmore so you guys won't get spoiled cause I'll mention plot shit
Nonspoiler review: these movies really are works of art, both visually and in sound. They draw on very relatable and powerful emotions of wanting to fit in, feeling like you belong, feeling like you're important, are you doing the right thing, are you living up to the expectations of others. These are the kinds of movies that could introduce people to the franchise and even if you're not into superheroes the emotion and visuals and writing itself is spectacular. Definitely a movie I could own and rewatch later
Now, here's my takes with more spoilers
-Miguel is actually so snarky and sassy. He is 100% done the entire movie and he's sarcastic or condescending almost every time he opens his mouth. He has a sense of humor it's just more mean spirited lmao "well you're gonna have to shut up and trust me" saying "how wonderful" sarcastically to Miles, being all "spiderverse? No thats dumb, its called the Arachnid poly multiverse, which, I guess sounds just as dumb"
-seeing him on the big screen really was like wow. He could be go from being sort of a dork to being so imposing and threatening, like, there was a small part where he steps closer to Miles as a silent intimidating gesture because hes so much taller, he could be so stone faced and cold when things got serious when Miles wasnt taking his warnings, but initially he was trying to be more compassionate, just, mwah, definitely going to help with any writing endeavors and characterizations of this man
-just seeing how the wristwatches and "daypasses" work is useful for any fanfic ideas I'm having ;) but holy shit you could just glitch until you die? I much prefer the concept of "Reader somehow whether being a mutant or an anomaly or just lucky gets transported to other dimensions instead or just back home"
-God just. Gwen's opening was amazing I don't even know how to describe it. When she's recounting her past and she's starting to talk about Miles while she's playing the drums and her drum playing keeps getting more and more intense, her music angry and frustrated and powerful as she keeps saying "and he's not the only one", speaking of his pain and isolation and how she feels connected to him, just, the way these movies write relationships between people and emotions is so human
-Spider Cat my beloved. LEGO Spiderman my beloved. Plushie Spiderman my beloved. Sun Spider is a fancharacter and got a speaking role. The thick, plus size, and fat spiders. Just the variety. It really is fun to imagine a Spidersona and feel represented kwim
-Jesus the intro to Mumbattan was insane. The way these movies constantly have you flying and falling through the air and falling through multiple levels and layers as objects whiz by, the music, the choreography. Just. The visuals and music the entire movie was insane
-HOBIE! definitely a fucking star. He's smart enough to build his own watch dude!! Love that guy. Definitely see him being in some stuff of mine as a helping hand if nothing else. Hobie helping Reader out during the YouTwo drama by offering you safe haven in his universe?
-I'm guessing Miguel has to give himself regular, spider nanomachine whatever injections? His powers kind of seem to have changed from his comic book a little bit. In the comics he has organic webs and was atomically spliced with spider dna but in the movie I think it's all technology idk? Correct me if im wrong, maybe they're red and glowing in the comics too 🤷‍♀️
-something something "smutty story where Miguel boyches a formula and turns himself into like a possessive horny borderline pure animal in heat and of course you're the lucky lady to stumble into him first"
-I got the bunny filter version of Lyla by the way!
Ugh this movie has me filled with so many emotions and also I snuck alcohol into the theaters and was on an edible gummy so I was FEELING this movie and just. Definitely two of my all time favorite movies
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jemmo · 10 months
For the ask game: 14?
thank you sm for the ask ☺
14. bl you think is underrated
ooh this is a tricky one, bc i can definitely tell you what i think is overrated (but thats not the question...), plus im always gonna think my favourites are underrated bc everyone should love them but i digress. i wanna highlight 3 shows/things bc the first one is a short series and then a movie and thats his. idk if it's bc its a few years old now but when i watched this show and then the film i just adored it. first of all, the show is the perfect kind of chill watch where not really much happens and yet a lot happens?? thats how me and my sister affectionately describe our favourite kind of shows bc they deal in the normal and everyday and manage to make it seem huge and beautiful and this series does that with one of my favourite tropes that i love to see crop up in j-bls which is an escape to the beach (and later the countryside), plus the show has the most awesome and well done early 2000s aesthetic that just fills me with nostalgia. but the film is a whole other thing. it pulls an old fashioned cupcake/cherry magic and gives us adults but unlike them shows us a story that is very grounded and real and serious, like they really said lets take this bl and actually make it a story about parenting and what a family can be and show just how complicated it all is and sometimes there is no winning and thats life. god its just beautiful, and theres still a deep and meaningful love story at the heart of it. just go watch it now if you haven't, or rewatch it if you haven't for a while.
second im picking eien no kinou and im prefacing this by saying i get why less people talk about this bc its not fun and some people dont wanna watch a story they know will be sad, but its also so important that it exists and i think it touches on some really tough topics and manages to tell them beautifully. and bc i havent seen much of what ppl say about this, idk what any consensus takes are but i felt very emotional watching this through the lens of erasure of queer relationships when it comes to loss, how sometimes when people aren't out or cant share their relationship, they become lost, or invisible, when someone is lost. and i mean... the queer experience is all-encompassing and such grief is something that should also be talked about when queerness can affect that process in a specific way, and while i dont think its easy to watch or revisit, its nevertheless important and beautiful
ive talked about some more heavy shows so i'm ending with if its with you, which is recent but even i pushed it to the side a little bc i liked i cannot reach you so much, but this show is kinda like the opposite to the ones above. i feel like people like a middle ground in their shows between drama and comfort, so while people dont talk as much about serious or sad shows, they also dont talk about the shows that are just nice. and this show is just that, bc its all about teaching someone thats had a bad experience that there is simple kindness in the world and its so heart-warming. i'll never forget the way ryuuji responded in that last ep when amane got nervous around the other kids, how he thought it would be this big think that he'd be mad about bc that's what happens in every show, but ryuuji was just like yeah its ok i understand and im not mad. just the pure kindness this show has to people feeling the way they feel is so refreshing and beautiful and it captures the high school simplicity of it all in a way that makes you step back as someone older and think huh yeah it really is just that easy, its just about happiness.
anyway, between this and the last response, i think by j-bl bias is jumping out a bit too much but thats the end of my rant, thank you for coming to my ted talk
❤️🧡💛bl ask game💚💙💜
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hickorykisser · 1 year
Just gonna keep going on this while im still thinking and hopefully ill be able to heal and feel normal for a second. I wanna talk to friends about this but I feel like i missed the point where i’d be able to. Like they would only be sympathetic and supportive for so long lol. I know that’s not the case but I can’t help but feel like if i ever brought it up i would just be such a downer. like i’d have to give a warning before asking to hang out. There’s just so much I haven’t done because I feel like I dont know how to now. I still haven’t gone to disney to makeup for my missed birthday trip, I haven’t even looked into applying for a cm position, I haven’t sat behind the wheel of the car because i’m more afraid than ever that once I’m able to drive I’ll do something I could regret. I haven’t gone through and cleared photos or even just organized them because I’m scared to lose those memories forever. I’ve been stalling on my disney rewatch because we were supposed to do the animal ones together. I haven’t looked at my old gift list because it’s full of links to presents for him, photos of things I thought he would like while i was out. Alongside that, every shopping app I use has wishlists saved for him, boards saved for dates we should do together on pinterest, places saved in my drafts i wanted us to go together. Ive been too scared to send stuff now even because it looks so pathetic when you see the one side building up so much..I haven’t gone through the basket of stuff I left behind because it’ll feel so much more official. I haven’t played minecraft (silly, but it makes me think of him so much) same with anything Half life. Seeing star wars makes my heart hurt because I still, even if for a moment, think to send it to him or take a picture to show him later. Sometimes I do, hoping that maybe we’ll be able to just be on that level again. When I left the apartment the last time, he gave me a small sculpture I had made in highschool. I nearly teared up, but it made me feel worse when he told me he was giving it back since I had left the Donald he had made me. I asked for it back and told him it had been a mistake, but I couldn’t tell what he thought about that. They’re both still sitting in the basket too. I wish I hadn’t moved in so quickly, I wish we had talked more about why he didn’t want me to, I wish he had told me how everything was affecting him. My dad told me I’m too dependent and clingy, I wear people down. I wish I knew how to stop doing that.
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tenshindon · 4 years
the whole “you’ve got bulma waiting for you” scene hits VERY different depending on whether you’re watching it in english or japanese I Have Decided It
#snap chats#i mean we already been knew that there are minor dialogue changes in the scripts between languages#however i still like going over uhhh word choice when it comes to minor things :)#like with some scenes it's major like a scene in the buu saga#but like that's for another day <3 lemme talk bout this one first cause i have a decaying brain ;)#for contexnt in japanese yamcha's response to tien's observation is 'yeah but...'#while in english he's generally just like 'oh yeah- you're right....'#VERY BIG DIFFERENCE I DONT KNOW IF WE CAN TELL ALREADY#because in english it just seemed like yamcha outright forgot bulma#and upon being reminded it almost seems like he's willing to be brought back#or something- i can't form the thought/s rn but yamcha's response definitely gives off a different energy than his japanese response#because by him being like 'yeah but' there's an implication that he already had bulma in mind#or at the very least bulma wouldn't be a motivator for him to change his mind#the use of 'but' plants an argument that we Unfortunately don't ever get to see come to fruition#like 'yeah i do have bulma BUT i want to stay with you guys'#anyway im almost done rewatching the namek saga so i can start my supercut soon#i was just gonna do english but it's stuff like this that makes me want to do a japanese cut too#it'll be done at a later date since i have to upload all of the episodes in english and japanese#and that takes a while and Surprisingly they show up in a fair amount of episodes LMAO#but yeah :)
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
death march matt Murdock x reader
this one has been in the drafts for a bit and i finally finished it so i hope you guys enjoy. writing has been slow recently as i havent had much free time and am still trying to rewatch all the netflix marvel series. but i am still working on requests and stories that ive had started for about a month so hopefully the rest will be out soon, along with some frank castle stories now that ive reached the first season of the punisher
prompts: "You need sleep." "I get sleep" "getting knocked unconscious does not count as sleep"
song: saints of the blood by black veil brides
tag list: @cynic-spirit @juniebugg
i sat back on my knees and groaned. matt and i were both covered in blood and he was still writhing around on the ground. but the men around us that were out made me a little proud of all that we'd done. it had been weeks of tracking them down, taking out one ninja at a time until we found were they were all hiding.
"i need a vacation."
he noted as he got to his knees and i laughed.
"you and me both D."
he laughed back as he stood, almost doubling over as he clutched his side. i was quick to stand then, helping him, steadying him.
"whoa, hold up there daredevil, i saw that last punch. broken ribs isn't gonna get you anywhere."
he inhaled sharply.
"and what do you suggest i do?"
i snorted.
"you know the answer to that already."
he shook his head as we limped towards the door together.
"yeah, i shouldn't have asked."
when we got back to the apartment i was quick to get him to the couch. every move earned a hiss from deep in his chest as i tried to get his jacket off. i figured his ribs were broke but i was more worried about the cuts and stab wounds.
"alright human x-ray, what's the damage?"
he sat quietly for a moment and listened. then he closed his eyes and sighed.
"what do you think?"
i touched his side lightly.
"oh yeah, they're definitely broken. but there's something else. what is it?"
he blinked slowly before wincing as he tried to resituate himself on the couch.
"the cut below my rib is almost deep enough for it to come out."
i made a gross face.
"so maybe this time we really should get you to a hospital."
he said quickly and i sent him a look.
"matt, if i don't there's a good chance you'll die."
"no hospital."
i bit my tongue as he laid back.
"fine, ill do the best i can but if you if you start fading on me im doing it. this job is bigger than me, and Claire for that matter."
his jaw tightened.
"what would we even tell them? you're not in any better shape."
his breathing was shaky and staggered. i looked to my knuckles on my right hand as i held the cloth to his open wound. at this point i couldn't tell what was my blood, what was his blood, or what was the blood from the men we'd fought in the back of that abandoned warehouse. and then i looked to my left hand, god it was so much worse. my first two fingers were for sure broken, my wrist not in any better shape, and i had a gash almost the length of the back my arm.
"ill think of something, but right now we need to focus on getting you out of this outfit and keeping you from bleeding out. i don't need the paramedics figuring out what we both do in our free time."
as i sat in the chair beside matt i tried my hardest not to fall asleep. the beep of his heart monitor was very lulling and the morphine  they had given me didn't help. it was a little amusing though to look at the two of us; we practically looked like mummies with how wrapped we were. my left hand was broken in eight places, my wrist in two. the cut on my arm was deep enough to need stitches near my elbow but nowhere else, thank god.
i heard him say quietly and i sat up abruptly, no longer tired.
"im here matt, its okay."
i said softly, taking his hand in mine.
"where are we?"
he asked and i let out a laugh.
"metro general."
he deadpanned.
"i thought i told you-"
"i know i know, but i was losing you. i kept checking your heartbeat but you were losing too much blood. and i couldn't live with myself if id let you die. not after all that hard work."
i said the last bit with a hint of amusement and luckily he smiled back.
"what did you tell them?"
i let out a nervous laugh.
"i told them we were walking home through a bad part of town and got jumped, pushed into a back alley by a couple guys, large and in masks. i told them that they all looked the same, same height, same clothes, and only one of them spoke; that he demanded we give him all that we had on us. i told them that you tried to be brave and push me out of the way and that they didn't like that; that they beat you up, attacked you, then attacked me and once they got me on the ground stomped on my hand and ran."
he nodded solemnly; rubbing his thumb over the back of my right hand. the bruises were prominent still, cuts deep to the bone that i hadn't let anyone see since we'd been here the last ten hours.
"that's one hell of a story."
"as far as they know it was one hell of a fight. but you're still my hero; stupid and stubborn, but still a hero."
he smiled, almost laughing but groaning in pain and rolling his head back against the pillows.
"hey, take it easy, you need to heal, You need sleep."
"I get sleep."
he said matter-of-factly and i sent him a look.
"matt, getting knocked unconscious does not count as sleep."
he looked to the ceiling and swallowed hard.
"look, ill call foggy and Karen and tell them you were awake and they can visit later but for now you need all the rest you can get. you lost a lot of blood, and i know you, you'll want to get back out there as soon as possible. but for right now i think its okay to let the others handle the city for a bit. ill talk to Trish, see what she can do with Jessica's help. you know Danny would be willing to do something."
he shook his head.
"no, don't, its fine, I'm fine."
"Matthew, you have three broken ribs, a punctured lung, and you almost got sliced all the way through. I'm calling at least one of your super friends to take the mantle for a couple weeks. hells kitchen survived over a year without the mask, I'm sure it can survive a little longer. just until you're healed."
he sighed, closing his eyes again.
"i hate when you're right."
i smiled, squeezing his hand lightly.
"if that were true, you wouldn't have married me."
i stood up and kissed his forehead.
"Mrs. Murdock, the voice of reason."
he said softly and i leaned down and kissed him properly.
"keeping the love of my life alive one day at a time."
"thank you."
i studied him for a moment as i stood back up.
"get some sleep, ill be right here when you wake up."
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salvatoreren · 2 years
Eren appreciation post
Before this day ends, I'd like to share my history in loving and stanning Eren Yeager
I have read Eren Yeager fanfictions even before I started the series because for some reason I was attracted to this character whom I've only seen once because of my sister. Because of that, I started to watch AoT
Despite Eren acting like what people claim to be a total little shit in the first season, I never found him annoying for strange reasons, this character had obviously became my favorite and i've been attached to him unknowingly. And I'm gonna be honest with all of you. I was the desperate little shit I was when I tried so hard to find for Eren Yeager x readers in wattpad (yes i have an account there) there were only a few because man bun eren wasn't released in the anime yet so that totally sucks
and oh god the listeners, i tried to find them, though only finding a few as well they were a treasure to me, I literally went on a hunting spree for any good eren yeager fics, i went here, to quotev then deviantart, i was not aware of ao3's existence at all, when i found several fics in deviantart i settled and oof there were so many fics that i stored in my favorites lmao
I was crazy for this character and I wasn't even done with season 1 and 3.
Eren Yeager made my 2020, those eren hunting fics day were the greatest experience i had in the aot and I bask in shame that I've only discovered this series when it was this close to ending. But I liked those posts even for a shitty community as reddit about Eren being a chad, I was aware that he was not exactly a loved character and I was so glad to see, here people were basically worshipping him lol
Then I found a glorious Eren fanfic, i read it nonstop which is saying something because i don't have the ability to do that anymore lol, the fic is called cupcake and its on wattpad so yeah, do what you will with that information
Anddd I lowk left the fandom, but I was pretty sure I still loved Eren. I literally freaked out when I saw animated hobo eren, ughhh, Then that's when i went to ao3
My first read and bookmark in ao3 was literally an eren fic who hasn't been updated in almost a year [take your time tho author] it was so good just like with the cupcake i read it nonstop as well. then the rest was me reading eren fics. I kept up with the manga instead to savor its remaining chapters lmao savor, yeah and I too was desperate to seen an eren pov which we never got.
Moving on now I totally left the fandom since i got into different shit, i didn't felt as strongly as i did during his birthday, but i retweeted every single shit i saw about eren
Then april 8 came [english translation]. i need to stop with using then. whatever, I literally cried when i saw eren's decapacitated head god, i cried even more when armin cried for him full on sobbing, that was the only thing i felt, eren yeager was such a close character in my heart. I knew at that moment I still was attached to this character.
Oh and how could i forget, all those eren tweets about him being a jerk, an incel, and his character assassination [I did not agree with those yet; the character assassination part] so yeah that was painful
Because of my love for eren yeager, I wanted to start a fanfic about him, a storyline in my head, but yk im an awful writer so i postponed that shit up then really left the fandom like really but the eren fic still comes in to my mind
Few months later i rewatched the series again, became even more attached to eren yeager as attached as that hallucigenia on ymir, literally threatened when someone insults him a bad trait of mine. so yeah I cooked that shit storyline up, carefully planned, now its published and all i can say is its decent ig
But I did consider just giving up the fic since it was so hard and i had other priorities to think about and to fix myself but i just couldn't since i wanted so bad to show my appreciation, love and portrayal for eren that i just went ah fuck it fine
Eren Yeager changed my life and he was the greatest thing that happened to me not exaggerating, i love him so much, i literally cried when i knew he wasn't real lmao, He is such a complex, misunderstood and tragic character as people had claimed to be and i believed it and i have cried about him being called like that, he deserves every damn thing so fucking much. This is his last where the anime is still ongoing so im glad i went back into the aot fandom inspite of a few morons and celebrated his birthday like it was the second coming of christ yeah
Happy Birthday Eren Yeager; protagonist of attack on titan, suicidal bastard, humanity's hope, the coordinate, attack titan, founding titan, kruger, usurper, the boy who sought freedom, best boy, the absolute love of my stupid life, if you were a real person I'd totally love and hug you lol, I have never felt this strong for a character
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Hi, I'm depressed it's almost 1am and I'm gonna blog my Peaky episode watch:
Episode: Series 4 episode 3
Let's go
My dad said Paul walks like a ape, and it's, all I see now... Like with both arms at the same time
Michael gives me so many mixed feelings but it's cute that his, adoptive mum showed up in the hospital
Village Michael was the best Michael
Does the adoptive mum know it was Michael's decision not to go back? She's out here, blaming Tommy, like babe... Tommy wanted Michael to go, he refused
Polly counting the days she's gone without a fuck 😭 legendary behaviour only, you go be with someone unsuitable ma'am, we rooting for you
Hi Ada saying "behave yourself" is lowkey fucking hot
You never behave yourself Pol you go down with legends
Only Cillian could rock Harry Potter glasses with that Haircut and I am here for it
I'll make a post on this, later but Tommy needs a, woman like Linda, a women who gets him away for the Buisness
Im not a fan of Linda but Kate is gorgeous 😍
Why is everyone in this cast so hot though
No but I had to watch the Arthur and Linda, sex scene with my dad 😭😭 there's others but this is by far the worst 😭 I hate every time we get there 😭
"keep his balls empty and his belly full" Linda's mum >>>>
I hate myself for thinking this but I wonder if Helens hair drastically changed to this shorter one because she was going through treatment..it looks similar to my aunts, who went through breast cancer so I'm like 👀
Probably not cuz it's years before but.... Who knows
The paint fight scene must have been so fun to film... I love watching it each time
"I'm here as a lover of theatre" Me introducing my theatre nerd ass
I alwaud forget how good Adrien is in Peaky... Season 4 is one of my least favourite seasons but Adrien kills it as Luca even though I dislike his character in general
Arthur he had a fucking vote because it was planned to have the vote Just because you were getting fucked doesn't mean that stops
Arthur... John shoulda killed his teacher... Its not on you it's on his dumb ass
Kates smile is GORGEOUS
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Arthur and Linda are a toxic relationship on each end and I hate that neither of them are getting happiness
She's trying to help you get out of the life which is damaging you Arthur, don't go Bat shit at her
100% found out that I've developed a new crush on Kate just now...can't wait to rewatch with this knowledge
"you have a lot of enemies" no shit mate... No fucking shit
and your muppet dress
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You cannot say that that dress don't look like it's got muppet on
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Ti's the Muppet dress..
Okay I made a post on this before but Cillians subtle yet heartbreaking acting when Greta gets brought up is a hyper fixation every damn time I watch this episode... Here's, my gif from last time
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He looks so broken and I can't explain how much I love his acting choice there... Whether he even knew he was doing it or not
I'm so angry Jessie isn't coming back next series 😭
Her and Cillian had so much on screen (for lack of better word) chemistry and I'm sad we won't get any more of it 😭
Greta is still Tommys truest love and possibly his ownly love and I will go to my grave thinking that
Jessie/Charlie deserves SO much more love than she got and I'm forever bitter about how dirty she was done
Cillians acting in this scene is heartbreakingly subtle yet beautiful and I'm in awe
Arthur firing the bullet, I'm not a HUGE Arthur fan but he needs to go and get therapy and find happiness
Lizzie is under appreciated as the woman who isn't with Tommy... She is so much more than Tommy's wife
"Tommy said yes, Arthur said yes"
"but did God say yes" - I love Polly 😭
Finn trying to be in charge, bby no
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As someone who has been to Blackpool... That is the happiest look you will ever see... I stayed at a hotel there for a con and it didn't even have a fucking window... We were in a box... I feel Tommy had the same experience
Lizzie, Polly and Linda arranging a girl for Finn gives more proof that he's fruity 🍓
"nice women don't do that sort of thing"
"yes they do, look at you" - we love sweet Tommy one liners 🥺
Hi if tommy wants to take me to the docks Id love that because it's, precious as fuck 🥺
He is fully in his head fucking Greta here but its still a fucking sweet moment and I love it
The way he goes back to talking business straight after having sex 😭 boy, rest dammit
"I don't want it like that ever again Tom" cuz you are interested in the other gender?
This scene woulda been a great one for Finn to come out to Tommy and I'm bitter it didn't happen, Steven recognise he ain't straight dammit
I remember watching the scene where Polly 'betrays" Tommy the first time and being so fucking pissed 😂 Still lowkey stresses me the fuck out
I always think I dislike S4 until I watch it and then I'm like damn... What a masterpiece ✨
Top 3 thinks I've thought:
1. Wow Kate is gorgeous and I hate that I've ignored it this long
2. Tommys romantic side who has his guard down needs to be shown more
3. It's not gonna be the same without Helen, I just pray they do it respectfully 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Ahhh that was fun... Hope you enjoyed my commentary 😂
(it's now 2am...oops 🙈)
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bbugyu · 4 years
finding something to do + kim mingyu
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you had spent your better years bored with mingyu, and he thought holding your hand felt like holding his fleeting youth.
wc.4088 | almost smut, mostly fluff, friends to lovers/uni au, fem reader, that one trope where there is mutual pining but both of them think the other is gay, maybe like half an ounce of angst if you squint Really Hard, lots o swears
i usually make my fics hella neutral as far as gender and size and orientation goes but hahahaha this ones for the average sized bi girls! also just realized that i stopped using capitalization in my fics and yk what? im fine with it. this fic is based off of the song of the same name by hellogoodbye.
“stop honking, other people live here.”
mingyu grinned at you through the half-open passenger window, leaning over to pop open the door. the handle had never recovered from a giant cup of soda crashing into the side of his ride in the middle of a particularly rowdy summer shenanigan, the sticky substance soaking into the mechanics before he had gotten the chance to hose it down in a friend's driveway at 2am. now, you had to wait for him to open it from the inside on all future shenanigans, and you could only roll the window down half way, lest you have to laugh at mingyu aggressively pulling on the window between his palms as you pulled on the motorized switch to coerce it back into the closed position. you slid into the co-pilot seat and looked over to your best friend.
"if you answered your texts i wouldn't have to honk."
you rolled your eyes, tugging on the seatbelt. "go, gyu."
he laughed and shifted into drive, turning up his stereo as he pulled away from your apartment building, hand returning to the stick to shift up a gear. "thanks for coming."
"what else was i gonna do?" you slipped the slides off your socked feet and pulled your legs to sit cross-legged. "i finished rewatching avatar."
"study, maybe?"
you looked at him. he was right, finals were right around the corner, but you had an uncharacteristically light load this quarter (due to you not realizing you needed approval for one course before registration and it filling before you could sign up) and you weren't too worried about the three tests you would have to take in a couple weeks. "could say the same to you."
mingyu let out another laugh, suddenly singing along to the song as he ran a hand through his hair. you smiled at his profile, then pulled out your phone to update your instagram story. as you moved the camera over to mingyu from the streetlight-lit road ahead of you, he laughed midway through a lyric and practically yelled "mwoya" at you, gripping the wheel with both hands and jumping in his seat. 
you laughed hysterically, frantically saving the video before pointing the screen at him. he turned down the music to watch it, eyes flickering between your phone and the road. he laughed at the way it cut off on both of you screaming. "what was that?"
you giggled, swiping through filters. "you being dumb."
"you love me."
"you're right."
mingyu smiled at that, adjusting the stereo volume again, bobbing his head to the rhythm as he drove to the one convenience store in your town that sold his favorite mint chocolate chip ice cream, a mission he had called upon you for at 11:30pm. when it switched over to a song you knew, mingyu noticed your subconscious humming to the tune and a few lyrics falling out of your lips, the wind from the open window whipping through your hair.
by the time you reached a small parking lot across town, you had yawned probably half a dozen times.
"tired?" mingyu pouted as he rolled up the windows and unbuckled his seatbelt. "sorry for dragging you out."
you shook your head, following suit and pulling yourself out of the car. "i slept too late, i think. i'll be fine."
you followed mingyu across the quiet street to the convenience store the two of you frequented perhaps too often, finding yourself there after late night study sessions or mid-barhop for ramen, snacks, and most importantly, the mint choco ice cream bar of mingyu's affections.
after perusing the options as if you hadn't been there earlier in the week, you picked out an ice cream bar as well as a couple bags of chips. you walked up behind mingyu at the register as he was pulling out his wallet.
"i'll pay if you come over and play smash," he said, nodding at your hands full of snacks.
you eyed him. "what's the catch?"
"you can't be mad when i play meta knight."
you groaned, but put your things on the counter for the cashier that was likely the same age as you both to scan. "fine. i'll still beat you."
mingyu grinned at you, and you snagged your ice cream bar off the counter as he paid, the other snacks getting put in a plastic bag. you grabbed the bag and held it open as mingyu retrieved his own ice cream, both of you peeling them open as you exited the convenience store.
"mm," you let out, mouth full of ice cream as you leaned against the metal bar meant to lock up bikes on the sidewalk. "it's nice out tonight."
mingyu agreed, biting into his treat. "it's refreshing but not too cold."
you nodded, watching cars pass on the street. "i can't believe it's almost summer already."
"me neither," he said, squatting in front of you as he ate. "we're gonna be seniors next year."
you groaned. "have you decided if you're doing summer quarter?"
he shook his head. "i decided against it. i only really have to take one extra course next year so it didn't feel worth it."
you nodded, looking down at him. he was looking to his left, absentmindedly watching someone walk their dog across the street.
after the ice cream was finished and you threw away your wrappers, mingyu cursed slightly at the fact that he still managed to get his finger sticky despite doing his best to avoid meltage. after he popped open your door, he dug in the glovebox for some wet naps, playfully knocking your knees aside as you tried to sit. you laughed, waiting for him to be done so you could put the bag of snacks on the floor in front of you.
when you met mingyu sophomore year, your hair was shorter and he was blonde. he had sat next to you in your shared ecology lab and promptly fell asleep before the class had even started, and you had to nudge him awake when the professor was handing out the syllabus. 
"gah, fuck, i'm up," he waved a massive hand in your face, blinking away his sleep before focusing on you with furrowed brows. "you're not seokmin."
seokmin was his roommate, you learned, and also met a few weeks later when you went over to their dorm to work on assignments together. they've since upgraded to a compact but efficient three bedroom apartment and acquired another roommate. you stared out the window into the night sky as mingyu drove to said apartment, blinking heavily at the lure of a nap. you pulled your knees up to your chest and tried to listen to the song playing from the stereo.
only moments later, mingyu glanced over and noticed that your eyes had fluttered shut, your head lolling against the window. he wondered, staring at you in awe, how much longer he could pretend he wasn't in love with you.
when you and mingyu had first gotten to know each other, you admittedly had a bit of a crush on him, until you found out he had a boyfriend. even after they split almost four months later, and you had been there to bring him chicken and beer while he fumbled with the drawstrings of his sweatpants and rubbed his swollen eyes with the back of his hand, you decidedly resigned any feelings for him, knowing it was a lost cause for you to pine after a guy that didn't even like girls. hell, you barely even liked boys - you had gone on dates with six different girls, yet not a single guy since you came to university, and mingyu had sat on your bed while you tried to get ready, giving a concise "try again" when you showed him an oversized sweatshirt.
"why not this?" you asked, groaning.
"you have good proportions, bitch. show 'em off."
rolling your eyes, you rooted around in your closet for something less shapeless. your style had always skewed a little athletic, a little hip-hop. you bought mostly mens fit shirts, making the task slightly more difficult. you found a nice pair of high waisted jeans you hadn't worn in a while and paired it with a drop shoulder tee and a turtleneck, finally getting the approval of your best friend.
all of the facts laid in front of him led mingyu to believe you were completely and utterly gay, and even if you weren't, your taste in women suggested he was the exact opposite of your type. you liked petite girls. girls with long hair and that wore skirts and lots of rings. the kind of girls that you had to lean down to kiss. 
so he continued to try out the pool of eligible bachelors in your area that were within a respectable age range. he had even tried to date some girls, but every time they tried to suggest the dates go further, he would think of the way his best friend's fingers had sent electricity through his entire body just by brushing an eyelash off his lip, or how you would trace the veins that ran through his wrist as you watched a movie together on your couch. the way your touch set his skin on fire. the way he wished he could just admit the way he felt about you. 
he always smiled and said he'd call them sometime. he never did. it wasn't fair to them, but neither was him only ever asking them out because they reminded him of you somehow.
guys were easier, he thought. they didn't remind him of you.
mingyu was so caught up in the sight of you sleeping that he absolutely ran a red. he cursed under his breath when he realized the light he was passing under had been yellow for longer than he had thought, thinking how lucky he was that the cross street was empty. good thing he was almost home.
"hey, sleepyhead," he said when you stretched suddenly as he pulled into his parking spot. "do you wanna go home?"
you shook your head, yawning. "no, i need to eat chips."
he laughed and killed the engine. "you left a pair of house shorts here and you can borrow a shirt," he said, suggesting you crash in his bed when you got too tired for smash.
"what, you don't wanna carry me home?"
mingyu slammed the car door shut and shoved his hand in his pocket. "i'd rather not, no."
you stretched again, a hand reaching out to ruffle his dark hair as he tried to punch in the door code for you to enter his building. "mean."
he laughed at you again, leading you up the three flights of stairs to his apartment.
"hey, minghao," you said, waving at the shadowy figure that was seemingly melting into the couch, illuminated by the tv.
he raised a hand in acknowledgment, sitting with his neck at a 90 degree angle, a movie with subtitles on, and his phone face down on his chest. "yo."
"wanna play smash?" mingyu asked.
"no thanks."
mingyu dropped his keys on the kitchen counter. "we're playing smash."
"you're funny."
you laughed, and mingyu pouted. "please, myungho?"
minghao finally looked at his roommate. "i'm watching annihilation. the switch is handheld for a reason."
you watched mingyu roll his eyes with a smirk on your lips. he went over to the switch dock by the tv and grabbed the console, sticking his tongue out at hao. you giggled, following mingyu down the short hall to his room as minghao waved you both off.
"have i said that i like hao a lot?"
"yes," mingyu said. "like, every time you come over."
you smiled, throwing open his dresser and carding through the shirts that would surely be massive on you. "well i do."
the switch got tossed onto his bed and he sneaked around you to grab a pair of sweatpants from the drawer above the one you were looking in. he also pulled out the pair of shorts you had left, putting them on top of the dresser. "i'm getting naked now."
you shook your head lightly, knowing he was only changing his pants, but kept your back to him out of respect anyways. you picked up the shorts. "did you wash these?"
"yeah, i threw 'em in with my laundry last week."
you nodded, spotting the color you had been looking for. "aha!" you pulled on the ashy gray shirt, revealing one of your favorite things you had ever convinced mingyu to buy. an extremely soft, lightly distressed shirt with a tasteful rip along the neckline. "i'm getting naked now."
"clear," mingyu said, letting you know he wasn't looking as he flopped onto his bed, propping up the switch on his bedside table and setting up the controllers.
you pulled off your loose sweatshirt and swapped it for the borrowed shirt, then shoved the denim shorts down your legs, laughing lightly at how your sleep shorts completely disappeared under the shirt. you turned around, stretching out your arms to show how large the shirt was on you. "look."
mingyu rolled onto his back and propped himself on an elbow to look at you, giggling as you swam in his shirt. outwardly, he smiled, but internally, he thought this was simultaneously the worst and best idea he had ever had.
you looked absolutely stunning in his clothes, he thought, but only said that you were cute. he ignored the familiar feeling in his stomach and handed you a controller as you crawled onto his bed, settling on your stomach next to him.
he had to stop putting himself in this position. you were far too pretty for him to forget his feelings towards you.
but maybe that's what he wanted. maybe he didn't want to forget his feelings. maybe the few times you had told him his dates were attractive weren't just objective reassurances. maybe he held onto the sliver of hope that you could possibly be attracted to him, too.
you slammed your face into the bed as the game loaded. "why are all switch load times utter ass?"
mingyu adjusted so that he was laying on his side with an arm propping him up and flicked the back of your head. "because the console can fit in my palm."
your hand went up to swat at the culprit of the flick, and you pouted as you lifted your head to look at him. "that's not fair, your hands are huge." you wiggled onto your elbows to grab his wrist, pressing your palms together. "see?"
mingyu laughed, feeling his cheeks heat up. "well, you have baby hands, so." he punctuated his point by curling his finger over yours. you pouted again, then slipped your fingers between his, thinking about how nice his warm hand felt over yours.
you blinked, then pulled your hand away and grabbed the joycon as the game finally loaded the skippable intro, hoping you weren't blushing too much as you cleared your throat. mingyu stared at your pink cheeks for a moment, his mind reeling. was he seeing something that wasn't there? or was his hope in you validated?
you were clicking through the menu and felt his eyes on you, and all you wanted to do was hide behind your hair and avoid eye contact. you nearly jumped when mingyu cleared his throat.
"hey, i have something i've been meaning to ask you."
your eyes met his briefly. "shoot."
"do you…" mingyu paused, trying to think of the right way to phrase his question. "i know you have exes that are guys, but is that something you're, like… still into?"
your ears burned and you wiggled until you could sit back on your own legs, fiddling with the hem of the shirt you stole and hesitating to make eye contact. "you mean, being with guys?"
"yeah," he said, watching you intently with his brows furrowed.
"yeah, i mean, i guess?" you shrugged. "i like both."
mingyu nodded slowly, watching your eyes as they stared at the wall across his small room. your cheeks were a rosy pink, and you were chewing on your lip. "me too."
you looked at him finally, your eyes wide. "what?"
he gave you a crooked smile. "i like guys and girls, too."
if you were blushing before, now you were blazing. "oh, my god, i'm an idiot."
he laughed. "what, did you think i was, like, totally gay?"
"shut up," you threw yourself down onto his bed, hiding your face in the blanket. in your defense, he had definitely called himself gay before, but you definitely called yourself gay constantly, so maybe you shouldn't put so much weight in those words. "shut up, i'm embarrassed. i don't want to talk about it."
hearing mingyu laugh next to you made you feel like you were on fire, then you felt the ghosting of fingers on your arm. you froze. mingyu's voice was soft when he spoke again. "do you wanna talk about how i have a massive crush on you?"
you slowly raised your head to look at him, cheeks burning red. he gave you a small smile before you choked out a "huh?"
"i ran a red earlier," he said suddenly, his fingers moving from your arm to absentmindedly brush your hair out of your face, then to your shoulder, then back. it was a reassuring touch, one you had felt from him before, but you still were caught off guard by his sudden succession of confessions. "you were sleeping and i couldn't stop looking at you. i totally could have crashed the car."
"dude, what the fuck." you stared at him, then lowered your voice to imitate him. "'hey i have a crush on you and i almost killed us both because of it.' that's you, that's what you sound like right now."
mingyu laughed in your face and you couldn't help the chuckle that fell out of your mouth. "sorry i almost killed us."
"i guess i can forgive you," you said, picking at your nails suddenly despite them being clean. "especially because i might have a crush on you, too."
mingyu kept staring at you with a fond smile, and you wondered if he could also hear how hard your heart was beating. "can i kiss you?"
you looked at him, trying not to stare at his lips. you nodded, almost hurriedly. his hand pulled against your back as you rolled your body to face him, and your hand reached out for his jaw as he pulled you into him. and when his lips crashed into yours, you yelped slightly, melting into him almost immediately. they were plush against yours, and he was gentle as he pushed your back onto the mattress, adjusting to hover over you slightly. when you let your head fall back onto the bed, he grinned at your blown out pupils and swollen lips, buzzing at the way your hands curled around around his neck, fingers digging into the hair at his nape. he adjusted again, a hand finding your waist as he pulled back to let you swing your leg across his lap. you pulled him back over you, enjoying the way his hips hit the back of your thighs as he caged you in with an elbow by your shoulder. you stared up at him, heart racing, eyes flicking down to his lips too many times for him to not take the hint.
mingyu had always enjoyed pleasing you. this definitely felt like the next natural progression.
he dove into you, and your arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders. mingyu was a hugger, and he also liked wearing very little clothing when he worked out, so you knew what he looked like under the plain white tee. knew what he felt like. but suddenly - with his hands slipping under what was technically his shirt to properly feel your waist, with how his tongue fought with yours - you really felt him for the first time. the way his shoulder muscles rippled just beneath the skin as he adjusted, clearly trying to not make his growing bulge so obvious. you considered the fact that you might get to see how much leg day really benefited, considering how much he posted about it with sweaty post-workout pictures on his story.
mingyu felt your thighs squeeze around his hips, pulling back slightly. "is this okay?"
"is it?" you responded, a hand pulling back to fall on his jaw. "i've wanted you for ages."
he laughed lightly. "god, we're idiots."
you had no time to respond before he was kissing you again, his hips rolling into yours, pulling a surprised moan from you. he ate it up, his fingers gripping your waist tighter at the sound. you felt his girth as it pressed against you, and you gasped. when was the last time you had been with a guy? high school?
when mingyu's teeth bit down on your lip, you were really glad he was the guy you were unconsciously waiting for.
he tugged on your hips as he rolled onto his back, pulling you to straddle his lap. you giggled slightly, settling back into the open mouthed kisses as he ran his hands from your ass up your back, slipping under the sports bra you were wearing.
then there was a knock. you yelped, burying your face in his shoulder as you heard the door swing open. "make room for king k r- oh shit!"
you laughed into mingyu's neck as he yelled for seokmin to get the hell out, his hands tugging the hem of the stolen shirt over your butt in an attempt to shield it from view. you heard him squeak out an "i'm sorry!" as the door shut again.
"i'll kill him."
you exhaled, the laughter still on your lips as you looked at his profile from where your cheek pressed against his shoulder. "bet he thinks we're secretly dating."
mingyu laughed, scratching an eyebrow before returning his palm to your ass. "not a secret now."
"oh, so we're dating now?"
mingyu craned his neck to look at you. "is that not what was going to happen?"
you giggled, sitting up and putting your hands on his chest. you adjusted your knees, fully aware of how the movement would rub you against his still hard bulge. "we have both fucked people without dating them afterwards, kim mingyu."
"ah," he said, digging his fingers into your soft ass and rutting into you gently, making you gasp. "we're gonna fuck? i thought we were just joking."
you slapped his chest, giggling still as you rolled your hips. "if you don't wanna, i could ask hao-"
"oh, shut up," he said, pulling you down to kiss him. "if you liked myungho like that you would have tried it ages ago."
you smiled, your thumb running over his adams apple as you placed gentle kisses on his jaw. "sweetie, are we jealous?"
"i don't deserve this, you know?" mingyu pulled your hips against him again, a low grunt tumbling from his beautiful mouth. "i haven't put my dick in a girl since i met you and now i'm with you and you're talking about my roommate? this seems extremely mean."
you giggled again, then placed your lips on his again. he instantly kissed you back, one hand leaving your ass to go to the back of your neck. "you're the only guy i ever think about," you whispered, getting repeatedly interrupted by mingyu's needy lips on yours.
the wolf-like grin that broke onto his face sent chills down your spine. "let's keep it that way."
seokmin's hand was still on the doorknob, his wide eyes blinking, when minghao paused his movie and sat up to poke his head out and look down the hall. "the hell was that?"
he puffed out his cheeks as he walked back into the living room, his palms clapping gently. "i thought you said y/n came over to play smash?"
minghao's eyebrow quirked up. "she did."
the eldest sat on the couch. "i thought mingyu was gay?"
"what?" minghao looked down the hall again. "wait, what? were they-" he stopped when he heard a muffled groan that was far too familiar.
seokmin grabbed the remote and pressed play, scratching his cheek as he turned up the volume. "what are we watching? catch me up."
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garrothromeave · 4 years
the hell is mystreet season 6??
(warning, long post ahead)
ok so before i start this
1) ive never posted shiiiit on tumblr before so watch me suffer, im just here to talk about stuff that my friends who dont know anything about aphmau have to listen to me rant about for hours on end
2) i havent seen mystreet in like years (except season 3, i watch that frequently since im laurance and shadow knight deprived) so please bear with me because i might be completely wrong on this lol. it’s just like, pointing out things i remember
3) im sure someones already talked about this but who cares
4) im gonna do this stupid thing where i just explain myself a bit at first, if you dont want to read that just skip to the part where you see “the actual thingy:” in bold and italics 
5) mild disclaimer; i am completely aware that jessica is not a professional writer. i know that she did her best to appeal to her fans, and honestly, respect for that. while this post will come off as aggressive and probably look like hate, that’s not my intention in the slightest. it’s just... intense criticism. im sure y’all probably already know that, but yeah, just stating that anyways. i do believe that jess is doing her best, and in no way do i want to dismiss any hard work she’s done. that being said; prepare for a very strongly opinionated post.
haha watch there be 10000+ typos in this making me look like a complete dumbass
ok here we go 
one of the main reasons i stopped watching aphmau back in 2017 was the mess that was season 4. like, in the first few episodes of the emerald secret, i thought “woah!! this is kinda cool, im a sucker for mystery!” because of course i was, it was something new and something exciting. the only problem i had with it at the time was kim, but that’s just because i always found her annoying and out of place. i just didn’t understand why garroth dragged her along and honestly i still don’t to this day BUT, moving on.
anyways, as the season progressed, 13 year old me was of course just “:0!!” the entire time--that is, up until the reveal of the main villain. i remember watching the episode, seeing the reveal of ein, and then stopping. like, just for a quick break, but i was still just overwhelmingly disappointed. like, and this was the time when pdh was airing and ein just got made alpha (i think?) and i had really really liked eins character in pdh. either way, that really sucked and actually opened my eyes to a lot of things.
one of the main things bein’ the fact that this was supposed to be a slice of life kinda series that decided to take a turn to a more edgy kinda approach. which, i guess i regularly wouldnt mind? but seeing as mcd was kinda bein neglected at the time it just didnt sit right with me. BUT WHATEVER, point is i stopped watching mystreet all together at the end of season 4.
like, a whole year later my brother tells me that shit’s getting intense in season 5 + 6 of mystreet, and my brilliant self decided to give it a shot--but i refused to watch all of season 5, so i only stepped in when ein made an appearance. so whenever that was, that’s where i picked up because i didnt care enough to see 
and y’know--i honestly didn’t hate it at first. in fact, i found it oddly cool. it wasn’t enough to get me into aphmau again, but it was enough to where i was intrigued. i dont know why, but i never watched the finale, so i didnt see the ending until just a few weeks ago--but back then, i thought it was neat. looking back on it however... im just so confused. 
side note: only got back into aphmau this time around because of mcd. mainly because like, i adore the first season and the first half of the second season. and being nearly 18 now, im a lot more appreciative of plot and well-written characters n junk. 
the actual thingy:
ok back on track. imma stop spilling out my story of how i got back into aphmau, and lets just skip to what rewatching mcd made me realize of season 6′s plot and shit:
-emmalyn. how the fuck does ghost even remotely exist? if she’s emmalyn as claimed, then why have we already seen emmalyn in the mystreet universe alive? look i get that creators can do whatever they want with their stories but at the same time please provide some sort of explanation good god. and maybe they did and i just havent seen it, so if there is one--let me know. but until that day imma just sit here confused as fuck
-ok so imma just be real, the whole ‘ultima’ thing is just... not great. in my opinion, anyways. like... i saw someone mention this in another post, but if this ultima stuff was like, a really big deal, why isnt it mentioned in mcd? though i suppose since its a curse of sorts, it could be later on past the time period in which mcd takes place--but even then, how did it manage to make its way into aaron’s family bloodline? 
-WHY IS EVERYONE AT STARLIGHT ITS JUST SO CONVINIENT like what happened to this place being the most expensive shit on the planet or whatever, and how the gang happens to run into like, the werewolf trio and blaze and kai and guy and nate all of these people like god damn life doesnt WORK LIKE THAT 
-im sorry but turning people into relics? thats... thats the best you could come up with? plus, like, how does that even work? in mcd it’s established that relics are separate entitles that choose their wielder, based on a ‘personal’ connection (being a descendent of a previous wielder) or if they’re a good match personality and (i think?) moral wise. so the whole turning-people-into-relics doesnt make much sense to be honest. 
-irene really over here using her god powers to only keep her friends alive like god damn not a great god if you ask me 
-can i talk about how incredibly predictable aphmaus death was? like i just kinda sat there waiting for it to happen and when it did i literally went “haha! wonder when she’ll be revived” because god forbid we actually kill off characters 
-when aphmau + demon warlock fought in the irene dimension there was no passage of time whatsoever in the real world whiiiiiiiiich really bothers me because they fought in there for at least a few minutes
-speaking of aphmau and the demon warlocks fight does it bother anyone else that it had to be aaron who took over the fight?? like we get it hes the big protector blah blah blah but god damn it wouldve been cooler if aphmau had fought this battle as her. aaron fighting this battle was so underwhelming
-...love. like, thats the only thing thats needed to break out of a forever potion? love? LIKE YEAH, GOOD GUYS GOTTA WIN SOMEHOW, but its just so cliche and overdoneeee
-oh yeah and also when travis went bonkers and became the demon warlock or whatever, why’d he only take over katelyn and garroth?? like, zane had been influenced by the potions in the past as well? DONT GET ME WRONG--i do love some good brother edge, but uh, the demon warlock was just bein kinda a dumbass by not possessing zane too just sayin’
-can aaron please go to fucking jail for mass murder now like holy shit, he just got sent home on a fuckin boat. also why did blaze forgive him for killing him thats not even remotely realistic. then again, nothing in mystreet has ever been realistic when it comes to characters and motives and personalities, (cough katelyn being actually abusive and travis being an actual pervert) but yknow whatever
-katelyn and kawaii chan literally added nothing to the plot whatsoever. like lets be real, katelyn lost her personality the moment season 5 started and kawaii chan just kinda sits there :I
-ok im sorry this was bound to come up but cmon guys imagine laurances potential if he was in season 6 like god damn this is beyond maddening. AND YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A REALLY REALLY COOL PARRALLEL?? IF IT WAS LAURANCE WHO SNAPPED GARROTH OUT OF HIS MIND CONTROL THING, because it would mimic laurance’s speech to get garroth to snap out of his rage in season 1, episode 100 of minecraft diaries. like how fuckin rad would that have been? missed opportunity 
-also?? why does kim/ghost know magicks?? like, if i remember correctly, emmalyn is a scholar--not someone who knew magicks. i mean, i guess research? study?? but its been established that knowing how magicks works =/= being able to use magicks. i dunno, just doesnt seem right i guess. maybe its explained, i wouldnt know (yes i know that makes me look like a dick leave me alone)
-melissa should have stayed dead. LIKE, NO, ITS NOT AS SIMPLE AS “haha it takes more than a few bullets to kill me”??? look ive got nothing wrong with melissa (cough lie cough) but yknow it would have just been cool a character... stay dead? for once? its just too fuckin cliche that shes alive god damn
-can i also just say the only good thing that came out of season 6 was travis’ dads sacrifice like damn that made me actually sad
-howww was lucinda turned into a relic. or yknow, anyone else? like im sure they explain it better in the actual show i just dont remember, but its just that easy? turning anyone into a relic? granted, a normal person wouldnt be able to produce a good relic, but idk man. IM JUST SAYING; that the only really powerful relics that aphmau should have been able to wield is the one that aaron + zane produced because shad relic and esmund relic moment. lucinda isnt even like, connected to a divine warrior. ALSO, another point, if its seriously that powerful of a relic getting one from just a magic user like lucinda, why go through the trouble? i mean i guess ofc youd want the “all powerful” one that the ultima produces but i mean damn whats the point
-ok this is just going to bother me but in one of the episodes (i think might have been in season 5 actually) where that like, guardian dude was chasing aphmau and zane and at one point they split up and the dude just chuckles at zane diverting paths and goes under his breath “youre not the important one here”, suggesting that aphmau somehow is? first of all, id argue that any ro’meave is significantly more important than aphmau was, especially not knowing much about her other than that shes with aaron. i might be missing some bits an pieces, but if i was that dude id forget about aphmau and go after zane 
-killing off derek for shock factor sucked, and i know the moment was supposed to be really sad because like “oh :( aarons dad is sacrificing himself for his son” but lets be real dereks still was a shitty father and i dont think his reasons for doing what he did was very good at all
-less about plot or more like: why the absolute fuck did the gang bring kim along instead of, oh i dont know, a life-long friend? like, laurance or dante maybe?? im sure its explained, i never saw aphmaus year or most of season 5, but god DAMN id hate to be apart of this friend group AND GOD LIKE, imagine reconnecting with an old friend who ends up getting closer to your best friends and taking priority in their lives over you (cough laurance) like god damn lol
-im just going to preface this one with: i dont remember everything that’s happened, so if im wrong i apologize in advance--but (you actually can correct me if im wrong and please do) didnt like, irene reincarnate her friends in order to give them better lives? I DONT KNOW IF THIS IS TRUE, ITS JUST WHAT I REMEMBER--however, if im correct, then:
a. why the hell would she bring back someone like zane, or gene, or ivy, etc.
b. why the hell do they all have the same exact names? first and last? again, im aware that the whole mystreet+mcd tie wasn’t originally supposed to be there, but i dont think that means such a coincidence can be excused? its just a bit much if you ask me.
c. why the hell is the fact that (as much as i literally hate this) aaron is a decedent of shad being ignored? like, you’d think that something like this would be something thats actually important, or something the demon warlock couldve taken advantage of. or are we completely erasing every other connections to divine warriors besides aphmau + irene? because even if irene did reincarnate them or do whatever it is she did, does she even have the power to sever the connections between them and their ancestors? my guess is, no.
d. speaking of irene why on earth was aphmau able to talk to/see irene, they’re literally the same person are they not? did she like, fuckin reincarnate herself without actually doing it?? BUT--i will give it to them, the demon warlock did refer to aphmau as something along the lines of being “one of the 3 parts of her broken soul” or something like that. however, my point still remains. also what are the other two did i miss that or is it never explained
now; if irene in fact did not ‘reincarnate’ her friends then please ignore that little bit right there :)
but yes, those are a few of the problems i have with season 6 off the top of my head. i would go into like, season 4 and 5 more as well, but i honestly didnt feel like it. at some point i might go into other things, like how important laurance could have been to the plot of these later seasons, or HELL, even dante. i might also go into what could have made season 4, 5, and 6 actually good--maybe... a rewrite? perhaps? but im getting too far ahead of myself, so i just leave you with this for now.
and i know that as soon as i post this 15 more things are just going to pop into my head BUT im going to try and not edit this post because why stress myself with that even more
anyways thank you for coming to my tedtalk 
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Imagine if Kai fell in love with pop’s daughter and he’s extremely delusional that their destined to be together that he ticks her into marrying him and when she realizes her mistake she’s pregnant
This ask is so beautiful, thank you so much. We all love Kai being a delusional idiot.
@zuffer-weird-girl I thought this went pretty well with the pictures so might as well kill two birds with one stone :> ~~~
Title: Cherry Blossom
Yandere!Overhaul x F!Reader Warnings: Angst, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of sexual acts, gore, blood, murder, slight nsfw A/N I tried looking for how old overhaul was when he was taken in but i couldn’t find anything so im just gonna go say that he’s 6. Sorry for the time skips at the end, i wanted to finish this by tonight and was running my creativity dry trying to finish it. ~~~ As you waited in the garden for your father to come back from his walk you sat in your favorite tree and read your favorite book. You must have read it so many times that you know each word by heart. “Here my boy i want you to meet someone.” You heard your fathers voice coming into the garden and you looked down and saw him walking with a boy the same age as you. “Hi father! Who’s that?” You laughed as you looked at them from the branch you sat on. Your pigtails moving as your head titled to the side. “Well this is Kai Chisaki. He will be living with us now! Kai this is my daughter (y/n).” You waved hi in the tree as you smiled down at the boy. The boy looked up at you with a lazy gaze before his eyes widen when he saw you truly.
The sunshine that glowed through the branched and leaves of the cherry blossom tree gave you a heavenly look to you. The sunshine outlining your being, you smiling down at him gave you this angelic persona. “H-Hi...” Was all he could say before you jumped from the tree and ran to give him a hug. “Finally! I have someone to play with!” You giggled as you kept your arms wrapped around him.
“Now now, Kai here doesn’t like being touched. Clean freak here.” He could feel your arms leave him quickly and before he could bask in your warmth once more you had backed up and apologized for hugging him. “Sorry about that Chisaki! I didn’t know. Wait do you have a quirk?” Your question annoyed him but his tiny heart kept bumping in his chest. “Yes...” Was all he said before you crossed your arms and pouted. Fearing he did something wrong he went to speak but pops had beat him to it. “Now (y/n), i know it sucks that you don’t have a quirk but hey at least you got Chisaki to always protect you right my boy?” Yes he would. ~~~ 5 years later Kai sat in the living room watching you intently as you concentrated on your homework. Your hair in a messy bun to keep it out of your face as your eyes were glued to the paper.
“Ugh Kai can you please help me? This is hard!” You whine while looking at him with those puppy eyes. He had let you call him Kai cause you needed to be able to say his name before you got married. Yes he knew he was still young, but that gave him plently of time to plan the wedding!
“Uh Kai?” Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
“Yeah sure.” He kept his straight face so you wouldn’t know his feelings for you just yet. It had to be the perfect time.
“Thanks Kai!” You give him a light hug making him freeze and have a light pink spread across his face.
“Okay...um..what do you need help with?”
3 years later
Kai growled as he saw you hanging out with the new boy. What was so cool about that disgusting quirk filled verm? He was going to taint you, take away your perfect pure form.
“Dude, you done burning holes in the back of his head?” Hari’s voice grabbed his attention. Hari was a friend he met in 3rd grade (don’t actually know if thats acurate but bare with me) He was one of the only people he could stand besides you.
“He’s trying to take (y/n) away from me.” His voice went a note lower as he watched you talk to him like you’ve known each other for years.
“Their such a cute couple don’t you think?” Kai snapped his neck towards a random girl who was fawning over the ‘cute’ scene in front of her.
“What?” Kai said trying to keep his composure.
“Oh didn’t you hear? He asked her out and now they started dating! Their so cute together!” The girl giggled before running off to her friends leaving Kai in a state of seeing only red.
“...Uh Kai, I’m seeing a face on you that concerns me.” Hari says as he see’s his friend seething with anger.
“How dare he?”
“How dare that disgusting pig steal what’s rightfully mine.” The rumble from Kai’s voice made Hari realize that Kai wasn’t fucking around.
“She belongs to me, she was mine the day I met her.” Kai’s hands were shaking with anger as he looked at the two of you smiling.
“Well what are you going to do about it?”
“There’s only one way to make sure that Angel stays all mine.” Hari raised an eyebrow at Kai who turned and looked at him.
“We kill him.”
That Night
Kai had planted a note in that boys locker, saying it was from you and to meet him by the Cherry Tree in the park to ‘talk’.
After waiting a few minutes, hiding in the branches of the Cherry Tree, the boy finally shows up to the park walking towards the tree.
Kai watched as his target go right under the branch he was hiding, looking for you.
Kai jumped from the branch and landed on top of the kid before placing his fingers on the boys face, making him explode into nothing but blood on the grass.
Kai looked down at his dead rival with a derranged look in his eyes as his smile covered his face. Little blood droplets going down his face landing on his clothes which were already soaked in blood making Kai scratch at his arms. Trying to make the hives go away.
“Angel is mine and will always be mine...”
The next day
“Kai did you hear! (R/N) went missing last night! No one can find him!” You ran up to him worried as you looked around paranoid.
“Really? That’s unfortunate.” Kai was lucky enough that his mask that he wore covered his smug smile. Of course he went missing, that filth could be around his perfect angel.
“What if he was kidnapped?! We could be next for all we know!” You shook in your spot before jumping onto Kai holding onto him tightly to try and hide your scared expression from him.
“Don’t worry an-(y/n), no one will hurt you as long as im around.” He let out a sigh of relief. He almost called you his angel. Well yes you were but the first time he wanted to call you that was when he would confess to you.
“You really mean it?” You looked up at him with your (e/c) eyes hoping he was serious. 
“Of course I would never let anything happen to you.”
Ya’ll are in your twenties now
Kai sat in his office at the Shie Hassakai base, looking through the paperwork that seemed to be never ending. His pen hitting the table as he tries to think on anything other then you. 
You plagued his mind every day. Ever since that filth tried to take you away from him, he was always paranoid that someone was gonna take you away from him. He would often day dream of a little family with you. Kai wasn’t much for kids but they would be pure just like her. 
He would sit for hours at his desk thinking about what it would be like to see you walk down that isle. To be married to him. That way once your married, you would never ever be able to leave him. He would make sur-
“Hey Kai! I was gonna watch a movie by myself but I thought maybe you wanted to watch one with me?” Kai’s cheeks light up in happiness as the thought of you next to him made him overwhelmed with joy.
You both sat at the couch while watching a movie you had picked out. Kai usually wasn’t a fan of horror but if it meant getting cuddles by  you he was willing to do so.
“I can’t believe you haven’t even jumped yet! Did you already watch this movie?” You crossed your arms and pouted.
“No. Why would i rewatch a movie I have already seen?”
“Fair point I guess, h you’ll never believe what happened!” You said as you looked up at Kai squealing.
“Someone asked me out on a date! I met him when i was getting groceries!” You smile at him waiting for a response. 
“Really....” You didn’t notice the danger in his voice as you kept talking about this one disgusting filth that dared to ask you out.
Was he gonna have to take care of the trash again? Yes. He would do anything for his angel. And he was gonna have her all to himself.
No matter the consequences...
Kai slowly walked behind you as you made your way to said date. He couldn’t let you go wandering off by yourself could he? No. You were quirkless, you NEEDED him. And he needed you so it all played out.
There was no room for anyone else in the picture.
Kai quickly hid in a nearby alley waiting and watching for your ‘date’ to show up, just so he could see what he looks like.
And to get some info on him and how he should go about killing the trash.
He watched you from far away as the tiniest gust of wind blew your hair a little bit making Kai smile as you try to put it back into place while forming a small pout. He could watch you all day. Your (h/c) hair shinning as it caught the attention of the sun.
He noticed that you were looking around a lot as well as looking on your phone. He raised and eyebrow before remembering that your date was suppose to be here at 2.
It was 3.
He had spent so much time watching you that the day went by fast. Not that he was complaining of course. He enjoyed watching you, but what he didn’t enjoy was you crying.
You had gotten up from your seat and started taking off in his direction.
‘Nows my chance!’
“Oh hey (y/n), what happened?”
“He stood me up..” You say as tears streamed down your face. Kai looked at you and couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit of lust.
The way your eyes were watering made his mind run wild with unholy thoughts of you on your knees sucking him off, looking up at him while tears streamed down your face as you gagged around his-
“Kai?” You ripped him of his lustful thoughts making him look down at you. You hugged him tightly burying your face into his chest.
“Yes?” He replied trying to hid his lust.
“Am I just that ugly that no one wants me?” You looked up at him, your tears staining his shirt. He looked at you with softness in his features but anger in his body.
How dare some low life filth make his angel feel bad about themselves. That trash will deserve anything that Kai gives him.
“No, your not. You are beautiful. A very beautiful angel.” Your eyes teared up before you hooked your arms around his neck and buried your face.
“Thank you Kai.”
7 months later
Kai stood at the alter watching you as you walked down the aisle. Your white dress hugged your body perfectly, letting his imagination run wild.
Once you stepped onto the alter he knew that once this was over he was gonna claim you. Make sure that you never ever leave him again.
And claim you he did
1 month later
You sat at your bed that you shared with Kai. A happiness filled your entire being as you looked down at the pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test.
You get up and jump up and down in excitement. Oh how happy Kai will be right! He would make a great father! He loves you so much so why wouldn’t he love his child.
You couldn’t wait to tell pops either! He had been away for awhile so you couldn’t wait to tell him the good news when he got back!
Pops had been gone for about 4 months. He sadly missed your wedding but Kai said that pops wished he could be there.
You smile as you grab some clothes out of your closet and proceeded to put some on, not dressing fancy but in comfortable clothes.
You open the door of your room before skipping in the hallways of the compound. Your feet making a pitter patter noise like the sounds of children’s feet.
Wait children?
You turn around and see a little girl no more than 6 running as fast as she could towards you. You run towards her as well worried as you saw her arms and legs covered in bandages.
“Woah, woah, sweetie. What’s wrong?”
“Please help me...he..he hurts me...” Your eyes go wide as you grab the trembling child in your hands before picking her up and running in the compound trying to find a random room so you could talk to the little girl alone.
You open one room and close the door, locking it before turning it around and gasping at the sight you saw.
Your dear father lying on a hospital bed. IV’s hooked up to him. He looked terrible. You go over towards your father with the little girl in your hands as tears run down your face. You held your fathers cheek with your remaining hand before you turn to the child and set her down.
“Who’s hurting you sweetie? I promise I will make them pay-”
“It...it was mister Overhaul... he uses me as a lab rat. He’s the one who put my grandpa in a coma!” The little girl cried into your arms. You soon realized that this was your niece. You father told you of a older daughter he had that left so long ago.
“Who’s Overhaul baby?” You say as your grip on her tightens as you try your best to comfort her.
“He..wears a black or beak like mask and wear a really ugly green coat-”
“Kai...” You covered your mouth as more tears run down your face as you and the little girl both sob into each others arms.
“What’s...your name little one?”
“Eri...” You rub her back as you try to calm her down, her sobs getting quieter as she soon felt relaxed in your arms.
“Thats such a pretty name you know.” You say as you rub her scalp.
“Thank you-”
“(y/n) have you seen-” You and Eri both stop as you both look in horror at the man in front of you.
Kai- no Overhaul stood above you both watching as your grip on Eri tightened and you looked at him with hateful eyes.
“What in the absoulte hell is wrong with you?! How could you put my father in a coma?! He took you in when no one else would! And how dare you use this little girl as a lab rat! She’s a child Kai! How can I expect you to take care of our child when you can’t even take care of Eri!” you shut your mouth quickly. Fear coursed through your veins as you felt Eri shake in your arms.
“Your...pregnant?” Kai looked down at the scene in front of him. 
This wasn’t suppose to happen. You were suppose to never find out about Eri, he was going to tell a little lie to you about pops but you were never suppose to find out about her.
“Let me explain angel-”
“No! NO I will not let you explain! Your hurting a child Kai! What has she done to deserve this?!” You scream at him holding Eri as tight as you could before you felt her be whisked away from your arms. You turn your head to the side to see Hari holding Eri in his arms.
“Not you too.” You hiccuped. Hari said nothing only looking away from your sorrowful gaze.
“Bring Eri back into her room. I have business to take care of.” Hari nodded before walking away. You tried to get up and grab him from his arms but were only met with a pair of strong arms wrapped around your chest.
“I can’t having you leave me (y/n). I know you’ll see what im doing is right in the future.” You go to scream at him only to feel a sharp pain in your neck.
“Did..did you just drug me?!” You yell as you begin to fade in and out of consciousness. 
“I’m doing what’s best for you. And if that means locking you away so you’ll never leave me then that’s a chance I’m willing to take.” Which was the last thing you heard before you fell into darkness.
“I love you my angel~”
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bittersweet netflix shadow and bone finale (s1 e8) rewatch; accoutrement: white wine with ice cubes in it (no YOU'RE a mom drink shh)
my wine's like fruity I love her
light and darkness title card we love to see it
Inej looking at Alina before she goes below deck to hide <3
okay that 'what can you really do on your own' was like not fun that shit hurted
okay but Jesper's 'not enough'? <3
oh no my baby Zoya's first inkling that Darkles does not really care
omg Helnik just appeared and I remembered how much heartbreak I have to face in this episode
gods I love Danielle as Nina so so much
'this can't be it' said she with her pleading smile with downturned eyebrows MA'AM I-
don't break my dumb little heart
I might hate Calahan's little accent but they're making me tear up
oh gods I literally cannot keep a hold on myself when Dani's accent bleeds through with full force, it's like she comes more alive or smth
'I will keep you warm' SIR WHAT-
I am surprised they showed a leaning in for a kiss so soon but I'm not mad about it
her little eyebrow twitch at 'what are waffles'
when that rando said 'i hunt slavers now' a dread settled into me because I knew what was about to go down
Matthias looking somberly at the stuffed wolf's head </3
I am so incredibly entranced by this exchange between Fedyor and Nina and what it represents, it's very interesting that they pushed up their storyline to match with the timeline
damn it's kind of jarring to be back in the Fold
'REMEMBER WHO'S DRIVING'??!!!! *you better stop* meme, *i am, disgusted* meme, *oh wow, oh wow* meme
Mal you fucking idiot you could never take the crows by surprise
the music rising as Kaz starts explaining his thought process, fucking perfection
haha Mal bitchass Inej caught you
'Because if he isn't with Kirigan's crew, he's with ours' WHEN I TELL YOU I SCREAMED
'And why would we destroy the Fold? It's the greatest weapon we've got' valid point at the moment but you know I don't necessarily agree with your methods
the use of the light tunnel in the show instead of Alina just being a super flashlight in the books is quite an interesting addition as well
is this an inappropriate time to point out how pretty Ben Barnes is
okay I kind of love the depiction of the shadow powers okay sue me
'they are traitors who tried to kill you' why are you suddenly making valid points despite having kind of committed low scale genocide
Kaz's face going from 'can you believe this idiot' at Mal to 'fuck me I'm gonna do the same thing aren't I' at Inej
'For who would oppose us now?' *himbo romantic rival appears out of nowhere and shoots at him* god I love this show
him standing calmly in his ridiculous all black attire after nodding at his soldier to stop the himbo in his tracks, i fucking can't
could she summon light without the Darkling making her after he put the collar on her until the uhm moment in the books? idts but in the show she can hmm
'only because I'm not in the game' you tell him Jesper
not me snickering at 'you'll be seen not as a saviour, but as a heretic' LMFAO
'Shame. I'll have to give that speech again now.' THIS SHOW IS A FUCKING COMEDY AND YOU CAN'T PROVE ME WRONG
Darkles casually whipping the Cut out like a shuriken or a throwing knife at Jesper because he shot at him lmao I can't
that moment where you actually think that affected him despite having read the books and watched the show
and then he has to go and fucking say 'it will take more than this' and I can't be help but be a little bit impressed at this old fool's resilience
throwback to when he said 'the king is a child' sir you make some valid points sometimes and it does make it difficult to hate you
I would just like to inform everyone that it is currently 6:09 am IST and I am sipping my second mug of wine while watching netflix sab for the second time instead of doing my three papers that are due tomorrow
I'm sorry but Inej jumping to check on Zoya after she gets knocked over by the volcra? first class display of solidarity and sisterhood as well as Inej's inherent kindness
Kaz jumping in front of a FUCKING VOLCRA AND STABBING IT WITH HIS CANE to save Inej, you best believe love is true, kids
god the volcra are so ugly and gross, they did such a good job with them
they kind of remind me of these creatures (I think they might have been called Hollows or smth) from the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children movie
despite my dislike for the callous nature with which the stag plotline was handled, I kind of dig the stag vision scene
'It's just me and you now, Alina. And we're all we need, anyway.' I actually feel bad for this old fool simping for this wonderful gorgeous powerful woman despite lying to her and manipulating her and exploiting her power
okay 'I never needed you' *stabs the bone fragment out of his hand* beautiful power move I fucking love you so so much
alright ben looking like ✨ that✨ not only in physical pain but also emotional pain at what the Darkling clearly considers another betrayal from this girl he wants to give the world and maybe? loves? maybe? or at least has feelings for makes my fucking heart hurt while simultaneously soar at Alina taking back control and reclaiming her power as her own and stepping into her own
'how do you claim such power' okay could have had better dialogue there writers
the fucking score lifting as she says 'you cannot claim what was not given to you' good people my heart is full
one day I'll talk about my defense of the chosen one trope because god damn I kind of love it
hmm I wonder was that brief hesitation that we saw on Alina's face due to her thinking about the 'you chose to betray our people' comment or the 'i was trying to save us' comment because that will define some of her actions in the later seasons (hopefully god if we get some, I honestly don't know what with this stupid brownface debacle)
I'm not saying talking about brownface and pointing out that it is wrong (for further context, I am actually brown) and harmful is stupid btw I'm talking about the incidents involving brownface in question
I don't wanna talk about this anymore but I might feel like I need to and end up posting about it idk
goodness Ivan actually believing in this cause makes me so sad because he too has been victimized by the system that ostracizes Grisha and he has every right to feel the way that he does
Ben actually fighting in that ridiculously heavy cloak and kefta when he's about to turn 40 this year makes me super impressed because I as a 19 year old sometimes wake up with muscle pulls after weeks of inactivity it's weird idk
also I understand that this Mal Darkling fight is completely fanservice and serves nearly no purpose to the plot in general but like I? love it?
'I don't have to kill you Darkling. Your past will do it for me' YES HIMBO GO OFF YOU TELL THAT OLD MAN GODS THAT WAS SEXY AS FUCK
maybe it's because I know Darkles will survive and will come out of it more powerful but I can't get myself to feel bad for him at the moment
Inej and Mal tearing up at Alina's condition made me almost feel something despite it being super obvious she was gonna be fine and save their asses at the last moment
a solitary Kaz in spotted on the western side of the newly expanded fold in his signature all black emo boy look
okay but the crows with zoya and malina is such an adorable team? I literally love them so much?
okay I know they had one interaction but Mal and Jesper would be besties in another universe
Kaz glaring at Jesper when he answers ''course not' to Alina's 'will you still be trying to kidnap me?' tell me one fucking adaptation that got the dynamics between characters this perfectly
okay why do I love that Alina kept the jewellery as maybe a small nod to she has the wits to, um, you know, I don't wanna say steal, but, um, yeah, steal it because she knew she would need money to survive on the run
oh Jessie I love you so much I wish you hadn't said those things on you ig story about the brownface
it's like every single celeb I grow attached to god's like nope that one is going to do or say something problematic (hey btw im not reassigning blame to god for stuff people have done out of their own free will, 'twas a joke)
AAAAAAAH them saying 'the deal is the deal' in the show even though they didn't have to but like they did and I love them for it
Inej literally not being able to not stare at Kaz's face and smile after this <3
'I didn't expect it to burn at all. But it can be destroyed in the end. Just like him' babe you're not wrong but like um just you wait
god Mal being on supportive boyfie mode is well, absolutely adorable, obviously, but I wish we got to see more of him as a person outside of his attachment to Alina
kaz my little demjin I wish you hadn't have had to suffer so much to meet the crows and find your calling
fastforwarding Zoya's arc is also an interesting choice to me
I wish the hug hadn't been done though, it didn't feel earned
maybe Alina awkwardly and half-heartedly (remember, at this point the alliance is fresh and they still don't entirely trust each other) reached for a hug and Zoya avoided her? and then the rest of Zoya's lines followed? that would have made more sense to me at least
I love Sujaya as well, she brought life into Zoya with whatever little screentime and scraps of writing she got
inej asking kaz 'what's your angle?' beep bop bleep morp I sense another incoming embarrassing love confession
'but we do need you' *stares at her face intensely* 'I need you' ah look at the clock, look's like it's time to screech and flap your arms like you're a volcra because you're incapable of containing your emotions
helnik my loves you don't deserve this I'm so sorry for both of you
Matthias fucking smiling ruefully while he says 'this was... just a cruel joke all along' THIS IS NOT FUCKING OKAY
omg hellgate
Nina genuinely being curious as to the status of the sun saint because she obviously still cares
Also, 'But she is a Saint' okay Kaz trying to earn brownie points you have succeeded
gods I know I'll probably see them again but my heart is full of sorrow as my eyes drink in the sight of my crows for the last time for a while
I know people were annoyed at the meadow flashbacks but guess what? as a darklina, I loved them
'now that the Darkling is dead' could have phrased that a little differently my dudes that line needed to hold more weight
am I glad that they showed Darkles in this state with his nichevo'ya as a tasty little cliffhanger despite not being entirely true to the source material? maybe but only because Ben Barnes saying 'follow' and the nichevo'ya doing exactly so sent a chill down my spine
well, that's it for now, I'll have to move on I guess, get back to my real life which I'm obviously not ready to do
thank you to whoever actually read these things
I probably should have just made reactions or commentary videos instead but I'm lazy
my tumblr will probably go into inactivity once more as I emerge from my stint in the grishaverse
it was quite short (less than 2 months), considering the length of my other obsessions but it was definitely more intense than the other ones
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coweggomelet · 3 years
i apparently enjoy putting down my thoughts on the off chance someone will read it and enjoy it so here’s rwby rewatch vol 3. i’m ready to be sad!!
(note: it’s long i’m sorry, i have many thoughts and i tried to narrow it down but oh boy do i think im funny)
- ruby you’re so precious. so sweet. so eager. so earnest. c’mere and i’ll protect you from all the bad shit that happens to you later
- hi cardboard cutout tai
- i keep getting an ad for a rooster teeth show called camp betrayal and the way this man says “hoo hoo hoo” will haunt me for the rest of time
- oh shit the fact that it’s called amity has such insane implications for what it’s used for later. jesus.
- “bffs!” “No.” “…/yessss/” love them
- yeet the yang
- god ruby’s admiration of emerald is so sad in retrospect like… oh boy ruby you’re in for it
- “even if you know how a story ends, that doesn’t make it any less fun to watch” wow cinder are you psychic
- ummmm they’re having a talk can you please respect their privacy
- thor whomst??? i only know nora valkyrie
- hiiiii gavin
- so much mid battle banter. in the middle of a big important fight they just have to make jokes and argue. i love teenagers
- awww winter you’re a disaster and you’re horribly emotionally repressed because of your bitch ass dad but jesus christ you care about your little sister and you wanna know she’s doing okay and i’m emotional about it
- PENNYYYYY my love just keep being you
- jeez i forgot how early on ironwood was talking his shit about being “someone who will act”, the “only person” who will do what needs to be done, as if his course of action is what needs to be done
- every single person who underestimates emerald and mercury gets so fucked up. like so many people look at these youngerish teenagers with some funny one liners and banter and go “oh they seem capable and they’re confident and funny so i like em but i can take em” and then absolutely get the shit kicked out of them. and i think that’s why they’ve been so successful, cause nobody takes them seriously enough to consider them a threat.
- see this is why i love rwby. coco just turned her handbag into a gatling gun and cut down a field of grass with it
- god the way they hint at emerald’s semblance before fully showing what it is. *chef’s kiss*
- winter marry me
- we love an uncle who absolutely destroys his nieces at video games
- “they do and they’re called silver!” ruby i love you
- top heavy. heheh
- this dude’s weapon is a trumpet!! she’s got glowing nunchucks!! i love this show!!
- this battle music is AMAZING what the FUCK they’re fighting to JAZZ
- cinder if you keep having vague ominous dialogue people are gonna get the wrong idea
- oh yeah great idea asking a child to take on immense power which sends her into a stressed out panicky spiral and alienates her from the people she finally feels legitimately connected to and for once didn’t feel alienated from
- oh fuck. oh fuck the finals. oh god. oh no.
- she’s so happy. she’s so ready to have a good fight. i’m gonna cry
- and with one moment, the entire show flipped on its head
- god when i watched that the first time i fuckin freaked. i was not prepared man. i was warned. but i was not prepared for this much of a fucking tone change man. that quickly. like tone changes (in my experience) normally happen gradually, but this one happened in, what? 30 seconds?
- fuck
- god this is so bad
- and it GETS WORSE i can’t do this
- love that we can see yang’s distraught eyebrows through her bangs
- after this episode was the first time my friend asked me “how we doing buddy?” and i’ve only wanted to kill her more since then
- oh god emerald’s backstory. this poor child. she was so alone and cinder was there and said i can give you a place i can give you a purpose i can give you security and emerald latched on so hard.
- hiiiii laura bailey i wish you had more than a lil baby line and some sounds of effort
- god that little anklet
- god what a fuckin backstory episode man. backstory? evil plan explanation? idk but it was good
- great parent move. telling your kid you’ll only save them once.
- jaune you sweet good boy. what a good boy. i love him
- god this poor child. she doesn’t deserve this. FUCK i’m so sad. is that the last conversation they have?
- oooooh shit this song is so good. what the fuck i have chills it’s so fitting
- god everyone else is so happy and excited and then there’s ruby who is one of the very few people who knows how bad a fight between penny and pyrrha could be and pyrrha who’s got to decide if she wants someone else’s aura smushed with hers, which could turn her into a different person. FUCK
- peeeennyyyyy “salutations!! it’s an honor to meet you!” it huuuurts
- it makes me so sad but damn was this a good diabolical plan
- god im so sad. penny is so good. and pyrrha’s fuckin eyes. and ruby just collapsing. jesus christ. it’s all fuckin falling apart
- oh fuck here we go. those klaxons are so terrifying
- it makes me so happy that torchwick gets rescued and then like maybe a couple episodes later just gets swallowed
- the fuckin adam fight is coming up too. jesus. really piling on here
- and she doesn’t even hesitate to save pyrrha
- the one and only time (to my memory) that ironwood is gentle is when he says no one would blame the students if they left. that might be the last time he actually remembers that they’re all teenagers and feels sympathy for these children with all this pressure on them
- oh yeah the big boy
- the first time i watched this i was LOSING MY MIND this whole time. like yang attacked mercury and from then on man. just freaking out.
- eurgh grimm juice
- c’mon blake you got this. i mean. technically you don’t. the fight goes poorly. but you fuckin try and you’re so brave about it and i love youuu
- shut the FUCK up adam you GROOMED her you ASSHOLE
- aahhhh i love velvet!!! her semblance and her whole fighting style is so goddamn cool and has such interesting implications for using weapons and powers of people who are dead
- get fucked, torchwick. GET FUCKED. get fuckin chomped
- a backhanded slap feels so much more violent than any fighting with weapons
- uh oh evil katniss
- god. the fucking blood splatter turning the whole shot red. just their silhouettes. the slow motion. the arm slowly separating.
- my friend was also a big fan of “how we feeling?”
- bad. the answer is bad you fuckin sadist
- oz is… a lot of things, and one of them is a goddamn good fighter
- oh god oh noooo she’s gonna kiss & yeet AWWWW FUCK this is heartbreaking
- pyrrha i love you
- if i don’t look it’s not real
- oh pyrrha my love
- awww hey tai. what a good dad. love tai
- i’m so sad. everyone’s so sad. and then salem just has to do an ominous lil monologue where she lays out her whole plan to divide them and makes a fuckin semblance pun. she’s such a good villain
- jacque you stiff bitch
- they’re all fuckin scattered and depressed
- love team rnjr tho
- there she is. god what an ending
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olde-scratch · 4 years
So I watched LUCIDS 1-4 without any prior knowledge...
and here were my thoughts. I didn’t watch any backstory or anything so enjoy my suffering.
“So what happens when the people inside of their dreams go to sleep?” They die
“What happens when we wake up? Do they go on living while we’re not there?” THEY DIE-
“Who are they anyway?” they’re faces that our brain catalogs and stores for later use, although it’s also arguable that every time we dream we go to an alternate reality and inhabit the body of another version of ourselves. Now, were you in a car accident and trapped underwater or-
Are they twins?
(Me tuning out to do something)
“-the squirrel in spongebob was your soulmate, making you a Sandy simp-”
Me, snapping back to the video: hold up-
[missed the part about the worksheet, realized it when i rewatched 10 mins later to make this post]
yall speakin gibberish idk what youre saying-
“I’m gonna go to bed.” bro it literally looks like morning-
“You should get some sleep you look terrible.” i get six hours of sleep a night minimum and i look worse than him shut up bro-
“jump into someone else’s dream” ah i know this con-
why they all got the same face-
haha funni meme
“--an interruptiion can create feedback and tear them apart.” Death. I long for thee.
Is that Karl Jacob’s jacket?
“a second grader” makes me think this is a different school system. [i was wrong? i think?]
“[get him to] eat your apple”
[in the dream sequence] weird dream, but ive had weirder. now, Why Pamper’s-
why does he suddenly have a knife-
“You put a filter on the Dreamscape feed?”
“Technically, you are seven years old.”
the second hand embarrassment is UGGGHHH
[reading the description] you mean like the guy who was knocked out for 2 minutes on a football field and woke to find he’d dreamt 17 years of his life? oh this shall be Fun
[I check the description] “jasper cult” what the fu-
how many camp camp references can i make during this
Is the apple a reference to religion or does the creator just really ilke apples?
Wait why couldn’t that guy eat the apple? If he wanted it in the fruit bowl, wouldn’t there be a chance of the guy eating it anyways?? Why can’t the guy who brought the apple eat it?
well he’s Dead
[debating if I should read the backstory}
n a h h h h h -
Was he gonna feed the dead guy the apple or something? Why is he upset about the apple in this scene???
oooo the grownups are fightinnnngggg
Is he an antagonist?
oh now i want food
“I watched all those aforementioned shows” what shows did i miss something what-
man why you gotta hate on her jane austen fanfic let her live bro
string theory! i can get behind that! sorta-
o no he found the memes-
kim there’s people that are dying-
is SHE an antagonist?
quinn? calling himself jasper? u sure hes not just nonbinary? is this just a metaphor for transphobic parenting?
“He died... but somewhere, he grew up.” So is your plan to take a Quinn from a different universe and make him your own, thereby robbing another version of yourself from happiness? When does this ever go well?
Yknow most people, when they lose a kid,,,, kinda,,,,,,, dont go on a ceaseless quest to find another version of their kid that grew up without knowing that another version of his mother was invading other peoples’ dreams to find and kidnap him,,,,,,,, like aint u got a therapist-
“Once you get past the point of not knowing what’s real anymore, you realize it doesn’t matter.” Well, I Got Called Out-
“you’re real, oliver.”
aRe yOu sUrE aBoUt tHaT-
“you’ve been infected by the anti-love parasite of Mandadon” the amatonormativity is strong
so anyways ive been infected since birth hbu-
“James Jasperson, creator of Japple” did you mean to Fancy Well-Educated Man in a Black Turtleneck? cause the only FWEMBT i allow near me is prof. hidgens
“are you winning?” says the capitalist
why did you rewind to see his face?? you have the same face????? is this just bc the creator doesnt like working with other people cause in that case same but???????
“it’s a bad idea. i’m not gonna do it.” we’ve all been there. and we’ve all done it.
looks like me trying to study. (i say, a person who has studied a total of five minutes throughout their entire life.)
your “Spartan trial” looks like a bunch of guys standing on a hill pretending to be something they’re not. Let The Man Bring His Snacks.
eat the apple.
is this your first existential crisis or something what a loser lets all point and laugh
“One of you should be spared, the other shall’nt.” did you mean shant or was that a choice-
yall gonna get called out for talking shut UP
“sorry if this is too personal, btw. are you okay?”
me, confused and half understanding what’s going on and also needing to sleep cause its almost one in the morning but wanting to finish what i can find of lucids which i only starting watching cause i saw an animatic of ranboo and dream w audio from it: i don’t know anymore
“i just want my life back... i was gonna get married-” AREN’T YOU LIKE SEVEN-
ay man if this is a sacrificial cult yall gotta get daniel-
UPDATE: I  H A V E  N O T  F O U N D  I T -
I  F O U N D   I  T -
oliver. eat the apple.
“Can you still have memories even when you’re dreaming?” One time I woke up to my alarm and fell back asleep and in my dream I remembered that I had class in a few minutes and my dream self woke my real self up so fast I thought I was gonna get whiplash. Anyways, I was late to class bc of my computer but that doesn’t matter.
im thinking car crash. but also maybe murder. but also maybe both? is it raining or was he drowning? is he in a coma? hmmmmmm?
wait olivers the one with the apple does that mean he’s the one dreaming? is the ending gonna be him and jasper (quinn? idk) fighting against ben and mrs hills about jasper eating the apple to save oliver from the dream? hmmmmmmmmmm-
waitwaitwait i thought oliver was 7 how is benjamin 7 years younger than him if they look the same age what what what explain america explain what you mean arkansaw-
are the cuts on his nose plot-relevant or
“What if you hadn’t been driving?” So I was right about the car accident but Mrs. Hills still said he was seven so did i mishear her say that BENJAMIN was seven? but even then oliver would be 14 and that would still be illegal-
“How are you feeling?”
“Like you’re a pretty bad therapist.”
“--it makes it all bearable to have power over the stories we write in our heads” that’s why i write fanfiction
[upon reading the description] so i was right.
wait was that supposed to be the twist in part 2 about the apple in his pocket is that what the existential crisis was about i thought it was because he was introduced to the multiple worlds theory-
wait wasnt the other one january 2018 why we going back to 2017-
“--the future and the past all already exist” mhm yep figured this out long ago
there was simultaneously a point in time in which i hadn’t known about this, had been looking it up, had been watching it, and had been writing an ending to this post, and had been posting it the next morning before class. that time is both now and not now. Welcome To The Multiverse Theory or whatever its called-
“--my favorite scene of the movie is waking up next to you.” Mine is eating fast food as I listen to AJJ and play Minecraft. We are not the same.
Now I’m hungry but it’s 1 in the morning and i already put my retainer in god fu-
[reading description] what do you mean previously??? she did that in the first episode????????
i should have watched the backstory i should have watched the backstory i should have watched the backstory i should have wa-
[description] oh ive been spelling quinn right the whole time nice
i hope she rejects you /j
bro get out of the road ull get hit
hills wants ben to feed quinn the apple bc in his mind, that will give hills and quinn a happy ending and she doesnt want ben to see the apple bc thats gonna mean ben will know that his reality isnt reality at all. so then oliver has to,,,, not let anyone eat his apple? he just has to wake up?
wait but if ben sees the apple wont he realize that his reality is wrong and his reality will change, making it so that hills doesnt get her son? or is there some time-based rule that says they’re only transported to the reality that the person believes at that moment? or is this another stab at the multiverse thing where an infinite amount of hills gets their happy endings while an infinite amount of hills doesnt and etc etc?
i should have watched the ba-
oooo dramatique
they’re in a time loop?
nope thats a new powerpoint
wait so theyre,,,, no-
“they were actually pretty nice” didnt they throw someone off a cliff-
oh so it got confusing THEN??? NOT BEFORE?????
“it all seemed so real.” is that Not the point of vivid REM sleep hallucinations-
is oliver gonna show ben the apple and ruin hills’ whole operation
“what’s 25-8″ bro dont do this to me-
yep hes gonna show the apple
ayyy the guy who stole karl jacobs jacket it back
the second hand embarrassment is back and I Hate It
all that happens in episode ONE??? bro get some better writers that is bad pacing
“it’s the best!” wait until season eight. no show has a good season eight.
quinn knows about the apple thing w the dreams and multiverse and realities dont he
oliver is v relatable
wHaT iN tArNaTiOn-
lemme hear that explanaton again-
is bill cipher gonna show up? i hope bill cipher shows up. i miss gravity falls
“ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!” moooooooood
did hills murder quinn
is your family the jasper cult
TOXXIICCCCCC get that lady out of your life quinn that is so toxic
“ ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!  ah! a tree! ah! a tree! ah a tree!” mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
The Adventures of Benjamin and Oliver
he is Not Good
wait so ben is equal parts an adult AND a child?? okay that clears a lot up
ew get off the floor
butterfly effect, multiverse theory, memory decay, and your imagination ALL exist yall gonna ignore that cause you wanna be famous?
“We already know what the future looks like!”
aRe yOu sUrE aBoUt tHaT-
to add to the list of bad things: Cats (2019)
get what what
what mapped-
awwwww he thinks THEY’RE creating the multiverse
you gonna dismiss the multiverse theory bc of something you created in your current reality? loooserrrrrr
she draggin that seven year old
a lot makes sense now why didnt i do this first-
the food shortages-
bro that calculators like 90 bucks at walmart
imagine meeting a stranger and they know Everything about your life like that’s gotta be so weird
what’s even weirder is them telling you you’re the deity of a cult that sacrifices animals
ooohhh there’s context for that
w h a t -
w  h  a  t  -
W   H   A   T   -
if i dream about apples im suing /j /lh
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