#Google Search Tips
needtricks-blog · 2 years
Mastering Google Search: Effective Techniques, Tricks, and Tips
Mastering Google Search Effective Techniques Tricks and Tips. Google is one of the most widely used search engines, and it provides access to an enormous amount of information. However, with so much information available, it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for quickly and efficiently. (more…) “”
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cuntlos · 8 months
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I get a lot of comedic pleasure from the cut from “what’s bottoming?” to showing lando for the first and only time in the new f1 video
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okayto · 2 months
Buddy. You had to send this question from the page that contains the search bar for the library catalog.
Message to library sent from ask-a-question form: My assignment is to read "This is an Article Title" by Name McNamerson. Please advise how to find that.
Reply: Hello Masters Student, I searched McNamerson AND this is an article title in the library catalog, which brings up three top results all with that title and author but different years. If you're unsure which of these is what your assignment needs, please check with your professor.
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revnah1406 · 2 years
To all my dear call of duty (or other fandoms) writers I hope this helps.
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pawtale · 2 years
Question of Peltrune
Is there a design for lancers dad? Since Lancer is a puppy, would his dad be dog related? (Idk Lancers dads name) maybe he would be a pitbull. Idk he just seems the pitbull kinda guy.
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hes a big ol doggy!
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Where was fluttershy on January 6th
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kazifu · 2 months
Penelitian Kata Kunci
Langkah pertama dalam strategi SEO yang sukses adalah melakukan penelitian kata kunci. Kata kunci adalah istilah atau frasa yang orang gunakan untuk mencari informasi di internet. Menggunakan alat seperti Google Keyword Planner atau Ubersuggest, Anda dapat menemukan kata kunci yang relevan dengan niche Anda dan memiliki volume pencarian yang tinggi tetapi persaingan yang rendah. Setelah Anda menemukan kata kunci yang tepat, masukkan kata kunci tersebut secara strategis ke dalam konten Anda, termasuk judul, subjudul, dan teks utama.
Optimalisasi On-Page
Optimalisasi on-page adalah langkah penting berikutnya. Ini melibatkan pengoptimalan elemen-elemen di halaman website Anda agar lebih ramah mesin pencari. Pastikan setiap halaman memiliki tag judul yang unik dan deskriptif, tag meta deskripsi yang menarik, dan URL yang bersih serta mudah dibaca. Gunakan heading tag (H1, H2, H3) untuk membagi konten menjadi bagian yang mudah dipahami. Selain itu, pastikan gambar dioptimalkan dengan menggunakan tag alt yang deskriptif dan ukuran file yang tidak terlalu besar agar halaman dapat dimuat dengan cepat.
Konten Berkualitas
Konten adalah raja dalam dunia SEO. Mesin pencari seperti Google memberikan peringkat lebih tinggi kepada website yang menyediakan konten berkualitas tinggi, informatif, dan relevan. Pastikan konten Anda orisinal, menarik, dan memberikan nilai tambah bagi pembaca. Menggunakan berbagai format konten seperti artikel, video, infografis, dan podcast dapat membantu menarik berbagai jenis audiens. Selain itu, memperbarui konten secara rutin dapat membantu menjaga relevansi dan menarik kembali pengunjung yang sudah ada.
Backlink dan Link Building
Backlink, atau tautan masuk dari website lain, merupakan faktor penting dalam algoritma peringkat mesin pencari. Mendapatkan backlink dari website yang memiliki otoritas tinggi dapat meningkatkan kredibilitas dan peringkat website Anda. Anda bisa memulai dengan guest blogging, yaitu menulis artikel untuk website lain dengan menyertakan tautan kembali ke website Anda. Selain itu, pastikan internal linking atau tautan internal di dalam website Anda terstruktur dengan baik, sehingga memudahkan navigasi bagi pengguna dan mesin pencari. Penggunaan Media Sosial
Media sosial dapat menjadi alat yang ampuh untuk meningkatkan visibilitas website Anda. Dengan membagikan konten di platform media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, dan Instagram, Anda dapat menjangkau audiens yang lebih luas dan mengarahkan lalu lintas ke website Anda. Gunakan strategi konten yang berbeda untuk setiap platform agar lebih efektif. Interaksi dengan pengikut melalui komentar dan pesan juga dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan dan membangun komunitas yang loyal.
Meningkatkan visibilitas website Anda melalui SEO membutuhkan kombinasi dari berbagai strategi dan teknik. Dari penelitian kata kunci hingga backlink dan penggunaan media sosial, setiap elemen berkontribusi terhadap kesuksesan SEO Anda. Dengan menerapkan trik-trik SEO yang disebutkan di atas, Anda dapat meningkatkan peringkat website Anda di mesin pencari, menarik lebih banyak pengunjung, dan pada akhirnya mencapai tujuan bisnis Anda. Ingatlah bahwa SEO adalah proses berkelanjutan yang memerlukan pemantauan dan penyesuaian rutin untuk tetap relevan dan efektif.
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lostdrarryfics · 2 years
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Fic Finding Tips: Google site searching edition!
This post is an additional resource to our Fic Finding Tips post, this time focused on using Google to find your lost fics!
For the best results when using Google, it really helps if you know which site you read the fic on. You can search for webpages from that site containing unique words and phrases using site search and quotation marks.
For ao3 fics, use this to begin your Google search: site:archiveofourown .org "draco malfoy/harry potter" (delete the space before .org, .net, or .com for any of the search examples in this post) Then add quotes, words, and phrases in quotation marks to narrow things down. Keep in mind that each chapter of a multi-chaptered fic is it's own webpage, so you'll want to search for specific details that would show up in the same chapter. For example, we received a request describing Draco having a T (for traitor) carved over his dark mark during the Battle of Hogwarts while he was helping to search for Ravenclaw's Diadem. We found it by googling site:archiveofourown .org "draco malfoy/harry potter" "traitor" "dark mark" "diadem". This search brought up Chapter 3 where this scene takes place, but if we had included a detail from Chapter 1 ("motorbike", for Hagrid's motorbike) it would have excluded the webpage we wanted to find.
Google site searching is most helpful when you have really specific details that are not going to be in the tags or fic summary, meaning the ao3 search feature is nearly useless with the information you have. Another example is a request we received describing Veela!Draco being protective of Harry at a picnic with their friends. You can do a search on ao3 with Veela Draco and Picnics tags, but nothing would come up. We found the correct fic by googling site:archiveofourown .org "draco malfoy/harry potter" "veela" "picnic".
This method works with FFN fics as well, with this Google search: site:fanfiction .net "Draco M., Harry P." Be aware that including the pairing in quotations will not always exclude other pairings and you will probably see plenty of Draco/Hermione FFN fics show up in your search too (and others pairings, but Dramione being popular will mean you'll see that one most often).
You can also use this method with LJ, but the pairing description may vary from fic to fic. It’s sometimes listed as HPDM, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, draco x harry, Drarry, or just Draco/Harry. You may want to just put their names separately in quotes (site:livejournal .com “draco” “harry”).
With any of these sites, remember to try different combinations of words and phrases! Get creative with your searching and try your best to remember unique details. Even adding simple words such as “beetle”, “Christmas”, or “Burrow” will narrow things down a great deal. Include reoccurring characters as well (“Luna” “Blaise” “Pansy” etc.), and if you can remember the name of an OC that information is extremely useful. Including Ron or Hermione doesn’t always do much, since they are often a staple of Drarry fanfics. But if you’re looking for a certain scene they are a part of, it wouldn’t hurt to include them. Keep in mind that Draco POV fics might refer to them as “Granger” and “Weasley” though! It can get tricky the more details you include, but too few details will result in too many webpages to skim through.
The key to a successful fic find on Google is usually combining multiple common words (“healer” “classroom” “portkey”), or remembering unique words and phrases you can recall being quoted exactly (“astral projection”, “orphanage”, “climbed over the fence”, “things change”, “Masudi the cat”).
Last but not least, when looking through a page of search results it’s usually best to skip over webpages that are just featuring tags:
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Instead, focus on the webpages of fics and fic chapters. Google will often show a passage from the fic containing one or more of the words you have put in quotations. You can sometimes tell immediately whether or not the story fits depending on the context:
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Good luck, we hope you find the fic you’re looking for! Feel free to reply to this post if you have any questions, need clarification, or have more tips we couldn’t think of. Happy finding!
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vedangkadia · 2 months
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Are you finding it challenging to link your content strategy with SEO goals? Check out our latest post for straightforward tips on how to bridge that gap. Learn practical steps to improve your strategy and boost your online impact. 🚀
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bigassbowlingballhead · 3 months
remember when you would google something and it would say "did you mean?" and then give you an option for no "show me results for [what i searched for originally]" what happened to that? where'd that option go.
why are you not showing me results for what i'm fucking looking for.
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sameke1-blog · 11 months
Keep in mind that SEO is a long-term strategy. It takes time and effort to see results. But if you are patient and consistent, you will see your website ranking higher in search engine results over time.
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paktrendz · 1 year
SEO Dominance: The Key to Online Success
1. Introduction In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. The internet has become a vast marketplace, and businesses need to ensure that they are easily discoverable by their target audience. Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal. In this comprehensive article, we will delve deep into the world of…
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munamania · 1 year
also. this trip has been making me fully realize how much my hypermobility affects my life lmao and like. i guess just how connected my issues are it’s almost like my body is a whole interconnected unit
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gothsuguru · 6 months
how to make speech tags not boring
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computer-einstein · 7 months
Don't let Elizabeth 'Sissi' Delmas touch any of your stuff, ever.
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alienpost · 10 months
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Get your business to top rank on Google
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