#Got these yesterday as a birthday gift and I'm in love with them
hopesapowerfulthing · 10 months
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The Perfect Birthday gift
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rxmqnova · 8 months
WandaNat x fem!reader request!!
Reader is the youngest and the compound and it’s our first birthday there and everyone has forgotten but not Wanda and nat and they try to make the day extra special because they couldn’t be there on our birthday since they were at a mission
Best birthday
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Y/N: 18 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV Being the youngest Avenger sucks. At least that's what Y/N thinks. She just wants to help people and go on missions like all of the others, yet she's not allowed to, because she's 'too young' as all the others say.
She loves every single one of the Avengers, even though a few of them really piss her off sometimes. And especially when they use her just to do their work for them.
It's just not fair. Peter was even younger than her when he joined the Avengers and still Y/N's only good for doing the others' paper work.
With a smile on her face Y/N makes her way over to the kitchen for breakfast. It's her 18th birthday today and she was promised that once she turns 18, she'll be allowed to start going on missions.
"Morning, kiddo. I'm happy to see you. I have some work in the lab today and don't really have time to work on my mission report. Fury wants it by tonight, could you do that for me please?" Tony gets straight to the point.
"Oh. Well. It's my bir-"
"I'll pay you. I really need to have it done by tonight. Please" He cuts Y/N's sentence off, making the girl sigh.
"… Fine, I'll do it" Y/N gives up. It's definitely not how she was hoping to spend her birthday, but it still doesn't ruin her birthday mood.
"Thanks, kiddo. I'll bring it to you after breakfast" Tony says, patting Y/N's shoulder and earning a nod from the young girl.
Just like Tony said, he dropped off the papers at Y/N's room after both left the kitchen after breakfast. So she gets into work right away, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, the day hasn't contained just this one task and every time Y/N tried to ask someone to spend time with her, they just didn't have time for her…
Wanda and Natasha smile widely, standing in front of Y/N's room, each holding a gift wrapped in a wrapping paper for the youngest Avenger.
It might not have been the best birthday for Y/N, especially when every single Avenger that was on the compound forgot, but that's about to change now.
Both, Natasha and Wanda, returned from a mission in the middle of the night. Of course they're quite disappointed because they couldn't spend the special day with Y/N, but that doesn't stop them from making today the best day for the birthday girl.
"Good morning, Y/N/N. It's time to wake up" Wanda says softly, sitting down on the bed next to Y/N's sleeping body, Natasha sitting down on the other side.
Y/N groans in response, opening her eyes to find her two favorite redheads in front of her.
"What are you guys doing here?" A smile immediately forms on the youngest girl's face.
"Well, it was someone's birthday yesterday and because we couldn't spend it with her, we decided to celebrate the special day today" Wanda explains on which Y/N can't help but wrap her arms around both redheads, hugging them tightly.
"Alright, детка. We can cuddle later, now it's time for you to open your gifts. We have quite a busy day ahead of us" Natasha smiles, letting go of the girl and handing her the present she got her. (baby)
"You didn't have to give me anything, guys. I-"
"Hush. It's your birthday. Now open your present" Natasha shushes the younger girl, making Y/N's cheeks turn a bit red.
Y/N carefully unwraps her first present, gasping when she sees what's inside.
A while ago Tony got Y/N an old gramophone for helping him out with something and Y/N took quite an interest in it. She likes to collect old vinyl records and listening to them, so seeing Natasha got her a few old vinyl records she's been trying to get for a long time made her really happy.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Y/N squeals happily, jumping into Natasha's arms once again which makes the redhead let out a chuckle.
That's not the only thing Y/N's interested in though. Lately she's been really into photographing and making photo albums, so Wanda got her a brand new polaroid camera.
"Alright, alright. Now my present" Wanda interrupts, hoping to get some hugs from the birthday girl as well.
Just like with the first present, Y/N opens it very carefully and gasping once again.
"Oh my god, how did you know I've been wanting one of those?!" Y/N squeals, repeating her actions and jumping into Wanda's arms, hugging her tightly. "It must have cost you so much, guys. You really didn't have to give me anything"
"Okay, again. It's your birthday, so just enjoy it… Besides, it was Tony's money, so who cares" Natasha shrugs, making Y/N let out a chuckle. "But now it's time for breakfast, so follow us, birthday girl"
The day hasn't ended with birthday breakfast though. For lunch the redheads took Y/N to her favorite restaurant. And after a little walk around the Central park, the three ended up on a fair.
They had a lot of cotton candy, Natasha won a huge teddy bear for Y/N and they went on so many fair rides which wasn't Wanda's favorite, but what wouldn't she do for the birthday girl.
Now it's dinner time though and the redheads prepared a picnic on the roof of the compound. So now the three are sitting there, watching the sunset.
"I've never ever had a birthday picnic on the roof and we should definitely make it a tradition. It's so beautiful!" Y/N squeals, referring to the sunset and making both redheads chuckle.
"Well, I agree. We should definitely make it our tradition" Wanda agrees, receiving a huge grin from Y/N.
Silence fill the air as the three get back to watching the sun setting down, Y/N smiling and wondering how did she get so lucky to have Wanda and Natasha in her life.
"… Thank you" Y/N breaks the silence, both redheads turning their heads to look at her. "It's been the best birthday i've ever had. No one has ever done anything like this for me and I will never be able to thank you enough for this"
"Y/N/N, you don't have to thank us for anything. We've had the best time with you today and we're so happy that we could celebrate your birthday with you" Wanda smiles, pulling the younger girl in for a hug.
"I can only agree with Wanda, детка. And the day hasn't ended yet, there's still a movie night planned" Natasha smiles, receiving a hug from Y/N as well. "The sun is down now anyway, so who's ready for the movie night?" (baby)
WandaNat masterlist
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
i'm very grateful for you.
you're very important to me.
you make me want to be a better person.
you're doing a good job, you know.
i can tell you're trying your hardest.
you constantly impress me.
what's going on? tell me everything.
i'm here to listen to you.
i love you so much.
you know you matter to me, right?
i don't know what i'd do without you.
you were right about everything.
if it matters to you, it matters to me.
i believe in you.
[ caress ] sender soothes a nervous receiver by stroking their hands up and down receiver's arms
[ absentminded ] sender casually takes receiver's hand in public, laces their fingers, and doesn't let go
[ shoulder ] sender listens to receiver speak and sets a hand on their shoulder while doing so, offering comfort
[ behind ] sender comes up to receiver from behind and wraps their arms around them, hugging them close
[ smack ] sender gives receiver's butt an affectionate smack as they walk past them
[ dinner ] at dinner, sender reaches across the table and takes receiver's hand
[ check ] sender reaches out to touch receiver, expressing concern for them
[ cuddle ] sender and receiver snuggle
i saw this yesterday, and i had to get it for you.
this reminded me of you.
you said you didn't have one... so i figured i'd get it for you.
i hope you like it. i picked it out just for you.
i loved making this for you.
i know you had a rough week, so i hope this makes you feel better.
it's all for you!
[ birthday ] sender brings receiver a present on their birthday
[ just because ] sender surprises receiver with a gift
[ grateful ] sender gets a present from receiver and expresses their utmost gratitude
[ flowers ] sender brings receiver a bouquet of their favorite flowers
[ candy ] sender gifts receiver with their favorite candy
i'm not going anywhere. i want to stay here with you.
why don't we spend some time together?
i'd rather be alone with you.
let's plan a vacation.
feel like taking a walk? the weather's nice.
i just want to be with you.
this weekend is all about us.
can we plan for some alone time?
[ walk ] sender and receiver go for a comfortable evening stroll
[ bake ] sender and receiver bake something together
[ decorate ] sender and receiver attend a painting class together
[ relax ] sender and receiver relax on the beach
[ craft ] sender helps receiver with a project they've been working on
let me get that for you.
i'll take care of it! i've got it!
you go and sit down. i've got this covered.
i've planned our entire trip. you don't have to lift a finger.
everything's all taken care of!
sit back down! i'll clean up!
i know it was stressing you out. that's why i took care of it.
i'll help you with that.
i watered your plants.
[ breakfast ] sender brings receiver breakfast in bed
[ blanket ] sender notices receiver is cold, so they bring them a blanket and drape it over their shoulders
[ jacket ] sender offers receiver their coat
[ soup ] knowing receiver is sick, sender brings them a bowl of hot soup
[ coffee ] sender brings receiver their favorite coffee order
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ericshoney · 2 months
Baker ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: To celebrate your brothers' birthday you put your baking skills to the test.
Warnings: swearing, nicknames, fluff
Nick, Matt and Chris were about to turn twenty-one. They had planned to have a special birthday in LA with their friends there before coming home to celebrate with you, your parents, Justin and Nate.
You wanted to do something special and had recently got into baking, something you found you were pretty good at. But you didn't want to make the guys just a regular cake, no, you went full force and worked on not one but three cakes. One for each triplet.
You had spent hours picking the perfect designs for each cake, making sure the flavours and colours matched each brother. Your mum helped you bake the cakes and pick some toppings but when it came to the overall finish, you worked all through the night before they landed.
When the triplets arrived in Boston, Justin went to greet them, sharing a brotherly handshake before getting in the car and driving home. Justin had told them how the house was decorated with twenty-first banners and balloons, making the guys laugh.
"Y/n has also been busy but that's a surprise." He added.
The trio shared a look, wondering what you had gotten up to. They knew you like to bake but that didn't cross their minds until they walked in and saw the three massive cakes with their names on.
Chris' was orange with mini Pepsi cans and Fresh Love all over it.
Matt's was blue with a massive Pokemon logo on top along with an Eeyore.
The Nick's was purple and had mini Space Camp lip balms on it along with different coloured Power Rangers on it.
Each cake also had a small gift bag in their designated colour next to it. When you came down from your room, the three smiled, hugging you tightly.
"This is fucking amazing kid!" Chris exclaimed.
"I'm glad you like them." You said with a wide smile.
"You just know what we like, don't you." Nick said, ruffling your hair as he checked out the cake.
"Of course, I'm your sister and pay attention." You replied with a giggle.
"What's with the bags, sweetheart?" Matt asked.
"A present for each of you." You answered.
"You didn't have to kid, the cakes are enough." Chris mentioned.
"Just open them you goofs." You said, making Justin laugh from the back.
They each opened their bag and smiled when they pulled out a framed photo with a special picture of them with you.
"Aww this is so cute!" Nick exclaimed, hugging you again.
"I remember this day as if it was yesterday." Chris said, holding the photo.
"We were boss." Matt said, laughing at his photo of you and him.
"Happy birthday you identical goofs." You said, being brought into another group hug.
"Thanks kid."
@mattsfavbigtitties @lgbtq-girl @onelesslonelygirlbieber6 @riowritesitall @sturniolo-fann
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spamgyu · 6 months
PRETTY BOY // College!Mingyu AU – birthdays and i love you's
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"Even if the sky's on fire. Got you here, it's alright, with me ..."
Started off as this prompt: no bc college!mingyu as someone who lives down the hall from your dorm and you always run into him doing something questionable genre: tooth-aching fluff PRETTY BOY MASTERLIST
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This was her first time at his family home; and to say she was on edge was an understatement.
She's met his family a handful of times, able to count the interaction on one hand – but spending a whole weekend with them... that was nerve wrecking.
She felt as though she needed to be on her best behavior, not wanting to say or do anything that may cause his parents or his sister to disapprove of her.
It was Mingyu's birthday and contrary to how she thought he would be ringing in another year of his life, he carried on his tradition of spending it with his family – with a plus one, this time around.
Everyone else their age threw parties or went away for a trip with their friend group, going absolutely feral, as they celebrated another year around the sun. But just like before, Mingyu took her by surprise when he had notified her that he would like her to join his birthday festivities.... at his family home.
It wasn't anything special.
Just two days of being around his immediate family at almost every waking moment.
Y/n couldn't help but fall deeper in love for the boy as she come to realization that he was a family man – he loved bothering his little sister, helping his mother around the kitchen, and spending time with his father in the garage.
All with her in tow.
"I'm really glad you're here with me, this year." Mingyu hummed, a soft smile on his lips as his arms lazily draped around her waist.
They had just finished eating lunch in the garden, a meal prepared by Mrs. Kim with the help them two.
"I'm glad you invited me." Y/n matched the grin on his face, reaching up to wipe away a crumb off his chin.
He always did eat like it was a race; shoveling food into his mouth like someone was going to grab it off of his plate.
"My mom likes you."
"I would hope so."
"My dad and sister too."
"What about you?" She teased.
Mingyu shook his head. "Nope not me."
"Really now? You don't like me?" Y/n laughed, knowing that he was simply playing along.
"Nope." He popped his lips. "I love you."
Feeling the blood rush to her cheeks and ears, Y/n couldn't help but let out a giggle – her nose scrunching in the process. One of his favorite things about her, amongst the million of other mannerisms that had him swooning.
Mingyu could have sworn he felt his heart melt in an instant at the sight of the girl, who he once only dreamt of dating, practically become putty in his hands.
Using her finger to motion him to come closer. "Wanna know a secret?" She whispered, Mingyu nodding his head for her to continue.
"I love you too."
Mingyu had always been in love with the girl; his friends teasing him every time they had caught the poor love struck boy looking at her from a distance – back when she barely considered him as a friend. To anyone, this moment may have been something so casual; something so minuscule, but to Mingyu it was everything.
He didn't care about the new car parts his parents got him for his birthday, or the Chrome Hearths necklace Y/n gifted him – this was the best thing he had received all weekend.
"I love you more." He whispered.
"I doubt it."
Mingyu felt his knees weak; the feeling of happiness bubbling in his chest. He knew it wasn't a competition, but whatever love she had for him in her heart didn't measure to how he felt for her – the girl that made him want to be a better man than he was yesterday.
The girl that had made him feel like he had been living in a rom-com movie the past seven months.
The girl who he thought was far too good for a guy like him, spending nearly a week bragging to anyone who would listen that he had gotten the girl of his dreams.
He felt like a cartoon character floating in air, following her around with hearts for eyes – and he had no shame about it.
"I'll prove it."
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@thegirlwhoimagined @forcheol @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @f4iryjjosh @akeminy @yonabutnotyuna @tacosandbitch @aaniag @bettybotterboughtabitofbutter @xbaekcult @alwaysalmostthere @ashkuuuu @morkswatermelonnnn @isabellah29 @lottogyu @bubbly-moon @lllucere @bo-fairykim @pluviophile-xxx @daegutowns @niktwazny303 @fragmentof-indifference @leah-rose03 @haolistic @eclliipsed @joshuahongnumbers @gyuguys @yaaaridk @christinewithluv @yoonzinoooo @livelikejinki @watercolureyes @whoa-jo @primoisellerose @wonwoobestboyy @rakshithanotrao @mingcouper @aksweet7 @nikkell @raginghellfire @kriizztin @doubleshoticedshakenespresso @porridgesblog
(for some reason it's not allowing me to tag some who wanted to be added to the perm tag list ... cries... pls check ur settings so i can for future posts)
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fujoshirat · 2 months
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+Strawberry Magic! ♡ 30 Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!♡+
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Chapter 1: A New Power?
Summary: When virgin Pro Hero Shouto turns 30, he gains the magical ability to read the minds of people that he touches. After finding out that his personal assistant has a crush on him, everything changes and Shouto finds himself lost in the stressful game called love.
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Reader
Warnings: aged up characters, mention of virginity (at the end), this entire fic is and will be written in Shouto's POV! It is nevertheless a self-insert reader fic, but just a little warning that Shouto may act a little OOC :)
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There is definitely something wrong with him today. Shouto does not know what, but there is something off about him. Maybe it's the fact that he has finally turned 30.
But what's so special about 30? It's just a year older than 29. Maybe it's the coffee.
Definitely the coffee.
♡ Two hours ago ♡
"Surprise!!" Confetti and streamers fill the room. All of the agency employees, from heroes to the janitor, are clapping and cheering. With an expression of shock mixed with bewilderment, Shouto blinks, not expecting the pleasant surprise. His assistant, Y/N, walks up to him. Adorned with a big smile on her face, she holds up a bouquet of pink lilies and tulips, as well as Shouto's usual coffee order. There is also a silver gift bag hanging by her elbow.
"Happy birthday, Todoroki-san! Each one of us pitched in to buy these flowers for you, and we also brought individual gifts." Shouto reaches out to take the gifts and coffee. "Ah, thank you."
Then, it happened.
'Oh, I'm so happy for Todoroki-san! He looks so pleased! I hope he likes my gift!!!'
Shouto's eyes widen slightly, and he ends up masking his embarrassment with a cough. "Thank you again, L/N-san, for the gift." Before Y/N could respond, however, his other employees swarm him with their gifts, whirling him away from her. Kirishima swings an arm around his employer and former high school classmate, congratulating him on turning 30.
"Hey! Congrats man! Here's your gift!"
'Todoroki-san is so manly! I hope he enjoys the gift I got him!'
His one of his student interns from his alma mater, Mitsuru, places a neatly wrapped cupcake in Shouto's hand. "Sensei! This is for you! Happy birthday and thank you for choosing me to intern here!"
'Oh! Pro hero Shouto is so cool!! I can't believe this! I hope he enjoys the cupcake I made!'
Shouto gives the student an approving nod. "Thank you, Mitsuru." As he is given gifts from everyone, he can't help but look down at his hands in confusion.
'What was that?'
♡ Real Time ♡
Looking at the coffee, Shouto groans and shakes his head. 'No, it can't be the coffee. I drink it every day and this has never happened before.' His gaze flickers to the large pile of gifts from his employees. He reaches for the closest one, the silver gift bag he recognized to be from Y/N. Opening it up, he finds a box of chocolate-covered strawberries and his favorite brand of strawberry milk. Shouto puts it all back in the bag and starts opening the rest of the gifts.
Halfway through the third gift bag, there is a knock on his office door.
"Come in."
Y/N enters the room with a folder and boxes in her arms. Smiling cheerfully as always, she speaks up.
"Hello Todoroki-san! I'm here to drop off the reports completed by your interns about patrol with you yesterday. Where would you like me to put these?" Shouto gestures to an empty spot on his desk.
"You can put them there." He curiously eyes the two boxes in her hands.
"What are those?"
"They're special birthday packages from pro heroes Deku and Dynamight." A soft smile forms on Shouto's face. Of course his friends would give him birthday gifts.
"Ah, thank you for bringing them to me." He reaches out to hold them, not expecting to hear Y/N's voice in his mind again.
'Oh! He opened my gift already! I hope he likes it! I wonder, did he notice my hair? I woke up early to curl it. Oh-'
"L/N-san, your hair looks nice."
Y/N looks at him and blinks her eyes. The voice in Shouto's head trails off. "I... thank you, Todoroki-san!"
'Oh good lord! He complimented me!! How did he know I put in the effort?! Ah, I'm so happy!'
She lets go of the packages and bows. "Todoroki-san, you have no scheduled meetings today. All of the reports that you need to sign are in the blue folder underneath the interns' reports. I hope you enjoy your birthday!"
"Thank you, L/N-san. Please give the interns my thanks for completing their reports."
After his assistant closes the door to his office, Shouto bites his lip nervously.
'Crap. I forgot that I was reading her mind... Did I expose myself?'
After exiting the elevator, the pitter patter of rain fills Shouto's ears. He walks towards the main exit of the hero agency building, where he sees two of his employees chatting. Kirishima groans.
"Aw man, the weather didn't mention rain!" Kei, one of his fellow hero coworkers, laughs heartily. "January rain is much better than having prolonged snowfall though! Kirishima-san, I have an extra umbrella. Would you like it?" "Really? Thanks man! This downpour is crazy!"
The two of them notice Shouto and wave.
"Boss! We're heading out now!" Shouto nods. "Of course, thanks for your hard work and for the gifts."
Both men smile and run out into the downpour.
Click. Clack. Click. Clack.
The familiar sound of Y/N's heels fill the room. She gasps.
"Rain? Are you serious!?" Shouto hears his assistant let out a soft huff, so he turns around.
"L/N-san, will you be clocking out now?" The shorter woman nods. "Yes, but I'll have to wait here for a bit until the rain stops." A sheepish laugh escapes her lips. "I didn't realize that it was going to rain, so I forgot my umbrella."
Not long after she says that, Shouto takes his umbrella from the umbrella rack.
"You take the subway, right? Why don't I escort you there?"
Y/N gasps and shakes her head. "It's okay, sir! You don't have to! Besides, I need to stop by the bookstore for a bit, and I really couldn't trouble y-" "No, it's quite alright. I insist."
Grabbing her hand, Shouto leads Y/N outside under the umbrella before she can resist. "I- alright, thank you very much, Todoroki-san."
The short contact between his hand and hers teaches Shouto something he never knew about before.
'Oh god, I like him so much.'
The bookstore is only a few minutes away from Shouto's agency, and soon, they reached the shop. Though the exterior was quite small, there was an awning where two other people were waiting under until the rain settled down. Closing up his umbrella, he turns to Y/N.
"I'll wait out here. Take your time, okay?"
She nods with a smile.
"Alright, thank you again, sir!"
As Shouto waits for Y/N to finish shopping, a poster on the window of the bookstore catches his eye. Inspecting it closer, it seems to be an anime adaptation promotion for a popular manga series.
However, as he reads the sign, Shouto's eyes widen and his jaw drops to the floor.
'No way... I can read minds because I'm a...!?!'
'Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?! will now be getting its own anime adaptation!!'
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A/N: omg omg omg! My first fic! That's the end of chapter 1, and words cannot express the elation I'm feeling! I really hope you enjoy this little indulgence of mine >w< Chapter 2 is in the works already, and so I'll try to get it out as quick as I can! Thanks for everyone showing interest so far :]
~entire fic and notes written by me: fujoshirat!
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betasquadx · 7 months
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I’ve always loved you - Niko Omilana
Summary : You and niko were childhood friends, and as you grew older and Niko became more and more known, he found it harder to keep his true feelings from you.
Warnings : light smut
VERY HEAVILY inspired by @betasquads “Forgotten” fic, please check them out its so good, actually love it sm!!
Niko’s Birthday
March 4th, 2019
Standing at the doorstep of the Beta house, anticipation bubbled within you as you held gifts for Niko's birthday. "I'm coming!’ his voice echoed from inside, a familiar rush of footsteps approaching. The door swung open, revealing Niko with that oh so familiar grin on his face.
‘Happy Birthday!’ Your laughter filling the air as you stepped into the house, carefully setting the wrapped gift on the floor. Niko's arms enveloped you in a warm embrace, both of you giggling excitedly and losing composure fast despite only seeing each other yesterday.
‘Thank you,’ he said, his smile widening as he looked you up and down, that familiar spark he felt the very first time he met you resurfacing within him. "Do you want to go upstairs and watch YouTube?" he suggested, an inviting tone in his voice.
Niko was a YouTube man. It didn’t matter what day it was, he’d enjoy nothing more than sitting down with you and bingeing YouTube videos. ‘Sure’ you responded with a giggle, following him upstairs making sure to bring his present with you.
It would’ve have to have been your 12th video when you and Niko burst out into laughter again, clinging onto each other, your stomachs aching in amusement. He carefully settled his laptop down onto the ground, ensuring it remained unharmed amidst the chaos.
As the laughter died down, you observed Niko launching into a passionate rant about the video, offering his opinions on its humor and his insights on how it could’ve been better. You loved listening to him rant, it was comforting yet hilarious the way he described things, never failing to make you laugh and nod in agreement with him.
However, it was here that you acknowledged his intelligence that shone through in these moments. It was evident Niko was made for this, and you knew with his personality and determination, he’d be going places.
‘You know your gonna be big like them one day’, you whispered, watching his face light up with excitement as he glanced at you. "Never," he playfully whispered back. "I know you will," you insisted. He chuckled, giving you a playful push, both of you laughing. "No genuinely, I know your gonna be big one day, just you wait.’
‘Sure, sure,’ he teased, his gaze lingering on you as you sat across from him on his bed, taking in your every feature. In his eyes, you were breathtaking, flawless. ‘Do you want to open your gift now?’ you suggested, snapping him out of his thoughts. ‘Oh yeah!!’
As he unwrapped the gift, his cheeks flushed under your gaze, but soon his eyes widened in shock. ‘No way you got me this,’ he gasped, lifting up a professional camera. ‘Well, you know, I thought you needed one to use instead of your phone,’ you explained as he looked over at you, his shocked expression unable to be contained.
‘I- How much was this? I swear I'll pay you back,’ he stammered, clearly overwhelmed. ‘Niko, it's your birthday,’ you hushed him, gently patting his shoulder. ‘Besides, you're going to need it if you're going to be famous someday.’ Instantly, he wrapped you in a tight hug, your giggles eliciting butterflies within him. ‘Thank you, so much,’ he whispered, the smile evident in his voice.
‘No problem Niko’ you replied, sharing a quick gaze before breaking the silence. ‘Anyways I should get going, I have a long shift tomorrow and I don’t wanna be home late’, he nodded, standing up with you as he scratched his neck, still too shocked after the gift to process anything. ‘Yeah yeah, no of course!!’ He replied hurriedly, both of you making your way downstairs as you put your shoes on, preparing to leave.
He observed you putting your jacket, a smile lingering on his face as you stood up and looked up at him. ‘I'll text you when I'm home,’ you assured. ‘Alright, thanks again,’ he replied. ‘No worries,’ you laughed, departing from the house, the sound of the door closing behind you, echoing in the quiet night.
For a moment, he stood there, absorbing the past hour and a half, lost in thought. Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him and swiftly glanced around. It was Chunkz, grabbing his shoulder. ‘She's the one, bro.’
2 years later
April 2nd, 2021
As you sat on the couch, a chuckle escaping you, watching Niko's announcement about running for London mayor, he sat beside you, eagerly observing your reaction with a contagious excitement.
Smiling, you sat the phone down and met his gaze, but immediately lost composure as laughter escaped both of you. ‘You know, when you first told me you were running, I thought you were joking,’ you managed to say amid the laughter, sharing the moment of amusement.
He grinned, saying, ‘You know it's after blown up, everyone's talking about it!’ with evident joy. ‘I can see why!’ you replied casually, as if it were obvious. ‘No sane person does that,’ you teased, feeling his arm wrap around your shoulder as he burst into laughter once again.
His gaze met yours, both of you absorbing each others presence. ‘If I win, I'm retiring you,’ he declared. You shot him a look. ‘You say that like I'm not younger than you?!’ he smirked, watching as you grabbed a pillow initiating a pillow fight. He quickly took coverage in the couch as laughters echoed through the house, luckily empty that day.
A month later
May 8th, 2021
You waited in the Beta house with all of Niko's friends, having just seen the news that he secured 5th place. It didn't take long for the lanky man to walk through the door. All his friends gathering around, offering hugs and congratulations to celebrate the outcome.
Locking eyes with you, he walked over, embracing you in his arms and lifting you up, both of you bursting into laughter. ‘You did it,’ you whispered. ‘I did it.’
In less than an hour both of you were running upstairs to his bedroom – him in tracksuit bottoms and an un-ironed shirt, you in jeans and a crop top.
Closing the door behind him, you and Niko exchanged smiles, both unable to contain your excitement. Settling on his bed, you snuggled up in his blanket, reading the comments on his recent Twitter post.
‘I can't believe you came 5th, you know,’ you whispered, attempting to contain your excitement as it was late. ‘I KNOW!!’ Niko, on the other hand, didn't seem to care. ‘Woah, be quiet, it's literally past midnight.’ You advised. ‘You can't shush me after I basically just won mayor of London,’ he gasped dramatically.
‘And you know what will ruin that? A noise complaint,’ you shot back playfully. ‘Fair enough,’ he replied, raising his hands in defeat. He glanced at you, a faint blush tinting his cheek as your eyes met. ‘Will you help me edit my video, please?’ he whispered. ‘Of course... in the morning,’ you replied. He rolled his eyes, ‘Fine...’
Both of you snuggled up in his blanket, still giggling but trying to keep it hushed. You rested your head on his chest as his arm enveloped you, your eyes shutting. Niko then finally realized the situation – you were in his bed, sleeping with him. It had happened before, but this time, something felt different.
‘I- are we going to get changed into our pyjamas...?’ he whispered softly. ‘It's fine, who hasn't slept in a suit once in a while?’ you reassured. He chuckled, nodded, and slowly shut his eyes. ‘Night, night,’ he whispered, but upon hearing your faint snoring, he knew you were already asleep.
1 year later
May 15th 2022
Seated on the counter, swinging your legs as you watched Niko's views skyrocket on his recent video, "I Pranked America's Most Racist Man," he sat beside you, that same grin you always loved plastered on his face.
‘I can't believe it's hit 10 million views in just two days, man,’ you said in awe, looking over at him. He stared back at you, his eyes meeting yours as he looked down. ‘Neither can I,’ he whispered, the weight of the achievement sinking in.
You did the same, looking down, realising that your best friend made it. You were so incredibly proud of him, and so glad at the recognition he was finally getting, and you were going to show that in any way possible.
‘I'm so proud of you,’ you said, his gaze immediately meeting yours, causing butterflies to flutter in his stomach. ‘You deserve this so much,’ you whispered, both of you locking eyes, sharing a moment of admiration.
He pursed his lips, attempting to withhold the words threatening to escape, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough. ‘I love you,’ he confessed. Blushing, you intertwined your legs together to stop them from swinging anymore. ‘I love you too, Niko,’ you replied.
‘No, really, I love you,’ he muttered, your breath almost catching in your throat as you tried to maintain composure. ‘You've always been there for me and stuck by my side. I genuinely love you so much,’ he whispered, soft yet loud. Getting down from the counter, he held your hands in his. ‘Nikolas?’ you asked, almost giggling.
He locked eyes with you, then looked down, alternating between the two. ‘You’ve never left me, my ups and downs, highs and lows, you've been here. So I really...’ he paused, contemplating whether to say it now. ‘I really would like to spend the rest of my life with you,’ he finally let out, his gaze locking onto yours.
Your mouth opened slightly as you couldn't help but smile, overwhelmed with emotions. Niko quickly began scrambling to save himself, just in case you didn't feel the same. ‘I- I just meant, like, if you want, obv— you don't have to, you know, like—‘ he rambled on. You grinned, leaning in to shut him up, but this time, it was with your lips on his, doing what your words couldn't.
His eyes widened as you slowly pulled away, leaving him standing there in shock. Unable to process it, he went with the flow, his hands finding their way around your waist as he kissed you back. Feeling your smile, he giggled, caught up with the tension in the moment.
Your arms found their way around his neck as he pulled you closer, both of you alternating between pulling away, gasping for breath, and clinging onto each other.
Your hand caressed his hair, lightly pulling on it, making him groan into the kiss. He reciprocated by trailing his hands up and down your waist, the simple touch leaving you breathless as you pulled away again.
He took this as an opportunity to leave a trail of kisses all the way from your jaw down to your neck, a mix of sucking and gentle kisses covering the areas. It didn't take long for you to release a sound—a sound that Niko longed to hear, a sound that quickly became addictive to him.
Smirking at the sound, he sucked harder, his hands moving up and down your waist soothingly. ‘Niko..’ you let out, the call of his name making his chest fill with pride. His hands then found their way to your thigh, rubbing gentle circles on it.
You couldn't help but give him what he wanted, the small gasps, calls of his name, and the pretty sounds he loved so much. Smiling, he suddenly stopped, locking eyes with you. ‘Can we go to my bedroom?’ He asked as you nodded quickly, following him upstairs, the door slamming shut as he began to show you what yous both have wanted all these years,
so so much.
I like love this but also like feel like the ending could have been better from me, overall proud w it tho.
Its now the longest fic i’ve ever made help.
Also icl to u idk when niko’s birthday fic will be out this is a fic i’ve been working on and off for a while so I just wanted to get it out ykwim?
But yeah, hoped you enjoyed<3
If you want I can make a part 2 but it’ll just be smut icl 💀 ( I know thats what you want okay same here )
Im also thinking about letting requests open and just seeing what yous want, but I can’t promise I’ll do them icl.
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shygirl4991 · 8 months
Next Step With You Chapter 1 High Rollers of affection
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Cover made by @lizaluvsthis Chapter art done by @b-r-i-n-g-x do not repost! A Reboot of the next step! Next chapter Summary: SMG4 and SMG3 relationship changed after realizing their feelings in WOTFI 2023, now together the pair can take the next step together. That is until a strange gift arrives on SMG3's birthday making him face his demons from his past. 
Tags: Fluff, Boyfriends, Love Confession, Watch Wotfi 2023 before reading, first love, mention of igloo
SMG4 was giggling as he played club penguin, it was surprisingly a normal day given yesterday SMG3 snap after they failed to stop Mario from taking his notebook. Knowing Mario as long as he has there was no way he was keeping the notebook, given how peaceful it is, the notebook should be back in Three’s hand in no time.  He thought too soon as the door to his room flys open to reveal a panicked SMG3 “SMG4!! MARIO STOLE MY NOTEBOOK! I NEED YOUR HELP GETTING IT BACK!” he starts to wave a photo of the notebook at him.
He was facing Three in his computer chair, annoyed and surprised at the fact that Mario kept his notebook “Pfft It's just a notebook, get a new one.” Four wasn’t sure what the big deal was. He knew it meant a lot to the man but losing the notebook doesn't mean the world will end. Three walks in the room visibly nervous “It’s not just any notebook it's got secrets,” he drops to his knees making Four get nervous “Including…” he looks around “Secrets about you and me, and certain events in an igloo.” SMG4's face goes pale as the hidden memory unlocks. The need for food, how they both needed warmth though Three was stubborn and rather die there then cuddle him for warmth. They both thought they were going to die, with this thought in four’s mind he looks at SMG3 he did find him attractive so why the hell not. The event that follows haunts the pair as they agreed to never talk about it again. Remember everything he screams jumping out of the chair “WE GOTTA GET THAT NOTEBOOK!” 
After that he runs out of the room to ask a casual question to Melony leaving Three to nervously sit in the room, seeing the man return he runs up to him grabbing his overall straps “What did you learn?” Slowly pulling away from the man he goes to sit on his computer chair “So Melony told me she noticed Mario taking something to some billionaire tycoon which has to be the notebook,” he points to a photo that Melony took of the location “and they both are inside this brand new casino. Its exact location? The CEO office.” SMG4 starts to type something on his computer, using the software Melony used to hack the cameras he connects to one in a safe showing them drilling into the notebook. He was warned that the place was tough to hack and not to stay on the cameras for long, shame they can't hack the cameras down would have made this situation easier.  Seeing the drills on his notebook Three chuckles “That’s right, that idiot Mario still needs my secret key to open it!”
Four nods wondering what the key could be as he starts to type in the program “Well..it's not just Mario that's behind this…he’s too stupid to do this on his own.” as he switches cameras Three could only watch in shock that Marty was the one truly behind everything.  Why a living cardboard meme that Mario made wants SMG3 notebook Four had no idea, given how badly  it wants in the notebook it has to be something huge. “MARTY!? THAT PIECE OF CARDBOARD CRAP IS BEHIND THIS?!?” glaring at the screen he takes out dynamite from his pocket. He throws the dynamite in the air and catches it with a smirk causing SMG4 to smile without noticing “Lets just break in and take it then!” after that he starts to run off only for Four to grab him “Slooow down cowboy.” he throws Three down getting a growl from the man.  SMG4 then points to another camera view on the screen “We can't just go in there guns blazing. This place is heavily guarded, I'm talking about state of the art security that will blow our asses up the moment we get detected.” he wanted this notebook back fast but they had to play their cards right. SMG3 slowly blinks looking at the picture on the screen “SMG4..this is just a picture of Mario.” 
Four nods pointing at Three “Exactly! So we’ll need to be sneaky and cunning about this! Who knows what that stupid fat Italian has up his sleeve.” After hours planning and Three fighting about Fours idea on letting his subscribers pick how to get his notebook back it was the day of the heist. SMG3 smirks, fixing his fedora and tie “Alright looking fresh!” he winks and snaps his fingers making Fours stomach flip. Something that has been happening ever since the pair became friends, he wasn't sure why it only happens around Three after days of thinking on the subject he assumed it had to do with their link and lived on ignoring the way his heart would race when being near the man. With their spy rizz outfits on they walk to the casino, SMG4 was smiling and waving at the crowd not noticing the loving look Three was giving him. You could ask Three why he was looking at the man like that and you can bet his answer will have nothing to do with how charming he found the man's outfit to be. They walk into the casino with no issue, SMG3 smiles getting ready for the mission only to hear someone humming. Turning he sees SMG4 sneaking as he hums the theme from Mission Impossible, letting out  a sigh as he walks up to the man smacking him “Dude, stop it.” four frowns and looks down agreeing to stop. 
“Hey!” the pair jumps hearing Mario’s yelling, they turn to see Mario checking everyone coming into the casino. He then pointed at his brother demanding answers, the pair watch as Mario lets Luigi in only to burn him alive for letting out a cough. They slowly turn to each other, nervous about what they just saw before Three shakes himself out of it, they had a mission no time to get cold feet.  “Alright, what the hell are we doing here?” hearing Three’s voice, Four looks at their watch to see what was voted. They both nod at the result and put on clown masks getting ready to scare the Italian man, they sneak up to him and start making loud sounds to scare him. Mario slams the table making the men nervous as he gets closer to them as he checks them both out then focuses on SMG4 “Your color schemes look awfully familiar..”
The more Mario stares at Four the more anxious Three feels, then he sees Mario start to drool and reach out to Four. He wasn't sure what was going on with Mario but he was sure it was something stupid and he had to stop him “THATS IT WERE WALKING THROUGH!” he pushes Four causing the mask to fall off. They all stay silent staring at the mask before SMG4 turns to mario “uhh i can explain..”  Mario screams, surprising the men “AHHHH A SCARY CLOWN!” SMG4 frowns seeing his best friend run from him, Three throws the mask off “Hey works for me, lets go.” he was going to walk away before four grabbed him “Am…am i really that horrific to look at?” Three felt himself blush as four looked up at him with puppy eyes. He looks away sighing “You look like how you always did, a shit head with a huge ego now can we go?” Four pouts at the comment before moving forward. 
They stand in the main lobby looking around to see the cameras in the lobby. “Great…Mario must be surveilling the place intensely, we have to shut off those security cameras.” they nod as they look at the watch. Their eyes go wide seeing the vote that won “Uh heh maybe the watch counted the votes wrong,” Four smacks the watch hoping the choice will change. SMG3 sighs seeing the panic four was going through, he looks around and smirks as he walks over to a booth asking for a song change for the lobby. Four sighs finally admitting defeat then starts to think “Do a sexy dance? How do I even pull that off? Is there a meme dance that could come off as sexy?” 
That's when Three grabs his arm pulling him close to his body, SMG4's face turns completely red seeing how close they are “T-Three?” the man moves Fours hand on his shoulder while holding the other one “Your dumb subscribers did the vote lets get this over with so we can get my notebook, follow my lead!” He then placed his hand on Fours lower back causing the man’s heart to start racing. SMG3 makes sure that Four was pressed against his body before moving, Four did his best to follow the steps that the other man was doing.Then tango music started to play making Fours eyes go wide “How is the tango a sexy dance?” SMG3 kept moving to the music then smirks “That idiot seems to get off with us being gay, so if he catches us this close dancing he will freak and knowing that idiot he will end up breaking something!” Four nods understanding where his partner was coming from. As they dance, Three picks up speed as Four attempts to keep focus on his steps, his mind starting to fill with strange thoughts. As he dances his eyes slowly drop to SMG3 lips those thoughts start to play louder in his head, he wants to kiss the man right there and the thought causes him to miss a step. 
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Mario catches the dance on the camera and zooms in his eyes pops out as he sees the pair, he knows he should have hit the alarm but the close dance made him want to cheer the two in hopes they finally get together. Seeing Four missing the step Three takes the chance to do a final hit on Mario, dipping SMG4 he leans in close, pressing his forehead against the other man making it look like they kissed on the cameras. Four held his breath at how close they were, while Three was looking into Four’s eyes. A strange feeling hit them both, they were on a mission they had to get the notebook and yet Four couldn't help slowly moving his hand to the back of Three’s head. It was the perfect moment to kiss each other, something they both wanted at the moment, only to be broken out of the spell hearing Mario scream in excitement and blowing up all the cameras. SMG3 lifted up Four and smiled seeing that the mission was a success “Great! Let's go!” SMG4 watches Three walks ahead acting as nothing has happened, was he the only one that felt that spark. He follows Three, his thoughts filled with what happened. He takes out his phone and starts to search his feelings. Distracted Four agreed to a plan that Three made without knowing what it was about, his eyes widened as he read what the results showed “A deep romantic connection..me and Three?” he looks up to realize he missed what he had to do and Three was now being taken by Swag and Chris. Four panicked and was going to save Three only to feel something heavy hit him, knocking him out cold. 
He opens his eyes and look around the room confused only to see Mario pop up in front of him “Hello mother fucker!” seeing the plumber he starts to scream which woke up Three making him also scream. He turns to see Three was tied down, panic starts to build up inside of him thinking of what they could do to the man. Mario chuckles as he approaches Three “Mario?? LET US GO DUDE!” He was hoping that his call out would bring the man back to him.  Sadly the man he is growing a romantic attraction to was SMG3 “AND GIVE ME MY NOTEBOOK BACK YOU ASS!” Mario smirks at the tied up Three making Four wiggle against his restraints. “I’ve been waiting for this! We finally got them, didn't we Marty?” Marty sighs and agrees with Mario, he was annoyed that the plumber let them get away once and was lucky the spies got distracted. Mario turns his attention back to Three “Just give us the key to your notebook SMG3! We’ve tried everything but it wont open yet!” This was all Four's fault for searching on his phone, the guilt was eating him as he watched the scene play out in front of him. Three gives Four a soft look before gaining back his snarky personality “NEVER! I’ll never tell!”
Mario lets out a chilling laugh that caught both men's attention, he takes his phone out smirking, he hits play and starts showing cringe memes to Three. Their avatar knows them too well and had the perfect videos to make Three cringe, the more videos played the more he saw the man break to the point he started shedding tears “NOOO! HE CANT TAKE IT! LET HIM BE!”  Mario grins as he pulls up one last video the moment SMG3 sees it he screams. Four’s eyes flicker yellow as he looks around the room “Come on four think of something worse than what SMG3 is dealing with right now!” he focuses on all the cringe he has seen on the internet till he shrivels up from it. Now free from the rope he runs towards Mario he can hear Three about to break “Hey ass!” catching Mario’s attention he throws Eggdog out, the pup attacks the plumber while he runs to untie Three. The moment he unties Three he starts to shout “IM FREE! IM FREE!” rolling his eyes he grabs the man pulling him off the table to run out of the room with Eggdog following. 
As they leave room Three turns shaking Four “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU!?” Four frowns looking down, he starts to play with the button of his vest. “I was feeling strange so…i wanted to look up what was going on because it was distracting.” SMG3 lets four go and sighs giving him a quick look up and down before nodding “you seem fine now, just we are a team talk to me.” He didn't know what to do, Three was rarely this soft and now knowing the strange emotion he has been ignoring is he could feel his heart racing. Taking a deep breath he grabs Three's hand “If my viewers make the choices that land us in green, I have something I need to tell you.” They looked in each other's eyes, seeing how serious four looked the man nodded before they moved forward. 
The pair were losing it after being chased by Mario and ending up in a game show forcing them to watch what happened to them in the igloo. After that the pair found Depresso and used him as a distraction to get ready to fight the plumber in which Three was surprised to see Four was good at fighting the avatar out without breaking a sweat. Now they opened the door and were standing across the safe with their prize. Three was going to walk only to be stopped by Four, he then pulls out baby powder and blows it revealing lasers in the room. “Yep, just as I expected! These lasers will probably explode if we touch them.” SMG3 looked at the bottle then back at Four “Why do you have baby powder?” SMG4 sighs “I have a sensitive ass!” with awkward nods they both turn to focus on the lasers.  SMG4, seeing the results, smirks “Watch this!” SMG3 watched in awe as he watched the meme guardian front flip, avoiding all the lasers and making it to the other side. He hits the button and winks at his crush making Threes face red “What are you waiting for we got a notebook to save!” 
That moment SMG3 wished he had his notebook to doodle the moment he saw, though he was sure those flips and wink will haunt his mind all day. They cheer getting into the safe only to be stopped by Marty and Mario, together with their meme power they manage to put a stop to the pair and grab the notebook. After more attempts by Marty and Mario to stop them, the pair escape and win the day with their watches landing on green. Four smiles seeing how happy Three was, then he looks at the watch nervously knowing what he has to do soon. Hours later they announced to the subscribers that thanks to them they saved the notebook, Three was so happy to get it back he started to smooch the book making Four giggle. After teasing SMG3 about why he was building a new evil lair right next to his castle he lets out a small yawn, who knew doing a heist could take so much out of you.  “Speaking of cafes…I’m dead tired.” he gives his partner a small smile “Lets have some coffee.”  For the first time since they have known each other things felt peaceful, maybe it was them both being drained from the heist or maybe this whole event brought them closer together. He remembers back a few weeks ago how SMG1 and two told them they had to get along in order for their powers to get stronger, all that event did was give him work to tell the world how they two weren't together due them being caught holding hands thanks to Marios gum. 
SMG3 perks up hearing his words “Now we’re talkin!” walking together they sit on a pile of wood  waiting to become a part of SMG3 cafe, SMG4 smiles looking at the sunset as SMG3 starts doing their coffee. They smile at each other doing a small cheer as they clink their
cups together and drink, as SMG4 enjoys the warmth of the coffee he notices SMG3 writing in his notebook with a huge smile "What are you writing?" he knew he wasn't going to get an answer but it wasn't going to hurt him to ask you never know what mood SMG3 is in.
He smirks and turns away "I'll never tell!" SMG3 makes sure the other cant see the drawing he is doing of them both with cups of coffee.
With a giggle he nods "Don't worry i wont push it," as he looks back at the sunset his heart starts to beat faster. This would be the perfect moment wouldn't it? He had to admit the closer they got the harder it was for him to keep his feelings in check. When he hears the notebook close he decides now is the time with one last gulp of the coffee he turns to SMG3 "You know...this heist got me thinking,” 
SMG3 sips his coffee and stares at his partner "What that we should be full time spies, cause i'm not a fan of the idea of your fans telling me how to live my life," SMG4 shakes his head with a small chuckle "No, nothing like that...just we make a good team don't we?"
He keeps staring at SMG4 feeling confused on what was going on with the man next to him, seeing this SMG4 sighs feeling himself blush. "You know...people ship us together...and uh with all that's happened to us i started to wonder...." he had no idea what he was doing. Every TV show he has seen made confessions look easy, even Axol made it look sweet and easy with the manga he was making before everything.
SMG3's eyes go wide as he also starts to blush "Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden, idiot!!"
SMG4 closes his eyes "WHAT IF WE MAKE IT CANON!?"
Everything was dead silent, he was nervous to open his eyes to see how SMG3 was looking at him. Finally he hears a whisper "you....what?" Slowly he opened his eyes to see a stun SMG3, his face was as red as his eyes, it almost made SMG4 giggle for how cute it was to see him like that. "I..well i like you i figured it out today when we were on the heist, so i was wondering if maybe we can try...the next step?"
SMG4 started to get worried he broke the man for how long it took for him to move again, he watches as SMG3 stares at the floor then his notebook. His heart sank, did the guardian not feel the same as him?
SMG3 gets up and stands in front of him "Fine, i guess i...i like you too! But don't let it get to your head...Baka!"
SMG4 lights up, standing up and hugging him, ignoring the heat on his face, Three hugged his boyfriend back. They separated and gave each other a small smile before Four spoke up “Need a place to crash till the cafe is done..you can stay with me till then.” SMG3 looks at the castle then his hand thinking about the graveyard, staying here they both could figure out this new step easier then him in another location “Yeah that could work..but can we keep this thing with us on the down low not sure i'm ready for the idiots to learn about us.” with a nod they both slowly reach for each other's hand and let out nervous giggles. Now holding hands the pair walk into the castle to move SMG3 in,Little did they know a shadow was watching them from a distance growling at what they just saw. 
2/6/24 date written
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bloodybreakupscene · 1 year
I had sent a request like yesterday- and AAA IM SO HAPPY TO SEE IT DONE ALREADY!! IT WAS SO CUTE >^<
I had another idea, cause my brain has been absolutely filled with different thoughts! Once again, earth 1610! Miles morales- but this time with a very well off partner who tends to spoil him alot. Like gift after gift, as soon as Miles is saying he likes or wants something- they're getting it for him!!
It's just something they really enjoy doing and they love seeing the smiles they get from Miles when he sees the gifts!!
-> 𝐇𝐔𝐒𝐇.
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miles morales x reader
-> u like to buy ur cutie patootie bf miles expensive gifts and he's like aw :(
-> btw guys i do other characters LOL i kinda wanna try writing for hobie!! i've been trying to research british slang but i can't stop laughing (it's the AMERICAN 🤓🇺🇲🔥🔫 in me i swear)
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you and your boyfriend miles were walking along the streets of brooklyn, occasionally stopping for snacks or to observe the stores placed amongst each other. you held his hand and he held yours. this was just another after school thing you two would do.
". . . and when i walked in he was wearing my shoes! like what the hell man." miles ranted, slightly shifting the story because if he told you what actually happened he'd reveal his identity as spiderman, and that wasn't a path he wanted to go down just yet.
"pfft, that's funny. you know, if it bothers you so much i could just buy you another pair of shoes." you reply, nonchalantly.
"huh? no way! that's your money, besides, you already bought me enough stuff."
"i gifted you stuff," you corrected, before joking once more, "you deserve it anyway! i mean, c'mon miles be grateful."
"i am grateful! i just feel bad, you know, they're all so expensive." he defends.
"name ONE gift that was expensive."
"the ohuhu marker set!"
it was miles' birthday and you were at his dorm for a small celebration, just the two of you [ ganke left because he didn't wanna third-wheel. ] so, you two were just sitting on the floor as he opened the carefully wrapped gift.
"so, how's being fifteen so far?" you make small talk, while a pit of happiness boils inside of you as you can't wait for his reaction to the gift you got him.
"totally fun. can't wait to do adult stuff." he laughs, and just as he finishes his sentence he sees a black bag with markers in them, specifically 216 markers. it was a set that cost roughly $170.00.
"oh my god!" he stands up, that's the reaction hoped for, "these are so cool." he rushes to pull you up, kissing you on your lips, holding a side of your face with his hand.
"how much were they?"
"don't worry! it's your birthday you deserve it." you pull him into your arms, embracing him.
"i looked it up when you left and they were almost $200!"
"you're worth more than $200 miles."
"aw," he leans his head on your shoulder as you both continue to walk down the street. "wait! what about that other time, when you got me a camera.”
it was summer time, you and miles walked into a random electronics store. as you both observed the different assortments of cameras, miles picked one of them up, a small, old digicam.
"my uncle used to have one of these." he says, as he moves the camera around in his hand to look at the many details on the camcorder. over the few months you've been dating, you noticed the admiration he had for his uncle, he even mentioned going down under the subway tracks to graffiti on the walls.
"do you wanna get it?"
"nah, it's $40. let's go get lunch, i'm starving."
"wait! but you like it right? i could get it for you, if you want."
"what! no way, i should be the one spoiling you." he wraps his arm around your waist.
you both eventually walked out the store, but later, for christmas that year, you gave it him as an early gift. miles felt like crying, not a sad cry, more like, 'i've never felt more appreciated in my life i love you so much' kind of cry. he couldn't stop hugging and kissing you that day.
"the camera was a gift for both of us." you rolled your eyes, "i just gave it to you to hold, indefinitely!"
miles gives you a look, "whatever, you know i'd love anything you give me, regardless of price."
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rabbitsrams · 1 year
Thinking about schlatt x reader who’s love language is gift receiving and gift giving, whose last relationship they never received any gifts and slowly over time stopped giving them as well, completely caught off guard the first time schlatt decides to spoil her.
omg anon i love this sm
i'm def a person who gets so flustered and sentimental if someone gets me a gift and i also LOVE giving gifts too :((((
and i've had my fair share of having my gifts be unappreciated by a partner as well...
in your group of friends, you were absolutely known for gifting the most random things to those you love. whether it be something as simple as a knick-knack from the pharmacy to something super elaborate and pricey, if you saw anything that reminded you of someone you loved, you'd get it for them.
and on the other side of the coin, you loved receiving gifts as well. you always eagerly anticipated your birthday and the holiday season to see what your loved ones got you, and with every gift you were always so happy and appreciative.
your ex never really liked the idea of giving and receiving gifts. birthdays and the holidays, yeah, that was standard. but it was often minimal with little effort being put in, and if you got them a random little gift, it was not met with the reaction you expected.
them saying "oh, thanks!" in that tone. then tossing the object aside and never looking at it again.
the last straw was when you put six months into creating a scrapbook for your one-year anniversary. the scrapbook wherein you had pictures of the two of you, old things from various dates and lots of hand-written captions, was met with one "wow!" one instance where you looked through it together and it sitting on a shelf till the end of your relationship half a year later.
and from that point on, your gift-giving halted aside from the basics on birthdays and holidays. the effort started to decrease as time went on, because never had you felt this unappreciated, much less from a partner. and it was unfortunate that your loved ones had to endure this; they missed getting little things from you and were saddened that you were so unappreciated by that... person.
schlatt was like a breath of fresh air for you. he was kind, he was genuine and he loved you for every reason out there.
you had told him about the incidents with your ex. and he noticed how upset you got when you said it, trying to pass it off as not a big deal but he could tell. he could tell how that piece of shit hurt you.
schlatt called you up in the early hours of the morning, telling you to get up and get ready.
"why? i have work!"
"call in sick, toots. we're going to the mall."
"'cause you deserve it. no more questions." and he hung up before you could process what happened.
and he went into every store with you, buying you anything you so much as eyed for an extra second.
"baby, why are you doing this? i... i don't-"
"don't you dare. you do deserve it, and that asshole was so wrong for not appreciating you."
your eyes well up with tears and you hug schlatt tightly. he hugs you back, cradling your head with his hand as he kisses you.
and the next morning, schlatt woke up to a little stuffed ram on his pillow, a note stuck to its head saying:
"thanks for yesterday, you're the best, i love you."
and that little ram sits right next to the picture of the two of you he has on his desk where he can look at it every day and smile, because you got it for him.
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engie-ivy · 11 months
(I wrote a 'day-after-Sirius'-birthday' fic! Totally not just me being late for Sirius' birthday. Nope, not at all. This was planned. With a very Fluffy ending, because Sirius deserves happiness for his day-after-his-birthday!)
@wolfstarmicrofic 3rd: gather
862 words
Remus is doing his semester abroad, and Sirius goes to surprise him with a visit and a confession.
At Your Doorstep
Sirius tries to gather his courage. Not for the first time, he curses James Potter's name, while simultaneously thanking his lucky stars to have someone like James Potter in his life.
Yesterday was Sirius' birthday.
His birthday plans consisted of sitting at home playing sad songs on his guitar while wallowing in self-pity. James came to visit anyway. Sirius wouldn't have blamed him if he hadn't, as Sirius hasn't exactly been fun to be around lately.
Remus left two months ago to do his semester abroad. Of course, Sirius knew he was going to miss him, but god, he hadn't expected it to be this bad! He's been a shell of his normal self, acting cranky, short-tempered and withdrawn.
James did, however, manage to pique his interest with his birthday gift: plane tickets to go see Remus.
When Sirius immediately wanted to grab the tickets, James had quickly pulled them out of reach. "Uh-uh, if you want them, you must first accept the terms and conditions."
"And what are those?"
"You can only go if you promise that when you're there, you're going to tell Remus how you feel."
The prospect of seeing Remus again was too much for Sirius to resist, so he had accepted James' terms. He had promised, solemnly sworn even, something they do not take lightly, to confess his feelings for Remus.
Sirius got on a plane yesterday, flew all night, took a cab giving the driver Remus' address, and now here he is, standing on the doorstep of some student housing appartement getting ready to put it all out there for the person he can't deny anymore he's terribly in love with.
He takes a deep breath and knocks.
The door is thrown open and a lanky guy with bouncing red curls appears.
Sirius realizes this must be Fabian, Remus' roommate. Despite never having spoken with Fabian, or even having seen Fabian before, Sirius does not like Fabian. Remus talks about his new roommate just a tad too much for Sirius’ liking. 'I was having dinner with Fabian yesterday… Fabian took me to this coffeeshop the other day… Fabian and I are going to watch this movie…'
Fabian looks Sirius up and down, and then a flirtatious smile appears on his face as he leans against the doorpost. "Why, hi there. How may I help you this evening?"
"I… uhm, I'm looking for Remus?"
"Oh." Fabian visibly deflates and he straightens. "I'm sorry, Remus is unavailable today, I'm afraid."
"Unavailable?" Sirius repeats.
"Yes, he made it clear he is not to be disturbed from his utmost important task of feeling sorry for himself," Fabian says. "Apparently, his guy back home had his birthday yesterday, and when Remus didn't hear from him, he spent the day convincing himself that his crush has forgotten all about him and must have been out partying with other boys all night." Fabian rolls his eyes. "I've tried to get him out of his room, but he has opted to wallow in his misery about his unrequited crush instead."
"His…crush?" Sirius manages to say, his brain still trying to catch up.
Fabian squints his eyes and looks at him more closely. "Wait… 'tall and broad-shouldered', 'Hair the colour of the night sky falling in soft waves over his shoulders', 'bright eyes with an ever-present sparkle'..." He gasps and clasps his hand over his mouth. "Oh my god, it's you! You're Sirius Black!"
Sirius nods dumbly.
"Oh, no, no, no." Fabian hides his face in his hands and groans. Then he looks at Sirius again, pleadingly. "Please, please tell me you're here to confess your undying love for Remus, so that he isn't gonna murder me for spilling the beans?"
"Uhm, yes?"
Fabian's mood changes instantly, and a relieved grin spreads over his face. "Excellent!" He exclaims, and before Sirius can say another word he turns around and shouts "Remus! There's someone here to see you!"
Sirius hears a door open and close, some shuffling, and a moment later, Remus appears in the hallway. He's wearing pyjama pants that are too big and his most worn-out jumper with both old and new food stains, he has chocolate smears around his mouth and his hair is sticking up in all directions.
He looks perfect.
"Fab, I told you, I don't want to see anyone today. I'm-" His eyes fall upon Sirius and he immediately goes quiet, his mouth falling open.
Sirius has spent his whole flight thinking about what to say, rehearsing the words in his head, but now that Remus is looking at him, and he's looking at Remus, he's overcome with just how much he missed him. Words suddenly don't seem necessary. He rushes towards Remus, and Remus snaps out of his daze just in time to take a step towards him, before Sirius gathers him in his arms.
"What are you… How are you… Is this real?" Remus stammers, clinging to Sirius' shoulders.
"I missed you," Sirius whispers into Remus' hair. "I missed you so much. I just had to see you."
Remus lifts his head and searches Sirius' eyes, and what he finds there is really all he needs to know.
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kkuroshie · 5 months
I'm here
Words: 488
Pairing: idol!danielle x idol!reader
Today Is minji unnie birthday.. yes I'm late because I forgot to buy a gift yesterday.
*phone rings* [hanni is calling]
"Hey unnie" you said while walking back to the car, "Where are you!? The live is starting!" hanni said, "OHHH YEAHHH I'M ALMOST THEREEEE, LOVE U UNNIE" you cut the call before hanni scold you.
[5min. Later]
You arrive at your dorm, as you enter you can hear the gurls shouting, you walk at the door and knock then all of them became silent until "it's me Y/n" hanni open the door and drag you in.
"Y/N-NIE IS HEREE" Minji said as they all clap, "woah, unnie is that your gift?!:" hyein said pointing at your bag, " yeah well i think unnie deserved it" you said while Minji got up to hug you.
It's been 20 min. and you notice danielle is so quiet, You look at her worried it felt like something is wrong but she keeps smilling.
You keep checking her if shes fine until the live ended.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAINN" Hyein said while dragging all the members to a group hug. After the birthday celebration, everyone went to their own rooms and you just slide at the edge of your bed, thinking why danimo is quiet during the live.
You trying to sleep but the worries bother you, so you got up and knock on danielle's door.
*knock, knock, knock*
"Hey dani it's me Y/n" you said as you lean on the door. You hear the door click revealing sad looking face of danielle, you drag your self in and lock the door behind you.
You stare at dani and you can feel shes about to cry, You push her head to your chest and hug her.
"Shhh.. hey It's ok let it out" you said as you pats her back, " I'm tired " she said while sobbing. You notice ur shirt is wet from her tears, you wait her to calm down and guide her to seat at her bed.
" you seem quiet during the live.. you ok?" You said as you keep rubbing her hand
"Yeah.. I'm fine is just that my heart felt lil heavy awhile ago" she said while staring at you, "you know we can't avoid problems but we can solve them.. together, minji unnie is here, hanni unnie, hearin, hyein and ofc me I'm always here for you since day 1" you said looking at her shining eyes, She suddenly hug you so tight and mummbles " I love you y/nnie, so much your the reason why I still have motivation and our fans our bunnies" you chuckle at her cute lil message, "I love u too" you pull away the hug and lift her chin to kiss her.
After all those chitchat, you can see danielle is sleeping so peacefully Its because of your help without you danielle maybe sad or down until now.
A: Sorry ive been busy cuz im graduating this month I hope you guys enjoy this lil story 💖
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snowb3rryy · 10 months
Lucifer x F!MC
It's been a while since Lucifer had free time to spend with his beloved girlfriend, however he secretly plans a trip to spend her Birthday, just the two of them. (I definitely didn't write this because it's my birthday today)
MC is female and uses she/her pronouns. Written in 1st person.
Engish isn't my first language, so I may have made some mistakes.
It's a cold night, the clock just turned midnight and it's finally my birhday, the day I long for every year.
However it's different tonight. There's so much silence in the House of Lamentation. Levi won a few tickets for an event in the human world and Mammon, Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie.
Lucifer stayed behind because of work. I stayed too because I wanted to keep an eye on him. Tonight he's still working at RAD, some complications with the files of mew students made him work overtime for a couple of weeks now. His big bed always felt just right for the both of us, yet now I lay alone and it feels like I'm sinking in it.
1:00. No text, no call. He's still at RAD. I promised to myself to wait for him awake. I start to scroll in both human and Devildom social media yet my feed is boring and repetitive. I end up checking my gallery filled with pictures of me and my best friend, pictures of me and the brothers, pictures of me and Lucifer and oh Lord the videos. The videos we filmed making love a few months ago on a small trip we went alone.
Watching his hands roam all over my body, his lips kissing every inch of me made me shiver. The kisses and bites on my nipples on the video made me wet just by remembering what it feels like. Then I see my hands hold his back tightly as he penetrates my body and yet my soul too. So erotic and so romantic at the same time...
I miss him, I miss him terribly. It's since he started working overtime since the last time we had sex. And not just that, we barely have time to chat any more.
My eyelids feel heavy and i drift to sleep, unable to stay awake any longer.
The next morning I wake up and stretch o the bed, i turn over and see Lucifer sleeping beside me. I smile and kiss his cheek.
Wait... Lucifer is still... on the bed? What time is it?
I look at the time, it's 11am... He hates morning but he wakes up early these past weeks to go and work but... did he sleep in today?
- Lucifer, Lucifer *i shake him softly trying to wake him up*
I hear him mumbling and slowly open his eyes.
Lucifer: Darling *yawns* What is it?
- It's 11am! Don't you have to go to RAD?
Lucifer: No, I finished everything yesterday. Now come here *he says and he pulls me close to him and closes his eyes again*
- Are you... done-done? No more overtime?
Lucifer: Mhm.. Oh, where is my mind at... happy birthday my love *he says still in his morning voice*
- Thank you *i smile and kiss his cheek*
Lucifer: Now sleep, and we'll celebrate later.
We fall asleep again until the late afternoon.
We then stand up, Lucifer orders me around. Shower. Dress up. Not a dress or a skirt, we'll walk. Not this, it's too cold where we'll go.
Finally, after I get dressed appropriately for Lucifer's secret location, he teleports us to the human world. We visit an ice skating venue and we look around the snowy landscapes. The time passes quickly. After taking a thousand pictures of Lucifer's peculiar expression while explain everything we have on sign, we go to a hotel that he had reserved for the night.
The room us already dimly lit, there's roses all over the place and a box on the bed. I hurry and open the box and can't believe it, Lucifer really always listen to every little thing I rumble about ans he got me the perfect gift.
We decide to take a bath together so we walk to the bathroom, take our clothes off and relax in the warm water. I almost drift off from the warm temperature and Lucifer's soft touch on my arms, but he brings me back to reality with a few simple words. "Shall we move this to the bed?", he asks m tenderly yet with a wicked smirk that I can't see but I can imagine.
My body immediately wakes up, next thing I know, I'm on my feet, Lucifer drying my hair first and then my body, softly pressing the towel against my skin and brushing from time to time against my sensitive spots.
I feel his warm breath on my neck as I already imagine our bodies intertwining.
Soon after he's also dry, we move to the bed. I find myself laying down, my eyes staring on the ceiling as my mouth hangs open, and leaving soft sounds of pleasure as I feel Lucifer's hot lips against my skin. With a swift move, he positions himself between my legs and he starts licking and kissing and sucking my clit, my fingers move on their own and i grab his hair as my lower back arches and I no longer can hold my voice. I can feel my mind being numb, as his tongue works miracles on me, he knows every spot I like, every little angle that can make me cum in seconds, but he takes his time. He lets out sounds of enjoyment as he eats me out, I warn him I'm close but he doesn't stop, even worse, he takes his hand off of my thigh and he starts to tease my opening and soon enters 2 fingers and moves them with as roughness as needed for me to see stars. I can no longer concentrate, my legs move on their own and press Lucifer on his shoulders as I let out multiple moans as I cum on his tongue, and squeeze his still moving fingers.
We both breathe hard and he runs up to kiss me, his hands move up and down my sides and finally locate to my hips. I try to move him under me to give him head but he realises and he stops me. "No", he says.
- Why? *i ask confused*
Lucifer: Tonight, is about you, and I already nearly came from your moans and sweet juices on my tongue.
- But, I want to *i insist*
Lucifer: Darling, please. Any other night you want I'd say yes with no second thought. Tonight though, I want you to use your pretty mouth only to call out my name, my cock is more than satisfied with being burried inside you. I love throatfucking you but it feels divine when I'm inside you.
I no longer insist as I now blush from how adorable his words are. I lay back down and he starts to kiss me as he lifts my leg up and slowly starts to thrust in and out. His big size always feels like stretching me in the beginning until I can fully take him and start to feel how good he really makes me feel. With every thrust he moves harder yet always keeping the same tempo, I can already feel him start to throb and I hear him curse under his breath. He's close yet he tries to keep it under control until I am at the same place he is. His thrusts become slower, and his grunts become more desperate, I am more than lucky he lets himself so free around me.
He now warns me, "I'm close" he says, "can't keep for longer" he says.
I know he's there and his desperation rises my heart rate, i hold him tight and say to his ear, "I'm close too, give me my present Lucifer"
He smirks and chuckles, he then kisses me and starts to move to his previous rate. I put my hand on my tits a squeeze them as I too feel like cumming again any second now. A few more thusts and I start to squeeze around his as I'm almost there.
I hear him moan deep, he can feel my walls squeeze around him as much as I can feel his cock twitching again. "Fuck, I'm cumming ah-" he lets a long, deep moan as he thursts a few more times as he fills me up. When I fill him throbbing inside me and cumming, it's my last staw, I feel my face heat up as I scream his name and move my hips against him as I cum once more.
We both breath hard, he smiles, he kisses me and slowly pulls out, letting his hot cum fall out of me. He lays next to me and he takes me in his arms.
Lucifer: Happy Birthday, my love
He kisses my forehead and he immediately falls asleep. I whisper "Good night, Lucifer" and close my eyes as i rest my head on his chest.
Check it out also on Ao3, and thanks for reading! <3
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scarletwinterxx · 5 days
WE NEED MOREEE Taeyong dad au honestly all ur dad aus r so good liekkkk
a/n: hiiiiiiii ~ honestly i didn't think about writing more abt taeyong dad au, i loved writing the first one and how simple and cute it was. but never say never 😅 so here we areeee. thank you for liking my stories🤍🥺
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
The sight of your husband sneaking around the house to prepare for the twin's birthday. The big 7. It feels like yesterday you were inside the bathroom making Taeyong look at the pregnancy test first because you were too nervous.
As the two kids grow up, they showed more of their individuality which you and Taeyong love watching. Minseo the ever confident one, she took a liking in joining school musicals and performances. She's always been the star in your household and she shines just as bright whenever she goes. Minhyuck, on the other hand, is a big bookworm. As soon as he started to learn how to read, there wasn't a day he didn't have a book on hand. He's also very into drawing much like his dad. You have a collection of his drawings hidden away to keep forever.
If there's one thing you and your husband learned about being parents, it's that time really does fly when you have kids. One day you have to hold their head up for them and the next second they're out making their own marks in the world.
"Do you think they'll like this?" Taeyong asks, looking at the rows of balloons he got for the twins. "They'll love it"
"I got the pink scooter with purple glittery handles Minseo wanted and the orange bike Minhyuck wanted"
"Good job"
"Are we forgetting something?" "Taeyong love, what are you stressed about?" you chuckle
"I just want tomorrow to be perfect and a day they will always remember. They only turn 7 once" he pouts, recalling the days when his babies were younger. Indeed wondering where did the time go.
"Aw love, come here" you open your arms for him, stepping in your embrace and burying his head between your shoulder
"They're going to love all the gifts you give them, we taught them well to appreciate even the little things"
He picks his head up to look at you, "They're not babies anymore"
"I know, I'm sad too but more so excited about they're future. I'm excited to see them explore more, know more about themselves, grow up" you play with the ends of his hear on his neck, looking into his big eyes both your kids inherited. Thank the heavens.
"Does it make you sad, that we never had kids after the twins?" you ask him
"Of course not" he answers without missing a beat, "You, Minseo and Minhyuck are my everything. There isn't a day I felt like there something missing in me the moment I met you" the same words he told you the day you got married.
After the twins birth, it was very stressful for your body to the point you were told by your doctor it was going to be very dangerous when you decide to have another kid. Taeyong is right, the twins are enough and there isn't a day you felt like your family isn't complete. But there are moments, very few, where you wonder what it would be like if you had more kids.
"If we're blessed to have more then that's good, if we're not then that's okay too. Losing you isn't a risk I will ever take. Don't ever feel pressured about that, okay? I love you very much and this life we created together" he tells you, holding your face in his hands
"I love you too" you give him a sweet kiss, finishing the night.
The next morning, very early you get the cake ready for the twins. Waiting for them to wake up. You light up the candles when you hear voices coming down the stairs,
"Gotta keep your eyes closed okay, no peeking" Taeyong appears with one child in each arm, carrying both down the stairs. He puts them down before telling them it's okay to look, "Happy Birthday!" you and Taeyong say at the same time, the two kids immediately smile upon seeing the surprise waiting for them.
The two blow their candles and open the gift you and Taeyong got before you eat breakfast as a family.
It's days like these that makes life worth it, making you excited for the days yet to come and the future you're going to live. You look over your husband, playing with the kids and letting them put icing on his face and think your self how much you love your little life.
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lovvecherrymotion · 6 months
okay very brief munich gig report (mostly under the cut) i probably am forgetting 90% of stuff but let's goooo:
i got EE and i was there by 10 am? i was number 39 and i was pretty okay with this. i did end up getting a really good spot anyway
munich queue 💜💜 i mean, i've already made a post about meeting all of you, but it was truly lovely. i got so many gifts and bracelets! this fandom is full of talented, kind people
the soundcheck was ngvot (every single time i've been to a show i've heard ngvot at some point lol) and vem da greš, both of which i really enjoyed
I GOT TO GIVE NACE MY GIFTS!! like i don't even think he heard what i said BUT THEY'RE WITH THEM. FINALLY. i can be at peace now lol
i really enjoyed both Sector 5 and JC Stewart! they were both pretty good openers! i hadn't heard any of their music before, but i still had fun
AND I GOT BELE SANJEEEEEE. and bojan said we nailed it the first time which had me like "duh, ofc, i'm here????" I WOULD NEVER FUCK UP MY BELOVED BELE SANJE
we got both Šta bih ja & Schlager. i really really really wanted Bluza so hopefully in london 🤞 i enjoy Schlager more that i've listened to it live lol (and jance were very cute during this song)
on the topic of jance, everyone was mentioning the nacekris was strong last night but as someone who was right in front of jance and barely got to see the others honestly it was kinda hard for me lmao i didn't get those vibes at all. i was so shocked opening tumblr hahahaha. jance were super sweet and smiley and 🥺💕 a solid 95% of what i captured was them and i can assure you they were both very soft and happy
no pijano :((( but he did help bojan at the start of EW and it was very sweet, i love them so much
bojan spit on me. better said, he spit on jan but i was, well, right in front of him, so i got it too lmfao
during the UM bojan was also right in front of me because a little girl got to sing with him (and even went on stage!!!!) and then a super sweet 15yo girl who had her birthday yesterday also got to sing UM - i was next to both of them so i saw bojan VERY WELL. he didn't actually go into the crowd this time
during novi val i made a finger heart at nace AND HE SMILED AND DID ONE BACK AT ME. i know it was for me because everyone got the half hearts lmfao (and then @flananjan told me you could see the heart in a story they posted on their insta and i almost died on the subway back to the hotel)
at some point (i can't remember before which song but i'll probably figure it out when i look at the photos) i put my portuguese flag on stage and jan picked it up 🥺🥺 he then asked me in the softest fucking voice "Portugal?" and i was able to say two entire words to him "yes, Portugal" AND I DIDN'T EVEN DIE ON THE SPOT. he then placed it down and like idk i just!!!! jan knows i exist and i'm portuguese BYE
and when i thought the night just couldn't... well, get any better, JAN GAVE ME HIS PICK. his hand was warm and like way softer than i expected??? this is now my most prized possession. i literally CANNOT believe jan peteh himself gave this to me
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the boys didn't come out at the end because they were tired, apparently??? but i was still very happy about all of this. i'm now way less stressed for london (because i won't be carrying around a bag full of stuff for them omgggg) and manifesting i get to meet them then 🙏
munich, thank you for having me 💜💜💜 i can't wait to come back
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ghuleh-recs · 2 months
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It was our beloved Bee's (@da-rulah) birthday yesterday! To celebrate I've made us all a mixtape of some of her greatest hits... which ended up being almost everything she's written. Whoops. The only reason I left anything out was to save some for next year! Bee is such a kind, lovely, generous, TALENTED soul and I'm so very lucky to have befriended her. So go forth and read some top tier papa (and Mary!) smut. Leave Bee some comments while you're at it—as a lil' bday gift. ♡
recs under the cut.
Rituale Septem - Terzo (and everyone else) x Reader - 74k
Your faith is shaking; 16 years at the Ministry, and what did you have to show for it? You'd never even heard the Dark One's voice like your Siblings… But what could you do? Well, you could ask the advice of the one person chosen to guide his flock through adversity; Papa Emeritus III. And he has an idea that might work…
Rubenesque - Secondo x Plus Size!Reader - 7.8k
Retirement had its perks. For Secondo, one of those was being able to spend much more time on the things he enjoyed. And there were only two things he truly enjoyed these days; art, and you. Although if you asked him, he’d insist that they were one and the same. So how would he react when he learns that your peers are mocking your sinfully gorgeous body, and you're struggling to love yourself?
A Personal Ritual - Copia x Reader - 2.1k
"With an expert flick of his wrist, it unfolded, a glinting silver blade unsheathing itself from the brilliant red of the marbled handle. When he leaned forward, he stretched his neck with a lean to one side, lining the blade up against his skin and in one quick, clean motion he’d swiped a stripe up to the sharp edge of his jawline. The blade was wiped off on a cloth draped over the sink, then brought to do the same thing again next to the already created strip of clean, smooth skin.   You'd never seen him do this before, but you were enraptured – privileged, even… It was you and you alone that had the honour bestowed upon them to watch the man you loved in his most humble and domestic of moments, to see the parts of him that nobody else in the world got to see just because they were usually saved for him, and him alone. While you’d spent many an intimate night in his bed, sharing your bodies and souls in every way a lover can, these were the moments that felt truly intimate."
The Mayor's Daughter - Mary Goore x Reader - 72k (WIP)
Mary knew the entire town hated him; the metalhead with the freaky make up and fake blood dripping down his face. He was the local menace, the town vandal, the cliché trouble maker. He played up to that image, enjoyed the havoc and the chaos, revelled in it. He loved pissing people off. And so, what better revenge to get on his beloved town, than to fuck around with the Mayor's daughter…
In Cold Blood - Terzo x Reader - 19.4k
Solitude had always appealed. Perhaps that’s why you took on this project… The thought of transforming a dilapidated old Victorian farmhouse into a sanctuary of your own, to live in peace and the romanticisms of a gothic home you fell in love with. After the structural integrity of the house is replenished, you fill your days with DIY and decorating, bringing to life a house that had been frozen in time and left to rot for decades. You could enjoy the solitude of the land already, a few miles outside of a town plagued by disappearances and a fear of the dark. But you couldn’t escape the news of more missing people, nor the strange occurrences happening around your new home. Were you imagining things? Or was there indeed a shadow haunting your sanctuary?
Confessional - Cardinal Copia x Reader - 22k
As a sister of sin, it was your duty to confess at least once a month, to have your sins praised by a higher up member of the clergy. But you only ever chose Thursday nights, when you knew he was on duty. And tonight, you were working up the courage to confess your darkest sin - the dreams you had been having…
Learn the Ropes - Secondo x Reader - 2.4k
Secondo likes to be in charge. He likes to be in control. But you'd always wondered what he might do if one day, you decided to flip the script, and take charge for him…
Copia gets Bullied - Copia x Reader - 2.2k
"I know this trope for Cardinal Copia is over done but I would love, love your take on it. I would like a sister of sin who Copia have had a crush on, come and comfort him after witnessing him getting bullied and embarrassed. But the poor Cardinal is an emotional crying wreck that the sister decide the only way to comfort him is by being sexual with him for the first time🙈"
𖤐 you know the drill--bookmark, read, and leave kudos/comments!
Did I forget your favorite? You've got a standing invitation from me to add your own rec and reblog ♡
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