#Greek traditional Jewelry
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Medusa Ring made from 925/- silver with 750/- rosegold stars
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Twisted Wonderland Boys x Fem Reader in their respective Fairytales (Series)
(Kalim's Part)
Previous part (Azul)
A/n: I forgot to add Vil omg, I'll write about him along with Malleus, I just wanted this out cause I enjoyed writing this so much, and I couldn't wait to post it! I hope you all like it! Kalim here is based on the Sultan in Aladdin so not the villain, but I didn't want to leave him out. Content Warning: This Fic will be tagged as 16+ since it is a bit suggestive along with mentions of Gorey themes (Azul), it’s very vague. I haven’t finished Book 6 and Book 7 because I’m stuck in Tartarus, but they’re not done here yet. Potential Inaccuracy in Indian Tradition, Indian and Greek clothing, if ever you see inaccuracy about it, please let me know, I only did a bit of research about it. The reason for potential OOC was cause I mixed both the classic Villains with the personalities of our beloved boys. You have a child with Kalim here!
First Batch would be: Riddle, Leona, Azul
Second Batch would be: Kalim, Idia, Malleus
List of Villains interconnecting with each character:
Kalim = The sultan Idia = Hades
─────❅───── Kalim: You didn’t know why you were sitting down on an extravagant throne, a dozen of people looking upfront and bowing to your presence when you awoke, feeling a gentle touch on your face, you stirred up from your slumber, looking at your side. Seeing Kalim in the flesh except, he looked more mature than your Kalim.
“My love are you feeling alright?” he traces his fingers lightly on your cheeks, careful not to smudge the makeup you were wearing, you didn’t pull away, but you kept staring at him, admiring his adorning features, earrings twinkling under the light, showing real gold on it, Kamar bands knotted gracefully around him, he looked the same except he seemed more kingly than your little boyfriend.
“Kalim?” you murmured, moving your hand, wanting to touch his hand which he took notice before smiling, he traced his fingers on yours. “You fell asleep during our daughter’s birthday” he clarified, suddenly confused why you looked surprised.
“Daughter?” you asked, the sari that adorned your figure, jewelry around your clothing as you stood up, hands squeezing a bit of your flesh in attempts to keep yourself calm in a stressful situation, Kalim took notice as he stood up with you, placing his hand on your waist and drawing you closer. "Ladies and gentlemen," he captured the attention of each guest, you two look like the perfect couple in each of family member there, "my wife seems to be feeling a bit under the weather. Please continue to enjoy the party! we'll be back shortly. “With that, he signaled the band to start playing music.
“My love, what’s wrong?” he asked gently, letting you go as you looked at him, you were confused and lost, where are you? Why do you have a daughter, wait YOUR daughter with Kalim right?
“Kalim” you fidget a bit, “Are we married?” you ask, your fingernails look really tempting to bite right now.
"Of course," he said almost immediately. "We got married on your 20th birthday." Cupping your cheeks, he pulled you closer and gave you a gentle kiss.  “Our daughter will get candidates from different families, you arranged it a few hours ago” he continued, when you kissed him back he felt relieved, you’ve been acting weird ever since you woke up from your sudden nap.
“I…” Feeling conflicted, Kalim couldn’t help but worry, He pulled away giving you a bit of space “If you want, we can cancel the candidates for now,” while that was frowned upon due to the disrespect, he’s not the one to force your kid with him to marry, although he would be happy if she found a lover and get married.
You had an inkling of what happened, vaguely remembering that potion you and Deuce created and exploded on your face, with the timeline, your first guess was it was the future, but you were younger/older than he indicated.
“We can take a break and rest,” Kalim kissed your hand, “I don’t want the guests to see you in such a state,”
Despite this Kalim potentially not being your Kalim, he was sweet. In your real world, he could be overbearing at times, but he always tried to improve and not treat you like a servant. This older version of Kalim seemed to have successfully overcome that habit, putting your needs first before his own desires.
"I’m fine” You showed a bit of affection by kissing his cheek, which made his heart beat faster, it was a gesture you often do with him that got him all flustered. “We should go back, I don’t want our daughter to feel abandoned there,” you said jokingly, making Kalim chuckle.
“She’s doing great honestly, she got your face and my personality” referencing to his extrovertedness when he was younger, and he still is, just more tamed.
You wouldn’t mind this dream of yours, after all, Kalim was still the same, the only downside was the sudden shove from being a commoner to a Rani, but it was a change you’re willing to adjust for… till you get back to your world, hopefully.
(Idia's Part) ─────❅───── A/n: here you go! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა @wisteriarose214
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khaire-traveler · 3 months
💀 Subtle Haides Worship 🐕‍🦺
If you have a dog (or any pet), play with them
Volunteer at an animal shelter
Donate dog supplies to animal shelters and places who help families in need
Feed neighborhood dogs, cats, or birds
Start a coin collection with the intention of souls who need payment at the Underworld's gates can use those coins
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altars needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
Have a stuffed animal owl, dog, or black ram
Have imagery of a bident, Cerberus, or ancient Greek helmets around
Drink coffee or a soothing tea to start your day
Honor your ancestors/souls that have passed; learn about your family history
Hold onto any family heirlooms; keep items from people who have passed in your life
Eat pomegranate seeds; drink pomegranate juice
Support suicide prevention or funeral funding organizations
Visit cemeteries; if allowed (get permission first please), leave flowers at graves; visit loved ones' or family members' graves
Collect animal bones (please thank the animal's spirit after doing so; I just think it's respectful to do so)
Learn about death; acquaint yourself with the idea of death; figure out what you believe happens after death
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally
Work on learning to let go of the past; forgive yourself for past mistakes, and release past regrets
Start a garden or tend to plants
Save your money, if able; work on spending it wisely
Practice patience, understanding, and gratitude
Be a good host to all who enter your space; Haides is the ultimate host, the Ruler of All
Take a walk during a new moon (if it is safe to do so in your area)
Bury a time capsule
Honor old family traditions; dig into your heritage and find pride in it
Learn to find simple joys in life; make a list of things that bring you joy in your day to day
Meditate in nature; ground yourself often; practice mindfulness
Visit/explore caves (please do so safely!!!)
Visit ancient ruins, ghost towns, and any place where people used to be but are no longer
Hope this helps someone! I may add more later on. For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Haides. Take care, everyone! 🩵
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Ouroboros meaning and origin
The ouroboros symbol, often depicted as a snake eating its tail to form a circle, is one of the oldest and most recurring motifs in the mythology and iconography of various cultures around the world. Next, I will tell you about some of the most notable origins and meanings of ouroboros in different cultures:
Ancient Egypt: One of the first known records of the ouroboros comes from ancient Egypt, where it was associated with the serpent Uraeus, a protective deity represented as a cobra. Ouroboros was related to the cycle of life, death and renewal, and was often found in amulets and funerary jewelry. It was also linked to the idea of ​​eternity and the unity of time.
Ancient Greece: In Greek mythology, the ouroboros is sometimes associated with the serpent Ladon, who guarded the Garden of the Hesperides and is often depicted as a serpent eating its own tail. This symbol is related to the idea of ​​constant regeneration and the infinite cycle of nature.
India: In Hindu tradition, the ouroboros is found in the image of the Ouroboros Ananta Shesha, the cosmic serpent that supports the god Vishnu as he floats in the cosmic ocean. This snake represents eternal time and the infinite cycle of creation and destruction in the universe.
Alchemy: During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, the ouroboros became an important symbol in alchemy. It represented the union of opposites, such as the masculine principle (the Sun) and the feminine principle (the Moon), and symbolized transmutation and the search for the philosopher's stone, which conferred immortality.
Other cultures: The ouroboros also appears in Chinese mythology, where it is known as the "Jade Dragon." Additionally, it is found in Mesoamerican cultures such as the Aztec, where it is associated with the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl.
The general meaning of the ouroboros is the idea of ​​an eternal cycle, renewal, the unity of opposites and eternity. It is also interpreted as a symbol of self-reflection and self-transcendence, where the individual seeks understanding and wisdom by exploring their own limitations and potentials.
Overall, the paradox of the ouroboros challenges our conventional understanding of time, renewal, and the relationship between opposites. It invites contemplation and reflection on the interconnectedness of all things and the complex nature of existence. The paradox inherent in the symbol has made it a powerful and enduring motif in various cultures and philosophical traditions.
In summary, the ouroboros is an ancient and universal symbol that has evolved throughout human history and culture, representing profound concepts related to the cyclical nature of life and the pursuit of wisdom and transcendence. His legacy endures to this day as a reminder of the richness and depth of human symbolic thought.
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queer-irritator · 7 months
Imagine Kratos discovers it's your Birthday...
Kratos finds out when your birthday is. He has fond memories of celebrating birthdays and other holidays as a child. It was perhaps the only time he was surrounded by joy and he had a break from spartan training.
You told Kratos to not make a big deal about your birthday. All you wanted was to spend time with him, Atreus and your friends, and share a meal together.
However, Kratos’ Greek hospitality and love for you would not allow him to settle for a small celebration. 
The weeks leading up to your birthday, he’d keep an eye out on his excursions to find gifts for you. Any artifacts, jewelry, or pottery he thought you would like got scooped up and taken back home.
He would also go out of his way to gather any supplies and ingredients he needed to give you a proper celebration.
One month before your birthday, Kratos had gotten some grapes, honey, and spices to make up a bottle of wine so it would be ready just in time for your birthday.
The night before your birthday he would sneak out of bed to bake you a classic honey cake, as tradition from his homeland. He would add something extra to make it special, maybe some nuts, fruit, or wine. Whatever he thought you would like the best. 
The morning of your birthday Kratos would enter the room the two of you shared, holding a cake with as many candles as years you’ve been alive, plus one. 
Kratos would tell you, “Χρόνια Πολλά, Ό,τι επιθυμείς” meaning Happy Birthday; that he wishes you many more years to celebrate, and that all your hopes and desires come true.
You would thank him and blow out your candles, wishing for every birthday to start out this way.
A/N: It’s my birthday today, so I did some online digging about how long birthdays have been celebrated and if the ancient greeks celebrated birthdays. I found out they probably would have, at least around the time Kratos was growing up, somewhere in early 500BCE. This is all just random internet searches, not meant to be taken too seriously of course. I found that they may have started to celebrate mortals birthdays (not just gods) at least around 200BCE. They would bake cakes in the shape of the moon and but candles on it and light them so it shone like the moon as well. This was used as an offer to the goddess Artemis, the goddess of childbirth. Apparently the Greeks were always known to throw good parties with lots of gifts, wine and cake, so let’s turn up.
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tiredwitchplant · 8 months
Everything You Need to Know About Crystals: Moonstone (White)
Moonstone (The Sacred Stone of the Moon)
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Color: White, cream, yellow, blue, green
Rarity: Easy to obtain
Hardiness: 6.5
Type: Oligoclase/ Feldspar
Chakra Association: Brow, Heart, Root, Third Eye, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Deities: All Lunar Deities, Diana, Selene, Artemis, Isis, Chandra
Birthstone: June
Astrological Signs: Cancer
Element: Water
Planet: Moon
Origin: Australia, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, USA
Powers: Femininity, Calmness, Balance, Luck, Intuition, Healing, Sensual, Patience, Reproductive Health
Crystals It Works Well With: Aquamarine, garnet, pearl
How It is Created: Moonstone is a type of feldspar composed of potassium aluminum silicate. It can be found in a number of colors, but all examples demonstrate a particular sheen known as labradorescence; an effect also found in labradorite and blue moonstone. Labradorescence is a light effect caused by parallel hairlike structures laid down within the crystal matrix, which reflect light back and forth, creating different-colored effects, including blue, yellow, silvery gray, and white.
History: Moonstone is the sacred stone of India. During the earliest traditions, the gem was said to have been embedded in the forehead of Ganesh, the four-handed god of the moon, since the beginning of time. It was written in Hindu mythology that moonstone is made from moonbeams, thus its luster.
The magnificent gem is never displayed outside for sale unless placed on a yellow cloth, as yellow is a sacred color. According to other legends, Moonstone can give gifts of prophecy and clairvoyance to the wearer. It could also clear the mind for the wearer to welcome wisdom. But to unlock this ability, Moonstone must be placed in their mouths during the full moon. Since ancient Egypt it is considered as a spiritual stone as it is seen as the gem of protection for night travelers.
Since Moonstone looks a lot like the moonshine, ancient Romans believed that it was formed from moonlight. If you look at the gem closely, you’ll see a dance of light that lurks on the insides of the gem. Ancient Greeks merged the names of the goddess of love (Aphrodite) and the goddess of the moon (Selene) and christened Moonstone as “Aphroselene”. While the Romans believed that the gem exhibits the image of their moon goddess, Diana.
It is also known as an aphrodisiac and when worn by two people, they will fall passionately in love when the moon is high. Moonstone was once called the “Travelers Stone” as it is said to protect those who travel at night, especially at sea.
What It Can Do:
When worn, can attract true love and arouse passion
If you give your lover a moonstone during the full moon, there will be passion between you always
Can settle disagreements and return things to peaceful status
Sewn into garments can enhance fertility
Wearing moonstone protects sensitive emotions
Enhances divination, prophetic dreams and prevents nightmares
Great for meditation and scrying
Represents yin and attracts peaceful energy
Protects travelers at night and by sea
Considered good luck
Balances male-female energies and aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side
Affects the female reproductive cycle and alleviates menstrual-related diseases and tensions
Helps with digestive and reproductive systems, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention, and alleviates degenerative conditions of the skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas.
How to Get the Best Out Of: Wear as a ring or place on the appropriate body part, would recommend the forehead, for spiritual experiences, and solar plexus or heart for emotions. Women may need to remove Moonstone at full moon.
How to Cleanse and Charge: Moonstone is relatively soft stone, 6 on the Mohs scale, so it should be handled with care as it can be easily scratched or crushed. Moonstone should be stored separate from other jewelry in its own soft bag or lined box and should not be worn while performing strenuous tasks that could result in it getting bumped or scratched. It can be cleaned with plain water and a soft cloth. If it gets scratched, take it to a jeweler to have it polished out.
Charge your moonstone in the light of the waxing moon and keep it out of direct sunlight.
Crystal Grid: N/A Couldn't find one that wasn't too complex @_@
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xxcherrycherixx · 4 months
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cupid got that ancient greek drip!!! from what i have managed to research, normally brides were like completely veiled back then until their husband unveiled them?? but i figured cupid would try to modernize a few traditions- um... a lot of traditions...
part of her reason for wearing the outfit is so certain members of her family don't give her the stink eye the entire time (*cough*hera*cough*)
but she also use to dream about wearing something like this, she had wanted to be a bride when she was younger but that day just wouldn't come and so she kind of gave up on it for a while. and now thousands of years later she's finally able to fulfill the fantasies she use to have with her new beloved wife.
blondie doesn't mind the hint of her wife's culture on their wedding day, she's mostly just happy she finally gets to wear a big white wedding dress. she's always dreamed of looking like a princess on her wedding day, dressed in white expensive fabrics with elegant golden jewelry. the blue flower crown veil was made by her mother, its traditional in quite a few of the smaller villages in the fairytale world for the mother to make something for the bride to wear on her wedding day as a show of love and support.
she maybe also slipped in a little surprise for her new wife under the dress, but that's only for cupid's eyes after the wedding when they're all alone. 👀
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Bast Deity Guide
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Who is Bast?
The Egyptian goddess is known by many as Bastet, her name is transliterated as b-ꜣ-s-t-t and is pronounced as “Bast”. The Hieroglyphs for her name look something like this: 𓎯𓏏𓏏𓁐 or 𓎯𓏏𓏏
She is most notably a goddess of domesticity, the home, cats, and women. Bast was among the most popular Egyptian deities and her cult ran as far as Rome.
Originally she was depicted as a goddess with a lioness’ head instead of a cat, and she was closely related to Sekhmet, the warrior goddess. Bast’s role was that of protector and avenger of Ra Over time Bast’s depiction softened and she became a goddess related to domesticity and the home. However, she kept the ferocious side of her, only ever using it when needed. She was known to be loving and nurturing but also she was a force to be reckoned with. Bastet used this fury to avenge those who have been wronged, carried on through her son, Maahes, the protector of the innocent.
Due to her association as the Eye of Ra, Bast was more of a solar deity before she became conflated with the Greek Artemis.
Parents and Siblings
Ra (father)
Isis (mother, later in antiquity)
Horus (brother, twin brother later in antiquity)
Anhur (brother
Lovers or Partners
Maahes (son)
Nefertum (son, sometimes)
Beautiful sistrum (rattle) player
The Golden One/The Beautiful One
The Lady of Dread
The Lady of Slaughter
The Eye of Ra - a title held by a group of deities.
Lady of the Ointments
Lady of the East
Goddess of the Rising Sun
Sacred and All Seeing Eye
Her name also is rendered as B'sst, Baast, Ubaste, and Baset
Though sometimes synchronized with Mut, the goddess Bast was never depicted as fully human. She was always depicted as either a cat or a woman with the head of a cat, lion, or desert cat.
In Ancient Greece, she was known as Ailuros (”cat”) and she was likened to Artemis. Because of this association, she was given a twin brother just like Artemis has: Horus became her twin brother and since Horus is Isis’ son, Bast became Isis’ daughter.
Bast was also synchronized with Sekhmet, Hathor, and Isis and picked up some of their associations throughout time.
The meaning of her name is uncertain though it’s possible that her name meant She of the Ointment Jar (Ubaste). This would also point to her relation to perfume.
The central city of her cult was Bubastis. People would travel to this city to have the bodies of their pet cats who have passed buried.
It’s common for people to view Bast as a sexual deity or a goddess of lust, but she tends to lean more toward domesticity and protection. This misunderstanding likely came from her later conflation with Hathor as well as one account from Herodotus who had observed the festival in Bubastis in honor of Bast.
An annual festival was held at Bubastis where supposedly all constraints on women were released and they would celebrate “by drinking, dancing, making music, and displaying their genitals" (Gerald Pincher, quoting Herodotus). This display depicted the fertility aspect of the goddess as well as being a sign of freedom from societal constraints.
Bast has been depicted holding a sistrum, a musical instrument similar to a rattle.
Bast is one of many gods who are referred to as the “Eye of Ra”, a title that belongs to deities that are protectors or avengers.
She has been known as the protector of the dead as well.
As cats were sacred to this goddess, to harm one was seen as a slight to Bast.
Mummified cats were often delivered to Bast’s temple as an offering.
Modern Deity Work
These are modern correspondences, anything with historical or traditional backing will be marked with a (T).
Gold (T) - Cats of royalty were sometimes known to don gold jewelry
Tiger’s eye
Cat’s eye
Bronze (T) - Bronze statues were used as votive offerings for Bast
Mint (catnip is in the mint family also)
Cat, namely housecats but all cats could qualify
Sistrum (rattle) (T)
Cat (T)
Eye of Ra (T)
Cat imagery
Whiskers, claws, and teeth of cats (only if sourced ethically!)
Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Emerald, Carnelian, Quartz, Malachite, and Galena were used in Ancient Egypt for jewelry or various cosmetics and could be offered. (The Structure of Crystals. Early historical notes)
Perfume or scented oils
Alcohol (such as wine or beer)
Incenses or resins (T)
Acts of Devotion
Donate to, volunteer at, or otherwise support cats at shelters.
Pray to her or write poems in her honor
Research her
Honor your mother or the mother figure(s) in your life
Protect and fight for the innocent
Play music or curate a playlist in honor of her
Learn about perfume and scented oils and how they were used and made in Ancient Egypt
Take care of your home
Of course, these are only suggestions based on my research but when making offerings to deities it's always best to do what feels right to you. You can also reach out to the deity and ask them yourself if you feel comfortable doing so.
References and Further Reading
Bast - eqyptianmuseum.org
Bastet - Britannica
Bastet - World History
Bastet - ARCE
Per-bast.org (The whole website is informational but this link will send you to their sources page!)
Offerings for Bast - The Gourmet Witch (blog)
Kemetic Offering Guide - The Twisted Rope (blog)
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midnigtartist · 3 months
Woah your spellbomb wedding pic looks inspired by (I think) some Indian traditions? Very curious about your thoughts and inspiration. The red dress and jewelry and henna-like tattooing is v cool to see. What parts of their wedding are from whose culture? Any traditions that one or the other would insist on, though the other hadn’t heard of it? Or do they share enough cultural background that they’re pretty much in agreement about how it looks/happens?
Yes! Long explanation bc Dotty is from a irl game of dnd i played a few years ago and the country shes from was inspired by India (specifically India during British occupation which is why she goes by Dotty instead of her given name Dipti) it was a really important part of her story to me to include. Her uncle stripped her of a lot of her culture to make her more appealing to “common” nations. I wanted to make sure i brought that over to her bg3 story too
So a lot of Dottys story is reconnecting with her culture (ie the saree in her regular design). Most of her and Gales wedding celebration is based off of her (Indian) traditions with probably one or two of the days being more influenced by Gale (i saw a few posts talking about Gale being culturally Greek and i LOVE that honestly)
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goldnhourwrites · 6 months
This phrase seized me yesterday and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Who knows, maybe I'll write a fic :)
inspired by my experiences as a college student in the US!
Pre-med student with a minor in psychology
Does peer tutoring and notetaking for his biology classes
always doing work. being a pre-med student is so much Work All The Time. this is why Yone is always seen with coffee and dark circles under his eyes.
He manages fairly well for someone with so much on his plate - he keeps an impressively functional sleep schedule (goes to bed at 10pm every night, wakes up at 8am every morning)
Is an RA (resident advisor) for his dorm floor and tries to be a good resource for freshmen
Bikes everywhere, enjoys taking walks/getting outdoors for a break from studying
Likes to make and listen to music in his free time (which is not a lot)
Majoring in athletic training to be a sports coach
Student athlete on the wrestling team - spends a lot of time training and traveling to meets off-campus, so he's not around much until the off-season
Hangs out with the boxing club when he's not doing wrestling
Part of an all-men a capella group and enjoys singing/rapping
Joined a fraternity in his sophomore year because most of the wrestling team was on it and enjoys chilling with his friends in it
Casually bakes things in his free time and brings them to the wrestling team/his classmates/office hours/his frat brothers
Anthropology major, education minor - interested in becoming a teacher/professor and enjoys working with kids
Also a student athlete, on the powerlifting team
Part of a hip-hop dance group on campus and likes to choreograph
Involved in campus queer life and helps organize/run events
Takes voice lessons - used to play trumpet, but didn't have time for both in his schedule
Also part of a fraternity, enjoys the sense of community it offers and plays an active part in organizing/managing their social events
Seems like he's constantly busy, but always makes time for his friends and enjoys the feeling of being on-the-go
History major with a minor in classics (studies Latin/ancient Greek literature and languages)
Acts with a theater club in his spare time - loves musical theater and plays, especially Shakespeare
Hung out in the history/special collections section of the library so much he got a student job there
Loves wandering around campus to find cool, obscure places that he's probably not supposed to be in
Joined a debate team in his freshman year (Kayn was on it) (they hated each other)
Big on going to parties but can't handle alcohol so instead of getting drunk he goes back to his dorm and falls asleep at like 11pm
Computer science major with a minor in graphic design
Does digital art and traditional art; enjoys taking studio art classes when his schedule isn't full
Occasionally does game design and similar coding projects
In the orchestra and plays the violin!
Enjoys physically making things every once in a while - jewelry, paintings, etc. and often doodles in a sketchbook absentmindedly
Sometimes publishes his art and poetry in a student magazine under a pseudonym
Political science or government major with a minor in studio art
Spends a lot of time in the woodworking/metalworking studios, partially for art classes and partially because he just likes hands-on projects
Plays electric guitar and was part of a student band for a while (the one he got kicked out of)
Likes parkour and rock climbing, regularly shows off his ability to climb up things that he definitely should not be climbing on
Member of a fraternity (but it's the kind that throws a bunch of parties and probably has illegal drugs)
Goes out to party every weekend and doesn't wake up until 1pm the next day
Skateboards everywhere and knows a bunch of cool tricks
Film production major with a minor in biology
Part of a fashion design club and does photoshoots for/with them
Does a capella and loves performing! Does musical theater every once in a while
Active in political causes on campus
Works as a barista in one of the campus cafés
Likes to roller skate around
i have a couple combined/group headcanons that i'll post tomorrow if i have time :3 this AU has grabbed me and is currently shaking me by the shoulders and won't let go
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beyonsatan · 8 months
We need to discuss sex in astrology girlies (will be debunking a few things and will also mention r*pe) 🤒
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So let’s first go over what Mars and Venus rule in modern astrology
Venus - relationships, Art, beauty
Mars - sex, aggression, war, passion
Now let’s take a look at what significations these two planets have in Hellenistic astrology which is based in ancient cultures and spiritualities like Indian, Greek and middle eastern thousands of years ago before any social constructs were even able to plague our society
Venus - Marriage, Gold, jewelry, Sex, Pregnancy and love of children, pleasure seeking, intimacy, fun, art, wealth, good fortune, socializing, sweets. gets meaning from the 5th house
Mars - Conquest, Enemies, Separation, Abuse Celibacy, Action, War, danger, Injuries, Death, Sickness, Slaves, labor, evil play, hatred, bad fortune. Gets meaning from the 6th house
Now here’s some background as followed….
Modern astrology was invented in the 1900’s so themes of Christianity and Patriarchy had every opportunity before then to instill some of its values into the practice. the REASON why modern astrology keeps associating mars and Scorpio with sex is because Scorpio rules over the genitals but it only rules over the genitals and not sex at all in traditional astrology. We keep associating the planet of conquest that is mars with sex because we have been taught by a patriarchal and puritanical society to view sex as something that should only be done in secret, is hidden and/or otherwise taboo. When you associate the planet of “conquest” mars that is malefic dominant, wrong-doing, unethical, consumes wastefully and against the good will of others with intercourse, sex then sounds like something that’s exploitative and nonconsensual. Let’s imagine mars did rule sex which it objectively does not, rape would then be a huge theme of that. Mars in general does rule assault but there is nothing amorous and consenting about the red planet. You’re probably thinking to yourself “well patriarchy is at minimum 6000 years old” and you’re absolutely right, patriarchal values are really old but many ancient and indigenous societies had faiths and beliefs that transcended these values and this is what ancient astrology draws from.
I often talk with scorpios and mars ruled people who become frustrated every time at the thought of them being hypersexualized because of their sign and just overall not feeling like a sexual person at all so hopefully this brought some confirmation to any of you mars ruled or dominant people out there.
Hope this helps xx
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queer novel masterlist: Palestine edition
Found this list via @evereadssapphic on Instagram.
You Exist Too Much, Zaina Arafat
On a hot day in Bethlehem, a 12-year-old Palestinian-American girl is yelled at by a group of men outside the Church of the Nativity. She has exposed her legs in a biblical city, an act they deem forbidden, and their judgement will echo on through her adolescence. When our narrator finally admits to her mother that she is queer, her mother's response only intensifies a sense of shame: "You exist too much," she tells her daughter.
Told in vignettes that flash between the U.S. and the Middle East--from New York to Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine--Zaina Arafat's debut novel traces her protagonist's progress from blushing teen to sought-after DJ and aspiring writer. In Brooklyn, she moves into an apartment with her first serious girlfriend and tries to content herself with their comfortable relationship. But soon her longings, so closely hidden during her teenage years, explode out into reckless romantic encounters and obsessions with other people. Her desire to thwart her own destructive impulses will eventually lead her to The Ledge, an unconventional treatment center that identifies her affliction as "love addiction." In this strange, enclosed society she will start to consider the unnerving similarities between her own internal traumas and divisions and those of the places that have formed her.
Opening up the fantasies and desires of one young woman caught between cultural, religious, and sexual identities, You Exist Too Much is a captivating story charting two of our most intense longings--for love, and a place to call home.
Haifa Fragments, Khulud Khamis
As a designer of jewelry, Maisoon wants an ordinary extraordinary life, which isn't easy for a tradition-defying activist and Palestinian citizen of Israel who refuses to be crushed by the feeling that she is an unwelcome guest in the land of her ancestors. She volunteers for the Machsom Watch, an organization that helps children in the Occupied Territories cross the border to receive medical care. Frustrated by her boyfriend Ziyad and her father, who both want her to get on with life and forget those in the Occupied Territories, she lashes out only to discover her father isn't the man she thought he was. Raised a Christian, in a relationship with a Muslim man and enamored with a Palestinian woman from the Occupied Territories, Maisoon must decide her own path.
A Map Of Home, Randa Jarrar
In this fresh, funny, and fearless debut novel, Randa Jarrar chronicles the coming-of-age of Nidali, one of the most unique and irrepressible narrators in contemporary fiction. Born in 1970s Boston to an Egyptian-Greek mother and a Palestinian father, the rebellious Nidali--whose name is a feminization of the word "struggle"--soon moves to a very different life in Kuwait. There the family leads a mildly eccentric middle-class existence until the Iraqi invasion drives them first to Egypt and then to Texas. This critically acclaimed debut novel is set to capture the hearts of everyone who has ever wondered what their own map of home might look like.
The Skin And Its Girl, Sarah Cypher
In a Pacific Northwest hospital far from the Rummani family's ancestral home in Palestine, the heart of a stillborn baby begins to beat and her skin turns vibrantly, permanently cobalt blue. On the same day, the Rummanis' centuries-old soap factory in Nablus is destroyed in an air strike. The family matriarch and keeper of their lore, Aunt Nuha, believes that the blue girl embodies their sacred history, harkening back to a time when the Rummanis were among the wealthiest soap-makers and their blue soap was a symbol of a legendary love.
Decades later, Betty returns to Aunt Nuha's gravestone, faced with a difficult decision: Should she stay in the only country she's ever known, or should she follow her heart and the woman she loves, perpetuating her family's cycle of exile? Betty finds her answer in partially translated notebooks that reveal her aunt's complex life and struggle with her own sexuality, which Nuha hid to help the family immigrate to the United States. But, as Betty soon discovers, her aunt hid much more than that.The Skin and Its Girl is a searing, poetic tale about desire and identity, and a provocative exploration of how we let stories divide, unite, and define us--and wield even the power to restore a broken family. Sarah Cypher is that rare debut novelist who writes with the mastery and flair of a seasoned storyteller.
The Philistine, Leila Marshy
Nadia Eid doesn't know it yet, but she's about to change her life. It's the end of the ‘80s and she hasn’t seen her Palestinian father since he left Montreal years ago to take a job in Egypt, promising to bring her with him. But now she’s twenty-five and he’s missing in action, so she takes matters into her own hands. Booking a short vacation from her boring job and Québecois boyfriend, she calls her father from the Nile Hilton in downtown Cairo. But nothing goes as planned and, stumbling around, Nadia wanders into an art gallery where she meets Manal, a young Egyptian artist who becomes first her guide and then her lover. 
Through this unexpected relationship, Nadia rediscovers her roots, her language, and her ambitions, as her father demonstrates the unavoidable destiny of becoming a Philistine – the Arabic word for Palestinian. With Manal’s career poised to take off and her father’s secret life revealed, the First Intifada erupts across the border.
The Twenty-Ninth Year, Hala Alyan
For Hala Alyan, twenty-nine is a year of transformation and upheaval, a year in which the past--memories of family members, old friends and past lovers, the heat of another land, another language, a different faith--winds itself around the present.
Hala's ever-shifting, subversive verse sifts together and through different forms of forced displacement and the tolls they take on mind and body. Poems leap from war-torn cities in the Middle East, to an Oklahoma Olive Garden, a Brooklyn brownstone; from alcoholism to recovery; from a single woman to a wife. This collection summons breathtaking chaos, one that seeps into the bones of these odes, the shape of these elegies.
A vivid catalog of heartache, loneliness, love and joy, The Twenty-Ninth Year is an education in looking for home and self in the space between disparate identities.
Between Banat, Mejdulene Bernard Shomali
In Between Banat Mejdulene Bernard Shomali examines homoeroticism and nonnormative sexualities between Arab women in transnational Arab literature, art, and film. Moving from The Thousand and One Nights and the Golden Era of Egyptian cinema to contemporary novels, autobiographical writing, and prints and graphic novels that imagine queer Arab futures, Shomali uses what she calls queer Arab critique to locate queer desire amid heteronormative imperatives. Showing how systems of heteropatriarchy and Arab nationalisms foreclose queer Arab women's futures, she draws on the transliterated term "banat"--the Arabic word for girls--to refer to women, femmes, and nonbinary people who disrupt stereotypical and Orientalist representations of the "Arab woman." By attending to Arab women's narration of desire and identity, queer Arab critique substantiates queer Arab histories while challenging Orientalist and Arab national paradigms that erase queer subjects. In this way, Shomali frames queerness and Arabness as relational and transnational subject formations and contends that prioritizing transnational collectivity over politics of authenticity, respectability, and inclusion can help lead toward queer freedom.
Belladonna, Anbara Salam
Isabella is beautiful, inscrutable, and popular. Her best friend, Bridget, keeps quietly to the fringes of their Connecticut Catholic school, watching everything and everyone, but most especially Isabella.
In 1957, when the girls graduate, they land coveted spots at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Pentila in northern Italy, a prestigious art history school on the grounds of a silent convent. There, free of her claustrophobic home and the town that will always see her and her Egyptian mother as outsiders, Bridget discovers she can reinvent herself as anyone she desires... perhaps even someone Isabella could desire in return.
But as that glittering year goes on, Bridget begins to suspect Isabella is keeping a secret from her, one that will change the course of their lives forever. (I believe this book is by a Palestinian author but not actually set in or about Palestine.)
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moonlightleafs · 5 months
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finally working on a timeskip design for spathi! idk if it's 100% 'final' yet (lol) but am vibing with this so far. here are a few design notes if you're interested!
their outfit and jewelry borrows elements from traditional greek clothing
the blue, white, and gold color scheme is based on their coastal home, with the pale gold representing the wide wheat fields of their family's farm, and the blue and white representing the cresting waves along the beach and cliffs
they braid their hair tightly like a ship's rope, and tie the end with gull feathers
they spend much of the five year span reflecting on the events of White Clouds, wondering about their place in the wider world and in their family. they feel torn between a love of home and a yearning for adventure, and although they've grown more mature and have learned so much, they still struggle to trust in their own worth
they take on more responsibilities around the farm, pick up odd jobs unloading cargo at the harbor, and reconnect with nature by freeclimbing the ruins and cliffs around their home. keeping busy helps them to clear their head and also builds them up physically. they realize that they enjoy feeling stronger and more capable, to better support their loved ones
by the time they return to Fodlan during the events of Verdant Wind, they're much more confident and self-assured, and they finally believe in themselves
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
Offering Ideas for the Muses
~ Since I don't see many posts on this topic, I've also included common "general" traditional offerings to the Greek pantheon. I did my best to come up with unique but simple ideas; I wanted to include things that most people could likely offer or do. I hope this list is helpful to someone. ~
Kalliope - Your favorite poetry, poetry books, poetry you wrote, musical instruments, writings you're proud of, devotional writing to her, a handmade scroll with your writing, your favorite pen/pencil, a quill, clay objects (especially tablets), gifts from your siblings (if applicable), imagery of Orpheus, lyre imagery, golden crown imagery. General: Imagery of here, incense (frankincense, patchouli, citrus, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, baked goods, wine, rosemary, Orphic Hymn 0 or 75 (can be given to any Muse, but I'll only list it here since Kalliope is thought to be the mother of Orpheus).
Kleio - Any historical or historical fiction books you enjoy, your favorite books (any genre), school notes about history (if applicable), a list of lessons you've learned from the past, a letter of how the past has helped you grow, setting time aside to learn history (anything that interests you), learning about ancient Greece, your favorite bookmark (especially one you frequently use), your favorite quotes. General: Imagery of her, incense (frankincense, patchouli, lavender, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Ourania - Star maps, globes, maps of Earth, compasses, dream journals, telescopes, glow-in-the-dark stars, your favorite books about the universe, sci-fi books/shows, seeking knowledge about the unknown, your own art of the stars or space, your own sci-fi writings, solar system imagery, space/star imagery, imagery of your favorite constellation, General: Imagery of her, incense (patchouli, lavender, rosemary, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Thaleia - A list of your favorite jokes, a joke book, ivy leaves, an ivy wreath, funny stories/memories from your life, jokes you've written, your favorite comical musical/play/movie/etc., confetti, streamers, a shepherd's (or wooden) staff, comical masks, smiley faces, blooming flowers, sheep imagery, comedy mask imagery. General: Imagery of her, incense (patchouli, rosemary, strawberry, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Melpomene - Ivy leaves, an ivy wreath, serious/somber poetry, "vent" art, your favorite tragic musicals/plays/movies/etc., tragic stories you've written, symbols of inner strength/perseverance (whatever that looks like to you), stories about overcoming/growth, therapeutic journaling (I recommend doing this with professional assistance), tragic/sad masks, siren imagery, sword imagery, boot imagery, tragedy mask imagery. General: Imagery of her, incense (frankincense, lavender, cedar, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Polymnia - Meditation (if applicable), devotional writings you've written, your favorite hymns/devotional poems, laurel leaves, lustral water, self-made hymns, devotional writings about her, burning non-toxic offerings, fire, prayer journal, imagery of Mount Olympus, imagery of animals you associate with "divine connection" (maybe doves, stags, owls, etc.), imagery of anything you associate with "divine connection" (hands in a praying position, the stars or sky, nature, etc.). General: Imagery of her, incense (rosemary, myrrh, patchouli, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Erato - Smut fanfic (that's right, I'll say it), written erotica, your own erotic writing, love letters you've written or received, erotic poetry, setting aside time to explore your, er, "interests", red or pink flowers, jewelry/perfume that makes you feel attractive, sex-positive journaling, basil, myrtle, lyre imagery, sexual imagery, anything you associate with passion/erotica. General: Imagery of her, incense (rosemary, rose, amber, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Euterpe - Your favorite poetry, your own poetry, poetry books, sharing your poetry with others, relaxing/calming tea, media that brings you comfort (watching a movie with her, giving her a DVD of your comfort movie, your favorite book, etc.), the lyrics to your favorite songs, imagery of animals/objects that have symbolic meaning to you, imagery of double flutes. General: Imagery of her, incense (patchouli, lavender, myrrh, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
Terpsikhore - Musical instruments, dancing in honor of her, songs you've written, a devotional playlist, your favorite song lyrics, setting aside time to simply listen to music, your favorite musicals, expressing yourself through song/dance, picks for instruments (guitar picks, lyre plectrums, etc.), sheet music, supporting local/small musicians, learning to play an instrument, lyre imagery, songbird imagery (or any animal you associate with music). General: Imagery of her, incense (patchouli, citrus, strawberry, etc.), olive oil, olive branch, honey, water, wine, baked goods, rosemary.
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sarcasticsweetlara · 6 months
Velaryon Family Weddings and Headcanons
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List of Headcanons about House Velaryon and their traditions
- Velaryons usually wed cousins, as unlike the Targaryens they are not allowed to intermarry (in Westeros, cousin marriage is not considered incest) and this way they keep their Valyrian blood pure.
- I imagine them as similar to Ancient Greeks in their love for the sea and their stories, magic and lore, and like the Dutch regarding their naval power.
- When a Velaryon flowers, they have a coming of age ceremony in which they get into the ocean and hold their breath underwater for a minute under the guidance of a Valyrian priest.
- In Velaryon weddings the couple exchanges dragonglass jewelry.
- When someone weds into House Velaryon with the intention of becoming a part of the clan of Salt-blooded Valyrians the couple has a wedding in Driftmark in which both of them drink a wine produced in the island mixed with a herbal essence all while a Valyrian priest performs a ritual, this way they ensure the salt in the blood of the Velaryons born from their unions will be stronger.
- After the wedding ceremony the person marrying into the House is placed on a circle of salt and chant a Valyrian hymn about the sea, storms, hurricanes and water. It is believed that with this ritual their future child will be definitely a True Velaryon.
- The person that is marrying a Non-Velaryon who will join the clan, is given an elixir before the ceremony.
- Due to those rituals it is believed it is magic what makes Velaryon features so prominent.
- They have branches located in Lys, Volantis, Estermont and the Stormlands.
- The Merling King is their main god.
- Queen Alyssa Velaryon often took her children with her to Driftmark.
- Alyssa Velaryon's older sons Aegon and Viserys often sailed with her, and her youngest son Boremund as well.
- Alyssa Velaryon as the Lady Consort of Storm's End had the dream she could travel with her daughter Jocelyn in their own ship.
- Baela Targaryen was the best Lady of Driftmark according to maesters, second only to her grandmother Rhaenys.
- Laena Velaryon, the daughter of Baela and Alyn, helped her brother get in good terms with the rest of the other Velaryons, by building more ships for them and fortresses as well as doing explorations together.
- Laena Velaryon Jr also did many businesses and deals with the rest of the Velaryons. She also learned how to glide though the air alongside Baela.
- Laena Velaryon Jr was friends with her cousins Naerys and, Daena and Rhaena Targaryen, and Leyla, Ceryse and Lianna Hightower.
- Many times Aegon IV The Unworthy tried to bed his cousin Laena, but she always rejected and pushed him away, which made Aegon resent her.
- The granddaughters of Princess Rhaena Targaryen, the sister of Aegon III and Viserys II Targaryen, were wed to Corlys' sons and Velaryon lords, and Lord Corlys' daughters wed to Rhaena's grandsons. However one of Corlys' granddaughters: Viseriya Velaryon was wed to Lord Caron as an agreement made by King Daeron II Targaryen after Dorne officially joined the Seven Kingdoms in order to keep the Marcher House's at bay.
- Corlys Velaryon, the son of Baela and Alyn, made the effort to improve the naval power of House Velaryon and of Westeros, by making his own ships and boats and giving jobs to the common folk, and visiting the places his great-grandfather and namesake the Sea Snake went to and doing trade there, thus beginning a trade empire that would benefit House Velaryon, not at the same level as before but they still gained riches.
- Corlys learned new fighting styles and taught them to his subordinates and family and guards.
- Thanks to his many fights both sides of the Narrow Sea, he was considered King of the Narrow Sea, like his grandfather Daemon Targaryen.
- Daeron Velaryon had made up with his cousins Baela and Rhaena, and Baela and Hazel Harte had been good friends and Hazel let Baela know if something happened to her husband and her, she wanted Baela to take care of Daenaera.
- Daenaera told her son Daeron many stories about her father as her son reminded Daenaera of her father.
- Daenaera named her son Baelor in Baela's honor.
- After Larra Rogare went back to Lys, Daenaera became closer with Aemon and Naerys, becoming a second mother for them.
- After the death of Daenaera's sons and the death of Viserys II and Elaena's involvement with Alyn in King's Landing, Elaena went to live in the castle of Daenaera's father Daeron Velaryon.
- Daenaera's daughter Septa Rhaena built a Sept near Daenaera's castle for Jon and Jeyne Waters.
- Jon Waters' children wed the children of Jeyne Waters.
- Septa Rhaena spent a whole year in Driftmark building castles for the Velaryons after her sister Elaena gave birth to the bastard twins she had sired with Alyn.
- Aelinor Penrose's second marriage was with a Velaryon lord.
- Maegor (Maekar I's grandson through his son Aerion) was wed into House Velaryon and his children took the name of their mother.
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unpopularwriter25 · 7 days
This was requested by @danielle-marie!! I hope you enjoy it!
I ship you with Giyu Tomioka!!
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Giyu’s quiet and introspective nature could provide a calming presence, especially when you’re feeling shy or anxious in social situations.
Like you, Giyu demonstrates a deep sense of empathy and responsibility, caring deeply for others and showing dedication to his duty as a Hashira.
Giyu might appreciate your fascination with Greek mythology, historical subjects, and love for nature walks and spooky locations, possibly joining you in exploring these interests together.
His understanding nature and respect for personal preferences could align well with your gothic style, interest in horror movies, anime, and preference for darker colors.
Giyu’s quiet strength and dedication to self-improvement could complement your desire to challenge yourself and overcome personal obstacles, offering stability and encouragement in your mutual journey of growth.
Giyu’s own preference for solitude and quiet reflection could resonate with your initial shyness and preference for more intimate social interactions. He might understand and respect your need for personal space and quiet moments.
While Giyu typically dresses in traditional demon slayer attire, his stoic and minimalist fashion sense could complement your gothic style. He might appreciate the artistry and symbolism behind your clothing, jewelry, and makeup choices.
Giyu’s compassionate nature towards humans extends to animals as well, as seen in his interactions with his own pet, Kotetsu. He might share your soft spot for animals and enjoy spending time with pets or wildlife during your nature walks.
Giyu’s composed demeanor and appreciation for traditional values could align with your love for classical music. You might bond over shared admiration for composers and classical pieces, finding solace and inspiration in their timeless melodies.
Both you and Giyu share a drive for self-improvement and overcoming personal struggles. His experience in facing demons and adversity could provide insights and encouragement as you navigate your own challenges and strive towards personal growth.
Giyu’s respectful and observant nature might align with your dislike of being forced into social situations or dealing with judgmental people. He could offer a supportive presence without pressuring you to conform to social expectations.
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