alexthetrashyracoon · 6 months
CW//GuardianAngel!Reader x Demonlord!Ghost, Manipulation
“I can save him. All you have to do is give yourself over to me.” The masked man said, no, you quickly realized.
He wasn’t just a man. A simple man doesn’t have the power he has.
Manipulation of time was something a simple human wasn’t able to do.
He has to be a demon.
You weren’t sure though how strong the man was, too young of an angel and to inexperienced in understanding power levels of demons, you just know they were all as dangerous and charming as they came but he has to be strong with his abilities.
Time stood still between you two, for the whole world actually, not that humanity would realize what powers were at play in that moment.
“Tick Tack, little angel, decide now or watch your little human die a very painful death.” The demon taunted, running sharp clawed fingers over your arm.
Your human, the one you were supposed to be guarding, was walking onto the street and a car driver was about to hit him, ending his short life instantly.
“Can you?” You ask, fists clenching into the your robe, watching the human who was slowed in place, one foot already on the street, the other in the air, ready to step further onto the street, eyes on the phone, reading a message from his girlfriend that was telling him she had cheated on him with his brother. “Can you save him?”
“Only one way to find out, don’t you think, little angel?” The Demon purrs and you know it’s a trap but what kind of guardian angel would you be if you let your human die the first chance.
“Okay. Okay! But please, please save him! He’s too young to die just yet!” You plead and finally look at the Demon who grins under his skull mask.
It covers most of his face, aside from his blue eyes that remind you of the eternal sea up in the sky where you and your angel friends used to hang out after your training. You can clearly see his mouth and jaw, lips chapped and roughly looking and teeth sharp enough to easily rip through armor you think.
This demon isn’t a simple foot soldier, you realize when you see time moving again, heart racing in your chest as you await for the crash to happen but nothing. The car sways out of the way and your human stumbles backwards onto his ass on the sidewalk.
Time continues to move on, everything was back to normal it seems.
“Now, little angel. Tell me you’re mine for all eternity. Tell me who you now belong to. Say my name.” The demon smiles as he steps up behind you, holding you in place from escaping and breaking the deal.
And for one reason or another you know his name, even if the Demon never told it to you.
“I am yours, Ghost.” 
And the next time you open your eyes, the cool breeze of the sky is just a distant memory when you stand amidst fields molten fire and listening to the screams of the damned.
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bbhyeoliskooks · 3 months
❝𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲.❞ — SEVEN.
A story in which Yeonjun is your troublemaker guardian angel.
Introduction. | One. | Two. | Three. | Four. | Five. | Six. | Seven. | Finale
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𖥻 Pairing: GuardianAngel!Choi Yeonjun x Reader (Female)
𖥻 Genre: Angst, fluff, guardianangel!au, served with 9.5k+ words
𖥻 Warnings: swearing, getting tipsy, lazily edited
𖥻 Playlist: Akin Ka Na Lang, Je Te Veux, Love Is You, Sweet, The One That Got Away
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There were 2 things to grieve. Losing Yeonjun and trying to accept that he lied to you after all that you had been through. Actually at this point, there were three.
Knowing that your future would no longer contain all the plans that you and Yeonjun put together in the time you two were together. There were still many things you wanted to do with Yeonjun, and because he was immortal, there was more relief since it meant that you wouldn't have to worry about anything bad happening to him. However, his immortality wasn't the main issue- it was the fact that he left and lied to your face, knowing that you loved him so much.
It was so hard to get out of bed. Every morning you would wake up relieved, thinking that his departure was just a nightmare until all the memories came back. Each night you slept with a physical ache in your chest, never ceasing even if you tried to distract yourself. The only time you would find peace was falling asleep after crying for hours, but of course the peace wouldn't last long. When the sun's rays disturbed your sleep the next day, you would wake up and have no motivation to do anything. The cycle would repeat with no peace in sight.
And it's typical and cliche to say that no man should ever have this grip on you, but this time it was different. It was Yeonjun. He was in your life for a couple months and you grew dependent on knowing that he would always stay by your side. Where was he now though? Did you have another guardian angel watching you? You couldn't handle it. He was supposed to stay "chained" to your soul, accompanying you to heaven. At this point, you didn't even want to go to heaven! You didn't want to go anywhere or do anything.
Instead you covered your shaking body into the heavy covers. Unable to move to the middle of the bed, you kept reminiscing about Yeonjun as per usual. That side of the bed was his and cruel enough, the pillows still smelled like him. There were traces of him everywhere so even if you ever decided to forget about him, he never completely went away. Sometimes you would find feathers. Sometimes one of his socks would be on the floor. Sometimes when you were hungry and wanted to drown your sorrows by eating ice cream, his mint ice cream bucket would be in the back of the freezer- another harsh reminder that he left before even finishing it. Everything was just too painful.
Too wrapped up in the thought of your angel, you failed to notice that Beomgyu knocked on the door. He hadn't seen you for a while and neither have your friends which became worrying. On your end it was just radio silence though Beomgyu and Aera tried calling you many times. Since you were ignoring Beomgyu- or so he thought, he decided to show up to your house, knowing that you were inside. When you didn't respond to the knock however, he simply grabbed the spare key hidden underneath the door mat. After all, it was his last resort.
You swiftly turned your head to the side, peeking from underneath the blankets surrounding you. On the other side was Beomgyu, a worried expression painting his face as he analyzed your face and the mascara stains you didn't bother wiping off.
You sat up immediately, sniffing as you brought your knees to your chest.
"Oh... sorry, Gyu, I didn't hear you."
Now Beomgyu turned the door so it rested against the wall. Frankly, he was so worried about you that he began to get upset with your radio silence. It was kinda shitty that you weren't responding to anyone for 2 weeks or so, but then again he was extremely worried. He could tell that you were a mess as your hair was all over the place along with the crusty dried mascara marks on the pillows and your face.
"Of course you hadn't. Y/N, what's wrong? No one has heard from you for weeks! And where is Yeonjun? It's like you two disappeared!"
You gulped, hearing Yeonjun's name. Though he disappeared from your life without a trace, there were small things that were like nails to the chest. Only now Yeonjun seemed like a distant dream. It was a harsh wake up call knowing that all of this was real- Yeonjun was gone. Your future was gone. Everything was gone.
Beomgyu picked up on how you winced at Yeonjun's name. His face fell, not wanting to hear the bad news but knowing that it was coming.
"Y/N? Hey, what's wrong?"
You burst into tears, not being able to hold in your emotions anymore. You felt so pathetic for letting him see you this way, so down and depressed. He had never seen you like this before and though he encountered your sadness multiple times, it wasn't as intense as this. Beomgyu pursed his lips, taking a seat on the other side of the bed. You felt sick. That was supposed to be Yeonjun's side.
"Yeonjun and I broke up, Gyu. We broke up and I'm so-" you felt your throat tighten up as you tried to suppress a sob, "he's just gone and I don't know what to do with myself."
Beomgyu calmly nodded, sending you a sympathetic look. He didn't expect your relationship to end so quickly, not with the way you two looked at each other with so much love in your eyes. He only sighed as he pulled you into a hug, shushing you as you tried to explain the situation to him. It broke his heart that you were so sad. And of course, he thought you two were a perfect couple so it was extremely unfortunate to see that it didn't work out.
"Hey, you don't have to explain everything unless you don't want to. Just cry it out so you can get some coherent sentences out, okay?" Beomgyu stroked your hair, weaving his fingers in the tangled mess that had been stuck for days. It reminded you of Yeonjun- gosh, when will you ever stop being reminded of him?! You nodded as you hiccuped, shutting your eyes as if that would shield the mental hurt.
As selfish as it was, you pretended that Beomgyu holding you was Yeonjun. Though he was the cause of your pain, he was still the solace that you needed in his absence.
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Unsurprisingly, things weren't going well in heaven either. Almost everyday Yeonjun was acting out in heaven, getting into his usual mischief. However, his trouble wasn't like before. It seemed deliberate, as if he was asking for punishment. Everyone could tell that he was a mess and even though the mighty Seraphim board made many complaints, Yeonjun didn't seem to care. His entire soul was haunted by the memory of you and there was nothing that could calm him down. And if he had a physical heart, it wasn't just aching. It was on fire, burning into a crisp because you were no longer there with him.
Taehyun, the head of the Seraphim, took pity on Yeonjun. The Seraphim had many punishments for him, but Taehyun refused to send out any harm to Yeonjun. Truth be told, the Seraphim head felt a lot of pain seeing how Yeonjun was acting. He knew that he loved you so much. He saw the way Yeonjun was holding you so gently, afraid to wake you as you snored into his arms. How could your relationship and love mean that much to Yeonjun? Though he didn't understand that depth of romantic love, he still understood that it was love no matter how much older and confused he was.
Honestly speaking, trying not to send Yeonjun back to Earth was very hard. But he knew that God wouldn't approve since Yeonjun went against him. He couldn't help but wonder, why was he getting into trouble knowing that he had a bunch of punishment on his plate already? Not even from God whose wrath would be worse, but the Seraphim of all? They felt disgraced watching Yeonjun's mischief become more intense as the days passed.
Taehyun knew that he would have to speak up soon, which is why he called the younger angel to see him, in front of the door with all the magical bubbles inside. He was hoping that his plan would work and Yeonjun would stop making a ruckus. Yeonjun only rolled his eyes when he saw him, to which Taehyun dismissed. Silly enough, love was making him act out when it was the reason why he was there in the first place.
"Why do you need me? Are you going to punish me?" Yeonjun deadpanned, no emotion behind his voice.
Taehyun only frowned in response, crossing his arms.
"Yeonjun, I just don't understand. You keep acting out knowing that there's so much punishment for you ahead. Why?"
Yeonjun shook his head, looking at the ground. He didn't want to respond, not to a stupid question like that. Taehyun didn't know anything and he had no right to ask anything after taking him away from you- an ill assumption really, since it was Yeonjun making the bed in the end.
"If this is what we're doing, just send me home. I'm only here for my punishment, not for silly questions," Yeonjun scoffed, refusing to look him in the eye.
Taehyun's stance remained strong, though he wanted to (genuinely) hit Yeonjun for acting like a moody emotional teen. He needed to give him one more shot at no longer pissing the Seraphim off and since he felt enough pity, he was willing to do whatever to make his plan work. Many had grown tired of Yeonjun's antics, especially his friends that had to deal with his moodiness everyday. This plan had to work.
"Yeonjun, please. I know you hate us all right now, but do you want to see Y/n or not?"
Yeonjun's face lit up with a speckle of hope and his whole body tensed up. He didn't know what to expect. This could be a trap, but as far as he's concerned, he just wanted to be with you.
"What... what are you talking about?"
Taehyun just smirked, pleased at Yeonjun's surprised expression. Seems like there was hope for this emotional angel in the end.
The superior angel slowly turned the doorknob behind him, leading Yeonjun into the mesmerizing bubble room where many lives were floating at his hands. Yeonjun, absolutely confused, let his eyes wander everywhere, hoping that he would foolishly find you. He knew it was selfish to even look at you at this point due to all the pain he caused. And yet, he replayed the image of seeing you the last time just to gain some comfort.
Finally, Taehyun grabbed your bubble of life, looking deeply into the scene before him. He cleared his throat before passing the bubble towards the younger angel whose face immediately fell.
Yeonjun gulped, letting his thumb gently stroke the bubble. His eyes immediately watered as he stared at you, tears running down your face. Your pain was too much for him as he barely noticed that you were crying in Beomgyu's embrace which was failing at comfort. He pursed his lips as he watched your friend's fingers delicately run through your hair, truly understanding how fragile you were. His eyebrows furrowed as Beomgyu pressed a soft kiss against the top of your head, seemingly ignoring how wet his shirt was along with your hair. Slowly his chin nuzzled against you which was a stark difference to you whose hands gripped onto the end of his shirt.
Yeonjun sighed, his facial expression softening into regret. This was what he was afraid of, although it very well contradicted what he wanted for you. How could he be jealous at a time like this? Even though he wanted you to be his forever, he knew he couldn't give you what you deserved- a normal human life. One with children and an aging husband. You didn't deserve what Yeonjun could provide and though he could tell he made you happy, he decided that it wasn't going to be enough for you. So although he wanted to be the only one in your life, his burning desire for your success at a fulfilled life was far greater.
Taehyun watched carefully, observing Yeonjun's body completely relax. He seemed weak in the knees as his fluffy wings folded behind him, too sad to stay up. Slowly Yeonjun turned his head, this time being able to look at his superior in the eye. His caramel eyes were already tearing up as he sheepishly asked, "is there any way I can talk to her again? Please? This is killing me."
The superior angel shook his head, letting his bangs cover his eyes. It was hard to see Yeonjun like this.
Yeonjun bit his lip, somehow cradling the bubble closer to himself in an attempt to bring you closer.
"Please, Taehyun. I know I've been getting into trouble, but that's because I only want to see her! I know you know that, but it's just-"
"You get into trouble, Yeonjun. I just don't understand why because you know if you do well here, you might possibly get to see her sooner."
Yeonjun curled deeper into himself, letting the bubble ground itself on his crossed arms. He let himself fall against the clouds below himself, resting his chin against the top of the bubble.
"Because at the same time, I know I don't deserve to see her again. It's pulling me apart- the desire to see her and knowing that I'm not worth any of her time seeing how much I hurt her. And I want punishment for that, which is why I act out. If I hurt myself, then only then do I feel like it's enough to pay my crime."
Taehyun watched Yeonjun's tears fall, silently bouncing off the bubble where you were trapped inside, crying for your angel as well. The only thing to do now was take pity on him. Taehyun groaned, knowing the repercussions of his actions. But seeing Yeonjun on the floor, desperate for you was enough to send him to the edge.
"Fine. I don't like punishing angels, though it may seem like it. I'll let you go to her, but know that there's not a lot of time. I'll give you a day, Yeonjun, but you're going to have to face God since this isn't His plan. Are you willing to take that consequence?"
Yeonjun perked up, his eyes growing wide at Taehyun's generosity. He gently set the bubble beside him, standing slowly and regaining his composure. He had to double check what his superior said, because there's no way that he was offering a day with you.
"W-what? Are you sure? Don't joke around with me, Taehyun."
Taehyun smiled, nodding his head in defeat. How could he be kidding around?
"Just think about it. I'm sure you want to go."
Yeonjun reconsidered the option again, looking back at Taehyun and the bubble. He watched Beomgyu hold you, whispering over and over again that it was okay. The guilt gnawed at his heart as well as the fear of disobeying again. If he went now, then he probably wouldn't be able to witness you growing up. And at the end of the day, that's what he wanted for you. A normal human life.
The mischievous angel's lips formed a line, deciding that it'd be too selfish and wrong for him to go out. Taehyun chuckled, walking towards the door. He knew it was a hard decision for him.
"That's okay. You may stay here for however long you please."
Not responding, Yeonjun sat down again, pulling the bubble into his lap. The door creaked behind him, a high pitch that he didn't pay attention to in the slightest. Darkness ensued, contradicting the luminous glow of every bubble around. Of course, the only thing he could focus on was you. And like you, the only comfort he found in all of the heartbreak was making sure that you were okay.
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Somehow, Beomgyu was able to pull you out of your trance by luring you out of bed with food. He decided that delivering the food to your door was better since he could keep an eye on you and at the same time, not let anyone see you as a mess. You were extremely grateful that Beomgyu was by your side this entire time. He was one of the friends where you could seek comfort despite his silly nature. You were grateful that he was the one beside you right now. Of course you had friends like Aera and a super close sister, but you knew you could trust Beomgyu completely.
He watched as you toyed with the utensils, staring back at the food he graciously bought you. It was hard seeing everything on your plate. Thank goodness Beomgyu bought your favorite food. It looked great and delicious as always but your lack of appetite made it hard to enjoy.
Beomgyu broke the silence, letting his spoon clink against the fine plate. "So... do you want to tell me what happened?"
You pushed your food again to the side, opting to play with it so you would no longer focus on your nausea. Feeling rather guilty, you shot Beomgyu a weak smile as you laid your elbows against the table.
"Well, he just got up and left. We had no problems after he came back from visiting his relatives, so I thought everything was okay. I just don't know why he would leave without a word and since then, I've heard nothing from him."
Beomgyu raised an eyebrow, letting himself chew for a moment before responding.
"And there was nothing that made him leave? I mean obviously it's not your fault, but maybe he had a reason."
You sighed, looking up to the sky. Would it be wise to tell Beomgyu that Yeonjun was really out of this world? You weren't sure. He would call you crazy if you told him that your blue-haired troublemaker was actually your guardian angel. Then again, not saying that wouldn't be good either. You knew you could trust him for he would never tell anyone, but you were scared he would label you off as crazy. Keeping the truth was driving you crazy though, since you knew that Beomgyu was there to help you.
Said boy could tell that you were struggling to find the right words, battling the internal struggle that prohibited you from saying the truth. He gave you a look, turning his head to the side as if to egg you on.
You couldn't help but smile at his action a little bit, taking a bite of your food as he watched you, bewildered.
"Promise you won't call me crazy? But in order for you to maybe understand why he left, I think it's only right to tell you."
That seemed to catch Beomgyu's attention as he fixed his posture, straightening up his back.
"Oh no! Don't tell me. Did he give you the "I don't deserve you" spiel?"
You laughed, shaking your head which lightened the vibes. "No, Yeonjun is not like that..." you sighed, again finding it hard to believe that he left you.
"I know that you won't believe me, but I promise I'm not lying."
Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows, surprised that you thought he would accuse you of being a liar. He had no clue what you were going to say next, but surely it couldn't be that bad.
"Yeonjun is um... my guardian angel."
Beomgyu spat out his food, quickly grabbing a napkin nearby while you giggled at his reaction. He shot you an incredulous look, squinting his eyes. He obviously didn't believe a word you were saying but he also knew you weren't a liar?
"Yeah..." you passed him a glass of water to ease his embarrassment, "please don't think I'm crazy or anything of the sort. I know it's very hard to believe, but just trust me."
You didn't let him get a word in as you explained the rest of the story, noting how strange he was acting when he came back through the window. You told him the insecurity that was practically dripping from Yeonjun's words and how he clung unto you as he cried. It was a hard story to tell as you tried to recall every detail, careful not to sweep anything under the rug because Beomgyu might find a clue. More than anything, you needed hope. Hope was enough to keep you going in such a cruel situation.
Eventually Beomgyu spoke up, covering his mouth with his hand in serious thought.
"I'm sorry to say this, Y/n. I'll start this off by saying that what he did was wrong, but I also understand him- if he is actually an angel. I think his insecurities definitely caused him to leave, and I think it's rather selfless of him in the end to be thinking of the rest of your life with a strange relationship. Leaving you with no explanation wasn't right though, and I'm sorry."
You gulped, eyes darting away from his. Talking about it made you feel better, but it only made the realization of his departure sink deeper into your wounded heart. The deafening silence between you two brought back memories of that very night. How grateful you were to be able to reminisce about Yeonjun yet unlucky because of how much you needed him at that very moment.
"I know, Gyu. I wish he was still here; I wasn't ready to say goodbye yet."
It shouldn't be possible, but the person you hated for leaving was also the person you needed comfort from the most. It was funny to say, but Yeonjun would know what to do and how to make you feel better, even though he was the cause of your heartbreak.
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Just like that, a week passed by. The days were slow and you forced yourself to go back to classes and fill your schedule with things that would make you forget your current predicament. It was easier said than done, though. You swore your mind absolutely loved making life hell for you, since it'd say "oh, Yeonjun would love this!" or "the last time you were here, you were still with Yeonjun!" Every minute was torture but you knew you couldn't live like that forever, cooped up in your bed, waiting for your guardian angel to come back.
Even breathing was hard enough, but you were able to push through it. Surely, you could live without him. You experienced life before he was even there. It's not like he was by your side when you weren't aware... but this time, his departure felt final and you knew that you wouldn't be seeing him for a long time.
Aera picked up on how grumpy you were when you worked on assignments together. Beomgyu told her everything about the breakup, leaving out the convenient part that Yeonjun was actually an angel. You didn't mind; you couldn't bear to repeat the story again, enforcing reality as a result. On the other hand, you weren't sure if you could tell Aera and yes you two were close, but your friendship with Beomgyu was different. You knew she wouldn't judge you but honestly she probably wouldn't give the best advice. She was the type of friend to give solutions rather than listen- which was great of course, but wasn't what you needed right now, as selfish as it sounded.
"Hey! Are you listening?" Aera tapped on your shoulder. You dropped your pencil, startled. You kind of forgot that she was there and you sent her a weak, guilty smile.
"Yeah, sorry I didn't hear anything. I'm still just shaken up after what happened with Yeonjun."
Aera sighed, defeated, resting her head against your shoulder. You only looked at your half-assed work on the library's wooden table, feeling like a terrible friend for not really wanting to talk. But then again, who could blame you? It was extremely cliche, but Yeonjun truly was your everything and now he was gone.
"I really liked Yeonjun. It's messed up. I knew he loved you and you loved him- I shipped you guys so hard! I just don't understand."
"Me too," you agreed after a moment of silence. The knot in your throat stopped you from saying anything more- not that you had much to say anyway. It was still hard to admit, even weeks later. Yeonjun leaving was alien-like to you; it didn't seem like he ever would leave your side, not with all his promises.
For a couple of moments you two just sat there, working comfortably even if there was a bit of tension in the air. It wasn't anything between you two; it was the topic of Yeonjun being brought up. The sounds of the pencil scribbling made it easier to focus on your assignment as you tried not to let the thought of the blue-haired angel distract you once again.
Aera hummed, making you look at her. It was out of the blue which meant that she was cooking up a thought, a habit that you picked up on ever since you two had become friends. Knowing that you were looking, she smirked, all of a sudden acting smug. You tilted your head to the side, confused and slightly insecure that something was wrong with your face or your outfit.
Her smirk turned into a smile as she slowly pulled out her phone from her pocket.
"You want to know how you can move on from Yeonjun?"
You could basically guess what she was going to say and you quickly shook your head, mistakenly hoping that she wouldn't suggest-
"You should go on a date!"
Aera shoved the phone in your face, waving it around. There was a picture of one of her friends that you had forgotten about but met before. It seems that she was planning to suggest this a while ago and your study hang out was the perfect time to catch you while you were halfway occupied. She had pulled up his instagram page in the time while you were studying, choosing the cutest picture so that you would have to agree. You wanted to throw up, unreasonably feeling like you were cheating on your guardian angel- the love of your life. It was incredibly foolish.
Wanting to forget Yeonjun, you took a step into the unknown. It may have been a decision you would regret in the future, but it was better than moping around for a boy that may never return. In addition, your friends would probably appreciate you trying to move on instead of hearing about heartbreak all day. You wanted to please Aera despite how broken you felt on the inside. The benefits outweighed the odds at this point, so why not?
You groaned, shutting your eyes before whispering a hesitant yes. In response, Aera squealed, wrapping her arms around you as you plastered on an obviously fake smile. She was so happy... unlike you sitting there beside her, thinking about how Yeonjun would be unhappy knowing about the date.
Even though you were unsure if he was watching from wherever he was, you still felt sick to your stomach. Your heart would forever be loyal to Yeonjun no matter what. Your thoughts were also solely focused on him, tied to the thought of the most handsome boy you've ever seen. On the bright side though, maybe the future date would help you move on. Maybe just a little bit- enough for you to forget about him for a night.
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Above Earth there was a disheveled Yeonjun, still gently rubbing the bubble as he watched you converse with Aera. For the past few days and nights, he's been watching your every move, making sure that you get home safe and eat well. Unfortunately, the second option wasn't going well for you which made him worry even more. He wasn't sure how long it had been since it was dark in that room with the exception of the iridescent bubbles around him, but he knew it was too many days away from you.
He would lie and tell Taehyun that he was only watching you because you didn't have a guardian angel, making you susceptible to dangerous situations. Taehyun allowed it simply because he couldn't have a human unprotected- he knew it was wrong. So although Yeonjun gritted his teeth, lying (they both knew he was), it was the best option with you in mind.
This time he was eagerly listening to your conversation with Aera. As always his heart sank whenever you spoke about him with a sad tone, but alas, he knew was the cause. If anything, he should have and was expecting it, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less.
Mindlessly listening as he thought of your memories, it wasn't until Aera mentioned setting you on a date that he perked up. He raised his eyebrows watching your hesitancy turn into a small glimmer of hope. There's no way you were considering it, were you? Well, it had only been a couple weeks since he left, so it was genuinely too soon to embark on another lover.
Realizing that he was rather hypocritical, he forced himself to listen even if his heart was breaking into pieces.
"So you'll go on a date with him?" Aera questioned, shoving you playfully as you rolled your eyes.
You shook your head in defeat. Albeit, there was a small grin on your face as you quietly whispered an uncertain...
"... Yes."
Yeonjun frowned, battling in his mind whether he should leave. Taehyun gave him the opportunity, but fear was holding him back, along with his insecurity and pain. He gulped, pinching the skin between his eyes as he sighed. It would be so incredibly wrong of him to come back in your life. Yet, he pondered, looking deeply into the bubble where you were. You were too beautiful- how could he ever let you go, even if it was wrong of him?
In the end, that was the whole point of your relationship! Yeonjun was your guardian angel and he was supposed to protect you in the first place! But he ended up falling in love with you and you with him, no matter how unethical it was. You two experienced an unforgettable love together, one that didn't transpire from fate and time itself. Leaving you was a mistake Not trying to get you back yet again would be a bigger mistake he knew he would regret for the rest of his years. Spending forever in pain because he never felt the pressure of your kiss again was excruciating.
All of this thinking led Yeonjun to softly ground your bubble into the clouds below him. He didn't hesitate at the door, flinging it open as he ran to where Juno and Taehyun were. Not giving them a second, he yelled that he was going to find you no matter the consequences. Taehyun watched proudly as Yeonjun opened his feathery white wings and took a dive to Earth with nothing holding him back now. It was the most mature thing that Taehyun had ever seen him do.
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Aera sent you the details soon after, telling you that her friend was dying to take you out. For context, this guy had liked you for so long, but you never once noticed him like that. You guessed that that was another reason to give him a chance, out of pity perhaps.
So here you were, on a misty Saturday evening, rolling the mascara spoolie over your eyelashes countless times. You wanted to be perfect for tonight. (Yeonjun would still think you're beautiful anyway, even if you were in a shirt of his and messed up hair). It was evident in your outfit as well since you decided to go in something that made you look all the more irresistible, in the male gaze probably. (It was Yeonjun's favorite outfit on you if you two ever decided to go out somewhere nice). Lastly, you spritzed some sweet vanilla perfume over the sensitive spots of your body, hoping that it would last the night. (Yeonjun would bury his face on the crook of your neck every time you wore it, not getting enough of you).
The date was going to be held at a fancy restaurant, one that you and Yeonjun had been at before. You sighed, tiredly putting your head on the vanity's desk. Fuck- this wasn't his night; you had to snap out of his haze and put in all your attention towards the new guy and how pretty you had to look. You weren't going to allow him to ruin tonight. He can have any other night with your heart in his hand, but not this night at least.
But it seemed that your mind wasn't listening to you as you were looking at yourself in the mirror. Physically you were as beautiful as you could be, but the inside... all it was was a remnant of who you used to be, not full of life because your life fled that particular night. Never did you think you could be so caught up in a boy but there it was, rearing its ugly head every time you took a breath.
You glanced down at all your makeup, surprised that it caught dust. You hadn't been wearing it a lot ever since Yeonjun loved you; you never felt insecure with him. It was one of the things you cherished about him, how he made you feel like you were the most gorgeous girl in the world. He never had a funny way of showing it, cupping your cheeks as he whispered sweet nothings and telling you that you were the most stunning thing he had ever seen in his millennia of being alive.
You huffed, clutching your bag as you stood up with shaky legs. You would clean up this mess later in the silence of the night, when your feelings would inevitably suffocate you. Just not right now, not when there were too many memories in your forsaken house.
Everything was a blur, meeting your date who picked you up to go to the restaurant. He was extremely sweet, acting like a gentleman who opened the door for you all the time and handing you his jacket when you got cold. You were pleasantly surprised at his behavior. Perhaps if you met him first, things would be different. He was actually pretty cute and you were unsure as to why you hadn't noticed him before.
Your throat went dry at your thoughts no matter how much wine you had. The date was going well, but you knew that he knew something was off. He didn't budge though, simply bringing up new conversations every time that one got stale or wasn't something you were interested in. He was oh so nice, too perfect that it made you feel extremely guilty for not being completely open to dating at that moment.
Yet, you could still laugh at his silly jokes or the exuberant stories he told. He did most of the talking, letting you eat one of your favorite meals although you didn't get much in your stomach due to lack of appetite. But that was okay! You were still having fun. All through the night you could only admire his energy and his warmth, causing you to smile the most you have this week.
He sent you a sugary sweet smile, laying the side of his head on top of his knuckled hand.
"You know, Y/N, I've been enjoying this date and talking to you. I know it's only the first date, but I really like you and I'm hoping that we could do this again?"
You sipped on your wine, feeling light from his words. Tonight was going perfectly, so why didn't you feel perfect? The answer was obvious but some part of you was hoping that you would come to your senses and at least gain some feelings for this man. However, if you had to stay true to yourself, you felt nothing. Yes, you liked your date and the way he was treating you, but it just wasn't right. That only made you feel all the more guilty, which meant that you had to be honest with him.
"Oh, um..."
Your eyes latched onto the entrance of the restaurant where you saw a... fluff of blue hair? Your heart dropped as much as your jaw and you perked up, your bottom hovering against the chair. No one else had that specific shade of blue- that was Yeonjun's blue! Seeing that blue was only momentarily, just a couple of seconds. You were left shocked and confused, a speckle of hope flashing in your heart. Did you just see him? Maybe you were hallucinating.
"Hey, is everything okay?" He turned his head around, following your gaze to the entrance of the door where you thought you saw him. He raised an eyebrow at your expression, wondering what you saw to have that reaction.
You shuddered, rubbing the corner of your eyes but careful enough not to smudge your makeup. There's no way he would be here, so your eyes were definitely playing tricks on you.
"Yeah, um... look," you cleared your throat, lacing your hands together nervously, "I've had a lot of fun tonight and you were awesome! It's just..." you couldn't find the right words to convey what you were feeling, knowing that it was wrong and harsh.
He seemed to understand perfectly, drawing his mouth into a straight line.
"You're still hung up over Yeonjun, huh."
You meekly nodded your head, feeling just as embarrassed as he probably felt. There was a moment of silence between the two of you as both struggled to say something- anything that would make the atmosphere less awkward. Fortunately your date was mature and nice enough to get it, gently laying his hand over yours from across the table.
"Hey, it's alright. I kind of got the memo and I know it hasn't been long since you guys broke up. But just so you know," he smiled, flashing a toothed smile to make you comfortable, "I'll be here if you decide differently. In the meantime, we can be friends."
Feeling incredibly grateful at his mature and cheeky words you smiled back, nodding once again.
"Yeah, I'd like that. Thanks so much for being really understanding about the whole situation."
Both of you knew that you wouldn't call him up again. It was a silent agreement practically, though you two enjoyed the rest of the solemn night. Soon after, he suggested that it's time to go home, ending the evening with a slightly bad note since things had grown awkward. But that was your fault, you supposed.
On the way home through the rugged roads knitted aside the grass, you gazed into the cloudy night sky, wondering if he could see you from above. The mere thought was enough to push you to tears, making your heart squeezing in your chest uncontrollably. The date backfired. It only helped you realize that you missed Yeonjun even more.
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Not caring to throw off your pretty clothes, you curled up in bed again with no end to your tears. It was rather pathetic and you wished you could forget everything. The date was a success in hindsight, but not your goal- to forget Yeonjun for just one night.
How could you? Everything reminded you of him, even if you tried not to let it sway you. You couldn't handle the amount of despair you felt, not forever.
Once again you clasped your hands together, shutting your eyes with all your might. The only thing that could bring you comfort at the moment was praying, as silly as it sounded. You put your whole heart and soul into prayer, wishing that Yeonjun would just come back. Just one more time.
Unknowingly to you, Yeonjun had been in the house prior to your arrival. He stayed in the other room, knowing that you wouldn't come in. He was still on the fence of making himself known, battling between the thoughts of interfering or letting you live. He wanted to leave you alone, but he physically couldn't, which is why he pulled up at the restaurant. He made sure that you didn't see him, doing the same even now when you were at home.
But your cries and hopeless wishing words caused his whole body to twist in pain as he listened on the other side, pressing his ear against the white wall. Enough was enough for him and maybe a peek would calm him down before he did anything that he would regret. Quietly he stayed in the doorway, peering his head through the crack you made since you didn't close the door completely.
Your perfume still lingered in the air, but now your makeup wiped off from the water dripping off your cheeks. Yeonjun's heart ached at the sight of you and he couldn't help himself but throw the door open, startling you with wide eyes.
His muscles acted way before he was thinking and he threw his arms around your shaking body, now in shock that your prayer came true. He whispered, rubbing his thumbs against your wet cheeks, trying to wipe away each black tear that stained your face.
"Angel, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, please don't cry; I can't handle it." There were tears in his eyes as he said this, looking at how weak and vulnerable you were- one thing he promised not to let happen again and another thing that he broke.
You remained silent, too stunned to do anything. When you realized that he was actually here, close enough where you could feel him breathing, you pushed him away with trembling hands. Though you were incredibly weak as your muscles were failing you, Yeonjun got the hint and jumped away, somehow shocked that you were pushing him away.
"Yeonjun? What the fuck are you doing here?! After disappearing for so long?! You have no right to be hugging me after what you did!" You shrieked, backing away from him from your side of the bed.
He gulped, becoming embarrassed as he looked down at the floor.
"I-I know. I'm sorry. I just did it without thinking, but-"
You glared at him, crossing your arms. Ironic enough, you couldn't stand being near him despite wishing for his appearance. You're not going to take any of this bullshit, knowing that he could leave you again like you were nothing. You had to protect your heart and build walls around it while you still had the chance, something you failed to do when he came back the first time.
"Get out, Yeonjun. I don't want to see your face. It hurts."
His heart managed to break again at your harsh words that he knew were very well deserved. But he knew he had to fight for you- fight for something he didn't know could ever be saved after what he did. It was at least worth trying.
"Please, angel. I know I messed up, and I'm sorry for how much pain I caused you. I can explain everything, if you let me, please."
"No, I can't. You have a lot of nerve coming back here when you know you're just going to leave again. I never want to see you again, Yeonjun."
You shook your head aggressively, trying to find the right words to say. In a fit of anger and irrationality, you yelled many things- hurtful things that affected Yeonjun. Nevertheless he kept begging to explain, too despondent to do anything else but plead.
"Please, Y/N. I know you hate me," he paused for a moment as his words started to sink in, "but please let me explain."
"I do hate you, so just get out!"
He accidentally reached out to you- a habit he frequently did whenever you were upset, and you stood up, pushing him away. Against your shoves, he anchored himself to the ground, begging you to let him stay as you forcefully and physically tried to get him to leave. You failed to realize that it was his footsteps leading himself out rather than your shoves, and that hurt much more to him.
"Leave. Just leave, Yeonjun." With one last push, you sent him out the door and into the hallway. He gazed at you with a somber, desperate expression, and you knew that he knew he couldn't get you back. he looked down at the floor, more hurt than anything, as he nervously toyed with his fingers.
"I'm sorry, angel. I'm sorry."
You shut the door in his face, running back to the only comfort you could get- your bed. You harshly pulled the covers over your trembling body, trying to hide your sobs. Even though Yeonjun was the cause and definitely deserved to see what he did to you, you didn't want to hurt him anymore. You grabbed the pillow and hid your face into it, letting your hurt drown out. It didn't work and you knew he could hear everything.
As Yeonjun stayed on the other side, he felt weaker every time he heard you cry. It didn't seem like enough punishment for him; he wanted to take your pain whilst also ripping his body from limb to limb for each cry. He couldn't do that, thanks to him being an angel. For now, the only thing he could do was wait behind the closed door, sitting against it to make sure that you would get some sleep after all that happened. He would fight to close his eyes until hours later even after you let out your last sob.
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When you awoke, your whole body was aching. You wiped your eyes, looking around the room in confusion. The morning rays were pouring in your room, falling onto the pretty clothes you wore last night. Rubbing the temple on the side of your head, you groaned. Drinking some wine probably got you tipsy. You couldn't really remember what happened during the date but when you got home... Many memories came flooding in your head, ones where you were yelling at Yeonjun who came out of the blue and pleaded with his whole heart to explain everything.
You jumped out of bed, grabbing onto what you were wearing, which was coincidentally Yeonjun's shirt. It was a bit big on you, slightly passing the middle of your thigh. You didn't even remember putting it on so maybe in your drunk haze you grabbed it. Yeonjun would have a field day seeing you in his shirt, but that doesn't even matter. He had no right to even talk to you, not after what he did.
Yeonjun probably left after his dramatic entrance. There's no way he would still be waiting for you since you made it clear that you didn't want him there. Even then, you weren't sure if that was the complete truth. However, you knew you had to put walls up because you weren't willing to get hurt the same way again.
Slowly opening the door, you looked around the hallway, somewhat hoping that he did stay. The door creaked quietly when you pulled it open, but there was another sound that caught your attention instead. When you followed the sound, there you saw Yeonjun peacefully snoring as if nothing happened. His back was against the wall which wasn't completely comfortable for his wings.
He grumbled in his sleep, muttering something as he tried to get comfortable. Your heart started to think rather than your head, taking pity that he spent the whole night against the wall. Noticing his dark circles, your eyes then followed to what was beside him, a simple plate of eggs and blueberry pancakes- a meal he would always have trouble with but always try to make you whenever he woke up earlier.
He probably made it an hour ago since it still seemed fresh before he decided to sleep. You leaned against the door panel, fixating against the ceiling. You couldn't look at him. He knew everything about you: the time you'd wake up, your favorite breakfast foods, and even making them when he knew he hadn't mastered cooking. Unfortunately you felt your heart softening the more you thought about how sweet he was being.
Interrupted by more of his muttering, you squatted down to meet his level on the ground. His eyebrows furrowed as he tilted his head to the other side, whispering something like "please, there isn't time."
You rolled your eyes, choosing to wake him up so he could explain. Both of you knew that you deserved an explanation after his sudden disappearance, and it's a good thing that you were willing to let him in spite of recent events. Aggressively you grabbed Yeonjun's shoulders, shaking him until he woke up with fluttering eyes.
He gulped, sitting up from his uncomfortable position on the floor. His hands flew to his back, but it wasn't the agonizing pain that shocked him the most. Incredulous to see you in front of him, sitting down with a confused expression on your face, Yeonjun's mouth flew agape. He started stuttering, a mix of sleepiness and stun that prohibited him from finding the right words. You decided to take pity on him, instead letting yourself start the long awaited and awkward conversation.
"Yeonjun, what were you grumbling about in your sleep? Something about no time left?"
He nodded his head frantically, grabbing the plate beside him and shyly offering it to you. He raised it up to your face but you pretended to ignore it with a blank expression on your face. He sighed, placing it down beside him gently.
"There won't be any time left. I just need you to come with me, Y/N. I know you hate me, but it's necessary."
Great. There were more vague sentences rather than answering your questions. Frankly, you were tired of it. He had a chance to explain everything and instead you would be the one asking questions in the end.
"Yeonjun, I can't. I don't know what you want to do with me, and I'm sure as hell not going with you after what you did."
He looked down at the floor, embarrassed of what he asked. He knew he was out of line and there wasn't anything that could help his case. "I know. But I can promise you that I won't hurt you-"
You scoffed, shaking your head. "You won't hurt me? I'm sorry to break it to you, Yeonjun, but you hurt me so much when you left. So you can't say that."
"I know! I get it. I'm really sorry, Y/N, but you really need to trust me!" He cried exasperatedly, reaching out to grab your hands. His touch was like acid, and you pushed it away as if it burned. Your unwillingness to not be near him and your coldness hurt him more than anything, even though he knew that it was well deserved.
"I can't go with you, Yeonjun. I was just starting to live fine without you, and you just had to show up and ruin everything!"
He pushed himself from the wall, coming to you with his hands on the ground to support him. "Is that so?" He inched closer to you, crawling so near that you could feel his breath fanning against your mouth. The close proximity between your lips and his made you burn, as well as the suddenly sultry look on his face. He was looking down at you with a smirk on his face.
"We both know that's a lie," Yeonjun simply stated as he grabbed a fistful of your- well, his shirt. "You're wearing my shirt right now, no?"
Your eyes widened and you scooted away to which he chuckled at. He knew you were wrapped around his finger, but you were not going to give him satisfaction with an embarrassing reaction.
"Shut up! I don't even remember putting it on- and you can't do that!"
Yeonjun just laughed a little bit while your heart fluttered. Even now he could make your heart beat faster, despite everything that happened. The way you two continued to act the way before you had made you tear up; the way things were before were perfect, so why did he have to go and ruin everything?
You sniffed, tearing up as you watched his eyes crinkle. He was always perfect, your blue-haired boy angel that you loved so much. He was right there, smiling at you, even though you thought you would never see him again. Your overflowing care for him continued to make you weak and there was no point in building up walls when you knew that you still needed him the most. That part of you would never change.
"Why, Yeonjun?" Your voice faltered, almost failing you as it came out like a whisper. "I thought you loved me. Why did you choose to leave?"
His laugh faded and he frowned, this time becoming serious. "I'm sorry, angel. I had to, or else there were bigger consequences."
You felt the familiar knot in the back of your throat and you let your tears run freely this time. It was getting harder to breathe, and you just needed the truth.
"Didn't you love me, Yeonjun? You told me you did before you fell asleep, and then you just left."
Yeonjun reached forward, delicately swiping a fallen tear from your eye. His action had you swooning on the inside, although your mind was screaming at your heart to stop. The tip of his smile was gently raised, but you could tell that he was sad by his somber gaze.
"I did love you," he caught himself quickly, "I still do, angel, which is why you deserve an explanation. When I first left, I made a complaint to the Seraphim asking for them to move me. I figured that I was being stupid because I didn't want to admit that I had feelings for you, so I came back. It didn't help that I missed you so much."
He was gentle with his words before tensing up. "The Seraphim wanted to see why I complained, so the head visited me that very night. He told me that I would have to come back to heaven, and if I did well, then I would get to see you again after 10 years- from afar, of course."
You couldn't stop yourself from crying now, feeling extremely bad that he had to deal with all of that. And knowing that Yeonjun wanted things to be normal before he inevitably left hurt even more. Although you understood his reasoning for not saying anything, things still weren't okay. It didn't make things right, the way he lied to you.
"I'm only here because they saw how much of a mess I was. Only now, we have to stand before God and make our case. I'm not sure what will happen to me," he swallowed, letting the silence coat the atmosphere before continuing, "after all, I went against His word. But I just... I had to see you. At least one more time."
Your heart shattered at his words. He risked everything to see you and would eventually face a bigger punishment. Both of you knew what he was hinting at. His existence would be erased, and he would die at the hands of God. Him coming back was basically asking for death.
Knowing what you were thinking, Yeonjun opened his arms wide open, "come here."
Not even thinking you jumped in his arms, soon creating a wet patch against his black shirt. His fingers met the strands of your hair, gently combing while you sniffled against his shoulder. He cooed, holding you close as he kissed the side of your head.
"I'm sorry for everything that I caused, angel. I missed you so much and I wish we could stay this way forever, but now we are going to have to face God together."
You gripped onto the back of his shirt, not feeling close enough despite your hug. His embrace and cologne were comforting though what lay ahead was a dangerous road. The good thing was that he was in your arms finally, kissing and holding you so gently and lovingly.
Your angel, Yeonjun was back. And though you weren't sure what your fates held in store, you knew the two of you would face it together, together at last.
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Released: June 17, 2024, 1:06am (CT)
Thoughts: YAY I released the next part for eternity! I can't believe there's only two parts left to which I PROMISE I will finish soon! I have loved writing this series and it'll definitely be super bittersweet when I finally finish it. I'm already starting to miss it but yeah, come back for a great ending! I wonder what will happen <3
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jesterofcringe · 4 months
"She's an Angel"
GuardianAngel!Laura lee x Reader
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───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★"Dude, I can't keep doing this. If you're gonna keep giving me these stupid challenges, send reinforcements at least."
★You had never prayed before, and you were certain that whatever you were doing didn't count as praying. But you were certain that you were trying to talk to god. Trying to spite them at least, for giving you their "toughest battles". And so, you slumped to your knees, clasped your hands together, and mock prayed.
★"Send me an angel maybe. The nicest one you have."
★What a load of bullshit. You were never the religious type so you didn't really believe in that stuff, but the idea of some god hearing you and fulfilling your request was kind of funny in your mind. You kind of chuckled to yourself as you got up from your knees and forgot all about it.
★A few days later you met Laura Lee.
★When you first met her, you felt as if you were reuniting with an old friend. She had this certain comforting glow about her that made you feel safe in her presence alone. You had been talking for a few minutes but it really had felt like years. You almost wanted to spill your guts about every little thing that was bothering you, but you couldn't do that to someone you just met. It did take some considerable amount of restraint though.
★You guys shared many classes together, which you shrugged off as a funny coincidence. It was perfect too, as you honestly wanted to spend as much time as you could with her. You didn't really know why. It felt like a magnetic force was pulling you together, and you sure as hell weren't going to fight it.
★She was also real damn good at soccer.
★You used to consider skipping practice- despite your love of the sport the school day always left you feeling exhausted and the last thing you wanted was to kick a ball around while praying for death. But practicing with Laura Lee was different somehow. You always felt refreshed and ready for more. Anytime you got knocked down she would pick you back up. Whenever you had a good play or scored a goal she made sure you knew she was proud, whether it be by cheering you on or quick pat on your shoulder. Most of the time your efforts went un acknowledged, so it made you feel really good having someone congratulate you.
★You loved chatting with her on bus rides to games, and on long rides home she let you fall asleep on her shoulder. Though on a particularly long ride, you curled up into her lap while she played with your hair. It was dark out when you got home, but you woke up feeling amazing.
★She could also read you like an absolute book. She knew your tells and could tell when something was wrong before you could.
★"Too loud in here for you? Why don't we step outside for a bit? Get some fresh air."
★It always surprised you as you were usually trying to figure out the problem yourself. Whether you were overstimulated or your social battery was dead, Laura Lee usually came to that conclusion before you did, and always offered up a solution before you could have a second thought about it.
★You liked to fidget. That wasn't news. Usually whenever you were sitting idly you liked to have something in your hands to mess about with. On one of these occasions you had gotten your hands on a pair of scissors and was messing with them without thinking about it. Despite Laura Lee telling you to put them down you didn't listen until it was too late and you slipped up, leaving a nasty cut on your finger.
★You yelped and dropped the scissors, flailing your hand wildly to nullify the pain. As you did, she took your hand in her own, rubbing her thumb over your wound. You groaned and squeezed your eyes shut, attempting to focus on the warmth of Laura Lee's hand instead of the stinging of your own. As she held your hand, you noticed the pain slowly vanished, until all you could feel was her thumb pressing against where the pain should have been.
★"Did you just like, magically heal my hand?"
★"You could say that."
★She had said it with a smile, so you assumed she was also joking, and as such you started to laugh.
★"Why is that so funny?"
★Through fits of laughter you managed, "Because I also happen to be seven feet tall."
★"Y/N I'm being serious," She pulled her hand away and your mouth fell open as you saw that your cut was completely gone, as if it was never there in the first place, "It's literally my whole job to keep you safe."
★"Wait... What?"
★"Why is that so shocking? You literally prayed for me to appear-"
★"-Wait WHAT"
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makeitmingi · 5 months
no cause an idea hit me.
guardianangel!seonghwa facepalming and being done with reader who is clumsy af. like he’ll stop her and say “woman, do you not get tired of injuring yourself???”
and she just goes “i have you for a reason, Hwa…” or “they assigned me a guardian angel for a reason…”
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babyybuggaboo · 11 months
IT Fic ideas/ mini plots? blurbs? i’m posting this for @def-livv ! i also will give anyone like use of anything from this, feel free to take the ideas and make some good stories or rewrite some of the things i’ve written. they’re not bad but not great either but i hope you enjoy these things i’ve written ! also note that these were for me to remember stuff i’ve imagined in my head so sorry if there’s notes that don’t make sense to you or if the stories have little to no good detail and yeah whatever! enjoy it or don’t :P
Having nightmares about IT before he came back in 1989, and stopping him from killing everyone (hero mc and no bad stuff happens other than bowers gang thinking mc is crazy:/ /sad
being friends with the bowers gang and throughout a few months they all realize they like mc and all hide it from each other but also they all go after mc. they do have fights but it’ll end up poly probably
mc likes patrick, patrick “likes” mc and thinks she may be real but is very wishy washy with her, one day he’s all over her, next day he couldn’t give a shit (to mess with her) but is still very possessive. stuck in the middle vibes
henry likes mc, says they’re dating and mc is pretty sweet and kinda goes along with it thinking he’ll get bored. henry and mc fall in love and he starts changing (getting nicer, understanding he shouldn’t be abused and that it’s not right) she gets him to slowly move into her house with her and her parents and they sorta adopt him and show him what a real family is like. saving his life/raising him right au
boys hardcore bully mc but she’s a little bit yandere and is inlove with patrick/henry/all of them (whatever i’m feeling ig) they catch some jocks messing with her one day and all kinda think “that’s our victim!” and protect her, making her fall more in love and they slowly slowly slowly start to get softer towards her. bullies/victim to friends to lovers vibe
this is a blurb blurb/imagine vibe
mc is henry’s neighbour and in the winter sees him shoveling his big driveway all by himself so her and her dad go over with a snow blower and shovel to help. melts his heart a little bit ;) gentle mother!figure/ guardianangel!reader type vibes
also little headcanons for some plots:
- avery was never killed. so patrick isn’t at psychotic or deranged but still a jerk to his bro (who’s about 9-10) so about a 10 year age gap (depending on how old you want pat, i obviously picture him aged up and LEGAL!!!!!!!)
- vic has 2 older sisters
- henry has a soft spot for mc
- most of the time bowers gang can’t say no to mc
- when they go into town (like the movies or arcade) mc always runs ahead of the boys to give the losers club (if they happen to be there, they usually are) a heads up so they can scatter before the bowers gang rains terror
- reggie let’s mc practice driving stick shift in amy
- vic is the one mc trusts the most and they get along the most, they like similar things and he’ll keep secrets for mc (most of the time)
- in order of who mc trusts from most to least it’s: vic, reggie, henry, patrick
- mc loves to cuddle and innocently will pick one of the boys to cuddle with and tends to fall asleep on them. (they did draw on her face once or twice. jerks) but after knowing mc for a while, the boys started fighting over who mc sat with and would make plans to get mc to choose them
- mc is extremely loyal and gives entire heart into whoever mc cares about (the boys, mostly patrick, will exploit that) but mc does have limits and pushes back sometimes when they inevitably take things too far
- an “oc” who is matteo riddle 🤪 is the neighbour across from mc and they’re good buddies. he’s mainly for plot so mc has one friend outside of bowers gang
- sometimes, on days where the boys don’t force mc to hang out, she finds herself with the losers club. they’re funny and sweet and it gives mc a break, they’re refreshing. she spends most of the time talking to beverly, it’s nice to have a girl to talk to… and complain about the boys to.
- mc parents i usually picture are joy summers and rupert giles from buffy the vampire slayer. they are comfort parents and giles is a step-dad and mc has a jackass biological dad mc does not talk to. (for plot, mc has daddy issues too. helps to connect with henry)
- mc gets henry into drumming (safer way to get the anger out) he gets pretty good pretty quickly
- plot/blurb
the boys have a bet to see who can get mc to like them first
bowers gang along with their newer addition, are driving along and of course, the boys are bickering.
“we should go here!”
“no this place is way better! drive us there belch”
“fuck off! we’re going to this spot!”
reggie looks in the rear view mirror at mc, “where would you like to go mc?”
mc looks up at him, smiles shyly and thinks.
“maybe the big arcade? that’s in the next town? that could be fun! we don’t have to though” mc recoils in their seat, making themselves small.
reggie smiles, then it turns into a smirk as he looks at the boys, he’s so gonna win this, “ arcade it is darlin’”
at the arcade, they all spread out finding stuff to play. reggie and vic find the muscle man hammer game, patrick finds kids to scare and steal their tokens from, and mc follows henry, who has found the astro starfighter game (where you shoot meteors).
henry keeps losing and losing the game, then losing his temper, “fuck! fuck! fuck! this game is so fucking stupid and it’s a piece of shit” he starts kicking it. mc is laughing their guts out, they think henry is so funny, (they don’t really know him yet). “what the fuck are you laughing at?!” henry yells, mc wipes the tears from their eyes, giggles still bubbling out, “you’re just funny!… and so bad at this game! hahaha! it’s cute” mc laughs again. henry doesn’t know how to react, he’s being made fun of, but mc is so sweet about it and he knows they’re not being mean. before he can say anything, mc places a hand on his arm, “let me try!” and steps in drop of the game. “hmmm. henry? what should i get if i win?” mc asks coyly (or cheekily, but i think coyly). henry thinks for a seconds, then smirks, “i’ll give you a kiss” he says with a wink. he knows he’s going to win this bet. “oh gee! a kiss from henry bowers? i better be good!” mc grins and turns back to the game. they play for a while, getting higher and higher in the levels, mc finally gets to the boss level, “oh my god! oh my god! fuck you! i got you you’re so done you stupid ship!” (i think it also has aliens in it?) mc is blasting and blasting and! an asteroid hit them… they died. “no! aw are you kidding i was so close!” mc said disappointed, “damn it! that’s fuckin rigged” henry said, made he won’t get to kiss mc, but it comes off as him being on their side, they should’ve won!
mc turns to henry and kisses his cheek. henry is shocked, but tries to hide it. not well. “thanks for motivating me” mc says with a smile, already over losing that amazing play through. henry feels proud, he did motivate mc didn’t he. they wanted to kiss him and that’s why they tried so hard. it made him feel good, feel important and needed. that was the first moment he started really falling for mc.
they then wandered over to patrick, to drag him away from the poor children, got reg and vic, and went over to the skee ball, where they cheated and got a bunch of tickets and tried to pick a prize for mc all again, bickering.
“mc would like that bunny! get the bunny”
“no get the tiger! it’ll make em think of me!”
“get the skull head. it’s sick.”
“what about that cow! mc always points them out”
this time vic is the one to turn to mc, “which one would you like? pick one!” he says excitedly albeit aggressively.
“well, the bunny is pretty cute” mc says, the guy at the counter turns and grabs the bunny off the shelf and hands it to mc. vic grins, he knew they’d like the bunny. he walks up to mc and puts his arm around their shoulder, “that thing is pretty dang cute huh, like you” he says, mc looks up at him and laughs a little, shaking their head. “you’re a dork” mc says, but there’s a slight blush on their face. “alright let’s go. i’m fuckin’ hungry” henry says, breaking up the sweet moment between friends. they walk out the arcade and head home. on the car ride home, mc falls asleep on patrick’s shoulder, cuddling the bunny. they all glance at mc, so innocent. they all glance at each other and though it isn’t said out loud, the bet is off, and the games are on. may the best man win. (mc’s heart that is (; )
-henry had never had tacos before (half because of neglect, half because the bitch is racist) but one time mc invites him over for dinner, after hearing that he has never had tacos, which is atrocious. mc was horrified and jokingly tried to hold henry bowers, wrapping her arms around his neck, and petting his ratty mullet, calling him a dear poor thing. he pushed her away and told her to fuck off. mc laughed it off as she usually does, staying light-hearted and unoffended. and says that she’ll see him at 6.
6 o’clock arrives, and so does henry. as he walks through the door of mc’s house, he is hit with a (waff?) of spices and meat, it smelled delicious. he walks into the kitchen with mc and there stands her mom finishing up the lettuce and tomatoes. “mom, henry’s here!” mc said to her mother. mc’s mom turns around and greets him warmly, “oh hello henry! nice to finally meet you! grab a plate, we’re ready to get started” she smiles and goes to wash off her hands in the kitchen sink. mc and henry grab a plate and walk over to the kitchen counter where all the food is laid out for them. sour cream, salsa, hot sauce, rice, grated cheese, lettuce, tomato and guac! the beef steaming in the pan still on the stove, fresh off the burner. mc starts making her taco and henry just watches. mc noticed and smiles, “henry are you gonna make a taco? or just stand there looking devilishly handsome?” mc says with a wink. she loved to flirt with him jokingly, that way it wasn’t real and her feelings couldn’t be hurt. it was easier that way. he rolls his eyes at mc while scoffing, but then frowns slightly, “i don’t know what to put on it” mc blinks, “oh! i’ll make it for you!” mc starts making him two tacos, one with everything on it (the delicious one) and a plain one, with just meat and cheese (picky eaters choice) “try this one first. it’s just meat and cheese, it’ll ease ya right in” mc says and turns to make hers. they go and sit down at the table, henry looks at his plate and mc is staring at him, waiting. he looks up at her and barks out instinctively, “what?” mc laughs a little, “eat your taco! i want to see your reaction!” she scoots forward a little on her seat. henry again rolls his eyes at her, but he thinks she’s adorable, eyes gleaming with excitement. he picks up the smaller less stuffed taco of the two on his plate, gives mc one last glance and then takes a bite of the taco. and then another. and another. and then it’s gone. mc giggles and claps her hands together, he liked it! he LOVED it! henry looks at mc and says, “that was alright” it’s mc’s turn to roll her eyes, “try the good one now!” mc presses, “the good one? i liked the one i just ate. that one ain’t good?”
“yeah it was good but this one will be even better”
henry looked like his head exploded, it didn’t but what did explode were the flavours in his mouth.
henry likes tacos a lot now. and whenever mc’s family does a taco night, you can bet your butt henry will be sitting at that table chowing down like it’s his last meal.
- bowers gang are all hanging with mc in her room, chilling on her floor, her and henry are sitting on the bed. mc stretches, then slips under the covers and turns and faces the wall.
“what are you doing?” the boys ask, confused. “i’m gonna take a nap. you can come cuddle if you want” mc says sleepily, henry is the closest and first to jump into action, slipping under the covers between mc and the wall. she cuddles into him , “you’re so warm” mc said, she paused for a moment and then said, “that’s what he said” and giggles a little.
“i don’t get it” said vic
“you wouldn’t. virgin” mc says bluntly, voice slightly muffled as she snuggled into henry some more.
the boys all laugh and mc drifts off to sleep.
- henry’s birthday is april 17th and he’s an aries (i think i saw this in a fic or just a post one time that he gives off aries vibes and idk if they said april 17th or if i am crazy and made it up)
- POV: you’re at a video store, it’s pouring rain out so you and the bowers gang are looking for a movie or two to watch.
“oh pat! let’s get the goonies! i love that movie!” you say excitedly, grabbing it off the shelf and holding it in your arms.
“no fucking way. that movies for babies” patrick says annoyed, “we’re going to get a horror movie. i’m thinking poltergeist”
“are you kidding? if this movies for babies then goo goo ga ga motherfucker. i want to watch the goonies” you say, irritated.
POV: you’re helping reggie’s mom with her garden. you didn’t tell the boys and they were out looking for you. they drive past reggie’s house and see you’re BEHIND as you’re bent over pulling weeds out of the garden. they pull into the driveway, get out of the car and make their way over to you, henry is first to speak, “hey sweet thang. do you look as good in the front as you do in the back?” he said, the boys chuckle behind him, you roll your eyes and turn around, “hey hot stuff! whatcha packin?” you laugh, the boys are surprised to see you there, “mc? what are you doing at my house?” reggie says confused,
“i’m helping your mom out with gardening!” you say with a smile, reggie’s mom, who was in the kitchen getting drinks walks out and says,”mc has been such a good help! and she’s tough, carrying all those dirt and mulch bags for me!” mc blushes under the boys’ stares, looking impressed and maybe even a little proud. their girl is tough. “would you boys want to help? it’ll get the garden done quicker and we haven’t started on the back yet” reggie’s mom asked, really hoping to put the boys to work and take a break. pat and vic start to say no but henry answers for everyone, “sure mrs. huggins, we ain’t got nothin better to do”
the rest of the afternoon you and the boys did weeding, put new plants into the garden,fresh dirt and mulch. reggie’s mom brought out drink as you all finished up, you were the first to go over for a drink, thanking her. “i should be the one thanking you! those boys would’ve been gone before i even finished asking for help! they stayed to be with you” mrs huggins said with a wink. you blush and smile shyly, the thought of them just wanting to hang out with you was nice, making you feel wanted. “i don’t know about that” you say bashfully, mrs. huggins waves a hand at you, “oh please darlin’, you are so sweet and absolutely gorgeous! of course they want to be around you!” you shrug it off and hide your grin behind your drink, fresh lemonade. you look over at the boys, oblivious still that they all like you and think you’re worth spending a day in the dirt for.
ok i saw a jealously scale thing and while i love a jelly boy i think it was a little inaccurate so here’s my kinda idea about it:
- henry: 10/10
this one stays the same as the og post i saw. he has abandonment issues and was raised to think he’s a piece of garbage. so he is very insecure and scared that you’ll leave him, making him very jealous and possessive of you.
- patrick: 3/10
now in the other post it said he was like 100000/10 but i don’t think that’s true. patrick is possessive of course, you’re his play thing and he doesn’t want others to touch you, but he thinks that you’re the lucky one, to be able to date this god of a man and if he thinks you’re real, then he has no fears of someone else taking you from him cuz they’re fake, how could they?
- vic: 7/10
i think vic’s was around 7/10 which to me makes sense. he’s a small guy and he can have an attitude which can sometimes make him difficult to be around. he really likes you and like henry is afraid of driving you away. so he keeps a close eye on you and is always nearby, never letting another man get a chance to take you from him.
- reggie: 10/10
now i’m this og post, reggie is a 1/10. he’s secure in his relationship with you. i don’t think that’s the case.
he’s a chubby boy, we all know this and that makes him insecure. all his friends are fit good looking guys and all flirts. he is handsome though as you tell him constantly but, he still gets this creeping feeling, that you’ll wake up one day and find him repulsive and leave him for one of his “better looking friends” that makes his a little hot headed and possessive. when you’re joking around with one of the other boys, he sees it as flirting, which usually leads to a fight. most of the time you can talk through it though as since he’s been seeing you, he’s gotten better as communicating his feelings to you.
- this connects back to my movie “blurb”
- having the movie night and it’s storming real bad. you’re in patrick’s basement and while watching his chosen movie “the omen” the power goes out.
- he shuffles around in the dark, finds some candles and lights them
-you all sit around the small coffee table and decide to tell scary stories to pass the time
-patrick of course had other “ideas” wink wink nudge nudge but he was quickly smacked upside the head
- after a while of telling scary stories and the boys scaring the bejesus out of you (jerks) the power comes back on, but the weather is still bad.
-mrs. hockstetter calls down to all of you in the basement to ask if you’d like to stay the night as it’s “not safe what so ever”
- you all agree and head into the kitchen to call your parents- minus henry
-you all start to get ready to go set up makeshift beds in the basement when mrs. hockstetter stops you, saying you can sleep in avery’s room and he’ll stay with her as mr. hockstetter was on a business trip
-you go to tell her it’s fine but she insists and says she doesn’t need more babies made in her house
-so you follow her to the younger hockstetter’s room, avery follows and grabs his favourite stuffy before saying goodnight to you and running out
-mrs. hockstetter makes a point of telling you to lock the door so the boys don’t come in and says goodnight
-you sigh and crawl into the little twin bed and turn on the lamp on his bedside table
-meanwhile, in the basement, henry and pat got the couches and vic and reg got the floor (poor babies)
-reg was out like a light, snoring so loudly it could shake the house
-the rest of the boys couldn’t sleep
-henry gets up to you see you and patrick asks where the fuck he’s going
-“i’m going to take a wizz! fuck off” henry said
-he creeps upstairs and goes towards the room you’re staying in and lightly knocks on the door
-he hears a soft whisper, “who is it?”
-“it’s henry” he reply’s back just as quiet
-the lock turns and the door whips open and henry is pulled into the room and the door was quietly shut again, the lock stays unturned
-you ask henry what he needs and he says he can’t sleep cuz belch is snoring like a pig so he came you see if he could sleep with you
-you giggle and say yes, glad he came up cuz you also couldn’t sleep, and knew you’d sleep better with someone in the room with you
-you both go over to the twin sized bed and squeeze in. you’re both squished next to each other but you don’t mind
-few minutes pass, you and henry are chattering a bit as you try to let sleep take over you, talking about the day and telling inside jokes
-suddenly the door opens. you think it’s mrs. hockstetter, she heard you let henry in and you’re in trouble but it’s much worse. it’s patrick
-he asks what the fuck you two are doing and if you’re sleeping together
-you shush him a little and say no, that you both couldn’t sleep and that was that
-patrick says it’s not fair henry gets to sleep with you and he wants to as well
-you say that the bed is way too small for all three of you so he says you’ll sleep in his room
-you all creep across the hall to patrick’s room and vic shows up asking what you’re doing
-“were going to bed” you whisper
-“i’m coming too” he whispers back, “belch is gonna burst my goddamn eardrum”
-giggles start to bubble out of you and you try to be quiet. you’re tired and you need to go to bed
-you all climb into patrick’s bed, it’s a queen but it’s not comfy
-the four of you are clambering around, vic is complaining and so is henry. you finally have enough, you get vic to cross the hall with you and you grab avery’s bed and quietly bring it into patrick’s room and set it on the floor
-you grab the pillows and blankets too and then close the door and you go to sit on the twin bed
- henry and pat start to stop you, “no hey! you’re up here with us” henry whisper-yells
-you roll your eyes and give vic the blanket and pillow before hopping into patrick’s bed and squeezing inbetween them, “there. happy?” you say, though you didn’t really care where you slept
-as you all really settle in for the night you can’t help but voice that you feel bad you all ditched reggie
-the boys all say he’ll live and he deserves to sleep along with how loud his pig nose is
-you smack them for saying that and then sigh amd say “fine. g’night” and you all fall into a slumber, rain pitter pattering on the window
-early in the morning reggie woke up and saw all the boys missing and made his way upstairs to find you all asleep in pats room. he frowns and steps in closing the door.
-he steps over vic, who rolled off the twin bed in the night and lays on it himself and falls back asleep. he snores again but it’s much lighter and less disturbing
-later in the morning, mrs. hockstetter and avery wake up and go to make some breakfast. she walks by avery’s room and sees the door ajar. she peaks her head in and sees his bed missing. she turns and goes to patrick’s room opening the door and what a sight.
-in the twin bed reggie is sprawled out, next to him on the floor with just his legs on the bed is vic. on the queen bed, henry is half off the bed and patrick is squished into the wall and you, a great big star fish in the middle of the bed, your limbs sprawled over both the boys.
-mrs.hockstetter tries not to laugh and goes and gets her camera and takes a photo of all of them. she chuckles and shakes her head. how silly of her to try and keep them apart
a plot i tend to put into my henry x reader more or my bowers gang x reader is henry seeking comfort with you. i don’t think i’ve written about this yet in here?
so one night, after a particularly bad beating, henry runs to your house. he remembers you saying one time that you never lock the outside basement door so he got into your house through there.
he walks up the basement stairs as quietly as he can and all the way up the main stairs to your room. he’s not sure if he should wake you up or not, but he decides he needs to, he needs you. he shakes your shoulder, whispering your name, his voice a little shaky and desperate. you blink awake and sit up in a split second and turn on your bedside lamp. you blink as your eyes adjust and then lay on henry. you ask him what he’s doing in your house, and if he’s okay.
he starts sniffling and then let’s put a quiet sob. you get him to sit down and notice some blood seeping through the back of his shirt, you don’t say anything, you know what it’s from and you know he doesn’t want to talk. you can help him in the morning. for now you take his shoes off for him and then get him to slide into bed. you turn off the lamp and slide in too.
you ask him to come here and he immediately turns and wraps his arms around you, crying softly into your shoulder. you pet his head softly as you hold him. he eventually falls asleep and so do you, peacefully holding each other. you are his safe haven.
of course, in the morning he’ll threaten to gut you if you tell anybody. you didn’t plan on it and tell him that. you then tell him if he ever wants to, he’s always welcome in your home. he scoffs and turns away from you, going to leave and then stops at the door and says thanks. you grin softly, you know that was hard for him to say. he leaves, but he’ll be back soon.
he starts staying over so much he has his own drawer in your dresser, he has a toothbrush on your bathroom counter and shampoo and body wash in your shower. he eats dinner with your family almost every night. your parents never asked or minded why he stayed, they had a pretty good guess to why, they’ve met butch bowers a handful of time.
henry learns to help around the house, he’s grateful to be welcomed in and you tell him that’s a good way to show it. and he really likes hanging out with your dad. your dad doesn’t drink except for the occasional bourbon, and is a nice quiet man and doesn’t lose his temper often and is very understanding. he takes henry under his wing a bit. (showing him what a real man is)
the biggest realization henry had when he realized he shouldn’t be treated the way he was by his father, was when he accidentally knocked over a glass of water at dinner one night. it shattered on the ground, henry immediately tensed up, muttering an apology and moving to get it, keeping his head down. your parents brushed it off saying it was okay, your dad jumped a little bit telling henry not to touch the glass. it scared henry and all he said was “sir?” your dad explained that he didn’t want henry to cut his hands and asked you to go grab the dust pan and vacuum. you did and started cleaning up the glass for your friend. he tried to let you do it but you said it was fine, you’ve broken your fair share of dish ware and we’re an “expert” at cleaning it up. your dad went into a story of how you tried to cook a frozen muffin in the microwave and put it in for so long you burned not only the muffin, but also the plate which shattered and left the house smelling like a burnt muffin for a week. looking back at that moment made him laugh as he also explained that it only happened when you were 14.
henry relaxed a bit after that, knowing they weren’t mad. but he was still waiting for the switch to flip, for your mom or dad to rage out, smack him and kick him out of the house, but it never came. after you tidied up the glass you got him a new one and sat down to finish your dinner.
after everyone was done, henry cleaned up the table, put away the leftovers and helped you grab dessert. your parents thanked him multiple times to which he kept replying, “it’s the least i can do”, that night when he went to bed (your parents moved him into the guest room but he would still sneak into your room every other night) he made the point to hug you tight as you went to say goodnight. you weren’t expecting it, but gladly accepted. you asked what it was for, not that you weren’t happy to hug your friend, and tells you he loves you and he’s glad he met you. you’re shocked at his words, tears well up in your eyes and you hug him tighter. he doesn’t say it out loud but, you saved him.
-okay little angst moment! idk if this has already been written? if it was it’s long since been deleted so…
-POV: you’re patrick’s girlfriend
-so it’s the whole plot of IT. the only difference is that you’re in the story.
-after patrick “goes missing” you’re in spiralling depression. the love of your life is gone
-you still hang with the boys as they’re your best friends too, though you don’t bully kids
-you grew closer with henry, being each others rocks.
-one day you’re walking down the street and you see the losers club walking down the street, freaking out. you keep walking past until you hear eddie start to freak out, “the clown! i saw him at the creepy old house in neibolt” you freeze. you saw that clown. outside your window, flicking a lighter. patrick’s lighter
-you go up to them and ask them what they know about the clown. theyre reluctant at first, afraid the rest of the bowers gang are near. you tell them they’re not and you all walk to the park and they explain what they saw.
-you tell them if they ever need your help with IT. you would be there. but the first time they would need you, you weren’t there.
-bev calls you one summer afternoon and you rush to her house. she tells you all that happened at the house. richie, eddie and bill went in. ben, stan and her stayed out. eddie fell through the ceiling and broke his arm, she stabbed the clown in the face with a iron spike, it almost tore ben apart with said spike, but they hurt IT. because they were together.
-you don’t hear much about them after that and you stick with your gang.
-later in the summer you get a call from bill. beverly was taken. you’re pissed. it’s time to get your revenge and kill this fucking clown. you know he took patrick.
-you meet the losers club at neibolt and they tell you the plan. you make your way down to the well, the kids start climbing down. you’re helping mike when henry comes out and tries to kill him.
-“henry!” you scream, “stop! what are you doing” you’re petrified, why is he doing this?
-“i have to! i have to kill them all! kill. you. all.” he said, deranged.
-“what do you mean henry?” you ask shakily, hoping to distract him so like can get away.
-henry suddenly softens, the slightest. it’s you. his sweet y/n. “don’t worry y/n. you’ll be with them again. hockstetter. vic. belch. you can be with them. float. with them. you’ll float too! You’ll float too! hahaha!” like he flipped a switch he’s back to the lunatic version that came in and starts running for you.
-you tackle him, and knock the knife out of his hand. he growls and grabs you, flipping you over and he’s on top of you. you kick him off and start crawling backwards, your hand lands on a brick. henry jumps for you and when he does, you swing. you hit him with the brick and it knocks him out.
- you’re panting and close to tears and mike asks if you’re okay. you shake your head, but say it’s fine.
-you find some extra rope and tie henry to a post. you’ll come back for him. as you walk back to the well, you pick up henry’s knife, god knows you’ll need it.
-you get down into the sewers where stan (was a dumbass and wandered off by himself??!! how is that bills fault? really??) was attacked.
-as you keep walking you think about henry’s words. he mentioned reggie and vic? they can’t be dead. you just saw them that morning. you get to the place where bev is being held. IT’s nest.
-bev is floating. they get her down and ben kisses her and then sweet little georgie comes out and bill shoots him and he freaks out.
as the battle insues and they’re trying to fight the clown and he’s holding bill hostage, he morphs again. into patrick. you’re patrick.
“come on doll. look at the stupid kid, he’s not worth it. let me have my fun with him and then i’ll be all yours k? take the little losers for ice cream or something and i’ll meet up with you later” “patrick” chuckles with a sly smile, but there’s a sinister look in his eyes
-your eyes well up with tears as you see him. the last time you’ll see him and it’s not even really him. “stop it! you stupid clown!” you cry.
-he growls and turns back into pennywise frowning, then he says his big ol thing about growing old and dying to the weeds yadayada
-richie then says his thing, “welcome to the losers club asshole!” and fighting begins again
-the kids are all swinging and taking hits and he’s trying to scare them but it’s not working. he goes after you and you just stand there staring. “i’m not scared of you, you stupid, stupid clown. you made a big mistake killing patrick. i’m going to kill you” you say, malice and determination in your voice.
-pennywise giggles, “oh? let’s see it then” but you know, he’s scared.
-you pull out henry’s knife and stab the clown in the eye. over and over again. he starts wailing and he throws you away from him. you slam into his junk pile and the kids keep hitting and hitting until he’s gone. whispering one final, “fear” and dropping into nothingness.
-when you get out, henry is dazed, he sees you, alive and starts weeping, “i’m so sorry! i’m sorry! i k-killed them! he made me!” he’s sobbing, “they’re with amy! i’m sorry!”
-you hear beverly call you, and you tell henry you’ll be right back and run up and out of the house.
-all the losers look at you, and bev shakily points towards the blue trans am across the street.
-you run towards it and then stop right in front, drop to your knees, and scream.
-you’re best friends, reggie and vic. sitting in reggie’s blue trans am “amy”, throats slit, blood down their necks, eyes staring, vacant and glassy.
-you lean over and vomit. the sight is so sickening. they’re dead. they’re all dead.
-you turn away from the car and go back inside the house, ignoring the losers as they call for you, saying not to do anything rash, you tell them to go home, they need to be far from henry. he’s still dangerous, but you can handle him.
-you walk into the basement, back to henry.
-“why?” your voice croaks, “why them?!” you yell out
-henry’s sobbing, still tied to the post, “i had to! he made me! he made me! my dad! and them! i had to…” he shouts and then trails off, tears running down his face, staring at nothing.
-you’re shocked. he killed his dad. he killed his dad and then he killed your best friends.
-“you can’t be mad y/n please! you’re all i have left please!” he suddenly cries out, writhing against the ropes.
-you start to cry harder and again, fall to your knees, next to henry, and hug him. he’s all you have left, you can’t leave him.
-you untie him and help him up, he’s still shaking. and you take him out to the car, “we’re getting rid of these bodies and then we’re getting out of here okay? we’re going to get you out of here” you say to him. he just nods, broken.
-you instruct him to grab reggie and you two carry him into neibolt, down to the basement, and throw him down the well. then you do the same with victor.
-you go back to the car and get in and drive to your house. you have a stash of money you’ve been saving. you run in quick and grab it, and any other essentials you can think of and you’re back out to the car.
-you look at henry, and tell him everything’s gonna be okay. you have each other, thats all that you need. and you drive out of derry, leaving it all behind.
(k note: i don’t like sad stuff so as i wrote this obviously it had a bittersweet ending but still kinda happy whatever. really the plot is, if i don’t go into detail, y/n losing her entire friend group and then going ape shit crazy on the clown. she’s not scared, just vengeful. so that’s basically what i wanted but i wrote something else???? it’s different trying to add details i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
-i’m reading the book rn and YALL WANNA KNOW WHAT HENRY SMELLS LIKE? also he was held back a grade L
-henry and i quote, “had an oder of sweat and juicy-fruit gum that always hung about him.”
-WHAT!!! and why is it literally perfect and make so much sense
-meeting plot:
you’re walking down the street and get stopped by some creep and he’s trying to chat you up and you try and quickly get out of the situation and walk away. the man follows you, and then after a while starts calling out to you and getting closer. you start running and he starts chasing you. you found a corner and go to cross the street. as you’re running across the street you almost get hit by a car. they go into a screeching halt and you slammed your hands on the hood of the car. you look at the driver, and then the car, and then back to the driver. it’s belch huggins… and the bowers gang. you call out amd say a quick and meek “sorry”, you’re out of breath and panting. henry calls out and asks if you wanna come for a ride. you pause to think for second. creepy man or bowers gang? you glance to your right and see the man coming around the corner. “bowers gang it is” you think. you round to the passenger side where henry is quickly, pull open the door, jump into his lap, and quickly close the door. belch puts the car into gear to start driving just as the man gets to the cross walk. you make eye contact with him and shrink into henry a bit. all the boys notice him. belch takes a quick glance at you, seeing your discomfort, you’re shaking slightly. he looks back at the man and sees that he’s walking around to the passengers side of the car. belch peels out, almost hitting the man. patrick whoops and laughs, vic calls out a fuck you to the man, whose now laying and panting on the side of the road, clutching his chest. you sigh in relief, glad to be away from him. you thank the boys, mainly belch, for the ride and relax a bit. realizing you just jumped into henry bowers lap to get away from that creep, you turn and quickly apologize, and say you can hop into the back, so you’re not crushing him. he chuckles and says that you’re perfectly fine right where you are. you blush and turn away. you try to get belch to drop you off, you could walk home now, they all say no, you’re hanging out with them. you comply, not wanting to get on the bad side of the scariest guys in town. you didn’t realize then what you’d be getting into.
henry: (lazily, not really serious, but annoyed) i’m gonna beat the shit outta you if you don’t stop
y/n: (not caring, completely unserious) well i’m gonna kiss you so hard that it’ll leave you breathless and wanting more
the boys:
henry: y/n what the fuck
this plot the boys bully y/n, but they end up saving her from some creeps and then there’s this like weird friends one day and bullies the next thing going on and then henry and y/n start to like each other and date in secret. patrick here’s a rumour that you turned a guy down because you have a crush but you deny it saying you didn’t want to hurt the guys feelings. vic and you bond over comic books so one saturday, you and him hang out, going to a comic book store. he asks you if you do have a crush, you say yes but you won’t tell him who. he wants to make a bet, 50 bucks says he can guess your crush by friday. you agree and set turns, he can have five guesses today and only 2 a day til friday, and he can’t tell the other boys about it or the bets off. he agrees and says he wants a hint about the crush so you tell him a nickname that you think fits your crush perfectly, “chihuahua”.
vic looks confused and then starts laughing, “chihuahua? why?” he asks chuckling,
“if you guess my crush you’ll get why”
idk if i already wrote this but we all know henry doesn’t talk about his feelings. but whenever you guys are together, he has a habit of tapping you three times. either when his hand is on your thigh, or he’s holding your hand, he taps three times. his way of saying “i love you”
tap tap tap.
so you have this guy at school who won’t leave you alone. he’s always asking you out, you always find a nice way to say no, always having an excuse as to why you can’t. one day he’s practically chasing you down the hall, trying to ask you out again. you turn a corner and see the bowers gang. you were in a survival mode trying to figure out how you can escape this nerdy teen predator, and walk up to the bowers gang. “henry! there you are!” you say cheerfully, he looks at you confused, you guys have maybe said one word to each other in your entire time in high school. you hear your name being called out again by your “admirer” and you don’t give henry any time to respond as you grab his shirt and pull him towards you, smashing your lips against his. he makes a surprised sound but doesn’t pull away, he sets his hands on your hips and pulls you closer, deepening the kiss, swiping his tongue against your bottom lip, you open your mouth and let him in, his tongue gliding along yours, it feels good. you hear a sound that sounds like a mix between a cough and someone choking, then a quiet “i ask you later” followed by someone running off.
he left! you got that creep to leave you alone! you break the kiss with henry, both of you slightly panting, he looks dazed, still confused and cocky, cause of course any girl would want to kiss him, he’s henry bowers, but before he can say anything and before the boys can say anything cuz they’re just as confused and in awe that you just did that, you just smile at henry, “thanks bowers! see you in class” you say, giddy, half from surviving almost being backed into a corner, again and half from kissing henry. he’s not a bad kisser, if you do say so yourself, and you do. you take off back down the hall the way you came and disappear around the corner.
the boys all stand there not knowing what happened, and patrick is the first one to say something, patting henry on the back, “way to go bowers! that chick was hot as fuck! how long have you been banging her?” he says, laughing. henry rolls his eyes and then smirks as he turns to patrick, “i’ve never talked to that girl in my life” he chuckles as the boys all again, stare in awe. henry turns back and looks in the direction you left in, and he knew that wasn’t going to be the last time he kissed you.
another thing with the fake dating trope.
henry really starts to like being the protector, he likes the feeling of being needed by someone, not feared. he likes it cuz he needs you as much as you need him, so he knows you won’t ever leave him, as long as you need him.
incorrect quote:
henry: Can you eat like a lady? are you capable of that?
y/n: Do you want me to eat like a lady? Or show you how much I can fit in my mouth?;) *takes a huge bite of a burger*
other characters that are apart of the bowers gang:
-Peter Gordon: A rich kid who joins bowers’ gang to boost his reputation
-Steve “Moose” Sadler: A big strong kid
-Gard Jagermeyer: So stupid they didn’t even bother to send him to summer school
one night you’re walking home from the library and these men start harassing you, you get scared and run from them. it starts pouring rain and you can hear them calling after you, they’re following you. you turn a corner and run into someone. you slammed on to him causing you both to let out an “oof” sound, and he grabs you by the shoulders. you let out a scream and try to get out of his grip, you don’t see who it is, it’s dark and your eyes are blurry from the rain. the man holding you hostage speaks up, “hey hey woah, what’s the matter y/n? it’s just me” the man says in a worried tone,but to you it sounds more amused than worried. patrick hockstetter. you stop thrashing and let out a sigh of relief and wrap your arms around his waist hugging him. he pats your back before pulling back from the hug, holding your shoulders again as he leans down a bit to look you in the eyes, “what’s the matter? you seem really freaked?” he asks concerned. you burst into tears, “these guys started harassing me and asking me to hang out with them and i didn’t want to and i ran and i think they’re chasing me” you cry, you’re shaking now, from fear and from being cold, you’re soaking wet at this point, the rain is coming down harder. “hey, it’s okay. you’re with me now, i won’t let anything happen to ya. come on, my house is around the corner” patrick says wrapping his arm around your shoulder and guiding you towards his house. you don’t say anything, just sniffle and let him take you. when you get to his house you both quietly enter, his family is well asleep by now. he grabs your hand and leads you down to the basement, where his bedroom is. “let me grab you some dry clothes” he says, he’s being awfully nice you think, very unlike patrick. while he’s distracted you take the chance to look at him, his clothes are soaked and weighing down on him, showing off how lanky he really is, his dark wet locks are dripping water onto his face, rolling down down his cheekbones, he looks pretty. you’ve never really looked at him like that before. maybe because he’s not being patrick, he’s someone else, gentler. you don’t know how long it will last but you’ll enjoy it while it does. he digs through his dresser and finds a shirt and pj pants, and walks over to you and hands them to you, “thank you” you say quietly, he smirks slightly, staring at you. he had a look in his eye, a patrick look, but nothing bad comes of it, like he’s holding back, “you can change in there” he says, pointing to a door, you assume is a bathroom, he never takes his eyes off you as you walk in and close the door. you quickly change and immediately feel warmer. you take your wet clothes and exit the bathroom, “where should i put these?” you ask, softly, “i throw them in the dryer for you” he says and grabs the wet clothes from your hands, “thank you” you say again. he doesn’t say anything and goes to put them in the laundry room around the corner. while you wait you take a look around his room, his bed has black sheets and is tucked into the corner, he’s got animal skulls and teeth and an assortment of bones littered across his dresser, side table and desk. rock and heavy metal band posters on the wall, as well as a bay watch poster, you giggle at that one. boys. patrick comes back into his room, his clothes now changed and he stops in front of you, and you just stare at each other for a second. “you okay now?” he asks, you nod, then yawn, “yeah m’just tired” you say through the yawn. you miss it but patrick gets a grin on his face and a glint in his eye but it’s gone in a flash as he puts on a gentle, concerned face, “let’s head to bed then yeah? it’s been a long night” he says putting his hand on the small of your back and guiding you towards his bed. you’re too tired to think straight at this point, so you let him guide you to the bed, and you crawl in tucking yourself into the corner, he slides in after you. you both get comfortable and lay facing each other, space in between you, “thank you for saving me” you whisper softly, sleep starting to take over,
“no problem. i couldn’t just leave you there, you looked so cute and small like a little bunny, you poor thing” he chuckled a little, his tone mocking, but you don’t notice it, “you think i’m cute?” you say, your tone jesting, but eyes are closed, your breathing evening out, you fall asleep. patrick grins as he stares at you, saying one final thing, you don’t hear, “yeah. very cute, and all mine” he whispered the last part, then grabs your waist and pulls you against him, you snuggle in deeper and he slowly falls asleep, holding you in his arms. you don’t realize what you’ve gotten yourself into.
the next morning you wake up to a car horn honking. you jolt awake, your head was on patrick’s chest, you feel his arms around your waist and you look down to see him asleep, “he looks peaceful, like an angel.” you snort at the thought. a fallen angel maybe. you then hear patrick’s mother call down to him, “patrick darling, the boys are here, it’s time for school!” she shouts down, he groans, rolling over, pulling you with him, he lays on top of you nuzzling his nose into your neck. you yelped as he did so. you try and shuffle away but he just holds you tighter and you feel him smirk against your neck. you sigh and roll your eyes, “patrick we have to get up, get off me! we have school! what time is it anyway?” you ask while trying to shove him off of you, looking around for a clock. all of a sudden he lets you go and you fling out of the bed with a yelp, “ow! what the fuck dude!” you say rubbing your head that you hit on the floor. he lets out a muffled chuckle, his face in his pillow. you stand up and glance at his desk, there’s a clock! it reads 7:45am. you freeze, “shit! we’ve got like 15 minutes we gotta go come on!” you say in a panic, patrick rolls over on to his back and stretches out, “shut the fuck up. it’s way to early for this shit, comere” he says reaching for you. you dodge his grabby hands and go into the laundry room to grab your clothes, “no! get up! we’re going to be late! please?” you say, you open the dryer and lean in to grab your clothes.
they’re still wet.
you run back into patrick’s room and shake him, “patrick! my clothes are still wet! did you put the dryer on?” you’re whisper yelling, you don’t want his mom to know you’re there. he finally gets up, leaning on his elbow and he looks up at you, he’s got a look in his eye, but you don’t see it, he smirks a little, “the power must have gone out bunny. don’t worry, you can borrow some of my clothes” he yawns at the end of the sentence and sits of stretching. he stands and walks into the bathroom shutting the door. you let out a puff of air and go into his closet, you find a pair of baggy ripped jeans and then in his dresser you find a pale yellow and bright red ringed shirt with a screaming cat face on it. cool. you quickly put that stuff on before he comes out of the bathroom. he walks out and grabs some random clothes off the ground and starts to change, then stops and looks at you, “um, a little privacy bunny?” he says and makes a spinning motion with his hand, you blush, “oh! right sorry. um do you have a spare toothbrush i can borrow?” you ask as you turn around facing away from him, you can almost hear the smirk in his voice as he says “just use mine” you tense a little, “ew! no way that’s so gross! we can’t share a toothbrush” you say, your voice rising a little, “ suit yourself. guess you’ll just have gross morning breath at school.” he says, you can hear the buckle of his belt clinking. you think for a moment, then sigh and walk over to the bathroom, “you don’t have any diseases right?” you ask as you pick up the toothbrush, you glance over at him, he’s now dressed and leaning against the door frame, “a disease? like what sweetheart?” he smirks tilting his head, you stare at him, “rabies.” you say bluntly, his eyes light up a little, and he smiles, his little weirdo smile and he licks his lips, “i might. wanna find out?” you roll your eyes, put toothpaste on the brush and stare at it, “ugh. whatever” you say and jam the toothbrush into your mouth. you quickly brush your teeth, then turn to patrick and stick the toothbrush into his hand, “there you go. your turn. be quick” you say and then rush into his room to get your hopefully dry shoes. you grab them and sit at the foot of his bed, they’re damp but nothing you can’t deal with. you put them on and then scan the room for your backpack. you find it sitting at the bottom of the stairs. right as you grab it he walks out. “okay let’s go!” you say pointing towards the stairs, bouncing on your toes. he rolls his eyes at you, grabbing his lighter off his desk, and a pencil off the floor, he gestures towards the stairs, you run up and quickly out the front door before his mom sees you. you hear her call out to him, “have a good day honey!” he slams the door shut.
you both walk towards the blue trans am. in the blue trans am, vic is the first to see you.
“holy shit” vic says, “look” he starts laughing.
“what?” henry says sharply and looks out his window. it’s you, sweet y/n, wearing hockstetter’s clothes and walking towards amy. “what the fuck?” henry says, belch chuckles “that fucking dog”
pat nods at the boys and you smile at them, patrick helps you slide into the car before hopping in himself. you’re sat inbetween vic and pat, “morning” you say letting out a yawn, “morning y/n” belch says, looking at you through the rear view mirror with a smile.
“are we fucking going or what?” henry says snippy, belch glances at him and nods, putting the gear in to drive and pulling out onto the road driving you to school. you lean your head on patrick’s shoulder and close your eyes. patrick looks down at you and smiles ever so slightly. his little bunny, he wonders if you might be real. probably not, but you’ll be a lot of fun to play with.
there’s this really old tumblr post about someone talking about solipsism with their friend and they said to their friend, “if everything around me is all my imagination, then you’re the best thing i’ve come up with” and in a version where patrick isn’t a psycho killer fafafa that would be a really cute thing for him to say
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Stone once again wakes up to the sound of humming but this time it's far away for some reason
He gets out of bed to investigate and realizes that GuardianAngel!reader is cleaning his house (Without rearranging anything and keeping everything in its exact spot)
GuardianAngel!reader spots him and gives him a smile and says good morning and then he grabs a mug from the cupboard
GuardianAngel!reader puts his hand over the mug, covering the opening, and once he lifts it up, steam comes out if it and he holds out the mug to Stone
"It's Chai. Without cinnamon!" And gives Stone a warm smile
And Stone starts feeling warm too
Stone is just like "You know I'm allergic to cinnamon?? That's the sweetest thing ever." He takes a sip of the chai and is like "How is the best thing I've ever tasted."
He'll want more chai from you in the future because while food is the way to most people's heart, chai is the way to Stone's heart.
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not-your-damsel · 2 years
Likes & reblogs greatly appreciated 😘 ©not-your-damsel ‘23
Indiscretion - in·dis·cre·tion :: /indəˈskreSH(ə)n/ noun • Behavior or speech that is indiscreet or displays a lack of good judgment. Alternatively can be synonymous or associated with - A loss of innocence…
Who? :: GuardianAngel!Keigo Takami/Hawks x Fem!Reader, IncubusDemon!Hitoshi Shinsou x Fem!Reader
WC :: 3,051
AN :: M¡nors DN¡ (I check every like and reblog), if you’re religious or a person of faith, this may not be for you. This chaptered series is going to involve angelology and demonology amongst other topics and things. I don’t want complaints or messages that I’m going to hell, you’ve already been warned so, save the pearl clutching for something actually worthwhile - like real world issues (눈_눈 ) That aside, I hope you all had a gentle holiday season and a happy new year 🥳
⚠️ :: Again, religious content, and a relatively benign wet dream lol. Aka, nothing but good ‘ol dream seggs ૮( ♥️ﻌ♥️)ა
‼️:: Catch and Release part 3 is being worked on, I needed to overhaul the beginning because an idea struck me and I needed to add it. It’s coming, not to worry!
Artist :: I tried to find who this artist was as I found this on Pinterest. If anyone knows or has any idea, please let me know so I can reach them and give proper credit. And, if you know the context/meaning of the very famous, original painting this one is based on, well then, you’re already ahead of the game now, aren’t’cha? ( 눈 ᴗ 눈)
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Very Human Feelings • Ch. 1
You weren’t sure when you started finding feathers randomly throughout your apartment. You’d initially thought they were coming from your down comforter and pillows but, that idea left you when you noticed how pristine white they were. You didn’t think you’d seen a more stark shade before in your life. Not only were they an unnatural shade of white, they were quite large, too. None of the feathers in your comforter and pillows were that large nor that white.
It had been going on for a little over a month when you spotted one next to your bed after coming home from work one evening. Only this feather was slightly longer than your forearm - from fingertip to just past your elbow. By now you were worried. How could a feather that long, that beautiful, have ended up perfectly at the side of your bed? As you held it, you pondered, running your fingernail back and forth, grazing against the spine of the feather before your eyes went wide and you stood still. That’s when you heard it. As you sat frozen in place, your eyes grew wide at the thought that someone was in your safe spot, your home. It sounded like someone gasped in your apartment. Your hand that was holding the feather was now shaking as tears lined the rims of your eyes.
You felt stupid. Who willingly calls out into their dimly lit apartment to the very probable bogey man intruder? Twiddling the feather between your fingers, you took a few tentative steps outside your bedroom, head looking from side to side. Stepping out into the living room you let your eyes take a fleeting sweep across the place. Nothing. Tiptoeing into the kitchen also revealed the same. That left one more room to check, the scariest one if you were honest. Taking care to not step on the floorboards you knew would creak and groan, you made your way to the bathroom to check once more.
Flicking on the light showed there was nothing, no one you could see or sense but, that left your shower which could be a likely hiding spot. With a gulp and a shaky hand reaching for the curtain, you swiftly pulled it back as though ripping off a bandaid to get it over and done with. You flinched back, your eyes squeezed shut in anticipation. But, when nothing happened, you slowly opened your eyes and again, saw nothing. Nothing but an empty and well kept shower that you had cleaned the other day. Could you have been hearing things after a long day of working the museum? That was very likely.
You walked back into your bedroom and placed the new feather in the vase with all the other ones you’d found throughout your apartment during the past month. You were impressed that this new feather was taller than the vase as it hung off the side of it, making a new decorative piece in your room. You sighed as you eyed your collection. Maybe unwinding from the day would do you some good. After having an uneasy shower, you made your way to your bed, turning down the blankets before diving into your comfy sanctuary for a night of much needed sleep.
Letting out a yawn that made your eyes tear, you reached over to your night table for your bottle of melatonin gummies. Popping a couple in your mouth, you chewed them, the strawberry flavor a pleasant taste in your mouth as you closed the bottle back up. Placing it down on your night table once more, you reached for your tablet to continue reading the latest web comic you were infatuated with. You were hoping to get to the bombshell of a reveal they had been hinting at the last few chapters.
Well, it hardly mattered because within a half an hour you were knocked out with the tablet laying against your ribs just under your breasts when a hand reached out to grab it from your limp grasp. Golden eyes monitored the rise and fall of your chest as you breathed differently in sleep, slower, gentler, watching for any change that would indicate that you were stirring. As his large hand griped the tablet, your head suddenly moved, turning from right to left as you adjusted. The man standing next to you stilled while half his body became invisible, incredibly large white wings behind his back fluffed out as he panicked. Once you stilled again, he detected your breathing had gone back into its slow rhythm of sleep. He willled his body to become visible once more as he quickly grabbed your tablet off you, plugging it in to charge as he’s watched you do hundreds of times before, placing it down on your night table before retreating back to the reading nook bench you had made in the deep window sill.
He watched you as you slept, peace washing over him as the comfort of sleep overtook you. He’s been watching over you more than usual lately and he’s not entirely sure why, but, there was a nagging feeling he couldn’t quite put his finger on. Was it oncoming danger? Was it just an unnatural worry that his kind tended to harbor for their wards? He just didn’t know. All he knew was that he needed to watch over you, and if that meant he needed to skip out on some key meetings up in the Heavenly Realm, so be it. He was fine with that. He was assigned to you, he’d see his job through in making sure you were safe as he silently nodded to himself.
Golden eyes widened as his snowy white wings flared out into dangerously sharp points.
“Relax, it’s me, Raphael.”
Keigo relaxed a little, rising from his place in your reading nook to meet the new entity who appeared in your bed room.
“Hey, what’s going on? Why are you here?”
Raphael sighed with a roll of his eyes.
“Are you kidding me? You missed the big meeting and Dad’s very mad about it.”
Keigo’s shoulders slumped s little, head hung low to not meet sharp blue eyes.
“I’m sorry but, I had something important to attend to. I’ll make it up to Him, I’ll go speak to Him directly.”
Raphael’s own wings shook in disapproval.
“Something important? Something important, Keigo? What in the blazes are you thinking?!”
“Would you shut your mouth, Raph?! She’s sleeping!!”
“She cannot hear us!!! Oh. Oh! You have got to be kidding me, Keigo.”
Keigo’s head tilted to the side, straw blonde hair moving with him.
“You remember what happened to Samyaza, right? Right?!”
Raphael was now leaning towards Keigo, anger etched into his features.
“What happens to angels who get too close to their wards?”
Keigo’s eyes widened, darting between your sleeping form and Raphael in worry.
“I-it it it it's not like that! I just have a feeling is all, I-!”
“You have a feeling? What kind of feeling?”
Keigo hated feeling like he was being picked apart, especially under Raphael’s gaze. He was a respectable, high ranking angel who always carried out his work with the quickest efficiency that always yielded nothing but the best results.
“I-I… I just feel like something bad is going to happen is all. That’s it, nothing more.”
Raphael took this time to look Keigo over, looking for any hint that he could be lying to him. He detected nothing. Keigo knew he was using his power on him, looking deep into his heart for any lies being told. Raphael let out a quick breath, thankful he was telling him the truth.
“Hmm. And you were going to report your feelings when?”
“When I was absolutely sure.”
Raphael looked around the room, seeing your sleeping form completely undisturbed at the fact that they were in your space having a slight argument. Blue eyes continued to look around before falling on the vase filled with Keigo’s feathers.
“You’ve been here a lot. Too much.”
Keigo followed his gaze and froze.
“Only to serve as a lookout in case of danger.”
Raphael looked back at Keigo with dead seriousness in his eyes.
“You’re leaving traces of your - no, our existence in her home. You’ve left a feather that large around for her to see? Limit your time here, Keigo. I know she’s your ward, I know you care what happens to her, but, you need Dad’s permission to interfere should there even be a threat towards her. Yeah?”
Raphael’s look softened a little as Keigo listened to what he had to say,
“You’re my best friend, more importantly my brother, Keigs, even Uriel is worried about you. I don’t want to see you cast out of paradise at the expense of some… some human. Yeah, Dad loves them all to bits, but they're fallible, weak. They die easily. They’re both resilient and fragile all at the same time. Don’t follow in the footsteps of Samyaza and don’t even get me started on Lucifer. Our love of humans should only go so far after what happened all those millennia ago. Do not cross that line in chase of things we were never meant to have. Let the humans love one another and let us continue to do our work and interfere where and when we’re needed and focus on our own. C’mon, I see the way Zadkiel looks at you!”
Raphael placed a hand on Keigo’s shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah. Yeah, I get it. I mean, it’s not like that but, I get it and Zad’s got eyes for Galadriel. They’re a much better match. Is everything alright back home?”
He wanted to change the subject so badly, talk about anything other than why he’s been here in your apartment so much or Raph trying to get him together with Zadkiel for the umpteenth time.
“Well, some of the other angels have been talking about you. Some of them are starting some rumors that yours truly has gone and quashed, you’re welcome very much.”
“What? What are they saying?”
At this, Keigo was actually quite worried.
“Some are saying that you’re falling from grace because you’ve gone and fallen for a human. Some are even placing bets on the next time they see you that your wings will be darker than they last saw you - to see you brimming with sin.”
Keigo’s wings ruffled hearing this, fanning open and coming forward for a good look at them.
“But, they’re just fine! They know I’m a good worker!! I’d never throw my grace out for a human. For any human.”
“Well, why don’t you come back home with me now and put Dad’s worries at ease, then? Also, coming back with me will make our lower level brothers and sisters shut their mouths and have a lesson in doubting their elders. Dad would hate to see them doing such things like that anyway.”
Raphael grinned at Keigo, hand held out to him before a shimmery mist began forming behind his own beautifully large wings. Keigo looked from you back to Raphael and then back to you, not reaching to take Raph’s hand.
Keigo gave a charming angelic smile and declined.
“I’m not done here. I’ll head back home when I am, I promise.”
With a heavy sigh, Raphael dropped his hand and shook his head.
“Alright, man. Alright. But, don’t come and complain to me if Dad rips those wings off… one feather at a time.”
At that, Keigo winced. Raphael smiled sinisterly as for a brief moment thousands of individual eyes opened on each of his feathers, each one spinning around maniacally before Keigo sucked his teeth.
“I promise, I won’t. And stop trying to scare me, I’ll-I’ll handle Dad, don’t worry.”
Raphael closed every eye but the two on his face, winking to Keigo with a chuckle.
“Whatever you say, trouble maker. Later, baby brother.”
Keigo watched as Raphael stepped into the shimmery mist, disappearing entirely before the shimmers dissipated. He finally felt he could relax once more now that he was alone with you again. He’d headed back to his place to watch you sleep, alone with his thoughts. As the hours passed, he stayed watching you, golden eyes never leaving you as you turned and made sounds throughout the night.
At some point, you began making noises that Keigo had heard you make before. He knew what this meant, it seemed you had nightmares frequently. He got up and walked to the side of your bed, watching as your face changed slightly before an entirely different sound came out from you.
You moaned.
Keigo has never heard this sound from you and he immediately worried your nightmare was causing you pain. He reached a hand out, determined to have calm wash over you with his powers. As he’d done countless times before, he reached his hand to your head and began seeing into your mind, seeing your nightmare. Only, he suddenly flinched back as though electricity had shocked his hand.
Sweat began to bead at his temples as he warred with himself to look into your mind again. Seemed it didn’t matter what he thought because his hand was already reaching out to your forehead without ever having checked in with him. As he’d done before, he began reading your mind and seeing your dream which he now knew wasn’t a nightmare.
Keigo watched as you were being bent over a kitchen counter that wasn’t your own - the whole place in your mind wasn’t one he knew at all. However, he did know the man who was actively thrusting into you so hard that he could hear the way your naked skin would squeak against the marble top as the force of it pushed you upwards. This man you were currently dreaming of is your now ex. Keigo had been there the day he had brought another woman into your apartment, into your bed where you had caught the two of them together. He was also there, standing next to you as you broke down and kicked both of them out, ending the relationship right then and there. He was proud of you back then, had hugged you when you dropped onto your couch after the scumbag left with his chosen sidepiece and you wept into your throw pillow. You hadn’t dated anyone since then, choosing to throw yourself headlong into your work and be more social with your friends instead and the change had done you some good in the long run. Then why in the hell were you dreaming about this absolute waste of space at a time like this? And so… so graphically, too?!
Keigo couldn’t rip his hand away from your forehead. It was as if some sort of force had glued his hand there and would not free it for anything. He watched as you moaned, driving yourself back to meet the man’s thrusts before he bowed over you, consuming you whole as his larger frame draped over you.
“Where do you want my cum? Hm? Tell me where you want it, baby.”
Your breathing was heavy along with his own and you managed to finally say something,
“Inside, fuck, please! Cum inside me!!”
Keigo watched as a devious grin spread across the man’s features before his head whipped over to the side, causing Keigo to take in a sharp breath.
“You watchin’, “Holy One”? Watch. This is gonna make her fuckin’ soaked. Too bad you can’t ever have a taste.”
Your ex reached an arm around to your front, toying with your clit. The moan you let out at that was porn worthy and Keigo’s mouth went dry as you began to slam yourself back to meet his harsh thrusts. Your ex turned his head once again to look Keigo in the eyes, glowing indigo irises meeting golden hues and with one last thrust, your ex grit his teeth and came inside you, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and causing you to whimper in reality. The sound had Keigo both focusing on your physical form while also still seeing your dream. In the physical world, you were now squeezing your thighs together, your hand balled with a fistful of your quilt. The man in the dream refocused and once again looked to where Keigo would’ve been standing, grinning before the dream started to dissipate entirely.
His hand finally left your head and he registered that he was all out of sorts. He’d never seen anything like that, hell, he’d never felt anything like that before and it worried him. But, worry wasn’t all that was there. He was startled, almost scared, his heart beating a mile a second as he breathed rapidly. Of course he knew of humans having sex. It was a giant piece to the pie of human life, to procreate. However, he’s never seen you with anyone, never heard you like that before. He’d always given you space in your “alone time”, so he’s never even been there for that and now he’s seen some very private part of you that he should’ve never seen. To be fair, he thought you were having another nightmare. And that man, your ex, was the cause of the majority of them. Which is why he didn’t understand why you were dreaming about him in this way to begin with.
There was a new feeling blooming within him that he didn’t even realize until he thought about it more. Was this… jealousy? Surely not. Angels cannot feel jealousy. Well, Lucifer did. And Morningstar ended up paying for it with the ultimate price: Being driven out of Paradise. His brother, his friend, was gone and had not been home since all those millennia ago. This new feeling made Keigo absolutely sick. He’d never wanted to fight a human before now and what he’s just seen was still replaying in his own mind.
“Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe for the first time ever, Dad has made a mistake and I’m not cut out to be a Guardian after all.”
Keigo went to sit down at the nook again, brilliant wings curled around him as he watched you again, this time taking you in quite differently than he had just a mere ten minutes ago. As he thought more about the dream, his newfound jealousy had turned into pure unadulterated anger. How had that sleaze known where Keigo was viewing from? And the more he thought about it, the more it became clear that that was no normal dream. The more he recalled, he remembered that the actual eyes of your ex did not fit the man’s eyes in the dream. That was an entity that was controlling your dream and that feeling Keigo had felt before, the one of coming danger, increased tenfold at the realization.
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Let me know if you’d like to be part of the 🏷️ list for Indiscretion and/or the Bakugou x Fem!Reader, Deku x Fem!Reader fic series Catch and Release ♥️
@kingdaddydaichi @mxgenderbender @pervysenpaix @deleteddewewted @touyasdoll @touyasdollmain @house-of-elves <- I found you, bby! Was worried you left tumblr altogether 🥺 @chaoskrakenuwu @animedreamworlds @themythicaldisaster @kurocantcommunicate
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everestica · 2 years
heeelooo sunglasses emoji sunglasses emoji
can i pleease have prsk males w/ a reader that’s like,,,, a guardian angel or smn in human form??
like, reader is an angel but comes to earth to protect (character) because they get in trouble n stuff??
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Project Sekai Boys x GuardianAngel!Reader
Writing Type: Headcannons
Request: Yes
Warnings: Angst In Tsukasa’s, Mentions of Physical Fighting In Akito’s,
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting! This was a hella interesting idea and I hope I did it well in writing it! Hope you enjoy and if you don’t like it feel free to reach out and have me rewrite it! (I decided to only do Tsukasa and Akito just because I was so stuck for the other two lol, but it you want to rerequst for the other two be my guest!)
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-The whole reason that you were sent to him was because he was always working so hard and never gave himself any breaks, so it was your job to make sure that he was giving himself breaks
-When you had first met him you had no idea what they meant it seemed like he went on a lot of breaks until you realized that he didn’t think of them as breaks he thought of them as a way to prove himself in everything he dose
-So now It was your mission to make sure he had a real break where he could just be himself and that was really hard to do because people were always around, and the moment that you got him not around people his walls came tumbling down
-It was the first time you had seen the real Tsukasa, and one that was finally taking a break from being Tsukasa The Future Star.
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-You were sent to him because he could not catch a break from fights, no matter what he did he always ended up in a fight. Weather it be a physical fight or a vocal fight.
-You tried your best to make sure he didn’t get it fights and that’s when you realized that he never meant to get into fights but he was so bad with words and always provoked people and that’s why he was in so many fights
-So that’s what the two of you worked on, being better at being vocal about things without provoking people.
-After about a couple months of this training he finally started to get it and he stopped getting in fights everyday!
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vegitoswife · 6 months
So I'm probs gonna start that GuardianAngel!Gogeta AU soon-ish, once I make up my mind on certain beats. But I will say now that it isn't going to be an X Reader. To be honest y'all, I'm...pretty over *creating* them.
The stigma they've formed aside (being predominantly fem Readers that are white / eurocentric, writers not tagging them properly, etc 😒), I find them very limiting on a writing standpoint since I have to specifically cater to the format. It can get complicated enough that it could mess with the narrative I'm trying to lay out, and ironically, I still end up feeling as if I'm excluding someone.
So! I'm instead switching to a different format for my story-based selfship content. Rather than write X Readers, I'm going with "Fill in the Blanks". Structurally it's very similar to X Readers, but the character in the story is stand-alone from all readers. Details about them are kept very vague or aren't mentioned at all, with their name and pronouns only designated with blanks (____) that people can fill in themselves - for themselves, a self-insert, their OC, etc. The only variable that will be controlled by me is the character's personality and behavior, obviously. I technically did this with Fusion Revived, but I'm going to prioritize a gender neutral character from here on out.
This way, I don't have to deal with an X Reader's limitations, and it's hopefully inclusive at its core.
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pairing: steve rogers x guardianangel!reader
word count: around 1.5k
summary: the heavens give steve rogers the best present he could ask for on his 100th birthday
warnings: none
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She fell to earth on his birthday. It was a hot fourth of July and Steve was sat on the porch of Clint’s farmhouse, clad in a pair of beige cargo shorts and a white t-shirt that had meant to be loose but clung to his muscles. His hair was longer than usual, but he’d shaved what he’d grown of a beard, an impulse acted upon from feeling nostalgic this morning.
He’d taken a break from the festivities – a simple party thrown by friends with cake, balloons and familiar music. Bucky, Nat, Clint and his family, Sam, Wanda and Thor were all in attendance, so it was a relatively small affair – as small as a gathering of superheroes could be.
It was early evening, the sun dipping just below the treeline and passing a golden glow over the house, tinting Steve’s skin a little more orange than usual. He sat basking in the sun thinking – about everything and anything. Reflecting more than anything. It was when he was thinking about his failed love life – more specifically what he could have had with Peggy and what he failed to follow through on with Sharon – when the body cut through what little clouds hung over the field.
The figure was dressed in silk and chiffon, the fabric billowing around it in an almost ethereal smoke. But it was falling hard and before Steve could react in any other way but an expression of pure bafflement, the body slammed into the ground. It should of cratered the ground at the speed it had been going, but instead it seemed to fall flat, with no sound at all, lain in the middle of silk and chiffon.
“Holy shit,” Steve shouted, scrambling to his feet, hands grappling at the wood of the porch until he was running towards the figure. There was a commotion from inside the house as the others ran to where Steve had been.
It was as Steve got closer that he noticed it was a woman on the ground, glistening feathers falling around her and settling on her dress. Her eyes were peacefully shut, a seemingly content smile set on her lips and her arms gently resting on the fabric at her sides.
Steve crouched before her, careful not to step on her dress as he peered over her. He hesitated for a second before checking her pulse. It was steady, if a little slow. Despite hearing footsteps from behind him, he couldn’t tear his eyes away.
“She just fell from the sky,” Steve whispered.
“I know,” Nat replied, “We saw from the backyard.”
Nobody said anything else. They all just stared at this graceful figure with bewilderment.
“Is it me or is she glowing?” Sam asked. It was true, she was. It wasn’t an entirely noticeable glow, so much so that Steve had thought it was just sunlight at first. But as the Sun dipped completely behind the treeline and the glow remained, Steve soon realised it was her. She was practically sparkling, her skin engrained with a golden glitter that looked like a thousand stars decorating her body.
“Let’s get her inside,” Steve reached out, scooping his arms under the woman carefully. But before he could lift her, her eyes shot open and met his. He froze, her eyes transfixing him so he was practically a statue, mouth agape. She lifted her delicate fingers and brushed his cheek, the contented smile widening into one of joy.
“Steve,” her voice was musical and the way he said his name sounded so foreign to him. He was so enchanted by it that he didn’t even realise she knew his name somehow until her eyes fluttered shut and she fell into unconsciousness again.
He froze a few seconds more, mind spinning, until finally he lifted her, pulling her body close to her chest. Nat reached to help him, scooping up the material that cascaded from his arms and tucking it over the woman’s stomach. Nobody said anything as they carried her inside.
His birthday was practically forgotten as they gathered around the couch where the strange woman lay. Little was said the entire evening. Most just stared as the light from the window went from sunset orange to moonlight silver, the woman never failing to glow a slight gold.
“I’m-“ Steve cleared his throat, his voice sounding almost not his own. “I’m going to take a shower. Just… give me a shout if she wakes up.”
Everyone just nodded, eyes not leaving the couch as Steve made his way up the stairs. There was something robotic about Steve’s movements now. He was forcing himself to step away, to clear his head, but his brain didn’t really comprehend his actions as he stepped into the shower.
He just stood there under the luke warm water for a while, a thousand unanswered questions swimming around his head, getting louder and louder.
Who was she? What was she? Why had she said his name? How had she known his name?
Why did he feel like he knew her?
He tried to wash away the thoughts with shampoo, scraping his scalp with his fingernails and squeezing his eyes shut.
The rest of them watched as the woman’s eyes fluttered, not opening, just twitching. Her fingers stretched out straight, glinting in the light of the moon. Her mouth parted, a slow exhale escaping her lips until finally, her eyes fully opened. She stared at the ceiling for a while, blinking twice before she turned her head.
The room was silent as she examined her surroundings, taking in the faces of everyone around her. But then she smiled and sat up, stretching her limbs and cracking her back.
“Can I ask… who the hell you are?” Clint chuckled shaking his head. The woman smiled back.
“Y/N.” She smiled, teeth sparkling. Her eyes lit up with an indescribable happiness and the group were shocked to silence again.
“And what are you?” Wanda finally said.
“Steven Rogers’ guardian angel.”
“What the fuck?” Sam broke the silence that followed the answer.
“I second that.”
Everyone turned to the voice from the door, Steve stood there shirtless with a pair of gym shorts on, towel drying his hair. His eyes were fixed on Y/N, heart rate quickening when her eyes met his. She smiled even wider and stood, crossing the room almost like she was floating until she was stood before him.
“Why do I feel like I know you?” Steve murmured, towel slipping from his fingers. She smiled at him, fingers reaching to brush a damp strand of hair from his eyes.
“I’ve been with you a long time. Not necessarily in person but,” her hand rested on his heart, fingertips gently tracing over his skin so it felt like he was struck by thousands of tiny lightning strikes.
“Why are you here now?”
“I’ve been your guardian angel for one hundred years, Steve Rogers.” Y/N raised her hand to cup his cheek. “I earned my place on earth with you.”
There was a silence as the two of them stared at each other, Steve’s chest rising and falling beneath her hand.
Despite it making no sense whatsoever, it somehow made sense to Steve. Like everything he’d been doing was exactly what she’d been telling him to do. Like everything he was a person was everything she’d made him to be. Like everything he looked for was everything she was. Steve’s hand wrapped around her wrist, pulling her hand harder against him as the other hand moved to her cheek.
She glowed brighter under his touch, the gold radiating off her until she was practically blinding.
And despite logic telling him he knew nothing about her, he somehow knew enough to lean down and capture her lips in his. Her eyes fluttered closed again, hands travelling to snake around Steve’s neck, lips pressing softly to his at just the right pressure. Steve’s hands moved to wrap around the waist and got lost in the silk. When he found skin again, he wasn’t sure it was that at first – sure he was still lost in the soft touch of her dress.
“I’ve waited nearly eighty years to do that,” Y/N whispered when she pulled away, Steve chasing her lips like he was already addicted to her taste.
“Would it be crazy if I said I feel like I’ve been waiting that long too?” Steve buried his face in her neck, moving his lips softly across her delicate skin. She giggled at his words and Steve swore it was the most angelic thing he’d ever heard in his life.
“Wow,” Bucky finally interrupted the moment. “Some birthday present, pal.”
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safarigirlsp · 4 years
for the phantom day (lmao i can’t remember exactly what it’s called but i’m pretty sure its on friday?? 😂): guardian angel kylo peeping down on the reader when she’s naked & he jerks off? keeps telling himself that its wrong (“i shouldn’t be doing this”, etc.) i think that would be 🥵🥵 thank you, my dear shannon!! <3
I had no idea what I was doing with this! I hope you enjoy this unholy travesty.
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Guardian Angel Kylo x Reader
Word Count: 1600
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Language. Voyeurism. Lighthearted Murder. Humor.
AO3 Link
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Kylo Ren sat against the headboard of your bed, his long legs stretched out in front of him crossed at the ankles. The bed was still warm from you and he could still smell your perfume lingering in the sheets. He always laid beside you as you slept. The nights when you would reach for him in your sleep were nights when his heart soared higher than wings could carry him.
You had worn his favorite nightie last night. The silky red and black one that hugged your figure and gave him the perfect teasing glances of your tits and ass. It now lay discarded on the bed next to him as you waited in the bathroom for the water to heat for your morning shower.
Kylo grabbed your slip, rubbing the smooth silk in his calloused fingers. Bringing to his nose, he inhaled your saccharine scent as he pushed his face into the soft silk. His exhale turned into a huffed sigh when he dropped the hand holding your slip to his lap.
He shifted on the bed, trying to get comfortable as he leaned his back against your headboard.
Reaching behind his shoulder, he roughly plucked a large silver tinged feather from his wing. He brought it in from if him to appraise the way it shone in the light as he turned in it his hands. Shades of silver and gunmetal reflected in the soft morning light.
Feathers. He was never going to get used to this bullshit.
Turning the feather around in his grip, he brought the pointed tip to his mouth, digging it between his teeth like a luxurious toothpick.
He couldn’t imagine the gross miscalculation that had landed him in Heaven. He assumed it was some kind of divine clerical error. Surely, an operation that large had its fair share of screw ups.
However, he couldn’t deny that he was pretty damned good at his job. He was just about the best Guardian Angel anyone could wish for.
He got reprimanded all the time for his methods. Not that he cared. Getting chewed out by some lily-white pencil neck wearing a white robe that looked like something his mom would have worn on a spa day was hardly enough to ruffle his feathers. He got results.
Like the time that your boss chewed you out for a mistake you didn’t make just before the bottom of his Starbucks cup gave out, spilling scalding coffee all over his crotch.
Or the time that some asshole got handsy with you in an elevator right before that same elevator stalled after you exited, trapping him inside for hours when he was unfortunately hit with the most explosive and violent bout of food poisoning he had ever experienced.
The man who stood you up for a date really should have made a better effort to show up. If he had, maybe you wouldn’t have spent the night crying, and the man wouldn’t have been in the wrong place at the wrong time when a driver fell asleep at the wheel and mowed him over like a mushy speed bump.
He got an official write up when a piano fell from four stories high down onto your unsuspecting ex-boyfriend the morning after you learned he was cheating on you. Kylo particularly enjoyed that one.
You deserved so much better. You deserved everything.
If only you could see him. If only you could know how much he cared for you. If only he could touch you. He would show you exactly how a woman like you deserved to be treated.
Maybe he didn’t end up in Heaven after all. Maybe he was indeed in Hell and this was his torment. To watch over a woman, the perfect woman, the woman pulled right out of his deepest fantasies, and never be able to touch her.
Bringing your slip to his face again, he rubbed the smooth fabric on his cheek as he nuzzled into it, surrounding himself with your scent and pretending that he was nuzzling into your neck and hair as he fucked you. He would fuck you slowly. Take his time with you. Draw out every second of your pleasure until you were rendered a shaking incoherent mess in his arms.
His cock was already straining against his black pants. Times like these, he thought it might be better to wear one of those damned standard issue robes. But, fuck that. He wasn’t going to wander around like some toga party asshole. Even if it made it more inconvenient when his cock threatened to break through his zipper, like it was now.
A pained groan forced its way out of Kylo’s throat as he pushed his head back against the headboard, palm pushing down against his cock as his hips bucked upward.
He could hear that you had just stepped into the shower. He knew he shouldn’t. That he should stay right where he was. He also knew that’s not what he was going to do.
Rising from your bed, Kylo walked into your bathroom. He made sure to push the door open slowly and quietly so as not to draw your attention as he slipped inside.
He leaned in the corner, watching you, enjoying you. The way the soapy water ran over your curves, making you shine brighter than any angel he had ever seen.
Groaning with frustration, he fished his cock out of his pants. For once, he was glad you couldn’t hear him. He was already fully hard, painfully hard and throbbing in his grip. Fuck, how he wished he could use it on you. It was fucking criminal that his impressively huge cock wasn’t pushing into your pussy right now, making you shudder under the intensity of the pleasure he could give you. He knew how good he could make you feel with his big ass cock.
Leaning back against the wall, he spit in his palm, smearing it and the precum dripping from the tip of his cock along his length. Gripping his cock, he began to stroke himself slowly as he watched you.
Your back arched as you tipped your head to rinse shampoo from your hair, the bubbles traveling down your body like Kylo wished his hands could do. Or his tongue.
Growling at the thought, he started pumping his fist faster.
As he watched you, fucking his fist, your thighs began to rub together. Your hands trailed over your breasts, fingers squeezing at your nipples.
Holy fuck.
His balls started to tighten when your right hand trailed lower. Rubbing your fingers through the folds of your pussy, you teased yourself slowly.
Kylo stopped his hand at his base, gripping himself painfully hard to stave off cumming from the sight of you. He wanted to prolong this as much as he could.
A soft moan from your lips made Kylo shudder as you dipped your fingers into your pussy.
Lifting his hand to the thick head of his cock, he slid his fist down to his base as he resumed pumping himself. Watching you, he imagined he was thrusting into your eager pussy. How tight and wet and hot you’d feel around him. Your pussy would grip him so hard, you’d squeeze his cum right out of his cock until it overflowed from your pussy and ran down your thighs.
Your own rhythm increased as you pushed yourself towards your climax. He knew he could make you feel so much better than your little fingers. He knew you would cum so hard on his cock. He could almost feel it.
“Fuck,” he growled at the thought as his hips bucked into his fist. His cock throbbing in his hand now as he worked his cock fast and hard.
Leaning forward onto the cool tile in the shower, your mouth fell open as you came on your fingers. Your thighs quivered and Kylo could almost feel your pussy pulsing and fluttering around his cock.
A word escaped your lips, as you came in waves, something between a sigh and a whisper, “Kylo.”
Kylo’s entire body jolted at the sound of his name falling from your lips and he came hard with a rumbling groan. His thighs flexed and his clenching abs pulled him forward, bending him over his cock just as his cum pumped out in thick white ropes. A few silver feathers shook free from the force of his orgasm and fell slowly to the floor.
Teeth gritted and jaw clenched, he milked all the cum he could from his still throbbing cock.
Once he had cum all that he could and his breathing began to slow, he lifted his head to you. You looked almost regretful, as if you were pining for something that was beyond your reach.
He knew in that moment that you felt him too. Somehow. He knew that you wanted him too, even if he was only a dream to you.
Kylo hoped that one day he could figure how to reveal himself to you. How to be with you. He resolved himself that he would. No matter what it took, he would figure out how to be with you.
As you stepped from the shower, wrapping yourself in a towel, you couldn’t shake the image of the tall, dark stranger that had haunted your dreams. An image no real man could ever measure up to.
Drying yourself, you noticed a few carbon tinged feathers on your bathroom floor.
You always wondered how all the large silver feathers ended up in your bathroom and in your sheets. But, somehow, seeing them littered around your home gave you an inexplicable feeling of comfort and security.
© safarigirlsp 2020
Tagging some fellow heathens: @sydneyssmut @finn-ray-nal-beads @maybe-your-left @historyandfandoms50 @hopeamarsu @emeraldsiren19 @couldntfuckingtellya @the-wayward-rose @wayward-rose @sacklerscumrag
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bbhyeoliskooks · 4 months
❝𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲.❞ — SIX.
A story in which Yeonjun is your troublemaker guardian angel.
Introduction. | One. | Two. | Three. | Four. | Five. | Six. | Seven.
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𖥻 Pairing: GuardianAngel!Choi Yeonjun x Reader (Female)
𖥻 Genre: Angst, fluff, guardianangel!au, served with 4000+ words
𖥻 Warnings: idk myself but unedited 
𖥻 Playlist: Akin Ka Na Lang, Je Te Veux, Love Is You, Sweet, The One That Got Away
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Every single day after Yeonjun came back was nothing short of heaven for you. At last the angel whom you thought would have left forever came back to you and every moment was better than ever. 
Those nights in agony where you prayed to God, desperately hoping he’d come back were honestly worth it. No amount of crying and wishing from the heart would make you regret your decision since it all meant that he was in your embrace once again. The new found relationship was as happy as ever, but this time you two were actually dating and you could actually call him your boyfriend!
Although it hadn’t been long since you started dating- almost 3 weeks and 5 days but who was counting!- every memory and second together felt like walking on clouds. It felt like your heart flew higher than Yeonjun could’ve ever done before he became a guardian angel. He may have lost his freedom, but at least he gained something so much better, you thought as he stole a glimpse at you once again. 
Every waking moment was divine and you enjoyed seeing him after the sun rose and left rather than being left with an empty bed. Your world felt perfect, so you cherished what you had with him while he was there on Earth. If it was for the rest of your life then... there was really no opposition to be found. 
Never in a million years would you think you’d be in a grocery store, secretly passing kisses with your guardian angel- out of everyone in the world- and trying not to get caught from any lingering eyes in the ice cream aisle. His lips were sweeter than honey and sugar combined, and you were sure that it could replace the love of ice cream in your life. However, Yeonjun’s kisses became bolder and bolder as time passed and soon you two were making out against the chilled window of one of the ice cream freezers.
You giggled enamored, wrapping your arms around Yeonjun’s neck as he pressed a kiss against your cheek this time.
“We need to stop, Yeonjun! People will see us and-”
He interrupted you by leaving another saccharine kiss on your lips, a fresh invitation to make out that had you swooning once again.
“Aw, but Y/N.. I was just starting to have fun. If you want, we can get out of here and go back home,” he whispered seductively- which you had no clue an angel could do, granted that they were pure beings after all.
You shook your head, slightly pushing him away and grabbing your cart.
“Not now angel,” from the corner of your eye, you saw that he had pouted, “we can do so later but I do want to make you something yummy for tonight.”
His eyes lit up and he almost jumped, hanging onto the edge of the cart with giddiness.
“Oh my gosh, really?!! I love you so much, angel! Let’s go hurry and get the rest of the stuff; I’m very excited to see what you’ll make me!”
The change in his demeanor caused you to laugh and you pushed the cart along, hearing him pleasantly hum your favorite song from behind you. You couldn’t help but join in too, drawing circles on the handle as he led the melody. All you could think was: this was so totally worth it.
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You were sorting the groceries and putting the pasta in the pantry, mindlessly thinking to yourself. It was nearing the end of the day, as the stars would soon coat the blanketing night sky. Honestly, every day went by so quickly with your angel. Now that he was here, it was a dream come true. You couldn’t help but cherish every minute, compared to a couple weeks ago when your heart couldn’t find solace without him. Some may call it dependency, but when you experience pure love like Yeonjun’s, how can one ever move on?
It wasn’t until Yeonjun snuck up behind you, his warm arms pulling you close, that you realized that he would never disappear again. Somehow, you could feel his love overflowing immensely from his soul as he held you, smiling in the crook of your neck. His natural scent filled the air, lingering as your heart beat even faster.
You smiled, shifting your head to get even closer to him. 
“You smell good.. but you were in the shower for too long because I already miss you.”
He smirked, letting his arms relax yet still holding you comfortably.
“That’s not true because I missed you more. Come to bed now? It’s getting late.”
You laughed at his rationale and his line of reasoning. No matter what happened in the past, you were thankful you had him now. Him leaving would never happen again.
“Sure,” you giggled, grasping his hand as he led you to the room.
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Your eyes remained wide open with the air cold enough to make them tear up. It had been a restless night thanks to the coffee you drank earlier and even though you were completely comfortable in Yeonjun’s warm arms, nothing could help you fall asleep.
Yeonjun, looking up from his book, noticed that you were still awake before looking at the time- almost 1am. His eyebrows crinkled and he looked down at you confused. You didn’t notice his lingering stare and remained focused on your inability to sleep, wondering if you had insomnia or not- an overreaction to just drinking coffee. It’s almost as if Yeonjun read your thoughts, and he put down his book on the table beside the bed.
“Can’t sleep, angel?”
You looked up at him, frowning and nodding your head.
“Yeah, unfortunately. I think it might be because of the coffee that you told me not to drink earlier before we went grocery shopping.”
He let out a chuckle, turning all his attention on you. His blue hair was still a little wet, matted to his forehead in a way that made your heart swoon.
“I told you not to,” he tapped your nose to which you smiled at, “but it’s okay. Since I’m here, I can sing you to sleep.”
You rolled your eyes, jokingly scoffing to yourself.
“You definitely can’t. I know you’re an angel and all and angels are supposed to be close to perfect, but that’s just not possible for you to have another talent.”
And once again, Yeonjun just had to impress you as his lips parted and sang a soft lullaby. There were no words to it since he sang on a closed vowel but the timbre of his voice sent shivers down your spine. It wasn’t supposed to be surprising since he was an angel after all, but his voice was genuinely the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard. No one could compare to his remarkable talent and just for a second, you thought you ascended to heaven. You swore you could listen to his voice every night before going to sleep; you would just have to pretend you couldn’t fall asleep from now on. You felt extremely to have Yeonjun as your boyfriend.
Yeonjun smiled at your visible awe, pausing his song. It’s almost as if he read your mind, so you poked fun at him and closed your eyes.
“Come on, angel, go to sleep now.” He pressed a kiss against your forehead, watching your eyes slowly close and your smile fading as you drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
Yeonjun couldn’t have asked for anything more. For you to be wrapped in his arms, sleeping peacefully with shallow breaths. He wanted to cherish this moment forever and if it wasn’t selfish, he wanted to hold you close and look at you like this for eternity. Peaceful, content, and the prettiest thing he’s ever seen. You were the prettiest thing he’s ever seen; nothing could ever compare to this, not even being in heaven. It’s crazy how deep he fell in love with you and being away from you for even just a little bit felt like eternity to him. He would never leave you again, unless you asked him.
As he was admiring you, a thud came from beside the open window. Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows, staring at the window a little bit. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The stars were twinkling as per usual. The night seemed to drag on. The curtains were flowing as they usually had, but he could sense a peering presence that he felt called to respond to. He didn’t want to seem crazy but it felt like there was someone, or interestingly enough- something out there. He looked at you, smiling that you had finally gone to sleep, before getting up and tucking you in bed.
As soon as he took his first step out, he saw a radiating light, extremely familiar to an angel’s. He ran to the window, heart dropping in shock, knowing that this was not good news. White feathers, shining light, and a comforting presence? How ironic. This only meant one thing, and it wasn’t good. Now he was face to face with Taehyun, one of the superior angels in heaven. He was visibly shocked, anger weaving itself into his perfect features. Although, he seemed more so confused. 
Yeonjun sent him a sheepish smile to which Taehyun only seemed to get more irritated at and growled in a low voice:
“We need to talk.”
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Yeonjun sighed, holding himself against the chill of the dark night. He was preparing for the worst, hoping that Taehyun’s visit wouldn’t change anything. But he wasn’t foolish- he knew what this visit meant just by Taehyun’s expression and frustrated stance.
Yeonjun then spoke up, impatiently wanting to get back to you who was still sleeping soundly and hadn’t noticed his absence.
“Why are you here?”
Taehyun, grimaced, crossing his arms as he leaned against the tree. His light radiated from his body, although he was in his physical form. Anyone who saw would immediately be blinded, though it didn’t seem like Taehyun cared about that right now. Yeonjun gulped, his eyes not daring to look at him straight in the face.
“You have a lot of audacity to ask that. You know that right?”
Yeonjun parted his lips to say something, but Taehyun immediately cut him off with an irritated tone.
“I wanted to see why you complained and wanted to change your assignment three weeks ago? I thought you had problems with your human, but it looks like the case is far from that.”
Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows, immediately getting defensive. He knew Taehyun wouldn’t hurt Y/N just by his nature, but there was no telling of what he was thinking or what he would do. Nonetheless, he let the superior angel continue, venom lacing his soft spoken voice.
“Guardian angels are not to fall in love with humans! I know that this is your first human, but it is strictly forbidden. I would ask how long it has been going on, but that doesn’t matter. Yeonjun, there will be consequences to pay for your actions. You’re supposed to know better.”
Yeonjun only got angrier with Taehyun’s words, clenching his fists at his sides. If he already broke that one rule, then he could at least make a stand against his superior- another broken rule that would lead to more disaster in the future.
“Forgive me, but I already know that. I tried not to, but I fell in the hardest way possible. It was as simple as flying to me, and I will not let you take her away from me!”
Taehyun’s expression relaxed, deadpanned. There was no more emotion in his voice as he spoke, which was crueler because it showed he didn’t care. Yeonjun’s soul crumbled at the next words that Taehyun said.
“I will separate something that is not allowed and “natural”. I follow God’s orders, not yours, and it is extremely rude to speak back to a superior. Yeonjun, you’ve failed the job of being her guardian angel by having a...” he paused for a little, scrunching his nose for a second, “... unique relationship. I will have you know that none of the angels in God’s order stands for this.”
Yeonjun gulped, a hard bulge already forming at the back of his throat. He seemed to not get the hint, more so wanting to deny the words on the tip of Taehyun’s tongue.
“You are strictly forbidden to see her again. You will only get that privilege after 10 years which seems enough time for her to forget you, but little for you. During that time, you must prove that you have fallen out of whatever “love’ you have for her” he snided, rolling his eyes. He blinked with nothing but cruelty behind his eyes. “You have only until the sun rises and as soon as light shines, you must report back to heaven.”
“Wait, Taehyun-!”
The superior angel disappeared in a second, with Yeonjun foolishly trying to reach out to him. His eyes widened, reality falling on him at full speed. His world crumbled at his shoulders and he didn’t have enough strength to push it back up and find a solution. Taehyun’s word, coming from God, was absolute and there would be nothing he could do to fix the situation. Love wasn’t enough this time and though he couldn’t accept it, he had to.
The night stared back at him as he wished that the sun would never appear. The wind picked up around him as his blue hair swept violently around his face. His heart pulled at his soul, not being able to decide if he should tell you the truth or not. He knew it would change your relationship dynamic and he didn’t want to wreck what little time you had left, even if it was a couple hours. It was a cruel game and Taehyun was generous to offer a little bit of time. He crawled back into the window, softly shutting it behind him when he noticed that you were awake, dazed and confused.
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You wiped the slumber out of your eyes, squinting and noticing that the atmosphere seemed despondent. Yeonjun scratched his neck meekly, knowing that you knew he left the house.
“Angel?” You noticed a grim look on Yeonjun’s face. Immediately your heart dropped but you tried to swallow the emotions away. He promised he wasn’t going to leave, right? You had no reason to doubt him, especially when he came back. There would be consequences if he went back to heaven, so there’s no way that he would return. 
Yeonjun gave you a wary grin, one that didn’t go unnoticed by you. You just tilted your head to the side, waiting for an explanation. In a second his smile faltered which meant that he was definitely hiding something. 
“Where did you go?”
Yeonjun just shook his head in response, letting out a deep sigh.
“Oh, I just wanted to fly for a bit. You know, get some fresh air?”
You raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. Yeonjun simply got into bed, ignoring your confusion before pulling out the linen sheets over his legs. Then he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you in closer for what he’d call “snuggles,” his favorite thing to do with you. As always, he was warm and his presence was comforting enough to drown out the wary atmosphere. 
There were a couple of minutes of silence between you two as you buried yourself deeper into Yeonjun’s chest. Again, Yeonjun wasn’t very smiley which was out of the blue because he was always really excited and happy to be near you.
Rolling your eyes, you quickly pulled yourself out of his hug, demanding answers.
“Yeonjun, I know there’s something wrong. Won’t you tell me?”
Sighing, Yeonjun looked at you with a sad look in his eyes.
Your heart started beating fast. No...
His silence only brought you back to the time where you two had argued and he left without any warning.
“You’re... you’re not going to leave me, are you?” Immediately, you felt tears pooling at the edge of your eyes. You couldn’t handle his departure. Not again.
Yeonjun sensed your worry, reaching out to your hands and holding them gently. His thumb grazed the back of your hand with utmost love, and he was physically unable to look you in the eye. If he had a heart, it would definitely be breaking. Since Taehyun was his superior and coming directly from God Himself, that meant that him leaving would be permanent- in your lifetime at least, which meant that he would never get to kiss or hold you again.
“If I were to leave,” Yeonjun felt a warm, wet sensation uncontrollably trail down his cheek, “you would move on, right?”
“Yeonjun, what are you talking about?”
“I’m your guardian angel. We know that our whole relationship will be strange because I’ll never physically become old and you’ll keep aging. You deserve so much better than me- a normal human life with children and a normal husband in the future.”
You shook your head uncontrollably, stuttering as your throat went dry.
“What? If this is about you feeling insecure about our relationship, then I’m sure we can fix it!” You wiped his tears, feeling the warmth of his cheek against your cold, shaking hands. “We’re meant to be together. It’s different for you and me.”
He gave you a weak smile in return, his nose puffy and eyes red. “Yeah, we are.”
You couldn’t do anything else but just pull in your angel for a hug. He sniffed, his chest heaving as you held him tightly. Even if that bit reassured him, you still felt like something was off. Regardless, there was nothing you could do about it, making you feel utterly weak. The fact that there was something so incredibly wrong was enough to make you shed tears of your own to which Yeonjun noticed. 
His hand gently grabbed your chin as he tilted it up in order for you to look at him. His gaze was sincere and he pressed a soft kiss against your quivering lips.
“Hey, please don’t cry, angel. You know I hate seeing you cry.”
You only frowned even more, his words not enough to comfort you. You couldn’t control yourself from sobbing, barely holding yourself together to say that you were scared of him leaving again.
Yeonjun remained silent for a couple of seconds before regaining composure.
“Don’t cry,” he chuckled as his fingers ran through your hair. “It’d be hard to get rid of me. Not unless you decide you’re tired of me and you want a new guardian angel.”
“Never. I just want you, for the rest of my human life,” you laughed, not believing that you would ever get tired of him. He scrunched his face before giving you a wide grin. His body winced at telling you a lie, crushing his whole heart because he knew that loving you wasn’t enough to make him stay. 
You giggled with him, which made the room lighten a little bit. Just hearing Yeonjun laugh and smile at you a little bit made you feel a whole lot better. Though, it still didn’t make you feel safe completely. Yeonjun cooed, shushing you as you used his chest as a pillow. You snuggled in deeper, his presence enough to assure you that he wasn’t going anywhere.
He ran his fingers through your hair again before pressing a sweet kiss against your forehead.
“I love you, Y/N. You are the most beautiful thing that I have seen in my millennia of being around and nothing compares to you.”
You smiled at his words, slowly closing your eyes. There weren’t enough hours in the day and you eventually had to succumb to sleep which was easing your worries by distracting you.
“I love you too, Yeonjun. Please don’t ever go,” you sighed as you felt sleep pulling you slowly each second. Falling asleep in Yeonjun’s arms was too relaxing, coaxing you to a soundless slumber.
“I-I won’t,” Yeonjun gulped as he noticed you fighting to stay awake. He couldn’t help but feel the corners of his lips raise, despite how sadness was swallowing his every being. Being aware of his lie only crushed his heart more and he swore he could hear it cracking in his chest. There was no time left to keep holding you in his arms, as Taehyun would be there in a couple hours. But Yeonjun just held you tighter, feeling your arms become weaker by the second. His betrayal the next morning would destroy you- he knew- but he wanted his last hours with you to be as normal as they possibly could.
So he just held you in the silence of the night, getting angry at the world and himself for complaining in the first place. All because he doubted that a relationship with you could work, and it did; he just didn’t know it at the time. How foolish of him, which was funny enough because he was an angel and angels were supposed to be wise.
The hours were going by as Yeonjun’s tears fell on your head. Anytime now, Taehyun would be there, ready to collect him and make a complaint to God. And just on time, from the corner of Yeonjun’s eyes, he saw a shining, white light near the mirror. 
It was time.
Yeonjun looked at your relaxed body, wanting to remember this moment forever. The curve of your nose, the warmth of your cheeks, your lips slightly agape as you breathed deeply... The world fell at his shoulders as he realized that he would never hear your beautiful voice for a while. That didn’t hurt as much as knowing that he could never kiss you again. Never hold you again. Never be with you again as you and him intended it. He shut his eyes, unable to take the mental pain.
“I’m sorry, angel. I’m so sorry,” he sobbed as his wings emerged from his back. He could barely hold himself together as he flew to the window, glancing at you for the last time. Selfishly enough, he hoped that you wouldn’t forget him in your meager years of human life.
He whispered a quiet ‘I love you’ in your direction, before closing his eyes and shooting into the cruel night with his superior.
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You awoke to a quiet morning, the sun filling through the room. Strangely enough, you woke up cold which hadn’t been often unless that meant that...
You shot up, eyes glancing around the room to no avail. By now, Yeonjun would have flown in to check on you, but there was no reponse. Not here, in your bedroom. Not anywhere, actually.
You threw the covers off you, not caring that it would make a mess you’d eventually have to pick up. Soon the door swung open, clattering against the wall as you looked in every room. The floor creaked below your feet as your footsteps became stomps. Where could he be?
He wasn’t anywhere. 
“Yeonjun, please!” You cried, hoping that this was a practical joke he was playing. You walked in circles, running downstairs. 
“This isn’t funny!” You felt tears instantly gather in your eyes as you looked throughout the quiet house. The kitchen, the bathroom, the pantry. He wasn’t there. He was nowhere to be found. 
Your heart fell at his lack of response and it physically made you weak as you fell to the floor. You knew what happened, you knew that something was off and you knew that he knew he was leaving. Again.  
How could he?
You brought your shaking hand to quiet the helpless cries coming from your mouth. 
He said he wasn’t going to leave you just a couple hours ago.
He lied. 
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Released: June 8, 2024 (11:30pm)
Thoughts: Hey, y’all. I definitely am not releasing this 2 years after the last part came out! Goodness, I have been swamped with work ever since school started, but I’m ready to finally close off this series. I’m sure a bunch of you forgot about this, but finishing this has been in the back of my mind. I’m not sure if I want to keep writing other stories but since I’m bored and feeling guilty, I wanted to see if I could finish this during the summer. I also wanted to get my mind off things (my ex and how single I am) so I wanted to release another part. I was also inspired since I saw TXT 2 days ago. They were amazing (as always), but yeahhhhh hope you guys enjoy this part. 
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selmasemlan · 3 years
Not me hiding tumblr and wattpad, definitely not me
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thejamesoldier · 8 years
Sneaky Peeky!
Hi there! So as you know I’ve been working on that Steve x guardianangel!reader au and I’ve written some of it. I’ll be posting the first chapter pretty soon but for some reason I can’t control myself with this fic and I have this need to share it already. So here I am, succumbing to my weakness and thirst for approval, giving you guys a little sneak peek of the story. 
(Let me know if you like it or if you have requests on how you want the story to go or suggestions! I’m all ears dolls xxx) 
1945 - Somewhere over the Atlantic
The wind hisses nastily through the smashed holes of the window wall in front of him. He stares out at the most beautiful horizon he has ever seen. Endless creams and blushes and pastel oranges dance through winking heather clouds under the broad warm spotlight of the setting sun.
You hover unseen above Steve Rogers as he sits at the controls of the doomed aircraft.
For the first time in your celestial existence, you are paralyzed. It’s a human emotion, a shackle that is somehow transcending and chaining you to the spot. You are a being that is supposed to be above the reaches of manifest life, above the limits of the living and the dead, above it all. But here and now, watching the cold wind scrape its fingers through your human’s golden hair, you realize that there is absolutely nothing you can do.
Because your human -- Steve -- has made a decision. He has chosen.
His gaze burns long and wide at the view in front of him for another moment, an innocent fear coloring the constant anger swirling in the never easing neptune whirlpools of his irises.
He rips his gaze away and shoves it down at the frantically flickering control panel below him, smashing his gloved finger against a button or two,
“Come in! This is Captain Rogers! Do you read me?”
There’s some rustling over the static radio line before finally a frantic: “Steve?!”
Peggy, you recognize immediately. Your all seeing eyes blur a little as your superior Sight nudges into and borrows half the gaze of Asta, Peggy’s Guardian, who hovers over Peggy too as the human woman sits huddled up to a control panel of her own. With one eye on Steve and the other on Peggy you already know how this is going to end. You knew how it was going to end the second Steve took a look at the control panel.
Steve has chosen.
Out of uncharacteristic, you dare say human, panic you surge forward flapping your wings about in quick shaky movements as you veer around Steve and the chair and frantically take in the screaming controls of the panel. Steve is speaking to Peggy, the words deaf to your invisible ears as the realization that you’re done hits you.
Steve is going to die. He’s choosing to die. You know your fingers can’t actually touch any of the controls but you slam all of them anyway, growing more hysterical as you watch your hands move right through the solid metal.
You’re going to be ripped from him.
You’re going to be taken from him.
Once he dies you’ll guide him to your world, take him to the stars and make stardust of his sins and immortalize him as whatever the great abyss deems him worthy to exist as. Maybe his soul will go right back down to Earth, open the eyes of a newborn, or return as a dog, or maybe he’ll be sent to an entirely different universe. You wonder if he might be chosen to be a Guardian, like you.
You don’t have a heart, technically, but the core of your being clenches and throbs as you feel the pull of the stars reaching down through the atmosphere and gently dragging you away from him, warning you that his death is nearing and your job is finished.
Death is not the end, you know this from the near eternity of your existence seeing as you’re one of the original Guardian’s, the oldest to Guard a Human Soul on Earth for over a millennium, but you can’t help the overwhelming panic that your human’s death is happening too soon. You have been caught off guard.
That has never happened to you, in all of your time Guarding souls throughout thousands of universes and thousands of planets and thousands of life forms, you have never once been reluctant -- afraid -- to let a soul pass.
The aircraft groans the prophecy of its nearing tragedy while Steve once again finds himself staring out at that gorgeous view as the clouds give way to the ominous smirking ice below. Diving through Earth’s parting gift of beauty, art and sky, Steve speaks almost in reflex with Peggy. His gaze locks on the ice growing bigger and more menacing with each second.
You release a celestial cry, a sound of defeat that echos into the universe travelling through time and space warning every Guardian of what it feels like to fail. Without much else left to do you shove yourself between Steve and the controls directly facing him as he stares straight through you, human eyes untrained and unable to stand a sight as pure as you.
Bringing your hands up to cup his sweaty dirty cheeks, you watch the fear -- hatred -- bravery -- regret -- and most potently anger battle in the big blue twin oceans of his eyes as his death nears. You see that moment when it really clicks that he’s gonna die reflect in his pupils.
“Peggy,” Your human whispers as you don’t dare remove yourself from him. You try to wrap Steve in as much Grace as you can muster, all the Grace you have even if it can’t help him now.
He has chosen.
“I’m here,” Peggy hushes as obvious tears make themselves known through the radio by the quiver in her voice.
The ice is close now. You can sense the chill in the air even though you can’t really feel it. You move your wings so they wrap protectively around Steve even though they’d go right through him, your beings on such a different frequency of existence it would be impossible for you two to actually touch. Not pulling away, you make yourself watch this. You make yourself watch the horrifically brilliant culmination of every human emotion explode in Steve’s eyes like ancient stars collapsing in silent decimation among the infinite black.
There are a few moments of just wind and Steve’s heartbeat. The look in his irises reminds you of the first time he opened his eyes to see you hovering over him in his hospital bassinet (babies can handle the sight of your kind, the innocence of newborn life touches the wavelength that you exist on just barely enough to see you). That same magnificent awe and fear of the world he had as an infant mirrors in his eyes now before he dies.
A complete circle.  
Steve’s lashes surrender and close seconds before the ice embraces the aircraft with greedy cold arms. Something tears in your core, an awful wrenching feeling as the great hands of the universe reaches down and tears your wings from your body, stripping you of your Grace, before you dissipate into simple matter with a burst of light, scaring this moment on the infinite timeline with a bright angry flare.
All is quiet for one beat, and then the universe gasps.The great hands have made a mistake.
Fate sneers as it steals your wings back. For the world is not done with Steve Rogers yet, and there can’t be a Steve Rogers without his Guardian Angel.
Fate returns you to your Guardian form and flings you back down. You fall from the black abyss and plummet to Earth, to your human. And for exactly 67 Earth years you protect Steve with your arms, wings, and Grace, creating a temporary cocoon of stardust feathers and celestial skin.
The scientists will say it was the layers of ice that preserved Captain America, but no one will catch the delicate imprint of feathers on the ice that touched his body.
I wasn’t sure if I should tag my permanent lovelies cause it’s not technically an update, but your opinions on the story I worry about the most so I thought why not. Sorry if it was annoying!!! xxx
Permanent Tag List: @evilmermaidsinc, @buckyandsebsinbin, @simplyme8308, @captain-chimichanga, @mellifluous-melodramas, @creideamhgradochas, @notsoprettykitty, @ryverpenrad, @mrtinslydia / @whintersoldiers, @the-one-and-only-vampcake, @james-bionic-barnes, @badassbaker, @kenobi-and-barnes, @fangasms101, @almondbuttercup, @mar-gega, @vacam79, @nenyakj, @angryschnauzer, @rosegoldarmour, @ladylizzieofdarbyshire, @takemtoneverland91, @jenairedale, @musichowler, @seargantbcky, @mllx-anazra
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ajtorres0 · 5 years
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"I once gave in to temptation, selfishly attempting to sway her to leave her fiance, to save herself. To leave Lorenzo and to flee to the fishing boats. She could not avert his fate. I told her to choose herself over those she cared for. Although she doth not believe it, she is a born Sailor, and a fine one at that. Instead, she stood there in the middle of the road searching for him, trembling. She was afraid, but made her choice. The choice I was too weak to make. I will not make that mistake again." ~Abimelech Welcome to a new week of TCfFP Wednesday. I would like you all to meet my sweet, yet strict Archangel, Abimelech. A minor character in my novella. My angel is a caring and level headed guardian angel to Salvia. He has always been there, looking over her from above in the angelic realm of Hevellum. Laws of Hevellum prevents him from fully protecting his mortal from Eldara, so he tries to whisper cautionary warnings to her, hoping she will follow his words, but more often than not, Salvia ends up thinking of others instead of herself. To read more of Abimelech, go ahead and read my 2 excerpts on my blog. Links are in my bio, along with my website. Enjoy. #Bookstagram #Writergram #Read #Reader #Reading #Books #Write #Writer #Writing #Fantasy #WIP #AmReading #AmWriting #NewAdult #NA #Fantasy #Adventure #Aesthetic #Angel #Archangel #GuardianAngel https://www.instagram.com/p/B9m2uV0gDdH/?igshid=fnztetsandnq
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
GuardianAngel!reader protecting Stone and Stone has no idea, but recently, he's feeling this warm protective aura around him.
Not to mention, he's been getting less and less injuries, and he's been sleeping peacefully throughout the night.
One day, he's sleeping in bed, but his body forces him to wake up to get a sip of that good ass 4 AM water. But he wakes up to the sound of soft humming and gentle hands running through his hair, and he opens his eyes to see GuardianAngel!reader, and they just stare at each other in awkward silence until reader speaks up and says "how about we talk about... this... tomorrow when you're well rested?" and Stone just goes "Okay."and GuardianAngel!reader kisses his forehead, and Stone buries his face in readers lap and goes back to sleep.
Freezer anon
Love this, but Stone would still be paranoid? Or maybe your soothing aura would be enough to dispel any of his usual paranoia so he wouldn't think twice about the fact that everything seems to be going well. I feel like it's hard, because Stone would most likely be suspicious of things going so well for him.
Also I think this implies that he no longer wakes up at four AM to get in his workout and start his day.
It's interesting and I think if your watching over him changed his routine so much that he doesn't wake up at four AM to start his day anymore then he'd totally just fall back asleep if he woke up and saw you there. He'd just be like "Mm, I don't usually trust strangers, but I want to trust you. So I will." And then he just falls asleep again.
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