#Guild Wars 2 writing memes
mistfallengw2 · 2 months
GW2 OC Questions: Combat Edition ⚔️✨
General Combat
1. How good are they in combat? Can they handle themselves in most fights? Is there anything that hinders them or acts as an exploitable weakness?
2. Do they like to fight? Is it something they only do when necessary, or are they always looking for a fight? Is fighting an important part of their life or something they actively try to avoid?
3. Are they good at hand-to-hand combat or do they prefer to keep their distance? Can they handle both situations? If not, what happens if they're forced to fight from an inconvenient distance or too up close for comfort?
4. How do they fight? Do they tend to stick to a strategy or just improvise? Do they prefer to win fast and hard, or to let their enemy tire themselves out before striking them down? Do they favor brute force and resistance, speed and dexterity, or something else? Do they fight fairly or is winning the only important thing? Elaborate!
5. Are they good at fighting alongside allies or are they better fighting solo? Are they better at taking orders or leading? Is there anyone (friends, pets, summons, etc) they synergize particularly well with?
6. What combat situation are they better suited for? Can they handle a 1v1 fight or do they prefer to have someone always on their side? How do they deal with larger-scale combat and what's their role in it (frontlines/leading the charge, backline/support, as far from it as possible, etc)? What happens if they are ambushed or outnumbered? Is there any situation that stressed them particularly?
7. How much have they trained to get where they are? Were they a prodigy/naturally talented, or did they have to struggle a lot to reach their current skill level? Did anyone teach them or are they self-taught? Have they ever had a regular sparring partner? Do they still train regularly?
8. Do they have any visible scarring or lasting injuries from previous combat experiences? How did they get them? How do they feel about them?
9. Are they also a healer/medic? What can they do if someone is hurt and needs assistance? Can they heal themselves? Do they have a plan for when they're injured?
Weapons and Magic
10. What weapons do they generally use? Are they particularly proficient with anything specific or have a preference of any kind?
11. Are there weapons they can't use to save their life? Why?
12. They have no access to their usual weapons of choice. What other weapons do they pick? How do they fare?
13. Can they use magic? If yes, what kind? If not, is there a specific reason?
14. Is there any particular quirk to their magic? Is there something they can't do with their magic that others usually can? Is there something they can do particularly well?
15. How powerful is their magic compared to their peers? How do they feel about it? Is it their limit?
16. Is there any unique way in which they mix their magic and weapons? Can they do it at all?
17. Do they have any fears or traumas tied to their own weapons/magic? (ie: sharp weapons user afraid cutting themselves, elementalist afraid of fire/deep water, necromancer afraid of death, etc)
18. Can they handle themselves in a fight without using weapons? And without using magic? What would they do if they were in a fight and disarmed/unable to use magic?
19. Are their skills augmented by anything? (ie. enchanted armor, prosthetics/physical augmentations, blessings from powerful beings, rituals, experimentation, etc)
In-game Questions
20. What's their profession/class? Is it by the book or is there anything unique? If not one of the playable professions, what's the closest one/the one you use for them in-game?
21. What are their usual builds/roles? Is there any they can't do for lore reasons? (can be specific builds or just the general role)
22. What trait lines/specializations do they use? Is there any they can't use for lore reasons?
23. What utility skills do they tend to use? Is there any they can't use for lore reasons?
24. What weapon skins do they use? Is there a skin that has a lot of meaning to them? Do they stick to specific sets or not? Why?
25. Do they use a weapon or magic unique to them/that's not present in-game? If so, how does it work?
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creativebrainrot · 2 years
hello gw2 tumblr i am here to say that i love all the little gay people you put in my phone
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anghraine · 8 months
Fic author interview (meme)
I was tagged by @incognitajones! Thank you very much <3
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
222, though some are very closely interconnected.
2- What's your total AO3 word count?
1,193,545, says the AO3 statistics page!
3- What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
LOL, I had just automatically rearranged my stats graph to rank fics by kudos instead of hits. It's:
Season of Courtship (inevitably), a Darcy/Elizabeth canon-compliant engagement interquel I wrote as a teenager;
But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell (always a pleasant surprise), a short AU in which Luke convinces Anakin/Vader to flee the Empire with him;
per ardua ad astra, a Rogue One+ANH Jyn/Cassian AU in which Jyn, Cassian, and Bodhi escape Scarif only to get trapped on the Death Star and forced to pass themselves off as Imperials;
we get dark, only to shine, a longggg yet unfinished AU of The Borgias in which Cesare and Lucrezia begin their affair during S1 instead of S3 (CW for canon sibling incest, murder, etc).
Contradictions and Varieties (baffling), a short Darcy/Elizabeth AU I wrote for a fest in which it takes them slightly longer to get together.
4- Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try, especially with fics I'm actively updating, but I'm always behind on it. I mostly just get distracted and forget.
5- What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, interesting question! I don't write a lot of angsty endings, but there are a few options, and I think it probably would have to be the gift of men, a short (~1k) Fourth Age fic in which Eldarion goes along with a politically convenient marriage to one of Faramir and Éowyn's daughters, and falls in love with her, only for her to die of old age while Aragorn and Faramir are still alive and Eldarion remains young.
Honorable mentions: Set On This Path (Luke and Leia are brought up in the Empire + fusion with the story of the bloodbending brothers in B1 of Legend of Korra, complete with murder-suicide) and the last day (a chirpy epistolary fic that takes an abrupt turn after the genocidal attack that begins the Guild Wars games).
6- What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Um, just considering the ones that have endings, to be fair, and ... hmm, that's harder. A lot of happy endings! Probably the ones that are happiest for me, personally, are First Impressions (m!Elizabeth/f!Darcy re-telling of P&P) and whatever we deny or embrace (f!Cassian/Jyn).
7- Do you write crossovers?
Not often, but sometimes! Like now.
8- Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes! I've gotten hate more than once wrt Season of Courtship in various versions (even before it become so overwhelmingly the popular favorite of my fics). The rest has been on other fics and mostly on ff.net.
TBH the subtler stuff bothers me more than outright hate (corrections based on adaptations or fanon or expanded universe material I already said I wasn't using, concern that I might switch permanently to a new format I'm trying out, etc).
9- Do you write smut?
Very rarely. I respect people who can write good smut (hi incognita!), but I'm definitely a fade to black sort unless the ship is already so out there that I'm long past feeling self-conscious about it.
10- Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. It's happened a couple of times, but the main one was someone who stole a few Austen fics from various people and tried to piece them together into something they could sell on Amazon. One of the fics was The Rich Are Always Respectable (not what I would choose to plagiarize if I were going to, but ... okay).
11- Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several times. I think it's cool!
12- Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I wrote a short fic with my friend @tulinlina many years ago :)
13- What's your all-time favorite ship?
Darcy/Elizabeth. Truly this ship is the terror of the seas!
14- What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Oh, man. This probably requires more self-knowledge than I really have. Um ... I hate saying it, but we get dark, only to shine is likely this. I had so many plans for where it was going to go, but I'm just in a very different fannish place these days.
15- What are your writing strengths?
It feels weird to say, but I think I write solid dialogue (it's certainly my favorite thing to write!) and fairly clean prose in general.
16- What are your writing weaknesses?
Description is my truest nemesis—I tend to place scenes in just empty or vaguely described space. Fight scenes and that sort of thing are really difficult (for related reasons). Finishing things—my stuff nearly always grows out of control and it screws up pacing and so on.
17- What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
A little goes a long way, IMO. I did a bit of it in my fic about Leia and Cassian and Alderaanian, in tongues and quiet sighs, so I can't judge it too hard, but it's very much something to handle with care (especially with conlangs—Tolkien fic can be pretty grating this way).
18- What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Tolkien! My first attempt at a fic was a Faramir-goes-to-Rivendell-instead-of-Boromir AU that never got very far.
Well, my first serious attempt at fanfic, that is—I wrote original stuff for years before that, and I guess technically I tried to write Trixie Belden fanfic when I was about 10 ... and the original stuff spun off from a piece that was basically a Secret of Mana fanfic I wrote even before the Trixie Belden stuff. But in terms of something written within a fandom community, the Faramir fic.
19- What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
Hmm. I'm not sure, actually. I mostly just write stuff if I feel like it. Oh—it's cheating, but I've barely written Korra/Kuvira even though I adore the ship. I'd like to write a proper Korvira fic someday.
20- What's your favorite fic you've written?
This changes pretty often, though there are always a few that come up when I'm asked. At this moment in time, probably The Jedi and the Sith Lord, the third (sort of) of my f!Luke Skywalker fics, and the one where the story finally swerves off the canon tracks and becomes its own thing. Maybe (probably?) not my best work, but the Lucyverse is my baby and I think TJATSL is my best work in it.
Tagging: @elwing, @kareenvorbarra, @heckofabecca, @veliseraptor, @rain-sleet-snow
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zemathememequeen · 10 months
I am suddenly struck by how many people have admitted to me that they've been inspired by me. Sure, it hasn't been many, but it really is just wild to me every time it happens.
My friend just started up writing because of me, going so far as writing a spin off of my own work which is just 🥺🥺
@raavenb2619 recently admitted that they started making memes because of me too. And of course, now we're friends. But we didn't know each other back then, and we were mutuals who never directly interacted for years.
Not to mention all the people who have told me they started roller beetle racing in guild wars 2 because of my youtube videos.
I dunno. Maybe I'm just being emotional. But it's nice to know I've made an impact on people's lives. Complete strangers have been inspired by me! I never even intended it! That's actually wild to me.
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anticidic · 2 months
What are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media ever (can be anime/manga, tv series, books, movies, etc)? Why love them? Thanks ⭐
I've seen that ask a few times, and compare to other people, I think you have read the most books from the authors of BSD (that is so cool). As someone who grew up reading classic books and then got into anime/manga, I don't find many people in animanga fandom who also love reading books, so glad to find your blog. When you said, you've read from all Guild members, I got excited on my own (sorry).
I really love reading. 😅 I had to do a lot of analyses back in school on books like Of Mice and Men, Great Expectations, The Great Gatsby, and some of Shakespeare's works and it kinda just opened the floodgates to me enjoying all kinds of classics. Poe and Lovecraft were some of my favorite authors because I was really drawn to gothic horror and the cosmic elements of Lovecraft's works. I was also obsessed with horror for a hot minute and Stephen King still holds a place in my heart.
I legitimately got into bsd because of my love for books. Characters as real life authors with abilities named after their works? Sounds cool, I'm in! And I've been here ever since. It pushed me to read works beyond American/European authors. I just think some of the parallels are super neat, like the Nathaniel vs Akutagawa "Diablo" bit, and Dazai's frequent mentions of Dostoevsky in his works.
1. Bungo Stray Dogs
Self-explanatory, I think, after what I said above. I like the literary parallels and the foundation of the world is really neat to get into and think about.
2. Good Omens (show)
Angel/demon motifs? Hell yeah. I love religious themes in works, and I like the balance Good Omens strikes with that and its comedic aspects.
3. Scrubs
This is mostly from a comfort angle. Some of it is like black comedy? with the bleak jokes that are made in relation to medicine.
4. Haikyuu!!
I didn't think sports anime could get a grip on me, but here we are. I just kinda fell out of my hyperfixation with it a few years ago, but I still come back to it every once in a while. Really good character development, some legitimately tense moments in some of the matches like all the Karasuno vs Aoba Johsai, and I liked the Karasuno vs Inarizaki arcs the most.
5. Tokyo Ghoul
I actually completely forgot about how much I loved this series, which is both weird and concerning, but ANYWAY. It had really neat world-building and set a good precedence for an interesting narrative in Kaneki, but I think the ending is what eventually turned me away. Leading up to the first part of :re was a treat. Just a shame what happened to it.
6. Seraph of the End
Another old hyperfixation but still holds a place in my heart. I haven't read it in a HOT minute, I think I stopped catching up with what was going on a few years ago. But this also had a really interesting premise and the idea that kids were immune to the thing that wiped out most of the population was pretty cool. I liked the relationship between Mikaela and Yuichirou especially when they were on opposite sides of the war and Mikaela having to grapple with being a vampire and not wanting to feed on people.
7. Supernatural
Came for the story, stayed for the memes. Another old favorite of mine that I sometimes go back to now and then just because it's neat. The supernatural elements and, again, religious themes drew me in. A lot of the ideas I've gotten for plots I used in writing came from watching this. 👀 Paranormal themes is something I like exploring a lot and I still haven't gotten tired of it.
I was asked about favorite books before, so I decided not to include any of them. Thanks for the ask, anon!! ✨
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resol-nare · 1 year
All right, fine, I’ll finally make one of these.
First things first: Hi, I’m Tuesday. I also go by Curi. She/her pronouns puh-lease. This is my only blog because I don’t have the patience to deal with managing multiple. The stuff I put on here is varied and sometimes completely random, but I make an attempt at organization by tagging accordingly. Sometimes (not terribly often) I might reblog risqué content, so minors beware.
As for stuff I post about the most, this blog is largely dominated by video games I play and fandoms I enjoy. The biggest one of these being Star Wars, specifically the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic. I play on the Satele Shan and Star Forge servers, mainly Satele Shan. 90% of my time on here is spent fantasizing about my SWTOR OCs and rambling about their lives and the trauma I put them through. I also reblog a lot of memes and sometimes I write. Mostly SWTOR fanfiction. Other games I blog about include Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate 3, Elder Scrolls, and Guild Wars 2.
My AO3
OC Storage (Heavy WIP and extremely outdated. I’ll link my OCs below until it’s fixed)
SWTOR OCs, Satele Shan, Embara Legacy:
Jedi Knight: Reyerranne Organa
Jedi Consular: Rhiasma Farlander
Trooper: Valorous Faith
Smuggler: Fable Nyess
Sith Warrior: Xantaia
Sith Inquisitor: Vilent
Bounty Hunter: Auberil Frey
Imperial Agent: Echo-SS
Star Forge, Rupae Legacy:
Jedi Knight: Odyrian Irave
Jedi Consular: Issreo’na’asa
Trooper: Jas’aiaa (No tag yet)
Smuggler: Kavra Malcolm
Sith Warrior: Aerena Crowe
Sith Inquisitor: Sayeel Lujor
Bounty Hunter: Zhaim Carron
Imperial Agent: Kreelani
Other SWTOR OCs (Either canon divergent or in their own little universe)
Sehev’al’uhit (Imperial Agent, Outlander in her own universe) 
Sanguinis (Canon divergent, very WIP)
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NAME : Zombie or Rabid; no preference \o/
PRONOUNS : They/Them
I name my dogs after RE characters because a friend told me I wouldn’t. Albert Puppy Wesker- best boy, forever in my heart- passed Nov. 2020, so now it’s just me and Christopher Puppy Redfield. She’s a very good girl, except for that time she punched out a window to get to a cat. 
I used to be very into World of Warcraft and was into it from launch through Legion; I played in RP servers, did the rp mod stuff, wrote out backstories for every character (I’m an altaholic in any game with character creation), and I really miss having a group of friends in an MMO I can rp with and talk to OOC. Currently I’m trying New World, FF14, and Guild Wars 2. It’s not the same and rp servers not being a thing anymore is tragic.
I love cooking and trying new recipes; especially when I can share what I’ve made with friends. This and my love of fantasy has lead to an ongoing project about a travelling chef. Think stories about bards collecting stories and crafting songs, but instead it’s a chef collecting recipes/ingredients along with stories, and crafting/sharing meals. I’ve been working on and off on fleshing this idea out, the world the characters, all the things for about three years now. I keep going between it being a filmed show, a radio show/podcast, or a book.
PLATFORMS USED : Pen/paper notebooks passed between friends between classes in high school; Gaia online; AIM; MSN; WoW; Skype; Discord; Tumblr
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES : I like plotting a general setting/very loose plot, but I don’t like going into too much detail because the thread very rarely gets started when that happens. Winging it is pretty fun; I like seeing how things develop. I love memes; they’re good jumping off points for threads.
GENDER : Any; historically I’ve tended to write males, but I’m branching off into female muses and dipping into nb muses. So far I’m enjoying all of it.
MULTI OR SINGLE : Single; I prefer doing a billion side blogs each for a different muse over having a multi because it’s easier for me to keep things organized that way. It can get confusing sometimes trying to remember who I can send things from what muse with, though.
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S) : I keep forgetting FCs exist. Uh. I can’t think of any I really care about one way or the other tbh.
FLUFF: Fluff is cute; nothing wrong with a fluffy thread so long as it stays in character. Sometimes somethings bloody can be really fluffy for a muse like Evan giving fresh kills or something to who he likes. Or something fucked up like Crane’s relationship cage. Or something genuinely sweet can work, too.
ANGST: I really love angst. There’s something really satisfying about writing it. I honestly don’t know what else to say on the subject; I just really like angsty emotional threads.
SMUT: I don’t think I’m very good at it, but I do enjoy smut. PwP threads are okay; I prefer it to be something that just happens resulting from a fluff or angst or fight scene, but not as the ending to those things. Just somewhere in the middle, and then explore if that changes things between the muses, or just see how things move on from it. If that makes sense? But sometimes it’s uncomfortable because some people on Tumblr are really weird about smut; sometimes it’s easier for me to just not have threads go in that direction at all than to try and navigate that shit.
tagged by: generally stolen after seeing it all over my dash today \o/
tagging: whoever; just steal it :D
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bigsnaff · 1 year
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Hihi! This is my Guild Wars 2 blog. I've been playing since launch and still have no clue what the heck I'm doing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Essentially just here to rant about my characters (as one does) and reblog cool art and memes (as one does). This is a SFW blog so no naughty stuff here, thanks.
Only tagging spoilers relevant to the most recent expac.
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CYNA CRYSTALCLAW. Commander of Dragon's Watch and the Crystal Guardian. Former Blood Legion soldier, now Ash. Wielder of the Vestige of Glint. Has an unmatched temper, and her bite is just as fierce as her bark. She is no stranger to the horrors of war, dragons, and even death - but through these endless struggles and strife that she's endured as one of Tyria's heroes, she is reminded of one thing above all -- that she's still standing. Tag.
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DOKKS. Mechanics and engineering expert for Dragon's Watch, and a steady hand that Cyna has greatly needed. Universal father figure for the guild. Dokks is an old, kind-hearted, and well-traveled individual. Often regarded atypical as far as asura go for his interest in blending asuran tech with that of other races', resulting in contraptions that come across as outlandish and bizarre to many an asura, and often completely incomprehensible to anyone else. Loves his grandson more than life itself. Tag.
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KOORN. Bio-tech expert for Dragon's Watch. Dokks' grandson. A young asura filled with potential and promise that had been conducted in the wrong direction - particularly by his mother, who is a high-ranking member of the Inquest. Because of this, Koorn is not unlike many of the other members of the Inquest, being snobbish, rude, and self-absorbed. However, it's likely that this persona is simply a front, and on the inside the young asura simply is hiding a core of insecurity and lack of confidence in himself. Tag.
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MERLISH CENDIGG. A ghost of Ascalon that's rather unique to the others. Merlish used his expertise in magic to spare himself from the curse of the Foefire - to an extent. But then the spear he bound his soul to lay forgotten for centuries amongst the rubble, before eventually being plucked from the city ruins by one of the Astral Ward and brought to the Wizard's Tower. Suddenly, Isgarren was reminded of a forgotten member of the Ward, lost centuries ago. Tag.
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NOVA WARHORNS. Bounty hunter in Elona and partner to a completely eyeless little freak. Possessor of multiple brain-eating parasites. Almost certainly a cannibal. Never engage this woman. Hide and pray she does not find you. Tag.
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DESIGNATION V. Real name Vext. Former Peacemaker. Given a tip regarding a krewe in Metrica Province potentially practicing questionable research, Vext and his unit were subsequently trapped during the investigation and used as guinea pigs. Shoved into the Mists and declared dead by the Arcane Council, Vext now pops in and out of Tyria seemingly at random. Regarded by the Arcane Eye as an "anomaly" and is being unsuccessfully sought after by them. Also Dokks' brother. Tag.
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EX-COUNCILLOR PHLUNK. Twin brother of Councillor Phlunt. Held a chair as a councillor for a week. Kept "Ex-Councillor" as his official title after this for some reason. Moved to Divinity's Reach not long after, adopting a quintessential, stereotypical wizard persona wherein he opened a business to shuffle out his "wizarding services" for a high fee. Eventually kicked off his own trading enterprise to rival the Black Lion Trading Company, though something seems off about it. Tag.
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ENN(DRIS). A grandmotherly asura with a keen eye and a healthy sense of humor. Dokks' wife and Koorn's grandmother. Is long deceased in the original Tyria, but still lives on in Dokks' place in her own, alternate Tyria. Tag.
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ORDEN. Challenger of the Sons of Svanir. Unwilling in both his revenancy and the spirit he channels. Slayer of the icebrood remnant of his brother, whose spirit and corruption has gripped Orden through the Mists. Good-natured and rather friendly despite his appearance. Tag.
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droppingdonkeys · 2 years
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——— BASICS! ♡ (PEN)NAME: Mar, Mari PRONOUNS: She/her but they works too ZODIAC SIGN: libra TAKEN OR SINGLE: single pringle
——— THREE FACTS! ♡ 1 - From 18-27, I’ve had Livedoid vasculopathy (don’t look up pictures if you’re squeamish) and my feet/ankles are riddled in scars from ulchers. Used crutches to get around, and no painkiller helped. It seems to be dormant right now so I’m more mobile than I’ve been in a long time. 2 - I’ve never dated, never wanted to, and at this point I think I’m aroace but y’know life is full of possibilities and who cares. I’ve mostly considered myself biromantic/asexual. 3 - I’m Dutch, and English is my 2nd language.
——— EXPERIENCE! ♡ PLATFORMS USED: Back in the day; DeviantART, MSN Messager, Skype, various forums. Nowadays: Discord, Tumblr, Guild wars 2 PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: All. Of. This. Throw your ideas/memes at me, I will inhale them like Kirby
——— MUSE PREFERENCE! ♡ GENDER: I’ve played 75% female muses, from Cinderella’s Lady Tremaine to The Lion King’s Nala to Steven Universe’s Pearl. MULTI OR SINGLE: I’d love a multimuse but I don’t think I could balance it. Kudos to all my AWESOME multimuse mutuals! LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): IRL people who aren’t playing a role - dude, that’s a person
——— FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡ FLUFF: I am here for all the fluff, Lu deserves it. ANGST: I am also here to cackle evilly as I write Lu into horrible, horrible situations that are Not Good. SMUT : I am slowly getting more comfortable writing smut again. Friends/mutuals only, and OOC communication is a must. Only on my afterdark blog.
Tagged by:  stole it from @xxlordalexanderxx​ like a scoundrel
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kaijuborn · 2 years
Hey! For the Fanfic writer ask meme: 7, 9 and 15
Thank you!
7. What’s a trope you love to write? Enemies to lovers/enemies to friends to lovers, o b v i o u s l y
8. What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written? One of the more recent ones is from my Guild Wars 2 Rytlogan fic, For old time's sake:
Closing his eyes, Rytlock could easily recall the moment; Logan on his knees in front of him, flushed and angry after losing a bet, but still doing it. Fully committing, like he had secretly wanted to lose.
It was one of Rytlock's fonder memories of Logan, he would admit.
15. Are there words, phrases, mannerisms or scenes you tend to use a lot?
I try not to but yeah :(
"couldn't help but..."
"taking a deep breath"
I'm sure there are more :I
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lockea · 1 year
Fic Writers Showcase Game
Copied from @skalidra
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
My works page: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Lockea/works
First Fic Published: "Chrystallis Memoria" (Dissidia: Final Fantasy) back in 2011. It's a 1k drabble about the different warriors in Dissidia realizing they have a lot in common with each other, and was mostly an excuse to say "hey, Final Fantasy has a lot of recurring character motifs."
Last Fic Published: "Wake the Dawn" (Final Fantasy XVI) updated yesterday/is currently being updated. This fic imagines the protagonist of FFXVI, Clive, being born a Bearer (who are kept as slaves in the world of the game). Rather than having a noble upbringing and then becoming a slave later in life, how does being born as slave and raised that way affect Clive and his choices?
Fandom/Ship I Only Wrote Once: "Sundered Country" (Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn). A re-imagining of the whole plot of Path of Radiance had Soren been raised in Goldoa by his mother's family instead of being orphaned. I do want to write more FE fics in the future, and I may once I finish my current PoF play-through with my spouse.
Favorite Fic in Popular Fandom/Ship: Similar to Skalidra, I have works in large multifaceted fandoms (DCU and Star Wars) so I'm going to discard them as parent fandoms. Once you narrow down to specific fandoms, the most popular fandom I've written in becomes Voltron Legendary Defender. "A Broken Place" is probably my favorite of the three I've written. It's a very plot focused AU taking place on Mars that's based on a webnovel called "Northern Corporate Dominion" by remiheart that I read YEARS ago. It focuses on Shiro, who is a noble trapped in a loveless marriage as his degenerative illness steals his freedom, and Keith, a slave with a complicated past who is tasked with taking care of Shiro.
Fic I Wish More People Would Read: All of them? I think I wish more people read "Family (is more than blood)" (Guild Wars 2) because it's such a fun story. It was fun to take all the world building about the Legions in the game and tell a story about Rox and Rytlock.
Fic I Agonized Over the Most: Tough choice! Most recently, "A Single Grain" (Star Wars) has filled that role. I have a whole folder of just starts and stops and rewrites where I've tried to tell the story several different ways and I just canNOT get it going. I think I've got it figured out as a mosaic series where each story just weaves a much larger picture.
Fic That Sprang Fully Formed: A few have. Mostly oneshots. "Shelter" (DCU JayDick wingfic) and "An Unwilling Sacrifice" (Star Wars JangObi Fighter/Sacrifice AU) are the two that come to mind.
Fic I'm Most Proud Of: Still "The Sound of a Heart Breaking" (Kingdom Hearts). I have joked several times that it's my magnum opus for the amount of world building I did for it. How the heck did I even have the energy for all that fic? Funny enough, I recently wrote a oneshot in the verse that I haven't posted, so even though it's from 2009, it's still on my mind on occasion.
Not tagging, but please feel free to @ me if you decide to do this meme having seen me do it!
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creativebrainrot · 1 month
i should give kirari more attention i might even detach her from guild wars 2 and let her be a more 'standalone' genuine original character
i think i could untangle a lot of my "ick" around "feeling" "like a woman" if i paid her more mind and got sillay w it
she use she/any pronouns and is 110% nonbinary her gender identity/ GI label is some meme-y answer like "wouldn't you like to know weatherboy :3" she's also Kitsune inspired so she's an absolute scamp a complete gremlin. in gw2 she's a mesmer so she does a lot of illusions and mind fuckery stuff. i want . to, not be disabled LMFAO like god i could draw so much if i just had more energy / spoons / etc
alas. (would also help if i could refine my schedule even more but without work of some kind I dont have the motivation to replace "work" in my day with something like writing or painting. maybe i can make it a proper ridgid schedule with chores around the house but i dont think that can fill up enough time either hMMMMMM /rambling)
anyway i love kirari she makes me happy shes insane and so chaotic. bastardgirl
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anghraine · 1 year
I was tagged by @ladytharen in a cool fic meme! The idea is to post the first lines of your ten most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, that's fine, just go with what you have (if you want to do it; no pressure if you don't!).
Tagging: @ncfan-1, @hoidn, @kareenvorbarra, @elwing, @heckofabecca, @irresistible-revolution, @kazaera, @lantur, @melyzard, @steinbecks
Love, Pride & Delicacy | Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth/f!Darcy, WIP
When Mr Wickham first arrived in Hertfordshire, Elizabeth was as ready as anyone to admire him, and perhaps readier to be admired in return.
The original draft of this fic was on hold for nearly ten years until it struck me that I could begin much earlier in the story, at the first point where Catherine Darcy was likely to come up—Wickham's tale of how Miss Darcy had horribly mistreated him. This has meant more Wickham content than I ever anticipated, but it also propelled the fic forwards.
2. Untitled | Guild Wars 2, AU of pro patria, Gwen Velazquez (Ascalonian human female PC w/ street origin and a missing sister) and Deborah Velazquez gen, WIP
Gwen always knew the Seraph would hunt her down one day.
I told myself I wasn't going to write fic for this, and then, well. I am what I am.
3. Untitled redux | Guild Wars 2, same universe as #2, Gwen Velazquez/Althea Fairchild, WIP
Gwen Velazquez regretted many things about her time among the Bloodcrow bandits. Robbing nobles was not one of them.
I then told myself the main part of the 'verse would be a one-shot, lol, so I didn't end up with a pro patria-sized monster. It's not a one-shot. It's been an interesting balance between trying to lean into GW2 feelings while also staying relatively accessible. We'll see! Someday.
4. the captain and the hero | Guild Wars 2, side-story to pro patria, Althea Fairchild (human female PC w/ noble origin) and Logan Thackeray gen, on hiatus
Even by Logan’s usual standards, the battle at Shaemoor was ugly.
This fic floated around my head for a long time and finally would not be contained, and this seemed the right place to jump in. It probably will never go very far, but I'm still fond of it.
5. and the sun shone | Lord of the Rings (bookverse), Faramir/Éowyn, WIP
The Steward Faramir was, Éowyn swiftly concluded, a strange man.
Fun fact: in my drafts, this was just called "F/É telepathy fic".
6. Untitled | Lord of the Rings (bookverse), f!Faramir/Éowyn, WIP
Even in Gondor, Éowyn was cold. She had always supposed it would be warm, if she ever came here. And after Aragorn’s arrival in Edoras, she had very often imagined herself in Minas Tirith, for all the obstacles in his way. Someday, she had let herself hope, perhaps—and she had come after all, but not at all in the way she anticipated. And she was still cold.
The document for this one is "Fíriel mingling". Guess what it's about! :D
7. pro patria | Guild Wars 2, slight AU of canon following Althea Fairchild (a noble, Ascalonian, human female version of the PC), WIP
I always thought of myself as Ascalonian first, and Krytan second.
It's a weirdly-structured fic that mostly was a depository for my GW2 feelings, with a bitter main character who continually vacillates between hauteur, adaptable personas, and hovering on the edge of violence. Lots of fun and it couldn't have begun any other way.
8. the voices of the sea | Lord of the Rings (bookverse), f!Faramir and Boromir, ft. Tar-Míriel
The dream always began the same way.
I was thinking about how a female, non-military Faramir would get news of Boromir via the water, and then had the idea of linking it to the dream of Númenor for extra pain. The true goal of fanfic!
9. The Jedi and the Sith Lord | Star Wars (films only), f!Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
If Darth Vader did not avoid the sight of his daughter in carbonite, he certainly did not seek it out. Solo’s features had been frozen in lines of shock and pain. Lucy, however, did not look surprised, but resigned, her upturned face hardened into a look of hopeless dread. After his first inspection in Cloud City, he felt no need or desire to examine her unchanging features any more closely.
The previous fic in this series ended with Lucy in carbonite for Reasons. This fic is all about how their relationship develops from there and was definitely the most purely enjoyable to write of the whole series. This opening was one of the oldest part of it, written years before I got the rest out.
The overall story, however, begins more simply:
Padmé screamed.
10. we also are daughters of the great | Lord of the Rings (bookverse), f!Faramir/Éowyn
“Is there no deed to do? Who commands in this City?”
The Warden looked uncertain.
The same universe as #6! I don't usually begin with dialogue, but it can be especially helpful (for me) with AUs, to signal the ways in which it's splitting off or which scene is being played with.
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khorren · 3 years
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OC Interview - Tagged by @long-journey Thanks, Max <3 <3
Tagging in return anyone who wants to do it :)
Can you introduce yourself?: My name is Aoife Ulvstrom. Leader of Celstial Order and Interim Leader of Dragon's Watch, temporarily taken over from former Pact Commander Serenity Sun.
What is you gender identity, orientation and relationship status?: Female, Bisexual and not single, no.
Where and when were you born?: I was born in 1302, the same year that the first Sylvari were born into Tyria. I grew up in a sizeable homestead east of Timberline Falls. There's a few other homesteads nearby, but we have a lot of space to call our own.
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?: Swords and Axes are my go to though I appreciate a good hammer swing. I'm trained with a varied arsenal melee and ranged alike.
Lastly, are you happy?: I'd be happier if Serenity was back, but.... I'm hangin' in there. Things are ok. Could be better, could be worse.
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?: I have a few families! My family back home, and my guilds. My family back home is pretty big. Well most of them aren't home these days. Mama and Papa are still at home, but everyone else is off across Tyria right now, I think? Maybe Fia and Isla went home... yeah. My other families are my two guilds. Dragon's Watch are scattered to the winds right now, some are holed up in Eye of the North still, some are on personal errands. And the Order, gosh they're all over. Some are here in Divinity's Reach. They're all just a comms-call away though apart from Sienna and Serenity, so that's re-assuring.
Have you ever ran away from home?: Nooo. I love my parents and family, they had a lot of different interests to me but things were good growing up.
Would you consider marriage or having children?: Children are..... not possible. No. Not naturally anyway. And everything's just so hectic to settle down and have kids. My partner feels the same, it just probably isn't going to be on the cards for us. Being an auntie is fine, just fine.
Do you secretly hate one of your friend?: There's been times I've hated my sisters, but that's just sibling rivalry, we know we can count on each other for the important stuff. When Siobhan was growing up she took to the hunting and fighting much better than I, and .... that was kind of hard. Even though I really did enjoy time to myself, it still felt uncomfortable. But... we're passed that now. I hope.
Which friend knows everything about you?: My partner. Maybe Serenity. I'm pretty sure she knows more about me than I know about me.
Are you literate? Have you been to school?: I didn't have a formal education or anything but I'm well educated in New Krytan, written and spoken, and I can pick apart some very basic words of Norn, nothing more than "hunt" "rest" and "dead". I'd love to read more about the language, I know the Priory has some tomes somewhere but I've yet to have the opportunity to spend time in that section. Sadly it's a dying language in both text and speech.
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?: Heh. I told Serenity once that if she carries on like she was she'd end up dead. ..... That was.... yeah. She came back to us and if her gods were listening I'd thank them every day.
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?: Ah jeez.... My partner being interested in me? I'm so used to swatting people away from Serenity it took me a while that he wasn't coming around to see her. And.... yeah. I'm not good with that uh... that sort of stuff.
Do you have mental health or physical issues?: I know my insides are ruined. Too many bloodstone magic shots and spectral agony has ravaged my ability to have children. I have a mild case of Scarlet's Rattle, but that's mostly controlled with medication and some on going healing from Alexis. My head's on straight I think. I make sure my guild knows where I'm at and they can take over if things get hectic.
What is your current main goal?: Aiding Taimi and Gorrik as they investigate the after effects of Dragonstorm and liaising with the Priory and how they're dealing with the debris.
Drink or food?: Drink. And yeah yeah I know I'm a norn and you think I mean ale, but no, fresh spring water hits just right.
Cats or dogs?: Cats! I may have rescued an army of cats from around Tyria and let them loose in the Great Lodge. It's nice seeing them all when I get a chance to go back there. I mostly grew up with dogs and birds, so being able to spend time with cats these days is just great.
Early bird or night owl?: Night owl for sure. I love a crisp sunrise across the 'peaks but the cool night air and quiet is my happy place.
Optimist or pessimist?: Can I say realistic? Is that an option? I like to think I'm rather pragmatic and takes all sides into consideration. My friends and I have come across some impossible odds and succeeded. I'd like to think with them by my side we can tackle anything.
Sassy or sarcastic?: Sassy for sure. Roisin's the sarcy one.
Been caught sneaking out: No. I'd rather stay in!
Broke a bone: Too many.
Received flowers: Twice that I can remember. Once Kasmeer gave me some after Serenity's temporary departing.... and then my partner gave me a small bunch when one of my brother's died... I do like keeping them around for happy reasons! Just I've only been given them in times of sorrow.
Ghosted someone: Not on purpose? But life's been busy so I'm sure there's someone somewhere waiting for me to come back anyday now....
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get: Oh constantly. I'm a nervous laugher. It happens a lot if Taimi and Gorrik go into one of their ..... technobabble sessions. I just... Yeah. I love 'em but they can be a bit much.
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i-mybrunettelady · 3 years
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Actual, in-game, lore-immersive, beautiful sylvari greeting I stumbled upon tonight ❤️
Not sure if it's vari only but I like it
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Hello! Pinned Post Time
Hi there! My name is Connor (he/him) and welcome to my GW2 side blog. I started playing during the 2020 quarantine and since then Guild Wars has become a very big part of life. I play with my boyfriend (he/him) and my sibling (they/them/any) and so mention them a lot. I made this blog to have somewhere to share the small bits of content I sometimes make: posts talking about my characters, short fics, some crafting and lots and lots of memes. 
I’m always happy to chat with people so my DMs and ask box are open, though I’m not very familiar with tumblr etiquette. 
Tag List:
Connor’s Stuff: a general tag for the content I have created
Rambling: a general tag for me talking to myself
My writing: the short little fics I’ve written about my characters
Memes: memes that I’ve either created or reblogged
Crafting: tag for all of my Guild Wars 2 related crafting projects. Usually cross stitch with a side of crochet. 
Ask: tag for asks
Characters: the main characters I talk about are Bertie and Syrryl, me and my boyfriend’s asuras. Other characters include: Wynoc, Wardd, Biarr, Bjazz and Mortt the Bulwark. Tags for all of them can be found below. 
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