factual-fantasy · 1 month
Since the last post you made about him I've been wanting to ScReAM my love for him but I never had the time and the energy at the same time! D: until now >:]
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Now, continuing to be an acceptable member of the Tuna Lover society.
Hold yourself because I have 0 self control when it comes to ramble about my specialist little guy and I'm afraid I wrote quite a lot.
Tuna looks like he is so tired. Look at him! His whole body language is screaming "I'm so tired but i dont really think sleep cluld help me". What did this rascal do that he's so tired? I wonder, but for some reason he looks more like being emotionally tired than anything. Poor bean! Did he had a rough week? A bad day? Is he feeling down? Maybe he's just tired for no specific reason, it happens sometimes. I wish I could cup him in my hands and pat his head softly as I rock him to sleep because he's so my baby :'[ <3
Ellie oh you heart of gold woman how lucky is the crew you're a part of it! Like seriously. She looked at this sad teen and said: not under my watch young boy. And went to cook his fauvorite rolls??!? She's so grannie coded I need her in my daily life you have no clue (oh no I got nostalgyc-). She's trying to hype him up and she's not just silently sliding the rolls under his hands. She's actually talking with him and something about physical contact. WAIT. IS THAT IT? IS TUNA SO VERY TOUCH STARVED THAT THIS IS HIS REACTION? OOOUGH MY HEART CANT HANDLE IT. I'll follow this train of thought later. (🚂)
Like. She's so gentle, so careful, so... She's really making sure she does all she can to lift up the spirits of that young man!
Because the way he's looking at her... the fondness.. the care and gratefulness????? Oh dear momma fish I'm dying. He's looking at her so sweetly! So gratefull! He's screaming "thanks for being a part of my life" without his mouth. He's screaming "I am so gratefull you love me" with his only one eye and I'm so down for it. I need more of them. They warm my fish heart so much... She's the grannie he never asked for bur always needed! Y'know? He's capable of looking at someone like that after all he's gone through and if that doesn't make me want to cry I don't know what does. Because that's just... OUGH I CANT WITH THEM HE HAS SUCH A TRAGYC BACKSTORY AND FEELS LIKE NO ONE LIKES HIM AND THEN THIS OLD LADY IS LIKE: YEAH, ILL BAKE HIM SONETHING SO HE CHEERS UP??!??! I NEED THEM HUGGING I NEED THEM BONDING I NEED THEM BEING A MEANACE TOGERHER BECAUSE OHMYGOD WHAT I WOULDNT GIVE TO SEE THIS TWO BEING LIKE THIS EVERYDAY.
A tiny part of me kinda wants to see one of them hurted really bad and the other protecting, but the other part of me is terrified of the mental implications it would have. Especially if it's ellie the one hurted. Oh no, no, let's end that thought there for my own sake 🫠
Ok, returning with that train of thought (🚂)... I probably have alredy rambled about this before, but... When was the last time someone hold this guy gently? I mean, not even hold, but just... touch him without meaning harm? Or more precisely, when was the last time someone touched him with care? With fondness? With the intention to lift his spirit? To make him smile, at least a little tiny eety beety winesy bit?
She puts hers hand on his shoulder and he jumps, freezing with his mouth full of delicious food. It's her. Of course it's her, they were chatting alone in the kitchen, although it felt more a monologue as Ellie cooked than an actual conversation. He was too in his mind to really listen. The sudden contact was what made him blink with his only eye, staring at the caring old eyes of the lady at his right. It was nice. Warm and rough hands squeezed his arm softly, fully aware that she had startled him. She looked at him with a fond smile and placed the fresh rolls in front of him. "There, you better enjoy them boy!" She may or may not say. Thing is, his eye goes to the hot, delicious food, and then he realizes. The hand is still there. Gentle. Almost can't feel it. It's. Why? It's strange. It should hurt. But it didn't. Of course it made sense, but why? Of course it didn't! It was Ellie! And then the realization hits. All in a matter of seconds. Ellie would never lay a harming hand on him. And he felt... He felt.
"You can't eat literally with your eyes, you do know that, do you?" He forgot he was eating. He smiled. And seeing that smile made her smile too. After all, how couldn't she? That wasn't something she saw everyday! Much less in such a sincere way! He was just... smiling at her. Oh she felt so happy! "I'm glad you like those! If you want more just tell me!" Oh wasn't he in the verge of tears? Happy tears! Him! Oh. The realization hitted like a truck. (Or like a ship? What's the equivalent? Idk, like a punch of Louis if you please.) He was cared for. He was loved. There were hands in this world that weren't meant to harm him. He just smiled, fondness burning in his chest like a wildfire because how this woman can change a man via kindness/food.
What is so crazy is that maybe he's just staring lovingly at the lady that cares for him. Because he feels like he's a rock on the boots of the crew most of the time but he's good at what he does so they bare with him. Maybe he feels they don't want him around but... but this lady does. And isn't he gratefull for it? Isn't he so happy she's around? She touches his only arm in such a gentle way? The other won't feel kindness never again, did it ever felt it? Not punches, not grabs, no, just... placing her hand there. Like he isn't an animal with the rabbies but actually a just really fucked up little guy who is terrified of people because people gave him reasons to and barks and bites but is, at the end, very lonely and afraid because he pushed everyone away. Except for this lady. He tried. He bited and barked until he realized she doesn't care, that she alredy saw the scared guy he was and didn't cared. She didn't cared. She cared so much more than anyone that she didn't cared! She wasn't afraid! She wasn't going away! If anything, she sitted closer as time passed. And suddenly, a pet on the head. A so waited, so dreamed, so strange, so scary! Pat on the head. Gentle. Not like those who grabbed him to calm him down and only made him bark and bite with more energy. No. Gentle. It was new. It was nice. But he was afraid. Afraid. How long until she hits? He thinks. But she never hits. She brings him treats. Suspicious. But... not so... Why? It's just that he isn't used to see someone care. But she cares. And she doesn't goes away. And she doesn't turn her back. If anything, only to take the rolls out of the oven!
He doesn't thinks all that in the moment. He just wants. Oh. That felt nice. But was kinda unexpected. It's later at night that he thinks, if his three neurons decide to work. Mayne this is how his complex being feels but his tint neurons don't know how to think. He just loves and cares about the lovely woman that cares and loves back. I need more of them. They mean everything to me at this point factual I'm descending to madness.
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sokkastyles · 4 months
Whenever I see antis saying that Zuko was rude or selfish to confront Katara about her anger towards him, I always have to roll my eyes at the attempt to make a big deal out of a conflict that was already solved in canon, and there's a lot to be said about how Zuko is actually the only one to care enough about Katara's emotional state to recognize that she needs help, and that's something the show literally spells out by having the others just sit there confused (even though they were there when Katara told them about how she felt about Zuko and his betrayal in Ba Sing Se, so it's odd that none of them seem to understand what's going on when it's quite obvious to the viewers.)
But another aspect of this is that Katara's behavior is explicitly a cry for help. A lot of her angry and dramatic reactions towards Zuko are extremely over-the-top, not to characterize Katara as unreasonable, but to show that Katara's bitterness towards Zuko is masking the hurt she felt towards him. In "The Western Air Temple," she spells this out to the gaang, telling them that she felt like he was really confused and hurt, and that she felt sorry for him, but then states that he was just pretending to be a real human being. Of course, Katara does not really believe that Zuko is not a real person with feelings, and her confrontation with him later in the episode reveals that her anger at him actually stems from knowing that he's actually all too human. Because she knows now that he's capable of making mistakes, even when his intentions are good.
The fact that Katara chooses to confront Zuko alone at the end of this episode also makes Zuko confronting her at the beginning of "The Southern Raiders" a circular part of their arc. What's that about yin and yang always circling each other?
But what's more, is that Katara continues to have these exaggerated reactions to Zuko, often going out of her way to needle him. This is not the behavior of someone who wants nothing to do with another person. It could be behavior indicative that Katara wants to hurt Zuko because he hurt her, but then you have situations like her asking to hear his tea joke, which she wouldn't do if all she wanted was for him to stay away from Aang.
Then, when Zuko saves Katara from falling rocks at the beginning of "The Southern Raiders," her reaction is immediate and accusatory at him landing on top of her. It's a very obviously romantically coded scene, and a large part of the humor is derived from Katara acting like Zuko is doing it on purpose, which of course he is not. There's no way Katara would really think that, right? So why does she accuse him of it?
I would argue that she did it for the same reason she confronted him alone in "The Western Air Temple," the same reason she makes exaggerated statements about his lack of humanity, the same reason she is constantly needling him.
Katara wants Zuko's attention. She wants him to know how she feels, all the anger, hurt, and betrayal, and thus, all the things she did feel under Ba Sing Se, when she thought it was possible that he was someone she had connected with. And she wants to know if he feels the same way, and is angry if he doesn't, or angry if he does, because that makes the betrayal even worse.
So when Katara makes another needling comment towards Zuko before stalking off, while everyone but Zuko continues to sit and puzzle over what could possibly be wrong, I'm pretty sure that some part of Katara wanted Zuko to follow her, to ask her what was wrong, to care.
The fact that she forgives him at the end of the episode is confirmation of this. Zuko is not admonished by the narrative or told that he should mind his own business, or forced to learn a lesson about how it was selfish of him to ask for forgiveness. The focus is on Zuko trying to figure out what Katara needs, recognizing that she needs something from him, and even being able to admit that he doesn't specifically know how to give it to her but letting her figure it out for herself.
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exilethegame · 9 months
For pure angst and evil purposes, how easy would it be to make ROs cry?
Alright, here's them rated hardest to make cry to easiest-- and keep note, this is specifically in the context of someone trying to hurt their feelings (and them knowing). Because the order would change in so many ways for so many different things (who cries most under stress, who cries most if someone they care for is hurt, etc, etc)
Hardest to easiest: Sabir, Jost, Nikke + Syfyn, Amilia, Vethna
Freedom (is their own thing)
Sabir: Sabir, in general, is a vulnerable person. He likes being honest when he's not in "politician mode", likes sharing his feelings, feels comfort in openly showing his emotions which includes crying. But if for whatever reason someone starts really trying to hurt his feelings, that man can just... shut them off. I mean really turn off his emotions. It's honestly unsettling, and probably very disturbing. You won't be able to make him cry. Like... you just won't.
That being said, there are some people I don't think Sabir could ever muster the strength to do that to. It's not that he's not capable of it, it's that he'd rather be open and allow himself to be hurt by the person he loves than ever shut them out. (Looks at evil MCs nervously...)
Jost: Jost is pretty similar to Sabir, except she's always on the emotional defensive. She doesn't let people in ever, and because of that, it's hard to get a sad reaction from her. That being said, Jost is like... hilariously easy to piss off but that can go from being funny to being really upsetting to witness real quick. Because of that, I think it's possible, if you keep pressing hard enough, to make Jost cry from anger and rage. But you'd have to keep her cornered, cause she'd try to make a run for it before that could happen.
Nikke + Syfyn: They're tied! They both have pretty strong brave faces, but at their core, they're both such loyal and dedicated people that their strong face would crack, inevitably. Seeing someone they care for lash out at them, use their weaknesses against them, would be enough to make them start breaking down. But it wouldn't be soft crying. It'd be angry, defensive, confused. And they'd both probably storm off at the end and retreat into themselves. The only difference is Syfyn is terrible at holding a grudge and keeping a cold shoulder (MC snapping is a *cough* exception), and Nikke is a little too good at it.
Amilia: Amilia, honestly, is probably equal to Nikke + Syfyn in terms of how much you'd have to throw at her to make her actually start crying, but she's a lot more vulnerable. She won't hide the fact she's becoming upset, she'll beg for the other person to just stop, and when they don't... she'd just start crying. Not ugly crying, not breaking down, but she'd make no attempt to hide her tears as she sniffles. I think Amilia is comfortable in that sadness in a way the others aren't, and she has no problem being blunt in that sadness-- asking the other person if they're happy they made her hurt (and genuinely asking, not just saying it to spite them). It's hard to explain... maybe I'll get the chance to write it... in game... (*looks at camera dramatically*)
Vethna: Don't. Please don't. If someone close to Vethna, at this point, just straight up turned on them and started throwing shit at their face in a fight to purposely hurt them and was just outwardly downright malicious, Vethna wouldn't even put up a fight. They'd probably try to look indignant, nonchalant, and unfazed, throwing a witty, sharp retort your way... but that would probably last a total of ten seconds before they just start crying. I get this image in my head of Vethna almost seeming child-like when they cry-- pouted lips, huffing breaths, avoiding the other person's gaze. I think Vethna has too many "sore spots" in their self-worth and confidence to be able to handle something like that with any sort of grace. But the worst part is I think that leaves them very susceptible to manipulation. Vethna craves approval from the people around them, so it would be easy to use their vulnerability against them.
Freedom: Okay, Freedom is just hovering all around because emotions are so wonderfully bizarre and strange to/for them. I don't think you could make Freedom cry if you were just like... "I'm gonna be a dick because I'm annoyed or angry" and started insulting them. They'd just look at you with a raised brow and vaguely amused expression. But if someone was close to them, and genuinely upset by something Freedom did, and that person was hurt and fighting back tears and lashing out as a response... then I believe that would make Freedom cry. MC + Freedom are very innately connected, and I think feeling the weight of those emotions on them if they're close would be enough to make Freedom start crying... and then become incredibly confused by it. They're definitely a pretty crier though-- like, their face is all stone-still and then their tears run down all dramatically...
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luveline · 10 months
hi jade! this is kind of a random request but I was wondering if for ur zombie!au you would write where something happens that reminds reader of the guy that kidnapped her at the college a while after it happened and she’s upset she’s still thinking ab him but Steve comforts her and it’s all fluffy sorry if this is too specific love u!
zombie au —steve comforts you through the panic of a bad memory. fem, 1.3k
The tent is quiet. You've taken the blankets out while the sun is high, having washed them and needing her help to get them dry again, and your collective belongings make a meagre pile in one corner. If you wanted, you could lay down flat. 
Might as well, you decide. The ground is far from unfamiliar, no rock nor pebble capable of disturbing you. 
Your back aches, your neck worse, and an hour or two of sleep would do you good no matter how unforgiving the floor is, but it isn't your comfort that's the problem. You hear a skittering sound and throw your gaze to one corner of the tent. A footstep, and your attention is drawn to the other. 
It's hard to relax without a lap to hide your face in, or a rough, familiar hand in the curve of your neck. 
You're not sure where Steve is today. It's like that here, sometimes. You'll be told to do one thing and sent to do another, and while you'd been sent home ages ago, he's still out, and so is Robin. 
You miss her a lot lately. She's not around much. To think you hadn't trusted her when you first met… it's all silly looking back. You couldn't believe she wanted to be your friend until after she'd— 
You bite your cheek and try not to think about it. You'd found it hard to trust Robin until she, with Steve (and few others) came to find you. When Connor stole you. Paralysed with fear, you'd walked miles in the cold, his pistol a threat tucked into his jeans. 
The memories surface one at a time like barbs emerging from a slow sand. How stupid you were. How scared. And Connor ‘The Creep’, how cruel he'd been, the crush of his hand on your face and the way he'd thrown your head back into a wall. The disorientation, the ache of your wrists, the claustrophobia. All of it. 
You raise your hand to your face and feel for the scars. They're miniscule now, practically invisible. They would've faded completely if they hadn't gotten infected. Your index nail catches on the worst one near your mouth and feels back and forth the length of it with a morbid sense of otherness. 
It hadn't taken much for him to do whatever it was he wanted to do. If Steve hadn't cared enough to look for you, Connor would've done much worse. You'd been completely and totally helpless, and that feeling isn't one the heart likes to remember. Your pulse climbs, climbs, races, a sudden pressure in your throat like you might gag. You hurry into a sitting position with a hand on your heart, the other screwed into the floor of the tent, and struggle to draw breath. Each inhale feels like you've pulled it through a narrow straw. 
He must hear it from outside of the tent. “Y/N?” Steve asks worriedly, his voice before his face, though his face swiftly follows as he brushes aside the tents opening to find you. “What's wrong?” 
You wave a hand at him weakly. 
He climbs in, the clay of the river mud thick on his shoes and hard not to think of as he kneels at your side. “Hey,” he says, his hand on your wrist, eyebrows tugged down into a deep furrow. “Why are you panicking? You're okay.” 
“I'm fine.” 
“Yeah, you are.” He smiles, barely, giving your hand a weak squeeze. “You're fine. So let's breathe.” 
Steve takes big, deep breaths for you to follow. You fail to copy him, but it doesn't matter. His being here is enough to feel safe again, to be here, and not a hundred miles northward, huddled and crying in an abandoned cabin thinking you'd never get to go home. 
“Ah,” you say, unintelligible sputter, chest aching like a wound, “sorry, sorry,” —you duck your head— “sorry.” 
“Would you–” 
“I'm sorry.” 
“Stop it.” He ducks his head low to find you, hand searching for your other, bringing both to hold atop your knees. “What's the matter, huh? Why are you freaking out?” 
He speaks gently, but betrays his own panic with a bad habit, the slightest quirk of his mouth. 
“It won't make sense.”
“Says who?” 
“It was a long time ago.” 
Steve's lips part. 
“It–�� Your eyes ache, your throat too. “It's– It doesn't make any sense, I shouldn't be–” You shake your head. 
Steve lets go of your wrists. “Honey, it doesn't matter when it happened,” he says, measured, as though painting each word between you one by one. 
“I was just laying down and I was thinking about Connor. Why am I still thinking about him?” You stare hard at the spot between his eyes. “It's been so long since… My hands…” 
Steve's eyelashes flare with surprise, but he hides it quickly, a more solid expression of unhappiness taking place. “Aw, babe,” he says under his breath. He brings his fingers to your cheek and wipes up and down reassuringly. “I don't think you get to choose. We don't pick what stays around, right?” 
“I don't want to think about it at all.” You inhale too quick and Steve cups your cheek. 
“Relax,” he says, still so quiet. “Who cares why you're thinking about it? You're not doing anything wrong. You didn't do anything wrong.” He looks at you imploringly. “You know that, right?” 
“Yeah, of course I do. He wasn't well–” 
“No, he wasn't. And he hurt you, and if you think about it, that's okay. Yeah?” 
“Yeah. Can you–?” 
His smile softens. He wraps his arms around your waist, forcing you to go over his shoulders as he leans back to drag you in. You let the entirety of your weight sink into his grasp, sighing as he sighs, and breathing in again with his breath. His hair smells like the river, and his shirt is damp under your hands. He's cold, likely tired from a long day, but he doesn't give any indication to you that this is too much to have to deal with. If anything, you'd think he's quite enjoying himself, his sigh long and relieved. 
“Please don't panic about him,” he says into your collar. “Don't be scared. Nobody's ever getting near you like that again, I swear.” 
“I'm not scared.” Even if someone does get close, Steve's always gonna be right behind you. You know he'll fight to get you back. 
“Don't worry,” he says, pushing his face into your neck. “Sweetheart, please don't worry.” 
Sweetheart. You close your eyes and slouch into him like all the strength has left you. It's nice to just lean on him, and know he doesn't mind the weight. Despite everything, Steve loves you. 
“Sorry,” you say. For crying, and for having failed in the first place. 
He pushes you backward gently to take your face into two hands. 
“You get the wrong things wrong,” he says, smiling ruefully. “You know? You care about all the wrong things, and that's not– I'm not– I don't care. I don't care that you're upset about this, you don't have to be sorry for it, I just care that you're crying. We've talked about this before, haven't we? I'm sorry I haven't made it clear, but I'll keep trying, okay? And you need to keep telling me how you're feeling without thinking it's something to be sorry for.” 
You pout a little to stop from crying, tears anew in your waterline. To be loved by him is enough to put the past back in the past for now. “Do you ever stop talking?” you ask. 
“Nope,” he says, beaming at you as he wipes your cheek, “never. Not when I'm with you.” 
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finalgirllx · 10 months
Hello! for the ask game, Comfort + Matty ❤️
hi ash. i love love love you. Mattheo Riddle + Comfort -i don't think knowing how to comfort others would come to Mattheo naturally. -for most of his life and with his friends, he tends to resort to providing chaotic distractions or using his fists if someone specific caused the hurt. -once Mattheo begins developing feelings for you, he realizes he has to switch up his tactics a little bit. He very much panics at first when he sees you're upset. He'll sit close to you and awkwardly place a hand on your shoulder, nervously uttering, "Hey, hey, don't cry." -if you're hurt for the longer term, he will try to lift your spirits by getting you little gifts or trinkets to make you feel better. He will help restock your sweets stash or, heaven forbid, get you a CD of your favorite band. "it's fine. It was on sale, pfft just take the damn thing." (it was full price) -once you and Mattheo get to a place where you're more physically intimate, he comes to take note of how much peace you find within his warm hugs. Given you constantly make comments about him being a human furnace, it doesn't take much for him to put it together. -the next time he sees you upset or on the verge of tears, he quickly springs into action by wrapping you in a warm embrace that conveys more affection and care than even he thought he was capable of. -seeing you melt into his hold, Mattheo has a moment of realization—he's found the right way to comfort you. He plans on doing this again and again whenever you need it, for as long as you need it.
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mochinek0 · 10 months
Daminette December 2023:9-Gremlin
"So there is a list for each of them." Marinette explained, "Allergy information, bedtime schedule, food they avoid, and emergency phone numbers."
"We are the emergency phone numbers." Jason interjected.
Marinette glared at him as Damian put down the duffel bag with the kids clothes and a diaper bag.
"Marinette, everything will be fine." Dick spoke calmly, "You both deserve a night out with out your kids."
"Yeah." Tim stated, "How long was your last date night that didn't involve a diaper change intermission or passing out on the couch?"
Marinette frowned, but Damian placed a kiss on top of her head.
"Angel, don't worry so much. Amaya, Jun, and Malik are in capable hands." Damian stated.
"Aw." Dick cooed.
"If anything happens to our children, I'll kill them in their sleep." Damian declared.
Jason sighed, "You both are making such a big deal about this! You are leaving them in Wayne Manor, one of the safest places in Gotham. We take care of a whole city; we can take care of our nieces and nephew. You're only going to be gone three hours max, depending on traffic and resturant service. You're not even leaving Gotham!"
"Jason's right." Tim explained, "Look, there's three of them and three of us. We can conquer and divide this. If you two can do it, us three can, too."
Marinette sighed, "Fine. Have fun."
Once they got into the car, Damian turned to her.
"You think they will call us?" He questioned.
Mari smiled, "No. They would have to put their pride aside for that. I'm sure they will do everything wrong."
Damian chuckled, "Well, Habibiti, let's go and enjoy our dinner."
"Man, it's like she doesn't trust us!" Jason complained.
"To be fair," Tim interjected, "we have never watched them by ourselves. Damian and Marinette are usually in the same room with us when we spend time with them."
Dick looked over Amaya, Jun, and Malik. They looked so different, but appeared so angelic. Suffice to say the Waynes freaked out when Amaya was born was an understatement. Amaya looked just like Talia, but Tom also had brown hair and green eyes, so he took the credit for his granddaughter having his appearance with Damian's skin tone. Jun looked just like Damian and Malik looked just like his mother. Dick's only worry was Malik. Malik was still only a years old. Amaya was six and was already in the first grade and Jun was in preschool, but he was sure that Amaya and Jun could help with tiny things.
"I'll take care of Malik." Dick offered, "Divide and conquer, just like you said."
"Have you read these lists?" Jason laughed, "Don't let Jun eat after 7PM and her bedtime is 7:30PM. Don't get Malik wet; not even a drop. Don't expect him to sleep when the others go to bed. Amaya's says to supervise when she color and her bed time is at 8PM."
"No water?" Dick questioned.
"Not to spill water on him." Tim sighed, "Just be careful when you bottle feed him. At least there's no bath time on there. I'll watch Jun and Jason can watch Amaya. He can read and she can color. Simple."
Damian and Marinette entered Wayne Manor to find the living room in chaos. It was 10PM and all three of their kids were still awake.
"What is going on here?" Marinette shouted.
Everyone froze.
"Maman! Baba!" Amaya and Jun shouted, running up to their parents.
Damian glared at his older brothers, "Why aren't they asleep? Marinette gave you specific instructions."
"Why is Malik wearing different socks and different clothes?" Marinette questioned.
"He spilled a drop, a drop, of water on his sock!" Dick complained, "He freaked out and wouldn't stop crying until I changed him. By that point, he was thirsty and then he spilled on his shirt. I changed him immiediately after that."
"That's why I said not to get water on him." Marinette sighed.
"I can see Amaya wasn't supervised." Damian declared, "I wonder how Father will feel about his new colorful mural at hip height."
"Blame Jason!" Tim cried out, "He was suppose to watch her, but he got too wrapped up in his book."
"Why aren't you asleep, Amaya?" Marinette asked their eldest daughter.
"Not comfy." she pouted.
Jason sighed, "She kept saying how the couch wasn't as comfy as her bed."
"Why didn't you let her sleep in your bed?" Damian growled.
"You want me to leave my neice in my room?" Jason shouted, "You know what I keep in there!"
Damian rubbed his forehead in frustration. He spotted Jun running laps around the living room.
"And Jun?" he questioned.
"Tim helped me with Malik when he was flailing around and I was trying to change him." the eldest Wayne admitted.
"And?" Mari snarled.
"We thought it would be okay to leave them alone for a moment." Tim whispered, "Amaya and Jun were watching a movie."
"What happned?" Damian demanded.
"She snuck into the kitchen and ate four cookies." Tim answered, "She's been burning off the sugar ever since."
"Sorry." the Wayne boys declared.
"Amaya, Jun." Mari called out, "I want all of your things put away in the bag, "Damian make sure everything is in there. I'm going to get Malik in his car seat and meet you outside. Both of you are going to bed when we get home. Jun, no cookies for you for a week."
Jun stomped her foot and began to pick up her toys in a sour mood.
"A week?" Dick whined, "It was a mistake that we made."
"No, Richard." Mari declared, "Jun knew she wasn't suppose to have any cookies before we got here. I spoke to her about it before we left."
Mari walked out the front door with Malik in her arms. Amaya and Jun made quick work of their belongings. Amaya waved to her uncles as she yawned and walked out the door. Damian held his second daughter's hand and the duffel bag. Jun sadly waved and walked out the door, pouting.
"Those three are gremlins." Jason stated.
"Sweet like their mother and a Hellraiser like their father?" Tim answered.
"Nope." Jason replied, "Like actual Gremlins, like the movie. Don't get them wet. Don't feed them after dark."
"It was don't get them wet, avoid bright lights, and don't feed them after midnight." Dick rebutted, "Those three love the park. Damian and Marinette take them all the time with Titus."
"And the other two?" Tim questioned.
"We should have listened to Marinette rules." Dick answered.
The three sighed.
Damian and Marinette smiled as their kids slept in the back of their car.
"You were right, Habibiti." Damian spoke, "They are asleep and likely my brothers' will be trying to get back in our favor. How about we go out for dinner same time next month?"
Marinette giggled, "I'd love too."
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events@animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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welcome to demon school! iruma kun
♥︎Yandere Asmodeus♥︎ × Reader
♥︎Yandere Iruma-kun♥︎ × Reader
♥︎Yandere Kirio♥︎ × Reader
◆Advanced apologies; sorry, some of the pictures I do not know◆
Bold is reader
1st important note; I know their age. But in this setting, the school is college. And all of them are high school age; 18 college age; 19
2nd Important note; if you want a gerne like angst, smut, etc. For a specific person, ask/request me.
A friend asked me to do this and also they didn't know their age so ima change the settings that they are 18-19 and the story plot a bit
!¡Warning⚠️!¡; a bit nwfs
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1 Manga 'welcome to demon school iruma kun
2 Tumblr artist: @cromahi
3 Danbooru artist: shigatsuchichi
4 ????
Setting; senior year, high-school
You two met before he was with Iruma - kun of course, he wanted to challenge you because rumor says you could be stronger than the demon king. You were stiff, but somehow he didn't land a hit at all! He even used a fire sword to attack you. You just maybe flicked his forehead and tripped him to make him lose.
Well, he may or may have not made a deal to be your devoted slave...well of course you declined but it was awkward when he kept following you around, getting what you needed or want. You were getting annoyed a bit. It was rather cute and nice to have someone to stick around, getting you what you want. He kept his distance too, but why is he keeping looking at you like that? An expression you have never seen before.
"...Asmodeus, come here." His eyes perked, it was the first time you asked him to come close to you! The only contact he and you had was handing over things. He was so grateful! If he had a tail, it would've been aggressively wagging right now. "Ah, yes master [name]? Do you need something— eek!" Was he....on your lap right now?! Oh no, he needs to calm down, his face is going bright red!
"First, call me by something casual like just my name, not some 'master' thing...second as I said, you can be casual. No need to be so stiff and lastly, I am grateful for your company. Truly, I am but I think I need you to—" he turned his body around to face you, hugging you. "N- no! I'm not gonna leave! I can do anything for you, no I will! So please don't leave me!"
He snuggles closer as you rub his back in circles. "I meant to say to maybe hang out with some other people."
"So..your not leaving me, right?"
"Yes. I promise"
It got a little better, although he still calls you master...you will just fix that later.
Setting; College
1 year later. Now you both are in the same school/college. Honestly, you didn't need to since you have already proved your capabilities. But he would cry if you didn't come with him. 'What? But you promised to stay with me!'
"Hey, did you hear? The old grandpa, grandson is coming here."
"Ah, yes master. I heard about it. Although, is he perhaps bothering you?"
"No, just curious. You know, having some new people to hang out with is pretty fun. Isn't it?"
You watched in the background as the student called 'Iruma' is fighting Asmodeus. You were surprised that Asmodeus lost. The good thing is that they became so-called 'friends' but the bad thing is he kept crying on his knees, apologizing that he lost. But you assured him it was fine. Back to the present...this moment with him is quite uhh..troublesome you would say.
Currently, Asmodeus is in his evil cycle. He had already told you about his true power but physically and mentally dealing with it? Uhm... how can I explain this. Iruma was apologetic to you since now you have a clingy demon snuggling you, and sending glares at anyone who looks at you besides Iruma. At least it was funny when you experimented on him with a random demon. Asking the demon to talk about you. It was quite amusing to see him go back to his normal self and then back to the evil cycle self.
Warning; slight nwfs!
"A- AhH! Hngh..t- too much! Please!" He doesn't even know what he's begging for. He moans as you played with his chest. Trying to grab something to keep him stable. You let him put his arms over your neck and his legs wrapped around your waist as he sits on your lap. You tried to pull back but he pulled you closer, whining at the loss of contact. He tugged your sleeve, quietly asking for more.
Hmm...Now, now. What are you gonna do? Hmm?
(If you actually want a full smut then comment and I'll make a part 2 specifically for this one)
Part 2 (smut)
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1 manga
2 ????
3 Tumblr artist: @neeeee69
4 anime
When you heard of this student, you became interested....is he perhaps fierce, scary, menacing?
No. He was an absolute cutie. He looked absolutely different from what you thought he was to be. This guy defeated Asmodeus?
Hanging out with him, Asmodeus, and Clara was quite fun. Although you like to tease him by lifting him up in the air and calling him a shortie.
No offense to you short people :)
Although you always find yourself seeing him staring at you. At first, it was concerning. But later you thought he was just curious about you or something.
You confronted him about it. He was flustered to say at least, turns out he just wondered what hugging you feel like. You let him sit on your lap, snuggling onto your neck when you two are alone. He was always happy to have moments like this with you. When you heard that he learned how to use a bow, you wanted to learn it too. You have tried many kinds of weapons but not a bow. So he teaches you how to use it.
"Hey! I'm over here. I—"
He tripped on a rock while running, you caught him but didn't keep steady so you fell too. He opened his eyes and found himself on top of you.
"Sorry, I'm really am sorry! I didn't mean to."
He began panicking, you reassured him it was alright. Although it was cute seeing him flustered. He was even more flustered since he was so close to you when he was teaching you how to correctly hold a bow and shoot it.
When his evil cycle came, it was....ok. just some more private time than usual and more touchy too. And was he flirting? Surely not, he's too innocent. He just put a rose in your hair, and just called you beautiful/handsome/pretty
He pulled you down by the collar of your shirt. Kissing you, you were taken aback. Before you could even move away he slithered his arms to your waist, making you stay with him.
"Who said you could leave? Stay put."
He grabbed your hand, putting it on his chest. As your other hand, he kissed the palm of your hand. "Alright, I'll stay put. I'll make this enjoyable for us."
This is gonna be quite a night.
Part 2 (smut)
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1 manga
2 anime
You were in iruma group for the festival. You guys weren't really talking to each other that much but he began talking to you more when you two had to get some materials for the fireworks.
He was interesting, but you noticed his horns. You kinda wanted to touch them, when you asked him about it he agreed. Although you did notice that his horns were sensitive since he kept flinching and his breath hitched whenever you touch his horns. Maybe ruffle his hair too.
Although sometimes you see him staring at you. One time he began salivating, he apologized but you thought he must've been hungry so you gave him your food.
"Oh. Thank you for giving me your food." He was hungry for you.
Warning; slight nwfs
"HGNH! Wait— ahh~!"
"Oh dear. I didn't know you were such a masochist."
You grabbed his horn and pulled it as you bit his neck. He moaned, gripping the sheets. He couldn't take it anymore!
He tugged on your shirt.
"I want more...please.." he whined. Whimpering at the contact of pleasure.
What would you do? Hmm?
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sarnai4 · 6 months
Opening Up
About opening up...Dagur kinda doesn't. (Spoilers ahead)
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This is something I've seen some fans talk about where they say Dagur would reveal personal information easily. I see where they're coming from with this. Looking at Dagur, I'd expect that too. He's outspoken, emotional, unrestrained, etc. He seems like someone who could randomly say, "I had a good cry today," and it wouldn't be anything surprising. HOWEVER, that changes for me when I look at the proof from the show. If Dagur was half as open about things as this would imply, then we wouldn't be forced to speculate so much about his past and the things that have happened to him. In another case of me spending too much time studying Dragons (probably. Still worth it), I tried to collect all the examples of Dagur sharing information. They have something in common. Each time, there's a specific reason. I'll go in chronological order.
In "Enemy of My Enemy," Dagur tells Hiccup how revenge can make you do things you didn't think you were capable. This was an interesting moment of really getting to see how the villain we saw Dagur be wasn't who he always was. It even shocked him how extreme his actions became. This has the potential to be some heavy stuff, but he didn't just outright say it for fun. He said it because he saw Hiccup going down that same path. This isn't, "I can't believe the things I've done and really need someone to talk to." It's, "I see you following in my footsteps and they led me in a terrible direction. I don't want that for you."
It takes Dagur F.O.R.E.V.E.R. to admit he didn't kill Oswald. Even as a good guy, he doesn't say it easily. In "Family on the Edge," he implies that something Heather said out of the sent her adrift, killed their dad, and tried to kill them list wasn't true, but he doesn't just say it. He writes it in the letter, admitting that and how he was worried that the other Berserkers wouldn't follow him otherwise. If he wanted to do it for emotional release reasons, he could've just said the first time or even told her way back when he thought they were on the same side. Rather than that, he puts it in a letter so that her final relative won't be quite as bad as she thinks he is.
In "Searching for Oswald...And Chicken," Dagur has two moments. First, he tells Heather how he's spent most of his life in varying stages of existential crisis. (Just wow for that. Wish we had heard more about it because that is quite the emotional load he nonchalantly dropped) Again, this clearly isn't to get something off his chest because it's not even something he brings up again. He just tells her so that she'll have proof he knows what is meaningless, hopefully getting her to stop throwing herself in harm's way to find Oswald. Later, he tells Hiccup he keeps anger, frustration, and rage to himself. This also isn't to share so much as to prove he can keep secrets and deserves to be trusted with the location of Vanaheim.
Then, we have "In Plain Sight." There, we find out he used to get bullied. He waited until as much of the last moment as possible to tell Fishlegs and Snotlout this. They had already flown from the Edge to Berserker Island and were literally walking down to meet Ansson. So, I don't think it's him wanting to share sensitive information. It's him knowing they're about to be there with the bully and since Ansson doesn't care about playing nice, it's going to be obvious that he used to bully him. This is just softening the blow a little by telling them first. Didn't really help, though, since they still laughed at him being called "Dainty." (Not cool even though I get how weird it would be to hear someone call him that)
Unless I'm mistaken, that's everything. I don't think there's another time when Dagur reveals something personal. Each of these had some deeper purpose. This is why I don't believe Dagur would start speaking about his past traumas without a prompt. Now, I'll say I do enjoy having him talk about this in stories and I support other writers who do. I just believe it takes a little nudge. He's not going to sit down next to someone and talk about his time in jail. He has literally never spoken about his time in jail in the entire show except the first RTTE episode to say that he spent 3 years thinking about Hiccup. So, it actually leaves a lot of room to be creative with what his past even has first, then what situation would get him to spill the beans.
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self-loving-vampire · 4 months
That medium post is highlighting just how fucked people get when they treat gender norms like a Serious Thing you must abide by. Like, what?
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1- "A weak thing really wanting to be strong is pathetic" is the kind of thing that is like... who is even saying that?
The virtue of wanting to become stronger (be it for altruistic reasons or even just to master your art) no matter how pitiful your starting position is seems to be something that repeatedly comes up in fiction.
It's not just shonen training arcs to help you overcome someone who outclasses you in every way but also things the RPG journey of starting out at level 1 barely knowing your left from your right and becoming strong enough to kill god at the end.
In fact, this is what makes games like Gothic and Dark Souls so appealing. You start out so weak that everything obliterates you in one or two hits and you're pretty much just another doomed soul in a horrible situation, but if you persevere you can overcome anything.
Maybe stop thinking of strength or weakness as something inherent to gender rather than something you need to cultivate through training and experience? Sure there's geniuses like me who get a huge experience multiplier but that's not gendered either.
2- Boys 100% do cry. They often get beat up for it because they're not supposed to cry, but they still do it regardless of how things are "supposed" to be. Because humans are humans and extremely few people naturally fit the platonic ideal of what their gender is supposed to be at all times. Crying is not exclusively a "girl" thing, and it has nothing to do with weakness, bravery, or intelligence.
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See, the thing is that the people who actually get good at video games are usually people who enjoy playing video games and do it on their own rather than just when they pick up something they have never done before in an effort to get validation while being anxious the whole time because they arbitrarily decided that video games are "boy things".
You're not just missing out on the confidence buff but also jumping into a mid-game area before finishing the tutorial. What did you think was going to happen?
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"Fantasy story where a woman is doing cool stuff" is like... not even abnormal if you ever engage with anything outside the absolute most mainstream of media. Maybe it won't feel so shameful if you realize it has been done extremely well countless times before.
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Also gendering romance seems like a mistake as well. Like, from the exact same story as the above image:
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Yeah, it turns out stories can have both romance and women doing cool things and mature, non-sexist men will not necessarily hate either of those aspects.
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I'm one of those people who got physical abuse to transition to mainly just threats by fighting back, and you know what that was actually like?
I never was even remotely as strong as big as my father was. I'm 170 cm and grew up malnourished (about 100-110 lbs before I left). I eventually also developed a major disability. Meanwhile he was huge and has literally killed people before. Most of those teens who fought back against their abusive dads? They probably were still physically weaker than said dads too.
But none of that matters, because you don't need to actually win, you just need to show your will to fight. You need to make it clear that there's going to be serious costs if they are violent towards you, and even children who haven't gone through puberty at all are capable of doing that if they give zero fucks.
Even an unarmed 10-year-old who was truly willing to do so is capable of causing lasting harm to an adult. I don't blame anyone for not trying something like that themselves since most people don't want to harm their parents and are averse to pain, but it's definitely dumb to make it into a gender thing that is just impossible without a specific type of puberty.
Also I should note that in a lot of cases this doesn't make the abuse stop entirely. It didn't in my case.
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This is literally just applying that one comic to yourself.
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Hope you're sitting down for the next bit:
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Playing cool video games is the modern day equivalent of fighting war??? How does that even occur to you? Video games are literally entertainment. More like reading books or playing sports than killing people for real.
Also like, war still exists? That's kind of a big thing that is going on right now. War exists and people are fighting it. If this person grew up in the US then their country has been at war in some capacity for the vast majority of its existence. The modern day equivalent of war is war, and war is not actually cool or respectable like gaming is.
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Putting up a bright billboard that reads "You know you don't have to be like that just because of your gender, right?"
Like, who cares if the other women you know personally only improve their skills for the sake of dress-up and horses? Do you not have things you want to do? I don't know what to say other than that this reads like NPC behavior.
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Tip: You can be a man if you want, but also that probably won't give you instant competence or respect like you think it will. You're still going to have to Get Good at whatever it is you want to do.
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So the kind of person who tries to fake an interest in "boy things" in a completely half-assed and insecure way actually exists and has terminal gender essentialist brain. I see.
I do think that's kind of shameful not just for the essentialist garbage but also in the sense that it reads like someone who is too invested in trying to insincerely impress others at the cost of their own individuality and pursuits.
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If you're going to be taking right-wing types seriously then maybe you should at least notice that they also don't seem to respect tradwife types at all. They want to own them, sure, but they don't respect them. Attraction is not respect. Those people just don't respect women by default for reasons that are patently bullshit.
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This is, from multiple angles, a personal problem. Some of us actually do like video games rather than using them as a way to get respect.
In fact, I'd hate it if people made a big deal out of the fact that I'm a woman who likes video games. That is and should be just a normal, unremarkable thing.
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You know, maybe that whole thing where you see yourself as an eternal, inherent weakling not just physically but technically is unhealthy and holding you back from even considering that you could ever be good at anything besides child-rearing and clothes.
Good thing that she rarely feels like this anymore as an adult who is (according to the comments) no longer in a religious cult but this is like... putting my sexist father's thoughts in a self-loathing woman, basically?
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00belle00lovely00 · 7 months
Well, since poly ships are now an option, curious to see how you'd view DogDay x CatNap x CraftyCorn 🫢
(I don't personally ship those three together btw. Just curious 🧡💜🤍)
OH! OF COURSE! I've noticed as of late that this ship in particular is VERY popular.
And yes! Poly ships are very much welcome since I'm poly myself. And to be completely honest with you, the majority of the ships I mention don't specifically fall into my favourites, but boneless I still love these concepts you'll give me! Hey, even you could say it helps me improve my writing skills!
shy x extrovert x introvert
Wouldn't it be downright hilarious to picture Catnap and Dogday being Craftycorn's muses for paintings? IT'S A CUTE CONCEPT, YOU ALL KNOW IT.
Could we all just agree that she carries and costume-made diary everywhere she goes?
Both Dogday and Catnap in my head would've probably intimidated yet striked Craftycorn's interest in every way. Catnap, even though somewhat too quiet or too lazy to go on with the day, is a very calming type of person who rarely gets angry at others or anything for that matter. And as for Dogday he's legitimately a sunrise and smiles kind of active guy, which in a way Craftcorn found them both endearing. And BECAUSE of that, she would've had a crush on them both at the same time and battled with her own feelings the whole time in who she liked the most, or in some way, even hoped she didn't since her nerves would be the end of her.
Craftycorn would too take her feelings out in drawing, just like in anything for that matter, and what would be her biggest fear? Catnap and Dogday seeing the things she has drawn at the end of the sketchbook.... don't ask what it is. We all know what it is.
Their date? Literally a cosy sleepover.
Their favorite activity? STARGAZING!
Wanna know what's ironic? While Craftycorn would be all insecure and overthinking about the whole situation, Dogday and Catnap would be noticing these patterns of nervousness and literally girl failure, and start to equally agree that they find that strangely attractive. And amusing. But that's Catnap talking.
They both also think she's pretty as hell.
And yes. they talk about it all the time because ✨communication and consent is the best romantic gesture✨
Even though Craftycorn is a very shy and soft-spoken girl, she's SURPRISINGLY VERY capable of defending herself and others she really cares about. And I'm talking both verbally and physically. She'd be able to pull out a punch on whoever complains about ANYTHING related to Catnap, Dogday or even her. You go, girl!
Okay... actually, changed my mind. She would do it but feel INCREDIBLY guilty later.
They watch My Little Pony and Carebears together on a date. Change my mind.
Could you all imagine how GOOD it would smell the air of their houses was every time they hung out? Like- you're telling me the air would be jasmine scented on one corner, vanilla to the other, and then lavender in every cushion? MY GOD.
I wonder if they do PDA. Craftycorn and Catnap would be most likely to do it but very lowly (like holding hands or wrapping an arm with each other), while for Dogday he would WANT TO... buuut he doesn't want to cross boundaries. So he'd keep it to himself. And probably crying inside not to pounce on top of the two of them into a tight hug.
They love it when Catnap helps them to sleep, especially lullabies.
OH IMAGINE THIS. What if Craftycorn knew Spanish and called Catnap "Lunita" (little moon) and Dogday "solsito" (little sun). NO- IM-... IM NOT SAYING THIS BECAUSE I'M HISPANIC AND I ADORE HEADCANON CHARACTERS THAT RELATE TO MY COUNTRY- THAT IS NOT-
(for context to the next headcanons):
Catnap in my own interpretation is a selective mute. All due to the 'red smoke incident' that occurred a few nights ago. He was so terrified of how not only his lavender gas was transported into that horrendous gas that made his friends laugh ever so hysterically and dementedly, but his body acted in a way that made no sense whatsoever. His movements were strange, creepy, and terrifying. So much so that it scared Catnap beyond thought. Even though all argued that it was just a 'collective nightmare' they had due to the circumstances of the storm. It didn't change anything Catnap went through. Everything he saw...
And at the end of the day, he decided to make a silent vow. Where he wouldn't let that smoke ever come out of his mouth again, even if it cost never to open his mouth. Never to speak again.
DogDay and Craftycorn after hearing about Catnap's vow, they were EXTREMELY worried about him. On some occasions, they tried to speak some sense into him about the mere thought of never talking again, but at the end of the day, they had to respect Catnap's decision. SO IN EXCHANGE, THEY WANTED TO LEARN ASL TOO! AND IT IS SUPER CUTE AND- KAINFIYLIAHDFCHASKDCFHNAKSJDCFHALNKUH-
Craftycorn also thought of teaching Catnap how to draw, with of course Dogday coming in to learn well. Since it was an alternative and temporary idea on communication while everyone else was catching up on Bubba's lessons on ASL.
For some reason, singing doesn't accidentally make the scents of any of the Smiling Critters out of their mouths. So whenever Catnap can, he tries to open up from his comfort zone (with the encouragement of the others) to sing them to sleep with a nice lullaby.
I swear to god my AO3 fans are out for blood now. They probably gonna be mad asf if they find out I'm wasting so much time on this than the fanfic chapter I'm writing.
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Personal stuff from work
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I think I am going to leave this job and seek another one. I don't know how I am going to pull this off with my absurd medical expenses recently, but this is just impossible to work here anymore!!! I actually should be at work right now, but I went back home crying, just. straight up left
Remember that story about an ex worker who constantly got at work drunk and snapped at everyone for smallest reason? Where one time he came at work so full of vodka the smell was all over the office, got super angry at smallest things and screamed at the boss and her vice that he would "smash her face with the keyboard if she doesn't shut up" before other workers and customers? And everyone was either scared or passive, but I straight up told him that he should just go home and sleep instead of getting in THIS state at work and causing god knows what? That resulted in the day worth of him distracting me from working bullying me like 'lmao are you feminist or something?!', 'have you believed in yourself or something?!' etc etc, that progressed in a STUPID verbal fight where he kept saying dumb shit, I was objecting, he was yelling at me to shut up, I objected that if he wanted me to shut up he should not have prompted the discussion with dumb shit to begin with etc etc etc.. That then ended in physical fight too, while all coworkers who were much more capable and strong than me just hid like rats and let me fight him alone 🤦‍♂️
Or another story, kinda recent, where another coworker smashed my head against the deck from a likewise long verbal argument that started from her genuinely giving customers and us troubles by refusing to do her job right and me pointing it out? There were a lot of threats prior, like throwing a can in my face if I don't shut up, when she genuinely was wrong and refused to take request from the boss over stupid petulant reasons? (by the way later after that situation turned out that she also did fight with THE boss physically before, and with one of the regular customers that sued her later)
It is more like 'three times is a charm' situation because today something very similar happened, and with a DIFFERENT person again. She has been working here for a while, and also had problems with alcohol and such, but after previous boss left the job and new one arrived she befriended her a lot. That resulted in them constantly dumping all work on me while they CONSTANTLY leave to smoke, drink at the work place (!) or bring their stupid equally alcoholic friends at the office (!!!) 🤦‍♂️ However, today was ANOTHER time where she was STUPID late at work all because she got drunk shitless yesterday (also at work while I was left with customers alone).. I addressed that, and... yeah, you guessed it, more insults, yelling, threats of physical violence etc followed. This time we surprisingly did not end up in a fight, I kinda just ran away..
Like, this workplace feels like abusive relationship I know, I just bothered to carry on because it is stupid hard to find a job in my city.. But I swear they hire any sort of deranged, violent, stupid people without even a minimal check fdhfdhs These are just the three I've had open fight with! And in each and every situation it is basically 'a person who is like 50, the third one is 60 wants to beat up a frail young girl for pointing out something that was GENUINELY wrong while other coworkers are either passive or claim that the girl is insane and inadequate in this situation' 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I am dead serious, the third parties always act like /I/ am the bad person here for pRoVoKiNg (if this is what you call seeing a bad thing and saying it is bad). And also for "arguing"??? Bitch you say the dumb shit that makes no sense and expect me to stay silent or how that Tweet went
I just really can't work with these idiots anymore. Though to think of it, it isn't just here.. to look back on it, all my enemies happen specifically because I point out something genuinely wrong about them and they can't take the L. When I am not like, holding them at the gunpoint or posing any threat to them (looking at YOU, online cancel-culture mobs who might THINK you can relate!!!). Heck, my worst online drama happened all because someone in the fandom straight up bullied another fan and I jumped in to obliterate them with facts and logic for that behaviour, and not the "noble fight" reasoning they ended up making up to justify harassing me. It is not like I am some noble fighter for justice ffs!!! I am just a kicked stray dog that barks at the things it doesn't like, I won't and CAN'T make any change in this world. But it is always enough to end like this. I just can't play by this world's rules at all if you are supposed to "just ignore" people who are so deranged. By this logic I could also keep everyone in fear with threats and inadequate reaction to objective, non-threatening, justified criticism, but I am not doing this!!
At the same time, hating petty bitches that will either openly get hostile like my coworkers, or plot revenge like Alfred-chan or A, over the justified "attack" on them made me overcorrect myself to the point I tolerate shit like this more than I should. Like you know how unwillingless to become the very thing you hate might put you on the opposite extreme? Because it should not have happened three times for me to be done!!! (especially since none of these idiots got fired for their behaviour) Not to mention less extreme conflicts and these idiots doing god knows what at the WORKPLACE 🤦‍♂️
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diamonds-place · 3 months
Headcanons for the clan members taking care of Reader!MC for your enjoyment (also because I was really sick) (T^T)
note: it is a bit less on the magical side, but plenty of wholesome vibes and fluff <3
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Of course the poor snake male wife is worried sick about you. He was on the edge of tears at the news of your illness (but lots of things make him cry.) Yaku is determined to get you better, this means you're staying in bed, staying hydrated, and getting your strength back. He just loves you too much to leave your side and just wants to get you better. Yaku is such a sweet caretaker, you wish you could be sick for a little while longer.
The ever so stoic vice captain does have a soft side for you, and he often shows it in his actions (while trying to hide it in his face.) He doesn't have much experience in care taking, but he wants the best for you so he researches all he can about the illness that's affecting you. It's endearing the lengths he's willing to go for you to get better, especially with his other obligations. If you tell him he'll probably just brush it off and say it's his duty, but we all know what he really means by that.
At the news of you coming down with something, your beloved idol priest was quick to act. Being an older sibling, he knows a few family remedies that can fix you right up. Not to mention the bedtime stories that just warm the soul and soothe the ache n pains. He would be a heavenly caretaker, at your beck and call, anyone would give up their firstborn to have him look after them. Oli just wants you to get better and hates seeing you unwell. As long as he can help you, he's content and happy.
With a sigh, he pats you on the head and tells you it'll be alright. He is probably the least worried, not because he doesn't care, but because he knows you're tough. You're in good, capable (and big) hands. Since Quincy has lived in the forest for all his life, he'll know a few herbal remedies to get you feeling right as rain in no time. He has a more gentle aura about him when you're welling unwell, probably because he cares about you more than he has you believe. And don't forget little Topper is going to give you some snuggles too!
The poor puppy, Garu didn't know what to do with himself. Garu's poor human is feeling unwell, he was so sad he couldn't leave your side, and I mean it, he never left your bedside. Making sure to protect you from any danger that could harm you while you're so vulnerable. Karu, on the other hand, is frustrated that his human slave is so weak as to get sick. But, he doesn't hold it against you for too long, partially because Garu would be mad at him, but mostly because he just wants to see you get better. A few times a day, they leave little get well soon gifts on your bed.
The old fox isn't completely jaded, at least not to you. Kuya wasn't particularly concerned when he heard you were sick, but who else was going to take care of you? He'll look after you for as long as he wants, mostly because of seeing you at such a low point scratches a certain itch. It's definitely not because he was worried half to death and truth is, you mean the world to him... That's not the reason at all. But, he will gladly entertain you as you get well, and seeing you smile is enough to lift his spirits, reassuring him you'll make a swift recovery.
The sweet, precious, and doting e-droid will not have you sick. Not on his watch! Blade makes it his mission to get you better as soon as possible. He tries out a manner of things from at home remedies he researched to singing to just listening to your needs. He even leads you a cute stuffed toy so that you can sleep easy. He just cares about his precious darling so much and is just so excited to collect cute things when you get better.
Mr. High-and-Mighty isn't so untouchable, specifically when it comes to you and your well-being. Unfortunately, he can't shove all his duties aside for you, but he can keep you close as your health is monitored. When he isn't there beside you, his attendants are there to provide you with anything you could possibly want. A glass of water, your favorite food, or anything else you could ask for. The days Dante is there, he'll fulfill most of your wishes, just don't push him too much or else he'll start complaining. Dante doesn't really mean what he says though because his actions speck louder.
When Rei heard that you were sick, he was a bit surprised but unfazed (maybe he might have something to do with it, who knows.) The curious owl loves his experiments, but he would prefer doing them when you're completely conscience and not a few seconds away from puking for guts out. He does have some medicine at his disposal that will help with your symptoms, as well as won't have any side effects. Just rest, relax, and you'll be fine under his care. He'll even let you snuggle with Father if you want, just don't squeeze him too tight, or you'll mess up his feathers.
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wrongchose · 10 months
I was going to make a post writing ALL the plot that inspired these sketches but it got too long for a little post IM CRYING KANDJ so instead have a little context for every single one (*・ω・)ノ
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All in the same story Post-Apocalyptic scenario under cut!!
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Some Julian design sketches, i changed little about his appearence as i think he would not need to, he knows how to hide very well from the rampaging monsters and hes kinda inmune to them anyways. Finds Randy unconscious and takes him as his talking companion (even if he doesn't talk) 'cause being alone in the apocalypse can't do you very good, can it?. He is actually admiting to know his secret for a while so he wakes up (he doesn't).
A concept i dreamed of; when the Ninja needs it, the suit will protect its user so basically it helps him when hes to tired to fight, (doesn't matter if hes not conscious). It is also capable to show the Ninja see content from the Nomicon without directly accesing to it. The appearence of the suit is directly linked to the state of the Ninja, it resembles bandages as a consecuence of the injuries and mental burden the he currently has. with them being the most simple form of the suit (only for healing, not fighting). Randy is not 100 conscious and cannot take the mask off until he completely heals. Gosh i love sketching edgy scenarios.
MORE peopleee, this time Theresa and Howard (i can't draw any of them ugghhh), Neither of them even have an idea of whats going on, so they team up to find their friends (Debbie and Randy specifically) and at the same time figure out a solution to this crisis, or at least thats what Theresa thinks, in reality Howard is trying desperately not to break a promise he made to Randy "help everyone in case the worst happens" (dude just wants to help). They get to know each other better and since Randy is missing Howard just likes to assume hes Ninja-ing, to not think of "the worst case scenario". Eventually they save Debbie later and find out what happened to Randy and his new "thing".
Crutial points of this story but i dont know how to write for my dear life, i could make a mini comic but i dont want to know anything about thAT mmmm ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)
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yki-dolls · 11 months
What are your headcannons about 2003 Donnie?
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Ooh boy
So like
He's just as completely unhinged as Rise Don, he's just better at hiding it. Sometimes.
He and Raph are twins.
He needs to drink approximately 4 litres of coffee before he is capable of thought
B o m b s
He's so fucking suspicious of any and everyone who could possibly hurt his brothers and Usagi got the brunt of it lmao
Does not help that Leo and Usagi definitely had those 🏳️‍🌈 vibes and he does not like the idea of his big brother dating anyone at all, let alone this guy who might have poisoned him.
He'll be like *giggling and kicking his feet* whilst listening to death metal screaming about disestablishing the government
He can cook. Unfortunately it all tastes like water somehow. Like he could put in an entire bag of spice in and it'd still somehow taste of water. At least it's not on fire like Leo's cooking.
He will only swear when shit is REAL. Like if donny is swearing, you KNOW shits going down.
He may or may not keep radioactive substances under his bed but what Leo doesn't know won't hurt him probably.
He'll be doing the most basic shit like soldering two wires together or plugging something in and tell his brothers the most insane technobabble possible, just to fuck with them. They think he's god because he turned the router back on when the WiFi stopped working.
He taught Raph how to maintain his shell cycle because he got sick of fixing it everytime Raph broke it.
Do not leave him and Mikey in the same room unsupervised someone will die. They're both unhinged in their own special ways, but they bounce ideas off each other in the worst way. It'll probably end with copious amounts of nuclear materials and/or explosives.
He puts up with Casey entirely because Raph likes him, at least at the beginning. Casey 100% just walks into everything in his lab. Like walks in, says "what's that" and it immediately breaks. Casey is now banned from the lab lol.
Definitely has a bunch of random poisons hidden in his ninja gear which he doesn't ever use he promises, Leo
Definitely stronger than he seems. He hauls bits of machinery around all day, if he had any interest in it he would definitely go up against Raph in sheer strength
Will take things literally but that's a hc I have for like... Everyone except April and Mikey
Has very strong opinions about welding. Like he can and will argue for hours about why his specific favourite type is better that everything else.
His computer runs on his very own, patent pending, DonnyOS.
He also invented his own programming language called DonnyScript and it is incomprehensible to everyone except him and made April cry.
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lunart-06 · 9 months
I love DR3 specifically for the future arc and only future arc cause my gooooodddd I've never hold onto Makoto's character tighter since DR1 and I MEAN IT.
There are a few thoughts I have and after that one post I reblog I HAVE to talk about it.
In DR1 I don't THINK he would make murder as something optional, considering the situation he was in, that would just be what Monokuma– what junko– wanted. Even if it comes to defending himself if he were to ever be the blackened's victim, he'd prolly just tried to see if there was a way to escape, or just punch his way out of it (the whole sayaka situation and all prolly does not sit right with him).
But that's it. He may not consider murder optional in DR1 but he won't hesitate to hurt when it comes to self-defense in the most devastating moment. He would, consider decking someone like Monokuma a few times but those are just the "food for thought" kinda thing for him. Not like he actually WOULD do it, rules or not, but he does think about it at least.
As for FF!Makoto– or DR3 Makoto, he was *outside* of Junko's confinement, he sees how the world became and *did* some things in order to gather all the remnants of despair. There is no doubt he would probably hurt– hurt, not kill– some people wearing the brainwash helmet. Cause again, these people aren't in their own will, and it's not their fault (though perhaps some were, while others would do so in their own will).
He doesn't have to take the option to kill during outside because there are lots of other options to take. He could ran away, he has a weapon, he has his friends with him.
But when trapped inside the FF building (doesn't that bring back good memories) there was NO other options that could make him avoid murder. There was nowhere left to run (he can't even run!!), he doesn't have a weapon, he was depended too much on his friends and risking his friends by slowing them down just for him.
And after Kirigiri died, and her last words flashes back to him in his dreadful, silent walk in the hallway to face Munakata, to "dont give up hope". There are lots of indication behind those words, and what led to Makoto in doing all those deadly traps. Kirigiri *trusted* him that he could move forward after her inevitable fate, his survival is *her* hope that she left, and she willingly die to keep him alive because she trusted him that he could and save the world even without her, she isn't wrong when she call him the ultimate Hope.
And how can he refused her dying wish?
Maybe, just maybe, that when he had his short breakdown afterward all alone in that hallway, not only that the fact Kirigiri just died had come back to slap him on the face that caused him to cry, but maybe, it's also because he *realizes* what he *has* to do in order to survive, in order to continue spreading hope, in order to keep Kirigiri's hope and everyone else's living.
That is keep on talking to Munakata, or trying to understand him in amidst of everything, will just won't get to him and led him to kill and hurt more others. Then Makoto has *no other choice* in order to stop him in the hard way.
He wouldn't like it. But progress won't be made if Munakata didn't stop this whole "trying to kill him and every despair" ordeal.
(I wonder, if by then, he mentally apologised to Chisa for unable to understand Munakata, despite all the tries, for letting her down, that he had failed. I wonder, when Chisa requested Makoto to try and understand Munakata, is that a small bit of what was left of her real self slipped out, or is it the despair that was talking, knowing fully well in using Makoto's "seeing everything good in everyone" nature to his own demise?)
I wouldn't doubt that it would get to him afterward, if he does succeed. Even if he does still capable of killing for his own survival when *extremely* necessary, doesn't mean that he doesn't despised it whole.
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k4txlulzz · 2 months
i love saeyoung's emotional side so much i like him being extremely protective of his loved ones and him going feral sometimes (i adore this trait in characters and i deeply relate to it, im also an all or nothing kinda person when it comes to emotions so seeing him like this has been very validating) but its also a double-edged sword for me because lord knows this trait of his can and absolutely has been used against him . . .
i know what its like to feel like an aggressive and violent person for being emotional and it genuinely breaks my heart to think that seven could go through the same (he already is getting this treatment) because it SUCKS TwT
while i absolutely agree that it's cathartic to see seven get rightfully angry at the people in his life who hurt him or saeran, not only is it rarely about HIS own hurt but it is also used against him to demonize him . which pains me
as to HOW its used to demonize him, take a close look at look at how the characters who he is angry towards are treated . v and rika get emphasized with and thats good but cheritz makes them seem pitiable and sensitive when seven finally gets a chance to speak out and by doing that, they affectively leave no room for him to seem *rightfully* upset, they just make him look like a jerk in the specific context and it doesn't matter that me and you don't see him as that, the way the scenes are structured leaves that impression anyway. it ranges from this to extremely horror shit like rika judge ending in v's route where they straight up VILLAINIZE saeyoung. seven deserves to be angry without it being followed up by the justification of the people who hurt him.
for crying out loud, his diabolical, pathetic excuse of a father got a cute little redemption thing while they kept saeyoung as the "angry vengeful twin that is not sweet and pure like saeran so thats why he cant forgive" by MAKING HIM SAY that he is not a good person for it all while there is not a single character to say its wrong to think that.
take this next thing with a grain of salt because i myself have not been diagnosed with anything, however, it gets worse when you remember that he has ADHD and this all may be because of his emotional hypersensitivity and difficulty to cope with stress. i need people to be normal about a canonically non-neurotypical character pleaseee its cool that he's such a scarily capable dude and all but i just wish cheritz stayed consistent and didnt make this trait into bad thing a second after
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