ladyelainehilfur · 1 year
I'm rereading the Stephen arc and I am NOT okay
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bunnidarling · 7 months
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Beautiful sketch of my boy getting his drunken flirt on with daddy by the incredible @evaporatingvoid
Except from Chapter 14: "The Hero":
Despite exhaustion, Averyll flitted around camp like a little hummingbird. He never stayed too long with anyone in particular, but made sure to share as much cheer as he could at each stop. All of the tieflings were getting deep into their revels, cups flowing and music filling the air. He even played a few duets with Alfira, the sad tiefling he helped finish her song back at The Grove. Playing his viola and raising up his voice in song with someone else felt wonderful.
It had been a solid age since he had last done it. Of course his viola was the conduit for his magic, so he used it constantly in battles, but had hardly touched it at all for pleasure. He didn’t realize how much he had missed it. Everyone except Wyll seemed to be enjoying the party; he chose to keep to himself and stare out over the water. Averyll checked on him just to let him know he was missed, but Wyll waved him off and Averyll left him to his contemplation. Everyone had some kind of comment about how ‘cozy’ Averyll and Astarion had become. Was it that obvious?
After a couple more rousing songs, Averyll allowed another tiefling to fill his cup and he approached Halsin, who had stationed himself at the back of camp and appeared to be enjoying himself as an observer. As soon as Averyll approached the large druid waved him off, deep voice booming. 
“Go on! Don’t waste a night like this talking to me. We’ll talk about your problem tomorrow.” 
Averyll’s face and the tips of his ears were already flushed with drink. He raised his glass, “I was hoping you might share a drink with me! To celebrate!” 
Halsin chuckled, “In truth I rarely imbibe. The stuff goes straight to my head. Before you know it I’ll be breaking into song or declaring love to the first person I laid eyes on.” He gestured to him and Averyll felt his mouth go dry. 
Gods he’s so big. And that voice. So deep. Fuck. His eyes went a bit dreamy as he listened. He had to be at least a full head taller than Averyll. If I stepped closer my face would nestle right in the center of his ample, muscular chest. 
Averyll gave his most charming grin, “I fail to see the problem with either of those things.” 
Halsin just laughed, “Then you’ve never heard my singing. Which makes you very fortunate.” 
“Perhaps there’s something else you’d rather do?...” Averyll’s eyes smoldered up at the elder druid, his desire naked on his face. 
Halsin’s voice dropped just a bit, and something flashed in his own eyes that gave Averyll the impression that he was receptive to his less than subtle flirting. “I’m sure there are. You strike me as someone rather…” His eyes narrowed slightly and for a split moment Averyll felt he was but a deer before the mighty bear. “... Resourceful .” Averyll felt his trousers tighten around his growing bulge. 
“But,” Halsin continued, popping Averyll’s little bubble of hope, “There are many grateful people here who want to spend time with you. I must not keep you all to myself. As enjoyable as that may be.”
Oh. Oh. Yes it would be enjoyable. I’d make certain of that.
“Go on!” Halsin continued, gesturing with his large hands, “Enjoy yourself. Seek some wine before it runs dry. There are lots of thirsty people around her.” 
Averyll swallowed. He was certainly one of those thirsty people. Gods.
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Class politics in the Knives Out franchise
A few weeks ago a friend of mine made a tiktok criticizing an article arguing that Glass Onion is bad anticapitalist media, on the basis that it's not anticapitalist media. Like, yeah, the villains of both films are rich people, but that's more of a plot device than a critique: death among rich folks entails a lot more motive, means, and opportunity for well-obscured murders to have taken place than among poor folks.
(For the record: I love these films and have watched both of them more than once, it's possible and even good to enjoy media with politics that are inconsistent with your own politics sometimes, and the argument I'm making here is definitely not the only legitimate interpretation of the text.)
Spoilers coming obv.
I commented on that video that the Knives Out films can even be read as critical not of wealth, per se, but of class mobility.
The format of both films are a man with an air of longstanding implicit wealth pursuing a career of excellence in his field more-or-less as a leisure activity, paired with a companion who has come into proximity to wealth, but does not desire that wealth, against a collection of horrible wealthy people, all of whom are desperately concerned with maintaining their wealth, and all of whose fortune is traceable to a specific, recent accomplishment of capitalist growth.
The protagonists of Knives Out do their best to perform the affect of old money, but that claim is discredited implicitly by the instability of the whole cast's financial support structure, and Benoit Blanc calls bullshit on it explicitly in the climax:
Ransom: You think I'm not gonna fight to protect my home, our birthright, our ancestral family home? Blanc (laughing): That is hooey. Harlan, he bought this place in the 80s from a Pakistani real estate billionaire.
No such pretense exists among the shitheads in Glass Onion—for all its criticism of the bullshit of tech billionaires, the film absolutely lets Miles Bron have the character trait of being a self-made man who came from nothing that the heroes of tech bro masturbation fantasies all claim, few of them legitimately.¹
The murder victim in both films is the person whose exceptional abilities led to the wealth that all the suspects benefit from, and an interest in which highlights and focuses their character flaws. In this regard, the film deviates from the historical nobility narrative that the lower class is incapable of the kinds of accomplishments that are typical of the nobility—an attitude that has been visibly indefensible for hundreds of years—and instead takes up the more recent narrative that the lower classes just lack the wisdom and moral character to handle wealth. The victims, through their genius, create conditions for explosive wealth, and, through their sentimentality, share that power with the people close to them, who are naturally working-class people whose moral character is destroyed by exposure to fortune. Ultimately they discover that those with whom they have shared their success consider access to that success an inalienable right, and at least one of them in each film feels justified in defending that right by murdering them.
The murderers, thereafter, are each undone by the collaboration of a pair demonstrating rightful and just class dynamics: a noble gentleman, whose contributions consist principally of being present and being exceptional, rarely rising to the level of doing anything apart from telling other people what their roles and responsibilities are; and a member of the working class, so far in both films women of color, who works in a care industry (a nurse, a teacher) and has never aspired to wealth, and who takes action informed by a moral compass premised not on the position that she deserves the wealth at play, but that the suspects don't.
Blanc: I want you to remember something that's very important: you won not by playing the game Harlan's way, but yours. You're a good person. Marta: This family. I should help them, right? Blanc: Well, I have my opinion. But I have a feeling you'll follow your heart.
This all doesn't mean that Rian Johnson is, like, a feudalist, though. His oeuvre doesn't maintain any kind of coherent overarching attitude towards class. Anti class mobility isn't a core theme of The Brothers Bloom, which explicitly valorizes the accomplishment of stealing from rich people for personal gratification, and the opposite position—a rejection of hereditary or institutional criteria for legitimacy in power—is a core thesis of The Last Jedi. I only saw Looper once, a long time ago, but I don't remember any positive portrayal of wealth at all in it. And I'm sure I will watch Brick eventually. Johnson doesn't seem to think of storytelling as a means to an end; he doesn't seem to write with any motive other than doing a good job telling the story he's trying to tell. The politics of his films are whatever they need to be to create the genre that he's working in, and to do something he feels is worth doing with that genre.
Johnson absolutely could've worked in "Miles Bron came from money and lies about it" somehow, and it would've been more true to the storylines of tech billionaires in real life. But it would've added nothing to the story in its capacity as a murder mystery; the only thing to gain from adding that would be to adjust the shades of political implication that you can get from applying the text to reality. The only time I've seen Johnson transparently do things with a film because of their implications outside the text, it was in The Last Jedi, and the implications were on what Star Wars is and is capable of being as a cultural work. It was still about the story—even when the film is a means to an end, to Johnson, it's because the larger story is an end unto itself.
The Musk Family emerald mine is an exaggeration but in his childhood Elon Musk belonged to a wealthy family. Bill Gates got the edge he had early in his career by having a huge amount of free access to computer processing time due to his family's academic connections and the private school he attended. Jeff Bezos was born into poverty, but his stepfather, whom his mother married when he was four, was an entrepreneur, and by the time Bezos was starting Amazon his parents could (and did) give him a quarter million dollar startup investment. Steve Jobs did grow up in a working class family; Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak came from somewhat more money, but still in the territory of 'very well-paid working class,' what we sometimes call the middle class in America. To the best of my knowledge, Apple's story is the only one in tech that even borders on resembling the bootstrap fantasy without a thick layer of outright lies spread on top.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Compared to some other actors that people talk about, Tom gets less hate than most imo.// I’m sorry but I don’t agree. Maybe you say this cause you don’t check other platforms but tell me who else receive hate or negative comments from all of these combined: partner’s HUGE fandom, film twitter, OG Spider-Man/comic book fans, other male actors fandom, video game franchise, handful from the GP…etc. from my observation, he seems to get way more hate than others jmho.
Tom has a lot of avenues of potential hate (that's true), but you have to look at the RATIO of hate to the ratio of LOVE that Tom gets as well Anon. And that's not true that other actors don't get as much hate from various avenues either. I really don't think you spend time in other fandoms or forums/blogs.
There are some actors who get hated on because of the way they look, the fact that they've been cast in a role that people don't want them in, the way they talk, where they're from, what they wear, their RACE, their ex gfs stans hating on them, the current gf's stans hating on him and not thinking he measures up, then there are the gp people who think the guy is an "awful actor", or the ones who "don't think he should have won that award", other fandoms hating on the dude for not good reason, or the ones who believe awful rumors about the guy and decide to hate on him because of it, including the ones who hate on him because he was cast in a certain role but they really wanted x/y/z actor (fan casting) instead, etc. The list goes on and on... There are several others who get hate too Anon. I'm just trying to help you see that Tom is not an anomaly. And again, just do a search for his name and look at what MOST people say. It's overwhelmingly positive about Tom! 😊 Even those who were initially hating on him being cast as Nathan Drake in Uncharted ended up actually liking the movie in the end! That movie didn't make that amount of money just from fangirls alone. Let's get real. 😏
Idk too many people who are STILL hating on Tom for being in Marvel or playing spiderman. Do they exist?? Sure! (You can't please EVERYBODY). However, the overwhelming majority LOVES him in the role. NWH made over a BILLION Dollars. Let that sink in Anon.
If anything, imo Zendaya gets more hate than Tom for being in the Marvel films as "MJ". After all these years, some fanboys are STILL talking about when they're gonna get the "REAL MJ", even though Marvel has made it abundantly clear that Zendaya IS the "real" MJ. 😒If NWH mentioning that her name was Michelle Jones Watson wasn't enough of a hint, I don't know what else to tell you lol.
So again, you have to look at the ratio of hate to love anon. Tom is fortunate that he has an extremely LARGE fanbase that can check people if anyone ever tries to hate on him unnecessarily. Not all actors have that. IJS.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Respectfully, I'm a 2017 fan, & I'm a loss for what you've watched, because I've literally never seen Tae actively seek out JK in 'every room' or talk about him so much. Even in the Seoul concert Vlive, his entire attention was focused on Jin next to him, and then Jhope. The distance isn't literal distance, it's Tae being kinda indifferent and moody. For e.g. BV2 friendship trip. He changed a lot after his grandparents died, became softer, but JK is not his emotional centre in BTS.
Oh boy I am sorry because this is a good ask and I want to back up my words, but I just don’t have time to compile all the touches, glances, smiles, hugs, hanging-on, TMIs, or times Tae has mentioned JK in 2022–but I promise I’m not crazycakes. It’s there.
Maybe watch Tae’s body language carefully on the Vegas Vlive when JK enters the room, for example. That sort of gives the flavor. Or how often Tae mentions things like their trip, dressing up, playing video games, buying a coat, visiting a fortune teller, JK’s preference for white wine, how he wants to go get his friendship tattoo with JK (even though it was Jimin’s idea to consult and help with it), etc. He works JK into his conversations often and touches him whenever he’s within reach. (JK just shares a lot less personal details these days but he always seems receptive and at ease with this.)
(I’m also not gonna link to other people’s videos here just because I do not want the cult anywhere near my happy place, but if you go looking, you’ll see other Taekookery aplenty this year). Tae is also super physically affectionate and emotionally encouraging with Hobi and Jin too this year (kisses, back massages)—likely because he’s been paired up more with them than Jimin, Joon or Yoongi. It’s just that people hyper focus on the maknae.
But while Tae and JK are close and do have super cute moments, I do not think that JK is his emergency contact in BTS. “Emotional center” is a great way of putting it!
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Fics With Titles that Start With V (2) Masterlist
part one
Valentines Day - danalingphil
Summary: Dan and Phil comforting each other when they’re both single on Valentines. 
Valentine’s Day Baking - stuckinyourfreakshow
Summary: Dan and Phil decided to do another baking video and things got a little messy. 
Valentine’s Desires - jilliancares
Summary: Phil knows that what Dan really wants is a rim job.
vampires will never hurt you (ao3) - howellesterfics
Summary: Dan is embarrassed by his mistake of a Halloween costume, but not everybody has such negative feelings towards it.
Vandalism - mairieuxes
Summary: There’s a desk. And there’s a class. It’s more than enough to help two bored students find a distraction. And maybe, even something more.
vanilla softserve sort of day (ao3) - zsunsetz
Summary: dan doesn't want to go outside today, but when his best friend and crush phil lester turns up at his doorstep...well, he had to change his plans a little
Variety (ao3) - omgdatphantho
Summary: Phil makes it clear that variety in the bedroom doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Various Shades of Grey - camisadan
Summary: Phil loves halloween, but probably not for the reasons you'd expect.
vegas lights - softiejace
Summary: 2012 is not going as planned, but phil still takes dan to vegas for his 21st birthday, the city that is said to hold adventure, risk and fortune – and maybe a flimsy hope for conciliation?
Velvet Underworld (ao3) - Cadensaurus
Summary: So Dan finds out he thinks neko outfits are pretty cute, and Phil buys one for him, and there's toying and teasing and a whole new side of Phil that Dan never knew existed.
Venice: City Of Dreams (ao3) - expiredlove
Summary: Dan and Phil are on holiday in Venice, Italy, with two of their best friends. They discover the city with their unprofessional tour guide Phil and end their day with a romantic stop at the Accademia Bridge, which is known for its so called love locks.
VETSCO à gogo (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: The guy is just really hot, and maybe Dan’s also a bit concerned he’s going to fall with all the times he’s watched him wiggle and wobble on seemingly unsteady limbs. He never does, or at least he hasn’t yet, but Dan would like to think he’s got his back if he ever does.
the twitch streamer who just can't seem to get his roller skating neighbor out of his mind
Vice Versa - phancyphanfiction
Summary: Phan gets outed.
Vidcon Surprises - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil are in a secret relationship. Phil is worried that they’re relationship will be outed when they hang out with the other youtubers. Louise spots Dan and Phil kissing and shows the others the picture they took and they have to decide what they want to do, if they should tell Dan and Phil that they know of their relationship.
Video Games - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan always wins when they play video games together. But for once, Phil wanted to make sure that he wins. He tries to distract Dan by touching his neck because Dan hates it.
Visionary - thespianhowell
Summary: As much as Dan loves how Phil looks in glasses, sometimes they are less than ideal.
Visions, Voice, Person: The Soulmate Process (ao3) - Star4545
Summary: Visions, Voice, Dreams lead up to meeting your soulmate. Dan is a West End actor and Phil is teacher leaving them to busy schedules, but they work it out. They are soulmates after all.
voice on the radio (ao3) - overcastphan
Summary: Dan should be old enough to know not to fall in love with the voice on the radio.
Vocal Rest - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil had just finished tatinof, unfortunately... Dan lost his voice so he’s been on vocal rest. Dan just wants to get work done, and Phil wishes his boyfriend would just relax for a moment.
vows (ao3) - lionkid
Summary: Phil works as a video producer for Buzzfeed UK. Dan, a coworker he's not particularly fond of, comes up with a video idea: two single people have to act married for a week. He just so happens to volunteer to 'marry' Dan.
Based on Buzzfeed's "Single people get married for a week" series.
Vulnerable (ao3) - prettysweet
Summary: Phil got his girlfriend pregnant then she left him with the child and Dan is too kind to leave Phil to raise the child by himself.
0 notes
rinkrats · 3 years
🥺 that mike lange story. But also those tags #sid loooves christmas #he loves giving presents #looks good in red #piles on the pounds fast #post hockey career as santa 😂😂👌🏽👌🏽
he loves his mementos and presents and is COMMITTED to them. scrapbooking. matching jackets. little pills with hidden motivational messages~*~ his love language is gifts and neck smooches and stalking geno. relevant right now are some anecdotes i sent a friend earlier this year for dorky sid gifts fic fodder:
1. Crosby's constant thoughtfulness would be impressive from anyone, much less someone of his stature.
"Sid always texts me happy birthday, he's always asking me like, how's Russia?" Evgeni Malkin said. "We talk and message all summer. He asks me how my skates are. He knows, like, everything. He follows my Instagram, I think (laughs)."
In addition to having a handle on those little details, Crosby is constantly providing those around him with memories and mementos. If the team is on the road and goes, say, sightseeing or to a sporting event and takes a group photo, Crosby will later send a framed copy to everyone.
When Ron Hextall and Brian Burke watched their first Penguins game in person, Crosby is the one who approached head equipment manager Dana Heinze and asked for two used game pucks to give to the new GM and president of hockey ops. 
After the Penguins won in 2009, Crosby had jackets made for the three players on the team who had scored a Cup-clinching goal in Game 7: Talbot (Pittsburgh), Ruslan Fedotenko (Tampa Bay) and Mike Rupp (New Jersey).
"They were blue jackets with gold buttons, and each one had a patch on it that said 'GWG Game 7,'" Talbot said. "At one of our first team meals the next season, he presented us with the jackets and did a big ceremony with the music and stuff. We had a private room in the restaurant. I still have the jacket."
-The Consummate Teammate, Captain and Ambassador, Feb 2021
2. Merz: My first interaction with Sid was when we were on the bench, guys were talking about a teammate, and the first thing this 15-year-old says is, “Hey, guys. Let’s keep everything positive. Don’t talk about your teammates that way.”
Salcido: When we were getting ready for nationals, he found these little pills that you could put a hidden message inside. They unscrewed, and inside was a tiny scroll. He gave one to every teammate. … He had everyone fill one out. He didn’t tell anyone what to write, but he made it known that we all knew what the goal was: winning nationals. So we wrote on our scrolls, rolled them up and put them in the pill thing. We kept them with us everywhere we went.
-‘Is this real?’: Stories of Sidney Crosby’s year at a Minnesota prep school, May 2020
3. On “Butterfly Boy” Jonathan Pitre:
Though the Senators are his team, Sidney Crosby has always been Jonny’s favourite player. After the TSN documentary airs, Tina gets a call from the Penguins. Sid needs Jonny’s measurements. He wants to have a suit made for him by his personal tailor, Domenico Vacca.
“It’s the kindest, sweetest gesture,” Tina says. “Sid heard that Jonny went to a lot of games, so he wants him to look like he’s one of the guys.”
“I want him to feel like a pro,” Crosby says. “Here’s a guy who is going through something so painful, and his first thought is always, ‘How can I help others?’ When I was young, I’d watch on TV the players coming to the rink in their suits. That was a cool part of being an NHL player. I want him to feel that, to make it as real as possible for him.”
Tina tries to discreetly measure Jonny while she’s changing his dressings. But he’s way too smart for that.
“Um, Mom, why are you measuring me? Am I going for surgery again?” he asks.
“No, no!” Tina replies, trying to reassure him and come up with a good lie, all in the same breath. “The doctor needs them just to make sure they have proper dressings next time you are in.”
A few weeks later, the sharp navy blue suit shows up at their front door, along with a couple of ties, an autographed stick and a handwritten letter from Sid. 
“His eyes just light up,” Tina says. “Jonny always liked to be well-dressed, and he just loves having his own suit. It fits perfectly. He looks so good in it.”
-Beauties by James Duthie (2020)
4. Pascal Dupuis inspired his Pittsburgh Penguins teammates on their run to the Stanley Cup, and Sidney Crosby found a special way of driving that message home.
Dupuis retired in December with lingering health concerns because of blood clots. Despite his NHL playing days coming to an end, the veteran forward remained an integral part of the Penguins and was in uniform to hoist the Cup after Pittsburgh's six-game win against the San Jose Sharks in the Stanley Cup Final.
On Sunday, Dupuis brought the Cup home one last time as a player to share a special day with his family, friends and hometown fans.
"Yes, it does feel bittersweet a little bit," Dupuis said. "You get the Cup, you want to celebrate. But at the same time I got a gift by the mail [Saturday]. Basically, it's a book of all the pictures of all the good stuff we went through. It came from Nova Scotia, so you guys can figure out who it came from (Crosby), but he couldn't give it to me during the season, he saw me skating a little bit.
"And he sent it [Saturday], before my day with the Cup, so he knew what he was doing to get me right here," Dupuis said, putting his fist over his heart.
-Pascal Dupuis shares Stanley Cup with family, friends, Aug 2016
5. In 2011, Crosby was out of the lineup with a concussion, and the Penguins made their annual visit to Children’s Hospital.
Crosby got along so well with one boy there and was so touched that he later asked Bullano to go back... just the two of them, no cameras, no attention.
When Bullano and Crosby met for the follow-up visit, Crosby appeared clutching a pair of Toys “R” Us bags, filled with a Transformer toy the two had discussed.
“He literally bought every type of this toy they make,” Bullano said. “[Crosby] had never seen it before and thought it was so cool.
“There are no pictures of this. There’s no video. He was laying in the bed with the kid. They were just playing. We were there for over two hours. I got to know the mom really well because we were just sitting there.
“The kid had no idea. Didn’t expect it. They had no idea he was coming. We got there and he said, ‘Hey buddy. hope you don’t mind that I came back.’ The kid couldn’t believe it.
“[Crosby’s] crazy cool about stuff like that.”
What’s crazy is trying to recount the many times stuff like this has happened with Crosby:
• The Little Penguins Learn to Play program has been around for nine seasons, outfitting now 1,200 kids with free head-to-toe hockey equipment. Not only does Crosby serve as the face of the program — which the NHL has now adopted — but he helps fund it, too.
“There’s an awareness of what a person in his position can bring,” Penguins vice president of communications Tom McMillan said. “I think he activates that as much as anybody I’ve seen during his playing career.”
• After a recent practice, Crosby noticed a local family in the Penguins dressing room, approached them, introduced himself, learned their story and wound up giving them a signed stick.
Nobody asked Crosby to do that, and he wanted zero credit when discussing it a couple days later.
“For people who have the opportunity to come in here, people dealing with certain things, if you can brighten their day a bit or spend some time with them, it’s something that’s special for all of us,” Crosby said.
• A few years ago, through a team charity event, Crosby befriended a 4-year-old Amish boy with cancer. Crosby remarked to Bullano how much he loved talking to the boy because of how engaging the boy was and how he wasn’t consumed with technology. Crosby even tried to visit the boy but learned he had passed away.
• He learns the first and last names of the kids who attend his hockey school in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia.
“Two kids came from Japan its first year,” Bullano recalled. “He was so blown away by that. He couldn’t wait to meet them.”
• Earlier this season, the Penguins welcomed Grant Chupinka, 24-year-old cancer patient, into the dressing room. Crosby chatted up Grant and his parents, Steve and Kim.
He spent his usual time — about two or three times the requirement. Gave the tour. Then found out the Chupinkas didn’t have tickets for that night’s game and decided he would pay for them to go.
“I’m sure he could just give them an autographed puck or something, but he takes his time to go out and see them and talk to them and get to know them,” Brian Dumoulin said. “It speaks volumes for him and who he is as a person.”
Spend any length of time with Crosby during his visits with those less fortunate, and a few things become obvious.
One, Crosby is really good at these. Smooth but not in a slimy way. Sweet. You know how when you’re around someone talking and they go out of their way to make eye contact with everyone around? That’s Crosby.
He’s also humble, always introducing himself like those he’s meeting don’t already know. Holding a hand is no issue. And Crosby is the rare 20-something pro athlete without kids who acts every bit like he does.
“It is not an easy situation to talk to someone with terminal cancer,” McMillan said. “A lot of people couldn’t do that. He has an amazing ability to do that and make that person feel good.”
Crosby has welcomed several Make-a-Wish kids and tries, if at all possible, to schedule such events for practice days — to maximize the time he’s able to spend.
He’s developed a special friendship with Patrick McIlvain, a soldier who nearly died when he took a bullet to the head in Afghanistan. McIlvain actually does physical therapy with one of Crosby’s sticks.
A former club hockey player at Cal U, McIlvain comes by every year, and the Penguins don’t even bother to tell Crosby. Either he already knows or immediately stops what he’s doing to come say hello.
“He’s not doing it to leave a legacy,” said Terry Kalna, Penguins vice president of sales and broadcasting. “His numbers leave the legacy. He’s just a down-to-Earth, good guy.”
Before a visit, Crosby has Bullano email him what is essentially a scouting report on who he’s going to meet. He likes to learn about them, their situation and what they’ve been through. As much information as he can ingest. Crosby never just swoops in, shake a hand and leave.
“As much as anyone has ever seen, he accepts the responsibilities of being not just a professional athlete but a star professional athlete,” McMillan said. “He views it as part of the job. Like coming to the morning skate. That’s just what you do.”
Put another way, “he owns those moments,” says Kalna.
Said Bullano, “He’s just a good human being.”
-When it comes to giving, Sidney Crosby does as much as he can, Feb 2017
6. When Crosby received a generous signing bonus on his Reebok deal, he wanted to share it with everyone.
“He gave everyone on the bus gifts,”  says Oceanic radio commentator Michel Germain. “Him sharing his bonus with all the people he’d been travelling with for two years, that impresses me greatly. I think the most important thing about Sidney Crosby is his personality and the kind of human being he is. What he exuded. The inner richness he’d already developed.” 
-Superstitious and generous, Dec 2006
7. also this simply because it makes me ;w;
Even in defeat — no, especially in defeat — Sidney Crosby proved why he wears the "C" for the Penguins.
After the game, with his heart sinking and his season over, the Penguins’ captain bent over, sank to the ice to pick up the puck, took it to linesman Tony Sericolo and then skated to his team’s handshake line.
I immediately thought of a View from Ice Level I’d written on Crosby making sure a retiring official was sent away from PPG Paints Arena properly. I knew picking up the puck wasn’t for the same reason that was, but I also knew, in some way, it was connected to Crosby’s awareness and respect of the game.
“It was for the Islanders,” Crosby told me after the game, his eyes swollen from a first round exit – by way of a sweep to make it worse. He told me how the winning team always wanted the puck, and it was his way of providing it for the Islanders.
Crosby looked me right in the eye as he told me this, just as he did with every other member of the media to come to him after the loss.
I could tell from those swollen eyes and the way he sat at his stall, by himself with his hands folded as he stared blankly, that Sidney Crosby is much more used to being on the receiving end of a puck when a series ends than he is at retrieving it for the winning team.
That scene. His swollen eyes. Staying in the locker room until most had left – talking to anyone who needed him. Most of all, though, picking up the puck that prompted my question in the first place and making sure the right people got their piece of their own history.
It all adds up to one thing: In victory and in defeat, Crosby respects the game above all else – just as he’s always done.
-Even in defeat, Crosby shines, April 2019
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shroudcore · 3 years
Speak now, or forever hold your peace. (II)
Summary: You crash the wedding with Grim and Ortho. Unlike the others, proposing isn’t on your mind. You come with a very different approach. 
An angstier take on Ghost Marriage. Idia x GN!reader. Reader is MC, or takes the role of MC in this story. (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Warnings: none
If the students of NRC thought they’ve seen Eliza at her angriest, they were wrong. The fury she displayed now was incomparable. While Idia fawned over your dramatic anime-worthy entrance, the new interruption was getting on her last ghostly nerve.
“Guards! Seize them!” she roared. Immediately, the ghosts went into action. Idia held his breath as he watched the obedient ghosts charge at you, Grim, and Ortho. He hoped you didn’t barge in with no plan. If you didn’t come equipped with useful items, you would end up like everyone else. 
Chubby, determined to get rid of the intruders that caused distress to his beloved princess, was eager to get rid of you. (”Simp”, Idia muttered) However, eagerness wasn’t enough against an opponent equally as determined. As soon as he got too close, an unknown force threw him backwards to where Eliza floated, shocking the princess.
“Chubby! Are you alright?”
Idia, on the other hand, was elated. 
“Th-that’s so OP!” he exclaimed. He knew you heard him, because your gaze flicked to him for a split second before looking away. Embarrassed, Idia shut his mouth. He’d expected at least a smile. 
After Chubby’s failed attack, other ghosts attempted to face your group. They only met the same fate. Confused, they could only pay their apologies to the princess and watch on in helplessness. Just what did you have up your sleeve? Who did you get such an SS-tier item from?
“Princess, it’s impossible to stop them!” the last of Eliza’s guards told her. For the first time that night, she looked afraid. 
Grim guffawed, while you smirked. A familiar look. It was always there before you jumpscared an enemy, or before you checkmated a poor opponent. Idia might have thought it was kinda hot. At the moment, he was oblivious to his gaping mouth, and how wildly his hair blazed. What were once lightly blushing tips were now an alarming red—a level of ferocity never seen from him before. 
“You can’t touch or hurt us!” boasted Grim, a devious smirk on his face. “We had some he—mprfgh!” He was abruptly cut off by Ortho’s robotic arm covering his mouth. Idia’s brother shook his head at your noisy dorm mate. 
“Release my big brother now!” he demanded. Idia grimaced, but didn’t feel too worried. As long as Ortho was with you and your anti-ghost protective shield, he would be safe. 
As expected, the ghosts were affronted. 
“How dare he order the princess like that?”
“You ought to be punished for your insolence!”
“To intrude on a royal wedding and speak disrespectfully! 
“Send them to the gallows!”
One talked, and one talked over the other. Soon, all that could be heard was an unintelligible susurrus of disembodied voices. One ghost had enough of it, and shouted to Eliza: “Princess, the kiss! Do what must be done!” 
“NO!” You and Ortho yelled at the same time. You continued to walk towards the makeshift altar as your two companions followed close behind. Ghosts rushed to block your path, but you pressed on as your invisible shield threw them back. It looked absolutely badass. Well, anything you did was cool to Idia, anyway. 
 “Out of my way!” You commanded, strong and unwavering. He’d seen you annoyed and angry before, but never up to this point. It basically radiated off of you that a danger warning could be floating above your head. 
“S-so intimidating... “
“So scary!”
Sure, this wedding crasher looked like you, but something was different. An unexplainable sinister aura wreathed you tonight. Was it your glare, or was it that regal suit you wore? Idia must have been too distracted by you, that he only noticed now how your cape seemed to drag shadows with it. You were a villain... much like one of the villains from his video games! And something else that was familiar. 
Whatever it was and wherever it came from, there was a menacing presence in the hall tonight. 
All were silent, except for the wind whistling through the hall. If one listened more carefully, they would hear drowned-out cackles. But it is just the wind, right?
“Wh-who are you?” Eliza finally asked. The ghosts who were ashamed at being unable to seize you began to form a protective ring around their princess. Eliza herself, Idia noticed, was starting to curl in on herself—her presence shrinking the closer you approached. “What do you want?”
“The groom,” was all you said, staring her down as if eyes alone could exterminate the ghost in front of you. 
“Idia?” she asks weakly, glancing at her tied-up groom. Idia said nothing and did nothing but look at you, attempting to telepathically communicate his panic. You barely even looked at him. 
“He’s mine.” 
Hold up—?
More gasps and chatter. They sounded less like whispers and more like the buzzing insects he heard whenever he snuck out at midnight. The world spun. Idia stared at you open-mouthed. 
If he were asked to describe his state of mind at this moment, it would be similar to a loading screen. Suddenly, everything you did together played back in a 1.75x supercut sequence. 
“Wh-what?” Eliza sputtered. “What do you mean?” 
You answered her, voice losing the steadiness it possessed just moments ago. “You have the man I love.” 
Idia.exe has crashed. Reboot? 
The audience’s reactions were varied. Some students on the floor were amused by the spectacle and could have used some popcorn (and a comfortable position) during these times. Some were horrified and disappointed by the idea of the prefect being in love with Idia Shroud the shut-in. Some were much too confused to feel anything. 
“Pardon…? What did I just hear?” Azul asked the floor.
“Puppy love,” Lilia wept, sniffling very loudly. “You know, this reminds me of when I was young...” 
“Whaddaya mean when you were young?!” Floyd snapped. His irritability had spiked up even more when you arrived. His position prevented him from witnessing the events. Everyone on the floor could feel his bad mood rolling off of him in waves. 
“Hey! Watch your tone when speaking to Lilia!” scolded Sebek. 
“... Are they acting?” Leona mumbled. 
“Oh, this better be an act.”  said Vil.  “... though it does not seem to be.” The last part of his observation remained unheard by anyone else, except for Rook. 
“I believe we are witnessing a genuine love confession,” added the Chasseur d’Amour himself, voice soft as he sighed dreamily. “Engrave this moment into your memories, everyone! We are fortunate to witness it…”
But no one shared his enthusiasm about the situation. The others expressed their displeasure by groaning and complaining. “... well, even in this state we are in?” he added as a follow-up. 
You once fell asleep on Idia’s shoulder after finishing a movie. It was something you both only watched to make fun of, but you were apparently too tired to give your top-tier jokes and meme references. The contact sent his heart into overdrive as he froze, begging for option boxes to appear and help him. The flames of his hair blazed so brightly that it woke you back up. It was embarrassing, and sometimes he would remember it late at night and cringe. 
It was happening again, but worse. Any moment now, he was sure that he alone could burn down the cafeteria, if not the whole school. This was stupid. Why did he get that worked up over an obvious act? A mere ploy to get the ghosts to release him?
Reality catches up and deals him triple attack damage. Crowley probably put you up to this. You were probably annoyed that you were forced to do this, weren’t you? That’s why you couldn’t even look at him. It had to be the cruelest joke that fate ever threw his way. 
“I can’t say I don’t understand you, Princess,” you tell Eliza, forcing a smile. “Idia is perfect, is he not?” He felt your eyes on him. This time, it was he who couldn’t quite meet your gaze. Looking down at the floor was all he could do; it couldn’t judge his blushing face. Only when the warmth in his cheeks faded did he feel it safe to look back up again. 
“You see him, don’t you, Princess?” Your voice began to falter, losing the confidence and authority in it that scared the ghosts. “He’s so much more than what everyone else thinks! We agree on that, don’t we?”
Eliza’s face softened, nodding. “Yes. I’ve seen how these people insult him!” she tells you, gesturing to the ‘failed princes’ on the floor.
“But we’re still different,” you stepped closer, but still far enough so that your invisible anti-ghost forcefield wouldn’t activate. “You don’t want to marry Idia, you want to marry your fairytale prince.” 
Eliza appeared to be genuinely confused. She looked around at her companions, before turning back to you. “What do you mean?”
“You’re in love with your ideals, not the person himself,” you explain. “You only chose him for his appearance. Am I right? His personality, likes and dislikes, and possible flaws don’t matter to you.”
Eliza seemed deep in thought. While she was silent, you release a bitter laugh and threw your hands up.  “I mean, do you even know what his favorite candy is?”
Pomegranate drops. You asked to have some, but he refused to give you any. He wouldn’t tell you why, but he let you assume it was his favorite and didn’t want to share because of that. 
That wasn’t it, though. Maybe he’d tell you once you were both out of here. 
“You’ve never stayed up until 4am just to join him on a raid!” You waved your hands wildly, lost in your rant. Whether Eliza understood you or not, you seemed to have stopped giving a damn. 
“Weak!” he teased, noticing your drooping eyelids and reduced concentration. Deep down, he felt bad for keeping you up late.  “Look, it’s fine if you need to rest.”
“Nah, let’s finish this. What are you going to do without me?” you replied, smirking.
“You don’t even have 4-hour conversations with him on Magicord VC like I do!” 
It lasted up until 3am. You two were laughing at memes. He could hear a groggy Grim complain in the background about the noise. 
“Alright. Here’s a question, princess. How much would you risk for the man beside you right now? Bet that’s where we’re different...”
Eliza’s gaze darted back and forth between you and Idia. Even the other ghosts were silent, waiting for your next words. 
“... because if you ask me, I would risk everything! That’s why I’m here wearing this stupid suit!”
It’s not real. It’s not real. The emotion behind every word was a punch to the gut. If you kept this up, he might need a healer soon. Ever since he realized he was falling, he tried to quell the sparks of hope you ignited whenever you did something nice for him. All that hard work was gone. Each word you uttered was gasoline. 
“To think that if I arrived minutes later… th-that I would never see him again!” A sob escapes your throat, your intimidating persona crumbling.
No, don’t do that. Idia wanted to reassure you that he was still there and he was okay, but he couldn’t. It’s part of an act. It’s part of an act. 
“So please… just let him go.” The front you wore has completely dissolved. There you were, reduced to a sobbing mess in front of a ghost princess and the students of NRC. 
You weren’t the only one. All traces of anger or fear have vanished from Eliza’s face. Instead, she put her hands over her mouth. The princess had been moved to tears. Finally, she turns to Idia. “Idia, they seem to l-love you very much… ”
“That’s right.” You wiped your tear-streaked face and pointed an accusing finger at the ghosts. “And all of you! Are you going to enable her forever? Encourage her shallow ideas of what love should be?” 
They all looked down, unable to meet your eyes. 
“You have no right to just snatch him up and claim him as yours,” you told Eliza with an unfaltering resolve, despite your tear-covered face and your crumbled front of strength. “Did you never think… that there could have been someone waiting for him to return?” 
“I-I never meant to!” Eliza cried. “I was so blinded by my own happiness. I never thought… never even considered…” 
“Princess, it’s alright. We all make mistakes.” Chubby told her, trying to be reassuring. 
“Tell me, intruder. How else am I going to find my prince?” she asked you with no trace of hostility. You stopped for a while, staring at her. 
You must not have expected the question. Idia saw you look at him—it was the longest time you’d looked at him all evening. Clearing your throat, you began to explain. You fumbled a bit, scratching the back of your neck and tugging at the hem of your coat as you explained what a perfect partner should be. 
As you spoke, Idia was enthralled by your voice and most of all, the knowledge you possessed about love and romance. He hadn’t seen this side of you before. How did he ever think that a hundred dating sims could make him a romance expert?
“Is that so?” she sighs, bowing her head. “I understand now. I’m so sorry… for causing you so much grief.” 
She turns to her companions, giving them a sad smile. “There’s only one thing to do. Everyone, we must stop this wedding.” 
Idia wanted to fall to the floor in relief. At least a few exhausted sighs and weak cheers could be heard from the wedding “attendees”. You fell to your knees, exaggerating your gratitude. 
“Thank you, princess!”
“But Princess… what about your happily ever after?” Chubby interjected. 
“I can’t tear two lovers apart!” Eliza wipes a few of her own tears, then turns to you. “I was deeply moved by your words. I dream of having a lover like you,” she sighs dreamily, probably imagining her future lover already. 
While the students of NRC rejoiced at this victory, Idia’s heartbeat quickened in fear. What if Eliza decided to take you for herself?
“Princess…” Chubby muttered, sighing. Eliza only gave him a reassuring smile. Phew. Idia relaxed, grateful that she doesn’t have the idea… yet. He didn’t know what to do if that thought became reality. 
Eliza turns to address the hall with a smile. “I have decided.” Everyone waited with bated breath for her announcement. Idia squeezed his eyes shut and silently urged her to announce their departure already. 
“Idia and I will not be married anymore. She smiles wide, and clasps her hands together. “However, there will still be a wedding!”
Your smile faded. “What… what do you mean, princess?”
She beams. “To make up for my mistake, I will make sure that Idia and his lover are married tonight!” 
To be continued.
Tagging: @teashopwritingzz @twistedcrumbs 
Well, that was long. To think that I was planning for the story to be a one-shot! Once again, keep an eye out for Part 3. Thank you for reading! 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
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cryptidmads · 4 years
good evening nsr community, i went through the ama from today and came back with an armful or two of lore. there’s a bunch more than last time, and i included bbj as well as the npcs. cozy up, check under the cut, and prepare for a long read. enjoy!
today's ama featured wan hazmer and daim dziauddin again, as well as concept artist ellie and animator ben fong.
- mayday and zuke live in the sewers because they're an underground band. it's a pun - there were originally two variations of bbj leaving the sewers - one with mayday hi-fiving gigi (which had a 95% chance of happening), and one with zuke awkwardly fumbling and attempting to hi-five gigi (which had a 5% chance) - one of the inspirations for mayday and zuke were the two main characters of samurai champloo (zuke was jin, mayday was mugen) - someone asked about if the rest of the cast had their own shadow puppets. ben suggested a lemur for mayday, while ellie suggested a zucchini for zuke. she may have been joking. - mayday's guitar solos were done by different people, but zuke's drum solos were all done by bruno valverde. - zuke was the one who implemented the canister thing into mayday's guitar. - someone asked who of the cast are the introverts and who are the extroverts. mayday is an extrovert, zuke is an introvert. - the team does have a bit of lore for mayday and zuke and how they met, but they want to save it in case of a future project. - mayday was inspired by both genevieve from company of thieves and the unbreakable kimmy schmidt. - ben did the animation for mayday swinging the hammer in the workshop. - haz recalls seeing some fanart of mayday being brought up as a rich girl. he doesn't remember the artist, but he does like the idea. - the japanese version has zuke say he has a phd rather than a master's degree. this is apparently a mistake. - the pattern on zuke's pants was inspired by jolyne cujoh and prosciutto from jojo's bizarre adventure. - zuke's toilet seat collection came partially from a story from one of the environmental artists where one of their high school friends pranked another friend with a toilet seat. - zuke does a lot of reading and is naturally inquisitive about things like tech and mechanics. - dk west's shadow puppet abilities might run in the family, and zuke may have it as well. - both zuke and dk west are connected by percussion (zuke with the drums, west with the hand claps) - zuke and west weren't always designed to be related -- west was originally designed as "some guy who comes and goes," but was made into zuke's brother later on in production - dk west is an extrovert.
- djss' dj name is obviously a stage name, but the team didn't have a real name for him in the script or anything. - haz joked that his name is bob salad. that's not canon but from what i seen the chat loved it lol - haz brings up the symbolism of djss spinning the planets around himself and how it represents that he thinks of himself as the center of the universe. - ellie helped design the districts, and something she noted about dj's is that it's supposed to look the "slummiest" because he cares more about himself and less about things like blackouts. - dj had some lines cut from his boss fight. those lines? mini lectures towards bbj during every phase. they were cut because the team felt like they were too much for the game, but they want to share them one day. - daim says that dj could be either introverted or extroverted becuase of how much time he spends alone looking at the stars. - dj was never planned to have an approach segment, but funk fiction wasn't told that, so he made him an approach theme anyway. - dodo ice pops are traffic light flavoured, which is a popular ice cream in malaysia. it's strawberry, pineapple, and lime flavored.
- three of sayu's creators were based on staff members at metronomik. remi (voiced by ben) was based on one of the programmers and one of the environmental artists (ellie calls him "the lovechild of two dudes"), tila was based on (and voiced by) ellie herself, and dodo was based on danish mak (another environmental artist who also voices him). - sofa wasn't based on anyone in particular, he was more of a "general otaku guy" according to ellie (though haz joked that ellie could just say he was based on him). - dodo is daim's favorite npc -- he also designed him! - sayu was ellie's favorite character to design. she loves drawing mermaids. - the progression in sayu's fight where you go deeper into the "ocean" is supposed to be a metaphor for going deeper into the internet/the deep web. - ellie suggested that if sayu were to have a shadow puppet, it would be a cat. - as for the introvert/extrovert debate, daim says sayu is technically comprised of 4 introverts. sayu herself is the extrovert mask they wear. - sayu's ahoge is a submarine periscope. remi looks through it in one of the cutscenes. - sayu's not a mech. she's remotely controlled by her creators from their computer room. - the backstory between remi and tila is meant to show that artists can come from all sorts of backgrounds.
- yinu's promotional video was one of the first ones done before they brought in lzbros, so it originally looked different from how it looks in the game now. - yinu's mother's eyes are yellow because she spends most of the fight focusing on yinu (who is mainly yellow). when her eyes go blank white, it represents that she's momentarily forgotten what she loves the most. when her eyes become yellow again after the fight, it means she's remembered yinu and her piano playing. - the way ellie describes natura is that yinu is a plant and her mother is very protective of her, and one of the distinctive features is that there are a lot of domes with plants inside, particularly on the roofs of the houses. - yinu's commercial was not intended to reference little miss fortune. the commercial was shown in 2018, while LMF came out a year later. - yinu's mom turning into a giant tree monster isn't exclusive to her just being angry at bbj. apparently the whole plant thing runs in the yinu family.
- 1010's concept as a boy band had been around since before the team started production, but they were the last to be fully designed -- their designs weren't finalized until way later on. - 1010 were ellie’s least favorite characters to design. she doesn't like drawing guys OR robots. - 1010's early designs had them wearing tuxedos. - 1010 do have memories. - the inspiration for the butt plates came from one of ben's gundam figures from his collection in the metronomik office. thanks ben. - ellie's favorite member of 1010 is purl-hew/blue. - eloni/green is apparently the rapper of the group. - the jingle you hear from the carousel in metro division is a carnival remix of 1010's boss theme. - the numbers underneath 1010's names on the autographs are completely random.
- neon j is a dancer. daim explains that in addition to being in the navy, dance has always been his true passion. - in the final phase of 1010's fight, he was originally supposed to control the dance moves of the factory as he was fighting you, but it was cut due to limited resources. - daim designed neon j based on ellie's designs for 1010. - neon j's factory's dance moves were all animated by ben -- no mocap needed. the factory was also his favorite thing to animate. - daim says that "neon j is to tatiana as soundwave is to megatron." basically he is extremely loyal to tatiana. - neon j was one of earliest members of nsr. - neon j seeing 1010 as his sons wasn't planned, but daim loves the concept so much that he could see it being canon. - daim says neon j's brain is "probably" still inside the monitor head. somehow. - neon j is an extrovert. - haz likes the idea of neon j being blind and using his sonar to "see" things. ben joked that the screen worked like giant glasses. - neon j originally had red dots that would pop up on his face when the sonar moved by that were meant to represent acne, and that would've been the reason why he's mostly behind the scenes.
- in mayday's side of the room when eve splits up bbj, the hands all over the walls are meant to be there to show how eve is angrier at mayday than she is at zuke. - the time signature for the music in mayday's room during the fight is 6/8, whereas in zuke's room it's 4/4. - ellie suggested a platypus shadow puppet for eve. the rest of the team seems to be on board. - eve was ben's least favorite character to animate. he said he struggled with animating her dance moves because it was something he'd never done before, and he still doesn't think he did a good enough job. - eve was born with her split skin tone. - apparently eve's near scrapping had something to do with costs. haz was the one who stopped it from happening. - eve's outfit was partly inspired by beyonce, while her jacket was partly inspired by ariana grande. the team took some inspiration from bjork, as well. - the sleeves on eve's jacket were apparently limbs at one point. - eve is an introvert.
- part of tatiana's symbolism is how she used to be a rock star, but her flame/passion slowly burned away, and now she's just a rock, referencing how she was literally on fire as the rock star kul fyra, but now looks burnt out. - daim thinks kliff is older than tatiana, probably over 50. - in addition to the neon j dance lore mentioned above, kayane rambling about neon j after the 1010 fight was supposed to be connected to her watching neon j dance. - ben and haz's favorite npc is mia, and ellie's is dj zam. - dj zam was inspired by one of ellie's college friends, who she says "makes you feel comfortable to be around". - ellie thinks dj zam's neck tattoo says "i love mom". - amal the unicorn was inspired by lady amalthea from the 80's animated film "the last unicorn". he was originally written to be a real talking unicorn, but it was changed partially because his horn wasn't in the right spot on his head. - zed was based on game designer dzaid and has hyperacusis, a hearing disorder that makes it difficult to deal with everyday sounds. - yiruk's name is an anagram of kiryu, the protagonist of the yakuza games. - chef sunshine's design is a homage to julia child. she originally had a bigger physique, but was changed to match lylia's bubbly performance.
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leonaluv · 3 years
Ideal type
Who is your ideal type? Choose a mamamoo member
Disclaimer : 💖 love yourself
1.Wheein 2.Moonbyul 3. Solar and 4.Hwasa
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Pile one - You're into Jupiter Dominant people 💗 😌. Going by the Nakshatras Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Poorvabhadrapada. Jupiter man has a big heart and talks to just about everyone. The only thing is because of their outgoing nature might hang around the bad crowd and just know many girls.  Jupiter man tries to connect with a woman on an emotional level and built a connection. None judgmental. The woman on the other hand is more outspoken on social issues and will help out the person normally an outcast from society. ( Example of the man here )
(Example of the woman here )
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Someone who you can feel connected with on a spiritual level .💌Someone who feels like you know this person for your whole life. Someone that can protect you and keep you safe. Jupiter man do exactly they will take in someone less fortunate and provide with a place to stay. You may prefer a partner that has thick things 😍. Someone who loves animals 😻.
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Pile two
Your ideal type is someone white 👱. Someone is proper and has great manners. Elegant vibe to them. Someone who comes across as a calm but commanding presence. Someone who is good-natured. Someone that knows what he/she wants at the end of the day.
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Pile three
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For some a younger person or around the same age as you. Long hair 💈 and a person who takes care of themselves. Has that healthy dose of self-love 💕. Someone who is a good cook. Iu as Ideal type 💘 or Emma Watson. Jungkook. I look up the male version Of Emma Watson and he is her brother whose name is  Alex. 😏
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Pile four
Someone you can have fun with and be a kid 🐞. Play video games with and talk online / face-timing them. Someone is spontaneous and likes to be active instead of reading /studying all day. You don't care about money 💵 and will never someone more casual. Some people who pick this pile will prefer office workers. Someone who likes travel. Someone who is flirty and romantic, but is straightforward about it
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Follow @anmol-gaur 💕 for prosperity and good vibes of meeting your ideal type.
A quick - ideal type reading 🥀 for fun 💋
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
New Year's surprise
Summary: You spend New Year's Eve with your favorite people. Something catches you by surprise...?
Pairing/Characters: Team Gojo + You
Word count: 2,3k
Content warning: -
A/N: crossposted on AO3 // published on New Year’s Eve + written for Megumi’s birthday // I tried to make it funny back then but now that I am reading it again... crrrrriiiiiiiiiiinge. I also used honorifics here to show the banter and relationship between the characters.
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ou have been looking forward to this stress-relieving day for a month now. It was a well-deserved break for all this work you've been doing lately.
Last week particularly wore you out from using your cursed technique, the ability to manifest and manipulate light, repeatedly as the curses kept getting nastier and more annoying. Being one of the handful of Jujutsu Sorcerers was a pain sometimes. Just like Nanami, you hated working overtime but it was bound to happen as the branch you were working in was not exactly what the youth of today wanted to do - let alone even know of - understaffed as ever.
Not that you minded being on missions but sometimes you feared that your co-teacher, the most praised and famed Gojo Satoru, wouldn't properly teach the kids in your absence. You weren't even a teacher to begin with but some time after graduation, your teacher Yaga Masamichi - now principal of Jujutsu High in Tokyo - had asked you the favor of supporting that idiot Satoru... just in case. It's not like you could decline anyway, nobody else was up for the job, so you accepted. As time passed, you truly grew to love this job, especially this year's first-years had you enamored with them.
So it happened that your dear friend and ex-classmate suggested a Christmas party, which also served as Megumi's surprise birthday party, at your house. Coincidentally, this friend happened to have white hair and regularly wore a blindfold to work. Coincidentally, he was deemed the strongest. Coincidentally, his name was Gojo Satoru. “Do I not get a say in this, Satoru?” you had asked, your back facing him. His blunt answer was a simple “nope.”, which earned him a whack to his right shoulder. “I've already told the first-years about the time, date and location,” the man grinned sheepishly. And he knew you wouldn't be able to decline if it was about your beloved three students. You had no choice.
“Well, Satoru, since it's come to this,” you leaned in close to whisper in his ear, “why don't we use this opportunity to throw a surprise birthday party for you-know-who?”
The white-haired sorcerer grinned, “Sounds like you've been planning this all along, if you ask me.”
You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “Nobara; but give me one or two days - I'm still quite busy,” you said. He gave you a thumbs up before replying, “Then I'll handle Yuuji. Give me a second.”
He clapped once. Then, the man was gone from your sight. Like a poof.
Being able to communicate without words was one of your favorite things about Satoru's and your friendship.
And so, a little over a month passed ever since you and Satoru made that agreement. It was easy for Satoru to convince Yuuji but you had known from the beginning that it took a little more coaxing for Nobara. In the end, you also successfully managed to lure her in. Even though you had to postpone it, it ended up being a New Year’s Eve party instead.
Damn these higher-ups, giving you a 4-day mission a day before Christmas Eve. You have looked forward to this party too, it saddened you greatly to have it postponed. Fortunately, your students and Satoru decided to wish you a merry Christmas via video call. It was truly a delight on such dark days. Besides juggling your two jobs, you've also been preparing for the party diligently. After all, you didn't want it to be a flop.
It wasn't exactly easy to convince the higher-ups to let you and Satoru take a day off from missions and frankly, you didn't convince them at all; you both just ditched them, probably pushing them onto Nanami or whoever was on hand (sorry?). As for lessons, Satoru managed to persuade principal Yaga that you and him were planning an “important extracurricular class”. You weren't sure if Yaga had actually bought the excuse or just let it slide. It did not matter anyway, who would dare to stand in the mighty Gojo Satoru's way? Moreover, you rivaled this man in both stubbornness and authority. Nobody stood a chance when the two of you planned to see a plan through.
You've been cooking (and baking) since morning while Satoru was dancing around your house to decorate it. After all, he was no help in the kitchen and his long limbs made it easy to reach high places, so he was forced to placed in charge of decorating by you.
“Satoru, when are the kids coming again? What time?” you called out from the kitchen. A head popped up by the door, “8PM, so two hours from now,” it chirped. “Megumi will come half an hour later, as planned,” he added. “Good. That's plenty of time.”
It was not plenty of time. You should have known. Something was bound to go wrong. Especially with the way this idiot was skipping through your home with his lanky, long limbs. Of course, he'd knock over some things, including a big filled vase in the living room. There was screaming (from you) and roaring laughter from the culprit; chaos ensued as you chased the tall man around your house with a broom. “GOJO SATORU, WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS,” you yelled. “What happened to ‘plenty of time’?” he laughed, simultaneously running for his life.
“You dumbass, I would have been done with cooking a while ago if you didn't knock my shit over so I had to help clean this mess!” you shrieked and stopped running. Satoru looked back - he knew the look on your face: you were done chasing him around. Gulp. You took a step back with your right leg. “I ain't a pokemon trainer but I'll make sure to at least catch you, Gojo-sensei,” you said, just loud enough for him to hear, as a string of concentrated light appeared in your hands. The man on the run knew you weren't able to hurt him thanks to his Infinity but he knew damn well, you could at least restrict him.
Like a lasso, you threw rope in his direction. A clap. More claps. He was teleporting away from you. Yeah, things like this frequently happened with the two of you. “Multiply,” you murmured and your rope did as you commanded. It took the form of a spiderweb... or a fishnet.
“Stop running, so it will be easier for me to catch you, Toru-chan~”, you called.
“Ain't no way,” he said as he ran and turned his head to stick out his tongue. You clicked your tongue. Inhaling deeply, you positioned your leg even farther back. This kind of felt like the Olympic Games or something.
Using the force, you threw out the glowing net. In reality, you knew it was just a second but the moment seemed to stretch in your eyes. “Would it be a good catch today?” You almost heard the fishermen say at the riverbank.
The moment your net connected. The sound of a plop on the ground. Yes, it was indeed a good-looking catch, you mused. Not that your net actually touched him, thanks to his ability, but at least it caged him like a cocoon for the time being, only leaving out the head.
“You look so smug,” Satoru commented, pulling a face. The cocoon vibrated against him, compressing made difficult due to Infinity. “Of course, I just caught a big shiny Magikarp,” you retorted. “Wait, are you calling me useless-”
Ding dong. The sound of the doorbell had your eyes almost popping out of their sockets. A sigh left your lips and you stuck the light to a wall as you trudged your way to the entrance door to let in Yuuji and Nobara. At least you could expect some real and less chaotic help now.
The first thing that greeted them after putting down their presents in the living room was the sight of their white-haired teacher dangling from the ceiling by a mysterious, seemingly sticky and shiny rope thing. “Sorry to ask, sensei, but… did we interrupt something here? Or would it be better not to ask?” Nobara asked, Yuuji was agape. “Yeah, we were-” Satoru started but you quickly shushed him.
You shook your head, “No, but Gojo-sensei couldn’t refrain from pranks, so here we are.”
“Oooookay,” Yuuji said, still flabbergasted.
“So guys, we aren’t quite done yet. Me and Gojo-sensei require a little help… especially in the kitchen,” you said as-a-matter-of-factly.
“Sure, I’ll help in the kitchen then,” Nobara volunteered. The pink-haired boy raised his hand, a sign that he also wanted to help: “I can set the table.”
“Perfect! Nobara and Yuuji, come with me. We have 30 minutes until Megumi will be here. As for you, Satoru, you better clean the mess you made,” you commanded as you shot the cocooned man, who was smiling innocently, a sharp glare. With that, you and your two baby ducklings left the living room.
You showed Yuuji the cupboard where he would find everything he needed, from cups to plates, bowls and whatnot. Nobara helped clean the dishes while you finished up what you were doing before. A few finishing touches were left. Christmas music started playing in your house as you heard someone pace in your living room. Satoru was probably hanging up the remaining Christmas lights in your spacious living room. After all, it was clear as a day that the man would be able to free himself after a few minutes.
You and Nobara made it just in time: 28 minutes. Your pink-haired student, Yuuji, did a surprisingly excellent job, setting the table as beautifully as you had imagined. The dishes were laid out on the table, just waiting to be eaten.
The eagerly awaited guest arrived no sooner than expected, unlike a certain someone, even bearing presents as it seemed. “Christmas is over, why did you decide to play Christmas music?” Megumi remarked, not sounding like he was over the moon.
“Woah, Megumi, you look as grumpy as always!” his male teacher noticed.
“Lighten up a little, will ya?” Nobara added, while the adorable Yuuji gawked at the bag of gifts Megumi had brought with him. “Oh, stop it, you two. Megumi is just not that good at outwardly expressing his emotions,” you defended… and the student didn’t know whether that was an insult or not.
“You brought presents? So cool!” Yuuji was delighted, still looking at the bag and not even paying attention to whatever was happening, until Nobara tugged on his arm to lead him to the dinner table.
Dinner was a little chaotic; everyone was excited, some things were spilled, a lot of words were exchanged, a little banter happened, gales of laughter echoed through your four walls. It was joy. Chaotic joy.
Finally, it was time for the presents. After everyone received their presents, a malicious grin appeared on Satoru’s face from what was to come. Yuuji’s face also had a tinge of mischief to its expression. Yours and Nobara’s face were straight up devilish, the eyes in particular. All of you were looking at him.
An uneasy feeling rose in the dark-haired boy’s stomach. “Run as fast as you can,” it told him and his foot twitched a little, which was not missed by Satoru at all.
“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere!” Nobara exclaimed, then ordered Yuuji to restrict Megumi (which he did) as you put one of Satoru’s blindfolds on your poor, baffled student. Satoru forcefully stuffed Megumi’s mouth with one - then two - mochis to prevent him from making any noisy ruckus. All he heard was feet shuffling through the room. After what felt like an eternity of nervosity to him, the blindfold was finally lifted and Yuuji loosened his grip on his friend.
Unitedly, the four of you, who had planned this surprise for him, wore party hats and chanted, “HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU, FUSHIGURO/MEGUMI.”, holding more presents for him into his face. “Ooh, he is embarrassed!! Look at him, look at him~” Satoru teased and Megumi looked away, a blush spreading on his face. “Am not,” he attempted to retort before being ushered to open the gifts by Yuuji. One by one, they were unwrapped, revealing a nonfiction book from Yuuji, a comfortable hoodie from Nobara, a pair of brand new headphones from you and–…
“Gojo-sensei, I do not mean to impose but…”, you breathed out. “...is that a maid costume?”, Megumi finished what you wanted to ask. “Hell yes, I thought our Megumi would look so nice in it!” Satoru had that shit-eating grin on his face.
“Sensei, can you hold him so I can give this perv a good beating?” Nobara asked as she turned to you. “Sure,” you replied with an innocent-looking smile. You heard someone cracking their knuckles. “I’ll help you,” Megumi said. So the sound came from Megumi. “Wait, wait, guys!” your same-aged friend fretted, head whipping in Yuuji’s direction, silently asking for some help. The latter rubbed his head, debating whether he wanted to be a part of this mess or not. He ultimately ended up trying to help his teacher but couldn’t tear away the glowing restraint you put upon your co-teacher.
However, before anyone could land a hit or be saved, a menacing roar could be heard. It was followed by multiple phones ringing and someone banging on your door. “Please, Y/N-san, it’s very urgent! A grade 1 curse is in the city… with a few of its friends!” It was Ijichi. For a moment, everything stood still and you looked at everyone. Satoru spoke up loud enough for Ijichi to hear, “We’ll head out.” He nullified your light technique.
You looked at the man and nodded, heading out with him.
“Wait, sensei, we are coming too,” Megumi said, his face determined as he, Nobara and Yuuji followed the two of you outside. “Fine by me, but don’t die on me,” you said.
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kaialone · 3 years
Kirby Planet Robobot Translation Comparison: Facing Mecha Knight
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This will be a comparison of the original Japanese version and the US English localized version.
Specifically, this will cover the cutscene where Kirby encounters Susie for the second time, and ends up battling Mecha Knight.
You can also watch this cutscene for yourself in English and Japanese.
For the comparison, the usual points apply:
Bolded is the original Japanese text, for the reference.
Bolded and italicized is my translation.
Italicized is the official NOA translation.
A (number) indicates that I have a specific comment to make on that part in the translation notes.
As you read this, please keep in mind that with translations like these, it’s important not to focus on the exact literal wordings, since there is no single “correct answer” when it comes to translations.
Rather than that, consider the actual information that is being conveyed, in which way, and why.
Meeting Susie Again:
Secretary Susie:
おーお〜 いーだいな ハールトマン〜
Oh, great Haltmann~  (1)
Noble Haltmann, we adore him
Secretary Susie:
おーお〜 いーだいな ハールトマン〜
Oh, great Haltmann~
Noble Haltmann, we adore him!
Secretary Susie:
永遠にー 果てなくー 栄えよ〜
May you prosper, unending, for all eternity~
Every day we wish him glory!
Secretary Susie:
……おっと、 たいへん しつれい いたしました。
...Oh dear, how terribly rude of me.
Oh! Pardon me.
Secretary Susie:
われらが カンパニーの すばらしい社歌、
That was our company's marvelous theme song,
"Haltmann, Famed Across the Galaxy".
That was our company's wonderful theme song, "The Noble Haltmann."
Secretary Susie:
ついつい 口ずさんで しまいましたわ。
I was just overcome with the urge to sing it to myself.
Sometimes I just find myself singing it out loud. It's so catchy!
Secretary Susie:
さて… また、お会いしましたね。
Now then... It appears we meet again.
At any rate, I must say, how nice to see you again.
Secretary Susie:
It is I, Secretary Susie.
I'm Susie, but I'm sure you remember me.
Secretary Susie:
そうそう、 ワタクシ 最近…
Oh yes, just recently...
Let me tell you a story.
Secretary Susie:
とーっても ステキな 方に お会いしましたわ。
I met with the most wonderful person.
Not long ago, I met someone who impressed me very much.
Secretary Susie:
いさましくて クールで、 ハイレベルな剣士様…
Valiant and cool, a truly high-class swordfighter...
He was strong and full of confidence... A knight of the highest order.
Secretary Susie:
で、せっかく お会いできたの ですから、
And, since I was fortunate enough to meet him,
I was so impressed...
Secretary Susie:
I have subjected him to just a tiny full-body reconstruction...
I gave him a complete remodel!
Secretary Susie:
わが社の セキュリティマシンと させて いただきました。
And given him the privilege of being a security machine for our company.
And I hired him as a company security guard.
Secretary Susie:
Heehee! I wonder what you'll make of him?
Secretary Susie:
お気に めして いただける かしら?
I wonder if he will be to your liking?
Please allow me to present...
Secretary Susie:
プロダクトNo. M-7110、 「メタナイトボーグ」よ…
Now, Product #M-7110,  (2) "Meta Knight Borg"...
Model #M-7110. Mecha Knight...
Secretary Susie:
Get to it, please!
Translation Notes:
I translated the lyrics that Susie is singing here directly, so they don’t go exactly with the melody in my translation, but they do in the original Japanese.
There’s actually a Japanese pun in Mecha Knight’s product number. The number “7″ can be read as “na”, the number “1″ can be read as “i”, and the number “10″ can be read as “to”. When put together, this spells out “naito”, which is a Japanese transliteration of the English word “knight”.
Comparisons & Thoughts:
This cutscene is another one without many differences.
If you were to really pick it apart it’s arguably a bit looser than the previous cutscene, like having Susie add a few extra comments, but nothing big.
We do get the first mention of the Haltmann Work Company’s theme song, and there is a lot to say about that.
Now, the company’s theme song is hard to talk about without directly addressing details that will come up later in the game, so keep that in mind.
First of all, in English, the song is simply titled “The Noble Haltmann”, whereas in Japanese it’s called 銀河に名立たるハルトマン/Ginga ni Nadataru Harutoman.
I choose to translate the Japanese title as “Haltmann, Famed Across the Galaxy”, but it could also be translated as “The Galaxy-Famous Haltmann” or the like.
So, there’s a bit of a difference between the titles here, with the English version feeling a bit more grounded and reserved in its worship of Haltmann, but that’s not all there is to it.
The Japanese title of this song is a subtle reference to the Japanese title of the “Milky Way Wishes” mode from Kirby Super Star, where it’s known as 銀河に願いを/Ginga ni Negai o, which roughly translates to ”A Wish Upon the Galaxy”.
The reference is definitely intentional, considering how Planet Robobot features several important callbacks to Milky Way Wishes.
The English version lacks such a reference, but it might have been difficult to come up with one, even if the localizers noticed this detail.
Next up, there’s the song’s actual lyrics, and that’s where things get a bit muddy in English.
Basically, in the Japanese version of this cutscene here, Susie is singing the first line of the song. In the next cutscene, she will sing the second line.
Then, the pause screen during Haltmann’s battle will show the full lyrics of the entire first strophe. And lastly, the final unlock of the game is the music video that features a previously unseen second strophe.
Because of that, in the Japanese version, the player ends up slowly being shown more and more of the song as they play through the game, culminating with the music video.
It’s clearly supposed to be an important build up, considering it’s also the main theme of the game that was specifically written to represent it and its story.
The English version is a lot less consistent with the song and its lyrics.
Here in this scene, Susie is singing “Noble Haltmann, we adore him! Every day we wish him glory!”.
This doesn’t match with Haltmann’s pause screen and the music video later on, where the first line is given as “Noble Haltmann, we adore him, kingly lord of time and space!“, instead.
To make matters more confusing, the former actually goes better with the melody of the song, it seems.
The English version of Haltmann’s pause screen description also only features part of the first strophe, rather than all of the first, and the lyrics that Susie will sing in the next cutscene are taken from the second strophe, which isn’t supposed to come up until the music video.
It’s kinda messy, honestly.
I can only assume this is a result of how game translations usually work.
Things like the text from in-game dialogue, the text from in-game menu screens, and the text from additional extras like the music video are normally internally stored in different places, and often you end up with different people having to translate them, with very little context.
Note that I wouldn’t blame the translator(s) and localizer(s) involved here, because they can’t really help their working conditions.
But whatever the case may be, as a result the English version lacks the neat progression of slowly getting to know the song, the way it’s presented in the Japanese version.
With all that general stuff out of the way, let’s have a closer look at the lines Susie sings in this specific cutscene.
In Japanese, she sings “Oh, great Haltmann~ May you prosper, unending, for all eternity~”, while in English she sings “Noble Haltmann, we adore him! Every day we wish him glory!”.
Just like with the song’s title, the English version of this line is a bit more reserved when it comes to practically worshipping Haltmann.
It’s not even like it’s not revering him, it’s just that the Japanese version goes even further with it.
But translating lyrics like this is also something that’s especially difficult, since you need to match the melody of the song, so more differences are to be expected with those.
Really a minor thing, but I want to point out this section:
And, since I was fortunate enough to meet him,
I was so impressed…
I have subjected him to just a tiny full-body reconstruction…
I gave him a complete remodel!
And given him the privilege of being a security machine for our company.
And I hired him as a company security guard.
In the Japanese version, the way Susie says that she gave Meta Knight a “tiny full-body reconstruction” is of course a bit of a joke, talking about something so drastic like it’s just a small little thing.
The English version doesn’t retain this directly, but it gives Susie’s dialogue a similar energy here, having her declare that she gave him a complete remodel like it’s something to be excited about.
A bit of a stronger difference is the fact that Susie says she made Meta Knight a “security machine” in Japanese, rather than a “security guard” like in English.
In the Japanese version, there is a stronger impression of Meta Knight being literally turned into an object or product as far as Susie is concerned, and that that’s a good thing in her eyes too.
In English it’s more like she makes him an employee against his will.
Finally, Mecha Knight’s product number “#M-7110” is a pun in Japanese, as I explained in the translation notes above.
I think it makes sense that the English version didn’t try to adapt it and just kept it the same, because in English you just have a lot less to work with as far as number puns go.
I can’t help but wonder what might’ve worked though, perhaps something like “#M-98”?
And that’s it for this cutscene.
Not a whole lot of differences here again, but more subtle differences are starting to crop up and will continue to add up over time, and we will get to that later.
I want to say that I do really like the localization in this one though, particularly the way Susie’s “swooning” over Meta Knight is written.
It stays close to the original without sounding awkward in English, and captures the basic mood the original version was getting at.
All in all, pretty good.
And with that, feel free to check out the next part!
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linkemon · 3 years
Kyan Reki x Reader (selfship)
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Selfship made for wika____ on Wattpad.
Friendly reminder that English is not my first languge. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
∆ You go to the same class with Reki. You get to know each other better during one of the school projects. Later, Kyan used every possible opportunity to talk to you. He liked you, but he was ashamed to tell you right away. He bet on building a friendship before asking you to be his girlfriend.
∆ He helps you get in touch with people. He is more open than you so he introduces you to others. He will initiate various conversations and will always make sure you don't feel left out. If you need a break he'll find an excuse for you to rest.
He tries to tell you about the people you are about to meet. In this way he prepares you to be less afraid.
∆ He talks more than you on a daily basis and you are a better listener. However, he is always ready to listen to you.
You often talk about his hobby.
∆ Spending time with him also means being Langa's friend. Fortunately, Hasegawa is quite similar to you so you get along very well.
You got a little jealous of him because he takes your boyfriend's time. But don't fret. You are the most important person for Kyan.
∆ Reki loves the fact that you are helping others and listening to their problems. But he doesn't want you to tire yourself out by being concerned only for others. He cares about you. He checks if you are eating and getting enough sleep. If not, he buys snacks from the school's vending machine. Sometimes he encourages you to take a nap on his shoulder.
∆ You bandage all scratches and injuries caused by the skateboard. You kiss the bruises just to embarrass him.
∆ He likes to play games with you. You arrange evenings with food and hide under many blankets.
∆ Reki teaches you how to skateboard. He will deny your fears of being called a seasonal skater. This sport is all about fun and he absolutely wants you to feel it too.
He won't let go of your hand like he did with Langa. He will hold you until you feel ready. He is a patient teacher, praising you every step of the way.
∆ This way you will be able to go on one-of-a-kind skate dates. He takes you to various nice places to ride. Then you go out for ice cream. He insists on paying for you.
∆ The first gift from him will, of course, be a skateboard. He already plans to give you decorative stickers and sprays so that you can paint it how you want.
∆ He records your performances. He loves to play these videos afterwards.
He also takes a lot of photos. He prints them later. You have many selfies taken together. You bought him an album to keep them somewhere.
∆ Reki loves to hug you. There is also no problem with walking by the hand or giving you a kiss in a public place. He blushes, but he won't give up on it.
∆ He boasts about you to everyone he knows. Friends can't believe he's got someone like you. They make fun of him all the time or give him a lot of advice. He tries to keep them away from you until you feel confident.
∆ You are worried about his participation in S. If you are arguing, that is the main reason. Your conflicts can be heated. You sometimes say a few harsh words but always apologize in the end.
∆ If you want to get revange he won't stop you (within reason). He may even join. For example by sticking chewed bubble gum under a student's table...
∆ He's always defensive when it comes to you. He will be on your side even if he doesn't know the situation. Maybe it's a little immoral but it can't be helped.
∆ You are a good complementary couple. He shows you how to be more open and you calm him down a bit. Be careful on the boards and have a safe trip!
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Hold Me, I’m Soft ~ Mammon x Reader
This is going to refer to the DevilGram story with Madi the Witch, because it didn’t sit right with me how Mammon got used and laughed at for being sexually assaulted, especially when I related to that in more ways then I’d want to admit, so there it is, a short little fic to give Monnie some love, especially since his birthday will be this week and I will be at the mountains, unable to actually post anything other than a Happy Birthday maybe.
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Ever since she got to the Devildom, Y/N wondered to herself why in the world would the brothers bully Mammon so much, to the point that he’ll break down in tears when nobody is around?
He’s the most gentle of the brothers, yet he’s met with nothing more than taunts and mocking because of his greed. It’s not like he can help it, it’s his Avatar sin, he didn’t choose it. People get annoyed at Beel for eating too much and constantly raiding the fridge, for when he indulges in the pleasure of greed, he’s suddenly the scummy trash brother who’s just a waste of space. The family’s embarrassment.
But why should he be that, when he’s the only one who never gave in to his demonic power from rage? Never tried to attack or kill her and never got in his demon form to lash out at her?
Mammon was the first one to ever call her by her name and even give her nicknames. He was the first one to call her out to the cinema, concerts, shopping, pranking time, board games, card games, and even video games or just some quality time together.
He was the one to taught her how to be an undefeated Blackjack player and how to spot when someone is lying. He was the one to taught her how to flawlessly cheat in games and how to protect herself if something happened.
Even more, he was the one who graciously asked if she wanted to workout with him so she could be stronger and faster if anything were to happen and he wouldn’t be around, just like how it happened long ago, when Levi lost control and almost attacked her.
And, of course, he was the only one who constantly asked her if she was okay, if she was happy, if she needed anything. He would always pamper her whenever he thought she stopped smiling for one split second, or if he thinks she was faking it. He would grab TSL and some comfort food, hot chocolate with marshmallows and would cuddle her all night, playing with her hair.
It really pissed her off, but no matter what she did, and no matter how much she tried to make the others at least tone it down, of course, millennia of habits cannot be so easily tamed.
These were the constant thoughts that plagued Y/N’s mind, yet the white haired man will never know, because she is a girl of few words and many actions.
Today, however, as usual, was the time for some new shenanigans, as Lucifer and Satan must be the escorts of some powerful witch, as per Diavolo’s request, since he literally can’t stand her - And that speaks loads, when it comes to the benevolent Demon Prince.
“Hey, is it really gonna be okay to leave those two by themselves like that?” Mammon asked with a worried expression on his face. “Well, neither of them are saying anything...For now, at least.” Asmo held the same expression as his elder brother. “Yeah, you just KNOW that they’re going to blow up any minute. It’s so exciting!” Levi spoke with a chuckle. “Hey, why is it that you only ever come outta your room at times like this, Levi? I thought you were s’posed to be a shut-in.” Mammon raised his eyebrow at his little brother. “Well, this is Lucifer and Satan. They almost NEVER work together, much less when it’s just the two of them! I mean, if I’d missed an event like this, I’d regret it for the next 800 years.” Levi grinned, his shoulders shaking with laughter. “Diavolo was pretty bold to make them work together, if you ask me.” Y/N muttered, crossing her arms and peeking through the door creak.
Saying that, the four of them leaned in the peek better and listen to their conversation.
“Be careful. If Maddi takes a liking to a man, she’ll bring him back home with her.” Lucifer smirked at his younger brother. “As if you need to remind me...I recall how Mammon went home with her that one time. Mammon must have regretted going with her, because by the time he got back, he was on the verge of tears. I remember it like it was yesterday!” Satan shook his head in disbelief, making the girl gasp, covering her mouth with her hands. “HEY! I wasn’t!” Mammon frowned at what he just heard, making Asmo shush him quickly so they won’t be heard. “I don’t even want to THINK about what must’ve happened between those two that night. I can’t understand what possessed Mammon to willingly go home with a woman that dangerous. It’s fortunate she didn’t trick him into making a pact with her while he was there in bed half-asleep.” the blond continued speaking, making the girl bite her lip from the shock and pain in her chest. “But there’s no doubt that Mammon didn’t have a good time, because for a while after he came back he had nightmares, and he’s moan in his sleep. He even stopped spending money left and right...MAMMON, of all demons. Still, Maddi IS attractive. She rivals the succubus who won the Queen Contest in terms of beauty. In fact, Maddi might be even MORE beautiful. I’m a little worried that you’ll end up like Mammon - That as soon as she uses her feminine wiles on you, you’ll fold like a paper airplane.” hearing that, she couldn’t stop herself and she fled the place, going to her room to regain herself, not giving anyone any explanation.
She already made up her mind that, despite being the middle of the day, she will skip both lunch and dinner, so changing in her pyjamas, she got in bed, cuddling the hellhound plushie Mammon got her, and wrapped herself in a tight cocoon with her blanket, not wanting to see the light of the day.
So many thoughts were swirling in her mind, each of them more and more degrading, overpowering one another, guilt taking over her completely.
She prided herself with being a ration person, she really did! She always put ration and logic over hindering emotions...But now...When she can overthink in peace...The ration she held completely dissipated, and here she was, crying her heart out once again.
Why WAS she crying for, anyway?
Was it because she felt Mammon’s pain at having being used like that, against his will, because he’s an innocent and peaceful push-over? 
Was it because she remembered what happened to her, and her heart started aching like crazy, and she began to spiral? 
Was it because she felt plain, ordinary and completely nothing special, when she heard Lucifer saying that Maddi is the most beautiful person in the world and that’s why Mammon was lured in by her?
Or was it the guilt of being affected by jealousy and self-hatred before the pain from what that vile woman did to him?
What the hell was going on through her head, anyway? She heard enough opinions about her and how terrible of a girlfriend she was, why should she even have any hope that Mammon would ever like her? And why the hell was she worrying about that, when she should be worrying about the poor demon?!
She’s really nothing more than a selfish jerk.
As if on cue, she heard the familiar sound of a received message on her D.D.D., and curiosity won over her self-deprecating sulking, and she checked it out, making her heart skip a few beats.
It was Monnie, and he was asking if she was okay and why she left.
Tears started brimming in her eyes, and letting out a few more sobs, she realised that, even thought he doesn’t romantically love her, he will always be her best friend, and she was at least content with that, no matter how selfish she is.
She quickly texted him, asking if it was okay if she came over later, for a sleepover, and of course, he agreed, so the girl put a cardigan over her so it wouldn’t be too obvious she was in her pyjamas - Not that it mattered, anyway - and got some snacks, made some hot chocolate and went to Mammon’s room, finding him in a tanktop and some large pants, playing some game on his phone.
“Took you long enough!” Mammon grinned, making room for her to join him. “What’s with that face? You stormed out of there, so somethin’ must’ve bothered ya. Come on, y’know you can tell me.” he got in a sitting position, looking at her with a concerned look, but was met with silence for a many seconds, in which he feared he must have said something wrong. “I, uh...I guess I got worried about you after what they said...But I didn’t have the best reaction...I needed some time to think things over. It was pretty selfish of me to do that, instead of talking to you first...But I guess I’ve always been pretty selfish, haven’t I?” she chuckled nervously, still standing up, next to the bed. “What the hell are ya on about? Is it about that Maddi thing? Forget it, it happened long ago, it doesn’t bother me anymore.” he shrugged, looking away for a split second, only to look back at her. “I...Don’t think you’re over it.” she bit her lip, looking down, sucking at her teeth to stop herself from sketching any gesture on her face. “What do ya know about that, anyway? Come on, shut up and put the movie on, I ain’t got all day!” he tried to make her stop talking already, but she wasn’t exactly paying attention. “I had a similar experience too and...When I heard what happened, flashes of what happened went in front of my eyes and I started panicking. That’s why I ran away.” she spoke, her eyes glossed and unfocused. “Is that why ya wanted to hang out?” Mammon muttered softly, seeing her slowly nod her head. “I never told anyone...And so, nobody was there to care about me. But you always cared about me...And I wanted to do the same, for once.” she gulped, blinking and putting everything on the nightstand next to his bed. “...Come’re, dummy.” he sighed, tugging on her hand and making her sit on his lap, as was their ritual whenever one of them needed comfort. “Did I upset you, Monnie?” she asked, barely audible, making him put his hands on her shoulders, so she could properly look at him. “What?! Upset me?! ‘Course not! I-I’m happy that you thought of me, okay? It’s just...Yeah, it wasn’t nice, duh, but I’m a demon. I can take many things. But you’re such a frail little human. You’re small, fragile and soft, and since nobody wanted to bother getting to know such a nice gal like you, then I will always be there for you.” he put his hands on her face, trying to reach through to her. “...I was supposed to comfort you...Why did it go the other way around...? I was supposed to make sure you okay, that you’re smiling and that you can manage to get over what happened in the past...I wanted to be the one you can count on, for once...But I’m failing even at that...That’s how much of a selfish jerk I am...You deserve better than me, Monnie.” she hung her head, resting her forehead on his shoulder, not realising her words made him stiff, and tears prickled at his eyes. “Shut up, dummy! You’re a dummy! Dummy! Dummy! Never say things like that okay, got it?! Listen, I-I care about you, okay? I don’t care if you manage to comfort me or not, I just care that you think about me, okay? You’re the only one that gives a damn about me, and I appreciate that, okay? You see part of yourself in me, and I see a part of myself in you, so of course I want to keep you safe.” Mammon sighed, holding the girl close to his chest, playing with her hair, as he always did. “Monnie...Can I tell you something?” she muttered. It was now or never. If he hated her, so be it, but at least he knows. “Of course ya can, dummy. You can tell me anythin’ you want.” he said with an encouraging chuckle. “I...Left because I felt guilty. Because...My first thoughts were creeping with jealousy, instead of worrying about you and what happened, first and foremost. My brain fails me big time. And I feel really bad, ‘cause you deserve much better than some idiot who gets jealous over someone vile like...Her.” she let a few tears fall down her face, but poor Mammon was lost in his own head.
Jealous? Why the hell would she be jealous? What could she be jealous of? What is going on even?
“Why would you be jealous of her? You’re better than she’ll ever be, in every way. What the hell is going on through that head of yours, Y/N?” he frowned, flicking her forehead, unsure of how to react. “You heard how Lucifer and Satan spoke about her...And they are Lucifer and Satan. They spoke only praises about her...A-And I didn’t want her to be around you. Y-You’re my first man, Monnie, please understand what I’m saying.” she hid her face with her hands, her bottom lip quivering from embarrassment and guilt. “O-Oh...Ya like me?! Like...Like-Like me?! For reals?!” his voice became so cheerful and hopeful, and as soon as he saw her nodding, he started laughing very happily, kissing her forehead and taking away her hands from her face, his grin bright and dazzling like the first sunshine of Spring. “Cool, ‘cause I love ya too! I was sure you liked one of my brothers, they ain’t as problematic as me, but you like me, your first man, and I couldn’t be happier!” he started kissing her all over her face, making her blush like a tomato. “Why wouldn’t I like you? You’re the best. You’re the only one who has been genuine with me since the very beginning and cared about me. And spending time with you always is always calming and...You always make me happy. I forgot what it’s like to be happy since that happened...But whenever my brain goes stupid and I start overthinking, you always manage to keep me grounded...And I really appreciate you for that.” Y/N spoke out, making Mammon’s eyes water, and with the ordinary greedy impulse he had, he grabbed her face and kissed her deeply, without even realising what in the world happened. “Don’t fluster me like that, Y/N...Actually, do, I love it, but I’m not used to it.” he chuckled nervously, making the girl smile softly. “Can I do anything to make you feel better about...The past?” she asked sheepishly, her hands hanging awkwardly, unsure of what to do with them. “Well...The hot chocolate is going to get cold...And there’s snacks to eat and  movies to binge-watch...” he trailed on, snaking his arms around her waist, making her put hers on his shoulders. “Also...I want to make sure you’re comfortable with me, okay? I dunno what happened to you, but if it’s similar to what happened to me, I want to promise you that I will never do anythin’ you’re not okay with. I pinky promise.” Mammon spoke in a more serious voice, yet just as gentle. “I know, Angel eyes. I trust you the most out of everyone in this world. And I can promise you the same thing.” she managed to give him a proper smile, throwing her arms around him, hugging him tightly, feeling the comforting warmth of his body.
That embrace alone felt, for the both of them, like the sole safe home they ever had, and there was nothing that could break this dream-like state they were in. There was no negativity and no bad thought going through their mind, as the warmth and love of the hug was enough to disperse of any pest lingering and purging their sanity.
When they finally got the courage to let go of each other, fearing that they would disappear from this serenity state, they cuddled together in bed, drinking the now room temperature hot chocolate, eating so many snacks that they resembled Beel, and watching TSL on the huge plasma TV on the wall.
“Monnie?” Y/N raised her head to look up at him, love and admiration obvious in her sparkling eyes. “Thank you for existing in my life. I know you go through great lengths to take care of your brothers and make sure they’re happy...And I know you get hurt a lot in the process...But I really appreciate everything you’re doing, both for me and for them. I’m sure they see it too, they’re just too stupidly proud to admit to themselves...As usual.” she chuckled, reaching to hold his hand and intertwine their fingers together. “Thanks, Y/N. You’re the best. I’m really happy you came to talk to me...And I’m really happy you’re here with me. I love you.”
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1994sunflower · 4 years
heaven to you. (m.c)
Tumblr media
pairing: michael clifford x reader
genre: smut, fluff, angst (if you squint)
word count: 8.1k
involves: bad boy!michael, college!au, jealous!michael, established relationship, a lot of cursing, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, daddy kink (really mild), choking, dirty talk, pain kink (slight), size kink, thigh riding, face slapping (consensual), hair pulling, spitting kink, throat fucking, impregnation kink, praise, degredation/name calling, innocence kink, virgin kink (kinda), smoking, mentions of drugs/drinking, maybe more but nothing too big just pretty filthy ngl
summary: your high school classmates come over to michael’s house in hopes of being friends with the famous bad boy on campus. this includes your one-sided high school crush that may not have been so one-sided after all. unfortunately for him, michael is not someone to piss off. fortunately for you, michael’s anger and jealousy isn’t always so bad, at least for you.
part two
“Tell me again why we’re going to this guy’s house?” Justin asked his two childhood friends. At least, they were up until high school. Now, as they went to different colleges, they felt more like strangers. But that was part of the reason he took the multi-state trip down to their university: to mend that rift.
“We’ve been telling you man, Michael is the man on campus to be friends with.” Chris punched one of his hands into his other palm for emphasis.
Charlie nodded beside Chris, both standing in front of their front door, ready to go. “He gets into the best parties, gets the hottest chicks and is the most feared guy on campus.”
“And that’s a good thing?” Justin raised his eyebrows.
Chris opened the door, shaking his head. “Yeah, dude. No one messes with him because he’ll beat the shit out of them.”
“He’s done it a few times already.” Charlie added.
“There’s rumors he used to be involved in a gang or something and that’s why he’s like that. Either way though, he gets whatever he wants.”
Justin’s lips curled up a bit in disgust. He came from a wealthy background, wealthy family and wealthy school. Though he never let that get to his head and he never looked down on someone because of it, this stark contrast to his normality was difficult to shrug off.
But he did as he followed both Charlie and Chris out.
Charlie was still raving about ���Michael’ as they walked out of the cramped dorm room to the unfamiliar winding paths of their university. “I mean, imagine being friends with him. You’ll get all the benefits he gets.”
“I’m sorry, if you aren’t friends with him, how are we going to his house?” Justin trailed behind the two slightly.
Chris looked back, “Turns out his best friend is in my accounting class and he invited us over to play video games. How lucky is that?”
“Yeah, lucky.” Justin looked away. He wasn’t going to admit that as they crossed the street across the student union, the whole concept of meeting someone with a reputation as rough as this Michael character was daunting and just a bit scary. In fact, it didn’t take a genius to look at the three boys all wearing vineyard vines khakis and polos, and know they didn’t mesh well with what he supposed Michael was like.
They didn’t even mesh well with the college neighborhood they were entering. The small houses looked worn and crumbled down and the streets were even worse. The only thing that calmed his nerves was the knowledge that the scariest people on the block were tired college students.
“Have you even talked to him before?” Justin kept asking questions to calm himself down and stop himself from looking around at the neighborhood in disdain.
Charlie shrugged, “I talked to him at a party once, he didn’t say much though.”
Chris smirked, “I walked with him to class once.” He paused. “Well, I was walking with his friend, Ashton? And he joined. But it still felt cool. Everyone was staring and making way for us - well him”
They filled in all the holes in knowledge of Michael. How he never lost a fight (even though he was involved with them often - evidenced by his perpetual bloody knuckles), how he rarely went to class (and when he did, how he sat alone, always), how his fashion consisted of black, chains and more black and finally, how he would go home with a different girl every party (but how that didn’t happen anymore as he had a girlfriend, though her identity to them remained a mystery).
Justin nodded as he listened. But as more and more was added to the infamous Michael, he felt less and less inclined to meet him.
Time, however, to turn back had run out. Because as his friends turned into a rubble pathway leading up to an equally rubble house, he knew he was about to be face to face with the myth, the legend, Michael himself.
The things he would do for his friends. If he didn’t hold such a sentimental place in his heart for the boys he had grown up with, he definitely wouldn’t be there, standing in front of a (turning green) door, waiting for an answer. They were different, it was obvious in high school that they had become different types of men; he valued education, science, and was a romantic at heart while they valued alcohol, parties and were willing to screw anything they found ‘hot’.
But that didn’t deter him from valuing their friendship.
It occurred to him that the only thing his friends had failed to fill him in on was Michael’s appearance. So, when the door opened and a boy slightly shorter than even Chris, the shortest of them (though Justin was 6’5 and Charlie was 6’0 so really, Chris being 5’11 wasn’t that short) and messy brown curls covering his head and forehead, he was shocked to say the least.
But that didn’t last long as Chris dapped him. “Ashton! What’s up man?”
Ashton smiled big and nodded in acknowledgement to the rest of them. “Nothing much bro, took you a while.” But he moved back into the small house, a signal of welcome for them to come in but close the door behind them.
So, as Chris and Charlie followed Ashton in, talking about who knows what, Justin made sure to shut and lock the door before trailing behind.
The house was bigger than he pictured in his mind. The living room and kitchen were divided by only a pillar and the counter. But it was spacious enough to fit a flat screen (granted, it was on the floor) and a black winding couch (granted, it had cracks all over it). The only light came from the kitchen and the tv, which was set to the beginning of the game.
Ashton already sat down on the couch, grabbing a game controller casually from behind him. He was wearing a black t-shirt that had it’s sleeves cut off to the point where you could see his whole side torso through the giant holes. His gray jeans were equally ripped and Justin was sure his shoes would be too, if he were wearing any but just gray socks adorned his feet. He had spiked bracelets on his left wrist. Maybe this was the reason his slightly tanned, innocent face looked strange. His big eyes and friendly smile was a stark juxtaposition to the rest of his body.
Chris looked around as his large figure slumped beside Ashton, “Where’s Michael?”
Ashton didn’t look at him when he answered, “In his room with his girl. He’ll be out soon, I think. That is if they don’t start going at it.”
Charlie laughed as he sat on the other side of Ashton, picking up a controller from the ground. Justin was left to sit awkwardly on the edge of the couch, closest to the kitchen. He felt out of place, just like he suspected and it didn’t help the darkness that surrounded the room, even through the lit kitchen and blue tv screen.
He didn’t get to think much on it, though, because not a few minutes after he sat down, did the bedroom door behind the couch open up. Light streamed into the dimly lit room.
Justin stood. It was a force of habit, really. He was used to standing up whenever someone knew came into the room to introduce himself. But when no one else stood, with Ashton not even bothering to look behind him, he felt awkward. It was too late to sit back down, though.
Charlie and Chris looked back, though, with big grins. “Hey, Michael! What’s up, man?” They said as if they were close friends.
And thus, Justin came face to face with Michael himself. And this time, he looked exactly like what he expected.
Michael was towering, though his height was nearly equal to Justin’s. His shoulders so broad that they nearly filled up the entire doorway of his bedroom. His t-shirt was plain black and so were his jeans, which had three chains adorning them. Two sleeves of tattoos ran down both of his arms to his hands and fingers , one of his hands reading F U C K in big bold letters, with a few peeking out on his neck as well. His black messy hair matched him well and fell onto his forehead.
But through that intimidating appearance, none of those things were what caught Justin’s attention. No, it was Michael’s eyes that did it. Though they were light in color, somehow they still seemed dark. The coldness in them was frightening. There was no hint of warmth, of friendliness, in them. In fact, as Michael held direct eye contact, saying nothing at the still standing Justin, the aggression his eyes held was enough to make Justin take a step back.
It was that step that seemingly broke the trance Michael had put him in. Because just like that, Michael looked away and moved forward into the living room. He nodded in acknowledgement at Chris and Charlie, still silent, before shouldering past Justin to go to the kitchen. He grabbed a bottled beer, opening it with his bare hand on his way back.
Justin was going to sit back himself as he saw Michael head to the couch but was stopped by a second, much smaller figure exiting Michael’s room.
The girl was petite, especially compared to Michael, standing at a proud 5’1. Her straight black hair was parted down the middle and hung perfectly over her shoulders. She wore a dainty white sunflower dress that contrasted beautifully with her olive skin which made her, along with her kind smile and bright brown eyes, look like the epitome of innocence. Quite the distinction from Michael who seemed to personify danger.
She was beautiful.
And she was his good friend.
Your legs were stationed at each side of Michael’s torso as you straddled him. Your hands were cupping his face and while one of his hands was on your ass while the other was gripping your long hair, pulling just enough for it to be pleasurable.
Your mouths melded into each others deeply and you couldn’t tell which one of you were more desperate for the other. You’d been making out for a while and your body was on fire. You felt like his touch was both burning you and exactly what needed at the same time.
It only took one slow grind of your hips against his that did it for him. He flipped you over so that you landed directly on one of his thighs, the chains of his jeans rattling in the process. His body was flush to yours, you could feel his hardness against you.
You looked up at him with wide innocent eyes, just how you knew he liked it. And you were awarded with a deep groan and a taunting smile before his lips returned to your body, this time to your neck. You moved your head to give him more access and as he got more into it, sucking and biting, you couldn’t stop the moan that escaped. You knew he was going to leave a mark (probably many) because he liked to have something that claimed you as his.
One of his hands wandered to your lower body, traveling under your flimsy dress to flip it over. He gave your ass a swat to command you to move. He didn’t have to tell you twice. Your hips starts moving, slowly at first against his jean-clad thigh. But as the pleasure started to build up at the friction, you began moving faster, desperately, moaning loudly.
Michael watched you silently, a smirk on his face. The only touch was his hands on your hips, guiding your pace and your movements. Otherwise, he just watched you get off on him.
“Did you wear this dress for me?” You nodded desperately against him, wanting nothing more than push against his finger but knew better.
His hand pulled your hair harshly, hard enough that it hurt but that just made you moan louder. “I asked you a question.” He growled, he had begun to move his leg up and down, making everything that much pleasurable.
Fuck. “Y-Yes, all for you, daddy.”
“Good girl.” Was all he said before his lips claimed yours again. His kisses were fervent as he bit and sucked on your bottom lip. Your hips were still moving violently against his thigh and you could feel your climax start to build up. It was almost too hot for you to handle. But you could tell he was going to give you what you wanted soon.
Or he was. A loud banging came from his bedroom door across the room. “They’re here!” Ashton’s voice rang to you from behind the door.  
You sighed deeply as you pulled away from Michael and away from your release. Michael groaned and fell, face first, into the mattress. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“Maybe later.” You giggled, pushing him up to lay on his back. He looked up at you and a mischievous smile, the one you had grown to love, adorned his face.
“Or we can continue.” His hand was already reaching to your wrist to pull you up to straddle him again but you held back, shaking your head.
“Mikey, you have guests.” But still, you leaned over and pecked his lips quickly.
Michael groaned again, this time out of annoyance. “Fuck them. I don’t even know who they are, they’re Ashton’s friends.”
You smiled at his attitude. Your hand was tracing his neck, following the ink lines. It was a vulnerable position he was in, and something he only ever allowed you to do. When he was with you, it was so easy to forget how different he was with other people. How mean he could be. It was almost comical to see the difference in how he was right then to what he was just a few minutes ago.
“Be nice.” You chastised. “They’re here for you too, don’t bother trying to kid yourself.”
You heard Michael whine, “Come on, baby girl.” He took a hold of your wrist again. As he pushed himself up to a sitting position, he easily towered over you and he used that to his advantage. Pushing you against the wall next to his bed, he cupped one of your cheeks. His hand took up much of that side of your face, “Let me get you off.” His voice was deep with want.
You’d be a liar if you said that you weren’t wet. The way he was looking at you, the way you felt so small in front of him, you wanted to let him do whatever he wanted with you. But as you heard the front door close, you couldn’t. Not only would it be embarrassing because you were never quiet, Michael made sure of that, but it would be impolite.
Michael would never admit it but you both knew the guests were here for him. He was somewhat of a legend throughout the campus, especially among frat boys and wannabes. No matter your disdain for people like that, they came all this way for him.
So you pushed against his chest just slightly, knowing that would be enough for Michael to let you go. And when he sighed and moved away, you got up from his bed and moved to where there was a mirror hanging next to his closet. Your hair was a mess and so was your makeup. You looked fucked out and you were in awe for a moment at how Michael managed to make you this way with just a make out session and a dry hump.
Fixing yourself, you couldn’t help but smile at the pouting boy, still cross armed on his bed. Turning to him, you motioned for him to get up. “Come on Mikey.”
He stood and immediately, you had to crane your neck to look up at his big height. Even his shoulders engulfed your entire figure. Michael knew what he did to you so it wasn’t much a surprise when you felt one of his hands wrap themselves around your neck, the one with his bruised knuckles, but not hard. “After this, you’re mine.”
You think your smile was enough to tell him how excited you were at that prospect.
Michael gave you a weak smile. He didn’t tend to smile much, even when it was just the two of you. In fact, except the fact that he was a lot chattier and warmer with you, he was still always in his head and rarely expressed much emotion outside of bed besides anger, horniness and the rare affection. But you were okay with that. Your emotions were enough for the two of us.
He gave you peck on the lips, “I’ll see you out there.”
You nodded up at him, smiling before going back to fixing your makeup and adjusting your dress. Ashton had a couple of friends over ever now and then. Most, if not all, coming to see Michael. Though, you tried to not be there whenever they came over, Michael seemed to prefer it for you to be with him. To give him something to actually look forward to. He hated meeting new people and he hated their interest in him. He was popular without wanting to be. So you were often there to remedy that and you became the center of his world in those moments. Though, really, that was how you were most of the time you were with him.
Only a few minutes passed after he left the room that you followed him out.
But as soon as you left the room, you stopped when you saw someone standing in the living room, looking at you. In that same instance, you recognized him. Justin. A good friend from high school and an even better human being.
As your name left his mouth you grinned, coming closer to hug him. It had been so long, years, actually. The last you saw him was at your graduation when you swore you’d miss him. And you had. After all, he was the boy that plagued your heart all throughout high school - not that he’d known.
“Justin!” The hug was quick and you had to get on your tip toes to do it. You could tell he was just as surprised to see you. He was smiling wide and his eyebrows were shot high like they did whenever he was interested in something.
But just as soon as you pulled away, the weirdness of the situation seeped in, “What are you doing here?”
Justin blinked as if he, too, just became aware of the weird circumstance you were meeting in. “I, uh” He scratched the back of his head, unsure of how to answer and gestured to the couch. “I came with Chris and Charlie.”
Your brows furrowed further as you glanced at the couch where, sure enough, your high school classmates sat, looking back at you. They waved, slightly confused. You tried to ignore the fact that even Ashton had torn his eyes away from the tv to stare at you two. Which, considering how hard it was to take Ashton away from his video games, was saying something.
All you could think was that you wanted to crawl into a hole. The boys that you always said peaked in high school and made you so upset when they transferred to your university were now at your boyfriend’s house, trying to be his friends. It was truly a worst case scenario.
Excluding Justin. It’d been so long since you saw him, it felt nice to be in his presence again. You appreciated him as a person and the kindness he radiated - even to you, someone so much lower in economic status than him.
“But I thought you went to Washington?” You fiddled with one of your bracelets as you spoke.
Justin nodded, stiffly. “I do, we’re just on Spring Break a few weeks before you so I thought I’d visit.”
You smiled, “You should’ve gotten in touch!”
You think the situation had gotten a hold of him because while he otherwise would be rambling on with questions and stories, Justin had gotten quiet. “But why are you here?”
You blinked. Now you felt uncomfortable. It was as if you finally noticed everyone’s eyes on you, including Michael’s glaring ones. Yeah, this is definitely the last time you were going to be there when someone else was coming over.
Ashton turned back to the tv and scoffed, “Please, she practically lives here.”
Your nose crinkled when you smiled and made your way to Michael, who had taken a seat and motioned you into his lap. You shrugged, looking at your high school classmates. “This is my boyfriend’s house.”
Justin sat down slowly, his eyes just as wide as Chris and Charlie’s. Most people on campus knew you were Michael’s girlfriend. So the shocked reaction had been diminishing. You were almost starting to become used to not seeing it.
You don’t really blame them. You are very different. Michael is aggressive, angry and cold while you tended to be bubbly, shy and school-oriented. But that’s what you liked about each other. You just fit so well together. Opposites attract, right?
Ashton spoke up again, knowing Michael would likely not talk the entire reunion if he could help it. “How do you know each other?”
You took one of Michael’s hands in yours, your hand looking almost minature in his large one, and traced the tattoos you loved so much, “We went to high school together.”
Ashton nodded, “Oh the private one?”
Charlie nodded, glancing at Michael before looking at you, “I didn’t know you were dating Michael Clifford.”
You smiled weakly, we’re not friends, that’s why you didn’t know is what you wanted to say.
Michael took a chug of the glass bottled beer in his hands. It was like a silent signal because after, the three boys began playing their game.
You made a grab for the beer but Michael moved it out of your reach, his free hand slapping the side of your thigh in warning.
Your eyes widened. “Michael!” You hissed under your breath. Not in front of everyone. But he just stared at you, unsmiling. The only hint of humor came from his twinkling eyes.
He didn’t like you trying anything he was into: drugs, cigarettes, weed, alcohol. It was all off limits to you and he made sure everyone knew it. It was his way to preserve your innocence, even if dating him made that seem sort of like a paradox. Sometimes, though, it was fun to mess with him even if you were never interested in actually experimenting with the things he did.
“So, Michael…” You were brought out of your own little world by Charlie. “Are you going to Epsilon’s party tonight?”
“No.” Came Michael’s curt reply, his thumb drawing lazy circles on your arm.
Ashton was the one who saved the moment (and Charlie’s feelings) by filling in Michael’s blanks. You think that’s why they were such good friends. “Michael hates parties. He’d rather be here with Y/N and do it like bunnies.”
You weren’t sure if you wanted to die or if you wanted to kill Ashton. Maybe both.
Because as soon as those words left his mouth to your high school classmates - and high school crush - you felt your face heat up. You didn’t have to look to know that Michael was smirking.
You saw Justin blush and look away and for a moment, you felt worse. There was something about feeling completely humiliated in front of someone you hold at such a high regard that does that to you.
Ashton and Chris both exclaimed at something on the tv at the same time your phone chimed. You unlocked it to read the text.
kelly (stats)
hey girl! are you on campus? i’m at the library and wanted to see if you wanted to work on the project.
The project. It was due in a few weeks and while you had finished your portion, the rest of it was definitely not done. You sighed, knowing you’d have to go and lose the rest of your day with Michael.
You felt Michael shift under you, moving up from his slouched position to be able to read your text fully. He kissed your shoulder when he did.
“I’ll be right back.” You whispered to which he nodded. You got up from his lap and moved to the kitchen, moving to call Kelly and sort out the details.
Justin’s eyes followed your movements as you left to the kitchen, though certainly not missing the way Michael’s hollow eyes watched his every move. Michael, sitting slouched, didn’t even stop staring when he took a chug of his beer, the red of his healing bloody knuckles on full display.
Justin definitely understood what made Michael so scary on campus. What he couldn’t understand is why Y/N was with him. Sweet, innocent Y/N. Had you changed so much in three years that this is who you would fall for?
He could feel Michael radiate hostility but Michael remained quiet, simply choosing to observe Justin, which somehow seemed more terrifying.
When you came back into the room, Justin actively tried not to watch you. He kept his eyes on the tv with his only glimpse of you being your bottom half as you walked by him, your dress falling to just below your mid thigh. He couldn’t help but listen to his friend’s chiming voice as you spoke in a lower tone.
“I’m going to go to the library to finish up a project.” He couldn’t hear what Michael answered, if he even answered. But he heard you continue. “No, I might just walk. It’s still light out. I’ll call you when I’m heading back.”
Then, as if the afternoon didn’t already feel surreal enough, he saw you out of the corner of his eye, bend down and plant a kiss to Michael’s lips, one of your hands were on his abdomen, holding you up. It almost felt jarring to witness. Not only to see Michael allowing such a thing but to see the girl that had taken up much of his mind, and heart, in high school willingly put herself in that position with a man like Michael. It had taken him a while this afternoon just to put the pieces together and understand that Y/N was Michael’s girlfriend but to see it laid out in front of him was disturbing nonetheless.
When you straightened up again, you regarded the boys in front of you with the kind smile Justin knew so well. “I’m heading out, nice to see you guys again.” Though you didn’t really sound like you meant it.
Justin didn’t think his next actions through. All he was thinking was that it was an out. An out to leave this house that made him so uncomfortable and an out to not be in the same room as Michael without you to mend the tension.
So he stood up without much thought, “I’ll head out with you.” And as the words left his mouth, he wanted to take them back immediately. They came out wrong. He knew it and so did everyone else in the room, evidenced by the pausing of the video game and the multiple set of eyes on him.
You blinked up at him, processing what he said for a moment before he quickly added, “I mean, I left my phone back at Chris’ room so I was going to leave anyway. I was just thinking I’d give you some company.” That didn’t sound any better either.
But he trudged through the awkwardness of his phrasing by refusing to look at Michael. Justin had a feeling that would make everything a million times worse.
But you didn’t fail him, “Oh, sure.” You smiled warmly, looking back at Michael quickly before moving towards Justin and the door, “We can catch up on the way.”
Chris and Charlie were looking at him with wide eyes as he left, likely cursing him out in their heads for messing up any chance they had at being Michael’s friends. But as he followed his friend back out to the open world, outside of the dark and cramped house, he couldn’t bring himself to care.
You looked up at the tall blond boy beside you as you walked down the sidewalk that would lead back to campus. You were still in awe that he was there beside you, walking and talking to you after so long. Well, not so much talking. You think he was still up in his head about the situation.
“So did you really leave something in Chris’ dorm room?” You smiled knowingly up at him.
To which he let out a chuckle and lowered his head sheepishly, “No, I…I just had to get out of there.”
You nodded like you understood, which you did. You talked a lot when we were in high school and you knew his limits, what he was used to. “Yeah, I know that house can be a lot for some people.”
“It’s just cramped.”
You didn’t say it but that kind of bothered you. It wasn’t a mansion and while it wasn’t exactly nice, it was cozy and it felt like home. Michael made it feel like home. But you knew Justin couldn’t see it that way. He was the richest boy in high school, after all. And popular because of it. Though, looking back, you couldn’t think of a time where he had let that get to his head.
“So, you and Michael, huh?” He shoved his hands in the pockets of his khakis and looked over at you. His blue eyes clouding with worry.
Now, it was your turn to chuckle. “Yeah. It’s okay, a lot of people have the same reaction.”
“It’s just different, I guess. Have you heard his reputation at all?”
You got on the bus that would lead straight to the middle of campus at that point and found two seats right next to each other.
You nodded, “I guess. But Michael…Michael’s different from what you think. He can be sweet. You just have to get to know him.” You tried to tame the big loving smile that was threatening to explode at the thought of Michael, the version of him that you knew. You were well aware of how vicious and even cruel he could be, gaining him the rumors that constantly swirled around him and now even you. But he wasn’t like that with you.
“I heard he’s in a gang.” Justin whispered.
Your eyes shot up at him in alarm, “Of course he’s not.” Unfounded rumors like that did bother you, they whittled down all of Michael’s past struggles to be theatrical entertainment for those looking in, not to mentioned demonized him even further for no reason. Though they never really bothered Michael, you had too much respect both for him and for yourself to be okay with them.
“I just don’t think I expected him to be your type.” He explained, trying to diffuse the situation.
“Well he wasn’t, not at first.” You calmed down and instead bit your inner cheek, trying to decide whether you should let him in on your little secret. “Actually, you were my type. I had a huge crush on you in high school…”
“…Don’t worry, I’m over it now.” you quickly added in when you I felt him freeze behind you in surprise. It was embarrassing but it didn’t make much sense keeping it from him anymore.
“I had no idea.” His voice dripped with honesty. He pulled at the collar of his polo shirt.
You shrugged, “I made sure of that. I don’t know, you were just so nice to me even though you were so out of my league. You were rich, popular but so respectful and socially aware. Plus you weren’t a republican.” You laughed before looking down, “And I was the shy scholarship kid.”
It was obvious Justin was trying to think of what to say so you helped him out, “But you know three years of college really changes you. I’m a lot more outspoken now and I found a great boyfriend.”
Justin nodded, still seemingly shocked, “That’s great.” His voice was soft and, as you made eye contact, there was something more in his eyes that you couldn’t read.
But you didn’t have to think of it much because you got to our destination and you both made your way off the bus, onto the campus you loved so much.
“Okay, I guess I’ll see you around?” You were already moving back slowly, desperate to get to the library quickly so you could head back to Michael faster.
Justin nodded, not moving to go to the dorms, “Yeah, I’ll be here for two weeks or so.”
You practically skipping when you reached Michael’s house again. The sun had set and part of you were upset at how long it had taken you in the library. But as you opened the door to Michael’s room and saw him laying on his bed, headphones on and wearing a black hoodie with only the tattoos on his hands peeking out, those feelings disappeared and were replaced with much more primal feelings.
Michael, slipping off his headphones gently, seemed to mirror your feelings because just a bending of his index finger in a ‘come here’ motion, was enough to have you closing the door behind you and nearly jumping onto him.
You were smiling but asked before anything else, “Ashton-?” You always felt bad he had to deal with you constantly at each other with only thin walls separating Michael’s room from his.
“He went to that frat party.” Michael muttered, uninterested. His eyes were instead trailing your body, figuring out which way was best to take off your dress.
You were on all fours as you crawled your way to him, stopping when you were in between his spread legs. “You should’ve gone.” Even if you didn’t love parties, they were still a big part of who he was, before dating you he would be at them drinking the night away every other day, and a part of you felt bad for taking them away from him, even if unintentionally.
But still, he couldn’t look like he care less when he reached over and pulled your dress up to uncover your ass, his hands trailing down the curve of you sensually before giving you a small spank that made you jump in surprise. “I have better things to do.”
Now that deserved a reward. Your hand rubbed over the noticeable bulge in his jeans. Michael’s hands undid his belt, the sight of that action almost making you want to moan right then and there. Your hands trailed up to undo the button and zipper. He eagerly pushed his hips up to help you take his jeans and boxers off.
His long and thick length stood out horizontally and you felt your mouth watering already at the thought of taking him in your mouth.
One of his hands took a hold of the gold necklace you were wearing, twisting it and pulling at it to force your face closer to his.“Are you gonna be a good girl for me?” 
When you first started having sex, you were shy and inexperienced. Words and talk like that would have had you shaking nervously. And while you would still likely react that way in public, with enough time with Michael and in the privacy of his room, you didn’t even blink when you answered.
“Always.” Your hand wrapped around him before you took his dick into your mouth. Michael groaned immediately and threw his head back, eyes closed. This only proved to spur you on. You took him as deep as you could, stopping only when his tip hit the back of your throat, causing you to gag and pull back.
But the vibrations only seemed to have him moaning louder and led to one of his hands to collect your hair and push himself back into your mouth. “Fuck that’s good, take it.”
You didn’t even notice when he had taken off his shirt and hoodie. His tattoos, which ranged from his fingers to his entire torso and neck were on full display and you felt yourself get wetter at the intricate ink that adorned his beautiful body. It was a contrast to your body that was completely bare of any tattoos.
Up until then, he was still controlled. When you looked up at him with the innocent eyes you knew drove him wild and moan against his length as you bobbed your head, his control snapped. There was something about you looking pure, especially in that angelic-looking white dress, at the same time you were doing something so dirty with him that sent him ablaze. Even more knowing that you were only like that for him.
Immediately, he tightened his grip on your hair with both hands, holding you in place. He thrust up into your mouth at a fast pace, fucking your mouth harshly. His groans increasing in volume. He thrust into your mouth deeply, your nose nearly touching his stomach, and kept himself there. Your throat closed tightly against him.
“Do you like that?” Your jaw hurt and you felt tears in your eyes as he pulled out enough for you to breath, his cock was messy with your spit. Then he continued, thrusting into your awaiting mouth and murmuring dirty nothings under his breath. You wanted to trail your hands down to your pussy to soothe the ache it had for him but you refrained. “Do you like me using your mouth like a dirty fucking slut?”
You moaned involuntarily. You needed him. You could feel yourself soaking through your panties. Michael gave a sharp tug at your hair and pulled you off of him. He tilted your head back painfully to lock his eyes with yours.
“Do you like being used like a toy?” His voice was cold and mean but it was a turn on. You nodded your head submissively and one of his hands reached down to your cheek, giving you a sharp slap. Enough for you to feel the sting and enough for it to feel good. “Open your mouth.”
You did what he said immediately. Your tongue poking out in anticipation. Michael leaned down before spitting into your mouth. You closed your eyes, moaning when you felt another slap at your cheek.
“Dirty whore.” Michael muttered under his breath before pinning you down to his bed, tearing your dress off as soon as hit the mattress and then doing the same to your bra and underwear.
Part of you wondered what had gotten into him. Being rough and kinky in bed isn’t something out of the ordinary for you two but he usually wasn’t like this out of no where. Not that you were complaining.
On all fours, you swayed your ass to him enticingly and looked behind you with a virginal smile, “Fuck me, daddy.” You said innocently.
He didn’t say anything as he flipped you over quickly and ran the head of his dick teasingly along your entrance, slapping it onto your pussy twice. A load moan of his name left your mouth when he finally entered you. He wasted no time in thrusting at a rough pace into you. Your moans were cut off and stuttered at the pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” One of Michael’s hands reached up to your throat and pressed tightly. The feeling of his inked hands around your throat amplified the pleasure. Your walls clenched around him. “No matter how many times I fuck you"
You saw his eyes be fixated on your breasts, the way they bounced up and down fully in pace with each of his thrusts. He leaned down and wrapped his warm mouth around one of tits, flicking and twirling his tongue around your nipple.
Your eyes closed involuntarily and your back arched in pleasure as he continued to slam his hips into yours. The only sounds in the room were the sound of skin slapping, your moans and his grunts.
“If only those boys could see you now, their innocent little classmate, so submissive and desperate for my cock, letting me fuck you like my bitch.” Michael’s voice was taunting and you could barely get your mind out of the haze of pleasure to question what he was talking about.
“But they’ll never see you like this. This is the only cock you’ll ever get, your first and your last. No one will ever be able to please you like I can. Do you think that blondie can make you feel this good?” You closed your eyes in pleasure, too far lost to even understand what he was saying, just shaking your head in answer. You were blushing like crazy at his words, which only served to make him thrust faster.
“Look at me.” He hissed and you did just when his thrusts’ vigor increased even more which left you whimpering and writhing underneath him. But still, you opened and kept your eyes on him, your mouth open as moans filtered out of you. “Tell me you’re mine.”  
Though your mouth was open, you couldn’t formulate words. But Michael’s hands on your throat pressed harder and his other hand slapped your cheek as a warning, “Tell me.”
“Y-Yours. I’m yours, Mikey. Only yours.” His mouth was on yours in a heated kiss while his pace never faltered as he pistoned in and out of you.
“That’s right.” Michael praised, “Mine.” Then he said something he had never said before. “I’m going to knock you up, get you nice and pregnant. Everyone would know then, that you’re fucking mine.” He almost sounded delirious with the prospect.
He didn’t mean it, he couldn’t mean it. Even if he did, you were on birth control. But you moaned loader just at the thought of his love for you reaching those lengths.
“You want that, little one? Want me to fill your tight little cunt with my cum?”
A chorus of “Yes, yes, yes” left your mouth, you couldn’t speak anymore than just repeating that. The thought of being pregnant with his child and the reminder of just how small you were compared to him was enough to put you on another planet.
“H-Harder.” You were shaking as he complied with your request, his thrusts moving faster and rougher into you. Your arms wrapped themselves around his torso and scratched at his back, desperate for a way to express the nearly overwhelming pleasure you felt. He hissed in pleasure at the pain, his body above you engulfed nearly your entire figure.
“Open” His rough voice commanded and you opened your mouth obediently. Moaning again as he spit into your awaiting tongue once again.
Your throat was starting to be raw with your screaming and begging to come. “Cum for me, princess.”
You clenched your walls as you came around his big cock and that seemed to be the only thing that took for him to release after you.
He released inside you, filling you and leaking out after he pulled out. “Such a good girl.”
He was still coming when he pulled out and ribbons of cum adorned your face, which you graciously accepted. Michael watched your face and groaned to himself when you licked some of his cum off that was at the corner of your mouth and swallowed.
His eyes were closed in pleasure for a moment before he released his grip on your throat. You didn’t doubt the image before of you, blushing and covered in his cum did wonders for his libido.  
He cleaned you up but you had a feeling it was just an excuse to be able to give you a passionate kiss. “You did great, baby girl. I love you.”
His praise made your heart swell. “I love you, too.”
Before you knew it, your kiss had gotten much more frenzied and his hand was trailing to your sore entrance. But you stopped before it could lead to a round two.
“I’m sore.” You mumbled before nuzzling into chest. His arms wrapped around your body protectively and kissed the top of your head, gently, so different from how rough he was just a few moments before.  
You looked up at him quizzically just to see that he was already looking at you. “So, are you going to tell me what that was about?”
Michael looked genuinely confused, “What do you mean?”
You rolled your eyes, moving up so you were at eye level with him. You ran your fingers through his soft black hair, noting how his eyes fluttered at the sensation. “You know what I mean. What wound you up so bad?”
“Nothing” But at your pointed look, he sighed in defeat and muttered, “Those little rich boys. The tall one, he’s into you and I couldn’t do shit about it.”
You sputtered, “Justin?! No way is he into me.” You shook your head, giggling as you leaned back to lay your head on his shoulder. “Actually, in high school, I was the one into him.”
You probably shouldn’t have said that. You knew it as soon as Michael’s eyes hardened and his body stiffened. “What?”
Shaking your head, you stuttered out, “But I got over that years ago, he’s just a friend.”
But Michael couldn’t let it go, “You liked him and he was in my fucking house? He left with you for fucks sakes Y/N.” He moved as if he was getting up and you placed a hand on his chest to stop him (only doing so because he let you, otherwise his strength would quickly overpower yours). If he were to go after Justin, there would be little you could do to stop him from beating him to a pulp.
You kissed him deeply to calm him down because you saw his eyes start to shut down. They started to look like the same eyes he had in public, the cold, angry ones. And you couldn’t let him go there, not with you.
“We were only with each other for a few minutes, we took the bus.” You reasoned with him.
Michael locked his jaw tightly but he was starting to calm down, “That bitch ass couldn’t even look at me but I was watching him. He kept looking at you like he knew you, like he knew you how I know you.”
He looked at you then, with a mocking smirk. “Like he knew how sweet and moral you are and that you shouldn’t be with your big bad boyfriend. Too bad he didn’t see you begging to have your mouth and pussy filled by your mean boyfriend’s cock. Or that he didn’t know I was the one that took your virginity,” He moaned at the memory, “What do you think he would say if he saw innocent little Y/N like that?”
You didn’t have to be looking at him to see the delight in his bright eyes and sneering smile. It was obvious he enjoyed corrupting you.
You whined at his words, embarrassed, as if you didn’t hear much worse things come out of his mouth when you were underneath him or even when he was in fights with others.
“Are you sure Ashton isn’t home?” You changed the topic.
“He’s out.” Michael repeated, “Why, did you want him to join?”
He was teasing you, you knew he was but you whined again, blushing (something you knew he loved) and shook your head no.
He chuckled, a warm and joking chuckle, “Good, because I’m not sharing you. Remember that.”
Michael settled you in between his legs comfortably, giving you his phone to busy yourself with games or take photos. He kissed the top of your head, that reached just to his chin. Meanwhile, he grabbed a cigarette and a lighter from his nightstand, placing the white stick in his mouth and lighting it. The scent overtook your senses uncomfortably. But you were used to it so you didn’t do much besides raising your hand jokingly, to ask for a puff.
But Michael, who never took those things as a joke, squeezed your thigh. “I don’t want you getting into the shit I’m into.” He said, “I want to keep you pure for me.”
Because as much as he loved corrupting you, he loved your innocence even more.
so i think i’m going to make this into a two part series with each part having two stories involved. if that makes sense, let me know what you think!
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milkybunbuns · 4 years
fights with nekoma
w/ Kuroo, Kenma, Lev, Yaku and Yamamoto - gn! reader
w/c: 1.5 K - about 300 per character
warnings: A lil bit of fighting amongst you and your fav bois :((
RAINBOW masterlist!
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Okay, so we’re starting with the amazing scheming captain
He is literally the most wonderful boyfriend and will make sure you’re alright and show you off all the time
But recently he’s been really stressed with nationals coming up and the workload of almost heading into uni
One day he gets back from volleyball practice - Lev was being super annoying and managed to spill water everywhere which he had to clean up and Yamamoto has slammed into him when spiking
So to say the least, he was very angry
You felt that ✨ v i b e ✨coming from him
So, as his ever so wonderful s/o, you walked up to him to comfort him
He was still by the doorway taking off his shoes, he didn’t even bother to call out your name
He probably didn’t notice you either, too busy in his thoughts
So then, when you touch him, he jolts
You ask him what’s wrong
He tells you to back off
You ignore him cause you have to be there for him through thick and thin
That really pisses him off more that he already was and that was the last straw for his patience
This boi was sick of life, he was annoyed and angry
He starts going off at you, telling you how you’re so bad and stuff
This makes you cry, first the sniffles, but he’s too busy ranting to realise your glossy eyes
You start full on crying, running back to your bedroom
He realises you ran off and finally snaps out of it
He feels rlly bad and apologises
You don’t forgive him cause it really hurt you
So he decides to make it up to you, not through whatever way you’re thinking rn, talking to yer perves out there lol
He buys you lots of gifts, devotes all his time to you, takes you on dates, uses dumb science pick up lines on you
Eventually you cave in to his charms and forgive him
Even so, he still apologises again, even tho you assured him you forgive him
He doesn’t want a repeat of that to EVER happen again
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Normally he’s a rlly chill dude
The two of you almost never get into fights
Even when you do, he almost always immediately caves in
He just can’t be bothered to fight back cause he knows your always right
He has huge respect for u
But this time you decide to scold him again
He doesn’t think you’re very right
You’re talking about how video games aren’t important and he’s too obsessed with them
Although he loves you, he’s gotta stick by his video games
Very loyal boi to his video games
So, he finally decides to speak up for himself, tired of your blabbering
“You don’t have any right to decide how I spend my time!”
He didn’t mean to say it that loud
At first, you’re lowkey shook
Kenma legit never raises his voice
You must’ve hit a nerve
You feel bad
But to protect your pride, you continue on arguing
Soon, you realise your arguments are ridiculous
They aren’t even good and don’t even make sense
Yet, you stalk off to blow off some steam at the park
There you meet Kuroo
He gives you some advice on what you should do
After all, he has been Kenma’s friend since forever
You follow his advice
And you wait for a day before you do it cause ur still kinda mad ngl
You guys don’t sleep together that day
And you can’t sleep without him
So you stayed up all night, not even a wink of sleep
You missed his warmth
So first thing at like 4 am (he had to get up early for volleyball practice which was at like 5) you went to his room and stood against the wall waiting
When he FINALLY wakes up, you immediately begin apologising
He can’t even make out what you’re saying
I mean, after all, he just woke up
He sees your eyebags and is rlly worried
Asks you about what happened to you
You sheepishly admit you didn’t sleep
He frowns at you and pulls you into the bed with him
You sleep like a baby and he’s happy
The two of you compromise :))
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Lev and you always fight over the stupidest things
That’s guaranteed
You were manager for Nekoma
They were currently practicing after school
And here the two of you were
In the middle of the volleyball court, bickering like idiots
The two of you are so lucky that Yaku and Kuroo haven’t arrived yet
Surprisingly Kenma is already here, but he makes no move to stop the two of you
This is normal, he’s used to it, as long as he can play his video games he couldn’t care less
The two of you were arguing about whether Yin or Yang was better
You thought Yang was the best cause legit any colour mixed with white makes pastels
And EVERYONE loves pastels
If you don’t like pastels, idk what to say
Lev was spewing some shit about how Yin was so cool cause it was dark and edgy like ninjas
He wanted to be a ninja
You were legit laughing at that
Who would not notice a 2m giant sneaking around
You didn’t laugh tho cause you’re too nice
And you don’t want karma to bite you back in the butt
And Lev’s smug face if he actually became a ninja
The two of you couldn’t decide
So you both asked Kenma
You legit shoved your faces into his, blocking his view of his console or whatever
You ask him whether Yin or Yang is better
He deadpanned and replied grey
The two of you were so confused and stared at him blankly
Finally he explained that Yin and Yang needed to be balanced and could not survive without the other
You both awed at his smartness
And at that moment, Yaku entered
Just the mere sight of the two of you made him angry
So he slapped you both, for your own good
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Yaku the absolute mom of the team
Being a mom means he’s also vry good at arguing
Literally wins every argument
Makes you wonder why he didn’t join the debating club
Lev told you it was because Yaku would frighten everyone away with his ugly face
He got promptly slapped, kicked and hit with a volleyball
“Serves him right”
That’s what Yaku said
You know better than to question the mom
However, one day you got dared to argue with Yaku
And guess who dared you?
Wow, yeah I would’ve never guessed, Lev
You wanted to protec your pride and dignity so duh you did it
You’re no coward
But you seriously forgot how scary Yaku was
You immediately starting sweating bullets when he stared at you, hands on his hips
You regretted it
Would not recommend fighting with a fellow mom
Who knew moms were so scary, brrr...
His precise words were
“Y/n L/n, whatever is passing through your pea head mind, I want you to stop it immediately.”
Yeah he could tell what you were going to do once he saw you approaching him
I guess he had ears everywhere...
The two of you have never had fights before
That’s just how well the two of you fit together
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Yamamoto would totally worship the ground you step on
That’s just how he is
In his eyes, you are the most amazing person to have ever stepped on this planet
Maybe even better than Kiyoko-senpai...👉👈
Total simp for you
Would listen to your every command
So heckin in love it’s rlly cute
But he won’t be afraid to show his ‘rawry’ side to you
Idk how to describe the ‘rawry’ side, but like around hot people, he would probably act rlly nicely and then behind their backs when they ain’t looking he would totally be all manly and stuff. And pervy
You should be happy he trusts you that much
But you rlly break his trust when you tell Lev about his embarrassing moments
You told Lev to not tell him
But Lev with his stupidously big blabber mouth can’t keep it shut
He taunts Yamamoto and that boi be rlly angry
He demands to know who told him
Lev accidentally let’s it slip out
He forgot
Yamamoto is rlly upset
Ignores you when he gets home
You start to wonder why he’s ignoring you for ‘no reason’
It’s dinner and he hadn’t even come down
You’re rlly mad
So after you ate you barge into his room yelling at him
He’s rlly angry cause u just broke his trust and starts yelling at him
Things start to get a bit physical
But fortunately, by the next day you figured what had happened at organized an apology to him with the help of his team
He immediately forgave you seeing what you had done
And you never did that again :>
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