dittolicous · 10 months
The funny part is that Koby ismt even a "good marine" he's part of the illegal SWORD group that does wild secret shit and actively works to change the marines lmao
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cozage · 10 months
The Daughter's Return Part 3
Chapter 19: The Morning of War
Start From Beginning | Next Chapter | Table of Contents | Read on AO3
Characters: female reader x Portgas D. Ace Word Count: 1.3k
Marco woke you early to run one last routine checkup. 
“Still a happy and healthy baby you’ve got in there,” he said, giving you a nervous look. “You’re almost at month five.”
“Bell pepper month,” you said quietly, your hand rubbing over your stomach subconsciously. “Still so tiny.”
“And not very resistant to heat,” Marco warned. “So please, today…don’t do anything stupid. It’s not just your life anymore.”
“I know,” you whispered, staring at your small baby bump. You hadn’t expected to get so attached to this little nuisance. But when you weighed the thought of losing Ace or this baby…there was no contest. 
Marco hesitated, watching you. He knew you too well. Your behavior was too perfect. You were scheming. 
“Please don’t-“
“Just promise to save him, Marco.” Tears flooded your eyes. “Please.”
He knew how much promises meant to you. He knew you were asking him to promise the impossible. 
“I promise I’ll do the best I can,” he said. “Let’s get you up to Pops.”
You were almost there. Almost to Ace. You just had to behave for a little bit longer. 
“You’ll stay beside me through this entire thing,” your father said, sitting in his captain's chair. “I’ll need your eyes to find weak points.” 
“Of course,” you said, nodding in agreement. You stood tall and proud, as if that role would be the only position you’d have all day. Your good behavior had allowed you to roam freely around the ship today, but you knew the commanders were all under orders to stop you if you tried to run onto the battlefield. Plus your sea-prism shackles were still tightly fastened around your wrists. 
When your father’s ship rose from the sea, you stood at the bow of the ship, your eyes desperately searching for him. You didn’t care about the layout of the battlefield, you could examine that later. Right now, you needed to find him. 
He was so far away. And yet so close. You scrambled up and stood on the railing to get a better view, but it was him. He was alive. He was safe. For now. 
“No,” Ace mouthed in horror. He hadn’t even found you yet; this horror was from the sacrifice of so many that was about to be made.
You almost jumped down and took off towards him. But you needed to bide your time. Marineford was full of traps and different sections. You needed to see their hand before you put yourself into play. 
“Ace!” Your father yelled out. “Bear with me, son. We’ll be there soon.”
“Father!” Ace called out. 
There was an eerie silence amongst the battlefield, everyone waiting for the other side to make a move. 
“Do it,” you whispered, gripping a rope to hold yourself steady. 
Your father listened, and sent a shattering tremor through the sea. Giant tidal waves rose up, getting ready to crash down on the bay of Marineford. 
But they never came. The bay instantly froze over, Aokiji’s powers activating and solidifying the waters. 
All hell broke loose after that, every Marine aiming for your father and you in some way. But your division commanders protected you, and you took the time to examine the battlefield. 
Thousands of Marines stood at different portions of the battlefield. Men with swords and guns, strange patterns and sectionings. You had examined as much of Marineford as you could beforehand, but the Marines kept this place a highly guarded secret. Yet there was something that felt off about the battlefield. 
The canons. They were angled wrong. The walls were too low for a first defense. It didn’t make any sense. 
Then you saw it: the invisible line where the first defense stopped and the second defense started. There had to be a secret there; perhaps a wall segment that was activated by a trigger of some sort. If that wall were to be triggered while all of the pirates were in there, they would be fish in a barrel; easy targets for anyone who wanted to pick them off. 
At least one wall segment you’d have to get through. Though you had no idea how tall, how thick, or how it was activated. Practically useless information, but you reported it to your father regardless. 
And your father called Little Oars into action. He didn’t have to give any directions, Little Oars just went straight for the guarded platform. 
“Wait, Pops-”
“I know,” he said. “I made the call. Not you.”
“But he’ll-!”
“Quiet,” he hissed. “My men are more capable than you think. So watch.”
Cannonfire rained down upon Little Oars, but you refused to look away. You had caused this death and destruction. And when Little Oars fell to the ground, you couldn’t help but blame yourself for his untimely demise. 
Ace was screaming from the platform, begging everyone to run. But nobody would listen; of course they wouldn’t. Everyone loved the second division commander. So much they would be willing to die for him. 
You could see him drop his head in defeat, broken by the amount of loss he was being forced to witness. 
“You better live, Portgas D. Ace!” You screamed at him, putting all of your rage and hurt into your voice. “Because wherever you go, I go!”
His head perked up, and he scanned the battlefield, desperately searching for you.
“And when I get a hold of you-” you paused to take a breath, tears streaming down your face. “I’m going to kick your ass! Do you understand?!?”
His eyes widened as he found the source of your voice, and you could see the will to live return to his body, ever so slightly. That would be your goal for now. Keeping Ace alive and keeping the fight in him. 
You felt a shiver up your spine and turned to the source of the dread. The admirals. You had shown yourself, and you knew they would take advantage of that. 
And Akainu was staring straight at you, a triumphant smirk on his face. You glared back at him, until his eyes slid down to the cuffs around your hands. He raised an eyebrow curiously, and you could see him mutter something to his fellow Vice Admirals. 
Aokiji didn’t scare you when he looked your way, but Kizaru’s humored glance made your stomach churn. He raised a finger and pointed it at you. 
Suddenly Marco was on top of you, slamming you down onto the deck. An instant later, a beam of light shot past where your head had been. 
“No!” Ace’s voice wailed from the platform. “Stop! Don’t do this for me! Stop!!”
You tried to get up to see him again, but Marco held you down.
“They saw your sea prism,” he hissed. “They know you’re vulnerable right now, so stay down.”
“I have to see him!” You thrashed under him, trying to break free. “I have to let him know I’m okay!”
“We have to let the Admirals think they hit you!” he yelled. 
“They wouldn’t fall for such cheap tricks!”
“No, but their attention will turn elsewhere eventually!” he argued. “Just stay still for a second!”
You could hear the shouts and the battle raging on the ground below where your father’s ship was, and you wanted nothing more to fight alongside your family. You were half tempted to throw Marco off and start the race toward Ace without knowing anything else about the battlefield.
You heard a strange grinding sound that shook the ground, and you knew they were raising the hidden walls. The next phase of battle had begun. 
You took a deep breath and tried to center yourself. You couldn’t be rash here. You had to save Ace at any cost. So, you stared up at the sky and relaxed, waiting for the right moment to get back up. 
You listened to the sounds of the battlefield, trying to gauge where people were based on how loud the sounds of their weapons were. Strangely enough, some of the screaming seemed to be coming from above you. 
And then you saw a giant ship falling from the sky.
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holykillercake · 4 years
A Day In The Sun
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pairing: MARCO x fem!Reader
word count: 3.3k
summary: You left the Moby Dick to go on a solo mission, from which you would never return. Two years later, when hope seemed to have drained out, a loud rubber boy appears, leading the way back to your family.
highlight: ¨I guess he´s not coming, so... tell Marco I will always love him.¨
warnings: angst, MARINEFORD spoilers 
notes: This was an anon request for a ¨ [as angsty as possible] Marco with a fem!S/O who left the Moby Dick a year or two before and then they ran into each other by accident somewhere¨. I really hope you like it!♡  I feel like I chose an easy path with Marineford, so maybe I´ll try this one more time with a non-canon plot. The angst, tho, the angst! 
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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You watched the guard check the chains for the fourth time with an amused grin on your face. He pulled it, hit it, and almost wet his pants with the effort. 
The funnier part was that he did all of that while trying to stay as far from you as possible. 
¨So, am I getting company?¨ no answer, just a glance and a drop of sweat falling down his temple ¨Will you tell me who´s my guy?¨ he ignored you again and left.
A few minutes later, you heard the lame sound of chains echoing throughout the cold walls. You had a minute to process the silent and compliant steps before the rest of the prisoners started to yell wildly. 
You observed the shadow of your new cellmate projected onto the filthy floor. Then his dirty feet when he walked by you, giving yourself the trouble to look up only when he took a seat while the guards locked him. 
You let out a disdained scoff and waited for ¨privacy¨ to talk to him. He, on the other hand, never bothered to look up. 
¨I would offer you something to eat, but as you can see, my hands are tied.¨ you shook the chains, hoping that the distasteful joke would make the man lift his head.
But he showed no reaction to your words. Instead, he remained leaned forward with his head down.
 You snorted heavily.
¨You know, I was kind of hoping to be the only Whitebeard pirate around here.¨
 That was more than enough to make him face you. His narrowed eyes watched you for a moment, trying to recollect your features in his memory. 
¨Oh, come on. Did I really change that much?¨
¨Y/N!¨ he shouted and tried to fight the strains.
¨How are you doing, Flame boy?¨
The heart beating inside of your chest felt like it was going to jump out of your mouth at any moment. Although you were sweating, all of the ice around you made you wish you had more clothes.
 How could you be cold and sweating at the same time?
Everyone had their eyes on you. Well, not only you. But the entire troupe that fell from the sky altogether with a marine warship, the weirdest circus freaks brought directly from Impel Down. Your home for the last two years. 
As soon as Luffy stepped on the ice field and started to attack marines in order to reach Ace, the real beginning of the battle began to seethe in Marineford. 
You joined your fugitives comrades and jumped out the ship, but differently than the straw hat boy, you ran to the opposite side. Dodging every marine in your way to get to the Moby Dick. 
Whitebeard looked at you like a proud father and let out his legendary ´Gurarara´ laugh while the Commanders stared at you as if you were a ghost.
Not that you didn´t actually look like one. Even for them, who always considered you to be one of the prettiest women they have ever seen, you looked a little bit mistreated.
Your hair was dirty and messy, your always radiant skin was dry, and the bags under your eyes were deeper and darker. 
If it wasn´t for the look in your eyes, they wouldn´t have recognized you. 
The spark and shine remained stoic. The will to live and to fight remained standing strong, even though the rest of you seemed to be brumbling apart.
Marco stood on Pops' right side, still showing the same anger in his eyes as when you said that you were leaving the Whitebeard Pirates. But you couldn´t focus on that. You were too busy trying not to get killed to care about his attitude.
And more importantly, you were so happy. 
Every night for two years, you prayed for the chance to see them again, to brew saké among your family, and laugh in their companies. It was so close you could feel it in your fingertips. 
¨Daughter, you don´t look healthy.¨ Whitebeard said when you reached the ship.
¨I guess feeding me wasn´t on the top of their list of priorities, Pops.¨ you laughed.
¨And I suppose you met the troublemaker over there.¨
¨We were cellmates, can you believe it?¨ Marco peeped into your conversation, trying to look like he didn´t care ¨He was updating me on the current Whitebeard Pirate´s activities. Said you got yourself some pretty cute nurses.¨ 
You elbowed him slightly in the leg, and the Emperor gave his staccato laugh you missed so much.
¨Daughter,¨ he spoke more serious ¨I know it´s a lot to ask of you right now... but we need to get that boy outta here. You´re in?¨ 
¨Have you forgotten who I am, Pops?¨ He smirked, already knowing your answer ¨ Of course, I´m in.¨
You looked each commander in the eyes, in a silent agreement that when this madness was over, you would answer all their questions. When they looked back at you, nothing had changed. For them, you were still the same Y/N from years ago. 
¨I can´t believe Pops wants to keep that brat.¨
¨We should have him thrown off of the ship.¨
¨You should cook him for dinner, Thatch!¨
You couldn´t hold the smile bending on your lips when you heard the Division Commanders talking about the rookie Pops had brought onboard.
The kid had been trying to kill him for a while now. Even Jinbe had to step in and engaged in a 5-day battle with the young pirate. That, for some reason, got Whitebeard´s interest. 
You felt a warm hand embrace yours and turned to see the First Division Commander take his seat on your side. You smiled when he leaned over and gave you a habitual kiss, the kind you share when you wake up in the morning or when you meet up in the halls.
But your heart ached behind your smile. Because, although it was something usual for him, something that he would do thousands of times for the rest of his life, for you, it could be the last.
You were about the destroy everything you two had and break his heart. 
But you were out of options. You knew that, and so did Whitebeard. 
When the first part of the meeting ended, and Pops had explained his motives to want to keep the hot-headed boy, someone questioned him about the second topic they needed to discuss. The one he kept as a secret even from Marco. 
Your heart pounded faster, and your face heated. Whitebeard frowned and gestured something, giving you the word. The weight of the sixteen commanders staring at you made you shrug and hold Marco´s hand tighter. 
¨Y/N?¨ he called you with a tone of concern in his voice. 
You just avoided making eye contact with him. You couldn´t face him.
¨I, uh...¨ you raised your head and stuffed your chest. You had to be cold. ¨I-I am going on a solo mission... and I am not coming back.¨ 
The room went totally silent for a few seconds before they began to bombard you with questions and inquires, to which you could not respond. Marco, on the other hand, remained speechless, waiting for you to tell him that it was a joke.
¨I, uh...¨ someone interrupted you ¨I am leaving tomorro-¨ another Commander cut you ¨... tomorrow morni-¨
The blast of Whitebeard´s cleaving blade hitting the floor made all of you shut. 
¨The decision was made!¨ his thunderous voice cracked the wooden walls ¨And blessed.¨
Marco shot up, his chair met the floor in a loud thud. ¨Pops, you approved this?!¨
¨Son...¨ the First Division Commander scowled and started to walk out of the room. 
You reached him and held his hand to stop him. He turned, staring at you furiously.
¨Why, yoi?!¨ 
You shook your head, not being able to tell him what he wanted to know. Tears began to fill your eyes when he pulled his hand from your grip and left the room. 
A single tear made its way down your cheek and you quickly wiped it. You couldn't turn back on your decision. Even if that made the love of your life hate you. 
¨Y/N...¨ Thatch touched your arm softly ¨Are you in trouble?¨
You attempted to give him your best warm smile.
¨When am I not in trouble, Thatchy?¨
The next day when you were saying goodbye to your family, everyone was there, even the Fire-Fist boy.
 Everyone but the person you needed the most to be there. 
Every Commander hugged you tight, saying that if you ever decided to come back, your chair among them would be waiting. 
You tried to hold your tears in the beginning, but that became an impossible task. 
Pops held you close to his chest and suffered with you, for he knew the sacrifice you were about to make. And even a man like him couldn´t avoid it. 
His voice roared through the four Blues when he declared, loud and clear, that you were his daughter and would be forever a Whitebeard pirate. 
¨I love you guys. I love you, Pops.¨ you looked around, searching for your boyfriend ¨I guess he´s not coming, so... tell Marco I will always love him.¨ 
When you stood alone on the seashore, you waited. You waited until the Moby Dick disappeared on the horizon. You waited for Marco to have a change of heart and fly over to you, saying that he loved you and he would miss you.
But he never did.
What happened was that you were a little rusted.
You got tired faster and weren´t as agile as before. So you preferred to keep yourself out of the line of fire, where you would disturb more than help. Your job was to back up the Division Commanders and make sure they would keep a clean path for Ace´s brother. 
You wanted to be thrilled with the adrenaline of a battlefield, but you were scared. Every time Whitebeard stopped and put his hand on his chest, you feared. 
That was the reason why you turned yourself in in the past, the reason why you didn´t ask him to fight for you.
He saved as much energy as possible for this war, but you knew he had started to die the minute he disconnected himself from the life support. 
¨What are you up to, old man?¨ you mumbled to yourself.
Before you could do or think anything else, a sharp scream took your attention. Kizaru hit Marco with laser beams, and you noticed another Marine Officer approaching him with sea stone cuffs. 
You grabbed a gun and ran towards them. Even rusted, you were incredibly fast. With an impulse, you jumped and grabbed Marco by the collar, shooting the marine with Haki-imbued bullets. 
But again, too late.
Perhaps years ago, you would have been able to prevent this from happening, but at that moment, all you could do was get him out of Kizaru's sight, causing his laser to hit you in the thigh. 
You turned in the air, changing your position so that he fell on you when you landed. In that battle, his life was worth more than yours, and it was your duty to offer support to the Commanders - your Commander, especially. His body had already gone through a lot of stress, and the sea stone handcuffs prevented him from using his powers.
You tried to muffle the scream when you hit the floor. 
¨You ok?¨ you asked.
With so much of a glimpse he put himself to his feet, ignoring you and the blood he spilled before running back to the mess. 
From that moment on, the situation got really bad, really quick. You went berserk, killing the marines like a freaking calamity. Your thigh was gushing blood, deep gashes covered your body, and your heart was torn apart. 
Because despite all of your effort and sacrifice, the mission failed.
You didn´t see what had happened, but the person you were supposed to rescue, Ace, the Second Division Commander, was dead on the floor. And his brother was having a breakdown.
Ace had a peaceful smile on his face, and you thought that it would have been nice to get to know him better.  From the days you shared a cell, you understood why Pops wanted to keep him. He was a pretty nice guy, after all. 
¨And how did you end up here?¨ Ace asked you.
¨Remember the solo mission thing?¨ he nodded, and you gave him a ´ta-dah face. 
Suddenly, he got pale.
¨This... This is where you´ve been for the past two years? Why?¨
You hummed, pondering over your words.
¨I know things about the World Government that I shouldn´t. And when they found out, I got an ultimatum... I could turn myself in, or they would have thrown a buster call on us.¨
¨Y-You sacrificed yourself? But you know Pops could have handled it, right? We all could have handled it.¨
You smiled at him, deciding not to tell him the ugly truth. 
The World Government knew about your knowledge regarding the Ancient Weapons and the National Treasure of Marie Geoise for a long time, but they waited to get to you. They waited until they had the perfect chance, and Whitebeard´s illness was just it. 
At the beginning of his illness, he didn´t have the proper medication and life support devices, so he was vulnerable. Still stronger than all of you together but too vulnerable to deal with the Admirals and the CP-Zero.
When you took Whitebeard´s hand and accepted to be his daughter, you swore your loyalty to him, you vowed to protect your family even if it cost your life.
¨Yeah, I guess this one is on me.¨
After listening to everything he had told you, you knew Whitebeard would use the public execution to rescue him. He would not let anyone take another child of his. 
That was the reason why you couldn´t tell Ace about your father´s state - not that he didn´t know, but he could be oblivious. And he would be crushed with guilt if anything happened to your old man. 
¨Hum, but tell me, kid. Any chance the phoenix had already forgiven me?¨
You saw your answer in his awkward look. 
¨He didn´t know about this as well, right?¨ Ace opened and closed his mouth a couple of times ¨He thought you had bailed on us when Pops needed you the most and... he still likes you, Y/N. He´s just hurt.¨
¨Yeah... okay...¨ you whispered.
¨If you´re right... and Pops comes to rescue me, I´ll let everyone know you´re here. And we´ll come to rescue you.¨
Your nose burned with the feeling of crying. Even with his powers restrained by the sea stone cuffs, he was so warm. 
¨Well... I could use another day in the sun.¨ and you sobbed. 
But there was no sun. 
There was no sun, and your father, together with Ace and thousands of your allies, were gone. 
And the dream of brewing saké with your family, you did reach it, but couldn´t hold it.
When he opened a crater on the ground, separating him from his crew, you stood beside him, begging him to reconsider 
¨Pops, don´t do this...¨ you whined, choking on your own tears ¨I-I just came back...¨
He looked at you in the eyes and wiped your tears.
¨My daughter...  I´m sorry I failed you.¨ You shook your head and held his huge hand ¨I know you´ll take care of the boys. Your room and your seat remain untouched.¨
You couldn´t say anything else before he threw you on the other side. 
Now the Red Hair Pirates were collecting Whitebeard and Ace´s bodies to assist with the funeral. Jozu scooped you in his amrs and carried you back to the ship as you cried. He walked you to your old room and put you in the bed, leaving without a word. 
Inside of your cabin, you raged, not wanting to accept the fate of things. You punched the walls until your knuckles bled, you cried until your throat hurt and wished to go back in time, when you were in your dirty cell, and Whitebeard was still alive. 
When do you think people die?
When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol?
When they are ravaged by an incurable disease?
No. It’s when… they are forgotten.
When the sun began to fall, you got up from the cold woodboard and reached the door, making your way to the deck. 
The Commanders and the rest of the crew were scattered around, mourning their losses. The family was falling apart, and this time Pops wasn´t there to glue the pieces back together.
I know you´ll take care of the boys.
His words echoed in your head. 
You watched the hundreds of men injured, bleeding through their wounds and passing out unattended. Where was the man in charge? 
A sudden anger consumed you, and you rushed to his room, kicking the door open. 
¨What the fuck do you think you´re doing?!¨ he didn´t answer, nor did he move. 
Marco looked miserable, sitting on the mattress, leaning forward with both hands on his head. 
You had a lot of emotions going on in your head.
You were happy because you got to hear Whitebeard call you daughter one last time, but you didn´t know how to live in a world where he didn´t. 
You were happy to be with your family again, but it killed you to see them crumbled like that. 
¨Not now.¨ he spoke when you approached with calmer steps. His voice was hushed and broken. 
¨Marco, you have to-¨
¨Get out, yoi.¨
¨No. You are the one getting out and help-¨
¨GET THE HELL OUT, Y/N!¨ he roared.
¨NO!¨ you roared back and pulled him by his collar, facing his teary and red eyes. ¨YOU TURNED YOUR BACK TO ME ONCE, BUT I WON´T LET YOU DO THE SAME TO THEM!¨
You let go of him and shed heavy tears.
¨You have thirteen Commanders and hundreds of men out there who need you. So suck it and step in.¨ you said with gritted teeth. 
¨They can handle themselves, yoi.¨ he grumbled.
You scowled
¨Is this how far your loyalty goes?¨ he clenched his fists ¨Pops offered you a seat on his side, and you took it! NOW USE IT!¨
¨SHUT UP! YOU DON´T KNOW THE THINGS WE´VE BEEN THROUGH, Y/N!¨ he marched towards you, stopping a few inches from you and yelling in your face ¨You have no idea the things we´ve lost, the things I have lost!¨
¨I do know!¨ you pushed his chest ¨I have always known, but you didn´t! You didn´t because you´re Marco, the Phoenix! And you´re great! Great rare, mythical Devil Fruit. Great First Division Commander. YOU. ARE. GREAT.¨ you sobbed, helpless ¨But being great didn´t make you confident, it made you spoiled. It made you forget what loss feels like. And now you lost. We lost.¨
He let himself fall on the mattress again, head down, tears dropping on his ragged pants. 
¨So you don´t get to drown yourself in commiseration, Marco. You don´t get to sit here, feeling sorry for yourself.¨ your voice came out weak ¨They need you. I... need you.¨
You watched him for a couple of minutes but seeing that he wouldn´t move, you sighed, ready to leave the room and do his job. 
¨I hated you, yoi.¨ Marco said before you could leave..
¨I know.¨ you whispered and leaned against the door. 
More tears fell. 
Two years in Impel Down were not enough to break you, but that... that was a difficult hit to take. 
¨All these years, I hated you every single day.¨ 
¨I know.¨ 
¨Even when I thought you were dead, I hated you.¨
¨I know.¨
¨And when Pops told me what you did for him... I hated myself.¨ 
The both of you broke down. 
¨I know, Marco.¨
You turned slowly and walked to him, sitting by his side, laying your head on his shoulder. 
His shaky hands held yours, and you weakened, feeling the touch you missed so much.
¨I can´t do this, Y/N.¨
¨Yes, you can.¨ you touched his face gently, so he would look at you ¨We can.¨
You slipped to the floor, holding each other in your arms, hoping that the tears would wash away the pain, the guilt, and regret. 
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[Marine] Kaito (Snow Snow Fruit) - Headcanons
// can be diverged to fit AU/bond/ship/etc
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Kaito started as an eager recruit, having already ate the Yuki Yuki no Mi / Snow Snow Fruit. Shy and unsure of himself at first, he soon gained confidence by working hard, with mastery over his Devil Fruit powers and Rokushiki, combining the two at times to enhance his abilities. He is against killing, believing he would be no better than pirates if he does.
Canon insert // replacing filler character Yukimura coz coincidence!
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Kaito quickly rises through the ranks, becoming a Rear Admiral with his own special division that specialises in infiltration and investigation. He becomes devoted to his work, earning his reputation as the Marine’s ‘Snowman’ due to his devil fruit and distant demeanor. He is more friendly with those he is close and familiar with, even orchestrating the occasional prank too in between work. 
Kaito saves Koby during the Marineford War, telling him to hide and survive if he is not ready to put his life on the line to fight. Also he briefly clashed with Akainu after Kaito stopped him from executing Marines that were fleeing out of fear too. 
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onepiecereactions · 4 years
One piece Halloween 2020 scenario: Marco, Ace, Thatch, Whitebeard and Garp.
Title: Five minutes before midnight
Notes: Family / Friendship / Drama / Funny. Around 3 000 words. SFW.  
(Sorry for the mistakes my main language is French)
Five minutes before midnight
 Three knocks echoed against the door of the sleeping pirate. He growled as he snapped out of his sleep and put on his glasses. Then he rubbed his head as he looked at his clock: five minutes before midnight. He huffed, tired but unfortunately used to being disturbed in the middle of the night. Three knocks sounded again and this time the pirate could hear tiny claws slash through his door. Surprised, he used his haki: two men and a cat were waiting behind his door. But that wasn't what surprised Marco the most: all his brothers were sleeping. Absolutely none were awake, even the man on guard. Which meant that the two men behind his door were not from his crew. His blood stopped for a second. He kept his cool, however, and opened the door, ready to fight if necessary. Behind the door, Marco could see a calm, extremely calm sea. Thick black clouds had taken over the sky and prevented almost all of the moon's rays from passing through. He didn't hear a single sound, not even the sound of waves crashing gently against the Moby Dick. He could only hear the cat purring in front of him. Marco came face to face with the two men his haki had identified. The men, barely taller than a 10-year-olds child, were quite calm. One of them, the one who didn't have the cat on his shoulder, was eating a pumpkin. Marco remained on his guard. They stayed several seconds to look at each other straight in the eyes. The two dwarfs didn't look hostile, but something was wrong.
- Number 8834MF77? Asked the one with the cat in a deep voice that didn't quite match his height ...
Marco was stunned, completely lost. He could not sense any power from the two men, and to tell the truth, he felt no hint of life emanating from them. Yet they stood well in front of him… and his brothers were still sleeping.
- 8834MF77, hurry, we have more people planned. Said the dwarf while consulting a long parchment filled with scribbles. He pointed to the west end of the ship.
Marco tilted his head and was amazed: a small mansion was floating a few yards from the Moby Dick. A few lights made it possible to detect the foundations of the house which must have been three floors and barely three hundred square meters. At the entrance, an elderly woman was leaning against a table where Marco could see pumpkins for sale. No sail, oar, or flotation mechanism seemed to allow the mansion to move. Yet the house was proudly in the middle of the ocean and was moving slowly, without a sound.
The second dwarf put his foot on the ground to show his impatience. Marco refocused on him.
-The new world ... he mumbled to himself. That was the only explanation he could find for understanding all of  these.
-Number 8834MF77, are you coming? Insisted the dwarf. The black cat on his shoulder was staring at Marco with his beautiful green eyes.
-No thank you… The pirate replied simply, not really sure of the answer to give.
The two dwarves shrugged their shoulders and walked back along the Moby Dick to the mansion. Marco came out of his room lightly, to make sure the two men got off the ship. For safety, he used his haki one last time throughout the Moby Dick. No other intruder was present.
The two men jumped over the ramp of the pirate ship and quickly landed on the mansion's terrace. One of them stole a small pumpkin from the old woman who had fallen asleep and the two rushed into the mansion. Immediately, Marco could see the mansion rotate on itself and move slowly. The strange building then passed in front of his eyes. Never, in so many years of piracy, had he seen such a thing. He moved closer to the edge to better see the "ship". The wood creaked in some places and a few rooms were lit, letting shadows be seen. Marco used his haki again: no signs of life emanated from the building. He was about to return to his room as the mansion began to pass the Moby Dick when his blood froze again. Beyond one of the windows, Marco recognized a shadow. He hesitated for a moment. It was not possible ... But yet he had seen it ... This shadow looked like his captain, who died just a few weeks ago in Marine Ford. He remained stoic for a few seconds and began to run down the halls of the Moby Dick in an attempt to reach the mansion, which was moving further and further away. As the "ship" began to face him back, he saw through a second window two other figures. His heart knotted; a wave of sadness washed over him. He easily recognized the bodies of his two deceased brothers: Ace and Thatch. Time seemed to freeze around him. He didn't even try to figure out how, why? He just saw the three most missed beings in the world in front of him, chatting as if the past few months were just bad memories. But still behind him was the grieving Moby Dick and his few brothers who survived the war.
Marco was not an impulsive man. He was thoughtful, mature, master of himself. But when the possibility of reuniting with his family presented itself in front of him, he didn't even hesitate for a second. Even if it means going into a trap, even if it means losing his life, these last minutes will have allowed him to feel alive again.
Blue flames swept over the deck of the Moby Dick, and the magnificent phoenix soared gracefully towards the mansion. With a few flaps of his wings, Marco found himself at the front door. The old woman woke up slowly when she felt the pirate but immediately fell asleep again next to her pumpkins. Marco knocked on the door. No answer. He could hear noises behind the door. He knocked a second time, and at the lack of response, he gently opened the door. He came face to face with a receptionist.
The room was tiny. Only a desk sat in the middle of the room. Behind him was a woman, in her fifties, scribbling on parchment. A huge chandelier swayed above the blond's head, to the rhythm of the sea. Through the window, Marco could see the Moby Dick slowly pulling away. He hold a sigh. He had sworn to protect this ship and its occupants, but the possibility of finding his father, Ace and Thatch had made him lose his mind.
He stood there in front of the receptionist for a few minutes, waiting for her to note his presence. Which she did after a few minutes.
-Number 8834MF77 is that right? She asked in her voice damaged by years of heavy drinking.
-I guess… Marco replied simply.
The woman sighed, grabbed a huge book from the counter, and hurried through the pages.
-Marco the phoenix. Captain of the Moby Dick. You were scheduled for five minutes before midnight, you are late... The woman muttered, looking at him over her glasses.
Marco turned to the huge owl-shaped clock stuck in the wall: five minutes before midnight.
-I'll need your social security number. She said, picking up a pen.
-My number of…? I don’t have one. Marco replied, scratching his head. But where had he fallen? Does this mansion belonged to the world government ?
-You have no social security at all? The woman repeated, clearly showing her impatience.
-Well, little boy, that is very dangerous. You shouldn’t play with your health, you know.
-I'm a phoenix… I heal myself… Marco replied simply, completely surprised by the conversation.
-Yeah, you were less proud during MarineFord... The receptionist whispered as she drew a long line in front of number 8334MF77.
Marco waited a little longer. He was looking around for his brothers, but the hall only led to a room on the left and behind the receptionist were rails.
“Next stop, Vice-Admiral Monkey D Garp's ship, five minutes before midnight,” screamed the escargophone on the wall.
Marco turned around, surprised. By his calculations, the vice-admiral's ship was at least a three-hour drive from Moby Dick and was heading south. How could they have already arrived, when they had left less than ten minutes ago. And why was it still five minutes before midnight when it had been twenty minutes or more after five minutes before midnight?
-Well, you're not going to look like a plant, are you? We have other clients arriving. Hurry to get dressed in the storage room and take the train. We don't have all night. The woman vociferated as she left her desk.
A dwarf suddenly rushed past Marco. It wasn't one of the two he'd seen on the Moby Dick, but this one was at least as small and as big. He rushed into Marco's legs and took him by the waist to take him to the storage room. The pirate found himself thrown into the completely black room. He barely had time to feel the dwarf's hands all over his body when he felt a tissue around his right leg. A red scarf. A few seconds later, the dwarf guided him without delicacy towards the mini train. It was plain, black, but no conductor was visible. Marco sat in the front row of the locomotive, which started off just as hard. The blond was thrown against his seat and immediately filled with darkness as the train passed.
Within seconds, the train slipped out of the tunnel and tumbled into a tiny city. The buildings must have been barely twice Marco's size and were covered with red bricks. Tiny businesses lined up and a few dwarves, women this time, were walking on the streets with their children. Marco felt himself faint. Absolutely none of this situation was normal, logical. How could such a small mansion have an entire city? The train continued through the streets and headed at full speed towards a hill dotted with small hiking trails.
Marco was pulled out of his contemplation by a pat on the shoulder. Behind him was a child, red hair, barely three feet tall. She was smiling at him.
-Good night 8334MF77, who did you come to see? She asked gently.
Marco, still surprised, listed the names of his two brothers and his father.
-Oïïïï driver, stop at door 230B! She yelled at the back of the train. The machine took a sharp turn which pushed Marco against the window. When he saw again, the girl was gone.
Snow began to fall gently from the sky, which he couldn’t see the end. He was sure it wasn't the sky he was seeing from the Moby Dick, and this mansion was supposed to have a roof. The train stopped abruptly. Marco lost his balance again but remained seated. He heard a door slam at the back of the train and a figure, small and fat, ran towards him. Seconds later, the train conductor grabbed his shirt collar and pushed him out of the train. Marco fell heavily on the snow-covered lawn and saw the train leave at high speed. He stood up quickly and scanned the horizon. He was facing a wooden wall lined with numbered doors.
-230C right? He said to himself, trying to remember the little girl's words that had been partially covered by the sound of the train.
He made his way to gate 230C but was quickly stopped by a skeleton bursting from inside the wall.
-Keep off your shoes please, I just washed the floor. He said, his huge glasses pointed at Marco. The pirate didn't dare to ask him why a skeleton needed glass, he just dropped his shoes off at the entrance.
He opened the door and rushed into the room. It was bathed in a comforting golden light. He could see in the corner a young woman sitting on a red sofa, a book in her hands. She was so absorbed in reading that she didn't even notice the pirate's presence. Marco barely had time to examine the features of the woman's face - she was vaguely telling him something - when he heard the train stop again a few feet behind the door he had just passed. Seconds later, the door slammed open, letting someone rush into the room. It only took a few seconds for him to recognize Vice-Admiral Garp's massive body. The vice-admiral stared at him, surprised to see him, but said nothing. Marco realized he wasn’t supposed to be here and left the room, letting the Marine fal into the woman's arms.
He gently closed the door behind him and walked back to the skeleton grumbling at Garp who hadn't taken his shoes off before entering.
- Hurry up, chicken, it's 230B not 230C, it will soon be midnight. The skeleton vociferated while washing the floor.
Marco did so immediately and walked without knocking into room 230B.
He was first blinded by the light. It took him several seconds before he could open his eyes. His heart seemed to come out of his chest.
-Oï? he said in a barely perceptible voice.
The other three men in the room turned to him. They all stared at each other for a few seconds, before the dark-haired man rushed over the blond and hugged him as strong as he could. Tears rolled down Marco's cheeks as he felt the softness of Ace's hair tickling his skin, when he felt his peculiar scent, when he heard his brother laugh in his ear. Ace finally released him and Marco could see his father at the end of the room, sitting at the table, Thatch at his side cutting a turkey with surgical precision. They both gave a warm smile to Marco, completely confused, who joined them directly at the table. He sat down, felt father's hand place a napkin next to the plate Thatch was rushing to fill. Marco couldn't speak anymore, he just admired them. Never in his life had he seen a more beautiful scene. Ace sat down next to Marco, a huge smile on his face before he was took over by a narcolepsy attack and collapsed head first in his plate. Thatch grumbled when he caught turkey splashes in the face but handed his plate to Marco.
- Enjoy it! Said the cook before sitting down and drink his glass of wine.
Marco was about to ask his father the why and how of this surreal situation when the huge owl-shaped clock hanging on the wall rang with a loud melody sweeping through the room. The three awakened men looked at the clock: it was exactly midnight. Edward Newgate turned to the blond and in an almost imperceptible whisper told him, "I love you my son. "
Marco didn’t have the time to answer as the escargophone hanging on the wall screamed again:
“Midnight, midnight, get ready for the fall! ".
Marco's heart raced, something was wrong. All his senses were awake and he look out the window. He then saw, a few meters in front of the manor, an enormous waterfall and the manor which was heading straight for it at high speed. Barely a minute later, Marco couldn’t felt the ground under his feet: the mansion began to fall, carried along by the speed of the waterfall. He was the only one in the room to panic: Ace still slept like a child, Whitebeard continued to eat his turkey and Thatch put his glass of wine back on the table, as Marco was thrown against the wall, dragged down by the fall of the mansion. He turned to Thatch, whom he thought he heard talking. "Don't be in too much in a hurry to join us, pineapple, everything happen at the right time..." Marco could not have said if it was a hallucination or if his brother had actually spoken to him. A second later, Marco closed his eyes, ready to take the shock of the fall.
He jumped up, sweat dripping from his forehead. Reflexively, he tried to swallow deep breaths of air, as if he were battling drowning. He recovered quickly when he realized that he was not at the bottom of the ocean but in his bed, in the cabin of the Moby Dick. He wiped his face and noticed that someone was knocking on the door. He preferred to use his haki and recognized his brother Vista. He sighed. He tried to reassure himself by telling himself that it had all been a bad dream, even though it had seemed very realistic to him. He hurried to get rid of his soaked blankets and quickly got up to open the door to his brother. When he walked over to the door and opened it automatically, he froze, his hands shaking. His gaze scanned his right leg: the red scarf was still around his leg.
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midnightluck · 4 years
You mentioned this in your ASL analysis but what do you think is the difference between a "will die for him" vs "will kill for him" type of love? To play devil's advocate, do you think this make one type of love greater than the other? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.
Ahh, yes, let’s talk love! Also, fair warning, biased biased biased, as usual. That being said, here we go.
There are as many different types of love as there are people, of course, and I can’t say as any are stronger or better or purer than any others, because honestly? It’s not about the loved one, or the love itself. It’s about the issues, anger, and reactions of the one who loves.
I know I’ve talked before about this particular dynamic, and about offensive vs defensive reactions, and Ace and Sabo’s different types of reactions and anger, but where I draw the line on will kill for/will die for is usually dependent on the actions/reactions of the person who loves.
Buckle up; this is a long one.
Sabo, for example, is a very angry person with both internal and external triggers. He tends towards offense first, or at least, the Sabo I write does. In canon, we only really see him when he’s showing up to fight, so I’m extrapolating.
Ace, on the other hand, is a very angry person with mostly internal triggers. He tends towards defensive and is more willing to throw himself away for his loved ones, a trait he comes by honestly.
But Lucky, I hear you cry, how did you come to those conclusions?
Well, Sabo and Ace are both victims of society, to some extent, and they are both persecuted for the circumstances of their birth and the sins of their fathers.  This is honestly probably why they bonded in the first place. The difference is, is Sabo’s persecution is for his class, and Ace’s is for himself, and that changes a lot about how that persecution is borne.
Sabo is a noble by birth. Nobles are shit. He’s angry to be a noble, and he’s angry about who nobles are and what they are (or aren’t) doing. He has an entire tier of society to be angry at. A modern-day equivalent might be hating being a millennial because millennial, we are told, are awful and ruining everything.
Ace, on the other hand, is the victim of his father’s reputation. It’s not some faceless mass of people that he’s a part of, but him, specifically. It is his specific existence that is the crime, and because it is that much more targeted, it’s that much easier to believe. A modern-day equivalent might be....say, Rebecca Black?
It is easier to fight persecution and oppression when it is a wide swathe of people that you are a part of, even if that’s a small minority of the population. “Sure,” you could say, “some of us do that, but I don’t; I’m not the worst parts of anything you’re accusing us all of.” Ace does not have that luxury. Everything said about him is said only about him.
This is why I tend to write a Sabo that is aggressive and offensive, and an Ace who is defensive. Sabo has something to fight against, something that he knows isn’t true about him, and a way he can prove it. Ace had that too, pre-Whitebeard, and he had that murder-rage then as well. They were so similar, which makes sense given where and how they grew up.
The difference is, Ace accepted that he was capable of being more than the stereotype he was being painted as. That’s the other thing about being the center of a targeted campaign, is that when you accept that you are (or are not) what people are accusing you of, you can let it go and the accusations lose all power. Sabo, however, can never stop having noble blood, and the accusations are wide enough that he will always fit some of them.
Both methods of persecution are insidious, awful, and crushing in different ways. Neither can really be escaped alone, but I think cult psychology, conspiracy thought, and deprogramming are thoughts for another day. And anyway, what that brings us to is this:
Sabo is in the habit of fighting and killing and raging, and he knows the world is unfair. He will attack someone who attacks him, and he will kill someone who threatens to hurt him and his because he knows, intimately, that some lives are intrinsically worth less than others. His reaction to a threat is remove the threat. He will stab a bitch and not lose a second of sleep about it, because, and I cannot stress this enough: Sabo is fighting a war.
Ace is not. He’s living his life, and while he also knows that some lives are worth less than others, he thinks his own is pretty low down on the scale. It’s not that he’s suicidal, not really, just that, for example, Luffy’s happiness is worth more than Ace’s life. He is not actively looking for death (and while an argument could be made for passively, that’s not relevant here), and his reaction to a threat is protect the victim.
This is the logic we see at Marineford, which not only put him in front of Luffy, but put his back to the enemy. That move was one million percent fully defensive. He did not respond to the threat, he protected the victim.
The second part of this, is, of course, the aftermath. Sabo’s method can be used over and over again, at the expense of his emotional well-being. He’s still around to help protect Luffy, to be a part of his life. Ace’s can be used, well, once, and if he’s not around after, well, they’re better off without him anyway.
Now, I can’t judge the validity of being willing to kill for someone vs being willing to die for them. A lot of the time, they actually go hand-in-hand (see: Mika (Owari no Seraph), Hua Cheng (TGCF), Frankenstein (Noblesse), among others.) All I can say is that it affects how the character reacts in certain situations, and what kind of story you can use that to tell.
I think it’s always important to know how far your characters are willing to go, even if they won’t ever have to, because the fastest way to write a compelling, emotional story is simply knowing what will make your character break.
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purplehairedwonder · 4 years
Inside a Broken Dream Chapter 3
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen, briefest hint of Lawlu that you can ignore Words: 3325 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Penguin, Jean Bart, Donquixote Doflamingo, Smoker, Tashigi Note: Story title comes from the Vertical Horizon song “Shackled.” Character and relationship tags reflect the current chapter. Obviously this is canon-divergent ;)
Summary: Two years after Wano, peace on the Grand Line is fragile. Trafalgar Law and the Heart Pirates are doing their best to help maintain the peace, but the return of a figure from Law’s past might shatter the balance of power entirely.
Previous chapters: 1 | 2
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
“White Chase-ya?”
Smoker’s eyes flicked in Law’s direction, and his lips thinned into a line. “Law.”
Law frowned. “What are you doing here?”
Smoker grimaced and leaned back against the wall of his cell. The Seastone shackles around his wrists clanked with his movements. “Somehow, I keep getting caught up in your shit with Joker.”
Law snorted despite himself. He supposed it was a bit of déjà vu, calling back to being locked up on Punk Hazard. Too bad Law was restrained with actual Seastone this time.
Penguin was looking between Law and Smoker, confused, but he clearly knew he wouldn’t get an explanation so instead asked, “Did Akainu really let Doflamingo out of Impel Down and give him a ship to go after Captain?”
Smoker grunted. “Is that what he said?”
Jean Bart nodded. “He also said he wasn’t interested in running errands for Akainu.”
“That much is true, anyway,” Smoker replied. His tone made it eminently clear that he was unhappy to be having this conversation with three pirates—but he answered anyway.
“What do you mean?”
“Sakazuki did want to go after Law,” he said, nodding in Law’s direction. “And after Dressrosa, he thought he could use Doflamingo to do it.”
Had Law had the energy, he would have straightened at that. As it was, he narrowed his eyes. “What does he know about Dressrosa?”
Law knew Penguin and Jean Bart were watching him—he’d been intentionally vague about what had gone on there and why, though Penguin knew far more than most of the Heart Pirates about Law’s history with the former Warlord, and he’d rarely mentioned it since. At the moment, he couldn’t bring himself to care. The last thing he wanted was his history with Doflamingo to become common knowledge. Sengoku knew because of his connection to Cora-san, but Law got the impression the man was content in his retirement to let things lie in his adopted son’s memory. Akainu, though… The less that son of a bitch knew about Law, the better.
Smoker appraised him from his cell before speaking. “Whatever Fujitora reported, I assume.”
Of course. Though he wouldn’t know the details of the backstory, Fujitora had witnessed enough to know there was a history there—one that was intensely personal on both sides. That could have been enough for Akainu.
Law let out a breath. “Right.”
“Captain?” Penguin asked quietly, but Law shook his head. Penguin frowned but nodded.
“Why the sudden interest in the Captain?” Jean Bart asked. “He’s been an Emperor for two years now.”
Smoker shifted, seemingly looking for a more comfortable position. “It’s not sudden. Sakazuki’s had it in for you since you saved Straw Hat Luffy at Marineford,” he replied, addressing Law directly. “He took that as a personal insult. And then you pulled that stunt to become a Warlord and made an alliance with the rubber idiot before proceeding to completely upend the status quo on the Grand Line.” He raised an eyebrow. “Need I go on?”
“I broke the gears,” Law had said when he’d destroyed the SAD production on Punk Hazard. And the effects had certainly avalanched after that, though Law hadn’t necessarily expected to see it.
“I’m sure he’s thrilled the alliance hasn’t ended either,” Law muttered.
Law had known that he was in this alliance for the long haul the morning after Doflamingo’s fall. Law had been sitting, his body broken and spirit afloat, among the drooping sunflowers as the sun rose over the toy soldier’s cabin. Luffy, who Law thought had been sleeping off his injuries, had sat down next to him with a murmured “Torao” and had gently entwined their fingers. Law had leaned into him in silent response. Thank you. Why am I alive? What do I do now? all running through his mind. Luffy had tightened his grip on Law’s hand, anchoring him.
“He knew targeting you would draw Straw Hat’s attention,” Smoker confirmed. “He was counting on it.”
“Is he trying to start a war?” Penguin demanded, aghast.
“The closer Straw Hat comes to finding Laugh Tale, the more anxious he gets. He’ll take any chance to stop that from happening.” Smoker shrugged. “Though it’s moot now; Doflamingo screwed Sakazuki over.”
“Which brings us back to the Captain’s original question: How do you figure into this, Smoker?” Jean Bart asked, crossing his arms. Law belatedly noticed that Jean Bart had shackles around his wrists as well, though they were of the regular sort since he wasn’t a Fruit user. A quick glance confirmed Penguin did too.
“I was assigned to lead the mission. Doflamingo was chained with so much Seastone I could barely get near him, and he was guarded by multiple soldiers at all times. He was supposed to be an asset, nothing more.”
Law raised an eyebrow, lips twitching. “You were coming to take me on, White Chase-ya?” Their last fight hadn’t gone particularly well for Smoker, though he had saved Law’s life by recovering his heart from Vergo. Law would always hate the Marines after what had happened to Flevance, but Smoker was one he grudgingly respected. Still. “Should I be offended that I didn’t even warrant an admiral’s attention?”
Smoker replied with an unimpressed look. “The admirals have been spread thin over the last two years, and you know it.” It was true; since Doflamingo’s fall and the end of his underworld empire, the dissolution of the Warlords, and Kaido’s defeat, the admirals had had their work cut out for them keeping the peace.
“Even so, attacking an Emperor without an admiral—” Jean Bart began.
“And with a former Warlord on board,” Penguin added helpfully.
“—seems like a mission that should be led by an admiral,” Jean Bart finished.
Law found himself wondering if Akainu sent Smoker because he had history with Law… and Straw Hat-ya.
Smoker sighed. “Like I said, its moot now anyway.”
“Because Doflamingo escaped,” Law supplied.
“Once we approached your territory, he was released from the strongest Seastone restraints with the understanding he’d be shot on the spot with a Seastone bullet if he pulled anything.”
Law grimaced. Idiots.
“Oh, so it’s your fault Captain got shot,” Penguin snapped. “Always so competent, you Marines.”
Smoker startled, turning to examine Law. Law gestured weakly at his wound, his shackles clinking. “Seastone bullet lodged in my shoulder.” His lips curled. “Thanks for that.”
“That explains a lot,” Smoker mumbled before raising his voice. “You’re right.” He said it as if it took a great amount of effort to make the concession. It probably did. “He took control of the ship almost immediately. He overwhelmed us, and he forced my men to cuff me, knowing I wouldn’t fight them.” His voice tightened as he spoke, barely containing his fury at the memory.
Something was still bothering Law. “Where’s your number two? The swordswoman.”
Smoker’s expression darkened. “He’s got her on guard duty. She was watching me when he attacked you.”
That explained why Law hadn’t seen either of them earlier; Doflamingo likely hadn’t wanted to risk losing any measure of control of the situation by putting familiar faces in the battle.
“Has Doflamingo said what he wants?” Jean Bart asked after a quiet moment, eyes flicking to Law before returning to Smoker.
Smoker shook his head before landing his stare flatly on Law. “He just called it Family business.”
Law jerked into full consciousness, hissing as his shoulder flared and blinking as the brig door opened and light once more flooded the dim room. After the conversation with Smoker, the four men had fallen into an uncomfortable silence. Law had felt drained—and by more than just the excessive amounts of Seastone he was being exposed to.
At some point, night had fallen—the Heart Pirates’ confrontation with Doflamingo had happened near dusk, and Law had apparently been out for several hours after that—though the darkened brig gave little indication of the time of day. Law had slumped back against the wall in the least painful position he could manage and had drifted in and out of wakefulness, familiar dreams of gunshots, black feathers, blood, and laughter never far from the back of his eyelids.
Two Marines entered the brig and stopped in front of Law’s cell. Law watched as they opened the door and stepped inside toward him. Despite the movements Doflamingo’s strings were forcing them to make, they looked back toward Smoker.
“V-vice Admiral,” the second Marine muttered. “We can’t—”
“I know,” Smoker gritted out. “Don’t blame yourselves. Focus on staying alive now to fight back later.”
“Yessir,” both men agreed before returning their attention to Law.
Law inhaled sharply and his vision spun as the Marines hauled him to his feet.
“Captain!” Penguin called as the Marines pushed Law out of his cell and toward the door. Law didn’t resist; he didn’t have the strength to with the Seastone still in his shoulder. “Where are you taking him?”
They all knew the answer to that question. “Doflamingo wants to see him,” the first Marine said in unneeded confirmation.
“It’s fine, Penguin,” Law said over his shoulder. “He wants me alive.” For how long, Law didn’t know. But he could use this chance to do some reconnaissance—anything was better than just sitting in that cell helplessly.
“Penguin.” That was Jean Bart. Law was, not for the first time since Sabaody, thankful for the former captain’s calm and presence of mind; it had made him an instantly popular presence on the Polar Tang, and Law had always taken his counsel, when offered, seriously. “He knows.”
As the brig door swung shut, Law caught a glimpse of Penguin’s worried look and Jean Bart’s level, if somber, stare.
Law was surprised when the Marines steered him up some stairs then into a bathroom. “He told us to tell you to clean yourself up,” the second Marine said, nodding to the small bathroom. The Marines left Law alone in the bathroom, waiting outside.
For a moment, irritation at being underestimated flooded through Law’s veins, but it quickly diminished as he realized there wasn’t much he could do from here—the Seastone was suppressing his powers and draining his strength, and the small window wasn’t big enough for Law to fit through; and even if he could have fit through the window, where would he go? They were on a ship in the middle of the ocean, and Law was an anchor. Not to mention, two of Law’s men were still prisoners in the brig, and he wouldn’t leave without them.
Law took the opportunity to relieve himself then checked his pockets—an awkward task with his restraints. He sighed in relief when he found his surgical kit; the Marines must not have gone through his pockets once he was taken captive—or Doflamingo hadn’t made them do so. His mistake. With this, Law could remove the Seastone bullet from his shoulder and alleviate its worst effects. Or Penguin could. He hoped.
Returning the kit to his pocket, Law turned on the faucet and splashed some water in his face. He dared a glance into the mirror and winced. His features were (unsurprisingly) more drawn than usual, and though his navy shirt was dark enough to disguise much of the blood, there was still an obvious dark stain on the shoulder. He wet one of the towels then gently pulled the cloth of his shirt away from the skin, wincing when the dried blood caused it to stick. Once he’d separated the fabric from his skin, he took the damp towel and gently cleaned off as much of the blood as he could. It was awkward with his restricted wrists, but he managed as best he could. As the blood came away, the purpling of the skin became obvious around the bullet wound. He prodded around the wound with his fingers, grimacing at its tenderness.
There was a knock at the door. “All right, Trafalgar. Let’s go.”
With a weary sigh, Law splashed another handful of water in his face then dried off with a clean towel. He opened the door and allowed the Marines to push him forward down the hall again. He knew when to pick his battles, and this was not one of those times. Law did his best to make a mental map of the ship and number of Marines he saw, though his foggy mind wasn’t making that an easy task.
Eventually, Law was directed onto the ship’s deck. Law squinted at the morning sunlight, which was a stark contrast to the dim brig. He stumbled slightly, and the Marines shoved him forward. Law pressed his lips into a thin line but said nothing. Once his eyes adjusted, he saw he was been directed toward a small table with two chairs—one predictably occupied by Doflamingo. He was eating breakfast as Smoker’s number two was forced to stand behind him as a bodyguard. Law could practically feel the anger radiating off her, which he knew Doflamingo was basking in.
As Law approached, Doflamingo looked up and smirked. He gestured toward the empty chair across from him, and, when Law was too slow in taking it, twitched his fingers so Law’s Marine escorts pushed him down by the shoulders. Law ground his teeth against the jolt of fresh pain that radiated down his arm and through his chest but refused to give the other man the satisfaction of making a sound. Doflamingo’s smirk widened anyway. After dismissing the Marines with the wave of a hand, Doflamingo turned his full attention to Law.
“You know Captain Tashigi, don’t you, Law?” he said, nodding to the woman behind him. Her eyes flicked to Law and softened slightly before hardening again.
“We’ve met.”
“Hm. On Punk Hazard, wasn’t it?”
Doflamingo knew full well that was the case, so Law didn’t dignify the question with a response.
“Still delightful company, I see,” Doflamingo said, raising an eyebrow. “Some things never change, eh, Law?”
“My apologies,” Law drawled. “The Seastone bullet in my shoulder seems to be suppressing my manners as well as my Fruit.”
Doflamingo’s lips turned upward, apparently pleased at the response. “Fufufu. You must be hungry. Eat,” he directed, nodding toward the food on the table. No bread, Law noted idly.
Law didn’t move. Doflamingo sighed dramatically. “If I were going to kill you, Law, I wouldn’t have only shot you in the shoulder yesterday.” A twitch of the lips. “Besides, is poison really my style?”
Still, Law raised his shackled wrists wordlessly, indicating how awkward it would be to eat with the restraints on.
Amused, Doflamingo twitched his fingers, and one of the Marine guards from earlier came forward. He brandished a key and unlocked the shackle on Law’s right wrist. Law let out a relieved breath before he could stop himself, but the relief was short-lived as he realized the Marine was locking the free shackle to the chair; Law’s left arm—the unwounded one—was essentially useless. If he was going to eat, he’d have to use his wounded arm.
Law clenched his jaw, biting down on the words he’d like to spit at the other man, as Doflamingo chuckled. “Fufufu. You knew it wasn’t going to be that easy, Law. Now eat.”
Doing his best to ignore the intent gaze of the other man, Law resorted to serving himself from the dishes closest to him so he wouldn’t need to move his arm too much. He ended up with some eggs and fruit. He blinked in surprise when another Marine poured coffee into the mug in front of him. Doing his best to control the trembling in his arm, he gripped the mug and took a tentative sip to test the heat of the drink. It was tolerable, so he took a larger sip. Blessed caffeine. It helped clear the fog in his mind the tiniest bit.
Law picked, one-handed, at the food on his plate and took sips of coffee as he waited for Doflamingo to get to whatever it was that he wanted. He’d just popped a strawberry in his mouth when the other man finally spoke.
“I told you once that I would have been happy to settle things between us over drinks,” Doflamingo said. “Do you remember?”
Law paused, then swallowed the food. He looked up at Doflamingo, who had steepled his fingers and was staring at Law over them. Despite everything that had happened—despite how much stronger Law was now—that gaze still made Law feel ten years old.
“As I recall,” Law replied coolly, “Fujitora was holding me down with his gravity force after you’d shot me with your bullet strings.” He inclined his head. “But yes, I do remember.”
“I meant it, you know. You’re Family. We all were waiting for you to return to your rightful place.”
Law snorted derisively, memories of waking up chained to the Heart Throne after being shot with lead bullets bouncing around the back of his mind. “Is that what we’re doing here? Making up for lost time?” His eyes narrowed. “It’s hard to take you seriously when—” Law found himself suddenly without words as he thought about the previous day—about finding the smoldering wreck of Shachi’s ship and fighting to stop Shachi’s internal bleeding as he operated on his friend, about that damn gun—so just gestured at his shoulder with his free hand. He could feel sharp, fiery anger coursing under his skin, but the numbing effect of the Seastone doused it almost as quickly as it came on, leaving Law feeling cold and hollow.
“You know what kind of Family we are.”
Law distantly noted the use of the present tense but didn’t dwell on it. “And that’s why I never came back.”
Doflamingo was uncharacteristically silent for several moments before he finally spoke. “There’s been something I’ve been wondering since you came to Dressrosa, Law.”
Law inclined his head, waited.
“Where were you that night? Coraz- Rosinante said you were out of the Birdcage. But you weren’t, were you?”
Law blinked, startled by the question—and by Doflamingo’s use of his brother’s name. Whatever he’d been expecting the other man to say, that wasn’t it. He couldn’t read the look on Doflamingo’s face either. Law took a breath, collecting himself—what did it matter if he told him now?
“No, I wasn’t.” He could still feel snowflakes on his eyelashes and the walls of the treasure chest pressing in on him… “Cora-san put me in one of the treasure chests.” His lips twisted into an expression he knew was ugly. “I heard everything.”
Including Doflamingo declaring Law would be taught to die for him. It had haunted Law for years that, had he not heard those words and had the Family recovered him, he probably would have died for Doflamingo. Happily. For all the hatred Law carried for the man in front of him, he’d loved him once, too. The Family had called him a traitor when he put his vengeance plan into motion, but Law had been the one betrayed on Minion Island. He still woke up shaking and nauseated from nightmares in which he performed the Eternal Youth Operation, dying with a smile on his face for the man who’d murdered his savior.
Doflamingo stared at him for a long, tense moment as though placing Law into his memories of that night. It was… disconcerting. Then he nodded. “We never checked the chests.”
“No,” Law agreed.
Silence fell once more. Doflamingo continued to study Law across the table while Law tried not to think about getting out of the chest and walking away from the Family, sobbing soundlessly until he wasn’t.
Finally, Doflamingo seemed to shake himself out of whatever he was thinking and turned back to his involuntary bodyguard. “Take him back to the brig, would you, Captain Tashigi?”
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whirlybirdwhat · 5 years
Prompt answer for anon who requested
“may I ask for a Gin/Sanji that's happy? I loved how super sad it was in the au but I would really like Gin meeting the crew/Luffy without it being so horribly sad. (also sanji going "hey so this is my bf" amuses me)” 
SO ENJOY THE SANGIN I wrote this in a possessed haze last night.
Also @junemel this has elements from that one conversation that we had about gin meeting Duval its not close to it but I was this close to putting gin smacking the ever living shit out of Duval in it - this close
Anyway, enjoy! Sorry it took so long anon! Its a lil angsty but its very happy after that lol
Also on Ao3!
Six months after Gin’s life was changed by a hot meal and cigarette smoke on the Baratie of all places, he’s out on the Grand Line, chasing his dream – to escape from the life Krieg built, and create one better, one that is a true pirate’s life.
And six months after Gin last saw him, he sees Sanji’s grey blue eyes again… in the most hideous wanted poster he’s ever seen.
He promptly spits out his coffee when his first mate gives the paper with it to him at breakfast.
“What the fuck-“
Kinzo has the patience of a saint as he speaks while washing the coffee from his face (how the hell is the man not screaming from the hot liquid?)
“Straw Hat Luffy and crew razed Ennies Lobby to the ground eight days ago while seizing Devil Child Nico Robin from custody. All crew members received bounties and escaped Vice Admiral Garp on their way out of Water Seven, and are currently at large. Isn’t…” And here, a small smile breaks out on Kinzo’s face. “Sanji on that crew? It appears he has a bounty higher than yours’s now captain. 77,000,000 Belli?”
“That’s not Sanji.”
It can’t be.
The wanted poster is hand drawn, but the artist must be blind because there is no way Sanji’s nose looks like that, or his lips, and his eyes are sea blue not whatever that is.
The only thing they got right even slightly is his eyebrow, but even that could take some criticism.
“You sure captain?” Hashi asks from his corner of the galley. “Seems like he fits the description – blue eyes, blond hair, smoker, weird eye brow.”
“That’s NOT Sanji! It’s – its- “ Gin can’t even finish his sentence. It’s only been six months, surely Sanji hasn’t changed that much? Getting stronger he can picture (The paper is vague, doesn’t tell a lot, damn marine supporters, but isn’t Ennies Lobby the supposed home of CP9?) but this? No.
“It’s a stranger? Doesn’t have heaven made food?”
“Smile sent from heaven?”
“Eyes like the sea?”
“Super soft hands?”
“The kindest voice on earth?”
“SHUT UP! How do you even know all that?” His face is red. Man Demon Gin has never been so humiliated.
“You talk about him a lot when you’re… inebriated.” Kinzo states, taking a sip of his own coffee (is it boiling? Its boiling. Does his first mate have secret devil fruit powers or does he have no pain receptors?) to avoid continuing.
“CAPTAIN HAS A CRUSH!~” He is going to toss Hashi overboard, devil fruit or not.
“EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Gin slaps a hand to his head. “Breakfast is over, I do not have a crush, and that is not what Sanji looks like – and do you really want to insult a man who is worth twice all of your bounties and just smacked CP9 into the ground?”
Finally, his crew shuts up.
“Like I thought. Get to your stations – weather looks dark outside, might be a storm.”
And the Silver Horn Pirates rush to do as their captain orders – but not without a few passing remarks.
“Captain and Sanji Kissing in a tree – K – I – S – S –“
Another two months go by, full of teasing and laughter from his crew about Sanji, but it’s been quiet for the most part. The Straw hats haven’t made any big news officially, but there are rumors that Moira’s been kicked out of his position, and there’s only one crew crazy enough to do that unintentionally, so Gin’s sure that their doing all right.
Then the newspaper flops in his lap. It’s Kinzo again, and Sanji half expects it to be another Sanji poster – he likes to give him them, as if whoever on that poster can take the place of Sanji, but something in his face tells Gin otherwise.
He sets his cup down, and opens the paper.
Oh no – Sanji. Luffy. The rest of them – oh no.
There’s an odd note in his voice as he looks up at Kinzo. “Tell the crew to prepare to set sail. We head for Sabaody in three hours.”
Kinzo only nods – they’re five islands away, possible more because this is the Grand Line of all places, but half the crew is from Don Krieg’s armada.
They were at the Baratie when Luffy saved them, when Sanji gave them food. They know what’s at stake – they have to help the Straw Hats.
And so they will.
Three weeks later, Fire Fist Ace and Whitebeard are dead, and Straw Hat has reappeared at Marineford to ring in a new era.
Gin has tears in his eyes when he learns that Straw Hat is okay, because if he knows anyone, he knows that Straw Hat will never leave his nakama behind, and Sanji is nakama.
Sanji is alive.
(And the other straw hats, but forgive Gin for being biases, alright?)
Now he just has to find him.
On Sabaody, he does not meet Sanji – instead, he finds the face on the wanted poster, protecting Sanji’s ship.
“Duval?” Gin asks dubiously, as the man before him grins and attempts to wink, showing off his new face with the old wanted poster as comparison.
“In the handsome flesh! Are you friends of the Straw hats?”
“Yeah… One moment please?”
Gin turns to his crew with the most shit-eating grin.
“I told you it wasn’t Sanji.”
He turns back to Duval, not without catching a glimpse of resignation from his crew. He was right.
“So Duval –“
“You know when the Straw Hats are going to meet back up?” Gin wasn’t stupid. He’s seen the face of a king, and Sanji was on that King’s crew. There was no way they would be down for long.
Duval looks sad, or at least as sad as he can get with that face. “No, we do not… We don’t even know if they are coming back all.”
Again, Gin’s not stupid. Or maybe he is, he just has unwavering faith in a captain that isn’t his and a cook he’d only met once.
“But we will protect their beloved ship! Whatever it takes!”  There’s a fire in Duval’s eyes, one Gin’s sure is matched on his own face.
“Of course – but do you have any idea where they are now?”
Duval doesn’t have an answer, but he does have a rumor, and that rumor is that the Straw Hats were scattered to the winds with a swipe of a paw, more literal than the papers stated.
Gin figured it would go like this. The Straw Hats went at their own pace (their own world-toppling, war declaring, impossible pace that no one else could keep up with-) and it was unlikely that they would be seen before they wanted to be seen.
Likely in an international incident.
That doesn’t mean Gin won’t stop searching and training for the day he meets Sanji again.
He doesn’t know what the other is doing, but it has something to do with Straw Hat’s message – and Gin doesn’t think Sanji would take the death of his captain’s brother lying down.
Sanji’s getting stronger out there somewhere on the grand line, and like hell if Gin is falling behind.
It takes two and a half years to find him, but at least by then he can show his crew an actual picture of Sanji’s face – if in that stupid caricature he gets around girls.
Kinzo smiles at it, hands deep in boiling water as he washes the plates after dinner, and asks genteelly “That your man Captain?”
Gin blushes very, very hard before changing the topic entirely. “Yeah – but I’m wondering about the Only Alive bit – what do you think it means?”
“No clue – but its no surprise the bounty went up – Sabaody’s a wreck from what I here, and Fish Man Island’s got a new protectorate.”
“Rumors say Straw Hat ticked off Big Mom.”
“Only one Island in in the New World and this is what they do? Damn.”
“We better catch up then, aye Kinzo?” Gin grins.
“Aye Captain.”
Vinsmoke Sanji, the papers say, and Gin thinks back to the flowing restaurant in the East Blue and crosses it out. In its place is Black Leg, stark and true, and it’s a much better fit.
Black Leg Sanji’s Captain better get him back or Gin’s going to have to fight an Emperor and he and his crew are all going to die because Sanji went to go get married.
A week later, and Luffy had apparently plotted to assassinate Big Mom and ended up defeated two of her Sweet Commanders.
Sanji has a new bounty, and Gin doesn’t know why he even bothered to worry.
When he pictured meeting Sanji again, he imagined it in battle, showing off his new skills and he and Sanji fighting back to back.
He did not picture it in the back alley of some bar in the New World, where he was taking a break from the commotion inside.
Apparently, someone had died in the middle of eating and then rose again. Gin doesn’t want to know, so he goes out to smoke a bit.
“Damnit” he mutters, realizing he doesn’t have his lighter on him.
“Need a light?”
“Yea actually, Tha-” Gin stops dead, and stares at the face in front of him that’s gently smiling beneath a mop of blond hair.
The eyebrows are as distinct as ever, if on a different side, and the blue of his eyes stands out even now. (Privately, Gin thinks they might be the color of the All Blue that mythic ocean that Sanji plans to find – he has no doubt he will.) There’s a goatee beneath his lips, quirked up in a smile while biting on an unlit cigarette. The suit and tie is a fashion statement few wear so well on the Grand Line and that just means the person standing in front of him is none other than –
“Sanji,” Gin breathes and feels his heart swell.
“Hey Gin – long time no see.” A hand reaches out to light the cigarette between Gin’s teeth and then his own, and Sanji is almost as tall as him now, and smiling, and strong and –
A giant dork.
They found a cafe two streets over from the bar where they are now currently sitting, eating something other than greasy bar food and probably poisoned drinks.
According to Sanji, it was his Captain who had collapsed in his food and caused the commotion.
“He’s fine,” Sanji tells Gin carelessly, a smile on his face still – he hasn’t stopped smiling since he met Gin again, something Gin is not so secretly proud of – “Shitty rubber captain just does that sometimes. You get used to it. Chopper’s trying to work something out though –“
“Chopper? Isn’t he your pet?”
Sanji laughs, bright and bold, and he’s so much more than he ever was on the Baratie. “I forgot! You haven’t seen us since the Baratie have you? We have a lot more people on our crew –“
“Are they anything like their wanted posters? I’ve been trying to find you by them and it hasn’t been working out so well…”
Heck. He just admitted he had been trying to find Sanji. Way to go you dumb shit.
But Sanji just dusts the ashes off his cigarette and nods to him. “I knew you’d find us. You promised, didn’t you?”
I’ll grow stronger, without Don Krieg, and meet you all on the Grand Line!
He had, hadn’t he? And the Straw Hats put a lot of faith in promises.
“I guess I did – I definitely grew stronger too. And I have my own crew – though they aren’t as weird as yours.”
“Gin. We have a walking, talking, shitting skeleton pop star on our crew and our doctor is a reindeer. Nothing’s weirder than our crew.”
“You have a what for your doctor?” Oh god, he’s missed so much. He hates the newspaper.
Eventually, Sanji convinces Gin to introduce him to his crew after learning that Gin became his own pirate captain.
“No one can order you around, now, right?” There’s an innuendo in there somewhere, but frankly, Gin’s too nervous to care.
His crew always takes great joy in embarrassing him, and introducing him to Sanji, where most of the teasing stems from, is going to be hell.
Whatever. He’ll have proved them wrong at least. – and the rest of the crew who had only gotten glimpses of Sanji at the Baratie when he was smacking down the rest of the crew, will get the chance to meet him.
He entertains the thought of reaching for Sanji’s hand, but settles for brushing his knuckles and shoulders with him instead.
At the Baratie, he hadn’t known this man long – not long enough – and now, he’s endlessly curious to know more.
(What’s his favorite food? His favorite color? Memory? Place? What does he think of me? He thinks, casting glances at the man beside him as they talk about anything and everything down the streets, fitting like two puzzle pieces with frayed ends – perfectly matching but too old to quite click perfectly immediately.
He wonders, too, what Sanji will think of the crew.)
Eventually, they reach the Silver Serpent (sue him – he like’s the silver motif, its better than the demon one at any rate. (There are too many demons on this wretched sea anyway.)), its masts. Reaching high into the sky with the skull waving in the breeze. Sanji smiles at the engravings on the side (waves with metal inlays – Gin wanted this ship to carry them for years, and its grand enough to do so.)
“Nice ship,” He compliments and Gin grins in return.
“Wait till you see the crew.” He cups his mouth and prepares to shout. “MEN! THERE’S SOMEONE YOU NEED TO MEET!”
Heads pop up all over the ship, peering at Gin before wild expressions cross their faces.
“Holy Shit-“
“Is that who I think it is?”
“Captains brought a guy home!”
“Is that him?”
“Kinzo – Kinzo wake up you need to see this” Hashi nudges the first mate awake before pointing at the plank that Sanji and Gin are climbing up. “It’s him.”
Sanji looks positively bewildered, more so when Gin offers a meager explanation. “I, uh, may have talked about you. A lot, actually. Maybe?”
Sanji snickers, and goes to introduce himself to the crew, leaving Gin to contemplate his life decisions.
“Hello everyone, the name’s Sanji – though I hear you already know that?”
“Damn right we do – Captain won’t shut up about you.” Kinzo answers for the entirety of the crew. “I’m Kinzo, the Silver Horn Pirate’s first mate.”
“Nice to meet you then.”
“And I’m Hashi! Cook aboard this ship! Tell me your secrets!”
“Hashi, stop, damn it you can get cooking lessons later.”
“Actually,” Sanji interjects, before Gin can direct his crew to bring out food and such, “You can have them now. Luffy will want to meet all of you, and that means a party.”
In true pirate fashion, the deck explodes with joy.
“On the Sunny of course – I’ve been wanting to show you it.” And doesn’t that send butterflies down Gin’s spine. “Follow me!”
And the crew charges after the man who saved Gin’s life, leaving him to catch up.
Gin’s seen the Sunny before, not that Sanji knows, but seeing her with her crew aboard is something entirely different. The Soul King’s providing music, and there is a reindeer with chopsticks up his nose while a cyborg with two extra arms cheers him on. The owner of those arms is chuckling as she watches Sanji and a green haired swordsman – still wrapped in as many bandages as he had been at the Baratie – fight with fire and steel.
That’s nothing on the captain of the crew, whose downing ten-times his body weight in meat alone who. Laughs hysterically with the story telling sniper as the navigator punches Zoro and Sanji on the head to get them to stop.
The effect is instantaneous as Zoro. Immediately grumbles about witches and Sanji becomes pliant to her demands.
Thousand Sunny is so much more livelier now, with her crew filling up the empty space on deck and lanterns strung about the rigging. There’s platters of food and music and life and joy, things Gin had experienced before but never quite to this magnitude.
And according to Usopp, this is a small-scale party.
Bonfires on Sky Islands, parties at the Ryugu Palace, dancing with former zombies on a floating island ship in the middle of the Floridian triangle-
This crew has been everywhere.
(And, Gin knows, they are going to the end – to Raftel – and if he knows anything, they will find a way to go beyond that as well.)
“So,” Sanji startles him, now broken away from the mosshead, “What do you think?” And there’s something in his eyes that says I want you to like them but also They are mine and I won’t care if don’t. Gin understands the feeling.
“They’re wild.” Gin grins – he’s been doing that a lot today, hasn’t he? More than usual? “I like them.”
“Good!” They are close enough that Gin can smell the alcohol on Sanji’s breath, and he can see the droplets that have spattered on his impeccable suit and tie – loose now, that the party is in full swing, but still giving him an air of I know what the fuck I’m doing.
Sanji’s just like that, he guesses.
Suddenly, Sanji blinks around, noticing the crew and how Luffy has been distracted from the food by now by the swordsman’s cheering of ‘Sogeking’s theme’.
“Come on,” He says, hauling Gin to his feet, “I want to show you something.”
Gin thinks about making a dick joke, but decides to follow Sanji instead.
They go to the back of the Sunny, where the party’s music is only a mute faded sound, and the water lapping on the edge of the boat in their harmony.  The sun has just set, so there’s still pink in the sky, but the moon is already casting light upon the quiet waves of this tropical port town cove.
It’s nice as they lean arms crossed over the railing.
(It’s a good place for a confession.)
Sanji offers Gin a smoke and when he declines, shrugs and lights one for himself.
“Your crew tells me you were talking about me?”
Sanji’s trying to be suave again. Its working. Gin is so screwed.
“Maybe. What about it?” He deflects.
Sanji flicks some ashes out to the water. “Just wanted to know if it was true. If you really thought I was all that.”
“Why?” Sanji’s quiet after this.
Gin doesn’t speak up to offer an explanation, to say yes I do think you’re the most amazing cook I ever met, and that time where we held hands on the Baratie was the best in my life, and every other island we go to I hear about how kind you were, and who couldn’t think you were all that?
Because Gin doesn’t really speak in waxing poetry unless he’s had a few to many drinks, and he’s only had two tonight, shoved into his hands by the man next to him himself.
He does, however, hope Sanji understands all that.
By the look that he’s giving Gin, he does. And finally, he speaks. “Cause it depends if I want to do this or not.”
As he says that enunciated this, he reaches over and grabs Gin’s hand where its gripping the railing.
Here’s the thing. Sanji and Gin knew each other for five days before Don Krieg was defeated. In that time, Sanji cooked Gin the best meal he had ever had in his life, and shared a room with him as Giin washed dishes to work off the debt.
(Someone had to, as the new chore boy kept dropping them instead of washing them.)
On the last day, Gin had left and brought his former captain on to the Baratie, feeling so sick about what he was doing, and then left the Baratie freed and ready to create his own crew.
Before that, Gin and Sanji talked, and held hands, and it felt like a cheesy teen romance but somehow Gin had found his other half, in a way.
It’s a small history, and history that has not gone away despite the many ports they’ve visited.
Gin’s thankful for that, because it means he can smile as he grabs Sanji’s hands back, and say “Yeah. I meant it.”
And Sanji’s smile as he leans in for a kiss means everything to him.
He tastes like smoke and alcohol and the aftermath of a Straw Hat party, and something explodes in Gin’s chests.
Hell, he’s happy.
Of course, that isn’t the end of it. After a couple more heated kisses and quiet moments, Sanji jumps up and drags Gin back to the party.
“HEY!” He shouts, loud and clear from the upper deck. “HEY EVERYONE! LOOK!”
Everyone looks.
“THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND NOW!” And he holds Gin’s hand up in the air, because maybe they snuck into the kitchen before coming out here and stole drinks from Zoro’s stash, because he doesn’t think Sanji would want to raise Gin’s hand like it was a wrestling champion winner.
There’s a moment of silence after the announcement, before the deck explodes into motion and raucous cheering.
“WOOHOO! YAY! SANJI!” Gin doesn’t care though, not now, and not next morning when he has the worst headache of his life and the most handsome man in the world at his side.
Sanji smiles at him, and he smiles back.
Happy, with the man he searched for at last.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
The 42 Greatest Anime Moments of Monkey D. Luffy
  May 5 is the birthday of One Piece's main character Monkey D. Luffy, and over the past couple of decades of his existence, he's given us some moments that will stay in our minds forever. And so I've decided to chronicle 42 of his best ones, antics that will hopefully remind you how much you love the free-spirited, determined, ridiculous Birthday Best Boy. One note, though — while this list does contain some of those sweet, sweet fight scenes, I've already written a list that ranked his 20 greatest knockouts against bad guys. So, in order to not repeat that list entirely, I've tried to mix it up a little bit. 
  1. Luffy Wakes Up From A Great Nap
I can't think of a better anime debut for Monkey D. Luffy than "wakes up in the barrel that he miraculously survived a whirlpool in and immediately knocks out some pirates by accident." It's everything fun about the dude rolled into one.
2. Luffy Gets Coby To Hit Him
    One thing that doesn't get mentioned enough about Luffy is his haphazard, yet skillful ingenuity. He knows that Koby will never get to join the Marines if he's associated with pirates, so Luffy, his one brain cell working overtime, gets Koby to punch him in order to prove that they're not friends because would friends brawl on the floor of a restaurant? 
3. Luffy Gets The Straw Hat
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A moment from the first chapter of the manga that was delayed until Episode 4 of the anime, Luffy getting the straw hat from Shanks is iconic. It sets in motion his entire journey and creates a symbol that represents freedom, adventure, and destiny.
4. Luffy Gives Nami The Straw Hat
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  Luffy giving Nami his straw hat is more than just a simple, comforting gesture. It's Luffy telling Nami that if she wants, she'll be a Straw Hat now and for the rest of her life. Nami may have problems, but she'll never have to deal with them alone ever again.
5. Luffy Gets His First Bounty
    By gaining a bounty when he takes down Arlong, Luffy is introduced to the wider world of pirating, the World Government, and eventually the Grand Line. Though Buggy's reveal that he knew Shanks and Mihawk's appearance hinted at a wider world, this is Luffy's first real step into it.
  6. Luffy Smiles At Death
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    Luffy obviously doesn't want to die. But as he smiles at the crowd and his crew while Buggy brings a sword down onto his neck, he grins. Because he didn't die in vain. He never became Pirate King and he never found the One Piece, but he did live his life exactly the way that he wanted to. And that's more important than any title or treasure. I'm glad he didn't die, though. They never would've found the Grand Line if Zoro had ascended to the role of Captain. They'd probably still be arguing in the Loguetown harbor.
7. Luffy Holds Up Hiriluk's Flag
   Wapol wanted to destroy Hiriluk's flag and thus eliminate his legacy. But Luffy — smoking due to being recently shot by a cannon and holding up the flag — proved that's not something you can just do. As long as someone is there to fight for it, a flag is forever.
  8. Luffy Disagrees With Vivi
   Vivi, frustrated, enraged, and embarrassed about the treatment of her country, was more than ready to sacrifice herself for it ... and only herself. But Luffy wasn't hearing it. If she was going down, they were all going down. It wasn't just Vivi's fight anymore. The Straw Hats had reached Ride or Die status.
  9. Luffy Beats Crocodile
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  I did a list of Luffy's best knockouts so I'm not gonna list every major punch here. However, the ones that are especially meaningful deserve recognition. And this one, where, after two defeats, Luffy battered Crocodile up through the streets of Alubarna, is inarguably one of the most memorable. It's a triumph that's a long time coming, equal parts brutal and satisfying.
  10. Luffy Lets Himself Get Beat Up And Meets Blackbeard
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  Mirroring Shanks' restraint when he let himself get harassed by the Mountain Bandits, here we see Luffy decide not to fight Bellamy and instead he listens to Bellamy's foolish proclamations about why dreams suck and why you shouldn't have them and why Mylo Xyloto is the best Coldplay album, probably. However, even if he didn't need the pick-me-up, Blackbeard meets him outside to reaffirm that dreams never die. It would be a super nice remark ... if anyone but Blackbeard was saying it.
  11. Luffy Is Immune To Enel
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  Until this point, Enel is borderline unstoppable, able to strike down anyone in his path and — with the help of his "mantra" —  barely takes any damage in the process. And it's made him pretty cocky. But to see Enel's face distort in cartoonish disbelief when he realizes that Luffy is a Rubber Type Pokemon and that he's impervious to Electric Types is so joyously satisfying.
  12. Luffy Decides To Get Rid Of The Going Merry
    With the Going Merry slowly becoming unusable and actually becoming a handicap to the crew, Luffy figures that it's time to find a new ship. It's a sad moment, but you can't help but see Luffy's side. A good pirate crew needs a good pirate ship. And if the Going Merry suddenly sinks, Luffy is dead. Like very, very dead.
  13. Luffy Faces Usopp
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  Usopp relates to the Going Merry, fearing that its "weakness" and "inadequacy" represents his own. And so when Luffy decides to get rid of the ship, Usopp lashes out, causing Luffy to have to "put down" Usopp. It's a difficult decision, but it shows that Luffy isn't all laughs and "I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!" declarations.
14. Luffy Does Not Recognize Sogeking
    And then, after the most heartfelt showdown in the series, Luffy doesn't even recognize Usopp's Sogeking disguise, despite the fact that he has most of Usopp's traits, most of Usopp's weapons, and showed up only a little while after Usopp left. Oh, Luffy. Never stop being you.
  15. Luffy Goes Second Gear
  Power-ups are pretty common in anime. But Luffy saying that he needs to take his skills up another level so that he won't lose his friends still feels pretty special. And then the music kicks in and Luffy beats Blueno to a pulp and it's one of the most hype scenes in the entire series.
  16. Luffy Declares War On The World
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   He'll always have a target on his back, he'll never be able to rest easy again, and the World Government will pursue him as long as he draws breath. Luffy knows this, but when the time comes to save Robin from CP9 in Enies Lobby, he doesn't hesitate to take on the whole world. It's just what friends do.
  17. Luffy Refuses To Fall
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  When Luffy and Lucci fight, it isn't a quick contest. They go to absolute war on one another. And when Lucci thinks he's won, having left Luffy spitting up blood on the floor, we see that ... no. Luffy will not leave his feet. He has too much pride, too much grit, and too much determination. Defeat is not an option here. He will stop fighting to retrieve Robin when he's dead.
  18. Luffy Is Reunited With Garp
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  For a long time, Luffy's actual flesh and blood family was a mystery. Shanks is kind of a cool uncle and Ace is someone that Luffy considers his brother, but where did Luffy, ya know, come from? As it turns out, his grandpa is the cannonball-throwing Marine Vice Admiral Garp, who is not only just as goofy as Luffy, but also really, really, really strong for being 76. What's his secret? Low carbs? Eiichiro Oda, please let me know.
  19. Luffy Punches The Celestial Dragon
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  Luffy can't stand bullies or anyone that relishes the misery of others. So when a Celestial Dragon shoots Hatchan in the auctioneering house, Luffy walks right up to him and turns his face into a catcher's mitt.
  20. Luffy Loses His Crew
   Luffy's darkest hour (so far) comes when, in a fight with Kuma, Kizaru and the Pacifistas, his whole crew eventually gets wiped out and spread across the world. All the while, Luffy is powerless to stop it — his Gum Gum skills no match for Kuma's abilities. It's a truly pitiable thing to see Luffy beat his fists on the ground in futility, something entirely unlike any scene in the series before.
  21. Luffy Covers Sandersonia
   Back in Little Garden, Luffy agreed it wasn't necessary to actually have a reason for the fight between the giants. They were having an honorable contest between warriors. That was enough. Later when Sandersonia's scars were about to be revealed after a battle, Luffy covered them up. He had no interest in killing them or exposing their secrets. That is not what the battle was for. The contest was simply one that he wanted to win so he'd eventually get back to his crew.
  22. Luffy Decides To Save His Brother Before Reuniting With His Crew
   When Luffy learns that Ace is to be put to death, he must make a choice: Get the gang back together or dive into the depths of Impel Down and try to rescue his brother. He ends up choosing the latter, which shows a great deal of trust and respect for his crewmates. He knows they're strong enough to be OK without him for now.
23. Luffy Embraces Mr. 2
    This is just plain wholesome. Luffy's love for his friends is might be the best thing about him.
24.Luffy Falls From The Sky
    Luffy's story isn't just about his quest to find the One Piece, but the formation of a legend. And when Luffy and the other Impel Down escapees plummet from the sky into the Marineford war, you can practically see that legend being written.
  25. Luffy Faces The Admirals
  Yes, Luffy's attempts to kick a frozen log at them goes nowhere. And yes, Luffy is almost immediately knocked down by Kizaru when he tries to rush past him. But the guts in that kid! Facing down three of the most powerful men in the One Piece universe and demanding they give Ace back to him. That is moxie, my dudes.
  26. Luffy Goes Comatose
  Ace is dead. The mission has failed. A brother is lost. And all Luffy can do is go numb and lifeless. He has no words or actions to explain or react. A chunk of his soul has been ripped away.
  27. Luffy Realizes He Still Has His Friends
    Yes, his attempt to save Ace was a bust. But in the most hopeless of times, Jimbei asks him what he still has. And Luffy remembers he still has his friends — friends he has been there for in the past and who will most certainly be there for him later. They are still there. And because they are still there, Luffy's existence has worth.
  28. Luffy Gets An Upgrade
  Reuniting with his crew in Sabaody, it doesn't take too long for Luffy to find a way to show off the results of two years of training. He's been doing some grinding, so his skill tree has some new branches. He's unlocked some new abilities, and he's reached his evolved form. When a Pacifista comes at the Monster Trio (Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji,) they beat the bear out of it.
29. Luffy Decides To Make Fish-Man Island His Territory
    For the most part, Luffy doesn't really care about the dominance sought by other powerful characters. But after he's gotten to know the citizens of Fish-Man Island and he sees the terror caused by Big Mom, he tells her straight-up he's gonna defeat her and take Fish-Man Island under his protection. It's the closest that Luffy has ever gotten to being a character in Goodfellas.
  30. Luffy Allies With Law
  And then, shortly after talking trash to Big Mom, Luffy teams up with Trafalgar Law in a plot to overthrow Kaido, another Emperor of the Sea. It's a real leap forward for Luffy. One day, you're just a kid from East Blue punching everyone that seems mean. The next, you're taking an active role in changing the power structure of the entire world. That's just how it is sometimes, though. As Logic once said, "Who can relate?"
  31. Luffy Has Been "Picking Fights All Along"
    Luffy knows he doesn't just tumble from one situation to another. He isn't just a poor guy caught up in the gambits of powerful evil forces. No, Luffy has definitely chosen to live a life where he will interfere with your best-laid plans if he feels inclined to. And if that includes a lot of fighting, well, so be it.
  32. Luffy Reunites With Sabo
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  It's been pretty much non-stop action since the beginning of the Post Time Skip era, and that hasn't really allowed for a ton of emotional moments for Luffy. But when he reunites with Sabo in the coliseum and his scream comes out as a mix of happiness, confusion, and surprise, he finally gets one. Cry it out, buddy. We love ya.
  33. Luffy And His Allies Head For Doflamingo
  From orchestrating a breakout in Impel Down to creating a charge toward Doflamingo with all the allies he met in the tournament to win the Flame-Flame Fruit, Luffy has slowly gone from being the captain of a small crew on a ship with an animal head on the front to being the full-on leader of a Pirate Alliance. Luffy 2020 is what I say.
  34. Luffy Goes Fourth Gear
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  Years after the reveal of Second and Third Gear, we get Fourth Gear, a power-up that even more freakishly transforms Luffy's body. It's not graceful, nor is it particularly beautiful to behold, but it gets the job done.
  35. Luffy Beats Doflamingo
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  Doflamingo — a man that's been a thorn in the side of nearly everyone in the world for about 15 years of anime history — finally gets taken down. And still, it's only a stepping stone to Wano. Somehow, Eiichiro Oda creates these moments that seem like the biggest events in history, and yet, they're only just the beginning.
  36. Luffy Refuses To Fight Sanji
  Luffy knows Sanji is conflicted and not really a bad guy. And he's also aware of the fact that he'll be creating an even bigger issue if he fights back against his chef. So he just takes the kicks, hoping Sanji sees there's another way out of this. Sadly, it'll be a few episodes before he realizes that.
  37. Luffy Waits For Sanji — And Then Punches — Sanji
    Sanji finding Luffy because his captain's stomach is grumbling super loud is so cartoonish and lovely — because what is Sanji's role if not to feed his captain? Of course, Luffy enjoys Sanji's rain-soaked cookin' and then he punches Sanji for still being a twerp that won't admit what he really feels.
38. Luffy Clashes With Big Mom
    Luffy stood beside Whitebeard, but this is his first real showdown with a Yonko. And it doesn't go very well. Big Mom is easily able to block him, which shows that, while Luffy has come a long way, he's still got a bit farther to go.
  39. Luffy Places The Hat On Katakuri
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  Much like the previous covering of Sandersonia's shame, Luffy covers Katakuri's mouth with his hat after their duel. The two combatants fought and earned each other's respect. And so Luffy leaves Katakuri with his pride.
  40. Luffy Knows He's Arrived In Wano Due To The Swords
    That giant baboon is using a sword? Obviously this must be Wano, the land of samurai. That's Luffy logic at its most pure. 
  41. Luffy Promises Tama She Will Not Be Hungry Again
  For the most part, heading to Wano seemed like a pretty impersonal act. The only reason he thought about going there in the first place was because Law seemed pretty confident it was a solid idea. But then he meets Tama and learns that she — along with most of the country — is starving. So his journey to take down Kaido gets some personal stakes. He's now shouldering the hopes of an entire group of people.
  42. Luffy Is Beaten By Kaido
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  OK, so Round 1 didn't go so well. Luffy pummeled Kaido with everything he had and Kaido one-shotted him with a melee weapon attack. Luffy has to rethink his strategy and expand his move-set and maybe, with some luck, Round 2 will be a tad more even. I can't wait to see what Luffy moments we have in store when One Piece returns!
  What is your favorite Luffy moment? Do any on this list stand out to you? Let me know in the comments!
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      Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
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9 notes · View notes
justm3h · 6 years
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Plot - Triskaidekaphobia
Summary: Marco has lived many lives. Lives as a civilian, lives with the Marines, lives as a pirate and the smallest butterfly effect makes each adventure new. But each death has him waking up after eating the first fruit of his life.
Another chance, another life.
One more shot to make things right.
Characters: Marco the Phoenix, Monkey D. Garp, Bell-mere, Donquiote “Corazon” Rosicante, Coby, Gol D. Roger, Silvers Rayleigh, Shanks, Benn Beckman, Makino, Monkey D. Luffy, Edward Newgate, Thatch, Portgas D. Rouge, Portgas D. Ace, Sabo, Monkey D.Dragon, Buggy, Straw Hat Crew, Kureha, Nico Olvia, Marshall D. Teach, Trafalgar D. Water Law
Pairing: Rouge/Roger, slight Makino/Shanks but mostly Gen
The first life Marco lives is boring and normal. He passes peacefully, a respected but simple village doctor, flames flicker even as he’s eyes fall shut for the last time. Only for that not to be true, as he opens them once again to hands the size of a child and not an old man.
The second life he travels the South Blue. He wants to see what the sea has to offer him and he makes friends and learns so much. He dies this time by drowning, and decides he doesn’t like it very much.
The third time, he starts figuring things out. Each death has him wake up right after eating the worst tasting fruit of his life. He’s grown use to the blue flames that heal and the obsession with cinnamon but the healing is a gift enough.
Marco travels further, learning skills of a sailor. He enjoys navigating the most, for the stars are the only thing that seem to be consistent with every redo.
His third adventure ends, accidentally being eaten in the calm belt. Another mistake he swears to Never Make Again.
The fourth one comes and he realizes he needs to learn how to fight and joins the Marines.
He’s not very good at first, more often than not, he fumbles and fails and it stuck in a lower position for some time. He only hears later of the Summit War and even then it’s just boring news that doesn’t matter on the blues.
One drowning later and Marco becomes a Marine again on count 5. His ‘talent’ is noticed. He’s sent to the Grandline and trains with other fresh recruits. He is in awe as he catches sight of the admirals and of the legendary hero Garp. The Marines try to figure out what fruit he ate but have as much luck as he has in the past. He makes it as far as Captain before dying tragically protecting his men.
6 and 7 are much the same. Joins the Marines and is satisfied with the rank of Captain. He enjoys having the spunky Bell-mere under his tutelage til she is transferred and quit soon after. Marco enjoys seeing Rosicante grow from a brat he babysat to a fine Marine although still a walking disaster.
Marco always takes different posts and assignments, never wanting to have the confusion of knowing something he shouldn’t. It doesn’t stop him from befriending a few of the same people over and over again, but those are just some binds he’s not willing to let go.
But 5 to 7 are also where Marco really starts to notice something wrong with the world. He never noticed on the Blues, too isolated from the Grandline and the Red to pay much mind to it.
There was corruption, Marines taking bribes or turning a blind eye to the pleadings of the people who begged for help. The admirals were bias, unable to get pasted their own convictions to just help.
It caused Bell-mere to leave and Rosicante’s death.
It hurt.
8 seems to hurt the most. He was put under the care of Garp. He learned so much about the Vice Admiral, Garp yelled about his brat grandkids and Fists of Love were a daily occurrence. Regardless of his violence, Garp was what the Marines should have been. Heroes. Marco could see it in the boy and his friend that Garp adopted, made all too clear when the pink haired boy jumped in front of a cannon.
He and Bogard would watch from a distance as the two chore boys trained. Fought for the right to be Marines. Bogard taught Helmeppo, the tall blond better with blades, while Marco taught Coby the basics of hand to hand til Garp took over their training.
Marco always made sure to patch the young men up at the end of the day, a doctors work never done, even after they picked a fight with Garp’s grandson.
“Dumb Brats,” he joking at Garp as he checks over Coby and Helmeppo after their fight.
Marco got a good look at Garp’s grandson, Monkey D. Luffy. He was much like his grandfather, even as they both fell asleep in the middle of their own fight.
But Marco hasn’t seen pirates like these since Roger, despite the Marine propaganda, his cabin boy Shanks, or Whitebeard. Considering the rookie pirate had Red-Haired Shanks’ old straw hat…. Who if all the praises Coby said were true, saved him and a whole town, was more hero than a pirate had the right to be.
Monkey D. Luffy who dreamed of being King of the Pirates. Well, Marco could admit to himself he wouldn’t mind seeing the boy become the second King.
Even if the crew couldn’t handle a few cannonballs from Garp at the moment.
Then Marineford. The stories he had heard in passing before, if he lived long enough to hear them, paled in comparison to the actual event.
It was a massacre. Garp fell and so did his grandson. Whitebeard died on his feet seeing his adopted son and blood son of Gol D. Roger perish under the executioner’s blade. And there impaled on a molten fist was Coby, the boy Garp hoped would continue his legacy.
Marco died, a screech echoing over the battlefield as he flew to attack the lava man, with ice and light ripping through his body.
9 and 1st Time Pirate
9 he wakes to wings not hands and realizes just exactly what the fruit did to him.
Marco does not join the Marines this time, preferring to not think about all the blood and death he still had nightmares about.
This time, he flies and travels. The seas no longer limit him and stars will always be his guide. He doesn’t tire but can just fly for what seems like forever.
The blond witnesses Gol D. Roger’s death, spotting the would be faces of many soon to be known names. It���s curious but Red Hair asks if he wants to join his crew.
“You look interesting!”
Needing something new and knowing full well what kind of pirate the young man is from endless rants from Garp, Marco accepts. Not like he has anything better to do.
It’s maybe the worst decision he’s ever made as the seemingly endless parties usually leave it up to him to keep them on course, unable to get drunk without the help of seastone.
He’s grateful when Benn joins, if not just to keep Shanks somewhat in line for a pirate. There are questions about his knowledge of the Marines and he makes no point to hide that he ‘quit’.
“Being a pirate suit you more?”
“Seems so Cap.”
If more pirates were like Red Hair, he ponders, watching the man make a fool of himself for a pretty green haired girl, then there wouldn’t been so many issues in the world.
Marco meets a young Monkey D. Luffy, still as mischievous as before, and laughs at the reaction Shanks has when he learns the kid he’s taken a shine to is related to Garp.
“He’s got his Grandfather’s smile.”
“I’m concerned how you know that, Marc.”
It goes much like canon, Luffy is kidnapped and is taken to the middle of the bay and Marco is actually the one who flys Shanks out there.
Marco has a first hand experience of watching Shanks lose his arm. He apologizes for not being faster but Shanks just smiles.
“He’s worth it.”
Shanks becomes Emperor, Marco and Benn both arguably first mate but Marco gets his first bounty poster.
“The Phoenix?”
“Pretty on the nose with that one.”
They have many clashes, with pirates and other Marines alike. Marco finds he enjoys the meetings with the man called Whitebeard the most. At worst, they have a fight but usually they are all too hungover by the time it gets to that.
The morning after a rare party between Shanks and Whitebeard, the air was full of the smell of breakfast and hint of something else. It made Marco pause his berated tairaid against Shanks’ stupidity and abruptly walks away. He followed the smell, leading him to the Moby Dicks kitchen where a man in a chefs suit was elbow deep in kneading bread. But the smell. He breathed it in barely noticing Shanks and Benn following.
The chef looks up and smiles.
“Hey! You’re on Shanks crew, right? I’m Thatch, head chef and 3rd commander! Nice to meet you… hey hello? You in there?”
Thatch looks confused as he holds up the cinnamon and Marco’s eyes follow. Left, right, up, down. Thatch eventually hands Marco a fresh roll and he literally coos with joy.
Shanks LOOSES it. Marco screeches, launching at Shanks with a kick. They run out of the kitchen and Thatch is just so confused and Benn is amused.
The Red Force is then on always stocked with Cinnamon and Thatch always gifts Marco with new cinnamon treats to try, a personal challenge of his.
Marineford comes again, Shanks having tried to prevent it but failed. It was hard to hear that Thatch had been killed but Marco keeps focused as they fight Kaido to make it in time to do anything.
By the time they arrive, it’s much the same nightmare as before. Garp survives but both his grandchildren have fallen, Whitebeard stands dead once again with much of his children at his feet. Shanks was able to save Coby, the boy just inches from having a face full of magma. The Marines scream victory but Marco can only feel hollow.
He’s been on both sides of that battlefield now and neither feel like a victory.
The Red Hair pirates help with gathering the dead, Marco keeping watch on everything as much as he can. Garp looks at him with such mistrust it hurts more than anything.
He offers his condolences, something he couldn’t offer a corpse previously. Garp is somber but accepts. The true sadness is when he gives Shanks the straw hat telling him that Luffy would have wanted him to have it.
It’s not til after the funerals that Marco sits with Shanks and Benn. He’s got a sea stone ring on as he drinks and drinks.
He tells them the truth. He’s old and seen this before and nothing changes. Death seems to be the only result.
They talk to him about the Marines, about the first time, about everything.
“I see these things and don’t know how to fix them. All the paths seem to lead to that blasted war.”
Benn looks at him, “Have you really tried?”
Marco stares into his drink. Has he? He’s taken different roads but never really did much to change things did he?
The phoenix finds new determined and confidence in the faith that both of them have in him to fix things. They won’t remember him, no one does, but they were proud to call him nakama for all these years.
“If you ever need us, find us again, tell us something that only we would know and a bottle of booze. We’ll drink together again.” Shanks tells him before stabbing Marco through the heart.
10 and the Guardian
10 and Marco awakes on a mission. He grows just old enough to be accepted as a cabin boy and flies. Flies far, far away from his home to the Grand line. Where he find the Roger pirates, a budding crew well on their way to greatness. He learns from the best, gaining first hand experience on why the Pirate King was so formidable.
Haki is a well worth nightmare to learn from two of its greatest users. Even if it meant that he had to babysit a younger and somehow even more reckless Shanks and fellow cabin boy Buggy.
Marco watches with a whole new level of sadness at Roger’s passing. Shanks again asks for him to join his crew but Marco declines stating that he’s going to travel for a bit and figure out where life takes him.
Where it ends up taking him, is more preset than he would have Shanks believe. He follows Garp to a small island in the South blue where he see Rouge give birth to the little boy named Ace.
Garp confronts the man but Marco has kept his powers a secret from the Marines this time, a fall back for if things got dicey. He follows Garp, bird shaped so know no one is the wiser.
He spends years watching over the boy. Raising him in ways that Garp couldn’t. He’s there for when Garp brings Luffy to the town for Makino to care for. He watches over these boys that are so, so important.
And he meets Shanks again when the Red Hair Pirates come to town.
Marco lets Shanks meet Luffy and pulls him aside to take a walk. They walk to the forest where Shanks feels eyes watching. Marco remains calm and jovial even as two young boys attack him with metal pipes.
He easily defeats the two and leaves Shanks stunned for once. He watches as both brats yell at Marco for beating them again as Marco scolds them right back for their poor technique.
The tall blond introduces the two brats as Ace and Sabo, his charges shared under Garp.
“Garp?! That old fart?!”
“Hey! Don’t you call gramps an old fart, dye job!”
“What did you just call me brat?!”
Shanks and Ace bicker with each other as Marco and Sabo watch amused.
Shanks spends most of the walk back grumbling about pain in the ass kids.
“He takes after Roger but I see more of Rouge in him.”
“Ugh he’s just as stubborn as the Cap.. tain.” Shanks pauses… and stares at Marco then back at the forest and the back at Marco. “He- That’s?!”
“You have to swear never to speak of this Shanks… Garp and I have protected him for this long. I would hate to think we failed because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut.”
“Never. For the Captain and Rouge’s son never…. tell me more about him Marco.”
“Let’s go talk over drinks.”
Marco still enjoys getting a shocked face out of Shanks.
For the whole year he’s in the East Blue, he splits his time between Luffy and the two boys on the mountain.
Shanks shares stories of his time as a cabin boy on Roger’s crew, which causes Ace to get mad but then he’s pacified when hearing other tales of his mother.
Ace doesn’t hate his father quite as much this time but still has enough of a stigma to still be angry with him.
But canon has a way of happening and Shanks once again loses an arm for Luffy. Marco watches with sadness knowing his friend will be sailing from the Blue permanently. He bids them a safe journey and for Benn to keep his sanity. Shanks just laugh and they share a hug.
Garp returns, furious that Marco lets his brat grandson be influenced by that damn Red Hair. Marco just shrugs, knowing full well if Garp meant it he would have come back sooner. News of Red Hair being in the East Blue wasn’t hard to find, Marco could clearly remember Garp complaining about it while he was in the Marines. The Phoenix does inform Garp that Shanks knows about Ace and the grandfather sighs.
“He’s got his mother’s freckles as clear as day.”
“Suits him.”
Luffy befriends the boys who become brothers then canon canon canon. Marco can only do so much good saving Ace and Dudan, and then going to search for Sabo. He finds the boy on a ship in a coma in the hands of…
“Ah, hello Dragon.”
The two talk, Marco explaining who the boy is and his… situation. Marco holds off on moving the boy till he wakes, his injuries far too severe to move him right away.
So Dragon and Marco talk. Marco is kind enough to share stories of Luffy growing up, something the father smiles at. It’s a peace offering.
Sabo awakens with amnesia. He reacts poorly to going home but seems to take pause at the mention of brothers.
“Ace? Luffy?”
“Yes. Those are their names.”
“I have brothers.”
Marco and Sabo go back home, with Dragon leaving Marco with his den den number in case there’s something Garp can’t handle. Ace and Luffy barely let Sabo out of their sight for days but help the boy relearn things and heal.
Years pass and both Ace and Sabo are the age to set sail. Marco stays with Luffy as they watch the boy’s two older brother sail away together. Marco tells them to watch each others backs and keep their wits.
“More than anything stay safe, stay alive.”
“You worry too much Marc, we’ll be fine.“
"I’ll keep him out of trouble Marco.”
There Marco remains hearing about the two’s adventures with brief updates via the mail. He’s pleased to see both have taken up with Whitebeard. The old man would keep the boys safe.
The day Luffy sets out, Marco goes with him. Luffy pouts but he’s pleased that he’ll have some of his family with him. Marco flies high above enjoying the sun and completely misses the whirlpool until it’s too late. He can only watch as Luffy bobs in the water stuck in a barrel.
Just great.
East Blue basically happens with a plus one Marco. He tries to stay out of the way as much as possible, he’s not Luffy’s crew, these aren’t his fights but seeing all these familiar faces is both nice and painful.
He watches Coby’s beginning and the strength he got from Luffy plus how much Helmeppo changed.
Seeing Buggy, Roger’s other cabin boy, again was interesting.
“Oh damn, a flashy idiot from the past.”
“You know this clown?!”
“We were part of the same crew.”
“Did he have the nose then too?”
“ah… ”
They travel from one island to the next, picking up a first mate, navigator, and then a sharpshooter. Marco was sad to hear about Usopp’s mother passing, he hadn’t been aware of her death while still traveling with Shanks and as a doctor, it was probably something he could have prevented.
Marco left the Baratie early, flying after Nami with the other boat following his lead.
Marco pats Luffy on the head before he goes, “Stay safe.”
“Yosh~!” He nods at Hawkeye and flys off.
Learning exactly how Bell-mere passed was hard. She died like a hero protecting her girls and he could respect that after now raising so many kids, so many times, himself.
Still he honors Luffy’s claim of dibs but does destroy the Marine ships nearby, earning his bounty to raise once again.
Lougetown was interesting. He has no wish to see the site where Roger died, he’s seen it too many times as is and walks towards a familiar presence on the other side of town. He finds Dragon in a hole in the wall pub and they have drinks.
Small talk is exchanged and the leader of the revolutionary army has some good gossip… and some bad.
“Ace and Sabo have been seen leaving the new world for paradise… its said they are tracking someone named Teach…”
Their talk is cut short when the wind picks up from a storm rolling in… and a person barges in yelling about an execution in the square.
“Looks like your son found trouble again. Does he get that from you or his mother?”
“No comment.”
Marco rushes ahead, allowing Dragon to slip away into the shadows. He doesn’t do much but does strike some more fear of god into Buggy for messing with his chick.
They escape with a shared nod between Dragon and Marco.
When they start sharing their dreams on the way up reverse mountain, Marco has a vague one to share “To prevent the future.”
Que the beginning of the Alabasta arc. Past knowledge has always been limited when it comes to Luffy’s journey. It was filled with misinformation and other hole so he was honestly not expecting for there to be a GIANT WHALE. Oh, hi Crocus.
“You know this flower?”
“Reluctantly, yoi.”
“My name is Crocus, the lighthouse keeper of Twin Capes. I’m 71 years old, a Gemini and type AB blood.”
They sail away from the capes, experiencing the strange weather of the Grandline for the first time. “It feels like coming home.” The Blues no longer felt quite the home, like the Grandline.
They arrive at Whiskey Peak and Marco is instantly suspicious. He joins the drinking with merry joy. They could try to get him drunk all they wanted but even with a seastone ring, he’s partied with Roger, Shanks and Whitebeard. This was nothing.
He fake passes out with Nami and Zoro, both having caught on to the plot.
Baroque Works reveals themselves and Marco fights the Millions. They are weak even by Grandline standards but their numbers prove to be the most annoying.
As Vivi explains what’s happening to her country and Mr.0 being Crocodile things are starting to become clear on how the Navy originally covered the whole mess up.
Little Garden is basically identical expect Marco is with Sanji as most of this goes down. So he’s not involved with any of it.
When Nami comes down sick, Marco tries to cure her but is unfamiliar with her illness. His memory reminds him of a long since wiped out Disease that it could be but he doesn’t have the ingredients. His flames help keep her fever down but are unable to do much else.
When Marco isn’t looking after Nami, he’s taken over navigation getting them safely to Drum… Mostly, til this hippo gets on deck. Marco has the sick satisfaction of seeing Luffy send the little gremlin flying for eating a chunk of Merry.
Marco would fly Nami all the way to the top but its too snowy and windy for him to make the flight safely with a passenger, especially one as sick as she was. He joins Luffy and Sanji in carrying her up to the top, the cold not really an issue. Luffy tries to fight him on it but Marco hits him on the head with his own Fist of Love.
“She’s Nakama, Luffy. I’m going, yoi.”
Marco is the one to carry Sanji to the top while Luffy still has Nami. He’s exhausted but awake when Chopper finds them by the cliff. He heals naturally, bundled up in a blanket by a fire. He hears Dr. Kureha’s story about Chopper and the island, casually wondering if it would have been the same for him had he known from the beginning he could shift into a flaming bird.
Wapol’s arrival at the castle is unwelcomed in his opinion and short lasting at least. He, as always, stays out of the fight, but assists the Doctor in keeping Sanji out of it as well.
lucky:i like how he’s present but not changing things
Wapol is defeated giving Kureha and Marco a chance to chat. It turns into this and that, the will of D., and…
“Your eyes look old.”
“I bet.”
“How many cycles have you gone through, Phoenix?“
"Rebirths? Is that what you call it? Bah. no matter… not everyone can age as gracefully as me.”
She admits that she read about it once briefly in an old medical tomb. A previous user went insane on their 13th rebirth.
“I’m on my 10th, yoi. I don’t even know why it keeps happening.”
“Well you might want to figure that one out soon.”
“Any hints?”
“The book mention they went crazy and burned to ash, nothing about a cure.”
They leave, both merry and somber. Marco won’t abandon Luffy to go hunt for a solution he may not even find.
So the Strawhat crew is finally almost to Alabasta. Mr.2 doesn’t get Marco’s face cause he was in bird form looking down on the shenanigans.
The dock and Marco feels the two familiar presences with a large smile. They meet back up with Ace first then Sabo who was spying as Ace got into trouble with Smoker.
Luffy introduces his two brothers much to the crews shock. Two Whitebeard pirates and they are Luffy’s brothers?! Marco laughs glad to have his boys back in one place if not just for a bit.
Ace and Sabo inform him they’ve been tracking a traitor named Teach. Marco actually pulls them both aside and tells them to be careful and don’t underestimate him.
“Do you know something Marc?”
“…I don’t like this. If he’s underhanded enough to stab a crewmate, who knows what else he has planned.”
“We’ll be careful.”
They travel across the sand and dunes, Marco switching between flight and walking. The heat is aggravating but manageable.
They seem to be on a wild goose chase when the rebel army moved and the rain base is also a dead end. They race to stop Crocodile, Luffy and he crew taking care of the fights while Marco flies the bomb into the middle of the sky to explode.
They rest and recover, Marco getting scolded for once for his recklessness, and finally set sail on Merry on to discover a new crew mate.
Marco isn’t sure what to think about Nico Robin. But she doesn’t seem to have any ill intentions so he accepts her easily enough.
When the log post points up to a sky island, Marco offers to fly up and set it so they can just continue on but Luffy pouts at him, rejecting his proposal to no one’s surprise.
Marco stays on the ship at Mock town, avoiding the encounter with Blackbeard and his crew.
The Skypedia arc goes as well as expected. Marco briefly explains the basics of Haki as Enel tries to strike them again and again with lightning.
Luffy wins, Marco comments on Enel’s poor luck of finding the one man in all the seas immune to his attacks.
Marco can tell something is wrong with Merry. At night he can hear a hammer tapping away. His worst fears are confirmed at Water 7.
The Phoenix can only watch as the crew learns of Merry broken keel and then of Luffy’s fight with Usopp. He can’t condone Usopp’s behavior but understands why the long nose felt so deeply about it.
Because he going to miss Merry too.
Things are only further complicated when Robin leaves along with the arrival of CP9. In his lives, Marco never encountered the Marines spies but had heard enough about them to realize they were bad news. With the reveal of the blueprints for Pluton, Marco is on high alert.
Marco follows the escaping CP9 with the captured Franky and Usopp, flying high above to not be seen.
The crew is all reunited as they approach Enies Lobby. It’s through his travels, Marco has learned a great deal of the corruption of the Marines, but hearing of the truth for the buster call on Robin’s home is sickening.
One by one, the Straw Hats beat CP9, Marco taking care of many of the minions running around the place.
As the buster call arrives, Marco destroys many of the Marine ships until Luffy defeats Lucci. The crew escapes on Merry, Marco watching from the sky’s over head. Even he can’t help but cry when they give her a funeral by fire.
Marco is elated seeing Garp, Coby and Helmeppo again. It’s on friendly terms for the first time since he had been a Marine and he missed their shenanigans. Luffy’s father is no surprise to him and Garp calls him out, Marco admitting he’s met him before.
“Damn annoying brat.”
They set sail on the new Thousand Sunny, Marco knocking away some of Garps cannonballs. Somethings never change.
Thriller Bark is interesting, Marco had heard of Moriah’s island ship but had never seen it and now was wishing he never had the chance. His shadow was never personal stolen from him, Haki keeping it safe from Moriah’s grubby hands.
Brook is about the closest thing Marco has ever seen to his own rebirth powers but quickly discovers that’s not quite right as he could only do it once and he never looped.
Still Marco can’t help but sympathize that the skeleton spent so long by himself.
For all their attempts, the one to finally take down Oars is Marco. He had waited and watched and seen them give it their all but the truth is clear. They can’t quite manage.
But he can.
Still the first time in a while he’s been able to let loose, becoming far too lax this loop to have any time to fight. But Oars falls and Marco feels refreshed.
He worries as Luffy takes so much damage from Moriah and the with the arrival of Kuma he has to step in. Marco is the one to take all of Luffy’s damage instead of Zoro. He knocked both Sanji and Zoro out to do it. Kuma looks at the fallen young men and then at Marco who just smiles.
“You’ve helped raise Dragon’s son into a fine man with a good crew.”
“He did that all by himself, yoi.”
Marco awakens to the worried looks of the Straw Hat crew, all wondering what happened.
He smiles and says it was nothing as both Sanji and Zoro look at him blankly, the area covered in his blood. They can be mad at him all they want, he’d make the same choice every time.
They sail to Sabody and Marco ditches the crew at Shakky’s bar, talking with her over drinks for a bit. He’s informed that Ace and Sabo were not as careful as he had hoped, they were captured and sent to Impel Down.
“Damn those brats. I warned them.”
“It gets worse Marco-kun. Ace has been scheduled for execution.”
“Of course he has.”
Marco is still at Shakky’s when the Straw Hats and Ray return.
“Welcome back Ray-san.”
“Ah Marco! Been a while!”
It’s revealed that Marco was also on Roger’s crew along with Ray much to the shock of everyone, including Luffy.
“How was I supposed to know?!”
“I’ve told you enough stories that you should have figured it out, yoi.”
The crew has to make a run for it as they are outclassed and outnumbered by gathering Marine forces. Between Kuma, Pacificas, and the Admiral Kizaru, they stood no chance.
Marco tries to protect the crew from Kuma but fails as he too is blasted away, unable to break out of the paw bubble.
Marco is sent to the Red Force to the shock of its crew. He’s fucking furious, fighting Kaido and flying as fast as he can directly to Marineford but arrives too late.
Now not only were Ace and Luffy dead, but Sabo as well. Marco collapses in grief, dying as magma melts him.
So ends loop 10, probably the harshest yet on his poor heart.
11 and Canon at last
Marco is at a loss for what to do at the start of 11. It feels like he’s missing something and can’t quite figure out what.
He travels to the not yet destroyed island of Ohara, still known for its vast knowledge and thousands of books.
Try as he might, he couldn’t seem to find a single one on helping him. Marco had located the medical book Kureha mentioned but it listed more of what happened should he fail than succeed. Doomed to ash, it seemed was his fate.
While there, he befriends a woman named Olivia, now knowing that this woman was Robin’s mother.
They talk only a handful of times before he departs, but he warns her that Ohara was already suspected to be researching the void century and to be careful.
He flies to Roger, the man still young and not yet a pirate. Roger humors Marco as he asks questions, generally amusing as the boy, still a boy, takes a small comfort in huddling into the man’s side.
“I don’t know how to save them, yoi. Every time I try, they die worse than the last.”
“Maybe it’s not about saving them, but giving them the best chance at survival?”
“What Ray said! I know I’d give up everything to save my crew!”
Rayleigh offers that if what he’s tried so far didn’t work, maybe he could try something else. Marco thinks and there’s one crew directly involved he hasn’t tried yet. He thanks the two and promises they’ll meet again someday and flys to find a young Whitebeard.
Marco joins Whitebeard’s crew, watches as it grows from a handful of men to multiple divisions. It’s hard to call him Pops, having been enemies and only sometimes allies, but Newgate is just as stubborn as Roger in many cases and looks so proud the first time the name slips from his mouth.
He never fights against Roger and his crew, usually brushing past the bewildered pirates with a bottle split between him and Ray, even if he has to deal with the ‘you’re too young for drinking’ comments.
Marco is promoted to first mate and is stunned as that spot has always been Diamond Jozu’s position. But the crew voted and they trust him and he’s their big brother. It makes Marco feel warm.
Marco is the one to recruit Thatch, young and bright not yet with his iconic hairstyle. But his cooking is just what they need on a growing crew and Thatch thrives.
Life continues, and things come to pass just like before. Roger dies and Marco sees first hand the decline of Whitebeard. The realization time is killing his old Captain’s rival is hard, not even his flames can heal old age.
He probably enjoys the fights with Shanks crew the most because he knows what they want, a good drink and maybe a fight. As Pops and Shanks yell and clash he walks up to Benn as offers him a drink and a safe place to watch from. He’ll take every chance he gets to enjoy the company of his friends before its slips away.
It’s been years but it also passed in a blink of an eye as reports of Jinbe fighting an upcoming rookie reaches the deck of the Moby Dick. Marco lets out a breath. Ace.
Marco never saw how Pops took one look at this brat and wanted him on his crew.
Never saw how Thatch’s eyes lit up as Ace snapped back sarcastically and knew he found something fun.
Never saw how the crew slowly adopted this angry child as their own and he gradually accepted them too.
Never saw how Luffy’s first bounty poster made his whole world and how it was all torn down when one of his own division kills Thatch.
Now Marco sees how the once happy family fell, all because of one devil fruit. They only later identify it as the Dark Dark fruit, and reading the far too short description of its powers, leaves Marco wondering what other secrets it had.
So we have canon, Ace goes after Teach despite Marco’s warnings and pleas. He does and Marco can only mentally prepare himself for the worst. Shanks distracts Kaido as they head to war. It’s planned a bit differently than he’s seen it in the past, but that’s what past knowledge gets you.
He goes to war like canon and the war ends like canon. Ace and Pops are dead but Luffy escaped with the help of the up and coming supernova, Trafalgar Law.
It feels like a fever dream as Marco stands in front of the two graves of Ace and Pops, shoulder to shoulder with Shanks once again.
“I could use a drink.”
“Get me a seastone ring and I’ll give you a story too.”
Marco and Shanks drink in quiet in the Captain’s room on the Red Force. It looks nearly identical to the times when he’s been on the crew, even has his wanted poster on the wall.
“Why am I on your walls, Shanks? Trying to get me to join more than just your crew?”
“You know, I put it up when I was smashed and never felt like taking it down. Seemed to belong there.”
“You don’t say.”
They drink and drink til bottles litter the floor. Marco is the only one still going, drinking and talking about everything. Shanks slowed when the bird mentioned his multiple pasts and stopped when Marco said they had once been nakama. It was sobering and he started comforting the man when the tears got to be too much.
“I got so close Shanks. I only have one try left, yoi.”
“Sounds like you got close this time Marc… just… whatever you do next time, do what you want. Make the changes that matter to you.”
Marco waits til Shanks is asleep before taking a nearby knife and plunging it into his heart.
12 and one sane life left, Marco awakens on a mission. If this is going to be his last chance… then he’s going to make sure all the people he cares about survive.
He joins Edward Newgate as the very first member of his new crew, easily calling the older man ‘Pops’ and man decides he likes the sound of that.
There’s nothing he can do for Roger, his illness incurable even to his healing blue flames (it was something he tried very early on), but before the man’s death, they drink and Marco tells him all sorts of stories about a boy named Ace and his brothers. Roger laughs till he cries.
“You know something Phoenix, if I ever had a son, he would be named Ace.”
“It’s a good name.”
“It really is.”
He’s sure Roger realizes the truth in the end, telling the Phoenix to look after him and his mother for him.
It took some planing and a lot of luck but after Roger’s execution Marco was able to lead Garp to Rouge faster than previously. It took secret letters and a few other bribes but the Marine was able to smuggle the woman off Baterilla, taking her and the baby she carried to the East Blue where she would be safe.
Marco handled the business on Ohara personally, but when Olivia failed to listen to his warnings, he knocked her out. Shoving her at Saul and Robin, the group escaped the Buster Call but were still tracked by the government for years to come.
Years later, he arrives in the North Blue just in time to save his old ward from several gunshot wounds, helping him and the crying boy to the next town over.
He sends money and a letter to Bell-mere telling her she’s worth more to her girls alive than dead.
Marco clears Tom’s name before Spandam can kill him, Cutty Flam is still presumed dead after attempting to stop the sea train.
The Phoenix sends medicine to Usopp’s mother and prevents the death of Chopper’s mentor Hiluluk.
Marco easily befriends Ace, welcoming him into the new crew. He saves Thatch from death, but for all his careful planning Teach still escapes.
With the war still on, Marco plots and toils.
Upon Shanks’ visit he has both crews agree to be close at hand incase something goes wrong, which it will and does.
Completely cuts the whole confrontation between the two captains having seen it too many times.
“None of us have time for your squabbling, not our crews or Ace, yoi.”
Hearing of the execution, Marco sends out orders to all their allies and just one more.
He calls a number he had memorized long ago. It didn’t pick up the first ring or even the second but on the third…
“Hello Dragon.”
It’s all set as Marco stands on the Moby in the middle of Marineford. He’s done all he could in planning for this.
He watches as Luffy predictable falls from the sky, challenging anyone who dare stands in his way. He watches as the Marines pull out all their tricks to stop Whitebeard. He watches and waits and there.
Ace’s true weakness that he was always too kind, Marco thought as the fire man would not let the taunt go. He stops and that’s all the chance Akainu needed. The admiral attacks but Akainu’s fist impaled not Ace but him. There was a just hiss as flames tried to heal, gasps of Ace and Luffy watched in horror.
“Run, damn brats.”
Marco falls but it’s the first time he’s satisfied. He laughs and fixes a stare at Blackbeard.
“It will never be your age.”
The Phoenix lives and dies in cycles. It brings the dawn, the coming of a new time.
Marco hopes that with his death, it will be their age, Luffy’s or Ace’s or Sabo’s. That’s what he wishes to see. Them to live, them to be free.
Broken Hourglass
Marco awakens to what he assumes with be 13, where he will slowly go mad and lose all sense of reality till he turns to ash.
Instead he’s surrounded by crying faces.
“You big feathered idiot!” Cried Thatch rubbing at his face, attempting to hide flowing tears. “What were you thinking?!”
“I think we all know he wasn’t thinking anything good.” Answered Shanks appearing with a grin just in eyesight.
Marco took the moment to get good look at all the faces surrounding him. There were his boys, Luffy, Ace, and an all grown up Sabo just as much hugging each other as they were to clutching on to his sash.
There was a tall blond man in a pink hat crying next to a much smaller boy with pink hair, a man with a spotted hat giving them awkward comforting pats on the back.
Pops was over to the side with Garp and Rayleigh, the old guard watching over them.
Marco sat up, noticing no hole in his chest and that they were no longer on Marineford. “What happened, yoi?”
“You kinda exploded. Sent Akainu flying back and the battle almost continued if it wasn’t for pinky here. We thought you were dead till the ashes came together and there you were Marc, bird form and all.”
Marco gulped looking at Shanks. “M-Marc?”
“Yeah. We all remember. Some of it? Most of it? Ehhh how did you ever keep it all straight???”
Marco laughs and laughs. Because no one died and that mattered more than anything.
Bell-mare remembers and sees the note and is absolutely gonna punch him when she gets the chance.
931 notes · View notes
526-528: "Undersea Volcanic Eruption! Drifting to the Fish-Man Island!", "Landing at the Fish-Man Island! Beautiful Mermaids!" and "Excitement Blow-out! Sanji's Life Under Threat!"
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Will this be one of those arcs that’s filled with sympathetic villains? The kind of characters who... well, you get where they’re coming from because they have a cast-iron reason for their villainy and you feel conflicted about cheering for the heroes? Or will it be more complicated than that? 
I hope I like this arc. Ever since Arlong Park, since I learned about the Sun Pirates from Hachi and the racism Fishmen experience I’ve been hoping Oda might dig deeper into the theme. It’s early days yet, but from what I’ve seen in this episode, I’m quietly confident he’ll deliver.
Cthulhu Is... Friendly?
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Must admit the Flying Dutchman action was a bit of a let-down. I thought Captain Vander Decken would be the next villain (or at least the henchman of the next villain). It was built up so well. The creepy “Dead men tell no tales” speech, Brook confirming he was the Real Deal, that the legend told of how the captain lost his mind, killed his crew and cursed the gods (who got their revenge by cursing him to drift forever).
I thought that might make a good plot line (that was before Hammond appeared and the Real Plot kicked in).
The Kraken coming back and sucker punching the Sea Bonze was so worth it. I laughed like a drain and could not believe I was cheering a Kraken like it was Hell in a Cell. Top it all off, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji came paddling back in a single bubble. And Luffy had made the Kraken his pet and named it Surume! Only Luffy can get separated from his crew and return with a pet Kraken. And laugh about the fact that he almost died.
The volcanic eruption action scene was fun. The Flying Dutchman crew and the Kraken would not mess with nature. The water glowed an ominous red and before Luffy gave any orders, Surume the Kraken was already checking out. Nami made the call for them to leap into the deep trench ahead to avoid the pyroclastic flow (is that even possible underwater? I have no idea.)
Usopp got to show off some of his skills by shooting a net-like plant weapon that stopped the debris from the eruption from smashing Sunny to pieces. (Could be good in combat for subduing bad guys.) I liked how Luffy was a good captain and praised Usopp and his cute Kraken pet for doing a good job. There’s that leadership shining through.
This was just before a stray rock bonked Surume on the head and the Strawhats woke up... ten thousand meters under the sea?
But... how? I thought. 
It was bright. There was natural light and vivid colours. How? 
Because it was Fishman Island! :D
Cannot lie. I was excited to finally see it. I wonder how it was for manga readers then to see that place brought to life after so long. I mean, how many chapters was it since it was first mentioned in Arlong Park until now when it was animated. I mean, it was huge! And there were entire massive trees inside the bubble. I still have no idea where the natural light was coming from, but pffft, did I care? It was FISHMAN ISLAND! :D
Then the Border Patrol Arrived?
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At least, that’s who I thought they were at first.
And they brought Plot, which, let’s face it, is always good.
Three shady-looking Fishmen rode up on massive Sea Kings. They were so tough, they spoke to Surume the Kraken like it was a disobedient pet. Or... more accurately, as if it was a race traitor. “Why are you obeying such fools as humans, Kraken?” Surume fled the scene (obviously scared of these guys).
They recognised the Straw Hats too. I love how Luffy said, “Who are you? How do you know about us?” Um, Luffy... everyone knows about you now. xD
But these guys went way back. Much further than Alabasta, Enies Lobby, Impel Down or Marineford.
“You are the ones who foiled the Arlong Pirates’ plan. You stood up for Hachi and knocked out a hateful Celestial Dragon, just like Fisher Tiger, the hero of Fishman Island.”
They claimed they were the New Fishman Pirates and demanded the Strawhats enlist under their banner or be sunk.
Hammod did most of the talking but two others tagged along (Hyouzo and Kasagon). 
Nami and Franky knew Luffy would say no (and possibly put them in danger because they couldn’t fight back). They took a huge gamble and spent the last of Sunny’s air crashing through Fishman Island’s protective bubbles.
The dramatic tension when the coating shrank, pinning all the Strawhats to the deck was great. But it really ramped up when the first bubble ripped off the coating and the second one turned out to be full of water. I didn’t expect that twist.
Was that the closest the Strawhats have been yet to almost dying? 
Camie to the Rescue!
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Luckily, they have a friend who was sort of expecting them. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Sanji woke up at none other than Camie’s place! (The others were separated. Franky, Nami and Robin are together. I have no idea where Brook is and Zoro is on his own.)
Turns out she works at a Mermaid Cafe on the sea floor of Mermaid Cove. The dorms are more affordable on the sea floor, as opposed to the ones higher up with more natural light. I liked that Oda has imagined an entire class system here. Mermaid Cove seems an okay place. Pappagu the starfish is in the fanciest district: Fishverly Hills (lol!) and is a famous designer. Hachi lives in Fishman District, which Camie said was a ‘rough place’. Luffy still thinks Pappagu is Camie’s pet. I don’t think Luffy completely gets how Fishman Island works yet, but Camie was nice and didn’t say anything. Hammond also hinted at another Fishman Island faction: Neptune’s Army, who were introduced later but I don’t know which side they’re on yet, so they seem like a neutral third party so far. 10/10 world building from Oda there.
Camie showed them around. They took a cute turtle elevator up to the “surface”, where there were clouds, blue sky, trees and rainbows. Luffy mentioned reuniting with Jimbei because “when Ace died two years ago, I didn’t lose heart thanks to him” (yes, Luffy. I’m glad you realise just how much Jimbei did for you!)
But Jimbei was not on the island. Camie seemed to hint the War in Marineford caused a bit of trouble in Fishman Island. She didn’t go into it, damn it.
Then, the royal family’s Fish Boat swam into view, heading straight for them, carrying the Neptune Princes (Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi and Sanboshi). The mermaids hid the Straw Hats, in case they were arrested for illegally entering Fishman Island. One mermaid made the mistake of holding Sanji... let’s just say a little close to her chest.
And Lots of Beautiful Mermaids
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You know what, I didn’t want to say but over the past couple of episodes, Sanji’s weakness had been annoying me. Not really badly. Just that the joke was getting a bit thin because it’d been played so many times for laughs.
Now I know why.
Does Oda do nothing without a purpose?
He had to set up all the blood loss stuff because blood transfusions are a central tenet in the hatred a lot of Fishmen have over humans.
When Sanji had his Vesuvius Moment, Dr Chopper bravely came to the rescue. Just as the Princes seemed about to take the Strawhats (though they didn’t want to arrest them. Still not sure what their deal is), Chopper placed himself in harm’s way and shouted, “Stop! I’m a Doctor! Can anyone donate S RH negative blood? If Fishman blood is the same, would anyone be willing to donate?”
Chopper unwittingly referenced an Old, Highly Politicised Grudge.
Fisher Tiger: The Hero of Fishman Island
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Hammond, who had been lurking, waiting for an opportune moment to catch the Strawhats, couldn’t stay quiet at that point.
“No one on this island would give blood to lowly humans,” he scoffed. “If anyone did, they’d risk punishment from the Dark Night, from human haters. The Old Law in the kingdom states that donating blood to humans is prohibited.”
When the Strawhats protested, Hammond fired back with some Context.
“You humans set that rule first! You people have a long history of fearing us. Didn’t want your blood mixed up with ours. That’s how the hero, Fisher Tiger, died. He risked his own life to free slaves of all races. But after a bloody war, he died. He could have lived if he had a transfusion. The heartless humans refused to give their blood to him.”
I was gobsmacked by that. Honestly. What a great twist, in terms of both plot and morality! How are the Strawhats going to fight against years of racism, abuse, toxic politics and the veneration of a martyr-like figure who means so much to the people of Fishman Island? 
This is going to be a wild ride.
Usopp dismissed the old law. He begged someone, anyone, to help Sanji. Hammod tried to take Luffy by force but severely underestimated how much stronger he’d become (that Haki, honestly... it is so badass).
Camie hijacked the Royal Fish Boat (the royals here seem pretty laid back because if that was real life, you’d be in your local Impel Down faster than you can say, “But I need a blood transfusion!”)
And it seems something is rotten in the state of Fishman Island. Not only are the Strawhats the first human visitors in a while, the Princes were unable to deliver a message to Jimbei.
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I wonder if it’s anything to do with this shady character?
This is the guy who wants to see Luffy. The one Hammond calls “Boss.” Hordy Jones, I think his name was? And here we have a shady face, not entirely revealed, sharp teeth and a good voice actor? This has happened before with Moria and Crocodile. Could this be the villain? Is this Hordy Jones, or is he higher up the chain?
I hope so. Was blue-balled with the Flying Dutchman stuff. Don’t want it happening again, haha.
Also, who or what is Noah? Was confused as to whether it was a location or a person.
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*insert Rocky Theme tune*
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raftels · 6 years
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As requested, here’s a masterlist fic rec for the following categories 1) ASL brothers; 2) mugiwara nakama feels; 3) some shippy fics; and for those not really falling into any of the requested categories, I put in “others”. I took some liberty in the categorization whelp but hopefully this will do. And you didn’t ask for it but I put tiny notes on each rec’d fic bc I felt like it haha
If you wanna rec some fics that aren’t here, please, by all means, send them to me. If any of the link is wrong/broken, do tell me as well. If you want to rant/talk/squeal/cry/etc over any of the fics, I’m forever open to messages and let’s cry together.
aaand, if you haven’t been following fyeahonepiece, please do so  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
anything about the ASL BROTHERS some might be toeing the line of shipping but i’ll put a warning for those
The Best Responsibility by echaryn Summary:  Watching Luffy and Sabo bond makes him...envious. Their obvious love and affection, the way they are always together, the trust between them... it makes Law anxious, and jealous at the same time. He lost his sister before...before he could even start to understand what being an older brother means. He's nobody's older sibling anymore, but it's still inside him, isn't it? Notes: clicked on this not really expecting much but jfc oda please let this be canon i beg you like i didn’t know i needed bigbro!law until this
Brother Complex and How It Traumatizes Others by Alsheon Summary:  In which, Ace let nothing be in his way to boast about his dear baby brother. Not even in the middle of War. And not agreeing means death. A painful death. Or in another sense, Ace stopped running but for an entirely different reason. Notes: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS ISN’T CANON LMAO this is legit my all-time favorite
What Happens When You Assume by revolutionarykoala Summary:  The Straw Hats are overjoyed to finally meet Luffy’s elusive brother Sabo. When they finally lay eyes on him however, they realise that assumptions are best to be avoided when it comes to the D. Family. Notes: in which asl confuses the shit out of everyone and yes it’s forever a mood and my aesthetic
Little Spitfire by VictoriaJL Summary:  My take on Ace raising Luffy with his caring and loving tendencies. Garp is an old geezer. Dadan throws tantrums. And the bandits are helpless, Oh, did I mention that the whitebeard pirates are completely and utterly in love with adorable little Luffy? Notes: i live for ace and sabo’s adventures in raising baby luffy lmao  
The Three Admirals by Miqila Summary:  What if Sabo, Ace and Luffy were the three admirals? Notes: i need more marine!asl fics
Triple Switch by Pachimew Summary:  In which Luffy can't find his hat, Ace is on his brother's ship, and Sabo is very confused. -Kinda self-indulgent. No ships. Pre-Saobody. Notes: swapped!asl loool another all-time favorite of mine
Through Time by xXDia-RoseXx Summary:  Ace and Sabo looking for Luffy wander into a cave and end up 12 years into the future. Through the craziness they meet their Little brother now 12 years older than them. What are two kids suppose to do when their Older-Little Brother looks at them sadly but smiles at them with glee? They try and make him happy again that's what! Notes: *screams into the sun* ASL!!!!!!!!!!!
To be made into Adults by The Eternal Empress Summary:  "When will you let me to adult things, Ace?" you ask, eyes shining bright and ears still wet behind. I pat your head as I smile. "When you're old enough." But, I know that isn't going to happen because I'll never let you become an adult (In which Ace and Sabo's brotherly love is contorted to a degree of no return) BrotherlyASL. AU. Notes:  me, at the ending: oh shiiiiit i didn’t expect that???
Same Difference by Beyond Kailani Summary:  AU. One small change can make all the difference...Someone thought lost returns Notes: the canon my asl babies deserved
The Legends of Kintaro (and Gintaro and Dotaro) by jamie15 Summary: It's Children's Day in the Kindgom of Goa, and neither Ace nor Sabo could care less. That is, until they find out what other day it is ... Notes: *slams fist on the table* this was so damn cute!
Moby Dick’s Tales by FreeFan1412 Summary: an AU where ASL ends up in the moby dick Notes: this one’s a series so just click on the author’s page and asl + whitebeard pirates is always a good laugh
(Wh)y is equal to 45 by The Eternal Empress Summary:  Ace is drunk, Sabo crashes into his room, their cat, Sunny, has been sitting by the doorway for days, and Luffy forgets the answer to (wh)y. (In which Luffy tries to find the value of y as well as the reason behind his brothers' and Sunny's mundane behavior, and the TV makes him remember the answer). Modern AU. Brotherly!ASL. Notes: i don’t wanna spoil anything but  i was shookt asdfghjkl this was so beautiful
Magical Messes and Panicking Professors: Welcome to Hogwarts by ScarletteSorceress Summary:  What do you do when you have three mischievous brothers sorted into three different houses? Well according to Headmaster Whitebeard and Professor Shanks you drink as much rum as you can before Marco can get to you. Magic spells, overturned cauldrons, and inter-house prank wars fueled by sibling rivalry; look out Hogwarts, life's about to get interesting. Hogwarts!AU Notes: asl + harry potter yes two of my favorite things
Bonds of Sea and Fire by Mithril Lace Summary:  After the fire in Gray Terminal, a worried Luffy sneaks out to go looking for Ace, only to wind up captured by Bluejam and taken from the island. When Ace finds out Luffy's been kidnapped, he sets out to retrieve Sabo so they can go after him, and a chance encounter at sea drastically alters their plans. Notes: my asl feels + them ending up with the whitebeard pirates
Not everyday is a good day, live anyway by cand13 Summary:  Not everyone tells the truth, trust anyway. Not everyone will love you back, love anyway. Not every game will be fair, play anyway. How else could anyone survive what they have and still be that lively? Notes:  ASL growing up with Whitebeard story
Somewhere to Belong by Pizza yum Summary:  Garp and Whitebeard strike a deal and Luffy, Ace, and Sabo are sent to live with the Whitebeard Pirates for six months. The trio and crew alike do not know how to handle the situation but eventually they figure each other out and the brothers find somewhere they feel like they belong. Notes: young!asl alive together is what i breathe for
Twist of Fate by Takuku Summary:  A One Piece AU where Luffy and his brothers set out after the fire in the Gray Terminal, and they come across Marco and Thatch of Whitebeard's crew. Things go differently from the original. Notes: it’s not as if im saying im weak for young!asl with the whitebeard pirates..........but i am
Ten Years Make No Difference by YohoAruto Summary:  What if Luffy was instead ten years younger than Ace himself? But as anyone would know,a life with Luffy is much more crazier and troublesome than it should be. It's just that the 'soon to be pirate king' is much more cuter. Notes: baby!luffy raised by ace and sabo YES also lmao at luffy’s first word
Come Morning, Together Again by mapplepie Summary:  One day, Ace woke up and decided shirts were overrated. Apparently it was contagious, because Luffy soon thought the same. Sabo just hoped he didn't catch whatever it was that was going around (but he does in the end, and he couldn't be happier). Time-travel. Notes: sabo is fucking done and this is the fix-it we all need
Surprisingly Addictive by ReluctantlyBratty45 Summary:  Just a story of Luffy being Luffy, but as a girl. Wacky adventures and awkward situations abound. fem!Luffy. Alive!Sabo. Notes: all i can say is that luffy’s lucky to be a boy in canon bc imagine how more protective his brothers could have been
Start of a Joke by loosingletters Summary:  A pirate goes to Impel Down and shares his cell with a political bargain chip and a wannabe noble. What sounds like the start of a really bad joke has just become reality for Ace. Notes: if asl never grew up together well there’s always impel down as a good meet-up point, i guess
Fix it, Sabo! by InsanelyWriteful Summary:  Sabo comes home to find that he really can't leave Ace and Luffy alone without some catastrophic event taking place in his absence. Now it is up to him to deal with the ultimate horror: A crying Luffy. Notes: ace trying to act cool despite panicking over making luffy cry lol
Sharp Knife of a Short Life by saraku Summary:  The Blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Notes: asl short series in which i live for my boys being alive
Meet the Family by siqwithaQ Summary:  Luffy's was probably the most interesting proposition Zoro had ever heard, so naturally, he just had to go along with it. Notes: PITBULL - that’s it, that’s the fic.
Family Reunion by Eiliem Summary:  After Ace's rescue from Marinford, the Straw Hats hitch a ride on the Moby Dick so Luffy can check up on his brother... and because they forgot to secure transportation of their own. Notes: what should have been canon before/during/after marineford arc tbh
Saving Ace Together by firefistphoenix Summary:  What if all the straw hats come together to save Ace? set after impel down and immediately towards Marine-ford. Also Thatch is alive and I intend to keep Ace and Whitebeard alive too. Notes: everyone alive is my kink
wish by spirit if by yes by midnightluck Summary:  Mostly, Sabo likes his job, even when it means trying to chase down pirates like Whitebeard in the New World to discuss important Army affairs. Okay, maybe especially then. Notes:  Reunion AU where Sabo's a lucky little brat, everyone's happy, and nothing hurts. Well, okay, some stuff still hurts. BUT THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOW CANON HAD GONE ;___________;
Immortality is What We Leave Behind by BedlamAnjelle Summary:  The lines between mythos and humans were very clear cut, and Marco liked it that way. Everyone knew that the great Suzaku had deemed humans savage and was content to have nothing to do with them ever again. Which is why the phoenix lord buying two humans- young boys, no less- at the auction came as a shock. Especially to Marco. Just what was he thinking, yoi? Notes: all the kid!acelu feels and reluctant papa!marco ++ izou & thatch
Wild Blood by siqwithaQ Summary:  In a world where the King never died, Roger and Dragon try to raise their sons away from the government's eye. Secrecy turns out to be more of a challenge than they bargained for. Notes: im sad this hasn’t been updated bc we were getting to the really good part of toddler!ace and baby!luffy finally meeting
Young and Built to Fall by fingers-falling-upwards Summary:  Ace will save his nakama. He will save his father. And he will save his little brother and ensure Luffy's happiness even if it kills him. Again. Thankfully, he won't be doing it alone. Together, he and Luffy will change the world. Notes: a timetravel fix-it fic
Learning Freedom by elri(angelrider13) Summary:  They were slaves. One who had known freedom and lost it; one who had been born without it. Will a chance meeting give them something to live for? 15yo!ace and 3yo!luffy Notes: ughhh this remains as one of my all time favs jfc it’s so beautifully written and my heart aches on how young and innocent luffy is and how ace raised him up; warning for heavy themes; it’s been discontinued though bc people kept plagiarizing it asdfghjkl
Ten Years Difference by Stormy1x2 Summary:  It's amazing what differences there would be if there were a ten-year age difference between Ace and Luffy. For one thing, how on earth could Ace possibly feel good about himself leaving Foosha Village if his brother had been six-and-a-half instead of the canon fourteen? Notes: older!ace and younger!luffy + one piece canon sign me up
Ace in the Hole by Reign of Rayne Summary:  Raised as an assassin with no knowledge of his father and holding no drive beyond the orders he's given, Ace finds his whole world flipped by one small boy and a promise. Notes: older!ace and younger!luffy fics is my kryptonite
Gang Wars by samettikettu Summary:  In order to protect his most treasured possession, Ace joins the Whitebeard gang but soon finds out that protecting his brother is much harder than he had thought. When gang wars rampage and child welfare officers knock the door, Ace is lucky to have friends around him who are willing to help him and his four-year-old little brother, Luffy. Notes: ace raising luffy hell to the yes
A Pirate’s Resolve by Anjelle Summary: Luffy has finally reached his dream of becoming the Pirate King. He goes to visit Ace's grave to finally finish his journey. But really, there's more adventure awaiting him. When he arrives on an uninhabited island with his crew, he's attacked by a stranger. However, perhaps this boy isn't a stranger after all. [AceLu brotherly. No pairings] Notes: did someone ask for acelu feels??? here you go
Adopted by Default by Kitsune Foxfire Summary:  Moby Dick is anything but peaceful on a regular day. The crew is just well used to their special brand of crazy, however. So when an unexpected guest arrives, it throws everyone into disorder. Really, where the hell is this cheeky brat's crew? Someone needs to tell Ace that his ship-brothers are NOT babysitters! Notes: another all-time fav bc i live for luffy breaking the whitebeard pirates
Drunken Brocon by DemonKittyAngel Summary:  It isn't until the first time Ace gets drunk that they learn he has a brother. Doting on him has become a favorite pass time and they can see him thriving under the attention. Such a cute little brother. Which is why it comes as such a shock that he's a big brother. "Did I tell you about the time he got swallowed by the alligator, again?"   Notes: Drunk!Ace Brocon!Ace Family!Whitebeards
Breakout by Karukyuu Summary:  After being momentarily stopped during his invasion of Impel Down, Luffy wakes up one hour earlier. Not only does this spell the worst trouble Impel Down has ever seen, but also bestows the Marines with a most unwanted surprise. Notes: what do you mean this isn’t what happened
Never Save by siqwithaQ Summary: Ace's guardian angel might be something other than an angel. Notes: alternatively titled as “hurt me more dot jpg”
Soulmates!verse by Elri (angelrider13) Summary:  There was always one Angel and one Demon. No more, no less. One was pure, the other tainted. They were never meant to co-exist, and yet, they find themselves inevitably drawn together. Notes: there are 3 stories in this universe with basically the same theme of angel!luffy and demon!ace; warning (?): this also toes the line of being shippy between ace and luffy but well it depends on the reader i guess
Forgot to Hide the Bodies by siqwithaQ Summary:  Despite being lovers and sharing an apartment, neither Ace nor Luffy ever found out what the other does for a living — not to say that there haven't been close calls. Because, really, some skeletons in the closet are more literal than others. Ace/Luffy Notes: warning (?) acelu is shippy; but ok goodness this one made me laugh
Brave and Strong by samettikettu Summary:  Everything made sense now, why Sabo hadn't hugged him back and why he didn't say much to him during their brief meetings. Or why he hadn't waited till he woke up. Sabo blamed him for Ace's death. Notes: i didn’t know i needed yandere!sabo until this
Borrowing Days by Strange-Charms Summary:  Sabo was determined, he'd do this right. To make up for all those he'd missed. Notes: ahhh such a “quiet” and nice sabo and luffy brotherly bonding
Detective Loomes and the Phantom Thief by samettikettu Summary:  Detective Sherlock Loomes is the greatest detective in all England and he's tracking down the murderer who took his friend's life, a man called Moriarty. During his investigations, another criminal catches his eyes and messes up his head with his charming smile. It's the Phantom Thief Lupin! Sabo/Luffy Notes: everyone’s roles are great; warning (?): shippy sabolu
The Monkey Clan by loofahlover Summary:  Zoro had never thought that going out with Luffy would be easy. But that knowledge had not prepared him to meet with a senile old marine, an ex-mercenary, a half-drunk traveling salesman, a fireman with a questionable skillset, a shady government agent, and an even shadier sociopath. Notes: this was tagged as zoro/luffy but the focus was on the “monkey clan” and this was fcking hilarious and literally has been a rollercoaster from start until the end lmao I LOVE THIS
The Hat by Taisi Summary:  About a year before the Corrida Colosseum in Dressrosa, Sabo met one of Luffy's nakama. Well, they didn't actually meet. They spoke, but names weren't exchanged; other things were. Notes: so simple but sooooo good; AU drabble
NAKAMA FICS ALL of akurosa’s fics are a must-read!!! but let me list down my top ones from this author this is the price that has been paid in full (Some days, it's the ridiculously small things that break them and make them start over again.)   moments like this (simple and sweet Zoro&Luffy nakamaship moments)   Next Time Won’t You Sing With Me (The Straw Hats' ABCs. Short stories, all Luffy-centric with crew member interactions and sometimes, with Ace. notes: the last chapter (letter z) killed me hence, this) Like When a Fox Falls (Last time, he saved them. This time, they'll find him. A modern-reincarnation fic)  
2 Things by The StoryBooker Summary:  Zoro contemplates the things he does for his captain. Then he has a conversation with Rayleigh about what it means to be a first mate. Notes: im weak for first mates complaining about their captains
A Light Against The Dark Sky by zealousfreak27 Summary:  In which Robin Nico adopts six squirming children, becomes an object of interest for a famous elderly violinist, makes the acquaintance of a very interesting demolitionist, and learns to live again. Notes: pretty sure im gonna rec all kid!luffy fics tbh
Already Forever by Taisi Summary:  Hundreds of years from now, historians will never know what her captain was thinking, when he brought Enies Lobby to its knees with a declaration of war, when he attacked a Celestial Dragon on an island in an archipelago, and she won't be there to explain, "it was for a friend, you see?" (In which Nami comes to understand that the world will never understand Luffy.) Notes: nami’s thoughts are pretty much the fans’ thoughts
Always Gold by kokune Summary:  He's tied to a tree, his swords and crew are missing, and now some ten-year-old brat calling himself Sabo is waving around a lead pipe, demanding to know what happened to his little brother. Zoro closes his eyes and wonders if a bottle of booze will appear out of nowhere if he wishes hard enough. It's not like the day can get any weirder, anyway. Notes: post timeskip!SHs encounter young!ASL on Dawn Island
Copycat by Taisi Summary: And then, so quickly no one saw it happen, the man is reeling back with a broken nose, the creature is swept up and away, and Luffy- cradling it safely against his chest- looks as surprised as the rest of them. (In which there are absolutely no miraculous returns, and old wounds ache before a rain.) Notes: *wraps luffy in a burrito blanket*
Calendars and Kings by Taisi Summary:  "When I was little, all the other kids got treats and candies on my birthday too, so I didn't know it was special for me. Ace always said it was, but I thought that was just 'cause he was my big brother. I thought that since it was already a holiday, it didn't count!" Notes: just some nakama feels for all of us
Inversion by siqwithaQ Summary: "He wished things were different. He wished things would change." Notes: did someone ask for an ocean of angst in 1 chapter??? here you go
Inanition by Taisi Summary:  in·a·ni·tion, noun; lack of mental or spiritual vigor and enthusiasm; exhaustion caused by lack of nourishment. Notes: [In which Luffy's metabolism is faster than his doctor understands.]
Linger by Duzzie Summary:  AU. They're just a bunch of lonely kids in a hospital ward before he comes along: the boy with a smile like sunshine. Notes: what was that you wanted more angsty fics??? here you go
Smile Again by Taisi Summary:  His eyes are bright, and his mouth is stretched into a grin as wide as the world, and looking at him Usopp could cry. Notes: Modern AU, Nakamaship; there’s a lingering ache bc of the loss but the support of the mugiwara family is there
The Straw Hat by EmberEvolution Summary: The straw hat Shanks had given Luffy all those years ago finally fits on the boy's head. For anyone else, it would be an exciting event as it proves that they've grown from before. For Luffy, it's an event that triggered a panic fit and the reason behind it is simple: What if he outgrows his treasured straw hat? Notes: luffy has legitimate concerns ok
S We Walk the Beaten Path by soomin Summary: They were so close to the end that a few of them have actually begun to think about the ever after. However, Sabo warns the Strawhat crew that one of them will not make it to the afterwards if they go to Raftel, the crew thinks. It has always been pirate king or death. Not a single one thought that the “or” could one day be “and”. Notes: The highlight would have to be how each of the crew member reacted and tried finding a “solution”.
In The Bag by Kamu Summary: All pirates have hordes of treasure.It just so happens in this life, cats are the treasure in Luffy's. Notes: luffy as the owner of mugiwara!cats but this def needs the next part to update
Kizuna by YokoHogawa Summary:  Usopp carefully watches Luffy over the sandwich he is biting into, and he can’t help but worry. Sanji has an anxiety problem. Something wakes Zoro at the crack of dawn. Notes: nice approach immediately after the crew’s 3d2y reunion
Exclusivity by Taizi Summary:  A stranger flirts with the oblivious Luffy, and the Straw Hat Pirates reveal a possessive streak. Notes: ngl i’m weak for people being protective over luffy
Breadwinner by siqwithaQ Summary:  Because when the trouble doesn't find the Straw Hats by itself, the Straw Hats have to go looking for trouble. Notes: im still choking with laughter especially with the law-luffy-nami scenes lmao
Nothing but Trouble by Kitsune Foxfire Summary:  Marco and Thatch have had just about enough of the Moby Dick's newest passenger. Whenever Ace isn't trying to kill Oyaji, he's driving the rest of the crew insane with his bizarre habits. They're not even sure if they've picked up a feral dog or a person anymore. Who the heck raised this kid, anyway? Wolves? Notes: oh, ace, i love you
Unexpected Emergencies by blueh Summary:  Luffy had been alone most of his short life, with no one to love and no one to rely on. This all changed, however, when the Whitebeard Pirates stumble upon his lonely little island and take the four-year-old boy under their wing. Who knew that the little rubber brat would become one of Oyaji's strongest commanders when he grew up? Ha. The Whitebeard Pirates sure didn't. Notes: ahhh the bonding of luffy and the whitebeard pirates as he grew up was so nice
SHIPPY FICS aka i didn’t know i shipped anyone in one piece but damn these fics are good
An Interesting Proposal by petiteneko Summary:  If anybody told Smoker that he would have a casual conversation with his boss at a pirate's wedding, he would have thought them beyond insane. Law/Luffy Notes: wherein smoker’s sure he didn’t sign up for this bullshit and the wedding hall has got to be the “most wanted area in history”
Her Pace by Arithra Summary:  When Trafalgar Law first met Strawhat Luffy in the auction house on Sabaody, he like everyone else, assumed her to be male. It was a simple fact. A fact that would not survive their second meeting. Law/Luffy Notes: genderbent!luffy and as usual he/she is still so damn cute
Stow Away Captains by xairylle Summary:  Law sneaks into the men's quarters of the Thousand Sunny. Zoro contemplates on how to deal with it. And Luffy, well, Luffy is just Luffy. Notes: screaming over the predicament of zoro, sanji, usopp, and brook lmao
Youthful Years by grayclouds Summary:  Snippets and bits of seven years in Hogwarts during which Law hopelessly pines for Luffy. Law/Luffy Notes: the hp au every fandom needs
We’re Not Nuns by deadhemoglobin Summary:  Luffy went to prison. [[ZoLu, LawLu, Prison AU, warnings inside]] Notes: explicit Zoro/Luffy y’all and the premise was interesting
A Clash of Blades by Arithra Summary:  Mihawk had lived by the blade, had lived for the blade and the moment she lost her title she would die by the blade as well. Only Shanks ever dared to disagree. (fem!mihawk; Shanks/Mihawk) Notes: i thought mihawk looked pretty in oda’s genderbent drawing so i casually looked for a fic then this happened and jfc ngl this works sooo well and the fact that the author managed to keep them in character was super nice
ASL in Love by Kereea Summary: Three things would be true about the ASL Brothers’ relationships: they would be spectacular, they would be weird, and Shanks would not approve of his kids’ love lives. Marco/Ace Sabo/Koala Law/Luffy Notes: papa!shanks is the best and him raging over his kids’ “special others” is the best Hey, Mr. Star, I Think I love You (Please Love Me Too) by JuHuaTai Summary: Rising star actor, Marco Newgate, and the darling of the music industry, Spade, are just friends. Good friends who met in the most awkward of circumstances, and hold great respect for each other’s craft. Okay, a whole lot deal of great respect, and there might be a shade of crush here and there, but it’s a celebrity crush and that’s all there is to it.At least, that's what they kept saying. The whole world sure doesn't buy it one bit. Marco/Ace Notes: fluff goodness literally this is what you’d need if you wanna have toothache from all the sweetness also i cry over luffy being a youtuber
We’ll Look Back and Laugh at Ourselves by JuHuaTai Summary: Between his new boyfriend and his workaholic boss, Marco felt like he was surrounded by family issues of the father and son dispute variety. Maybe it was just a coincidence.Or maybe he should've listened to the office gossip more. Maybe then he'd figure it out sooner. Marco/Ace Notes: i relate with whitebeard and (later on) rayleigh
Thwarted by a Malign Star by DeadSkullB Summary:  “Fuck pirates, they're scum - except for Luffy, Luffy's fine… But he's not a pirate yet… that means it's fine, yeah, pirates suck,” Ace said matter-of-factly. Then his brain slowly caught up and he looked at the man - his face, not his very, very nice chest - with narrowed eyes. “Are you a pirate?” Marco smirked and pointed down at his chest. “You’re Marco the pine- Phoenix,” Ace stumbled over the word, heart having leapt to his throat and filled his ear with constant drumming. He didn't realize he spilled his drink - when had he gotten a refill? Marco/Ace Notes: came for the summary bc ace doting on luffy even as a marine is gold and stayed bc damn that was hot; nsfw & explicit obv
One Piece Soulmates AU by Charlie_Mou Summary: You have the name of your soulmate tattooed on your body but it's the name that will have the biggest impact on the world. Marco/Ace Law/Luffy Notes: The variety of One Piece Soulmate AU, mostly MarcoAce, LawLu, and others which isn’t written yet.
OTHERS of doughnuts and meat by dami_an Summary: "Where's my MEAT?!!" Behind the counter, Katakuri looks up from the sales ledger. He sighs, "Told you; this is a bakery. We don't sell meat here." "But you have meat buns!!!" Luffy whines. Notes: “in which katakuri's a baker and ends up befriending a seven-year-old luffy”; the exasperation of katakuri ftw and kid!luffy is the cutest basically a very wholesome shit i live for
The World Goes Around by WinglessCrows Summary: "How come you're called the pirate hunter, when you're a pirate yourself?"- How Zoro got his nickname and how his stupid captain was somehow involved. Notes: a headcanon i accept
Grandfatherhood by Keereea Summary:  Sengoku and Garp chat about Sengoku's discovery about Law. Notes: “Like Sengoku wouldn't tell Garp "crap I've join the 'my grandson's a pirate' club." warning (?): there’s a tiny bit of lawlu at the end
An Old-Hat Rivalry by lunarshores(damichan) Summary:  Three times Marco met a different man wearing the straw hat, and one time he decided to follow it. Notes: i just love the takes of authors on how marco and luffy’s dynamic is going to be and ugh the ending was so cute
A Song for the Heartsore and War-Weary by Summary: "Sorry, Ace," Marco murmured to himself as he riffled through the stack of old newspapers. "I don't know how it happened, but... I think I'm stalking your little brother." Notes: another take on marco and luffy’s dynamic asdfghjkl
Unsinkable by RikoJasmine Summary: The Straw Hats find out that their captain has one hell of a family. When asked about his mother’s whereabouts, Luffy simply grins and throws his arms out, gesturing to the endless expanse of sea around them. With complete sincerity, he replies, “The ocean is my mother!”An AU where Luffy isn’t entirely human, and water affects him differently than other Devil Fruit users. Notes: an interesting take on who luffy’s mother might be
Take It From Another Savior by JadeFlicker Summary: "You realize, by saving Straw Hat-ya, you may very well have indirectly changed or saved a lot of lives.” “You think?” “I know.” On their way to Wano, Law and his group just happen to meet the Red Hair Pirates. Notes: ahhh, i loved the “quietness” of this fic and some interactions between characters i didn’t think i’d be interested in seeing (hence this)
Like Cats and Dogs by PitViperOfDoom Summary:  It should be easy to judge a man by the shape of his soul, but Strawhat Luffy spits in the face of logic and predictability. Notes: i finally found a daemon fic yes
Law’s Adventure in the Thousand Sunny by LuffyForKing Summary: Law's thoughts on the crew's antics. Rated T for some swearing. Notes: basically, the strawhats broke law lmao
About You by pitchblackfingernails Summary:  “Is he serious?!” He heard faintly from Eustass-ya’s direction. And it seemed that he was. Because “Straw Hat” Monkey D. Luffy, dodged one, two bullets that flew in his direction, formed a fist, pulled his arm back, and then, with a shout, hit the face of one of the World Nobles with a force that sent the sucker flying halfway across the room, completely shattering the benches that were in the way in the process. And grunted in satisfaction, a fierce and proud look on his face. Law would be lying if he claimed that the sight didn’t make his heart skip a beat. Fucking hell. So that was Monkey D. Luffy. Notes: warning (?): it’s tagged as law/luffy but so far, it’s more on showing law’s pov on luffy pre timeskip
Every You, Every Me by tokyonightskies Summary: “Did you know, Roci…” Doffy begins in a voice that only spells out trouble. As if he knows something Rocinante doesn’t, has never thought about until it’s said and done. “That Sengoku keeps your marine file in his desk?” There’s something comforting about how unpredictable his brother is, something he can count on at least when there’s nothing else to rely on. He grabs a commentary on their great-great grandmother and puts it on top of the others, on the pile of papers he doesn’t really suspect his brother to read thoroughly. “I didn’t.” He responds tiredly as he shuts the drawer and leans against the wall, “Do I want to know how you know?” Doffy comes to stand next to him, tilts his head back until Roci can glimpse at his eyes from the side, and teases, “I looked, of course.” Notes: interesting take on what if roci wasn’t allowed to infiltrate the donquixote family and continued being a marine but it has only 1 chapter whelp; there are pairings tagged but then again no shippy thing at all since it’s not updated
Black Scab by tofu-melon Summary:  Having been raised by his grandfather since a young age, Luffy grows up powerful and intelligent enough to become part of the CP9... more precisely, he becomes their Chief Director. Notes: warning (?) it was tagged as Lucci/Luffy but so far it doesn’t have any yet
Drop-In Voyage by Lily Noire Summary:  So how does one go about visiting family on the other side of the globe? Easy: just board a ship. There's a pit stop on the way, you say? Dangerous, is it? No biggie, simply wreak havoc. And watch out for that fist! Strongest man in the world? Really? Then, surpass him it is! - Luffy did always have his priorities straight... somewhat. Notes: ahhh i wish the author would continue this bc i wanna see everyone’s reaction to their visit lol
My Family Can Beat Up Your Family by rose7anne101 Summary:  Big Mom decided she needed to make an unforgettable example of one of the Worst Generation, her chosen target: Straw Hat Luffy. Alive!Ace Notes: this is the canon we deserve wherein nobody died and luffy’s still wrecking havoc
Oh God, My Eyes! by Kitsune Foxfire Summary:  No one could ever really be sure what went on in Garp's head. So they weren't sure if his new cloths were some kind of strange D-related tactic, or if the man had actually lost his mind. If they'd just look at the date, they'd know. His cute grandsons always sent the most thoughtful gifts for his birthday. Notes: garp the grandpa ftw
Pets by clarobel Summary:  AU. Zoro was a stray until Shanks picked him up and adopted him. Now in a house with reindeer, kittens, fish and dogs, the green cat doesn't know who to trust. Luffy's delighted to have a new friend to play with, though! Notes: mugiwara as pets hell yes
The Justice of Freedom by Stelra Etnae Summary:  Garp is a pirate, Roger is a Marine? The Marine top-tiers are full of slacking drunkards and the Yonko are obsessed with rice crackers? Just what kind of chaos will unfold in a world such as this? A role-reversal AU where everything is upside down and no one is quite sane. Drabble series. Notes: im sCREAMING loool
Storm by  Kuroshi44 Summary:  Because even across the seas he would find a way to let his child know he cared. Notes: i can’t wait for a legit dragon and luffy reunion
Supernova Family by YohoAruto Summary:  There are laughter, shouting, fight, all the halabaloo. It's what families do! But we all have to wonder if this family can survive with eachothers? Just a regular Supernova Family. Notes: ok but i really love the supernovas and this modern au fic is gold
The adventures of the Supernova pirates by WhimsicalAnimeFan Summary:  This is the story of the Supernova crew, under their captain, Strawhat Luffy! Join Luffy as he travels the east blue and through the Grand Line to collect pirates for his crew! Notes: thank the heavens they’re not under one crew
Throne Without Direction by Som3on3 Summary:  "You have an old soul," Benn said and Luffy wanted to laugh, that's one way to put it, falling from the heavens and chained upon the earth. Instead he only gazed at the unchanging sky before smiling, "I'm just a free spirit." Notes: this had so much potential especially after the reveal in the latest chapter but it hasn’t been updated ;________;
**will add more from time to time
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missmungoe · 7 years
If you are still taking flower prompts, could I suggest another one? Shanks x Makino + Roseberry + Ulmus.
WE WERE MADE TO LAST // Shanks x Makino // raspberry; remorse (I’m guessing you meant this one?) + ulmus; royalty, strength, age
He doesn’t go back, after Marineford.
He means to, but things come up. The sea has few sympathies to offer old promises and personal feelings, and the weeks slip through his fingers, becoming months, and before he’s even had the chance to take in just how much time has passed, it’s been two years since the war.
He thinks about calling her, but he doesn’t want the first thing he says to her in twelve years to be through a Den Den Mushi. And he’ll go back, Shanks thinks. Not when it’s safe, because the sea will never be that, but there’ll be a day where he can sit back and breathe again. He’ll go back then, when he can actually go back to stay.
“You might regret it,” Ben says, when Shanks tells him. And it’s not reproachfully said, just a calm statement of fact. Because he might disagree with the decision, but not Shanks’ reasons for making it. They can’t leave now, with Blackbeard still to deal with. And Ben has always been starkly pragmatic; a good foil to a captain prone to following his gut more often than not.
It’s not his gut he wants to follow this time, but the heart is even less concerned with what’s the best course of action, selfish thing that it is.
He wants to be selfish, Shanks thinks. Going back would mean being that—would mean putting his own feelings before her (not necessarily before her own feelings, because love makes a damn mess of things, and there’s little room left for self-preservation after a decade’s worth of longing). Even if he could only stay a little while, she’d ask him to come back, if the choice was up to her. Which is why he needs to be the one to make it.
Because there’s another regret that sits, seeming to be waiting just beyond reach. The thought of what going back might mean for her. He has enough enemies lining up. And he can take losing a limb, or a title. But losing her—
“Maybe,” Shanks says, and downs the contents of the tumbler in his hand. Indecision makes for a truly shitty drinking companion, and there are few answers to be found at the bottom of his glass, but even if Ben is right, there’s one thing he knows for certain.
“But I’d rather my being a little late is the only regret I have when this is over.”
He doesn’t come back, and for a while, she keeps waiting. She holds out hope that it’s just a delay—wonders idly why she’s surprised that there is one. Part of her had expected it, the same part that expects him to show up in her doorway any day, with that predictably sheepish grin, and sorry I’m late.
She’ll smile, Makino thinks. In her imagination she’s always smiling, and she’ll pull out that bottle she’s been saving for ten years and ask, like it hasn’t been that many since she saw him last—can I get you a drink, Captain?
The first few weeks are easy to bear. The months that follow are harder, but whenever her hope begins to falter she just grips it tighter, and it’s been two whole years before she starts to slowly accept the fact that he might not be coming back at all.
It’s been another before she realises that even if he meant to, he won’t be.
She reads about it in the paper. He’s not the first Emperor to fall to Blackbeard, but it takes reading it several times over for the realisation to finally sink in. As though there’s a part of her that can’t accept it, the fact that he would lose—that he wouldn’t live through this, the strongest man she knows, after the one who’d helped raise her.
(but even Garp follows, shortly after. She doesn’t read about that in the paper; instead she gets a phone call, from the former Fleet Admiral. A almost-father’s last request to an old friend, and already grieving, she’s so numb she can barely speak)
There are no funerals, only Dadan and a bottle between them. Makino doesn’t know what to do with the hollowness, creeping around her bones, her veins, until it’s filled her stomach and her chest and her heart, and everything she does feels like too much and not enough—there’s too much air to breathe, but it hurts when she tries. She has too much time on her hands, but she can’t stop thinking about all the years they could have had, if she’d just taken him up on his offer thirteen years ago, to go with him.
She wonders where she would have been, if she had—wonders if she would have been dead along with him.
(part of her wonders if it would have been kinder than what she is now, alive but not living, breathing but only out of necessity, as though her body remembers that she needs to but not why)
Shanks dies, and it leaves her changed. And he hasn’t been part of her life in twelve years, but she feels it, the sense that nothing will be the same. That she won’t be, after this.
Shanks dies, and the world moves on. She doesn’t understand how it could—that it could even pretend to be the same without him in it. Because even seas away, she feels it. Like a missing limb, prodding with phantom pains, even as her heart keeps beating in her chest.
The irony isn’t kind; it’s cruel, and wicked, and she cries until it hurts more than breathing does, until she’s so exhausted she falls asleep, but it’s the only way she knows how, these days.
It’s weeks before it feels like she can breathe without thinking. It’s months before she can fall asleep without the assistance of a strong drink. It’s a whole wound of a year before stops looking out the window with every other breath, a never-ending widow’s walk for a man who was never her husband, hoping there’ll be a ship on the horizon in spite of everything—familiar sails, and that sheepish grin in her doorway, and I’m sorry I’m late.
It takes her a long time to move on.
But she does, in the end.
The word comes to him slowly, sluggishly dragging through his head, and it takes him a moment to understand, as though his mind knows what it means, knows the definition, but it can’t piece together the significance of its speaking.
Ben only looks at him, expression carefully blank, but the deep furrow between his brows betrays him. He’s not smoking, Shanks sees. Somehow, that little detail seems more significant than anything else.
“You’re sure?” Shanks asks after a moment. And it feels like he’s just buying himself time, asking for further assurance. Because he knows the answer to his own question like he knows the man he asked it of; Ben wouldn’t be so careless with information if he didn’t have all the facts.
And, “Just recently,” Ben confirms. And he doesn’t say anything else, but the implication finds him, anyway—the suggestion that she might have waited. And Shanks knows her—knows that she probably did.
He doesn’t know which realisation is the worst, when it finally finds him—that he was still holding out hope that she was waiting, or the fact that she had waited, and longer than anyone else would, but that he was still too late.
Or maybe it’s the third—the slow-settling grief, realising that his biggest regret would turn out to be of his own make after all.
“What do you want to do?” Ben asks, and like all the others, it takes a little while for the words to sink in. His head feels heavy, his ears thick, but he’s not running a fever. His injuries have healed enough that he doesn’t feel like a sneeze will be what tips him over, but thinking feels like wading through a marsh, every step requiring all his strength, and he doesn’t have any left to answer Ben’s question.
Recovering had taken time. He hadn’t been in a state fit to go anywhere, and he’d already taken so long to go back, he hadn’t thought that a few more months would change anything.
Recently, Ben had said. She’d married just recently, and there’s something like a laugh pushing up his chest, forming like a lump in his throat, a tumour pressing against his windpipe.
Breathing takes effort. Beneath him, the sway of his ship tells him the sea is quiet, but then he’s never known the East Blue to be anything else.
They’re docked a few islands over. It’ll take a day to reach Dawn, maybe less, and there’s a part of him that wants to tell Ben to hell with what’s awaiting him, and to keep to their course.
The fact that there is a part of him so ready to be selfish is what makes his decision for him.
“Set a new course,” Shanks says instead.
Disagreement draws Ben’s features tight, but what he asks is, “Where?”
“Anywhere else.”
“You sure you don’t want to talk to her? Tell her you’re still alive, at least?”
He does laugh at that, but it’s never sounded less like one. “I think this is for the best.”
Ben just looks at him. “You might regret it.”
The conversation rings a bit too familiar for comfort, and he should probably take some wisdom from that fact, but the thought of going back now, and of seeing her again after so long—of having to treat her like an acquaintance, an old friend, as though she was never anything else, as though she wasn’t everything, and not being able to touch her, or taste her, or even look at her like he had once…
Maybe it’s because he knows she can’t choose him now, whatever her feelings, that he can’t make himself go back.
Or maybe it’s because there’s a small part of him that hopes she might still choose him after all, if he does.
He thinks it might be the last one, but he doesn’t tell Ben that. Of course, he doesn’t doubt that Ben has gathered as much.
“Then I’ll add it to the list,” Shanks says, and leaves it at that. Except there’s no leaving this, he knows, like there was no leaving her. Not truly.
He gets drunk. Blind, out-of-your-mind, gut-wrenching drunk. And it doesn’t help, because grief is an even worse drinking companion than indecision is, but he drinks until he drowns it, the thought of her, and the part of his soul that’s hers, that misses her, that’s been missing her for twelve goddamn years, and then he drinks some more, until he’s the one drowning; until he stops feeling like he wants to say to fucking hell with it all and go back anyway. And when he’s done that, he drinks until he stops feeling.
Shanks wonders how much it would take for him to just stop.
She’s married, for a little while.
Her wedding was nice. Simple. Her husband is, too—nice. Kind and unassuming. A little simple, too, in his pleasures and ambitions. A local farmer recently settled, with a small house and a windmill sitting pretty in a quiet corner of the village. He has a soft smile, and dimples in his cheeks.
He asks her several times. She says no, the first three.
Then—maybe. The years have made her lonely, and loss has made her impatient where she wasn’t before. But there’s no waiting for a dead man, and Makino doesn’t know what she’s holding out hope for, exactly.
Then—yes, she says finally, and for a little while, things aren’t so bad. It’s nice to have someone—someone who looks at her with affection, and he treats her well, and kindly. He doesn’t ask for more than she can give, and Makino thinks, maybe naively, that she can be happy like this. That she will be happy one day.
When it’s over, she tucks her wedding dress away, and doesn’t take it back out. She hears she’s supposed to—that it’s part of coming out of the newlywed bliss, to reminisce about the day it all started; to lament not being able to wear it again, and feel so much joy.
Makino doesn’t want to reminisce, or to look at the wedding dress, much less wear it—the one that’s all wrong, pretty but not her, nothing about it is her. She hasn’t been herself, hasn’t felt like herself, in months.
(she’d always been herself with him, and he would have liked her in anything, would have liked her completely naked on his ship under the open sky and would have suggested as much when he asked her to marry him, with that smile she both wishes she would forget and can’t bear to part with)
She’s married for a little while, but her husband passes, six months after their wedding. An illness, they tell her, long in coming. There was nothing they could have done.
Makino tries to feel the grief she should feel—looks for it, the one that she’s so familiar with. The one that had made it hurt to breathe, and even more to live. The one that had sent her off to bed with a drink burning in her stomach, just to bear the silence.
But nothing hurts, and the silence of her lonely bed is a comfort now. It had never felt right, the few months that she’d shared it. It had always felt a little off, falling asleep beside a man who slept so quietly, who didn’t snore, or reach for her in his sleep, or take up the whole mattress. And for so many weeks after their wedding she’d come wake, reaching for another body, skin darker and scars under her fingertips, but they’d bleed away upon that first touch, and guilt would greet her mornings with her husband’s kisses, the ones that had always been sweet but never quite right—no drowsy laughter in them, pressed with a smile against her pulse, her cheeks, her breasts.
She thinks it should hurt, which is probably the worst part. And she feels bad, because they tell her I’m so sorry, Makino-san. Young folks like you should have had a whole life together.
And yes, she says, with all the conviction she can muster, but it’s not her husband she has in mind; has never been that, however kind he was, and however safe the future he promised.
She feels bad, not because her husband is dead, but because she can’t grieve him like she should, like she’d grieved the man she’d known for a single year and who she hadn’t seen in twelve. The man who hadn’t been her husband, but who she’d lost like he had been, and more besides.
It takes her a little while to move on, but she does. She moves back to her old apartments above the bar, which is better than living alone in a house that had never felt like home. And it’s nice, having her own space again. Her bed. Her books.
There’s also more of him there—small, private memories that she’d never allowed anyone else to infringe upon, like the first time he’d stayed the night, that loud, adoring laughter chasing her off to sleep, deepened with an intimate feeling she hadn’t known to recognise for what it was at the time. And how it had felt, waking to find him sprawled across the mattress of her bed, all strong limbs and red hair and some part of her in his keeping, and she’d thought, stupidly, naively, that she would like to wake up like that for the rest of her life.
She doesn’t push the memories away now, but allows herself to hoard them, to keep them, and stops pretending that it’s not giving her some measure of comfort. And she stops trying to feel guilty for not properly grieving a man she’d never properly loved.
It’s not easy, of course. She’s never been good at being selfish, and it feels selfish, choosing this; choosing herself, when she couldn’t choose the man she really wanted. The one she had loved, and grieved.
Her life settles back into familiar routines, slowly but surely. It will never be the same, Makino thinks, but she can live like this. She runs her bar, and serves her patrons. She has her memories, her small, private things, and people to keep her grounded.
And when her long days are done she goes to bed, and dreams herself off somewhere else—to a different life on a different sea and a woman years younger, standing at the bow of a pirate ship, salt in her dark hair and the sea heaving like the heart in her chest, but the sturdy grip of a strong arm around her waist keeping her steady.
Luffy calls. It’s been years since Makino saw him last, that day he’d first set out to sea, and she hears his laughter before anything else, tumbling over the line, warm and bright into the quiet of her bar, which seems to respond, like it’s been starved of the sound. Like she has been, Makino thinks.
He asks her how she’s been, and she keeps her answers vague. She doesn’t tell him about her marriage, the brief affair that it was. There’s not even a mark around her finger from her wedding ring; she hadn’t worn it long enough for it to leave one, and she thinks she should probably be upset about that.
(she remembers how upset she’d been, that morning she’d woken, a few weeks after Shanks had left for the Grand Line, and found that the sheets didn’t smell like him anymore. She’d cried, then)
Luffy is still talking, but allows her to get in a question or two. But she doesn’t ask about Shanks, or if Luffy had been there when it happened. She doesn’t think she can bear to explain why she’s asking, and after so long.
They talk about other things instead. Pirate King now, he’s got enough stories to share, and she listens as he stumbles over himself trying to tell them all at once, his attention fleeting but his eagerness so dear and familiar, for a few moments she forgets all the years that have passed, and it’s the little boy perched on one of her barstools, trying his best to explain the finer points of piracy and manhood, and the importance for a pirate to have a policy and to stick to it.
A man has to keep his word, he’d told her, with all the grave seriousness only a six-year-old could manage with a straight face.
She remembered having to fight to hide her smile. And if he doesn’t?
Well then he’s stupid! He’d righted his shoulders. I’m gonna be stronger than Shanks. I’ll be the greatest pirate ever! That’s my promise.
She’d laughed at that—not at the promise, but at that serious little face and the unshakable conviction. And she’d thought then that she would miss him, when he one day set out to sea.
I’ll take your word for it, Luffy.
She doesn’t have children. She’d always hoped she would, back when she’d been younger and she’d imagined the future she wanted. A family of her own; a babe at the breast, and little hands tugging at her skirt, tailing her across the length of her bar and back. Children raised on sea shanties and tavern tales.
A widow now, Makino thinks she’s supposed to mourn that loss as well, but the truth is there’s a part of her that’s relieved they didn’t have the chance to get to that point (the part that had for so many years hoped her children would be his, red hair and wide, cheeky smiles, and enough noise and trouble between them to keep her life filled with both), but listening to Luffy talking, she doesn’t think about her regrets.
“I’ll come visit,” he tells her. He sounds older, Makino thinks. Cheerful as always, but his voice a little deeper. His laughter too, but the sound of it promises to fill a room with ease.
It’s familiar, she thinks, still-broken heart breaking a little further, but she doesn’t bring up the comparison. She doesn’t doubt that the loss weighs on him too, for all his outward cheer.
“You’d make me very happy if you did,” she says instead, and for the first time in a long time, feels certain of that fact.
Life moves on, and after a while, he stops counting the years.
He keeps mostly off the grid, a smaller crew than he captained once, but it’s the family he needs—Ben and Yasopp, and Doc. Lucky gets married, but they stay in touch. He has kids, Shanks hears, and it’s good to see his men moving on and settling down, even as he can’t make himself do the same.
He feels—rootless, which shouldn’t make sense, when he hasn’t had roots since the day he first stepped off the docks of his hometown aboard a ship and knew what the world felt like with a deck under his feet. But there it is, the sense of being adrift, of moving in circles, and there’s nothing holding him back from doing whatever the hell he wants, but he’s never felt less free, or less at peace.
He keeps in touch with Luffy, and knows he’s gone back to visit, but Shanks doesn’t ask about Makino—can’t make himself ask if she’s happy, if her husband treats her well, if she has children. It’s the ugliest feeling he’s ever endured, the thing that’s not quite jealousy and not quite grief, and he has no other name to give it than loss, simple and profound that it is.
“I could call her,” Ben tells him. “I don’t need to say anything about you.”
“If it’s what you want,” Shanks says, “I’m not going to tell you not to do it. But for my sake, I’d rather you just left her be.”
Ben is silent, and Shanks doesn’t need to ask to know what he’s thinking, or the fact that he’s disagreed with how he’s handled the whole situation, from the moment he’d first told him he wasn’t going back.
And he knows it’s not fair. She wasn’t his—or if she was once, like he was hers (like part of him still is, and probably always will be), she was more than that to his crew, and to Ben. They were friends, Shanks knows. Ben has all the right in the world to call her, and to keep that connection he can’t bear to keep clinging to.
It’s not fair, but, “Ben,” Shanks says, and doesn’t care how pathetic it sounds, doesn’t care that he might as well be begging. “You know I’ll ask you about her, if you do.”
Ben’s expression softens. And even privately disagreeing, his best friend’s loyalty is an old, unshakable thing, and so, “I won’t,” he says, simply.
It feels like a severing of something; the last, desperate strands of that fraying tether that had still kept a small part of him in the East Blue. But he needs to move on. Makino had, and it doesn’t do her justice, the selfish hurt he’s refusing to let go, over the fact that she could. She’d never once been selfish.
He tries to move on. It takes time, an endless sea of drink and saltwater to keep him afloat, and the crew that’s been his family for over half his life. It’s not much, but there was a time in his life where he hadn’t needed more, and where he’d never asked for more.
But gods, he wishes now that he’d asked for her.
There’s a future that never was.
In fact, there are several. In one, she’s a pirate, in another a barmaid, and in yet another she’s both. She braves the sea, by her own volition and because she has no choice, and she wears the scars to prove it, both the kind and the cruel. There’s an island in a corner of a dangerous sea, and a tavern with a green copper roof. A crew that never leaves, and a family that’s more than blood. There’s a boy with his father’s hair, and a girl Pirate King.
And they’re happy. There are a lot of futures that could have been but never were, but no matter the island and no matter the sea, it’s the one constant in all of them.
There’s a future that is. In it, she’s a barmaid, and a widow (once, she’ll tell those who ask; twice-over, she’ll tell no one but herself). There’s a quiet island in a quiet sea, and a crew that never came back. She has her share of scars; her heart that never quite healed right. And she’s not a mother, but she retains a small claim to the title, for the young man who’ll barge through her doors at his own leisure, who’s taller than her now and larger than life, the king of the sea and all the pirates on it.
They’ll be happy in this one, too. It’s their one constant.
It just takes them a little longer to get there, this time.
It’s been thirty odd years since he first set foot on it, before he finally steps onto the docks in Fuschia Port again.
“Not a lot has changed in these parts,” Ben muses, gaze resting on the village crawling up from the wharf, still shaking off its slumber, and in that languid way of seaside nooks and corners, where little of note occurs before the sun.
The unhurried atmosphere is the same that Shanks remembers, the sunlight seeming to soften everything, even the chorusing shrieks of the gulls circling the sky above the wharf, seeking the morning’s haul from the fishermen bringing in their nets. A lethargic peace to greet weary travellers, although Fuschia has never seen many of those. Or at least it hadn’t, back when it had been a smaller port.
Shanks spots a few more houses, and more ships moored to the wharf, and no one had even batted an eye at theirs when they’d dropped anchor and disembarked. Being the Pirate King’s hometown has left its mark, and the jolly roger stirring in the breeze doesn’t stir the intrigue of the few people passing by the docks. Not like it had once, anyway.
Shanks wonders if it might be a mercy that word of their arrival won’t precede them, at least not by long. If anything, it will give him more time to decide what the hell he’d even planned to do.
As though aware of where his thoughts have gone, “You sure you’re really up for this?” Ben asks, eyes leaving the village to look at Shanks. The others are still on the ship behind them, a wary reluctance in their distance that Shanks knows has everything to do with him, and nothing to do with the woman they came here for. However eager they are to see her, this reunion doesn’t hold the same significance for them, and they’re awaiting orders, he suspects.
He has no idea what to tell them. He doesn’t know what would be best—to have them all at his back when he steps through her doorway for the first time in thirty years, or to greet her alone. He doesn’t know which would be the kinder alternative, for Makino or for himself, and even Ben had had no wisdom to offer when Shanks had asked for it.
But no matter which he chooses, he can bear it, he thinks. Seeing her now, after so many years. Her children will be grown; they might have already left home, or set out to sea, but it won’t undo him, seeing the life she’s made for herself.
He can bear it, but indecision holds him back even now. And it’s a little ridiculous that even after so many years, that hasn’t changed.
But then his feelings for her haven’t, so maybe it’s not that strange after all.
“Red-Hair?” someone asks then, and Shanks looks up just as Ben does, to find a man observing them with an expression of surprise. From the looks of him, he’s just finished hauling in the morning’s catch, a well-worn dinghy idling a few paces off, still bobbing in the water.
His smile is a thing of now-familiar wryness. “Not anymore,” Shanks says. It’s been years since his last red hairs surrendered to the grey, but there are other things that will spark the memory of Fuschia’s inhabitants. The scars, for one. His missing arm.
The fisherman who’d addressed him looks familiar, but it takes Shanks a moment to place him. A frequent patron of Makino’s, and they’re not that far apart in age, although he carries his years with more grace than Shanks does.
The thought that follows is as quick as it’s damning, finding him completely defenceless, and he has the sudden impulse to ask are you the one, then?
Shanks tries to keep his smile from faltering. “Hey, I remember you,” he says, amicably, no lie in the words, although there’s no name to go with the face, no matter how hard he looks. “Although you were a lot younger, last I was here.” Then, the corner of his mouth lifting, “I’d say the same for myself, but I feel that’s a little redundant. The evidence speaks for itself.”
It doesn’t spark a smile. Instead, the man starts, as though he’d been lost in thought. “You’re, ah—back,” he blurts.
The fact that he can’t tell what’s behind that remark has something knotting in his gut, but, “Yeah,” Shanks laughs, and wishes it didn’t sound so forced. “I was in the neighbourhood,” he lies. “Thought I’d stop by, for old times’ sake.”
At any other time, he would have expected Ben to offer a comment to that, if only to tell him he’s not fooling anyone, but he doesn’t betray him. In fact, Ben doesn’t even flinch, and from his expression Shanks can’t tell if he shares his suspicions regarding the man’s marital status, but doesn’t dismiss the possibility.
The fisherman nods, a little absentmindedly. For the life of him, Shanks can’t recall his name. “Well,” he says, with a small smile. “Makino-san will certainly be surprised.”
It’s been years since anyone said her name in his presence, but even Luffy’s offhand mentions had never sparked such a visceral reaction as this, leaving him suddenly winded.
But—Makino-san, Shanks thinks, the realisation like heaving for breath, and he feels pathetic for the surge of relief it brings him. What does it change, that it’s not the man standing before him that’s her husband? He’ll still have to face him, whoever it turns out to be.
“Pleasantly, I hope,” Shanks says, with a laugh that doesn’t quite succeed in being that. “I wouldn’t want to make things awkward.”
The man blinks. “Awkward?”
“Her family,” Shanks elaborates, but doesn’t say more than that—doesn’t think he has to. He knows how port-towns work, and knows there isn’t a soul in this village who was alive the last time he stood on these docks who didn’t know about it—their sweet and bookish barmaid and the pirate who couldn’t leave well enough alone.
His brows furrow at that. “Makino-san doesn’t have a family,” he says. “Well, not unless you’re counting Luffy.”
There’s a sudden, deafening stillness within him.
“Last I heard, she was married,” Shanks says. He doesn’t look at Ben when he says it, because he’d never once doubted that he’d told him the truth. And he doesn’t know why it sounds like a plea—or maybe he does know, maybe he knows exactly why it sounds like a plea, with the first beginnings of realisation dawning.
He still doesn’t look at Ben. He has the feeling that if he does, he’ll find the answer he’s not even sure he wants.
“Oh, yeah, but that was years ago,” he’s told, by the man whose name he can’t remember, who is no more to him now than he had been thirty years ago but who’s unravelling his entire existence, and without even lifting a finger.
Then, “Husband died not long after the wedding,” he continues, and something within Shanks stops.
He gives a shrug then. “She never remarried,” he says, putting into words the realisation that has already found its mark, and with far less kindness.
It feels like he’s been shot.
The man’s smile lifts a bit then, a rueful little thing. “To be honest, no one was really surprised. We were all kind of hoping you were coming back, but they said you were dead. I remember she took it hard.”
There’s a part of him that’s tempted to blurt that he wishes he was, but he can’t seem to manage the voice to say anything, let alone an inappropriate quip.
Turning to Ben now, he doesn’t know what he’s seeking exactly, but, “Go,” Ben says, the decision already made for him. Then with a look, “If you don’t, I’ll personally drag you there by the back of your shirt,” he adds, and Shanks might have laughed at the feigned threat, only he can’t quite manage a laugh, and the threat doesn’t sound feigned at all.
He’s making for the tavern before he’s had the chance to think too much about what’s been put before him—the realisation that the greatest mistake he’s ever made was one he wasn’t even aware of making. But now that the rope has begun to fray there’s no stopping it, and the thoughts follow him up the street, past houses he’s not even seeing, each truth harder and harder to bear, until he’s surprised he still has legs left to walk with.
If he’d just let Ben call her when he’d suggested it—if he’d just asked Luffy about how she was doing, and he hadn’t spent so many years gathering up the strength to face her…
Then the bat-wing doors are before him, and everything else leaves, every mistake and every regret anchored to it, until it’s just him left, standing on her porch like it hasn’t been thirty years since the last time.
He hesitates a single second, because indecision has been the devil on his back for so long and it’s no easier throwing it off than it ever was, but then he’s pushing through the doors, the soft whine lingering on the morning air even after his breath leaves him at the sight of her.
She’s behind the bar, her back turned, and Shanks watches her rise up on her toes to place a newly polished glass back on the shelf. And he hasn’t even seen her face, but his heels feel rooted to the floor, and all he can do is stare, right across the room that hasn’t changed in thirty years, to the woman that’s more familiar than anything in it, even if it’s been half his life since he last saw her.
“We’re not open yet,” Makino says then, without turning around, and the sound of her voice drags his breath right back out from where it’s lodged itself at the bottom of his throat like a sob.
She nudges the glass into place, slender fingers reaching for another one, the rise of her knuckles curving a tender arc along the crystal, before she’s taken it from the shelf and settled back on her heels. The long braid down her back shifts as she moves, the thick veins of silver running through the dark colour catching in the light, before she’s turning, lifting her eyes to the doorway, and to him. “You’ll have to come back lat—”
The glass in her hand slips from her fingers, shattering on the floorboards.
It doesn’t faze her, and even Shanks feels detached from the disturbance, still watching her from just beyond the doorway, his knees locked and his whole body frozen, seized by more than just the sight of her now, with her eyes holding his.
Her mouth parted from her earlier remark but her smile wiped off, Makino doesn’t say anything, but he reads her thoughts on her face—the rapid shift from confusion to disbelief to realisation to denial, and finally to an understanding so wrought, for the span of a breath it looks like she’ll shatter like the glass she’d dropped.
She doesn’t, seeming to keep herself upright from shock if nothing else, and there’s a moment, observing the confusion when it bleeds back into her features, into her eyes, clouding the understanding that had been there a moment before, that Shanks wonders if he’s the one who’ll break first.
“You were married,” he rasps; the first thing he can think to say. And it’s not an accusation, or even an excuse. He doesn’t know what it is, or what it’s supposed to be, but it’s all that comes to him when he looks for something—anything—to say to her.
Her lip trembles, her mouth working. She seems to be searching for her own words, and, “You were dead,” Makino says, the words hoarse, but it’s as much a defence as his remark was an accusation. Instead it just sounds as though they’re listing facts, taking stock of their lives thus far, as though they might as well be saying your hair is grey, and you still dress like you used to.
She does, he sees then. Her hair might be longer but the kerchief is the same (it’s yellow, and simpler than the one tucked away in his cabin, the physical embodiment of the promise he’d made her once to come back, and that he’d kept wrapped around the hilt of his sword for over a decade, and longer than he cared to admit even after he’d had confirmed that there was nothing for him to go back to), and she both looks like she used to, and doesn’t. Her eyes are dark, framed by those thick lashes he remembers would kiss her cheeks when she’d sleep, but he can’t tell just what shade of brown they are from this distance. He can’t tell if there are still freckles across the bridge of her nose; if they’re just too pale to make out, or if she’s lost them to the years, as some do. And she was always small and graceful, but it’s a different kind of grace he finds in her movements now; a little older, a little more tempered.
Makino hasn’t said anything else, although the look on her face assures him it’s not because she has nothing to say. And she might be older, and changed in some ways, but she’s always been painfully easy for him to read, and it’s the very smallest of things, but it’s more than he’d hoped for walking through her doors, and so he grabs hold before he can talk himself out of it.
It doesn’t take many steps to cover the distance between them, no hurry to his movements, but purpose. Makino doesn’t move an inch as he does, as though afraid he’ll vanish if she so much as twitches a finger. And Shanks doesn’t know what she expects him to do, or even what she wants it to be, but hopes—a younger man’s hope; a desperate, foolish thing that shouldn’t even be his to feel—that they’re not too broken for mending. Or if whatever they were is, that maybe there’s still some way to salvage what they could be, all the sharp, broken pieces.
Kneeling, he makes to pick up the broken glass at her feet, and it’s what finally jars her out of her stupor, because then she’s dropped to her knees, reaching for his hand to pick the shards from his palm, to wrap them in her apron; a quick and efficient handling that makes him wonder if she’s just grasping for the first thing she knows how to do, when she doesn’t know what to do with him.
But her hands are shaking, almost uncontrollably, and before she can reach for the last piece, trembling fingers almost begging to be cut, he’s caught them in his.
She jerks at the touch, like she’s been struck, but doesn’t tug her hand away, letting it instead go slack in his. It’s like he remembers, the skin soft and her palms lined with callouses, the back of it written with gently protruding veins; a map of a long life. The other is tucked around her apron and the broken glass, her knuckles white under her skin, and for a moment all she does is stare at his, dark and scarred and curved around her own.
Her eyes lift to meet his then, and this close he can see the years in them, and on her face; the gentle lines written in her skin like the silver in her hair. And it hits him then, just how long it’s been, but with that thought comes another—that he’s done making mistakes, and if there’s even the smallest shred of a chance that it’s not all lost, it’s more than he’s had in over twenty years.
“I’m sorry I’m late,” he says. And he has so much more than that to apologise for, but it’s not so much an apology as it is a question—not one that pretends that the past thirty years haven’t happened, but one that knows that they have, and asks anyway.
He sees the answer in her eyes with the tears that well up in them, gathering in her lashes before spilling over and down her cheeks, but when she lets the sob loose it’s a smile that precedes it, and the hand tucked into his grips it back, and so hard that he remembers, suddenly, just how much strength there’d been in those small hands.
And it’s the same strength that he finds in the forgiveness she offers, without asking or even demanding what’s her due, when Makino looks at him and says, like it’s the only question that matters, “Can I get you a drink, Captain?”
He’s never looked good crying, and he doubts the years have changed that, but it’s difficult to even spare a thought to the fact when she’s still looking at him like that—like she had once, flat on his back on the floor of her bar and all his scars offered up, and she’d still named him the prettiest man she’d ever met.
“That depends,” Shanks says, and when her brows draw together, dredges up a smile that he hasn’t touched in two decades; the one that was always hers, and asks, because he’s made the mistake of waiting before and he’s not about to squander the chance now that he has it—
“Does it come with the barmaid?”
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onepiecereactions · 5 years
Akainu X OC OS “Close the door”
Title: Close the door
Pairing: Akainu X OC
Note: Few hours after Marineford. OS (1 chapter only)
Akainu closed the door behind him in a slow movement. He took off his Justice’s coat, full of sweat and ashes. He hesitated a moment but decided to put it in the trash of the kitchen. He will buy another one tomorrow, too bad. He ran his gloved hand through his hair and sighed. His shoulders sagged. He walked slowly to the bathroom and left the door open. He took off his blood-soaked black gloves and threw them into the dirty laundry basket. He leaned over the sink and started running the water.
The front door opened again, allowing a smaller figure to enter the house. Akainu stopped his movements for a moment but relaxed when the smell of vanilla reached him. He let his burning hands enjoy the cold water that escaped from the tap, then threw the freezing water against his face. He rubbed his face for a long time, trying to remove each parcel of dried blood and ashes stuck to his skin. His face became clean after a couple minutes.
The second figure put her coat in the garbage bin, along with his gloves and shoes, in a weary grunt.
The admiral plunged his face into the towel, enjoying the softness of the cloth on his skin.
The young woman entered the bathroom. She opened the tap of the huge bathtub that was in the middle of the room, leaving a jet of hot water spilling into the bath. She began to undress, leaving her dirty uniform falling to the floor. She would take care of it later. She grabbed the blue soap on the shelf and plunged it into the tub, cutting off the water a few seconds later. The contact of the soap with the hot water let out a sweet smell of mint throughout the room, creating bubbles that tried to escape from the bath.
She plunged her naked body into the water, shivering when she felt the almost unbearable heat of the liquid. She sighed, mixture of pleasure and fatigue, when she was cradled by the water. She closed her eyes but could feel the Admiral undressing next to her, tidying each of the clothes in the room. The woman felt the imposing body of her lover sit at the other end of the tub. He also sighed, a mixture of fatigue and discomfort, feeling his strength leave him in contact with the water. Both of them stayed like that, their eyes closed, enjoying the tenderness of the water on their traumatized bodies.
She finally opened her eyes and saw her lover's face in front of her. She examined each line of his face, his lips, his jaw. She felt in the depths of herself an immense feeling of relief: he was with her, alive. She didn’t doubt that he would survive this battle, but deep inside her, the fear of seeing him disappear forever from her life never left her. She smiled.
The woman moved slowly in the water, feeling the muscles in her back complaining at each of her movements. But she wanted to be ready for him, feel him, touch him to make sure it was all over. She lay down gently on his chest, letting her body find its place on the man.
Akainu opened his eyes. He let his hand go through his wife's naked body. He pressed it against his body gently. He needed to feel it, to know that she was safe, alive, in his arms.
He hasn’t stop looking at her during the whole battle. He was scared for her, afraid that she would be killed, afraid that someone would make her disappear from his existence, when he had had so much trouble accepting her in his life. Her body against him reassured him. He was weak with her, he knew it. The existence of this women made him vulnerable. He had tried to erase her from his life but had made a reason. It was better for everyone that she stay with him, protect her, and end the rest of their lives together.
He realized after this massacre that he loved her. That he could not live without her now. That anyone who tries to touch her will be reduced to ashes immediately.
He felt her face move closer to his. They looked into each other's eyes for a second. She smiled. He gently placed his lips on hers. The kiss was long, tender and comforting. She let her face fall on his chest, kissing his bare skin. Her hands caressed his chest and came to knot behind his back. She stayed like this for a few seconds, then fell asleep.
Akainu looked at her. He put his hands on her hips, caressing her sleeping body. He let his head fall against the edge of the tub. The admiral closed his eyes and fell asleep. Marineford's war was over.
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langwrites · 7 years
Tagged By: @fanfiction-by-abalisk, @owlsofstarlight
Rules: List the first lines of your last 15 stories (or chapters). See if there are any patterns. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
This is gonna be a mix of Catch Your Breath, Ocean Stars Falling, and more than one work in progress. They’re in (approximately) reverse order.
Starting off interplanetary diplomacy by shooting one of the natives in the face, Daniel thought, has to be a new low. And then he remembered the entire rest of the SG-1 mission history, stampeding across his mind’s eye view like the running of the bulls, and had to admit that it wasn’t even in the top ten. With as many encounters with the System Lords as the plucky Planet That Could had, it probably didn’t make the top fifty. (CYB/SG-1: Cold-Calling)
So, the Uchiha clan. The powder keg of Konoha as a whole, and historically in charge of the police force or as near as they could get, with the membership numbers they had. (CYB)
Fū sighed. "Chōmei? Chōmei, you can stop laughing any time now." (OSF: All the Little Children)
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear, I hummed to myself as I headed to the village gates. Unheard by anyone but my literal inner demon, the words went on, Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes, how do you measure—measure a year? (CYB)
Kuromushi and Komushi kept our group out of trouble for the next few days. More trouble, anyway. (OSF)
“Is this a thing?” Gaara asked, as he and Naruto swayed in time with the terribly off-key sea shanties being sung by the Whitebeard Pirates. “Until I got here, I didn’t think ‘drinking contests’ were real. Only Zoro and Nami ever do it.” (OSF: Ninety-Nine Bottles)
Kushina’s first thought upon waking up at sea was pure confusion. The calls of gulls tugged at her memory, drawing her up and into a sitting position from the...deck? The wind ruffled her hair and nightgown in a way that seemed familiar, but from ages ago. From when she was still small enough that Auntie Mito could pick her up and set her on her lap to talk about the future. (OSF: Better Red than Dead)
"Now, what happens next?" asked Hancock. Utakata peered down at her notebook, then said, "Step three should be to make chocolates, I think." (OSF)
Kei stared out at the open sea, from her place on the deck. Often, she’d found herself walking through the same mental checklist that anyone in an unfamiliar location would, starting with the obvious questions like “What happened?” and “Where am I?” Today, she skipped the second question, figuring that it could effectively be answered by the first and that she was alive anyway. That sole, absolute fact meant the rest of the situation would be dealt with shortly. (OSF: Damsel in Distress)
Marineford was a nice place. Large, dignified, polished…brimming with eager soldiers of all ranks and plenty of guns pointed toward the sea. Battleships bristled with cannons and the sound of human activity carried along the wind and up through the island’s structure. The sea breeze on the edge of the Tarai Current was refreshing, particularly after days of travel to reach this particular, fortified spot. The base buzzed with nervous energy as the garrison prepared for a war that could shake the very foundations of the world. Almost literally, when one accounted for the possible presence of a master of the Gura Gura no Mi. The Marines were ready. The war would not find them wanting. (OSF: On the World Stage)
Later that night, after a shower on the Thousand Sunny, I ended up having to fall back on a tank top and shorts that I didn’t remember acquiring, since everything else was either in need of a wash or a patch job given the events of the past week. Given that my hair was already a complete disaster on the best of days, I flattened my bangs back with a borrowed bandanna. I wasn’t sure if I had completed my transformation into a beach-combing tourist, but it was too dark for sunglasses. Nonetheless, I headed up to the deck of the Sunny to see what was going on. (OSF)
Isobu's Reverse Summoning Jutsu took us outside of the prison in a single mind-bending leap through space-time, and the four of us in my group landed in his hand some fifty feet away from the front gates of Impel Down. Isobu, it seemed, had managed to not just get to the surface in time to accommodate us, but also put himself in the best position to help anyone still stuck in the prison. Sure, he probably didn't care about most of them, but Gaara was already making a sand bridge stretching from the Thousand Sunny back toward the prison. Seemed like Chōmei had managed to get the ship clear after all. (OSF)
Miyako knows the exact second that the mission goes to hell. (CYB: The Canine Warriors)
Yatsu has been awake since four in the morning. He doesn’t especially want to be, but between his duties to the main house and his lousy sleeping habits, he’s awake long before his alarm clock twitches to life. He doesn’t have time to lie on his futon and laze about when the work of the household always needs doing. (CYB: The Canine Warriors)
Level Five was, true to its "Freezing Hell" moniker, cold enough to give the Land of Snow a run for its money. I'd never been to the Land of Snow personally, though some of Kakashi's ANBU missions (that I wasn't supposed to know about) had taken him out there more than once. What little I was allowed to learn about the country painted a picture of endless snowfields, mountains, intermittent tundra, and a shinobi population that was all too well-adapted for their environment. Their chakra armor ran off of high levels of ambient energy, making them effectively immune to the cold and annoyingly hard to kill unless the cores on the suits were cracked first. That was the extent of my knowledge. (OSF)
Sorta broke the rules and just posted the opening paragraph for the most part. I seem to like starting with a brief recap, just enough exposition to set the scene, or else with in medias res dialogue to start chapters. I guess I have more variety than I thought I did?
I’m just gonna tag @tsume-yuki and @ladynorbert since I think everyone else has already been tagged or tagged me. Have fun!
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thisisarealtagwhy · 7 years
Day 1: Character
Hi all! So, instead of posting in order here is number one, proceeding number 2... 
Anyways, the prompt was characters so i aim to please! There are obv spoilers for p much everything so please dont spoil for yourself. 
Monkey D. Luffy was a mystery inside an enigma. He was unusually idiotic but smart at the same time, in his own way.
He had little regard for the system of so called ‘justice’ or the world, for that matter.
He could lift his middle fingers up and say fuck you but he wouldn’t. No, he would become the king instead.
King of the Pirates and give the world the biggest fuck you he could.
Wherever he went he made friends; it was as natural as breathing, he was just…
There’s just something about Luffy.
Was it his charisma?
Was it the way he would kick anyone’s asses if they screwed with his nakama?
Or was it something written into their DNA, tying them with the free boy.
Makino watched over Luffy first for Garp but then she took a more parental role, allowing him into the bar as much as he wanted, the patrons simply adored him. But Makino saw the sadness in his eyes as he was clearly more lonely than the boy would let on.
Shanks was a pretty chilled guy so when the squirt had demanded he tell them stories of being a pirate he had indulged him. Who’d have thought that he would end up like this? He thinks, watching the blood, the carnage and more importantly, the fire-cracker that was Roger’s son.
Garp loved his grandson despite the fact that his good for nothing son had just given the babe to him without a backward glance. So he watches as he grows and finds himself more attached, he loves Luffy, he loves him more like a son than a grandchild.
Ace loved Luffy more than he loved himself despite the hatred he had for the rest of the world. It is why he couldn’t bear the thought of a world without his light so he moves and watches as his light flickers and floats away, the only regret heavy on his soul is that he will not see his baby brother become Pirate King.
Sabo loved him because he lit up the world and made Ace believe in himself. Years later and their pledge of brotherhood has not diminished. Sabo cries and sobs because ACEACEACEACE. But then he remembers someone else who believe he is alone, beingalonehurtsmorethandeath, and he pulls himself together.
Coby loves Luffy like a brother, it was only because of him that he had the courage to stand up to Alvida and say no. He becomes a marine for Luffy-san and when he sees him at Marineford… despite knowing that Ace is his brother, this is the path they have both chose. Later he tries to stop Akainu and meets the Yonkou himself, it is a befitting finish, he thinks.
Zoro joined him because of a promise and because he saw Luffy. And because of a promised dream, he will become the world’s greatest swordsman. He will make Luffy the King of the Pirates. He now follows the boy, no, man, because of all of the shit they’ve been through together.
Nami joined because of a mutual agreement but now she follows for she was encased within the charisma of the boy. She loves Luffy like a brother and cherishes his love whenever she sees him. He came for her even after everything.
Buggy wants to say he hates the bastard, well, he does. Partially. In Orange Town it was only fair that the bastard beat him, besides, it led to much greater things. Impel Down is hell and he unwittingly drags himself into a whole new mess following the rubber-bastard. And then Marine-ford… he hates it, the momentary grief he feels for the late Portgas D. Ace, son of Portgas D. Rouge and Gol D. Roger. So he helps the bastard out a bit whilst fighting World, it’s for a selfish reason but nonetheless he feels satisfaction as flames lick up the rubber man’s arm.
Gaiman watches the self-proclaimed mugiwara no Luffy hide the truth from him and he sobs, sobs that he wasted so much time here for those chests and now it was wasted. But he still loves the animals he is surrounded by. So, in two years time he will read the paper and jump in relief at the sight of the ‘Straw hats are back!’ emblazoned on the front page.
Usopp joined for adventure, he knows now that he never, ever wants to lead their band of merry misfits and he will cry and thank the man who saved him several times over.
Mihawk is impressed by the straw hat wearing boy, the one-armed, red-haired fool didn’t give away his treasure so freely. And then he recalls the rage in the boy’s face as he slashed the young swordsman. Then, at Marineford, fate smiles down on upon the boy and he escapes with his life.
Sanji joined for the ladies, well, that’s a lie and he knows it. He joined for his dream, but didn’t the rest of the fools in their tiny crew join for that as well? He remembers the hopelessness of being stuck on that island as his captain grieved and promises that he will never feel that way again.
Gin creates a new fleet, but, he knows that if Monkey D. Luffy, senchou of the mugiwara no ichimi, ever calls, he will join him.
Hachin watches in barely disguised confusion as he, and all of the other fishmen are defeated. Arlong had always taught him that humans were evil and weak. But then he will remember another before Arlong and cry for the man who is the hero of their country. He will try and defend the Sunny for a crew that is waiting for her.
Smoker ponders over the mystery of Monkey D. Luffy, son of the revolutionary Dragon, more than he probably should. He remembers the town of the beginning and end. But, more vividly the War of the Best replays in his mind and (he will never, ever admit this to anyone ever) felt his heart cry for the boy. But he is a Vice-Admiral and cannot ever endorse pirates so he will defeat Mugiwara no Luffy.
Dragon is proud of his son. He’s only met him once but Dragon watches from outside sources and the papers of what his son is doing to change the world. He might be doing it unintentionally but it is amusing to think about Sengoku’s reaction to his son. He will change the world.
Crocus knows that the crazy son of a bitch can do it, he has Roger’s smile, and the same air of confidence around him. Crocus cries and cries when he sees the news about Soul King, he shows an eager Laboon and the two cry in joy at the thought of one of their friends still being alive (was he really alive though?).
Vivi thinks that the Straw Hats are stupid, at first. She thinks they’re so dumb to be led into a trap like this, but she eats her own words as she watches a boy defeat Crocodile and save her Kingdom. She does not progress with him but watches through newspapers and den den mushi’s. (Her heart breaks at the battle of Marineford but she laughs when she finally figures out the meaning of the tattoo).
Tony Tony Chopper joins because, he isn’t a monster. He’s loves Luffy, his captain. He might be a naïve blue-nosed reindeer but he is Luffy’s doctor first and foremost. And if he has to be a monster to protect his nakama, then he will be a monster.
Crocodile is a shichibukai, he didn’t become one by slacking around. So he hates mugiwara no Luffy in the beginning, for such an awful good luck with Logia akuma no mi and watches as his plans fall to dust. He lost when he was a rookie, why should the overconfident bastard be any different? Although, he saves Portgas D. Ace, why? He doesn’t even know that answer… to piss of the Marines? Probable. Why did he save Monkey D. Luffy? He thinks it’s because the bastard will hurt more if he’s still alive after witnessing that.
Bentham never had many friends, ever. Not even when he was a part of Baroque Works, it was just how it was. No-one liked being friends with a queer. But after the fall of Baroque Works he protects the straw hat wearing boy because he is his friend. He feels like such a coward within Impel Down but… he knows he will have died to save Luffy’s brother.
Mr 3. Is unsure of the prowess of this boy, the powerhouse that took down his boss. He’s surprised when he runs into him again in Impel Down and even more surpised
Nico Robin is used to a life on the run. She joins the boy because he is stronger than a shichibukai, she will be able to use him to her advantage. But after so much, she can’t just let them die. And then… they come and she cries because her life has meaning. So, within their training she cries because her captain is alone.
Bellamy is a proud member of the Donquixote Pirates, he likes that, just mess shit up and you’re guaranteed a spot in Doflamingo’s crew. But the straw hat fool kicks his ass, just like that. And suddenly he is killing his friends, a cause of the flamingo and he cries, because he is given a second chance but is it really worth it? And then he wishes for the rubber fool to kill him, kill me. And he is proven wrong.
Blackbeard likes the kid, he’s got good fire within him, chasing his dream like that. But when he learns that the crazy kiddo is Ace’s lil bro he thinks well damn, one way to kill two birds with one stone. Later, after Marineford, he knows that he’ll have to kill the bastard, finish him off. It’ll be fun to watch him write in agony. He wanted to make him burn with his own brother’s akuma no mi but that idea is shot out as the bastard from the Revolutionaries beats him to the punch.
Montblanc Cricket is a crazy fool chasing a stupid dream. But that boy… he is just as dumb. But even so, when he hears the golden bell ring, he cries because thank you Mugiwara no Luffy.
Wiper thinks that the Straw Hat boy is a fool, and a weak one at that. But he is proven wrong as Enel falls and for the first time in a century, they are all at peace. He waves the straw hats away and knows that they will take the world by storm.
Aokiji is a fool, he knows this, but he does not care. He allows Nico Robin to live, he did, after all, let her escape all those years ago, it’s only fair if he lets the grandson of Garp live if he is willing to put his life on the line.
Franky joined because of his dream, they’re a crew of dreamers. And as his body becomes more metal than human he still loves their crew, he will become stronger so that his captain does not have to carry the burden of grief like that ever again.
Brook joined because he could. Well, that’s why he did in the first place, later on, it’s because the boy has bought his respect, as has the rest of them, so he sets sail and watches in horror as his crew is sent away because it is just like before. And when the tattoo comes through he starts a new career (temporarily of course).
Camie likes the pirates, generally, she doesn’t like pirates because pirates mean more abductions but one has to give someone the benefit of the doubt. And then she herself is kidnapped and then she’s on display and men and Tenryuubito and then Luffy. After the War of the Best she is sad for him but then when she sees him two years later she knows that he is okay.
Shakki has met many people over the years, both as a pirate and as a bar-tender on the Sabaody Archipelago. Monkey D. Luffy exceeds her expectations but at the same time fulfils him, she’s glad to see the straw hats come back together after two years of training.
Rayleigh is reminded of his own captain as he looks in the eyes of the straw hat bearing boy. A charisma of daring and challenge within him. It’s only proven as the brat single-handedly punches a Tenryuubito without any remorse. Afterwards, he’s glad when Kuma knocks him away because it means that they will not face utter annihilation. And then, he offers to train the boy because he has the potential but it is untapped. So he tries to help the boy heal and train.
Trafalgar D. Water Law isn’t sure what to think about Monkey D. Luffy when he sees the boy for the first time, he knows that the boy is a D, obviously. But he fights alongside Kidd and mugiwara-ya, decidedly impressed by the skill of the boy. Then the serious rage as he punches the Tenryuubito. And then he sees him broken and wonders if he will gain the courage to go on. When Law meets up with him later on, in Punk Hazard, he is amazed by the stupidness of the boy, but at the same time he is not surprised and he’s glad that he found a partner to take down Doflamingo down with.
Eustass Kidd dislikes the straw hat shit, because he knows that he’s going to be a pain in the ass to defeat when it comes to One Piece. And when the straw hats resurface two years later he laughs because, finally, someone worth defeating.
Jewelry Bonney thinks that the kid is certainly interesting, and then Marineford happens and she wonders whywhywhy, and that Blackbeard will pay. Her thoughts stray to the fool who didn’t surface until a couple of weeks after the war and rings the bell, signalling a new age. She likes it.
Kuma is first and foremost a revolutionary, he was secondly a shichibukai. This does not affect his day-to-day life and he fights against the injustices in the world alongside a man with a tribal tattoo. He watches as his leader looks to the East Blue every single time. He likes the Luffy boy, he knows that they’re not strong enough to face the New World yet so he flings them away and makes a promise for a boy in a straw hat.
Marguerite has never seen a man before in her life, but Luffy is the exception to this rule. And after he is brought back from the War she hasn’t seen a man so… broken.
Boa Hancock hates men, hates them as much, maybe more than Tenryuubito. But then Monkey D. Luffy comes crashing down into her life. He is a man, but… maybe. He can change her… And then… Then her Luffy is in such agony because his brother, his light, is dead. She knows how it would be to lose her sisters… For that to happen to her Luffy… But thankfully he seems to get over the pain of loss during the two years he trains.
Ivankov is an okama, he is also a revolutionary. But he simply adores straw hat boy, not just because of the strength of his spirit but also because he is Dragon-boy’s son. It is a depressing thought to know that the boy’s brother is dead but he knows that the boy will be fine, he has Rayleigh and Jinbe to stress over him.
Jinbe joined the man because he was asked, simple as that, Luffy is a man worthy of being followed by him and it is long past due that he flexed his wings as a pirate he is proud to be. So he reminds Luffy of what he has to live for and relishes in their meetings two years later, first at Fishman Island and then at Whole Cake Island.
Whitebeard is impressed by the cheeky brat, having the gall to challenge him and defend him from the Crocodile brat. So, he knows that there is a strong possibility that Monkey is the D Roger has been waiting for. And when a sacrifice is made of blood and fire he will enact his revenge and hope that his crew will protect the straw hat brat.
Marco decides that seeing as it was Ace’s final wish to protect his baby brother so he swoops down, deciding that Monkey D. Luffy will survive this, even if it means death. And then when his aid is requested long after the revenge war that they lost. He gives it, because Monkey D. Luffy asked, and he is the only link he can think of for Ace…
The Marines think that Monkey D. Luffy is suicidal for his actions at Marineford, any sane person would run away, tail between legs at the thought of fighting the Navy’s best. Although, he survives, so what does that say about their thoughts?
Fukaboshi thanks mugiwara no Luffy a lot, he is happy that the boy broke the law about the exchange of blood and defeated Hody of the New Fishman Pirates. He mended fishman island even if he didn’t think it. And the fact that the boy was going to contest for their territory with a yonkou… he owed a lot to the mugiwara no ichimi…
Shirahoshi has never left the tower she lives in for almost as long as she could remember. It is a condition of her living, but Luffy-san… he comes in and breaks her fragile world into little pieces and she is grateful for it, so very grateful. It is her dream to see Luffy become King of the Pirates now…
Doflamingo is a heavenly demon, he fell from the heavens to this ungodly realm. But he will rule this domain eventually. He hates the straw hat fool, ruining all of his plans and getting the stupid boy his revenge. His plan is in shambles but he laughs because he knows he will be released, he knows far too much.
Rebecca thinks that Lucy has a very good chance of winning, he is obviously very strong and agile. She is worried about winning the mera mera no mi, then she discovers just who Lucy is and resigns herself to her fate. And then her kingdom is free and she lives as free as anyone else, all because of the Straw Hat Pirates.
The Tontatta tribe is very secluded, has always been this way since the very beginning (after their release at least). But even so, they willingly commit to the Straw Hat Fleet, even if their commander did not agree, if the Straw Hats are ever in trouble they will come in all their forces.
Bartolomeo finally meets his idol and can’t help the tears swimming in his eyes, even so, he promises that he will win the mera mera no mi for Luffy-senpai! And then when he is officially a part of the Fleet he smiles for he may be needed by Luffy one day.
The Straw Hat Fleet is comprised of over 5000 members in total, none of them are officially bound to their leader for he did not want to oversee such an amount of people. Instead, they pledge themselves to him and promise to come if they are ever in trouble.
Admiral Fujitora, for the first time in many years, wishes that he had not slashed his own eyes, he wants to see Monkey D. Luffy’s face. See his smile, what kind of man must he be for an entire kingdom to protect him?
Carrot thinks that Luffy is funny, he smiles a lot and laughs a lot. He’s also super strong, strong enough to avoid the two elders on Zou! She was very excited to go on an adventure with the Straw Hat Pirates to save Sanji-san!
Reiju’s first thought is thank god Sanji ended up with such a crew. They’re so nice and she can’t help and hope that he had a semi-normal childhood after he left. She wishes it for Sanji, he was so nice and she couldn’t do much about Ichiji, Niji and Yonji otherwise they would hurt her.
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