voxasks · 3 months
📻“Why look who it is!”🎙️ @xxsmilingdeerxx
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“₳Ⱡ₳₴₮ØⱤ. how was the recreational time after your pathetic failure of a fight?”
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sykostyles · 2 months
melodies | 1.2
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summary: he's the most powerful & ruthless mafia boss in the city, and she's just a music store owner. but once he hears her singing voice, he wants nothing more than to hear it for the rest of his life..and she's not so sure about that.. he'll do anything to change that. wc: 3.1k
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warnings: swearing, harry being insufferable, suggestive content
a/n: hello loves! I am still on vacation but I was able to spend a little time editing this chapter of melodies to get it posted for you! I hope you all enjoy! here comes the DRAMA!!
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The box. The infamous box. Its contents?
“Styles, wha–,” you’re speechless. How did he do it? Where did he? “--Is that what i think it is?”
“That depends,” he starts, a shit eating grin on his face, “do you think it’s a custom, handmade replica of the diamond and ruby necklace Julia Roberts wore in Pretty Woman?” He looks at you deviously, “Because that’s what it is.” You just stare at him in shock. “Oh, and it’s all yours.”
“Harry,” you breathe; your voice full of disbelief and amazement.
“You–,” he smiles, “You just called me Harry.” He’s beaming. His whiter than white smile is on full display; pearly whites shining bright enough to blind. He’s happy. Ecstatic.
“You deserved it,” you place a quick kiss on his cheek, leaving a blush on his skin in your wake. “Would you help me put it on, please?” 
“I would be honored,” he takes the necklace from the box. He hooks it together before placing a featherlight kiss where your neck and shoulder meet. The contact makes you shiver with anticipation. “Fits in like it was made just for you,” he smiles against your skin, his hands finding your hips, pulling you back into him as he speaks.
Turning in his hold, you place a kiss on his lips. “Thank you, Sty–Harry. It’s beautiful,”
“You make it beautiful,” he comments, giving you another kiss before he opens your car door. Harry helps you in, holding your hand as you sit down, minding the train on your dress.
“So, where are we going all dressed up?” you ask, as he takes his seat in the car.
“Ah, that would spoil the other surprise,” he grins from the driver's seat, one hand on the steering wheel and the other is planted on your thigh. 
You huff in response.
“Alright, brat,” he laughs, “It’s a business dinner, and some.. Live entertainment to follow.”
“What happened to Harry?”
“Are you doing what I think you’re doing?”
“Depends,” he chuckles.
“Am I getting my Pretty Woman moment?” The hopeful glint in your voice makes him feel a sense of pride.
“For the record, you don’t need the dress and the whole shebang to have a Pretty Woman moment,” he looks over to you, your excited eyes look back in awe of the man next to you. He really is determined to give you everything you want in order to make you his. The amount of thought he’s put into everything really shows you how much he listens to everything you say, and it makes you feel things you can’t explain. 
“You're in love with him, stupid,” Ellie's voice rings in your head. Shut. Up.
“You don't need all these sweet words and grand gestures to get what you want out of me either,” you say, placing your hand atop his on your thigh.
“I know, but I thoroughly enjoy seeing that smile of yours.”
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Arriving at the dinner, Harry opens your door as you’re met with flashing cameras. He’d warned you that there would be paparazzi here but you weren’t anticipating this level of insanity. But you probably should have, knowing Harry’s status.
He stops for a few photos, requesting you stand with him for all of them. Harry didn’t want you out of his sight. The paps shout questions of your identity, where you met, how long you’d been together, if you were pregnant, that one made you laugh, you had to admit. But the attention being on you was never what you wanted. It's why you never pursued the stage. It didn’t comfort you like it did your mother. The stage terrified you.
Making your way inside, there’s a sea of people dressed to the nines as they make pointless conversation amongst themselves. They all seem super interested in each other but you know better. Harry had warned you ahead of time that these people don’t actually care about anything going on, it’s all for show. Who can donate the most money while keeping up appearances. Tonight was about the benefit of the city, meaning whoever donated the most money basically had the mayor at their mercy. Harry had been the highest donor for the last decade. Not to say others hadn’t attempted to take the spot from him. But he could always handle it. Tonight was about celebrating Harry. Most people were unhappy with a Yakuza having the upper hand in the city, but knowing if they said anything the funding would immediately stop.
“Harry,” you mutter, eyes roaming the room before you.
“Hm?” his eyes follow yours, immediately understanding your apprehensive state.
“This is.. A lot of people.” your fingers clutch the sleeve of his jacket, holding his arm as close as possible.
“I’m here with you, Birdie,” he whispers in your ear, placing a soft kiss on the shell. “Just focus on me, yeah?”
You nod once, not letting up on your grip on his jacket as he led you further into the room, heading for your reserved table. Harry pulls your chair out, then takes his seat next to you. 
A little into the evening, a tall man with blonde hair approaches your table, a curt smile on his face as he speaks. 
“Evening, Harry. Who is this lovely specimen?” He asks.
“Jones,” He grumbles in response. “This is Y/N.”
Harry offers the man no other explanation in return. You can feel the shift in the air. So this was Jones. He’d left before you’d arrived the last time his name was mentioned. He’d intrigued you for sure, not many people could sour Harry’s mood that easily just by being present.
“Hello, sir, lovely to meet you,” you extend a gloved hand to the man standing near the table, “I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N what a lovely name, I’m Scott Jones,” he takes your hand in his, offering you a kiss on the back of your hand. “Tell me, just what is a beauty like you doing with a man like Harry?”
“She likes being with...the strongest,” Harry answers for you, standing from his seat. “Now if you’ll excuse us,” he holds his hand out for you to grab, “Dance with me?” he asks, diverting his full attention to you.
“Of course,” in your typical fashion, you still address Jones as you’re pulled away. “It was nice meeting you,” you say, offering him a sweet smile; a silent apology. Harry leads you to the dancefloor, placing the palm of one hand into the small of your back while holding the other one up for you to grab. lacing your fingers together, he begins to sway. 
Harry spreads his fingers out across the surface of your lower back; each touch leaving a trail of heat.
 “So that was Jones?”
“Mhm,” he hums. “He has some nerve..” 
“Hey,” you reach up, tilting his gaze down to you, “Just focus on me, yeah?” you mirror his earlier words back to him. His smile grows, but his worry does as well. Now Nanami knows Harry has a weakness, and that weaknesses name. But he knows he can protect you. As much as you’ll let him anyway.
“How could I focus on anything else?” his gaze bores into yours, a sense of total adoration washes over you as you look into those crystalline emerald eyes. You could see the whole future in them. Tables adorned with navy, black and gold. Roses fill your hands as you’re led down a petal covered aisle, looking ahead to Harry at the end. I do’s and kisses are swapped. Hands exploring dips and curves. Slow, languid movements filling you to the brim. Sweet nothings whispered against sweat slicked skin. Small patters of tiny feet across tile floors. Those tiny feet carrying a matching tuft of chestnut hair, green eyes and a bundle of giggles as bigger feet follow behind..
“Birdie? Did I lose you?” Harry chuckles, his voice snapping you back to reality.
“Hm? Oh! Sorry. I got stuck,” you mutter, letting go of his cheek. The thoughts are still burning in the back of your mind. Every thought seemed so real. Like it was a memory instead of a daydream. 
“What were you thinking about?” he asks, anticipating some sort of panicked response.
“Just..doing this,” leaves you in a whisper. You place your lips over his in a soft kiss; your hands find their way back up to cup his jaw, making him smile against your mouth. He hums in approval, his hands attempting to pull you as close to him as possible.
“I think you’re trying to seduce me in front of all of these people,” Harry teases you as he pulls away. Your cheeks turn a soft pink at his words. “If you wanna go somewhere more private just let me know.”
“Stop it,” you whisper, taking back in the amount of people surrounding you. It feels as if every pair of eyes were following your every move. One pair of eyes was following your every move, and it wasn’t Harry’s.
Jones stood in the corner with his men as he watched, and waited.
Harry led you back to the table as the dining portion of the evening was about to commence. A full meal entailing all of Harry’s favorites, which had somehow turned into your favorites too. The night had been wonderful so far; the conversation flowed so freely it was as if you and Harry had been together forever. 
“Harry,” place your hand on his thigh, leaning closer to him.
“I’ll never tire of hearing you say that,” Harry says, turning to give you his attention. 
“Think I’m ready,” you whisper, taking your bottom lip between your teeth as you look up at him.
“Mhm. For this,” you motion between the two of you, “Us.”
You watch as his eyes get even brighter than they were. He looks to you for real confirmation. The smile plastered on your face was the answer he needed, and so he kisses you. “You’ve just made my entire life,” he groans before he kisses you again.
“Remember we’re not alone here,” you giggle as you pull away.
“Ask me if i care,” he tries chasing your lips with his, “You didn’t seem to care when we were at the beach yesterday.”
“We were in a somewhat secluded cabana, not an open table at the front of a great hall with hundreds of people watching, Harry.”
“Ugh, I already know I’m gonna love when you say my name when you're mad.”
“You’re already so insufferable,” you huff, turning away from him. 
“Oh, don’t be like that.” He reaches to turn your chair back towards him, caging you in with his arms. “Tell me you’re mine,” he whispers, eyes locked on to yours.
“I–I’m yours,” you whisper back, staring back into his eyes as he searches yours for any sign of apprehension.
“Yeah,” you lean forward, sealing the deal with a kiss once again.
A voice booms throughout the space, startling you enough to pull away from the man before you. Harry readjusts, as he pays attention to the announcer behind him.
“Good evening folks, thank you all for attending as we celebrate the continued support from our guest of honor, Mr. Harry Styles.”
Applause follows. Your eyes scan the room, finding Jones staring right back at you from his spot on the edge of the room. You offer him another sweet smile before overting your attention back to the man at the front of the room.
“Harry, come on up here,” the man speaks into the microphone.
“I’ll be right back,” Harry assures you, offering you a quick kiss before taking his stand at the front of the room.
“Evening everybody. I’m thrilled to be back here for another year. Even more so this year,” he looks over to you. “Someone very special to me came with me this time, and I intend to make her my wife one day.”
The room fills with ooh’s and aww’s as Harry pauses. “So, we all owe everything to her tonight, for making me the happiest man in the world. So if you would all join me in raising your glasses,” he starts, leaning down to grab his glass from your hold. 
“What are you doing?” you whisper-yell at him. He just offers you his devious smile in return. 
“To my lovely Birdie, thank you for attending with me, and for making me incredibly ecstatic tonight by agreeing to finally be mine,” he raises his glass a little higher. “To Birdie,”
“To Birdie,” the crowd rumbles behind you. An anxious smile spreads across your lips as you turn to see everyone staring at you. You stand, albeit reluctantly, and politely bow with a smile. The other tables erupt in applause, as Harry pulls you to join him on the stage, his arm snaking around your waist.  “We hope you enjoy the live entertainment in the concert hall for the evening, once you’re finished dining. The proceeds from tonight will be donated to the children's hospital. Have a great night, everybody.”
More applause fills the space as you exit the stage with Harry, his hand firmly holding yours.
“What was that?” you ask through gritted teeth as you smile.
“Staking my claim, and also showing my appreciation for my lovely lady,” he smirks at you as you take your seats again at the table.
“I would appreciate not being the center of attention,” you huff, slapping his hand away from your thigh under the table.
“Now now, Birdie. You have been the center of attention all evening,” he slides his hand back up your thigh as he leans down near your ear. “I’ve just been too distracting for you to notice.”
“You are quite distracting.”
“So, should we go somewhere more private?”
“Mm, no. I want to see this live entertainment,” you remove his hand from your thigh again, taking a stand from your chair. Harry stands with you, offering you his arm to grab as he leads you to the concert hall.
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The live performer just so happened to be Rod Stewart. How that happened, Harry swears he doesn’t know. But the devious glint in his eyes says otherwise. 
He’s performing all of your favorites. The ones you’d sing with grandfather in the car on the way to the next city. And the ones Harry likes you hear you sing along with.
“Thank you,” you whisper against his lips after kissing him.
“Anything for my lady.”
Harry sits next to you, an arm around your waist as he studies you watching the performance below. He knows you wish you were able to do that like your mother did, but he also knows the thought of it terrifies you. He’ll make it his mission to help you face your fears if that's what you wanted from him. But if you’re okay with being on the sidelines as well, he’ll help you with that too. Anything you want, he’ll make it happen. He thinks tonight is the prime example of that.
After the performance, Harry leads you to the car. Opting for Niall to drive this time, he takes his seat next to you in the back. 
“Did you enjoy the evening? Was it, quote unquote, fun enough for you?”
“Oh, god Harry, that was amazing. I’ve never enjoyed myself more.”
“I don't think I’ll ever tire of hearing you call me that,”
“Yeah?” you ask, sliding closer to him.
“Yeah.” he breathes out, cupping your cheek and kissing you softly. He smiles into the kiss so you push your tongue into his mouth, taking him by surprise. Harry lets you have your fun for a moment before he reminds you who's in charge. He reaches to his left, pressing a button on the door to close the window between the front and back seat. Gripping your waist, you’re brought onto his lap, knees on either side of his legs. The kiss deepens, your arms finding their way around his neck as his hands explore the expanse of your back.
“Harry,” you whisper in his ear. You move your hands to tangle into his hair, earring a soft moan from his throat.
“Please, keep going,” he mutters, readjusting himself beneath you. His hands planted firmly on your hips.
“Harry,” you bite down onto his earlobe. “Harry,” you kiss just beneath his ear. Tilting his head to your will, every which way leaving your featherlight kisses along his throat, up and down the surface, whispering his name before every kiss. His breathing feels labored under your touch; his skin ablaze. 
“Birdie,” he groans.
“Hm?” You hum, going back to kissing along his throat.
“As much as I would love for this to continue, we’re at your apartment.”
That damn saying again.
“Come upstairs with me,” you kiss his lips.
“I have a meeting first thing in the morning, otherwise I would,” he kisses you back. “How about you come to mine? Spend the night?”
“What are we gonna do?” you ask with the most innocent looking eyes you can manage.
“What do you think?” he teases, chasing your lips with his.
“Can I meet you there? So can I go to Encore in the morning?”
“Of course. I’ll leave Mitch here with you,” Harry reaches for his phone.
“No need. I’ll be right behind you once I change. Promise,” you kiss the tip of his nose, climbing off of his lap.
Harry exits the car, rounding to your side and opens your door for you. Helping you from the car, the man before you kisses you passionately, pulling your front against his, leaning into your touch. 
“Harry,” you whisper, pulling away from him.
“Fuck, Biridie. Don’t you see what you do to me?”
“Mm, I could feel it too, big guy.” you tease him, smoothing down the front of your dress. “I’ll meet you at your place.”
“Okay,” he smiles down at you, offering you one more goodbye kiss.
“Keep my seat warm,” you wink at him before disappearing up the stairs of your apartment building. 
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Harry’s trip home felt longer without you. He was counting down the minutes until he got to touch you again. Waiting for the moment you walked through the door to devour you. 
“Sir, we have some..news.” Mitch’s voice makes Harry turn towards the entrance of the living room.
“What is it, Mitch? Has Y/N arrived?” he asks, standing from his seat.
“No, sir, it’s about Encore,” the double bunned man says flatly.
“What about Encore? Was there a break in?”
“No, Sir. it’s on fire.”
“What do you–where is Y/N?” Harry asks, panicked.
“We–We can’t locate her, sir.”
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taglist: @freedomfireflies @harrysonlylover @daydreamingofmatilda @triski73 @evie-119
@vamprry @howling-wolf97 @angeldavis777
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zombholic · 9 months
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“dude i swear i will get on my knees for that woman!” you rolled over on your best friends, dina’s bed as she passed you a blunt, taking a hit before passing it back to the dark haired girl sitting against her bed on the floor.
“you saw her two times y/nn” she shook her head looking at the blunt before looking at you. “ok but listen, she is like ethereal dude, i’d gobble her-“ “and you’re done speaking, go to sleep you have work tomorrow” you almost puked at the thought of work.
dina rolled you over to the wall side as she got under the covers “i should have a heart attack and then you can take me and ask for her” “go to bed y/n!”
hearing your stupid alarm go off, dina took it upon herself to grab your ankles and drag you off her very comfortable bed “i’m going to put you in my 13th record” you rubbed your face before getting up to her bathroom “love you!”
you were only a little happy today because it was pay day so you decided to be nice to the annoying customers as well. “have a great day ma’am” you gave the most fake smile to the customer, flipping her off when she left “no sign of doctor goddess this morning?” jesse walks in to start his closing shift.
“she’s the only reason i’m even here right now, can’t believe this is how she breaks up with me” you fake a sad sign, shaking your head at him causing him to chuckle at your attitude.
quickly going around the counter to help jesse clean up for his shift you started by wiping down the tables, the bell to the door chimes, leaving the rag and spray bottle on the dirty table, you saw abby. “hey doctor” you walked back to the register, throwing the latex gloves in the trash, giving her a smile. “hey sweetheart” the nickname giving you a tingly feeling in your stomach.
“the usual? and why so late?” you started with brewing the coffee “night shift and can you make that 4 please, my co-workers need it too” she sighed giving you the sweetest smile.
i want you to fuc-
nodding at her request you grabbed a couple more cups and a cup holder “so as a doctor do you get like any days off? it seems so like exhausting” you tilted your head looking at her “well, because i am a very needed doctor in the field i get at least a month or two off for vacation but on my days off i need to have my pager on me always” she shows you the little black box on her pocket.
you feel jesse “accidentally” bump into you with a sorry ass apologize and a cough, giving to the look. “so um, i was wondering if i could like maybe get your number?” you held your breath, fiddling with your fingers only giving her minimal eye contact. abby pulls her phone out, handing it over to you “why not” she maintains her eye contact.
quickly adding your contact in her phone you gave it back to her, giving yourself a fist bump in your head “you know like incase i have a heart attack or something and need to call for help” you joked biting the inside of your cheek out of a nervous habit “i hope you never have a heart attack sweet thing and i really hope you call the ambulance first” she laughed.
giving her the coffees you gave her a small bye “i’ll text you on my break, if you’re awake by then?” she gave you a flashing smile before walking out.
“holy shit! you got her number” jesse patted your back “holy fucking shit! i like almost shit myself, im gonna pass out” you inhaled deeply after holding your breath for so long “can i be the maid of honor” he wiggled his brows at you with a stupid smirk on his face “you can sit in the back with the grass.”
getting out the shower you started getting ready for bed, not to sleep cause tomorrow is your day off but you wanted to just chill and watch the vampire diaries.
buzz buzz
grabbing your phone you see a number text, your heart racing knowing it’s literally the love of your life texting.
Hello, it’s Abby from the coffee shop.
omg hey! didnt think u would text me
Of course I would, why wouldn’t I?
i mean, you are a busy heart doctor so i assumed you would be too busy 😭
Why are you crying?
crying? no abs it’s supposed to be me laughing LOL
Oh, well I still have a lot to learn.
you’re literally adorable, are you off tomorrow?
During the day, yes, but I have another night shift. Why?
do you maybe want to go out for lunch or something?
Of course, I would love to.
What time and which restaurant?
you can pick that for us, im down for anything :)
How about 12pm at Vue Rooftop?
oh that sounds fancy and i probably can’t afford it 🥲
Sweetheart, who said you were going to pay for anything in the first place? It’s my treat.
no, i cant let you pay for me thats not fair on you
It’s a date Y/n, I’ll see you tomorrow. I have to get back to work now, Goodnight beautiful.
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AUTHORS NOTE: yeah i have adhd and i am making part 3 already … EHEHEHEH
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devildomwriter · 8 months
First Things They Say to MC
“I will explain everything to you.” — (1-1)
“Huh? Who the hell are ya? You ain’t Lucifer.” Or “Are ya foolin’ around? Who the hell are ya?” — (1-1)
“Do you realize what just happened? Mammon used you as a distraction to get away from me. …Or maybe I should say he used you as a sacrifice. I’ll admit that mammon is one of the scummiest scumbags you’ll ever meet…a total lowlife. But still, that was pretty dumb of you letting him use you like that.” *sigh* “This is EXACTLY why humans are— …Wait a second. Humans…yes, that’s it… Suddenly, I’ve got an idea. Listen, are you free right now? Of course you are. You’ve gotta be, right? You know what? Never mind. Either way, you’re coming with me.” — (1-10)
“Aha. So I’m that one, am I? Nice to meet you MC. I am Satan, the avatar of wrath.” — (1-2)
“That’s right! It pretty much sums up what I’m about! Including my power. Let’s give a little demonstration! MC, could you gaze into my eyes for a moment? It’s okay, I don’t hurt you. Come on don’t be shy… …Wait a minute. There’s something about you…hmm…” — (1-2)
“I’m Beelzebub, the avatar of gluttony.” — (1-2)
“…el… …elp… Help… Someone help me… Help… ….Over here! — (2-15)
“Hey, you there. That’s right, I’m talking to you, the human with that frightened, tormented look on your face that demons love so much. You’re practically screaming, ‘Come and eat me! I’m scrumptious!’ Your name’s MC, isn’t it?” — (2-2)
“Ahahahaha! Ooh, that was just hilarious! You walked RIGHT into my trap! Well done, Mr. Bucket 3! WELL DONE!” or “Ugh, what was THAT?! Honestly, I don’t believe it! Mr. Bucket Number 3 was supposed to land on your HEAD not the floor!” — (65-3)
“Well, hello, MC. I’ve heard a lot of rumors!” — (2-13)
“Never trust…mmrmhrm.” — (2-15)
“…I have to say, I take that as an insult. You think I’m Michael? I do not appreciate being mistaken for that socially inept weirdo. My name is Raphael. Try to remember that in the future.” or “Correct.” or “…Wrong. If you don’t know, say so. Don’t just guess at random. My name is Raphael.”
“Hello there, MC.” *sigh*… “Here I am, finally getting to talk to you, and it had to be in a situation like this… Can you hear me, MC?” — (38-17)
Little D. No. 2
“Hello there, I’m Little D. No. 2! Ah, but call me Number Two if you would, mmkay?” — (7-10)
“Don’t touch that! …So, it’s you. It’s bad form to pick up someone else’s documents and start looking through them, you know? Don’t they teach you that in the human world?” — (63-1)
“…Ah yes, pardon me. I suppose we haven’t met before, have we? My name is Barbatos. I apologize for not introducing myself sooner. I have the honor of serving as steward to Lord Diavolo. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” — (2-13)
“Welcome to the devildom MC. …Oh pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we? Well, that’s understandable. You’ve only just arrived after all. As a human it will probably take a while for you to adjust to things here in the devildom.” — (1-1)
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dreamlandiasims · 7 months
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Frankie: Hello Lori, this is your daughter, calling you for the 50th time. Hope you’re doing well, because I certainly am not. If by any chance you did just hit the road without me… could you at least give me a call back? I swear I wouldn’t even be mad if you ditched me. I just want to know whether I can leave this place and never look back, or if I have to stick around to save your helpless ass from whatever situation you’ve gotten stuck in this time. Okay, well, call me back when you get this. Bye. … Love you.
Erwin: “When I die and they lay me to rest, gonna go to the place that’s the best” [humming “Spirit in the Sky”]
Frankie: Erwin! What the hell is wrong with this place??
Erwin: Oh, so now you’re interested in what I have to say. And you do know my name…
Frankie: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Look, my mom is missing. She went to that creepy ass lab, never came back, and now no one will tell me where she is. And on top of that, they replaced the bartender at the bar!
Erwin: They did what?
Frankie: They replaced the bar—you know what, never mind. That’s not important.
Erwin: So you think your mom is at BioSim Tech?
Frankie: Well… yeah, I don’t know. I feel like I sound crazy, but I don’t know where else she could be.
Erwin: You don’t sound crazy. Come on, I can tell you everything I know. But not here.
Erwin: Please, make yourself comfortable.
Frankie: This is, um, wow. Quite the setup.
Erwin: Thanks!
Frankie: Now tell me about this lab.
Erwin: I would be honored. But, in order to do so, you’ll need to understand a bit about this town’s past.
Frankie: I don’t need a history lesson.
Erwin: No no, trust me, it’ll be worth it. Now… where to begin…
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sinnersweets · 4 months
Lucifer x Arch! Angel Reader
A/N: I apologize if this is all over the place, kinda lost interest in this one but thought I'd share it. I will make another Lucifer x Reader at some point and it'll probably be better then this one.
“Thank you all for attending this meeting. The court of the Almighty is now in session. Let all who stand before the throne of grace bear witness to the proceedings of-” My brother Gabriel was interrupted by the sounds of doors slamming open.  
My eyes along with everyone else's turned to see who was responsible for the distraction. Down below was none other than Lucifer, my husband. I couldn’t help but giggle at how silly he looked. His hat was lopsided, one of his sleeves was rolled all the way up and some of his hair lay in front of his face. My brother looked over to me and glared at me, making me silence myself and clear my throat. 
None of my brothers really approved of my marriage to Lucifer; especially Gabriel. They all thought that he was never really one of them, that his ideas and dreams were all stupid; but not me. I found his dreams to be exciting and could possibly lead to beauty.  
Pulling my attention back to Lucifer, I was curious as to why he was here. I know I told him yesterday there would be a meeting today and that I needed to go, but I don’t remember seeing him on the list to attend. 
“A thousand pardons Archangel Gabriel. I seem to have overslept a little hehe. But hey! You’re lucky I made it at all.” Lucifer spoke as he straightened himself out. 
“You weren’t invited at all.”  
Now I was the one glaring at my brother. The other members of the court started to whisper amongst themselves. Lucifer looked around the court and shrunk down and started to fidget with his hands. 
I stood up from my seat and clasped my hands together which seemed to catch everyone's attention in the room, and they all silenced themselves. Being an archangel had its perks; but being the second highest ranking amongst my brothers and the second strongest was by far the best even though I am the youngest.  
“Now now everyone. Is that any way to treat a seraphim such as him?” I glared at my brother before turning my attention to my husband. “You are more than welcome to stay and attend this meeting if it pleases you. I’m sure no one here would object to that correct?” I tilted my head to the side and smiled as my eyes glowed.  
Everyone besides Lucifer swallowed and agreed with me. I looked over to my brother and said, “I’d appreciate it if you would invite my husband to these meetings in the future. He is a seraphim after all.”  
Gabriel stiffened his posture and didn’t say anything to me, but he slowly nodded his head yes. I looked over to Lucifer and gave him a warm smile. He smiled back at me before taking a seat next to Sera. 
“Alright let us continue.” I sat back down and motioned my brother to continue with the meeting. 
Once the meeting had concluded I brought out my wings and flew down to Lucifer. I was probably the only one in all of Heaven that hid their wings. As pretty as they were, they’d always get in the way of anything I tried to do.  
“Hello my love.” I said to Lucifer once I landed next to him. “Darling!” He pulled me into a hug before putting his hand on my face and kissed me. The golden band on his finger felt cold on my cheek. I smiled against the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. 
We pulled away and rested our foreheads together. “I love you so so so much my darling.” Lucifer said. I laughed and said, “I love you too Luci dear. Is everything alright?” “I just can’t believe that I; Lucifer Morningstar had the honor of marrying you.” I playfully rolled my eyes at him. “It shocked everyone.” I laughed as I remembered telling my brothers and the other seraphims. “I didn’t really think you would say yes; especially since everyone here doesn’t really like me.” I playfully took his hat, took off my crown, placed it on the hat, and placed it on my head. “Well, by our second date I made up my mind of you and you are perfect.”  
Lucifer gave me a smugged look as he saw his hat on me. “How do I look?” “Absolutely gorgeous darling; but I think you would look better with just that on~”  
No matter how flustered I felt, I needed to keep an elegant demeanor. I swallowed hard and fanned my face. “Oh Luci dear, you need not say such things outside our home.” Lucifer gave me a mischievous grin which instantly made my heartbeat faster. I can’t describe it but when he smiles like that it’s just so damn sexy. 
“Then my darling, let us go home so that I can say other things to you~”  
I blew out some air and turned away from him. “You are making it hard for me to keep my composure dear.” I then felt his arms wrap around my waist as he rested his head on my shoulder. “Mhm sorry darling. But I do want to go home. I have a surprise and I think you’ll love it.”  
He spun me around and held my hand as we walked out of the building. “So what have you made today?” “You’ll see.” Everything that Lucifer made I’d always show it off and have it get sent down to Earth.  
Except this. He made a nursery room. “Surprised?” I walked around the room admiring the decorations and the color of the room. “It’s so beautiful. I love it.” Lucifer walked over to me and held onto my hands. “I can’t wait to bring our little duck into the world.” “Luci dear you know I’m only two months along; it will be a while longer before Charlie or Heinry come.”  
Lucifer placed a hand on my stomach and smiled. “Those are the names you want to go with?” I shook my head yes. “Charlie or Heinry, those are wonderful names darling.”  
“Your highness. You’ve received a summoning again.” A cherub flew up to me and held out an envelope. I sighed as I already knew who it was from. “Leave it here.” I didn’t bother looking up, I just stayed looking at my desk signing documents. The cherub placed the envelope on my desk and left my office.  
I picked up the envelope and with my magic I opened it up and levitated it to read what the contents were. “His royal highness, Lucifer the king of hell has requested an audience with Y/N, the archangel of elegance and beauty.” This is the seventy eighth letter he has sent this week.  
I fiddled with my wedding ring as I thought about replying. My brothers were filled with such joy when Lucifer got sent down to Hell, but I wasn’t. Even though he betrayed me, hurt me, left me! I didn’t want to see him get banished.  
Not to mention that I recently heard that Lilith was here. How? I had no idea. Apparently, she’s been here for seven years. Seven. I didn’t know if my brothers knew of this or not. Or if anyone knew really. Did Lucifer know that she was here? 
I wrote back saying that I would visit at my earliest convenience. It’s time I visited my dear husband and asked him some questions.  
I stood outside the doors where me and Lucifer were to meet. I have prepared some questions that I intended to ask him. It has been some time since I saw him last. I felt a little nervous but luckily hiding my true emotions has become second nature to me. I waved my hand and the doors opened. 
There I saw Lucifer pacing back and forth. He wore a white coat and pants, his shirt red and white. On top of his head was his hat but now with a crown, snake, and apple. If I didn’t know better, it looked like he copied what I did to his hat millennium years ago.  
I cleared my throat to get his attention and it worked. He looked towards where I was and straightened out his posture.  
“You came! You actually came.” He then walked over to me and examined me. I covered my left hand with my right, not wanting him to see that I was still wearing my wedding ring. I looked at his left hand and saw that he had a ring on, but it was on his pinky instead of his ring finger.  
“I have other meetings to go to so may we please proceed with this one?” 
Lucifer seemed caught off guard, but he rubbed the back of his neck and moved away from me. I entered the room and took a seat at the end of the table while Lucifer sat at the other end. 
“Well um, the reason I asked you to come today is because.... because I wanted to apologize to you.” I raised my eyebrow and gave him a confused look. After all this time, now he wants to apologize for what he’s done? But why? How long has he wanted to apologize for? If he had stated that in the letters, I would’ve come down sooner. “And I also wanted to talk to you.” He tapped his fingers on the table while saying, “Soo, how have you been?”  
I took a deep breath and forced a smile on my face.  
“Well now let me see. Ah yes. My husband who I loved very much and who I thought loved me very much falls in love with another women. Then I found out that said husband and women cause chaos on Earth and got banished to Hell. After all that misfortune I was devastated. The only joy in my life was our son Heinry which recently found out that he has a half-sister. What was her name again? Ah right, Charlie. The princess of Hell. We saw her at the meeting that you arranged for her. Quite a show she put on.” 
Lucifers eyes widen as I spoke. “Wait wait wait hold on. We had a son?” I hadn’t realized that while I was talking tears formed in my eyes. I rubbed them away while saying, “No I had a son. You and her had a daughter.”  
All the emotions that I was feeling were starting to overwhelm me. I stood up and said, “I can’t do this. I have tried for so long to move on and” I paused as I felt myself choke up. “And just seeing you again is hurting me.” As I looked down at the table, I could hear Lucifer get up from his seat and walk over to me. 
“Darling? Please look at me.” I slowly raised my head up and looked at him. His hand started to reach out to me, but he paused for a moment before placing his hand on my face. “I am so sorry for what I did to you. If you can believe anything I say right now, please know that I had no control of myself when I first saw Lilith. After we got cast aside, I realized that I was under a hex from her. Which doesn’t make any sense; she was just a human but” “Hold on.” I raised my head from his hand and looked at him. “You said you were under a hex from her, tell me; what color were her eyes?” 
Lucifer seemed confused by this but answered anyways. “They were orange at first but after we came down here they were purple, why?”  
I didn’t want to believe it but what he was saying was evident. Lilith was just human before she fell so she couldn’t have cast a hex on him; unless she was given the power to do so. Using magic like that requires a magical contract but the only ones with powers to do so are myself and my brothers. One of them made a deal with her. They knew that she would be cast alongside Lucifer, so they promised to bring her up to heaven. 
“Um Y/N? Are you alright? You’ve been kinda quiet.” I snapped back into reality. I started heading towards the doors but stopped, turned, walked back to Lucifer and kissed him. It was a quick kiss but there was so much emotion in the kiss. I pulled away and said, “I forgive you Lucifer. Not one day has gone by where I haven't thought of you. My love for you has never gone away. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must attend to some things.” 
I walked away and I could hear Lucifer call out to me, but I had already left to Heaven. 
I was so angry with my brothers. I had no idea which one of them made a deal with Lilith, but that didn’t matter. They all must’ve known who had done it and none of them ever told me. My own brothers. 
When I entered the court room, I saw all my brothers there. Seeing them made me so angry that I completely blacked out, and I lost control of myself then. It wasn’t until later, when I looked down at my hands and saw golden blood on them, that I knew I had done something to them.  
There I stood at the edge of Heaven. Sera, the head Seraphim was talking about how I would be cast down to Hell for the crime that I had done but I blocked her out. I was only thinking about Heinry. My son. Mine and Lucifers son. He would now be left all alone up here.  
“Do you have any last words before you are banished to hell Y/N?” Sera asked me. “Please, erase myself from Heinerys mind. I do not want him to think of me as a murderer. Make it so that he can't remember his own mother ever. ” “As you wish.” 
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before leaning back and fell towards Hell. 
I walked over to the cradle and smiled at our daughter. When she saw me, she smiled and reached out her hands towards me. I picked her up and sang to her. “You are my world, my darling. What a wonderful world I see. You are the song I’m singing, you’re my beautiful Melody.”  
“Oh, is someone awake?” I turned and saw Lucifer leaning against the door frame. “I think she wants her father.” Lucifer walked over and took Melody from my arms. “Hello my little duckling.” Melody smiled and laughed once she heard her father's voice. My heart melted at the sight. This is how it was always meant to be. Now that we have been given a second chance, things will be better this time.  
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phoenix-bleh · 3 months
I hope your requests open again soon because reading this:
Gave me an idea for the most adorable casual kidnapping ever....heck I'll share it now before I forget, that way it can be here chilling in your inbox for when your requests reopen or idk but hope you like it!
Just...butter roll either working via looking through papers or idk and reader just casually walks up to him...hugs him and nuzzles him before grabbing his hand and just....casually walking off with him. Like y/n is like 'I love you...come on, you're coming with me'. Like very sweet and casual. Lol! That's how y/n could 'kidnap him'..
Two ideas of possible responses my mind came up with buuut wanna see your actual one but just sharing for funsies!!
Butter roll: aaaaaah....I'm being kidnapped...
*says it in a calm voice...but gives hand a squeeze as a sign of 'I love you.'*
Butter roll: oh! My favorite type of kidnapping! So where are we going, my scientific wonder? Restaurant? Home? I can't wait!
*little smooch for y/n.*
ok so I thought it might go something like this-
Butter Roll just casually checking his papers and writing down notes of anything really.
Then you come in and you give him a hug from behind. He looks behind him to see you “Oh hello y/n! do you need something?” he asked you. You look up at him and nodded with a big old smile on your face
“Mhm! i’m here to take you away!” you grab his arm and started pulling him with you “You’re coming with me!”
Now it would be funny if you just straight up told him you were kidnapping him and he’d be like oh ok well this is happening!
Or he’d be like awww am i your first victim oh im flattered and he just comes along with you.
obviously you don’t plan on doing anything bad with him just taking him somewhere….but you love him so it’s ok<3
Mostly thinks you’re too sweet to kidnap but you’re testing your skills on HIM?? he’s honored. He feels appreciated you’re thinking about him.
“Oh! where are we going? Well whatever it is I’m sure it’s gonna be so much fun!”
If you don’t tell him you’re trying to kidnap him he’d just grab onto your hand as well and assume you’re taking him somewhere or just trying to show him something.
You take him to your basement and he’s looking at you confused and you’re looking at him with a grin on your face. He slowly turns to your basement with a disturbed look on his face.
and then he realizing what’s happening….
“OH! you want to have a sleepover! oh what fun!”
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ctitan98official · 5 months
@alexander-23 : Hi hi! I love your writing! I'm wondering if you could write an Alcina Dimitrescu x reader fic for me? Something like the reader who usually is so amazing at hiding their feelings and hates showing their vulnerable side is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Maybe Alcina clears the room or takes reader somewhere to be alone and holds them while also closing her wings around them (closing the wings around them is like an Uber important detail to me. Sorry). Reader just breaks down and becomes Uber vulnerable and needs the softest affection. Alcina naturally cares for the reader, maybe giving them extra attention for the night to ensure they feel heard and loved. Like I want to happy cry from the safety of her embrace and sense of security she gives me. I have a tendency to bottle up my emotions so the comfort of someone I don't have to hide myself from like this would mean the world. Ik it doesn't give much room for creativity since I have like that specific request and I'm sorry about that, I just trust you with the request and always love your writing. I hope this is ok. Don't feel like you have to write it though. If it's not something you're interested in, just let me know. Thank you.
Sure! I need some Alcina comfort. I NEVER let people irl know how sad or upset I am (Unless I deck a motherfucker) So I can relate. I’m honored to have been entrusted with this. Let’s get into it!
You know how much Alcina has been through. You want to protect her, no matter what. Even if it’s from… Yourself.
Lately, though… Your mind has been a dark place. Haunting memories from what feels like a lifetime ago have begun plaguing you again. Traumas you never really let yourself heal from.
You have never allowed Alcina to see this side of you. You’re convinced that once she does, she’ll realize how broken you are…
You’re not going to lose her. You just have to hold on a little longer. Maybe these feelings will pass.
Alcina is currently hosting a summer soiree at the castle. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves… Except you.
Your mask of polite stoicism is cracking. Someone’s going to see. You just need a minute to compose yourself, but people keep coming and trying to mingle with you. It’s like a fucking nightmare. It won’t end. You give clipped and tight answers, trying to get people to back off. Thankfully, most people have taken the hint that you are in no mood to talk and hastily give you space.
However, Alcina is coming this way. Quick! Fix your hair, make sure you look presentable! As you attempt to groom a bit, you realize that tears are streaming down your cheeks. Damn, when did that happen? Wipe them off now! Here she comes.
“Well, hello again, my love.” Alcina purrs, happy to be with you once more. “Some of the guests are so chatty.” She quips lightly and looks to you.
When Alcina sees the tortured look on your face… She is shocked. She’s never seen you so upset. “Draga?” She asks softly and turns your chin gently to her. She gasps as she sees your tears.
You break from her stare and look away. “I’m fine, Alcina. Please enjoy the party, don’t worry about me.” You choke out and wave at her dismissively.
“Y/N.” Alcina says, voice firmer this time. She places her hand on your shoulder, not letting you move away.
Fuck. You ruined everything. She’s seen who you really are and… She hates you for it. As you think, you begin to spiral.
However, Alcina surprises you. She places a kiss on the side of your head. “Wait for me here, my darling.” She tells you and moves to the center of the room.
“Hello, dear guests.” She says, earning everyone’s attention. She is ever the picture of elegance. “I’m afraid that I am absolutely exhausted and… The wine’s almost out.” Alcina playfully gasps which causes everyone to chuckle. Her smile is brilliant as she charms everyone. She’s so good at this type of thing. “I would like to bid you all good night and thank you for coming.” She says graciously.
Light applause and pleasantries made in parting start filling the room. One by one, each guest leaves and you feel your heart pound faster. Alcina is probably pissed that she had to end the party. You fucked everything up.
When it is just the two of you left, Alcina quietly walks toward you. Her eyes hold pain as she sees how upset you are. “Baby…” She says softly and cups your cheek with her hand.
The warmth of Alcina’s touch breaks any walls that you were hoping to put up. You can’t lie to her anymore. It’s not fair, and right now… You aren’t okay. You break down and start to weep.
Alcina coos softly and holds you to her front. She realizes that you have never cried in front of her. You’ve never… Been this open with her at all. While she is so heartbroken to see you miserable, it is refreshing to see under all of the layers you have built to protect yourself. Alcina doesn’t care that you’re not perfect. She just wants to see you.
She picks you up and carries you to her study. This is where the two of you spend the most time together, and the familiar atmosphere comforts you a bit.
Alcina hums gently and places kisses on your head as you cry.
As warm as Alcina’s hold is… You are suddenly blanketed in the most soothing embrace you’ve ever experienced. You look up for a moment and your eyes grow wide. Alcina’s dragon wings are holding you securely. You didn’t know she could form her wings without fully mutating.
Alcina chuckles at the shocked look on your face and nuzzles her face on your head. “I’ve got you, draga. You’re safe.” She tells you before she wraps her wings tighter around you.
You’ve never felt safer. The velvety texture of Alcina’s wings is like the softest blanket you’ve ever been wrapped up in.
“Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” She asks quietly.
Your first instinct is to say no… But, you trust Alcina. You’ve never trusted anyone before. It’s… A bit overwhelming. But, you decide to open up to her. It’s both the scariest and easiest thing you’ve ever done. Alcina listens to you fully. She doesn’t offer advice or interrupt you while you talk. It’s like… She’s the only person you would ever bare your soul too. You’ve just fallen more in love with her (If that’s even possible.)
It feels nice to get everything out in the open. Your fears of Alcina seeing you as broken were unfounded. She still loves you. All of you. It makes you so happy.
Alcina truly is your soulmate. You don’t know what you would do without her.
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mossstep · 7 months
Ghost!reader sagau
Part one Part two… you’re here part 3
Note: I AM A MINOR, don’t be weird.
Characters: Hu Tao, Zhongli, Xiangling
Completely sfw, no shipping.
Liyue was probably among the nations you knew the least about. Sure, if you got thrown in inazuma you’d be beyond lost, but if you got thrown into sumeru, Monstadt, hell, even Fontaine, you’d at least be able to talk about things people knew.
But here you were, in Liyue, as a ghost. You didn’t know whether to wait for Hu Tao or to just waltz on into town, and inevitably cause a panic. For you were not only a ghost, but apparently seen as something akin to a god in this world, since you had created the account that held this world. (You really think that if anyone from the real world should be seen as a god here it would be the developers of the game, but whatever)
It seems the decision was made for you, as Zhongli, of all people, walked by the statue. A wave of recognition washed across his face, “your grace,” he says, bowing to you.
You blurt it out before you can think.
Zhongli stares at you for a moment, before chuckling slightly, “I suppose you’re a bit confused? After all, you were just trying to play a game, correct?”
“How the hell can you just say that you know this is all fake, without having an existential crisis?” You ask, incredulously, “that’s absolutely absurd, I would not be able to function.”
“I suppose it’s just the nature of the world, it’s a fact of life, this world is so full of history, all to entertain those of another world. It’s only natural that we’d look to the one who runs this world for guidance.”
“That’s… a lot, but I mean, I can see why someone as old as you would think that.”
“You’re grace!” Hu Tao called out, “you vanished so suddenly, I was concerned that you had left!”
“I don’t even think I can leave,” you say, looking at Hu Tao for a moment before turning back to Zhongli, “let’s continue this conversation later.”
“What were you two talking about?” Hu Tao asked. Zhongli looked at you, as you thought about what to say. You needed to be careful about what you said, as you could easily out Zhongli’s secret.
“Nothing important,” you say after a moment, “Zhongli just gave me more context.”
“Alright, well, let’s head into town!” Hu Tao said, walking down the path, you float after her. In this ghostly body you didn’t see much of a need to walk.
As the three of you walk through town you notice people staring.
God you hated when people stared at you, and now as not only a ghost, but also the apparent god of this land, you felt out of place. For fucks sake, why couldn’t you have just arrived in teyvat as a regular human? That would make everything way easier.
The three of you stop at the wanmin restaurant. Your eyes widen as you see Xiangling cooking away at the cooking pot behind the counter.
Xiangling was always a character you liked, you had loved cooking and you definitely related to her passion for cooking and trying out new dishes.
“Hey!” Hu Tao said, “three chicken mushroom skewers please!” She said.
“Getting right on it!” Xiangling said with a smile, and after a few minutes she handed the skewers to Hu Tao, before doing a double take when she saw you.
“Oh! Hello!” She says with a smile.
“Hi Xiangling, you’re really cool!” You say.
“It’s an honor to hear that from you!”
By this point a crowd had formed around the restaurant, Zhongli was doing a good job holding them back, but you’d far prefer to be anything but the center of attention.
“Hey Hu Tao, I’m gonna head back to the statue, can we eat there?”
Hu Tao nods and you vanish.
Wait hold on- would you even be able to eat in this form? Ugh, that’d suck if you couldn’t eat.
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arokel · 3 months
Don/Bobby after their first win?
hello anon!!! sorry this is so late; i meant to post it much sooner but alas i am god's sleepiest soldier. but it's here now!
Nice and Easy
Word count: 960 Rating: G Pairing: Don/Bobby
Every muscle in Don’s body hurts. The skin of his cheeks feels tight and a little warm to the touch, a pink he’s sure must be deepening to red. Breathing is agony. He’s never felt better.
And Bobby is beside him, sweaty and grinning, running his mouth in the way Don has already come to find dangerously endearing in the few weeks they’ve known each other. It makes him want to say things he shouldn’t, and the only thing stopping him right now is the fact that he can’t get a word in edgewise.
“And you saw their faces when we passed them, Christ, felt so good to wipe that smugness right off ‘em. We destroyed those assholes. And it was all thanks to you, Don.”
“It was just a time trial,” Don says in the brief pause while Bobby takes a deep breath in preparation to start up again. He has to fight down his natural awkwardness and propensity for blushing; Bobby is being much too kind. “And I just did my part.”
Bobby shakes his head like a dog emerging from the water, so violently that a drop of sweat lands on Don’s cheek. It should be gross. But, somehow, as is everything Bobby does in Don’s eyes, it’s mostly cute.
“But it was varsity. And you knew exactly what to do; it was like you were reading my mind out there. I’ve never had a stroke who could do that. You’re the best. You carried that boat.”
Don glances guiltily around the empty shell house, just in case he miscounted and one of his teammates is still lingering after all. Bobby is just exaggerating because he’s excited and on is the only target on hand for his praises, but it still wouldn’t be great if anyone else overheard. They’d be hurt by the implied slight to their own rowing, and then Don would have to tell Bobby to stop complimenting Don alone. Which he doesn’t want to do.
He knows Bobby would be just as nice to Chuck or Joe or anyone else if it was them standing there instead of Don. Don isn’t special to Bobby. It’s just nice to let himself pretend he could be for a little while.
“I don’t think I could do it with another cox,” he says quietly. Let Bobby think it’s just the win spurring Don to hyperbole too. “You’re just… you. It’s easy with you.”
Bobby makes a small sound of surprise, opening and closing his mouth several times. Don might be proud of himself for how easily he managed to shut Bobby up if he weren’t so busy being mortified by the fact that he obviously misjudged the level of sincerity appropriate to the situation.
He tries to walk it back. “Not - I mean - you’re very… easy to listen to. Hear, I mean. You enunciate well.”
“Not a chance,” Bobby says with another shake of the head - slower, this time, closer to amazed. “You don’t get to take it back. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me, Don Hume. Don’t cheapen it with qualifications.”
“Nicest thing about your coxing, you mean,” Don says. Even laying claim to that small honor sends further heat to his face and makes the aches and weariness in the rest of his body recede a little. He could say even nicer things, if they weren’t so terribly incriminating.
Bobby bites his lip, smiling at his feet. He looks shy. “No, I mean nicest thing about me ever.”
He has to be exaggerating again. Don wants him to be exaggerating.
“But… all I said was that you’re you,” he says, bewildered.
Bobby’s lip is still caught between his teeth when he looks up, stretched into a sweetly pleased smile. “Yeah. But you said it like it’s a good thing.”
Don wants to do a lot more to the varsity crew’s faces than wipe an expression off them, if he’s right in thinking they played any part in making Bobby think it wouldn’t be a good thing. But there’s also a small thrill of possessive pride creeping up from his chest and into his already-red cheeks at the thought that he made Bobby smile like that, and maybe no one else ever has.
He wants to do it again.
“It’s a fantastic thing. You’re…”
His words fail him. All the things he wants to say, the things that come too easily to his tongue whenever he’s around Bobby - they’re all too dangerous. He falls silent instead.
Bobby’s eyes are so bright.
“You’re… good. As a cox and… and just by being you,” Don says. He doesn’t know Bobby all that well yet, but that much, he knows, is true.
He watches Bobby take the words in, watches that smile reappear - smaller than Don would like, shyer, and yet somehow brighter even than the shine of his eyes. Bobby doesn’t sunburn as easily as Don does, but his cheeks are pink anyway.
Bobby clears his throat. “Careful with those compliments, Don, or I’ll get spoiled.”
“Good,” Don says, too caught in the loveliness of the whole picture to think before he speaks. “I want to.”
He shuts his mouth in horror and waits, heart sinking, as Bobby’s drops open in surprise. Any second now that smile will vanish, those eyes will turn cold, and Don will have to face the consequences of how stupidly, damnably easy Bobby makes things.
This time when Bobby bites his lip, it looks intentional.
“Okay. You can spoil me. If you want to,” he says, just above a whisper. “And… if there’s anything else you want - you can do that too.”
Don doesn’t have to read Bobby’s mind to know what’s being asked of him. It’s just easy.
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faerytreealtars · 9 months
༄🍃🌻✧˖°. “Wisdom from the elements” - Earth ༄🍃🌻✧˖°.
Hello again, Saplings! 🌱 A new PAC today that I hope you enjoy, take a deep breath, and choose whatever images resonate with your soul and heart, Happy reading! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚  
This reading is the first part of a series I am doing based on the four elements and the wisdom they can offer. First up is Earth, the element of Earth is Steady and Reliable but also heavily creative and abundant, I always feel such safe, comforting and feminine energy when connecting to the Earth so I hope that it can be the same for all of you!
Trust your intuition, don’t overthink it and if you’re still struggling, close your eyes take a deep breath and let yourself be guided to an image.
I would love to hear if the message you received resonated with you, so don’t feel afraid to comment, for it makes me so happy to connect with you all! 💕  
Song: Queendom - Aurora
Faery-Tale: Thumbelina - “It is the strength within your heart that determines your true character”
[ My Instagram ♡ / Personal Readings ♤ /  Faery Masterlist ☆  ]
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Pile 1
[ Cards: The Fool, The Empress, The Emperor, Nine of Swords & Eight of Cups ]
Now is the time for walking away, what is gone can no longer serve you. To help you begin afresh we encourage you to begin bringing more stillness into your life - even if you don't enjoy meditation or not feeling busy it may benefit you to take some time in the day to be outside in the open air, be quiet and let the sunbeams warm and cleanse your skin. This can invigorate your spirit more than you can imagine. Focus on destressing your mind and physical body. Then with a clear mind, you will be on your way to being renewed!
Oracle: Offer
Our two friends have taken a moment to meet under the full moon. The soft glow lights up the forest. There is an ambiance of quiet that allows our Gentle Creature to be fully engaged in accepting the gift his young friend has offered. It may be a handful of random green things to someone else but to her, it is something she chose with great care, Her friend understands that. The gift for them is not what is in their hands but what is in the heart of the small one looking up at them. They are grateful for one another. honoring one another with their full attention is another gift. Have you given this to another recently? The present is here. Focus on the air around you and smell the scents. see the sights. Hear the sounds. If you offer yourself  up to each moment as a gift, you will learn the beauty of being present in the moment - perhaps it is time to spend time on someone who needs undivided attention, like yourself.
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Pile 2
[Cards: Nine of Pentacles, Six of Swords (rx), The lovers, The Chariot, Knight of Wands] 
Now is not the time to give up or run away, we know you have the strength to face these challenges and fears head-on. What you seek may be closer than you can see or admit. To help you we recommend a bit of journaling or at least time to observe and write about what fills you with joy and gratitude to have or experience in your life. You could even write about the good things that occurred that day if it is too hard to think of the things that bring you blessings. You never know what a shift in attitude can bring you or the places it can take you!
Oracle: Play
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Look at these happy young gentle creatures, they are being pulled by an adult. A butterfly keeps landing on their noses. shrieks of laughter spread joy as they go wheeling into the meadow. now is not the time for work or hard things. it is at this moment that you need to play. Move your body. Aim your heart for the playground you miss. Do not allow anyone to tell you that you are being irresponsible when you take a moment to sink yourself into the mindset of a child. Play is as important as work. No dull jacks here, please. freshen your outlook by jumping in a puddle, swinging on trees, or napping under one. do whatever you can to open yourself up to the playful spirit. by doing this you will find the answers that have been evading you. They are like butterflies landing on your nose - a tickling nudge. You know the questions can be resolved. The knotty problems will unwind. once you get out of your own way, all things will get better. so let loose and frolic, friend.
Pile 3
[Cards: Five of Swords (rx), six of pentacles, nine of wands, four of swords & Eight of Swords (rx) ]
First let us begin by telling you to breathe, deeply and slowly release all that tension and burdens, you have built up so much! We know it is for good reason but we are glad to be the ones to tell you the period of conflict & extreme shifts is over, You have done yourself so proud, allow yourself to feel that and make time for rest & self-care. Don't feel guilty for putting yourself first, you've already done so much for others & we know you will continue to be pure and kind so be patient your rewards are yet to come!
Oracle: Harbinger
A light beckons us forward. Bats swirl around this harbinger, but what news do they bring? Numbers tumble down. Seven is the number of seeking, of thinking, of moving forward on a quest. Nine marks its territory as selfless and compassion. Our creature then is showing us that a new journey awaits. The bats may come from our own internal dark place. Rather than scary, they are simply helpers. The numbers are also gifts to you. study them. learn about them. be compassionate with yourself as we are all beginners at some point and we will all be beginners again. follow the path of inquiry currently calling you. Open your eyes to see the light is in front of you. This isn't a time for delay as the call to journey is now. While you may want to plan more or think things through, you need to do that en route. Ask yourself what you actually need in this moment - all else you require will be found.
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Thank you to all who have read this far! I do hope Mother Earth and all her lovely spirits & Sprites have been able to bring you a message that is able help you in whatever way matters most to you now. Remember to always care for and give thanks to the Earth, she is our only home and can use a little TLC more than ever these days!
If you are looking for more in-depth readings catered to only you, and you alone. Feel free to check out my personal readings, the link is up top or you can check this helpful post to understand how my readings will aim to help you!
-Love, Fae 🍀🧚🏻‍♀
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sir-phillip-crane · 2 years
Headcanons of how would Scanlan, Percy, and Vax react if they went out with their crush to buy something to be mistaken as a couple?
sorry it took so long! i started school and homeworks got me swamped... im takin a little to adjust but I hope to be back to writing regularly soon!! requests can be sent in, but answers will be slow.
Scan the man
“I am simply saying, you would think, with how fuckin’ invent-y Percy is, he could figure out how to fix my lute! It’s bullshit that he’s ‘unable to’! I think that just translates to ‘I am a lazy fancy boi who doesn’t want to help my friends’!”
You laughed at his comment as you opened the door for him into a music based shop, the very specific smell of cork grease and reeds hitting you as you entered. “Usually I give him the benefit of the doubt, but I think you’re right in this case.”
You both wandered around for a few minutes, Scanlan especially fascinated by all of the musical instruments, even though he had seen them a million times.
Finally, a busy employee noticed you looking through the music books and greeted you. “Oh, hello! My deepest apologies, as you can see, we’re rather busy today!”
She was right, the store bustled around you. Despite it, Scanlan still heard and made his way to your side.
“What can I help you and your husband with?”
Scanlan blinked, at a loss for words for a moment. It wasn’t often you were mistaken for a couple, since the group tended to go to shops together, and it was more often you were mistaken for a polycule or more specific, more… odd couples. (Keyleth and Grog happened often, mostly because she would always gently explain things to him if she could).
Finally, he figured out what to say. “Ah, trust me, I wish I had the honor of callin’ this hot little piece mine, but they’re a bit too sophisticated for my taste.”
You responded by laughing and gently shoving him, then explaining that he needed his lute fixed.
She promised it would be finished by the end of the week, and either of you could drop by to grab it.
As you left, Scanlan started to laugh, reaching to take your hand. “I can’t believe that she thought we were married!”
“Please, you’d be lucky to land me, Shorthalt.”
“Well then,” he winked, “let me try my hand at it. Dinner tonight?”
Percy von Keysmash
“I swear to gods, it is becoming more and more difficult to find black powder.”
“How about that crazy guy who gave you a literal pig’s head full of it? I’m sure his shop is still open,” you laughed.
“Ugh, please, do not remind me of that interaction. That pig’s head haunted my dreams almost as much as the Briarwoods. Ah! Here we go! …Not nearly as much as I need, though…”
“If you and your partner are trying to find black powder, there’s a medicinal shop which sells it in bulk.” A lady browsing the shop commented, looking up at Percy. “Would you like the address?”
“Oh, um, yes, please. That would be lovely. Thank you.” Percy stammered, offering the lady a tiny notebook where she jotted down the address.
Percy gently took your hand and tugged you towards the door, seeming to want to leave the shop as soon as he could.
The two of you walked in silence for a long while, you unable to figure out what to say after that. Should you make a joke? Ignore it? Just face it head on?
It ended up being… awkward silence. Which Percy met with the same.
You two likely would have completely ignored it, if you hadn’t stepped into the shop and immediately been greeted by “what can I do for you lovebirds?”
Percy heaved a sigh, shaking his head before simply saying “black powder.”
You lingered awkwardly by the door until he finished up the transaction, then walking alongside him as you left.
“Well, that was… Something.” You mumbled, crossing your arms, gazing at the cobblestone as you walked.
“My apologies for how I handled that. I- I…” He trailed off, leaving the sentence unfinished.
You didn’t prompt him again, simply allowing him to drop it and stay in awkward silence the rest of the walk.
When it came to shopping, Vax enjoyed it, but often wasn’t ‘allowed’ unless Vex was there to negotiate the price. And if that price wasn’t low enough, and the twins deemed the shopkeep an ass, they would simply steal it.
But a library, looking into whatever monster of the week you were fighting, meant Vex avoided it as she often insisted she found reading gross and posh, and nerds like you and Vax and Percy and, really, all of the group but her, Grog, and Scanlan, could get it done.
You sat at a table besides Keyleth, looking up as Vax carted back an armful of books and dumped them on the table. “We are going to be here all night, I swear to gods.”
“Do you want me to go get some food, then?” Keyleth hummed, smiling up at you and Vax.
“I don’t think the library allows food…” You started, then looked up, realizing it seemed to only be VM and a single employee, then added “can you bring us back some cookies?”
She nodded, compiling a small list of snacks before leaving to find some.
“Excuse me, you and your husband’s friend is not allowed to bring food in here.”
Vax completely overlooked the relationship comment, simply responding with “excuse me, my friends and I are the only reason all the residents of Emon were not dragon kibble. We will eat in the library if we damn well please.”
The employee shut up, realizing quickly they wouldn’t win this conversation – especially not as Vax flashed one of his daggers.
He sat besdes you, opening one of the leatherbound tombs and commenting “this is gonna take a year.”
“Did you… hear what they said?”
“Hm? Kiki shouldn’t be bringing food in here.”
“No, uh… Nevermind, it’s dumb.”
Vax will ask Percy about it while youre out of earshot, and respond by subtly giving you a little kiss on the cheek.
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theladyofdeath · 11 months
Lady Death's Lover {I}
Lady Death's Lover Masterlist & Summary
19th Century Period AU Nesta x Cassian Secret Affair / Enemies to Lovers / Forbidden Romance Fanfiction / Characters from Sarah J Maas / ACOTAR Based on a prompt sent in by anonymous
A/N: Please be sure to read the trigger warnings before reading the chapter or any chapter from this story! I hope you all enjoy reading these chapters as much as I've enjoyed writing them. Writing this fic has been a coping mechanism of sorts. Please like, drop a comment, or reblog if you wish. x
TW: marital abuse, sexual content, language, depression
This story is for readers 18+. Mature readers only. Content should not be read by anyone under 18.
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My Dearest Sister,
I must apologize for Feyre’s absence in this letter. She is angry with you after your previous words and says that Isaac Hale is more of a man than you will ever realize. Now, I know nothing of their relationship so I cannot chime in, but even with her in a bitter state, I wanted to reply to your kind and loving words.
I’m so pleased that your life with Tomas is so grand. It’s like a fairytale, one we read of when we were young. You’re like Cinderella, saved by a prince that could give you the world. I can only hope that I, myself, find such a happy ending one day.
You were right in your speculations. Greysen and I are no more. He’s promised to another, in fact. They shall be married this season and although I understand - she is a beautiful lady of society, you see - I have still cried myself to sleep each night for a month. There is no need for you to come protect my honor. He has made his choice and it is one that I must live with. By the Mother’s grace, I shall move on. 
Do you think that there is a time when I can come visit you? A ball sounds so exciting. What are they like? I imagine lovely treats and drinks and magnificent dresses. Oh, and lovely music where couples dance until wee hours of the morning. I’ve been practicing my dances, although I have very few opportunities to use such knowledge around here. I hope to attend events this season to show my newfound skills. My favorite is the waltz. How romantic! 
Tell Tomas we say hello. Feyre, although angry, sends her love. So does father. We miss you, dear sister. I hope to hear from you soon.
Your sister,
I notice my husband comes into my room but he waits ten minutes before saying a word. Of course, the first word he says is demeaning, but I do not have the right to refuse him. Even so, I pretend to read my book for another moment, although there is no use in reading. The air is too thick when he is present to read. Even my escape becomes nonexistent. 
My name on his lips feels wrong. There is no awe in it, no love. There is only a hint of annoyance. Reluctantly, I place a ribbon between the pages of my novel and close it shut. 
“Apologies, my lord,” I say. I hardly recognize my own voice. “It is hard to put down a story so captivating.” 
“Ah,” he says, chuckling, and the sound sends a shiver down my spine. “I should have known, my headstrong wife. Come. Undress.” 
I am only in my nightdress, and it hardly hides a thing, but I don’t say as much. What’s one more layer gone? 
When I stand, I feel I am no longer in my body. I feel like an outsider, watching myself from a distance with an empty space where my heart should be. I hardly notice his eyes on me as I slip my shift off my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I stand before him, bare and unfeeling, glad he is only looking and has yet to touch. 
I know the peace will not last long. 
He approaches me. 
As he begins stripping off his shirt and trousers, I lay back down in the center of my bed and wait. I find a spot on my ceiling, a spot next to the golden trim where it seems a spark flew too high out of the fireplace. I focus on the spot, then my breathing, and as my husband crawls on top of me, I force my body to relax.
As he pushes into me, that spot becomes my anchor. 
I did not want to marry Tomas. The truth of the matter is that I would have married anyone, and I probably would have hated every man pushed in my direction just as much as I hate Tomas. I have yet to meet a man worthy of anything other than disdain that has a title to his name and although me marrying a man with a title, with money, was necessary, I know that I would’ve been happier marrying a man that had absolutely nothing. 
I’ll never know.
We were wealthy once, when my mother was alive, but after her death everything seemed to fall apart. My father made a series of poor business decisions and it left us with nothing. It wasn’t until Lord Tomas Mandray visited our village for a weekend last Autumn that our luck changed. We were in the right place at the right time and he took notice of me. My father negotiated our marriage and that was that.
I had no say in the matter. Yet, I would stand by every time, would let it happen all over again if given the chance. My sisters are cared for, thanks to my husband’s generosity. As is my father, but I could care less about his happiness, if I may be so blunt. He has never given a damn about me. Why should I feel any differently? 
Above me, Tomas grunts. It’s a horrible noise, recurring, until his body grows tense, releasing inside of me. I keep still. The stiller I am, the quicker this ends. 
He collapses on top of me and catches his breath. I lay there, flat on the mattress until he rolls off of me and rises from the bed, redressing. I do not move until he’s gathered all of his garments and walks toward the door, his exit.
“I’m going to the club,” he says, and that’s it. The door shuts behind him and I’m being enveloped in the silence. For a moment, I cannot move. I continue to stare at the spot on the ceiling, its grand display becoming a comfort to me. I let Tomas’ release drip out of me, unsure if I want to become with child or not. A child would be a blessing, an heir, my duty, but it would also be Tomas’s, and there is a part of me, a selfish part of me, that does not want to progress his bloodline. Perhaps a man as brutal, as demeaning, as execrable as him should not reproduce. I know that children are not their parents, but I also know Tomas. 
The air suddenly becomes brisk against my bare skin but I can’t bring myself to move. When I move, I’ll have to get up, I’ll have to clean myself, I’ll have to redress and pretend as if everything is fine. 
Nothing is fine. Fine is irrelevant. 
The spot on the ceiling begins to blur and I cannot tell if I am crying or my eyes have simply given up. Either way, I feel nothing. I’m not certain how long I lay there, how many minutes or hours pass, but the sky outside remains dark as time goes by, dismissing my emptiness into nothingness. I pray to the gods, the Mother, the Cauldron, anyone who is willing to listen to give me an ounce of strength. 
I’ve no clue what time it is by the time I finally convince my feet to move, finally convince myself to rise and cleanse the remnants of my husband’s seed from my body. When I lay down again, I close my eyes and pretend to fall asleep until it finally claims me.
The numbers are not where they should be. 
I’ve gone over this month’s pages twice now and I feel a sense of panic rising up inside of me so I pour a drink, then another, until the numbers no longer scare the shit out of me. I’ve only started feeling the joyous buzz when the door to my study bursts open and my two closest friends, my brothers, stride through the door, unwelcomed and not caring. 
“Get up!” Rhysand says, grinning in that way that I equally love and hate. The grin that says something terrifying is about to take place. “We’re going out.”
“I don’t want to go out.”
“You work too much,” Azriel mutters, plopping down on a settee against a far wall. “And that’s coming from me.” 
“I’m trying to build an empire to pass onto my children,” I defend.
Rhysand barks a laugh. “What children? First you need a wife and you won’t find that sitting on your ass alone every night.”
“It’s late,” I say, but it’s more of a groan as I let my face fall into my hands. 
“It’s not even midnight,” Rhysand mutters, shaking his head. “What happened to you? You used to be the fun one.”
“Yes, well, I’m nearly thirty. The fun had to end eventually.”
Azriel whistles. “Someone’s feeling morbid.”
“Hardly made a profit this month.” My words are muffled by my hands. “I think I’m going to have to raise the rents. Again. It’s been a shitty spring in the fields. Hardly anything’s been produced.” 
Rhysand sighs, sitting next to Azriel and tossing an arm around his shoulder. “You’ve some money set aside, yeah? Look to invest. My investments bring in far more money than anything else.” 
My hands fall from my face and land on top of the papers that are scattered across my desk. I nearly knock over a candle. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Sounds like a lot of work that I’m not prepared for.” 
“Yeah, work that’ll pay off. Quickly.” Rhysand jostles Azriel’s shoulder.
Azriel sighs. “Are we getting a drink? I need a drink.”
“You two go,” I say, attempting to straighten the scattered papers. “I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner.” 
“Know who you should meet with?” Rhysand asks, paying absolutely no attention to the words coming out of the rest of us. “Tomas Mandray. I hear he’s gotten a hold of a few profitable mines up north. Always looking for investors. Easy money.” 
Just the name of that asshole makes me feel sick. “That guy’s a prick.”
“Yeah, a successful prick,” Rhysand says, and Azriel snorts. “You meet with him once a year and get a good payout every month. Surely that’s worth it.” 
“Leave him alone,” Azriel says, eyeing the half-full bottle of brandy on my desk lovingly. “If he wishes to dismiss solid business opportunities, let him.” 
“So you agree with Rhys?” I ask, picking up my empty glass only to realize there’s nothing in it.
Azriel’s lips thin. “I don’t care what you do, as long as it involves me getting a drink at some point.”
I lift a brow. “Something the matter? Seem agitated.”
“Az is always agitated.” Rhysand claps Azriel on the shoulder yet again, to his dismay. “I’ll set up a meeting. Go if you want, don’t if you want to keep crunching numbers until you fall asleep on your desk. Come. Az needs to be drunk.”
Azriel didn’t deny it. I suddenly feel a sense of selfishness, worried I’ve missed what’s been going on in both of their lives. Clearly something’s wrong with Azriel, something I should know about but don’t. I’ve been too engrossed in this shit. Abruptly, I stand up from my desk and try to smooth out my rumpled shirt. “Fine. Let’s go.”
Rhysand frowns and Azriel lifts a brow. The former asks, “With you looking like that?” 
I sit back down. “You’re right. I should stay here.”
With a curse, Azriel stands and hurries out the door, leaving Rhysand and I alone. 
“What’s wrong with him?” I ask, quietly.
Rhysand shrugs. “Won’t say, but I know it’s bad. He needs us. He needs entertainment.” 
I sigh, fully aware I’m losing this battle. I realize that his carefree attitude tonight has been for Azriel’s benefit alone. I open my mouth, but he cuts me off.
“I know Mandray is the last person you want to spend your time with, but he’s honorable. In business, anyway. It’ll be worth it. I mean it. I’ll call for a meeting.”
I stare at my brother for a long time, knowing he’s the only person in this city more stubborn than myself. “Fine, but if this comes back to bite me in the ass, you’re paying for it.”
His grin tells me that he doesn’t give a damn. “It won’t. I’ve been doing business with him for years.” 
Azriel comes back into the room at full speed, tossing a jacket and hat on my desk. “It’ll cover your wrinkled shirt. Come now.”
This time, when he rushes out of the room, Rhysand and I are following him. I’m not certain where we’ll find ourselves, in an opium den or brothel or a common gentleman’s club, but I must admit that as we walk out of my townhouse, into the cool night air, I feel a little bit lighter. 
If there is one thing I can count on, it is the company of the two men before me. We’ve known each other since we were children and they are the closest thing I’ve ever had to a family.
My father was a man of nobility but my mother worked in a brothel. Being his only son, my father recognized me as his heir but never named my mother. I used to think it was a curse but after my father’s death I saw it for the blessing it was. I don’t know if I’ll ever marry, but if I do…and if I have children of my own…they will be well cared for.
Financially. Morally. All of it. 
When that day comes, if it comes, I’ll consider myself a lucky man. But, for now, I follow Rhysand and Azriel from one side of town to the other to be the fun, young bastard I once was. 
I’ll need it, especially if I’m getting into business with Lord Tomas Mandray. 
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ladyofthenoodle · 1 year
→ Welcome Ryuuko . Leave your weapons by the door.
Carapace: thx for joining dude!!
Ryuuko: Are these messages customized to us? How clever.
Rena Rouge: no its totally random you just lucked out
Pegasus: There are up to 40 variations of the welcome message that I am aware of, so there is a roughly 2% or less chance of being greeted with any specific message. That is indeed an incredible coincidence.
Ryuuko: Fascinating. Thank you for explaining. I am new to Discord.
Pegasus: I do not normally attribute things to luck, however, I must concede that when Ladybug is involved the simple rules of probability are inexplicably bent in her favor, so I must agree with Rena Rouge here.
Rena Rouge: please, call me rena
Pegasus: Thank you, Rena. I would grant you nickname permissions as well but I haven’t found an acceptable one for Pegasus yet.
Roi Singe: dude whats wrong with peggy
Pegasus: We’ve been over this. It’s too American.
Bunnyx: as if your civilian nickname wasn’t also american sounding
Pegasus: It’s short for– Oh, you’re baiting me
Bunnyx: 😜
Ladybug: welcome ryuuko!
Ryuuko: Hello Ladybug! 😊 Thank you for the invitation. I am honored to join your group and to be entrusted with the secret of Carapace’s identity 
Ladybug: oh um yeah actually you weren’t supposed to mention that
Ladybug: it’s fine!!! 
Ladybug: but if in the future everybody could not reveal who invited them and whose identities they know i think that would be safest
Ryuuko: I’m sorry Ladybug. I hope I did not compromise the team too much with my rash actions.
Ladybug: i think it’ll be okay just once i’m just trying to seal as many possible leaks as i can 
Ladybug: trying to prevent a flood
Bunnyx: or an apocalypse 
Ladybug: same thing
Rena Rouge: SAME THING??? girl??? are you ever gonna give us deets on this
Carapace: or on what happened when shadowmoth stole the miraculouses 
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sattlersquarry · 9 months
hyacinths; peonies (steve harrington x fem!reader)
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finale of the bloom series. series masterlist
Summary: All things must come to an end...or not so much. (garden center!steve x wedding planner!reader)
Word Count: ~2.3k
Warnings: language, mentions of infidelity and trust issues.
hyacinths: "I am sorry," "please forgive me," sorrow
You get out of “family dinner” with Jim, Joyce, their kids, and your mother by feigning a stomachache. You cry yourself to sleep, and the next morning, you shine a flashlight on your forehead to raise your temperature.
Your mother comes in your room at 9 a.m. sharp to whisk you off for some last-minute wedding prep before tomorrow’s rehearsal and this weekend’s big event. Thanks to your faux fever and somewhat convincing acting where you clutch your stomach and moan and groan about how bad you feel, she gives you the day off.
“Rest up and drink lots of fluids,” she says. “I’ll check on you later.”
You wallow in bed, thankful that you don’t have to spend the day thinking about eternal love after seeing Steve getting a kiss from the mystery girl. You watch soap operas on the small TV in your rented bedroom, relieved that today’s episodes all surround dramatic events, like car crashes and kidnappings, and that none of them are themed around weddings or love.
The guest house phone rings around noon. Distracted by the episode of General Hospital you’re watching, you pick it up without thinking.
“Hey, it’s Steve! What’s up?”
You almost choke on the chocolate-covered pretzels you’re scarfing down, causing you to erupt into a coughing fit.
“Hey, Steve,” you say hoarsely. “Sorry, I’m sick, so I’ll see you—”
“Wait!” Steve begs. “Hold on. I saw you at the Garden Center yesterday, but you rushed out of there so fast we didn’t get to talk. Is everything okay?”
“Like I said,” you say sharper than you mean to, “I’m sick. I feel like shit.”
“If you want, I can come by later with some chicken noodle soup? Or something else, if you don’t like chicken noodle.”
God, why is he so fucking nice? It’s making it harder to push him away. But visions dance in your head of Steve and that girl yesterday, and it spurs you to snap, “Goodbye, Steve.”
You hang up the phone and curl up under the covers, closing your eyes and wishing the wedding was over. You just want to go back home.
Steve, shocked, stares at the Garden Center office phone in his hand. He tries not to be too hurt by your behavior—you’re sick, after all, you don’t owe anyone pleasantries—but after the other night, he thought you two were in a really great place.
But then you stormed out of the Garden Center before you two could talk. Steve wanted to call you last night, but he spent the rest of his shift lugging mulch bags around and was exhausted after closing.
He used his lunch break to call you today, not expecting such an icy reception. Again, it could just be your illness, but Steve worries it’s something more.
Did you see him with Nancy? The realization startles him. Out of context, he and Nance probably looked pretty cozy. You might get the wrong impression.
“Fuck me,” Steve groans, slapping the phone back on the hook.
“No thanks,” Robin says, entering the office. “Why aren’t you eating lunch?”
“I just tried to call Y/N,” Steve says. “And she says she’s home sick, but I really think she’s pissed at me because she saw me with Nancy yesterday.”
“That makes a lot of sense,” Robin says. She perches on the edge of the desk and holds out her baggie of baby carrots for Steve to take one. He does. “She practically sprinted away from here. She couldn’t get away fast enough.”
Steve bites into the carrot, looking much too sorrowful for a man with an “Honor Your Mother Earth” shirt on.
“What the hell am I going to do?” he asks. “Y/N made it clear she doesn’t want to talk to me, but I need to explain that Nancy and I are nothing more than friends.”
“What about a grand romantic gesture?” Robin says. Her eyes shine with excitement. “Ooh! Maybe serenade her with a love song?”
“No, no,” Steve says. “No fluff. I have to be authentic and genuine.”
Although Steve’s break is over, he decides to spend the rest of his shift brainstorming how to clear the air and win you back. Because he wants you, not anyone else.
When your mother checks in on you later, she gives you a knowing look and says, “If you think I can’t tell that your sickness is nothing more than a broken heart, you must take me for a fool.”
You grimace.
“It’s that obvious?”
“Of course,” your mother says. “But only because it’s an ailment I’m all too familiar with.”
She perches at the edge of your bed and pats your arm. “What did that boy do?”
“I saw him with another girl,” you say with a sigh, picking at a loose thread on your throw blanket. “She kissed him. Just on the cheek, but still. The way he looked at her…it killed me.”
Your mother doesn’t say anything for a few moments. When you finally look up and make eye contact, she’s frowning.
You know what she’s thinking about: your father. How he up and left the family to run off with his mistress, and now he has another family in Key West.
So, you’re shocked when your mother says, “Well, what if that’s his cousin?”
“Uh, excuse me?”
“Did you talk to Steve about it?” your mother says. “Maybe that’s his cousin, or sister, or friend.”
“Friends don’t look at each other like that,” you say, vehemently shaking your head. “He’s cheating.”
Your mother nods slowly. “Hmm. Yes. Well, you’ll never know the true story if you don’t talk to him, will you?”
With that, she stands and exits, leaving you to think about her words.
You’re surprised at her reaction. A few years ago, your mother would’ve been cursing Steve’s name, lamenting that all men are the same: untrustworthy pigs.
Now, a few years after the cheating scandal and messy divorce, she’s more self-assured. She’s less likely to jump to conclusions. But you did, because maybe your parents’ divorce had more of an effect on you than you initially thought.
You try to call Steve back, but he’s already left work when you dial the Garden Center’s number. You call his home phone, and the line is busy.
You tell yourself tomorrow before the wedding rehearsal, you’ll swing by and talk to him. But the day comes, and your mother has you doing last minute wedding prep up until the rehearsal itself.
The man you want to see arrives at the Byers-Hopper residence for the rehearsal dinner, with Robin and a few of Will and El’s friends in tow. Your heart sinks when you see the girl from the Garden Center walking up with them.
Any desire you had to talk to him and figure things out disappears, replaced by a sensation of insecurity and dread. You make eye contact with Steve and his eyes widen. He smiles and waves. You give him a polite smile before beelining back to your mother, asking (begging) her for another chore to take you away from the main group.
“We’re about to do the wedding rehearsal,” your mother says pointedly.
“I don’t need to be here for that, right?”
She glances between you and Steve and sighs.
“Oh, fine. If you really don’t want to stick around, you can head to the main house and fold table name cards.”
You thank her and zip away, the mindless activity a reprieve. However, 15 minutes later, you hear the back door open while your back is turned.
You assume it’s your mother and say, “Okay, so where should I put—oh.”
It’s Steve. He’s standing in the doorway, face pale, gripping a bouquet of purple hyacinths.
“Hi,” he says quietly. “Can we please talk?”
You clear your throat and turn away, back to the name cards.
“Sorry, I really don’t have time right now—”
“Please?!” Steve repeats, voice cracking. “I think I know why you’re upset, and I just want to explain.”
You sigh and sit in a kitchen chair, gesturing for Steve to sit across from you.
He hands you the hyacinths, with you gingerly accept.
“Who is she?” you blurt out before he can say anything.
He swallows hard.
“My ex-girlfriend. But we’re not together anymore.”
You nod, hating yourself for sounding so small when you say, “She kissed you.”
“I know,” Steve says, closing his eyes like he’s in pain. “But it’s not like that. Nancy and I are just friends now. We’re better as friends.”
“I promise,” he repeats firmly. “Nancy is Jonathan’s girlfriend—that’s why she’s here. Y/N, I’m really enjoying spending time with you, and I like you so much. I’ve never felt this way before. I’d never cheat on you. Never.”
You believe him. Mostly. But something itches in the back of your mind. A seed of distrust, planted years ago the first time you caught your father in his study, whispering on the phone with his mistress about a phony business trip.
“I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions,” you say, unable to look him in the eye.
“No, please don’t apologize,” Steve says. “I’m the one who’s sorry.”
You pluck a petal off a hyacinth, squeezing it between your fingers.
“My dad cheated on my mom,” you blurt out, before you can stop yourself, surprised at your own honesty. “So now I kind of have trust issues.”
“Well, we have that in common,” Steve sighs. “Are all dads assholes, or are we just unlucky?”
You laugh despite yourself, feeling some tension dissipate. Steve must feel it too, because his shoulders relax.  
“Can we start over?” Steve asks with a shy grin. He sticks out a hand to shake. “Hi, I’m Steve. I work at the Garden Center. What’s your name?”
You almost want to run away, embarrassed that you jumped to all the wrong conclusions about Steve. But the expectant, earnest look on his face makes you stay. Makes you smile at him, shake his outstretched hand, and say, “Y/N. Nice to meet you.”
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peonies: happy life, happy marriage
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!”
Hopper and Joyce embrace and kiss, the crowd erupting into cheers.
The wedding went off without a hitch—just like you knew it would. Now, your time in Hawkins is almost to a close.
At the reception, you stand off in the corner of the yard by a willow tree and watch the newlyweds and their guests tear it up on the dance floor.
Your mother has finally freed you from your wedding-planning duties. She promises to handle any last-minute emergencies and let you enjoy yourself.
Enjoy your time with Steve, you know she means. She looked thrilled to see the two of you emerge from the Byers-Hopper house holding hands after you cleared the air yesterday afternoon.
You see Steve navigate through the crowd, holding two champagne flutes aloft. He darts to the side just in the nick of time as Jonathan Byers’ friend Argyle starts to electric slide into his path.
You snicker at the sight as Steve approaches.
“Hey, cut that out,” Steve says, handing you the drink with a mock intense expression on his face. “I almost got bowled over for these.”
“I saw,” you say. You jokingly pat his cheek and add, “You’re very brave, Steve.”
He plays along, preening under your fake praise.
“I know.”
After drinking, dancing, drinking some more, eating, and watching Jonathan’s face turn firetruck red when Nancy catches Joyce’s bouquet, you and Steve find yourselves swaying on the dance floor to an instrumental of “Unchained Melody.” The band your mother hired really is quite good.
You don’t want to ruin the moment, but you need to know.
“Hey,” you ask, hoping the hands slung around Steve’s neck aren’t shaking. “You still want to do this, right?”
“What do you mean?” he asks softly.
“Like, this,” you say, a little embarrassed as you gesture between the two of you. “Because I’m moving back to Eagleton tomorrow. But I really like you and I hope we can make this work.”
“I really like you, too,” Steve says, his cheeks flushing peony pink. “So, to answer your question, hell yes. I want to do this. Whatever ‘this’ entails.”
“Driving two hours round-trip to see me?” you prompt, bracing yourself for his response.
“Oh, absolutely! We can alternate visiting each other on weekends. And talk on the phone during the week. And just, you know. See where ‘this’ goes.”
The two of you lovesick goofs smile at each other, continuing to slow dance even as the music changes to something upbeat.
If you or Steve could predict the future, you would see a few important things. You would see the many months of weekend trips before Steve moves to Eagleton to share an apartment with you.
You would see the proposal — a quiet, understated thing at home with no witnesses except the cat you and Steve adopted on your two-year dating anniversary.
You would see your own wedding, planned by your amazingly talented mother of course. And she’s the one you have walk you down the aisle.
You’d see birthdays and holidays and romantic getaways and babies being born and growing old together. You’d watch your whole life with Steve bloom ahead of you, filled with all the wonderful things life should be.
But right now it’s 1987, and you’re dancing at a wedding with your new boyfriend Steve, and you can’t predict the future but if you could, you’d be really damn happy about it.
A/N Thank you for reading along with this mini-series! :) I wanted to get the finale posted before the official start of fall. now it's time to pivot to spooky things perhaps, or an orange juice sequel...
tag list for this particular series!! @quinnkeerys @spicysix @keerysquinn @sunshinesteviee @inkluvs @stevebabey @0vix0 @lame0o @ghostlyfleur @starry-eyed-steve @hollandweather @lurkingprincess
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swervestrickland · 1 year
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-> starts Friday, July 21st, 2023 and ends Thursday, July 27th, 2023
Hello, everyone! It's me, Emi adampage here, coming to you fresh from the post-Double or Nothing high, to announce that HANGMAN PAGE BIRTHDAY WEEK will be happening again this year! I am going to make this considerably hard on myself, as I will be out of the country during the week of, but I will do my very best to reblog any creations you make!
That being said, here's what I have in mind for this year :)
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To create wonderful works [edits, gifs, writing, art, videos, etc] in the name and in the honor of our lovely cowboy, Hangman Adam Page, during the week of July 21st, 2023, to July 27th, 2023.
There are prompts/themes for each day, sometimes even two. You may choose to do either or both! You may also do multiple of each, if it strikes your heart to do so.
Do not take the prompts at face value. You may interpret them in any way you would like! (If you cannot choose one of something for a theme, feel free to talk/write/create about more than one. Multiple loves and multiple favorites are implied!)
You can use any form of post available to you through tumblr. Video, photo, gif, text, audio, etc etc. It’s ALL up to YOU! (Fics can be linked from ao3 if it’s easier for you)
If you only want to do certain days, no worries!! Do everything in any way you would like. And if you’re a bit late on some prompts than others, that’s completely fine (just don’t be early lol)! the hangman gang will want to see them either way <3
If you have ANY QUESTIONS, please don't hesitate to DM me or send me an ask!
Day 1 - July 21st - FRIDAY: Hangman + LOVE
Day 2 - July 22nd - SATURDAY: Hangman + HATE
Day 3 - July 23rd - SUNDAY: Hangman + BLOOD (or, if that's not your style, SILLY/GOOFY)
Day 4 - July 24th - MONDAY: Hangman + PLAYLIST
Day 5 - July 25th - TUESDAY: Hangman + FOIL* (or other literary device, such as 'parallel')
Day 6 - July 26th - WEDNESDAY: Hangman + FANTASY/DREAM
*it was brought to my attention that this one can seem confusing. The definition of "foil" is as follows (from literarydevices.net): Foil is a literary device designed to illustrate or reveal information, traits, values, or motivations of one character through the comparison and contrast of another character. A literary foil character serves the purpose of drawing attention to the qualities of another character, frequently the protagonist. This is effective as a means of developing a deeper understanding of a character by emphasizing their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, a literary foil allows writers to create a counterpart for the protagonist that puts their actions and choices in context. (You can use this definition, or you can get inspiration from it. Or, you can use a different literary device, if you so choose. You can also liken the word 'foil' to, I dunno, tinfoil. What I love about word prompts is that you can take a word and create something completely different than someone else. Go crazy!)
As always, thank you to @mistress-omega-majesty, @jonmoxleys, @sheslikealostflower, and @cowboyshit for the feedback on the prompts!
Please remember to mention the THEME in your post, as well as to TAG YOUR POST with the following: #HANGMANPAGEBIRTHDAYWEEK within the first five tags, and to tag ME (main @adampage​), in a reply comment under your post, or in the body of your post, whatever is easier. I will be posting my edits to @bloodycowboyclub, and likely will post any text posts/writing from my main.
PLEASE REBLOG TO SPREAD THE WORD! Even if you only plan to enjoy the creations!! I want as many people as possible to participate and it’s only possible if this ends up on their dashes! Thank you (:
Don’t forget to have fun!!
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