i-am-hungry-24-7 · 7 months
Husband!Simon isn't a pious person, but he sits beside your bed in the hospital, praying to God for not taking his love, his only light in this abyss away.
He prays every night and day and lets out an audible gasp when you finally wake up from the coma.
Husband!Simon forces his tears back when he finds out you only remember who he is, but forget the relationship you two have, and all the moments you two experienced due to the crash.
Husband!Simon brings you the photos you two took before, picking through every of them, answering every question you ask, even though you sometimes ask the same questions because you can't remember things well due to concussion. He’s willing to answer them thousands of times.
Husband!Simon who brings you knitting needles, teaches you how to crochet, just like the way you taught him before.
Husband!Simon who struggles to bake the cookie you used to make for him, burnt a few plates of them before he finally succeeded, can't help but smile and his eyes widened when you manage to recall a few steps of the process.
Husband!Simon who never missed your rehabilitation session, watching you working hard so you can regain the ability to walk quicker.
Husband!Simon writes down every single detail you start to remember again. The place you two first dated at, the bakery you loved to go with him, how he met you and fell in love with you.
Husband!Simon who needs to go on a mission, restraining the bitterness and anxiety to leave you again, afraid that something bad might happen again, but you reassure him so he reluctantly drags himself out of your ward.
Husband!Simon is confused when he comes back from the deployment, rushes to the hospital, and finds you telling him to stand by the door of your ward.
he watches you slowly walk towards him, step by step, wobbly but eventually, you stop in front of him, and hug him tightly in your arms.
"Welcome back, Si."
Husband!Simon who finally let himself cry against your chest in months, after hearing you greeting him and calling just like before.
extend this trope with 🐬 anon’s request
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girlgenius1111 · 1 month
casts, broken arms, & snuggles
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alexia putellas x reader - part of the mila verse :)
an accident at the park pulls alexia from training and to the hospital, where she finds both her girls not doing their best. everyone is very overwhelmed with their feelings, and maybe don't handle it the way they should. basically, protective panicked alexia and insecure reader. a bit of angst / injuries / concussions symptoms, mostly fluff.
You knew Alexia would panic. There wasn’t much you could do about that. Especially not when the only way you had to reach her was through the staff. It was somewhat of a bad omen within the team, having a staff member walk outside with a phone call for you. It only happened in an emergency, and unfortunately, this definitely counted as an emergency. When one of the assistant coaches, Xavi, answered the phone, he seemed to be on the same page as you. 
“Try to act calm, otherwise she’ll just freak out.” 
“I am not sure there is much I can do to avoid her having a nervous breakdown.” Xavi stated. You heard him call Alexia over, and tried to shush the very upset almost 3 year old in your arms. 
“Amor, what is wrong?”Alexia asked, practically tearing the phone out of Xavi’s hand as soon as she heard who was calling. 
“Everything is fine, okay? There was just a little accident.” You began, speaking in a soothing, calming tone, the same one you’d been using on the baby. 
“What kind of accident?” 
“Meels fell at the park-” 
“¡AY DIOS MIO!” Alexia shouted. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. 
“Ale, breathe. She fell off the slide and I think her arm might be broken. She won’t let me touch it and she hasn’t stopped crying.”
“Broken?!” Alexia squeaked. 
“Ow.” Mila whimpered, frowning unhappily at her arm from where she sat in your lap. “Hurts, Mama.” 
“I know, baby.” You told her. “Ale, the ambulance is here to take us to the hospital do you-” 
“What were you doing? Were you not watching her? Why weren't you watching her, why did she fall?” Alexia snapped. 
You bit back the retort you had ready, knowing this was just a result of her fear for Mila. You weren’t happy with what she’d said, but that could be dealt with later. “We’re leaving now for the hospital. Meet us there.” You said coldly, before hanging up the phone without saying anything else. Alright, you were pretty upset, and you let it show. You had already been beating yourself up for what had happened, thinking the things that Alexia had said. 
As you and Mila got loaded into the ambulance, you realized you hadn’t mentioned something important to your wife. No doubt, she was hauling ass to the hospital, so she’d find out soon enough.
Alexia burst into the room in a flutter of chaos, throwing the curtain aside and looking around frantically. Mila was sitting in your lap, holding her arm awkwardly away from her body, while you ran your fingers through her wavy brown hair and tried to keep her calm. Both of you looked at Alexia when she walked in, her panic clear on her face. She was sweaty, still in her training kit, and her eyes were only on her daughter.
“Mila, mi bebé,” she said gently, moving closer to the bed. 
“Mami!” Mila cried, a pout on her small face, holding her arm out for Alexia to see. She squirmed in your lap, trying to get closer to your wife, but you both made sure she stayed carefully where she was. 
“Pobrecita,” Alexia murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed and pressing repeated kisses to her baby’s head. She stared hard at Mila’s already swollen arm, trying to stifle her own tears. You weren’t pleased with Alexia, but you weren’t particularly upset that she hadn’t even glanced at you, her attention fully on Mila. “What happened?” 
Mila’s voice wobbled as she began to talk, reaching out with her good hand to grip onto a few of Alexia’s fingers.. “Fell! Off the slide. Mama tried to catch me, but now she has an ouchie too.” 
Alexia’s eyes flew to you, seeing for the first time the towel and large ice pack pressed to the back of your head. Her heart sank. She knew before that she would have to apologize for what she had said, and now she knew she’d have to do even more groveling. Especially if the hurt look on your face was any indication. 
“Amor,” she sighed, reaching for your hand. You pulled it away, refusing to make eye contact with her. 
“I’m fine.” You dismissed. “Mila’s got a basic fracture, just a month or so in a cast to fix it. They’ll be in to put it on soon.” 
“Mama needs stitches.” Mila whispered conspiratorially to her Mami. 
Alexia’s face grew, somehow, even more upset. “What happened, mi amor?” 
Still avoiding her eyes, you spoke quietly. “I was going to catch her at the bottom of the slide, but she stood up at the top and fell off the side.” 
“And your head?” Alexia asked, leaning closer to try and inspect your injury. Mila looked up at you with concern, her expression matching her Mami’s almost exactly. Where Alexia’s fingers were gentle as they cradled your head, Mila’s were clumsy and clunky as she tried to run her fingers through your hair. It was something you did to make her feel better, and she thought that maybe it would make your frown go away, too. 
“I tried to catch her in time, but I slipped and hit my head on the edge of the slide. And I didn’t really catch her.” You admitted, slightly embarrassed at that fact. Alexia would have caught Mila, you were sure. 
“It’s okay, Mama, you tried your best!” Mila said encouragingly, parroting back something you and Alexia must have told her a hundred times. Her arm temporarily forgotten, Mila shifted so she could lean up and press a kiss to your cheek, before she snuggled closer to your chest. 
Your wife’s eyes were stuck on your daughter, practically turning into hearts as she took in how sweet and caring her baby was. You couldn’t blame her; you felt the same. That you had created such a perfect little person would never cease to amaze you. 
“Thank you, my baby.” You mumbled, wincing slightly as you shifted, trying to keep Mila’s arm in a safe position. Every movement of your upper body sent waves of pain through your head, but you didn’t want Mila to know how upset you were. 
“Mi amor, I-”
Whatever Alexia was about to say was cut off completely as the doctor entered the room, introducing herself to your wife, and beginning to talk Mila through the process of getting the cast put on. There were some tears, wiped away quickly by her Mami, as they began to wrap up her arm. 
Once the nurses had taken over, and began adding the colored plaster to the cast, and Mila was suitably distracted, the doctor regarded you. 
“Alright, let’s get that head wound taken care of.” She said kindly, motioning you over to a chair in the corner of the room. She stood by your head, beginning to clean the wound and prepare to stitch it up.
You shut your eyes tightly, trying to keep your wincing to a minimum. Alexia watched on worriedly from her spot next to Mila, knowing how much you hated needles. The midfielder so wanted to comfort you through this, but she also didn’t want to leave Mila alone if she was still upset. So, she did what you’d spent many years helping her do, and communicated. 
“Milabear? Can I go hold your Mama’s hand while she gets her stitches?” She whispered, heart melting at how Mila looked over at you, and nodded enthusiastically. 
“Go help Mama.” She said bravely, feeling much better now that she had her red cast on her arm, and that the nurse had given her some goldfish. Mila munched away happily, her eyes trained on the TV hanging on the wall, and Alexia had never been more grateful for having such an independent and resilient child than she was in that moment. 
Your eyes were still shut, a few tears escaping as you tried very hard to act like the adult you were. You startled a bit when Alexia crouched in front of you and took your hand. Opening your eyes, you tried to breathe deeply, feeling the doctor begin to thread the needle through the skin of your scalp. A small, rather pathetic whimper fell from your lips, and Alexia brought your hand to her lips, pressing kisses to the back of it. Her adoring gaze only made more tears fall, and you felt completely ridiculous. 
“You are okay, amor. It will be over soon.” 
Every tear that fell was gently swiped away by your wife. The doctor worked as carefully as she could, but there were still tugs on your skin that had shivers running down your spine, and your stomach churning. There was only so much Alexia could do to help, but luckily, it wasn’t a very large wound, and the doctor was done within a few minutes, cutting the excess thread and reaching for a white bandage. She wrapped that around your head, holding a piece of gauze in place, which really felt like overkill. 
“Okay, done.” The doctor announced, removing her gloves and stepping away from your chair. Alexia’s earlier words forgotten, you stood shakily to your feet, allowing yourself to fall into your wife’s open arms. 
“You did so good.” She whispered, smiling despite herself at the bandage wrapped around your head. You looked adorable, frowning up at her with tears in your eyes, looking somewhat like a disgruntled mummy. 
“Mama?” Mila called from her spot on the bed. 
You wiped at your eyes quickly, plastering a smile on your face as you walked over to your daughter. “Hi Meels.” 
“All better, Mama?” She asked, reaching both of her arms out for you to pick her up, which you did easily.
“All better.” You confirmed, holding her as close as you could. 
“Almost all better.” The doctor smiled, turning to your wife. “She has a mild concussion with the impact on the ground, so she’s going to need to take it easy for a few days. I am assuming you know concussion protocol, Ms. Putellas?” 
“Yes, yes of course.” Alexia said, her eyes squinting with concern as she studied you. “I will take good care of her.” 
“Me too!” Mila added, squirming in your hold until she could loop her arms around Alexia’s neck and shift over into her arms. 
Your wife very hesitantly pulled you into her as the doctor left the room. You tilted your head to make eye contact with her, still with a small frown on your face. It was clear that you were still upset with your wife, but the determination in her eyes told you she’d do anything to fix it. 
Apparently, anything consisted of making you sit on the couch next to Mila, holding an ice pack to your head, and not daring to move. Your wife went from room to room, collecting anything she had determined you or Mila might need. It was endearing, but also somewhat frustrating when she’d appear to hand you something, and go flitting off before you could just ask her for what you really wanted: for her to sit on the couch with the two of you, and relax. 
Stressed Alexia made you stressed, but you knew this was just how she was coping with what had happened today. Alexia always held a lot of guilt for the little moments she missed while at work; any milestone that Mila achieved while Alexia wasn’t around was downright painful for your wife. She was a protective person, and you knew she was even more bothered because both you and Mila were hurt, and she hadn’t been there to help either of you. 
You and Mila sat side by side, heads moving back and forth like you were watching a tennis match. In fact, you were just watching Alexia disappear and reappear with Mila’s favorite toy, a blanket, your favorite sweatshirt, a snack, some water, more ice, more painkillers and 6 different pillows for Mila to rest her cast on. You were exhausted just watching her. 
She appeared back in the living room like a ghost the minute you stood up, her hands grabbing onto your shoulders and gently pushing you back down onto the couch. 
“Ale, just let me-”
“No! Sit.” Alexia insisted, ignoring the small giggle from her daughter. 
You rolled your eyes, shrugging out from under her grip and standing anyway. “Alexia, I have to go to the bathroom. You can’t do that for me.” 
Alexia had the decency to blush, at least. “Okay. I’ll walk you there.” She decided, grabbing your hand and beginning to escort you to the bathroom. Honestly. 
Always her mother’s shadow, Mila got up too, and grabbed your other hand. “Mami I can-”
“No. Sit!” Alexia repeated, though with a small smile as she regarded her daughter. “Mila, you stay there. I can take care of everything.” 
“But Mami-”
“No! I can help Mama, you need to rest.” Your wife said, ignoring the amused look you were giving her, too focused on the attitude suddenly radiating off your daughter. 
“Mami. I have to go potty too.” Mila said exasperatedly. Ale blushed further, nodding as she allowed Mila to accompany you both towards the bathroom. You turned your snort of laughter into a fake cough, knowing that Alexia could be sensitive to being teased about her over protectiveness. And, well… it seemed Mila was holding her own in showing her Mami how ridiculous she was being. 
Once you’d arrived at the bathroom door, which took significantly longer than was necessary due to your wife and her mini-me insisting on walking slowly so as to not aggravate your head wound. You indulged them, only putting your foot down when both of them began to follow you into the bathroom. 
“No. Enough. I can do this myself.” You sighed, looking between both Alexia and Mila’s skeptical expressions. 
“But what if-”
“Mama, I can-”
You interrupted both of them by shutting the door and letting out a deep sigh. If you didn’t have a scar across your abdomen that told you that you’d birthed Mila, you’d be sure she was Alexia’s genetic clone. 
The rest of the night consisted of overwhelming amounts of hovering, from your wife and daughter both. Alexia took turns fussing over you, and fussing over Mila, until you were sure you were going to make her sleep on the couch or something, before she suggested waking you up every 20 minutes and performing a cognitive test. 
Alexia had just barely put Mila down in her toddler bed when she heard you call for her. There was urgency in your voice, but it was still obvious that you were trying to keep your voice down for Mila’s benefit. It had been hard enough to get the toddler to sleep; she had become suddenly very tearful once it was time for bed, because her favorite pajama shirt didn’t fit over her cast. It had taken one of Alexia’s t-shirts, around 45 minutes of cuddles, and 4 different stories, for her to finally settle. 
“Alexia,” you whisper yelled, shutting your eyes as the dizziness got worse. You heard Alexia rush down the hall towards you and willed yourself to hold on just a moment longer. 
Alexia ran into the room, seeing you with your head in your hands, sitting up in the bed. “What is it, amor?” 
“I’m gonna be sick,” you managed, pressing a hand to your mouth as Alexia sprung into action. 
“Okay, okay, just hold on one second.” 
Just in time, Alexia thrust the bedroom trash can in front of you. You were sick, retching into the trash can uncomfortably. Your wife pulled your hair back, being careful to not jostle the skin around your stitches, tying it into a very loose bun. She rubbed your back soothingly, pressing kisses into the side of your head until you were done. 
“Oh, amor, I am so sorry.” She murmured, taking the trash can from you once you were done. She was going to take it out of the room, but then she noticed the tears in your eyes, and decided that could wait until later. 
You curled into her when she sat by your legs and pulled you into her arms. Within a second, you were sobbing brokenly into her shirt, incapable of resisting how comforted you felt when she held you. 
Alexia whispered soft reassurances into your hair, beginning to think you were upset about more than just feeling so unwell. “Amor, is it your head? Or something else?” 
You shook your head weakly into her chest, sucking in a few breaths before you tried to respond. “Meels broke her arm and it’s all my fault.” You said miserably. 
“No no no, do not say that. It was not your fault, you did the best you could.” Alexia rushed to make you feel better, but that’s all it felt like; something she was saying just to make you feel better.
“You would have caught her.” 
Alexia’s chest squeezed uncomfortably, knowing that she was partially at fault for how guilty you felt right now. Even if what she’d said had been in the heat of the moment, and it was just a reflection of how upset she was, of course you’d taken it to heart. 
“It was an accident, mi amor. It is no one’s fault. Sometimes kids fall, sometimes they get hurt. It happens.”
“But Ale, it wouldn’t have happened if you had been with her. You’re just… so much better at this than I am.” You mumbled, refusing to untuck your face from Alexia’s shirt, even as she tried to get you to. 
“That is so not true.” Alexia insisted. “You cracked your head open trying to make sure Mila didn’t get hurt. That is not something a bad mother does.” 
You ignored her logic, wiping a tear away with that back of your hand. “You were right earlier. I should have been watching closer.”
Alexia shook her head again. “No. I was-“
“You blamed me then, what’s changed?” You snapped, not quite sure where all of these negative emotions were coming from, or why your mood was changing at the drop of a hat. Sad and guilty one second, angry the next. It wasn’t fair to Alexia, who was just trying to make you feel better, but there wasn’t any room for rationality in your jumbled head. 
Luckily, your wife didn’t seem to take your words or your tone personally. Instead, she tucked a piece of hair back behind your ear and softly kissed your forehead, showing more patience than you were sure you deserved.
“I don’t blame you. I was terrified earlier, but that is no excuse. This was not your fault and I’m sorry I made you feel like it was. So sorry, amor.” Her voice was sweet and you could feel how sincere she was, just from the way her hand gently cradled your cheek. 
Nodding shakily, you took a deep breath, suddenly feeling more than a little exhausted. “I’m sorry, Ale, I just-”
Alexia cut you off, though, placing her index finger over your lips. She looked stern again, like she had before when she was making sure you stayed on the couch and didn’t move. “It’s okay. No apologies. You are overwhelmed and hurt and exhausted. You need rest, we can talk about this more tomorrow if we need to.” 
You nodded your agreement, shifting uncomfortably as you glared down at your pillows. Your head absolutely throbbed, and you hadn’t even tried to rest it on the pillow yet. 
“I don’t know how I’m gonna sleep.” You mumbled, brow furrowing in confusion when Alexia smiled cheekily at you.
“I do!” She said enthusiastically, quickly tucking herself under the covers and pulling you to lay on her chest. Your head was completely safe from any contact with anything, and you found so much peace in the steady thump of Alexia’s heartbeat in your ear. 
She was a miracle worker, Alexia. Just when you thought you were going to explode with the amount of thoughts swirling around in your head, she quieted your brain with a few words and a few kisses. 
Unfortunately, as comfortable as you were, sleep did not seem to be in the cards for either of you. At least, not yet. No sooner than your eyes had fallen shut, and Alexia had settled comfortably into the pillows did you both hear the creak of Mila’s door opening. 
You exchanged a glance with your wife, keeping completely silent, knowing that sometimes Mila would come check on you both during the night, before heading back to her room. You heard her little steps padding down the hall, a small gasp, and then a loud thump. 
Alexia was out of bed before Mila could even cry out. “Stay there!” She threw over her shoulder, causing you to sit back down on the bed with a grumble. You were glad Alexia hadn’t turned the light off earlier, as she sprinted carelessly out of the room towards your daughter. 
“Mama!” Mila sobbed, her little voice breaking your heart. She wanted you, and it took everything in you to not go to her in that moment, knowing that Alexia would bring her to you. 
“It’s okay, cariño, I’m here.” Alexia soothed, Mila’s cries becoming muffled by her Mami’s shirt. 
Still, you could make out her next words very clearly. “I want Mama,” Mila demanded. 
Alexia just shushed her, a few seconds passing before they both appeared in the doorway. Mila’s face was red and stained with tears, her cast cradled to her chest. She reached for you as soon as she saw you, and Alexia wasted no time in bringing her over. 
“Careful, Milabear,” she reminded softly, handing the toddler over to you. Mila curled up against your chest, and you rubbed her back soothingly, exchanging a worried glance with your wife. 
Mila was a rough and tumble kid; she fell often, and really only cried if she was actually hurt. Sometimes, not even then. She was like her Mami in that way, so her inconsolable tears now terrified you. 
“I think she tripped over my shirt.” Alexia murmured, running her hands through her daughter’s hair. Dressed in one of Alexia’s old warm up shirts, Mila surely had tripped over the hem of it. You could see this information really sinking into your wife’s head, as she began to gnaw on her bottom lip, worry and guilt clouding her face.  
“Baby, did you trip?” You asked, easing Mila away from your body so you could get a good look at her face. She nodded, looking between you and your wife, her bottom lip jutting out adorably. 
“Woke up and my arm hurt, and I wanted to sleep in here but I couldn’t see and I fell.” Mila said. “Mama’s shirt is too big.” She continued forlornly, as if just now realizing this piece of information. 
Alexia looked truly distressed, opening her mouth to apologize for allowing Mila to sleep in her shirt, even though you knew the toddler had cried and cried until Alexia had finally given in to what she wanted, if only so she could sleep. You spoke before Alexia could, though, pushing a lock of hair out of your baby’s face. 
“Did you bump your arm when you fell?” You asked. Mila nodded, sniffling sadly. “Does it hurt a lot more or just a little bit more?” 
“A lot at first. Just a little bit now.” Mila said bravely, peeking at her Mami out of the corner of her eye. She loved to act tough, your little girl, but she was only three, and broken bones hurt. 
Alexia still hovered on your side of the bed, looking like she wanted to cry. 
“Alright, Mami will go get you some ice, and you can sleep in here with us tonight. Deal?” 
Mila nodded, flopping forward again to rest on your chest. The fact that her mood didn’t even really lift when you told her she could sleep with the two of you told you that she was really hurting. 
Without a word, only a soft kiss placed on Mila’s forehead, Alexia headed for the freezer. She walked calmly out of the room, but both you and Mila heard the unmistakable sound of her running her way to the kitchen, and running back. 
“Mami’s running.” Mila said, a small smile adorning her face. You laughed quietly, doing your best to keep your smile in check as Alexia slowed to a walk just before walking through the bedroom door, acting as though she’d walked the whole way. 
The blonde had returned with the biggest ice pack you had, the one that she’d used on her knee. She wrapped it meticulously around Mila’s arm, handed her a small sippy cup [of what looked suspiciously like juice, even though Mila was only supposed to have water this late at night], and some children’s pain medicine. 
It was only when Alexia slipped back into bed that she spoke, addressing her daughter with a deep sadness in her voice. “I’m sorry about your shirt, cariño, I shouldn’t have let you wear it.” 
Mila gave her a strange look, scooting out of your lap to lay directly on top of your wife. Her little fingers grabbed onto her Mami’s shirt, even the one’s restrained by her cast twisting into the fabric. “It’s okay, Mami. Was an accident.” 
You smiled at your girls, watching Alexia’s face melt from guilt into adoration as she leaned down to kiss all over Mila’s face. Your daughter giggled, and your heart soared at the sound, more than happy that she had stopped crying and cheered up. 
Mila settled back down against her Mami, reaching one hand out to latch onto your shirt and attempt to pull you closer. “Mama, closer.” She complained, huffing when you didn’t budge. 
Alexia frowned, worried you would put yourself into an uncomfortable position with your head in order to make Mila happy, but luckily, your daughter seemed to have the same thought. 
“Not on your back Mama! You gotta lay on your front. Here, lay on Mami.” Mila offered, whacking Alexia in the face with her cast as she struggled to move over. You snorted at the disgruntled look on your wife’s face, ignoring the fake glare she sent back your way.
It took some maneuvering from everyone involved before Mila was curled up against one side of Alexia’s chest, and you were resting with your cheek pressed into on the other side. Only once you and Mila were both comfy did Alexia kiss Mila on the forehead, and you chastly on the lips. 
And it was only when Mila had drifted off, soft puffs of air leaving her as she gripped onto both you and your wife, that you relaxed. Alexia gave you a knowing smile, well aware that your daughter's insistence that you hold her when she’d gotten hurt, and that you be included in the bedtime snuggles, had put to rest your worries that you’d failed her today. 
It all evened out, in parenthood. You couldn’t forget that. Tomorrow, when Alexia would turn away for a split second too long during breakfast and Mila would end up with syrup in her hair, you’d be even more sure of that. Mistakes didn’t change how much you or Alexia loved Mila, or how much she loved both of you. 
Mila didn’t keep score. She just loved you both, and that was that. 
this has been in my drafts for genuienly several months so i apologize if it doesn't feel very cohesive. hope you enjoy anyway 🙂🫶🏻 thanks for reading 🫡🥰
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moonstruckme · 10 months
hello, hello! can i ask for an au of emt!marauders? she had a minor accident maybe in her work or college and they got called in without knowing that it was her? (shes their gf) 💘
How could I refuse??
cw: minor head injury, the teeniest tiniest hint of a praise kink
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.5k words
You’re sitting on the curb holding a bag of ice to your head when the ambulance cuts its sirens, coming to a stop. The door opens and boots hit the pavement in front of you. 
You blink up into the sun. “Sirius?”
He crouches by your knees, worry making itself at home in the crease between his brows. “Hey, baby, what’s going on?”
“I didn’t think it’d be you,” you say dumbly. 
“Are you hurt?” James comes bounding around the other side of the ambulance, Remus not far behind him. You can’t say you’re not happy to see them, but you sort of wish your reunion could have waited until your date tomorrow night, when you would almost surely not have been in your work uniform and covered in pasta sauce. “Are we here for you?” 
“Technically,” you reply, somewhat bitterly. James squats beside Sirius, mouth pulling to one side. “I fainted a little bit, and my boss said he had to call an ambulance. Just so I can’t sue the restaurant, I guess. I’m totally fine.” 
“They called us and then made you sit on the curb?” Sirius asks angrily while James says, “How does one faint only a little bit?”
“They didn’t want you guys scaring the customers.” You choose to answer only Sirius’ question, shrugging. His eyes flare, and he looks towards the restaurant like he’s thinking about going inside to have some words with your manager, but Remus passes a conciliatory hand over his shoulder as he sits beside you on the curb. 
“What’s this for, love?” he asks you, covering your hand where it holds the bag of ice.
You must look as sheepish as you feel, because his eyes narrow slightly. “I guess I hit my head a bit when I fell.” 
“So,” he says dryly, “not totally fine, then.” 
“I mean, I don’t think I hit it very hard,” you try, but Remus is already removing your makeshift ice pack, tilting your head so he can see the forming bump on the side. 
“Why don’t you tell us everything that happened,” James suggests, giving your knee a teasing squeeze as Sirius moves beside Remus to jockey for a view of your head, “just so we have all the facts.” 
“I was carrying a tray to my table,” you explain, wincing as Remus passes a thumb over your wound with a murmured apology, “and I started to feel weird, like wobbly and out of it. I thought it might pass, but—” Sirius sends you a horrified look and your voice quiets, chastened. “I know I probably should have sat down or something, but I was working, you know? Anyway, then I guess I fell and smacked my head on the floor. When I woke up, the food was everywhere,” you recall with a sigh. Your coworkers are going to be less than pleased with you for leaving them that mess to clean up. 
“Is that what this is?” James asks, mouth tilting upward as he looks at the mess of your uniform. 
You nod solemnly. “Alfredo sauce.” 
“Did you land on any glass or anything?” Sirius asks you. He and Remus have evidently finished with their inspection of your head, though Remus’ hand still cups the back of your neck protectively.
“No, all the plates that ended up breaking went the other way.” 
“You thinking concussion?” James asks him. 
“No,” you say, at the same time as Sirius says, “Maybe.” 
Sirius fixes you with an odd look, half remonstrance and half endearment. “Sorry, doll, but you’re not exactly an expert. You very stubbornly did your job when you should have looked after yourself” —he squints his eyes at you playfully, giving your shoulder a mean squeeze— “now let us do ours for a bit, yeah?” 
You purse your lips in malcontent, but James is already clicking on his pen light, shining it in your eyes. “Look straight ahead for me, angel?” 
“S’not a big deal,” you mutter one last time in quiet mutiny, doing as he says. All three boys ignore you. 
James clicks the light off. “Alright, do you know the date?” 
“How about the year?” he asks patiently. You tell him, and he goes on to ask you the month and the day of the week. 
“Good.” He rewards you with a smile when you answer correctly. “Okay, do you feel nauseous or dizzy at all, darling?” 
When he looks at you like that? A little, but that’s probably unrelated. “No,” you tell him. 
“Headache?” Remus asks you. 
“I mean, only here.” You lay your palm over the bump to indicate it, but wince when it hurts worse than you expected. Sirius coos, taking your hand in his to prevent you doing yourself further harm. “Not on, like, the inside.” 
“Okay, that’s what I meant,” Remus reassures you. “What about why you fainted, love? Do you have any idea what happened?” 
You bite the inside of your lip, thinking. “Not really.” Your head had just hurt a bit, then you’d felt woozy, and then you’d fallen and it had hurt a lot worse. 
“Did you have lunch before you came to work?” James prompts. 
You nod. 
“What did you have?” 
You tell him. He seems tentatively satisfied. 
“And for breakfast? What about for dinner last night?” 
You think back, telling him what you can remember, and he nods, looking somewhat bemused. 
“Did you have a drink with any of that?” Remus asks.
You think harder. Had you? The realization must show on your face, because Sirius tuts. 
“There it is,” he says knowingly. “When was the last time you had water, doll?” 
“I…I don’t remember. I had coffee yesterday—”
They all groan. James starts laughing soon after, patting you on the thigh at your timid expression. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart, just drink plenty of water and then go home to rest, alright? You might feel shaky for a bit, so don’t get in your car to drive until you’re feeling better. Rem, do we have some water bottles in the van?” 
“Yeah.” Remus stands, palm landing affectionately on your head as he passes behind you to climb into the back of the ambulance. 
“Don’t worry,” you tell James, exhaustion seeping into your voice, “I won’t be driving for a while yet. My shift doesn’t end until six.” 
Contrary to your intentions, some of the relief saps from James’ countenance. “You’re still planning on working?” 
Uh, duh. Does he think your rent is going to pay itself? “I mean,” you say, trying to appear somewhat patient, “yeah.” 
“Well, go ahead and get that out of your head right now,” Sirius nearly laughs. “There’s no way that’s happening today, sweetness.” 
“What’s not happening?” Remus asks, uncapping a water bottle before passing it to you. 
“She thinks she’s going back to work,” Sirius says wryly. 
Remus looks at you, appalled. You only shrug, sipping at your water.
“You can’t work after a fainting spell like that. Especially not as dehydrated as you are—your body needs rest.” He shakes his head at you. “You can either get it at home or come with us to the hospital.” 
You roll your eyes, re-capping the half-drained water bottle. “That’s so dramatic.” 
“No, I’m the dramatic,” Sirius corrects you. “Remus is the reasonable one, which is how you know he’s right. Those are your options, dollface.”
You huff. “Fine, then can one of you go tell my manager that? I don’t want to be blamed for skipping the rest of my shift.” 
“You’re not skipping anything,” Sirius says, standing. “I’ll go, I’ve got some things to say to him anyway.” He cracks his knuckles, and you look to James in alarm. 
He leaps up, catching up to Sirius in a few long strides and nudging him back towards you. “I’ve got it, Pads. Why don’t you make sure she finishes that water bottle?” 
“Fine.” Sirius stomps his way back to you. “But make him answer for sending her outside to sit on the curb.”
“Please don’t!” you call after James.
Sirius’ gaze narrows, flicking between you and the water bottle beside you expectantly. “Drink.” 
“Fine, sheesh.” You pick it up and twist off the cap. Remus chuckles, picking up your half-melted bag of ice to hold it against your head for you. “Isn’t it, like, your job to be nice to people when they’re injured?” 
“I thought you weren’t injured?” Remus hums. You shoot him a look that’s meant to be intimidating, but his lips twitch upwards. “Relax, love, we’re just worried about you.”
Well, it’s hard to be mad at that. “Thanks,” you say quietly. 
Sirius resumes his crouch in front of you, taking one of your knees in each hand and squeezing lightly. “We get off in a few hours,” he says. “Would it be okay if we came by for dinner? We can bring takeout or something.” 
You lower the water bottle, looking at him with interest. Your day has suddenly taken a positive turn. “Yeah, that sounds great.” 
“Good.” He smiles, leaning forward to kiss you on the cheek. “Now be a good girl and finish your water.” 
You flush instantly, and Remus’ head swivels as if to make sure no one is nearby to have heard him. “Sirius,” you hiss, “I’m at work!”
His grin sharpens. “Not anymore, you’re not.” 
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cosmal · 2 years
waitttt aerial writing poly!marauders?? omg. how about them looking after sick or injured reader I feel like that could be so cute!!!! they’re all worrywart bfs tbh
emergency contact
summary james gets called when you faint at work. and then sirius. then remus. you feel awful
content poly!marauders x fem!reader
note this was combined with another request. I accidentally deleted it I'm super sorry but it was a request for poly x fem!reader where the boys come to your work after fainting!
You feel really embarrassed sitting at the end of the bar, ice pack held to your head, mouth wrapped around the straw in your drink.
Your embarrassment turns to worry when you see James walking across the room. He’s rushing, hair a mess, mud tracked up his calves. He’s still in his rugby kit.
You turn your head to look at your colleague. “Ash, you told me you wouldn’t call anyone!” You’re not really upset, you feel like a bit of a nuisance.
“It’s procedure, Y/N. I’m sorry.” She doesn’t sound very sorry. You don’t blame her.
“Sweetheart,” he says when he reaches you. He’s frantic, soft about it, but still upset. “Are you okay? They told me you fainted.”
“I’m really sorry,” you say instead of a hello. You feel entirely stupid.
“What?” He grasps your shoulder and squeezes hard. “What are you sorry for, honey?”
“I feel bad,” you say quietly, voice a little thick. You screw your face up and your head tinges. A dull pain that radiates down into the back of your skull.
“Please, don’t.” He says. Firm with a hint of worry he’s trying to mask. If James cries you think you might too, and you really wouldn’t put it past him.
You drop the pack to the bar and take his hand, fingers damp with condensation that transfers to his palm. “I’m fine. Promise.”
“You bumped your head?” He uses his free hand to hold your face, careful where he has his fingers. His eyes track over your face to search for any harm. You’re blood-free, luckily, though there’s a red mark blooming up and into your hairline. Most likely to bruise.
“Yeah.” Your eyes flutter closed because you can’t help it.
“You’re not feeling drowsy?” comes James’s voice.
“No, feels nice,” you chuckle, a tiny huff of air. “Your hands are warm.”
You don’t expect it, but suddenly, you’re hearing Sirius’s worried voice come from the other side of the room. You crane your head around James' broad shoulders to see him, haloed by the light coming through the front door.
“Why is he here?” you mumble, feeling worse by the second. It comes out worse than it sounded in your head.
Apparently, he hears you. “He is here because James had to call him.” He hugs you almost immediately. Big, warm hands come around to cage you in against his chest. You hide the good side of your face into his neck and huff. “Do you not want me here?”
You pull back quickly and really regret it. Blinking back the hot, pinching pain in your face. “What? No, I’m just…ugh.”
Sirius pouts, then hums a sympathetic noise from the back of his throat. He keeps his hands on your shoulders. “It’s okay, honey. Don’t worry about it, yeah?”
You close your eyes and incline your head to lean it down on his ringed-up hand. Your cheek all smooshed up against him.
“Is she okay?” You hear him ask James. He hums a yes. “She’s not concussed?”
“She doesn’t think so,” he says.
“She is right here,” you mumble. You pull back from his chest and swing your legs over the chair.
"I'm sorry, lovely." He looks like he wants to hug you again. "You're okay? Had some water?"
You nod. "Just really wanna go home."
"All right, let's go, yeah?" James takes your elbow to help you off the stool, and Sirius steadies you by the shoulder. It's kind of adorable how gentle they're being with you. Soft hands and pinched brows. They both make a funny sound when you wobble a little.
James grabs your bag and throws it over his shoulder and you all leave.
"I'm sorry, Sirius," you say before you get to the door. "Were you at work? You won't get in trouble for leaving, will you?"
"No, it's okay. Don't worry about that." He smiles.
You will. You'll no doubt feel bad for the rest of the week.
You bump into Remus on your way out. He holds the door open for you. He looks like he's run up the block. "Rem, baby, they didn't call you too?" You're not sure why you hadn't expected it. If he wasn't here, he'd definitely feel horrible.
"Dove, you're okay?" he pants. He holds your face in his hands and you try not to cry. You're not sure if having them all here makes you feel better or worse. "God, I was so worried."
The first tear leaves a hot track down your cheek. You push yourself into Remus's chest instead of answering and wrap your hands around his waist. He crosses his arms over your back.
He moves you out of the way of the entrance and you scuffle along with him. Your tears are slow, dampening his shirt, catching the brunt of your upset. You don't make any horrible sounds, just quiet, sticky tears.
He encourages your face back with a firm, pinching hand. You blink back the end of your cries. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare everyone."
"Don't worry," he says, corners of his mouth trembling into a sad smile. "It's all good. As long as you're okay."
"I just," you take a stuttering breath, "just got really tired. I probably shouldn't have worked today."
Sirius kisses the end of your eyebrow, right across your temple. "You've been working a bit too much, I think."
"I didn't ruin anyone's day?" You sniffle way too sadly for anyone's opinion. Remus squeezes you closer with almost bruising fingertips.
"No, lovely," James says, sticky smile gracing his lips. "Don't worry about it, okay? We just wanted to be here for you. That's our job."
"Right," you say, voice catching at the end.
Sirius shucks your jacket on for you as the wind outside picks up. "Speaking of being here for you," he says. "Is James your emergency contact?"
"No, you all are," you tell him, a hint of laughter in your words.
Then, you start actually laughing. "Was he the only one to pick up?"
"I think so," he joins in.
"What if it was serious?" Suddenly, you're teasing.
"It was serious!" Remus balks.
"You didn't answer the phone!"
Everyone goes quiet. You burst out into the biggest fit of giggles, smiling so widely it hurts. "I'm kidding!" you say, struggling to speak. "God, stop. Look at your faces! Stop - stop it, my head hurts."
James cages you in against his chest, stealing you from Remus. "My poor baby," he coos. "Oh, they're awful, awful boyfriends."
"Fuck off," Sirius grumbles. "Just cause you're always on your phone."
"Don't listen to them, honey." He's awful. "You comin' in my car?"
"If you stop being mean, then yeah."
"Yeah, you fuckin' tell him, Y/N." Comes Remus's grumpy voice.
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
I can feel myself getting sick! And I hit my head super hard today and I’ve had a crazy headache ever since! So here’s the 141 taking care of their sick idiot s/o!
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
He heard it the moment you spoke for the first time that day, you sounded congested and nasally
He made you some tea and heated up some soup, you laughed and asked about occasion
You knew you were getting sick but you’re a stubborn bitch so that means that you’re not sick and everything is fine
He knows you so he just shrugs and asks what’s wrong with soup for breakfast
He lets you go about the day, only stepping in when he sees you’re getting fatigued, discreetly suggesting you two lay down and watch a movie in bed
You’re getting the snacks ready when you drop the unopened bag of popcorn, as you’re straightening up you slammed your head on the granite countertop
It was so loud, Simon sprinted across the living room to make sure you were ok
He looked at your head and made sure you weren’t bleeding, when he didn’t see any surface damage he rushed to the freezer and pressed an ice pack on the back of your head
It was a little embarrassing and it took a lot to resist the urge to cry, he saw how much you were laughing to and playing it up and knew you felt worse than you let on
He guided you to bed, ice pack still pressed o your head, he ushered you under the covers, checking to make sure you weren’t concussed
Simon brewed a fresh cup of tea with a generous amount of honey and a light squeeze of lemon
He put on the movie and had a handful of throat lozenges in his pocket at the ready, fingers running through your hair, checking in on you and monitoring your symptoms
He blames himself for not interfering sooner but hearing your small cough and feeling you nuzzle into his chest made him feel needed, it was nice taking care of you, and a refreshing new way of being relied on
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
You kinda have to tell him if you’re feeling unwell
Not to say he doesn’t notice it when he sees you a little more fatigued and glassy eyed than usual
But as soon as you tell him you’re throat’s hurting, he’s up and making you some tea, while it’s brewing, he’s getting some cold medicine together and queuing your favorite movie
While he’s doing that he hears a loud ‘thunk’ and immediately runs over to check on you, he sees the cabinet door open and he sees you bent over and cradling your head
He can’t help the chuckle that comes out but he immediately shuts his mouth the moment he catches your glare
He fishes in the freezer for the ice pack and presses it against your head, he sends you to lay down on the couch but he catches you wobbling as you’re walking
He was at your side in a second, he hurried back to the kitchen and got some water for you
He sat beside you and rubbed your back, careful of his volume and careful not to move you too much
Needless to say, you didn’t lift a finger the rest of the day
John Price:
Like Ghost, he heard it in your voice when you first said ‘good morning’
Except he was more adamant on catching it sooner rather than later, he made you some Theraflu and didn’t move an inch until you finished it
If he heard you cough throughout the day, he’d magically appear with a cough drop ready for you to eat
Your water bottle doesn’t have a chance to be empty, same thing with your tea cup, it always managed to stay filled
You were loading up the laundry machine when you smacked your head hard against the rim, it was so loud John was at your side in a heartbeat
He cradled your head and checked your scalp for a cut or any blood, when he didn’t see any he gently applied pressure and walked you both to the kitchen where he grabbed the ice pack
He guided you to the bedroom where he instructed you to sit on the bed, he noticed your walking was a little uneven and all his training came to him in a split second
He walked you to the bed and knelt down in front of you, asked you to follow his fingers, took out his phone and turned on his flashlight, checking your pupils and asking you to follow it
He held the ice pack firmly against your head and ran down the list of symptoms, asking you and making sure you were ok
He didn’t leave your side for the rest of the day unfortunately for your partially loaded laundry
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick:
You told him that morning that you were feeling congested and he went to pharmacy as soon as you mentioned it
When he came back, he saw you doubled over and clutching your head, he sets the bags down and hurried to your side
“Sweetheart, what happened?” He asked, you explained that you dropped your phone under the table and didn’t realize how close you were to it when you hit your head on the edge
“Babe if you missed me that much, you could’ve called, I would’ve come back sooner.” He teased, you punched him in the arm as hard as you could,
When your punch was lighter than usual, he got worried and had you sit down on the couch
He handed you the bag full of snacks and pulled out a bottle of Gatorade for you to slowly drink
While you were doing that he went to the kitchen to grab an ice pack and wrap a towel around it
He sat beside you and handed it to you to press to the area, in the meantime he opened a package of cough lozenges and handed you one
He got up and started making your favorite ramen flavor and brewing a cup of lemon ginger tea with a generous helping of honey
He sat beside you and held the ice pack against your head while you ate, he turned the tv on to your favorite show and kissed your head and your cheek
He made sure all your needs were tended to for the day and spoiled you rotten
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ohmyeyesmyeyes · 2 months
hide the sun - n. mackinnon
Tumblr media
summary: there are some things nathan mackinnon can't cope very well with in life. one of them happens to be mia in hospital, and needless to say it's a whirlwind when it comes true. (f!oc!soccer player)
warnings: swearing, details of injury (stitches, concussion, temporary amnesia etc), mentions of vomiting, mentions of anxiety, brief mention of the pandemic, mentions of sports psychologists, mention of painkillers/hospitals/doctors, mentions of routines/small rituals, angst
word count: 13.8k (sheesh)
< a/n: this is for demi (the legend herself) @wyattjohnston as part of the summer fic exchange2k24! i hope you enjoy it! also a massive thank you for organising such a wholesome event in this little community!! >
Nate had lost count on how many times he’d had to dive into the nearest bathroom to empty the contents of his stomach in the last few hours. It seemed like every time he got close to stepping inside the hospital room his brain would play over what happened in his head and he’d relive it all again – as if once wasn’t enough. Only, his imagination was crueller than reality because the outcome would always be…Mia not conscious and talking in the hospital bed.
All is well, he had to keep reminding himself of that or the fine thread holding everything in check would spontaneously snap and he’d be inconsolable.
He’d gone through a lot in his life, but nothing had ever come close to him experiencing this level of fear before. And that in itself was a terrifying notion, because that fear was rooted in someone else’s well being. His happiness and his peace were attached to the woman in the hospital bed, not to himself, and he found that both profoundly moving and disturbing at the same time.
He flushed the toilet once more, stomach muscles aching, and shut his eyes, his head lolling against the wall behind him. 
He was well aware he was being a dick. Perhaps the biggest prick he’d ever been before in his entire life. And he was being all of that to the person he was wholeheartedly, irrevocably, hilariously in love with, too. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to forgive himself let alone ask for forgiveness from her.
He was still shaking and cold, and every time he shut his eyes that scene was played on repeat: the ball flying through the air, Mia jumping up to head it away but instead getting a sharp elbow to the temple (one Nate could safely say rivalled even Jacob Trouba’s weaponry) and going down cold. Nate knew it was bad just from the way she’d fallen – limbs loose, like a puppeteer had surrendered control of the strings – he’d had enough practice in his own field, and he hadn’t ever anticipated her also being on the receiving end of such a blow before. 
Of course, it had been her teammates first, frantic expressions on their faces as someone waved over the physios, and then the physios had waved over the paramedics and–
Nate inhaled a shuddering breath, a hand kneading away the pain in his chest. He’d never been one to admit he suffered with anxiety before, sure, he got them in bouts occasionally, but he’d never had it on this scale. Yet, another terrifying thing.
And to top all of that off, the guilt flowing through his veins was astronomical. He could feel it crushing his head from inside his skull, squeezing his heart and constricting his lungs and he just wanted to curl up somewhere and sob everything out of his system. Then, and only then would he be able to stomach the thought of seeing her: when he’d comprehended everything.
“Fucking dick, what are you doing?” He groaned into his hands, wiping away unshed tears and taking another shaky breath, this one making his chin wobble.
He was needed, he was painfully aware of that. Painfully. It scorched his insides and his consciousness didn’t hold back the self-belittling remarks in his head, but he couldn’t peel himself up from the floor. He wasn’t entirely sure he’d be able to stand safely on his own legs, and he wasn’t entirely sure his stomach was strong enough just yet.
His phone buzzed in the pocket of his jeans, and in an attempt to take it out of his pocket it clattered to the floor, victim to his trembling hands.
He blinked once, twice, three times to clear the blurriness of his eyes, and read over the words on his screen. He wasn’t entirely sure whether it was the shortness and cryptic tone of the message that had him finding strength from somewhere to haul himself onto his feet, or whether he was just intrinsically waiting for something to get him moving.
All anyone had been told so far was that she was in a stable condition – still unconscious – and that any scans that had been done so far had been as clear as they could be, that being no internal bleeding or haemorrhaging or anything that could have possibly resulted from getting hit in the temple and then bashing your head on the floor. A concussion was inevitable, and even thinking about it, Nate knew it wasn’t going to be a merciful one. 
Nevertheless, he managed to pocket his phone, a damp hand on the wall of the cubicle keeping him steady until he could unlock the door without wanting to immediately dive back in and hide until Mia was given the all-clear. 
He wasn’t even sure he knew what he was doing or where he was going when he was following the overhead signs, but he somehow ended up in the hallway. There were benches in the corridor, settled just outside Mia’s room, and he stopped as he rounded the corner.
There was a crowd of people significantly larger than when he’d initially run away to the toilets, and one quick glance at people’s faces told him they were teammates. It wasn’t the entire team, just a few close friends and the team physio – enough to mean a queue would have to be formed when she wakes up, what with some of her family members already in there.
And if he was being completely honest, Nate wasn’t sure what to expect as he slowly walked towards them. They’d taken up all the seats on the bench and a few people were sitting on the floor against the wall, but no one was talking. In fact, everyone appeared to be looking straight forwards at the same spot on the wall, but there was nothing there.
It was Milly who saw him first. She offered a tight smile and waved at him, and when he got close enough, just about to lower himself down on the floor next to her, she spoke.
“The doctor came out around two minutes ago.” She whispered, and Nate felt all the air in his lungs freeze.
He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, the sharp pain in his chest rendering him immobile. Of course he wanted to know if she was okay, but what if she wasn’t? That was the question that his mind kept repeating on a loop, and if that was the case then these few seconds he’d use to gather himself meant they’d be the last few seconds where he was ignorant to that piece of information.
He swallowed, unable to look at Milly, and instead turned his attention to the spot on the wall in front of him that everyone else seemed to be focused on.
“She’s awake.”
“Is she oka–” His throat was horrendously dry and his voice was scratchy, but it was Milly’s gentle hand on his forearm that had him shutting up.
“She’s okay.”
Nate nodded, not even noticing Milly had rescinded her touch, and instead inhaled deeply, nodding absent-mindedly.
“She’s been assessed, her memory’s a little bit patchy from the last couple of days but there’s no concern. Her family’s in there now.” She paused, and even out of the corner of his eye he could tell she was clearly hesitant in saying something to him. Everyone seemed to have looked at him like that since the minute he’d walked through the hospital doors, and he was starting to find it rather irritating. It felt awfully similar to impatience, like every time he caught someone looking at him with pity, wanting to say something but ultimately deciding not to (probably because they didn’t know how he’d react), he just wanted to yell – like when you get stuck behind a slow walker and you’re behind schedule in the airport.
He blinked hard, once, twice, before using the heel of his palm to quickly wipe his eyes. He hadn’t even noticed the water welling up until the wall in front of him had become a blurred mess of blocked colours: red, green, blue, white. 
“Are you gonna go in?” Milly asked finally, and he was at least glad she made no comment on his tears.
He shook his head, not entirely trusting himself to speak without his voice cracking or wavering, or a complete breakdown – he’d be lying to himself immensely if he denied that wasn’t on the cards.
“Can’t.” He croaked, pulling his knees up to his chest, as best as he could given his height, “I’m not family, they won’t let me in.”
Milly considered his words for a moment before frowning, “Who won’t let you in?”
“Doctors. I’m not family, so…They don’t want to overwhelm her.”
“That’s shit—”
“They told me to come back in the morning, but I’m not sure I can leave.” He whispered, his hand massaging the tender spot in his chest as he fought another onslaught of watery eyes.
He felt like it might be a bit of an overreaction to cry at the knowledge she was okay, but he couldn’t quite get a handle on anything. It was a combination of stress, worry and fear that just spiralled his emotions out of his own control, like someone else was fiddling with the joystick of a controller somewhere. Yet, even knowing the root of it all, the mere thought of straying more than a corridor away from the door to Mia’s hospital room was…incomprehensibly daunting. 
It almost sent him down another path of panic, he could feel the grips of it begin to claw at his heart rate and the clamminess of his palms again when he even so much as thought about it. 
No, he physically couldn’t bring himself to leave, at least not yet.
He’d at least give it another think when her parents walk out with a real update instead of the formal crap the doctors had spewed him earlier: some vague nonsense about her being stable but unable to tell quite the extent of the damage just yet, and if they knew they certainly couldn’t tell him because he wasn’t her husband. 
If only he’d lied initially. He’d probably think about that for the rest of his life.
Milly hummed, pulling out her phone. If the circumstances had been different Nate probably would have been able to stop himself peeking over at what she was doing, but he was so despondent and distracted in his own head, those horrified replays still flickering on a loop in the back of his mind, that he couldn’t bring himself to be nosey for once.
“That’s not right,” Milly muttered under her breath, scrolling down several pages of text, “They should let you in, you know? There’s no laws against it, it’s just been cracked down on during the Pandemic.”
“Huh?” Nate tilted his head, his nose running slightly. Now that the worst of his tears had gently fizzled away, his eyelids were heavy and his eyes were burning with fatigue. In fact, he could feel the exhaustion settle into his bones, and he knew that in about an hour he could be asleep on the hospital floor, even with those fluorescent lights shining in his face.
“They should let you in.” Milly repeated, pushing herself up and walking over to the nearest desk before Nate could even think about responding.
He kept his mouth shut, watching her talk to the receptionist from afar, not able to hear the exact words over all the hubbub, but getting the general gist of it when Milly half-turned to point at him. He couldn’t help it when his mouth flattened into a straight line and his eyes awkwardly averted themselves…before immediately flicking back over to the conversing pair, slightly afraid he’d miss something yet shaking in his shoes  at the thought of a shaking head of denial.
Milly patted the counter, before wandering back over to the group of them all, teammates sitting up straighter in their chairs and against the wall, eager eyes fixed on their captain, anticipation shimmering in their eyes.
Nate swallowed nervously, his hands still shaking and stomach still rolling. He was sure he looked as pale as he felt, as sickly as he felt. Milly’s avoidance of his stare was unnerving.
“I think I’m gonna go.” Milly came to a standstill in front of Nate, her expression unreadable, and before Nate could even stutter out an urgent ‘why?’, someone down the line beat him to it.
“It’s getting late, and we know she’s okay.” Milly paused, not quite knowing what to say, “I don’t want to overwhelm her, and we’re not gonna see her tonight, anyway.”
Nate blinked, jaw ticking, and when he looked back up, the corridor was nearly deserted. Milly was hovering near him, watching as the last body filed around the corner, shoulders slumped as she disappeared from view, before turning to him, “They said the doctors would be less likely to let anyone in if there was a massive group of people outside the room. I don’t know it’s gonna help your chances now, but…”
Nate felt his jaw drop before he registered what he was doing, quickly clamping it shut with a grateful nod of his head, “Thank you.”
She shrugged, “It’s nothing.”
“You can stay, too, y’know–”
“Oh, no. I appreciate the offer, but if me not being here is the difference between you getting to see her or not, I’d rather not risk it.” She breathed a laugh, “Besides, I’ve got kids waiting for me at home.”
He nodded absently, and Milly had the strangest sense that he wasn’t completely there. He was inside his head, eyes a little bit unfocused as he looked in her general direction; his knee was bouncing, whether he’d noticed that or not she couldn’t tell – but she knew none of that would disappear immediately. At least, not until he’d be granted permission to enter the room and see her for himself.
And for that reason, she chose not to offer any words of comfort – they’d fall on deaf ears. Instead, she did something she’d been working up the courage to ask him for a while now..
“Um, this isn’t the right time to be asking this, I’m well aware, but you wouldn’t happen to know any sports psychologists I could get in touch with, would you?” 
For a harrowing and humiliating moment, Milly thought she’d just have to turn around, that the slight furrow of his brow as he stared relentlessly at that spot on the wall was just because she interrupted a comforting silence, but five seconds passed before she realised he was thinking.
His fingers fumbled with his phone as he removed it from a pocket, and she started, heart hammering in her chest when it slipped in his grip, before he caught it and switched it on.
“I know a few, actually. I have a few numbers if you want me to send them to you?”
She nodded, “Yes please.”
“Do you have a preference as to whether it’s a guy or–”
She passed him her phone, watching as he typed in her phone number, still watching when her own phone lit up with three notifications of contacts he’d shared with her. When he passed her own phone back to her his eyes looked less troubled. They’d cleared up, less red than they had been, and he’d clearly been glad for a distraction.
“Thank you.” She breathed, managing a smile, “Hey, you can sit on the bench now everyone’s gone.”
Nate nodded, but made no move to get up. He wasn’t entirely sure why but the thought of sitting on the chairs instead of the floor felt way too real – it’d just solidify the reason that he had a right to sit there because of someone in one of the rooms, and his very bones felt heavier at that thought. 
Milly grinned, “She’ll be fine.” 
He said nothing to that, just gestured half-heartedly at the floor, “It’s cosier here.”
Mia had never been so achy and sore without exactly remembering what she’d done to feel those consequences. Everything hurt: her legs, her hips, her arms, her ribs, her head – gosh, her head! It felt like she’d been laid underneath a pneumatic drill and lived to tell the tale. Her nerve endings were on fire, mostly throughout her entire body and the sheer strength of the pain rendered her…well, she was so exhausted she couldn’t really cope with being awake for longer than a minute or so.
Her eyelids would get hot and droopy, and despite how hard she tried to keep herself awake, for her parent’s reassurances, the screaming agony in her head sent her eyes rolling and she succumbed to a brief period of sleep. Still, she didn’t feel a single ounce better having napped at all. If anything, each time she opened her eyes it felt as though the pain magnified for a brief second, like her body forgot it had been pumped with painkillers and she was just experiencing all the pain she possibly could.
That wasn’t even including the odd patches of her memory, though that she learnt through what she’d been told. Apparently this game wasn’t the one they’d won by a landslide – that had in fact been a month ago, yet she could still remember going to the grocery store three days ago and even though she was pretty sure something was missing from the hospital room, she couldn’t quite find the words for it and when she’d rather blearily croaked that concern she’d been thrown a quick ‘don’t think too much right now, honey’.
But she had seen the shared glance between her parents right before she passed out for the umpteenth time.
Needless to say, she did wake up with the answer right at the front of her brain – it felt remarkably like finding a pair of sunglasses you’d forgotten you owned.
“Whe–” Her eyebrows knitted together and she peeled her eyes open to…an empty chair. Followed by an empty room.
She shut her eyes, able to still picture the blank screened-TV on the back wall, the shuttered blinds to the windows on her right and the lone lamp on at the end of the room. She’s never had a concussion before, and with the way she was feeling right now she didn’t have any plans of ever having one again, at least if it was up to her.
She had no idea how Nate functioned. 
Nate. She tried to sit herself up properly in bed, the thing she’d been on the precipice of remembering flashing to the forefront of her mind, but all the motion did was send her stomach rolling, and before she could even think, her hands found the cardboard bowl laid on her lap, like someone had put it there in anticipation of this very moment, and heaved into the bowl. The pressure in her head sent a blinding pain from the temple with the bandage over it, right through her brain to her ear on the other side and all behind her eyes. She almost passed out again right there; she could feel the blood drain from her face and the familiar whooshing feeling as though her consciousness had fallen through her body and into the mattress beneath her. Her vision went black, spotty around the edges, but for some reason she could hear the sound of a door opening and closing, the rushed footsteps that only seemed to get louder and the hushed, reassuring voice in her ear as a warm hand helped lower her back against the pillows.
She knew just from the slight cloud of familiar aftershave that billowed around her exactly who it was. She might not be able to do much, think much or remember much at that moment, but Mia could recognise familiarity. It was like muscle memory, except her brain could decode it easily.
She kept her eyes shut and screwed up, willing the dizziness away – it gripped at the base of her throat and if she could compare the sensation to anything else, it was remarkably similar to how she imagined falling through a dark abyss whilst being unrolled from being tangled in some kind of tape. The scrunching up of her eyes, however, pulled awkwardly at something stuck to her temple; it sent a sharp stab of pain right across her cheekbone and into her hairline, and before she could even register what it was her fingers had found a padded sheet taped across the side of her face.
A band-aid.
Once the dizziness had subsided, she slowly peeled her eyes open, millimetre by millimetre, as if she was afraid something might jump out at her if she ripped them open too quickly.
Nate was sitting looking very awkward in the chair closest to the bed, one of his hands holding the cardboard bowl on Mia’s lap and the other gently tugging her hand away from her bandage. 
She could see there was a brief moment when she looked at him that something had changed, a window shattered somewhere perhaps. He looked like he’d been through the wringer: hair messed up (very uncharacteristic), cheeks somehow even paler than usual, eyes red, hands shaking, and fearful.
She couldn’t say for certain why he felt the latter but she could read it in his face, in his body language. She’d never seen him look so not-okay and put-together before.
In hindsight, it was not only cruel to do what she did next, but given the events of the day and how completely naive she was to other people’s experience of what happened, it most definitely was not the best idea:
“Are you a doctor?” She mumbled blearily. Mia was never really that great at pretending to do anything, whether it was a little white lie or something just to rile someone up, but there wasn’t much pretending about how tired she was or how confused she was in that moment; the blinking and the blank stare were all real, and in Nate’s eyes, borderline apocalyptic.
See, he’d been informed of her condition and spotty memory, but no one could say for certain just what was ‘in’ and what was ‘out’ because there were so many inconsistencies and no one had really wanted to poke around where there were gaps in case it just caused more frustration than hope, so this four word question? Completely believable.
He saw Mia laid in bed, and taking into consideration what he’d previously been told, he figured it made sense. That didn’t mean to say his face didn’t drop further or his stomach didn’t plummet to the floor below or he didn’t feel the familiar twang of bile rising or the world didn’t just flip on its axis.
His entire relationship flashed before his eyes: four years, a dog, a house, two cars, dates, holidays, vacations, inside jokes, and it all crumbled at his feet with a simple question.
He’d run through it in his head, the possibility that she might not remember him quite yet, and it was understandable. He wasn’t mad at all, in fact he was all too willing to take a step back and let her recover in a more familiar environment where he was potentially isolated from her and everything he knew, but that had only been a possibility. Now it was looking like a reality and the only thing he felt was panic. There were alarms blaring in his head, loud protests, screaming, yelling, tears.
And somehow all he could do was blink the tears back and create some space between himself and her bed. Emotionally he wasn’t sure how to proceed but he could physically feel an invisible hand pushing him back against the chair, away from her.
He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. His eyes seemed well up of their own accord, and before he could even excuse himself from the room she spoke again.
“I was just kidding.” 
He blinked, his arms freezing from where he’d gone to push himself out of the chair, and he couldn’t really bring himself to move other than to drag his blurry eyes over to Mia, his jaw clenched and his guard still up just in case she still got it wrong.
He sniffled, inhaling through his nose, and not daring to ask if she was sure. But despite looking as though she’d been hit by a bus: a band-aid stuck right over her temple with stitches hidden underneath the plastic; purple eye bags; slow, lethargic blinking; an empty stare – Mia managed to look guilty. The corners of her mouth were pulled down, and her eyes were wide, almost like she couldn’t quite believe she’d pulled it off herself. 
And if he was being honest, Nate probably would have still had a hard time believing she actually did remember him if it wasn’t for her hand. It wasn’t something specific, but she’d placed it on his knee in a hurry when he’d made to push himself out of the chair, almost as if the prospect of him leaving wasn’t something to be desired. 
She was just as scared as he was.
Nate sniffled once more, allowing himself to settle into the chair and scoot forward again. The tears hadn’t disappeared, nor had the trembling, but his heart had eased up slightly once the realisation that, no, she hadn’t lost her memory of him had sunk in.
Then, and only then, he managed to speak, “You’re such a meanie.” It was more of a broken croak that had to be deciphered than something more intelligible than he would have liked, but after she winced at the volume of his voice already he found himself glad he sounded as broken as he felt.
She tried to smile, but her eyes fluttered shut of their own accord part way through the action, and she sighed, clearly completely drained, before rubbing her closed fist in a circle over her chest.
He shook his head despite the futility of it, and instead took the rather chilly, limp hand still resting on his knee into his grasp, leaning further forward so he was pretty much level with her. He allowed himself to breathe for a second, probably the first time he’d managed to do so since it had happened, and even though the tightness in his test remained, even though he still felt pretty emotional, he could at least look at her – like he’d done so many times in his life already – and know she was okay. 
Up close, he could see the plaster on her temple was darker in the centre and peeling at the edges slightly from where they’d pressed it into her hair, and on the other end he could see where someone – Mia herself – had started to pick at the edge, most likely out of curiosity. There was bruising along her cheekbone, and he knew from when he’d walked into the room in the first place that she had some other bruising on her jaw on the other side of her face from where she’d smacked into the grass.
That wasn’t even mentioning the dislocated shoulder, which, for now, was secured in a sling.
He was almost scared to touch her, not quite sure what would hurt or what wouldn’t, and before he could even deliberate any of that she was blinking again. Awake. She inhaled through her nose, wincing when her shoulder moved fractionally with the effort, and came to slowly. It was as though she was surveying the room for the first time again: her eyes were curious but not wide and she squinted at the light emanating from the little lamp, and Nate had to wait patiently for her to sweep her gaze around to him.
He tried a tight smile, his hands still clutching her free one in a warm embrace, and he could see the cogs benign to turn in her mind as she remembered when he’d come in. She eyed him sceptically, but this time (before his mind could run away from him) she gave him a lazy side-eye of sorts.
He breathed a laugh at the expression on her face, reaching over to smooth some of her hair down. He made sure to be gentle, not pulling on the hair too hard or pressing down on her head – rather just let it float back over to the right side of her parting, watching it fall as he did. He wasn’t quite sure what Mia had been expecting though because when he pulled back a little bit her mouth was pressed into a tight line.
“What?” He breathed a laugh, leaning forward on his palm to flick away more stray strands of hair. It seemed the closer he got the more he noticed that no one had taken particular care in brushing said strays out of her face, because he knew, even from looking at the way her nose kept twitching, that the tickling was intolerable. 
“When can we go home?” 
Nate swallowed, unable to look her in the eye as he shrugged. Nobody had told him anything. Her parents had left and told him as much as they could but they couldn’t say anything apart from the fact that she was okay – in fact, nobody even knew he was in here. His (almost) in-laws had gone to the cafeteria, running on nothing but coffee, and there hadn’t been anyone else really around when Nate heard the tell-tale sounds of…yeah. Needless to say he hadn’t really thought twice about bursting into the room to help her. She wouldn’t have if the situation was reversed, though from experience she did tend to lie to the medical professionals and just say they were married, something that had rather inconveniently slipped his mind in his panic-fueled state.
“I don’t know.” He whispered, if the quietness of his voice could even be considered such a thing. A fairy-whisper, perhaps: delicate, blink and you’ll miss it kind thing, “You’re on stroke watch, sweetheart, I don’t think it’ll be for another day or two.”
Her eyes shut again, and if it wasn’t for the tick in her jaw, Nate would have guessed she’d just fallen unconscious again.
“Are you okay?” He’d said them before he could stop himself. They’d been on the very tip of his tongue all day nearly, and his will had worn so low that he’d just given up and given in.
In all honesty, he wasn’t expecting much of a reply. Mainly because he knew concussions were hell on earth, especially fresh ones as bad as this, but also because she’d been poked, prodded, sewn up, and asked things already. She must be sick of it all, but…he had to know. 
She kept her eyes shut but her free shoulder shrugged as best as it could, “Hurts.” She mouthed.
Nate nodded, resisting the insurmountable urge to squeeze her hand and take all the pain from her, “Tap my hand twice for yes and once for no, ‘kay?” 
The corners of her mouth twitched upwards briefly, and he couldn’t help himself when he dropped a quick kiss on the back of her hand – though he couldn’t say for sure if it was supposed to help her more or help him more. 
“Do you need me to do anything? Get anything for you?”
She seemed to think about it for a second before pointing at something on the far end of the room and tapping his palm once.
He frowned. Lamp, no?
“Lamp off?” He thought out loud, pushing himself out of his chair eagerly when she tapped his palm twice again.
The thought of using the torch on his phone didn’t really occur to him when he was blindly trying to make his way back to his seat, and much to Mia’s dark amusement he walked into the end of the bed and tripped over the legs of two chairs on his way back. 
“Anything else?”
He waved his hand in the dark near where he guessed her arm to still be held up, and dragged his fingers up her forearm to interlock their hands like before. 
“Is the dark better?”
He sighed. It wasn’t because he was fed up – not one of those sighs – or because he was relieved, per se. It almost felt like an instinct or a habit, like when he gets into bed and manages to find a comfy position, or when he steps out onto the ice first thing in the morning when no one else is around. It was a sigh of satisfaction, yet he didn’t feel at all satisfied by anything. Sure, he was happy that he’d adjusted something to Mia’s liking, but there was so much more he wanted to know.
Where did she hurt? How much did it hurt? Did she remember last night? Is she gonna recover in time for the play-offs? 
They weren’t yes or no answers, and the last thing he wanted was to bother her. She needed the peace and quiet and the dark and cold and someone to make sure she wasn’t going to stroke like someone had off-handedly said in the hallway. Nate knew he wasn’t the only person who could give her that, but he was glad it was him sitting there holding her hand and listening intently to the sound of her breathing and the rustling of her pillow.
It sounds crazy, he knows that, but he was horrified. Less than fifteen minutes ago he was so sure something life-changing had happened that meant he wouldn’t be allowed here. He knew head injuries were unpredictable, and he knew he should be somewhat irritated for the stunt she pulled earlier, asking if he was a doctor, but he couldn’t find it within himself to be so. That one interaction had alleviated the worries and concerns he’d had – the ones that were driving him to the brink of panic attacks pretty much – more than any words anyone had spoken to him over the entirety of the night so far.
It meant Mia was still Mia, and even though she might have changed, she was still the same person. And he was going to sit with her in the dark, holding her hand, pretending he was now okay, for as long as he was allowed–
“Are you okay?”
Even in the dark his eyes turned to look at where they knew she was. He was speechless for a few seconds having thought she was asleep and stuck so far in his own head that he hadn’t even considered the alternative.
He just hummed, which earned him a meaningful tap on the palm.
“It was just scary for a minute, but I’m okay now.” Then he shook his head, almost-scoffing, “I should be asking you that.”
There was a half-hearted sigh, “Been better.”
Mia was sick and tired of the injuries after two days at home, bed-bound by a rather strict blonde that had a penchant for frowning and putting his hands on his hips when she suggested getting up and moving around. In all fairness, she could see where he was coming from, but in her defence she needed to know she was capable of a quick lap around the house, headaches and shoulder pains be damned. 
To have gone from training numerous hours per week – per day, in fact – to suddenly not being able to cope with being in a sunlit house in a room that wasn’t the bathroom or the bedroom. She was going stir crazy, and boredom was going to be her demise, she knew it. She could feel it atrophying her soul already and she wasn’t sure how much longer she could take being holed up in bed, not allowed to use screens or read or think.
Doctor’s orders. 
Although, having said all of that, Mia did find herself waking up from a nap she didn’t remember succumbing to most of the time. She must have slept on and off all day for two days, but it felt like she’d not even shut her eyes for an entire week. And the pain, oh, the pain.
Her shoulder ached each time she so much as tensed something, though that was the least of it: the dislocation hadn’t been too ugly – quickly put back in, no soft-tissue damage. Didn’t stop it hurting, though. The biggest issue, Mia couldn’t quite get a hold of. She couldn’t decipher what was the concussion, what was the temple laceration or what was the bump on the head from the ground. Somewhere along the lines, all the pain blurred into one and it just felt like her head was splitting open from the inside.
The door creaked open gently, firstly with a soft pop, like the familiar noise of when Barney would push it open with his muzzle and the handle would click out of its place, before a familiar soft pat-pat of paws could be heard vaguely padding across the carpet. It if wasn’t for Nate’s strict rule-abiding of orders (he did right, to be honest), the sound of Barney preparing himself to jump onto the bed wouldn’t have been heard. In fact, if it wasn’t for the noise of the door clicking open, Mia probably wouldn’t have blinked awake again. 
It was dark outside, the lights from the garden shining through under the blackout blinds. It wasn’t bright enough to trigger anymore headaches or a potential migraine, what with the bouncing agony from her bruises and bumps doing enough already, but it was enough to cast a sliver of dull light across the bedspread.
Mia reached out blindly, patting the duvet next to her, already anticipating the soft bark of acknowledgement before the toffee spaniel had made his way into her personal space, his nose pressed against her thigh as he laid out right next to her. She ran a loving hand through his fur.
Nate hadn’t let Barney in the room without him watching, mostly because he was a little unsure as to whether the newly-trained dog would adhere to the ‘calm’ rule he’d hoped to implement somehow, and Mia had commented on it, a quick ‘he’s a dog, they have senses for this kind of thing’, and all Nate did was sigh and watch on with a worried gaze. Needless to say, Barney hadn’t barked in her face excitedly or run across the bed or unintentionally nudged anything he shouldn’t have done, and Mia couldn’t quite tell if he was in the room now because Nate had let him upstairs or if it was just a happy accident.
Barney sniffed, and Mia paused, holding her breath in the darkness. At the same time, Barney’s ears flopped and the steps creaked, before an unmissable hiss of, “Barney?” could be heard from further down the hallway.
She felt her eyes shut again, sleep begging to reach out and pull her under again – it was the dog, he was just so warm and cuddly she was practically being lulled back to sleep with his rhythmic breathing – but she resisted, instead focusing on the hand woven into his fur until Nate inevitably noticed the crack in the door.
He didn’t say anything when he opened the door even further, didn’t say anything when he crept around to his side of the bed before pulling himself onto the mattress, the covers dipping with his weight. Barney looked up at him, and Mia felt rather than saw his hand also go to pet the dog between them.
She lifted her hand, before briefly ticking his arm to let him know she was awake, and cracked her eyes open. 
He was in his pyjamas, clearly already having showered. He’d taken to using the spare bathroom instead of the en-suite, completely adamant on not wanting to disturb Mia even though she’d told him she wouldn’t mind, and Mia knew, probably better than most people, that it was difficult to change Nate’s mind when he’d already decided what he was gonna do. 
“Did Barney wake you up?” He whispered, pushing himself further into the bedding. Mia could feel the warmth radiating off his skin, could smell the shower gel and shampoo he liked. He’d literally just gotten out of the shower.
If she had more energy she would have turned to look at him: there was something about post-shower Nathan MacKinnon that Mia found downright irresistible. In four years, she still hadn’t managed to figure out what it was, but it definitely had something to do with the flushed cheeks,  damp hair and untamed curls. 
As much as he tried to tidy it with gel, Nate couldn’t escape the fact that his hair could be wild, and in the last couple of years it had only gotten worse.
“No, I was already awake.” She whispered, the force of trying to talk still putting more pressure on her bumps and cuts. Whenever she spoke out loud it felt like her eyes were going to pop out of her head and her ears were going to bleed. It wasn’t the most comfortable feeling in the world.
She turned her head in his direction, just able to make out the silhouette of his side profile: crooked nose, damp Prince hair, philtrum, mouth, chin. She couldn’t turn her head too much to the side, the lump around the back of her head making getting comfy even against a pillow difficult, yet the slight movement, slight rustle of the sheets had him almost instantly turning towards her. That was something she’d noticed that had changed: he seemed to jump at anything she did, whether it be to reach a hand out to grab her water bottle or simply turn to look at him.
She could imagine the wide eyed gaze as he scanned her face for signs of pain until he relaxed when he realised that all it was was shuffling. The alarm bells were still ringing.
There was a brief pause, and Mia took her hand out of Barney’s fur to poke Nate in the ribs. He jumped at the contact, still unused to the darkness, and grabbed her hand to stop her doing it again, breathing a soft, amused laugh, “Liar.”
“I was gonna wake up soon anyway.” 
“You hungry?” 
Mia felt herself relax under his touch, his fingers playing with hers, finding their way in the dark across the back of her hands right around to her palms before straightening her fingers and placing a delicate yet hurried kiss to the back of her hand. She didn’t even have enough time to query exactly what it was he was about to do before he’d pushed himself up off the bed, Barney sitting attentively, and placed his hands on his hips leisurely. 
“You want anything specific?” Nate asked, absent-mindedly placing his leg on the bed to stretch out his hamstring. 
“What did you have?”
“Chicken and chorizo pasta.”
“Can I have some of that, please? It sounds so good right now.”
There was a muffled sound, crossed between a sarcastic scoff and a snort of laughter, “No. You absolutely cannot have it right now–”
“Yeah, we’re gonna do your dressing first. C’mon.”
Mia groaned, pulling the duvet back up to her chin to give her some protection before Nate would undoubtedly just rip it off her and pick her up, like he had the past four times he’d changed her dressing. The first time she did it there was little resistance from her end, mostly because she had no idea that cleaning the wound was going to be that nauseating, but also because she literally couldn’t be bothered trying to resist a hockey player that boarded men twice her size on a regular basis. 
Now, though? Not only did she despise the entire process, but she couldn’t deny the fact that being difficult was rather amusing for her – mostly because of how Nate handled it, because he handles it. She’s never heard him talk so much yet so calmly all whilst trying to scoop her up without simultaneously accidentally hurting her.
“-five seconds and it’ll be done until tomorrow, and if you think about it–”  he made his way around to Mia’s side of the bed and she felt her face screw up in dread almost automatically when he began trying to tug at the duvet she’d gripped as tightly as she could, “-if you really think about it, the food is kind of like a reward, and it’s better to get it done now rather than spend the next, like, forty minutes worrying about it–” he sighed, cutting himself off and staring at the scene in front of him. Mia knew him well enough to know stillness and silence meant he was thinking.
“What are you–Put me down.” Mia watched as Barney scurried off the bed, the duvet disappearing under him as Nate managed to force his arms underneath her body to lift her up, duvet and all. 
“Never.” He breathed in her ear before laughing like a Disney villain, managing to somehow look down at his feet to make sure he didn’t trip and cause another trip to the ER, and no matter how much she moaned and groaned, Nate didn’t put her down until he’d made it to the bathroom and placed her ever-so-gently on top of the lid of the toilet.
It was cold against the plastic, much colder than the sanctuary of the bed with a dog cuddled up to her side, and Mia shivered in her shorts and t-shirt, goosebumps arising on her skin – something that didn’t exactly go unnoticed by Nate. He took one look at her shivering and opened the bathroom blinds to let in some dull, natural light before turning around and grabbing a sweatshirt from the pile of clothes on the floor he hadn’t had chance to tidy away, what with the hustle and bustle of trying to look after everyone (not that he minded; in fact, Nate loved looking after Mia, even though he’d never voice it, but the circumstances surrounding the situation were a little too shitty for his liking), and tossed it to her.
What he really wanted to do was tell her to lift her arms over her head, but he knew coddling someone who already hated people doing things for them would only make the irritation worse, and instead reached for the basket of supplies he’d been given from the hospital, along with the set of instructions and the bowl for Mia as a ‘just in case’...the last thing anyone wanted, including Barney, was a repeat of the first time he’d done this. 
He could still picture it so clearly in his head.
When he turned back around, trying to read the pamphlet by moonlight and garden-light, Mia had her eyes closed and was running her fingers through her hair, wincing each time she accidentally pulled a knot. 
He couldn’t help watching her for a moment, almost mesmerised that someone could power through that amount of pain administered by themselves. Gosh, he loved her to smithereens.
“You ready?” He propped himself on the edge of the bathtub, back hunched over slightly to get himself eye-level with the plaster stuck to her temple. It was thick, most likely incredibly uncomfortable, and half-stuck in her hair. It was the only way the stitches into her hairline would be protected when she was laid down, or doing anything, really.
She nodded, and he kept his eyes fixated on her side profile, eager to drink in any possible changes in her expression that meant she was uncomfortable with anything he did. Sometimes it was a miniscule scrunch of her brows, other times it was an involuntary wince displayed by her mouth. He’d noticed her breathing changed when she was in pain too, which was a rather odd thing to come to recognise – watching someone you cared about hurt was one thing, but to watch them be in pain so constantly that you can recognise the little things? It was strange.
“I’m so hungry.” Was all she said, scooping her hair to the other side as he leant forwards to start to pick at one of the edges. It didn’t take much. He wasn’t even sure if Mia was aware she was doing it, but there was one edge right above her cheekbone that had been so obviously picked at that all he really had to do was grab onto the corner and slowly and cautiously pull. He kept one palm on the side of her head at all times, ensuring her hair remained out of the stickiness, his eyes darting from what he was doing to her face every few seconds.
Once he’d removed the plaster completely he folded it in half, balancing it on the side of the bath before doing something he’d not been able to do yet: dampen a clean washcloth with water, and gently dab the stitches. 
Mia’s face contorted almost immediately, the corners of her eyes crinkled and her mouth pulled up at the corners in a grimace, but she held still, keeping her gaze level and forward, hands clutching the bowl on her lap.
“Let me know if you want me to take a break or if I’m pressing too hard, okay?” Nate murmured softly, still dabbing at the wound.
He was never really one to be able to stomach the sight of wounds – at games he didn’t really have a choice, but at least then he could avert his eyes when he saw something that made his stomach turn and his head spin. This time was a little bit different, in fact, this entire situation was completely different because it was one thing thinking about it and another thing doing it for Mia. He had to do this, partly because he wasn’t about to let Mia do it herself, but mostly because he didn’t trust anyone else not to press too hard or to take as much care in the job as he did. It wasn’t a lot, but he made sure he did it right and softly.
It was the absolute least he could do after sneaking away for an hour here and there to practise. Mel Landeskog had offered to come over and keep watch when he wasn’t there, and the entire time he was gone he’d been anxiously checking his phone a hundred times a minute, waiting for a heart-stopping message to come through, and he hadn't managed to tear himself away again. The guilt was one thing, but the anxiety just ate him up from the inside. 
Tomorrow he decided he’d just work out in the bedroom – at least it’d give Mia something to watch when the TV was off-limits. 
“You’re doing great.” Mia sighed, peeling open the eye closest to him and shooting an amused glance in his direction. She was exhausted, but she still managed to find the effort bother to ease his concerns, “I think tomorrow…” She trailed off, silently hissing when Nate dabbed the laceration once more.
“Sorry.” He cringed, putting the washcloth down.
“It’s fine. Tomorrow I wanna move downstairs.” She got out, relaxing once she’d taken note of the put away cloth, and turned her body towards him.
He wasn’t quite sure what he was doing with his face but it was clearly something that warranted Mia to start spouting words so quickly he wasn’t entirely sure she was able to do with that bad of a concussion, “The curtains in the front room can stay shut but I kind of want to slowly let myself get used to some light again, and I won’t watch TV or anything.” 
He swallowed, going to pick up the dry washcloth, “What’s wrong with staying in bed?”
She rolled her eyes, “It’s shit, I feel like I’m missing out on what’s going on.”
Nate tilted his head curiously, “Nothing’s going on, though. Are you trying to tell me you’ve got FOMO from staying in the bedroom?”
“Yeah. I feel like our living room is, like, the life of this house. Everything happens downstairs.” She reasoned, returning back to her usual position when he raised the washcloth.
“Everything, huh?” He breathed, slowly wiping away the beads of water on her stitches, and those that had escaped and ran down to her jaw, “Guess that means you’ll have to camp out on the couch then. Can't have you miss anything, can we?”
Mia rolled her eyes, and Nate smirked to himself, pleased that she was clearly well enough to tolerate a bit of humour. It was the most alive she’d looked since it happened: she had more colour in her cheeks, something he’d even noticed through the constant darkness; her awake periods were longer than her asleep periods, and she was speaking more. Granted, that was an improvement from that very morning, but she was getting better at a quicker rate than he’d anticipated. Every hour seemed to ease the tightness in his chest, at least until he remembered–
Yep. There it is. The painful twinge of guilt that always seemed to strike him when he least expected it.
He swallowed anxiously, suddenly aware of a breeze against his torso and the faint tugging of his cotton shirt. The distance from where he was sitting on the edge of the bath to the toilet seat where Mia was sitting wasn’t a large one by any means, but it was still tricky enough for him to sit on the very edge to ensure he wasn’t stretching – it was why he had to look down at the culprit, half-expecting it to be Barney slobbering everywhere, and was pleasantly surprised to find a familiar hand trying to get his attention.
He pulled his own hand away from Mia’s head, placing the cloth on the side of the bath once he was satisfied the stitches were dry again before turning back to Mia to give her his full attention. She hadn’t bothered to turn her head, but was instead looking at him out of the corner of her eye, brow narrowed and a slightly suspicious look on her face.
“What?” He asked, automatically wiping at his cheek, expecting a streak of dirt to follow on his palm. Nothing.
Mia just blinked, “Are you okay? You kind of spaced out for a bit then.”
“Spaced out?” He echoed, shaking his head. 
Mia hummed, something subtly changing in her expression, “Away with the fairies.”
“Haven’t heard that one in a while.” He raised his brows before letting them drop. He wondered briefly if she was buying his ‘chill’ persona at that moment, hidden in the dark with no real way of knowing what face he was pulling. His back was to the light so he knew he was mostly shrouded in darkness – protected from an observant eye.
The same observant eye that clearly didn’t let up, no matter how splotchy her memory or how much pain she was in, because he heard her tilt her head at him, he heard her brain call him a ‘liar’ and he heard her breathe an internal sigh.
“I’m fine.” He said, shrugging his shoulders. The action felt pathetic, like something a stroppy teenager might do after getting scolded. 
Her silence said everything and nothing at the same time.
“I am. I guess I’m just coming to terms with the fact that this is how awful you must feel when I’m in your position after a game.” He mumbled it, but Mia still managed to pick his words out pretty easily – as well as the blatant pretence he immediately then displayed when he turned his attention purposefully to the basket at his feet, bending to pick up a tub of vaseline before taking the lid off and washing his hands once more.
She knew enough to know that when he acted nonchalant after admitting something was bothering him, no matter how little a thing it might seem, that sometimes he just needed that extra little dose of reassurance.
“At least you can understand why I banned you from getting head injuries, then.” She answered, turning herself so she was facing forwards once more, allowing him access to the stitches.
Nate paused, an uncertain ‘meh’ falling out of his mouth, which earned him an incredibly sharp look, “I mean I can, but now I could probably guess you get why I can’t promise you anything because most of these head injuries come from other people.” He was met with silence but he could feel the irritation practically emanating off Mia. Whenever he was right in situations where they’d had small disagreements here and there, usually about some pedantic aspect like this one, she always went dead-silent when he brought up something true. It wasn’t necessarily that she hadn’t thought of it, because the chances were that she had and it was that thing that drove her crazy, but it was knowing what she was asking was completely out of anyone’s control.
“Oh, and for the record,” Nate started, carefully spreading the vaseline against her skin and fighting the uncomfortable tingling in his toes when he ran his finger over the stitches, “I’m also banning you from getting head injuries.”
“I can try.”
He grinned, “‘S all I ask.”
“Me too.”
Mia wasn’t sure how long he’d been doing his little…routine. 
Every time he left a room she was in, whether it was to go to another room to pick something up and bring it back or to leave the house entirely, he’d started doing some odd things. First he’d watch her – this, she noticed him doing out of the corner of her eye – like he was giving her a once-over with a pair of X-Ray goggles, no matter how far away from her he was. Then, he’d pretend to look for something, a tissue, maybe, that just happened to be within a five foot radius of where she was sitting, and he used that ploy as an excuse to ‘walk by’ and plant a very quick kiss on the top of her head.
It might not seem odd to anyone else, but it was odd to Mia, mostly because Nate was never really the type to do stuff like that, much less when he was simply leaving the room. He might have done it if she was busy with something and he was off to the gym for an hour or two, but never for simple things. He just wasn’t that type of person.
At first she’d thought nothing of it. Maybe he just liked having her downstairs instead of shut up in the bedroom in the dark all day? That was certainly plausible. 
But then each time he did it, the action seemed to become more noticeable. Like when you hear something irritating in the background – a bird or a screechy voice – and then when you try to block it out your ears seem completely intent on honing in on that one singular thing until it becomes so glaringly obvious and unignorable that you just can’t stand it anymore. The only difference was that Mia could tolerate it, she could definitely tolerate it, in fact she welcomed it. Not only was it a rare and casual display of affection, but it was rare that they’d both be off work for this length of time and be in the house together. 
It was usually an impossible juggle of calendars and flights.
Then, because she’d noticed his little routine, she waited for it. There were a couple of times where he’d carried it out before he even announced he was leaving, a couple of times where he said where he was going first, and then – most interestingly – there were several occasions where he’d stepped out of the room, not said anything, frozen a step out of the doorway and come striding back in with intent and purpose before kissing her on the mouth or cheek depending on what she was doing. It was like he physically couldn’t stomach the thought of not completing his ritual.
It was remarkably similar to his behaviour on game days: he had a minute by minute schedule and order to do things so deeply ingrained in his mind that completing one thing slightly differently would throw everything off completely. He’d obsess over one thing and he wouldn’t be able to focus properly until he’d done it ‘right’, or he’d take it as a sign something bad was going to happen. 
One time he’d almost burnt the chicken in the oven and managed to assume that because he’d eaten burnt chicken (Mia had argued that it was charred nicely – properly done) that his pregame coffee wouldn’t have the same effect and he’d accidentally let his bowels go on the ice, and he’d be worrying about it for the entire game.
There was also the habit he’d taken to performing on Mia’s matchdays, at least when he was there to do it. He’d wake up around the same time Mia did and he insisted on filling her water bottle ready to go and he insisted on seeing her out the door (a kiss accompanied with a rather humorous but altogether fond, “kill ‘em”). If she was being completely honest, Mia found more familiarity in his behaviour this time around with her pre-game thing.
“Alright, come on.” It was Nate’s voice as he threw his car keys up and down, the metal jangling as he somehow materialised right in front of Mia, holding a hand out for her to grab. 
She paused, staring for a moment before following his arm to his face, raising a confused eyebrow. 
Come on? Come on where? As far as she was aware they didn’t have any plans, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to have plans considering her brain detested any kind of light brighter than a golden, dim one you might find in a lamp – and that wasn’t even mentioning noise. Anything louder than Barney’s huffing was a no-go if she wanted to have a headache-free day, and that very much included talking.
Nate had never been so quiet around her before, and she couldn’t deny the fact that it was amusing to watch him go to talk before remembering he had to whisper. He’d open his mouth and make a noise, the first sound in a word, and immediately clamp his mouth shut and hunch his shoulders, almost wincing for Mia. 
“Hospital.” Nate murmured softly, splaying his palm to encourage her to take it, and Mia’s mind went blank.
It must have showed on her face because Nate swallowed, the smile on his face diminishing, a rather helpless, “Remember? Your stitches are getting taken out today.” 
“Oh. Yeah.” Mia blinked, the lie shockingly falling out of her mouth before she could catch it, “And today is…”
“Wednesday.” Whatever trace of a smile was left on his face that hadn’t already been wiped was completely gone, replaced by concerned brows and a flat line of a mouth.
“Yeah.” Mia didn’t say anything else, mostly out of fear of stressing him out even more, but partly because she wasn’t sure what else could be said.
She reached for his waiting hand, the warmth from his skin seeping into hers, and it was only as she’d stood up – perhaps a little too quickly because the blood rushed to her head – that she could recognise the look on his face was a little more familiar. He was still getting used to the usual worries of watching someone else heal.
“Confusion and brain fog is pretty normal, y’know?” He framed it like a question, but they both knew he was reassuring the little voice in both their heads that screamed something deeper was clearly wrong. Mia just nodded, accepting the baseball cap, eye mask and sunshades he’d just handed her, trying her best not to wobble when he ever-so-carefully tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear.
There was something about his close proximity that she’d had to endure within the last few days that subtly changed something for her – maybe it was the vulnerability of this entire ordeal; she’d reached a new level of Nate having to look after her considering the fact that she was almost fully dependent on him. In her eyes a switch had been flicked somewhere, and their relationship had just rocketed upwards in intensity. Every little glance he’d snuck at her, even if it was just to check to see if she was okay, and every little thoughtful gesture he’d carried out, all combined with the closer proximity and steady, reassuring hand made her feel a little woozy in a completely different way.
It was why she hurriedly put the cap on so she wouldn’t have to look at him, because she knew what those damned pale blue eyes were doing, and also why she didn’t bother asking about the eye mask, although the use of that became abundantly clear when she climbed into the car.
He wanted to hide the sun for her.
“What about your memory? Has any of that changed for you yet, or do you still have those same holes we identified earlier?” 
Mia winced, taking the hand offered to her and squeezed, determined not to look like she was in too much pain. The doctor that was removing her stitches was doing an alright job (she thought at least, she couldn’t say she was an expert), but there was something almost nauseating about the tugging she could feel on the side of her head, especially with how sore and tender her temple already was. 
And the questions weren’t helping, not at all. 
She inhaled through her nose, fighting to keep her voice even, “Some of it’s changed, I guess.” Nate squeezed back three times, “I can remember more of that morning and the lead up days, but I still have moments where I…it’s brain fog, I guess.”
“Oh, yes,” the doctor voiced, and the lack of shock and concern in their voice almost had Mia raising a celebratory fist, “that’s understandable and expected, just as long as it wasn’t anything too important or too obvious?”
“No, I just forgot what day it was.”
The doctor let out a low chuckle, “I think we’ve all been there. There’s nothing like showing up for work on your off-day because you’d been so busy you forgot to check the date. It’s both a blessing and a curse.”
“Tell me about it.” Mia muttered under her breath, almost deaf to the low laughs from both sides of her as she kept her eyes screwed shut. The blinds in the room were all open, and to top that off the doctor had one of those head torches on, the light glaring even through her closed eyelids. It kept bouncing around her vision as they moved their head, presumably to look at the tray to their right and then to look back at Mia’s head and so on, and she could feel the familiar niggle of something start to prick at the back of her head.
“Okay, stitches are out. Just one moment and I’ll shut the blinds for you.” She felt her own shoulders deflate of their own accord, the tension quite literally seeping out of her once she heard the wheel of the office chair followed by the pair of footsteps walking towards the windows.
It was only when the room appeared to be enveloped in darkness that she opened her eyes. Nate had the stitch-care pamphlet in his hand again, a pen in the pocket of his shirt, and even as the doctor was explaining the next steps for care he wasn’t opting to write much down. Mia half suspected he’d already done extensive research and memorised the care leaflets anyway, but he was always gonna be drinking in information from someone more qualified than what his laptop told him.
The grip he had on her hand had loosened, and the more she looked at him, Mia could see that it was his shoulders that seemed to be tense. It almost looked as though her uncomfortability had been passed directly to him because he was sitting pinstraight in the chair pulled up and he looked so dead serious Mia felt the urge to poke him in the ribs. Let him know he needed to chill a bit more.
It wasn’t anything the doctor was saying, in fact, it couldn’t have been anything the doctor was saying because that body language and that stern, rather timid look on his face didn’t let up, not even three hours later when Mia had curled up on the couch and Nate had taken residence wedged at the other end with a bowl of food – Mia’s to be precise. He’d given her too much and she couldn’t finish it without thinking it was all gonna come back up later, so he’d hoovered up the last of it.
He still looked on edge about something.
So she poked him with her foot, toes meeting a solid thigh.
He chewed, the muscles in his jaw working as his neck snapped to look at her. There was a slight crack in his demeanour then, that brief moment where he thought she was getting his attention for the worst kind of reason, but it had dissolved before she could dwell on it too much.
“Why are you being weird?” She asked, tilting her head and faking an overly suspicious glance that had him freezing right where he was.
His eyes darted across her face, seemingly searching for something to grab on to, but when he came up with nothing he finished his mouthful and shook his head, fiercely denying her accusation.
“I’m not being weird.” He mumbled, a crease between his brows.
Mia pulled a face, “You’re being so weird.”
“How am I being weird?”
Mia gaped, eyes darting to his bowl when his hand trembled and his fork clinked against the porcelain. That one little weakness was enough proof because he blinked at his hand before almost comically turning towards Mia, his cheeks a little red.
“That for one.” Mia pointed out, “And that thing you do when you leave the room, what’s that about? And you were being super weird at the doctor's appointment the other day.”
He huffed a laugh, still staring at her incredulously, “Aren’t you chatty today?”
“I feel so much better.”
“Can tell, you haven’t shut up.”
“I’ve got, like, two weeks of talking to get out of my system, don’t I?” She paused, taking a breath, “Even so, you haven’t answered my question.” Another foot poke.
He hesitated, before ultimately deciding to put his bowl on the coffee table in front of them. Mia watched every move carefully, a hint of foreboding settling in her bones as he reached over to mute the TV. She thought breaching the topic of Nate’s weirdness wouldn’t bring this level of wracked nerves, or this unreached height of seriousness – there wasn’t anything she was aware of that warranted him to do all of those things and then also turn to face her.
“Okay, so, you know how you couldn’t remember stuff after the head injuries, and then you said you could remember stuff at the hospital?” 
Mia nodded, cemented in her spot, unable to say anything.
“How much do you remember of the night before?” 
Mia had seen movies like this: whenever a character asked a question of that gravity with that grave, worried expression on their face, there was always a catastrophic confession coming next.
The difference between those kinds of movie scenes and this one was that Mia remembered the night before. And none of what she remembered would require this level of…solemnity. At all. Absolutely none of it.
She came home from work, they both talked about their days, a movie with dinner, then bedtime. Nothing spectacular.
“Everything.” She said, and this time it was her turn to frown, “Why?”
Nate inhaled, scratching his chin unsurely, before looking her straight in the eye, and with a completely flat voice spat out – with conviction – “I think we’re fighting.”
Mia waited for a moment, just the one, thinking maybe he’d say he was joking or he’d take it back, and when it became clear he wasn’t going to, she laughed.
He had to be joking.
And the fact that he let out a few breaths of laughter himself made her think that he was, but all of that came to a grinding halt when he shut up and instead patted her shin sympathetically, no trace of amusement on his face whatsoever. 
“I’m being serious, sweetheart.”
Mia sighed, the aching in her head returning. The headaches from the concussion had started to subside lately, and the stitches on her temple were healing nicely, it was just the bump that still ached from time to time, from where she’d fallen on the ground. The lump was still there, it was a bit more stubborn than her shoulder and everything else.
“You think we’re fighting or you know?”
He shrugged, “You told me about LA and we–we fought.”
“About LA?”
“That’s not how I remember it.”
“How do you remember it?”
“What did you say?”
Nate froze, the blood in his body going cold at what Mia had just said, and so offhandedly, too. Like it wasn’t this big thing that could change things. Mia had her back to him, licking some honey sauce off a finger before putting on the oven gloves and placing the tray in the oven.
“I told them I’d think about it but I’m gonna say no.” Mia practically rolled her eyes.
In what world would she have said yes? Really. She couldn’t even begin to picture a new life in LA, and for that the answer she’d given them on the phone then and there was a sure ‘no’. She knew without even having to talk to anyone else or think too much about it to know what she was going to do. It had really been that easy.
And, rather naively, Mia had assumed Nate would also have known that.
Only, when she spun on her heel after shutting the oven door, Nate had a strange look on his face: he’d come from a full day of training in the gym so naturally he looked a little haggard anyway – pink cheeks, tired eyes – but that didn’t explain the deep furrow between his brows or the fractional tilt of his head or the unpursed mouth. No, that all equated to confusion, Mia had seen him wear that exact face before. And in this case, his confusion pertained to that of her own loyalty. 
He breathed a short laugh, a ‘huh’, and Mia put one hand on her hip, raising a brow.
“Why?” His voice was tentative, but there was a hint of curiosity that Mia dreaded to wonder the cause of.
“Does it matter?” She heard her voice waver, pitch higher and her metaphorical hackles raise in defence. 
She’d never felt that before with Nate.
He shrugged, moving to sit on an island stool, hands clasped together in front of him, forearms pressed against the marble. His hair looked blonder in the harsh lighting, almost blinding, and when he looked up to speak Mia had to avert her eyes, “Not necessarily,” there was a ‘but’ coming, Mia could sense it, “but what were the conditions?”
Mia shrugged, “Three years to start and a bit more money.”
“How much more?”
Mia felt her eyes widen, “Not a lot. Why are you so interested in this?”
“Because you’re my girlfriend and I love you and I want to know where your head’s at.” He blurted it all out after one miniscule moment of hesitation, it couldn’t have been more than half a second, and if it weren’t for the way his hands fell flat against the marble in a display of clear honesty, Mia might have thought he had an ulterior motive.
His contract only had one season left, too. It was a pretty damn odd time for two athletes in Colorado, especially when both of their futures were kind of up in the air. It went without saying that Nate wanted to stay and Mia wanted to stay, but there was also that incredibly slim chance that neither of them did, and they were both a little too afraid to even broach the subject of what would happen if someone got to stay and the other didn’t.
And whether she realised it or not, the ‘can I think about it?’ that had fallen from her mouth when she’d first gotten the LA call – even despite knowing the answer already – had been because of that. She needed a contingency, she needed to go to Colorado with proof that she was wanted elsewhere if she wanted to fight to stay.
And if it weren’t for his hands then, Mia would have stayed at her own side of the counter. Instead, she made her way around to him, pulled her own stool out next to his and twisted her body so she was facing him, her knees knocking gently against the side of his thigh.
“I want to stay in Colorado. I love it here, I have my family, I have my friends, teammates, a dog, you. I have an entire life and the last thing I’d want is to leave it all behind for more money in LA. We’re not exactly short of it in the first place, and it’s not my priority.” She said, as firmly and as gently as she could muster. There was a lull, Nate looking at her carefully, chewing the inside of his lip.
His eyes were darting across the planes of her face as though he was searching for hints of something he’d never find. It was only when she stuck her tongue out at him that he leant on his elbow, his head pointed in her direction.
“And your priority is…”
“Me, I guess. I want to be happy.”
He nodded, “And you’re happy here?”
Mia smiled, “I’m happy here. In Colorado. In this house. In this kitchen. On this chair. With you.” 
It was almost as though the smile on his own face was there without ever really being known to him; the corners of his mouth were turned down but his face was smiling, as though the blush on his cheeks had frozen the rest of him.
“With me?”
“I’m surprised too.” 
“Yeah, and then you didn’t talk to me for the rest of the night and you left without saying goodbye and the next time I see you you’re on a hospital bed.” He threw his arms up in a questioning manner, a deeply confused half-smile, half-scowl as Mia recoiled, having severe difficulty in trying to understand his perspective.
“I didn’t ignore you, okay? We were watching a movie and I was tired.” 
Nate spluttered, briefly turning away before turning back to face Mia, who was now grinning like she knew something he didn’t, “What about in the morning?”
“Easy explanation.” Mia shrugged, “I told Iona about the LA offer and she called me at six in the morning to get me into the office to finalise contract terms with Colorado.”
Nate opened his mouth, about to say something before he stopped. He was about to ask why he wasn’t woken up, but at that exact moment his brain seemed to digest the latter half of what was said.
Finalise contract terms with Colorado.
And then he was talking without his brain really knowing what he was saying, “Wait, you finalised a contract with Colorado?”
Mia nodded, “Yeah. It’s pretty much the same deal as what LA offered.”
“How similar?”
Mia raised a mischievous brow, and Nate knew what was going to be said next was about to blow his mind. When she looked at him like that, something was gonna happen, and he felt his heart quicken for an entirely different reason than what he’d become used to lately – anticipation. The good kind.
“Five years and a little bit more per annum than what LA offered.”
He blinked. Heart beat six times before he found the breath in his lungs and the voice in his throat, “Five years?” His voice wavered completely against his will, it came out all breathy and mushy, and he wasn’t in control of his own bodily reactions to the load of relief that had cleared itself from his shoulders, not even when he felt his eyes begin to prick with emotion again.
Mia’s smile diminished at his reaction, it didn’t disappear, but the edges were a little softer, more understanding, perhaps. She’d been through a lot lately: hospital appointments, days in bed in pain, meetings with her people, recovery plans, and the one thing she’d been able to rely on this entire time was the big softie sitting right in front of her, getting uncharacteristically emotional at the prospect of her signing on for another five years.
And Mia knew how his mind worked. He’d probably been preparing himself for some part of his life to change, whether it be him moving out of state or Mia moving out of state – so much so that he probably hadn’t been able to let himself even think about both of them staying. There had been a countdown in his head for months.
“Yeah.” She answered, reaching out to grab his forearm. Somewhere in the midst of the clarification conversation he’d turned to sit straight, limbs locked against his torso and hands placed neatly in his lap. She pulled the nearest forearm over to her, using as much of her strength as she could possibly muster, listening to the aching of her shoulder and patting him to get the message across, and he turned his head to look at her again, a watery smile on his face as he lifted his shoulder up and tugged her into his side.
“I’m proud of you, y’know?” He pressed his forehead to the corner of hers, incredibly mindful of any soreness that he knew to still persist, and slumped against the cushions of the couch so he was more laid, legs sprawled out on the floor in front of him.
Mia rolled her eyes fondly, comfortably adjusting herself in his embrace. Even with a short sleeved t-shirt he was warm – kind of like a massive human teddy bear. Always a great hugger, something she’d actually missed the last couple of weeks, “I haven't signed the contract yet, I was a bit preoccupied after the match.”
She felt him pull away, and when she turned to look at him, his eyes had cleared, that familiar bright blue almost dazzling in the light, and he wore an expression of chagrin, “Hey, I know we talked about it earlier, but you’re really not allowed to get a head concussion again, ever. That shit’s way too scary.”
Mia just levelled him with a knowing expression and he read it easily, muttering a heartfelt, “Congratulations, honey. You’re stuck with me for another five years.”
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zvdvdlvr · 5 months
Cherry Flavored
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🍒 - Synopsis. Cherry farm + hopelessly in love + kissing.
🍒 - Warnings. Fast paced. Fighting. Concussion. Kissing.
It was late April, sun making the days hotter and longer. The gang had settled near Valentine, a small and tightly-knit town. In true womanly outlaw fashion, you politely introduced yourself and made yourself look as innocent and harmless as possible (the thing with appearing innocent and normal? you had three distinctive claw marks running down your face from when John got the both of you stranded on a mountain.)
Almost a week after settling down, Arthur Morgan had gotten into a bad bar fight. Luckily you, Lenny, Javier, Charles, and Bill were there to help fend off the irregularly large man from beating the life out of Arthur.
Though you definitely blew your cover of an innocent woman, Arthur won the fight.
In the aftermath of that fight, Arthur had let you pull him onto your horse and ride off into the night: putting as much distance from the incident as possible.
“Yeh alright?” Arthur asked, gravely voice low and close to your ear.
“‘M alright. I should be asking you that question, Arthur,” you replied.
“You know I can survive more’n that,” he grumbled. Arthur rested his bloodied forhead on your shoulder. “Didn’t mean to make a mess of things… I know you was gettin’ along fine with some of those people.”
You shrugged the shoulder Arthur wasn’t leaning on. Protected by your ribcage, your heart rate beat faster. “You’re more important- the gang is more important.”
Arthur’s eyes closed at your words. He wished more than anything he could feel normal afyer you said that. You’re more important. If only you knew how important you were to Arthur. He stayed quiet, the arms wrapped around your waist to stay steady tightened.
“Don’t fall asleep, Arthur,” you murmured. “You probably have one of those concussions- a bad one, if I had to guess.”
“Yes ma’am,” Arthur groaned, bringing his head up and focusing on the moon. Yeah, the world may be spinning, but at least you were there to take care of him.
Slowly, you eased your horse to a stop. You let Arthur dismount before following suit. As you patred the neck of your horse, you watched Arthur wobble on his legs beside you.
The man surveyed the area, a small farmhouse and crop growing about twent feet away from where you stood.
“Do you like cherries?” You asked. You linked your arm in Arthur’s and lead him closer to the crop. “The family here grows some damn good ones. They’re good for detox, but might make ya tired,” you said.
Arthur watched you reach out for a cherry and pluck it off the plant. You offered him one, and reached for your own. Arthur hadn’t had cherries in so long, he himself didn’t even know if he liked them. He watched you place the cherry into your mouth, moonlight lighting your face and making your eyes and lips shine. You sighed in delight, leaning slightly into Arthur, momentarily forgetting the fight.
Arthur placed his own cherry on his tongue and watched you pull out the pit by the stem and toss it away. A bright snile painted your lips when you turned and saw Arthur looking down at you, dark eyes watching your every movement.
“Good, right?” You urged, nodding to the stem between Arthur’s lips.
Arthur nodded. “Real good,” he answered. He reached behind you and picked another cherry. “Open.”
You opened your mouth and watched, dazed, as Arthur took great care in tucking the red flesh between your teeth.
You took a bite, feeling juice run down your chin. The red liquid gleamed under the light of the moon, taunting Arthur to remove it.
So he did.
Arthur reached out slowly, giving you the chance to step back. He swiped his thumb under your bottom lip, collecting the cherry juice and then bringing it up to his own lips and sucking it off his thumb.
“Well,” you breathed, eyes darting between Arthur’s lips and his mouth. “Can’t do that to a woman and not…” you started, trailing off.
“And not what?” Arthur prompted, stepping closer. He tilted his head, hand hovering over your cheek.
“Kiss me,” you finished breathlessly, leaning further into Arthur’s touch.
Arthur leaned down and captured your lips in his. He tasted the whiskey and cheery on your lips- a taste he could get addicted to. He groaned into your lips, opening his mouth and inviting you in.
Arthur didn’t know how long he stood there, tasting you, but he assumed he had been there for a while when he saw a light flicker on in the distance.
You pulled away, a smile om your flushed lips. “We should probably go,” you murmured, picking a few more cherries and storing them in your pocket.
Arthur mounted your horse. “I think I do like cherries,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around you and letting your presence soothe his aches.
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chishiyaisasnack · 1 year
Shower time
Here’s a fic that I’ve been working on for a good while now and I’m finally content with posting it. It’s sfw even though it’s a shower scene. Mostly fluff (?) and a tiiiiiny but of angst.
Disclaimer! This story is based in the Borderlands and it mentions blood, wounds and trauma from it. It’s not about how they got injured, but more so very mildly describing that they are injured. I consider it sfw but it does contain nudity since they’re taking a shower, but I’m not describing bodyparts or anything. Also, small references to sex just for humor, but there is no smut whatsoever.
Oh, and the reader doesn’t know that Chishiya is a doctor.
I’ve written and am posting on mobile so I’m sorry for any formatting issues.
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”I’m going to take a shower.”
With strong steps - actually more like a wobble - you walked into your room at The Beach, Chishiya following close behind you, watching your every movement just in case you would trip over your own feet, like you already had done about 30 times since you left the game area. It had been a rough one and it had left you wounded, exhausted and a bit lethargic. Not to mention the strain it had taken on your mental state, like the games always did, but you had turned off your feelings for now and had only one goal in mind: a long, warm shower to wash off all the remnants of the game.
”No you aren’t, it can wait until tomorrow.” Chishiya sounded like he always did, bored and condescending, but you knew that there was some worry in there somewhere. Otherwise he wouldn’t have bothered to follow you all the way back to your room, offering to catch you when you’d eventually fall.
”I feel gross. I’m covered in … stuff.” Blood. You were covered in blood. You raised your arms to make your point clearer, in case he missed what an absolute mess you were right now.
”Fine. Come on then.” Chishiya sighed, walked around you, and went towards the bathroom while you stood confused, watching him open the door and look back at you before stepping inside.
”Wait, what?” you asked, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Why was he joining you?
With slow steps you followed him, wondering if he got the wrong idea. He was gorgeous, but sex was the last thing on your mind, especially shower sex. Didn’t he say that you were in no condition to even take a shower to begin with? You stopped in the doorway and waited for a response.
”You most likely have a concussion, you’re wounded and you’re exhausted. You’re going to collapse by yourself.” He turned on the shower and let the stream of water fall, waiting for it to turn hot.
”Okay, okay, doctor.” The smirk you got back confused you even more. Did he have a thing for being called ’doctor’? It wouldn’t suprise you, he was a mystery. But even him would surely have preferrences. Wait, why were you thinking about sex again?
You shook your head as you walked inside the bathroom, limping past Chishiya as he was making his way out again. Or so you thought. In the corner of your eye you saw him stretch, but it wasn’t until you turned around that you saw what he really was doing.
”Uhh, why are you taking your clothes off?” Your eyes widened as his hoodie hit the floor. He had no shame, appearantly getting naked with you without warning was completely normal in his world.
”I’m getting ready to help you when you realise that I was right. Don’t worry, I won’t join you until you ask me to. Which will be soon, so I’m preparing for that.”
You didn’t know if you should feel thankful or offended by what he said.
Chishiya however, smirked again, cocking an eyebrow at your dumbfounded look. He was enjoying this. While still looking at you he started to pull down his shorts. Your eyes were fixed on the pile of clothes he had created on the floor, which thankfully wasn’t added with more pieces since he decided to keep at least his boxers on. The daring look he had on his face when you turned your eyes back up was annoying. Did he like that you were looking at him? Not that you were looking at him like that anyway. You just wanted to take a shower. Or so you told yourself.
With his shirt and pants off he sat down on the toilet seat, turning around so that he had his back against you and the glass wall of the shower.
”Go ahead” he said, a hint of amusement hiding in his voice. ”I won’t look.”
”You better not” you huffed back at him, watching him carefully while you started to remove your own clothes, ripped apart and stained with blood. Instead of putting them in a pile you threw them straight into the trashcan. Once removed, you looked into the mirror over the sink and you almost gasped at how wounded you actually were. Cuts and bruises covered your arms, legs and back. Patches of your skin were stained red, even your face still had traces of blood left on it. You looked terrible.
Sighing, you stopped studiyng yourself and looked over your shoulder. Chishiya was still sitting with his back against you, shoulders rising and falling slow with every breath, the muscles of his back tensing when he moved. He looked soft. You wondered what he would look like wet.
No! This was not the right time to daydream about Chishiya and his pretty back, his blonde hair that fell in waves over his shoulders, those shoulders that probably would feel great to hold on to while your lips were… Oh, for fucks sake, just get in the shower y/n.
After disrupting yourself from your thoughts you made your way into the shower, closing your eyes as the water started cascading down your body. The glass wall seperating the shower and the rest of the room was conveniently half covered with frosted glass so that it covered most of your body, from your shoulders down to your knees, making you a bit less embarrassed over being naked in the same room as him. Being naked in front of someone when it wasn’t sexual wasn’t your idea of calming, and even though he had no shame, you still had. This was too intimate, too casual. But if it was what it took to take a shower then you’d do it. Even though you didn’t like to admit it you did trust Chishiya to treat you with decency and respect. He might be considered one of the people you shouldn’t trust in the borderlands, a bad person perhaps, but not bad enough to overstep someones boundaries like this.
”Let me know when you need me.” Chishiyas voice rang somewhere in the distance. Not even a ’if you need me’. He was too confident and it just made you even more stubborn. You were definitely able to take a shower by yourself, you were damned to not let him win this one, you told yourself while reaching for the soap. With unsteady hands (no, they absolutely weren’t unsteady because you were tired) you started to scrub the dirt off yourself, one part at a time. You hissed whenever you discovered a new wound you weren’t aware of and eventually the pain from it made you a bit dizzy. No, you could do this.
You clenched your jaw as you continued, slowly moving from head to toe, covering yourself with suds. Finally, everything you could see and feel was gone, so you let the stream of water fall over you once again, closing your eyes, enjoying the warmth that it gave. You felt your muscles relax, your breathing slowing down, your eyelids getting heavier…
”Chishiya…” you mumbled weakly, mad that he was right, again.
”I’m here.” A voice right behind you made you jump. You turned around and swung your fist towards him, ready to punch him out of pure panic, but he caught it before it landed on him. The borderlands had really done a number on you, you were constantly prepared for survival and appearantly even Chishiya was a victim of your anxiety. ”Calm down, it’s just me.”
”How long have you been standing there?!” You wobbled to the side as you tried to fight your bodys urge to fall onto the ground from the sudden movements. Chishiya steadied you by holding your upper arms, and helped you turn back around so that your back was facing him again.
”You moved slower and slower so I was ready when you called for me. I haven’t been standing here ogling.”
”So you have been watching me?” You didn’t even think about the fact that you probably flashed him completely just now. Well, if he saw something he didn’t care about it, which was comforting in this situation.
”Of course. I couldn’t see anything other than your head anyway. It wasn’t quite the show you think it was.” Chishiyas voice was dripping with amusement.
Once again, you didn’t know if you should be thankful or offended.
”Give me the schampoo bottle.” Chishiya asked, or rather commanded, reaching his arm out next to you so you could hand him the bottle. Once he got it you could hear him shake it before opening it and pouring out some of the liquid in his hand, followed by a low thump as he put it on the floor behind you.
Slender fingers moved over your hair, softly massaging it with his fingertips, giving you full body shivers from the way his fingers drew circles between the strands. It felt nice. Safe. You couldn’t help but to close your eyes again and just relish in the warmth radiating from his hands. He was so careful with how he touched you, slow and gentle while he worked his way through all of your hair.
A part of you wished that he would step closer so that you could feel the warmth from his body wrap around you, so that you could lean back and relax in his arms, just enjoying how your body would feel so at ease while being comforted, but you had no idea how to ask him for that without it sounding sexual.
”Shower head, please.”
You did as he asked and handed him the shower head, turning up the water pressure while doing so to make it easier for him to rinse.
”Close your eyes and bend your head backwards. Tell me if you feel dizzy.” Chishiya didn’t sound so stern this time. His words were soft and comforting, asking you to trust him. So you did.
He rinsed your hair in silence. One hand holding the shower head while the other one kept massaging your scalp, making sure to rinse out the schampoo properly. Even though you desperately tried to relax and just enjoy the feeling of being taken care of, you couldn’t stop your emotions from seeping back into your mind. Pictures of the game were flashing before your eyes. People screaming. Fighting. Lasers going off.
”Chishiya…” you whispered, no longer able to stop thinking about what had happend earlier.
”There was a child there tonight.”
He didn’t answer but you could feel the movements in his hands stiffen as he continued to rinse your scalp free from schampoo.
”I didn’t know that there were children here” you continued, trying to get the thoughts out of your head so you wouldn’t be tormented by them during the night. ”I thought maybe we were sent here to repent or something like that, that we were getting what we deserve. But why would a child deserve this? Even if we are all randomly sent here, without any reason behind why it’s us in particular, why would they choose a child?”
”…I don’t know.” He sounded emtpy when he answered, not that you were expecting his words to be comforting. They rarely were. There was a long pause before he spoke again. ”Did the child make it?”
”Yeah…” A shiver ran trough your body when Chishiya stopped rinsing your hair, already missing the heat from the water. Another thump came from the floor when he put the shower head down. ”Some of us worked together and protected him as much as we could.”
”Do you have conditioner?” he interrupted, sticking his hand out next to you so that you could hand it to him. You placed the bottle in his hand and watched him retrieve it. A click of the bottle cap was followed by another thump when he put it down on the ground. You wondered how many times he must’ve stared at your ass by now.
”Anyway,” you continued, shaking the image of him smirking at your butt away. ”That’s why I look like this. I took the hits for him.”
”That sounds like you.”
You hummed at his words. It was reassuring that you were considered to be a nice person, even in this hellscape.
Gentle fingers threaded through your hair again and you leaned into the touch. It went by faster this time since he didn’t need to scrub, although you wished he would keep doing this for hours. Every time he let go of you - this time to pick up the shower head again - the ache in your body took over, making you tremble ever so slightly even though the steam from the hot water was surrounding you. You were relieved when you felt the water against your back, contently closing your eyes and bending your head back into Chishiyas palm.
”I envy you sometimes.” Chishiya mumbled, so quiet that the sound of the water almost drowned it out.
”You do?”
”I wouldn’t have helped someone else if it meant that I would have to work for it, let alone get hurt from it.” Chishiya paused briefly, like he was choosing his words carefully. ”Especially not a stranger. You didn’t think twice about doing so.”
”I don’t believe that.” You cut him off before he got the chance to put himself down even more. ”You’re better than you think, Chishiya. Just look at what you’re doing for me right now.”
”I’m washing your hair, I’m not saving you from dying.” You could practically hear him rolling his eyes.
”You don’t have to save me from death to help me. This is helping me. Besides, from the sound of your attempts to stop me from showering, I could die in here if you didn’t help me.”
”Maybe I just wanted to see you naked” Chishiya joked with such a monotone voice that anyone else would think he was serious, but you knew better. Well, if he was serious he had gotten his wish - paired with a fist coming at his face.
”Right” you snorted, too tired to laugh. A blush still crept over your cheeks, imagining his eyes on you in that way. ”Keep telling yourself that if that makes you feel better.”
”There” Chishiya ignored your answer and handed you the shower head. Cold air rushed to your skin as the water left it, leaving you almost begging for him to continue. Would it be so bad if you did?
”You can turn off the water now. I’ll get you some towels. Stay there.”
With a pout you put the shower head back into it’s place and turned off the water. Behind you, you could hear how Chishiya was gathering towels from a drawer, his footsteps making their way back over the tiled floor that would be cold and uninviting for your own feet in a second.
”Lift your arms a little.” You did as he asked and lift your arms halfway up, stopping waist high, only to see Chishiyas arms poking out from under them, holding up a towel that you thankfully grabbed a hold on and quickly wrapped around yourself to try to regain some of the warmth that the shower had given you.
”You’re safe to turn around now.”
”Thank you” you quitly replied as you gently spun around, just to be met by a still undressed Chishiya with his own towel hanging around his neck and a soft expression on his face. If you didn’t know better you would think that he was worried about you.
A smaller towel was in one of his hands - which soon landed on your head, covering your face at the same time. Your sour expression that was revealed as you peeled it off made him grin.
”Do you want help to dry it?” He asked, eyes shiny from amusement, and watched as you stubbornly started to squeeze the ends of your hair, too tired to lift your arms up and dry it completely.
”No, I’ll just put the towel over the pillow when I sleep. It’s fine” you replied, following his example and put your own towel over your shoulders. The chill in the air was starting to really get to you, and you decided that you couldn’t get to the bed fast enough. Just thinking about laying down, surrounded by warm covers, maybe even a pair of socks on your feet at first, burying your head on the pillow…
”The wounds on your back looked fine but I still need to cover some of them with bandaids. I need to examine your front too. Let me know when you’ve covered up so that I can check your arms, legs and stomach.”
Ugh, why did he have to interupt your dream about your bed with another naked request? You just wanted to sleep.
”I’m sure I’ll be fine Chishiya” you groaned back at him, slowly (and unsteadily) making your way past him and towards the bed. You could see the light at the end of the tunnel, just a few more steps and you’d reach the doorhandle, that doorhandle that would open the gate and lead you straight towards the nice, warm, fluffy….
You groaned even louder when you felt a hand grip your arm, stopping your weak attempt to get out of the bathroom and keeping you still while Chishiya made his way around you so that he was facing you again. That calm face was back and you didn’t like it.
”Please, Chishiya, just let me sleep” you pleaded but to no avail.
”Come here.” You had no choice but to move after him, not being strong enough to even attempt to break loose from his grip on your arm, that was keeping you somewhat steady as you plopped one foot in front of the other until you reached the end of the bathroom. Then - lo and behold - Chishiya opened the door and led you out into the hotel room, making your way straight towards the bed. Right as he reached the foot of the bed he stopped and slowly turned the two of you around in a circle so that your back was now facing the bed, and then pushed you back so that you fell down on the soft duvet cover with a yelp. It felt like heaven to finally lay down, like a cloud was enveloping you and taking you with it to the land of dreams.
”Where are your underwear?” Chishiya once again interrupted your inner monolouge.
”Why? Wanna see them so badly even though you’ve already seen me naked?” You rolled your eyes and leaned your head to the side so that you could watch him dig around in a dresser until he grabbed the first, best pair of panties he could find and threw them at you.
”Put them on please, unless you want me to examine you naked. I’m fine with either way.”
You just huffed at him, secretly liking the playful look he was giving you. When he turned his back to you, you managed to shuffle around and get your panties on, just to let your legs fall back down onto the bed with a loud thump. God, you were exhausted.
”I’m done, doctor.” Once again, he reacted with a grin and you were now positive that he had some wierd doctor patient kink and that you were so going to make him confess that. A mission for another day.
Chishiya sat down next to your legs and reached over them to pick up a first aid kit you didn’t even know was laying next to you. Was he a wizard too?
You kept still, listening to the opening of packets, a liquid poured onto what you imagined was a cotton ball, and then your own hiss as he touched the first wound on your leg. It wasn’t the liquid that hurt, it was just the tender touch from the gauze he dabbed against your skin that hurt enough to make you wince. He must have started on a bad one.
”Try to keep still” he murmured gently, sounding like he was completely occupied with his task of tormenting you just a bit more before letting you sleep.
You stayed as still as you could, trying to concentrate on his hands and fingers working their way over your legs, dabbing it with the liquid, letting it dry, then putting a compress and some adhesive tape over it like a home made band aid. His touch was so gentle that it was barely there.
Your eyelids turned heavier with every touch of his fingertips and even though your wounds were stinging, his warm skin eased the pain afterwards and comforted you without knowing so. Before falling asleep you murmured a ”thank you.”
The last thing you remembered was the feeling of being enveloped in something warm, probably the cover that wasn’t underneath you and a soft whisper.
”You’re welcome.”
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sp0o0kylights · 5 months
Part Eight
We left off: Eddie has an injured leg, Gareth is concussed, there’s a now injured manticore in Hawkins and possibly a moving gate in the walls of the lab, which is storing mysterious, glowing green goo. Prior to all that, Steve was having a breakdown about leaving Hawkins brought on by his parents returning home.
Gareth has noticed Steve’s “crush” on Eddie, *all* of Hellfire is painfully aware of Eddie’s crush on Steve, and Hopper just showed up to the Byers in Scooby Doo pajamas.
Cue the music.
One minute Hopper was shaking a finger at the pile of children on the couch, spittle flying from his mouth as he demanded everyone both talk and shut up--
(“They can’t do both, Jim.”
“I don’t care Joyce, I--”
“Well I care, and you’re in my house, so I suggest you shut up.”
“Fine, but--”
“I was shutting up!”)
--and the next Steve had wrapped Gareth’s own hands around a warm mug, quietly leaning into his ear to ask if he was okay.
Gareth nodded jerkily, blinking back to the present, fighting off the panic attack that had dogged him all night.
“Yup. I’m great--good! I’m totally good.”
Steve snorted (a gross but common Steve sound) but otherwise left Gareth with a squeeze of his shoulder, before taking the other mug he had over to Eddie.
Who, Gareth realized, was staring at Hopper with the resigned air of a man glaring down his own executioner.
“What I don’t understand,” Lucas was saying as Steve tried to get Eddie to take a mug, “is what the manticore’s guarding.”
“You didn’t hear the green goo story?” Dustin said conversationally, like this was a Tuesday and not the middle of the night after a monster attack, head craning around to look at his friend.
Gareth had to give it to the kid, he had balls of fucking iron to ignore the look Hopper was shooting his way.
“Green goo?” Hopper butted in, needing an answer but clearly not eager to hear it
(Behind Gareth, Steve had resorted to physically taking Eddie’s hands, and wrapping them around the mug. He kept them there, fingers over Eddie’s as he leaned in, whispering something into the older teen’s ear, clearly trying to get his attention off Hopper.
It didn’t seem to be working until Steve said--or did--something, and then suddenly Eddie was taking in a shuddering, wobbly breath, eyes darting to look up into Steve’s. He took the mug much the same way Gareth had, though he blanked his face out a hell of a lot faster.)
“Glowing green goo. It’s--wait, where’d that guy go, he explained it really well.” Dustin leaned his entire body out from the couch, looking towards the wall of Hellfire members. “Hey, you! Stuck Stewart!”
Grant and Jeff slid away from Stewart immediately.
Who pointedly dumbly towards himself, squawking out a startled, “Me?”
“Yes, you.” Dustin said, like this was a fucking gameshow. “Tell Hop what you told me.”
As Hopper turned to face them with a startled expression, it became evident that he was just now realizing the teenagers in the kitchen weren't the ones he had expected to encounter.
His gaze swept over them in a clinical assessment, as if memorizing their faces so he could write them up later. Each of them let out a sigh of relief when he moved onto the next person, before his eyes landed on Eddie--and stayed.
“Munson?” He hissed, causing half of Hellfire to flinch.
To Eddie’s credit, he didn't react. Just reclined in the chair like he owned it, and raised the mug of chocolate Steve had just let go of.
“Nice jammies, Hop.” He said in lue of a greeting.
“Ignore him.” Dustin demanded, in a tone that had Jeff and Grant both side eyeing him. “The glowing goo is the important thing here.”
He gestured with his hand in a 'get on with it' motion, shooting an impatient look at Stewart.
Who audibly swallowed.
“So there uh, there was a rumor…” Stewart started, the story coming out in jerky, hesitant waves.
He kept looking at Hopper as if the man would interrupt him at any minute, and Gareth couldn’t tell if he was hoping to be cut off or happy to be allowed to talk.
He got it all out though--the rumors about the goo, the weird trucks and people loitering around town.
How a friend (omitting, Gareth noted with muted amusement, that Mikey was both an adult and the Hideout’s bartender) put it all together, spun it up into some crazy conspiracy theory and fed it to half the town’s best gossips.
The entire time Stewart spoke, Hopper was staring Eddie down.
Hellfire didn’t miss it.
Joyce didn’t either, and even Jonathan looked a bit fidgety.
(The kids looked perfectly fine, but then, they didn’t seem to realize Hopper wasn’t exactly focused on the whole goo thing.)
Stewart’s story ended, tailing off awkwardly when it became clear he had nothing else to add, and that everyone was waiting for Hopper to say something.
“Jim…” Joyce started, tone low in warning, which seemed to kickstart the chief back to life.
“Right. So we have one group of dumbass teenagers who went into the lab on a dare,” Hopper drawled, in that “don’t you bullshit me” tone cops just loved to use, “a second group of dumbass children who went in because they apparently, haven’t learned their lesson about meddling in government affairs, and Munson here—-”
Hopper flicked a hand at Eddie.
“—-was involved because his friends called him for help and not because the lab is the perfect spot to get high with a large number of people. Do I have that right?”
They all exchanged a nervous look with one another, but no one said a word.
Hellfire as a whole was used to getting their shit rocked by teachers, shop owners, and occasionally, the cops (usually an idiot who wanted to throw their weight around by busting up band practice or searching a car for drugs).
Pissing off the Chief of police though? That was an activity Eddie typically did solo.
And boy was Hopper pissed off, fury building waves as he leaned in like a predator opening its mouth right before it ate its prey.
“This shit? The Upside Down, monster shit? Isn’t something I screw around with. Especially not when my daughter’s involved. So we’re going to try this again, and this time, I want to hear the truth.”
He held up a hand to halt the explosion of protests from the kids section without bothering to even look in their direction.
“From Munson.” He finished, crossing his arms over his chest.
Eddie answered by taking a noisy slurp from his mug.
Gareth winced, but this sort of back and forth was par the course for a Munson-Hopper encounter, and he knew better than to get in the middle of it.
Steve, apparently, did not.
“Stewart just told you the truth.” He said flatly, giving Hopper a look that was just as stubborn as the chief’s own.
Who very much did not appreciate it.
“You said it yourself.” Steve interrupted, holding firm against the chief’s scowl. “The Upside Down isn’t something we screw around with.”
“Tell him, Steve!” Dustin crowed from the couch.
“Shut it.” Steve and Hopper responded in unison, and then did a remarkable job of pretending they hadn’t said a word.
(Gareth had the worst vision of Steve in an alternate life as a police officer. A deputy maybe, with shaved hair, constantly chewing on tobacco and fucking up poor people’s lives. He’d probably have an obnoxious nickname. Like Gator or some shit.
Thank God Hellfire had gotten there first.)
“I was there when they called Eddie.” Steve continued, before Hopper could growl something out. “If we were all doing drugs, we’d still be high, and Eddie wouldn’t have teeth marks in his thigh.”
There was yet another pause, in which Gareth was fairly sure the tension was going to give him a heart attack.
Within it, Hopper did a double take, noting Eddie’s injury for the first time--and how he only had one pant leg, the other replaced by a stark white bandage and pale skin.
“Fine.” He grit out, teeth clenched so tight Gareth thought they might shatter against each other. “Is there anything else I should know about the ‘goo story’ then?”
“You missed the part where El wouldn’t let us call you, because she felt you wouldn’t listen to her.” Mike snarked from El’s right.
“Wonder why.” Max added darkly, from her own spot on El’s left. “Don’t you have a walkie? Why didn’t you answer the code red?”
Apparently, they had decided Steve had won this entire exchange, and it was safe to dogpile on their own displeasure. Gareth was absolutely astounded that the glare Hopper turned their direction didn’t melt them all on the spot.
(Likely, given how this all seemed to be a normal encounter for everyone involved, they were used to it.
Gareth was very much not.)
Hopper whipped his head around to Mike, anger still simmering, “And I’m sure you, Michael Wheeler, didn’t have any qualms about not calling me.”
“He did not want me to go either.” El said bluntly. “I told him you would not listen, and if either of you stopped me, people would die.”
She nodded then, towards Stewart, as if to indicate he was one such person.
For the second time that night, Stewart pointed at his own chest, eyes saucer wide.
“No one else,” El finished grimly, “will die.”
The chief dragged his hands through his hair and then down his face.
“Alright.” He forced out. “I get your point-- but! We’re talking about how you went about this later. Not now!” He added, before the kids could erupt. “Later!”
“So what are we going to do about the Manticore?” Mike spat the question more so than he said it, but Gareth was happy someone was bringing that part up.
Because monster problem or not--what the fuck were they going to do about it?
Since the Chief of Police was here, did that mean the entire police force knew there were monsters in Hawkins? Was there some kind of--monster hunting squad that went around at night?
The more he thought about it the more questions he had, and in turn, the more Gareth’s anxiety threatened to mutiny once again, which was not helped by the concussion he was positive he’d acquired.
Hopper scoffed, “We are not doing anything. We are going back to bed after I call your parents and tell them you’ve been out all night!”
Groans filled the room, the sound of children facing a future grounding, en mass.
“Then,” he continued loudly, “I’ll call Owens.”
“And if Owens doesn’t do anything?” Dustin challenged. “‘Cause he clearly didn’t clean up well last time. Are we just going to let a manticore run around? What if more come through? What if--”
“Just because none of you trust me doesn’t mean I don’t do my job,” Hopper interrupted, “which includes knowing what to do if this shit came back. We adults did discuss that after last time, believe it or not.”
Gareth was old enough to school the doubt off his face, but the kids had no such qualms.
“What Hop means is that we need to have a little more faith in him.” Joyce soothed, and Gareth noticed that unlike a lot of adult men he’d been around, Hopper let her. “He’ll make sure it’s taken care of.”
“This just means we’re waiting until he falls in a hole again.” Mike stage whispered to Will, who coughed hard to hide his laugh.
“There aren’t any holes this time!” Hopper screeched, voice rising in pitch.
“Okay, okay, enough.” Joyce pacified, moving to stand in the middle of the room (notably,between the harpy children and Hopper). “What’s important is that everyone lived, we know there’s a thing in the lab, and that no one is going back for it until it’s dead. Agreed?”
She paused, and when no such agreements came, hardened her voice in a way that had every person under eighteen snapping to attention. “Agreed!?”
“Yes.” Chorused the children (and at least three members of Hellfire.)
“Good.” Joyce nodded so hard her hair bounced. Putting her hands on her hips, she added; “Now we start the process of getting all of you home.”
“Someone get me the phone, we’re starting with you Wheeler.” Hopper tacked on.
Mike just flung himself back into the couch with a dramatic eye roll and a not so subtle raise of his middle finger.
“As for the rest of you, get out.” Hopper said, weaving past Steve to get to the phone in the kitchen.
A second later, when it was clear no one had moved, he poked his head around the corner.
“Do I need to call all your parents too?” He demanded, as Hellfire dumbly stood there. “Get!”
Hellfire got.
Hopper grabbed Steve right before he’d left, muttering something about needing to talk to him and Jonathan.
Eddie chose to hang back, propping himself on the van's hood, and Gareth, not wanting to go home, opted to keep him company
“Hopper’s not going to eat him.” He whispered, when two minutes dragged into seven and the fidgeting got to be too much for him.
“True, but he's catching hell because Hopper's not buying his story." Eddie retorted, voice equally hushed.
As if raising their voices might summon Hopper and his fiery temper right to them.
"It's nothing we haven't heard before," Gareth remarked, resisting the urge to suggest once more that Eddie get off his leg and go sit in the car.
“There weren't monsters before.” Eddie countered, mouth around a hangnail.
“Doesn’t matter.”
“It might.” Eddie muttered darkly. “If Hopper makes it matter, it fucking might.”
“How the hell is Hopper going to make it matter?" Gareth mused aloud, though deep down, he already knew.
Eddie was Hellfire's guardian, both within and beyond the school walls. Being with him meant having a shield to hide behind, protection against the casual cruelty the people of Hawkins were so fond of.
Sure, there were mean kids, nasty teachers, and even the occasional unpleasant gas station attendant, but they weren't the real issue—not by a long shot.
It was the ones who looked at Eddie and truly believed some of the bullshit.
Hopper didn’t act like the church folk. The ones who sent their pastors and youth leaders out on the warpath, knocking on doors and setting up outside of businesses.
Those individuals had attempted to drive away Eddie's friends before, thinking they could "rescue them" in the process—Gareth himself had once endured a week of being stalked by some idiot he had stood up to in Eddie's defense.
The man had made it his mission, and Gareth, too young at the time to know better, had felt helpless as every adult he turned to dismissed the blatant stalking.
All because that "nice" youth leader claimed he just wanted to help.
The asshole had practically hunted Gareth down-- always making himself known, always accompanied by a friend or two. A couple of little comments in his pocket, ready and waiting, and a grin that didn’t match his eyes.
The words he said weren’t threats, but the tone he said them in was.
Eddie got it worst of all of them though, when the church crowd started.
Their attention wasn’t always on him, and truthfully they hadn’t really put any real energy into their own bullshit for a few years now--but they always came back to him.
Like he was an old and favored chew toy, and if they just tried hard enough, they’d crack him in two.
Which meant this wasn’t about what Hopper said.
It’s what he could do.
Thankfully Steve appeared before Eddie could spiral further, looking surprised to see them still waiting.
“Oh.” He ran a hand through his hair as he came down the stairs. “You guys didn’t have to stay.”
Eddie shot him a flat look.
"And leave you alone with Hopper?"
"I wasn't exactly alone, but thanks."
Steve's smile was slight, tinged with relief, and Eddie fell right into him, leaning into Steve's space (and making a show of his limp as he did).
“We were going to ask if you’re coming back with us anyway. Figure you might not want to go back to your place after tonight.” He said, as if he and Gareth had discussed any such thing.
You waited outside just to tell me that?" Steve asked, a hint of amusement in his voice as he gently pushed Eddie back. "Ed, you should be sitting in your car, off that leg."
(Not that Steve wanted Eddie to go far, Gareth noted with his own amusement, as Steve stepped to follow.)
"I tried telling him that, but he wouldn't listen!" He tattled to Steve, simply because he could.
He got a middle finger behind Eddie’s back in retaliation.
“I figured it’d piss Hopper right off if I offered you a place to crash right after he warned you away from me.” Eddie said, ignoring the both of them.
“He didn’t warn me away.” Steve said, beginning the process of herding the older teen into his van.
Eddie let out a snort. "Seriously? That wasn't a full-blown 'rethink your life choices, hanging out with trash like him' speech?”
“You’re not trash.”
Eddie snorted again, hasher this time before glancing away.
He was entirely unprepared for Steve to reach out, catching him by the arm much the same way Hopper had caught him.
“Eddie.” Steve said, abruptly serious. “You’re not trash.”
He said it like he meant it, voice low, eyes drilling into Eddie’s.
Gareth couldn't tear his own eyes away, even though that stare wasn't even intended for him.
“No one here is trash,” Steve declared firmly. “Hopper was just asking if Jonathan and I could babysit El for a couple of nights while he’s working. But even if he had tried to tell me I couldn't hang out with you, I would have told him to shove it. Like you said earlier today—we don’t abandon our friends, and we don’t leave them to deal with stuff alone.”
Gareth knew his best friend like the back of his hand and that level of honesty?
It was too much for Eddie, and normally, he’d run.
Was in fact, a little more than infamous for bolting when confronted about his own insecurities.
Maybe it was because Eddie's leg was in no shape for him to run, or maybe it was the reassuring grip of Steve's hand on his arm. It could even have been the intensity in Steve's gaze, as if he could convince Eddie of anything just by staring at him--but Eddie didn’t move.
He didn't even avert his gaze, although Gareth half expected him to.
“If you say so.” He tried to sing-song the words but they fell flat. “Let’s go, the Munson couch awaits us.”
Steve didn’t say anything about how Eddie pulled himself away, backing out of range.
He watched him though.
Even after Eddie had turned around, waving a hand at Gareth to get into the drivers seat.
Steve kept watching until Gareth nudged him out of it, murmuring a quiet “Come on, dude” to get him going too.
Saw the little frown line burrow its way into Steve’s forehead, like he’d figured out part of a puzzle that had long evaded him, and didn’t like the answer he’d come too.
(Gareth himself didn’t have time for any such revelations, given he faced the monstrous task of driving Eddie’s van.
His learners permit quaked in his wallet at the mere thought, but somehow, they made it back in one piece anyway.)
Steve had reassured them that feeling restless was normal after….
(There wasn’t a word strong enough to capture the intensity of the last few hours.
Gareth eventually stopped trying, accepting it as a blur of horror, anxiety, and impending dread. It felt like a nightmare that others remembered vividly but faded for him, like a movie becoming less real once you left the theater.)
Their conversation centered around going through the last few years, Steve filling in holes that made life make a hell of a lot more sense compared to all the bullshit the government had come up with.
None of it sounded real, and several pieces had Eddie and Gareth both gawking, but after the lab?
Not a part of it could be easily discounted.
Gareth couldn’t pinpoint when he finally succumbed to sleep.
Hadn’t intended too, and knew immediately upon clawing back to reality that his back was in a world of hurt from the way he’d curled into Wayne’s ancient armchair.
It was still dark outside, the lights warm on the inside of the trailer, and he figured he couldn’t have been out for long.
The blurry red 5:05 from his watch confirmed his suspicions, and Gareth got two seconds to wonder if this is his life now--catching whatever sleep he can in weird little bursts-- before harsh whispering picked up to his left.
The Munson’s living room was small. Small enough for Eddie to know better about how the sound carries, even if he was whisper-fighting.
Or at least, whisper-arguing, anyway.
“I just wish you’d see yourself the way everyone else sees you.” Steve was saying, sounding both bitchy and confused. Like he couldn’t quite believe he was having such a stupid conversation, but was going to point out the obvious anyway.
Eddie wasn’t doing much better, his words as sharp as the knife he’d used to stab the manticore.
“What, as the town freak? The local satanist? The ugly queer who's out to steal the children?”
Gareth managed to sneak a peak in time to see Eddie’s face twisted in disgust.
“Not those assholes--the ones that know you. Everyone that matters.” Steve countered, easily and immediately. “The Hellfire Club, Wayne, Dustin.”
There was a pause, but he could have sworn he heard Steve follow up with a quiet but hopeful, “Me.”
Gareth twisted ever so slightly, giving himself an eyeful of the room.
Both his friends sat on the couch facing each other. They were close, like they’d been sharing snacks or body heat before things had gone south, Eddie’s hands nearly missing smacking into Steve’s face as he gestured.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” Steve continued doggedly.
Eddie’s hands froze in air, before he could make whatever gesture he’d intended.
“I said I’m sorry.” Steve repeated, that painful sincerity Gareth would have never guessed him capable of on full display. “For the part I played in calling you all that shit. You’re none of those things, Eddie. You’re the opposite of all of it.”
The hands dropped into Eddie’s lap, like twin birds shot out of the sky.
“I am, though.” He muttered.
Steve’s frown deepened, his reassurance quick. “No, you’re not.”
“Yeah, Steve. I am.”
“Okay, fine.” Angry, Steve leaned forward into Eddie’s space.
Backed into the side of the couch and wall as he was, it trapped Eddie quite nicely.
“I know the parents down at the church don’t know the difference between D&D and actual demons, but I do. So unless you suddenly learned how to be quiet about fucking ritual sacrifice of all things, then I refuse to buy that you’re a literal Satanist and not just engaging in the drama.”
Gareth saw the moment Eddie realized he was pinned, that he wasn’t getting out of his conversation without shoving Steve back.
Knew this was building into a blow up before Eddie’s mouth even opened.
“I’m not a Satanist, but I definitely am queer.” He shot back, eyes hard. “So you can shove whatever grand ideas you’re having about my character back up your ass.”
Gareth hadn’t moved much, years of living with his siblings making it possible to watch what’s happening without alerting anyone in the room that he was awake, but he almost ruined it with how quickly he sucked in his own breath.
Steve was a good guy.
Had been a good guy to them, but there have been plenty of other “good guys” Gareth knew who suddenly weren’t so great the second Eddie’s sexuality came up.
It’s why Gareth himself hadn’t often admitted to his own muddled sexuality, too afraid of getting the same bullshit aimed his way.
Why would anyone want to pursue men, after watching more than a few realize they liked Eddie and promptly lose their shit so hard they became a danger to any man who so much as looked at them the wrong way?
It was terrifying--and so was the realization that Gareth can’t kick Steve’s ass. 
He doesn’t want to even try, but gets himself ready for emotional upheaval anyway--and whatever may come after.
Even if they’re all dead on their feet from fighting a literal monster.
‘Excellent fucking timing Eds.’ He thought sourly, despite the guilt of thinking it. It’s not Eddie’s fault--and Steve’s reaction, whatever it may be, isn’t either.
'God does it suck to be gay in a rural ass, small town.'
Thankfully, Steve doesn’t pull away.
Doesn’t act like Eddie’s got a contagious disease like some of the basketball team does, or like it’s his God given duty to either rid the earth of him now that Eddie’s finally admitted to what half the town has accused him of being, or have some violent crisis over his own clearly repressed gay crush. 
Is still very much in Eddie’s space, even if he’s being awfully quiet--for long enough that Gareth can see Eddie start to shut down.
“Okay.” Steve said finally, clearly knowing he needs to say something but seemingly struggling to figure out what, “But you’re not evil, and you’re definitely not stealing children, so you’re beating out the US government.”
“Oh boy, I beat out the government that’s kidnapping and torturing people! Such a high bar.”
Steve winced. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Yeah? What did you mean then?” Eddie challenged. “We both know you’re not the kind to want to associate with the queers.”
“I didn't, I--” Steve took a breath, fumbling and knowing it. “I know I've been an asshole in the past, and I also know I was wrong."
He stared hard at Eddie. "I don’t care if you’re gay. That doesn’t, that shouldn’t--matter.”
Eddie met his gaze. 
“I don’t believe you.” 
Between them sat all the times Steve, or a former friend of his, decided a random victim was queer. The knowing smirks and taunts that followed after they spewed out various slurs.
How some of the rumors they started stuck around. 
Steve had never really engaged with a lot of the bullying people often attributed to him as King of the Jockstraps, but he wasn't an innocent bystander either, and Gareth couldn't fault Eddie for challenging that change of heart. 
Even now, after Steve had long vacated his throne. 
“Well that sucks for you then, doesn’t it?” Steve snapped. “Because I’m not going anywhere, Munson. You can mack on some dude all you like, and I’m still going to be there to remind you you’re not evil for doing it. Or for being into nerdy shit and terrible music!”
“My music isn’t terrible!” Eddie screeched automatically.
Gareth anticipated Eddie calling out Steve on his obvious bait—seriously, that wouldn’t have worked in a game even with a nat 20—but found himself underestimating Steve's bantering skills as their ex-jock just plowed right ahead.
“It is! It’s just--screaming. Screaming with loud ass guitars!”
“Oh my God, I am going to sit you down and make you listen to so many albums. The screaming is a core part of the range of emotions in the songs--”
“Range? Eddie there isn’t any range, it’s just dudes who are angry--”
“Fuck you, it is not!” Eddie was howling, both of them too into their argument to remember they were trying to be quiet to begin with.
“I bet you five dollars! Five entire dollars, that you could not find me a singular song I like out of your entire metal collection.”
“Ten dollars! And the largest Pizza this shithole town has to offer!”
“Deal!” Steve shouted, chest heaving.
They breathed together for a moment, before the tension between them fizzled out, fading into something more uncertain.
Delicate, even though Gareth was fairly certain Steve had expertly maneuvered Eddie right where he wanted him.
Eddie seemed to realize it too, folding back into himself as he tugged a finger around his hair, pulling it in front of his face.
“You really wouldn't care if I kissed a guy in front of you?” Eddie's question isn't overtly vulnerable, but Gareth knows better.
He understands the significance of this.
Of Steve’s acceptance, more than anyone else's.
The jock had become so deeply bonded to them—all of them—that the rejection would wound Eddie in a way few could truly understand. Crack his otherwise impenetrable shield, the ricochet tearing through a substantial portion of his resilience.
“And I'd probably tell you to find a room, but hey, I said that to Tommy and Carol too,” Steve retorts, nudging Eddie's thigh.
Eddie rewards him with a small smile
Steve seems to know more is needed, and offers it up right alongside his heart. “I’m serious. I know I kinda butchered it but--the queer thing shouldn’t be a problem to begin with. It’s stupid that it is.”
"Steven Harrington, did I just witness personal growth?" Eddie teased, his smile widening. "What's next, admitting that college sports are ridiculous?"
“Don’t be a dick,” Steve scoffed, but his own smile mirrored Eddie’s as he looked away. 
Despite his head still partly tucked into his arm, Gareth found himself grinning.
It was a welcome relief after an otherwise horrific night.
Sensing it was now or never, Gareth made a show of untangling himself, stretching upward with a moan that startled both Eddie and Steve.
“Be careful saying that shit, Steve,” He said, jerking a thumb towards his best friend. “He’ll take it as an invitation to make out with people in front of you.”
Eddie gasped, hand flying over his heart in mock offense.
“I would never!”
“He’s a real horndog, once he even tried to make out with a guy on stage on top of my drumset.” Gareth continued, sticking out his tongue.
He deserved the pillow thrown his way but Gareth took the hit with grace, laughing as Eddie huffed at him.
“For the last time I wasn’t making out with that guy, he was trying to punch me!”
“With his mouth?”
“With his head, which you damn well know."  Eddie accused, clawing blindly for another pillow. "Gareth you are shameless, how long have you been listening in!?”
“As much as I enjoy the calming effects of mindless screaming, I'd wager it was when you guys conveniently forgot I was in the room."
“I take it you uh, know?” Steve injected hesitantly, eyes moving between Eddie and Gareth and oh--oh, he was being protective.
'That’s cute.' Gareth thinks.
Even if he’s rolling his eyes at the very idea that he posses any kind of threat.
“Dude, I clocked Eddie before he clocked me.” He said, just to take some heat from Eddie--and because it was one of the few opportunities where he could say it. “We’ve spent many a math period discussing if Sting was hotter than Axl Rose.”
If Eddie can be brave, Gareth could too.
“You did not.” Eddie spits back, the offense mounting. “You absolutely did not clock me first you lying liar--”
“Oh.” Steve blinked, finger flicking out between them as if he’s connected two dots and feels awfully stupid about not seeing it before. “I uh, I didn’t, are you guys--”
And oh, the horror that crashes into Gareth when he figured out what Steve was asking.
“No! God no.” Gareth shuddered, delighting in the way Eddie’s jaw crashed down at the sight. “And if I ever consider it, I need you to take me out back and shoot me, Steve. Right between the eyes, for the greater good.”
“Wow Gary, just stick a knife in my back why don’t you--”
“I’m gonna be real,” Steve cut in, before they could fake-argue their way into a real fight, “I never actually thought about liking both. Guys and girls, I mean.”
He blushed, as both Gareth and Eddie turned to look at him.
“Oh Stevie,” Eddie cooed, “there are so many more options than just "liking both.”
He made air quotes with his fingers, attention immediately diverted away from murdering Gareth with whatever objects he could grab. 
Steve gave him a side eye that was more than well deserved.
“I feel like I don’t want to know.” He said flatly.
“Too late.” Gareth told him, resigned. “You get to hear the speech now.”
“There’s a speech?”
“Steve, it's me. Of course there’s a speech.” Eddie tutted, resettling himself on the couch so that he’s sitting cross legged. “It’s an hour long so strap yourself in big guy, we have a lot of ground to cover!”
Crisis firmly averted, Gareth curls back up in the chair, tired smile on his face as Steve and Eddie go right back to bantering, the tension having vanished from the room.
This is a rare outcome, given their life and the world they live in, but one Gareth’s incredibly thankful for.
Can’t quite believe it, but then, King Steve had surprised a lot of them ever since he’d hung up his crown.
Perhaps Hellfire was a good influence on people after all.
Back at the Byers, outside on the front porch, Hopper and Joyce were arguing over a cigarette.
(They both believe they’re being very quiet about it, but the pillow Jonathan had jammed over his ears said otherwise.)
“Remind me to make you work on your approach with disciplining children.” Joyce was saying, as she snatched the cigarette out of Hopper’s hands.
“What?! I thought that went pretty well considering they broke back into the lab and almost killed themselves.” He responded, waiting until she’d taken a deep inhale before trying to get it back.
“And I’m sure taking potshots at the poorest kid in the room was a necessary part of that process. It’s probably written down in the police handbook, even.”
“I wasn’t taking potshots Joyce--”
“No, of course not, you were just throwing random criticism and assumptions around, willy nilly and--oh, wait, that’s the exact definition of a potshot--”
“He deals drugs! Look me in the eyes and tell me Munson doling out weed doesn’t make more sense then the lot of them chasing down some--some goo story!?”
There’s a weighty pause, in which one can only imagine Joyce Byers face says more words than her mouth ever could.
It was very impactful.
“I mean--okay, maybe not our kids, but the teenagers?” Hopper’s voice dives into a disbelieving kind of whine, reserved for those who are aware the point they’re arguing may in fact, be wrong, but are desperately defending it anyway. “Come on. Drugs is the clear answer!" 
“Even if that was what was happening, then you shouldn’t be discussing it in a room full of children who have survived what those kids have, Jim. It could have been a separate conversation, given in a much calmer and less threatening tone of voice.”
“Oh my God, Joyce--”
“Don’t you ‘oh my God!’ me, you asked for lessons on being a better parent and I am holding you to them!”
There’s a brief scuffle over the cigarette, as both seem to realize Joyce is letting it smoke out in her hand.
She does not stop talking however, even as their hands slap at each other. 
“That includes parenting the teenagers in this town, because in case you haven’t noticed, you’re the Chief of police! So you signed up to see them all at their worst, and you get to deal with the fallout of that!”
“Fine! Fine. I’ll apologize to the goddamn high school drug dealer. Is that what you want!?”
Another pause, this one filled with that awkward sort of tension when an argument has fizzled out, and neither party knows quite where they stand with each other yet.
“What voice am I supposed to use?” Hopper mused, finally winning the bid for the cigarette and jamming it into his mouth.
“Anyone except the grumbly bear voice.”
“The grumbly bear voice?”
“You know,” Joyce drops her own voice in a comical rendition of Hopper’s, “How dare you kids run off! You’ll be the death of me and this town!”
She laughs, and Hopper, shockingly, laughs along with her.
“I don’t sound like that.” He defends, bumping Joyce gently with his shoulder, and she in return, bumps him right back.
Both of them grinning, both of them blushing a little.
They keep talking, the cigarette eventually put aside and forgotten as they do.
Truth be told, they hadn’t needed it--but the excuse was nice.
(Inside, Jonathan rolled the pillow on top of his face in a suffocation attempt, unsure of what he’d done in life to deserve all this but desperately wishing he didn’t have to listen to his mother flirt.
Or worse--Hop flirting back.)
148 notes · View notes
steddiealltheway · 1 year
Part Six of Six of Meddling :( I'm so sad. Part One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Ao3 Link.
And I would once again like to dedicate this story to Cass (@henderdads). I hope it's as fluffy as you like <3
Eddie's location shows that he's back at his apartment like Robin had said. Steve isn’t sure why he thought he would be somewhere dramatic like on some random hill overlooking the city – especially since Eddie doesn’t like heights.  
So, Steve makes the quick drive over to his tiny apartment and sits in the parking lot. It’s going to be okay. It’s all going to be okay.  
They’re finally going to talk.  
Steve makes the familiar walk up to Eddie’s place and hesitates outside. There’s the loud sound of Eddie playing his electric guitar on the other side of the door. He sighs when he realizes it’s “Master of Puppets” which is his so called “battle song” whenever he’s about to face something really bad.  
Well, this isn’t good.  
Steve sits in front of the door and waits for the song to play out. He isn’t going to interrupt Eddie mid verse and piss him off any more than he already has.  
Two people end up passing him in the hall and giving him weird looks, but Steve just smiles up at them tightly and waves. He eventually closes his eyes and leans his head back against the door.  
He’s always enjoyed listening to Eddie play, but he’s never listened when he’s been the source of Eddie’s inspiration. He just wishes it was a good type of inspiration.  
As the song comes to an end, Steve tries to prepare himself to stand up and knock before Eddie starts another one. But he lingers when he hears Eddie curse under his breath and unplug his amp. He hears the muffled, “Goddamnit... lying... son of a... bitch. Oh, this is so stupid, this is so stupid. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.”  
And Steve is too busy feeling sorry for himself that he doesn’t register the words are growing louder as the sound of footsteps approach the door. Then, the door opens and Steve falls back against the ground.  
“Steve?” Eddie asks above him.  
Steve groans and grabs his head. He hopes this doesn’t trigger another concussion or migraine.  
“Shit,” Eddie says. He steps over Steve and holds his hand out to help him up. Steve grabs it and lets himself be pulled up and led to the couch. “I’ll be right back,” Eddie promises.  
Next thing he knows, Steve has an ice pack wrapped in a towel placed in his hand. He glances up at Eddie. “I’m fine. I don’t need this.”  
Eddie crosses his arms and looks down at him. “My apartment, my rules. Put the ice pack on your head.”  
Steve feels around for anywhere tender and hisses at one spot he touches a little too hard. It’s not raised or anything, plus he usually has too much adrenaline to feel pain after he’s gotten a concussion, so Steve is pretty sure it’s just a bruise. He puts the ice pack on it anyways, not wanting to argue with Eddie. “Can we talk?” Steve asks.  
Eddie shrugs and sits in the worn leather chair in his living room. “About what?”  
Steve tries not to roll his eyes. “About the fact that everything was going so well today, and we were supposed to talk until you saw that text from Jordan.”  
He watches as Eddie shifts uncomfortably in the chair and starts picking at his nails. He sighs and looks at Steve. “It’s fine. We were just doing a favor for Robin. We don’t have to make a big deal out of it. There was always a deadline for this whole relationship thing, and I just cut it off sooner than planned. But if she needs me there to make Veronica comfortable, then I don’t think she should date her.”  
Steve sighs and puts his head in his hand. He’ll have to touch on the whole Veronica thing later so Eddie doesn’t get sidetracked. He puts the ice pack on Eddie’s wobbly coffee table then rubs his hands up and down his legs nervously and asks, “What if I wanted to make a big deal out of it?”  
Steve runs a hand through his hair, trying to settle his nerves. “What if I wanted to make a big deal out of it because Jordan means nothing to me? I wasn’t lying earlier when I said I wasn’t seeing anyone. I hooked up with her three weeks ago and haven’t talked to her since.”  
Eddie just laughs and shakes his head. “You don’t get it, do you?”  
“What?” Steve asks exasperated because he would really love if Eddie explained things to him.  
But he isn’t prepared for Eddie to look him in the eye with so much hurt as he asks, “Steve, over the past three years since you’ve met me, do you remember me going out with anyone? Mentioning anyone?”  
Steve shakes his head. Honestly, it was just never something Eddie brought up. He just thought he wasn’t comfortable talking about those things.  
“I wasn’t lying tonight,” Eddie says. “Since the moment I met you, I have fallen for you so damn hard, but every single time I’ve thought the timing was finally right and I was about to confess my feelings, you’ve mentioned someone new. It’s been three years, Steve. Why did you never consider me?” Eddie’s voice breaks at the end.  
Steve shakes his head. “I just didn’t let myself think I had a chance with you.”  
“Bullshit,” Eddie says.  
Steve points at him. “Don’t use that word. You know what it means to me.”  
Eddie leans forward in his chair and slowly says, “I do, and that’s why I call bullshit.”  
It hurts hearing it from Eddie, so Steve stands up and starts heading to the door.
He stops in his tracks.
Maybe Eddie’s right. Maybe Steve needs to be honest with himself. He’s always thought of Eddie as a fantasy out of reach, and in the process, he’s set himself up on so many pointless dates that he knew wouldn’t go anywhere. He was honestly self-sabotaging since the moment he met Eddie because...  
He walks back to Eddie and stops in front of his chair. “I was scared, Eddie.”  
Eddie scoffs.  
This only makes Steve upset. He throws out his arms. “In the past three years, when have you ever seen me have a serious relationship?”  
Eddie is silent for a moment, considering before he answers, “Never.”  
“And why do you think that is?”  
Eddie shrugs. “Because you’re not a relationship guy?”  
“Bullshit,” Steve says. “It’s because I was scared of getting hurt again. You remember what I said today at the bar. The whole reason we were supposed to talk.” Eddie looks down. Steve swallows hard and drops to his knees in front of the chair, forcing Eddie to look at him. “I have been scared of you since the moment I laid eyes on you because I knew you could so easily break my heart.”  
Steve hesitantly puts his hands on Eddie’s knees and squeezes. “And I was scared of hurting you, too.” He pauses and adds, “Then, Dustin would kill me.”  
Eddie lightly laughs at that, and Steve’s heart soars. He laughs with him. “You know it’s true! He would kill the both of us if we hurt each other. God, he’s probably already going to kill me.”  
Eddie softly cups Steve’s cheek and says, “I wouldn’t let him do that to you.”  
Steve leans into his hand and turns to press a soft kiss against it. “Today was one of the best days of my life, and I don’t want to spend another second pretending that I would be okay not reliving it every day. So, can we please finally get the timing right, and will you please go out with me?”  
Eddie stares at him hesitantly and sighs with a smile. “Well, I feel obligated now that you’re on your knees practically begging for me to say yes.”  
Steve laughs and shoves his shoulder. “Shut up.”  
Eddie mimes zipping his mouth closed and throwing the key away.  
“Oh my gosh, Eddie, just say yes.”  
Eddie smiles with his lips still closed and gestures to his mouth then shrugs.  
Steve puts his head in his hands and asks, “Are you going to make me humiliate myself by trying to find the key?”  
He gets a tap on his shoulder, and he looks up to find Eddie nodding with an evil smile.  
Steve sighs and stands up. “Why can’t I just have a normal boyfriend?”  
“Can’t call me your boyfriend when I haven’t said yes,” Eddie argues then slams his hand over his mouth.  
Steve just laughs as Eddie’s hand slowly slides down to reveal his big smile. Steve grabs both of his hands and pulls him up into a hug. He holds on tight as Eddie slowly wraps his arms around him.  
“Yes, by the way,” Eddie whispers into his ear.  
Steve pulls back. “Yes?” he asks.  
Eddie nods with a breathtaking smile. “Yes.”  
Steve lets out a sigh of relief before pulling Eddie into a kiss - their first kiss as a real couple.  
They both smile into the kiss, pulling away every so often to laugh and whisper things like, “I can’t believe this is finally happening,” and “I’m your boyfriend,” and “You’re my boyfriend.”  
And yes, all of those comments end up being Eddie as Steve confirms each with another kiss. But they both end up smiling so hard that they have to pull away and rest their heads against each other.  
“Jesus H. Christ,” Eddie says, “How long are we going to have to lie to Veronica about when our relationship started.”  
Oh no.  
Steve sighs and pulls Eddie to the couch. “You might want to sit down for this...”  
He recalls what Robin and Nancy told him, and Eddie ends up nodding and saying, “Yeah, I was wondering how Veronica would feel about Nancy and Robin being so weirdly close. But this makes way more sense.” Steve finds his reaction to be way more tame than his until he asks, “Want to go over there and make them pay?”  
Steve shakes his head with a smile. “I think making them wait in suspense is the best way to torture them.”  
“And how long do we want to make them wait?”  
Steve shrugs. “A few hours, maybe longer.”  
Eddie smiles. “And what should we do during those hours?”  
Steve presses a kiss against Eddie’s cheek and says, “I have a few ideas.”  
“Me too,” Eddie says as he moves to capture Steve’s lips with his own.  
Steve can’t believe that this could’ve been his life for the past three years, but luckily, they have all the time in the world to make up for lost time.  
But they still should’ve done this way sooner.  
One year later...  
“Come on, Steve. We’re going to be late!” Robin yells.  
Steve stares at his reflection and fixes his hair a few more times before he pulls back to stare at his outfit. He laughs at the yellow sweater that Eddie insisted he had to wear on their one-year anniversary before running off to help Nancy with some emergency.  
He’s not sure why Robin didn’t leave instead of him considering that the two girls now live together, but he doesn’t question it too much. Eddie was ready, and Robin said she wasn’t.  
He’s also not sure why Robin is fussing so much about getting to the bar on time when the four of them could celebrate both their anniversaries at any time of the day.  
“Come on, Steve. We can’t keep Nancy and Eddie waiting for too long or else they’re going to have to keep stalling and insisting that two other people are coming. But what if they don’t believe them? What if they get kicked out for loitering, huh? Then, where are we going to celebrate at? There’s no fair this year, and I think Eddie would die if we made him ride the Ferris wheel again. So, hurry up!”  
Steve stops staring at himself and turns to face Robin who has been pacing in the doorway and frantically texting on her phone for the past five minutes. As far as Steve knows, they’re both going to be right on time and probably early if they leave in the next few minutes, He crosses his arms. “What are you hiding?”  
Robin looks at him with wide eyes, very much giving away that she is hiding something. “Nothing!” she squeals.  
Steve raises his eyebrows.  
Robin stutters a bit then sighs. “Fine, I’m just nervous about the gift I got for Nancy for our anniversary.”  
“I thought you already gave her it?”  
Robin’s eyes flicker to the left. Another giveaway that she’s lying. “It’s another gift.”  
Steve rolls his eyes and walks past her. “I know you’re hiding something from me, but you’re right. We’re going to be late if we don’t leave soon. So, let’s go, Buckley.”  
He keeps pressing it during the car ride over until Robin launches off on a rant about the new lingerie she bought for their anniversary that she doesn’t think Nancy will like and goes into far too much detail about it. So much so that she only finishes her rant once they’ve pulled into the parking of the bar.  
“Steve,” Robin says.  
Steve stops and turns to her.  
She says nothing.  
“What?” he asks.  
Then, he gets concerned as tears fill her eyes and she smiles wider. “Nothing, I’m just so happy.”  
Steve stares in horror and confusion as Robin gets weirdly emotional. “Yeah, okay, let’s get you to Nancy,” Steve says, stepping out of his car and following as Robin practically skips to the bar.  
He stares as she proudly holds the door open. Yeah, things are starting to get weird-  
He stops in the entrance to the bar and stares at the rose petals on the floor. What?  
There’s a guitar strum, and Steve watches as Eddie starts to play on the stage with the horrible acoustics. He recognizes the song from the first night they met, and stops in his place, as mesmerized as he was when he first saw him.  
He plays it the whole way through before he puts his guitar back in his case and comes back to the mic. “Hey, everyone, and especially you Steve.”  
Steve smiles but then startles as he notices there are definitely more people than just him and Eddie in the place. In fact, it’s... everyone he knows. Dustin... the rest of the party... even Eddie’s uncle Wayne is there.  
“A year ago, Steve and I finally got together after I pined after him since the first night we met here in this very bar. Now, the song I just played wasn’t romantic at all, but it’s the song I was playing when I first laid eyes on Steve. And I have never been the same,” Eddie says resting his hands over his heart in a mixture of sincerity and just for the dramatics. “But, a year ago, when we lied to the waiter about our anniversary and scored Robin here some free cake-”  
“Hey!” Robin interjects.  
Everyone laughs, but Steve, Eddie, and Nancy know it’s true.  
“Well, I told the waiter that in one year, I would be back to propose to Steve.”  
Steve’s heart skips a beat as it all connects. He feels tears fill his eyes much like Robin as Eddie gets off the shitty stage and makes his way to Steve. He takes his hands. “Steve, I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. And I can’t imagine a life where you’re not in it forever. And with that being said, I think it’s only fair that I get to be the one that goes down on one knee since you went down on two to ask me out.”  
“Gross,” Dustin says.  
“Not like that!” Eddie yells at him. He mumbles, “Christ, kid is going to ruin the damn moment.”  
Steve can’t help but think that nothing could ever ruin this moment.  
Eddie then pulls a ring box out of his back pocket and gets down on one knee. “Steve, will you marry me?”  
Steve feels a tear slip down his face as he nods and happily laughs out, “Yes.”  
He tugs Eddie up and hugs him tight, as everyone starts cheering and flooding around the two.  
Later, Dustin, Nancy, and Robin start arguing about who is the reason they got together, but the couple is quick to humble Robin and Nancy reminding them that they’re both the reason they almost ruined their relationship forever.  
Nancy apologizes as Robin argues that it still worked out in the end, but Dustin takes it as a victory.  
Eddie just laughs through it all, insisting that it was actually his impeccable guitar skills that got the two of them together, and they would be nowhere without it.  
But Steve knows deep down that no matter what universe they are in, he and Eddie would somehow end up together.
Thank you to my dear tag list and everyone for sticking around for this story and leaving such kind comments <3 I hope you enjoyed
Tag List:
@henderdads @little-gae-shit @dreamingtheimpossibe @leethegay @lazyavenuewhispers @olibxr @thegayestpersonever @heartsforhawke @estrellami-1 @messrs-weasley @evillitteguy @miss-hit @infrogulous @romanticdestruction @liz5100 @evix-syne666 @bebe07011 @corrodedseraphine @meganwinchester @manda-panda-monium @heartdinosblog @ellietheasexylibrarian @newtstabber @irregular-child @turboprops69 @envyadams-vs-me @dude-as-in-i-love-u @slv-333 @jillfriend @goodolefashionedloverboi @steady-delusional-moonlover @scheodingers-muppet @sleepyboosstuff @cyranyx @bestwifehaver @marvel-ous-m @chaosgoblinreblogsthings @vampiregirl1797 @moltenchocolatelavacake
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halogalopaghost · 4 months
Doctor On Call
read on AO3
“Hey Donnie, is this infected?”
Donatello jerked away from his workstation as Mikey’s foot came down on it heel-first. A large nodule stuck out from the lateral interior of his foot—red, angry, and (oh, goody) leaking.
He wrinkled his nose and used his screwdriver to push the foot unceremoniously off his desk. “How’d you even manage to get a blister there? We don't wear shoes, Mikey.”
He laughed. “You’re tellin’ me, dude. But uh, it kinda hurts, so—”
Donnie heaved a long-suffering sigh. “Hang on, let me go sterilize a needle.”
“Y’know how you said to never remove a weapon if you’re impaled?”
Don swiveled around in his chair, only able to see a green and red blur through his magnifying visor. He pushed it up and away from his eyes with the back of his grungy hand, and found a little more red decorating the scene than he would have liked.
“Raphael,” he began evenly, “would you care to explain how this happened?”
Standing on the threshold of his brother’s lab, Raphael shifted from foot to foot. The sai embedded in his shoulder wobbled slightly, but he didn't so much as wince. “No,” he finally said.
Donnie put a hand to his face for a moment, drawing in a steadying breath. “At least have the decency to go get the suture kit, then.”
Raph grinned guiltily, then went for the kit.
“Heeey, Donnie,” Leo drawled.
Donatello froze, hunched over his workspace. “What did you do?”
Leo must have taken that as an invitation to enter, because his bare feet padded farther into the room, stopping just behind Don. He rested a hand heavily on his brother’s shoulder. “Why assume I did something? Do I need an ulterior motive to check in on my little bro?”
Donnie’s mouth thinned into a line as he stared bemusedly at his latest robotics project. “Well we could start with the slurred speech and the weave in your gait.”
He shrugged Leo’s hand off and turned around in the worn desk chair. It was lucky he did, it gave him just enough time to snatch Leo’s arm before he completely busted his shell. The fast-bruising welt on his head proved Don’s theory.  
“Did you hit your own head, or did Raph finally snap?”
For a second, Leo looked like he was going to deny it, then his shoulders fell and he sighed. “I lost a fight with the cabinet above the stove. Think you could check for a concussion?”
“Only if I get lifetime mocking rights,” he shot back. “Fearless Leader Felled by Cast Iron Pan From Above, what a headline.”
Leo sat heavily on the spare stool. “Fine, fine.”
Don plucked his penlight from the pencil cup and swiveled toward his brother. “See, this is why Mikey doesn’t let you in the kitchen.”
“Excuse me, Donatello.”
Donnie startled in his chair. Master Splinter always surprised him like that; he could hear his brothers coming from a mile away, but never their father. He stood and turned to face him, bowing quickly. “Yes, Sensei—oh.”
Master Splinter stood on the threshold of the lab, holding out his shaking paws—the pads of which were an angry red, and growing blisters quickly. Donatello practically picked his father up in the process of getting him to a place to sit down.
“Leo!” He hollered in the general direction of the dojo, hoping that’s where his brother was. “Bring ice! Sensei, you should have put these under the faucet immediately,” he chided softly.
“Yes, my son, I realized that halfway here.” He chuckled, despite how painful it must have been to have Donnie poking and prodding at his hands. “What is it that you say? Six, half dozen?”
Donnie laughed too, he couldn't help it. Anything sounded like a wise old Japanese proverb when Master Splinter said it. And the fact that his first thought had been to go to his son…well, Donnie knew he was no doctor, but it was touching how much trust his family placed in him.
Leo, bless him, showed up less than sixty seconds later with ice wrapped in a thin dish towel. “Sensei!” He sucked a breath through his teeth, catching a glimpse of his burned paws before Donnie placed the ice on top of them. “What happened?”
He looked at his sons from beneath his thick brows, one ear twitching. “We shall tell your brothers a different story, but…I was trying to make tea,” he finally relented.
Donnie’s hand audibly smacked against his forehead. Leave it to the master ninja to give himself partial thickness burns with a pot of water.
Leo laid a hand on Sensei’s shoulder. “We’ll tell Raph and Mikey that you were training and save you the torment.”
Sensei laughed again, more heartily this time. “Thank you, my sons.”
Donnie took the ice away from his hands. “Hmm, that doesn't look good. Let's go back to the kitchen and run them under water, okay?”
“Of course, Donatello. Thank you.”
Holding onto Sensei’s elbow as they left for the kitchen, Donnie beamed at the praise.
Three things happened at once: first, a string of very colorful language drifted from Donnie’s lab over to where his three brothers sat in front of the television; the power flickered twice and then cut out; and in the very brief, very dark silence that followed, the fire alarm in Donnie’s lab began shrilling.
All three of them jumped up without a word to one another, expertly navigating their home in the dark. 
“Donnie!” Leo called, skidding into the dark lab.
Raphael clambered on top of a workbench to silence the alarm, sending Donnie’s projects and gadgets tumbling all over. There was no fire, just the smell of smoke.
“Don?” Leo tried again. He stilled, briefly confused that he couldn't find his brother in the dark. Usually he would at least hear his breathing—
Oh shell, he wasn't breathing.
The three of them realized as one, and the scramble began anew. Leo fell to his hands and knees to find his brother, Mikey went for the emergency floodlight on the wall, and Raph left the lab altogether. By the time he came back with the AED, Leo was already halfway through a round of compressions.
CPR on a turtle was…complicated. Their hearts were dead center in their chest, to begin with, which meant ‘the medial joint of their plastron’s scutes prevented compressions too deep’, as Donatello had so technically said. Donnie assured them all that if a scute was cracked or bruised during compressions, it would be okay. But now that Leonardo actually had his brother's plastron beneath his palms, hearing and feeling the groan of it every time he pressed down, he didn't feel so certain.
Raph knelt on Donnie’s other side while Mikey stood over them with the flashlight, trying to illuminate as much of the scene as possible.
“Do you smell that?” Mikey asked, voice shaking.
Yeah, they smelled it. Burned flesh was hard to miss. But treating whatever other wounds Donnie had sustained had to come second to his heart.
Raph tore the paper off the AED pads and carefully placed them just like Don taught him, then pressed the on switch. They all nearly jumped out of their shells when Donnie’s voice, thin and tinny, came out of the AED. “Analyzing cardiac rhythm,” it said. 
Raph wanted to cover his ears. If the last time he heard his brother’s voice was from the stupid AED—
“Administering shock. Stay clear of the patient.”
“Clear,” Raph said.
“Clear,” both of his brothers echoed, Leo holding his hands up near his head to prove it.
“Shock will be delivered in 3…2…1…” Donnie jolted once as electricity shot through him. “Shock administered, check pulse and breathing and resume compressions if necessary.”
Raph put his fingers on Don’s neck, then shook his head. Leo moved to resume compressions, but he signaled him to stop. No, there was something there…
Both brothers froze.
“I have a pulse, but he’s not breathing.” Without giving his brothers any time to respond to that information, Raph lifted one meaty fist and brought it down hard on the center of Don’s chest. 
Donnie took a deep breath, eyes flying open in terror. He wobbled on his shell, off-balance in a panicked effort to flee. Three sets of hands came down on his chest to stop him.
“Donnie, don't move,” Leo said urgently. He took his brother’s pulse, actually timing it this time, and listened to his heavy, ragged breathing for a moment.
The power came back on.
“What the fuck, Don!” Raph yelled.
He looked between his brothers, clearly disoriented, but less panicked with a good view of his surroundings. “Sorry,” he gasped out. He accepted his their help as he struggled to sit up, hands over his plastron. “Ough, my chest. What happened?”
Leo grabbed his hands, flipping them palms up. He wrinkled his nose. Well, he figured out where the burned flesh smell came from—Donnie’s palms were both blistered and slightly charred, but it didn't seem to cover too much surface area.
“We were kinda hopin’ you could tell us,” Raph sighed out, adrenaline ebbing.
Donnie eyed the AED, then looked over Raph’s head up to his workstation. He blinked a few times, then smiled sheepishly. “I, uh. I think I forgot to unplug it.”
They followed Donnie’s eyes up to the unidentifiable appliance on the workbench. Whatever it was, Donnie had long stripped it of its housing and any other identifiable features. Other than that it was made of metal and plugged into the wall, they didn't have a clue what it was.
“You knucklehead,” Raph muttered. “I’d kill you if I hadn’t just finished savin’ your skin.” He ripped the pads off Don’s chest and tossed them in the AED bag, standing up to wash his hands of the whole affair.
Mikey scooted into Raph’s spot and threw his arms around Donnie’s neck. “Don’t ever do that again! I thought you were toast, bro!”
“Don’t do what again?” Splinter appeared in the doorway, body-blocking Raphael. He tapped his cane on the ground, whiskers twitching.
“Oh—Sensei, uh. I just had…an accident. Everything’s okay now. No need to worry.” He tried for a smile. It was too wobbly to be reassuring. 
He gave all four of his sons an incredibly unamused stare. They all ducked their heads, still unwilling or unable to stick their ground in the face of that all-knowing look. “Leonardo, how badly is he wounded?”
“It’s not too bad, Sensei.” He held Donnie’s burned hand out, showing him the minor damage. “I’m more worried about the fact that your heart stopped, Donnie.”
Donatello had the decency to look ashamed. “It probably didn’t stop,” he muttered. “Most likely, it was ventricular fibrillation.”
“Oh, that sure makes me feel better,” Raph drawled sarcastically. “I guess he’s fine, guys, let’s all hit the hay. Are you stupid, Donnie? No—don’t answer that.”
“I’m fine! You guys knew exactly what to do, so I'm fine. Just a little bruised up.”
Splinter, with his ears pressed flat against his head, closed his eyes momentarily and took a deep breath. “You four will be the end of me. Donatello, be honest—what side effects should we prepare for?”
He pulled his hands away from Leo, using the side of one to rub absently at his chest. “Uhh, nothing much. Just, uh, that my heart doesn’t…stop again. Or something like that.”
“Oh, sure, nothin’ too serious,” Raph scoffed.
Only the telltale twitch of their father’s whiskers alerted them to his vague irritation. “You will be sleeping in the infirmary bed tonight, my son. Come, help your brother up.”
Mikey and Leo got Donnie to his feet pretty quickly, and Raph put a hand on the back of his shell as if to say ‘there, I participated, are you happy?’ They helped him the few steps to the infirmary cot, which Donnie was surprised to actually need. Not only did his legs seem unwilling to comply—it seemed that the electricity had left an exit wound on the bottom of his left foot.
Master Splinter sat in the chair beside the cot, pulling the rolling cart of medical supplies closer to himself. “I will treat the burns while you set up the heart monitor.”
“Guys, really, I'm okay.” Even as Leo started sticking EKG nodes on him and Raph clipped the pulse oximeter on one green finger, he protested. “The likelihood of going into v-fib again is infinitesimal.”
“Ahh, darn, looks like we can't comply with your complaints if we can't understand the words yer usin’,” Raphael drawled.
Splinter gently drew Donnie’s burned hand into his own. “My son, it is you that so often cares for us when we are injured or unwell. Let us return the favor now and care for you.”
Donnie smiled in spite of himself, looking down at his lap as he felt heat rise in his cheeks. “Okay, I guess that makes sense. Thank you, Sensei.”
“Didja hit your head on the way down?” Raph asked, standing behind his head.
“Uh, I don't think so. No bumps, no headache.”
“Good.” A smack reverberated around the room. “Be smarter next time, genius.”
Don lurched forward, hands raised instinctively to protect the head that Raph smacked. “Ow! Talk about insult to injury!”
“That's actually injury to injury,” Raph corrected, leaning into his field of vision. “You die, an’ I'm gonna dig you up just to kill you again. You hear?”
Donnie winced as Master Splinter made his first pass with the antibacterial gel on his hand. “Loud and clear, boss,” he grumbled.
Maybe, just maybe, it would be okay to let himself be taken care of.
Just this once.
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msookyspooky · 3 months
  Fours a Franchise
Part 15
wordcount: 9,337
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Your phone rang, scaring all of you at the sudden loud noise…Who the hell could be calling you? What if it was Dewey telling you he knew exactly where you are and he was coming for you or already there? Or what about Gale to tell you she had evidence to back up Jill and you were finished? Your entire body froze as you felt like you didn't breathe for several rings.
Billy jerked to look at you from the kitchen. Worry and tension in his body language as well as Stu's.
Stu stiffened and sharply told you, “Man, turn that off!” Leery of being tracked.
Billy looked at you in warning as well.
You tentatively picked it up and you saw the caller ID across your screen.
…Karla Meeks.
“Do not answer that.” Billy ordered firmly. “I don't care who it is!”
“I…” You fumbled in thought. Guilt eating you alive.
Karla…God, how can you forget her in all this mess? Her husband is dead. You lost a friend but she lost her husband in such a savage way…And it was your fault even indirectly. If you hadn't let him go no matter how mad he was. If you wouldn't have seperated to talk to Billy and Stu in the first place. If you just stayed at his house and took the risk of being unknowingly across the street from one of the killers...None of this may have happened…You owed her somehow even just a voice. Someone did.
“Sweetcheeks, don't answer!” Stu agreed with him as Stu tried to get up from his chair but was having a tough time with how in pain he was. Letting out a sharp ‘Oof!’ noise of pain as he went to move with his injured ribs and internal injuries stitched up. His equilibrium was off too, no doubt from a concussion from the metal bed pan Jill beat him with.
Billy went to drag his bum leg towards you to grab that slighlty cracked smartphone. Damaged from falling off a roof and the night you had. Billy was too slow as you took a huge risk and answered it. It was just such a knee jerk reaction to answer the last friend you had in the world. You couldn't live with yourself missing that call…She was the only person that didn't look at you like a traitor or killer now.
Stu harshly whispered out with wide eyes, “Did you seriously just answer it? YN!”
“Goddamn you. Give it!-” Billy rubbed his face as you answered, still going to take it but you just scooted away as you had it on speaker phone. A familiar woman asking ‘hello?’ and saying your name repeatedly on the other line.
You swallowed and finally spoke. “...Karla?”  
“YN?...You answered. Oh God. Oh my God, YN… Where are you?” She drew out with such a heavy voice clad with woe and tiredness.
“I…Can't say.” Your eyes darted around as Billy and Stu watched with disapproval at you talking to her at all. Billy still trying to get that phone as you held up a pillow to block him. All of you with the fighting power of senior citizens with how banged up you all were. He gave up after a few attempts not nearly as much fight as he had in the hospital.
“Dewey, won't say either. But you were with Randy last night. Right? YN…YN, what happened?”
Your heart ached as you heard her voice tremble on the other line.
“YN, how did it happen? How did Randy-'' She sobbed out; losing her barely there composure on the other line. “Please, what happened? How did my husband get away from you, please…Please, YN, please I can't-”
Of all the things to make you instantly hurt; it was this. Karla and Randy's kids crying and talking in the background as you were frozen in your seat. You heard Mindy yell, ‘He's not dead!’ at the news. Refusing to believe at the tender age of 6 that her Daddy was gone.
It's like reality was fully setting in…You almost broke down when Randy saw Billy and Stu last night, when you found Randy dead last night, at the Meeks house, when you almost died twice, when Dewey wanted nothing to do with you, the car ride but…This was just too much after 24 hours of straight Hell.
You couldn't hold it in as tears sprung to your eyes and your lip wobbled. Quickly shoving your palm over your mouth to prevent it.
Billy watched with a tight stoic look. Mouth thin as he watched you, almost curious but slightly annoyed. Whether at you or the situation was debatable. Looking uncomfortable and even shocked at you crying after all these years of you never showing this side of you. Not to him, at least.
Stu on the other hand had seen this a handful of times before back when he visited your cabin years ago. When it was just you and him searching for Billy to investigate Hollywood as well. He still looked shocked at first before he just frowned and tried to ease himself up with a tired sigh.
“Karla, I'm sorry…God, it's my fault! I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” You cried out; repeating your words as you covered your eyes. Hiccuping on a sob you tried to choke down.
“YN, please you have to tell me! No one has details…My husband's gone…Mindy and Chad won't stop crying when they heard; I can't stop-” She was almost hysterical at this point. Her heart more broken than even yours 
You released a soft sob as you heard a child screaming in the background. You wanted to scream too. They were only 6…They were only 6. They were practically babies to you.
You both were sobbing as you tried so hard to suck in a shaky breath to speak, “Karla, I'm gonna make this right by you. I swear…I'm gonna make this as easy for you all as I can.”
“YN, I just need answers! Dewey won't say anything! What the fuck happened and why aren't you in Woodsboro?! Your suitcase is here, you're not at the hospital and no one is telling me anything!” She exclaimed at her wits end.
You ignored her request and just told her in a solemn voice, “I won't be coming to Ray's funeral.” Tears rolled down your cheeks as you gave that shaky reply.
“What? But-”
You interrupted her, “I am gonna miss you and the kids. Tell Mindy and Chad I love them and no matter what anyone says about me; don't believe it…Please…Remind them how proud Ray was…H-How much he loved them and you…He loved you a lot Karla.” You couldn't do it as a cry threatened to wrack your body painfully and you shut your phone off before she could reply. Her voice was going to say something but what was there to say? You could never go to Woodsboro again. You couldn't tell her the truth. Your guilt would never allow you to see them again even if you could go to Woodsboro…
You let it drop from your hands onto the sofa as you held your face in your hands. Sobbing like you hadn't in years. Now that Ghostface wasn't after you; it was a release. You were backed in a corner so many times and you just couldn't be strong anymore…Hearing Karla sobbing for her husband. For your best friend as it all came crashing into you. Remembering the video of him begging for his life Charlie showed; hanging lifeless and pale from the barn. Not to mention, your last conversation and now your last conversation with Dewey too. Woodsboro ‘96 all over again if not 10 times worse. You couldn't be stoic right now even if you tried.
You finally looked up seeing both Billy and Stu staring wide eyed like young boys unsure what to say or do. Stu went to go near you to console you but faltered as you sucked on a sob trying to escape your lips. Teary eyes glanced at them both.
Everyone just froze, not sure what to say.
Billy went to say it, “You shouldn't have done that, it was an idiot thing to do. What if they get our location and…”
But one glance at you and he sighed reluctantly. Averting his gaze to go to the kitchen. Avoiding this.
Stu hesitated before easing with a hiss of pain onto the end of the couch near you. “...You…Alright?”
“No, Stu! I'm not alright! My best friend is dead, I can never see my god-kids ever again, my other friend thinks I'm a murderer, I'm on the run with stab wounds and could have a ruptured organ in me but can't go get it checked out and all because you two 15 years ago-” You were about to say what you've said for years to them when you saw Stu give a tight frown and looked away. Not even defending himself for once even if he looked annoyed. You faltered and stopped yourself. “I'm sorry…But no, I'm not fucking okay.” You gave in a heavy teary voice.
Stu nodded and rubbed your back with what he could do with his one arm. “Yeah…” He mumbled.
You gave a shaky sigh. “Sorry…It's just too much.”
Stu sighed too and leaned forward with a raised brow in thought as he stared at the carpet. “...You know, Ray isn't your fault.” You huffed but he continued, “No seriously. The guy chose to seperate and go against his rules…I mean, did he even wait for you or was he just gonna get in the car and leave you with a killer on the loose?”
You didn't answer.
Stu eyed you. “...Him getting killed was crappy timing and the killers knew that. If anything, you could blame us for talking to you or going to the party…Shit happens.”
You shook your head at how callous Stu could be. “Shit doesn't happen when your best friend is hung from a barn gutted and bled out, Stu…” You sniffed hard and replied in a monotone.
“Okay…But are you going to blame yourself like you do everything else? Cause it's really a turn off when you do.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh a turn off. Can't have that.” You sarcastically replied before sighing with a shrug. “I…I don't know…I know I didn't kill him…Fucking Charlie-” You shook your head in disgust.
Stu replied, “Yeah. What a jerkoff loser.” His blue downturned eyes glanced at you in determination. “I should've slit his throat when I had the chance. I didn't know they had a gun…That was my fuck up. I get too-”
“I was gonna say excited.” He smirked wryly and gently nudged you.
You forced a small tight smile a moment but it didn't last. You shrugged with a tired sigh and sniffled, your tears slowly drying. “Yeah well, the cops confiscated my gun because I threatened some boys that were laughing and recording Randy's dead body right in front of us.”
“I didn't even threaten them with the gun, just maybe hitting a minor.” You grumbled.
“Kids suck and people suck in general.” He mused.
You wanted to rip his ass. Tell him he thought Woodsboro ‘96 was ‘like Christmas!’ and was elated at Himbry's body displayed by Billy on the football fielf. He was, would and is just like those boys Kirby chased off for you.
You shook your head realizing as your mind wasn't in fight or flight mode…Shit…She died too. She must've not listened and went outside when you got a kitchen knife and separated.
You rolled your lips and muttered, “If I had my gun, Dewey's gun technically, I would've at least shot Jill or Charlie before you both even got there and none of this would've happened…But fucking Judy-” You scoffed with an annoyed sniffle at the memory of last night.
“Shoulda, woulda, coulda.” Stu sighed in exasperation. “Seriously, Sweetcheeks. The damage is done, girl. I know it sucks but me and Billy screwed up too and we aren't dwelling on it. Ya know why? Because it doesn't do anything.”
You slowly nodded to yourself. They had a lifetime of screw ups. Knowing even if they won't admit it. If they could have not been so stupid and brash to kill so many at a party they would be way better off…And you'd feel guilty for a while but logically he was right. Randy was dead. Dewey hated you. Gale showed she hasn't changed as well as secretly still disliked you and just waited for a reason to say she was right all these years. You may be in prison soon…And there was nothing to be done about it.
“You're right.”
Stu blinked in surprise. “...Well that's new. I like it. You should admit I'm right more often, Sweetcheeks.” You couldn't help the wry quiet chuckle as you hung your head and Stu eyed you. “This is nice. We haven't really talked in person one on one in a decade, huh? Outside of killer talk at least.”
“Yeah, I guess not…”
“Did ya miss me?” He teased.
You sighed not crying anymore even if your eyes still sting and your heart still twisted. “Sometimes.” You were not willing to fully admit right now that yes. Yes, you did.
Billy came back eavesdropping a bit from the open kitchen door frame as the silence stretched on.
Stu stared longer. "You did?"
"Yeah. Sometimes...Sometimes I did."
Stu stared wide eyed. His gaze softening and scooting closer. He then went to hug you or kiss you; you weren't sure which but you jerked away in pain with your stomach as well as just not wanting touched right now, “…No.” While stopping him as he stared at you long and hard. “I'm sorry but…I'm just not comfortable with that right now.”
“I was just…We hugged at the barn. So, I just thought it would be…” He shrugged, trailing off.
“I know. A part of me would want one if I wasn't in so much turmoil and pain…My body hurts and my heart and head and…It's not the time.” You mumbled.
“I mean, I think it's a perfect time.”
You were silent, getting uncomfortable with his persistent personality of you giving an inch and he took it 100 miles on a highway with how he reacted to things. You admit you missed him sometimes meant you were madly in love and wanting his attention he so generously gave no matter what in his ears.
You stared at the floor before Stu said, “I'm sorry for your friend, uh. It sucks…But…I'm here, you know. I can be a shoulder to cry on or anything you want. I know even if I say don't beat yourself up you will so…I'm your guy to talk to.”
He kept urging, kept getting close as can be, kept talking like he didn't see social ques to leave you be or he was that full of himself that you'd give in for him. With Stu, it was debatable.
Billy commented, “Stu…I don't think she wants to talk right now…Just let her sort things out in her head.” He crossed his arms and watched.
“I'll let her be the judge of that.” Stu gave him a haughty look.
“…Billy's right, I just need time alone.” You mumbled as you were clearly devastated and hurting and uncomfortable.
“Billy's right…Pft, yeah.” He repeated with a puff of air past his lips. A strange look in his eyes before he just stared between you both being his blunt self. A hateful matter of fact tone to his voice now. “Yeah, well. You can never go back. You know that, right? Woodsboro is dead to you now.”
You sucked in a breath almost ready to tell him to leave you alone. “Yes, I know that.”
“Good, cause…You might not even be able to go home. Like, home home. To your cabin.”
You gave him a glare, “In time-”
He shrugged, “You're better off here. With us. I mean, I'm here for you.” He went to put an arm around you like he did earlier but this time more forceful.
You rolled your eyes at that knowledge as it made you feel worse. You shrank away from him and finally just told him, “Stu, I really wanna be alone.”
Billy watched as Stu's face contorted. “Stu.” Billy mumbled trying to get his attention hoping he'd just drop it.
“You were fine till Billy came in…” He grumbled under his breath.
“What?” You blinked.
Stu was silent and got up. “...Nothing…Just hope Karla didn't have that phone tracing the call with the police.”
You felt your gut sink. You were so tired and emotional fucked up you truthfully didn't think. Just eager to hear from her.
“I'm going to bed.” Stu mumbled his entire mood shifting as he crept slowly to Billy's room in the back of the trailer.
Billy huffed and after a few moments rolled his eyes. “I guess he's taking my food and bed. Great.” He sarcastically mumbled then sighed heavily. Easing with grimace to lean over a chair a moment.
“...What was that about?” You softly asked Billy.
The man shrugged, “Who fucking knows?…He's right though. You did something stupid as hell answering that phone.”
“I know. I'm sorry.” You admitted not even trying to deny it. “It was stupid and I'm sorry I put us at risk. It won't happen again.”
Billy's face contorted in annoyance, “STOP that.”
“Huh?” You blinked. “Stop what??”
“The docile bullshit of agreeing with me. STOP.”
You huffed out. “Would you rather us argue and fight and me disagree?”
“Yeah! Actually, I would.” He grumbled then scoffed while rubbed his face. “I'm not use to you so close and us not trying to one up each other or kill you…It's fucking weird.”
You chuckled wryly. You couldn't help it.
“Shut up.” He jeered with a twitch of his brow in irritation and embarrassment.
“You're allergic to niceness, aren't you?” You couldn't help it. His expression was hilarious for a guy like him. You had to make fun of him a little bit just hopefully not enough for him to stab you.
“No, just allergic to not killing you.” He side eyed you, “...Annoying ass bitch.”
You weren't even insulted. Because right now, this grown man who was usually so damn glarey and stoic and intimidating was injured severely and almost gave you a pout like some pre teen boy all because you were being decent to him and he felt awkward. You chuckled and Billy tsked with an eye roll but just retorted another ‘Shut up or I'll gut you.’ your way. Same generic shit you've heard for years.
You stopped chuckling and just sighed with a slight smile. “...This is…Weird for me too, ya know. Stuck in the house of the guy that tried to kill me on and off for 15 years…. Being all. Well…Civil.”
Billy shrugged, “I didn't try that hard at all or you'd be dead by now.” I sniffed nonchalantly.
You had to give an eye roll; it was like breathing at this point. God, both men were so arrogant. Billy couldn't possibly admit you beat him. No way. ‘He wasn't trying’ would forever be his excuse. 
Billy watched you with his own smug smirk in place at your exasperation. “Your food's done by the way. Don't make a mess or anything if you're even capable of that.”
You went to retort something but he already went outside to have a smoke. You mumbled to yourself, “Asshole.” You mumbled lacking the disdain you usually had. He couldn't do anything nice without being a dick. Go figure. You pushed to rise up
You ate the food he got out of a can some off brand chef boyardee. Really chewing. Kinda scared to eat with how your insides may or may not be injured and stitches reopened from Jill.
The time passed and you didn't know where Billy's remote was for the tv or if it even worked. It looked pretty old. The couch was honestly not that comfortable and had way too ‘natural’ of a smell for your liking. You huffed and sighed the pain mildly dulled by the pills Billy gave you but you finally just decided…There was just too much on your mind. Especially with Billy. Stu was an open book, manipulative but so self serving he was still easy to read. He was acting odd, yeah…But his odd moodiness wasn't in your mind. Besides, he was asleep. You didn't want to wake him.
Billy not killing you, allowing you refuge in his home, helping you fight Jill and Charlie, the moment you both had. That was on your mind.
You put on the jacket you had hanging from Stu grabbing your stuff at the hospital and stepped outside a moment in socks and that gown still.
"Nothing just stepping outside. I don't need anything." You gave pulling your jacket tighter around yourself.
Billy was leaning over the railing with his cigarette dwindling and head hanging but looked up and huffed, “Aren't you cold?”
You pulled it closer. “You never gave me that flannel or spare clothes.”
He sighed, “Shit…Well, you don't need to stay in that bloody gown-”
He went to walk but you stopped him. “In a minute. I kinda wanna get fresh air and wouldn't mind company. I'm kinda scared of being alone. It's stupid but after…Everything. I got this irrational paranoia someone is gonna pop out and grab me. Or cops now, apparently.”
"Well, at least I know I can still make you scream from just popping out with a bargain bin mask yelling 'boo!'..." He faltered, then almost softened a bit. Nodding in understanding. “I get it though. I was like that for years.”
“Does the fear of being ‘caught’ ever go away?”
He took a drag and smirked slightly, “Nope.”
You sighed at that and eased onto a lawn chair he had on the porch.
It was silent before you asked, “What is Stu mad about?”
He shrugged, face souring. “Oh who knows. He gets like this. He bull's and manipulates to get his baby ass way…Same as a decade ago apparently.”
You blinked. “Oh.”
You fiddled with your jackets zipper, “Just…I thought you both talked this last decade?”
“Please.” Billy wryly smirked. “We aren't ‘friends’ like that. Not now. I used him 15 years ago. He betrayed me for you. We both betrayed each other, I guess…We don't have a need for each other. Haven't talked in over a decade till he called me up saying someone put the mask on again.” He looked distant as he mumbled this to you.
“...So you really don't miss him as a friend?”
“No.” He took a drag and you were skeptical of that but didn't press. “You can't befriend a manipulative self serving guy like him."
"That include you in that?" You retorted.
To your shock, he nodded. "In fact, you can't befriend anyone. I don't care about anyone because no one will care about me.”
"Seriously? You actually think that? That's not true.”
“Oh? Look at Dewey.”
"Don't bring him in this." You quickly glared at him.
"Hey, he's an example. Didn't take him long to turn on you."
“ Dewey got his sister killed by you then thinks I'm with you and Stu and helped hide you both even in 96. That's understandable. I know you gave a shit about your mom and I don't see you too upset over Cotton's death.”
He gave a scowl at you bringing up his mother. “Sorry...Dewey and Randy are sore spots. It's fresh, Billy. But they were my friends for over a decade.”
He relented and nodded That surprised you. “Yeah well, me and Stu aren't friends. We don't get attatched either. We both are too self preserving for that.”
You took that in then frowned in thought. “...But why after all this time do you both keep trying to be…That way? I mean, trusting no one or relying on no one forever?”
He looked at you like you were stupid “To get his way; why else? And for me, it's survival.”
“No, I know that! Duh." You grumbled in irritation "But…Forever? Is survival or getting your way that important? More important than being happy-”
"Happiness is killing." He cut you off. "Contentment is knowing I'm not caught. Survival is making sure of that by not trusting anyone."
A moment of tense silence etched on. It was so disarming hearing him talk like that. Of course you knew he liked murder but he made himself sound like he was like a mindless rapid dog and it's all he knew...Maybe because it was?
“...Why did you both become like this?” You suddenly asked.
Billy wiped his head to look at you, eyes widening. Clearly not expecting that.
You frowned and continued while gazing at the dark road in front of the trailer. “I understand you with your family. I get it you felt like you lost it all but Stu seemed so spoiled and normal. So…Why?”
"Damn, you came out here to do an interview or what?" Billy settled and truly pondered while dangling his cigarette between his teeth. “..Why does Stu manipulate? I don't know. Probably learned early on that's how he gets whatever he wants. It's how I learned after I reached puberty and apparently my looks outweighed my loner attitude. You can be weird and off putting and an asshole and as long as your conventional attractive you can get away with it.” You looked listened, taken aback he was so kandid with you as he continued. “You know how much of an overgrown baby Stu is when he doesn't get his way…He had rich parents that were always gone and an overachieving older sister and he probably just learned to get his way by using people.” He shrugged. “As for why he's the way he is; The hell should I know? He's always been down for murder since day one. Barely had to convince him. In fact, he urged me on. I knew out of anyone I knew; Stu would be the perfect scapegoat if shit went wrong and he was the one down to do whatever we needed.”
'Ah.' You thought to yourself. So…He was always like this? Sadistic, cruel, impulsive, manipulative, brash, charming. It made sense.
"And you?"
"None of your business." He mumbled.
You sighed, "Fair enough." But you still had so much on your mind. “...Do you still…You know.” You gave a pause, trailing your sentence off. “Want me dead?"
Billy stared for a moment before averting his gaze. The silence defeaning while he was taking a drag of his cigarette while thinking. “... I hate your fucking guts and imagine killing you quite often. In great detail at that.”
You hung your head expecting that answer with a wry humorless smirk. Nodding to yourself. Of course. What else did you expect?
Billy eyed you subtle before clearing his throat. "But not right now. Obviously. I don't give my victims Spaghetti-o's."
You had to give a dry chuckle at that and he slighlty smirked at the reaction.
He fiddled with a piece of wood splintered off the porch railing and mumbled, “But, I'll admit…It's not as strong recently. But it's there.” He shrugged with an awkward clearing of his throat as he shifted on his feet. Hanging his head as he leaned over the porch. The night air was getting crisp like it always did this time of year as you pulled the jacket around yourself more. You almost wanted to go in but how often did you talk to Billy without Stu's flirting or crude jokes?
“I…Look um, I never said this. You know about what happened between us in '96. Not calmly anyways...” You ran a hand over your head. “Billy, I just wanted you both to stop killing my friends and trying to kill me, okay? It's the only reason I ever…Did anything. If it wasn't for that, I would've left you both alone if you left me alone.”
“Seriously. I didn't make it a life's mission to kill you or put you behind bars ONLY when you were actively coming after me or my friends. Fuck, you were hunting ME. I-”
“Shut up already.” He looked annoyed but yet there wasn't as much annoyance as he normally possed in the way he spoke to you, “Look, I get it. It's a dog eat dog world. I wasn't innocent or framed…In retrospect…If it wasn't you; it would've been someone else trying to stop me back then. I was overzealous…Only because I was young and pissed off. Kinda glad it was you. You chickened out and it made me live.”
“Yeah, you're welcome.” You sarcastically gave.
Billy actually chuckled dryly, “Ah, there's that bitch I fight with. Thought she was gone and replaced by the sniveling wuss I've been seeing.”
“Whatever.” You gave with a heavy frown. “Not exactly in the joking mood with someone still admitting to wanting to imagine killing me after the night I had ."
Billy smiled in amusement. “Stop being so melodramatic. I told you; If I wanted you dead I'd do it. I have control of my urges, I'm not a dog like Stu.” He looked up at the sky. “...Why are you really out here?”
“Fresh air.”
“Shit liar, as usual. If you came out her to ask a million questions and bother me then just ask the big one and get it over with.”
You scoffed, brow twitching at him calling you out...There were a lot of reasons, “Fine…Stu then.” You only told half the truth. “He's behaving weird and it has me on edge.”
“Ah…Well a decade ago you followed me out on my smoke break cause Stu and you pissed me off. Here you are once again. And Stu is the common denominator. He gets on his little hyperfixations and it's like a bull seeing red and neither of us wanna deal with that.” He took a drag of his cigarette. “Only this one is you.”
“Yeah. You.” He blew out smoke then put out his dwindling cigarette. “Something about you always has him in one tizzy or another. You're like an obsession for him.”
“That's comforting.” You sarcastically mumbled. “But it makes sense. He's probably still mad that I'm not running into his arms.” The silence stretched out before you looked at him, “But my question isn't entirely Stu. Stu is probably doing this to see if I get another chance with him or boredom something...Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?”
“Being…Decent to me. Last time I saw you we had a screaming match in my yard in the pouring rain and you almost killed me in my cabin. We said some harsh things.”
“Like how I can't kill you?” He jeered with a glare. “...Makes me wanna kill you right now, actually, out of pure spite. Just to prove a point. So how about not bringing up old shit?”
You didn't even fight back. Just slumping your shoulders. “Yeah…Fine.” You looked up at the sky. “I have nothing. No weapons. No one to help me…So, if you want to kill me…You can. No remarks just…Whatever.”
He stared at you. “...Well not if you're gonna be so pathetic about it. Takes all the fun out of it.” He offered a wry smirk.
You just tsked and rolled your eyes not too use this…Joking, helpful, decent Billy. Not since High school when it was supposedly all an act according to him.
He grew more serious as you didn't reply or smile. “YN, I can kill you. But there's no fun or reason when you're already so down. I have waited too long to kill you to do it when you're boring.”
You scoffed in disgust, “What am I? Game? I gotta run and fight for you to kill me?”
He shrugged with a smugbsmirk while smoking his cigarette.
You just narrowed your eyes and looked away. The silence etched on before Billy lit another cigarette. “If you're gonna bother me out here, let's not talk about killing or what we could or should have done. Let's change the subject...So… You're a writer now? Big hotshot writer, huh? Looking down on all the little people and Sidney's bratty cousin supposedly wanted a piece of that life too?”
“Hardly. My publicists edited my work so much it might as well have been ghost written…Jill can have it. I don't want fame. I never did.” You gave a glum sigh in reply. 
“Hell no.” You retorted bitterly. “I only wrote to make money and appease people.”
“Okay, what about ‘In Darkness’?”
That made you pause a beat or two.
You gave him an odd look. It completely took you out of your funky mood because…No, that must have been a slip of the tongue.
“You mean ‘Out of Darkness’?”
He eyed you, “No. In Darkness…By Robert Gray.” He gave matter of factly. A coy smile playing on his lips as you looked shocked. “Ah, that name is familiar to you, huh?”
“How…How did you??-”
No one knew about your fictional books that tanked on the side of writing ‘Out of Darkness’ for your ex publicists. Not even Randy when he was discarding the ‘cheap’ books off the table in his book store days ago including the one secretly written by you. He had no idea as he mumbled how no one read them. You just didn't say anything because of how badly it did.
You were so flabbergasted it creeped you out! Damn! Was Billy stalking you or something?? How of all people did he know your secret hobby??
Billy sighed heavily. Turning and leaning back on the railing as he answered your question. “...I don't know. Robert Gray? Pennywise's alter ego? The movie we obsessed over that one year calling Randy Ritchie just because he looked just like Seth Green's geeky ass just without the glasses? Remember Stu shoved those fake Halloween ones on his face to prove it?”
You…You actually smiled a little. So he did remember things, huh? Just like he tried acting like he remembered nothing from High School in Taco Bell's parking lot a decade ago.
“Then the whole title of in Darkness versus out of Darkness; do you think you're really smart or everyone else is extremely dumb?”
You couldn't help the shocked snort of laughter that escaped past your lips. Billy almost always made an effort to forget anything to do with your friendship in the past and here he made you remember a memory that actually started the whole ‘Seth Green versus Randy’ joke to begin with! Probably why Randy hated it so much because Billy of all people started it as a mockery. You had forgotten about it, really. You stared in a bit of wonder before…
Billy faltered looking shocked, “... Why are you crying, the fuck?” He almost panicked seeming unnerved by you just having tears springing to your eyes.
It was both happy and sad tears that involuntarily welled in your eyes at a much happier memory with a friend you just lost. “Sorry, sorry! Just brought back a good memory.” You said whilr smiling and wiping your eyes.
"Well, stop it!" He frowned but just blew air past his lips. “It's...It's too weird seeing you like this. Stop or I'm leaving. I mean it." He ordered with a scowl.
You shrugged but nodded still smiling at the memory. Momentarily forgetting Randy's death in place of young him pouting with a blush as you all laughed and replied ‘beep beep Ritchie’ after Billy pointed it out. Then it just snowballed to him being Seth Green as a playful jab to any nerdy character the actor played. Randy barely even looked like him; it was more just to get a reaction out of him.
But a much more shocking realization hit you.
“You really read it. I can't believe it…You…You read it? You read "In Darkness" by Robert Gray?”
“You mean by YN? Yeah…Yeah, I did. You make a smart ass remark about me being able to read and I'll toss you off this porch and onto the fence post.”
You ignored his bristling and mumbled, “I don't understand…Why? How?” You were so bewildered not expecting this at all.
The silence stretched out again as he seemed to ponder what he should tell you or even how much.
“A lot has happened in a decade…” He seemed to be getting a bit apprehensive. “Was dirt poor many times with work on and off. No cable once or twice and sometimes squatting in abandoned places too…I found the book and the pen name caught my eye. It was…Kinda just in a bargain bin. Anyways, I'm not usually a bookworm but what else did I have to do? So, I read it and…Fell in...I uh-” He stopped himself. “I really…Understood some characters, okay?”
You grinned.
"Ew, don't give me that look either. I don't like you, we're not friends, I still imagine gutting you-"
It fell on deaf ears. You were just flattered and excited to finally talk about your writing. Even shy and embarrassed at your creative writing on full display like this.
Billy side eyed you though. “But the one character…Fucking Bobby? Really? Bobby Lewis?”
You gave a grinning sort of cringe almost embarrassed to be caught. “Yeeaahhh…”
He rolled his eyes, “You wrote a character about me. Made him the troubled kid with mommy issues that was manipulated by the darkness like a pansy ass…I should punch for that or even gut you. And I swear to God, if you hinted Bobby was gay for Stan-” He gave you a menacing glare that made you shrink sheepishing back in your seat.
“No! No, honestly that scene was meant to be like they both are taken over by the 'darkness' they both share.” He side eyed you more. “Honest.”
“I doubt it. I should just at least backhand you for it.” But his tone wasn't very menacing as he snuffed out his cigarette in an old cracked ashtray that was sitting on his porch railing.
“...And?” You urged, curious what he thought. “Was it god awful?”
"Fucking horrible. Wanted to throw it away after a few pages. I'd hide my name too if I were you."
He looked surprised you chuckled, accepting it was deemed unpopular years ago.
He looked down a bit with an odd pondering expression which was something you hadn't seen in so long you forgot he was human enough to do it. “Well...Maybe you did okay. Not great but…Well shit, you acted like you actually knew what you were talking about. Like, you understood me. Like you could actually understand me of all people.” He rolled his eyes saying the last bit sarcastically.
“So, when did you realize it was you I wrote?”
He glanced over, “...When I found out it was you. Two damn years after reading this book…It's embarrassing, really. Your shitty little novel.”
You smiled in understanding. “When I came out with 'Out of Darkness'…Gave it away, hm?”
“Yep. Especially when a line in ‘In Darkness’ stuck out…Word for word the sentence was what I told you in that backyard when ‘Bobby’ goes to kill ‘Daisy’ by strangling her before the ‘Darkness’ takes over…I still got to beat the writer's ass for killing off my favorite character in the novel later on.” He joked wryly about you killing off his character.
“So…You read both my books? I thought you didn't? Thought you wanted to throw it in the trash after a few pages?” You teased.
“Oh shut the hell up.” He grumbled out. "I'm not too nice not to hit you, at least."
You couldn't help the snort of amusement. Not sharing this type of conversation with him in a very long time. The murder part shockingly felt…Well after tonight, it felt like a distant memory. “Yeah, that moment changed my life. In my parents backyard when…All this happened.” You admitted giving a broad hand gesture to the situation.
“You and me both…”
The silence stretched on but you felt lighter. Hearing what he had said. You sighed. “I'm glad you didn't hate it but it won't matter. My book sucked.”
“You think that?”
“Yeah. It tanked.” You admitted.
“…It wasn't that bad.” He countered with annoyance. "I was just...Pulling your leg it wasn't the worst thing I've read."
“It was. No one read it but a handful of people.”
“No one hardly reads a lot of books but some went on to be horror movie classics, dumbass.”
You raised a brow at his insistence. “I appreciate that but really I got turned down so much. It's why I changed my pen name so no one knew me. Just like you said-”
“Well, fuck them. I'm joking, idiot! They don't know what they're talking about. They weren't there. They got fiction from horse's mouth and still can't see it…You got the ability; You just gave up too quickly.” He almost seemed insulted. “It was dark. There was no sugarcoating. Now that may not be that sickening motivation book you wrote that got you rich but it had substance. I would gladly read a book of someone baring their innermost dark thoughts and showing the world not every story is a happy ending then unicorn shit self help garbage that's just lying to hopeful people.”
“...Cynical as always.” You looked over at him. “You mean it, though?...”
Billy faltered, looking down but shrugged. “Yeah…Yeah, I do.”
The awkwardness just wasn't going away with the gigantic elephant in the room. After a minute of you both in the chilly air not talking you finally said it. Getting some courage after his admission about your book.
“You really don't feel the same about me like you did a decade ago, do you? Can we just admit that? Please? Just be honest.”
He shrugged but didn't answer.
“Well, I'm asking because…I guess…I don't either.” Your face heated as you reluctantly admitted it. A lump in your chest that felt uncomfortable. “I mean, what we said and did last night should prove it.”
You were startled as he shoved off the railing to hobble on the porchas he went to go back inside abruptly.
“Billy, can we just talk about what we said-”
“No.” He cut you off.
“No?? Billy, what the hell-”
“I SAID, no.” He gave you a glare you saw so many times from him. “We were dying, losing blood, hallucinating probably, it was… Nothing!”
You didn't know why that both hurt and annoyed you but it did. You glared back because last night he said it! Said you were his and always had been now he wants to take it back after everything? After saving each other and almost dying and him being one of the few people to enjoy a book you put your heart into and now staying at his house? You shoved your hands in your pocket and remembered something else that needed to be said…
“Billy, we are grown adults. You admitted I was yours.”
“To kill.”
"Nuh uh. Do not do that. You said I was yours-"
"To kiilllll." He drew out in irritation.
You rolled your eyes, “Oh my God...This again? Billy, just admit it! You don't hate me as much as you claim and I don't hate you." He didn't look at you but you saw his eyes widen slighlty at that. "We had a RARE moment important moment, damn it.”
He scoffed loudy and turned back to you with narrowed dark eyes. “YN, drop it! I was nice over a fucking shitty book, don't think we're friends here or god forbid whatever you're getting at, freak. I never did like you the way Stu did so get over yourself!” He grew irritated before you just did it.
“Alright. Fine. You're just asking for it.” You stood up slowly in pain but reached into your jacket.
“...What is that?” He looked confused as you unraveled the note. The one that had been in your jacket pocket for 2 or 3 days and needed to be addressed eventually. Thank God it wasn't searched at the hospital and Stu nabbed this jacket. You'd have to thank him somehow.
You cleared your throat, “...I can't fight this anymore. Not after fighting for our lives the way we did. Life is short, I know we went through so much but I have to tell you this-”
You had never seen Billy look so embarrassed in his life! Even his olive complexion showed a deep redness in his cheeks and his eyes widened to the size of saucer plates. “W-Where did you get that-” He stammered out as you got farther away from him and kept reading. 
“I have to tell you this…I never thought we'd make it and I'm glad you lived-”
“Give me the damn paper, YN!” He demanded rushing with his bum leg to snatch it as you easily evaded even if you too were injured. But at least your legs worked.
You went through him trying to blame Neil like the original plan was, “You're so lucky Mr Prescott gave you a shallow wound-” You gave him a dirty look as he was gonna give that to you and blame Neil. “Yada yada yada, blah blah blah, bullshit bullshit…Oh, I have to move on. We all do. That's why I have to tell you this-”
“YN! I swear to fucking God!” He exclaimed frantically trying to grab you or that paper as you both played a turtle pace version of keep away on the porch.
“I didn't know how much we needed each other till our lives depended on it. I'm falling for you.” You smacked the paper against your leg. “Along with a photo of me in your room! And a plan to meet at the water tower so you could ask me out or kill me but I SERIOUSLY doubt it because you would've killed me at the party or made letters to others and you definitely wouldn't have my picture if it was just to kill me.”
“How did you get that!?” He exclaimed with his fist clenched.
“Me and Randy raided your old house for evidence on the new killer a few days ago. Found this-” You shook the paper as it rattled. “Under the floorboard of your room.”
Billy's mouth hung open as he was so mortified at what you found. He quickly went to rush off the porch; anywhere but here before you risked grabbing his arm.
He glared at you and yanked it away, “What!? What more do you want, you damn arrogant noisey pain in my ass? Why are you bringing up skeletons that need to stay buried!?”
“Because you said I was yours last night!” You exclaimed. All before faltering. “...And I said I don't hate you…And…And…I didn't finish but…Fuck it. That I still give a damn. I still give a damn. I think we both half ass admitted to that a decade ago at my cabin and we're just being stubborn. I'm not saying love, I'm not that mushy or gullible please give me SOME credit but...I don't hate you even though I should.” You coughed out just as awkward as he was.
He stared at you. All before looking away curtly. “It doesn't matter. You are mine to kill okay? That's…That's what it was with this letter too. It's all it ever was. I was just luring you to the water tower to kill you and kept your picture as motivation. And last night? We're not friends, YN. We never were even in Woodsboro …I told you I was faking it and I meant it. Don't take me being merciful for actually liking someone like you.”
"Someone like me?"
"You want your feelings hurt so you can cry some more? I feel like you've done enough of that tonight." He coldly gave.
You stared at him and frowned. You actually…Wow, that actually hurt and you didn't want to know why but it did.
He averted his gaze, “Just don't go showing that stupid letter to Stu or you're getting tied up and dropped off at a police station, got it? I don't need his bullshit.”
You nodded with a tight frown. “Yeah…Yeah. Understood just wanted to clear things up…”
“Yeah well, they're cleared.” He jeered whilevlooking down at the ground and going back inside.
You sighed heavily feeling like you fucked it up again. You were actually bonding a bit and you just had to bring up the elephants in the room. And the harsh reality just made everything worse. A part of you felt like he was lying but it hurt nonetheless.
Little did you know…A certain someone wasn't sleeping. He was listening through the window he cracked open... Fist clenched tightly as his suspicion on you and Billy confirmed itself in his eyes.
Billy got away from you and went straight to the bathroom. Locking the door away from you and Stu.
As soon as that door closed he slumped against the door frame and his stoic expression gave way to a vulnerability he'd never show anyone else. Feeling like a teen boy with a crush and he hated it. He hated it so damn much and would die before admitting it. Seeing you again just made all of this ten times worse.
He was so embarrassed over you finding that letter, and yet…His heart sped up a bit. He actually blushed. He hadn't felt that since High school with you. What a fool. A 33 year old moron getting all giddy over you just not hating him. He…Felt disgusting butterflies as you smirked and teased him with that damn blast from his past.
He felt so ridiculous. Crushing on you was weak ass Stu's job! But deep down…He knew. He knew himself well enough to know he was just scared of it. Look what happened last time he admitted his feelings to you? You ruined everything. You betrayed him. You were supposed to help them and instead you tried to turn them in. Now, you were a successful grown woman with a grown woman's body and nice perfume and hair and probably a better car than he could ever afford and dressed more mature and had more money than God and he was a psychotic grumpy loser living in a trailer with outdated furniture and nothing to offer not even emotionally. And to top it all off, you all were in hiding on the run from the law now.
And out of every woman ever…It was you. And he knew it. He knew a decade ago in the rain in your yard but couldn't admit it, not even to himself. No woman can go toe to toe with him, no woman could outwit him, no woman was as deep and interesting as you, no woman knew the pain he did but you.
He sighed heavily and looked in the mirror. 15 years ago he looked in that mirror crying how much he hated you and wanted you dead…Now it was pretending to keep up the act he hated you and wanted you dead.  It's like he spent so long shutting these emotions off and now they were barreling into him and he had no experience to change it. His last serious girlfriend was Sidney. All others were flings and one night stands. How did he deal with…Feelings? Weak, vulnerable, human feelings he tried to shut off? He wasn't like Stu who didn't feel love like a normal person. Oh no, Billy was cursed with just being a kid that snapped after feeling psychotic and yet he still had feelings towards people he just got very good at shutting off and trying not to get attached...You were the one attachment it seemed after years of persistence wouldn't go away. He knew arrogance and anger and power and revenge and lust and bloodlust but…God, he couldn't even say the word in his head without wanting to scream at the nasty corny messiness of it…Love. Christ, just shoot him! Between the motherfucking eyes!
Billy braced the sink looking at his reflection with sadness. Disappointment in himself. He realized years ago he didn't want to kill you and he was just playing tough as always. And after reading that book you didn't sugarcoat ‘Bobby’ but you didn't make him a monster either. You made him a vulnerable weak man angry at the world that let the darkness in and it felt like you knew him. No one knew him! If he hadn't read that stupid book of yours; he'd never feel so icky right now, damn it all!
He shoved a hand over his face to groan at the sickening feeling in his stomach that wasn't where he was stabbed as he remembered the sad look you gave him. He could kill just about anybody and could kill you but somehow these last few years you weaseled your way over his steel walls he built up. You were cornered, vulnerable, had nothing and no one and he still couldn't just be honest with himself let alone you. He could manipulate you to be his love obsessed slave if he wanted but he didn't want manipulation. He couldn't even say the damn word! Sidney was so easy to manipulate! You used to be! So what the fuck was the problem?!
He growled low in his throat at himself and glared in the mirror to himself as he put the sink on full blast to drown out any noise. “Stop it! You're being pathetic and weak! You're being a pussy whipped bitch right now! You are a fucking serial killer, damn it! She tried to turn you in, she tossed your caring aside once already, she tried to kill you, got your mother killed and acted just like…” He faltered as memories that held grudges onto were failing him…His mother was sicker, sicker than even he was. He knew deep down she got herself killed but he still had to blame you. It made it easier that way.
He saw his Mom's reflection in his mirror behind him, she tried talking. “Oh Billy…Billy, Billy, Billy-” And he just turned his head away. He had gotten use to seeing images of his mother in hallucinations over the years whenever he was sad or scared or vulnerable. He knew it wasn't real and just learned to cope like he did with murder and anything else.
“She is the enemy, Billy.” His Mom scolded. “She hurt you and used you, my son, my boy. If it wasn't for the cops; you think she'd be here? Don't be so naive!”
He sighed, running his hands through his shorter dark hair and saying out loud. “Stop! I don't need to hear it, I know! I know. Do NOT get attached anymore. Let her heal enough to not get us all caught and if I can't kill her then send her the fuck on her way.”
His thoughts were interrupted by you coming in and hearing Stu yell at you.
Son of a bitch…Fuck his life right now.
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littencloud9 · 3 months
kunichuu + “i should be allowed to see Kunikida's hair down”
SKJDSFKJDSJK. ON IT BOSS. featuring the mutuals circle's PM drinking trio
"And I just think that I— hic— I should be allowed to see Kunikida's hair down!" Hirotsu and Kajii share a glance. Chuuya is definitely drunk. Their executive makes a wailing noise, slamming his head on the table. For a second, Hirotsu worries that he gave himself a concussion. But then Chuuya's head shoots back up and he continues slurring on. "He never takes it down! Not even w-when I go over on a normal day. It's so unfair! I—" he interrupts himself by downing the rest of his glass. Neither of them move to stop him. "You could always just pull his hair tie off," Kajii supplies helpfully. Hirotsu has no opinion on this matter, so he simply nods along. "Mm. You're right." Chuuya slams his hands on the table, wobbling a bit as he stands. "I'm going to— hic— do it right now." He takes exactly two steps before he trips over his feet. Hirotsu catches him with an arm, sighing to himself. As he puts a passed out Chuuya back on the seat, letting him lean against the wall, Kajii snickers. "Damn. I wanted to see it happen." "Maybe next time," Hirotsu says as he calls for another drink.
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momotonescreaming · 7 months
[Part One][Part Two] [Part Three][Part Four] [Part Five] [Read The Whole Thing on Ao3]
Steve is slumped over in bed when Tommy pushes the door open, blinking slowly and clearing his throat. Like he’s sunk further down into his pillows without Tommy propping him up. His heart clenches at the sight of him. His eyes flick to the door, to Tommy, blinking against the light from the hall. Bright, white, hospital lights — harsh against his concussed eyes compared to the dull lighting of his room. Tommy didn’t click until now, that Steve’s lights were off. Fuck, why didn’t he realise? Makes sense, if reading made him throw up, what did light feel like?
Like the worlds worst hangover, cranked up to a thousand, Tommy imagines.
He tries to shut the door behind him slowly, quietly, as to not to agitate Steve further, without spilling tea all down his hand. Somehow he manages it, and places the tea on the table next to Steve’s bed. Next to a lamp, a box of tissues, and an empty paper cup. It all looks a bit depressing. The tea makes it slightly better, and not just because Tommy got it for him. The steam curls up into the air, the warmth radiates from it. It’s kind of nice.
Still disgusting though.
“Got you your grandma juice,” Tommy teases, sitting back down in the ugly chair. Trying to subtly move it a little closer to the bed as he sits down. A little closer to Steve. If he needs help, Tommy will be right there. Just like when Steve called. It eases the pressure in his chest slightly, being back in the room, looking at Steve, knowing he’s right there.
“Thank you,” Steve mumbles, eyes half closed as he snuffles against the pillows. He looks half asleep. He looks adorable. Wrinkling his nose like a bunny. In the quiet of his mind, Tommy lets himself think it. Doesn’t dare let the thought breach his lips, exit his mouth. But he and Steve have been apart for so long, and it’s easier to focus on that, than the bruises and wounds that litter his face.
Steve braces his hands on the mattress, pulls himself to sitting again, looking a little woozy and wobbly. Instinctively, automatically, Tommy stands up, arms reaching out for Steve. He stops himself. Hands hovering in the air, twitching, itching to reach out and touch Steve again. To help him. Make it easier, even just a little. But the shiver runs down his spine again.
What if Tommy’s overstepped? What if Steve’s at his limit? Would it be better if he just left? It might kill him a little, a coil of it poisoning his heart. A stone sinking in his stomach, if Steve were to kick him out. But he’d go, Tommy knows he will.
“You good?” He settles on saying, still hovering next to his bedside. Brows furrowed, heart hammering in his chest. He can feel it, every thud of it against his ribs.
“Can you?” Steve says, words thick in his mouth as he gestures vaguely at himself. At his bed. So Tommy ignores the way his breath hitches in his throat and grabs Steve’s hands again. Braces them against the metal bed frame and pulls Steve to sitting. Adjusts the pillows behind him.
Steve sits with a sigh, propped up by the pillows, and he looks wiped. Just from that. So Tommy lets go of his hand, ignores the way their fingers brush, linger, as he retracts his hand. Grabs the tea he just put down, and holds it out for Steve.
They’re close, he’s standing so fucking close. And Tommy can see the way Steve’s eyes widen as Tommy holds the cup out to him. The honeyed depths of his eyes, an eye catching, achingly familiar brown. He could lose himself in them, if he wasn’t careful.
Maybe he doesn’t want to be careful anymore. Maybe this really is the start of something.
Steve grabs the cup — still in Tommy’s hand — his own large calloused hands  enveloping his. They could blame it on the concussion, on Steve’s slow movements. Bogged down with the weight of his concussion. But this feels purposeful. They lock eyes over the steaming cup, and Tommy lets his eyes rake over Steve’s face. Trying to discern, to figure out, all that Steve has lying under the surface.
He used to be so good at it.
Steve takes the cup, and Tommy lets go. Sits back down, eyes still locked on Steve. Watches as he takes a sip, slow and careful, before resting the cup in his lap. Holding it there, letting the warmth of it seep into his hands. Looks down at it, almost contemplative, before back up at Tommy.
He looks tired, sure, bruised and beaten — but Steve looks almost more sure of himself now. Like he’s let himself come back into his body. Tommy wonders how much of that was him, there, helping. And how much was just time and a cup of tea.
He hopes it was him. Getting the message and answering the call. Reaching out, helping, listening, fucking trying. The awkward pains of admitting you were wrong, or you could be better, is worth seeing his best friend again. They’ve been friends since kindergarten. Steve helped him pull his baby teeth out. He snuck candy bars to Steve in class. They joined the basketball team together. TommyandSteve. The pair of them together through everything.
And maybe they’d have that again, if Steve let him.
“Do you-“ Tommy starts, immediately cutting himself off with a laugh as Steve also starts to say something. Still in sync. He gestures to Steve to go ahead.
“Would you maybe,” Steve starts, fingers tapping against the side of his cup. Looking over at Tommy through quirked brows. “Would you maybe want to visit me again tomorrow? After school?”
That’s literally what Tommy was going to ask. Does Steve want him back? Or is this a one of? Steve getting closure. Their relationship finally ending. No more TommyandSteve. Cleaved in two by one Nancy fucking Wheeler.
But no, Steve wants Tommy to come back. To talk, to keep him company. He’d fetch him a hundred cups of disgusting tea if it meant he got to spend more time with Steve.
“Dude, of course.” he starts, gesturing down at his sweatpants and worn shirt. “You think I go out in sweatpants for just anyone? No.”
Steve laughs, which was the goal. It makes something warm and sticky start to bubble in his chest. Like a sweet tar, sticking to his ribs, his lungs, his fucking heart. The things Steve did to him. It didn’t feel like this with anyone else.
And maybe he didn’t have to push it down this time, the way Steve made him feel, now that he had a chance to be back in his life. Didn’t have to hide it with red hot anger, and words spat with vitriol. Jokes at other peoples expense.
Maybe he could let himself love Steve.
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cumulo-stratus · 1 year
I'll Remember For Us
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Pairing: spencer reid x Male!badass!reader
Description: the team goes to Los Angeles, in august and y/n ( the ever emotionless and stone cold profiler with a soft spot for spencer) is chasing an unsub when he fights with the unsub and falls, getting a concussion and fractured wrist, spencer is there for him. (no prior romantic relationship, just friends)
Warnings: possible swearing, lemme know if theres anything else
Flufftober day 3: injured/sick
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6 Hours Ago:
Y/ns legs burned as he chased the hooded man through the stairwell, the unsub only a few feet ahead of him now. Finally the hooded man reached a dead end and turned around, preparing for a fight. And so, they fought.
JJ watched y/ns curled frame up from from across the hospital room. His shoulders gently shook as he cried. JJ sighed as hotch walked into the room, a hospital report in his hands. “They say he’s got a moderately severe concussion, so he’s gonna be pretty out of it and he’s got some amnesia, and a fractured wrist and elbow.” Hotch said quietly. “he’s lucky its not worse..” JJ was cut off though, y/ns unusually unsure voice floated across the room as he asked “where’s spencer” Y/n whined with a wobbly lip type voice like that of a small child trying not to cry. Jj looked up at a Hotch with her eyebrows knitted together in concern "He's on his way- remember?" JJ used the sweet motherly voice she often used with her children. Y/n whined again and said quietly "i dont think he likes me anymore.." with the saddest face JJ and Hotch had ever seen.
"Where are y/ns clothes? The nurse let me know that we can leave whenever." Hotch asked Jj while still keeping a watchful eye on the curled up frame across the room.
"He only has work slacks and button up-" jj responded
"I'll get him something to wear"
jj vaguely heard Hotch ask about a nearby store to a nurse as Spencer finally walked in, his cardigan draped over his arms and tie roughly loosened around his neck. Jj just nodded at him as he walked past her and to the side of the bed y/n lies on. Spencer approached slowly and when y/n looked up he looked relieved to finally see Spencer.
"Spencer.. I thought you didn't like me anymore" Spencer was caught off guard at how meek and unsure y/ns voice was, but hid it for y/ns sake. "oh y/n, I'll always like you" Spencer lowered himself into a half squat to be at y/ns level as he said this.
JJ watched from across the room as Spencer gave y/n small reassurances in a soft and gentle voice. And as Spencer reached out to rub y/ns arm lovingly, Derek walks in and was stopped in his tracks at the scene in front of him. Spencer had now climbed onto the bed next to y/n, between him and the rest of the room. As if protecting him. Spencer was slouched down to y/ns level, his thumb rubbing small, comforting circles on his hand. Y/n leaned onto Spencer's should as they spoke. This is the same man who had once given Derek the cold shoulder for a week when he asked y/n to give him a smile. Morgan looked at jj confused and jj just shrugged, before suggesting they leave and call Penelope to make sure she knows he okay.
"My shoulder hurts Spencer" y/n said with his eyes closed in a meek voice. "I know it does love, but the pain medication will take effect in a couple minutes, okay?" Spencer handled the out of it y/n with ease, knowing what to say and what to do in perfect time. Y/n whined into spencers chest and said “i cant remember anything spencer- whats my birthday?”. Spencer chuckled quietly at y/n’s worries and responds in a gentle, loving voice “dont worry y/n, i can remember for both of us. And your birthday is (your birthday).”
y/n hugged spencer as a silent thank you for his willingness to be there. And as y/ns eyes began to drift closed, getting heavier and heavier spencer mumbled to himself “ill remember for both of us..” with a small on his lips.
The End
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
You Sacrifice Yourself for Them Part 1/3
Part 2 || Part 3
Pairings: Legend, Sky, Time x GN Reader
Requested by anonymous: HIIIII OMG I JUST WANRED TO SAY i lovelovrloveloveeeee the way you write so much!!!!!!! ur recent loz post had me kicking and squealing in my sear hehehe T_T could i request a scenario with the chain in a situation where the reader sacrifices themselves to protect the boys? im imagining things begging the enemy to take them instead, protecting them from a hit or even something funny like taking the blame for a mistake they made!!! id love to see some angst from you!!!!! THANK U AND HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!!!💖💖💖💖
Zelda Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist
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Shit. Shit. Shiiit.
This was not how this day was supposed to go. This was not how this dungeon was supposed to go! The group calls him 'Veteran' for a reason. He's done more dungeons on his own than the lot of them combined. He's quick on his feet, able to complete the most complex puzzles like child's play, and barely breaks a sweat against the foes that lurk in every damp shadow. Anymore, dungeons are easy (too easy, maybe, compared to some of the rougher...emotionally draining parts of his journeys). 
This was supposed to be just as easy. He had no shame in bragging or flexing his skills, yet all that has officially flown out the window in a way that one could deem quite literal, actually. A quick whiz of air and an echoed shatter that would've reminded him of the wonderful sound of broken pottery if not for how horrifying it was in true comparison. No, that sound was far from exhilarating, especially paired with the image of you falling sideways like a lifeless doll, pieces of tile bouncing off your head and exploding in the air like fireworks trailed by crimson. 
Legend isn't sure if he managed to catch you in time. He probably did, but in his panic he feared you might've hit your head on the floor as if that's not exactly what already happened to knock you out in the first place. Damn floor tiles! Usually they're just embarrassing annoyances when prepared for them, but that's the problem: he wasn't. When those dangerous squares came flying at him at a blurring speed, he expected to take on the hit, not for you to shield him with your own body. What in Hylia's name were you even thinking?!
For what feels like hours but is really only a few seconds, Legend's mind runs rapidly with petrified thoughts: Are you dead? Did he just let you die for his sake? It's supposed to be the other way around if anything! He's the world's punching bag, not you. You're…too special for any of that…
"Hylia, t-that hurt..." Legend snaps out of it only when you groan, barely able to open your eyes against the blinding light of the torch - the only light in the room - which has long been abandoned behind both of you. 
"Are you kidding me?! Are you stupid or something?! What the hell were you even thinking doing that?! Do you know what could've happened if you got hit hard enough or at the wrong angle?! You could've been given a concussion, put into a coma, o-or -"
"- But it could've ruined your pretty face."
Legend’s words choke in his throat as he stares at you as if you've suddenly grown several heads...that or he has just now realized you're the biggest idiot in Hyrule, who knows? Clearly, you're still in a daze yourself, head wobbling around as you blink rapidly with pupils dilated wide. Maybe the whole concussion thing can't actually be ruled out quite yet.
"...Stupid..." Legend mumbles under his breath with a click of his tongue as he looks away from you, "...What about your face then?"
"Awww. You think I'm pretty, too?" 
He huffs instead of answering, carefully helping you up before draping your arm over his shoulders and pulling you securely against his side where he can better keep you from stumbling off into something or, Hylia forbid, trip face first into the ground, causing more damage aside from the goose egg already bruising your forehead and the line of blood dripping down it, "We need to get you to the Traveler. ‘get you fix up.”
"Huh? But what...what 'bout the dungeon?" 
"We can come back later. The treasure at the end probably isn't worth it anyways if floor tiles are what's guarding it."
You hum distantly, dropping your head directly against his without any notice to the way this makes his cheeks flare unwillingly, "...Hey Legs?"
"Can you please not tell anyone I got beat up by pieces of floor?"
Legend snorts and pretends to think your question over, "Hmm…In light of you saving my life, I guess I can keep that promise."
"Thanks, bun."
"You know, on second thought, maybe I won't."
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Sky awoke in a pleasant mood that was only made better upon remembering his current whereabouts. He had a wonderful dream about being back home during peaceful times, and while disappointed to leave such a relaxing feeling, at least he found himself still in that cozy little inn the Chain decided to stay at for the night. What was better was that it appeared to be rather early. The sun was barely shining through the window, only barely peeking over the village roofs, and the room itself was silent aside from the sound of some snoring which confirmed that the rest of his roommates were still fast asleep, thus Sky figured there would be no harm in dozing off for a few extra minutes until he hears someone else get up for the day…That was his plan, anyways…
"...Hey Sky?"
"You, uh, know there's only ten minutes until eight, right?"
In a blink of an eye, Sky shoots straight up, suddenly not feeling so tired. Rubbing his eyes and bearing through his new headache, he's horrified to confirm that you must be right. The window is now glowing in a bright gold, showing a bustling little village outside. You, yourself, are already dressed in your tunic, hair done and ready to go. Legend and Wind, who had been your other roommates last night, must follow the same status seeing as neither of them nor their belongings are here anymore. It's just you and Sky.
In an instant, he leaps out of bed, nearly tripping yet recovering as he hurries to find his own belongings which seems a lot harder to accomplish in his panicked state compared to any other day. You, meanwhile, replace his spot upon the bed, sitting down there with an apologetic look, "I would have woken you up sooner, but I wasn't sure if you were purposefully sleeping in."
"You're alright - uh, thank you for waking me up at all," Sky backtracks when he remembers he had folded his tunic under his bed, kneeling down to grab it along with the rest of his belongings stuffed under there, "Where's the Vet and Pirate?"
"Already at breakfast. Wild dropped by a little while ago to say that it would be ready soon. I'm sure the others are already digging in."
"I'm sure there'll be enough left for us regardless. He always makes so much whenever we stay somewhere with an actual kitchen..." Despite Sky having worn an undershirt to bed, you still feel the need to awkwardly look away as he pulls the rest of his clothes overhead, "You must have a real talent for sleeping because the rest of us woke up to a loud 'thud' and cursing...'don't think Legend will be taking the top bunk at the next inn we reach."
Fully dressed, Sky's first order of business should really be to rush downstairs instead of testing his luck with angry companions, but he takes the time to spare you a glance instead, "Why haven't you gone downstairs yet?"
The question, once thought of, weighs heavy on his mind. You just said that you awoke with the others, however you chose to stay here and risk getting in trouble yourself for tardiness rather than joining them. 
You merely shrug as if it’s of no concern, "I figured I'd wait for you. Like I said, I didn't know if you were purposefully sleeping in and I would've felt worse if I fully gambled on that, leaving you to sleep until noon and suffer Time's wrath."
Sky fidgets and stares down at his feet, although when he opens his mouth to say something, you're standing again while pushing him towards the door, "But let's not push our luck too far, alright? Time was pretty adamant about getting out of here at a decent time."
Yes, he was. He had made a strict point of that last night which is further emphasized by the fact that he is already standing at the bottom of the staircase by the time you both appear at the top of it. It appears that he was just about to make his way up to scold you, but since you've so kindly met him halfway, he can do that from here, "I assume there's a good reason for sleeping in yet again, Skyloftian?"
Sky gulps under the Old Man's glare, prepared to take on whatever punishment that will soon follow seeing as he's officially reached his limit of making the entire group late, however as quickly as he begins to dread the thought of taking on an extra watch for the night or doing a supply run with his own rupees, you're beating him to an explanation, "It's my fault, actually. I had a rough night and didn't realize what time it was until Sky woke me. If he hadn't waited for me, he wouldn't have been late so don't be too mad at him, okay?"
"That's not -" Sky's head whips towards you in surprise, however he falls silent when you give him a look that commands it.
Time hums, glancing between the two of you without much sign that he believes your lie. He has no reason to considering that Wind had already mentioned you were up and at 'em this morning. Perhaps if you had crossed his path earlier for this conversation, he would’ve been more inclined then to point this out, forcing you to confess the truth, although it’s five minutes till eight now meaning he'd be wasting time none of you have to argue not to mention he really doesn't care so long as everyone’s ready to go.
"Well, since you're both technically down here before eight, I'll let it slide this time," He narrows his eyes at you both, taking some sort of pride in how you each bow your heads shamefully, however that's the extend of it before he turns his heel, "But it's up to you to savage yourselves breakfast before Wild packs it up and I still expect you all to be out in the lobby by eight sharp, not a second later even if it means you have to go without a starting meal for today."
"Yes, sir!"
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"I'm okay. Worry about the Old Man first."
"Clearly you're not fine. Your arm -"
"- I've had worst -"
"- That doesn't matter. You're still injured."
This argument isn’t going anywhere. Anyone in the group could see that, but are they brave enough to point it out? Considering the fact that they all stand by in awkward silence, probably not.
The last battle was a tough one which may be a bit of an understatement considering Time and you both walked away with some serious wounds to show for your victory. Time had been knocked in the head by a Moblin club, thrown backwards where he then laid unconscious for several moments only to awaken with a gash in the club’s former place, although still a far less visible injury compared to yours. You didn’t miss the way Sky kept gagging when helping you back into camp, unable to so much as glance at the terrible result of a Lizalfos sword slicing through your arm. Provided the extent of these soon-to-be scars, everyone would expect (and hope) that the two of you would be eager for Hyrule’s healing magic, however they were quickly proven otherwise. 
“So? I’ll live.”
“Not without medical attention.”
“I’ll take a potion.”
“I thought you didn’t have any left?”
You curse to yourself before sticking your nose into the air with a stubborn change of subject, “You know, last time I checked, a head injury is a lot more serious than a simple cut!”
Time ignores your claim, feeling his face grow warm in irritation (or maybe that’s due to the fresh blood dripping down from his hairline), “You call that ‘a simple cut’?”
You merely shrug, readjusting the crimson cloth you currently press to the nasty slice that parts your skin directly down from your shoulder into your bicep. It no doubt burns like the fires of Death Mountain which you don’t hide despite your persistence in turning down any aid. Your face is scrunched into an expression of pain, a hiss leaving your hips whenever you move the cloth or your arm in any way, yet you still meet Time’s eyes with no sign of budging.
“Twilight, tell him he’s being ridiculous!” 
The poor farm boy leaps in place when you both end up turning his way. Although not another word is said by either of you, he understands that voiceless command of Time’s stone cold glare: he isn’t to say a word - not a word - that could be taken as a form of agreement towards your cause. He’s to be a good boy and point out that your arm isn’t going to fix itself, thus you should be the first to be tended to by Hyrule. Of course, he cares about your wellbeing and would definitely side with his mentor and his intimating ways if not for how the older male sways side-to-side with the wind, clearly struggling to maintain himself as the effects of a serious concussion start to take its toll on him.
“...(Y/n)...does have a point..." Twilight mumbles, gulping when Time’s glare darkens.
Thankfully for him and all the others who stand by with their heads down, including little Hyrule who’s been stuck between you both too fearful to make a peep, Warrior has finally had enough of this, officially having no problem taking charge with his annoyance made clear through his stern voice, “The longer you both argue about this, the longer you both go without medical attention, so please, for the love of Hylia, will one of you just swallow your damn pride and let Hyrule do what he needs to?”
There’s no instant reaction, neither of being too eager to see Warrior’s very valid point, however after glancing at you once more and noticing how tightly you’re holding onto your arm, Time sighs at long last, resulting in a chorus of others to follow, “...Fine. I’ll go first.”
This satisfies you, allowing you to relax your muscles and focus on keeping that cloth pressed to your arm while Hyrule begins working his magic to fix Time’s own injury, although as always, the Old Man has to have the last word, shoving his pouch towards you with a grumble, “At least take a red potion in the meantime. It should dull the pain.”
Thankfully, you don’t argue as he feared you would based on your initial hesitation. Instead, you huff, but ultimately dig through the pouch to locate the bottle which you pop the cork off of dramatically, “Fine.”
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