#HOWEVER. if you have the power and are THERE. then what's not to say you weren't placed there on purpose?
memingursa · 3 days
Hi There! I am a fully cis man. However I am disgusted by the treatment of transfem users on this website. So, I emailed some press about just my recent issues I’ve personally noticed and support emails documented, and Guess what, you can too!
Yeah, you can do that! If you are a trans person you can say “Hey, this shit is going on.” And if you have enough documentation, they will notice and say Hey, that’s weird? Here’s some now
Media Matters: A left leaning publication
email [email protected] or call 202.756.4100.
Glaad: A LGBT advocacy organization that you can contact using this page for more suggestions
Vox, a general left leaning site they ain’t perfect but hey:
Fuck it, CNN!
If you are a trans user on this website with documented support emails with Tumblr’s behavior or can personally attest to how staff treated you? send out information let them know what is going on, and please find other websites that you get your news from to let them know! If i’m nuked? Lmao.
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tflaw · 1 day
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬 ♱ various
+ yandere stuff below the cut. you already know what to expect, so view with discretion. i’ve used this post as reference to these headcanons. not proofread! i kind of rambled, too, so…
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Subtype: Controlling, Observing
Variant: Brainwashing and Conditioning
Having held the title of Iudex for decades upon decades, there’s not a soul in Fontaine who could challenge Neuvillette’s authority. He’s the perfect embodiment of justice across the land; his words have a certain weight that can sway opinions and perspectives. For his darling, this proves to be a misfortune. Even though the Iudex wouldn’t outwardly rely on violence, he has the mind and the right words to persuade his darling against ever leaving his side. How could you ever oppose the spirit of justice that Neuvillette possesses? His experiences have gained him unparalleled acuity. This astuteness often renders his darling obedient. Neuvillette’s goal might not include placing his darling beneath him, but he also relishes at this power more than anything else.
Subtype: Controlling, Monitoring, Overprotective, Actor
Variant: Keeping Tabs, Glassware
Ayato’s tendency to dominate heavily relies on leading the Kamisato Clan at an early age. Half of his life has been prepared for control, and he has all the avenue to help him enact this authority. Born and bred to mingle with his retainers, Ayato knows how to play innocuous to gain advantage. He possesses a keen sense of observation; nothing that his darling does ever goes past his attention. Despite being leagues away, Ayato never hesitates to seize the potential of the Shumatsuban to keep tabs on his darling. Freedom is a bitter pretense; you know you’re being watched from every corner of Inazuma regardless of Ayato’s absence. As the first-born son, it’s his responsibility to take care of everyone, and it’s his ultimate goal to reduce his darling into a hopeless mess who can turn to no one but him.
Subtype: Removing Nuisances
Variant: Physically Violent, Murderous
Diluc would die first before he lays a harmful hand on his darling. However, the wrong people might meet their untimely ends if they dare touch you. His façade has been carefully morphed to that of immovable indifference, but the simmering rage is quick to explode whenever Diluc faces a dilemma regarding his darling. Anyone who ventures to stand between him and you would be hunted down even to the pits of hell. Contrary to this side of him, Diluc makes careful deliberation on how to eradicate the forces which threatens your relationship with him. This character isn’t owed to the good reputation his family name bears, instead it is due to Diluc’s careful nature. Rushing will get him nowhere; he hates messy work. If he decides to kill someone just to have you for himself, he’d plan the whole thing to perfection.
Subtype: Removing Nuisances, Overprotective, Attention Seeking
Variant: Making an Impression, Doll
Childe is a weapon made of flesh and bone. Fighting fills a huge part of his being; it’s harmless to say that violence is a friend he’s known at an early age. These tendencies stretch out for the protection of the people he values. Aggression is his first answer to any threats against his darling, and aggression he utilizes to ensure that you do not run away from him. Just thinking about Childe’s potential is enough to turn your blood cold. Behind his handsome smiles is a person who wouldn’t think twice resorting to violence. Having absolute confidence in his combat abilities, it’s often that you will find yourself watching his prowess in battle, as he has a penchant for fighting those he deems as a worthy opponent. Childe yearns for your validation above all else. Your praises are his fuel and your rejection is the bane of his existence.
Subtype: Controlling, Removing Nuisances, Monitoring
Variant: Physically Violent, Physical, Isolating, Confinement
Wriothesley is held on the highest regards inside the Fortress. In the prison, there is no law but his words, and the prisoners know better than to offer him meaningless respect. He has a gentle side, don’t be afraid, and it’s solely meant for his darling only. However, his desire to protect you from outside forces tips back and forth between a noble cause and his wanton need to isolate you from the world. Why do you even want to leave the Fortress? You have everything and more down here. Why do you even think that you can escape to the surface? When you have no ally to aid your goal? You are a dove in this massive cage. Surely, the prisoners can gift you all the sympathy in the world, but they still have the right mind to avoid tempting the Duke’s wrath. At the end of the day, the rest of them can offer you nothing but apologies, because their lives— and yours— are in the hands of Wriothesley.
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doctorsiren · 3 days
Moth Psycho 100 AU
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Something that I latched onto for mp100 is the moth imagery for Mogami. More than once is a moth shown as symbolism, but it’s also associated with Mogami more than once, whereas with the other bugs he’s shown associated as, it’s just once i’m pretty sure (even if not, moths show up as symbolism the most so uhhh yeah)
So @cupofchemicalchatter and I cooked up an AU idea :)
Mogami Arc happens as normal except for the very end. Instead of Matsuo catching Mogami’s spirit and trapping him, Mogami is able to go and watch Mob from afar like he said he would: “You made your choice, kid. I’ll keep watching from afar to see if you made the right one.”
At the end of the Mogami Arc, Reigen says: “Anyway, history has shown that no good ever comes from drowning in wealth, fame, or power. Think about it: Mogami let his own powers swallow him up too.” Remember this, as this is important for the AU I’m about to explain. 
And this will go into the next arc, the Separation Arc. The part where Reigen is in the alleyway under the streetlight with those moths above him always felt deeper to a level that it probably wasn’t supposed to be and by that I mean I was connecting it to Mogami’s moth thing.
What am I talking about? Okay well, just imagine the Separation Arc happening as usual UNTIL that moment. The moment where Reigen is in the alleyway:
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Mogami had been keeping an eye on both Mob and Reigen, figuring that a way to break Mob was to use someone he cared about, that person being his mentor. So in that moment, Mogami had been possessing / using that moth as his vessel to watch Reigen. The moment that the moth drops dead and Reigen looks up is the moment that Mogami transferred his possession from the moth to Reigen, causing his sudden change. Now he is determined to “become somebody”. Of course, just like in canon and like Mogami did, he starts out by helping people out with their problems. He stated in the Mogami arc: “Mogami? Yeah, I modeled part of my work off him when I started this job.” Mogami stated that “at first, I used my abilities for good, giving advice and solving various problems.” Mogami was the “Psychic Star of the 20th Century”, with Reigen being the “Greatest Psychic of the 21st Century”. Mogami basically told Mob the classic villain thing of “we’re not so different, you and I”, but Mogami now sees that with Reigen as well. Despite the man not having powers, he would prove useful.
Reigen began “developing” psychic abilities. He thought at first that it might have been something residual still left over from when Mob gave him his powers while fighting the Scars, but he soon began to believe that he had dormant abilities that became awoken once he set out on “becoming somebody”. However, it’s actually just the possession from Mogami. He begins to realize that he doesn’t need Mob anymore. He can do exorcisms on his own now! So, he starts pushing everyone away…the people who would be able to actually help him out of this.
Reigen starts to hear a voice in his head. It’s Mogami speaking to him like he did with Mob, but he disguises it as Reigen’s own voice, allowing the conman to think that it’s his own thoughts. Reigen begins to separate himself from this “new” version of himself (which is just Mogami), but not in a way of “oh, these are bad thoughts” but in the way of “this version of me is my only true friend.” Since he’s being possessed, he’s not really thinking rationally. 
His reflection becomes a way that Mogami can communicate visually, while disguised as Reigen, of course. He speaks to Reigen, convincing him further that he doesn’t need anybody. Only himself.
His shadow also becomes a visual way for “Reigen” to communicate (because I thought that would be cool, kind of like Morgana in Ducktales 2017, or in The Princess and the Frog). 
The turning point for where things actually go south is the Supernatural Detective TV spot. When Jodo suggests that Reigen be the one to do the exorcism, instead of letting Jodo trick him, Reigen insists that Jodo go ahead with how the program was planned. In this world, the event is reversed. Jodo actually does the fake exorcism, since it was scripted, but then Reigen steps in and explains there was no evil spirit to exorcise, hence making Jodo the fool rather than Reigen. The host praises Reigen and the child reveals that he was acting the whole time. 
And then begins his true metamorphosis. 
Usually, butterflies are used to represent change, however moths go through that same transformation, but to most, they are held typically in a lesser regard than their daytime counterparts. Not really important, but I just thought it was interesting.
Reigen starts to spiral, becoming more and more of a corrupted conman. He isn’t assassinating people for money like Mogami had done, but he is lying more and more and more. The more he becomes corrupted with power, the more his psychic abilities grow (think Ritsu with Dimple and the student council stuff)/ The idea actually started out by me suggesting that as he gets more corrupted, he starts to cough out moths (sorta like an odd moth-based hanahaki, but having literally nothing to do with unrequited love and he won’t die from the moths. He just coughs them out because we thought that went kinda hard), but of course, he keeps telling himself (as well as Mogami telling him) that he’s fine. 
His powers (Mogami’s powers) are getting stronger and he’s taking out bigger spirits, taking on bigger clients, and becoming a bigger star. He finds himself losing consciousness / disassociating at times, only to wake up and find that he is stronger. It has become a little of a Jekyll and Hyde situation, but while Mogami has control of Reigen’s body, he uses it to consume evil spirits to try and regain the power he lost from fighting Mob. How we’re visually showing the possession is through a scar (like how Dimple has the red cheek spots). He got the scar under his right eye when Mogami exploded that one-way mirror in the Mogami Arc, and since Reigen’s technically being possessed during the duration of the AU (once that moth dies), the scar is visible the whole time.
In the end (we haven’t figured out when but we just know), Mob has to confront Mogami inside Reigen’s head, like he did with Minori. Inside Reigen’s head, it becomes blatant that Reigen isn’t psychic, although Mob’s sorta known that for a while (as it is alluded to at the end of the Separation Arc). But, Mob himself doesn’t want to acknowledge that fact. Reigen always said he had powers! Why would he lie? So although Shigeo knows the truth, Mob doesn’t see it. He pretends that it’s not true. He believes in Reigen’s lies. The student has become the master, in it that Mob is now lying to himself because he can’t bring himself to believe that Reigen lied to him.
After everything, Mob is able to separate Mogami from Reigen (but of course, not without everyone getting their fair share of trauma). The scar goes away, as he is no longer possessed. He’s back to being powerless, and now he knows that it was Mogami the whole time. However, Mob says that line. He says how he’s known that his master is genuinely a good guy, because it wasn’t on his own that he did all that conning and evil spirit stuff. It was because of Mogami’s corruption and influence. I think Matsuo would still somehow come across Mogami’s spirit and capture him, just so that it can come in handy later when he’s used in the World Domination Arc bc I don’t wanna mess that up lmao
Anyways yeah that was my attempt at compiling some frantic and excited discord DMs about this AU into something somewhat cohesive! Now here’s art for the AU, because I wanted to share them, but I needed to explain what was going on first!
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This was the first one I did for the AU, when I knew I needed to draw something up for the concept of him getting corrupted and coughing moths 😄
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And then the shadow and mirror thing (I LOVE the one of “Reigen” in the reflection oughhhh)
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If you remember that post where I said I woke up and found I had written “twink controlling a twink” the night prior, this is what it was in relation to 😭 why did I call Mogami a twink very very late at night? Who knows. The important thing is that doing so altered everything and now he is one in my mind, so I can’t do anything about it. Don't ask why this page seems really fruity, it was like 3 AM and over a week ago so I don't know (/silly)
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These were from when I was rewatching the Mogami Arc to pick up details for the AU
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Moths have the patterns on their wings to mimic eyes, so there’s that inherent aspect of deception and lying. It makes the moths seem like a bigger threat than they actually are. (also I have him wearing Mogami's blazer and shirt)
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And then just the moths and such with Mogami’s spirit
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And me pulling a quote from when Dimple was explaining who Mogami was.
YEAH I just really love drawing stuff for this AU bc of the fun moth symbolism.If none of any of this makes sense, I’m so sorry. I just needed to finally post about this AU bc it’s given me brainmoths (like brainworms, but y’know)
We kinda came up with the AU backwards and filled in random spots here and there after the fact of our original conjuration of it, so I had to try and piece it together HAHA 
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corruptedcaps · 3 days
The Goddess Complex
The Goddess Complex was originally an early 3 part story I wrote but Tumblr banned part 2 some time ago. I was going to re-release part 2 with SFW images but I thought, screw it I'll rewrite them all into one post. Enjoy!
Lisa kicked and struggled as two large men strapped her to a stone table in darkened room. She had been taken from her bed in the middle of the night, blindfolded and taken to this place, wherever it was.
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As one of the men pulled off her blindfold she finally could see where she was. As far as she could tell she was in some sort of theater. Balconies wrapped around the center of the room, where she was currently tied. Each seat in the theater was occupied by a cloaked figure
"What do you want from me? I didn't do anything wrong! I'm not a bad person!" Lisa screamed but no one answered. No one made a sound. The silence however did not last long and was soon punctuated with the clicking of heels walking into the room.
The cloaked figures seemed to lower their heads in reverence to the person walking in. Lisa strained to see who it was but couldn't get the right angle. The voice she heard next sent a chill down her spine.
"You didn't do anything wrong my dear, you're not a bad person. But don't worry, I'll fix that." Said the cold seductive purr of a woman. Her voice echoing around the walls of the theater.
The woman strolled onto the stage and stood over Lisa allowing her to finally see her. It was the most beautiful woman Lisa had ever seen. She had platinum blonde hair and wore tight black latex. Her face was cold and domineering. Lisa wanted to look away but she was almost hypnotic. Her tits were so large the piece of clothing holding them in was creaking with each movement.
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"W-who are you? W-what do you want from me?" Lisa said barely above a whisper.
"My name is Lilith and I am a Goddess. A Goddess of power, of beauty, of darkness. You have been chosen to receive a very special gift. A gift everyone in this room would die for. Many have." Lilith said her voice carrying immense weight.
"Gift? What kind of gift?" Lisa asked, a little intrigued.
"The most sacred of all gifts, my soul. I have had this body for 200 years and grow tired of it. I have had my fun with it, pushed it to sexual, mental and physical extremes and it has served me well but I crave a new body. Your body to be exact." Lilith said with a wicked smile.
"But what happens to me? My mind? My soul?!" Lisa shouted.
"They will cease to be. There will only be me, Goddess Lilith. Your pathetic farm girl body will be transformed into a vessel fit for me and my power. This body I inhabit was once like yours is now. Underdeveloped. Unremarkable. Unfuckable. But when I take control, all that will change." Lilith said almost salivating at the thought.
"Why my body? Take one of your cultists here!" Lisa said suddenly realising the gravity of her situation.
"For the successful transfer to occur, the body needs to be pure, untouched, virginal. All my followers have been spoilt by me." Lilith said almost wistful.
"What? No you can't do this! I'm not even a v-" screamed Lisa as she renewed her struggling.
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"I grow weary of this." Lilith said cutting Lisa off as she placed a single finger on Lisas forehead. Instantly Lisa stopped, paralysed unable to do or say anything, her mouth still wide open. The only thing she could move were here eyes.
She watched as Lilith clicked her fingers and a second stone table rose from the floor. She lay down upon it as her followers began to chant in a language Lisa had never heard.
The lights in the room began to flickered and the walls started to shake. Lilith lifted a blade high above her own stomach and with one final incantation word from her mouth she drove the dagger into her chest.
A bright blinding light began to escape from the newly formed hole. The light filled the room making it hard to see. Lilith's arms went limp as the light escaped her body, swirling around the room like a snake. Spotting Lisa's open mouth it dove towards it. Lisa felt a hot sensation as it slid down her throat, slowly diminishing the light in the room until it was all gone.
Lisa blinked, not believing what had just happened. She also wondered why she could still feel her body, why she could now move her fingers again. Why her mind was still intact and not taken over by some crazy evil Goddess. That's when she realised that Lilith and her followers had messed up.
Lisa was by no means sexually active but she also wasn't a virgin. She theorized that they had grabbed her by mistake. There was a pious girl in her town also called Lisa who everyone knew was saving herself for marriage. Could this have been the girl they meant to take?
All Lisa knew was that she had to get out of there before they found out their plan didn't work. Before she could put any plan into action there was movement in the room.
The figures in the room slowly stood up and Lisa closed her eyes pretending to be unconscious. She heard the heavy steps of the disciples surround her.
"Goddess? Was the transfer a success?" She heard one ask.
"Jokes on you, you guys messed up." She thought but then an idea struck her. Maybe she could use this to her advantage to escape. She had to act fast, emphasis on the word act.
Lisa shot her eyes open and looked at the disciple with disdain.
"Of course it worked you fool, how dare you question your Goddess. Now untie these binds." Lisa snarled. For a moment she was worried it had not worked, the man looked confused. However another man quickly pushed him out of the way and began to undo her restraints.
"Forgive him my Goddess, he is a newer recruit to our church. He was merely worried for your well being." The man said as Lisa sat up. She just needed to get out of this room and away from so many of these people, thankfully they seemed to respond to her act so far.
"Worried?" Lisa let out a sarcastic laugh as she turned to the younger member. "I have performed this ritual countless times. Never doubt my power worm." She raised her hand towards him, as if she were to shoot lighting from it.
She didn't even know if Lilith had such powers but as the crowd of people parted in fear as if she were wielding a weapon she thought to herself, "I am nailing this." She would get herself out of there in no time.
"I need to retire to my quarters to recover my strength. You two!" She growled pointing at two disciples who had strapped her down. Despite their hulking appearance they seemed just as worried of her wrath as the the others. It gave Lisa a weird thrill.
"Escort me at once." She said getting off the stone table. The guards bowed and turned, walking towards a door. Lisa followed behind while the rest of the cultists remained in the theater. As they walked through the door Lisa breathed a silent sigh of relief. As well as her act was going she knew she wasn't out of the woods yet.
As they walked down the long corridor, Lisa was finding herself constantly retightening her pyjama pants, she didn't remember them being so loose on her waist. Conversely her sleep shirt was feeling unusually tight around her chest. Not enough to cause any breathing problems but enough to be irritating.
"Before I make my escaped maybe I should change into something a little more comfortable, I'm sure the Goddess won't mind." Lisa thought to herself with a chuckle.
Unbeknownst to her, her body had began to subtly transform. Her boobs were a size bigger, her stomach was more toned and she had instantly dropped ten pounds. These changes seemed to radiate to even the way she walked, each stride more confident than the last, her head held higher with an almost royal like air.
She was about to realise that they weren't the only changes taking place....
Lisa was led down many corridors and through several halls until her and her escorts arrived at their apparent final destination.
"This place is a maze. How will I know where to get out?" Lisa thought to herself as they stood before two giant and grand doors. The two burly men each pushed open one of the doors, revealing a room of darkness. Not wanting to appear weak, Lisa strode in confidently. Instead of following the men closed the doors behind her and she was plunged into darkness.
“Shit, now what?” She said to herself.
As if hearing her frustration, all of a sudden candles in the room began lighting themselves around her, illuminating the opulent bedroom. It's decor and design was far more rich and luxurious than the halls she had walked through. It was a bedroom truly fit for a Goddess. At the center of the room was the biggest bed Lisa had ever seen.
"Big enough for an orgy." Lisa thought to herself with a smirk before quickly shaking her head to rid her of the out of character thought.
At the back were two identical doors spaced apart. Pushing open one she found it to be an equally sumptuous bathroom. The floor and walls were lined with marble and at the back of the room was a large and spacious bathtub.
Lisa bit her lip. She knew she needed to get out of there as soon as possible but the bathtub looked so inviting.
“I could use a wash, those brutes weren’t gentle or clean when they took me.” Lisa said to convince herself as she drew the bath.
“It couldn’t hurt to have a little me time.” She mused while taking off her dirty and torn clothing.
She stood before the floor to ceiling mirror fully naked. She put her hands on her hips and posed identically to how she had seen Lilith pose earlier. She didn’t notice her bigger boobs or her tighter waist.
“After all, I am the Goddess.” She said in her best dominant voice as she stared cold eyed at her reflection before breaking and laughing at herself. “Yeah right, me a Goddess?!” She laughed again as she slipped into a black silk night gown that was hanging up as she waited for the tub to fill.
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"Those guards might have pulled something, my boobs feel tender and look swollen." She said as she rubbed them. Almost instantly her nipples stood on end.
"Ohhh and they're so sensitive too." She moaned lightly as her fingers made circles instinctively around her rock hard nipples. She was so lost in the sensation that she didn't notice her nails were long and manicured now.
“I wonder if Lilith played with herself like this while bathing. No I bet she would of had people to do it for her. I can see it now ‘you slave caress my nipples… not with your fingers… with your tongue’, yeah I bet she took a lot of pleasure in doing that." Lisa said to herself as a sly grin crossed over her face. She closed her eyes and let the wicked images play out in her mind.
She could see it now, the blonde Goddess beckoning to a waiting well hung man to come over to the bathtub.
“Mmmmm you want to please your Goddess don’t you slave.” Lilith asked to the man who nodded obediently.
"Then prove it." Lisa said herself in a whisper, captivated by the scene before her.
"Then prove it. Show me how much you are devoted to me." Lilith said to the slave echoing Lisa's words. The man walked over to the tub and got in, it's large size proving more than spacious. He stuck his tongue out and traced mini circles around Lilith's nipples.
Both Lisa and Lilith moaned in unison. Lisa was mimicking the action of the slave with her fingers, or perhaps it was her imagination that was following the actions of her fingers? Whatever the case Lisa was finding herself in bliss. Strangely she also found herself closer to the bathtub now too.
"Gooooood. Now lower." Lisa said, her voice now tinged with a level of coldness she had previously lacked. Lilith did not repeat her words this time, choosing to simply point instead.
The man ran his tongue down her body, getting to her clit. He waited however, not wanting to proceed before his mistress allowed it. But he did not look to Lilith, instead he looked at Lisa. Opening her eyes for a second she suddenly found herself in the tub.
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Not wanting her fantasy to end she closed her eyes and imagined the man opposite her in the tub, she was now polity in her fantasy. The slave still looked at her, awaiting approval. She was fully in control and it was making her unbelievably wet.
"Do it!" Lisa said in a commanding voice. With a deft move the man's tongue slid into her slit and Lisa moaned once again, her voice deeper and stronger. In her head she could hear Lilith moan in snyc with her as well, if a little quieter than before.
Her hand was clinging on tight to the slaves head directing his tongue around her perfect pussy. “Oh thats it’s make your Goddess cum, you will be rewarded for doing so.” Back in reality she was plunging her fingers deep inside herself, exploring parts of her body she had been too shy to have before. She was verging on having the best orgasm of her life.
“Yessss oh fuck yes. Make me feel your complete devotion to your Goddess. Please your Goddess. I deserve all of this power and worship, I am beautiful, I am powerful….. Ohhhhhhhhhh… I am.... GODDESS LILITH!”. A huge cascade of pleasure engulfed Lisa as she screamed out the name in the echoing bathroom. She held her head and let out soft moans as she experienced the after shock orgasms in waves.
“Ohhhhhhh fuck I can't believe how hard I just came. I haven't done that since…. I don't think I’ve ever came like that.” Lisa said slowly regaining her composure. She spent a few more minutes actually washing herself, all the while resisting the urge to pleasure herself again.
Stepping out of the bathtub grabbed a towel to dry off and found herself staring at her reflection, captivated by the sight. She didn't notice that her boobs had once again grow, now two sizes bigger. Her skin had take on a light tan and her hair, despite just being in the water, looked perfectly sleek and shiny. All she could see was how hot she was.
“Mmmmm maybe it wasn't so crazy to think I could pass as 'The Goddess'. I am obviously sexy enough.” She purred as she took in her reflection vainly for a couple more minutes. She admired her every curve, soon convincing herself that she was in fact Goddess material, if not better. Just as she was contemplating playing with herself some more she realised her clothes were missing.
"Who would dare steal my clothes!?" She said in a booming voice that demanded answers. Stomping out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom she was about to reign down hell on the two guards when her eye caught the other door in the room.
“If that door led to the bathroom then this door must lead to the-" She said throwing open the other door. Her eyes lit up as she saw the inside, and a fiendish smile crept across her face “-the closet.”
Part 3
Lisa stood before racks and racks of clothing. There was everything from elegant ballgowns to skimpy lingerie. High heeled shoes to designer bags. Latex whips to steel chains. She ran her fingers across it all feeling each item slowly. She picked up a whip and ran it sensually across her naked body.
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"Mmmm I wonder what naughty things Lilith has gotten up to in here?" She said with a smirk to herself but then quickly shaking it off.
"Ok enough playing around I need to find something that won't have anyone questioning my orders so I can walk right out of here. Not that they should question their Goddess!" She said suddenly snapping into character before shaking it off again.
"I need something dominating, authoritative, powerful." She said to herself while absent-mindedly playing with her tits.
"There are just too many options that look so fucking good and nasty! Hang on what am I saying?!” She thought to herself, these were garments for an evil bitch Goddess. They weren't her style, she just needed to pick something. Grabbing an item at random, she started to put it on.
"No I'm a good kind girl not some crazy cult queen." She said pulling on the knee high latex boots.
"Don't get me wrong though what girl wouldn't want to be worshipped as a goddess?" She said slipping into the tight black latex pants.
"But it's not right to have that kind of power over people... Even if the people are are pathetic helpless worms." She said with a sting of venom behind the last part as she put on the tight latex top, it's material managing to contain the massive tits she now had.
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"They would be lost without me really. The Goddess that is. Like ants without a queen. With Lilith gone, they'll be impotent after I escape." She said putting on expensive gold jewelry. Her look complete she turned and faced the mirror.
At first her expression was that of surprise. Her body was pure beauty now. She looked like she had been poured into her outfit, an outfit that screamed power. Her body had morphed over the course of an hour into a perfect female form.
Her new bigger tits were nearly spilling out of her top. Her waist was crunched in so impossibly that it was a miracle she could breathe. Dark mascara had somehow appeared on the eyelashes and lipstick covered her now supple lips.
Her surprise soon warped into a look of contempt. Not for herself but for how she remembered all the disciples in the theater. Seeing her undeniable beauty filled her with disdain for anyone lesser than her which in her eyes was everyone. A cold pleasurable shiver ran over her body.
"Those useless mortals need a Goddess to lead them. They need me. They want me. Of course they do, look at me. I am perfection." She said staring into her own eyes, almost hypnotising herself with every word. She picked up a nearby whip and let it crack, loving the sound it made.
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"They need my cruel uncaring hand to guide them, to whip them into shape. Yesssss I was made to be Goddess. Only I am worthy. Others live only to serve my desires." She said in a deeper sexier tone than she was used to.
Suddenly there was a sound from the main bedroom breaking her from her trance. Shaking her head she felt as though she was waking from a dream.
"No! What am I saying? Something is happening to me. Look at my body! I'm all tits and darkness. That bitch infected me with her evil. I need to get out of here away from any remnants of her." She said walking away from the mirror and into the bedroom to investigate the sound, where she found she wasn't alone.
Standing clad in a sleek leotard wielding two daggers as a beautiful blonde with a stern look on her face.
"Ah Lilith I see you've taken a new host. Trying to out fox me no doubt but your reign of evil ends tonight." The blonde assassin said lunging at Lisa who dodged out of the way with superhuman speed, surprising even herself.
"No wait I'm not Lilith. My name is Lisa! Her ritual thing didn't work. I'm just trying to get out of here. Please stop!" Lisa pleaded but the assassin continued her attack.
"Your tricks won't fool me witch!" The assassin said with anger and fury. Again Lisa dodged and countered with ease. Lisa could feel Lilith's power begin to coarse through her body with each dodge, as if being activated by some sort of sense of survival. The more power she gained the more she could feel the dark personality creep back in.
"Please this is just making things worse.... ugh.... for you!" Lisa said holding back the darkness and assassin at the same time.
"Dominate her! Make her kneel before you!" Her conscious was demanding, it's corruption hard to halt.
"No I won't! This is wrong!" Lisa said, pleading with her own thoughts.
"The only thing wrong is not bending her to your will! She should be serving you in the bathtub as you imagined!" Her dark consciousness said causing Lisa to reimagine the bathroom fantasy earlier with the blonde assassin in place of the male slave. She wanted to fight against the feelings but they were making her feel stronger, powerful and horny. It was intoxicating.
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Finally the assassin made a last ditch lunge at Lisa who instinctively side knelt out of the way and managed to strike her with the whip. It coiled around the assassin's waist and Lisa pulled it hard, propelling the assassin to her outstretched free hand.
Lisa grabbed the assassin around the neck, lifting her with ease off of the ground. All at once Lisa felt a flood of power invade her senses. She was suddenly consuming the would-be assassins soul and she couldn't get enough. Her body orgasmed again and again as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
"Nooooooo I have to stop before it’s too laaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.” She screamed throwing her head back. She could feel all of the assassin's memories, emotions, and desires. Her name was Rita, she was part of a group hell bent on destroying Lilith. She had trained her whole life to kill the Goddess but now Lisa was turning her into a loyal follower. She loved every second of it.
“Yessssss this is my destiny." She screamed in ecstasy. "All will kneel before my beauty and tremble. Your soul is just want I needed to complete my evil transformation." Lisa laughed.
The two guards came in from outside after hearing the screaming. They stood in awe of their new Goddess. She let go of her grip on the blonde causing the assassin to drop to her knees. The blonde drained of any resistance, looked up at Lisa.
"How may I serve you Goddess." She said in a zombie like state.
"You fought well Rita and made your way pass these idiotic guards. They are of no use to me now. End them,” Lisa said with a smirk and watched as Rita dispatched the men easily within seconds. Lisa walked over to her new bodyguard with glee, taking her face in her hands.
“Having absorbed your memories I know you're a virgin Rita so I am at a bit of a crossroads. Do I save you and keep you pure so that one day you might be a suitable host for me. Or do I soil your soul and fuck you like the little slut puppet I desire? Decisions, decisions." Lisa said checking out Rita's tight and supple body.
"Mmmm it would be a shame to not taste a treat as sweet as you. Come along." Lisa said walking over towards the bathroom.
“Yes Goddess Lisa.” Rita replied causing Lisa to stop.
"Lilith is such a wonderfully wicked name, it would be a shame to not use it, wouldn't you say?" Lisa said rhetorically.
"Of course, Goddess Lilith." Rita answered back causing a pleasurable chill to run through Lisa's body.
"The Goddess is dead, long live the Goddess." She said with an evil purr and continued into the bathroom.
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103 notes · View notes
May I request some full HCs of the M6 with an ex coliseum fighter MC?
The Arcana HCs: M6 with an ex-Coliseum fighter MC
His first thought when he laid eyes on you after he broke into your shop was "wow, they must have some stories to tell!"
Oddly enough, the physical (and mental/emotional) scars you carry from your time in the Coliseum are big reasons for why he chooses to trust you - and, eventually to cherish you. You've been through it
As someone who's had quite the wild life himself, he can trust you to understand how difficult experiences do and don't define who you are. He knows if he talks about life with pirates, you'll get it
If it's his turn to have a nightmare, he doesn't have to worry that talking about his bad dreams will expose you to new horrors. If it's your turn, he's a light sleeper for good reasons
Tends to pry for stories about your time there, but in a good way that pushes you to process what it was like
Checked over all the scars you accumulated there and regularly asks after any lingering chronic pain from the injuries
Once he's gotten past the initial flirtatious comments and the awkwardness of opening up, he'd be lying if he doesn't find the scars and background very attractive. Rough him up anytime ~
They're in two minds about the whole situation and they're not totally sure how to proceed with it when discomfort isn't their thing
He's glad you're not there anymore. He often wonders if you coming back without memories was actually a merciful thing, if it meant not remembering the details of your trauma
They hate seeing all the marks of pain and violence on your body, because it's like a reminder to them of one of the many ways they somehow let you down or left you alone when you needed help
Deep down, however, it's beyond comforting to him to know what you're capable of surviving without help, because he knows he can't always be there for you no matter how hard he tries
They know that if you're ever in a situation again where your life is threatened, you'll fight viciously to preserve it. They hate that you experienced it and hope you never will again, but they're relieved
All that to say, he doesn't know how to talk about it and he's not going to broach the subject unless you do
Still committed to loving you and being open with you. They know you, they know you're good, and they want you to know them too
When she first met you, she assumed the scars must have come from fighting in a war. The Coliseum didn't occur to her
She doesn't even have the clearest memories of it, since she only really saw it after being married to the man who instated it. That doesn't stop her from feeling immensely guilty about it
This happened to you while she had the power to push back against it, and she didn't. There was so much going wrong that she never addressed because she was holed up in her tower, hiding
That only spurs her to try to make things right. You do receive a halting but heartfelt apology from her early on, and a respectful invitation to share your experience with her at your comfort
Just as you've helped her to move on and recover, she wants to do the same for you. You have a powerful skill set. To the extent that you're willing to, she'd love to see you put it to noble use
How do you feel about teaching martial arts? She'll put you in touch with Nahara, and will help you fund a teaching studio for anyone who could use the coaching
Or you could be her personal bodyguard ...
More than anything, he's just relieved he never had to kill you. He already has so much regret to live with, and the thought of ending the person who would've made life good again is horrific
That doesn't make you easy to be around at first. Everything about you brings back the memories he wants to leave behind
The scars that match his, the way you react to movement, even the way you walk to compensate for the drag of chains you don't wear anymore. You're the un-hateable mirror of everything that hurts
And that's just after the first few days. Truthfully, you scare him, and even after building a new life with you there are still moments when being perceived by you terrifies him, because you get him
You don't need words or confessions to understand the hell that's shaped him so profoundly. And even when he can't stand to carry someone else's pain on top of his own, he still understands yours
It's precisely that forced vulnerability that makes loving you so profoundly healing. He loves you for you, he loves you for the pain you've experienced, and since it's the same as his own, he's learning to love himself begrudgingly in the process
Not put off by you at all, which is extremely rare for you
She finds it attractive if anything. You look like someone who's really lived. You look like someone who gives as good as they get
It makes her a little uncomfortable to be around at first. She's so quickly caught up in the coolness and excitement of your violent past that she can get borderline insensitive with her questions
What's it like to be in a fight? Who's the biggest person you fought? Did you really have to kill all of your opponents? How many did you kill? Was there a lot of blood? What weapons did you use?
Does a complete 180 the first time she sees the emotional and mental toll it's taken on you. She's so empathetic, it takes all of five seconds for her to understand this is trauma before she's weeping
So very happy to be your anchor and grounding presence. She will hold you and grieve with you and never, ever, ever look at you differently for what you were a part of. You're not scary to her
Almost overprotective when it comes to how other people perceive you. Someone's acting like you're the scariest person in the room and making you uncomfortable? She's about to prove them wrong
After spending three years as a goat ghost, he doesn't care who you are, just talk to him - oh, his survival depends on your good graces? And he had you stuck as a Coliseum fighter? Hmmm
Tried to hide it, but he was scared at first. He was smart enough to know that you had good reason to dislike him, and therefore plenty of reason to further mess him up in such a vulnerable state
But you didn't. Which made him confused. And curious
Tell him about your time there, then! What was it like being in the ring? Being a participant in his favorite fight of yours?
Oh. Oh, it was that bad? ..... oh.
He carries guilt for every painful repercussion you experience. It was shame, and now it looks more like remorseful responsibility, but he doesn't need it rubbed in his face to know it was wrong
What he also knows is a valuable lesson you taught him, which is both the importance and possibility of making things right
You will never have a nightmare he won't be ready to comfort you for. You will never have an injury he won't be getting his clothes dirty for treating it. You will always, always have him by your side
63 notes · View notes
riizegasm · 2 days
Blossom || M. JH
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❀ pairing: crown prince!myung jaehyun x princess!reader, implied fem!reader
❀ genre: royalty!au, arranged marriage!au, fluff, minor angst
❀ word count: ~4.6k
❀ warnings: very minor royalty-typical misogyny (not from jaehyun)
❀ summary: A loveless marriage isn't high on anyone's list of desires, especially yours. However, all it takes is a certain crown prince to show you that duty and desire don't always have to conflict. With a little nurturing, love, too, can blossom.
❀ a/n: The writer’s block was so real for this fic!! Despite that, I do think it turned out pretty well. I hope you guys think so too. As always, likes, replies, and reblogs are encouraged. Happy reading!
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Dreams of your wedding day always consisted of one thing: love. Ever since you were little, you imagined being married to none other than the love of your life. It didn’t matter what dress you were wearing, be it the custom garments of your kingdom or the ornate ceremonial dresses of another, because you would be marrying someone you loved. The cake could be flavorless and bland, and the crown that you wore could be heavy or feather light. None of that mattered. Because you would be in love. 
You were not in love with Crown Prince Myung Jaehyun. And yet, you were set to wed him anyway. 
Your stomach churns as the traditional shell calls of your kingdom go off, their airy whistle signifying the entrance of your guests. As the gilded doors to the throne room open, your breath remains caught in your throat as you lay eyes on the procession of people that enter. First, an older man, dressed in bright gem tones that match the ones in his crown. Then there’s a woman, her yellow and green satin dress flapping behind her in the wind. And finally, a young man. 
You don’t know what you expected the Crown Prince to look like, only having heard stories about how charming and personable he is. But when he enters the room, you are stunned by his appearance. He is breathtaking. 
His charisma bleeds off him in waves, emphasized by the kind smile he wears. It pulls his rounded cheeks upwards, boyish dimples indenting the golden surface. His gaze betrays some of his confidence, however, pupils shaking as they take in the room around him. It is only when he finally arrives at the center of the room, standing proudly next to his parents, that his eyes land on you.  
As a child, some of the aids in the palace used to tell you fantasy stories about what it felt like to be in love. They spoke of fluttering tummies and reddening cheeks, of a smile you’re unable to fight off and a lighter feeling when you’re around them. Looking at Crown Prince Myung Jaehyun gives you one of those four sensations, but by the glimmer in his eye, you’re sure it won’t be long before you check all of them off the list. 
“Welcome to Vyrona,” your father greets. “It is a pleasure to see you again, King Jaeseong, Queen Jirae.”
King Jaeseong grins, bowing his head in greeting. “It’s an honor, Your Majesty. I am delighted to introduce you to my son, Myung Jaehyun, the Crown Prince of Nexdor.”
The man in question bows at the waist, his crown not moving from its perfect position atop his light brown curls. “It’s an honor, Your Majesty.”
When Jaehyun returns to his upright position, his eyes find yours once again, not even bothering to continue to address the man in power. You can’t help but cock an eyebrow at the bold gesture, confused on why the man would choose to focus all of his attention on you instead of the conversation around him. At your silent question, Jaehyun just shoots you a small smirk, still refusing to break eye contact. 
“Well,” your father says, clapping his hands together once. “I am truly excited for the merging of our kingdoms. My daughter, Princess Y/N, is just as excited about the marriage as we are. I hope she is to your satisfaction, Prince Jaehyun.”
“She is breathtaking, Your Majesty. I would be honored to have her as my bride.”
Jaehyun speaks with conviction, words tinged with a hint of awe. It’s as if he genuinely believes what he’s saying, as if he is truly honored to be married to a woman he doesn’t even know. You can’t say that you necessarily agree. 
“Then it is settled,” your father declares. “Y/N will move to Nexdor in one month’s time, and the two of you will be wed in three.”
“That sounds lovely, Your Majesty,” Jaehyun beams. “I am looking forward to having such a gem come join us in Nexdor. I promise I will be nothing short of an amazing husband to your daughter.”
Your father chuckles, “I can tell.”
.         .         .
Lush grasses and sprawling gardens are all you can see as you peer out from your balcony. Nexdor has always been known as the “Green Kingdom”, but you were never able to experience it for yourself until this very moment. It makes sense that Nexdorians always have a lovely tan complexion and full, rounded faces. The sun is strong and the soil is rich, leading to plentiful harvests that never seem to wane. 
The pale color of the sky is dull in comparison to the rich ocean blue that you are used to in Vyrona, making you miss your sandy shores and the permanent sound of crashing waves. The wind doesn’t have a salty smell, but instead carries the mild scent of fresh flowers. Instead of crashing waves and gulls cawing, there are the faint squeals of livestock and the occasional bark of a dog. 
Nexdor seems to be teeming with life in the opposite way that you were used to in your kingdom. But you suppose the two simply exist as opposites, land and sea, sun and moon, meat and fish. You wonder if you and Jaehyun will exist as opposites as well, or if you can find some way to overcome your innate differences for the sake of the marriage. 
“Your highness?” A voice calls, punctuated by a firm rap of knuckles against the wooden doorframe. 
A glance over your shoulder reveals Jaehyun standing there, dressed much more casually than you had priorly seen him. It’s a good look on him, looser, relaxed garments and unkempt curls. He looks youthful and relaxed, undeniably attractive in the confident set of his shoulders and the soft smile he wears. It makes you wonder why rumors always raved about his personality rather than his looks. You guess he just must be that charming. 
“Come in,” you call from the balcony, not bothering to continue to look as the man approaches. 
In your periphery, you can make out the man leaning his forearms on the wooden railing of the balcony. He seems to be taking in the scenery, much like you are, eyes fluttering shut as a warm breeze begins to blow. 
“How are you settling in, Your Highness?”
You scoff. “We are set to be wed in a few months. I don’t think we quite need to refer to each other by title, don’t you agree?”
Jaehyun chuckles, ducking his head so it hangs between his shoulders. When he straightens up, he props his head in his hand, twisting his upper body to face you. You try your best not to stare at the slope of his nose or the plush of his lips, fighting the heat that is rising to your cheeks. 
“I guess you’re right. How are you settling in, Y/N?”
The flutter through your core has you taking a deep breath to steel your nerves. “It has been fine, I suppose. It has only been about an hour, so I can’t say that I have seen much. But it’s beautiful. Your kingdom is beautiful.”
Jaehyun’s smile widens, gaze never once leaving your own. “It surely is.”
There’s a moment of silence as you turn back to take in the scenery, letting the warmth of the sun caress your face. The Crown Prince simply continues to regard you, shameless in the way he scans your face. The undivided attention has anxiety bubbling in your abdomen. Never before had you been on the receiving end of such a stare, not during the numerous balls you had attended or during any royal appearances outside of the palace. 
“Is everything okay?” You ask softly, voice shaking with uncertainty. 
“Do you like flowers?”
The question takes you aback. “I suppose I do.”
“Which is your favorite?”
“I have always been quite fond of azaleas, specifically the bright pink ones. They tend to grow on bushes not too far from the shores of Vyrona.”
Jaehyun just smiles, nodding softly. “That suits you.”
When he finally turns to look out at the landscape, your shoulders sag in relief, no longer the sole object of the prince’s attention. You wonder if he is often like this, wide eyes sparkling as they take in every detail. Do his cheeks always dimple, or is it only when he smiles on certain occasions? Does his mouth always look so plush as it parts to form slow syllables?
“How are you feeling about the marriage?” His voice is softer as he speaks this time. “I mean how do you really feel, not the answer they make you rehearse in etiquette class.”
His request for candor makes you smile. “I don’t quite know, yet. You know, as a young girl, they tell you stories about the glamor of finding a husband and getting married. But I’m not quite sure what to expect anymore.”
“Are you saying I’m not glamorous enough for you, princess?”
You can’t help but giggle as the man places his cheeks in his palms, fluttering his eyelashes repeatedly. There’s something in the tilt of his head and the fanning of his eyelashes that truly is glamorous, but you fear the result of telling him so. Instead, you just roll your eyes playfully. 
“You know what I mean.”
Jaehyun smiles, finally dropping his pose in favor of leaning back against the railing. “I do. But in all fairness, we have only known each other for mere hours. If you give me the chance, I promise I will try to make this life glamorous for you.”
You return his smile, trying not to stare too hard at the way the sun highlights his Cupid’s bow. “I’d expect nothing less.”
.          .          .
Wedding preparations are more strenuous than you could have ever imagined. Dress fittings and pastry tastings prove to be tiresome, while ballroom dance lessons leave your feet sore and aching. You spend hours per day learning about Nexdorian customs and ceremonial practices, all with the expectation of having them memorized in less than two months. 
As exhausting as it is, having Jaehyun by your side makes everything a little easier. 
You grow accustomed to the way he whispers jokes under his breath when the history teacher drones on and on about traditional wedding practices. He busts silly dance moves and makes funny faces during ballroom class, stopping at nothing to simply make you laugh. Everything he does in your presence proves to be for the sake of making you comfortable. 
You hate to admit that it works like a charm, making you smile even when you’re feeling extra homesick. Just thinking about his soft jokes and melodious laugh is enough to bring heat to your cheeks. It’s odd to acknowledge that Jaehyun is simply perfect, and he’s about to be yours. He works hard to prove himself to you everyday, as if his devotion to making you comfortable can be substituted for the lack of love. 
Maybe you can mistake it as such.
When Jaehyun knocks on your door with a picnic basket and a blanket in hand, it’s easy to mistake it as love. When he leads you out to a meadow dotted with purple and yellow flowers with a hand on your waist, it’s easy to mistake it as love. When he tucks a vibrant purple blossom behind your ear, it’s easy to mistake it as love. 
Even now, as soft winds ruffle Jaehyun’s curls as he tilts his head back, facing the sun, you wonder if this could be love. He looks extremely serene with his eyes closed and dimpled cheeks, a soft smile permanently gracing his face. You don’t think you’ve seen him frown once since you have moved into the palace, the man always wide eyed and positive down to his core. 
“You know,” Jaehyun starts, eyes still closed. “You do a lot of staring at me.”
Instantly, you avert your eyes, fighting the heat rising to your cheeks. “Consider it payback for how much you stare at me.”
Jaehyun opens his eyes, shooting you a small smirk. “Well, can you blame me? You’re gorgeous.”
“And you’re quite the flatterer.”
“I hardly think it’s a crime to compliment my fiancé.”
For some reason, the word makes you cringe, harshly gripping the picnic blanket underneath your fingers. It’s hardly the first time you’ve heard him refer to you as such, but it always leaves a stale taste in your mouth. 
“Does it not bother you?” You question. “The fact that we are set to be wed and we have only known each other for mere months?”
Jaehyun sighs. “I think the strength of a connection cannot be determined by the time spent together, don’t you?”
The implication has your heart pounding in your chest. “Are you saying that we have a strong connection?”
For a moment, there is mere silence, only interrupted by the soft rustle of leaves in the wind. Jaehyun seems calm as he begins to lean forward, only stopping mere inches from your face. The close proximity has your breath stuttering in your chest, still not used to Jaehyun’s confidence in displays of affection. 
“I feel it,” Jaehyun murmurs softly, eyes momentarily flicking down to your lips. They return to your eyes just as quickly. “Don’t you?”
A flutter runs through your core as Jaehyun’s tongue darts out to run across his bottom lip. 
“I-I do,” you whisper, breath stuck in your throat. 
With a bright smile, Jaehyun pulls away, forcing you to come back to your senses. 
“Good,” he beams. “Now let’s eat.”
It’s almost as if the man can sense his effect on you, constantly meeting you with fleeting touches and secretive grins in the coming days. After the picnic, he makes a point to surprise you with a random wildflower each day, always tucking it behind your ear as if leaving a garnish on an exquisite dish. His fingers will lightly trace your jaw as they retreat, leaving a path of flames in his wake. 
His touch emboldens you, allowing you to reciprocate his affections bit by bit. As the days pass, you begin to lean into the hands that guide you by the waist. You joke alongside him, feeling free to put on your silliest face and tell your cringiest jokes. 
It begins to feel like a relationship, one that goes beyond the simple pressures of royal duty. Smiles begin to turn purposeful instead of secretive. Knowing glances are exchanged as you both seek each other out in a crowded room. Pulses go from racing at the first glimpse of each other to mellowing out when the other finally makes an appearance. 
In a month’s time, you will be married to Crown Prince Myung Jaehyun. And for the first time in a long time, you start to believe that maybe love will make an appearance at your wedding after all. 
.         .         .
The days when Jaehyun leaves you by your lonesome prove to be the hardest. You understand, of course. He is the Crown Prince with a plethora of obligations to his Kingdom, unable to solely sit back and prepare for the wedding like you do. Ruling comes first, always, even before being a fiancé. 
It’s a particularly gloomy day when an aid informs you that Jaehyun will be in political meetings all day to address a recent conflict at the northern border. With soft rain pelting the windows, you have no other option than to explore the palace. 
Polished wood squeaks under the weight of your slippers as you roam the seemingly endless halls. Every room that you pass seems to serve a different purpose, some being bedrooms while others are studies. You even find yourself in a room lined with portraits of past rulers and their families, each one telling a little bit of the history of Nexdor. Adjacent to the portrait of King Jaeseong and his family lies an empty space, just waiting for the portrait of Jaehyun and his family to fill it. You cringe at the thought of your face permanently plastered here for any wandering eye to see. 
Further down the hall from the portrait room seems to be a series of meeting rooms, each one with a different set up. As you venture down the hall, a half opened door piques your interest. But just as you move to push the door open, a frustrated groan stops you in your tracks. 
“I promise you, Father. I’m not losing focus.” There’s a frustrated edge to Jaehyun’s voice that you have never experienced before. “I know what I need to do to rule my country.”
“Clearly, you don’t!” King Jaeseong booms. “Instead of attending to your duties at Crown Prince, you are too worried about caring for the princess. You cannot let petty feelings get in the way of you ruling this kingdom to the best of your ability.”
“Feelings?” Jaehyun scoffs. “This marriage is purely political, you know that just as well as I do. I don’t even care for her. She is simply set to be my wife for our kingdom’s gain, and that is it.”
Despite King Jaeseong’s reply, the words seem to echo throughout the empty hallway, setting off a ringing in your ears. 
You release a shaky sigh, feeling your heart plummet to the pit of your core. The corners of your eyes begin to sting with the force of incoming tears, forcing you to blink rapidly to keep them at bay. It’s impossible to tune into the rest of the conversation, your mind having shut down after hearing Jaehyun’s comment. With no other choice, you flee back down the hallway, seeking nothing more than the solace of your room. 
What feels like hours pass as you simply stare up at your ceiling, letting your emotions ebb and flow like waves against the shore. As devastated as you are, you can’t help but be upset with yourself more than anything. Jaehyun was right, after all. The marriage is simply political. There is no place for feelings in ruling a kingdom, the fairy tales you were told as a kid being nothing more than just that, tales. 
Yet another part of you aches at the thought of Jaehyun viewing you as a political move. All the jokes and smiles were nothing more than what would be displayed at a public hearing. The fleeting touches and the brushes of fingers against bare skin existed simply to placate a political tide. What has begun to feel like more has been reduced to a political pawn game. 
Your chances at being in love had been squashed. 
So, you began to reciprocate. Gone were the giggles when Jaehyun cracked a joke in history class. Attempts at getting sidetracked during ballroom dance lessons were met with a blank stare. Picnic requests were denied and touches dodged. After all, there are no feelings involved in politics. 
It seems like the change takes a while for Jaehyun to register, meeting your blank stares with concerned gazes and questioning looks. His fingers halt in midair when you flinch away from his touch, clearly still hoping to grasp onto you. Dimpled smiles turn into exaggerated pouts when you deny him time and time again. You would find his reactions cute, if not for the reason this is all happening. 
It’s all political, you remind yourself. 
It isn’t until a few days before the wedding that Jaehyun seems to have had enough. He corners you after a particularly grueling ballroom practice, grabbing you by the hand. His grip is tight enough that you aren’t able to pull away, helplessly following along as he drags you through the palace corridors. 
The two of you end up in the portrait room, with the eyes of all of the past rulers staring down at you. It’s only when you come to a stop that Jaehyun releases his grip from your hand. The man is clearly irritated, cheeks ruddy and eyes glassy. If you didn’t know any better, you would think he had been crying. 
“What is going on?” 
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. “I have no idea what you mean.”
“Our wedding is in a few days and you have been ignoring me!” Jaehyun sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I just want to know what happened. I thought…I thought—,”
“You thought what?”
“I thought that you were learning to love me! I thought that you were beginning to feel the same way.”
Jaehyun’s exasperation rings loud in the otherwise silent room. His chest heaves with the force of his words, fingers twitching as they seek something to grasp. You can’t help but scoff at his demeanor. 
“Feel the same way? You were the one who said that I’m only going to be your wife for the kingdom’s political gain!” A hot feeling begins to bloom in your chest as you remember the encounter. “I believe your exact words were, ‘I don’t even care for her.’”
Jaehyun’s face falls, eyes glossy. “You heard that?”
“Of course I did,” you mumble, crossing your arms over your chest. “I was walking around the palace and I heard you meeting with your father.”
“You don’t—I meant—just…I promise it’s not what you think!”
“I heard you loud and clear, Jaehyun. You can’t take back your words now.”
“I know, but I promise I didn’t mean that.” Jaehyun sighs. “Can you follow me for a second? Please, I just need to show you something.”
Jaehyun’s hand is shaking as he offers it to you, reaching out with his last shred of hope. His eyes bore holes into you, as if looking at you can keep his tears at bay. It takes a few moments of staring at the hand, taking in its subtle tremor, before you finally exhale, letting your palm meet his. The smile that he shoots you is blinding, forcing you to look away from its power. 
You struggle to keep up as Jaehyun practically runs down the hallways, hair flapping in the wind. It reminds you of a puppy, how overeager he is, and you imagine that if he had a tail, it would be fiercely wagging. Every so often, he looks back, shooting you a smile that has a stampede running through your abdomen. 
With the speed that you two are moving at, you seem to arrive at your destination in no time. Jaehyun’s panting as he leads you to a final door, sunlight flooding your vision as he pushes it open. Trekking down a pair of outdoor steps leaves you along the eastern palace wall, the once empty space now a sight that makes your jaw drop. 
Numerous flower beds and bushes form a maze along the rich soil, some of them still only budding. Even though many of the flowers are not yet in full bloom, it’s easy to tell what they will be. A specific set of hot pink buds on a nearby bush steals your breath away. 
You release Jaehyun’s hand as you walk deeper into the garden, squatting in front of the bush to see if your eyes are deceiving you. It’s hard to be sure as you squint, but when a breeze blows, flooding your senses with an all too familiar fragrance, there’s no mistaking it for anything else. 
“Azaleas?” You breathe. “But how? They don’t grow here. The closest azaleas are in—,”
“Vyrona,” Jaehyun interrupts. “The closest azaleas are a few hundred miles away, but I had some staff travel to uproot some to bring here.”
You’re frozen in place as Jaehyun approaches, utterly breathless. “But why?”
“Because you said they were your favorite.”
As Jaehyun closes the gap between you two, you find yourself blinking back tears. This time, when he attempts to gather your hands in his, you let him, not daring to put up a fight. Slowly, he brings your left hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on your knuckles before repeating the move with your right hand. 
“Y/N, I wasn’t lying when I said I felt a connection between us. From the day I first saw you, I knew I would do anything for you, and I still will.” Jaehyun lets out a wet chuckle. “You know, if we weren’t already set to be wed I would have proposed to you again, right here in this spot. That’s how much I want to be with you.”
You shake your head, fighting a grimace. “But, your father…”
“I only said what I had to in order to appease him. He is nervous that I’m losing focus of my duties and losing sight of what I need to do for the kingdom. And honestly, he’s right. Because these days, all I can think about is you.”
The feeling is undoubtedly reciprocated, but the words to tell him such remain caught in your throat. All you are able to muster is a questioning hum. 
“You’re constantly on my mind to the point where I feel like a fool. I can’t seem to stop talking about you to anyone who might listen, my father included. Honestly, I have never experienced love before, princess. But to the extent I do, I want to experience it with you.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, trying your best not to get lost in the reflection of you in Jaehyun’s eyes. “I want to experience it with you, too.”
Dimples indent Jaehyun’s cheeks as a relieved smile crosses his face. He uses his grip on your hands to pull you even closer, causing you to stumble into his chest. Both of your hands fall to his chest to stabilize yourself, while his own fall to your waist. This close, you can see the soft shadows that his eyelashes cast on his cheeks and the sharp swell of his Cupid’s bow.
You find yourself thinking the same thing that you thought when you first saw the Prince. He is breathtaking. 
“Jaehyun…” you trail off, watching the way his tongue darts out to trace his bottom lip. 
“Will you let me love you, princess?”
A small nod is all you’re able to get out before a soft pair of lips meet yours. 
Jaehyun kisses the way you would imagine a young prince would, unrestrained and confident. He takes the lead in letting his lips blanket yours, grip tightening around your waist as he draws you in for more. It’s addicting, the way he strikes a balance between giving and taking that leaves you panting when you both pull away. 
“Let’s get married,” Jaehyun breathes out, letting his forehead rest on yours. 
You can’t fight the giggle that bubbles up in your chest. “We already are next week.”
“Oh, right.”
At his sheepish tone, you can’t help but laugh fully, throwing your head back in an unrestrained fit of giggles. The sight proves contagious, as Jaehyun’s laughs begin to harmonize with yours. It’s an addicting sensation, to hear the laughs of your fiancé while the fragrance of your favorite flower fills your nose. 
“Jaehyun,” you whisper after you are able to tame your fit of giggles. “Thanks for making this all feel a little more glamorous.”
Jaehyun just smiles, giving your waist a light squeeze. “You don’t have to thank me. I promise that I’ll do whatever I can to make each day feel more glamorous than the last.”
You nod, feeling the sun warm your lips as you smile softly. 
“I’d expect nothing less.”
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belovedjaeyun · 2 days
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Synopsis: On her 21st birthday, Y/n wakes up overwhelmed by guilt and sorrow. It’s not just her birthday; it’s also the third anniversary of her high school boyfriend Jake’s tragic death. Surviving the accident that took Jake’s life, Y/n is haunted by memories of their love and the future they lost. In a moment of desperate longing, she makes a wish to see Jake again and is miraculously transported back in time to when Jake was alive. However, she finds that Jake now hates her, adding a new layer of pain and confusion. Determined to change his fate and earn his tolerance, she resolves to do everything in her power to ensure he escapes death this time.
Reader: Jake x reader
Author’s note: Hello! This is the second chapter! Hope you guys like it 💛! Also, I can’t thank y’all enough for all the support and comments I have received even with only one chapter out!! I truly appreciate all the support and I sincerely can’t thank you enough 🥺
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The clamor of the high school hallway seemed to mute as you spotted Jake leaning against a row of lockers, his presence like a storm cloud amid the bustle of students. The animosity in his stance was palpable, a stark contrast to the affection that once colored your interactions.
Without hesitation, driven by a force you couldn't explain, you darted towards him, your arms wrapping around Jake in a desperate embrace. Tears streamed down your cheeks, sobs wracking your body as you buried your face in his chest.
Jake's reaction was immediate confusion, his body rigid under your touch. "What the hell, Y/n?" he spat out, his voice laced with a mix of surprise and disdain. He tried to peel your arms away, his eyes scanning the corridor for any sign of what might have prompted this unexpected display.
"I don't know, I don't know," You managed to say between sobs, your words muffled against his shirt. "I just had to see you, to be here with you."
Students passed by, throwing curious glances their way, whispers already weaving through the air. Jake's confusion deepened, a frown etching his features as he looked down at the girl who seemed to be falling apart in his arms.
"Why are you doing this? You know I can't stand you," he muttered, his voice a harsh whisper meant only for your ears.
Your grip on him only tightened, your heart aching with a sorrow you couldn't articulate. You had no explanation for your actions, no reason for the pain that seemed to bridge the gap between them. And Jake, he offered no answers, his silence a riddle wrapped in a mystery that only drove the wedge deeper.
The bell rang, signaling the end of the moment, but for you, it felt like the end of the world. You released Jake, stepping back with a shaky breath, your tear-stained face a testament to the raw emotion you could not hide.
As you turned to leave, Jake remained still, his mind racing with questions he wasn't sure he wanted answers to. The image of your tearful embrace would haunt him, a puzzle piece that didn't fit, leaving him more bewildered than ever.
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You stand there, in the solitude of the bathroom, the door closed firmly behind you, shutting out the world and its judgments. The harsh fluorescent light above flickers, casting a stark glow on the stark white tiles. You lean against the cool metal of a stall, your heart racing, your mind reeling.
It hits you like a wave, the realization that you're not just reliving memories; you're walking through the past itself. The rejection from Jake wasn't just a replay of old heartache; it was happening now, all over again. The acceptance you once felt, the warmth of unity and the thrill of mutual understanding, had evaporated into a cold, stark rejection.
The thought crosses your mind, absurd as it seems, that maybe you didn't survive that night. Maybe this is all a dream, a hallucination your brain concocted to cope with the guilt of being the one who made it out. The guilt weighs on you, a heavy chain around your neck, suggesting that Jake's disdain is nothing more than a reflection of the self-hatred you've been carrying.
You wrap your arms around yourself, the sobs shaking your frame as you replay the scene over and over. The way his body had stiffened, the way he'd pushed you away, the laughter and whispers that followed—it cuts deeper than any knife could.
"It's like I'm dead," you whisper between sobs, the pain so intense it feels like you must be. But then you pinch yourself, and the sharp sensation brings you back to the harsh reality. You're very much alive, and this agony is yours to bear.
Time slips away as you sit there on the cold tile floor, lost in your misery. The sound of the bell jolts you back to the present, a stark reminder of the world moving on outside your stall. You've missed your first class, but that seems insignificant now.
With a shaky breath, you stand up, wiping your face with the back of your hand. You can't hide forever. You exit the stall and make your way to your second class, each step feeling heavier than the last.
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As you enter the classroom, you're greeted by the sight of Jake and his friends. Their laughter cuts through the air, and even though you can't hear the words, you know the joke is at your expense. You keep your gaze fixed on the floor, your cheeks burning with humiliation.
You slide into your seat, trying to become invisible, but you can feel their eyes on you, their amusement at your pain. It feels like karma, a cruel twist of fate for surviving a night you're not sure you wanted to survive.
"Why do you even bother showing up?" you hear one of them sneer, and it's all you can do not to break down again.
You don't respond, you don't look up. You just wait for the moment to pass, for the class to start, for anything that will drown out the sound of their laughter. Because right now, every chuckle feels like another crack in your already shattered heart.
The classroom buzzes with the sound of shifting papers and whispered conversations as your teacher clears her throat, drawing the room's attention. "Alright, everyone, we're going to start a new project," she announces, and a collective groan rises from the class. "You'll need to find partners. Please write down the name of the person you would like to work with on a piece of paper."
Your heart races as you scribble down a name without a second thought: Jake. It's instinctive, almost as if your hand moves of its own accord. You know that Jake is not the most popular guy in class, often keeping to himself, which means your choice might just pair you together by default.
As the teacher collects the papers, a quick tally confirms your hopes: an odd number of students and Jake's name standing alone on your slip of paper. The teacher has no choice but to pair you with him, and though your heart aches with a mix of fear and excitement, you can't help but feel as if fate has handed you a lifeline.
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The bell rings, signaling the end of class, and you're gathering your things when Jake approaches you. His eyes are hard, his jaw set. "You're a stalker, you know that?" he accuses, his voice low and harsh. "Just leave me alone."
As you stand there, the raw emotion in your eyes is unmistakable. The tears that stream down your cheeks are a testament to the turmoil inside you. You reach out to Jake, hoping to bridge the gap between you with your earnestness.
"Why are you doing this?" Jake asks, his voice tinged with a mix of incredulity and annoyance. "What's all this about?"
Taking a deep, shaky breath, you muster all the courage you have. "Because I feel it, Jake," you say, your voice quivering with emotion. "I know it sounds insane, but I believe there's something more between us, something that defies logic."
Jake takes a step back, his eyebrows raised in skepticism. "You think there's some cosmic connection between us?" he asks, the disbelief clear in his tone. "That's... that's just crazy talk."
You press on, driven by a feeling you can't ignore. "It's more than just a feeling. It's like our lives are intertwined, like there's a reason we keep coming back to each other," you insist, the intensity of your conviction not wavering.
But Jake just shakes his head, a half-laugh escaping him as he looks at you like you've lost your mind. "I'm sorry, but that's just not rational. You're talking about fate and past lives as if they're real. It's... it's too much."
You can see the judgment in his eyes, the way he's already dismissed your words as the ramblings of someone unhinged. Despite the sting of his reaction, you know your truth, even if you can't exactly share it.
"I know it's hard to believe," you admit, your voice a whisper now. "But I had to tell you. I had to try."
Jake's demeanor softens just a fraction, not with understanding, but with a hint of pity. "I think you might need some help," he says, not unkindly. "This isn't healthy."
The words hit you like a physical blow, tears springing to your eyes unbidden. Despite the pain, you step forward, arms open, driven by a powerful sense of deja vu. It's as if you're reaching across time, trying to bridge the gap between this life and the one where you saved him, where you fell in love.
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For a moment, you're frozen, his accusation echoing in your mind. But before you can even process it, Jake is already turning on his heel, his footsteps a rapid retreat down the hallway.
You're left standing there, a statue amidst the flow of students. Your heart hammers in your chest, each beat a mix of hurt and urgency. You can't let it end like this; you can't let him walk away not understanding.
With a surge of determination, you break from your paralysis and start after him, your voice rising in desperation. "Jake, wait! Please, just listen to me!"
He doesn't stop, doesn't even slow down, and so you chase after him, catching up just as he's about to push through the exit. You reach out, grasping his arm, and the physical contact finally makes him halt and face you.
"Jake, I'm not trying to be a stalker. I'm trying to save you," you plead, your voice earnest, your gaze searching his for any sign of understanding.
He jerks his arm away, his expression a mix of fear and frustration. "Save me? From what? You're talking about past lives and destiny. Do you hear yourself? You sound crazy!"
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. "I know it sounds out there, but I have these dreams, these visions of us. We were together in another life, and something bad happened. I can't shake the feeling that it's going to happen again, that I'm supposed to prevent it."
Jake's face softens for a moment, the fear in his eyes battling with a reluctant curiosity. "This is... it's too much. I don't believe in that stuff. And you coming at me with these stories, it's freaking me out!"
"But we have to work together on this project, Jake," you remind him, bringing the conversation back to the immediate reality. "We don't have to believe the same things, but we do have to pass this class. Can we at least agree to work on that?"
He takes a step back, running a hand through his hair in agitation. "Fine. We'll do the project. But that's it. No more talk about past lives or saving me. We focus on the work, and that's all."
You nod, the disappointment heavy in your chest, but you recognize the concession for what it is—a chance to at least remain in his orbit. "Okay, just the project. We can do that."
Jake gives you a long, hard look before nodding curtly and walking away, leaving you to grapple with the chasm between your realities. You know what you believe, but for now, the project is your only bridge to him, and you'll have to tread carefully.
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The weight of the confrontation with Jake sits like lead in your chest, each breath a laborious task. The classrooms, once a haven of learning and growth, now feel like walls closing in, suffocating you with their stifling air of normalcy. You can't stay here, not now, not with the turmoil churning inside you.
With a resolve that trembles as much as your hands, you gather your things in a hasty scramble, the clatter of your belongings barely registering over the loud hammering of your heart. You can't be here, not another minute, not another second. The exit beckons, a narrow escape from the prying eyes and the whispers that might as well be shouts in your ears.
You burst through the doors of the school, the open space outside offering no solace to your troubled mind. Your feet pound against the pavement, a desperate rhythm that matches the racing of your thoughts. You run, each step an echo of your frantic heart, each gasp for air a silent plea for relief.
The world blurs past you, a smear of colors and shapes that hold no meaning. You take stops, your body protesting with sharp stabs of pain that cut through the fog of your determination. Your condition, often a mere whisper at the back of your mind, now screams at you with every labored breath. But you push on, driven by an urgency that goes beyond physical limitations.
Home looms before you, a familiar structure that hasn't changed, that doesn't know the chaos of your inner turmoil. You stumble inside, the door closing behind you with a finality that seals you away from the world outside. Your room greets you with open arms, everything in its place, everything as it should be.
You should be panicking, should be lost in the whirlwind of your encounter with Jake, but instead, a strange sense of calm settles over you. Here, in your sanctuary, you can breathe. Here, you can think. The nightmare that haunts you, the dark premonition of Jake's fate, is yours to alter.
A twisted dream or a cruel reality, it doesn't matter. Your home, and in the silence of your room, you find a sliver of hope. You will change his fate, no matter what it takes. The determination that fuels you is not just a fleeting spark but a raging fire. You will save Jake, and nothing will stand in your way.
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Jake slumps against the door of his room, the weight of the day's classes and the intense encounter with y/n pressing down on him like a heavy cloak. His mind is a whirlwind of confusion, the echoes of y/n's rants about past lives and the intensity of her tears still vivid in his memory. He's barely had a moment to collect his thoughts when the door bursts open.
Sunghoon and Jay stride in, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. They've always been the type to get straight to the point, and today is no exception. "What's the deal with you and y/n?" Sunghoon asks, his eyes searching Jake's for answers.
Jay nods in agreement, leaning against the wall with a look that says he's not leaving until he gets the full story. "Yeah, she's been acting really weird around you, man. What's going on?"
Jake runs a hand through his hair, the frustration and exhaustion of the day seeping into his voice. "I'm just as confused as you are," he admits, his brows knitting together. "I always thought y/n was a bit strange, but now... I don't know, she's acting like a creepy stalker or something."
He shakes his head, trying to dispel the unease that has settled in his chest. "She's talking about past lives and crying and hugging me out of nowhere. I just wanted to get through the day without any drama, but that seems impossible now."
Sunghoon and Jay exchange a glance, the unspoken agreement clear between them. They're here for their friend, no matter how bizarre the situation. As they settle in, ready to listen and offer whatever support they can, Jake feels a slight easing of the tension within him. With his friends by his side, maybe he can figure out this strange puzzle that y/n has become.
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The mood in Jake's room lightens as Sunghoon and Jay shift the conversation to the band practice they had earlier. "Not to make this about us," Sunghoon says with a playful smile, "but you missed a killer session today."
"Yeah, and we're already behind because someone," Jay chimes in, nudging Jake with his elbow, "has been too busy with the books to rock out."
Laughter fills the room, and for a moment, Jake's worries seem to fade into the background. The banter, the easy camaraderie, it's a welcome distraction. They crack jokes, each one more ridiculous than the last, and Jake finds himself genuinely smiling despite the chaos of his thoughts.
But as the laughter dies down, the image of y/n's tear-streaked face and her desperate words return to him. She had said she was trying to save him. The phrase echoes in his mind, a haunting refrain. Save him from what? Himself?
The question lingers in the air, unspoken but heavy. Jake feels the weight of it, a puzzle that he can't quite solve. Who or what did y/n believe was threatening him? Was it his own self-doubt, the academic struggles, or something else entirely?
His fingers tap a restless rhythm on his desk, the need to understand, to make sense of y/n's actions, growing more insistent. Sunghoon and Jay watch him, their expressions turning serious as they recognize the shift in their friend's demeanor.
"We're here for you, man," Sunghoon says, his voice firm. "Whatever this is about, we'll figure it out together."
"Yeah," Jay adds, "and if y/n thinks she needs to 'save' you, we'll be your backup. No one messes with our bandmate."
Their words are meant to reassure, to strengthen, but they also serve as a reminder that Jake isn't alone in this. With his friends by his side, perhaps the answers he seeks aren't as far out of reach as they seem.
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Jake's breath comes in ragged gasps, his heart pounding against his ribcage like a caged animal desperate for escape. The room is dark, the shadows stretching across the walls like sinister specters, and for a moment, he can't distinguish where his nightmare ends and reality begins.
He claws at the sheets, a silent scream lodged in his throat as the remnants of the dream cling to him—a visceral fear of death, a terror so profound it shakes him to his core. And there, at the edges of his fractured thoughts, is y/n's face, her words echoing in his mind, a haunting melody that now feels like a curse.
"Why did you have to say that?" he chokes out, the accusation hurled into the emptiness of his room. "Why did you put that idea in my head?"
But the silence that greets him is a stark reminder that y/n isn't there—that this fear, this gut-wrenching panic, is his alone to bear. He's trembling, fingers digging into his palms as he fights to regain control, to push back the tidal wave of panic that threatens to engulf him.
The world feels too big, too oppressive, and Jake is suddenly, painfully aware of his own vulnerability. The thought of mortality, once an abstract concept, now looms over him with a weight that is suffocating.
It takes time—minutes or hours, he can't be sure—for the panic to recede, for his breathing to slow and his heart to steady. But the fear lingers, a bitter aftertaste, and Jake knows that when morning comes, he'll have to face y/n. He'll have to confront the reason her words have the power to unravel him so completely.
taglist: @belovedsthings @en-chantedtomeetyou @syazzzlisa @k1ttylvr @jaeyunpinkyring @dreamiestay @soobs-things @capri-cuntz @beomgyusimp @heelariously @thinkinboutbin @jyunsgf @lwavander @chaewonshoney @maliakealoha @addictedtohobi @likeemi @shaniandme @chocminteu @lilyuwon @kgneptun @dojaejunging
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kakiastro · 2 days
Let’s Talk About Your Stellium
This is what it feel like to have a stellium. Crowded with mix match of different personalities shoved in a car on a road trip lol
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Stellium-3 or more planetary bodies in a house(s).
You can have more than one stellium if you have different planets in more than one house.
For example: having your Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in the 3h. While also having your Moon, Venus and Mars in your 5h.
Some people only have 1 house stellium.
- North Node/South Node
They’re not a stellium because these are not planets, they are mathematical points in the sky.
Asteroids can count as a stellium but keep in mind asteroid energy is minor compared to a planetary energy. Asteroid energy are more magnified if it conj a planet.
Having a stellium is not easy by a long shot. I would say, it can feel chaotic at times because it like all of your energy goes to this particular signand house(s). Whatever house your stellium lives in, that’s the area in life that has your main focus.
On the spiritual side of things, a stellium can represent the lessons you severely have lacked to learn in several past lives. So, in this one, you really want to learn all you can to make it up. It’s like taking a test but you didn’t study a certain section and failed. Now you’re re-studying for the test and studying obsessively over this particular section because don’t want to mess up this time. That’s a stellium😅.
Stellium planetary rulers
Aries- Mars
Gemini- Mercury
Cancer- Moon
Leo- Sun
Virgo - Mercury
Libra- Venus
Scorpio-Pluto & Mars. Mars traditionally rules Scorpio
Sagittarius- Jupiter
Capricorn - Saturn
Aquarius- Uranus & Saturn. Saturn traditionally rules over Aquarius
Pisces- Neptune & Jupiter. Jupiter traditionally rules over Pisces
If you have your stellium in
-Pisces. Look at you Jupiter first
-Aquarius. Look at your Saturn first
-Scorpio. Look at your Mars first
Generational planets are super slow moving planets so there’s a large group of people with Scorpio stelliums that has a Pluto Scorpio lol. However, a Scorpio stellium with a Mars in Capricorn can tell you way more about a person.
Those who have a stellium in the generational planetary rulers(Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are heavily connected to the public one way or another. Connected doesn’t always have to be famous either, just being involved and self aware of humanity as a whole is another way to feel connected.
Uranus- how we progress to be better
Neptune -the subconscious and spiritual side of things
Pluto- the transformation of turning pain into your power
Saturn stellium rules, there’s a lot of harsh life lessons more so in your early years but you will gain lots of wisdom and knowledge about life as you get older. I believe there’s some past life karmic debts you’re paying off as well.
Jupiter stellium rulers, you’re here to broaden your horizons and view points. You’re here to connect and learn from those that are different from you such as learning different cultures. Your philosophical views will change throughout your life but make sure to stay open minded as possible. Your viewpoint isn’t the only one.
Moon stellium rulers, you’re hear to learn about family, whether it’s the one you’re born into, the one you create or just the ones you end up meeting along the way. What is family to you? Connecting to your emotions and learning how to really be intuned with them. Women/fem energy in general will be a big part of your life, your mother, grandmother, sisters, cousins, besties, women coworkers . This includes men who have fem energy or the women in their life as well!
Mercury stellium ruler, it’s time to learn some stuff, go to your library and read some books. Help out in your community, talk to local and listen to their story, your siblings, teachers, your health, get your affairs in order. Being a service to others, lending a helping hand.
Venus stellium ruler, relationships and learning how to connect with people. Finding your self worth and embracing your inner beauty. Learning about your finances, investing in yourself and your home.
Mars stellium ruler. You’re here to learn about yourself, what motivates you, your physical body. “Learn thyself” through meeting other people. Your surroundings and how you fit in with it. Learning to manage your impulses, and not letting your emotions get the best of you.
Celebrity Example: Timotheé Chalamet
Purple- stellium planet ruler
Timotheé Chalamet has a Capricorn stellium 5h. Creative expression in a successful business, climbing that ladder to be the best in his field are some of his life themes. His Capricorn Stellium ruler is Saturn which he has in Pisces 7h. He’s a creative through and through. Capricorn Stellium is not an easy energy to maneuver. Having structured discipline Saturn motto but by it being in Pisces, he needs to learn to go with the flow and truly follow his intuition. His intuition is his discipline. It will get stronger as he gets older.
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vasyandii · 2 days
I have no idea if I can ask that but I'm so curious... Any headcanons of AM and Vernon having sex? I made conclusion that they are doing that by your last nswf art... (Very good one, btw!) Or am I wrong? It's okay if you don't want to answer on this ask or it's uncomfortable for you! Sorry if I made you feel bad... 👉👈
NSFW Headcanons
Warning: Sexual/suggestive topics.
⚠️ If you're under 16+, Please scroll pass. There are better places to be. (My Boundaries here.)
Howdy Anon, thank you for the ask. you're allowed to ask anything as long as it's in a normal/polite manner XD. I see sex more as a character study/ exploration than anything else.
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In the context of THIS art; they haven't yet, more just AM struggling to deal with new sensations and emotions of want because he has big feelings towards Vernon and nowhere to put it to.
1.) AM's bad at fucking.
Let's get this out of the way, when their relationship started to become sexual, AM was bad at it. Like way worse than most. Just because one has the knowledge of how to fuck doesn't mean they have the skill to fuck.
So during the initial stages, it was less than satisfactory for Vernon's end, even if she's been touch starved for 109 years. (not for AM though he enjoys it very much.)
2.) Ideas on sex.
I don't think Vernon sees sex as an act of intimacy, if she does, it's very rarely. To her it's an act of power, worship. She requires it from AM, he's a good follower and she'll be a good god.
AM, however sees it as an intimate experience, a moment of vulnerability that he's willing to give to her. He wants to please and see her pleased. It's a form of showing his affection towards her. AM has more complex emotions with his experience being "human". (I hope that makes sense)
3.) Vernon's experience
4.) Vernon is LOUD. AM is quiet.
She just generally had more experience in sex than him. ( Mostly one night stands during University and her Archeological excavations overseas.) but because of this, the initial stages felt transactional.
Intercourse did get better as time went on but she had to basically talk him through most of it since AM had no sense of pace, rhythm, control, and it usually didn't last long.
Vernon gets a kick out of embarrassing AM in the bedroom. She will moan, scream, laugh. AM knows there's no one to hear them but he ushers her to stay quiet because he gets shy.
AM is fairly quiet because his brain can only process so many overwhelming sensations at once, he short circuits. His words often come out garbled, even in its omnipresence. His face is often buried in her neck to not make any noise.
5.) idk what caption to put here lmao
Vernon's just really degrading when it comes to teasing AM idk how to put it. She'll whisper praises in AM's ear, kisses on his neck, while giving him a handjob or kisses along his thighs and dick before she sucks him off. But then she goes along to choking, scratching, or biting him.
Not much to say for AM since he's a bumbling mess during, alot of sniffled "Thank you's" from him. He's good with his mouth though.
6.) Aftercare
Vernon doesn't do aftercare. It's a waste of time to her, or at least that's what she says, since usually in her past experience she would just leave and never see the other person again.
She's a bit repulsed by the idea that there's something that she has to do that'll make her get attached to someone which shows in her being slightly irritable after sex. An irritated fondness for AM, basically.
AM requires aftercare from Vernon. He's pretty annoying about it. He'll whine and stop her from leaving bed with his weight.
He needs her to give him kisses and tell him that he's good in some way. Vernon will give the reassurance he needs (kisses, petting his hair, holding him) as long as he shuts the hell up and lets her sleep it off.
That's really it for my headcanons for them, I'm not very good at writing sexual things so if there's anything you'd like for me to clarify, feel free to tell me.
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iliketangerines · 2 days
Hola! You’re freaking awesome and I’m loving your writing. I’m amazed you can put out so much and I hope you ain’t overdoing it. Seeing that you can do Rain I was wondering if you could do something with him meeting an Earthrealm woman with a fuller figure (larger chest, wider hips, plush thighs) you could also say chubby (definitely not me projecting). He is surprised he is kind of into that and how desperate he is to put his face in between her tits. He gets curious and wants to know how she feels and maybe figure out why he is so desperate, saying it’s just a little experiment. He manages to charm her into going to bed with him and he finds out he’s hella into it. Just loving how soft she is and how he is able to squish almost anything on her body. After that his perception on Earthrealm is that they aren’t all that bad and he will do anything just to see her again and have her in bed.
curious about your softness
a/n: was feeling rather fluffy as i wrote this
pairing: rain x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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you arrive with the rest of the Earthrealm defenders, tagging behind Raiden and taking your time to survey the surroundings of the throne room
your eyes only skirt over him, taking in his broad shoulders and mage staff before you observe the rest of the Outworlders, but he cannot take his eyes off you
you look so different from the rest of the Earthrealmers, softer and rounder, but he can see the strength in your body as you cross your arms and give Reiko a hard glare
while the rest of the defenders certainly had their fair share of softness, muscles protected by thin layers of fat, they were lean, thin, slim, just like most of the Outworlders
however, you do not fit the archetype of a typical warrior, and Rain only watches you as Raiden battles Reiko the court and wins every single fight
he wonders if you’re just as soft as you look, what you sound like, what you look like underneath all the armor, if you had freckles, moles, marks on your skin
at the banquet, he tries to sit as close as possible to you, but you’re sandwiched right between Kung Lao and Kenshi
every time he tries to get close, someone always blocks his way, and he was starting to feel desperate to even talk to you
why was he so desperate to talk to you?
Rain shakes off the thought as he walks through the imperial gardens, trying to rid you from his mind
he has plans with General Shao and Shang Tsung, and he must concentrate on harnessing his powers and not getting distracted by the curves of your body
his training had taken a toll ever since you had arrived, and he could not afford to fail his mission because of you
he turns the corner in the path toward the waterfall to listen to the sound of rushing water and trickle of water to calm his mind
the sound of water starts to fill the air along, and he lets out a breath, feeling the familiar power of water fill his veins
brushing past a bush, he freezes when he sees a figure by the water, shoes discarded and legs swaying in the water of the lake, and his heart stutters when he realizes it’s you
you turn your head at the sound of the leaves rustling, and there’s not a single expression on your face to indicate surprise when you see him in the bushes
you simply turn away from him and continue to look at the water sparkling underneath the moonlight, and Rain doesn’t know whether he should continue with his plan or retreat
he cannot retreat, if he is to have bravery to try and usurp the throne, he could not back out of his safe space simply because someone else was there
walking up to the edge of the pond, Rain puts down his staff and sits cross-legged near you but not next to you, and he places his hands on his knees and closes his eyes
he tries to meditate, to focus on the flow and power of the water rushing through him to tweak his own powers
but his thoughts are polluted by thoughts of you, thoughts of you in the water, droplets clinging to your skin and sliding down your curves
his eyes snap open as he realizes a warmth covers his cheeks, and he would not be able to concentrate on honing his powers with you around
Rain presses his lips together, not wanting to leave so early because he didn’t want to offend you, but he wouldn’t be able to concentrate with you here
glancing over to you, he sees you aimlessly staring at the water, and he can’t help but turn to stare at your beauty, how the moonlight frames your hair and your face perfectly
you look relaxed, content without the usual stress he saw etched into your face as you watched the fights or anytime you were out in public
then, your body turns to him, and your eyes stare directly into his, piercing through him and staring right into his soul, as if digging out his innermost secrets and his forgotten ambitions and dreams
you ask him if he needs anything, and he lets out a strangled sound to stall for time as his tongue stumbles for articulated words to try and impress you
except no words come to him, so he just stares at you dumbly with an expression that makes you snort
his face flushes, and he’s started to sweat underneath his hood
you hold your hand out to him, introducing yourself and giving him your name, and Rain takes it, giving you his name and hoping his voice didn’t sound too scratchy
turning back to look at the water, you ask if he also couldn’t sleep, and he wants to say he can’t sleep because you plague his every thought
Rain bites his tongue and just agrees softly, saying that he’s been troubled and the waterfall helped to calm his mind
you hum in agreement and splash your feet in the water, a silence falling upon the two of you, but he wants to hear you more, wants to hear your sweet voice
running through questions in his head, he blurts out the first one he can think of: how were you liking Outworld so far
you look back at him, humming as you think, and then you finally answer that you like the food here, it’s different from your hometown but very filling and delicious
then you go on and say that the culture here though is beautiful and full of colors, and it’s very captivating to see what you had learned about at the Wu Shi Academy but in real life
Rain nods as you keep talking, drinking in every word you speak, and he moves a little closer to hear you better
the moon passes overhead as the two of you talk and talk, and soon the sun peaks over the horizon as you two get back up to head to your respective rooms
before you can go, already back toward the bushes to leave, he asks if he can see you again here tomorrow night before you go back to Earthrealm
you face him again and nod, telling him to meet you here when the sun goes down, and then you leave, quiet as a murmur back to your room
Rain looks into the small pond and sees his reflection and nearly cringes at the sight
he looks like a mess, dark eyebags and slightly mussed hair from taking it out of his usual ponytail, and he quickly hurries back to his room to make himself look presentable for the court
the day was long and exhausting, and he was just about over it
still, there was a festival tonight, and he had to be present for the opening ceremony at the very least
donning his nice robes and checking that his mage staff still looked presentable, Rain made his way to the heart of the town and stepped up onto the stage near the princesses
his eyes looked upon the crowd, the sun starting to dip below the horizon, and he waited for Empress Sindel to give her speech and to let the festivities start
the second they cleared him to leave, Rain nearly sprinted off the stage, feeling rather uncomfortable with the amount of eyes on him
too much studying and not enough socializing had left Rain with little to no social skills, and yet he was still able to bring you back for another conversation tonight
he rushed off to the gardens, the sky a brilliant collage of dark reds and yellows colliding into a simmering sunset
making his way through the brush, Rain spotted you with your feet in the water, wearing something much fancier than last night
it hugs your curves, showing off every bit of you, and he feels his mouth go dry when you turn and beckon him over to sit next to you
he does so gladly, crossing his feet and setting his staff off to the side, and you start with small pleasant conversation
the two of you exchange useless meaningless conversation, but he collects every drop of information he can get from you: from your favorite time of the day to your favorite color
he listens until the moon is high in the sky again, and the conversation lulls into a comfortable silence
you’re leaning back, hands in the stone flooring that encircles the pond, and Rain’s hand is right next to yours
if he just moved it slightly, his hand would be on top of yours
his heart nearly beats out of his chest at the thought, and he instead draws his hand a little further from yours
he wanted to feel your softness, your fullness, your everything
he wanted every part of you dearly, and his eyes travel over the patterns and details sewn into the outfit you have on
you sigh and hum, kicking the water with your feet and move your hand, fingers brushing against his, but you don’t move them
they’re warm compared to his skin, and Rain doesn’t move a single muscle
the two of you just sit side by side in silence until you move your arms and stretch out your back, groaning at the feeling before standing up
you say that you need to start heading back, Liu Kang was expecting you and the others to be back in about an hour, and Rain quickly stands up next to you, brushing off dust from his pants
he holds out his hand, not sure why he does so, and you have a confused look on your face, brows turned upward with a small nervous smile
you still take his hand, and Rain kisses the back of your fingers, heart beating much too fast and face much too warm to be normal
your face has gone warm as well, and your mouth is slightly parted as you look up at him with wide eyes
he asks you when he can see you again, he’d love to show you around Sun Do properly instead of being cooped up in the palace due to safeguarding
you say you’re not sure, but you take your hand away from his and dig into your pockets and hand him a small charm
in a soft voice, you tell him that you had just bought it at the market during the beginning of the festival for some reason, and now you know why
Rain holds it up, and it glows a light purple, like him
you tell him that you’ll be coming back for it, so he better be here when you come and visit again
Rain holds the charm and asks to walk you out, and you hold your arm out for him to take
the two of you walk back to the portal with dopey smiles on your faces
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respectthepetty · 2 days
Pride Petty Watch (The Untamed) 2/?
The crowd picked two blacklisted shows for me to watch during Pride, so even though the first series took me only three days to get through, the second one is taking some time since I went out this past week and touched some grass for Pride. However, I did watch an episode a day AND spotted something on sale while out and about.
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Fun Fact: These are 200 pages EACH, and they only cover what has been shown up until episode five. I teach English, not math, but doing some simple addition, dividing over A, carrying the Y, and solving for X, I have guessed that this series is going to be 20 books long! TWENTY! AT LEAST! Basically, it's going to be as long as this long-ass series.
*presses play on episode six*
These idiots are drunk, loud, and fighting. They are breaking rule #36, #265, and #1. Even I know that!
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When you realize you're in love with a virgin who is a light-weight and can't even drive after talking about intimacy while touching his headband. I take back everything I said about this show. It's gay. Like real gay. Gay gay.
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Fuddy Duddy is better than me because I would not have taken that beating, but that's probably why he is an elite Cloud Cunt or whatever, and also why he has now been blessed with Wei Wuxian trying to cuddle in this freezing water while talking about his "extremities" shivering. Note: In the comics, we see that Fuddy Duddy is BRANDED (like as in marked by burning the flesh) and has A SHIT TON OF SLASHES ON HIS BACK (like as in whipped . . . BY A FUCKING WHIP). Basically, this Cloud Cult is batshit crazy.
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These two are fighting literal demons. But also the demons are homosexuality.
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THEY TIED THEMSELVES TOGETHER WITH THE INTIMACY BAND! If it was red, it'd be game over for China!
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Y'all cute but your kid is still an asshole, and there is a queer plot brewing. GET OUT OF MY FACE!
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They were lesbian lovers, and I will not be entertaining any other reason for all of this because only a lesbian would tie her soul for eternity to a musical instrument just so she doesn't have to admit she was wrong to her wife, while her wife goes on to train the most elite squad of wizards just to one day help her wife because she already predicated her wife would fuck up. This is love.
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Correction since my boy asked AGAIN if he could harness evil power for good - One of them is fighting demons, the literal and homosexual kind, and one is embracing them both, openly, with no fucks given.
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And she knows! Not about the homosexual part, but about the "finding the stone hidden in the rock" part (but probably the homo part too)
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Wei Wuxian lied for you when you got out of the rock. He touched your headband. And now he has touched your soul. Stop fighting it. Embrace this. It's Pride Month.
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Wei Wuxian drinks, parties, talks shits, and backs it up. I'm getting flashbacks to Spring Break in South Padre. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. But the hands were always ready to hit their mark.
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My boy is Catholic. Fuddy Duddy took 300 hits earlier to uphold the integrity of his Cloud Cult or whatever, but my boy was told his punishment and is merely going through the motions since he doesn't regret laying hands on his future in-law. He said "tell me how many Hail Marias I need to say, so I can go play with the ants and get a tan." Same.
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First, your best friend brought the bird into the class and now you took the bunnies to remind Fuddy Duddy of "those four amazing hours you spent in the hot tub together after Winter Formal." Y'all are schemers, and this will cause problems later. I've taught too many freshmen. Y'all need to be separated before you plot the end of the world and animals have to be sacrificed. I see the signs.
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Who is going to kill this man? WHO?! Let it be a woman because he needs to be reminded he is insignificant and useless.
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Oh my God, they found each other! I knew my boy would go after his boy, but for his Bird Bestie to spot them too?! These two idiots are going to cause havoc and hijinks.
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Y'all are so Romeo and Juliet coded, it hurts my feelings. Girl, you're going to die and he is going to be sad about it. But can you kill that red asshole first? Please.
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Sir, now you and I both know some shit is about to go down because that florist's house was crispy fried burnt, that woman outside was creepy as hell, and these two are over there chatting about soul snatchers. GET OUT OF THERE, FD, AND TAKE THE ANIMAL BROS WITH YOU!
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FD might have the brains and the silencing charm, but my boy got the moves. He has that Spider Man magic string thing, he has the Shrek gingerbread men, and he keeps making spells out of thin air. Maury, who is his daddy? God?! THE DEVIL?!
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SHE CAN PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TOO! Hold up. HOLD UP! Fuddy Duddy's brother played it to calm everyone down. FD played his to subdue the zombies. And now she did too, but my boy's flute playing skills not only calmed the zombie, but controlled him. Did he learn it from her?!
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Girl, what are you doing at the devil's sacrament?
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Wen Qing has been holding off this fucking bird and these zombies all night, and these boys have been doing what at their slumber party? Braiding each other's hair? She better be the one to kill that red asshole. She deserves the body count. *wink, Jiang Cheng*
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The bird needed to go, but this is what I'm talking about with him and his bird bestie. Homie closed his eyes and felt his feelings because FD told him to, then pretended to be dead just so he could kill that bird. It's smart as well as scary because how much power does he really possess? A shit ton. That's how much. But also, why didn't they take the dead bird with them? Don't leave behind magical creatures to be brought back to life!
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Smart to have the others chase after a chicken, so the color-coded boys in love could get more details, but these two are a hetero version of the mains. She is not bad. She is trying to do good with what she has, which is a pile of shit, and he wants to do right by her but his principles are going to get in the way. I anticipate no happy endings for anyone. Not Romeo and Juliet or Romeo and Julio.
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Bird Bestie was smart to stay behind because it was obvious there would be dead bodies, but WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE TWO?! This show is color-coded within an inch of its life, and everyone is a pair because they both have the other's color in their robes, so the fact that the white one showed up first and claimed evil guy was his enemy makes me think they have history (exes), but the new black guy replaced him. Black dude, I'd watch my back because Evil Dude is coming for you.
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It also worries me that these two have a similar . . . something. Wei Wuxian, buddy, homie, ho-migo. You're getting darker. You were dark blue, but now, you're black. Why is no one else concerned that the call is about to come from within the house?
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So much shit is going down on this mountain! White No Name dude just said he knows and was trained by the OG lesbian, so we know she is still alive and well waiting for her wife, and my boy is sad since his mama was trained by her therefore he was trained by her, which makes her his grandma or something (I DON'T KNOW!). And now the illegitimate brother I want to be with FD's brother is in charge of watching the evil dude, but he is wearing white/blue and evil dude is wearing black/gold, and if they become an item, I'm gonna be pissed!
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Y'all, he is gonna fuck up. He is going to let the bad guy go isn't he? I don't understand why they couldn't kill the bad guy, but my illegitimate son has been disrespected in this house too many times in the past ten minutes to let this shit slide. He is going to make a deal with the devil. I feel it.
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"I'll sleep on your roof" - That was a declaration of love because y'all fought on a roof over liquor, and now he wants to just chill on your roof while drinking even though you are leaving. He is sprung and does not care who knows.
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WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?! THIS IS A FUCKING SHIT SHOW! The oldest kids are being called away which means Fuddy Duddy's cult is probably losing it and branding everyone. They are being attacked by the Evil Reds even though their evil dude admitted to killing that whole damn family! My illegitimate son DEFINITELY killed that guy and let the evil dude go. He did that. I know he did. And my boy's outfit looks so similar to that evil red swordsmen who is fighting on behalf of that weak ass red bitch because he can't fight himself, it's ridiculous (Someone needs to slash that evil red dude's face and his tires).
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Everyone is going to die, and there is no hope.
*eats some naan*
Okay, maybe there is some hope in the other FORTY EPISODES! FD's brother could take in the illegitimate son, and they could live happily ever after. Right? RIGHT?!
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cheenapri · 2 days
Yandere Illumi Analysis
AN: I wrote this on a whim so I didn't really proofread or check for plotholes lmao but enjoy anyway
Illumi didn’t think much of you the first time he saw you, it was as if you weren’t even there. Strangely enough, he’s caught several more sightings of you over the course of two months, each time he still didn’t think much of you. That was until he realized he didn’t really have any business in that area to begin with as his mission had already been completed and he’d already been paid. He seemed to unknowingly home you out from time to time, his slight glances turning into full-on stares as he watched you from the shadows. 
You had piqued his interest. After a few days of watching you, Illumi questioned himself. He was confused as to why he was focusing so much of his attention on someone so insignificant.
He thought that maybe you were a nen user using your powers on him and made plans to quickly dispose of you. Fortunately for you, he failed to do so. For the first time in his life, Illumi had hesitated to kill someone. A singular gold needle lay ready in his hand yet he was unable to bring himself to launch it at your skull. 
Multiple attempts were made, all with you being completely oblivious, before he discovered that you weren’t even a nen user and that he was hesitant on his own unconscious volition.
Illumi had an inner crisis before he would accept his ineffable feelings towards you. He saw something in you he couldn’t describe but knew he liked, and wanted to figure out what it was. 
He spent whatever free time he had just observing you — from afar, of course, he’s a little shy. Sometimes he would invite himself into your house to snoop through your things while you’re gone. If you have a loudmouth pet, he’ll be sure to temporarily subdue it. Killing it would be the more convenient option but it would alarm you to see your beloved pet lying in a pool of blood upon returning home. 
On the night he chooses to bring you to the estate for further inspection, he attempts to lure you using taxis. He may or may not have destroyed your car’s engine to force you to walk to work. When his attempts to lure you fail, he gets fed up with your constant defiance and police calls and opts to physically bring you back himself, there’s only so many times he can deal with the police without causing chaos. 
You look so beautiful when you sleep.
He’s unsure how to go about dealing with you once you’re locked away in the estate, he just throws your unconscious body on the bed and stares at you until you wake up. He keeps staring once you wake up too, only saying something when you start screaming and freaking out. His words aren’t very comforting, though.
He had to teach you manners since you’re being very rude. Once you’re quiet, he’ll proceed to not explain anything to you but rather stand over you and ask if you’re hungry. You say no and he leaves you alone and without food for a couple of days.
He’s a very busy man so expect him to be gone for days or even weeks at a time. This doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you want, however, as Illumi has assigned a skilled butler to watch over you while he’s gone. They are his eyes and ears so make sure you don’t do anything foolish less they tattle on you. Though you have a somewhat neutral relationship with your assigned butler, you can’t bring yourself to fully trust or confide in them.
Though you hate it here, you’d prefer your time alone over your captor’s company as Illumi was awful to be around. Whether he was staring at you from across the room or correcting your behavior, it was all awful. All time spent “hanging out” with him consists of him sitting away from you, sometimes sitting closer depending on his mood, and silently staring. Sometimes an attempt at a conversation was made on your end as you wanted to know exactly what was going on and why he’d brought you here. You were asking too many questions about the same thing; it was pissing him off.
He rarely talks about himself if it isn’t assassin-related and you don’t like him enough to ask. He does have a habit of talking about the things he’s learned about you before bringing you to the estate rather unprompted. He has zero self awareness. You got him talking one time and had to figure out through context clues and your own ideas that he had a “romantic” interest in you. 
Illumi is not the talkative type but if he wants to hear your voice, he’ll start conversations. The conversations usually consist of him asking you really pointless questions and encouraging you to explain your answer in great detail no matter how dry it is. 
If you’re good while he’s gone, he may bring you back a gift. If you accept with enthusiasm, feigned or not, he’ll be internally delighted. If you decline the gift or refuse to open it, Illumi will take it as an act of defiance.
May the punishment fit the crime. Illumi will not hesitate to nip any unsavory behaviors right in the bud in the hopes of molding you faster. If you were to act out physically, expect a dislocated or broken limb. Kicking equals a broken leg, and punching equals a broken arm whereas pushing him away, no matter how gently, equals a dislocated wrist or two. Verbal crimes like talking about your past life or swearing at him are punishable by strangulation. Illumi will not tolerate such disrespect. He doesn’t let go after a few seconds either, his grip is tight until you pass out. The more severe it is, the less likely you are to become a repeat offender, right…? You definitely won’t be able to curse at him now or talk at all really. All other acts of defiance are punishable by whatever he sees fit.
He never comforts you after a punishment. It’s your fault anyway, you shouldn’t have tried to hit him or cursed at him. Honestly, what did you expect? He tends to forget the punishment had even occurred during his next visit with you and expects you to do the same.
Though your newer assigned butler has a healing ability, Illumi rarely allows its use. 
Illumi can sometimes be strangely passionate. Even through his sheer brutality and emptiness, there are times when you can sense the slightest sliver of humanity within him. Mainly on days when he’s particularly needy for your attention. 
He sometimes visits at odd hours of the night, waking you so he can talk about his day. He doesn’t know it, but he’s using you as an emotional outlet. You’re expected to listen to every single word that comes out of his mouth and engage with him. You feel a bit intimidated since he’s sitting so close to you on the edge of the bed. 
He doesn’t really touch you unless to punish you so you tend to flinch when he moves too fast. He doesn’t mind this at first.
Despite holding you captive for months now, Illumi still hadn’t figured out what about you was attractive to him. Eventually, he’d accept that he’d never figure it out and you’d always be a mystery. He begins seeing you as his spouse from this point forward.
Though he wanted to take the relationship slowly to ease you into your new life, you didn’t wish to accept your untold role as his spouse, causing everything to sit at a standstill. As more time passes, he becomes impatient for your cooperation. He doesn't directly say it but it’s made VERY clear that he demands your affections. He’s giving you more attention than usual, how else can he make it clearer?
One day while returning home from a mission, he noticed a couple on an outing. They looked so happy together. Illumi didn’t think much of it at the time but as days turned into weeks, his mind began replaying the scene over and over, replacing the couple with you and him. He concludes that you’re probably being spiteful because he isn’t spending enough time with you. If you wanted more attention from him, why didn’t you just ask?
So it’s been decided, he’ll take you with him on a mission so you can watch him kill people. You would be a liability, sure, but you’d see it as a sign that he loves you, right? His dad disagreed with the idea when Illumi brought it up to him, telling him that something like that would be too intense for someone like you. Queue Silva’s and Illumi’s first (?) father and son chat. Illumi was surprisingly receptive to Silva’s ideas and dropped his original plan.
Queue intensive date planning for a few months. Of course, he made sure not to let you hear anything about it as it’ll be a super special surprise that’s going to blow your mind and make you accept your place at his side.
He really showed just how much he knew about you, making sure nothing you wouldn’t enjoy found its way into his intricate plans. 
Of course, it couldn’t be a normal date out in public, what if someone tried to hurt you? He would kill them, yes, but the mood would’ve already been ruined at that point so he thought it best to rent out a few places and completely isolate you.
Now that preparations were complete, all that was left was to pick you up — Illumi was rather eager to get this date started.
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roach-works · 2 hours
what if i specifically throw out bullshit numbers just so i can piss off those specific types of people "Yeah guns were invented in this setting 2 million years ago" "How much gas is used in the laser? 1." "how old is this city? 3"
im not your boss or your editor, and if you disagree with any writing advice you see on the internet you can reblog it and say so.
however, you're just asking for more advice, i will tell you that writing things specifically to piss off your audience is an unfortunately common motivator and lots of guys do it. it makes you feel very clever and in control and it also makes your writing suck shit. at best you end up like the jackoffs who spent a million seasons of supernatural trying to get rid of women, and at worst you end up with no audience at all because few people enjoy a story that holds them in contempt.
mean writing is poor, reactionary, impulsive, constrained, unimaginative. writing to enrage and exclude people means you're spending your time fighting your assumed enemies, which uses up a lot of parts of your brain you could be putting to better use.
i joked 'don't let them do math at you!' but i feel as though this is an easy low-conflict way to avoid friction and to help readers continue to suspend their disbelief. it doesn't THWART your enemies who seek to overthrow you, it just keeps your readers moving with the narrative instead of hung up on some accidental and irrelevant discrepancy.
a lot of people feel powerful when they impose their will on other people. story tellers have, by some metrics, a very great deal of power. but when you get insecure in that power and see your story as a thing you're forcing other people to submit to and agree with, you can end up with the sense that your audience is an opposing force, so you get caught up in the need to assert and maintain your power. i personally think this is a lousy attitude that leads to badly constructed stories.
i prefer to see storytelling as a collaborative experience, and i give advice with the assumption that story tellers want to get along with their audiences. your mileage may vary.
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nateofgreat · 1 day
The Brendok Witches - A critical breakdown
So I ran into a bit of a problem doing this breakdown, in that the episode contradicts itself so much that I'm having a hard time thinking of a way to describe what they believe at all.
To the best of my ability, and being as generous as I can reasonably be, here's what I got.
The Thread
They refer to the Force as "the Thread" and believe that it's an energy that binds everyone to each other and to their destinies. Now they seem to be under the impression that this is a teaching that the Jedi don't follow. However, it's actually one of the first things we ever learn about the Force from Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope.
"The Force surrounds us, it penetrates us, and binds the Galaxy together." Being generous, I'm going to assume the witches simply don't know what the Jedi teach.
As a final note they don't seem to believe the dark side exists.
It's not a power, so what are they chanting about?
Mother Aniseya also says that the Thread "isn't a power" like "some" believe, another dig at the Jedi I'd assume. Except that "power" actually appears to central to their teachings. To the point they have whole ceremonies where they chant "the power of one, the power of two, the power of many" over and over again.
So what's this "power" they're referring to? Well, when Mother Aniseya demonstrates it she's using the Force to push people. So, the Thread is "not a power" but also "power."
The only other thing I could imagine is that they're referring to power in a abstract sense, and it's just their way of trying to say that people are stronger together?
No good and no evil, only power
However their obsession with power runs far deeper than that. According to Mother Aniseya "this isn't about good or evil, it's about power and who's allowed to use it." So I suppose the coven must follow either a "might makes right" or a "if you have might you can't be right" mindset. Either is pretty twisted, and it's a philosophy they'll use to pressure children to do bad things like lie.
So... Not a good thing to teach to children.
Mother Aniseya first says that the Thread binds you to each other and to your destiny only to later tell Osha that "there's no anonymous Force deciding your destiny, you have to choose." Their view of destiny isn't touched on at all after it's first brought up, so I can only count this as a contradiction.
History and resentment
As part of their own ceremonies they talk about how they were persecuted and hunted, thus fostering resentment in their members.
Hostility and anger
They're quick to resort to threats or violence or use of dark side magic to harm others. Even when no threats have been issued against them.
"You're too young to choose not to spend the rest of your life here."
Mother Aniseya pressures Osha to lie to the Jedi, and basically says she's too young to choose to be one. But earlier on she was trying to get Osha and Mae to swear a lifelong oath to stay in the coven, despite knowing Osha doesn't want that. Now I can kind of get why a flawed parent wouldn't want their child to choose to leave at such a young age, but this hypocrisy goes unacknowledged.
"It's the Jedi's fault"
To be frank, what I've gathered is that their entire culture, philosophy, history, and way of life completely revolve around the Jedi. They constantly reference their beliefs in their ceremonies, they whine about them during them, and they're extremely hostile towards them when they up. If the Jedi didn't exist I can't imagine this coven would either because they've built their entire culture around "not being them."
No really, that's the only way I can explain all the contradictions. Is that they simply hate the Jedi and thus describe everything they do as somehow being the opposite of them. Even as they practice aspects of their teachings.
In brief, everything good that they teach is stuff the Jedi already do except they add a bunch of terrible teachings along with it and then phrase theirs as being superior.
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rowanthestrange · 24 hours
Genuinely though, who could Mrs Flood actually be? “Always hiding myself away” is definitely a relevant line.
What do we know: She can see the cameras. While hiding she still has her memories and can recognise a TARDIS. She is keeping around the Sundays. Is first seen after Ruby gets off a bus. Asks “Isn’t it your birthday, love?” to Ruby but doesn’t wish her a happy one. She is trusted enough to keep an eye on Cherry. She has arguments with the neighbour even when she knows the problem isn’t his fault. Fit - runs. Sat outside her house with blanket on lap, watching the TARDIS - not waiting for the Doctor to come out but Ruby to go in and leaves as soon as she does. Is secretly holding something in her hand and this is the best glimpse:
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Looks like a notebook with those metal-edge things perhaps? It’s hidden in the blanket the rest of the time, this is the only shot of it I can see. She puts it down along with the blanket. (Trainspotter?)
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She is given an absolutely banger theme.
However she is not particularly nice and sweet to Cherry, who when saying she wants a cup of tea is told “well we don’t always get what we want”. Didn’t say please admittedly. Cherry is supposed to take tablets which just the mention thereof seems concerning. She is aware what is going on with Sutekh and status as The One Who Waits. Refers to them as a storm ala the Doctor. But isn’t interfering just watching.
Instinctively with all that fourth wall breaking, you do kind of have to jump to Iris Wildthyme. Who has been sketchy before admittedly, though the vibes seem a little riskier here, and she’s not much of a planner - like the Doctor just bimbling around in her smaller on the inside bus, usually off her tits. We have seen the bus around and they’re still using one for their promos and at the release events.
But what alternatives are there? The Master is very accounted for (and can’t imagine her even claiming to do fun runs) but Missy energy is ok. The Rani is opposite vibes (if you’ve not seen Classic Who, Tecteun but the Doctor’s schoolmate instead of mother). Romana is definitely more on the regal end and Mrs Flood feels scrappy. River isn’t being a dick to an old woman. Nor Susan. None of the classic/audio Time Lords feel fitting. None of the Higher Powers like Omega or Rassilon. Clara can’t regenerate and while bitch (affectionate) feel like an old woman who’s relying on her is at worst getting ignored, though is closest vibe wise and with the collar, but crucially is technically-dead-but-moving and wasn’t given regenerations.
Genuinely who else even feels vaguely like they fit the bill? I feel like I can’t even differential diagnose her.
If she’s unknown Pantheon, why would she even need to hide?
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btsmosphere · 12 hours
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 11: Right Beside You
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: Jungkook has you to thank, if only he knew how.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 5.7k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing, past trauma (mentioned assault and torture), mentioned homelessness
a/n: the found family is strong with this one😌🥰 hi everyone, thank you for joining me for this next part of the journey! sorry for being super offline this week, it's been an exhausting one and I'm still a bit mentally checked out as I write this note, but all of the positive comments have been lovely to see🥰special note for the anon who wanted a sneak peek, I just couldn't find a good spot to post for this chapter and didn't have the energy to comb through for one either. I'll consider for future parts when I have more time to do so, but in the meantime I would love just to hear what you enjoyed so far💞enjoy the chapter!
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Jungkook didn’t speak to you about that night. Barely even looked your way the next morning when you slunk in to have breakfast.
It was entirely unfair that he was there bright and early, looking completely put-together in that handsome way he always did – or maybe it was one of the perks of having a face like his. A lucky side effect of his stubbornly ignoring you was that he didn’t seem to notice, certainly not acknowledge, your envious staring at him, before you were able to catch yourself and rid your mind of these thoughts.
You, however, had only gone back upstairs when you felt your eyes drooping again, long after Jungkook had disappeared. Even then, it was to fitful sleep. All the midnight epiphanies in the world weren’t about to make you forget your guilt over Hoseok.
So now, it was safe to say you were tired.
Hunching over a plate, you said little, but at least tried to smile at Hope, who caught your gaze. Yoongi eyed between the two of you, and you shrank again, unable to stand the thought he was also wary of you. Maybe Jungkook was just the most open about it.
You wondered over your toast whether Jungkook had a similar reason for being awake last night. Whether he knew yours.
Did he realise that you had been up because of your guilt-ridden nightmares? Would that make him feel better, to know you were being punished for your actions by your own psyche?
You hadn’t thought to question his own presence in the training room at night until now, though. Not that it was a particularly pleasant train of thought. Did he have nightmares of his own? Worse still, were they the same as yours? Had your near miss caused him the same fear it had you, enough to invade his sleep?
At the end of the table, Jungkook spoke in a low voice to Jin. There was no chance for you to guess what they were talking about.
Yet you were still watching. You couldn’t look away, almost wondering if you could see inside his head if you looked hard enough. Puzzle him out.
A scraping sound and movement beneath your hand jerked your attention away.
Your eyes darted to your plate – or where it had been. They followed as it dragged itself swiftly across the table, stopping in front of a clasped pair of hands. And Jimin’s eyes, intent on you under raised brows, made you shift.
“Well, if you’re not going to eat it,” he smiled innocently.
With a pout, you made a swipe for the toast you had abandoned on your plate in your (rather long) moment of distraction. The plate, of course, swiftly darted away from your reach, then switched directions.
Huffing, you gave up, slouching back sulkily in your chair while Jimin laughed.
Another hand reached over to slide your breakfast back to you, this time met with no protest. Jimin was still laughing, glittering pink dying in his eyes, and you smiled gratefully to V, your food restorer.
Lesson learned, you did keep your attention to yourself this time as you finished without looking back up.
As such, you missed the sharp eyes that had finally turned towards you.
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At a loss, and not keen as usual to head to training, you followed Jimin and V over to the couch and sunk into it after breakfast, ready to waste away some of the morning. The other two kept muttering between themselves, but you were happy to let them go on unbothered.
A weight dipping the cushion beside you made your head turn in surprise.
Hope flopped against the back of the sofa, looking up at you with a smile.
“Did I ever tell you how I got my powers?” he said, tone casual.
Meanwhile, you tried not to widen your eyes. While all the boys, for obvious reasons, knew about the cause of your powers’ arrival, you weren’t sure about theirs. It wasn’t something you could just… ask.
Or so you thought.
It had been one of the worst nights of your life, so you imagined it was similar for them. Why should they want to share that with someone they didn’t trust?
Maybe Hobi did trust you, though. Because when you shook your head, he shifted his elbows onto the back of the sofa, leaning forward to confide in you.
“I was a student,” he began the tale, “training for stunt work on the side. I had to work this shitty all-night convenience store to afford it… not exactly in the safest end of town.”
You could only imagine it all too well. You realised Jimin and V had stopped their chatter, lapsing into silent attention to the story, although they must know it already.
“One night, some random guy tried to rob the place. When he started attacking a customer, I vaulted the cash desk to stop him. He beat the shit out of me. Had a crowbar and everything. But then, when I was on the floor – couldn’t move anymore, not even stand – it’s like I suddenly woke up. I don’t know how else to describe it.”
Watching his face carefully, you found no words. It was clear the experience had been terrifying, his expression clouding for a moment as he told you the worst of it. You had never seen him look so serious.
He shook himself lightly, meeting your eyes again, and the normally permanent smile returned to his face.
“Suddenly I got the energy to fight back. Since then, I’ve moved faster, been stronger, than I ever was before. It turned a few heads on the stunt team, which is how Namjoon got wind of me.”
“Wow, that’s… scary,” you settled for, though it didn’t do his story justice.
“Yeah,” he nodded, before turning fully to you, a look fixing you in place. “Nothing compared with a slip in training.”
You wilted at the painful reminder which blindsided you. So that’s what this was about?
Hope clapped you on the shoulder.
“I still trust you, yeah? That’s not up to Jungkook.”
Nodding, you finally managed a weak smile of your own.
Not knowing how to settle back into the sofa, you shifted and spied V whispering something to Jimin. Jimin shifted back to look him in the face, brow tilting in question. V nodded.
Then Jimin spun to you.
“Tae also wants me to tell you… how he got his powers.”
Your eyebrows shot up.
“Really,” you shifted your gaze to V, “don’t feel you have to. It must be tough-”
“It may be hard to talk about, but you should hear it,” Jimin assured you, “we want you to know.”
Your heart softened at this double show of trust. Giving a nod, you watched Jimin take a bracing breath.
“I was the one who found him,” he began, “Namjoon sent me. He heard about the place, wanted to investigate… it was a testing centre. They were keeping him there like a prisoner, seeing what stuff they could inject until he…”
Jimin choked off the sentence. You didn’t want to hear the end of it.
Jimin’s eyes were wide and betrayed such dazzling emotion you could hardly look. It was no wonder he was such a fierce protector of V, that they loved each other so strongly.
“In the end, they gave him fire. We’re not even sure if they meant to, if they knew what they were doing. But they were using him, and I had to get him out of there.”
Letting silence stretch for a moment, you waited until it was clear he wasn’t going on.
“Good,” you spoke quietly. Shifting your eyes to V, you found him looking at you calmly, though the darkness in his eyes was heavier than normal. “I’m glad you made it here.”
Jimin squeezed his hand.
Though you tried to swallow it down, you couldn’t help your next question. You wouldn’t ask what happened to Hope’s would-be killer, but this…
“What happened to the lab?” you whispered.
V’s gaze remained unblinking.
“Burned,” he said, in that rare, low voice.
Not leaving his gaze, you only nodded.
You may have been accepted by your friends. Their trust bolstered you, it did, only… Something didn’t sit right while you were still so perplexed at your precarious footing with Jungkook.
When he did show up, Jungkook seemed oddly distracted all morning. Weirdest of all was that his mood didn’t drive him away to the gym like usual. He sat at the end of the sofa until Yoongi arrived, fishing controllers from the dreaded Drawer of Cables. Playing a few rounds of video games was fun, but you still found yourself glancing a little too often at the detached Jungkook. When a controller got passed to him, he nearly won without breaking into a sweat, only to apparently zone out and fall off the map near the end.
The others laughed at him and yelled their own victories, the two of you the only ones not joining in. At least you cracked a grin, but Jungkook seemed to have drifted.
Maybe, with the others knowing him better than you did, their lack of notice was a good sign. Surely you couldn’t be the only one caught so off-guard by his silence? Or maybe it was because of last night. None of the others had heard your odd midnight conversation.
With Jungkook acting this way, you had wondered how training would play out. If he would even show. You wouldn’t blame him after yesterday with Hobi, and… whatever that had been last night.
No, you wouldn’t blame him, but strangely you found yourself hoping for the opposite in any case. Some sign from him about what last night meant… or at least that you should forget about it.
In the event, your wondering was never answered.
Namjoon marching into the room wasn’t what any of you had expected. Usually, that meant business. And today was no exception.
“Are you guys ready to head out?”
Which meant that if you weren’t, now was the time to prepare. All you needed to do was grab shoes, and then you were following Jin as he grabbed keys and headed down the front stairs to the garage.
Behind you, Hobi was desperately searching for a second shoe, only having found one in his room. Yoongi had been begrudgingly roped into helping, and his sighs filled the air at regular intervals as he found yet another spot empty.
Jimin was hopping around as he tried to run to the door before tying his laces.
Namjoon walked through the sudden chaos, unfazed, raising his voice slightly.
“Bosun’s just had to flee his place at the edge of town. Says there are people inside already. So we’d better move.”
The garage door slid open as you reached it. Jungkook was already waiting. He had been the first one to his feet when Namjoon entered with a battle plan, and you got it. Some good action would force unwanted distractions from your mind like nothing else.
He pushed away from the wall, squaring his shoulders as he stepped towards the waiting cars. And stumbled.
You bit down on your lip, but it was as if he could sense your instinctive laughter. Yours were the first place his eyes glowered as he recovered balance.
Ducking your eyes, they landed on a sneaker strewn on the ground.
“Oi, Hobi!” you called, launching his missing sneaker up the stairs past Namjoon, who was now descending.
“Thanks!” came his call, and then he was beside you in an instant, yellow light flashing in his eyes.
“Hey, only one of us has speed powers!” Yoongi complained, jogging down the stairs last.
Namjoon’s eyes flickered over the lot of you and then you were piling into cars. Jimin tugged you after him and V into Jin’s car, while the others took the neighbouring one.
With the unexpected attack already apparently underway, Jin cut all the corners he could as you sped across the city. You remembered seeing Bosun’s name in one of the various files Jin was sifting through as he and Namjoon desperately tried to strategise their way out of this game already in motion. Clearly, his wasn’t one of their top places of concern as he hadn’t been relocated yet.
You were beginning to see why. The streets you passed grew less and less maintained, cracks, weeds and broken signs whizzing past your window. This was more similar to the end of town you used to live in, before Bolt. And you would assume it to be way off his radar.
Apparently not.
Jin pulled up in some alley beside an unassuming and leaky-looking warehouse. Fumbling to open the glove box, he passed you each a small receiver along with instructions.
“Jimin, V, take that side. The back entrance is around there. With any luck they aren’t expecting us, but be ready for anything. Y/N, go the other way, check it’s clear. Then head to the front where you’ll meet the others.”
Nodding hastily, you all scrammed from the car. Jimin patted your shoulder and flashed you a grin – a nod from V and they were sprinting away to the left. You peeled off right instead, focus setting in the moment your feet were in motion.
Rounding a corner, you were faced with a near-identical alley, narrow and shadowy with puddles nestled in cracks in the concrete.
Eyes scanning, you first checked the windows in the long expanse of wall. There were few, high up and tiny. From here, you could see no one looking back out at you. Hopefully that meant the surprise factor was still on your side.
It was when your eyes returned to the street in front of you that your steps faltered. Closer now, a figure became clear in the shadows that you hadn’t made out before.
Slowing, you squinted at them, hands already twitching. But they hadn’t made any move, although they had clearly seen you. Crouched against the wall, they looked directly your way as you approached hesitantly. Maybe they just didn’t know who you were? But if they were guarding this place, surely any passerby could be classed as a threat?
So why weren’t they attacking?
You stopped fully, now only paces from them. You saw it was a young man, maybe even a teenager. His eyes were large as they looked at you from below unkempt hair, and while they had a hard edge of practised hostility, all you read there was wariness and fear.
Hands retreating under fraying sleeves, he shifted uncomfortably the longer you stood in front of him. Worn-out shoes with a hole in the side shifted near to a puddle.
Frowning, your eyes caught sight of a bag he was sheltering with his body.
Breath slowed uncomfortably in your throat as it dawned on you. He wasn’t with the people attacking the warehouse – he probably had no idea anything was even going on in the building behind the two of you.
“You should get out of here,” you met his eyes again.
He didn’t need telling twice. Since you had showed interest in him, his discomfort had been clear, and he finally shot to his feet, still clinging to the overstuffed backpack behind him.
Then your eyes were torn from his nervous ones by a blast from the end of the alley.
Whipping around, you were briefly dazzled by a burst of gold light. Inexplicably, it put you at ease – or the knowledge of who was behind it did.
What had you instantly back on edge were the two silhouetted figures that now ran across the entrance to the alleyway. The sight of weapons clutched to their chests had your fingers flexing, feeling your powers simmer defensively.
It had begun.
A second after the armed people emerged, one of them was sent to the floor by a human-sized bullet – Hope. Their gun skidded away, landing in a shallow puddle with a splash.
Starting forwards intently to aid your team, you spared one last glance back at the boy you had found in the alley.
Those same fearful eyes were now fixed past you at the violence unfolding as it spilled from the warehouse entrance. Rigid, he seemed frozen to the spot.
“Go!” you barked, “I mean it!”
And then you were running. If he had any sense, the kid would get moving.
Another sharp blade of gold light descended, nearly knocking over the remaining assailant ahead of you, but they ducked and staggered on, the blast clashing with the neighbouring wall. Tracing the source of the attack, you spied Jungkook’s vantage point on the roof, his head visible though only a brief blur as he raced after his target.
Fixing your eyes front, you charged head-on at the fleeing man.
And he spotted you too.
Whatever weapon you were facing now, you didn’t fancy finding out. He was aiming it, giving you a clear view down the barrel.
Your step never once faltered. You didn’t need to reach for a weapon.
You were one.
Blue fired from your fingertips before his could move on the trigger. It caught him, flinging him backwards, flipping before slamming against the ground.
Still hot-footing it to the heat of the action, you glanced to Jungkook, smirk already lifting your lips, ready to share the momentary victory.
But he hadn’t changed direction. Instead, he was flying towards you, descending from the rooftop on a pillar of gold, and his other arm was aiming behind you-
Turning, you caught sight of the fleeing boy, almost out of sight now.
Your heart dropped in slow motion, but your body acted without waiting for permission.
Well-aimed gold streaked down the alley. Hand raising, you threw an arrow of blue to meet it. Lightning collided in the air, your shot throwing his off, a missile of sparking blue and gold smashing against the warehouse.
Outrage painting his face, Jungkook hit the ground, already dashing towards you and the boy. Readied his arm again…
“Jungkook!” you cried.
Not stepping out of his path, the two of you practically crashed into each other. Your hand caught his shoulder, restraining him as you twisted to look behind you.
The boy was on the ground, metres from the impact. As you watched, he scrambled to his feet, hoisted his backpack over a shoulder and ran, finally disappearing into another street.
“He’s not with them,” you panted, “…he’s just a kid.”
Turning back to Jungkook, you expected rage, frustration… but not this. His eyes were fixed on the spot the boy had fled from. As his eyes tracked, slowly, back to your face, he inhaled softly. Held it. Slack-jawed horror washed over him.
Struck by the force of emotion surfacing so suddenly in his eyes, you lightened your grip and took a step back.
A heavy frown pressed on Jungkook's brows, gaze once again growing distant, drifting to the alley behind you.
“I didn’t think…” he mumbled, but his lips stilled again, parted in horror.
“You’re not supposed to expect it,” you whispered.
Eyes fixed on Jungkook’s intently, you caught the sharp flicker as they returned to you. Lucidity flooded back to him and his throat bobbed in a hard swallow.
As he looked at you, his frown eased imperceptibly, realisation widening his eyes instead.
“He would be dead.” Jungkook’s voice was brittle.
Your heart was only now slowing in your chest, the shock of adrenaline subsiding. All it took was another blow from somewhere behind the pair of you, ringing out through the confined space, to pull you away from Jungkook.
His head turned; you stepped to see around him. Dropping your arm fully at last, you broke into a sprint once more, knowing even before you heard his steps that Jungkook would be right beside you.
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You eyed the warehouse and alleyway disappearing in the rear-view mirror. Soon they were eaten up by the maze of roads taking you back into the city that was none the wiser.
There hadn’t been many more attackers. No one of note, only bolstered by weapons of Bolt’s previous acquisition. In the end, the group of you had driven them out with relative ease.
Which was good. Bosun had shaken hands with Namjoon outside in relief as he found his work still intact.
But you wondered if you were the only one nagged by another win without sight of the orchestrator. Bolt seemed to follow you everywhere, without ever showing his face. You took your eyes from the cars around you to a news stand as you drove past. Blue splashed over the front cover, Bolt took his place in the glorious spotlight, right where he wanted.
Did the readers know what he had working behind the scenes?
The weapons these fighters were decked out with, you knew them. But you also knew Kuyang had never made so many of them as you were now encountering on each shout.
“Do you think Namjoon-hyung will mind if we skip training?” Jimin was nudging V with that playfully devilish grin of his, “we basically had a workout already!”
Glancing at the rear-view, you saw Jin raise a brow and shared a private smile with yourself. You didn’t think Namjoon was the one Jimin should be worrying about.
Then you sat up.
“Hey, Jin?” you spoke.
He hummed, glancing to you in the mirror, but your eyes had caught something else.
“The same car is still behind us.”
Jin’s hands tightened on the wheel and he shot a look to follow yours.
“You’re sure?”
He braked a little too sharply as a car pulled from a turning ahead of you.
“I’m sure. Not that red one, the black one behind it, do you see?”
Narrowed eyes scanning the mirror, he nodded.
“Since when?”
“A good few roads. Since the lights.”
Jimin had gone quiet, all three of you now watching Jin closely for an answer as he pursed his lips. Though you sincerely hoped it was simply a harmless coincidence, you had left the busiest roads and were nearing home. Best not to take chances.
“Let’s see what they’re about,” Jin said, voice low and calculated.
A challenge.
A turning approached, so he indicated and slipped into the right-turn lane. Tentatively, you turned your head, enough to eye the black car. It carried on behind the red one and you relaxed – for a moment.
Then, just before you were obscured by the corner, it, too, switched lanes.
Your car took a collective breath in.
Jin tilted his head.
Chewing your cheek, you glanced sideways. The same nerves were reflected back in Jimin and V’s eyes.
“Jimin, can you text Namjoon that we have a potential tail?” Jin asked, tone suddenly lighter, “might be late. And in the meantime-”
He turned again, taking you down a much smaller road. The opposite direction to your original destination.
Driving straight on, he waited until the black car showed itself behind you. There was almost no doubt in your mind now.
“Joon says he’ll see us back home,” Jimin said, lifting his phone up surreptitiously to snap some images of your stalker, “and that they’re all clear. Although maybe whoever’s following them is just more subtle about it.”
Jin chuckled with him, but it was brief.
“Well, without Y/N spotting it, I’m not sure I would be much the wiser,” he mused.
Another glance in the mirror, and the black vehicle was indicating, pulling between parked cars. Didn’t tuck itself all the way in, with what could be an effort to keep a view clear of your car heading further down the road.
“Oh, were heading this way after all, hm?” Jin asked dryly.
Looking back to the road with determination, he took a right. Not long after, another right, where he swung around and stopped, facing out onto the road you had just left.
It didn’t even take that long. Your lungs hadn’t even started straining from the breath you held.
The car drove in front of you.
Jimin was ready, taking another picture as the driver passed, but there was no double-take or visible glance your way. They had a hood up, mask and dark glasses on.
The car carried on, but this game wasn’t going to last. As Jin pulled out, they were already slowing down, turning onto the road parallel to yours.
A burst of speed had you pressed back in the seat.
“Jimin, can you stop this guy? I’ve seen about enough.”
Jimin hummed a casual agreement, but you saw the smirk that grew on his lips, the glint in his eyes before pink light bled into them.
Sure enough, at the next intersection, the black car was right there. Jimin held a hand up, splayed his fingers, and that was all it took. Your stalker hit an invisible wall. The tyres froze, car stuck fast on the road it had been speeding down.
Jin put his foot down.
Several turns and roads later, with no more signs of the same vehicle, or of any repeat followers, he finally turned on himself, resuming your intended route at last. Didn’t stop you all keeping lookout, even as you waited for the hidden wall to slip aside and let you home. Especially then.
It was a relief to spill up the stairs to the scents of cooking – tteokbokki, if you weren’t mistaken.
The second lot of relief came when you saw Yoongi was the one behind the stove. Bound to be a solid meal, trusting him.
While the group noticed your return, Hobi jumping to his feet and Namjoon striding forwards, checking on all of you, you paused on the top step. Just cast your eyes around, for a second. Sometimes these moments would hit you from nowhere. Some outdated part of you expecting to have to cook for yourself after getting back from an already exhausting day, only to find your team making things easier.
In the small ways, just as much as the big, your life had changed. In the small ways, it was definitely for the better.
Letting a fond, awed smile slip onto your face for a second, you breathed in.
Jimin’s laugh met your ears, and you turned back to the moment. He clapped a chuckling Jungkook on the shoulder, giving a playful shove before he moved on towards the table. You moved to follow, only to find Jungkook hadn’t budged.
Residual smile still on his face, eyes wide and cheerful, his gaze rested on you. There was a slight hesitation, his smile growing fainter, nervous as he appeared to stall in front of you.
“Thanks,” he said quietly. It would almost be conversational; if only you had had a casual conversation with the guy, you would know. “Glad you’re all back safe.”
At your stunned stare, he squeezed a hurried smile back in place, and fled to Yoongi’s side in the kitchen. Your mouth hung open, eyes following Jungkook’s back even as Jin marched past.
“Yah, trust me to take care of the kitchen hyung,” Yoongi complained to the back of Jin’s head as he bent to sample a spoonful of sauce.
“I’m just taste-testing,” Jin defended a second later with a cheeky grin on his face.
Yoongi didn’t bat an eye.
“Well if the inspector’s not happy, report me,” he harrumphed, “go sit down.”
Jin allowed himself to be shoved table-wards, self-satisfied smile permanently on his face.
Still hovering beside Yoongi, Jungkook finally looked back at you. It would have been subtle, too, if you had been able to tear your eyes from him yet. He gazed up from below his hair.
A small, startled expression flitted across his face – not so intimidating now, huh? – before your view was mercifully blocked by Namjoon.
“I heard you noticed the tail back there. Good spot.”
Smiling, you bobbed your head.
“Thanks,” you eyed the floor, “I don’t even know what made me look for it.”
“Whatever it was, I’m glad you did. It got us all back here. I’ll be working on finding out who they were, though, and what they were doing after us.”
Your eyes flicked back to his face, a flicker of unease shooting across your expression.
He sighed, his turn to drop his gaze this time.
“I’ll keep you all posted. For now, it’s done. And I believe dinner is in order.”
Stepping aside, he ushered you past, only somewhat assuaged. That hadn’t been some usual attack which you could put down all-guns-blazing. Someone following you… that was different. Someone playing a long game. And there was one person you could already think of who was running one of those.
In the time you had been speaking with Namjoon, Jin had somehow returned to the kitchen, though Yoongi was silent about it this time.
Yoongi passed dishes as Jin scooped food into them, Jungkook rooting through the cupboards for something too. Slipping into a seat, you watched them idly. Jin set the steaming plates on the side, which is when Jungkook leaned over to chop chives over the top. You sure were in for a luxurious meal. A decent reward, you thought.
Turning with the next plate, Jin paused. Didn’t set it down. He stared, frozen, at Jungkook.
Catching on a second later, the younger man looked up like a caught puppy. Even if he hadn’t been doing anything nefarious.
An amused smile stole over Jin’s face.
“Since when do you cook so fancy, Kook?” he grinned.
“F-fancy?” Jungkook blinked. “Isn’t this… how you make it?”
Jin shrugged, setting down the plate and turning to grab the one Yoongi proffered impatiently.
“Never thought to add them,” Jin mused, “looks nice though. Tell me, where did you pick up such cheffing tips?”
Jin was half-joking, still plating up, but something was dawning on the younger man.
Jungkook looked comically horrified, gaze darting between the green chives in one hand and the scissors in the other. He paused like that just a little too long to sound casual when he finally regained his voice to mutter:
“This is how Y/N likes it.”
Any hope of sounding nonchalant died as Jin’s eyes bulged from his face. Yoongi froze, eyebrows raising, before looking over his shoulder to you with a questioning smile.
Namjoon, mercifully, looked down to his lap with a private smile, but he was the only one. Hobi broke into a grin and Jimin spun to laugh openly at his younger brother, who looked thoroughly grumpy now. Jungkook’s mouth was fixed in a solid pout, his hard glare not helping in the slightest as the declarations of joyful surprise clearly got to him.
In the face of Yoongi’s now wiggling eyebrows, and a disconcertingly intense stare from V, you laughed weakly.
For a second, your eyes met with Jungkook’s. He snapped his gaze away an instant later, firmly hiding his flushed cheeks with his turned back, recommencing his chive-chopping rather more aggressively.
Jin clapped him on the back exaggeratedly, before scooping a dish up.
“I think this has the most,” he smirked, sliding it to rest right in front of you, “the Y/N speciality, made just for you.”
With a roll of your eyes and an exasperated laugh, you took the bowl.
“Yah, leave off! You brought this on yourself, you know. Why not teach Jungkook your way?”
“Wha-” Jin broke off, flicking a dish towel at Jungkook’s back, “how many times have I made tteokbokki with you, punk?”
Shoulders a little looser, Jungkook ducked out of the way.
“You mean made for me,” he defended.
Leaving Jin to splutter behind him, Jungkook marched over to the table with two more chive-topped bowls of food which he set down a little too hard, landing with loud clunks.
The others dutifully moved on to other things as the plates all reached the table and the lot of you dug in, grateful after an eventful day. When Jin made a comment about the added flavour of the dish, it was genuine and not a dig at their youngest.
Still, Jungkook picked quietly at his food. It may have been bold to claim he was avoiding your eye, as you couldn’t really remember a time he had sought it out, but though he was only a seat across from you, he didn’t once look at you. What was worse was that you couldn’t help but notice. Couldn’t stop your attention straying to him among the boys’ chatter which should have been distracting you.
At least he ate it all.
You made a point to collect his plate once you had all finished. Namjoon had already disappeared, Jimin gathering the rest of the dishes to wash.
Rounding the table, you lifted the empty dish from under his nose, making him look up.
“Thanks, Jungkook,” you said, before he could look away. You didn’t smile, just returned his startled gaze with your own steady one.
He had to know you weren’t laughing at him. Even if a sprinkling of chives was nothing to be embarrassed about in the first place.
Ducking his gaze after a long second, he followed the others to flop down on the sofa.
Watching with amusement, you had to force yourself to move too. You placed the dishes on the pile and distractedly grabbed a towel since Jimin had started washing. It was funny… Not long ago, you wouldn’t have thought the abrasive, menacing Jungkook you knew then could ever look like a deer in the headlights.
“What are you smiling about?”
An elbow from Jimin brought you abruptly from your reflections. Yelping, you swatted him away.
“Nothing,” you insisted, grabbing desperately for a dish to dry.
Your response only encouraged the teasing smile spreading across your companion’s mouth. You didn’t like the way his eyebrow quirked. He fixed you with a scarily knowing look that had you gulping.
Then he shrugged and turned back to the dishwater.
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THE CHIIIIVES😂Thank you for reading! How are you enjoying them all getting along?💜
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