#HP shisui
x-authorship-x · 1 year
I'm hearing all of you out but also I'm here with a third possibility: yes Shisui as a Black but around Sirius' age so that when Harry is at school he's an adult and a Hogwarts teacher, takes one (1) look at the Golden Trio and decides to be the responsible adult these kids definitely need
Tbh this is also a really good idea but then my 'Shisui's Fix It Skillset' mentality pops up and I think... Canon wouldn't play out at all. Which I love, because hello tiny third Black brother fixing the shit out of the plot but if it somehow manages to unfold then Shisui is absolutely getting Sirius out of prison, taking his cousin draco to task, making amends to the longbottoms, and being the Best Person Ever to Harry and the gang 👌😫👌😫👌😫👌
I actually really really like the idea that Shisui was born a good few years after Sirius and Regulus, like the blacks had their Heir + Spare but then Sirius starts acting out and threatening to go to Gryffindor etc so they try for another (just in case 💀) so Shisui is like 10 years Sirius's junior, which means he's, what, 11 when Sirius goes to prison? JUST IN TIME TO SORT HUFFLEPUFF LMAO
Walburga and Orion:
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And regulus is dead and everyone else is in prison so GUESS WHO HAS TO BE LORD BLACK because Orion just popped his clogs too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Shisui turns 17 when Harry is 6 and manages to get Sirius out of prison and it's all just so ✨🙌✨🙌✨
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Hi Ray, while scrolling through your fic rec tag I realized I do have some fics that are my favourite that haven’t been mentioned yet.
These are all Naruto fics.
to heal a wound
This is one of those rare well written fics where Tsunade takes Naruto as her apprentice even before he is done with academy. The Tsunade-Naruto angst is top notch.
Love On Your Skin
Shisui/FemNaruto Soulmate AU. It’s one of my absolute favorites. Tiny smol Naruto writes on her skin so that she can befriend her soulmate. Apart from how adorable both these disasters are, I love, love, the friendship between Ino, Sakura and Naruto.
On Becoming a Sensei (AKA - How to Ruin a Life) 
This has Tenzo panicking something fierce over getting his senpai’s Genin team. Its hilarious.
The Warrior & The Wolf
Its an HP x Naruto crossover where Kakashi is reincarnated as son of Sirius Black. Its a Kakashi/FemHarry pairing.
Beginners Luck
It’s a Modern Day Itachi/FemNaruto fic where Naruto has decided (as a kid) that she was going to marry Itachi when they grow up and spends the entire fic pursuing him relentlessly with Shisui and Izumi cheering for her from sidelines.
The Roots That Nourish the Trees
Post Mizuki betrayal, Danzo devices a series of test for the genin students who passed to gauge the damage Mizuki did and have an accurate database of them. This is one of those few fics where I've enjoyed Danzo’s character. Its all about detailed character analysis of Rookie 9.
Brother To You
Just wholesome slice of life series where post-massacre Sasuke ends up living with Naruto and they learn how to build a live together.
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gmajortom · 1 day
TAD D&D classes?
Oh buddy. You have no idea what you've just done
Warning: long post ahead
I'll start with Maomao because she is, in my opinion, the most difficult. For all that she'd love necromancy, I can't see her as a necromancy wizard- too much reading of things unrelated to her special interests, for one thing, and for another being a wizard in DnD is fuckin expensive. I don't think she'd be a spores druid either, because druids are generally pretty wise and spiritual which are two things Maomao definitely is not. Which leaves an Alchemist Artificer. That's an intelligence based class that's all about creating contraptions, poisons, and potions- in fact, at a certain level they gain immunity to the poisoned condition and resistance to poison and, I think, acid damage?? Idk I don't have the Player's Handbook in front of me. Anyways. High level Alchemist Artificers also gain access to the Raise Dead spell- which means that eventually, with enough experience and experimentation, Maomao would finally get a taste of some sweet sweet necromancy, despite all of Luomen's protestations.
Jinshi is a Glamour Bard- they're all about beauty and charisma and charming the hell out of people and acquiring secrets as they do so. But wait- there's more. Jinshi is way too fit and inclined towards masochism to simply be a bard; he's also a paladin. A palabard, if you will. Personally I see him as an Oath of Devotion Paladin, but I can also see him as an oath of the ancients, what with all that celestial nymph-like beauty. In any case, charisma is his main stat and he can be persuasive like nobody else when he wants to be, but he's also pretty intelligent and strong and, like any good paladin, prone to self-induced suffering.
Gaoshun I see as being an Oath of the Crown Paladin. They're particularly loyal, law-abiding, duty-bound, long-suffering, and as I've mentioned, all paladins are prone to a lil bit of self-flaggelation. Trust me, I've been playing a paladin for the past two years. In any case, Gaoshun, as Jinshi and the Emperor's attendant, has gotta be a) politically savvy and b) prime bodyguard material. A crown pally is both of those things.
Basen is a straight up Zealot Barbarian. Barbarians are known for their constitution and their strength, and Basen has plenty of both; when barbarian go into a rage they gain resistance to damage done by pretty much any kind of weapon, as well as resistance to falling damage. Zealots are sworn to a cause- in this case, protecting the moon prince (and later lady lishu). Zealots also get a feature at later levels called rage beyond death, which essentially allows them to stay up while raging even if they're at 0 hp and would otherwise be unconscious and making death saves.
My darling Shisui, my beloved bug lady Loulan, would be an Archfey Pact Warlock. I just feel it in my heart. Warlocks are high intelligence and high charisma- and the way she played everybody and helped orchestrate the downfall of the Shi clan screams having the balls and foresight necessary to create a pact with something as tricky and eldritch as an archfey. Also, what is a pixie if not a bug with humanoid features?
Suirei, methinks, would be a Grave Cleric. Clerics are typically healers, but grave clerics are especially good with spells related to death and undeath. One of the spells clerics get is Feign Death, which can put a willing creature into "a cataleptic state indistinguishable from death". Sounds pretty familiar. Moving on.
Lahan, unlike Maomao, does have the resources and patience for books to be a wizard- specifically, a Divination Wizard. Predictions of the future are based on statistics, and what are statistics if not some beautiful numbers?
Rikuson, my beloved, would be a Mastermind Rogue. Am I projecting one of my favorite classes on to him? Yes. Do I think it also fits him objectively? Also yes. Masterminds are really good at strategy, being cool under pressure, and they have excellent memories for voices and languages. Their best feature by far, however, is their ability to help someone as a bonus action, making them both lethal in combat AND a consistent support in battle.
Lihaku is a Champion Fighter. I feel like I don't need to elaborate on this.
Lakan, much like Lahan, would be a wizard- but a Conjuration Wizard. In DnD, not only is conjuration about literally summoning groups of creatures to fight for you, it's also about literally manipulating the field of battle. Also teleportation. Basically- you gotta be good at strategy to be a conjurer. Also full spellcasters are weak ass bitches who will go down from a single hit.
Finally, Luomen is another character I see as being multiclassed- specifically, a Life Cleric/Transmutation Wizard. Like I said earlier, clerics are typically healers- and a life cleric is like, THE healer. I threw in a transmuter multiclass because we KNOW he's studied, and transmuters in particular study alchemy. Clerics are supposed to be fairly charismatic and wizards are known for being extremely intelligent, and both clerics and wizards are supposed to have a good amount of wisdom- personally, I think that describes Luomen in a nutshell.
Anyways, if anybody else has thoughts or differing opinions or suggestions of what other characters who I didn't mention might be, I would love, love, LOVE to hear about them! Or if you just wanna talk about DnD or ask some clarifying questions, please feel free to hit me up :)
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Shisui just got poisoned and is at like, 20 hp. We’re not having this. I’m not losing Shisui to poison gdi
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11queensupreme11 · 2 years
Also can I just say that your books are so amazing? Honestly I have only read tsunami so far and it’s so amazing i sometimes even count down the days as to then you are gonna post a new character and it’s always so worth it honestly. You have other books that I really want to read but honestly I’m not that big of a fan of the Percy Jackson series but might as well start reading and seeing the movies again just so I can read your awesome books😤😤😤and you might think “hey how the hell do they know the books are gonna be awesome if they haven’t read them yet” and the answer is because If tsunami is so good I just know that your other books are gonna slap so hard. Anyways this this the end to my little rant anyways your books are amazing <3
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I relate to you on the countdown thing even though I’m literally the author and I get to chose when to update LMAO. I write waaaaay ahead and rn, I’m literally making the outline chapter 53 (if you go to my tumblr blog and click on the lil bell icon on the top right corner, you’ll see that I’m nearly done writing the Shisui Arc for ‘Tsunami 😍). Even though I already have a shit ton of chapters readily made, I always gotta withhold the urge to have a MASS UPDATE OF CHAPTERS cuz that’s like... not good if I wanna get comments 😅 I try to make myself wait 4-6 days at least 
ALSO PLEASE DO NOT WATCH THE MOVIES. Or well... okay, if you want, you should watch the movies first and then read. Because the main issue with the movies was that it didn’t follow the book plot AT ALL, but if you watch it without anything to compare it to (like the books), then you’ll probably enjoy it. 
The books are also super good! But I suggest you stop after the first series cuz the sequel series, Heroes of Olympus, is... a mess. 
But if you’re interested in reading my pjo/hp series, then be warned that I put the sixth book on hiatus at like... near the climax of the plot 🤡
Now here’s my card to you 💖:
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And yes, I picked that specific card because I have no remorse 💖💖💖
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kehannii · 1 year
Oh my god oh my god
Shisui and Obito as the black brothers.
Not an hp au or anything but like, take Sirius and regulus’s angst and love but hate and all that complecated shit and shove it into obt and shi. Like they were always in sync before but after the just don’t fit together anymore and they break themselves trying to make it fit together. So ya. Angry blowing up at the each other and hurting eachother on purpose but also I love you let me help you I’m sorry and stuff
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This Tobirama fic somehow wound up being 5k, but it’s almost done, I just need this one uneditable scene to let me edit it.
Then I have two more ideas for fics in the Dead Sober series. One is a Shisui POV which is kind of an interesting idea since Shisui keeps up such a mask in Dead Sober. What is he really feeling/thinking? But I don’t have a plot for that one.
The other one is a crack fic. “As congratulations for becoming a chuunin, Itachi gets his little brother a wife and child.” I think Itachi’s unhinged plans are great plot devices, but it does require me to think ahead because there’s a time skip.
I’ve also been writing HP fic again for some reason, maybe I will even post it ... 
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aty-altiria · 4 years
Breath In and Out
No 13. BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT Delayed Drowning | Chemical Pneumonia | Oxygen Mask
Word count: 1668
Universe: Harry Potter, Naruto
Pairings: Fem!Harry/Uchiha Shisui
Rating: T
Themes: Delayed Drowning, Uchiha massacre, Drowning
Summary: Holly finds him drowned, blinded, and broken. She finds the one she’s sought for all her life moments before he leaves the world entirely, and she clutches to him hoping that her grip alone will keep Shisui from slipping away where she can not, nor can ever truly follow. 
He should not be alive, should not have survived. Dying had frankly been the entire point of jumping into that part of the river. No one ever survived it, especially when they weren't fighting the current. The river was known as a location that killed civilians and shinobi alike. It's slick walks, huge piercing rocks, the rushing rapids below. If you fell in, there would have been no chance for rescue, for survival, you were dead.
And yet here he was. Floating in the reeds, his leg tangled in something he couldn't even begin to fathom. Body broken, but lungs still miraculously pulling in air. Shisui was alive despite everything leaning toward the opposite. He should have died from blood loss, internal or external, should have drowned, should have fallen to the poison the Root had pumped his body with. But he wasn't, Shisui was very much alive and being saved.
Thin callused hands clutched at his biceps - not a kunoichi, but not a civilian either. Someone was pulling him from the water's grip as if it had no claim to him. They brought him closer so that Shisui could smell them; the scent of water, ink, and something flowery permeated his senses. While a panting grumbling voice - a woman's - sounded in his ears, her feet slid in the mud, squished in the water as she tugged him steadily free.
Shisui was alive despite the impossible. A stranger was saving him.
"Hey? Are you dead?"
Shisui kept his eyes closed. If they stayed like that, he could pretend, for a moment, that he wasn't eternally blind, that he truly just had his eyes closed. Shisui wished he could actually believe it; unfortunately, he was painfully aware that he'd never see again. Shisui knew that the one way he could find his soulmate was forever lost to him. That he'd never lock his gaze with theirs and feel that instant connection.
"You're breathing, so you have to be… hey?" Fingers brushed his hair away from his face. She was gentle in a way that made him sure that it was a civilian touching him, a civilian that managed to save him, despite how impossible the idea was.
Cold fingertips glided over his skin to reveal his face. There, the fingers stilled. She had brushed the hair from away from his eyes, and Shisui couldn't help it; he flinched. The hand instantly recoiled, wary she'd hurt him before she breathed a soft 'oh.'
The sunkenness of his eyelids had to have told her the truth. He had no eyes.
He had no eyes.
But she didn't comment on it as he'd expected her to as everyone Shisui would ever meet in the future would. Instead, she said: "are you awake? I know CPR, but I've never actually had to do it on anyone, so… just, let me know if you're alive?"
"I'm-" ouch, dammit, ouch, "alive-" his lungs were on fire. Shisui instantly started coughing, struggled because his body wanted to heave and yet he was broken, and trapped on his back. The positioning made it nearly impossible to properly cough, let alone take it air- her hands met his back. She hauled Shisui into a seated position.
Shisui, had he been able to breathe, would have thanked her. However, as it was, he was too busy attempting to hack out his lungs.
Her fingers gently pressed into his back, she started to rub gently as he road out the attack, but it wasn't- it wasn't getting better- it was getting- worse. He tried to suck in a desperate breath, but he couldn't- no air was coming- he was suffocating on dry land. Choking to death without a thing in his throat. He couldn't breathe.
"Bloody- hold on- I've got you-"
Shisui had tried to die and had dropped into the river, hoping that his death would distract Danzo long enough so that Itachi could save their clan. He'd been prepared… and he'd been saved. Shisui hadn't even gotten the chance to adjust to that before he… he started dying anyway. He wasn't even in the river anymore, and he was-
Something pressed to his chest. Maybe a weapon, perhaps a finger, it didn't matter anymore really- he couldn't breathe- couldn't breathe- couldn't breathe- and the woman who tried to save him said something alien. Something that made no logical sense and- something wrenched at his lungs. It felt like a hiccup but a thousand times worse. Like his lungs had spasmed. Like he'd just been punched in them but-
Shisui gasped.
-Air filled his lungs so swiftly that Shisui was left reeling. Left coughing frantically as he breathed for the first time in minutes. He grabbed at his chest, tried to dig into his skin because it burned- it burned and felt hands catch his own.
"It's alright, just breathe, calm down and breathe." She was the most soothing thing he'd ever experienced. Though that might have to do with the circumstance. Miraculously though, her calm nudges worked, Shisui was, after several minutes, slowly able to slow his gasps. He was able to take in full breathes until he was almost breathing normally. This took nearly twenty minutes, or so his internal clock told him, but she never stopped. The woman held onto his hands and worked with him non-stop until he was finally sitting calmly.
He was alive.
The thought was an alien as the word she'd used.
"No," he rasped, "not really." A parody of a smile lit his face, and Shisui wondered what the woman's expression would be doing, he'd never be able to tell. He wouldn't even learn what she looked like, if she wore their hitai-ate, if she was a civilian, if her hair was dark like his or not.
An amused sound left her; "that's fair, you did almost drown… twice. But you're alive now, so that's good." She gripped his hand tight, and Shisui appreciated it. He could track her location with his other senses, but he appreciated the fact that he knew exactly where both her hands were. She couldn't stab him if he knew where her hands were, funny that he was actually concerned about her that after just purposely jumping to his death. "And I know you can't exactly see me, but I can see you, which is important."
"Why?" Shisui tilted his head toward where he thought hers would be.
"Ah, tha-ts… err…" There was a blush in her voice, an obvious one, "be-cause well… because I can see you."
"Not to sound stupid, but… that's important why?" He wasn't trying to be obtuse. He really was rather confused by her point and mildly offended. She had been discreet before, now suddenly she wasn't- then she interrupted his thought.
"As in, I can see you." The emphasis was different that time and Shisui felt himself still slightly. She wasn't saying that- no, that wasn't possible- "merlin's beard- you're my soulmate stupid!"
Shisui suddenly burst out into pained laughter. Well, didn't that just fit. He'd found his soulmate blind after trying to kill himself. That was just his luck. Damn, the universe was cruel.
A hand swatted his palm, gentle and not ill-intended. "Mean!" she proclaimed with a hefty amount of hurt in her voice, but- she didn't understand. She had no idea what he'd just done, what he'd sacrificed, what was happening in the village with his clan.
"S-sorry, it's just… the timing-" his laughter was manic, frantic and Shisui knew he'd have to explain. To explain that he'd been searching for her his entire life. He had looked into the eyes of every person he passed in the hopes that he'd feel that connection form. That he'd feel that sync. He'd hoped against hope he wouldn't find it in an enemy he was about to kill, but had still chanced it and looked into every one of his kills eyes. She… didn't know that he'd finally given up as Danzo's hand plunged into his skull to take his-
And now he'd never feel that connection. He'd never feel it because he didn't have his eyes-
"Then I'll just have to regrow them for you." She said after he got out the barest of explanations. She spoke a sentence, spoke words that didn't quite make sense to him as they linked together because people couldn't do that. It was beyond chakra, and yet she'd just- "come on, up you get. We'll go to my tent, it's nearby- oh you can't see it, well it's over in the forest to our left. Once we get there, I can take a look at your injuries, and hopefully, I should have a potion to do that, but if I don't, I can always brew one." She tugged at his hands, pulled him into a standing position, escorted him blindly forward.
Shisui had never felt quite so uncertain. He was tripping, stumbling over things he couldn't see. He was blind in both the figurative and literal meanings. Yet somehow he felt… safe. Which was an utterly alien idea.
Perhaps that was what a sync was supposed to feel like. Maybe Shisui had managed it even without his eyes. Because as a shinobi, he really shouldn't trust anyone like this and hadn't beyond Itachi.
"Duck for the tree, almost there."
"Shisui… I'm Shisui-" he felt a branch catch at his hair, but he didn't run into the tree, so he took it as a win. "-Uchiha…"
"I'm Holly." He could just picture her turning toward him, all smiles with a touch of mild concern, "Holly Potter, and I'm going to make sure you see again, Shisui. That's a promise!"
Somehow, he didn't doubt that as all.
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fiction-queen-blog · 5 years
Slowly forming an Uchiha Coven AU (SNS of course)
I've been thinking about this universe a lot now and I am almost ready figuring out the limits of their powers (magical system) and the secret world of witches. (world building)
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so i had a weird dream
where I was a student at Hogwarts, years after the war with Voldy ended, and put on task by Robo-Dumbledore to solve the new Robo-War between the robo-magical factions of the Autobots vs the Decepticons. Three others were chosen along with myself, and we were given potions that would allow us each to access a different hidden library by one of the Hogwarts founders. I was in Slytherin given access to the Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw library, while my in-dream-lil-bro was a Gryffindor given access to the Gryffindor/Slytherin library. A Draco Malfoy lookalike who was prob his ancestor was there, also a Slytherin, and looking some secret Salazar Slytherin stuff, while a Harry Potter lookalike was looking over some Gryffindor relics.
In order to access this info, we were all given a single potion (each) that, when drank, would allow a person into the area they were assigned. I was expected to do better than the rest simply because they would go though their potion too fast before they could get enough information for simply being too rash or some bs. Something about the potion working through your body when rushed or frantic and unable to control one’s focus. Mini-Draco was doing a good job tho, better than mini-Harry and my in-dream-lil-bro.
Good for him.
While in the secret Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw library (acessable halfway between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff common rooms, btw) I bumped into @raendown and we made s’mores. They were delicious.
(“Isn’t this wasting the potion?” I asked. “No,” Rae replied, “S’mores are never a waste of time.” Looking down at the meter which told me how much of my potion was left, I realized she was right). Some true Willy Wonka shit going down here.
It got weird when on a break from the school I was out with my parents getting burritos (as one does, even in the middle of magical-robo wars, I suppose) and we bumped into Shisui. He was the last person to go through the Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw library before the war, and had already graduated.
People worried we would get along too well, because only a certain type of person had the constitution to go through those hidden libraries (The Libraries Hidden in the School, if you will). Only people with specific traits could access specific libraries, and since we had been chosen to go through the same library, I guess we were Compatible.
We were. And we did.
Shisui was flirting with me and we had a weirdly amazing chemistry. People worried I’d be too distracted to find the solution to the Autobot/Deception conflict.
As I was sitting in the back of a school bus (the super advanced technology for getting back to Hogwarts, apparently), going over what info Shisui remembered from his time in the library and being flirted with I thought: wait... if I’m at Hogwarts then I’m a student and therefore a child... how old am I again? (awake me knows I’m a grownass adult. Dream me couldn’t remember what numbers were) and if Shisui has graduated then he’s an adult... so does this make Shisui a pedo?
Shortly after I woke up.
And yeah. It was weird a weird dream.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Shisui as Regulus' son sounds amazing and all the angst that would come from that is top tier, just thinking of Sirius somehow finding out during Harry's third year of Hogwarts when he escapes from Azkaban and realizing that he's an uncle and this boy is Regulus' son but he can't take care of him because he's a wanted man and akshdkskajkssj it makes me unwell in the best ways possible
Also shisui could 100% still look like himself through his mum so, besides some nearly shoulder-length curls and some ILLEGALLY beautiful grey eyes, we're talking Konoha's Hottie hits Hogwarts and something extremely LGBTQA+ is happening 🤣✨✨✨step aside Cedric.... Wait, wait wait wait SHISUI SEEKER, SHISUI SEEKER
also Pfffft imagine kreacher finding out when Sirius goes to Grimmauld and mentions it (shisui might know he's a black, he might go by the name and know his father, but that's all through Gringotts and he's never been able to go to Grimmauld because Walburga was alive) and kreacher is like
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So we have shisui (a hot, badass, Hufflepuff quidditch seeker) who would probably not know harry very well (just because 1) harry is surprisingly introverted and Shisui's dad is a known death eater and 2) house divide bullshit 3) shisui is probably manipulating the fuck out of DE kids as well as his own house which either looks dodgy or flighty to the outside) suddenly having a common cause together. Oooooh wait no this is even better because the whole scandal with black would cause massive attention for shisui and the whole thing with Hufflepuff in that year would mean there's problems with shisui being thought of as a traitor or the one letting Sirius into the school, there might be issues with shisui catching the snitch (Cedric can be a chaser idgaf) whilst harry falls before Shisui catches him too... Shisui would 100% get dragged into the mess at the shrieking shack and yes he would run off into the dark to re-catch peter and be put at risk by wolf!remus AS WELL as actually meeting both normal and TT!harry&Hermione... Ohhhhhh, yes yes yes
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tozettastone · 2 years
Best Naruto crossovers- It depends honestly on whats being counted as a crossover!
Personally 'x AU' where the characters of one thing are planted in the world of the other thing or given the world conventions of the other media(daemon aus for example) I dont usually count as crossovers but as in the AU category, but I DO count world fusions (where say, Naruto and Dragon Age take place in the same universe) as crossovers as well as the traditional dimension travel and transmigration 'isekai type' crossovers.
Generally speaking I deeply enjoy both isekai-type crossovers and world fusions as tropes, and enjoy different types of media for either regarding Naruto. This is *very* dependent on the rules the other media has and how much I can suspend belief about it.
Naruto world fusing with HP for example is rarely believable in this case because HP is a modern world and hiding the bullshit that happens in Naruto fully doesnt seem possible(the damn MOON is involved) and the magic systems are dissimilar enough it doesnt feel like they are operating on the same universe rules unless one or the other's rules are heavily fudged.
Naruto and Stargate or Star Wars or other planetary adventures though are GREAT for a crossover of this kind because Naruto isnt set on our earth, on our continents, so we can just make it another planet and be done. The fact that there are canon aliens helps sell it too.
These crossovers can be AMAZING, but the crossed over property and how its used are key. The worldbuilding has to be really damn solid in these and many times it isnt.
What Naruto really shines with though, because it has canon dimensional shenanigans and reincarnation, is isekai-type crossovers. Most things can be made to work believably with a spot of dimension travel, and few things are so dissimilar that it wouldnt work at all. Those that dont work from dimension travel will work with transmigration and thus giving the magic system of that world to that character and usually solving the problem that way.
The drawback with these though, is that they have a high barrier for entry as they are the crossover of choice for many and its hard to stand out. Most end up going nowhere because they just wanted to get x to y but forgot to think of a plot or good reason why they would or would not get involved in canon events or why they dont spill the beans and help properly. Those that do often cant handle conflict and power scaling super well, which is fair because it can be very hard to make many characters have believable emotional or physical conflict in places where they outclass everyone and arent prone to angst and switching to crackfic and trying to learn to be funny instead can be even harder.
It less becomes a question of what is crossed with what and more how the plot is handled in isekai crossovers. Making them interesting and not 'the exact same plot as canon but sometimes the xover character interjects something witty or kills something' is the real test.
I saw a FANTASTIC 'send Shisui to dragon age inquisition' fic and thats exactly the kind of isekai naruto character into other media fic that I love. Well worldbuilt, some au ing that looks like its going to build up and pay off, magic intersects pretty good, and the tension isnt reliant only on fighting people he largely outclasses.
There was also making Azula into a Uchiha upon reincarnation, which was super rad and fun and I hope it goes somewhere interesting with her causing trouble.
Okay, so, in summary: Stargate and Star Wars, because they empower writers to present the Naruto setting as simply an alternative planet. Interestingly, these are very "US America in Space" settings. It would seem easier to crossover Naruto with something that could give you a more cohesive internal mythos, but you value power scaling and specific modes of conflict more highly. This is notion of comparable power scaling is definitely a popular framework in certain forums, so that makes sense.
I won't really address the substance of the comments you made about the motives of people who write fanfic, or what is good and bad in fic, except to point out that you have presented many narrow opinions as general truths.
For example, you wrote "they just wanted to get x to y but forgot to think of a plot." I don't think they "forgot." Writers know about plots. If a story lacks a plot, it's unlikely to be accidental. This ask leans on a lot of assumptions like this. Without asserting that any of this is good or bad, I will say that in my experience, fandom is not so homogeneous a bunch.
I'm glad you've found fics that meet your needs, though. There's a fandom for everyone! 😌
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onceabluemoonwrites · 7 years
for the wip ask: crimson
For this ask meme
You’re in luck! I’ve got two of those, for Change Is The Constant! Which is actually one of my few published WIP’s, inspired by a plotbunny from @shadowblayze , for those who don’t know it! 
Because these two make very little sense on their own, I just went with the paragraph. 
They hearShisui’s footsteps coming down the stairs before they see the older boyhimself. Harry’s legs hang limply over his arms, held in bridal style. Histhroat is bare, neck supported by the arm, but his head falling backwards. Itmakes him look terribly small, his sickly pallor startling, and even the veinson his eyelids are clearly visible, a sharp contrast to the blood tricklingdown from his scar. Sometimes, a drop falls onto the stone floor, leaving atrail of crimson stains behind.
- Change is the Constant, scene at the end of the First Year, which I have almost completely written out, despite still not having finished the middle of the year (don’t judge me)
The Uchihahad this legend about their demon eyes. Of the deal made with the devil, of howthey could not rest in peace until their crimson orbs were just as gone as thebeat of the heart in their bodies. How they would be forced to watch helplesslythrough the still living eyes- their suffering and pain feeding the monsters ofHell.
- Change is the Constant, probably Second year/maybe third. It’s a loose scene I wrote out because it portrays an important aspect of Harry and Shisui’s deep sibling bond. 
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theblacknpinkforce · 3 years
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Lets see, it is a long list lol, I have written Naruto for the longest time, then Sasuke, those two I have written the longest, Itachi, Shisui, Obito, Kakashi, Lance from Voltron and Princess Allura from Voltron, Judar from Magi, Hermione from HP, Lucious from HP and Snape from HP, Thats all I can remember at the moment
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HP AU but they probably all see thestrals and are just like "Yeah, this is normal."
Kakashi: Do you see that beautiful animal pulling the carriage?
Gai: Ohhh they are gorgouse
Tenzo: can i pet it?
Shisui: You have to be careful. they can be a bit skittish
Itachi: I want to ride one...
Everyone else: ....a...are you guys ok???
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Fic Rec Bingo
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Okie dokie, this is the Fan Rec Bingo - idea courtesy of lightvials on twitter, but I don’t have a twitter that I ever use, so I’m filling it out here instead.  Let’s see if I can fill it all out!
I did, and then some.  To save poor dashboards, it’s all under the cut!  If I know author tumblrs they’ve been mentioned - I know pitifully few so if anyone knows the ones I don’t, let me know so I can mention them, too!
A fic you love without knowing the source material: The Dragon-King’s Temple by Kyral (Stargate SG-1/Avatar the Last Airbender)
Through the spite of the spirits or plain rotten chance, a door that would have been better left untouched has opened. On the other hand, with Fire and Earth as one's allies, sometimes escaping is the easy part. Rated: Gen.  AO3 Archive Warning for Graphic Descriptions of Violence. Characters: Zuko, Toph Beifong, Janet Fraiser, Sam Carter, Jack O’Neill, and more Words: 196311.  Status: Complete
I very rarely read fics without already knowing the canon, but one that I think counts would be a Stargate/ATLA crossover, because I know nothing about Stargate and I have yet to finish ATLA!  This was recommended to me due to the creativity of the author regarding a language barrier (something I always enjoy, and my friend knows that).
A fic series with a premise that shouldn’t work but it does: Crazy=Genius by blackkat (Bleach/Harry Potter)
Minerva McGonagall isn't about to let Harry go back to the Dursleys after his first year. She finds an alternative, and along the way, Bazzard Black finds that he might have more family left than he'd ever thought. Rated: Teen.  AO3 No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Bazz-B, Harry Potter, and more Words: 21682.  Status: Incomplete
Okay, I cheated and picked a series.  Not my fault blackkat decided to make this universe a series of oneshots rather than a single entity and you’re certainly not getting me to only pick one of the five already published ones.  Bazz-B being a Black and also kinda a wizard is a brilliant concept, and having him adopting Harry is pure gold.  Not sure how crazy Quincy adopting poor, neglected Boy Who Lives works, but it does!
A fic you’ve reread several times: The Guardian (Director’s Cut) by SGTBrowncoat (Naruto)
Itachi Uchiha receives his first mission in ANBU: protecting a certain trouble making Jinchuriki. He bonds quickly with the boy, but dark forces rise to threaten Itachi, Naruto, and those they care for most. Rated: T.  Canon-typical violence Characters: Uchiha Itachi, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Shisui and more (includes Uchiha Itachi/Inuzuka Hana background pairing) Words: 35945.  Status: Complete
Back to my first ever fandom, here, and a really fun non-massacre AU fic, with lots of Itachi and Shisui goodness.  There are a fair few ANBU-looking-after-kid-Naruto fics but this is by far my favourite of them!  There is a sequel, but unfortunately it’s not finished and hasn’t been updated in a long time (I live in hope!)
A fic you still remember many years later: While The Ring Went South by Thundera Tiger (Lord of the Rings)
What happened after the Fellowship left Rivendell but before they came down off Caradhras? Behold the missing scenes. Rated: K+.  Canon-typical violence Characters: Legolas, Gimli, Aragon, Gandalf, the whole Fellowship Words: 149624.  Status: Complete
I refound this fic completely by accident the other week, after first reading it (according to when I favourited it on FFN) in 2011!  It was just as amazing as I remembered, and is really the standard I hold all other LotR fics to, especially ones that involve the entire, pre-Moria, Fellowship.  It has a sequel but sadly that’s not been updated in some time (but again, I live in hope!)
A comfort fic: There May Be Some Collateral Damage by metisket (Bleach/Harry Potter)
Ichigo’s been ordered to go undercover at a magic school to bodyguard a kid named Harry Potter, and this would be fine, except that he’s about as good at bodyguarding as he is at magic. And he considers it a good day, magic-wise, if he hasn’t set anything on fire. Rated: Gen.  AO3 No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo, Harry Potter, Weasley Twins, and more. Words: 61209.  Status: Complete
I have no idea what this means by ‘Comfort Fic’ but if I want a laugh and Umbridge getting a pile of comeuppance, this is definitely the fic I’ll turn to.  As the A/N says: ‘sending Ichigo to Hogwarts is basically the same as swinging a wrecking ball directly into the side of the castle’.  Beautiful chaos is what we get.  Beautiful, beautiful chaos.
A cathartic fic: See You Again by cookietosser (One Piece)
Rocinante has been through a lot in his life. Adding uncontrollable time travel into the mix? That's just the icing on the cake. Rated: Teen.  AO3 Violence and (canon) Character Death Warnings Characters: Donquioxte Rocinante|Cora-san, Trafalgar Law, Heart Pirates Words: 15755.  Status: Complete
You want to rip my heart out and trample it into lots of little pieces while still making it all better because Law and Rocinante?  Well, this little time-traveller’s wife AU fic is just the one for all that.  Sad moments, frustrating moments, happy moments, all wrapped up in this oneshot!
A fic you’d print and put on your bookshelf: Thrower of the Dart by Vathara (Artemis Fowl/The Avengers)
What might have happened instead of Artemis Fowl book 6, if it'd happened in the Marvel Universe. Megalomaniacs ahoy! Rated: Teen.  AO3 No Archive Warnings Characters: Artemis Fowl II, Tony Stark, and more Words: 101272.  Status: Complete
It’s long, it’s epic, and it would nestle in perfectly at home alongside my Artemis Fowl books on the bookshelf!  It’s not so much a rewrite of book 6 as a complete replacement of it, with a new plot and an all too familiar villain!
A fic you associate with a song: Goodbye, Brother by Serena Estelle (Bleach)
Ilforte's final moments as I like to picture them-with his brother. Rated: T.  Canonical character death Characters: Szayelaporro Granz, Yylfordt Granz Words: 3073.  Status: Complete
Might be cheating, because the author actually names a song in their starting A/N, but this definitely brings to mind Exile Vilify by The National, and I fully recommend listening to that (on loop - there is a 10-hour loop version on youtube) as you watch this for maximum tear-jerking effect.
A fic that inspires you: Magic of the Rose Cross by Awensweth (Harry Potter/D.Gray-Man)
In Harry's 4th year the Triwizard Tournament is brought back to live, but the appearance of a fourth mysterious school about which only Dumbledore seems to know brings new secrets with it for everyone. Who are the students of Rose Cross? Rated: Mature.  AO3 Chose Not To Use Warnings Characters: Harry Potter, Allen Walker, and more Words: 66632.  Status: Incomplete
I have been inspired by many, many fics, but I chose this one in particular because it was the main one that inspired me to join the HP/DGM Triwizard Tournament wave of the early 2010s - indeed, The Combat School is one of my most popular fics, but without this and other fics of the trope, I probably would never have written it!  That’s not to say I’ve copied this fic - aside from the base trope I tried my best to make my own work unique against the others, and hope that I succeeded!  Sadly, this fic is incomplete and hasn’t been updated for some time, but it’s still worth a read.
A fic that brought you on board a new ship:  Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by MsChunks (Boku no Hero Academia)
Uraraka and Bakugo have a secret. It’s not what their classmates think it is. Rated: Teen.  AO3 Chose Not To Use Warnings Characters: Bakugo Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako Words: 182478.  Status: Complete
Putting Bakugo and Uraraka together was something I’d never considered, and I started this fic with some trepidation after a friend recommended it to me, but said friend has never steered me wrong with fics and didn’t start now!  Fake dating, Uraraka actually being badass, the most terrifying couple in class 1-A?  That’s this fic.
A fic you wish could be a movie: Mission Impossible by Loopstagirl (Thunderbirds)
Being selected for his first solo mission should have been exciting for Captain Scott Tracy of the Air Force. But there was something else at play. Something dangerous and deadly. Something that could cost him more than his life. Rating: T.  Warnings: Violence Characters: Scott Tracy, Gordon Tracy Words: 55048.  Status: Complete
Air Force!Scott?  W.A.S.P.!Gordon?  On a joint mission together?  Yes, gimme, gimme, gimme.  Gimme Scott’s awkwardness alone on a boat of WASP personnel, gimme Gordon’s horror when he realises the suicide mission pilot is his older brother, and now give that all to me on screen!  And we can’t forget the Hood, of course!  Might be a bit higher rating than the current Thunderbirds stuff, but hey, I’m old enough.  Gimme.
A fic that led to you becoming friends with the author: The Gabriel Project by Aceidia (Bleach)  - @thetwelvecaesars​
When Szayelaporro knew Aizen's reign in Heuco Mundo was coming to a close, he took matters into his own brilliant hands. He reincarnates himself and the other nine Espadas into a new life full of surprising turns and irony. Yet, the harmony and ignorance is not forever as they begin to remember. Rating: M (violence) Characters: Szayelaporro Granz, the Espada Words: 116030.  Status: Complete
Well, this fic sparked off a friendship that’s still very much there, even if neither of us write much for Bleach any more!  What started off as a challenge to identify who the Espada were turned into essay-length PMs about anything and everything, and then RP groups and now random emails about whatever at random times of the day (different timezones don’t help)!
A fic you’ve gushed about irl: Living Like Kings by CLynnB (Thunderbirds)
The world wants to know more about the Tracy brothers. So Lady Penelope takes it upon herself to show the world just who they are. Through YouTube. Rating: Gen.  AO3 Author Chose Not To Use Warnings Characters: Lady Penelope-Creighton-Ward, Tracy Family (background Pen/Ink, Scayo, Virg/Brains) Words: 35348.  Status: Complete
I love social media fics like this one, and my poor boyfriend got the brunt of it while we were on holiday... he knows basically nothing about Thunderbirds except for what he’s heard from me (which is a lot because he’s amazing and lets me gush).  I mean, Tracy boys playing “The Floor Is Lava?” and tackling each other to the ground?  Gimme.
A fic you associate with a place: Thunderbirds Meet Thunderbirds - Alan trip in to the movie verse by ak47stylegirl (Thunderbirds) @ak47stylegirl​
Crazy stuff always happens to Tracys, don't they?  Add felling into a different world to the list. Rating: Gen. AO3 No Archive Warnings Characters: Alan Tracy, Tracy Family times two Words: 25599.  Status: Incomplete
This might be a little random, but this fic was one that I found while I was ill on holiday to the Lake District last autumn.  Sadly, it’s the only trip there I’ve ever done where I couldn’t climb a single fell (and my car’s clutch burnt out after having to reverse up a pass... thanks bus coming the other way), and this fic’s updates while I was there kept me sane!  This has actually very loosely inspired a fic of my own which is in the making - which might get posted in the next year if I’m lucky...  Still waiting eagerly for this fic’s next update :D
A fic that made you gasp out loud: The Colours Of The World by MaiKusakabe (Fullmetal Alchemist/Harry Potter)
When Roy Mustang went to retrieve his eyesight from Truth, he wasn’t expecting to end up doing a job in exchange. It couldn’t even be an easy job, of course, because Edward’s assessment of Truth was a pretty accurate one. Rating: Mature.  AO3 No Archive Warnings (but watch for canon-typical violence) Characters: Roy Mustang, Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black, and more Words: 120578.  Status: Incomplete
Badass Roy yesss.  Twists and turns and Truth is a pretentious you-know-what but Voldemort’s even worse so where does that leave poor Roy except caught in the middle and very much a war veteran at this point... much to the horror of a few wizards!
A fic you found at the right time: Seafaring Heartless: Exit North Blue by Avian Swallow (One Piece)
Pirates may be considered evil by the majority, but Law had met quite a few of the world's navy who were corrupt to the core and putting up a very thick facade. He reasoned that if he was going to manipulate and scheme his way into that goal, at least he was going to be honest enough to admit it. Rating: T.  Canon-typical situations Characters: Trafalgar Law, Bepo, Penguin, Shachi, Heart Pirate OCs Words: 159644.  Status: Complete
Is there ever a ‘wrong time’ to find a fic?  (a 100k+ at 4am debatable, but shh).  When I craved Heart Pirate content, this fic (and its sequel, still in progress but updating) appeared!  Only loosely clings to canon at the moment, thanks to some SBS revelations, but with well developed OCs to fill the faces we have no names or personalities for at the moment!
A fic that you would read fic of: Only a Boy by Riddle Lee (Harry Potter/Merlin)
Merlin has changed Camelot forever but while that part of his life is complete, destiny has a new task for him. Now he has to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, hide the fact that he's the Merlin, and defeat a Dark Lord that's messing with magic he knows nothing about. Rating: T.  Canon-typical situations Characters: Merlin, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, and more Words: 340998.  Status: Incomplete
An amazing universe with Slytherin!Merlin, no Harry Potter/Boy Who Lived, and the good old ‘hiding real identity’ trope to underpin the whole series.  Currently just into the start of Merlin’s third year at Hogwarts, aka “The Prisoner of Azkaban”.  This universe has so much to give, although Riddle Lee is doing a fantastic job at it.  It’s incomplete and slow to update but does update!
A fic that made you laugh out loud: HOW’S THE COMA GOING by ossicle (One Piece)
Kidd and Penguin keep trying to murder each other and Law is done with their shit. He assigns them to take care of each other’s injuries so they’ll learn to get along. It doesn’t work. Rating: Teen.  AO3 No Archive Warnings Characters: Eustass Kid, Penguin, Trafalgar Law (background KidLaw) Words: 2062.  Status: Complete
Oh this one had me in stitches basically the whole time.  Kid’s bedside manner should not be mimicked in the slightest, but a beautiful bonding fic in typical pirate fashion - beat ‘em up ‘til they have your approval.  Poor, poor, Law.
A fic with a line (or two) that you’ve memorised by heart: On Their Side by Gumnut (Thunderbirds) - @gumnut-logic​
She trusted these boys with a great deal. Rating: Teen.  AO3 No Warnings Apply Characters: Colonel Casey, Virgil Tracy, Gordon Tracy Words: 1116.  Status: Complete
I think I have basically the entire thing memorised.  This one also falls into several other categories, most notably ones that made me laugh and ones that I’ve reread several times, but it really belongs here on this list.
A fic that gave you butterflies: it’s a long way forward so trust in me by aloneintherain (Miraculous Ladybug)
Six times Marinette carried Adrien (plus one time he carried her). Rating: Teen.  AO3 No Archive Warnings Characters: Adrien Agreste|Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng|Ladybug (all sides of the love square) Words: 5611.  Status: Complete
Aaah I have a weak spot for strong!Marinette and this fic ticks that box time and time again, with a side of blushing!Adrien and general love-struck Adrien/Chat.  I mean, what more could a girl need?
A fic that embodies something you value in life: Team Itachi by Killer of thy Cookies (Naruto)
What if the Third Hokage stopped the council before they could order Itachi to commit the Uchiha Clan Massacre? Itachi is one of the village's strongest ninja, and has now been given the task of being a Jonin sensei, assigned to Team 7 with his little brother Sasuke, the 'dead last' Naruto Uzumaki, and fangirl Sakura Haruno. This is Team Itachi. Rating: T.  Canon-typical situations Characters: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and more Words: 155092.  Status: Complete
(Yup, another non-massacre AU.)  Loyalty.  Honestly, there are so many fics that have loyalty in them, especially in fandoms like Naruto, where loyalty is a pretty big thing anyway (alongside friendship, of course), but this one is Itachi staying openly loyal to the village because Sarutobi actually saved the clan, and of course lovely bonds between the team!
A favourite AU: A Son By Any Other Name by carryonstarkid (Thunderbirds)
Cursed as a child, Scott Tracy lives a life in which everyone he encounters must follow all of his given commands. Rating: Teen.  AO3 Chose Not To Use Warnings Characters: Scott Tracy, Tracy Brothers, Kayo Kyrano, and more Words: 83429.  Status: Complete
I rarely read AU fics - my preferred sandbox is the canon one, or a nice slice of canon diversion, rather than completely taking characters out of their home and dumping them somewhere entirely new.  This fairytale AU, however - reminding me very much of Sleeping Beauty except instead of sleeping it’s, well, what the summary says - is fantastically well done and addresses the strain such a thing would put on even the closest of family relationships.
A fic you stayed up too late to finish reading: As N Approaches Infinity by Corisanna (Bleach/Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Despairing as yet another timeline goes horribly wrong, Homura wanders into Karakura. There she discovers that while the spiritually-aware people of Karakura were distracted by Ichigo Kurosaki and Xcution, Kyubey had managed to contract the Kurosaki sisters as magical girls. Drawing the attention of the shinigami could be just the advantage Homura needs. Rating: Teen.  AO3 No Archive Warnings but watch out for canon-typical situations for both fandoms (especially Madoka) Characters: Akemi Homura, Kurosaki Karin, Kurosaki Yuzu, Urahara Kisuke, and many more Words: 465297.  Status: Incomplete
There are many fanfictions that have kept me up til dawn.  Many.  This one, however, has literally robbed me of all my sleep and I’ve still been unable to finish it in one sitting.  It’s good, the pacing is fantastic, and with Homura as our leading lady, that means those time resets really hit hard when they happen (and they happen.  They really, really, happen).  Might be incomplete, but is still updating - and there’s plenty to keep you occupied in the meantime!
A fic that made you feel seen: A Seed Once Grown by Darkestwolfx (Thunderbirds) - @darkestwolfx​
Believe it or not, they did have a garden on Tracy Island. It looked a little like a… tip. And that was being kind. Rating: Teen.  AO3 No Archive Warnings Characters: Ned Tedford, Tracy Family Words: 4785.  Status: Complete
Okay, so I’m taking this literally because I spend a lot of time feeling invisible on the internet so having a fic written for me from someone I’d barely spoken to before was a whole pile of screaming.  Not that it’s the first time someone’s written a fic for me, but the other ones have been done by friends I’d already known for some time, and not someone in a fandom I’m just starting to find my feet in.
Free space: whoo boy, fun time!  There are a few fics on the top of my head that didn’t fill any of the above prompts (or got beaten to the punch by another), so my wildcard space is going to be a few fic links without the extra detail because I’ve already spent about 12 hours on this to get to this point (did I get sidetracked and re-read a bunch?  You bet) and I’d quite like to also get some fic written today, too!
Eight-Day Week (JoJo Spotting) by TrufflestheMushroom (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
The Trouble With Eastern by teaandtumblr (One Piece)
Remembrance by ClioSelene (One Piece)
Legacy by MaiKusakabe (One Piece)
A Fleeting Smile by AnonymousTwit (Boku no Hero Academia)
Too Loud For Comfort by vaporeon_ninja (Boku no Hero Academia)
A Dragon’s Hoard by Chezka (Boku no Hero Academia)
Nine Lives by P_Artsypants (Miraculous Ladybug)
Chat’s Eye View (Love Letters To Paris) by Icka M Chif (Miraculous Ladybug)
Gabriel’s Lament by Chaotic Neutral (Miraculous Ladybug)
What The Cat Dragged In by Kyral (Avengers/Miraculous Ladybug)
Weekend Warrior by BlackDog_66 (Avengers)
Fitting In (Tiny Spaces) by aloneintherain (Avengers)
Autonomy by beetlebee (Naruto)
Great Minds by ScreamingViking (Final Fantasy VII)
Dear Kunsel by Sinnatious (Final Fantasy VII)
Cracks in the knight by authorettejasmin (Magic Kaito)
To Wrap An Elvish Princeling by Jael (Lord of the Rings)
There are more, many more, and I’ll probably post a few more recs around - you can also find some on my blog and I’ll try and get that updated with a few more at some point because there are many more than that!
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