#Happy asexual awareness week everybody :)
nameforthemain · 2 years
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Asexual awareness week: October 23rd-29th 2022, with Jeff the land shark!
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actuallyasexuality · 2 years
Attention everyone, this week is asexual awareness week!!
Asexuality is a severely underrepresented sexuality, even in lgbtq+ spaces and media.
This week, I encourage everybody to take some time to learn more about asexuality. I will be posting a few times a day, but recommend you check out other social media accounts and websites dedicated to asexuality as well. A great place to start is AVEN, linked below.
Happy asexual awareness week everyone 💜🖤🤍
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snugspheal · 11 months
Happy asexual awareness week!
To everybody who falls under the ace-spec umbrella, you are so valid and loved! No matter how much attraction you do or don't feel. No matter your favourability-repulsion in regards to sex. No matter your "reason" for being ace. No matter your macro or micro labels. No matter whether you are also aromantic or not.
Whatever other labels you might have, you ace-spec identity is still 100% valid! And its damn awesome!
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megatraven · 2 years
Happy Asexual awareness week :)
THANK U!!!!!
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celosiaa · 4 years
comfortable, proud, safe, home
Hey everybody!! Couldn’t let Ace Awareness Week slip past me without writing a little something. I was so inspired by @lylahammar​ ‘s wonderful art here that I couldn’t resist writing a fic loosely inspired by their Jon--who uses he/they pronouns and is asexual (of course!). I hope you will enjoy :)
This should be comfortable.
I should be comfortable.
I am home, I am safe, I am loved.
I am loved.
I am…
“Oh, look out, love—” Martin warns softly from the other side of the bed, reaching over to point at a spot in his knitting. “You’ve slipped a stitch, I think.”
He hadn’t realized Martin had been paying him any mind, so engrossed was he in his new book—eyes hungrily flitting over the pages in a way Jon finds so endearing, happy to see him enjoy anything so very much. Though, in hindsight, of course Martin would be keeping an eye on him. Jon is new to knitting after all, only just starting his first real project.
Well. Restarting, that is. For the fourth time.
In reality, Jon knows he had not really been paying his stitches any mind, rather focusing on looking for something to do with his hands, shaking as they were, willing to try anything to calm his racing heartbeat. It hadn’t worked—of course it hadn’t, and now he’s slipped a stitch and ruined everything once again. Without a sound, he begins to slip the rest of the stitches off the needles, starting to pull at the leading string to tear the rest of it to pieces once again—
Before warm, steady hands come to cover his own.
“Hey, hey,” Martin begins, eyebrows creasing together at once as he leans closer to Jon in worry. “No need for that, I can fix it.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Jon spits, unable to control the panicked thrumming of his chest, letting it spill over into his words no matter how hard he tries to stop it. “It’s ruined again, I can’t—”
“Woah, easy, there.”
And now Martin is leaning over him properly, carefully plying Jon’s fingers from the yarn, threading his own fingers through them instead.
“Easy, Jon. Are you panicking?”
“N-no, I—” he begins—because he isn’t, not exactly, not the same.
Not in the way that Martin seems to find so important, anyway. Although…
He’s going to leave you, whispers that dark part of his mind, the part no therapy or medication had been able to heal completely.
He will leave you. You know he will.
And now, perhaps—perhaps he is panicking a bit.
“Tell me what I can do, darling. Anything at all.”
Too good you’re too good you’re going to leave me—
Even with the pounding of his pulse, the tears springing to his eyes anew—the ache in his chest tells Jon that this is something that must spill from his lips now now now, distantly wondering if this is what it felt like for those he had compelled—
“Martin, I—”
Voice briefly falling short in a choked-off sort of way, Jon takes another shaking inhale as Martin’s arm gently comes to rest across his shoulders. Comfort, you should be comfortable, you are home and you are safe—
“I’m—I have to, to tell you something. I’m…I’m nonbinary, Martin.”
Flowing now—the words are flowing in time to the blood rushing in his ears, the overwhelming sound of everything everything everything drowning out all else but his confession.
“Oh, Jon—”
“A-and it’s okay if, if that’s…if this makes things different for you, I understand, I wouldn’t blame you if…”
“—if you wanted to leave. I—I would understand if—”
“Jon, I wouldn’t—”
“—if this is too much. I know it’s already got to be difficult, be-because I’m ace and you’re not, it’s got to be different—”
“Jon, please—please take a breath with me.”
No harshness, no cruelty—for a moment Jon almost believes that Martin may be alright, that they might stay together, that this might not be the start of being let down easy—but of course Martin would be kind of course he would this is it—
He takes a breath, steady as he can—and meets his eyes.
Finding nothing but warmth—always warmth.
Always for him.
“Listen to me. Are you alright to listen?” he asks, running his hand back and forth across Jon’s shoulders, the gentle pressure untwisting something dreadful that has been knotted away in his stomach for a long, long time.
“Y-yes,” he finds himself whispering, desperate to swallow the lump in his throat as Martin shifts on the bed to sit in front of him, pulling Jon’s forehead forward to press against his own, hands resting softly against his ears, and the line of his jaw on either side.
“I need you to know how proud I am of you.”
One sentence—once sentence is all it took, and the tears spill like rain down Jon’s cheeks, unbidden and lovely and so, so relieved.
Proud of me he’s proud he’s proud
“For so many things, I’m proud of you. And this is no exception, my darling.”
No exception?
“But you—heh, sorry,” he laughs damply for just a moment, reaching up to wipe his tears away, finding Martin’s thumbs already doing the job.
“But what?”
“I—you—I’m not, not a man, Martin. I’m not—”
“Jon, I—”
“Let me finish, please,” Jon begs as he pulls away from Martin, fully unable to stop his tears now, voice shaking on every note.
“I-I know you’re—you’re interested in men, and—I’m not….that. A-and I’m not, not interested in sex, and—and I know you said it’s alright, and that you’re alright with that. But in case that wasn’t—wasn’t true, I. I can’t bear the thought of you feeling stuck here. With me. So, you’re—”
He swallows thickly, fruitlessly.
“You’re not. And I need you to know that.”
A pause, a small pause that sets Jon’s heart pounding again as Martin blinks at him silently.
He’s going to leave he’s going to leave
“Are you finished now?” he whispers, his own voice wobbling a bit as he refuses to look away from Jon’s gaze.
Cut off by the warmth of Martin’s lips against his own, Jon finds himself melting—always melting, always for Martin.
He loves me he loves me he loves me
“Jon,” Martin murmurs gently as he pulls away in favor of resting their foreheads together once more, eyes brimming this time as he gazes into Jon’s tear-streaked face.
“I am not. Stuck here. I have never, not once felt ‘stuck’ with you, my love. Never.”
Overwhelmed, too much, not enough. Never enough of Martin.
“I love you, Jon. Not in spite of who you are—I love you because of it. And nothing—nothing, you understand?—that you tell me like this could ever stop that. You are my partner. You are asexual. You are nonbinary. And I am so, so proud.”
Something small and aching in Jon’s chest shatters—and he is free, so much freer than he ever has been, in this moment. With his love. With his everything.
“M-Martin, I—” he chokes around his sobs, now with a different, smiling edge. “I love—I love you. Thank you.”
“I love you,” Martin breathes easily, pressing another kiss to Jon’s lips, before pulling him forward against his chest, ever so gentle even with all his strength.
Smiling against the fabric of his shirt, Jon finally allows himself to be.
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quiddity-jones · 4 years
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Happy Ace Week!
Andee Simon is here to celebrate Asexual Awareness Week! For those of you that don’t know, Asexual Awareness Week runs from Oct. 25 - Oct. 31. Asexuality is a valid part of the spectrum of sexuality. Andee is ace/aro and she’s pretty comfortable with herself. So, here’s to everybody on the ace spectrum out there! Have a good week.
*click on the image to enlarge it*
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artrmeblog · 4 years
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Happy Asexual Awareness Week to everybody celebrating, please keep these ✨famous✨ words in mind! 💜🤍🖤
I remember the first time I saw this scene, my jaw literally hit the floor. I felt as if I had just gotten one of the most comforting and warm hugs (a feeling I still get even today when I rewatch it) And I hope that many others who had seen this tv show had the experienced that exact same feeling.
Once Again I wish you a happy Ace Week
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someoneq · 4 years
Happy asexual appreciation awareness week to all my fellow aces
Asexuality is real and valid. Asexuals aren't broken.
No one is owed sex. You can't fix someone's sexuality.
Now, onto the real reason for this, asexual (and aromantic) songs!
D&D + Asexuality by Skull Puppies
Hell Nos And Headphones by Hailee Steinfeld
I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don't Wanna Die Anymore by Waterpark
Take A Hint by the Victorious Cast
A-OKAY by Adam Winney
Never Been In Love by Will Jay
Aromantic by Mike Fonzarelli Roberts
Don't Fall In Love by Danko Jones
No Lover by Jetty Bones
Everybody's Lonely by Jukebox The Ghost
NO by Meghan Trainor
Crush Culture by Conan Gray
It's disappointingly short so ifyou can add to this list of songs, please do
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i-am-the-inquisitor · 4 years
Happy Asexual Awareness Week!
Make sure your activism is intersectional!
There is still racism and a lack of representation within marginalized communities. Make sure to listen to others! Within the LGBTQIA+ community we know that media has bais', like the fact that lesbians are more accepted than gay men. And when there is representation, it's usually white people. Very rarely is it a couple where both partners are BIPOC.
With that being said, I drew (I'm still learning how to draw) some Ace representation!
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Representation is SO important. To see people who look like ourselves validates us as people.
For me personally, I thought I was broken growing up because I didn't feel sexual attraction and a lot of my peers did. I missed out on a lot of jokes and I felt like an ~imposter~.
It wasn't until a saw some memes I deeply resonated with, did I realize that there are other people in the world like me.
Asexuals are VALID.
You are not broken. You are AMAZING.
Have a great day everybody!
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cosmoeulogy · 4 years
Remember that time I told some of my closest friends I was ace and they fucking dismissed me like "lmao you totally aren't, you're confused", like they knew fucking better than me what I AM.
Just because I had expressed attraction to people before doesn't mean I want to fuck them.
Anyway. Happy asexual awareness week, everybody.
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artbyanca · 5 years
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Happy asexual awareness week to everybody on the aro-ace spectrum. 
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pyraelia · 4 years
What's the furthest she's gone with Aerden? Does she want more?
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Well, he’s definitely seen her naked -- albeit with her illusion on to cover up all the burn scarring she has on her right side shoulder, chest and back. Not that anything in particular happened there as far as going any kind of distance. What’s a casual bath between three friends?
Aside from that they’ve made out casually; that’s something she’s comfortable enough with and experimented with in University when she was trying to figure herself out. She’d definitely like more, and is aware of what that entails, but that’s not a quick road for her and she’s very nervous about progressing past where they are now because she’s not particularly experienced and he certainly is. Plus this is the first time she’s really been genuinely kind of sexually attracted to somebody and she doesn’t want to be a disappointment, or risk missing out on a new experience. It’s a lot!
Happy asexual/demisexual week everybody! 
Thanks anon! @aerdendios mentioned. 
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fuckyeahasexual · 5 years
Hey :D since today is bi visibility day (happy bi-day everybody) I was wondering if there's also an ace visibility day. I've heard that there's an Asexual Awareness Week, but is there a specific date or does it change every year? I've been part of the community for just a few months so I'm still learning :)
AAW is always the third week of October so it does shift a little each year. I have it as Oct 20th to 26th on my calendar
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mikasorva · 5 years
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Oops, I’m a bit late to the party. Happy Asexual and Aromantic awareness week everybody!!
I hope you all had a great week with lots of love, pride, and support <3
Continue being your beautiful, perfect selves!
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alien-fanbitch · 5 years
Happy asexual awareness week everybody!
I know it may be a little early for some of you, but it's that time of year again! And I almost forgot!
So here we go with another ace post!
To every single asexual person and every single acespec person and to all of you that are not single *grins and fingers guns* (that pun was intended!)
Anyway, anyway! Back on track! To everyone out there ace and acespec, you're all valid and amazing!
Shoutout to you this week! And you know what?! For every week too!
I hope you all have an amazing week and life, okay? And hey, if you're feeling down, my asks are always open, anon or not.
- A fellow demisexual
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yoursrayofsunshine · 5 years
Happy Ace Week!
Here’s my own little thread to celebrate this week. Doing days One and Two togheter under the cut. Please do not reblog.
Days One & Two: About Coming Out and Relationships
So… Coming out. This is kind of an interesting topic for me since I haven’t fully came out yet. Only a couple real close friends know, although I’ve been dropping little hints for my family and others here and there (aka my phone backgrounds with the ace colours, my black coconut ring on my middle finger - which talking about, I just lost it last week because my messy brain can’t keep things organized and I need to find it - and my home-made asexual pride pin on my bag). But  even though everyone that noticed about me wearing or subtle using pride colours has been really understandable of it, sometimes I don’t feel like I should get my folks to be openly aware of it.
I mean, it is a really difficult topic to explain to older people, especially when they don’t know much about it, but are used to view another LGBT+ identities as something weird, wrong, dirty or sometimes even as result of trauma or illness related problems. I’ve been trying (when I can, and without revealing anything) to talk my mind more openly about my disagreements when it comes to sex as an essencial part of a relationship, or even as I’ve heard, a human need. And here’s what I’ve been listening so far.
“What, not wanting sex? Not feeling the desire to do sex? This doesn’t exist. These people might have a problem. Or been abused. Or they went for it, but didn’t felt pleasure doing it and now they think they’re this way. Sex is a natural part of every human being. You’re too young, one day it will happen.”
*Disgruntled mun noises*
I’d surely get a million questions if I even brought that up. 
And another thing that sometimes I worry about is - how do I explain, in the middle of this storm of questions, that asexuality is, in fact, an espectrum? That despite feeling no or very little sexual attraction at all, some aces do have sex and some don’t? That some might have pleasure, and some don’t ? That no, it has nothing to do with celibacy or a choice, but how I feel about it? That other types of attraction exist, and yes, I do want a serious relationship, but not sex?
 I am one hopeless romantic. I do comment on how some girls are pretty and how some boys are handsome. I do imagine how it would be being friends with them and going out for dates and cuddling, holding hands, kissing… But never, for one moment, it passes in my head that I’d like to do sex with them. To be honest, it actually surprised me when I realized teenagers seem to think a lot more about sex than I actually imagined. And sincerely… I don’t get the point. ´
I am very lucky for having friends that understand and support me in the meanwhile. Two of the people who I have came out to are Bi, while the another one is straight, but they accepted it so easily - and it’s so good to be myself with them, I rethink all of what I wrote about not letting more people know. Aaanyways… It’s complicated! And I’m still figuring everything out. But I feel good about this part of me I’m slowly bringing out to surface, and I think that’s what matters right now :)
I’m also supposed to talk about a relationship that I have according to the week’s challenge, so… Story time about how I came out to this first person?
I was studying abroad by the time, and I basically spent my time with this one girl, who is my personal ray of sunshine and the sweetest human being in that whole country. Anyways, she is bi, and extremely open about who she is. One day our other friend was doing little pride flags to sell during an especial event that was coming on at our school and she went “Oh, look! There’s my (bisexual) flag!” and then shyly I pointed out the ace flag and went “… And there’s mine.” And then she looked at me and went “Wait… This one? That’s the… Asexual flag, right? …You’re asexual?” And I confirmed. And then she went oh! and opened this small smile and spent the whole next days asking me how it felt being asexual and if I ever had crushes because she had crushes on everybody. So I explained to her that yes, I did fall in love as well. It was like a deep kind of connection, like reencountering your soulmate from centuries ago and just wanting to stay togheter and hug and hold hands… But not experiencing sexual attraction. “But yeah, I do fall in love sometimes.” I concluded. “And that’s where I come in ?“ She asks. I may have turned flustered pink.  “What a convinced mind!” I replied back with a laugh, but then later admitted “Yes, that’s when you come in.” In a nutshell, we love each other. More than sisters, less than girlfriends. Hope I can see her back soon.
 And… That’s it, I guess! That was certainly a… Gee…  Whole wall of writing. Not sure If I’ll be around to do the other days, but I’ll leave this pinch of ace-ness here. Happy week for us :)
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