#Haru Sushi Bar
gastronominho · 2 months
"The Best of Every Season" chega pela Roku Gin
Marca japonesa convidou 60 bares do Brasil para criarem uma carta de drinks exclusivos, inspirados nas quatro estações do ano
Marca japonesa convidou 60 bares do Brasil para criarem uma carta de drinks exclusivos, inspirados nas quatro estações do ano Para aproveitar toda excelência que o produto oferece, começou no dia 10 de abril o projeto “Roku Gin – The Best of Every Season”. Ao longo do ano, 60 bares selecionados entre São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília e Goiânia terão um menu exclusivo, com quatro drinks…
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endahhebatlarasati · 1 year
Kalau Rezeki Tidak Kemana
Hari ini aku ada janji buka puasa bersama dengan Yuriko.
Seperti biasa, kami memilih Grand Indonesia.
Hari ini aku berencana mengerjakan beberapa pekerjaan kantor yang belum selesai kemarin, baru berangkat menuju lokasi bukber. Namun akhirnya hal itu tidak terealisasi dengan baik karena Aku baru bangun jam 11 Siang karena baru tidur jam 8 Pagi buntut dari menonton Saiyo-Sakato di Netflix.
Saat bangun jam 11 Siang sebenarnya Aku agak menyesal, tapi waktu tidak bisa diputar. Mulai dari bangun tidur aku sibuk melakukan koordinasi dengan beberapa teman dari kantor perwakilan provinsi Jawa Barat karena besok Aku dan beberapa rekan akan mengunjungi Provinsi tersebut. Sibuk menghubungkan orang sana-sini, tapi senang juga kalau akhirnya semua bisa terhubung. 
Sembari memegang Handphone dan ada kemauan untuk melakukan koordinasi akhirnya Aku juga melakukan koordinasi untuk 2 acara buka bersama yang akan di adakan di tanggal 6 dan 9 April nanti. 
Voilaaa akhirnya selesai semua koordinasi 3 kegiatan yang akan berlangsung seminggu ke depan! 
Aku melihat waktu di Handphone yang sudah sampai di angka 14.44. Aku mau santai sebentar, akhirnya Aku buka Instagram dan mengecek IG Story Grand Indonesia (Aku punya kebiasaan untuk mengecek semua informasi lokasi/tempat yang akan di datangi, ajaran dari Ibu). Saat itu aku melihat informasi pembuatan Henna Gratis! Waaah dari dulu Aku sangat ingin melukis tanganku dengan Henna. Akhirnya aku membaca dengan detail mengenai program tersebut, namun ternyata hanya berlangsung dari pukul 13.00 s.d 16.00. Haaaa sial! Aku langsung mandi dan bersiap-siap, sementara Yuriko sudah dalam perjalanan dari Depok menuju Jakarta. 
Selesai mandi dan bersiap-siap, aku pamit dengan keluargaku dan memesan taksi online karena cuaca yang sangat mendung dan bawaanku yang besar (kado untuk Yuriko). 
Oke Bismillah, biasanya perjalanan akan ditempuh dalam waktu 30 sampai 40 menit. akhirnya Aku memulai perjalanan di Pukul 15.35. Sepanjang perjalanan aku masih berkoordinasi terkait dengan keberangkatan perjalanan dinas untuk lusa, jadi aku tidak terlalu memperhatikan perjalanan karena aku lihat sang Driver juga sudah memakai aplikasi petunjuk jalan. 
Sial! ternyata jalan bundaran HI ditutup untuk mobil sehingga aku harus memutar di Landmark, Aku langsung menghubungi Yuriko untuk memberi kabar keterlambatanku. Ternyata Yuriko sudah sampai di Grand Indonesia. Setelah itu aku kabari juga mengenai niatanku untuk mengikuti program pembuatan Henna gratis tsb, Yuriko pun membantuku dengan menanyakan ke lokasi terkait hal tsb. 
Saat asyik berkomunikasi dengan Yuriko aku merasakan mobil yang kutumpangi bergerak mundur, bisa-bisanya Pak Driver salah ambil jalur di Jalan Galunggung, jadi aku harus memutar dua kali.............astaghfirullah. Akhirnya aku kembali mengabari Yuriko dan bilang untuk langsung menuju ke Sushi Tei di West Mall saja karena sepertinya waktu tidak di pihakku. Namun Yuriko tetap meyakinkanku untuk tetap ke East Mall tempat pembuatan Henna tersebut. 
Pukul 16.31 akhirnya aku sampai juga!
Akhirnya aku menuju ke lokasi pembuatan Henna, ternyata masih bisa! programnya diperpanjang hingga pukul 17.00, MasyaAllaaaah~ Aku senaaaang sekali!
Setelah itu hampir pukul 17.00 kami bergerak menuju Sushi Tei di West Mall, untungnya sebelum adzan Maghrib berkumandang kami sudah mendapatkan kursi di Sushi Bar. Setelah memesan makanan dan minuman sambil mengobrol sebentar, adzan Maghrib berkumandang, aku membatalkan puasaku, setelah itu ingin makan terlebih dahulu baru sholat maghrib tapi kok jadi gelisah makannya, akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk langung menuju Mushola. 
Betapa takjubnya aku melihat Musholla Grand Indonesia yang penuh sampai 7 atau 8 saf, padahal di hari biasa 1 saf penuh saja sudah bagus.
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jarwoski · 1 year
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in-unyielding-ice · 1 year
Misc. Shiki headcanons.
・Harue likes dark chocolate.
・She uses reading glasses, namely in her office or for novel reading. She tends to wear them more at home.
・Her preferred season is spring.
・She gets migraines from time to time.
・Her hair has always been short. Her mother liked to keep it short since to her it was easier to wash. As she grew into an adult, she liked keeping it that way herself.
・She doesn't really wear t-shirts. Her arms tend to get cold so she prefers long-sleeves and doesn't like shorts either. T-shirts are only busted out during those really hot days of summer.
・She likes flavored coffee, favoring high quality gourmets. (get her it as a gift and she'll be pleased)
・She keeps her apartment very clean and organized. It probably looks somewhere between minimal and bookish.
・She and Kazamoto are or were (verse dependent I suppose?) in a relationship and are close enough to be on first name basis. I might write it in with some anons or drabbles.
・She likes sushi and has it as an indulgent food.
・She prefers reading to watching tv, be it things about the self or concepts that intrigue her or fiction. Her favourite fictional themes are philosophy, fantasy, thriller, mystery, and speculative. If she does watch TV, it's likely an educational program that caught her eye, likewise a movie, or rarely, an anime like Mushishi.
・Sometimes she likes to dip the chocolate bars into her coffee.
・The original Shiki is basically swimming in his suit lol Harue also likes things on the loose side, but not for suits - it looks sloppy to her.
・Her hair looks as choppy as it does because she cuts it herself when it starts getting longer. (She isn't very good at it, but it make-does for her)
・She isn't a cuddly or affectionate person by any means, but she doesn't mind laying close to or embracing a partner in bed at night or letting them lay their head in her lap on the couch. Sometimes she may give her surprise forehead kisses.
・Much physical touch is given through sex. She will touch and explore all over her body, kiss and press, make her feel good, REALLY good - and loved through those soft kisses and gentle caresses.
・I have more sexual HCs, but I'll throw those in a separate post, so I don't have to mark this...
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yasarfirdaus · 2 years
Makna Makan
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"Waiting list ya kak", kata waitress Ramen Seirock Ya. Gue memilih untuk tidak jadi makan dan beralih ke Ikudoichi. Untuk orang pemalas seperti  gue, menunggu untuk makan adalah hal yang kurang menyenangkan. Harus bersusah payah untuk makan dan harus bayar pula.  Makan itu harus menyenangkan selain mengenyangkan. Sebagai fans soto, gue suka rasa soto surabaya tapi sampai sekarang rasanya soto bandung bukan makanan yang dengan sadar akan gue pesan. Gue suka rasa gurih dan after taste yang lembut, mungkin karena gue keturunan Jawa. Gue suka rasa yang otentik bagaimanapun rasanya. Dan gue suka mengulik karakteristik orang dari makanan yang dia suka, mungkin setelah spotify playlistnya.
Apa itu traveling kalau ujung-ujung nya ke night club, bar, atau beach club.  Datang ke tempat  penjual bakmi atau ke food court  di daerah pecinan mungkin lebih menarik buat gue. Gue yakin bakal lebih sedikit orang  yang makan Bakmi Acing dibandingkan yang pernah makan Bakmi GM .  Atau nongkrong di Blue Doors dibandingkan di Starbucks. Ngomongin Coffeeshop, gue rasa Coffeeshop yang berkarakter dan not trying to be fancy mungkin lebih menarik buat gue dibandingkan coffeeshop yang  lagi muncul di feed atau reels instagram.  Wisata kuliner itu makan di tempat yang belum pernah lo makan, tapi apa iya harus  rela melewatkan makan rawon di Surabaya buat makan di Sushi Tei. Itu interpretasi gue dari percakapan Rangga dan Cinta yang bilang kalau travelling is just not about destination, but journey. Gak pengen di cap sebagai "si paling wisata kuliner" tapi gue rasa tempat makan yang kecil dan ramai punya ceritanya sendiri yang biasanya jauh lebih menarik.
  Sebagai yang pernah hampir lima tahun hidup di Bandung, gue baru punya kesempatan untuk mengeksplor makanan di daerah Cibadak baru dua tahun kebelakang. Itupun setelah gue bertemu  seseorang yang sekarang jadi istri gue sekitar dua tahun yang lalu. Padahal lokasinya tak jauh dari Jalan Braga, mungkin dulu gue masih berfokus pada daerah Dago dan Jalan Riau. Wajarlah ya masih gak terlalu punya banyak uang dan referensi nya sedikit. I love Chinatown So Much. Fuyunghai dengan saus asam manis dan udang telur asin di restoran Kobe itu gak ada lawan.
  Sewaktu kuliah salah satu mata kuliah yang gue ulang di semester pendek adalah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Gue mensyukuri hal itu meski lebih karena terpaksa karena harus memperbaiki nilai "D" yang gue dapet di semester reguler. Pembahasan mengenai politik dan kekuasaan seakan membukakan mata gue kalau politik itu ada dan sangat dekat dengan kehidupan. Gue mengamini hal itu karena gue rasa banyak keputusan politis yang mengubah hidup banyak orang.  Pernah ketakutan atau mendukung sebuah rancangan undang-undang?. Gue rasa itu adalah awal dari sebuah rasa peduli kita terhadap sebuah keputusan politik. Mungkin karena terpengaruh nonton Cania Irlane, Afutami dan Pangeran Siahaan gue jadi pengen belajar kebijakan publik. Dan bisa jadi masalah makanan nanti juga diatur dan dibawa ke ranah politis.  Pernah  kan dengar ada pertemuan tokoh politik di meja makan atau melihat kunjungan pejabat kesebuah tempat dan pejabat tersebut disuguhi dan mencicipi makanan setempat?. Makan sendiri itu keputusan politis karena lo gak mau berinteraksi, makan bersama bisa jadi langkah awal dari sebuah kesepakatan politis. 
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divetothefandom · 3 years
Disclaimer: not angsty, short
My poor boy just wanted to pick his lover and walked in on chaos.
He wants to step in but he’s very bad at confrontation.
So he just waits quietly outisde for you to come out.
Once out he asks you what the frick happened and if you’re okay.
Let’s you vent if you need it.
He is awkward but he makes sure to spoil you extra hard for the rest of the day.
He goes out of his way to make you feel great, doing your favorite things and eating your favorite foods and just treating you like a queen, basically.
Despite it all being fine he prolongues your date some more to make sure the waters settled by the time you’re back.
Makoto, just like Haru sucks at confrontation and tries to hide.
But he's clumsy and does something to give himself away.
The second your family sees him they forget the argument to fawn all over him.
He was an unintentional hero of the day.
Once you leave for your date he makes sure you're alright
Even if it was a little banter he does all to comfort you, like caressing your hand softly.
Please comfort him back, he got scared.
Immediately freezes up.
His blood boils.
He grew up as the man of the house so he's very protective over his loved ones.
Even if it's just a little argument he becomes all alpha
He puff up his chest and glares before opening the door to look more intimidating.
He speaks loudly and firmly.
Immediately scaring whoever opened.
He aks if everything is okay right in front of your relative
Once you tell him everything is okay that act drops and smiles at you.
He even smiles at your family and you both leave for your date, leaving whoever was at the door very confused. But the message was clear.
Still Rin spoils you rotten the rest of the date.
Much like Rin he is very protective.
Sousuke wraps your arm around you the second you greet each other.
He acts super alpha to make everyone know he backs you up.
He is cold but very polite to your family and makes sure to get you out of the house soon.
Sousuke offers to help with something like taking out the trash on his way out.
The rest of the evening is dedicated to you.
He lets out a yelp that gives him away.
Your family walks out and notice him, briefly pausing the argument.
But when it reassumes he uses all of his diplomatic skills and knowledge to solve the argument.
He acts super confident but the second you’re both alone he reveals he was panicking inside.
Which makes what he did even more heroic.
You treat him some good sushi.
My boy is shooketh. He giggles nervously.
He steps in and asks if you’re ready to leave.
And distracts you.
He’s a cinnamon roll and offers your family if they want a treat on your way back.
But the rest of the day he makes sure you have fun and laugh a lot, just in case.
Just like just in case he breaks some candy bars for your family.
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yo im going to be in manhattan this friday and i was just wondering if you could give me some recs for food? and also bakeries and cafes lol wait this is really bad timing erm sorry here 📓
Hey! I can definitely give you some recommendations! I'm not sure if you're going to be primarily uptown or downtown, so I'm just gonna compile two lists below (with links, wherever possible).
Downtown (below 59th Street)
-Carroll Place (Italian wine bar and gastropub near West 4th Street w/ bottomless mimosas or sangria. I personally swear by the Eggs in Purgatory)
-Agave (Mexican style bottomless brunch spot. There are two locations, one in Greenwich Village and one in Kips Bay. The food is decent, but the drinks are excellent. I'm usually a staunch mimosa person at brunch, but definitely get the margaritas here)
-99 Favor Taste (Delicious, affordable all you can eat hotpot and table barbecue. This is the first place my friends and I wanted to go once indoor dining was allowed again. There are multiple locations downtown)
-Misoya (The best ramen shop in NYC, imho. Every item on the menu is so good, it brings tears to my eyes just to think about it lol)
-Laut (Amazing Malaysian, Singaporean, and Thai food near Union Square! I've only been there twice, but I can swear by the Asam Laksa and the Hainanese Roast Chicken Rice)
-Paesano's of Mulberry (My favorite restaurant on the Mulberry Street strip in Little Italy, which is admittedly kind of basic in principle, but still really good. Solid, affordable place that my friends and I have been going to since high school)
-Claw Daddy's (Delicious Louisiana seafood boil—spicy, flavorful, yum. They also have great drinks of the "adult capri sun" variety)
-Soogil (Korean-French fusion with an amazing tasting menu! It's a little pricey, but if you have room to splurge, I would highly recommend giving this place a try)
-Fay Da Bakery (Chinese bakery with lots of different cakes and buns to try! There are two locations in Manhattan, and a bunch more in Queens)
-Max Brenner (This place serves pretty good lunch and dinner, but the reason to come here is the chocolate fondue and chocolate cocktails -- their dark chocolate martini sends me)
-Otafuku x Medetai (This one is a Japanese street food restaurant, but I'm grouping it with sweets because the taiyaki here is everything)
Uptown (above 59th Street)
-Calle Ocho (Latin American cuisine with a robust sangria menu for bottomless brunch. Tread carefully with the sangria, though, b/c it's sweet and doesn't really taste like alcohol and the next thing you know, you'll be sending salacious text messages to your ex. Trust me, I know.)
-Moonrise Izakaya (Japanese gastropub on the Upper West Side. This place is a good vibe at any time of day, but the weekend brunch is so good it makes me emotional lol)
-Carmine's (Family style Italian food. I would recommend going with a party of three or more because the portions here are notoriously massive. Like garlic bread served on a pizza pan massive.)
-Red Rooster (Chef Marcus Samuelson adds his personal flair to soul food/American comfort food. The yardbird is easily the best piece of fried chicken I've had to date. The Uptown Guac is also everything.)
-Cafe du Soleil (Casual, affordable French restaurant. Great food, nice wines. I swear by the Hachis Parmentier, and will never say no to the creme brulee)
-Jacob's Pickles (Southern American comfort food. Easily serves the best cheese grits I've experienced in life thus far. The house made biscuits are also really delicious)
-Haru Sushi (Japanese restaurant with a few different locations around the city, although I think the UWS branch is the best.)
-Pappardella (Another Italian restaurant with really good food. Everything I've tried on the menu hits)
-The Hungarian Pastry Shop (Cafe and bakery by Columbia with amazing coffee and baked goods. The plain croissants are always fluffy and delicious, and the cheese danishes are everything. The cappuccinos with sugar and cinnamon are some of my favorite in the city. There's no website for this one, so I'm linking the Yelp page)
-Silver Moon Bakery (A little french bakery on the Upper West Side that brings me SO MUCH joy. The herbed brie sticks, palmiers, apple tarts, and chocolate bomb cakes are my personal favorites)
-Levain Bakery (I can't believe I forgot this at first! Chocolate chip walnut cookies are great and they only cost $4)
*Imo, there are much better brunch spots in Brooklyn, but if you don't have time so schlep out there, these places are still great.
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auncyen · 3 years
Ok ok so I'd been idly thinking about updating "Chats with Joker in Mementos" for Royal for a while, except as far as I know there aren't any transcriptions for the Royal Mementos chats like there is for Vanilla...
So...after some questionable use of my time, I now have a list of a good chunk of the starters in Royal. Only starters, not responses, since the point of the fic is having Joker be the one to respond, and I didn't transcribe ones I didn't think would be interesting for him to respond to, but still, if anyone does ever look to do a complete transcription, this might be helpful as a start? Or just interesting if you want to see what some characters talk about. Spoilers for third semester below cut.
Ryuji: Man, we really bust our asses to get stronger in here. I wish it meant we got stronger in the real world too.
Ryuji: Man, I had this horrible dream last night… Can’t remember a thing about it, though.
Ryuji: Ya know what? I guess Mona does have a mask, technically.
Ryuji: Yo, the way he jumps behind Shadows is so sick!
Ryuji: Yo, is it just me, or is fallin’ asleep getting tougher every night? At this point, I’m outta ideas of what to do.
Ryuji: Kinda fiendin’ for some ramen right about now… Maybe I’ll hit up Ogikubo when we get back.
RyujI: So lately, I’ve been tryin’ to work some training into my nightly routine before bed.
Ryuji: Hey, is it just me, or is Morgana’s sword basically the same size as Joker’s knife?
Ryuji: My mom made gyudon last night! My fave! Now I’ve got, like, fifty times more energy than usual!
Ryuji: This phantom thief stuff feels real as hell whenever he’s flyin’ around with that grappling hook.
Ryuji: Dude, that grappling hook is awesome! He looks like a freakin’ superhero with that thing!
Ryuji: Aww man, I just can’t get enough of those Akihabara maids…
Ryuji: Aren’t knives kinda hard to use ‘cause of their shortness? I definitely prefer my own shit.
Ryuji: I always thought darts looked easy—just aim for the board, y’know? But, it’s waaay harder than that.
Ryuji: Every try the monja in Tsukishima? That stuff is LEGIT.
Ryuji: Yo, does this outfit really make me look like I’m part of some biker gang?
Morgana: Listen, it’s not that I look like a cat. Cats just happen to look like me.
Morgana: I repeat: I am not a cat. To prove it, I took an actual bath yesterday.
Morgana: So, cats love to chase mice, right? I don’t get it—where’s the fun in that?
Morgana: I’m always so entranced by Panther’s whip technique!
Morgana: Panther, we have matching tails!
Morgana: You know, I’ve never actually been in a car before. Is it anything like I am now?
Morgana: I definitely made the right decision giving him the code name “Joker.”
Morgana: I’m willing to bet Joker’s skilled enough to use throwing knives.
Morgana: Anime, books, movies… Phantom thieves sure are popular.
Morgana: Last night I dreamt that Phantom Thieves were kicking some serious butt—let’s bring that dream to life!
Morgana: I can teach you everything you need to know about being a phantom thief. Relax—you’re in good hands!
Morgana: *yawn* I didn’t get enough sleep…
Morgana: I couldn’t fall asleep at all last night. I just laid there with my eyes open…
Morgana: I like Yongen-Jaya; it’s a great place for a stroll.
Morgana: Is Shujin Academy the only thing in Aoyama?
Morgana: I was vegetating in front of the TV last night, and I have to say, there are some pretty decent shows on now.
Ann: The bakery had a sale yesterday and I ended up buying everything they had!
Ann: The Ferris wheel is a must for me at theme parks, every time. I love being able to just relax.
Ann: I have an upcoming shoot at a theme park, but what sucks is how I can’t go on any of the rides.
Ann: Last night I dreamt I was eating a chocolate bar, then all of a sudden, it got mad and started chasing me!
Ann: Every once in a while I have a dream where I get chased by a Shadow…
Ann: I’ve been sleeping really well since I started getting all this exercise.
Ann: I was up late watching TV last night, so I might be a little sleep deprived…
Ann: I tend to do my clothes shopping in Kichijoji—it’s fun looking through all the resale shops.
Ann: I hate when people ask me to say stuff in English just ‘cause I lived overseas.
Ann: It always bothers me when foreign movie subtitles leave stuff out or take too many liberties.
Ann: I was talking to my overseas friend the other day—her straightforward attitude was really refreshing!
Ann: I was talking to Shiho on the phone and before I knew it, three whole hours had passed!
Ann: Joker seems like he’d make a good cook, doesn’t he? I mean, he’s great with his knife and all…
Ann: It’s actually quite exhilarating to attack with a whip. I wonder why that is…
Ann: Whenever my foreign relatives come to Japan, they always rave about how much they love Japanese food!
Ann: Do you think there’s anything I can do about my outfit? I feel like I stand out too much in this…
Ann: Is there a difference between a whip and a grappling hook?
Ann: Ya know, Skull’s always been into skull designs and stuff.
Ann: Wouldn’t a grappling hook be awfully handy in the real world?
Yusuke: I wish to paint the world as only I see it. The best way to succeed at this is through practice.
Yusuke: It’s fun to walk around and inspect different temples and shrines. The architecture is always impressive.
Yusuke: If Shadows are sentient, do you think their being moved by a painting would invoke a change of heart?
Yusuke: There have been times where I was compelled to create three-dimensional art.
Yusuke: I’m quite curious about Mona’s Western-style sword…
Yusuke: I hear whips are quite difficult to use. Where did you learn how to wield one?
Yusuke: Joker using a grappling hook…. That would make for a picture-perfect composition.
Yusuke: Mona, what exactly do you have in those pouches?
Yusuke: Creating a piece of art is pointless unless I can convey the full essence of the subject.
Yusuke: Art museums stimulate my creativity like no other place—I wish I could live inside one.
Yusuke: Skull and I both use long melee weapons, but they’re total opposites of one another.
Yusuke: Why does my outfit have a tail? I don’t understand…
Yusuke: I considered growing my own bean sprouts, but it seems to be more expensive than buying them grown.
Yusuke: I once had a dream that I washed up on a deserted island. I painted as much as I pleased… So wonderful.
Yusuke: I may specialize in Japanese-style painting, but I’d like to learn some Western techniques as well.
Yusuke: That grappling hook is very useful. I should find a way to utilize one in my daily life.
Yusuke: The other day, I went into the mountains to gather vegetables so I could cut back on food expenses.
Yusuke: I tried to paint a landscape of the starry sky once, but it’s quite difficult to do so from within the city.
Yusuke: India ink isn’t my specialty, but I’ve been experimenting with it in some recent work, just for fun.
Makoto: I may have stopped being a doormat for adults, but people are still calling me a “teacher’s pet.”
Makoto: A phantom thief’s body is their most vital asset. We need to make sure we eat balanced, nutritious meals.
Makoto: Do you enjoy visiting theme parks? I’ve rarely been to one myself.
Makoto: Fox looks cooler using his katana than I had originally imagined.
Makoto: I had the weirdest dream… I was at school, but I was wearing my phantom thief outfit.
Makoto: Would anyone care to learn how to drive, while we’re here? This place seems as good as any for practice.
Makoto: I know it’s not very healthy, but I do enjoy eating ramen from time to time.
Makoto: Once I’ve graduated, I’m going to buy a motorcycle and go on a road trip.
Makoto: I’ve been working on my grades because I still want to attend college, despite being a phantom thief.
Makoto: I want to read a certain book, but it’s out of print. Where do you suppose I could find a copy?
Makoto: Maybe I’m just burned out, but waking up has grown awfully difficult lately.
Makoto: The grappling hook’s cable seems pretty strong, but it’s scary to think what could happen if it snapped.
Makoto: Once my sister brought home some sushi for me. It was indescribably good…
Futaba: I heard rhythm’s an important part of fighting, sooo… I started playing a rhythm game!
Futaba: There’s going to be an event tonight in the MMO I play. I can’t wait!
Futaba: This MMO I’m hooked on is really cool. Do you wanna play with me? Oh—it’s in English, though.
Futaba: I’m about to beat the game I’ve been playing. Wonder what I should play next?
Futaba: I’ve been going outside a lot more, so now I’m sleeping way better than I did when I was a shut-in.
Futaba: Guess what? I’m making a game called “Hungry Hungry Mona”!
Futaba: You know who’s a really good driver, is Sojiro. He can parallel park with his eyes closed!
Futaba: If you could shoot grappling hooks from your hands, you’d probably be able to get around just using those!
Futaba: Ya know, I’ve thought about workin’ out and fighting alongside you guys.
Futaba: You guys should try playing shooters! It could help you improve your gun skills.
Futaba: Last night I had a dream my hard drive failed… That was scary.
Futaba: Wouldn’t it be cool if you could mod the grappling hook so it was electrified?
Futaba: Sure, the internet’s convenient, but it’s not like it can do everything. Don’t overestimate its capabilities.
Futaba: I wonder if I’d be okay going to some place by myself if it wasn’t crowded. Inokashira Park seems nice.
Futaba: Yesterday Sojiro bought me my favorite instant yakisoba!
Futaba: Maybe I should get a gun too, just for self-defense… Nah, my hands need to be empty.
Haru: I found this cafe in Kichioji with phenomenal tea—would you care to try it sometime?
Haru: I ordered kusaya but they refused to make it—they said they couldn’t get the smell out of the kitchen.
Haru: I feel like I need to learn more about the world, but I’m not sure how to best go about it.
Haru: Recently, I’ve been finding rare delicacies rather enticing…
Haru: Even lately, I sometimes dream about doing phantom thief things with Mona.
Haru: If you’re having trouble getting yourself to relax, I recommend herbal tea.
Haru: Asakusa is a wonderful area—I love how it’s this blend of the old and the new.
Haru: Ever since I started high school I’ve been taking the train in the morning, but I’m still not used to it…
Haru: Queen, your mask looks like it’s made of iron. Doesn’t it get heavy?
Haru: Joker’s so acrobatic! He’s really got the hang of that grappling hook.
Haru: I don’t think I’ve gotten this much exercise since I was in ballet.
Haru: Let me know if you ever get a tear in your clothing—I’m good at sewing, so I could most likely fix it.
Haru: I dreamt that the vegetables I’d been growing all died… I was so sad.
Haru: Your weapon seems fun, Skull. Do you want to swap sometime?
Haru: Sometimes it’s impossible for me to fall asleep on days that we’ve been to Palaces, no matter how tired I am.
Haru: You know, before this, I’d never considered using an axe for anything other than chopping firewood…
Haru: My hands have gotten all calloused… I supposed it comes with the territory in gardening.
Akechi: I have no intention of changing my stance on matters, no matter what anyone may say.
Akechi: Pancakes... I don’t want to hear that word again for a long, long time.
Akechi: We don’t have much time left. Please do what you can to avoid getting sick.
Akechi: The enemies are stronger than ever. Don’t let your guard down.
Akechi: A world that panders to your every whim is so mundane. Where’s the thrill if there’s no competition?
Akechi: Do you prefer my previous outfit or this one? Moving around’s become much easier for me.
Akechi: This place is immense. If there weren’t train tracks everywhere, I’d bring my bike here.
Akechi: We’re working under the constraints of a time limit, so I’d appreciate it if you could be more efficient.
Akechi: If you’re looking for a way to train both your mind and your body, I highly recommend bouldering.
Akechi: You think I’m frightening when I fight? Well, I’m afraid you’re just going to have to accept it.
Akechi: I meant to tell you, regarding Shido… Thank you for keeping your promise.
Akechi: You may not like working with me, but I’m counting on your assistance until our goal is achieved.
Akechi: When we’re riding in the car like this, it’s easy to forget that we’re actually inside Mona.
Akechi: The Shadows here behave differently from the ones in the Palaces, don’t they?
Akechi: I’m getting a bit hungry. I should’ve eaten beforehand.
Akechi: I enjoy spending time in Kichijoji. It’s not very big, but there are plenty of trendy shops.
Akechi: Riding in the car may beat walking, but it doesn’t stop my legs from growing stiff and sore…
Sumire: I have a few different superstitions for good luck in my routines… They get sort of hard to drop.
Sumire: It was already hard for me to believe Palaces existed, but to think there’s such a massive one under Shibuya…
Sumire: It’s a bit cramped in here with this many people…
Sumire: I get stiff all over from just sitting in the car.
Sumire: Why is the one desert you get to eat during the week so delicious?
Sumire: A phantom thief outfit represents a person’s image of their rebellion, right?
Sumire: I wonder if I should try incorporating another sport into my gymnastics training.
Sumire: I wonder what I could use as inspiration for my performances…
Sumire: Swords are actually pretty hard to wield.
Sumire: Whenever I travel, I always end up buying some sort of good luck charm.
Sumire: Your outfits are all so unique. I can see coordinating them wasn’t a priority.
Sumire: This time of year, a heating pad’s an absolute must for keeping warm.
Sumire: Sometimes people will just walk up to me and ask me to show them a standing split.
Sumire: I’m in top shape today! Let’s keep going.
Sumire: Do you all stretch beforehand? You could pull a muscle if you don’t.
Sumire: It’s too bad gymnastics competitions aren’t on TV more often.
Sumire: Fighting makes for a pretty good workout, doesn’t it?
while I didn't transcribe responses, I did notice something a bit disappointing: neither Sumire nor Akechi seemed to have responses for anyone else. It's possible I missed one?? But not being able to remember any, they must not have many if they do have some. A bit odd.
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takamakisu · 4 years
Futaba Tidbits from Mementos
Tumblr media
•seems sensitive to noise
•thinks makoto looks good in her suit 
•mona: tries to act cool
futaba: keep that up and you gon get tickled
•she wants to give mona a custom paint job and mods
•likes "spinny sushi," flan, and melon! (she also seems to like cherry tomatoes, as she told haru to plant them when the older girl asked what to plant next) 
•"this darkness.. it's so..undergroundy!"
haru: there are few things undergroundier than the underground.
•wishes she could turn into a car like mona (haru agrees with her)
•futaba thinks it would be fun to race in mementos
•"i don't need school, i can just look up things online."
•gets sleepy in mementos
•"so the other day i was checking out this foreign military base's server-"
•wonders if she could get her eyes to glow
•"ah everybody's going back to school… nostalgia…"
•like yusuke, has no qualms with wearing her costume in public and even offers to make real life versions with him
•"if you eat chocolate and gum at the same time they both disappear!"
•has a few online magazines that she's subscribed to
•"what was that called? saddies? saddest?" (when haru makes freaky comments)
•wants to drive the monamobile
•futaba uses eyedrops (i..don't know why.)
•"why do you go shopping? you can get anything online."
•she thinks some of the shadows are ugly; but some are cute, too. 
•into overclocking (increasing a computer's clock rate so it runs faster than it was designed to)
•"collective unconsciousness huh...it's kind of like the internet."
•likes coffee
•"on my pc outside, this is outdoor activity"
•likes soda
•has a tablet
•eats supplements and nutrition bars
•likes hot chocolate
•busts out laughing trying to tell jokes
•likes uncooked ramen
•"i don't like weird teachers...well actually i just don't like teachers."
•collects drinks from vending machines
•wants to wear ann's suit
•"i read that plants can hear music!"
•looking at turtles makes her want to sit under a kotatsu
•"hee hee hee the girls' outfits are so kinky-"
•stares at ann's boobs
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Hi can I request for a nanase haruka dating hcs?
Hi and thank you for your request! I didn’t know how much I needed it until I started writing these hcs. I didn’t realize how much I missed my sweet sweet boy Haru. I had so much fun writing these, maybe even too much fun ‘cause I ended up writing like 1000 words worth of headcanons lmao. I hope it’s at least remotely close to what you expected ‘cause I got sidetracked a few times when writing these (you’ll see lol). Anyways, enjoy!
Nanase Haruka:
You’ll love dating this guy if you like, so to speak, “being alone together.” Unless he’s at the pool or jogging, Haru enjoys, as you probably already know, cooking, taking long baths, and tending to the stray cats in his neighborhood, but also reading, playing video games, and just lazing around his house, taking naps on the porch, watching TV in the living room and whatnot. Despite pursuing the career of an athlete, he’s usually very low-energy, which can be surprising to people who only know him as a swimmer.
Thus, you spend a lot of time together at his house. He now lives in Tokyo and while his apartment in the capital is cozy enough, you both prefer his old house back in Tottori. During high school, as his parents were away most of the time, you spent a lot of time there. You would sit at the table in his living room reading a book as Haru would lie down on the floor, his head positioned comfortably in your lap. With one hand, you would hold the book and with the other, you’d stroke his hair gently. You’d take it away only when you needed to turn the page but even that short absence of your hand on his head would coax a grumpy growl from your boyfriend. Another time, you’d be playing with the cats in the backyard. That was one of the things Haru enjoyed the most. You smiled a lot when the cats were around, and he loves seeing you smile.
The feeling of Zweisamkeit you get with him is just Exquisite.
Now, in Tokyo, you still spend a lot of time with each other but it’s gotten a little harder, given the nature of the life of a university student. You’re busy with your studies, Haru’s busy with his practice, but fortunately, your campus has a really nice library so you end up spending a lot of time there studying and waiting for him to finish. You often come back home together.
Haru can be a little socially-anxious at times but he’s taken a liking to eating out with you on your way back from uni. You know those narrow Japanese back alleys full of trade signs and neon-like lights where two people walking side by side can hardly fit in the cramped space? Those are the places you end up exploring quite often. You can find the tiniest but the coziest, the tastiest but also the cheapest restaurants and bars there. Haru doesn’t care as long as they serve Japanese food — fish, sushi, gyōza, rāmen, udon, soba, tonkatsu, donburi, whatever is fine with him. You actually have a few favorite restaurants you frequent, to the point when you can just place your order with a short “the usual, please.”
Unbeknownst to you, you’ve become kind of idols to a certain elderly lady running a teishokuya, a cheap diner. You may think you’re being subtle about your relationship but you’re not fooling a mother of four and grandmother of seven. You’ll never know if she’s a closeted fujoshi or just finds you adorable but one thing’s certain: for some reason, there’s always an additional piece of fish on your plate and the bowls you get your misoshiru in seem weirdly larger than those of other customers.
Since you don’t have much time during the day, you end up having sleepovers basically every other night, or even more often. After a year of not being able to find their son at his apartment half the time, Haru’s parents suggested you move in together. Why pay for two apartments when you basically already live in one?
On days when you don’t eat out, Haru usually cooks for you. He’s a great cook but it took you some time to convince (and teach) him to cook anything else than mackerel.
After university/practice and on your days off, you play a lot of video games together. Sometimes you invite Makoto or Asahi over (Kisumi usually just invites himself over, much to Haru’s dismay), sometimes you just duel at Smash Bros by yourselves. If it’s just the two of you, those gaming sessions often turn into lazy make-out sessions late at night. One of the many discoveries you’ve made during those nights is that Haru’s bare, pale skin looks weirdly alluring in the faint glow of the TV.
Haru really likes kisses, both kissing and being kissed. Be it a peck on the forehead or a full-out make-out session, he’s always down for it.
He also loves holding hands. Whether you’re watching a movie, out on a walk, or in bed at night, his hand always inches towards yours.
Sometimes, he does this involuntarily, his hand just finds yours on its own. He gets really embarrassed when he realizes.
He’s not really into PDA, though. He almost never kisses you out in public and will only hold hands with you if he thinks there’s no one around.
The only exception is when you’re around other gay guys. He gets weirdly possessive and always makes sure to hold your hand, swing his arm around your shoulder, and sometimes even give you a little peck on the cheek. You confronted him about it once and it turns out he just thinks you’re much more popular than you actually are. You think it’s sweet and decide to never correct him.
When you were moving in together, you accidentally found his sketchbook. Every other page was a drawing of you—your face drawn from countless different angles, you reclining on the porch, you cooking, you reading, you playing games, you on a walk in a park, you riding a bike, you laughing, you sleeping, you, you, you… There’s even a few drawings of you two making out and one of you completely naked.
You thought he was gonna stop drawing those if he found out that you knew so you decided not to tell him a thing and just keep checking his sketchbook whenever he’s not around. He did, however, find out (he walked in on you when you thought he was showering) and you’d never seen him redder before. As you’d expected, he stopped drawing whatsoever for a while and kept avoiding the topic but after a few weeks, he somehow came to terms with it. Now, he sometimes even asks you to pose so he can draw you better. That’s when you started having outings every now and then when you’d leave Tokyo and drive away into the countryside so he can draw both the landscapes and you surrounded by nature. You have some of his best pictures framed and hung up on the wall of your living room. Your friends think it’s the cutest thing in the world.
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seriously-funny-9 · 4 years
Reborn! Review: Ep 14 - 17
"Ryohei tries to fight a bear" should have been the title
Lambo and the otters lol
I actually thought Tsuna was going to get a pet so I'm a little let down
Snowball fight episode!
Every show needs one and thats a fact
Dino with the whiplash between cool and dorky
Bianchi with the surpirse ending EVERY time!
Love it for her!
Death mountain, that name isn't ominous at all lol
Bianchi just vibing in a cave with Haru and Kyoko
Makes sense to me
Ohh injuries
Rare to see a show focus on aftermath but I'm down
Lol this is fantastic
Yamamoto's dad really showed up with an entire sushi bar on his back
Hibari NOOOO
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yeehawfolk · 4 years
Was tagged by @acidmatze
Oof haven't done one of these in a while!!
The rule is to tag 9 people you wish to know better
Top 3 Ships: Gonna include OCxCanon, too, bc listen. OCxCanon or OCxOC is just about all I do anymore.
1. Twice/Haru [OC] (BNHA)
2. Fatgum/Eii [OC] (BNHA)
3. Lucio Morgasson/Bri [OC] (The Arcana)
Now strictly for Canon:
1. Rupphire [AKA Garnet] (Ruby x Sapphire) - SU
2. Bispearl [I like to think their fusion is Ammonite] (Bismuth x Pearl) - SU
3. Connverse (Connie x Steven Universe) - SU
Last Song: Under Pressure by David Bowie featuring Queen.
Last Movie: Uhhhh, I think it was The Green Mile?? My memory is shit, but, I'm pretty sure that's the one!
Currently Reading: Hrm. I guess it would be Authority by Jeff Vandermeer, but I haven't touched it in months bc of my suspected ADHD. It's hard for me to read anymore and bc of the virus, I haven't talked to my psychologist enough to discuss how to get past that.
What food are you craving: I'm literally always craving sushi. All the time. Take me to a sushi bar and I will eat everything. Especially the deep fried rolls this place in the town over does, they're SO fucking good...
I tag:
Uhhhhhh, idk.
@kenmagoesblep @harudemuri @themultishipperchild @symbiotic-paradox @merry-go-sorry
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jessiewre · 4 years
Day 33
Thurs 6th Feb
Thankfully everyone in our dorm was super quiet getting up early or obviously Phil would have kicked off royal. We went for sharing the spanish omelette and pancake (like having a main and a dessert) and asked the guy where we could fill up our water bottles in this ‘eco camp’. He said NOWHERE MATE, we just have bottles to buy.
Ok so I’m struggling to see how this place is an eco camp. Using solar power for the showers is not enough, thats just how you get hot showers in Africa - EVERYWHERE we’ve been so far has done that. Hmm.
Anyway, we moved our stuff into our new private Garden tent after briefly chatting to a new arrival called John who’d literally just got off a flight from Heathrow and has a flat in Kingston. Random. And we got ourselves ready for the Giraffe Sanctuary.
Ok so I was super excited about this. For years I’ve wanted to go to Giraffe Manor in Nairobi, a luxury hotel with GIRAFFES in the grounds. Well, its around $2000 per night and even though that’s like pocket money for me obviously, I didn’t want to hurt Phil’s ego by booking it. And ALSO it turns out that on the same grounds, there is the giraffe sanctuary where you can visit the very same giraffes. At $15 per person, it sounded like the kind of compromise I was looking for.
Our Uber driver to get there was really nice, but told us she was looking for a white husband after her Kenyan husband left her for a woman with more money. Tricky situation that, but she was hoping Tinder would solve it. Good luck to her and if any white men out there are looking for a wife in Kenya, lemme know.
The Sanctuary was really small but so nice and relaxed and the giraffes were AMAZING. I mean who doesn’t love giraffes anyway (if you don’t love giraffes then get out), but we could feed them little pellets and if you put a pellet in between your lips they would take it out - a Giraffes Kiss. Ok it sounds gross but actually it was gross yeah. ALSO you could totally see the beautiful manor in the background which actually felt like seeing a celebrity. LAME. There were 10 giraffes at the Sanctuary and I think we saw about 8 of them. WAS SO GOOD.
After an hour it got super busy, so time to leave. Bye giraffes, we’ll miss you forever (until we go on safari and see more and forget about you).
We’d heard of a nice place to eat near there called Boho Eatery.
Ok well this place wasn’t just nice, it was like proper nice, like a masala dosa is 14 QUID kind of nice (they are 40p in India btw), but naturally when I’m in those situations, I just think f**k it and want to order everything. So yeah, food to me is like beer to Phil - its hard to resist and like a hippo and water, if someone steps in between us then they might get hurt.
But the place was sooooooooo nice, we had
- fried halloumi with pomegranate & yoghurt
- onion bhaji with mango chutney
- poke bowl with mushroom
- cheese garlic masala dosa
- finished by a bloody lovely latte
Ubered back to the camp to our lovely Garden tent. What an upgrade. We chilled out there and I sat in the restaurant typing for a bit. A guy sat on my table and I successfully managed to avoid any conversation by looking directly at my screen, but when Phil joined, they started chatting. Patrick is researcher who is working while travelling (whatever that means) and he ended up joining us for dinner. Haru sushi restaurant was really nice and despite Phil eating the devil food that is tofu, we all thoroughly enjoyed our food. 
Finally managed to get an Uber to J’s Bar that we’d heard about (I massively couldn’t be arsed but was outnumbered) and when we got into the car I noticed that the drivers radio screen was all in Japanese. I asked him if he spoke Japanese and he said No. Turned out he’d bought the car 4 months before and had no idea how to change it. Omg I was obsessed - how could you live with that and not sort it out. Well, we tried very hard to help him, Patrick googled it, we translated the buttons - but it seemed to not have the option to make it English which was sooooooo annoying! I’ll get over the fact we couldn’t fix it soon. Maybe.
J’s bar was huge, so many different areas and DJs, but I was feeling chilled so the best bit was watching the footie game that was on 😃
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galileosunshine · 5 years
All of them :)
Oh boy, here we go. SORRY FOR THIS BEING SO LONG ^^;;
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffe mugs bc I’m kinda afraid of breaking teacups or wine glasses, and I just don’t like water bottles or soda cans! XD
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Depends on my mood ^^
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
COTTON CANDY! They are magical.
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
I was always the teacher’s pet ahaha
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Glass cups!
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Formal! I don’t think I’d look good in the other styles
7. earbuds or headphones?
Aaah I love headphones but they’re expensive... so I have earbuds
8. movies or tv shows?
generally movies unless I get super invested in a tv show!
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
None of them lol (I guess I was decent at basketball)
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Scrambled eggs and toast with strawberry jam
12. name of your favorite playlist?
I don’t really make playlists! I usually listen by album or artist!
13. lanyard or key ring?
Hmm... key ring?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Sour skittles or sour punch straw bites!
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
East of Eden by John Steinbeck. A truly remarkable story about man’s free will in choosing good or evil 
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
The ones I have now. They’re brown leather shoes that can pass as formal but aren’t really XD
18. ideal weather?
Sunny but cool!
19. sleeping position?
On my right side with one arm under my pillow!
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
In a notebook
21. obsession from childhood?
Idk if I have any... an interest in space?
22. role model?
My mom. She’s a strong woman
23. strange habits?
After I eat a plum I like to keep the pit in my mouth and suck on it for like... an hour.... (or more...)
24. favorite crystal?
Peacock ore (idk crystals well but on a buzzfeed quiz that’s what I picked)
25. first song you remember hearing?
My mom singing to me in Chinese “This is the day that the Lord hath made”
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Eat watermelon
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
....cuddle ^^;
28. five songs to describe you?
Aoi Chi, and Hoshi wo Otosu by Galileo Galilei
Ashita ni wa Subete ga Owaru Toshite by Kinoko Teikoku
Mayonaka no Orchestra by Aqua Timez
Light Delight by Poppin’ Party
29. best way to bond with you?
Listen to Galileo Galilei with me... but this might be asking a bit much so I wouldn’t push it. Next would be, watching anime together? ^^;
30. places that you find sacred?
religious structures/monuments, graves and cemeteries, the usual sacred places...  and anyone’s personal bookshelf. 
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
I don’t wanna kick ass or take names :(
32. top five favorite vines?
THERE’S TOO MANY I LIKE and I don’t keep track of them!!!
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“Hhh...” “Asghkjsdjf;as”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Not really, I don’t watch tv much anymore
35. average time you fall asleep?
2-3 a.m.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
... don’t remember
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
depends on mood!
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Lemon cake!
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
41. last person you texted?
My twin
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Jacket pockets!!!
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Hoodie or cardigan!
44. favorite scent for soap?
I like my pomegranate one rn ^^
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
oooh... sci-fi or superhero!
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
my gym shorts from middle school and a thin t-shirt XD
47. favorite type of cheese?
Gah I don’t like cheese by itself much or in large concentrations
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I don’t know! I tried asking my friends this too but they couldn’t say either lol
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and if you ever are, always make amends.” That or, “be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Ahhh... I can’t remember but it was probably sometime hanging out with friends
51. current stresses?
My exams hhh....
52. favorite font?
No preference ^^;
53. what is the current state of your hands?
?? mine are kinda rough and dry....
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Don’t try to take on everything by yourself. 
55. favorite fairy tale?
Journey to the West (Sun Wu Kong), although this may be too long to count as a fairy tale aha...
56. favorite tradition?
The entire holiday of Christmas :D
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
The death of my dad was the hardest thing I ever had to overcome and nothing else really comes close enough to that that I can rank on the same level :(
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Learning the piano and Japanese, and ah...
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
Yay I did it!
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
A soft, slowburn romantic comedy uwu
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Aaahhh way too much to pick...
62. seven characters you relate to?
Arima Kousei (YLiA), Riko Sakurauchi (Love Live!), Sayo Hikawa (Bandori), Mabuchi Kou (Ao Haru), Nana Daiba (Revue Starlight), Takuto (Star Driver (don’t really relate but I really like him)), Kaoru (Sakamichi no Apollon)
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Pop Spice and Upper Tune by YKMM, and.... many GARNiDELiA songs
64. favorite website from your childhood?
65. any permanent scars?
It looks like a bald spot on my eyebrow. From when I tripped and bashed my head on an armchair ^^;;
66. favorite flower(s)?
Lilies, cherry blossoms, azaleas
67. good luck charms?
small trinkets that friends have given me ^^
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Asparagus for food!! and.... eggnog for drink?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
can’t think of one XD
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
not sure what this means... XD
72. worst subject?
probably... English lit. 
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
I don’t have any I’m not a very adventurous person with food XD
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
Probably like... 7 or 8
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
Waah I don’t remember!
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Waffle fries!!
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Sushi from a grocery store XD
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
I can’t make out the picture on my school id now cus it’s so faded, so... drivers license XD
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Like to wear? I find jewel tones more pleasing but... earth tones probably suit me
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
I kinda use both...
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
84. barbie or polly pocket?
I didn’t play with either but barbie if I had to choose!
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
Chocolate chip cookies only and if not, cupcakes
87. your greatest fear?
Being alone in life...
88. your greatest wish?
To make my friends and family happy!
89. who would you put before everyone else?
My twin brother and my significant other if I had one!
90. luckiest mistake?
um... can’t think of one
91. boxes or bags?
This is weird... they suit different situations and needs!
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Joey mainly, but I’ve had Josie before ^^
94. favorite season?
Fall in terms of weather but summer bc no school and I can see friends!
95. favorite app on your phone?
Twitter.... or SIF
96. desktop background?
A piece of art for YLiA
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
Tang Dynasty China or Ancient Greece!
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winterune · 6 years
A Persona 5 Fanfiction - The Greatest Present in the World 
Word count: 3366
Summary: set one year after the ending of the game, someone appears to surprise Futaba on her birthday 
A/N: this is my first Persona fanfiction and I’m still getting the hang of writing the characters so I apologize beforehand if any of them may be a bit out of character (I hope they’re not though!). I ship Akira and Futaba so this is definitely an Akira x Futaba fanfic. I wrote this as a birthday present to @epona999 before I knew February 19 was Futaba’s birthday. Anyway, happy birthday to Futaba^^ Sorry I’m a bit late to post this.
Also available on AO3
It was late at night and Futaba was still wide awake. It had been an hour since Sojiro came into her room and told her to sleep. She had complained that she should be allowed to at least sleep late now that she was in high school. Besides, tomorrow was a weekend. She should be allowed to sleep as late as she could.
“Don’t you have plans for tomorrow?” her foster father had asked.
“No,” Futaba had replied with a long exhale, lying on the bed with her arms spread wide. At Sojiro’s inquiring stare, she added, “Everyone’s busy.”
She hadn’t asked, actually, but it was common sense now that everyone would be busy. Ever since New Year came around, the third-years had been busy with entrance exams while Makoto and Haru had appeared less and less now that they were university students.
Sojiro had opened the door wider, crossing his arms and leaning on the threshold. “Should we make plans, then?”
Futaba had cocked her head and glanced at him. “What kind of plans?” she had asked without lifting her head from her bead.
“Hmm… Your favorite curry and coffee?” Sojiro had asked, the corner of his lips quirking slightly up. “Then we can spend the day outside if you want and we’ll buy a cake and have a little party just the two of us if none of your friends can make it.”
Futaba had felt her own lips stretched into a smile “What about the shop?”
Sojiro had only shrugged. “I’ll close it for the day. It’s a special day after all.”
He’d left then, telling her to go to sleep again before closing the door. And even though she had said she liked Sojiro’s idea, she couldn’t help the slight tightening in her chest at the thought that she couldn’t celebrate her birthday with Akira this year. But, what could she do? He was already back in his hometown and he was probably busy with the entrance exam coming up.
She had gone to her computer and looked up places she would want to go tomorrow with Sojiro. Akihabara would be nice, but Sojiro probably wouldn’t want to go there. A movie? There was something she wanted to see. Or should they just go out and have that expensive sushi from that expensive place from before? Futaba almost drooled at the thought. She looked up more stuffs on the internet before she went to sleep.
Futaba had been looking for Sojiro the next morning but it seemed her foster father wasn’t anywhere in the house—not his bedroom, not the bathroom, not the kitchen. She’d fetched her cellphone in her room and called his number but there was no answer. There was only one more place he could be, but he’d said he wasn’t going to open the shop today. Still, there was no harm in checking.
She grabbed her coat from the coatrack and wore her boots and went out, locking the door behind. Winter was thawing but the air was still chilly. Though the small neighborhood had woken up for the day and the shops and stores around were already open, not many people were seen outside, so Futaba made her way quickly toward LeBlanc.
The café her foster father owned had its lights on inside and the sign said ‘OPEN’. The bell overhead rang when she opened the door and she was immediately greeted by the smell of Sojiro’s famous coffee and curry. The clanging of kitchen wares and the distinct hum of the coffee maker filled her senses as Futaba closed her eyes and breathed in the scent. She stood still for a whole minute until a familiar voice reached her ears and she opened her eyes, reminding her of her intent.
“Sojiro!” she called, annoyed, stomping her foot as she approached the kitchen. “You said you’d close the shop for the—”
Her feet stopped before the coffee maker and her eyes went wide as she beheld the person stirring the pot of curry. Instead of the forty-some-year-old man that was her father was a boy with fuzzy black hair and glasses wearing the apron he’d worn on the days he’d helped Sojiro at the shop. At her voice, the boy turned around and grinned, as if he’d known he’d see her there and then.
“Oh, Futaba, you’re here,” Akira said, as if he’d been living in the attic upstairs in the past year and Futaba was just coming by again to hang out with him.
“Akira…” was all she could say.
Akira grinned again, and it was a different grin from the one he had before. It was the grin she’d seen on him at his release. The one he had when they sent him back home.
“Have a seat,” Akira said, nodding at the chairs by the counters. “I’ll be finish with this in a second.”
He turned back to the curry and it was so weird seeing him there again in that same brown sweater and that same green apron and he seemed so at home that one might think he hadn’t left at all. Futaba took a seat in random and asked, “Sojiro?”
“He went out to buy some things,” came another voice. A bundle of black and white fur leaped onto the chair next to her and Futaba almost leaped in surprise. “Mona?!”
Morgana scratched his ear with a paw and frowned. “Mor-ga-na,” Morgana said, emphasizing on each of the syllable of his name. “And please don’t yell so loud. You’re hurting my ears.”
He still had his yellow scarf around him, still the same black and white cat, and Futaba reached out to him. She poked his head. He swatted her finger. She pulled at his ears.
“Stop it!” he exclaimed, shrugging off her hands.
Then, just for the sake of it because it had been so long and she didn’t care if this were a dream or not, Futaba petted and rubbed Morgana’s head so rough that the cat was screeching and yelping and trying to leap away and Futaba was laughing.
“You’re real!”
“Of course I’m real, you idiot!” Morgana yelled, leaping away onto the counter out of Futaba’s reach.
At the kitchen, Akira was laughing under his breath as he scooped curry onto a plate of rice. He placed the curry on the counter in front of her and poured her a cup of coffee he’d been brewing.
“Happy birthday, Futaba.” And he was smiling and she was smiling and she couldn’t help the tears that trickled down her eyes as she scooped up a mouthful of curry into her mouth. It was the best curry she had ever tasted—second only to Sojiro’s.
“I have some things to do, so I figured I’d stop by,” Akira said when she asked him what he was doing there. Sojiro had come in not long after Akira served Futaba the curry. She had gotten angry at him when she finally coaxed an answer out of Akira saying he’d arrived at first light and had went straight to Sojiro, who had immediately brought him to the café to surprise her. Sojiro then took over the bar and told him to sit by her, all the while tasting the curry Akira had made and complimenting on the taste.
“And that something just so happen to be on my birthday,” Futaba said, to which Akira only shrugged. Futaba grinned mischievously. “You miss me, don’t you?”
“Of course I do,” Akira said coolly, and Futaba couldn’t help the smile on her face, until Akira added, “And I also miss Sojiro, and Ryuji, and Ann, and—”
“You know that’s not—” Futaba cut him off.
“—I miss you, so much, probably a thousand times more than you.” He met her eyes, silencing her, and that genuine smile he so rarely showed was there and she felt her face heating up.
Futaba shifted her gaze abruptly, focusing instead on her curry, scooping one spoonful at a time, feeling the curry melt inside her mouth. “Ahhh! Why is this so good?” she exclaimed with a mouthful of curry.
“Don’t talk while you’re eating, Futaba,” Sojiro said with a chuckle.
“I mean—” Futaba gulped the last of her curry, “—it’s so good it could even pass as your curry, Sojiro!” She looked at Akira again, at that still-smiling face now on the border of holding back a laughter. “Since when were you so good?”
Akira snorted a laughter. “Oh, Futaba.” He grabbed a tissue from the counter and went to wipe the smack of curry on her nose. “I’ve been this good since before I left,” he said; again with that smirk. “Ah, why are you so cute?” he teased as he ruffled her hair. She shrugged off his hand. As annoyed as she was whenever Akira ruffled her head, she couldn’t help but smile.
Sojiro came by to their seat with a laugh to take Futaba’s empty plate. “Well, since you’re here, why don’t the three of us go out to celebrate?”
“Oh, right! Sojiro, change of plans!” Futaba exclaimed, sitting up straight and holding up a hand to her foster father. “We can celebrate tonight with a cake here just the three—” Morgana cleared his throat, “—four of us, but right now…” She looked at Akira expectantly. “I just bought a new video game and I’ve really, really, really wanted to play it with you. Come on!”
In one movement, Futaba had already leaped off her chair her hand already dragging Akira toward the door.
“Wait, hold up!” Sojiro called out. “You two are not going be in that house alone!”
“And seriously?” Morgana piped in. “You haven’t seen each other since summer break and you’re just going to spend the whole day holed up in the room playing video games? On your birthday?” he added with a pointed look at Futaba.
“He’s right,” Akira agreed, pulling Futaba to a stop.
Sojiro looked at Morgana, then back at them. “What did the cat say?”
“What? Should we go outside?” Futaba asked.
Akira grinned. “You go on home and get ready. I’ll take off his apron first and grab my bag. I’ll pick you up at the house in a bit.”
“So, where are we going?”
“Hmm… I’ll go wherever you want to go.”
Futaba looked up at him, saw him smile down at her.
Akira nodded.
“Then…” Her brain was already filled with everything she had planned and not planned for her day with Sojiro and with Akira here, the things she had scratched off from her list were back again. She looked at her watch. They had promised Sojiro to be back at LeBlanc before sundown so they could have a little party later. “When did you say your plans were going to be again?”
Akira chuckled. “It’s at night. Don’t worry about me. We’ll still have time for cake.”
Futaba sighed. “So much to do in so little time.” She went to grab his hand, then realized it’s the first time she’d held his hand in a long while, and stopped short.
Within the short pause, Akira reached out to hold her hand instead. It was big, with long slender fingers, and his hand seemed to engulf hers inside it. Safe. She was safe.
Akira made a little tug on her hand, pulling her gaze upward to meet him. “Where to, General?” he asked.
Futaba couldn’t stop herself from the huge smile that split her face. “Let’s go.”
“Of all the places in the entire city and you chose an amusement park,” Akira commented the moment they stepped inside the new amusement park in the city. It was the weekend and even though the amusement park had just opened, it was already teeming with people. Families and couples and friends on their left and right; shops and stores and vendors spread out everywhere.
“What’s wrong with it?” she asked. “It’s fun. It’s exciting. And I haven’t been to one with you before.”
“What happened to that new sci-fi movie you wanted to see at Shibuya? Or walking around Akihabara?”
Futaba gasped. “How did you know?” she asked, wide-eyed, a bit of an exaggeration. “Don’t tell me; you didn’t hack into my computer, did you? No, I suppose you couldn’t. Or… did you bug my room?”
Akira laughed. “Seriously, even if I could get past your security system, be that your computer, your phone, and not to mention your room, I wouldn’t ever breach your privacy. You know that.”
Futaba smiled again.
“What?” He looked at her, somewhat suspiciously.
“Nothing,” she said, linking her arm with his. “Come on. Let’s have fun.”
For the entire day, Futaba basically dragged Akira everywhere. To the roller coaster and the haunted house, the cafes and vendors and shops, and all the attractions the park had to offer. They bought ice cream and smeared each other with it. They played with paint and watched dolphins jump and dance in the water. They bought cat-ears and keychains and toys. They took pictures and selfies and Futaba figured she should surprise everyone who she was with right now.
She send a picture of her and Akira wearing the cat-ears they’d bought to their group and it didn’t take long for their chatroom to be bombarded by questions from the others.
Ryuji: Dude, Akira, is that you?
Ann: Oh my God, are you two together right now?
Yusuke: Is that the new amusement park that just opened?
Ann: You two look so cute! Ahhh I wish I were there too!
Ryuji: Me too! Dude, you should’ve told us you were coming! I could’ve escaped the house arrest then.
Ann: Haha, just accept it Ryuji. You need all the help you can get if you want to pass the entrance exam.
Ryuji: Shut up! You’re one to talk. It’s not like you have great grades like Akira did.
Ann: At least my grades are better than you.
Ryuji: You’re only good at English. You think you can pass the entrance exam with just that?
Futaba: Shut up, Ryuji. You’re getting off topic. Weren’t you guys going to welcome Akira back?
Responses came that turned back into complains and arguments and Akira laughed reading their exchange. They only stopped when Makoto and Haru came in asking them to stop and welcomed Akira properly. They all wished Futaba a happy birthday and wished they could join them at the amusement park but Ryuji was “under house arrest by his mother and is forced to study”, Yusuke had an art exhibition, and Ann had a photo shoot schedule.
As they bid everyone good bye, Akira commented, “I miss hanging out with them.”
Time flew as they laughed and enjoyed themselves and before they knew it, it was almost sundown. They were sitting on the balcony of a two-story restaurant overlooking a square with benches and a gurgling fountain. The sun cast long shadows on the cobblestones and Futaba watched as Akira looked off into the distance in silence, their bags filled with souvenirs. They had finished the parfait they’d ordered yet they had only sat there for the last ten minutes, not talking, not wanting to leave.
“You know what I love most?” Futaba said, breaking the silence. Akira pulled his gaze away to focus on her. “Spending time with you.” He was her savior, her best friend, her lover. The one she had thought was a brother figure became someone very important and very dear to her. Even if they were apart, he was always there.
Futaba blinked away tears that had gathered in her eyes. “Come on. Sojiro’s waiting. And you’ll be late for your meeting.”
She’d gotten to her feet when Akira said, “Do you want to know a secret?”
Akira gestured with his hand and Futaba leaned down across the table.
She had expected him to whisper something to her.
She didn’t expect the kiss. A quick and light thing. One moment their faces were inches apart, and the next, she felt his lips on hers. And then it was gone, like a fleeting bird, before she could even comprehend what just happened.
“I love you,” he said, with that smile, that genuine smile. And then he stood up and gathered their bags as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn’t just rendered her speechless. “Come on.”
But Futaba couldn’t move. Even as Akira’s back disappeared beneath the stairs, she could only sat back on her chair.
She touched her lips and remembered the kiss. “Did he just—” Her face heated. Futaba covered her face in her hands and squealed.
She didn’t speak at all. Akira didn’t even try to coax something out of her. But he held her hand all the way home.
It was nightfall by the time they reached Yongen-Jaya. Futaba had been following Akira silently until then, but once they got out of the station and she realized the sun was gone and the moon was out, she pulled Akira to a stop.
“Didn’t you say you had plans for tonight?” she asked, to which Akira replied with a knowing smile.
“I’m not going to leave you in the middle of street after nightfall.”
So Futaba followed behind him again. LeBlanc was just around the corner when Futaba pulled Akira to a stop again.
“What is it?” Akira asked when Futaba didn’t say anything.
Futaba hadn’t been able to look Akira in the eyes. Her eyes had been looking down, watching the gravel path move beneath her feet. Even now, she couldn’t find the courage to face him.
“A—At the park…” she began. “What you…”
Her voice trailed away as she lifted her head—
—and found LeBlanc dark and lifeless behind its windows. She cocked her head. “We planned to eat the cake in LeBlanc, right?” she asked him.
She let go of his hand and went over to LeBlanc. Did Sojiro forget? Had he gone home?
Futaba turned the door knob and found it unlocked. The moment she swung it open, the lights turned on and party-poppers popped and people were there and shouted, “Happy birthday, Futaba!”
The sudden burst of light blinded her for a while and she didn’t understand what was going on. Everyone was there—her friends. And they were singing and smiling and laughing and there was a cake on their usual table and even Morgana was wearing a hat he no doubt despised.
Futaba couldn’t help the laughter that escaped her lips. “What’s all this? Weren’t you guys busy?”
“We were,” Ann said, “until Leader there told us he’s coming today.”
“He told us to prepare this party for you while he takes you out,” Makoto explained.
“Do you know how much I had to beg my mom to let me out of the house just to prepare this?” Ryuji said.
Futaba still couldn’t believe it. She turned around and Akira was already there. “You planned all this?”
Akira shrugged nonchalantly. “Not much of a Leader if I can’t do this much.”
“Not much of a boyfriend if you can’t make your girlfriend happy,” Ryuji shouted.
“What do you know about having a girlfriend, Ryuji?” Ann teased.
“For all we know, Akira knows more about girlfriends than you ever will,” Yusuke added.
They all burst into laughter.
“Then the plan you had for tonight?” Futaba asked.
“Is here at LeBlanc,” Akira replied with that grin. “Happy birthday.”
Futaba couldn’t hold back the tears now and she ran into him and wrapped her arms around him. “You know you didn’t have to do this.”
“I didn’t have to,” Akira murmured back. “But I wanted to.” She could feel the smile in his voice, the warmth of his arms as he embraced her.
Futaba smiled against his chest. “Thank you.” This is the greatest present in the whole world.
And Futaba looked up into his face and stood on her tiptoes. A small, quick kiss that sent their friends cheering. “I love you too,” she whispered in a voice that only he could hear.
~ END ~
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terbyungchan · 4 years
#introducing_by 💙💛
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penokohan kedua yang aku buat adalah universum by, dimana au by ini ngisahin tentang kak by yang punya masa lalu sebagai laki laki pemuas nafsu yang di selametin sama kak ceo, si ceo kaya yang gapernah jatuh cinta sebelumnya. kak ceo pas pertama kali ketemu sama kak by ini beneran langsung jatuh cinta dan langsung ngajak kak by buat belanja di mall yang di set private dan tinggal di apartementnya dengan bayaran yang cukup tinggi. tanpa melihat status dan kerjaannya kak by, kak ceo beneran nerima kak by apa adanya. untuk pertama kalinya, kak by ini ngerasa banget kalo dia di sayang sama orang sebagai “manusia”, bukan sebagai pemuas nafsu kayak dulu. kalo di tanya mulai kapan mereka manggil “by” satu sama lain, cuma mereka yang tau karena sejak pertemuan kedua mereka, mereka udah manggil “by” ke satu sama lain 👀
kuy kita kenalan lebih dalem sama mereka berdua disini. au by ini adalah personal faveku dan au yang paling jelas timelinenya sebelum ada the bubus! 💙💛
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kak ceo ini ceo kebanggaan perusahaan han. ga ada satupun orang yang bisa nyaingin handalnya seorang kak ceo ngelola suatu perusahaan. kak ceo ini masuk ke dalam daftar lima ceo terkaya di dunia, dan memang uangnya tuh ga abis abis kayak tissue yang ditarik bisa muncul lagi. tapi namanya orang yang udah punya banyak kelebihan, pasti punya kekurangan kan? kekurangannya kak ceo, dia ini gapernah jatuh cinta. jadi, pacar pertama kak ceo ini adalah seorang pekerja seks yang dia temuin di salah satu bar tempat seungyoun—manajer keuanganya biasa minum minum sama temen temennya. kak ceo ini bodoh banget di urusan cinta cintaan, dan kak by yang bakal ngimbangin kebodohannya kak ceo perkara cinta cintaan ini. salah satu tingkah bodoh kak ceo yang pertama dia lakuin ke kak by adalah: kak ceo pernah make cek perusahaannya buat “bayar” kak by pas kak by di pojokin sama beberapa orang di depan bar tempatnya kerja (dan hal ini sampe dibahas sama papinya kak ceo pas mereka makan malem keluarga di rumah papinya kak ceo). kak ceo ini childish, selera fashionnya jelek, mau menang sendiri, gapernah kenal kata gagal (sekalinya gagal, dia bakal stress banget). tapi dibalik semua sifat ngeselinnya, kak ceo ini perfect banget alias dia ceo tampan kaya raya idaman yang disukain hampir semua orang yang ngelirik dia
plis deh, kak ceo ini cuma naro hatinya di kak by aja! ga ada yang bisa ngegeser posisinya kak by di hati kak ceo. kalo ada yang berani beraninya ngapa ngapain kak by, kak ceo ga bakal segan segan untuk ngelakuin hal yang bisa ngancurin hidup orang itu
fun facts tentang kak ceo:
- kak ceo ini tiga bersaudara, yang satunya lagi kuliah di luar negeri dan satunya kak sunhwa. kak ceo juga punya keponakan yang masih kecil (anaknya kak sunhwa sama suaminya) yang sering dipanggil Apple.
- kak ceo paling gabisa antri atau ke tempat umum. jadi kalo mau ngemall, dia nyewa satu mall buat dia sendiri kecuali kalo terpaksa
- kak ceo punya dua mobil, satu mobil item dan satu mobil merah kesayangannya, dan mobil merahnya udah pernah kecelakaan sekali dan lumayan ancur.... pas di bawa kak by...
- kak ceo ini dulu awal awal manggil kak by dengan sebutan “lacur”. entah kenapa dia seneng banget ngegodain kak by dengan kata kata lacur itu. tapi seiring berjalannya waktu, kak ceo sekarang udah jarang banget manggil kak by kayak gitu
- keluarganya kak ceo ini punya satu rumah ga terlalu besar yang khusus dipake buat mereka kumpul keluarga. alesan papinya kak ceo lebih milih tinggal di rumah yang ga besar biar kumpul keluarga gampang
- kak ceo paling gabisa naik wahana ekstrim kalo ke taman rekreasi. biasanya dia cuma ngeliatin kak by doang naik yang seru seru dia sama yohan nungguin di bawah sambil jadi pengembira
- walaupun badannya bagus, kak ceo ini malu banget nunjukin badannya ke depan umum. mau segimanapun kak by muji badannya buat di foto, tetep aja dia gasuka nunjukin badannya kecualikekakby
- kak ceo punya gengan sama temen temen kerjanya yang namanya Fantastic4 (F4) yang anggotanya jinhyuk (manajer hrd), seungyoun (manajer keuangan), dan sejeong (manajer marketing). mereka sering banget ngadain pesta bareng dan semuanya sayang banget sama kak by juga
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tiga kata yang bisa deskripsiin kak by adalah galak, kasar dan sexy. kak by ini gapernah takut sama apa apa. kak by gapernah tau siapa keluarganya karena yang ada diingetannya, kak by ini cuma tinggal sama neneknya di deket pantai dan setelah itu entah kenapa dia kerja ga bener kayak gitu. satu satunya alesan dia kerja ngejual dirinya dulu adalah: untuk dapetin uang buat ngejalanin hobinya yang sering beli baju baju branded. jangan salah, setelah dia hidup bareng sama kak ceo pun banyak masalah yang menimpa kak by mulai dari difitnah, di jeblosin ke penjara, dan jadi bahan omongan di lingkungan kerjanya kak ceo. ketika rasa insecurenya muncul, kak ceo yang bakal nenangin dia dan bikin dia bisa mikir jernih lagi. kak by ini selera fashionnya bagus banget, dan dia jadi penasehat pakaian kak ceo dan selalu jadi penasehat fashionnya kak ceo. kak by ini suka banget ngomong kasar dan suka banget denial sama perasaannya ke kak ceo dulu pas awal awal mereka deket karena kak ceo dulu masih ngebayar dia dengan biaya yang besar—walaupun cuma buat nemenin kak ceo kemana mana. di balik galaknya kak by ini, sebenarnya hatinya soft banget dan jago ngurus anak kecil kok! kak by juga jago buat cupcake sampe sama mamanya kak ceo, kak by disuruh buka toko kue saking enaknya rasanya
kak by ini energi terbesarnya kak ceo dalam segala kerjaannya, begitu juga kak ceo. kak by pernah janji sama dirinya sendiri kalo kak ceo ini bakal jadi yang pertama (karena sebelum sama kak ceo, dia gapernah ngejalanin hubungan serius kayak pacaran gini) dan terakhir buat dia. walaupun dia sering ngatain pacarnya sendiri tolol, tapi ga ada yang bisa ngalahin rasa sayangnya kak by ke kak ceo. mereka pernah unyu juga loh 💙💛
fun facts tentang kak by:
- kak by suka banget sushi, dan lama lama kak ceo juga suka sushi karena kak by selalu ngajak mereka makan sushi terus
- seungyoun (manajer keuangan) dan jinhyuk (manajer hrd) perusahaan han pernah nyaris nyewa dia dulu. tapi entah kenapa gajadi dan hal itu bikin kak ceo lega banget tanpa alasan yang jelas
- kak by ini agak gampang sakit. kena ujan sedikit bisa flu, kena makanan yang asem sedikit bisa maag. makanya kak ceo ini berusaha banget ngejaga kak by (bareng yohan)
- kak by ini gabisa tidur kalo kak ceo ga meluk dia sebelum tidur. jadi, salah satu caranya kalo kak ceo dinas ke luar negeri adalah kak by harus video call sama kak ceo sampe kak by ketiduran. kalo ga dipeluk atau di video call kayak gitu, bisa dipastikan kak by akan mimpi buruk malamnya
- kak by ini disayang banget sama keluarganya kak ceo. kak by bahkan manggil mereka dengan panggilan papi, mama dan kak juga. kak ceo pernah diancem papinya kalo kak by kenapa napa, kak by mau diangkat jadi anak aja biar mereka berdua gabisa pacaran 🤣
- kak by ini jago banget nge-EO acara. jadi acara keluarganya kak ceo selalu di pegang sama kak by sampe kadang kak by drop kesehatannya
- circle pertemanannya kak by itu ga jauh jauh dari temen temennya kak ceo karena kak by beneran berniat mau ngapus masa lalunya. jadi dia beneran ninggalin semua temen di masa lalunya dan mulai hidup baru jadi pacarnya kak ceo
that’s all from au by! anyway, walaupun kak by dulu pernah “nakal”, karena kak ceo ga terlalu paham hal hal berbau lapan belas coret kayak authornya, jadi mereka sampe sekarang belum pernah ngelakuin hal yang enak enak itu. jadi jangan diajarin yang engga engga ya kak ceonya! 🤣 ditunggu ya keseruan dan keabsurdan mereka yang lainnya 💙💛
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