#Has PT
noxwithoutstars · 11 months
✧。:*▹ Boydyke flags
PT/ Boydyke flags /PT end
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IDs/ Four similar flags with six equal stripes and the same top three stripes: Dark red-magenta, orange, and pale yellow. Top left's bottom three are light green, green, and teal-blue. Top right's are light brown, red-purple, and indigo-purple. Botton left's are yellow-green, light magenta, and dark purple. Bottom right's are pale turquoise, teal, and dark magenta. /IDs end
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ID/ A divider of black, digitally hand-drawn, and stylized eyes. They alternate being closed and open. /ID end
✧ Agender, bigender, trigender, multigender boydyke
✧ ✧ @caeliangel day 8 - contradictory label
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ID/ A white DNI with a panel of the manga Oyasumi Punpun with 5 kids doing a joint pose. Words are black on the right side: “DNI: anti- ‘contradictory’ labels, anti-mogai, terf, gatekeeper, anti-decolonization, believes ‘narc abuze’ is real, demonizes ‘scary/evil’ disorders + labels.” /ID end
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-dawn Terms
[PT: -dawn Terms /End PT
[PT: Adaptdawn]
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[ID: Two flags with varying stripe sizes. For the first flag there are 9 stripes and every other stripe is three times smaller than the rest. The colors from up to down are medium-dark pink-red, medium pink-red, medium-light pink-red, light pink-red, white, light turquoise, medium-light turquoise, medium turquoise, and medium-dark turquoise. In the middle there is also a flat style large white flower with 8 petals, with a smaller flower mandala cutout in the middle. The mandala cutout has several layers, which from outside in are a layer of tiny light pink-red triangles, a layer of light turquoise half circles, a layer of light pink-red petals and ending with a small light turquoise circle. The second flag is the same but without the symbol. /End ID]
A term for Sisasystems or other system groups whose origin is Adaptive, who in other words formed in response to trauma or other adversity.
Colors based on/from the Adaptive Origin flag, flags following the -dawn template.
[PT: Createdawn /End PT]
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[ID: Two flags with varying stripe sizes. For the first flag there are 9 stripes and every other stripe is three times smaller than the rest. The colors from up to down are medium-dark blue, medium blue, medium-light blue, light blue, white, light purple, medium-light purple, medium purple, and dark purple. In the middle there is also a flat style large white flower with 8 petals, with a smaller flower mandala cutout in the middle. The mandala cutout has several layers, which from outside in are a layer of tiny light blue triangles, a layer of light purple half circles, a layer of light blue petals and ending with a small light purple circle. The second flag is the same but without the symbol. /End ID]
A term for Sisasystems or other system groups whose origin is Created, who in other words formed formed purposely for any reason.
Colors based on/from the Created Origin flag, flags following the -dawn template.
[PT: Spontadawn /End PT]
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[ID: Two flags with varying stripe sizes. For the first flag there are 9 stripes and every other stripe is three times smaller than the rest. The colors from up to down are medium-dark green, medium green, medium-light green, light green, white, light brown, medium-light brown, medium brown, and medium-dark brown. In the middle there is also a flat style large white flower with 8 petals, with a smaller flower mandala cutout in the middle. The mandala cutout has several layers, which from outside in are a layer of tiny light green triangles, a layer of light brown half circles, a layer of light green petals and ending with a small light brown circle. The second flag is the same but without the symbol. /End ID]
A term for Sisasystems or other system groups whose origin is Spontaneous, who in other words formed suddenly with no particular cause.
Colors based on/from the Spontaneous Origin flag, flags following the -dawn template.
[PT: Unknodawn /End PT]
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[ID: Two flags with varying stripe sizes. For the first flag there are 9 stripes and every other stripe is three times smaller than the rest. The colors from up to down are medium-dark magenta, medium magenta, medium-light magenta, light magenta, white, light gold-orange, medium-light gold-orange, medium gold-orange, and medium-dark gold-orange. In the middle there is also a flat style large white flower with 8 petals, with a smaller flower mandala cutout in the middle. The mandala cutout has several layers, which from outside in are a layer of tiny light magenta triangles, a layer of light gold-orange half circles, a layer of light magenta petals and ending with a small light gold-orange circle. The second flag is the same but without the symbol /End ID]
A term for Sisasystems or other system groups whose origin is Unknown, who in other words whose origin is unknown or uncertain. May also cover those who know their origin, and do not want to share it.
Colors based on/from the Unknown Origin flag, flags following the -dawn template
[PT: Mixedawn/Multidawn /End PT]
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[ID: Two flags with varying stripe sizes. For the first flag there are 9 stripes and every other stripe is three times smaller than the rest. The colors from up to down are medium-dark pink-red, medium red-orange, medium-light gold-orange, light green-yellow, white, light yellow-green, medium-light green, medium dull blue-green, and medium-dark blue. In the middle there is also a flat style large white flower with 8 petals, with a smaller flower mandala cutout in the middle. The mandala cutout has several layers, which from outside in are a layer of tiny light pink-red triangles, a layer of light blue half circles, a layer of alternating light green and light gold-orange petals and ending with a small light pink-red circle. The second flag is the same but without the symbol. /End ID]
A term for sisasystems or other system groups who have a mix of different origins, or who have multiple origins. These may be origins from different categories, such as being a mix of Createdawn and Spontadawn, or it could be multiple origins within one category, and example being having two Adaptdawn origins such as Stressdawn and Familydawn.
Colors based on/from a personal Mixed Origin flag (tho I believe a public version by someone else has been posted!), flags following the -dawn template
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[ID: A thin light gray line. /End ID]
While the definitions can fall under their respective "parent" term (Adaptive, Created, Spontaneous, Unknown, Mixed Origins), we personally prefer using more specific terminology (so -dawn terms in general), and figured others might too!
As far as we are aware, none of these have been coined. However if they have, please let us know so we can credit the original coiner, and you can consider these alt flags (and potentially alt definitions if the definitions widely vary for some reason).
Tagging @pluralterms @radiomogai and @pluralitywords (please lemma know if you don't want to be tagged!)
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horrormogai · 1 year
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🍬 Candybowlic 🍬
[PT: Candybowlic]
Created by @/gendercoining on October 1st, 2020
[PT: Created by @/gendercoining on October 1st, 2020]
"a gender that feels like picking out candy your favorite candies from a candy bowl on a halloween night !!" - Original Definition
Flag Color Meanings ::
[PT: Flag Color Meanings]
Red :: Resembles candy apples and fruity sweets
Orange :: Resembles caramel and nougat
Green :: Resembles gummy and chewy candy
Purple :: Resembles lolipops, pixie stix, and pure sugar candy
Brown :: Resembles chocolate of all kinds
Black :: Resembles the night of Halloween, the candy bowl itself, and the Halloween spirit
Archived Post :: Here [link]
This is simply an archiving of a previously existing term, as I could not find the new blog of the OG coiner, if you see this and would like me to take it down, please let me know! All tags are simply for reach and archiving.
Tagging :: @idem-obscura @radiomogai @mogai-snacktime
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metalgenders · 10 months
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[pt: grungical. /end pt]
a gender related to, influenced by or defined by the grunge genre and 90s grunge aesthetic as a whole.
it can feel nihilistic, angry, political, angsty, depressed and sarcastic.
i picked most of the colours from a screen cap of a candlebox live performance lol. i made this because most of the grunge flags i've seen have all been made by endo cunts :/ enjoy!
coined by me, flags by me
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jacks-genders · 11 months
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Guromasc // Boyguro
Day 1 of my event! (might do girl/fem, and enby/neu versions of this)
Guromasc: a Gorturic (Gorture Alignment) and ZYEXIN (Zyexadic-In-Nature) term where you have a strong connection to guro in a masculine way.
Boyguro: A Gorturic (Gorture Alignment) and ZYEXIN (Zyexadic-In-Nature) term where you have a strong connection to guro in a boy way. (<not to be confused with my boy version of my gender system, genderguro)
@begendered-queer @gender-mailman
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arology · 2 years
hi! i love your blog, im autasexual and greyromantic and i send your posts to my (also aspec) girlfriend all the time because we mutually have a burning hate for amanormativity :3
thats not the point of my ask though, i was wondering if you could explain how aplatonicism and non friending works? im 100% behind it, but i don’t really have a grasp on what it means. i have an aplatonic qpp and rose told me that rose is apla bcz of roses BPD making non fp attraction almost nonexistent, but i’m sure theres other reasons one might be aplatonic or non friending i just don’t know where to look to learn about it!
asdgfljslk that really made my day :> amanormativity THE beloathed !
Sai can only speak to mins own experiences ; just like other aspec spectra , apl and nonfriending experiences vary. Definitions-wise , aplatonic is about lack of attraction , whereas nonfriending is about not needing / wishing for / not forming platonic relationships.
Sai consider luminself aplatonic but not nonfriending , because I'm cupioplatonic and grey- maybe fray- platonic. Sai very much enjoy mins "frienships," but sai don't feel any platonic attraction to most of those people. It's more like kinship or affinity or a sort of affection. Sai like being around them , but sai don't feel a need to connect with most of them when we're not together. There are a lot of other aplspec folks who don't feel the need to have friendships , and I think sai would too , if not for my disorders , which make these feelings really complicated lol.
[ PT/
I can only speak to my own experiences; just like other aspec spectra, apl and nonfriending experiences vary. Definitions-wise, aplatonic is about lack of attraction, whereas nonfriending is about not needing / wishing for / not forming platonic relationships.
I consider myinself aplatonic but not nonfriending, because I'm cupioplatonic and grey- maybe fray- platonic. I very much enjoy my "frienships," but I don't feel any platonic attraction to most of those people. It's more like kinship or affinity or a sort of affection. I like being around them, but I don't feel a need to connect with most of them when we're not together. There are a lot of other aplspec folks who don't feel the need to have friendships, and I think I would too, if not for my disorders, which make these feelings really complicated lol.
/PT end]
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shepscapades · 3 months
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This file is named “Destruction BREAKDOWN” because of me. It’s me. I’m having the breakdown
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skunkox · 4 months
Puppy Dog Eyes
Who's using them least to most often
Doesn't realize he's doing it and wouldn't believe you if you told him he was either. It mostly happens when he wants Angel to sit still and cuddle with him. Angel teases him about it every now and then. He'll just bury his head in the crook of their neck and deny it.
Strategically uses them. Like when he wants to get out of playing a horror game. Or when he's trying to win a debate. Milo has been known to pick up Aggro and hold him next to his face. Puppy eyes on full display. The combo is lethal, and he knows it. There's also a quick change from puppy eyes to bedroom eyes that still boggles Sweetheart.
Does it all the time and doesn't even know. David, Ash, and Milo has seen it at least once. How quickly Sam would fold and how he'd struggle to hold himself back from locking them in a bear hug. They didn't wanna believe it when the guys joked about it, but Baaabe was quick to come with receipts. A picture found in the Mates group chat and taken by Sweetheart proved otherwise.
All the damn time and to everyone. That's just how he's wired. Asher has one of those faces it's hard to say no to. It's not impossible, but it happens. Especially when he does it to people he's known nearly his entire life. There's a 50/50 success rate when it comes to Baaabe. They're used to his antics and doesn't have a problem with dishing out "consequences." But if there's no harm, why not let him have his way?
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agustd3 · 11 months
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Min telepathy Yoongi
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sincerelystesichorus · 6 months
helluva meme dump 1
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helluva meme dumps | pt. 1 | pt. 2 || fizzy editions! | pt. 1 | pt. 2
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 6 months
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@kth1's bangtan gif challenge ☆ pt. 2 ↳ stage mix (one song) + your bias → dynamite & seokjin (cr. 0613data)
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noxwithoutstars · 11 months
✧。:*▹ Ferucanic
PT/ Ferucanic /PT end
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ID/ A flag with eleven stripes. The middle is the thickest and the fifth and seventh are much thinner than the rest. Colors middle-out are dark blue, dark magenta, dark red, dull red, dull light orange, and pale yellow. /ID end
✧ Ferucanic is a gender related to gnawing, biting, snarling, canines, flesh, and blood.
✧ @caeliangel day 4 - cutesy or gorey
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ID/ A white DNI with a panel of the manga Oyasumi Punpun with 5 kids doing a joint pose. Words are black on the right side: “DNI: anti- ‘contradictory’ labels, anti-mogai, terf, gatekeeper, anti-decolonization, believes ‘narc abuze’ is real, demonizes ‘scary/evil’ disorders + labels.” /ID end
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OCPD/AnPD Holder
[PT: OCPD/AnPD Holder /End PT]
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[ID: Two flags. The first flag has a square diamond in the center. The diamond has two thin stripes extending from the right and left corners to the edge of the flag. The diamond is split in half top to bottom with the left half and left stripe being white, and the right half and right stripe being light gray. The top left corner is light blue and the bottom left corner is dark purple. Both of these corners extend at the same angle as the diamond sides, all the way to the top and bottom of the flag respectively. The top right corner is light purple and the bottom right corner is a medium-dark blue. The second flag has 6 horizontal stripes, from top to bottom the colors as dark purple, light purple, light gray, white, light blue, and a medium-dark blue. The white and light gray stripes are half the size of the other stripes. /End ID]
OCPD/AnPD Holder: A plural/system symptom holder subterm where someone holds symptoms related to Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder/Anankastic Personality Disorder.
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metalgenders · 10 months
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[pt: breakstuffsongic. /end pt]
a gender related to, influenced by or defined by the limp bizkit song break stuff
i picked some of the colours from the album cover and some are colours i associate with the song
coined by me, flag by me
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butchdiaz · 17 days
leave tonight or live and die this way
dyke buddie pt 2 !! on lesbianism + shaving ur head, 1k
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art by @iinryer + @try-set-me-on-fire !!! LOOK AT THEM !!!!!
When Eddie was a kid, she hated haircuts. Or more accurately, she was terrified of them. She would refuse to go to the salon until her split ends could be seen from across the room, and even then her parents would drag her kicking and screaming. "It's just hair," her mom always said, "It will grow back. And, actually it will grow faster if you get it trimmed regularly." It was sound logic. Logic that even eight year old Eddie could wrap her head around. But she didn't know how to explain that every time she got even the tiniest trim, she felt the loss for days. That she would run her fingers through her hair and keep going past where it ended, and it felt like sand falling through her fingers, and it hurt.  Now, she's sitting on a stool in the bathtub to try and minimize the mess, and Buck is behind her holding the razor high, like a weapon, or a flag of truce.  "Ready?" She asks. Eddie nods, "Let's fucking do this."
read on ao3
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doodle-hell · 8 months
joker can canonically draw... so i just imagine him drawing cute little illustrations all the time to accompany their journal entries...
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(1/23) heres some more!
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