#Hate Crimes Summit
thejewishlink · 2 years
HONIG PROTESTS: Orthodox Jews Were Excluded from White House Hate-Crimes Summit
HONIG PROTESTS: Orthodox Jews Were Excluded from White House Hate-Crimes Summit
President Biden slammed antisemitism last week at a White House-hosted “United We Stand” summit against hate crimes, but he is being accused by some Orthodox Jewish representatives of excluding them from the event, the NY Post reports. The Rev. Al Sharpton requested the summit after the May massacre of 10 black shoppers in Buffalo, and it brought together hundreds of activists and community…
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#maybe we shouldn't have a take as things are unfolding#maybe we shouldn't either decide someone is 100% doin summit Horrendously Awful#or tearin into a potential victims words to make it seem like possibility of her lying is irrefutable#maybe if there is legal action that can be taken and theres evidence people arent showin because of thst and they dont want to we should#not just. make judgements based on what we have#maybe we should treat like there's a potential serious crime havin been commited and wait for the people who have#actual expertise (not sayin police sayin people who make these judgements for a living no random people online) to go through thier process#and make that call.#like Jesus.#i hate. how we are expected to make these calls. as like. a 100% yes or 100% no when we don't. know everything#like maybe we shouldn't be doing hot takes!nn#maybe we shouldn't be refreshing social media every second for new updates!#.. i wont be postin any more bout this#obvs don't reblog but i can't stop you so#if you're not sure what this is about... i mean i guess check the tag but i wish i could point you in the direction of someone#whos got like a reasonable recap but ive not found one yet.#stay safe#victims im sorry youre having to watch this. this is not what justice looks like im sorry.#there are resources online to help deal with processing this typa thing i know this has brought up old shit for me#people eith hottakes shut up and log off#everyone stay safe <3#cw: grooming#*check the dreamwastaken tag#list of people who shouldnt have hottakes: people who dont know whats happened#if youre right what you win... righteous superiority? and if you were weong congrats youve been part of a harassment campaign#even if you take i seriously posting about it is the same thing that happens with 'merely internet drama'#the material reality is treating it like drama#so just. log off if you can't not talk about it. go outside. fuckin bell.
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U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday will honor Emmett Till, the Black teenager whose 1955 killing helped galvanize the Civil Rights movement, and his mother with a national monument across two states.
Till, 14 and visiting from Chicago, was beaten, shot and mutilated in Money, Mississippi, on Aug. 28, 1955, four days after a 21-year-old white woman accused him of whistling at her. His body was dumped in a river.
The violent killing put a spotlight on the U.S. civil rights cause after his mother, Mamie Till-Bradley, held an open-casket funeral and a photo of her son's badly disfigured body appeared in Black media.
The national monument designation across 5.7 acres (2.3 hectares) and three sites marks a forceful new effort by the President to memorialize the country's bloody racial history even as Republicans in some states push limits on how that past is taught.
"America is changing, America is making progress," said the Rev. Wheeler Parker Jr., 84, a cousin of Till's who was with the boy on the night he was abducted at gunpoint from the relatives' house they were staying at in Mississippi.
"I've seen a lot of changes over the years and I try to tell young people that they happen, but they happen very slow," Parker said on Monday in a telephone interview as he traveled from Chicago to Washington to attend the signing ceremony at the White House as one of approximately 60 guests.
Tuesday marks the 82nd anniversary of Till's birth in 1941. One of the monument sites is the Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ in Chicago, where Till's funeral took place.
The other selected sites are in Mississippi: Graball Landing, close to where Till's body is believed to be have been recovered; and Tallahatchie County Second District Courthouse, where two white men who later confessed to Till's killing were acquitted by an all-white jury.
Signs erected at Graball Landing since 2008 to commemorate Till's killing have been repeatedly defaced by gunfire.
Now that site and the others will be considered federal property, receiving about $180,000 a year in funding from the National Park Service. Any future vandalism would be investigated by federal law enforcement rather than local police, according to Patrick Weems, executive director of the Emmett Till Interpretive Center in Sumner, Mississippi.
Other such monuments include the Grand Canyon, Statue of Liberty and the laboratory of inventor Thomas Edison.
Biden, an 80-year-old Democrat, will likely need strong support from Black voters to secure a second term in the 2024 presidential election.
He screened a film recounting the lynching, "Till," at the White House in February. Last March, he signed into law a bipartisan bill named for Till that for the first time made lynching a federal hate crime.
A Republican field led by former President Donald Trump has made conservative views on race and other contentious issues of history a part of their platform, including banning books and fighting efforts to teach school children accounts of the country's past that they regard as ideologically inflected or unpatriotic.
"This is an amazing, teachable moment to talk about the importance of this story as an American story that everybody can share in now, particularly at a time when people are trying to rewrite history," said Christopher Benson, president of the non-profit organization the Emmett Till & Mamie Till-Mobley Institute in Summit, Illinois.
“We have a memorial now that is not erasable. It can't be banned and it can't be censored, and we think that's a very important thing.”
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ketrindoll · 1 year
List of russian lies in the UN or during diplomatic speeches:
1. In January-February of 2022 russia claimed in the UN that they will not invade Ukraine, that they have no plans to invade Ukraine, and evidence of upcoming invasion are lies made by the US or others.
End of the same month russia launched a full-scale invasion.
2. Russia claimed in the UN that the reason they attacked Ukraine was to fight some "local nazis" and that they are indeed good guys fighting Ukrainian hatred. That, however, does not explain why: a) russia opposed the grain deal until Turkey threatened to make it work one way or the other, showing their intention to starve hundreds of millions of people in neutral countries for no reason whatsoever, b) russia refused to allow UN or Red Cross etc to observe the conditions of POWs or to open humanitarian corridors for people to escape from Mariupol or other conflict zones, with thousands of witnesses reporting abductions, filtration camps, and shelling of retreating civilians, c) russia claimed to only want to protect local russian population, yet completely destroyed whole cities in majorly-russian-speaking Eastern Ukraine, like Mariupol (satellites showing mass graves), and bombing mainly civilian targets - schools, hospitals, theatres, a shopping mall during peak hours, a train station where people waited for evacuation, apartment buildings, etc. Currently we can see that there is no effort on the russian-controlled side of Dnipro river to help people in flooded areas, with videos and citizen testimonies reporting shelling of all disaster aid attempts, d) russia claimed that they only hate the "nazi" Ukrainian government, yet they openly shelled Ukrainian power grids during winter, for no other reason than to leave innocent civilians with no gas or electricity.
3. Russian state TV, public figures like Solovyov, former President and Prime Minister as well as head of security council of russia Medvedev openly stated either on national TV or in their social media pages that they want to "exterminate" Ukrainians. That the whole country should not exist, that Ukrainian language is fake, etc etc. This is genocidal speech and it is not limited to Ukraine either. The Baltic States, Poland, etc also received such claims - that they "do not exist" that they "belong to russia" or that they "should be invaded". Makes it very obvious who the imperialistic, colonist aggressor actually is. Medvedev also repeatedly threatened Western European countries with missile or even nuclear attack, yet they claim to only be "defending themselves".
4. Lavrov got laughed at during a summit in India for claiming that "russia was invaded by Ukraine". Do I even need to explain why this is a lie? If I do, check 1st point again. Or just turn on your brain.
5. Then there's more sci-fi nutjobby official russian claims (or lies) about - bioweapons in Ukraine, pidgeons carrying disease or weapons to russia, Ukraine having some super-soldiers, or even dark magic, as indicated by russian Ministry of Defense changing the goal of their "special military operation" from "denazification" to "desatanization".
And that's just a few of the main ones. More is discussed in the latest UN meeting, you can watch the video on their official website.
So, knowing all of this, why the fuck would you believe ANYTHING they say? Especially about the destruction of dam?
Russia has repeatedly shown aggressive attitude towards neighbouring countries, claimed their wish to occupy them, russian officials called for extermination of whole nationalities, and both President putin and Belova have enough evidence against them for ICC to issue a warrant for them for GENOCIDE AND WAR CRIMES.
If you still believe in russia, despite anything they themselves say, you're either a genocide-supporter or unbelievably stupid.
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moongothic · 7 months
The worst part about trying to figure out what Crocodile's deal is that because he's so fucking irredeemably evil in Alabasta... Like... Yeah he's just irredeemably evil. Like I love him but he did cause countless casualties, a ton of pain and suffering and literally attempted to blow up a million people
Like no amount of theoretical "trying to do it to save his son from the Government" or "trying to stop the Government from hurting anyone else" or just "doing it for the greater good" is going to make him any less of a mass murderer
But also Robin absolutely 100% helped with all of that shit simply because she wanted to read the Poneglyph for herself.
No amount of her intending to betray Crocodile from the begining and sabotaging his plans erases the fact that Robin also caused countless people to starve to death and die in the civil war. Her sabotages only succeeded out of sheer luck, and only spared the lives of the people at the final battle. She has the blood of countless innocents on her hands. Because she wanted to read history.
But her crimes were swept under the rug because she has a sad backstory and her sabotages worked out just at the nick of time by sheer dumb luck
So Croc??? Just??? Is there a chance??? At all???
But also he did literally intend to sell Buggy into slavery
Like, fuck Buggy, but jesus
What's also killing me is that we like. Don't know what Luffy thinks of Crocodile right now. Which really is like. The thing that will decide how we, as the readers, are supposed to feel about Crocodile. Luffy is our POV
Like we don't know what Luffy's opinion of Crocodile is after he helped save Luffy (and spared Ace once) during the Summit War. Like Luffy clearly fucking hated the man in Impel Down and the two interactions they had during the War weren't like positive (in the sense that Luffy himself didn't think of the interactions as particularly positive. Defending Whitebeard from being attacked once and then being like "wait what HIM?!" when Crocodile defended Ace. To be fair, in the midst of the chaos, there wasn't much time to spend on Pondering On Such Things because Ace needed to be saved, and Oda goes out of his way to not show us what's going on inside Luffy's head, because it's all meant to be out in the open anyways. Regardless, these weren't like "yay it's Crocodile! :)" moments for Luffy is what I mean)
But also Luffy was very grateful of Law for saving his life and was willing to put his trust into Law for their alliance- of course, they weren't explicitly enemies to begin with, rivals at most, but still. Luffy respects those who help him.
But also Luffy grew during the timeskip. Like he's not that clueless anymore (like he finally understands Hancock is in love with him etc), and similarly Luffy gets that Buggy is an absolute loser now. But also Buggy did also help save Luffy's life (even if it was by accident), and while IDK if Luffy is aware of that, I don't think that helped improve Luffy's impression of Buggy
So like. The fuck does Luffy think of Crocodile, at this moment? Even with the Cross Guild reveal, he didn't even really comment on Croc and just focused his energy on being confused about Buggy being "the leader" of CG. IDK it feels almost intentional or something, that we don't know what Luffy thinks?? Especially since we did get Zoro's opinion on Mihawk in the situation?? Or am I delulu?? (Sidenote. I'd love to know what Robin would have to say about Crocodile helping save Luffy's life. What Jinbei might think of the final words Crocodile left him with before blasting them out of Akainu's reach. But mainly just Robin's thoughts)
Like IDK my best guess would be that Luffy still hates Crocodile just the same but is like grossed out by technically owing him one??? In the classic
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-kinda way, you know? And that he'd be just kinda confused about it?
Because I can't fucking imagine Luffy being like "oh we're cool now" with Crocodile, let alone "Yay Crocodile :) He saved my life!". But also like. Luffy does kind of owe Croc one. Kind of. And Luffy is usually very respectful of that kind of thing. Aaaaaaaa???
(Also does. Does Luffy even know it was Crocodile who yeeted him and Jinbei out of Akainu's reach to begin with. 'Cause he was unconcious. Knocked the fuck out. Does. Does Luffy even know. Did anybody tell him???)
I just.
There's the reasonable part of me that knows Crocodile is an irredeemable evil dickbag and everything he has ever said and done up to the most recent chapters support that. He is too far gone.
And then there's the absolutely delulu part that loves a tragic villian who gets a heartwrenching redemption that's looking for any fucking sign that could indicate Crocodile could maybe be one
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magewritesstories · 3 months
CONTENT WARNING: This is literally just me hating on the 2nd and 3rd affiliate of the Workers. I'd love to hear y'all's opinions on this. Obviously mention of canon-typical things, e.g. violence, drugs, rape, etc.
I just read the 3rd & 2nd Affiliate chapters, plus the summit meeting and be so fucking for real rn, what is wrong with these people??!?!?
like i know the whole point is that you start out hating the gangs and then you grow to like them, like with Big Deal and God Dog, but the workers are just human garbage and there is no coming back from that???
like look at the line-up we have: a rapist drug making nepo baby (Vivi), some guy with stockholm syndrome that protects rapist drug making nepo baby (Xiaolong), an annoying gaslighting narcissist that blames all the horrible things she does on daddy issues (Mitsuki/Neko), some guy that can't get a fucking hard on and follows around annoying gaslighting narcissist so that he can bang her, like dude take some viagra and pull yourself together (Ryuhei/Nomen), pshyo twins who run this hell-on-earth (Eugene and whatever his brothers name is), some random buff dude with a inferirioiryt complex bc his dad wasn't a cheating asshole but just some deadbeat (Samuel), a murderer that kills people because they aren't strong enough (Kazuma/Hyottoko) a dude who's family was killed so he starts working for people who pay oney to the guy who killed is family (Magami/Daruma)
Like the only two people I somewhat get are Samuel and Xiaolung (the guy has stockholm syndrome but still)
Like??????? No excuse they can give me as backstory will make up for the horrible, horrible things they've done. Especially when it's something as dumb as 'Well, I could never get hard until I met her so I joined her hell brigade and started commiting horrible crimes.'
And I know that the people in the circus were also human garbage, but they were still human. But like the people Vivi drugged and raped were innocent, like that girl that Daniel befriends.
Anyway, yeah, the Workers instigate a visceral rage in me and I hate all of them. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
─── MAGE
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edai-crplpnk · 4 months
2.- was sasuke right? || 3.- were naruto's intentions with sasuke selfish? || 8.- show a screenshot of your latest draft with no context ((always gonna pick the excuse to see sneak peeks lol)) || 14.-openings or endings?
For the Controversial Naruto Take Ask
2 - was sasuke right?
I'd like to preface this by saying I find it utterly insane how everyone (in canon and also a bit in the fandom tbh) says stuff about sasuke needing to atone for his crimes and whatnot when he literally has never killed anyone in the whole series. Even Naruto has, and he hasn't. And it's explicitly said that he has gone out of his way not to, and that he has asked Taka not to either while they were working for him. So, of course, the whole barging in at the gokage summit thing was not very cordial, but compared to what most of the characters have done, he's pretty fine. (Kakashi kills a child in the very first arc, may I remind everyone.)
Anyway. If the question is "Was Sasuke right about wanting a revolution and to take down Konoha's government?" I mean. Yes, I think that genocide is bad and that states that have been built in a way that allows and, furthermore, have flourished on them, should be undermined. I don't know if he was going to have a plan for that that would have led to something more functional to be built, I'll give you that, but yes Homura and Koharu should have died in a jail cell decades ago.
The part where he went full "I am going to become an eternal god hated by all and ruling by fear" was probably ill-advised though.
3 - were naruto's intentions with sasuke selfish?
That's an interesting question because I've never thought about it like that? I think that one thing happening in their dynamic is that they have very similar problems and trauma, but very different ways to react to it. And so they can relate to the other's motivation, but tend to think "but you are being mistaken about the solution because I know how to solve this and it's not that". But the truth is they are both traumatised teenagers willing to literally die for attention and a feeling of accomplishment and purpose, so I don't think either of them really has it figured out 😭
I don't think that Naruto's intentions with Sasuke were selfish, in the sense that I think he genuinely was doing what he was doing with the belief that it was the right way and that it would help and save him (which, for a part at least, it did). But maybe it was selfish in that he wasn't able to consider that because just he is seeing one path out of his problems and pain, then that path has to be right for Sasuke as well. To consider that he was a different person who maybe needed to make different choices and that's okay.
Not to do my self-promo but actually yesdo this authors, it's good: this is part of what I wanted to explore in Take You Heart Above The Water. Sasuke cannot (and as a matter of fact, in canon, does not) come back to Konoha and integrate into it the way Naruto does. And it's not necessarily a good goal for him to have. They have different relationships with the village, the people, different needs, or maybe similar ones but different ways to meet them. Helping people grow and feel happy and loved doesn't always mean helping them have the same life as you do.
8 - show a screenshot of your latest draft with no context
The last thing I worked I just posted it, so I'm going to take sneak peek of the last WIP I've worked on. It's All Bones and a Beating Heart, my ShikaChou modern AU.
The breaks in his voice takes him by surprise like a tide rising while one’s looking away, only catching back their attention when the cold water reaches their feet. The admission he’s about to make has been building in the back of his mind for weeks, unspeakable but unshakable too, feeding on him like a parasite that will now gush out through his throat after having overgrown his guts, and there’s nothing he can do to stop it. His lashes stick with tears when he blinks and his lips are dry when they part. “I don’t want anything in me anymore.”
Fun times 👍
14 - openings or endings?
I'm gonna say endings just for Nakushita Kotoba.
Thank you for asking!!
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no-see-um-incorrect · 8 months
My exact thoughts while watching the summit 
Without context 
Spoilers obviously ⚠️
-What is it with Asher and losing his shoes? 
-David&Milo giving me big brother vibes rn
-“Jesus Christ hold still I’ll grab you one of mine” something about this line made my heart do a little flip 
-Vincent honey you’re doing your best and the best you can do is good enough ❤️
-got ghosted by daddy again!?!?
-The music 💀 Vincent I dare you 
-why can’t these to get married already? 🙄
-ngl I thought he was about to propose 
-a CROWN! Omfg i’m gonna start crying 
-“beautiful” OK. there it is. I guess I’m crying now 
-Love kissing my cowboy 🥰
-me at every Thanksgiving dinner ever 
-how could the house be on fire? Asher is not even there yet
-me at Thanksgiving Pt2
-I am so gay for this Southern Man 
-“butter pecan what else” OOOOO! That sounds good. I could fuck with that 
-“it’ll be our reward for making it through this in one piece” remember what happens when you assume Sam 
-Vincent handled this so well 
-Porter Absolute asshole..PORTER YOU FUCKER!
-gaslight gatekeep Girlboss-porter solaire 
-“actually, the circumstances of my birth well unfortunate were perfectly legitimate”  I can’t with this man. (this is something I would say)
-am I the only one who didn’t know that people just have meetings at fancy parties like this? and it’s like completely normal?
-so they have racist tendencies but they’re not racist…. yeah that tracks. 
-why did I not think there was gonna be food at this party? 
-Asher and Milo 🤣(also poor Vincent)
-Asher what did you do?!???
-Alexander and Christopher Bennett….why do I feel like these two are gonna be important
-last time I heard someone say that it ended up being a funeral 
-oh Christopher is just a dick 
-Who would’ve guessed the dick and the Ass are buddy buddy  fan fucking tastic 
-you did not just diss my boys eyeliner 
-Alexis? already? I was not expecting her appearance to be this early 
-oh. Oh she’s exactly like I expected her to be. Oh oh, I don’t think I could hate being right more than I do in this exact moment 
-I Am gunna fuck her up
-and YOU have never fought ME  Stay in your lane pussycat before you get hurt 
-“you should hope you never do” this is probably foreshadowing 
-you child!?!?? Grow up!?!???! Has she met her self !??
-let’s just completely forget what you did to Sam  because that surely wasn’t very “adult” of you Alexis 
-“because I wanted him” she is asking for it. *Googles how much a hitman costs*
-“fixed him” out of everything she said why does this line hit  worse than all the others? 
-given my track record I probably would have met him even if he was a Dilf healer
-oh the feeling is more than mutual honey 
-oh she’s a Cunt. I hate her. I hate her so so much.
-burn her Porter RECK HER
-“apologize to Sam yet” the enemy to the enemy is my friend 
-“as if I have a gag reflex” (i’m dead)
-also. go choke on a dick Alexis 
-thanks for checking in I was just about to commit a homicide
-hold on she’s only half a century old! I CAN TAKE HER (talking all that shit and she can’t even back it up)
-A blend of self-assured and insecure (sounds like high school ngl)
-🎼everyone thinks that were perfect🎼Please don’t let them look through the curtain🎼
-SAM! Hubby come help me before I commit multiple crimes 
-“my mate” never get old damn🥰
-how did I not know that vampires could track people? 
- “are you-” gonna go help my husband that’s what I’m doing  adios Captain Jack sparbitch
-I know this guy isn’t saying anything wrong  directly but I feel like this conversation is wrong in someway (it very well could be the autism)
-honestly. Willy same  
-can’t excuse the Alexis part though 
-pretty please tell me that that line isn’t foreshadowing 
-Sammy angry (pop off boy it’s hot 😍)
-“if there’s any shred of you left that still remembers caring about me” OH FUCK THAT LINE OHHH FUCK
-The waiver in his voice. I can’t  i’m barely holding it together 
-“roll around with dogs” i’m about to cuss this hoe out 
-hey only Sam is allowed to call me that!
-ash has the same culinary standards as me (the quiz was right)
-Porter where the fuck did you come from? 
-did Sam teach you that? 
-Asher and Milo is me and my sister fr
-OoOooO say yo name again Milo. it made my brain happy
-Damn straight. One of the best in the department💅
-how did he know?!
-Asher honey. shut up 
-why can’t anybody else hear us? All these vampires are as old as dirt they probably can hear a pin drop of mile away
-Little bear? WHO? 
-Seriously what is with these meetings
- sweetheart is Batman confirmed?!?!??
Part two tomorrow because this is TOOOOO LONG
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nokingsonlyfooles · 9 days
Does... Does the AP ship them?
Pope Francis was at the summit Friday, and Biden met with him privately. A White House readout of their conversation did not reference abortion rights. At the start of an earlier G7 session on artificial intelligence, the two men greeted each other warmly, the pope smiling as Biden bent down to speak quietly to him, their foreheads touching...
What an oddly tender turn of phrase!
Well, I wish Joe and Frank all the best and a speedy retirement from politics and public speaking and any other jobs where they might foment hate crimes or drops bombs on people - just so they can have some time to work on whatever their deal is and be sure!
Be gay! Stop doing war crimes! Do normal crimes instead!
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autisticempathydaemon · 9 months
hellooooo if the match up stuff is still open I would like to participate ^^
Song I'm hyper fixated on would be Love like you by Caleb Hyles I feel like it captures how I feel. because like I always feel so horrible about people who appreciate me, I feel so undeserving of it and how I want to be better for them
I unfortunately do not know my ennagram type but I do know my mbti that I'm unsure if it changed because I've taken the test last month the result I got is INFJ
Yes I do! alot actually, I love love love the ones that talk about issues basically anything new that happens. sometimes I also like those who go into a deep dive about artists, what the inspo for their work is, the meaning of their creations all of it.
My childhood imaginary friend was kinda weird... basically they we're a changing person, but most of the times I imagine them as a girl with short black hair a blue dress above a white long sleeved turtle neck, basically my ideal self at that time. she was really nice and loves butterflies idk why I made that up because butterflies are kinda boring to me
my go to way of falling asleep is just kinda laying there playing some music of traditional maybe boyfriend asmr on the background and hope I fall asleep sooner or later
ohhhh tricky, I would say Eris, because the name belongs to the Greek goddess of chaos and discord! daughter of Nyx also because it just sounds pretty
Milo's spring back audio where he comforts sweetheart from a panic attack. I often get those and the vid helps extremely well for them. also because of how sweetheart actually felt like they we're having a panic attack, it feels so real and comforting I love it sosososososo much
I'm gonna say... Cam, I get he sounds really nice but not exactly someone I'd say I love.
I don't really have one memorized yet but... the one I'm really close to would be... Up, my cousins love it and I do too. makes me feel sad a little and it's a really nice story
VINCENT- might be a little weird but considering all the responsibility of dating him I'd much rather be besties with him, he's fun and chill to be with and all the connections you'd get is just...
my go to ramble! a new game's story or lore maybe a webtoon sometimes, anything new I found that day that intrigued me most of the time it's a random wiki page I read
I don't have a local has station nor do I own a vehicle to go to one so imma have to pass on this one
A princesscore playlist I found, it has great classical music I play to focus, makes me feel like I'm in a ballroom dancing with the guy of my dreams
I would say true crime stuff mostly murder ones. It helps me analyze what do serial killers do and why do they do it. Also some extra murder facts I pick up that I absolutely wouldn't ever need
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This entry was very interesting to me /pos I had inklings, I had leanings, I was percolating, but what really got me thinking was your difficulty with being appreciated and how Sam Collins would nip that shit in the bud.
Sam is an aggressive man in notable ways- he’s quiet but he’s not subdued, you feel me? He can be polite and introverted, but he wouldn’t entertain something that doesn’t make sense or devalues the people he cares about. Like, “You think you’re undeserving? What, you think me and mine don’t have the good sense to decide that on our own? That’s a load of horseshit.” He’s an aggressively loving mother hen of a friend and lover, and he would not tolerate that.
There’s also some lovely, lighter notes that make me think y’all would be cute together. Your love of true crime amuses me because I think Sam Collins hates that stuff but in a fun way. Like, he watched the Netflix documentaries with you and makes little faces the whole time, questions your sanity as affectionately as possible. Your daydreams of ballroom dancing also works in that favor because man is a Duke; he can make those dreams real at the Summit.
If I gave you my hand would you take it/ And make me the happiest man in the world/ If I told you my heart couldn't beat one more minute without you, girl/ Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea/ Let me know if you're really a dream/ I love you so, so would you go with me
I’ve got to give you and that cowboy one of the most romantic country songs that’s ever been sung; I just gotta. It’s not classical, but it’s fantastic for dancing, and the sentiment of loving and staying together really hits when you think of Sam asking you to become immortal and spend forever with him.
I like Damien as a runner-up, because he and Sam would have a similar, forceful attitude about your feelings in response to being appreciated; I just think Sam would be better at tempering that attitude. Anton, I’m choosing as a runner-up mostly because I thought of him being a true crime junkie and binging My Favorite Murder with you, and it tickled me pink.
note: thank you for waiting so patiently! 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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daisyachain · 6 months
‘[KSA/Azerbaijan/Russia/China] never get flack therefore criticism of Israel is disingenuous’ is a dumb argument that doesn’t work when taken seriously (the solution to multiple world powers encouraging genocide is not to condone additional genocides carried out by additional world powers in the spirit of fairness) and also can’t be taken seriously. What do all these nation-states have in common—oh right, condemned by the press and governments of the Global North or ignored completely.
US/EU/Anglo money props up the governments of all the aforementioned countries, the US pays imperialist governments to keep imperializing because the US military needs oil and steel to further its own imperialist ambitions. The global north sells weapons to KSA, ships its businessmen and diplomats to summits in Baku, bought Russian oil/gas for decades and (in the case of the EU) keeps buying it indirectly, and of course, buys the thousand and one things manufactured in mainland China. However, ‘common knowledge’ is different. The press of the Global North largely ignores atrocities committed by KSA and Azerbaijan and identifies atrocities committed by the Russian and Chinese governments. Your average person in Canada/Denmark/New Zealand knows that human rights are a joke in 3 out of 4 of these nations and don’t know that the 4th nation exists. There’s no cognitive dissonance. ‘Western’ backing of these governments is done on the down low. The official government line is consistent with the evidence offered by the press is consistent with popular opinion.
With Israel, the official line of Global North governments is that the civilian murders and rapes of Israelis are war crimes (obviously true), that the civilian murders and rapes of Palestinians are good and righteous (obviously untrue), and that the explicitly stated policy of imprisonment, abuse, random killings, and extermination carried out by Israel in its occupied territories are good and righteous (obviously untrue). This line is spoken aloud, amplified by the mainstream press, and broadcast from the rooftops. It is impossible to be a citizen of the Global North and not hear that those dastardly Muslims need to be wiped out in the name of justice.
It’s also very difficult to be a citizen of the Global North and not be aware that the civilian casualties of the current guerrilla war are mad high. That information is available in the mainstream press. Whatever the obfuscation, CBC news will faithfully list that ‘thousands of minors’ have been killed in the bottom of the fifth paragraph of an article about infighting in Canada’s ruling party. That’s enough for most people to go ‘woah hey maybe that’s going a bit far.’ It is impossible to ignore the contradictions in press coverage and government statements on the Oct 7th pogrom VS the ethnic cleansing campaign that ensued.
With the Israeli government populated by proud, self-described racists and—again—people convicted of hate- and terror-related crimes, it’s impossible to paint one belligerent as an unhinged terrorist organization and the other belligerent as a heroic defender of the people. Especially given that there was coverage in the mainstream press of Likud’s recent antidemocratic reforms. The narrative doesn’t hold up even to your average noncommittal centrist.
That’s why there’s such a rise in support for Palestinian liberation—part of it is because Israel is a nation aligned with the US in a region where multiple nations are aligned with geopolitical enemies or rivals of the US (specially states with ties to Iran). Part of it is that antisemites in the Global North will jump on any opportunity for hatred that they might be able to get away with. Part of it is because every person with eyes and ears in the US, Five Eyes, EU has been inundated with images of Palestinian suffering and IOF brutality and has been told ‘this is good and you support it.’ The public protests are intended to change government policy because its so obviously against the public will. There aren’t protests against eg Russia because the Global North has sanctioned that government and provided military/humanitarian support to Ukraine against the invading forces, and because the press, government, and normies are in agreement that this is good. Some people agitating against Israel are antisemitic, and the majority are normal people who just don’t want to be told by their own government that they are murderers
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Here’s my ranking of my “least” favorite to my favorite DuckTales 2017 episodes:
69. Trickening
68. Rumble for Ragnarok
67. Golden Armory of Cornelius Coot
66. Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks
65. Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuck
64. Day of the Only Child
63. New Gods on the Block
62. 87 Cent Solution
61. Richest Duck in the World
60. Fight for Castle McDuck
59. Missing Links of Moorshire
58. Lost Cargo of Kit Cloudkicker
57. Secret(s) of Castle McDuck
56. GlomTales
55. House of Lucky Gander
54. Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake
53. Storkules in Duckburg
52. Who is Gizmoduck
51. Sky Pirates… in the Sky
50. Beware the B.U.D.D.Y System
49. Depths of Cousin Fethry
48. Ballad of Duke Baloney
47. Duck Knight Returns
46. Outlaw Scrooge McDuck
45. Spear of Selene
44. Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest
43. Double O Duck in You Only Crash Twice
42. Lost Harp of Mervana
41. McMystery at McDuck McManor
40. Living Mummies of Toth-Ra
39. Town Where Everyone was Nice
38. Great Dime Chase
37. How Santa Stole Christmas
36. Louie’s Eleven
35. DayTrip of Doom
34. Golden Lagoon of White Agony Plains
33. Raiders of the Doomsday Vault
32. Quack Pack
31. What Ever Happened to Donald Duck
30. Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee
29. Most Dangerous Game… Night
28. They Put a Moonlander on the Earth
27. Beaks in the Shell
26. Terror of the Terrafirmians
25. Let’s Get Dangerous
24. Astro B.O.Y.D.
23. Escape From the ImpossiBin
22. Treasure of the Found Lamp
21. Woo-oo
20. Split Sword of Swanstantine
19. Moonvasion
18. Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades
17. Last Crash of the Sunchaser
16. Last Christmas
15. Jaw$
14. Golden Spear
13. Timephoon
12. Last Adventure
11. Nothing Can Stop Della Duck
10. Beagle Birthday Massacre
9. Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck
8. Challenge of the Senior Junior Woodchucks
7. Friendship Hates Magic
6. From the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22
5. Shadow War
4. Nightmare on Killmotor Hill
3. First Adventure
2. Phantom and the Sorceress
1. What Ever Happened to Della Duck
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mariacallous · 2 years
This midterm election results were a "clear victory for team normal," Republican Rep. Liz Cheney said Thursday while speaking at the Anti-Defamation League's Never Is Now Summit on Antisemitism and Hate.
"I think that it was a clear victory for team normal, and we have a huge amount of work to do," Cheney said, adding that the election showed "a real rejection of the toxicity and the hate, and vitriol and of Donald Trump."
Cheney also spoke about crossing party lines and campaigning for Democrats this election. Cheney, who represents Wyoming, lost her primary election in August.
"And I think that for me, as well as for my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, there's just been a real recognition of we don't minimize our policy disagreements," Cheney said. "We absolutely have policy disagreements, but we recognize that there's something much bigger and more at stake and that we have to come together and stand for fundamental democratic principles, stand for the rule of law."
Cheney said that defeating anti-democratic forces will require "a level of bipartisanship that you might not have seen otherwise."
Speaking on the rise in antisemitism hate speech and hate crimes, she said "we know from history" that it cannot be tolerated.
"I do think it was the American people generally sending a message they want to pull us back from the brink. They don't want this nation to go, you know, over the edge to go into the abyss and we have to make sure that you know, the incentives are there to elect the kind of people who are going to make sure that they're part of the solution," Cheney said.
Some context: Cheney is leaving Congress at the end of her current term after losing the Republican primary for her at-large Wyoming seat in August. Her continued criticism of Trump for his role in inciting the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol was seen as a key factor in her defeat.
Cheney said last month that she would not remain a Republican if Trump is the GOP nominee for president in 2024.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Don! Don! Donbura ko! Our raging festival of peaches, manga, haikus, misunderstandings, and ships shall be coming to an end within a matter of weeks. I can scarcely believe it myself, however all worldly things are as fleeting as they are beautiful.
Come March, our adventures with all these assholes will be at an end. And as wonderful and envelope pushing as they are, we really could do with a moment of pause after it's all said and done.
Enough depressing thoughts though, have another hour of me talking about this dumbass series~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-You Noto do a funny little wish, huh?
-You love your besties.
-Hello, Sonogo-sama.
-Shallow indeed.
-Sonoroku's having himself a muscle moment.
-And of course, Sonoshi. The evil icon themself.
-The peace summit begins.
-Tsuyoshi and Tsubasa are off to the side there, nothing can go wrong.
-Kaito's never been this serious about anything this whole season.
-Polite applause.
-Zettai ni! Ore koso only one!
-"So like... are you their dad or something? You just kinda exist."
-"Brilliant, Sonoza. Getting to know my father in law is a tremendous first step to our successful alliance."
-"I am a special man. ...so like, can I get your food now?"
-Instant service, goddamn.
-"Thank you for saving my extremely troublesome pet bird."
-Not true Haruka, Minoru Ohno is still tied.
-I see Tsuyoshi's own death apparently means nothing to him without Miho.
-...though then again, he did save Tarou the first time he died and that was post Hitotsu-ki transformation, so...
-Maybe they're even?
-"Keep turning into a Hitotsu-ki then, you cuckoo. There is no tooth fairy, there is no Easter Bunny, and there is no Miho Kijino."
-Wake up and smell the mustard Kaito went out of his way to prepare for you.
-"I married a monster!"
-To be honest, I still fully would.
-I see Sonoza and I are in agreement about it being hilarious.
-There he is. Papa Jin.
-"Hello, son."
-Sonoshi's having a moment to themselves.
-Now play Bolero of Fire.
Sonoroku: Oooooookay, looks like they're not very alright upstairs. Sonogo: I hate them more than you do, just so you know.
-He's out on community service.
-"Get him pu'er tea."
-Oooooooh, this is big crime.
-"My legacy means nothing. Not when compared to their lives. And Tarou..."
-I'd love to have one of those switches just to play with.
-I know that sounds kinda weird, but
-"You have a job!"
-"It's a good job :)"
-"Here you go, Dad. Drink up."
-Haruka's sheer terror.
-"He's having time to himself."
-Shinichi's got a point. You're less "allying" and more straight up "joining". Green unit to Blue unit.
-"Whoa, that dude went flying... Oh shit, she's here!"
-Ohhhh, drama.
-A... little late, but...
-"You haiku-spewing monkey FUCK, we're helping you!"
-"Ooooh, and that may be true, but this gives me a little bit of doubt about employee integrity. Isn't that right, Tarou-sama?"
-"That's hot, Sonoi!"
-"Right okay, asking you was a mistake. What about you, Haruka?"
-"I mean like... I guess?"
-"Wrong! Meandering plotlines like this will never win the minds of a reader! Say what you mean, Haruka!"
-I guess Tsuyoshi's really against the
-"I mean, I don't really wanna say anything. I'm like... not here."
-Hello, Haruka. You're our final boss!
-Thanks Shinichi, that was nice of you.
-Goodbye, Papa Jin.
-Notice how Tarou never technically spoke to Jin once.
-Ohhhhh, that's right. Tsubasa already technically voted for Sononi.
-"You died, sweetheart. And he paid for you to come back."
-I have to wonder what would've happened if Sononi got a state funeral the way Sonoi did back when he died.
-Dog Condor...
-...guess she's REAL happy about that.
-Oooooooh, rejected!
-"No pets from the dog."
-Strawbebby parfait!
-Goddamn, yo! You got it!
-Vote time!
-Tie time.
-"I retain my right to vote."
-Cold blooded.
-Shinnosuke... Tamaki...
-You two are from a previous episode.
-"GET THAT YOUNG LOVE SHIT OUTTA HEEEEEERE! Oh, it's just like my life! ...in a way!"
-"That's it. We're done here."
-"You're being a bad boy, Tarou-san..."
-Sonoroku, you didn't really do anything, I guess that means you're fine.
-"Okay, we'll vote too~!"
-The vote has been totally rocked.
-Look at that, we're in the majority~!
-Hitosu-ki Time!
-Two Hitotsu-ki!
-"Uh oh, besties~! Looks like you're alone now~!"
-Don Kaito, once again lost.
-And there he goes!
-"Ohhhhh man~! Mixin' it up after the fourth~! Brilliant idea to get around rule of three~!"
-"Get off me, woman!"
-Ohhhhhhh, there he goes!
-Succed into two different worlds.
-Nine Donbrothers!
-I could barely handle five, six was pushing it. Now nine!
-Okay, it seems that Tamaki's the Dengeki-ki, while Shinnosuke's the Battle Fever one. ...I'm not entirely sure what I'd call him, but... I guess BF-ki? I mean it'd be fitting.
-Anyways, episode 48~!
-Don Momotaro has been vored!
-And Tsuyoshi I guess, but
-Those jerks.
-"You guys suck!"
-Monkey in charge.
-Guess we're fighting together.
-Leashed in.
-"Y'know what, I'm gonna go off somewhere and have a drink, I do not wanna deal with this today."
-Time for some big shit.
-Awwwwww, Tsubasa.
-Tell all the girls.
-"Wait, hold on dude, I'm not wanted anymore!"
-Five Million~!
-Oh thanks, Sononi~!
-Ice cold, man.
-"I suspected Kijino, but... Tarou, really?"
-"You just focus on your manga."
-Waiter time!
-"Sit your asses down, I need to work this off!"
-There's the pinwheel.
-"Oh c'mon man, that's a little beyond."
-Oh okay, Sonoroku's just!
-Keep the bad guys busy and the Hitotsu-ki in range.
-Be honest with her, man.
-"Do you know who Miho is?"
-I see... so she was a path that Natsumi could've taken.
-Ohhhhhh they could've reconciled easily!
-Sonogo and Sonoshi are being regular sadistic but Sonoroku's like "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, WOOOOOOO!"
-I mean they are villains, but goddamn Inoue
-"Smash 'em into bloody paste, Oni!"
-Ohhhh, they gone!
-Know when to fold.
-Hello, Tiger Man.
-"Through thick and thin... together..."
-They truly become one.
-Momotani Jirou. Toradora.
-I'm sorry Sonoi, but your little panic there was adorable.
-"Odeeeeen~!? God, Sonoi, you've really fallen so far~!"
-"All those weak Donbrothers really fit that scrub though, don't they~? Like that dog Sononi's in love with! Or that manga-loving ogre Sonoza wasted so much time training!"
-"The only thing faker than Don Momotaro's strength is Sonoi's Jordans!"
-He got SO mad.
-"I have a plan."
-Shinichi's completely focused now.
-We're totally outnumbered.
-If only Murasame were here, huh?
-"Check this shit out~!"
-Completely without honor and humanity. The Noto Overseers!
-Oh, we dead.
-"Go for it, Shinichi!"
-Our chance has come!
-The Zanglass Sword!
-"I'm no swordsman, Sonoi-san! This is your battle!"
-"Well~? Pick it up."
-Goddamn, they're that monstrously arrogant.
-Zanglass Chop!
-The squad!
-We're all friends now!
-"So, that's our new Donbrothers. Fascinating."
-Go, Jirou!
-Don Don! Donbrothers!
-Hot damn!
-Supreme Great Combination!
-This is everything I've ever dreamed.
-Besties at long last!
-Medetashi medetashi!
-Later, nerds.
-You'd better keep your eyes on your lady now, okay?
-We did it.
-"Nice job, man."
-Everybody gets to join the festival :)
-Tsubasa knows what you did:)
-That's our... Ousama-ki, is it? I thought it was unusual when the next Sentai's mech came in hot to help us before we even met anyone there, but it's even weirder to me that we get a legacy monster to boot.
-Not that I mind, nobody needs a conventional finale with a show like Donbrothers.
-Is that? Nooo, it couldn't be...
-Well, there's Minoru-san! Frankly I'd expect to see nobody else here at the end.
-That dude in the hood though...
-Oh my GOD IT IS
-This episode went from 100 to 913 real quick.
-I don't think it's quite the finale, but...
-Man, we're so close to a fittingly confusing and insane end either way.
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enjagoodness · 1 year
Enja Soulmate AU prompts
So getting an idea for a Soulmate AU where Ja’far is in denial that Kouen is his soulmate for a long time (ie years) I was looking up Soulmate ideas for subtle ways to indicate soulmate that Ja’far could rationalize away.
I found an extensive list here (Thank you @r-evolve-art​ )
Here are a few AUs that I found could be intriguing for Enja that I won’t be using, but would love to if I had endless writing time XD
LIST (w/ hcs)
*Names on both wrist, one soulmate other enemy, can’t tell which one is which 
Imagine Ja’far’s wrist has Sinbad and Kouen written on them
Meets Sinbad as an assassin and thinks “Enemy! Easy!” tries to kill him, but we know how Valefor dungeon ends up. “Oh, I guess Sinbad is my soulmate. This Kouen character is my enemy!”
Masked smile when meets at summit
After final arc, sees how Sinbad did him and the whole world wrong. That he failed his mission that was clearly written on his wrist. Esp after seeing Kouen is no longer his enemy.
Who would be on Sinbad’s other wrist??? Who on Kouen’s?
*You can cast one portal anywhere and so does your soulmate. Your portal leads to your soulmate's portal and vice versa. 
Imagine creating a portal, and checking when the other is set up. Popping out when finally created and they meet for the first time?
(Kouen cast his early cuz family estate. Ja’far does when sindria founded and feel permanent home, when he does, out peeks Kouen–the secret romantic)
*Get the same injuries as your soulmate does
Imagine Kouen’s reaction when stabbed in the heart at 14ish when Ja’far in Zepar
Prob excited his soulmate is so warlike with all the cuts
*Soulmates share the same fingerprints
Imagine getting arrested for a crime your soulmate committed (Kouen arrested for Ja’far’s assassination murder--modern AU)
*Whenever you lose an item (like a sock), it ends up in your soulmates’ possession somehow
Now that is just all around amusing…Ja’far grumpy about all this foreign stuff that keeps showing up in his Spartanly furnished room. Maybe tries to lose it on purpose to send it back?
At one point, Kouen loses something on purpose, knowing wherever his soulmate is, it will be hidden from the enemy there. Imagine his surprise when he visits Sindria and sees all his stuff in Ja’far’s room.
*Taste the things your soulmate is eating/drinking. 
Kouen always tasting coffee…but as coffee has not been yet introduced to the east, has no clue what it is.
Ja’far’s taste buds are shot from all the spicy tastes (maybe drinks coffee to wash the spice out) but his taste buds are ded from the spice
*Once you hit a certain age, or once a year, you swap bodies with your soulmate.
*Same as above, except with your soulmate’s closest friend/enemy.
*Soulmates can swap bodies with each other any time.
They see how much damage they can cause on that one day
Kouen in Sinbad’s body. Ja’far in Koumei’s?
Buwahahahaha…wait…would they even?
*You’re forced to sing whatever song your soulmate is singing, or get into a perfect duet.
Karaoke nightmare! They take so long to find each other bc everyone around them hates their singing
*Meet soulmate in dreams every night (with the ability to interact)
Comforting character as kids through their shared traumas
*You’re stuck in a room filled with clones (with maybe slight differences) of your soulmate. You need to kill all except your soulmate or else you won’t get out/be together.
Perfect for assassin training...
*Each year at a certain age, soulmates are paired together into some sort of battle royal thing, best OTP wins
Rip my enja, Ja’far is torn from you by Sin
*You will keep looping your life until you meet your soulmate.
Buwahaha...Enja will finally prevail!!!
*At the age of sixteen, everyone goes into another world for two years, hanging out with their soulmate. Time is warped to make sure the two of you are sixteen in this world. When the two years are up, you’re sent back into the real world, with fractured memories of what happened. These foggy memories make it hard to find them again. (Numbers can be changed.)
So they meet as each are 16, but that’s two years later for Kouen before Ja’far experiences that
Maybe present at Parthevia when Barby wins the election. Kouen 16 and had seen Ja’far. Turned 16 recently, so fresh on mind, but Ja’far is 14 and hasn’t met him yet. So has to hold self back.
*Once you meet your soulmate you're literally stuck to each other for the rest of the day.
Hahaha, their annoyance would be amusing
Imagine them stuck together at the summit
*Temperature gets hotter the nearer they are, colder when they are further away 
This goes right in line with the Kouen/fire theme
*Instead of removing flower petals for “loves me, loves me not” the flower petals dictate whether you’ll meet in this lifetime (“meet me, meet me not”) and it's forever accurate. 
Great for reincarnation AUs they meet in Magi, Orient, Demon Slayer, Bungo Stray Dogs, Jujutsu Kaisen (obv sometimes as enemies) but not others like ones that have charas with Ja’far-vibes or Kouen-vibes, but not the other.
*Everyone has memories of their soulmate in their past life.
Funny...just started an orient fic similar to this... (although the Ja’far reincarnate has not the memories yet)
*You can sense when your soulmate is in distress 
Kouen when Sindria fell
Ja’far when the Hakus died
*See color for the first time when you meet, fades away when they die
This one is so poetic~
*Everyone has heterochromia, one eye is your natural colour the other is your soulmate’s natural colour. Once you meet all eyes return to natural colour.
*Once you meet your soulmate, you grow wings like an angel. You gain one new feather each time something special happens between you two. When your soulmate dies, you lose all your feathers and can no longer fly.
Also poetic
*If you don’t find your soulmate by your #th birthday, you die
*Everyone wears a mask. You get to finally take it off when you meet the one with your identical mask, your soulmate.
*If anyone except for your soulmate says your name, you die
*Opposite of the above, if your soulmate says your name you die
*Bubbles gives you a blurry glimpse into your soulmate’s world (visions of possessions, friends, family, laughter, crying, etc)
That could be fun
*One soulmate owns a lock and the other owns the key to that lock.
Key to my heart
*Everyone gets a list of their soulmate’ worst qualities
Hahaha that’s cheerful XD
*Literal sparks fly when you're near your soulmate, soothing for the two of you but static shock for others.  
*Your level of talent at a hobby is determined by how close you are with your soulmate.
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dankusner · 2 months
OTD: 2015 Garland, TX Hate Crime — FBI
Tumblr media
Two gunmen were shot and killed by a police officer in Garland after they opened fire outside a purposely provocative contest for cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.
3.6 Religious Bias and Associated Terms Religious Bias–A preformed negative opinion or attitude toward a group of persons who share the same religious beliefs regarding the origin and purpose of the universe and the existence or nonexistence of a supreme being, e.g., Catholics, Jews, Protestants, atheists. Note 1: The following list of religions represents most of the major religions in the United States. A general explanation is provided for each religion. Neither this list of religions nor the definitions provided are all-inclusive. Note 2: In many instances, a law enforcement officer will become aware of a victim’s religious affiliation by information provided by the victim (i.e., self-reporting) or by people who have a personal relationship with the victim.
Islamic (Muslim)–A person who follows the monotheistic religion of Muslims, which includes belief in Allah as the sole deity and in Muhamad as his prophet. Practitioners of the Islamic faith follow the teachings of the Koran and practice the Five Pillars of Islam: praying, fasting during Ramadan, almsgiving, pilgrimage, and declaration of faith. (Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary [Eleventh Edition, 2003]; the Encyclopedia Britannica Micropedia Ready Reference [15th Edition, 2010])
5.2 Data Element 8A, Bias Motivation This data element, required at the end of the Offense Segment, indicates whether the offender was motivated, in whole or in part, to commit the offense because of their bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.
Due to the difficulty of ascertaining the offender’s subjective motivation, bias is to be reported only if investigation reveals sufficient objective facts to lead a reasonable and prudent person to conclude that the offender’s actions were motivated, in whole or in part, by bias. Refer to Table 1 for the list of bias motivations collected within the FBI’s Hate Crime Statistics Collection.
Hate Crime Data Collection Guidelines And Training Manual
Texas man sentenced to 5 years in prison for threat to attack Turning Point USA convention
The Associated Press
SAN ANTONIO — A Texas man who made an online threat of a mass attack on a convention of young conservative activists in Florida in 2022 was sentenced to five years in federal prison.
Federal prosecutors said Alejandro Richard Velasquez Gomez, 20, of San Antonio posted a threat on social media to attack the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit in Tampa.
Turning Point is a Donald Trump-aligned group that organizes young people on college campuses into conservative activism.
Velasquez pleaded guilty in 2023 to a charge of interstate threatening communication and was sentenced Wednesday.
Investigators said Velasquez posted on Instagram that the first day of the convention would be “the day of retribution the day I will have revenge against all of humanity.”
Velasquez had bought a plane ticket to fly from Austin to Tampa on July 22 but canceled the ticket the night before his flight.
In court documents, investigators said they they believed Velasquez had planned an attack similar to a violent rampage in 2014 in which Elliot Rodger, 22, killed six students and wounded more than a dozen others near the University of California, Santa Barbara, before killing himself.
In a statement announcing the sentence, federal prosecutors said Velasquez tried to obstruct the FBI investigation by using a group of minor girls to help him delete information from his online accounts, and contacting witnesses to hide evidence and influence testimony.
“This man used social media to broadcast the message that he intended to travel across the country and carry out a violent act at an event catering to young political activists,” said U.S. Attorney Jaime Esparza for the Western District of Texas. “Fortunately, his post was reported to officials who intervened.”
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