#He could do me anyday and i wouldn't mind
hanaruri-tunes · 1 year
The demons’ reactions to Y/N asking them to fuck them (headcanons/short scenarios)
⚠️ As usual MDNI!!!
The MC can be whichever gender you want in this one. (Pretty sure I managed to keep it ambiguous?)
What follows are individual scenarios btw, it’s not MC asking every single one of them at the same time haha (I could write one like that as well though if people like this one? Not sure of how well it would turn out but I could.)
Anyway, enjoy 👇
He could tell something was different right away. You’re not the type to be shy with them and particularly not him. Sometimes your blatant disrespect towards him is refreshing… sometimes it’s infuriating, and yet here you are now, shifting in place, fiddling with your hands and looking down nervously. It catches his attention right away.
"Is something wrong? Y/N, if something is troubling you, you can tell me. In fact, please do so freely."
"...lease …uck me."
"...Excuse me?"
Surely he heard wrong, no matter how honest you are, there’s no way you would ask something like that with no build up-
"Please, fuck me…"
Lucifer puts his hand over his mouth, trying to hide his delight in vain. He has always wondered how to go about it, what to plan, how to charm you and get you in the palm of his hands. To think that you would come marching right ahead, falling into his hands on your own just like that. He approaches you, taking you into his arms, feeling up your body against his.
"But of course, no need to be so shy about it. Shall we go upstairs Dear?"
Mammon felt like something was a bit different about you tonight. You kept coming closer to him, more than usual, brushing over him, smiling at him in a special way. Were you seducing him? Because if you were, it was 100% effective! But well, wouldn't it be rude to point it out? What if you stop? What if it wasn’t on purpose? So he keeps quiet and you get more and more frustrated with his inaction until it explodes.
"...Don’t you want to fuck me?!"
"Wha- Yes?!?"
Thinking twice? He didn’t even think once. He was surprised for sure but when you ask for something like this, there’s only one correct answer to give. In a flash, he pounces on you.
"Anytime, anyday, whenever you want. Please only come to me Y/N…"
You were harder to handle today than you usually are. Leviathan is used to holding his breath when you hug him or kiss him on the cheek. He’s used to looking away when you bend down or shutting his eyes tight when your face gets too close. But today? Today was different. You kept clinging to him, not giving him any personal space. Constantly praising and teasing him. His heart had skipped at least eleven beats in total, and even that might still be an understatement. Levi ends up breaking, asking you outright if something is wrong.
"C-Could it be that you want something from me? Sorry, I really don’t know um, if uh. Well I just don’t understand where you're getting at."
You hold back the urge to facepalm, well, it’s not like you didn’t see it coming. Leviathan thinks that he’s so unattractive that no one, and especially not you, could ever want him.
You press yourself against him, circling your fingertips on his chest.
"Jeez, you really are an idiot sometimes Leviathan… I want to fuck you. You get it now?"
His third member rises immediately at the request while his mind is still buffering.
"Uhh?? Um, y-yeah? I mean, errr. Are you like, 100- no, 1000% sure? O-Out of all my brothers me??? Isn’t that um, of course I’m not judging but maybe I’m not-"
You kiss him on the corner of his lips, shutting him up.
"I only want you to fuck me, can you do that?"
"Y-Yes. Anything you want...! ♡"
There he was again, nose stuck in his books. However your perfume caught his attention right away. You always smell nice but this fragrance was different from your usual scent. It was more mature, more seductive, more… He looks up to you, even your clothes show more than usual. Your hairstyle is different as well. Are you going out? So then why did you come to him? He coughs.
"Excuse me for staring. You look very good. Is there a soirée tonight that I’m not aware of?"
You look to the side, a bit flustered. Without a word you sit next to him on the sofa, then you slide your hand on his knee, not daring to go up to his thigh yet.
"...Would you like to fuck me?"
He’s processing your request, making sure he understands your intentions. After a couple of seconds that seemed to go on forever, Satan closes his book and leaves it on the table. Then he leans over you, encouraging your hand to go higher on his thighs.
"Well, since you asked so politely how could I ever turn you down, hm?"
He can tell right away what you really want since he is the avatar of lust. However he lets it play out, curious to see how you’ll go about it. Will you be all shy and cute or will you be more confident? He enjoys seeing the gears turning in your head as you’re awkwardly holding your hands together, sweating from the pressure. However he doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable when asking for something as wonderful as sex, especially with him since he is quite the fanatic.
"Relax your shoulders and breathe Y/N♡"
He places his hands on your shoulders, sliding them down your arms then going back up only to fall down again, on your back this time. He starts massaging you, whispering sweet nothings in your ears, making you comfortable and eager rather than nervous and scared.
"I’d like you to fuck me, is that okay?"
He stops, then pulls you over. Your back against his chest, he whispers his answer.
"What a coincidence, that’s what I’ve wanted to do to you since the very first time we met♡ How lucky that you asked for it first..."
Beel is devouring a rotisserie chicken in the kitchen… again. It seems like that’s all he does, everytime you want to find an appropriate moment to ask, well, it never is a good moment. You look at him, your spirits down, readying yourself to leave as usual. Surprisingly, he stops you and invites you to sit down.
"Y/N… Lately you always look sad when I see you. Would you like some? You know if you’re hungry you can always ask me to share."
"That’s not it Beel…"
You look down, discouraged from asking for it. All Beel always thinks and talks about is food anyway. Will he even care if you ask him something like that? Maybe he has no interest in such things, or in you.
Beel puts the food down, looking grim.
"Beel? What’s wrong…?"
"It’s difficult to enjoy the food when you look down, somehow even the taste turns foul when you’re sad."
Your chest feels tight at his words, maybe it would be good to just be honest and get it over with.
"Beel, truth is- Uhh. ... I want you to f-fuck me… But well, I can understand if you’re not interested in that sort of stuf-"
Beel’s eyes light up, his gaze stuck on you.
He takes you into his arms, carrying you out of the kitchen, heading up the stairs.
"That’s all you wanted? Should’ve said so earlier, I’ll finally be able to quench my hunger for a while."
You came to wake him as you do every morning, since you’re apparently the most skilled at this task according to the others. Still, some days it’s a challenge even for you. Like today for instance: he keeps complaining, bitching and moaning. You’d like to make this easy for the both of you but it’s complicated to keep finding different ways to encourage him to get up. Kisses, hugs, dates, and the exact same offers rarely work for over 3 times in a row. It pisses you off, could it be that he just got tired of you already?
You give up and lie down next to him, sulking and muttering.
"Asshole… What if I asked you to fuck me. Bet you wouldn’t even care, hm?"
Belphie’s eyes shot wide open, then he turned over to you. Extremely attentive to your every move and word.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. Only good boys who get up at reasonable times have a right to have a go at me."
He clings onto you greedily, begging you to repeat.
"Come on, pleeease? I’ll get up right away if you ask for it."
"Nope, too late to smother me now."
He puts his hand on your waist, grabbing it firmly and pulling you towards him into the bed.
"...Please? I’ll make you feel so good you’ll be the one to ask to stay in bed."
You ponder it for a bit… Well. Truthfully, you do want him so- Shyly, you ask him.
"Mh. Then um. Will you fuck me good…?"
You feel him smile against your neck, and he answers.
"I promise I won’t let you go until you’re completely satisfied with me. ♡"
And my askbox is open just so y’all know, no promises on anything but do know that anything you send will definitely be seen/read even if I might not be able to answer to everything! I don’t know if I can say that my "commissions" are open but if you send me ideas and I like them, there is a chance I might write some stuff based on them 🫰
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devoutekuna · 3 months
An obsessive baby
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
A/N- Because I watch ultraman: rising <3
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Despite how many times he says he hates children, people alone. He'd never actually hated her, she was so clingy towards him, making it clear who she preferred out for you two. Leaving the house to get some food, left his daughter alone with you for only a few hours, yet they would be a nightmare, refusing to eat. Crying every second without a picture of her father or a comfort toy. "Daddy!" Running up to him with tears into her eyes, hands gripping onto his clothes in the hopes he'd hold her. "She missed you all day Ryo'" motioning towards your baby girl. "I can tell" picking up the girl to stop her cries, normally he wasn't the type to comfort someone, but when it came to his daughter, he'd do it anyday.
"Please don't leave me daddy" watching the man as he put on his shoes, she had hidden his tie in hopes that her father wouldn't go to work so that he could play with her, but he was always prepared, having an extra all the time. "I've got work sweetheart." Tying up his shoelace. "But you said you'd play with me!" The duo had been up all night playing with her ducks, he was exhausted and wanted to head back to sleep, yet he had work. "We played at breakfast". Stomping her feet on the ground. "How about you go play with mummy?" Pointing towards you in the kitchen, fortunately she looked away giving him the time to escape through the front door.
Suguru's daughter adores her father more than anything, despite carrying her for 9 months, she pained no mind to you, always rushing towards her father whenever he was in eyeshot. Pools filling in her eyes as your husband walked towards the kitchen. He had just been with the little girl for the past 45 minutes, he was tired and wanted something to eat, yet his daughter was crawling towards him, desperately trying to grasp onto him. "I'm not far baby" kissing her forehead as she held onto him, trying to get herself into the midst of his layered clothes. "Can you hold her babe?" Pushing the girl off him and towards you. "She'll keep on crying Suguru" picking the baby up only for her to cry even more.
"Another game!" Hitting the man with the wooden baseball bat. "Another game!" Repeating the same two words towards his father, somehow he had exhausted his father with playing baseball, despite him only throwing the ball. "I've got to go do something!" Running Infront of the man. "No, come play with me!" He was about as stubborn and rebellious as him. "I've got work" he was Satoru Gojo for goodness sake, he could skip anyday of work. "You promised!" Hitting the man with the bat, unfortunately he was caught off guard and couldn't activate his infinity in time, hitting his slender legs, bound to cause a bruise. "Stay!" Holding onto the man's leg.
Toji slept anywhere, he preferred sleeping on the rug despite the bed or sofa being right there. Somehow he found out that his daughter's rug would be the best to sleep on, resulting in the man in her bedroom, practically taking up the full floor, fortunately his daughter didn't mind, joining the man on the floor as she laid ontop of him, in the hopes to get into his embrace since he was too big to walk around. "No!" Kicking and screaming as you tried to pick her up to give her some space. Kicking the man. "Get up Toji" he was a light sleeper fortunately so he woke up almost immediately. "Put me down" "no because you should be in bed, not trying to sit on your father." Kissing your teeth at both of them, kicking the ,and again. "Ow! I'm up lady" rolling over to face you. "Daddy!" Pushing out of your embrace to get into her father's.
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I seriously don't understand the mentality of you can't say ANYTHING about ANY POST that is even SLIGHTLY *not* a complement without it being somehow Wrong and Evil and Rude.
Somebody wrote a long post about how Ezra was supposedly Thrawn's nemesis. I didn't reblog, I just mentioned *politely* in the comments that I disagreed -- because Timothy Zahn had already made a far more suiting counter to Thrawn in Nuso Esva, an alien warlord featured in Zahn's Legends novel "Choices of One" and short story "Crisis of Faith". Nuso was meant to be the Moriarty to Thrawn's Holmes (or the reverse, depending on your point of view) either way, a far, far more appropriate and suiting antagonist for him and his Empire of the Hand to deal with than some dumb Space Aladdin teenager, who Thrawn wouldn't have anything to do with if Pryce hadn't called in a favour.
I will not apologize for proritising Zahn's writing over Filoni's anyday.
Timothy Zahn himself told me when I saw him at a con that he is working under the assumption that all the books he wrote are still "canon" -- that Disney will eventually change their minds (and considering how the Mouse flipflops, not to mention his literal decades of work, I don't blame him one bit). He snuck references to Outbound Flight and SWTOR into his Ascendency Trilogy! I have no doubt that in the Zahnverse, that means Esva is still "canon" as well.
Then again, even the craziest of Legends as a whole tends to be far better written than anything Disney has driveled out, IMO. None of the new books not written by Zahn are even worth the time. Not that Disney gives half a crap about anything not on screen to begin with. Not like in a "more civilised time", where writers and editors worked their asses off to tie the novels, comics, video games, everything they could into one comprehensive universe. Was it perfect? No. But at least they made an effort.
Who am I to argue with the Word of God? Who are any of us?
It's becoming increasingly apparent that any kind of discussion about fandom is becoming taboo on this website, unless you're agreeing with every word the OP says, figurately whacking them off. And that's sad. One should be able to disagree, especially when you're not being rude or aggressive about it. One should be able to voice an opinion, to have differing views, and to remember it's just fiction.
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harryleatherfit · 1 year
Upper East Side || AU || Frankie Morales
Chapter 4: Monologue
word count: 3275
warnings: parts of smut, angst? teacher student relationship (age gap)
please let me know if i’ve missed any- this hasn’t been proof read
🪩Main Master List🪩 Series Master List🪩
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You and Laylah have a night of your own, Hannah and Rose were out with their boyfriends and you could discuss the day together.
“Timothee Chalamet was in your fucking class and no one told me?” She yells. She's so cute when she gets upset.
“Trust me I was above my soul when I saw him, I couldn’t believe my eyes. But what was even weirder, after class he asked to talk to me after the scene I did with Mattias, and he told me Mr. Morales brought me in.”
“I don’t know it was the oddest thing, when Mr. Morales walked out of the class with Ms. Roylance it seemed like they’re tight, and TImothee slipped in that he was there because Mr. Morales said to come check me out. Like to see how good I was or whatever. I apparently have taken the department by its feet and he wouldn't stop talking about me.” You explain.
“Interesting.” She rubs her face. “What do you think that means coming from Mr Morales?”
“I couldn’t tell you.” You say.
“I mean he is really fucking hot, everyone looks at him, when we were in that auditorium every single person was wishing to be in his pants or be his pants.”
You look down and blush. Of course everyone wanted to be with him, he’s fucking perfect.
Laylah inhales in shock, “You like him don’t you?”
‘No no, trust I do not, he’s our professor at this school and that would be highly inappropriate.” You respond.
“Oh that’s bullshit, we’re all adults here, yeah he’s a lot older and people may think it's odd but to hell with it, I don’t think it’s weird, if people love each other they love each other.”
“Yeah but he’s a highly well known person and I’m just a senior at this acting school, it would look weird and so many people would talk, it make me look bad and he could lose his position and I’m probably so much younger than him I couldn’t be what he’s looking for, me even thinking about it makes me sound delusional.” You laugh. “I understand age is just a number, but I’ve barely dated.”
“Ok not slightly delusional, if he brought Timothee Chalamet in for you to check out your acting, he must have something on for you.”
“Maybe, maybe not. But I’ll say, in class and everytime I see him, he stares at me like a hungry man. I don’t mind. I'd have him look at me anyday, he boosts my confidence.” You reply honestly.
“Fuck I’d do the same for real.” She laughs. “If anything happens between you 2, you have to tell me it’ll fill my lonely love life, and I promise you I would never tell a soul. I bet his dick is fucking huge.”
“Laylah!” You laugh nudging her away.
“I’m saying the facts.”
She was, god you wondered, what the hell that man could do to a woman in bed. He’s Jesus in the flesh. You shuddered, what could he do to you?
“RIght now I don’t want to try anything too extravagant but I’ll try to give it some push and shove, see where it takes me who knows.” You lay on the couch in the common area.
Layla takes a second to think “I’m proud of you, you know. Ever since we’ve been here, we’ve both been happier, but this is the happiest I’ve seen you since I’ve met you.” She praises. “It’s been good for the both of us, you getting that job, you meeting Timothee, you getting frisky with Mr. Morales.” She goes on.
“Ok no getting frisky, that’s funny but thank you Laylah, you mean the world to me, you are the reason why I’m here and alive and still standing, and I’m fucking proud of you, I can’t belive you got Head of Makeup, do you understand how huge that it?”
Laylah had applied and sent in her application a couple weeks ago and she just found out today that she made it.
“I love you more than life.” She hugs you and you both tear up. “Getting Head of Makeup has made my semester, this’ll be amazing to put on my resume, the people I can fucking meet for working on Broaday.” She goes on. “I get to be the person who throws blood at Lady Mac and Mac.”
“Oh shit that’s dope as fuck L! Audition stuff was posted recently with all the monologues, but I don’t know which one to pick.” You say, scrolling through the material.
“Oh bitch, you do the iconic Lady M monologue, if you can master that scream and you read enough on Shakespeare, you could master your audition in no time. You need to go batshit in that audition” She reassures you.
“Want to do that now?” You ask.
“Oh hell yeah, I can practice my makeup on you and you practice that monologue, we’ll be ready for our auditions in no time. I took a class on Shakespeare, so I can help with your pacing if you want, Lady M is pretty fucking hard.”
You think on it, “Laylah, what if Mr. Morales is there for the audition? What if I mess up in front of him? What if he just views me as an object like any regular man?” You worry.
“See that’s the thing, he’s a man, what do you have to worry about?”
“Messing up everything for what could’ve been.” You look down.
“Then he’d be an asshole for everything and you would never have to be around him unless it was for a professional school reason.” She says.
“Ok we practice and we don’t worry about any stupid men.” You smile.
You were in your set building class. Your time to shine in front of Mr. Morales.
Now that you think about it, you’ve never had a full conversion with him, today that was going to change.
You wore a low waist long skirt with a white lacy tank top, paired with gold jewelry that complimented your skin. Today was about your comfort, but for Frankies eye.
You wanted his stare, you wanted him to look at your tattoos and have him imagine his golden skin all over your body. Tracing the people dancing on your hips, the lyrics, the sun on your chest. You physically craved him, his soft big fingers caressing your chest and kissing him so hard you couldn’t breathe. This crush was overtaking you.
It felt so wrong, but you couldn’t handle how you felt about him. He made you feel alive.
Today, he had your class start the building process for Macbeth, going over the different rooms, the lighting of the stage, the sound of it all. You were intrigued, it took your mind off of the acting process. You were starting to drill into wood to start on a plac for the half castle and you needed help. You were shaking trying to use the drill and you kept splitting wood.
Everyone could hear you grunting over the light music you were playing and you were outwardly pissed off.
You could get this done on your own, but damn was it fucking harder than you thought.
“Here let me help you.”
It was Mr. Morales, he’s been watching you this whole time.
“You get frustrated easily, I get it. Wood can be annoying, watch how I angle the drill.”
And by the tone of his voice, it was soft and not rough like a mansplainer, it was tranquil and could lull you to sleep. How he angles the drill huh?
He crouched down to your level and placed his hands on top of yours to apply pressure onto the wood. His hands were so big, then covered yours and them some.
Holy shit.
The vibration of the wood, his hands on top of yours and his cologne wafting into your nose almost made you faint. You were melting into him, and he knew it. You could immediately look into his eyes and move your face to kiss him, but people were there, watching you.
“There, see just the right amount of pressure and the screw will go in without splitting the wood.” He says.
“Thank you, if you didn’t do that I probably would’ve waisted 100$ more for wood.” You say to him as he stands up.
He holds his hand out for you, you take it and feel a pulse in your heart.
“Walk with me to get more wood.” He says that as a statement, not a question.
You follow him, quiet with butterflies.
“How was it at UNCSA?” He asks.
“It was fine, quiet mostly. I had grown up in Raleigh, so it made sense to go there. Pretty cheap for a decent art school in the country.” You give no more, no less.
“How were the professors?”
“Not too bad, the classes were easy, but I sometimes felt like I wasn’t challenged enough, that’s why I decided to spend my last year here. I figured if I got in I could push myself further than anywhere in North Carolina.” You explain.
You followed him into the wood shop, him handing you different pieces to carry, and waiting a second to finish your conversation. He was faced toward you now, setting down all his stuff leaning toward you.
“I worked on some projects in Raleigh, it’s pretty for what it's worth, better than Charlotte, its up and coming for film I’ve heard.”
“It’s a pretty lonely area though, the only thing you can do is drive to the beach or the mountains, walk around the 5 shops downtown or rot away at the lakes. Growing up there was simple, but boring. It’s better in the summer”
“I understand I grew up here, but I went back and forth from Spain sometimes.” He adds. “I kinda wished for a quieter childhood, but you want what you can’t have I guess.”
His pupils were so wide and dark, his Disneyland eyes were engulfing you. You couldn’t describe this feeling. Being alone with him and talking to him made you feel good.
“Wanting what you can’t have can make you go lengths you never imagined I think. It can change the chemistry in your brain, it can change relationships with the people you love, and it can make people think of you differently.” You say.
He looks at you and he takes a step toward you.
You breathe in. Is he going to kiss you? Was this conversation you were having to confirm both of your suspicions?
“Mr Morales? Do you know where the batteries are for the drills? They all are dying?” A kid in your class walks in and asks.
The moment was immediately killed, he stepped back, but your feeling was confirmed. You were about to kiss, but it gave you more time to think before you advanced anymore.
This made you feel like you were a freshman in highschool, waiting to see if the football player liked you back.
“Yeah Justin they’re in that back compartment I’ll follow you back in a second.” He calls back.
He turns toward you, “I suppose you’re auditioning for Lady Mac? You could stay back after class and I could critique what you have so far.”
He runs his hands through his hair and he’s making it sound like a statement then a question, there’s no working with this man. But there's no need, that’s more alone time with him. He’s raking you up and down and you could fucking pounce on him, crash your lips on his. But that would have to wait until you're secretly alone.
“I would like that, thank you Sir.”
---------------- +Frankie POV+
Sir, you fucking said sir. That made his ears tingle.
That made him not able to focus for the rest of class. He couldn’t build anything, Frankie had to tell all of his students the last 10 minutes they could do anything they pleased. He needed a moment to himself.
He was in the bathroom fucking his hand. Imagining you in there with him. Pulling down that flowy skirt of yours and getting on his knees to eat you out until you pulled his hair out. Did you wear that for him today? Did you put glitter all over your body just to attract his eyes? Did you want him to stare at how perfect you were? How the ink on your skin made you look like a goddess. He couldn't stand not being able to touch you.
The past couple weeks have been the worst for him. Ever since you showed up, he’s tried so hard to stay away from you, but every time he’s failed. He knew when you were in the same room with him. He knew your voice, her knew your fucking smell. Helping you with the drilling confirmed you smelled like sweet peonies. Your hands were so soft with his. He had to leave immediately for the bathroom after touching you. You have utterly ruined him.
But he has to realize who you are, and who he is. He can’t have you no matter how hard he defies himself. In the end he knows he will come back to his senses and leave you alone, but will that actually happen?
And the more he thinks about you, how soft your body would be against his, hot liquid is seeping out of his cock. He goes faster thinking about you on top of him, your hands on his chest, riding him until your eyes shut with ecstasy.
He thought of your tits in his hands, and he could pinch them and suck on the spot that would make you moan for his cock.
“Yeah that's right pretty girl, be loud for me. Tell me how I make you feel.”
Even if it was all in his head, he was cumming again a second time and he saw white flashes in his head. This has been the 5th day of having to release himself at the thought of you. In his home, in the university's staff bathroom. He thought about fucking you everywhere in this city, private or not, he wanted this city to hear the sweet moans that you could make, praise you in front of everyone. He would torture just to be with you.
He looks down at his watch and class is over.
Shit, he said after class you and him could go back onto the stage and he would critique your monologue.
He walks in, “Sorry I left, I had to go get some coffee, tonight will be a long night.” It’ll just be a long night for him thinking about you in his lonely house.
“I’d kill for an espresso right now, this is the time during the day I start to feel drowsy.” You laugh.
His mind won't stop racing thinking of how perfect you look, how easily he could take you backstage and kiss you. Play hooky for a week and run away together. You have to feel something for him, he thought.
In the woodshop you both were so close to touching lips before you were interrupted that can’t be a coincidence.
Ah, she's an actual coffee drinker. He took note.
“Ok I guess, just perform your monologue and I’ll sit here. Would you like me to critique you as you go?” He asks.
“That’s good, that’ll help me know what I’m doing wrong and I can immediately fix it for now.” She replies.
He sees your hands shaking, “You're nervous. There's nothing to be nervous about, it’s just me.” He tries to give you a reassuring smile, but you being nervous made him nervous. He would feel whatever you felt.
“Yes it’s just you, and only you.” You glare at him.
You were going to be the death of him. Don’t say that if you don’t mean it.
“Yet here’s a spot. Out damned spot: out I say.” You scream. You’re shaking your hands, pretending that there is King Duncan's blood on your hands.
You immediately snap into character, that’s what is true dedication. This is a practice run in front of him and you’re still doing it as a professional.
“One: two. Why then ‘tis time do’t. Hell is murky. Fie, my lord, fie, a soldier and afeared? What we need to fear? Who knows it when none can call our power to account? Yet who would have though the old man to have had so much blood in him?”
You’re making yourself shake and shrivel as Lady Macbeth would do, you looked helpless and the life taken from your eyes.
You know how to capture the audience's eye, you know how to subside your nerves, you already know your character like she has been with you before. He was in awe watching you act on that stage.
“Here’s the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.” After that delivery of line, you drop to the floor holding your chest and scream as loud as your body could handle.
Why were you holding back in front of him?
“To bed, to bed: there’s knocking at the gate. Come, come, come, come, give me your hand. What's done, cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed.” Your mascara was ruined and your hands were pruny from sweating. You kept rubbing your hands with her last paragraph, trying to put emphasis on Lady Mac almost killing herself. Frankie watching you made you cry more, your body's response to being so scared.
“You didn’t give me any critiquing.” You say after finishing.
“You were holding back.” He says.
“How do you know?” You ask.
“I’ve seen you act, you wouldn't pull this.” He shot back.
“Well probably because I’m fucking nervous, Frankie. why would you care?” You glare at him, as his facial expression stays the same. You used his first name because this doesn’t feel related to him helping you with your monologue at all. This feels like you both are holding back.
Good, you were honest about him making you feel nervous.
“I care because you shouldn’t have to feel like you need to hold back in front of me.” He walks up close to you, your noses are about to touch. He was towering over you. You were hunching down trying to take in his face. “I care because I want you to be real with me, even when you’re on stage giving a performance. I want you to show me what you can actually do, not what you can do for everyone else.”
“But you’re the one who's my teacher.” You look up to him, it's breaking your heart. You can’t tell if he’s mad or being sincere. The look on his face made you want to wrap your hands around his face and bring his forehead to yours, becoming one. You both knew this was wrong, that's the obvious, but now was the chance to kiss.
“I know, but that’s why-” You don’t let him finish, and you pull out from his look. Walking off the stage and trying to let go of the almost kiss that never happened. If he was going to say no to you, you wouldn’t have been there to hear it.
He was going to ask you to go get a coffee. Talk about what you two were to each other. But now he’ll sulk in his apartment and call up the boys.
previous chapter || next chapter
au- i feel like this was rushed because i want to expand on frankie’s character more and his life and his relationships with the boys and how he views the reader and UGGHH so much to write and so much to plan! but it’ll all be planned and written with my crumpled thoughts into one :)
let me know what you think!
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koutaroulogy · 3 years
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a slice of life ; zhongli
genre: fluff, fluff!
warnings: zhongli being absolutely fucking adorable??? anything else? fluff.
details: i got all the time in the world, and at the same time i don't (which is sad and relatable tbh)
notes: for @tohokuu who asked me for zhongli and to which i complied since we all love papa zhong here :) for @glowmiko because ur awesome :))
word count: 600+ words :)
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there was something ethereal in the gaze he offers you.
amber glows, like the light of a firefly. caressing the folds of your skin like they were delicate glass.
enough with the staring!
you tilted your head and he finally laughs, raising a powdered finger to push at the tip of your nose, leaving fine white powder that loosened its hold when your face scrunched up.
"what was that for?" you whined. zhongli smiled at you adoringly even when his hands were busy stirring at the pie mixture. you huffed, turning back to cutting the strawberries and setting them on a clean plate with butter fingers.
for a dendro vision-wielder, you were blessed with watery hands and a mouth that spits fire. you don't like how awkward your height is (you either seem to be too tall or too short for everyone. standards are fucked up because people settle for astronomically big things that aren't in their league anyway), and you've never liked how you paid so much attention to your limited time to settle things and to be something with somebody at a certain schedule. human life is short, and your patience was shorter.
zhongli is your exact opposite. he speaks with stable motions and a clever fluidity that hides the meaning in his words. he never has to worry about his tallness (he could just sink the soil he was under with his geo vision to make himself shorter than a leprechaun if he wants to), and he can give away his time to settle things and to be something with somebody anytime, anyday. he can wait, his life goes on until he turns back to the earth where he had emerged from when he became a god.
there are lots of things zhongli could ever possess and give away. like the mora the mortals used which he fashioned out of gold from the mines; or the bursts of amber he had given to the adepti for protection. even the serenitea pot madam ping owned and which was now in the careful hands of the traveler.
but you were the one thing, the one person he wouldn't ever want to give away to anyone, and because you were his significant other- his feelings only increased tenfold.
he hums in assent, staring at you while the strawberry pecan pie bakes in the oven. just one eye-to-eye moment and his breath hitches in waiting.
"will you keep running away from your full schedule just so you'll be with me for the day?"
"i'll give up all my time in the world just for you."
your face scrunched into a bashful scowl.
"stupid. i meant it rhetorically."
"and i answered with all seriousness."
"hu tao will sack your head and bring you to the spirit realm for what you said."
"she won't. she knows i do good moneymaking."
"your mora balance shows the exact opposite, idiot."
zhongli doesn't mind it when he sets aside a day of contracts, fair judgement and fine funeral consultation for a day of simple life like baking and bickering with you.
mortals don't live long. although the possibility was there, zhongli was afraid it'd take your uniqueness from you. you wouldn't be gentle and you wouldn't be spitfire. you wouldn't be awkward about your height. you wouldn't be impatient and you wouldn't care a lot about time.
so he resolves that he'd spend all his years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds with you while you're still there.
besides, who wouldn't want to give somebody they love their time and affection anyway?
well, zhongli thought as he cuts himself a second piece of pie while wiping a crumb off your cheek. your lips spill a genuine smile and it blinds him.
ah, he thinks once more,
i got all the time in the world just for you.
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gold-pavilion · 2 years
hello :) I just found your blog and I think your take on tkrv manga is interesting. May I know your thought about koko & inupi library kiss panel? Does he kissed him as he is or with image of akane in mind? do you think the said panel a queer bait or is there truly something between them? I've been wanting to know (neutral) translator opinion and not from shipper or antis view. Sorry if you have answered similar question, thank you! <3
Hello!! Thanks!! That's alright, it's an interesting topic to discuss and I've barely touched upon it!! To be honest, I'll take this chance to go in-depth, because Inui and Koko's story opens up a whole thing with LGBT rep in manga and the way it's taken by fandom.
Firstly, in order to define whether this is a concrete piece of LGBT content or a case of baiting, we gotta start from establishing what queerbaiting is.
The wikipedia definition is perfect:
"Queerbaiting is a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at, but then do not actually depict, same-sex romance or other LGBT representation."
There's another concept that I always apply to this, and that's plausible deniability: where is the line between 'hinting' and 'depicting'? Are two people of the same sex, for example, saying they'd die for each other anyday 'hinting' at a romantic bond, 'depicting' a romantic bond or is it meant to be ambiguous? When we just can't be sure of what it is, there's plausible deniability; people who don't wish to see it as LGBT rep will say it's not, people who see it that way will say they do. I, for clarity's sake and to avoid being baited (because I am queer and tired), only consider a canonical depiction one where there is no longer plausible deniability, when no one could argue 'that was platonic, just a friend thing' or nothing is ambiguous anymore.
And when is there no plausible deniability? Normally, when the word 'love' is used or alluded to in a clear romantic context, or an unmistakably romantic gesture (such as a kiss on the lips) appears. Then it's no longer up to interpretation, but a concrete part of that media.
Now, given that Koko and Inui is a romance that took place, ergo, the romantic nature of feelings involved was made undeniably present (the kiss, among other context signs), I don't think we're being baited. It's not bisexual content "hinted, but not given"; it was very much given, fully intended and executed as romantic.
Having said that, I think fandom gets easily confused on what discussion they're having and what discussion they're trying to have. 
Is InuKoko a thing that canonly happened? Yes. It took place beyond plausible deniability and has been displayed numerous times in canon as a plot point of romantic characteristics. Is it LGBT? Yes.
Did it happen for reasons that were unhealthy? Did Koko take a romantic initiative because he was grieving? Or because he was projecting? Or because he was confused? Discussing those points doesn't make InuKoko less canon or less LGBT. It can mean we have a messy bisexual story on our hands, or even an unhealthy bisexual story on our hands if you wanna see it that way, but the fact remains that we have a bisexual story on our hands. Fandom can discuss whether Koko thought about Akane while kissing Inui or not; but the fact of the matter is still that he kissed a boy.
In other words, the discussion of whether it's a 'good' or 'bad' ship is free real estate. Have at it. Maybe Koko was a disaster and an absolute dickhead about it. Maybe Inui was too when he wouldn't talk about his doubts for years. But the discussion of whether InuKoko is a ship that canonly happened in Tokyo Revengers is… not a discussion; the answer is yes.
From the standpoint of someone who cares about LGBT rep and its scarcity in mainstream anime/manga, believe me, I find it frustrating when an LGBT storyline happens "for reasons rooted in heterosexuality" (ergo, Koko developing his homosexual interest in Inui as an aftermath and consequence of his previous heterosexual interest in Akane). And I find it frustrating precisely because it makes people confused about what is still, despite any why/how/etc, an LGBT thing. At the end of the day, the fault of that lies less with the content, but with people shifting the conversation to something it's not and putting validity behind gates of secondary relevance.
At any rate, I've said my piece on that. Back to the start of the question! Back to the library scene. 
Because, while it doesn't change things in terms that what happened has happened and what's canon is canon (and I wanted to make that very clear, as my top priority), I can sure give my own thoughts on the scene itself. For fun lmao.
We don't truly have anything that tells us, clearly and unmistakably, what was going through Koko's head that time. Personally, I think it may be intended to be ambiguous and/or to match his emotional state; that's to say, in process of figuring out what he felt. 
However, nothing in canon has ever pointed to Koko taking Inui as a replacement for Akane, nor confusing him with her in any way (in dialogue, in the recent chapter 252, that has been reestablished too). On the contrary, he's demonstrated to be very aware of Inui as Inui, and to be anguished precisely because of the push and pull of two feelings he has at once. If you ask me, I think there is a reason he said Akane looks like Inui, before likewise implying that Inui looks like Akane too; he has seen them both as themselves.
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I don't think any of these things are there for no reason either, as that simply doesn't exist in fiction. Every scene, shot and dialogue is part of a piece of fiction 'cause it is, in one way or another, relevant to be there. I also don't think it's a coincidence that the side of Inui's face that is towards Koko, that is so focused in the scene, is precisely the side with the huge burn mark; the side that isn't Inui-Akane's similarity, but just Inui. I believe there's a reason there for him to have broken down in guilt and grief about Akane after doing that, with someone who was not her.
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But that's up to anyone's interpretation.
As a translator, the most I can say is the little parenthesis two paragraphs above: that in the text, in the dialogue, there is no suggestion of replacing or confusion, but a messy case of feelings for two people. Always an Inui and Akane-san, never an Inui as Akane-san. Up until, of course, chapter 252 makes it simply Inui.
The rest is just my impression of the overall material I'm reading, and my take as someone very used to handling fiction. But I'm very happy to be asked about these matters and very honored to be considered someone neutral you'd send this message to!! I hope this has been helpful orrrr at least interesting, 'cause it definitely is to me.
Message again anytime!!
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bahngray · 2 years
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Disclaimer This work is for mature audience.
Pairing - bangchan x reader
Parts - Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3
Synopsis - The reason why we can't let go of someone is because deep down inside we still have hope.
Chapter 4
Hyunjin - We all knew y/n would be devastated seeing him like that. We warned him not to drink off his limits again, but he wouldn't listen. Chan hyung wasn't someone you could control he would do something if he wanted to, doesn't matter what it is he'll make sure he does it perfectly till the end.
Han - His drinking was going really uphill at that time. He was always wasted. Maybe our tour had been stressing him out because he could not see y/n for that time being but then again I didn't see him contact y/n anyday since we did our tour which was honestly weird.
Changbin - We all had been noticing him acting weird ever since our tour started and we assumed he and y/n, they had a fight but when his drinking went flying up to the sky we knew something was very very wrong.
Leeknow - He wasn't the type to really share his personal concerns with any of us nor did he like if we wanted to give him comfort. He was a perfectionist in that way but it wasn't always good trying to be an perfectionist.
Seungmin - I was dead worried about him. But I would never cross the line and go ask him why this sudden behavior. I watched him form a distance and I could clearly see he was aching.
Felix - I couldn't see him like that. I just couldn't. It hurt when I saw him like that and knowing that I could not do anything made me feel sick. That's the thing about pain it makes u feel insanely crappy about yourself.
I.N - I didn't know how we would fix his drinking because it was getting worse everyday and we all knew we had to stop him but we also knew that no one had the ability to stop him, no one but y/n. But we had to make him stop somehow and fix the mood because it wasn't good for our team. And honestly it wasn't good for any of us.
Y/n - As I opened the door to my apartment to head out for work I meet his brown eyes at the entrance and a part of me wanted to fall into his arms but then there was that part of me which urged me to stand my ground.
"Y/n, I can explain" he moves forward to hold my hand but I move away just as he does so.
He looks up at me with just hurt in his eyes.
"Y/n please?" He motions to hold my hands again but I backup again.
"DONT TOUCH ME!" I yell at him tears streaming out of my eyes. He shivers as though he was not being able to process the situation.
"We can fix this y/n, please listen to me" he says giving me a soft look while his brown eyes drew in sincerity.
"No, go home Chan please" I say clutching onto my bag so hard it feels as if my hand is going to tear apart.
"I'm not in the state to talk to u or face u right now" I say wiping my tears. "Go home and wait for my reply, wait for me that is the only thing I'll ask from you" I say finally looking at him.
Chan doesn't say a word but backs away and heads out of the front door. I feel sick to my stomach. I almost felt as if I was crumbling down when I was infront of him. I would almost give myself in to him and I was scared knowing that he had that amount of control over my feelings, over me.
Bangchan - A week passed but there were no calls or texts from y/n. I had been waiting since that day for her reply, for her to rush back to me. I know I sound extremely disgusting but that is how much I loved her. I was losing my mind.
I was losing my focus. I couldn't concentrate in work, we were falling behind and as a result Stray Kids weren't doing any good at the time too.
I blamed myself for all this. For letting our fans down, the members down and most importantly for letting y/n down, for hurting her so bad.
I deserved nothing. But I still wanted her. I needed her. It's crazy how much she had made me hers.
I was about to head out of my studio when I heard a knock at the door and thought it was my manager. But then I turned around and was shocked as well as happy to see, y/n.
The room filled with her fragrance and I took deep breaths to take her in, to believe she was finally there, infront of me.
I was scared too, I honestly thought she would dump me and I know I deserved to be dumped but there was still that tiny hope inside of me that said she would come back.
"Hey how are you?" She says as I lock my eyes with hers and suddenly everything started to make sense again.
It felt as if I was alive again, that I was breathing again.
"Good I guess" I said scratching the back of my head.
"I was umm waiting for your reply" I say ashamed of how disgusting I sounded.
She walks up to me and intervenes her hands with mine as she asks me to sit down on the sofa beside her.
"Chan I love you, I love you so much it feels as if I'm drowning, sinking in your love, living for you"
"I don't want to leave you"
"I don't want to end this and I'm sure you don't want to too"
"I have made my decision,
"your going to rehab, to fix that drinking habit of yours"
She says as my mind starts to go over all sorts of things at once and I'm unable to think straight.
I couldn't say a thing, it was as if someone had sowen my mouth. All the feelings inside me lingered and I felt as if the world was rotating around me.
"You don't have to answer now" She says as I look up at her.
"Think about this, okay, and if anything comes across and you have to choose between me and your work, always, always choose work, hmm?" Tears roll down my eyes as she wipes them off, brushing her thumb across my cheek.
Y/n - it was quite late at night and there weren't many people in the company so I took the elevator nearest to Chan's studio to get down.
My heart ached seeing him like that but I knew my decision was only taken for his better future. For our better future, for the kids to do good and I wasn't going to risk the kids for us.
I honestly loved them, the kids they were like my friends and really good ones and I didn't want them to endure anything bad, at least not for my relationship with Chan.
My thoughts were interrupted as the elevator stopped on the 13th floor. As the doors slid open, his brown eyes met mine at the entrance, he was gasping for air while he stood there.
We stood there for a moment looking at each other, the elevator made a noise announcing that the doors were closing, I held the button to stop the doors form sliding shut and Chan walked inside.
"What's wrong? Why-" before I could finish his lips crashed on mine.
That gentle familiarity struck me again, the feeling that told me I loved him, that I was his. His hands made their way around my waist as i put my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.
Our bodies pushed against each other and his hands going inside my shirt. His warm hands touching my skin, sending shivers down my spine.
Our tongues dancing together while our lips overlapped each others with dominance. He lifted my up and cornered me at one side of the elevator. My legs went around his waist and he broke the kiss and looked at me, gasping for air.
"I'm going to rehab,"
"I love you, I love you, I really do" he said as my cheeks started to heat. He pecked my cheeks and I'm sure I looked as red as a tomato.
Our lips intervened with each other again and I kissed him as if there was no tomorrow. I could feel the movement of his veiny hands around my back as he kissed me hungrily but passionately.
He pulled out and put his head under my shirt as he pecked on my breast and I held onto him tight at the amount of pleasure.
He unclasped my bra and put his lips around my hardening bud. My body lost all its control as I shivered under his touch, as I could feel all the movements of his veiny hands on my body.
"Chan....mmmh....w-we...a-are...mmhhh...still.....in..the company...ahhh" I said as he suucked and but on my hardened bud.
Removing his head from underneath my shirt he looked at me and smirked,
"Shall we continue this at your apartment?"
And this concludes the last part of this series. Let me know if u guys want a part 2. I'll go on a hiatus for a week as I have my exams knocking on my door. I'll be back soon. Love you guys.
Let me know if u guys have any ideas and I'll turn them into ffs.
♡ R
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strawbxrryneptune · 3 years
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You're the head cheerleader at UA.
We're gonna say its UA university, so like class 4-A.
Bakugou is your boyfriend
He plays on the football team 😫
But he got suspended for a little because he saw Deku (yes I'm adding Deku in this, @ me why dont you)
Deku plays on the rival team, he switched schools cause he felt like he wasnt reaching his full potential.
Bakugou basically broke Deku's mf leg, it's a surprise he wasnt kicked off the team, but the he's the star player.
The only reason the UA football team is even in the nationals is cause of Bakugou.
Anyway, Kiri and Sero were roasting the absolute shit outta him for getting suspended.
Bakugou was ready to blast all their asses to the moon and back, until Denki said that he probably couldnt even keep a spot on the cheer squad, it's even more brutal than football and the outfits are too risque.
It went dead silent when poor bby said that, cause everyone knew not to challenge Bakugou.
He immediately stood up from his spot on the couch in the study hall, marching over to Denki and grabbing him by the collar.
"More brutal than football? Hah, you're out of your goddamn mind, Sparky. I can do that shit anyday, even in that girly ass skirt."
Denki smirked
"Wanna bet?"
And that's how he found himself wearing a custom made UA cheer uniform, face red in embarrassment but still determined to not chicken out. If he got through this, he'd get $50 from everyone in the squad except for Mina
When Bakugou had come to you, red in the face and hands shaking in embarrassment, asking for a cheer uniform, you almost passed out in shock.
The Katsuki Bakugou, star Football player, top of his class in strength and brains, wanted to cheer? Nah, you were buggin. He wouldn't tell you why, only a harsh, "You gonna give me the uniform or not?" Before giving you a quick and kind of violent kiss on the cheek, scampering off with the bright orange fabric in his hands.
Leading up to the big game for the finals, he would hang around during practice and watch you command the girls, having them jump and twist into complicated positions. You spot him peeping and called him over, teasingly asking him if he could do a cartwheel, not expecting him to actually do one. He has almost perfect form, a little wobbly on the drop down but beautiful nonetheless. You pursed your lips, looking him up and down before clapping your hands loudly, causing him to jump.
"Change of plans, ladies! We now have a new member joining the team, at least for the game next week. I'll need you to be understanding and patient in teaching him the routine, and no making fun!!"
The other girls nod understandingly, surrounding him despite his yells and protests.
You smirk to yourself.
This is gonna be so much fun.
A week passes, and you're in the changing room with the girls, handing out their uniforms. You get to the bottom of the bin, and realize theres a pantsuit. You widen your eyes in shock. If the pantsuit is in there, than that means-
You jog out of the locker rooms, looking around until you see a shaking head of ash blonde hair. You make your way over to him, stifling a laugh when you see him wearing large sweats, the outline of the orange skirt peeking out. He doesnt have a sweatshirt on, so you're blessed with the sight of his pecs and abs bulging out, sweat already dripping down his body due to the heat of the stadium and the embarrassment racking his body.
"I'm so sorry, Katsu. I didnt realize I gave you the girl version of the uniform."
He scoffs, subconsciously reaching up to tug at the crop top.
"Just get me the damn boy version, you shitty-"
You both jump at the sound of the announcers voice, the crowd roaring back.
You look at Bakugou in apology, before rushing the girls out, gesturing for him to hurry as you run out onto the field, the UA side cheering loudly while the rival team boos. Bakugou let's out a huff, shoving his sweats down and running out with you, not looking up. The minute the crowd sees him running with you, the stadium fills with laughter and wolf whistles, some of his teammates fanning themselves in mockery. He growls at them, intimidating but not scary due to the bright orange crop top and skirt he's donning.
The music starts and everyone gets into formation, Bakugou at the far right and you at the left. You start to do your routine, shaking your hips and yelling along to the music, moving around and doing flips. You form a pyramid, Bakugou on the base and you somewhat in the middle. The top girl flips off, does a twirl in the sir and lands in front of you, shouting the UA cheer before you all follow suit, cheering on your team while shimmying around. You turn to see how Bakugou is doing during the end, and the sight that greets you is heaven;
He's heaving for hair, sweat slicking down his hair and dripping down his abs, the skirt flowing and moving along with his thick thigh, which tremble from exertion. He's panting hard, eyebrows furrowed as he tries to nail a pose, wobbling slightly. You gulp hard, shaking your head to clear the thoughts starting to surface, thoughts of fucking him in that uniform, sucking his cock from under the skirt, riding him in your uniform, lifting the hem to see where you're connected. Ripping the crop top to see his puffy nipples, making him moan and tremble underneath you from the pleasure, calling him a cute little slut for wearing that little piece of fabric.
You break from your thought when the music cuts out, roars and screams deafening, even the opposing team cheering for you and the beefy man in the skirt.
You all bow and trot off the center felikd, making your way to the benches you drink water before the team starts playing. Bakugou makes his way over to you, gulping down water from his bottle. Some of it spills out his mouth, rolling down his throat, scattering when his Adam's apple bobs. It makes a trail into the swell of his pecs, disappearing. You look up his body slowly, face heating in embarrassment when you meet his eyes, a cocky smirk on his face when he realizes you were ogling him.
"Ya see sumthin' you want, Baby?"
You grit your teeth at him, grabbing his collar and dragging him off into the space between the bleachers.
He sputters at you when you reach under his skirt and grab the barely concealed bugle there, smirking up at him.
"See sumthin you want, Baby?"
You taunt, rubbing him through the fabric of his boxers.
He groans from above you, muttering out a breathy "Its from adrenaline-"
Before pushing his lips against yours, sucking your lip into his mouth while his hips stutter against your hands. You pull away, grinning when you see him chase your lips.
"Are you sure it's from adrenaline, or is it cause you were prancin around out there like some pretty little whore, hm?"
Bakugou clenches his eyes shut, blushing hard and growling low in his throat.
"Shut the fuck up. I didnt do it for that-"
"Well you still did it, and you looked so good, too, 'Suki. Wanted to suck your cock the whole time."
He whimpers at that, hips moving forward to push against your hand more, pre leaking out and making his boxers sticky against your palm.
"Mm, you like that? Like me praising you? Calling you a good boy and telling you how much I wanted your fat cock shoved down my throat? "
His head falls against your shoulder, moaning into the side of your neck as his balls tighten, cum soaking his boxers and dripping out onto your hand. You lick up his neck, making him shudder.
"There you go, pretty boy."
When the game is over, he stomps over to the squad, snatching their money aggressively before making him way back to you, scowling when you land a harsh smack against his ass.
"Is it just me, or is Bakugou glowing?"
@hanji-is-life your Bakugou in a skirt inspired me to write this Bakugou in a skirt.
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localcactushugger · 4 years
Is anyone else amazed that Hawks was only "undercover" with the Leauge for 6 months at the most.
Not only that, one and a half of those 6 months were spent just trying to gain enough trust to infiltrate.
I know it seems like much longer since Hawks made his Manga debut 2 years ago. But he had such a short amount of time on this mission. Hawks was introduced in the manga with his role being the "double agent". We literally have not seen Hawks outside of his "spy" role. Even when he is interacting with other characters outside of the Leauge, his "mission" is still happening in the background.
It seems Hawks made contact with Dabi right before the Hero Billboard chart, this is when he starts trying to infiltrate. His interaction with Dabi in the warehouse begins immediately after Endeavors fight with High-End:
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During this time, Dabi is testing out a High-End Nomu for doctor Ujiko. Which means by the time Endeavor fights High-End, the My Villain Academia arc is already happening. Hawks is assumed to be one of the "members" Dabi is trying to recruit:
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The Leauge has already made contact with doctor Ujiko, and the Doctor sends Dabi to test his High-End Nomu out on Endeavor (even though Dabi didn't know it would be Endeavor) while the rest of the Leauge battle Machia. At the time, Dabi still doesn't trust Hawks at all and he keeps the hero at arms length. While Dabi and Hawks are sharing ominous phone calls, the Leauge is hauling ass and it take's Shigiraki a month and a half to finally beat Machia. (The MLA is "defeated" too):
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After a month and a half of phone calls (while the Leauge gets their asses handed to them by Machia in the background) Hawks is finally allowed into the Leauge when the battle of Dekia City is finally over. Dabi let's him in because Hawks "kills" Best Jeanist.
But there's a problem. By the time Hawks is let in, The Leagues numbers have drastically increased. They have an army at their side, multiple High-End nomu, and are now called the MLA:
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Hawks blames himself, saying that he was "too late". That so many civilians would be alive now if he had been faster. He couldn't round up the Leauge when they were a small group, and now they have an army. A powerful one:
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He's in too deep now. And you can see the stress on his face. I bet he never expected to be part of an army. He was simply tasked to round up the Leauge members while they were a small group, but the MLA was completely unexpected. Still, he decides to improvise and do the best he can with the shitty cards he's been dealt. It's not like he has another option at this point.
So he slips a coded message to Endeavor ASAP. Basically saying "yo, in four months shits about to go down. Ttyl I'll keep you posted lol". He can't tell the guy in person now, because to make things harder, he has camera's on his wings. (and even though he's being watched by camera's, he also gets followed by guards at the mansion):
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After Hawks relays the massge, he stroles around the mansion with his bodyguard and heads towards the cafeteria. With a little eavesdropping (courtesy of his feathers) he also finds out that the Leauges plan is to "Destroy Everything" in four months:
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After he relays the massage to Endeavor, he listens to the Leauges plans of destruction as his thoughts run a thousand M.P.H.
Because now "capture the Leauge" has turned into "Holy shit I now only have 4 months to take down a full fledged terrorist organization/army from the inside-out by myself while I'm being monitored 24/7 with absolutely no privacy & also a full time job as a hero + a public image to maintain. And I can only contact my fellow pro's about this mission through code because if the villains find out I'm a double agent I could be killed and Japan could be destroyed. Also some heros have even joined the MLA so who on my own side can I trust? Only a select specific few for now I guess."
If you thought things couldn't get worse your wrong.
Because around 2 months before the raid Hawks' heart (that wants to be free & has a genuine desire to help people) takes shit a bit too far when it makes him get attached to a certain powerful villain.
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Hawks quckily finds out that Twice is easily the second most powerful villain in the Leauge after Shigiraki. He's an S ranked villain and he'll kick your ass with the power of friendship anyday. He's a great guy, but him and the Leauge are still planning on doing horrible things within the next 2 months. Twice is going along with it because he wants to stick by his friends, which y'know, is a cool motive. But considering that fact that the people Hawks is trying to protect ALSO have friends, and family's, this makes shit difficult and sends Hawks on some major guilt trips. (I would show all the panels of Hawks sadly smiling as Twice calls him a "good guy", but alas- Tumblr has informed me that I've reached my 10 image per post limit)
And tbh who wouldn't feel bad about suddenly getting attached to such a golden retriever of a man and then realizing you'll have to double-cross him at some point! I'm not surprised Hawks would feel this way, especially considering the fact that he never wanted to take on this mission in the first place.
Hawks is very much a people person, and he HATES lying even when he has no other option. This is a man who got "shivers up his spine" when he had to put on a serious face while handing Endeavor a book with coded messages inside. He literally felt icky and thought "this is low even for me" just because he had to use a deadly expression so that Endeavor would get the gist.
And when the Commission made their "proposal" about this mission, Hawks' first reaction was to call them out on their B.S. for asking him to put civilian lives at risk. He even admitted that he was feeling bad about sending Tokoyami away while talking to Deku, Shoto, and Bakugo. Hawks felt guilty about not being able to spend more time with his student, but considering that things with the MLA were starting to get riskier, and that Hawks literally handed Endeavor a book with a coded message inside about an uprising 2 seconds later, I can see why he wouldn't want to risk Tokoyami being around him. The fact that the camera's on Hawks' wings caught his interactions with Endeavor & the students also makes the creep‐factor worse. The MLA saw everything AND talked about it in a meeting later. Continuing to train with Tokoyami would put him at risk.
I love the complexity of Hawks' character, he's incredibly intelligent, logical, and intuitive. But at the same time throughout this entire mission his heart is constantly battling with his mind. Even when he knows he has to grit his teeth and do something shifty, his heart never fails to put up a fight with his logistics. Honestly it's been a pattern for a while that Hawks' sympathy always "Trips him up" in some way, so idk why I didn't see it coming around to bite him in the ass later.
(Tbh it's hard for me to see Hawks as a this super "Morally Gray" person that the fandom likes to paint him as because of a mission that he only spent 6 months on. I personally, kinda see Hawks as a "good person" who works for a "morally gray" agency. But that's a whole different meta)
Basically, Hawks getting attached to Twice wasn't a surprise. But considering how powerful Twice was, along with his role in the League's destructive plans (He was a lieutenant in one of the MLA's "Units") the discourse going on in Hawks' mind makes sense. By this point Hawks has already figured out all of the MLA's "Units" along with the three "bosses" that support the lieutenants of those "Units". It's noted that those "bosses" are extremely powerful and can match the strength of the heros as well. It took Hawks an entire month just to figure out all of the "Units" members. (I would show the panels explaining all of this but I'm at my photo limit)
All of these members were tasked to follow their lieutenants and bosses, and the plan was to attack all of Japans major cities at the same time. Once the cities were destroyed and chaos had set in, Redestro and feel good inc. Would distribute support items to the remaining citizens in the name of "self-defense". It would create a country full of discourse and destruction where Redestro and Feel good inc. Would rule from the shadows. But Shigiraki would be the main leader. He would become "king" and sit upon a "throne of rubble". (At least this was the MLA's plan, Shigiraki himself just kinda wants to destroy everything. But I suppose this would make things easier for him to do that.)
needless to say, the stakes have been upped excessively. But it took Hawks an entire month to gather this info.
This post is honestly just me marveling at what an M.V.P Hawks is
My guy literally only had 4 months to take down an entire terrorist organization for the inside-out. AND he was being monitored during that entire time. He figured out the MLA's intentions within the first month of being there. And it took him another full month to go into detail and figure out all the members, bosses, and lieutenants, for each of their "Units". Hawks even went as far as to immerse himself in the MLA's ideology, and he had in-depth discussions with the MLA's members. HELL HE EVEN FAKED HIS CO-WORKERS DEATH JUST TO GET IN.
AND HE PRETTY MUCH IMPROVISED ALL OF THIS SHIT!!! The original plan was to capture the Leauge when they were a small group! But by the time Hawks managed to infiltrate, The Leauge already had an army! They were a full-blown organization! And Hawks just kinda rolled with it??? He just kinda bullshitted his way through??
Like, "okay I'm now apart of an army I guess. The Leauge is now an entire organization and they're planning on destroying Japan in March. Let's see how this goes. I'll just have to make this work"???
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imerdwarf · 4 years
You're Worth Saving
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Requested by anonymous: Hello you wonderful person! I dare to send in another Buck request, because COME ON HE'S SO LOVELY! ok ok, so maybe where you're also an avenger but you are really silent and distant to everyone (not shy, but alone with your mind), so it happens that buck wants to pull you out of this hole cause he knows how you feel and in the end he succeeds and the teams sees you smile for like the first time since you joined them and they're happy? Gosh i hope this is not weird.
Pairing: Bucky X Avenger!Reader
Warnings: soft!Bucky, introvertism, happy ending 💜
Author's Notes: Hello YOU wonderful sweet anon! How are you doing today? I hope you're doing great. Thank you so much for sending me this wonderful request, I really hope you like it and please feel free to send in more requests at anytime! 💜 Please let me know if you like or hate this, I'll be happy to rewrite it 💜🥺
Divider was made by me 🥰
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Your mind was such a beautiful distraction. It's a place where unimaginable scenarios would be stored just for you to be able to stare at a blank wall and dwell heavily on them. Living 99% of the time in your head became a little dangerous but it was a much happier place than reality.
The team would often find you in this daze like state where you'd just stare at the wall ahead without blinking sometimes. They would try to coax you out of it by asking a question, a question you would ignore because you didn't hear them. Their voices were silenced, a contrast to how loud they were in your head.
Nobody really knew why you were like this. It's been this way since you arrived at the compound months ago. You kept to yourself, ate by yourself, worked out when everyone else was either watching movies or asleep, and you would just keep silent. Even on missions, you never spoke a word.
The team were actually very worried about your well-being, as clearly this was not natural. For the first time since the civil war broke out, Steve and Tony were actually in agreement about bringing a psychiatrist in to help you until Bucky intervened and wanted to help you himself first.
Bucky would have considered himself a professional by now. He knows what it's like not to fit in anywhere, how easy it was to feel so out of place. He understood more than any psychiatrist what a better and safer world it was inside your mind.
"Buck you can't help them. Y/N is too far gone." Steve spoke regrettably, sadness evident in his tone. He believed they failed you from the beginning and it was easy for Steve to take the blame so nobody else would have to feel guilty.
Bucky shook his head before he ran a hand through his hair, scratching at the root before letting it drop down by his side again. "I have to try Steve. I've been there before, I know what they are going through. Trust me."
Steve sighed, knowing he wouldn't have won the fight. Bucky was determined and it was impossible to change his mind about anything.
"I do Buck. Just bring them back to us, please."
With Steve's permission granted, Bucky wasted no time in getting to work. He started off being as subtle as possible by sitting as close as he could to you on the couch. The goosebumps that pebbled your skin when his knee brushed your leg gave him a lot of hope, that you were in there somewhere.
Bucky was hopeful he was getting somewhere with you. Because each time he took a seat next to you, you'd angle your body to face him and wait for him to start talking about his favourite movies, his favourite songs, his new profound hobbies he's been getting into lately. Your eyes would glisten with hope that you were actually listening to him. And you were, you paid great attention and everything he told you, about the Hobbit struck a chord in your heart. You had felt so lost for so long that even you were worried you might not be here anymore.
Then a few days later, he started to talk to you like a normal person. He would talk about his favourite books and why he liked them so much. He loved The Hobbit series because of the adventure Bilbo goes on and how easy it was for the words to suck you into the story. How easy it was to forget how to cope with real life.
"Bilbo goes on an adventure of a lifetime and sometimes as the road gets tough, he regrets it but he knows there is something worth waiting for at the end of it, he knows there is something worth saving. He meets new friends and they stick with him the whole time." The emotion in Bucky's voice rang home for you. "There's always something to live for. Bilbo never gave up and neither should you because I'm with you till the end of the line."
You knew he was saying 'if Bilbo Baggins could do this, so could you.'
Days turned into weeks and instead of just talking, Bucky escalated his plans by doing stuff with you. He started off gently by taking you for a walk around the rose garden Tony had at the back of the compound. Bucky noted how your eyes changed, you looked at the gorgeous fruit trees and rose bushes in such awe. The flowery scent tingled your nose.
Then he would go further by taking you a few blocks away to buy you a coffee. And when New York was hit with a heatwave, he took you to the beach where he heard you giggle for the very time because of the flamingo floaties he had around his arms.
The team saw a huge improvement. They saw how you clinged to Bucky and watched him intently as he made a couple of sandwiches and some tea for the two of you to watch with a Disney movie.
And it was just under a month when he heard you speak for the very first time.
"Thank you." Even though it came out in a hushed whisper, he would take it over the deafening silence anyday.
"For what doll?" Of course he already knew, but he wanted to hear more from you. He wanted to hear your voice.
"For helping me."
Bucky nodded slowly, a smile gradually grew on his lips and he pushed just a little bit further.
That evening, you almost talked his ear off. You opened up about your feelings, what kind of envisions lived in your head and how much happier they were than real life. Bucky shared some of his too, comparing the two it was apparent he knew exactly how you were feeling and he understood just how scary it really is. For you, it felt like this huge boulder had been lifted off your chest. A chance to finally let everything out and breathe again.
"How did I help?"
"You made me realise that there is something worth sticking around for, something worth coming back to." You told him with tears in your eyes.
His hands rubbed your back soothingly, "You know doll, sometimes in life, we hit a crossroads. We don't know where we are going or what's on the other side of the road. And if you pick a path, you're going on new adventures everyday and I am right here with you." Tears shamelessly rolled down your cheeks from his words. You've never felt so safe in the whole time you've been here.
The morning after, the team were seated around the dining table eating breakfast and talking about an upcoming mission when you strolled through the doors with a grin on your face and Bucky right behind you, just like he had been throughout this ordeal.
"Holy shit. He did it!" Tony slapped a hand over his mouth, overjoyed with so much emotion. Steve nodded to his friend, proud of him that he stuck with it when it couldn't have been easy.
"Oh my god, you actually have teeth!" Sam joked which earned laughs from both you and the team.
"I do!" You giggled, your eyes squeezed shut as you laughed. It felt good to laugh. "I um, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the distance and the silence and-"
"Listen, don't you worry!" Tony told you as he walked towards you to throw an arm over your shoulder. "We are just glad to have you here and it's a new day, we can start afresh!" Tony walked you towards an empty chair at the table and made Sam move seats so Bucky could sit down next to you. He squeezed your thigh in reassurance that he was here for you and he wouldn't be going anywhere.
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deepdarkdelights · 3 years
Just woke up on Christmas morning and what do I see?! Mistletoe , I love it sooo much. You always come up with such original stories and they have depth. I am going to be obsessing over it for a while don't mind me. Could mc try to pit them against each other like secretly being I like you not him, and if she says that she is a virgin would they fight over being her first? Also Sope can tie me up anyday. I mean as in getting into Christmas festivities not anything else. (◕ε◕*)
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Hello sweetie!
I'm so happy to hear you liked Mistletoe, this was my first attempt at a Sope fic so I hope I did a good job with that.
MC probably could pit them against one another over time, Hobi did mention that he and Yoongi used to fight over the MC before they realized that they both could have her. If she showed that she favored one of them over the other that could cause them to fight. I think she should cling to Yoongi, that would frustrate Hoseok because he is used to the MC being comfortable around him and he wouldn't want to lose that.
I think they would be a little competitive if they found out that the MC was a virgin. But hey, they might just end up sharing her the first time and using their competitiveness on the MC 👀
Oh, same hunny, for the festivities of course hehe.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years
It's A Jameson Thing (Part 1)
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x Jameson!OC
Warning: None
Peter falls for the charismatic, argumentative girl that just switched classes. Unbeknownst to him, she's the niece of J. Jonah Jameson, the man that viciously hates Spiderman.
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"Alright so the proton and electron collide and then make..."
Mr. Harrington turned away from the smartboard and looked out into the sea of students in front of him. No one moved a muscle. "Anybody? A proton and an electron combine and maaaaake???" The students stayed silent, staring back at him with boredom dulling their eyes. He dropped his hands. "Come on, communication is needed, people! I know someone knows the answer!" He looked around, almost as desperate as the students for something.. anything new to happen. "Parker?," he pointed with chaotic hope in his eyes. "You know the answer right?!"
Peter felt his best friend, Ned, nudge his arm and immediately he jolted awake. "Huh? Um- HERE!," he blurted out, raising his hand.
Ned slapped his forehead. Chuckles were heard. Somewhere a student coughed.
Mr. Harrington rolled his eyes with a sigh. "Ugh, you know what? Free period, guys. No one's head's in the game today anyway."
"Whoop! Whoop!," Brad yelled though it was covered with a wide yawn.
And just like that the class began to wake up. Everyone moved their chairs, switched seats, until the entire class turned into a social frenzy."
So, did you watch the new Star Wars yet?," Ned asked, getting Peter to fully wake up.
The teenage superhero smoothed out his hair. "Nah, not yet. I haven't had much time."
At that, Ned completely freaked. "What?! Dude, you have to! You gotta hurry up and watch it so we can talk about it together!" He wildly began to rummage in his backpack.
"What're you doing?," Peter asked.
"Getting my planner because we're going to watch this together," Ned playfully snapped. "Now, when are you free?" He held his pen in his hand, expectantly.
Peter chuckled. "I-I don't know, man. Anything could happen at any time. I have to be ready." He cracked looked at Ned's disappointed face. Maybe he should relax a little. "...okay, anyday around 5. That's usually an inactive time for criminals. What happens in it, anyway?"
Ned's jaw dropped. "You seriously think I'm gonna tell you?! No spoilers, Pete," he said, pointing his finger in his friend's face.
Then he leaned in close. "But there is one thing I need to tell you for when you watch it."
Peter leaned in closer. "Yeah?"
"You know how Rey was kept having flashbacks about her family being taken?"
"Mhm." Peter nodded, eyes wide.
"Just, remember that part, okay?," Ned said. "It's real important, man. In fact, to get the full experience, you need to rewatch EVERYTHING." Ned smirked, "preferably in order."
Peter laughed. "I watched it out of order one time, Ned! How long are you gonna hold that against me?"
Their attentions were pulled to the front of the class when Mr. Harrington said, "Alright class, listen up!"
The class slowly became silent.
Mr. Harrington clapped his hands together. "Okay, so it appears we have a new student joining us today!" He stepped aside to reveal a young girl.
"Oooh, wow she's hot," Ned whispered from beside Peter.
"Shhh, Ned!," Peter whisper-shouted back.
"I'm actually not new," she spoke with a wave towards the class. "Just got my schedule tweaked a bit is all."
"Oh, well then you guys have already seen her around."
Flash threw his head up, looking the girl up and down. "Yeah, I've definitely seen you around."
She quickly shot him a glare. "Don't try it," she warned coldly, earning a few ooohs from the class.
Next, she was allowed to pick her seat.
Peter watched her as she walked further down the rows of desks. There was only one word that came to mind. Wow. Just from the way she held herself, he could see that she was special. And she knew it.
She had the type of confidence that he hadn't gotten until after becoming Spiderman.
It was as if even if she knew the apocalypse was imminent, she wouldn't move from her spot.
And Peter never realized it until seeing her now. A simple truth.
Confidence was attractive.
And on top of that she was attractive.
Peter blinked repeatedly, snapping out of his trance, after realizing that Ned was frantically waving a hand in his face.
"Peter? Hey. Yo! You okay?!"
"Huh? Ah- what?"
"In front of you!"
The girl was right in front of him.
"I said can I sit here?," she said, pointing at the chair beside him. No one sat there. It was perfect. Of course she could sit there.
Peter looked back at her, suddenly frozen. "Y-you wa-nt to-o, y-ye."
She furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm gonna take that as a yes..."
Ned nodded repeatedly with a wide smile, pulling the chair back for her to sit in. "That was TOTALLY a yes!"
She plopped into her seat with a snicker. She didn't take out any supplies because the class was nearly done. "So, who're you guys?"
Peter stared at her, his mouth still open. "M-my nam-me's Pee-!"
"Pee?"She stared back. "Like, as in... urinating?"
Ned rolled his eyes with an amused chuckle before trying to save his friend from embarrassing himself. "His name's-"
"Ter!" Peter's face was beet red.
The girl beside him giggled. "Oh, Peter. Of course." She playfully rolled her eyes. "Well Peter, I look forward to seeing you later. That is, if you can say more than a few words to me at a time." She smirked with a hum.
At that, the bell rang. The class proceeded to leave.
The girl grabbed her bag and stood up when she felt a hand grab hers. "Wait!," Peter blurted out. "When will we see you again?!"
The girl raised her eyebrows, eyeing his hand desperately grabbing hers. "Umm," she laughed out. "Maybe if my new class schedule aligns with yours then I'll see you..." She looked around. "Uhh, can you kind of-"
Peter looked down at their hands as he realized what he had done. "OH- uh... SORRY!"
She shook her head, laughing a bit. "No problem," she said before walking away.
"And I'm Ned!," Ned yelled after her.
Suddenly realizing everything he had done in the past 10 mintues, Peter dropped his head in his hands. "Oh mannn..."
Ned, who had been trying to keep a straight face the entire time, bursts into laughter. "Oh my God, duuude! You got it bad." He clapped his hands together. "I gotta tell MJ at lunch! Hahahaaa!"
"Wait wait wait. You don't even know her name?" MJ snickered, shaking her head at the two boys across from her.
"S-she didn't really have the chance to-"
MJ cut him off. "But you said she introduced herself to the class." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait-" she pointed her finger accusingly-" you two were talking weren't you?"
Peter waved his hand dismissively. "What? Hold on... Ned, we missed her name when you were screaming to me that she was hot!"
Ned paused, chicken wing halfway in his mouth. "I did? Huh, I guess I did."
MJ slapped her hand to her forehead. "I swear, you two idiots." She turned to the chubbier friend. "First, you can't shut up enough to hear the girl even say her name." Then to the thinner. "And then you can't say two words to her without getting tongue-tied or blushing like an idiot- why do I even bother. All this lovey-dovey crap does is aggravate me..'
Ned smirked, looking up. "Because you wuvvv usss," he said, making kissing noises.
"Oh go die in a hole-"
"*Attention teachers and students. Attention teachers and students. Will Jillian Jameson please come to the office? I repeat. Jillian Jameson, please come to the office.*"
The intercom turned off and Ned raised an eyebrow. "Jillian Jameson? Whose that?"
MJ shook her head nonchalantly. "The only Jameson I know is the one that hates you," she said, referring to the show host that made it his life's goal to give Spiderman a bad rep.
Peter rolled his eyes. "Oh, don't remind me."
He walked to the trash cans on the side of the cafeteria to throw away his lunch tray.
When he got there, he couldn't help but notice commotion from outside of one of the cafeteria windows. What he saw made his jaw and his plate drop to the floor.
It was the girl from earlier, the one who's confident flair had Peter head over heels.
The one who's hand he desperately grabbed, subconsciously to keep her closer.
The one that even though Peter had only just met her, he knew she'd probably be the end of him.
The one who was at that exact moment, running into a big cheerful hug with none other than J. Jonah Jameson. The man that viciously hated Spiderman's guts.
"Uncle John! How are you?"
Peter fervently ran back to the table. He buried his head in his hands for what felt like the twentieth time that day.
"Pete, what's wrong? What happened?," Ned asked.
"Yeah dude. You look like you saw a life-ending event in all of 20 seconds," MJ morbidly chuckled.
But he had.
"Guys," Peter, lifting his head, began to speak. "She's a Jameson."
MJ spoke up. "Well, c'mon there are tons of people with the same last na-"
"No MJ." Peter's eyes were wide open. "She's a Jameson Jameson..."
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