#He has that obvious school boy crush that puppy love
Yeah but Crush Phase! Varian is something that needs to be studied, kids, let’s talk about it. (The crush here is Violet.)
“Varian would be way too shy to-“ No he wouldn’t, babe. He’ll take his chances.
Varian is so obvious with his feelings, and you can’t even blame him because he has more courage than most of us with crushes. When he’s shooting his shot, he is shooting his shot and will not pass up any opportunities when his crush is around. Now I’m not saying that he doesn’t feel shy around them at all, because just about anyone with a crush would. But bro knows what he wants and understands that if he doesn’t try, someone else is going to snatch them up. And we all know he’s going to keep trying. Varian doesn’t hesitate, he just goes for it. Any and every opportunity to talk to them and involve them.
Like imagine sweet Varian handing Violet a fresh bouquet of flowers while having a swarm of bees attacking him.
Or like. I firmly believe he can play basketball, and will usually make the hoops. But he’ll be like “This one’s for you, Vi!” and then miss completely simply because she’s there. Basketball games, he’s doing his thing until he sees Violet watching and then suddenly he’s benched because he kept fucking it up for the team.
He’ll name an invention V.I.O.L.E.T. but don’t ask him what it abbreviates because he just wanted an excuse to name the whole thing after her.
He tries leaning on a wall like “Hey Vi 😎” but falls over because he wasn’t close enough
He could see her down the damn street and will be like “Hey Violet!” waving really big with his dorky smile.
Hanging with his friends and seeing her, he’s like “She’s so cool. Guys I need to be cool.” And is just a mess.
Varian isn’t too shy to do shit, he’s going for it!
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byhees · 9 months
ideal type ━━ ( 엔하이픈 성훈 ) ♡ genre fluff high school au potential friends2lovers warnings not proof-read skinship hardcore crushing
thinking about sunghoon, who happens to be the boy you have a major crush on; at first, you doubted the thumping of your heart to be some effect of ‘puppy love’, but now that you both have gotten closer over the months, it’s loud and clear that that’s, a hundred and one percent, not the case.
and to be frank, you’re not sure as to how he hasn’t realised this yet; you’d like to think that you’ve been really, painfully obvious— and that’s completely beyond your control, especially with all the adorable things that he does; he just keeps leaning over you to hear you better, cupping your face to take a fallen eyelash and patting your head every so often. i mean, who wouldn’t be flustered when under his caring gaze??? hahaha… precisely. but it’s completely normal to smile real hard when texting your friend, to gaze at a friend from afar because they just look so pretty and surreal, to… wish under every shooting star that a friend doesn’t notice your racing heart whilst hugging, to… blush at nearly every one of your friend’s cute gestures, to… uh feel all tingly around a friend. omg.
if he doesn’t want for you to completely crumble and melt right in front of him, then he should stop complimenting you nearly every hour of the day!! like stop casually telling me that i have pretty eyes, that this and that reminded you of me… it’s not healthy for my heart to continually thump so quickly, okay??
also, he just loves walking you back home, a cute, oblivious smile plastered on his stupidly cute face; it’s not that you dislike it, it’s that you fear when you might actually give into your inner temptations to hold his hand, because apparently he can’t keep it close to his side, and his fingers keep brushing against yours without a care in the world.
and you can’t exactly expect for one to not malfunction when their crush asks them what their ideal type is like; and so, when the few words left his lips, you began rambling… “oh y’know, it’d be good if he were this,” you said, raising your arm to indicate a height, “much taller than me. and has black hair and uh brown eyes. with a nice.. erm nose bridge. maybe it’d be nice if he were knowledgeable and smart and stuff. it’d be kinda cool if he had something he were passionate about, like a hobby or something… shows, uhm, passion! y’know??” that probably made zero sense, given your continuous mumbling and the insane amount of filler words, but that was what you’d blurted out to your crush, so maybe you can just live, laugh, love and forget that??
well, there was someone who hadn’t forgotten a word you said; in fact, they replayed in his head at all times. a head-ish taller that you? check. black hair and brown eyes? got those too. smart and knowledgeable? he’d like to think that that’s a check. a passion towards a hobby? well he goes ice skating on a regular basis if that counts?
and so, on the following day, you were definitely met with a surprise; “yn, look at me,” he says, bending slightly to meet your gaze. “don’t you think i look like the guy you described yesterday?” omg. you’re joking.
taglist open! @halcyoni-ki @wondipity @yjjungwon @shysakuno @niktwazny303 @vnsux @minhosify @haechansbbg @yeomha @stepout-09-15 @chansburgah @sona-verse01 @lilly-bubblelops @smouches @mrchweeee @luvistqrzzz @j1nniee networks! @kflixnet @enhanet @k-labels
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twisted-tales-of-all · 11 months
ATEEZ as Boyfriends
Anon request: Can I get a headcannon of what you think Yunho would be like as a boyfriend, a totally mysterious anon don't mind me
Let’s jump into the basics of the universe as we explore how each member of ATEEZ would act as partners, in age order. There are around 1700 words total in this dive, and this post is only the SFW headcanons for the boys, so it’s super fluffy.
Reminder: These are my own assumptions and not to be taken as truth. Take my opinions with a grain of salt. This is fiction.
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Seonghwa is a massive giver. He's highly attentive to people he's close to and would be especially so for his partner. He will take the lead in the relationship if he can, using physical touch often to lead his partner around and protect them from dangers. He'll use any excuse to hold their hand or touch their shoulder. He wants to be touching you whenever you're together, half to remind himself that it isn't a dream and half because he wants everyone to know you are together. Although he'd be expressive in complimenting you, always making sure to point out small specifics he loves about you instead of simply calling you pretty/handsome/gorgeous, he would be very shy when you compliment him in the same way, smiling and getting red as he avoids your eyes. As an idol, he would know that he can't share your existence with everyone, but he ensures to subtly remind those who can know often that you are his partner, and makes sure you know that you are one of the happiest aspects of his life.
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Hongjoong is a quiet lover. He's often focused on work, so there's a high chance his partner becomes a muse for him. He doesn't put the full focus on his lover in his life as he's such a hard-working and ambitious person, and wouldn't want his lover to focus all their energy on him either. He'd be supportive towards whatever his partner wants to do, but he'd be clumsy in his expression of it. He's all smiles whenever his partner comes to him proud of themselves, but will stumble over his words when congratulating them. Often, this leads to the dynamic mimicking those middle-school crushes who would pick on one another, but it works. He'd also be a photographer boyfriend; he has an ever-growing album of (mostly) candid photos of his lover for himself to look back on whenever they aren't together. Although he's quiet and doesn't want to show you off, he'd like to match aspects or styles of outfits with you - matching accessories, phone cases, or pops of color. As an idol, he's the type to massively weigh the pros and cons of opening up to the fans but might accidentally mention having a partner during a casual livestream. However, he'd be exceptionally careful not to reveal any details about you.
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Yunho is such a sweetheart. He wants to be touching his partner constantly, as physical touch is an important love language to him. Most of the dates that he plans will revolve around sharing food, as he loves to see his lover eating well and enjoying his choices. He's a planner; he'll sit there and make sure everything is perfect in his mind before even telling his partner about the idea. Ever see a puppy prancing around happy to show off his favorite toy? That's Yunho with his lover. He wants to introduce them to all his friends, and he's extremely attentive to how he affects you. Holding you gently, shielding you without being obvious about it, and meeting you on your level during conversations whenever he can. He's also very attentive to your emotional state. He learns all your tells and likes and dislikes, so he can know how to help you when you need him. As an idol, this is someone who pouts at management for asking him not to reveal his partner to fans. While he understands their reasoning, he wants to share such a big happy part of his life with ATINY.
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Yeosang is another quiet lover, but different than Hongjoong. He will express himself through small touches and quality time. He doesn't need to talk to his lover all the time - feeling their presence is enough to improve his mood. I feel like he's prone to overstimulation, so body doubling with the occasional hand touch may be the best thing for him. Just let him quietly sit with you as you're busy working or vice versa, and he couldn't be happier. He's very expressive when he talks, and would love to make his partner laugh more than anything. Although he has a very clear sense of humor, he pays attention to what works best with his lover and uses it. Their smile and laugh constantly make him beam, especially if he causes it. I think he's silently protective, using himself as a barrier - both physical and emotional - between you and uncomfortable situations or people. Because of this, I think he'd be far too wary of the potential cons of revealing you to ATINY, so he wouldn't (unless he's announcing his marriage).
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San is a gem. He's clingy and easily excitable and often impulsive. This doesn't change with his partner. He will often spontaneously do things for his lover, even if they told him not to, because he wants to show his love. He will be one of the most supportive people in his partner's life and will be extremely giddy about all the things they do and the goals they reach, little or big. However, he's also very sensitive to how he treats other people and becomes extremely picky when in a relationship - must get the timing perfect, must find the best possible way to say something; man becomes a perfectionist when it involves his lover and their emotions. Early on, he will seriously sit them down just to talk about pet names, because he wants to choose ones that are meaningful and deliberate while ensuring that his partner doesn't have any negative feelings towards them. He wants to use your name sparingly in the deepest moments, like the first time he says he loves you, so that it's more meaningful. Although he's the happy-go-lucky type and would want to deal with his negative emotions out of his partner's view (at least in the beginning), he would always want to know when his partner is unwell, even if only slightly. In terms of revealing you to his fans, it will take a long time for him to take any risks. Although he's trusting of his fandom, he wants to keep you safe, so he often pushes those parts of his life away from one another.
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Mingi changes a lot as the relationship progresses and he becomes more relaxed around you. Although he's always going to be his quirky and giggly self, he becomes somewhat shy when beginning to talk to his partner. Even for a bit after becoming officially exclusive, he will tone himself down slightly, as he'd be a bit worried about scaring them away. He would be the type to use subtle touches to remind his partner that he's there for them, and he'd like very much to be a rock for his partner. He's comforting and affectionate and will show softer PDA without much hesitation. He loves holding your hand and giving you hugs, regardless of who sees you. He's also big on mental health and might linger over your well-being more than the others, but it's always in good faith and you know he's simply trying to help you. He'll leave little notes or texts for his partner when they are apart for any amount of time, and will constantly show his love rather than saying it. Mingi wouldn't have to tell the fans about the relationship; ATINY would simply ask after pictures of the couple flood the internet. He's a bit careless with it because he believes love should be expressed openly. When his fans ask about it, he would have a hard time hiding his giddiness while answering, so everyone would know regardless.
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Wooyoung is the definition of middle-school love. He will pick on and tease his partner constantly and want the energy returned tenfold. He's an actions-over-words person, so prepare for constant clinging when he has high energy. Despite being very fun and loud and chaotic, the relationship will often bounce between times of silence and chaos, as he likes to focus on one thing at a time with all of his energy. When he's at work or focused on a project, he might forget to message you back, but he will make up for those silent days by giving you his ultimate attention when you're together. Suddenly, work doesn't exist - nothing else exists but the two of you - because you're with him. He will ask you an ocean of questions once you move past the initial teasing, wanting to learn anything and everything about you as soon as he can. He'll be sure to plan dates you've mentioned enjoying or do things with you that you've expressed interest in. ATINY would have no idea you exist because he separates work and private life so well. Why would they have any reason to believe he has a lover when he's always expressing his undying love for his members and fans anyway? It doubles as the perfect way to keep you safe from toxic fans.
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Jongho is reserved as a lover. Although he is extremely caring and appreciative of everything you do for him and with him, he expresses his love in subtle ways. He never forgets important dates, whether that's birthdays and anniversaries or simply when you have an appointment. He always makes sure you leave on time and with everything you need for wherever you're going, and will always give sweet little kisses before you leave and when you arrive. He'll learn your favorite songs and artists to have an impromptu karaoke session with you while you're relaxing together, and will always have the next date planned out before you even have time to think about it. He's protective and slightly possessive but silent about it. He shows it most by keeping his hand on the small of your back or his arm wrapped around your waist in public, especially if you're wearing something more revealing. He would prefer you dress modestly in public, but would never fight you on your outfit choice, so he simply proves to everyone that you are his with these small actions that become a habit to you. He won't say that he loves you very often, but you will always feel loved by him. He wouldn't want to share you with ATINY, and he would only express that he has a partner to stop delusions from progressing too far. He'll know exactly when to say it and when not to.
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padsmoony04 · 1 year
For the very obvious reason that there aren't many fanfics or stuff related to Jack, I've decided to share with you how I think he is like, so i hope you enjoy it :)
Disclaimer: sorry if there are any grammatical error, english it's not my first lenguaje. Remember most of this is made up.
Jack Champion it's like...
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First things first, he's a theater kid. He has said it in a few interviews so I'm going to a assume that he probably (most likely) also like musical theater and that goes to the other theory wich is that he likes Hamilton, and it's also most likely that he has a couple (multiple) of the songs in he's playlist.
I wish I could also said that he's a swiftie, but I big part of me says that he's not a fan, but what I do think is that he does likes a few song's, like the mainstream one, for example shake it up, you belong with me, etc, etc, etc.
He's a fan of old school rock or old school music, like the beatles, queen, Fleetwood Mac, Michael Jackson and anothers. I meanly assume this for the fact that he's favorite song it's lest groove.
A true gentleman and no one can tell me other wise, that boy was raised by he's mom and he's mom alone, so I just know that he's sweet mother teach him how to be respectful to women and to treat them as equals.
He's a little dorky, but in a cute way. I mean have you seen the interviews..? Lmao.
Jack very confident: do you know what blowing a raspberry is? 😏
Bailey laughing her ass off: that's the definition!
Jack: What?...
Bailey: That's the definition..! *still laughing*
Jamie: But I still don't know what it is! 😀
The way that I have seen how he's friendship with Trinity is, I'm going to say that he's a really gentle boy and honestly really sweet.
Also he does a lot of dad jokes or better said bad jokes. I mean, I saw a video of him when he was younger saying "do you know why the chicken cross the road?... to prove it wasn't chicken!".
He's very carismatic but I also feel that he has a shy side.
He loves to cuddle (something that he also said).
I have a theory that he's the type of boy that, when he has a crush, he does a lot of silly things to make he's crush laugh.
He didn't like scary movies until he was sixteen, but that doesn't mean he can get scared easily with some of those movies now.
My next assumption is that when he likes something he turns it in he's whole personally (and no, I'm not projecting wdym?)
He's a Scorpio, so I just know for fact that he doesn't have patience, like at all, and also he has a short temperament.
Loves dogs and cats, but I feel he's more of a cat person.
He definitely had that fase where he used to film videos for his "YouTube channel" like almost all 2000's babies did.
Cookie lover, don't ask me why I think this he just gives me the vibe.
Obviously he's a marvel fan, and he's favorite superhero it's Spiderman (and something tells me that when he got the role for spider he's brain associated the word immediately with the superhero)
He's Favorite holiday is Halloween.
He also gives me the vibe that he's a ride or die type of friend.
Definitely the one how's always joking around in he's friend's group.
When he gest nervous he laughs.
A completely softie.
Nature lover.
He said that when he gets older he would like to settle down and have a family of his own, and live close to nature in a really calm place.
He prefer small towns rather than big cities.
He gives the impression that if he gest a girlfriend/boyfriend (to not assume directly what he's attracted to) he would follow them averywhere like a little puppy.
Probably would like to post things about he's partner, but not too much to not over share with the internet.
Also a little bit clingy as well.
He also looks like he would used the pet name "baby" a lot.
He cursed almost all the time, but like unconsciously, it just comes from him naturally. And when he's not supposed to curse and can find himself to stop doing it he would cover he's mouth with both of he's hands (something that it's really cute if you picture it).
Even though he's carismatic, he would get all shy and smiley when someone gives him a compliment.
Anyways! I think that it's it! Hope you guys like and enjoy my little theories about the lovely boy Jack Champion <3.
If you have more ideas about him don't be afraid to share it, I would love to know what theories you have about him.
And again, sorry if there are any grammatical errors :)
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rxmqnova · 10 months
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Y/N: 14 years old Peter: 16 years old Wanda: mama Nat: mom Story: Y/N finds out Peter is Spider-man… ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV This year has been crazy for Natasha and Wanda. Their daughter Y/N has started high school which both women hate, cause their little girl is growing up. Especially when their little girl started talking about this one boy from higher grade who also happens to be her friend. It's obvious that the girl has a huge crush on him.
Wanda finds it sweet that her daughter has a first crush, but Natasha hates it. Y/N's her little girl and she wants to stay it like that for as long as possible.
"What are you guys doing after school?" Ned asks his friends. Peter and Ned have been Y/N's closest friends ever since she met them her first school day. Just like the two boys, she's not really popular. Yes, her mothers are Avengers, but the girl is using a fake surname just to stay safe as her mothers wanted it.
"I got that job at Stark's" Peter says on which Y/N furrows her brows. Peter has mentioned a few times something about his Stark's intership, but Y/N still hasn't figured out what that is. She's pretty sure her uncle doesn't employ kids at Stark's industries.
"What exactly are you even doing there?" Y/N question, trying to figure this whole thing up. Once she's after something, she won't stop. That's something she got after Natasha.
"You know… just stuff they tell me to do" Peter shrugs, but it's definitely not an answer Y/N wanted to hear.
"Like what?" The girl asks, curiousness getting the best out of her. She could just read his mind and find out as she has powers like Wanda, but she has a deal with her mama not to do that. One time she did it to pass a test and Wanda somehow knew right after the girl came home, so Y/N decided to better respect her mother's wish. "Just some stuff. Hm.. I-I gotta go now or I'll be late. See you later!" Peter waves and leaves, leaving Y/N completely confused.
Y/N makes an excuse why she can't come with Ned and makes her way out of the school. Her aunt Yelena is already waiting in the car for her, so the young witch just slips in the passenger seat.
Yelena isn't one of the Avengers just yet, so it should be fine if Y/N is seen with her. The blonde agreed to help in some fights, but she only just got out of the Red Room a few months ago, so she's still enjoying her life without any commitment such as the Avengers.
The two make it home safely and Y/N immediately goes to the kitchen, knowing her mama is there by the smell of her favorite paprikash.
"Hi there, my little monkey" Wanda smiles at her daughter who hugs her mama tightly, receiving a kiss on a forehead.
"Hi, mama" Y/N smiles back before turning around and spotting Natasha sitting on the bar stool. "Hi, mommy" She smiles at her other mother who gives her a smile back and greets her back. "Mama, can I have that when is done?" Y/N asks with puppy eyes, pointing at the paprikash Wanda's been cooking.
"Sure, baby" Wanda smiles before turning her attention back to the food.
Y/N makes her way to Natasha's arms, hugging her tightly while Natasha kisses the top of her daughter's head. There's nothing Y/N loves more than hugs from her moms.
"How was at school?" Natasha asks with a smile, running her fingers through Y/N's hair.
"Boring as usual" Y/N sighs before remembering the thing with Peter. "Although… I think Peter's lying about his job at uncle Tony's, cause he's been acting super weird about it when I asked him"
"Guys, we have a new Avenger. Tony wants us all in the meeting room" Steve informs before disappearing. Wanda turns off the stove as her paprikash is done and together with Natasha and Y/N walks to the meeting room.
Y/N sits between her moms, getting cuddles from both of them immediately. Tony then walks into the meeting room with the boy Y/N only just said goodbye to at school.
"Guys, this is our new Aven-" Tony starts, but gets cut out by the youngest one of them.
"Peter?" Y/N asks, Peter locking his eyes with his friend.
"Y/N? Wha-What are you doing here?" Peter asks confused, Y/N also tilting her head in confusion.
"Me? What are you doing here? You're the new Avenger?" Y/N blurts out, surprised her friend hasn't told her anything.
"Yes, squish" Tony agrees, using his nickname for Y/N which makes the girl roll her eyes. "If you let me finish I'd tell you that Peter Parker is our new addition to the team. You might know him as Spider-man" He finishes, making Y/N even more confused. Peter is Spider-man?!
"You are Spider-man? Why didn't you tell me anything? You're my best friend" The confused girl blurts out, Natasha hiding her smirk as she'll be able to control what's going on between her daughter and Peter now.
"I see… so this is the Peter" Wanda smirks, Y/N giving her a glare and Peter tilting his head in confusion.
"Wait. What are you doing here?" Peter asks again.
"Kids, you can talk about this later" Tony rolls his eyes, getting impatient.
Y/N rolls her eyes too, leaning to Natasha who wraps an arm around her little girl and kisses the top of her head. Tony explains how will everything work, how will it be with missions for Peter and stuff which isn't exactly interesting for Y/N as she's not an Avenger… yet.
Once Tony is done with his speech, Y/N is ripped out of her daydreaming and follows everyone out of the room, rushing to Peter.
"Why didn't you tell me anything? How did you even get the powers? Oh my god, does Ned know?" Y/N blurts out as soon as she reaches Peter.
"Me? Why didn't you tell me anything? What are you even doing here? You're not an Avenger and you don't have powers" Peter says, looking at Y/N completely confused.
"I do have powers… I'm just not allowed to use them. I would beat your ass in less than 10 minutes" Y/N says, pulling out a smirk similar to her mothers' smirks. "And I live here, my moms-"
"Y/N/N, honey, do you want the paprikash?" Wanda calls from the kitchen, cutting Y/N's sentence off.
"Yes, please! Thanks, mama!" Y/N calls back.
"Just so you know, if you land your hands on my daughter, I'll beat your ass myself. And I don't care you're only 16" Natasha being the overprotective mother she is, she warns Peter, wrapping her arm around Y/N protectively.
"Mooom" Y/N groans in response, mentally slapping herself for talking about Peter in front of her overprotective mothers. -------------------- I didn't know how to end this…
WandaNat masterlist
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i0134 · 1 year
𖥻 zb1﹎my love playlist 🪡 ˒𓆩⠀⠀⠀
tw! ; angst, fluff, a bit suggestive, lowercase intended.
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jiwoong— try again (by jaehyun x d.ear) ˒ ꙳
despite you and your lover both being from two different worlds, you two still try to stay together forever. all those little arguments and making up only makes your long distanced relationship stronger, pulling each other closer, growing up more mature as you two learn and love everything together. step by step, little by little.
❛ I'm always on your side, we'll be alright ˳ ⋆
zhanghao— old love (by yuji x putri dahlia) ˒ ꙳
dating hao was the most beautiful thing that has ever been done by you. he was the epitome of lovely. just like him, dates planned by him were the best too. that summer night where he stole your first kiss under the full moon or when he ditched the prom with you just so he could slow dance with you at a secret place in the school's backyard, constantly showering you with kisses and muttering how pretty you look in that dress. he surely made you feel all sorts of love.
❛ come on and hold me, I want you right here ˳ ⋆
hanbin— only (by lee hi) ˒ ꙳
he was your dream love and you were his. shy sneaky glances, lingering touches, countless daydreams, sleepless nights thinking about one another and all heart eyes. but none of you were confident or sure enough to confess until you initiate your proposal first and things become so much dreamy and lovely as both of you dwell in eachothers warmth ever after.
❛ my only one, everytime i see you, i want to have you ˳ ⋆
matthew— 10 months (by enhypen) ˒ ꙳
your childhood friend that's a mix resemblance of a cute puppy and the bright smiley sun has been confessing to you ever since you two learned to talk properly. being the mature yet younger one you couldn’t help but giggle at his desperate attempts and defending pouts. but as you two grow up your feelings become more and more prominent and so does his attempts of proving himself that he's your dream man now and your left with no choice but to accept his cute love.
❛ starting tomorrow I'll protect you, all day all night ˳ ⋆
taerae— double take (by dhruv) ˒ ꙳
sleepless nights he spends writing verses of love songs dedicated to you, his friendly classmate. his crush on you is so obvious yet shocking to everone. you’re his muse, his little happy love and he's planning to make his move this prom night with the specially readied song before anyone elss claims you.
❛ tell me, do you feel the love? ˳ ⋆
ricky— beside you (by keshi) ˒ ꙳
no matter how hard you try to deny it, it seems like you’ve taken a bit more interest in that crazy rich heartthrob who's trying to court you, constantly seeking for your attention and perhaps some love. (ps. your ex crush long that you were planning to confess long forgotten) he declares that It's love at first sight and tries to prove he is the best one for you. your the best thing that happened to him and lover boy is absolutely whipped for you. he's never felt such devoted love hehe. so will you be able to ignore him and your blooming feelings? spoiler : you wont ;)
❛ you say this ain't love, but it's the same love ˳ ⋆
gyuvin— every summertime (by niki) ˒ ꙳
you never knew your usual normal summer would be romanticised by a certain goofball and become this exciting and lovely. that summer left a strong warmth in your heart as you fell for him harder than ever and you knew that was it, that this boy named kim gyuvin wss the only one you’ll ever need in not only summer but the whole year, wishing to grow up in eachothers loving embrace.
❛ every year we get older, but I'm still on your side ˳ ⋆
gunwook— love story (by taylor swift) ˒ ꙳
that evening was a truly magical one. you on the balcony watching the sun go down the horizon as your new neighbour's son's figure across the street underneath attracts your attention, meeting eye to eye and suddenly your stomach feels all funny as your pulse rises. that was the start of your little romeo-juliet story but with a happily ever after. sneaking out at the middle of the night with him, skipping classes for quick picnics and doing all sorts of funsies you swore you’ll never do.
❛ It's a love story, baby, just say "yes!" ˳ ⋆
yujin— softcore (by the neighbourhood) ˒ ꙳
being in a secret relationship with an idol wasn’t so easy as you were stuck in the four confines of your room, occupied with studies and yujin on his run around the world doing various promotions and practices to secure his position as a qualified idol. but even in amidst of all you two survive on eachother, comforting and strengthing one another, keeping eachother alive from this hell of a life and healing the wounded souls of one another beacause everything's okay on nights where he sneaks into your room and you take a break for him.
❛ i might need you or I'll break ˳ ⋆
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© aenfilmz / 2023
taglist ; @solarwoniii @shiningstar-byulxx @wtfhyuck @ichiibunztwt
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twst-lovecraft · 2 years
Little things they do
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twst char x reader || fluff || romantic relationship (at crushing state) [🌻] 
TW: mention of stalking behaviour as a joke (Rook); trauma (Riddle); OOC 
Little things they do: {part 1} {part 2}
Summary: Little things that they do when they’re crushing on you although they do not notice their change in behaviour. 
Character(s): Jack Howl, Vil Schoenheit, Riddle Rosehearts  
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Jack Howl: 
He would notice his crush on you pretty quickly but our poor boy is in denial most of the time yet his actions always betray his words. He may seems so exasperated with you most of the time but on the inside, his heart’s wanting to jump out of his chest every single time. 
Jack definitely became more protective of his crush ever since his feeling started to take root in the first place and he will do this unconsciously. Like if he notice some random students that is running around in the hallway carelessly and if you’re also nearby then he will put a hand in front of you protectively to stop and shield you from walking straight into those troublesome students. Then after he realise what he is doing, you will face a blushing Jack as the redness of his cheeks is clear like daylight. 
You bet the he would be denying that he’s being overprotective of you and saying that he’s not a good person at all. And if you wanted to tease him further then just keep thanking him with gratitude or question if he may harbor some special feelings for you. 
The beastman will also unconsciously lend out a helping hand every time when he’s seeing you struggle to carry something or when you forgot your lunch money. Do not worry cause Jack is here to help you with your problem. He’s doing this because he wanted to become someone that you can rely on in hard times. Unlike some fishy under the sea mafia dorms, he will do this without asking for a pay back. 
Ofcourse, everyone could tell that Jack’s into you when you’re absent and out of his view for a moment, he would look like a lost puppy. And if someone would dare to event speak out about his obvious reaction when you’re not around, he will sent them a sharp glare. If looks could kill, the person who has the nerve to ask that question would drop dead at the spot. 
And you could tell that he’s very happy when you came to visit him when he’s having an after school Track and Field club meeting as his tail is wagging in a speed of light. He wanted to stop his tail but when he’s seeing you also care about him and came to visit, he could not help himself. Trust me, Jack’s cursing inside his mind when you mention his tail is wagging to fast.
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Vil Schoenheit:
It will take longer for him to even notice that he has harbor feelings towards you so you should be prepare dear because this is going to be a long trip with a slow burn topping with unnecessary stalking observing from Rook. If it won’t for Rook, Vil may not realise he how deep he had fall into the pit of love itself. 
Because Vil’s a good actor, he definitely could held back his emotion and always think before he act. Another reason he must held back his emotion and reaction towards you is because the last thing that Vil would wanted is that getting you in the paparazzi and some of his overreacting fans’ radar (you could say that he’s protective of you but he’s doing that in the shadow). But there’s time where he would slip up if you pay attention.
Vil may not be open like Jack but his action is more subtle and clam in a way and it’s only leading to people’ re thinking that you had caught the attention and being a new project of the Vil Schoenheit like a certain first year with a cute complex and lavender hair that in the same dorm as his. At the beginning, Vil might think he only do this because you’re like Epel in a way but held some respect about his point of view which definitely makes his job easier. 
There’s a time when you and Vil are the bathroom to fix up your makeup and hair after lunch break (or just fixing your hair and watching him fixing his makeup if you see yourself not comfortable with it). Although no talking necessary, you could tell that Vil is relax and letting his wall down for you to be with him at this time of the day. After that section, Vil seems to be less cranky and overbearing for the rest of the day. 
There might been a time or two (if he’s pining for you for years then it would be more than just two times) that you’ve been invited to his room, either the reason of you being invited there is for him to teach you about proper skincare or to tutor you potions / alchemy homeworks or to watch some movies with him then analyze it with him. And when there’s only you two alone, Vil talks and share his thoughts to you a lot and more than usual. (He lowkey wants to spoil you rotten) 
He’s a big tease when there’s only you two or around Epel and Rook. Vil might look like he’s a serious and uptight person all of the time but let me tell you that he’s living for your flustered face or you witty come back at him. Either of that is fine as long as he get a reaction out of you. 
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Riddle Roseheart: 
It would also take a long time for him to realise that he has been crushing on you. Not because of the same reason as Vil but it’s more personal because he really do not allowed to have any real social interaction and experience in romance because of his parents’ way of educated him. 
Even when he has started to go to Night Raven, romance is still a strange category that he did not wanted to experience. At least, in his mind, he would only wanted to experience “romance” once he started to having a stable life and already graduated. 
When he’s still in his denial state, Riddle would be caught distracted in classes, especially classes that he has with you. This is really odd for him and for everyone already know him well. And this leading to Riddle avoiding you a lot so that he could keep up with his studies and responsibilities. But avoiding you is kinda counterproductive in return so Riddle has to find Trey and Cater for help. Until then, he realise he’s having a not so small crush on you. 
He may see himself as subtle and clam but in reality, when he’s talking to you or walking side by side, you may see him blushing a little bit. And around you, he seems to be way softer and less strict than usual. He treats you like a proper lady and wanted to be the one who you would find in need. 
You would also being invited more usually for the Unbirthday Party in his dorm. Riddle wanted everything to be top notch and perfect for you because he just wanted you to enjoy spending your time at his dorm. You might catch him constantly fixing his crown and clothes during the party. And Riddle would definitely tries to impress you with his skill in croquet. 
Sometimes, you would also catch Riddle staring at you during class or during some study section or the Unbirthday Party that you have attended. It’s obvious to everyone that he’s love struck even by the most little thing that you do. He might use his observation and analytical skill to see which is your favourite pastry among the dish in the Unbirthday Party. 
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b-else-writes · 1 year
it's so interesting to me how seeing the actual live action cast of ATLA has really made people realise that Katara and Aang together is weird because Aang is an entire pre-pubscent child with the maturity to match, and Katara is a whole teenager. you can hide that in animation easily, but once you actually cast people in that age range, it becomes glaringly obvious that a 14 year old girl would not be giving a 12 year old boy the time of day and how all the pictures of the four together make it look like a child, his babysitter, the babysitter's brother, and the babysitter's high school boyfriend.
but it does make me extremely curious how they're going to adapt then. we're only getting Book 1 so far, so i can imagine that they could keep Aang having a puppy crush on Katara, but they cut the (very minimal because Kataang was half-baked) evidences in Book 1 like the powerful bender blush - which they'd prob cut anyways given we're only getting 8 episodes, 1 hour each. and then they save the "development" for Book 3 where Aang's actor will be an older teen.
there's also been persistent but unfounded rumors that Zutara was the reason Bryke stepped away from the project. now i have shipped Zutara since i was a child, but it does give me pause here as well because Zuko's actor is gonna be 22 this year and Katara's actor is a minor still - but that's not say they won't do it anyways, since they're meant to be playing characters around the same age. i could see them just following what has been laid out in Book 1 and staying there, and then seeing what happens for future seasons, when Katara's actress is an adult (which still feels morally questionable).
of course, all of this assumes that the series will be good or popular enough to even receive renewal for 2 more seasons, and it is Netflix. how they're adapting the series has been kept under wraps heavily, the only rumor i've seen so far that seems credible is that they'll show the Air Nomad genocide in Ep 1, basically compressing ep 1-3 + 12 into the start. so we're not getting an exact adaptation.
now, i'm not on board with a live action adaptation because they ultimately don't need to be made at all. BUT, i do think if you're going to make an adaptation, then adapt. do something interesting with it, expand on stuff that was interesting but never went anywhere, remove stuff that didn't work the first time, etc. it's not going to be a shot for shot remake so don't try to be. i've always loved the live-action version of Sailor Moon because while it had the most god-awful special effects, it basically took the bones of canon and expanded on them in new and exciting ways that still felt true to the spirit, characters, and themes of the original. otherwise, don't bother. the cartoon will always exist so making a 1:1 adaptation is pointless.
so in THAT regard, i actually think using the live action to explore Zutara is not a bad idea at all - it's just.....everything else surrounding it that is like, hmm. which really could've been solved by casting a 17 year old to play Zuko as well, like Dallas Liu is cute as hell and there's also rumors that he and Uncle Iroh are the best actors on the show so i'm firmly of the belief he won't be an issue in enjoyment, but this man is old enough to have graduated from university! but again it's all putting the cart before the horse because this might all just crash and burn in Book 1 so it won't even matter. which just goes back to. time to let ATLA and its legacy be.
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lale-txt · 2 years
💗 One Piece characters as shoujo manga stereotypes (pt. 1/?)
a/n: i recently discovered that my love @eustasssimp and i share the same deep passion for shoujo manga. we probably have read them all and basically yelled at each other for three days straight about them. for me, shoujo manga had a HUGE influence on my wish to start writing again, i bascially owe them every fluff piece on this blog omg. Lemon is the reason those headcanons were born, feeding me with so many good ideas that occupied my brain for several days straight. just love putting our favorite men in those silly litte scenarios with you (ノ´ з `)ノ
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the ill tempered, grumpy male lead
never wears his school uniform the right way, something’s always off – no necktie, the fire red hair (which is his natural color but the teachers don’t believe him), wears too many shiny accessories and make up (his winged liner is on point)
everyone has a crush on him and he hates it, cusses everyone out who makes an attempt to get closer to him
he opens his locker and a dozen love letters fall out of it, he tears them apart on the spot and stomps away with angry flushed cheeks to probably rob some poor kid of their lunch money
he doesn’t buy proper lunch from it, just a big pack of energy drinks he downs within half an hour, vibrating in his seat during afternoon classes
eats his lunch with Killer (who made bento for both of them) on the rooftop where the people don’t find them
close up shots of them biting in onigiri, veiny hands holding chopsticks, long lashes that sparkle in the sunset (it’s noon but for the special effects the sun is setting, okay)
during The Field Trip Camping Arc™ Kid will yell at everyone who fails to put up their tent, building them up himself while huffing and puffing
he’s also the one that goes missing during the obligatory rain storm, making everyone worried until he returns out of the blue, probably carrying a puppy in his arms he rescued 
will complain to Killer all night about it as they lay in their sleeping bags, the puppy curled up between them (you wished that was you huh), but he’ll fall asleep with a slight smile though
the stoic, quiet side kick 
his mask stays ON despite school rules. also how else would anyone know he’s the sidekick if he didn’t have a quirky accessoire 
lowkey everyone has a crush on him too. it’s a shoujo manga, everyone crushes on everyone here
Killer gets his own spin off in the chapter cover art or as his own series once the main act is finished because he stole the show so often and became a fan favorite
he’s the head of the school’s food club, hosting cooking lessons once a week and rambling about the power and beauty of a good meal
every petition to turn it into an pasta exclusive club failed and he’s bitter about it, still only teaching recipes you can eat with a mask on
everyone is intimidated by him and then he just brings out tiny cupcakes he baked during cooking class and shares with everyone
master of cake decor – he might look scary but oh boy can he do those filigree sugar coatings with ease
knows Kid comes from a rough home and therefore makes him a bento every day to make sure his friend eats a proper meal at least once a day 
he’s still waiting for Kid to notice the hidden messages he wrote in ketchup on his omelet, asking him to be more than just a friend
the way too sexy home room teacher everyone has a crush on
like he sparkles a little when he enters the classroom and everyone’s heart just goes doki doki
his subjects are history and PE 
on PE days he walks around in a tight shirt and loose sweatpants, hair in a loose bun, making people clench their chest when he walks by 
has the biggest crush on his colleague Roger and it’s obvious to everyone except Roger
he almost got suspended once because he used the money for the field trip for gambling but luckily his class hosted a cake sale (Killer being the initiator) to raise funds and save the day
he’s a strict teacher but also a very kind one, always fighting dearly for his students while also showing them no mercy during tests
though he might “accidentally” leave the test answers written on the blackboard
can survive the field trips only with a little flask in his pocket and trusts his student enough to survive on their own while he checks out the hot springs with his colleague Roger
he gets his spotlight in the bonus panels where the mangaka just goes unhinged about him, giving the fans what they want (dilf on dilf action)
the headmaster and PE teacher that walks around in booty shorts and a tank top that are just a little too tight but no one is complaining, just enjoying the view 
has the biggest crush on his colleague Rayleigh and it’s obvious to everyone except Rayleigh
a menace in the staff room, leaving his belongings on every desk except his own (it doesn’t go unnoticed by him that Rayleigh lets Roger’s worn tank top disappear in his bag, just as planned)
loves the kids and spending time with them during their break, playing skipping rope or ping-pong with them and battling them at the cafeteria over the last strawberry pastry until Rayleigh shoots him a glance
will twirl his hair at Rayleigh asking if he’s getting anyone chocolate for Valentine’s Day and won’t sleep at night when Rayleigh confirms that he will give some chocolate out, yes
big men, big feelings
Roger plans to confess during The Field Trip Camping Arc™ but always gets interrupted for some silly reason (the soda vending machine is broken, one student forgot to pack socks, the class troublemaker gotten lost in the woods during a rainstorm)
the fanfiction writers for both are going feral
they kiss in the bonus panels of the very last volume <3
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
I'm so sorry if you're tired of getting Keitor AU's, and if that's the case than you can simply ignore this one. But I had a thought and nobody to talk about it with, and I figured your blog would be an okay place to share it?
Neighbors AU where they're both pre-teens/teenagers, but Lotor has got maybe three years on Keith. Keith has the maddest, most obvious puppy crush on Lotor. Lotor finds it awfully cute, but Keith is just a little kid compared to him at this stage, so Lotor is very careful not to cross the line between being friendly and giving false hope.
When Lotor's home life starts getting worse, though, their relationship changes from pleasant but distant neighbors to actual friends. He leaves the house one day to escape the madness that hides behind his closed doors and realizes that Keith must have heard some of the shouting because he looks pretty upset over in his yard - and not embarrassed-upset but bad-flashbacks upset. Lotor knows the rumors about Keith, that he'd been in the foster system for a while and that's why he only just moved in with his mom (maybe Tex died when Krolia was serving time in prison or something, so when she got out it took her a while to track down her son).
Feeling bad about upsetting Keith, Lotor jumps the fence and makes his way over to Keith to apologize. Keith, of course, is blushing and tripping over his words and can barely meet Lotor's eye for more than three seconds, but eventually they start having an actual conversation about their own experiences. It's cathartic for Lotor to have someone to talk to about this stuff, since he keeps it under such tight wraps in public, and while the galra girls all have their own problems at home none of them have had to deal with actual abuse (not that either he or Keith use the word) and don't REALLY get it. Not the way Keith does.
They become friends after that, and eventually best friends as the years go by. As they grow older, graduating high school and attending college and stuff, the age gap becomes less and less significant, so Lotor has to suffer through the stages of "My best friend used to have a crush on me that's so awkward, haha" to "dang son that's a glow-up" to "I think I'm in love with my best friend but he's not in love with me anymore, did I miss my shot?" to of course a happy resolution for the boys.
I'll never be tired of getting keitor aus but I am //begging// the lot of you to actually write and post all these wonderful ideas you keep having because I have a mighty need 🙏
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mimastuff · 1 year
My I request a rise Raph x fluffy sheep yokai reader, where the reader is really sweet to everyone but is also obvious
Only if you want to
Yesss ofc ! I really enjoy writing for him , he is one of my fave rise characters ( no one can beat Donnie 😎) sorry this took so long ! I had school lol
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Rise raph dating sheep yokai
Tw: fluff , angst if you squint near the end.
Contains: pet names and slight teasing
Pairings : rise!raph x sheep!yokia!reader
- that man is head over heals in love with you
- Your cute fluffy tail , skittish personality but most of all your kindness
- He would totally love for you to care for him
- Please just bandage him up after missions
- Please just do it , the poor boy didn’t get enough of it and will absolutely die for you if you help him
- Let me tell you now ,you have seen puppy dog eyes , but cute innocent sheepish eyes
- Now his legs are like jelly and he is going to drop everything for you
- And I mean everything
- So use wisely
- He also has a sense of protective to him
- So when he sees how oblivious you are his big mama instincts kick in.
- If his brother *cough cough Leo cough Ends up making fun of the way you walk funny with your imbalance or how you cannot focus on one thing
- Your just there like :0 as raph gets up to chase his ignorant brother around
- Oh and don’t get me started on the amazing cuddle sessions you two have
- When I tell you that man is going to depend on you for warmth all of the time I mean it
- Expect hugs from behind a lot 👍🏻
- So yeah , in conclusion, he loves you so much
You and Raph are having a sleepover at yours. You let him sleep in your room whereas you had the uncomfortable couch. You moved in your sleep as you heard sniffles and the light turned on. You slowly opened your eyes to see the familiar figure of raph slightly shaking.
“Omg raph what’s wrong my love ? Why are you crying!” You ran to him and he instantly held you in a bone crushing tight hug. “Can’t breeeaaathh raphh” you wheezed as he put you down in a panic. “*sniffle* I had a nightmare :((“ safe to say you two ended up in your bed cuddling the night away 😭❤️❤️
Hope this was ok ! I love writing raph , he just so cute man 🥹🥹
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xuhuihuis · 2 years
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His soul eating cackle of a laugh could be heard from down the hall. Even through the walls of your office driving you crazy. Trying to type away on your laptop focusing on your work taking your mind off everything. You hated hyunjae with a passion and its obvious. His stupid laugh and the way he tries to flirt with everyone he sees because he thinks he’s the most handsome man on the planet.
His stupid smoulder that he does has all the girls fainting around him every time he makes eye contact. Snickering hearing the girls screaming like they are back in school when their crush held hands with them. You heard him saying goodbye to them, but they never wanted him to leave. Your company just had to make you work with him on a case even though they know your hatred for each other. You didn’t complain because you are the top police team in the country but at the same time his voice made your ears bleed.
Your heart dropping soon as you heard him knocking at the door to come in. You never wanted to let him in you weren’t in the mood to be dealing with him today, the workload has been taking a toll on you. Sighing as you shout for him to come in preparing yourself for the irritating screech that is his voice.
“Look who is so happy to see me” he says sarcastically to you. Jae never received a warm smile like he hoped for. It’s the way he thinks he can make you fall for his charm as well but it’s the other way around. He’s the one that spends all his night screaming for you and the one that begs for cock and not you as others may think. His strong and powerful aura is ruined soon as you step foot in that bedroom. His muscles and height mean nothing because the little prince likes to get treated like dirt when he’s with you.
Just the look in your eyes was enough to scare the poor boy because he could tell you knew about him talking up other girls. His pretty puppy eyes looking deep into yours. Baby knew you were thinking of the most horrible punishments for him.
“Baby you are wasting valuable time here, we need to be working on this case and not playing with your cock” you spat at him. You could tell he loved the degrading words that came out of your mouth. He was putty in your hands. This big strong man in his vest that hugged his defined muscles well was your dumb toy to use. Anytime he is with you that image of him being the big strong man fades.
No one will know how much of a subby prince he is…
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suntoru · 3 months
hello!!!! first time in your message box(is this what it called...if it ain't obvious I'm new to tumblr..dw let me cook I'll figure it out) saw how you want people to rant about their selfships and let me just place my one of my favorite self ships isatina (isagai x my lovely self insert Photina) and also sorry this is probably going to be long post since i tend to ramble A LOT
they're literally my cuties that I want to frame in my wall, and just squeeze them tightly. they're so friends to lovers coded and the boy next door coded as well
it's so bad to the point I have their whole love story and future plan but I'm going to start at their first meeting First Meeting:
At the time, Photina was still pretty new to the neighborhood as she was originally from America but her parents both loved to travel though they settled in Japan because of how much they enjoyed the people, food, culture, etc! She had just gotten out of her shopping spree and as she was walking her way home, she found herself making multiple wrong turns.
One thing to note, Photina is a bit of a drama queen(cause I am a bit of a drama queen) she was already thinking she'd never be able to make it home. Isagai riding his bike from school, notices her and his first thought is how this poor girl looks like a lost puppy with the kindness of his heart, he helps her look for her house, and as they walk they get to know each other (thanks to Photina social nature)
They realized that they were neighbors and yes Photina is very embarrassed by that...
god they're so dlskhglashgsihghlghlgaskhl okay i'm having a moment...now I gotta talk about how they got together
How They Got Together:
Ever since their first meeting, they started to hang out more often but they wouldn't grow romantic attraction until Photina attended school a week later. Photina was pretty social but not social enough that she was popular, but enough that she made some other friends and that's also including Isagai. Though she'd always prefer to hang out with him more than anyone she met at school.
Honestly, due to them getting close, I think its fair to say that Isagai lets Photina ride the bike with him home. The more they hung out, the more Photina started to grow a crush on him.
Photina realizes that she has a crush, please my girl literally just cursed herself(me too twin...me too) but now every time she's in her room her mind wanders to what he's doing, and loses to temptation and texts him. As soon she talks to him, they will not go to bed till midnight(it's her fault)
She even appears at every sports event and is his biggest supporter. She has no clue about soccer and she doesn't even like going to sports events but if its Isagai, she'll make an exception...kisses her she so me(no shit...)
When Isagai goes to Blue Lock, the poor girl is punching the wall(figuratively) she just missed her chance to confess
For Isagai, I think he won't even notice his own feelings till the U-20. He's a whole soccer nerd through and through, he'll notice that he feels weird when she hangs out with him but just thought that's how it was with her. Until he saw her at the stadium with his parents, cheering him on and it seemed he could only hear her. During the whole Blue Lock experience. I think he'll definitely start to miss her dearly and so seeing her, just makes him fall harder.
When Isagai goes on that break from Blue Lock, he's definitely going to her and confessing his feelings. Photina is crying but its happy tears and also she cries whenever her feelings are intense.
OKAY LAST POINT I SWEAR...i just got to bring in my fav hcs for them..
Photina being African-American, she definitely had put Isagai into some. So every time Isagai visits her place, they're just relaxing with each other company while R&B and old hip-hop is playing
Photina doesn't know how to bike and opts to ride with Isagai, she's definitely clinging to his body while speaking about her day
Photina is a yapper like I am and I feel Isagai would most definitely be a listener
Photina enjoys having a deep conversation especially for the future, so they definitely have a whole note on things to do for the future
trust I'm so normal about them...yea i didn't think it was going to be this long but ykw i can't help myself when it comes to my bookie bears and ugh I need to make a mood board for them soon... tell me your thoughts and hope you're having the most glorious wonderful day !!!
HIIIII OMG SORRY SORRY THIS IS SO LATE I WAS SO BUSY TODAY HELP 😭😭😭🙏 created a silly little moodboard for u n mr isagi <3 
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and omggg photina sounds like such a qt plssssssjjajdj :ccc BEING A DRAMA WUEEN IS SO REAL THE SELF INSERTINF INTO OCS IS ACTUALLY SO MECORE HELLEODK
riding a bike with him to and from school PLS OMG THAYS SO KEJEJFJEJJD like holding his waist tightly as u both talk abt the latest gossip or wtv and he makes extra care to make his turns soft so u don’t accidentally fall off and hurt urself AHHH!!
thinking of him every moment every hour every second of the day girlll photina i relate so hard 😛 ANDNJEJEJSJSN BEING THEIR BIGGEST SUPPORTER >>> SHES SO CUTE PLS LIKE SHE DONT GOT A CLUE WHATS GOING ON BUT!! HE’S KICKING A BALL AND PEOPLE R CHEERING SO HE’S DOING GOOD RIGHT?? (his team is losing but it’s the thought that counts)
BRO WHEN HE GOES TO BLUE LOCK ID FEEL SO BAD FOR PHOTINAAAAAA he probably feels so guilty for leaving but he’s also confused about his own feelings, because this has been his dream ever since he’s been little so then why does it feel so wrong to go?? but she’d probably convince him to go bc she knows how much of a big deal it is to him and push him to go even tho she wants him to stay 😭😭
he’d def feel homesick while he’s there bc he doesn’t have his person w him :cc she’s not there to laugh at their little inside jokes and she’d know all the right words to encourage him!! 
AND THE CONFESSION OMG HED BE SO FLABBERGASTED WITH HIS FEELINGS. LIKE IT JUST DAWNS ON HIM ONE DAY THAT HIS FEELINGD AREN’T JUST FOR FRIENDS, FRIENDS DONT WANT TO FEEL THEIR LIPS CLASH, FRIENDS DONT THINK ABOUT HOW THEIR EYES SPARKLE IN THE SUN OR YHAT THEIR SMILE IS THE PRETTIEST!! it would be so sweet he’d be so scared of rejection cause what is he supposed to do if his soulmate doesn’t like him back?? probably thinks he said something wrong when she starts crying and apologizes immediately but thinks it’s so cute that you’re sensitive ☹️
OMG ISAGI WOULD BE SO READY TO LEARN EVERY LITTLE DETAILLL automatically likes everything she likes bc she makes it cool 🔥 listening to music while cuddling and enjoying each others presence after a long dayyyyyy the way he’d look at photina like she hung all the stars in the sky and whispers adorations to her JEHSJHSJAN
I THINK HE’D DIE IF SHE LEARNED HOW TO RIDE A BIKE BC HE LOVED THE FEELING OF HER CLINGING ONTO HIM, HER BACK PRESSED AGAINST HIS AS PINK TINTS HIS CHEEKS JEHDJS probably looks back like five hundred times to make sure she’s ok but almost ends up crashing into a telephone pole bc he was too busy looking at her <3
late night talks with each other where one sneaks to the others room and you guys just  talk and talk and talk about their future and they’re so in sync w plans :ccc THEY’RE DEAD SET ON GETTING MARRIED AND THEY SURE AS HELL ARENT BREAKING UP FOR SOME SHITTY EXCUSE LIKE ‘long distance is too hard’ OR SMTHHHXHEHD they have plans plans. and she yaps until suddenly he realizes she stopped and when he turns to look at her he realizes she’s asleep AND TUCKS HER INTO HIS BED, LETTING HER REST AGAINST HIS SIDE AS HE BRUSHES A STRAY STRAND OF HAIR AGAINST HER FACE WITH A SMILE AS HE KISSES HER NOSE GOODNIGJT SHHH
pls i ship so hard 4lifer
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lettertolife · 2 years
LOVE MECHANICS (Boys Love)- Two absolutely adorable Cutes♥️
So recently this year I got into the whole new world of Boys Love (BL) and its an abyss. You cannot exit from here. Periodt. As of now I have watched Korean BL dramas, Taiwanese BL dramas, Japanese BL Drama and of course the biggest industry of BL dramas- The Thai BL dramas and I have a Vietnamese BL drama on my watch list waiting for me😂
However, out of all those wonderful stories, the story of Vee & Mark captivated my heart. Thanks to Youtube Shorts I discovered this beautiful show- Love Mechanics. sort of a Spin off of the original short drama of the same name.
The Story follows:
Approaching his long-time crush, Bar Sarawut with a heart-felt confession, Mark is devastated when his love is rejected. Heart-broken, Mark attempts to drown his sorrows at a local nightclub where he runs into Vee, one of the seniors in his school’s engineering program. Mistaking Vee for Bar, Mark approaches his senior and the two immediately hit it off. 
Realizing what he has with Vee is more than just a fleeting feeling, Mark begins to make room for him in his heart. But will his already fragile heart have the strength to endure what’s to come when he learns Vee already has a girlfriend?
It's just 10 episodes long and keeps you hooked with the story. Both the actors have done fabulous job and portraying the characters, their vulnerability and love. The show has lot of emotional moments, some heartfelt conversations and some comedy too. 8.5/10 to the show I'll keep 1.5 because I wanted few more scenes of introspection and more fluffiness.
I'm literally sold for Yin (Vee) and War (Mark) both of them are just too adorable especially War- whenever he did his nose crunches My heart was solid sold! He has a baby-ish voice and charm to himself. and he literally has Puppy dog eyes. Trust me I had a hard time surviving it! Yin, on the other hand, has a very lovely smile and loveable aura around him. His Eye smile is to die for.
For me the most selling point for this show was the characters and their flaws. Although when I was going through the internet for people's review or thoughts for the drama I realised majority of people saw Vee as someone Toxic but to me that wasn't the case. Yes, Vee made some wrong decisions which ended up hurting Mark but those decisions were a mistake that were the result of Vee's confusion and dilemma in understanding his own feelings and I guess anybody can go through this.
From what I interpreted, Vee was always attracted to Mark that is why even though Mark was drawing lines between them but Vee always kept crossing them, searching for opportunities to spend more time with Mark caring for him. However, he wasn't aware that he was attracted to Mark. So Yeah, I found Vee Flawed, made some bad decisions and clearly did wrong to Mark but for me He wasn't Toxic. He was wrong but not Toxic. There is a huge difference between the two.
I also loved the power dynamic between the two too adorable. I mean most of the times Vee was a puppy with his tail stuck between his legs- Following Mark and his probation period. And Mark, on the other hand, loved being loved by Vee. Always playing along with his playfulness and crunching his nose.
Their relationship was loveable, filled with kisses and smiles but also very playful. Both of them were very obvious with their claims of each other in public. Teasing each other, giggling and laughing. Seducing and spooning and hesitant shy I love you. Just so playful and heart warming.
I LOVE THEM and I'm looking forward to more of Yin & War shows♥️
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lanaswritingbook · 2 years
“That’s my girl”
Word Count: 600
Summary: Peter has a crush on his long term best friend and struggles on what to do about it. But what will happen when she’s on the other side of the door listening to his confession to Ned.
Warning: Self doubt.
A/N: My first Peter Parker story hope you enjoy there will be a part two tomorrow! TOLD IN PETERS POV!!
Part 2: https://eddiesmunsonswife.tumblr.com/post/689163973318377472/but-thats-my-girl-part-2
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Ned, Yn, and I have been best friends for years now ever since elementary, so were all extremely close but I still have to keep it locked up that I’ve been in love with Yn since 2nd grade.
During Lunch Ned and I talked about our plans for the weekend “Peter dude literally we haven’t hanged in like weeks” Ned groans “We we’re literally with each other last Friday” I grinned eating a fry.
But I suddenly go in high alert as I hear a familiar voice talking to some. “I mean sure we can I just have to check with Peter and Ned first.” Yn spoke but clearly uncomfortable. “Cmon your wayyy too good for them nerds hang with me. The Flash” he kissed his muscles as if he had any.
No Peter that was mean. “Are you even listening to me? HEY YN C’MERE” Ned waved her over. I suddenly fix my posture as she walks towards us “Whats up?” She smiled sitting right next me. I can already feel my cheeks becoming blood red.
“Yn tell Pete that we have to work on my new lego set tonight. I mean what do we have to do its Friday” he chuckled drinking his milk. She smiled at both of us hopefully she doesn’t notice that I haven’t said one word yet.
“I dont know Ned… Flash asked me to the movies and you know I dont like being rude” Yn sighed. “W-what like a date?” I finally spoke giving her my signature puppy dog eyes. She didn’t answer just looking around the room ignoring the question.
“Are you freaking kidding me I mean is the group falling apa-“ zoning out as Ned gives us a full blown lecture about not hanging I feel two sets of eyes on me. One of the girl I’ve been in love with for years and the boy trying to take her away from me sitting at another table.
“Peter are you ok?” She asked putting a hand on my shoulder while her other pulled away my closed fist. “Y-yeah fine. Great! I have to go sorry Yn.” Quickly running out the cafeteria going to the schools front door. I could afford missing a class.
Besides I wouldn’t be able to focus no way, I’m to busy thinking about how Flash is gonna French kiss my girl. I mean Yn.
“Dude whats got you all in your feels?” Ned asked while he laid on the floor. “What do you mean.” You ask not taking your eyes off of the group photo of you three. “You’ve been out of it man. Is it Yn?” My eyes widen as I sit up quickly. “Yn? What are you talking about” you nervously chuckle.
“Oh cmon on man Ive known you my whole life. Your in love with her.” He grinned. “No! T-that, thats… true. God Ned why did I have to fall for her thats my best friend she’ll never like me back that way.” You jumped off the bed walking on the walls.
“I FREAKING KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU LIKED HER ITS SO OBVIOUS” He yelled standing up. “What obvious how? No. Yn is to good for me. One she’s amazing, she’s super smart, and very pretty. So so pretty, and plus she’s the girl of my dreams but I know it’ll never work out if Flash gets with her.” Ned just grinned like a idiot at my confession.
“Just work your Peter charm there’s no way she could turn you down.” I nod taking a deep breath while sitting upside down on the ceiling. “No I cant! Flash has way more of a chance than me and hes a complete idiot. But Yn’s my girl so i have to try.” A spark lights in your head as you crawl to the door.
As my bedroom door creaks open my nose is hit with a familiar smell. Looking straight ahead is YN standing with her mouth open in shock..
Did I just ruin our friendship.
Part 2: https://eddiesmunsonswife.tumblr.com/post/689163973318377472/but-thats-my-girl-part-2
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adrianasunderworld · 1 year
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Davie Black
Davie started off a joke with @marrondrawsalot until he wasn't. (She also created Davie siblings, so full credit for that) Because of that he technically isn't twisted from anything in particular but he has ended being a bit of Tarzan or Mowgli-like character.
Davie is a second year and for a while everyone was very confused as to how he got sorted into Savannaclaw. On the surface he did not match any of the traits associated with the dorm. He was a normal looking human guy that seemingly had no qualities associated with the dorm. He was sporty but didn't have the athletic prowess the rest of the dorm was known for. At the time he didn't display any obvious leadership qualities, so that was out. Davie was an enigma.
However, to those inside the dorm, they know Davie has a way with animals and non-human people. Leona and Ruggie came to the conclusion that Davie must be a beast tamer. Though that did not explain some of Davies habits.
Davie tends to act more beastman than human. He loves and will tear into meat whenever he can. When some of the feline beast guys curl up for a nap on him, he is content with it. And if he's really mad, Davie will bark at people. Leona and the other dorm members could not make sense of it until parents day when Davie happily introduced everyone to his parents and siblings. His mom was a black panther beast woman and his father a bear man. All his younger siblings were a variety of other beast people. Davie explained he was adopted and the only human and suddenly a lot of stuff about him made sense.
Davie is from the Sunset Savannah. The area he grew up in was made up almost entirely of beast people. Davie was one of a handful of human kids in his school growing up. Non-humans like beast people, merfolk, and Fae he gets along fine with. It's just other humans he feels like he has trouble connecting with sometimes.
Due to Davies ability to calm his dormmates and de-escalate things, Leona gave him the unofficial title of the dorm mediator. Basically Davie deals with the day to day issues of the guys in Savannahclaw that they have trouble compromising on their own but are too small for Leona and Ruggie to deal with. So Leona just went "You know what, this is your job now. It's gonna save me a lot of headache." And it really does work for them.
That being said, Davie started his first year extremely laid back, a little bit of a people pleaser. Now he's an asshole. He is done with all of his dormmates shit. He's still good at meditating and keeping a level head where it counts. But he's become much more sarcastic, chewing guys out for their antics, all of Savannaclaw knows not to piss off or disappoint Davie. It's varies on which is worse.
Davie does not like Idia. Idia has this whole theory that Davies looks and ability is him being an actual Isekai protagonist and annoys the shit out of him about it. "You're just like that anime "I am the beast Princes Bride but now I'm a Highschool Boy"! "NO! I really am not!"
Davie has a crush on Dreary and she likes him as well. They start dating eventually but it's a slow work up to that. All of Savannahclaw knows it, because Davie is notably calmer when Dreary is around and goes out of his way to help her and feel comfortable when she hangs out. So now everyone in the dorm tries to have her around as much as possible to avoid getting in trouble. Davie is an absolute simp for Dreary and nothing less.
Davie is the oldest of his siblings and has helped out a lot taking care of them. He's very good with kids as a result and knows how to cook very well. Azul has tried and failed to hire him for the lounge.
Davie is the oldest of five kids, all adopted. His entire family are beast people and he's the only human. His sibling in order are Tizoc, a black jaguar boy, Sammy, a snake girl, Trevor, a puppy, and the youngest sister is Apricot, an aye aye.
Davie is good at Latte art. Like stupidly good. People think he's using magic, but nope. His dad owns a popular coffee shop, and Davie works there when he's back home. His work gets very popular when it's posted online, like the time he did a portrait of Leona on one and it went viral.
Davie gets very competitive, especially at game night. A pillow fight with him may as well be a war zone. The first years have sacrificed Ace to him so many times.
Davie is on the Spelldrive team.
Yuu/Isabelle is one of his human friends. Beast tamers stick together.
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@writing-heiress @mangacupcake @the-weirdos-mind
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