#He is bald for most of the main story
mischieviem · 7 months
original characters
redrawing concept sketches for the comic in co creating in my style because yeah
(Can you tell I tennant-ified one of them lol)
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opencommunion · 9 days
"A December investigation by Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth revealed that Israel implemented against its own civilians captured on 7 October a version of its Hannibal directive: Israel used overwhelming lethal force even at the risk of killing Israelis along with their Palestinian captors, in order to avoid leaving them alive to be held captive in Gaza, and to avoid having to pay a steep political price for their return. Although Israel’s application of the Hannibal directive was widespread on 7 October, its implementation at the Cohen home stands out because more captives were killed there than in any other single structure on that day. One high-ranking Israeli officer called the army’s actions there an 'exponential Hannibal.' ... In late December the ranking officer who led Israel’s reconquest of the kibbutz – 99th Infantry Division commander and then commander-in-waiting of the Gaza Division, Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram – admitted to The New York Times that he ordered an Israeli tank to fire shells at the house, though he knew there were still-living Israeli captives inside. 'Break in, even at the cost of civilian casualties,' Hiram recalled ordering the tank commander. ... It is unlikely that the Israeli army will either fully endorse his explanations of the 'mass Hannibal' incident at Pessi Cohen’s house, or reveal all it knows about what really happened there on 7 October, because to do so would force it to undercut a pillar of Israeli propaganda about the events of that day: that Hamas heartlessly executed Israeli babies – a lie promoted by Hiram, but first invented by the commander of the Israeli army’s home front national rescue unit, Colonel Golan Vach.
... The day after Vach invented the lie of eight burned babies at the Pessi Cohen house, Yasmin Porat retold her survival story to the Israeli press, this time to Kan radio. Again she explained how she and a group of Israelis that included no small children were violently captured by Hamas and held hostage at Pessi Cohen’s home, but thereafter treated humanely and neither executed nor harmed in any other way. ... Colonel Golan Vach’s new allegations of 19 and even 23 Israeli civilians murdered by Hamas at the Cohen home created a serious problem for General Hiram, who had ordered the tank shelling. Vach’s tallies of the number of Israeli civilians killed there were up to 50 percent higher than the correct figures repeatedly reported by Yasmin Porat, who survived the bloodbath. Worse yet, Vach had introduced eight infants into the death toll – babies who had never existed. Hiram then had no choice but to alter his rendition of events, inflating the figures he had divulged to the Israeli news outlet Walla two weeks earlier. ... Hiram’s numerous lies about the battle at the Be’eri home of Pessi Cohen were apparently attempts to shield himself from the consequences of his command decisions. ... It is likely that Hiram’s main motive for lying about the events at Be’eri was to avoid repercussions for ending the lives of Israeli civilians in one of the most ghastly ways imaginable, burning them to death. ... Army rescue chief Colonel Golan Vach, however, who only arrived at Be’eri hours after those decisive tank shells were shot, did not lie about the battle out of loyalty to Hiram. Rather, he had his own motive for spinning Israel’s military failures into anti-Semitic atrocity tales: to manufacture consent for Israel’s utter annihilation of the Gaza Strip.
... Because of his stature and reputation, Israel’s national rescue chief Golan Vach was believed by reporters and editors all over the world, who published his bald-faced lies about Palestinians decapitating and burning to death Israeli babies on 7 October, even without any evidence. ... If they had only dismissed his gaslighting and done their due diligence, those same media outlets would have found plenty of evidence in the public domain of Vach’s desire 'to clear this region' of Palestinians without regard for 'human rights' from well before that date."
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felassan · 3 hours
From Game Informer:
Solas plays an important role in the game as a central figure and significant character, but the game is not about Solas, hence the title change
Rather than focusing on a specific individual, the focus and centerpiece of the game is Rook's team, stopping the end of the world with this group of specialists
"I think you could argue [these companions] are the best the franchise has ever seen". We will have the opportunity to interact with them in a way that both shapes their story and also influences the main story, including having the opportunity to impact their fate
"Arguably, this game has kind of, in a way, been called Dreadwolf to some degree since its earlier days"
"When I ask about Solas' role in the story after I learn his namesake is no longer in the game title, Darrah says Veilguard is still taking the Elven God's narrative in a good direction. He adds, "It allows us to, hopefully, give a good conclusion to all the varied attitudes toward Solas that are going to be coming from people who love Solas, who agree with Solas, who hate Solas, people who want to kick Solas off of a building – I think that we give you the opportunity to bring that to a close, but then tell a greater story about The Veilguard and about the world as a whole." Talking to Epler, I learn more about how Solas isn't exactly the big bad I expected before seeing the opening hours of Veilguard. There's a lot more nuance to everyone's favorite bald elf.  "The most interesting villains to myself, and honestly most people, are not just straight up, 'I want to end the world.' To them, they are the heroes of the story, and Solas is no exception," Epler tells me. "Solas always feels that he is a tragic hero but a hero nonetheless, so he's coming into this believing firmly that what he did, that which you stopped him from doing, was the right thing – that you made a mistake. But now he's trapped and can't reach out and actively affect [Thedas], so he needs to work with you. "That allows us to provide a lot of nuance to that relationship," Epler says."
Solas is literally trapped in the Fade after the game's prologue. Rook and co stop his attempt to destroy the Veil. Rook passes out and wakes up in a dream-like landscape to Solas' voice. He explains that he was trying to move Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain to a new prison because the old one wasn't containing them properly anymore. The two blighted gods are now free and roaming Thedas. Rook has to stop them, but it seems that they will have to work with Solas ("or at least listen to his guidance and advice") to do so
""So one of the principles we took to when we were building the story of The Veilguard early on was we wanted the beginning of the game to feel like the final chapter of an earlier story and you're coming in right at the end, you're coming in as if you've been chasing Solas – the [Solas at the end of Dragon Age: Inquisition's Trespasser DLC] who said he was going to end the world and tear down the Veil," Epler adds.  Epler says players will see early on (and as the narrative develops across Veilguard) that Solas sees much of himself in you, the player-controlled Rook, especially "the parts that maybe he doesn't like to face." As a result, there's an interesting push and pull between Solas and Rook. He says players can define the relationship between these two characters with their choices in dialogue.  "You can continue to be suspicious and hostile towards him, or you can start to see him and find that common ground, that connection between the two of you, and really develop a different relationship over the course of the story," Epler says."
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totothewolff · 16 days
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Grand Prix Elite Academy (4/10)
+18 | professor!Toto x reader fem!student, sewis, carlos x reader, collegue au | romance, smut, comedy, gossip, betray
Summary: Your life turns 180 degrees after receiving your acceptance letter for the Grand Prix Elite Academy, the most exclusive and prestigious Formula One College, designed to shape the future drivers of the motorsport world. You will try to navigate your new life among the Monaco elites, survive the campus dynamics and rivalries between the faculties, and try to win this year's Elite Cup to beat an undefeated Mercedes, all while befriending your eclectic classmates, join the wild parties, have a couple of make-outs under the racing circuit benches, lose your v-card and get over that stupid crush you have on professor Toto. Will you make it alive to graduation? Race to Greatness! Author's note: This is a Formula One college AU fic set in an elite academy in Monaco, where the F1 Teams are Faculties, their Team Principals are professors, the FIA is the college board, and all the grid drivers are your classmates. You are accepted under a scholarship program called WomenOne and have lots to catch on to after years of putting your racing dreams on hold. Becoming the outcast new girl is always challenging, especially when all of you live on one campus.
< Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter > Chapter 4: The Kids Are Not Alright
As the morning sunlight streams through the grand staircases of the main building, you sit with your group of friends, placed on different steps, almost forming a circle as you chat with excitement and laughs with some racing gear and helmets scattered around them.
Other students pass you by, entering the large double doors to the main hallway entrance.
The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafts from Lando's and Charles's Starbucks cups as they sip and joke around, discussing their latest racing strategies and sharing stories of their weekend adventures.
The sound of revving engines at the distant hum as you all wait for their morning classes or free practices to begin.
"That fucking bitch I'm going to cut her in half! And I will tear that wig off Britney's head," Leandra lets out.
A bald Nico is a funny visual.
"I'm not trying to play the devil's advocate here, but are we sure she was involved?" Max asks out loud.
Leandra rolls her eyes at him, as does Seb.
"Still, she can do no wrong under your eyes after all these years," Carlos points out.
"Just saying! Please don't kick me out of the group! I need friends." Max goes a little red with embarrassment.
"Calm down! No one is going to do that!" Charles quickly adds. There was a time when Max was the odd and unexpected link in the group; now, everyone is fond of him. "But, it's just facts, bro. She's the one who knew about Y/N being a sad virgin."
"THANK YOU CHARLES!" you add while he giggles.
"The knowing about Y/N being a sad virgin, I get it. Naya also knew the part about Y/N being broke and this year's "Charity Baby," but we all also knew that." Lewis joins in the fun.
"AW GUYS, YOU ARE SO SUPPORTIVE!" you interrupt them with murderous eyes.
Lewis holds his chuckles as he continues: "But the part of Y/N wanting Toto to deflower her, Naya wasn't there to witness her telling that to him." he points out.
"WHAT!?" you scream. At that part, you throw your arms in the air to everyone's amusement.
"Don't you remember?!" Mick says, amazed.
"Please, be joking." you start praying.
"He is not. We all heard your drunk ass asking Toto to fuck you."
"OH MY GOD!" At that moment, you want to get run over by the McLaren car roaring in the distance at the circuit track.
"If you want a life-changing first-time experience," Lando says. "I mean," he looks at his crotch and back at you, then winks. "I have cock to spare."
"Cock to spare," Leandra repeats, bursting out laughing. "How do you come up with this shit?!"
"How does that shit work with girls?! That's the real question," Carlos adds, laughing too.
"SERIOUSLY! THANK YOU GUYS!" you squeak, furiously red.
"Yes, but Nico was there. If Nico is there, Naya is there, and vice versa," Seb says, sounding extremely unhappy with Lewis.
He had remained quiet so far before he let it all out: "Didn't I tell you? Don't invite him! It doesn't matter how much Nico swears he has changed, he is always trouble!"
The couple starts to argue.
It's the first time you witness them acting other than being utterly in love with each other.
Lewis and Seb tend to get lost in each other's eyes for hours, feeling like the world is non-existent around them while sharing soft chats and sweet kisses around campus.
"Honey, I asked for your forgiveness times enough already. What else do you want me to do..." Lewis replies, getting exasperated with him.
"Well, now that you are friends with Nico again, why don't you go and ask him about it?! Ask Nico if he is the one behind the printed posters addressed to Y/N pinned all over the hallways! OH! And in that process, why don't you warn him to stay the fuck away from her!"
"Like that would work," Lewis says, sighing.
Seb then gets on his feet and suddenly climbs up the stairs in a rush, looking really mad. His short skirt sways in the wind, his boots' heels echo on the stairs, and his bag moves violently behind him as he opens the big double doors.
"Honey!" Lewis calls for him, gets fast on his feet, and goes after him.
You give them enough time before following their steps. You deeply care about Seb and want to make sure he is okay.
He is also your project partner in Christian's "Race Engineering" class, your first subject of today, and knowing how prickly of a professor Christian is, you want to make sure everything is fine.
You find the couple in the hub of the old library. Walking inside there feels like stepping into a time capsule.
A retro vibe wraps you as you step on the blue carpeting on the floor; a golden glow emanates from the large windows.
The shelves there are lined with worn, leather-bound books that seem to hold secrets and old stories, while vintage posters and track maps adorn the walls displaying the bygone eras of Motorracing.
This small library is always empty since the main one is way bigger, more stylish, and modern. People sometimes use this one to hook up, hiding among the tall bookshelves in the many corridors.
You catch them talking almost mouth-in-mouth. Seb is lean on a study desk, ass on it, legs hanging.
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And Lewis is resting his hand on Sebastian's Aston green pleated mini skirt. Lewis's other hand caresses Seb's hair and cheek as he whispers soft things to his lips, like, "Nico doesn't mean shit to me. I love you. I will make it up for you. You are my rock. I need you by my side" you are able to hear him as you approach them.
Then the bell sounds, Lewis kisses Seb goodbye, grabs his helmet on the table next to Seb's legs, and gives you a warm smile on his way out while pulling up half of his racing suit on his way out.
"He is going to spend the entire day on track! My poor baby always ends up exhausted after that. I won't be able to join your study session tonight. I will be preparing his ice bath for when he returns." Seb tells you as he hops off the study table.
Seb is so dedicated to Lewis and is so adorable to witness. "All good with you two, then?" you ask shyly.
"Always, dear." Seb reassures you, sounding all happy now.
"I wanted to make sure you were doing okay. You looked distressed for a minute. You know I care about you, right?"
"I know. You are a good friend, thank you." Seb squeezes you in his arms for a brief second on your way down back in the main hallway, and then he explains to you. "It's this Nico thing. He always tends to get under my skin. I hate throwing tantrums at Lewis like that, but I can't help it sometimes!"
"I get it, now. Hey! By the way, with all of this, I haven't been able to tell you yet how hot you look!"
"Thank you!" Seb twirls for you, grabbing your hand in the process.
"Your legs look unbelievable!" you add. "Fishy, fishy"
You two keep walking hand in hand until you reach the classroom's door. "I know, thanks! Lewis agrees with you. You know? He is in this phase now that I drive him crazy when I wear mini skirts. The other day, he was barely able to hold himself. He almost takes me raw at my desk in the student affairs office. He felt so hard under those pants. Mmm, delicious." Seb lets out a long sigh.
"Hey! Don't eat bread in front of the poor!" you complain, slightly jealous but in good faith.
"Oh, shit, I forgot about your virgin-ess! Sorry! I hope you find the cure soon." Seb jokes with you.
"I just need to convince Toto to supply me the injection to solve it!" you fool around.
"Slut!" Seb playfully tells you as you two grab your seats inside the classroom.
"Ough," Seb moans in a low voice for the fourth time, trying to make you lose it sitting next to you at Toto's class while the professor turns to face the screens again, his firm ass and muscular back in display for you two to enjoy the view.
"As you can see, class," he says, gesturing to the complex graphs and charts, "these simulations show the effects of different wing configurations on downforce and drag. The blue line represents the current setup, while the red line shows the potential gains we could achieve by modifying the wing's angle and curvature." His voice is calm and authoritative, but his hands move quickly and precisely as he uses a laser pointer to highlight key points on the screens.
Some of your classmates lean forward, their eyes fixed attentively, as they write notes on the complex data and ask questions about its implications for their racing strategies.
Toto asked the class to come up with an example by reading the intricacies of the data displayed on the screens in front of him to form a decision on a fictional course of a race.
"Shut it! You idiot, you will get us in trouble. I'm already standing on thin ice with him," you silence Seb, trying to keep your composure.
After what Mick told you, you haven't been able to focus the entire class nor look directly at Toto, fearing crossing his gaze, with your mind going back to that night, trying to puzzle all the shit you did under the alcohol influence.
Every time Seb moans for you in a low voice as Toto turns his back for something or moves suggestively, you struggle to hold your chuckles.
"Miss Y/LN, Miss Vettel, do you have anything you want to share with the class?" his deep, powerful voice addresses you.
You feel Toto's eyes set on you. His glasses slightly sliding on his appealing nose.
You go all pale, darting "Don't you even dare!" eyes to Seb.
"No, sir." you quickly reply.
"Miss Y/LN, why don't you come sit right here?" he commands you more than asks you, pulling a single chair and placing it in the middle of the room, at the front, near where he stands, in a place where everyone will notice your slightest move. "Since you appear to be on the moon this entire class, this is the best spot to get you back on track, and Vettel."
"Yes, professor?" Seb answers.
"Last warning, another distraction, and you go out."
Nico looks more than pleased that you two are getting scolded.
You have been avoiding going to your dorm all day long. You even tried to get transferred to another room at the Student Affairs front desk, but they informed you it wasn't an option since you were under no harm and because you are located in a dorm that belongs to the scholarship students housing program.
Then, why is Naya in there with you? It makes no sense; her parents are wealthy.
You close the entrance door, returning from the long study session you organized in the main library for the "Trackside PU" extracurricular, and you enter your dorm without making considerable noise, going straight to the kitchenette to place your tumbler inside the small dishwasher.
Naya is studying and writing notes on her iPad at the round dining table. There's a lot of tension in the air as you both become aware of the other's presence.
She's wearing reading glasses. You have never seen her with those before. She looks even hotter.
After a few minutes, you hear a clear "It wasn't me" that she lets out loud enough for you to listen.
You send her a look.
"Nico was inside my bedroom when you came in here. He heard it all. I told him not to do it," Naya explains.
"It's the truth!" She holds your gaze. "Torger is also mad at him for doing that, but he doesn't know how to address the matter with you yet."
"Can't Toto speak for himself, or does he pay you to act as his messenger?" That sounded harsher than you expected, but she pushed you to react like that.
Naya gives you no comeback. "Now that I cleared things, I'm going to bed. I had a long day," Naya says while stretching. Good night," she tells you as you look at her short grey skirt and Mercedes' blazer uniform. She is looking on point but with her tie loosened. Then you remember, you still have no faculty.
"You tell me."
"Just ignore her! Naya hates that, not feeling relevant enough. Maybe just try to move on." Lea advises you while attempting to remain empathic but being honest.
As you all condition in the sleek, high-tech training center, pushing yourselves to the limit, your sweat-drenched bodies showing your intense workouts.
The sounds of pounding music and clinking weights fill the air as you all tackle your individual routines.
Lewis grunts with effort as he lifts the massive dumbbells, his piercing gaze focused on the weight above him.
Sebastian, meanwhile, is on the stationary bike, his powerful legs pumping away as he sprints through a virtual reality course.
Lea, ever the showgirl, is working on her agility and flexibility. She leaps and spins through gymnastics-inspired exercises, exchanging suggestive looks with the trainer she banged at Lewis' birthday party.
"What if Nico tries to blackmail me?!" you ask the trio as you go all cheeta on the treadmill. "He has the photos." you sound way too overstressed. "I fucked it big time! I'm so losing my scholarship due to all this! I shouldn't have gotten drunk! I'm going to disappoint my dad!" you struggle to speak, tears running down your face as you fully panic at the high-end training facility.
Not even a week has passed by since the incident, and you have been receiving lots of DMs on your GPEA app of guys offering to deflower you and a couple of nasty dick pics that you had to flag and report.
"It's not coming to that. We have your back!" Seb reassures you.
"It's best if you speak with Toto about it. It's making you feel miserable," Lewis says. "Niki is the only one who puts Nico in place. Toto could talk to Niki to make him stop the gaslighting. And also, Toto can deal with Naya's antics."
"Maybe she didn't do it herself, but I doubt she feels bad for it. She lets no one get near her precious Torger," Lea adds and imitates the way Naya says Toto's name with her accent and all.
"Just remain cautious around her, please," Seb asks you.
That night, you have the most bizarre dream.
"You're a virgin!" Massi screams at you, his voice dripping with condescension. "How can we expect you to be a top-notch driver when you don't even know the thrill of passion?"
The room erupts into laughs and snorts. All your classmates go into a chorus of mocking jeers. "Virgin! Leave!" they chant, waving their hands in ridicule.
Before you can protest or defend yourself, Massi slams his fist on the table, and you feel yourself get dragged out of the GPEA.
"TOTO!" You try to reach for him as everyone laughs and points at you in the hallways.
Then it morphs to visuals of Toto's strong hands pressuring your hips, pulling your skirt up, and roughly fucking you against his desk.
Your bodies moving in a fast and desperate rhythm, throwing papers, pencils, and stuff all over the lecture hall floor, your moans and his grunts echoing in the empty room, skin slapping against skin hard, he going deeper inside you, pulling your hair, forcing you to arch your back.
You wake up with a cold sweat and wet panties, feeling disoriented, scared, and horny at the same time.
You rub your eyes, trying to shake off the vivid memory of the crazy dream that had just left you.
You get off the bed.
You lace up your running shoes and step onto the misty veil that shrouds the campus racing track surrounded by the woods. It's early morning, and the skies are still dark. The air feels crisp and cold.
You went out for a jog because you could not sleep a minute more after having those crazy dreams about you getting expelled from the academy and that triple x with Toto.
You set off briskly, your footsteps echoing off the asphalt as you weave through the deserted track.
The sounds of nature gradually replaced the silence as the skies became washed blue, preparing to welcome the sun.
There's nothing that motivates you like hate. You feel now a rage to shut their mouths, to show them.
You don't notice how hard you are running till tiny gravel debris starts peeling off the track under your tracking shoes, and you feel your legs tensing in your black sporty booty shorts.
At the same time, your iPhone bounces violently on your arm holder, and your headphones are about to fly out of your ears.
You drop yourself out of breath on the grass next to the chicane, exhausted and unable to move further. The perfectly maintained green grass feels cold and wet against your ass. 
You are struggling to catch your breath, and rage tears are coming out of your eyes. Your strong, fast strides left most of your fury leave of your body.
"You good?" you hear a deep voice from a distance.
You feel another panic attack coming your way and start bracing for impact, shrinking.
"Yes, it's nothing," you quickly reply, struggling to talk. You sense an instant and desperate urge to keep running even if you feel about to puke just to avoid Toto right now.
"So, you casually hyperventilate on cold mornings?" Toto asks you, approaching you, arching an eyebrow.
He calmly keeps jogging till he closes the gap between you, now able to observe your face and features. You look like a distressed mess.
So Toto is an early bird?
You don't notice the tears falling from your eyes until they blur your vision, and your body starts shivering under the cold breeze, running out of warmth.
Toto unzips his sports jacket and offers it to you, grabbing your attention.
You instantly are about to reject it, but he knows it beforehand and tells you, "Take it," before you can even wave your hand.
It sounds more like an instruction.
"I think I know the reason behind those tears, and I'm deeply sorry for the situation. I heard the gossip. It's a small campus." Toto drops himself on the grass beside you, bending his knees. The muscles in his toned legs look so fine.
Before he explains, "Nico is a highly competitive and strong-willed student. He plans on graduating from here with a deal and a seat on an F1 team secured. He has this unhealthy way of dealing with those he considers threats."
Toto notices you shaking your head.
"How am I a threat? No one even wants me on their faculty, puff" you laugh it off.
"Nico knows you got here because there's something special in you. And I believe so, too," Toto replies, encouraging you.
You give Toto an "Are you kidding me?!" look.
He smiles brightly at your reaction, with his gorgeous teeth showing. "I'm rooting for you!" he adds.
"The one who called me a small-minded quitter or that I had no mindset, how was it? I don't recall exactly."
Toto rolls his eyes at the pettiness. "Anyway, Nico likes mind games, that's all. But that mixture makes him a ruthless fighter and a true champion. He has that fire! Nothing gets in his way. Not even Lewis' raw talent or Naya's strategic mega-mind."
"...And also make him an awful human being!" you add in a funny voice, full of dislike.
Toto tries to remain diplomatic, so he doesn't give you an answer to that.
"So that's what Nico wants? To play his games with me and watch me fail? Sorry, but I'm not giving him or you all the pleasure."
"Did I truly offended you that much? With just some words and facts, mostly facts." Toto asks you, a bit skeptical.
"You made it personal. You threw my mom's passing as a low punch, basically."
"Wasn't my intention you perceived it like that. I get what you went through more than you imagine."
He sounds sincere.
"Just so you know, I didn't give up my dream. I choose to help my father achieve his. You judged me way too soon. I do have a hunger to win and push for more, but I need a chance to do so."
"Is that so?! Was I wrong, then?"
"I think you should apologize."
"To you? What for?"
"Didn't you listen to a word of what I said?!" you let out. Shit! You went too far again. "...sir?"
"I find you so intriguing. You feel the need to add a sir to address me when, almost a week ago, you wanted me to fuck you right there, and now you are fighting me when I try to look after you. What's on that head of yours?"
"About what I said that night at Lewis' birthday party, I was..." You are now totally red.
"...You were completely drunk. I would never accept you that invite, not under that state."
"So all good?"
"All good."
"Puff, great." You look relieved.
Wait, under that state... So... Is a yes when sober?!
"You know, most people get burned falling into Nico's games," Toto warns you.
"I'm not most people." You hold his gaze.
Toto looks at you in a way you can't read as he sees the fire burning in your eyes, your rage on display, and your hunger to show something.
Your eyes wander to his lips. You can't help it. He notices this and slowly leans towards you, closing the gap between you as if a magnetic force pulled you closer.
As he is near your mouth, he whispers to your lips. You feel his breath brushing your skin. "Is that all you can jog?! You are not even halfway through the circuit. If you want to put people in shame, you better jack on," Toto teases you before getting on his feet.
"Eat my dust." You follow him and start jogging faster than him, passing him by.
You sense his eyes going all over your body as he enjoys the view of a sweaty you in those tiny booty shorts, ass, and hips swaying around meters in front of him.
You turn around to see Lance running your way, crossing the gardens.
"Hi, Sir Lancelot!" you offer him your hand after stopping your scooter.
"Ma'lady," he kisses it, greeting you. "All better now?"
"Slightly, yeah," you let out a sigh.
"Since you have been all stressed out lately, I thought inviting you to decompress at our Bonfire Night the following weekend would be nice. I hope you can join us."
"Sounds excellent, but what's a Bonfire Night, and who is "us"?"
"I always have to remember you are new around here! It's like talking with a baby! Always in need of explanation," Lance says.
He is such a sweetie but terrible with words.
"Every year, my dad hosts a bonfire party at the beach for friends and family, like many of our neighbors on that night. We spend the entire evening there, having the best time, eating, dancing, and drinking until sunrise. It's at our house in St. Tropez!"
"Oh, it sounds so cool!"
"The guys are coming, Charles, Yuki, Pippa, Lea, Sewis. So what do you say? We leave next Saturday at 4 p.m. on my dad's yacht at the harbor here."
"Count me in!"
"So, I told Lance I'm coming! I had no idea the rich did that bonfire thing-ritual every year."
"It's a tradition! We have many," Charles corrects you while trying to assemble a sandwich, smashing mayo on the bread with a knife. "I'm glad you are in the mood to join us! You do need it."
"Give me! What you are trying to do is just sad." You wash your hands before grabbing ingredients and starting to prepare a decent Saturday morning breakfast.
"Can I have one? Please!" Lea smells and sees you perform magic in the pristine kitchenette at their dorm, handling bacon, avocado, eggs, pepper, olive oil, and toast bread like a pro.
"Coming right your way!" you slide a grilled sandwich on each of the three plates.
"It's like the Upper East Siders' going to the Hamptons to act even richer near water, but in this case, it's in our mansions by the beach at St. Tropez," Charles says while biting the perfectly made sandwich and making pleasure gestures.
As Lea almost finishes hers, she tells you. "Feel like joining me today? I'm going to buy my outfits for the bonfire night. I would love a second opinion."
"I would love to, but I promised my dad I would visit him and Diesel."
"Who?" Charles asks.
You pull out your phone to show them pictures of your dog.
Massive squeals and aws come out of their lips.
"I need to meet him!" Lea says, "We could go to your dad's after shopping!"
After spending hours going from shop to shop and stopping for a well-needed boba, you arrive at your family's components store, and you two wait for your dad to join you.
"Could you please stop playing with the labeler?" you ask Lea, amused and almost laughing as she goes all over the shop, holding the labeler gun in her hands, nearly James Bond-style, tagging random stuff.
"But I love it! Beep, beep," Lea says as she presses the button and throws more product labels.
"Hey! Don't dare to label Diesel!" you warn her as she aims it in his direction.
"Never. Besides, he would be priceless, right? You little, sweet, furry baby!" she bends to pat Diesel and says with the most ridiculous voice.
Diesel quickly turns his head your way when he hears his name, bandana swinging in the air. He then runs like crazy to the doors as he smells your dad approaching. He goes all nuts as your dad enters the store, then runs to push his bowl with his nose, knowing it's lunchtime.
"Dad!" you give him the biggest hug as he pulls you off the ground in his arms.
"Our world champion is in the house! Hi, baby, how are you? We missed you."
"Splendid!" you lie, after almost having three panic attacks in just one week. "Dad, I have so much to tell you! That campus is to die for!"
Let's better not mention the parties, the nasty gossip, all the alcohol consumption, and the drugs.
"Hi, Mr. Y/LN. It's nice meeting you, sir. I'm Leandra de Vries," She approaches you, returning the labeler to the counter.
Your dad offers her a handshake.
"Nice to meet you, Leandra. You are in great luck today! I made my signature lasagna for lunch. It's Y/N's favorite!"
"YES!" you throw a fist in the air, already tasting the flavors in your mind, all excited.
"Oh great, I love Italian!" Lea says.
"Let's go upstairs, girls, lunch is waiting. Come on, Diesel, come here, let's go!"
Diesel goes first on the stairs. He used to be scared of stairs, so he takes his time climbing them before entering your small loft on top of the store.
"This is where I live, welcome." You receive Lea inside and give her the tour. It takes little time.
"I had a closet about this size. It's cute and cozy in here. I like it," Lea says, bouncing on the sofa before taking her time to look around at the pictures you have on a shelf. "She's your mom, right? You look like her. She is beautiful."
"Yes, thank you, that's her, the one and only. God, I wish she was here to see all of this."
"She is so proud of you, and she is watching it," your dad says, gesturing with a finger to the sky before returning to serve the dishes.
You three spend a great time chatting up and filling your stomachs with delicious food and some wine.
On the ride back to campus at night, Lea asked her driver to pick you up, she jokes with you in the backseat of the luxurious car.
"You forgot to mention your dad was hot and single!"
"Girl..." you look straight at her, smirking.
"I already love you like a daughter..." Lea teases you.
A hysterical laugh escapes your lips. "Please don't!"
"I'm joking, I'm joking," she bumps your arm softly with her fist. "I have limits. I would never! You know, it's just my dark humor," she tells you.
"I live for your dark humor."
The highlight of your week is that letter from Williams offering you a place on their faculty, which you immediately accept.
You can't believe you are going to use the same facilities Senna did during his time here.
You call your dad full of excitement!
"Congratulations, Miss Williams!" Charles tells you as he opens the door of their dorm, welcoming you with a hug.
"Congrats!" Lea also comes to hug you. "It's super difficult getting in that one. They are super duper hermetic! By any chance, do you have any link with the Williams family?" she looks surprised.
"Maybe it's due to Claire being in charge, you know, since I'm a girl and I'm here because of the WomenOne program, maybe she gave me a shot."
"Sounds unlikely," Charles agrees.
"To be accepted or invited there, you have to have stellar references or be close to their family, which you have to be insanely rich or Formula One royalty basically," Lea explains.
"They rejected Naya, even being a Lauda! Go figure," Charles tells you the gossip.
"Oh, but that was because Frank and Niki are opponents!" Lea addresses you.
"Then who knows, but I'm so excited, I can't believe it yet! I hope it's not Nico pulling me a joke." You roll your eyes.
"Please don't mention that name again; maybe he could Beetlejuice here! God forbids!" Charles jokes.
"Well, let's get ready. The chauffeur is picking us up at 3:00 p.m."
"Y/N, so that you know, it's the third most demanding faculty. You got this!" Lea encourages you.
"Understood, thanks. It's a really exciting day!" you let out, all happy.
"Oh, Charles is the most excited!" Lea throws him a dirty look.
"Okay..." you look back and forth between them. "What's the tea?!" You instantly ask, watching the interaction.
"He is Lance's aunt's lover."
"No shit!" your eyebrows go to the roof.
"I... I... WAS... we don't do that anymore." Charles quickly adds, starting to pack his things in his duffel bag.
"Come on! You always end up fucking no matter what! He always says that," She looks incredulous at him. "That's a cute duffel!" she points to your purple packed bag.
"Not this time!" Charles sounds so sure.
"Let's bet! One on, he gets no action tonight. Two on she will suck the collagen out of him."
"Show me your outfit for tonight! You asked me to help you with your makeup, right?"
"You can't seriously be wearing that! Whose swimsuit is it? Your grandma's?!" Lea looks you up as you exit her bathroom in your bathing suit with the dress you are to wear on top hanging in your left arm.
"Why?!" You thought you looked fine. "It's Victoria's Secret!"
"It's huge! And ew!"
"No way!" You look at your reflection in the large mirror. You are wearing a two-piece electric blue bikini with a twist-front top and matching boy short bikini bottoms that cover you up to your belly.
"Also, you need to moisturize that skin properly. It's looking a bit dry." She handles you some jars with creams.
"Really?! Oh thanks"
"You always give me no time!" She goes inside her closet. "I'm again pulling a miracle!"
"Fairy godmother, please help me!" you beg, now getting self-conscious while applying the cream to your legs and arms.
Be careful with what you wish for.
"Are you serious with this, Lea?! Why do you insist on having my ass on full display every time!"
"Because it makes you look so hot! That high-cut V-shape is so flattering on you! Besides, all cheeky thong bikinis are so sexy!"
"For sure, one of my titties is flying out of here at some point," you say as you fix your top to hold the girls in place better.
"Your skin looks so shiny and fresh now," she says, and you agree. "You look so fucking hot!"
The two-piece monochromatic green strap bikini Leandra gave you has a tie knot front and cutout design, revealing a bit of extra skin up there. It matches the high-cut leg and cheeky back bottom that accentuates the best out of your curves; the high-waisted Brazilian thong is very revealing.
"I trust you fully, okay? Thank you," you say, feeling confident with yourself now; the workout routine you have been under is showing.
"Carlos is going to get rocket hard when he sees you!" Lea lets out, all excited.
"Shut up! He is going, too?" you squeal, eager. "Lance didn't mention him."
"Carlos Sr. owns the house next door. Carlos and all his hot Spaniard cousins and friends will be there like every year. I'm almost 100 percent sure he will try to hook up with you tonight. I manifest it. It's in the air."
You look at yourself in the mirror one last time and from all angles.
You look and feel good, and you hope Lea is right. You want some action in your life.
You observe in awe the majestic, three-story-high yacht that's way bigger than your house, with its gleaming white hull and gleaming chrome railings sparkling in the afternoon light.
After passing the security check, you board with your friends and start searching for Lance inside among the guests who have already arrived.
A luxurious Mercedes car pulls over, and a hot, tall man descends on the dock and boards the yacht with an air of confidence and sophistication. He is wearing a light linen shirt, blue swim trunks, sunglasses, and espadrilles men's shoes.
All the wealthy elites are wearing their finest beach attire, diamonds and pearls glinting in the sunlight.
Lance is inside the ship, standing beside his stunning mother and billionaire dad in the main salon, which has comfortable seating areas where guests can mingle and socialize over champagne and canapés. The yacht's interior is opulent, with lavish furnishings and sparkling chandeliers.
After chatting for a minute, he lets you know he has to stay there to welcome all his guests but that Lewis and Seb are on the upper deck.
So you all choose to go hang out with them and take in the breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea.
The waiter offering the cocktails around blocks your view of Toto boarding the ship as you grab one of the glasses.
Then you turn your back in his direction, quickly catching Charles's step. You finish climbing the stairs just as Lawrence welcomes Toto with a "My good friend!"
The sun is setting rapidly now, and the yacht is beginning to move out of the harbor. Its engines are purring smoothly as it cuts through the waves, picking up speed.
Lewis's abs look great in that see-through "Sea Maiden" Burberry t-shirt paired with bright orange pants.
"Are those real?!" You feel his abs, greeting him, making Seb laugh as Lewis has him wrapped around his arm. Seb's chin resting on Lewis's shoulder.
"Lucky me!" Seb says, wearing a beautiful two-piece ensemble: a cute baby blue and white stripes bikini top paired with a Miu Miu white mini skirt. This time, he has natural short hair and sunglasses. His waist looks tiny.
The drinking and partying started from the get-go, with music and laughter creating a relaxed vibe.
Lance and you dance around for a while, holding your drinks in hand before you need to pee.
You go down the narrow, long hallway to the bathroom when you see a girl closing the door going in. "Dammit!" you let out before turning back around.
As you exit the hallway, Toto enters it on his way to the same bathroom door, only to find it's in use.
As you approach St. Tropez, you can see the many bonfires on the long beach coast twinkling on the horizon.
The yacht docks at the Stroll mansion, where a staff team had set up a massive bonfire and a beach party like no other.
There are food tables, a very famous DJ, gift bags with everything you need plus luxury items, beautiful white and natural wood-looking outdoor sitting areas with stunning flower decor, and Cantoya lights that give the place such a vibe.
You and your friends disembark last. You are already having a good time on deck. As you finally make your way down to the beach, you are welcomed by the smoking hostesses in bikinis, who offer you roasted marshmallows.
"Follow me! I asked our people to set us our own bonfire in a spot far away from my parents!" Lance informs you.
And he was right. It was less crowded and far from the main action but still on site.
As you walk there, feeling the still warm sand on your feet, you pass a breathtaking house with an oceanview front and an open concept.
Carlos waves his hand from the pool there, grabbing the group's attention.
"Where are you going?!" he screams.
"To Tortoise," Lance screams back. "See you there?" You assume it's a reference. Carlos nods his head.
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Ten minutes later, he arrives with some of his cousins and Lando. They all get introduced, and the boys choose to start playing beach volleyball. It turns out Tortoise is the nickname of that court.
The sound of the waves crashing against the shore and the distant hum of the DJ's music create a pulsating atmosphere.
As you sip your cocktails, Lance's team goes back and forth from the bar to your location. You all enjoy the music and cheer for Lewis and Lando playing against Carlos and his cousin.
Nearby, Yuki and Pippa are going at each other, sharing passionate kisses, she is sitting on his lap, wearing a tiny bikini, and Yuki's hand is all over her ass.
After Lewis falls on the sand and misses the shot, Seb laughs really hard, making Lewis go after him.
Seb starts running to the sea in his cute two-piece bikini. Lewis catches him midway, pulling him up from the ground and into his arms before taking his top off.
Seb lets out a small scream, quickly placing his hands over his chest, covering his nipples, and looking your way, making you all laugh.
They start playing in the waves before Seb pulls Lewis down to the wet sand with him.
They start caressing each other, making out hungrily, their hands going everywhere before they go behind some palm trees.
Lewis stays on his feet, back leaning against them in complete pleasure.
The volleyball game's second round caught your and Lea's attention.
A group of guys, all lean and muscular dudes living nearby, are playing a fierce match against the double C, Charles, and Carlos.
Their sweat-drenched faces and glistening skins make them look like they've just stepped out of a fitness magazine.
You two can't help but watch as they leap and dive for the ball, their muscles flexing with every movement.
One of them, a tall, big, blonde-haired guy with piercing green eyes, caught Lea's eye. He couldn't help but be drawn to her, feeling a spark of attraction ignite within them.
"Boys, you look so heated! Why don't we go for a dive-in?" Lea says, getting on her feet once the game ends, pulling off her clothes, and locking her eyes with the hot dude.
You all watch Lea run naked into the waters as you all scream and whistle, mesmerized by her openness, cheekiness, and hot body.
The blonde dude wastes no time following her. They get further into the waters, now barely visible; she grabs herself tight to his neck, her face buried in his shoulder as they fuck.
Everyone in here is making you so horny, and you can't keep ignoring Carlos' sweaty and delicious body.
You need some fresh air! What are you saying?! You can't get fresher air!
Before you leave to get a drink, Lando approaches you. "What are you hiding beneath that?! You are the only one still with clothes on."
"A cute and hot swimsuit," you say, all confident and playful.
"LET US SEE!" Pippa turns her head still on Yuki's lap.
You slide down your dress slowly.
Carlos devorous you with his eyes.
"WOAH! WOAH!" Lance lets out.
Lando throws a kiss in the air as you walk to the bar to get a drink on your own.
You notice, when you turn back a few steps away, Carlos biting his fist, watching your ass sway as you go.
The music gets louder as you reach the house's massive pool. The modern Stroll mansion is a work of art.
The bonfire roars to life, sending flames shooting high into the air as the beach erupts into a frenzy of activity. People laugh and dance, others gather around the fire, and some jump into the pool.
Toto can't believe his eyes. That's you, and a lot of you is on display. He feels an instant sensation traveling through his body.
Toto's eyes wander all over you as you pass before him on the other side of the pool. He gets on his feet and jumps into the pool.
Heading toward the bar, swimming across to catch you in there. Just as the bartender gives you your drink and you sip it, you turn around to witness Toto stepping out of the pool, water running all over his muscular body. You can't help but follow the water down with your gaze.
"But if it's the Williams girl!"
"Hi, Mercedes boy!"
"Boy?!" he laughs a bit at that.
"I didn't see you at the yacht!"
"We were upstairs."
"And where are you now?"
You point in the distance to a miniature bonfire.
"Feeling better, then? I hope you are having a good time; you look like it." You sense his eyes going all over you without discretion.
"I am! You?" you suggestively bite and suck your straw. Is that how you are supposed to flirt?!
"Meh. Lawrence is a friend."
"You can join us if you want."
"Sure, I can pop by later. Don't drink too much," Toto says, stealing the drink from your hands, putting the straw in his mouth, and sipping it.
Toto wanders away from the party as he takes an important call. Being the boss requires 24/7 availability.
He is close to the Sainz Mansion, enough to overhear Carlos and Lando's conversation.
"Y/N looks so appetizing," Carlos says.
"The way he looked at you, man, she is just waiting for you to fuck her." Lando agrees and adds.
"Right?! I felt the same! I'm going to take Y/N to my bed as soon as I see her. I think I still have condoms upstairs. See you around."
Since everyone but you seem busy fucking and hooking up, and Carlos is nowhere near, apparently, you go for a walk to take in the beautiful surroundings.
It's your first time at St. Tropez, and it's as gorgeous as you heard. You venture to go exploring further past the Stroll's house.
Toto watches you from a distance, wandering all by yourself. He catches your step, and you more than gladly invite him to join you.
Soon, it's just the two of you alone in front of an empty mansion. It's a quiet, lonely beach, just for your voices and laughs as you talk about life, finding things in common, and starting to know each other.
He gets near the sea, dipping his feet in the water as he slowly walks in. You follow his steps. The wet sand feels soft against your toes.
Soon, you are standing before him, half your body inside the water, with the moon reflecting on the surface.
You feel Toto slowly pulling the string off your top, unwrapping the tight nod in your back and causing it to fall down to the sea.
The cold air hardens your nipples as well as your excitement. Toto looks down at your breasts.
The waves move your bodies against each other.
"Beautiful," he lets out and kisses your neck. Before cupping one of your tits and rubbing your nipple with one of his thumb fingers, licking it with his tongue, moving it in circles, playing with your nipple, arousing you before claiming your lips.
You kiss him hungrily, dancing on your tip toes, stroking yourself against him.
He pulls you tight against his naked, firm chest in a fast move, and proceeds to place a trail of kisses from your temple to your shoulders, where he starts to move down to your chest. His lips biting and sucking your nipples.
He wraps your legs around his waist, pulling you by your thighs with a firm grip, and carries you deeper into the sea.
You feel your breasts rubbing on his skin, your naked skin brushing, making him get hard, or so you feel against your inner thigh.
Toto holds you in place by the ass as he starts pushing your body against his, up and down, slowly, as you two make out, your hands going all over his wet hair.
He then puts you down before making you turn around; you back against him, and you feel his now full erection on your ass cheeks as he rubs you against it while kissing your neck, squeezing and cupping your tits with both his big hands before moving to play with your nipples again.
The sensation sends you to heaven.
He starts sliding his big hand down your body, leaving a trail of warmth on your stomach. You feel his fingers sliding your bikini bottoms' light and small fabric to the side.
You sense the water brushing your pussy as Toto's index finger starts caressing your folds while he bites your ear lobe.
"I couldn't resist not being your first," Toto confesses. "You are an enigma that I want to unwrap slowly," he whispers to your ear.
You moan for him several times as he slowly and tenderly pushes his finger into you, exploring your insides.
"Warm and wet for me," he whispers, hot against your ear. You place your hand on his forearm with a tight grip.
"It feels so good," your voice is barely a whisper. Toto inserts a second finger inside you, giving you time to adjust to the feeling.
Then he starts fingering you, making you moan and say things that for sure will make you die of embarrasment tomorrow. He is torturing you with the pleasure of his different speed rhythms.
Just about when you start gasping for air, he leads your right hand inside his swim trunks to wrap it around his hard cock.
"Do it this way," Toto guides you as he reads the hesitation in your eyes. You start rubbing his dick as he keeps finger fucking you.
"Faster and in a twirling movement like this," he shows you how he likes it. It's great that you are a fast learner; you soon make him groan.
As you go on him, jerking him off, he bites your lip.
Minutes later, he pulls his dick out of his swim trunks and starts rubbing the tip of his cock between your ass cheeks as he groans loud and cums on you, grabbing your tits tight as you arch against him.
He softly pats, slaps, and squeezes your ass a couple of times as he claims your lips. You make him wrap his toned arms around you as you slide your hands all over them.
You keep kissing till you start to feel the chilly air. You get put together before Toto carries you back to the beach, where your bikini top is nowhere to be seen.
You can't return to the bonfire party topless like that.
He picks up his white linen shirt from the sand, places it on you, and buttons it up for you. Your naked breasts are still visible under the fabric.
You pull him closer, stealing him many more kisses. "Don't leave yet," you whisper against his lips.
You two lay on the sand. Well, Toto does. He places you on top of him as you keep exploring each other's bodies, tasting every corner and spot with your wet tongues, leaving traces everywhere.
You break the hot, wet kiss you are sharing to catch your breath.
"You should go back to your friends before they worry," he tells you, unconvinced.
"Oww," you whine.
"Okay, you win" he smiles against your mouth and continues kissing you, his hand squeezing your ass.
After a couple of minutes, he tells you. "I'll see you around, okay? We will make time for ourselves this week."
"Like, ahem, when?"
"Whenever you like."
You give him a couple of "final" goodbye kisses before he buries you beneath his body, shifting positions, placing himself on top of you and in between your legs, kissing you passionately, unable to pull away.
"Go," you push him away playfully. "I can't quit you". You steal him another quick kiss before he gets on his feet, dick looking hard again.
You return to your now completely drunk friends bonfire party with the biggest smile on earth, wearing a sizes bigger man's shirt with visibly no top beneath.
Seb and Leandra give you THE look.
And you go all red under their stares.
To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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atopvisenyashill · 20 days
Worst things GOT did casting wise:
- making Dany too beautiful (+ styling her in a way that she never has a hair out of place, always wears BLUE - which makes her look peaceful and soft and angelic, not making her burn her hair off etc). I just think of that one official art piece that's in the illustrated AGOT book where dany is bald, with the dragons and sparks and frames around her and its so striking instead of the "beautiful angelic blonde women stand empowered with her tits out" scene we got
- casting Iain Glen as Jorah and not like. a random Lannister (like. Come on. He is a burly and ugly man... why are you casting one of the most beautiful men to play him.... this is how we ended up with dany/jorah shippers)
-making Joffrey too unattractive (this is not meant to disparage JG who is a great actor and seems like a really cool dude and i'm not saying he's ugly but I think from his very first scene Joffrey looks very punchable and it would have been so much smarter to make the audience .. relate to Sansa's infatuation with his golden looks. In my head (and in all the official art) Joffrey looks like a male version of cersei/a younger version of Jaime.)
- making Dany, Jon, Robb, Marg, Brienne etc 10+ years older than Sansa and the younger starklings .... It's not "the main characters and arya (who is so cool and can kill people) + the little children" it's ONE AGE group of equally important characters
Like I know people are upset at Ned/Jon etc being too attractive, WHICH I GET, but I feel like those were very vibe based casting decisions and i'm ultimately fine with that (I also think it's easier for the audience to root for someone if they're attractive so like. I guess they had to do it) but these other things resulated in people's perception of the characters being so wildly different from what they're supposed to be. The real reason people get so angry whenever someone says they wish tamzin had stayed is because they don't like the idea of daenerys not being this ethereal beauty (TM is beautiful but not in a conventional way) that they can fully root for without issue.
1. NO YOU ARE SOOOOOO RIGHT ABOUT THEM REFUSING TO LET DANY LOOK UGLY. it’s not to say tamzin isn’t clearly beautiful, but i think she’s beautiful in the same way gwendoline christie is, which is that she’s very striking and she has a strong presence but she’s not exactly what people picture when they say “typical hot lady” (which is Crazy these are all able bodied white women, like the definition of “beauty” is soooooo fuckijg narrow that tamzin merchant is ~atypically beautiful) vs emilia definitely is, and YES like everything from not burning her hair off to emilia being,,,,,fuller in figure than dany as a fourteen year old would be is just very clear that they saw dany different than the way she is On The Page. i mean i know people whack george for saying that she’s like a sexy funny lady or whatever but george never lets go of the fact that she’s incredibly young whereas d&d completely miss that part of her character.
i will say i Get the criticism of tamzin perhaps not picking up on the conlangs easily because one thing you can say for emilia is that she had a decent head for the conlangs, she’s even still partially fluent in dothraki lmaooo. but all the other stuff they said about why they recast dany it’s like. hmmmmmmmmmm.
2. absolutely right about iain especially because he’s similar to idk paddy in that he’s got CHARISMA but unlike viserys, they didn’t intent to portray him as a deeply flawed, antagonistic character they went in portraying him as like an objectively Good Guy dedicated to dany. he’s just so much less creepy and pushy in the show and has several scenes where he shows some moral backbone - that “yet here you stand” “yet here i stand” scene is sooooooo good for example, the fact that he actually apologizes for spying on dany, giving him the greyscale story & not having him fuck a valyrian looking woman in a brothel 💀, etc etc - and you also just lose some of the creepiness here because emilia is clearly a grown if young woman and ian is handsome, so it’s like. welll of Course you want to root for them to be together! and never mind that this is a Massive departure from their book characterizations!! again, they have this idea of jorah in their head that doesn’t match up with what’s on the page even a little.
3. i do get your point re: joffrey and i think this is my problem with aidan as littlefucker too - they’re too obviously villains and it makes ned and sansa look stupid. like, in the books we have that moment where robb almost decks joffrey which does seem to signal something bad but the crown prince being full of himself doesn’t mean he’s going to threaten his betrothed’s sister with a sword then get his ass handed to him by a toddler. in the show we get QUITE a number of scenes where joffrey is shown to be a brat AND as you say, just like aidan, jack has a Certain Look, he looks like a shitty jock who has allegations against him ajsjdj like irl when jack smiles he’s so adorable!! but in the show they REALLY play up his ability to channel a greasy aura ya know aksjd. when the point of asoiaf is often that villains don’t LOOK like villains, but some of our Main Villains clearly resemble typical villains in the show.
4. “it’s ONE age group of characters” NO YOU ARE SO RIGHT. like, there’s several years difference from robert to ned to cat to the twins to tyrion but they’re all the same generation of characters. there’s that exact same age difference from brienne to robb, dany, jon to sansa, arya, bran, with theon kind of similar to characters like jorah, who are old enough to remember The Before Times but aren’t quite in either generation. but because they wanted dany, brienne, jon, robb, and margaery to be more of a Typical archetype rather than an exploration of that archetype, they aged everyone up and essentially invented another generation between the “adult” characters and the “kid” characters. not to be super nerdy here but one of my favorite worked shoots in wrestling is one cody rhodes did where he was ranting about the way young wrestlers get put through the grinder and he has this amazing line where he sums it up as “old men talking, young men dying” and it’s not to say there aren’t a lot of old dudes Also dying lmao but you really see this where young leaders are often unprepared for their responsibilities and used as puppets by older men and you just MISS THAT when that whole generation is so grown!
it’s like they looked at those themes of war being terrible and all consuming and brutal no matter how justified you feel you are and went “wow war is brutal 😍” LIKE PLEASE????
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maxwell-grant · 2 months
Any thoughts on Doctor Sivana?
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Nothing too extensive but Sivana rules in a way that doesn't really invite too much introspection. He's THE archetypal mad scientist comic book supervillain and he's more or less stayed as that, arguably the most influential of them after Luthor if not outright on par with him, because while Luthor is the comic book supervillain template, the pop culture image of a mad scientist (big head short body, ugly, big glasses, always with a labcoat, hunchback and big teeth optional) is pretty much taken from Sivana. But Luthor's status atop the ladder and position opposite Superman mutated him into varying kinds of villain and a complicated character over time, where as Sivana is Sivana and never really needed to be anything else, there's just a purity to him. They've tried to make him a Luthor clone and the movie ran with that, but who cares, we all know what Sivana is, you're not fooling anyone with that guy.
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He's got a pretty great thing going as not just an evil scientist, but the evil scientist head of an evil scientist family, with children split in either looking exactly like him or looking like chiseled models who look brutally dissonant next to their dad, and he genuinely loves his kids (at least usually or in his own way), in fact he's even show loving the ones that don't support him and turned good. If he's going to be the arch-nemesis of the superhero who introduced the concept of a superhero family, he can't exactly be lacking in one of his own, and that familial aspect he has towards his children has become just as important to his characterization as the fact that he spends most of his waking hours trying to destroy a child and failing.
They get some mileage out of how ruthless he can be despite his image (and people's tendency to overlook how dark Captain Marvel stories could get), he has enough basic standards to not go as low as other DCU supervillains and Thunderworld establishes a Hannibal Lecter-esque Sivana to hammer in contrast with the main one finding him unnerving, but I'll never forget this panel:
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Like I said, there's a lot of dark stuff in Captain Marvel/Shazam that gets forgotten, but I also like this about Sivana, that's the flip-side of that purity I mentioned. That he can and does have almost a Doofenshmirtz-thing going on, where he's playing such an over-the-top cartoon villain 24/7 that every mundane or decent thing he does becomes inherently funny via contrast, as is his loving relationship with his own family, but he is a guy who's very serious about taking over the world and very serious about destroying Captain Marvel even if that means killing the boy Billy Batson to do it and doesn't think for one second about that contradiction. Contradictions are for chumps. He may love HIS kids, other kids are just a thing in the way. Sivana doesn't need to explain himself, like some OTHER inferior bald guy who sold out to become a CEO or something, Sivana lets his deeds do the talking.
Besides, evil is his family activity, who's to deny the joys of it to him?
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tojisun · 10 months
our shallow graves — 01
recom miles quaritch x recom fem reader
!! smut (between fuck buddies outside of main pair) - minors dni; heat (as a theme); mean quaritch; power imbalance; references to (made up past), including death and prev dead lovers; worldbuilding; fast slow-burn; the reader adopts a nickname (callsign) which gets used // 3k words
: this chapter lays the foundation of the fic and introduces the initial dynamic of quaritch and the reader; reader’s callsign is 10/10 from that one penguin in madagascar; this fic made me fascinated with deja blu fr; hope u guys would luv it <33
next // m.list
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you don’t understand why you were one of the early ones they awakened. sure you signed up for the shitty program – because who wouldn’t want to be an eight-feet tall blue alien? apparently, other than the scientists, you were the only one in your squad who wanted the transfer – but you didn’t expect to be the first in the line up.
to be in colonel miles quaritch’s squad. 
other than walker and mansk, you knew absolutely no one from the deja blu team. but you’ve heard of them, alright. who wouldn’t? they have lines of kills and assists in terra and, now, in pandora; they are warmongers at most, rascals at least. 
you stare up at their imposing figures, trying to make sense of the fact that they’ve all been killed in action. 
despite not remembering much, you’ve come to terms with your own death during the initial war – a lone pilot, only meant to be an escort, gunned down by trudy’s bird before being further propelled into the lush forest floors of pandora by the banshees. it is a boring life story, one that is only worth telling because of your “sacrifice” in alien territory. 
(you still don’t understand why the shrink insisted on showing you the syphoned clips of your death. 
“it’s to help you move on,” she said as if she could ever understand the horror of seeing yourself fall to your death. as if you had not been a human trapped inside a fucking burning bird, being torn to pieces by, what could literally only be, flying dinosaurs. as if you were just another collateral. just another number added to the charts.
“i’m sorry,” she added, a small smile on her face as she turned to you, her hair tied in a neat bun and her white blouse tucked in her pencil skirt. “ultimately, thank you for your service, ma’am.”
fucking piece of shit. 
you wondered if she even has a licence or the RDA just handed your files to some science nerd and was told to play god for their little blue alien. to fix you right up so that they could send you to another suicide mission.)
but that wasn’t the case for the rest of the deja blu. you know they were directly fighting; leaders of smaller squadrons, following the beat of papa dragon. walker and mansk, themselves, have touched down with guns in their amp suits, directly under wainfleet’s command. you don’t know how they died – you couldn’t even fathom wainfleet dying. and yet there he stands with the others, bald as fuck but imposing nevertheless.
your eyes shift to the man beside him. not the tallest, zdinarsik got that title, but the one in command. 
colonel miles quaritch. big, blue, and seething. 
one more thing you noticed in this whole fuckery is that your recombinant body is short. you stood about two inches shorter than walker, and she’s a full head shorter than anyone else. as you line up beside her, with fike on your other side, you three could very well make a groupie of santa’s little helpers.
wainfleet smirks like he’s thinking the same. you would have rolled your eyes at him but the colonel began to move close, his combat boots echoing against metal floors, snuffing out any noise from the squad. 
“and who are you, kid?” he asks, standing directly in front of you.
you tell him your name, internally wincing when your tail unconsciously coils around your leg. you still don’t know how to control it – an easy tell of your anxiousness. the colonel’s lips lift up in a smirk, his eyes flashing at your tail in slight mirth, before recognition crosses his eyes.
you startle at the use of your unofficial callsign, a feat only made possible after climbing up the ranks and being heralded as one of the best pilots.
(trudy had been the best pilot in hell’s gate; the one with the most medals, and rightfully so. she was the one who ripped through the skies with her samson, zigzagging like she had been riding a banshee instead of a plane. 
the one with the kindest heart.
there is a part of you that is grateful that it had been trudy who took you down.)
“yes sir,” you reply, blinking up at him after he’s dismissed your salute, feeling a little shy at being recognized, somewhat, by the colonel. 
quaritch hums, tilting his head to the side in thought, watching you with narrowed eyes. briefly, you wonder if he’s asking himself why it had not been socorro who was awakened. to be honest, you are asking yourself the same thing because it doesn’t matter if you were one of the best, not when socorro, sweet and gentle and pregnant socorro, had the colonel’s favouritism. 
(socorro’s child was a beautiful boy with sun-kissed hair and chocolate eyes. he was such a darling even though you’ve only seen the infant in passing, held lovingly in his mother’s arms.)
they could’ve made a blue alien baby this time around. maybe, then, they’d be happier too. 
the colonel certainly doesn’t deserve it but socorro does. 
“were you a private, rico?” quaritch asks, pulling you from your thoughts. he leans close again, dramatically bending his head down which highlights the difference in your heights.  
“no sir,” you reply. “i was a lance corporal, sir.”
he hums again, finally backing up and giving you more room to breathe. then, he sends you a smile. “well then, welcome to the team, kid.”
the tension seeps out of you as you nod, thanking him before he turns to the other recoms, chatting amiably. walker bumps you with her shoulder and you see her smile from your peripheral.
you give her a smaller one before willing your tail to finally uncoil from your damn leg and act normal.
of course it just swishes behind you.
training is gruesome. you honestly thought that it would be easier with your stronger and newer body, but with the colonel around, that thought vanished. 
suicide drills were the squad’s least favourite, you especially. not only were the stakes increased to push the limits of your new bodies, but you all were always watched by the scientists, with their little sticks poking at your bodies and their little wires strapped down to whatever skin they wanted to bother this time around. 
wainfleet started screaming at them, calling them “fucking losers,” and barking at them to give the squad some space. quaritch quickly took over, grunting that whether they were losers or not, whatever they were doing was necessary. that said, he sent the scientists a heated glare, making it known that his words do not necessarily reflect his feelings – wainfleet had taken this as his victory. 
the tests weren’t fun, but you appreciated their purposes; through them, you learned that your na’vi DNA was extracted from a tipani warrior. the sentiment isn’t lost in you – they robbed the graves of the na’vi. you think you are used to what humans could do all for conquering pandora but for many days, you were unable to stomach any packet meal they fed your squad. walker had to talk you out of it because your unintentional hunger strike made you lag behind – an error that had you being summoned to the colonel’s office.
“we’re all tryin’ our best here, rico,” quaritch’s voice echoes in his office. 
you’ve never been inside the one he had back in hell’s gate and you had hoped that you would never see the day of being in his current one, but there you stood, tensed as the colonel studied you. 
he refused to sit on his customized chair, choosing instead to pace just behind his desk, his bulging arms hidden from your view as he clasped his hands behind his back. quaritch’s lips are pursed, almost pouty, and you beat yourself up at the thought of finding him – your nose scrunches at this – attractive when he’s busy scolding you. 
“our circumstances ain’t ideal, but we’re back as some lab-grown native and we oughta take advantage of what we’ve become,” he says, continuing his tirade amidst your silence, snapping you out of your humiliating thoughts. “your little stunt costs us a delay on proceeding with a recon of the area and the only reason i’m not benching you is because the general has faith in you – faith that, frankly, i’m still not understanding.”
your back straightens at his words, and you tamp down the need to wince at his scathing tone. he is right, after all. for some fucked up reason, the general – both ardmore who’s stationed in pandora and gonzales who’s still in terra – backed the need to have your soul transfer commence. you still don’t know what it had been for, given that past your flying skills, you are just another idiot who knows her way around a gun. not memorable to many, except, apparently, for those in command.
(‘maybe this was why the colonel doesn’t particularly like me,’ you would think later, safe in your room. ‘socorro may have the colonel’s attention but what is a colonel – one who already failed his priority mission – against two generals?’)
“i’m sorry, sir,” you utter, clear but not loud, and quaritch just watches you again with his unwavering stare.
finally, he grunts, turning his body away from you to fully face the glass window that oversees the lower-level operations. you take this as his dismissal and scurry out of his office.
“and she’s finally back from tryna kill herself!” wainfleet’s voice echoes in the nearly empty mess hall and you roll your eyes at him, glowering when he just proceeds to chuckle.
you plop your tray in front of walker, sending her a small smile which she returns with a cute beam. her braids are out of her hair tie today, letting them frame her face in the way you saw the omatikaya prefer. shooting a quick glance at zdinarsik’s way and it’s clear that someone else prefers it this way too. 
“what’d the pukes say?” fike asks, sloshing around his packet meal, sneering in disgust when it jiggles like a slab of jello. more than the fact that you found out that your gene came from a corpse, this ‘food’ is about to do the trick of making you want to pursue starvation again.
“said i needa take so many pills.” you shrug, tearing open your packet of faux meat with pinched lips and your shoulders tensed like you’re expecting to be shot at. “apparently, i stunted my growth.”
prager laughs. “aww, you gonna remain short?”
“aww, you gonna remain hairy?” you shot back, snorting when prager just pouts as he raises his hand to rub at his fuzzy chin. gross.
wainfleet barks out another laugh at the exchange before reaching across the table to place an apple onto your tray. “‘ere ya go, rico. real food.”
you don’t know where he got the fruit, you don’t even know if it’s ‘real’ like he just said, but you do not have room to complain. fake fruit is a whole lot better than the slush in the compound. 
“thanks,” you say, smiling bashfully, not expecting wainfleet, of all people, to adopt the mother hen role. he winks at you in reply, wiggling his brows, before straightening back up and fooling around with prager. 
you dump the packet back to your tray before picking up the apple. you wipe it on your shirt before bringing it up for a bite, humming in delight at the crunching sound it made.
“delicious?” mansk asks from beside you, his lips quirking up in a smile when you turn to him.
“yummy,” you reply, humming, taking another bite. he snickers, bumping your leg with his, before placing his own apple onto your tray too. 
“you gotta eat more,” is all he says when you make a questioning sound before bending over to hover his lips on the shell of your ear. “news spread fast that you got your ass reprimanded by the colonel yesterday.”
“uh-huh,” you mutter, unable to focus on what he’s saying at the sudden surge of heat engulfing you. 
your lips feel dry all of a sudden, your throat parched from unknown thirst, and you turn to mansk, wanting to ask him what the hell is happening to you – was this the fault of the fucking apple? – only to see his own face flushed, blue skin turning into dark purple. 
his eyes meet yours and all of a sudden, you feel like you are doused with gasoline and set ablaze.
huh. well, if that isn’t interesting.
“jesus- devin, not too ha- ah!” 
your back arches at a particularly hard thrust, your jaw falling open for a drawn out garble. the explosion of pleasure races across your synapses, filling you up with nothing but a deafening white noise. blearily, you recognize mansk’s bigger hands wrapping around your waist, lifting you up from his lap only to drop you down again. a hiccupped moan escapes your lips, your eyes rolling to the back of your skull, feeling your walls spasming around him.
“rico, fuck, so good. so good.” mansk’s voice is faint, falling from his kiss-swollen lips in murmurs. you would have missed it without your new heightened senses, but the sound of his voice tickles your ears, making your tail flick behind you as you preen at his praises.
a giggly “thank you” barely makes it past your teeth when mansk manhandles you again, humping his hips up to grind himself along your pelvis, driving him deeper. you choke on your words, unable to stop the moan that is punched from your lungs, the sound so loud that mansk had to cover your mouth with one of his hands.
“not so loud,” he mumbles, bumping his forehead against yours. the sound of his rugged voice makes you clench around his length, making you feel utterly stuffed. you drag your blunt nails across his back, your eyes fluttering rapidly, feeling yourself tipping into the peak of your orgasm.
mansk laughs. “y’r unbelievable.” 
you do not know what it is that you said, your wobbly voice still smothered by his hand, as you get lost in the way he bounces you on his lap. mansk goes quiet, only letting muffled grunts pierce the air between the two of you, and you feel the sudden surge of primal need unleashing deep in your belly.
the tight clench of your abdomen almost hurts, your orgasm ripping through the remnants of your sanity. your last thought was: ‘motherfucker, why did no one ever tell you that the na’vi have heats?’
it is later when the haze lifts up that the warmth licking up from the core of your muscles – almost like it is burrowed deep within your blood vessels – is finally snuffed out. 
mansk is asleep on his bed, dead to the world. you shuffle out of his loose embrace, blinking blearily before realizing that he had cleaned you two up. a small smile graces your lips as you fully slink out of his bed, looping your tail around your leg as you pick up the pieces of your off-duty apparel. 
pressing a kiss on his forehead, and rolling your eyes when he sleepily bats you away like you are a fly, you grab your respirator and quietly leave his room. 
standing in the empty hallways, turning your head from side to side, you study the stillness of the metal walkway with bated breath, afraid that someone will eventually see you making your walk of shame to your room. when the silence continues, you finally begin to move, lithe steps only broken by the continuous hissing from your respirator as you occasionally take slight sips of air. 
nearing your room, your heart finally settles, your tensed back loosening up at the feeling of safety. you cross past one of the intersecting hallways, quick in your steps, when a hand reaches from the dark and grabs your wrist.
a scream nearly bubbles from your lips when a palm is shoved to your face, shutting you up once again. panicked eyes turn, trying to see who’s got such a strong hold on you, only for your heart to careen even faster when you make eye contact with quaritch.
his sneer is terrifying, his bright amber eyes glinting with so much malice, it pins you right on the spot. cold dread washes over you like a tide, chasing away the quiet elation that settled deep within your veins. the heat is returning, you know that, but it is muted and mingled with fear that you can’t even feel the need to scratch the itch. 
your ears are pinned onto your skull, your tail drooping as it wraps itself around your leg again. this time the colonel doesn’t look at it in amusement, instead he continues to glare at you.
“next time, fuck around quietly,” quaritch barks out, cutting you off. “and go take a goddamn shower. you reek.”
he snatches his arm from your wrist as though he’s been burned before marching away, his combat boots echoing in the hallway. tears prick the back of your eyes and you run to your room, heaving, trying to calm yourself.
anger, hurt, and shame bubble deep inside your stomach, expanding, until you are finally reduced to tears. you cry your frustration away, hoping that by doing so, you would stop thinking about how good the colonel smelled as he glowered at you with his sharp eyes. 
(if only you had glanced at quaritch as he walked away, you would have seen the way he burrowed his face on his palm, chasing the sweet scent that roused him from his sleep and pushed his own heat into its beginnings.)
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Just Pretend (Gavi x reader)
Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Most recent part
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Warnings: Dubious consent!!! Please don't read if you're uncomfortable with unclear consent. Mentions of crying during intimacy.
Not really a warning, but in this universe, Ferran is single and not the best person. So the warning is major Ferran character assassination? Sorry Ferran girlies <3
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has been enjoying this story so far. I have been waking up to 99+ notifs on tumblr for the last 3 days now and I can't tell y'all how much I appreciate it. So much that I'm typing this next part in the university library (while wearing my Gavi jersey) .
Also I was wondering why engagement was so much higher on part 1 and I found out that the link to part 2 on that post was broken smh.
Pablo Gavi was notoriously hot headed. Everyone knew this - from players to coaches to commentators to the 16 year old girls making TikTok edits of his footage. Everyone knew he had a temper the bubbled over at a moment's notice. Xavi liked to describe him as a spark: volatile, quickly explosive, but just as quick to come back down to a level headed state. This is what made him a good footballer. He could be passionate and powerful on the attack, and then level his emotions to make strategic decisions in a split second.
"Gavi is never nervous when he goes onto the field. He is confident. It is his game."
But Gavi was not himself for the rest of the day. His usual look of disturbance was deepened, eyebrows remaining furrowed together for the entirety of training. The air of boyish charm he always had dissipated, settling instead into an uncomfortable aura that was felt by the rest of the team. Gavi's irritation was widespread. The main target was Pedri, who refused to tell Gavi when he had seen you at a club. It was at Ansu and Balde, who kept you busy for the rest of the afternoon, so you couldn't watch them train. It was at Martin, who was sending so many texts that, in Gavi's opinion, he looked like a desperate little loser that had never felt the touch of a woman.
Gavi's anger did not spare you. It was one of those days where he decided that he just did not trust you. He had them semi-frequently. When he went into your office and his heart started hammering in his chest. Where his skin felt like it was on fire whenever you touched him. When your voice flowed into his ears like honey and clogged his brain and clouded his thoughts. He interpreted these feelings as fight or flight - his gut's way of telling him you were not to be trusted. Why else would he feel like this? The only other time his heart beat so loudly was in the middle of an important match, when he could not afford to make a single mistake. There was something wrong with you, and sooner or later, he would find out what, and these feelings would subside.
Until then, he continued to glare at the wall of the locker room, wet hair dripping onto his forehead, as he waited for Pedri to finish getting changed.
"-and then she started massaging my chest and it was the best I've felt in weeks. Every day I want to kiss the La Liga president for approving women physios. If she keeps stretching me out, I'll be the next Messi."
Gavi's head perked up at hearing this. He knew Ferran was talking about you. It was not the first time Ferran had made some less-than-appropriate comments about you. The first day you had come out to the field to be introduced to the squad, Ferran had been standing next to Gavi and Pedri, letting out a low whistle.
"Look boys, Xavi doesn't want anything to hinder your performance, not even sexual frustration. Look at the present he brought us."
Gavi's face twisted in disgust at the memory. He grabbed his bag and made his way out of the locker room, deciding it was best not to hear Balde's response to the comment. He wished they would focus on their football skills rather than trying to get girls. Gavi had been told multiple times that it might benefit him to get a girl. It's not like he was a blushing virgin - whenever he felt like he needed to be with someone, he went out with the rest of the squad. Pedri and Ferran would be surrounded immediately. They would then pick one of the girls at their feet and ask, "Have you met my friend Gavi?"
When he was at La Masia, it was harder - what woman wants to be brought back to a football academy dorm? But now that he was in the squad and on TV, women were all but crawling into the Uber with him. They came back to his place, begging for him, and he released any frustration he had. This didn't usually take long. Gavi wasn't looking to be a giver or a romantic. When he was finished, he got up, got dressed, handed the girl her clothes, and asking if she needed an Uber to get home. Was it harsh? Probably. The three girls he had done this to had all yelled at him, strings of profanity about his mother leaving their mouths as they walked out the door. But he didn't care. He was 18 and about to be one of the most famous footballers in the world. Like Pedri told him, "Girls will always be there. Focus on your career, and there will always be a line of women waiting to have your kids. Don't create extra stress for yourself."
Pedri executed this well. He was rarely seen out, and whenever he did go out, he could get a girl and be out of the club in a matter of 20 minutes. He was efficient. He didn't let his after hours activities seep into what he did on the field. Ferran was a different story. Some days, Gavi thought Ferran had only stuck with football because he couldn't become a male prostitute. He was always thinking about sex, talking about sex, or hypothesizing how to acquire sex. He was not efficient. He often tried to see how many girls he could take home with him at once. He always came in tired and sore, hangover causing him to move much slower than he should be. He was always making comments about the girls that sat close to the field in Camp Nou, going on about how he could have all of them at once if he wanted. Gavi usually tuned it out. But he couldn't when it came to you. He hated the way Ferran spoke about you. It made his stomach turn and blood boil. Focus on football.
As Gavi stepped into the hallway, he saw you struggling to carry your bag and a large stack of files. He leaned coolly against the wall, bag slung over one shoulder.
"Stealing all the medical records to sell them to the press?"
You looked up at him, arms shaking from the weight of everything in your hands.
"Selling them to Real Madrid. Ancelotti wants to know who has the biggest dick. Come carry these filed before I say yours is the smallest."
Gavi rolled his eyes and took the files from your hands, surprised by how heavy they actually were. He followed you to your car, thinking to himself, 'Does she actually have our dick lengths in our medical records? I don't remember getting mine measure. Is it self reported? No, it can't be everyone would lie.'
"Gavi. Where are you going? This is my car."
Gavi was taken out of his thoughts, realizing he walked too far. He jogged back to you, placing the files in the back of your car. He watched you bend over to arrange the files so they wouldn't slip onto the floor. Gavi found himself glancing at your ass as you leaned over, before swiftly looking away. He did not like you. He had a baseline of respect for you as a young successful professional. Nothing else. You were still sarcastic and loud and treated him like a child. He had no interest in your ass or any other part of you that couldn't help him get better at football.
"Do you need a ride home Gavi?"
"No I'm just waiting for Pedri. The guys were being too rowdy in the locker room and it was giving me a headache."
You closed your car door, sighing with the effort of making sure you didn't damage the files.
"Alright then. I'll see you next Monday." You said over your shoulder, moving to get into your car.
"Next Monday? Why not tomorrow? Where are you going to be for the rest of the week?"
"I have the week off to study for my field training assessment on Friday. If I pass with an 85% or higher, I can start helping the medical staff on the field when one of you gets injured in a game."
"Right. But if the exam is on Friday you should be here for Saturday training."
"I asked for Saturday off. I have a date."
Gavi's head shot up at the statement.
"A date?"
"Yeah. You know Martin? He asked me to go to Cala Bona beach with him. I never really use my vacation days so I thought it would be good. Besides, the team has a match on Thursday. Saturday training will be recovery. I don't need to be there."
Gavi looked at you with the same distressed face he always had.
"Don't you think it's a little desperate of you to take off work for a date?"
You looked up at him seething. He stood with his bag strapped over his shoulder, hands in his pockets, hood up to cover his wet hair. His eyes were stern and cold, the usual fire behind them having died down to leave frigid disgust. You would be lying if you said you didn't know about how the Barca men got rid of their sexual frustrations.
"Oh I'm sorry. Next time, Gavi, I'll be classy like you and have weekly sex in a club bathroom."
You didn't give him a chance to respond before you slammed your door and started your car, the sound of the engine drowning him out. His cheeks were burning with embarrassment. He hated when you did that - when you acted like he was a stupid kid. But in this case he was. You had refrained from getting into a long term relationship during your undergrad in the US because you knew you would be leaving, and you didn't want to drag someone across the world with you. But you were human, and humans love companionship. So you tried your best to find someone who you could love. Or rather, someone who could love you.
University had been difficult for you, and not only in the academic sense. In high school, you only really got close to one boy. His name was Ricardo. He walked in one day in the 9th grade wearing a Barca shirt, and you couldn't contain your excitement. You both got closer throughout your years at school, sharing a passion for medicine and sports. You even planned to go to the US together, so you could have a companion from home. Naturally, rumors swirled that the two of you were a couple, because friendship among teenagers doesn't exist.
In your final year of school, Ricardo confessed that he had been pining after you for the last year. You didn't know what to say. Your gut told you that you didn't like him, but everyone around you said otherwise. Everyone told you that the way he looked at you should make you feel special. That he had been so nice to you for so long that you basically owed it to him to return the feelings. So you went on a date with him (well, if you consider hanging out in his basement watching Netflix a date). Ricardo was not slick with his intentions. He had his arm around you, and pulled you in close within the first 10 minutes of the movie. At minute 30 he started kissing your neck. You tensed up. You had thought about being physical with Ricardo, but only because of all the times your other friends had talked about it. Halfway through the film, your clothes were off. Well, sort of. Your shirt was pushed up, bra pulled down to expose your chest (since he could not figure out the clasps. Both of you had your pants around your ankles.
"Ready baby?" "Yeah, I think so."
Your first time lasted 3 minutes. When he finished he laid on top of you. A tear rolled down your face. Ricardo looked at you, kissing you on the forehead.
"Hey, are you okay."
You nodded, but you didn't mean it. The realization was setting in that you had absolutely no romantic feelings for this boy. Ricardo got a girlfriends soon after, and you spoke to him sporadically before you moved to the US.
In college, you were fun. You were social, drawing people in with the mysterious exotic nature that came from being an international student. This, coupled with the fact that you were close to a lot of the athletes, meant that everyone wanted to get to know you. You got a lot of party invites. You spent almost every weekend at a bar or house or club. Tall gym bros were tripping over each other to serve you drinks. They were eager to grind up on you in a room full of sweaty undergrads, feeling the way your hips swayed to the beat of the Drake songs over the speakers. It always ended the same way. They whispered in your ear for you to go to the bathroom with them. You obliged. The feeling of the sink pressing against your ass was a familiar one. You drove boys crazy, kissing them like you were taking your last breath. You grabbed them by their belt loops, pulling them close into you. You would grab the backs of their necks, playing with the hair on their nape, and let out some (exaggerated) breaths when they kissed your neck. You always ended the encounter the same way. They would ask you, beg you to go back to their rooms, and you would always respond with, "I don't think you'd be able to handle it."
This got you a reputation around school. Some called you "The Pentagon", because it was impossible to penetrate you. Others called you "ice princess", because you could get men so hot and reject them so coldly at the same time. You became the ultimate challenge for every frat boy: who could get you to sleep with them. Men would treat you like a goddess - wine and dine you, buy you presents, confess that you were the woman of their dreams, all for the bragging rights of saying you gave it up to them. Having your emotions played with started to mess you up. You started to believe that no one really could fall in love with the "ice princess". But you weren't going to stop trying.
[Martin Zubimendi]: I can't wait to see you this weekend.
[Martin Zubimendi]: Send your address so I can come pick you up.
[Martin Zubimendi]: A pretty girl like you shouldn't have to drive by herself for an hour.
[Gavi]: Good luck on your exam Doctora
A/N: Hey y'all, this part is a little shorter, but I wanted to give some background on the characters' mindsets before I start another eventful part of the story.
This part of the story is inspired by the story "7 minutes is never enough" on ao3. It is a Dabi x reader that sent shock waves through my system. So pls go support that author as well!
Thank you so much for all the love on this series. I really appreciate it more than I can say. Always love to hear feedback, so let me know under here or in my asks. Love you all. Will upload the next part when I can.
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starartist · 8 months
Guys, let's all pretend Kataang never happened. Let's pretend like Zutara was always meant to happen🫧. Because it would be better for everyone, for us and for the story itself. We all know what a fighter Katara is and that she was literally the best waterbender in the world, and that she always stood up for herself🌙. And we all know how that all went down and it's like her character and her fighting spirit disappeared the moment she became Aang's trophy wife🙄. Katara lost herself and what she fought for and became Aang's house wife who keeps quiet and doesn't get involved in politics and stops fighting and becomes a healer. Okay, Katara is a healer but she's also a fighter, that's her meaning, she said it herself. And how did it all happen? The Avatar writers forgot what Katara's purpose was and literally dropped her. It's very sad because her character could have progressed so much and realistically we all imagine Katara in the future as the most powerful waterbender, a real fighter and a successful Politician and ambassador of the water tribe🌊. And I really don't know how Aang and Katara ended up together when Katara was playing mother all the time? (because Aang is the main character and he has to get a girl he likes, of course that's the only reason🥲) . Really, who would have thought that a girl like Katara would choose a younger, bald, immature boy, who is kidding us😂. I think that if Katara ended up with Zuko her character would progress a lot more, really Zuko and her would continue to fight together, and improve each other, Katara would even most likely be a water tribe ambassador and continue to be involved in politics and she would become the Fire Lady🔥. It would be such a good and powerful continuation of her story and it would be a real Katara fighter and ruler as we all know her, she would remain worthy of herself and her views. That's the real Kataraa and her character✨️. That's why I'm part of the Zutara community and that's how it will be❤️‍🔥. So let's pretend that Zutara happened and that Katara stayed true to herself . Pleaseeee🫶
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And to remind you how hot she looks in a fire nation outfit, just imagine her as the Fire Lady.
(okay, I got an idea for the next drawing, expect it soon😂)
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royakahoshiart · 4 months
okay fine. I need people to know this.
I feel like most tbhk fans are Christian from America and Europe. So they probably don't really think about the religion in tbhk but it actually has such a big role.
I'll get straight to the point, all of tbhk (or at least main charactes and the plot) is revolved around the worship of Kami ( 神 ) gods, spirits and supernaturals alike.
ThE most obvious ones are the seven mysteries themselves, yako in a kitsune (litterally fox) a fox spirit/yokai whom like to pull pranks of humans either by shaoeshifiting, seducing or even killing at points, this can be seen in yako's sort of cocky personality. Yako is more specifically an Inari statue of an Inari temple for the goddess of agriculture, they say it protects crops and foxes.
Tsuchigomori is a tsuchigomo (literally earth spider) it's a giant spider who can be at least as tall as 10 meters. In one story, minamoto no yorimitsu (or raiko) killed one and had found multiple skulls inside, obviusly implying that the creature eats humans.
Hakubo is an Oni, a general word for demonic creatures in Japanese, thought I can't pin point which exact one. Another story involving yorimitsu is the drunken demon, when hakubo was found by the exorcist he said to have given the biggest Oni poisoned sake, as the real story says that three old men gave yorimitsu and his men sake that revealed the oni's real appearance but didn't hurt humans because he prayed at 3 nearby shinto shrines, and later slashed his neck like in the original text.
Hanako is straightforward but it is different in almost all prefectures of japan.
The gist of it is that hanako was a little girl who died either by herself of by her classmates in the girls bathroom around 5-10 years old. She can grant your wish but is you make her angry she'll curse you with a painful and slow death that'll happen very soon. One prefecture even says that she died in the nuclear blast during the last years of ww2.
Im not sure where nº3, nº1 and nº4 come from.
Now Onto the more subtle details, you might ask "hold up Roy, but Japanese buddhisim is very in touch with supernaturals aswell, how do you know if it's japanese buddhisim or shinto?"
Well let's talk about the minamotos. As you might've read, yorimitsu killed many yokais, so he would be called an exorcist where now are kou and teru, the staff kou has is real and is in some temples, teru's bracelet wards off evil spirits in shinto (rather not talk about the Buddhist thoughts on it....) .well teru's blade is obviously not real as a sword like that would've been impractical.
The temple where Teru and Akane go during the severance is a shinto shrine, we can see this from the Torii gates and the architecture as well. The workers at the temple are also not bald therefore they aren't Buddhist monks. It was also very customary to serve tea to the visitors. On the front gate of the shrine there at this 'weird Rope' with papers attached on it, it's on most temples and its a direct reference to a story involving amaterasu , the sun goddess, wich i wont get into.
The train to the farshore is actually a story itself and the place being full of water isn't just an artistic choice but it rapresents the river to the farshore.
Haha wow this is all to conviniet, yeah I believe in shinto bye I'm writing this in the fucking school bathrooms. Need to start school soon bye.
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matcha-chai-latte · 2 months
“The one who wishes to live, and the one who pleads to die” , so beautiful yet so tragic at the same time. I’ve noticed this anti parallel between Soowon and Zeno a long time ago and I’m happy that the author brought it up.
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Even though something huge and painful is definitely around the corner, coming in the nearest chapters, I still refuse to give up on hoping for the best. If the story ends tragically, the whole plot journey and Yona’s character will lose their point. From how I see it, the one way to finish this story, is to end the unending circle of suffering: curses, illnesses and deaths, also the gods living among people. This is why the Red Dragon aka Yona was reborn and that is why she receives precautionary visions. Yona herself pondered over the reason Hiryuu was reborn. To change the course of events. To change fate itself.
As much as it hurts, Yona will most likely end up killing Zeno. Be it of her free will or by means of defending Hak. It is so saddening that he never got and probably never will get a chance to live a normal life, but after 2000 years of suffering I doubt he would be able to sincerely enjoy life again. I hope he can at least die in peace.
It could be, that the ending of the eternal life of the Yellow Dragon will also eliminate the dragon powers from earth, which may lift the crimson illness from Hiryuu’s decedents.
At this point I just can’t believe that Soowon will die. As a person he changed and developed SUCH a great deal that killing him off after all that would be an unnecessary dramatic move (inhuman even). Loosing both of his parents, having to suffer a moral dilemma, removing the only two closest people he had left to save the country and avenge his father, suffering the consequences all alone, while knowing that he is bound to die a long, painful death because of the gods he hates and thus being unable to get married and have children. Then after 200 chapters he realized that despite everything he is still a simple human being with personal feelings and desires, that he loves Hak and Yona (which was obvious) and that he wants to live….and then in the end he dies? I can’t take it.
In the time skip in chapter 1 Yona was still referred to as “princess Yona”, so she didn’t become queen like Soowon wanted in the recent chapters, so maybe he really doesn’t die? (hope dies last).
In the worst scenario that can also mean someone usurped the throne (Soowon can still be alive at this point). If it happens, I would bet on Chagol. His death went suspiciously smooth. There is also the symbol of the Fenix that hints he can return from the “dead” (the Fenix Castle and the tattoo on Chagol’s bald head).
Something will definitely happen to Hak, but I don’t believe he will die either. If he dies, I expect him to return from the dead too, since we still know nothing of his origins (maybe he is also a godly creature of some kind)😅.
If our main trio stays alive, together they could gather strength and by working together, fight back and return the castle.
These are just my superficial thoughts, as I said previously things are so complex now that we can’t be sure about anything, we can only guess.
I believe in the author and wish her all the best❤️
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svartalfhild · 2 years
Forgotten Realms Things from the Honor Among Thieves Trailer
Here's some Lore™ I spotted after pouring over the shots from the DnD movie trailer and I'm obsessed:
The city is Neverwinter. Several things point to this
The city silhouette looks like Neverwinter
You can kinda make out snowflakes on the blue banners in the street and that's Neverwinter's emblem
The statue outside the arena is very clearly Lord Nasher, from his crown, to his Neverwinter Eye belt buckle to the bow in his hands which is shaped exactly like one of the fancy bow types from Neverwinter Nights
There's a shot of a volcano, which might be Mount Hotenow, which is near Neverwinter
The sun banners look like symbols of Amaunator, which is...interesting. Could also be a weird variation on the symbol of Lathander. There's a lot of fuckiness with that lore. Could maybe just be festival banners?
Chris Pine's character, Edgin, is a Harper. You can see his crescent moon+harp pin in all the shots where he's wearing armor. This fits super well with him being a bard.
All them bald people with tattoos on their scalps? Red Wizards of Thay. The lich-looking one? Probably Szass Tam.
Conveniently enough, there are notable Harper and Red Wizard cells in Neverwinter.
Michelle Rodriguez's character, Holga, is probably an Uthgardt barbarian if this is set in The North. Possibly from the Elk or Griffon Tribe, given the vague shape of the tattoos on her arms and the location of the story. I'm leaning towards Elk.
The shot of the battle where the black dragon flies overhead is between barbarians and warriors wearing black helmets with dragon wings on them.
The presence of banners with elk horns on them would give credence to Holga being from the Elk Tribe.
I think the warriors in black are Zhents, because the Zhentarim's emblem is a black dragon on a gold field, they are allied with a black dragon named Harondalbar, and literally the main character is a Harper, so the chances are high you're gonna have Zhents.
Alternatively, given the amount of dragons in this trailer, we might be seeing some Cult of the Dragon shit and those soldiers are cultists. Or the amount of dragons could just be an effort to live up to the title "Dungeons and Dragons"
The party goes to the Underdark.
I'm like 80% sure the city we see in the Underdark shots is Menzoberranzan, because why would they write any other Underdark city into Thee DnD movie? Also it's the right region. Cue me screaming about dark elves potentially being in the movie. EDIT: I have been informed by multiple people (thank you all) that the Underdark city is in fact most likely Gracklstugh, a duergar city, and the fat red dragon is Themberchaud. I defs need to read Out of the Abyss now.
The runes on the golden chest are Dethek, the script for several languages, including Dwarvish, Primordial, and Giant, but given that they're underground and there's a bunch of statues of dwarves, I think we know which language is on that chest lol
Those statues could be duergar specifically, given that we know they'll be in the Underdark, but there's no way to be sure. EDIT: well given previously stated info, it seems pretty likely.
The shot with the big rock hill (cairn?) could be the Surbrin Hills
That shot of the dead forest with the red ground? Almost certainly the Dire Wood.
Regé-Jean Page's character, the paladin Xenk, has detailing on his bracers and a tattoo on his hairline that look like a sun, which would suggest he follows Lathander/Amaunator
ADDITION: the snowy place is Icewind Dale, as confirmed by the creators+cast in interviews.
This is everything I could spot. If people spotted or have ideas about anything else, feel free to add.
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anonymoosen · 3 months
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“LIEEESSS!” The alien desperately screeched out loud on the top of his lungs (or whatever aliens had). Dib raised an eyebrow in confusion, distracting him from the overwhelming sadness he was trying to hide. “I…uhhh- didn’t say anything…?”
Zimpai blinked and tried to regain his composure. He slowly took a step back and tried to escape. Dib-chan tilted his head, and his hair bone scythe hair cowlick thingy turned into a light bulb as a thought struck him. “C-could it be…”
Just as the big headed boy opened his mouth to let out his undeniably kawaii anime voice, Zim-kun began to run and covered his nonexistent ears.
“Z-Zimpai has…a…a…”
Dib-Chan’s delicate pretty voice suddenly became deep and sounded like he was a macho and buff man. “CRUSHY WUSHY LUSHY USHY BLUSHY CRUSHY ON MEEEE!11!1!1!1!11”
The yell was so loud and ear piercing that the whole ground collapsed while everything around Dib got pushed away by 999999999 kilometers.
This was so powerful that even Gaz became flabberGAZted by this and was more concerned than ever. “TAK- WHY THE ACTUAL HELL DID YOU MAKE THE ANIME BEAM DO THIS???”
Tak, despite her messy hair and being literally yeeted away by an incredibly long distance from a pathetic lover boy, was still smiling smugly and just shrugged. “I had the most tragic villain story from the most stupid defective Irken of destruction demolishing a vending machine. His stupid lover obviously has to be as insane as he is.”
Back with our main character idiots here, Dibby boi realised what he has done and sobbed, “Z-Zimpai my pookie…! I didn’t mean to hurt you like thisss…!!” (he obviously did lolll)
From 999 something kilometers whatever that number I typed earlier (oh wait I can copy and paste but oh well) away, the green space cockroach creechur growled, “GRGRGRRR YOUUU…!! YOUUUU!! WHEN YOU YOUUU!11!1!1 YOUUU MADE ME MAAADDD GRGRGRGRHDIEJDEKJ” (bro this space boi couldn’t hear dib a shmillion times even when he was 1 inch away from him but now he can-)
Instead of apologizing again, Dib got mad at Zim too because it would be too out of character if the boys didn’t fight each other here as it was still an ENEMIES to lovers arc after all.
Deeb Doob Dob Dib’s voice became all buff again as he himself became buff too, electricity surging all around him. He then ascended from the ground, T-posing and let the mysterious anime power carry him towards the alien.
The alien boi zimmediately tried to become as buff as Dibby boi did by casually grabbing a machine that was 69 420 times his size in his PAK and blasted himself with it, causing his scrawny-looking green arms to develop more and more muscles and become as buff as Dib was.
The boys just stared each other down, eyes glowing while T-posing in front of each other.
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Dib-chan then broke the silence that lasted for 10 hours by saying in a small and cute voice while still in that buff state
“…Z-zim-kun I… I… l-love y-you…”
Zim then reverted back to his cutesy smol chibi shape and responded with a little “B-baka!!” even when Dib didn’t finish the sentence.
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Surprised by that, the big headed boy also reverted back into his original pathetic form and giggled, “I love you….your mom!” He laughed even more and smirked. Zim was taken aback and felt his heart— whatever aliens had shatter into smithereens. Was this really how Dib felt…? Was it all just a silly little game…?
Before Zim could take get out his PAK legs to absolutely destroy and obliterate the human, Dib laughed once more and threw that one love letter to Zim, smacking his face and not the back of his bald head this time.
“Nahhh! Just kidding, and uh- happy birthday, I guess…” Dib looked away quickly as the butterflies returned in his stomach. Dang it— he forgot how cute his crush looked despite how stupid he was…
“Ehhh- birthday?? Invaders don’t NEED pathetic Urth birthdays!”
“Yeah, yeah— but today is still special, y’know? It’s the day you set your little alien foot on this planet!”
Zim tried not to smile at his beloved nemesis remembering AND writing some letter to him for this day. But then…
“WAIT! How did you know it’s today?? We met at the disgusting skool one or two days after I landed on this filthy planet!!”
Dib smiled and responded, “I’m a paranormal investigator! Of COURSE I know the exact day an alien comes here!”
“You were a creepy stalker from the start, Dib-thing… even before becoming those… yhaaan-deers…”
“You’re creepy too, y’know!! And you were so weird too! In fact- everything was so weird earlier… nothing new, I guess!” Dib chuckled.
Zim coughed and shifted his eyes away from Dib, yet getting closer beside him. “…Yeah. Very…strange…”
Dib-ch- I mean DIB noticed this and leaned closer and closer to Zim and….
(Just kidding :3)
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…he affectionately smooched the bug boy’s cheek! This gesture was so sweet that even the usually cold Gaz let out an “awww!” along with every other bystander around them!
The gay boys finally completed their enemies to lovers arc….
…until the cartoon resets again and everyone forgot what happened !
The end uwu
Honestly, I’m gonna miss this story, so maybe I’m still gonna make things for it in the future like doodle comics or more writings but after the reset! Anyway… again thanks so much for reading this if u did and have the bestest day or night! Don’t let the buff boys haunt you XD
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novankenn · 1 year
"Jaune Gets A Gun AU - Day 3" the Master Chief (Halo) - PT 1
Inspired by @howlingday's RU-JA-GUN-CON
(Yes, this one is WAY LONG overdue. My apologies)
Jaune: Can you guys put me... DOWN!
Ruby: Not until you give us your Arc's word...
Pyrrha: ... that you won't enlist in any more foreign militaries.
Jaune: Tina, Jinx... help me out...
Jinx: Nope.
Tiny Tina: I'm with the other girls on this one. Let's face it Baby-J your house husband material...
Emerald: I don't even really know you, and I agree with them.
Jaune: Wow, thanks for the votes of confidence, guys. Makes me really feel good deep down inside to find out... NONE of you have any faith in me!
Pyrrha: I have complete faith in you, Jaune. It's just that fighting a war is very different from defending civilians from grimm.
Ruby: You can totally be a bad-butt huntsman! I know it!
Jinx: I'm just going to let my husband-to-be, get himself killed. End of story.
Tiny Tina: J-Baby, people are always telling me I'm insane, and I don't see it, but that's besides the point... what was I going on about?
Emerald: To be honest (blushes) I just want to be smothered in your cleavage... do you think...
Pyrrha: Neither the time nor place.
Tiny Tina: Jeez, thirsty much?
Jinx: I could go for...
Ruby: This is a FILTH free-zone! There are children present.
Jaune: Um... can I get down now? I mean, we are almost at the food court. I wonder if that guy needs some help?
Pyrrha: What guy?
Jaune: Over there. The armoured guy talking to the blue woman on his wrist.
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????: Cortana are you sure he's here?
Cortana: John, I am certain. He and those counterfeit weapons are somewhere around here.
John-117: You think you can narrow it down any further?
Cortana: I can try, but the digital infrastructure here is rather lacklustre and primitive.
John-117: Well, keep trying.
The girls set Jaune down, and he instantly walked over towards the armoured figure.
Jaune: Hello.
John-117: Hello. Can I help you?
Jaune: You seem like you could use some help. Is there anything I can do for you?
Cortana: John, he could know something or at least be able to narrow the search area.
John-117: Maybe you can. I'm looking for a very specific vendor, maybe you've seen him?
Jaune: Well, there are a lot of Vendors here. Can you be a little more specific?
John-117: Average height, bald, looks like a robot. Talks in a rather rambling or distracted manner?
The girls collected behind Jaune, each a little on edge, and worried that Jaune was going to get himself drafted or do something waifu-y again.
Jaune: Sounds familiar... (Snaps his fingers as something jumps into his thought process) I know him! He's the one selling all the cool rabbit themed weapons!
John-117: What now? Rabbit themed?
Jaune: Why are you looking for him? I mean, just by looking at you, you seem pretty well outfitted. I can understand wanting more gear, but...
Cortana: We believe he's selling counterfeit USMC weapons.
Ruby: How do you counterfeit a gun?
Cortana: We've been told that they are unlicensed and lower quality than the standard issue arms of the USMC.
Hearing "Standard Issue" had all the girls close in on Jaune, protectively.
Pyrrha: You said "counterfeit" guns. Like what?
John-117: This...
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Ruby/Tiny Tina: IS that a BR55?
Cortana: It is. Are you familiar?
Ruby/Tiny Tina: Bullpup design with three fire modes. Semi, burst and full-auto. Most often used with the last two options. Overall length 89.9 centimetres, 36 round box magazine chambering 9.5x40mm M634 HP-SAP...
Everyone else in the group just blinks as their eyes start to glaze over...
John-117: You two know your stuff. This is the other weapon we believe he is selling...
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Ruby/Tiny Tina: A M6G Magnum!
Emerald: Please make them stop.
Jaune: (Cutting in before Tiny Tina and Ruby could start rambling off statistics) I think we can help you. If it is the same guy I think, his name is Banshee-44 and he WAS near the main entrance yesterday.
(Somewhere with in the Convention... not near the main entrance...)
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Bashee-44: Huh? Someone is talking about me... I think? Maybe? Doesn't matter... I have work to do.
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fireemblems24 · 6 months
Scarlet Blaze Ch 13
Someone should've renamed this "backtracking, the plot."
I'm actually excited for this chapter because Ferdinand is the most interesting part of it.
Ok, so TWSITD didn't want to avoid unification (which I'm sure they either want or don't care about), but only caused the ruckus to try and take the Empire over.
She's . . . pink. Why is she pink? (some random Empire general)
Is it wrong to see Ferdinand's looks in the future when I see Aegir? Seems like baldness runs in the family. As long as he avoids that mustache . . .
Can someone remind me, did Edelgard not arrest Aegir or not kill him? Or did he run away.
Aegir kinda twisted. Insisting Ferdinand kills him. That's fucked up.
Oh, kk, he escaped. (Aegir)
This is like a giant teaser of what SB could've been if it stuck to Empire and TWSITD stuff and wasn't "Edelgard backtracks: the conquest 2.0 - the boring as fuck version).
Can Edelgard just once have a plan for her government before invading all the other nations and getting a lot of innocent people killed (Dorothea said she's still working out what to replace nobles with)
Hunh, I'm impressed. Not going to lie, but Balthus wasn't making a great impression on me, but he's worried that a man he owes a debt too will fall in battle while fighting alongside the enemy. He actually wants to pay the man back and not this get out of jail free card. I like that.
Ashe asked Shez for help restoring Hrym territory. Ashe wants them to have their lives back. I was a dick and said no though bc I could and found that funny.
Fort Mercius has a convenient sneaky point, bc of course it does. Otherwise we'd have to siege warfare which was boring as fuck in real life.
Of course, only Dorothea cares about the hostages. Ferdinand will magically not let it happen. How? Who knows.
Monica keeps track of how many times Edelgard drinks tea, what she eats, when she eats, all her sighs, etc . . .
She needs a restraining order.
Edelgard did the world a favor when she let TWSITD kill Monica.
Nobles gave Shez a tea party after he helped them out, and he doesn't know what to make of it and can't tell if he likes it.
Dorothea ties that to arguing that commoners should get to enjoy all of life's goods. Shez can counterpoint that they don't miss it if they don't know what they're missing.
Dorothea then talks about her love of singing and laments that only rich people get to hear her sing.
This is actually kind of interesting (if it goes there, but I doubt it). Dorothea wants the commoners to enjoy everything the rich get, yet benefits from an organization that raises the prices so high only the rich gets to enjoy her voice. Dorothea could just as easily go sing in taverns or more accessible places, but she doesn't. And because she doesn't she got wealthy and well connected. So she's actively choosing to participate in and benefit from the system that gatekeeps poor people from enjoying things. I don't hate the player, but it will be cool to see if she has some level of self-awareness about this.
They talk about how Shez having the same powers as TWSITD helps him identify TWSITD better than anyone else.
Edelgard credits this with her ability to get rid of them in SB (obviously contrasting to Byleth and CF)
So Edelgard had 2 choices: she could either focus on getting rid of TWSITD and sparing her citizens from their cruelty or start a war and choose the later, lamo. Like, imagine looking at your country and seeing that it's corrupted by an insane death cult running experiments on your own citizens and think "yeah, this is solid foundation to rely on for rebuilding a new world and rule over all the other countries." It's so idiotic. TWSITD really hurts Edelgard's writing and this game really exposes that. Which is funny since they likely got invented to shift blame away from her lol.
Shez says he joined Edelgard because the Empire was rich and she complimented him, unlike other nobles (but pretty sure EVERYONE complimented him because self-insert). So the game's got nothing.
So many Shez supports back-to-back
Hubert scares/surprises Shez, then questions him about TWSITD.
Hubert's upset that they didn't reach out to Shez as an ally, and I can get mad at his mistrust. Def picking that one.
Hubert owns it at least.
He tries to complement Shez, but I'm able to not believe him, so I don't.
Hubert can sense Arval and is concerned about it. Shez doesn't trust Hubert about Arval.
Does that mean Hubert senses Sothis? Or is this a plot-hole? Or can he only sense TWSITD?
Constance is talking his ear off about restoring House Nuvelle by discovering more magic. And Shez is the test subject of her research lol.
Shez refuses and Constance can't comprehend.
Shez suggests she try to establish herself in battle instead. But Constance turns that down.
I think it's because of her night-day thing. Also, I may have seen this support before? I'm not sure.
Funny, you can only get this support in SB and neither are Black Eagles.
"I'm not a child!!!" vs mothering everyone
Lysithea trained so hard she collapsed and Mercedes took care of her. Lysithea is horrified to learn that she slept too long.
Mercie backed her cookies, because of course she did. And sweets are Lysithea's secret weakness so . . .
Lysithea assumes Mercie has bad intentions. Why is she always so insufferable?
Mercie's cookies are good. Lysithea acts like a complete brat, demanding Mercie train her right now how to make the cookies.
Ok, this one should be better. I love Mercie, but that support had 0 new things in it.
Petra challenges Caspar's father to a duel. Yeah, way more intense than the first one.
And . . . the asshole won't even show up. Or, I guess Caspar stole is before his dad saw it. Petra's pissed. Rightfully so.
Caspar also assumes Petra would just lose. What an ass.
So Petra says she'll just kill Caspar instead.
She takes him down, but won't strike the killing blow.
Petra's upset she lost control of her emotions.
Petra decides to pull back because she's a queen (in secret) and she can't act on her personal feelings.
She doesn't fully understand why she challenged his father to a duel.
Caspar volunteers to let Petra dump her negative emotions about this on Caspar. Petra's not sure she wants a friendship like that, but says she'll give it thought.
I did like that support, but I wish she was allowed to call out the Empire more.
Jeritza is hunting a cat that raided the pantry because she was injured.
Last time they talked, Shez assumed Jeritza was talking about a person, not a cat.
Jeritza likes cats because he used to have one. And now he wants to own this one. But she dislikes Jeritza.
Bummed this is their only support. They were cute together in House.
Bernadetta is moving boxes of documents around. They're about bandit activity in the area. Hubert's investigating.
He's annoyed at the army's inability to catch them. Bernadetta assumes he's angry with her, but calms down.
Funniest line is Hubert telling her that her persistence often leads to exactly what she's trying to avoid lol. His VA is so good.
Hubert calls them rats. Like Dimitri did lamo.
Hubert is upset they may go back into hiding. Bernadetta sympathizes with the bandits lol.
It inspires Hubert to set something up that would make them come out.
Isn't this the support chain that told us the Imperial army won't eat their veggies? lamo
Lysithea is enjoying sweets. Hubert offers her coffee. She turns it down because it's not sweet. Hubert baits her into drinking it by implying that drinking coffee means you're not a child.
She doesn't like drinking it black, but Hubert tells her that sweeten it up and she may like it.
Lysithea asks Hubert why he's nice to her since he's mean to everyone else. It's because he has a younger sister that Lysithea reminds him of.
Did he have one in Houses? Or did they just pop up when convenient like Edelgard's siblings?
Hubert doesn't tell anyone about the siblings. I wonder if Edelgard knows.
Because he sees her like a little sister, Lysithea accepts it.
Hope this goes like - Murder isn't funny, Caspar. It isn't? No. Because he's awful in this route.
No, he's just asking Mercedes about Jeritza because he keeps defeating Caspar in bouts.
So Caspar still being painfully one-note and boring.
Mercedes says he can beat Jeritza with baking. Caspar is confused. Until Mercedes clarifies that Jeritza sucks at baking, so Caspar can beat him at baking.
Caspar's upset bc that doesn't matter to him.
Linhardt has to ask her a question, but she's in the sunlight. He wants to experiments on crests. Constance is fine with it.
Until she's inside. Then she's upset.
Linhardt is taking advantage of her dual personality, avoiding confident Constance because she's difficult to work with.
Kinda skeevy, Linhardt.
Constance demands more equality. If she helps Linhardt with his research, then he must help with hers.
He's actually interested until he learns she wants to find ways for eyes to emit a golden light, and loses interest.
Ferdinand is worried about Lysithea's future, specifically throwing away her nobility.
He tried to understand her thought process. She's irritated with him. Honestly, same, I think that may be my issue with Ferdinand. I find him irritating.
Ferdinand uncovered Lysithea's secret. She's understandably upset and wants him to leave it be.
Ferdinand wants a solution, Lysithea's like do you think I haven't tried? And do-do bird is like "take action!" Like, this seems like things not to tell someone terminally ill 101.
Though, he brings up magical research. So this may be different.
He found the research on her and they could use that as a way to solve her problem.
She wants to help.
Dorothea is wounded, and Monica is worried that Dorothea will get scars to damage her skin.
Creepy moment when Dorothea asks Monica how she knows she has scars. So does this confirm that Monica peeps on people?
Dorothea hesitates to kill a child in battle.
So Dorothea cannonly killed children. I wonder how every Edel-stan who used that to smear Dimitri feels, lamo.
I wish Dimitri and Dorothea got a support. Both hate killing, but keep doing it anyways.
Monica asks why Dorothea keeps killing people. Dorothea feels too tied to her position to go back.
Dorothea admits she could've been that child in another life. So she has no right to run away and hide when the children the Empire is slaughtering don't have that option.
I know some people take issue with this side to Dorothea, but this is what makes me love her. She's the only one who realizes the brutality her side is forcing on other people, she just believes in the cause enough to keep doing it. That conflict makes her so interesting, and if Edelgad had a more justified cause or well-written government plan, Dorothea may have been in competition for my fav, but man does Edelgard's flimsy reasoning for war and bare-bones ideas make this conflict flat-line a bit.
Then they spend the rest of the support simiping for Edelgard. So, Monica's entire personality. That was interesting for like 3 seconds. So a new record for a Monica support.
You know it's bad when I fully expect Raphael to have deeper thoughts than Monica.
Raphael fails to hunt. Petra isn't surprised.
Raphael thinks being a bear will help him hunt rabbits, and is shocked when she tells him bears don't hunt.
Petra says Brigid people hunt with subtleness. But Fodlan people use hounds for hunting, which might suit Raphael better.
Raphael now thinks being a wolf will help him hunt instead of bear. So, yeah, deeper thoughts than Monica is capable of.
Time to kill the rebels.
Try to make sure hostages don't die.
Monica and Hubert have a fight over who gets to suck on Edelgard's toes after the battle (not literally, but might as well). The only non-grating part of it was Monica calling Hubert a coffin-dweller. Which, I mean, accurate.
Shez is the only one that remembers poor Ferdinand's going to kill his dad, lol. Ferdinand says he's ready though.
Oh, cut scene. Ferdinand and Hubert teaming up on Aegir. Hubert "let's" Ferdinand give the final blow.
So Ferdinand kills his bad. This game likes people killing their families. And I bet Aegir's death will get more sympathy than the actually innocent people Edelgard and co mow down every chapter.
Ferdinand needs a moment.
Edelgard is like, could you choose how to punish the traitors and choose the next Duke. Shockingly, the title goes to his son. So much for merit-based promotions, lamo.
So do we go back to beating up poor people in Faerghus now?
Caspar's like, fighting traitors serving a death cults sucks because they're from the Empire. Let's go kill the innocent people in the Kingdom instead! Because that's fun!
Edelgard still suspects Shez. The vibes for Shez are so different in Faerghus. No one gives a shit about Shez in SB.
Oh, yeah, I forgot I didn't get Byleth in this route, lamo.
Arval feels like a proud parent of Shez, lamo.
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yume4evere · 7 months
vampire knight Volume 10 Edition
HINO : Zero , Yuki and Kaname
YUKI: Without Yuki , I wouldn't have been able to start this story. She's a precious girl. When Kaname faced Yuki when she was born, he was so profoundly moved and felt such tenderness towards her that he thought every cell in his body had been rewritten. As for Zero , I think he spent his youth in darkness, filled with nothing but hatred and despair when he hadn't yet met Yuki . Yuki's worries are multi-layered and intense. There are people she wants to cherish. But she is inexperienced and helpless. Yet she is mercilessly forced to make a choice. The feelings she cannot pronounce are abundant. As a result, Kaname had to carry most of the burden, I put you through deep anguish in my opinion. I'm sorry. You joked about it in a Drama CD, but I really have to wonder if you haven't developed baldness with all the stress.
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Kaname: You are a cornerstone of the story, but you ended up dealing the main blow of the various drawbacks, starting with my weakness as an author. I'm sorry, Kaname . If only I could go back to that episode… It’s always on my mind. When I think of this person, various thoughts and memories come to mind; I am filled with a feeling of helplessness at not knowing how I should have represented him and it pains me. I feel that...readers who were fans of his probably feel similar feelings.
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Zero: Him, whose hair is always affectionately chewed by White Lily , or grabbed by the children he saves when he puts them on his shoulder. The stress he carries is at the highest level in the world of Vampire Knight . I wouldn't be surprised if he developed a bald spot on his head. While he is extremely delicate and vulnerable, he is a strong and reliable person who can be valiant when he has found a resolution. Even in the face of adversity, you tried to remain a kind person and suffered infinitely because of it - you are a person I respect.
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Message from the author
I would like to express my gratitude again now by writing an afterword in this way after the series has already ended. It's been two years and several months since the series ended. Since that, the series has received special chapters, a stage adaptation, bunko editions, and I've been given plenty of opportunities to sincerely reflect on Vampire Knight .
I thought about how I realized how much I enjoyed drawing Vampire Knight . I myself am amazed by this devotion. I had a lot of regrets during its serial publication and also after its conclusion..."If only I had done such and such, then... Why didn't I believe in myself, have more perseverance and more wisdom at the time?" I am tortured by these regrets. But my love for the series would not allow me to lose hope.
I ardently poured my heart into the finale, right up until the last panel. And fortunately, I was able to assess that my readers understood this, thank you to many for their warm and thoughtful words. I would like to thank them for following Vampire Knight . Thank you for being there in the happy and sad times.
Maybe because there are more special chapters planned, or because deep inside, Vampire Knight is still far from the end and continues to linger in me, I'm pumped up once again. That's why I would be grateful if you follow me a little longer in the world of this story.
September 2015 Matsuri Hino
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