#He is definitely not straight
yurrrhazardness · 4 months
it all started with this whore...
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now i see no way turning back...
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 9 months
TW: Homophobia and Internal Homophobia
Sirius couldn't sleep again. The nightmares were endless. Sirius couldn't stop thinking about everything his parents said, everything Alphard said and everything Regulus said before he left. Sirius thought it would be easy now that he was at The Potters. But he couldn't get away from his wicked family. They didn't leave his mind.
James was next to him, snoring occasionally. Sirius was grateful that after James heard him yell waking up from a nightmare, he had suggested to sleep in the same bed. But Sirius was also embarrassed. He didn't want to be this vulnerable around his friend.
Sirius sighed as he noticed James moving in his sleep. He was facing Sirius now and this position helped him not snore anymore. Sirius stared.
James' hair was a mess. Even wilder than normally. Without his glasses, Sirius could see James' features more clearly.
Sirius noticed his long eyelashes, the marks of the glasses' bridge had left on his nose. His lips were too dry to be true. This boy never moisturize his lips. And in a comical way it seemed like he was smiling.
James wasn't particularly handsome. But there was something about him that made him good looking. His untidy hair made him kind of hot, and even through his pijama t-shirt, Sirius could see his muscles. The white cotton contrasted with the chocolate smooth skin. Sirius stared at James' apple moving as he swallowed.
Almost without thinking, Sirius' hand reached out for James' hair. Sirius’ fingertips barely touched it before he realized what he was doing...
What the fuck was Sirius doing? What was he thinking?
Faggot, faggot, faggot... Was what crossed through Sirius' mind as he pulled away so fast, he ended up falling to the floor, making a horrible noise.
Sirius had been going insane ever since Remus kissed him last term. He couldn't stop thinking about it. Sirius had been sure his whole life that he was straight, into girls. Nothing more. He wasn't like Dumbledore or Edgar, feminine and happy. Typically gay.
Then Remus kissed him, and he enjoyed it for a second before definitely pulling away. Then over the summer, Orion had been accusing Alphard of being gay, so Sirius lost it. He said he was gay too. Only to contradict his father, only to piss him off. He was severely punished for that.
But Sirius had been going mad and paranoic about the subject. What if he was gay? He couldn't be, right? He couldn't. He was just going mad, that was it.
"Padfoot?" James asked with a sleepy voice "Are you okay?"
Sirius swallowed the pain in his back and the knot on his throat, as James popped up his head to look at him. His hair was even messier and his eyes were half opened. He put on his crooked glasses.
Sirius looked away. This was James. Sirius was going mad. Probably because of how James flirted with Sirius as a joke all the time.
"What happened?"
"I fell out of bed" Sirius answered irritated "What does it look like?"
James gave him a sympathetic look.
Sirius stood up. He was too hot and restless.
"Something like that" he started walking "I'll be right back"
"Where are you going?"
"Out! I need some air..." And a cigarette. But Sirius didn't buy them. It was usually Remus who gave them to him. But Sirius didn't want to think about Remus right now. This was all his fault.
"I will come with you..." James said opening the covers and revealing his boxers, his bushy legs and his crotch.
Sirius hated that he stared for a second before mentally slapping himself.
"No!" he practically yelled "I need to be alone"
"But Pads..."
"I said alone, James!"
James didn't insist. When Sirius used his name it meant he was really pissed.
"Okay" James said worriedly. And then he yawned.
"Go back to sleep" Sirius tried to avoid James' presence as he put on his shoes. And then he quickly walked out of the room.
The knot on his throat went bigger and bigger as he walked outside to the Potters' Garden. He let out a loud sob. He wasn't breathing properly well.
Sirius didn't want to be gay. He guessed he had nothing against gay people. Dumbledore, Edgar and Marlene were the ones he knew. But he couldn't be gay himself. He had to be normal.
Sirius would hate that for himself. He didn't want fingers pointing at him, he didn't want people assuming he would go to gay bars and use makeup, he didn't want people calling him what Orion had called Alphard. He didn't want people whispering about him or laughing at him. He didn't want people calling him a faggot and hitting him in the street.
The worst part was that he hadn't sound angry. Orion had been disappointed and hurt. Almost crying. As if Sirius would have failed him.
Sirius had always been a rebel, always making his parents angry. But he never wanted to be a failure to them.
Sirius was just being paranoic and stupid. He fancies girls. He fancied girls. And he fancied only girls.
Sirius realized that he was panting and grabbing his chest when he heard his name.
"Sirius? What are you doing here on your own, love?"
When Sirius saw Effie on the door, he bursted out crying. He really couldn't help it. He really wanted to be normal. But now he was crying like freaking idiot. Sirius hated himself.
"Oh darling..."
Effie hugged him and Sirius broke down into her arms. She was smelling nicely and welcoming, like cotton, fresh flowers and home. She felt Sirius feel safe.
"It is okay, sweetheart" Effie said as he sobbed "I am here for you, okay?... Sh sh sh" she added as she patted his back.
Sirius ended up telling Effie everything that happened at Grimmauld Place over the summer and that night. Remembering every detail hurt.
Euphemia offered Sirius a cigarette which he appreciated, apparently Fleamont and James hated that she did that but she sometimes sneaked to have a fag. Sirius thought she was cool.
"I am not gay, though" Sirius added quickly, trying not to blush or feel stupid "I just said that to defend my Uncle... He is not gay either"
Euphemia gave him a big smile and squeezed his hand.
"Parents should love you for who you are, sweetheart..."
"But I'm not..."
"I know..." Effie interrupted "I was just saying that whatever you are and whoever you love, parents should love you"
Sirius sighed "I don't even know who I am"
Sirius was embarrassed to tell her about his weird feelings and thoughts about Remus, about James, about everyone at the moment. His mind was playing weird tricks.
"You are a special sweet boy who deserves all the love in the world" Effie smiled "Monty and I accept you as who you are"
"A straight boy?" Sirius smiled nervously. Are you sure about that? A voice said inside his mind which he tried to ignore.
Effie chuckled "A boy who defends what he believes"
Sirius smiled at her. But he wasn't hundred percent at ease. Perhaps he was just sad and angry. Once at Hogwarts, he would flirt with girls and perhaps find a cute girlfriend and this would all be forgotten. He wasn't gay.
But he needed to talk to Remus. And he had no clue what he was going to say. He didn't want to lose him.
"Thank you for listening to me" Sirius said. Effie smiled "Do you mind not telling James and Monty about this?"
"I will tell them eventually, just not now"
Euphemia nodded and Sirius was relieved.
"Let's go back to sleep, love"
Perhaps everything would be easy if he had parents like The Potters. But they weren't his parents. Orion and Walburga hated who he was and would hate him even more if he was gay. But Sirius wasn't gay, just confused.
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atthebell · 12 days
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bisexuality comes for all minecraft youtubers
[read my tags before getting pissy with me]
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ruporas · 7 months
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in a mood (ID in alt)
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codgod-moved · 1 year
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in a competition with myself to see how big i can draw missa’s hair before it just completely takes over
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starry-mang0s · 5 months
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More practice trying to get these human designs right. Idk about Scarab quite yet but I’m pretty happy with how Prismo turned out!
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louisdelac · 10 months
the thing about bg3 being so massively popular is that 1. on a personal level that's fun, because games i like doing well is cool to see :) 2. by law of numbers, i KNOW there's a lot of gamer bros out there trying out the hot new tactics rpg, who are now getting blasted from every direction by all of their male companions propositioning them. which is something that can be so beautiful to imagine. if you're me.
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ryllen · 6 months
I wanted to reblog that one text post that said imagine waking up to sebek and his hair is down and he is looking so handsome just like his newest appearance on book 7
and i just bumped to this video and was like "Ffshds what if he SURPrisINGLY wa kes up EXA CT LY like thi s fsjdsd? ? "
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noirleo · 11 months
Oooo, can i plz hear all your jealousy HC for the bayverse boys? :3 hope ur week is going well!
oh my god yes
jealous turtles from most to least ◡̈
(all turtles + reader are adults ♡)
1. raph
c’mon, did you expect anyone else?
being a middle child with three brothers, raph grew up sharing everything he had—his food, his clothes, his personal space. so when he finds someone he has feelings for, he makes a point that he’s not going to share with anyone.
his brothers prefer to take more subtle, graceful methods of claiming their s/os when they feel threatened. raphael does not have a subtle bone in his body.
if someone tries to hit on you while he’s there, he will physically put himself in between the two of you, glaring down at his prey target until they take the hint (and probably flexing his crossed arms as he does so. he doesnt do all of that lifting for nothing).
vern tried to chat you up, once, when you first met. raph swiftly handled it, and you’re not exactly sure what was said, but vern now makes a point to keep a very conservative amount of space between you and him at all times.
a lot of his jealousy comes from insecurity—he definitely thinks you could do better, find someone you could actually walk around with, show off to your friends and go on vacations with.
so how does he cope? by proving his indispensability to you. when you date raph, you don’t lift a finger. need something from the top cabinet? he’s got it in his hands before you even have to ask. want to see a sold out concert? how convenient, he just managed to find some floor seats for you and your friends
don’t ask how he got them, it’s really best for everyone if you don’t actually know (both legally and ethically speaking).
asking someone else for help (god forbid you ask vern or one of his brothers, especially leo) will probably end up in some icy silent treatment and very short yes/no answers to questions that can only be cured by insistent apologies and lots of kisses
2. mikey
oh, our beloved little mikey
mikey spouts confidence, but much like raphael, he is deeply afraid that you’ll leave him for someone whose complexion is a little less green
while raph’s jealousy is defensive, mikey’s is pleading. he needs a lot of verbal reassurance that you’re his, nobody else’s
even when he’s not feeling jealous or insecure about the relationship, he just likes to hear you say it—and once you do, he’ll believe it wholeheartedly, all doubts and anxieties set aside (for the time being, at least)
when you’re around others (and even when you’re not) mikey is extremely physically affectionate, and probably will mention to anyone who will listen in a very unsubtle manner that the two of you are dating and really, really happy together, thank you very much
if you’re sitting, you’re sitting on his lap (or so close that you might as well be). if you’re standing, you can bet that he’s got an arm slung around your waist or your shoulder—just so everyone in the room is clear who you came with and who you’re leaving with
3. donnie
donnie’s jealousy is quiet. he’s much less outward about his feelings of jealousy than raph or mikey, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
when you mention a creepy guy from one of your classes getting a little too close for your comfort, he’ll nod and empathize; little do you know, he’s got the guy’s social security number, address, and name of his childhood pet pulled up on his laptop within seconds.
mysteriously, he doesn’t really show up for class anymore. rumours float around about some pretty shady things hes done being sent to the dean, president, and every RA on campus.
you confront donnie, and he just shrugs innocently. huh, weird, guess it’s a good thing you guys don’t hang out anymore then right? and then he’ll change the subject, but the triumphant gleam in his eye doesn’t go unnoticed
if someone starts to get flirtatious with you while donnie’s around though? all bets are off.
standing at 6’8 and made of pure lean muscle, donnie is fully aware of how intimidating he is, and it radiates off of him.
all it takes is one glare, leering from over your shoulder, and suddenly the person trying to flirt with you has some very important business to handle on the opposite side of the room for the rest of the night.
when you turn around to see donnie standing behind you, one hand on the small of your back, he’s back to his relaxed, smiley self
4. leo
leo is definitely the least jealous of his brothers. he’s confident, bordering on arrogant, and knows what he brings to the table.
i mean, c’mon. the barista who wrote their number on your coffee cup may be cute and share your taste in music, but how many times have they saved new york from an alien invasion? can they do anything to protect you in the event of a foot clan takeover?
didn’t think so.
communicating and trust are monumental to leonardo. right off the bat, he’s very straightforward about his intentions with you, and expects the same level of loyalty from his partner
leo’s trust isn’t easily earned so if he trusts you, then he does so completely and wholeheartedly. if you say that you and someone else are just friends, then he won’t think twice about it
that’s not to say he never gets jealous though. he’s just much more lowkey about it than the others
if you mention offhand being catcalled on your way to the lair one night, you’ll have a private escort for the foreseeable future
hes not big on pda, but you can bet that if he catches someone else’s scent on you, especially another guy, he’ll be extra cuddly when he sees you
he’ll for sure try to play it off though and subtly give you something that smells like him. oh, you seem cold, here’s one of his hoodies that he conveniently had on hand. go ahead and put it on. he’s just looking out for you, no ulterior motives here.
you see right through him, but you’re willing to look the other way for some extra snuggles.
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Happy Pride Month to the gayest straight ship in history
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lavender-rroses · 8 months
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talk to us
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muzzleroars · 1 year
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in the tomb of saint gabriel
(may your woes be many)
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 9 months
TW: Homophobia and Internal Homophobia
Sirius couldn't sleep again. The nightmares were endless. Sirius couldn't stop thinking about everything his parents said, everything Alphard said and everything Regulus said before he left. Sirius thought it would be easy now that he was at The Potters. But he couldn't get away from his wicked family. They didn't leave his mind.
James was next to him, snoring occasionally. Sirius was grateful that after James heard him yell waking up from a nightmare, he had suggested to sleep in the same bed. But Sirius was also embarrassed. He didn't want to be this vulnerable around his friend.
Sirius sighed as he noticed James moving in his sleep. He was facing Sirius now and this position helped him not snore anymore. Sirius stared.
James' hair was a mess. Even wilder than normally. Without his glasses, Sirius could see James' features more clearly.
Sirius noticed his long eyelashes, the marks of the glasses' bridge had left on his nose. His lips were too dry to be true. This boy never moisturize his lips. And in a comical way it seemed like he was smiling.
James wasn't particularly handsome. But there was something about him that made him good looking. His untidy hair made him kind of hot, and even through his pijama t-shirt, Sirius could see his muscles. The white cotton contrasted with the chocolate smooth skin. Sirius stared at James' apple moving as he swallowed.
Almost without thinking, Sirius' hand reached out for James' hair. Sirius’ fingertips barely touched it before he realized what he was doing...
What the fuck was Sirius doing? What was he thinking?
Faggot, faggot, faggot... Was what crossed through Sirius' mind as he pulled away so fast, he ended up falling to the floor, making a horrible noise.
Sirius had been going insane ever since Remus kissed him last term. He couldn't stop thinking about it. Sirius had been sure his whole life that he was straight, into girls. Nothing more. He wasn't like Dumbledore or Edgar, feminine and happy. Typically gay.
Then Remus kissed him, and he enjoyed it for a second before definitely pulling away. Then over the summer, Orion had been accusing Alphard of being gay, so Sirius lost it. He said he was gay too. Only to contradict his father, only to piss him off. He was severely punished for that.
But Sirius had been going mad and paranoic about the subject. What if he was gay? He couldn't be, right? He couldn't. He was just going mad, that was it.
"Padfoot?" James asked with a sleepy voice "Are you okay?"
Sirius swallowed the pain in his back and the knot on his throat, as James popped up his head to look at him. His hair was even messier and his eyes were half opened. He put on his crooked glasses.
Sirius looked away. This was James. Sirius was going mad. Probably because of how James flirted with Sirius as a joke all the time.
"What happened?"
"I fell out of bed" Sirius answered irritated "What does it look like?"
James gave him a sympathetic look.
Sirius stood up. He was too hot and restless.
"Something like that" he started walking "I'll be right back"
"Where are you going?"
"Out! I need some air..." And a cigarette. But Sirius didn't buy them. It was usually Remus who gave them to him. But Sirius didn't want to think about Remus right now. This was all his fault.
"I will come with you..." James said opening the covers and revealing his boxers, his bushy legs and his crotch.
Sirius hated that he stared for a second before mentally slapping himself.
"No!" he practically yelled "I need to be alone"
"But Pads..."
"I said alone, James!"
James didn't insist. When Sirius used his name it meant he was really pissed.
"Okay" James said worriedly. And then he yawned.
"Go back to sleep" Sirius tried to avoid James' presence as he put on his shoes. And then he quickly walked out of the room.
The knot on his throat went bigger and bigger as he walked outside to the Potters' Garden. He let out a loud sob. He wasn't breathing properly well.
Sirius didn't want to be gay. He guessed he had nothing against gay people. Dumbledore, Edgar and Marlene were the ones he knew. But he couldn't be gay himself. He had to be normal.
Sirius would hate that for himself. He didn't want fingers pointing at him, he didn't want people assuming he would go to gay bars and use makeup, he didn't want people calling him what Orion had called Alphard. He didn't want people whispering about him or laughing at him. He didn't want people calling him a faggot and hitting him in the street.
The worst part was that he hadn't sound angry. Orion had been disappointed and hurt. Almost crying. As if Sirius would have failed him.
Sirius had always been a rebel, always making his parents angry. But he never wanted to be a failure to them.
Sirius was just being paranoic and stupid. He fancies girls. He fancied girls. And he fancied only girls.
Sirius realized that he was panting and grabbing his chest when he heard his name.
"Sirius? What are you doing here on your own, love?"
When Sirius saw Effie on the door, he bursted out crying. He really couldn't help it. He really wanted to be normal. But now he was crying like freaking idiot. Sirius hated himself.
"Oh darling..."
Effie hugged him and Sirius broke down into her arms. She was smelling nicely and welcoming, like cotton, fresh flowers and home. She felt Sirius feel safe.
"It is okay, sweetheart" Effie said as he sobbed "I am here for you, okay?... Sh sh sh" she added as she patted his back.
Sirius ended up telling Effie everything that happened at Grimmauld Place over the summer and that night. Remembering every detail hurt.
Euphemia offered Sirius a cigarette which he appreciated, apparently Fleamont and James hated that she did that but she sometimes sneaked to have a fag. Sirius thought she was cool.
"I am not gay, though" Sirius added quickly, trying not to blush or feel stupid "I just said that to defend my Uncle... He is not gay either"
Euphemia gave him a big smile and squeezed his hand.
"Parents should love you for who you are, sweetheart..."
"But I'm not..."
"I know..." Effie interrupted "I was just saying that whatever you are and whoever you love, parents should love you"
Sirius sighed "I don't even know who I am"
Sirius was embarrassed to tell her about his weird feelings and thoughts about Remus, about James, about everyone at the moment. His mind was playing weird tricks.
"You are a special sweet boy who deserves all the love in the world" Effie smiled "Monty and I accept you as who you are"
"A straight boy?" Sirius smiled nervously. Are you sure about that? A voice said inside his mind which he tried to ignore.
Effie chuckled "A boy who defends what he believes"
Sirius smiled at her. But he wasn't hundred percent at ease. Perhaps he was just sad and angry. Once at Hogwarts, he would flirt with girls and perhaps find a cute girlfriend and this would all be forgotten. He wasn't gay.
But he needed to talk to Remus. And he had no clue what he was going to say. He didn't want to lose him.
"Thank you for listening to me" Sirius said. Effie smiled "Do you mind not telling James and Monty about this?"
"I will tell them eventually, just not now"
Euphemia nodded and Sirius was relieved.
"Let's go back to sleep, love"
Perhaps everything would be easy if he had parents like The Potters. But they weren't his parents. Orion and Walburga hated who he was and would hate him even more if he was gay. But Sirius wasn't gay, just confused.
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digoload · 2 months
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part THREE! of drawing bedrock bros as kakashi & naruto screencaps (part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5)
i know i said "day 1" in part one and have continued to post every day since then but we're setting ourselves up for success so dont continue to expect daily art. however. having said this. therapy is expensive and drawing bedrock bros as p!kakanaru is free :sunglasses_emoji:
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daily-hanamura · 10 months
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willowser · 9 months
getting to a point with nerd bakugou where you're not even playing games online together anymore, you're just — chatting, all day 🥺
and you've gotten close enough that you'll send him a mirror selfie and even if your phone is mostly covering your face, he's ZOOMING IN ON THAT BABY and over-analyzing the hell out of it 🥺 trying to figure out what you look like 🥺 and every single photo he sends in return is assessed for a minimum of 20 minutes, because he wants to make sure his reflection isn't showing anything or his body doesn't look weird, that his posture is right 🥺
and the first time you send something back like, "you look nice today 😊🩷", even though he's just showing off his shirt from a movie you both like — he's having to put his phone down on his desk and put his hands over his face because he feels so airbruqoabdka about you !!!!!
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