#He's my special boy and he brings me such joy...
thusspoketrish · 2 days
LCDrarry 2024 FIC REVEAL!!!!!
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YAY!!! I had an absolute blast writing this story! Thank you to everyone who took time to read, leave kudos, and comment on it—your support means the world to me! A huge shout out to the @lcdrarry Mods for their kindness and for hosting another brilliant year! It takes a village to craft a story with love, and wow, did my village deliver! I’m endlessly grateful for the patience, love, and support from my amazing alpha, betas, and reader throughout this experience! I want to give a special thanks to my BFF @dewitty1 for being the best alpha in the entire world. Seriously, this fic wouldn't exist without their support, brilliance, and creativity in helping me tell Draco's wild story of reluctant fatherhood!
This is my Three Men & a Baby meets Taken (1) inspired story, featuring: BAMF!Draco who is also an adorably anxious bean, a Harry bursting with love and sass, and our favorite Ron, who’s both capable and emotionally intelligent! Together, they form an unbeatable BROMANCE! 
Expect a tender Drarry love story with heartfelt confessions, hilarious baby shenanigans, protective Draco moments, and an Auror case that’s totally out of this world! Join our dear boys in an action-packed, heartwarming kid-fic (no one asked for) you never knew you needed!!!
This has been a true labour of love, and I'm so grateful for the experience! I hope this story has brought (and will continue to bring) you all as much joy in reading it as it has brought me in writing it! Thank you again and here's to many more stories and adventures ahead!!!
A Ferret, a ScarHead, a Weasel, and a Baby
Prompt: "Three Men and a Baby", 1987, Leonard Nimoy & "Taken", 2008, Pierre Morel Author: trishjames Word Count: 91,420 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Angst, Anxiety, Epic Fight Scene(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Blood, Muggle Weapons, References to Past Child Abuse, Abduction, Injuries
Summary: They say becoming a parent is an unparalleled, priceless joy. Draco Malfoy finds himself putting that theory to the test when the star witness in his dangerous illegal potions case entrusts him with a powerful wish: protect her newborn baby at all costs. Now, it's up to Draco to fulfill that wish despite the looming threat of criminals hunting for the child. To think, just the day before, he was fretting over his inappropriate feelings for his annoying, bespectacled git of a housemate—not the mechanics of changing nappies!
Thank Merlin it takes a village to raise a sack of flour, ah, child.
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mrfoox · 9 months
I love Fabian so fucking much how... Lucky I am 🥺
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cupcakewebkinz · 6 months
Here guys have my favorite dragon in Dragon Adventures under the cut for suspense, he's also a moth so obligatory tw time! (Triggers are are tagged)
Insect/bug/moth dragon shown below, look at your own risk
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This is Matcha, I mentioned him in tags earlier in a reblog and I felt like it was a crime to not show him
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thephantomsdream · 20 days
Let's be real for a second.
Ghost likes you a lil mean. Just enough. To him, to his mates, to everyone. He can fight. He will fuck anyone up who dares to react aggressively to you, so it doesn't matter if you're sassy, snarky, plainly put a little shit. He won't stop you, he's not gonna "tame" you, he's definitely gonna fucking eat it up and tease you, loving your remarks, clever, funny or straight up mean. The man will be smirking behind his mask (or straight up giving you heart-eyes at home). Don't be unnecessarily mean though, it's not a good look on anyone. Oh, god, and if your humor is dark? You got the man snorting and fucking giggling*(1), shoulders shaking and him trying to hold it in as you're plain roasting someone.
Be mean to him. He tests the waters, dropping one of his incredible and fantastic jokes for you to roll your eyes at him and tell him to rather wear a clown mask, since he's such a joke, and I swear he folds. Wants to pin you down and fuck you raw until you're a sobbing mess that knows nothing else but his name? Of course, and know he'd be mocking you, because where's that snarky mouth of yours, hmm? Oh, ya, busy sucking on his fingers. But until then, he's lowkey following you around dropping stupid joke after stupid joke until you're actually angry and amused. He got you smiling somehow? Gets him feeling like a young boy with a crush, silly butterflies and all.
Give him a bitch-face. Raised brow and unimpressed face at anyone and he's just eyes on you. Fucking hell, he's creepy too. Ghost is fucking intimidating as he is but if he just fixates on something, big brown eyes locked onto you and (big, awkward because let's be fucking for real, boy's actually fucking awkward) body frozen. Just 🧍‍♂️. (I'm fucking wheezing, he just 🧍‍♂️👁👁 and you know it!)
"Fuck are you looking at, weirdo?" That's bloody foken lovely!
AND! He just (again, awkwardly) hovers and makes shit jokes but is so helpful to you in any way he can because in reality he's garbage with words but with actions he's much better. Regardless of where you met, he'll find a way in your life because you bring him joy and he just can't seem to let go. Simon tries to convince himself too that it ain't a good idea, that you're better off. Aha. Yeah, then you just look at him in a way when someone else says something absolutely fucking stupid and he just... Yeah, he's yours.
Be mean to him, then let him shove his face in your tits. Pull his hair a little but wrap your arms around him. Bite him and call him an idiot if you want, as long as you call him your idiot. That's Simon to you.
(But when you're nice to only him, he feels special. Make this man feel special, yeah? He needs it.)
(1): I actually imagined him in his barracks, him kicking his feet while he wears a pink robe, writing in his pink diary (with a pink pen with one of those fluffy balls at the end) "Dear diary, my lovie called me an asshole today. My heart is still racing. We shall mary in spring." and drawing hearts around his and your initials together.
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harrowharkwife · 1 year
did you guys know i have a poodle puppy. like have i talked about him enough on here
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fyorina · 4 months
FEATURING: dazai osamu
SUMMARY: dazai has never been a true believer of murphy’s law, not until today at least. he swears the world is out to get him, all he wanted was to give you a nice valentine’s day... and maybe something a little extra special. (wordcount: 6.7k; sfw; very brief mentions of dazai's attempts, fem!reader)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: valentine's day fic for my sweetest boy
“What do you mean I can’t have the day off?” Dazai cries out, staring down at his phone in abject horror. A pillow is flung at his head and Dazai sputters out an apology to you before lifting his phone back to his ear, making a point to lower his voice as he says, “Kunikida-kun, it’s Valentine’s Day. Not even you can be this heartless.”
“Dazai!” Kunikida says, voice stern and sharp, and Dazai knows that the man is serious because he’s not spitting out insults about Dazai’s laziness and lack of drive to do anything but lounge around and avoid work. “Trust me. It brings me no joy to make you come in today—not for your sake, but for her’s. But we have to finish up the final preparations for Tanizaki and Atsushi’s upcoming mission before they leave for Kyoto tomorrow morning. Get to the office now.”
“Kunikida-kun,” Dazai complains, feeling a bit more panicked, “but I-”
“Maybe if you had actually done your work the past few days, I could’ve covered for you,” Kunikida spits out angrily. “But we have double the workload to finish by tonight because you’ve been slacking off the past week. Anyway, you shouldn’t be calling the day of asking for a day off. Be to the office asap.”
Kunikida doesn’t even wait for Dazai’s response, hanging up the phone and leaving Dazai standing in your apartment staring at his phone with parted lips and wide eyes, unable to comprehend what just happened. A noise escapes his lips, something caught between a scoff and a whimper, and Dazai thinks he might cry. He feels like a wounded puppy as he turns his attention over to where you’re still curled up in bed, eyes barely cracked open as you watch him with furrowed brows.
“Bella…” he pouts, making his way over to you so he can sit next to you on the bed. “They’re making me go into the office.”
You only roll toward him, eyes heavy with sleep, barely able to hold them open, and Dazai’s chest feels tight and warm with a lovely feeling that he’s only ever experienced with you. He reaches out to cup your cheek, fingertips grazing your skin—your lashes flutter as your eyes droop back shut, and Dazai doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to the feeling of someone seeking out his touch, trusting his hands as if they aren’t rotted and blood-stained.
“Then go,” you say with a yawn, leaning into his touch and pulling the dark comforter back up around your shoulders from where it had slipped down your body.
Dazai pushes his lip out even more. “It’s Valentine’s Day. I wanted to spend the day with you. You took off today too.”
“It’s okay,” you tell him and Dazai wants to tell you that it is decidedly not okay but he can’t tell you that because you’ll ask why and he can’t tell you without ruining everything. “I’m tired anyway. Someone decided to keep me up half the night.” 
Dazai can hardly even muster the vulgar smile and dirty joke that should have come to him with ease, and evidently, that’s proof enough to you that something must be seriously wrong because you crack your eyes back open and peer up at him, concern slowly eclipsing the tiredness. Another thing he’ll never be used to: having someone genuinely worry over him even over the smallest things. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask him softly, yawning again as you reach up to run your fingers through his hair. The comforter slides down from around your shoulders again, revealing the smooth skin of your bare shoulders and collarbone, and Dazai wishes for nothing more than to slip beneath the sheets with you, wrap his arms around you and bury his face into your chest.
Instead, he lets himself lean into your touch for a moment, eyes falling shut as he basks in the feeling of your fingers carding through his dark locks, nails gently scraping his scalp. He thinks he could stay in this moment forever, but alas, the serenity is utterly shattered when his phone starts buzzing again.
Dazai lets out a heavy exhale, dark eyes dragging from you to where his phone is laying on the bed next to him, seeing Atsushi’s name flash on the screen—surely having been told by Kunikida to follow up and make sure that Dazai is actually going to show up at the office. 
“I just wanted to spend the day with you,” he says, a bit of a white lie, but he can’t tell you the real reason why he’s so disappointed. “He’s had it out for me ever since we got together. He’s jealous. This is his way of getting one over me.”
You smile lightly at him, pulling his face down a bit so that you can press your lips against his. Dazai sighs into your mouth, eyes sliding shut again as he kisses you, hand coming up again to cup your cheek as his lips move against yours. The kiss is slow and intimate, but far too short for his liking. You pull your lips away from his and Dazai gives you a wounded look when he tries to chase your lips only for you to dodge with a giggle. 
“Go, Osamu,” you tell him and Dazai lets out a groan, letting his head drop to your chest. You toy with his hair and Dazai wants to tell you that doing that is only going to make him want to stay even more but he also doesn’t want you to stop so he decides against it. “The faster you get there and get your work done, the quicker you can come home.”
Home. Another word he might never get used to, his chest feels warm and fluttery as he tilts his head to the side so he can peer up at you. “Or I can just not go in at all and deal with Kunikida’s righteous fury tomorrow.”
“No,” you say firmly, tugging at his ear and making him yelp. “Go, Osamu. Don’t be ridiculous. Let me sleep.”
Dazai sighs, rising to his feet and letting you curl back beneath the covers. He wants to tell you that it’s not that simple and that he has a whole plan and he needs to follow it strictly otherwise he’s scared that everything will go wrong, but there’s no way of explaining that to you without having to tell you why which would ruin everything. Lamenting to himself, he shrugs his coat onto his shoulders and leans down to press his lips between your brows as you start to doze off again, brushing your hair behind your ear and letting his eyes linger on your face, skin glowing gently beneath the early morning sun. 
It takes all of his willpower to step away from you and make his way out of your apartment, the ring in his pocket weighing more heavily with every step he takes.
Dazai is really trying his best not to let his frustration spoil the night. The sun has already long set. What should have been a short day at the office finishing up paperwork ended up with him working overtime because of an emergency mission on the far side of the city concerning an ability user who could mimic appearances. Everybody else is still at the office trying to finish up preparations for Tanizaki and Atsushi’s upcoming mission in Kyoto but the President had taken one look at Dazai’s abysmal expression and told him to go home and be with you.
And Dazai should appreciate that, honestly, otherwise he’d be stuck at the office until god knows when, leaving you at home alone all day and all night on the one day he was planning to spend the whole day with you, but he’s so bitter that he can’t even summon the appreciation he should feel. You’re taking it in stride, of course, telling him that it’s okay and you’re not mad even though Dazai insists that you definitely should be. He called you while on the train with Kunikida, curled up in a seat pouting as he shot his partner dirty looks and mourned his shitty luck because of course this would happen on the day he was planning to make the biggest decision of his life, and yours.
Not that he could tell you that part, obviously.
Kunikida had been rightfully guilty, apologizing to Dazai for the day taking as long as it did and continuously shooting him ashamed looks, but Dazai couldn’t even bask in the knowledge that Kunikida is actually apologizing to him for making him work because he’s so frustrated about how the day has gone compared to what he had planned.
It’s still salvageable, he reminds himself, glancing down at his phone. The reservations he placed for the restaurant aren’t for another hour and a half. He has plenty of time to walk back to your apartment and change so he can take you out for the night, and the thought of taking you out for the night makes all of the frustration he’s feeling absolutely disappear, entirely overshadowed by the giddiness tingling through his limbs and the nerves that tighten his chest. 
He twists his hands in front of his body, eyes catching on a convenience store at the corner of the block, a wide range of chocolates and flowers on display at the main window. With only a moment’s hesitation, he speeds up his pace, flinging open the door to the convenience store and beelining right to the dwindling Valentine’s Day display, weathered down by other frantic partners who were late to get their beloved gifts.
He lets out a relieved puff of air when he sees that your favorite flowers and chocolates are still available, although he’s a bit irate because the flowers aren’t as healthy as they should be, but he supposes it’s his own fault. Of course they're not going to be in perfect shape after being on display all day—if he wanted perfect flowers, he should’ve bought and brought them to you first thing in the morning.
Which he could have done if it weren’t for Kunikida, he thinks bitterly, deciding to place all of the blame on his coworker instead.
He drops the flowers and chocolates at the cash register, where an older man is working, and Dazai pulls out his wallet, flipping through to grab a few yen and place them on the counter.
The older man lets out a bit of a chuckle as he scans the chocolates and the flowers. “You’re a bit late, aren’t you, boy?” he notes. “Can’t have a happy lady at home, I know mine is angry as a bull. Hope you have more than this to appease the girl.” 
Dazai winces and then mutters, “She’s not angry, I got pulled into work. She understands.” 
It sounds pathetic even to his own ears. The man finds it amusing, evidently, from how he has to smother another laugh as he gets Dazai his change.
“Mine said she was fine with it too,” he says, “but I know I’m coming home to the cold shoulder. They never say what they mean, son.” 
Dazai’s mood falters again, the giddiness and nerves slipping away into something colder because he’s feared since he left this morning that you would be bitter over him having to go into work today. And he knows deep down that you’re not like that, that if you say it’s fine, it really is fine most of the time, but a part of him can’t help but wonder if you’re only saying it because you don’t want to stress him out even more, because he’d made it abundantly clear this morning that he wasn’t happy. 
“There you go,” the older man passes over his change and the flowers and chocolates. “Good luck.”
Dazai can barely even bring himself to give the man a proper thank you, making his way back out of the convenience stores with the flowers and chocolates in hand. His eyes flicker down to his phone again, catching the time before he continues down the street—the pit stop had only taken a few minutes, but Dazai is doubly anxious to get back home to you now. Not just because he’s worried that you’re not quite as okay with it as you’ve made yourself out to be, but also because he misses you and just wants to get back home to you, this day has been too long and it’s been especially hellish and jarring because he woke up this morning thinking he’d get to spend the entire day with you.
He’s ready to get home to you. He’s ready to take you out to dinner. He’s ready to take you down to the gardens and he’s ready to-
God, he’s ready to propose. After all of these damn years, he’s finally ready and he will not let a shitty day at work ruin that for him. He still has the whole night, and that’s what’s important because…
He stares at his hand, where a droplet of water had splashed against his skin. A dreadful feeling arises, dark and slithering as it spreads through him. He turns his gaze up to the dark sky—dark because the sun has set, yes, but he realizes now, with a pit in his gut, that it’s also because storm clouds seem to be gathering above the city. He hadn’t even noticed them in his pitiful spiral, nor had he noticed the way the wind had picked up. 
He hardly has time to react before the rain comes down. Hard. Torrential. He stands on the sidewalk, too riddled with shock and disbelief to even move for cover. He stares ahead, wondering just how much more terrible this day can get. He’s never been a believer of Murphy’s Law or any of those other dubious, paranoia-induced “laws of nature,” but he’s severely starting to question his standing on it because of all days, of course it’s today where it seems that the entire universe must be against him.
He stares at the drenched flowers he had just bought you, crumpled and ruined from the force of the rain—he can’t even bring himself to feel frustrated, if anything he’s starting to feel a bit numb with exhaustion, half-certain that there’s a god up there sabotaging him. He tosses the flowers in a nearby garbage can along with the soggy box of chocolates in his other hand, and almost robotically, he makes his way to stand under an overhang, pulling out his phone to call you.
You pick up after the first ring, you always do.
“Can you pick me up?” Dazai asks, voice hoarse and empty.
“... Of course. Where are you?”
The car ride has been damningly silent and Dazai feels bad because you’ve tried to make conversation with him but he can’t bring himself to speak. You’ve given up by now though, resorting to just focusing on the road, occasionally sparing him concerned glances. His head is starting to hurt and he fears that if he says something his voice might crack, so instead he just leans his head against the passenger seat window, letting the cool glass spread through his brain and ease the pain as you intertwine your fingers with his. 
“We’re never going to make the reservation,” Dazai finally decides to speak up, voice sounding cold and distant even to his own ears. He nearly flinches—he would’ve preferred it to crack than sound so frigid and aloof. 
The rain pouring down is torrential, lightning webbing across the dark sky and wind howling outside. Already, there’s been road closures, the twenty minute drive from the Agency to your apartment has taken twice as long as it usually takes and you’re still stuck in bumper to bumper traffic trying to take the long way around to the complex. The reservation is set for forty minutes from now, and it’ll take nearly as long to get to your apartment at this rate, and then Dazai still has to dry off and change from work, and then you have to drive to the restaurant which would've taken another twenty minutes without traffic. 
Not that it matters anyway, the storm has already destroyed his plans for after dinner, which was the whole point of the dinner anyway, but still, he would have at least liked to bring you to a nice dinner for Valentine’s Day.
He wonders if this is all meant to be a sign, and the thought makes his chest ache because of course when he finally thinks he’s ready to take the next step in his relationship with you—one that he knows you’ve been waiting patiently for four years now but his own hangups about himself have stopped him from ever doing anything about it—this happens. And you’ve never pressured him about it, you’ve never even brought it up to him because you know the topic makes him uncomfortable, but he’s seen the way you look at all of the happily married couples who come into the cafe when you meet him there for his lunch break and he’s seen the way you sometimes glance down at your own empty finger and Dazai thinks he’s ready. 
Against all odds, he thinks he’s ready—he bought you a ring, he planned out the whole proposal. Anxiety has been eating him alive all week as the days led up to this and now that the day is here, everything just goes wrong. He was going to bring you to the aquarium, because he knows you love to watch the dolphins and the penguins but that was ruined because of work. He was going to take you out to dinner at Le Normandie in Naka, because he’d seen you looking at the menu all longingly a few weeks ago, but that was ruined because of the road closures and traffic. And then he was going to bring you down into Yamashita Park, over to the flower gardens where there was supposed to be a band playing, because they always do on Valentine’s Day, and he wrote up everything, a long and flowery speech about how you’ve shown him what it’s like to really live, what it’s like to be human, but that was ruined by the storm. 
All the preparations he made, all of the plans he had, all of it gone to ruin. Just like that. 
And now he’s doubting how ready he actually is.
He really does wonder if this is a sign, a warning, even—higher powers telling him not to condemn you to a life with him because what sort of sane person would want a future with someone who’s spent most of his life trying to kill himself? Dazai has more issues than he’s worth and he’s still half-convinced that you don’t know what you’re getting into even though you’ve been with him for four years and have seen some of his most egregious lows. You’ve had to cut him down from the noose, fight him for the blade he held against his skin, and Dazai doesn’t know if he’ll ever be able to fully free himself of the dark thoughts tearing apart his brain. 
And you deserve better than a future with someone who’s fickle about living and unable to effectively combat the dark thoughts that plague his mind. This is the world’s attempt at reminding him of that before he makes a mistake.
You draw him from his spiraling thoughts as you squeeze his hand gently, lifting his hand to press your lips against his knuckles and Dazai feels even worse because why are you comforting him when he’s the one who ruined your Valentine’s Day. 
“Let’s order takeout then,” you say easily, giving him a warm smile that should have made him feel more at ease but instead it only makes him feel worse because you shouldn’t have to settle for takeout on Valentine’s Day, especially when he planned such a nice day out. “I’m craving pizza. We can curl up on the couch and watch a movie instead.”
Dazai is unconvinced.
“Don’t give me that look,” you complain, but you’re still smiling and Dazai is finding it hard to keep up his sullen attitude with you looking at him like that. “There’s a new horror movie I wanted to watch, it’s available for streaming now.���
“This wasn’t how the day was supposed to go,” Dazai murmurs, finally intertwining his fingers with yours, rubbing a circle with his thumb over the back of your hand. 
“Let’s make the most of it anyway,” you tell him, giving him another radiant smile, and Dazai feels a bit like a fool—he’s never listened to the warnings from higher powers before, so why the hell should he now? When you give him another reassuring squeeze as you rest your joined hands back down on the console, turning your attention back onto the road, his chests lighten and the creeping doubts start to trickle away. 
He thinks that maybe, just maybe, it’ll all work out anyway.
It takes less than an hour for his slim hopes to be crushed yet again.
Dazai stares at the food in front of him, too numb to even think to go chase after the delivery driver and tell him that he got the order wrong. You’re standing somewhere to the side, looking even more concerned—not because of the food, because of him, and Dazai knows that he should reassure you and tell you that everything is fine but he can’t even muster the strength to speak the words. 
“It’s okay,” you tell him, reaching out to grab his hand. He doesn’t even intertwine his fingers with yours, but you’re undeterred, clutching his hand tightly, and he knows he’s being unfair to you but he just doesn’t even know what else to do. “Osamu, it’s fine, really. It’s just some food.”
“You don’t even eat any of this food,” Dazai says, voice tight and more than a bit frustrated. He’s not sure how much more of this he can take, the morning had started off so nice waking up to you fast asleep on his chest and every passing second since then has just gone further and further downhill. “Not one thing has gone right today, and they can’t even get one order done correctly. It’s not fine, I-”
Dazai’s eyes flutter shut when you reach up to cup his cheeks between your hands, squishing his face gently before leaning in to press your lips against his. He sighs against your lips, the frustration slowly starting to dissipate as you rest your forehead against his, stealing one, two, three more kisses before finally pulling back a bit to speak.
“It’s okay,” you reassure him again, and Dazai thinks he should be the one reassuring you because it’s your Valentine’s Day that has been utterly ruined but he only relaxes into your touch, soaking up all of the comfort you offer him. “I have pizza bagels in the freezer, we can throw them in the oven. Honestly, I’ve been tempted to make them all day, anyway, but I wanted to wait for you. It’s not a big deal.”
“... Yeah?” Dazai asks quietly, and you give him that soft, soothing smile that always puts his nerves at ease. He lets out another puff of air, nodding. “Okay, I’ll put them in.”
He steals another kiss from you, and then another, and the tension in his shoulders finally begins to melt when he feels you giggling against his lips, shooing him away to go put the pizza bagels in the oven.
Just as the thought crosses his mind, that maybe the night is still salvageable, he reaches for the door to your freezer and as his fingers curl around the handle, the power goes out. Thunder shakes your apartment complex, lightning webs the sky outside, and the wind outside becomes even more treacherous. And with it, the ability to use the oven to make the pizza rolls you want disappears.
You don’t say anything. Neither does he. Dazai thinks it should be comical at this point but he can find no humor in it, his throat tight and clogged with a million unwelcome emotions. He swears there must be someone up in the heavens laughing at him, finding entertainment in his misfortune and misery, and maybe he deserves it for all of the sins he’s committed in the past but he wishes that they wouldn’t drag you into this. 
He casts a miserable look in your direction, unsure if you even notice because you’re already at work trying to fumble to light a few candles, and Dazai is so tired that he thinks he might die. All he had wanted was to take you on a nice day out, ending the night with dinner and a stroll through the gardens at Yamashita before finally gathering the nerve to get down on one knee in front of you, showing you the ring he’d been so nervous buying and-
And then he pauses.
Where is the ring?
The thought dawns on him so damningly that he feels physically ill, realizing that he hadn’t felt the familiar weight in his pocket earlier when walking home from the Agency, nor had he noticed it when he slipped his jacket off and laid it on one of the kitchen chairs. He rushes over to where he had left his jacket, panic spreading through him so intensely that he can hardly think straight, ignoring how you call his name, worried.
His chest tightens, blood running cold as he fumbles through the pockets of his jacket trying to figure out which one he left it in only to realize that it’s not snugged safely in any of them. Dazai thinks he might throw up, wondering if it had fallen out when he took his jacket off at the office, or if it had fallen out while he was walking to work, or when he stopped at the convenience store and pulled out his wallet, or when he was walking home. If it was the latter three, the ring is gone and he’ll probably never see it again, and he probably should take that as a sign from god to not condemn you to a life with him.
“Osamu?” you ask, voice soft and cautious as you make your way over to him, obviously sensing his distress. 
Dazai wants to cry. Or maybe he wants to laugh. He can’t tell. He leans his elbows onto the counter, hiding his face in his hands, and then he decides to laugh, or maybe he’s crying, he’s not sure honestly, but his shoulders are shaking and you’re wrapping your arms around his waist. Dazai wants to melt into you and he wants to tell you just how abysmally terrible this day has been but he can’t without telling you what he had planned and that only makes him more miserable. 
You coax his face out from where it’s hiding against his hands as you stroke his hair, pressing your lips to his shoulder, and then his temple, and as soon as he turns his face to you, you’re cupping his cheeks in your hands, thumbs wiping away the wetness streaming down his cheeks, and he realizes distantly that he must’ve been crying. God, when was the last time he cried before this? He doesn’t even remember. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask him, keeping your voice soft as if to not startle him. 
He doesn’t want to answer, so he doesn’t. Instead, he wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face into the crook of your neck, hiding himself from view again. As always, you take it in stride, wrapping your arms around him, one hand coming up to cup the back of his head and hold him close, lips pressing against the top of his hair. And Dazai is still so frustrated—he’s so frustrated and upset with himself and upset with the world, but as soon as he’s wrapped tight in your arms, it becomes increasingly hard to remain focused on all of the negative thoughts.
“I’m so tired,” is all he can say, voice hoarse and cracking, blunt nails digging crescents into your back as he clings to you desperately. 
Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. He’s so tired. He just wanted this to be a nice day, and he wanted to finally push himself into giving himself to you entirely, because it’s what he wants. It’s what he wanted. He wanted to be yours and he wanted you to be his. Officially. But if the world really is trying to warn him against it, he’s thinking that maybe he should heed its warnings for once—for your sake, because he’s sure that anyone tied to him must be cursed. 
“Let’s go lay down,” you tell him softly, carding your fingers through his hair gently. The motion is so soothing that it nearly makes his eyes droop shut, exhaustion seeping deep through his bones. “Os-”
There’s a harsh knock at your door. 
Dazai’s eyes slide shut again, frustration coming back tenfold because he can’t even have a single moment with you without it going horribly wrong. You sigh as you break yourself free from him and Dazai longs to be back in your arms instantly, the weight of the day bearing down on him twice as heavily without you there to share the burden with him.
“I’ll go get the door,” you tell him, leaning up on your toes to press your lips to the corner of his. “Go lay down, I’ll join you in a second.”
“No,” Dazai says, capturing your lips in a real kiss briefly before tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “I’ll get the door. You go change into your pajamas.”
“You sure?” you ask him, concern clear in your eyes as you look up at him.
Dazai only nods, pressing his lips to your forehead before ushering you off into the bedroom. You cast him one more worried look but Dazai shoos you away pointedly before making his way over to the door, frowning a bit because who the hell is showing up at your door this late? He thinks that if it’s the restaurant that sent the wrong food, then Dazai might just slam the door in the delivery man's face because the damage has already been done and Dazai is feeling petty.
But no. It’s not the delivery man standing outside your apartment with the right food this time. Rather, it’s an anxious looking Atsushi and a stressed Kunikida. Dazai’s eye twitches a bit—as if his day hadn’t been ruined enough with work, he swears to god that if they're about to bring even more to him on top of dragging him away from you all day, someone might die. 
“Dazai-san,” Atsushi sounds absurdly relieved at the sight of the man but Dazai’s expression doesn’t budge, waiting for them to explain why they were interrupting his night with you. “We were just leaving work and-I wish I’d seen it sooner, I’m sorry-I would’ve come sooner but-I mean we tried to call and text but-”
Dazai has no idea what Atsushi is talking about, so he drags his eyes from the anxious boy up to Kunikida, waiting for a proper explanation. Kunikida’s lips twist when Dazai looks at him and Dazai thinks the man has no right to look at him that way after being the root cause of how awful his day.
Suddenly, Dazai catches sight of the familiar velvet box sitting in Kunikida’s hand, and he’s not sure what amalgamation of emotions rocks his body—fear, relief, apprehension—but he doesn’t like it, reaching out to snatch the box from Kunikida and cradle it to his chest, watching the two of them uneasily.
“You moron,” Kunikida snaps, careful to keep his voice low, but not low enough because horror shoots through Dazai when Kunikida continues with, “why didn’t you say you were-”
“Lower your voice,” Dazai says, panicking, casting a glance back toward where you’re still getting changed in the bedroom.
“Why didn’t you say you were proposing?” Kunikida finishes in a whisper, voice still a sharp hiss. “If you’d mentioned that I would’ve-”
Dazai feels flustered, and he does not want to answer and admit that he hadn’t thought it would make a difference. Luckily—or maybe unluckily, he concedes—he doesn’t have to answer because he hears you making your way out of the bedroom.
“Osamu?” you call curiously, “Is that Kunikida-kun and Atsushi-kun?”
Dazai’s eyes widen when he realizes that he has nowhere to hide the ring as you come around the corner from the hall. He promptly slams the door in both of his coworkers’ faces without even the sparest thank you, ignoring their surprised yelps as panic begins to spread through him, doing his best to hide his hands behind his back when he turns around to face you.
And then-
Then he hesitates. 
The excuse on his lips about last minute mission briefing or Dazai having to sign off on a time-sensitive report dies when his eyes fall upon where you’re standing, dressed in your fuzzy pajamas with your arms wrapped around your waist and a confused expression painted on your face. The only lighting in the room is the few dim candles that you set up once the power went out, and the soft ambience casts an ethereal glow over your face. He thinks, not for the first time, that you might be heavenly, an angel sent to guide him on the path of good because how could he ever allow himself to fall back into his old, tainted habits without tarnishing you as well, and tarnishing you is simply unacceptable. 
All of the doubts that have risen throughout the day wash away as he looks at you, and he wonders, briefly, how he could’ve ever had any doubts? Dazai, for all of his insecurity and fears of commitment, wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He does. He knows it so thoroughly that he can feel it in his bones; he doesn’t want anyone else, he doesn’t want to be alone, he wants you. He wants to wake up to you every morning and fall asleep with you every night, he wants to lounge around on the weekends because you’re both too lazy to get out of bed and do something productive, he wants to be there for your lows when you’re so overwhelmed with work that you can hardly think straight much less properly take care of yourself and god, against all odds, he wants you there for his too, when he feels like he’s being consumed by his own thoughts, spiraling down a dark and never-ending train that might not be as dark and never-ending with you there as a light to guide him out of it. 
“Marry me,” he says, breathless, voice laced with desperation.
You stare at him, eyes wide. He stares back, frozen, unsure of what to do because this was not how this was supposed to happen. It was supposed to be extravagant, romantic, like you deserve, not some half-assed spur of the moment proposal. The words hang heavily in the air between the two of you, but he forces himself to push forward, too far in deep to back out now. 
He fumbles as he tries to shift the velvet box into one hand to bring it in front of him and show you. He drops it. Of course he does. Everything else has gone wrong today so why not this too? But still, he pushes forward, kneeling down to scoop up the ring box and prop himself up on one knee in front of you, throat swollen and tight as he opens up the box to show you the ring inside of it. He’s holding it backwards. Of course he is. So he fixes it promptly, swiveling it around with trembling fingers, waiting anxiously for you to respond. Or even just react. 
You haven’t budged from where you’re standing a few feet away.
What if you say no? God, the thought hadn’t even crossed his head but now his heart starts to sink from his chest down to his feet because you’re not moving and you’re not saying anything and he doesn’t know if you’re just processing his words or if you’re trying to figure out the best way to reject him. 
He starts to fumble out words. “This was not how this was supposed to happen,” he admits, speaking so quickly that he can barely understand himself. “It was supposed to be a nice day, we were gonna go to the aquarium to see the dolphins and penguins, dinner at Le Normandie and then go down to the gardens at the park, and there was supposed to be a band and flowers and I had a whole speech ready and it definitely was not supposed to be like this but everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong, but I want to marry you and I don’t want to wait anymore, and I’m sorry that this is a shitty proposal, you deserve better than this. And I’m probably making it worse, I should have just waited for another day, but-”
But please say yes, he wants to say, but he can’t force the words out; he can only stare at you, expression more open and vulnerable than he thinks he’s been in his entire life. And he realizes, a bit horrified, that you could ruin him right now—he’s laid his heart out on a platter and it’ll only take one swift motion for you to crush it in hand and he thinks he’s terrified but-
All of the air is ripped from his lungs with a harsh oof. In an instant, his back is to the floor and you’re on top of him and Dazai is staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes, trying to figure out what exactly happened.
“You’re so stupid, Osamu,” you cry out and to Dazai’s horror, he realizes that you’re crying, hands propped up on his chest to brace yourself up, tears pooling in your eyes and streaming over your cheeks and dripping onto his own face. “Is this what you’ve been so upset about all day? I don’t need any of that, all I need is you.”
Oh. Dazai can’t breathe, and it’s not because you’re on top of him it’s because your words are processing and he’s realizing that-are you saying that-
“Of course, I’ll marry you, you idiot.”
He lets out a sharp exhale, a puff of air that he does not have in his lungs, but he doesn’t care. He doesn’t know what he’s feeling—elation, relief, exhilaration, all of the above—but he does know that he’s never felt anything like it before and he doesn’t want it to go away. Ever. Dazai swears he sees a flash of a camera from the window, and he swears doubly that he hears Yosano let out a hoot of a cheer and Kunikida hushing her, dragging her away, but he can’t even bring himself to care. 
 Yeah, Dazai thinks to himself, eyes sliding shut as he rests his head back against the floor, the first genuine smile of the day tugging to the edge of his lips as you bury your face into the crook of his neck, clutching at his shirt, sniffling and hiccuping over each breath. He wraps an arm around your waist, using his free hand to slip the ring out of the box and slide it onto your finger. You cry harder. He kisses the top of your head, wondering how he could ever have any doubts or hesitations. 
He could definitely spend the rest of his life like this.
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i-love-ptv · 4 months
He Loves My Heart-Shaped Sunglasses
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Felix Catton x Fem! Reader
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You and Felix spend Valentine’s Day together. <3
Smut (lowk filthy) + Fluff
Wc: 2,550
An: Wanted to post this before v day, but i got sidetracked, thankfully pushed it out before the day ended :3
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February 14th.
The day of love.
The day to show your special someone how much you care for them.
The day that’ll bring out the joy and excitement out of most, but will also bring out the bitter feelings of some.
Felix has never really favored Valentine’s day. He may be a soft romantic now; a year into your relationship, but before, he was used to hookups that led to his lonesome morning after. Hence why it was so hard for him to ask you out last year on this very day.
He spent hours in different shops; trying to find the perfect gifts for you. Obviously, this process would’ve gone by quicker if Venetia didn’t get distracted by the hundreds of soft stuffed animals every few minutes, and if Farleigh had even went.
“Please Farleigh! Surely you can help me! You know more about these things than I do!”
“No can do lover boy, besides, you have Vee going with you.” Farleigh had said with an amused smirk.
After a little more of groveling and begging on Felix’s end, Farleigh still didn’t budge. The fact that Felix had said that he wanted to “woo” you, hadn’t helped his case either.
The beaming lights of the shops reflecting off of the bright pinks and reds had Felix’s head starting to ache.
He had settled on getting you a bouquet of red roses, a basket of your favorite snacks, and some other little goodies.
That day when you saw one singular rose on your desk in your english class, the last person you expected to be nervously glancing in your direction was Felix.
After a long, panic-filled conversation with the blubbering boy, you two had finally become official, and Felix swears to this day, that it was the best day of his entire life.
Now, Felix has gotten a bit better at buying gifts for you. He knows you like the back of his tattooed hand. But he can’t help but feel nervous to see you this morning. After all, you only have one, one year anniversary with your love.
Felix observed as the other students of Oxford were handing out gifts to their significant others. Felix couldn’t help but think about how his presents for you were far more superior to everyone else’s.
He had been so distracted, that he hadn’t noticed you walking up.
You tapped on his shoulder and he had nearly leaped out of his skin.
He quickly realizes who is in front of him, and grips you up like you were light as a feather.
“Angel! Oh my goodness you startled me! Happy anniversary sweet girl!” Felix says grinning, like he was looking at the brightest star in the galaxy.
“Happy anniversary my love,” you return through your giggles.
“Here! Here! Open the gifts I bought for you honey!” Felix rushes out as he’s pushing the bags into your hands.
You jokingly chide him for nearly knocking your things out of your hands, but quickly start digging through one of the bags.
He had given you one of his sweaters, a pair of heels you had been eyeing in town, a few other items, and most importantly, a beautiful ring covered in diamonds.
“S’not an engagement ring, not yet anyways, but a promise ring, because I promise to love you always and forever. Tha’s a bit too cheesy, isn’t it? Sorry, I had this whole thing I was going to say but-“
You cut his rambling off with a deep kiss to his rosy lips.
“Thank you Felix, I love it with my whole heart, baby.”You say while pulling away breathlessly.
Felix’s face started to hurt from the constant smiling, but the thought of that flew out the window as he remembered that you had gotten him something.
Felix had practically ripped through the big box you gave him; feeling like he was about to burst at the seems. You smile softly, imagining him with a wagging tail and perked up puppy ears.
You had bought a few articles of clothing, more cologne, a new book that he said he had been interested in reading, and of course, a stunning bracelet, that matched the exact same on dangling on your wrist.
After many more kisses, hugs, and sugary sweet words exchanged between the two of you, you both head to class.
Felix was counting down the minutes until he could see your dazzling face in front of him again. His class felt as if it had been going on for hours, and the fact that he couldn’t focus on his lesson for even a few minutes while thinking about you, wasn’t helping. His mind was drifting to what he had planned for the two of you later tonight.
You, on the other hand, were on the same boat as Felix.
All that consumed your mind was Felix; you’re sweet, dashing Felix.
You’re suddenly snapped out of your thoughts by your professor, who had agitatedly started lecturing you on the importance of focusing on class.
And finally, after multiple grueling hours, and a heated make-out session in a storage closet, classes for today were over.
Felix suggested that you two go into town, and go on a date to the cafe you both loved. At this point, it was your guys’ cafe; your designated spot, where you both can run away from the world and just enjoy one another.
After spending hours, which seemed like minutes, in the cafe, and throughout town, the two of you settle on going back to your dorm.
Normally, the two of you just go to Felix’s dorm, but his was still somewhat airing out from the smoke session you two had the night prior.
Although, the idea of you two walking through town sounded romantic at the time, you hadn’t thought into how long you two would be walking.
“‘Lex?” You call out softly. Felix immediately turns to you.
“Can you carry me? M’feet hurt honey.” You say with a slight pout, to get your point across.
Felix, of course, being the amazing boyfriend he is, quickly picks you up, bridal-style and carries you back.
You ask him multiple times if he was alright carrying you for so long, but after his reassurance and light nip to your nose, your worries are put to rest.
The two of you eventually settle on your bed, and you curl against Felix’s warm body.
“Wait, darling, I forgot a few things at my dorm,” Felix rushes out.
“Mmm, no ‘Lex, stay with me”
“It’ll only be a minute angel, I promise.”
Felix nearly doesn’t have the heart to pull you off of him, but he can’t afford to keep you from your final gift for much longer.
He leaves with a quick kiss to your forehead and nose, and goes to retrieve the items from his dorm.
He comes back and spots you sitting up on the bed with what he thinks is nothing, but his shirt on, and strawberries. You had also opted for a can of whipped cream, instead of melted chocolate, because after last time, you didn’t want to endure the process of the chocolate staining your white sheets, and hardening as you two tried to use it.
“Wha’s this baby?” Felix says with a smirk as he inches towards you.
You feel his warm, hand on your calf as he reaches you.
“What? Did you really think we were going to go without some fun on our anniversary baby?” You say while looking up at him with longing.
“Unwrap your gift, Felix.”
The brunette boy wastes no time in stripping you from his your shirt.
There, he sees, the lacy brown lingerie covering your body; the brown being almost, if not fully, identical to the color of his dark brown irises.
Felix kisses your neck, leaving no area of skin unmarked with purple bruises.
“Mm, wait” He says as he leaves behind a slight strain on saliva on your flesh.
“Oh my god Felix, seriously?” You say with slight annoyance.
“Relax. I have something for you.” Felix chides.
Felix pulls out a box, containing a necklace; with his initials on it.
“D’you like it baby? I think it’ll be perfect, tha’way none of those other boys could even think they could have a chance with you.”
“Why boys, Felix?” You ask slyly, trying to push his buttons a bit.
“I say boys because, my angel..They could never fuck you like I do…Like a man.” He says lowly, showcasing the bass in his silky smooth voice.
You let out a whine at this; loving when he gets possessive over you, “put it on me Felix, claim me.” You purr.
He moves your hair out of his way, and puts the necklace around your neck, subtly grinding his hard, pulsing cock against the little fabric you had covering your cunt.
You let out a sigh, as Felix moans lowly in your love-bitten ear.
He then grabs a strawberry and stuffs it gently between your lips, making you bite down on it.
The juices trickle down your chin as he moves the fruit around inside of your mouth. He licks a stripe up from your throat to right below your lips.
He goes back and leaves a bite on your throat, making you tilt you head back with a sharp moan, giving him more access.
Felix kisses you roughly as he grabs the whipped cream. He squirts a line of the sweet cream onto your navel; watching it slowly glide down to your soaked core.
“God…’Lex don’t tease me,” you whimper meekly.
“But y’taste s’sweet, lovie.” Felix says, letting out a giggle that makes your pussy clench.
“Oh look at you, m’dirty little thing. Clenchin’ around nothin’,” Felix says smugly as he kisses down your warm body.
Abruptly, Felix dips down and licks a stripe up your achy cunt.
“Fuck ‘Lex!”
Felix grins at your shriek, as he presses sloppy kisses to your clit.
“…I thought I told you to stop teasing me baby,” you say, pushing his head down onto your cunt, prompting him to start licking and sucking where you want him to.
Your back arches off the bed as you squeal in ecstasy. You grab Felix’s hair with both hands roughly; he moans at this, which sends shockwaves through your body.
Felix fucks you with his tongue for what feels like hours, sticking his tongue in and out of your pulsing hole.
Felix feels your thighs trembling, making it clear that you’re close to reaching your climax.
Felix removes his mouth with a slick pop and a charming smile, making you cry out.
“Wait! Wait no. ‘Lex, why’d you stop? Baby. Baby please I need it. Put it back please-“
“Shhh, angel. M’gonna give you somethin’ better. Gonna give you this cock. Tha’s what you wanted, right?” Felix says pressing his lips to yours, again, and again.
Felix continues kissing you as he pulls down his pants and boxers, pulling out his stiff dick.
He rubs the tip against your folds, watching his precum drip against your wetness.
“Mmm, y’ready f’me sweetheart?”
“Please, please, please ‘Lex. I’ll be so good! So so good, I promise! Please give it to me! I need it!” You shout eagerly.
“God, you make me feel whole,” Felix says as he slowly pushes his cock into your heat.
“Thank you ‘Lex! Thank you! Oh fuck!”
Felix almost immediately starts thrusting in and out of you roughly, opening your legs wider as he plants his feet.
“Fuck babe! I swear y’made f’me. I thank any ‘n every god tha’ led us to each other, honey.” Felix says with a delicious groan.
“Shit! God that’s it baby. Don’t stop!” You say, reaching down to start toying with your clit.
Felix nips at your fingers; having noticed your dainty fingers rubbing circles. Silently ordering you to quit it.
You wrap your legs around his meaty torso tightly as he flicks at your puffy pussy.
“Oh! O’fuck! Right there! Mhm!” Felix feels as if he’s consuming your moans, picking up his already brutal pace to absolutely abuse your cunt. His main goal being to make you squirm in ways only he can.
“Uh huh? Yeah y’like that angel? Feels- oh f-fuck. Feels good doesn’it?”
Felix lets out more deep groans, with the occasional whine.
“‘Lex. ‘Lex, baby. M’cumming.” You rush out breathlessly.
“M’right there with y’baby, m’right here. Just, fuck, wait a second..Wanna come together, beautiful.” Felix says panting.
The only noises to be heard in the somewhat small dorm are the moans and gasps of two passionate lovers, and the squeaks and banging from the plush bed.
In any other scenario, you’d be pressing your hand around your mouth, stressing to Felix about the importance of staying quiet; not wanting to get more noise complaints. But right now, you could barely even think about where you are; focusing only on the circles being rubbed on your glistening cunt, and the feeling of Felix’s warm, almost candle-lit hot limbs touching yours.
Felix’s pace begins to falter, growing sloppier and sloppier with every thrust, showing signs of Felix nearing his blissful end.
“Yes! Fuck yes! Come f’me angel, please! Give it t’me! C’mon, y’know y’can, here hold m’hand.” Felix says, reaching his clammy hand to your already sweaty one.
“F-fuck! ‘Lex!”
In the span of seconds, the two of you are coming undone together, gripping each other’s hand so tightly.
You feel your climax shake through your entire body, making you jerk against Felix’s hold, as he tries to keep himself together.
Felix collapses softly next to you with a soft “holy shit,” making sure not to startle you in your hazy state.
He brushes the hair from your moist skin and peppers feather-like kisses onto your face, collarbone, and scalp; helping you calm down from your high.
You look at him bleary eyed, taking account of his wobbly smiles as he tries to catch his breath.
‘Does he ever stop smiling?’ You think to yourself.
“Hi honey,” Felix whispers.
“Hi baby,” you whisper back with a giggle.
“Y’so gorgeous, y’know that, angel?” He says, after softly pulling out and snuggling closer to you with a blanket.
“So i’ve been told,” you say, blinking sleepily.
“Wait, sweetheart. Y’can’t sleep yet! I gotta clean you up!” Felix says in a hurry, jumping out from underneath the blanket. He quickly walks over to his desk, which has a pack of wipes on it, and he finds a towel on his dresser.
You fight sleep, as Felix softly wipes you, making sure not to put too much pressure on your already sore cunt.
He sits you up a bit, putting on of his cozy sweatshirts on your frame and gently lays you back down.
He quickly puts a pair of boxers on once he hears your soft whines, begging for him to cuddle you.
He lays down and drapes your body on top of his.
The last thing you feel before drifting off is a sweet kiss being pressed onto your forehead.
“Happy Valentine’s Day lovie..and most importantly, happy one year anniversary.”
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feedback always appreciated bb <3
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Hi! I don't know if you already have an idea for the birthday post, if you do feel free to ignore this...my favourite trope is dad!harry too...what if H has to go for an emergency meeting somewhere else out the country even before his birthday and he has to spend his birthday there too and he is bummed about it...the fmc can fly out with their daughter/son and when he is back from his meeting his room is all decorated and stuff and she tells him she asked jeff to cancel everything...and they do a bunch of fun stuff but at night, after dinner she and the baby surprise him with another baby or something and he is like best birthday ever, 30 is already amazing
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Happy 30th Birthday, Baby.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
authors note - thank you so much to @missbearforfun for sending in this request, ive had had a fun time writing this, ive changed a few things up, so i hope that ive done it justice.
i can’t believe that my boy is 30….like i swear he was just auditioning for the x-factor yesterday. 🥹
word count - 4.4k
in which, harry gets called to do a meeting in italy, two days before his birthday, which means that he’ll be spending his 30th out there with just his manager jeff, what he doesn’t realise is that you, his darling wife, fly out to surprise him and hopefully give him the best birthday he’s ever had.
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You’ve been in Harry’s life for just over ten years.
You’ve spent five of those years as boyfriend and girlfriend, two of those years as his fiancé, and now, this year will be leading up to the third year being each other's husband and wife.
The first birthday of his that you spent with him, was his 20th all the way back in 2014. He had organised an intimate get together at a restaurant full of all of his closest family and friends, and it was the first time that you would be turning up together, as an official couple seeing as the only people who knew about the two of you were his band mates and his mother,sister, father and step father.
It was also the night that he confessed to you that he loved you, and that you were the one person that he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with.
From that moment on, every birthday became a cherished chapter in your shared history.
Waking up in each other's arms has become a comforting tradition, marking the beginning of a day dedicated solely to celebrating Harry's existence. The warmth of those morning embraces symbolises the depth of your connection, a connection that has withstood the tests of time.
As the years unfolded, you've witnessed the evolution of Harry, both in age and character, yet the love between you two has remained unwavering.
From his 21st to his 30th birthday, you've made it a point to spend the day in a way that brings him joy. Whether it's exploring new places, indulging in his favourite activities, or simply relaxing together, the focus has always been on creating memories that reflect the essence of Harry.
Each birthday has become a canvas on which you paint moments of happiness and shared experiences.
You had spent every birthday with him, but for this one, it appeared to already be turning out in a way neither of you had expected.
A mere few days before Harry's anticipated birthday, an unexpected call from his manager, Jeff, sent ripples of disappointment through his plans. The urgency of an issue related to his beauty brand, Pleasing, required Harry's immediate attention in the Italy.
The brand we’re thinking of opening a pop-up shop over there, seeing as the country held so much adoration in both of your hearts, it was the place where you got married, the place where he proposed and where he now wanted his fans over there to have access to him and what he had to offer.
With flights already booked, he faced the heart-wrenching reality of having to leave just over two days before his special day. Devastation etched across his face as he contemplated the unforeseen disruption to the birthday celebration he had eagerly anticipated.
In a desperate attempt to reason with Jeff, Harry explained his deep desire to spend his birthday with you, sharing the disappointment that overshadowed the joy of the impending celebration.
However, the urgency of the matter prevailed, leaving Harry torn between personal desires and professional obligations. As his best mate and manager, Jeff empathised with Harry but emphasised the gravity of the situation, reinforcing the necessity of this unexpected journey.
Amidst the disappointment, you stepped in to comfort Harry, assuring him that celebrations could be postponed but his presence and well-being mattered most. You offered solace, reminding him that distance could not diminish the love and connection you shared.
The promise of a belated but equally meaningful celebration upon his return brought a glimmer of hope to the gloom that hung over his imminent departure.
You had promised him, that you would FaceTime him on his actual birthday and that you would both order the same takeaway that night and have a little over the phone date, just to celebrate this big milestone.
On the morning Harry was set to depart for Italy, the anticipation of his journey hung in the air. Dressed for travel, he stood before you with a small suitcase by the door.
Shoes on, cap snug, and sunglasses concealing his eyes, he exuded a mix of excitement and reluctance. Despite the January chill in London, the promise of Italy's warmth upon landing prompted him to prepare for a contrasting climate.
Your eyes held a silent plea as you stood before him, sorrow evident in your gaze.
"I wish I didn't have t’go," Harry admitted, his voice tinged with regret.
You nodded, understanding the weight of the situation, your silence echoing the unspoken emotions in the room.
Milo, your ten-month-old Rottweiler puppy, sensed the sombre atmosphere, wagging his tail as if trying to infuse joy into the moment.
Unable to contain your emotions, you wrapped your arms around Harry in a tight hug.
"I'll miss you so much," you whispered, your voice betraying the ache within. Harry's embrace tightened, and he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I'll miss y’more, m’love," he murmured, the sincerity in his words resonating with the depth of his emotions.
Crouching down to pet Milo, Harry spoke to the pup with a soft smile, "Take care of mummy for me, little buddy."
Milo responded with excited barks, seemingly understanding the impending absence.
Standing up, Harry looked into your eyes, his own reflecting a mixture of love and longing.
Your gaze locked with his, finding solace in the promise of a future reunion.
"We'll have the most amazing belated birthday celebration," you said, trying to inject positivity into the moment.
Harry smiled, his eyes reflecting gratitude.
"I can't wait f’that. Until then, stay strong f’me," he said, pressing a lingering kiss to your lips.
As the door closed behind him, the echo of his departure resonated through the silent space. Left with the imprint of his touch, the memory of his presence, and the anticipation of his return, you and Milo faced a home that suddenly felt emptier without him.
"I'll make sure t’send y’pictures from Italy," Harry called out from the hallway.
"And don't forget to spoil Milo a bit extra for me!" he added with a playful grin, the reassurance in his voice providing a small comfort amid the impending distance.
The day of his actual birthday, you woke up at seven am, which meant it was eight am for Harry.
It was a nice early face time call, in which you had called someone from the town near your shared beach house and got them to deliver flowers so they we’re scheduled to arrive whilst the two of you were calling, so you could see his face when he received them.
Little did he know, as the virtual celebration concluded, that you were already en route to Italy to surprise the love of your life.
His manager, Jeff, had orchestrated the clandestine journey, booking a flight that not only allowed your presence but accommodated Milo, your loyal puppy companion.
On the fairly empty flight, with just a few scattered passengers, you found solace in the quiet journey across the skies. Milo, nestled on the seat next to you, peacefully dozed off, completely unaware of the grand surprise awaiting his owner.
The hum of the plane engines provided a soothing backdrop as you envisioned the joy that would light up Harry's face when you appeared unexpectedly in celebration of his special day.
Upon landing in Italy, you and Milo were swiftly escorted off the plane by a discreet security team. The importance of maintaining the surprise for Harry became evident as the team efficiently navigated through the airport. The mission was clear: to whisk you away from the public eye, avoiding any chance of word spreading that Harry's wife had arrived.
Passing through passport control with just a carry-on bag in tow, the security team ensured a seamless transition. The anticipation heightened as you and Milo moved through the airport, surrounded by the subtle hum of secrecy. Every step taken was a careful manoeuvre to preserve the surprise and shield the unfolding celebration from prying eyes.
Exiting the airport, you were guided to a waiting jeep. The security team orchestrated a smooth transition, knowing that time was of the essence.
H just left for a meeting, so you’ve got at least an hour to get everything ready !!
As the jeep sped toward the villa, Jeff's text notification illuminated your phone screen. His message revealed that Harry was currently engrossed in a meeting, providing a valuable window of time to set up a birthday surprise.
The prospect of transforming the house into a beautiful haven of celebration filled you with excitement. Knowing you had at least an hour before Harry's return heightened the anticipation, and thoughts of his surprised expression fueled your determination.
The journey continued through the picturesque landscapes of Italy, the half-hour drive feeling like both an eternity and a heartbeat away from reuniting with Harry. Milo, sensing the energy, shifted restlessly in anticipation, adding an extra layer of warmth to the already charged atmosphere within the jeep.
The realization that the culmination of meticulous planning was drawing near only fueled your eagerness.
The mere thought of seeing Harry after two days of separation fueled your determination to make this surprise an unforgettable celebration of love and connection. The countdown to the reunion had begun.
"Here we are," the driver announced as the jeep came to a stop in front of the villa. You thanked him and handed over a ten-euro tip, expressing gratitude for the swift and discreet journey.
Grabbing Milo's leash and your bag, you stepped out into the Italian air, the scent of anticipation mingling with the promise of celebration.
As you approached the door, the distinct aroma of Harry's aftershave enveloped you, confirming his recent presence. A pair of his white vans neatly placed by the entrance hinted at the intimate details of his daily routine.
With a smile, you inserted the key into the lock, unlocking the door to a space filled with the essence of the man you dearly missed.
"Milo, we're home," you murmured to your furry companion, who eagerly bounded into the living room.
The atmosphere inside resonated with familiarity, and Milo, seemingly aware of the joyous occasion, leaped onto the sofa, his tail wagging in sync with the pulsating excitement in the air.
Upon stepping into the villa, you wasted no time. The suitcase that accompanied you served as a treasure trove of celebratory delights. With swift precision, you unzipped it, revealing an inflatable 3 and 0, along with vibrant banners that spelled out "Happy Birthday."
The living room became a canvas for your creativity, and the decorations unfolded in a dance of colors and joy.
Inflating the giant numbers, you strategically placed them to catch Harry's eye the moment he entered. The banners crisscrossed the room, creating a vibrant tapestry of celebration. The atmosphere transformed with each decoration, turning the space into a haven of love and festivity.
The decorating didn’t take long, maybe around half an hour, so that left you waiting, and each minute felt like hell.
You so badly just wanted him in your arms.
Seated in the midst of the festive setup, you pulled out your phone, eager to share the news of your safe arrival with your family. Fingers danced across the screen as you texted messages of reassurance and excitement, capturing the essence of this special moment.
The living room, now a symphony of color and joy, served as the backdrop to your messages, each tap echoing the anticipation of the grand birthday surprise awaiting Harry.
As you sat in the living room, engrossed in your phone, the jingling of keys outside signaled Harry's arrival. Swiftly, you rose from your seat, Milo by your side, his tail wagging in silent excitement.
Attempting to be as quiet as possible, you made your way to the entry hall, your heart pounding with anticipation. The festive atmosphere of the decorated living room served as a backdrop to the impending surprise.
Harry entered, shutting the door behind him with a sense of routine. His tote bag dropped to the floor, and in his initial distraction, he failed to notice the pair of women's shoes by the entrance.
His gaze scanned the surroundings briefly before turning away, only to snap back with wide eyes when he caught sight of you standing there.
His mouth parted in shock, a mixture of disbelief and joy washing over his face.
Time seemed to stand still for a moment as Harry processed the unexpected presence before him. The shock gave way to a radiant smile, his eyes lighting up with genuine happiness. Milo's tail wagged furiously, mirroring the palpable joy in the room.
Harry's initial shock dissolved into pure joy as he stared at you standing in the entry hall. Without a moment's hesitation, he rushed over, gathering you into a tight embrace. The warmth of his arms enveloped you, an unspoken reassurance of the love that bridged the distance between you two. Your eyes welled up with tears, mirroring the emotion evident in his gaze.
"Happy birthday," you whispered, the words carrying the weight of your love and the joy of this surprise.
As Harry lifted his head, his lips sought yours in a cascade of affectionate kisses. Each press was a testament to the depth of the connection shared, a celebration of love that transcended the days of separation.
The room, filled with decorations and the silent witness of Milo, became a sanctuary for this spontaneous reunion.
In the midst of the kisses, Harry's laughter bubbled up, the sheer delight of the unexpected surprise washing over him.
"M’can't believe you're here," he admitted, his eyes sparkling with gratitude. Milo, sensing the joy, wagged his tail energetically, completing the tableau of love and celebration.
“I couldn't not see you on your birthday," you admitted with a warm smile, still wrapped in Harry's embrace.
"Milo missed his daddy so much that we had to come and surprise you." You winked playfully, a cheeky smile tugging at your lips. "And, well, maybe I missed you a bit too."
Harry's eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and delight.
"Y’really came all the way here just for me?" he asked, his voice filled with gratitude. Milo, sensing the joy in the room, barked in agreement, tail wagging enthusiastically.
Cupping his face in your hands, you responded, "Absolutely. Birthdays are meant to be celebrated with the ones you love, and we couldn't let a few miles keep us apart, now could we?"
“But I’ve got meetings the entire day,”he pouted, head getting thrown back slightly. “But I wanna spend the entire day with you.”
You played with the peach fuzz at the back of his neck. “Well it’s a good job I’ve cleared your schedule then, huh?”
“Wait,”he snapped his head over to yours from where he was staring lovingly at Milo. “So I’ve got the whole day with you?”
“We’ve got the whole day together, baby.” You confirmed, watching as his dimples appeared on his face.
In need of a refreshment, you and Harry migrated to the kitchen. As he poured himself an ice-cold glass of water, you settled at the kitchen island, nibbling on a cracker slathered with butter.
Looking at Harry, you asked, "Any cravings for today?"
He grinned and replied, "Actually, I've been craving a nice stroll around the town with Milo. Maybe we can stop for some ice cream and, perhaps, a cheeky bottle of rouge."
Harry's eyes sparkled with the prospect of a leisurely day. He reached for your hand, fingers intertwining, and continued, "What do you think, love?"
You offered a small smile, well aware that your current circumstances limited certain indulgences. "Sounds lovely," you responded, playing with the cross necklace around his neck. "I'm up for a walk and some ice cream.”
The wine….not so much.
/ /
As the day wore on, bathed in the warm glow of the Italian sun, you changed into a pair of comfortable denim shorts and one of Harry's shirts, embracing the casual charm of the town. The borrowed shirt hung loosely on your frame, carrying the familiar scent that provided a comforting connection to Harry.
Together, hand in hand, you and Harry strolled along the old streets, a timeless backdrop for the unfolding birthday celebration.
Milo, ever the enthusiastic companion, trotted alongside, his leash held firmly in Harry's hand. The cobbled streets echoed with the gentle sounds of your footsteps, creating a serene melody as you explored the charming corners of the town.
The quaint architecture and rustic charm of the surroundings added a picturesque touch to the shared moments of the day.
The narrow alleyways led you to hidden gems and inviting cafés, where the scent of freshly brewed coffee and sweet treats filled the air.
Each step carried with it the promise of discovery and the joy of simply being together. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm hue over the town, and the leisurely pace of the day allowed you to savor the simple pleasures of the moment.
As you continued your leisurely walk through the charming streets of Italy, Milo suddenly stopped in his tracks, his nose diligently sniffing around the ground. With an amused grin, you watched as he searched for just the right spot to do his business.
After a moment of consideration, Milo found the perfect place, and you turned to Harry with a playful expression.
"Happy birthday to you," you teased, handing Harry the poo bag with a grin. He laughed and fake gagged, taking the bag with a theatrical expression of horror.
Milo, seemingly oblivious to the lighthearted banter, continued with his canine duties, contributing his unique birthday gift to the day's events.
Continuing your walk through the enchanting town, you and Harry engaged in easy conversation, the cadence of laughter punctuating the air. The narrow streets echoed with the shared joy of the day, every step deepening the connection between you two. Silly anecdotes and playful banter flowed freely, turning the casual stroll into a delightful journey of shared moments.
As you meandered through the old streets, each corner unveiled new surprises, and every twist and turn became an opportunity for discovery. The simple act of being together, immersed in the charm of the surroundings, fueled the laughter and strengthened the bond between you and Harry.
As you continued your stroll through the charming town, the sight of a small bistro with a quaint outdoor seating area caught Harry's eye.
"How about we grab a bite there? it looks like a nice spot," he suggested, nodding toward the bistro. You agreed with a smile, appreciating the thought of a cozy meal in such a picturesque setting.
Heading towards the entrance, you were met by a friendly waiter.
"How can I help you?" he inquired. Harry responded,
"Just a table outside, please." The waiter, with a welcoming smile, gestured for you to follow, leading you to a charming table nestled in the outdoor seating area. The sun cast a warm glow, creating an inviting ambiance for a leisurely meal.
Seated at the quaint table, Milo by your side, the waiter handed you the menus. "Browse through these, a waiter will be over shortly, and let me know if there's anything else you need," he offered before leaving you to peruse the options. The aroma of delectable dishes wafted through the air, enhancing the anticipation of a delightful meal in the heart of the town.
Harry, glancing at the menu, looked up at you with a playful grin.
"What are you in the mood for, m’love?" he asked.
Wait what?
As you and Harry enjoyed the cozy atmosphere of the bistro, another waiter, a friendly woman with a welcoming smile, approached your table.
"Good evening! Do you know what you'd like to order?" she inquired, pen poised above her notepad.
Harry, ever decisive, was the first to respond.
"I'll have a glass of y’house red wine, please," he said, glancing at the wine list.
Turning to you, the waiter asked, "And for you, ma'am?"
You flashed a smile and softly shook your head.
"I'll just go for a fresh lemonade, please." Attempting to steer away any suspicion, you added, "Feeling like something light today."
Harry, catching the cue, chimed in, "Just a light and easygoing evening, you know?"
He winked at you, his eyes filled with playful complicity.
The waiter jotted down your drink orders and nodded. "Certainly, a glass of red wine and a fresh lemonade. Now, what can I get for your main courses?"
You perused the menu, deciding on a chicken salad, and Harry opted for the salmon antipasto. You exchanged glances, sharing a silent agreement on the choices. As the waiter collected your menu choices, she remarked,
"Excellent choices! Your orders will be out shortly. Enjoy your evening!"
With the waiter's departure, Harry leaned in with a teasing grin.
"A fresh lemonade, m’love? Feeling like a saint today, are we?" he quipped, his playful banter laced with affection.
You chuckled, playing along. "Well, saints need a refreshing drink too, don't they? Besides, I'm saving room for that delicious chicken salad."
Harry laughed, raising an eyebrow in mock suspicion. "Alright, alright, I won't question y’saintly decisions. S’just enjoy this lovely evening and the meal to come."
The waiter returned with your drinks about five minutes later, placing a glass of red wine in front of Harry and a refreshing lemonade for you. As she walked away, leaving you two to enjoy your beverages, you lifted your glass and initiated a spontaneous toast.
"Cheers to your birthday, my love," you exclaimed, your eyes sparkling with affection. "I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I love you. I can't wait to spend eternity together, celebrating moments like these."
Harry's gaze softened, and he blinked his glass against yours.
"To eternity and beyond," he replied, his voice filled with warmth. "M’the luckiest person to have you by m’side. Here's to many more birthdays and unforgettable moments together."
The bistro's ambiance embraced the intimate exchange, and you continued to express your love and appreciation for Harry.
"You make every day special, but today, on your birthday, I want it to be extra magical for you," you confessed, your sincerity echoing in the quiet moments between sips of the refreshing lemonade.
Harry's smile widened, and he reached across the table to gently squeeze your hand. "Having y’here is the best gift I could ever ask for. Every moment with you is magical, and m’grateful for it all."
/ /
As the early evening settled around the villa, you found yourselves back in the comforting haven of your shared space. In the bathroom, bathed in a soft glow, you stood before the mirror, carefully removing mascara and eyeliner.
The simple act of cleansing away the day's makeup was a routine that marked the transition from daytime adventures to the quiet moments of the evening.
Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Harry lay on the bed, Milo nestled at his feet. He absentmindedly scratched at the short growth of hair on his head, a subtle reminder of a recent decision to shave it off.
The room radiated with a sense of tranquility as you each indulged in the rituals that marked the end of the day.
Wearing one of Harry's shirts that enveloped you in the familiar scent of him, you busied yourself in the bathroom, preparing a late evening birthday surprise.
The soft rustling sounds of your movements echoed against the backdrop of Harry's contemplative scratching, creating a harmony of shared space and intimate connection.
With a soft smile gracing your lips, you glanced at yourself in the bathroom mirror before deciding it was time to return to the bedroom.
Your hands were discreetly behind your back, holding a late evening birthday surprise for Harry. As you stepped into the bedroom, Harry, already seated on the bed, noticed your presence and sat up, beckoning you with open arms.
"I want a cuddle," he declared, his eyes twinkling with a playful warmth. Unable to resist his endearing request, you let out a soft giggle at his baby-like antics.
Playfully, you approached the bed as he beckoned you forward.
Crawling onto the bed next to him, you let yourself be enveloped in his arms. You laid your head on his chest, the rhythmic beat of his heart echoing comfort and love.
The anticipation of the surprise gift still hidden behind your back added an extra layer of excitement to the intimate moment.
"I missed you," Harry murmured, his voice a gentle caress. You pressed a kiss over his heart, savoring the warmth of the connection. His arms tightened around you, embracing the familiar comfort of being close.
Taking a deep breath, you looked at Harry with a warm smile, saying, "I've got one last present for you. Close your eyes."
Harry hesitated for a moment, a playful smirk tugging at his lips, before obediently shutting his eyes. With gentle steps, you moved towards him, the late evening's golden glow casting a soft ambiance around you.
In your hands, you held a delicate gift, and with a mix of hesitation and tenderness, you softly placed it in Harry's hands.
"Okay, open your eyes," you instructed, your heart fluttering with a secret that had the power to change your lives forever.
Harry blinked his eyes open, and as he glanced down at his hands, a flicker of confusion passed over his face. Then, his gaze landed on the small object nestled in his palms.
It took a moment for the realisation to sink in, and when he saw what it was, his eyes widened, and he gasped.
"What... is this?" Harry stammered, his voice shaky with emotion.
His trembling fingers picked up the small pregnancy test.
The room fell silent as the weight of the revelation settled in. Harry's eyes locked onto the test, and tears immediately welled up.
"S’this for real?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "This isn't some sick joke, right?"
You shook your head, a mixture of joy and vulnerability in your gaze. Leaning forward, you pressed your forehead against his, tears streaming down both your cheeks.
"It's true, H. I'm eleven weeks pregnant," you whispered, the magnitude of the moment engulfing you both in a wave of overwhelming emotions.
Harry's breath caught, and he pulled back slightly to look into your eyes.
"I... we're going to be parents?" he uttered, a mix of disbelief and elation in his voice.
A tender smile graced your lips, and you nodded. "Yes, Harry. We're going to be parents."
Tears rolled down his cheeks as he pulled you into a tight embrace.
"I can't believe it. M’going to be a dad," he mumbled against your hair, his voice filled with a joy that echoed through the room.
Overwhelmed with emotion, Harry leaned forward, his hand gently pressing against your stomach as if trying to connect with the new life growing within.
The tender touch conveyed a depth of love that words could only strive to express. His lips found yours in a sweet, lingering kiss, and as he pulled back, he whispered, "I love you, I love you, I love you."
“This is the best birthday ever,”he spoke, chocking out a soft sob. “Thank you m’love, thank you, thank you for making us parents.”
You softly placed your hands on his cheeks to get him to look at you, and when his green eyes met yours, you smiled at him tenderly.
“Happy 30th Birthday, Baby.”
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
thinking about getting jealous of someone flirting with frat!peter at a party and just going to sit on his lap in a “silently marking my territory” way
i just know he loves when you get jealous, he totally thinks it’s hot.
You couldn’t decide who you hated more, Peter, or the tall blonde talking to him. 
Flipping her hair back as she laughed, bending towards him as she smiled, her hand reached down to grab his arm, you almost seized. Almost like he knew her plan, Peter raised his arm at the last minute to adjust his snapback. 
You don’t know what’s so funny but apparently, Peter is. Downing the rest of your drink you lean against the wall and watch, something tugging at your stomach when your boy smiles at something she says. He’s not supposed to react, he’s supposed to be bored and push her away to come find you. 
The third time she tried to touch him she made contact, her hand rubbing and squeezing at his bicep. Trying to read his face, to see if he liked it or was trying to escape. He looked like he tolerated it, more focusing on his drink. You clenched your jaw the longer she lingered, she stepped closer and her hand drifted to his forearm. 
You felt pure rage, doesn’t she know he’s yours? 
If she doesn’t, you’ll make it known. 
The very second her hip bumped the edge of the couch and she rested her weight you stomped right over, approaching Peter and seeing red you tugged his right arm up and sat right down on his lap. Your quick movements caught him off guard for a moment, but when he saw that you were the one sitting on him his whole face lit up. The dim half sided conversation with the blonde falling flat, you however, couldn’t let it go. 
“Hey, trou-” His words cut short by you grabbing his face and pressing your mouth to his. A surprised hum pulled from his throat, neither one of you the type to make out on the couch. You opened your mouth into his and pulled at his shirt collar. 
Peter gripped your hip and cupped your face, pulling away slightly to breathe, you wouldn’t allow him. You’re going to make it abundantly clear he was yours and yours only, you tugged him back back to you, giving a bruising kiss and trialing to his jaw and the spot right where his jawline and neck met. 
“Trouble,” Peter's hand placed on your ribcage, he’s never seen you so willingly affectionate in the middle of a party and you weren’t even drunk. You won’t stop your attack, ghosting your lips down his neck and lightly sucking at his collarbone. A hum escapes Peter as he gives you more access, then he remembers where he is, he’s quick to stop it. 
Physically moving your mouth off his he breathes deeply, “you gotta stop.” 
You look to the side of the couch, the girl long gone. A satisfied smile rested over your lips, hopefully you made it extremely clear he was yours, and she should really keep her hands to herself. 
Peter follows your eyes and clicks his tongue, his hand cups your face, making you look at him. 
“Were you jealous?” A cocky grin, like he caught you with your hand in the cookie jar.
You scoff, “of her? No way.” He didn’t miss your shifty eyes, bringing his hands down to intertwine yours together. 
“No, I think you were. Throwing yourself on me and marking your territory.” 
Huffing you whine at him, “she should know you’re mine! You’ve made it clear to every guy in here I’m off limits, can’t I do the same?” 
“Oh, you can, and you absolutely just did.” 
You’re not sure if he finds it cringy or cute, you feel shy and look around the room. Focusing on a couple against the wall, sometimes when you see a couple look at each other like that, it makes your stomach tighten and your heart lurch. What you and Peter have is special, but more than anything you want the label and commitment, the joy of him opening up to you and sharing his heart. 
Something you’re not sure you’d ever get, he keeps dodging the ‘do you ever think about us being more?’ question. Too scared to push it, you didn’t want to lose him entirely. That’s why it’s so important for other girls to stay away, he can’t know what else is out there, what he’s missing by being with you. It’s too easy for him to leave you. 
Peter follows your gaze and feels his heart tug, he can almost hear your thoughts. Without second thought he pulls you so you’re right against his chest, arms wrapping around your waist. 
“I think it’s cute you’re so possessive, it makes me feel very wanted.” 
You rest your palms on the back of his hands and dig your fingertips into the spaces between his fingers, resting your head on his shoulder and turning your neck to look up at him when you talk. 
Sighing, “what happens when you have a hotter, funnier, better than me in every way girl walk up to you, I mean, there’s nothing tethering us together.” 
Peter knows what you want him to say. 
“I know it’s not the kind you want, but I am one hundred percent committed to you.” 
It’s the same dodging he always does, what if you flip the script, what if you leave him? 
“But what does that mean?” Groaning the words. Peter throws his head back on the couch, he whines out a ‘no’, it’s like pulling teeth. 
“I know you hate the ‘B’ word but c’mon, at least give me something. Anything, a crumb even.” 
Taking a deep breath and pulling his head up he places a kiss on your shoulder. He brings your arms up to cross them over your chest, he can give you something, he just needs to get the words out his mouth. 
“C’mon, trouble. You should know by now you get everything you want.” 
A promise of commitment, suddenly you’re very thankful for the blonde, she pushed forward more in one night than you have in two months. 
You hum happily, “but do I?” 
“Got me, didn’t you?” 
Nuzzling into his neck you press a kiss, your words come out sing-songy, “if you say so.” 
“I know so.” 
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charlesf1leclerc · 6 months
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Summary: Christmas morning and surprises in the Leclerc family. 
Warnings : suggestive content but no smut 
A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY. Hope you all have a wonderful day with your family or whoever’s you are celebrating with. I wish you all the happiness and hope that this fic serves as a little gift from me to you. Xx
It was all quite to begin with. But that would never last long especially on Christmas morning. You and Charles were close to each other in bed Charles had his arm around your waist. You were both sound asleep. Until..
The sound of footsteps came from down the hallway then your door opened and the there was the shaking and the sound of voices.
“ wake up , he came he came” 
Your groaned and rolled back in your pillow you knew Christmas was exciting and you weren’t annoyed at your babies but sometimes you liked your sleep. 
Charles arm slipped from around your waist as he rolled over to look at the three kids standing on his side of the bed.
“ who came? “ he asked obviously teasing them.
“ SANTA papa “ Sicily screeched 
“ presents!” Remy yelled
“ ok ok shall we go downstairs and see what he brought” Charles said moving to get up
“Yes!” All the kids ran downstairs.
“ Darling “ Charles shook you and you rolled over to face him as you obviously hadn’t gone back to sleep.
“Come on let’s go downstairs I’ll make you some coffee” he laughed
You groaned but got up out of bed as you wanted to spend this morning with your children. He then wrapped his arms around and gave you a kiss on the head as you both went downstairs. 
By the time you had all gotten downstairs and you and Charles were settled on the couch your three children were ripping into their piles of presents. With many different new toys coming out from the wrapping paper. With the occasion shrieks of joy and the show and tell to you and Charles. As well as the numerous demands of “open it papa” only for the toy to be unboxed then left behind to unwrap more presents.
“ Santa really spoiled you guys this year” you smiled as you watched Remy play with his new dinosaur toy on the ground, Indy inspecting her new roller skates , and Sicily with some slime that was in her stocking. 
“ what about you mama and papa what did Santa bring you” Sicily asked.
“ Santa dosent come to adults “ Indy said in a obvious way
“ that’s right but it’s ok because mama and papa got each other presents “ Charles smiled.
You had been nervous about one of Charles presents for the late couple of days as you had been feeling off for awhile so you decided to take a test, a pregnancy test. It came back positive. Of course nothing was planned but you were sure Charles would be just as happy and supportive as all the other times.
“ merry Christmas my love” Charles handed you a pile of gifts and leant over to kiss you on the lips
“ ewww “ Indy and Sicily groaned , as Charles replied by sticking his tongue out at them. 
The first gift was a refill of the perfume you wear every day and could never get enough of. The next gift was a beautiful silver bracket with a love heart and engraved in the heart was a I, S , R and C. And then the final box made him smirk and you were immediately suspicious of what was in there. When you opened it you immediately put the items back in the box closing the lid and giving Charles a death glare.
“ in-front of the kids Charles” 
“ something special for you and me “ he smirked proud of the silk set within the box
“You are such a teenage horny boy”
“ ok my turn” you sang as you passed him his pile of gifts
You were getting more excited at sharing the news with him. 
He opened the two first gifts revealing some clothes as he was in need of some more suitable day wear they wasn’t carry blue and white tye dye jeans, next was new AirPods and a new travel set of mini suitcases for race weekend. Then he finally came to the final box, the box which contained the next chapter of your lives. He slowly opened it and revealed the stick from under the tissue paper.
“ what’s this mon amour” you just continued to stare at him. 
He picked it up examining it closer. Then his eyes grew wide
“No” he looked at you
You just nodded your head smiling  
“ your pregnant!” 
“ yeah”
“Cherie” he smiled leaning over to kiss your lips and hug you. Then leaning to put his hand on your stomach.
“ this is amazing , the best Christmas gift”
“Surprising this is your fault for not being able to keep your hands off me” you laughed as his hand was still on your stomach
“ you’re just irresistible Cherie” he kissed you again.
“ 4 kids we are really outnumbered now”
“ we’ll be okay” and you believed him you would be ok
“ what did you get papa” Sicily asked as now the two youngest kids were standing in-front of him
“ well mama is pregnant there’s gonna be another baby” he smiled
“ yay! A new girl” Sicily shriek alerted the youngest who didn’t quite understand the idea of a new baby
“ well we don’t know if it’s a girl baby” you laughed 
“ well I know it is “ she smiled going back to her toys
Charles looked at Remy picking  him up , placing him on his lap then snuggling further into you basking in the fact that it was Christmas and the fact a new baby was on the way. It was all ok though for now you would bask in the comfort of your family of 5 before next year the family would grow and Christmas will become even more special.
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stellamancer · 20 days
entreat (reader x yuta okkotsu)
notes: hellow hellow! this is actually my first time writing yuta ahaha. he's a sweet boy who deserves the world (like most of the rest of the cast). intially the idea for this fic was a bit different but, i think this is cute too.
this fic was a request written as part of the @/ficsforgaza initiative as a gift for @yutaleks. my requests are currently closed, but if you are interested please do check the ffg tumblr out! there are lots of writers participating!
contains: gn!reader, food (mentions of, eating and sharing), yuta okkotsu being a cutie patoot
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Whenever Yuta travels for a mission, he always brings back souvenirs; boxes of ridiculously sugary sweets for Gojo, bags of interestingly flavored potato chips for Maki, eclectic and downright gimmicky foods for Panda and Toge and for you—
Yuta brings back things he wants to eat with you. 
It started with the first-ever souvenir he brought back for you, from the very first solo mission he received after being reinstated as a special grade. He'd given it to you to say thank you for your support because just saying it has never been an adequate expression of gratitude for Yuta. 
But he'd apologized too, as he handed you the box– cookies from Hokkaido using locally sourced butter and cream, the prefecture’s pride and joy. 
Yuta is maybe the only person you know who would say sorry when handing someone a gift. 
“Why?” you'd asked.
He looked embarrassed as he answered. “I didn't know what you would like, but I couldn't just not bring you anything so I… got something that I thought sounded good…” 
His face was the picture of guilt, like he had admitted to the most heinous crime in all of history– not knowing what you would have liked. 
“It's okay if you want to throw it away or give it to sensei! I won't get upset or mad!” 
You remember distinctly thinking that if Rika were still here, she would send you to the grave if you threw away Yuta’s gift. Instead of that, you started to open the box, peeling away the wrapping and the box top to reveal two neat little rows of individually packaged cookies. You’d plucked one out and offered it to Yuta. 
“You said you thought it sounded good right?” you had asked. 
Yuta only stared, obviously unsure of what to do. 
“Come on, take it.” 
He hesitated, clearly not wanting to partake in a gift meant for you and for a moment you both stood there, unmoving. 
“Come on, Yuta, please?” 
That had been enough to get him to give in. You remember being surprised that was all it took. He gingerly took the cookie from you, handling it like a treasure, and you’d grabbed one of your own, knowing there was no way Yuta would eat one if you didn't first.
You'd tucked the box under your arm to rip the packing open and with another thanks you popped the cookie in your mouth. 
Honestly speaking, it had been one of the best cookies you'd ever had; crisp, yet tender, with a subtle sweetness that was nothing short of addictive.
When you had finished it, you stared at Yuta intently. It took him a second to realize that you meant for him to eat his, too, and with both yet another apology and yet another thank you, he delicately tore open the package and ate the cookie. 
You watched as he chewed it thoughtfully, evaluating the flavor. And when he finished, you tilted your head to the side and asked, “So, did you like it?” 
You remember how he nodded and smiled, carefree and innocent– a look you had always felt suited Yuta best. 
In return, you’d offered him a smile of your own. “You don't need to go through the trouble of bringing me back anything, but if you do, bring stuff like this— that we can share.”
And Yuta did just that. 
Now, every time he comes back from a mission, he comes bearing souvenirs from all over Japan: chestnut daifuku from Nagano, gyoza senbei from Tochigi, Kobe pudding from Hyogo… the list goes on. Sometimes, it’s just one thing. And other times, he comes back with two or three, looking apologetic as he tells you that he just couldn't decide. 
You don't mind, though, you never do– in fact, you actually look forward to when he brings multiple. More to share means more time with Yuta.
And this time, this time is no exception, but….
“...this is an awful lot…” you say looking at the array of ten different boxes that Yuta’s brought back from his latest mission. 
“I'm sorry!” He apologizes automatically and then, just like always he adds. “It was so hard to choose… Everything sounded so good.”
He's not wrong. Every single thing he's brought back sounds absolutely delicious and catered specifically to your tastes. It kind of makes you wonder if he's been taking notes all this time, commiting the things you've liked to memory. 
“It's fine!” you insist. “I'm just not sure if we can finish all this together…” 
At least not all at once. The things that are individually wrapped should be fine, but there are a fair amount of things that are probably meant to be eaten in a single sitting. 
“...maybe we should see if the others want some too…” you murmur thoughtfully. It's been a while since all of you ate together, between missions and the like. It would be fun. 
Yuta makes a soft sound and you look toward him. He’s very obviously avoiding your gaze, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. You know him well enough to realize that means he's got something on his mind.
“What's up?” you ask. 
He doesn't say anything, not at first, but it's obvious he's debating whether or not to tell you. If you wait long enough, though, you think he'll say it. And sure enough, after a minute or two Yuta takes a deep breath and says, “I was actually hoping we could still just share everything just the two of us!” 
The words come out in a two-breath rush and you stare at him as the meaning of his words sink in. You did tell him to bring back things the two of you could share, it just never occurred to you that he thought that meant only the two of you. 
Yuta, on the other hand, looks mildly horrified, regret instantly visible, as if it was a mistake to voice his own desires, and so he adds. “But— but if you want to eat with everyone, that's fine! I can call Toge and Panda and–”
“Actually,” you interject and while you don't want to talk over Yuta you want him to know— need him to know that it's fine. It's fine for him to say what he wants, because not only will you always listen, you’ll—
“I take it back. I think we can eat this all ourselves. Just the two of us.”
You’ll never, ever refuse him. 
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Hi hi! First, let me say I love your stories! They bring a smile on my face! Second, if it not too much trouble, what will the boys do when they learned reader was from the Hunger Games and participated? A Katniss Everdeen!reader. Please and thank you. Stay safe.
Thank you! Well I hope to keep you smiling! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Katniss Everdeen Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Entering a new world would be stressful for most but when it offers the perfect escape from a deadly tradition your joy is unmatched. Because you’ve escaped it for now it isn’t something you like to bring up more focused on enjoying your time without fighting for your life–in the same way as the Hunger Games. While it’s not you who’s on the chopping block its those around you and frankly you don’t mind:
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Rook Hunt
It’s Rook Hunt!
He recognizes the talent and accuracy you have with a bow
As well as the glaze that came over your face when you held his own
It becomes a special bonding experience for you two
And it surely opens the conversation about the hunger games
“It’s a game. Where everyone fights to the death.”
“Oh mon! That sounds awfully barbaric. Can you refuse?”
“Nope. It’s a forceful thing.”
It hurts his heart when he watches that scared and cold side of you resurface
And he takes that very seriously
Leave it to him to curate your joyful time here
And plot to destroy any and all the unbeautiful characters that may cause you trouble
Now that trouble might just be romantically interested but who’s going to stop him
“Worry not my belle racine! I’ll care for you and create the perfect home that you’ll never want to leave.”
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Ruggie Bucci
Recognizes that ravenous hunger when you first arrive
And the coldness that begins to melt away as you begin to make friends
He knows that feeling and while he’s not one to pry
As he falls deeper for you he wants to ease your worries
“Hunger Games?”
“Yeah that’s what they called it. You can’t escape and you can only survive however way you can.”
“I’m glad you did…”
He doesn’t think you weak 
Far from it actually
But he wants to protect the softer parts
He wants you to be comforted by him only
You both speak a similar language anyway–food
And if he can help it you won’t need for it ever again
“Hishishi I’ve promised to keep them happy and while that’s a full-time job. I can’t help but seek my own interests in a while.”
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scaralvr · 2 years
to have a family scaramouche x gn!spouse!reader... maybe a small bundle of joy too (MODERN AU AND PURE FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF)
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the small baby sucked and attempted to bite into a toy with his teeth that haven't even grown in. once he realized it wasn't going to work, he flipped the toy upside down and was bound to chew on the other end before his father snatched it from him.
chubby, grabby hands reached for it, followed by quiet whines as scaramouche tutted, "come now, you should eat actual food."
to his surprise, the baby started biting on his own fingers instead and scaramouche panicked. "h-hey, don't do that, you'll hurt yourself!" he exclaimed, gently trying to tug his son's fingers from his mouth.
scaramouche picked up the child from his crib and sighed.
"your favourite parent is going to be here soon, rest assured, kuzushi." he deadpanned as soon as he saw his son's eyes light up. scaramouche jutted his chin in pride with a scoff, "well, i'll always be the better cook."
walking to the kitchen with the baby in his arms, he settled him into the high chair so he could open one of the cabinets, grabbing a jar labeled as baby food.
he popped out the cap and dipped a small spoon inside before making his way back to the fussy child, who began to whimper and cry. scaramouche pulled up a chair, "papa's little baby is hungry, hm?"
it's surprising, just how identical kuzushi is to his father. with big, round, violet eyes and long indigo hair that usually had to be tied back, the only thing he inherited from you in appearance would be your fascinating skin tone.
kuzushi already had his mouth wide open, making quiet sounds of, 'ah, ah', indicating he was indeed, hungry. scaramouche chuckled and fed him a spoonful of vegetable puree, which kuzushi ate up to his content.
"eat a lot so you'll grow big and strong just like your papa." scaramouche cooed as the baby giggled. the sound of the doorbell caused the both of them to glance at the entrance out of instinct.
scaramouche put down the jar of puree and rushed to open the front door. "my love," he sighed out with a grin. you smiled back at him, his heart fluttering in his chest.
"hello, darling! i trust kuzushi wasn't too much work." you greeted as scaramouche helped you bring the grocery bags inside. kuzushi leaned over his high chair, babbling incoherent words when he saw you.
you made your way to him in long strides, "and hello to you too, baby! mwah!" you kissed his rosy cheeks, your son giggling. scaramouche groaned and jokingly commented, "and nothing special for me after i took care of our demanding son?"
you laughed and caressed your husband's face, placing a lovely kiss against his frown. your mouth enveloped his so perfectly; scaramouche adored your kisses. his lips gradually curled up into a smile that was only meant for you and his son.
kuzushi suddenly shouted, knocking the puree jar off of the high chair table. scaramouche rolled his eyes, "looks like someone's jealous."
you grinned, relaxing in scaramouche's embrace and you kissed him one more time. "i love the both of you, there should be no competition between my favourite boys." you ruffled kuzushi's hair as he glared at his father.
kuzushi grabbed onto your shirt with a pout, striving to keep you with him. you nervously chuckled as scaramouche clung to your other side. the two threw dirty looks at each other.
"baby... he's a one year old-"
"he's a mastermind."
© scaralvr.
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lovelyjj · 3 months
Heyyy, I’ve come to ask for your words again, can we do a JJ finding out you write poetry about him?? I write poetry and was wonderin, thanks in advance!!!
💜 anon
jj maybank x reader
wc: 937
a/n: one of the poems I found on pinterest creds to the original here is the link
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It was no secret that you and JJ were close. The two of you were the perfect pair. You were always together. What started off as a friendship quickly turned into a romantic relationship.
You and JJ practically lived together. You had a couple drawers in his room at John Bs. You were always over there spending time with JJ. You liked your little routine. You went to work at a coffee shop a couple mornings a week.
Then you went to the château to meet up with JJ. You would do everything together. You’d go on rides on his dirt bike, swimming in the marsh, going out on the boat, drinking in the hot tub, the list was endless.
This particular evening you were in the hot tub with the pogues. You were drinking and laughing and enjoying each others company. It was times like these you found yourself grateful for having such great friends.
JJ pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around your waist. He rested his chin on your shoulder. He wasn’t really listening to the conversation at all. He was distracted with your body pressed against his.
“So how are things with you and Pope,” you asked Kiara who was right next to you.
“It’s good it’s just kinda weird since we’ve been friends for so long and now that we’re together it’s like how do we do this. But i like him a lot,” Kiara whispered.
“That’s good,” you responded.
“You and JJ seem as great as ever.” Kiara commented.
You nestled into JJ’s touch, “Yeah we are.”
“I’m happy for you” Kiara replied.
You talked with your friends while enjoying the warm water. When you were finished in the hot tub you went inside the château.
The next morning you left the château early to go to work. JJ was bummed because he loved waking up with you. Eventually a couple hours later JJ woke up.
JJ decided to get up and get ready for the day. He was looking for a certain shirt that you happen to wear to bed and go home in. He was looking everywhere. He even looked in your drawers.
He sorted through your clothes in the drawer. He lifted up your clothes and that’s when he found a notebook. Now JJ wasn’t one to go through and look at your private things but he wondered what a notebook hidden under clothes would have in it.
JJ opened it to the first page and what he saw shocked him. It was a poem.
he is like sunshine
filling me up with joy
he is my sunshine boy
Then he flipped to the next page, another poem.
I think i found the love of my life
i think i might one day be his wife
when he kisses me I feel alive
when he holds me is when I think we thrive
He flipped the the next page after that.
blonde locks blue eyes
tan skin pink lips
he looks like a dream
Another page.
I’ve tasted your lips,
your skin
and never realized
I was deprived.
Your kiss, your touch
that awakens my soul,
making me want more.
I didn’t know
I would crave you so much.
I never realized
I was even homesick,
I found you.
The notebook was filled with poetry about him. He was filled with warmth. He couldn’t believe you wrote love poems about him. JJ thought that was one of the nicest and sweetest thing anybody has ever done for him.
JJ thought you were a skilled writer. Your poetry was perfect. He almost cried he was so moved by your beautiful writing. JJ made a mental note to bring this up to you when he sees you next.
A few days later you were on your way to the château. You missed JJ even though it’s only been a few days. The plan was to just hang out and watch movies nothing special.
John B was in the kitchen when you walked in.
“Hey John B,” you greeted.
“Hey Y/N, JJ is in his room,” he stated.
“Thanks,” you smiled.
You made your way to JJ’s room excited to see the man of your dreams. You knocked on his door and he said to come in.
“Hi Jayj,” you exclaimed.
“Hi sweetheart,” JJ got up from his bed and gave you a hug.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and when you pulled away from the hug you gave him a kiss on the mouth.
“Mhhmmm, missed you mama,” JJ hummed after the kiss.
“I missed you too,” you replied.
“I wanted to ask you something,” JJ requested.
“Yeah sure shoot.”
“Um I found this journal, and and it’s filled with poems. I just i never knew you were a poet.” JJ explained.
“You were never supposed to see those,” your hand hit your head.
“I’m glad I did, I can’t believe you wrote those things about me.”
“Well you’re my muse my inspiration, you’re the air that I breathe,” you expressed.
“Oh my love, I love you so much. I hope you know that. I’m flattered. You should be a writer.”
“I love you too. And hey maybe I will but I’m shy and scared to put my work out there.”
“You never know.”
“You’re right who knows,” you threw your hands up.
Then you launched yourself at JJ and tackled him to the bed and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“You make writing poetry so easy because every time I look in your eyes I see a world of possibilities.”
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Being Karasuno’s Manager
🧁🍩Miss Manager loves to Bake 🍪 🍰
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Karasuno featuring Seijoh x female! manager (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: pure fluff
AN: This is probably the cutest anon request ever 🥹
Let me just say this
Kageyama might be “king of the court” but YN is “Queen of Karasuno” 👸
Honestly these boys absolutely worship you
Literally, they act as if they don’t have three managers
They literally will lay down in a puddle of mud while you step on them
Will do the above 👆 for any of their three managers
But you, you my love are super special to our boys
Why you ask?
Well it’s because you provide them with nutrients to survive 😌
That’s right, your love of baking and the fine art of culinary creations only helps you out with our beloved crows
You’ve learned to cater to all their needs
Filling recipes with top tier ingredients for success
Things like fruits, nuts, and even sneaking some veggies in there
Like zucchini bread or carrot cake
Listen, even if it’s in a desert, it still counts as a fruit or veggie
I don’t want to hear “tHe SuGaR cAnCeLs It OuT”
Because like these boys need the sugar to run and jump all over the place ok 🤚🏻
You bake almost daily as a form of stress release and therapy
Please you need it with the team you manage 🙄
And you always bring in the treats for the boys!
And they ALWAYS eat them up
“These are fantastic Yn what are they called?” Hinata asks
“They are Fudgy Pumpkin Brownie bites! It’s a new recipe!” You exclaim as Kageyama and Noya go in for thirds
“You fit a whole pumpkin in here Yn?!?” Hinata : D
You 👉🏻😐
“I think she means that there is pumpkin in the recipe not one per bite,” Ennoshita explains
I never claimed they were smart Yn
Anyways, you are always there to help our precious boys fill their bellies
You are in charge of snacks for games and practice, often finding joy in everything you do
So when the prelims for the road to spring nationals start, you are busy whipping up some goodies
You bake the entire weekend before, preparing for every possible scenario
Protein muffins for in between matches
Chocolate chip cookies for after they win matches
You even prepare some of your famous Strawberry shortcake cookies just incase the boys happen to lose
Not that we think they will, don’t get me wrong but it’s always nice to be prepared
Anyways, the prelims start and Karasuno dominates
Like, did we really thinking they wouldn’t 💅
Anyways, tensions run high as the boys go into their match with Seijoh
You remember the first time they fought against Seijoh and how the loss crushed them
But fueled up on your high-protein muffins, these boys are ready to kick butt!
And kick butt they do!
They beat Seijoh and prepare to meet Shiratorizawa in the finals
After the game, you notice how upset Seijoh is after their loss
You knew this was the third years last tournament and seeing them cry hurt
You thought about if it was your boys
And with that, there was only one thing left to do
So you pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a little note and stuck it in the box of cookies
As your team was preparing to leave, you grabbed your box of Strawberry Shortcake cookies and ran over to Seijoh
Karasuno rn 👉🏻👀
“Excuse me?” You said as the entire Seijoh team turned around and looked at you
“You guys played an excellent game and you deserve these,” you said handing Seijoh your expertly wrapped cookies
Oikawa accepted, saying nothing
Please you left him speechless
Too bad Kunimi’s too sad to even record this moment 😭
You smile and wave as you run back to your team
Meanwhile, back the gym the Seijoh boys are extremely sad
“Hey what did that manager from Karasuno give you Oikawa?” Kindaichi asked as Oikawa reached for the box
He reached for it, opening it as the note slipped out
Iwa picked the note up and began reading it
It read “Thank you for playing your hardest! You deserve these. Xoxo YN, Karasuno’s Manager”
“It’s cookies,” Oikawa said as he began to pass them around and Iwa showed Oiks the note
Oikawa rn 👉🏻😐🥺😭
Please the entire Seijoh team is eating your cookies and crying Yn 😩
The next few days go by
You are in the gym taking notes when a teacher comes to get you
“Excuse me?”
“Yes,” Takeda asks
“Umm there is a team of boys at the front gate here to see Yn,” the teacher says
Karasuno 👉🏻 a team…. OF BOYS 😐😑
Tanaka and Noya 👉🏻 FOR YN?!?? 😡🤬
“Oh my ok!” You say, getting up and walking towards the gates of Karasuno
Tanaka, Noya, Kags and Hinata are ready to go
It takes the entire rest of the team to hold them back 🙄
“WHAT IF THEY KIDNAP YN??” Noya shouts
“They literally showed up at the front of school in broad daylight, like that’s gonna happen,” Suga say, rolling his eyes
“Someone has never watched dateline before,” Tanaka adds
Of course, you ignore them and head for the gates
As you approach, you see the white track suits
You 👉🏻😐😳
“Umm hi,” you say as the boys of Seijoh all look at you
“Team!” Oikawa shouts and they all scream
You rn 👉🏻😐😳🥹
“You are so welcome! Thank you for coming!” You say smiling and going to hug them
You hug Iwa first and boy is he stiff 😅
It’s safe to say the entire Seijoh team is now in love with you Yn 🥰
“Omg is Oikawa crying?” Kageyama says, shoving Hinata out of the way as they watch around the corner.
“Hey watch it butthole!” Hinata shouts as he pushed Kageyama out of the way.
“I’d cry too if YN hugged me,” Noya added as Tanaka nodded.
“You guys are about to have something to cry about if you don’t get your butts back to the gym RIGHT NOW!” Daichi shouted, looming over them as the boys all turned and ran back to the gym.
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yuikomorii · 6 months
Happy 12th anniversary! 🎉
// I can’t believe so many years have passed since Ayato’s first CD drama, which marked the beginning of Diabolik Lovers and the introduction of my girl, Yui. Even if it got its flaws, I will continue to support this franchise! 💘
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I have prepared an edit and a scenario for this special day! It's meant to be a "funny" one, so there will definitely be some cringe moments, but overall it's quite lighthearted. I sincerely hope you find it enjoyable! Besides, I had a blast writing Laito; he always channels my inner mischievousness.
Yui: Hmm… I believe I have all ingredients now!
( Come to think of it, the Sakamaki brothers are vampires but they surprisingly allowed me to celebrate Christmas this year. )
( It’s honestly so ironic that it makes me wonder whether or not they actually did it for… me? )
( A-Ah no, that’s definitely not the case! I’m probably just getting selfish at this point, but I genuinely do appreciate it. For this reason, I’ll try my best to cook all of their favorite dishes so as to show my gratitude! )
( Christmas is such a magical time of the year. It brings back memories of my father and I organizing the annual Christmas Mass together. We used to decorate the church and bake sweets for children, who were so cute when receiving them! Those were activities that truly brought joy to my heart… I sort of miss those times. )
( My father… I wonder, is he preparing for Christmas too? No, he most likely isn’t… )
( I don’t even know where he is to begin with but I truly hope he’s alright… )
( Anyway, I shouldn’t ruin the mood with those thoughts. Now that I've got everything ready for the dishes, I just need to find the right spot to hide Ayato-kun’s pre— )
Ayato: Yo, Chichinashi!
Yui: G-Geez! Ayato-kun, I told you already not to sneak up behind my back!
Ayato: Haa… Fine, fine, I’m sorry.
Yui: It’s— Eh?
( Wait a little, did he just apologize? )
Ayato: Why are you making such a dumb face? You don’t believe my words, do you?
Yui: Y-You got it wrong! It’s just that I wasn’t expecting Ayato-kun to apologize for something so trivial, you see.
Ayato: Hmm, I guess you’re not wrong. But, since Christmas is coming soon, it’d be a pity for Santa Claus to write me on the naughty list after trying to avoid it the whole year.
Yui: Naughty list…?
( Is it just me, or does Ayato-kun really believe Santa Claus will give him a present? I mean… Santa is told to only deliver them to children, and I'm not sure a 17-year-old still qualifies as one. )
( But I can’t straight up tell him that! It will only ruin the magic otherwise… Besides, when that thought crosses my mind, it somehow makes him appear so pure. )
Ayato: Hah? What are you grinning at? I swear, I've made an effort to be a good boy this year!
Yui: That’s really… amazing, Ayato-kun! I’m sure Santa will remember that!
Ayato: Heh? So you really think he’ll bring me something?
Yui: Uhm… Definitely!
( His eyes started sparking, I really can’t say “no” to that…! However, that only means I'll have to get him another gift so that he can have one from "Santa" and another one from me. )
B-By the way, I think I forgot to buy gingerbread syrup. I suppose I should leave before ——
Ayato: No, no, I’ll go!
Yui: You will? Ah, but you don’t have to! I was the one who forgo—…!
( He’s covering my mouth! )
Ayato: Stop blabbering already! Ore-sama offered to buy it for you, so you could try being a bit more grateful!
Yui: That’s… you’re right.
( Maybe it’s for the better. This way, I'll be able to find a hiding place for the present I already have for him. )
Ayato: I’ll be right back!
Ayato: Tsk, I can’t believe that shit was out of stock!
Chichinashi will surely be disappointed, if I come home with nothing! After all, she takes all that Christmas stuff seriously…
What's worse is that I tried really hard to find it, but it was already sold out by the time I arrived!
Tsk, damn it! Why must this be so complicated!?
Laito: Well, well. Seems like Ayato-kun is quite moody today.
Ayato: Get lost you pervert, it’s none of your business!
Laito: Haa… how rude of you, Ayato-kun. And there I was actually intending to give you this, but I guess you don’t need it anymore.
Bye bye~!
Ayato: Wait… What’s that thing in your hand?
Laito: What you ask? Nfu, it’s gingerbread syrup, of course. I was able to get the last one today.
Ayato: Wha—! Oi, you better give it to me or else—
Laito: Or else what~?
Ayato: I’ll—… Nevermind.
Look, you know I’m not into cheesy stuff but Chichinashi really loves Christmas, okay? Getting that gingerbread syrup might make her happy ‘cause maybe it’d remind her of how she celebrated it with her pops. That’s why… I can’t believe I’m saying this but… give it to me, please!
Laito: Woah, it’s honesty hour, hm?
Well, whatever, I don’t really care about that gingerbread syrup anyway, so you can take it if you want to.
Ayato: Really? Gr—
Laito: You didn’t let me finish though. I will only give it to you, if you promise me something.
Ayato: Hah? What the hell is it this time!?
Laito: No need to get so worked up~. All you have to do is to ensure that Bitch-chan consumes at least one glass of syrup at the time you bring it to her.
Ayato: That’s it? Pfft, easiest task ever!
Wait… almost a bit too easy.
Oi you perv, you better not plan something behind Ore-sama’s back, understood?
Laito: Normally I would, but Christmas is just around the corner, right? Who would risk being added to the naughty list at the last minute, right?
— hands Ayato the gingerbread syrup—
Place: Living room
Ayato: Yui! Yui! I’m back and look what I found!!
Yui: Good job, Ayato-kun! Thank you so much for helping me!
Ayato: Now take a seat!
— forces her to sit down —
Yui: Eh? What’s happening?
Ayato: Nothing to worry about, just drink this!
— shoves glass of syrup down her throat —
Yui: Mmh…!!
(What on earth!? I can’t breathe—!)
— Yui swallows it —
Ayato: So~, how is it?
— Yui starts coughing —
Yui: It’s… it’s not as sweet as I remembered. This one is quite bitter.
Ayato: Bitter? Don’t spout nonsense, gingerbread can’t be bitter!
Yui: Yeah… thought so too… but..
(My head started spinning around…)
Ayato: Are you even paying attention to what I’m saying?
Yui: Uuh… Sorry, Ayato-kun, I’m suddenly feeling so dizzy…
Ayato: How—?
( The heck’s wrong with her? Is it ‘cause she swallowed that too fast or…? )
Yui: Ayato-kun…
Ayato: What’s it?
Yui: Has anyone ever told you before that you are… extremely cute?
Ayato: Hah!? I mean, yeah, but what’s up with the random confession?
Yui: Eh? Am I not allowed to compliment the most adorable boy in the whole wide world…?
Ayato: Huh—?
Yui: You see, when I look at you like that… you might not be very clear, yet I can’t help but want to protect you…
Ayato: Protect me? D-Don’t say shit like that, it should be the other way around! After all, Ore-sama is the stron—!
(She pinned me down!?)
Yui: Fufu, you’re just so funny when you praise yourself like that…!
Everything about you is so beautiful… your hard yet nicely textured hair, your jade green eyes, your long eyelashes, your ——
Ayato: Tsk, get off me!
— pushes her away —
— Yui falls down —
Yui: Ngh…!
Ayato: …!
Oi! I… I didn’t mean to! Wait, gimme your hand!
— Yui takes his hand and looks up —
Ayato: (Don’t tell me… did that push bring her back to normal? Heh, if that’s so then—)
Yui: Mistletoe…
— puts her hands on his cheeks —
Yui: Holding your face like this makes me realize how soft your cheeks are… They are so round that I wish I could give you more and more Takoyaki until they become even chubbier…!
Ayato: S-Say what—!?
( It’s not like I dislike cheeky women but she’s nuts! )
— Yui gets closer to his lips —
Ayato: …!
Laito: Fufu, hahaha, look at your face!
Ayato: Oi, Laito! Don’t just stand there staring, help me!
Laito: Now why would I? After all, I already did you a favor by giving you the gingerbread liquor~!
Ayato: But you— Did you just say gingerbread LIQUOR!?
Laito: Ex-act-ly! I was simply curious to see what kind of ‘drunk’ Bitch-chan is, and it seems like she’s the honest and horny type.
— takes picture —
Ayato: O-Oi! Don’t you dare to send it to anyone, delete it right now!
Laito: Oh my, look at the time! Now excuse me but I have to take my leave~.
Ayato: You can’t! Save me first!
Laito: Sorry Ayato-kun, no matter how delicious it feels watching you on top of each other while making out in plain sight, I've got better things to do, so... nfu, enjoy while it lasts!
— winks and disappears —
Ayato: You… You bastard! You will pay for this, I swear you wi— Mmh… Mm!
( Now how will I get myself out of THIS situation!? )
( Ugh, that’s what happens when you try helping others. I should have learnt my lesson a long time ago! )
— Yui stops kissing —
Yui: Will Ayato-kun… suck my blood?
Ayato: …!
( Heh, suddenly this doesn’t seem half bad anymore. I might actually grow to like being desired like that~. )
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