#Healthcare advertising trends
ennobletechnologies · 5 months
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Elevate your healthcare organization with effective healthcare digital marketing. Reach and engage patients online. Explore Healthcare Digital Marketing now!
Do Read: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-digital-marketing/
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The Global Market for Healthcare Advertising Estimated at USD 39400 Million In the Year 2022, Is Projected To Reach A Revised Size Of USD 67132...
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marketinsight12 · 10 months
The Global Market for Healthcare Advertising Estimated at USD 39400 Million In the Year 2022, Is Projected To Reach A Revised Size Of USD 67132 Million By 2030, Growing At A CAGR Of 6.10% Over The Forecast Period 2022-2030.
Healthcare Advertising Market-In-Depth Analysis by Size | IMR
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kelvinleclerc · 10 months
Hi my name is Kelvin, My girlfriend 25 and I 29 with our first pregnancy. Unfortunately she has been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy just yesterday (at 7weeks pregnant) and need to go through emergency laparoscopic salpingectomy(right tubal removal). It is the most traumatic experience for both me and my girlfriend because the will perform multiple trans vaginal and abdominal ultrasound to confirm the ectopic where we heard the heart beat of our baby every time. It just broke our hearts to know that it will be no more. We are really finding it so hard to move forward. We are fundraising for my girlfriend to support her through process and remove the financial burden during this difficult time. We only learned of Our situation while on a very bad financial state. Please keep I and my girlfriend in your heart as we navigates this horrible tragedy.
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grayve-mistake · 11 months
like and reblog if you think gen z/millenial divides are dumb and superficial and you embrace things associated with both because it
~ Doesn't Matter ~
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itscomhes · 1 year
Importance of Digital Marketing Compared to Old-Time Newspaper Marketing
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There is no denying that the Internet, coupled with technological advancements, has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier, the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s generation is more hooked to the digital world than printed media. Consequently, there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.
What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?
In healthcare, digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored ads” that pop up on your social feed and the emails you get from healthcare companies are all a part of digital marketing.
Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India
The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 and 2017 saw the digital adoption index growing by 90%. Regarding revenue, the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)
Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising methods. It usually comes in prints, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. However, conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:
Very costly
Almost no direct interaction with the audience
Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.
No room for customizations to target a specific audience
Measuring ROI becomes tough.
The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
Receiving feedback is not easy.
Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?
As per ClickZ, the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channels like social media, websites, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more, there can be no better time to tap the digital platform’s potential. While traditional newspaper marketing is still useful, technology makes it easier to broaden your outreach, especially when offering something essential, like healthcare services. So here are the top benefits of adopting digital marketing:
Better audience profiling
Direct interaction with the target audience.
Better prediction of customer behavior
Easier to get feedbacks on your service or brand
Tracking your marketing progress is easy.
Cost-effective compared to traditional advertising.
Enough scope for customizing and updating marketing communication
With progressive government policies, India’s robust digital footprint has played a vital role in nurturing the country’s digital healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers are turning to digital media to grow their business while offering their services to the public. Digital marketing has promising prospects for the future, far outweighing the limitations posed by traditional marketing.
There is no denying that the Internet, coupled with technological advancements, has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier, the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s generation is more hooked to the digital world than printed media. Consequently, there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.
What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?
In healthcare, digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored ads” that pop up on your social feed and the emails you get from healthcare companies are all a part of digital marketing.
Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India
The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 and 2017 saw the digital adoption index growing by 90%. Regarding revenue, the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)
Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?
The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising methods. It usually comes in prints, broadcasts, direct mail, telephone, and outdoor advertising like billboards. However, conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:
Very costly
Almost no direct interaction with the audience
Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.
No room for customizations to target a specific audience
Measuring ROI becomes tough.
The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.
Receiving feedback is not easy.
Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?
As per ClickZ, the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channels like social media, websites, content marketing, pay-per-click, and more, there can be no better time to tap the digital platform’s potential. While traditional newspaper marketing is still useful, technology makes it easier to broaden your outreach, especially when offering something essential, like healthcare services. So here are the top benefits of adopting digital marketing:
Better audience profiling
Direct interaction with the target audience.
Better prediction of customer behavior
Easier to get feedbacks on your service or brand
Tracking your marketing progress is easy.
Cost-effective compared to traditional advertising.
Enough scope for customizing and updating marketing communication
With progressive government policies, India’s robust digital footprint has played a vital role in nurturing the country’s digital healthcare ecosystem. Healthcare providers are turning to digital media to grow their business while offering their services to the public. Healthcare Digital marketing has promising prospects for the future, far outweighing the limitations posed by traditional marketing.
Source: https://comhes.com/
#There is no denying that the Internet#coupled with technological advancements#has revolutionized the face of marketing. Earlier#the best and the most effective way to promote a business was to get display ads printed in newspapers. But times have changed. Today’s gen#there is a growing need to shift focus on digital marketing. There is no exception for the healthcare industry as well.#What is Healthcare Digital Marketing?#In healthcare#digital marketing refers to using digital platforms such as social media and websites as tools for marketing communication. The “sponsored#Trends in Healthcare Digital Marketing in India#The past few years have been witness to India emerging as one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally. The period between 2014 an#the Indian digital healthcare market stood at a valuation of $ 116.61 billion in 2018. The numbers will expectedly hit INR 485.43 billion b#with a CAGR of around 27.41% during the years 2019–2024. (Source.)#Why Are the Downsides of Traditional Marketing?#The traditional marketing mode is a conventional method to reach out to a semi-targeted audience through various offline advertising method#broadcasts#direct mail#telephone#and outdoor advertising like billboards. However#conventional marketing has the following drawbacks:#Very costly#Almost no direct interaction with the audience#Making updates is not easy in a static newspaper ad or an already aired TV commercial.#No room for customizations to target a specific audience#Measuring ROI becomes tough.#The rate of leads converting into paying customers is meager.#Receiving feedback is not easy.#Why Go Digital with Healthcare Marketing?#As per ClickZ#the global population has 57% internet users with an average online activity of 6 hours 42 minutes each day. (Source) With different channe#websites
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years
Owen Dennis, creator of Infinity Train, posted a newsletter explaining what he currently knows about Infinity Train's removal from HBOMax. Key notes:
He was assured Infinity Train is NOT part of the tax writeoffs, and as it stands, will not be removed from the pay-per-view/per-season websites like iTunes and YouTube
These shows were supposed to be removed next week so the companies could have time to talk to the show crews, this did not happen.
The cuts were a direct order from Discovery
Discovery was warned not to do this because it was unprofessional and would hurt relationships with their talents, and did it anyway because “they clearly do not care what any of this looks like publicly, much less about how we [the crews] feel about it. “
What little residuals they make on these shows go to the unions to pay for their healthcare.
Nobody has been able to contact any of the “higher ups” at any of the merging companies for days due to, well, the merger. Everybody’s contacts are gone or scrambled around.
Owen thinks this is, ironically, the best bit of advertising the show has gotten, because it’s drawn up so much attention towards the show and how much people love it. It’s been trending on twitter for three straight days and is topping the charts on Amazon and iTunes with how many people are buying dvds and virtual copies of the seasons.
And most most importantly...
“Is the Show Gone Forever?“
I don’t believe so. As I said, it’s apparently still available on those sources listed above, though I do not know for how long. The problem is that I can’t be entirely sure if the information I’m getting is truthful or if it’s just to placate us so we’ll stop pestering them with so many questions. They certainly haven’t earned anyone’s trust with the way they’ve handled all this, so obviously take all of this with a grain or two or a million of salt (though I’m sure you’re feeling plenty salty already). In the meantime, I’ll be working with my management team on figuring out some other kind of fate for the show
There is more, but these are the most important points concerning the most distressing parts of all of this. It’s a must-read for everybody concerned about this situation.
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gumjrop · 5 months
The Weather
All areas of the country are now at High or Very High levels of COVID Transmission.
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According to the new CDC National Wastewater Surveillance System (NWSS) dashboard, all regions are experiencing increased COVID wastewater levels, with the Midwest being the highest. Nationally, wastewater levels are “very high.” Driven by the JN.1 variant, we are currently seeing the second highest wastewater levels since BA.1, the first Omicron wave in January 2022.
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We continue to stress the importance of mitigating the spread of COVID, especially during this time of increasing transmission. Please continue to wear a high quality respirator mask (such as an N95) in indoor settings of any capacity, and postpone crowded events. In addition, make sure to take appropriate precautions when meeting with others.
Amidst this new surge, many hospitals – some responding to staffing shortages, and some responding to public pressure – have reinstated mask mandates. We celebrate the work of organizers across the country including those at Care Not COVID Chicagoland, COVID Safe Maryland, COVID Advocacy NY, and MaskBlocs around the country who organized a call-in to hospitals last week to demand they reinstate – and make permanent – masking policies.  A coalition protest by Sacramento Jewish Voices for Peace, Sunrise Movement Sacramento, International Jewish Anti-Zionist network, Bay Area JVP, & Youth 4 Palestine Sac organized a fully masked (N95!) and tested (2 days in a row!) pro-Palestine protest at the CA State Capitol in Sacramento last week.  ACTUP’s New York chapter has voted to require and provide KN95 masks at all upcoming meetings and actions “due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and recent surge, as well as to increase safety from surveillance at protests.”  Solidarity means we protect each other, and these organizers are showing us the way!
JN.1, a BA.2.86 descendent, is rising to prominence quickly in the United States. Nowcast estimates predict that by 1/6/2024, JN.1 will account for 61.6% of circulating variants. According to preliminary non-peer reviewed data, the newest (XBB.1.5) booster helps to protect against the JN.1 variant. Conversely, older vaccines did not offer significant protection against JN.1.  It is important to receive the updated booster, especially since uptake is currently low–according to a poll conducted by Gallup, only 29% of 6,000 participants surveyed received the updated vaccine as of December 7, 2023. This is in stark contrast to flu vaccine rates, polled at 49%. This is likely due to an imbalance in public health messaging–while efforts were poured into advertising the flu vaccine, not as much emphasis was placed on receiving the updated booster.
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Weekly COVID hospitalizations continue to trend upward, now at 34,798 for the week ending December 30, 2023. The numbers for currently hospitalized patients with COVID are also increasing, currently at 25,430. In terms of regional trends, the Northeast and Midwest are seeing higher rates of hospitalization. When reviewing these numbers we must also remember that patients who are already admitted for other reasons and are suffering from nosocomial, or hospital-acquired infections, are not accounted for in this data.
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Hospitals are overwhelmed. Healthcare workers are demanding support from administrators. Read this account of ER nurses at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx who say that the hospital executives are refusing to open up vacant areas of the hospital to accommodate the surge in patients – leaving the ER dangerously overcrowded and forcing patients into hallway beds.
A new cross-sectional study published in Nature Communications found that Long COVID patients with post-exertional malaise (PEM) exhibit skeletal muscle changes that are exacerbated by exercise. PEM patients are also found to have unique pathophysiological changes, such as amyloid-containing deposits in muscle tissue. These findings contribute to mounting evidence that COVID infection can significantly damage the body, and more research is necessary in order to fully understand manifestations of Long COVID. If readers are curious, summarized findings can be found in this X (Twitter) thread, penned by one of the authors. Long COVID research is important. This is why it is essential that all Long COVID research centers adhere to the strictest infection prevention protocols. Read this account of a person disabled by Long COVID who dropped out of a study because the study personnel refused to mask. We saw this same phenomenon last spring at Stanford during a study of Paxlovid’s impact on Long COVID rates.
Take Action
This week Jewish Currents put out a report on The Epidemiological War on Gaza, which amplified WHO’s January 2nd announcement that “there are currently 424,639 [reported] cases of infectious disease in Gaza,” an area with only 2 million residents total. With the ongoing destruction of hospitals and deprivation of food and water and environmental pollution from continued bombardment, the occupying forces have ensured the conditions for continued deaths even in times of ceasefire. Call your representatives and join a protest this week to demand a ceasefire and the reconstruction of Palestinian medical infrastructure towards fair health access for all peoples! Let us support Massachusetts General Brigham Long COVID patients by telling the hospital to 1) meet all patient accessibility requests including wearing N95 respirators upon request and 2) make universal masking their new standard of care. They can be contacted through their contact form, or by calling 1-800-856-1983. Rashida Tlaib sent out an email blast informing constituents of the current surge. The message included acknowledgment of COVID’s airborne nature, recommendation to wear a well-fitting mask, a link to access free tests through USPS, and information on updated vaccines and COVID transmission. Let’s contact Congresswoman Tlaib and thank her for this invaluable action! 
Future Weather Reports
Starting next week, we will begin to publish the Weather Report on a bi-weekly basis. This will allow our team to focus on crafting action campaigns to push for a comprehensive public health approach to the pandemic, including mask mandates, paid sick leave policies, testing access, Long COVID research, next generation vaccines, indoor air quality regulations, and more. We hope to see you in our expanded actions to end the COVID pandemic soon to come!
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hussyknee · 1 year
do u really not see the difference btwn writing fanfic on the internet and buying a game whose storyline is actively being written by white supremacists and having the money go directly into the pocket of the most vocal & influential terf in the UK? that's not even touching all of the other racist and offensive bs in her series inc her antisemitism, appropriating first nations cultures, her asian racism, etc? i guess thats why you dont have 'antisemitics dni' on your blog
First, let me be clear – I do not give one single shit about Harry Potter. They are the best memories of my extremely shitty adolescence, I still read fanfic from time to time, but other than that, if I never hear the word "Harry Potter" again it will be too soon. I care about the fact that you clowns are
encouraging bullies and endangering mentally ill marginalized fans
leeching the air from leftist and queer discourse
fuelling a Western culture war that distracts from combating systemic transphobia
making suffering Black and brown communities, who mostly see white and Western trans people, think that trans people don't have any real problems beyond video games
Now, on to your ask:
I said never said not buying the game was the same as writing fanfic on the internet. I said that the furor over buying the game is leading to everyone who had anything to do with Harry Potter, including just writing fanfic, being bullied. I've had to unfollow so many people for reblogging posts attacking people for being in the *fandom*.
Asking people to refrain from doing something to prove that they care, especially demanding that they don't, has never in the history of activism worked. Black people have been speaking out against copaganda shows forever and STILL get harrassed. Indigenous people have been asking people to boycott Avatar and gotten nothing. Some people comply, but more do the thing simply out of contrarianism, and the entire issue becomes a culture war divided along political affiliation. People on the right go out of their way to do the thing, the people on the center and center-left won't really care, and people who identify as leftist divorce themselves even more from the rest of the left as being no better than the right, which eventually devastating results when it comes to actual elections and agitating for political change.
What works a lot better is harm reduction. Pirating is harm reduction, asking the HP fandom to offset JKR's fuckery by making their own merch, promoting indie games and donating to trans healthcare funds is harm reduction. People won't stand for being policed, but they like giving and also not paying for stuff with a clear conscience. You would have raised so much fucking money and promoted so many different things in all this time you've spent giving the game negative engagement clicks and keeping it trending on social media so long after its release.
You keep insisting that people shouldn't be fans because JKR equals her fandom with her own influence. This is called buying into the right-wing narrative. The woman is delusional (I can't think of a non-ableist word atm, and I honestly think that she's not all stable) and you're enabling her and her terf cult. We created the online HP fandom ourselves back in the aughts, before there was any merch, before movie rights were ever sold to WB, a full decade before her advertising machine ever woke up to the fact that an internet fandom existed. JKR has lost relevance for HP fans a long time ago; imagine the slap in the face for her if the fandom starts countering her bigotry by very prominently engaging in trans activism? The JKR terf cult in the HP fandom are a minority, like TERFs themselves (they're only so loud because the right-wing promotes the shit out of them). The vast majority of fans are just the kind of vaguely well-meaning cis people who don't agree with transphobes but are pretty ignorant about trans issues. And I do mean the vast majority, because literally a billion people grew up on her books and only a bare fraction is on social media at all, and even fewer even see the leftist drive to boycott the franchise.
Let's talk demographics. Because of the aforementioned vastness of consumers, the majority of HP fans are cis het, abled, neurotypical Millennials. Because of the way internet penetration works, the majority of HP fans online and even in fandom are white or Western. Leftist spaces mostly attract young and marginalized people, and transformative fandom is full of neurodivergent women and queer people. Which means the majority of people you're reaching are young queer neurodivergent people who have limited economic power themselves. And the people most vulnerable to and impacted by policing and harrassment are trans, Black and brown, Jewish, mentally ill, poor. Do you see the problem? You're policing the very bottom rungs of the socio-economic ladder on the off-chance of maybe influencing a privileged few who might give a damn.
This is literally why we say that boycotts, especially over social media, don't fucking work. Firstly because they penalize the most disenfranchised consumers, it's hard to reach enough people to even explain why they matter, it's hard to keep up with the constant discourse and changing information, and it relies entirely on performance. Someone can stay quiet or nod along furiously to whatever you're saying and then just...go out and buy the thing. Social censure doesn't work when you have the option of not having to face the consequences. Contrary to hellsite opinion, the Fantastic Beasts franchise died because it sucked, and Harry Potter is dying because it's fading from relevance and JKR is being an embarrassment. The wider market doesn't even know y'all exist.
As for the game being racist and antisemitic...you come on my blog, a South Asian who has been in fandom for twenty years, and try to tell me about racism in media???? NINETY-NINE PERCENT OF ALL MEDIA IS RACIST AND ANTISEMITIC YOU ABSOLUTE CLOWN. I'm from South Asia, our children grow up on books written by colonizers! LORD OF THE RINGS is white supremacy! NARNIA is white supremacy! Disney and Marvel is one of the biggest figures in US military industrial complex that razed the Middle East to the ground. It's so ubiquitous that we have to accept the racism and white supremacy as a matter of course to engage with any Western media! And even then fandom is so racist it's hard to even exist in it! We get run out of it when we try to talk about it. You suck on white supremacy every single day you live like it's your Mum's teat! Do you know what it's like to hear whiteys ranting that people who consume this one game they hate are being antisemitic and racist??? While still fawning??? Over cop shows???? And Disney???? And sending Black people??? Death threats??? Over a game???
I don't say "anti-Semites DNI" for the same reason I don't say "racists DNI". Nobody identifies as a racist or antisemite, that's not how systemic oppression works. Radfem and Zionist and Communist are political identities. Radical feminism is underpinned by transphobia and racism, Zionism is currently entrenched in Palestine occupation, Western communists refuse to acknowledge USSR and Global South genocides. See how that works?
Bitch, you didn't just come at me about JKR's indigenous cultural appropriation when I was among the few who were trying to discourage people from supporting Fantastic Beasts back in 2016 and literally got flamed for it. You people did not give a single shit about Natives back then, and you don't give one now. Just like you don't actually care about Jews and never did. I literally never heard about why and how openly alt-right people keep getting this kind of power and position in the gaming industry. Conversations about antisemitism in gaming and antisemitic tropes in entertainment haven't gotten this much traction. No wider revelations about how entertainment media directly funding and promoting social harms. But sure, it's about antisemitism and racism and has absolutely nothing to do with a mess of white queers realizing they can weaponize it like a cudgel against anyone they believe are against them. We know you whites. You care about excuses to take the moral high ground without having to do any self-interrogation or cost to yourself.
Finally, to give y'all one example of where the current discourse around this stupid shit is at:
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Fuck you.
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taeyamayang · 2 years
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the cheap exhaust fan in your apartment is indeed falsely advertised, although you had foreseen this happen. a less than two thousand yen worth of device plus free installation is suspicious from the get-go but it's damn worth it for a newly employed healthcare professional living on a salary worth ten percent more than the minimum wage. you don't have to luxury yet to invest on expensive items but you still hoped the machine could perform at least a decent work.
the residue of smoke and moisture from the grilled salmon remains within the humble space of your living room. the smell lingers on the surfaces of the furniture and even on your cotton oversized shirt; a reek hard to remove. you made a mental note to purchase an air purifier on the next month's salary check.
well, at least for positivity's sake, you had a great dinner cooked and served by your personal chef, more like your bestfriend whom you abusively treat as your personal chef (to be fair, he volunteers to cook for you every time he hangs out at your place).
as soon as you finish rinsing off the cloud of soap on the last ceramic dish, you wipe your hands on the towel hanged on a magnetic hook on the refrigerator. your eyes dart to the sofa in the living room. it's empty, left without a trace of a dark haired boy.
your barefeet quietly padded on the wooden floor as your hunch leads you to a room. you can't blame a full time business owner, chef, and your part time life adviser to find the entire week exhausting. afterall, he requested a date night with you so he could unwind.
your head peeks at the doorway of the bedroom and instantly see your bestfriend, osamu miya, lying on his stomach and staring intently at the screen of his phone. he holds the gadget at an eye level as his brows furrow at each movement of his thumb.
"lying down when your stomach's full is bad." he jolts in surprise when he sees you standing next to him. he must have not noticed you coming in as he had his full attention at the bright light in front of him.
as if by instinct, your eyes shift at the screen of his phone. he defensively turns it away from you but your quick eyes were able to catch on an application hued in mustard yellow designed with three horizontal parallel lines.
"is that a dating app?" you plop your body next to him, lying side by side. not giving him a spare second to explain, you immediately snatch the phone from his grasp. "samu, since when?!"
"i used it before but anymore. i'm about to delete it." he didn't try to take back the phone but instead he gives his full trust on you as leans his body towards you, inching the distance between the two of you as he watches you open the application.
"thought you're never the type to use a dating app? what happened to "organic dating is still the best."?" you say using hs own words as you examine the interface of an unfamiliar application.
you share a similar standpoint with him when it comes to dating. when dating apps hit the trends, you were never swayed by it, never tempted to try because you have always believed in meeting a potential lover outside the confines of technology and osamu agrees. to him, the best way to find one's other half is to know them 'the organic way' hence, the quote and quote.
"it was a phase." he responses rather quietly.
"how come i never knew about it?" you find it odd that you've known him for almost a decade and been with him every week since college graduation but never had the idea of his so-called phase.
"it's pointless. give me back my phone, i'll uninstall it." your quick reflex dodges osamu's attempt to steal his phone from you.
"no! i'm not yet done exploring!" you protest.
"there's nothing in there that you'll find interesting!" osamu once again tries to take the phone from you but fails when you twisted your body away from him. losing balance, you fall helplessly on your back with his phone above your face.
"this alone is interesting." you click on an icon shaped in a sillouhette of a man. this action leads you to his profile.
a young osamu wearing a plain black baseball cap that he often sports back in uni stares back at you. his cheeks are tinted in soft red as he flashes a half smile. his arms are crossed in front of him therefore accentuating his broad shoulders. the plain white brick walls behind him heightens the glow on his face. his eyes, however, were dull.
"a college photo, really?" you mock him as you flash him the photo. you inquire, "when was this anyway?"
"third year."
"so, i was in second year."
"hm-hmp." he nods, watching you scan his profile.
"who took this?" you ask as you look closely at the image you have not seen before.
you scroll down to read the details about him typed below the interests section. volleyball and food are his top interests. sounds like him, you thought. a fun fact about him is that he has a twin. his astrology sign and mbti are also indicated below but what caught your eyes is the text inside the description box.
"looking for something casual."
osamu is not the type to date just for the sake of pleasure or the thrill. as far as you know, he takes every relationship to heart. you even tease him about being secretly sentimental. you jested that his reputation does not live up to his reality.
"suna took the photo and installed the app. all on that same night." he mirrors you, lying on his back as he looks at the phone.
"you look tipsy. were you drinking?" you point at his redded cheeks. he smiles softly, admiring your attention to details.
"yeah, we were."
"and you didn't invite me?! suna was there!" you dramatically gasp at him, forming your mouth into an 'o'. your reaction earns an airy chuckle.
"you were busy."
"i'm never too busy to hangout with you and drink."
"but you were." the smile on his face fades as he meets with your eyes, neck turned to the side so you are face-to-face with him.
"with academics? pft, second year was terrible. i can still remember the stress and agony i went through day by day. it was a hellhole. i'm sure i needed a break. i'm offended that you didn't invite me four years ago."
"no, not with school..." there was a brief pause, but it was long enough to build tension. he gazes at you intently before continuing. "...but with someone else." his words leave a thick air in the room. there's a subtle hint in his tone that you couldn't brush off and for some reasons you're tongue tied, unable to spurt out a comment about the particular ex he is referring to.
when silence took longer than it should, osamu takes the initiative to break the ice.
"give it back." he says, shifting his eyes to the device but does no effort to retrieve it.
"no." you turn your attention back to the gadget before clicking on the home menu. a picture of a woman around your age appears. "let's do a final swipe before you delete it." you prop back on your elbows.
unknotting the tightness in your stomach and reducing the sudden awkwardness from the previous conversation, you begin to read the details of the said woman in a rather playful tone.
"aries, twenty four, loves to workout, occassionally smokes and drinks, and does not want children." you highlight the last statement before giving him a look. you arch a brow at him. "you want children. not a match. left!"
osamu laughs, spreading a hand out. "alright, that's a swipe. my phone, please."
"final swipes. come on, don't spoil the fun." you say, rolling your eyes at him. he allows you to use his account, watching you swipe left after left in a quick manner without even reading the details of the suggested matches.
"you're not even paying attention!" osamu blurts out between laughs.
"not my type, not for you."
"how can you know they're not your type when you don't spare a second looking at them?!"
"i know at a first glance." you pull a serious yet playful face. you purse your lips like a detective about to crack a case and osamu finds it hard to stifle a laugh. "look, here." you turn the screen slightly towards him so he could see the woman's face.
"she will definitely ghost you." swipe left.
"guaranteed, she has ten other men talking to her." swipe left.
"she has her friends backing her up so talking to her may equate to talking her group of friends." swipe left.
"how do you even know that?!" at this point, osamu crashes his head on the mattress, laughing his head off. "you're judgemental."
"i know and i'm not proud of it." you continue to swipe left.
then, a photo of a woman with loops of hair falling graciously above her shoulder appears. she wears a light make up, a glossy tint bring fore to her plump lips. to say the least, she's beautiful. she has the aura of a woman who naturally has men lining up for him. you even find yourself attracted to her but an underlying envy simmers inside you. you bite onto your mollars and though you're apprehensive to know the truth, you dived in head first.
"is she your type?" you ask. osamu raises his head to peer at the screen of his phone. his eyes widen, taking interest at the woman in the dating app.
it takes it all in you not to turn the phone away from him but the unwavering look on his face lets you know the he is captivated by her. you should have not asked, a whisper hushes at the back of your head.
osamu finally averts his eyes away from the screen to look at you. he swallows. "no."
you bitterly huff, turning to look at the photo. "then what's your type?"
osamu leaves your question unanswered and as stillness dragged on, you take this as a cue to look at him. you are instantly met with a pair of hooded eyes. a deep hue of blue and gray adorns his orbs as he gently holds yours with fondness.
his eyes dart down on your face, your chin probably, you aren't sure where he's focused at and rested there for a moment before dithering back to meet with your eyes.
even with a decade long of friendship there are still boundaries where one should not cross. never once he touched you without your consent, never has he asked private questions that will make you feel unease. he was careful, always. respecting your boundaries as you do the same for him. but tonight he takes a leap, crossing lines he shouldn't but wished should have years ago. tossing the risks of ruining ten years of friendship for something more.
his lips smack against your mouth, answering your question with an action rather words. as you feel the touch of his sensitive skin against your mouth, a realization pops in your headㅡa thought that frightens you.
you can never go back to just being friends.
continue reading
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ennobletechnologies · 5 months
The Future of Healthcare Digital Marketing Trends
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In the fast-evolving world of healthcare, digital marketing has become an indispensable tool for healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and medical professionals. The ongoing global pandemic has further accelerated the adoption of digital strategies in the healthcare industry. This article explores the future trends of healthcare digital marketing, providing insights into the ever-changing landscape of this vital sector.
Understanding Healthcare Digital Marketing
The Growing Role of Telehealth
Telehealth, also known as telemedicine, has been a game-changer in healthcare digital marketing. With the convenience and accessibility it offers, more patients are seeking medical advice and treatment online. This trend is expected to continue growing as patients and healthcare providers become more comfortable with telehealth solutions.
Content Marketing in Healthcare
Content marketing remains a cornerstone of healthcare digital marketing. Providing informative and engaging content through blogs, articles, and videos helps healthcare organizations establish authority and trust. In the future, personalized and data-driven content will play a significant role in tailoring information to patients’ specific needs.
Leveraging Social Media for Healthcare Promotion
Social media platforms have proven to be invaluable for healthcare marketing. They allow healthcare providers to connect with patients, share health tips, and even provide updates on services and treatments. The use of influencers in healthcare marketing on platforms like Instagram and TikTok is also expected to increase.
Importance of Local SEO in Healthcare
Local search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for healthcare providers. Patients often search for healthcare services in their vicinity, making local SEO a powerful tool for attracting new patients. Google My Business listings and location-based keywords are becoming increasingly essential.
Do Read: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-digital-marketing/
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prosperityhealthbh · 3 months
Crafting a Comprehensive Marketing Plan for Your Rehabilitation Center
In the healthcare industry, particularly within the realm of rehabilitation services, having a solid marketing plan is essential for reaching your target audience, attracting clients, and establishing your center as a trusted provider of care. A wellcrafted marketing plan not only helps in promoting your services but also in differentiating your center from competitors and ultimately driving growth and success. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the key components of creating an effective marketing plan tailored specifically for a rehabilitation center.
I. Introduction to Marketing for Rehabilitation Centers
Setting the Stage: Brief overview of the importance of marketing in the healthcare sector, particularly for rehabilitation centers.
Understanding the Audience: Highlighting the diverse demographic groups that may require rehabilitation services and the significance of targeting them effectively.
II. Market Analysis
 Assessing the Competitive Landscape: Conducting a thorough analysis of existing rehabilitation centers in your area, including their services, reputation, and target demographics.
 Identifying Opportunities and Challenges: Pinpointing gaps in the market where your center can excel and recognizing potential obstacles that may hinder your marketing efforts.
III. Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
 Highlighting Your Center's Strengths: Identifying the unique features and strengths of your rehabilitation center, such as specialized programs, experienced staff, or stateoftheart facilities.
 Addressing Client Needs: Understanding the specific needs and preferences of your target audience and how your center can fulfill them better than competitors.
IV. Setting Marketing Objectives and Goals
 SMART Goals: Establishing specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timebound objectives for your marketing efforts, such as increasing client inquiries, improving brand awareness, or expanding services to new demographics.
 Benchmarking Progress: Creating metrics to track the success of your marketing initiatives and regularly evaluating performance against set goals.
V. Developing Strategies and Tactics
 Digital Marketing: Leveraging online channels such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and content marketing to increase visibility and attract potential clients.
 Traditional Marketing: Exploring traditional methods like print advertisements, direct mail campaigns, and community outreach events to reach local audiences effectively.
 Referral Programs: Establishing partnerships with healthcare professionals, community organizations, and previous clients to generate referrals and build credibility.
 Educational Content: Creating informative content such as blog posts, videos, and webinars to educate the public about rehabilitation services and position your center as an authority in the field.
VI. Implementation Plan
 Allocating Resources: Determining the budget, personnel, and tools required to execute your marketing plan effectively.
 Timeline and Milestones: Creating a detailed schedule outlining when each marketing initiative will be launched and setting milestones for tracking progress.
 Assigning Responsibilities: Delegating tasks to team members or external partners and ensuring clear communication and accountability throughout the implementation process.
VII. Monitoring and Evaluation
 Tracking Key Metrics: Monitoring the performance of your marketing activities using metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, client inquiries, and customer feedback.
 Analyzing Results: Reviewing data regularly to identify trends, successes, and areas for improvement, and making adjustments to your marketing strategy accordingly.
 Continuous Improvement: Adopting a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation to stay ahead of the competition and meet the evolving needs of your target audience.
VIII. Conclusion
Crafting a comprehensive marketing plan for rehabilitation center is not just about promoting your services—it's about connecting with your audience, addressing their needs, and positioning your center as the top choice for rehabilitation care. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can develop a strategic marketing plan that not only attracts clients but also fosters longterm growth and success for your center.
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marketinsight12 · 10 months
The Global Market for Healthcare Advertising Estimated at USD 39400 Million In the Year 2022, Is Projected To Reach A Revised Size Of USD 67132 Million By 2030, Growing At A CAGR Of 6.10% Over The Forecast Period 2022-2030.
Healthcare Advertising Market-In-Depth Analysis by Size | IMR
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digitaldhanda · 4 months
Is Your Property Selling Stuck in the Offline World? Attract Buyers with Targeted AI Digital Marketing.
Owning real estate is a significant investment, but what if your properties aren’t attracting the attention they deserve? In today’s digital age, potential buyers are searching online first, and if your website isn’t capturing their interest, you could be missing out on valuable leads and sales.
Are you facing any of these challenges?
Dwindling website traffic: Your online presence is struggling to get noticed. Flatlining revenue: You’re not generating the income you expected from your properties. Stagnant sales: Potential buyers aren’t converting, leaving you with unsold properties. Decreasing customer base: You’re losing out to competitors with a stronger online presence.
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This is where we, Digital Dhanda comes in.
Our Data-Driven Social Media Marketing and Ad Optimization services can:
Boost your website traffic: Attract targeted visitors who are actively searching for properties like yours. Increase brand awareness: Build a strong online presence that showcases your properties and builds trust with potential buyers. Generate qualified leads: Convert website visitors into interested buyers with effective lead capture strategies. Optimize your advertising spend: Reach the right audience with targeted ads that maximize your return on investment. Turn leads into sales: Close more deals with persuasive marketing materials and a user-friendly website.
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Ready to transform your online presence and attract more buyers?
Here’s what you can do:
Subscribe to our blog: Get regular updates on the latest real estate marketing trends and insights. Download our free guide: Learn the essential steps to create a winning digital marketing strategy for your properties. Schedule a free consultation: Discuss your specific challenges and discover how we can help you achieve your goals.
Don’t let your properties languish online. Partner with us and unlock the power of digital marketing to attract qualified buyers and maximize your return on investment.
Together, let’s turn your online presence into a thriving marketplace for your properties.
P.S. Share this blog with other real estate owners who might benefit from our services!
Remember: AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not a replacement for human expertise. Use AI ethically and responsibly, ensuring patient privacy and data security remain paramount.
By harnessing the power of AI, hospitals can create a transformative future: delivering exceptional care for patients while securing their position at the forefront of a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
For Free Guidance, Book Appointment Online Meeting Link: https://calendly.com/debjitb20/discovery-call
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Top Ten Web Development Companies in India
Although many organisations strive to minimise the benefits of web development to the global market, statistics indicate the truth. According to statistics, everybody with an internet connection can browse around 1.88 billion webpages.
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Given that the majority of websites increase firm sales and ROI, web development can create exceptional outcomes for any business. Web development can benefit both a start-up and a huge organisation. Custom Web Development Companies in India that are skilled in web development are best equipped to handle business needs because they always have enough talent to meet all the demands.
The Best Web Development Companies in India keep their resources up to date with the most recent trends and technologies in the digital world, in addition to their skill sets. Despite the fact that every other web development firm claims to be the finest, it's straightforward to identify the top web developers in India based on their service offerings and work portfolios.
We've produced a list of the top 10 web development companies in India so you can pick the finest one for your next project! So, let's get started.
1. Connect Infosoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Connect Infosoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a well-known web development service company that provides a comprehensive range of web development services. Our web creation services are targeted to your company's specific demands, allowing you to create a website that fits those objectives. We offer website design, development and Digital marketing organization situated in New Delhi. We were established in 1999 and have been serving our customers everywhere throughout the world. Connect Infosoft's Head Office is based in New Delhi, India and has Branch Office in Orissa. It also has a portrayal in the United States.
Our skilled web developers are well-versed in the latest web technologies and can provide you with the best web development solutions that match your budget and schedule restrictions. We also have a team of SEO and digital marketing professionals who can assist you in improving your search .
Major Service Offerings:
Web Application Development
ETL Services -SaaS & MVP Development
Mobile App Development
Data Science & Analytics
Artificial Intelligence
Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Pay-Per-Click advertising campaigns
Amazon Web Services
Product Engineering
Client Success Stories:
Our success is intricately woven with the success stories of our clients. We take pride in delivering successful projects that align with client requirements and contribute to their growth.
We are always ready to start new projects and establish long-term work relationships. We work in any time zone for full-time and part-time-based projects.
Hire Developer for $10 per hour approx.
Book Appointments  or Start To Chat:
Email: [email protected] M: +1 323-522-5635
Web: https://www.connectinfosoft.com/lets-work-together/
2. Infosys
Infosys is a well-known global leader in IT services and consulting based in India. Founded in 1981, Infosys has grown to become one of the largest IT companies in India and has a strong presence worldwide. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting and business process outsourcing.
In the field of web development, Infosys provides comprehensive solutions to its clients. They have expertise in building custom web applications, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites. Their web development team is skilled in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies to create robust and scalable web solutions.
Infosys has a track record of working with clients from diverse industries, including banking and finance, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their deep industry knowledge and technical expertise to deliver innovative web development solutions tailored to meet their clients' specific requirements.
Additionally, Infosys focuses on utilizing emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain and cloud computing to enhance the web development process and deliver cutting-edge solutions.
3. TCS (Tata Consultancy Services)
TCS (Tata Consultancy Services) is one of the largest and most renowned IT services companies in India and a part of the Tata Group conglomerate. Established in 1968, TCS has a global presence and provides a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting and IT outsourcing.
TCS offers comprehensive web development solutions to its clients across various industries. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites. They have expertise in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies to build robust and scalable web solutions.
TCS has a customer-centric approach and works closely with its clients to understand their business requirements and goals. They leverage their deep industry knowledge and technological expertise to provide innovative and tailored web development solutions that align with their clients' specific needs.
4. Wipro
Wipro is a prominent global IT consulting and services company based in India. Established in 1945, Wipro has evolved into a multinational organization with a presence in over 60 countries. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting and digital transformation.
In the realm of web development, Wipro provides comprehensive solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Wipro emphasizes delivering customer-centric web development solutions. They collaborate closely with their clients to understand their specific requirements and business objectives. This enables them to create tailored solutions that align with the clients' goals and provide a competitive
5. HCL Technologies
HCL Technologies is a leading global IT services company headquartered in India. Established in 1976, HCL Technologies has grown to become one of the prominent players in the IT industry. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, digital transformation, consulting and infrastructure management.
HCL Technologies provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients worldwide. They have a dedicated team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
HCL Technologies has a broad industry presence and serves clients across various sectors such as banking and financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their deep industry expertise to deliver web solutions that are not only technologically robust but also address the unique challenges and requirements of each industry.
6. Mindtree
Mindtree is a global technology consulting and services company based in India. Founded in 1999, Mindtree has grown to become a well-known player in the IT industry. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, digital transformation, cloud services and data analytics.
Mindtree provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals with expertise in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
One of the key strengths of Mindtree is its focus on delivering customer-centric solutions. They work closely with their clients to understand their specific business requirements, goals and target audience. This enables them to create tailored web development solutions that meet the clients' unique needs and deliver a seamless user experience.
Mindtree serves clients across multiple industries, including banking and financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their industry knowledge and experience to provide web solutions that align with the specific challenges and regulations of each sector.
7. Tech Mahindra
Tech Mahindra is a multinational IT services and consulting company based in India. Established in 1986, Tech Mahindra is part of the Mahindra Group conglomerate. The company offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting, digital transformation and IT outsourcing.
Tech Mahindra provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients across various industries. They have a team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Tech Mahindra focuses on delivering customer-centric web development solutions. They work closely with their clients to understand their specific requirements, business objectives and target audience. This enables them to create customized web solutions that meet the clients' unique needs, enhance user experience and drive business growth.
The company serves clients across diverse sectors, including telecommunications, banking and financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing and more. They leverage their industry expertise and domain knowledge to provide web solutions that are tailored to the specific challenges and requirements of each industry.
Tech Mahindra embraces emerging technologies in their web development services. They leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, cloud computing and other advanced technologies to enhance the functionality, security and scalability of the web solutions they deliver.
8. Mphasis
Mphasis is an IT services company headquartered in India. Established in 2000, Mphasis has a global presence and offers a wide range of services, including web development, software development, digital transformation, consulting and infrastructure services.
Mphasis provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients worldwide. They have a team of skilled professionals proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Mphasis focuses on delivering customer-centric web development solutions tailored to meet their clients' specific requirements. They work closely with their clients to understand their business objectives, target audience and desired outcomes. This allows them to create customized web solutions that align with their clients' goals and provide a competitive edge.
9. L&T Infotech
L&T Infotech (LTI) is a global IT solutions and services company headquartered in India. LTI is a subsidiary of Larsen & Toubro, one of India's largest conglomerates. The company provides a wide range of services, including web development, software development, consulting, digital transformation and infrastructure management.
L&T Infotech offers comprehensive web development solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals who are proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services cover front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
One of the key strengths of L&T Infotech is its customer-centric approach. They work closely with their clients to understand their specific business requirements, objectives and target audience. This enables them to create tailored web development solutions that align with the clients' unique needs and deliver tangible business value.
10. Cybage
Cybage is a technology consulting and product engineering company headquartered in Pune, India. Established in 1995, Cybage has grown to become a global organization with a presence in multiple countries. The company offers a range of services, including web development, software development, quality assurance, digital solutions and IT consulting.
Cybage provides comprehensive web development solutions to its clients. They have a team of skilled professionals who are proficient in various programming languages, frameworks and technologies. Their web development services encompass front-end and back-end development, web application development, e-commerce platforms, content management systems and mobile-responsive websites.
Cybage focuses on delivering customer-centric web development solutions. They collaborate closely with their clients to understand their specific business requirements, goals and target audience. This enables them to create customized web solutions that meet the clients' unique needs, enhance user experience and drive business growth.
The company serves clients across diverse industries, including healthcare, retail, e-commerce, banking and finance and more. They leverage their industry knowledge and domain expertise to provide web solutions that address the unique challenges and requirements of each industry.
Cybage emphasizes the use of emerging technologies in their web development services. They incorporate artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, blockchain and other innovative technologies to enhance the functionality, scalability and security of the web solutions they deliver.
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Elevating Your Expertise: The Must-Attend Monthly Virtual Event for AI, Blockchain, and Marketing Enthusiasts
1. A Deep Dive into Artificial Intelligence (AI):
AI is transforming industries, from healthcare to education or finance. At 'The Art of Elevation,' leading experts demystify AI, covering its latest advancements and applications. You'll gain insights into machine learning algorithms, data analytics, and how AI is shaping decision-making processes. This event provides a unique platform to understand AI's ethical implications and future potential, empowering you to leverage AI for more innovative, more efficient business solutions.
2. Unlocking the Potential of Blockchain:
Blockchain goes beyond just powering cryptocurrencies. It's a revolutionary technology that ensures transparency, security, and decentralization. This event delves into the practical uses of blockchain in various sectors, including supply chain management, voting systems, and digital identity verification. Understanding blockchain through this event can be a game-changer, offering you a competitive edge in harnessing this technology for business innovation and trust-building.
3. Cutting-Edge Marketing Strategies:
Marketing is ever-evolving in the digital age. 'The Art of Elevation' illuminates the latest marketing strategies, digital trends, and consumer behavior analytics. Learn how to enhance brand visibility and engagement through social media, SEO, content marketing, and digital advertising. This segment is crucial for those looking to adapt and thrive in the dynamic digital landscape.
4. Networking with Like-Minded Professionals:
Networking is vital in the professional world. This event is a melting pot of experts, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts, offering a rich collaboration and idea exchange environment. Building connections here could lead to future partnerships, mentorships, or career advancements.
5. Addressing Loopholes for Career Advancement:
Understanding the pitfalls and challenges in AI, blockchain, and marketing is vital for career growth. This event highlights these areas and provides actionable strategies for overcoming them. Attendees will finally equipped with the knowledge to sidestep common pitfalls and navigate their career paths more effectively.
6. Free and Accessible Learning:
The fact that this event is free makes it an invaluable resource. Accessibility to such high-caliber knowledge and networking opportunities without any cost barrier is rare and should be capitalized upon by anyone looking to grow in these fields.
In conclusion, 'The Art of Elevation' is more than just an event; it's a monthly opportunity to stay updated, network, and grow in AI, blockchain, and marketing. Attending this event could catalyze your next giant career leap, whether a seasoned professional or starting.
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