#Hellenic festivals
teawiththegods · 6 months
Reminder that you don’t need to celebrate festivals on their exact or estimated day(s). Unlike the ancient worshipers our society does not revolve around our religion so regardless of when our festivals are supposed to be held we may still have work, appointments, personal engagements, and other responsibilities. If moving the festival to a different day allows you to not only celebrate the way you wish but actually celebrate it then why not do that?
Think of it this way, if the choice was celebrate on a different day or not celebrate at all, which do you think the gods would choose???
This also applies to those days where you do plan to do xyz but for whatever reason (chronic illness, disabilities, mental health issues, have a bad/off day, or just life in general happens) don’t have the energy or focus to do it. You can push it back and plan to do it another day. That is not only allowed but completely appropriate. You don’t need to fall on your knees and beg the gods for forgiveness or punish yourself for it. It’s okay. You’re okay. 💕
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countrydionysia · 7 months
2023 Rural Dionysia Announcement
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Io! The time of the year has come again for the Rural Dionysia!
How to participate
The Rural Dionysia is meant to be a smaller competition than its urban counterpart, as such, we have selected only 3 categories:
Freestyle poetry
Modern hymns
“Complete the fragment”
Freestyle poetry
Your poem can be about any chosen topic (myth, personal experience etc.) in any written format. It doesn't have to be religious in nature.
Modern hymn
An hymn must sing the praises of a deity of your choice. Unlike the "freestyle poetry", your work must be of religious nature to fit in this category.
Complete the Fragment
Each year, we choose a fragment from an Ancient Greek poet to work with. The challenge is that the initial fragment must be included somewhere in your piece in its original order. This means you can fill the gaps however you want, but you can’t switch the order of the words in your piece or remove words from the original fragment.
Here is the fragment selected for this 2023 edition: Paen 16 by Pindar (52q Oxyrhynchus papyrus; late 2nd century AD; trans. William H. Race; Loeb 56)
……………… ] Lord Apollo, .…] for I pray ….] with willing (mind?) to give ….] power suffices and you were judged to be ….] most gentle to mortals.
Here is the Greek text for reference. Note that because the word "mind" is unsure in this translation, it will be acceptable to keep or modify this word.
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If in doubt for any of these categories, remember that you can check submissions from the previous years to get an idea of how others have done before.
Submitting your piece
Please submit your piece through submissions on this blog. All entries must be tagged for the category they are being submitted to. but you can only choose 1 category per piece and each person may only submit 1 entry per category each year.
Entries must also be tagged for potentially triggering content and squicks. If your entry needs a trigger warning, kindly add them at the end of your submission and we will take care of adding them in. Check the rules below for further information about submissions.
Calendar of the event
Nov. 10: Official announcement and opening of submissions. Dec. 10: Final submission day. Dec. 11: Vote opening. Dec. 18: Vote closing. Dec. 19-20: Announcement of the winners!
No worries though! We will be posting reminders about each step when the time comes.
General rules
Roleplay and fanfic are not acceptable submissions. This is a religious festival, please respect our faith and do not submit an entry if you are roleplaying or writing fanfiction.
Unlike with the City Dionysia, entries do not necessarily have to be about specific deities or Hellenic polytheism except for the “Modern Hymn” category, which has to be dedicated to one or many gods of your choice.
There are no meter restrictions. This is up to the writer.
All stories, myths, and poems must be entered using the submissions button.
All entries must be tagged for the category they are being submitted to. Entries must also be tagged for potentially triggering content and squicks.
An entry may only be submitted to a single category.
Each person may only submit one entry per category each year.
Winners for each category will be decided by popular vote.
Admins of this blog cannot participate, for obvious reasons. As for now, this includes @thegrapeandthefig @verdantlyviolet
Questions about the rules? Check the blog for past answers, your answer might be in there. And if it's not, simply submit an ask. We'll answer in the best delays possible.
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hestiashearthfire · 5 months
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Haloa 2024 was a smashing success! We offered prayers and libations to Demeter, Poseidon, and Dionysus, and then held a cookie decorating contest in their honor. In the spirit of Haloa, cookies were phallus-shaped, and all attendees got a mini crystal phallus to take home.
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princesmeadow · 4 months
Happy Anthisteria! Specifically Khytrai, an offering to the brothers Ìpnos and Thanatos. Have a lovely final festival day or night :)
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khaire-traveler · 5 months
I know Lenaia is coming up soon and I was wondering what you do for it? Or if you don’t celebrate it do you any other that do?
Hey there, Nonny! Thank you for the ask!
A good way to celebrate Lenaia is watching (or performing) your favorite musicals and/or plays. Movies work as well. Having a movie night with friends would also be a great way to celebrate, especially if y'all are able to drink and have a good time. Good offerings to give are wine, grape juice, candies, home baked goods (phallus shaped things are always appreciated), pine cones, masks, and anything related to theatre.
Sometimes I create an effigy of Dionysus as well. Usually, I just draw my effigy on a piece of paper as it's easiest for me, but carving one, making one out of straw or sticks, or even making one of food are also good options. What you do with the effigy afterwards is up to you. You can hold onto it and maybe reuse it for next year's Lenaia or you can destroy/discard it (most common way of doing this that I've seen is lighting it on fire, where the smoke will rise to Olympus and be offered to Dionysus).
Something I'd like to do at some point is read The Frogs by Aristophanes. You can also recite Orphic hymns 30 and 45, or Homeric hymns 1, 7, and 26 (all of which are dedicated to Dionysus). You don't have to recite any or all of them; it's simply a suggestion. I notice reciting hymns (even ones I've made myself) or even poetry can add an extra flair to the celebration.
I'd also like to suggest dancing at night, maybe after drinking if you have that ability. Listen to music you associate with Dionysus, and dance the night away! It's especially fun to do this in a group, so if you have anyone you can do this with, I'd highly recommend giving it a shot.
I don't personally do this, but you can also decorate your altar for the holiday! If I could, I'd probably hang up streamers and confetti on Dionysus' altar as well as flowers and ivy leaves/wreaths. Decorating your altar adds to the celebration and can also be a form of offering in honor of the holiday. The festival, in the past, lasted up three, four, or five days, from what I've read, but my advice is to celebrate however long you want to/can. Don't pressure yourself into celebrating all four days if you're unable.
I hope these things help! Have a good day/night. 🧡
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wisdomweaver · 4 months
Which calendar are y'all using that tells you Theogamia was yesterday? I thought I'd finallyyy got a handle on the festivals this year but my calendar has it as being tomorrow 😭 I missed it again 😭
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starsambrosia · 5 months
I did some looking into it to come up with some ideas for some ideas on how to celebrate it today and as someone who is infact not a farmer.
Here's some ideas and a brief overview of what Haloa is.
So Haloa is essentially a festival of harvest or gardening depending on what scholars you ask, but the point of it is pretty clear imo.
Celebrations to Lady Demeter, Dionysus, and Poseidon for a bountiful harvest that year.
Lady Demeter: goddess of Harvest (all harvest)
Dionysus: god of grapes and wine (so hill harvests)
Poseidon: god of the sea and all ocean vegetation (seashore harvest)
So since the celebration is about harvest and a very literal one and i am not a farmer, im going with a more metaphorical harvest like with what we've done with the full moon.
So my intentions for this celebration are going to be much more along the lines of a personal harvest praising the gods for other aspects of what they do and celebrating them still.
So like this
Demeter: for her motherly love and protection over my growth. she also sustains the earth with a rich bounty. so for a prayer "thank you Lady Demeter for keeping me sustained even in the worst of conditions" and an offering of bread, wheat, or grain (whatever you can get your hands on)
(i'm going to offer something that may remind her of Persephone as now is the time where i am that its winter)
Posideon: for his healing waters and the ferocity of the waves that keep me inspired.
Focusing on the ocean ruler aspect and renewal. You can look at videos of the ocean to relax and meditate on, connect to the sea a bit, and invite Poseidon in to be with you for a time. That can serve as an offering and a bonding experience with the celebrated god to grant you renewal.
(Since they focus on seashore, specifically and that's a lot like my home. I'll be making offerings of seashells and maybe Mother of Pearl if i have any)
Dionysus: for his grand smile and chaotic energy that has always added spice to my life.
Focusing on his celebrations and abundance aspects. Allow yourself to overindulge a bit today, eat what you want as long as it's safe (if you have been on a restricted diet please be careful!) Enjoy a drink of wine or grape juice mixed with water, 3 parts water 1 part wine (or grape juice) is the recipe for his wine.
and there you have it! a way to respect the gods today in celebration and still keep it on the lighter end if need be. Happy Haola everyone!
Wine and Water
About the Gods
About Haloa in more detail
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loverofdoves · 11 months
🌹🕊️ my plans for aphrodisia 🕊️🌹
hi friends and happy aphrodisia 2023! i thought i’d share some of the stuff i’m doing for this festival!
the first thing is the meal i’m preparing. i’m having fish for dinner, specifically in reference to Aphrodite’s connection to the sea and the island of cyprus. i plan to offer Her my first bite of the meal as well as dedicate the preparation to Her.
the next big thing is going to be my altar for the festival. i just got a new apple scented candle for Her (as im devoted to Her, She has Her own candle on my altar) as i tend to use either rose scents or apple scents. i am harvesting some fresh lavender, rosemary, and basil from my garden to put on my altar. i plan on picking up some fresh strawberries from either the farmer’s market or the store a few blocks from my house.
for incense and oils, i have a rose essential oil that i will be using in my diffuser and also burn some of my cinnamon patchouli incense.
i will be replacing my current tarot cards on my altar with the empress and the lovers, as well as doing a three card draw specifically regarding this holiday and my relationship with my goddess.
finally, im going to spend some time reading some of Her myths and the homeric hymn to Aphrodite. i just want to spend some time really focusing on Her and Her presence in my life. i will finish this study session by writing and reading my own prayer to Aphrodite to show my love for Her
i hope y’all have a wonderful festival and may Aphrodite bless you 💖
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odetothetheoi · 9 months
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Of Diô, divine mother of all, divinity with many names, Holy Dîmítîr, nurturer of children, bestower of bliss, Oh divine one, who cultivates the grain, who apportions all good things, You who rejoice in peace and our difficult labors, Presiding over seeds, bequeathing abundant grain, thresher, producing the green fruit, You dwell in the hallowed valley of Ælefsís. Oh charming, lovely one, you give nourishment to all the mortals; You were the first to yoke the ploughing oxen, And you produce a lovely and abundant life for mortals; You promote growth, familial companion of Vrómios, splendidly honored, Torch-bearing, holy one, you rejoice in the summer's fruit of the sickle. You are from the earth, you appear, you are gentle to all. You bless us with progeny, oh lover of children, holy one, maiden who nurtures the young, You yoke dragons to your chariot with a bridle, Whirling and circling about your throne as you cry out in ecstasy. Only-begotten, Goddess bearing many children, mighty queen of mortals, Creator of many things, you bloom with flowers, blooming with holiness; Come, happy one, pure one, heavy with the fruits of summer, Bring down peace and lovely order to our world, With riches and blessings and a life governed by good health.
a small devotional offering for Adeia (learn more here)
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orsialos · 2 years
Blessed Adeia! May the gifts and bounty of dear Lady Demeter Soteira and kind Lord Ares Karpodotes keep your larder stocked, bellies full, and land bountiful.
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thegrapeandthefig · 2 years
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Happy Adeia!
(Missed the post explaining what this new festival is about? Catch up here.)
Before I start talking about my own contribution, I wanted to express how encouraging and uplifting it has been to see so many people posting about the festival, hyping it or even just praising the idea behind it. Thank you so, so much for the support and we (@iliosflower and myself) hope that an initiative like this one not only raises awareness but inspires others.
Sappy discourse aside, I offered some olive bread with a bit of ham, crisps, and a wheel of dry grain that consist of couscous (wheat), barley, oats and rice. I didn't have corn, but I hoped to include as many of the most widespread and important cereals worldwide. Then the feast itself consisted of pepper pork cooked with some beer with veggies and rice. And then I gave some more beer as a libation.
I invoked Demeter Soteira, Herakles Alexikakos (who also happens to be the patron deity of Thasos, so particularly relevant for me), the Horai and Zeus. Zeus was a last minute addition, but considering how the current inflation is, in part, caused by the war in Ukraine, it felt right to invoke him as a bringer of divine justice.
For reference, I've been tagging all the Adeia posts #adeiafestival so feel free to use this tag as well. And whoever is reading this from the future, feel free to browse this tag to see what the others have done.
Until next year, Happy Adeia. I hope that by then things will be... brighter.
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teawiththegods · 1 year
To the women of Athens, the Adonia was an occasion for association with other women, apart from men and unsupervised by men. It was a space for purely feminine discourse.
- Mourning and Community at the Athenian Adonia by Ronda R. Simms
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countrydionysia · 6 months
Time to announce the winners!!!
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For good Fortune! The 2023 Rural Dionysia is now officially over. The poll is now closed, and it is time to reveal the winners of this year's edition:
For the Freestyle poetry category, the winner is:
for furor club (óðinn and dionysos) by @disir-ex-machina
For the Modern Hymn category, the winner is
Dionysus by @beastial-bacchanal
and finally, for the “Complete the Fragment” category, the winner is
Sing the melody, calm your mind. by @piristephes
Thank you to everyone who has participated and voted and big congratulations to our three winners for this edition!
For those who celebrate it, receive our best wishes, and that you have a merry Rural Dionysia and I wish merry holidays to the others.
Reminder: The City Dionysia has its own blog @dionysia-ta-astika, so any upcoming news will be posted there. Give that blog a follow if you want to be updated. The City Dionysia is expected to be held between early February and mid-March 2024.
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ourtheoi · 5 months
I'm starting my Lenaia celebration today!
This is the first time I'm celebrating it so theres not much I have on my plans for it.
If I wanna be extra I might go out at night to pour libations for Dionysus but the weather is awful as always.
Other than that I'm just gonna dance, watch slime tutorials and drink in his honor! 😎
Hope everyone can have as much fun as possible!
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princesmeadow · 3 months
To Lady Artemis for Elaphebolia!
I'm a bit late to the show, but im here
Traditionally, you would set out deer shaped cakes for the sharp shooting Goddess, but perhaps my music will do to play while you eat!
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wisdomweaver · 4 months
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Happy Theogamia!
Praise be to Lord Zeus and Lady Hera 💖
A little late because my calendar apparently had it a day or so later than everyone else's 🙃 but I still observed it at least and gave some offerings of dried flowers to celebrate the marriage of the king and queen 👑
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