#modern worship
teawiththegods · 9 months
Reminder that you don’t need to celebrate festivals on their exact or estimated day(s). Unlike the ancient worshipers our society does not revolve around our religion so regardless of when our festivals are supposed to be held we may still have work, appointments, personal engagements, and other responsibilities. If moving the festival to a different day allows you to not only celebrate the way you wish but actually celebrate it then why not do that?
Think of it this way, if the choice was celebrate on a different day or not celebrate at all, which do you think the gods would choose???
This also applies to those days where you do plan to do xyz but for whatever reason (chronic illness, disabilities, mental health issues, have a bad/off day, or just life in general happens) don’t have the energy or focus to do it. You can push it back and plan to do it another day. That is not only allowed but completely appropriate. You don’t need to fall on your knees and beg the gods for forgiveness or punish yourself for it. It’s okay. You’re okay. 💕
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Have you attended a summer Meet-Up yet? 🕺 There's still plenty of time to join one! Some are ongoing with several events, and some are one time only events. Also - can you help us at #VBS? Some small group leaders are still needed for this next week.
➡️ https://tinyurl.com/mr2j2n4y
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sayjoisme84 · 1 year
HEKATE | Part 3: Modern worship w/ @Vennoxes & @RamonaLuna​
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bristolchurch · 1 year
Christian Perspective on Music in the Church
From a Christian perspective, the solution to these ills of modern worship is to refocus on the true purpose of worship, which is to give glory to God and to deepen our relationship with Him. This may require a return to more traditional forms of worship, such as hymns and liturgy, which can help to create a sense of reverence and connection to God. From a Christian perspective, the ills of…
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sephsbat · 3 months
What is Praying in Hellenism?
Prayer was an essential part of religious practice in the polytheistic traditions of ancient Greece, known as Hellenism.
Hellenistic worshippers would direct prayers to specific gods and goddesses who were believed to have dominion over different aspects of life. Common recipients included the 12 Olympians, and many other deities.
Prayers often began with an invocation of the deity's names and titles, followed by the worshipper's requests or offerings. These might include appeals for protection, blessings, guidance, or the fulfillment of a vow.
Prayers were frequently offered before important events and activities, such as the start of a journey, a battle, a harvest, or a religious ritual. Daily household prayers were also common.
The prayers were usually delivered orally, sometimes accompanied by ritual actions like libations or burnt offerings. The language used was often formal and poetic, full of honorific epithets for the deity.
Locations for prayer included temples, shrines, sacred groves, and the home. Worshippers might pray while standing, kneeling, or prostrating themselves before an image or altar of the god or goddess.
The desired outcomes of Hellenistic prayer ranged from practical requests for prosperity, health or victory to more spiritual appeals for wisdom, justice or the favor of the divine.
Prayer was a central part of ancient Greek religious life, and even to this day, praying is very important and a big part in Hellenism or in general for every religion.
Praying in Modern Hellenism
Set Up a Home Shrine or Altar Many Hellenic polytheists maintain a home shrine or altar space dedicated to the gods. This can be as simple as a small table with statues, candles, flowers, or other symbolic objects. Establishing a consistent sacred space can help focus the mind during prayer.
Choose Your Deities Hellenism is a polytheistic tradition, so you can direct your prayers to whichever gods, goddesses, or divine beings you have the strongest connection or need to address. Common choices include Zeus, Hera, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon and many others.
Offerings Prayers are often accompanied by physical offerings like libations of wine or honey, burned incense, or small symbolic gifts. Consider what would be appropriate and meaningful for the deity you are praying to.
Use Formal, Poetic Language When crafting your prayers, aim for a formal, reverential tone. Use the full names and titles of the deities, and include honorific epithets if possible. Poetic, metaphorical language is common in Hellenic prayer.
Perform Ritual Gestures You may choose to incorporate ritual movements like standing, kneeling, bowing, or making specific hand gestures during your prayer. These physical actions can help focus the mind and honor the divine.
Establish Regular Prayer Times Many Hellenic polytheists pray daily, either at set times like sunrise/sunset or in response to specific events or needs.
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loveindefinitely · 8 months
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♱ 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 WE'D STILL WORSHIP THIS LOVE — alex x gaz x reader
✩ part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
// read on ao3.
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You know love is real. You've felt it, tasted it, heard it, seen it -- all within the eyes of the two men you hold dearest.
Gaz is, well, Gaz -- always flirting, always one wink away from finding himself being taken home to someone else's bed. Alex is head over heels for Farah, who you really, really think is not interested in him. Or anyone, for that matter. Every day spent with the two chips at your soul, your heart a stuttering beat in your chest when their hands brush against your skin.
All it takes is one night, one shot, and one rejection to have the three of you stumbling into bed together at last. (And into each other's hearts.)
kyle 'gaz' garrick + alex keller
nsfw, fem!reader, fmm, polyamory, threesome, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, partying, drinking, getting together, praise kink, soft sex, light degradation, l-bombs, mutual pining,⚔️
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shadow0-1 · 8 months
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certifiedcodbabygirl · 5 months
To Whisper Your Name pt.1
Konig x Reader Roman Goddess AU
Warnings: Violence ( minor character deaths), Roman deity inaccuracies, history inaccuracies, talks of SA 
Reader is loosely based on the Roman Goddess Felicitas (Goddess of good fortune and luck)
It is not rare for minor gods/ goddesses to go unthought of. Some rise to fame as others are forgotten. Not many remember the deities of flowers, trees, or other smaller things. They remember Jupiter, Neptune, Venus. The greats, the Gods. Smaller gods go about their lives enjoying the few who do remember them. The small alters the mortals create for them, adorned with what is associated with said deity. They get offerings, praise, songs sung in their name.
Others are forgotten. Some deities share common rulings and the more famous deity gets the praise. They get the offerings, the songs, the alters. They get the memories. The smaller deity is left to watch humanity progress, knowing they are nothing to them but a passing face. Some grow depressed, heartbroken to be forgotten. Some grow mad, killing those who pray to the more famous deity. Most are unhappy or indifferent. They are too out of touch with humanity, differences between God and mortals being too many to connect with one another. 
Despite all, you connect. The goddess of good fortune and luck, or as I should say, the small goddess of good fortune and luck. Throughout time, as you were forgotten and Fortuna rose to fame, you assimilated with the mortals. The fascination overtaking the grief pushed you to live among them. You aren’t well known among your village, just a simple face that passes by occasionally. Your home resides along the lake, a small and hidden house, property of an old man you met years before. You became like family to him, knowing who you are, he did his research. He offered you home, community, he offered you the human experience. 
It was a quiet life, predictable, quaint. You go to the fishing grounds, bless the unsuspecting fishermen. You do the same to the cloth weavers, the doctors, the children playing. None may know, but fortune is on their side. It was a simple existence, a comfortable one. 
A change happened at nightfall. Taking a late night walk was common, having no need for sleep. You’d walk a few miles, stay in a tree, maybe take a swim, then head back to your home. Tonight was no different. You opted to stay in a tree in a nearby forest, taking in the night sky, constellations seeming to taunt you with an unknown reason. Memories of when you were among the other deities fill your mind, a bittersweet taste left in your mind. Shouting and the crunching of twigs below rip you from your thoughts, whimpers from women below causing the hair on your arms to stand up.
Below, you see a small group of women with their arms shackled to a long chain. There are 2 men, daggers glinting in the moonlight. There’s no torch, no lantern, to light their way. It’s clear they are trying to be unseen, to steal these women. They adorn Roman clothing, as do the women, and seem to be heading away from the village. 
“Please I’m begging you, I have children! They have no father and no one to look for them” A woman begs shakily.
“Then we will be back for them. I know someone who would pay bronze for youth like them” A man cackles and shoves the woman for her noise.
“Oh Gods, Please save us, if you can hear me” A woman whispers, kissing her hands and raising them to the sky.
Her voice is so broken, as if she's unable to conjure hope. Heart aching for these women but unable to physically intervene, you bless them.
“Luck be upon you” Falls from your lips in the form of a whisper.
As they are almost gone, a branch snapping catches the men's attention. Heads whipping in the direction of the noise was their first mistake. A soldier in Roman attire sneaks behind the leading man, dagger cutting through his throat as if it were simply fat. 
The other three men turn and draw their weapons, preparing for attack. Their stance resembles that of a cornered, angry cat. One other soldier emerges from the dark. His towering frame, only being able to be described as a giant, unsheathed his sword from his holster. The glare from the moonlight shining off his sword gives an eerie and unsettling feeling in an already disturbing situation. 
“Give in and come willingly, or face the same fate as your foolish leader” His voice is higher pitched than expected, yet still effectively intimidating. His accent is foreign, sounding from the north. 
Ignorance clearly being their strong suit, the smugglers charge at the giant, only to be met immediately with a blade. The first one falls and seconds later, the other one is ripped through, practically in half, blood spilling like a never ending prayer. The men are ripped through like a tarp, eyes widening and dulling over.
 The last man remaining drops his weapon, falling to his knees like a worshiper to their God. The giant stalks towards him, gripping his hair and tilting him back. You can feel the fear radiating off of the smaller man's body, most likely praying to the gods as the women they stole did. 
“Your incompetence fails you. What were you planning for them?” He demands, gesturing to the women. They cower under the man's gaze.
The man remains silent, his mouth gaping like a fish, in search of words.
“Have mercy, please!” He begs, tears seeming to form.
The giant chuckles in an unamused manner, “Were you to have mercy on them? The gods have turned their backs on you. Now I will ask you again” He grips tighter, voice low and in a low growl, “What. Were. You. Planning? Who is your superior?”
The man refuses to answer and is swiftly met with a blade, as he serves no purpose. The giant and his partner turn their attention to the women, moving to remove their shackles. The women seem more frightened of them than they did the men that stole them. Perhaps it's because these men are soldiers, making it easy for them to be overpowered. 
“Where are you from?” The giant asks a woman as he removes the shackles. The woman says she was visiting her family in a nearby village when the men came. The other women say something similar.
“It seems they had a type. Easily able to make them disappear if they only have a couple connections in a different village.” The other man states, the giant nodding. 
They move the women to the same town you live in, keeping them in a new location until they find the leader of whatever ring they were getting sold into. You climb down the tree and quietly follow behind. The women are escorted to a separate cluster home and the men head to what seems to be a military station building.
Before the giant walks into the building, he looks behind him out of habit and spots you already looking at him. You quickly turn and walk away, not trying to attract unwanted attention. You make it to the lake before you hear a twig snap, someone being with you. Knowing who it is, you don't even bother to turn around, staying still. 
“Why did you run?” He asked in an accusatory tone, walking up to you. His frame towers over you, his shadow overtaking yours. You turn towards him, finally meeting his eyes. His face is covered in a cloth, his eyes being the only exposed area. His gaze is stern, like that of a king. 
“I've never seen a soldier like you before” you lie seamlessly, appearing innocent, “When you saw me, I worried I would possibly provoke you. Some soldiers around here hate when we stare”
He looks down at you, head slightly tilting. In mock or curiosity, you can't tell. There’s a long pause of silence, neither of you moving.
“Sir?” You ask quietly, “May I go back home now? I fear it will worry my family if I am out too late”
“You will meet me in the town square tomorrow at dusk,” He states, turning to walk away, “I will find you if you fail to come. Do not make that mistake, flos”
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the-whispers-of-death · 7 months
worshipper!soap plsplspls i beg u
No need to beg, friend! Worshipper!Soap, coming right up.
Johnny is someone who likes to joke, everyone knows about it. He's on battlefields constantly, places where hope and light is far away, where it's so dark and dreary. He and other soldiers need the lightness of his jokes, just to remind themselves of what's waiting for them back home—life.
But he absolutely does not joke about his partner and how divine you are.
As previously stated, Johnny's usually the one who gets everyone laughing and feeling good, but You? Your light is unlike any other's.
Your laughter makes the air feel so much lighter, Your smile brightens up any room, even one that had been previously dark. He can't get over Your divinity and he never wants to.
I imagine You stumbled into his life, quite literally.
You were just bringing up Your groceries home to Your flat, walking up the stairs and stepping onto the landing of Your floor just as Johnny was about to step down onto the stairs. He hadn't seen You (because that's the only way he would've missed Your divine self) because he had been talking on the phone to Gaz and you two collided.
He had been quick to reach out and steady You, his blue eyes moving to look into your eyes (no matter what eye color you have, it's now his favorite eye color and he insists that no one else's eyes are as bright and benevolent as yours). His breath caught in his chest at the sight of You, his only thoughts being on how bright You seemed to be.
You exuded divinity and benevolence, it wafting off of You in waves. He could tell that You were one of a kind, a deity. And so, he was quick to start worshipping You right then and there, helping You gather Your groceries and helping You take them inside.
For days afterwards, Johnny gravitates towards You, aching to be in Your divine presence. He memorizes which of his jokes make You laugh the hardest, memorizes what You tell him are Your favorite food, color, etc. If You tell him Your favorite food is pink, he's buying pink things immediately. He's buying—or cooking Your favorite foods, feeling so blessed whenever he sees Your bright smile when he brings his offerings to You over.
He'll talk the 141's ear off about You, growling and snapping if they even dare to suggest You're not the deity he insists You are. How can You not be a deity? They just don't know what they're talking about, Johnny decides. They haven't met You after all, only Johnny knows how divine You are.
Speaking of growling and snapping at others, Johnny is a mix of devotee and guard dog. You're so kind that You must be worshipped, but You also must be protected. He sees the way others rake their lecherous stares up and down Your holy body, and he won't have that. Even if You're not yet dating, he's not letting any creeps around You. He won't let Your divinity and kindness be taken advantage of, not that You're helpless.
No, You can take care of Yourself when defending Yourself from creeps, You just don't have to. Your most devoted servant is here for that.
When you two finally start dating, You're the one who musters up the courage to ask him out. And Johnny swears he's in heaven at that moment, but no, You're just so kind to deem him worthy of being Your lover. He easily scrounges up whatever money he has and takes You out to the fanciest restaurant he can afford, because a deity like You deserves the best of the best! He's in heaven the entire time, cherishing every single moment he has with You.
Thank You, Kind and Merciful One. Thank You for gracing him with Your beauty and divinity. He's kissing Your feet and worshipping the ground You walk on. He's Yours forever and he never wants that to change.
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gothicwill · 11 months
I wanna sit Hannibal lecter down and attempt to explain to him what a situationship is just to see how long it would take for him to have an aneurism
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lefttoesucker · 6 months
𝙸𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚎
𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚎
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Plus again some details because this took too long and I already know that Tumblr will fuck up the quality :>
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queer-ghosts · 1 year
being pagan is wild, because I've been trying to figure out how to honor Dionysus for a while and the solution was to dance wildly and scream in the woods.
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royal-wren · 3 months
In my love for her, I carried an apple from my many trees of such a vivid red like the heart that beats in the chest. Surely, there is no better way to grab the attention of the honey-toned goddess with a face most fair. My heart was captured the moment I saw her walk on the sea, shining more than the waters below her feet. If I can't woo her, I'll be at a loss for another handful of years.
With this, Hermes moved swiftly, quicker than anyone else, but not enough to dishevel. The cultivated fruit was cradled close to his chest while his heart fluttered wildly from excitement and adoration as the wind he commanded had him flying by. All the love, every emotion he felt was literally poured as magic into his work given physical form. One dream that haunted him for so long as the ram god did his best to ignore it before it felt like it was too much. Hermes' thoughts raced like his feet while he saw her come into view, golden and blinding in form. With her vision before him, he slowed without a sign he moved at the speed of sound.
"A gift for you, Queen of Heaven gowned in stars and jewels that you easily outdo. Though this apple falls short of matching your beauty, I hope it pleases you still," his arm outstretched for her to take the gift. A look of shock, as Aphrodite's face started to flushed as her gaze caught herself staring back on the apple's surface, "-How? It isn't every day I see myself reflected in food." Quizzically, she stared as Hermes' lips curled into a playful, teasing smile, "That's a secret." A little mystery was good for everyone, after all, and why share all his workings yet with her. "It holds every heartfelt thought, that's why it reflects the goddess of love and passion," he winked with the lie that came out like truth. What helped it spill out like a truth was the bit of honesty in how he felt, and with it said he stepped back and sat down. The decision of her accepting or rejecting the gift all on her, he could never dare to do more to push her decision, he cared too much about her honesty and freedom for that.
Aphrodite's lips parted ever so slightly in contemplation and his heart seized "I -- what else is there that comes with your physical gift? Tell me before I make up my mind on whether I draw close or flee fast." Endless were the gifts he had prepared with a number currently on him as he stood up and drew closer to her, a ball of light in his hand like a shrunk star. "The constellations and all the stars above that make them, what is old, new, and yet to exist." He affixed many like it like a crown of flowers through her illustrious hair, before slipping precious metals and a myriad of jewels into her hands that still held the apple. "Everything the earth has to give no matter how much you wish for, but most importantly, there is something more precious I can give."
His hand moved to hers, brushing against it, pausing for rejection as his face softened, "A friend in love. A companion to tell you all the honeyed words you long to hear, all the praise and song you deserve. From me and immortalized on the minds and tongues of mortals, sang endlessly and written for future generations to inspire. You will be the greatest Muse, the call of all songs and romantic, beautiful thoughts all others have until the end of time. Those that would be normally resist, untouched by your influence will have a chord struck in them with your inspiration a source of delight with my assistance."
Aphrodite made no move to turn away from him, to remove his presence from being so close to her, no attempt to escape Hermes' hand resting on hers still holding his gifts. "Let me hear the honeyed tongue that everyone regards and praises, promise me every sweet, adoring thought felt spoken for me no matter where you are. Swear it, be my companion, and only you will be the one to influence the scales of love with me." Her hand moved, unsatisfied by having his hand simply resting over hers and entwining her fingers with his. He kissed her hand, hearts singing between them as she had no intentions of letting go of his gift for now. "My oath upon the Styx to you, all we have promised to each other is now forever as long as you'll have me."
At that moment, Hermes let all the sealed love from the apple escape it, leaving her breathless and reeling as it sank in as he kept his promises between kisses, sweet touches, and the honeyed-tongue speaking words that were music to her ears as days continued to pass.
*Inspired by the PGM spell involving Hermes and Aphrodite, the tradition of wooing the person of your affections with an apple, best shown in the two poems at the bottom of this page. It also includes their cult worship as a couple and their art depictions together as Weighers of Love.
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wait before sleep this is for the touhou besties
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could you elaborate your thoughts more on "but should we believe Wynne-Jones' Calcifer or the youkai/ayakashi of animanga are meant to be that kind of demon?" and "It's the same cultural disconnect that led so many Christian parents in the 90s to condemn Pokemon as satanic". Specially about Calcifer? Please?
I wish that when translating asian media, particularly anime, they would keep their non-translated nomenclature, it always translates to "demon" or whatever alternative we have.
Well part of the issue is that our word "demon" comes from the Greek word δαίμων or daimōn, which is the word used in the New Testament, but it is not a word invented by the New Testament writers. Here is an excerpt from the Oxford Reference about it:
Etymologically daimōn means ‘divider’ or ‘allotter’; from Homer onwards it is used mainly in the sense of performer of more or less unexpected, and intrusive, events in human life. In early authors, gods, even Olympians, could be referred to as daimŏnĕs. Rather than referring to personal anthropomorphic aspects, however, daimōn appears to correspond to supernatural power in its unpredictable, anonymous, and often frightful manifestations. So, the adjective daimonios means ‘strange’, ‘incomprehensible’, ‘uncanny’. Hence daimōn soon acquired connotations of Fate. Hesiod introduced a new meaning: the deceased of the golden age were to him ‘wealth‐giving daimones’ functioning as guardians or protectors. This resulted in the meaning ‘personal protecting spirits’, who accompany each human's life and bring either luck or harm. A lucky, fortunate person was eudaimōn (‘with a good daimon’: already in Hesiod), an unlucky one was kakodaimōn (‘with a bad daimon’: from the 5th cent. bc). Centuries later, Christian theologians, concentrating on their negative aspects, saw in daimones the true nature of the pagan gods: they were the embodiment and source of evil and sin.
With this in mind, it makes sense that for translators, the most sophisticated translation for any kind of supernatural weird little creature would be "demon" or "daemon." Especially in a modernist, materialist society that views Judeo-Christian demons as merely one mythology out of many.
Calcifer is a very interesting case, because while he is called a demon in the Japanese Studio Ghibli adaptation, he is also called a demon in the original book by Welsh author Diana Wynne Jones. What many people don't realize is that Mrs. Jones was highly educated, having studied at Oxford under the likes of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Her husband was also a scholar of Chaucer. Unfortunately, I think because she was writing children's fantasy in the 70s and 80s, people don't think her work warrants much deeper analysis.
As with all her stories, I think she brought a special kind of cleverness to the table when writing Calcifer that is first exemplified by his name.
"Calcifer" is a common noun, referring to sea creatures like anemones which construct their own shells from Calcium Carbonate, much like how Calcifer constructs the moving castle.
"Calcifer" resembles the Latin model of "Lucifer" which means "bringing light" or "light bringer," but rather than "light" she's substituted the Latin root for "limestone" (calcis), which is also made of Calcium Carbonate.
You know what's neat about Calcium Carbonate? It doesn't burn.
Following this thread through to Calcifer's backstory:
Calcifer was a falling star that Howl intercepted, which slightly resembles Satan's origin story as a fallen angel of light. However, Diana Wynne Jones knew perfectly well that Christian demons are not really falling stars, so we can know she did not intend to write Calcifer as a Judeo-Christian demon. More likely, I think she was paying homage to classics such as Paradise Lost.
Calcifer strikes a bargain with Howl for his heart, which I consider an homage to Faust by Goethe, in which the titular character can be said to have devoured beautiful young women.
As a character, Calcifer is very morally grey and often seems in a league above the other characters as far as stakes and decision-making. This is very characteristic of the mythical creatures of Celtic legend, which are still a very present background element of Welsh culture today, much like the trolls and elves of Scandinavian culture. Many of these mythical creatures are referred to as demons, even though they do not align with the Judeo-Christian definition of a demon. Yes, they can be evil or tricky, but they can also be helpful, lucky, or funny. Mostly, they are volatile. Faeries, boggarts, goblins, elves, sea monsters, and more have all been called demons in Welsh folklore.
This could be due to the early interaction between the Welsh and the Romans (compared to, say, the Irish who kept up their Druidism for much longer), and consequently Christians. I know from Scandinavian folklore that the meshing of Pagan culture with Christian newcomers usually becomes very weird very quickly, with the resulting mythology resembling neither party.
Tl;dr Calcifer is the product of a Welsh upbringing and a classical education, and is explicitly not a demon in the Judeo-Christian sense.
As for Pokemon in the U.S., it's mainly a translation issue. Word got around that lots of Pokemon are based on youkai, which gets translated to "demon" in English, even though they are not Judeo-Christian demons and are much closer to the above cited faeries and goblins. Voila, Satanic Panic 2.0.
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leroibobo · 10 months
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mosque of the companions in massawa, eritrea. it was reportedly built by companions of the prophet muhammad who fled to africa due to persecution they faced in mecca. it possibly dates to 620-630 ce, which would make it the oldest purpose-built mosque in the world. however, some of the current structure was most likely built in the late 7th-9th centuries, as the mihrab and minaret as we know them hadn't been developed at the time.
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