#Henry Scudder
sigurism · 1 year
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Carnivàle S2
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carnivalehbo · 2 years
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wickershells · 7 months
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longitudinalwaveme · 2 days
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I got this for free at my local comic book shop today. Of the three villains in the front of the pack (Catwoman, Bizarro, and Captain Boomerang), only Catwoman has a story printed inside. Go figure.
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Sam Scudder breaks the fourth wall, complete with that dweeby-looking pose from "The Mirror Master's Invincible Bodyguards".
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Pied Piper and The Top don't have very flattering images for their wanted posters.
The Pied Piper is called "Thomas Peterson" because that was one of his aliases (alongside Henry Darrow). I didn't know that name was being used as far back as 1976 (when this book was published), though.
The "N" in Roscoe's name stands for Neyle, a middle name that he has because Cary Bates messed up and called him Roscoe Neyle in "The Million-Dollar Deathtrap" (the same issue that gave us "Joe Scudder").
And because this was published in June-July 1976, I'm pretty sure that the "new scheme that could bring disaster to Central City" is referring to his plan to blow up the city, which he orchestrated upon his death. So this seems to have been put together right before Roscoe died for the first time.
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Day Sixteen
                Haytham Kenway would forever come to hate the day before his son Desmond’s birthday. He had been in the area, attempting to perhaps work with William Miles, to give the modern assassins an edge over the modern templars. It is why Haytham did not come alone. His father Edward Kenway was present along with Charles Henry Lee, Jeremiah Scudder, Nicholas Biddle, Christopher Gist, Jack Weeks, Shay Cormac, Matthew Davenport, and Victor Wolcott. The nine had their orders to remain civil with the assassins despite the tension. Everyone of the nine, except Lee, liked Desmond who was very respectful to them despite them being Templars. It seemed as if the boy realized peace between their factions would be better than no peace. However, as much as they tried, William’s actions would prove to them that he was unworthy of their aid and cooperation.
                Adéwalé had been the first to alert them that evening that William had gone nuts over the fact that Desmond simply held a different view than him. Haytham, despite his growing anger, calmly asked.
“Come again?”
“Mentor Miles was telling Desmond that he should always be wry of his enemies and those he calls allies. There is always someone looking to stab you in the back. Desmond retorted ‘what we even can’t trust your friends?’ Mentor Miles replied ‘Assassins can not have friends. It is a weakness. Family is a weakness.’ He then procced to trash Altair in front of Desmond, who did not take it well and called him a conspiracy freak.”
                Haytham’s eye twitched. He knew William was very temperamental. Without another word the ten templars, along with Adéwalé dashed off to the barren dirt ring the assassins used as their training arena. Adéwalé grew up a slave, so he’d seen worse than poor when it came to conditions, and this was somehow worse than that even. Never mind the fact that the sight that had met them was degusting. William Miles was atop Desmond, who was bleeding from a deep gash on his face, pulling his non-dominant arm behind his back as a means of control, looking for an apology to the sleight of being called a conspiracy freak, and that Desmond dared to have any opinion. Let alone suggest that Assassins should have friends and family. He’d tare the arm from it’s socket if he had to. Yet he did not see a very angry Haytham charge at him.
                That fight had been decidedly one sided. However, Desmond was in severe pain. Half his body felt numb while the other half screamed in agony. The sharp, burning sensation was all he could focus on. Panic slowly took over as, for a moment, a way out of this pain began to seem more and more unrealistic. The road ahead was a tough one and right now he wasn’t sure whether he were willing to walk it, let alone whether he was able. He was shocked the moment when Edward Kenway picked him up and rallied the other eight around him saying.
“Jeremiah Scudder, Nicholas Biddle, Matthew Davenport, and Victor Wolcott with me. The rest of you assist Haytham.”
“Yes sir.”
                They had all said. Jeremiah Scudder was pretty much the order’s equivalent to a Rafiq or Dai in the assassin brotherhood. A spy master who used his business as a merchant as a front that often funded money into the order. He was German and proud of it, often getting along with Edward with their parchment for strong drink. He however detests infamous Germans like Adolf Hitler and their narrow views on the world. Nicholas Biddle, is a competent sailor who recently earned the honor to captain the restored Jackdaw. Something he takes very seriously because he knows from his own experience what it is like to own a formidable ship. American he also gets along with Edward, since the man entrusted his first baby to him. Matthew Davenport is cold and calculating, he serves in his role fiercely, and is extremely loyal to his men, fighting with equal skill to that of his fine strategizing. He stands firm and strong eyeing the son of the Grandmaster in the arms of his grandfather, twitching in pain, struggling to keep from crying out in pain. Matthew with a bit of fatherly instinct leaking in encouraged.
“Let it out lad. Pain is natural, so is the reaction and want to scream and cry. It feels good sometimes too.”
                Desmond looked at him and only whimpered. Adewale looked from the boy to Matthew and said.
“That maybe the best you get out of him. He’s broken spiritually.”
Matthew said. That left Victor Wolcott, a man after Garnier de Naplouse’s own heart who like the mad French Crusader was infamous for his experiments. That being said though he did not do those things on his fellow templars. And he was gentle in quickly getting an idea of what needed to be done to help Desmond recover. They got to their vehicle, a van, and got in and drove off with Desmond being tended to in the back. It took them roughly three days to reach the Chateau that Haytham Kenway owned and used as both a home and the base of their Templar activities. Once they had arrived, Edward carried Desmond inside, where Tessa was waiting with medical supplies. She and Victor worked together to clean up and bandage any wounds on the poor now sixteen year old boy’s body. Edward sat up with his sleeping grandson to ensure someone was there should the boy wake. He’d done it when Haytham had been sick in the past and now he would again. He turned his head only when Haytham, accompanied by Connor, surprisingly, walked in. Haytham smiled softly, a bruise clear on his face from a lucky shot from William that, from the bruising on Connor’s nucleus, sent Connor into a fury that the goal mentor dared lay a hand on his father. Haytham spoke softly.
“Thank you, father, for staying with Desmond.”
“You are welcome son. He was in shock most of the way here. When he was stabilized, he passed out and has been out since.”
“For the best, I suppose. It will allow his body time to heal.”
                There was silent agreement as Haytham took over, Edward went to bed, but not before acknowledging his older grandson. Connor walked with Edward to ensure his grandfather didn’t hurt himself on the way to bed. Connor then set to stalk the halls to ensure no one dared bother these men whom he’d come to view as part of his strange family.
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ragingphantom666 · 6 months
DC Dimensions project plan - The Flash: Runs in the Family (Vol. 1)
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This series is not an assured project. It is a concept that can still be changed or scrapped.
The heroes and villains of Central City have been behaving irregularly. They seem to be in a hypnotic trance. The Flash and Impulse investigate the suspect, a content creator going by "Spin."
Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen/The Flash - The second hero to take on the mantle of the Flash.
Bartholomew William "Bart" Allen/Impulse - The son of Barry Allen and Iris West.
Iris West - The wife of Barry Allen and mother to Bart and Joan Allen.
Joan Allen - The daughter of Barry Allen and sister of Bart. She seemingly has no superpowers.
Jay Garrick/The Flash - The first superhero to call himself "The Flash." He acts as the voice of wisdom for the Flash Family.
Maxwell Crandall/Max Mercury - A speedster from the 19th century and mentor of Impulse.
David Lloyd/Spin - A young content creator with aspirations for the big time. When he goes out to collect heroes and villains for his social media, he wears special gloves and an LED mask to hypnotize them. Little does he know that he is only a pawn for a villain called "The Puppeteer."
Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash - The arch nemesis of Barry Allen. He is a speedster connected to the Negative Speed Force.
Leonard Snart/Captain Cold - The leader of the Rogues and an occasional ally of Barry Allen.
Mick Rory/Heat Wave - Member of the Rogues. He is a close friend of Captain Cold. His weapon is a flamethrower pistol.
Lisa Snart/Golden Glider - Member of the Rogues. She wears special skates that allow her to travel at superspeed.
Sam Scudder/Mirror Master - Member of the Rogues. He has the power to move through mirrors.
Roscoe Dillon/Top - Member of the Rogues. He can spin at superspeed.
Hartley Sawyer/Pied Piper - Member of the Rogues. He uses sound-based weaponry.
James Jesse/Trickster - Member of the Rogues. He loves playing pranks on the Flash.
Jordan Weir - The therapist of Joan Allen. There is a secret dark side to him.
Other Information
Golden Glider's skates are based on Shadow the Hedgehog's air shoes.
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Suicide Squad Members both Past and Present (Minus both Captain Boomerangs)
Amanda Waller
Rick Flag Jr
Rick Flag Sr
Bronze Tiger
Karin Grace 
Black Orchid
Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
Parasite (Rudy Jones)
Mr. 104
Captain Cold
Shade the Changing Man
Count Vertigo
Dr. Light
Lady Liberty
Silent Majority
Major Victory
Poison Ivy
Black Adam
Silver Swan
The Writer
King Shark
Sam Makoa
Cameron Chase
Manchester Black
Sgt. Frank Rock
Big Sir
Clock King
Major Disaster
Solomon Grundy
Power Girl
Star-Spangled Kid
Double Down
Atom Smasher
Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch)
Tattooed Man
The General
King Faraday
Thinker II
White Dragon
Yasemin Soze
Black Spider
El Diablo
Harley Quinn 
The Unknown Soldier
James Gordon Jr.
Power Girl
Black Manta
Joker's Daughter
Reverse Flash (Daniel West)
Parasite (Joshua Michael Allen)
The Hunky Punk
Killer Croc
Mad Dog
Killer Frost (Caitlin Snow)
General Zod
Juan Soria
Lord Satanis
Master Jailer
Rag Doll
Scream Queen
Tao Jones
Baby Boom
The Shark (totally different guy from King Shark)
The Aerie
Chaos Kitten
Deadly Six
Black Mask
Film Freak
Shrike (Boone)
Ambush Bug
Black Siren
Nightmare Nurse
Heat Wave
Major Force
Victor Zsasz
Madame Crow
Black Hand
Etrigan the Brainiac 666
Gentleman Ghost
Klarion the Witch Boy
Snargoyle (deceased)
Alchemaster (deceased)
Doctor Thaumaturge 
Black Bison
Johnny Sorrow
Doctor Polaris
Emerald Empress
Doctor Destiny
Doctor Psycho
Hector Hammond
Manchester Black
Maxwell Lord
El Dorado
El Gaucho
Zachary Zatara
Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)
Polkadot Man
Gotham/Bane (idk some dude named Henry Clover Jr.?)
Arkham Knight
Mr. Bloom
Mr. Freeze
Luke Fox
The Verdict
Ratcatcher II
Killer Frost (Crystal Frost)
Ten Eyed Man
@ednygmaaskme I'm sorry it's long as hell. I also want to apologize in advance if this list has duplicates. It's hard to keep track.
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licncourt · 2 years
In the modern AU what are Louis' and Lestat's favorite books, movies, shows, atc? Are they in any fandoms? What about when they were younger? How cringe were they?
This is such a cute question omg
Adult Louis is an avid but secret watcher of trashy reality TV. His favorite is Real Housewives or anything on TLC, but he's been known to enjoy an episode or two of KUWTK, Love Island, and Big Brother. Lestat also likes these because it's hot people being mean, one of his favorite things. Cooking shows are Louis' favorite little treat for bad mental health days too. He's not picky, but it has to be something soothing.
He'll tell you about the long-winded classics he's read until you're ready to blow your brains out, but he is also a harlequin romance enjoyer and semi-regular erotic novel consumer (he thinks it's more respectable than porn). You couldn't waterboard that out of him though.
His favorite movies are mostly romances, especially older ones like Casablanca, Roman Holiday, and Gone with the Wind (and Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast like his canon counterpart), but also 90s tearjerkers like Shakespeare in Love, The English Patient, and Luhrmann's Romeo and Juliet (also like in canon).
If you ask though, his favorite movie is Citizen Kane. Shut up Lestat.
His taste in media has been pretty consistent throughout his life. Louis is nothing if not a lonely, daydreamy little guy in every universe, so he was definitely watching those same movies as a teenager with his nose pressed against the TV after everyone went to bed, wanting to feel love and be loved like that. He'd watch those mind-numbing historical epics like Cleopatra and Ben-Hur too. He loved the history and spectacle, but also the fantasy of it, the strength and escapism he wanted for himself.
In reality though, he was definitely writing porny gay fanfic in a super secret notebook, but weird Louis shit like Dorian Gray/Henry Wotton and Maurice Hall/Alec Scudder. It was kinda sad.
The soundtrack to his crying and gay porn writing was basically just The Smiths, The Cure, Tori Amos, and depressing 60s folk albums (Simon & Garfunkel got a lot of play time in his bedroom). He still likes that sort of thing, but 90s singer-songwriter and acoustic sort of confessional songs are his favorite.
I think for both of them this post applies as far as music taste.
Lestat is also an appreciator of shitty media, but he likes so-bad-it's-good franchise movies like Twilight, Superman, Transformers, and Saw. Whether he likes them ironically or sincerely is anyone's guess. At the very least he throws in some decently respectable choices like Star Wars.
He's also a big slasher guy, especially the iconic killers like Michael Meyers, Freddy Kreuger, Leatherface etc. Louis pretends not to like them, but he always lingers in the living room when they're on. On the flip side, screwball comedies are a favorite of his as well, the highest repeat rate going to Dumb and Dumber, Anchorman, The Big Lebowski, and Strange Brew. He's got t-shirts for them too.
Soaps are his go-to for TV, the longer and more convoluted the better. He knows ALL the Days of Our Lives lore and he's seen every episode of Grey's Anatomy twice. He's going to explain it to you if you let him. And if Louis complains, Lestat can reminds him he knows all the Kardashian-Jenner baby names and watches the old episodes of Project Runway Lestat pirated in the bathroom with the door locked.
Reading independently isn't a big thing for Lestat, but he loves to be read TO. High and historical fantasy are his favorites, and Louis has read him all the LotR and Outlander books out loud during their cuddle hours.
He's an easy sell for music, really anything extremely stimulating. His favorites are glam and 80s rock like Bowie, Queen, T. Rex, New York Dolls, Kiss, and AC/DC, but also glittery hyperpop-ish stuff like Grimes, Poppy, Charli XCX, and Rico Nasty. Whatever scratches his little rodent brain. His playlists are sensory overload and they make Louis shake like a chihuahua.
Teenage Lestat was surprisingly subdued because of his home life. He liked to watch movies and television that took him out of reality and fed his fantasies of running away and becoming a star. Velvet Goldmine and Party Monster were frequent fliers, but lots of fantasy and sci-fi that was an escape and daydream fodder as well.
Most of his music was showtunes, all songs he could sing under his breath while he imagined he was a beloved theater actor instead of a kid trapped in rural France.
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round 2! finally!
in our defense it was baz's birthday on thursday so we were busy
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matchups under cut again!
part a
les amis de l'abc (les miserables) vs geraldine/christabel (christabel)
henry jekyll/lanyon (jekyll and hyde) vs rodion raskolnikov/dmitri razumikhin (crime and punishment)
frog/toad (frog and toad) vs duncan/macbeth (macbeth)
dorian gray/basil hallward/henry wotton (the picture of dorian gray) vs marius pontmercy/eponine thenardier/cosette fauchelevent (les miserables)
anne shirley cuthbert/gilbert blythe (anne of green gables) vs rosencrantz/guildenstern (hamlet and rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead)
the tell-tale heart/the raven (edgar allan poe works) vs the tinman/the scarecrow (the wizard of oz)
tom buchanan/jay gatsby (the great gatsby) vs antonio/sebastian (twelfth night and/or the tempest)
dracula/jonathan harker (dracula) vs maria/sir toby (twelfth night)
part b
arthur holmwood/jack seward (dracula) vs catherine/eleanor (northanger abbey)
buttercup/westley (the princess bride) vs jane/helen (jane eyre)
andrei bolkonsky/pierre bezukhov (war and peace) vs romeo/juliet (romeo and juliet)
andrei bolkonsky/speransky (war and peace) vs elizabeth bennett/fitzwilliam darcy (pride and prejudice)
christine daae/meg giry (the phantom of the opera) vs henry clerval/victor frankenstein (frankenstein)
fyodor dolokhov/anatole kuragin (war and peace) vs sir toby belch/sir andrew aguecheek (twelfth night)
athos/aramis/pothos/d'artagnan (3 musketeers) vs fortunato/montresor (the cask of amontillado)
ishmael/queequeg (moby-dick) vs john watson/sherlock holmes (sherlock holmes)
part c
nick carraway/jay gatsby (the great gatsby) vs helene kuragina/natasha rostova (war and peace)
nikolai rostov/tsar alexander (war and peace) vs gilgamesh/enkidu (the epic of gilgamesh)
benedick/beatrice (much ado about nothing) vs ahab/starbuck (moby-dick)
fantine/sister simplice (les miserables) vs jean valjean/javert (les miserables)
samwise gamgee/frodo baggins (lord of the rings) vs romeo montague/tybalt capulet (romeo and juliet)
sampson/gregory (romeo and juliet) vs penelope/circe (the odyssey)
erik/raoul de chagny/christine daae (the phantom of the opera) vs the bear from war and peace/the bear from the winter’s tale (self-explanatory)
odysseus/diomedes (the odyssey) vs aramis/athos (3 musketeers)
part d
benvolio montague/mercutio (romeo and juliet) vs rosencrantz/guildenstern/hamlet (hamlet)
mina harker/lucy westenra (dracula) vs macbeth/banquo (macbeth)
lancelot/arthur/guinevere (arthurian legend) vs benvolio montague/tybalt capulet/mercutio (romeo and juliet)
orsino/olivia/violacesario (twelfth night) vs jonathan harker/mina harker (dracula)
hamlet/horatio (hamlet) vs malcolm/macduff (macbeth)
enjolras/grantaire (les miserables) vs maurice hall/alec scudder (maurice)
brutus/cassius (julius caesar) vs puck/titania/oberon (a midsummer night's dream)
jack seward/quincey morris (dracula) vs benedick/claudio (much ado about nothing)
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brandnulife · 1 year
Flash Characters Who Should’ve Appeared in the Final Season
Alexa Rivera/Fuerza
Arielle Atkins
Bart West-Allen/Impulse
Bashir Malik/Psych
Carla Tannhauser
Cisco Ramon/Vibe
Clark Kent/Superman (Earth-38)
Clay Parker
Dave Ratchet/Big Sir
Deon Owens
Eva McCulloch/Mirror Monarch
Felicity Smoak
Grace Gibbons
Hannibal Bates
Henry Hewitt/Tokamak
Izzy Bowin/The Fiddler
Jake Fox/Jack
Janet Petty/Null
Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning
John Deegan
J’onn J’onzz/Martian Manhunter
Joslyn Jackam/Weather Witch
Julian Albert/Alchemy
Kamilla Hwang
Kara Danvers/Supergirl
Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl
Kyle Nimbus/The Mist
Leslie Jocoy/Amunet Black
Linda Park (Earth-Prime) 
Linda Park/Dr. Light (Earth-2)
Lisa Snart/Golden Glider
Lois Lane (Earth-38)
Marlize DeVoe
Matthew Norvock
Meena Dhawan/Fast Track
Mia Queen
Mick Rory/Heat Wave
Millie Rawlins/Sunshine
Mona Taylor/Queen
Nora Darhk
Patty Spivot
Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man
Ray Palmer/The Atom
Ray Terrill/The Ray
Renee and Tinya Wazzo
Rosa Dillon/Top
Ryan Choi
Sam Scudder/Mirror Master
Sara Lance
Sharon Finkel
Shawna Baez/Peek-a-Boo
Shay Lamden/King Shark (Earth-2)
Sue Dearbon
Tanya Lamden
Tina McGee
Tracy Brand
Wanda Wayland/Queen
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staydandy · 2 years
Carnivàle (2003) - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : During the Great Depression, a young man with strange healing powers named Ben Hawkins, who joins a traveling carnival when it passes near his home. Soon thereafter, Ben begins having surrealistic dreams and visions, which set him on the trail of a man named Henry Scudder, a drifter who crossed paths with the carnival many years before, and who apparently possessed unusual abilities similar to Ben's own. (IMDb)
Whumpee : Ben Hawkins played by Nick Stahl
Country : 🇺🇸 America
Notes : This is a Partial List - I didn't list every bit of whump, just what caught my attention the most • The episode list is formatted season-episode : 00-00 • This show is rated M-mature, viewer discretion
Episodes on List : 2 Total Episodes : 24 Total Seasons : 2
*Spoilers below*
01-01 : The Carnival comes upon Ben Hawkins burying his mum, he collapses after & they take him in.
01-10 : Hawkins isn't doing well because he’s not sleeping because of nightmares.
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ao3feed-westallen · 1 year
Flash Video Game Proposals
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZwA9TGx
by Longitudinalwave
Since the Flash hasn't ever had a prominent video game, I decided to come up with plots for two of them!
Words: 12663, Chapters: 7/7, Language: English
Fandoms: The Flash (Comics), The Flash - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Wally West, Barry Allen, Linda Park, Iris West, Fred Chyre, Jared Morillo, Jay Garrick, Joan Garrick, Iris West II, Jai West, Dexter Myles, Paul Gambi, Leonard Snart, Lisa Snart, Roscoe Dillon, Mark Mardon, Amunet Black, Tony Woodward, Michael Christian Amar, Axel Walker, Sam Scudder, James Jesse, Evan McCulloch, Mick Rory, Hartley Rathaway, George "Digger" Harkness, Roy Bivolo, Josh Jackham, Julie Jackham, Henry Allen, Nora Allen, Rachel Rathaway, Osgood Rathaway, Albert Desmond, Rita Desmond, Alvin Desmond
Relationships: Linda Park/Wally West, Barry Allen/Iris West, Roscoe Dillon/Lisa Snart, Albert Desmond/Rita Desmond, Jay Garrick/Joan Garrick
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZwA9TGx
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carnivalehbo · 3 years
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longitudinalwaveme · 11 months
The Flash Rogues/Hunger Games Crossover That No One Knew They Wanted!
In a fit of insanity, I have decided to write a Hunger Games fanfiction that features the Flash characters as if they were a part of the Hunger Games universe.
Here are the characters who are going to appear in this bizarro version of the 56th Annual Hunger Games. Flash characters will be italicized
Capitol Residents 
President Coriolanus Snow (obviously) 
Caesar Flickerman (again, this is a given) 
Paul Gambi: District 6 Stylist. (He's the Rogues' tailor in the Flash comics, after all.)
Dexter Miles: District 6 Escort. (This somehow seemed appropriate.)
District 1 Residents 
Osgood Rathaway: Mayor of District 1 
Rachel Rathaway: Osgood’s wife 
Hartley Rathaway: Male Tribute, age 12. Osgood and Rachel’s son. 
Sapphire Steele: Female Tribute, age 18 (Volunteer) 
District 2 Residents 
Aurelius Stone: Male Tribute, age 18 (Volunteer) 
Claudia Remington: Female Tribute, age 18 (Volunteer) 
District 3 Residents 
Giovanni Giuseppi: Male Tribute, age 13. 
Mindy Hong: Female Tribute, age 13. 
District 4 Residents 
Mags Flanagan: Winner of the 11th Hunger Games, mentor to Digger.
George “Digger” Harkness: Male Tribute, age 16 (Volunteer) 
Azure O’Rourke: Female Tribute, age 17 (Volunteer)
District 5 Residents Roscoe Dillon: Male Tribute, age 15. 
Mayella Day: Female Tribute, age 17. 
District 6 Residents 
Fred Chyre: Mayor of District 6
Larry Snart: Former Peacekeeper. Father to Len and Lisa. 
Jay Garrick: Victor of the 15th Hunger Games; only living victor from District 6. Mentor to Len and Lisa. 
Leonard Snart: Male Tribute, age 17 (Volunteer). Narrates half the story.
Lisa Snart: Female Tribute, age 12. Narrates the other half of the story.
Roy Bivolo: Age 12. Reaped for the Games; Len takes his place when he volunteers. 
District 7 Residents 
Pine Rookwood: Male Tribute, age 16. 
Sierra Fox: Female Tribute, age 17.
District 8 Residents 
Richard Swift: Victor of the 17th annual Hunger Games. Mentor to Sam Scudder.
Sam Scudder: Male Tribute, age 15. 
Martha Scudder: Sam’s mom. (This one is a Flash OC.)
Bobbi Weaver: Female Tribute, age 16. 
District 9 Residents 
Marco Mardon: Male Tribute, age 16. (Volunteer) 
Claudio Mardon: Marco’s older brother, age 17. Reaped for the Games; Marco takes his place when he volunteers. 
Isabela Daniels: Female Tribute, age 15. 
District 10 Residents 
Mick Rory: Male Tribute, age 18. 
Iris West: Female Tribute, age 17. 
Barry Allen: Iris' boyfriend, age 17.
District 11 Residents 
Jennifer Conners: Female Tribute, age 15. (Another Flash OC of mine.)
Thomas Henry: Male Tribute, age 17. 
District 12 Residents 
Albert Desmond: Male Tribute, age 17. 
Rita Jones: Albert’s girlfriend, age 17. 
Lilybet Thompson: Female Tribute, age 14.
The first chapter of the story, Cold Fire, has been posted on AAO3 if you're interested.
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moonymoonbeams · 2 years
i love reading incredibly tender sweet moments between two characters and then feeling depressed
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lanthimo · 4 years
Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato’s Sam Scudder with Lisa Snart:
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Joshua Williamson’s Sam Scudder with Lisa Snart in YotV event: 
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