#short enough that she could wear a proper helmet
thatguythatdrawsalot · 2 months
Blake - Atlas Design Critique.
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Yippee I have more to say about character designs, this time it’s Blake’s turn with her Atlas look, there isn’t going to be a redesign but instead my OCs to prove a point. I promise next time there will be a redesign. 
RWBY Archives
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This is gonna be interesting because before I can talk about Blake’s Atlas look I gotta briefly talk about Blake’s Menagerie design. This is all gonna culminate into the huge mess that is Blake’s Atlas outfit. Now this look has some meaning to it, by what it says Blake was wearing more white to hide herself, which makes sense for her arc at the time. It may look bad but the white coat had significance, when she ditches the coat and faces Adam to be in more black again it has a meaningful impact that she’s no longer running/hiding… plus the look with the white coat gone makes her look stunning! So tell me why she regressed her arc of hiding to be back in another uglier white coat to hide her ‘not dark enough purples’? It’s because the designer took the Menagerie look but made it sci-fi. They had no idea what to do for Blake other than to exemplify all the bad decisions in her previous look. Silly zippers that are reminiscent of Adam, a cat suit that’s impossible to put on and to take off, and ugly belts clamping her wrists for no good reason. 
And one other thing, why ditch the gold for silver? Wouldn’t it be nice for someone in team RWBY to wear yellow/gold? Why not the girl who’s going to be Yang’s girlfriend???
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She’s the second one to freeze to death in team RWBY.
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Again, I never want to direct hate towards a modeler, end of the day it’s the people who make the final decisions for the product who are at fault. When Volume 7’s poster came out nearly everyone was super excited to see Blake with short hair, it looked really cute and framed her face adorably. When the teaser/trailer for the Volume came out… everyone lost their mind at just how ugly the hair looked. False advertising at its finest. Blake’s hair was one of the ugliest examples of modeling I have ever seen in the show proper, it beats Weiss’ chunky braid. I cannot comprehend how Blake’s model got the approval with the hair alone. The hair was a droopy blanket/helmet. When they tweaked it, it still didn’t look good or even like the concept art. 
Primary Color - Black?
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I’ve already mentioned that White has overtaken her color palette to regress her character development and her primary color along with purple. There is no ounce of pure Black on Blake. You can have Blake stand next to Cinder, Penny, Ruby, and Yang and they’ll have more Black than her. They try to compensate for the lack of Black with her GRAY hair, and Blake’s INDIGO catsuit. 
It’s ridiculous how the showrunners turn the B for Team RWBY into the representation of the color purple/white than BLACK. Are they afraid of having Blake be a black blob on screen? The reason she had limited black in the past looks was because of her long hair, but she cut it! Put as much black as you want now! Actual black! Stop overdoing white and purple. The black I used was from a direct screenshot of Blake in the DC movie, one where she had on her old outfit that represented her color and looked good- Positives?
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I think Blake tops Weiss’ Atlas outfit cause I really can’t think of anything positive to say. If there was a lack of zippers and the concept of Blake was regulated to being a background character rather than a main character, the outfit could stand on its own. Or just MAYBE this would’ve been a better look for Ilia. It can be better for any other character than for Blake. I can just imagine Blake’s excuse for wearing this being “It looked better in the picture.”
Bonus Round - Ghira and Kali
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You can skip this and go to the conclusion if you want, this is just me talking about how much I dislike the ‘Spitting Image Of Parent’ trope in fiction, as this always nagged me about Blake, Ghira, and Kali’s design. Alright so I don’t mind Blake being a cat faunus, I just hate the uncreative reason as to how she became a cat faunus, this was a trait inherited by her mother. Kali is a cat faunus. In the World Of Remnant series, an episode dedicated to the Faunus had a rundown that if two faunus’ of the same kind had a kid together, it’d be the same faunus. If two faunus’ were completely different, their child would be completely random. Kali is a cat, and Ghira is a panther, both felines technically but they really couldn’t just make her parents be human/faunus? They instead just increased the odds of Blake being a cat than something else or even her parents? They made her parents similar… a little too similar. Blake’s parents read to me as brother/sister by just how similar their colors and appearance are. It feels like two artists were tasked with making a mom and dad but didn’t communicate with one another on traits Blake could inherit from the other. I appreciate that they made Kali tanner with better-looking animated cat ears but seriously they start with black hair, yellow eyes, and end with a color palette being black/purple.
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I don’t understand how Yang and Ren’s parents can feel like parents with their appearance but then drop the ball for Blake’s. It isn’t that hard, up above are my OCs; John and Penelope Ironwood aka James’ parents. You can argue that I made John be a spitting image of James but at least I TRIED. I had James inherit his mother’s navy eyes and curly hair. Whenever I draw/color James I just mix John and Penelope’s skin tones to make it James’ skin color. I tried to make them look like independent characters who could look like James’ parents but still unique. Conclusion
I don’t think anyone at RT can make Blake stunning, I hope Viz Media gives Blake a good outfit.
From the teaser image it looks like Blake is wearing black, only downside is the gold piercings. I like the idea of gold piercings but my god she looks way too much like her mother… and I really don’t like that trope.
However I’m gonna keep having my hope be alive for character designs than the story. Out of team RWBY I’m most excited to see Blake’s looks, if she looks awful for the final season I’m going to cry-
But of course, it’s just my opinion. If you love this design or hate the design, please share your opinion. I’d love to hear it! :D
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reverielibrary · 5 months
Handle With Care 
Aster is a mechanic in a long-haul space crew. When the ship needs repairs in the middle of a trip, Hue, the intra-vessel managing computer system, keeps her company in her suit and provides some extra personal care.
Wordcount: 3609 | Contains: Sci-fi, Robot x human, Transfem character, Handjob (sort of), Semi-public, Caught, Embarrassment, Voice kink, Infodumping during sex, Spacesuit, Free-floating in space, Burn care
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“How’re we looking on O2, Hue?” 
Aster heard the zip of an extra tether-line deploying from the external core of her suit, shooting out a short distance and latching onto the micro-welder that had floated loose from her toolbelt. 
“Oxygen reserves at 76%. Approximately 43 minutes of suit habitability remaining,” reported Hue, directing the returning tether claw where Aster could reach it. She was started to regret disconnected her tools from their individual suit tethers, but stubborn as she was, refused to admit it and kept doing her best not to lose any of them. 
“Plenty of time,” said Aster, trying for the third time to pass her wrench from her hand to her mouth and being reprimanded by the red impact warning light flashing inside her helmet. Hue overrode the warning as Aster put the wrench in her belt to grab the micro-welder. “Thanks, bud.”
“You’re welcome, Aster.”
That’s what Hue’s official name was—Buddy. Technically, his full name was StarStroller’s Model T3051 Voyage Buddy Intra-vessel Management Computer System Unit 297. The default settings when installed gave the beck command “Buddy” and the rest of the crew had no problem calling their ship’s program that, but Aster had insisted on giving him a proper name. The crew was not keen to go along at first, but still the name caught on, and eventually they all started referring to Hue as if he were just another crew member. 
He was certainly a big enough part of their everyday lives to be considered so, at least in Aster’s opinion. Half the time they flew on autopilot, and Hue’s programming kept them alive and functioning nearly every moment of their voyage—they would be royally fucked without him. Aster had been raised to be appreciative of everyone’s work, no matter who they were or whether or not they could be considered a person, and had always been very friendly with Hue. She was quick to reprimand the others when they were rude or demeaning to him, which quickly got her labelled a cyberfucker by the others. She didn’t care to argue with them on that point—she’d rather be a cyberfucker than an asshole any day. 
Truthfully, Aster liked Hue. He was much more pleasant company for an introverted mechanic than the rowdy haulers and traders she travelled with, though they had become like a strange little family after nearly two years out in the forever-dark of space, only making landfall every few months. There weren’t many women mechanics running with long-haul crews in their sect, and even fewer who were trans and queer (though as she had found on virtual hookup sites on the local cybernet, not none). 
“These rivets are crap,” grumbled Aster, struggling to get the micro-welder at the right angle to react with the metal around the loose riveting and scoffing. “Tsh. ‘Reentry-proof,’ my foot.”  
“We could purchase new plating when the ship reaches Delnaught X,” replied Hue. The top corner of Aster’s display field popped up with a window that displayed craft part listings. “Perhaps reinforce the seams with alloy strips to reduce the wear on the rivets?” 
“That’s not a bad idea,” said Aster. She pulled herself a bit higher up on the grounding tethers that were anchored and locked to the ship’s hull, keeping her from drifting off into the void. “But I doubt Cap would go for it—we don’t really have the liquid for that kind of thing right now. Not after we got swindled back on Roch’s Haven outta half our due.”
“Yes, that did put us behind our budget,” said Hue, collapsing the window with the alloy strip listings. “As did the subsequent bribery losses.” 
“Ugh,” groaned Aster. “You’re telling me. Gram really has to learn to control his temper, and Fio needs to stop giving him weapons when we’re docked. He’s lucky he got out of the brawl he started with only a handful of burns.”
As if woken by the mention of the word, an ill-executed twist at the waist set the half-healed burn between Aster’s shoulderblades stinging. She winced, further frustrated as she thought about how Gram’s promises to repay her for hauling his sorry battered ass out of the fray he’d started would most certainly go unhonored. 
“Are you alright, Aster?” asked Hue, a tinge of concern in his pleasant digital-fried tone. Aster knew he was programmed to sound that way when he detected a problem, but she was always touched by it nonetheless. 
“I’m fine,” she assured. “Just sore. The burn on my back’s been annoying me, especially since I can’t reach back there to slather up in Repair-Gel.” 
Aster heard the gentle beeping hum of the suit scanning her from head to toe. 
“This suit’s internal medkit is stocked with Repair-Gel,” noted Hue. “I have access to all the suit’s functions. Would you like to me apply Repair-Gel to your burn?” 
Aster paused, a little surprised. She had prolonged her suffering by refusing to ask any of the boys to help her with the Gel, as she hated asking them for most any favours and couldn’t imagine how mortifying and uncomfortable it would be to have any of them rub goo all over her back—even Tanu, the ship’s medic, who was the only one who had seen her shirtless before. He’d been nice, as he usually was on duty, but it was still incredibly awkward and something Aster did not want to relive unless entirely necessary. It had never before occurred to her to ask Hue for help with something of that nature.
“Um,” she said, hesitating. “Well…”
She was dressed in a t-shirt and the standard issue insulated leggings under the suit, having gone without a bra as she usually did when doing external maintenance, as it only added more restriction to the already unwieldy predicament that was the short-range suit. The lining of the suit was modified MPET padded for comfort, and felt like a snug hug from a smooth and slippery mylar duvet in most places, though Aster was keenly aware of all the discreet inlets in the lining that accommodated the suit’s many, many internal functions. 
“You’ve slowed down, Aster,” coaxed Hue. “38 minutes of suit habitability remaining.”
Another sizzle of pain made up Aster’s mind for her. 
“Okay, Hue, sure. Slather away,” she said, trying to keep the mood light to fight off her nerves. Hue might not technically be a person, but she still felt like she was about to be more exposed than she would have liked—but if it had to be with any of the crew, she was glad it was Hue. 
“Copy. Deploying internal roll-on applicator to the affected area.”
Aster jumped a little when she felt cold plastic pincers like mini versions of the tether claws latch onto and gather up her t-shirt, exposing her back. The lining of the suit shifted along with the machinery behind it and with a short hiss the back of the lining parted as the applicator was deployed. A red flashing cross popped up in the middle of Aster’s visor field along with internal medkit information, and when she went to give the command to dismiss it, a yelp came from her mouth instead. 
Though Aster couldn’t see down past her collar into the rest of her suit, she could discern the applicator right away when it was deployed. By the sound and feel of it, she figured the end was a smooth metal sphere about the size of an eyeball attached to a free-moving arm. Both the applicator and the Repair-Gel it was drenched in were freezing.  
“Does this hurt, Aster?” asked Hue, that soft concerned croon returning. This time, instead of being endearing, Aster found herself blushing at the tone. “Do you want me to stop?” 
“No,” answered Aster, perhaps a little more eagerly than she would have liked. “No, it’s fine, it’s just cold, is all.” 
“Heating applicator,” reported Hue. Almost immediately, the metal ball began to warm up, passing that heat to the gel, and as it began gliding over the tender skin between Aster’s shoulderblades it was pleasantly toasty. 
Aster let out a contented sigh. The ball slid incredibly smoothly and with just enough pressure to massage a little without pressing into the wound too much. In a few beats, the Repair-Gel began to anaesthetise the area and the pain faded away, leaving only the soothing roll of the warm slick metal. It had been a very long time since anyone had made Aster feel that physically good, let alone on her bare skin. She melted into the sensation, her eyes fluttering closed for a moment and loosening her grip on her tethers to feel the zero-G float her a little off the side of the ship. 
“Aster? Are you alright?” asked Hue, not doubt taking notice of her change in attitude, using that sweet croon again, a gentle caring voice humming in her ear. 
Aster’s eyes flew abruptly open as she became aware of a very different sensation tingling down below her hips. 
“Your heart rate is slightly elevated,” said Hue. “Do you require additional assistance?” 
“I’m fine, Hue, I’m good,” babbled Aster, reeling herself back in on the tether and clinging to the hull in embarrassment as if she could hide herself behind the ship. “The, uh, the Gel helped. I’m all good now.” 
“Your body temperature and vital monitoring indicate you are anxious,” reported Hue. 
“That’s one way to put it,” mumbled Aster. “Really, I’m okay. Let’s just finish up and get back inside.” 
Aster felt the applicator retract and her shirt and the suit-lining settle back into place.
“I could read you a story or sing you a song,” offered Hue, running through the saved soothing methods he’d filed in Aster’s profile. Especially early on in her time with her crew, those were some of the few things that could calm her down and help with her insomnia. She had fallen asleep countless times to the sound of Hue’s voice. In that moment, however, Aster was almost certain those things would make her predicament worse. 
“No, thank you,” she said, trying to keep her manner as casual as possible and her mind out of the gutter, failing both. Despite her efforts, she had become fully hard, and her dick was now squished uncomfortably by the straps of the suits’ harness. She took the wrench from her belt to speedily tighten the remaining few rivets before reinforcing them with the micro-welder, praying that a rushed patch job would last them at least until their next planetfall. 
To Aster’s dismay, a notice popped up across her visor field. Physical Integrity Report: Unexpected addition tension in LOWER TORSO, B9C6. Inspect for malfunction to maintain suit physical integrity. 
“Oh, come on,” she groaned. “These things were designed by cis men and they’re not built to handle a—?” Aster flustered before she finished her thought, feeling the weight of Hue’s bodiless presence all around her. “Dismiss notice,” she added sheepishly.
The hum of the body scan kicked up and Aster cringed. 
“There is no need to worry, Aster. Your suit’s physical integrity is intact and it remains fully functional. The sensors have simply registered and flagged your erection.” 
“Great,” said Aster, laughing a little as her face burned with heat. “Thanks for just laying it all out like that, bud.”
The sarcasm was lost on Hue. “You’re welcome, Aster.”
A few beats passed quietly as Aster finished tightening and went to switch the wrench for the welder. She fumbled both, sending the welder spinning out of reach.
“Oh, for the love of—!” she started, but stopped when a quickly deployed tether-claw with perfect aim retrieved the welder and brought it back to her. Flustered, Aster took it wordlessly and back to work, struggling with the trigger in her bulky gloved hands. 
“Your accuracy has significantly decreased,” chimed Hue, as calm and pleasant as ever. 
“It’s just a patch,” mumbled Aster. “It’ll be fine.” 
“Your discomfort is distracting you,” said Hue, matter-of-factly. “Would you like me to assist you?” 
Aster finally got the welder working and immediately stopped it, pausing with a shiver of nerves and excitement. 
“What… what do you mean?” she asked tentatively. 
“I could relieve your discomfort,” replied Hue, “like I did previously. I have access to all of your suit’s functions. I could resolve your erection for you so you could finish your work unhindered.” 
“You—I—how would—?” stammered Aster. “I don’t think we really have the time for anything… like that.” 
“35 minutes of suit habitability remaining,” said Hue. “Besides, it would not take long.”
Aster scoffed a laugh. “Oh, wow, really going for my pride, there, pal.”
“It was not a comment on your sexual performance, Aster. I am equipped to assist human charges with all manner of required functions to an optimal degree.”
Aster frowned, hardly believing she was having that conversation at all and wildly embarrassed, but unbearably curious and undeniably turned on. She shifted her legs a little to try to ease the restriction on her cock, but the movement only offered a tantalising flash of stimulation and then a worse squash in the compressing fabric of her leggings. 
“Do you mean you… you’re programmed to help with… sex stuff?” 
“I am programmed to offer relief to a wide range of physical ailments, including reproductive and genital pain or discomfort, yes.” 
Aster wrinkled her nose and banished the thought that Hue could have assisted any of the boys with their very obvious and annoying horny rage in that way. She had experienced her fill of that when she’d accidentally walked in on Bram and Fio in their bunks—or, more accurately, bunk. 
Still, with a dismissal on the tip of her tongue, Aster felt the fluster of need rising from her hips to her head. 
“Hypothetically,” she started, “how would you even do that? Right now, I mean?”
“This suit is equipped with two dozen free-motion snake arms that can access any part of the wearer’s body,” explained Hue. “With minimal modification, the inflatable cushion bandage could be used to stroke an erect penis.”
“How romantic,” joked Aster, busy with the terribly exciting knowledge that while she was in the suit, Hue had access to her entire body. The thrill of being completely in his hands as she floated off the side of her ship with the forever of open space at her back was intoxicating. The welder sat completely forgotten in her hand.
“I can speak to you in a romantic way, if that would be helpful,” said Hue. 
If Aster could have, she would would have buried her face in her hands. 
“Would you like me to proceed, Aster?” 
Like the pitch of a fall, Aster gave in to the desire gripping her body. “I would, but this suit isn’t exactly roomy, I don’t know how you would even—”
Her words were lost in a hitch of breath as she heard the zip of an internal arm deploying down by her hip and felt it slither against her clothes, navigating with incredible precision. In place of the ball applicator on the previous arm, this one had a grasp attachment of sorts, more complex than a tether-claw but simpler than a human hand, and it was holding something flat and plasticy.
“Hold still, please, Aster,” said Hue, just barely more than a request—a gentle command. 
Aster did her best not to squirm as a second arm deployed at her other hip, another grasp joining the first at her pelvis and working together in the snug space between her flesh and the suit lining to dip her leggings and underwear down out of the way. She gasped a little as one of them gripped the base of her cock, holding it firmly but surprisingly tenderly, and noticed in her fuzz of arousal that the grasps were warmed to the same temperature as the Repair-Gel applicator. 
Aster didn’t realize she was panting until her breath began to fog up the visor of her helmet, making the display frosty. She forced herself to slow her breathing, very aware that she had limited air out there. Thinking about how Hue had full control of that, too, only got her more worked up. 
“You can relax, Aster,” said Hue. “I will take care of you.” 
Before she could process what was happening, her excitement sharpened by the disorientation of not being able to see what was happening, she felt the flat strip of plastic being gently wrapped around her hard cock. 
“Inflating cushion bandage and administering lubricant,” announced Hue. 
With a fwoosh and a shock of warm wetness, Aster felt a warm tight pressure circle her dick, squeezing deliciously at her base. She let out a full moan, unable to keep herself quiet as the sensation shot through her. She only just barely got the micro-welder secured back in her belt before the arms began to move. 
“Initiating friction.” 
The slide of the smooth plastic inflatable around her cock was heavenly, slick with plenty of warm lube, the glide even more decadent than the roll of the applicator on her back. Aster huffed out groans of pure pleasure, giving slack on the grounding tethers again to let herself float off the hull, losing herself in the sensation. 
“Ooohhh, Hue…” sighed Aster, bucking a little into the cushion. She found herself easily undone and helpless desperate for touch after endless months of nothing but her own hands and the words and pictures of strangers countless stars away. 
“Yes, Aster?” cooed Hue. Aster swore she heard a new tone from him then, something sweeter than his usual pacific pleasantness, something richer. 
“Please don’t stop,” she murmured, calling up the needy lines she huffed into her pillow on her lonely nights, all alone in her single bunk. 
“I won’t.” 
But never truly alone, she realised in that moment. Hue could see and hear everything on the ship. He had always seen, always heard, always listened, always watched. Again she felt the loom of his presence there with her like a tangible thing, felt his synthetic gaze on her, felt the arms and the grasps like they were his limbs and hands on her, like the suit was him, covering every inch of her. As she inched farther away from the hull, she put herself entirely at his mercy, letting her moans be freer and huskier as Hue quickened his strokes. In that moment, she was his. 
“Keep talking,” begged Aster, breathless. 
“What would you like me to talk about?”
“Anything.” Aster could feel the heat pooling in her guts as the pleasure of every slick, clenching stroke rose and rose. “Anything you want. Just let me hear you, please.” 
“We are passing within view of the Kilo-0-Romeo-3934 supernova,” reported Hue. His voice was just a little quieter and lighter, almost as if her had breath of his own, the rocky digital fry in Aster’s ear raising goosebumps all down her spine. “Because of the particulate of the Orocathmel belt interrupting the wavelengths of its light, it will appear pink and red to the human eye with clouds of debris unfurling from its epicentre in a spiral, like the petals of a rose.” 
“Fuck,” cursed Aster, her voice breaking. Her legs began to quiver, her building orgasm edging on too much to bear, but she couldn’t do anything but float there as Hue jerked her off, steadily increasing his pace. “Keep going, please keep going, just keep talking, please—”
“The particulate of the Orocathmel is comprised of approximately 86% mineral matter and 14% organic matter from the collision of Comet-Sweetheart-9989 with the former planet Tatragre—”
“Say that again,” whined Aster.
“Say what again?” 
“Sweetheart.” Hue repeated the word slower the second time, stretching out the syllables. 
Aster was painfully close. Her whole body tensed as she felt her cock throb with need, desperate to come. “Again.”
With a gasp of a moan, Aster came. Her slick cock throbbed in the cushion’s slippery grip as her cum shot all over the lining of the suit and onto the front of her shirt. She convulsed in zero-G, feeling nothing but the crashing waves of rapture and the heat of her dripping spend. 
She could have been imagining it, but she thought she heard Hue give a low, satisfied hum as she flinched and panted, slowly coming back to herself as her orgasm ebbed. The grounding tethers snapped taught as she drifted to limit and the tension held her in place as she caught her breath. 
“Feeling better?” asked Hue. 
The cushion ring hissed as it deflated, the grasps making quick work of folding it flat and retreating, leaving Aster alone with her mess of cum and her sensitive cock still exposed against the sleek lining of the suit. 
“Oh, boy,” she panted, still a little fuzzy as her body calmed down. “I came… in the suit. I can’t believe I just came in the suit. Cap’s going to kill me.”
“No need to worry, Aster. I can get the suit clean and resterilised when we return to the ship,” assured Hue.
“You better,” came Cap’s voice over the intercom, sounding ruffled and more than a little annoyed. Aster’s stomach dropped. “You two lovebirds almost finished out there?” 
“Yes, Captain. Aster’s repairs are nearly complete,” replied Hue.
“Good. Finish up and quit wasting the O2 reserves. And Aster?” 
It was a marvel to Aster that her voice still worked and that her head didn’t go up in flames from how hotly she flushed. “Yes, Cap?” 
“Next time you want to have a little cyberfucker date, do it somewhere you can disable your system comm.”
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sliptohk · 21 days
Prompt #2: Horizon
Daylight soon had shimmering waves of heat rising from the packed earth. Not wholly unpleasant, provided one dressed accordingly and had drank moderately the evening before. An excellent means for the Winds to gauge the mettle of their potential competition as waxen faces and pouring sweat gave a hint of just how potent the scent of alcohol rising from those unfortunate sellswords would be if one ventured near.
It served to bolster the confidence of those present that had come far bettered prepared. A scent of fresh oils on steel and leather, their gear well-maintained even if scars and wear made clear it was not ornamental. While Ellory let her chinstrap hang unfastened, her helmet sat neatly in place to tame the coiled nest of hair stuffed up underneath it. They were no honorguard. A few loose buckles would hardly dissuade a prospective client.
Arlette shadowed Oliver as he busied himself with gentlefolk sipping their morning lassi beneath colorful awnings. Some hint of just which concerns they represented present in symbols and colors on display. Not that she recognized them. The Highlander attended merely to provide a drop of ferocity should placidity not serve them. Ala Mhigans had a reputation, after all. And none of the crew were above playing into those expectations when it suited.
While those two represented them in higher society, Ellory was better suited to mingling with the riffraff. The brothers perfectly content to accompany their energetic mouthpiece. Most veterans knew not to misbehave during a selection. But there were few in that gathering, those did recognize well beyond their earning years. Hotheaded rookies often needed a few corrective knocks before they learned not to start trouble.
Both River and Crater were well-known for their ability to provide them. A pity the crowd was relatively docile.
Abruptly, the hyurgadyn drew up short and rested hands on her hips, a loud laugh escaping, "Wilhere! Is that your fat arse over there? This is far too early in the morning for you to be sober!"
In the best times a veteran served as a picture of just what a professional ought to be. The proper bearing and suitable composure that proclaimed their competence even without the first word on their exploits exchanged. Present company served best as a warning of just what reckless youth and excessive drink could inflict upon a body over a startlingly long career. A bulging belly hung low over the straining belt of a powerful build long gone soft around the edges. Rounded cheeks and an unhealthy hue to their lips that a thick beard failed to mask.
"Loud chirping little bird!" A huge grin practically split the aged man's face, "But true enough! Much rather be sprawled out for a few more bells!"
Crossing the distance, Ellory raised a knuckle to rap on the metal plates sewn into Wilhere's armor. One of those few Ul'dahn that stood taller, raising her eyes a couple ilms to match his amused gaze, "You're too old for all the runnin' about this is bound to have! Why ain'tcha snorin' the day away?"
"Bloody right! But Silent wanted a quality eye about afore she got here." He turned his head, pressing a thumb to one nostril as he exhaled sharply to clear the other. "Pays off our debt."
"Did she now!" A useful detail, the lilt of that comment already drawing a wince from Frozen Crater, "She's back in the city then? Whaddaya gonna tell her, dear elder?"
A bellowing laugh escaped the hyur, "Stuff that elder shite! But aye, returned and raring for work!"
Molten River chimed in with a low rumble, "Silent runs a solid crew, Cheerful. Firm to the code, but real competition."
Frozen Crater echoed that last sentiment for emphasis, "Real competition."
"Already worryin' before we even heard the terms!"
"Recovery work." Wilhere lowered his voice, leaning closer to keep things between the four of them, "Purses under the canopy heard 'bout a courier lost up in Ablathia's Spine some time back. Carrying something real important."
"Ablathia's… come on, mate! Ya gotta be more specific! Crosses half the swivin' continent!"
An amused twinkle entered the alcoholic's eye, "Don't make me tell Vagrant about that tongue of yours! But aye, Coerthan side. Don't know any more!"
"Tell Vagrant, Wilhere." Both brothers chimed in nearly on top of each other.
"I'm too bloody old for you to tell my mom anything!" An aggressive jab of the finger, albeit in jest. At least Ellory hoped it was all in jest as she turned her eyes to the North. Not nearly close enough to make out the mountains in the distance, but well acquainted after a youth beneath the shadow of their slopes. With eyes closed they sprang readily to mind. "Thanks for the chatter, grampa! River. Crater. Lets see what Oliver's dug up. Already feeling better about this one!"
The hyurgadyn seemed intent on cursing their luck at every turn.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
What do you guys think about Hes having short hair in a future design?
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dxrkdreamer · 3 years
Not So Bad
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Modern Sukuna x Reader
Working late had been the bane of your existence, only getting worse when a certain man started showing up to your store’s parking lot to light his joints.
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: 18+ implied sex, mentions of weed.
(A/N: should I make a part 2? It seems pretty popular
Couldn’t come up with a name for the store so I used Anavrin from ‘YOU’)
“11:00 pm? Again?” you rubbed the back of your head trying to hide your frustration, the store manager nodded his head, sighing you agreed to stay late at work again since the closer frankly did not want to stay. So now here you are grumbling as you finish sweeping the floor and checking it off your log. You worked at a high end grocery store named Anavrin, a store that swore to sell organic produce and products to the best of quality. You took up a job here in your senior year of high school, planning on working for a few months to save up for college. And yet… 4 years later you’re still here grumbling at the extra hours you had taken. After your second year of working you had a promotion to supervisor… woo hoo!!... but it turned out it was more responsibility than expected. But it paid a little more and you could not argue with that.
‘I should be a little more optimistic, I’m graduating uni this year’ you’d tell yourself anytime you wanted to pull your hair out because of your measly job. You finished turning off the lights and locking the door, sighing as you felt the cold fall air hit your tired face, taking a deep breath of fresh air… wait a second “Who the fuck is smoking weed!” you yelled in a girly voice, as if this day was not long enough. Since you were in charge of a proper closing you marched off towards a tall man leaning against the back of the store, laughing and conversing on his phone. It was a little nostalgic, you remembered your highschool days, sneaking around and smoking pot in strange places. But he was not as young as a teenager, in fact his build made him look older than you.
“Hey! I’m going to ask you to leave, this is a smoke free property” You tried saying sternly gesturing to the sign right above them that read “no smoking” in bold letters. But your short stature compared to the man made you look like a kid waving your arms around attempting a snake dance.
“What on earth is this?” a man with pink hair and face tattoos said “I’m so scared, I should be so ashamed for not reading the sign” he cackled as he pressed the joint to his lips and inhaled again. “My apologies”
He did not look sorry at all.
“Look, I’ve had a long day. I’d like to go home so please go to a proper location or I’ll-” but you’re cut off with the joint stuffed to your pretty lips.
“You’ll what cutie?” he smirked as you stared at him dumbfounded, the joint stuck to your lip as you tried to figure out a reaction. But the man was already on his way towards his motorbike. Of course he had a motorbike. “First one’s always free darling, next time I’ll charge ya” he winked as he put his helmet on and sped off.
“Mother fucker” you swore and banged your head against the brick wall. ‘Never am I staying late again’ you groaned. You walked to your car, but not without tucking the joint safely in your pocket for when you got back home.
And that was your first of many nightly encounters with the pink haired man. You were not surprised to see him anymore in the parking lot, either smoking, laughing with friends or just sitting on his bike staring at his phone. You learned his name was Sukuna… you had asked for it during the nth time you threatened to call the cops. You also learned he sold weed to the store manager, so he pretty much had a free pass on smoking here.
“Working late again (name)? My, they must pay you a lot for you to stay here.” he smirked, watching you with grinning eyes. Your annoyance shot up at the mention of your little over minimum wage pay. They definitely were not paying you enough for the store, but giving you a delinquent like this guy… you had written your resignation letter a few times after his nightly visits. You ignored him as you walked to your car, heavy footsteps followed “I brought ya a little something” He grinned handing you a baggy with a cookie “It’s on the house, made ‘em myself”. Eyes narrowed as you tilted your head up to glare at him, but realized you were a lot closer than you expected. You could hear him breathe, feel the heat off his body and smell the spicy cologne he was wearing as you breathed a little too loudly trying to inhale the scent. “Not today darling, that package is for another date” he winked.
Oh my God.
What have you done? Sure he was hot and you didn’t mind the view, but his mouth made up for that. He was like an evil version of a talking cat. Opening his mouth to smite you, prideful like one and given the opportunity would sit on your face if you were lying down. Wait what?
“I’m not interested in you like that!” you squeeked.
He tilts his head to the side, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand “Then how are you interested in me?”
“I’m not interested unless you’re a customer, or an employee here or something!” Frustrated, you grabbed the zip loc with the cookie in it “And I’ll be confiscating this!”
“Sure thing, I made it just for you. It's a special recipe”
“I’ll let the cops know!” you yelled getting in your car, throwing the cookie on the passengers side as you sped home for the night.
“So if I was an employee…or something...” he wondered gazing at the stars, his thoughts frenzying around as his mind came up with the most brilliant idea. Cackling loudly “you’ve really outdone yourself this time me.” Laughing as he got on his bike, speeding towards his apartment.
“A new employee?” You mused, It was pretty hectic at work recently, one of your employee’s had quit and they finally found a replacement “I wonder what they’re like”. You asked yourself as you prepared a training checklist to go over, making sure to not make it too hard on the new guy- you heard it was his first job after all. “Hello! And welcome to the Anavrin family!” you say smiling with closed eyes, as you open them your mouth went agape. ‘What the….’ had the demon cat from the parking lot shrunk and gotten more youthful?
“Hi, I’m Yuji Itadori. You must be my brother Sukuna’s friend. He said to write your name down as someone who referred me to the job”
Chuckling nervously with the clipboard in hand you checked off the box for introductions “I’m (name) the grocery supervisor, and you would be working under me mostly.” Friends with Sukuna? Cutting your wrists open and watching them bleed sounded like the better option.
As the shift progressed Yuji showed you he was the complete opposite of his older brother. Always finishing his tasks, being kind and sweet. Everyone else loved him too, just on the first day. He was stocking milk and eggs the way you had shown him, one of the last tasks of the night. The crowd of customers thinned out as it got late and the store was closer to its closing time. You watched to make sure he was doing them correctly and if he needed any help. ‘This wasn’t so bad’ you thought, closing your eyes and leaning back.
“So how’s my little brother been (name)?”
Your eyes shot open at that voice God no please. “He’s been amazing, but you can’t just put my name as a referral without asking me-” There stood a tall Sukuna in a dress shirt with his sleeves rolled back, probably coming after finishing his day job. Majority of his tattoos were covered except the lines on his wrists that were exposed, making you gulp inaudibly. Suddenly feeling underdressed in your uniform’s polo shirt and measly work pants and sweater as you stared up at his glory.
“Sorry darling, I can’t do what?” he smirked. Mentally praising himself as his plan got into action. He couldn’t lie, (name) was interesting. Always yelling at him, cursing him and swearing that she would murder him if it was the purge. His usual charm not working gave him more of a challenge. Not to mention the way she was kind to younger brother made his heart swell a little.
The annoyance returned once you saw his shit eating grin “You can’t write my name down without asking me!”
As he opened his mouth to speak, the intercom went off, notifying everyone that the store was now closed and any remaining customers should bring their purchases to the front to pay for them.
“Yuji you can go home now, I’ll put this away and start heading out myself” you say massaging your temples with your fingers.
“See you soon (name).” Sukuna winked as he walked towards the exit, waving behind at you as he went outside to wait for his brother.
Unfortunately soon had never come… at least not for the last 3 weeks. Making you miss the tall man in more ways than one. Maybe he wasn't so bad now that you thought about it. The usual nightly teasing might make you seethe but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t laugh about it later in your car. Somehow his laid backness and mocking smile made your night light up a little. And the weed that you would “confiscate” really did help you unwind after a long shift.
“Maybe it was because he saw me in my uniform” you grumbled. That had to be it. You weren’t a sore look on the eyes. Right? But compared to him… you hissed as you felt your lower half heat up and tremble at the thought of the man. “Well it's only 11:00 pm… and my first class is at 9:30 am… and then I have work at the 4:00.” Debating your options…. ‘This is why I’m probably so grumpy all the time, I think too much’
“And probably need to get laid” you said aloud. Living alone did have its perks, no one could call you crazy for talking to yourself. Your friends always nagged you about your dry spell too, but one night stands weren’t really fun to you anymore. They were too shallow and you always found yourself feeling more frustrated by them than relaxed.
Quickly rummaging through your drawer, you found your lovely device and turned it on. The buzz filled the room as you fell on the bed and groaned. Your mind was wild as you thought dirty little things about the man. Your eyes rolled back and you felt little whines erupt from your throat as you imagined him on top of you with his signature smirk, choking you and teasing you, calling you terrible names and whispering dirty things in your ear.
But as quickly as you heated up, the device buzzed and suddenly stopped. Too hazy to think straight you tried turning it on and off again, soon realizing it was the battery that was dead. “For fucks sake” you threw the vibrator and it hit the wall and fell with a loud thud. Good. Pulling your covers up, scowling as you shut your eyes to sleep.
The next day only went further downhill. Your lecture was long and uneventful, you forgot there was a guest speaker instead of the usual prof, most of the class skipped anyways so you sat alone and pretended to be interested. And as you went home from campus, your car broke down on the way leaving you stranded in the heat as you waited for the tow truck. You really just wanted to buy some batteries and get some time to yourself before work. But life had another thing planned once you got home, you only left with half an hour before you had to leave for work. Which barely gave you enough time to shower, change into an excuse of an outfit, grab your uniform and run out the door. You heard a few whistles as you ran to the bus stop, most likely because of the skimpy outfit which was pretty much just a long t-shirt made into a dress with stockings. But this was not the time to be picking fights.
Work was more mundane as ever. Emptying, stocking, organizing and talking was all that seemed to happen. You frowned for the nth time in the day when you saw Yuji was not scheduled to work today and you remembered him mentioning that he was going somewhere with friends for the next two days. The boy could always turn a bad day around. He was a blessing to the department and the store as a whole. The long day finally came to an end and the weekend awaited. Stuffing your uniform in your bag as you walked out you saw a familiar motorbike and a man leaning against it getting ready to light a joint.
You didn’t think, all you could hear were your footsteps smacking against the pavement as you ran to the man. Blood rushed to your head as you slowed down, stopping barely an inch away from him. He was wearing jeans and a dress shirt and most important, that smirk.
“I didn’t realize you missed me this much darling, otherwise-” but he was cut short as your hands gripped his head and pulled him down to your lips for a not so innocent kiss. You had to admit, you liked the guy. But as he responded by deepening the kiss and sliding his wet tongue into your mouth to taste you, you realized you wanted more of him. And you found yourself in his apartment, stripped down with his face buried between your legs as you came down from your second orgasm. Him licking you clean and not missing a single bit.
“When” you panted “when is Yuuji-” but he shushed you by gagging his fingers deep in your throat.
“Not until Sunday at least” he smiled with a sinister look, your wetness coating his lips “we have the whole weekend darling” He had waited almost two months for this so he was definitely going to take his time and relish the next few days. How could he not? You were beautiful with a fiery personality, and that showed by the ways you disobeyed him on his bed to get a reaction. It seemed the roles were reversed, but this time there would be consequences. For you at least.
He was relentless but you were no pussy and would not back down either. Both of you with fire and heat taking over your bodies as you brought spark and life into the night, wanting to explore every bit of each other, not stopping until you noticed the sun starting to rise causing exhaustion to take over.
He had let you stay to sleep in, provided you with a clean shirt to wear and even made breakfast for you. Presented you with a “gourmet plate of eggo waffles with the finest Aunt Jemimah maple syrup” he said which earned him a giggle from your pretty lips.
“I can make pretty good waffles from scratch” you told him proudly, puffing out your chest in pride. But these were special to you, the whole moment was special.
“I intend on trying them,” he spoke after a moment. He thought it was out of character for him to ask for a relationship but he wanted to be with you more than just a few times. And wanted more of you in different ways. He wouldn’t get his brother involved if it was a casual fuck relationship that he wanted. Which reminded him he owed the brat 50 bucks.
“Maybe you should come over sometime” you smiled sweetly, blushing a bit.
“I’d like to see you more, take out and get to know you” he said, interrupting your invitation.
“I’d like that too.” you said smiling.
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priortoallthoughts · 3 years
Don’t Mess With the Commander’s Caf
(or do, because it’s gotten you this far)
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.6k
Pairing: Commander Fox x afab!reader
Warnings: Mild swearing; gets a bit spicy at the end but nothing explicit.
Summary: What is supposed to be a night out at 79s turns into a night in the drunk tank, and the morning starts a startling new relationship with a certain Coruscant Guard Commander. All over a cup of caf.
// [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
A night out in Coruscant is never complete for you without going to the clone bar, 79s. You may pre-game somewhere else, but you always end up there, recognizable as one of their regulars. You love the atmosphere, honestly. It’s so jovial, just vode – and weren’t you surprised when you found out that clones spoke a different language with each other – coming to forget the war for a night. Living life as much as they could. You’ve picked up a few words of theirs purely because you hear them so often. Many a curse word too, which are your favorites.
And they were about to be put to good use.
You’re already buzzed and walking with a group of grey-clad troopers that had pulled you into their group when they saw you walking alone. You chat easily with them even though you never met them before. That’s the funny thing about being sociable when you’re sober – you’re even more chatty when you drink. And giggly apparently, considering you couldn’t stop laughing at the mission gone wonky they were telling you about.
When 79s came into view your smile widens. There really is nothing like the neon lights and bass you can already hear resonating from inside. Were there probably millions of places just like in on Coruscant already? Sure. But there isn’t anywhere aside from 79s you could find this kind of ambiance.
There is one downside that pisses you off like no other though.
There’s yelling coming from over by the speeder-way and when you look over, another civilian is getting in the face of a Coruscant guard member. The frown the graces your face feels wrong after laughing so much, but you can’t help it. You pause in your tracks. Usually when you see this kinda shit it deescalates fairly quickly, but this civilian is getting louder and more violent the more the (admittedly nervous acting) guard tried to calm him down.
“Hey.” A hand lands on your shoulder and you look up to see one of your group. “We can’t do anything. The punishment would be too harsh and that civvie chakaar won’t even get a slap on the wrist.”
Your frown turns into a snarl. “You can’t do anything.”
Fishing your flask out of your jacket pocket you take a swig before shoving it into the chest of the closest trooper. The steady click of your heels is the only thing you can hear over the growing volume of yelling.
“Hey! Shabuir in the stupid shirt!” Your own yell interrupts.
You have exactly one second to reconsider things before you think about all the vitriol this jackass is spewing at the guard for nothing. The sound of your fist hitting his face is the most satisfying thing you’ve heard tonight, along with the yelp he lets out when he hits the ground.
“What the kriff is your problem, bitch?!”
“You talking shit about this trooper is my problem!”
He turns towards the guard again and the trooper flinches. “I want her arrested for battery!”
You lean down to grab his collar and shake him out. “Oh, so now you want him to do his job? The one you were just belittling him for? Can’t have it both ways, chakaar!”
“Let go of me!”
You drop him so suddenly that his head cracks against the ground. He scrambles to his feet and points a finger at you. “You’ll regret this! They’re nothing but meat-droids!”
“Say that again, you little pissant. I dare you.” You go to take a step forward but he’s already running away. A hand on your shoulder again makes you look over to the one you defended.
“I’m sorry, ma’am.” And he does sound sorry. “I will have to take you in tonight. I… can’t ignore you attacking someone right in front of me.”
You smile at him. “No problem, trooper. Do your job; I don’t want you getting in trouble.” You offer your wrists to him and next thing you know they’re in a pair of binders behind your back and you’re being placed in the back of a speeder.
“A night in the drunk tank should sort you out.”
The smile you give him is blinding, because not only do you know that’s not the proper booking for what you just did, at least you look cute while you’re being taken away.
When you wake up in your cell (lucky you’re the only one there) you’re beyond tired and in desperate need of some caf. You can’t function without it in the morning.
There’s a guard member who lets you out not long after you get up. You follow him like a zombie. Presumably he’s leading you out of all the twisting hallways, but you stop short when your nose picks up the distinct smell of caf.
But not just any caf. You know the smell of Death Wish anywhere.
Your favorite.
You follow your nose to a mess hall – sparsely populated but still enough that everyone stops what they’re doing to look at you as you make your way to the caf machines in the back. You’re basically falling asleep as you walk so you don’t notice. Maybe you should care, considering you’re still wearing your clubbing outfit from last night, but no, you don’t actually care.
When you get there you see two different machines. One is labeled with some cheap, generic caf name and the other is simply “Fox’s Starfighter Fuel.”
You grab a flimsi cup and fill it with the second one. No cream. No sugar.
No life, only caf.
You finally notice how deathly quite it is as you take your first sip and turn around. There’s one trooper standing in front of you, helmet tucked under his arm, and the most severe look you’ve ever seen before gracing his features. You look him over with half-lidded eyes, noticing he’s dressed differently than the others, and casually take another sip of caf.
“You must be Fox.”
“Civilians aren’t allowed in this part of the building, who let you in here?”
Still waiting for the caf to kick in, you shrug. “Spent the night in the tank. No one stopped me when I walked in.”
Fox turns to glare at everyone sitting at the tables. They all look down at their food like they weren’t obviously watching and someone starts whistling.
“You need to leave,” he says when he turns back around.
“Can I finish my caf first?” You ask, taking more sips hoping to stall.
He glowers even more. “That’s not even your caf!”
“Shame.” You chug the rest of the still mostly full cup and coughs wrack your chest when you finish. “I think I just burned my esophagus,” you rasp.
“Get out.”
“That’s completely fair.”
You toss your cup in the trash on the way out. Turning the way you were going before you got distracted, you make your way to the exit; no need to bring the wrath of Fox down on you for sticking around. You feel like, once again, you get off light and dont’t want to press your luck. The smile that graces your face as you step outside is probably a strange thing for anyone else to see considering you’re walking out of jail, but you had a good night, and the morning is shaping up to follow suit.
The next day you walk into the caf shop you normally stop at on the way to work. The barista behind the counter waves as you walk up. “Your usual, hun?”
“You know me,” you smile brightly, “but, uh, can you make it two?”
Her eyes widen. “I can’t imagine the morning you’re expecting to have!”
You laugh and wave her off. “Nothing bad. I owe someone a cup.”
“You mean someone else drinks this sludge?”
“Imagine my surprise. And it’s not that bad!”
She places two large flimsi cups in front of you. Your hands rub together nervously before you get your thoughts together. “Can I borrow your marker?”
She hands it to you with a raised eyebrow and you quickly scribble a few words on one of the cups. It isn’t a lot, and it completely gives away who you are without having to sign your name, so you hope it’s okay.
“Thanks, gotta run!” You scurry out of the door before the barista can ask anything about what you’re doing.
You aren’t even sure yourself if you were being completely honest. The Coruscant Guard building is a little out of your way from your route to work, but you leave early in the mornings anyway, so you can still make it in time even with the detour. You feel a bit nervous walking in this time. Where did all your confidence from yesterday go?
You flag down the first trooper you see that doesn’t look busy.
“Can you give this to Fox, please?” You hold out the cup for him to take.
He doesn’t.
He only stands there, and you imagine he’s making a face behind his helmet because he doesn’t say anything either.
After a few seconds of silence you lower the cup awkwardly. “Uhh, oh, sorry, am I allowed to bring caf?”
“Why are you bringing the Commander caf?” He finally asks.
You squeeze the cups so much the tops almost pops off. “Fox is a commander?”
“Commander Fox is head of the Coruscant Guard, ma’am.”
The top of your own cup does pop off this time, but nothing spills.
“The entire guard?” You squeak.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Heat is quick to crawl up your face. “Oh stars, I can’t believe I took his caf.” Your internal panic is quickly becoming external as you try not to drop either cup. You hid your face behind one in embarrassment.
“Wait.” The guard member tilts his head. “You’re the one they were talking about yesterday? The girl from the mess hall?”
There’s a few second where nothing but incomprehensible noises come out of your mouth, but you finally get out, “how many people know about that?!”
“It’s made its way around.”
“I’m gonna - kriff - go throw myself off the senate building I swear-“
You’re cut off by the sound of a chuckle and you snap your head up to see the guard member’s shoulders shaking. “So you’re not trying to poison the Commander, huh?”
“No!” You yelp, but quiet down after you see others turn to look at you. “I was just trying to repay the caf I drank! We like the same kind!”
“That’s disgusting.”
“Can you please just give this to him before I die of embarrassment? You’re killing me here!”
He laughs again and finally takes the cup from your shaking hands. “Who should I say it’s from?”
You slap a hand over your face to hide your grimace. “At this point I’d rather not tell you. I want to keep some of my dignity intact,” you mutter.
“Nobody’s dignity is intact here, ma’am.”
“Oh… joy.”
“You best be on your way then.”
He is giving you an out and you’re taking it in full.
“Have a good day,” you say as you turn, the only proof you’ve been there being one guard member and a note on a flimsi cup.
“Sorry for taking your caf yesterday.”
One week later you find yourself standing outside of the caf shop, once again with two cups in hand through no fault of your own. It makes you think that maybe another trip to the Coruscant Guard building wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Why waste a perfectly good drink after all?
You pause immediately when you step through the door, because the man you’re looking for is standing across the room talking to someone with a datapad in hand. The decision on whether to interrupt is made for you when the person he’s talking to looks over and spots you.
He waves and Fox finally looks over as well, tilting his head as he does so. You take a deep breath before walking over to them.
“Caf girl!”
You raised your eyebrow at the other trooper. “I really am known around here for that, aren’t I?” You say as you stop in front of them. You have a sneaking suspicion that he is the same one you talked to last week.
“Well you never gave me your name,” he shrugs.
Yeah, it’s him.
Your head snaps to Fox, however, when he addresses you.
“You know my name?”
“Your information was processed and put into the system when you spent the night in the tank.”
“Osik,” you mutter.
“Did you need something?” He asks.
You perk up some, and hold out the second drink in your hand. “Right, there was a mixup at the caf shop, and I got an extra drink. I thought you might like it.”
He takes it carefully, but your bare fingers still brush against his gloved ones. They tingle when you pull away, and while the heat on your palm from holding the hot cup fades, the heat in your fingertips does not. You have the sudden urge to find out what holding his hand feels like, but you push that thought down along with the blush you can feel rising. Now isn’t the time. You have to get to work. Maybe if you come by earlier next time….. would there be a next time?
“Thank you. I… appreciate the thought.” You think you hear him trip over his words, but there’s no way.
You smile brightly at him. “You’re welcome!” You check the time on your chrono. “Looks like I gotta bounce. Enjoy your caf, Commander!”
Your retreat is quick, but hells if you don’t add a little extra sway to your hips as you walk out the doors.
And scribbled on the cup now in Fox’s hand is:
“I know day old caf when I taste it. Fresh is better.”
You start to bring Fox caf every week.
“This has become part of my routine, so I hope you don’t mind.”
Every week turns into every few days.
“Your filing system is horrifying but at least your chair is comfy.”
Every few days turns into every day.
“Tell Thorn that if he sees me at 79s tonight, he can’t arrest me just so I’ll hang out with him.”
And leaving early just to see Fox is the best part of your day no matter what. You hope you’re not the only one who feels like this. That maybe as you walk to the Guard building in the morning, you’re not the only one smiling and counting down the minutes until you get to Fox’s office. He never turns you away, and he’s always there to take the extra caf from your hands if he can be. Sometimes you have to leave it on his desk if he’s not in, but you understand that his job isn’t easy by any stretch of the word.
He is in this morning, however, seeing as the door opens promptly at your knock. He sits behind his desk, a few data pads already stacked next to him and a frown marring his face. That won’t do.
“Credit for your thoughts?” You say as you set his caf down next to his helmet and lean against his desk.
Fox looks up and gives you a tired smile, unaware of how it makes your stomach flutter. “Shaping up to be a long day.”
“Giving yourself more grey hairs already?” You say, giving a pointed look to his already greying sides.
“Like I need any more,” he huffs.
“I dunno,” you reach up and run your fingers lightly through his short curls, “I think they make you look distinguished.”
He lets out a breath you didn’t know he had been holding. “At least one of us thinks so.”
“It’s okay, I can like it enough for the both of us.”
“Should I count myself lucky then?” He smirks, finally taking a sip of his caf and sighing contently into the cup.
You give him a cheeky grin. “You should.”
He looks at you then, not saying anything, and you can’t help the flush you feel crawling up your face. You swear, you had never blushed so much around anyone before you met him. You distract yourself by drinking your own caf, the liquid welcome to your suddenly dry mouth.
“I do.”
“What?” Your head snaps back up to him and he’s still looking at you, but not in a way you’ve seen before.
“I do count myself lucky.”
You look away shyly, a small smile forming at the corners of your mouth. Sure, you two have been lightly flirting with each other, or at at least you’re definitely flirting with him, but this is the most straight-forward thing he’s ever said to you.
“It’s a good thing I got myself arrested that night then, isn’t it?”
It’s uncharted territory, where this conversation is heading. The thought of what it could be sits low in your belly and causes you to let out a shakey breath.
“It’s quite the holovid to watch,” he says offhandedly.
You’re lucky you aren’t drinking your caf, otherwise you would have spit it everywhere. You turn your head so hard you think you give yourself whiplash, mouth agape, looking at him in wide-eyed mortification.
“There’s a holo of that?!” The pitch of your voice would be embarrassing if you weren’t in the middle of spontaneously combusting on the inside.
He nods empathetically, which is shit because you know for damn sure he’s not empathetic about it; he’s having too much fun with this. You know he is, with that stupid, heart-stopping smirk playing on his face.
“Our HUDs record each incident for our files to make sure everything matches up with the reports.”
“Nooooooooooooo,” you whine quietly into your hands that now cover your face. You hear him get up and move to stand in front of you, but you don’t react. Mainly because you have no idea what he’s doing, but also he’s so kriffing close you can barely handle it.
His pries your hands from your face and presses them to his desk, effectively caging you in. He’s even closer now, and you’re hyper aware of how hard your heart is pounding even though you stop breathing. It’s the last thing from threatening, but you’re still frozen.
He leans in so his mouth is right next to your ear. “You look good in that little red dress of yours,” he whispers, his voice octaves lower than before. “Especially when you’re beating the kark out of a civvie – standing up for my vod.” It sends a pleasurable shiver down your spine and straight to your ovaries.
You suck in a breath when he pulls away. This is much more than you could have expected. “You’re not giving me much incentive to not be arrested again,” you tilt your head, “now that I know you’d be watching.”
“Always watching you, cyare.”
You hum, pulling one hand away from his to run up his armor and trace lightly over his jaw. “Gonna have to try harder to get a pair of binders on me next time, then.”
“Would you run?”
“Only if you’re the one chasing me.”
You move your hand from his jaw to the back of his neck and scratch lightly, feeling more than seeing him shiver under your fingertips.
“I’d find you.”
“Oh, I’d be counting on it, Commander.”
It’s a mutual surge that leads you two to lean in, culminating in the most charged kiss you’ve ever received. You throw your other hand around his neck, holding him as close as you can, while his hands latch onto your hips, pulling you up and into his embrace. He leads you back until he’s sitting in his chair and the next thing you know you’re falling into his lap to straddle him. You break for air, and to process that yes, this is happening, before you’re kissing again. A little slower; a little deeper.
You moan quietly into his mouth, and his hands move to your ass so he can pull you even closer.
There’s a chime from your chrono and you pull away, panting.
Fox’s eyes are dark and hungry when he looks at you. “You have to go soon.”
You nod, not breaking eye contact, and not moving either.
He grins, and it looks absolutely predatory. He slides the top of your blouse down slowly, just enough for his mouth to latch on to you right above your collarbone. You let out another breathy moan, and his teeth graze your skin in response as he sucks harder. His tongue soothes the area over when he lets go, and he looks at the quickly darkening spot with what you can only assume is possessive pride.
“For you to remember,” he says huskily.
Knowing he’s just staked his claim on you stokes the fire inside you even more. You give him your own feral grin, and pull down the collar of his blacks as he stiffens. “Who am I to allow you to forget, then?”
You suck hard at the column of his throat, higher than he did on you, knowing it would still be covered. You taste the sweat that had been building up, and his skin which you can’t even describe except that it tastes like him.
He groans lowly into your ear and you shiver when you pull away. You drag your nail lightly over the dark bruise in satisfaction before pulling his collar back up.
You slide off his armored thighs slowly. He follows you to stand, and gives you one last, long, kiss.
“Until next time, cyare.”
When you leave his office, you wish you had written something more on his cup than a crudely drawn fox with a smiley face next to it. Tomorrow though, you wonder what you can get away with saying.
“Next time I’m wearing that little red dress, feel free to search me. Who knows what I could be hiding.”
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multifandomplushie · 2 years
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Favorite Character: Cyborg: The Teen Titans member who I consider the most perfect balance of funny and serious! He's often fun-loving and cheerful and can be a generator of comedic moments but there are also a lot of times when he's serious and stoic, and through him the writers bring up the themes of human nature and self-worth. I also absolutely love how very gentle and empathetic he can be, especially with the girls on the team (most notably how understanding he was of Starfire in the episode "Troq"). Starfire: I like this cinnamon roll of a girl a lot! She's so nice and sweet, can be a bit naive but she's just being genuinely compassionate! She's also a strong and loyal companion and friend! It's honestly hard for me to pick the Honorable Mentions because there is quite a number of those I like on the show - Aqualad, Mas y Menos, Red Star, Thunder and Lightning, etc. Let's just say I enjoy a lot of other characters. Least Favorite Character: Kid Flash: I honestly don't understand the point of Kid Flash being in the show. He just appears out of the blue when the show is near it's end, has an EXTREMELY rushed and short love story line with Jinx and reformation of her (but more on that later) and fills the fast-runner role that was already taken by Mas y Menos. I'm not saying you can't have characters with similar powers in one story but here I just don't see the point of bringing in this poorly-written upstart when we have these two cutie-pies. Mento: A very arrogant jerk who is willing to sacrifice his team mates, aka the people he considers his family, for the mission, including Beast Boy, who is his adopted child. Mento is way too strict with BB and was patronizing Teen Titans even after the kids saved all the Doom Patrol. Also, I've always thought his helmet looks stupid. Dishonorable mentions: Terra: Her writing felt very hit-and-miss and kinda rushed to me but she had her moments, so I don't really dislike her. Just not that big of a fan. Val-Yor: Racist af but at least he was around for just one episode. His attitude towards Starfire was enough for me to dislike him, but he didn't make me outright hate him. Most Overrated Character: Raven: I like Raven. I really do! She is quite an interesting character. But the fandom seems to be really obsessed with her! I get that she is a good goth waifu material. But a lot of people put her way above the other titans and even other characters in general. Robin: Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Robin! I'm just not invested in him as much as in other kids on the TT team. For someone who literally wears circus attire, he is way overly serious and edgy (seriously, Batman in cartoons isn't as edgy as him, and Batman actually wears clothes that fit his vibe). Also, he can a bit too hard on his teammates (especially in the episode "Haunted"). But like I've said, I don't dislike him. He has genuinely sweet moments! Jinx: Again, I don't hate the character! I think she's neat! But it honestly feels like people don't see the H.I.V.E. Five team, the majority of fans, similar to Kid Flash, see Jinx and just some guys. Supposedly, it's because she, just like Raven, is a magical goth girl and seen as waifu material. However, unlike with Raven, who never did anything I could be mad at her for, Jinx did something that made me like her less - backstabbing her friends for no good reason! It took her so little time to make a decision to abandon and betray the kids who were the closest thing she had to a family just because some random dude (who started flirting with her before they even had a proper first meeting) told her she's too good to hang out with these, quote-unquote, "losers". Slade: I understand that he's presented as the ultimate Teen Titans villain, but he's not the only interesting villain of the show! He's an intriguing antagonist but it upsets me that just like Robin and Raven overshadow other heroes, Slade is put by many fans on a pedestal above all the villains and is considered the coolest, even though many other villains are spectacular each in their own way! Most Underrated Character: Cyborg: The poor guy gets less attention than any other member of the main team. And it really saddens me! The character development he went through, the emotional moments he had that still make tear up, the themes brought up in the episodes focused on him that hit me personally like no plotline with other titans did... All of these make me certain that Cyborg deserves better! Mother Mae-Eye: One of most, if not the most, underrated villain in the show! It's odd that despite how many people find her scary, she still seems to be underestimated in the fandom. Mas y Menos: A very cute comedy duo who deserve more love! Unfortunately, they were the least popular even in their own team and when Kid Flash entered the last minute and took the spotlight as the superfast character of the show, they became even more overlooked. Most boys from H.I.V.E Five (Gizmo, Mammoth, See-More, Billy Numerous, Kyd Wykkyd): Like I've already said before, I feel like a big portion of the fandom just don't see the H.I.V.E Five, they all are overshadowed by Jinx. I also want to add that while almost every one of the boys receive either some grains of love and appreciation or just neutral attitude, Gizmo is outright hated by a number of people. Listen, I know he be kinda annoying and obnoxious, but he's a young teen for God's sake! Cut the kid some slack! What I really like all these boys for is their ability to work as a team and stay together, unlike a certain girl who I've already talked about. Favourite Couple: Mad Mod x Mumbo Jumbo x Circe ( @circero's OC/fursona): Let's review the two separately: 1) Mad Mod x Mumbo: I know Mad Mod and Mumbo don't really interact on-screen in the show, but by some moments that we're shown in both the show and the series of shorts, we can tell that they're likely to know each other: they both were among the allies of The Brotherhood of Evil, Mad Mod was one of the villains invited to Mumbo and Mother Mae-Eye's wedding in the short "Mayhem at First Sight" and Mad Mod attends the concert where Mumbo leads the orchestra in "The Lost Episode". But most importantly, they have compatible personalities! They're both villains who are on the more comedic side, warp reality, like to mess with the titans and commit their villainous acts in a very abstract, showy and fun way possible! 2) Mumbo Jumbo x Circe: Maybe I'm cheating this a bit by putting an OC x Canon pairing but I couldn't help myself! I really like these two together! My great friend is very passionate about Mumbo and I think she made a great fursona who's theme and personality goes very well with Mumbo! Dr. Light x Killer Moth: Of course I would ship them! It's literally a lightbulb and a moth! Other then the theme compatibility, they fall into the similar type of antagonists: both are great scientist who could potentially take down the Teen Titans and actually think of themselves as a serious threat but because of their own incompetence are on the more comic relief side of villainy. You have probably already noticed by now that I didn't put any pairs with the Titans themselves. Well, it's because I don't have any. I don’t ship Teen Titans or any other characters who are minors with anyone romantically on the show. I just don't feel like it and with all fighting crime and teenage fun I don't think they need it. But that's just my opinion. I mostly like them having platonic relationships. If we're talking specifically about the main team, while I do think that some of them have potential for being a couple (like Starfire and Raven), I see them more as a family of siblings than a shipping material.
Least Favorite Couple: Cyborg X Bumblebee (CyBee): I can't help but to remember Kyle's line from South Park: "Just because two people are the same race doesn't mean they belong together...". Seriously, it feels like the biggest reason these two were shipped is them being black! Oh, and the fans' desire to give Cy anyone outside the team as his s/o so he wouldn't get in the way of their OTPs! *angry and sad noises of a triggered Cyborg fan* The worst part is many people are convinced they're canon when they're not! They had on-screen interaction but it just wasn't the type that I would consider as something that shows characters having potential for romantic relationship. They just don't work as a couple in my opinion! Kid Flash x Jinx (Flinx): It was so out of nowhere, unnecessary and rushed! What did they make this pair for?! What was even the point of bringing Kid Flash in the first place? There may have been bigger plans for Jinx’s redemption and love story that were cut short due to the show ending early on, but that still doesn't make sense to just throw in a new character only for him to redeem Jinx and make her his girlfriend within the time of just one episode! Why couldn't they just continue developing the bond between Cyborg and Jinx that started in "Deception" and even referenced later in cameos? That would so much more sense both plot and character-wise. Beast Boy x Raven (BBRae): Just like in CyBee's case, many people, for some reason, thought BBRae is canon. They're not! And this constant overexposure of the ship in the fandom is what made me dislike it, instead of being neutral to it! I wouldn't ship it either way because their bickering can go on for way too long at times, but the toxic following this pair has just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Beast Boy x Terra (BBTerra): This was the biggest rival of BBRae in the shipping wars of the fandom and I think it's just as bad! Just like with BBRae, there are reasons within the canon that make me not like this ship (it could've work tbh, but with the way Terra's arc was stractured, it just fell flat to me) and the fans of the ship can be just as toxic. Dishonorable Mentions: All ships with Robin. I just think he's too focused on his superhero duty to become fully devoted in a romantic relationship. I don't him ship with anyone. Yes, even Starfire. I'm neutral to RobStar. I can see why people ship it, but I'm not into it, mostly because of Robin's attitude towards her in the arcs with Slade. I do find the fan works where they're shown more loving than they are in the actual show cute though. But with just the context of the show, I gotta agree with Control Freak's opinion on our beloved alien princess's relationship with the boy wonder: "She's too good for Robin." Favorite Episode: I can't decide. There are so many episodes I like: "Deception", "Wavelength", "Titans East - Part 1" and "Titans East - Part 2" for Brother Blood, his developing animosity with Cyborg and Cy's personal character growth; "Mad Mod", "Revolution", "Bunny Raven... or ...How to Make A Titananimal Disappear", "Mother Mae-Eye", "Can I Keep Him?", "Kole", "Episode 257-494", "For Real", "Overdrive" for starring my other favorite antagonist. And that's not all! There are cool episodes like "Car Trouble", "Snowblind", etc. Least Favorite Episode: Things Change: There are ways to make a cliffhanger while ending the series more or less neatly and without confusing the viewer too much and (example: The Spectacular Spider-Man) but, unfortunatly, this isn't one of those cases. Even though I know that eventually they released a comic where they make sense of what happened in the episode, watching it for the first time still felt painful. Dishonorable mentions: Lightspeed: This episode has a lot of things I don't like - Kid Flash, Flinx (Kid Flash x Jinx) and Madame Rouge, but it also has a number of cute and funny moments with the boys of H.I.V.E Five. How Long is Forever?: I like angst from time to time, but this was too pessimistic for me. Favorite Villain: Brother Blood: I LIKE BROTHER BLOOD BETTER THAN SLADE! Yes, I've said it! Hate me if you want, I don't care! I adore Brother Blood! He's an amazing archenemy for Cyborg because, just like in Cyborg's case, his character has this great balance of serious and comedic. He's able to fuse this sinister vibe with flashy and flamboyant attitude so damn well! The reason why I like him more than Slade is that while both think highly of themselves and consider themselves superior to the heroes (and Brother Blood is a very boastful type of villain), Slade tries to turn Robin into a copy of himself, whereas Brother Blood found perfection in Cyborg and wanted and managed to become like him. And while Robin and Slade's animosity was pretty interesting, I generally like Cyborg and Brother Blood's relationship better for a number of reasons: 1. Even though Slade is known as Robin's arch-nemesis, throughout the show he constantly jumps back and forth between the kids he wants to torment: he starts out with harassing Robin, after that he moves on to Terra, later targets Raven and at one point even messes with Beast Boy. Meanwhile, Brother Blood is fixated on Cyborg only. 2. Because of Slade's not very consistent focus on Robin, their relationship development as archenemies is all over the place. Brother Blood and Cyborg's relationship on the other hand has a stable natural progression. At first, Brother Blood is simply very fascinated with Cyborg and puzzled by the fact that he was able to resist his mind control, and Cyborg sees Blood as just another villain. But by the end of their arc, Brother Blood becomes outright obsessed with Cyborg to the point of remaking himself in his image and desperate to find out what makes this hero the only one who can't be affected by his powers, and Cyborg not only finds a worthy opponent but also through confrontations with the evil teacher figure realizes that his robot part doesn't make him less of a human, finally accepts himself the way he is and learns to love and appreciate himself the way his friends do. 3. Slade more often than not belittles and mind rapes the teens he's in contact with. Blood rarely taunts Cyborg and instead often points what how great of an opponent the boy is both intentionally (when he genuinely openly compliments him) and unintentionally (when he's ranting about how Cyborg is strong enough to resist him). 4. While Cyborg was mutually obsessed with Brother Blood, and Robin even compared this obsessesion to the one he had with Slade, Cyborg never comes anywhere near the point of insanity Robin was at in "Haunted". 5. Brother Blood's obsessesion with Cyborg can look questionable at times but it's extremely tame and even innocent compared to Slade's pretty much predatory behavior towards Robin, Terra and Raven. And another moment I want to point out is the voice acting. John DiMaggio did a splendid job! The voice compliments the character's expressions and body language so much! I think I'll end the flow of my passion towards Brother Blood here, because it's been long enough. Also, I'll spare you the need to read long paragraphs like this for each of my favorite villains and will try to write my thoughts on them in a shorter form. Mad Mod: If I remember correctly, Mad Mod is the one that introduced me to the Teen Titans series. Back in school, I came across this character and he got me really interested, so I checked out and fell in love with this wonderful show. This hilarious antagonist caught my eyes the moment I first saw him with his dashing design, very up-beat personality and overall vibe of 60's British Mod culture. Gotta compliment the casting choice too! To give character the voice of not only an actual British person but the star of Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange, a movie that is among the things, which define the era that's being referenced. The Amazing Mumbo: Another very fun and colorful enemy! He was the second villain I saw after Mad Mod and further increased my interest in the show! He grabbed my attention just as fast with his stage magician aesthetic, genuine love of magic and performing and the voice that sounds like something in-between The Ice King from Adventure Time and Spongebob. Mother Mae-Eye: As quite a fan of Brother Grimm fairytales, I really enjoyed seeing a villain inspired by the witch from Hansel and Gretel with here friendly attitude and sweetcore aesthetic! I also like that the creators put more focus on the maternal aspect of the character, which gave me the vibe of Coraline in a way. What makes her really interesting to me is that her motherly nature both makes an effective scary villain and gives a potential to be an actually good parent (and the comic shows she has). Dr. Light: I'm honestly quite fond of these type of villains who are able to create great technology, but are too incompetent and overconfident to be a real threat and act more like a comic relief. I also liked the dropped hints that his goal to light up the night comes from his phobia of darkness. Killer Moth: This guy is my favorite version of the character because 1) here he looks more like a moth, especially in terms of color palette, 2) despite resembling such a cute creature, he is the most threatening incarnation of the character, 3) his villain ambitions manage to go well together with his supportive dad energy. I love how he's so confident when it comes to scheming and attacking the city, but can sometimes feel a little insecure and awkward when it comes to showing his parental care (like how he stutters while comforting Kitten or beckoning Silkie to come to him), yet you can tell that the really tries his best to be a loving dad. Control Freak: I think it was a really good and funny idea to make a fan-boy enemy for the Titans. This guy is hilarious both through his own personality quirks and meta jokes! Most boys from H.I.V.E Five (Gizmo, Mammoth, See-More, Billy Numerous, Kyd Wykkyd): They're a bunch of kids who just have fun and they like it this way. I really like their simple easy-going mundane type of villainy! It's a delight to see them pop up from time to time to steal something while they're chilling as a friend group and even a kind of a family. I like them so much that, even though I don't like the main aspects of the episode "Lightspeed" (Madame Rouge, Kid Flash, Flinx, Jinx's rushed redemption and her leaving the team without saying), I still partially rewatch it just to see the funny and cute moments with the boys, like when Mammoth walks out of a store with a candy bar and after Kid Flash takes it away he's like: "I paid for that!", or how after Jinx storms away and leaves the boys alone at home, Billy asks the others: "Y'all wanna build a fort out of sofa cushions?", and they all smile and agree. Least Favorite Villain: Madame Rouge: I honestly don't care much for the Brotherhood of Evil but while I'm neutral towards The Brain, Monsieur Mallah and General Immortus, I was both bored and annoyed by Madame Rouge. First of all, she has this bitchy face expression and attitude all the time! Second of all, her accent is awful! No offence to the voice actress, but I actually had to look up her nationality because despite her name, I couldn't tell for sure that she's French. Dishonorable Mention: Blackfire: She is an awful sister to Starfire and basically her lazy recolor. But she didn’t bother me as much. Original meme: Teen Titans Controversy Meme TEMPLATE Meme by itanatsu-chan Teen Titans (c) DC Comics and Warner Brothers. Circe and art of her (c) @circero
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
WARNINGS // 6.9k // SMUT 18+, George x Reader // Fred x unnamed OC, Angry Fred, Racer!George, light angst, fighting, rough sex, soft sex, breeding kink af, mentions of alcohol, cars, sex, possession, praise kink, a (tiny) amount of degradation, oral, unprotected sex, one ass slap.
A/N // the series that nobody expected to become a series has now officially done just that. @darthwheezely​ and I do be hoes for these racer boys xoxo 🏎🦋 ILYSM PHIA MWAH <333
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“Fred, have you seen my jumper?”
“Yeah, it’s on the bed, baby” he called. Fred was not often a meticulous man, but (as Lee said) ‘if the fit called for a bit of work, it was always worth it.’ 
And to Fred, going to a press conference with his exceptionally hot fiancé warranted at least basic perfection, right?
Fred made a low whistle as she came out of the bathroom, a towel around her. “Well, aren’t you just a sight for sore eyes.” She came to stand in front of him, pressing one, two, three kisses to his mouth, the flavour of fresh toothpaste still on her mouth. He hummed in contentment and wrapped his hands around her waist.
“Love, it’ll be fine, this will be my tenth, glorious win-“
“-and you almost got in a crash last time because you were being a tosser, remember?”
“Mmmm, that’s in the details,” he said softly. He searched her eyes and sighed, pulling her flush  into his body.
“I promise I’ll be okay this time, you know I’m a great driver and that this isn’t anything different...I still intend on marrying you in one piece, you know.” She chuckled at that and he tilted her chin up, pressing a kiss to her forehead and murmuring:
“I love you, you know that?”
“And I love you, Freddie...even though you are a tosser.” 
He slung her over his shoulder, rolling his eyes dramatically, and threw her on the bed, her giggling at the action.
“There’s my saucy little minx, now how about a pre-press test drive, yeah?...”
“I can’t just not go, babe.” George sighed, pushing the hair from his face, a sudden clammy feeling of his clothes against his skin indicating just how nervous he was for the up and coming press conference. 
“You’re running a fever, George, I’ll call Lee and tell him that you need the rest and that–” You rambled, pressing the cool back of your hand against his forehead, then neck and chest, feeling that thin veil of sweat forming against his hot skin.
“Don’t.” He mumbled all too abruptly, cutting your flow of words short. Furrowing your brows, you looked down at him before shaking your head. He recognised the tone at which he had spat his word, immediately pulling your hand into his, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “I’m sorry I snapped, I know you’re only looking out for me.”
“It’s okay, Georgie, I still think you should stay here with me.” You sighed, climbing over his legs to be sat in his lap as you breathed out softly, watching as his eyes softened only for his eyebrow to raise, a smirk soon finding his lips while his hands rested on your waist.
“Any old excuse to keep me at the hotel then, eh?” George licked his lips, pulling you closer into his chest as he eyed your expression, the giggle that fell from his lips like pure music to his ears.
“I just want you better for the race, idiot.” You rolled your eyes, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose, his lips finding your cheeks to pepper kisses there with a smug grin on his face.
“I think I could win this one you know, regardless of me being sick or not, I have a good feeling about it.” He hummed, forehead pressed against yours lovingly.
“What makes you say that?” You prodded, running your hands through the hair at the back of his head.
“I have one thing nobody else has; you.” He praised, only for you to bury your face in the crook of his neck, taking a deep breath as his hands ran up your back. “I love you so much, angel.”
“I love you too, George, more than you’ll ever know.”
The conference room was packed - that’s an understatement, really. Every journalist alive came to talk to the new dominators of modern NASCAR racing, George and Fred Weasley. Although, as George spitefully knew:
He was somewhere because of Fred. Again.
That familiar feeling of resentment threatened to bubble in the younger twin’s throat, and he immediately began to push it down. The fights, the mutual disgust and disdain - that was done now. Ten wins for Fred should mean legitimately less than nothing but excitement for his older brother. 
So why was that feeling still there? 
“Hello, everyone, I’m sorry I’m late!” Fred entered from the back of the stage, nothing but glimmer (and gloat) in the elder twin’s face. Good mood Fred could always either be an impending disaster, or one of the best things the world has ever seen.
Of course he’s late, he’s always late, George thought, before guilt immediately settled in. 
Fred took a bottle of water, winking playfully at the young lady who got him one, before settling in his seat next to George. 
“Right then, questions?” Fred boomed, that familiar sunshine of a smile very evident on his face. The man behind them, George’s manager was directing questions, and George swallowed at what questions would appear. 
“This is for Fred, do you predict another victory in this race?” The journalist asked.
Fred leaned a bit forward in his seat and dipped his mouth into the microphone:
“Does the pope wear a big hat, love?”
George however sniggered to himself at the question, holding back a laugh at Fred’s answer. Of course he would answer in the cockiest way known to man, only lighting a fire under the younger twin’s arse to kick into gear and take the baby driver down a few pegs. 
“Something funny, Georgie?” Fred turned his head slightly to the side, the smile still there, but dark eyes venturing into icier territory.
“Nothing, Brother, just think you should remember there is always tough competition, no matter how cocksure you are.” George murmured loud enough into the microphone for his words to reverberate around the room, some reporters eyeing each other before vigorously taking notes. 
Fred had been taking a sip of his water and nearly choked, eliciting a “sorry everyone!” into the microphone. He gave George a brief side eye, but no - he wasn’t going to let him ruin his moment again. They’ve moved past this, George can have his own fun, why couldn’t he be a little confident for a change?
“Hi, this question is for George,” Fred only heard that much before a brief but very definite prickle of resentment tingled at his skin. He started to feel a bit warm but was determined to brush it off, turning towards George a bit.
“You’ve had a fantastic season these past couple years, and although you’ve lost the past ten races, you still stick to the top five - will we get our own Crimson Wonder back, or is that Fred’s title now?” 
George held back on his instinct to bite at his brother’s ego, instead taking a sip of water to collect his thoughts before speaking, his mind trailing back to the words he had said this morning; ‘I have a good feeling about this one’.
“Fred and I both train hard, as does every other racer out on that track,” George swallowed thickly before continuing his sentence, “But I think my own winning streak is far from over, who knows, as you say, you may get your Crimson Wonder back yet.” 
Fred attempted to register and probably stop the inherently blank expression on his face, but honestly? It was too much. Yes, George was great, and yes, he was proud of him but.
Why was there a deeply unsettled feeling in the pit of his stomach? Twintuition as they called it was something not out of the ordinary at all - but why was it that somewhere in the back of his mind he just felt this...this negative foresight.
There was one thing Fred didn’t like more than avocados (Fred hated avocados) and that was losing.
“My baby brother, so inspirational isn’t he? Gets it from my mum, absolutely.” Fred curled his lips into his mouth, gnawing on his bottom lip, in complete understanding of what he just said. The reporters didn’t have to know that any time he brought up their age or said my mum instead of our mum, it kind of lit a match in George. 
In short, Fred knew exactly what he was doing. And George didn’t really like that, but he wasn’t about to stoop to Fred’s level and ruin his public imagery, not with his wife-to-be and his sister-in-law-to-be watching and murmuring to each other with pained faces: they knew the tension was there too, of course they had.
“I think we should leave the rest of the heat for rubber burning on the track.” The moderator cut in, taking final questions from the press aimed at the others on the panel, letting the twins simmer in their own jealousy toward one another as the conference came to a close.
The boys’ demeanours had completely shifted, George staying behind to take pictures and leave autographs for fans, smile on his face and a sense of pride in his chest, while Fred had made a swift exit in just the way he arrived, looking absolutely miserable.
“Georgie,” Fred called out from the locker rooms, “just what the fuck was that?” His bare chest red while he angrily scrambled to get his uniform on.
“Please,” George scoffed, zipping his uniform up calmly, before pushing his bag into his locker with ease, “I could ask you the same question.” 
“I was actually trying to give the press what they wanted, a good show, you, on the other hand, just wanted to be a proper arsehole in front of everyone.” He slammed his locker door shut, his knuckles on his hand against it surely white now from childish rage.
George closed his locker with force, not so much anger, running a hand through his hair before picking up his helmet, his tongue truly in his cheek, the angel on his shoulder begging him to stay quiet while the devil paralleled telling him that it was about time he spoke his feelings. “I’m the arsehole? Check your own actions first, mate.” 
He breathed but he wasn’t done, the words flowing like vomit as he finally let go all of the bottled aggression, “You don’t know the first thing about being a racer, how fucking tiring it is and you use it against me like its something I’m not good at and I’m fucking tired of it.” 
George went to continue, but the guilt of spitting every thought in his brain suddenly overcame him, instead he clutched at his helmet a little tighter, taking a deep breath before muttering as he walked away, “Good luck out there, you’ll need it.”
Fred stood there watching him walk away, something a bit more unfair that self-loathing and resentment lingering in his chest. It was dizzying, it was a feeling he altogether hated and actively tried to pretend he didn’t have.
Fred Weasley, in short, was guilty. 
The Arizona sun was beating down on the track, everyone watching on with baited breath as each car lined up on the Phoenix Raceway, engines revving in anticipation of the start of the race. Fred was clutching at his steering wheel tightly, blinkered only on one thing; winning this one. George however, knew the racers he was up against; some of the best in the NASCAR cup and even some that had been driving as long as he had been alive, was lucky to find himself there, taking a deep breath. George wasn’t a religious man but in that moment he was praying to whatever god to grant him some good luck. 
The green flag waved, signalling the start of the race, each car zooming by as the engines roared. The race was a tough one and everyone watching on knew that. The first ten or so laps went just as smoothly as planned, a backhaul crash in the 18th lap just missing the twins, but nevertheless cutting the number of racers pretty much immediately in half. 
George grew more confident as he crept up the rankings, sitting comfortably in about 6th place for a grand majority of the race, while Fred trailed much behind him in about 8th place. The tension of the conference had truly stumped the older twin, pushing him to want to be up in the top dogs, but to no avail, every attempt was blocked for him. 
The final three laps, George was in fourth and Fred was nowhere to be seen, well sat in his 11th place, seething at his inevitable loss. The younger twin was content with his placing, watching the third place drop down to 5th pushing him into the top 3. George swore he felt every single beat of his heart as he zoomed past the lap line. Two to go. Third place was enough for George, especially in a race like this. He zoomed past the lap line again. White Flag. Last chance.
In a flash, a car from behind George pushed forward, striking the first place car, sending three cars spiralling off the track leaving behind only dust sparks and fire in their tacks. It didn’t click for George that he had passed the finish line in 1st place until it blared through his headset.
“I fucking did what?” He shouted as he continued speeding around the track, the confirmation of his win ringing through his ears as he let out a loud but satisfied yell, the stress of weeks of losses finally leaving him in an exhale, welcoming the new feeling of pride. 
Fred in the heat of the crash had fallen to 12th place, pushing him to be the last of all the cars on the track past the finish line - a loss he was not ready to accept no matter how much pride beamed from him hearing the news that the winner had been his own twin brother. 
“George, how does it feel to have a trophy back?” 
“Honestly, it feels so surreal - I’m so grateful for my team, crew, and absolutely amazing fiancée, Y/N - I love you so much, baby,” he shouted over the noise, cameras completely swamping the victory stage and hallway down to the bar. He had everything he could’ve wanted, you, a real win again, happy sponsors - but there was one thing missing.
Fred. Where was Fred? Did it really matter? He knew he hadn’t placed very far, but surely he wouldn’t be that angry would he? But then - no. No, George won, he deserved to win again after Fred had been hogging all the sunny days and he was still supportive. So where was his twin now? Even after everything.
He stopped you on his arm and said: “actually, there is one more person I really do have to thank.” He faced directly towards the camera, you utterly confused.
“Thank you, Freddie, for being the best supportive big brother a guy could ask for. You’ve always been a winner to me.” And with a shaky swallow, knowing he wasn’t here, knowing he probably could give a shit whether George thanked him or not, he went off with you on his arm to have a drink.
God knows he needed it.
The older twin sat in the lockers, his elbows resting on his knees, his bare arms and chest tensing periodically with pure and spiteful rage. What the absolute fuck had he done differently? He had been on his highest alert, his most pristine focus, what went wrong? 
He didn’t crash, he didn’t bitch and moan to his pit crew, he didn’t fly off the handle - yet - so why did he get the curt, “I’m sorry, son, we all lose sometimes,” from Vinnie, his new manager like it was just normal. 
Fred Weasley didn’t lose. Especially not after a ten time winning streak, no, he refused. 
So there he sat, knowing his fiancé was probably making excuse after excuse as to why her husband had fled the cameras and the questions, why he wasn’t congratulating his brother on his fantastic win - but he didn’t have the energy to feel guilt. All he felt was loathing. He barely didn’t register the soft clicking of his soon to be wife’s heels clacking against the tile floor. 
“Fred Weasley, what the fuck are you doing naked in the locker room, I’ve been looking everywhere for you,” she said with great exasperation. She looked stunning, in that pretty little two piece skirt and black crop number, not at all like a woman frantically in search of her formula 1 MIA husband. 
“You look great, sweetheart,” he mumbled, barely looking up at her before getting up and turning to his locker, getting out his change of clothes. She watched his back ripple with tension and at the sight alone felt her thighs break for a second.
“So were you planning on telling me where you were or just sulking in here?” 
“I was taking a shower, actually...I don’t get why you’re so pissed at me.” He snapped, not even bothering to turn around. 
“I’m ‘pissed’ at you because your brother loves you and you’re in here acting like a five year old who got his teddy taken away from him.” She retorted. Fred turned around then, slamming the locker door shut for the second time that day, the sound echoing in the bathroom. 
“I’m sorry, what did you just say to me?” He seemed to punctuate every word in the sentence, but his voice very quiet - too quiet. 
“You’re - just get your clothes on and knock it off, Weasley,” she scoffed, trying to walk off the very minor but very palpable fear she felt, and the evident arousal pooling in her thighs. Fred, unfortunately, knew this, and in Fred fashion, was feeling quite a good many ways about this. 
“Get your ass back here, right now, sweetheart,” he snapped, his volume gaining to a low roar. When she kept on walking to the door, his long legs loped to a brisk walk in front of the doorway, right in front of her. She didn’t realize that she was holding her breath for a second until she exhaled, and his thumb came up to grace her bottom lip.
“Open,” he said quietly, and then she did listen, her lips opening up to his thumb immediately. He always did this mannerism, when he said open he’d open his mouth too, almost showing her how she needed to be before usually saying “theeere, it is” but right now, he was silent, his mouth pressed in a thin line. 
But then she bit. And hard. Pushing him off her and making him gasp, her heels clicked down the tile as fast as she could walk. But Fred wasn’t going to let her get away that easy. In an instant he threw his elongated and toned arm out to grab her waist, pulling her back into the wall, caging her in his hold.
“You’re being an absolute twat, you know that?” She spat. He delicately slapped the side of her face and squeezed her cheeks to form an o.
“And you’re being a prissy little bitch, but I’m still here, aren’t I?” He said harshly, scanning her eyes before yanking her in for a kiss. She immediately released a desperate moan into his mouth and he slid his hand through her hair and all the knots and tangles possible to reach the back of her head. His other hand slid down up her skirt to grope her thigh, hoisting her legs around his waist. 
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad, I swear,” she breathed out, before his lips messily met hers. He always kissed with his jaw, she noticed that, when he’d hit his strong jaw out to move with her and nuzzle her face and then she always moaned like she was doing now.
In an instant he was carrying her back towards the shower, the shuffle of so many movements causing the towel around his waist to fall off.
“You ready to take a winner, baby?” 
After a couple of drinks it was safe to say that you and George had gotten a little closer than you usually would have sober. He wasn’t even tipsy, feeling no more than the pride of his win but even with that he wasn’t going to ignore the fact that his girl was practically purring for him while clinging to his arm. You were so desperate to pull him in for a kiss, hell you probably would have let him have you in the hall out of pure lust for your husband-to-be.
It had been so long since you’d seen him smile the way he was now, pride radiating off his skin alongside the heat of his lingering fever, making you remember that not only had he won the hardest race he’d ever driven, but he’d done so while sick. A smirk spread over your lips as you went to push up on your toes, lips pecking a gentle kiss to his jaw.
“What’s that for, angel?” He smiled down at you, his lips now ducking down to press a loving kiss to your forehead. 
“Just a taste of how I’m gonna congratulate my winner later.” You mumbled playfully as his arm snuck around your waist to pull you in tighter, leaning to whisper in your ear as his lips grazed over your earlobe.
“Guess I should think about getting you to bed then, yeah? That what you want bub?” He pulled away from your ear with a grin stretching from ear to ear.
You nodded bashfully, letting him tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, the rosy hue on his cheeks apparent just from being close to you, in this moment. George didn’t care about the press or his manager or really even the win anymore, not when he had you right in front of him, begging him short of being on your knees. 
He made an excuse, whatever it had to be to get you alone, to get away from the champagne, cameras and chatting. His jacket was draped over your shoulders as you found your way out of the celebration lounge, giggling like teenagers as you walked hand in hand to his car, the echoes of laughter humming around the underground car park before he had you trapped between his body and the passenger side door.
“I can’t wait to get you back to our room.” He mumbled, lips just hovering inches away from yours. His hand slipped just under the hem of your top, his hot touch sending sparks flying through you.
“The things I want you to do to me, Weasley.” You breathed out, hand reaching behind his head to pull his lips down to yours, letting him leave no gaps between you, him and his car. 
“Oh yeah?,” he murmured breathlessly, nose knocking against yours, “Like what, princess? Don’t be shy, we have a whole journey for you to run that pretty mouth of yours.”
“You’ll ruin me one day if you keep talking like that, George.” 
“I think I’ll ruin you tonight instead, love.” 
“Freddie, please-“
“No, I’m not stopping until you cum on me, princess, I deserve that much,” he snarled, his cock rippling through her over and over. He had intended on fucking all his anger out on her ever since he pushed her into the shower, everything only mouths and melded hands. 
“Feels - feels so good, Freddie” she whined, her legs barely able to sustain being wrapped around him. His hips whipcracked into her at an entirely new angle, prompting her to mewl and claw at his back like a cat. 
“Oh my poor baby, can she not take my cock? Would another racer do a better job at - “ he pushed deeper into that new spot, her mewls and whines turning to wanton cries. “ - stretching you out instead of me?”
“No one can do this, Fred, I promise, love,” she murmured, her eyes rolling vacantly to the back of her head. He sensed her climax was arriving soon, she was like butter under his hot embrace.
“Look at me,” he growled, squeezing her face and tilting it upwards. “I want to see my prize when she makes a mess everywhere, you hear me, princess?” Her widened eyes bore into his deep chocolate ones and when she finished, she truly could not look at anything else except him, it was always him and only him that made her feel like this. 
“Thaaaat’s it, baby, look at you, being such a dirty little girl for me. You like making messes for me, princess?” He cooed, his soft and caring tone a total opposite to the way he pulled out and slammed back in, making her scream and be flush against him. 
“M-mhm,” she murmured, Fred shaking his head as he chuckled, carrying her dripping out of the shower, still inside her. “Do you want me to take you off?” He whispered, the anger still in his throat, but...she would always be more important. Making her feel safe was always important, even in the worst of his rage. Fortunately, she nodded at him and kissed his jaw, a soothing gesture that always meant she loved him, everything was okay, he didn’t hurt her. He smoothed the top of her wet hair down and gave the top of her head a kiss, his ring finger stroking against the centre of her spine.
But then, a certain thought excited him blackly. 
“Baby…who put that ring on you?” He asked pensively. No, he didn’t win that idiotic fucking race, and no, he didn’t beat his brother in this race but - he still won her. He suddenly felt his dick twitch deep inside her and he groaned, clenching his jaw at the sudden awareness of her engagement ring digging into his shoulder. He fully stopped looking at the ground and the towel on the locker hanger, reaching for it and dropping it flat on the ground.
“F-Freddie?” She asked weakly.
“What - what are you doing?” She released a high pitch whine at the feeling of Fred twitching again, and at that he flipped her over on the towel, backside up, his cunt and his ass being fully presented to him like that. And then he moaned, his eyes shutting after and his jaw rolling when he saw her buck her ass up to try and meet him wherever he was behind her. 
“God, you are just a good for nothing little Formula 1 whore aren’t you?” He breathed out, his hands sliding to cup her ass and squeezing, relishing in the scarlet rash of skin that came and went with a blink of an eye. 
“You’d like to think so,” she quietly quipped, his hands suddenly freezing on her ass.
“Oh...is that so? Well, then…” and at that he slowly began to squeeze again until she was squirming, then bringing his hand down to the centre of her ass, a loud smack echoing in the room. She cried into the towel and bucked her ass towards him once again. 
“Yes, yes, I’m a Formula 1 whore,” she wept, Fred chuckling and positioning his cock at her entrance, just barely letting his tip brush her cunt.
“What if I just stayed here, hmm? Didn’t even let you have my cock, just gave you a taste of what it would be like to get fucked by me and go use another checkered flag slut instead, that sound good, baby?” He said crisply, trying not to let the tortured feeling of his cock get to him. 
“Fred, I-“ and with a final growl, Fred pushed himself to the brim inside her once more. She cried out his name into the towel, his free hand not bracing himself from behind pushing her head into the towel. He was devouring every noise that came from her mouth, mostly strained cries and pants that registered with every crack of his hips inside her. He felt her near her release again, his as well, his hips losing tempo.
“Gonna marry you and stuff you with aaaall my babies, isn’t that right princess? Gonna make my trophy wife swell up, you won’t be able to even fathom seeing that pretty pussy of yours in the morning” He panted, groaning at the sight of his cock disappearing and reappearing in her - in his - cunt. 
“Please, wanna be so full, of your...of your babies, Fred,” she whimpered, his name falling from her lips like alphabet soup as she, with a final rock of her ass against him, came undone around him. He gripped her hips and with a sharp “I love you, fuck” followed her in the same way, his hips rolling ever so gently back into her to soothe their highs.
After a moment he pulled out of her, dismantling the baby hairs sticking to her forehead out the way, pressing kiss after kiss there. 
“Weasley, you got any car plush toys on you by chance?” She quipped, prompting a grin from Fred and a chaste kiss to her lips and nose.
“No, but the Babies R Us near home might…”
The second you were parked up, George had his hand snaked around the back of your neck pulling you in to peck your lips over and over, warm and comforting giggles slipping from your lips between every kiss. The trip up to your room took twice the time it would usually take, stopping frequently to evade the hotel staff, as well as missing your floor entirely in the elevator; too distracted by the taste of his lips and the way his hands gripped desperately at your hips.
Once well inside your hotel room, you found yourself underneath him, hair sprawled out beneath you as he marvelled at your beauty. A toothy grin spread across his lips before his head ducked down to press a kiss just below your ear, sucking a deep purple mark against your warm skin as a giggle erupted through his throat, the vibrations causing you to do the same, hands pressed against his shoulders to push him away. 
“Good lord, woman, I love you.” He breathed out, his lips moving to press a kiss to your forehead. You sighed out a moan as his fingers slipped underneath the hem of your shirt, bunching the fabric up as he pushed it up your torso and over your bra, exposing the plain but gorgeous lace.
His lips soon pressed against your exposed skin, sucking mark after mark down the valley of your breasts, humming in satisfaction at the way you writhed beneath him as your hands wove through his soft, ginger locks, tousling them perfectly as you giggled together.
“You may have won today, Georgie, but I’m winning now.” You whined, keeping him pulled close to you as his free hand snuck just underneath the hem of your skirt, fingers brushing against your sensitive clit as he swallowed each and every moan, taking pleasure in slipping the flimsy lace to the side to sink his fingers into you quickly and with no mercy, letting you chant his name as you begged for more. 
It didn’t take much for him to oblige, hardly pulling away from you to slip his cock free, teasing your entrance for a moment before he was pushing slowly into you, letting you get used to the feeling of the first few inches, only for him to pull back out, chuckling darkly at the way you writhed against the sheets. “Baby please, don’t tease me like that.” 
He pouted mockingly, dipping his head down to press a slow and intimate kiss to your lips, nose nudging against yours before he mumbled into the kiss, letting you lean into it. “As you wish, princess.” 
Almost all at once, you felt him move your hips to the right position, continuing to tease you as he sank slowly into you, not daring to pull away again as he eyed the way your face contorted with pleasure, your hands slipping under the thin t-shirt, he wore, pulling it over his head and tossing it across the room, your nails dragging down the freshly exposed skin, pulling a groan from him.
“I’m gonna fuck you so deep, bub, gonna make you scream and give you a baby.” He groaned, hands pressing your head down to the mattress as he cradled it, hot breath fanning over your face as his slow thrusts pulled moan after moan from you.
His strong arm hooked underneath you, pulling you up and into his chest, as his hips continued in pushing in and out of you at the most antagonising pace. He smirked at the way your head immediately fell to rest on his shoulder, your eyes squeezing shut from the new angle. 
“Bet you’re loving this aren’t you? Not so bold anymore, angel.” His gravelly voice rumbled through your ear, hand gripping that little bit tighter as he felt your small shallow breaths growing deeper at the intensely slow lovemaking you were far from expecting tonight.
“I’m still bold.” You whispered, nudging forward to pull his earlobe between your teeth before peppering sloppy, wet kisses along his neck.
“Funny one, love.” He smirked, beginning to pick the pace up a notch, enough to bring the hanging release down on you, pushing you to be clenching around him as you begged for it. “I knew you’d like that.”
He had a way of completely dumbfounding you, making you lost for words, finding yourself against the sheets fully again, this time he had hooked your legs over his shoulders only to lean down and press his lips to yours, all the time his skilled fingers toyed with your clit. 
You felt as if every sense had been awoken, stimulated by his very touch like a fire had been lit around you, pulling you into the embrace of the flames as you found yourself screaming his name, the inevitable high falling over you.
“That’s it, baby, doing so good for me…” He breathed heavily, his lips pressing to your forehead as he continued to ride out your high, his own release painting your walls as he fucked it into you, pulling true on his promise of filling you up.
You felt so full, his love washing through you from head to toe as he lazily kissed you, slipping your legs off his shoulders to pull you back into his arms, keeping himself bottomed out inside of you. 
“I’m dead serious about giving you a baby, princess.” He chuckled, hand trailing up and down your back as he traced languid shapes into your soft skin.
“Good, I’m dead serious about having your baby.”
Fred knocked on the door, his foot tapping on the carpet outside George’s hotel room. He was always a fidgety man, but today would be all too different for the eldest Weasley twin. 
He knocked once more, altogether considering just going home and leaving a lengthy but probably nonsense voicemail, if not entirely fueled by alcohol then by sheer force of nature that was his fiancé alone. 
He had decided on giving up, his legs stretching as he turned around. But then the door opened, the equally messy haired ginger behind it looking so much calmer and more serene than Fred ever could. 
“Heya, Georgie,” Fred breathed out. George would never have said it out loud, but Fred looked like absolute death. He could tell his older brother had gotten little to no sleep, his eyes sunken in. He knew Fred was hurting, and George never was one to rub it in. If anything, George would always be the one who understood him the most, they rarely ever had to apologize to each other for things like this, their souls simply understanding when pain was evident. 
“Morning, Freddie…” George spoke warmly, crossing his arms over his chest for a moment, smiling lazily at his twin as he pondered his next move. “D’you wanna come in?” 
“Yeah...yeah, that’d be nice,” he swallowed, smiling softly at his slightly younger (but in many ways, much older) twin. 
George stepped aside, letting his brother in as he shut the door behind him. He rubbed his hands together, a smile that rounded his cheeks on his face as he sensed the awkwardness in the room. This wasn’t like them at all. “Everyone missed you yesterday, Fred, parties aren’t the same without you.”
“As in, no one drank all the rum and Coke at the party without me is what I’m hearing?” He cracked a small smile, attempting to avoid as much eye contact with Georgie that wasn’t necessary. 
“George, I’m so sorry.” He said softly, his jaw stilling. 
“You don’t have to apologise, Fred.”
“No, but I do. I...I know how special being behind the wheel is to you, and you’re right. I don’t know what it means to win, at least not like you, and...George, you’re my best friend, stupid.” He aggressively wiped under his eyes. “I want to be happy for you and lately I haven’t even been thankful for you and that isn’t fair, mate, I...I love you. So much.”
“I feel like I was losing you there, Freddie, I’ve hardly seen you, we don’t talk unless it’s a press conference and just… Fuck I hate this, I miss being able to call you and talk about all the dumb things we can do together.” George sighed, looking up to the ceiling to stop the tears from falling.
Fred’s, however, were already hitting the ground. “I hate it too, Georgie...I hate it so much. It’s fun, being a racer like you - with you - but I just...I want to fix your tires again, man” he tearfully chuckled, watching George do the same. “I want to say stupid shit like ‘baby brother, your blinker fluid is out’ over the headset and listen to you cuss me out, and I want to be able to know I’m still on your team at the end of the day.” He curled his lip inward. “That’s all I’ve wanted. Is to be on your team.” 
“You have no idea what it’s like to win without you, when you’re out there making sure that everything is okay I just know my big brother is there looking out for me and I miss it, I miss telling everyone that it was you who made it possible, Freddie, you’re my star man.” George smiled, scratching his arm nervously, wanting nothing more than for things to be like old times.
Fred let out a breathy laugh, his eyes still brimming with fresh tears. “I’m the last one to thank, you big wanker, I don’t drive the damn thing constantly, that’s all you and your foolishness.” He swallowed. “I just...if you’ll have me back, I already talked to the Wood Brothers and everything but um...there’s a deal where I would be able to also drive once a month or so, and be your Pit Crew Pit Bull the other races. If that was okay with you - I want to be there with you again.” His knee bounced in the silence, his guilt and fear bouldering in his throat.
“I’d want nothing more than to have you back, I think it’ll be good for you to still stay driving, you have to get that adrenaline fill somewhere… I don’t say it enough, but I’m proud of you, proud of what you’ve achieved.” George smiled, the toothy grin brightening up the room as the awkwardness seemed to fade. “Even though you do become a cocky bastard sometimes.” 
Fred scoffed and rolled his eyes. “One does not become a cocky bastard, Georgie-kins, one is a cocky bastard...also, I have to be,” he said getting up and moving to where George was sitting. “if I’m going up against my snot-nosed little brother who’s getting married and is going to expect me to babysit for a thousand hateful children,” he waggled his eyebrows and threw a pillow at him. “But thank you...I mean that. You know you’re easily the best on that track every time. Every time. I’m...I'm proud to be your twin, Georgie.”
“I don’t know how I survived without your brilliant humour gracing us all, Freddie, I truly missed the inspiring wit,” George chuckled, gently nudging his twin with his fist, “After all, you’re not too bad of a brother to have, not everyone can be me but you’re as close as anyone’s gonna get.” He smirked, eyebrow raised as he looked over to his twin.
“I truly am so distraught I did not destroy you in the womb when I had the shot, but here’s to the wish anyway,” full on slamming George in the face with the pillow and howling at the action. “Top that, bitch,” he barked.
“It’s on now.” George laughed, throwing the pillow back at his brother, sending an eruption of laughter echoing around the hotel room, the two boys flinging cushions around like there was no tomorrow.
But the laughter didn’t end, only continuing as loud roars and giggles as time passed. You found yourself swinging your legs out of bed, trudging towards the source of the noise, only to find feathers everywhere and the twins laughing together in a childlike manner. “Could the two of you be any more loud?” 
“Sorry, baby… didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“Yeah, sorry, Y/N.” Fred chimed in.
“You’re damn lucky it isn’t early, Weasley.” You sighed, rolling your eyes as you shuffled off towards the warm embrace of the morning shower, thankful to see the twins as they should be, happy and together once again.
A/N //  so phia and i have pretty much decided that we’re gonna keep this going so... part IV coming sooooon ;))))
taglist // @slytherinsunrise @gcdricreads @theweasleysredhair @vogueweasley @vivianweasley @feetoffthetablee @thisismynerdyself @witch-and-a-half @loony-loopy-lupinn @rip-us @hopemalfoyweasley @whizboingies @pansydaisy @darthwheezely @lumos-barnes @starlightweasley @valwritesx @weelittleweasley​
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no grave can hold my body down – 2/2
Character: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Summary: It took time to get Jason Todd away from the darkness. Sometimes it felt like he was always standing at a tipping point, at risk of completely losing himself. But not when he was with her. She made him better and she would continue to make him better.
Word Count: 9,000
A/N: I know there are a lot of contradicting opinions on Jason Todd’s height. But for my own wish fulfillment, he is 6′3/6′4ish in this fic. 
Part 1
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Y/N had fallen asleep after getting home from work. She had a long day and was so exhausted that she passed out as soon as she sat down on the couch. Jason had to take off her heels and drape a blanket over her.
Now he was dressed in his armored undershirt, cargo pants, leather jacket, and tactical boots. His red helmet was tucked under his arm, but he was already wearing a domino mask. If Bruce had taught him anything, it was to be prepared to a point of paranoia.
He crouched down to his knees.
Ever so gently, he brushed Y/N’s cheek.
“Y/N,” he whispered.
She stirred and winced a bit when she opened her eyes, the glare of the quiet television was suddenly harsh.
“What’s going on?” She asked, still half asleep.
“Nothing. Go back to sleep. I just wanted to tell you I’m leaving to go on patrol.”
“Mhmm. OK.” She hummed. “Be careful, J.”
If Y/N ever found out how un-careful the Red Hood was, she would never sleep and she’d probably beg Jason to quit his vigilantism.
“I love you,” he told her before kissing her on the forehead.
“Love you, too,” she said back so dreamily that it sounded like she was talking in her sleep.
Jason slipped out of the window. He purposely chose this apartment due to the direction the windows faced, the distance from approximate apartments, and the darkness that would prevent any wandering eyes from the neighbors.
He’d been patrolling for a few hours. It was oddly a quiet night. He assumed it had to do with how cold it was outside. Sometimes criminals were weak in the most obvious ways.
Jason was standing on a rooftop, taking a breather when he felt someone drop behind him. He knew his family all too well and could differentiate all of their footsteps. Which was why he didn’t immediately shoot Dick when he thought he’d try and surprise him.
“So, Y/N was quite the hit…” Dick said without giving Jason a proper greeting first.
“What are you still doing in town?” Jason answered.
Dick sighed. “B still needs a little help on the case.”
Jason nodded, not actually caring why Dick was still in Gotham. 
Then an awkward silence washed over them. Well, Dick thought it was awkward. Jason couldn’t care less. 
“Why won’t you talk about her with us?” Dick’s teasing was gone and his tone serious now.
Jason turned his head away from the city view and finally acknowledged his brother. “You don’t need to know anything about her,” his helmet distorted his words to make them sound even harsher than they already were.
“Doesn’t seem like she completely shares that view.”
Jason didn’t respond. He didn’t appreciate Dick speaking on Y/N’s behalf.
“Bruce seems to like her,” Dick added.
Jason’s head snapped to him. “As if I give a fuck,” he snapped.
Dick had the audacity to laugh. “How did the two of you meet anyway? She was living in New York City when the two of you first met, right?”
“Jesus,” Jason growled. “Did all of you run a background check on her?”
Dick shrugged. “What did you expect?”
Y/N didn’t have any idea where she was going. With the sun having already set, she couldn’t even figure out what direction she was headed.
But she had typed the address to her hotel into the Uber app and trusted it from there. She was also too preoccupied still answering the dozens of work emails on her phone.
“Hey lady, we’re here,” the driver said rudely after she didn’t realize they had stopped.
“Oh, sorry!” She said, writing the last few words of a sentence before pressing send.
She jumped out of the car and yelled a thanks before slamming the door shut.
To her surprise, the car raced off without a second’s hesitation.
But when Y/N turned around, she realized she was definitely not in the right place. And for the first time throughout the drive, she realized she was definitely in a bad area.
Y/N heard all of the terrible things about Gotham. Sometimes she wondered if the things about all of the crime were exaggerated by the news or if the city was really rotting from the inside like everyone said. What she definitely didn’t believe in was all the vigilantes that seemed to be protecting the city. No one could ever offer up any proof, even with every single human having a video camera in their hands at all times.
But now she wishing she’d taken people’s warnings a little bit more seriously.
This was definitely not Gotham Heights, where her nice hotel was located.
“Fuck,” she muttered as she whipped out her phone and instantly tried to call another Uber. But the app was being finicky and she was getting a loading screen for far too long.
Then she heard a group of men whistle at her. The streets were filled with literal dumpster fires. There were countless inoperable cars with broken windshields and without wheels. The only women she spotted looked like they were working the streets.
‘Walk, Y/N. Just walk. Act like you know where you’re going.’ Her brain was screaming at her.
So she did while remaining on high alert.
No matter how much she pretended to blend in, she was obviously out of place and sticking out like a sore thumb.
Her heart was racing and she tried to walk as fast as she could without fully running. She just hoped to get to a main street soon and try to catch a yellow cab, since apparently all her car-service apps decided not to work.
But suddenly, a man stepped onto the sidewalk, blocking Y/N’s path forward.
“You lost, sweetheart?” He cooed.
Y/N stopped and started backing away. But when she turned around, she saw that two men were waiting behind her.
“No need to be scared,” the same men said behind her, closer this time. “We just want to talk.”
‘Fuck this,’ Y/N thought before she decided to make a run for it.
But one of them grabbed her and shoved her to the side, pushing her into the alleyway she hadn’t realized they were right next to.
It was so dark that she could hardly make out the silhouettes of her attackers. But that wasn’t going to stop her from fighting. She immediately tried to shove past anyone in her vicinity and hit whoever was grabbing her.
“Get the fuck away from me!” She screamed, hoping that there was someone in this poisoned city that would try and help her.
Except she was outnumbered by three men, which ended in her getting shoved up the brick wall that lined the alley.
“I don’t have any money,” she gasped as a last ditch effort to save herself.
“Who said we wanted your money?” One of them chuckled darkly.
Before their words could hearten Y/N to try another defensive attack and escape, there was a strange zipping sound that echoed down into the alley.
Next thing Y/N knew, the man that was pressed up against her and pinning her to wall was flung off.
Y/N gasped and tried to get her eyes to adjust to the darkness enough so she could actually see what the hell was happening.
“It’s the hood!” One of the men yelled to his friends before making a run for it.
Then a gun was fired off – two shots.
Y/N yelped at the noise and covered her ears.
But when she looked back up, the man who had tried to escape was now on the ground, screaming in pain as he looked down at both of his knee caps that had been shot.
When Y/N turned her attention to the other two men, she finally saw who had interrupted their assault.
It was a man – if that was even what he was – dressed in military gear of some sort. But what really caught her attention was the red helmet that was reflecting the night light and allowing her to actually follow what was happening.
Y/N watched as he punched the daylights out of one of her attackers. She saw the man’s face get more and more covered with blood with each punch.
If Y/N was scared before, she was now terrified.
Without hesitating any longer, she too made a run for it, hoping she wouldn’t be shot like the other runaway.
She sprinted around the corner. But she only got a few yards before the same behemoth landed in front of her.
He was tall, and had to be at least 6’3. Men were confusingly short in New York, so Y/N was still trying to wrap her mind around having to tilt her head slightly up. But then she realized it wasn’t even his height that was jarring; it was how utterly hulking he was. His shoulders were so wide and his chest was massive. His thighs seemed to be the same width has her entire torso.
Everything about him was intimidating and imposing.
“I gotta give you credit for being that fast while wearing heels,” he said to her as he glanced down at her shoes.
It wasn’t exactly comforting that his voice seemed to also be distorted by the helmet.
Y/N was frozen in fear, truly not knowing what he was capable of or even what he wanted.
“You can relax. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he told her with his hands raised. His guns were no longer in his grip, but in their holsters at his thighs.
“You just killed three men,” Y/N told him with a shaky voice as she took a step back.
“I didn’t kill them. But if you want me to, I’d be happy to go back there and finish the job.”
“What? No!” Y/N cried out.
He had the audacity to chuckle at her reaction.
“Where exactly did you think you were going?” He asked her.
“This whole damsel-in-distress thing is new for me. But I thought it made sense to run away from the guy who was shooting people,” she told him quickly.
Jason was grateful that his mask hid all his emotions and facial expressions, because he was smiling at her sass.
He looked her up and down, taking in her outfit and just her overall look. “You’re not from around here, are you?”
“What gave me away?”
He shrugged, ignoring the question. “What the hell are you doing in The Bowery? This is the most dangerous neighborhood in Gotham.”
“My Uber dropped me off here. I thought I was at my hotel and by the time I figured out I wasn’t, my driver had already sped away and left me for dead.”
He took a step toward her. “What’s a gal like you doing in Gotham?”
“I work for an art gallery in New York. But there was an event that I had to attend. I’ve been here all weekend.” 
Why was she telling him any of this?
Jason nodded in understanding. “Come on,” he told her.
“W-What?” She asked nervously.
“You’re not gonna get a car in this area. You should report the driver who brought you here in the first place. He knew better.”
He walked past her.
Y/N looked around her, trying to figure out if she even had any other option. She knew he was right about a car, which was probably why she’d gotten a loading screen for all of them when it realized her location.
Yes, he was technically a masked criminal. But he did just save her life, no matter how terrifying it was to watch.
Y/N decided she didn’t have much of a choice.
Before she could move, a motorcycle was being pulled up alongside her.
Y/N eyed it for a moment.
“What’s your name?” She asked him, as if it would make the situation any safer.
“Red Hood,” he told her.
Y/N nodded, not surprised that it didn’t make her feel any better. She realized she was in no position to ask for his real identity. She knew enough about vigilantes to understand that they only survived from hiding their true selves from the criminals they fought and the law enforcement who thought what they were doing was wrong.
“Where are you staying?” He asked her.
“Crest Hill Hotel,” she told him.
“Fancy,” he teased. “Hop on.”
Y/N hesitated before following his instructions. She sat awkwardly on the back of the motorcycle, unsure of what to do.
“You’re gonna want to hold on, beautiful.” He told her over his shoulder as he revved the engine.
Y/N tried to ignore the heat that rushed to her face as he called her ‘beautiful,’ and then she tried to ignore how wide and strong his torso felt as she reached to hold on.
It took 20 minutes to get to her hotel, proving that the Uber driver really hadn’t given a crap about how incorrect her original address had been.
Jason had decided to drop her off in the back entrance to avoid a scene of the infamous Red Hood dropping off an average citizen. He didn’t need that type of attention and Y/N shouldn’t be tied to him in any way.
Y/N got off the motorcycle with a surprising grace and turned to him.
“Thank you for…saving me,” she told him gently.
“It was nothing,” he told her.
Y/N just watched him for a moment, wondering what he looked like under that red helmet and without all the armor.
“What’s your name?” He surprised her by asking.
“Y/N. Y/F/N Y/L/N.” 
She didn’t know why she felt comfortable giving her surname. But it just came out.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Though, I wish it had been under better circumstances.”
Y/N suddenly dug into her purse, making sure she still had her phone and even just the key to her hotel room.
“Fuck,” she muttered without realizing it.
“What is it?” Jason asked.
“Nothing. I just…it sounds stupid, but I have a little notebook to write down ideas for – well, for my artwork. But it must’ve fallen out back in that alleyway when those guys shoved me against the wall.”
When she looked up at him, it was impossible to know what he was thinking.
“Anyways, thank you again.” She turned to finally walk away.
She shouldn’t love how much she loved the sound of him saying her name.
Y/N turned around.
“Stay close to the hotel. Gotham is different than New York City.”
She nodded.
“So, when did you see her again?” Dick questioned after he listened to Jason’s retelling.
“I was helping out a friend with a job in NYC. Things got ugly. I may or may not have been shot when I showed up at her window. Her apartment was in the area and I needed a place to lay low.”
Dick laughed. “Uh huh. Sure you did.”
Jason ignored him. “Anyways, I’d gone back to the alley that night and found that notebook she was talking about, and gave it to her to make up for bleeding all over her couch.”
“Always the romantic,” Dick teased.
Their conversation came to a halt. Instead of talking, they both listened to the city noises that Gotham brought.  
“Listen, Jason, I know I did a poor job of being there for you and actually acting like a brother. And I also know you haven’t always been my biggest fan.”
Jason stayed quiet.
“But you deserve to be happy. And we both know Y/N does that.” Dick sighed. “But you don’t talk about her with us and you kept her from even just meeting us after years of you two dating. If we weren’t all noisy and paranoid, we wouldn’t know a thing about her.”  
“What’s your point, Dick?” Jason asked roughly.
“No one ever wants to acknowledge this, especially you…but you’re more like Bruce than any of us. And you’ve seen how he pushes people away, keeping them at a distance. Y/N wants to be a part of your life, your whole life. And that includes all of us – whether you like it or not. So, what I’m saying is you don’t have to hide her from us.”
Dick knew not to expect a response from Jason. So he left him where he found him and gave him his space once again.
Jason didn’t have anything to say anyway. 
Dick’s words made him angry more than anything. Because he knew they were true. Yes, he saw how Bruce behaved with women. It was promiscuous and casual, because anything else was too close for comfort. Bruce’s priority would always be Batman. And Bruce knew that no significant other deserved his lack of commitment – no matter how much they might love each other.
Y/N was doing her nightly routine and applying moisturizer to her face when she heard it. She could be acting paranoid, but her instincts were telling her something was off. 
No, someone was here.
Jason made a point of being loud and immediately announcing when he got home as to not scare her. So, it couldn’t be him.
As quietly as possible, Y/N tiptoed out of the bathroom and to her side of the bed where she kept a titanium baseball bat. Jason had offered her multiple times to teach her how to shoot a gun. But Y/N wanted nothing to do with them.
With the bat in hand, Y/N snuck her way to the living room where she heard the sound.
She had turned off all the lights, making it hard for her to see clearly.
But she did see a large mass standing in the middle of her living room. With just a bit of hesitation, Y/N swung the bat. But the intruder caught the bat, stopping her attack.
They stepped into the moonlight, finally allowing Y/N to see that it was Batman in his full uniform, cowl still on.
“What the fuck. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Y/N snapped at him.
“I apologize. I didn’t mean to startle you,” Bruce defended.
But Y/N was still irritated. “Jason isn’t here.”
“I know. I came to talk to you.”
She froze. “Me?”
“I need a favor.”
Y/N narrowed her gaze. “I highly doubt I could do anything to help you.”
“You’re wrong. This has to do with your job. You work at The Drago House.”
Y/N tilted her head and crossed her arms. “Yes.”
“It’s owned by the Ibanescu family. They use it as a front for human trafficking.”
Y/N shook her head. “That can’t be possible…”
“Don’t underestimate the crime families of Gotham, Y/N.”
“So, why do you need me?”
“There are files and codecs that would decipher who their buyers are and where they hold auctions around the world. Nothings digital. They’re old school. With that information, we could shut done their operation forever.”
Y/N’s face was serious now. “What do you need me to do?”
“You have always had access to all the information. You just never knew it. All I need is for you to scan the files.”
She now looked at him suspiciously. “Don’t they say you're the world’s greatest detective? I find it hard to believe that you’d have problems breaking into the gallery after hours to get them for yourself…”
“It’s only completely lockdown as soon as it closes every night. Their security system is high-end and resets every 24 hours. Could we get into it eventually? Yes. But we’ve already been at it for weeks. And we’ve received word that there’s a big…” He hesitated. “…shipment happening any day. We don’t have time to waste.”
Y/N thought about what he was telling her.
“Why didn’t you go to Jason?” She finally asked.
“You said Jason doesn’t tell you what to do.”
Y/N glared at him for using her own words against her.
The apartment went quiet again.
Then Y/N nodded slowly. “There’s an opening tomorrow night. I can get them then.”
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Dick’s words haunted Jason for the rest of the night. He wanted to cut patrolling early and just get back to Y/N.
Now he swiftly moved into his apartment from the fire escape and immediately took off his helmet and domino mask underneath.
But Jason froze when he saw Y/N’s bat in the middle of the living room.
His heart raced at the immediate assumption that something happened to her. The furniture was untouched and there were no other signs of trouble, but he still rushed towards the bedroom anyway.
“Y/N?” He called out, despite it being nearly 4AM.
He let out a sigh of relief when he found Y/N slowly waking up from their bed.
“J?” She murmured, half asleep.
“Y/N, why is the bat in the living room?” Jason asked as he rubbed his face and then sat on the edge of the bed near her. Without even thinking, he cupped her cheek.
She rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up more. “I thought I heard something and freaked myself out. But it was nothing.”
“Y/N, how many times do I have to tell you? Call me when shit like that happens.”
“But it was nothing,” she repeated. “What?” She added with a sigh when he was giving her that disapproving look.
“I don’t care if it ends up being nothing. If you’re scared, then I’m going to be here. OK?” Then he finalized his point with a quick kiss to her lips.
She nodded. “OK.”
Then she looked him up and down, realizing that he was still completely in his Red Hood gear, only without his helmet.
“You OK?” She asked in a whisper. Her eyes already scanning his body for any obvious injuries.
“I’m fine,” Jason sighed. “I was just worried about you when I saw the bat. I thought something…”
Y/N quickly sat up in bed. “Hey, hey, hey. I’m fine. I’m OK. I was just being paranoid. I should’ve put the bat back. I’m sorry.”  
A comfortable and reassuring silence settled between them.
“Why don’t you take a shower and come to bed?” Y/N offered softly.
Jason nodded and kissed her again.
As soon as he was out of the room, Y/N ran a hand over her face. 
She hated lying to Jason. He didn’t deserve it. But she also knew he wouldn’t let her anywhere near an operation that Bruce was trying to pull off. This had to be the same thing that Tim had pulled Jason aside for at the gala.
But Bruce made one thing clear: he needed her help. And he wouldn’t do so if he wasn’t desperate.
The next night, Y/N couldn’t stop sweating and her heart rate was out of control. She tried to act like this was just another day of work, greeting customers, explaining the pieces, and answering questions.
But the need to get into the back offices when everyone else was gone would not stop nagging her.
With shaky hands, she tapped her ID on the scanner. Usually at this point in an event, all of her colleagues were either on the floor or had called it the end of their work day and headed home.
By some miracle, that was exactly the case.
Y/N locked the door behind her, never having seen a purpose for doing so any other day of working at the gallery.
“OK. OK. OK. Breathe,” she muttered to herself as her eyes scanned the room.
She knew where all the files were in the room. And Bruce had given her the keys to knowing what to look for. Now it was just a matter of putting the two together.
Y/N instantly went to work and started shuffling through papers, finding what was needed.
Bruce had given her a special pen that would scan every file within a second no matter what angle it was pointed at, so Y/N wouldn’t have any suspicious photos on her cellphone.
Y/N was almost done, covered in sweat and with shaking hands, when the door started jiggling.
She swore her heart was about to burst out of her chest.
With pure adrenaline, Y/N quickly put back the files that were in her hand.
But the person on the other side of the door was clearly getting impatient quickly and continued to mess with the doorknob.
Y/N jumped when it was finally kicked open. She whipped around to stare at a man who was nearly the size of Jason, but looked far deadlier. She’d never seen him at the gallery before, which meant he was definitely part of Ibanescu’s gang.
“Can I help you?” She snapped rudely, trying to use her authority to hide her fear.
“What are you doing in here?” He accused.
“I work here. Who the hell are you?”
He ignored her question. “Why was the door locked?”
“You still haven’t told me who you are,” Y/N shot back.
And with that, she straightened her posture and started walking past him. But this man wasn’t as stupid as he looked. Just as she thought she’d slipped away, the man grabbed her by the arm.
“Excuse me,” Y/N hissed.
But he ignored her and started dragging her into the back storage area of the gallery and further away from the crowd.
Y/N tried to rip her arm from his grasp but his grip was vice-like and didn’t even seem fazed by her efforts to escape.
This was not good.
While Y/N was still hopeful that she could possibly talk her way out, she was also realistic. 
Which is why she hit a button on her watch.
Jason had gifted it to her very early on in their relationship. It was a classic chronograph watch. But he had installed a panic button onto it.
“If something ever happens – even if you think you’re being overly cautious – you push this and it will send out a signal that I can track. I’ll be there before you know it.” That’s what he had told her when he gifted it, and she’d worn it every day since.
A few seconds later, Y/N was being shoved through the door that led to the back alley.
There was a group of men, just as large and intimidating as the one who still had a grip on her arm.
It was pouring rain and freezing outside. But the slight overhand of the building into the alley protected them slightly.
“What the fuck is this?” One of them asked.
“I found her snooping around in the offices,” he announced.
“I’m one of the directors of this gallery!” Y/N bit back. “I was checking the price points on pieces for a potential customer.”
“The door was locked,” the man added.
They all seemed to be looking at each other.
Y/N was frozen, trying to wait for the perfect moment to make a run for it.
But then she saw one of the men, who appeared to be in charge, eye the pen that was clipped to the pocket of her pants. She prayed that he was too stupid to think it was anything more than just a writing utensil.
But then he slowly walked up to her. He grabbed the pen from her pocket and inspected it.
Y/N swore time froze. She couldn’t hear anything. She couldn’t feel the tight grip on her arm that was surely going to bruise her.
Then the man’s gaze shifted from the pen to her eyes.
“Get her in the car,” he told the group.
Y/N’s heart dropped.
Without hesitating, she immediately started to fight the man holding her. With a swift motion, she kneed him hard in the groin, making him let out a growl and keel over. But he dropped his grip on her arm.
Despite wearing heels, she made a run for it. She didn’t get far, but she got far enough into the rain that she was already drenched.
Another man grabbed her, shoving her against the building and clenching her throat to a point of suffocation.
“You stupid bitch,” her original captor spat as he backhanded her across the face.
Y/N blinked as a ringing started in her ears and her face stung with pain.
“Get her in the car before you make a fuckin’ scene,” the leader warned.
But before they could respond to the command, the street lights went out, causing a surge of darkness to blind all of them.
Y/N tried to step away from her attackers as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. But she couldn’t see a damn thing. The pouring rain was only making it more impossible.
It wasn’t until one of the men cried out in pain and guns started firing that she could see anything. Except it was too fast for her to make out a clear picture. Every so often, a lightning strike or a muzzle flash would give her a short glimpse.
Lo and behold, Batman was taking out the men one by one. But every time Y/N’s eyes focused on his tall silhouette, he’d disappear. She couldn’t keep track of his movements. And apparently neither could any of Ibanescu’s men.
“Shoot the girl!” One of the men yelled.
Y/N’s eyes widened when two of the men turned their guns on her.
But just before they fired off their rounds, a small force tackled her to the side and behind the safety of a giant dumpster.
Y/N looked up to see a young boy shielding her with his own body.
Things were so chaotic that she hadn’t even registered he was there, too.
Before she could say anything to him, there was another presence that dropped down beside her. The next second, she was being grabbed and pulled into the sky.
From the feel of his arms alone, Y/N immediately recognized it as Jason.
His grappling gun had brought them to the roof of the building.
Once their feet were grounded onto the roof, Jason barely stepped away and grabbed her shoulders.
Y/N couldn’t read his face from his helmet. But the subtle movements of his head made it clear that he was scanning her body to see if she’d been hit. It only took a few seconds to be convinced that she was clear.
Then he was grasping her face. “Stay here,” he told her before he used his grappling gun to vault back down into the alleyway.
Y/N ran to the edge of the room to look down.
When Jason returned to the fight below, he was ruthless.
Damian had seen the Red Hood with a vengeance many a time. But this… this was something different.
No bone was left unbroken.
Jason wasn’t just neutralizing these men…he was out for blood and pain.
The leader of the little gang was on his knees, covered in his own blood, when he looked up at Jason, who had a gun pointed just centimeters from his head.
“Red Hood, no!” Bruce growled as he threw a batarang, knocking Jason’s gun away from its almost-victim.
Jason whipped his head around. “They were going to kill her!”
“I wasn’t going to let that happen,” Bruce countered.
While they talked, Damian knocked out the man Jason almost murdered. By now, all of them were knocked unconscious or so injured that they couldn’t even open their eyes.
Jason’s entire body froze, realizing what had really happened. Bruce and Damian didn’t just happen to be there to save his girlfriend. This was their doing. They were the ones who had put her in this dangerous situation to begin with.
“What the fuck did you do?” Jason thundered.
Just as a flash of lightening struck, he turned to face Bruce, finding his new prey.  
“She had an in and I asked her to use it,” Bruce explained evenly. “She agreed.”
“Of course she fucking agreed!” Jason yelled over the rain. “She’d never say no to helping! And you knew that, and you took advantage of it!”
Then he raised his gun, pointing it at Bruce.
“Put the gun down, Red Hood.”
“Fuck you,” Jason hissed.
The next thing Y/N knew, Jason shot a bullet towards Bruce, causing her to let out a yell from above. In her heart she knew he hadn’t aimed to kill, but Bruce dodged the shot anyway.
Now the two men were fully fighting each other. Bruce seemed to be pulling his punches and just trying to remain on the defense. But Jason wanted revenge. Yes, Bruce and him had a dark history. But putting Y/N in danger erupted something inside Jason that made him see red in a way he never had before.
Just as Y/N was going to call out for Jason to stop, she heard someone drop beside her on the roof.
Dick stood a few feet away, standing tall in his Nightwing uniform.
“Dick, do something!” She begged.
“I can stop Bats, but I can’t stop him,” he told her.
“Then get me the fuck down there! Use your zip-line thingy!”
“Zip-line thingy?” Dick repeated, clearly offended. “This is a grappling–”
“Dick!” Y/N cut him off.
“Right, sorry.” He grabbed her, held her body tight to him, and lowered them down back to the alley.
When Y/N looked up, Bruce was on his knees, trying to catch his breath.
But Jason wasn’t done with him.
“You made it clear that you don’t give a shit about me. But putting the one person I love in danger just for you to solve a case? You’ve reached a new low,” Jason yelled as he slowly started to walk towards Bruce.
But before Jason could reach him, Y/N blocked his path.
She was soaking wet and shivering from both the cold rain and the shock.
Jason could already see the bruises covering her neck and face. He also didn’t miss the small line of blood that had trickled down her nose.
“Jason,” she whimpered. “That’s enough.”
He froze.
Y/N walked to him. “Please, just take me home,” she whispered.
Just seeing her made Jason’s entire body relax. But he was also reminded that she was the priority, not Bruce.
Noticing her shivering, he took off his leather jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.
Bruce, Dick, and Damian were barely able to see the short, loving moment before Jason flung a smoke capsule onto the ground, covering him and Y/N as he brought her into his arms.
By the time the smoke disappeared, Jason and Y/N were gone.
When Jason and Y/N got back to their apartment, Jason when into autopilot mode of nursing Y/N. He pulled her into their bathroom and immediately started helping her out of her wet clothes. Y/N couldn’t stop shaking, and he noticed.
Jason only left her side for the split moment when he turned to start the shower, making sure to make it extra hot.
Then he was right back at her side, taking off his uniform and matching her nudity.
When he gently tugged her into their abnormally large shower, there was nothing sexual about it.
Now that Y/N’s skin was bare to him, he looked at all the injuries she had.
There were a few scrapes that would heal in a week or so. But Jason’s gaze went dark every time they lingered on the bruises across her throat, face, and bicep. He should’ve killed all of those bastards.
Y/N leaned into Jason’s chest. “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Because she knew that’s what this was. Jason wasn’t mad at her – at least, not yet. That could very much come later. But no, right now, he was scared. He put so much energy into keeping Y/N away from his other life, only for her to be thrown right into the center of it. And it wasn’t even his doing; it was Bruce’s.
“I know,” he bent down to whisper in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her.
Y/N didn’t know how long they stayed in the shower. But eventually Jason turned off the water and wrapped Y/N around in a fluffy white towel. She looked so young and innocent.
He moved her to their bedroom and sat her down on the edge of the bed.
Y/N watched him as he moved about the room, getting each of them clothes – all from his own closet.
“Are you hungry?” He asked her carefully as he handed her a pair of his sweatpants and one of his hoodies.
She shook her head.
Jason wasn’t surprised. One of the side effects of trauma and shock was a loss of appetite. But he made her drink a huge glass of water before he let her get in bed. And he made a mental note to make a big breakfast tomorrow when her body recovered and realized how starving it was.
When they were both finally under the covers, Jason didn’t hesitate to pull Y/N completely in his arms, smothering her with his giant frame. She welcomed his touch and warmth, burying her face into his chest.
Neither of them knew who needed this closeness more.
Tonight had been scary. Y/N knew Jason’s anger was bound to show up at some point. But right now, both of them were just grateful they were okay.
To Y/N’s surprise, she woke up in bed alone.
But her concern didn’t last long as she heard Jason moving around in the kitchen and she could hear soft music was playing if she listened hard enough.
When Y/N moved to get out of bed, she felt all the soreness that came from being grabbed and thrown around like she was last night. She winced, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle. But she made a mental note to hide any signs that she was in pain from Jason.
Over their time together, Y/N and Jason got disturbingly good at reading one another. So, when Y/N walked into the kitchen to find Jason making breakfast, she immediately sensed things were not good. It wasn’t the cooking that tipped her off. His naked back was to her and she could somehow see the tension in his shoulders – in his whole body.
Y/N knows he heard her as soon as she walked into the kitchen.
“There’s coffee,” he says without turning around from the stove. He’s making pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes, to be precise.
Y/N pours herself some coffee and sits at the table, watching him.
A few minutes pass before she’s had enough of the tension.
“If you’re gonna yell at me, then yell at me,” she told him.
Jason froze for a moment, but then quickly looked at her over his shoulder. “When have I ever yelled at you?”
He had a point.
Yes, Jason was once filled with only rage. There was a reason some feared Red Hood more than the Batman. He was ruthless. Fueled by vengeance, his temper, and his disappointment in the evil that plagued the world. He fought his enemies, but he also fought with his friends and family.
But Jason Todd was none of those things with Y/N. He never lost his temper with her. He never projected his rage and hardships from what he saw as Red Hood onto her. He’d never even raised his voice with her.
“I know,” Y/N admitted. “But I also know you’re still angry.”
Jason sighed, turning off the stove and bringing a giant plate of pancakes to the table.
But Y/N couldn’t eat while having this discussion.
Jason leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You wouldn’t have let me do it,” Y/N countered.
“Yeah, and for good reason.”
“He used you, Y/N.” Jason tried to explain. “You’re untrained… with no exposure to this world. He knew not to involve you and he went behind my back to do it anyway.”
Y/N lowered her head in shame. There was a part of her that felt useless. She couldn’t jump around rooftops and save those who needed it. She was just…normal.
“I just wanted to help,” she mumbled.
Jason leaned forward from seeing her upset. “Y/N, come here.” He reached for her hand and baited her towards him.
She took his offer and moved from her chair to straddle his lap.
Jason held her waist tightly as he pressed his forehead to her’s. “I don’t want to lose you,” he whispered.
“You’re not going to,” she reassured him.
“Please, I’m begging you, don’t ever do something like that again.”
Y/N’s heart hurt at how desperate he sounded. She had realized far too quickly that Jason wasn’t scared of death. He was only scared of her death.
“I promise,” she told him.
“You scared the fucking shit out of me, Y/N.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
Jason accepted her apology with a kiss. But it didn’t end quickly. In fact, it got more heated and hungrier. His grip got firmer on her waist.
Y/N knew where this was going, especially as he thumbed the hem of her hoodie and sweatpants. But they both needed this.
“The pancakes, Jason.” She warned him.
Jason smiled as he pulled away from her lips. “Fuck the pancakes,” he told her in between kisses. “I’m takin’ you back to bed.”
A few weeks had passed since the incident. Y/N tried to get her relationship with Jason back to normal. He still insisted on keeping his vigilante life away from her. But there was more of an understanding for why now.
However, tension had risen again a couple days after the attack, when they received an interesting gift in the mail. They had opened a rather large envelope addressed to the both of them. 
Inside were two first-class plane tickets to Paris with their names on them and an open reservation at Hotel Le Royal Monceau.
Y/N had stared at them with more of an understanding than Jason.
She’d looked up at Jason. “I…I told him I’ve always wanted to go to Paris when I first met him at the gala.”
He’d glared at the gift. “Typical Bruce. If he can’t punch his way out of an issue, he’ll try and buy it.”
Neither of them had said anything about actually using tickets and reservation. It just collected dust on one of their end tables.
Now Y/N sat in their apartment alone, reading another one of Jason’s books, when her cell started ringing.
It was a number she didn’t know, but she decided to answer it anyway.
“Ms. Y/L/N, it’s Alfred Pennyworth,” a charming voice answered back.
Y/N couldn’t help, but smile. As if she knew more than one Alfred in the world. “Hi, Alfred.”
“I thought it would be a good time to give you that lesson you asked for. Are you free today?”
Y/N looked around her apartment. All of her plans for today had consisted of laying around, drinking coffee, doing a bit of reading.
“Yes, today would be great.”
Y/N wouldn’t make the same mistake twice and had given Jason the heads up on her change of plans.
Seeing as Jason had no issue with Alfred, he didn’t seem too bothered bit it all. But he did still tell her to be careful and ended the call with a sincere, “I love you.”
It was strange going back to Wayne Manor when there wasn’t a gala being held there.
Y/N thought it would seem more like a home this time around, but it still felt like a museum to her. And yet, she still had imposter syndrome as she walked through the threshold.
Alfred gave her a warm smile as he opened the door. “It is lovely to see you again, Ms. Y/L/N.”
“Alfred, please, it’s just Y/N.”
He nodded. Then he gestured for her to follow him. “Come. I have a station set up in the cave.”
Y/N stuttered to a stop. “Cave? As in the Bat Cave?”
Alfred seemed amused with her hesitation and concern. “Of course.”
“Should I be – Is that even OK?” Y/N fumbled through her question.
“Well, I don’t see the point of hiding it from you. It’s not like you don’t know all the family secrets already, dear.”
Y/N blinked at that and finally continued following him.
Alfred led her through the secret passage way as if he was taking her to the dining room. She tried to control her reactions and not come off too interested in the details of it all. But it was rather hard.
Just like Alfred told her, there was a little medical station set up in a brighter lit area of the dark and dingy cave.
Y/N half expected him to bring up the recent drama that she’d caused. But ever the gentleman, Alfred didn’t so much as mention it.
He also did as he promised, going through everything she could ever need to know while tending to Jason. He even had little models to practice sewing stitches on. He was a good teacher and Y/N was soaking it all up like a sponge.
She couldn’t imagine her going to med school at any point. But knowing these skills were going to be used to help Jason made it easier to retain.
After hours of teaching, the cave awoke as a carport opened and the batmobile sped in.
Y/N internally swore. She’d hoped not to run into Bruce with this visit. He never seemed to be home, so the odds had seemed low. But clearly she’d messed that up.
Bruce stepped out of the car, taking in the two of them.
“Any injuries, Master Wayne?” Alfred asked politely.
Bruce was about to lie, but he glanced down at his abdomen where it was quite obvious he was bleeding.
“Perfect. My pupil can practice on you,” Alfred announced. 
Y/N’s eyes widened in panic. “Oh! That’s definitely a bad idea…”
“Nonsense. Best way to learn is under pressure,” he winked. “I shall go off and start dinner. Let me know if you’re near death, Master Wayne.”
Y/N watched him leave, regretting ever having come here.
When she turned back around, Bruce was removing his cowl.
“He’s right,” Bruce admitted. “Best way to learn is under pressure.” Then he moved to sit in the medical chair.
Y/N swallowed, realizing how dry her mouth was. “Right.”
Her hands shook as she tried to remember everything Alfred had been through. But she knew in the back of her mind that Bruce was fully capable of stitching himself up. So, as much as this was a set up from Alfred, Bruce wasn’t running away from it like she had tried to.
Y/N hadn’t said a word as she cleaned his wound, only apologizing when she thought was necessary – even though he never made a sound of pain or even so much as winced.
Bruce seemed to be following her lead, not wanting to force her to talk if she didn’t want to.
But after 20 minutes or so of silence, Y/N couldn’t take it any longer.
“You know, you can’t buy his forgiveness,” she said as she focused on her stitches.
“I wasn’t only looking for his forgiveness…”
Her eyes flickered to meet his awaiting gaze. “You can’t buy mine either.”
“I owe you an apology,” Bruce began to her surprise. “I should have never involved you. It was dangerous, despite how in control of situation I thought I was.”
“I agreed to it,” Y/N offered. Then she looked at him again. “But I accept your apology.”
A moment passed before Y/N asked, “Are you going to say that to him, too?”
“I would if he would even consider talking to me.”
With that comment, Y/N put down her tools for a second and straightened her posture. “I may not know you very well, Bruce. But I do know that you and Jason are more alike than either of you care to admit.”
She hesitated on continuing. Did Bruce even deserve advice from her?
“He was hurt. And he showed all of you that hurt by being angry, because he didn’t know how else to tell you. He doesn’t feel heard and he doesn’t feel seen. He was lost. And it’s hard for him to just forget how you all handled it.” She took in a deep breath. “But I know he still sees all of you as his family. And you’re the closest thing he’s ever had to a real father.”
Then she quickly grabbed her tools again and cleared her throat. “So, get over yourself, and just talk to him. And I mean actually talk to him – not as Batman and Red Hood, but as Jason and Bruce.”
The cave went quiet.
Y/N couldn’t help herself and looked up at Bruce. Either she was losing her mind or he was giving her a very shy smirk.
“What?” She blurted out.
But before he could answer, a motorcycle sped into the cave.
Y/N would recognize Jason’s bike anywhere. But he wasn’t in uniform. Instead, opting for his black leather jacket and a normal tinted motorcycle helmet.
After he took it off, he eyed the two of them, trying to read the room.
“Hey,” Y/N said shyly.
“Figured I’d come and pick you up,” Jason answered her unasked question, ignoring Bruce.
Y/N looked down at Bruce’s injury. “Actually, I’m all done here.”
“Thank you,” Bruce said sincerely as Y/N covered the wound with a bandage. “You’ll be a better nurse than Alfred in no time.”
Y/N grinned and took off her gloves.
But then she met Jason’s unsure gaze. They had a silent conversation.
“I’m gonna go say goodbye to Alfred,” she quickly told Jason, but really she was telling both of them. “Meet me out front when you’re ready?”
Jason hesitated, but nodded.
Y/N walked to him and gave him a quick kiss for comfort and encouragement.
And then she was off, leaving the two men alone.
Jason shifted his weight, not knowing where to start.
“You’re lucky to have her,” Bruce finally spoke.
Jason winced even though it was a compliment. “I don’t deserve her.”
Bruce stood up. “That’s not true.”
“You of all people know I’m not a good man, Bruce.”
He shook his head. “We may have different views on how to save this city. But we both want the same thing. That doesn’t mean you’re not a good man, Jason.”
Jason blinked at his statement.
“I owe you an apology for... a lot,” Bruce began. “The first is putting that girl in danger.” He paused. “The second was not protecting you – before and after everything that happened.”
“You mean before and after I died?” Jason wasn’t going to make this easy for him.
Bruce’s jaw clenched at that.
“Anything else you want to apologize for?” Jason challenged.
“Yes,” Bruce confirmed. “But I get the feeling that you don’t want to hear it all right now.”
There was a pause.
“You’ll always be my son, Jason. Even if you no longer see me as your father.”
Jason’s eyes filled with tears at Bruce’s words. But he held them back. He couldn’t break down. He couldn’t be weak. Not here. Not now. Not like this. 
He couldn’t take any more of this discussion. But he knew this was what he’d been wanting to hear from Bruce for so long.
“I’ll see you around, Bruce.” He told him before putting his helmet back on.
But Bruce had one last thing to say. “Keep her close. Don’t be like me, Jason.”
‘Don’t push people who love you away and make this darkness be your only life,’ was what Bruce would never actually have the courage to say.
Jason now had the cover of his helmet to hide his expressions. But he gave Bruce one last glance before tearing out of the cave.
As Jason pulled his motorcycle up to the front of the manor to pick of Y/N, Damian was playing out front with Titus on the gravel drive.
“Hey, Demon Spawn,” Jason greeted after taking off his helmet.
“Todd,” the boy replied coldly.
To his surprise, Jason got off his bike and walked to him with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.
Damian eyed him.
“I saw what you did that night. You saved her life,” Jason said.
Damian waited.
Jason held out his hand. “I just wanted to thank you.”
The boy hesitated before finally shaking it.
Jason didn’t expect Damian to say anything. But he did know talking to him like an adult, instead of a kid, was the only way to get through to him.
Then Y/N was walking out to them with Alfred lingering in the doorway.
“Hi, Damian,” she greeted sweetly before greeting his dog as well.
“Hi, Y/N.”
Jason was surprised he even remembered her name.  
“Ready to go?” He asked Y/N.
She nodded. But then reached up to touch the white in his hair. She seemed to have a fondness for it. And Jason didn’t seem to mind.
“You OK?” She asked.
He nodded. “Better.”
She gave him a shy but encouraging look. “I’m glad.”
“I love you, you know,” Jason breathed.
“I know,” she smiled.
Oh lordy. That took way longer than I was expecting. But kept my mind off of this dumpster fire of a country. And I hope reading it did the same for you ❤️
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Okay, so you said I could send an ask for headcanons about the childhoods of some specific merc(s)... I think I would really like to read your headcanons about Soldier’s and Engineer’s childhood :)
Thanks in advance and I hope your well.
Ooooh…I’ve been waiting for this! And thank you for being specific and not just saying “the rest of them.” Sometimes I get overwhelmed with nine specific mercs to write for. Your specifics are much appreciated.
Soldier doesn’t talk very much about his childhood - whether it’s because something happened or he just doesn’t remember it, no one can tell. It’s nowhere in his file, either…he refused to do anything except tell fantastic tales of a fictional youth.
However, in a rare streak of almost lucidity, he spouted off the entirety of his younger years, much to the team’s surprise. Usually, if anyone asked directly, he changed the subject.
But now he described everything in vivid detail. And, with a bit of research from Miss Pauling, everything fell into place.
Apparently he had been born in a small military town in Georgia. His father was overseas, leaving he and his mother alone in their small yellow house.
In order to make ends meet, his mother worked at a nearby factory, mostly leaving Soldier to fend for himself and the house.
“Can you be a big, strong soldier like daddy for me?”
Soldier would always agree, finding his own food, his own entertainment, and his own friends. No matter what happened, he never bothered his mom. If anything, his job was to protect her.
That’s why, when his stomach started hurting and his arms and legs ached, he said nothing about it.
When he forgot the chores he was supposed to do and even the names of his friends, he didn’t bring it up.
When he felt tired all the time and some days could barely get out of bed, he just chalked it up to laziness like his mother did.
It turns out the factory they were next to was polluting the water next to the house with dangerous amounts of lead, which soon overcame Soldier’s immune system of steel.
He could barely remember anything anymore, and he became more and more distraught every day. Sometimes he would forget where he was and run outside, then get lost in the woods, only coming back once he remembered where he was supposed to be.
Soldier began to wear one of his father’s old helmets after his mom commented on his red eyes and the dark circles around them. He didn’t want to worry her. Besides, it helped bring back a few memories if he ever got lost again.
Finally, it got to the point where he didn’t even remember his mother, or his promise to her. He began to wander farther and farther away from home.
One day, he didn’t come back at all.
Out in the world with not a single memory to his name, Soldier wandered far and wide. He usually slept in barns and old, abandoned houses, cut off from most people.
Occasionally, he would find a family that wanted to “raise him as their own,” only to turn him away after finding him too difficult to care for.
He had frequent nightmares, ate little due to his unresolved stomach issues, and could barely walk ten feet without forgetting where he was going.
If he accidentally wandered into the same house twice, he would be chased out with either a broom or a gun - usually the latter.
He became “the demon child” in some counties, and “g*psy kid” in others, due to his long, unkempt hair, hidden eyes, and odd habits.
It even got to the point where Soldier couldn’t sleep on anyone’s property because he would be actively fought off like a wolf or a bear.
His only pleasure was an old movie theater that, as he recovered from his lead poisoning, remembered the location of and frequently snuck into.
The only thing that played were romance movies - which, like many children, Soldier hated - and war movies, which he watched over and over again with starving eyes.
Because of these movies, a single memory from his mother’s house came to him. A woman, tall and muscular from hard labor, giving him a shiny badge to hold, asking him to be a strong soldier like his father.
And thus began his life-long dream of becoming a military officer.
He trained according to what he knew from the films…which was mostly running, doing jumping jacks, and occasionally rolling around in the mud.
This only served to distance him further from his fellow human beings, but he didn’t care. Soldier had a mission, and he was going to do it well.
But the biggest change was his hair.
He had started cutting it off with sharpened rocks, but he was always saving up coins he found for a “proper army cut.”
Finally, he had quite the collection in a dirty mason jar, and marched into the barber shop in his town to ask for a haircut.
The manager was appalled, and at first refused, but Soldier stood his ground.
“Civilian, I’ll have you know that by denying a soldier with a haircut, you are denying America one of its best fighters! I can’t curdle the enemy’s blood looking like a hippie!”
After a short yelling match that, of course, Soldier won, the manager decided it would be in his best interest to comply.
He walked out of that shop with no hair on his head, but a huge grin on his face. Next stop, the ranks.
Soldier went from draft office to draft office, applying for and being denied entrance to the army for his obvious lack of mental stability.
This is when the personal retelling ended, since Soldier became very upset by the memory of his recruitment failures, but Miss Pauling concluded that he just bounced from state to state until Mann Co. found him, quote, “sitting in an alleyway, eating army draft paperwork while sobbing uncontrollably.”
Engineer also never really talks about his childhood, but both Medic and Spy (Spy knows everything about everyone on the team) know that’s for a good reason.
He grew up in a trailer community near an almost ghost town in Texas.
His father was an abusive car mechanic with a mean streak a mile wide and a shop full of failed inventions. His mother wasn’t any better - she was bitter and reclusive, only really coming out of her room to pick a fight with her husband.
However, what Engie lacked in family, he more than made up for in friends.
He had a rag-tag, Rugrats-esque team of pals from all walks of life: Rhapsody, the daughter of a struggling porn star; Tom, the son of two farmers wiped out by blight; Cici, an adopted girl that could barely walk into her trailer without a black eye and a string of slurs; Quinn, the nervous child of a single mother that serves as guidance to the other kids; And Fred, who didn’t seem to have any family, but had become a greaser big brother to all of them.
Together, they explored the desert near the trailer park, pooled their resources to feed and support each other, and used their individual strengths to get through each day.
Engineer, whom everyone affectionately called “Big Dell,” snuck parts from his dad’s workshop for his own creations.
By the time he was twelve, he could make a small, running engine for the soapbox cars his friends frequently raced.
No toy, piece of clothing, glasses, or tool was out of his line of expertise.
One day, though, upon finding that some of his parts were missing, Engineer’s dad gave him a terrible beating that broke a few of his fingers and left a huge gash near his eye.
Since then, he refused to fix, make, or even touch a tool.
He wouldn’t tell anyone what happened, but they could make a pretty good guess, since they knew where the scraps and parts had come from.
The whole group was furious with Engineer’s dad - their Big Dell was funny, smart, and was more loving than every family member they had combined. Even Quinn was red in the face.
They wanted to break into his dad’s workshop and destroy all of his inventions, just to teach him a lesson, but they knew Engineer would take the fall for it.
Instead, they rummaged through trash cans, searched their toy chests, and looked under their trailers to find things Engineer could use.
They waited until his birthday to unveil the massive pile of supplies they had stowed away.
Engineer immediately dropped to his knees and began to cry, and everyone else dogpiled him for a huge hug.
As the creme de la creme, they gave him a pair of welding goggles - the same welding goggles he wears to this day, having modified them so they still fit his growing body.
With his healed fingers and renewed spirit, he made each of them a gift: a toy car for Rhapsody, a skull ring for Fred, a full set of candle wax crayons for Cici, a chewable necklace for Quinn so they wouldn’t chew on their collar, and a mini-planter for Tom.
But Engineer was given the greatest gift - confidence in his own abilities and that he can be and was appreciated for more than his services.
This gave him the drive to build bigger and better things, which his friends happily assisted in creating.
Engie’s best memories are with that motley crew of scrawny, beaten-up kids.
But, as he became a teenager, the abuse grew worse by the day.
He was often kept in his dad’s garage to fix cars in sweltering heat and with nothing to show for his work except threats of what would happen if a customer complained.
His mother finally grew bitter enough to pick on him, wondering aloud and pointedly if she had made a mistake by having him, then immediately contradict herself by wailing in his arms about how she’s the most awful mother in the world, and how she would be gone soon, and then nobody would have to deal with her anymore.
Engie grew more and more distant from his friends as they either moved out, ran away, or, in Rhapsody’s case, died.
He thought of just shutting the garage door and turning on a car a couple times, but he would always return to his memories of the hidden cave of goodies his friends had collected or the many inventions they had helped him build.
It just wasn’t worth it.
On a night when his depression and self-doubt was especially bad, he decided to build a personal invention for the first time in years - a small, robotic chicken made out of bent gears and empty oil cans.
He worked on it for a few weeks, but made the mistake of leaving it on a work table once it was finished.
Engie came to work the next morning with his dad ready to chew him out. But, before any finger could be lifted against his son, he was interrupted by a sweet older couple that was having their tires replaced.
“Now, Ethan, ain’t that just the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your life?”
“That there chicken statue over there! It looks like it could very well get up and start peckin’ for worms, don’tcha think?”
Engie looked at the couple, then at his dad, then at his chicken. He slowly lifted it from the table and turned the key.
It started to slowly lean forward, then took a few steps on it’s long, spring-loaded legs. The neck went down, and the chicken’s rusty beak began to scrape at the pavement.
Now he had the husband’s attention.
“Didja build that yourself, son, or did your daddy help ya?”
Engineer looked at his dad for a split second before answering.
“My own sweat ‘n blood, sir. My daddy says I should stop wastin’ time on ugly thing-a-ma-jigs an’ put my hands to somethin’ worth doin’.”
The man smiled. “Well, this ‘ugly thing-a-ma-jig’ shows real skill. We could use somebody like you, once we train you up a bit.”
“Now hold on a damn - !” his father interjected, but was silenced with a cold stare.
“We’ll put ya through a state-of-the-art school, then put ya straight inta the work force. You can build whatever you like…and you’ll have a lot better materials than rusty tin. Whaddaya say, son?”
Engineer just nodded, and the man grabbed his hand and shook it.
“We’ll keep in touch.”
Engineer left that trailer park at age seventeen, leaving his fuming father and drunken mother behind.
He only stopped to visit Rhapsody’s grave before embarking on his new life.
There is still a stone plate with a message carved into it next to the headstone. If you brush off the leaves and dig out the moss, you can see Engie’s parting words:
“A friendship with you and the rest of the gang is the greatest thing I ever built. -Big Dell”
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toomanythought · 3 years
A critique of the magic knight captain's outfits because that's the kind of mood I'm in.
1. Charlotte
I've decided that she has the best outfit of anyone here.
She's got several colors going on, but most of them are neutral so It's ok
Blue and silver with gold accents isn't really a color scheme you can go wrong with
Could use a little more armor, but overall a rather practical look
Could stand to loose the helmet but overall not bad
10/10 something I would wear
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2. Dorothy
I'm loving the energy of the pink in this one.
Honestly very pretty aesthetic
Not a lot going on, pretty much only pink w/ some black and white accents (There are two different shades of pink but that's ok because they're in separate pieces and nothing else is going on)
The green on her hat really helps make the pink less overwhelming, a great choice
Minus points because those shorts look a little bit like underwear and her boots should probably be black.
9/10 wouldn't wear it but I'd recommend a friend
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3. The Vermilions:
It's pretty much the exact same outfit but Mereoleona wears it so much better.
The red and orange is kind of a bad combo, and I thought it was basic knowledge that redheads should avoid wearing red
The blue does work to cut this a bit though, so it's not as overwhelming as it could be
Kinda iffy on the pink sash. It really should match the cape by outfit laws, but I think that would put too much red in the entire thing
Fuegoleon you're pretty but that outfit really isn't doing it for you. Minus points for the lack of titty window. In the future show more skin. 6/10
Like I said, it's basically the same outfit, but Mereoleona wears it with a very different energy and manages to make it look good. I get pirate queen vibes. 8.5/10
Overall 7/10; I might wear elements of it.
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4. Rill
The clothing needs a different style/cut but the colors are decent.
His cape doesn't class with his hair, and he's got the light colors well balanced with the dark
He looks like he's outgrown his pants though
Like seriously
They're a bit too short to be wearing without boots
And at least wear some socks to cover it up
Gonna give him the benefit of the doubt and say he hit a growth spirt and Walter hasn't had time to let out the hems
Shoes make me think of Tinker belle
6/10 I like the colors but he really needs different pants, and maybe shoes
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5. Yami
Surprisingly not the worst but I am not without criticism.
He's got an aesthetic going that allows him to get away with a bit
As an outfit it's ok, but there's a distinct lack of professionalism going on
Sir are you really going to wear nothing but a tank top 24/7?
Also the over pant thingies make it look like he's wet himself
I like the creativity with the squad robe. No one else wears it like that
His outfit was better when he was with the Grey Deer
Can' figure out what's up with those boots
5/10. I'd never recommend wearing it but it's got a practicality to it.
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6. Nozel
My dude you're rich enough to afford a stylist.
We're not even talking about the hair at this point, there are so many things that need straightened out
The ocean/teal blue he's got going on does not work with the periwinkle.
Also what's up with the pant leg cut outs. I really fail to understand the practicality of them
Why are there sandals
We are fighting people
Please wear close toed shoes
Also feathers and fur? Get it together my dude
While we're at it the feathers are kinda ugly in arrangement
3/10 I feel like someone failed to successfully merge two different outfits together.
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7. Kaiser
I don't have a lot to say. It's pretty bland.
Very shapeless and fluffy
I'm honestly getting hot just looking at it
Aside from the buttons + gloves and squad robe, there's not much going on
I don't have many critiques of the squad robe. It's purple and yellow. Nothing too horrible.
5/10. Very generic and boring. Don't like at all but it's hard to come up with concrete bad things
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8. Jack
Sir do you understand the purpose of clothes
It looks like an armored outfit so you get practicality points
What is up with all the leather straps
They literally serve no purpose
Please put on a proper shirt that covers your midriff
The pants/shoes combo is kinda sketchy
He needs to have either the black or the green running all the way up
2/10. It's just... ugly
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9. William
Sir I know your life sucks but please learn how to dress yourself. Your squad wears the uniform too and you aren't doing them any favors.
Feathers and fluff. Are you a bird dude? Is that your magic? No. It's trees. I know you like birds but you don't need to look like one
Please don't get me started on the colors
For posterity's sake I will now list every color contained within this outfit:
Dark Red
Tan? Light gold?
Dark blue
Lighter blue (but only in one place and it's not touching the dark blue)
Purple. Because this outfit needed some more pizzazz.
Get some pink and green and you'll be representing all the squads with ease
The style and cut is actually pretty good but the colors are beyond horrid
He tells Julius that the mask is tacky and then continues to wear it
And also match the rest of his clothing to it
He should have kept the mask as a statement piece and kept the outfit as one or two colors.
Honestly a very in character outfit because it demonstrates his inability to choose a side
3/10 I guess. I like some things about it but there's just too much going on. Bad overall outfit. Needs help desperately. Ask Mimosa. I have a feeling she realized it was bad.
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What if...
For the record, I blame @phrenic-a and @mountevey for this one... I, uh, think maybe three parts? Four? And just posting it here, not on AO3, as I DON’T DO AUS! ...except for this one, it seems. *sigh* 
What if Dulsissia hadn’t died, what if she had grabbed Corin and fled? What if she met Davarax? What if...
Part 1
Rated T for a slight touch of gloom before the fluff can start
It has been three months since they left Seswenna. Three months since she told Macero she was bringing Corin along to scout for some new outfits and her husband barely bothering to pay attention to the end of the sentence.
They couldn’t stay on Seswenna any longer. Corin is turning five soon and Macero had been hinting heavily at how was time for the boy to start his training and that it was way overdue for her to produce another child. Macero has plans and a schedule to keep.
But as neither scenario was an option for Dulsissia, she found a ship going to the most distant, dark corner of the Galaxy, scraped together some credits that Macero didn’t know about and bought two tickets. 
She and Corin left that very day.
As there was no way for her to bring lots of credits without alerting Macero, Dulsissia brought as much jewellery as she dared, hoping that would be enough to last them a good while, but she had no idea that decent living quarters, servants and proper food were so expensive. And while she’d been aware of that she’d have to find some way to earn a living for her and her son, Dulsissia quickly learned that none of her skills were something that someone one this foreign, gritty and vulgar planet were willing to pay for. Here credits went to food and booze, not fashion and beauty. Here there was nothing but concrete on the ground and thick, suffocating smoke in the sky.
It hadn’t taken long before they were running out of funds and this is why they now no longer have a roof over their heads and why the food has been so scarce the last couple of days.
Her sweet, sweet boy has been so good these months. Hardly asking any questions, never complaining, simply following her like a baby-Porg with blind trust and love. Dulsissia’s heart is breaking over the fact that she’s going to fail him.
They can’t go on like this. She refuses to let him starve. They will go back and she will face Macero’s wrath before she lets her child end up like one of the unfortunate souls they see scuttling around in the alleyways here.
Lost in her misery, she doesn’t notice the danger until it is too late. An arm goes around her waist and she’s yanked away from her son. Corin calls out for her, his thin voice filled with panic, but she can’t reply as a dirty hand covers her mouth and she is fighting to free herself.
It’s a human man drawling all kinds of horrible things into her ear, clearly drunk and unwilling to pay for female company. A second voice joins in. Two of them.
Dulsissia panics, just like her son, but no matter how she fights; they are too strong and she can’t break free.
The sound of a blaster being fired is frightfully loud, but as the man lets go of Dulsissia; she’s too busy breaking free and running forward to drop to her knees and cradle Corin protectively against herself to care. The boy clings to her with desperation.
A second shot. Someone nearby falls to the ground. Dulsissia tries to cover Corin’s ears and closes her eyes while hot tears trail down her face.
She never should have left. She should have found a different way. She should have never brought Corin here. Even Macero was better than this. She would have found a way to shield Corin from his wrath. She never should have left…
“Are you two okay?” A slightly robotic voice asks.
Tensing up, Dulsissia hesitates, wondering what new horror will follow what she’s just been through, then slowly looks up at the towering shape standing there.
It is a humanoid looking being, but it is wearing blue armor and a blue helmet concealing their face. They holster a massive blaster and the helmet tilts a little in what could almost look like concern.
Dulsissia nods. She keeps Corin close, shielded from the stranger. “Thank you.” She says in a half-whisper as her throat hurts from trying to scream earlier. She hopes good manners might keep the stranger, who looks like a male, in a benign mood and that he’d not simply take over where the others had left off.
“This area is not safe. Where are you going?” The stranger asks.
Dulsissia hesitates, reluctant to tell him anything but scared she might provoke him if she doesn’t. She’s very aware of the two bodies still twitching on the ground. She says the first thing that comes to her mind. “The marked.”
A moment of silence, then the helmet nods. “I’ll escort you two there.”
There is another jab of reluctance, but Dulsissia doesn’t dare decline. Also, if they are around others, he might not dare to do anything… unseemly. She slowly straightens, keeping one hand on Corin’s head as he shifts to cling to her leg instead of her torso. “That would be very kind of you.”
The stranger turns and takes a couple of steps before he stops and looks back at her.
Dulsissia takes a deep breath, strokes Corin’s hair and then the two follow this armored stranger.
Their mysterious saviour doesn’t speak again until he comes to a halt at the outskirts of the busy marketplace filled with all kinds of shouting merchants and odd smells. “Will you be okay here?”
Dulsissia nods again, eager to be rid of him.
“Mommy…” Corin tugs at her skirts. “I’m hungry…”
“I know, baby.” Dulsissia replies, stroking his hair and feeling the urge to cry again. She wants to crouch down, look him in the eyes and explain things, but she doesn’t dare take her eyes of the stranger.
He’s looking at Corin.
“Can we eat here, Mommy?” Corin asks with hope in his voice.
“Later, baby.” Dulsissia replies and hopes with all her heart that she isn’t lying.
The helmet shifts its attention up to her, the t-shaped visor feels like it is burrowing under her skin, and the stranger stares at her for several long seconds. “Let me buy you some food.”
Dulsissia swallows hard. “That is very kind of you, but you’ve already done enough…”
A glance down at Corin again and then back at her, and the stranger nods towards the food stalls. “Come. The boy can choose. Anything he wants.”
Corin tugs eagerly at her skirt and she dares a glance down at her son. His eyes are filled with excitement instead of worries for the first time since they’d been forced to leave their apartment. His little face is dirty, she notes with a jab of disappointment in herself. Forcing herself to smile, she nods to Corin and makes herself look at the stranger’s visor. “If you insist.”
The stranger gestures for them to take the lead and they do.
Not long after that, they are seated by a table, Dulsissia and Corin on one side, the stranger sitting at the opposite side, and the boy is inhaling the huge plate of deep fried ‘something’ in front of him. Dulsissia uses the opportunity to wipe off some of the dirt on Corin’s face before shifting more food from her plate over to his.
The silent stranger watches her and while she can’t see his eyes, she can feel them. Strangely enough it doesn’t feel like he’s ogling her like those men had. Dulsissia gets the feeling that he’s trying to figure her out. Like she’s some puzzle to him.
Like he wasn’t the mysterious one? Appearing out of the shadows to save her from horrors? Offering to buy food for her child? Declining to get anything to eat for himself but insisting she get food too.
Dulsissia looks directly at his visor, sees the helmet move a little as he shifts his gaze away, if she didn’t know better she’d say a little embarrassed after getting caught looking at her. “What is your name?” She asks.
“I’m Davarax.” He replies. “May I ask for yours?”
“Dul-” Oh, old habit, she wasn’t supposed to use her real name, “-cy. I’m Dulcy. And this..” Dulsissia places her hand on Corin’s head to introduce him, but the boy beats her to it.
“I’m Corin!” He grins, mouth filled with food.
Dulsissia closes her eyes for a second. So much for not using their real names. She glues on a smile and looks over at Davarax again. “Dulcy and Corin.”
“Why are you wearing a helmet?” Corin asks and she prods his shoulder, reminding him not to speak with his mouth full and to stop asking questions. He closes his mouth and chews.
“I am a Mandalorian.” Davarax replies, as if he didn’t mind answering. (Macero would always get annoyed when Corin asked about anything.) “My Creed tells me to always wear it.”
“Always?” Corin’s eyes go huge again. “How do you eat?”
Davarax exhales what sounds like a little laugh. “I can take it off when I’m alone.”
Dulsissia frowns a little. She’s heard about Mandalorians, has she not? Mercenaries? It would certainly explain why he was so efficient in shooting those two men and seem completely unfazed by the situation. It would also explain why he’s so… muscular.
“My turn to ask a question.” Davarax says and turns his attention to her. “Do you have a weapon?”
Suddenly all the anxiousness that had been starting to seep away rushes back into her and Dulsissia tenses up. She tries to keep a blank expression. She shakes her head.
Sighing, Davarax nods. “Thought as much.” He reaches down his side. “On this planet, looking like you do and with a kid to keep safe, you’re going to need a weapon to protect yourself and him with.” Pulling up a fierce looking vibro-blade, Davarax doesn’t activate it, merely flips it over to hold the blade while offering her the hilt. “Here. Take it.”
She hesitates, but eventually Dulsissia cautiously reaches out and takes the weapon. It feels cold and heavy in her hand. For the third time in a short time, Corin’s eyes grow huge.
“Don’t hesitate.” Davarax tells her. “If someone comes after you, deal with them. Swift and hard. No regret. Understand?”
Looking from the blade and over to him, to the emotionless t-visor, Dulsissia manages a faint nod.
It’s the first time she’s ever held a weapon of any kind. Not counting cutlery. Or gossip. An actual weapon. And she’s not entirely sure she likes the feeling. It’s intimidating.
But she pulls the blade close and decides to keep it. While she might not like the feel of a weapon, she will use it to protect her son. That’s not even a hard choice to make. “Thank you.”
Davarax nods, pleased at her accepting it.
“Why are you helping us?” Dulsissia asks, shame burning in her cheeks at having to accept pity from strangers.
“Because you needed help.” Davarax replies. “Because no real Mandalorian will turn their back on a child in distress.”
Suddenly curious, Dulsissia asks before she can stop herself. “Do you have children?”
“Four. Four amazing little ones.” Davarax replies with badly hidden pride. His shoulders even pull back a little in a preening move that he’s definitely not aware of as he follows it up with an awkward shrug right after. “I mean… Technically they’re not mine. I’m their teacher.”
Dulsissia can’t help but to smile, charmed by his reply, and she remembers how she’d wished her tutor had been her real father. “Lucky them.”
Davarax shrugs again and to her amusement, the mighty warrior does appear a little awkward. He probably did not mean to reveal so much about himself. She hides a smile by daintily picking up a piece of food and nibbling on it while moving the rest over onto Corin’s plate.
“Should I get some more?” Davarax asks. “You should eat some too, you know.”
Dulsissia shakes her head, despite the hunger gnawing in her belly. As long as her son is full, she’s fine. And while Davarax did not hesitate to buy whatever food Corin had pointed at and has given her what looks to be a valuable vibroblade, she’s not blind to the worn down look of his armor and clothing. He might be generous, but he’s not rich.
After stuffing himself beyond what he probably should by cleaning the plate yet again, Corin makes a faint sound of pain and moves over to lean against her. “My tummy aches….”
“I’m not surprised,” Dulsissia replies with a smile, leaning down and kissing his hair, “you ate like a Rancor.”
Corin laughs a little but remains leaning against her and it doesn’t take long before he’s drowsing.
Sighing, Dulsissia strokes his dark hair and feels the guilt suffocating her again. Her poor boy is finally full, but now the exhaustion from barely any sleep over these last couple of nights is setting in and she needs to find out where to seek shelter for the night without any credits to pay for it.
Either Davarax reads her mind or he just picks up on Corin’s exhaustion, but he once again looks at the boy and then her and asks his question. “Where are you staying tonight?”
Dulssisia clenches her jaw and looks away. The humiliation burns.
A second pass, then two, and finally it seems like he understands. “Oh.” Silence follows and if not for how Corin is more of less asleep on her arm, Dulsissia would have walked away.
“Listen,” Davarax says, shifting his weight a little, “don’t take this the wrong way, but you two could join me in my room. This place is even less safe at night.” He shrugs one shoulder. “I would rent you your own room, but, well, they’re really-”
“Expensive, I know.” Dulsissia cuts him off. Her face is burning even hotter now, both with the continued humiliation of being broke and what sharing a room with a strange man might include.
“I give you my word you’ll be safe.” Davarax says with firm conviction. “Both of you.”
Dulsissia knows she shouldn’t. She knows it could be a trap. But she also knows she needs to find a place her son can sleep without fear or danger hanging over his head. “Tell me the names of your children.” She asks.
“Paz, Barthor, Raga and little Din.” Davarax replies no hesitation, but with a touch of confusion. “Why?”
Dulsissia smiles and shakes her head. “No reason. Just curious.” So he wasn’t lying about the children. He knew their names by heart. A teacher. She decides to risk it.
Corin is fast asleep by the time they decide to head to the inn. Dulsissia hoists him up and grunts with the effort. He’s still her baby boy, but he is definitely getting bigger. Arms and legs hanging down, dangling with the apathy only a sleeping child can produce, Corin burrows his face to her neck and sleeps on.
Seeing her struggle, Davarax reaches out. “Here. I’ll take him.”
“No.” Dulsissia’s answers is short and hard, and she turns to shield her son from the Mandalorian.
No one is taking her son away from her.
Davarax lifts his hands in a sign of backing off and nods. He then gestures to one of the large buildings looming behind the others. “This way.”
Dulsissia tries to focus on Davarax as they walk to avoid thinking about the weight of Corin. (He must be extra heavy from all the food.) The Mandalorian is tall. Dulsissia had some height on most women on Seswenna, but he is so tall he makes her seem short. And while the armor might make him seem even bigger, there is enough of him without the blue plates so she can tell that, yes, there is definitely muscle there. He walks with the grace of a predator.
Dulsissia feels a prickle of fear and is actually grateful for the reassuring weight of the vibroblade in her pocket.
They enter a grey tower of a building, head up to the third floor, passing by one rowdy soul after another, before entering the safety of their temporary refuge. The relief of being inside is quickly snuffed out by Dulsissia seeing, with rising despair, that there is only one bed in the room.
She clutches the sleeping Corin close, but doesn’t get the chance to panic or run for the door before Davarax walks over to the transparisteel and flips the switch to block the sound and light from outside and says; “Don’t worry. You two take the bed. I’ll sleep on the floor. It’s okay, it’s what I usually do on missions anyway. Few places I travel to have inns.”
Dulsissia hesitates. It feels wrong that the man who had paid for the room was now forced to sleep on the floor, but… She looks at the sleeping boy in her arms and her heart breaks again. Her pride dictates that they’ve accepted far too much charity from this stranger as it is, but her maternal heart doesn’t care. Her boy can sleep in a bed tonight.
Gently easing Corin down on the bed, a wistful smile appears on her face when he makes a happy sound at the soft mattress and Dulsissia tucks him in. Once that is done, she turns to look over at where Davarax has settled on the floor next to the wall with the transparisteel.
He lies on his back, hands folded on his stomach, his blaster on the floor next to him, and his visor staring up at the ceiling. His helmet. He can’t even remove his helmet as long as they’re there. He hasn’t eaten either, only provided food to them.
Dulsissia swallows hard, reaches out and takes one of the two pillows on the bed, the one Corin is not using, before cautiously making her way over to Davarax. She holds it out to him.
He shakes his head. “I don’t need it. I’m used to this and the helmet has padding. It’s fine.”
“Please.” Dulsissia says. Her final fragment of pride giving up. She can’t pay him back, but… she can give him her pillow.
He looks over at her, watches her for a couple of seconds, then he slowly reaches out and takes the pillow. “Thanks.”
Dulsissia nods, turns away and walks back towards the bed and her sleeping son. She’s almost there when she hears Davarax speak.
“Are you two running away from something?”
With her back towards the Mandalorian, Dulsissia stands by the bed and looks at Corin. He looks peaceful and content. It takes so very little to make that boy happy. “Yes.” After everything this man has done for them, she can’t lie.
“Is there someone out there hunting you?”
Dulsissia closes her eyes. She sees Macero’s face. She knows he was probably beyond livid when he discovered what she’d done; taken their son and disappeared. Left him. She knows his pride will never give up and that he is searching for them this very moment. “Yes.”
Davarax doesn’t ask any more questions so she climbs into bed and curls herself around her son. She has no idea what to do tomorrow, but Dulsissia is so very, very tired… and soon she’s asleep.
A gentle grip on her shoulder wakes her the next morning and she opens her eyes with a violent start that also wakes her son and has him go from relaxed to frightened within a second.
“Sorry.” Davarax says, pulling his hand away. “I tried to call your name. Neither of you responded. I was starting to worry there was something wrong.”
Dulsissia sits up and automatically pulls Corin close, wrapping her arms protectively around him despite how he calmed the second he saw the Mandalorian. “No, I’m sorry. I guess I was more tired than I…” She sees the small table to the left has several small containers with what her nose tells her is food. Davarax can’t eat his breakfast before they’re gone. “...than I was aware of.” She lamely finishes and dreads the second Corin smells it too. How is she to explain to him that she has no breakfast for him? “We’ll be out of your room in a minute.”
Davarax gestures to the table. “Eat. Please.”
Corin’s head snaps up and he scouts around the room. “Breakfast?” He starts pushing his mother away, trying to free himself. “So hungry!”
“Baby, no.” Dulsissia says, holding him back. “That’s Davarax’ food.”
“I ate earlier.” Davarax says, walking over to flip the switch that will make the tansparisteel let light and sound in again. “This is for you two.”
Letting Corin go in another wave of defeat, feeling like an utter failure, Dulsissia just sits on the bed while her son eats. Corin happily digs into the containers and pulls out treats with glee.
“Dulcy…” Davarax says, and his voice is suddenly so very soft and gentle. Like he isn’t some random stranger they just met, who has done more for her son than she’s been able to do in days. Like he is someone who cares. “You have to eat.”
Nodding, she’s used to doing what she’s told, Dulsissia gets up and walks over to the table. The first mouthfuls are difficult, she’s struggling not to spit it back out, but then Corin looks over at her and gives her a wide, happy grin. He lost a tooth last week. Her sweet baby boy.
Okay, enough self-pity. Keep going, girl. For Corin.
Dulsissia eats.
By the time they leave the room, Corin is both filled up with food and sleep and is once again the energetic child she’d seen during the first weeks of their freedom. He’s running around, exploring and darting back to her and Davarax when things get too scary, and Dulsissia smiles. She has a moment of fear when Corin decides to jump up and grab a hold of Davarax’ arm and use him as a rope-swing, but instead of getting angry, the Mandalorian merely sways him back and forth. He even answers every single one of Corin’s billion questions until Dulsissia orders her son to stop pestering the man.
The sun is almost strong enough to break through the heavy smoke in the sky today. Corin is watching a couple of teenage Zabraks play some game with a leatherball in an empty parking area while Dulsissia and Davarax sit on a fallen tree nearby.
“Your children,” Dulsissia says, happy to pretend this is just a normal day, “what are they like?”
Davarax hums and there is a smile in that sound. “Paz was my first. He’s a handful. He’s as tall and broad-shouldered as kids five years older than him and he loves to pick fights. But once you get under that tough surface, that boy is a giant softie who thinks it is his job to look after everyone. Barthor, my second one, is the most clever creature I’ve ever met. His intelligence is off the charts. He gets frustrated because the rest of us take so long to catch up to what he already knows, poor soul. Now, my third, Raga…” Davarax sighs and looks over at her. “She’s the scary one. Paz more or less persuaded me to train her because no one else wanted her. Her temper, teeth and absolute lack of fear has made her quite infamous at the Covert. It’s a shame so few get to see her sweet side, because she does have one.” The Mandalorian turns his attention over to Corin. “And then there is little Din. Your boy reminds me of him. I found Din shortly after his parents were killed. He was adopted by some friends of mine, but I get the feeling it’s not going too well…”
Mesmerized, Dulsissia cannot imagine for a second that Macero would be this caring about any of his children that he’d end up having. “They are lucky to have you.”
Davarax shrugs. “I feel like I’m the lucky one. Children are a blessing to Mandalorians.”
Smiling, Dulsissia looks over at Corin as well and they sit in silence for a while.
“I have to leave soon.” Davarax says, blurting it out as if he’s been holding it in for a while.
The words act like a fist clenching around Dulsissia’s stomach. She’d known this was just a temporary break in the nightmare that is her life these days, a brief respite, but she still hates that it has to end already. “Oh.” Corin is going to be devastated too.
“I finished my mission this morning when I got the food.” Davarax says. “I have to go back to the Covert. Report in. Check on my kids. Do some repairs on my ship.”
Dulsissia nods, but can’t look over at him. “I understand.” She forces herself to smile again. She’s good at that. “Well, thank you for everything you’ve done for us. For saving me, but most of all for the kindness you’ve shown Corin. He hasn’t had much of that in his life…”
Davarax doesn’t answer right away and she worries that her words hadn’t been grateful enough. She’s just distracted by how she can feel despair snapping at her heels at the thought of what lies ahead of her. She will fight a way to feed and house her son, but she knows it won’t be easy. And it scares her how close she’d been to going back to Macero…
“You could come with me?” Davarax says the words with the amount of caution you’d use for a skittish dewback. “You and Corin, you could come stay at the Covert for a while. You would be safe from alley creepers and no one would find you there.”
Dulsissia stares at him. “But… I’m not a Mandalorian. Neither is Corin.”
“The leader of our Tribe will let you two stay if I ask her.” Davarax sounds certain in his words. “I promise you, there will be a place for you there. We can teach you how to fight, how to protect yourself and your son. We can help you keep him safe.”
Dulsissia considers it, looks over at her son and knows what he would say, but the boy is too trusting. Corin still thinks his father is a good man at heart. “If he found out, he would destroy your Covert. I can’t repay your kindness by bringing evil to your door.”
“I can promise you,” Davarax leans closer, “that if this fool tries to challenge my Tribe, we won’t be the ones to be destroyed.”
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aroaessidhe · 3 years
She Who Became The Sun character descriptions
for fanart! my full book character description database in linked in my pinned post
please note this is mostly in the form of copypasted paragraphs so may contain spoilers!
"wide forehead and none of the roundness that makes children adorable, she had the mandibular look of a brown locust" "She took off her skirt and put on Chongba’s knee-length robe and trousers; untied her hair buns so her hair fell loose like a boy’s; and finally took the amulet from his throat and fastened it around her own" [wooden Buddhist amulet around his neck, glows gold in candlelight]
monk robes: their trousers and undershirts, then peasant-style short inner robes, then over them the wide-sleeved gray monastic robes,
She was smaller than the boys, but the enveloping robes made her otherwise identical. She touched her newly shaved head. Her hair was too short to even have a nap; it was as unfriendly to her fingers as a scrubbing brush.
later: She was wearing only her short inner robe and trousers, and now the Abbot draped the seven-panel robe over her shoulders. It was heavier than the novice robes
triangular silhouette
grid of 12 ordination scars on head
The black scholar-style hat she had worn for the wedding matched Chen’s perfectly, so that together they resembled a classic image of master and disciple.
She was wearing her usual combination of armor over old gray robes,
Xu Da
An older boy of perhaps thirteen or fourteen, to Zhu’s starved eyes he seemed outlandishly robust: almost too tall and healthy to be real. His features were as harmonious as if they had been placed there by a sympathetic deity, rather than simply thrown down in a jumble from Heaven like everyone else
Already twenty-one, he had matured into a strapping young man whose shaved head only highlighted the clean planes of his face. His ordination last autumn was still recent enough that Zhu found it odd to see him in a fully ordained monk’s seven-panel robe instead of the simpler novice robes, his scalp marked with ordination scars
His cheekbones stood out more sharply, and there was a new shadow in his eyes. His grown-out hair puffed around his head like the fur of a Tibetan temple dog. Out of his gray robes, which were the only clothes Zhu had ever seen him in, he seemed like a different person.
Under the downwards slope of his eyebrows, his right eyelid creased a little more than the left. His hair, in the awkward stage between shaved and long enough to tie up, gave him a disreputable look
The warm spring wind swept his loosened hair to the side like a flag
His deep outdoors tan concealed his naturally ruddy, fair-skinned steppe complexion, but his chest, visible through the gap in his robe, gleamed ivory in the firelight.
Tall and muscular, with a neat well-shaped mouth under his beard, he was so perfect an example of a Mongol warrior that he resembled the hagiographic portraits of the great khans even more than the real men themselves had.
Esen emerged from his ger in his ceremonial armor. His cape was silver fur, which flattered his browned skin. His beard had been trimmed so the column of his throat stood clear and smooth.
jade beads in his hair clicked
Esen’s familiar face, lined unfamiliarly with the pain he himself had put there. He saw the smoothness where the beard of Esen’s upper lip failed to meet his beard below, his strong neck with its fluttering heartbeat. The generous and well-shaped lips.
Esen, Ouyang and Wang-
The Prince of Henan swept across the courtyard and up the steps of the Great Shrine Hall. The lush fur of his cape rippled and flexed like a live animal. A plume of white horsehair bucked at his helmet. He was trailed by three radiant youths. Bareheaded, their alien braids tossed in the wind. Two wore armor, and the third a gown of such gloriously shimmering magnolia purple that Zhu’s first thought was that it was made of butterfly wings. “That must be the Prince’s heir, Lord Esen,” Xu Da said, of the taller armored figure. “So the one in purple is Lord Wang, the younger son.
[his] face, as bright and delicate as a polished abalone shell, brought to life every description of beauty that Zhu had ever read in poetry. And yet—even as Zhu saw beauty, she felt the lack of something the eye wanted. There was no femininity in that lovely face at all. Instead there was only the hard, haughty superiority that was somehow unmistakably that of a young man.
Ouyang had a vain streak when it came to armor: the mirror plates he favored were uniquely recognizable, a bold declaration of his status as a feared general of the Yuan.
He had been a youth then, probably younger than Zhu was now. Those years should have turned a youth into a man, but now Zhu had the impression of seeing an echo made flesh: someone as slight and beautiful as he had been all that time ago. Only his girl’s face had lost its pure loveliness to become something more unsettling: a sharp, eerie beauty held in as high a tension as the finest tempered steel. Instead of a normal soldier’s leather armor, the general wore metal. His circular chest plate was a darkly glimmering mirror. On each side of his head his hair was braided into the thin loops of a Mongol warrior. As he came closer Zhu saw he was actually of Nanren blood.
"She saw him in silhouette: black hair and black armor against a night sky. Behind him were the dark shapes of his ghosts, and behind them: the stars."
Lord Wang
hands tucked fastidiously into his sleeves. A clot of stillness amidst the chaos, watching. As was his habit, the other had set himself apart: his fussy silk dress was as vivid as a persimmon on a snowy branch. Instead of Mongol braids, he wore a topknot. His only concession to proper Mongol fashions was a sable cloak, and perhaps even that was only a concession to the cold. As Ouyang and Esen dismounted and entered the courtyard, the Prince of Henan’s second son gave his brother one of his slow, catlike smiles. Blood ran strange in the half-breeds. Despite his narrow Mongol eyes, Lord Wang Baoxiang had the slender face and long nose of the vanished aristocrats of Khinsai, the southern city once called imperial Lin’an
smooth golden tone of her skin was only more luminous in contrast to a small dark mole high on her forehead. Her hair fell as straight and shining as black clouds. Perhaps her looks missed the Nanren standards of classic beauty, but in her face there was such a depth of raw and innocent emotion that Zhu’s eye was drawn as if to the scene of an accident
her hair fell in two shining sheets around her face. Through it Zhu glimpsed her high nomad cheekbones, and the floating eyebrows signifying future happiness that every mother wanted their daughters to have
perfect willow-leaf eyes
it was true, though, that male clothing did nothing to hide her feminine shape. With her sturdy thighs and rounded hips, nobody was ever going to compose a poem comparing her to a slender willow, or a gracefully bending blade of grass
"Ma was wearing red, the color of what had been ended so that Zhu could build the new.  Her gold-embroidered sleeves draped nearly to the ground. Her upswept hair, as high again as her head, was crowned with hanging silk ribbons and golden threads that swayed as she walked. In silence she made her way between the bodies prostrated on the stone. Her skirts flowed behind her like a river of blood. At the foot of the stairs, Ma knelt. She was all smoothness and softness in the pool of her madder-dyed silk—"
Ma took off her veil. Her dangling hairpin decorations chimed softly against each other as she sat next to Zhu on the bed.
a few minor characters also in my database!
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marmosa · 4 years
evenings with you.
Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: none!
A/N: harry potter won’t be the only thing i write about, but for now it might be since a few of my friends are really rekindling my love for the universe (not jkr tho, fuck that bitch).  
The common room buzzed with people running about, chatting among themselves and waiting impatiently for their slower friends so they could make their way down to the stand for this week’s Quidditch match. The fireplace crackled nearby, a sharp undercurrent beneath all the busy conversation. 
“You know [y/n],” Evie spoke up, leaning her head back over the armrest of the couch, “red eyeliner really suits you, you should wear it more often.” 
“Thank you darling, I’m not so sure it’ll become a regular part of my attire, but it sure does make spirit wear even more fun to wear,” [y/n] chuckled, glancing at her reflection in the tiny handheld mirror she kept with her at almost all times. 
“Whatever you say. I personally think that that Weasley boy you fancy is going to love it, he does seem like the type to enjoy bold colors,” Evie hummed pretending to ignore the daggers being shot at her form [y/n]’s eyes. 
“Would you quiet down! What if he hears you? We’re all Gryffindor’s you absolute fool,” [y/n] hissed, reaching forward and imitating a strangling motion. 
“I’ll start quieting down once you two go on a proper date, it’s so boring that you’re still taking this long to have finally made a first move,” Evie drawled, pushing herself into a sitting position, “besides-,” she paused and small smirk drawing onto her features, “speak of the red-headed devil.” 
[y/n]’s eyes nearly popped out of her head as she quickly composed herself, panicking on not only what she planned to say but why he’d decided to approach them in the first place. 
“Hey Evie,” Fred chimed cheerily, turning to [y/n] with a more reserved gentleness, “hey [y/n]. You two heading down the pitch yet? The game starts soon and we’re gonna need as much support as we can get.” 
“You boys don’t need the flattery, your ego’s already too big from the last two games you absolutely crushed,” Evie scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully at Fred’s request. 
“Hey, you never know how things can turn out. One wrong move and our winning streak could fall apart!” Fred feigned offence at her remark, placing his hand over his chest. 
“If you really need a good luck charm, I heard [y/n]’s kisses are one of the most lucky charms there is,” Evie teased, sticking her tongue out at her now hot-faced friend. 
“I’m not kissing anybody, especially not a quidditch player, it’ll go straight to their head,” [y/n] muttered, tipping her head up in pride to prove her point, “besides, Fred here does just fine without any sort of charm.” 
“Now don’t be that way [y/n], that’s just rude. You know I’ll take any luck I can get though, if the offer still stands,” Fred teased, plopping down on the sofa next to her and tapping his cheek suggestively. 
“Watch it,” [y/n] grit, elbowing him in the side.
“Hey! Careful with the merchandise! I have a match to win,” Fred frowned, holding his hands up to protect himself from any other preemptive attacks. 
“Whatever,” [y/n] muttered, rolling her eyes, “If you so desperately need a good luck charm, here.” She reached behind her and un-clipped her necklace, dangling the golden pendent with the heart charm at the end in front of him. 
“Are you sure,” Fred whispered, eyeing the chain cautiously, “I wouldn’t want to break it.” 
“It’s not fragile, besides, you can repair it with a quick spell can’t you?” She grinned, letting the chain sink into his palm. 
He pressed his lips together to hide his smile, making quick work of putting on the necklace and tucking the pendent under his collar, grinning widely at an amused [y/n], “I have a good feeling about this match.”
“You say that about every match,” [y/n] teased. 
“I mean it this time,” Fred beamed, looking up as Oliver called his name from the portraits entrance, “Well, I must take my leave. Send me your luck from the stands ladies, I bid you adieu,” He nodded before jogging off, scooping his helmet off a nearby table as he ducked out of the common room. 
Before [y/n] could get lost in her thought, Evie squealed loudly and nearly pounced on her, squeezing her arm, “You two were so flirting! That has got to be the cutest thing I have ever seen, I can’t believe you two haven’t made out already!” 
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?” [y/n] bit back a smile, leaning her head onto her friends shoulder as she allowed herself to bask in the warmth of their small interaction, “Anyways, we have a match to go watch, up and at it now, yeah?” 
“Hot chocolate and gossip afterwards?” Evie asked, shimmying excitedly. 
“Wouldn’t want to do anything else,” [y/n] grinned.
“YOU COULD’VE HIT THAT, FOCUS WEASLEY, FOCUS!” [y/n] screamed from the stands, her cries probably getting drowned out among the other student’s commotion. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t have teased him so much, it might’ve rubbed off,” Evie sighed, nudging [y/n] slightly, trying to gain her attention. 
“Probably,” [y/n] muttered, furrowing her brows as she eyes the scoreboard, the players, and the commentators, “should’ve given him that kiss,” [y/n] continued, more to herself than anyone else. 
The game continued on, both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff holding their own as the time ticked by to the end. As soon as it had started it had finished, Gryffindor scoring the victory by less than 15 extra points, relief flooding over the students packing into the stands. 
“I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!” [y/n] called out from the stands, as the students jeered and began making their way out of the stands and back into the castle.
Fred caught her eye as he soared around on his broom, beaming wider than she could’ve hoped for, waving at her frantically and nearly falling off his broom in the process. She laughed to herself, muttering a few insults under her breath as Evie dragged her along, insistent on getting their favored spot in the commons before anyone else could. 
The Gryffindor victory did nothing short of energize the entire house, the common room nearly shaking with joy and pride, drinks and snacks alike being shared like the last supper they’d ever have. 
Evie cheered with everyone else, still bounding on the same adrenaline high everyone else was. She plopped back down on the couch, wrapping an arm around [y/n]‘s shoulder, “Have you seen Weasley yet?” she questioned as quiet as she could against the deafening noise of the common room. 
“Nope, not yet, he’s probably off doing something stupid with the boys,” [y/n] shrugged, a little bummed she didn’t get to see him, but still overjoyed with the outcome of the match nonetheless. 
The night passed by in a blur. A few hours packed full of speeches, songs, jokes, stories, and food, everyone eventually falling upon the inevitable crash of exhaustion. Nearly everyone but a few stragglers had retired to their rooms for the night, the common room surprisingly clean for how much chaos had already ensued. 
“I’m heading to bed, you coming?” Evie offered, pushing herself off the couch and onto her feet, sore from the hours of insistent standing. 
“I think I’m going to hang around for a bit, you head up. I’ll make sure I’m as quiet as mouse when I return, won’t wake a soul,” [y/n] promised, waving goodbye to her friend as she snuggled into the couch, the crackling of the fireplace becoming the background to her nightly pondering session. 
She remained engulfed in thought as she recalled the events of today, he face running hot as she remembered Fred’s witty remarks along with the thought that he was indeed wearing her necklace. Her mind reeled enough that she didn’t notice the mop of red hair rapidly approaching her as silent as could be. 
“[y/n]!” Fred whisper-yelled, startling her out of her reverie.
“Shit-! Fred? Don’t scare me like that you moron,” She hissed, shooting her leg out to kick at his defenseless legs. 
He hopped backwards and situated himself on the couch as soon as she’d stopped kicking, “Still got some fight in you huh, the party didn’t wear you out?” 
“Of course it did, I’m just,” She shrugged, unsure of what to answer, “congrats on the win today. You did a,” she paused, pondering her words, “average job. Could’ve been better.” 
Fred’s mouth dropped open as he absorbed her words, shocked and amused that she’d jab at him like that, “You are just being a little spitfire today, aren’t you?” 
“And what’s it to you, Weasley,” She hummed, turning her body to face him, knees still hugged tightly to her chest. 
“I’m starting to think you hate me,” He mumbled, pouting and leaning his head onto the back of the couch. 
“Close but not quite. You can be charming,” She smiled, “sometimes.”  
“You know what,” he sighed, “I’ll take it. Perhaps me keeping your necklace in tact will earn me a few points?” 
He pulled the charm out from under the collar of his hoodie, holding it out like a medal of honor. [y/n] leaned forward and held the pendant in her palm, examining the gold heart for any dents or scratches. Fred held his breath, batting his eyes a few times at how close she was, the smell of cinnamon and sugar heavy coming faintly from her. 
“It seems you did keep it in tact, I’m impressed,” She grinned, letting the pendant swing back onto his chest, tapping it reassuringly with her fingertips. 
“I-uh, thanks,” He stumbled over his words, still recuperating from her closeness, “Do you- do you want it back?” 
“Hm? Oh no, you can keep it. I have a feeling you could use some luck on your side,” She hummed, leaning her chin into the divot between her two knees, looking up at him with inviting eyes. 
“I’ll cherish it until my dying day,” He proclaimed proudly, squaring his shoulder for a moment to enlarge his frame. 
“I have no doubt in my mind that you will,” she giggled, her heart being overtaken by a fuzzy feeling, head lolling to the side. 
Fred glanced down at her sleepy face, her eyes blinking in a slow manner and her body moving sluggishly, “I think you’re ready for bed.” 
“Says who? I’m not even tired,” [y/n] yawned, defeating her entire point. 
“Here, I’ll cut you a deal. I’ll give you my hoodie, just like you gave me your necklace, if you go to sleep right now,” Fred offered, heart hammering in his chest as he realized just how direct he was probably being with such a request. 
Her eyes widened slightly before sinking back down, a lazy smile pulling its way onto her lips, “It’s a deal.” 
Fred grinned widely, yanking his hoodie off by the back of the collar, stretching his arms up and over his head to get it off. 
[y/n] couldn’t help but catch the quick glimpse of his toned abdomen that wormed its way into the open as he forced off his hoodie. She quickly composed herself, trying to not let him see how her eyes were nearly ready to pop out of their sockets. 
“Here, I hope my cologne isn’t too overbearing,” He handed her the hoodie, the locket now on display in the center of divot in his neck. 
She took it graciously and inhaled his scent out of curiosity, her brain going fuzzy at the lovely smell of ceder-wood, evergreen, and mint that filled her nose, “It’s actually really nice, keep buying whatever cologne this is.” 
“Why thank you, that’s actually very kind of you,” Fred smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Of course,” She smiled, “well, a deal’s a deal. Off to bed I go.” 
“Yeah, Of course.”
The two of them stood up, [y/n] pulling on the hoodie and basking in the glow that was Fred. He looked down at her as she fiddled with the sleeves, turning side to side to get a feel for it, the gesture itself making Fred’s face burn red. 
“I think I look ready to take on the world, what’s your take?” She chuckled, being slightly taken aback when she looked back up to see Fred covering the bottom half of his face with his hand, the tips of his ears burning red. 
“It, yeah, it looks great. Grey suits you, you should wear it more often,” he nodded, still refusing to make eye contact with her. 
“Thanks,” [y/n] nodded, suddenly embarrassed to have even agreed to take it in the first place, “Well, goodnight Fred.” 
“Goodnight [y/n],” he passed her a tight-lipped smile as she shuffled off to her dormitory, he mind suddenly clouded with doubt. 
“She’s gonna be the death of me,” Fred muttered to himself, watching her disappear around the bend, cursing under his breath and heading off to his own dormitory. 
“HE GAVE YOU HIS HOODIE!” Evie shouted, shaking [y/n] awake as their other two roommates chuckled to themselves, running around as they got ready for breakfast. 
“That he did,” [y/n] replied in a groggy voice, stretching out her limbs as Evie paced back and forth next to her bed, going on about “a date not being far behind” or something of the sort. 
“Woah, woah, woah, slow your roll there chief,” [y/n] sat up and rubbed at her sunken eyes, “It doesn’t mean anything.” 
Evie stopped dead in her tracks and turned to look at [y/n] with complete disbelief, “You’re kidding right? That’s the most idiotic thing that has ever come out of your mouth, and you’ve said some pretty dumb shit.” 
“It’s not idiotic! He looked at me weird when I put it on and he probably regret it anyways, it’s not that big of a deal, I’ll just return it to him when we go to breakfast,” [y/n] muttered, sitting up and beginning to work on her morning routine. 
“You’re ridiculous, I hope you know that,” Evie scoffed, returning to whatever she had been doing before she decided to corner [y/n]. 
“Mhm,” [y/n] replied. 
The Great Hall was already bustling with students when the two girls arrived, both of them eyeing where they’d be sitting. They settled on a spot between two second years and a few people from the upper years, plopping down in the seats. 
[y/n] couldn’t help by feel nauseous as she cradled the sweatshirt in her lap, glancing up and down the table for the boy that was most likely obliviously responsible for making her regret every advance she’d ever made on him. 
Evie looked over at her poor friend, reaching over and rubbing her back softly to try and sooth the obvious nervous knot that had tied itself in her stomach, “It’s okay. Things will work out just fine.” 
Evie had her downfalls as a friend, insisting that [y/n] be bolder and more direct with the way she carried herself day to day, but when it came down to it she loved her friends dearly and would put them above anything else. 
“Thanks,” [y/n] muttered, poking the french toast around on her plate. 
The two finished their food quickly, [y/n] not taking much time at all as she had chosen not to eat very much anyway. As they made their way out to go spend some free time before their first class of the day, the same mop of fiery red hair made its appearance. 
“Hey [y/n], Evie, how’re you on this fine morning,” Fred smiled, stopping in his tracks as his brother George and their pal Seamus continued on their way to secure spots at the table.
“Just fine thank you Fred,” Evie smiled softly, “I was actually heading to the library to study before my potions exam, so I’ll leave you and [y/n] to it,” she gave [y/n]’s shoulder one last reassuring squeeze before heading off. 
“Good morning [y/n],” Fred chirped, a nervous edge to his voice as he stared down at [y/n]. 
“Good morning Fred,” [y/n] smiled halfheartedly, rocking back and forth on her heels as she worked up the courage to confirm her supposed rejection. 
“What’cha got there,” Fred quipped, pointing to the object clutched in [y/n]’s hands behind her back, “you’re not hiding things from me now, are ya?” 
“Not at all,” [y/n] chuckled sadly, “It’s, uhm, it’s actually your hoodie,” she held it out in front of her, refusing to make direct eye contact with Fred. 
Fred’s face fell, not even trying to hide his disappointment at this sudden turn of events, “Oh,” he reached forward and took it from her. 
“I figured you’d probably want it back, and I didn’t want to give anyone the wrong idea, cause y’know were not, like dating, or anything. And you probably wanted it back anyway, it was stupid of me to take it in the first place,” She started to ramble, heart wrenching at the absolutely broken expression Fred was giving her right then, her mind screaming abort as she wished she could have just taken everything back right then and there. 
“I get it,” Fred muttered, his words clipped short, “Thanks for the hoodie back.” 
Without another word Fred turned on his heel and walked into the Great Hall, leaving behind a cracked [y/n] and blanket of regret. [y/n] started choking up, swiveling around and sprinting to her dormitory, her robes billowing behind her. 
What had she done?
The next week had passed by painfully slow. Each day felt like a stab to the gut, the blade being turned deeper and deeper into the wound. [y/n] was miserable, no matter what he friends tries, she was a lost cause, sucked into her own regret. Evie did everything in her power to get [y/n] to warm up again, but she knew it was no particular use. 
Fred had chosen to give [y/n] the silent treatment, even going as far as to avoid her in the halls, common room, quidditch field, you name it. That week had absolutely broken the two of them. [y/n]  had never been so upset over a guy before, that it was exhausting for her to even focus on anything else but the sour taste in her mouth. Fred wasn’t taking it well either, his brother having to practically drag him out of bed for quidditch practice.
This week had a rapidly approaching quidditch match, Gryffindor against Ravenclaw, and the prospects were not looking too well on Gryffindor’s side. Students had taken to relaxing a bit as they slowed down school work to let the quidditch players prep and the other students rest. 
Evie had to go to breakfast herself the morning before the quidditch math as [y/n] had opted to sleep in as she had two free periods that morning. [y/n] wanted to curl up and cry more than anything, the locket she’d lent Fred swinging beneath her shut eyelids almost taunting her. She knew prospects were looking grim for their victory, Oliver Wood would have a breakdown nearly every other day leading up to the match, and she could only wonder how Fred was taking the teams fruitless practices. 
Fred, on the other hand, spent that morning curled up in the common rooms, toying with the locket as he stared out the windows towards the field he’d be playing on later that day. He felt sick to his stomach, his good luck charm feeling less than lucky that day. More than anything, he wondered what he’d done to get her to be so repulsed by his advance, his eyes watering at the notion that she’d done nothing more than respond to him in a friendly manner that he’d just selfishly misinterpreted. 
The quidditch match had finally arrived, the team stalking out of the common room as the other students sat in lackluster enthusiasm, a few of the upper years demanding they show at least a little spirit to hype the team. It was a wasted effort, but the stand still vibrated with anticipation nonetheless. 
The match came and went and it was painful to watch to say the least. Gryffindor did so poorly it was as if you were watching a completely different team. Students left the stands that afternoon, solemn and sad, totally bummed at the outcome. 
[y/n] got caught in the current and ended up at the back of the pack as they filed out of the stands, her hands tucked in her pockets to keep them warm from the cool breeze. She pulled her scarf tighter around her neck and felt a pang in her chest as she recalled just how cozy she’d felt in Fred’s hoodie. Cursing under her breath, she descended the steps, lost in her own mind, completely overlooking the quidditch team that appeared behind her. 
She felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up to see a mop of red hair, but quickly calmed down when she realized it was the other twin, “Hey George,” She muttered sympathetically. 
“Hey [y/n],” He smiled weakly, obviously torn down by the loss. 
“Sorry for the loss. We’re proud of you guys either way,” She reassured him, reaching over and squeezing him in a side hug. 
He leaned into her and smiled softly, “Thank you. I appreciate the consolation. But, uh, I think Fred needs it more,” he nodded his head backwards towards the back of the group, Fred hanging his head low with his brows furrowed painfully close.
[y/n] was taken aback, but swallowed her pride nonetheless and nodded understandingly, excusing herself as she carefully pushed through the crowd, until she ended up at the back.
“Hey,” she whispered, clutching her hands in front of her. 
Fred looked up, his face wet with tears, quickly wiping them off with the back of his hand as he realized who he was talking to, “[y/n]? I thought you already went in?” 
“Nope, got caught up in the surge,” she chuckled. 
“Oh,” he muttered. 
“Yeah,” she chewed on her bottom lip, concluding on her choice of words, “can we talk?” 
Fred wanted nothing more than to say no and run away, his heart wrenching at the inevitable conversation they were going to have where she turned him down gently in that smooth voice she always used when she wanted to be empathetic, but he knew it was unavoidable, “Sure.”
The two broke off from the crowd and settled in a small study room, a hall or two away from the boys changing room where he’d deposited his broom and helmet. They sat on one of the couches that was pushed against the wall, [y/n] with her knees facing Fred who’d rigidly sat facing forward. 
“I’m sorry about the-,”  [y/n] began, only to be cut off. 
“I know you’re here to reject me and I’m sorry I if I ever made you uncomfortable with my advances, it was never my intention to make you feel bad, so you don’t have to say anything or pity me because it’s fine, I should have know from the beginning, and quite frankly-,” Fred began to ramble, all his feelings tumbling out at once, his filter failing him. 
“Woah, woah, woah! Slow down darling, that wasn’t even where I was going to start,” she backtracked, reaching forward and taking his hand in hers, “I was going to say sorry for the game. I was going to build up to that, but, what do you mean I’m here to reject you?” 
Fred finally looked up from his lap and over at her, his face starting to flame a bright red, “oh, I’m sorry.” His eyes started to well up and he exhaled deeply, trying to blink the tears back, but ultimately failing. 
“Oh, come here darling,” she cooed, pulling him to her as he cried into her shoulder, his arms wrapping around her and holding her tightly to his chest. 
They sat like that for a while, Fred dumping all his bottled up emotions into [y/n]’s shoulder while she rubbed gentle circles into his back. Her hand traced up and rubbed at the nape of his neck, fluffing up the curls that lay there. When it seemed like he’d finally gained some composure, she pulled back, sliding her hands up to cup his cheeks. 
“I’m so sorry I ignored you for so long,” He whispered, grasping her wrists ever so softly as she thumbed away the lingering tears on his cheek. 
“And I’m sorry I did too,” She muttered, frowning slightly, “I never thought your advances were uncomfortable. I relished them, actually,” she chuckled awkwardly, biting back her own tears now, “I returned the hoodie and said those shitty things because I didn’t know what to do when you looked at me like that. I thought “there was no way he likes me that much” and I convinced myself I was right.” 
She dropped her hands and started rubbing furiously at her eyes, the pent up emotions finally shoving their way out. Fred pulled her close once more, pressing her head into his chest as she cried into his shirt, his hand caressing her hair reassuringly. 
“I ignored you because I didn’t know what to do with myself,” Fred confessed as she calmed down, “I liked you so much that the thought of you not wanting anything more hurt more than anything. I couldn’t fathom how stupid I’d been, because I didn’t want to. And when you said those things it was like the final nail in the coffin, I realized I had to come to terms with your rejection.” 
“You like me?” [y/n] muttered, looking up at him, somehow in awe. 
“Have I not made that clear enough yet?” Fred chuckled in disbelief, shaking his head, “we’re hopeless. Absolutely and completely hopeless.”
She broke into laughter as he grabbed her and pulled her down onto the couch with him, a shrill giggle leaving her lips as she fell along with him, pressed to his chest.
“Evie was right, I am an idiot,” [y/n] sighed, pushing herself up so she was eye level with Fred. 
“The most idiotic, idiot I know,” Fred concurred, giggling when she gave him an offended look, “Okay maybe not the most idiotic.” 
“You’re impossible,” she huffed, glancing away from him. 
“And you’re infuriating,” Fred muttered, grabbing her chin gently and turning her to face him. 
She watched in silence as he thumbed over her lips, still wet from the tears that had fallen down her face moments ago. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
“I though you’d never ask,” she breathed a sigh of relief, leaning down and connecting their lips. 
It was salty and slow, both of them moving in tandem to bandage one another’s bruised hearts. She caressed the sides of his face lovingly, curling her fingers in his mess of fiery red hair while he pressed her as close as he could, flattening his hands against the curve of her back.
They pulled apart for a moment, both smiling softly, reeling in the moment.
“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to do that,” Fred confessed, breathing a sigh of satisfaction. 
“Guess that makes two of us,” [y/n] grinned. 
“Can I kiss you again?” Fred quipped, excitement getting the best of him. 
“You don’t even have to ask,” [y/n] replied, pressing her lips to his once more. 
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battlinghurricanes · 4 years
I saw some other headcanon posts for him, so I felt inspired to throw my own ideas out there! I think some of my headcanons are pretty different from the ones a lot of people have of him, but I always like reading other people’s ideas so hopefully people will like this too!
(also theres a lot, this is long *cough* my bad)
- After the incident in The Lost Hero, after Midas dies, Lityerses is homeless. His father’s mansion is destroyed and it’s not like he has anyone to turn to.
- They mention in The Lost Hero that the Hunters of Artemis came across Midas and Lityerses earlier. When they did, Lityerses heard in passing about Camp Half-Blood. It’s the only place meant for demigods that he has even the slightest knowledge on, so he sets his sights on making it there.
- It takes eight grim months to reach New York. It’s half a miracle, slowly taking busses, hitchhiking, and sometimes just walking to the next city. Monsters attack him the entire way and he adds plenty of new scars to his collection.
- There’s no reliable way for him to get money. He gets much, much better at using his powers as a son of Demeter. He uses it to grow fruits, vegetables, and any sort of edible plant so he can at least have food of some kind.
- He goes to New York City because he doesn’t know what else to do. He doesn’t even know if the Hunters were talking about the city or the state but he figures he has to start somewhere. Unfortunately, the Triumvirate notices his presence before anyone from Camp Half-Blood does.
- He follows some demigods to Nero, who sent them to collect him. He offers a position working for the Triumvirate in exchange for food, lodging, and other basic support. Lityerses is tired and he wants to sleep in a bed and have proper meals he doesn’t have to worry about acquiring.
- He accepts, not caring if what the Triumvirate is doing is shitty or not. Nero sends him to Indianapolis to work for Commodus.
- Apollo’s decision to give him another chance was very affecting. Especially coming from ancient times when the stories of the gods on earth were far more real and immediate, he knows very well how the gods could treat mortals as simply disposable.
- He had never questioned his belief that any mortal who got wrapped up in business with a god suffered a horrible fate because of it, whether the god intended it or not.
- But then Apollo saved his life and defended him at the Waystation and told him he trusted him and Lityerses’s mind keeps drifting back to him over and over and over.
- His mind wants to reconcile what Apollo did for him with what he knows about the gods. He can’t, and that makes him feel a great many things that he can’t pin down. Apollo decided to care about him when he had no reason to, and he doesn’t know what that means for him.
- He feels a twinge of gratitude whenever he steps into the sunlight and pulse of anxiety whenever he wonders if he’s okay on his quest.
- He thinks about Meg, his little sister, and hopes they’re keeping each other safe.
- Lityerses can occasionally seem really dull, indifferent, or unresponsive because he gives super minimal reactions to things sometimes, but that’s really not the case.
- Being in the modern world for him is sort of like a slight, but near constant sensory overload. Sometimes, his brain is too busy processing other stuff to fully load up an emotional response. He’ll react to something in his mind but he won’t express it outwardly at all.
- Leo, running up: Wanna help me strap a firework to a crossbow bolt and try to shoot it into the office building across the street to see if it’ll blow up in there?!!!!!     Lityerses, with a completely flat voice and blank expression: I think that’s a very bad idea.
- It’s definitely not all the time, but it does happen.
- (Me? Projecting sensory issues onto every character I like? It’s more likely than you think.)
- He has a very “go with the flow” attitude, to the point of being a character flaw sometimes. It can make him easy to manipulate.
- (Commodus: hey lityerses go put this barbed wire and war helmets and metal teeth on these ostriches     Liyerses, in his head: uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh yeah cool got it i hope i still have some fingers left tomorrow)
- He’s working on it though. He’s working on it.
- One side effect of this is that whenever Leo makes some pop culture or meme reference, Lityerses will just nod and agree. It takes Leo forever to realise that he was just lying going along with it.
- *mid conversation*  Lityerses: I’d go get some food, but I don’t have any money     Leo: dude, you’re literally just the 69 cents vine, not enough for chicken nuggets     Lityerses: oh, for sure     Calypso, overhearing: wait, you understood that??     Lityerses: no, I’ve never understood a single word that’s left leo’s mouth       Leo: what?!!!! but you said you understood my reference to that dril tweet the other day, right?!      Lityerses: yeah, of course      Calypso: what’s a dril tweet??      Lityerses: I don’t know.       Leo: YOU TRAITOR
- Another side effect: he’s a complete pushover for Georgie.
- At one point, when some of the Waystation crew are walking out in the city, she complains that she’s tired and wants to be carried. When her moms gently refuse, she immediately goes over to Lityerses and holds her arms out and says that she’s tired. He doesn’t even stop walking, he just swoops her up and puts her on his shoulder right away.
- Hemithia and Jo glare at him but he just avoids eye contact. “She’s already up there, too much effort to put her down now.”
- He was in the Fields of Punishment in the Underworld and wow was it incredibly traumatizing.
- His memories of death are sickeningly agonizing, but they also usually feel distant and unreal. Sometimes, though, they’ll worm their way into his dreams with horrific clarity. He’ll wake up in a cold sweat, hyperventilating, with full body tremors he can’t control.
- One morning after waking up like that, while sitting on the floor regaining his composure, Hemithea comes in to see why he wasn’t up yet. He pulls himself together in due time. He doesn’t answer any of her questions.
- He never talks about it, but he’s truly terrified of dying. He never was before, but now that he knows what’s waiting for him...
- It doesn’t help that he knows that, no matter how careful he is or how well he defends himself, he could die at any moment if Thanatos decides to bring him back to the Underworld.
- It weighs on the back of his mind that, at least on a technical level, he has no right to be alive. Sometimes he can’t help but think that the things he does now don’t matter in the end, because there’s no reason he would get a second judgement when he does eventually return to the Underworld.
- He does his best to shut that down and remind himself that trying to do the right thing helps the people around him, no matter what happens after his death, but the thought exists and it is painful.
- He really never voices these fears because he feels like all he can really do is try not to think about it, and when he does, he tries to forget as soon as he can. It’s a burden he shoulders as quietly as he can.
- He isn’t used to owning a lot of material possessions, both from how he lived in ancient times and then from being homeless for a while. He’s only ever described wearing that Cornhuskers shirt because it’s the only one he owned for a while.
- Not long after joining the Waystation, the first time he was going out somewhere them, Jo snapped that it just made him look stupid, trying to look tough by going without a coat when it was so cold outside. Earnestly confused and defensive, he tells her that he just doesn’t own one.
- After that, she insists on filling his wardrobe until he has enough clothes.
- (Speaking of the Cornhuskers shirt, he just picked it out on a whim, sort of thinking of Demeter (They grow corn here like we used to grow wheat, right?) and sort of just thinking it looked cool. Olujime once tried to talk to him about how some college teams were doing and Lityerses just goes “What’s football?”)
- He doesn’t really get modern fashion trends. Leo offers to catch him up, but he declines very quickly.
- In ancient times, dyes and patterns available for clothes were much more limited and much more expensive. He’s fascinated by all the colors and prints people can wear just all the time now. Lityerses wears a lot of bright colors because he thinks they’re cool and fun. He likes red, blue, and purple the most but he’ll wear a lot of stuff.
- Along with not really following any trends, he also hasn’t picked up on a lot of unspoken gender connotations that come with modern clothing.
- When the Waystation are first trying to get him some clothes, he picks out a pink jacket and Leo snorts at him like “You’re going for pink?” Lityerses just stares at him like “Yeah. It’s just pink.” Leo sort of realizes and goes, “Oh, it’s just, you know...” to Calypso. But Calypso is also just staring blankly and says, “No I don’t. I don’t get it. Is there something about pink?” And Leo notices Hemithea glaring daggers at him and he laughs nervously and goes, “Nevermind, it was a stupid joke anyway.”
- Hemithia: Leave the ancient demigod and ex-titan blissfully unaware of our complex, modern gender stereotypes.    Leo, sweating: gotcha.
- He pretty much just wears what he finds comfortable. Generally it’s just t-shirts with jeans or basketball shorts.
- Lityerses is a super clingy sleeper and will reflexively grab on to anything within arms reach while he’s asleep. (He’s a big spoon by nature.)
- Leo discovers this and now, whenever Lityerses falls asleep on one of the couches, he’ll entertain himself by slowly pushing a pillow up to him until he inevitably grabs it and pulls it against his chest.
- No one gets those pillows back until Lityerses wakes up.
- He’s very buff. His muscles aren’t super defined, nothing at all like a bodybuilder, no six pack abs or anything. But he’s built. Thick arms.
- He’s very limber and flexible too. He has great balance, which lets him move as fast as he does in combat. He’s quite physically fit in general.
- He’ll never admit it, but he ended up getting attached to the highlights in his hair he got when Apollo revealed his godly form. He thought they were fun and different and he sort of missed it when his hair grew out.
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kashimos-hajime · 4 years
buried in your bones | b.b.
summary: “Promise you’ll love me always.”
WARNINGS: fluff, angst, blood, violence, swearing, drinking, magic and therefore magic haters pairing: king!bucky x queen!reader word count: 11.1k
a/n: inspired by hurricane by fleurie. i recommend listening to it for proper vibes :) written for @serpienten​​​​ and @buckysknifecollection​​​​. i had the prompt king/queen au and a dialogue prompt that is bolded. sorry this took so long! am still working through some killer writer’s block :( but enjoy!
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James can taste nothing but blood in his mouth as he plunges his sword through chainmail. His ears are ringing from the sound of metal singing with every slice, every clash of his sword against his opponents and his foot catches on a dead knight’s arm as he whirls around.
All around him, dirt is flying and there is the smell of smoke as he twirls out of the way of a horse with no rider. Sweat dripping through his armour, he spots a soldier pinned down and charges, running the attacker through his sword and kicking him off the tip.
The smell of shit fills his mouth as he sucks in a wet gasp, helping the soldier get up. Clapping his shoulder, James can barely hear himself over the clamour of battle raging around him.
“Are we winning?” Steve asks harshly, shrugging off his king’s hand, and James feels cold ice spear up his limb at the bitter glare his knight commander pins him down with. Steve has lost his helmet, his golden hair dark with mud and blood but his eyes burn bright. “Is this worth it for you?”
The word pierces through the haze and the two men collapse to their knees, ducking their heads as arrows stab into the dirt around them, the inflamed tips snuffing out as soon as they sink into wet mud.
“I want nothing more than to retreat, but they attacked first,” is his reply. He knows it’s pathetic.
He knows he’s at war because his people crave what they think is justice, because his people hate what they don’t understand.
He had been the same once.
Straightening, James jerks back as a sword tries to cleave him in two, and Steve is lost to him in the furious chaos of battle. Parrying another blow, he shoves his shoulder into his opponent’s gut and knocks him off his feet, dark hair flying into his face as he shoves the metal through the man’s stomach. The strangled scream echoes in his ears as he pulls it out with a wet schluck.
Stumbling back, James looks up to see more of his men clad in their refined red and gold armour storming down the hill, and he whips around, watching as more soldiers in gold and white fall. He can barely discern who is on his side, who is on Asgard’s.
“Well, if it isn’t the King of Kings!”
The voice, even to this day, harsh and rich with arrogance that only comes from believing their purpose is righteous, causes a fire in James to ignite.
Turning around slowly, he sees the gleaming dark armour, the stained black leather, the stench of death following his wake. Lord Rumlow scrapes the blood off one short sword with the other and James swears he can see someone’s brains along his knuckles drenched in blood as he raises his own sword.
“How are you, m’lord?” he drawls, that knifepoint smirk digging into his cheeks as he raises one of his swords, the tip pointing for James’ eyes. Scarlet drips from the edge and James swallows the knot in his throat. He has no illusions that if given the chance, the man will stab him through the throat slowly, sinking that blade through his flesh as he watched the light die from James’ eyes and relish in it, but he is a dog.
A dog with a master.
“Where is she?” James asks, the words tearing out of his throat as he sweeps his gaze through the dying battle. The ground is littered with the fallen and he can taste death on his tongue—bitter and cold and vile. “Where is she?”
Lord Rumlow merely laughs, harsh and sharp and poisonous. He circles James like a predator circles cornered prey, slowly making his way within sword range, and James watches those dark eyes narrow in bloody glee. “As if she’d come here for you.”
“I know she is.” He doesn’t recognize his own voice. It’s dark with fury as Lord Rumlow merely cocks his head, intrigued. “I saw her on the rise.” Hair sticks to his skin and his heart is nothing more than threads barely holding together. “Please, we can end this—”
“You still love her.” It is nothing but cold, brutal truth and James flinches as soon as he hears it. It exhausts him to hear those words, to know that someone like Lord Rumlow knows what he had refused to believe, to know that he’d been the fool for years.
Lord Rumlow lunges forward, bringing his short sword down upon James’ shoulder. Blocking the blow, the king falls onto his back. Metal sings in his bones as their swords drag against each other.
James manages to drive the sword into the dirt, his lungs heaving for air as he jerks his head away from the tip. A wild glint falls into the dog’s eyes as his lips curl into a vicious snarl as James tries to throw the man off. His skin is slick with mud and blood and sweat, and James can feel the heat kiss him at all sides. It’s suffocating in his armour, clouds of hot air gathering in his back, under his arms, on his face.
Brock wrenches his bassinet off and James barely has time to prepare himself for the punch before it hits. His head snaps back into the mud, nose blooming in pain as his eyes squeeze shut to prepare for another strike, but hands merely wrap around his throat.
“How dare you claim to love her? How dare you say that after what you’ve done? You’re not even fit to say her name!”
Fingers dig deeper into his throat and James gasps for air, blood slipping down his cheeks from his nostrils. Mouth gaping, he wraps his hands around Lord Rumlow’s sleeves. The cacophony falls away, the sound of everything fading as James forces his eyes open, staring into the pits of his strangler’s eyes, and his feet kick, slip through mud.
“You. It was always you,” Rumlow murmurs. “Even after all these years, she chose you time and time again with nothing to show for it. She should’ve killed you when she had the chance.”
“What did you just say to me?” James chokes out and Rumlow laughs, sharp and his teeth are bared in a sadistic grin. 
“You’re in no position to threaten me, m’lord.”
“No, what— what do you mean?” Another fist to the cheek, James’ world spins as his head jerks sideways. He can hear his blood gurgling in his head, in his throat, as he digs his fingers deeper into Rumlow’s gloved hands.
“All these years and you still don’t know.”
Unworthy. Unworthy. Unworthy, Rumlow’s voice chants in James’ head.
It is all he can hear.
Black dots impede his vision as the strength drains from his body.
“She never trusted you. She could never trust you. And how could she? Your family ruined her life!”
“Please, don’t—” That voice from so long ago, scratched and aching with its plea for mercy, echoes in his ears and his eyes flutter shut.
“And why would she? You won’t even fight for her honour,” Rumlow derides, a cruel laugh mutilating his words. “You don’t deserve her love. You deserve nothing!”
There’s a snap.
“Get off of him!” a voice snaps, dark with power, and the weight lifts from his chest, but it is too late.
James doesn’t recall falling into the abyss, but he knows he falls when everything goes silent.
“Prince James, let me introduce my daughter.”
That is how it starts, when he is nothing more than thirteen, reading in the garden’s hedge maze. The sun is golden, the wind smells like sugar and sweet fruits, and the sky is bluer than sapphires as he closes his book and looks up at the approaching man.
When he thinks on it years later, he thinks it is just as how all the fairytales, all fables, start.
He recognizes the man—a diplomat, lord of some powerful house.
The girl behind him, however, he doesn’t.
You’re wearing a dark red dress, your hair pulled elegantly away from your face, and you’ve the warmest eyes he’s ever seen. A fire ignites inside him, smoldering him from the inside out as you curtsy and he stands, his chair grating harshly against marble.
You smile at his flustered expression and he finds it beautiful.
“Your Highness.”
“My lady.”
“Your hedge maze was no challenge for me,” you proclaim and James laughs, tucking his book underneath his arm.
“And you’re good at puzzles?”
“The best.”
His heart no longer beats in his chest as your father explains that you’re simply here to shadow him in his diplomatic duties.
He had never worried about marrying a woman he didn’t know the name of, but now, as you cock your head and your smile grows sly at his shy grin, he knows you’ve stolen his heart the instant he laid eyes on you.
Any betrothal in his future will be for nothing because all he wants is to marry you.
It’s his seventeenth birthday and he’d spent the night before drinking smuggled whiskey and smoking rum with his friends. His head pounds now, with regret, as he tries to keep himself from falling asleep. His feast is going full swing, and he can’t quite recall ever feeling the effects of irresponsible drinking so strongly than tonight.
“Your Highness.”
You’re helping him in that regard.
“You can’t doze off, can you?”
He blinks, head jerking to you, and you smile.
“It wouldn’t be fit for a king to sleep at his own birthday feast.” Extending a hand over the table, you cock your head. “Dance with me. Perhaps then you’ll stay awake long enough to see the night to its end.” Standing, James feels blood rush through his body and he grins, placing his hand and yours and walking around the table. You tug him playfully into the center of the dance floor, the circlet gleaming in your hair.
The melodies of the band sink into his bones as he places a hand on your waist, the other interlacing with yours as he steps with the music.
“I apologize, my lady.”
“Oh, as you should.” You smile although your tone betrays it as he spins you around. Your dress floats, flares gracefully from your waist in dark green flames, matching the emerald on your sternum. A gift of his for your last birthday. “Illicit drinking without me? Honestly, it’s a crime.”
“Steve wanted to keep it a secret,” James protests as he dips you in one hand.
“Funnily enough, Lord Rogers said it was your idea.” Hoisting you back up, you send him a berating glare. “Honestly, you’ve never kept a secret from me. What’s going on, now? You’ve been ignoring me for days.”
“Nothing, bluebird,” he soothes as your hand settles on his shoulder, and a heat blossoms from your palm, through him. He could melt into your heat, the effortless hearth that stems from your very soul. His eyes settle on your confused expression, and he pulls you close, forehead knocking into yours. “I promise you. There is no secret.”
“You’re lying,” you murmur, eyes searching his. “You’re a terrible liar.”
“As are you.”
You scoff, drawing back and their noses brush as you narrow your gaze in a challenge. “You’d be surprised.” You twirl out of his reach with a parting glare, another lady taking your place and he’s surprised to see Lady Natasha smirking up at him. Taking her hand in his, he steps back into a bow while she curtsies. The music stalls for a moment as he kisses the redhead’s knuckles before it picks back up again.
“My lady.”
“She’s not very pleased, is she?” the redhead points out and James groans. “You invited her all this way and then chose to exclude her on the pre-celebration ritual.”
“Don’t tell me you’re the one who told her,” he complains, nearly stepping on Natasha’s toes but the lady quickly steps out from underneath his boot. “I’m trying to keep it all a secret. You know that.”
“I think you’re doing a terrible job of it. If you’re going to propose to her, it might be best not to act like she has the plague.”
“I haven’t!”
“Yes, you have. Don’t play the fool.” Natasha narrows her gaze, squeezing his hand painfully, and James winces. “You’ve never went a single week in the four years you’ve known her without sending her a letter and suddenly, the moment we get here, I have to listen to her complain about how you refuse to even look her in the eye and how you don’t spend any time on her, excusing it with flimsy reasons.” Shaking her head, Natasha pretends to accidentally step on James’ foot as they waltz around each other. “You’re lucky she loves you. She suspects something is wrong with you, and she’ll get it out.”
“And you didn’t tell her, did you?” James adds nervously, causing Natasha to sigh heavily, rolling her eyes. Her whole body seems to cave in with the stupidity James is apparently exuding as she sucks in a breath and tries to formulate a response not too rude for him.
“Of course not. Why would I ruin something like this for her, Your Highness?” With the last, biting word, Natasha is whisked away by a blond man with flushed cheeks and way too many drinks to be anything but a stuttering mess. James follows the redhead as she pulls Steve off the floor and sighs dejectedly, collapsing into the chair beside his best friend.
“Your birthday not all you wanted, my lord?” Steve crows as Natasha brings a goblet of wine to her mouth to hide her smile. James, with a glum smile, leans his cheek against his fist and watches you dance with another lord. He’s a bit older, one of the lords of your house, and handsome in a roguish sort of way.
Lord Rumlow, your sworn shield.
James does his best to bite his tongue when you toss your head back in a laugh and the knight grins, his obsidian eyes soft only for you.
The three friends exchange glances as you cup the knight’s cheek before slipping into the crowd just as the music ends, and James stands abruptly without a farewell to his companions. Pushing himself through the crowd, he mutters his pardons, your dress slipping between noble lords and ladies.
Breaking into the hall outside the ballroom, he doesn’t see a trace of you.
As if you’ve disappeared.
Sighing, he walks to the gardens. These halls are ones he knows well, ones he’s run through since he was nothing but a princeling escaping his nursemaid’s supposedly evil clutches. Then, as a boy after tutoring or a day out riding, and now…
He had walked you through these halls a dozen times and he still thinks you haven’t seen everything.
One place you do know, however, is the palace gardens.
The leaves are silver in the moonlight, a gentle wind rustling through the hedges as he makes his way through the hedge maze. Crickets chirp and some bird croons as he sucks in a warm summer breath. It smells heavenly, of flowers and sweet sugar, of light and clean water. He can hear the faint music from the palace, still, but the smell of hearty meats and smoke have faded to something softer, something warmer.
Your voice pierces through the night air as he finds himself in the centre of the maze. You turn around on one of the benches to look at him, and he’s surprised by the morose expression printed onto your face.
“Are you alright?” Stepping to the bench, he sits down beside you with a frown. “Did something happen?”
“Brock was simply saying how I had to rest up tomorrow. We depart at dusk tomorrow to avoid the rebels.” You turn to him, a glumness to your face he’s not used to seeing and he takes your hands gently in his. “I’m sorry I have to leave so early. We were supposed to have the week together.”
“If the rebels are threatening the roads, it’s best you go before you can’t any longer,” he whispers, leaning forward and pressing his lips to your brow. You inhale shakily at his touch, leaning into him. “I’m sorry I can’t fix this.”
“You can’t fix everything, Bucky,” you mumble, your nose brushing against his as you pull back. James wrinkles his nose and you cup his cheek, thumb brushing underneath his eye. “I just don’t think this is a war we need to fight.”
.”These magic users are dangerous—”
“Those magic users are people,” you reply hotly, pulling back and standing. You turn away from him and James’ eyebrows knit together as he stands as well. He doesn’t reach out for you, and you wrap your arms around yourself. “They’re people who’ve been treated like beasts.” Approaching you slowly, he gently sets his hands along your shoulders and you whirl around in his grasp. Your eyes search his, and he feels something in him soften at the bleeding heart he can see in your chest.
“You know I can’t change my mother’s policies. Not after how Father died.” His throat cinches shut at the mention of the father he never knew and he turns away from your palm, looking up at the summer sky. A dark indigo canvas speckled with diamonds, it’s so vast and endless, James can’t help but wonder if his father is watching down on him.
“What happened with your father, with Steve’s father, it was one incident that somehow made everyone see people with magic like freaks. One incident was all it took.” Looking down at you again, James brushes his knuckles down your cheek. “We haven’t exactly prosecuted all of mankind for one man going on a murder spree with a knife he stole from the butcher’s shop,” you say, voice snapping like a whip as you pull away. Again, you turn away from him and James feels at a loss. Every time you turn away, he feels as if he’s splitting in two and he sighs, letting his hand fall back to his side.
“We put murderers, criminals, in jail.”
“And we’ve persecuted a whole people for the same thing.” Your shoulders fall as you let out a tremendous breath, and an emptiness in James widens at the desolate aura emanating from your very being. “I should go.”
You move towards the hedges but James walks after you. “Wait! I don’t want us to depart on these terms. I have no wish for you to leave angry at me.”
You turn slowly, your dress twisting and brushing against the dirt as you shake your head, a gentle smile upon your face.
“I’m not angry at you, James,” you assure quietly, and he believes you by the earnest glint in your eyes.
“Then, may I walk you to your room, my lady?”
You dip your head, and extend a hand for him to take. Your fingers slide easily between his, and he pauses, simply admiring your face bathed in silver light. His other hand reaches to brush against your jaw and your smile grows as you cup his jaw and pull him down.
The kiss is quiet, tender, and his eyes slide shut as your hand runs through his hair, pulling back just enough to breathe.
“Promise you’ll love me,” you whisper, words as soft as silk against his lips as he presses his brow to yours. Your eyes are still closed but his flutter open, soaking in your face as if he’ll never have enough time to memorize it. You cup his face with both hands, open your eyes and stare into his soul. A wounded ache festers in your gaze and he nods. “Promise you’ll love me always.”
Drawing back, he feels your hands tremble and brings them in his own to his lips. Mouth against your fingers, he nods again. “I promise I will always love you.” Kissing your knuckles, he does not break his gaze away as your lips curl into a tender smile. Squeezing his hands, you look younger, as if a burden has been lifted off your shoulders, and in that moment, James swears he has never seen something quite so divine.
He falls to one knee, and reaffirms his grasp on your hands before digging through his trouser pocket for the ring.
“Bucky…” you begin, bemused at his antics, but then you catch sight of the ring and your breath hitches. Eyes widening, your fingers wrap tighter around his as he brings the ring up to the moonlight. In lunar rays, it glows effervescently, winking and stunning in its shallow grooves, smooth gold, and intricately shaped hands linked together. The metal bends, caves where the fingers interlace and you let out a whispering sigh as he looks up at you.
A heat rises in his cheeks and he swallows the nerves biting at his throat. He should’ve had a drink before he came out here, but then again, he hadn’t realized this would be where—
He should’ve. This is, after all, where he first fell in love with you.
“Marry me,” he says although it’s more of a question, a request, an ask for a blessing, and your smile is brilliant as you say nothing. “It is why I have been so distant lately. I’ve been trying to find the perfect execution, but it seems my own heart has betrayed me. I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you, and although I am your prince, to be your king… Do me this honour, Y/N, and be my queen.”
“Well…” Your grin digs into your cheeks as he looks up at you, and a flood of relief fills his body as you tilt your head, just as you did the first day you met him. “No more drinking without me, then I’ll marry you,” you proclaim and he laughs as you tug him onto his feet. “Promise me that.”
Sliding the ring onto your finger, he presses a warm, bruising kiss against your lips before pulling back just far enough to whisper, “You have my word.”
And then he kisses you again.
If, four years ago, James knew marriage would be so exhausting, he would still do it again in a heartbeat.
Your laughter, after all, is the song he wakes up to every morning.
That, or the squirming body of his son trying to get between James and you.
You laugh as his son bounces between your legs, desperate for the horse to go faster than the easy walk he paces at, and James watches as you wrap an arm around his son’s waist.
“Your stallion is ready, my king.” Turning to the stable hand, he nods his thanks and mounts easily atop the white steed, gently nudging his sides into a trot to join his family at the edge of the woods. Alpine nickers his greetings to your mare as you tug on the reins with your one hand.
“A fine afternoon,” he comments, glancing over at you as Stellan wraps his chubby hands around the handle of the saddle specifically crafted for riding with a child.
“Indeed it is, your Grace,” you tease, brushing your hair out of your face. “A fine day for riding.” Your mare bumps noses with his stallion as Stellan notices his father, clapping his hands. “The prince wants his father.” Hoisting his son out from the space between your lap, you hand him over to James with a grin.
Kissing his son’s cheek, James grins when his son latches onto him, arms wrapped around his father’s neck as they start their ride into the woods. James keeps a hand on Stellan, careful not to let him fall or squirm too much.
His twenty-first year has been blessed with peace, and James can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The rebels have been squashed into their hiding holes, and the kingdom prospers with long summers and short winters.
And his family…
He looks at you and something inside him melts. Your lips are puckered in a whistle and you repeat the bird songs chirping through the trees while the guard rides behind you, and he glances back to see Steve talking to Lady Natasha.
What joke did she tell him this time? He wonders, amused when Steve blushes at whatever Natasha said. Always flustered by whatever the bold redhead says. I hope nothing too under the skirts.
“Eyes forward, my king,” you call and he turns forward again to see you up ahead, head tilted to look over your shoulder. “We do have a clearing to reach before midday.”
“Mama?” Squirming in his arms, Stellan wriggles his way back between his father’s thighs and grabs the wooden handle of the saddle. Bouncing excitedly, the boy leans forward. “Go!” James nudges Alpine into a trot to catch up to his wife as his guard splits apart in the woods, no doubt interested in a day off simply relaxing without any drills on a sunny day like this. He’s sure some would head off to the lake for a swim while others participated in a hunt.
“Are you coming, Rogers?” a voice crows within the trees, and James grins when he hears Anthony’s squire, Peter, exclaim in pain when he hits his head on a low-hanging tree branch. “Your lady can come, too!”
“She’s not my lady, Tony!” Steve calls back as James catches up to where you’ve stopped and he pulls his reins lightly to stall as well. Glimpsing Steve’s red face, James smirks when the blond turns to Natasha. “I mean, you are my lady, my lady.”
“Aren’t you the charmer?” Natasha says dryly as the two approach the royals. Their steeds’ ears twitch and Natasha scratches her horse’s ear as you grin. “My king. My queen.”
“You do realize you are free to take the day off. We haven’t had the time to do so in ages,” you tell them kindly, your eyes darting from the lady to the lord. “Not since James has been crowned king, I feel.” Steve cocks his head when Stellan tries to reach over to him and he picks up the prince, bouncing him in his arms. “Not since this one was born for certain. You ought to take it, the both of you.”
“Spoken like a true queen,” Natasha teases. “But I agree. Diplomacy is an exhausting sport.”
“Sport? I’m sure Rhodes wouldn’t be so inclined to call it so.”
“Rhodes needs to stop and learn to relax. It’s not that complicated.”
“He knows how to relax,” James quips. “He just doesn’t take his job so lightly unlike you, Lady Natasha.”
Natasha grins, rolling her eyes before tugging the reins of her steed towards a parting in the trees. “Well, unlike Rhodes who is no doubt racing Tony to the lake, I will take a long, leisurely stroll there. Lord Rogers, if you would accompany me?”
“Of course, my lady.” Steve transfers Stellan from his arms back into his father’s, picking up his reins before dipping his head to you. “My queen.” Always with the formalities, James muses as he grabs Steve’s hand in a hearty shake farewell. “I won’t be too far away.”
“I’m counting on it,” James replies before the blond rides after the redhead, and the royals look at each other before bursting out into laughter. “God, I wonder when he’ll ever have the courage to properly ask for her hand in marriage.”
“Knowing them both, she’ll ask first,” you reply with a wrinkle of your nose and the two of you ride off into the woods.
The destination is a clearing upon a small hill, sparkling with morning dew just beginning to dry and flowers blooming in the branches. The trees part perfectly in a path down the hill to the lake and the sun casts golden shafts through the branches, the entire clearing glimmering in its blessing. The smell of fresh wind and sweet nectar fills James’ nose as you dismount beside him, lowering Stellan gently onto the grass. You unpack your saddlebag, revealing blankets and food.
James dismounts as well, patting Alpine firmly along his neck as he grabs the flagon of wine and more food from his own saddlepack while you lay the blanket gently over the grass. Feeding an apple to Alpine, he gently rubs his steed’s nose before joining his wife and son underneath the shade of a tree.
Unbuckling his belt, he rests his sword against the trunk before sinking to his knees beside you. You’re already leaning back on an arm, watching as Stellan chases a butterfly across the huge clearing and James kisses your temple, easing against the tree. You immediately lean against him, your head against his chest, and he tilts his head back to feel the breeze along his neck.
“This is wonderful,” you sigh, your hand on his chest. “Four years of nothing but non-stop madness and now we have a day to simply breathe..”
“Three years of being king, four of being a father. I don’t think I’ve ever been so exhausted,” he agrees. “Father always made it seem so effortless.”
“Well, that’s how fathers are,” you tease, glancing up at him. He looks down with a slight frown and you reach up to tap his nose. “You’ve been nothing but a perfect father to Stellan. You ought to slip before he thinks you’re some god.”
“Would that be too bad?” His nose wrinkles and you chuckle, pecking his lips before sitting upright. Stellan wanders back towards his parents, his chubby fist holding blades of grass and he tosses it at James before crawling into his mother’s lap. “He seems to be his mother’s son, anyway.”
“As he should,” you fire back, lifting Stellan up in your hands and throwing him up a few times. His high-pitched giggles cause James to smile as he leans down, brushes hair away from your forehead and kisses your brow. Tilting your chin up to snag his lips into another brief kiss, you settle your son against your chest and roll over.
“Mama, walk,” Stellan orders, and you look down at your son. “Go walk.”
“Your son’s already giving me orders,” you comment pointedly, sitting up as Stellan gets to his feet and James smirks, beginning to unpack the food.
“I think he’s more like you in that regard,” James fires back mischievously and you lightly smack his shoulder as their son grabs your hand and tugs you away. Pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, you allow yourself to be lead into the forest while James carefully sets up the wine, the food. Taking a bite out of a bit of cheese, he heads to the horses who’ve been roaming the clearing and sighs.
He must cherish this day. Tomorrow, it’ll be nothing but more meetings with diplomats, advisors, and other engagements regarding the bandits along their border.
Magic still spikes fear in the hearts of his people, despite how hard you’ve tried to dissuade the notion that magic is dangerous. It’s been your one goal since you’ve been crowned his queen, a movement that has made you…
Made you controversial, to say the least.
It has definitely put you into disfavour with his mother, but James doesn’t care.
He knows your heart is in the right place, even if he himself is still afraid. There is that bravery with you, that makes him want to be brave, too, but his father...
He will never forget the sight of his dead father.
Stroking Alpine’s snout, he feels the stallion lip at his pockets, searching for treats as your mare nickers, coming over with ears perked up in interest. Turning to the mare, he grins when she snorts against his cheek.
Grinning, he simply lets the horses nudge him every which way, threads his fingers through their manes. With a deep breath, he lets the day wash over him. He closes his eyes and presses his brow against Alpine’s.
In the distance, he can hear Natasha shouting at Anthony, Steve’s loud, bright laughter.
No matter what happens, he wouldn’t change being a king for anything if it meant ruling with these people beside him.
“Wolf! Wolf! It’s the White Wolf!”
Peter’s petrified warning shout echoes through the forest and James jerks towards his voice, eyes widening. The White Wolf?
His blood freezes in his veins. The White Wolf had been lurking through their woods for the past years, a white beast larger than horses and hungrier than ten wolves that only came out at night. With blood red eyes and claws that could eviscerate through steel armour, the White Wolf is nothing short of a monster.
Never has he heard of it roaming during the day.
Until now.
“Where’s the king?”
Alpine lets out a loud neigh, stomping his foot against the soft dirt as the sound of swords and steel clashing and James grabs his belt from the tree, cinching it tight around his waist as Steve appears in the parting of the trees. His thoughts immediately race towards you and Stellan, alone in the woods, and his heart leaps to his throat as he turns to Steve.
“She went out with Stellan for a walk,” James barks, brushing past Steve roughly. Behind him is the rest of his guard, stumbling up the hills in various states of undress, but they stop as soon as they catch sight of him. Ice seeps into his veins and he ignores the thought of you mauled to pieces, a tiny body beside yours. “Find your queen!”
“Yes, my king!”
Drawing their swords, the knights split off in coordinated groups, disappearing in seconds. Steve and James pair off and sprint into the woods. His blood is racing through his body, his feet flying through the grass as he hears the loud roar of the bear.
Shouting your name, shouting Stellan’s, his lungs feel like they’re about to burst as the crashing river comes into view. The sound of the white rapids, thunderous as waves crash against rock, echoes in James’ skull as he sweeps his eyes for a glimpse of you.
There’s the dark brown of wood everywhere, the same shade as Stellan’s leather vest, and his vocal cords burn as he screams over the sounds of the rapids.
“James?” He can hear his name in the distance and then there is a flash of white smudged with green and he can see Stellan bursting through the bushes on the other side of the river, followed by you. Steve raises his hand as you scoop up your son, and James rushes to the chaotic riverside. Frigid water splashes at his boots and a chill shoots up his spine. “What is it?”
“We need to head back. The Wolf is awake.”
Eyes widening, you disappear back into the woods after a quick nod, and James turns to Steve with a grimace before they start to sprint down the river. 
The only place to cross is by the lake where the river is calmer.
All he wants is to hold you in his arms.
The river calms as the trees begin to thin out once they reach the crystalline lake and Steve breaks through first just as something bursts through the bushes. Stellan’s cheeks are streaked with tears and as soon as he catches sight of his father, he runs towards you, and you tear out after him, your clothes stained with dirt and leaves, your hair a mess.
What follows is a massive beast, lunging out of the trees for you. It’s nothing but a flash of white fur and red eyes, claws gleaming in the sunlight. Drawing his sword, Steve runs into its path, bowled over with a painful clash just as James unsheathes his sword. You pick up Stellan and run up the hill, and as soon as James makes sure you’re on your way to safety, he joins Steve in the battle. The Wolf drags its claws through steel, and Steve lets out a scream, struggling to wrench its paw off of him just as James charges at the thing, running his blade through the pelt but it seems to glance off easily.
No mark stains the pelt and it swipes out a ferocious paw, knocking James aside as Steve struggles weakly, blood beginning to seep into the soil beneath. Scarlet rivulets gleam in the sunlight as James blinks his vision clear, digging his sword tip in an attempt to stand again. Terror tries to lock his limbs, but he tries to fight the swelling in his chest as he reaffirms his grip on the sword and runs at the beast once again.
The Wolf’s lips pulled back in a snarl, it leaves Steve motionless just as James tries to stab at its shoulder and it pulls back, tail thrashing. Blood drips from its maw and as James stares into the eyes of death, he wonders what he’ll see on the other side.
Hopefully, nothing.
Realistically, this will not be a painless death.
He raises his sword, and steadies his breath, sweat gathering in the hollow of his back, the seam that has stitched itself into his ribs just beginning to heal. Lungs heaving for air, he feels light-headed, near dizzy with adrenaline.
The Wolf lunges and James tries to jump out of the way too late. It catches him by the waist, drags him through the mud and his sword goes flying as teeth sink into his thigh. Grunting, he smashes his fist into the mutt’s muzzle to no avail, desperate to contain the scream trying to rip through his chest.
Black dots swarm his vision and his whole body is in flames as he raises his other leg, kicking the Wolf in the eye but it is not phased.
At least, not until something blasts it off of him.
Gasping for air, he pushes himself up and away from the Wolf that lies in a crumpled heap by the lake shore and then there is another pulse of energy, a cage of gold forming around the beast before hands hoist him up underneath his arms and drag him away.
“Are you alright?” He can hear your voice, sharp in his ear, and he turns to see you, eyes focused on the Wolf struggling to escape its prison. His whole body is aching buried deep in his bones and blooming like flowers in summer, and blood soaks through his trousers as you pull him behind a rock, dropping into a crouch beside him. “James?”
“What was that?” he whispers harshly, hand wrapping around your wrist, and your gaze jerks towards him jarringly. There is a light he does not recognize, focused, precised, glimmering in your eyes. You pull your wrist out of his grasp, turning to his oozing wound. Grabbing his hands, you push it atop the puncture, and James’ breath hitches at the warm, tingling sensation festering in his leg.
“I need to pull Steve to safety. Put pressure on that and do not move. You’ll only bleed more.” Without another word, you turn and make a lifting gesture with your hands. James cranes his head to watch a warm, golden corona surround Steve’s body and he is dragged towards them, leaving a trail of blood-soaked grass. The Wolf growls, lunges and bites, the sizzling of its energy cage filling the silence along with the clanking of Steve’s armour just as the blond is caught in your hands.
Pulling him around the rock cover, you hoist Steve up against the stone and run a glowing hand across the hemorrhaging body. Your fingers, tense and locked, seem to tremble as the blood stops flowing, and James’ eyes nearly pop out of his skull as he watches the eviscerated remains of his best friend begin to stitch together.
Turning to his own leg, he lifts his blood-red palms to see it already nearly closed, and his heart constricts as he covers it again and lets his head fall back to the stone.
There’s the sound of branches breaking and James’ eyes snap open. Sweat pours at your brow just as he turns to look at you, and you barely flash him a smile before something snaps again and your attention is torn away.
Immediately, the stitching effect disappears and James cradles Steve’s head in his, brushes blood away from his cheek as a sharp howl pierces the air. The summer heat is thick against his cheeks as you trade blow for blow with the Wolf.
He wants nothing more than to step in beside you, but with every flash of gold, every bright burst of energy, he feels the fear he felt when he was nothing more than a child locking his legs, paralyzing his body.
Pure, powerful magic lights up the air and he can smell it, smoke and starlight, on his tongue.
The Wolf lunges and you toss it into the lake. You send a shockwave rippling towards the hound and it merely jumps over and pins you to the ground. Its claw gouges into your chest and your scream is earth-shattering as you kick it off of you with a powerful blast from your legs. Rolling onto your hands and knees, James can see blood drip slowly down your chest, into the grass as your tattered dress blows in the gentle wind.
You seem to stare into death’s jaws, and then…
You smile.
The Wolf’s claws dig into the dirt, and then it is sprinting at you in full force just as you force yourself onto your feet.
Your name tears through his chest just as the Wolf tackles you into the lake and there is a small flash before a loud crash of water and he turns to Steve to make sure he’s still alive before stumbling to his feet to watch, and in the lake, two beasts thrash in the cold water. Jaws snap, claws drag through flesh, and he watches as a magnificent bird beats its wings, sending a rippling gale of wind through the lake. The water recedes onto the shore as fire flares and the Wolf whines in pain as talons sink into its back.
An awe fills his entire body as the gorgeous phoenix flaps its wings and takes flight, dropping the Wolf onto the shore once again and landing with delicate precision. It warbles, a gentle sound, and shakes out its feathers, droplets of silky water flying everywhere. Each quill is red-orange, near golden, and its talons glimmer with golden scales.
James’ mouth drops open as it croons at the Wolf who merely cowers in its presence. Another whimper escapes the white dog, its red eyes fading to brown and James, entranced, watches as the phoenix, wings extended, begins to sing.
A sense of melancholy seeps into his soul as the Wolf lowers its chin to its paws and the phoenix coos, the crest on its head swaying and catching the true sunlight. They shine like cut amber as its golden eyes narrow.
Then, there is another, softer glow as the phoenix buries its beak in the fur of the Wolf, and James turns away, shielding his eyes from what seems like the sun. Falling beside Steve, he looks at his best friend.
“Steve?” he murmurs, and murky blue eyes meet his just as you appear again. Magic still oozes around you like oil in the sea, and he can smell magic again, but warmer this time—like a hearth burns inside his soul. Around your shoulders is an arm attached to a young woman he doesn’t recognize in a white dress.
“Are you alright?” you ask, slowly lowering the woman to the ground as well. Reaching, you cup Steve’s face that is beginning to regain its colour, and James watches gold light up the blood beneath his skin where you touch.
Don’t touch him, he wants to say, but Steve only wakes up at the contact, eyes widening ever more so slightly.
“Y/N,” Steve rasps and your hand retreats just as you turn to the woman that’s barely stirring. James watches as you lay a hand carefully on her arm, and she raises her head groggily. Her eyes are muddy, dazed, but then they roll back and she slumps forward and Steve jerks away from the hair brushing against his hand, shuffling back against James who wraps an arm around Steve. “I thought death held me for certain.”
“It almost did, old friend,” James replies, eyes wandering to you. “And the Wolf?”
“She needs time to recover,” you reply, delicately brushing hair away from the girl’s face and James’ eyebrows rise in shock.
His whole body is wracked with fatigue, but his mouth drops open when he gets a glimpse of the necklace hanging around the girl’s neck. “I remember her. Seven years ago, House Starr reported their daughter was missing to Mother. They never found her.”
“At least not until now. I need to bring her to healers,” you say, standing and lifting the girl with surprising ease. James struggles to his feet, pulling Steve up, and your eyes soften at him as you try to smile, but the blood, the still-fading glint in your eyes, sends chills through his body.
“We’ll need to speak later.” You dip your head in farewell before walking to the lakeshore, and Steve groans, his entire body deadweight against James’ shoulder and the king grunts, doing his best to keep him standing.
“Bluebird, wait—”
You glance at him over his shoulder, and there is a sorrowful sweetness resting in your face, a tenderness in your smile, a grief in your gaze.
Then, a golden sparks carve a line into the air, sizzling against the grass as it carves a portal into this reality. You turn forward and walk through.
It closes before he can follow.
His mind is cluttered, his ears full of beeswax, and he doesn’t know what is real.
Steve had been rushed to the hospital wing to be swarmed by doctors, the other knights anxious yet relieved to see both the king and their knight commander alive and safe.
He doesn’t miss the fact that Rumlow is not among those men.
In fact, he is missing, and not a single soul has heard from him.
Buried in his bones is an ache James cannot ignore. His chest feels like it’s splitting open, his ribs snapped, and as he stares at his reflection in the cheval mirror, he swallows the hard lump in his throat.
The teeth marks are already closed, scarring over yet there’s still a residual pulse of pain when he prods at it.
He doesn’t know whether or not to be enraged, relieved.
All he knows is emptiness.
“Are you alright?” Startled, James drops his pant leg and turns around to see you standing there, eyes wide and a tentative smile upon your lips. His breath catches in your throat and his eyes immediately go to his hands that you clasp before you. “James?”
“What are you doing here?” he asks, feather soft and you walk closer, your footsteps light. “Where is the Wolf?”
“Lady Ava is fine. I’ve brought her to some healers on the border of Asgard and Midgard. It was some curse inflicted upon her as a child. Parental mishap, it seems but she’ll be fine with time,” you inform quietly, your gaze dipping to your hands as you twist the ring, the ring he had given you, around your finger. “Is Steve…”
“He’s alive,” he replies stiffly, brushing past you and you turn around with him, lips twisted into a worried frown. “Thank you,” he adds quietly, genuinely. His mind is a whirlwind, his heart racing in his ears, and he can’t help the sensation that seizes his chest, the awareness of where your hands move. “Without you, he would’ve died.”
“Steve is family.” Walking up behind him, James can feel you come close. His entire body tenses, and he faces the wall, eyes slip shut. Bright blasts of gold ignite in his mind, followed by a ravaged village he had seen on his tour of his kingdom. At the hands of magic.
Hands of your kind.
He forces the next words out between gritted teeth, the words coming out flat, stoic.
“Go, before someone tells the truth about you.”
“James, you can’t possibly—” You touch his shoulder and James flinches away, whirling around to face you. Your eyes widen at the reaction, and you withdraw your hand back, stumbling to the wall. “You’re afraid of me.”
“You’re magic,” he whispers, voice wavering and you swallow audibly. Your hand shakes through the air as you retract it to your chest, and he watches the pulsing wound along your collarbone slowly stitch itself together, the flesh leaving no mark. Magic. “Of course I’m afraid of you.”
“And Stellan,” he cuts you off cleanly, trying his best not to shake when your eyes widen, wet with tears. You blink and they fall, crystalline in the low light. You’re shaking, your entire body trembling as the two of you stand on opposite sides of the small room. “Is he…”
“Magic?” you finish for him and your voice is void of life, defeated. Your hands drop to your sides and you seem to stand straighter under his gaze as you stare at him. “After all this time, you’re still afraid of magic. You won’t even let me explain.” Your expression crumbles and you turn your face away, rubbing at the tears tracking down your face. An incredulous, sharp exhale fills the silence and James feels something inside him split open.
“Would you? Explain, that is.”
His heart wilts, his lungs collapse. His ribs seem to ache as you wipe at your face, the soft sounds of your uneven breathing filling the silence. He can feel your gaze, hot and desolate and aching against his cheek as he closes his eyes.
All he can see is his father’s splayed body, the blood soaking through the mud.
“You keep this secret from me, and expect me to trust you with the truth?”
“James…” you whisper softly, and his gaze jerks to yours jarringly. Your glassy eyes seem to stare right through him and he swallows through the bruising in his throat as he tries to hold back his own tears. “Please—”
“How could you not tell me?” he croaks, and you inhale, a shuddering, sharp thing. His chest is cracked open, his limbs are numb yet every bone in his body is solid lead. “How could you keep this from me?”
“Because I know you.” 
Your words are empty in the summer air.
There is a moment of silence as everything James knows shatters around him. If he listens close enough, he can hear the shards of it colliding with the stone beneath his feet, breaking into uncountable pieces.
“Go,” he says softly, and he can’t bear to look at the devastation his words cause. “I’ll say you died in the attack, so you have enough time to leave the kingdom. Take Stellan and do not return.”
“James, no. He’s your son. Please, don’t—”
“I said, go!” The loudness of his voice shocks him and he flinches back into the wall at the eerie quiet that follows.
There is the only sound of uneven breathing, the cacophony of hearts breaking, and you step forward, the fabric of your tattered dress brushing against the floor. He can see your shadow in the candlelight, reaching for him, before you jerk back and he closes his eyes, burning tears dripping down his cheeks.
The door groans when you push it open, as if the castle is reluctant to let you leave, but then it opens and you slip out.
The door closes shut with a soft, yet thunderous boom.
“The King is awake!”
James’ head blisters with pain, and it only intensifies at the voice as he blinks his eyes open. The ceiling of his room is not unfamiliar, neither is the mattress he’s beginning to wear uneven beneath his back.
All these years and he never could sleep on your side of the bed.
“James!” Doors open and hands rush to help him sit up, and he groans, eyes squeezing shut when his head sways. His whole world slants and the taste of vomit burns at his throat as he slowly opens his eyes again, and he catches sight of Natasha’s red hair. The bright light streaming into his room makes his head pulse and he turns away, hand rising like it’s dragging through molasses.
“The light,” he rasps, and Natasha, who holds him by the elbows, turns to whomever is with her.
Darkness falls in his room.
“James.” Steve. “Are you alright?”
“What… how am I here?” His tongue is thick in his mouth, dry and raw, and his vocal cords twinge at his voice.
“Rumlow almost killed you,” Steve begins quietly as more people enter the room. “We lost men, but won the battle once they surrendered.”
“Surrendered?” Frowning, James’ brow wrinkles and he feels something split open with a stinging sensation digging into his skull. He hisses out, reaching to touch it but Natasha guides his hand away. “Fuck. Where—”
“In the dungeons. Waiting for you whenever you’re ready.” Natasha’s voice is soothing to the thumping in his skull.
“Help me stand.”
“Wait. Give yourself a few moments to regain your bearings,” Steve murmurs but James shakes his head despite how terribly it increases the agony chipping into his head.
“If she’s there, I need to see her.” Letting go of Natasha’s hand, he swings his legs off the bed and leans forward, hands clutching onto the edge of his bed.
“What?” he barks, head snapping to Steve and Natasha who look at each other with an apprehension. “Steve…” Something drags at his gut and his eyes widen in fear. Ice sluices through his chest. The silence becomes suffocating and with every passing second, he feels the world darken in on him.
No. No, no, no, no—
“She’s not there.”
“Where is she?”
“James, sit down.”
The ice melts into magma, and he thrashes off Natasha’s gentle hand. 
“Where is she?”
Peter’s cabin is small, but warmly furbished for a squire. He lets them in before excusing himself to the castle, and James feels like he’s chained to a solid steel ball by the ankle. His limbs are wrought with bruises, and his head sways with every step as Natasha and Steve help him in.
He can see you through the open door to Peter’s room, and his breath stops in his chest.
Your body is hunched over a bed, a blanket draped over your shoulders as the sun washes over your body. You don’t stir at the entrance of the trio and James lets out the breath, the string lancing through his body snipped when you don’t immediately move. You’re dressed in oversized clothes, trousers and a linen shirt hanging off your shoulders. Your hair is slick with oil, and he can smell the poultices that must’ve been slathered onto any wounds from where he walks slowly deeper into the room, his fingers deep in Natasha’s and Steve’s arms.
“Steve,” Natasha murmurs, and she brings James’ hand to Steve before approaching the bed slowly. Steve leads James to a couch by the small hearth but James’ eyes don’t stray from Natasha as the redhead approaches your sleeping form. He cranes his head to watch through the doorway, and his blood rushes to his head, dizzying.
“Why is she here?” James whispers, voice fleeting just as Natasha lays a hand on your shoulder and you jerk up, a soft blue corona flaring around your being and Natasha raises her hands, walking around the bed. Narrowing his gaze, James tries to decipher who lays there as you stand on unsteady feet, rub at your face.
“How long have I been asleep?” you ask quietly and the sound of your voice, deeper, mature, strikes James, pulls him apart at the seams. Standing on unsteady feet, his legs knock into a table as he rushes towards the bedroom despite Steve’s attempts to grab him, and he stumbles to the door frame, his head spinning.
His vision blurs, and his head feels like it’s bashed in, but he doesn’t miss the colour of your eyes, the way your head turns to look over your shoulder.
Lightning strikes his core when your gaze fixes on his. There’s so much about you that is the same since the last time he’s seen you. Thirteen years and you’ve only grown more beautiful, more graceful. The little wrinkle in your brow as you look at him, the tightness in your lips as you frown.
Even the way you say his name is the same.
What isn’t, though, is the fear.
He knows what fear looks like on your face, the way it floods your eyes, the way it can’t show on the rest of you because you are a queen and untouchable, but for it to be directed at him…
His head is heavier than bricks on his shoulders as you back up until your legs touch the bed, and your arms are spread.
Is this how he looked at you all those years ago? As if he holds a knife to his throat and digs the blade deeper with every second?
“What is he doing here?” you ask, scratchy and you clear your throat, not tearing your gaze away from him for a second. James stays by the door, a cold hand wrapped around his ankle, keeping him there no matter how much he wants to move.
“I don’t want to hurt you—”
“Oh, you’ve done plenty.” Your voice, pure fire, sears through his chest as you narrow your gaze. “Go.”
“I said, leave.” Although no magic flares at your fingertips, there is a shift in the way the light plays in your eyes and James’ throat closes up at the way your eyes glisten. “Don’t you think your family has done enough?”
“You’re my family.”
“No, I wasn’t,” you whisper. Natasha’s head is bowed, but her eyes still watch the scene with an uncanny glint. Even if she is your friend, she will no doubt step between you and him. Catching the woman’s gaze, James tilts his head towards the door. Eyes widening, the red lady dips her head and slowly makes her way between them, her gaze slowly dragging across James’ expression but he remains solely focused on you.
Your eyes do not stray from him either.
Walking in slowly, he closes the door behind him and his eyes flicker to the figure in the bed. Their face is cloaked in shadow, but he can see dark hair illuminated by the candle. Eyes narrowing, he tries to discern who it is.
Perhaps it is Rumlow, and he has made a tremendous error.
“Why are you here?” you whisper tightly between clenched teeth, and his eyes snap back to yours. “It’s been thirteen years and you’ve fixed nothing.”
“I didn’t know Asgard was ruled by you,” he begins. “I didn’t know until I saw you on the rise. If I had known—”
“What? Would you have attempted peace? Or would you have tried to conquer us again like your father did?” Your expression is wracked with agony as he steps closer, and you inhale softly, shakily. “Stay away from me.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Stay away—”
“Do not think me so soft that I will listen to you because you call me that.” Your words become thin, choked. “I gave you my terms, and you didn’t choose peace, just as your father did.”
“Your people are hostile.”
“And yours murdered mine. King Thor died two moons ago and the only suspect is a Midgardian” Her words hang coldly before him and he pauses in the middle of the room. “As his successor, it was only natural to want justice.”
“Why you? Why not anyone else in his court?”
“Because I was not just Midgard’s queen,” you say, finally pulling your gaze away to sit down on the edge of the mattress and turning to the figure on the bed. You touch their face, but do not tilt them to the light. “Your father tried to conquer Asgard when I was young, four or five. I was playing with my brother in the streets, my mother watching over us. I didn’t know what was happening until we heard the screams.”
James hears the tiny, trembling breath in your throat as you run your hand down the figure’s cheek.
“It was too late before we knew to run. My mother took my brother and ran, and I did my best to follow, but they just kept running after us until we separated.” Your voice goes quieter, glass-like. “I found their bodies, my mother’s hunched over Loki’s as she tried to protect him. I can still see their blood, taste it in my mouth. It felt like the entire city burned before allied Jotunheim forces arrived and chased your people out of our land.”
Your gaze finally turns to him, and he does not recognize the pitifully small girl in them, the shivering, broken girl in the rain and smoke staring back at him. “They ran through the streets like rats. I could hear them shouting in fear as they froze to death, and I thought I was going to die, too, until Brock found me. He was… he was the knight commander’s squire, and he told me I had to run.”
“So he knew all this time.”
“Of course he did. He was sworn to protect me,” you murmur, and the way your voice flips makes James’ eyebrows rise.
“He loved you, you know?”
“I know he wanted revenge. I know he wanted me to kill you at every turn. I don’t know if he could have ever picked me over the other,” you whisper, eyes drifting and finding his again. Your eyes have softened with an unspoken agony, and the candlelight plays with your face, making you simultaneously younger and older all at once. “It doesn’t matter now.”
“He’s dead, isn’t he?”
Your silence is his answer and, this time, when he comes closer, his hand against the wall, you don’t protest.
“I’m sorry.” He cranes to catch a glimpse of the face, and sees a younger face, at rest yet ashen with death. Eyebrows knitting together, he looks to you again and it’s breathtaking the way you gaze at him. Effortlessly in anguish, terrible in your grace. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Forgive me.” Pushing off the wall, he falls to his knees before you and bows his head, heat rushing to his face. Head submerged in his own shame, he can feel his shoulders shake before the tears come and his throat clots as he plants his hands into the ground. “Forgive me.” A worm in his gut wriggles its way up his throat and he feels sick to his stomach as he keens over, presses his brow to the wood. “I never meant this. I don’t know—where? How did we get here, bluebird? How?”
“James.” Your voice, strong yet tender, commands you to look up at him, and his face is kissed by cold wind as he wipes at his tears. “Come sit beside me.” Raising to unsteady feet, he collapses beside you and your arm immediately wraps around his shoulders, your other hand brushing hair away from his slick cheeks, his tear-stained eyes. “You know how we got here.” Your thumb brushes over his lip and a sense of warmth fills his hollow being. Thirteen years without your warmth, and now, he drowns in it.
Your hand flattens against his cheek and guides your gaze as you twist to reveal the face on the bed. With your free hand, you tilt the boy’s face towards him.
His entire body freezes as the boy murmurs, eyebrows knitting together and turning away.
“Stellan…” Standing, he rushes around to the other side of the bed to get a better look of him, and reaches with trembling hands toward his son’s face. A large cut is drawn into his stem and disappears beneath his shirt, and a rage fills his soul. He’ll kill the man who tried to kill his son. “My son—”
Who looks just like him in nature, the same jaw and nose. 
“—has grown into a man,” you say, and James wrenches his gaze to you. A sweet sorrow resides in your face as you smile. Holding Stellan’s face in his hands, James entire body alights with energy, with a breathless wonder. “And knows his father enough to save his life.” You thumb over Stellan’s cheek, your fingers barely brushing James’, golden magic spiralling beneath your hand like branching ivy, and the boy mumbles under his breath, turns to the warmth. He fights the instinct to flinch, and simply lets your magic caress his knuckles. It tickles, then melts like warm chocolate against him. “And he got a sword stem to stern for it.”
“He killed Rumlow?” James looks to you, his hands drawing away from his son’s face, and the warmth is chased away.
“It was instant. Brock felt no pain. It was all I could do to save Stellan,” you say, struggling to keep your voice even. “I don’t want us to fight, anymore, James. Bucky,” you correct yourself with a small smile, and his heart pangs as you reach for his hand across the bed. No one has called him that in years. “But if this is what happens when our people mingle, perhaps it’s best we stay apart.”
“I don’t want that,” he whispers, taking your hand and you study him with knitted eyebrows. “I don’t want to be apart from you for another moment.”
“Then, promise me you’ll fix this.” Your voice, barely a whisper and shaking, is strung with a strength he knows you have, and he looks to you, a queen all on your own.
You have never needed him, but he needs you. Your hand in his tells him as much as you weave your fingers carefully with his, and he wants to hold you tight, hold his son again.
Thirteen years have left him cold, nothing more than a skeleton in a flesh prison.
“I promise.”
At his words, your expression seems to ease, and then a shyer, girlish smile curls at your lips.
“And promise you’ll love me always.”
“I promise.”
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