#not to mention this flashy armor
shanastoryteller · 9 months
Happy Holidays! ❄️❄️ more from What They Expect please! I love that AU!
continuation of 1 2 3
It’s been well over a year since she’s seen Mustang. Al’s all aflutter about it, and how puberty has her looking like something other than a twelve year old boy, but she’s really not worried. Mustang is so involved with his own shit that he doesn’t have the time to care about hers. It would be a damning quality if it wasn’t exactly what she needed from him.
She is, sort of, a little bit worried about Riza. Not worried as in she actually thinks something is going to happen, but just that if anyone out of Mustang’s little idiot brigade would figure her out, it would be her.
Maes is a distinct possibility, but also not really. The thing that saves her, always, is that no one’s really looking. She’s loud and flashy and angry and no one thinks she’s too short to be a guy because of how sensitive she is about it and no one notices she’s pretty because they’re too busy dealing with her being mad and scowling and, with these guys, she’s got an extra ace up her sleeve.
They think they already know all her secrets.
They know about human transmutation and binding her brother’s soul to a suit of armor and every questionable and terrible thing she’s done since in her pursuit to fix it.
Why the hell would she be lying about her gender? It’s not even a thought in their heads, and if it ever becomes one, they’ll dismiss it before he even has a chance to.
Eden binds her chest tight extra tight, so her chest is nearly flat, and puts on her baggy tank top and giant red coat that hides the way her hips curve and the giant stompy boots that she really does love, sets her face in a familiar scowl, and goes off to war.
If war was child’s play, that is.
“Where have you been?” Mustang demands, towering over her and nostrils flaring.
Well. Sort of towering over her. She must have had a growth spurt, because he’s really only got a couple inches on her, which is sort of hilarious. She hadn’t noticed that he was short before. “Uh, lots of places. Haven’t you been reading my reports?”
She does not laugh in his face at the way his eyebrow ticks. She spends so much time meticulously writing everything down in dedicated code in her travelogues, she really doesn’t have the energy to spare when she gets to her reports for Mustang. Besides, he doesn’t really care what she’s doing, only that it’s big and flashy enough to distract from whatever he’s doing.
Is she supposed to know that? She can’t remember. But it’s so obvious that it doesn’t feel like something that can be a secret.
Then again, the rest of the brass haven’t caught on, so.
“What were you thinking in Liore?” he snaps.
Eden blinks. “Liore? That was forever ago. Did something happen? Rose didn’t mention anything in her last letter.”
“Yes, Edward, it was forever ago, but since you declined to answer my summons to come here and explain yourself, we’re discussing it now,” he says.
God, she’d forgotten how bitchy he gets. “Okay, well that priest guy was pretty strange-“
“I don’t care about the priest!”
She stares. She had to kill the guy twice and he doesn’t care? Honestly, she thinks it’s sort of memorable.
“What were you thinking messing with that river?”
Ed tilts her head to the side. “You’re upset about the river?”
He glares. “Of course I’m upset about the river!”
She bites the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Al’s really worried over nothing.
Mustang is never paying attention to the right things.
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ynscrazylife · 10 months
Summary: Bruce Wayne is the happiest he’s ever been in a while. He has a beautiful wife, amazing children, and is stopping crime left and right as Batman. All that shatters when you, his wife, mysteriously disappears.
Pairings: Bruce Wayne x Wife!Reader, Batfamily x Batman!Reader, Avengers x Reader (Platonic)
Series Masterlist
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It takes quite a lot to confuse Batman. Yet here he stood, reduced to speechlessness, as he stared at the odd group in front of him. The woman called herself Black Widow, said she was looking for his wife. Bruce thought he would’ve remembered if you mentioned anyone like this before.
“Then you’ve come to the right place. I’m also looking for her. How do you know Y/N?” Bruce asked, crossing his arms. They didn’t seem to be . . . Evil, but he had no clue who the hell they were or what you had to do with it and that was very annoying.
Black Widow glanced at her friends and another one of them, a man in bulky, flashy red armor, stepped up. “We used to be on a team together. Years ago. Until a mission went wrong and . . . She disappeared. I guess she landed here,” he said.
This did not help at all. In fact, it only made Bruce more confused. He was positive that you never mentioned working on a team before. “How long ago is ‘years ago’?” He asked next.
“About five now,” Black Widow answered.
Bruce felt like he was being slapped in the face. He had met you five years ago, when you were a rookie officer. You and he dated for two years, then married, and you were so skilled that you made detective within four years. Could this really be true?
“How can I trust you?” Bruce asked.
The group all looked at each other, seemingly coming to this conclusion that this masked man had a connection to you. Then, the archer pulled a paper out of his pocket and unfolded it, passing it to Bruce. He stared down at it, shocked to find that it was a photo. It was all these people, at some party, and . . . You. You were definitely younger, but it was clearly you, smiling and holding a drink.
Willing his hands not to shake, Bruce looked up at them. “I have a lot of questions,” he said bluntly.
“So do we,” the armored man said. “What do you mean that you’re also looking for her? Isn’t she here?”
Bruce took a deep breath, thankful that the mask covered his face, otherwise they’d see the tears pooling in his eyes. “She was abducted a few days ago,” he replied, forcing his voice to be steady.
“That explains the weird signal I detected,” another man said. He had a beard, a cape and looked like some sort of wizard.
Yeah, Bruce had a shit ton of questions.
It took some time for parties, the Avengers and Bruce, to get to really talking. They both had to give up information they’d rather not to learn more about the person they all cared about. The Avengers explained that you used to be on their team, until you went missing on a mission like they mentioned earlier. They said they scoured the world for you, until consulting with the wizard guy over here (who called himself Doctor Strange, Bruce didn’t comment on the weird name).
Doctor Strange said that he detected a signal not long after you had disappeared and, with his magic, found out what it meant: you were off-world. In a whole other universe. They’d been scouring the multiverse (which Bruce almost needed to sit down for a second after hearing), until finding a similar signal a few days ago which led them here.
So that meant . . . Both signals gave your last known location, told them that you had been taken. The first one was from the universe that the Avengers were from and the second was from this one, the one where Bruce made a life with you.
He was still utterly perplexed and didn’t completely trust them, but that picture . . . The timeline . . . It was tugging at something inside him. Bruce admitted that he had known you for these past five years, though he didn’t outright admit that you two were married. He was going to hold that fact close for as long as possible.
Finally, the Avengers led Bruce back to the point of origin, where they arrived in the forest. The masked man turned it all upside down, sadly not finding anything that could help.
But . . . He did have something they could help with.
“I don’t really want to do this,” he admitted, turning back around to face them. “But this is my only choice. My only clue to find Y/N. If I find that you’re messing with me . . .”
“We’re not,” a man, about Bruce’s height, looking like the American flag, said sternly.
Bruce sighed, forcing his shoulders to drop. “I have some footage to show you,” he said, really hoping that he wasn’t going for regret this.
As soon as the Avengers saw the footage of the store from earlier, Black Widow went pale.
“No, no, no . . . This . . . They’re inactive. This is impossible,” she said, gritting her teeth. Hawkeye placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as all eyes turned to her.
“What?” Bruce asked, his tone sharp and unforgiving.
“Play it again,” she snapped, leaning in close to the computer.
Bruce glared, but complied, restarting the video.
She took in a sharp breath, crossing her arms. “These people . . . Their uniforms, their behavior. It has the Red Room written all over them,” she said, as it dawned on the Avengers how serious this was.
“The Red Room? What the hell is that?” Bruce asked, his patience wearing thin.
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meanbossart · 4 months
Hi! First off, wanted to say I love your du drow and your art style! It's absolute chef's kiss and always look forward to your posts ❤️👍
My question is; does du drow have any weapons and armour that he prefers either because it makes him stronger or aesthetics and if not is there ones that you enjoyed using for his playthrough?
Have an lovely day!
Thank you so much, I'm happy to entertain!
Aesthetically (and "canonically" I guess, since this is even mentioned in A Novel Experience) he really likes the drow armor that you steal off of Minthara and it's his go-to for whenever he needs to look presentable. I actually finished his run wearing it even though it's light armor, it just felt right, lol.
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Also, for writing purposes, it just feels like something you can realistically move around in freely and bring around with you in your travels. UNLIKE -
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I adore the look and benefits of the whole helldusk armor set. When I'm playing to, uh, actually win, it's definitely my go-to and the most appropriate for his build. I just can't get over the way it just seems to be one solid piece of metal - how am I supposed to bend down to tie my bootlaces or smooch my short vampire on the lips.
The balduran's giantslayer is my favorite weapon for him and I'm sure the moment he set eyes on it he knew he Needed that gross looking, extremely unwieldy looking thing as well. Greatswords in general are his main weapon of choice. Though I think he would put it away as a novelty item in post-game events for being too flashy and settle for something less attention-grabbing.
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coldshrugs · 17 days
ffxivwrite - prompt 4: reticent
characters: estinien varlineau, hamignant varlineau, and featuring my wol, io laithe word count: 1599 rating: mature for mentions of bullying & death. summary: three short, heavily headcanoned scenes from estinien's life, at ages 12, 21, and 33. [middle section heavily inspired by this art]
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“I challenge you, Ser, to a trial by combat! Take up your arms and fight me!”
“And what is my crime this time?”
Hamignant brandishes his stick threateningly, but his answer is slower than usual. Shaky, even. “You don’t play with me anymore.”
Estinien shifts his weight, leaning a bit more heavily on the tall crook, but his eyes remain on the shallow valley just below the hill they stand on and the sheep grazing there. It is late spring and their coats are full and fluffy, ready for shearing. His twelfth nameday was less than a moon ago and he is expected to help this year. His parents depend on him more now, sending him on some of the errands usually tended by his father, and giving him additional fieldwork each day. It isn’t easy, but it feels good to be trusted.
In truth, he would very much like to continue playing with Hamignant. His little brother has a knack for making games of their chores, and should they be caught goofing off, his wit is quick enough to make even the most stern adult smile.
Estinien does not share his talent for conversation, but Hamignant never seems to mind. He is content to babble so long as Estinien is close by to listen.
The stick—his foraged sword—wriggles closer. Closer. Until it pokes into Estinien’s cheek.
His gaze slides sideways, to Hamignant’s dramatic stance. It would be funny if not for the serious set of his brow, the tight purse of his lips, and the sheen welling in his eyes. Halone bless him, he truly is upset…
Estinien shifts again, batting the stick away with his crook, and smiles at Hamignant. “Then fight me, little knight, but take care to hide your bruises from Mother and Father.”
With a cheer of delight and an expression that makes Estinien proud he put it there, Hamignant begins their spar. The sharp cracks of their wooden weapons echo across the meadow, followed by the occasional shriek or grunt when their limbs take a hit.
Hamignant stops to celebrate after landing a particularly flashy maneuver, jumping on the spot as Estinien nurses a sore knuckle. Not for long though—Estinien topples him and sends them both rolling down the hill in a fit of laughter.
They land fulms away from the sheep. Some come over to sniff them, like curious friends checking for injuries. Hamignant reaches up to pet snouts, red cheeks stretched in an open smile.
Estinien lies back to catch his breath.
“We should make a pact, Es. When we grow up, let’s both be knights. We can live in Ishgard and wear armor, protect beautiful maidens from harm, and fight dragons!”
 “Best not to wish for dragons, Hami, like mother says.” He chews his bottom lip. “Besides, I don’t want to be a knight. I like living here. Someone must stay and care for the farm.”
“Fine.” Hamignant’s smile sags, but he doesn’t look as defeated as before. Pouting this time. “You can stay in Ferndale all your days, and I’ll be a great knight of Ishgard. I will come back and tell you about my adventures. That could still be fun, right?”
Estinien grins and rights himself, then offers a hand to help his brother up. “The finest plan you’ve ever had.”
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At age twenty-one, Estinien is still getting used to his height.
Hitting striking dummies with Alberic is one thing—they don’t dodge, and they don’t hit back. And sparring with his unit is pitiable right now, as many of them adjust to growing bodies. It is something else entirely to swing the unfamiliar length of his arm at a sneering face, or struggle to take an unwieldy step backward before the fist meets his cheek. To fight and defend himself seriously.
He hits the training yard dirt with a weak groan that is all but drowned out by a roar of laughter. Four soldiers, all fledglings like himself, still in a training unit, stand over him.
“And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay down, Varlineau.” The one that threw the punch. Taller than he is, and stronger, and probably some noble’s son or nephew. It’s been a few moons, but Estinien has not learned their names. He is here for one reason, and he cannot make room for useless information. And why should he, when another puts a foot on his chest when he tries to stand?
They erupt again over such a hard-won victory.
“We heard you last night, whimpering in your bunk like a freshly-weened babe. That the Azure Dragoon should waste his time with you.”
“No better than an orphaned Brume brat. We should drag you back to Ferndale and let Nidhogg know he missed one—”
The ankle holding him down makes a sickening snap when he twists it. Striking dummies certainly don’t do that. The boy goes down with a pained scream.
Estinien stands. He says nothing, only wipes his bloody nose, the tears he doesn't feel falling, with the back of his hand. Then he swings. 
After three days in the gaol, they do not bother him again.
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He has been lying in this bed too long. His body has grown stiffer than he is accustomed to, even with the daily practice of simple stretches. He has been forbidden by chirugeon's orders from any activities that might reopen his wounds.
By fucking Halone and all the rest, he is bored.
At least he doesn’t want for company—that is not to say company has ever been a strong craving for him, of course. But he could do worse than the Warrior of Light making her near-daily visit.
Io sits in a ratty armchair, legs curled beneath her, by a sunny window so thickly lined with sympathy flowers, that the room resembles the Holy Gardens of the Vault. Or, more kindly, the meadows ringing Ferndale in late spring. The backdrop suits her.
Today, she knits, softly humming to herself in time to the rhythmic click of the needles. She’s lost in it, and her silence is appreciated. Neither of them has been very good at talking in recent days. He watches the wool slipping between her fingers with each meticulous loop, watches the way she’s gathered the half-formed garment in her hands. And all of it—the dappled light, the flowers, the repetitive scratch of Io’s work and wordless song, the weight of wool he used to know well, the herbaceous scent of medicinal salve rising from his wounds—dredges up a memory. If Estinien closes his eyes, it could be twenty-one years ago. He could be there, if only for a moment, if only as a visitor.
Grief wails inside him. It is the roar he’s felt for years, through the Eye he used as a tool. Strange, to feel it now as part of himself, bottomless and inconsolable and so full of love. Stranger still to realize they were not so different in the end.
It has been some time since he’s cried. He rubs the evidence away before Io has the chance to see it.
“Io.” Estinien clears his throat. “There is something I would ask.”
With her head still tilted towards her craft, Io’s eyes shift to meet his. She pauses, waiting for his question.
“Why did you save me? I was ready. I was. Now… I don’t think I’m ready for anything.”
Her answer comes in the form of a furrowed brow. She continues knitting without a word. Maybe she’s angry he asked. For all he lacks as a conversationalist, he is an expert in offending, even when he doesn’t mean to.
He lifts himself forward, off the pillows piled at his back.
“You could’ve left me. Or killed me. I feel him, Io. The echo of his loss; when it hits me… Io, you could’ve killed me.”
“Kill a man—my friend—when he doesn’t want to die? Let you fall to anguish and pain?" She lays the needles in her lap and her dark gaze all but dares him to argue. He’s never heard her speak with such firmness. “No, Estinien. I see you. Nidhogg’s isn’t the only grief you carry. And we all need reminding that burdens, even ones as heavy as this, can be shared.”
Silence entombs them, balancing on the knife’s edge of comfort and unease. Neither looks away. He counts the agitated rise and fall of Io’s chest until they are breathing in sync, then until both are steady.
Io is right, and her mere presence gives the lie to his words. He would’ve done the same, if it were her. He lies back, hoping she will say something to soothe the awkwardness they must both feel.
She hums, and the needles click, and that is enough. He listens (and watches when he musters a courageous glance) until the rays of sunlight tilt his direction instead of hers.
“I think it’s time to get on.”
“Me?” Io’s lips stretch into a crooked smile over the yarn. “Fine, Stin, I’ll kill you next time.”
His laugh is rough and unfamiliar sounding, closer to a cough. It hurts his broken ribs.
Io’s raspy chuckle is a far more pleasant sound. “Where will you go?”
Estinien sighs. He knows where he wants to go. The question is whether he will be welcome. “If it’s all the same, that is my business alone.”
Io nods and does not pry. Hm. There is usually always another question… In the absence of one, something settles in him… Some sense of peace he didn’t know he was allowed.
So he confesses: “To make amends.”
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gremoria411 · 3 months
My it sure is nice how, because I clearly tag things, tumblr has no problem with finding my old posts, isn’t it?
Sure is great when you want to return to an old topic, you can easily reference an older post, isn’t it?
Anyway, I was thinking about some of my favourite mobile suits recently, and more specifically how they fight.
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The Sinanju and Sinanju Stein (strictly speaking that’s unit 2 above, but the Sinanju Stein Unit 1 only shows up physically once anyways, so I tend to conflate the two) from Universal Century, and the Gundams Bael and Zepar from Post Disaster. The Bael and Sinanju’s are thematically and functionally similar, if not so much visually, since they’re piloted by the series resident Char Clones, Full Frontal and Mcgillis Fareed respectively, and thus have a similar fighting style - high mobility and very flashy, typically dodging with minimal effort and taking out scores of foes near-effortlessly. The Sinanju Stein (Unit 2) certainly could fight like that, but its pilot Zoltan Akkanekan is…… not in a great place mentally, and as such he tends to be more brutish, always pushing the attack and closing ranks with his enemy very quickly (we only see him fight once in the Sinanju Stein before it docks with the Neo Zeong II, so it’s possible that his aggression is more due to the enemy being a Gundam, as opposed to any real strategy). The Gundam Zepar we have even less information on, but since we know both that it doesn’t have any ranged weaponry, and that most of the emphasis seems to be on the shield, we can guess it would want to get close fairly quickly, and would be well-prepared for a reprisal.
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And this reminded me of something I mentioned previously when discussing non-Gundam Mecha series - I like when we know the “thesis” of the mecha. I like when we know why they were built and what the in-universe theory was in their construction (Or at the very least, we can guess, as with The Big O). It makes the world feel realer to me, and don’t get me wrong, I love giant robots, but it feels wonderfully cohesive when there’s an in-universe justification. I don’t typically forget the out-of-universe justification “to sell toys” but it feels less “Johnson, quarterly earnings aren’t looking good, make a property we can merchandise things out of” and more “Hey, this guy’s got an idea for a cool show about robots, maybe there’ll be a market for cool toys there?”.
Weird tangent on the relationship between entertainment and merchandising aside, I like Universal Century because it’s got a strong “thesis” - mobile suits were designed primarily as an anti-ship weapon that would engage at visual range, due to the effects of Minovsky particles rendering most long-range weapons difficult to aim. They’re fast, and carry handheld weaponry both for ease of use, maintenance and operability and they’re an extension of “armoured space suits”. There’s even the military angle of “a secret weapon to to win us the war against a foe that could beat us conventionally”, and I’d assumed that, with a few exceptions like Wing and G Gundam, most of Gundam followed that same thesis.
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However, I realised that’s perhaps not quite true with Iron-Blooded Orphans (or at least it’d be interesting to consider why it might not be true). The above graph is an illustration of the breakdown of forces used in the calamity war, and how they were deployed depending on the field. Quote: The unit formation deployed against the mobile armors depended on where the battlefield was. On Earth and Mars, the Gundam Frames served as the main fighting units, and they destroyed the mobile armors one by one with assistance from other mobile suits and supporting units. In space, the Dáinsleifs were used as the main weapon, and were assisted by mobile suits, including Gundam Frames, and other supporting units. On the Moon, mobile suit teams like the one deployed on Earth and Mars were also used in addition to the aforementioned use of the Dáinsleif.
So I got to wondering if Post Disaster (or I guess Current Disaster) mobile suits had a different development ethos, since they were deployed largely terrestrially.
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Mobile suits were only used during the Middle and Late stages of the war, which implies they were developed during it. The above Rodi and Hexa Frames were developed first, with the Gundam And Valkyrja Frames following in the later stages of the War. It’s also stated that, quote: The beginning of the Calamity War was the result of AI-equipped, self-sustaining weapon systems going out of control. Before the outbreak of the Calamity War, automated machinery was a symbol of wealth and abundance, and humans were actively promoting the automation of wars. With the risk of losing valuable soldiers reduced as the weapons were AI operated, and the introduction of the semi-permanent Ahab Reactor as a power source, mobile armors became the ideal weapon that can fight efficiently and persistently. So, it’s possible that after the Mobile Armours were unleashed, there was a rush to adapt previously autonomous weaponry into something human-controlled, with the Rodi and Hexa Frames representing these early steps. Furthermore, it’s stated that Mobile Armours acquired Nanolaminate Armour, so beam weaponry would presumably have been used in the early stages of the war.
So, could Mobile Suits in IBO be autonomous weaponry adapted for human use, as opposed to the Universal Century’s “Armoured Space Suits” line of thinking? We know that Alaya-Vijinana works best with forms closer to the human form - hence the Gundam Frames being constructed as close to the human form as possible. Another angle might be that of upsized Knights, here to slay the mechanical monsters that threaten humanity.
So it’s an interesting angle compared between the series - in one, mobile suits were built for wars in space, fought between nations. In the other, mobile suits were built to be used terrestrially, in response the threat of extinction by mechanical foes humanity unwittingly unleashed upon itself.
(Also, it’s interesting to look at how common mobile armours and automated weaponry were in the pre-post disaster setting, since I just imagine Treize Kushrenada from Gundam Wing being distinctly unhappy)
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mtkay13 · 2 years
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Qi Ye cast poster!!
This had started as a sketch, waaay back as I was still reading Qi Ye. The original is pretty different from this (I considered adding it in the post but I actually don't like it anymore haha), but the plan was already to make this big spread with most of the -more or less- important cast.
I will add here some thoughts about the whole piece, and I guess, Qi Ye itself. My main goal was probably to express my deep and intense feelings for Qi Ye, its grandness, and its awesome cast-- and along with that, flesh out my mental image of each of them, their personality, their style. Here is a table with the names, so we know who is whom, and so I can add some details about my perspective on them and their design.
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Jing Beiyuan has always come quite naturally. I just go for the "prettiest face" I ever came with in terms of : my own taste, and the features I find the most delicate. I'd argue he's the easiest character to draw for me across both QY and TYK. On this image, he's probably around 16 or 17. I find his expressions to be very fun to work on in general.
Ping An is also quite an easy character to draw, just for how specific Priest is when describing him.
Wu Xi's design is mainly inspired by a discussion with my friend Hanya, who talked about how, in SHL, Wu Xi more resembled a northern shaman than a southern shaman. It made me want to explore the designs and characteristics a bit more, and come up with more colourful fabrics, patterns, and darker skin color. Same goes for Ashinlae and Nuahar, to have them matching Wu Xi's aesthetic.
Ming Hua was included in this just because of the mess the mention of his name caused in the story. The two jealousy tantrums are just so delightful!!
Su Qingluan was made to resemble Jing Beiyuan, of course. What I wanted to reflect in her face was her frustration, mainly.
Ji Xiang and Hua Yue... Well. Nothing particular about their design either, but they had to be there. Of course, of course they had to be there.
Finally, an opportunity to draw Zishu with his fan and henchmen! Not mad that he kinda looks like a villain, here.
Lu Yu!! I drew him with an Ashinlae mask, since he disguises himself as Ashinlae. I included him because he matters a lot in my headcanons about Siji Manor. (it isn't specified, in Qi Ye, whether or not he's actually part of the manor, but I like to consider that he is for various reason that I may detail if I ever make a Siji Manor post)
I'll skip Jiang Xue and Liang Jiuxiao because their designs are steady for me, now.
I hesitated a lot for Helian Pei's pose, but ended up going for this one (looking bored, out of his depth, lost in the distance with his birds around him). I considered showing him with a bird in his hands, but I guess that's not the main vibe I get from him. And then, well, golden, flashy clothing, suited for an emperor.
Helian Zhao had to be in a showy armor, and I hated making it because it's so much work, haha. I took inspiration from an armor in NiF. I'm quite happy with how he came out in terms of both vibe and showiness.
I tried going full out on Helian Qi. Making him the villain that Qi Ye deserved. Dark, showy, elegant and horrible.
Helian Yi is also pretty solid for me, by now.
About the illustration itself, the main challenge was definitely to make a nice colour palette while still differenciating all the characters. I wanted to go with something intense, eerie, that could also complement the main tones I would go for (= red, purple, blue and green). I'm quite happy with how the golden tones, along with the green and reddish lights, make the whole thing come together. I struggled a little bit with the composition at first, but once I got the flow and the main figures down, it just happened quite easily. Anyway, I'm quite proud of this, and hope it conveys the love and admiration I have for Qi Ye well.
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Thinking about the Dynamite Diamond Ring.
How it's the most important symbol for MJF, paired right up there with the Scarf, what he always has when he has nothing else left.
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It's the award he's held for so long that it's literally synonymous with him at this point, he's five for five years running for it to the point that people forget that it is the DYNAMITE Diamond Ring. Just like Darby and Jack are fighting over the face of Collision that ring technically is supposed to mark the face of Wednesday nights for the company, and damn, you know at a certain point it doesn't matter how you do it, five years holding any title in the 21st century is a glorious thing.
And yet it's never one he mentions. Never one he brings up along with his longest running world championship run or makes explicit in his 'face of the company' spiels. It remains screaming subtext, like much of his character.
An AEW class ring, handed out at the end of a Battle Royale in the 1st year of the company to the only person to 'graduate' the fight. A class ring, worn by the football star who couldn't make friends despite every effort.
Somehow it's the only AEW class ring ever made, with only one person to ever wear it, from that inaugural crop of cohorts but already isolated. The class ring becomes both armor and a weapon the way jocks who cling to their earliest glory often wear it.
Later, the high schooler tries to mature. He gets a fiance and makes a commitment. She leaves him, gives back his engagement ring. In his work life the wrestler separates himself from the thing he values most, trusting someone else to care for it. Wardlow tenders his resignation by giving CM Punk the Dynamite Diamond Ring, letting him knock Max out with it to raucous applause.
He tries to get better. He offers the Ring to people earnestly, to join in a partnership, a union bound by the most precious thing he has, and sees them reject it outright each time as tainted.
It's the symbol of the prestige show of AEW, it's only tainted because it's only ever been Max's.
Danny Garcia turns down the ring, determined to win fair and square, and immediately loses, not good enough to win without it, falling apart immediately.
What good is he if he doesn't have an honest win or the ring to legitimize his loss? What value does he have simply as himself without the ties and obligations and promises of love and proof of worth and value that ring holds?
I don't know ultimately I'm just thinking about how the Dynamite Diamond Ring is a holiday present to himself for MJF every year. Where he gets to prove that no matter what else happened that year, no matter how he makes it happen, he can still hold on to that... Piece of Himself now. That's the parts that hope for connection sparkling with promises of whatever he can to make it enticing and lash out at ostracization and...
And how there's going to be have to inevitably be a Hannukkah season, maybe the sixth, maybe the seventh, when he doesn't win it. And he has to go home, to an expensive empty house in his expensive flashy car and that sit in that bare cement garage he's shown us on Instagram and-
I just wish someone would take the Dynamite Diamond Ring. When He Offered.
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greatwyrmgold · 2 years
After Worm ended, Wildbow shared some Parahumans drafts. There are a lot of interesting details that changed, interesting details that stayed the same, and a few things that were just weird. One weird thing that's stuck in my head for nearly a decade is the Rhizome Epidemic.
Out of the snippets provided, the Rhizome Epidemic is only mentioned in the 2004 one, TELUTT (The Events Leading Up to That Thursday). The Epidemic is a bunch of fungus growing somewhere far north enough that it has glaciers. It is noted for sometimes being hostile and producing materials that make great superhero costumes. No seams, bulletproof, cut-resistant, fireproof, "reduces the force of ambient psychic effects," and sometimes transparent.
I could speculate on the origin of the Rhizome Epidemic, whether it's a half-baked Entity "superweapon" or a biotinker creation or some other power effect, but that's impossible to know and not all that interesting. Instead, I'm going to speculate about why Wildbow included it in 2004 and discarded it by 2011.
So, one of the things Wildbow was trying to do with Earth Bet was construct a world where all the standard superhero tropes made sense. Hence (for instance) the 3-4 obscenely powerful precogs, their disparate goals and indirect conflicts pushing the setting towards a superhero norm.
Obviously, Rhizome fabric is intended to help with this. It's the super-suit—nearly invulnerable to damage, good at protecting its wearer from harm, and none of the unpleasant visual clutter caused by real clothesmaking techniques. It even comes with a built-in justification for cleavage windows and the like. It's not a bulletproof suit with a hole cut out right over her heart, it's a bulletproof suit with transparent fabric over her heart!
So why was the Rhizome cut?
Normally, I would argue that the line between "deconstruction" and "reconstruction" isn't fuzzy so much as nonexistent. Both of them take a closer look at a genre's tropes, depicting what the author thinks is a more reasonable version of them. Deconstructions tend to say "This wouldn't work"; reconstructions tend to say "Here's how this could work," but the two are hardly incompatible...especially since genres tend to have multiple tropes to xeconstruct. There are plenty of stories which people could argue as being either de- or reconstructing something; they might outnumber examples which are unambiguously one or the other.
However, the distinction is the most straightforward way to explain the difference between canon Worm and the Rhizome. Worm leans towards deconstructive; it is focused on the ways its setting differs from the Platonic superhero setting more than the reasons why it has superheroes. By contrast, the Rhizome Epidemic is purely reconstructive. From what we saw in the TELUTT draft, it exists to explain why the best/richest capes have costumes that would fit in a Silver Age comic.
Again, reconstructive elements could exist within Worm without ruining its tone; this is obvious, because they exist. (Coil's plans, particularly his early jobs for the Undersiders, are an obvious example.) But the Rhizome Epidemic would still stand out, because it only justifies a trope—and a pretty inconsequential, aesthetic trope at that.
I can imagine a Worm where Rhizome fabrics were incorporated into the narrative weave. Perhaps the flashy four-color costumes are used as a contrast to the grim and gritty reality of the world, with the Epidemic being a disaster that those in power are letting happen because it's convenient for them.
But at the same time, a world where most notable capes have bulletproof costumes, where superheroines regularly flash their cleavage to the world, and where these things exist because of a super-material that only serves to facilitate fanciful costumes and plot armor, is a softer world than Earth Bet needs to be. Worm isn't grimdark (as I'd define the term), but the darkness is needed for the story we saw to come togehter.
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evolutionsvoid · 7 months
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The Waniguchi is a rather visually striking species of amphibian that is found far east, dwelling within the many rivers and ponds. While some may assume it a kind of lizard at first glance, these creatures are actually large salamanders, bearing wide round heads and damp scaleless skin. What may cause this confusion are the numerous hardened bumps that dot their hide, perhaps giving the impression of scales. Some of these hardened circles grow to bigger sizes, providing a sort of crude armor for the salamander. Also running along its body are notable crests, believed to aid the males in winning over mates. While they are quite flashy, most people are drawn more to the head of the Waniguchi, which is said to have quite the signature shape and markings to it. The locals have likened it to a special bell that they have, due to its rounded flat appearance. Thus this species gained their name from that very bell!  
When it comes to their daily lives, Waniguchi pretty much spend their time either sleeping or waiting. They lurk on the bottom of water bodies, typically hiding in burrows, under rocks or tucked into crevices. They feed upon fish, crustaceans, worms and bugs, or any small aquatic critter that swims too close. Their mouths open wide to suck in prey, and then a multitude of tiny sharp teeth to grab hold! Anything they catch, they swallow whole, and then they either go back to waiting for more food, or simply fall asleep to digest the day's catch. Not a complicated lifestyle, but there is certainly beauty in simplicity! And I am sure there are some folk that are envious of an easy life of just eating and sleeping!
While the Waniguchi is by no means an utterly bizarre or crazy creature, what is interesting to note is its place in local culture. I mentioned before that the people have named it after a bell of theirs, but that isn't where things ended. These calm, simple amphibians are seen as protective spirits or guardians, which appears to be a common theme with salamanders in this region. They are also said to be wise, and their mere presence can bring about blessings. Thus, Waniguchi have been taken in as pets and shrine animals, given a place to live within sacred pools and ponds. If you find yourself at any shrine that has an ornamental water body near it, you can be sure a Waniguchi lives within it! The caretakers of these places feed them and ensure their ponds are in perfect condition, as it is vital to keep the salamanders happy! It should be noted that it is decades of breeding these salamanders that has led to the domesticated breeds having such beautiful head patterns. I can't imagine the amount of work it took to get them to have such a similar look to the bells themselves! That being said, the wild ones do not have nearly as intricate of a design to them, being much more muddled, mottled and dull. Regardless, they are treated with the same level of respect, and it is illegal to harass them or harm them in any way. I should point out that this includes throwing coins and random crap into their ponds! There are special fountains and boxes to put coins and donations, you clods! If you chuck that stuff into their pools, there is a chance they may swallow them, get sick or even die! So read the signs, respect the rules and keep your garbage out of their homes! Do know that if I catch you breaking that rule, than I too will partake in reckless stupid behavior and toss you into the pool too!    
Chlora Myron
Dryad Natural Historian
Not much to really say with this one, as I was not able to learn much about the Waniguchi yokai, but it was kind of funny that descriptions often called the bell shape "crocodilian" meanwhile the giant salamander is just sitting right there with the roundish flat head. 
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gretahayes · 2 years
love ur repair shop au love all ur yj stuff <33 what kind of hero adventures would happen/how often would they happen? idk just any thoughts abt it bc it seems so cute and nice
so I've already mentioned dimension shenanigans, but also supernatural shenanigans?? every now and then obviously there's some major crisis that sends one/all of them back home or like an alien invasion, but mostly it's dimension and supernatural stuff. need these kids to not have Any main nemesis', no jokers or eobards (I would go evil too if my name was fucking EOBARD) or luthors or cheetahs or big giant monsters, nobody dedicating their life to hurt them.
bart's shaken awake at two am by a grumpy tim tromping into the bedroom and saying theres a dimensional rift opening up in their living room. bart deals with it then comes back to see tim's taken his place in the cuddle pile so he wiggles in between cassie and kon (didn't betray him) and wakes all of them up in the process. they get back to sleep eventually but half on top of bart as revenge (it doesn't work, bart likes the pressure) then cassie cracks open an eye to ask, "hey, why were you even up?" and they're back awake again.
they've got to deal with wayward spirits and confused ghosts, plus people who got dragged through the thin spot in space time their shop is based in. bart multitasks by also keeping an eye on it, so wally can't mind his business west has no reason to keep popping in. speedsters are still their most reoccuring visitors because it's a convenient place to dimension hop so bart's learnt to suck it up.
their hero stuff is less big flashy monsters and tech geniuses. its supernatural stuff they have to deal with, and it sent everyone off-kilter a bit because this is Odd yeah but so relieving actually?? nobody waiting to stab them in the back except for the creepy vampire that's been following them all day, and they can deal with that well enough. a huge but needed change of pace.
kon's got the neatest handwriting because bart and tim both scrawl unintelligibly (the consequences of being geniuses whose brains move too fast for their hands), cassie scribbles only barely legibly (why does this girl write like she's always in a hurry?) and kon's handwriting is neat because he cares about how it looks. the others don't really—they can make it look nice, tim especially, but you have to understand; they can't be bothered. so kon tends to do all the writing for everything, and thank god for ttk otherwise he'd have permanent hand cramps.
they have a garden! it took a lot of trial and error, but now they're finally growing more things than they kill (it took several trips to the farm to figure that out—books didn't help much against their non-existent green thumbs. they're not complaining though, they love ma and pa).
of course, they're still called home for big events and all brought together when there's a huge world-ending event or whatever, but their shop and their home are sort of a break from that, y'know? after a long day of saving humanity they shed their armor and collapse in a pile together and know there's nothing that'll hurt them as they are, right then and there. and that's reassuring.
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(GFL) M4A1, ST AR-15, AN-94, WA2000, M16A1, and SPAS-12's S/O deflecting bullets with a sword
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I know you said Kirito, but the first thing that came to mind was Genji.
Speaking of which, if you're a Genji who deflected my minigun-mode as Bastion, well played and fuck you
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M4 braces herself to take a couple bullets to her body.
It'd hurt like hell, but it would be able to be repaired.
Until she saw her S/O rush in from seemingly nowhere and reflect the bullets at the drone, taking it out.
M4 is awe struck before she quickly shakes it off and gets into cover with S/O.
(M4A1) "T-Thank you!"
She didn't like them getting in harm's way, especially if it's to save her, but she's thankful.
That, and she was honestly impressed. She was sure that a human couldn't even attempt what S/O did. Maybe Griffin should invest in melee weapons as well at some point?
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STAR clenches her teeth as she dives for cover.
A stray bullet was about to make its mark, until STAR saw S/O leap in with a sword drawn.
Before she can even get their name out, she saw the inhuman reflexes S/O possessed, deflecting the bullets and making them hit everywhere, nothing hitting either of them.
STAR uses this opportunity to return fire, taking out the enemies targeting her.
(ST AR-15) "Good job. Don't make a habit out of that, alright?"
She's relieved they didn't get hurt, but how could a human even do that? Questions for later.
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94 was giving AK-12 supporting fire when enemy drones came into her flank.
Before she could react, S/O slid in front of her and sliced the first bullet aimed at her was sliced in half, 94 immediately giving covering fire to S/O as they deflected enemy shots.
When both sides are cleared, 94 gives a wordless thanks by nodding.
When S/O leaves, AK-12 giggles through her mask, 94 already knowing she's smiling behind it.
(AN-94) "Please do not say anything."
AK-12 gives a playful punch to her arm, not needing to know 94 was pouting behind her own mask.
94 will make a mention of thanks after the firefight is over, but may or may not question S/O's use of melee weapons due to her aloofness.
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WA hid behind cover as the bullets hailed onto her position.
(WA2000) "Position's compromised! Requesting immediate assistance!"
S/O was there to respond, drawing out a sword.
Before WA was able to get a snarky statement out, she witnessed her S/O deflecting all the bullets at her attackers, using their own bullets to destroy them in an instant.
When the silence follows, she checks her scope, looking for any more hostiles.
She turns to S/O, a bit annoyed.
(WA2000) "What? You expecting a medal? Get out there and help the others if you got time to show off like that!"
She can't deny though, it was kind of cool seeing them do that.
That being said, why the hell did they not do that sooner in every other engagement?!
Before they leave, she pouts.
(WA2000) "Thanks, by the way. It was a good counter."
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M1 is about to pull the pin on a grenade before S/O jumps in front of her, deflecting the bullets with ease.
She doesn't waste time and helps out by picking the priority targets firing back.
(M16A1) "Whew, that's pretty damn cool! You gotta show me how to do that when we get back!"
M1 now understands why they carried a sword into battle. It wasn't just to show off.
That being said, she thinks its a bit overkill to be THAT flashy, deflecting enemy attacks with a sword. More importantly, isn't that impossible for just a human to do that?"
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SPAS's combat armor is able to deflect a good chunk of the bullets, but she was being pushed back.
(SPAS-12) "Everyone, get back! We need to find cover and-"
Before she can finish, SPAS sees her S/O rush in by her, helping to reflect the bullets coming at her.
Firing her shotgun, she slowly steps back with them, getting her team out of the line of fire.
When they get behind cover, SPAS takes a sigh of relief and smiles.
(SPAS-12) "Thanks for the assist! I definitely will give you some of my chips when we get back!"
She would not give her snacks lightly to anyone, even her S/O, but when her S/O rushes in like a knight to save her, she thinks an exception can be made.
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johaerys-writes · 6 months
What is your preferred interpretation of Achilles' demi-god powers?
Do you think it's the armor that gives Achilles most of his abilities? Do you think he inherited god-like-superhuman powers? Do you think he's a hulking giant (like Ajax is usually portrayed)?
Thank you so much for this great ask!! Achilles' powers are something I've thought about a lot yet never before in relation to his armor. I gave this a lot of thought, so let's see what we have!
What is your preferred interpretation of Achilles' demigod powers? Do you think he inherited godlike-superhuman powers?
First of all, just to get this out of the way: I'm sure it's a pretty well-known fact, but in the Iliad Achilles isn't invulnerable in any way. The "Achilles' heel" thing and the impenetrable skin is from later myths and is not Iliad canon. Achilles bleeds like any other man, he's just better at not getting injured than most men.
Homer uses a variety of epithets to describe him, some of which are: swift-footed, breaking through men/armed ranks, lionhearted, and godlike. From these we can gather that he's super strong, super fast, far beyond what a normal mortal man would be since he's like to the gods, but he doesn't have any other flashy powers. He's a super-soldier essentially, and that is attributed to him being a demigod. So I do believe that he inherited godlike powers from his mom's side of the family.
Is it the armor that gives Achilles most of his abilities?
I admit I thought about this a lot and it made me question what I already know lol, because I didn't remember anything like that mentioned in the Iliad. So I went on a little deep dive for this, searching for any and all mentions of both of Achilles' sets of armor. The first one, the one which he gave to Patroclus and was then later claimed by Hector, I'm not sure where Achilles got it from (probably from Peleus? Perhaps it's mentioned somewhere and I missed it) but it's described as very shiny, very strong, very beautiful, but not as having any like... magical qualities of any kind I guess. It didn't give Patroclus any special powers (he's a beast all by himself uwu), and in the end it sadly didn't prevent him from getting killed, and it also didn't prevent Hector from getting killed, so I think it's safe to say it's a non-superpower-giving armor, however splendid and strong.
The second set of armor, the one that Hephaestus made for him, is a bit more interesting: it's described as extremely strong and durable, way beyond what normal armor would be, while also not being heavy or cumbersome. Nothing can really get past the shield, and the breastplate and greaves get their fair share of beating, but no sword or spear can pierce them. There's an interesting passage when Achilles is putting on his armor in the camp:
godlike Achilles made trial of himself in his armour, to see if it fitted him and if his splendid limbs ran freely; and for him it was as if they were wings that lifted the shepherd of the people.
Describing the armor in such a way, it makes it sound like not only is Achilles' new armor uncannily light for how strong and durable it is, but it actually makes him limbs feel like they're wings that lift him. If we take this very literally, it could possibly mean that Hephaestus also crafted the armor in such a way that would give him bonus power, or something like that? So it gives him +10 dexterity as well as strength and a massive constitution boost lmao. It is epic armor after all.
However, the armor itself isn't indestructible, nor would it prevent him from getting killed if the enemy was stronger. During his fight with the river god Scamander, Scamander calls to the Simoeis river, his brother, to help him defeat Achilles:
Come, defend [the Trojans] with all speed, and fill the currents of your water from the springs, and stir all the torrents in the gullies, raise a great wave, stir a tumult of timbers and stones, so that we stop this savage man, who now is powerful and determined as a god. For I think his strength will not help him, nor at all his beauty, not that fine armour, which somewhere at the very bottom of the floor will lie buried beneath the mud; and his own body I will wrap around with sand, spreading more silted rubble than can be counted rubble in abundance, nor will the Achaeans know how to pick out his bones; so much silt I will cover over him.
Achilles was in actual danger of being killed by the river gods, and he probably would have been had Hera not asked for Hephaestus' help to burn away the waters, armor be damned lol.
So from all of these I think we can conclude that a) Achilles' sets of armor were both dope, the second one especially dope, but b) they do not, by themselves, give him any sort of special, magical power. Achilles was described as a force to be reckoned with since way before he got Hephaestus' armor, and after it he became (almost) unstoppable.
Is Achilles a hulking giant like Ajax?
I don't think so? Ajax's size specifically is mentioned in the Iliad a few times: he's referred to as "the bulwark of the Achaeans" and he is also characterised as gigantic and mighty. He also carries a huge-ass shield which is big enough to cover both him and Teucer in battle, and which he also uses to bash people's skulls if I remember correctly, so that alone gives the impression of someone who is built like a mountain.
Achilles' size on the other hand isn't really mentioned, I don't think? Like he's very powerful and must be of considerable height, but his superhuman strength is attributed to the fact that he's a demigod, not to his size. I feel like if he were a beast like Ajax we would have heard more about it, but since that isn't the case, I think it's reasonable to assume that he's impressive-looking, but he's not gigantic.
I hope I answered your questions! <3
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ooops-i-arted · 1 year
I don't care to follow this show closely, but people in tags have been talking about it for weeks. Not surprising that the Ahsoka/Anakin reunion turned out disappointing and devoid of emotional depth, because what did I expect from Filoni and Disney Star Wars after all?
At this point, I just have to ask .... does Filoni know that he's supposed to be writing characters? Like people with personalities? Relationships between people with shared history? Dialogue that sounds natural coming from an individual with a functioning brain? Because we have characters like the live action Ghost Crew who are described as stilted and don't even act like they are close. We have Ahsoka and Luke scenes that feel hollow and tacked on, ("so much like your father" girl explain how something Luke said made you come to that conclusion or was it just for fans to get nostalgic about clone wars?). The last time Anakin and Ahsoka met, he tried to fucking kill her and we would think there would be more of a reaction from this. But no, the focus is on battle scenes and snarky clone wars skits.
Oh my bad, Filoni's target demographic is people weeping over the next cameo and something he poached from Legends. He can probably make something look like a flashy video game cutscene. But more effort is put into showing off choreography and making Ahsoka look like the bland, stoic and bestest OC ever, rather than writing something truly meaningful and it's really obvious.
The problem imo is that the fandom has acted like Filoni shits gold for so long Disney/Filoni has no incentive to improve. Every piece of nostalgia-laden schlock Filoni squeezes out of his butthole is treated as a masterpiece by the majority of the fandom. They have zero incentive to keep making fresh, original things like Mandalorian season 1 or Andor (haven't watched that yet, going by word of mouth) when low-effect TCW fanfiction makes the loudest Star Wars fans cream their pants.
Honestly I think the Ahsoka show is just Filoni playing with his dolls with all the high-end special effects at his disposal and still couldn't make Hera look halfway decent. Tbh I feel a bit bad for all the voice actors and animators who first brought these characters to life and gave them soul now being tossed aside for the new shiny live action versions, just because there's this idea that animation is less prestigious/for kids. Like I'm no fan of Ashley Eckleswhatever but there is no doubt she is dedicated to Ahsoka and the fans and I've heard tons of lovely things about her. Not to mention the Legends authors getting ripped off and no credit for their ideas. (Don't even get me started on Hayden Christensen. Okay, obviously I don't presume to know how he feels, hey if he's happy with this good for him and I 100% support him. But if I starred in the prequels and had my performance constantly mocked and maligned for years, finally returned to Kenobi and had tons of fans now cheering and praising me for an emotional reunion with the character & actor that were the heart of RotS..... I wouldn't exactly be thrilled to lick the orange butthole of some guy's fanfic OC next.)
(Also also I hate the TCW designs. In the 2D Clone Wars Anakin does not wear any armor, which imo much better shows how reckless and borderline arrogant he is about his abilities.)
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seashellcosmos · 9 months
You mentioned it before so now I must know: Which bug has Gonta assigned each of his friends to and for what reason?
Shuichi- blue noctuid moth! Shuichi has big moth vibes, and (according to research the author has done) this moth is sometimes associated with death :) but it is very pretty
Kirumi- orb weaver spider! Spiders are arachnids, not insects, but Gonta still likes them- and orb weavers are very delicate and organized spiders, often observed tearing down and rebuilding their web daily (i have seen this with my own eyes it rocks)
Korekiyo- praying mantis! Tall and thin, can come across as unsettling, but is sorta just minding its own business. Stares at you for too long.
Himiko- ladybug! Small and cute and round, with a similar color scheme and habit of just hanging out wherever they feel like. Also fall asleep like…. As soon as they are somewhere cold or dark. Which is endearing
Ryoma- June Bug! (June beetle) a small, round, endearing beetle in the scarab family. Are very small and resilient (despite their clumsy and self destructive flight patterns)often used to symbolize transformation? Apparently? Christmas beetle would also work for him tbh.
Kaito- firefly! (Lightning bug, fire bug, etc) while not as flashy as Kaito tends to be at first glance, these little show stoppers quite literally light up the night sky like little stars in lonely rural eras
Angie- painted lady butterfly! Maybe a little obvious, but this tiny butterfly has splattered oranges and white and black across its wings to make a vibrant pattern! They also fly around very excitedly, and are attracted to bright colored flowers like echinacea or sunflowers
Rantaro- Atlas Moth! A large, striking moth found in many parts of Asia, with beautiful eye markings and wings that bare a strange resemblance to cobra heads as well. Often used to symbolize travel and wandering
Miu- primrose moth! partially for her signature pink and yellow color scheme, partially for their pickiness when it comes to host plants, and partially because these little critters are often active day and night once they pupate and reach adulthood.
Kiibo- Pill bug! (Rolly Polly, Armadillo Bug, etc) a tiny isopod that’s more related to shrimp and crustaceans than true insects, with slate gray armored backs they have a tendency to hide behind if startled
Kokichi- Emperor Moth Caterpillar (and the moth itself) a very flashy little creature with eye designs and frills along its body to trick predators, known for that one metaphor that symbolizes life’s struggles
Kaede- Monarch Butterfly! A delicate but incredibly resilient butterfly with very vibrant colors!! Often used to symbolize strength and endurance
Tenko- Grasshopper! A high energy insect found all over the world, known for their high jumps and cute little chirps
Maki- Glasswing Butterfly! Small, delicate butterflies with translucent wings they used to blend in with their surroundings. Pollinate and lay their eggs on plants in the poisonous nightshade family
Tsumugi- Leaf Cutter Bee! While a little more plain looking than other bee species (heh heh) these bees are very unique! They cut parts of leaves to make their home, stitching together little nests for winter.
Gonta sees himself as a rhino beetle, big and silly and strong enough to protect his friends!!
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Hetalia D&D 5e/Pathfinder 1e - Part 2 Allies
I did a thing yesterday. Got on ChatGPT (I know bad mun) and made rough NPCs for my Pathfinder 1e game. And I used every core character from Hetalia. So, I shared with 3 Hetalia fans I follow and was told to share all of them if I did all of them. Which I did. So here we go.
Name: America
Race: Human (or if you want a more exotic option, a Half-Elf)
Rationale: To reflect America's ability to adapt and be diverse, Humans are a solid choice. A Half-Elf could represent his mixed heritage and cultural influences.
Classes (Levels 10-12):
Fighter (10 Levels)
Rationale: America is known for his brash confidence and love of combat, particularly in a heroic and exaggerated manner. The Fighter class showcases his ability in combat and various weapon proficiencies. He would likely favor ranged weapons, possibly a firearm or bow to represent his portrayal as a "hero."
Bard (2 Levels)
Rationale: Given America’s upbeat personality and the love he has for fun and entertainment (especially in the form of movies and video games), the Bard class gives him access to skills that reflect his charisma and charm. He could use bardic music to inspire others in battle, fitting with the themes of camaraderie found in Hetalia.
Paladin (1 Level)
Rationale: This reflects America's ideals of heroism, justice, and a certain moral code. Although a Paladin has a strict code of conduct, you can interpret this lightly, given America's character might be more of a self-styled hero than a traditional one.
Final Stats Example:
Race: Human (or Half-Elf)
Classes: Fighter 10 / Bard 2 / Paladin 1 (Level 12 Total)
Alignment: Chaotic Good (reflecting his brash and freedom-loving nature)
Skills: Emphasis on Charisma-based skills (like Diplomacy and Perform) along with typical Fighter skills (like Athletics, Intimidate, etc.).
Feats: Select feats that enhance combat prowess (like Power Attack, Deadly Aim) and those that bolster his Bardic abilities (such as Lingering Performance).
Equipment: Focus on a firearm (like a musket), some flashy armor, and possibly a few whimsical magical items that represent his quirky traits (like a cape that makes him appear more heroic).
Race: Human (Varisian)
The Varisian subrace fits well with England’s cultural background and provides some interesting flavor, particularly with their connection to caravans and the arts.
Arcanist (Base Class) - England is known for his wizardry, especially with his affinity for magic, spells, and potions. The Arcanist class combines elements of Wizardry and Sorcery, which suits his character.
Rogue (Core Class) - He exhibits traits of cunning, cleverness, and a knack for strategy, akin to the Rogue class, giving him skills in deception and stealth, not to mention his dandy personality.
Bard (Core Class) - England has a notable interest in arts, history, and culture, along with a tendency to tell stories and stand out in social situations. Therefore, a few levels in Bard would further reflect his character and provide support to allies with buffs.
Level: 7th level (3 Arcanist, 2 Rogue, 2 Bard)
NPC Stats (Overview)
Race: Human (Varisian)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Profession: Wizard and occasionally a bardic storyteller, schemer, and sometimes a fighter in various capacities.
Ability Scores (with examples of suggested stats):
Strength: 10 (Average, not particularly athletic)
Dexterity: 14 (Slightly enhanced for stealth)
Constitution: 12 (Decent resilience)
Intelligence: 18 (High, emphasizing magical prowess)
Wisdom: 12 (Save against silly antics)
Charisma: 16 (Strong presence and personality, good for a bard)
Arcane Knowledge: High ranks in Spellcraft and Knowledge (Arcana)
Social Skills: High ranks in Diplomacy, Bluff, and Perform
Subterfuge: Stealth and Disable Device from the Rogue class
Spell Focus (Evocation) - Represents his affinity for explosive, powerful magic.
Combat Casting - Helps him maintain spellcasting in combat.
Bardic Knowledge - Reflects his vast knowledge of history and storytelling.
Arcanist: Include spells like Magic Missile, Grease, Invisibility, and Charm Person.
Bard: Can include Inspire Courage and Cure Light Wounds for support.
Preferred Equipment: A collection of magical trinkets and potions, an elegant cloak, and perhaps a unique magical item that symbolizes his heritage.
Role in Game
Campaign Role: England can serve as a powerful ally or intriguing antagonist. He may have political motivations, seek to protect cultural legacies, or even engage with players in strategic planning to deal with other NPCs.
Race: Human (or alternatively, Half-Elf for a more exotic flavor)
Human provides flexibility with the extra feat and skills.
Half-Elf adds to the charm with some elven features and a bonus to social skills.
Bard (Archaeologist or Whispers)
Represents France's artistic and charming personality, with bardic performances, social skills, and access to a wide variety of spells that can confound, charm, and dazzle.
You could choose Archaeologist for a more adventure-themed bard, reflecting a romantic and adventurous spirit.
Rogue (Bardic Trickster or classic Rogue)
Reflects the cunning and sly nature often attributed to France, embodying aspects of stealth and charm.
Bardic Trickster enhances natural bard skills with a bit of rogue-esque utilities, while the classic rogue emphasizes skills like deception and acrobatics.
Magus (Arcane Trickster)
The Magus class adds a magical flair, supporting the artistic and sophisticated aspects of France, blending arcane power with combat prowess.
The Arcane Trickster archetype further emphasizes stealth, trickery, and a touch of panache.
Level: 10 (You can adjust this based on the power level of your campaign, but level 10 provides a good mix of abilities and spells while allowing access to mid-tier class features.)
Example NPC Statistics:
Race: Human
Classes: Bard 5 / Rogue 3 / Magus 2
Alignment: Chaotic Good (reflecting France's free-spirited nature)
Key Abilities:
Charisma: High, as both the Bard and Rogue rely on it for many of their skills and spells.
Dexterity: Important for skills regarding stealth and agility.
Skill Focus: Perform, Diplomacy, Bluff, Acrobatics, and Sleight of Hand.
Suggested Spells:
Bard Spells: Charm Person, Invisibility, Heroism, Glitterdust
Magus Spells: Shocking Grasp, Touch of Fatigue, Minor Image
Roleplaying Tips:
Draw from France's charismatic nature, often using flowery language and art references.
Portray a certain jovial and flirtatious demeanor but blend it with some cunning and mischievous vibes.
Race: Human
China is often depicted as wise, resourceful, and possessing a deep connection to his culture. The Human race provides versatility in abilities, skills, and extra feats.
Class Options:
Samurai (Base Class) - (Level 7)
Justification: The Samurai class represents China’s warrior spirit and emphasis on honor, martial prowess, and cultural heritage. This class has a focus on combat skills and allows for the use of katana-like weapons, fitting with China’s historical warrior representation.
Oracle (Unchained) (Base Class) - (Level 3)
Justification: The Oracle class symbolizes China's connection to spirituality and wisdom. The "Mystery" aspect can represent the rich traditions and philosophies of Chinese culture. Focusing on abilities that reflect ancient knowledge or divination can enrich the character's depth.
Bard (Base Class) - (Level 2)
Justification: The Bard reflects China's artistic side, considering his connection to calligraphy, poetry, and storytelling. A few levels in Bard can also provide abilities related to charm and diplomacy, which align with China's nuanced interactions with other countries.
Stat Distribution and Skills
Ability Scores (after racial bonus):
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 18
Charisma: 14
Skill Focus:
Knowledge (History)
Perform (Oratory)
Sense Motive
Combat Reflexes
Improved Inititative
Leadership (to represent China’s respect and leadership among other nations)
Weapons: Katana (or a similar weapon)
Armor: Medium armor (representing traditional warrior attire)
Magic Items: Amulet of natural armor (to represent protection) or a scroll of divination.
Special Abilities
Keen Mind: China has an exceptional memory for facts and details, granting him an advantage on Knowledge checks.
Cultural Diplomacy: Gain bonuses on Diplomacy checks when dealing with different cultures or nations.
Personality & Roleplaying Tips:
Personality: Wise, calm, sometimes sarcastic, and can be fiercely protective over his traditions and allies. Displays a mixture of humor and seriousness depending on the context.
Interactions: More focused on negotiation and trade rather than outright conflict but will defend his allies with honor when necessary.
Russia (Inspired by Hetalia)
Race: Half-Orc (representing strength and resilience)
Size: Medium
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma.
Bonus Feats: Half-orcs gain a bonus feat at 1st level from a list of options.
Fighter (Level 6)
Russia is known for his intimidating presence and strength. As a Fighter, he embodies these traits, excelling in combat with a focus on strength and weapon mastery.
Key Features: Bonus feats, heavy armor proficiency, and a strong attack ability.
Sorcerer (Level 3)
Taking inspiration from the lore around Russia and his connection to cold and ice, the Sorcerer class could represent his innate magical abilities.
Bloodline: Frost (Ice-themed spells and abilities).
Key Features: Spellcasting, bloodline powers like the ability to cast spells like Ray of Frost and Ice Storm.
Bard (Level 1)
The Bard class represents his charming but sometimes sinister personality, as well as his ability to sway others with words.
Bardic Performance could potentially reflect the way Russia influences others, playing on the charm he can exert despite his more intimidating traits.
Key Features: Spellcasting, bardic performances, and social skills.
Character Summary:
Hit Points: 6 (Fighter) + 3 (Sorcerer) + 1 (Bard) = 10 + Constitution modifier from Half-Orc.
Armor Class: High due to Fighter class features, plus heavy armor proficiency.
Primary Skills: Intimidate, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Arcana), Bluff.
Spells: Focusing on ice and cold spells aligned with his character.
Combat Style: Strong frontline fighter, using a combination of magical attacks and physical prowess to overpower opponents while still maintaining some utility and flexibility through Bardic abilities.
Weapons: Greatsword or a similar two-handed weapon representing power and intimidation.
Armor: Heavy armor for maximum protection, appearing imposing when entering battle.
Magical Items: Items that enhance cold spells or grant spells, possibly like a Ring of Frost or a Wand of Ray of Frost.
Race: Half-Elf
Reasoning: Canada possesses some traits of elven grace and connection to nature while also representing a human side. Half-elves have a unique balance of both races, aligning well with Canada’s character.
Ranger (3 levels)
Justification: Canada is often portrayed as a quiet, nature-loving character who enjoys the great outdoors. His ability to track and connect with wildlife fits well with the Ranger class. Additionally, he can utilize animal companions that align with Canada’s affinity for nature.
Bard (4 levels)
Justification: The Bard class reflects Canada’s softer, gentler side. Even though he might be overlooked, he has a captivating charm that can gather allies and inspire others. Bards also have the ability to support their friends, echoing how Canada often tries to mediate and keep peace among nations.
Diplomat (Prestige Class, 3 levels)
Justification: This prestige class represents Canada’s diplomatic nature and attempts to maintain peace. It enhances his ability to negotiate and influence others, which is befitting for a character that often acts as the peacemaker among the nations in "Hetalia."
Level: 10
Level Distribution:
Ranger 3
Bard 4
Diplomat 3
Strength: Moderate
Dexterity: High
Constitution: Moderate
Intelligence: Average
Wisdom: High (reflecting his empathetic nature)
Charisma: High (as a bard, this enhances both his charm and diplomatic skills)
Stealth (to reflect his tendency to be overlooked)
Nature (to showcase his connection to the natural world)
Diplomacy (to represent his ability to mediate and encourage peace)
Perform (for light-hearted entertainment and social interactions)
Weapons: A bow (reflecting his ranger training) and a rapier (for elegance and style).
Armor: Light armor (to allow freedom of movement and stealth).
Magic Items: Items that enhance his stealth, nature abilities, or diplomatic efforts, like a Cloak of Elvenkind or an Amulet of Diplomacy.
Personality Traits:
Polite and Reserved: Always tries to be kind and avoid conflict.
Gentle Nature: Loves animals and prefers peaceful interactions over combat.
Invisible Presence: Tends to not be noticed by others, which aligns with how he is portrayed often going unnoticed in the "Hetalia" anime and manga.
When integrating Canada into your game, you can highlight his quiet resilience and ability to bring people together in non-violent ways.
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What if Tsundere Moth made reader sad and lose hope? Y/n has been falling for Childe for a while now, even before he got stuck in Foul Legacy mode. But it has been almost a year that y/n's taking care of Childe. He's still as cold and standoff-ish as ever. Now Y/n decided to go back home to Mondstadt. Y/n needed to visit their siblings anyway.
Moth wakes up to an empty house and a painfully written goodbye letter. Y/n has entrusted him to y/ns dear but odd friend Zhongli. Legacy made a high pitched whine as he finished reading the letter. He was now panicking, regretting all the times he could have just been warmer, kinder to you. But now you're not here with him anymore. No more chances left for him to express what he truly felt. His head hanged low as he thought of all the times you made him breakfast, made sure his blankets were clean and fluffy. You even learned to reas Snezhnayan just so you could read battle stories to him.
Zhongli arrived before lunch time and by then, Legacy had finished packing - painstakingly and carefully - without tearing the items apart with his shaky talons. The ex-archon extended his hand to Legacy's arm. If he could help his friend y/n achieve happiness, then he would, even if it meant absorbing a bit of Legacy's abyssal taint. Zhongli was already eroding anyway, he could take a bit more suffering. With a huff, he tore his hand away and it appeared luminescent purple. Legacy's armored body began to whittle away and Childe's own human skin replaced the hard exterior.
Childe gasped. "Mr. Zhongli, what did you-"
The ex archon just gritted his teeth and pointed to the door. "It would be best if you ask less and make haste to Mondstadt. I am uncertain about the duration of your human form."
He flashed the ex archon a grateful smile then left.
He would curb his curiosity for now. He needed to find you first. He was wanted for betraying the Tsaritsa so he couldn't just travel out in the open with his usual clothes. Legacy's armor was inaccessible and much too flashy. He made the good decision of purchasing clothes from a merchant - black pants and boots and a hood to mask his ginger hair. All the Fatui money he earned was enough for him to live comfortably for decades. It was actually y/n's idea to go back for his stash. Without your quick thinking, Childe would have been left in an abyssal form and penniless. The disguise seemed to be enough for him to make it to Mondstadt's border. He had no idea where you lived or what your family name was. He never asked because he didn't really initiate conversation with you, he sadly thought. He just remembered that you often wrote to someone named Kaeya every few weeks. Childe felt a sudden twist in his gut. He hoped that Kaeya was just a friend.
I apologize I was in the mood for a bit of angst and chase. 😅 Kaeya just came to mind because he seemed more open minded. It's a scenario request for their reunion. It can be happy or angsty or both. You can change anything.
me sobbing: what no i'm fine (MY HEART MACCHI. MY H E A R T)
Childe actually encounters Kaeya before he encounters you, immediately tensing when the suave Cavalry Captain introduces himself. but then Kaeya also stiffens when Childe mentions your name, quickly glancing at the Harbinger- or, ex-Harbinger- with a chilly look in his uncovered eye, his voice cautious as he questions Childe about his motives. Childe hastily reassures the Captain that he means well, that he just wants to see you again and apologize, telling Kaeya that if you don't want to see him, he'll leave immediately
all the while he can feel his hands deteriorating, transforming back into armored claws, and he curls his fingers into a tight fist when Kaeya finally concedes and motions for Childe to follow him
you're curled in a chair, up in a little apartment you rented out, listlessly reading some book or another when there's a knock at your door. but you almost slam it shut again when you answer it, eyes widening at the sight of a human Childe looking mournfully at you, but he gently holds out a hand to tell you to wait, then laces your fingers with his with more care than you've ever seen
his hands are more like talons, and it's clear that his human form doesn't have much time left
so, with Kaeya as witness and judge, Childe tells you everything he wishes he told you months ago- that he loves you, that you're a wonderful, amazing person who lights up his life, that you deserve everything good in the world, and that he's so, so sorry. and when he's finished, he looks and smiles at you; soft, warm, and sweet, his crimson mask showing in places under his skin, and you simply look down and cry
you're not sure how you all ended up inside your house, only that Kaeya carefully shuts the door behind him as Childe- now Foul Legacy- engulfs you in a tender embrace, and after a few moments your own arms snake around him and squeeze, tears still dripping from your eyes. your sobs mix with Legacy's gently croons and purrs, but you're smiling because finally, finally your heart feels at ease. you're not fully healed, nowhere close to that, but all of you know that it's a start, at the very least
Kaeya watches an Abyssal beast hug his best friend, a fond expression on his face when he sees you genuinely smile for the first time since you returned to Mondstadt
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