#Hey Sareena
chewbokachoi · 13 days
Sareena knew the risk of reentering the Netherrealm. But she didn't care. Ashrah was off on her own adventures, and sometimes she was on her own and other times she was with Syzoth. Either way, Sareena wasn't with her on most of them now.
So it was time to go off on her own if that's what everyone was hinting she should do.
But she had more than just some petulant, spurned sisterly reason to go. 
Bi-Han was still out there, stuck and shifting between the twisted shadow form he had been forced into and his regular human self. Sometimes he was both at once and Sareena had no doubt how painful and vulnerable he was.
And she was going to drag him back to Earthrealm–or kill him. If he wasn't going to go peacefully, then she would just neutralize the threat. Order of Light had a job to do–it was to protect Earthrealm. Bi-Han was welcome to join Sareena on this quest of hers, or he could just do the proper thing and die if he refused to do anything about the wraith that corrupted him.
She slipped through, the demons and spirits that haunted the realm knew better than to get in her way. Sareena couldn't help but give a devilish grin as the fiends that once challenged her now cowed in her presence. She knew to be careful about letting it get to her head, but she couldn't deny how much she was going to enjoy the chase now.
Written to "Absinthe" by IDKHBTFM
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theforbidfruit · 9 months
*you managed to get Bi-Han interested in Sareena*
You: *crying out of joy* I can finally leave! Liu Kang I’m coming home-
Havik: *walks in* Hey~
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2346khith · 11 days
Bi Han’s irony and pain
So I was doing some research for my mortal kombat au when I came across Bi Han tower ending from the first game.
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This stuck out as a little weird to me because well… retiring? From the Lin Kuei? The clan who kills people without remorse? Who are willing to kidnap children to recruit to their ranks? Who will sacrifice their members to create cyborgs. Who are willing to team up with know threats to Outworld? Yeah, if anything I think it more likely Bi Han was going to run away from the Lin kuei and you live off the money he got from the kill. But then that got me thinking… since is from first timeline, he was born in America and raised there with his mother right? What if he was specifically trying to run away to America to find his mom. Okay yes I know that probably not what they intended but ,at least for me it makes sense. We’ve already other timeline Bi Han’s having high reverence for their mothers.
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What to say original timeline Bi Han the same. But that got thinking on how that might explain Bi Han actions. Again hear me out. We know Bi Han tends to be more hotheaded and aggressive than his younger brother. But what if the reason for that isn’t arrogance or bloodlust but anger at the Lin kuei itself. Imagine your just living your life as a normal child when all of a sudden you’re kidnapped but some strange people to work for them, forced into hard training regime your body isn’t used too and forced to commit horrific acts at such a young age. We don’t know how old Bi Han was when he was taken but we do know he was a kid when it happened so his mind and sense of self were still developing and he had some time to live a normal life before he was taken. His stubbornness and hotheaded nature were a result of him angry at the Lin kuei for taking what essentially his life away. And maybe his more aggressive ways could be due to trauma caused by the Lin kuei, damaging his mental state. This might also explain Kuai Liang as well. We don’t know how old he was when he was kidnapped but what if he was only a baby when it happened. He wouldn’t have know any other life other than the Lin Kuei. The harsh training and killing wouldn’t affect him as much because in his mind it this was normal. He wouldn’t have a reason to be more angry or aggressive because to him this was fine. Heck who knows maybe while Bi Han may have become more aggressive he could’ve taught his brother about morality to ensure his brother didn’t go down as much of a violent path as the rest of the Lin kuei. Maybe this is why he spared Sareena, not just because of mercy specifically but because he saw another soul who was forced into a life they didn’t want and he was felt bad for her and wanted to give her a chance. But honestly the thing that stuck out the most was the complete irony of his situation later on his life. This is a version of sub zero who constantly fought for his freedom, yet when it was in his grasp, he was killed. And when he entered the Netherrealm, even there he wasn’t freed as he was then made into a servant of Shao Kahn and Quan Chi . Maybe that why he hates his brother in that timeline. Kuai Liang escaped the Lin Kuei, he was free yet he went back to the Lin kuei he wasted his chance which Bi Han in his alter state despises. Or maybe he was envious of the time Kuai was free, feeling that it should have been him. Maybe he tried to take over the Lin kuei to destroy it or build it into something else so no one else would feel the pain he felt. I know all of this seems illogical and stupid and it probably wasn’t what Netherrealm had intended but I can’t help think what could’ve have been, something that could’ve made Bi Han more interesting. But nope now we got a Bi Han Lin kuei extremist who just completely evil and not broken. But hey the noob sailboat trailer gave some interesting hints, which could redeem his character. But then then again, we’ll have to wait and see.
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darkdrin6 · 4 months
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We completely forgot about the plot drawings, but we really wanted to finish this one. It's been a difficult few months, but we're happy with the work we've done.
Fujin, reborn after his defeat in the Temple of the Elements, finds his killer with a pregnant wife (technically they are not married, but hey, Sareena is expecting a child from him, these two have been together for a long time).
Yes, we like to draw Bi Han in his MK9 skin. And yes, we like to draw pregnant Sareena in ordinary civilian clothes.
(and Bi Han also wears a collar on his shoulder, the second one is identical to his beloved's neck)
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can we get some moments of Bi-Han being Frost’s uncle? it can be from your lost daughter au or the canon story :) I would just like to see them be happy
YEEEEESSSSSS, I'm using the lost daughter frost au bc I love it
Frost: Hey, can I go to the movies with Cassie?
Bi-Han: Why are you asking me?
Frost: Dad said no, something about chores first
Bi-Han: Then why are you asking me?
Frost: He's not the boss of you
Bi-Han: You are a carbon copy of your father at your age and that scares me
Bi-Han: Brother! I'm kidnapping your spawn!
Kuai Liang: Please do not refer to my daughter in the same manner one would discuss a pond of tadpoles
Frost, excited: Field trip?
Bi-Han: Field trip
Kuai Liang: Have fun, no murder
Frost & Bi-Han: Killjoy
Bi-Han: Hey, Frost, wanna help me prank your dad?
Frost: Always
Bi-Han: Excellent, meet me in the courtyard in an hour. Bring a blowtorch
Frost: I need you to help me sneak Cassie into the temple
Bi-Han: Absolutely not, I like my head where it is and have no desire to motivate Kuai Liang to commit fratricide
Frost: I helped you sneak Sareena into the temple last week
Bi-Han: Fine.
Frost: Are you baking?
Bi-Han: Yes. It is your birthday. I am making you a cake.
Frost, trying not to cry: Oh
Bi-Han: Also, Kuai Liang is throwing a surprise party for you, Cassie will be there.
Frost, crying: Okay
Bi-Han: I have a present for you
Frost: Why?
Bi-Han: Just because, here
He hands her a knife
Bi-Han: Go forth and stab
Frost: You are my new favorite relative
Bi-Han: I try
lemme know if y'all want more!
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thedragonholder · 12 days
Mk college au shenanigans!!
The order of light.
Hatsune: I am bored.
Jatakaa: me too.
Kia: girls you will not belive what just happened!!
Hatsune: Kia I swear to God if this is something-
Kia: erron was just caught cheating on scarlet with nitara!!
Jatakaa: WHAT!?
Kia: yeah and scarlet used her blood magic and almost destroyed his balls off!!
Hatsune: where Did this happen exactly?
Kia: oh it happened in the non binary bathroom.
Hatsune: we have a non binary bathroom?
Sareena: guys cyrax and Kia are dating!!
Hatsune: since when!?
Sareena: since last week. The principal caught them eating each other's faces off!!
Jatakaa:...who's the top?
Ashrah: jatakaa your sister is in detention and you care about who's top!?
Sareena: it was cyrax.
Hatsune: jatakaa you owe me money.
Jatakaa: stupid Kia..*gives hatsune money*
Suchin: *looking at kenshi* is your bother always this hot?
Hatsune: in what universe is he this hot!?
Suchin: he makes me want to pin him down and make him scream my name-
Hatsune: That's my brother!!!
Syzoth: hey um hatsune. Can you chaperone mine and ashrahs date?
Hatsune: again!? Seriously!!-
Syzoth: I'll give you free pass to pet co for foxes.
Hatsune:....so when is this date and it better not be mexican food again!!
Hatsune and bi han.
Hatsune: objection your honour are you sure you want to belive this guy!? *points at bi-han*
Judge: um yes he is your competitor
Hatsune: but he hasn't fed his brother's for three days!!
Judge:...objection over ruled.
Bi-Han: you stupid bitch!!
Hatsune: *smirks and flips him off*
Hatsune: scooch over jack frost.
Bi-han :*sitting alone at his lunch table* excuse me!?
Hatsune: you didn't hear me scooch over I need to eat!!
Bi-Han: *has spicy won ton soup* ugh I switched my lunch with kuais.
Hatsune: I got cold mochi again!!
Bi-Han: want to switch?
Hatsune: I would like that...
Hatsune: here I bought you cold mochi.
Bi-han: I couldn't make spicy wonton soup so here you go *gives her fried tofu in hot chicken soup*
Hatsune:*smirks and leans back on chair* well you finally know your place mortal!!
(Tofu is often given to as offering to the goddess inari and they are also foxes favourite food so bi-han gave hatsune a fried tofu which technically meant he gave her an offering.)
Bi-han: where were you?
Hatsune: at pet co and they have these really cute kittens!! I even held one of them!!
Bi-Han:...*looks at the won ton soup*
Hatsune: bi-han what-
Bi-Han: *throws shard of ice in there* never go to pet co without me.
Hatsune: bi-han this is sareena. Sareena this is bi-han
Sareena: hi nice to meet you!!
Hatsune: Don't mind his rudeness he is-
Bi-Han: it is really nice to meet you too...
Hatsune:....What the fuck!?-
Bi-han: you got the stuff?
Hatsune: *opens her coat showing a collection of kittens.*
Bi-Han: perfect...
Now introducing the college horror society!!
Kitana: so this is the first meeting of the horror society anyone has any questions?
Hatsune: yeah when can we get into actual horror stuff?
Kitana: we are still planning those events we don't have a good budget-
Hatsune:*takes out black credit card*
Jade:*takes out black credit card as well*
Kitana:...so we now have a High budget.
Tomas: okay for the first event how about this? Haunted house?
Liu: that's too common and where can we even get real ghosts?
Hatsune: I might have an idea.
Hatsune: Please do this for me!!!
Hanzo: okay fine I'll call my wraith friends to help with this but what do I get in return?
Hatsune: I can hook you and kuai liang up for a date at Madam bos.
Hanzo: I am in.
Jade: No!!
Kung lao: but-
Hatsune: look we can't use mileena to chase people around using her tarkatan shape shifting!!
Kung Lao: oh come on its a really cool idea.
Kitana: so since we are making this horror movie who will be the villain?
Kung Lao: no I will rather be the sidekick
Hatsune: that's too bad I find the villains hot.
Kung Lao:...kitana I change my mind!!
Tomas: I am scared to go in the haunted house.
Jade: do you want me to carry you?
Tomas: yes please.
Hatsune: ugh god why do all my friends have dates.
Kung Lao: well I can go with you for you want.
Hatsune:...that'll actually be really nice.
Horror society club.
President: kitana
Vice president: kung Lao
Cultural head: Liu kang
Treasurer: Tomas
Club advisor: jade
Content head: hatsune
@laismoura-art , @rasta-bot , @running-with-the-feels , @charlotte-family-apologist , @angelbroad , @den-kunn , @jentasticart , @theelderhazelnut
How is this?
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soulofamy · 2 months
Pining prompts
#8. Glances that linger on longer than intended.
BiReena?? 👀
"I want you..." pining prompts
Infiltrate Liu Kang's stronghold. Free Sub-zero. Leave undetected. Those were Sareena's orders. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi had only just forged that alliance, afterall. Her master felt it a waste to keep him locked away when his power and influence could be so useful.
Though she would keep it to herself, she did not agree with his assessment. He was a formidable warrior, evident by his defeating Nitara and Ermac. Something rubbed her the wrong way about him though. He was pompous, and if his defecting from Liu Kang was anything to go off of, he did not appear to be good at taking orders.
But she was. And her orders now were more important than her personal feelings.
She stuck to the shadows, eyes passing over every detail of the academy as she tried to locate her objective. It was no surprise that the monks who resided here seemed to be gearing up for war. Liu Kang was nowhere in sight.
She kept her body low to the roof as she tried to determine where Subzero was being kept. As she surveyed the area, her heart stopped when her gaze fell on Ashrah in the distance. All around her were the men Sareena had seen her with in the Living Forest. They seemed consumed with idle chatter and storytelling. The wounds of betrayal opened up in Sareena's heart as she watched Ashrah hold aloft her kriss, displaying it for all to see and presumably boasting about how she used it to kill Kia and Jataaka. Quan Chi spared no details of how Ashrah slew their sisters, with not an ounce of remorse. If Sareena wasn't careful, she didn't doubt that she would meet the same fate.
Sareena peeled her eyes away from the sight and continued her investigation until she found the door to the room she was looking for. With grace and stealth, she slipped into the room. Subzero sat leaning against the wall in the dark, kneeling with his back to her with his head down. His hands and feet were shackled. If he heard her come in, nothing in his posture changed to indicate that.
She approached him and lowered herself down behind him. She reached for the shackles, then quickly withdrew her hand. The metal was colder than anything she had ever felt. She looked down at her hands and watched as the Netherrealm's fire engulfed them. Perhaps she could combine her fire with his frigid hands and overwhelm and shatter the metal. She laid her flaming hands on the shackles and within a few moments, then metal split with a resounding crack. She was careful as she pried the broken shackles off his hands and legs, not wanting to cause any lascerations to his ankles or wrists.
He still did not move.
Sareena frowned and shifted to the other side of him. As she excpected, he was still unconscious after his fight with Scorpion. For a moment, she didn't move as curiosity took hold and her eyes traced over his features. The loose strands of his hair framed and accentuated his face. His eyebrows were furrowed, and Sareena wondered if that was simply how they rested. She tensed as he drew a deep breath, then relaxed as she watched frost wisp around his mask. If it weren't for his circumstances, she might have thought he was in the middle of a peaceful slumber.
Her eyes landed on his mask and she raised a hesitant hand up toward it. She wished to remove it, wished to know what the bottom half of his face looked like. Why that was though, she could not say. But before her fingers could touch him, they curled into her palm. She was not here to fawn. The longer she stayed here, the higher the chances were of her being discovered.
She lowered her hand down to his bicep instead and shook it. "Sub-zero," she hissed. "Hey...Sub-zero...wake up."
His eyes shut tight before fluttering open. Her heart leaped in her chest with their gazes met, when Sareena took in his eyes as though she was looking at her own reflection. Even upon waking up, his eyes held silent pain, silent frustration, silent betrayal.
His deep groan as he sat up brought her back to reality. She watched as he brought his newly freed hands up and clenched and unclenched them.
"I have come to free you, come with me," Sareena murmured.
Sub-zero's gaze moved from his hands back to her face and his eyes narrowed. Sareena frowned and huffed, then stood up.
"Fine, stay here then," she said as she stared at him down her nose. "Let Liu Kang have his way with you after you betrayed him."
He gave a cold sigh after a moment of contemplation then placed a steadying hand on the wall and stood up. "Very well, then. Lead the way."
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synnamonroll666 · 9 months
Ashrah X Fem!Reader X Syzoth: Intro Dialogues (Feat. Sareena, Kitana, Mileena)
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A/N: I meant to post this almost two months ago! TWO! I have got to stop slacking! 😭 Anyway, if you want context, this is kind of a continuation to these headcanons I did back in November.
Sareena: I'm so proud of you, sister!
Ashrah: Don't say I told you so!
Sareena: I told you poly relationships were too good to give up!
Ashrah: Syzoth and (Y/N) really enjoyed Halloween as well! They say they want you to be a part of it next year too.
Sareena: I'll start working on my costume now!
Ashrah: Nothing that shows too much skin or scares the children away!
Syzoth: Your sister and (Y/N) are angels! They are the sweetest—
Sareena: Ohhhhhh, my God! I know! You love them!
Syzoth: Is there something wrong with expressing that love?
Sareena: I told you people wouldn't think you're a freak! That's why Halloween is the best time of year!
Syzoth: I had never felt do free to be me in a public place my whole life!
Sareena: *Smirking* You know, it's okay to get freaky from time to time anyway.
(Y/N): Your sister makes me so happy.
Sareena: As happy as you make her?
(Y/N): I think more.
Sareena: Next Halloween is going to be amazing!
(Y/N): All I ask is that you go easy on the children this time. Syzoth didn't even scare them as much as you did.
Sareena: Hey, it's all a part of being a demon!
Kitana: I am still weary of you courting Syzoth and (Y/N).
Ashrah: I have nothing but the best intentions for them both.
Kitana: Actions speak louder than words, Ashrah.
Ashrah: Do you not accept us?
Kitana: It's not that. I'm just concerned.
Ashrah: I understand your concern but it is false.
Syzoth: Would you mind training (Y/N)? She told me that she would like to learn more about kombat.
Kitana: I would be happy to, Syzoth.
Syzoth: Thank you, princess.
Kitana: A demon, a Zaterran, and a human: I never seen anything like this in the one million years of my existence!
Syzoth: Neither have I, princess. But I couldn't be happier.
Kitana: I am glad to know that you are now happy, Syzoth.
(Y/N): You said you would help me train?
Kitana: Yes, would you like to start?
(Y/N): Just please go easy on me at first.
Kitana: Syzoth says that you and Ashrah make him very happy.
(Y/N): *Smiles* That really warms my heart to hear that.
Kitana: It really makes me see things in a different light.
Mileena: I know being in an unaccepted relationship is hard.
Ashrah: It is difficult, but it would be harder without (Y/N) and Syzoth.
Mileena: In my eyes, happiness is all that matters. Of course, if you are not harming anyone to achieve it.
Ashrah: I see a lot of me, Syzoth, and (Y/N)'s relationship in you and Tanya's.
Mileena: I suppose we are similar in a way.
Ashrah: Both judged for loving who we want.
Syzoth: People called us freaks. But look at us now!
Mileena: Honored to be accompanied by beautiful woman throughout life's journey.
Syzoth: It's a lot less than those bullies can say for themselves.
Mileena: You said you wanted a day off to spend time with Ashrah and (Y/N), Syzoth?
Syzoth: Please, Empress. I plan on proposing.
Mileena: Then take the whole week. You have my blessing.
(Y/N): Syzoth has been acting strangely with me and Ashrah lately.
Mileena: Trust me, (Y/N). Everything will be fine.
(Y/N): I sure hope you are right...
Mileena: What is this "double date" you suggested?
(Y/N): It's when me, Ashrah, and Syzoth and you and Tanya all go out together and share a date. It will be fun!
Mileena: You Earthrealmers never fail to be interesting to me.
Requests for more are open!
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firstknightvulion · 8 months
Bi-Han: I am not a jealous man.
Tomas: Hey, Bi-Han? Are you expecting another guest? I just saw Sareena talking and laughing with some guy.
Kuai Liang: *nervously side eyes Bi-Han as a thick aura of what can only be described as condensed rage fills the room*
One moment later…
Sareena: It was just Johnny!
Bi-Han: He’s a slut!
Kuai Liang: No! What he is is all over the place! Bi-Han, grab a mop! This is your mess, you’re cleaning it up.
They later snuck into another timeline and kidnapped another Johnny so Lord Liu Kang wouldn’t find out.
Part 2 below.
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Throughout the Eras Incorrect Quotes #4
Ashrah: Truth or dare?
Sareena: Truth.
Ashrah: How many hours have you slept this week?
Sareena: Dare.
Ashrah: Go to sleep.
Sareena: I don't like this game.
Kenshi: Did Johnny Cage just tell me he loved me for the first time?
Kitana: Yeah, he did.
Kenshi: And did I just do finger guns back?
Kitana: Yeah, you did.
Sindel: Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?
Scorpion: Do you love Sareena?
Sub-Zero: Yeah, I do.
Scorpion: Smoke! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks!
Smoke: We all love Sareena. You should've asked if he was IN love with her.
Sub-Zero: I thought that was implied.
Smoke: ...
Scorpion: ...
Sub-Zero, looking straight at Smoke: Congrats Scorpion, you just won 100 bucks.
Rain: Hey I just got a pet snake. What should I name him?
Kitana: A pet WHAT?!
Mileena: William Snakespeare.
Raiden: I am Raiden, I speak for the trees. Chop them down and I snap your knees.
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laismoura-art · 11 months
The Hardships of Being the Wingman:
Hanzo, down on one knee: Sareena, my dear, would you give me the honour of becoming my Sister-in-law? <3
Sareena: Oh, Hanzo! I would in a heartbeat! <3
Bi-Han: Did you just propose to Sareena for me?
Hanzo: Someone had to!😑
Kuai: Hey, Rumi, are you free this weekend? Say, Friday, 7pm?
Harumi: Yes? I don't think I have any appointments...
Kuai: What about you?
Lisa: I am also free, I suppose.
Kuai: Good, cause I'm not, you two go ahead and enjoy your date!
Lisa: Did he just-- Harumi?
Harumi: *already gone to buy herself a new dress*
Kuai: Sareena, I have something to confess, I'm in love with Hanzo!
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starsurface · 5 months
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Bi-Han & Kuai Liang w/ CG Tomas (Fic)
"Raaaaaaaaaawr!" Tomas shouted as he chased his brother.
Kuai Liang squealed, running into the living room. He ran across the table, using it as a shield as Tomas tried to catch him.
"Awe that is sneaky, brother!" Tomas put his hands on his hip.
"No it isn't!" Kuai Liang shook his head.
"Is too!" Tomas laughed, jumping onto the table.
"No!" Kuai Liang gasped, dodging as Tomas tried to tackle him. "Can't catch me!"
Bi-Han glared at them. He was trying to watch Sesame Street, alone. He didn't like the fact they were loud. He also didn't like the fact that Tomas was giving all his affection to Kuai Liang.
Did he yell at Tomas for trying to baby him? Absolutely. But that didn't mean he didn't want him to! He didn't want cuddles or anything. But he did want Tomas to give him apple juice and sit near him . . . And maybe cuddle him.
How dare his actions have consequences. >:(
"Go away!" Bi-Han shouted, swatting in their direction.
"Are we being too loud, Bi-Han?" Tomas asked, grabbing Kuai Liang and wrestling him to the ground. Kuai Liang giggled and fought him back. "Hey! You little- Are we louder than the tv, Bi?"
It wasn't often that Tomas watched over his brothers anymore. Nowadays Harumi watched Kuai Liang, and Sareena watched Bi-Han. But when they were busy, Tomas was their go to babysitter! The girls were having a girls day, plus Hanzo, today anyways, so the timing was perfect!
He had helped them regress when they were young, as they had done for him. Tomas liked watching his brothers. Just as much as he adored being watched by them!
He'd miss how grumpy Bi-Han could get. Or when Kuai Liang wanted to be michieves and try to blame it on whatever toy of the day. Really, he just liked hanging out with his brothers, without the fighting.
"Move," Bi-Han shoed them away again.
"Bi's being no fun," Kuai Liang pouted, pinching Tomas's arm.
"Ow!" Tomas hissed, unwrapping his brother from his headlock. Kuai Liang giggled and ran into the kitchen. "Kuai! That's cheating!"
"No it isn't!"
"Sorry about the noise, Bi. We'll try to keep it down, okay?" Tomas smiled, Bi-Han just huffed and turned his head.
Tomas ruffled Bi-Han's hair before jogging after Kuai Liang. Bi-Han watched him go. No! Tomas wasn't suppose to leave! He was suppose to stay and sit next to him, getting bored of Kuai Liang's chase. Or Kuai Liang should be getting tired by now. Wanting to nap on the couch.
Bi-Han looked back at his show. He didn't wanna watch Sesame Street anymore. Not that he had been watching it at all. He pouted earlier at every show Tomas suggested, so he put something he personally watched while small. It wasn't bad . . . But it wasn't Ruby Gloom.
Bi-Han didn't like Ruby Gloom either though. He only watched it because Sareena liked watching it. Which usually meant he got cuddles and goldfish.
"Get off the counter," Tomas said, carefully watching as Kuai Liang balanced himself on the kitchen counter. Kuai Liang giggled, shaking his head. "No, this is very dangerous. We don't climb on things that we can fall from."
"You jumped on the table," Kuai Liang pointed out.
"Very different scenario, Kuai," Tomas said sternly. Kuai Liang deflated at his tone. "Come on, I'll help you down."
Tomas picked his brother up, setting him carefully on the ground. Kuai Liang immediately sprinted to the pantry closet, looking at all the snacks.
"You getting hungry?" Tomas asked, Kuai Liang nodded in response. "I can order some food. Does McDonald's sound okay?"
"I want . . . fruit!"
"I don't think fruits in the pantry," Tomas chuckled, shutting the pantry. "Fruits in the fridge. How about you go fetch some?"
Kuai Liang got up, waddled to the fridge. He liked fruit, especially strawberries! But pineapple was really good too. And blueberries when they were in season! And-
"Tomaaaaaaaaaas!!" Bi-Han shouted, stopping Kuai Liang's thoughts.
Tomas stuck his head through the open doorway, "What's up, Bi?"
"Change it," Bi-Han pointed to the screen.
"Can I hear a please?" Tomas asked.
Bi-Han glared at him in reply.
"Bi-Bi, you've gotta be nice," Kuai Liang said, moving to Tomas's side. "Otherwise 'Reena's gonna know."
Bi-Han grumbled at this fact. Tomas was not against calling either of their caregivers if they were misbehaving. It usually got them to stop whatever they were doing quickly, not wanting a lecture or timeout.
"Don't want it no more," Bi-Han pointed to the screen again. "Change it."
"Alright, alright," Tomas rolled his eyes, walking over and grabbing the remote. "Whatcha wanna watch?"
Bi-Han stayed silent. He didn't really wanna watch cartoons right now. But he also didn't wanna be up and running around like Kuai Liang.
Tomas waited for Bi-Han to give some sort of name suggestion or a site. When none came, he went onto Netflix, scrolling through some shows. He didn't want Kuai Liang to get impatient and try to cut the fruit himself. He could probably do it with a hand guiding him, but Tomas still didn't want to chance it.
"There's a ton of good shows on here, Bi. You want a bigger kid show with some plot in it? Or maybe a smaller show? Disney has Bluey if you wanna-
"Wait!" Bi-Han frowned, pointing to the tv.
"Octonauts?" Tomas asked, receiving a small nod.
Bi-Han didn't care for Octonauts, but Tomas and Kuai Liang liked it. So maybe they'd stop chasing each other and come hang out with him.
Luckily, the show did seem to catch Kuai Liang's attention.
"I wanna watch!" Kuai Liang gasped, rushing over and sitting beside Bi-Han.
Bi-Han gently rested his head against Tomas's shoulder, looking at the tv. Tomas patted his head before moving to stand up. Earning an upset look from the oldest brother.
"I know, but I've gotta go get Kuai Liang his fruit! I'll get you some too," Tomas offered. "Is there any other snack you wanna have?"
". . . Fishies," Bi-Han mumbled.
"Fishies? Goldfishies?" Tomas double-checked, Bi-Han nodded. "Alright, I'll get some goldfish. Kuai?"
"No thank you!" Kuai Liang shouted. Bi-Han nudged him lightly. "Oh! Sorry."
"Don' be loud," Bi-Han mumbled.
Kuai Liang nodded, laying down, moving his head to Bi-Han's lap. Bi-Han didn't completely mind, beginning to play with his brother's hair.
They were definitely going to have a cuddle fest when Tomas came back though. Per to Bi-Han's silent request . . . order.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I wanna give Tomas a color but I don't know what. Do y'all think i should change it or keep it black/white?
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tazahan · 4 months
Hey so I’m working on story about Bihan & Ariem. Bihan cheats on her with cheat with Sareena while Ariem is pregnant with his baby. She needs some friends to help her . So I was wondering if I could use your oc for my story?
Oh wow, what a drama, Bi-Han is an asshole! Sure! Include her as you please
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mikka-minns · 1 year
Noob: well, thirthy years have passed and i feel the same way, sareena.
Sareena: You still wanna pee in a hot topic?
Noob: Yes, sareena, thank you for listening to my insane rambling about peeing in a hot topic.
Sareena : hey, listen, i'll take you to a hot topic.
Noob :.... Finaly*clenches fist*... A place to realise myself.
Sareena : i know you've been holding it for so long.
Hanzo, walking in, terrified: what the fuck are you two Fucking talking about?!
(im so sorry, i literaly had to🤣)
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Cam we get some incorrect quotes between kuai and hanzo? And maybe sareena, bihan and johnny?
Hanzo: Don't worry! You've got this!
Kuai Liang: You think that bc you love me, and love has made you dumb.
Sareena: hey, Bi-Han?
Bi-Han: Hmmm?
Sareena, gesturing to his beard: What's that?
Bi-Han: Nothing important, I'm just too busy to deal with it rn
Sareena and Johnny share a significant look
Johnny: You hold him down, I'll shave it off?
Bi-Han: Do not manhandle me, I have work to do
Sareena: And you can do it later, lets go
Bi-Han: Oh my god
Sareena: What? What's wrong?
Bi-Han: I think I'm in love with Johnny Cage
Sareena: Oh finally! I was wondering when you'd notice!
Bi-Han: I'm gonna kill him
Sareena: Bi-Han, no-
Lemme know if y'all want more!
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thedragonholder · 1 year
The rogue shirai ryu Ch-2 💙💖
Bi-han was currently going to the lab sektor was working in sektor had called him for an urgent matter that needed to be discussed, bi-han was in a frustrated mood as usual, he wanted to try and track down his brothers kuai liang and Tomas vrbada.
Even after his last fight with his brother he still hasn't forgotten about him and wants to make amends with his brother.
"Ashrah you can't tell me what to do!" A girl with short black hair and white highlight and black eyes with diamond diamond marks on them she also had fair skin and wore a black tank top with black pants and black boots.
"Sareena i am doing what's best for you!" Ashrah said the two sisters had gotten into a fight ashrah wanted sareena to stay with the monks but sareena wanted to leave the temple and go on her own journey she didn't want to follow her sisters footsteps.
"Ashrah i am begging you" Sareena said to ashrah "as I said you will not leave and you will stay! Otherwise I would have to use force!" Sareena looked at ashrah she stepped forward towards ashrah and quickly threw a shadow ball at ashrah causing her to deflect it with her kriss sareena then let out her devil wings and flew away ignoring ashrah's calls she didn't know where she was going only where her heart lead her too.
Bi-han was currently following sektor to his laboratory sektor stopped walking "sektor I don't have all day what do you-" Bi-han stopped as he felt a sharp wound on his back he looked behind to see it was cyrax but he was a yellow cyber robot "cyrax! You dare betray me!?' Bi-han shouted " Cyrax doesn't follow your commands..." Sektor said to bi-han his eyes widen looking at both cyrax and sektor "you both dare betray the lin kuei!" Bi-han shouted "actually you did, you see I had no intention of following your footsteps I just wanted the throne..." Sektor said bi-han's eyes widen "how could you sektor..." Bi-han fell into the ground the wound started to turn purple as he coughed up blood "good bye bi-han." Sektor said leaving bi-han and cyrax followed him.
Bi-han layed there on the snow not knowing what to do his eyes started to close the last thing he saw was a figure flying down in front of him "hey stay awake" The figure yelled.
The sound of chirping birds and the light of the sun on his face caused bi-han to wake up his eyes wandering around the room he was lying on a bed his wound bandaged and he was shirtless "what happened-" "I see your awake" Bi-han saw a girl stand in near the door way with a bowl of soup "who are you?" Bi-han asked "sareena I am the one who rescued you in the mountains" Sareena said to bi-han.
His mind drifted to the betrayal of cyrax and sektor "cyrax, sektor they...." Bi-han was at a loss of words trying to comprehend what was happening sareena sat on the chair beside his bed "what's your name-" "It's none of your business" Bi-han said to sareena she raised her eye brow "well eat up" Sareena said giving him the bowl of soup bi-han snatched the bowl and drank it in a gulp.
"Not a kind one are you" Sareena said bi-han narrowed his eyes at her "where am i?" Bi-han asked sareena "Japan" Sareena said to bi-han his eyes widened and looked at sareena "my sister was looking for me plus a strange army was looking for you so fleeing to Japan was the only option" Sareena said to bi-han his hand was on his forehead sareena put her hand on his shoulder "are you alright?" Sareena asked bi-han "do you know where the shirai ryu is?" Bi-han asked sareena.
"I am sorry what?" Sareena asked "I need to find the shirai ryu" Bi-han said getting up but his wound was too painful "hold up ice man that wound is poisonous any wrong move and it can get you killed" Sareena said to bi-han "so what I am supposed to take a fragile girl like you with me..." Bi-han said to sareena "I am not a fragile girl" Sareena said to bi-han "right cause-" Bi-han got pushed onto a chair sareena put her leg on his shoulder pressing him down with her hell sickle pointed at him.
"Listen here and listen good right now I am your only option and it looks to me that almost all the realms are hunting you down so it's either you accept my help Or suffer the consequences" Sareena said bi-han was stunned he stared at sareena his heart skipped a beat seeing the dominant woman "fine" Bi-han said sareena put her leg down and her hell sickle disappeared in the shadows "good now let's get going ice boy-" "Bi-han..." Bi-han said sareena looked at bi-han "my name is bi-han..." Bi-han said getting up "alright bi-han" Sareena said to bi-han.
"Let's go we have no time to waste" Bi-han said to sareena he was now determined to get to his brothers and try to apologies to them for what he did he looked at sareena who stood there with a smile 'maybe she's not a fragile woman after all' bi-han thought to himself 'atleast I got ice man to open up a bit' sareena thought.
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