#Hidden truths
k-wame · 1 year
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вrυno мonтaleone & joнnny мaѕѕaro verdadeѕ ѕecreтaѕ (нιdden тrυтнѕ)  |  ѕ2.e24 · (2021)
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awesomecooperlove · 2 months
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dankmemerson · 6 months
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reality-detective · 8 months
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu: “Every Hamas militant will die. Hamas is ISIS. We will crush them."
Hamas is ISIS? The last that I knew ISIS stands for "Israeli Secret Intelligence Service" and it was created by the CIA/FBI and MI6 which is all part of the Deep State/Cabal. They're all in bed together.
You Decide 🤔
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megalony · 10 months
Hidden Truths
This is going to be a Jonah Hauer-King series because I loved the request so much and had so many ideas. Thank you @musicistheway and your lovely friend for this idea. Any requests and comments are always great to have.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
@jonahhauer-kingg @melaninjoys​ @luna2034 @mystiqueprincess @fangirl-tothemax
Part 2
Summary: Jonah's wife is a well kept secret from the rest of the world, they like their privacy and anonymity. Especially with a baby on the way. But their privacy is threatened when a stalker starts to invade Jonah's private life.
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Tipping her head back against the top of the sofa, (Y/n) smiled up at Jonah, letting her eyes fall closed contently when she felt his lips dancing across her temple like feathers gliding over her skin. A hum vibrated at the back of her throat when she his hands reached down and gripped her shoulders as he stood leaning over the sofa.
(Y/n) knew just by his touch that he was getting ready to leave. His lingering fingertips that dived beneath the collar of her shirt and his longing lips on her temple told her as much. His touches always lasted longer when he was about to leave and if he had to go away for days or God forbid, weeks, (Y/n) was never sure he was actually going to let go of her. She wouldn't have it any other way.
"Are you going?"
Reaching up behind her, (Y/n) slowly dragged her fingers through his hair, earning a groan against her skin when she tugged at a few curls.
"Afraid so, shouldn't be too long though, just a couple of hours." He was only going to do a press interview, a nearby by one this time.
There were a lot of interviews arranged for the upcoming weeks, in advance of the movie release to hype things up and get the tension going until the premiere.
(Y/n) knew Jonah was excited for the movie premiere, it was written all over his face whenever it got brought up in conversation and she couldn't be prouder of him. It was already promised and set in stone that she would be watching the interviews on premiere night and then watching the movie too at the same time, as if she was there with Jonah when she would actually be at home.
The spotlight was where Jonah belonged, he thrived in his work and deserved all the glowing achievements he got from it. (Y/n), on the other hand, liked to watch from home. She was more than happy to support her husband and shower him with love and adoration when he came back, all buzzed on adrenaline and bouncing off the walls.
(Y/n) wasn't in the public eye, she wasn't anyone of interest and that was fine by both of them. It was always a silent agreement that Jonah would go out and celebrate at press events and then when he came home, (Y/n) would celebrate with him in private, away from cameras and journalists and crowding fans.
It was their dynamic ever since Jonah started his career, since he started to get his name out into the world.
"Do you want to take your daughter with you?" (Y/n) could feel his lips curving into a smile against her forehead before he leaned further over the edge of the sofa until she was sure he was going to fall on top of her.
His hands snaked down her arms until he was hovering over her hips and he tucked his face into the crook of her neck when (Y/n) leaned her head to the side. She brushed her nose against his hair, inhaling the smell of shampoo and cologne before she kissed the top of his cheekbone. His arms gave her a gentle squeeze like he was becoming a blanket, curling around her while his hands made quick work of rolling her shirt up over her curved stomach.
The feeling of Jonah's fingers tracing over her stomach tickled and made (Y/n) giggle, especially when she knew their baby could sense he was there too.
"I'd take her everywhere with me if I could, love." He whispered the words quietly into (Y/n)'s neck and continued to roam his hands across her stomach, desperately trying to feel some movement from her before he had to leave both his girls. He knew (Y/n) could feel the small huff he let out against her neck when their girl refused to move, it was like she knew he was in a hurry and wanted to play games. "Come on baby, please?"
His attempt to sweet-talk their daughter didn't seem to work. Both their eyes watched (Y/n)'s stomach intently but no such luck, she was either asleep or playing hard to get to tease Jonah.
"You'll have to sing to her later, she always moves when you sing."
It wasn't just (Y/n) who loved the sound of Jonah's voice. Every time he started to play, their girl would wake up and spark to life and she wouldn't stop moving, wriggling and kicking long after he'd finished. It was the best way for Jonah to feel her moving, he just had to sing and wake her up.
"Hmm, I think I will. Right, I have to go, love you both."
"We love you too."
(Y/n) was sure she heard him mumble 'be good while daddy's gone' before he stole a kiss and unravelled himself from around her. She listened to his footsteps retreating into the hall and subsequently traipse back to the living room again.
"Post," He whispered quietly, dropping a few letters onto the arm of the sofa and another kiss to (Y/n)'s forehead before he disappeared for good this time.
(Y/n) had half the heart and a big desire to call back out to Jonah just before he shut the door when she was sure she felt some kind of movement, but she stayed silent. It would only serve to make him late and she didn't want to see his face fall if he rushed back and the movement subsequently stopped again.
They were almost seven months along now, only a few more weeks and they would get to meet their daughter and Jonah would finally be able to hold her. He wouldn't have to continue playing the waiting game, diving on (Y/n) ecstatically when he could finally beat their daughter at her own game and feel her kicking for himself.
Glancing at the few letters Jonah had left there for her, (Y/n) slouched further into the sofa and grabbed the first letter. A reminder of their appointment at the hospital next week.
The second letter was addressed to Jonah, clearly he had just grabbed them all and gave them to (Y/n) so she placed it on the coffee table, he could read it when he got back.
The third one was addressed to (Y/n), but it was hand-written. She hadn't had a handwritten letter in a while, excluding the same one that always appears every month from the church round the corner. They always got invites to the church sermons and community days even though they didn't go. Everyone down the street got the same letters and most of them ended up in the bin.
This one wasn't from the church.
What are you doing with him?
(Y/n) wasn't sure she wanted to read the rest of whatever was scribbled rather neatly on the page. That wasn't a good opening line and this was clearly meant for her when her name and address was on the envelope.
You're a nobody. You shouldn't be with someone like Jonah and I don't think you realise how wrong it is. You need to leave him alone. We, his fans, his supporters, care about him. A lot. Why did he marry someone like you, are you afraid to ask that question too? I know who you are (Y/n). I know about the baby too.
Bile rose in the back of (Y/n)'s throat and her trembling hands dropped the letter on the floor.
Who on Earth would write this? Why would they do this now?
She had been married to Jonah since she was nineteen and he was twenty, she had known him since she was fourteen for God's sake. They had been together years and when Jonah started to rise to a new sense of stardom, they made sure to take precautions.
(Y/n) wasn't a singer or an actor, she wasn't in the spotlight or anyone of interest like he was and that was how she wanted things to stay and Jonah understood that.
Deep down, it was almost thrilling to Jonah to have something that was just his. A secret he could keep from the rest of the world, someone he could come home to and share his life with without the rest of the world having to know about her and how special she was to him. Jonah never talked about his private life when he was doing interviews or with people he didn't know. Only close friends knew he was married and knew that the ring on the end of the chain around his neck was actually his wedding ring. And of course his family, who had took (Y/n) in as one of their own from the very moment he brought her home to meet his parents.
Jonah never posted anything personal on social media and the only times (Y/n) did, she posted pictures of them holding hands or of her hugging someone with Jonah's face cropped out of the picture. Nothing personal ever went online and they both made sure friends didn't post pictures of them together unless it was an innocent group photo, that was it.
Exactly to avoid situations like these.
Just when (Y/n) went to rip up the envelope she was clutching in a death grip, she stopped when something inside caught her eye.
It was a photo. A photo that had to of been taken sometime last week because (Y/n) remembered the outfit Jonah was wearing. It showed him with his black trench coat, sunglasses and beanie that he went on in last week when they went for a scan at the hospital. Next to him in the photo was where (Y/n) was supposed to be but her face had been scratched out and the rest of her was painted over with red pen like she was some kind of bad omen.
What sick, twisted game was someone trying to play? This couldn't be someone (Y/n) knew. None of her friends would do something this malicious, not without expressing some distaste towards her in person.
Oh God, was she going to have to tell Jonah about this?
Technically, he wasn't going to know if she didn't say anything. She could keep him in the dark, happily oblivious to a shitty note like this. It wasn't a direct threat, they weren't threatening to come to the house and hurt her and the baby, although it was worrying that they knew her name and address and if they spread that across the internet, their years of privacy would end within a day.
It wouldn't be fair to worry him about this, not yet. It could be a prank, it might just be a fan getting upset and overcome by emotions, trying to scare (Y/n).
Reaching down for the letter, (Y/n) stuffed it crumpled back into the envelope and threw it on the coffee table. She couldn't bin it. If she got any more letters she was going to have to tell Jonah and he would want to see them. It was proof, evidence that someone was very upset.
But for now, it could live at the back of one of the drawers around the house and hopefully be forgotten for a long time. (Y/n) prayed nothing would come of this, but a twinge in her gut told her otherwise.
What kind of fans did Jonah have?
“You know we have to leave in five minutes, right?” (Y/n) bit down on the corner of her lip to try and stop her lips from curving up into a smile. She rose her brows at Jonah who had yet to move from his position of pinning her against the bedroom wall. She could feel his teeth grazing against her neck like he was debating whether or not to bite down a leave a bruise or not and his hands had already slithered beneath her dress and hiked it up past her hips.
She was sure he had forgotten that they were supposed to be going to his parent's house in half an hour and it took just over twenty minutes to get there from their house. They needed to leave soon or Jonah would make them late, and (Y/n) hated being late for anything.
"Mmh, make it ten minutes sweetheart, pretty please?"
Biting her lip harder, (Y/n) hooked her arms around Jonah’s neck and leaned into him a bit more, as much as she could with her stomach creating a gap between them. She could see the surprise in his eyes, he had been expecting her to wriggle out of his arms and try to entice him to leave, not wrap herself around him like she was giving in. (Y/n) tucked her face into his neck and pressed a butterfly kiss to the soft skin behind his ear causing him to shiver against her. But the moment (Y/n) kissed him, she unravelled her arms from his neck and gave him a nudge away from her.
"I don't want your mum telling us off for being late or you getting a speeding ticket, we have to go."
(Y/n) knew he was a good driver but she didn’t fancy getting stopped or getting a ticket because he tried to get to his parent’s house on time.
“You’re a tease, you know that?” Jonah leaned closer so he could press his lips to her jaw before he turned on his heels with a smile and moved to grab a shirt. He didn’t want to annoy or upset his mother by turning up late.
(Y/n) smiled to herself before she moved over to stand in front of the mirror and looked at the state of her dress. It had been tidy and smart a few minutes ago, until Jonah came out of the bathroom and decided to mess it up. Now, the hem of her skirt was caught on her underwear and the neckline was skewed around her cleavage. Not to mention it was already snug around the waist from her bump and widened hips, curtesy of their daughter.
"Look what you've done to me, I looked lovely five minutes ago."
While she untucked her dress from her underwear and tried to sort out all the creases and loosened straps, (Y/n) dared to look up in the mirror and catch sight of her husband. She could see his lips curving into a wolfish grin as he did up the buttons on his shirt and winked at her.
"You still look lovely,"
"Oh really? I can go outside showing my knickers to the neighbours, can I?"
"I said lovely, not decent. Can't have you flashing anybody but me now, can we?"
(Y/n) could feel her stomach churning with adrenaline and suddenly she wished they had a few extra minutes to waste, just so she could wind him up and wipe that smirk off of his perfect lips.
"Put your pants on, Mr King." She tossed his trousers across to him before she sauntered out of their room, leaving to the sound of a wolf whistle that followed her down the stairs and made her giggle despite trying not to.
(Y/n) brushed her hair behind her ear as she reached the bottom step but her eyes caught on something ahead of her, more specifically, on the floor.
The post.
She had been walking on eggshells for the past week, wondering if another indecent, sinister letter was going to be addressed to her, but all week she had been wrong. There had been very little post for either of them and none of the letters had been like that last one, and Jonah didn't get any letters like that either. But then again, why would he? They were his fans, they were targeting (Y/n) for a reason, not Jonah.
There was no reason to be worried this time, just like the rest of the week there had been no cause for concern.
Bending down, (Y/n) scraped up the only letter on the floor but she could feel all the blood draining from her head and tingling down to her toes when she turned it over.
Her name, in handwritten italics, just like the last one.
Without even considering just throwing it in the bin, (Y/n) ripped it open with haste. She didn't want to bin it and imagine it had never arrived, her curiosity was too peaked to do that. She wanted to know what it said, what this pervert was thinking and know if she had to worry about them doing something drastic or if they were just trying to frighten her to get her reaction.
You don't love him!
Large, blue italics screamed at her from the page and it was as if (Y/n) could physically hear the writer shouting those four words in her ear like they were standing right next to her.
You shouldn't be with someone like him! What are you? You're not special, you're not an actress with a talent or a singer who could match his music. No one knows who you are, you have nothing no one will appreciate. You think tying him down with a baby will help his career or make him happy? Because it won't. You need to leave him. I can always find you and the baby if you don't.
There was another picture and (Y/n) dreaded to even dare looking at what this one would be and wonder when it was taken. Clearly whoever was sending these notes was taking the pictures too, there weren't any pictures of (Y/n) and Jonah in circulation online or in the press.
The picture was from four days ago, it was taken just down the street when they had been on their way back home. (Y/n) knew it was because of the way Jonah was holding her. If they were out in public they kept PDA to a bare minimum in case anyone took a photo and uploaded it somewhere, but down their own street where no one really knew who he was or made a fuss, they never had to worry. No one went round taking pictures of them in their own street- until now.
Jonah had his arm looped around the back of (Y/n)'s shoulders and his hand splayed out on her upper chest and he was kissing the back of her head, mostly obscuring his face from the picture.
(Y/n)'s face wasn't scratched out this time, but her stomach was. Her baby bump, which could just about be noticeable even with her coat on, was scratched out and highlighted in deep crimson.
Now this was a threat, and it wasn't aimed at (Y/n) so much as at her baby.
With the note and picture scrunched up in her tight fist, (Y/n) turned and stumbled down the hallway towards the kitchen. Her hand traced the wall, giving her momentum and keeping her from falling to her shaking knees as she tried to be quick.
She barely had chance to stuff the crumpled up pieces of paper into the back of the DIY drawer in the kitchen before she felt the bile creeping up the back of the throat. When the drawer slammed shut, (Y/n) clamped her shaking hands down on the sink to stop herself from sinking to her knees and threw up in the sink.
"Sweetheart are you ready? I'll admit that we're gonna be late now."
"No- I- I don't wanna go now." (Y/n) choked out the words through a broken sob before she arched her back out and pressed her forehead against the rim of the sink.
She was shaking, every muscle was jittering and she was feeling the rush of a cold sweat clinging to her skin and heat seemed to be clouding every inch of her. Her legs were going to give way and let her fall to the floor. Her stomach felt achy and heavy. Her heart was pounding so badly in her chest that the artery in her neck was throbbing like it was going to pop.
"What, why?" Jonah frowned as he tucked his shirt into the back of his trousers to look a bit smarter.
But when he walked into the kitchen, he stopped dead in his tracks when he set his sights on his wife.
"Sweetheart what's wrong?" Reaching out, Jonah rested one hand on (Y/n)'s lower back between her hips before gently holding onto her wrist. "Talk to me- woah, okay, let it out."
(Y/n) could feel him rubbing circles on her back when she lurched up and threw up into the sink again. His hand curled a little tighter around her wrist for some sense of comfort and support and when she stopped, he grabbed a glass and filled it with water.
"Have a drink,"
She gratefully took the glass from him, ignoring his frown when he saw she had the shakes, and swirled her mouth out. She felt a little better now the room had stopped spinning and her stomach was empty. Everything felt like it was settling back down, her stomach wasn't low and achy, her back didn't burn and the heat was starting to dwindle back down.
"Can you tell me what's happened?"
Jonah stumbled back a step when (Y/n) turned to face him before she buried her face in his chest and bound her arms around his torso. He curved an arm around her waist and tangled his other hand in her hair at the back of her head. With his lips pressed to the top of her head, he took a few seconds to breathe and inhale her scent, trying to work out if something had happened while he had been upstairs or if she was suddenly overcome with nausea.
"I- I just don't feel good, went all dizzy for a minute." It wasn't a complete lie, but (Y/n) didn't know how Jonah was going to react when she showed him the letters and he found out someone knew where they lived and was taking pictures of them.
His non-existent temper might just flare up from being threatened; from their daughter being threatened.
She knew she had to tell him, she was going to, but not right now. She didn't feel well enough to have this discussion and figure out what they were going to do now.
"Okay, I'll call mum and let her know, we can always pop round tomorrow instead."
"I'm sorry-"
"I don't want you apologising for being ill, we don't do that."
(Y/n) wasn't well, there was no need for an apology for being sick, they'd had talks like this before. Jonah didn't want her to feel like she had done something wrong or ruined anything. If she was ill they would stay home and he would take care of her, just like he always had and always would. This just meant he could get his own way and stay home with her, it wasn't a bad thing. Quite the opposite.
He tilted his head down, curiosity burning in his gaze when he felt (Y/n) reaching behind her to grab his hand and pull it away from her back. He thought for a moment she was going to pull out of his arms but she didn't. She moved his hand down to her lower stomach instead.
"Someone's awake,"
“Baby…” Jonah tilted his head down so he could whisper against the shell of (Y/n)’s ear and he felt the way she shivered against him when his breath tickled her skin. He knew she was tired but the shiver told him she wasn’t quite asleep yet like he thought she would be.
His arms tightened around her waist and he slowly feathered his fingers up and down her exposed stomach. He liked it when she didn't wear a top late at night like this and just laid in her bra and shorts, it meant he could touch her stomach better and have more access without having to move any clothes out the way.
A smile curved on his face when (Y/n) wriggled in his arms like she was trying to get comfy. Jonah was laid in the middle of the bed, surrounded by pillows and he had (Y/n) laid comfortably between his legs, nestled up into his chest. Her head had fallen on his shoulder a while ago and her hands were lightly holding his arms as if to make sure that he didn't let her go just yet.
(Y/n) managed a small murmur but she could feel herself falling back to sleep. She didn't know how long they had been laid like this but she knew she didn't want to move yet. She was comfy, something which was a rare luxury these days, and she had Jonah wrapped around her like a blanket. It felt like they had been laid here hours, but that was only because she had been drifting in and out of sleep while Jonah watched a movie.
“Baby I have to go to the bathroom, I need to move you.” Jonah's lips tickled the shell of her ear and he chuckled when all he got in return was a quiet groan of disapproval.
He knew they were both comfy nestled down in bed, but he really had to go to the bathroom and they would need to try and sleep properly soon if they ever wanted to be up on time in the morning. Jonah sat up straighter before he carefully eased (Y/n) forward and scooted his leg behind her to get out.
Something tugged at his heart when he looked down fondly at his wife who was like a rag doll in his arms, half asleep and barely conscious. With little effort, Jonah leaned over and laid (Y/n) down against the nest of pillows so he could disappear for a minute.
(Y/n) whimpered at how uncomfortable she now felt after leaning against Jonah for however long they had been tangled up together. Now he wasn't here to keep her warm, even if he was only gone for a minute or so. She tried to find the energy to open her tired eyes when she felt her phone buzz beneath her. When she plucked up the will power to open her eyes, the dim light from the tv was far too bright for her tired eyes.
She didn’t bother to lift her head when she looked down at her phone, she simply brought the phone to her eyes and swiped across to open Instagram that had gone off.
It took a few seconds for the words to actually form in front of (Y/n)’s eyes and for her brain to make sense out of them but when she managed to read the short, anonymous message she'd received, her body went stiff.
(Y/n) felt like she couldn’t breathe, her lungs were shrivelling up into nothing and her heart started to bash and pulse against her ribs until every fibre and muscle in her body was beating out her heart’s erratic rhythm. Quickly locking her phone, (Y/n) pushed her phone until it fell with a thud onto the rug at the side of the bed. She didn’t want to look at it anymore, the message was already imprinted on her mind.
"I'm back sweetheart," Jonah's voice felt like an electric shock to (Y/n)'s system but his cold hands felt soothing against her suddenly burning skin.
She let herself go floppy so Jonah could effortlessly lift her up and climb back into his original position and melt back into the pillows that moulded around his frame. She desperately hoped he couldn’t hear or feel the way her heart was suffering palpitations from the anxiety dwelling in her stomach.
Turning her head, (Y/n) pressed a kiss to Jonah's exposed neck before she nestled her face into his shoulder and pulled his arm tighter until she could pin it to her chest, resting on her bump. Her fingers tangled into the grooves of his hand and she pushed back into his chest until they were almost melting together. He was moulded around her like a smothering blanket in a feeble attempt for (Y/n) to try and make herself feel calm and safe.
His other hand moved to her stomach and she could feel him writing something aimlessly on her skin with the pad of his finger. He was more than likely writing a message to the baby than to (Y/n), he did it a lot recently and it was as touching as it was calming.
But the more those words seemed to repeat in her mind, the more she wanted to curl up and disappear and she knew Jonah could tell because he kissed her temple in a way he always did to calm her down.
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helluva-hazbins · 1 month
How's it feel...
He'd never say that.
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8 notes · View notes
annemarieyeretzian · 2 years
some fucker: *throws an axe at imogen’s feet* laudna: listen here you little shit,
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to-touch-the-earth · 1 year
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on wombs, blood and spaces
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efexbe · 1 month
hidden truths by neva altaj
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awesomecooperlove · 7 months
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dankmemerson · 1 month
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thesorcererpoet · 4 days
A meditation on the nature of miracles
Hello friends. Lately I have been deeply considering the nature of miracles. As a practicing magician, I have seen and been a part of many things I do consider to be miraculous but I am a rational person with both a creative and analytical mind. I need to know what makes a miracle, what constitutes a miracle, and how a miracle can be performed. I want to understand this in a rational and useful sense.
The first thing that always comes to my attention, as a person living in the 21st century, is the scientific method. How can something be understood? The greatest tool we can leverage for our understanding is Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is usually the best one.
To give context to what I am about to reveal, I need to first explain what brought this discussion to the forefront of my mind. At the moment I am working on researching The Queen of Cups tarot card to come to an understanding of something I am going through. This card talks about the nature of illusions (although in a very specific way). I am also undergoing some financial hardship, and I have been hoping and praying for something to come through for me to make things better.
Among the many events that have led up to this writing, I also had a dream about being on a tropical island, which turned out to be a real island that I have never even conceived of visiting because I am far from wealthy enough to spend my money like that. I had a dream which followed where a Goddess spoke to me and told me to make offerings to her. I later discovered a large region of this island was named after her. As a result of this dream, I came to believe that it might be possible for me to come into a fortune when I need it most. The rational part of me however, needs to work out the real world method of digging myself out of this hole. Nevertheless, I made the offerings and I bought a lottery ticket just in case.
In lieu of actually being able to perform a miracle, I have gone in search of answers which will help towards solving my problems. The answer pointed to the parable of Jesus turning water into wine.
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To understand this we need to look at the source of this idea, however I do not speak Aramaic or Coptic Greek so I cannot review the material at it's source checking for mistranslations, if such a thing is even available but I do have access to the Holy Bible, which is the first English translation of the bible.
So what does the bible say about this miracle? For this we need to look to John, Chapter 2, verses 1-12.
"And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: 2 And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. 3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. 4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. 5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. 6 And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. 7 Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. 8 And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. 9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, 10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. 11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him. 12 After this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days."
To begin with, we have a pressing need. Jesus was told there was no wine. He expressed in verse 4, "Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come". This looks a lot like him saying, "what am I going to do with you?", and "mine hour is not yet come" as in, this is not the time.
In a pinch, Jesus had the servants bring him water vessels that were for bathing, specifically for spiritual purification. He sent the servants out with water in these spiritual vessels and sent them first to the governor of the feast. Two things here are apparent to me, firstly, the governor is influential, people usually fall in line when they see what their leader is doing; the second thing is that these are spiritual vessels.
Since the governor of the feast didn't know who sent them, it could perhaps be implied that these vessels were a reminder not to overindulge, of a religious nature. The water then being superior to wine, would suggest that they valued spiritual purity over indulgence, especially since most people there had clearly partaken of plenty of wine already. The water may even have come as a relief, as it would help the guests at the wedding feast to sober up and thus not have to tackle the next day with a headache.
In my opinion, the miracle here was that Jesus took a leap of faith. He did hide that it was he who did it, which suggests he feared a harsh rebuke, but equally implies that whoever sent the wine anonymously could have potentially been a spiritual leader who wanted to be spared embarrassment at outright stating what he wanted of the governor and of the guests. A spiritual leader would have been someone that no one would have dared to rebuke. The miracle then was a leap of faith that Jesus would pull this off.
So how does this apply to me?
One of the things I can actually do about my difficulties is to stop indulging. I smoke and I do occasionally (but not problematically) drink. Simply put, I must stop doing these things, I have to give up smoking altogether and I have to try to make cuts to the comforts in my life and take a leap of faith that doing so will help me manage things better.
With this in mind, if you have enjoyed my work and you wish to help me out, any donations made will help me out dramatically at this stage. If you want to help out, please donate to paypal.me/thesorcererpoet
All proceeds will go towards clearing my debts.
A giant thank you to everybody who has spent the time to read.
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megalony · 10 months
Hidden Truths- Part 2
Here is the next part of my Jonah Hauer-King series, I hope you all like it. Feedback is always amazing.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps @justagirlthatlovedtoread
@jonahhauer-kingg @melaninjoys​ @luna2034 @mystiqueprincess @fangirl-tothemax @musicistheway @wandamaximoffbae
Summary: Jonah's wife is a well kept secret from the rest of the world, they like their privacy and anonymity. Especially with a baby on the way. But their privacy is threatened when a stalker starts to invade Jonah's private life.
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Resting her head in her hands, (Y/n) let her nails scratch into her skin and tangled her fingers in her hair, pulling the roots so much she could feel a few hairs pulling loose.
What was she going to do?
She didn't want to read it. Whatever the letter said, (Y/n) knew it wasn't going to be anything good and she didn't want to upset herself by giving in and letting whoever it was get beneath her skin like this. But if she didn't and she just threw it in the bin, she couldn't ignore the whole situation and wish it would go away. There could be a direct threat on the page this time and throwing it away would be create an air of danger.
This couldn't carry on any longer, this was the third letter she had gotten and after four persistent messages on two different social media platforms, (Y/n) had to change her settings. No strangers could send messages or pictures or even comment on anything she posted. Only close friends and family could get through to her but she knew it wasn't going to be enough.
With a sharp tug to her hair, (Y/n) groaned before she reached forward and grabbed the letter with haste. This was the last one she was going to read, the third and final threat she was going to make herself look at before she threw any more in the bin and put a stop to this one way or another.
It was just an envelope full of different pictures. All of them were of (Y/n). Pictures of her out walking the street, getting coffee with her mum, days she had gone to dinner or scan appointments with Jonah but he was cropped out of the photos completely. They all looked recent, within the last month but none of them were from the last two weeks.
Except one, the only one that (Y/n)'s face and stomach were scratched out of and highlighted rouge.
(Y/n) wasn't sure what made her turn the picture over but when she did, her nails punctured into the paper and she manically tore it to shreds. She didn't stop, didn't blink and didn't breathe until the picture was torn into tiny remnants like flakes of snow falling to the ground.
On the back had been three little words in black biro, written so neatly and precisely that it was unnerving.
(Y/n) moved to press both hands to her mouth like she was trying to smother herself as tears blurred her eyes. She snapped her eyes shut to block out the image of at least ten different photos of herself that she didn't even know had been taken. Someone had been following her. They had taken away her privacy and snapped photos of her in the streetm in plain view of her and everyone else and she didn't even know about it.
Someone was angry at her for living her life and for who she was living it with. How was that fair? They didn't know (Y/n) or Jonah or anything about them other than the fact that they were married. But they had taken it upon themselves to try and haunt (Y/n) and scare her and why? What was it going to achieve for them?
They couldn't see her reaction to these letters, they knew she wasn't going to make a fuss or post anything on social media to demand that they stop. They were getting off on presuming she was scared, and they were right.
Her palms didn’t smother the whining cry that left her lips, no matter how forcefully she pressed her hands to her mouth or how she contorted her body to fold in on itself.
Someone was watching her. They thought their anger towards (Y/n) gave them every right to watch her, take photos of her and send her horrid, cruel words in the post and online. As if they had a claim on Jonah himself and were trying to protect him with everything they had.
Her head started to spin like a washing machine, tumbling around all the thoughts of what this person had done and what they wanted from her. What did they think they were going to achieve? Did this person truly believe that terrifying (Y/n) would overpower just how much she loved Jonah and that she would leave him because someone told her to? She wasn't going to leave her husband because someone was jealous.
This wasn’t fair.
Why would someone think this was an acceptable thing to do? Why would sending her worrying posts and letters and spying on her be a rightful thing to do when this person claimed they were doing it for Jonah's sake? This wasn’t something people did when they admired an actor or a celebrity or any person in general. It wasn't okay to do this.
(Y/n) moved her hands to cover her entire face and smother her eyes but the tears kept on falling and her body continued to shake.
Before she registered what she was doing, (Y/n) reached out on the table and grabbed the glass of juice she put there earlier. With all her might and fury, she launched the glass down against the floor with a force she didn't know she had. The glass splintered and shattered against the floor before spreading out like water from a sprinkler, scattering around her feet, beneath the table and stretching as far as the kitchen.
She didn't know what to do with herself. She didn't know whether to find something else to smash or to rip apart every picture that was laid out on the table or to just sit and scream until her lungs collapsed.
Pushing away from the table, (Y/n) took two steps before she gave in and slumped down to her knees, feeling a few small shards of glass crunch beneath her knees and the spilt juice soak up into her leggings. She grabbed a large chunk of glass and tossed it at the far wall that separated the dining room from the kitchen before tossing another, and another.
Instead of throwing the next piece she grabbed, (Y/n) clenched it in her fist and let out a scream. She could feel the tears cascading down her face and the adrenaline burning in her stomach that was shifting and churning from the baby sparking to life.
Oh God, Jonah was home early.
"Baby where are you? Why are you screaming?!" Jonah's petrified eyes darted around the hallway as he kicked the front door shut behind him.
He barely got his key in the door before he heard something breaking but (Y/n)'s scream sent bolts of lightning up and down his back and made him cringe. What on Earth had happened while he had been gone? He had only been a few hours, no more than three, he was sure.
He stumbled to a stop in the kitchen before cautiously and slowly padding into the dining room.
Glass was sprinkled all over the floor along with streaks of juice, but (Y/n) was sat right in the middle of it like an explosion had happened all around her.
He didn't like the redness surrounding her eyes or the tears freely streaming down her face, but the fact that she wasn't holding her stomach or crippled over in agony calmed him down just a little. It wasn't something to do with the baby, at least, it didn't look like that was the problem and that was a weight off his tense shoulders.
But (Y/n) was barely breathing and she looked like she was in shock, but the glass told Jonah it was rage overcoming his wife. It took a lot for (Y/n) to lose her temper, a lot more than it would for Jonah to lose his and that meant whatever was wrong, was bad.
"Sweetheart, I don't want you sitting in the glass like this, can I move you?"
When Jonah cautiously slipped his hands beneath (Y/n)'s arms, he was relieved she stayed motionless and let him pull her up to her feet. He didn't want her surrounded by glass like this, she was going to hurt herself if she hadn't already and that was the last thing he wanted.
With a quick look around, Jonah scooted an arm around her lower waist before nudging her in front of him. His chest glued to her back and he guided her through into the kitchen, looking around to make sure there was no glass or other surprises in here too.
(Y/n) wasn't talking to him, she wasn't uttering one word and he didn't like it.
Her eyes looked void, like (Y/n) wasn't really in her mind or in her body anymore. It was like she had drifted and left her body behind.
Jonah brushed his hand across her arms, her torso and down over her knees, shaking off any little pieces of glass that might have become stuck on his wife before he gently cupped her face. He tilted her head up to look at him and the small movement seemed to bring (Y/n) back to him.
He watched with eager yet bewildered eyes as (Y/n) unclenched her fists and a piece of glass dropped to the floor with a light clang. There was a small smear of blood on her palm but it didn't look at all deep or extensive which was a relief. She couldn't have been holding it that tightly. Her other hand shakily moved up to grip Jonah's wrist before she leaned into his hand and closed her eyes for a few seconds.
Jonah didn’t understand what was happening but he needed (Y/n) to talk to him, for the past two weeks she had been worried about something and it was starting to scare him. He knew she didn't think he had caught on to her worries but he could always see the little changes and shifts in her moods. Something was amiss and he wanted to know what it was.
"Sweetheart, I don't understand what's happened. Will you talk to me, please?"
He couldn't help if he didn't know what was wrong, he needed (Y/n) to say something, to tell him everything was okay or that everything was wrong. Just some indication of their current situation would be a blessing to him.
(Y/n) could feel her lungs tensing and closing off and her throat started to tighten until she couldn’t breathe at all. Tears burned her eyes and blurred the perfect image of Jonah in front of her until he was a mess of colours in front of her like a perfect picture being blurred by droplets of rain.
"Baby please…" Jonah couldn't keep begging her for the answer, she had to talk to him.
But when a torrential downpour of tears flooded her face and her breaths started to get shallow and fast, Jonah's shoulders sagged completely.
He hated whenever (Y/n) would suffer a panic attack, just watching her in any state of distress always made Jonah's heart break and sometimes he would cry too, even if he didn't know why she was upset. He could feel his own eyes watering already at the state she was in.
Turning them round, Jonah nudged (Y/n) backwards until she was pressed into the kitchen counter and he was stood in front of her, resting between her legs. Both his hands cupped the top of her neck and jaw and he smoothed his thumbs up over her lower lip, trying to encourage her to keep breathing with him. He could feel her shudder when his lips pressed against her burning temple and it was comforting when he felt (Y/n)'s hands gripping his biceps.
She was trying to ground herself to him like she was telling herself that he was real and right here in front of her.
"Everything's okay baby, copy me and breathe with me."
When (Y/n) slowly started to breathe better and try to copy Jonah's breathing, he pulled back a little until he could wrap one arm around her back and hold her against his chest. He tangled his other hand in her hair and gently kissed the top of her head a few more times until he felt (Y/n) tightly wrapping her arms around his waist and burrowing herself into his chest as much as she could with her stomach in the way.
“Baby, can you tell me what upset you?” He tried to look down at (Y/n) but she burrowed into him tighter until he could feel her rapid, uneven breaths forcing into his chest like she was trying to give his lungs her oxygen.
Jonah slowly started to card his fingers through (Y/n)’s hair to keep her calm and he pressed his lips to the top of her head again, breathing against her skin. He felt his heart calming down just a little when (Y/n)'s hands stopped scratching into his back and her touch was no longer desperate and tense. Her fingers relaxed against him and he could feel her begin to move her fingertips up and down his back and not just dig them into him instead.
"Good girl,"
When she felt like she could finally breathe without having to think about holding her breath, (Y/n) tilted her head up until her chin propped up against Jonah's chest and she was staring up into his dark blue eyes.
"T-there's something on the table, will you go take a look?" She watched the way Jonah's brows furrowed and his head ticked to the side in confusion. she could see the wheels turning in his mind, trying to work out whether this was relevant or if it was just a distraction from what had really upset her.
"Why, what is it?"
He kissed her forehead again before he nodded, mumbling a quiet 'okay' against her skin before he unravelled his arms from her and backtracked into the dining room.
(Y/n) took a second to wipe the tears from her face before she turned around and wrenched open the DIY drawer. The two letters were stuffed in the very back where (Y/n) had tried to forget about them and Jonah luckily hadn't found them yet. It was time to tell him, she had to tell him what was going on so she didn't keep worrying him. She needed his help before something bad happened.
"Where did you get these? Has someone sent them? What are they for?"
He didn't understand.
Jonah walked back through to the kitchen, the envelope and pictures gripped tightly in his hands. Why was there a bunch of pictures of (Y/n) on the table? She hadn't taken them, that was evident and she wasn't posing in the pictures. She wasn't smiling at the person holding the camera or waving or acknowledging them at all. Someone had been taking pictures of her and Jonah couldn't understand why.
He knew (Y/n) like the back of his hand, always had done since he was fifteen. He knew she wasn't one for having her picture taken, not unless she was in a group photo or posing with him. She didn't like people taking her picture without her permission and there were no photos of (Y/n) online, they both had seen to that.
"I've gotten some letters too, here." (Y/n) held the crumpled envelopes out to Jonah but he didn't take them. He was still looking between her and the photos like he was waiting for a secret message to appear.
"Why, I don't get what you're trying to tell me sweetheart."
"Just read them."
It took a few dreaded moments for Jonah to read and comprehend what he was looking at but when he looked at the scratched out photos accompanying them, (Y/n) saw it. She saw the blazing inferno coming to life in his eyes and the tint of red that glistened up his neck and across his cheeks and the vein that throbbed horribly in his neck like it was about to pop.
Anger was never an emotion (Y/n) saw cross her husband's face, he was the epitome of calm and collected.
Not anymore.
Rage was the only thing Jonah could see, hear and comprehend. It was all he could understand and fury was the only thing he could feel from deep down in the pit of his gut right up to the blood fluttering around in his head.
"When did you get these?"
"Last week, a-and when you left for your interview."
"And you didn't tell me?"
He saw the way (Y/n) cringed and it made a small part of him soften, but not enough to cool down his hardened exterior or the anger filtering through his veins. She should have told him. The moment he came home she should have thrown the letter at him and explained that someone was trying to threaten her. She should have shouted and screamed and begged Jonah to do something.
He would have left then and there to find out who did this and get it sorted. He would do anything for (Y/n), he would run to the end of the Earth and back if she asked him to. She could make him go down on his knees and beg for mercy, anything (Y/n) wanted, Jonah would do for her.
"I didn't want to worry you, I… I thought it was some kind of sick joke. I haven't noticed anyone following me or taking pictures-"
"(Y/n) they've threatened you." His voice had never been so stern and it sent shockwaves coursing through (Y/n)'s stomach. "If something like this happens you have to tell me, I can't protect you if I don't know what's going on. It's my job to worry about you, do you understand me?"
He couldn't look at her for long, his eyes wouldn't tear away from the pictures he was holding. The pictures that were turning his blood to simmering oil and made his stomach churn like he was going to be sick.
Someone was threatening (Y/n), his (Y/n), his wife. He couldn't have that, no one had the right to do that and he wouldn't let it continue. But Jonah needed (Y/n) to understand that she had to tell him about something like this. She had to let him know what was worrying her because he wanted to protect her and look after her, it was all he wanted to do in life. He couldn't do that if he didn't have all the facts. If (Y/n) kept him in the dark he would walk around blind to any problems happening to her.
"They know about her,"
There was something so crippling about the torment in Jonah's voice, it felt like a knife cutting through (Y/n)'s heart. He sounded so wounded.
All the rage building up inside of him seemed to leak out along with his energy until his shoulders were slumped and his head was hung down, allowing his broken eyes to focus on (Y/n)'s stomach. It was like a beacon calling out to him until he gave in and crossed the small distance between them, his palms reaching out for her tummy. He was aching to feel her moving and wriggling because nothing would satisfy him until his daughter was in his arms where he could protect her.
"Nobody knows about her, and if they're taking pictures of you they might try and approach you."
Jonah had put all of their close friends and family under strict instructions as soon as they announced the pregnancy. Nobody could post about it online. No one. Not either of their parents or siblings or friends. They could be involved and have scan photos and updates but they couldn't tell the rest of the world. When (Y/n) had a baby shower last month Jonah made sure nobody posted anything about it.
He wanted this to be for them, this was their family and the rest of the world didn't need to know the specifics.
Jonah had a dream in his mind, just like he had seen other actors do, he wanted to keep this pregnancy from the world and let people slowly find out. They could know when they saw him pushing a pram in the street or cradling his baby in his arms or taking her out to school. No one would know her birthday or her name or what she looked like, not unless in the future he or (Y/n) decided to post pictures and talk about her.
After she was born, Jonah was only going to confirm her birth in interviews, he wouldn't divulge any information other than he had a child who he adored more than the world itself. That was it.
Someone out there was threatening that privacy he was desperate to build around his family.
"What are you doing?" (Y/n) couldn't stop her hands from latching around Jonah's upper arm which she pulled against her chest like it was her lifeline and he was trying to take it away from her.
"We're going to the police."
"Jonah, baby can't we-"
"(Y/n), sweetheart, I can't physically do anything about this, not without letting it slip that I'm married and I won't tolerate the thought of someone trying to hurt you. Either of you. They haven't approached you yet, that doesn't make you safe and I need you both safe. You're my world."
They had kept their daughter a secret for eight months now, Jonah needed this last month to be private so she could be born safe and unknown to the rest of the world. They needed their privacy and to have that, they needed to be safe.
The only thing Jonah could do was post something on social media and make it clear that he was married, very much in love with his wife and would not tolerate people trying to threaten and scare her like this. And he wasn't willing to lose their privacy to make a statement that he didn't think would make an impact on the sick person sending these letters.
He needed to go to the police. They could find fingerprints on the letters or have people check on the house or at the very least, have it on file that someone was stalking (Y/n).
But he had to do something.
Turning her head, (Y/n) nuzzled her face deeper into the cushion and pulled the blanket tighter around her shoulders until it was tucked up just beneath her nose.
She had been trying to fall asleep for the last hour but without Jonah here it was impossible, even just for an afternoon nap like this. Her body felt tired so she laid down but her mind wouldn't switch off and then the baby would wake up and make it her mission to keep (Y/n) awake. It was like she was in a silent protest, demanding Jonah be around if they were going to go to sleep.
It felt like too much effort to drag herself up the stairs to lay down in bed so (Y/n) just grabbed a blanket and slumped herself down on the sofa instead.
Besides, it would be tea time soon and she had been hungry for a while now but tried to hold herself off until tea time. She wasn't sure what time Jonah would be back, he never said but whenever he got back, he would be hungry too. If he was at a promotional event or an interview like he was today, (Y/n) always plated up some dinner for him and he would have it whenever he got back.
With the tv on low in the background, (Y/n) could feel her mind slowly starting to relax again and fall into the arms of slumber.
A sudden noise jolted her awake again and her system kickstarted when a harsh kick from in her stomach made her groan.
Smoothing her hand over her stomach, (Y/n) slowly moved to sit up, nudging the blanket off her frame as she tried to work out what the sound had been. What had woken her up? It wasn't the front door, it hadn't been a knocking sound and it wouldn't be Jonah, she knew it was far too early for him to be home from an interview so soon.
Maybe a something had fallen off the draining board in the kitchen or maybe it was that dreaded cat outside again from next door's garden. It was forever mooching about outside.
The sound of glass shattering sent (Y/n)'s heart lurching up into her throat and her fingers dug into her stomach. She held her breath as every muscle in her body went horribly stiff and still. (Y/n) didn't dare move an inch and for a few dreaded seconds, she thought she was going to faint from holding her breath.
What the Hell was that?
For a brief moment or two, (Y/n) closed her eyes and prayed. She prayed it was not what she thought it was. She prayed it was just a glass toppling into the sink and subsequently smashing, but deep down she knew it wasn't.
When a persistent thudding noise started to rattle through the house, (Y/n) forced herself to become unstuck.
She wobbled onto unsteady legs, binding an arm around her waist as her free hand fumbled to grab her phone from the coffee table.
Someone was at the back door.
Everything felt like it was working in slow motion. (Y/n) couldn't stop the shaking that overtook her body as she hurried from the living room towards the stairs. She didn't dare turn and look down the hallway or sneak one glance towards the kitchen, frightened of what sight she would be faced with if she did.
Hardly any air filtered into her lungs that felt like popped balloons in her chest as she ascended up the stairs. Phone in hand, (Y/n) tried to see through her tears until she managed to click on Jonah's number.
If she wasn't pregnant she wouldn't even bother trying to ring Jonah when he was doing an interview or some kind of press event, it wouldn't be worth the hassle of ringing and ringing persistently and getting no answer. Being eight months pregnant meant circumstances were different. Jonah told both his manager and (Y/n) that she could call him at any time, for any reason. He needed her to be able to get hold of him even if he was in an interview, in case there was a problem or she was going into labour.
"I'll just get him for you, one minute." (Y/n) knew that voice, it was his manager.
Crossing one leg over the other, Jonah leaned forward in his chair, trying to bite back a smile. But when his eyes happened to glance behind the girl interviewing him, he could feel his lips falling and his eyes narrowed. She was holding out his phone and pointing to it. Someone was phoning him. He always left his phone with his manager so it didn't keep buzzing in his pocket but also so he didn't leave it somewhere and miss an important call.
"I'm so sorry, just one minute." He was already up and out of his seat, spilling excuses with his hands out in apology before he bypassed the cameras and blinding lights to reach out for his phone.
It was (Y/n)'s picture lighting up his screen. Something had to be wrong or amiss for her to ring him now.
"Sweetheart, it's me. Everything okay?"
"Come home! Now!"
Jonah was taken back by her high pitched voice and by how each word was spluttered between ragged breaths like she had been running a mile. Or panicking. He pressed his finger to his free ear and took a few steps away from everyone to try and concentrate but he could already feel the way his heart was jumping out of his chest.
"Baby calm down, tell me what's going on. Are you alright, are you in labour?"
That was the first thing on his mind. Jonah had a sneaking suspicion that whenever (Y/n) went into labour, he wouldn't be there. It would be just their luck that he was out running an errand or doing something promotional like this and (Y/n)'s waters would break without him there. He wanted to be there for every second, he didn't want to miss anything or have it start and him be miles away, racing back to her.
"Jonah please come home… I- I think someone's trying to break in the house."
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prala · 1 year
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While the zodiac signs originally corresponded with their namesake constellations due to an astronomical phenomenon called the precession of the equinoxes, they no longer do in Western astrology. This is because Western astrologers use the tropical zodiac, placing the first degree of the zodiac, Aries, at the vernal equinox, where the planes of the ecliptic and the equator intersect. While this handy system allowed time to be standardized and homogenized, alas, the Earth is not a perfect sphere in a perfect universe.
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Instead, it wobbles, shifting the vernal equinox by one degree every 72 years, which places it currently in the sign of Pisces rather than Aries. Practitioners of Vedic or Indian astrology use the sidereal zodiac, which utilizes the actual position of the Sun at the vernal equinox and the current positions of the stars.
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The fact that in most of Western astrology the zodiac signs no longer align with their namesake constellations in the sky fuels critics, like myself who argue that such incongruousness disproves a large amount of Western astrological claims. After all, if you're looking to understand the breadth of the individual relationships we have to the rest of the cosmos, shouldn't you base that language on correct positions? Practitioners of Western astrology disagree, but the pursuit of astrology is a not only a metaphoric one. The universe speaks in symbols and exactitudes not just symbols. If you aren’t taking the whole measure, you will have an incorrect measurement. Which is important to note not least because of the precise coordinates required for a natal chart to be crafted, but also because of the transcendental complexity of the forces and larger scales of nature at play. - Markers for the integrated effect of all the elements within the solar system and how they influence us on Earth.
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seriesluticons · 2 years
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like or reblog if you save. ♡
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breezingby · 4 months
CBS seizes confidential files of fired reporter pursuing Hunter Biden laptop story: sources
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