#leaps of faith
thesargasmicgoddess · 2 years
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I'm pretty sure she'll take ALL the blessings because she can't bring herself to say "No" to amazing, new, yet positively crazy adventures....
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thesorcererpoet · 4 months
A meditation on the nature of miracles
Hello friends. Lately I have been deeply considering the nature of miracles. As a practicing magician, I have seen and been a part of many things I do consider to be miraculous but I am a rational person with both a creative and analytical mind. I need to know what makes a miracle, what constitutes a miracle, and how a miracle can be performed. I want to understand this in a rational and useful sense.
The first thing that always comes to my attention, as a person living in the 21st century, is the scientific method. How can something be understood? The greatest tool we can leverage for our understanding is Occam's Razor: The simplest explanation is usually the best one.
To give context to what I am about to reveal, I need to first explain what brought this discussion to the forefront of my mind. At the moment I am working on researching The Queen of Cups tarot card to come to an understanding of something I am going through. This card talks about the nature of illusions (although in a very specific way). I am also undergoing some financial hardship, and I have been hoping and praying for something to come through for me to make things better.
Among the many events that have led up to this writing, I also had a dream about being on a tropical island, which turned out to be a real island that I have never even conceived of visiting because I am far from wealthy enough to spend my money like that. I had a dream which followed where a Goddess spoke to me and told me to make offerings to her. I later discovered a large region of this island was named after her. As a result of this dream, I came to believe that it might be possible for me to come into a fortune when I need it most. The rational part of me however, needs to work out the real world method of digging myself out of this hole. Nevertheless, I made the offerings and I bought a lottery ticket just in case.
In lieu of actually being able to perform a miracle, I have gone in search of answers which will help towards solving my problems. The answer pointed to the parable of Jesus turning water into wine.
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To understand this we need to look at the source of this idea, however I do not speak Aramaic or Coptic Greek so I cannot review the material at it's source checking for mistranslations, if such a thing is even available but I do have access to the Holy Bible, which is the first English translation of the bible.
So what does the bible say about this miracle? For this we need to look to John, Chapter 2, verses 1-12.
"And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there: 2 And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage. 3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. 4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. 5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. 6 And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece. 7 Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. 8 And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. 9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, 10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. 11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him. 12 After this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days."
To begin with, we have a pressing need. Jesus was told there was no wine. He expressed in verse 4, "Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come". This looks a lot like him saying, "what am I going to do with you?", and "mine hour is not yet come" as in, this is not the time.
In a pinch, Jesus had the servants bring him water vessels that were for bathing, specifically for spiritual purification. He sent the servants out with water in these spiritual vessels and sent them first to the governor of the feast. Two things here are apparent to me, firstly, the governor is influential, people usually fall in line when they see what their leader is doing; the second thing is that these are spiritual vessels.
Since the governor of the feast didn't know who sent them, it could perhaps be implied that these vessels were a reminder not to overindulge, of a religious nature. The water then being superior to wine, would suggest that they valued spiritual purity over indulgence, especially since most people there had clearly partaken of plenty of wine already. The water may even have come as a relief, as it would help the guests at the wedding feast to sober up and thus not have to tackle the next day with a headache.
In my opinion, the miracle here was that Jesus took a leap of faith. He did hide that it was he who did it, which suggests he feared a harsh rebuke, but equally implies that whoever sent the wine anonymously could have potentially been a spiritual leader who wanted to be spared embarrassment at outright stating what he wanted of the governor and of the guests. A spiritual leader would have been someone that no one would have dared to rebuke. The miracle then was a leap of faith that Jesus would pull this off.
So how does this apply to me?
One of the things I can actually do about my difficulties is to stop indulging. I smoke and I do occasionally (but not problematically) drink. Simply put, I must stop doing these things, I have to give up smoking altogether and I have to try to make cuts to the comforts in my life and take a leap of faith that doing so will help me manage things better.
With this in mind, if you have enjoyed my work and you wish to help me out, any donations made will help me out dramatically at this stage. If you want to help out, please donate to paypal.me/thesorcererpoet
All proceeds will go towards clearing my debts.
A giant thank you to everybody who has spent the time to read.
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dwuerch-blog · 10 months
He Believed in Me
He Believed in MeLet me tell you about this man. If He hadn’t believed in me….I would have thrown in the towel during rough patches in my life. Those patches when I was shy, lacking confidence, and weak in faith and hope. If He hadn’t believed in me…I wouldn’t have followed His call on my heart to be a writer of blogs every day. If He hadn’t believed in me …I would have never had the courage to…
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jq37 · 4 months
And again, Adaine, the hard facts and arcana "I don't have to believe in gods if I know they factually exist" wizard, being the one to tell Ankarna she actually has six followers already in the Bad Kids is so touching.
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quietsphere · 2 years
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What's Up Danger?
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months
i finished writing chapter 14 so no one needs to spray me with water to get me to focus (we just have to wait for my beta to wake up and double check that it's good)
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so have some timkon sillies in the meantime!!!
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riverlarking · 6 months
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Steve Martin in Leap of Faith (1992)
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kadrii-art · 2 months
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They live free in my head
Fanart for @erinwantstowrite from the itsy bitsy one shot idea
Sorry is the hype!!! xD
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pru-dle · 2 months
So I read a fic that I’m totally normal about and did not hyper fixate on at all nah 💀 but I’ll be damned it’s so good and it’s so well written, it mixes humor and angst near seamlessly I’m in awe. Anyways belated (?)happy birthday @erinwantstowrite you legend and happy birthday Peter 💪🏽💪🏽
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Yes I did learn blender just for this
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mockingjaylad · 2 months
I’m gonna explode someone actually
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c-art00nish · 1 month
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LoF breaking a, years long, traditional art block in 4k (≧▽≦)
Thanks @erinwantstowrite and ur awesome, awesome, fic
Vers. with and without filter
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laughingbear626 · 2 months
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Forgot I can actually post on here so might as well do that. This was based @erinwantstowrite fic “Leap Of Faith”! I totally forgot in what context since it was so long ago but nonetheless it is here! I will keep posting any other doodles like this so stay tuned (prob on for a bit cos I’m super busy but still)
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heavenangelly · 3 months
Take a leap of faith
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This sort of links to my post about knowing the law for a long time but not being able to apply.
So you know the law. It’s practically engraved in your brain. You may have even had successes in the past. But no matter what, you can’t get back into the success era. Days turn into weeks of you trying and hoping and your desires just feel so out of touch from you. Like you’ll never get them.
Throughout this cycle, you may have even developed a little resistance to the desire you really want. You became so desperate for it, trying to apply the law, but failing. This cycle could have brought resistance to your desire. You want it but your mind is pushing you away from it because you view it as unattainable.
And because of all these cycles of failure, you start doubting your abilities. You no longer can manifest anything and now you’re just scrolling on tumblr, hoping to find a post that will revive you. And when you find it, it’s addictive because you get it now, but then you lose the feeling and try to search for something else. All of this instead of applying. All these periods of inactivity regarding manifesting has caused you to become rusty. So I’m here to put some grease on you and get u working again (and hopefully one day you’ll leave tumblr and finally start enjoying life, being the master manifester you are and have always been)
Take a leap of faith
Your desires will NOT feel natural to you when you first go into the state of having them after long periods of resisting them. They’ll feel foreign and you’ll hyper fixate on your failures and the 3d. It will make you want to leave the state because it’s not comfortable and it’s weird and you don’t like it.
PLEASE DONT DO THAT. Keep on going back to that state. Never let that state go. Fulfil yourself and just let go of the 3d. At its core, the 3d is you.
What’s there to fear if it’s my mirror? - Edward Art
It’s going to be uncomfortable. You’re going to be scared. But all those feelings will pass. And eventually, having your desire will feel natural and SO good. You’ll realise that the 3d is just a mirror and means nothing. You’ll understand how much fucking power you have. It will feel liberating. And when the feeling dies down, don’t worry. You still have what u want and you are still powerful. Your power never dies, only flows.
Don’t let ur comfort zone hold you back. Dare to free yourself from it and go beyond. Take a leap of faith and leap right into the state of your desires. Your mind will make you think you want to leave bc it’s not what it knows, but push it away. Go there everyday and make it your new comfort state. Don’t focus on the 3d and movement, focus on becoming one with your desires. Start fully identifying with them; fusing with them. Don’t take no as an answer. Start trusting in you. Trusting in self.
Just take the 3d completely out of the equation. Take a leap of faith despite what your eyes are showing you. Just leave the circle and see what happens. And no matter what, don’t go back.
the cost of your life is faith. you either believe or you don’t. belief is the difference between the unrealized dream and the realized one. -I’m not sure who
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spyderschaos · 3 months
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A scene from chap 12 of @erinwantstowrite ‘s Leap of Faith (Catch Me, If You Can)!
I screenshoted this the second I read it cause I knew I just had to draw it
Below the cut’s the scene and the drawing without the phone :) also close up
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justanother-fan · 2 months
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Anyone remember the mural that was mentioned in Chapter 10 of Leap of Faith (Catch Me If You can)?
This has been on my to draw list for ages and I finally got around to making it
Plus I'm trying to force myself to get used to drawing backgrounds/environments more
If you don't remember/know the scene, this is what it is:
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(I know is not exactly as described, I changed a few things to make it easier for me to draw)
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erinwantstowrite · 25 days
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Chapter 15 of LoF is finally out!! sitting at 29,824 words!
I also want to share my first cover art for LoF:
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I had a lot of inspo for this cover!! I wanted it to have influence of a classic Spider-Man and Batman cover while also still being my art style. imagine my surprise to learn that Spider-Man has a cover similar to Dick Grayson...
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Soooo yeah!! spent 9 hours on this cover and i'm glad to finally have it out. i hope to do more as the story progresses
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