#Hip-Hop for Families with Mr. Kneel
iliveiloveiwrite · 3 years
Fallin’ For You // Anthony Bridgerton
Request: I saw that your requests were open I was wondering if you could do something with Anthony x reader maybe the reader gets Injured somehow or something? Just fluffy worried Anthony really 😂 - @nicole198205
A/N: More mindless fluff! I’m sorry it isn't more substantial, but I had my first covid vaccine yesterday and I can barely move my arm. Anyway, I hope you all like!! <3
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Female!Reader
Warnings: female reader, injuries, minor injuries, nothing overly serious, worried Anthony. 
Word count: 1.9k
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For all of the education allowed to women of your station, even your governess would be shocked at the litany of swear words leaving your lips as you do your best to limp across the stretching, green lawn of Aubrey Hall. 
A morning walk. A lovely, morning walk where you could observe the grounds of your marital home – that was all you wanted, all you had really planned of your day. You weren’t to know of the tree root sticking up from the ground; its limbs gnarled and mangled as it stretches out across the forest floor. 
You felt something rip as you fell to the ground; your left ankle trapped within the tree root, a pained yelp leaving your lips as you scraped the palms of your hands on the rocks littering the floor. Wounded pride, wounded hands, wounded ankle – you took a quick inventory of your injuries as you let the tears fall in privacy before dragging yourself to your feet, briefly wondering how much more damage you would do to your ankle before making it home.
The closer you get to the grand seat of power of the Bridgerton family, the straighter you force your posture, determined to hide the worst of the pain until safely hidden away in your bedchamber where you could release the waiting sobs and cries of agony. The main door is too far away, and the thought of limping to the heavy wooden doors almost sends you to the floor once again. Instead, you hobble to the side entrance to the kitchen where not even the delicious aroma of shortbread could keep the tears at bay. 
“Lady Bridgerton!” The cook, Mrs. Black gasps as she catches sight of your muddied gown and the pained expression on your face. “Are you okay? Should you be walking?”
“I’m alright, Mrs. Black,” You smile painfully, attempting to ignore the piercing pain spreading through your foot and ankle. 
“You’ll tell me anything!” She cries, flapping her teatowel at you. “I’m going to get Jenkins. Do not move,” She warns, fixing you with an unimpressed but concerned look.
“I don’t think I could if I tried,” You admit, leaning against the wooden frame of the doorway for support, relieving your injured ankle of your body weight. 
You let your eyes slip closed, letting yourself fall into the pain for a single moment, slowing your breathing as you feel the first tears slip down your cheeks.
“Lady Bridgerton!” Jenkins’ concerned shout has you opening your eyes, meeting the aged grey eyes of the butler that had looked after you since the first days of your marriage to Anthony. His eyes run over you quickly, assessing the situation with a speed decades in services has gifted him. “Do you think you can walk to my office?” He asks quietly; his voice almost a whisper. 
Mrs. Black answers for you; her Yorkshire accent becoming thicker the more upset she becomes. “Walk! The poor girl can barely stand! Walk, my great aunt,” She mutters, rolling her eyes as she settles her hands on her hips. 
Jenkins closes his eyes for a count of three; letting Mrs. Black have her rant before shaking his head with exasperated fondness. “Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Black – would you please help Lady Bridgerton to my office.”
The order is given, and the respected butler turns away, heading to his office to grab a chair and something for you to rest your ankle on. 
Mrs. Russell and Mrs. Black each take an arm, holding you steady as you hobble your way to the butler’s office. 
The room smells like old paper and tobacco; it puts you at ease as you settle into the chair already set up for you in the middle of the room. Jenkins remains close to his desk; his eyes fixed on your ever swelling ankle. 
“There you are,” Mrs. Black whispers softly. 
“Thank you,” You whisper to the beloved cook.
“It’s no issue, my lady. I’ll bake you something special and sweet for dessert tonight for managing to walk back to the house in your state.”
You smile at the cook; your bottom lip beginning to wobble as she squeezes your arm once before taking her leave. Sighing painfully, you wince as you adjust the ankle resting on the small, green ottoman. 
“What happened, my lady?” Jenkins asks, remaining close to his desk. 
“It’s all so silly,” You begin, “I was on my morning walk as I told you about this morning over breakfast with Anthony. Anyway, I was just beyond the tree line when I must not have looked, and I tripped over a tree root. I couldn’t simply stay there, lying on the floor so I made my way back to the house, but the main door is so far away. The kitchen was closer and I’m so glad because you got to me quicker.”
Jenkins nods once; accepting your story for what it was: the truth. He kneels down beside your injured ankle, meeting your gaze. “May I?”
You nod once, biting your lip to keep from whimpering pain as Jenkins makes quick work of examining your injury.  “I’m going to have to get the Viscount, my lady,” Jenkins sighs, his gaze meeting that of the Head Housekeeper, Mrs. Russell.
“Are you sure?” You question, not wanting to pull Anthony away from his work. You try not to wince as you move your ankle to the left and the right. “See!” You gesture, “I’m moving it just fine.”
Jenkins shakes his head, doing his best to hide a smile at your stubbornness. “With all due respect, my lady, I can see the bruise beginning to bloom. I don’t think you’ll be walking for a few days.”
You sink further into the chair, groaning. “I had so many plans for this week,” You whine, covering your face with your hands as you fight off the first wave of tears. “That damned tree root!”
Jenkins blinks once, twice, three times at your use of such language before releasing an amused chuckle. Mrs. Russell shakes her head at the sight, stepping further into the room. The aged Housekeeper settles a comforting hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly before uttering, “I shall go alert the Viscount. You do not move from this chair.” 
“Yes, Mrs. Russell,” You promise, flashing a watery smile at the woman as she leaves the room. 
Jenkins’ hand settles on your knee as more tears threaten to fall. “It’s alright, my lady. We’ve all injured ourselves.”
You sniff, drying your eyes with the caring butler’s handkerchief. Jenkins’ shifts back to his desk; resting on the edge of it as he awaits the arrival of the Viscount, knowing full well that Anthony would soon be flying through the door to his office. 
“(Y/N)!” The Viscount all but shouts as he rushes down the stairs of Aubrey Hall. Mrs. Russell had explained your injuries, but it had done very little to quash the unadulterated worry settling deep within Anthony’s gut. 
“(Y/N)!” Anthony bellows once more, rushing through the large kitchen to Jenkins’ office where he finds you settled on a chair with your left ankle propped up on a small, dark green ottoman. 
“Darling,” He gasps; the breath rushing from him in one movement. He falls to his knees beside you; his hand coming up to cup your cheek. “What happened?”
“I feel so foolish,” You whisper, voice breaking as fresh tears begin to line your eyes. 
Anthony’s thumb brushes across your cheekbone. “An impossibility. You could never be such a thing.”
“I fell over a tree root, Anthony. Not exactly graceful.”
He clamps his lips shut, determined not to let the relieved laughter fall from his lips. Anthony had only known such fear upon Mrs. Russell’s announcement of your injury once before; the anguished cries of his younger sister Eloise, the one to find their father dead in the garden. To see you sitting in Jenkins’ office, the only injuries being your ankle, scraped hands and your pride, Anthony could have wept in relief. 
“You don’t have to be graceful,” Anthony whispers, “You just have to be okay.”
“I’m okay now that you’re here,” You whisper, leaning in at the same time as your husband. 
Anthony kisses you as if there wasn’t an audience at the door. Unhurried, Anthony holds you close, his hands moving from your cheeks to your neck before settling on your shoulders. 
He breaks the kiss; dropping one, two, three quick kisses to your mouth before pulling away completely. “We’ll call the doctor tomorrow morning. For now, I want you to rest. Let’s get you somewhere comfortable.”
“You can’t carry me all the way to our room!” You laugh, “I’ll have to hop part of the way.”
“Not a chance, darling.”
“I can do it,” You state, crossing your arms stubbornly.
“I’m not saying you can’t, I’m just saying you won’t get the chance because I’ll be carrying you the whole way.”
“Anthony, my love, that’s too far.”
“Watch me, darling.”
With that, Anthony scoops you into his arms, your head resting comfortably against his strong shoulder as he begins the climb to your shared bedroom.
The bed feels close to heaven as you settle on top of the covers; the lush fabric greeting you like an old friend as you sit back against the headboard. Anthony grabs the first pillow he can reach, gingerly lifting your ankle and apologising profusely when you wince in pain as he tucks the pillow underneath. 
“Will you need help changing, my lady?” Your Ladies’ Maid, Annie, asks, having followed Jenkins and Mrs. Russell through the house as Anthony carried you. 
Your husband answers for you. “No, thank you, Annie. Take the rest of the day off, I’ll look after Lady Bridgerton.”
“As you wish, my lord,” Annie answers, curtseying before leaving the room; Jenkins and Mrs. Russell following.
You fix your husband with an interested look. “What?” He asks, a smirk beginning to grace his lips.
“You’re going to look after me, are you?”
“What kind of husband would be if I didn’t?”
“Touché,” You answer with a laugh, “So you’re going to get me changed?”
“As if I haven’t undressed you before,” Anthony smirks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively as he begins to undo his cravat. 
“Anthony!” You laugh, throwing one of the many pillows on your bed at your beloved husband. He catches it with ease, throwing it to one side before crawling up the length of the bed, taking care not to jostle your ankle. 
Anthony props himself up by his elbow as he gazes up at you. Your tears have long since dried, but your eyes still show the pain you keenly feel. Anthony frowns; if he could take away your pain, he would – he’s adamant that you should never feel an ounce of pain, but even he couldn’t help the occasional sprained ankle.
“You scared me half to death this morning,” He whispers, reaching for your hand. 
“It’s a sprained ankle, my love. We’ll summon the doctor first thing tomorrow like you said and he’ll confirm our suspicions.”
“Still,” Anthony breathes, bringing your joined hands up to his lips upon which he places a multitude of kisses.
“I have no plans on leaving you prematurely,” You promise, reaching to stroke a hand down his cheek. At the last moment, Anthony turns his face, pressing a kiss to the palm of your hand. He closes his eyes at the feel of your hand on his cheek; he inhales the familiar, comforting scent of your floral perfume. Rose standing out amongst the rest; he lets the scent take him somewhere calmer as his heart finally begins to slow down. 
“No more walking the grounds alone,” He states, eyebrows furrowing with the severity of his words. 
“I won’t need to if you join me,” You tease, “Think of all the trouble we could cause in the great outdoors.”
Bridgerton taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @dreaming-about-fanfictions @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown @janelongxox @aspiringsloth20 @wallwriterstuff @magicalxdaydream @darkestbeforethedawn16 @gryffindors-weasley @spideysz @iammirrorball @writeroutoftime @joyfullymulti @nuttytani
Anthony Bridgerton taglist: @multifandomfix
1K notes · View notes
sunshineseung · 3 years
Journal Part 3 // Jeongin
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🍄 | genre: smut ☁️ | pairing: Yang Jeongin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 4.3k 🌸 | includes: milf!reader x babysitter!college student!jeongin, “mommy”, shower/morning sex, handjob (m!receiving), cum swallowing, smut within smut [mentions of punishment, spanking, pegging, free use, “mistress”, flogging, chastity], masturbation, brief phone sex, bratty jeongin, punishment, spanking with hand, grinding, overstimulation (m!receiving), PIV (riding, cowgirl/reverse cowgirl), unprotected sex, creampie, aftercare… phew good luck
🌊 | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Finale |
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The morning sun blinds Jeongin through the curtains, and he lazily rubs his eyes to see steam coming from under the bathroom door. You’ve already gotten up to get a shower, but you so rudely forgot to invite the sweet college boy blissfully sleeping next to you. Jeongin springs out of bed with a little too much energy and sneaks into your bathroom, being as quiet as possible.
“Jeongin, I know you’re there.” You fold your arms as you face the clear shower door Jeongin’s silhouette was on. He freezes, shrugs, and opens the shower door just enough so you could see only half of his body. 
“May I come in?” 
You sigh and swing open the door fully, making sure no water can get out. “Sure, baby.” 
Jeongin gets giddy and hops in, smiling brightly as you continue to lather soap on your body. Suddenly, he hugs you from behind, pulling you as close to his body as possible. You feel his semi-erection on your back, but that’s not your focus right now. You just want to be clean for your day off. 
“Thank you for letting me stay over.” Jeongin nuzzles his head in the back of your neck, cuddling you under the running water. “I really enjoyed last night. Did you?” 
“Yes, sweetheart. I enjoyed it a lot.” Your reassurance makes him blush, and he’s happy you can’t see the flustered expression on his face. He doesn’t know what to do next. Luckily, you have plans. “Hey, Jeongin, do you write… fantasies about us in class?”
“Oh, uh, sometimes. I make sure no one sees, though.” He backs away, leaning on the far shower wall. “I mostly write in my composition class.” 
“Who’s the professor?” You turn around, facing him fully, pinning him to the wall with your eyes. 
“Mr. Lee?”
“Lee what?” 
“Lee… Minho?”
Damnit. Of course. Of course it was going to be your ex husband. Admittedly, this wasn’t the best time to interrogate Jeongin, but it’s still early, and the kids aren’t up yet, so you have time to turn this around.
“Mommy, can you put shampoo in my hair?” Jeongin’s cute little voice almost makes your heart burst, and it’s practically impossible for you to say no now. Jeongin turns around and kneels, patiently waiting for you to wash his hair. You squeeze some shampoo into your hand and spread it through Jeongin’s wet hair, making sure it suds on his scalp. He hums in content, loving the feeling of your hands through his hair. “Thank you.”
“No problem, baby.” You kiss the back of his neck, making a shiver run down his spine. You hear the light sounds of Jeongin touching himself, slowly and quietly enough that he hopes you don’t notice, but you obviously do considering you see his right shoulder moving.
Once the shampoo is finally rinsed out of his hair, you pull him onto you, his back falling against your chest and stomach. You run your hands over his abs before taking a hold of his cock, wrapping your fingers around it gently before slowly jerking him back and forth. Jeongin weakly bucks his hips into your hand, dazed and clouded with neediness. 
“You like when mommy touches you like this, huh?” The water sprinkles down onto Jeongin’s cock, creating a weak lubricant for your hand. He doesn’t answer you; he can only whimper, too far gone to even form a thought. He slipped into this headspace so fast, and it kind of shocks you. Jeongin rustles in your arms, seeming to wish to break free from your hold. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“W-want to see you.” Jeongin squeaks out, prompting you to turn around and pin him against the wall so the water hits your back. You get on your knees, looking up at him as his face is bright red and his eyes are half-lidded. “You’re so pretty, mommy.” 
“Aw, is my little boy trying to compliment me so he can cum?” You go back to stroking his cock, licking the tip once to remind him of how your mouth feels. His sensitive cock begins to twitch, begging to release. Another lick, this time from his balls to his tip, and he’s cumming on your face, shooting his load across your features, mostly in your mouth. 
You wipe the cum from your face to your mouth, swallowing every last bit of his tasty release. Jeongin only watches, eyes glued to your mouth, but he doesn’t know if he can kiss you considering you just ate his cum. 
“Mommy, can I kiss you?” You look up and him and groan as you stand up, your knees feeling the repercussions of kneeling on the hard shower floor. He raises his chin as you grasp his face, pulling his soft lips to yours, kissing you sweetly. You press your body against his, your tits coming in contact with his chest, and he has to fight every thought to snap his neck down to look at your chest. Still, your lips were made for each other, perfectly in sync with every ministration. He’d be a fool to break this kiss right now. 
Nothing in Jeongin’s wildest dreams could have prepared him for being with you, even if it isn’t anything serious. He loved just being in your presence, focused on your every word and every action, mentally taking notes so his memories of his time with you could be as vivid as possible. 
On the other hand, nothing in your wildest dreams could prepare you for your ex-husband rudely coming back into your life only to shame you for possibly having a relationship with another consenting adult. When he called you last night, you had no idea Jeongin was one of your students, but somehow, Minho saw what he was writing in his little notebook, and it all seemed too descriptive to be fake. Jeongin was younger when he saw Minho the most, and there was no way Jeongin could recognize him as his ex-neighbor now. It was all an innocent mistake that cost you a lot of sleep last night. 
You weren’t thinking about that now. All you could think about was what time it was, because your daughters would be awake any minute and you always make them breakfast on your days off. You break the kiss and get out of the shower with Jeongin, graciously helping each other dry off, and you go out to begin making waffles for your kids.
“I didn’t know you could cook!” Jeongin sits at the dining table, full of glee just like a child would be. “Can I stay for breakfast?” 
“Jeongin, you can stay as long as you’d like.” You press the waffle iron closed, beginning to cook the first of three. “But no funny business. I don’t want the girls to know what’s going on between us.” 
“Oh, that’s okay! I just know there’s no fresh breakfast at my house.” He laughs a little, lounging back in the wooden chair. “I’ll leave after I eat so you have a day with your kids, and I also have homework to do.” 
“They give you kids homework on the weekends?” You sound almost offended by the thought of doing any type of schoolwork on your days off. “From what I can remember, we never got homework on the weekends, or if we did, I certainly didn’t do it!” 
You both laugh, then go back to a comfortable silence. It felt right. Having another adult in the house, someone to talk to who isn’t only talking to you because of work. This is what you’ve been missing. 
When your daughters wake up, they’re shocked to see Jeongin sitting at the table, but they’re also happy to see him. They drag him out of his seat at the table so he can play with them before you tell them to behave. 
“Jeongin is a guest this morning. Treat him nice!” 
Jeongin’s embarrassed to admit that he almost said yes mommy, but the glorious taste of the syrup-covered waffles takes his mind off that. You just lean against the counter and watch them eat, sipping your coffee as the sun continues to rise.
“Jeongin, where were you last night?” Felix says through his headset, waiting for his game to load. “We need a team of four!”
“I thought Hyunjin would have been on.” Jeongin yawns, tired after having you wake him so early. “I was busy, sorry.” 
“Busy doesn’t mean writing in your diary, Yang.” Jisung chimes in, calling Jeongin by his family name as if it’s an insult. 
“First of all, it’s not a diary, and second of all, I was busy with a… girl.” Jeongin hesitates to give away too much information, but he folds the seconds he’s brought back to where he was last night: under you. 
“Aw, our baby Innie has a girlfriend?” The group fills with oohs and ahhs as Jeongin groans and rolls his eyes, adjusting his headset out of frustration. “Let us meet her! C'mon man!” 
“You can’t meet her. We aren’t dating.” Jeongin threatens to leave before they drop the topic, but he can’t stop thinking about you, being already semi-hard by the end of their first match. The team berates him for his poor playing, but they can’t even fathom the thoughts going through Jeongin’s head that he can’t wait to put into his journal. 
I want mommy to punish me. Punish me for these thoughts, punish me for touching myself without her, punish me for anything she pleases. Her perverted little boy wants to be ruined, and yet she’s so gentle with me. I don’t care if the sound of her spanking me wakes up her kids. It’ll be worth it just to feel her treat me like I’m her servant who lives to please, because I am. I’m nothing but a vessel she should be free to use at her will. I’m her toy. All hers. 
Jeongin’s phone pings from the other side of his desk. It’s a text message from his favorite neighbor, and what perfect timing too. In your little text conversation, you and Jeongin discuss the babysitting times for the week, and don’t even manage to mention anything about sex. As upsetting as this is, while he waits for your answers, he’s diligently jotting down all of his twisted fantasies. 
“You take my strap so well, honey.” She thrusts into my ass again, this time going even deeper than before. I hold my legs up with my hands around my tights, spreading my ass for her to fuck. My cock is leaking with precum while she strokes it with one hand and plays with my nipples with her other. “Dumb little boy’s being so good for me now.” 
When you finally say goodbye over text, Jeongin shoots back a short “can we call?” As strange as you thought this text was, you press his number, soon to be greeted with the heavy breaths of the young boy. Luckily, the girls were asleep and you were alone in your bedroom, so you could say anything. 
“Aw, is my boy all needy while he’s alone?” You tease him across the line, although you could just yell this out your window to his. Jeongin slips his pants down his thighs to release his cock, playfully touching his tip before gripping his shaft and stroking himself slowly. “Are you thinking about mommy?”
“Y-yes, I’m thinking about you, mommy.” How he got so excited so quickly is beyond his own understanding, but just from hearing your lustful voice, Jeongin’s already brainless, hardly able to utter a simple sentence. 
“Good boy. You’re always such a good boy, huh?”
“Only for you, mommy.”
“Then why does my good boy want to be punished?” Jeongin’s breath hitches, suddenly remembering the short, revealing conversation with you about wanting to be used. “I wouldn’t want to punish you without a reason, my little prince.”
“Wh-what can I do?” He heaves out, quickening his pace on his dick. “Give me rules, mommy. I want to break them.”
“Oh, pretty boy wants rules now?” You take a moment to ponder, hearing the light sound of skin slapping from the other side of the phone. “Stop jerking off. No masturbating without my permission.”
Jeongin freezes, taking his hand off his cock slowly, writhing from the ruined orgasm he was so close to having. He sighs to catch his breath, pulling the phone away so you couldn’t hear how desperate he was to be touched. “What else?”
“Hm,” you scratch your chin in thought, “you have to show me everything you write in your little journal, got it?” “E-everything?”
“Everything.” Jeongin’s focus goes to the journal, looking at the depraved words he scratched onto the page. If he wants to get what he wants, he has to show you just so you know how much he wants this. “Yes ma’am.”
“One more thing, baby.” Jeongin’s worn out just from the first two rules. One more might break him. “Promise to take care of yourself. Brush your teeth, eat your meals, drink water, ya’know, things like that. I don’t want this rule broken.” 
The sudden overflowing of care and wholesomeness makes Jeongin’s face turn red, partially because you’re so sweet and partially because he forgot to eat dinner today. He nods before realizing this was a phone call and squeaking out a meek “of course”. 
“Don’t break these rules, okay sweetheart? Or else you’ll be punished… unless you break the last rule. Then I’ll give you a stern talking to. Got it?” 
“Yes, mommy. I understand.” Jeongin pulls his pants up, cock now fully limp. “See you tomorrow!” 
“Yup, good night.” You both hang up, setting your phones down for the night. Jeongin sits back in his desk chair, feeling victorious after finally cementing a sure-fire way to get his ass spanked. Before he goes to bed, he has to eat dinner. No way he’s getting a stern talking to!
When you come home from work on Monday, Jeongin’s watching TV (scrolling through his phone) while the girls were most likely asleep. You come sit next to him, tossing your bag next to the couch and figuratively letting your hair down, unbuttoning a few buttons on your work shirt. 
“Hey, Y/n! The girls were great today.” Jeongin smiles, folding his hands in his lap. “They went to bed like two hours ago. It was an early night for them I guess.” 
“Yeah, they were up early this morning, even before me.” You both laugh, finally being able to get down to business, at least in Jeongin’s mind. 
“I ate three meals today, I drank three bottles of water, and I brushed my teeth this morning.” Jeongin sounds oddly proud of himself for doing what most people think is the bare minimum. “I showered, I took my meds, and most importantly, I didn’t jerk off.” 
“Good boy.” You kiss him on the cheek and pull his head into your chest so he’s leaning on one of your tits. “My Jeonginnie is always so good for me.”
“Can I get a reward?” His puppy eyes look up at you, warming your heart from the long day at work. He looked so sweet and innocent, just pretty enough for you to destroy. 
“Hold on, baby. You didn’t forget the second rule, did you?” You tap the side of his head and point to his bookbag. “Show me your journal.” 
“B-but mommy, that’s embarrassing.” He whines, turning off your chest and to his bag, leaning away before unzipping his bag. “Do you have to?” 
“Don’t be bratty with me. I just called you my good boy!” You reach for the bag, but Jeongin pulls it back to him. He hides it behind his back, putting his nose up at you. “Jeongin…”
“Give me the j-“
“Make me.”
You lean into him, suffocating the younger boy with your shadow. Now standing over him, you put your hands on his face, cupping his cheeks before one hand pulls back and harshly slaps him across his handsome face. He doesn’t whine in pain, though, he just moans. 
“What was that, baby?” 
He begins to repeat himself, but you slap him again before he can finish the word. His face is red as a tomato, and you don’t care whether that’s from your hand or his blushing. Looking down, you can clearly see how hard he is in his pants. You remove your hands from his face and press one down onto his bulge, making his face contort into a wince. 
“Does my little boy want me to touch his cock?” You taunt, tilting your head as if the answer isn’t obvious. “Or more importantly, does he deserve it?” 
“I’m n-not letting you read my journal.” 
You huff and straighten your posture, taking his wrist in your hand and making him stand up with you, leading him to your bedroom. You slam the door behind you just quiet enough not to wake the kids. When you turn around, Jeongin is bent over the bed with his pants down to his ankles. He’s shaking. You like that. 
“Take your clothes off, bitch.” He kicks his pants away while tossing his shirt off and pulling down his underwear at lighting speed. You sit on the bed and pat your lap, signaling Jeongin to bend over you, which he obediently does. “My little boy’s being bad today. Why?”
“I don’t want you reading what’s in my journal.” He sounds angry when you know it’s all for show. 
“You don’t think I already know what perverted filth is in there?” You spank him, quickly making a red mark on his pale ass. He groans, bucking his hips into your leg for some friction. “You just want mommy to treat you like this, don’t you?” 
“Yes mommy.” Another spank hits his ass, causing him to jolt forward. You bite your lip looking down at him, just now noticing how muscular he is. 
“Count for me.” You spank him again, and again, and again, as he pliantly counts and whines, his cock dangling below him fully erect. By the end, he’s out of breath, and he isn’t even doing any of the work. 
“Ten.” You pet his back while his ass is red as ever, looking like it can’t take any more hits of your palm. You kiss him on the shoulder, an especially soft moment after what just occurred. “Mommy?”
“Yes, dear?”
“I’ll show you my journal now.” He can’t move, but the journal is still out in his bag. 
“I’ll go get it, baby boy. Lay down on the pillows. I want to read your slutty little stories to you.” He gets off your lap and lays back while you go out to the living room to get the journal. You sift through his bag, looking back and forth between binders and folders, but you don’t see it anywhere. You bring the bag into the bedroom, tossing it on the bed. “Where is it?”
Jeongin does the same as you, sifting through the bag with no sight of his precious journal. His heart stops for a minute, beginning to break into a cold sweat. 
“Where did you see it last?” 
“I was writing in it during my comp class.” 
Lee Minho teaches that class. Your ex-husband teaches that class. This feels like the end of the world, and unlike earlier, you’re now genuinely angry. Your face begins to boil as you throw the bookbag off the bed and undress down to your panties. Climbing on top of Jeongin, you press your cunt down onto his cock, applying just enough pressure to make you both moan. 
“Dumb little boy wants to ruin me, don’t you?” You wrap your hands around his neck, not choking him, but rather threatening him. “You want Lee Minho to know about us. You want him to have your stupid fucking diary so he can read all of your slutty fantasies.” Your grip tightens around his neck slightly, and Jeongin looks like he’s in pure bliss. He can’t even defend himself. He loves this too much. 
“I love you, mommy.” He hums, leaning back into the bed as you begin to tease his cock with your slick panties, grinding against him. 
“You don’t love me, Jeongin. You just love when I treat you like my little toy.” You lean down to make a dark hickey on his neck, something his friends will surely tease him for the next day. “All mine. You’re only mine.” 
“Y-yes mommy. All yours. Only yours.” He moans loudly, suddenly nearing his high just from your grinding. The cloth of your panties feel like heaven. He can’t help it!
You look down to see him shoot his load on himself, spurts of his hot cum covering his abs and chest. He looks so pathetic, but at least he’s yours. 
Pushing your panties aside, you slip him inside you, overstimulating him with your tight cunt. You bounce a few times on him before stopping your movements completely, bending over to put your tits in his face. He grabs your tits and sucks them, jumping back and forth between them every couple of seconds. Your hands are still around his neck, keeping him down on the mattress, unable to move. 
“You love being mommy’s toy, huh?” You start to choke him more as you pull your tits out of his face, starting to ride him again. “Ah~ and mommy loves your cock, babydoll.” 
Jeongin’s overwhelmed. He just came but he feels his second orgasm rapidly approaching. He can’t think or speak. All he can do is moan and whine “mommy” over and over again. 
“Let me try something, my little prince.” That was always his favorite pet name you gave him. He thought he was about to cum, but you pull off of him, rotating your body so Jeongin has a perfect view of your ass. You sink back down onto him, his cock filling up your pussy again. 
He felt so relieved being inside your warm cunt again, but now you start riding him harder and faster, his cock hitting so deep inside you with each thrust. He can’t hold it anymore. Jeongin’s cum fills you up, dripping down out of your pussy and onto the base of his cock. 
He feels so weak under you. He’s in pain from the overstimulation, but he can’t deny that he adores feeling like this. The safe word isn’t even in his mind. He just wants you. 
“Mommy’s gonna cum, alright?” You start to tighten around him, your movements getting sloppy and labored. “Hold my hips like a good boy. I want you to fuck me just like this.” 
Jeongin’s hands hesitantly move to your hips, holding you up while his hips begin to stutter and thrust into you, fucking his cum deeper inside you. The convulsions of your dripping pussy is making his head spin. If he cums again, he’ll be so embarrassed, but the more he fucks you, the more his cock twitches. 
“Good little boy. Such a nice cock, baby. Mm, so good.” Words mindlessly fly out of your mouth as you slam your ass against him, forcing him to bottom out. Neither of you move as you cum on him, your cunt tightening its grip on his length. Jeongin shuts his eyes as he ruts into you, cumming the same time as you. It feels euphoric to both of you. Jeongin’s hands move from your hips to your ass, massaging the skin as you come down from your highs. 
“Thank you, mommy.” Jeongin whines as you get off of him, cum dripping out of you onto Jeongin. You hold it in as best you can as you lay down next to him, your legs feeling too fuzzy to get you anywhere. Jeongin nuzzles into your chest, holding you as close to him as possible. 
You kiss his forehead before getting up to clean the mess you two made, mostly the mess between your legs. Coming back with water for your pretty little submissive, you lay back down to cuddle with your sweet boy. 
“You need to get that journal back, Jeongin.”
“I will, Y/n. Don’t worry. No one will read it.” 
His finger wraps around the thin paper to flip the page, only getting a fourth of the way through the messy journal. Everything is vile, and more importantly, everything is about his ex-wife. 
Lee Minho’s cock is hard in his hand as he strokes himself back and forth, biting down on his lip so he doesn’t moan too loudly to alert his girlfriend in the other room. He can’t believe the raunchy smut he’s reading can turn him on this much. 
“F-fuck, Y/n. My cock is so much better than this college boy’s.” 
Minho gets vivid flashbacks to him dominating you, tying you up and spanking you with his paddle. Your teary eyes were always his favorite, especially when the tears were mixed with his cum. 
He looks back at the page after returning from his haze of days gone by. His cock starts to twitch as his eyes skim the page, focusing on the parts with your name.
Y/n’s arm enters my peripheral as she hits me again with her flogger, the leather straps leaving red marks against my back. I lose balance, unable to catch myself on the hands that are cuffed behind me. I fall onto my face, and Y/n laughs at my pathetic form. “Dumb slut can’t even stay on his knees for his mistress.” Her heel presses against my spine, arching my back with force. “Ten more, then I’ll remove the cage, got it?”
Minho tosses the book aside as his pace quickens, cumming all over his lap. He looks down at the mess he made, his sweatpants covered in the reminder that he’s still head-over-heels for his ex-wife. 
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taglist: @milkym00n​ @sparklysung​ @fanchengsgf​ @sailorhyunjinz @gothicstay​ if you wanna be tagged in part four, send me an ask :)
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unloved-cadillac · 4 years
Date Night(A Levi x Reader NSFW Oneshot)
The beginning of every month, you and your lover would go to a fancy restaurant and have nice dinner. But this time, Levi is making up on lost time for missing out on two date nights.
Warnings: NSFW, oral(female and male receiving), daddy kink, kinda rough sex?
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A black long sleeved dress with thigh high lace stockings. A black jacket with a black shirt with the top three buttons undone. To say you and Levi looked like a power couple was an understatement.
“Wow”, Levi says when he looks at you. “You look...beautiful.” “You don’t look too bad yourself, Mr Ackerman.”, you say approaching him to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Shall we, Mrs Ackerman? I plan to make it up to you this evening.”, Levi says as he just out his elbow for you to latch onto. “Oh Levi.”, you say dreamily. The both of you exit your shared home and hop into the car. Levi had planned this afternoon to a “T”. A nice dinner at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city and whole night of nothing but love and red wine.
Levi drives with one hand on the wheel and the other holding yours, only letting go to switch gears. When Levi switched, he didn’t put his hand in yours. Rather on your thigh, gently squeezing the soft flesh. You look at him and you see he has a smirk on that handsome face of his.
You pull up to the restaurant and Levi parks the car. He exits and opens your door for you. “What a gentleman.”, you coo. “Only for you, darling. Only for you.”, he says as he locks the door and puts his hand on your waist, keeping you close.
Entering the restaurant, the interior suited this evening. Dim lights and soft jazz in the background. It was perfect and you hadn’t even began the night.
“Reservation name?”, the Maitre D asks Levi. “Ackerman.” He checks the list and smiles. “Ah. Mr and Mrs Ackerman. This way.”, he ushers you two to your table and Levi holds your seat for you and guides you in. He sits opposite you and you take a moment to look around. Levi had picked the perfect spot. The back of the restaurant next to the big window overlooking the pond.
“Do you like the place?”, Levi asks you. You turn to face and nod. “It’s perfect. How did you find it?” “A recommendation from Erwin.” Levi tells you as he looks at the menu. “How sweet.” You take a look at your menu and wow. The food sounded amazing. The waitress comes and asks if you two were ready to order. Nodding, you and Levi place your orders and Levi tells the waitress for the wine.
It was nice. Just the two of you with no worries. Working overtime was worth it if this was the reward. You and Levi chat about normal things. Like family. “Have you heard from your brother yet?”, Levi asks you as he pours your wine. “Yeah. Actually they set a date. March 6.”, you say. “That’s great. The destination is pretty great too, don’t you think? Paris.” Levi asks you. You hum and sip your wine. Levi was looking really good this evening. His buttons down exposing a bit of his chest and hair slicked back with a few strands falling. And that cologne. You could get drunk off of that smell. You wanted nothing more than to bury yourself in his neck and have your way with him. So, you being a little brat you were, remove one of your heels and move your foot up Levi’s leg slowly making your way to the center. Levi’s breath hitched when he realized what you were doing. He puts his drink down and rubs your foot. You bit your lower lip and slowly add friction. “Keep this up and there will be consequences.”, he warns you. All you do is chuckle and pull away, making Levi miss the contact. The last thing you wanted was to be denied to cum tonight when that was the thing you were looking forward to.
The waitress comes with your food and you places before the both of you. Refilling your wine, Levi and you dig in.
Chatting here and there as well as complimenting the food, you start to think of the man sitting in front of you. How you both improved since you first met. You being the shy artist and him being the bad boy of the college. You also think about your wedding and proposal which in turn made you look at your ring. Levi had given you two. The one he proposed with which he saved up to buy after working double shifts and extra overtime before he got the title of CEO and the second one for special occasions aka the one he claimed you as his on your wedding day which was the one you were using now. You smile at it which made Levi smile.
“That ring hasn’t been out in a while.”, he says as he cuts his chicken. “Glad it’s getting some air.” You giggle and look at him. “Yeah. I can’t believe it’s been two years already. How time flies.” Levi agrees with that. Time really does fly by, which made Levi wonder about starting a family with you. Not that he was in a rush but the idea of having a child that was half you and half him made his heart happy. Then the picture of you swollen with his child made him ache. How he wanted to plant a child in you. How he wanted you to experience motherhood and have a family. He wanted you to have everything.
After dinner, Levi orders desert for the both of you. The exotic desert that was shared between the both of you wasn’t the only thing that was gonna taste sweet tonight. You and Levi had exchanged hot looks to each other and good did it take everything in him to not pull you into the one of the bathrooms and fuck you senseless. But he behaved. He wanted to savor you. Claim you as his all over agin.
Leaving the restaurant, the both of you go to the car. Levi takes out his jacket and drapes it over your shoulders earning a kiss from you.
The drive home was infuriating. Well, not in a bad way. You just couldn’t keep your hands to yourself, rubbing Levi through his pants while whispering sweet nothings into his ears made him more impatient to have you. But alas, you both had made it home. Jumping out of the car, you go to the front door unlocking it. But before you could actually open the door, Levi had you trapped against it with his hands on either side of your body. He kissed the back of your neck and slowly took his jacket off of you. Your dress, being shoulder less made it easier for him to do his job. “Levi. Let’s go inside.”, you tell him through moans. “Fine.”, he says and quickly opens the door and shuts its when you both were in the house. But he trapped you on the door again, only this time facing you.
Levi kisses your soft, rosey lips and slowly moves his way down your neck. He throws his jackets somewhere and places his hands on your hips. “Mmm Levi.”, you sigh as he gets that spot on you. But Levi moves down, and looks up to you as he kneels down. You reach down and cups his face quickly kissing him. It’s a quick one since he breaks it. “Let me take care of you, baby.” He says. Levi lifts your skirt and puts his head under it. You lean back and sigh breathy moans. Levi spreads your legs a bit more before he takes a lick of you core which makes you shutter. Levi’s hands move under and take off your thong you used and slowly drags it down.
You can only imagine his face. Flushed with desire as he looks at you freshly waxed pussy. You hear him hum in approval and starts to French kiss your swollen lips.
“Shit.”, you say as you rub his head through your skirt. If there was one thing you knew, nobody could give you head better than Levi. He knew your body better than anyone.
Levi takes your right leg and throws it over his left shoulder so he could get a better angle at you. His tongue slips into your cunt and starts thrusting in and out. His buldge growing larger and harder due to the sounds of your moans.
You felt yourself coming close and Levi could tell just by the way your legs started to tremble.
“Cum for me.”, you hear him say and you do. That flash of white energy burst and you felt your orgasm take over. And to think, he did this all with his tongue.
After lapping up your release, Levi comes out from under your skirt and captures your lips again, the taste of you fresh in his mouth.
He moves hands down your back to your ass and then your thighs and lifts you in one motion. He wraps your legs around his waist, not once stopping from moving his lips with yours, and starts to walk upstairs to your shared bedroom.
Coming to the bed he gently puts you down and begins on removing your clothing. Starting with your dress, he moves his hand around your torso to your back zip and slowly moving it down. Levi also unclips your bra in the process. In one swift motion, he takes off your dress and bra just leaving you with your thigh highs.
“Fucking beautiful.”, he whispers to you and bites your neck. You gasp at the sudden action but it only heightened your arousal. After marking you, Levi wakes up and starts unbuttoning his shirt. You lift yourself up and help him.
Unbuckling his belt, he chuckles at you. He knew he had neglected you for a while now, but was determined to make it up to you.
“I’ve missed you.”, you whisper into his neck while slowly pumping his member. “I know, baby. I’ve missed you more. It kills me working overtime when I could just come back home to you.”, Levi says as he kisses your forehead.
You wake up and switch positions with him, settling yourself between his legs. “Y/n, you don’t have to.” “I want to.” You reply. Smiling, Levi let’s you do your thing. You slowly start jerking him with your hands, letting Levi sigh. God, how he missed your hands. All those late nights at the office just thinking about your pretty lips around him wasn’t compared to the real thing.
Not wasting time, you kiss his tip and start sucking his member. Levi was big, so whatever you couldn’t take you pumped with your hand. Levi moved his hands to your hair, making a ponytail so he could see your face. “Fuck. Just like that, baby. You do it *ngh* so well.”, Levi manages to get out. You hum in approval and the vibrations of your voice added to his stimulation.
He was close, you could tell. But he didn’t want to cum anywhere else but inside you. So before he could burst, he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. Releasing him with a pop and your drool and his precum all over your mouth, you swallow and wipe it away. Levi brings you up to his face and kisses you deeply while holding your waist, guiding you to sit on him.
Sitting on him and grinding a bit, Levi growls and flips the two of you over, his cock resting between both of your bodies. You move to kiss his neck and wrap your hands around his neck, scratching his undercut.
“Ready, my love?”, he asks. “God yes. Please Levi.” You plead with him. It’s been so long you felt him in you, you sure you were going to die if he didn’t fuck you.
Levi grabs his cock and aligns it with your now dripping core. Slowly easing him,’both of you grow at the sensations you’re feeling. Levi starts to thrus into you, first it was slow, long strokes but you wanted more.
“Levi. Harder. Please.” You say. Levi smirks and moves both of your legs on his shoulders and starts moving into you. The new position almost always made you squirt and he was going to make you shake tonight.
He starts to move faster and harder, hands planted on your hips. “Fuck. You’re always so tight for me. That’s my good girl.”, Levi says making you moan. His kink for dirty talking always made you clench around him, dragging him into you.
Moving down to kiss you, you body folds making him go deeper into you. “My pretty girl is so close.”, he whispers into your ear. “Tightening around my cock like that. Gonna be a good girl and cum for daddy? Mm?”, he asks. Levi thrusts were eratic now, making you squeal and moan. You’re too into it to answer but you’re drawn out when a harsh slap lands on your ass. “Answer me.” “Y-yes D-da-daddy. So cl-close. Pl-please.”, you manage to get out. “Cum for me, angel. You’re right there. Cum now.”, he says and you are pushed over the edge. Your squirt your release onto his abs and yell out his name. Just the way he likes it.
Pushing you through your orgasm, Levi chases his release. That tingle at the base of his spine was proof that he was close. “Oh fuck. I’m gonna put a baby in you, Y/n. You better take all of this cum.”, he says and overstimulates you by rubbing that swollen clit of yours.
Couple of thrusts later, Levi release hot white ropes of cum into you and not stopping until everything was in. You moan at the feeling of his cum hitting your walls. God it felt amazing.
Levi moves your legs off of his shoulders and massages your inner thighs. Catching your breath with a tired and sweaty Levi laying on you, still imbedded into you, you stroke his back.
“So..you want a baby?”, you ask him which makes you pick up his head from your chest pillows. “Uh, yeah. Sorry. I should’ve told you earlier.”, he says guiltily. “I’ve been thinking about it too.” You say. Levi smirks hearing that and pulls out from you, carefully putting the extra cum back into you.
“Well then..,” Levi says as he positions himself back into you, making you gasp.
“Round two, angel.”
“Would ya look at that? My first NSFW fic with Levi. Oh god, did I do okay? Let me know.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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gaitwae · 3 years
Mistletoe •||• Loki x Female Reader
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Tag List: @winterfrostsarmy @twhiddlestonsstuff @lucywrites02
“Y/N, babe?” you hear your boyfriend, Jerry Allen, say. He had a sort of superpower that let him go to other realities. In his original reality, he was the quickest man alive. “Could you help me put up the Christmas lights?”
You smile and nod. “Of course! Just let me finish spiking some eggnog for Thor. Uncle Tony and Aunt Pepper will be here soon . . . I can’t believe all of the Avengers are coming.”
Jerry grins. “Well, the Avengers are practically family. After Tony basically adopted you, they totally count.” He zooms through the living room, putting up the rest of the other decorations.
“Jerry, I was fifteen when I met Tony. That was ten years ago, I don’t think that counts as adoption,” you laugh softly. You helped him string up the Christmas lights, secretly hoping that your favorite uncle’s friend, Thor, would bring someone else to the party. You mean, he was practically your best friend. He had to show up and play just a few holiday pranks.
Your quickster boyfriend shrugs. “Whatever. And, uh, put up some mistletoe. That will be interesting.”
Mistletoe? Pffft, no one was going to fall for that. You sigh, putting it up, anyway. The only person you could think of who was unfortunate enough to even accidentally stand under it would be Bruce. You giggle gently. You would bail him out if that happened.
But what if he came? Oh, goodness. You didn’t think he knew about mistletoe. Would you still kiss him, despite having a boyfriend? Despite your promise never to fulfill your secret desires?
There’s a knock at the door. Jerry speeds to open it as you finish tying up the plant to the ceiling. You hear a voice at the door, and your heart flutters against your will.
“(Y/N),” they sing. You groan, but quickly smile anyway. You loved him, and that was that.
“Tony!” you laugh, running into his arms and helping him with presents. You move to hug Pepper. She hugs back. You hug Nat and Steve and Bruce, even seeing that Clint and Bucky showed up. They did with simple handshakes — they never were ones for major affection.
When you let go, huge arms pull you into a hug. How could you have missed him? You smile widely. Thor.
“Sister Y/N! Thank you for inviting us!” Thor’s voice booms. You return the embrace, though you’re finding it hard to breath. Sister? Usually he called you ‘Lady’ or just Small One. Never ‘Sister.’ What was going on?
It seemed like Tony and Steve and Pepper noticed it, too. “Why the sudden name change?”
Thor was about to say something, but quickly shook his head. “Nothing,” he says, like you all couldn’t already tell it was a lie. The four of you glare. “I’m under oath,” he tells you, walking away into the living room.
You roll your eyes. You were seriously starting to wish Loki were here. You blush as some simple fantasies flew into your head at the mere mention of the God of Lies. Such things you’d never let Jerry find out about, much less experience with him. Things that made you melt like butter on a thousand degree knife.
You sat down, a light haze making your head spin and cracking a smile on your face. Man. When you described the trickster as a god, there really wasn’t much exaggeration. His long black hair and his bright green-blue eyes made him look so regal. His smile was dazzling. You completely agreed with his sense of humor. You rested your head on your fist.
His lips looked so soft. You almost wanted to taste them. His hair was begging to be braided. And, norns forbid, those arms of his would cuddle amazingly. You were practically dying to find out. You hummed softly and let out a lovesick sigh. I wish you were coming.
“Y/N. You okay? You’re zoning out, kiddo,” Tony chuckled. Your heart skipped and sat up, heart pounding in your chest. What if Tony found out about your more-than-a-crush crush on Loki?
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine.” You cleared your throat. As smart as your “uncle” was, he would probably figure out soon. You didn’t think that would really end well. He arched an eyebrow at your statement, but didn’t press much about it. “You need something?”
“Thor spilled the beans — if you wanna hear it.” He smirks and rests his hand on his knee, getting ready to stand up. “But apparently he can’t say all of it without you.”
“He didn’t say anything. You just wanted to find out what I was thinking about. Didn’t you?” Tony looked somewhat shocked, to say the least. You give him an exasperated glare. He smiled and shrugged.
“Caught me, kiddo. Is Pete coming?” He looked around. You could tell he was worried. You pointed to the door, which burst open with a Spider-Man in a Christmas hat.
“MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND HAVE A WEBBY NEW YEAR!” He set his hands at his hips and dropped the bag of presents he had. You laugh and run to hug your younger friend.
“Peter! You made it,” you smile. He takes off the mask, grinning. His eyes sparkle with his eagerness and excitement.
“Of course, I did. Had to do some last minute shopping for Mr. Stark, but all’s good.” He chuckled and rubbed his hands together. “This Christmas is gonna be so sweet!”
You roll your eyes. “Go sit down,” you laugh. You look out the door and see snow gently falling, but no Loki. You didn’t know how much you really wished he would be here until you figured he wasn’t coming. I miss you.
You looked toward where Jerry was. Thor and Tony glared at him. Nat was giving her fake smile. Bruce was fiddling with something in his hands. You felt bad for Jerry. You knew that you were a distraction from his real love, Tulip, but she was dating one of his co-workers.
“Darling, why stay with that quickster? I know who you really want, and it isn’t him. It never was.” You knew that voice. Oh no. Within a fifty mile radius, you could hear people’s thoughts without physical contact, as long as they were directed toward you. You gulped as his thoughts and mind reading powers mixed with yours.
You weren’t invited, Loki, you think back. You could tell he was amused by that statement. He knew the truth. He was in his mind, just as you were now in his. You wanted him to come, and he knew it.
“Based off of your current train of thought, love, I would say I was. Tell me that book you wanted, again?” You light up immediately.
You can’t be serious! Really? You’re coming?
“Of course I am. Are you going to tell me the title or not?” You quickly tell him the correct name of the book, getting giddy just thinking about seeing him. Your face is hot and your hands are shaking. You can almost hear his snickering and your smile falters some. There was a knock on the window.  You look. “Oh, good. Now. Open the door?” he calls, his voice muffled by the glass.
You were sure that you died. He played you. He waved through the window, and here you were, thinking that he was just on his way. You growl at him and stomp out to the door and open it. The air is cold and crisp and bites at your ears and makes your skin erupt with goosebumps. “Loki!” You shout so loud that he winces. So much for godly ears.
He turns around and grins at you. He opens his arms out for a hug, and to also take credit for such a cruel prank. You roll your eyes, punching his stomach lightly. He makes a face, but before he can truly say anything, you hug him tightly. “You’re so mean,” you whine into his shoulder, feeling him hug you back with just as much force.
He chuckled and sighs. “Am I?” he playfully mocks back. You groan, shutting your eyes. You breathe in his sweet scent. What was it? Peppermint? Ice? You didn’t care. It was Loki. “I knew you would start wondering where I was.” You play with the soft, silly strands of his raven hair. You longed to tangle your fingers in the locks.
He pulls back some. “Shall we go in? I assume you don’t quite like the cold.”
“Of course, you big silly!” You sigh and hop away. “Let’s go!” You gently take his hand and pull him. Then you stop and think: What if I get caught?
He interlaced your fingers. “Darling, I can tell you that only two people in that house know what’s really going on, and that’s Thor and Tony Stark.” He smiled. “Please. You know me better than anyone. Everybody will just think I’m playing another prank.”
You gulp and nod. Sure. Why not? You smile and gesture for him to take the lead. He starts running, not even giving you time to find footing. Before you know it, you’re sliding through the door, laughing and trying to get your hand back. “Loki! Oh, norns! Stop!” you scream with joy.
“What’s the magic word?” he dares, now picking you up. You let out a shout. He holds you like a knight would a princess, but you hope that the cold air from outside was enough of an excuse for your blush.
“Please?” That was your guess, but knowing him, it wasn’t it. He shakes his head. He thinks a sentence to you: In the end you’ll always . . . what?  “Just let me go!” you beg, kicking your legs some. You’re holding on for dear life because oh my goodness he was tall!
“If you want me to just drop you—” he tries, loosening his grip as he says it. You yelp.
“Kneel! I’ll kneel!” you say, finally giving in. He gently sets you down. You try to punch his shoulder but he catches your fist. He smirks. You roll your eyes and get on your knees. He shakes his head and makes a dramatic sigh.
“Dearest brother, has our friend Jerry Allen been informed about, ah, the current situation?” He looks over to Thor, who’s smirking. You were so confused. You gulp.
“Shall I inform our most loveliest of hosts that she’s under mistle-tong?” You blush insanely. Loki . . . ! The dumb trickster! He takes your hands and swooshed you into his arms, moving under the mistletoe, too. He’s cupping your face and bringing you closer and closer to his. You’re resisting the urge to melt, and he hasn’t even kissed you, yet.
He looks lovingly at you. For a moment, you wonder if it’s really just a dream. “Admit that you love me,” he whispers, almost begging you to confirm this.
You pull back and rest your hands on his shoulders. His other hand is on your hip. “What am I supposed to say? I wanted everyone I love here with me tonight, if possible.”
“So you are in love with me?” He smirked widely and you leant in more than you meant to. He grins. “Finally.” You blush and try to push him away some. He looked almost overjoyed. He was right: You were in love with him. Deeply. But there were so many people you didn’t want to hurt.
“I-I don’t know what you mean!” you sputter, but your arms snake around his neck. “I love Jerry.” Dumb excuse, yes, but you were trapped. Loki had caught you, quite literally. Not to mention he was digging around in your mind.
“About as much as you love my brother. Could we stop this ridiculous cat and mouse?” Loki asked. You sigh.
“Jerry knows, right?” You bite your lip, feeling Loki hold you even closer. Your noses touched. He smirks, and you resist the urge to look behind you when you hear Jerry’s soft laugh.
“Well, if he didn’t, he does now. And he seems fine with it.” You sigh. You look up at Loki, cupping his face toward yours.
“Good. Now kiss me, before I go nuts.” He happily pressed his lips to yours, holding you close. You kissed back with relief and excitement and as much love as you knew how to.
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fioreinverso · 4 years
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instagram George Floyd series, by Alessandra Carrano The breaking of a man
1.  George Perry Floyd Jr. was born on October 14, 1973. He grew up in Houston, Texas. He was a hip hop artist and a mentor in his religious community. George was called "Big Floyd", being over six foot tall in middle school. Friends and family called him Perry and characterized him as a "gentle giant". He loved football and baskeball and saw sports as a way to improve his life when in high school. After being convicted for robbery, he moved to the Minneapolis area and worked two jobs as a truck driver and a security guard. A customer says he had a gentle spirit. He loved his customers and would be mad if you didn't stop to greet him. He lost his security job due to the covid-19 pandemic. George Foyd was father to a six-year-old girl, named Gianna. Her mother says he was a good father. In a recent video on social media he spoke out against gun violence.
2.  George Floyd died on May 25, 2020 in Minneapolis. On the evening of May 25, Floyd purchased cigarettes at Cup Foods, a grocery store where he used to go regularly. Mike Abumayyaleh, the store owner, said George was a pleasant customer who never caused any trouble. When George got back in his car, two Cup Foods employees followed him. They believed he had paid with a counterfeit $20 bill and wanted the cigarettes back. An employee said that George appeared "drunk" and refused to give them back, so he called 911. 911 decided to sent police to the scene. At 8:08 pm two police officers arrived, Thomas K. Lane e J. Alexander Kueng. They approached George Floyd's car, where two other people were sitting. Lane drew his gun and asked George to come out the vehicle. Following a brief struggle, Lane pulled Floyd from the car and handcuffed him. George attempted to resist arrest and kneeled over several times. According to prosecutors, Floyd told the officers that he was claustrophobic and that he was struggling to breathe. Then two more officers arrived, Derek Michael Chauvin and Tou Thao. The report says Chauvin and other officers were involved in an attempt to put Floyd in the police car. After that, Chauvin pulled him away from the passenger side, causing him to fall to the ground. That's when multiple witnesses started to film: Chauvin placed his left knee on George Floyd's neck to stop him to the ground. George screamed "I can't breathe" repeatedly, while an emotionless Derek Michael Chauvin kept his knee on George Perry Floyd's neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. A terrified George Floyd started pleading for his mother. He lost consciousness about 6 minutes into that period and this was when people around the scene urged the police to stop and check his pulse. Officer Kueng did just that, checking Mr Floyd's wrist, and said he couldn't find one. Yet Derek Michael Chauvin did not move his knee. At 20:27, Mr Chauvin got up and George Floyd was taken, motionless, to the Hennepin County Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead. Everything was filmed by local security cameras and several eye-witnesses' mobile phones.
3.  The death of George Floyd triggered the eruption of many mass protests across the US and the world. These demonstrations played an important role in prompting actual change and proposals for both near and long-term future. People united against violence helped promoting ideas like the dismantlement of police forces, the shift of fundings from police departments to social services, minority communities, and education, the approval of bills to restrict the use of chokeholds, neck restraints and ban "warrior"-style officer trainings, the elimination of unannounced police raids and the easing of prosecuting police members for misconduct. Also the protests have sparked wide-ranging conversations about the responsibility industries and organizations — including the media — have to address institutional racism. What the world is experiencing is that protesting works, it brings actual change and people shouldn't let it die. Thanks to the BLM action, the charge against Derek Michael Chauvin was upgraded to second-degree murder. To Thao, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng, also involved, were charged with aiding and abetting second-degree murder. However, Breonna Taylor’s family is still seeking the arrest of the three police officers who killed her, like many other people victim of police brutality.
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makbarnes · 3 years
Chapter 6
Taking Bucky’s hand he walked down the street with you while holding Tatum on his hip. You two had decided this morning to take her to the park and help her get some more friends her age. Feeling the sun on your skin you breathed in deep and smiled, Bucky squeezed your hand and you all headed into the grass. Bucky sat Tatum down and she went off to the dome climber where other children were and you worried. The other kids looked to be around seven and ten and Tatum was only four.
“Wait for Mommy, sweetie.” You let go of Bucky’s hand and caught up to Tatum. Bucky sat down on a nearby bench and watched the surroundings. Tatum smiled as you picked her up and she grabbed onto a yellow bar. Setting her feet on the blue one below it, you supported her while she moved. Tatum climbed away from your reach and you were alert to catch her at any moment. While you were helping Tatum climb, Bucky had gotten a phone call.
“Buck, We need you at the tower now. Things have changed.” Steve was on the other line and he sounded worried.
“Steve, I’m with {Y/N} right now and after the Loki thing I don’t feel right leaving her alone.”
“We know Bucky. Remember.” Bucky sighed and pushed back his hair while switching the phone into his other hand.
“Well Maybe it’s time to tell her.”
“You know we can’t do that. Just get here as quickly as possible.” Steve clicked off the line and Bucky tucked his phone back into his pocket. Bucky walked over to you, taking your hand.
“I want you to meet some friends of mine.”
“What? When?”
“Um, if we leave now in about ten minutes.” You grabbed Tatum from the climber and sat her down on the mulch covered ground.
“Bucky, I don’t know.”
“Oh it’ll be fun. They will love you.” Bucky kissed the side of your forehead and you felt your nerves growing. Tatum gripped your hand and you led her away following Bucky.
“But I want to play!”
“We will come back I promise.” Bucky stopped and picked up Tatum, placing her on his hip again.
“Now would you rather play with these boring kids or go meet my friends. The Avengers.”
Now at Avengers tower you looked up at the bright building and swallowed hard. Gripping Bucky’s hand tighter he kissed you before heading up in the elevator with you. Feeling your leg start to shake you saw Tatum start to reach for you and took her out of Bucky’s arms. Putting her on your hip and wrapping your arms around her. You heard the elevator ding and the gold doors opened to a room full of people.
“Mr. Barnes and {Y/L/N} have arrived, Sir.”
“Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y” You looked up at the man you had thanked the voice.
“{Y/N}, meet the Avengers. Tony, Steve, Natasha, Pietro, Sam, Wanda, and Thor.” Bucky pointed to everyone as he spoke their names. Tatum waved and their faces all smiled at her. Moving into the room, you sat down with Tatum on an empty white couch.
“Who is this little bundle?” Natasha asked leaning closer to Tatum.
“I’m Tatum. I’m four.” Getting off of the couch Tatum walked over to Natasha, taking her hand she shook it lightly.
“I like your hair.” Natasha’s hand touched one of her red streaks and she smiled.
“Thank you.” Tatum looked around at everyone and gripped her hands together at Thor.
“Bucky can we talk to you over here.” Steve, Tony, and Sam walked away with Bucky, while you stayed there with the others. Thor had picked Tatum up into his lap and he studied her a little before turning to you.
“That face...I’d know that face anywhere...maiden...your young one, she is not of Barnes' descent is she?”
“No, Tatum is only four and Bucky and I have only been dating for two months. I was in a previous relationship with Loki. He left us however.” Thor's face went into a sympathetic mood and he brushed her hair.
“I knew it. You've lain with my brother and no one thought to tell me?! This babe is my niece, am I not to watch her grow? Do I not get that right?” You wiped away some of your hair and chewed you nail a bit.
“Wait. You’re the arrogant fool of a brother he talked about? I don’t mean to be rude but that’s all he called you when we were together.” Thor snorted a little and let Tatum play with his hands.
“I bet he did. Loki's coldness towards me knows no bounds. But I suppose I deserve it at the end of the day. I should have known about the small one...I would have come running. That I promise you.” You nodded your head and smiled lovingly at how Tatum was acting with Thor. At least she would have one family member around. Meanwhile Steve, Tony and Sam had taken Bucky off to a separate room.
“What is she doing here?” Steve shut the door behind them all.
“Steve I’m not going to leave her alone after what just happened with Loki.”
“Sorry but maybe if you weren't busy snacking on reindeer games left overs this wouldn't be an issue.” Bucky tightened his hinds and gritted his teeth trying not to follow what his mind was pushing him to do.
“Hey, I wouldn’t talk if I were you Tony. Going with Steve after Sam and him didn’t work.” Sam smirked over at Steve, before pulling off his jacket.
“What about Sam?”
“All this started after me and Felicity got married.”
“And Felicity’s baby? Is it really Loki’s?”
“No, it’s mine, they use protection.”
“This job was about protection and surveillance on her, Tatum and Loki. You got to close Buck.” Steve sat down in a chair next to Tony differing the baby subject and Tony instinctively gripped Steve’s inner thigh.
“She hasn’t done anything wrong, plus you all are my friends, I want her to meet everyone. She needs to be part of my life.”
“Sure thing Metallica, only one little problem. You were supposed to keep her safe Barnes, not invite her into our own personal hell. Seems to me if you loved her you'd keep your dick in your pants and your head out of your ass.” Bucky slammed his hands on the table, seeing the table crack under his metal hand he paced.
“Tony, I am fine. Sure I have bad days, we all do. But how is it that you all get to be happy and I don’t? I love her and I am keeping this relationship with her. I can and will protect her, along with Tatum. Keep me on this project or don’t I don’t care.” Bucky stormed out of the room and Steve chased after him.
“Buck, You know you can’t do that. You know to much.”
“Then let’s tell her we are watching her every move. Tell her that her best friend is just pretend dating Loki.”
“You know we can’t.”
“Why not Steve? I can’t stand lying to her much longer.” Bucky looked around the corner and saw your smiling face. Happy. Tony came walking around the corner, taking Steve’s hand.
“We are leaving now.”
"I'll see you later, Buck....if you don't get us all turned into Asgardian meal tickets First.”
“You'd think you'd have had enough experience being meat on ice."
“You won’t have to worry, taste too much like whiskey for Loki’s tastes.” Bucky turned away and smiled at you brightly,
“Ready to go?” Standing up you took Bucky's hand and Tatum hugged Thor’s neck before hopping off of his lap and taking Bucky’s outstretched hand.
“It was nice meeting you all.” Waving your hand at them all before the elevator doors close. Letting out a deep sigh you wipe your lips. Looking up at Bucky he pressed his hand to your lower back and kissed you hard.
“I want a kiss too!” Bucky smiled within the kiss he was holding with you, and pulled away. Bucky kneeled down to Tatum and kissed her cheek. Tatum giggled and hugged Bucky’s leg.
“She adores you.” You muttered out under your breath and walked towards the elevator doors that opened. Walking back home with Bucky you kept laughing and giggling at all of his jokes and comments. Going up to the apartment, You opened your door and Tatum ran inside, grabbing up her bear and running off to her room.
“Where are you going?”
“Room.” You rolled your eyes and let Bucky come into the room behind you, shutting the door. Bucky grabbed your hips and moved you up against the door.
“Bucky.” Bucky moved some hair out of your face and just looked at you.
“What are you doing?” Bucky kissed you softly as you moved up against him.
“I love you,I love you, I love you.” Bucky whispered into your ear, you tugged at his hair a little.
“I love you too.”
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j-elaine-hyde · 3 years
The Bean Chronicles: Part 18
Henry Cavill / Reader
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It was finally Christmas Eve. You and Henry had decided to forgo the parties and stay at home together. Tomorrow morning you’d be meeting his family bright and early for Christmas. Despite becoming close with his mother you were still nervous about meeting the entire clan.
“Dinner smells amazing, my love.” Henry wrapped his arms around you, and nuzzled your neck.
You laughed and pressed against him, “I hope it tastes as good as it smells!”
He patted your butt before scooping up a finger full of mashed potatoes.
“Stay out of that mister, it’s almost done.” You shook your head at him with a smile.
“I’ll get the wine. Red?” He was scanning the wine rack as you watched him. You would never tire of looking at this gorgeous man.
He popped open a bottle as you pulled the roasted vegetables out of the oven. “Time to eat!”
You were curled up on the sofa watching “A Christmas Story” when Henry shifted out from underneath you and walked to the tree. He produced a small gift and handed it to you.
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“Merry Christmas my love....” he smiled as he sat down facing you. “I can’t wait any longer. I want you to open this one now.”
Your throat felt tight looking at the small square box in your hands.
“Well then you have to open one of yours too.” You placed the box on the table and hopped up. Knowing exactly which one to pick, you pulled the long rectangular box from the stack and sat down.
“You have to go first. Merry Christmas Hen.” You handed him the small box and watched him rip open the paper. As soon as he saw the unwrapped box he looked up and smiled.
“Darling.... I already know I love it.” He smiled as he opened the box.
Inside was a vintage Rolex, the same worn by James Bond.
“Oh my god... baby.... are you serious?!”
“Look at the back...”
He turned the watch to better see the inscription. “Always yours, XO Y/n” he read it aloud. “This is incredible.... how did you find this?!”
“I might have had some help. But I thought since you had the car, you might as well have the watch too.”
He carefully set the watch on the table before lunging forward at you, wrapping you in his arms. “I’m blown away baby.... I can’t believe you found this. I love you so much. You’re amazing. Thank you my love!” He continued kissing you all over as you laughed.
With one long, deep kiss he sat you back up. “Ok now mine. Which I thought was going to wow... but I can’t top your gift....”
You picked up the small square box. “Oh Hen...I’m sure I’ll love it darling....”
You unwrapped the paper, your breath hitching in your throat as you saw the red of the Cartier box. You opened it to see two “love” rings inside.
“One is for now, for your right hand. The other is for later, for you left.”
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You looked at him with a stunned surprised look before quickly smiling and holding out your right hand. He picked up the rose gold band and slid it onto your right ring finger.
“I love it Hen... thank you...” you stared at the ring on your finger, “it’s beautiful.”
You continued looking at the ring as you climbed into his lap. You clutched his face and gently kissed him, smiled and said, “I love you. Thank you, I love it.... I’m never taking it off.”
“I do have another gift for you... I have to go get it out of the bedroom.”
“The bedroom huh....” you laughed.
He patted your butt, “Hop up darling and I’ll go get it.” You smiled and give him another kiss before sliding back onto the sofa.
You watched as he got up and walked down the hall. You quickly grabbed the Cartier box, opening it to look at the ‘ring for later’ you were giddy that he had already bought a wedding band, curious if he had already purchased an engagement ring as well.
You heard Henry coming down the hall and closed the box, placing it back on the coffee table.
In walked Henry in a sexy Santa outfit. Your eyes lit up and your mouth dropped open in a surprised smile.
“Santa heard you were on the naughty list young lady...” he raised and wiggled his eyebrows at you before walking over and scooping you up off the sofa.
“I’ve been a very naughty girl...” you said in your sexiest voice.
“Well Santa is going to take you to his workshop so we can work on you being naughty some more....” he shifted you, pushing you over his shoulder as he opened the bedroom door.
He tossed you onto the bed, standing at the foot of it and slid off his suspenders.
“Santa baby....” you mewed as you beckoned him to come with your finger.
Kneeling onto the bed he began peeling off your leggings.
Once you were both naked he hovered over you, “Thank you baby... that James Bond Rolex is incredible.”
“You’re welcome honey.... I’m glad you love it.”
“I really do. I hope you like yours... I realize it’s not exactly what you probably thought it was going to be... but...”
You frowned and interrupted him, “Honey... Henry... I love it. This one is gorgeous and I’ll never take it off, and I’ll always think of you when I look at it. It’s a fun way to say ‘you liked it and put a ring on it’ without setting the whole tabloid world on fire.”
“Baby... I don’t want you to think that I don’t want to marry you... after all I did kind of give you your wedding band tonight... I just didn’t want to be THAT guy that proposed on Christmas. I want that to be it’s own holiday. And I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about getting engaged.... so this was a sort of test. I guess.”
“Hen... of course I want to marry you. But I am glad you didn’t propose on Christmas... I agree with you. That needs to be its own special thing. I’m not going anywhere... there’s no pressure. I love you. And I love my ring.”
“I’m calling it a promise ring. I promise to always love you.” He sweetly kissed you on the lips before flipping over, pulling you on top of him.
You sat up, perched on top of him, looking down at his gorgeous face. “So what happens when Santa is naughty?” You grinned and laughed as he bucked his hips, bouncing you.
“Ohhhh babygirl.... allow me to show you....” he raised a single eyebrow as a devilish smirk crossed his face.
You had decided to start Christmas morning off by waking up Henry with a gift... you slid under the covers, taking him into your mouth. You gently tugged with your hand as his member sprang to life. You were really getting into it when you heard Henry moan.
“Mmmmm good morning baby.... fuck I love you.... don’t stop....”
You continued but only for a few more seconds before Henry sat up and pulled you out of the covers, and onto the bed. He made a beeline for your neck and began kissing before he thrust into you.
You stood in the kitchen wearing one of Henry’s tee shirts as you sipped your coffee. Henry walked in fresh out of the shower in only boxers.
“Good morning my love.... Merry Christnas.” He kissed you on the forehead as he made a cup of coffee.
“Merry Christmas. I’m going to go take a shower and get ready.”
“Why didn’t you shower with me? Hmmm?” He asked as he slid his hand around to your ass giving it a quick pat.
“Because we don’t have that much time Hen... we wouldn’t have showered and we’d be late to your parents.” You laughed as you gave him a kiss on your way out of the kitchen.
“You know I’m right!” You hollered as you continued down the hall.
You were finishing your makeup as Henry walked out of the closet in jeans and a sweater: how was it possible that he looked incredible in literally anything?
“Hen... honey... I picked out a few outfits, they’re on the bed.... would you pick one?”
“Let’s see...” he began as he rubbed his hands together surveying the clothes you had laid out. “I’m voting for the dress, bc then I can feel you up and tease you and have easy access.”
“HEN!! Honey.... I’m serious.” You have an exasperated laugh.
“I am too!”
“Babe.... please.” You whined.
“I’m serious. I want easy access.” He finally sighed and gave in. “Jeans, blouse, blazer, boots outfit.”
“Thank you. That’s what I was thinking given your outfit.”
“We could always match.... I love the pictures of us when we match. Is that corny? I don’t care. I like it.”
Henry went back into the closet.
“Babe... what are you doing?” You asked as you stood up and started getting dressed.
“Ahha! Here it is!” He came out of the closet holding a sweater of yours that was just similar enough to his that it looked like you went together, but weren’t twins.
You had just pulled on your jeans when you looked up at him. You almost blurt out ‘are you serious?!’ But you legitimately knew he wanted you to wear it. So you did.
Henry walked around the car to open your door. You swallowed hard as your peered out the window at the large house. Your palms felt a little sweaty as Henry offered his hand, helping you out of the car.
“They’re all going to love you, my dear.” He smiled that megawatt melt you from the inside out smile that made your knees weak. He tightly held you hand as you walked to the front door. The curtains shifting quickly letting you know prying eyes had been watching.
His parents opened the door as Henry reached out for the knob.
“Merry Christmas!” They sang in unison as they welcomed the two of you inside.
Henry’s mom rushed you with a hug and a whisper, “they’re already impressed my dear. Just have fun.”
She smiled at you and tapped the side of her nose knowingly as Henry’s father took a step towards you. “Welcome home! You’re family now! It’s so nice to finally meet you. The Mrs. hasn’t stopped gushing about you. I feel as if I already know you.” He grabbed you in a tight hug before offering to take your coat.
Henry’s nephews and niece ascended next as they tackled his legs and jumped in front of him, all screaming and shouting with excitement.
“Let them get in the door at least!” You heard a man’s voice bellow from the living room.
Henry spun and smiled at you, wrapping his free hand around your waist, pulling you close as he tried to walk with his new passengers.
You arrived home utterly exhausted, slightly drunk, and extremely happy. Henry’s family had been absolutely wonderful. You adored each and every one of them. They had welcomed you into their family, even before opening your lavish gifts.
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mikkomacko · 4 years
Christmas Magic 1
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It was still crisp and bright outside the day the form came home. The balcony outside their apartment was littered with crunchy leaves of browns and yellows and reds, all different shades even if they all fell from the same cottonwood tree growing right outside. The one Kevin The Tenant swears needs to be cut down before it falls on the complex or its strong roots ruin the foundations. Every spring he swears it's coming down, and every spring Ophelia's pretty green eyes well with tears at the thought of her tree coming down, and yet every spring it's still there, the thick branches and leaves casting shadows on the tiny hall of their home.
They sat in the window ledge by the balcony where the tree had shaken leaves off, Harry humming quietly as he unlaced Ophelia's little brown boots, tossing them into the doorway of her room to trip over later.
"It's a carnival daddy," Ophelia spoke, voice always so soft and feathery, even when she was so unbearably excited about this carnival that her toes wiggled in her socks. "a Christmas one. Mrs. Frank said Mr. Clause might be there!"
"Mr. Clause, huh?" Harry hummed, pretending to be very thoughtful over this class trip. It really wasn't much of a big deal. The carnival was in the city, set up in the park with ice skating and music and games and lights and a Christmas parade. Mrs. Frank picked a weekday to attend so the crowd wouldn't be too rowdy for a group of four and five year olds. Harry himself was even invited to attend, like all the other class trips, because Ophelia is quite awful at going anywhere without her dad.
Ophelia nodded, her brown curls bouncing and a begging smile splitting her face. Harry smiled too, falling onto his butt on the wood floor, and admiring the beautiful girl sitting before him. He had no reason to say no and even if he did, how could he? He'd bestowed an unfathomably huge love for Christmas time in his daughter as well as a good heart and kind soul. There was nothing Ophelia could've possibly done in her whole life that would constitute a no from Harry.
"Tell you what," He climbed up from the floor, helping her down from the windowsill and leading her to the little dining table that's sat in the corner of the kitchen, right next to the bulletin that's always overflowing with pictures and doodles of their family. "I'll sign this for ya but you gotta promise me you won't have a cry if I can't go with ya, ok?"
Harry's sure he'll be able to go but he'd hate for his girl to get her hopes up and then have them cut down.
Ophelia eyed the form apprehensively, pink lips pursed to the right as she mulled over the idea of Harry not going to the carnival with her. He sighed softly and lifted Ophelia up onto the table top, hands cupping her little face.
"Ya know that whether I'm there or not you'll be perfectly safe." He whispered as if sharing the most illuminating secret ever spoken. "I'd never send ya anywhere that I wouldn't go myself and I'd never expose ya to people that would purposely hurt ya, ok?"
Ophelia blinked at him nervously, fiddling the little fingers that barely fit around Harry's thumb. "What if they accidentally hurt me?"
"Accidents happen, but I promise I'll send your card with ya and I'll always go save ya."
Her fingers stilled, one hand reaching out to fist the edge of his shirt. "Really promise?"
"Really promise."
"Okay daddy."
"Ya still wanna go?"
"Yes please."
He grinned. "Then you got it baby. I'll sign it and send it with ya Monday."
Ophelia beamed and Harry removed his hands so he could see the dimples sinking into her soft cheeks. Her hand tugged on his shirt, and her head tilted up, long eyelashes kissing her cheeks and Harry knew what was she requesting. He always knows.
"Love ya nipper." He murmured, hunching over to kiss her forehead even though it makes his back ache.
"Love ya daddy."
The leaves blew away days ago, the balcony outside their little home now weighed down with piles of snow that have Ophelia giddily smiling every time Harry carries her past the window. The hand turkeys on the fridge, one the size of Harry's palm and one the size of Ophelia's have been replaced by drawings of reindeers and Santa Claus, and Ophelia's ever growing Christmas list that will be mailed to the North Pole by the end of the week. Multicolored lights wrapped around false green garland have been tacked around all the windows of the apartment with a matching set on the mantel above the electric fireplace. A little pink stocking with her name stitched in cursive letters hangs next to the bigger blue one that's labeled with Harry's name, both of them swaying as the vent above releases warm air. The holiday advent calendar on the coffee table has six of its doors open, each one containing a different piece of SpongeBob themed candy. Yesterday Harry had gotten one of those gummy patties that only tastes good if you eat it one layer at a time. The toy nativity set that usually goes on the coffee table is missing the donkey but Harry doesn't have much time to worry about it before he's stepping on it, the donkeys pointy ears prickling the bottom of his foot.
"Bloody f-"
"Daddy!" Ophelia squeaks, eyes wide as Harry hops on one foot and rubs the bottom of the other, glaring down at the offender. He can't blame the donkey too much, after all Ophelia is the one that left him on the floor.
He huffs, returning to two feet and bending over to pick up the little barn animal. He holds it out to Ophelia, eyebrows raised expectantly and her little eyes widen, chin tucking down to hide behind the scarf around her neck. "Sorry daddy," she says shamefully, twisting her sock clad toes into the wooden floor.
Harry nods, shoulders sagging as he places the donkey among the other toy creatures. "S'ok pet just try to remember next time. Don't need ya killing daddy, huh?"
She grins, relieved that Harry's not upset with her, and skips to him, leaping up with just enough time for Harry to hook his arms around her before she goes crashing at his feet. "Don't want that 'cause then I'd have no daddy to make dinner or go on class trips with."
He chuckles, setting her on his hip and adjusting her scarf. "Speaking of class trip, let's get going. Don't want to be late." Ophelia nods eagerly, wiggling to be set down. Harry tugs his waterproof boots on, helping Ophelia tie hers because she still struggles with it no matter how many times she practices bunny ears.
Harry got Ophelia tucked into her wool coat, zipping it up to her neck and pulling her scarf out so she's not suffocating. She requests her earmuffs, watching him with stars in her eyes as he kneels down to adjust them on her head, the pink fabric getting lost in her wild mane of curls.
"Gloves daddy?"
Harry grins, nodding proudly. They've had this routine for years but it's still nice being reminded that she pays attention to him. He pulls yellow mittens over her little hands, kissing both of her fabric covered palms when he's finished. Ophelia tugs her backpack over her shoulders while Harry pulls on his own coat, buttoning it up to his chin since he hasn't got a scarf. He puts on a beanie of the same shade of pink as Ophelia’s earmuffs and some black gloves.
He unlocks the front door, peering down at Ophelia and asking, "Ready to go bubba?" She nods eagerly, latching get fingers around his gloved thumb. Harry grabs his keys off the hook, double checking that the fireplace hadn't been left on or the fridge open. When he's sure everything is settled, he pulls open the door, allowing Ophelia to hop over the edging of the door, a habit she's had ever since she started walking. He shuts and locks the door behind them, dropping his keys to his pocket.
"Right then," Ophelia bounces on her toes. "let's go have us some fun."
The entire park, covered in snow from the storm last week, has been turned into a winter wonderland. Paths lined by candy cane lights lead to all the different areas: Santa's Shopping Center lined with Christmas stores, Character Circle where you can meet Santa and other winter holiday icons, the ice skating rink, the North Pole, and Wonder Park which is basically a little pavilion that always has live music surrounded by a frosty wishing moat.
The rest of Ophelia's class really enjoys Character Circle, all of them happily sitting with Santa for photos or building a toy with the elves. Ophelia, however, was insistent on staying in Wonder Park, forcing Harry to sign her out early so she doesn't have to go to the other areas with her class. She managed to pull Harry to the front of the crowd, right next to the wishing moat and within ten feet of the band currently playing.
Harry sits her on his hip, swaying them back and forth as a girl dressed as Mrs. Clause sings a bouncy version of Jingle Bells. She follows a simple dance routine with backup dancers dressed as candy canes and Ophelia is looking at her with such fond eyes Harry wonders what she sees in the girl.
Yeah, she's got a lovely voice, soft and smooth with just a bit of rasp on drawn out notes. And she's quite a cute dancer, tripping over her black heels a couple of times, never actually falling but flushing pink with embarrassment. Also, well, she's cute. She's really cute. The kind of girl that draws more attention with her personality rather than her looks but, is still breath-taking due to the aura around her.
Harry may or may not have the same loving look in his eyes as Ophelia, only looking away to give his girl a quarter for a wish. When her set ends, Harry and Ophelia holler as if she were a Grammy winner, both of them deflating when she leaves the stage.
"Alright nipper," he puffs, bouncing Ophelia to his front so he can look at her. "what do ya say to a photo with Santa? Need to send one to Nana for her fridge."
Ophelia shrugs but the droop of her smile and shoulders tells Harry all he needs to know. He wipes under her red nose with his sleeve. "If ya take a photo we'll come back to hear more music?"
"I only want to come back if she's singing daddy."
"The girl that just sang?"
Ophelia nods, wrapping a lock of his hair around her finger. "I want to see her again. She feels magic."
"Magic?" Harry murmurs, confused as to what Ophelia means by that.
She just nods, laying her head on Harry's shoulder. He decides to just let it be, pushing his way through the crowd and towards Character Circle. His head feels a bit swirly as he walks and his stomach so full it almost hurts, and Harry wonders if that girl really was magic.
Running the pads of her pointer fingers under her eyes, y/n shakes her head in disappoinment. Every year the radio station puts on this carnival and every year she swears she'll buy waterproof mascara to keep her makeup from running down her cheeks after the snows got caught in her eyelashes. Yet every year she ends up in the restroom after every little performance, wiping mascara clumps off her frost bitten cheeks.
Y/n throws her bag over her shoulder, the bells attached to her Mrs. Clause outfit jingling. No matter how many different ways she tries to fold that darn costume, the bells always break free. Jingling with each step, she exits the restroom, ready to find her car and get home. Not that she doesn't love Christmas, it's her favorite time of year, and working the carnival was one of the best things about her job, but after hours of standing on a stage in a dress and tights (that don't do much to keep out the cold) and singing Christmas carols, she's ready to get home.
"'Scuse me?"
Y/n jumps when something taps on her arm, the scared voice immediately rising panic in her chest. And standing by her leg, shivering in the cold with tear tracks on her red cheeks stands a little girl. Y/n notices her big green eyes full of unshed tears and the way her bottom lip trembles and she realizes that something is wrong and the girl is absolutely terrified. Something hot, like a fire in her belly, stirs up and y/n ushers the girl to the side of the snow covered path, standing between her and the crowd of people.
She crouches down, not caring that the knees of her jeans are getting wet. "What's the matter sweets?"
The girls little lip trembles even more, a few tears trickling down her cheeks. Without thinking y/n reaches out to wipe her face, soaking up the tears in her gloves. "I lost my d-daddy."
Y/n coos, pushing the messy baby hairs off her face and smiling encouragingly. "Don't worry sweets, we'll find your daddy. Can you tell me the last place you saw him so we can go look for him?"
The girl blinks her doe eyes, a tear running down her cheek. She sniffles, lifting her hands up to hand y/n something. Y/n takes it from her, realizing it's a homemade identification card. She reads it over, smiling at all the little hearts on the card obviously drawn on by whoever made the card for her.
Hello! My name is Ophelia Styles and if you have this card it's because I misplaced my daddy (or he misplaced me). I tend to be very scared without my daddy because I love him so much and I know he'll be scared without me too. Please call the number below and tell my daddy that I'm found and safe and not crying too much (even if I am) so that he doesn't worry. Thanks for your help!
Listed below is a phone number, one that y/n punches into her phone as fast as she can with her cold fingers. She hits call, holding the phone up to her ear as it rings. Not even two rings later does a man answer, a rushed "'ello!" coming through the speaker.
"Hi, is this Ophelia's father?"
Something like a gasp and sob leave the man's mouth, and y/n notices Ophelia inching closer to her. Her Bambi eyes are searching y/n's face for any sign of comfort so she smiles.
"You've got her? Is she ok? She hurt?" The man asks hurriedly, obviously still panicking from the disappearance of his daughter.
"She's just fine," y/n soothes. "She's found, safe, and not crying too much."
A relieved sigh comes from the other side and y/n takes that as her chance to let him know where they are. "We're over by the shops and cafe's, right next to the restrooms and concert pavilion."
"That's on the other bloody side of the park!" He squawks. "Lost her over by the Christmas characters!"
Y/n gawks, looking at Ophelia curiously. Somehow she managed to cross the whole park without getting hurt, finding solace in what's probably the busiest area of the carnival. "Oh, would you like me to take her over there or wait here?"
It's a silly question to ask because she can already hear him pushing through the crowd, definitely trying to get to Ophelia as quickly as possible.
"Could you just stay there for me? M'already on my way."
Y/n nods, forgetting that he can't see her. "Absolutely," she agrees, looking over Ophelia as she trembles and tucks her red nose into her scarf. The poor thing is freezing. "Actually would it be okay if I took her into the Cocoa Cafe? She just looks like she's freezing and it might take you a bit to get over here."
He hums, seeming to contemplate the idea. Y/n hopes he agrees because Ophelia really looks like she could use a warm drink. "May I speak with her real quick?"
Y/n hands the phone over to Ophelia, finding it funny that he even asked. Of course he can speak to his daughter, she's his baby after all. Ophelia clutches the phone in her mitten covered hand, bringing it up to her ear and murmuring a little "hi Daddy."
Y/n waits patiently for a few minutes, trying not to look like she's prying as Ophelia seems to be answering random questions about food. It's not until her green eyes meet y/n's and she says firmly, "I really like carrots daddy," that she realizes her father must have set up a series of coded questions that'll let him know if she's ok and comfortable. Y/n wonders if he's lost her a few too many times or if he's just a protective dad.
"Ok. Bye daddy."
The phone gets handed back to y/n. "We okay, sir?"
"The Cocoa Cafe you say?"
Y/n hums an affirmation.
"That sounds good. Thank you for all your help."
Warmth swirls in her gut, a lot more peaceful and welcome then the burning heat from before, and she can't help but grin at how genuinely grateful the man sounds.
They exchange good byes, y/n promising to call him if Ophelia needs anything before hanging up. She tucks her phone in her bag, looking up to be met with a warm gaze and a dimpled smile that makes her heart ache. "What do ya say we go warm up while we wait for your daddy, huh?"
Ophelia nods, reaching for y/n's hand when she climbs to her feet. She doesn't hesitate to hold her little hand in hers, swearing to keep her next to her and safe until her father gets here.
Y/n can't help but fawn over Ophelia. The girl is just so cute, especially when y/n asks if she wants extra whipped cream on her cocoa and she just looks up through her eyelashes, nodding gently with her little dimples sinking into her cheeks.
They receive their mugs of cocoa, y/n having ordered one for Ophelia's dad that has extra marshmallows because "daddy loves marshies," and she finds a booth that's fairly close to the entrance, offering to let Ophelia sit facing the door so she'll be able to see when her dad gets here. She nods at that, tip toeing in her boots to place her mug on the table next to the other two.
"Can you help me with my coat please?" She asks, holding her arms out wide to expose the zip of her jacket.
"Sure thing sweets." Y/n unzips her coat, hanging it by the hood on the edge of the booth so it can dry and won't be wrinkled. Ophelia tugs off her earmuffs, shaking out her frizzy head of curls like a lion waking up from a nap. She hands them to y/n without a word, only giving her enough time to place them on the table before she's asking for help pulling off her mittens.
The fabric is soggy and cold, making her wince as she peels them off to reveal Ophelia's angry red fingers. Y/n lies them on the table to dry, taking both of Ophelia's hands in hers and gently rubbing them back and forth. She even goes as far as blowing hot air on her little digits, smiling when she notices the smiley faces drawn on her yellow polished nails.
"My daddy does that before bed," Ophelia says, removing her hands to do the same to y/n's. "He warms my hands because they're always cold and then he presses kisses," she pecks her chapped lips against the back of y/n's hand. "like that."
Y/n, glowing from how endearing she finds Ophelia, squeezes her little hand just once and nods towards the booth. "Why don't we drink our cocoa and you can tell me more about your daddy, if you'd like?"
Ophelia nods excitedly, clambering into the booth across from y/n. She sips her hot cocoa, whipped cream sticking to her upper lip. Before y/n can suggest she wipe it off, Ophelia's launching into a story of her father stepping on a donkey every morning and that he almost uses a no-no word but she manages to stop him. And for some reason unknown to y/n, he always has Ophelia apologize for the donkey leading her to believe this is some kind of toy.
In the blink of an eye Ophelia is standing on the booth seat, beaming the happiest smile y/n's ever seen in her life and waving towards a man that's rushing (and stumbling) to their booth.
"Daddy!" Ophelia squeals, launching herself into the air. The man leaps forward, yelping as he manages to catch her against his chest. Y/n, feeling like she's intruding on a personal moment, turns her attention to her hot chocolate, stirring the cinnamon stick around until it's blending brown into the whipped cream. She tries not to listen to the two talk, but it's hard when she can hear how utterly relieved they are to be reunited and it warms her chest more than the drink ever could. Especially when her father's voice, deep and raspy croaks out, "missed ya so much. Ya scared the life out of me Babycakes," and she can hear him sniffle when Ophelia whimpers a quiet little, "missed you daddy. Sorry for scaring you."
The people in the cafe are watching the scene with an air of confusion, one lady seeming to pick up on the fact that the man had lost his child because she's shaking her head at them. Y/n catches her eye, glaring at her until she returns to her drink.
"We got you cocoa daddy," Ophelia squirms in his arms until he sets her on the booth. "with extra marshies!"
He chuckles, a nice raspy laugh that makes y/n's stomach stir. It flips upside down when he finally looks at her, bright green eyes and dimples that he clearly passed onto his daughter. And if y/n thought the features were cute on Ophelia, she can't even describe how good they look on him (even if his eyes are a little red and puffy as if he'd been crying).
"You must be our hero!" He greets, looking between her starstruck gaze with such intensity she wants to giggle but also cry a little.
"I wouldn't say hero," y/n shrugs, trying to keep her smile from growing too big.
"No?" The man hums, sitting in the booth next to his daughter. She attaches herself to his bicep, rubbing her cheek against the fabric of his coat and y/n can't stop the little coo that leaves her lips. "Just a super star singer with pretty sweet dance moves?"
Her cheeks flush, eyes widening a bit because she'd seen them! They watched her perform, they were the ones that had cheered stupidly at the end. Despite her shyness, she shrugs and says teasingly, "I'd say a super star dancer with a pretty sweet voice."
"Think ya mixed them up," he laughs. "spent too much time out in the cold in stockings and a dress."
Y/n laughs, maybe a bit too much considering it was a mediocre joke but he's awful charming, she just can't help it. "It was a bit cold. Still trying to get feeling to my toes."
"I warmed her hands daddy." Ophelia pipes up, smiling proudly at y/n.
"You did?" He gasps excitedly.
She nods. "Just like you do! And she did it to me too because you got me gloves that stay wet daddy."
He frowns a bit guilty, pecking the top of her head in apology. "S'good thing we were lucky enough to stumble upon-" he looks at her expectingly.
"y/n." She likes the way he says her name. "She saved the day, huh?"
"I came to find her daddy."
They both freeze at her words, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "What's tha' love?"
"I got scared. You were going to the Grinch and my fingers were cold so I ran back here to find her. She can make the Grinch nice."
Y/n flushes at Ophelia's words. She left her father because she wanted y/n to make the Grinch a better person in her eyes. She ran away from man that's probably protected her her whole life to come back to y/n? Someone she didn't know?
Y/n sips her hot cocoa, trying not to appear too concerned as he firmly scolds Ophelia for doing such a dangerous thing. He makes a point of reminding her that it terrifies him to think he's lost her because he loves her more than anything (y/n almost tears up at that) and to just tell him next time she's scared. Ophelia, pouting, nods shamefully in a way that has y/n feeling a little guilty. She wonders how he ever manages to scold her.
"M'sorry for all the trouble." He apologizes to y/n, rubbing Ophelia's arm as if trying to tell her he's not mad just upset. "Can't thank ya enough for taking care of her and being so sweet, 'specially on the phone. Don't think it's very fun speaking with a hysterical father."
Y/n shrugs, blushing under his thanks. "It was no problem. She's really sweet and adorable. I enjoyed chatting with her."
He seems a bit surprised at her words but doesn't common on it. Instead he chuckles, shaking his head embarrassedly. "I just realized I never introduced myself. M'Harry, Ophelia's dad."
Harry. Such a simple and common name but something about it being tacked onto him feels special, unique. Y/n smiles, endeared by the feeling radiating off of him. Harry.
"Nice to meet you."
Harry returns the sentiment, thanking her for the warm drink and asking if it's alright for them to stay and warm up a bit. Y/n agrees, not able to hide her excitement. She can't help but love Ophelia and Harry, both of them creating this comforting giddiness in her chest. She can't stop blushing every time tells her something remotely sweet and complimentary, dimples sinking into his cheeks as if trying to pull her into them. Harry's handsome, so handsome it's almost unbearable, and he's charming. Enough to have her giggling like a school girl. So when he thanks her for everything again, offering to make up for it with a date on Saturday, she happily agrees, and well, who can really blame her.
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chelsfic · 4 years
Chapter 6 - Inherited - Dracula/OFC - Dracula (2020) fanfic
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Summary: Emilie makes her decision and has a steamy reunion with the Count.
A/N: Smut here! Come get your smut! There is also a significant amount of blood drinking. I want to say thank you so much to all who have read, commented, reblogged and recommended this fic! I’m overwhelmed by my kind and thoughtful readers!
As always, if you’d like to be tagged in updates just let me know!
Emilie tugged at the high collar of her Sunday dress and shifted self-consciously in the pew. Her younger sister, Anna, shot her a questioning look to which she merely shook her head in reply. Emilie usually took solace in the weekly sermon but this Sunday she was restless and incapable of attending to the Reverend’s words. 
Her nerves tingled and her senses were aflame. The light streaming through the stained glass window behind the pulpit was nearly blinding in its intensity. Emilie could taste the colors on her tongue, the sweet, tart reds and fresh, watery blues. The wood grain of the pew beneath her hands was distracting as well. She felt it vibrating with life and saw, in her mind’s eye, the rough bark and shuddering leaves of the tree from which it came. And there was the phantom taste of Vlad’s blood filling her mouth. She knew, without knowing how, that he’d given her this new power, these sharpened senses. Was this how he always experienced the world? It was overwhelming. Emilie closed her eyes and gripped the edge of the pew to ground herself.
It did little to help. Every time she closed her eyes she saw Lucy Steele’s bright eyes go dull with death, the shocking splash of blood painting the side of her neck. She heard the sharp, horrifying crunch of the girl’s vertebrae snapping. And she saw Vlad, her beloved Count, eyes red with menace and blood dripping from his razor sharp teeth. How could she love such a man, such a creature? For love him she did. She could admit that here, in the house of God where she must be true to herself. 
Maybe she was selfish but she found that she couldn’t forget his loving caress, the gentle brush of his fingers over her skin. She recalled his words, You have nothing to fear from me. How could she turn her heart against such a man? A man so magnificent, with powers beyond her imagining, who somehow–impossibly–wanted her? The answer came from within: a voice, perhaps her own or perhaps a guardian angel’s, which rang out in her mind, You will not turn away from him.
She did not know where this path would lead. Perhaps one day it would be she hanging limp in his arms and beaming up at his darling face, gratified to give her life to feed him. Or…or perhaps she’d stand by his side, no longer a servant but an equal with marvelous powers of her own. She did not know if such a thing were possible but she felt in her bones that she was fated to give herself over to him. The decision, once made, lifted a burden from her chest and she smiled up at the pulpit. Lit from within by the grace of her own certainty that God would not lead her to the Count if He did not wish for them to be together.
It never occurred to her to consider her love of the Count as a test from God. No god could be so cruel.
“Now, my sweet girl, tell me how things are going up at Carfax and don’t try to sugarcoat things. I’m your mother and I can tell when you’re lying. Are you alright up there by yourself with the Count?” Mrs. Andrews patted her eldest daughter’s hand across the dinner table and watched her with concern. Her poor health had kept her from ever personally serving Count Dracula, but she knew his nature as well as her mother had and she feared for Emilie.
“Mama,” Emilie soothed in a voice infused with false confidence, “you don’t need to worry about me. The Count is very solicitous for my comfort. I’m in no danger from him…really.”
Mrs. Andrews held her gaze for a long moment and Emilie sensed that her mother did not quite believe her, but she soon lowered her eyes and let the moment pass. After all–was there really a point in forcing the topic? Their family had served Count Dracula for a hundred years. They’d kept the secret of his long life and dark appetites in exchange for protection and financial security. None of them could rescind the deal now. And in truth, Emilie did look remarkably well. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks rosy with a healthy glow. Mrs. Andrews set her worries aside and proceeded to catch her daughter up on all the village goings on of the previous week.
It was dark by the time the wagon rolled to a stop by the Abbey’s servants’ entrance. Emilie hopped off the back and thanked Mr. Thomas for the ride. He brought her back each Sunday along with the weekly grocery delivery. It was convenient for Emilie and Mr. Thomas had been shameless flirting with Mrs. Andrews for years, so he didn’t mind the extra weight in the wagon if it put him in the widow’s good graces.
“Have a good week, Miss Emilie!” he called as she dashed off to the servants’ door and disappeared inside. 
She was eager to see her Count. Her mind whirled with questions as she climbed the staircase to the Abbey’s first floor. How would he react when he saw her and knew of her decision to return to him? Would he kiss her again? Embrace her? Would he dip his head into the crook of her neck and bite her as he had Miss Lucy? 
She found him in his study, a massive room with vaulted ceilings and walls lined with books. He sat in a wing back chair before the fire. Emilie stood in the doorway watching him. She could see only the side of his pale face, his lovely, thick hair and his hand dangling over the armrest, holding a glass goblet filled with something rich, dark and red.
She strode forward, discarding the small drawstring bag she’d carried with her into town and whirling round the chair to present herself before him. She knelt between his knees, a supplicant before her god, and looked up at him with hope and affection glowing in her features. She longed for comfort, for a confirmation that she’d made the right decision. 
She reached out shyly and took one of his hands in her own, pressing it to her cheek and closing her eyes, reveling in the contact.
“My…Vlad,” she whispered, rubbing her cheek into his palm like a cat demanding affection. “I’ve come back to you.”
Dracula smiled down at her, setting the goblet on a small table beside the chair and reaching forward to stroke both hands through her hair, cupping her upturned face. 
“My Emilie,” he responded with a playful lilt to his voice, mirroring her word choice. “You’ve made me very happy.”
And then he was pushing her backward and onto the plush hearthrug. He followed her onto the floor caging her body with his arms and legs and bending down to press his lips to hers in a fevered kiss. His clawed hands strayed over the bodice of her conservative dress, pushing under the collar and stroking her delicate neck, the tops of her breasts. Emilie mewled in pleasure and arched her back, giving him the access he needed to reach around and begin popping open the buttons that ran down her spine holding the frock in place. 
When he’d reached the final button he sat back, kneeling between her wantonly spread legs and shoved the dress material down toward her waist. She wiggled to assist him and she was soon laying before him in nothing but her stockings and thin muslin petticoat. Her breasts were exposed, glowing in the orange light of the fire and she saw Vlad’s eyes focus on them as they heaved with her gasping breath. He reached out a hand and drew a wickedly sharp nail around her areola, flicking the nipple and eliciting a thrill of panicked pleasure from the debauched girl beneath him. Emilie reeled at the sensation even as she feared the sharp touch of his nails wounding her sensitive flesh.
“Be…” she gasped, trembling as he shifted his attention to her other breast, “…careful….please.”
Vlad smirked and let out an amused chuckle. He flattened his palm over her breast and dragged the calloused skin against her hardened nipple. Emilie shrieked in pleasure and arched into the touch. 
“Don’t worry, my darling creature.”
The Count made quick work of his own clothes, tossing them into a heap on the armchair before turning back to face her, naked and glorious in his ferocious lust. He grabbed the waist of her petticoat and ripped it from her body. Emilie gazed up at him in adoration. She’d never seen a naked man before and she was too shy to let her eyes stray downward at first. Instead she raked her gaze over his broad shoulders, his dark-haired chest and flat stomach. He took satisfaction in letting her look, pausing to let her complete her perusal. He quirked his lips as her gaze finally lowered to take in the impressive length of pulsing manhood that jutted from between his legs. A shadow of trepidation crossed her face and Dracula determined immediately to sooth it away. He crawled up her naked body and looked deep into her eyes.
“I will be so careful with you, Emilie. Do you trust me?” his voice was husky with lust but his words were sincere. 
Emilie reached up to cup her hand over his cheek and nodded shyly, “I trust you, Vlad.”
He touched her then, like he had days ago in his bedroom. His fingers slid over her sensitive core and Emilie ached with longing and pleasure. She buried her face in his neck and keened into his skin, begging and begging him though she couldn’t say for certain what she wanted.
Vlad smiled and licked his hot tongue along her neck from jaw to shoulder, “You’re a needy thing aren’t you, little one?”
He continued stroking her, savoring her little grunts and moans. She finally came with a thready cry and only then did he shift his hips between her legs and align himself with her opening. She felt the tantalizing pressure of his length pressing against her and then slowly, slowly entering. It hurt at first. Emilie’s muscles went rigid at the intrusion and her face scrunched up in pain. Dracula stilled his movement and looked down at her, laying soft kisses over her forehead, her cheeks, her eyelids.
“Look at me, darling,” he whispered, waiting until she’d opened her eyes to continue. “Relax.”
The last word was said with the barest trace of suggestion and Emilie felt the tension immediately flow out of her muscles. Dracula started up again, thrusting his hips with masterful control and holding her face between his palms as he did so. He kept eye contact with her as the pain slowly faded and her belly began to heat with pleasure once more. He bit his lip and arched his back. His control slipped and he began rocking into her with more force, his tempo stuttering into ragged thrusts until he finally shouted his release and dove his face into the crook of her neck to bite down as his cock shuddered and jolted within her.
The sudden sting as his fangs pierced her skin was immediately followed by a rush of pleasure that pushed her over the edge again. Dracula licked, sucked and kissed her bloodied neck, drawing out more blood from her than he had before. She squirmed and moaned beneath him, riding waves of pleasure even as her head spun from the blood loss. Too soon he pulled away, his lips and chin were stained crimson. With a wicked grin he dipped his mouth to hers and pushed his tongue inside. Emilie tasted her own blood on his lips, his tongue. She twined her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and held him there, wishing to prolong the kiss forever. Eventually he pulled away panting with passion and blood lust. 
“Now you know how sweet you taste, my darling girl,” he said, dipping his finger into the blood at her neck and smearing it over her mouth. Emilie stuck out her tongue and licked his finger as her eyes fluttered shut. “Oh, dear Emilie, you’re weak aren’t you?”
Without waiting for an answer he brought his finger to the base of his own neck and cut a two inch slit. Blood poured from the wound and he dipped down, baring his neck to her and pressing the cut against her lips. Emilie latched on immediately. She drank the blood he offered, reveling in the idea of her blood rushing through his veins even as she drank from him. She felt the dizziness of only a moment before pass and a wave of energy and strength coursed through her. Her Count was nourishing her with his essence, feeding her just as she had fed him. 
He pulled away before she could take too much, pinching the would closed and laying back on the floor beside her. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close to his side, stroking her hair and whispering words of praise into her temple as he laid kisses along the top of her head. Emilie’s eyes grew heavier and heavier until she finally fell asleep, wrapped in her beloved’s arms and warmed by the snug fire in the hearth. They looked like a pair of pagan lovers: nude, covered in blood and skin aglow in the firelight. 
Dracula looked down at her sleeping face and whispered, “You really are remarkable, Emilie. You’ll be my perfect bride.”
Note: in case you're wondering this exchange of blood won't be enough to turn Emilie. Drac is just looking to the future and he's establishing a blood bond with her as well as strengthening her for the eventual change.
@charlesdances​ @mr-kisskiss-bangbang @just-mimii @haleyea @dracula-s-bride @irrelevantwriter @felicityofbakerstreet
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Crowley likes to check in on Warlock from time to time, make sure he’s doing alright without Nanny Ashtoreth. One afternoon, Crowley discovers something rather bittersweet about his former charge and his parents. (1449 words)
“I knew I’d find you here,” Aziraphale says as he finishes his climb, stopping to rest beneath the branches of an old apple tree – healthy and lush, already heavy with fruit. Being ancient, an inhabitant of this hillside before the houses, the cars, even the people, it fears nothing, and that makes Aziraphale smile.
A better hiding spot could not be found for his reluctant demon.
Aziraphale puts his hands on his hips and takes a look around. He breathes in the clean, fresh air; closes his eyes and turns his face towards the golden sun. Today is blessed – one of the first truly warm days of summer.
And he’s thankful for this opportunity to partake in it.
He lays out his tartan blanket and sets himself upon it. He stretches out his legs, leans back on his hands, and becomes one with his surroundings – clear sky overhead, green grass beneath his feet, people everywhere gathering out of doors, enjoying this felicity ...
Save one.
The angel spots him, sulking beneath the bushes, coiled in the shadows.
The tree sits on the slope of a hill overlooking an enormous park. Further down, in an open field, a young boy makes what seems like an impossible catch. The man he’s playing ball with cheers, racing over to high-five his son, congratulating him on intercepting another pop-up. Aziraphale smiles.
“It’s so nice to see the Dowlings have turned over a new leaf,” he says. “Warlock looks genuinely happy. That should make you happy.”
Aziraphale turns his head, looking for acknowledgement from the serpent, but the snake has disappeared. Moments later, Crowley walks out from behind the tree and sits beside his angel on the blanket.
“I guess.” He yanks at a few weak strands of grass (since he’d failed to intimidate the tree), and crushes them between his fingers.
“So, why aren’t you happy?”
Crowley shrugs, merely a placeholder till he can come up with an answer.
“It was nice to feel needed. I know that being his nanny was a ruse but …” Another shrug, just his left shoulder “… I guess I was fooling myself. They never did need me at all. Looks like leaving was the best thing I ever did for them.”
Aziraphale bobs his head left and right, somewhere between a shake and a nod. “Well, you are partially right.”
“Thanks, angel,” Crowley scoffs, eyes locked on the boy in the blue t-shirt and black shorts intercepting another pop-up, while his mother, always with phone in hand, takes a barrage of pictures, posting them proudly to her various social media pages for her friends to see.
“Once you left, his parents had to compete with you,” Aziraphale explains. “With the hole you left in Warlock’s life. It made them realize everything they’d been missing out on, how important he is to them. They started to remember why they wanted a child in the first place.”
“Too little, too late, if you ask me. There are loads of wonderful parents in the world, and yet we’re always overlooking them and giving passes to the bad ones. In my opinion, if you’re gonna be bad parents, you deserve someone else raising your child.”
Aziraphale reaches out, puts a hand on his demon’s knee and gives him a sympathetic squeeze. “It’s a matter of perspective, my dear. You were the greatest nanny Warlock ever had and yet you were a demon, trying to ensure that he would grow up to be evil and cruel.”
“My motives may have been a little skewed, but …”
“… but in the end, you cared about him. Truly cared about him.” Cheers from below draw Aziraphale’s gaze back to the small family, now chasing one another around, playing tag and laughing. “They care about him, too. They aren’t bad parents, Crowley. Not really. They just … lost their way. Forgot what was important. You did them a huge favor.”
Crowley gulps at those words, the notion of losing their way landing on him like a ton of bricks.
It’s something he can definitely relate to whether he wants to or not.
“Yeah, well, it doesn’t feel that way to me.”
“I know it doesn’t.”
Silence falls between them. In it they can hear the words: “Tag! You’re it!”, “Ah! You got me!”, “Good job, Warlock!”, and “Mommy loves you, darling!”
Crowley clears his throat, but it does little to help. Aziraphale feels the lump growing there as if it’s in his own.
“They’re taking him to the states, you know,” Crowley announces, his voice cracking. “Mr. Dowling won’t be traveling as much apparently. They’re going to make a go at being a normal family.”
“I think that’s wonderful,” Aziraphale says, moving closer to his demon.
“Do you now?”
“Yes. And not only for them. For you, too. Now maybe you can spend less time torturing yourself about leaving him and go on knowing that he’s well cared for.”
“And how do you expect me to manage that, hmm?”
“By having a little faith, my love.”
Crowley snarls, grabbing a handful of grass and ripping it from the ground. “Faith in what, angel? God in all of her infinite bloody Wisdom, and all that other nonsense they feed you guys in Cloud City? You’re talking to the wrong damn demon if you honestly think I’m going to have faith!”
“No, Crowley.” Aziraphale finds Crowley’s hand and holds it, smiling when his demon, still mad, wraps his fingers around it. “Faith in yourself. Your chapter in his story may have been brief, but you had an impact. You might have taught him songs about crushing his enemies beneath his feet, but you did it with kindness. You held him and played with him and tucked him in at night. You’re a nicer person than you give yourself credit for, and that kind of love leaves a mark. When he goes to the states, he’s taking a piece of you with him.”
“I suppose I can always hop on over. When’s the last time you’ve been to the states, angel? A while? It might be nice to give it a go, don’t you think?” Crowley stares off into the distance as the family gathers their things and starts to head away. Mr. Dowling tosses the baseball to his son one last time and Warlock catches it. In the process, he turns his head towards the apple tree.
He stops walking.
He squints into the sunlight, leaning forward to get a better look.
“Mom?” he says. “Is that … is that Nanny?”
“Where?” Mrs. Dowling asks.
“Up there!” He points excitedly. “Under the apple tree!”
Mrs. Dowling looks for herself, shielding her eyes with her hand to get a better look. “I … I don’t know. It looks like Brother Francis, to me … in a really nice suit …”
“No, next to him!”
Aziraphale sees mother and son smile. Warlock raises an arm to wave, but Crowley snaps his fingers. Warlock stops, confusion crossing his face.
“She’s … she’s gone,” he says, disappointed. “Wh-where did she go?”
“Maybe it wasn’t her.” Mrs. Dowling puts a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Warlock sighs. “Maybe. But I thought … I was positive …”
“I know you miss her,” Mr. Dowling says, kneeling to talk to his son eye-to-eye, “but the people we love have a way of turning up from time to time when we least expect it. I’m sure you’ll see her again.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
Mrs. Dowling shoots her husband a worried look, but he simply smiles. “I work for the government. I’ll find a way. Now let’s be off. Ice cream doesn’t eat itself, you know.”
“Yeah! Ice cream!” Warlock yells, speeding away. Mrs. Dowling takes one last look up at the apple tree, but the tree is all she sees, not the angel and the demon sitting under it, watching as they walk away.
Crowley takes a shuddering breath in, waving a subtle goodbye with his fingers.
Aziraphale hands his demon a handkerchief.
Crowley takes it.
“Are the book metaphors new, or …?”
“They’re on brand, darling.” Aziraphale leans in to give his husband a kiss as he blots beneath his eyes. “I do own a bookshop, you know.”
“I’d heard rumors …”
“Now then - how about we go for a walk, hmmm? Take advantage of this fresh air. Or we can find something else to take your mind off of things.”
“Can we go for a drive?”
“Absolutely,” Aziraphale says, picking up his blanket and giving it a shake. “Do you mind if I get blisteringly drunk first?”
Crowley offers Aziraphale his arm. “I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
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timelock97 · 4 years
Game Changer
Chapter Twelve: The New Normal
Word Count: 2539
Warnings: Language
The sound of my bike tires running on the pavement is one of the only thing I hear as I ride from Turrfield to Hullberry for my last appointment of the day. Ivy trots slightly to the right of my bike as I turn past the Pokemon Center and head down the street to my latest client. I come to a stop before stepping off my bike and go to lift it up to walk up the steps to the side street.
“Hey, (Y/N/N)!” I turn and smile at Nessa, setting down my bike as she walks over to me. “Whatcha doing?”
I shrug before motioning to the path to my left. “Appointment, then I am off to Monostoke to take the train to Wedgehurt to visit Leon’s family for the weekend and train.”
She laughs, walking over to give me a hug. “Well, I won’t let you two be late then.” She lets go and pats Ivy on the head before waving at us.
I pat my side, “C'mon, girl. Let’s head to our last appointment then we are headed home.”
I lift my head when the conductor comes on the speaker to tell everyone who was left on the train that we would be arriving in Wedgehurst soon. I type out the last of my treatment notes and send them to Samantha to look over before placing my tablet into my bag.
Ivy stands when the train comes to a stop, prompting me to stand as well and exit with the rest of the passengers. I weave through the crown, following Ivy as best as I can until I can get off to the side and wait to get my bike from the back. I whistle for my Rotom, who buzzes around my face and shows off the last few messages I had missed. A few were from Leon telling me that he would be late, but not late enough to miss dinner, one from Nessa saying it was good to see me today, and one from my mom.
Rotom buzzes after I reply to the last few messages, notifying me of a new message. “New message from Mama Michelle: Can you stop at the grocery store and pick up a few things for dinner tonight?”
“Reply, ‘Of course, text me the items.” I mutter, before thanking the woman and pushing the bike while I walk to the store. Once the ingredients were sent, I set my bike against the wall and head in. Ivy and I wonder and grab a few things while we wait, but once they do we can finish the shopping. Once I had everything in my bag I grabbed my bike and rode down the road to Postwick and back to the house.
I smile as I see Hop in the yard training his team; Corviknight perched on the stone wall, Rillaboom bouncing by Hop, and Dubwool rolled onto his side while Hop brushes him. I cup a hand over my mouth and hollar, “You wanna fight, mate?”
Hop’s head snaps up before laughing. “Not with you!” He calls with a laugh, standing to open the gate so I can ride in and park my bike against the stone wall. “Did Mum send you a list of things to buy for dinner?”
I lift the bag up, “Yeah, I am going to take them into her, but if she doesn’t need any help I will be back out here with you, okay?” Hop nods at me as I walk back to the house. Once I enter I smile at the smell coming from the kitchen. I walk in and see Michelle chopping something on the cutting board while the pot to her right is boiling. “Hey, Michelle, I got your groceries.”
She turns and smiles widely, “Darling, thank you so much!” She takes the bag from me and sets it on the counter before turning back to me and pulling me into a hug. “How have clinicals been?”
“Good, good. I am kinda thankful that I have the end of next week off for the finals event. Smantha said that she isn’t evening having the main clinic open since almost all of Galar will be attending.” I give her one final squeeze before pulling away. “Leon has been training his team hard to prepare for it, they are in desperate need of a break this weekend.”
“I thought you two were still going to train in the back field?”
I nod as I fill a glass with water, “Yeah! I mean, his are still a little higher than mine but we are hoping to level my team up more than really keep his team in shape.” I take a slow drink before continuing, “Scorch loves to be fully evolved, he is still a big ball of energy. Also, Fritter evolved into an Appletun last week.”
“So you did choose a sweet apple over a tart one.”
I laugh, moving the glass between my hands, “Yeah, I let her decide. She is still really tough in battle though, almost took down Lee’s Inteleon last week. Of course he dodged one of her attacks and managed to beat her, but she is growing stronger.”
“Lee said your team is catching up to him in stats, even said that you were training up Ivy.” I notice her lean down and pet Ivy as she speaks. “He never thought that she would ever fight unless she needed to.”
“Yeah, she decided to join in about three weeks after I got back? She wanted to join in on training after Mr. Rime knocked out Daisy. She took revenge,” I laugh patting my leg as Ivy walks over and hops into my lap.
“Well it’s good to see her joining in on her new team, I know you were okay with her just being a part of the family and not worry about her battling but I am glad she is more comfortable.”
I smile and nod, rubbing behind Ivy’s ears. “I am too.”
The sound of Hop and his Pokemon freaking out alerts us to Leon’s arrival. Michelle and I look at each other before giggling. “Go on, I know you haven’t seen him in a few weeks due to Champion duties.”
I give her an embarrassed smile before I nudge Ivy off my lap and head back outside. Leon is tickling Hop into the ground when I walk out, Charizard shaking his head while Rillaboom smacking the ground with his sticks. Charizard notices me and lumbars over, nuzzling his head in to mine, my hands flying up and rubbing his cheeks and neck. “You miss me bud? I missed you too.”
“Rude,” I hear Leon call, causing me to lean over so I can see him between the gap of Charizard’s wings. Leon is still kneeling down, but is just pinning Hop to the ground. “I thought you would say hello to me first.”
I shift to the side and walk over, playfully shoving Lee over so I can save Hop, only for him to tug me down and land on top of him. I laugh loudly, Leon smiling before pinching my sides causing me to squeal and shove at him to try and escape. “Don’t be rude! The only reason I said hi to Charizard first was because you were busy torturing your brother- Leon stop!” I squirm and wiggle, finally getting some relief when Hop joins and helps me tickle Leon back. The three of us fall into a tickling puddle, Leon dragging the two of us down on top of him before pinning us there and tickling our sides.
The three of us finally give up, panting and laughing quietly. Michelle calls for Hop to come help her, leading for him to slowly roll away from Leon and I and running into the house and leaving Leon and I panting on the grass.
I feel Leon press his nose into my hairline, lips softly pressing into my forehead. “I missed you these past two weeks. I couldn’t get home in time at any point. I hope it hasn’t been awful.”
I shake my head and hug him softly, not wanting to move. “No, it wasn’t bad. Raihan made me come over for lunch last Friday since I got a half day. He also ended up helping me train the team a bit, says that he is surprised how far they have come.”
“He called and told me that, and asked for me to send him my training regimine,” he laughs. “I told him I’d show him when he beat me in a battle.”
“You are so full of yourself,” I laugh, tilting my head up to look at him. “One of these days he will beat you, and you will be so proud.”
Leon leans in and presses a kiss to my nose. “I will be so excited for him.”
“Lee! (Y/N)! Mum said dinner is ready and to stop canoodling on the grass where the neighbors can see you!” Hop yells from the window.
Leon and I look at one another before laughing. I roll off of Lee, giving him the chance to stand and pull me to my feet. “C'mon, let’s go eat. Then we can do some training, maybe even help Hop a little, yeah?”
I nod, squeezing his hand, “Sounds perfect.”
Rotom buzzes around my head as I head from the apartment with Ivy at my side to the stadium. Today was the day, Hop was competing to get into the championship finals the next day as well as a few other trainers including Piers’ sister Marnie.
I had met her when I had to go to Spikemuth for an appointment and couldn’t get in, she had shown me the back way so I could make it there in time. Piers eventually saw me and introduced me to her and quickly we became friends.
I show my pass to the door, heading inside about an hour early to take Leon a lunch and go tell Hop and Marnie good luck. My shoes smack against the tile as I slip past the 'trainers only’ sign and head down to the hallway. Ivy trotts alongside me as I find the locker room where the latest competitors are sitting. I knock on the door and step inside, finding them seated at different benches and talking quietly. One girl is standing by the windows, spinning a pokeball on her finger.
Hop looks up and finds me walking in, mouth falling open in surprise, “(Y/N), what are you doing in here? Only trainers-”
“Are supposed to be back here, I know.” I laugh, ruffling his hair. “But your brother forgot his lunch so I am delivering it since I know he won’t eat unless I bring it to him.” I move to pull him into a hug, Hop’s arms circling my waist as he sighs contently. “Besides, I wanted to wish the challengers luck.”
“Well,” he squeezes me a little before letting go, “I am glad to see you.”
I smile before turning to Marnie, surprisingly, she gives me a small smile before hugging me as well. “You too, Marnie, kick ass out there, yeah?”
“Whose side are you one-”
“I’m on you having fun and battling hard. However it works out, I want you all to go out there and have the best battle you can.”
I hear a snicker from across the room, the girl by the window spins around to look at us. She places a hand on her hip, jutting it out in the process as her blonde hair falls in front of her shoulder. “Battling to have fun and battling to win are two totally different things.”
I give her a kind smile, but my words are void of a happy tone, “And yet the person with the best bond with their Pokemon will always have the better battle. You may have strategy and strength, but they have love.”
I watch as she tilts her head, “You’re the Champion’s girlfriend, right?”
“Fiancee actually.” I state, my hands resting on Hop and Marnie’s shoulder.
She laughs, “Mind telling the Champion something for me?” When I don’t answer, she continues, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Tell him to enjoy his undefeated streak, cause after tomorrow it is going to end. Champion Serenity has a nice ring to it.”
I give her a small smile before leaning down so only Hop and Marnie can hear me. “You have to kick her ass cause I can’t.”
Hop breaks into laughter as Marnie nods, “Sure thing, doc.”
Serenity raises an eyebrow before I bid them goodbye and good luck, leaving the room before I try and beat up an over-entitled eleven year-old with Ivy in tow.
I find Leon not too long later, seated in a green room with his head resting on the back of the couch. The sound of the door closing behind me causes him to stir, looking up as I walk over, Ivy curling up beside him. He smiles, hand reaching for me. “Hey, what are you doing here?”
I lift his lunch after taking his hand with my opposite hand. “Making sure you ate before you got started, and to make sure to give you some lovin’ before you go and do your job.”
He smiles, tugging me down so that I was sitting in his lap, “Will you stay while I eat?”
“Well if I get the best seat in the house then sure,” I tease, making him laugh loudly. I listen to him talk about his morning since he left the house early this morning while he eats. At some point, he notices the sour look on my face, asking me what is wrong. “Do me a favor?”
He chuckles, “Sure love, what can I do for you?”
“You know the gym challenger, Serenity I think is her name?” I watch as he nods, “Good, if she makes it to the final round against you, beat her. For my sake.”
He laughs and shakes his head, “Any reason for this request?”
“She isn’t someone I could ever see being a Champion, not because she is bad at battling, but the fact that she thinks she can do what she wants because she is good. She needs to get a reality check.”
Leon chuckles, squeezing my hip. “No one is taking my title unless they earn it, I got you babe.” His Rotom comes buzzing over and shows us that Leon needs to finish getting ready and I needed to head to the stadium. “Alright, love. As much as I have enjoyed you being here, I need to get ready. I will see you at the end of the day in the lobby, I’ll take you and Hop out to dinner tonight, yeah?”
“Sounds perfect, Leo.” I purr, making him mutter out a 'dear Arceus,’ before pulling me into a deep kiss. I giggle against his lips before getting out of his lap. “But do tell me this, why are we staying in a hotel when we live here in Wyndon?”
He chuckles, pushing himself from off the couch to hug me one more time before pushing me toward the door. “Aesthetic, I have no clue honestly, makes sure I am not late I guess. I’ll see you later, okay? I’ll meet you in the hotel.”
“Have fun,” I sing, giving one last wave before leaving, heading to my seat to watch the first of many Semi-Finals.
A/N: Hello hello hello! Hope you all are having a good day! 
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Unexpected (Pt.10) - Paul Lahote x Reader
it’s been 84 years!! congrats on waiting this long, I’m a mess and I never write but I love every last one of you for sticking with me. here’s your reward! it’s short and silly but I enjoyed writing it and I hope I will have the power to make more soon
word count: 2208
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9
tags -  @bookluver01​ @mrs-hemmings96 @glimmering-darling-dolly @eleganttravelercloud @vxidnik @wandering–in–fangorn @fangirlbitch02​ @steggy4ever​ @the-main-pumpkin @alphakelsey @thisgirlisahufflepuff @delnquents​ @my-current-fandom-is @tlittlet @lime-001miniwroetofreezymd @newtycuty  @bisexualtwilight @le–petit–croissant    @fuckyourgondola probably more but I’ve lost the list forgive me
              The tent and the festivities inside are faint in both sound and sight before either of you speak again. Strangely, as you follow the dark-haired boy further into darkness, you feel no words that need to be said. You wonder where he’s taking you, but the wonder roots itself in excitement, in anticipation, in… trust? There is no fear, and you decide it is better left a surprise, so you do not pressure him to explain. He squeezes your hand, tosses a smile at you over his shoulder, and continues leading you down a winding pathway, curving just over a subtle hill to resume the steady downwards slope. Hand enveloped warmly in his, you welcome that all-too familiar family of butterflies in your middle.
              “A few more minutes,” he assures you quietly, as if not to disturb the forest. “Sorry about the trek.”
              You shake your head. “Not at all, this is way better than what I was doing a minute ago.”
              Paul lets out a quick breath, a snort of a laugh as he nods in response, allowing the silence to return.
              Another minute passes, then two, then five. You watch your feet closely, carefully scrambling over rocks and branches and soft mounds of moss, following Paul’s steady lead, before he suddenly stops short.
              Craning his neck around, he turns to face you, his face set in a sideways grin you’ve come to know well. “We’re here,” he says, hopping off a slight ledge below him before reaching up to help you down, wrapping strong hands around your waist and lifting you with ease, gently setting you on the ground beside him.
              “It’s… beautiful,” you say, and you mean it. As your feet settle back on the ground, your eyes fall on a gentle creek, soft current bubbling in the quiet forest. A thick layer of moss covers the clearing, crawling up the sides of the looming ash trees that circle the creek, forming a barrier between the grove and the outside world, a trickle of light seeping in from the cracks of sky overhead, a puddle of moonlight illuminating spots of water, the soft ground beneath you, the tall boy who you now realise is still holding your hand.
              Instinctively, you jerk yours away, tucking it in the crook of your other arm, crossing them over your chest. Paul glances towards you, brows knitting together in an emotion you can’t quite read, before softening his face and turning towards the brook.
              “Isn’t it? I found it one day when I was on patrol. I come here all the time, to… you know, get away from the guys. Be alone for a bit,” he says, taking a few steps closer to the water, crouching down to wave a hand through the current.
              You’re silent for a moment, biding your time, drinking in the sight of the clearing before you open your mouth to speak again. Paul beats you to it.
              “I’ve never brought anyone else here before,” he says. You can’t see his face, but there’s a waver, ever so slight, in his steady voice. He hunches further over the creek, leaning back on his heels until he’s sitting in the moss.
              Two slow, hesitant steps, and you’ve closed the gap between you, kneeling beside him, shoulder to shoulder. You turn your face to his, gazing on his strong profile, gently sloped nose and soft, full lips. “Then I’m honoured,” you say, leaning your weight on him ever so slightly.
              Paul chuckles, half-lidded eyes lowering to examine his hands folded neatly in his lap. “You should be,” he says, meeting your eye again. They’re smiling, they almost always are. But you know his eyes now, better than you’d ever expected to – and the smile is only half of them. They’re sad, too, buried somewhere deep beneath his jokes and his teasing and his lighthearted demeanor.
              Allowing a slow smile of your own to pass over your lips, you reach down to your feet a slip off your shoes, a flimsy pair of pink ballet slippers – you hadn’t exactly planned on a hike today – and dangle your bare feet over the water, slowly lowering them to dip your toes in. A shudder shakes your spine as the cool river washes over them. It passes as quickly as it arrived, and in a moment you’re standing again, dancing on the slick riverbed, soaked halfway to your knees.
              Grin still plastered on your face, you watch as Paul leans over, carefully untying his dress shoes and rolling up his pants, glancing up at you with a cocked brow. He returns your smile, and you can’t be sure but… you think this one was all smile.
              A moment later he’s standing beside you, closing the space between you until you’re pressed together, as he reaches for your open hand once more, guiding the other to rest on his shoulder before placing his own on your hip. One more smile, and you search his eyes for sadness. You can’t find it.
              A hot blush rushes to your cheeks, and you pray he can’t see it in the blue light. “What’s this for?” You ask, almost silently, a whisper, barely audible over the bubble of the stream at your feet.
              “You promised me a dance,” he says, casting dark eyes down at yours. His gaze never wavers.
              A quick laugh escapes you. “I guess I did.”
              Another beat of silence, two bodies swaying in the water together. There’s something about silence with Paul, it never feels… empty. As though you there’s nothing that needs to be said, the comfort of the other’s presence is enough. Warm, gentle, comforting… safe. That’s the word. Paul is safe. Your mind wandering, you almost don’t notice your head moving to rest on his chest, him tightening his arms around you, enveloping you in his embrace.
              Your eyes flutter open, suddenly aware of where you are, what you’re doing. For once, you don’t pull away. “Yeah?”
              He doesn’t respond right away. Pressed against his chest, you can feel his heart beating in rhythm inside him, the gulp in his throat, almost hear the cogs turning in his mind. “You remember… that night on the beach? When we were talking? About… you know. Life, and imprinting, and… friendship?”
              “I do.”
              He lets out a long breath. “I’ve… been thinking about it. A lot. I know you said what you said, and if things haven’t changed for you, I won’t ask again, but - ”
              He stops short.
              He steps back.
              “Get down,” he says, crouching to the ground, motioning for you to follow. “Shit, shit, shit. This isn’t happening.”
              You follow suit, wrapping a trembling hand around his bicep, the edge of your dress dipping into the river. His face has grown so dark, miles away from the look he was giving you an instant ago. You’ve never seen him so grave. “What? What’s happening?” You whisper.
              “Shhhh,” he says, eyes scanning the darkness, pulling you out of the water and onto the land. “Something’s here. I can smell them… and if I can smell them - ”
              “They can smell you. Astute observation, for a dog.” A voice carries through the darkness, it’s owner nowhere to be seen. Whoever it belongs to, it’s deep and drawling, soaking with something like enmity. “Although, I must admit, I expected you to notice me sooner. I could smell your stench miles away, it’s downright sickening.”
              Paul bares his teeth, lets out something like a low growl. You wince, leaning in closer, trying to make out what he said. It’s not until he shoots a desperate look towards you that his words register – Get back. And you do, scrambling backwards on the soft earth, putting distance between you and the boy before he starts to tremble, roaring in agony and anger as his body begins to shift, twist, accompanied by that awful sound of cracking bone and snapping jaws.
              And then, where Paul was a moment ago, stands a hunched over, gigantic, looming grey wolf. He curls his lips, fangs gleaming as they pass through a patch of moonlight, releasing a steady, gravelly growl into the air, taunting the speaker to come out.
              You look around, from the wolfen figure of Paul to the darkness around you, afraid of who could have scared Paul so badly, crouching beside the trunk of a moss-covered tree, pressing your back to it.
              The voice calls out once more. “That’s really sweet, you know? Toying around with humans. You guys do that, I guess, don’t you?” In an instant, standing at the top of the ledge Paul had carried you down a few minutes before, a man appears in a blur. He’s dressed very nicely, a sharp black shirt buttoned to his collar and crisp dress pants, a trim coat thrown over his shoulder. The darkness of his clothes contrast against the whitest skin you’ve ever seen – almost glowing in the moonlight. A styled mop of blonde hair is slicked back on his head, and he gazes down at Paul with two intense blood red eyes. “She’s your special one, isn’t she? What do you call them?”
              Paul growls again, aggression dripping from his voice. The man only laughs and crouches down to his knees, flickering his eyes to where you’ve hidden yourself in the darkness. “Your friend here can’t speak at the moment, it would seem. Care to enlighten me, hon?”
              “I-” You start, and the man hops of the ledge, as if to make his way over to you. He hasn’t even reached the ground before the full force of a shapeshifted Paul slams into his form.
              You’ve seen the wolves fight before – with their sheer strength, their speed, you know well enough that no regular human could go up against one of them alone and survive. Although… you had an inkling this man was no regular human. Sure enough, a moment after he’s knocked down, he’s back on his feet, eyes darkening as he focuses on Paul, a sly smile peeling across his thin lips.
              The man barrels towards him, wrapping two arms around the wolf’s middle and lifting him into the air with ease. You watch in horror as Paul slams into the ground on his side, a high-pitched whimper escaping him before he rolls quickly to the side to avoid a second blow, the man bringing his hand down in a claw, only barely missing his middle.
              This earns the well-dressed man a snap at the ankles, the slash of a claw across his face, the baring of a powerful jaw at his side. The two exchange blows in unison for what feels like an eternity – the man holding his own to your amazement. What sort of creature was this, that could stand against something as strong as you’d known the wolves to be? The creatures move in a blur, both impossibly fast as they dart around the clearing, batting away bites and swings with ease, seemingly perfectly matched. You know Paul would want you to run, he’s buying you time – if he fell, there would be nothing protecting you from whatever this man is, whatever he came for. But you can’t move, your legs locked in place, your eyes glued to the scene before you. In what was once a silent grove, most certainly now rings loudly with growls and grunts, the sound of bone against bone and claws ripping through flesh, but you hear nothing. You heart pounds in your ears, blood rushing past, the sound of worry all you can hear. What if something happens to him? What if he’s not strong enough? All of the sudden, a most desperate fear curls its dark fingers around your throat.
              What if Paul doesn’t make it?
              You fall backwards on your feet, desperately resisting the urge to go to his side, to take the man in your hands and pull him apart for threating your… what is Paul to you, anyway? A moment ago, you would have said friend. It doesn’t seem to fit quite right anymore.
              As if on cue, three more figures burst through the treeline, baring sharp, gleaming fangs and dark, canine glowers at the pale man, whose confidence seems to waver for a moment. The three new wolves – you couldn’t be certain, but judging by the silver coat, the slender, muscular figure, you would bet the one on the far side was Leah.
              It’s not a fair fight anymore. The three new wolves descend upon the man, who struggles to dodge and dart away like he had with Paul, wherever he arrives, a set of powerful teeth are waiting to greet him. You hear him cry, and in a moment one of the wolves is at your side.
              As she saunters closer, you know you would recognize her anywhere.
              “Leah,” you whisper, feeling hot tears tearing across your cheeks.
              She lowers her head, motioning to her back, then to the pile of wolves. Tentatively, you reach up, placing your arms on her strong back, eyes flickering to her face for permission. She nods, and you pull yourself up, straddling her sides, gripping her fur tightly in trembling fists.
              And then you’re flying through the night.
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lantern-inthenight · 5 years
Will you do a head cannon of the boys while you’re on your period? I love your writing btw! I’m a huge fan!
You texted him while you were still at work, complaining that you started two days early
So Danny hopped in his car and went to the store, determined to get everything you would need for a quiet night in
He grabs tampons, your favorite chocolate cookies, some fuzzy socks, and a new movie to watch later
On his way to the check out, he spots somethingAnd he just has to get it for you
So Danny leaves the store with a massive, oversized pink teddy bear
It takes up the entire shopping cart lmao
He gets some weird stares form passersby as he wheels the bear out to the car, but he doesn’t care
Because he knows it’ll make you happy, and if there’s one thing he’d do anything for, it’s to see his girl happy
He lays everything out in the living room so it’s all waiting for you when you get home
The giant teddy bear is your favorite part
“Aw, babe, you didn’t have to do all this,” you tell him, opening you arms for a hug
He kisses the top of your head, hugging you back tightly
“Sure, I did. You’re my girl.”
Danny puts the movie on and sinks into the couch, motioning for you to join him
You lay against the teddy bear with your legs draped over his lap, happily munching on the cookies he hands to you
Usually Jake has his phone turned off during rehearsals, but he happened to have it on today
You called him to ask if he could pick up dinner for you on the way home
It was your turn to buy takeout, but your period started and it was hellacious
All you wanted to do was just. eat
So when Jake came home, you were excited to spend an evening with him and stuff your face with whatever food he got
But the boy knows you too wellYou thought he took forever to come home because rehearsals just ran late, but no
This kid stopped at every single restaurant you liked within a five mile radius and got your favorite dish from each one
He comes in the door holding five bags of takeout containers
Many traits run in this family, and “chill” is not one of them
“I wasn’t sure what you’d be craving, so I got a little bit of everything. We can always save it for later!”
You shake your head in disbelief, but you’re greatly amused and thankful for his efforts
The two of you settle onto the couch, eating and talking through stuffed mouths
When you’ve consumed all the orange chicken and french fries that you can handle, you lay back against Jake’s chest
He flips through the channels with one hand, while idly running his fingers through your hair with the other
You doze off, perfectly warm and content in his arms
Josh doesn’t know what to do the first time you call him, asking him to pick up ‘lady products’ from the store
In retrospect, you probably should have given him more specifics, but you were embarrassed to ask the favor from him in the first place
Bc it was still early on in the relationship
You were worried Josh might feel awkward about going to get tampons and pads for you, but he didn’t care in the slightest
He did, however, get very confused
Josh stands in the middle of the Feminine Care aisle for a solid ten minutes, squinting at all the flowery labels
He had no idea there were so many different options???
A lot of the words int he descriptions are different, but then the pictures look the same and it’s very overwhelming
Josh stares at the boxes before walking away with a huff
He returns a moment later with a basket, and begins filling it
He gets a box of pads in every thickness, and a box of tampons in every size, and a box of panty liners because those are somehow different from pads???
He stands back, admiring his basket of goods, thinking, ‘Yeah, that’s good,” before setting off toward the checkout
Josh happens to see a rack of wine and he vaguely remembers you telling him you liked that brand
So he grabs a bottle and waltzes up to the cashier with approximately eight packages of period stuff, and an expensive bottle of Chardonnay
He notices the teenaged clerk’s disturbed look, but ignores it happily
Proceeds to bring all this stuff home to you, throwing his hands up in defense when you burst out laughing
“I didn’t know which one to get, so I got them all!”
Knows something is wrong the moment he wakes up
First of all, it’s still dark out and you’re not in bed
So he shuffles down the hall in his pajama pants, his bare feet pitter-pattering against the tile
You’re laying on the couch in the fetal position, crying quietly
The cramps are hitting you particularly hard this month, and it hurts to even breathe
Sam’s voice is soft behind you
You wipe your eyes and turn over to see him standing there, brows furrowed in concern
His hair is tousled but his hands are warm and gentle as he kneels next to you. “What’s wrong?”
“The cramps are just really bad. I’ll be okay; go back to sleep.”
“Not without you,” he answers in a quiet voice, brushing some hair out of your face
“Where does it hurt?” Sam asks, and you place a hand over your lower belly
His fingertips leave your face as he places both hands on the spot you indicated, pressing lightly
You inhale sharply, but when he releases, the pain is eased ever so slightly, so you nod for him to continue
Sam gently rolls his hands across your stomach and the outside of your hips, squeezing lightly and kneading the heel of his hand over the skin
After a few minutes of this, the pain has lessened significantly
You stop Sam’s motions by placing a hand over his, and putting the other one on his cheek
“Help me up?” You ask. Sam nods, pulling you up with him
When you lay down next to him, he rubs your tummy until you fall asleep
Taglist: @mr-stank-i-dont-feel-so-dank, @jeordinevankiszka, @that-glassbottomed-ego, @kissthesun-fightthefire, @lover--leaver, @myownparadise96, @satans-helper, @songbirdkisses, @bluewillowmom, @sparrowof-thedawn
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mauitime · 6 years
Hip-Hop for Families with Mr. Kneel at Makawao Public Library
Hip-Hop for Families with Mr. Kneel at Makawao Public Library
Hip-Hop for Families with Mr. Kneel will be at Makawao Public Library on Monday, July 9th. In celebration of the Statewide Summer Reading Program, Mr. Kneel (Neil McIntyre) will share his love for reading through beatbox and rhyme. He’s a professional goofball, hip-hop emcee and beatboxer who loves to promote learning and positive vibes through music. Free. 6:30pm. Makawao Public Library, (1159…
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hedgewolf-hunters · 5 years
Short story
Gonna give a quick glimpse into the Hedgewolf Family past. Note that this takes place when Bane is about six, Drake and Scarlet are four, and Inferna was recently born.
The old town, greying and falling apart, except for Castle Blackstone, the ancient castle made of a special obsidian like stone with swirling galaxies within the stone. The main barracks which is going through a construction process, as shown by the large plastic tarp spliting a portion of the left most wing from the rest of a modern mansion. And the arena which seems to be in pristine condition, fresh red stones and all the torches around its outer and inner walls lit.
"Bane Wyvern Darkos! Get your tail back here with that ham!" A female voice calls out from the mansion/barrakcs. A five foot tall red dragon comes barreling out the front doors with a half cooked ham in its mouth. It opens its wings and leaps up onto one of the old roof's. Looking back its bright blue eyes sparkle at a group of amber and blue eyes. It smirks as it runs off deeper into town loosing tiles from the roof's.
Once it was a good distance from the house the dragon plopped the ham into its claws before sitting down and beginning to change into a two foot tall hedgewolf. The same red scales are now fur and quills. His horns have become two of his top quills with his devil horn like ears in front of them. Two quills going back normally and his two bottom quills behind his tan cheeks curving downward than back up at his face like rams horns. A small tuft of fur like hair standing up at his forehead. Fingerless gloves getting greasy from the meat and combat boots on his feet. His tail shrinks down from the long lizard tail to that of a wolf. His sky blue eyes shine as he lips his lips looking at the ham. His stomach growling rather loudly for someone of his size.
Bane finally sunk his teeth into the delicious looking ham and took a large chunk out from it. He chewed for a bit with a smile on his face than it went sour slowly as he spit the chunk back out. Instead of the redish pink of the ham in his hands it was now devoid of color and looked like grey matter. Bane growls glaring before he tosses the ham as hard as he can back the way he came.
"Whoa! Nice arm son, i see your weight training and practicing with Hyleia is getting better." A male hedgehog says stepping up next to Bane. His fur is a deep purple with serrated steel looking quills. He wears a black and red gi with a samuri sword at his hip and a pair of tabi on his feet. Bane glances up at the four and a half foot tall hedgehog than goes back to glaring across the abandoned city.
"Somethings the matter. What is it my young child?" The hedgehog asks. Bane huffs and pulls his face into his arms and knees up to his chest gesturing over to the pile of food he spat up. His father Strider looks at the pile confused for a second.
"What about the pile." Strider asks.
"I cant eat or taste anything these past two weeks. I try and it always comes back up, looking like that. Ive barely had anything filling now. Ive been sneaking Aunties protien bars for snacks but they dont do it anymore. I took the ham hoping to get something in my stomach but it just tastes like bile after the first few bites." Bane cries softly into his little enclosed space. His father hums softly to him and rubs his back between the two large spines. He sits there and lets Bane cry out his frustrations.
Half an hour later Bane is passed out sniffling in his sleep. Strider is petting his head as he rests in his fathers lap.
"Strider is he doing any better?" A cherry red four foot tall wolf asks coming up behind them. Her hair like fur is in a mohawk with a braid that reaches her lower back. Shes wearing a sleeveless leather jacket with biker gloves a grey pair of jeans and knee length boots.
"Yes Sky my dear, he hasn't cried this much since he nearly burnt down the house two years ago." Strider says to the wolf. Her sea blue eyes glance down to her eldest son and she kneels down next to her husband leaning against his shoulder. She takes over petting Bane's head as Strider wraps his arm around hers.
"We should call in Doctor Sylvain." Sky says.
"No Sky, you know how i feel about that man. Not to mention our own son has a distaste for him. Besides if worse comes to worse Aura should be able to figure out whats wrong with him after a few potions." Strider says.
"Strider i trust your sister and i dont like him either. But if Bane is sick or worse we need someone who can find out a little sooner than that." Sky says turning her attention to Stirder. He turns to her and his amber eyes glow as the black and white stripes on his quills do. Her own blue stripes under her eyes glow as well. He sighs and kisses her head.
"Fine we call him in the morning. But he does a routine check up and thats it." Strider says resting his head on hers. She smiles and pets his cheek.
"Good now lets get Bane back inside before he catches a cold out here." Sky says getting up. Strider hands the sleepy Bane to her so he can get up. But something odd happens when Bane touches his mothers arms. She has to kneel and hold him at arms length as she quickly runs out of breath and her own color started fading grey.
"That was a odd feeling." Sky panted out. She looks like she had just run several marathons and almost dehydrated. Strider picks up Bane and helps Sky lean on his shoulder.
"Maybe we should have the Doc check you out too. Its been five months since you blessed us with a fourth child but you shouldnt be this drained still." Strider says as they hop down two stories to the ground and walk back to the manor.
The next day Sky is preparing breakfast and seems to be at full strength again. She turns off the six stoves as she plates eggs, bacon, crescent rolls, and fruit slices (for the children). She puts her index and thumb inter her lips and makes a whistle loud enough for everyone to hear over the chaos of a noisey Saturday morning. A female dark purple hedgehog walks in wearing a sports top and shorts. Her quills tied into a pony tail that still reaches her thighs, with a similar stripe pattern Strider. Shes carrying a bottle feeding light pink hedgehog with three short quills snuggled into a bundle.
"Morning Aura, thanks for taking care of Inferna this morning." Sky says setting a plate down for her.
"No problem dear, after all what are sister in laws for." The hedgehog says. Sky smiles and pets her the light pink hedgehog head.
"Have you seen where my other three little pups disappeared too?" Sky asks. Aura shakes her head before both are clanching their teeth as a shreik fills the house. Shortly after a small maroon wolf looking boy with two small quills growing out the sides of his head in socks and fresh gloves runs through a wall laughing as he hides under the table.
"Oh no." Sky groans as a scalret wolf faced hedgehog comes barging into the room through the door.
"Momma! Drake hoked a luge into my hair!" The little girl exclaimed as she showed where the snot covered spit sat in her hair between her jer ears. The purple hedgehog does a spit take and chokes down her food in her mouth to catch her breath.
"Drake why would spit in your sisters hair?!" Sky exclaims as she grabs a napkin and trys cleaning it out her hair.
"Scarlet said she needed some gel to hold it back for practice today. So i thought to give her some." Drake giggles out from under the table. Scarlet glares at her twin under the table.
"Oh lady death give me strength. Drake we told you to stop these pranks so early in the morning. For that your Aunt Aura is training you today." Sky says. Drake rushes out the table and looks up at his mother with puppy eyes. Scarlet is now grinning.
"No Drake, you wont listen the first three times this will be your punishment. You ok with that Aura? Bane is basically doing strentgh and basics today anyway right?" Sky asks. Aura nods and sips some coffee from her cup.
"Yeah a few hundred laps to start should get the point across than some hand to hand for the rest of the day." Aura says.
"Morning ladies, Drake, i see your getting into trouble already. Well have fun with Auntie today. So is Bane up yet?" Strider asks taking a seat. Drake and Scarlet shake their heads making Sky and Strider turn to each other worried. Strider gets up and leaves a purple streak across the dining room running up to the second floor where the rooms are located and stops in front of the door marked with claw marks and Bane carved into a piece of steel. He forces the locked door open and looks down to find a greying Bane curled up on the floor with a small spatter of blood coughed up on the floor. Cursing under his breath he scoops up Bane in his arms and runs downstairs.
"Sky call the doc tell him im coming in now and i have no time to waste." Strider says showing their eldest to her. Sky drops her plate and runs to the kitchen as Strider kicks into high gear and tears through the house and out the front door leaving slight burn marks across the floor.
Five minutes later nearly forty kilometers away in the city Trinitad a fox with a half sliced ear hangs up his phone. His fur is a bright orange and he is fuller in a round sense. Wearing a green turtleneck sweater and a white lab coat rounded black dress shoes and white gloves. He walks out to the front office.
"Sheryl dear we have an old patient coming in. Mrs. Darkos said her son isnt doing well. Could you please seat them and let them know ill be right out." The male fox says. A white female fox turns to him and nods. Dressed in a knee length flowing skirt, a blue blouse and one inch heels. Her grey eyes look dull from lack of sleep while his emerald eyes are the bright and awake.
"Your a little late on that one." Strider says from the door. He walks in carrying the raggedly breathing Bane. Both of them bolt up to look over Bane in Strider's arms.
"When did this happen?" Sylvain asks. Strider walks over and places him on the bed.
"This morning, last night he was complaining about not being able to eat anything and feeling sick every morning." Strider says turning with a grimace towards the doctor who has a sly smirk on his face.
"Heh i knew this was bound to happen without treatment." Slyvain says with a smirk. Strider grits his teeth and grabs the hilt of his sword in one hand and the foxes fat throat in the other.
"Now ive let it slide for the last five years of what you have been doing to my son because it kept him with us. I was even willing to come back here for treatment because he is deathly ill and you would know whats happening to him. So tell me whats wrong with him and what you can do or else i will make your blood boil inside your veins and come from every pore on your body!" Strider exclaimed pinning the fox to a wall. He struggles for a few seconds trying to regain a little air from the deadly grip on his throat.
"Its chaos deficiency." He gasps out before strider drops him to the ground.
"Your son has a severe case of Chaos energy deficiency. I dont know why all i know is that he needed more energy than his body had so i injected him with Chaos energy rich supplements. When you pulled him from the visits a little year ago i knew sooner or later his body was going to run out of the energy he stored so far. This is the end stages of his energy hitting bottom." Sylvain gasps out catching his breath.
"Still doesnt explain while he has been spitting up grey food stuffs, or how you can help him." Strider growls out beginning to pull his katana from its sheath. While strider was handiling her husband and boss Sheryl decided to clean up bane a little, wiping the blood and what not from his mouth and fur. Leaning over him a necklace she has hidden under her top touches Bane. The necklace is made of gold and Chaos jewels, gemstones that have a very finite chaos energy charge stored within. As the jewels pass over him Bane gasps and coughs violently as the energy is sapped from the jewels and into Bane visibly by a green smoke trailing into him from the jewels placement. He regains his color and begins breathing normally as he remaims asleep now.
Both men turn as soon as Bane began coughing. Strider watches in hopeful interest while Sylvain watches in mock interest at the show.
"Sheryl how did you do that?" Strider asks her in a hushed tone not wanting to wake Bane at the moment. She backs up as the last wisps of energy leaves the stones.
"I didn't. I cleaned him up and his body just started collecting energy on its own." She says. Before anymore questions can be asked a female voice begins a zslow maniacal chuckle. Banes fur turns from red to black, his fur hardens into scales, his quills recede into his body leaving the two horn like quills to turn into actual horns. His body grows a foot and a half with his claws becoming sharper and his hair growing longer till it reaches the small of his back. He slowly sits up as his body changes from male to female with a small bust. A old looking white tunic appears to cover her as the body finishes its changes with the eyes, turning from sky blue to blood red. Her muzzle is slightly longer with teeth protruding slightly from the top down.
Once the change is done everyone takes a step back away from the now felmale dragon. She chuckles lightly smiling as she rotates her neck.
"Mmmm, that nap was good. Six years of being half and half really did help." The female says nreathing a sigh of relief as the pressure in her neck loosens. She bends down to touch her toes and then leans back getting several pops from her bones.
"Who are you and what have you done with my son!?" Strider exclaims holding his katana again ready to strike. She smirks and looks at him through one eye.
"Oh relax Strider, your son is perfectly fine. Hes currently taking his own nap inside of me as i was doing him." She says stretching her arms.
"What do you mean napping inside of you like you were him?" The doctor asks.
"You can keep your damned trap shut lard lad, the way you treated this boy was bad enough i might just retaliate for the family. Otherwise to answer your question, what did you think was gonna happen injecting the boy with repeated doses of my blood? You think it wasnt strange that the dragon blood you had only worked on him and none of the other children you tried using it on?" She asks with a sly smirk. Strider glares at the fat fox ready to take his head in a single stroke.
"Mind if i ask what your name is miss?" Sheryl asks. The dragon turns to her something of pity or regret for her flickers in the dragons eyes.
"My name is Drain. I was a cosmic dragon that died in my sleep so to speak and i can tell you more about the boys condition better than anyone else could." She says.
(Thats the end of this story. Whoof i didnt expect to keep going this long. But i know this isn't alot about the entire family, each short story will be about a family member in general as this one was about Bane mostly and one of his more dangerous abilities. To make this short its called a chaos siphon and it allows him to take store and redistribute chaos energy. He also can switch out with drain at a moments notice if his own energy levels are too low. He can only absorb through contact such as skin to skin/fur to fur or pulling energy from a jewel filled with energy. It also has a limit which triggers an overdose sending him into a hyperactive feral state or creating an armor and weapon set of the energy hes taken. Well i hope you all enjoyed it anyway.)
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doux-ciel · 5 years
Personal Trainer CH. 11
Masterlist:  🥊 🥊 🥊
Tagged: @erinisawriter @pazwrites @riftversus @riftversus @requiemdelune @thewritertiffany @theouterdark @thewriterkatie @jess---writes @jadeswritinggarden @lefttowritee @between--alleys @bodoramzap @bambimattel @youngdumbxlit @erinisawriter @writing-in-the-margins @pocaluzwrites @alinakerrin @cvlms @someoddwriter @delphwrites @seraphilth
Your mom really does go all out, doesn’t she?” I say glancing around the outside of the house as we pulled up, I start to smooth out my blue dress. It was true that Angela, Griffin’s mother adored decorating her house for Christmas every single year. Of course when Griffin had told his mother that he was bringing me home with him for Christmas, she had gone into overdrive. She wanted to make sure that the house was extra perfect for my first Christmas with his family. At least that's what Angela told him on the phone while we were at the airport. It's my first Christmas with him & his family so I was excited to spend a whole weekend with them.
Griffin laughs next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder he looks so handsome in his white suit. “She just wants to make sure that you come back.”
We are in the back of Griffin’s limo, his mother insisted that we take one even though we said we were fine with an cab.  
“Well, I think me coming back will have a little less to do with Christmas decorations and a little more to do with her son, but I appreciate the effort.”
Once outside and up the stairs Angela greeted us at the door with an enthusiastic hug as she ushered the two of us inside. Her dark brown skin looked beautiful in her red gown. Once inside I see his sister Liliana in a gorgeous baby pink gown, who by the way looks exactly like her younger brother was sprawled out on the couch playing with his 4 month old nephew Carter. Once we walk in I’m greeted with a giant tree that is adorned with hundreds of lights and other ornaments. Every single room had some sort of reminder in it that it was Christmas.
“Dinner's almost ready.” His mother reminded, as we got settled. “Honey, why don’t you take the bags upstairs to your room? I have it all ready for you two.”
Griffin nodded and shuffled up the stairs to a guest bedroom where we would be spending the next few nights. We sat our bags down at the edge of the bed. This room was magnificent, it was cream with a few gold accents, I payed attention to every little detail, how the curtains flowed when the wind picked up outside, how the pillows were perfectly aligned on the bed. Everything was absolutely perfect.
Dinner was amazing, now I knew where Griffin got his spectacular cooking from. The family’s personal chef spared no expense, bringing out dish after dish until I was so full I felt I would pop out of this dress. After dinner, we all sat in the living room around a warm and cozy fire. Presents were exchanged, speeches were made and the little conversations everyone was having started to fade out, and by 9:00 Lilliana had put Carter to bed and went upstairs. A few minutes later Griffin’s parents joined after her turning out for the night.
“Now it's just me and you huh?” Griffin and I find ourselves alone on the couch, snuggled up together watching the fire. My back his on his chest with one arm draped over his knee and the other holding firmly onto the hand that wrapped around my waist. Neither of us spoke for quite a while; the only movement in the room being the occasional kiss on my neck that Griffin provided.
“Yeah” I smile, leaning back further into his embrace.
“Mom really likes you.” Griffin says.
I giggle, I turn my head to the side now my head is on his shoulder. “She better like me...I mean I am going to be married to you”
I feel the rumble in his chest as he laughs behind me, “Who said that?”
I slap his knee, and I start to shout but I remember his family is sleeping upstairs so I try my best to not be as loud. “Griffin!”
“Kidding” he laughs again, kissing my cheek.
There was another round of silence before I feel Griffin move behind me. I lean up, allowing him to maneuver away from me, he begins to stand up.
I start to frown. I thought we were going hang out for a while. “Are you going to bed?” I start to rise up as well but he stops me shaking his head no, he kneels down in front of me on the couch. Placing his right hand on my thigh.
My heart starts to race, is he seriously about to do this right now? “I didn't mean like right now Griffin damn” I said with a slight chuckle.
“Aye let me speak.” He says in a firm voice.
My heart skipped a couple of beats and my eyes went wide. “Baby-”
His eyes look back at mine in an intense way, “I’m not going to ask you to marry me. But I am going to tell you that you will have a ring on that finger by next Christmas.”
My heart returned to normal speed again, I smile, leaning forward grabbing both sides of his face. “You scared me” I start to laugh. “I mean besides we didn't have an audience for me to get all dramatic and start crying.” I kissed the tip of his nose.
Griffin got back on his feet, he leans down grasping the sides of my face giving me a soft kiss before sliding back down on the couch beside me.
“Merry Christmas, baby.” I say pulling on one of his curls.
“Merry Christmas”
I hear my phone repeatedly vibrating, I don't want to ruin the moment but I wanted to check my phone. I hop up from the couch and grab the phone from the ottoman sitting in middle of the living room. Once I press my home button I see who has been trying to contact me.
(54) messages from Fiona
I press in my code and I press the messages button, taking me straight to her message thread. I read the last text she sent me.
Hey hope you're enjoying your Christmas ❤️
Rolling my eyes and I place my phone back down on the ottoman tucking some of my thick curls behind my ear. I have no idea why she keeps texting me but it sure is annoying. I’m looking at the fire in the fireplace as it somewhat brings me back to reality. I jump when I hear Liliana behind me.
“Damn who is blowing up your phone?”
I let out a quick breathe smacking her arm. “God you scared me!”
I hear Griffin let out a grunt, giving a small smile to his little sister. “She has a way of sneaking up on people like a rat.”
Liliana sticks her tongue out at him in a playful manner. “Shut up, so who was it?”
“Was it Fiona?” He asked rising from the couch stretching his long limbs, his shadow cast on the bare wall behind him.
I nod
“What was she saying?” Liliana asks, she reached down trying to grab my phone but I catch on to what she was doing and I quickly grab it in my own hands stuffing it in between my legs.
“A bunch of nonsense, I'm glad she passed on my Christmas invitation”
As Liliana accepted her defeat, she lost her balance while reaching for my phone. Tripping over herself and dropped to the floor. After laughing at herself for falling she moves her long pin straight bundles from her face, with her face twisted up she questions. “Wait you invited her over?”
That caught my boyfriends attention because his head turns over in my direction making his curls fall into his face. His usual orotund voice now sounds tight. “You never told me about this”
I roll my eyes as I rise up from my seated position. “I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would feel some type of way if I did”
“Does she not have family that she can spend the holiday with?” Liliana asks.
I shake my head, while turning around to grab my phone walking over to Griffin grabbing his right hand. He brings his other hand placing it on my hip. “No, I don't know much about her but I do know that she doesn't have any siblings and her dad passed.”
Griffin asks while looking down at me. “What about her mom?”
I giggle while thinking back to our conversation when we were out for our first morning run. “She’s apart of the runaway moms club like me”
Griffin starts humming a song, it sounds like Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. I glance up at him, he stretches out his arm and twirls me. I collide clumsily with his chest and I feel the rumble in his chest as he laughs softly.
I hear his younger sibling kiss her teeth. “Oh stop you already know our mom is like your mom….we are family”
I hold out my right hand to her, “Not yet, your brother hasn't put a ring on it”
His eyes widen and his mouth is ajar, he turns away from me. “We had a whole conversation about it over there...don't play me before I don't even ask you”
Now my mouth is ajar, I try and grab his hands but he jogs over to where his sister is at hiding behind her petite frame. I sigh and playfully roll my eyes while putting my attention back on Liliana. “You see how he treats me?”
The sound of infant cries could be heard in the upstairs left wing of the Hillman household.
“There goes my baby….I wish his daddy wasn't in prison so he can feel how I do when his son cries all night.” Liliana like a fox runs up the stairs to tend to her infant son.
Liliana is a wealthy and was a well respected girl in this neighborhood but when she went on a summer retreat last year in Europe for her father’s company, she met this tall dark and handsome son of a bitch. Griffin told me so much about their relationship when we were only friends but from the stuff he told me, he wasn't nice to his family at all. He had a work visa by working for Mr. Hillman’s company but that soon went away when they found out he was embezzling money from the finance department. That didn't go well with Griffin’s father or his company, soon after Mr. Hillman had threaten to get him deported Liliana at just 21 found out she was pregnant with their now son Carter.
Mr. Hillman tried to steer his daughter’s European lover in the right direction but he wasn't having it. Then the big scandal broke that he was sexting a minor and it turned out to be one of Liliana's closest friends younger sibling. That not only shocked the world but it made Liliana’s life a living hell. She couldn't go outside for her first 5 months of her pregnancy without hearing people whispering “Your baby is a bastard just like his father”. She eventually stopped physically working at her father's company and opted to stay home and work from there and she has been home back with her parents ever since.
I'm watching Griffin as he walks over to the fireplace promptly putting it out, the lighting in the room changed from a warm inviting feeling to a very colorful playful vibe. The lights on the tall but well lit christmas tree turned a different color every few seconds. I saunter over to Griffin standing in front of him running my hands down his chest, “You ready to go to bed?”
He loosens his bow tie that had been around his neck the whole evening, “Mhmm, I’m actually ready to put you to bed”
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