#Hispanic things
Lowkey thinking about the foraging mechanism in RDR2 and how disappointing it was when I found out I can't pick Cactus fruit or Cactus itself. Knowing Javier as a fellow Mexican, he would be cooking up those nopales or eating them as is for a snack. I need a feature where Javier teaches Arthur the great benefits a cactus can have so I can have Arthur eat his nopalitos
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ashecampos · 4 months
I love messing with people (my gf being my main target) who don’t speak Spanish.
Like I’ll just pull up speaking it while staring blankly at them then go back to English as if I didn’t just confuse the fuck out of them
((my gf said she will murder me if I carry on with my chaotic antics))
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privateffdonut · 10 months
My Abuela tested my Spanish yet again today. Proud to say that like usual, I failed that test with flying colors
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Diabetic Steve who is at a Dairy Queen with Robin after he went with her to an all girl punk band that’s she’s been wanting to see for years. Steve had been feeling weird all day but he didn’t want to bail at the last second because he knew that Robin would just cancel everything to take care of Steve.
(Steve would do the same for her).
Steve plops down into a booth while Robin goes to order them food. He pulls out his pod and winces when he sees his glucose level.
64 and going down. Not a good sign.
Just to be sure he pricks his finger and holy shit, he’s actually at 43. It’s at that moment, when Steve is wiping his finger with the alcohol wipe, that his phone decides to loudly beep to alert him that, “hey you’re crashing pretty hard and fast— take care of it soon!!”
Steve is rifling through his bag while Robin is already trying to rush their orders.
“Shit,” Steve mumbles to himself. “I’m out of fucking juice.”
His hands start to shake and Robin begins to freak out. Steve is always so in control of his diabetes, she’s never seen him like this. So, Robin does what any other person would do and grabs the largest blizzard she has ever seen on the online orders tray and runs over to her best friend.
“Here! Have this, I’m going to try to get you some apple juice!”
Steve just nods his head and slowly spoons some of it into his mouth.
“This tastes like shit, by the way.”
“You’re welcome, dingus. Now shut up and eat.”
The worker behind the counter comes over and starts talking to Robin after she sits in front of Steve. Steve can’t really make anything out right now since he’s trying to focus on making his hands work. But, he thinks he hears the mention of calling 911 and an ambulance.
Time passes a little slower after that. Steve somehow manages to get down enough of the ice cream that he is slowly rising again.
57 after he pricked. Thank god.
It’s at that moment that Eddie Munson, lead singer of Corroded Coffin, walks in. He went to his best friend’s, Chrissy’s, show and needed a pick-me-up after helping her lug all of her equipment back into their vehicle.
He goes over to the online orders tray and it’s empty. He doesn’t really mind waiting. He walks over to the counter and sees that the worker is extremely frantic as she sorts some shit out.
“Hey,” he starts, his fingers tapping the fake granite counter top. “Just checking, I’m here to pick up an order for Edmundo and it’s not on the tray. Do you know when it will be ready?” He flashes an awkward smile and the worker just points to the table behind him.
“We’re working on it. Your nightmare of a blizzard was needed for something else. Give us five minutes.”
Eddie nods and slowly turned around, where he sees the most gorgeous man eating his blizzard. Reluctantly, he might add. The man has on a light pink t-shirt and brown corduroy pants, thick lensed glasses sliding down his nose. The woman across from him was clad in funky colors and had a dirty blonde bob. She was talking extremely fast and gesturing with her hands a bunch.
Chrissy would love her.
He walked over and tapped the man on the shoulder.
“How’s my blizzard?”
He slowly looks up and Eddie is met with honey brown eyes and beauty marks for days. A straight nose and an angular jawline. Jesus Christ.
The woman looks like she’s about to say something, but the guy beats her to it. “It tastes like if a unicorn threw up in my mouth, but it prevented me from passing out. So… thanks.” He smiles. “I’m Steve.”
Eddie needs to become Steve’s husband immediately.
“And I’m in love.” He pauses and then sees the look of glee on Steve’s face. “EDDIE. My name is Eddie.”
“It’s nice to meet you Eddie. Are you free tomorrow?”
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bixels · 8 months
I wanna get around to doing some small story beats for the "Main Six Takes Manhattan" story. It'd be a good chance for me to play around with different art styles too.
I'm really excited about this story too because it'd be splitting everyone up into pairs for their own little arc.
Rarity attends a fashion showcase in upper Manhattan, with April-Jacqueline in tow as her "attendant." The two get swept up in industry drama as they uncover the abuse faced by amateur designer Carol Cho under the American fashion house "Polomare."
Pinkie and Thea head to Harlem for a rent party, hosted by Thea's city friends. Despite Thea's protestations, Pinkie can't help but be the life of the party as its tenants and musicians attempt to raise enough money to fight their landlords and demand housing justice.
Dash and Félicie navigate NYC's transportation system to go to a ball game: the New York Wonderbolts vs. the Washington Senators. While Dash meets her heroes, Félicie can't help but feel homesick and smothered by the big city.
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simple-dark-eyes · 1 year
*This takes place some time after Vil's overblot. Mexican!Yuu after somehow getting roped into the other first years' bullshit*
Yuu: Oyes eres un pendejo.
Ace: A what?
Yuu: Un pendejo.
Ace: *turns to Grim* Grim, you're un pendejo.
Grim: Un what?
Ace: *turns back to Yuu* Un what?
Yuu: Pendejo.
Ace: *turns back to Grim* Un pendejo.
Grim: *turns to Deuce* Deuce, you're un pendejo.
Deuce: Un what?
Grim: *turns back to Ace* Un what?
Ace: *turns back to Yuu* Un what?
Yuu: *kinda reaching their limit* Un pendejo.
Ace: *turns to Grim* Un pendejo.
Grim: *turns to Deuce* Un pendejo.
Deuce: *turns to Jack* Jack, you're un pendejo.
Jack: *slightly appalled* Un what?
Deuce: *turns back to Grim* Un what?
Grim: *turns back to Ace* Un what?
Ace:: *turns back to Yuu* Un what?
Yuu: *getting frustrated and talking with their hands* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Ace: *turns to Grim copying Yuu* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Grim: *turns to Jack copying Ace* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Deuce: *turns to Jack Copying Grim* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Jack: *angrily turns to Epel* EPEL, YOU'RE UN PENDEJO!
Epel: *very much offened* UN WHAT?!
Jack: *turns back to Deuce* Un what?
Deuce: *turns back to Grim* Un what?
Grim: *turns back to Ace* Un what?
Ace: *turns back to yuu with a nod waiting for them to respond*
Yuu: *has reached their limit and ennuciating each syllable* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Ace: *turns to Grim copying yuu* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Grim: *turns to Deuce copying Ace* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Deuce: *turns to Jack copying Grim* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Jack: *turns to Epel copying Deuce* ¡UN PENDEJO!
Epel: *turns to Yuu* YUU, YOU'RE UN PENDEJO!
Yuu: *very much done with this long game of Telephone and waves him off* ¡PUES CHINGA SU MADRE!
I had to rewrite this cause when I first posted this tumblr got rid of pretty much more than half of the dialogue leaving only yhe names. I wanted to cry.
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royalarchivist · 9 months
Quackity: Lately, I have been participating in events and projects, and unfortunately it's become clear to me that my presence and name have only been used to attract the attention of my national and international community with the objective, as I see it, of generating more attention towards controversies - destructive controversies, and a rupture that is very clear in the community. [...] In advance, I ask the organizers of any type of events and projects like this to please show more respect to me and my community, because I've shown lots of sympathy and cooperation in these various projects and events, but it's become clear to me that their only interest is in using my name. My name and my community have been used to attract all this attention for distorted purposes, and I will no longer allow that to happen. That is not what my content is about - not me nor my content nor anything I’ve done.
Here's Quackity's commentary on respect and his reasoning for distancing himself and his projects from future events and awards shows.
[ Full Transcript ↓ ]
Quackity: Before I leave, I would like to talk about something that is very serious for me and something that I would like to tell you about. Because for me it is a very serious topic and it is a topic that- well, I had my mind on and I want to express it- [reading Chat] yes, thank you. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas.
Anyways, lately I have been participating in events and projects, and in these events and projects, unfortunately it's become clear to me that my presence and name have only been used to attract the attention of my national and international community with the objective, as I see it, of generating more attention towards controversies - destructive controversies, and a rupture that is very clear in the community, and this is what I want to say: I'm NOT ok with these types of dynamics or stuff like this, and I want to make it very clear to my stream, my community, and everyone that, for this exact reason that I just mentioned, I want to make it clear that I want to distance myself and any of my projects from the Esland Awards, which you all know is coming up.
Sadly, the Esland Awards have been an event with a history of much controversy, a lot of division, and a lot of divisions within the community, and as you guys know, as you know, my content has never been characterized by seeking controversy or divisions or anything like that. It's for this exact reason that I don't want to be involved with these awards.
In advance, I ask the organizers of any type of events and projects like this to please show more respect to me and my community, because I've shown lots of sympathy and cooperation in these various projects and events, but it's become clear to me that their only interest is in using my name. My name and my community have been used to attract all this attention for distorted purposes, and I will no longer allow that to happen. I don't want it to happen. That is not what my content is about - not me nor my content nor anything I've done. That's what I want to make very clear here.
That's about it. I'm going to continue with the projects I'm doing and I want to thank my community so much for the support and love. I appreciate it very much, but I wanted to make this clear - I wanted to make this clear. This is just a topic I wanted to address quickly.
Thank you for all the love and support, I love you all so much.
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moominpopzz · 2 months
Thinking ab the PD four again…. Thinking about all the things the three would set up just to give Ashe the chance to experience them. She was never able to get to prom? Fuck it, they’re throwing one in the livingroom of the base tonight. She couldn’t have a proper quinceanera? A little late - not even on her birthday but they’re gonna make SURE she gets the party she deserved. She couldn’t celebrate her graduation? Well fuck none of them did, they’re throwing a cookout in celebration and William and Dakota are already at the store getting groceries.
She should be allowed to have her milestones celebrated with the people she loves :((
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magicinverse · 1 year
Okey real talk now
I'm really excited to have Rivis on the qsmp
Now this woman can go through hate like no one else, she fought two times in a stadium where everyone was booing her and fought with so much strength both times, she came back to same country where they booed her just to win in a football league even after spending MONTHS getting hate for the success her team was getting just cause she was from Latin America and a woman, she's not scared
But like the qsmp fandom managed to make most of the hispanic streamers to stop wanting to be on sever, and everytime Roier does the minimal to have fun people always jump and act like minecraft is the real world, let me remind you that it's not, this are fucking cubes and Rivers wants to explode the whole island she can, cause they are pixels, and even if you're allowed to feel sad you're not allowed to spread hate and I'm sure that Rivers can take it but she shouldn't
The treatment hispanics had in the server has been horrible, honestly Vegetta and Roier had been mostly reduced to their relationships with their significant other and Maxo gets very ignored even when he does incredible lore (I already mention the others)
So...im begging all of you to treat Rivers as the queen she is and respect every decision she decides to make.
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moonkake-143 · 3 months
𝐄𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 | Into the Labyrinth
Goblin King!Eddie X AFAB/Fem!Henderson Reader
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Edited By the lovey: Jen
Contents: Slow Burn, One sided pining from Eddie turned mutual, love at first sight, fluff, angst, no use of y/n
Summery: Your time starts now and your first challenge awaits.
Chapter 2/? {wc: 5.7k}
Part 1  Part 2
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The walk felt long and arduous, especially with the sun beating down on you as hard as it did. How odd it was that you were just under the cover of darkness back home— it had been cold and stormy, but here the sun was high up in the sky, with clouds only partly covering the land. Below you, the grassy hill felt as if it went on forever, and for a beat, you thought it did— a sick trick already at the start, but one thing remained a constant in your mind.
        Find Dustin and get out of there.
        You thought those words over and over like a mantra, or hell, even a prayer, pushing yourself forward despite the burning sun. Despite the clock that timed you from the top of that damn hill. Despite the handsome, curly-haired man who brought you here in the first place.
        Cursing him, you shook your head and continued your trek, finally reaching the bottom of the hill and landing on a dirt road. The surrounding fields were barren, and crops rotted in tipped-over barrels. The area was devoid of life, and as the smell of charcoal invaded your nostrils, you scrunched your nose in disgust, picking up the pace. With sunken thatch roofs, the houses were charred, and when you came closer, you noticed arrows stuck in the rotting wood. You noticed the claw marks that scarred the doors and the rust-colored stains that marred the sides of the cottages. There had been some sort of struggle; a carnage that had been long forgotten, but there were no bodies in sight— as if they had just up and vanished.
       Just what happened here?
        As you walked, the ash-stricken houses began to converge the closer you walked towards the forest, as if a village was waiting deep inside. A growing uneasiness followed you until you finally stopped in front of a signpost, realizing that the dirt road forked into two paths— one that went into the forest, and another that continued towards abandoned farmland. Both signs were illegible, written in a language that resembled the scribbles of a two year-old. But even if you could translate them, the wooden signs were so damaged, rotting and falling apart, that you struggled to decide which way to go.
        Without warning, a gust of wind swept through you, and you shivered, rubbing your arms to combat the sudden chill. Now you really wished you had a jacket, rather than just a tank top. However, you noticed that the wind whisked a trail of leaves into the woods.
        If that wasn't a sign, then you didn't know what was.
        Taking a deep breath, you followed them down the path.
        Time seemed to stand still as you walked through the damp forest, but then again, time felt a lot different here. The trees provided a much-needed cover from the burning sun, casting gloomy shadows. It seemed to be a logging camp, with a scattering of wooden cabins that looked in better shape then the ones outside, but were still unsettling to walk past. You found more arrows, with rusty axes embedded in the trunks of trees, but nature seemed to overtake them. Grass and daisies grew in the gaps between abandoned machinery, covering the pieces in moss. More houses seemed to go deeper into the forest, all seemingly abandoned and overgrown.
        As you walked, the humidity caused your hair to frizz up and covered your entire body in an uncomfortable layer of sweat. You let out a huff and wiped the condensation from your brow, your legs aching.
        How long had you been walking for? Was this all for nothing? Had you gone the wrong way? Was there no labyrinth at all? Questions swirled around your mind as your chest swelled, your breath shortening. The heat was not helping— it felt suffocating, as if the entire forest was a damp sauna. What was it with this sudden change in weather?
       With a ragged breath, you finally stopped walking, and your vision blurred with tears. Anxiety gnawed at your very core, your body tensing and trembling as you buried your face in your hands, taking deep breaths. Slowly, you tried to steady yourself, your head aching and pulse pounding. As the pain in your chest subsided, you lowered your palms from your eyes, slowly opening them.
        In front of you wasn't the dirt path, but a large gate— one that hadn’t been there before. It was tall and deeply ornate, with a stone arch and iron bars that were curled into what looked like bats. Moss and vines twisted along the cobblestone pillars on either side, but what caught your eye was the wide, seemingly endless wall that encompassed the labyrinth. You slowly walked up to it, grabbing onto the iron bars and pulling— but the gate was locked.
        "Come on, I've come this far…” you sighed.
        "Halt! Who goes there?”
        Jumping in surprise, you spun and frantically looked for the source of the voice, bringing your arms up in a defensive position— albeit a rather weak one.
        "Who’s there?!” you called out.
        The disembodied voice seemed to chuckle at your attempt at intimidation.
        "I should be asking you that! What brings a human to my neck of the woods?”
        The voice sounded feminine and held a jolly lilt of humor, one that eased your stance slightly. Looking around, you kept your fists up, stepping forward. Maybe those karate classes from elementary school would kick in if something did happen.
        Then as swift as the wind, someone from the top of the gate dropped behind you.
        Yelping, you tripped and landed on your bottom, stirring up dust that caused you to cough.
        Curse your lack of instincts and balance. Those classes did nothing to prepare you.
        When the dust settled, you found a pair of striking blue-green eyes staring you down. You let out a gasp, quickly scooting backwards in a feeble attempt to crabwalk away from her. She was sun-kissed, as if she spent her life outside, with freckles dotted across her nose— or was it dirt? You couldn't tell, but she was studying you like a specimen, her eyebrows married in concentration at the possibility of you being a threat. But then she relaxed and flashed a sharp-toothed smile, her teeth both blinding and scary.
        "So it is you! The girl Eddie’s always on about!”
        "Oh, sorry for startling you— here, lemme help you up.”
        She grabbed your forearm, hoisting you up as if you weighed nothing, and you winced as her sharp claws lightly grazed your skin. Her dirty-blonde hair was chopped just above her shoulders, her eyes crinkling under her wide grin. How could she smile even more?
        "Who are you?”
        "Oh right, I’m Robin! I watch over this gaudy-looking gate!”
        Robin stepped back from you, and it was then that you fully took her in. She wore a similar outfit to Eddie's, dressed in a poet shirt and tight trousers, with gloves fit for an archer. Slung over her back was a longbow and a quiver of arrows, and a dagger was sheathed to her hip. Gold piercings adorned her ears, which were long and pointed— something you had only ever read about in fantasy novels.
        "You’re an elf…?”
        "Oh hells no! A goblin, actually! Never seen a goblin before? We're nothing like those posh pricks!"
        "No, I've never seen a real goblin before..."
        "And it's been a while since I've seen a human! They're quite rare around here.”
        Shaking your head, you stared at her in awe. Goblins always were depicted as small, evil green things, but Robin— she looked human. It made you wonder what elves really looked like.
        "I know, I am quite stunning, but I'm afraid I'm taken!"
        You realized you were staring for longer than was socially acceptable, and your face turned bright red as you broke your stare.
        "You're really the girl he's always talking about, huh? I can see why he likes you.” The relaxed tone disappeared from her voice, her previous expression returning as she studied you. The goblin woman then began to circle you like a vulture, sizing you up and scanning you from head to toe.
        "What? Why are you doing that? Robin, right? Please, can you let me inside?”
        "Woah, one question at a time. Start with the most important one.”
        "Can you please let me inside?”
        "I can, but that’s not the right question.”
        "What? What do you mean not the right question?”
        "You ask a lot of questions, huh?”
        Robin finally stopped in front of you and stared, a smile slowly appearing on her face. She was quiet, letting you stew in your own mind.
        What was she talking about? You said please, was that not enough?
        You turned your back to her, opening your arms and lifting them to the sky.
        "Open Sesame? Abracadabra?”
        Robin burst into a fit of laughter, her own face turning red as she clutched her abdomen, her shoulders shaking. You dropped your arms in embarrassment, cheeks flushing as you wracked your brain for what could have been the answer— why wouldn't she open the gate?
        Oh wait.
        "...Will you please open the gate?”
        "Now that’s more like it!”
        Robin turned and pushed vines aside to reveal a wooden lever, pulling it down. The mechanisms began to churn, the cranking of the gears becoming louder as you walked closer. Anxiety quickly settled into a permanent place in your stomach.
        "How bad is it?”
        "The truth? Terrifying. Are you really going in there?” Robin watched you with curious, worried eyes.
        "I have to…for my brother.”
        "You mean the brother you wished away? How admirable. But here’s your official warning: a mere human like you may not make it out alive. The labyrinth is no game to take lightly— you might forget which way is which, fall into a pit of spikes, or encounter a monster thirsty for blood— you'll never know what you might find.”
        Staring wide-eyed at the open gate, you turned to her.
        "There are monsters in here? You're not messing with me?“
        "Afraid not, but here— you might need this.”
        Robin unclipped her dagger, quick to wrap the belt around your waist.
        "Promise we’ll be friends if you make it out alive?”
        "When I make it out…”
        "That's the spirit! Now go get 'em! Don’t die!" Robin’s smile was blinding as she pushed you towards the entrance. "Good luck, and don’t take anything at face value!”
        You swallowed the lump in your throat as you stared at the stone walls, which seemed to beckon you inside. Taking a breath, you crossed under the gate, which quickly fell shut behind you with a loud bang. You jumped, turning to see the goblin woman waving from the other side.
        Letting out a surprised huff, you faced ahead once more.
        "Alright, I gotta find Dustin," you thought. "I've only got thirteen hours— how am I even going to track that? Robin mentioned monsters...at least she gave me this…"
        Pulling the dagger from its place on your belt, you examined it. It was a simple thing wrapped in leather, with a slightly curved blade. Embedded in the hilt was a red stone, possibly a ruby. You held it out and slashed at the air, imagining your target as someone with curly hair and brown doe eyes. Once satisfied with yourself, you sheathed it away and continued your journey.
        You walked slowly, taking in your surroundings and keeping a watchful eye out for any traps. Brown roots covered the stone walls and spilled onto the path in thick chunks. You carefully maneuvered around them, but the passage seemed to go on forever, and you slowly went from a walk to a jog, and from a jog to a sprint, running down the path with no end in sight.
        Your careless running finally caught up to you when you tripped over a thick, gnarled root, toppling over and tumbling to the ground. Knees digging into dirt, you huffed as you looked up, and from the corner of your eye, you saw it.
        The labyrinth was moving.
        By the looks of it, it changed ever-so slightly— nothing the careless eye could catch so quickly. The walls shifted in what looked to be a wave of magic, pulsating as if they were alive, and the root you had just tripped over slowly disappeared, rescinding into the stone crevices behind you. Was the labyrinth alive after all? Or was this Eddie’s doing?
        You punched the ground in frustration as the pain in your knees became a dull ache. Groaning, you sat up against the wall, your face red not just from exhaustion, but the anger that bubbled to the surface.
        "You can’t be serious!" you screamed at the bright blue sky, hoping someone— anyone— would listen. "What the actual fuck am I supposed to do? Hey, Eddie! Yeah, I have a feeling you can hear me, you prick! What the fuck!? You didn't say it fucking moves! Or that there were monsters in here!”
        You were met with dead silence as you leaned your head against the stone wall, catching your breath and closing your eyes.
        "Alright, this is fine, just breathe. This is like one of those DND campaigns. Yeah, okay, maybe none of this is even real. Did I finally lose it? What if Dustin is dead? Oh god, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself— what if I'm dead too?! What if mom finds me on the side of the road?!” Your ramblings carried through the silence of the labyrinth, hands trembling as you raked your fingers through your hair in anxious panic.
        Tears threatened to escape your eyes, and you tried to will them away, but had to shove your palms against your eyes to force them to hide. You wouldn’t cry, not over this, not over hypothetical scenarios. Dustin was alive— he had to be. You remembered his bubbly laugh. You remembered how curious he always was, often getting into trouble. You remembered how he tucked his head of curls under your chin when you watched movies together. Then you thought about how scared he must be without you there, in the dark and surrounded by terrifying monsters who could eat him if they wanted to. You tucked your knees close to your chest, hiccups erupting from your body as the tears you tried so hard to fight back flowed from your eyes.
        "Are you alright, dear?”
        You jumped at the sudden voice. It was a gentle thing, feminine and holding a motherly lilt that pulled you out of your internal dread. You searched for the source of it, eyes teary.
        "Would you like a spot of tea? I believe I have some leaves perfect for brewing.”
        The source of the voice finally revealed itself to you, hanging from a vine on the wall. Rubbing the tear stains from your cheeks, you leaned towards the creature. A spotted mushroom sat on its head, and delicate, glistening fairy wings sprouted from its back. You shook your head at the question.
        “What troubles you, my dear?”
        The fairy was small but seemed wise with age, with pointed ears that stuck out from her dark brown curls. Her skin was golden, as if the sun blessed her, and she wore a dress made of leaves. Her voice was warm and inviting, but her golden eyes looked you over with sorrow and worry— a mother's gaze, no doubt.
        "It’s this maze! It moves without warning! How am I supposed to get through it in thirteen hours?! Dustin is probably scared to death and it's all my fault!”
        "Oh dear, our king hasn’t properly warned you of the labyrinth, has he? Well, I can tell you with certainty that the brother you shed tears for is safely tucked away in his manor. Our king is kind and always watches over us, including little ol’ me. But in this place, things are not what you expect— for example, take that wall in front of you. It is no ordinary wall.”
        The fairy's wings gently fluttered as she lifted herself towards the wall. Placing a small hand against it, she seemed to keep floating forward.
        Slowly calming your tears, you picked yourself off the ground and approached the wall. Hand outstretched, you expected yourself to stop short, only you stumbled forward.
        "So it’s an illusion...” You walked further and were finally able to place your hand against the cobble, where you saw paths on either side. The fairy slowly settled onto your shoulder, her wings limply hanging downward.
        "I’m sorry, dear— my wings don’t quite flutter how they used to. Can you set me down near that mushroom there? Thank you.”
        "No, I should be thanking you. I needed your help.” You crouched and held your palm towards your shoulder. The fairy hopped onto it, and you set her on the dirt.
        "Oh dearie, it was nothing. Now go, he’s waiting for you!”
        "Thank you again.”
        The fairy gave you a warm smile before waving you away, her hands sparkling as you straightened up. There were two paths to choose from, both looking nearly identical. You looked to the right first, which was lined with spotted mushrooms, and then to the left, where flowers grew from stone walls. Your feet moved towards the left path, distracted by the flowers, but you stopped. 
        "Maybe the flowers are a trap. Their smell is so overwhelmingly sweet, it's giving me a headache— I can't go that way.”  You shook your head and swiftly turned to the right, following the mushrooms down the path.
        You walked and walked for what felt like hours, the pulsating walls shifting from gray cobblestone to green hedges, the changes taking place in your peripheral vision. When you looked over your shoulder, you noticed that shrubbery covered the opening you came through. You pulled the dagger from its sheath and carved an arrow into the ground, marking your path. Keeping the knife out, you trekked through the hedge maze, and when you reached a dead end, you sighed and turned back— only for the arrow mark to be missing.
        "What the hell? This is such a sick joke— I swear it was right here! Ugh!” You stomped, and the stone tile beneath your foot clicked. Your breath stalled short as your eyes darted around, but you saw nothing. You heard the sudden rustle of leaves, and turned to find that the dead end had opened into an archway. It could have been some sort of trap, but you were desperate, and hurried through the opening.
        The passage slowly opened to a courtyard surrounded by round hedge walls, and you froze as fear took hold of you. Between two pillars, you found a mysterious creature sleeping. It was blocking something— a door.
        "This has to be the way. Of course it wouldn’t be so easy. I need to find a way around this thing— whatever it is."
        You surveyed the creature from a distance, still frozen in fear and awe. Curled like a sleeping housecat, it resembled a golden lion with feathered wings. How were you going to get around it? Your sweaty fingers gripped the hilt of the dagger Robin had given you. It wasn’t much, but you took comfort in having something to defend yourself with. You inched forward, trying to find a way around the beast.
        The animal stirred and you froze immediately, sweat beading on your temple as you defensively held the knife in front of you. The creature then growled and twisted, stretching out in its sleep. A crystal ball rested under its paw, suddenly lighting up, and an all-too-familiar voice shouted through it.
        "Chrissy, wake up!”
        The creature hummed and swiped at the ball, which rolled its way towards you. Maybe this was your chance for contact— to see if your brother was alright.
        You quickly sheathed the dagger and dropped down to hoist the crystal ball into your hands, backing away from the creature. Larger than the one previously offered to you, the orb reflected a man with shaggy curls. You glared at his image, but Eddie's attention was elsewhere as he shouted at someone, his voice muffled by all the noise around him. In the background, you heard the sounds of goblins yelling and knocking each other over as something metal loudly clattered to the floor.
        "Eddie, the kid is causing too much trouble! He nearly decapitated little Mike with a sword just now! You watch him, I need a break!” 
        "Stevie you can't leave now! He likes you!"
        "Not my problem! And stop calling me that!
        The unknown man huffed in annoyance before walking off and Eddie rolled his eyes before he let out a heavy sigh. 
        "Some one else was watching over Dustin? And he was around a sword?!"
        Eddie's pointed ears twitched at a high-pitched scream and he groaned, before turning his head to face you.
        "How many times do I—? Oh hello, Miss Henderson.” His eyes widened, not expecting to see you on the other end of the crystal.
        "Where is he?” Your voice was low and angry as you quickly hid behind a pillar, but he seemed distracted.
        "Where’s who? Hey!" The ball jostled as it was ripped from his hands. "Get back here!” He started chasing after the thief, and when he seemed close, you heard childish laughter.
        "Dustin, is that you!?” Your eyes brimmed with tears as you clutched the ball close, a relieved sigh escaping— none of your fears had come true. 
        The laughter became louder as your brother’s gummy grin took center stage, his blue eyes crinkled with glee as he ran, the crystal shaking in his hands.
        "Dustin! Dustin! Are you okay?!” Your voice shook as you tried to get his attention, lowering it as the sleeping creature stirred. He laughed and joyously called your name.
        "I okay, no worry!”
        "Are you sure? You're not hurt? Where are you?” Your questions came out quick, but he giggled, his curls bouncing as he ran.
        "I at Eddie's house! I like it here and I like Eddie! He play with me and I still eat my veggies, like you say! But Eddie don’t eat.”
        "I’m coming to get you, okay? I'll be there soon. Then we’re gonna go home and eat all the ice cream you want. If the goblins do anything bad, then you hit them real hard and run away.”
        "Yay!" The boy cheered, but his running slowed, his eyes droopy and tired. "Pinky promise...?”
        "Pinky promise…I…I love you.”
        "Love you…” he yawned.
        Suddenly he was scooped up, laughing sleepily— something you didn’t think you would miss so much.
        "I’ll take that back now, you little rascal— time for bed.”
        The image shook once again as Eddie plucked the crystal ball from Dustin's grip, holding it out to show the two of them. Dustin dug his face into his shoulder and clung to his neck, legs wrapped around his torso. The man’s eyes were gentle as he shifted his attention from the boy to you, and with a soft voice, he stared you down.
        "You have eleven hours— I'll see you soon.”
        Red smoke filled the crystal, and when it cleared, he was gone.
        "What was all that about? No, forget him, Dustin is okay. He's been eating and now he's going to sleep. See me soon? When I see Eddie, I’m gonna—"
        You set the large crystal ball on the ground and turned to the now very-much-awake creature— one that was half-human, dressed in a white and gold toga. Her ocean blue eyes were piercing, her golden hair perfectly framing her soft face.
        "It seems you caught me napping— you must be the famous Henderson girl I hear so much about.” The creature's voice was soft and tired, her eyes staring you down as you stood away from her.
        How did all of these creatures know you?
        You kept still, your heart furiously beating in your ears. You were sure she could hear it too.
        "That knife at your hip— I hope you weren't planning on using it on me. Otherwise, you might have been my lunch.” she grinned nonchalantly.
        You quickly shook your head— a lie.
        "Come closer, don't be shy. I’m Chrissy and I promise I won’t eat you— there are things here that are far worse than me. Now for your test!”
        You slowly began to approach her, noticing three large locks on the door behind her.
        "Test? What kind of test?”
        "It’s really easy, just answer some riddles and unlock the door behind me to continue towards the city. Easy-peasy!”
        "Wait, riddles? You're a sphinx?” You wracked your head for the story, remembering the creature from a book of Greek mythology you read for history class.
        "Well no, I’m a goblin. We come in all shapes and sizes." Chrissy was a large creature, but she began to shrink, her lion legs shifting into human ones. Her toga reached her ankles, and her bare feet seemed to have been dipped in gold. Her blonde hair fell just past her shoulders as she yawned, arms stretching out above her head.
        You watched in awe and she smiled brightly, giving you jazz hands. The golden bangles around her wrists clanked when she did so.
        "Alright then, I have three riddles for you. If you can’t solve them, then unfortunately, you'll be...misplaced.”
        "Wait, misplaced? Where to?”
        "Typically you’d be placed anywhere in the labyrinth, but in this case, I was told to send you back to the beginning.”
        Your eyes widened and she laughed, her jewelry jingling as she approached you.
        "So, are you ready or not? You don’t have that much time…”
        Taking a deep breath, you nodded. Hopefully all those Dungeons and Dragons sessions would pay off.
        "I’m ready…I think.”
        She clasped her hands together in prayer and her blue eyes gently closed. When she opened them a few seconds later, they glowed a bright gold. You flinched at the unexpected change, but tried to relax. This was your first true test.
        "Your first riddle is this: if given one, you’ll have many or none at all.” Her voice echoed throughout the landing, shaking the hedge walls.
        You steadied yourself and delved deep into your mind, stewing in the question. You had to think carefully; if you gave the wrong answer, you would have to start all over again. And if you did, there most likely wouldn't be a kind fairy creature to help you. What would you even choose to say? There were so many choices.
        Taking a deep breath, you shakily gave your first answer.
        "A choice…?”
        Chrissy smiled, and a lock from behind her fell to the floor.
        "That is correct— your destiny is shaped by the choices you make on your journey through life. Many choices can alter your path, whether they lead you to ruin, or lead you to glory. Choices give the power to challenge your fate. Now your second riddle is this: some are cherished, some are hated, and even if lost, they remain with you.”
        You stared at her, taking in her words, imprinting them into your mind. It could be people— maybe it was. But how are lost people still with you? In your heart?
        Suddenly you thought of your father, the day he left Hawkins ingrained into your memory. Your mother was pregnant with Dustin at the time— you remembered her crying after work, still in her scrubs. You remembered the day she came home with your brother in a carrier and how she cried for weeks after. You remembered seeing her less often. You remembered waking up to feed Dustin when your mother worked night shifts. You remembered not having a Sweet 16th after he was born. You remembered helping to pay for his racecar bed. You remembered getting him to say your name for the first time. It was his first word. You remembered raising him, and you remembered loving him so much. But you remembered the sleepless nights before tests. You remembered missing school to watch over him when he was sick. You remembered crying when he wouldn’t stop. You remembered having to swallow back the tears when your mother was there. The memories were a cocktail of pain, loss, and happiness.
        You remembered…
        "Is the answer memories?”
        Another of the locks fell to the ground, causing it to shake.
        "Correct— memories are powerful. They may hold a person's love or hate, their joy and their grief, and some may choose to block them out. The memories you hold dear will always be imprinted into your heart, even as years pass. Our memories shape us, and you are now stronger because of them. Keep those memories close, for even if they hurt, they are a part of who you are. Now, your last riddle is this: they arrive every night, whether invited or not. They can be seen, but not heard or touched. If one falls, they all keep moving.”
        You absorbed her words into your mind— you needed to get this right, or you would be doomed to reset this death trap. Tapping your foot, you tried to wrap your head around the riddle. You looked up at the sky above you, falling into a distant memory.
        "Whas in da sky?”
        "Those are stars, Dustin. You can only see them clearly out here.”
        "Because it's dark here.”
        "The dark is scawy...”
        "It can be, but the stars will always keep you safe.”
        "Well, you see that up there? That’s the North Star— when it comes out, you make a wish on it. And guess what? If you follow it, it can take you home.”
        You sat on the driveway with Dustin in your lap, staring up into the starry sky. There had been a blackout, and your mother was still working at the hospital. The sudden darkness had scared the boy, and you tried to calm his cries by bringing him outside.
        "It can?”
        "Yeah, and do you wanna know the coolest thing?”
        "Sometimes stars fall from the sky. They say bye-bye to their mommies and they go on their own adventure. They fly by and spread their magic dust to make you happy.”
        "Really? They not scawed?”
        "Maybe, but it’s okay to be scared. Their mommies are always watching.”
        "And sisters?”
        "Yeah buddy, their sisters watch them too.”
        Dustin leaned against you, staring up at the sky with awe in his bright blue eyes. The stars, despite the blackout, kept on moving.
        "Is Mommy still working?”
        "Yeah, the hospital needs a lot of help, so she’s staying late.”
        "I sleep with you?”
        He looked up at you with pleading puppy-dog eyes, and how could you say no to that? You sighed and gently nodded.
        "Yeah, you can sleep in my room 'til Mom gets back.”
        He cheered and leaned against you, his eyes starting to close, and for a second, you thought a comet shot through the sky.
        You wished things were different.
        "Stars— the answer is stars.” Your voice came out shaky and unsure, and you held your breath until finally, after what felt like years, the final lock clicked open and fell to the ground with a heavy thud.
        "Correct— for centuries, the stars have guided the lost, and today, their memory guides you forward. Whenever you feel lost in your heart, unsure of how to navigate the darkness within, then look to the night sky. Follow the stars and allow them to guide you, just as they guided others long ago. Just as the stars keep moving, so will you. Congratulations— you have passed the test and may continue on your journey.”
        You held your breath, your eyes wide with shock. Your heart raced as you stood still, as if one wrong move would send you back to the start of the labyrinth. But your anxiety melted into joy when you realized that you had done it— you had passed the first test. You let out a shaky breath, your trembling hands quickly rubbing away the joyous tears that poured down your cheeks. Breaking into a smile, you turned to the orb, pointing at it with a determined fire in your eyes.
        "See that, Eddie?! Fuck you, I did it! Bring it on!”
        Chrissy smiled and tried to hide her laugh. She closed her glowing eyes, and when she blinked them open, she was herself again.
        "Do watch out for traps, won’t you? I would like to see you at the banquet.”
        "Yes, I would like to see you there alive and well. We have a celebration coming up and would love to have you there.”
        You stared at her with confusion etching your features— as if you would voluntarily spend another second in this godforsaken place.
        Chrissy stepped aside as the door swung open, exposing a topiary of a lion on the other side of the passage. You turned to her as she stretched and yawned, her form shifting back to her more animal-like appearance. Swallowing a lump in your throat, you were finally able to voice your concern.
        "Are the next trials harder?”
        "Well, everything has its difficulties and everything has its solutions. You’ll be fine, just keep looking ahead.”
        "Alright, thank you!”
        You took a deep breath, and with a newfound excitement, you passed through the doorway, your eyes trained on the topiary ahead. You looked back at Chrissy, who seemed to settle into sleep, and with a wide smile, you began to run. Your shoes pounded against the flagstone floor as you hurried through the passage.
        But then the flagstone was gone, there was no ground, and your eyes widened as you fell down a gaping abyss. You clawed at the edge of the stone, but it was too late. Your heart raced as you helplessly flailed your arms, the darkness swallowing the scream you let out as you plummeted into the unknown. Was this the your fate all along? Had you made the wrong choice? Gone the wrong way? Were you going to die?
       "I should have looked where I was stepping."
        You fell down, down into the abyss, and the darkness consumed you.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I know it took almost a year to get here but it's here! I'm a full time college student and coming up with original puzzles for this was no easy feat I'll tell you what. I promise I haven't given up yet! Don't forget to reblog, like and comment it really helps! (gosh I sound like a Youtuber lol) But anyways thank you again for reading and back to the writing cave I go!
Taglist: (If you want to be placed on it comment under here)
@fan-girl-97 @sh0wthyself @maxstecc @mirkwoodshewolf @bellalillyrose @under-the-clouds @bllshtbel @ali-r3n @darknesseddiem @ladyjbrekker @mewchiili
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inkskinned · 1 year
so i think that in nona the ninth the reason everyone has strange names is bc nona speaks every language so the names she hears are the meaning of the name. like there's even a passage where she says "born in the morning" and everyone around her is like "? who the fuck is that?" and then they think about it and they say - oh you mean born in the morning. i think "born in the morning" is named something like "dawn" - nona hears the "meaning."
also i think noodle is based off of that one picture where it looks like the dog has too many legs but that's besides the point
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m3talmunson · 1 year
Steve Harrington except his mom comes from old money, his father new. So while Steve's mom took his father's last name (reluctantly. She was doing her best to promise that her son would have a good life ahead of him), she got to choose Steve's first, which just happens not to be Steve.
His name is actually Esteban Eberardo Ortiz Harrington, because by God, Maria Harrington would never let her son have an English name since she had to give up her own to promise her son a decent life.
Somewhere along the way she got lost in it all. She chased Mr. Harrington around to make sure he wasn't sleeping with whatever floozie secretary he had at the moment, and in doing so she forgot to be a mother - as much as somebody can just forget that duty.
So, one day Esteban got dropped off at his grandpa's house and became Steve. Then one day Steve's grandfather died and Steve didn't even see his father at the funeral. His father, the dead man's son, sent Maria with flowers to the funeral. Flowers she didn't have a destination for. So, the moment it was over she dragged Steve and the flowers back to the dust-covered Harrington home. She makes some dinner and has a nice night with her son, but as they curl up on the couch and try to settle for the night, she brings him up.
"Mijo, your father. I have to go back to him tomorrow. I have a plane ride in the morning. I have to go sweetheart." She blinks back the tears in her eyes as she delivers the news.
"It's ok mama! I'm 10 now, double digits." He holds out both of his hands, all of his fingers splayed out. "I can take care of things here." He put on his best brave face, something Grandpa Harrington taught him.
"Grandma is going to visit you as much as she can, but she doesn't live near here. You'll be on your own a lot, my sweet sweet boy." She let the tears run at this point, ignoring the musical she had put on the TV to occupy their thoughts.
"Don't cry mama," He curled up into her side. "Wait, Grandma? But she's been gone for longer than Grandpa?"
"No, no, my mama. She'll be up here every so often for you. My brave boy." She kissed the top of Steve's head, peppered a few more against Steve's complaints of tickling.
"Come on mama, Dolly's singing!" He said, and drew his attention back to the TV like it was nothing. They fell asleep on the couch that night. Mr. Harrington never would have approved, but maybe he just didn't need to know.
And that began the life of Steve being alone. At least, most of the time. His grandma did come up every so often. She taught him how to cook, clean, where the stools were, and which ones were tall enough for him to reach the cookie jar. The same cookie jar that stayed in place just incase his parents did come home and happen to give half a shit about it.
When she couldn't be there, over the phone, she taught her little Esteban Spanish. His father never allowed it in the house, but the moment she insisted she be called Abuelita and not Grandma, she piqued Esteban's interest.
He was interested until he got made fun of for the accent. He continued to learn it, but insisted that he be called Steve, the same way she insisted he call her something else. That set the record straight for him.
During high school, she got too frail for him to visit. The Harrington's put money in the bank for Steve, so he began to visit her. He'd fly down to where she was staying, drive once he could. Steve got his license the very first day he could, just to visit her. He planned her funeral when the day came, just a month before Will Byers went missing. That kept him in contact with quite a few of his cousins that way, checked in on everyone and made the rounds while he tried to remain a normal teenager, have a normal girlfriend, live as King Steve, or Steve "The Hair" Harrington. Anything that kept his life nice and neatly in place.
Then, a stupid nail bat was his lifeline. Screw normal, he couldn't trust anyone or anything anymore. Two years later, he got tortured by Russians and then, maybe he could trust someone.
Somewhere between his fall from grace and saving the world for good, he grew to trust a lot of people. Grew to have people at his house all the time, filling that god awful empty house.
He had Eddie over one night when he got a call from his cousin Mariana, she had just finished her freshman year of college in the US, so her English was getting pretty good, but she greeted him in Spanish so he can only return the favor. Steve guessed it was only a matter of time until Eddie and the others found out about him anyways.
So, he responded to Mariana. He had an entire conversation with her, back to the couch that Eddie was sat on. Last he knew Eddie was flipping through movies, but all the noises stopped. At least Steve could assume that maybe he just picked a movie, and maybe get hurt or yelled at or something after the call. He just had to get through this conversation with Mariana.
He heard the crash of tapes falling and had to end it.
"Sorry Mari, I've got to go." He said abruptly in English, and tried his hardest not to slam the phone back into the receiver.
When he turned around, he didn't expect what he saw. Sure, Eddie's jaw was basically on the floor, but he didn't seem angry, not like Steve had expected.
"You- you speak Spanish, Stevie?" Eddie had almost a shocked rasp to his voice, clutching onto the tape in his hand, the one that managed to not fall.
"Yeah, have for about 8 or 9 years now."
"You, Steve Harrington, are fluent in Spanish?"
"Esteban Eberardo Ortiz Harrington, actually. And yeah, my mom is Mexican."
"Est- Esteban???" Eddie laughed out. "Good God Stevie-"
"I know, I know, I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide it, I just- it's hard walking around Hawkins with a Spanish accent, it's just so-" He interrupted Eddie.
"Steve, Stevie, no." It was Eddie's turn to interrupt. "I'm not mad at you sweetheart. Definitely not mad." Eddie hinted at something else.
"You're not mad? What- I-" Steve raised his eyebrow. "What's that look about then?"
Eddie had been out to Steve for a while, and vice-versa. They hadn't exactly not been flirting, so Eddie didn't feel too crazy saying this next part.
"If I'm being so honest, Stevie," Eddie stepped closer into Steve's personal space, "I wouldn't say completely platonic feelings."
"Oh, that's what does it for you, Munson? Really?" Steve teased. Back with the bravado charm.
"I dunno... want to say some more?"
And, of course, the moment he hears it again -the accent Steve's voice works itself into- he's basically frothing at the mouth. He drops the tape he was holding and swings his arms around Steve's neck, only a little awkward considering the lack of height difference.
"I guess it is, Esteban."
"You don't even know what I said!" Steve pretended to act shocked, or pissed or something, but he really didn't care.
"Tell me later," Eddie cut Steve off with a swift kiss, and maybe Steve would settle for later.
Maybe he'd have a lifetime to tell Eddie that all he said was "I really want to kiss you." He had his wish fulfilled anyway.
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Imagine harassing endo systems because why not. You dumbasses invade tags, break dnis, send death threats, actively make fun of other systems. What the fuck is wrong with you. all becaUse youre too stubborn. Can't believe you guys.
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paintbrushnebula · 4 months
"Miguel O'Hara did horrible things and deserves to be dealt with" is a point that can be made without making fun off/blatantly insulting his ethnic/Hispanic features
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taino-ti · 5 months
"this ones just so funny because i called a mixed black person a slur for a mixed black person" imagine thinking this is a good look.
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A Freak and a Basket Case: An Eddie Munson x Fem!Hispanic!Reader
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Chapter One - Seek and Destroy
After many years of being unable to connect in a personal way with reader insert fiction across all genres, I’ve decided to make an insert where I’m forcing you to eat a concha, speak a little Spanish and be absolutely weird. I’m a short Hispanic chick who was a loser in high school bro. I admire other writers here in the fandom who have every confidence in me being a bombshell badass, but I’m not her. This one’s for my Hispanic/Latina no sabo girlies who never beat the weird kid allegations and who never fit right into any mold. Con mucho amor. ❤️
[Masterlist] - Chapter One (You are here) - Chapter Two
Hawkins, Indiana was going to be hell on earth, of that, you were certain.
You did not want to move here in the first place. This whole situation was horseshit. Spur of the moment pendejadas from the family matriarch in command of a newly formed triad. The family did not need a fresh start over in a new home, everyone needed to start looking harder. Expanding the search area. Keeping the name in the media. Doing something about the rampant corruptions and blatant conspiracy afoot.
So you were going to do what you did best: shut out the entire world, and focus inward.
I will not hold fear… Fear is the mind killer…
“Sit up right huevona! You’re going to mark my seats.”
You slid your feet off the seat, hoping deliberately that your shoes left marks. You were looking out the window with a scowl. You wanted to be anywhere but here, in this piece of shit town…
Your mother obviously noticed the scowl, as she sighed deeply before trying to talk to you again.
“I know you’re not happy, but this is a new start for us. Try to make the best of it, yeah?”
“And why couldn’t we just have moved somewhere else in New Mexico?! Chingao, you didn’t even think about it, you just put your finger on the map and ya!”
“Watch your mouth.” Your mother snapped. “And you know it wasn’t just putting a finger and ya. We needed a fresh start, and Hawkins was the best choice we could make. It wasn’t as impulsive as you make it out to be, it’s what’s best for all three of us.”
“And what the hell about dad?!” You demanded. “Huh?! How the shit do we continue doing our part if we’re all far away?!”
Your mother’s grip tightened on the steering wheel, eyes narrowing as she drove. Your words had obviously hit a raw nerve. It had only been a year and some change… The changes hadn’t even had time to settle before the move came.
“What’s done is done. How many times am I going to have to go through this?! It’s been over a year, it’s time to accept he’s not coming back. Basta!”
“Bullshit…” You hissed, quietly resigning yourself to silence as you knew any further provocation would start another fight you didn’t want to hear.
The Dodge Aspen continued down the unfamiliar streets. Even though the realtor had boasted about the minimal commute to the schools, with traffic and the morning commute, Hawkins managed to turn a ten-minute drive into almost forty-five minutes. Luckily, your mom had anticipated this. By five am that morning your mother was already blasting a mix of oldies on her eight track, banging on your bedroom door and setting off the barking of your family’s two dogs. Tiffany had almost tripped you in the bathroom when you stumbled in to use the hair dryer brush on your unruly hair, Scruffy had refused to go outside into the dog run, and the family cat Rhett had puked all over your brother Jaime’s work pants while he screamed at you to help him find another pair. Useless from years of mi hito syndrome.
It had been a shitshow of a morning, an omen of things to come.
Your mother blasted the horn at a green Chevy that nearly sideswiped her, trying to cut in front of her.
“Pinches babosos!” Your mother growled under your breath, but you were too pissed off to care about your normally prim mother’s little slip up.
The two of you stayed in silence for some time, until you spoke up.
“You couldn’t have picked somewhere with raza at least? Like California?” You muttered, “A la chingada mujer.”
“What does it matter if there’s no raza here?!” Your mother demanded. “There’s no way we could have managed in California, and Hawkins Elementary was the only district hiring for my preferred grade. I wasn’t going to kill myself working with middle schoolers in Lynwood!”
“But serio mom?! Right at the start of senior year, you didn’t want to wait until I graduated?”
“With the way you were acting, you were on your way to getting held back for the year.” Your mother hissed, clearly fed up with your bullshit. “So shut your mouth and quit complaining.”
You shut your mouth. What could you say to that? Your mother was right.
A lot had changed in the past year. You were now compulsive in your actions, self-soothing in the oddest ways as old, pre-established habits became worse or new symptoms developed. Pacing up and down the hallway of the old house listening to music on full blast was not anything new, chewing on your clothes was, as was the rebellion of dying all of the new clothes your mom bought you some shade of black or gray. You had always been a bit of a space case, living in your imagination as a kid and reading your weird books or bothering your parents with stories of aliens and weird monsters, but that had all been innocent fun. Science fiction books and fairy movies did not a troubled teen make, but lately that vivid imagination was shrouded in grimdark. Obsessive thoughts, spiteful biting comments, lashing out and isolating away from everyone... This was not normal. This was not your normal.
The reasonably happy, vibrant kid that your mother knew was gone. Instead replaced by a bitter, angry young adult at eighteen years of age that had your innocence ripped traumatically away from you too young.
I will not hold fear… Fear is the mind killer…
This was not how senior year was supposed to go. Senior year was supposed to be the last hoorah. A happy time to start preparing for reality. For college plans. Not a time to be stuck in a small Midwestern town that felt like a foreign country.
The scenery of green trees scattered among the brick-and-mortar buildings of Hawkins held no interest for you. Normally you would be excited at all the greenery, the majority of your life spent staring at the same desert scrubs and adobe houses. Hawkins had four seasons, New Mexico had maybe two, but you would have given up four seasons and Midwestern charm for the sand and red clay mountains any day. New Mexico was closer to what was important.
New Mexico was closer to dad…
It only got worse from there as the car approached the high school. Your mom pulled into the drop lane; the car still idle as she stared you down with a hard gaze.
“Mija, I know this isn’t ideal. But you’re strong. You’re going to do fine. Just please… Please try to make the best of this situation. Do it for me, huh?”
Absolutely no move was made to exit the vehicle despite the impatience of the cars still waiting to exit the drop off lane. You stared at the collective student body of Hawkins High with disdain, downright disgust even. As if you would rather swallow glass than get out of the Dodge. You began chewing on the sleeve of your large jacket, already sweltering under layers of clothes even though the summer mornings in Hawkins were balmy at 85 degrees with high humidity.
“Stop chewing on it mensa, you’re going to ruin the sleeve!” Your mother said, swatting your hand.
You moved the cuff away from your mouth but said nothing, instead fishing in the pocket for your Walkman. When you pulled it out, you opened the tape deck and rooted through your backpack, yanking out a cassette tape from the depths and popping it in. The volume was up so high that your mother scowled when she heard what was blasting from the orange foam speakers of your headphones when you pressed the play button.
“Come on mija, you couldn’t pick something happier for your first day at a new school?”
“Nope.” you growled, pushing the Walkman into your pocket. “I’m not picking shit else. I’m going to play this fucking tape so loud, that everyone is going to stay far the fuck away from me.”
The bite in your tone was unmistakable. You were more afraid than angry.
Despite your mother’s sputtering protests and grabbing hands, you unbuckled yourself, threw open the car door, slung your backpack over your shoulder and slammed the car door on the way out.
Your arrival at school was not exactly on the best of terms, and already you were making enemies out of the majority preppy crowd of Hawkins High. Stomping your way through throngs of students to the front office for your locker assignment and school timetable, bumping the shoulders of anyone who got in your way, nearly sending some lanky string bean of a freshman flying into his little group of friends.
The hell with everyone you figured. Kick rocks. Kiss my ass. Fuck yourself with a bent tire iron.
I will not hold fear… Fear is the mind killer…
You hoped the coordination of the day would repel everyone too. Unlike everyone else who had set up their first day back ensembles with care the night before, you came to school in a black cardigan over top a gray linen dress, black tights layered with dirty socks, beat up Chuck Taylors that had been everywhere from White Sands to TRC, and your hair half assed done.
The piece de resistance was the jacket. Even though it was the end of August, you wore a large Carhartt jacket over your ensemble. Your headphones were on, your Walkman was blasting so loud that the music could be heard when you walked, and your scowl was so menacing that you could not help but lunge at and startle a few innocent girls in pastel color culottes as they passed you by. It was your one line of defense; to deter the general populace of Hawkins High you had decided to be a goddamned menace.
It was unfortunate really, because no matter how hard you tried to deter everyone away from you, it took you maybe the first ten minutes of trying to find your classes to realize that Hawkins High, home of the Tigers, had fangs that could snap even the most ironclad of wills.
You were drastically underprepared for the high schooler’s reception to your take no shit attitude. One big dude you shoulder checked ended up checking you right back into the tan lockers, the crash of your body into the metal was loud and embarrassing, causing a gaggle of girls to point and laugh. They said hateful, evil, ignorant shit as they passed, screaming it into your ear or yanking your headphones right off your ears so you would be forced to listen. The name calling cut deep to the core too. One girl even called you a slur to your face, a foot flashed out from some wastoid and nearly sent you toppling to the ground had your oversized jacket not caught on the door handle to the girl’s bathroom.
It was fucking humiliating. You wanted everyone to go away and leave you alone, and your rebellious attempts at being a badass only ended up attracting every kind of attention you did not want.
You hid in the girl’s bathroom, pushing passed a girl in a blue sundress and a strawberry blonde side ponytail to lock yourself in a stall. The tears could not wait until you were sure the bathroom was empty, you began to sob uncontrollably, loud and unashamed, the noises so awkward you did not hear the whispers of the other girls as they exited the facilities.
Fuck this day. Fuck this town. You wanted out. If you could just run away now and hitchhike with the first car you saw today, you would do it.
Dainty footsteps approached your stall as you bawled like a baby, a soft knock making you freeze.
“Go away!” you cried, voice small and hoarse from the sobbing.
“… Hey it’s… It’s going to be okay…”
A soft, delicate voice only foretold by a pair of blue high heels at the opening of the bottom of the stall. You did not know the girl, nor did you want to.
“Go away…” you begged, face burning with embarrassment as you groveled for your freedom. “Please… Please just go away and leave me alone!”
The shoes hesitated, but eventually walked away. Leaving you to your pity party.
I will not hold fear… Fear is the mind killer…
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes cabrona. Quien te tiene?
You could already hear the criticism from your mother in your mind as the late bell rang and everyone had cleared out of the bathroom to their first period class. With your glasses all smudged up from tears and snot, you exited the stall with your tail between your legs, cleaning up at the sink and washing your face clean before you made up your mind. You were not going to class today or ever again, every part of your mind was made up. Now it would only be a matter of time to find an out. Maybe you could walk home, steal Jaime’s ranfla or the Dodge Aspen to make your escape, probably the Aspen since it was less inconspicuous and would blend into the sea of cars on the freeway better than a blue 1972 Chevy Monte Carlo that was well loved. Besides, the Chevy was out of the question until Jaime got back from work at the Hawkins Water Utility, and you were not going to wait that long for him to come home and stop you. The elementary school was a closer walk, and as you walked out of the girls bathroom without checking if the coast was clear, you put your headphones on to drown out all outside distractions and blasted your Walkman to formulate how you were going to break into and hotwire your mom’s car (you knew how to do neither of these things).
As you were walking, you heard nothing. Saw only the school entrance doors ahead of you, but that did not mean you were not still jumpy and traumatized from before. You were walking quickly, unaware of the noise you were making and drastically underprepared for the biggest shock of your life.
You felt yourself being snagged by the strap of your backpack, an iron grip on your shoulders summoned a scream so loud that it hurt your throat and made you jump nearly ten feet. Your headphones were yanked from your ears, and a low voice with hot breath was in your ear muttering words that would drastically change your life.
“You’ve got bitchin’ taste in music there, princess.”
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