#Hognoses sleep a lot
scoriarose · 4 months
This is why it's so important to talk to your pet snakes! She got startled by the sound of the lid of her baby bin closing, but the moment I start talking to her, she immediately relaxes- her posture changes, she starts tongue flicking, and starts moving around again. Even if you don't think your snake can understand what you're saying, they will learn to recognize your voice, the tone of your voice, and trust you if you tell them they are okay. I've only had Sakura for a week and she already has this reaction to my voice.
With Scoria, when she was in blue and couldn't see me she was very scared because she couldn't see what was touching her- but by that point I regularly talked to her so much she knew my voice. She was basically blind, but once she heard my voice she relaxed because she knows I am her protector and I keep her safe.
Sakura doesn't know me well enough yet, and she's still getting use to the sights and sounds of our home. With how flighty she is, I'm hoping I can use this experience to help others who have more timid/skittish snakes with my experience.
Her sister Scoria is very eager to play with her, she saw her in her baby bin, and will always look to Sakura's bin when she is out. We've got to wait until he quarantine period is up, and Sakura has time to settle in, but I'm hoping they will be good friends. I will only let them play together during play time as I've read Hognoses are solitary and cohabitating them outside brumation can lead to one eating the other- which happens with mating sometimes.
But during playtime I never take my eye off my girls, and will ensure they are both happy and relaxed before their first official meeting will happen.
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Tossing and turning in bed plagued by visions (Ed Edgar headcanons that are definitely just me projecting my cowboy ass autistic interest in strange animals onto him bc he too is a strange southern man with autistic swag)
#atlas speaks#i think he keeps exotic animals. not in like a joe exotic tiger king 'I'm raising endangered mammals that could kill me in my bedroom' way#but like. he has a bunch of venomous snakes and weird spiders. his living room is just lined with shelves and shelves of terrariums#i think you see him interact with his strange and dangerous pets and it's like meeting a whole new person#he is so much less of an asshole the second he is looking at a weird bug#i think he would love camel spiders in particular. those fuckers are so weird he'd love it#and bold jumping spiders. bc they're native to where he grew up#you take him out hiking or some sblhit and he starts acting like that guy on tiktok who hunts for pythons in the florida everglades#he's picking up snakes with his bare hands like#'oh yeah this is a black racer! they're totally harmless but they've got a lot of personality ^-^' while it aggressively bites his arm#he tried showing Bim the David Bowie Huntsman once. he's like 'Bowie is a gay icon Bim'll love this' and quickly learns Bim is arachnophobic#he's waving around cane toads like 'oh my god guys look at the poison glands on this thing!!!'#i feel like he'd love eastern hognose snakes too he loves the silly fucking way they play dead#anyways what I'm saying is give him a educational nature show let him do some weird shit out in the wild it's his natural habitat#he's the types of guy to stand barefoot on the asphalt next to a diamondback to get it to cross the road so it doesn't get run over#I'm hoping releasing these thoughts into the world frees me from them so i can sleep lol can you tell#anyways he absolutely handles like black widows and brown recluse with his bare hands like a madman#he would love eel pit guy#anyways this is his one redeeming quality he is still the worst in every other way 👍
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hmshermitcraft · 7 months
Etho doesnt mean to get pets. He had a dog in childhood that in hindsight was definitely just a fox his dad brought home and kept. he loved the dog a lot don't get him wrong but he didn't want another pet because nothing could live up to sidekit.
However. His house is full of pets. It started with cats. A cat started to hang around and eating Etho's trash, so he started to put out a little food and water for it. He named her Brad, he thought she was a boy. Then she had kittens under his porch and suddenly his one cat was 8 cats. He lets them inside when it's cold and they ask but he lives on a farm with lots of vermin to eat and places to explore so they prefer to stay outside.
Then came a dog. a young pitbull with scars Etho recognized as bite marks. Poor thing probably escaped from one of those dog fighting rings. He named her Dunkin and let her lay on him in bed to sleep. After Dunkin came Shadow, a black dog of unknown breed who Etho keeps tripping over because he's so quiet. Then a pair of huskies started howling at his cows so he trained them to chillax even a little bit. He calls them Left and Right since they have one blue eye each, one on the left and one on the right. Left and Right were NOT spayed or neutered, so now he has Left, Right, Up, Down, and Sideways to wake him up every morning. He got them fixed before any more shenaniganary could take place.
Then Bdubs moved in and bought his two horses, Lulu and Mi Amoré who were staying at his parent's farm while Bdubs stayed in an apartment.
Then Bdubs adopted a macaw from an ailing friend, and then rescued an albino hognose someone dumped while coming home with the bird. that was a surprise. "Hi honey meet bird and snake." Yeah.
Bdubs loves it, the domestic farm and the garden are his safe haven. They go riding on the horses through the woods with all the dogs often and sometimes they'll even take Bird once they got her a harness. The cats live mostly in the little barn but they come in the house at their leisure to say hello often enough.
So no, he never wanted pets, and he didn't plan his family, but he's happy with them all. Especially Bdubs.
-s (based loosely on my dad and aunt who keeps obtaining critters on accident)
Bdubs enjoys telling people about how his lovely Etho has adopted or otherwise cares for so many animals! Critters just seem attracted to him.
Etho often snorts, and adds, "Including Bdubs." Which leads to several minutes of loud Bdubs noises before they start giggling together.
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jellyshark-jester · 2 months
Reverse 1999 oc: slight change to Dengra’s design
And their insight II splash art (low effort) gonna reexplain them dhdhihdih with slightly more info
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Dengrea, one of the fastest swimmer, weirdest marine biologist and resourceful ocean/underwater caves expeditioner in the foundation. They’re just a silly little guy that may or may not have interest in cannibalising their teammates, friends and most humanoids around them… very normal and silly. On the outer exterior they seem cold and maybe a little bit of a rude stuck up prick but they’re just autistic with a little bit of sass (hehe snag sass) tho they’re actually a massive cry baby, that loves affection but is bad at it and have the worst case of self control when it comes to cuteness aggression, basically just a silly guy. They’re childhood friends with quite a few of the people in the foundation that’s their age like in their 20s *cough cough* Lilya<3 but they opted to worked alone for a few years now~ only recently they’ve been put in teams with others.
Origins: unknown, found in a lab as a little snag.
They stand at 5feet tall, usually find them in their diving suit, helmet, a leather jacket and leather flared pants that’s easily removed. They’d either be somewhere “working” in an underwater cave or find them napping in the lab.
Their rarity is a 5*, Beast type that doses reality damage and is categorised from the beyond section in the files.
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I’d like to keep their naga form the same cuz I still like the “fluffy” feathery giant fat hognose snake. Their scales are long, sharp and shaped like feathers, it’s not the best for slithering on land and is a bit too heavy for flying but it makes up for being very fast underwater and any wet surfaces. Also I like to add that in their insight II they have snakes slithering around them on their body.
They can fly but it requires a lot of energy and is a bit slow… as they’re made for diving and all that jazz
I’m adding old illustration for context nsjidnijdhd and more info down here:
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(Old drawing of naga and a very old lidrea art probably the first one ndjdhjhd)
Then their relationship with Lilya<33 it’s kinda weird cuz I didn’t make them a thing I just made them friends cuz.. well I was a Tennant simp and yeah.. but I realised I kinda like Lilya more sbhshiuhdkj but how I’ve decided to do this is they used to be pretty good friends but grew distant later on in life so it’s a bit awkward for both of them.
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Silly little facts: lesbian, gay gay gay homosexual gay. If they don’t have their helmet on they will just chomp anyone… they have a sweet tooth like cake, sweet snacks and the flesh of mortals. They sleep for 2 hours(when they’re in bed) a day and 8 hours for naps (I know weird but this is at work) they’re pretty efficient in their field of work, it’s just their work ethics comes into play when you find them napping on the labs floor… which isn’t a good look…. For them, basically a silly guy… or a weirdo both works.
I think that’s it hehe
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firedrakegirl · 8 months
The reptile expos were always interesting, ever since I learned I could understand snakes and other reptiles. Since the convention center was a mite chilly, most of the snakes were either sleeping or grumbling. Well, until I made it to a table in the back. Those snakes were a lot more active, probably from the large number of hand warmers, heated blankets, and other warmth producing products. And, if I were to guess, the lump in the keeper’s pocket was a ball of snakes.
I got to the table and a small black, brown, and yellow ball python immediately perked up, nearly shouting. “That’s my human! That one! Mine!”
I immediately wandered to the other end of the table and started looking at some of the other snakes. I could hear the one who’d claimed me kicking up a fuss, but I pretended not to hear it. I looked at the man with the snakes in his pocket. “Can you tell me about this cutie?” I pointed at a random snake.
The man glanced at the fussing snake and back to me. “Well…”
I made eye contact with him, glanced at the fussing snake, and winked. Suddenly, he grinned too. “Well, she is a pastel ghost hognose, about six months old. Would you like to hold her? Fair warning, she can be a little…spicy.”
“I would love to!” I agreed, smiling down at her. She hissed at me in turn. I couldn’t help but laugh.
This continued as I met several other snakes, avoiding the container where the one who’d claimed me was. Some of the snakes had caught on and were making a show of enjoying being held, or got offended and struck at me. I wasn’t bothered by any of it, and was quite honestly enjoying myself. All of the snakes were gorgeous, after all.
Suddenly, there was a pain in my arm as the fussing snake bit me and used that leverage to climb onto my arm and stretch out. “You’re my human. Not theirs.” He hissed angrily. “Mine.”
The keeper chuckled and took the silvery ball python from me. “I think the ruse is up.”
“I think you’re right.” I laughed and turned my attention to the snake on my arm. “Do you have a name, little friend?”
“I am not little!” He hissed.
“You are, compared to me.”
“You understand me?!” He seemed to only just realize I was talking to him.
“Yes I do. And I was always coming to you. But you were being as dramatic as a hognose, so I had to mess with you.”
He made a sound that I'd learned was the snake equivelent of a gasp. “How dare you! I am nothing like a hognose!”
“The way you were trying to get my attemtion says otherwise.” I smiled. “But that's not the point here. I take it you want to come home with me.”
He wrapped around my arm and squeezed tightly. “You're not going anywhere without me ever again.”
“I don't know how to take care of a snake. I can talk to you, but I've never owned one. I don't want to risk hurting you because of my inexperience.”
“I can tell you when I need something else.” He dismissed. “And I'm going to always be with you, so it's fine.”
I glanced up at the vendor. “What do you think?”
“I think I breed Familiars, not normal snakes. Do you know what that means?”
“It mea-hey!”
The vendor reached over and gently flicked him. “Let her answer.”
I smiled softly. “Familiars are the companions to magical people, right?”
“That's a familiar. Upper case F Familiars are that and then some. They're more connected to their human, at a soul level. They can also assist in preforming spells and cleaning up stray magic.”
“then why do you want me?” I looked back down at the snake. “All I can do is talk to reptiles.”
“You're my human. And you can do more.”
“Snake folks, like us, tend to work in different ways. Our magic doesn't even necessarily present the same way that the folks who connect to cats, dogs, and frogs typically do, so it's hard to measure it unless the mage measuring is also a snake mage, or familiar with them.” He explained. “You've absolutely got power, even if you don't know it, otherwise none of my snakes would have taken notice.”
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For around the 700th time in his life, my turtle has decided to dig under his water feature and splash it everywhere. What are your reptiles' Favorite Crimes?
This is a callout post for some of my favorite little criminals:
Sirius the hognose snake: he loves dragging things through his water bowl, every single morning, without fail, every single day of his life for as long as he's been with me. My morning routine literally involves preparing fresh water for him without even checking his bowl at this point, and I've never been wrong once.
Mira the ball python: when she's hungry she'll wait with her head resting on top of her humidity hide, and when I walk by her little head will perk up at such a speed it scares me every single time
Fucking Fred the ball python: is so bad for biting that he was surrendered to a rescue I partner with because of it, and I finally just adopted him after he'd been there for like five years, during which he continued to scare away potential adopters by biting them. Current hypothesis for why he is the way he is: he came to us from a situation where he was given to a child WAY too young to have a pet (like, 5, I think), so he probably had a lot of bad experiences with handling as a baby and learned at a formative age that biting would get him put back in his enclosure. Even though he's learned that isn't true anymore, he's still very bitey when he's even slightly startled. Fred has a hair-trigger on that mouth of his.
Bentley the boa constrictor: likes to sleep in weird positions, making me think he's dead like twice a week
Arwen the cornsnake: is such a shy eater that she won't eat unless I politely give her the mouse and leave the room entirely, which really disrupts feeding day if I forget and feed her first
AJ the rainbow boa: burrows under his water dish, then gets so excited when he smells food that he comes out way too enthusiastically and spills water everywhere
Wonambi the children's python: will only take her food when she's up on one of her branches, and if I try to feed her while she's on the ground, she'll make me wait until she climbs back up before she'll take it
Dinah the Ackie monitor: once mistook my little finger for food and bit me so hard I had to go get stitches. Entirely my fault, not hers, but still - yeowch!
Stanley the bearded dragon: honestly everything he does, but the worst one is that when he's hungry he'll loudly and repeatedly slap the sides of his enclosure until I feed him. It's turned into a cycle because he's learned this behavior gets him food, but it's hard to ignore because it's so damned loud.
I always love hearing about the mischief and Crimes pet reptiles can get into. They're so often described as boring or emotionless pets, but reptiles can be just so funny and have such big personalities!
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Survey #452
“what i’ve felt, what i’ve known, never shined doing what i’ve shown  /  never free, never me, so i dub thee unforgiven”
Are you a part of the LGBTQ+ community? I am. Do you have Tiktok? Are you addicted? I don't. Do you enjoy being outside? IF it's cool outside, yes. Do you like being around kids? No, not really. Have you ever gotten Covid-19? No. What's your ethnicity? Caucasian. If you were president, what's the first change you would make? I'd probably put in place free healthcare first. What is an animal that you'd like to have as a pet but it's not allowed? If an animal shouldn't be a pet, there's a reason. So none. What was your favorite meal as as kid? Has it changed now? It was spaghetti. I still love it, but it's not my favorite now. Which doctor is your least favorite? Primary, eye, dentist, gynecologist, etc. Potential TMI answer follows. So, the VERY easy answer is gynecologist. Like, I've never even BEEN to one because I'm too scared. Not because I think they'll find anything wrong, but because I'm just very self-conscious about stuff like that and I do fucking not want some random stranger laying a goddamn finger on me like that. My doctor is really pushing me to go by now though as a safety precaution, but I just really, really don't want to. Do you feel that you'd be any good at solving a murder? No. I'm so clueless. You own a dragon, but it doesn't breathe fire; what comes out instead? Water, I guess? That could be beneficial in a lot of ways. Have you ever been sprayed by a giant rain puddle when a car passed by? No. Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? Yeah, IT with Girt. What color is your iPod? Hot pink. Do you think baby clothes are adorable? Ha ha yeah, I just tend to like miniature things in general, and babies are just... miniature humans lmao. Whose house did you last sleep over at? Sara's. If you could adopt 3 unique pets, what would you get? A plains hognose morph (probably a lavender, or snow?), a Brazilian black tarantula, andddd... an African fat-tailed gecko morph. What grade are you in, if you’re still in school? I'm not in school. Do you get a lot of tourists in the area where you live? Hell no, there's not shit here. Do you enjoy watching vlogs? Only occasionally by certain people I like. What was the last new video game you were excited about? It really sucks I don't have the appropriate console to play it myself, but I was SUPER stoked for Resident Evil 8: Village to be released and literally watched like four different playthroughs at the same time, ha ha. Have you ever talked about your period with a guy? Were they okay with it, or grossed out? In a three-and-a-half years intimate relationship, it obviously came up before. He didn't care, because he wasn't 12. Have you ever been to small church/bible group/study? Forced to or wanted to? I was forced to go to Sunday school, as well as church. Have you ever been to an Asian (any type) market? If so, what is the closest one to you? I've never seen one here, even. How would you feel if your significant other had tattoos? That'd be a bonus to how physically attracted I was to them, probably, lol. I just love tattoos. Where was the last place on your body that you felt physical pain? My uterus is screaming. :') What are you listening to right now? I am fucking unhealthily obsessed with Violet Orlandi & Skar's cover of "The Unforgiven" by Metallica lkasdjkflawjerwr like I will not stop listening to it lol. Last person you texted? My mom. Have you ever gone out of your way to make someone happy? Yes. Is there a certain person that makes you feel safe? My mom. Have you ever used a chainsaw? Nooo, and I don't want to. Do you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa? crihmuh Ever been so stunned, no words came out? Oh yes. Ever written that you were going to end your life? I have. I was fucking stupid and made a suicide note on Facebook. I genuinely wanted everyone on there to know what they meant to me, so like it seriously wasn't for attention, which I still worry people think that. Ever put fake bugs around your house to scare someone? Not to scare people, no. I have two faux tarantulas in my room as decor, though. Is there a reason you have the name you do? Not particularly. My parents just liked it, ig. Choose: the best song by Green Day? Aw, that's way too hard! I love Green Day. I guess if I absolutely had to pick, maybe "21 Guns." It's just a truly beautiful song. Have you ever tried to “save”, or “fix” someone, before? No. I don't believe that works and only damages you. Were ethics discovered or invented? That's a good question. I really can't say I know. Do you put effort into getting tan during the summer? Nah. Are you a fairly self-motivated person? NO. I need external motivation pretty badly. Be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you? Or are they actually not worthy of your affections? I don't deserve him. List 5 things that have been on your mind most recently. 1.) wtf I feel about Girt and wtf to do about it; 2.) my weight; 3.) what job I'm going to search for once I make progress at the gym; 4.) whether or not to quit photography and focus my efforts elsewhere; and 5.), as always, Jason. What is better, history or science? Science is way more interesting. Do you flinch at the sight of blood? No. Do you enjoy swimming? Yeah. When you swear, is it usually in general or directed at someone? In general. I don't generally swear at people. Are any of your friends hoping to be famous one day? Yeah; I've got a couple of musician friends. Who would you kiss right now if you could kiss anyone? GO AWAY Ever slapped a guy in the face? No. I don't hit people. Do you think you’re a good friend? I sure try to be. Have you ever thrown your cell phone in anger? When? I have on only one occasion when I Jason and I were texting and he pissed me off. I don't remember what we were even talking about now. My phone was fine btw, ha ha, I didn't like, chuck it. What color of hair do you find the sexiest on the opposite gender? Out of the natural hair colors, black. But I really like hair that's dyed exotic colors on like... anyone. Have you slept over at a member of the opposite sex’s house in their bed? Yeah. When you lost your virginity, were you sober? Yeah. Have you ever given your phone number to somebody you met online? Quite a few people, actually. Most of my friendships are online. On average, how much does gas cost where you live? When I was out today, it was $2.99. Why are you happy? Who said I was? I'm not happy. What is in your pocket? Nothing. What was the worst feeling you last felt? Severe indecision. Worthlessness. Yesterday had some grim periods. What would you name your future son? I always answer with the first name, "Damien," so let's see about a middle name... uhhhh... maybe Damien James? I'm not really sure about a middle name, but that sounds nice. What are you waiting for? Girt to message me back. He barely touches Facebook, so I can't blame him, but I wanna plan a day for him to visit and we can hang and I can decide what the fuck it is I feel towards him. What takes your breath away? Big waterfalls, to name a major one. What fact of life would you rather not know about? That the world doesn't give a fuck about you. It sounds super pessimistic, I know, but it doesn't. There is no sentience to it, no will to keep you safe and happy, it just... exists, and we're thrown onto it to figure it out. Unfair things happen. That's life. ... Damn, this answer was dark lol. What’re a few things that automatically make you go, “Awww?” Meerkat pups doing so much as blinking, guys being really cute with kids, seeing elderly couples holding hands and just generally being precious, proposals (especially gay ones just because of how hard that was fought for), seeing literally any picture in existence of Mark and Amy together, veterans coming home and their dogs freaking out... Man, a lot of things. This question brightened my mood to think about. :') Are you easily scared by horror movies? Nah. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Illinois to visit Sara. :') I really wanna hang. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you? No, but a former best friend had her bday a day before mine. Are you wearing a ring? I always wear two. Do you hate to hug people? No, I love hugs. How many rooms does your house consist of? Seven. If you could be on any TV show, which would it be and why? Can I be a Pokemon trainer, pls???? What would you want to be famous for? Most ideally, a great wildlife photographer. The kind photography students would see and be inspired by. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? No, I sleep with a real animal, ha ha. What is your favorite brand of hairspray? I don’t have one. What is in your backyard? Not very much... I'm barely ever even out there, so I barely know. There's one shed, a small tree, and uh... idk. Who is/was your favorite teacher? I have a few. Mrs. Whitley, Mr. Proctor, Coach Collie, and Miss Tobey are some. What’s your favorite non-sexual thing to do with a girl/boy? Play video games together. Do you cheer for the bad guy? Ha, I have a tendency to do that... Would you rather start a new career or a new relationship? Career. I want one so very badly. Something on the human body that grossest you out the most: So even though I am sexually attracted to any gender, nevertheless, genitalia gross me the fuck out. Either kind. Penises especially though like what the fuck- Do you think it’s easier to raise a boy a girl? Why? From most parents, I've heard boys are much easier because girls (supposedly) tend to have more of an attitude. What is your favorite strawberry flavored food? Strawberry is generally my favorite flavor for like, everything, so this is just about impossible. Maybe uhhh slushies? What is the oldest video game system you’ve played? An Atari.
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spyrkle4 · 4 years
Some random HOF hcs that I wanna share because I wanna talk about my fic more Pt: 1
-Hiro has a sweet tooth while he works on robotics stuff, his favorite? Gummy bears of course, though he also likes chocolates. Ari is a huge fan of chocolates so she tends to steal his stash of chocolate a lot.  -Mikan's favorite pastry is scones, specifically the blueberry kind -David is one picky eater, especially when it comes to sushi, which are the only vegetables/fruits he’ll eat, any other time offered a fruit or veggie he will turn his nose. -Hiro inhabited his aunt's stress-eating habits, which happen very rarely, so did Tadashi (he did it a lot during Hiro’s bot-fighting.) -Mikan is a very apathetic person, she doesn't really understand the feelings of others but at least tries not push their buttons... sometimes -Wasabi enjoys collecting soft things, holding them is a stress-reliever -Honey Lemon was into the supernatural as a teenager, Wasabi was a witness to that and he describes it as the “dark ages” of their friendship
-Also Wasabi and Honey Lemon are childhood friends! -Ari has a fear of eels because of a bad aquarium trip, she will freak out and gag at the thought of them
-Baymax is a therapist to Hiro and Ari, he helps the former with his grief and the latter with her amnesia and helps her remember stuff with exercises
-Ari is a hugger! She will give all of her friends hugs, though some of her gal pals (Karmi and Juniper) were surprised to get hugs.  -David got a pet snake named Snickers when Sally bribed him to eat his fruits/veggies during high school. Snickers is a wild hognose snake that loves being hand-fed and burrowing. -Ironically Sally is slightly scared of David's snake Snickers
-David knows how to play piano! He has a little keyboard that he used to bring everywhere in school until it got trashed by bullies, he keeps his new one at home and plays to help him relax. His birth mother knew how to play so it’s one way he can be closer to her. -Ari still has nightmares from when she was captured by Yama, those are nights where she has to cuddle Mochi or Hiro to go back to sleep.
-Speaking of family cuddles the entire fam had a sleepover post CtC because Hiro almost lost what was left of his loved ones, and he wanted to keep them near.
-Steven's biggest reason for still working at Krei-Tech despite how frustrating it can get is because it makes it easier to support the family. He and Judy are “tired of Krei” solidarity.
-Sara has a part-time job at the Noodle Burger near SFIT, not the one Noodle Burger Boy was at, though sometimes she helps with the cleaning of that one for extra cash.
-Mikan did a lot of bot-fight betting during high school to help support the Ferns family, money was tight during high school for the fam.
-Katie’s really good at reading people’s thoughts/emotions, she’s able to tell if someone is a good or bad person. She uses this power for evil and tends to push people (Ari)’s buttons a lot, Rachel is not amused.
-Ari admires Wasabi for his sense of organization, he teaches her a few tricks
-Gogo had a lot of pet hamsters as a kid, she was a good pet owner and all of them lived long happy lives. 
-Ari was named after @princess-kidatheart17! Though people ask if she’s seen The Little Mermaid when find out her full name is “Ariel.” She has and stop asking her that.
-Hiro had a lot of fictional crushes when he was younger because not like he could have any high school crushes, he really liked edgy characters with sob stories.
-Karmi loves stickers as much as Honey Lemon does, she loves a mix of animal themed stickers and bio-themed stickers
-Both Karmi and Ari have celebrity crushes on Liv.
-Honey Lemon and Wasabi are bi buddies, they and Fred have bi-pan solidarity since Fred is pan. Gogo, Ari, and Tadashi are gay, and Hiro's queer.
-Wasabi's also trans, his family was very supportive of him and helped him a lot. 
-Ari sometimes feels embarrassed about her crush on Juniper (because the Fern kids tease her for it sometimes) so she talks to her fellow lesbian Gogo about it and it makes her feel better because Gogo's a good listener and she doesn’t give her flack about it as much as her brother does.
-Hiro was worried about Ari's crush because he fears that Juniper might take advantage of Ari's feelings for her if she finds out. And Ari thought Hiro is being paranoid    
-Related to ^ but Juniper wouldn’t have taken advantage of Ari like that. Ari said “I told you so!” to her brother afterwards. But Hiro was still worried it could lead to trouble...
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blahblahblippyblah · 5 years
The Marauders, His Dark Materials AU where they all have daemons
Context:in this universe your soul manifest itself as an animal (or daemon) that cannot leave your side. It is part of you and you are part of it. When you are young your daemon can change shape but once you become an adult and figure out who you are it choses a form that represents who you truely are and will stay like that till you both die.
James growing up wants his daemon Bahaadur to settle as a Lion, just like Godric Gryffindor his hero. So Bahaadur is always usually in the shape of a lion when James is trying to show off, act brave, or be mischievous. The downside is that Bahaadur can't seem to grow a mane and doesn’t look super impressive without it. Other times Bahaadur is a Kestrel, especially when James is playing Quidditch. But occasionally when James is just hanging out and being himself all relaxed Bahaadur is a young stag without antlers.
When they get into year 3 they meet a new DADA professor who is an ex Auror whose deamon settled as a large elk. James looks up to him so much since he's such a great professor and is super brave. So, James gets more comfortable with Bahaadur being more stag. He also starts embracing being less arrogant with this revelation in 5th year and Bahaadur starts growing these huge antlers. When he's 15 Bahaadur settles as huge graceful stag with huge antlers, much to the dismay of his roommates.
Bahaadur gets in the way a lot in the dorm especially since James starts using him as a laundry holder. Bahaadur doesn't mind though and seems obviously to how much space he takes up. Bahaadur also has a habit of running into thing, stepping on other daemons, or tripping whenever Lily and her Daemon are around. Sirius thinks this is hilarious.
Sirius' Daemon is initially named Pudicitiam, but Sirius calls him Puddle because he hates the name Pudicitiam. The Black’s choose the names for their children’s daemons which isn't how the rest of the world really works. When Sirius runs into James on the Hogwarts Express, he decides to quickly rename his daemon to Fidèle and feels free to let him stay as a black dog like he wants to be. When he starts calling his Daemon that at home it upsets his family, but after his first year Sirius doesn't care what they think and he starts to rebel.
The Blacks also have a weird tradition of their daemons always settling as snakes, something they're very proud of. The Blacks believe having snakes as daemons means you are intelligent and ambitious, and of proper blood. This comes from a belief in pureblood families that only powerful wizards have snake daemons, the most powerful being Salazar Slytherin whose daemon was a Basilisk. Sirius' father's is a green anaconda, his uncle Cygnus' was a Black Water Snake, his grandfather's was an Inland Taipan, Bellatrix's was a Pit Viper, Narcissa's was an albino Corn Snake she kept tight around her neck like a choker, Andromeda's was a tiny Hognose snake, and uncle Alphard's was a Ball Python. His mother was a King Cobra that he was super scared of growing up.
Before Sirius went to Hogwarts he made sure Fidèle was always a small King Snake around his parents. When he was alone Fidèle was usually a small furry black dog. When he would lose control of his emotions in front of his parents Fidèle would change from snake to dog which would upset his mom a lot and she would punish him for not being a proper Black. Her snake would strike his daemon until it bled and he begged her to stop or he was able to calm down enough to turn it back to a snake. By the time he ran away Fidèle wouldn't take it anymorr and would try and fight back. He left when his dad's anaconda tried to suffocate Fidèle when his mothers means didn't work and Fidèle settled as a dog.
Sirius was the first of his friends to have his daemon settle (4th year) into a big black grim like dog. He was also the first Black not to have a coming of age celebration since his family was embarrassed and upset about it's form.
Bahaadur often steps on Fidèle’s tail early in the morning when James is trying to get ready and Sirius and Fidèle are still sleepy and laying around.
Fidèle is super playful and often when he gets bored will start to try and bug other people’s daemons playfully.
Regulus' daemon Nobella eventually settles as a small Smooth Green Snake, which his parents rejoiced at.
Peter’s daemon is named Aspecta she often changes between a rat and a racoon. Aspecta is great at sneaking around in rat form so Peter is often made to be the look out during pranks and such. She is also great at sneaking food out of the kitchen in racoon form which is super useful. She helps Peter notice things other often don’t because she is good at sneaking around and spying, but she is also a cowards to likes to hide in his clothes often.
Remus’ daemon is named Ileuad. She appeared right after he was bitten by Greyback when he was 3. She is usually in the form of a cotton tail which Remus keeps close and cuddles with all the time, especially when reading in front of the fire. She also takes the form of a Tawny owl, especially when he gets excited about learning and magic. She’s a great partner since she often helps him research and study. However, when the moon gets closer Ileuda takes the form of a wolf much to his displeasure. The closer it is to the full the harder it is for him to calm down and concentrate and make her take the form of a cotton tail.  This frustrates him a lot since he feels it’s a cruel twist if fate for him to constantly be reminded of his condition. He’s also worried her being a wolf might give himself away. Closer to the moon Ileuda also loses her temper, which isn’t something she ever does any other time, and will openly growl and bare her teeth at people’s daemons who bug him.
As he gets closer to the age a daemon settles Remus get super upset because Ileuda spends more and more time as a wolf, and he really doesn’t want her to settle as a wolf. He is the last one of his friends to have his daemon settle in 6th year. She settles as a cotton tail though, but only once Remus accepts that the wolf will always be part of him even if his daemon isn’t one.
Lily’s daemon is named Curant. She often transforms between a Monarch Butterfly and a Mourning Dove. When she gets older her daemon starts to shift more toward being a doe. This really starts to happen when she starts to see how muggleborns are treated. She feels the doe gives her more presence and courage to stand tall. When her daemon finally settles as a doe she mourns a little about the butterfly as she sees it as herself losing her childhood innocence.  
Snape’s deamon named Potio shifts between a ribbon snake and a Little Brown bat. Potio is usually a snake when around other Slytherins who are usually pure-blooded and thus try and keep snake daemons or around people like James and Sirius, but is a bat with lily. She settles as a bat the day he calls her a Mudblood and ruins their friendship forever. James and Sirius also see Snape’s snake daemon as a sign he is evil when they first meet him, especially since unlike Sirius he is proud of it.
Other character’s daemons.
Euphemia Potter: A Swan named Sahaanubhooti or Hooti for short (F)
Fleamont Potter: A Tiger named Raksha (M)
Hope Lupin: Plymouth Rock Chicken hen named Meithrin (F)
Lyall Lupin: Northern Saw-whet owl named Doctrina (F)
Professor McGonagall: Tabby Cat named Verto (M)
Dumbledore: Fawkes the Phoenix (F)
Horace Slughorn: A Walrus named Oratio. Slughorn has a giant comfy silk bed for her in his office and classroom and she sleeps most of the day. He also has a floating charm on her so she can propel herself forwards easier to follow him around. (F)
Petunia Dursley: A Rosy Maple Moth named Estus (F)
Professor Flitwick: A Goldfinch named Lepor (Unknown M or F)
Lucius Malfoy: A Peacock named Ditiae (F)
Ted Tonks: A Bumblebee named Aeque (F)
Godric Gryffindor: A Lion named Cor (M)
Salazar Slytherin: A Basilisk named Sanguine (F)
Helga Hufflepuff: A Badger named Mel (F)
Rowena Ravenclaw: A Eagle named Ingenii (M)
In this world Animagus don’t exists and neither do Horcruxs’. However, there are two types of new magic that have to do with daemons. The first is called Tactusing which is when you can learn how to go further from your daemon than you normally could. It involves being very connected with your daemon and being honest with yourself. Know super powerful Tacters are Dumbledore, Merlin, Grindelwald, all 4 founders, and supposedly Voldemort, who can send their daemons very far away from themselves. The second is soul melting which is when you can go into the mind of your daemon and share its body. This too involved being close to your daemon. Not many people can soul melt and soul melders. The third is called animasectus or masectusing which is when you sever the link with your daemon so you can live forever (like a Horcrux). To separate your daemon this way you need to kill someone else daemon with your bare hands (which is super taboo).
Touching other people’s daemons is also considered inappropriate and taboo. Very few people ever feel comfortable even touching their loved one’s daemons and is often only done for people who are soulmates.
James, Sirius and Peter all learn how to Tact and Soul melt so that they can use their daemons to keep Remus company during the full moon. Before then Ileauda would try and stop Remus from getting hurt but wasn’t very good at it and got hurt a lot. If she was a rabbit right before he turned during the full moon, he would lock her in a trunk to make sure she was safe. After his friends learn these skills he doesn’t have to lock her away any more.
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draconym · 5 years
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Hognose care guides: The hognose is a secretive, fossorial snake that loves to burrow underground. Make sure you provide yours with lots of hides and a substrate they can tunnel in. This is a very shy species; do not expect them to be visible in their enclosure very often.
Galaga: no :) Galaga: a s c e n d Galaga: *sleeps hanging from the ceiling like a gd bat* Galaga: *respects Not the laws of man or physics*
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crinkliedfries · 4 years
as promised. animal names: 
jerkface (leopard gecko): it started as a nickname, he got it because when we had first gotten him he was kind of mean? and he wouldn’t eat anything (but that did teach me a lesson in taking better care of myself, and he eats very well now, so it all ended up okay). he’s my sweet darling precious boy and he gets excited when he sees me. i love him very much. 
david monty (honduran milk snake, the big one): he has two names! a boy with a first and middle name! we usually just call him monty, honestly. he got the first part of his name from an inside thing that i can’t. i can’t even try to explain actually. and monty was after uncle monty from a series of unfortunate events (and vaguely monty python?) 
baby kimball/pancake (bearded dragon #1): pancake was his nickname (and the name we put on the headstone). kimball has to do with like,,, “leader of warriors”. i guess it fit? he (and the other two above) went to school with me one day. 
madej/twoey (bearded dragon #2): name was chosen when i was Very Much Hyperfixating on bfu. he’s a mean little boy and feeding him sometimes feels like feed me from little shop, so he’s been nicknamed twoey. sometimes we call him coffee bean. we love him anyways.
crowley (axolotl): he was a very good boy. a fitting name, seeing as he had Epic “Hair” (frilly little gills!!). there wasn’t even any thinking about what to name him, we saw him and i just. started calling him crowley. and it stuck
princess popcorn/buttercup (leopard gecko): my sister named her princess popcorn, then gave her to me, and i renamed her buttercup after the princess bride and jaskier. she’s a feisty little thing, so i guess the name fits? i love her a lot
cinnamonstick (hognose): kai picked his name, and i think it’s a very good one. kai is, easily, his favourite person. he’s an absolute baby and i love him a lot. bonus points because we can make jokes about his name and actual cinnamon sticks. he hates when i pronounce it funky (when i’m going to get him to feed him. he prefers it over the lion sleeps tonight parody, though)
the water dragon (and cats and dogs, because they’re mammals, and fish because they’re fish and i can only actually remember the name of one of them) never really. got a name so he’s not included
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cardinalpinion · 5 years
For rp & non-rp blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen !
1. FIRST NAME  ⇢  Tricky (sorry folks it’s not real name hours today)
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF ⇢  ???uuuh i broke literally all my toes over the course of a few years
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF  ⇢  sushi rice/short-grain rice and/or teriyaki belly pork
5. A FOOD YOU HATE  ⇢   horseradish? First thing i thought off jdbcksd
6. GUILTY PLEASURE  ⇢  idk if you’d call it a guilty pleasure but i still like to go back and watch old kids shows like pokemon, Digimon, yu gi oh and even some more recent ones like gravity falls. cartoons are good sometimes mainstream media are just cowards
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  ⇢ PJs! I have lots of cute pairs of jammies like butterflies, polkadots, etc
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  ⇢  Serious for me, I’m just not a fling person
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON  ⇢  .Absolutely let me cuddle you. I love all kinds of affection but esp physical gIME HUGS COWARDS
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  ⇢  Nightmare before Christmas, your name, howls moving castle 
12. FAVORITE BOOK  ⇢ heck it’s been a while, i can't remember the name
jk but my goals right now are a betta fish and a western hognose snake
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS  ⇢  all. like literally i could not narrow it down for you
15. PIE OR CAKE  ⇢  depends on what you’re offering me. apple pie v victoria sponge? pie. Cherry pie v red velvet cake? cake
16. FAVORITE SCENTS  ⇢  Honey, lavender, bonfires, fireworks, vanilla
17. CELEBRITY CRUSHES  ⇢ mmmm?? none really like i can appreciate some people are hot but no crushes tbh
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  ⇢ Japan! Or Alaska to see the northern lights, or America to meet my online friends
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  ⇢ Hella introvert
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  ⇢  Yes and no, i love horror and the weirdest things stick with me i can never anticipate what's going to actually scare me to the point it lingers
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  ⇢  Android
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  ⇢  Oh ya lots. FFXIV, League of Legends mainly rn but I’m also playing through Digimon cyber sleuth, tales of vesperia, etc and i have games like stardew valley, pokemon, all the good stuff
23. DREAM JOB  ⇢ Cinemaphotrapher or photojournalist 
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  ⇢  idk man bigger house? Nice big garden for my doggo, room for extra pets, a game room, a POND!!!
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  ⇢  i dont really hate anyone? dislike yea but not outright hate
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  ⇢  wym you never truly leave a fandom it always holds onto a piece of you
But for real i think if you bought up anything i used to like id still be hella enthusiastic over it
Tagged By:  @spitecremated
Tagging: im too tired just steal it love ya
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colubridcollective · 4 years
Introduction Post
This is going to be our introduction post for this blog / our parts. 
We have been a passive member of the DID community for a long time now, and we decided it would be nice to set up a true system blog. We have been diagnosed with DID, and our body is over 21. 
Our system name is the Colubrid Collective, named after our favorite family of snake, Colubridae. Church chose “collective” over “system” for two reasons: it alliterates, and he says that collective sounds more communist. 
This blog doesn’t necessarily have a set purpose or goal. It is mostly just a place for us to be an active part of the community. There will most likely be resources, memes, personal posts, anecdotal experiences, research ... anything we feel is relevant to either DID or our system. There may be MBTI / typology things, too. Church is really into it. 
We aren’t great at tagging, but if anything needs to have a content warning, please let us know. :)
- Levi!
System Members
Please note that we will not be labeling roles outside of “frequent fronter” and “protector.” We do not like many of the terms used to describe the roles of parts, and we do not like to attach a strict labeling system onto ourselves - it is too complex to post here. 
Additionally, some of our parts were unable to provide little descriptions like these; the ones that were able to gave their consent to have it written by Church and me (Levi!) and posted here. 
Church - 18 / 22M - ENFJ - Gay communist. Thinks Freud was right until he was bought out and bribed by the bougie to go off his rocker.
Birthday: August 8th
Frequent Fronter
Originated as a fictional introject from Red vs. Blue. Garbage source, really.
Interests: psychology, video games, cooking, and loving on my fiance. I don’t have a ton of hobbies, and apparently that’s a problem I gotta work on, but ehh. 
Levi - 6-10 / 12 / 16M - INFP - Horrible little carnivore; talks like mountains.
Birthday: April 16th
Frequent Fronter, Age-Slider
Interests: snake care. I am a host, but that is all I have a passion for, haha. I have a kingsnake, a cornsnake, and I am taking care of my boyfriend’s hognose until he moves back in with me! I know a lot about snake care.
I age-slide all over the place, it gets confusing sometimes :(. I am mostly 16 if I am online or socializing, but at home, I am usually 12. The 6-10 range is uncommon!
Lucas - 28M - ENTJ - Working part that gave all of his fun bits to Church. 
Birthday: August 1st
Formed to help handle our job and any other active “adult” tasks. 
Interests: work and getting shit done. My fiance too, obviously.
I’m usually co-con with Church rather than fully out on my own. I don’t mind it at all. 
Kitten - Adult M - N/A - Just a fuckin’ cat. Sometimes catboy. 
No birthday.
Mostly inactive or only influencing these days. May integrate fully soon! 
Presents as a non-verbal cat most of the time, but can morph into a “catboy” if he is blurry with others. 
Michael - 39M - INTP - Angel of the Lord, lover of all of God’s creatures. Father of 5 rowdy children (not part of our system.) 
Birthday: January 20th
Originated as an introject of the Archangel Michael. Mostly just a meme now, though. 
Interests: his children, sleeping, and vibing in the void.
Epsilon - 18M - INTJ - The embodiment of this emoticon: -_-
Birthday: Unsure, we’re still trying to figure it out.
Fictional introject of Epsilon from Red vs. Blue. Originally formed as a fragment, but grew into his own full identity. 
Artificial intelligence babie!
Interests: one man and one man only. Oh, and frisky business, too. 
Alpha - Adult ? M - N/A - Wuh wuh I was tortured wuh wuh. 
Birthday: Unsure / none?
Fictional introject of Alpha from Red vs. Blue (specifically the PFL-era.) Still a fragment, unlikely to form a separate identity on his own. 
Also an AI. 
DC - 16M - ISTP - “You ain’t got no legs, Lt. Dan!” 
Birthday: July 2nd
Originated as a roleplay character a few years ago, and now he’s ... back from dormancy for some reason? We’re really not sure. 
Ain’t got to gotdamn legs - organic ones, at least. 
Interests: doing things, which is better than most of us. Mechanics, welding, working with his hands. 
Cal - 18-20F - ESFP - Fuck men, but also fuck men, amirite? But seriously, men are garbage. 
Birthday: January 28th
Originated as a roleplay character a long time ago. The first and main part for our “High School Squad.” 
Interests: Kesha, working out, fashion. 
Mostly inactive these days, but still kicks around sometimes. 
Jason - 22M - ISFJ - Betabux cuck; a legitimately nice guy who can’t ever get his own voice right. 
Birthday: August 14th
Protector of the High School Squad
Inactive for the most part. Will rarely come around if needed. 
Skippy - 16F - ENFP - That popular but nice girl in high school. You know the one.
Birthday: February 24th
Academic part during high school and a bit of college. 
Inactive for the most part. 
Vian - 16F - ESFJ - Also the popular nice girl, but a bit of a loner, more down-to-earth. 
Birthday: October 2nd
Sports / activity part during high school. 
Also inactive for the most part. 
Donec - 20M - N/A - Mute, I guess? That’s all I got for him, man. 
Birthday: Unsure
Honestly, we have no idea what he’s about. He’s been around for almost a decade, but we don’t know shit. 
Chill tho. 
Will - 13M - TBD - Introject of a cat from Neko Atsume (that’s a joke.) 
Birthday: TBD
Full name is Willow. He couldn’t decide on a name, and wound up taking it from the cat he liked in the game Neko Atsume. Kids, man.
Recently formed; still getting used to everything. 
Lastly, some older parts we have recently connected with. They weren’t able to give us much information, and we don’t know enough about them to make a cute little profile. 
Dean - 10M
Annabelle Lee / Ally - 13F
Annie - 7-12F
Yas - 30sF 
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sidhewrites · 5 years
20 Questions Tag
Answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you’d like to get to know better!
Tagged by: @bogbodybitch​
1. Name: Ree
2. Nickname: Ree is my nickname
3. Zodiac: Cancer
4. Height: 5′8
5. Languages: English mainly
6. Nationality: American
7. Favorite Season: It varies depending on the day, currently it’s spring
8. Favorite Flower: It also varies, but currently it’s lily of the valley, I love delicate small flowers
9. Favorite Scent: I really like no smell, but I enjoy being near the ocean, so I guess the brine?
10. Favorite Color: Pink!
11. Favorite Animal: Frogs currently
12. Favorite Fictional Characters: Marya Morevna, Sophie Hatter (Both book and movie version), Lizzie and Jane Bennett, and a lot more lol.
13. Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate: Chocolate coffee!
14. Average Sleep Hours: 8-10 ish?
15. Dog or Cat Person: Both, also hognose snakes
16.Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 2-4 depending on the temperature
17. Dream Trip: I have so many I want to go on it’s hard to say, but I haven’t been anywhere in South America or to any jungles so maybe the amazon? 
18. Blog Established: I’ve been on tumblr for  much longer than this blog has existed, but oh neat I just checked and this blog is just over a year old (Jan 24 2019)
19. Followers: 150
20. Random Fact: I went to school for animation, but I’ve been burnt out on it for well over a year now alas. Maybe I’ll start doing art again one day, maybe not, who knows.
Tagging (feel free to ignore): @ambreeskyewriting, @raevenlywrites, @lalitrus, @jewishdragon, and everyone else reading this
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vampyrebutch · 6 years
Tag meme
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better. Tagged by @eurazba
Nickname: Ink / Bea
Height: 5′5"
Last movie I saw at home: Incredibles 2
Favourite artists: Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, Rezz, Owl Vision, Of Mice & Men, La Dispute, Shawn Wasabi, Prototyperaptor, Hollywood Undead
Song stuck in my head: animal crossing new leaf 2am music
Other blogs: hurgghjiguhfuurgh
@iinkweed (art)
@dykecrossing (nintendo/videogames)
@neongummy (stim/kidcore)
@abstruseidea (witchcraft/vulture culture)
@inktoxth (guro)
@roguemimic (d&d)
+ a vent blog u can ask for off anon and a terato blog and an NSFW blog that I let die in the apocalypse
Do I get asks?: I used to when I was an edgy band blog but not so much anymore to my disdain
Lucky number:  variances of 2, specifically 22 and 222
What I’m wearing: werk uniform (security shirt + khakis)
Dream job: forensic toxicologist!! (I'm. In the works. getting a master's is Hard)
Following: idk if this means how many I'm following or how many follow me so I follow 1,915 peeps and 928 follow me
Amount of sleep: minimum 8 hours to function, ideally 9-10
Favourite food: sushi!!!!!! Also pad see ew, mac and cheese, loaded mashed potatoes, and lobster
Dream trip: maldives with @awaiting-pointless-dreams
Play any instruments: ocarina (dont @ me)
Languages: English, grade school level french, learning ASL
Favourite song: depends on the artist! Some jammers include:
Mass - virtual boy
Necromancin dancin - bear ghost
Relax - rezz
Skeptic - slipknot
Danger line - avenged sevenfold
Horus - owl vision
Wicked - prototyperaptor
Another way out - Hollywood undead
Random fact: I used to fence and play volleyball for my highschool but now I'm a useless lesbian
Describe yourself as aesthetic: spooky. Heavy rain, fog, ripped jeans, patch vests, nighttime drives through abandoned mountains, scuffs and bruises, Halloween color palettes
Pets: a dumb geriatric cat Marie, an albino hognose Dhumin, and a rose petal beta Magpie
Stuffed animals: oof. several Large stuffed bears/foxes, a humpback whale named sagittarius, various bats, etc etc i have a lot
I tag: Mutuals Do This™ literally anyone who wants to do this can cite me, I have like 3 friends and they've already been tagged lmao
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ask-pearlwinglet · 6 years
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“Our Mudwing is Camian. He’s pretty calm, kind of a flirt, nice to hang around a chat to, and we all call him the bigwings of our group, ‘cause he’s the biggest out of all of us.”
“Our Sandwing is Hognose. He’s kind of snippy, pretty feisty from time to time...his name comes from his upwards-tilted horn, I’m pretty sure. It resembles the snake, at least from the pictures I’ve seen.”
“Our Skywing is Heron. He’s inquisitive and kind of goofy. He’s got LONG horns...longer than a normal Skywings. He says his broken horn is from him swinging them around too much as a young dragonet. He even still has the broken piece of horn, for some reason...he collects a lot of stuff, you wouldn’t believe...”
“Our Rainwing is Starfruit. She’s bright, bubbly, always wanting to learn new things and when she isn’t eating or sleeping, she’s spilling endless knowledge to her friends or wandering the library. Who says Rainwings can’t be smart?”
“Our Icewing is Bear. He’s like an ice-encased lantern- cold on the outside but warm at heart. He does tend to believe he’s smarter than everyone else, though...”
“And last but not least, our Nightwing is Shadedancer. He’s a bit fidgety and nervous, and he cries sometimes, but he’s really, really nice and caring and wonderful when you know him well...he’s kind of a dork, to be honest, but he’s my best friend.”
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