#Honestly I don’t find “oh ha ha what if they cussed” jokes funny all the time but I think this is an exception
bbq-potato-chip · 1 year
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Nezuko learns…some words
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drakenology · 4 years
Arguments - feat Bakugo, Todoroki, Kirishima and Tamaki Amajiki
author’s note: i’m feeling angsty today. so this is gonna be about arguing with some of the bnha characters. anyone else feel off today? just me?
warnings: swearing, angst, fluff 🥺, and suggestive themes not full on smut. characters aged up! some of these are long.. i was feeling dramatic
headers from @annicon
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as much as i love this man i can admit he would be SOO stubborn
would get frustrated easily
yells 🥺
he knows when to walk away when the conversation isn’t getting anywhere which is good
would NEVER hurt you (i’ve seen ppl write that this mf hits you... girl...domestic violence is not an aesthetic.)
he isn’t the best with words so it’ll take him a little while to admit he’s wrong because he can’t verbalize how sorry he is sometimes
when he does he’ll hug and kiss you and apologize like a million times after he’s done being a stubborn little prick.
gives you the best “i’m sorry “ dick imaginable holy shit
Bakugo done did it. He pissed you off. You were already having a terrible day and then you come home to this motherfucker with a bunch of people over after you told him that you weren’t in the mood for company. So for the rest of the night when everyone left, you gave him the silent treatment knowing that he HATES when you ignore him on purpose.
You say nothing, continuing scrolling through your phone to look like you were preoccupied.
“Y/N, what’s your problem? I know you hear me.” Bakugo persists.
You ignore him, turning your back to face him. He grunts and grabs your shoulder, turning you back around to face him.
“Y/N if you’re pissed at me just say that. But ignoring me is fucking immature and it’s pissing me off!” He yells. Translation: “What did I do? 🥺”
“I’M pissing YOU off!? That’s funny. Because it’s not like you didn’t completely ignore my fucking feelings tonight. Why did you invite Kirishima and Denki over after I specifically said I didn’t feel like playing fucking HOSTESS!” You shout back, throwing your phone somewhere.
“Are you serious!? I never told them to come here they just showed up. What was I supposed to do tell them to piss off!?” Katsuki asked.
“YES!” You scream, annoyed that he’s not getting the reason why you’re upset. You never minded having Bakugo’s friends over but you just wanted to have a calm night with just the two of you. You were exhausted and fixing dinner for you and 3 other people and listening to loud chatter about sports and video games was not on your to-do list.
“This is so fucking petty! I don’t get why you’re so mad that they came over.” Katsuki said shrugging his shoulders.
“That’s the problem, idiot! You don’t fucking get it! I worked all day today. I just wanted us to relax but no, you wanted to have a fucking guys night in my living room! It’s the complete disregard for my feelings that’s pissing me off not the fact that they came. I told you I was tired and you having them come over anyways was like a big fuck you to me!” You explain, your face pulled into a face Katsuki knows is your angry face. Bakugo sighs, not ready to admit that he was wrong.
“Tch. Whatever. I’m gonna go sleep on the fucking couch. Let me know when you’re done being fucking frigid.” He shouts, clearly out of anger.
Katsuki leaves your shared room and slammed the door, you throwing yourself onto the bed. You feel tears sting your eyes as you sob into your pillow. You hated fighting with Bakugo, and you knew he hated it too. He has a hard time expressing himself without getting defensive sometimes. But you knew he felt bad. You sigh and close your eyes and go to sleep.
The next morning you get up from bed and get ready to start your day. You shower and brush your teeth, you and Bakugo strategically avoiding each other all morning to go and do your daily routines. You didn’t utter a word to each other. Just questions and short answers.
“Got work?”
The silence killed you both as you sat at the table and ate breakfast, Bakugo’s face pulled into a frown as he ate. You roll your eyes and go to put your dishes in the sink and grab his once he’s done. You can hear him get up from his chair as you wash both your plates and dry them. You had assumed he was leaving so you just wash all the rest of the dishes without turning your back. Suddenly you felt familiar arms wrap around your waist.
“Let me go.” You say, tearing up at the sudden touch. He was trying to make up with you and you were so ready to forgive him. The tension was almost too much to bear. This fight was small and it turned into something way bigger than need be.
“Not until you listen to me. I’m sorry, ok? I should have never yelled at you the way I did. And calling you frigid wasn’t ok either. I shoulda just told everyone to go home. We have those dumbasses over all the time. One night wouldn’t have killed me. I’m sorry. Can we just forget this shit ever happened? I hate it when you’re mad at me.” He pleaded, burrowing his face into the crook of your neck. You smile and turn around to look at his face, cupping his cheeks in both your hands as you stand on you tip toes to kiss him. He kisses you back eagerly, happy that you and him are back on good terms. He pulled away from the heated kiss and looks at the clock on the microwave.
“6:30...we still have an hour to kill. If you’re late I’ll drop you off.” Katsuki says, his eyes turning dark with feral lust.
“Late? What are yo-“ you’re interrupted by Bakugo pulling you into your bedroom with determination to make things right.. his way.
Tamaki (🥺 my new found love)
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Tamaki is NOT a confrontational person so arguing with you is really hard. He hates raising his voice or even getting to a point to where he’s angry because he doesn’t want to think about hurting you in anyway.
He’ll shut down and turn cold or try and act nonchalant.
he might even avoid conflict by changing the subject
if he’s riled up enough though he’ll cuss you out.. to his dismay
doesn’t like being mad at you and vice versa
hates arguments.. like honestly can you just get over it so he can eat you out now?
speaking of eating you out, he gives apology head and he won’t stop until you say you forgive him.
Tamaki didn’t like to admit it but he was really jealous. Like really really jealous like YANDERE type jealous. You and him were out to dinner with Mirio so you were all chatting about mindless nothing, catching up like you always do. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary for you but to Tamaki it appeared that Mirio was a little too playful at dinner with you. He was cracking jokes and poking fun and Tamaki took it as him flirting with you; which Mirio would never disrespect your relationship like that. Rage sat in the pit of Tamaki’s chest as you laugh at all his jokes. He was furious but hid it pretty well for the night.
“And then Tamaki wet himself in front of the whole class when I scared him with my quirk in middle school. Can you believe it?” Mirio laughs, causing you to laugh at the thought.
“Oh leave him alone, Togata.” You giggle, waving your hand in front of your face to stop the tears from laughter. He had been making you laugh all night all to Tamaki’s disliking. He was quiet all dinner, which you noticed immediately after Togata’s last joke.
“Hey Tamaki, is everything ok?” You ask, concerned that he might not want to be out anymore.
“Yeah.” He said coldly. “Actually I’m just gonna go to the car. I feel kinda sick.” He stands from his seat and walks to the exit, absolutely fucking furious that you were “flirting” with his childhood friend right in front of him.
“Awkward. What’s up with him?” Mirio asks, completely dumb founded by Tamaki’s sudden disappearance.
“I dunno. I’m gonna go to the car and see what’s wrong. Do you mind?” You ask, standing from your seat.
“Nah that’s cool. I’m actually gonna head out. You go on ahead, Y/N. I’ll take care of the tab.. this time.” Mirio jokes. You giggle and thank him, walking towards the exit. You walk through the parking lot and find the car, seeing Tamaki sitting in the passenger side with his arms crossed across his chest. What was his deal? You open the car door and sit in the driver’s side to meet a thick tension.
“What’s wrong Tamaki? Do you really feel sick or are you upset with me?” You ask.
“Why don’t you ask Mirio? I’m sure he’ll be able to answer since he’s the only guy you talked to all night. It was like I wasn’t even there.” Tamaki says, calm but obviously pestered.
“Is that was this is about? Tama you know it wasn’t like that. Mirio has always been a jokester what’s the difference now?” You ask, getting a little upset at his accusation.
“The difference is that he was trying to make a pass at you. He was so obviously flirting with you.” He says, his tone becoming stern. You’re shocked at how he was getting, frowning at how unreasonable he was being.
“No he wasn’t, Tamaki.” You say, looking him dead in his eyes.
“Yes he was. I’m not about to fight with you about this he was clearly fucking flirting with you. He joked with you all night and you laughed at every single thing he said. You must want to fuck him, don’t you?” He asked, looking at you with some sort of betrayal in his eyes. This infuriates you.
“What are you talking about!? You know I would never cheat on you Tamaki. Especially not with your best friend. What’s with you!?” You ask sternly, not amused or pleased in the slightest.
“Whatever, Y/N.” Tamaki says, looking out the car window while turning the other way so he’s not facing your side of the car. He knew this was stupid and he knew your loyalty was never to be questioned but he couldn’t shake this feeling of jealousy.
“No. You don’t get to start a fight and then blow me off when you’re through arguing! Talk to me!” You yell, furious at this point. Tamaki shrugs, avoiding the situation entirely now.
“Just drive. I wanna go home.” He says, not taking his eyes off the view from his window. You roll your eyes and start the car, pulling out of the parking lot to start your way home. The drive home was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. You were so angry that you didn’t talk to Tamaki the whole way home, knowing you’d probably cuss him out if he said the wrong thing. Tamaki immediately felt bad after picking that fight. He didn’t know what came over him, he knew he had to make it up to you before you two go to bed angry with each other. You approach your shared apartment and park the car, silence still riddling the car. The tension between you both was intense and it scared you. You’ve never seen Tamaki this upset. Jealousy was always an issue for him but he’s never reacted this strongly.
“Y/N?” Tamaki says breaking the silence. You look at him, a little relieved that he’s talking to you again.
“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that to you. I know you’d never cheat on me, of course. But I was just so jealous. It felt like you and Mirio were on a date and I was just the third wheel. The thought of him taking you from me drove me crazy. I wasn’t thinking. Can you forgive me?” He says, placing his hand on top of yours on the steering wheel. You sniffle, tearing up at his apology.
“Tamaki, I’m sorry I made you feel like that. I love you so much. No one could ever take your place, not even Mirio. I’d never betray you like that, ever.” You sob, tears flowing down your face. Tamaki questioning your loyalty really hurt your feelings and he hated seeing you cry.
“I know that. Please don’t cry. I’m so sorry, Y/N. It was so stupid of me to even assume.” He says, taking his hand and wiping your tears away. He took your hand and gave it a sweet kiss to soothe you, rubbing circles with his thumb on it as he consoled you. You giggle and wipe your tears, happy that you guys made up after that silly fight.
“Let’s go inside.”
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arguments between you two get heated. It gets to a point where sometimes you don’t speak to each other for days. he’ll definitely give small reminders that he still loves you to butter you up to alleviate some of the tension.
raises his voice
just as stubborn as bakugo
to a fault of his upbringing facing his emotions was hard for him sometimes, causing him to be cold when you fight
when it’s time to get over it and make up he’ll make it a huge event; flowers, chocolates and lots of freaky apology sex
cant stand arguing with you just like tamaki but wont back down in the slightest
is sure he doesn’t say anything harsh to make the situation worse.
“Why are you being so stubborn?!” You shout at your bi-colored haired boyfriend. The two of you have been fighting all day to your surprise. Shoto was usually easy going and you two hardly fought. But today, a bug seemed to have crawled up Todoroki’s ass and he’s been picking fights all day. You’ve been arguing about small things like who left the bathroom light on or who ate the last hot pocket. Right now it was an argument about when you’re going to meet his father Endeavor. It’s been almost a year since you two have been together and you don’t even think his father knows you exist.
“For the last time Y/N we’re not going to my dad’s house. That’s final! You can argue with yourself about this. End of discussion.” Shoto says, very annoyed at the thought of being near his father. He still couldn’t stand him, even as an adult. He can’t bring himself to bring you around him because he knows how he can be. If he even says something slightly rude to you he’ll flip the fuck out. You groan in frustration, wishing he’d at least consider.
“He doesn’t know we’re together does he!? What am I to you some secret? Why did you stay with me all this time if your family doesn’t even know I exist !?” You shout, tearing up with seering anger.
“It’s not that. Of course he knows we’re together; my whole family knows! Why do you want to involve him so badly?!” Shoto yells.
“Why wouldn’t I want to meet my fucking boyfriend’s father!? You’re not making any sense.” You say, getting more and more frustrated as Shoto makes excuses.
“You know what? Fine. We’ll go meet him tomorrow. But as soon as he treats you like you’re not good enough for me don’t be surprised when I tell you I fucking told you so. God you can be so stubborn sometimes.” Shoto shouts, rolling his eyes at you.
“Oh I’M stubborn!? That’s rich coming from you. You’re being so unreasonable right now. I know you and your father-“
“YOU DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT MY FATHER. Stop speaking on things you haven’t the first idea about!” Shoto yells, punching a nearby wall. (Oop.) You flinch, shocked at how angry he got so quickly. You tear up and run off to your bedroom, Todoroki immediately regretting getting so upset with you. He scared you and that’s something he never wanted to do to you under any circumstances. You cried yourself to sleep that night, angry that things got so heated. Why did he react like that? And why was he treating you as if you knew nothing about him and his father. He would vent to you about him all the time and you gave him advice when you could. But tonight you felt like you were nothing but an outsider. Shoto didn’t even bother coming into the room. He couldn’t face you after making you cry. Right now, he hated himself for treating you like that. He was just so afraid of his father’s judgement he didn’t want him to hurt your feelings with how crass he was. If Endeavor found the slightest thing wrong with you he’d never let you or him forget it. He could hear him now calling you unworthy of the Todoroki name. The thought alone enraged him. In his own cryptic way, he was trying to protect you from him but this was no way to do it nor did he have the right. Todoroki slept on the couch, missing your warmth against him in your bed.
The next morning the two of you drove to the Todoroki estates in silence. You were still pissed at him and Shoto didn’t want to say anything to further upset you. He was annoyed he was making this trip in the first place but he knew he had to man up for your sake. It was unfair of him to try and keep you away from his family especially since you would one day take on his name and be a part of the family when he married you. He knew he couldn’t keep you away forever, but god couldn’t he have had a little more time? He dreaded this day.
“Ready?” Shoto asks coldly, trying to hide his remorse from his tone. You nod, getting out of the car before he could walk over and open the door for you. Shoto is surprised and gets out with you, guiding you to his old home. He can’t lie, he’s so fucking nervous. What if he hates you? Not that he cares what he thinks, he’ll marry you anyway but still. He at least wants his blessing. You walk with Shoto to the main room of the home and wait for Endeavor to come downstairs. Suddenly you hear footsteps from across the room. It was him. He was tall and his aura was so dark and intimidating.
“You must be Y/N.” Endeavor says, looking down at your small frame. You nod, a wave of nervousness shooting through your body.
“N-Nice to meet you sir.” You bow respectfully.
“No need for that. Please, have a seat.” Endeavor says gesturing to the couch. You and Shoto sit down next to each other, Endeavor following suit by sitting across from you two.
“So.. how long have you two been together?” Endeavor asks, his booming voice almost sending an echo throughout the empty room. You gulp and look towards Shoto.
“10 months.” He answers for you, taking your hand to calm you. You’re still mad at him but god you’re glad he’s doing his best to ease your anxiety.
“And you just now arrange a meeting? Hm.” Endeavor questions, looking at you as if he was scanning you to find something irredeemable about you. You look down at your lap, unable to keep eye contact with the intimidating man.
“I-I wanted to meet with you sooner. Me and Shoto fought about coming here last night but I convinced him.” You say nervously.
“I see. You seem like an ok girl. Shoto has had his fair share of.. inadequate women in his life so, you’re a step up from the rest.” Endeavor says, motioning for a maid to make you all some tea. You laugh nervously, Shoto squeezing your hand in annoyance. Was that a compliment?
“You two seem like you’ve been fighting.” Endeavor says suddenly, observing both your body language. You’re both shocked as you turn to look at each other. How’d he know that?
“What’s it to you?” Shoto asks, glaring at his father.
“Oh nothing. But if you’re planning on marrying this girl it’s probably best to not argue too much with her. Hell, she might up and leave.”
Shoto looks at you, pain in his eyes. The look on his face alone said “I’m sorry.” Shoto hated to admit it but his father was right. Fighting as much as you have been, especially the fight you had last night was toxic and could take a toll on your relationship.
You smile at him and turn to Endeavor
“I’d never leave him.” You say, snuggling closer to Shoto as he blushed. He was embarrassed that he was being so vulnerable around his father but he knew that only you could make this happen.
After a long conversation with Endeavor and Shoto, you leave with a feeling that you might have won him over. You think? He was hard to read, just like Shoto. He was more like his father than he likes to admit. Shoto opens the car door for you to get inside and then walks to the drivers side to come in. You sit in the car for a while, silent until Shoto grabs you and leans over to kiss you. You kiss him back, tearing up into the kiss.
“I’m sorry, snowflake. I can’t believe I raised my voice at you like that. I was just so scared that he was gonna hate you and say something disrespectful. I should have just told you that instead of being defensive. I’m so so sorry I scared you. Please forgive me. ” He pleaded, peppering kissing on your face.
“I know. And I forgive you.” You giggle, pulling Todoroki closer to you to kiss him again.
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Out of all the boys he’s the least stubborn when it comes to fighting. But don’t be fooled, he’ll argue you down. he’s very good at managing his temper when it comes to you.
Regrets starting a fight in the first place
Just wants to cuddle and go back to normal
But when he’s angry hooo boy
doesn’t even yell, he’s like a calm angry which is terrifying
tries talking over you, trying to plead his case
will not rest until the situation is resolved and over with so you guys can move on
like all the others... apology sex
will try not to lose his patience
You and Kirishima had been together for a while now so it was only inevitable that you two have your first fight. You were always a vigilant person and wanted to help others even though you were quirkless like Deku was at one point. Kirishima is protective of you to a fault and the thought of you getting hurt or worse didn’t sit well with him at all. You assured him that you were capable of taking care of yourself and protecting yourself but he wasn’t having any of it. You spent years perfecting your martial arts skills, training your ass off for countless hours everyday and he knew that. But he didn’t want you to one day meet your match without him there to protect you.
“Y/N, drop it. You’re not going on missions with me and that’s final. It’s too dangerous.” Eijiro said, his brows furrowed. He was trying not to lose his patience with you but you kept insisting. He just wished you’d forget about this whole thing; for your safety.
“You don’t have the right to tell me what I can and can’t do! I’m fully capable for taking care of myself and you know that.” You yell, irritated at your boyfriend underestimating your abilities. Eijiro sighs and stands up from the couch to stand in front of you, inching so close you could almost kiss.
“I’ll die before I let you go out there. Do you know what would happen to me; to your friends and family if something happened to you!? We’d be crushed. Please just drop this.” Kirishima says, wanting to avoid this conversation all together. But alas, nothing was changing your mind. You were very head strong and stubborn to no avail so you weren’t going down without a fight.
“You can’t stop me!” You yell
“Oh I can’t?” Eijiro challenged.
“No. You can’t. You can’t treat me like a child, Eijiro.” You say. “How can you say I’m not ready if you don’t give me a chance to prove I am!?”
“Because you just aren’t! Okay!? You say you’re not a child but you’re acting like one and a petulant one at that. Just drop it! God, you can be so stubborn sometimes. Don’t you see I’m just trying to keep you safe!?” Kirishima yells, instantly regretting raising his voice at you and losing his cool. You tear up, furious that he’s treating you like some kid. You grab your stuff and prepare to leave his apartment.
“Where are you going?” Kirishima sighs
“Fuck you, Eijiro.” You say, walking away from him and going outside to cool off. Kirishima tries to grab you before you leave but you snatch your arm away from him and walk outside with a huff and a slam of the door. You wipe your hot tears away and start aimlessly walking down the street to go home. Hell, you don’t even know your way home from Eijiro’s place but you’ll be damned if you go back there. As you walk you see Kirishima’s car pull up to the side of you, driving slowly to keep up with your walking pace.
“Y/N please get in the car.” He says out the car window
“No! I don’t wanna talk to you so just go away!” You yell, continuing to walk as the brisk wind assaults your bare skin. Dammit you forgot your coat.
“Y/N! You’re being ridiculous just please get in the car. You left your jacket; it’s freezing out here!” Eijiro shouts, getting out of the car and grabbing you to pull you inside. You groan, obviously being overpowered by your strong boyfriend. Kirishima slams the door and gets back inside, drives back to his apartment and parks in the driveway. He sighs and leans his head on the steering wheel.
“I’m sorry I got so heated with you. But can you blame me? I’m worried about you. Sure we’ll be on these missions together but what if something happens? What if I’m not there to protect you when something goes wrong? These missions are unpredictable; anything could happen and I’d literally die if even a scratch is put on you.” Eijiro pleads. You start crying, sniffling at his words. He was right to be worried.
“I love you, Eijiro and I appreciate you being so concerned about me. But that doesn’t give you the right to shelter me. You can’t just force me to not follow my dream.” You sob, wiping your tears away. Eijiro grabs your hand and kisses it.
“I know. I just can’t bear the thought of you being hurt. But if this is what you really want, I have no choice but to at least see this through.” Kirishima says, holding your small hand in his two massive ones. You smile, putting your other hand on top of his.
“Thank you. Also, I’m sorry for saying fuck you to you. That was mean.” You say pouting.
“It was. Hurt my feelings.” Eijiro said faking sadness, immediately laughing as he watched your face frown up again at the thought of hurting his feelings.
“Oh shut up.”
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basicallywhiterice · 3 years
countdown (na jaemin)
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pairing: na jaemin x reader
genre: fluff. friends to lovers, college!au
summary: The three times you should have made a move, the two times you tried to, and the one time you didn’t need to.
word count: 1.5k
warnings: cussing
a/n: alternatively titled “haechan being both the best and worst wingman to grace the face of the earth”
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i. Three times you should have made a move.
“Hey! Jaemin! Over here,” Haechan shouts, waving at a boy clad in an oversized flannel across the dining hall. He turns, lighting up when he waves back, and all but runs over from the dish drop-off section.
“He’s my roommate,” Haechan introduces once Jaemin is in earshot. “Jaemin, this is y/n. Y/n, Jaemin,” Haechan introduces.
He’s cute, you notice immediately, his floppy hair swept to the side messily. Almost as quickly, you dispel the thought and do your best not to stare, extending a hand for him to shake on instinct. “Nice to meet you, Jaemin. So you’re the roommate who keeps losing his AirPods?”
In the second your hand hangs there, empty, you have enough time to go through all five stages of grief. You blundered in front of Haechan’s unfairly attractive roommate you’ll no doubt see again, about his AirPods? You prepare to draw your hand back and smooth it over your hair to relieve the awkwardness of rejected handshake.
Then Jaemin shakes your hand, eyes crinkling up as he beams. If you thought he was cute before, you’re a goner once his smile is directed at you. “Nice to meet you too, y/n. And yeah, that’s me. Were you the one who convinced him to get me the glow-in-the-dark Among Us case? That was honestly the best housewarming gift I’ve ever gotten.”
“Hey, that was all his idea. Besides convincing him to spend an extra dollar on the glow-in-the-dark, I played no part in it.”
“I’m sure. In any case, you have excellent taste. Thank you for picking it out.” He turns to converse with Haechan, but you don’t hear the rest of what he says over the sound of you putting your foot in your mouth.
As soon as he walks away, you collapse into a heap of regret on the table. “Why didn’t you tell me your new roommate was hot before we got the gag gift?” you groan. “God, how am I supposed to flirt with him after that?”
“You just met the guy, relax,” Haechan reassures, taking a bite out of his sandwich. “Stop overreacting,” he mumbles around a mouthful of his BLT.
You raise your head to glare at him for being your voice of reason, and he wiggles his eyebrows.
“You like him already, huh? Don’t worry, he actually thought the case was funny. You’re fine.”
You bury your face in your hands in lieu of responding.
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Jaemin is in your Algorithms class, you come to learn, likes useless trinkets more than you do, and vehemently opposes your dislike of coffee.
“Just try it,” he coaxes when he orders his second americano in an hour. “Haechan likes it, and you trust him, right?”
“With my life,” you deadpan as you both glance across the library to observe his attempts to flirt with the junior making his Starbucks order. He drops his straw when he gestures with his right hand, and you both snicker when he bends down to pick it up. “Actually, I think I’ll pass.”
Jaemin shrugs, taking a short sip from his cup before wincing and fanning his tongue. “Maybe you’re right. Anyways, which block did you want me to read?”
You show him, making edits as he comments on your code, and thank him once the block is fixed.
“No problem,” he grins. “Let me know if anything else is confusing. I’m happy to help.”
Just as you open your mouth to start the ritual of asking for his number, Haechan interrupts. “I got their number,” he announces, setting his phone down firmly between you and Jaemin and holding out his hands for a high five.
You sigh and half-heartedly slap his right hand despite your annoyance. At least one of you can be lucky in love, even if it comes at the expense of the other person.
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“What’s the most common fear you have?” you ask Jaemin, tracing the outline of a cloud against the pale blue sky with your finger.
“What do you mean?” he asks, turning to lie on his side. You drop your hand to rest on his beige blanket and meet his questioning glance.
“Like spiders, public speaking, dying single… what’re your fears that are common?”
He squints as a strong gust of wind blows his hair into his face. “I think you’re overexaggerating how common the intense fear of dying single is.”
“Why?” you ask, not entirely sure why you’re pressing him about this. “Are you not afraid of it?”
“Hm, I guess I’m a lot more scared of dying alone than dying single. What are your thoughts?”
A fleeting semblance of a pickup line involving the two of you and not being single surfaces in your brain, but it never reaches coherence. Instead, you respond, “Heights, probably.”
And rejection, you sadly add in your head. Definitely rejection.
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ii. Two times you tried to make a move.
“Hey, did I spell this right?”
When you lean over to read Jaemin’s meticulously written flashcard, your knee bumps into his. He mumbles an apology but makes no move to shift his leg. You stay like that, reviewing your notes for your last midterm together, until Haechan opens the door to his dorm and you scoot to different places on the couch.
“Hey Jaemin!” Haechan calls when he’s halfway in the bathroom. “Don’t forget about the trash,” he reminds, closing the door.
“Oh shit, one sec!” Jaemin hollers back. You wince at the volume, and he sheepishly turns toward you. “Sorry. Gotta take out the trash once he’s done,” he gestures, hand sweeping outwards before he knocks a couch pillow over.
Before he can fix it, you blurt, “Take me out while you’re at it too,” without missing a beat.
He doesn’t have time to react before you start laughing it off awkwardly. You don’t want to—damn it, why can’t you just be direct—but the fear of rejection overrides your confidence.
“Funny, right? Because of how ‘take out’ has different meanings? I’m hilarious, I know.”
He stares at you for a second too long before letting out a delayed chuckle. Haechan spares you the awkwardness of hearing his reply when he exits the bathroom and sits down between both of you, though, and Jaemin leaves with the trash soon after.
“Nice save, Casanova,” Haechan grins as soon as Jaemin steps out, reclining back into the couch. His Cheshire-Cat-esque smirk only grows when you reach over to smack him with the knocked-over pillow. “Wanna get take out once he gets back?”
You throw the pillow in his face this time. “I’m never coming back here again.”
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You find yourself waiting outside their dorm exactly twelve days later when your code won’t run after two hours of debugging and neither of them will answer your texts.
“Asshole,” you shoot at Haechan when he opens the door. “Please help me.”
“Tough luck. I’ve got a date tonight,” he says, smug.
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve helped you pick a better outfit than that,” you critique, glancing at his plain button-up shirt.
“Chill, I haven’t layered anything yet. And Jaemin picked it out, so good luck convincing him to help you debug. And getting a date with him. Coward.”
“You say that like you didn’t interrupt us the first time I was trying to get his number,” you whisper.
“And you act like you would’ve met him without me.”
“Who’s getting a date with me?” Jaemin calls from his desk, pushing up his glasses and frowning at his computer.
“Me,” you call back, and he glances up, eyes widening when he sees it’s you. Ignoring Haechan’s impressed “damn,” you walk over to the chair next to Jaemin. “I’ll help you debug if you help me?”
“You want me to—help you debug? No way,” he says, and for a moment, you regret your boldness. “How’d you know I was dying over coding too?” he continues, and your worries disappear.
“Just a hunch,” you shrug. Haechan leaves when the two of you are hunched over your laptops, elbows brushing gently enough to make it look like an accident.
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iii. One time you didn’t need to make a move.
You look up, halting your check of Jaemin’s backpack to make sure he hasn’t forgotten his AirPods again. “Yeah?”
His ears are tinged with pink and he can’t quite meet your eyes, but he looks like he’s trying his best to do so anyways. “Would… you… like to go out with me on Thursday? Maybe for dinner if you have time?”
You blink, holding your breath for three seconds just in case you misheard or he’s joking. Neither seems to be the case. “On a date?”
“Yes.” He nods. “Yes, a date.” He fidgets with the hem of his shirt. You smile, and he stops.
Silently, you count down from three before answering to avoid blurting out your answer, but it comes out with the same level of enthusiasm nonetheless.
“I’d love to.”
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allthingsarmin · 3 years
Hello, can i please request an armin x reader but it’s a modern au where armin is a nerd and the reader is popular, feel free to ignore if you don’t like the idea :)
Thank you for your request, anon! I really hope you like it, and I can always rewrite it if it’s not the way you imagined. Also, sorry it is a little long - I think I got carried away with this prompt haha.
The beginning might be a little angsty, but the ending is cute ^_^
Warnings: one cuss word, mentions of self-doubt, kissing
Word Count: 2,346
Things change - sometimes for the better - like how Armin finally cut his bob-length hair and now has a handsome undercut that suits his jawline and like how you are finally growing taller since it seemed like forever that Armin was the taller one.
Things change - sometimes for the worse - like how you and Armin used to be so close in grade school, but now in college, your relationship is made up of awkward smiles in the hallways, small waves when passing each other in the library, and unfinished conversations on SnapChat.
Things fade - relationships come to an end, people move on, and that’s just life. Look at you now, from a quiet person to a popular student known for your humorous remarks, angelic facial features, a delightful sense of style, and your beautifully color-coded notes. You capture hearts with your smile, and you never fail to make anyone laugh with your stupidly funny puns and nonsense. To put it simply, Armin is a bit different - well, you could say nerdy. Quiet, polite, and has as much passion for the world as he does intelligence. Always heavily invested in school and studying as you could almost always find his nose in between the pages of a book or study guide. Poor Armin - not known for his sweet personality or his above average intelligence. Definitely not known for his sense of style but always comes to class dressed in a rather dashing blazer and keeps a couple Kleenex tissues in his left pocket. Armin barely has any friends, - if any - but he always makes sure to hold the door open for strangers, smile at teachers when entering the classroom, and send you a “Happy Birthday!” text every year.
Some things don’t fade - like Armin’s feelings for you even after you two grew apart and he was forced to watch you from the sidelines. How could he not be so deeply in love with you? When you two were close, you coddled up with each other and read books about the ocean, learning about sharks and so naively believing in the theory of Atlantis. You stayed over at each other’s houses and studied together as well as comforted each other if one of you didn’t do as well as you expected on a test. You used to braid his long blond locks as he told you stories about his grandfather. During the summers, you would use chalk to draw a picture of you two on the blistering sidewalks outside his house, and he would give you handmade bookmarks as a present. Even though you two have grown apart, he is still in love with you, watching you laugh from far away. The way your eyes squint out of happiness and the sound of your hearty laughter makes his body heat up and his cheeks rosy. The way you sometimes send him “Good luck!” texts for when there’s a big test in a class you both are taking makes him smile with teary eyes since it seems that you have in fact not forgotten about him and his intense anxiety when it comes to test-taking. The way you ran up to Armin and gripped his arm when you unexpectedly saw him in the campus coffee shop that one time sent a euphoric tingle throughout his body that made him forget how to breathe properly. How could he not love you when you were always there for him, when you remembered every personal detail he told you during late-night childhood sleepovers, when you tried your best to make him love himself? Armin wants so badly to tell you how important you are to him, how he wants to protect you from everything bad in the world, how he wants to wrap his arms around you and listen to your heartbeat… you are just so hard to reach. He is a nerd, a loser, and you are so popular, surrounded by endless amounts of friends… he’s sure your contacts are completely full and DMs flooding with people who are interested in you and are a lot better than him. What was the point in even trying?
Luckily for Armin, you feel the same way. To be honest with yourself, your stupid jokes, loud laughter, and wide smiles were really just a cover-up for how deeply sad you are. No matter how many friends you have or instant messages you receive from strangers online, you feel incredibly alone because none of them are him. Popularity doesn't matter to you anymore - you just miss your best friend so terribly. You missed walking on the beach together, splashing each other with the salty waves, making study-flashcards together, and being able to touch his beautiful blond hair whenever you wanted. Armin’s birthday is coming up, and you want to make your move and do something big for him that would let him know how special he is to you. This time, it wouldn’t involve loads of friends or a loud party with that overly social and fake personality of yours.
You text Armin: “Hey Armin! We haven’t talked in awhile, but your birthday is this Saturday, and I would like to meet up with you. Are you free to go to the beach on Saturday? I want to give you a present, and I just want to catch up with you. I miss my friend!”
Armin read the text with relief. Even if he couldn’t have you the way he wanted, he still wanted more than anything to reconnect with his old friend. “It’s good to hear from you, y/n! I have no plans for Saturday, so of course we can meet up… around 7pm if that’s okay. I want to watch the sunset! And I miss you too…”
It is November, which means it’s cold. At the beach in November? Even colder, so you make sure to dress warmly.
It is 6:59pm, and you trudge through the moist sand, the harsh wind bearing itself against your face making the tip of your nose turn a bright pink as you grip your hoodie close to your body. In the distance, you see Armin sitting on the sand, shoes off and wearing a dark green sweatshirt with a black beanie. Sitting next to him was his backpack - of course he was the type to bring his school work with him while you always brought your violently vibrating phone with you everywhere.
You release a tired breath as you sit next to him in the sand, setting the bag of presents down beside you and keeping your cold hands in your hoodie pocket. A big smile is on your face as you ask him: “Aren’t you cold, Armin? Why don’t you have your shoes on?!” Armin laughs as he turns his face toward you. At this point, you can see how red his cheeks really are, and this is really the first time you’ve noticed how handsome he actually is. The softness of his blond eyelashes beautifully contrast with the sharpness of his jawline. His smile is soft, and his deep blue eyes pierce into yours. “Hahaha, I don’t know. I just haven’t been to the beach in a long time…” he trails off. “It’s ‘cuz you’re so popular now that you don’t have time to hang out with me,” he states in a playfully butt-hurt tone though you can sense that he is indeed a little upset about it. The waves hitting the shore fill the awkward silence between you two. “I know,” you softly say, “but I think about you all the time. I miss you, and I hope we can be close friends again,” you confess. Armin feels his heart flutter when you say that you miss him. He wants to tell you he loves you and wants to reassure you that he’d always be there for you, but instead he pats you on the back. “It’s okay! I was just joking,” he awkwardly laughs. “Of course we are friends, and I hope we can be even closer too.”
He glances to your side. “What’s in the bag?” he inquires. “Oh!” you exclaim, seemingly as if you forgot about it. You rush to give him the bag and shove it into his arms. “It’s just some stuff I got you for your birthday.”
He rummages through it, going through the endless amount of tissue paper on the top. He pulls out a light blue sweater first.
“It’s almost winter, so I figured I’d give you something warm. I think this color…” you pause and hesitantly reach up to adjust his beautiful blond bangs, “... would look good on you.”
You both make eye contact for a second and quickly look away from each other. “Haha, it’s beautiful, y/n. Thank you!” You are just about to say ‘no problem’ before he is quickly taking off his green sweatshirt and replacing it with the light blue one, his very toned abs peeking through the plain white t-shirt he had on underneath the sweatshirt. You feel your cheeks grow warm and instantly look away. Armin notices and chuckles to himself. He would honestly never mind if you wanted to look at them or even touch them.
“Now, onto the second one,” you say, trying to change the subject. Armin pulls out two matching, homemade bracelets that feature a seashell on both of them. He looks at them silently and intently.
“I made matching bracelets!” you say proudly. “They’re like friendship bracelets, so we both have to wear them all the time! You aren’t allowed to take it off!” you joke.
“They’re so pretty, y/n,” he whispers as he stares at the shells, a sparkle in his eyes. He immediately puts it on and gently takes your wrist to put yours on.
“There,” he says contently, carefully placing your wrist in your lap.
You two sit silently next to each other, shoulders brushing against one another and watching the waves as the sun casts a dull orange and purple glow across the sky. The sounds of waves crashing against the shore and the squawking birds in the sky cancel out the noises of Armin softly crying.
Once you notice, you quickly snap your head around. “Armin, are you okay?” you ask, extremely worried.
“Thank you for the presents, y/n,” he sniffles. “You have always done stuff like this for me,” Armin continues as he gets flashbacks of you two running across the beach and gawking at beautiful seashells, telling jokes to each other in grade school when it was supposed to be reading time, and making funny drawings of each other. “I’ve never told you thank you - for being there for me and comforting me all those times, and just letting me be myself. It’s been such a long time since we’ve done anything together. I miss making you laugh, and I miss going to the library with you and asking you about your day.”
At this point, you feel like crying too because you feel the exact same. You spent so much of your life wanting to fit in, and you finally became popular but at what cost? You nearly forgot about the most important person to you, the one person that actually cares about you.
“I love you,” Armin suddenly blurts out, a tear running down his face. “I want to be yours, and I want you to be mine,” he says so quietly that it’s borderline pathetic. You swear your heart stopped when he said that. You feel a burning sensation all along your body as you forget about the cold air hitting your face, and you feel your breathing stop. The uncertainty you felt that kept you awake every night about whether Armin thought of you the same, all the self-doubt, all the guilt about leaving your friend behind, had been erased in an instant.
The silence between you two is unbearably awkward, and with confidence you seemingly pull out of nowhere, you throw yourself onto Armin’s lips, your arms enclosing his broad shoulders, and both of you falling sideways into the wet sand. Armin, at first shocked, passionately kisses back and links onto your soft lips. The tips of your noses are cold, but you both eventually succumb to each other's warmth. You both pull away to catch some breath. Armin gently wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him as you bury your head in the crook of his neck. Even after all this time, he still smells the same - vanilla and cedarwood. “I love you too,” you softly say. Noticing that you both are practically wallowing in the sand by now, you apologize. “Also, sorry I ruined your new sweatshirt. There’s sand all over it,” you laugh.
“Oh, it’s okay,” he reassures, shyly placing a kiss on your forehead. “Want to watch the sunset with me?” You nod your head enthusiastically, a smile you couldn’t help leave your lips.
“Oh, fuck,” you quitely exclaim.
“What’s wrong?” Armin asks in a concerned tone.
“I forgot I have an essay due at 11:59 tonight.”
Armin busts out laughing - a sound you wouldn’t mind hearing for the rest of your life even though he’s laughing at your poor planning.
“When the sun finally sets, we can go back to my dorm, and I can help you with it if that’s alright with you,” he politely offers.
“Sure!” you happily reply.
You both sit up and face the horizon. The sun was almost gone, and the sky was a heavenly pink color while the sea began to look indigo. Your hands were linked with Armin’s, and for the first time in a long time, you felt warm despite the air getting cooler.
Getting ready to go to Armin’s dorm, he grabs his backpack and his dark green sweatshirt. You get up and check your phone, not at all caring that you have nearly fifty missed text messages and missed calls asking why you didn’t come to the weekly campus party.
You finally have all that you need.
I really hoped you liked it! Requests are open ~ I have another request that will be posted soon.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
please could you make taehyung jealous for the next perfectly wrong drabbles? 👉👈
perfectly wrong | drabble [3]: if it’s one thing taehyung truly has a love-hate relationship with, it’s the fact that you have such a sweet, kind and warm demeanor towards everything and everyone.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: pretty fluffy, implied sexual content, cussing, tae is petty but also pouty
notes: feel free to send requests like this to my inbox and i will get to them! it may not be right away but i promise i’ll take a look. it can be for anyone in the perfectly wrong series. same thing goes for off the grid. however, please note that there are certain things i won’t write about - extreme mental/physical/verbal abuse (we’re all about fun, lighthearted pettiness here and nothing serious), threesomes, orgies, any extreme, intense smut because i’m still not used to writing smut like that. basically anything that you might be uncomfortable with or wouldn’t do in real life, i most likely will feel uncomfortable too and will not write about it! pls keep that in mind, thank you! love you all tons! 💗
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Taehyung will not hesitate to let people know that he's your man and your man only. You thought he might have learned from the entire Jungkook situation, in which in a sense he has; he no longer acts weird about how close you and Jungkook are, but that doesn't mean he doesn't get jealous outside of that bubble.
He was the campus fuckboy, after all. He knows the capabilities of the boys here. He knows the intentions of the majority. He's familiar with the stupid little games boys play. If anything, he helped play a role in the stupidity of many boys on campus. He was a champion, the walking fuckboy 101 bible - they wanted to be Taehyung and they did everything to follow his ways.
So, when he's ordering coffee and sees a guy trying to lay his sweetness on you, getting all googly-eyed and licking his lips like you're his last meal on Earth, he doesn't like it one bit because he knows that look. He's been there before, especially with you. It doesn't help that you're super approachable, welcoming anything and anyone into your arms like you're some kind of saint.
The anonymous dude [Taehyung can't tell from afar] apparently cracks a joke, because you're entertaining it and playfully shoving him aside. You're beaming from ear to ear, tears almost streaming down from whatever joke he's telling you.
You hadn't laughed like that with him in awhile, nor has he seen you smile so big like that. Obviously, it's the jealousy talking. You loved Taehyung more than anything, and he was the only one who could make you feel the way that you do.
"The fuck?" He mumbles to himself.
"Here's your coffee, Tae." The barista says softly behind the counter, her gaze going between him and the scene. He can't keep his eyes off of this interaction, praying to the heavenly being above that the boy will get the hint and leave before Taehyung can get there. But he doesn't. He continues to crack jokes or whatever the hell he's doing to make you laugh the way that you're laughing. You rest your chin on your palm as you look at the dude in front of you, head tilted, looking all cute and shit and you don't even know it. Tae's eyes widen when he sees you place a hand on his shoulder and give it a gentle squeeze.
"T-thanks, could you actually just toss it in a to go cup, please? I think we're gonna head out instead." He dug his hands in his pockets as he keeps watch, the barista silently doing as asked. Taehyung quickly grabs the coffee and heads out to where you're seated, the dude still all up on his woman like he had been waiting for the right opportunity to pounce on her ass all day.
"Wow, are you serious? Christian that's hilarious, I'm sorry. Maybe you should have gone for that installment instead. Either way, I think it'll look amazing. It'll look so good when you finish it." He hears you reassuring ol' dude. You look up to see Taehyung slowly approaching, his forehead furrowed like some kind of angry, old man waiting for kids to get off of his porch. Curls all defined and fluffy, he didn't look intimidating to you one bit - but Christian squirms in his seat, finally catching the hint that Taehyung was not happy about him sitting that close to you with his arm brushing up against yours. Taehyung's eyes were piercing right through him, colored lenses intensifying the look.
"S-sorry, I was about to—"
"No, please stay. Let's all gather around and talk about each other's day." Taehyung sarcastically scrunches his nose and does a shimmy to show that he's actually not fucking playing right now and Christian better know what's good for him.
"I was just asking her for some advice on art class." He stands to nervously dust himself off. Now, if it's one thing you know too well, it's how petty Taehyung gets when he's jealous. You quietly sit there, a little hot and bothered with how Taehyung is acting, but you also want to laugh at how people really find Taehyung so intimidating. If you all only knew how much of a baby bear he was behind closed doors.
"Cute. You do know the fucking art room is two steps behind you, right? You know, where the professor usually is at." He steps forward, jaw slightly clenching.
"Look man, I really didn't mean any harm." Taehyung nods. "I was just about to leave."
"Don't forget to pick up your googly eyes from the floor." Taehyung shoots him a finger gun and clicks his teeth. "Wouldn't wanna misplace those for the next time you try and use them on my girlfriend again." Christian leaves without saying anything else, causing you to snort.
"What was that about?" You chuckle.
"Let's go." He sternly says, handing you the cup of coffee.
"I thought we were gonna sit and drink this here?"
"Or we can just sit and drink this at home." You hurriedly get up to follow him as he starts walking towards the car.
"Are you really that upset?"
"Are you really that upset?" He mocks your tone as he continues to walk to the car.
"Real mature, Kim Taehyung." He looks over his shoulder to glance at you with those eyes before looking back at the car. He silently opens the door for you, avoiding all contact. You silently giggle to yourself because even though he could get annoyingly petty like this, he still found ways to be a gentleman and cater to you. You watch as he plops into the driver's seat, sipping his coffee as he stares out at the campus. "Tae, what are we doing?"
"You wanted to sit and drink this here, right?"
"You're annoying." You roll your eyes and sit back. Was he really doing this right now? Taking your ass to the car to enjoy your coffee, away from people?
"Says the one who was all it'll look so good when you finish it. Ouuuu, either way it'll look amazing." He mocks your tone. "If anything, you're the annoying one, acting all cute when you know these dudes have it out for you. Since when do you shower people with compliments like that? I thought I was the only one."
"No, they don't, Christian is just a good friend from class and I was just trying to help give him some solid advice."
"Oh, so he's a good friend now?" He raises his eyebrow. "Jungkookie is a good friend. Hoseok is a good friend. Yoongi is a good friend." He counts on his hand, showing you the three fingers he has up. "Where's Christian at? I don't see him on that list. Christian is not a good friend." He puts his hand out as if he's waiting for your response. "Wooooow, it's quiet, no back talk, ey?" You put his hand down. Did I tell you he was also a comedian at best?
"Babe, stop." You pout, but he shakes his head. "Why are you acting so jealous right now?"
"Cause! The way you were all smiley and laughing with him. Praising him. Playfully pushing him and shit. You barely do that with me."
"You have got to be kidding. I've done that with you time and time again, I barely spend time with anyone else but you. You always make me laugh and you always make me smile, much more than anyone else."
"A-and you were like squeezing his shoulder so sweetly. You had this soft touch when it came to him even though he was looking at you like he was thinking some foul shit. You just— You just give it so easily."
"Baby." You chuckle. "Okay, that's just way too far."
"I know it all too well. I know a boy's brain like the back of my hand. So yeah, we're enjoying this coffee in here whether you like it or not." He furrows his eyebrows. You give him a moment to calm down before you reach over and caress his cheek. He welcomes your touch and you can instantly feel him relaxing as you continue to touch him gently.
"You're too cute."
"No." He pouts.
"Taehyung, you know I love you. And you know you're the only one who can make me feel all sorts of ways - one being happy and incredibly giddy from your lame jokes."
"They're not lame."
"They're lame." You joke as you scrunch your nose. "But that's what makes them unique to you. I wouldn't have it any other way. And on top of that, you know I can never stop smiling around you no matter the circumstance. Like now." You smile at him because honestly, he was being too fucking cute and you wanted nothing but to cuddle him at home. He had such a jealous side to him that little things ticked him off, but you knew he cared and just wanted you to himself. You couldn't help but feel the same, hence the girl at the mall being all flirty with him.
"Honestly, you're gonna be the death of me." He looks at you, his cheek falling deeper into your touch while you giggle. "Seriously, it's not funny. You had me experiencing heart palpitations when you touched him like that, it's not a joke."
"Relax." You chuckle. "You're dramatic."
"You wanna talk dramatic?" He looks at you. "She got all flirty with you when she walked off and you didn't even say anything!"
"Okay, I get it!"
"Mhm." He wiggles an eyebrow. He begins to start the car and pull off, the ride pretty silent. You knew he just needed a moment to get over himself, so as soon as you step into your apartment, you put your things aside and throw your arms around him.
"Babe." You plant kisses all over his face.
"Mmm, no—" He says in between kisses. "You— don't— get to do that—- and expect to— win me over— just like that."
"Uh huh. Yet, you're still kissing back." You say, pushing him towards your room. All you had planned was just to cradle your big baby and cuddle him until he felt better. You've learned that's how Taehyung gets over most things. Truly.
"Y/N, I'm not joking." He lays on his side after tossing his keys and phone on your night stand. He throws his hood over his head, while you throw yourself onto him, being the bigger spoon.
"Hey." You forcefully turn him around to make him face you. He does nothing look at you, allowing you to place a soft, passionate kiss on his plump lips. He gives into it, deepening it while tugging you closer to him. "You know I only have eyes for this handsome guy right here, right?" You boop the mole on his nose.
"Good, cause I want you all to myself. Stop being such a fucking saint. Be mean for once. I know you can do it, since you always catch an attitude with me." You laugh.
"Whatever, Taehyung. If that makes you feel better."
"Good." He smirks. "Come here. I'm trying to show you that you're mine and only mine." He wraps his arms around you and snuggles tightly against your body until you hear him softly snoring into your chest.
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kaiju-z · 3 years
“Moonlight Tryst Under The Eclipse”
Right! So! A little clarification is in order! Um. So like. There’s this D&D show called “Role With Me”/”The Ties That Bind”. And the party have recently reached a high-tech Elven city and are learning all kinds of things about the society there. Including that they found fucking God fan fiction. Fan fiction written about Arkanos, God of Magic, who is also the elves’ God. And of Solomon, the God of Undeath. Who is basically enemy to all elven kind, after he convinced a group of them to worship him, in exchange for “immortality”, which is the secret origin of the drow in that world.
So like. It’s them. As like. A ship. They found shipfics and were reading them.
So this is basically inspired by that. And it’s a fic, “as written” by a writer in that world, that city. That internet. So yeah. It’s a fic, within a fic. ó ____ ó;;; That’s it. That’s the joke.
Also yes, you should watch Role WIth Me. Very Dark Souls/Witcher-ish. With a flavor of Bloodborne. Also lots of funnies between the rough stuff that our heroes go through.
An Arkanos/Solomon fanfic by RainbowRunner899
It was meant to be a distraction. A simple. Basic. Get your mind off the ear-splitting screams and wails distraction. A honest to yourself one. And yet here you were. Hours after the fact, still locked in an embrace with the long eared boy scout!
Arms around your body, you can easily feel his fingers trace every smooth pattern and ridge of your back as the stars shimmer and shake under his dexterous touch. Unlike your dark dealings in your domain beyond mortal comprehension, here you are incapable of hiding your intents and secrets. Or at least, the ones you can gesticulate.
Damn him! Damn this know-it-all paragon that bewitched you with his soft voice and alluring eyes! His words, his face, his everything! It drives you to madness! Like that’d mean anything to you, anyways. You were already unhinged. By some slight you yourself perceive as such. You blame your makers for it and have stated it as such to him, many a nights.
Many, upon many, for centuries, long since after he took his foolish followers and ran off into parts unknown, leaving you with your defiled flock of sycophants! You hate them, for they fell so easily and thus, you send them to do all sorts of cruelties. Just to test how far they’ll go for you. When they’d snap. Break. You figure that is why he had come out of hiding the first time, since your conflict. And confronted you.
The two of you had fought for dominance, throwing stars and supernovas at one another, frightening the populace around you. And, had it not been for his quick thinking and raised defenses, you two surely would have exterminated all life in the vicinity.
‘Damn him.’ you think, your face flushing as his hands move to your front, caressing the 8 pack. Damn him for seeing through your ruse that night. Through to the very core of who you were and why you did what you did! All that cruelty and anger! All of it, creating a Seeming of unseen proportions, hiding the broken man in need of help underneath.
Only he saw it! Neither Vanderen, nor Fleetfoot. Nor the old man and the revelry wench got even the slightest idea you had this secret pain! They were too stupid, too blind to see. But not Arkanos. He knew and he punished your body so with the palms of his hands. Your breathing growing heavy to his actions and you contemplate evasive maneuvers.
He reaches for your pa-aaand you grab his wrist. “No.” you go, hissing at him with a glare of pure death. Or undead. As is your aspect.
He looks at you with those gentle eyes. Those honest and wise eyes. “No?” he repeats, questioning you with his pretty little face. You’d bite your lip, if you had one. Then shake your head.
“No.” And you’d get up and try to make way out of the room, specifically by him, to protect you both from prying eyes. “I’m leaving. Going back, I-I have work to do. Monsters to raise. Many dark biddings to be made, Arkanos.” You growled, pitifully to show aggression. But he’s unmoving, unperturbed by your behavior as you struggle to put your robe back on. Damn thing! Did you start putting it with the wrong sleeve forward?! You’d struggle and huff and puff as you forced your head through a familiar opening and then flinch backwards, bumping into the wall.
“You’re having those thoughts again, aren’t you, Sol?” he asks you directly, his voice peaceful, like a river during summer. Disgusting. And beautiful, damn it! So beautiful! You think that as he had been standing right to face you once you put your head through the clothing. “Don’t lie to me. My eyes cannot be tricked, my ears cannot be lied to… and my heart- And he’d reach for his chest, tapping the left peck, before reaching over to tap your own.
You had no pulse. Not that it mattered. You were a god and who honestly cared about pulses, when you would live forever! Or unlive. Or-aaah, fuck it! You’d look away, scowling a boney scowl. “This game ends here, Arkanos. You’ve seduced me many a times before, but this ends now. You know you could never beat me in a fair fight and I know that you can’t backstab me like some mortal rogue under the pale moon light.” you scoffed, grabbing the door handle.
Twisting it, turning it. Opening the entrance and, in your case, the exit from his awkward situation. But right before you’d leave, the door would shut, without you even taking a full step ahead. You flinch, step backwards and bump into his frame. Then you have to straighten yourself as you attempt to prevent flushing of the cheeks. Straightening yourself and your clothing, you scoff. “Of course, right. Your wards.”
“Yes, Sol.” He’d smile a little smile your way and you feel your spine shiver. That cute smile that drove you crazy. After everything you did. All the people you killed and brought back as your meat and soul puppets! And he has the gall to smile at you like that.
“Well, undo it!” you try to regain footing. To find your equilibrium and tower over him, make yourself bigger, like one of those bear things that roam Fleetfoot’s forests. But intimidation does not work on him and you know it. He’s too brave. TOO STUPID, you try to think, but you know he’s too smart for you. Of all of them, even you, with all your dark and vile magicks, he was always the superior intellect.
He’d sigh a light sigh and glance over to the nearby window. It had been darkened off with the Darkness spell, which you made sure to cast, in case one of your flunkies or one of his randomly popped their head through. And he’d walk over to it, tapping it gently with a finger, dispelling. The sky appeared an odd mix of colors. It was familiar. Reminded you of your many birthdays. Yes, even the one good one you had all those millennia ago.
He’d wave a hand to you to step on over and join him at the glass separating you two from the outside. No words were needed. He had prepared the right set of movements, didn’t he?! A pregnant pause. And you go over, though you dare not look upwards at what the sky would be like. You just look down, no head in the clouds. Only down towards the muck.
“There is no shame in what you feel, Sol. You know that, right?” he’d say, side-glancing you every now and then as he faced the sky, while you watched the passerby folk, well, pass by. Wordlessly, you listen to him. And then have to find yourself blinking as the silence became deafening. Like he wanted a direct answer from you.
You’d grimace and cant your head some in a direction of your choosing. “I’ve killed and converted and had them kill… so many people. And you’re trying to psychoanalyze me, Arkanos. Don’t you find the flaw in that?!” he’d sneer. “The daddy of the elves meeting with the step dad of your little traitors. In secret and for centuries now. Isn’t that a little-Don’t you think that’s kind of fucked up?!” he’d not even raise a brow over your foul mouth. He was used to it.
He was used to keeping it occupied, too. Hmph!
“Is it really so crazy, Sol? Is it, though?” he’d smile again, resting a hand on your shoulder. “You. And I. Have such a history, spanning many a lifetimes of many a people. From the short-lived to the ancient. Friends. To rivals. To enemies. To friends…” he’d giggle and your face would change shades. It was a whole galactic party on your features. “To so much more.”
“Fuckbuddies.” he scoffed at your phrasing. He was used to the cussing, but that sort of direct crassness gave you a bit of an advantage… every now and then.
“Call it as you want, Sol. But I know the truth. I peered through your actions and your thoughts and I saw the real you… And I saw the broken pieces. They were there, inside you. Calling, screaming to be reshaped.” He spoke to you with such determination and passion. You’d mistake him for one of those new-fangled “bards”. “Is it honestly that big of a surprise that once you reached out as you did, I would reach back in turn?”
You look away. “After everything I put you and your kids through, how is that a surprise, Ark-“he has a hand on your cheekbone, slowly turning your face in his direction, as you sought to glance away in your shame and woe. “I-I mean-“
No time to finish the sentence. He pecks your face with his lips. Quick and focused. Your spine shivers at his advance. But you don’t really fight it, though you hate him pulling away.
“You are a lonely man, shrouded in a darkness of your own making. Unwilling to show the pain to those around you, fearing their response.” He’d say softly. “But I saw and I felt and I knew that day…”
“You knew…?” you asked.
He’d nod to you with a, well, knowing smile, his cheeks turning pink. It really didn’t take you that much to figure out what he meant.
“O-oh. Oh!”
“Ohhhhh…” it was all you could say, while he glanced back out the window and you followed his gaze to the sky above. Where the moon had gone before the sun, creating a rare masterpiece that the mortals found fascinating as all hell. But to you? To you this was your birthday. Again, damn it, you’d bite your lip if you had that.
You feel his hand on your person. Fingers entangling with your own. You look to them. And you look to him. His eyes took that “look” again. A familiar one that the two of you would act upon  whenever the opportunity struck.
He walked back. And headed to the bed that faced the door, light step after light step, pulling you along. One knee on the bed. A creeking sound. His other knee on the mattress. A repeat. Shifting of weight as he pulled you on over.
You’d open your mouth to speak. “I-“
And he’d answer. “I know.”
Wordlessly, the two of you would lock faces and commiserate as he helped you take off the robe again. This time much slower and to the point than in a simple moment of passion. There was more feeling there.
As he’d undress you and you him, a thought would crawl into your mind.
Perhaps it was possible. Perhaps it was, yes, that the shattered insides of your soul could be put together again. Perhaps he could do it.
To Be Continued.
Author’s notes: WONDERCRAK! Thank you, dear readers, for all the well wishes and kind words about the last story! Even you, KnuckleTucker3000. I appreciate the criticism on my grammar and took it to heart o w o! Wow, like, wow! So like, I was really excited to get to this part of the story, ‘cause, obviously I finally got to reveal what kinda day Solomon was born on u w u Next week’s continuation’s gonna get extra spicy, tho, so I have to bring back the reminder >8( This one’s for the grown-ups and it’s gonna be tagged NSFW! Don’t read if a Lemon Fic isn’t your thing! I’ll drop the hidden lore bits I’ll be putting in that one!
Stay tuned u w u, RainbowRunner899 out!
11 notes · View notes
jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Cyber Sex
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Word Count: 5.6K
Genre: Fluffy ass smut 
Warning: Masturbation, fingering, dirty talk, cussing, breast play
Summary: Your boyfriend Mark is currently in Japan for a conference and seeing you wearing nothing but his shirt leads to fingering yourself to his commands.
A/N: Based on the song “Cyber Sex” by Doja Cat. I am so excited for their comeback, I’m broke as a fucking joke but it’s fine. I’m FINE. Happy reading.
I wanna touch on you You see me in my room Wish you were here right now All of the things I'd do I wanna get freaky on camera I love when we get freaky on camera
The word tired wasn’t even enough to describe exactly how you were feeling right now. You were exhausted beyond belief to say the least. Being a full time college student; majoring in both criminal justice and journalism on top of having a full time job at one of the most prestigious and reputable law firms in your state wasn’t the most ideal situation, but you made it work. Well, for the most part. 
Your mental health these days has been at an all time low; you were being overworked to the point where you were afraid you could suffer from either a mental breakdown or panic attack at the rate you were headed. Unfortunately, the only person who knew how to keep you from completely reaching the brink of insanity was currently thousands of miles away from you. Your boyfriend of over three years—Mark; was in Japan for a very important conference that the company he was working for sent him on in order to represent his department. 
Although he was the youngest in his career field; Mark knew exactly what to say and do to build partnerships and to gain the trust of many other company shareholders. Your boyfriend was quite the charmer; sometimes you did grow jealous when you’d observe how some of his colleagues and a few of his clients would look at him in such a way that you thought only you were allowed to. 
As much as you wanted to be upset with the women who were bold enough to ask him out even if they knew he was in a relationship, you couldn’t really blame them for finding him attractive and attempting to make a move on him. Mark was the definition of a sight for sore eyes. He was gorgeous and exceedingly handsome—however, Mark was way more than just a pretty face, a well-defined and extremely toned body and a deep, raspy voice that never failed to get you groveling at your knees. 
He was extremely kind and generous to every single person he’s ever met in his life. You always considered him to be somewhat of an angel; an ethereal being here on earth because there was no way someone who was both ridiculously breathtaking on the outside was just as wonderful on the inside. Sometimes, you felt as if he deserved better than you. From a very young age, you never thought much about yourself; you didn’t care all too much about the way you looked, you didn’t consider yourself smart, funny nor did you have any impressive talent. 
However, Mark never failed to make you feel as if you were the most beautiful creature he has ever laid his eyes on. He reminded you both physically and verbally on a daily basis that he loved you more than anyone and anything on this he’ll forsaken earth. You were his person, his soulmate—the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. You don’t know what it was that you did in your past life to be the lucky person to call him your boyfriend, but you would do it again and again if it meant having him in each and every lifetime. 
It was hard having to be away from him every now and then—especially on the days when you felt as if the entire world was against you for not doing anything right. Deep down, you knew you were doing the best you can but it was as if your best wasn’t good enough for other people. Since Mark was a day ahead but six hours behind, you were sure he had to be busy attending a convention or going over his notes to prepare for meetings he had mentioned to you a couple of times in the last week. 
As much as you wanted to call him just to hear his voice; even if it were just for a few minutes, you didn’t want to bother him. He had other things to worry about—the stress and frustration caused by your responsibilities would only worry him and you knew he didn’t need that. You made your way in to the bathroom and started getting ready to go to sleep. You wiped off any trace of makeup from your face, brushed your teeth and took off your clothes before throwing on one of Mark’s shirts. 
Right as you were about to throw yourself in to the comfort of your bed, you heard your phone sound off on the night stand and because you had a huge feeling it was Mark trying to get in touch with you, you practically flung yourself across the threshold and reached for your phone while flopping down on your sheets.
Babe: Hey, you didn’t let me know if you got home. Are you alright? Can we FaceTime? I miss seeing your pretty face so much. 11:27 P.M.
Whatever exhaustion you felt from earlier immediately disappeared; the want and need to talk to your boyfriend was far stronger than any amount of tiredness you felt. You got up and grabbed your laptop—preferring to look at him on a bigger screen since your vision wasn’t all that great from taking out your contacts. He was quick to answer before the first ring and you could feel your chest warm up at the sight of him. 
No matter what he wore, he always seemed to take your breath away. Whether it was a flannel and some skinny jeans or just a pair of grey sweats when the two of you would lounge around your shared apartment—a blush would always seem to rise on your cheeks just because he was so annoyingly attractive. However, seeing him in a suit; looking extremely classy with his hair pulled back so you could see the entirety of his handsome face made your stomach sore in the best way. God, why did he have to be thousands of miles away from you? 
“Baby!” You gave him a soft smile and sat up properly in order to get a better look at him. 
“Hey—are you right about to go in to a meeting or something? You look very handsome babe.” He gave you his infamous cheeky grin—one he always flashed whenever you would compliment him. Mark, even at the prime age of twenty-seven could still get so shy and flustered at the smallest little things. Especially whenever you would go in to detail about his charming features or how his cute little butt always looked good in a pair of slacks. 
He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment before biting his lip. You were soon growing envious at the thought of how many women got to see him looking like a Greek-God while in his element. Although you have only seen a few videos of the speeches he would give at conventions and conferences, you observed just how confident he was when it came to his craft. When it came to talking with other people—sometimes even when the two of you would go out to dinner with your parents, he was always so timid and soft spoken. 
Yet, he seemed to change in to a completely different person in environments where he was meant to persuade clients in to buying stocks with his company. You couldn’t help but find it cute whenever he would act flustered around you—especially because in the bedroom and behind close doors, he was the complete opposite of shy. 
“Oh—uh, thanks. I actually just came back from a luncheon. It was boring as hell and honestly I didn’t hear a thing anyone had to say, I was too busy thinking of you. God, I hate having to attend these fucking conferences—I mean I love traveling; it’s not like we can really go around anyway and even if we could, I’d use all my free time talking to you. I hate any moment spent without you baby. Tell me about your day; how was work? Did you finally take that exam you’ve been studying for these last two weeks—oh shit. I didn’t realize what time it was there, I’m sorry baby. You must be tired, I can call you back tomorrow—“ 
You waved your hand out at him signaling that it was okay. Even if you had to be up in less than five hours, you were perfectly fine with the idea of getting no sleep at all tonight if it meant talking to your favorite person until the sun rose. 
“It’s fine Mark. I miss you too—so much. I can always message my professor and tell her I’m sick if I’m not feeling up to attending class tomorrow. Work was work; tiring and frustrating as it always is and school is well—school. Nothing new. I want to hear about you though—“
“We’ll get to me later baby. It hurts knowing that you’re going through something—I’m sure there’s more to it that you’re not telling me. I hate that you suffer by yourself and it’s even harder when I’m away and I can’t hold you and tell you that everything is going to be okay. But it will be and you know why? Because you have me. I got you y/n. You know you can always run to me—confide in me. That’s what I’m here for. To help carry your burden with you. I’m sure you’re well aware that I want nothing more than to carry your problems in your place. I would do anything just to make you happy—I hope you know that. I probably don’t say it as often as I should, but fuck—I just want to give you the whole world; the entire universe because it’s what you deserve.” 
You could feel the tears brimming at your eyelids and if he was there with you, you would probably playfully shove him for making you cry with his sweet words before leaving chaste kisses all over his face. One thing you admired about your boyfriend, on top of the infinite amount of other things was his way with words. Mark preferred to show you through his actions rather than tell you with his words exactly what you meant to him but when he did speak up about his feelings, your heart would combust in to a million different pieces. 
He even wrote you a couple of letters filled with love and adoration because he wanted to remind you when he wasn’t around that you were all he could ever want and need for the rest of his life. The two of you talked for around half an hour until you found yourself re-positioning yourself when your leg got a cramp for sitting on it too long. You didn’t think anything of it, but as soon as you fixed yourself, you were quick to notice how Mark’s jaw was now clenched as he began grazing his teeth along his bottom lip. 
You’ve been with him long enough to know what his ministrations and movements meant; those two in particular usually meant that he was either uncomfortable or horny. But you didn’t understand how he could be either; he was fine just a few seconds ago—why was he looking as if he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. 
“Hey Mark, everything okay?”
“Is that my shirt?” 
You looked down at his black champion tee that was practically swallowing you whole, just like most of his clothes that you’d find yourself wearing every now and then. He never failed to rave about how sexy you looked in his clothes and sometimes he didn’t have the willpower to let it stay on you for all too long before ripping it off and showing you the effect that seeing you in any of his clothes would do for him. 
Your hair was a mess, there were bags under your eyes and your lips were chapped from not feeling the need to moisturize them; so you didn’t feel like you were at all ravishing or attractive in any way. Surely, seeing you in his shirt couldn’t be the reason why he was riled up all of a sudden—could it? 
“Oh, yeah. I was so exhausted I just grabbed the closest item of clothing near the sink. Is there something wrong? It smells good. Just like you—wait, is it dirty? Did you not wash it yet? I can go change—“
“No no—shit—can you lean back or something? I want to see you, full body.” 
You did as you were told and pushed your computer further away from where you were sitting before moving back just a little in order for him to get a better look at you. It wasn’t till you saw him gulp as a whimper fell from the back of his throat did you know exactly what was going on. 
“Fuck—you look so fucking breathtaking Y/n—so damn sexy—don’t get me wrong, you always look so beautiful. But when you’re in one of my shirt it’s just—why the fuck am I in Japan right now this is bullshit.” 
A soft giggle fell from your lips; whenever Mark would get horny, that was when he was the most vocal about his emotions. He was extremely vulgar and his words were always so dirty; so naughty. It was funny listening to him talk on the phone to his boss or a couple of his colleagues knowing just how filthy and lewd he could be during your love making sessions. Your boyfriend was the definition of dominant. 
There were a few occasions where he would allow you to take charge—when you would dominate him, you would put all your effort and energy in to driving him to the brink of insanity. The older boy didn’t know what he preferred; edging you until you would beg for him to let you cum, or being tied up to the bed while you ride him at an exceedingly quickened pace. You could feel the warmth building in between your thighs at his words on top of the frustration that he wasn’t there to help you with the forming orgasm you were now completely aware of. 
“You know babe, now that you’ve mentioned it—I do feel pretty warm in here. Maybe I should take this off.” 
You decided to mess with him; knowing that he was probably suffering and trying to hide the fact that he was definitely hard as a rock right now. His shirt was gently thrown to the side of the bed and soon your breasts were on full display for him. Watching his jaw drop at the sight of your bare chest only made you want to continue putting on a show for him. Slowly, you brought your hands up and cupped both your breasts in your hands—massaging and kneading your mounds all but gently before bringing your nipples in between your fingers and twisting them. 
Breast play had to be one of your favorite forms of foreplay; specifically because Mark—well, the asshole was good at every single thing he did. Sports, cooking and baking, education, singing, cracking unsolved mysteries and blowing your mind in more ways than one. His fingers; they had to be the prettiest fingers you’ve ever seen on someone before and you weren’t being biased because he was your boyfriend. 
Mark had such long, skinny fingers and he knew exactly how to use them. His hands were almost double the size of yours—yet your hands fit perfectly together as if you were made for one another. Although you were very insecure about your body, no matter how many times Mark practically worshipped it and reminded you how he loved every single one of your body parts; especially your face, breasts, thighs and ass, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t confident in your boobs. Honestly, your breasts were one of the only parts that you genuinely liked about yourself. 
Sometimes, you would wear certain tops that showed enough cleavage to get a rise out of your boyfriend and every single time, you did. Mark looked as if his eyes were about to pop out of his head and you had to stifle back a few moans from how good it felt. No matter how much you were enjoying this; playing with yourself in front of your boyfriend, you knew it would feel so much better if he was the one doing it to you. 
“Fuck Y/n, you’re going to be the death of me. Shit—what I wouldn’t give to be the one fondling your pretty titties. Fuck—just wait till I get home princess. I’m gonna suck the shit out of them; you’re going to regret this. You’re so beautiful—I can’t get over how gorgeous you are. You’re really going to kill me.” You gave him a smirk and playfully brought your bottom lip in between your teeth. “Mmm—Mark—feels so good—“
“I bet it does baby—you look so ethereal—twisting your perky nipples like that. But I’m sure it doesn’t feel as nice as it would if it were me. Shit y/n—I want to titty fuck you so badly right now. I swear, it’s like your breasts get bigger whenever I’m away. Should I show you just how crazy you’re driving me right now?” 
You immediately nodded in agreement; the desire to see Mark’s cock was seeping through your veins. You didn’t care if you came off too eager or too excited; it’s been almost three weeks since you’ve seen your boyfriend and even longer since he was buried balls deep inside of you. Sex wasn’t a huge deal in your relationship—well, it was both yours and Mark’s favorite physical activity, but unlike other couples, you cared about other forms of intimacy just as much as you did making love. 
Mark was a huge fan of cuddling, spooning and holding hands. Your boyfriend was extremely clingy and overprotective whenever it came to you; but that was just apart of his nature. He wasted no time in yanking off his slacks; the outline of his cock was prominent against his grey briefs. You could feel your mouth water at the sight; to some people, penises were very ugly, but something about Mark’s always had you on your knees—begging for him to shove it down your throat. His girth was long and extremely thick. As soon as he took off his underwear, you suddenly stopped your movements and eagerly leaned forward to get a better look at him. 
“Someone’s excited.”
“That’s the understatement of the year. I could cum right now just at the sight of your tits alone. Fuck—you’re the one who caused this painful ass erection baby, I wish you were the one who would solve it.” He spit on his hand and brought the saliva down to the tip of his cock; he lubricated himself and you could feel your breath hitch when he let out a soft moan. 
“Babe—fuck Mark, there’s nothing more I want than to suck you off—“ If this were under different circumstances, you were sure he’d let out a snarky chuckle like he normally would every time you made it clear that you wanted to blow him; or if you wanted sex. You were always so soft spoken; so modest and you hardly ever were vocal when it came to voicing your desires. 
You were more of the type to mess around with him; gliding your hands gently along his thigh, palming him through his pants and even hovering over his lap; grinding yourself against his dick while leaving wet kisses against the juncture of his neck. Whether it was because you were extremely turned on or because it’s been a while since you and your boyfriend were intimate, but sometime came over you and you felt yourself wanting to take over of this cyber sex session.
“Mark—close your eyes baby. I want to take care of you. Pretend I’m there with you and do as I say. Grab the bottom of your cock; bring your thumb along the vein and slowly pump yourself.” 
Watching the veins on his neck grow made it adamant that he was enjoying your dominance and you used that to your advantage. He let out a very faint whine; you wouldn’t have heard it if you weren’t giving him your full attention and you were well aware that if you were to touch yourself, you’d be soaking at this point. 
“Circle your thumb around your tip, and graze the slit as gently as possible. God Mark—I’ll purchase a ticket to Tokyo right now just to wrap my mouth around your cock.” This earned you a mixture of a laugh and a cough and you found yourself laughing along with him. 
“Is that a promise? We can put this on pause and I’ll buy one for you; you don’t even need to pack a thing. All I need is you—keep talking like that and you’re going to lose your voice once I get home. I know I keep saying this, but it’s because it’s true and I can’t get over it—you’re so fucking sexy. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but just know that I love you; with every breath I take and every single beat of my heart. I love you more than I will ever be able to express to you in words. As much as I want to continue going in to depth about the love I have for you, you can’t be having all the fun here. Take off your underwear y/n—I can’t believe you’re wearing that one. How did I forget to take it with me? I remembered to sneak the matching bra in my suitcase—“
“So that’s where it went, I’ve been looking for it since you left—weirdo.”
“Hey, you have your kinks and I have mine. Now—take off your panty and do as I say.” 
With a quick roll of your eyes, you stripped yourself free of your red thong and flung it across of the room. It was probably a mess now with all your pieces of clothing lying around, but you didn’t care. There was a flame burning in your core that you wanted to hurry up and get around to reaching your release. This wasn’t the first time the two of you had sex over webcam; but you felt as if this time would be different from your past experiences. 
Not only did you miss your boyfriend terribly, but you’ve been daydreaming about the last time the two of you made love the night before he left and you could still feel the way his cock stretched out your walls. Your fingers absentmindedly made their way down to your entrance; you brought your index and your middle finger in your mouth and sucked on them before returning them back down to your folds. 
“Fuck—fuck, fuck—such a pretty little mouth and an even prettier pussy. Tell me baby—who does that pussy belong to? Tell me while you drag your digits along your core y/n.” 
You traced your fingers back and forth along your entrance; gathering some of your essence on your fingers and bringing them back to your mouth. During most of your sexual activities—Mark, whether it would be when he would finger you or when he would eat you out, would have you taste yourself so you were well aware why he was so addicted to the way your pussy tasted. 
Although you were a big fan of giving him blow jobs, Mark was a professional at giving head. He ate your pussy like it was a delicacy and he was very vocal about how pleasuring you brought him equal amounts of pleasure himself. Next to fucking your tits and ramming himself inside of you, he loved going down on you. On the days that work was extremely stressful, or your classes were bombarding you with too many assignments; Mark would take care of you—either making you dinner or ordering your favorite food, preparing you a bubble bath, and sucking the life out of your pussy in order to take your mind off of your many frustrations. 
You sucked your fingers dry of all your pre-cum and let out a loud pop before returning them back to their previous position. Multiple swears and wanton moans left Mark’s mouth as he continued to guide his hand back and forth along his cock all the while watching you shove your fingers inside of your cunt. It felt amazing; anytime the two of you were intimate—even on the days you were both exhausted beyond belief and just gave each other oral to both reach your highs, you could never get over the feeling of ecstasy and euphoria that came over you every time Mark would bring you to heaven with his tongue. 
It was in that moment that you realized the last time you kissed him was almost a month ago. If your schedule wasn’t so hectic, you probably would have went with your boyfriend. The two of you were like magnets; everywhere you went, people could expect Mark to follow no matter where it was. Most boyfriends would get bored having to wait outside while their girlfriends went shopping, but Mark would follow you around to each and every store; he even gave his opinion on what he thought would look good on you and what he would love to rip off of you. 
To your dismay, he would pay for everything even against your many complaints but like he said, he just wanted to make you happy. He felt bad that he had to travel all around the world a lot, so he felt like he wanted to buy you a couple of things to make up for being absent every so often. 
There were days your boyfriend contemplated on quitting his job and finding one that didn’t require him to leave all the time; but this job had amazing benefits and because he was still so young, yet had a position that most of his coworkers twenty years his senior haven’t even experienced before, he knew he wouldn’t be able to find a job even half as good as the one he had now. But he would give it all up and even work as a barista or a cashier in a grocery store if it meant being able to see you, kiss you, hold you and go to bed with you in his arms every single day. 
“Damnit y/n—ahhh—you’re such a goddess—my pretty petal—pump yourself harder baby. Faster—tell me how it feels. Grab your clit and twist it in between your fingers; I bet you’re like the Pacific Ocean right now. I’m sure you’re just as tight as you are wet baby. Keep going. Pretend it’s me; burying my long fingers in that tight cunt of yours. I can just picture how good you feel clenching around me. Flick your clit; ugh, I miss nibbling on it and taking it in between my teeth. I miss the way you would tighten your thighs around my head—and don’t even get me started on how much I miss whenever you would ride my face. I don’t think I can handle being away from you much longer y/n—it’s not even just because I miss fucking you—I mean I do—God do I miss railing the shit out of you—but I miss you. So much. I miss seeing your contagious smile that I’m sure could cure cancer, and your laugh that never fails to light up an entire room. I miss your lips and how they meld perfectly against mind. I miss looking at your beautiful eyes and the way you tell a story with them. I miss being the cause of the blush on your cheeks. I can’t wait to finally finish here and come back home to you. Just a couple more days baby then I’m all yours okay. Have I ever told you how grateful I am that you’re so patient? Thank you for waiting for me y/n—I—love you—“ 
You could feel tears brimming at the corner of your eyelids. Although you were just moments away from coming on your fingers, his words tugged on your heartstrings. Sure, he texted you every single day and told you that he would much rather be home with you; sat in between your legs and leaning his head against your chest while he played video games—but it was so heartwarming hearing him describe every single thing he missed about you. 
“I miss you too Mark—I would do anything for you. I’ll wait for however long you need me to my love. I love you—I hope you know that you’re the only good thing I’ve got going for me. I don’t care what happens in the future; I just really want you in it.” 
The two of you continued your movements; you quickened your pace; you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to your release. Your fingers felt so amazing being clenched by your velvety walls and you were actually doing really well with picturing that it was Mark fingering you. His movements were just as relentless and he even began fondling his balls. He tilted his head back and the sight made you whimper at how erotic it was. His neck; along with everything else on his body was long and you could still faintly see a couple of the love-bites you left on his collarbone. Before you knew it, you felt a sticky substance on your fingers and allowed yourself to come on your digits before releasing an embarrassingly loud moan. 
“Holy shit—that was so fucking hot. Suck your fingers for me baby—help me reach my release—shit, shit, shit—“ 
His semen squirted out in rapid spurts and you were upset that you weren’t able to feel him fill you up to the hilt with his warm, creamy liquid. His hair clung to his forehead as sweat dripped down the sides of his cheek. You were sure if you were to look in the mirror, your hair would be just as tousled and your cheeks would be flushed. 
The two of you spent a couple moments in comfortable silence; both coming down from your highs. He took a little while longer to come to his senses and you used this time to look at him in awe of just how breathtaking he was. This was a common occurrence right after the two of you finished your love making sessions; you would bask in each other’s presence and sometimes if you were still up for it, the two of you would talk until one of you would finally let sleep take over. Once you were both settled down, you gave him a soft smile and flopped on to the bed. 
“Honestly, I think I’m going to get a good nights rest now. Thank you baby, that was wonderful. I’m sure I would have came faster if it was your cock inside of me, but that was a good distraction nonetheless.” He beamed at you. 
“No, thank you. That was mind blowing as always y/n. I can’t wait until I have you in my arms—and on my cock. I love watching you as you cum—I wish you could see what I see, your expression when you reach your orgasm is so fucking tantalizing. I plan on having you the entire day when I come back home, so just be ready baby. Wait—you’re not going to bed naked are you—“
“Oh—I wasn’t planning to, but now that I know it’s probably going drive you insane—“
“You wouldn’t dare—fuck—just wait until I get my hands on you—“
You gave him a sultry smirk and began running your fingers in between the valley of your breasts. “Hmmm, I might just take the day off just to touch myself. Might even walk around the place naked. Too bad my boyfriend isn’t here to fuck me up against the balcony or up against the fridge—“ 
The growl that came from the back of his throat did not go unnoticed to you and you found the coil in your tummy tightening again. Only Mark Tuan could get you horny again minutes after getting you to come on your fingers. Even if he repeatedly called you sexy almost fifteen minutes ago; you felt like that word didn’t do him justice. 
“That’s it—I’m telling my supervisor I need to come home. Tonight. I’m gonna kiss the shit out of you then fuck the shit out of you.” 
You weren’t sure if he was just saying that in the heat of the moment, but you were soon growing excited at the thought of finally being wrapped in his embrace again. As much as you wanted to keep up the sexual banter; you came to the realization that Mark was only half naked. His dress shirt was soaked with sweat and his tie was flipped around the other way. He looked at you in confusion once you bursted in to a fit of laughter. 
“What’s so funny?”
“I hope you packed a few other dress shirts; you have cum stains all over the bottom.” He released a frustrated grunt before sticking his tongue out at you. 
“They’re all in my dirty laundry pile. I was planning on using this one for the rest of the week. See, even the more reason to come home tonight. I expect you on your hands and knees once I get home. As fun as it was watching you fuck yourself with your fingers through webcam, nothing compares to seeing the real thing in person. I think it’s time you go to bed, you’re going to need all the energy you can get for what I have in mind for the both of us. Sweet dreams baby, I’ll see you real soon.”
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Survey #467
“oh, mary, mary, ain’t this fun?  /  mary, mary, i’ve got a gun”
If the last person you kissed asked you to marry them, what would you do? Pray to god it wasn't in public and tell him it's waaaay too soon for that one. Does your favorite uncle have any children? Yeah, a son and daughter. Name all the members (first, middle and last names) from your favorite band. Ha, it's funny how once upon a time, I could do this. All I've got now is John Michael Osbourne. Have you ever heard a young child swear? Maybe? Have you ever seen someone get a piercing/tattoo?: Yes to both. Has a taste of something ever made you smile? Boy meet me at The Cheesecake Factory and see what my face does lmaooo As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a paleontologist sooo badly. I wanted to discover new dinosaurs, put a shitload of work into unearthing fossils and being so proud to see the final results... Even now as an adult, if I could handle the heat, traveling, and hardcore school, I'd still love to do that. Would you cuss the person you hate the most out to their face? No. My hatred for her is unjustified and I'd rather just not say anything to her. Have you ever spent more than two weeks in a wheelchair? No. Where do you see your closest friend in ten years? As one of the strongest people around. I imagine her with a job in medical coding, while also pursuing the hobbies of ball python breeding and writing. I'm sure she'll have loads of pets to love, too! Do you like Florence + The Machine? I've never listened to them. Did you watch the presidential debates? No. Do you ever watch Dr. Phil? No. Are you typically unattracted to people outside of your race? No; I can be attracted to any race. Have you ever ridden any animal other than a horse? No. Do you brush your hair when it’s wet? Yes. Do you eat the crusts of your bread? Yeah, I always have. Have you ever flown a kite? Yeah! At my childhood home, there was a tobacco field directly across the street, and when they weren't in season so the field was flat, Dad would help us with getting kites set up and in the air. Those are good memories. How are you for money? I don't make any money. Mom is struggling. Do you think you are more intelligent than the average person? Ha, no. Do you ever think about why we are here? Does it matter? We're here, so make the most of it. Do you like cherries? I fucking hate cherries. Name a celebrity that you admire that nobody would expect you to: Jeffree Star, probs. Can you use a yoyo? Not well, but yeah. Do you think Jenna Marbles’ videos are funny? I've actually never watched her. Do you like folk music? NOOOOOOOOO Ever had a crush on somebody of the same sex? Yes. Do you know any lesbians? Yep. Favourite member of your favourite band: I'm unfamiliar with all but Ozzy himself. And Ozzy is rad. Who’s your favourite female rapper? I don't have one. When you were younger, were you ever in a relationship with someone you now realize was way too old for you? No. Have you ever had a seizure? No. I sometimes have very, very quick spasms when I'm falling asleep that feel like what I assume a seizure would, but they barely last a second. They seriously jerk me awake, though, and are very startling. What’s the oldest man-made object you own? I dunno. Is there anything you feel like you need a break from? Not really, no. What do you hate to hear people joke about? I will actually and remorselessly deck you in the jaw if you make a joke about rape. There are other things that are absolutely forbidden joking matters for me, too. What’s the largest animal you’ve seen in the wild? Hmmm... Nothing that big, really. Maybe a whitetail deer buck? Do any of your friends or family members have strange occupations? Not to my knowledge. Have you ever been in weather so severe that you feared for your safety? Oh yeah. We've had some savage thunderstorms. What political issues are the most important to you personally? LGBTQ+ rights and just equality in general, the pro-choice movement, environmental conservation, gun control, the abolishment of poverty and homelessness... There is honestly a lot. I could keep going. Do you know anyone who doesn’t know how to cook even just simple recipes? ... Me. :x Especially now that I'm in a relationship, I really want to make a greater effort to learn. I want to prove to him I give a damn about the success of our relationship and that I'm capable of being an adult that can take part in general adult responsibilities. ^What’s stopping them from learning this basic life skill? Laziness. Forgetfulness. The fear of getting burned. What small thing makes you automatically distrust someone? I can pick up on sketchy body language from a mile away. I'm too paranoid not to. Of all the states/provinces in your country, which one is your favorite? At least from photographs I've seen, Utah appears BEAUTIFUL. That whole region of the U.S. in general. Are there any obscure foods you’ve eaten that most people have never tried? That's very unlikely. I'm far from explorative with food. When you travel to other countries, do you always try the local cuisine? I've never been outside the U.S. I would probably do that, though. I'd really want to experience the culture as thoroughly as I could. What did you do for your 19th birthday? Hell if I remember. What’s the kindest thing a total stranger has done for you? I remember as a young kid, my parents, two sisters, and I were getting food at McDonald's, and whoever was in front of us paid for our meals. Such a sweet gesture for a larger family. Have you ever used a meal kit delivery service? No, but there actually is one that I can't recall the name of that I'd like to try when I cook myself, especially getting started learning, but yeah, subscription fees. You see a lot of YouTubers get sponsored by them, if that rings a bell. Do you have any psychological issues rooted in events from your childhood? Possibly my fear of men, with my dad having been an alcoholic that had a 50/50 chance of being very angry when drunk. How organized are the files on your computer? Pretty organized, I'd say. I put stuff into folders. Would you date someone with braces? Yes? Do you ever rehearse conversations before you have them? Only always. Do you get angry at yourself or at others more often? Myself, for sure. When taking a cab, do you talk to the driver? I've never even taken a cab. Who or what greets you at the door every time you come home? Nobody, really. My cat is occasionally in the living room to see who's home, but not always because he's a lazy cat, ha ha. Do you ever chat about your favourite video games with your friends? Not really, no. I wish. Have you ever supported anyone’s Kickstarter? If so, what was it? No, bc I'm poor. Are you currently studying a language? If so, which one? No. Ever had a friend online for a long time without seeing a photo of them? Yeah. Do you carry pepper spray? No, but I want some 'cuz I'm paranoid as hell. Are you waiting on anything right now? No. Have you ever been described as shy? Is it true? Oh, always. It's absolutely true. Name something you’re a complete sucker for? Baby animals, to name one thing. Do you remember when you first went on the internet? Nope. What is one way someone could completely put you off on a first date? Arrogance/over-confidence. What about a way someone could make you like them more on a first date? Make me genuinely laugh a lot, to name one way. Are you in love right now? Not yet. I love him with our decade of history, but I need more experience as a couple before I've got the confidence to say that. Do you wanna get married anytime soon? It wouldn't be smart to. I want to be in a strong relationship for quite a few years before I want that. Have you ever kissed someone in a band? No. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No but oh my fucking god I wish!!!!!! Did your mom or dad ever put soap in your mouth? No, but Mom would threaten to. What was the last fruit you ate? Well, I had strawberry yogurt earlier today. Who was the last person to make you laugh? Girt. He is very, very good at that. Have you ever dated someone with more piercings than you? No. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Hell yeah man. Is there one night of your life you wish had never happened? I wish it hadn't happened the way it did. Do you have a close relationship with your sibling(s)? No. What was the last thing that you shared? Some watermelon Sour Patch Kids with my mom. Do you think people talk behind your back? You couldn't get me to believe my mom doesn't at least sometimes to my sisters even if you tried your absolute damnedest. In real life do you laugh like ‘haha,’ 'hehe’ or something else? It depends on what I'm laughing at/at what intensity. Do you have any unusual skills? Nah. Who’s your favourite person? I don't have a sole favorite person. I love many people in different ways for varying reasons. Are there any chores you actually enjoy doing? No. When did you last have an "Oh, I get it now!" moment? Watching Attack on Titan yesterday w/ Girt. Have your parents ever suspected something untrue about you? My mom HAD to have suspected I was doing something FAR worse than innocent meerkat RP to have borderline fucking traumatized me invading my privacy and forcing shit out of me regarding what I was always doing on the computer so secretively. Like I get it, she was a concerned mother, but I was a fucking WRECK because I found it so embarrassing. It was insulting that she didn't trust her well-behaved daughter. What do you think about video games? They're great for both the creators and consumers. They're wonderful expressions of creativity, and so much fun to experience as a player, delving into a new world and getting engrossed in the story. I could go onnnn and onnnnn about what video games mean to me. I've gone my whole life as a loyal gamer. Are there any forms of Art you personally find pointless? I really, really don't get a lot of abstract art that's worth fucking thousands, BUT, I absolutely disagree that they are without purpose. The artist created what they did for SOME reason. As a distraction, a method of expressing emotion, to convey an idea... Are you tired right now? I have been SO ridiculously tired today. Like it's unreal. I've taken I wanna say three naps and I'm still sleepy. What’s something you do a lot? Drink something. I'm not talking about alcohol; just in general, I ALWAYS need some kind of drink by me, and I go through drinks pretty quickly. Are you currently on any other websites? Yeah, I'm watching YouTube. Are you good at using Photoshop? I'm decent, I guess. Have you ever been told you naturally tilt your head a certain way? Yes, actually, at least by my mom, and she's right. My head tends to tilt VERY slightly to the right, and I can tell by how easy it is to bend my head that way as opposed to left. I'll feel a biiiit more strain.
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sugarbooger513 · 4 years
Moving on- Chapter Six
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Warnings- Smut, cussing, dom/sub dynamic (I would like to point out, this dynamic can be seen in a lot of different ways. Plz don’t come at me), honorifics, mentions of child abuse 
"Do you have any idea who Lilith is going on a date with?" Jasper raises a confused eyebrow at Mic's random question. It certainly isn't something she expected to be brought up while they're grading a few final exams. "Uh, no. I never asked because I assumed it would be you." He shakes his head, his eyes suddenly turning to nothing. "Nah. I'm too old for her. It was a one time thing." "Don't give me that shit, Mic. Why didn't you ask her out?" "Because of the age gap.. and we agreed that the sex had no feelings." Jasper rolls her eyes and passes him an English test. "Uh huh, whatever. She'll tell me when she's ready." "On to happier news, because this is depressing me, have you and Sho had that date yet?" Jasper sighs and gives him a small head shake. "We can't find the time, honestly." Mic groans. "Girl, its been almost three weeks! Has he even kissed you yet?" "Mic," she chuckles, "no, he hasn't. To be fair, I haven't made a move either." "Yeah, but you're a-" "Don't you dare say-" "A bottom." Jasper places her pen down, facing Mic with a glare. "Mic, I have kissed people before." "But not Sho. Trust me, I've seen how he looks at you. Most of the time it's the cute, high school crush look, but when he saw you hug All Might the other day.." Jasper's eyes widen with worry. "Did I make him mad?" "Absolutely not, but it's no secret that him and All Might aren't exactly buddy buddy. Sho is highly.. not protective.. but territorial." She tilts her head, which makes Mic chuckle. "It isn't my business to tell, but Sho prefers a certain dynamic with relationships. I'm sure he'll let you know before the two actually make it official." "Oh.. did he have that dynamic with Joke?" Mic shakes his head. "Joke said he was weird for it, so he respected her decision."   The classroom door opens, and the man they were just talking about walks in, straightening the scarf around his neck. "I'm about to head into the Todoroki and Yaoyorozu's final." Jasper smiles as he searches the drawers of the desk for his eyedrops. "Here, silly." He smiles when Jasper pulls a bottle from her pocket. "I can always count on you, can't I? Thank you." He takes them with a slight blush before pulling something from his other pocket. "I need you to do me a big favor since Mic has to leave, too." "Of course, Sho." "Can you give this to Shinso? I fixed his scarf when he fucked it up in training." "Be nice to him, Sho. I'll make sure he gets it, but I need a hug before you go." He rolls his eyes, but grins when she wraps her arms around his torso. "You can just ask for a hug, Jas." "But you make a funny face when I say it like that." "Shut up. Anyways, tell Shinso that we aren't training today and that he can go home after school." "Oh?" He chuckles and lifts her chin gently with his thumb and index finger. He can practically see her eyes gleam from the small gesture. "You, me, cat cafe. Tonight. I'm taking you on that date I promised." "A-Are you sure? I mean, I can ask my dads to bring me different clothes if-" "Don't. You look beautiful. Just be ready to go once school ends. Come on, Mic." "Right behind ya, Romeo." Aizawa takes a second to press his nose to Jasper's affectionately before he turns and leaves the classroom. She stands alone for a second, her heart racing. How has no one else tried to steal him away? She'll never understand. Still, she shakes her head, leaving to head to the general studies' classrooms. Lucky for her, most of the kids were wandering the halls. When she sees the violet haired boy sitting by himself, she feels a bit bad. So many people ignore him, or are terrified of his quirk. He doesn't make friends easily, but Jasper loves seeing him open up around Aizawa. "Shinso!" The boys bright purple eyes widen at the sound of his name, but he smiles when he sees Jasper waving him over. He stands, almost dropping his drink, and quickly walks towards her. "Hi, Daedalus." She opens her arms and gets a gentle hug from the rather large boy. He was super scrawny before he started his training, but now he's even scarier than before. "I got a present for you." "A-A present?" When she pulls the scarf out, his eyes glow. "He managed to fix it?!" She nods, placing the bundled up cloth in his hands. "I was so scared I screwed it up for good." "Aizawa worked all day on fixing it yesterday." Shinso's eyes fill with worry. "He must be so mad.." "No, hun, he isn't. If he was, he wouldn't give it back." As Shinso places it around his neck, she catches a glance of something on his cheek. When she tilts her head, he pauses. "You okay, ma'am?" "Yeah, but did Aizawa really leave that bruise on your cheek?" Shinso's widened gaze tells her that she wasn't supposed to notice that. "W-what bruise?" "Shinso.. come to my office." He curses in his mind, but follows her without question. The fact he isn't saying anything is slightly concerning. Yeah, he's generally a quiet kid, but she can usually get him to talk to her. He seems to trust her and Aizawa with a lot, and it wouldn't be too bad if Aizawa accidentally left a bruise on his face. He would have no reason to hide it. Once she closes the door, Shinso sits on the sofa, his hands trembling in his lap. "D-Daedalus, it isn't-" "Shinso," she sighs and sits in a chair in front of him, "was it a student? You aren't going to be in trouble, but I can take it to them." He shakes his head, still staring at his lap. She sighs, going over to her oil diffuser. She can feel his eyes on her once she isn't actually looking at him. "Did you know that peppermint oil has a natural calming effect on the brain?" He finally releases a tiny chuckle. "Why are you telling me this?" "Because I'm putting some in the diffuser. I'm also going to make us some peppermint tea." "Daedalus.. I'm okay." "I believe you, Shinso, but I'm not okay letting you leave until you're less stressed." He sighs softly. "How can you-" "Your neck is tense. Aizawa might have told me your body language." "Damn it, Eraserhead.." He covers his mouth the moment the words leave his mouth, but Jasper only laughs. "Go ahead and let it all out. I won't tell him what you say. Milk?" "U-Umm.. please?" Once she finishes making the tea, she passes him a warm cup. He holds it for a minute, relishing in the warmth on his fingertips. Of course, she takes a seat in front of him, a kind smile on her face. His cheeks warm slightly, and he sips at the tea to ignore it. "You wanna tell me about that bruise now?" "I-I.. I can't, Dae-" "Jasper." "Excuse me?" She smiles, the steam from her cup slightly fogging up her glasses. "Just call me Jasper. Just don't let Mr. Aizawa know I said that, okay?" Shinso chuckles slightly. "Yeah, the last time I didn't call you Daedalus in front of him didn't end well." He winces, remembering the many, many push ups and sit ups he was forced to do that day. A few included his mentor sitting on his back, and he's heavier than he looks. Jasper places the cup down with a sigh. "I won't force you to tell me Shinso, but I am concerned.. and I have to report it." "D-Don't! Please!" He suddenly drops the cup, shattering it. Jasper's first instinct is to jump up and reach for the towels above her desk, but then she sees it. When her hand raises for the towels, Shinso cowers back, covering his face. The place he covers is almost exactly where the bruise is located. "I-I didn't mean to... I'm sorry.." She lowers her hand, ignoring the fact that tea is still in the floor. "Shinso.. hun I was just grabbing towels.." He opens his eyes slightly, and she tries her best to smile comfortingly at him. "You've.. been through some things, haven't you?" He lowers his arms, but he's even more tense than he was before. "I.. I'm okay." "Hitoshi." He whimpers from her using his first name so nicely. Usually, if he hears his first name, he knows he screwed something up. "Jasper," he finally sighs, "I just have issues with my mom and dad. It's nothing to worry about." "Hun, you have bruises from it. It obviously is something to worry-" "Just, please, shut up about it." He regrets his words immediately. She's only trying to help. Still, she chuckles lightly. "You can be mad, Shinso, I don't care. I care about your safety, and Aizawa will, too." His eyes shoot open. "You can't tell him!" "Shinso, how is he going to work through this in training if he doesn't know?" "I've been doing fine without-" "But you'll never become the hero you see yourself as unless you get the help you need, Shinso." Anger flashes in his eyes, and he jumps up. Standing, he's quite a bit bigger than her, but she doesn't back down. Instead, she stands a bit straighter. "I will become a great hero. Don't talk to me like a child." "Shinso, you are a child. Sit down." "No." She chuckles a bit. "Do you think I'm intimidated by your size, Shinso?" He bites the inside of his cheek. Her eyebrow raises, waiting for a response. "I don't care if you are or not. Don't question the hero I'll be. I don't need help with this." She laughs, which makes his fists tighten. "You don't need help, but you want it." "What?" She glances at her door with a smirk. "I never locked you in. You could walk out. You could try to brainwash me, but you aren't. Why?" That makes him relax, for some odd reason. Instead of anger, his eyes fill with tears. She walks over and touches his arm softly. He can't help but wonder if her gentle touch reminds him of a mother. "Sit, Shinso." "Y-yes ma'am.." She grabs a towels finally and starts wiping the mess that was made. "I.. I really didn't mean to break it, Jasper." "I know. Accidents happen." Once it's all cleaned up, Jasper walks calmly to her desk to send an email. The councilor is the one that should handle this. As much as she wants to go beat Shinso's parents herself, she knows better. "Shinso, do you know Ms. Dani?" "Ms.. Dani?" She nods. "She's a councilor here. She usually handles the hero course, but she's going to be the one to help you out." "W-Why can't you?" She frowns and walks back to the obviously scared teenager. "She can get in touch with the right people, but you need to trust her." He whimpers slightly. "I.. I only trust you and Eraser.." She nods, rubbing a gentle hand in his wild hair. "We'll be there as much as we can, okay?" "P-promise..?" She smiles and holds her pinky to him. He wraps his around hers with a smile.   When her door is creaked open, she turns to meet light eyes. "You emailed me, Daedalus?" The councilor is relatively short, just an inch or two taller than Jasper is. Her hair is as red as Kirishima's, also. Jasper smiles and waves for her to come inside. "I did. I could use your expertise." The pale woman blushes ever so slightly. Truth be told, her and Jasper haven't had the time to really talk. They've said a few things to each other in staff meetings. However, she knows that there seems to be something between her and the very stern 1A homeroom teacher. "I hardly call myself an expert, Daedalus." "For the gods' sake, can you please call me Jasper?" Dani blushes even more from the genuine amusement coating Jasper's words. "Of course! I apologize, Jasper." "Ahhh, we'll work on it, won't we? Anyways, this is Shinso. He's a general studies student." "I-I-m trying to get into the Hero course.." Jasper pats his shoulder softly. "He's Eraserhead's apprentice. It has.. come to my attention that he needs someone to help him out of a bad situation." Dani tilts her head, allowing her crimson hair to fall to one side. She's professionally trained to see the most subtle changes in body language, and the fear in Shinso's eyes almost knocks her off of her feet. However, something changes when Jasper looks at him. There seems to be a strong trust between the boy and teacher. He looks to her as a teenager should look at his mother for comfort. Jasper's eyes search his carefully before she reaches for his hand. "If you'll look, he has a bruise on his face." Dani nods and winces at the obvious outline from a large hand. "Where did it come from, Shinso?" He looks at the woman that he's only seen in the hallways once or twice with worry. He doesn't know her, but doesn't Jasper trust her? "My.. My father was angry at me.. it happens if someone brings up my quirk.." Dani nods slowly and looks at Jasper. "I'll take care of him, I promise." "Thank you. He means a lot to Eraserhead, and to me." Dani kneels in front of Shinso, who backs slighlty into the couch. "Hi, Shinso. So, is there anything that will make you more comfortable talking to me?" Before he can answer, Jasper chuckles. "He loves cats. It's something I bring up to get him and Eraserhead to take a break." "J-Jasper! Y-you traitor!" Dani and Jasper laugh at his beet red cheeks. Hearing them eventaully draws a laugh out of himself. "Well, Shinso, I also like cats. Lets go to my office for a bit." Jasper holds a hand to stop them. "I was told to inform you that training is cancelled today, Shinso." "W-why?! Is he okay?!" Japser smiles at the sweet boy's concern. "We're going on a date tonight, Shinso. Chill out." He calms down immediately, but his eyes glow playfully. "Finally. Geez, there are times we'll be in the middle of sit ups and he'll glance over at you talking to Present Mic every time he goes up." Jasper rolls her eyes and gives him a gentle shove. "Be nice. Go on and talk to Ms. Dani. Text Eraser when you're done and let him know how it went. I'll let him know about everything else, okay?" "Okay.. thank you, Jasper." She reaches up and pinches his cheek gently. "You're welcome, Hitoshi. Dani, please keep quiet about me and Eraser..?" "Of course. Have fun." Once her door shuts, Jasper finally takes a seat behind her desk. The moment she lays her head down, she actually takes a deep breath. 'Be strong, Jas. Others need you at your best.' Instead of keeping her head down like she desperately wants to, she sits up and starts answering the metric shit ton of emails that she somehow gets everyday. About halfway through, her phone starts to ring. When she sees that it's already three o'clock, she lets out a small curse. "Sho, I'm so sorry, but I'm not done with my emails." "No, it's fine. I'm coming to your office right now." She hangs up just as the door opens. He smiles at her, but it fades when he notices that her eyes are red and puffy. "Jas? What happened?" "A lot, Sho. You might want to sit down." Once he does, she recalls all of the events with Shinso. He listens without speaking, but his irises seem to ignite from pure fury. How had he not noticed? It was no secret that Shinso had an issue flinching if he moved too quickly into the boy's sight, but he never suspected that he was actually being abused at home. "So.. what is Dani going to do?" Jasper sighs and finally starts shutting her computer down. "I honestly don't know, but I'm so scared that it'll be worse for poor Shinso." Aizawa nods understandingly. Truth be told, it's the first time he's had a student come up as abused that he can think of. He has suspicions about Todoroki, but he can only hope Dani will eventually pull the truth from that boy's own mouth. "Sho, maybe we should reschedule." He shakes his head. "Absolutely not. Today is about me and you. Shinso is being taken care of, and tomorrow him and I will have a heart to heart." "But he-" Aizawa leans forward and places a finger on Jasper's mouth. "Me, you, cute cats, and coffee. Get your ass in my car before I drag you out there with my scarf." "Aggressively romantic?" He chuckles as they both stand. "Some things about me don't change despite the infatuation." Once she locks her office up, she hears Aizawa groan. "Mic, we're going to the cat cafe, please don't pester us." Mic chuckles. "I know, and I'm gonna go pick Lilith up so we can make bets on how long it'll take for the two of you to-" "Hizashi Yamada!" The growl in Aizawa's chest makes the blonde literally sprint away from the two of them. Once they make it outside, Jasper starts giggling. "What?" "He could have meant kiss, you know." Aizawa reaches to open the passenger door for her. "I know, but I don't want him to spoil any surprises." "What did you-" "Get in the car, Jas." Once they both get buckled up, Jasper leans on the door. Aizawa pulls onto the road, chuckling a the stares from Jasper. "Yes, dear?" "What the hell did you say about surprises?" "Why does it matter?" She slightly bites her bottom lip, making him cough softly. "Jasper." "Yes?" He rolls his eyes at the fact that her voice is slightly higher, feigning innocence. "Do not play this game. You'll lose." "I'm not playing games, Sho." He smirks, but refrains from saying anything else. Still, the brattiness is something he can't keep from loving. "Sho, what makes you think you'll win?" He rolls his eyes, suddenly pulling into a parking lot. It isn't unusual for him to park in the back of parking lots, he prefers other people taking the closer spots. "Okay, Jas," he turns the car off and turns to face Jasper, "you wanna be a brat? I'll play along as long as we can take it to the backseat." Her face glows crimson. "W-why the b-backseat?" He leans in, pressing his nose to hers, and drops his voice in both pitch and volume. "I can get my hands all over you back there, dear. It's easier to make you fucking cry." Her hands fly over her face, almost accidentally smacking Aizawa. Still, he chuckles and leans away. "Good to know that I win, Jas. Come on." "O-okay." He chuckles as she follows him closely. Walking inside makes her eyes brighten. Aizawa chuckles and goes to the counter, allowing her to go pick a spot to sit. As soon as she does, a cute grey cat jumps in her lap. His green eyes meet hers as he lets out a long meow. "You found one that likes you." She looks up at Aizawa, who hands her a warm cup. "He's super cute." Aizawa sits beside her on the couch, making her thigh rest against his. "You're super cute, Jas." "Stoooop!" He chuckles and places his arm around her shoulders as the cat curls up in her lap. He can't help but smile widely. "Sorry. I feel bad about embarrassing you so much in the car." "I-I didn't mind." He chuckles and leans his head on hers. "I feel like.. I should tell you about some stuff before we're official." "Alright." He sighs and sits up, taking his arm from her so he can turn slightly to face her. "I.. I have a weird.. question." "You can ask me anything, Sho." He smiles at how patient she's being. Joke certainly wasn't this way. "I don't want a regular relationship, per say, but I will do whatever-" "Sho, what dynamic do you want?" His eyes widen, but she giggles. "Mic warned me, but he wouldn't elaborate. Just tell me." Aizawa makes a mental note to absolutely destroy Mic when he gets home for that one. "I want to know if you'll be my submissive, Jas." She tilts her head. "Truth be told, I was kind of expecting that one." "Am I that easy?" "Dude, did you not hear yourself in the car?" The two of them both start to laugh. Still, Aizawa rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, sorry, I got caught in the moment. Anyways, Joke said no when I talked to her about it, and I made an exception. I will-" "No, Sho, I'm interested in it." "You- you are?" When she nods, he feels his heart start hammering in his chest. "That obviously means there will be rules, right?" "I'm not super strict, honestly. I just ask that you take care of yourself. I don't want you putting yourself down, and I want you to get all of the help you need. When it comes to more sexual things, we'll have limits to set, and a safe word to discuss. I also want to know that you will use it if anything becomes too much." She smiles while listening to him. Man, he really is easy to please, isn't he? "Is.. Is that really it?" He chuckles at her shock. "I mean, I think? If there is anything else, I'm too psyched out right now to think of it." "Why so psyched out?" He smiles and reaches to gently place his hand on her leg. Her face tints pink, but she glances into his eyes. "Because I finally have you, Jas, and I'm going to take care of you. Do you understand how surreal the past three weeks have been?" "I mean, this is the first date, Sho." "But for three weeks I've known that I had a shot. I can't.. I can't believe you waited so patiently for such a lame date." She giggles and scoots closer to him. "Lame? Anytime with you is great, Sho." The two of them stay that close for a while longer, both of them talking about different dreams of theirs. Jasper admits that, when she was younger, she wanted to adopt children and give them homes. It's one reason she feels so worried about Shinso, that much is clear. Aizawa admits that, even though he deals with kids a lot, having children of his own is something he thinks about more often than not. "Sho?" "Yes, dear?" She giggles at the term of endearment. "We are.. official now, right?" He chuckles and pulls her against him. "Yes, Jas." "Finally, that means I can-" She cuts off by looking up and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "You could have done that anyways." Her smile makes his stomach start doing flips. How did he manage to get someone the complete opposite of him in so many ways, but also who understands him better than anyone else? "I just needed the conformation that.. I could do it and hope to do it again. Does that make sense?" Aizawa nods, placing his forehead to hers. "You wanna get out of here? Maybe take a walk around?" "Where would we go?" He thinks for a second. "Remember the pond near my apartment?" "Of course I do." "Well," he chuckles, "as long as you promise not to push me in it again, I would like to go watch the ducks with you again." She rolls her eyes, but stands up. "As long as you don't tickle me, you'll stay dry." He smirks and follow her out of the cafe. "I promise not to tickle you, but I can't promise that my hands will stay to myself." She scoffs and glances up at him. "Shouta Aizawa, you flirt." "Hey, I'm trying. Is it working?" She giggles and leans against his car. He stops, smirking at the playful gleam in her eyes. "Hmmm.. maybe? We'll see what happens." "Get in the car, now." Once the two of them are in, he reaches to place his hand on her leg softly. "So," he chuckles as they pull out of the parking lot, "what are you trying to accomplish with the flirting?" "Oh, I'm just matching the energy, Sho." When he gives her thigh a squeeze, she jumps slightly. "Hmm, I see." Aizawa is quiet for the rest of the drive, but Jasper's mind is racing. Every once in a while, he tightens his fingers around her thigh, 0r he runs his hand up and down it. The subtle actions make her think that it's something he does out of habit, but Aizawa knows exactly what he's doing. From the corner of his eye, he can see her cheeks tint an even darker pink with every little touch. Once he pulls into the apartment's parking lot, he smiles at Jasper. "Come on. I wanna show you something." She tilts her head, but follows him eagerly. Is it the ducks again? No, shes already seen those. 'Maybe some more babies hatched!' The thought is silly, but it makes her smile nonetheless. Once they make it over to the pond, Aizawa points towards where the sun is setting. "It seems like something you would enjoy watching." The two of them sit side by side, and he watches as her eyes widen at the different colors reflected in the water. "Sho," her laughter makes him chuckle, "it's so pretty!" He nods, suddenly turning her face to his. "Yeah.. it is.." Suddenly, just as he thinks he can do it, his nerves get the better of him. Instead, he freezes, his mouth barely above hers. Jasper smiles, reaching her hands out to grab his shirt. "Sho?" "I-I.. can I kiss you, Jas..?" "I don't know, can you?" He chuckles at the bratty retort, but finally pulls her mouth to his. She really didn't know if to expect a kiss from him to be wildly different from Rumi's, but wow it was. Rumi would kiss and slightly pull from it, but Aizawa presses his body against her as if he's relishing in every little touch. His scruff slightly tickles, but the feeling makes her heart pound harder than she's ever felt. When he pulls back, his eyes open slowly. When their eyes meet, Aizawa shakes his head slightly. "S-Sho..? Was it bad..?" "No, god no.. I just.. fuck it." He grabs her face in both hands to pull her back into a more heated kiss. Rather than sitting like a stump this time, Jasper reaches her arms around and tangles her fingers in his raven locks, pulling a slight groan from his throat. One hand slides from her cheek all the way to her waist, and he practically purrs from the shiver that runs down her body. He squeezes her side, which makes her gasp. As soon as that happens, he takes complete control of the now make out session. Once he pulls back, she blushes from the string of their saliva still connecting their lips. "I'm sorry, kitten. I didn't mean to force that on you." "I-I liked it, Sho. Did you call me kitten?" Now it's his turn to blush. "I-I, well, yeah.." "I..I like that." "What?!" His excitement makes her blush even more than she already was. "It's cute. I.. I like how you're comfortable calling me whatever you want." He chuckles lowly, placing his both hands on either side of her. When he does, she has lean back on her own hands to keep steady as he pretty much starts crawling on top of her. "Whether you would have liked kitten or not, I had plenty of different names picked out for you." She tilts her head, urging him to continue. "I mean, there were simple things like baby, honey, princess-" "I like that one.." He grins and gives her a soft peck. "Mmm, I figured you would, kitten. Only one name matters though." "Oh? Do tell." He pretty much purrs before leaning close to her ear. His warm breath makes electricity pretty much course through her blood. "You're fucking mine." She whimpers softly, nodding as he smirks. "Good girl.. You wanna go back to my apartment?" "I-I-" "Feel free to tell me no. I want you comfortable, honey." Jasper shakes her head and smiles. "I've never.. been with a guy, so all I ask is that you'll be patient." He nods and jumps from the ground. "Everything we do is up to you. We'll move as slow as you need." He offers his hand, which she takes gladly. Once she's on her feet, he bends down to give her the most loving kiss she thinks she has ever had. "Come on. Let me show you what being a princess means." She giggles, allowing him to lead the way towards the apartment. Of course, his mind is full of questions. He knows that, to do this right, he has to ignore the urge to take her the way he wants to. He knows that they both have limits, and they need to understand that about each other before it goes past making out. He fumbles with his key once they make it to the front door, which he opens and holds for Jasper. "My room is the first one on the right. Go ahead in there. I'm gonna grab some stuff." "Okay, S-Sho." Jasper walks into his bedroom, and can't keep herself from laughing. No wonder he liked her teenage bedroom. His room only has a bed, a dresser, and a bedside table. She notices a framed picture on the table and picks it up. She smiles at the picture of Mic and Aizawa as teenagers, hanging out at the UA festival. Mic had on some weird hat, pulling Sho into the selfie. Poor awkward boy seemed like he was just trying to enjoy lunch. "Yeah, Mic hasn't changed." Jasper jumps from Aizawa walking inside the room and speaking suddenly. She places the picture down, tilting her head at the small tray in his hands. On it was two water bottles, both cold, some peanut butter crackers, and fruit snacks. He chuckles, placing it on the dresser near the picture. "Just in case you need it after we do.. anything, really. However, we need to have a serious talk first." He shuts and locks his bedroom door. "Make yourself at home, dear." "O-okay." Jasper takes a seat on the bed, her heart racing as she watches his hang his scarf up. "We aren't doing anything until we establish a few rules, okay?" She nods understandingly, and he takes a seat on the bed beside her. "We need a safe word first. If this word is said, by either of us, then everything stops and we go straight into aftercare." She scratches her head in thought. "Uhhh.. mouse..?" He smiles a bit from the irony. "Oh? Mouse is fine, but I need you to promise that you'll use it if it becomes too much for you." "I promise, Sho." "Good girl. Now, what are limits I need to be made aware of?" She tilts her head. "I..I really don't know.. I've never been in a situation where I found out a hard limit.." He nods understandingly. "That's what our safe word is for, kitten. I have a few questions on what is okay with you, okay?" "Okay." He can't help but feel his heart leap from how easy she is when discussing all of this. "Would you prefer I praise you or degrade you?" She tilts her head in thought. "Uh.. I like both, actually." "I can do that, kitten, but don't let me get away with saying something you don't like. Have you ever been in a submissive headspace before?" When she nods, he sighs happily. "So you know what to expect from yourself?" "Well.. not really." "Elaborate?" "It happened and neither Mirko or I knew what to do.. I had a pretty bad sub drop, and since then I've kind of pushed it in the back of my mind and.. yeah." He slides from the bed and kneels in front of Jasper with a sigh. "I want you comfortable. If it's something you're willing to try, I will make sure to help you come back to Earth." She reaches and tucks a stray strand of his hair away. "I trust you, Sho." He smiles and gives the top of her hand a kiss. "I think that's all I need for now. Do you have questions for me?" "Umm.. honorifics..?" He chuckles and starts running both of his hands slowly up and down her legs. "Personally, I prefer Master, Sir, or Daddy, but I'm fine if you prefer my name." She shakes her head, her eyes suddenly lighting up. Is she already slipping? "Do you need to know.. any specific parts of my body that get me.. you know..?" He laughs from her little squeak of nervousness. "No, baby, I'll find all of those on my own. However, if you want to know a big weakness of mine, it's my neck." "Noted. You'll.. be leading this.. right?" "Correct, unless you want something else." She immediately shakes her head. "I-I need you to lead.. sir.." He chuckles and pulls her into a long kiss. He can feel her physically relax from it. "That's a good girl. Anything else?" When she mutters a small 'no sir' he stands and goes to check one more time that his door is locked. "We'll start slow, kitten. Lay down." The two of them kick their shoes off, and before she can lay down, Aizawa gets impatient and pretty much tackles her onto the bed. Her uncontrollable giggles make him laugh. However, the laughing stops when one hand grabs her hip and yanks her body into his. "I have dreamed of the day I got you in my bedroom so many times, Kitten. Hell, it makes it even better that you're already mine." He notices her hands stay close to her own chest, which makes him smile. "You can touch me, Kitten. I'm as much yours as you are mine." "S-sorry, I just-" She's cut off by a stinging smack across her ass. The sound that comes from her mouth shocks her, but makes Aizawa smirk. "No apologizing for things like that. Shit, that was a good one." "W-What the hell?!" He doesn't mean to laugh, he really doesn't, but her embarrassment is too damn cute. "What? You're the one who moaned, Jas." "F-fuck you.." Rolling his eyes, he gets over her. "What do you think I'm working towards?" He reaches and taps her thigh, and she slowly parts them so he can rest his body comfortably between them. One of his hands goes to grab the bottom of her shirt, and she stops him in an instant. "What's wrong?" "I-I just.. I'm not comfortable with.." He stops her by pressing a kiss to her lips. "Jasper," his voice is soft, understanding, "you're beautiful. Nothing could ever change my mind about that, I promise. What if I take mine off first?" Her face lights up red, and she starts blabbering. "I-I mean I.. I don't wanna ask-" "Just say 'please sir' for me." Her little squeak has a shiver going through him. "P-please...?" "I don't know who you're saying please to, Kitten." She huffs, which only makes him chuckle. Man, he loves brat energy. Still, she doesn't seem to enjoy being a brat for too long. "Please.. sir.." "That's my good girl." The praise makes her squirm slightly. He sits back on his knees, pulling his shirt over his head in one quick motion. Her eyes turn away from him, still nervous to so obviously stare at him. To be honest, it was really hard not to look. "Jas? You act as if you've never seen a half naked man before." His chuckle makes her smack his abdomen. His large hand grabs her wrist and holds it down at her side, making her whimper. "Keep it up, Kitten. I like having to show you who the boss is." Her eyes widen, but he sees something in her look change. "That's all I had to do?" Her giggle makes him smirk. She really does trust him, doesn't she? Jasper relishes in the slight.. fuzzy feeling in the back of her mind. Its been a long time since she was thrown into her headspace. Honestly, she kind of forgot what it felt like. In a way, it scares her. She keeps looking at Aizawa, expecting him to suddenly freak out, but his smile makes her entire body feel warm. "You okay there, pretty girl?" She nods, kind of forgetting that words actually exist. He can't help but snort a bit of laughter at her. "Take your shirt off, Kitten. Let me take some of your burdens." She tilts her head, but sits up and allows him to pull the shirt over her head. "B-burden?" He smirks, gently punching her onto her back. "Being such a good girl is exhausting, I'm sure. Let daddy take care of you.." Her eyes roll back slightly and she nods almost frantically. With her permission, he leans his head into the crook of her neck and starts placing gentle kisses there. The feeling of it alone makes her let out tiny whimpers, but he pauses when she suddenly giggles. "Is something amusing?" "Y-your scruff tickles." She can feel him smirk against her skin before he bites down a bit harshly. Her moan comes out unrestrained to his ears. "Fuck, Kitten, you're a kinky little shit." "S-Shut up!" The look in his eyes tells her that she fucked up. He gets off of her and walks towards his dresser. When she sits up, he leans against it, casually drumming his fingers along the top of the wood. "S-Sho?" "Who?" Her entire body shivers. "D-daddy..?" He chuckles lowly. "Good girl. Remind me.. what's the safe word?" "M-mouse?" He hums, finally looking away from her. "One more time." "Mouse. Why?" "Just making sure because someone had the fucking nerve to back talk me." He can see her body respond from his words alone. Her fingers tighten slightly on his sheets, making him purr from deep within his chest. "Strip." "H-huh?" He raises an eyebrow, slowly making his way towards her. "Is that a no, or a safe word?" She whimpers, knowing damn well that it isn't a safe word. She just can't bring herself to do it despite her wanting to obey him. She can see his eyes look over her hungrily, and it causes even more warmth to pool between her thighs. "C-Can you..." He lifts her chin so their eyes meet. "I'm here to pleasure you, Kitten. What do you need?" "P-please help me, daddy.." He groans and pulls her to her feet. "How can I resist such a pitiful request?" He only uses one hand to unhook her bra, tossing it somewhere behind him. When he hooks his fingers in the waistband of her pants, he looks into her ocean eyes for any look of discomfort. Instead, he's met with a glossed over gaze and a giggle. He can't help but smile as he finishes undressing her. "Lay down, Kitten." "What are you-" He puts a finger over her lips and helps her lay on the edge of the bed. "I think you know." Once he gets on his knees in the floor, her face glows crimson. "I-I- you really don't need-" "Oh, but I really want to. Now hush and let me wear you like earmuffs, princess." She whimpers as he makes himself comfortable between her legs.. His scruff drags over them as he leaves various bite marks and hickies on her plush thighs. "My word, Kitten," his chuckle is soft, "I've barely touched you, but you seem to have made a mess. What am I going to do with you?" He gently blows a stream of cold air across her slit, making her whine rather loudly. "Geez, loudmouth. I wonder if I can make you out perform Mic.." Her breath hitches when he places a gentle kiss right where she wants him to pay attention to. "P-please stop t-teasing me.." He smirks and gives a slight shrug. "Fine. I'll be nice this once, but don't expect it again. I expect you to beg for it next time." She nods just as he finally uses to fingers to spread her in front of him. Even without him actually doing anything, it makes her whimper needily.   "Look in my eyes, Kitten." She whimpers, but obeys the soft command. His usually slate colored eyes seem like lumps of charcoal from where he is. Maybe it's the way desire is practically burning in them. He slowly licks from her entrance to her clit, and the way her eyes roll in the back of her head makes him ache painfully in his sweatpants. It would be so easy, so amazing, to forget about the foreplay and take her right now. Despite that, he remembers that she's never actually been with a guy. It can be stressful the first time, and he would never put her in that situation. It doesn't take long for the slow licks to turn into harsh sucks, and bites along her inner thighs when he believes she's close to finishing. She lays her head back and whines pitifully, making him chuckle. "You'll get to finish, Kitten, don't worry. I'm just having fun." He starts gently sucking her clit again, and he notices her hips buck, so he uses one arm to hold her still. "So fucking impatient." His other hand slides up so he can push his middle finger in her, and the way he has to shove her hips back down is all the more amusing. "P-Please, daddy-" Her sentence is cut off by him adding another finger into her. "Oh come on," he chuckles and finally stands, "use your words, you brat." He looms over her, still pumping his fingers in and out of her at a faster pace. Her squeaks make him roll his eyes. "Words, Jasper." "I-I.. Fuck.." He smirks. "Needy brat. You'll get what you want, but I want to see you come undone like this first." She tries to form words, but everything seems to be coming out as whimpers and pitiful whines. Aizawa finally leans close to her ear, a smirk plastered on his face. "Either form the words, or you don't get to cum. If you do, we'll start all of this over until you listen to me." The threat doesn't go over her head. There is no way in hell she can handle that much torture from him. "N-no! P-please let me. I-I'm t-trying.." He chuckles. "There we go. A bit of threatening and you listen. What a well behaved pet." She tightens on his fingers, which makes him move faster. "Go ahead baby.. you don't have to ask this time." The coil that had been building in her abdomen for so long finally snaps, and she moans in his ear. One of her hands reaches for his bicep, and she digs her nails into his pale skin, leaving red marks in their path. He hisses a bit, but the feeling only makes him even more turned on. "S-shit! P-please, no more of that!" He chuckles and finally takes his fingers out of her. When he stands he asks her kindly to sit up, which she does despite her body still trembling. He looks her up and down, pleased with the thin layer of sweat covering her body, and the bright pink flush that covers the apples of her cheeks. She looks absolutely fucked already, and he hasn't even started. "Open your mouth." She does, and even sticks her tongue out. 'So fucking behaved already..' By the way her eyes widen, she wasn't expecting him to put the fingers that were just inside her in her mouth, but she closes her lips around them anyways. He can't help but sigh shakily when her feels her tongue swirling around them. She notices, and decides to send him a wink, which makes him pull the hand away. Instead of putting it back at his side, he reaches to grip her throat tightly. She moans loudly from the sudden contact, which makes him chuckle. "What a pretty little kitty.. and such a fitting collar.." She visibly shivers from his words. "Good girl. You wanna recreate what you just did to my fingers somewhere else?" She nods a bit too excitedly, but he enjoys watching her cheeks turn even redder. Once he releases his grip on her neck, she shyly reaches for the waistband of his pants. Once they're pulled down, she covers her mouth in shock at what's under them. He raises an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" "I-Oh fuck." "You and Mirko didn't use a strap or anything?" She shakes her head with an embarrassed laugh. "No.. we did.. you're.. bigger." When she looks up, his face is bright ass red. "Fucking.. shut up and use your mouth for something a bit more useful, Kitten. I'm getting impatient." She smirks, now equipped with a way to easily fluster her very dominant boyfriend. She gently pushes him backwards so she can get on her knees on the actual floor, and he turns an even darker shade of red. "You okay?" "You want me to be honest? I.. fuck. I never thought this would happen." She giggles and gently wraps one of her hands around his shaft, and the contact makes him suck in a sharp breath. "Look in my eyes, kitten." The moment she flicks her eyes up to his, she drags her tongue along the vein running on the underside of his cock. He groans loudly and places his right hand on the back of her head. "Do not tease me." "Y-yes sir." she immediately stops licking him and takes the tip in her mouth. He can tell she's really unsure what else to do, which makes him chuckle. "You're doing great- F-Fuck!" She shocks him by taking even more in her mouth. It takes a lot to keep his hips from bucking, but there's no way in hell he can expect her to handle it the first time. He grabs one of her hands and puts it on what she can't fit in her mouth. She flicks her eyes bac up to him before she starts stroking him slowly, which really is a contrast to the way she's hollowing her cheeks around the part of his cock that is in her mouth. "F-Fuck, Kitten. I thought you've n-never-" He cuts off, shivering when he sees spit come from her mouth and slide down to where her hand is still stroking. He opens his mouth in a moan, but quickly slams his hand over it when he hears his front door open. Jasper freezes in her place, but Aizawa shakes his head. "Hey," his voice drops to a whisper, "I'm sure it's just Mic. Keep going." She nods, suddenly taking him deeper down her throat. His hand wrenches in her hair. "You little shit.." However, a sudden, angry voice makes them both freeze again. "I can't be responsible for that, Hizashi. It isn't fair." Jasper pulls away, and Aizawa doesn't stop her when he realizes that it was Lilith's voice in the living room. Aizawa and jasper meet eyes and at the same time mutter 'mouse'. He's quick to scoop Jasper from the floor and place her gently on his bed. "Wait." He's quick yank his pants up and walk over to his dresser to grab one of the bottles of water for her. "Drink. Let me get you some comfy clothes to wear." Jasper nods, but she's listening to the somewhat quiet argument that Lilith and Mic seem to be having. "Kitten," she glances at Aizawa with a smile, "lets worry about them in a bit. I need to-" "Lilith, we agreed no feeling, and I can't help that I caught feelings! I-" "Mic, I am not arguing over this." Aizawa groans and slides one of his baggy shirts over Jasper's head. She puts it on the rest of the way while he grabs her underwear and a pair of his sweatpants for her. "Here. I'll go open one of the cookies for you." "I-I'm not hungry." "I don't care, baby. You need to eat after all of that. Plus, it will help bring you back down from your headspace." She sighs in defeat and takes the cookie from his outstretched hand. "You know what else will bring you down?" She tilts her head just as he smirks playfully. A sudden idea comes to her mind, and she grins. "Cuddles..?" "You read my mind, cutie. Scoot over." She eats the rest of her snack in one bite so she can hurry and finish getting dressed. Once both of them are in the bed, he pretty much pulls her on top of him. "S-Sho! I'm heavy!" "No, you really aren't. Shut up and let me hold you." He lays her head in the crook of his neck, absent-mindedly tracing circles on his bare chest. "Are you mad, Sho?" "Excuse me?" She giggles a bit from the response. "You didn't get to.. you know.." "No, baby, I'm not mad. That would be the dumbest thing to be mad about. I'm happy I got to do stuff with you." He kisses her cheek with a chuckle. "I really am the luckiest son of a bitch." "Ewww." He rolls his eyes and kisses her cheek like four more times. "I am, Jasper. Do you understand how many nights I thought of you on your knees in front of me?" "Y-you did?" He smirks. "Absolutely. Hell, Joke would want to have sex, and I couldn't. I felt.. dirty. All I wanted was you, and now I have you. Now all I can think about is.. gross romantic shit." She places her small hand on his cheek and presses their noses together. "You're a hopeless romantic, Sho." "Hmm. I never was before meeting you. You bring out the good part of my personality." "I like all of your personality." "Ah, yes, you're into men who look half dead." More yelling makes them both sigh. "Maybe we should-" "Come on, Kitten. Lets shut them up so we can nap." She wasn't exactly thinking of that, but it gets him to get up. Once his bedroom door opens, the fighting suddenly stops. "Shit, Sho, I had no idea you were home." Aizawa rubs his eyes, which makes the two of them think he was trying to sleep. "Yeah, sorry I'm shirtless. Let me fix that." Lilith laughs softly. "It's cool. I've seen a lot- Jasper?" When Jasper comes out of the bedroom, she rubs the back of her neck awkwardly. "Hey, Lils.." She opens her mouth to say something, but closes it when Aizawa bends down to give Jasper a soft kiss. "I'll be right back, baby." "O-okay, Sho." He chuckles and slips back into his bedroom to find a shirt. Lilith smirks, but Mic is the one to speak. "First date was here, I see." "N-no! We did go to the cat cafe.. and then to the duck pond.. and then here." Lilith looks her up and down. "His clothes? No bra?" "S-shut it!" "You two happened to interrupt right before we actually fucked. So, no, we didn't have sex." Aizawa walks past Jasper, but not before giving her a light smack on her ass. Lilith scoffs. "Oooh, did you already drop the 'L' word, too?" That makes Aizawa actually glare at her. "Absolutely not." Jasper nods in agreeance. There's no way that will come for a while despite what they do together. "Anyways, why are you and Mic fighting?" Mic's bright green eyes lose their shine. "Don't worry, baby. We're fine." "I would prefer you not lie to Jasper to save face." He turns an actual glare to Lilith. "It's no one else's business, so please act like an adult rather than a child, Lilith." Lilith's eyes widen, and Jasper's jaw drops. He knows how she feels about being called a child. Everyone here does. "You know what," Lilith's voice is dangerously calm, "fuck you, Yamada." Aizawa suddenly walks into the living room from the kitchen. "Hizashi Yamada." "H-huh?" Jasper quickly rushes over to Lilith and wraps her in a tight hug. Right when she does, there's a smack that rings through the room. Both of the girls look over just as Aizawa lowers his hand. A bright red hand mark is left on Mic's cheek. "Get out." "S-Sho-" "Get. Out. Go to Midnight's and calm down or I will kick your fucking ass." Mic is quick to rush out of the apartment. Aizawa lets out a curse, rubbing his stinging palm. "Is she okay?" "I'm fine.. thanks, Aizawa." He walks over and gives Lilith a loving pat on the back. She smiles from the subtle affectionate act. "I was going to have you stay with me tonight, Jas, but go home with her. I'll be spending the night explaining to Mic how we talk to people in this house." "Aizawa, I don't-" "Yeah, I agree. Let me go get my bra, and then can you drive us home?" "Of course, baby." It doesn't take long to gather her things, but she decides to leave the shirt she was wearing under Aizawa's pillow as a surprise. "Do you-" "Keep the clothes, baby. Come on." Jasper reaches and grabs Lilith's hand as they walk to the car. Lilith presses against her. "Hey," her voice drops to a whisper, "I don't mean to ruin your night." Jasper giggles and gives Lilith a soft kiss on her head. "You're always my number one priority, Lils. Nothing will ever replace you."  
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
So Glad
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kirishima eijirou x pregnant!reader
warnings: cussing, alcohol, pregnancy, bakusquad
word count: 1,654
a/n: AHAHA i hope yall arent tired of me writing a pregnancy scenario for everyone, because have another one. also the one in which we stan the softest boy in class 1-a, kirishima eijirou as a new dad :,) ENJOY ANON
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You were thirty-four weeks pregnant.
So it was safe to say you were ready at any moment to tap out to what felt like a demon sucking the soul out of you from within, that was currently sucker-punching your lungs.
Being pregnant was something you didn’t necessarily enjoy, yes you were excited for the baby girl you would be having, but you hated how pregnancies were just the worst. Pregnant women were such liars sometimes.
Kirishima, your ever so loving and doting husband, was honestly the only reason you hadn’t flipped out at this point. The past eight months he had been by your side, providing for every single weird request you had, every craving, and every massage. It went as far as the two of your realizing that his quirk was actually incredible for massaging, weirdly enough.
“Eijirou, I swear, I will kick your ass if you don’t go out right now!” You threaten as you clutch your stomach, the contractions were hitting you on insane pain levels, but they were still too spaced out to mean anything. “I’ll be okay!”
Kirishima looks at you, his face clouded with worry and unwillingness to go out with the self-proclaimed “Baku-squad,” a name that Bakugou hated.
“Yeah, Kiri, y/n isn’t gonna have the damn baby on the one day you let loose!” Mina cheered as she places a warm hand on your shoulder, “Besides it’s just for a few hours of drinking!!”
“We’re getting wasted,” Sero informs you, and you can’t help but laugh, Kirishima needed to let loose and this may as well be the last time he had the opportunity.
“Well, Kaminari was pre-gaming in our bathroom, so I figured that was your plan.” You tease laughing at the blonde who another ashamed chug of his flask.
“It’s important to pre-game…” Kaminari mumbles as he doesn’t reach anyone’s gaze.
“Hurry up and decide already, Kirishima,” Bakugou sighs his eyes rolling as he seemed to be the second most ready to ditch this night, but you knew better about your husbands best friend. Bakugou enjoyed these outings.
“Go!” You shove Kirishima, waddling him to the door as everyone cheered alongside you. Kirishima needed to let loose tonight, and the Baku-squad was the way he was going to get it.
“Okay but if you need anything, or want me home, let me know!” Kirishima yells over his shoulder as Kaminari and Sero have him by the arms, and you nod your head in agreement. “Let me kiss my wife, guys!”
You can’t help but roll your eyes as Kirishima comes back, his hands on your swollen belly as he places a gentle kiss on your lips. Tender and sweet and not ready to let go. “Come on lover boy! The honeymoon phase was supposed to have ended three years ago!” Kaminari joked as Kirishima continued placing soft sweet pecks on your lips until he was now forcibly removed from your lips.
“It’s not over because I treat her right!” Kirishima claps back, but the wink and a large smile on his face make everyone laugh as you eventually close the door.
You smiled to yourself as you were home alone, and waddle back to the bedroom to watch some horror movie, they were weirdly super funny to you while pregnant. So there you sat an hour later, watching The Ring when you find yourself peeing yourself, no not pee but—
“Oh fuck, my water.”
You could feel the contractions now truly hitting you between the approved time intervals and you resisted a cry of pain as you called your husband, to which was put immediately on voicemail. You sighed, those guys truly didn’t waste any time getting wasted.
“Hi, baby, I know you’ll answer this soon, but I’m heading to the hospital! Our baby’s coming soon!” You chirped despite the heavy pain in your voice.
Kirishima was drunk. It was only truly thirty minutes into the night and he was plastered. These past eight months he hadn’t been going out during bar nights because he had been so busy with you, and it seemed during that time everyone else’s tolerance shot go drastically while his lowered significantly.
Kirishima was intoxicated to the point that he has no idea where his phone was just in case you called, spoiler alert, it was in his left pocket jean instead of the right.
“Guys!” Kirishima slurred as he put a cheek onto Bakugou’s shoulder, “I’m so happy to become a dad! Bakugou will be its best friend, and all you guys will be like the fun uncles!”
Mina was howling over the fact her childhood friend thought she was going to be a fun uncle, “I’m going to spoiler that baby so much, you’re going to have to keep her from wanting me to adopt her.” Mina says with a cunning smile on her face as she takes another shot.
“The baby’s gonna find you fucking terrifying on first glance, raccoon eyes.” Bakugou rolled his eyes as he took a drink from his beer, “As Ei, said, I’m going to be the BEST FRIEND!”
Okay, so maybe Bakugou’s tolerance was still shit. But the comment at the very least caused Sero and Kaminari to howl with laughter as the pounded the table in an attempt to ease their laughter as Bakugou yelled at them.
“Hold on!” Sero cackles, “Y/n is calling me? Y’ello?”
Kirishima’s concentration is on Sero, why would his beautiful wife be calling Sero? Maybe he taped the door shut as a prank like that one time in high school. But Sero’s face was quickly drained from color, his nods serious, and it was by far the most nervous Sero had ever appeared. What was y/n saying? Kirishima wondered.
“So, uh,” Sero mumbles after the phone call ended. “Y/n is at the hospital, and she’s nearly ready to give birth.”
“OH MY GOD, WE HAVE TO FUCKING GO!” Kirishima roars at a Bakugou level as he stumbles off the chair running towards the wrong exit.
“I told you we should’ve gone yesterday!” Mina hisses at Sero as Bakugou and Kaminari race off to capture the redhead.
“How was I supposed to know she was gonna come too early? Isn’t Todoroki’s wife past her due date?!”
“Baka, everyone’s different!”
You were quite literally crying, the pain was disgustingly overwhelming as you sat on the hospital bed. It wasn’t like you were resisting the baby’s arrival, because as much as you wanted Kirishima here, you weren’t too sure if you could just lay there.
“How are you feeling, Kirishima-sama?” Your doctor asks, a mask on his face as gloves are administered to his hands.
“So b-bad!” You cry as sweat flushes through your body, why did this hurt so much.
“WE’RE HERE!” A voice screams and you watch in slight horror as your beloved five idiots walk into the delivery room. All of them in scrubs, and all holding up Kirishima who was bawling.
“I’m so sorry love!” Kirishima says as he puts a kiss against your sweaty forehead. “I didn’t mean to miss your call! I am drunk!”
Your eyes soften the slightest amount before they’re clamped in pain. “It’s okay baby, I KNOW THAT—OH MY GOD!” You shriek as the doctor nods.
“Okay, Kirishima-sama I’m going to need you to start pushing. You’ll do it five times for ten seconds each, okay?”
“WHY DO I NEED TO PUSH!” Kirishima panics stupidly his eyes widened as you grab your idiot husbands hand, “Y/n should be—“
“He’s talking about me, my love.” You pant in pain as your grip against his hands starts hardening significantly.
“Oh! Ow, your grip is like my quirk right now!”
And Kirishima can only watch in the tiniest drunken gaze as you begin screaming, your face flushed, death grip on his hand, body quivering. He watches as the hospital scene around him slows drastically, his wife is biting her lip to keep from cussing, nurses running in slow motion, and his friends shaking slowly in excitement.
“Y/n I… I think—“
“The head is out!”
“I… I think imma…”
“You’re almost there!”
“I… I…”
A soft cry is resonating into Kirishima’s head, it’s a newborn cry, and a small baby girl with y/h/c is lifted slightly from behind the medical wraps. It’s all too much for Kirishima as he promptly faints, a smile on his face.
When Kirishima comes through, he panics. “Y/n!” He calls out, his eyes searching as he sees his wife sitting on the bed across from his, she looks tired and worn, and entirely beautiful.
“Glad to see you’re awake,” You whisper teasing your husband as you show off the sleeping bundle in your arms. “Come say hello.”
Kirishima feels like every step he takes towards the bed is like he’s traveling through cement until he comes and peers at his daughters face. “Oh… fuck.” Kirishima can only say as you gently move to hand the sleeping baby girl into his arms.
“Say hello to your manly papa,” You mumble to the baby as tears fall down Kirishima’s face.
“Hi, Hinata-chan.” Kirishima sniffs at his baby girl, tears shamelessly falling down his face and he comes to meet your own ready eyes, and the next thing he knows his lips are on yours as he thanks you softly. Over and over.
“Thank you, I love you so much.”
“I want to see her first!” Mina whispers shrieks as she manages to get into the room first after Kirishima walked over to the waiting room to let them know the baby was ready to meet them.
“Oh Kiri, she’s so adorable!” Mina cooes as she stares at the baby in the cradle.
“We have a question for all of you,” You confess as Kirishima comes to sit on the bed with you, an arm over your shoulder as he presses a kiss to your temple. “Would you all become Hinata-chan’s godparents? We know it’s four of you, and you’re not obligated to!”
“Fuck yeah!”
“Of course!”
Tears fall both Kirishima parents as they smile at their friends their hangs gripped together, “We’re so glad.”
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH27
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4,798
- Author Note: Did u watch MAMA last night? Last week was so crazy i spent my 6 hours just like that for an award show. it is killing my back istg :< anyways, this chapter little emo, because look at our taetae expressing his worries on the group dyamic and friendship :(
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Chapter 27
That night the boys went straight back to their hotel rooms after attending the after party. They stayed for thirty minutes as a courtesy. It was awkward to stay longer since they were pretty much a newcomer in this award. Though Ansel Elgort and The Chainsmoker presence at the party helped to ease the awkwardness. Yet, it was evident they were not comfortable to be around the big names.  The number of the connections that they made were not enough to make them stay for the rest of the night. They agreed to attend the after party because of the food after all and of course to show their respect.
Nothing could beat their eagerness to do the usual Vlive. Billboard Awards was possible due to the unending supports from Armys. Something that they would cherish for the rest of their life. As soon as they ended their short Vlive, they celebrated their victory together with Bang PD and the rest of the staffs.
Even though everyone insisted Seul’s presence there, but she knew her place. She did nothing to contribute to their winning, so she rejected their offer politely and chose to stay in her room instead. She was not tempted to be in the same room as them tonight, as Seul respected their privacy.
It was way past midnight, yet she didn’t see any sign of Semmy returning to the room. Tired of waiting, she called it a day and getting ready to hit the sack.  She tied her hair into ponytail after pampering her skin.
The sound of bell brought her attention to the door and she strutted to open it “Unnie-“her smile was replaced with a baffle look “What are you doing here?” she sent the latter a questionable look.
Yoongi hummed softly, holding the plastic bag up “I brought drinks, care to have some with me?” Seul was weirded out by his randomness.
“Don’t you have enough drinks today? I thought you guys were celebrating in your room” she held onto the door, showing no sign of letting the rapper inside. Not to be rude, Seul was being careful with her surrounding and the fact that she shared her room with Semmy feared her. What if someone caught them together? It would spark an unnecessary gossip among the staffs.
He ran his tongue over his lips, slipping one of his hand against the door “We have called it a night. I didn’t drink. I am saving it for you” his sinful lips twisted into a smirk. What a sore to her eyes.
“I..don’t drink alcohol though, I have zero tolerance on it. So, care to find someone else to drink those with you? I am sorry” she was about to shut the door, but he held it back chuckling softly.
“Who told you that I brought alcohol? I bring cokes and chips. You have been avoiding me these past few days, lets have a decent talk. Shall we?” Yoongi’s eyes sparked in the sexiest way. Seul could not say no to that though her mind was having a fit for letting the guy inside. The second she realized, Min Yoongi had made himself comfortable on the queen bed, with his legs crossed.
Seul emitted a soft sigh, closing the door behind her “Min Yoongi, why are you here? If there is one person that I shouldn’t trust in this world, then it would be you” she stood in front of him looking all defensive. To be frank, Min Yoongi did nothing that could harm her. It was her personal issues with her own feeling, to be exact her raging hormones. She couldn’t trust herself around him at all.
Her mind seemed to have the mind of its own. It reacted against her consciences even though she was aware of its consequences on her, she would still do it nonetheless. Ironically, only Min Yoongi had that effect on her.
He looked calm and oddly serious today. Did the winning affect his wrecked brain? Yoongi patted the empty seat beside him, motioning Seul to fill it. The girl’s response made him to roll his eyes in his seat, with that he pulled the overreacting girl beside him.
Seul let out a small gasp, shifting uncomfortably “What are you planning to say? Don’t….do something funny…” she said nervously while making a small space between them.  
He frowned “I will only do something funny after I make sure I talk this out with you first” teasing the flustered girl, he held back his chuckle upon witnessing her distressed face. Seul might appear all sassy on the outside but her demeanour could be unpredictable from time to time. Where’s the consistency, Ji Seul.
“Okay speak” Seul pressed her lips together while fiddling with the hem of her shirt. She’s honestly afraid of what might come from Yoongi. Serious Yoongi was not her thing, so she had no idea what to expect from the older guy.
Yoongi passed the cold can to her which she gladly took it. Their fingers brush against each other jolting Seul in her seat. She coughed away the awkwardness, quickly open the drinks and took a long sip from it.
Amused, he studied Seul closely “Why are you so jumpy Seul?” he bit his lower lips with a hidden smile. It made him feel superior to know he’s the reason why she had been acting this way. There was a hope in this relationship after all.
He took a small sip from his drink and expelled a long endearing sigh. It caught Seul’s attention right away and she gathered her courage to say something “Are… you alright? Something is bothering you?” her soft voice was oh-so-soothing in his ears.
“Yes. It is you who has been bothering me” Yoongi played with the sheets beneath him.
“Yoongs..I have no idea what you are about to say but I think I kinda know where this conversation will lead us” she set the drink down on the other side and collected her knees to her chest. Seul was about to prepare her heart just in case this conversation might be the cause of her misery or happiness, whichever it was, Seul had to face it.
Yoongi smiled meekly, “Will you listen to me until I am done?” his voice was soft and husky travel through the ice-cold air. He seemed to be steeling so Seul nodded in assurance. She didn’t want him to think she’s being selfless, so she responded quickly “I want to hear all of it. Tell me” she whispered under her calm breathing.
“I apologize for acting rashly around you. I feel deeply bad. I didn’t mean to disrespect you as a woman. In fact, I do see you as a woman. I want to keep you safe and not to be the cause of your misery. It is crazy how it is hard for me to finally be truthful to myself. I am not good with words. I have no idea how to act around you, to treat you like the way you deserve. I always thought giving into my feelings will weaken me. I end up treating you like some kind of pushover” Seul listened to every word attentively. Sometimes she would be in daze trying to digest Yoongi’s real intention and sincerity.
He took a long pause before continue “ There are a lot of people walking around feeling not the slightest bit of guilty for how they treat others. I thought if I acted the same way it would free me from the problem occur surround me. Some people convinced themselves that they are not responsible for someone else’s feelings. All these years, I learned how to endure it and pretend everything is okay when it is not. I thought when it came to myself, I only had to be selfish. I never consider your feelings and let my emotion cloud my judgement” Seul squeezed her eyes feeling her head pounded over Yoongi’s complicated way of explaining things. It was not her first time to hear such flowery and complicated stuffs coming from him.
“Yoongi, I am sorry.. What is your point? I am a little lost here” her nose scrunched up in confusion.
“Ugh, fuck. Sorry, I really am bad in this. What I am trying to say is..this thing between us is not a joke. I mean when I treated you badly, I meant to make you understand something. FUCK! WHY IS THIS SO HARD” he facepalmed, rubbing his hair roughly with a small grunt.
She reached out to his arm, giving it a soft pat “Calm down, you really need to get to the point. Or I am kicking you out from my room.” she joked only to annoy the wretched man even more. Yoongi shot her a disbelief look while she kept her face straight playing innocent.
“You are impossible” he flashed his dissatisfied smile earning a soft giggle from the playful Seul. She had never acted this comfortable around him, so that was first. Yoongi then returned to compose himself forcing words out from his cold lips.
He almost lost his grip on the can as he noticed the girl’s attention was on him. She was looking at his away adoring his every action as if she’s the girlfriend. Her cheek was rested at the top of her knees, while her lips pursed cutely into a pout. Yoongi cussed in his head loathing this image in front of him. Why must this girl make things harder for him?
“Are you going to make me wait Min?” said Seul in annoyance.
“Alright, listen here. I have a romantic feeling for you! Don’t ask me when it starts, because I can’t really recall. Remember the kisses that I stole from you! It was my way to confirm my feelings for you until you confront me that day. I wasn’t prepared, so I had no answers with me. I REALLY TRIED TO RESTRAIN MYSELF FROM HAVING SOME ROMANTIC THOUGHTS WHEN IT COMES TO YOU! Ugh, hell I tried hard, but it failed me. You are the cause to my sleepless night” Yoongi let out all the frustration bottled up inside him at once leaving the poor girl speechless.
Seul’s brows furrowed, her eyes still soft as she scrutinized Yoongi’s expression seeking for truthfulness and she found it. His eyes flickered in an unexplainable glint and sincerity. “That sounds really awful” she cringed with her chin still resting on her knees.
His eyes instantly enlarged upon hearing Seul’s response “WHICH ONE SOUNDS AWFUL?” he looked disturbed considering he had poured all his heart to this so-called confession only to be look down by the girl that he loved was rather appalling. Bad sign.
“That part where you blame me for your sleepless night. I didn’t ask you think of me before you sleep Min Yoongi!” she let out a soft huff, looking straight into his eyes. “You are cute” she complimented before the guy could reply her earlier protest.
Yoongi shifted shyly in his seat, coughing the heavy lump on his throat “So…am I answering your questions? The kisses were genuine. I did it because I wanted to. I..have feelings for you” he hesitated to indicate he likes her openly so he decided to hint something in hope the girl got the message.
“A romantic one!” he added with a soft blush crept on his pale skin.
He heard the girl expelled a deep sigh “Is it hard for you to say that you like me Yoongi. You really sass till the end. I am impressed” she shook her head in amusement.
“I don’t say romantic thing”
“But you did give me a long ass explanation that had nothing to do with your actual agenda of meeting me tonight. You.. are annoying” she cringed once again.
Yoongi turned to face Seul, taking her cheeks in his large hands causing the girl to squeal softly at the contact “I. LIKE. YOU” he confessed.
Seul stared at him without blinking, seemingly without breathing for another long moment. Shock rushed through her. The whole system in her body had momentarily paused working. She had gone past the pale stage and she looked grey.
“Seul…” he squeezed her cheeks giving a little life to that pale cheeks.
“I said.. I like you” his deep voice and his soft touch brought her back to the world. She looked daggers at him whilst he had the gleam in his eyes. “Yoongi..you only drink cokes. Are you drunk?” the confident Seul was long gone. If earlier she teased him for his incoherent words, now when Yoongi had make everything clear to her face, she was losing it.
Was it this thing that she hoped from him all this time?
She had no idea what to feel or how to reach at the moment. The images of Jungkook and Jimin face came flashed in her mind’s eye. Her face contorted in pure confusion.
Chuckling lowly, he stroked her bangs aside “Where is the confident Seul? I thought you wanted to hear me say it clearly” her shoulder slumped, and her eyes fill with tears. Screw her unstable emotion.
“Why are you making it hard for me? Jungkook, Jimin and now you are saying the same thing. It is not like I am living the happiest life on planet. Why…Yoongi. Not you too” she leaned his head against his shoulder, battling with her own tears.
It was too overwhelming for her weak heart. She didn’t want to appear in front of others. Not when Yoongi was the one who in front of her. Why her life got to be complicated? She got the signal from Yoongi all this time, yet she tried to shrug it off and played it cool until Yoongi decided to make a move tonight.
This was a real mess. She’s in the middle of figuring her own feelings for Jimin and Jungkook. Hence, to add Yoongi into the picture was a little overbearing.
“Seul-ya..I am sorry if..this is too much for you. Fuck, this was a mistake. I shouldn’t have said it at first place. I will just go.. Just forget about this” he mumbled in guilt, lifting the girl head up getting ready to leave the room.
Seul’s heart clenched in pain, grabbing his arm holding him back “Yoongi..Thank you” she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace. “But-“ she silenced the man with a soft peck on his lips.
“That is for liking me”
Everything changed ever since Yoongi decided to embrace his feelings for Seul. He told no one about his feelings knowing the youngest members in the group had explicitly told them about their healthy fight in winning Seul’s heart. Yoongi on the other hand will do it his own way.
No one should know how he felt for Seul. He didn’t want things to get even complicated than they already were. Therefore, he chose to seal his mouth. Yoongi treated Seul like he usually did, bickering with her when he had the chance or spouting some nonsense just to irk the girl.
The things with Hoseok after his panic attack incident, the sunshine ball played it cool. He tried not to think about it too much afraid that he ended up like Jimin and Jungkook. Fighting for the same girl with his best friend was definitely not in his dictionary. Taehyung who had been oblivious over Yoongi’s action around Seul knew something was off between the two. Sometimes he would catch them exchanged a playful glance like they were secretly dating.
Taehyung believed the older guy had a feeling for Seul and for some reason it upset him. Seul caused no harms to the boys’ career however it ticked him off when the members started to see her more than just a friend, one by one. Not to poke his nose into someone else business, yet he felt threatened by her presence. It seemed like sooner or later Seul would hurt the band as whole.
That careless mistake that she committed by allowing the members to like her in such way was not a good idea. He loathed it to the core. With Jungkook and Jimin chasing after her, god knows what else could happen if the boys had enough and decided to fight each other.
This issue circulated around them made him feel sick in the stomach. He used to have a little crush on Seul now only anger took over the flowery feelings. Taehyung wondered if he hated the fact that Seul’s presence might risk their friendship or was it due to his failure to be in Seul’s side?
“Tae…Did you hear me?” Seul called out once again hoping to get his attention.
He turned to Seul with a stern look “What do you want now?” he snapped.
Seul blinked feeling offended by his action but quick to shrug it off “I am asking for your dirty laundry because I wanted to clean along with others” she said timidly. Ever since they came back from Las Vegas three weeks ago, Taehyung had been given her a cold shoulder. He didn’t even dare to look her into the eyes and every time she tried to spark a conversation with him, he would either snap at her right way or just give a silent treatment.
It would be a lie if the change of his demeanour didn’t hurt her even a bit. She always finds Taehyung is the most comfortable one to talk with after Jin.
“I told you I will do it by myself. Leave me alone” he returned his attention back to his phone feeling slightly guilty to treat the innocent girl this way.
Seul didn’t budge and mustered her courage to inquire him “Tae did I do something to annoy you?” Taehyung was infuriated by the questions.
He scoffed in disbelief “Playing innocent, aren’t we? Why do you think I am acting this way?” he asked back with a sharp glare. She felt small under his scrutiny “You tell me” she murmured silently.
“Can’t you just fuck off?” Kim Taehyung who never ever used harsh words around others especially her was asking her to fuck off and it pained her. “Seeing your face makes me sick, just fuck off Seul. I am not in the mood to entertain you” once again he snarled making Seul’s eyes watered in process.
Taehyung glanced at the flustered girl and the guilt eating him up.
He didn’t know why was he acting bratty and rude towards her lately but it was just him feeling a little off about the idea of Jimin and Jungkook liking Seul. Some more, his friends willing to sacrifice their feelings for the sake of Seul. They had never let anything go in between their friendship. Seul’s existence in their life seemed to bring more negativity.
First, Jungkook and Jimin friendship was at stake. What would happen if Seul make a choice in the future? Yes, they could live their present now acting like nothing happened. The happiness didn’t last long. The more they let themselves fall for Seul, the more painful for them. One of them had to suffer in the end.  He pondered upon this and as much as he hated to see the bad things in Seul, yet it couldn’t stop him. Taehyung barely knew Seul, looking after her feelings was not in his priority list. He cared for Jungkook and Jimin wellbeing after all this over.
Secondly, Yoongi, the older man that never let anything came in between his work and BTS slowly wavered because of Seul. He looked a bit distorted when he first came to know Seul. Yoongi was ten times grumpier than usual and everything surround him seemed to tick him off most of the time. The older guy would never show his true self let alone express himself aloud, but with Seul’s presence he’s willing to risk BTS and his loyalty towards the member to be with this girl. Despicable, indeed.
Blinking her tears away, she expelled a soft sigh with a quick apologize before leaving the room. She shrugged off the bad thought in her assuming Taehyung was stressing out due to their hectic schedule. That must be it, Seul assured herself.
Jin offered to cook for dinner and insisted Seul to stay since it was her off day. She was still bitter over Taehyung’s behaviour earlier, but she stayed for Jin anyways. The older guy would not let her return with empty stomach.
Everyone had gathered at the round table for dinner including the grumpy Taehyung after much effort in persuading him to eat, he finally showed up. He took a seat across Seul with a gloomy face, sending a quick glance at her way. The look that only Seul could understand. The tense in the room was driving her nuts.
Seul felt extremely uncomfortable and anxious throughout the dinner though she was trying to blend with their jokes but every time she felt Taehyung’s hard gaze on her, her body tensed. Jungkook who sat at the end of the table noticed her discomfort and he kept his eyes on her for the rest of the dinner.
“ Seul are you available this Tuesday?” Namjoon smiled.
Seul shook her head “I am not sure about that why?” Taehyung was eyeing their leader deeply. He knew what he’s planning to do. This upcoming Tuesday would be BTS 4th Year Anniversary and they would hold a home party with Armys.
“Since you haven’t gotten the chance to attend our concert, attend BTS Home Party this Tuesday then. We will be holding our anniversary party with Armys. It will be fun!” he said gleefully while others nodding in agreement exclude Taehyung.
She was burdened by the request, so she didn’t know how to respond to that “I will see if I can go. I have a lot to cover at work”
“She is not a fan, why are we celebrating it with her?” Taehyung statement caused everyone to snap their head towards him in bafflement. Her breath hitched at Taehyung’s remark as she forced a smile on her face “I don’t think I deserve to be in that party. I am nowhere near to be called as your fans. I barely supported you guys through all those years. Tae is right though” she rubbed her sweaty palms against her jeans.
Taehyung smug sarcastically “Right. She is nowhere close to be called as our fans. We celebrate our anniversary with people who are worth to be called fans and those who have become our backbones throughout those rough years. Seul isn’t one of them. She is here when we already make name for ourselves” he exclaimed without caring the daggers being thrown at him from every corner.
“Taehyung, I think you are a little rude to-“
“I don’t think any such thing, because I don’t let my feelings cloud my judgement. I am stating the fact. She is nobody, so she doesn’t deserve to be in those important occasion.” Taehyung cut Jimin’s words before the guy could even finish his words.
Brimming with tears, Seul clenched her fist under the table holding back the pain in her heart. That was by far the most hurtful thing that people ever said to her after the disappearance of her father. A gush of impossible memories that she long forgotten came into her mind again.
 “Why are you doing this to me…”
“Because you are nobody”
“You are our father”
“I am Hoon’s father not yours. You are a child born out of wedlock. For years, I was fooled by your slut mother. I am raising someone’s else child and she turned me into a fucking clown. You are nothing but trouble. You are nobody Seul. You are not my daughter.”
 She opened her eyes, shocked to find her cheeks wet with tears. The horrible memories of her past were very vague, something she couldn’t quite place. All she knew, it was vey messy that day. She never wished to discover the truth, yet it happened anyways. Just like that she had to live with the horrible truth haunting her every night.
“Taehyung watch your word” Yoongi hissed, glowering at the younger guy.
“Oh, now everyone is defending her. I wonder how she screwed up your brain, when thing isn’t this way before she comes into the picture. You guys are being blinded by her gracefulness and fake affection” Taehyung continued to stir the already tense atmosphere in the room.
Namjoon palmed the table with a soft thud “Enough Tae! What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you attacking her?” he breathed calming down his anger. He didn’t to start any fight in the room knowing Taehyung would not act this bratty without a reason. Hell, Taehyung had never acted this way with them before.
“Don’t ask me. Ask her. She is the problem. We need to get rid of her before things get out of hand. We don’t need a bitch in our life. We were doing just fine without her before now why are we acting as if our life depended on her. Pathetic isn’t it?” suddenly a pair of hands grabbing his collar and yanking him around.
He pinned the boy against the wall harshly, glaring furiously “SAY THAT AGAIN KIM TAEHYUNG OR I WILL FUCKING PUNCH YOUR PRETTY FACE” Taehyung chuckled coldly, meeting the older guy’s intense eyes.
Gasps could be heard across the room as everyone stood on their feet witnessing the horrible scene in front of them. Seul was weeping openly now, her bottom lips quivered as tears cascaded down wetting her cheeks
“I knew it. I knew it since start that one-day Seul will jeopardize our friendship. Look at you hyung, you are willing to kill your own bandmates that you’ve known for years to defend a bitch whom you barely knew” clenching his teeth together, Yoongi curled up his fist into a ball. As he about to throw a punch, a small hand put a halt to his action.
Yoongi grunted under his sharp breath, yanking his arm but Seul used all the strength that she had left to stop him “Stop.. He is your brother, Yoongi” his eyes met her red eyes. Seeing Seul in that mess pained him, and with a loud groan he released Taehyung.
Taehyung flicked his tongue out of annoyance, averting Seul’s gaze “I am sorry Tae. You are right, I am nobody. This was a mistake. I am sorry that I am hurting your friendship. I was being too comfortable when I should have known my place..” she choked back her own tears. There were a lot of things she planned to say but the words were stuck in her throat “I can’t do this..” she grabbed her belongings from the living room and made her way to the entrance.
“Fuck great” Jin rubbed his back hair in frustration. He called after Seul after watching her leaving hurriedly but only to be ignored completely by her.
Jungkook and Jimin who stood frozen now were making their move upon realizing her absence in the room. The younger guy grabbed her wrist to stop her from moving “Seul-ah..dont leave.. let’s talk about this” he looked at her sadly.
She could not stop the tears from flowing looking all pathetic in front of them “I..am..s-orry Jungkook.. I cant do this anymore..Stay with Tae, he needs you guys” she pulled her hand from his strong grasp, exiting the house without looking back.
Taehyung ran fingers in his hair, slumped down on the couch with deep a sigh. He was torn in between his own insecurity and worries and ended up hurting Seul in process. What did he do to himself and Seul?
Jimin confronted his best friend with a deep frown “Taehyung.. what happen to you? What was that for? Why are you saying those hurtful things to Seul?” he tried to reason and sat down on the coffee table facing him.
“So will know her place. She doesn’t belong here. Not beside us” he murmured lowly.
Hoseok shook his head showing his disapproval “This is not you Tae. We are friends for years. You won’t be acting this way without a reason. What is bothering you?” even the cheerful Hoseok looked miserable from the fight that just broke between Taehyung and Yoongi.
Namjoon and Yoongi were long gone inside the room, probably the leader trying to reason with the hot-tempered man and talk it out with him without hurting the group in process. That was the best they could do until Taehyung decided to open his mouth to speak the truth.
 This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
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crowstan · 4 years
Alright, so I actually did this last night while I was waiting for the melatonin to kick in, and I couldn’t post it because Tumblr decided that I can only post once a month on the mobile browser, so it’s honestly really late. Anyway, spoilers for My True Identity! | Sanders Sides, which is also linked because! Snazzy.
**Reminder!!** These are just my opinions and feelings, and aren’t factual at all! There are also instances of tone indicators in different spots as well, as those are something I use frequently in notes and pm’s. I also tried to keep cussing down to an absolute minimum, but in cases where I felt it was better to not change it, the words will be censored. THis is also a direct copy n paste, all i did was censor things a bit better.
-holy SH*T stuffed animals!! yes!!
-"SNOOZE!" ndhfhfjfhdhdhdh moooooood
-oh that intro title was snazzy!!
-jdjdjdj ok i was not expecting immediate noise, i shall note that next video
-jdjdjdj same man, same. sometimes you can't help but over share
-i KNEW there was theater!! yes!!
-"do i really know myself as well as i should? " uhhh, technically the self is a projection and a social construct but does anyone really? (/hj)
-got distracted because dream lover started to play from my playlist so i was kinda vibing for a bit before i continued lmao
-"hello there class!" djfhdhjf l o g a n!!! yes!! class time!! we gonna learn some mf stuffs about ourselves today!!
-in all seriousness, learning is fun unless it's about me lmaoo, I'm the only topic i hate, as much as i talk about it
-"this is my intellectual side! every fact that I've ever learned."
"believe it or not i was quite the nerd in school! "
"I'm pretty sure that's a surprise to no one" lmfaoooOOO sjjdjdjd?? that's legit hella funny ngl?? reads like the last two brain cells but one is v drunk
-djddjdj the sass. why is. roman sassy.
-also fanciful?? wow that's a word!! i like that word, imma steal it /hj
-"I also represent your unabashed love of dad jokes." ??? me??? mood???
-ok ngl that kinda self aware joke??? yes. yes. y e s.
-thomas points out that most people know him from vine! this is correct he made AWESOME vines don't @ me please
-jdjdjf r o m a n. just called thomas o u t
-yes i am still aware this is all one person shhhh lemme sort the stuff n do the things n make them just slightly separate from each other
-thomas is really good with his characters and my knowledge that it's all him will not stop my awe of how well the characterization is because the instant you see each side? you can immediately tell they are carried differently than the others. that is HARD and i will appreciate that
-"Wouldn't want to be our own villain, would we?" uh, you're not supposed to do that? /j
-jdjdjdjdjd ideal. i would also like that in a person. except less cartoons n more whatever obscure video i find. did you know that an ultra shortcut works by hitting all the correct key check points in the right order, but without doing it as intended? Apparently the boundaries can overlap and the game thinks you progressed correctly! i think the coconut mall ultra shortcut is the coolest and i wish we knew more about it. this has been mini info dump with james, thank you for tuning in
-patton: asks a deep question that takes a lot of self knowledge to answer
also patton: hey, we have the same glasses!!
-why is that me at 3am
-jfjfjfjfjfjfjjf?? he mentioned we may have harder questions about ourselves like our gender or sexuality?? i funkimg STAN sm
-"where do babies come from?"
"you're a father"
"well, i know it has something to do with storks"
-GOSH i love patton!! he is my official favorite now, i don't take criticism at all on this topic
-"Am i right tony?"
"not my name"
"then what is it?" jdjfjfjdjr me after i come out as trans n ppl don't know my name
- a a a smol hamster, a tiny ladsy
-"youtubes" djdjdn sometimes i say that, huh
-the end card with patton??? a mood. a M O O D
(written: December 1, 2020, 23:49)
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antique-teacups · 5 years
Look beyond the lens
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     There is a learning curve that comes with moving to LA. Between the culture shock and constant sun, you were still working on adjusting.  There were places that offered you an oasis among the hustle and bustle. The tiny coffee shop on your block, Sip and Stir, could transport you back home with one cup. It also served as your pseudo home office. Working at Unnamed Press was a dream come true. A passion for English coming to full flourish in your year there. There was hope for many more years, teetering on the cusp of a promotion.
     There were other things in LA that offered solace and happiness. You first met Matt, bumping into one another at Sip and Stir.  You had sat and chatted about all thing literary, Matt quite the bookworm himself. It was refreshing and light so when he asked to have your number there was no hesitation. The two of you talked for a while before he introduced to the entire group, who he referred to as the “vlog squad”. They embraced you with open arms, each gregarious and extroverted. The dynamic of the group surprised you. All supportive of each’s personal endeavors, willing to help out at every turn if they could, yet they were an united front.
     When you first started hanging out with everyone, there was a barrage of questions about your job. All of these people had backgrounds in some domestic job, instead turning to social media to make a living. Your face slowly became more of staple in their vlogs and pictures, especially those of Matt’s. At first, it wasn’t that concerning. You flew under the radar for the most part at work.
     Matt and you were growing closer, until it did turn into something. All your spare time was spent with him and the squad. They filled that hole that remained from leaving home. Most of the time, you sat out of certain bits. Although you knew most of it was harmless, you couldn’t risk losing your job. Zane was the first one to ask you if you considered every joining them on the wave that is living on social media.
     “Honestly, no. I mean, you all have the personality for it, but I don’t think I could survive those shark infested waters. It’s hard enough to get my writing rejected, but that’s survivable. But to have my entire life out there and letting people make their own judgement on that, I don’t think I could survive that. Plus, you’ve seen just how active I am on social media, do you think I could do it?”
     “I guess I see it. You would have to post more than once every couple of months. I think you’re one of the few remaining twenty year old’s who doesn’t share everything on Instagram.” Zane joked, turning to Matt with raised brows. “Someone else also needs to get social media more popping.”
     Matt retorts, “I survive off you, David, and y/n. I do not need to share everything.” Crossing his arms, he turns to share a knowing look with me.
      “Zane, I am happy that you find purpose in sharing from screen to screen, but that’s why I write. I guess I worry sometimes that places won’t work with me or even think about publishing me if they see me plastered on the internet. And that would crush me.” You explain.
      “Share some of your wisdom with me before you let me get a stupid tattoo and drunk on David’s vlog next time.” Zane kids.
      As the weeks turned to months, things at work got crazier. More responsibilities and less time off, often times working right through the weekend. You mulled Zane’s question around in your mind. Never once did you fully consider it but you had to admit you thought about it. The promotion was right around the corner. You hoped they saw just how hard you were working for, just how dedicated you were. The director told you take the weekend off, deliberation was Monday, so that must mean something good, right?
      You were floating on clouds, even surrounded by plastered squad members at David’s that night. Matt and you were off to the side, chatting and sharing a drink. You weren’t intent on getting drunk, not even buzzed. The two of you content to remain in just one another’s company.
              It all happened in quick succession, over in a blink of an eye. Neither you or Matt could quite figure out what happened. Punches were thrown, cuss words spat, and light fixture broken. Heath stomps to the front door, swaying and slurring. Zane sat on the couch, split eyebrow and screaming. The situation needed to be diffused quickly.
              Rushing over, you grab Heath by the arm, hoping to stop him from leaving.
              “God, y/n would you stop acting like the mother? Get off me.” Heath spits out, lightly shoving you away.
              “Heath, you’re way to drunk to drive, let alone leave by yourself. Come sit with Matt and I.” Attempting to coax him back inside.
              “Why would I want to sit with you? You act like your better than us all because “you write for living”.” He says with air quotes. That one stung.
              “Matt, a little help here.” Turning to catch Matt’s eye, you practically beg. Then you see David with his camera trained on you two. “Can you not do that right now?” That was the first and the last time you every asked him to not record something.
              “Oh come on y/n, you know he’s saying that just because he’s drunk.” David replied, rolling his eyes, but not turning the camera away.
              “Matt, please. David, I won’t ask again.” I cautioned. Heath pushes fully away from me, making a break for the door. Anger boils in you for the whole situation. David not respecting your one request, Heath’s drunken confession, the unfairness of dealing with this situation.
              “Heath, I swear to God, you had better get in here and sit down. I am not fucking around anymore. This is no longer funny. You have ruined tonight. You two Zane. Now, Dave, put down the camera and help me.” You sneer.
              Turning around, the entire squad is silent, watching you with surprise. Heath slinks past you, plopping himself down on the couch. Scotty walks over to Zane and Heath, handling the situation on his own. Both anger and hurt were billowing inside you. If Heath made that admission drunk, did he believe that sober? Suddenly you felt like an outcast.
              Turning, you look at David standing there, camera still rolling. “None of this can go in the vlog.” You put simply.
              “I don’t think you get to make that call.” He rebuked.
              Pinching the bridge of your nose, you take a deep breath. “David, this is my first request. I let all that other stuff slip through the cracks. This though,” you wave your hands around,” is a reflection of my personal life. My bosses can see this. This might not seem like a big deal to you. A drunken blow up, but it paints me as irresponsible and unprofessional. So, no this won’t go in the vlog.” You threatened, assuming the argument had been dropped.
              You knew it wasn’t when you got called into the director’s office at work Monday. The director sat with disdain in her eyes and an unsettling cold demeanor.
              “Here at Unnamed Press, we strive for professionalism and integrity. We push all of our employees to explore their creative and continue to strive for their personal goals and endeavors. However, you have chosen some outside of our preferred set.” She declared.
              Your heart was in your throat, blood draining from your face, disbelief settling in your bones. He wouldn’t, he couldn’t. But he did. She turned her laptop to face you and plastered on the screen was David’s vlog, paused but with me in full frame.
              “I can explain, really. You have to understand that it was a misunderstanding. I’ll have him take this down right away. I am devoted to this job, please.” You pleaded, knowing right where she was going with this.
              “I am sorry, but it has already caused quite the influx of people bashing the business. I let a lot of the other stuff go because it was mostly harmless, but this, is focused on you. I really wish things were different.” She relented.
              “I’ll pull back, I’ll remove my face from everything associated with them. Please, I need this job. I love this job.”
              “We can’t have people who are associated with something like this representing us. The backlash is simply to great. You of all people should know this kind of attention isn’t going to die down anytime soon.”
              The tears were pricking your eyes. You knew there was no arguing it. “I am sorry.” You whispered before slipping out. Walking right past your desk and out the door, anger was overtaking the hurt. Striding to your car, climbing in, and closing the door. You screamed, hands bashing against the steering wheel. One request, that wasn’t too much to ask. You contemplated calling Matt, but he was already at David’s. You would set this straight.
              A million things crossed your mind on the way to David’s. Some malicious, some trying to see his side, some an acceptance of what happened. Mostly, you felt betrayed. You lost your dream job, a dent in your career. A blow that would last forever. You couldn’t talk your way out of it. You were a joke to the director now, all because you were in some video on the internet. You know that they say the thing so the internet will haunt you forever.
              Pulling in his drive, there were a couple of cars here. Matt’s, Heath’s, and Zane’s. I guess they all played a bit of roll.
              You walked to the front door, not even bothering to knock. Walking past the entry way, they all sat on the couches. Matt was the first one to notice you. “Y/n, what are you doing here? Short day at work?” he asked, smiling. David looked up at the mention of your name, guilt already on his face.
              “Why don’t we ask David? Wait, that does nothing. He’ll ignore it anyway.” You spit.
              “Y/n, let me explain.” He pleaded.
              “No David, let me explain. I lost my job because of you. Did you ever think of that consequence? I asked you not to include it for that exact reason. But you did it anyway.” You hissed.
              “It was a 30 second clip, I cut out the worst parts.” David insisted.
              “Are you even listening to yourself? Dave, I asked, I begged you. I lost my job. Did you even hear that? It doesn’t matter that you cut out the worst parts! They still deemed me unprofessional. The director even brought up all the other shit you’ve posted. Not all of us live on social media David. At least not like you do.” You huffed, chest heaving.
              “You can get another job. It’s not like you can’t go write anywhere. Plus, you could have removed yourself from the situation.” David cheeked, rolling his eyes.
              “Could you for once look beyond that fucking camera lens. You cost me my job. You put a stain on my career. I tried to explain to her it was a joke, but I was the joke. She had mind made up before I even walked in there. Do you not understand that? You aren’t even listening to me.” Heath and Zane both stood, clearly ready to try and make amends. “You two had better sit back down. You are just at fault. I think I am so high and mighty, right? You ruined that for me. You took that away in some drunken night that I didn’t even want to be a part of. Dave, I wish I never met you. It was one request. And now I’ve lost everything. Why are you acting like this isn’t a big deal? Does this mean nothing to you?”
              “Honestly, no. I have to make a living just like you. I am sorry that you lost your job, sure. But that wasn’t my fault. Excuse yourself. You knew what you were getting into.”
              The tears rain down your cheeks at his admission. “OK. This is me removing myself from the situation.” You mumbled before walking out his house.
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raysofcrosby · 5 years
“𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴. 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺.” ━ 𝘋𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘥 𝘕𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘴, 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘺
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warning(s): cussing
word count: 4,282
authors note: i honestly didn’t know when i was going to get this done bc the writing process has been kind of slow, but my bff and i got vip pit tickets to two 5sos concerts in sept and i’ve literally been so happy that i finished writing!!! as always, thank yall for reading, commenting, liking and reblogging– it means a lot and i love you all for it. enjoy part 2 of my new series!! :)
*Boone's P.O.V*
He knew there was a catch.
There was always a fucking catch.
Never once in his life had he ever gone on a date and had it go well. There was always some twist whether at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the date. Hell, even with his ex-girlfriend shit never went right, yet he dated her for three years. Of course, those were three, extremely toxic, years where they spent more time arguing and trying to screw with the other's mind, rather than working on having a functional, loving relationship. Even his many one-night stands within the last year hadn't even ended up anywhere near normal. There was the girl who locked herself in his bathroom. The time he had to get Seth and Josh to bang on his apartment door pretending to be cops just to get a girl to leave. The last four years of his romantic part of life had been one hot mess after another– and he expected this dumb blind date that Josh had begged him to attend, wouldn't be any different.
But it was.
It was actually one of the best dates he had been on in YEARS and that fact alone was surprising to him, especially considering all it consisted of was sitting in a slightly busy coffee shop and chatting over hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls. There were no sexual innuendos he often experienced throughout and there definitely wasn't any post-date sex. Sitting there at the small table and just talking about the small things in life and never touching the subject of hockey or fame, was refreshing. It was the big breath of fresh air that he never knew he needed or wanted.
You were like the big break he'd been looking for and it killed him to think that he might actually have to thank Josh and Bailee for setting this up. He already saw it– the smirk on both of their faces when he told them how fun the date was and how he had already been thinking about asking you on another one. He needed to get to know you better, he wanted to figure out just what it was that separated you from the rest. The perfect date.
Until it wasn't.
Because the twist he'd been waiting for and was relieved that had never shown up, had been revealed the moment he walked you home. Only this time, shockingly, the twist wasn't some psycho act, refusal to leave or even a snarky attitude. Instead, it was a little girl wearing frozen pajamas.
At first, he wasn't even sure if she was just a figure of his imagination, if you had the wrong apartment or if you were babysitting for the girl who had just rushed down the hallway like it was on fire. But the moment that the word 'mommy' left the little girls' lips, it was like he was frozen...literally.
It was all a blur after that. He swore he could hear you say goodnight and something else, but his mind was so focused on the disappointment of the surprise, that he barely even heard you. He wasn't even sure if he looked away from the little girl. Hell, he barely even remembers what he said to you before disappearing down the hallway.
Disappointment and Anger, those were the two reactions he had been feeling since last night. Disappointment that the date he thought was perfect, of course, turned out to have a hidden surprise. And anger at Josh and Bailee for never even bothering to give him a heads up about it.
He pushed open the locker room door, immediately looking in the direction of Josh's locker to see it empty. "Man on a mission, Boone?" PLD joked, sitting up and resting his elbows on his knees.
"Where's Josh?" He asked, heading over to his locker and tossing his water bottle into his locker.
"Last I saw he was returning the heating pack," Zach replied, nodding his head in the direction from where Boone had just come in. "He should be back in a few."
No sooner than the words left his mouth, the locker room door swung open again and Josh strolled in, following behind Seth and Cam, the three of them laughing. He waited before Josh sat down in his cubby before storming over there, standing over him. It only took Josh a few seconds to realize that Boone was standing there and he raised an eyebrow and went to speak. But before Josh could even get out a word, he cut him off.
"A kid. She has a kid."
He watched the smile fall off of Josh's face before he cleared his throat and took a deep breath, exhaling soon after. "So you met Riley."
"Yeah, I met the child," Boone said, giving Josh a sarcastic smile. "Why the hell didn't you tell me she had a kid?"
"Uh, probably because it's not my business to tell?" Josh replied, rolling his eyes before bending down to finish getting dressed. "I'm surprised you even met her this soon. Y/N usually never gets to that point."
"Oh no, she didn't tell me about the kid. She got some phone call and I drove her home and walked her to the door and then some...blonde girl comes rushing out and leaves and before she could say anything that," he waves his hands nonchalantly before dropping them to his side. "child, throws up all over the floor."
"'That child'?" Seth laughs, raising his eyebrows as he plops down in his locker. "You know you sound like an ass right now, right?"
"Well excuse me for being real," Boone replied, rolling his eyes. "I don't think you understand how off guard this all was, Seth."
"What's so off-guard about it? I mean, think about it," He rolled up his rashguard sleeves and bent down to slip on his skates. "If you were in her position, most likely a single parent, would 'hey, I have a kid at home' be the first thing you'd talk about on a date with a random stranger? Especially if it's only the first date and it could or could not go anywhere?"
It was probably extremely visible at just how taken aback Boone was at his comment. He literally could feel himself step back at what Seth had said. And it wasn't any better when he looked at Josh for backup, only to see Josh raising his eyebrows with a 'he's not wrong' smile on his face. Boone sighed and glared at the two teammates. He knew they were right, that maybe, he was being just a little overdramatic. But after spending most of the night thinking that there was no dramatic twist and then finding out there was one– it was hard not to be understanding. Instead of further arguing, he huffed and walked over to his locker and started to get dressed for practice.
"Besides the surprise, how was the date?"
"Date?" Zach chimed in, looking over at Boone. "What was it this time? Did you have to sneak out of your apartment? Call building security?"
"Fake a vet call for your non-existent dog?" PLD laughed, gaining a few touches of laughter as well.
Boone rolled his eyes, tugging his rashguard over his head and pulling it down before giving them a sarcastic smile. "Haha, very funny you assholes." He grabbed his pads and sat down, bending over to put them on. "But no...it was really nice. We talked over drinks and it was cool."
"What kind of drinks are we talking about? Shots? Margaritas?"
"Hot Chocolate and Cinnamon rolls."
The silence was deafening from the group of guys as Boone stayed hunched over and putting on his pads. When he sat up, he was greeted to looks mixed with confusion and awe. "What?"
"Hot Chocolate and Cinnamon rolls?" Cam chimed in, shrugging his shoulders with a smile on his face. "Sounds kind of domestic to me, especially considering your...interesting past."
"Oh shut up you assholes, there's nothing domestic about hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls," Boone groaned, standing up and putting on his practice jersey. "You guys are just being–"
"Teammates, who are tired of your horrible taste in women?" Josh added in, continuing to tape his stick.
Boone had no answer because Josh was right. His history of hookups has proved to be very...troubling. That and the guys were too busy laughing for him to even give a clear answer. "Alright, alright, shut up all of you."
"Just tell me this," Seth said, standing up and pointing his water bottle at him. "At any time during the date, did the thought of inviting her over to your apartment to have dirty, first date sex, cross your mind?"
Boone sucked in his lips and kept his gaze on his stick, never losing focus as he taped it up. The silence around him was deafening, which alone told them his answer– and he realized it for the first time since last night. Not once, did he ever consider offering you to come over to his place for a drink and to have meaningless sex, just to send you off later that night or even the next morning Whereas, on his other dates, that was usually the offer within the first 15 minutes. That alone made him nervous about you. He hadn't felt that way on a date since his ex-girlfriend, and everyone knew how well that relationship turned out.
How was he sure that this was going to be any different? That you were going to be any different? Especially since you had a kid.
"Ho-ly fucking shit," Seth scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "You need to ask her on another date."
"What?" He ripped off the tape and tossed his roll into the locker. "Why should I do that?"
"Because uh, she's normal?" Zach said, shrugging on his practice jersey.
"That," Seth chimed in, pointing at Zach before turning back to Boone. "And your other crazy hookups have cost me plenty of extra hours of sleep in the mornings. So she has a kid? What's the big deal?"
Boone just turned his back to them as he finished getting ready for practice, looking into his locker and making sure he had gone through his routine perfectly. When he grabbed his helmet and turned back to walk towards the locker room door, Josh was waiting there for him with a smile on his face. Boone sighed a defeating sigh and made his way over to his teammate, coming to a stop just beside him. "So?" Josh smiled, further making Boone just want to deck him in the face.
"What's her number?"
This was stupid.
He sighed, standing outside your apartment building with a hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll wrapped up from your date cafe in hand. As he looked up at the building, another thought crossed his mind.
This was also really fucking creepy.
He only dropped you off at your place once and now he was about to show up out of the blue, not even knowing if you were home. It was Saturday afternoon, so he kind of figured you'd be home– assuming you didn't have any plans. Josh said that he knew you didn't have plans with Bailee, but what if you had plans with other friends? Or another guy?
"Yep nope, this is a bad idea," he huffed, turning back away from your building and facing the street. "But, I was kind of an ass, so its at least worth a try."
When he turned back around, he came face to face with Bailee. She stood there with a raised eyebrow and a knowing smile. "Talking to yourself there, Boone?"
His eyes went wide when he realized that Bailee saw him here...outside of your apartment. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Just out...for a walk."
"Isn't time about time for your pre-game nap?" She walked down the apartment steps and looked around before smiling back at him. "And last time I checked, you lived about hm...10 minutes, in that direction."
He could feel his face heat up the longer that he stood there with her staring at him and his mouth open, unable to find an answer. He cleared his throat and held up his offerings to you. "I asked Josh for her number, he gave me her number and her address and I just thought that I'd–"
"Make-up for being a total douchebag for running off as you did?"
Ouch, he felt that one.
Oh, shit...he felt that– her snide comment...actually made him feel bad? He could only imagine how his quick exit last night had made you feel and for the first time in a long time...he actually cared. "I-"
"Listen, Josh and I didn't set you two up for the hell of it or just because we think it'd be cool that two of our friends are dating," she sighed, walking down all of the steps and coming to a stop in front of him. "We both care about you guys and the two of you are more similar than you think."
"Bails, I swear I didn't mean to run off like that I," he raised his arms in a lazy shrug and shook his head. "I just...it was weird? Scary? I don't know."
"Try being in her shoes, Jenner." She patted his shoulder and started to walk by him, digging in her purse for her keys. "But a word to the wise, I wouldn't go up there right now. She's in a pretty heated argument with her boss and only one is winning."
He could feel the disappointment weigh down on his shoulders as he looked at his hot chocolate and cinnamon roll. "Any chance you'd want this?"
"Nope, I've been doing this 30 day no sugar thing and I'm on day 29. So I politely decline your...delicious sweets. I'll see you tonight!" She pulled her keys out and started to walk down the street.
"Yeah, see you."
She unlocked her car as he walked up the few steps and sighed. "Boone, wait!" He turned to see her standing next to her car, looking all serious. "I love you for doing this because it means that you're well aware that you pulled a grade-A dick move last night. But I love Y/N more, she's my girl, my person...she has been since we were kids. So do not make me regret setting this up or so help me God I will not hesitate to kick your ass. Professional Hockey player or not."
He had to admit, Bailee could be intimidating as hell– all 5 foot 5 inches of her. He gave her a polite smile before jogging up the rest of the stares and finding his way to the elevator inside before she had a chance to run after him. When he got into the elevator and pressed your floor number, he felt perfectly fine...until the doors closed. Then, he realized that maybe this was a mistake.
Would you find it endearing that he brought you snacks?
Or just plain borderline stalkerish?
As soon as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, he knew that there was no turning back. He took a deep breath and sighed as he walked out of the elevator and down the hall to your apartment door.
He dug out his phone and opened his message from Josh
apartment 338A
He felt stupid, the fact that the quick thought of how it must be fate that the two of you be together because his jersey number just happened to be your apartment number. So just as quick as that thought came into his head, he pushed it out. As he came to a stop in front of your door, he contemplated knocking and engaging in conversation before hoping you'd invite him inside. But based on just how Bailee had said minutes earlier about your conversation with your boss, he thought that probably wasn't the best.
So instead, he'd leave a note.
Digging into his jacket pockets, he groaned as his hands were met with emptiness. Why he thought that he'd just happen to have a marker or even a pen with him, he didn't know. Though considering how many kids ask him for autographs on the street in his day-to-day life, he probably should start carrying one around. Defeated, he sighed and placed the hot chocolate and paper bag down in front of your door and knocked three times before making a break down the hallway. The boys would be chirping him with no mercy if they saw him right now, ducking behind a corner by the elevator, peeking around to see if you'd opened the door yet. When he heard the door open and then your voice, he quickly ducked behind the corner, scared of being seen. When he felt like it was safe to look, he slowly peeked back around to see you bending down and picking up his gift before walking back into your room.
He let out a breath he wasn't even aware that he had been holding before pressing the elevator button and walking into the opened doors. As the doors closed behind him, he dug his hands into his pockets and smiled, shaking his head.
Borderline stalkerish? Maybe. But it was worth it since he was more than positive that he had seen you smile as you acknowledged his gift.
As much as he shouldn't have done it, he spent the entire game wondering whether or not you had known if the surprise left at your doorstep was from him. To him, it was obvious that the gift could have only been from him, but how was he to know that Bailee never had the same order before and you thought she had come back and left it behind as a pick me up?
While he did spend the game with the lingering thought in the back of his mind, he was able to take out the unnecessary anger and disappointment he'd still been harboring inside, out on every Pittsburgh player that crossed his path. He wasn't necessarily still angry at Josh or even disappointed in you hiding your kid, but more along the lines that he was angry and disappointed in himself and honestly in fate in general.
How cruel could the world be to dangle a woman who seemed to be the one he could be serious about for the first time in a long time...and then throw in a twist?
If the two of you chose to actually move forward and date, how would the little girl factor in? What is he to her? Does he have to do anything? What comes along with dating a woman who already has a child?
Even after scoring two goals in their 6 to 2 win against their rival, he couldn't stop thinking about it. When he got back into the locker room and after all the press and pleasantries, he hoped to see something from you on his phone. That maybe you had figured out it was him who left the treats and you had asked Bailee for his number to send a text. But when he grabbed his phone, all he saw were football notifications, a text from his family group chat and girls sliding into his Instagram DMs. He was surprised when he answered the text and ignored the dm's, even rolling his eyes as he tossed his phone down and proceeded to get undressed.
He never turned down a DM, especially if it was from someone who he had already hooked up with prior. But for some odd reason, and he couldn't pinpoint it to any kind of feeling...he just didn't even bother with them.
When he was finished with his shower and got dressed back up into his suit, he saw that Josh was still waiting for him in his locker. They planned to go to the small bar down the street with Bailee and just have a drink or two to destress after the game– but when he saw his still empty phone, he didn't feel like going anymore.
"Ready? Bailee's waiting outside." Josh said, standing up and adjusting his suit jacket.
"Listen, about that–"
"Oh no, no way," Josh groaned, as the two of them walked out of the locker room. "There's no way you're ditching me."
"You're ditching drinks?" Josh and Boone both looked up to see Bailee walking over from her place against the wall with an amused smile on her face. "What? Suddenly you're not into a beer for destressing?"
Boone went to say something when the movement behind Bailee caught his eye. He first recognized your hair, the way you had it pulled out of your face– the same way you had worn it the night before. Then, he recognized your soft smile, which he was assuming to be your signature trait. And of course, and he couldn't help this, he definitely recognized the way that your jeans hugged your legs and waist. Then it dawned on him.
You were really here...at his game...standing directly in front of him.
"Hot chocolate?" He asked, mentally smacking himself in the face. He could have said anything, literally anything, like 'hey' or 'thanks for coming' but no...instead, he blurts out 'hot chocolate.'
He ignored Bailee's snicker as she moved towards Josh for a hug and only focused on you. He took notice of how his bumbled word caused you to blush and look down at your feet for only a second before you tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear. It was beautiful in a simple way.
"Thank you, for the hot chocolate and cinnamon roll." You smiled, finally looking at him. "I mean, I didn't get to enjoy it because a certain five-year-old said it was hers...but I appreciate the gesture. Though I am wondering how you disappeared down the hallway so fast."
"Dude...did you ding dong ditch her apartment?" Josh asked, nudging him in the arm.
"What?" Boone scoffed, suddenly feeling really embarrassed at the gesture he hoped that none of the guys would ever find out about. "Bailee said you were on the phone and I didn't want to disrupt you–"
"So you ran...down the hallway and hid?" Josh laughed, clapping Boone on the shoulder. "Please further tell this story at drinks, please."
"Actually, I can't go." You chimed in, sighing as you hugged your jacket close to you. "I've got housework to do and other stuff I need to finish over the weekend."
Boone was disappointed, there was no doubt about that. When he saw you here with Bailee, he was excited about getting to know you more over a beer or two. See how you were when you were carefree and in a fun environment. Plus, it meant he didn't have to be third-wheel with Bailee and Josh. It was a quick glimpse at Bailee when he saw her nudge her head in your direction and smile.
It was his chance.
"Same here actually," he said, patting Josh on the shoulder. "I'm feeling a little tired and I think extra sleep will be a better destresser than two beers."
"You guys suck." Josh pouted, rolling his eyes before looking at Bailee. "At least you're still with me right?"
"To the end babe," Bailee smiled, kissing him before grabbing his hand and turning to you and Boone. "Y/N came with me in the uber though...Boone, can you drive her home?"
"Absolutely, I wouldn't mind at all." He smiled, catching a glimpse of you giving Bailee a look he couldn't make out.
"Perfect, let's go."
Bailee had planned this– there was no doubt about it. She probably knew that you had no intention of going to the bar with them after the game. And since she saw Boone at your apartment to make amends earlier in the day, she knew that the moment you said you weren't going...he wouldn't either.
She was a mastermind.
When the four of you reached the parking garage and waved Bailee and Josh goodbye, he helped you into his car before walking around and getting in on the drivers' side. As soon as he got into the car, he took notice of the comfortable silence that settled between the two of you, and even how it stayed comfortable the moment the music came through his radio speakers.
He didn't know who was going to break the silence first, you or him. He could start by saying sorry about last night, that would be a good way to get the conversation going. But he wasn't even sure if you wanted to talk to him. After all, you never agreed to have him take you home. Coming up to a stoplight just outside of the arena, he turned to you to say something, only to see you already looking at him.
"Do you want to go get a hot chocolate or something? Maybe talk a little bit?"
He was shocked and flattered at the same time. Normally it was him making the first move, besides the initial move often being a girl reaching out to him in a DM. He saw the uncertainty flash across your face and he realized that he had been too lost in thought that he hadn't replied yet.
"Yeah," he cleared his throat, smiling at you. "I'd like that. But only if we get one of those chocolate croissant things."
You laughed and he felt a flutter in his chest as the soft sound echoed through his ears. "Deal."
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ellidoesstuff · 4 years
“So What’s Band Like” pt. 2
aka random stuff people in my marching band have done but make it reminiscing on my freshman marching season edition and more focused on general events then what specific people have done
okay so like just to cover bases that one good percussionist from part one is the only percussionist that continued on into high school band
which is a fucking upgrade if you ask me
also i’m the only flute of my grade so i was flute baby™ last year
and then oboe baby when concert season came around
or as i like to call it
oh and don’t fool yourself into thinking we have an oboe section either
it’s literally just me and my friend
anyway lets get deeper in to it then your boyfriend/S.O will ever be in you
or then you’ll ever be in your girlfriend/S.O
I ain’t gonna assume your situation
first band competition of the year we got stuck in a very hot band bus in a thunderstorm for like probably over an hour
we ended up being one of the only bands that actually stayed and performed which was cool 
what was also cool is that we sang the 99 bottles of beer on the wall song and actually made it to 0
i’m also proud to say that one of the people who started that was my crush at the time, and my boyfriend now
how chaotic of him 
but then again
he’s a percussionist
also my section leaders piccolo decided to just d i e and she couldn’t play for our entire performance at that competition
moving on
catch us drooling over a 200 plus member band at an away game with an elaborate Aladdin themed show
that same band played megalovania as a stand tune and when I say my band dropped all conversation and bopped to that shit I mean it
also the sunset that night looked like the teletubbie sunrise
when i informed my now boyfriend and my section leader of this they both looked at me like “why the fuck did you just ruin that beautiful sunset”
it is what it is
one time we had a flute hangout after school and before a Friday night away football game 
except make it like the flute section featuring the alto sax section leader and my now boyfriend (who if you don’t remember is a percussionist)
oh and also briefly featuring one of our drum majors from last year and a trombonist 
anyway we ate little caesars pizza at a playground in a neighborhood near the school
we also played on said playground
in the process putting my kermit plushie, who will most likely be a reoccurring character in this series, in the baby swing and pushing him
we then made friendship bracelets but my now boyfriend didn’t know how 
so i did what anyone who knows how to make friendship bracelets and who’s crushing on someone who doesn’t know how to make friendship bracelets would do
i taught him how to make friendship bracelets
we also sat on the band bus together to and from that nights away game where I continued to help him make a friendship bracelet and then we looked at memes on the way back
some of them were funny, some of them weren’t
i laughed at all of them 
because i was and am…
a fucking simp
we hosted a competition the same day that we marched a two mile parade so basically everyone went home and crashed that night
Me, my friend, and my now boyfriend spent like over fifteen minutes trying to find this one band just so we could hand them a single candygram to give to some kid
that kid better have appreciated that candygram
My two friends and I also received a joint airgram from our moms so we all prompted to split the tiny piece of card stock into three and we each have a piece
It’s almost like a friendship bracelet
but one hundred times easier to loose
moving onto big boy competition territory 
aka the Atlantic Coastal Championships 
or at least i think that’s what ACC stands for 
We were the first people to perform that day so we had to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to get to the competition in time
Like legit imagine a bunch of tired band kids on a school bus at 6am
It was actually kind of nice and very quiet
My now boyfriend and I watched Coraline on my chromebook on the way there
We also watched Coco on the way back but we aren’t there yet
I brought my Kermit plushie, as I should’ve, but he did not escape unscathed 
My now boyfriend accidentally dropped him in his spilled chocolate milkshake which had made a fairly accurate rendition of Willy Wonka’s chocolate river on the stands
He was more upset about it then I was honestly and apologized a bunch while frantically trying to scrub the chocolate stain out of Kermit’s green plush flesh with his jeans
My now boyfriend also decided to spin Kermit up in the air like a helicopter and Kermit nearly flew over the back end of the bleachers since we were sat in the top row
Luckily he didn’t fly over but we quickly stopped throwing him around and Kermit promptly sat on the bleachers next to us for the rest of ACCs
Moving forward, I would highlight the game directly after I actually got together with my boyfriend but not a single fucking thing happened
Other then the fact that the concession stand ran out of hot chocolate 
But not before my boyfriend, our two friends, and I could get our hands on some
Flash forward, our football team, in an act of what was probably some form of witchcraft or just downright luck, qualified for playoffs and the first playoff game was a FOUR HOUR drive away
They really said “okay everybody lets travel to the other side of the state for a single football game”
And before you say “well it would take a lot longer to get to the other side of my state!”
pack it up west coast/midwest
I live on the east coast our states are  t i n y
we had to leave for this game in the middle of the school day right after lunch which meant i had to bring two separate book bags to school that day 
one bag for band and one bag for school
regardless we drove on the bus through mountains and trees for four hours before stopping off to have dinner at some rando restaurant
and no offense to old white people but like it must have been senior night or some shit because when I tell you the only people in that restaurant were like 70 to 80 band kids and a bunch of old white people I am not joking
It was terrifying
And I mean like I’m not inherently scared of old white people  
But what I am is non-binary growing up in a conservative area of a conservative state
And I was also holding the hand of my wonderful boyfriend who happens to be a person of color
I was scared I was about to be hate crimed 
Or he was about to get hate crimed
Luckily I think the fact that we were part of a flock of like 80 other teenagers all wearing red shirts and sweatpants scared them off
Or maybe they didn’t even notice and my social anxiety just said “they’re looking at you, love ;)” when they probably weren’t
We also ran the ice cream machine at that place dry
Anyway this was like November and it was super fucking cold outside so the home schools band invited us inside the school building when we got there since it was still a bit before the game
I got to talk to some of the flutes and they were super chill
We also made this weird ass dance circle where we went back and forth doing steps that I forget but remind me of the cotton eyed joe for some reason
Maybe that’s what we were dancing?
I don’t remember I just know like the entire low brass section plus a select group of the upper woodwinds/percussion were all in on it
I also remember what I think was one of the flutes looking at me and my boyfriend who was hugging me from behind and being very physically affectionate, as he usually is, and mentioning something about wondering what instrument he played
If in some miraculous event you are reading this mystery flute girl, he’s a percussionist 
you’re welcome
Nothing really stands out about the game itself other then how fucking cold it was and the fact that our football team won…
by a single point
We then all enjoyed the four hour ride back to the school
Most people spent it sleeping as it was like ten pm
Yeah you do the math we left at like 10pm
JK I’m not gonna make you do math we got back to the school at like 2am
Also notice how I said most people spent it sleeping
I probably would have been one of those people
However my lovely boyfriend, who again I do love, decided that a can of Mountain Dew at 10pm was a good idea
Baby, I love you, but why
10pm is too late for a Mountain Dew
We did end up sleeping for like an hour tho which was nice while it lasted
But then we had the glorious “Everyone we are about thirty minutes away from the school please call your parents to come pick you up” wake up call from our band director
And when I tell you that in that moment it felt like I was in between two different plains of existence
I am not kidding 
It is a very interesting vibe
Anyway I apologize for how painfully long that was but I literally could go into so much more detail. This is just grazing the surface of the experience that was my freshman marching season. However, I’m stopping myself here. If for some reason you want to read more of this and aren’t willing to wait for me to make the part three that will be directed toward this years socially distanced band season, you can read the first one of these which has a remarkably funnier collection of events and a lot less cussing. What can I say, I was an eighth grader in middle school band with an instructor who was very lenient on what we did when we weren’t playing. Until next time, this has been Elliot, signing off until i inevitably find something else interesting to share with the internet. 
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
Seven: Chapter Eleven
Tumblr media
 ChA^pT3r Eleve^n
       “You look absolutely ridiculous.”
          I glance down at my feet, focusing on one specific scuff of dirt on my black boots. They’re the same boots I wore to the stakeout, because it’s the same outfit I’ve been wearing for the past few days. Cops around the precinct have noticed, but they’ve gotten used to it by now. One woman came to report a crime and actually thought I was human for a second. I knew she would stop being nice once she found out about what I really was, so I just stayed polite and didn’t dare correct her.
          Celeste Amora, however, has been anything but nice or polite to me.
          All day, she’s gone out of her way to inconvenience me. It’s ironic in a way, because she’s probably inconvenienced herself more than anyone.
          At 9:15am, she threw two paper balls at my head in the morning meeting. Even Captain Ericson rolled his eyes at it. At 11:17am, Celeste deprived everyone of coffee by putting the grounds in her bag, just so I wouldn’t be able to give any to Cal. It was ok though, because I found a ten dollar bill on the floor not too long after and I gave it to him to buy coffee for himself. By 12:31pm, Celeste emptied the contents of my stakeout bag, which included my jacket and uniform. Honestly, it’s not a big deal, because Icarus will just send me another one through Captain Ericson. Celeste struck again at 1:28pm, when she left sticky orange liquid on my desk. Again, this was no big deal, because I identified it as orange soda and looked up the best way to clean it.
          Now, at 2:53pm, our perpetrator makes another attack. I swear, she must be following me around all day to know when and where to strike. It’s almost… saddening?
          I’m in the locker room. Not an actual locker room, just a sort of hallway by the evidence room lined with white lockers. Cal packed me a bag of clothes and toiletries for our trip, and left them in his unit for me to grab before we go. He seemed really proud of himself for remembering to put the toiletries in, because apparently he has a habit of forgetting to pack them, even for himself. I didn’t have the lack of manners to tell him I probably don’t need them. Tooth paste? I don’t need to brush my teeth- they’re always white. Pads and tampons? I don’t get periods unless I press a button. A pack of tissues? I’m incapable of sneezing, but I appreciate the sentiment.
          So, that’s the scene for you. I- the Android- am reaching into a stark white locker to obtain a pack of a road trip. Celeste Amora- the officer who can’t do her job- is behind me, leaning against the wall talking to Blaise Shovelman- an officer who gets nervous around me but remains kind enough. In the corner, guarding the evidence room, is Officer Blackwell. Both Shovelman and Blackwell are entirely uncomfortable and nervous with what’s about to go down.
          So, cut back to Celeste Amora saying, “you look absolutely ridiculous”.
          I sigh to myself softly, disappointed that this was unavoidable. I tug the duffle bag out of the locker, and push it closed.
          “Hello, Officer Amora,” I greet as I turn around. It’s satisfying to watch her twitch with anger every time I say that.
          “What’s with the bag?” she says, glancing down. “I could cuff you right now for it.”
          “No you can’t,” I frown. “Officers can only arrest if they have witnessed a crime, and you haven’t witnessed a crime- I assure you. You also do not have probable cause that I have committed a crime, or a warrant from a judge. Therefor you cannot arrest me.”
          Oh, she looks so angry. Shovelman is trying not to laugh, and Blackwell’s lips are pulled inside his mouth to keep from smiling. “And the bag is for my road trip with Detective Kennedy.”      
          “A road trip?” Celeste mocks.
          “We’re going to see his father and brother for his birthday,” I explain diplomatically.
          Celeste scoffs. “And he invited you?”
          She is so unequivocally frustrated and full of rage that it’s funny. Shovelman knows this, Blackwell knows this, I know this. I’m sure back in the bullpin, Cal knows it too. Everybody in the entire universe might know it.
          “You still look homeless in that outfit,” she seethes, and everybody knows it’s because she can’t think of anything else to say to me to mock me. She’s just defaulting back to an insult that doesn’t make much sense for plenty of reasons.
          “You wore prostitution clothes for the stakeout, and I didn’t say anything.”
          Blaise Shovelman spits out a sharp laugh. Quickly, his hands fly to his mouth to cover it up as a cough, but the damage is done. Celeste glares at him.
          “Can we please be done, Officer Amora?” I ask, still determined to be as diplomatic as my Social Relations program is begging me to. “I need to join Detective Kennedy before we leave at 3pm. We’re taking a half day.”
          “You have-”
          I don’t bother for her to finish her sentiment before I start to walk away. I can hear some muffled words the farther I get, but I don’t actually care enough to register them.
          Cal is sitting on his desk, on his phone. It makes me excited to see his keys in his hand. I’m actually going to be spending time with him outside of work, which could help improve our relationship and thus the chances of us solving cases. I’m also excited because apparently he actually got his car cleaned, and it’s going to smell just like a new one.
          “Ready?” he asks without looking up.
          “Yes,” I say. “Just Officer Amora giving me some trouble.”
          “Feel free to run to my car and hide, Tin Fuck. I’ll be hiding right there with you.”
          A slight smile graces my features, because when Detective Kennedy jokes like this, he makes me feel at ease. He has that effect on me, just be being his sarcastic self. I don’t think he even realizes it, but I admire how brave he is when it comes to social norms and just being social in general. He has no ‘Social Relations Program’. Or maybe he does, and he just chooses to ignore it every day. He talks back to Captain Ericson constantly, openly tells people he does not want to talk to them, and doesn’t even attempt to hide his rolling eyes and clever, biting words in conversations. It doesn’t matter how polite or kind you are to him- he is going to cuss or blow smoke in your face.
          “This bag weighs approximately 16 pounds, what’s inside of it?” I question, hefting the bag in my right hand.
          “Clothes,” Cal says mysteriously, still not looking up from his phone.
          “How many clothes? We’re only staying for two nights.”
          “I’ve packed the clothes I’ve packed. Go out to the car before I beat your ass.”
          “Okey-Dokey,” I say cheerily. I get a better grip on the straps of the bag and carry it out to Cal’s car. While tomorrow is still scheduled to have Cal’s favorite type of weather, today is simply dry and cold and flat. There is a slight wind, but nothing overly harsh in the air. A few of the Seattle citizens have decided to wear their coats today, and I see three different women wearing the same one. They were most likely taking this as an opportunity to show off their new clothing.
          I’ve never had to do that, though I guess I could do so on this trip. I don’t know what kind of clothes Cal has brought for me. An outfit for dinner and a set of pajamas maybe? I’m uncertain. My only choice is to trust Cal’s taste in fashion for me.
          I open up the trunk and am immediately met with a variety of different smells. Some I find pleasant, others not so much. Still, the trunk of Cal’s car is clean and empty. I put the bag inside and close the latch. The door is locked, so I don’t have much other option than to stand at the ready for Cal to come out.
          I don’t have to wait for too long, because he’s walking out of the building at 3:01. Still looking at his phone, he shoulders into someone entering the building. The man whips around, staring at Cal and waiting for an apology. And Cal, being my hero, just keeps walking and staring at his phone. It’s a glorious sight.
          I hurry over to the trunk and open it again for him. Cal sticks his phone in his pocket and hefts his pack into the trunk. The shading of the outside makes the circles under his eyes more prominent, almost maroon or ash brown.
          “You ready to go?” he says as he closes the trunk of his car.
          “Correct.” I mirror Detective Kennedy in going to the car doors and waiting for the little click to show they’re unlocked. I in the passengers seat, he in the drivers, we close the doors. “You should put on your seatbelt,” I advise him.
          The car begins to drive in reverse as we pull away from the parking lot. “And you should stop being so goofy looking, but you don’t hear me saying anything.”
          Cal sighs as I look down, trying to stifle a smile. It’s not in my Social Relations Program to do this, it’s just something that’s coming naturally on my mechanical face. It must be because I’m spending so much time with humans and I’m adapting to their nature. I look away out the window as the corner of my lips fall into a soft upturn- one that not even Detective Kennedy could detect.
          “Is there anything you’d like to talk about?” I ask. I turn back around to watch Cal, whose one hand is steady on the wheel while the other rests nonchalantly.
          “Why would I want to talk about anything?”
          “The drive to Spokane is around four hours,” I explain. “I thought maybe we could do something to pass the time?”
          “You mean like just waiting for it to pass?” Cal quips sassily as he looks at me sharply. “What could an Android possibly have to talk about?”
          My led goes yellow. I have over 9,000 topics to discuss in my memory.
          “Are you excited for your birthday?” I ask cheerily.
          Cal shrugs his shoulders. “Not really.” I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Luckily, Cal picks up on this and quickly adds to his words. “As you get older it just becomes less of a big deal, I guess.”
          I process the information. “I’ve never had a birthday.”
          “Really?” Cal questions. I can tell he means it when he glances over at me.
          “Yes. What’s it like?”
          “Well it’s… it’s like-” he cuts himself off as he struggles to find the words. The hand on the wheel clutches it tighter. “It changes each year, I guess.”
          “What did you do last year?”
          Cal’s expression darkens slightly. “Same as this year. Dinner with my father.”
          I want to ask more, but something other than my social program tells me not to. I close my mouth and turn my attention back in front of me, out the windshield. We’re already at the edge of our district, and luckily scheduled for no traffic since it’s during the work day for most people.
          I wonder what it’s like to have people worry about you.
          Adelicia is my handler, of sorts. In truth, I am not even fully sure what she is to me or to Icarus. She has an affiliation with them, but for whatever reason her criminal record and occupation is blocked off from me. I only know that she appears in a virtual reality with me, and that she is more powerful than I and I answer to her.
          But she doesn’t worry about me. And why would she? I’m a machine. Nothing more.
          “What’s with the frown?” Cal questions next to me.
          I don’t even realize it until he’s brought it up. “Sorry,” I say quickly.
          Cal Kennedy glances at me. Eyebrows slightly creased together, lips parted- he’s concerned, maybe. High probability of thinking of me or something relating to me. “Hey, there should be something under your seat. Can you get it?”
          “Alright,” I say. I double over in my seat and reach my right hand under my chair. I feel around for four seconds before my fingers graze against something. I grip it and pull it out. I turn it over in my hands, observing the object in my hand.
          It’s a disk case. Square and plastic, the front of it is covered in a dark background with purple words printed onto it. ‘BLACK SABBATH, MASTERS OF REALITY’ never looked so solid to me.
Title: Black Sabbath: Masters of Reality
Band: Black Sabbath
Genre: Rock, Metal, other
Length: 34:29
Label: Vertigo
Release Date: July 21st, 1971
     “This came out approximately 43 years before you were born,” I say aloud, my eyes glued to the case.
          “Yeah, best album. Put it in.”
          I turn the album over in my hand a few times before opening it. Watching the iridescent lines swirl against the disk, I lean forward to stick it in the player next to the radio. Not many cars have that anymore.
          We only have to wait 10 seconds before the first song starts to play. The electric guitar rings out throughout the car and Ozzy Osbourne calls out ‘Alright, yeah!’. Cal nods his head to the beat merrily.
Song: Sweet Leaf
     He looks happy. I turn my head out the window while Cal sings along. He knows all the lyrics to the 5 minute song. I replay every little hum of his voice, every thrum that falls from his lips. I’ll keep it in my memory forever.
Software InStability ^
          After 3 songs, Cal leans forward and turns the volume down a few notches. “So, you’ve listened to it now,” he says. I swear, he’s actually smiling naturally. “What do you think?”
          My led goes yellow. “I think so,” I say. “It’s full of this… enjoyable energy.”
          “I’m glad,” Cal grins. He turns the volume back up and we continue on our ride.
          I watch him while the rest of the album plays on. He never misses a beat or a lyric. His sharp jaw compliments the smirk on his lips, the spark of charisma in his eyes. He’s almost unrecognizable. He’s so happy, moving, and alive in contrast to the exhausted, rough, and grump detective I know. Most people have come to hate him around the precinct in what they describe as a ‘record time’. But the air around him seems brighter when he sings and weaves along to the music. It’s like I’m being exposed to an entirely different being. I think I like it. It gives Cal more… what’s the word? Depth.
          “What’re you looking at me for?” he asked after a while of my staring. He’s still smiling, so I know he’s in a good mood at least.
          “Nothing,” I told him, still transfixed on his demeanor.
          But the album ends eventually, and Cal takes the disk out of the player. It’s so sad to watch him do, because I know now he’ll go back to being so distant. I want him to be warm again. Not for me, but for himself.
          We make polite conversation the rest of the ride, broken by long bouts of silence. It’s not uncomfortable- it’s normal between us. I ask Cal if there’s anything I should know about his father.
          “He’s…” Cal’s grip on the wheel tightens so much, his knuckles pale. His heartrate increases and his pupils dilate momentarily. “A man.”
          Very descriptive.
          “What’re we going to do about your led, anyway?” Cal asks shortly after.
          “I can hide it under my skin when we get there,” I explain.
          “I didn’t know you could do that.”
          “It’s an added feature that helps with being disguised. I’m the only model that can do it.”
          Cal grunts in response.
          “What about your brother?”
          I swallow, even though I don’t have to. “Your brother. You were very elusive about your father, so I’m asking if there’s anything I should know about your brother.”
          “He’s an idiot.”
          After that, I mostly pay attention to the driving. We drive through a road guided by large trees overhead. The autumn leaves fall in confetti pieces of auburn and tangerine around us. Mountains stand in the distance eerily. Depending on the way I face, I can see buildings and skyscrapers. And while I don’t think I enjoy the looming silence between Cal and I, it’s peaceful and calm.
          Soon, the fall trees turn into highways. The highways turn into suburban neighborhoods. The neighborhoods turn into a house.
          As we near 7 o’clock, Cal pulls the car over in front of one of the houses. It’s white and two stories tall, with a decorative wreath on the door. I can see little porcelain rabbits by the door on the porch, most likely covering a spare key. All the windows are covered by curtains that look vintage or something of the sort. Even from the outside, it still looks cozy.
          “Stay here,” Cal orders while he turns off the engine.          
          “Where are you going?” I ask curiously.
          I know Cal heard me, he just doesn’t answer. He opens the door, removes himself, and closes it. I watch him come around the side and saunter to front. He knocks, and a man opens the door after a moment.
          The man resembles Cal somewhat. His figure is slightly obscured from where I sit, but I can make out that much at least. It’s something about the face shape. Despite that, the man is shorter than Cal, but far grumpier looking. Name: Arthur Kennedy
Date of Birth: August 2nd, 1980- Age 61
height: 5’8
Weight: 173 lbs
Race: European American
Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan
Occupation: Naval Officer, Accountant[Retired]
Family: Caroline Kennedy, Wife (Age 58, Deceased) James Kennedy, Son (Age 23), Callan Kennedy, Son (Age 26)
Finding Related Articles… Articles Found. Searching ‘Kennedy, Arthur’…
          The exchange between the two doesn’t last long. There’s a few head nods, and then the door closes. I am not expecting this.
          The pair didn’t even smile to each other. They didn’t hug or shake hands. It was like they were strangers instead of father and son.
          “What did you do?” I ask when Cal hops back in his seat.
          “Just told my dad we’re here.” He twists the key in the ignition and the car starts up again.
          “We aren’t staying here?”
          Cal scoffs. “God no.”
          After that, he drives us to a hotel. It’s about 33 minutes away and the color of cream. It stands out against the black ink color of the sky, freckled with faint little stars.
          However, it is not until we walk into the place that something in my circuits twitch. The man at the counter catches a glimpse of my led from under my cap. Cal asks him to make an exception, but the man refuses with malice. Cal flashes his badge at him. Cue the man hurrying to apologize and sending us on our way.
          As Cal opens the door with the key, I feel happy that I came.
Software Instability ^
Taglist: @omg-we-really-doo​ 
[I hope you’re having a good day, S]
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