#Hope I didn't overstep by tagging anyone
sparky-is-spiders · 10 months
Tag Game Thing I Think?
Tagged by @jayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya. I assume I answer these four catagories? Looks fun but also I don't think I've ever done this before.
Last song listened to: Virgin by Manchester Orchestra
Currently reading: Nothing atm.
Currently watching: Nothing, really. Dad has Premier League soccer on the TV but I'm not really paying attention to it.
Current obsession: Never not thinking about Jon Jarchivist, but currently je and jongertrude are on brain rotation, and some theories/headcanons about Archivisting and getting the fear marks. Also thinking about the lizard crew always.
Guess I'll tag @amythestvaporeonbackup, @in-between-nothing, and @voidandfyre
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dangerpronebuddie · 5 days
WIP Wednesday!!
Tagged through the week by lots of people (thank y'all I always enjoy reading your stuff 💜) and today by @wikiangela and @inell who both shared AMAZING stuff y'all should show some love 🩷💚
Still working on Severed Artery, but it's been slow going. It's been... a week™, and the words just aren't wording. I am hoping to have this finished soon because I really like it (most of it anyway lol). While I sit and stare at the doc until it stares back, have some of The Boys vs Helena Diaz:
“Mom,” Eddie says before she can get started. “I know you're worried, but we've got it handled.” “Eddie, you can't even walk more than a few feet without falling over,” she points out with a huff. “What makes you think you can single handedly take care of Christopher? Or yourself?” “Not single handedly,” Buck declares. Helena turns her icy gaze on Buck. “Excuse me?” “Eddie can take care of himself and Chris, he has been for years, but that doesn't mean he's been alone,” Buck says. “I'm not saying he's incapable,” Helena says slowly. She always did that when she was trying not to explode. “All I'm saying is he's going to need help.” “And he has it,” Buck says easily. "I think you might be overstepping, young man," she says in the same tone she always used to scold Eddie with his whole life. “You've done what you were asked.” “Don’t you dar-” Buck stops Eddie's protest with a reassuring hand on his shoulder, his gaze never leaving Helena's. "I step in wherever Eddie wants me.” “Like taking my grandson from me?” Helena scoffs. “Mom-” “Why didn't you tell us?” she asks, looking at Eddie with watery eyes. There are a million reasons why Eddie didn't tell them. A million more why he never intended to tell Buck. But Buck needed to know, deserved to know, and it was the only way Eddie could give Buck his heart and still protect it from being shattered. “I knew how you’d react,” Eddie says, taking the easiest explanation. “You didn’t even consider the possibility of him going with you,” Helena huffs. “It’s not about that,” Eddie counters. “Christopher’s life is here. He loves Buck-” “And he loves us-” “I’m not saying he doesn’t, but-” “Then why choose-” “Because he loves Buck like a father,” Eddie blurts out.
(tags under the cut. As always, please let me know if you want to be added/ removed):
@13shadesofanni @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @tizniz @loveyouanyway
@ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @daffi-990 @kitteneddiediaz
@exhuastedpigeon @spagheddiediaz @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @thekristen999
@actuallyitsellie @daniwib @fortheloveofbuddie @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley
@rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
@lunarspark-cos @idealuk @shipperqueen6 @slowlyfoggydestiny
@misshiss727 @likeamollusconarock @lin27 @jshadow01 @orangeboxfox92
@smallandalmosthonest @thegeekcompanion @emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx
@kaseysgirl86-blog @darkrose6578 @totallynotagoraphobic @dandelioncasey @bibuckbuckgoose @whatsgoodinthehood22
@lady-elaine @buckley-diaz-rules @buddiedaydreamer911 @monroemary @pirate-hunter @nonspeakingkiku
And @just-passing-through04
And anyone else who wants to share!! 🥰🩷
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dsireland86 · 5 months
There is Beauty in the Pain
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Summary: Noah and Sophie find each other in the most unprecedented circumstances. Whether it's the Universe, fate, destiny, or pure luck, they can't deny that their souls were simply meant to be
AUTHORS NOTE: Revised chapter 5/8/24
***if you want to be added to the tag list, let me know :)***
@lma1986 @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @missduffsblog @bngurngheart @thatamazingvampirestory
--Link to Chapter 5 pt.2 at the bottom--
My body was healing well enough to the point that I felt human again for the first time in days. The process wasn't always easy, mainly because I would get trapped inside my own head trying to put all the wrong things right again, but I had a good support system. Despite the moments I'd shut them out, they were there, ready and willing to help; Noah and Folio especially. 
After days of staying locked inside the bedroom, I showered and dressed and went downstairs only to find Noah, Jolly, Nick, and Folio in the kitchen attempting to cook breakfast. The place was a disaster, making me wonder if any of them had any idea what of they were doing. Given the shape and color of the burnt bacon, I would say no. “This is not edible,” I told them, picking up a tiny piece and cringing at just the sight. The silence surrounding us was a little awkward, making me wonder if I overstepped my boundaries. “See, I told you you had the heat up too high, Jolly.” Nicholas shoved the tall Swede in the shoulder earning him the same in return. Breathing a sigh, I put the bacon down and wiped my fingers on the paper leaning closely into Folio’s shoulder when came over, hugging me gently. I didn't let the way his face nuzzled my neck or the feeling of his fingers dancing on my back go unnoticed. It was sweet and innocent, but it made me feel so good, he had no idea how much. The way he smelled didn't help either and the gold crucifix hanging down around his neck gave off the perfect touch to his bad but oh so sweet boy attitude. Folio was becoming a weakness for me.
But my heart was holding a very deep secret for someone else and that terrified the shit out of me. I had already fallen for Noah; I knew that and wasn’t going to allow myself to deny it any longer. But there was still so much fear; so much anxiety. I had no reason to doubt Noah; no reason to think he'd ever hurt me, yet after all the years of abuse, my mind just wouldn’t let me let go. Noah had to prove himself to me. If he wanted me, he was going to have to work to get me. But I knew he’d never do it. Most men wouldn't. I knew this and was playing the fool to believe he would. Noah didn’t owe me anything, yet he’d already done for me more than anyone else in my entire life except Alex had, and somehow this was screwing with my head. It was creating boulders I couldn’t jump over reminding me I had to protect myself. 
“Hey,” Noah’s voice made me jump, pulling me from my thoughts. I gave him my best smile, mind blown by his appearance the moment I looked at him. He had on a white t-shirt of God playing basketball with the Devil, one that I recognized well, and a pair of black joggers. His hair was disheveled but the perfect length, reminding me of an anime character I'd seen before. “It's really nice to see you up and about.” Noah's smile was genuine, but shy, different from the man I remembered days ago. “It's nice to feel a little normal again,” I replied with my best smile, even though I was nothing but a bundle of tangled nerves that I hoped Noah couldn't see, but if he did, he was really good at hiding it. I looked around the kitchen and grimaced at the sight of everything. “Dude, your kitchen is a wreck.” We both chuckled, Noah running his hand through his hair and down the back of his neck. “Yeah,” he said, sighing while looking around at all the dirty dishes and countertop. “Jolly tries but,” he threw his hands out at the mess. My forehead creased in confusion. “If this is what happens every time Jolly tries to cook then how do you eat?” Blank expressions stared back at me. “Okay, better question, who knows how to cook?” “Does Ramen and cereal count,” Nicholas asked, trying to hide his grin. I rolled my eyes and groaned. “To be fair, we're not home enough. Door Dash and take out are pretty good alternatives,” trying his best to defend himself and his friends. I laid a hand gently on his shoulder, laughing. “Alright, fair enough, but after we clean up this kitchen I’m making you guys a proper breakfast.” “Oh thank God,” Folio exclaimed, laying a kiss on my cheek. Warmth spread over my skin and I knew I was blushing. I glanced at Noah, noticing his brooding expression as he crossed his arms over his chest and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was jealous. He had no reason to be, surely he knew that. Nick was just being friendly, like always. Shaking the thoughts away, I turned around and began clearing the counter of dishes, with Jolly’s help. I was too scared to look at Noah again, worried I’d upset him or made him angry. Maybe this was fates way of telling me to trust my gut; to start distancing myself from him and the whole situation before ending up accidently hurting him or someone close to him. I was leaving soon, so it made sense. I risked a glance at him again, only to find he was gone and I breathed a sigh. Jolly nudged my shoulder, asking me if I was okay, and I assured him I was, focusing back on the task at hand.
That afternoon, after breakfast and cleaning up, Jolly found me outside on the back patio, searching for an Uber pick-up. He scared me half to death the second he snuck up behind me and snatched my phone out of my hands. "Hey!", reaching for the phone out of Jolly’s long arms. "Don't hey me, ma'am. What do you think you're doing?" He glanced at the screen of my phone and his eyes blinked a couple of times. "Uber? Really Sophie?” His brows furrowed as he stared down at me. I folded my arms over my chest, chewing on my lip out of a nervous habit. Noah joined us, giving me a soft half-smile, but I quickly looked away. My mind was cluttered and I could feel the anxiety and pressure building up in me since breakfast. "What’s going on? Why are you looking up an Uber to your apartment?” I breathed in deeply thinking of how to explain it to him so he’d understand. "I need to go home, Jolly. This was never meant to be long term. Shit, it was really only supposed to overnight, yet here I am; still.” ‘What do you mean still? You make it sound like it’s a problem.” “It is,” I emphasized with wide eyes and tossing my hands up. “I’ve dumped my shit on you guys long enough and that’s something I never do. I don’t ask for help, I don’t burden others with my life, with things they can’t fix. There’s no point.” Throwing my hands on my hips, I walked over to the balcony, looking out into the valley below. Life was in full swing down there. That's what I had to do. I had to get back to reality even if it was hell. I had responsibilities that I couldn’t neglect. 
“I get it, Soph,” Jolly assured me, laying his hand gently on my shoulder. “Being a stranger in a place that’s not your home can be hard. I felt that when coming here from Sweden. I had a tough time at first and if it wasn’t for Noah, I would have gone back home.” We both turned to look at him. He was leaning against the side of the house, one foot pressed against the well, and hands folded over his chest. When he looked at me, my breath hitched and I swallowed hard. It was the same way he looked at me at the show; like he could see right through me. Maybe he did; in the best way possible. All the anxiety I was feeling melted away and his reassuring smile brough one to my own face.
“I know you’re anxious to get back to real life Sophie, but ask yourself if you’re ready. Going back to your apartment is likely to trigger something, something you might not be ready for yet.” I looked up into Jolly’s face. His features were so defined and strong and the way he carried himself made him seem a lot older than he really was. Jolly was gentle and had a big heart. He cared so much for so many things and people. “Thank you for understanding, Jolly. It's nice to have someone who does,” I grinned. He nodded his head towards Noah. “I’m not the only one. He’s crazy about you, Sophie. He’s just confused and has a lot of mixed emotions about everything that’s happening. Noah can be very complicated and complex. He’s not like most people. But once he’s made up his mind, he doesn’t change it. He follows through with whatever choice he’s made.” I nodded slowly at Jolly, indicating I understood. “So, has he made up his mind about me, you think?”, lowering my eyes, afraid of the answer. “Yeah, I think he has. That’s why he looks at you the way he does.” “How,” scrunching my brows together. Jolly smiled, huffing a laugh. “Like you put all the stars in the sky.” My heart skipped a few beats when hearing Jolly’s words. “He won’t let you go back alone, Sophie. He’s made that decision for himself already. Please try to understand where he’s coming from too, before making any of your own decisions. Whether you like it or not, there’s a heart involved now; well a few hearts really.” Jolly winked at me and took me into his arms, hugging me tight. After placing a small kiss on my forehead, he left Noah and I alone. 
 I turned my back on the view of the valley and set my sights on something better; a tall, slender, tattooed man with dark chocolate almond eyes, hair to die for, and a heart that was feeling more for me than it should. He was staring at me too, and for the first time I caught a glimpse of what Jolly had said; Noah was looking at me like I had put the stars in the sky. I suddenly yearned to be near him, so I casually drifted over to the side of the house where he was still standing.
“Hey,” softly kicking his foot with the tip of my toes. “Hey back,” he answered, his dark eyes wandering over me. “You okay?” I asked because even though he seemed fine, I knew he wasn't. I don't know how I knew, gut feeling maybe, but I just knew. “I’m okay. Just didn’t sleep well last night.” “I’m sorry. Anything in particular keeping you up?” Noah stuck out his bottom lip, shaking his head. “Insomnia. I don’t sleep well anyway. For some reason, I couldn’t find the right thing to listen to on my Calm app. Couldn't make the right decision.” He shrugged his broad shoulders with his arms still folded across his chest. Shoving my hands in my back pockets, I couldn't resist saying, “Well, maybe you should try making a bad decision instead of a right decision.” Noah's face lit up, and he chuckled, moving toward me and away from the side of the house. “Ha ha ha, very funny.” Brushing up against me, I could feel his body heat and smell his cologne. He was to die for. “Maybe you could be my bad decision,” he suggested, looking down at me with his chest almost flushed against mine, causing me to take a slightly deep breath. Noah's confession weakened me, sending shockwaves of excitement and arousal to places where they shouldn't have gone. At least not yet, not this soon. He slipped a finger under my chin and raised my face to look at me. The colors of his tattoos appeared to be crawling out of his shirt, as if choking him, and I couldn't resist the urge to touch him. Moving my eyes to his neck, I trailed my fingertips slowly down his partially exposed skin, feeling his breath hitch, stopping just at the collar of his white t-shirt. Noah brought his hand up to mine and laid it on top, our eyes darting back and forth with each other's. “You have incredible eyes.” I grinned at his confession. “So do you.” I knew he wasn’t in love with me, but damn! His eyes said “I love you” every time they locked on mine. They made me want to give in to him; emotionally, mentally, and physically. But I was afraid and knew that in the end, I would end up regretting it all anyway. Trust was a difficult thing for me, and if I couldn’t get a man like Perry to love me the way I wanted, the way I needed, what made me think Noah would. I was a basket case, a problem he didn’t need or deserve no matter what our emotions were saying. Noah was better off without me being a thorn in his side. Clearing my throat, I took a step back. Noah let out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, sorry, I got a little too close. Personal space, you know,” admitting shyly. I grinned at him, hoping he knew I wasn’t offended. “It’s fine. I don’t mind you in my personal space.” Shit. Where did that come from? Looking away to avoid his questioning stare, I looked back behind me out into the distant valley, remembering what I was planning to do. 
“I, uh, I really need to go back to my apartment,” I said, turning back around and letting my eyes glance at Noah for a moment. He was still looking at me, but turned away the instant our eyes met. “I thought Jolly talked you into staying a bit more.” “Not to stay. I just need to get some things. My laptop and work stuff; toiletries, clothes, that kind of stuff.” Noah relaxed, nodding. “You don’t like hanging out in my clothes?”, he joked but acted offended. “Noah, I could live in your hoodies and oversized joggers for the rest of my life, but I don't think the world would appreciate seeing me like that.” In one long stride, Noah closed the gap between us again, sliding his hand behind my head. My heart was pounding with how easily he could make me weak for him. “Fuck the world. You do what makes you feel good.” I let out a very nervous laugh. “I don’t think that would be a very good idea.” “Why not?” he asked, leaning down, closer to my face. “Because,” I said, barely above a whisper. “If I did what made me feel good, we’d both be in so much trouble, Noah.” I risked a glance up at him, seeing how hard he was fighting the urge and impulse running through his mind. “I don’t mind trouble,” he confessed, his lips moving closer to mine. “Oh fuck” I thought to myself. If he kissed me, there was no holding back. “You should,” I suggested. “Well, I guess I’ll stop looking for trouble since you’re right here then.” My insides exploded, causing my panties to become wet, the tingles and arousal to rip through my body, as his words completely decimated my thoughts. “Hey Noah, Jolly wants to know,” Folio was standing at the entrance of the house, the back door thrown wide open as he stood there speechless, looking at the two of us. “Fuck, sorry brother,” he sweetly apologized, turning to leave. “Nick, stop,” Noah called out, instantly letting me go and leaving me for his friend. Releasing the breath I was holding, I quickly rushed past both of them and back up into the bedroom where I poured out every scream and tear I’d been holding in. 
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Two Weeks Before - Dick Grayson x Reader
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Words: 1131 Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Warnings: Very cheesy holiday romance Summary: Two weeks before Christmas, you are struggling with there being no holiday decorations in your shared apartment. After bringing it up with Dick, he demands on changing that immediately. Author's Note: Merry Christmas! A short, fluff, cheesy fic is my present. I wasn't going to do a Christmas fic this year, but I was struck with inspiration. Other tags include established romance, very cliché and cheesy, and fluff without plot.
Dick / Full Masterlist
It started with small things. A little ornament here, a reindeer there, but it was so subtle that Dick didn't notice it at first. You knew he felt weird about the holidays. Not bad, but also not great. Just...weird.
You wanted to approach Dick about if you could decorate the apartment for the holidays, but he's been so busy that it never seemed like a good time to ask. The Blüdhaven and Gotham criminals have taken their holiday spirit and decided to make it worse for everyone instead of giving a break. Hopefully, it would calm down soon.
As you waited for Dick to get home, about two weeks before Christmas, you scrolled through Instagram, looking at all kinds of different room decorations. The apartment was still pretty empty, and you wanted to decorate, but you didn't want to put Dick on the spot and surprise him with decorations.
Though you've been dating for a few years, this is your first Christmas fully living together, and you didn't want to intrude. While you'd decorated your own apartment last year, you knew Dick's was just as bare as this year.
"Hey," You jumped when Dick's voice came from behind you. "Oops, sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Thought you heard me when I came in."
You looked up at Dick after catching your breath. He had just finished with...whatever was going on in Blüdhaven tonight, and he looked exhausted. His hair was a mess, and his face was sweaty. His mask was in his hand as he was removing the top part of his suit. "No, it's okay. I was lost in thought and didn't hear you. How was tonight?" You asked.
He groaned in response. "That great, huh?" You tried to bring some humor to the conversation. "Well, I'm hoping everything will lighten up as we get closer to Christmas and New Year's. But I know that's wishful thinking."
Dick shrugged. "I hope so, too," He sighed. "What were you thinking about?" He asked, giving up on getting out of the suit entirely and sat on the couch next to you.
"Ah, just looking at some of my friend's Instagram posts of their trees. I always love a decorated tree," You showed him your phone quickly, just a few photos.
As you showed him the pictures, Dick realized he had no decorations in his apartment. Well, now that he's looking around, he sees a few small things, but he didn't put those there. He knows you like to decorate, so why isn't there anything up? "Did you not want to do a tree this year?" He asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I remember how decorated your apartment was last year and before. Why didn't we decorate a tree?" Dick continued his question.
You shrugged. "You've been busy. And I know Christmas is a hard time for you with your family and stuff. I didn't want to overstep," You said.
Dick sighed, now knowing he missed all of the signs. "Overstep? This is your home, too. If you wanted to decorate, then we should decorate!"
"I know it's my home too, but I really didn't want to make anything worse. You didn't decorate at all last year."
"I guess I didn't, did I?" He asked, not expecting an answer. "I think I'm just so used to being at the Manor for celebrations, and that's always decorated. I didn't think about having anyone at my apartment to see the no-decorations thing." Dick knew it wasn't a great answer or excuse, but it's all he's got. Alfred likes to decorate Wayne Manor for the yearly all-inclusive holiday party, so Dick's never seen the point in decorating his own space since no one else sees it. But now, it's different.
You nodded at Dick's little explanation. "It makes sense. Alfred does do a really good job of decorating, and I can't wait to see his work this year."
"I am, too. But just because Alfred is a good decorator doesn't mean we can't have a tree and some lights!" Dick smiled. "You know what, we should go into storage tomorrow morning and get all your decorations and set up."
"You're sure? Christmas is almost here," You said.
Dick shook his head. "I don't care. If you want decorations, then we are decorating! We can leave it up as long as we want. We can listen to Christmas music or watch a movie while we get it all together."
"Sounds perfect," You smiled.
The next morning, Dick kept his promise, and the two of you got out your decorations from storage. You weren't planning to go all out, but at least your small tree and some lights around the apartment would be a good way to get into the holiday spirit. With some Christmas music on, the two of you got to work with setting up the tree, putting the ornaments on, and displaying lights around the apartment.
You added stand-alone decorations here and there, like one of those reindeer that sings Jingle Bells and a family of gnomes. You realized too late that you only had a stocking with your name on it, but Dick didn't have one, so that didn't get displayed. You made a note for the following year.
Time flew by as the two of you danced around the apartment setting up. This was the most fun Dick had ever had decorating for the holidays, it was super casual and lighthearted, plus he was doing it with the person he loves most. He regretted not setting up earlier, but he's so glad you're decorating now. Every so often, he looks over and just watches you, humming along to the music and enjoying the decorating.
His apartment has always been so bare. He knows now he wouldn't want it any other way with you; the decorations really add to it, and it makes both of you happy.
The decorating was dying down as almost everything was set up. It was more than either of you were planning, and quite a few boxes were empty. Just as Dick was packing up a box to put back in storage, something caught his eye. He smirked when he realized what it was, grabbed it, and walked up behind you.
Dick startled you a little bit, but you knew he was there, so it wasn't anything crazy. You looked over your shoulder at him to see the big, cheesy smile on his face as he held his hand above your heads. "Oh, what are we to do, caught under mistletoe?" He sighed dramatically.
"Well, we wouldn't want to be stuck here, would we?" You answered and turned to give him a kiss. His cheesy smile stayed as you kissed, even when the mistletoe dropped.
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mochie85 · 2 years
I love all you write, your writing is always on point 💖
Please can you write a Loki x Reader where she is an asshole to everybody, especially him?
Reader joins the avengers but she doesn't get along with anyone. She is always in her room or training by herself. She usually goes out at night so she can do a little "justice" on her own (just so she can beat somebody). Loki tries to get close to her, but she is pure anger and frustration. 
When she was training he auto invited and he proposed that if he wins she will have a date with him, and she says if he wins he will leave her alone forever. She ends up kicking his ass.
One of those nights she gets out, things get messy and it is Loki who saves her. Instead of being thankful, she gets angry. 
She only joined the avengers so she can have revenge on somebody there.
On a mission with everybody, she betrayed them.
Not a happy ending, please 🙏
Sorry if it's too long, I got carried away 😅
Just Breathe - Chapter 2
Just Breathe Masterlist Complete Masterlist
A/N: Thank you Nonny, for the kind words and the request. I hope you like this. I'm sorry it took a while. I added people to the taglist who didn't ask to be tagged. So if you'd like to be removed, no hard feelings. I won't take it personally. I'm sorry I overstepped. On the flip side, if you'd like to be added to my taglist, don't hesitate to reach out. As always, my ASKS are always open. Pairing: Loki x Female Villain(~ish) Reader Word Count: under 2.2k Warnings: Angst, history of trauma, some cursing, mild violence Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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The sweat dripped down from your neck onto your back. Your muscles protested as you lifted your arms once more and pulled your chin over the bar for another set of pull-ups.
The gym got unnaturally warmer as you controlled your breathing and held your breath. A fire, settling in the atmosphere, waiting to be unleashed.  
“I could help, you know. With your powers.” The deep voice said from behind you.
“I don’t need your help.” You grunted pulling yourself up one more time. “What I need is for you people to leave me alone.” You dismounted the bars and gathered your belongings.
“You can’t just stay isolated forever. It’s been months now. We’ve already taken down two HYDRA facilities with your help. When are you going to accept that you’re a part of this team? Whether you like it or not.”
“I am not a part of this team. I will never be a part of this team. I will never be a suck-up! Like you.” You threw your bag over your shoulder and headed for the exit.
As you reached for the bar of the door, a sharp ‘thwip’ of a blade landed where your hands were about to push.
“Come on, darling. One round.” Loki said trying to goad you. You took in a deep breath, the air around you circulating, then you exhaled.
“What will it take for you to leave me alone?”
“Tussle with me.” He said and you raised your lips in annoyance. You just knew that he had a different definition of ‘tussle.’
“Fine. If I win, you leave me the hell alone.” You barked as you dropped your duffel bag onto the floor.
“And If I win…” he said as his smirk grew nauseatingly wide, “…I get to take you out on a date. Do peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sound good?”
“Pathetic. For a prince, I thought you’d have something more luxurious in mind.”
“Ahh, so you have thought about me.” Loki’s grin couldn’t be wiped off. “So, what should we do on this date that you’ve already thought of?” He started circling you. A dagger formed in his hand and he twirled it in the air.
“Why don’t you just look inside my head? You’re good at trespassing into other people’s privacy.”
“As much as I want to see what goes on in that delectable mind of yours, I won’t do it unless you beg me to. And I do mean, beg.”
You picked up a rattan staff perched on the weapons rack on the wall. You twirled it behind you as you lunged down into a battle stance. “Come on then.” You said beckoning him.
He lunged and twirled towards you, unleashing hidden daggers in his wake. You used the staff and twirled it in front of you, blocking his onslaught attack. One of the sharp blades caught itself at the end of your stick.  You dislodged it and threw it in the air. With a swing of your staff, you propelled it like a baseball towards his head.
It went straight through his image, lodging itself into the wall behind him. In a matter of seconds, he duplicated himself and surrounded you with his clones.
Your breathing got heavier. Your body needed more oxygen. You were tired from having already worked out an hour prior. The heat in the room rose higher as more and more particles tried to alleviate the need for air in your body.
You swung your staff quickly in a circle, passing through each clone until it got close to the true Loki. He stopped the staff from hitting his head with his hand and that’s when you pulled him towards you.
You let go of the staff and cradled his head in your hands. The look on his face was priceless. Arrogance. Shock. Confusion. Acceptance. Then…smugness.
Your lips nudged his, telling him to open. As he did so, his hands trailed down the side of your torso, holding you delicately. He tilted his head giving you further access.
You pressed your lips into his and you began to suck the air out of his lungs. He realized too late what you were doing. He couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t speak. He couldn’t yell out for help as he fell to his knees.
He tried to claw your hands away from his face. but he was too weak and winded to do anything.
You continued to coax his breath out until his lips started to turn blue and his eyes turned red. You pushed him down onto the gym floor and finally let go of your hold on his lungs. “And stay down!” you growled, angrily.
Loki took a huge gasp of air and coughed. He’s alive. He’ll be fine, you thought as you gathered up your belongings and headed towards the exit.
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Months. He was right. It had been months. You would never admit that you had a better chance of stopping the HYDRA facilities with the help of The Avengers. With their information on where certain SHIELD and SWORD facilities were, you were able to ascertain which ones had been compromised and which ones were ok to leave alone. For now.
But in all your dismantling and self-righteous justice, you still weren’t able to find him.
So you decided to do some searching of your own. You went out each night and stalked from the shadows. You didn’t trust anyone to go with you. If SHIELD was just a front for HYDRA activities, then what were The Avengers a front for?
Sure they were great against apocalyptic events, but real life is a lot more than big events thrown together. It’s the small ones that, if left unchecked, snowball into those big events. Maybe, just maybe, in all your dealings and vigilante justice, you could’ve stopped someone’s villain origin story from happening. Stopped them from becoming someone like you. Jaded and just angry.
In the end, you decided that you couldn’t trust these people. The ones that were formed by the same organization that imprisoned you for your powers. You would use them, then you would leave.
“Ahh, did he get to you again?” a deep voice rattled in the shadows behind you. You turned from the building ledge you were sitting on to find The Devil himself landing next to you. His horned helmet looked sharp and menacing under the city lights.
“How would you know?”
“Cuz I can hear it. Your heart does this weird rhythm every time you have an interaction with him.” Ugh, there is no way you have any sort of feelings for Loki.
“Ya. It’s called homicidal anger,” you retorted. Red just laughed. He didn’t have the heart to say that it sounded more like a romantic infatuation to him, an attachment. But, in this crazy world that you supers live in, one can be interchangeable with the other. So who was he to say what you were feeling?
“Have you stopped anything tonight?” He asked you.
“No. You?”
“Petty robberies and a thieving ring up by the docks.”
“Ugh. You always get the good ones. Why don’t they come around my neighborhood anymore?”
“You’re complaining that your neighborhood is…safe?” Red said with incredulity.
“I just needed something to do. I feel like I’m not getting anywhere in my search.” You said rolling your eyes, exasperated that your search for him has turned fruitless.
“Aah. I see.”
“Says the blind man.” He let out a puff of breath as a laugh. He then patted your shoulder with his knuckles.
“There.” He said pointing to the dark alleyway. An unmarked van just pulled up and two men walked out in dark clothing. “There’s a third person. In the van. A woman. She’s breathing, alive. Unconscious.”
“I got this.”
“Are you sure?” he asked. Just then Red’s head turned to the side as if he heard someone call out his name. “Hmm. I got to go.” He said with a grin. He turned back to you. “You got this. I’ll see you next time.”
“Laters, Red.” You said and watched him jump to the ledge of the next building. You took in a lungful of breath as you jumped the five-story building. You blew out through your mouth, slowly and down, helping you float to the sidewalk.
The two men looked at you suddenly. “Boys, whose in the back?” you asked.
“Would you like to join her?” asked one of them while the other moved behind you.
“No.” you took a deep breath and let it out quickly, blowing a windstorm, knocking out the first man. The man behind you grabbed you by putting his arms around you and caging you in. You struggled to get loose, but he was strong. You tried to hold your breath to start a fire, but the first man recovered and gave you a backhanded slap. It knocked the wind out of you and you struggled to breathe. Your assailant behind you squeezed harder.
The lack of oxygen in your body made the surrounding particles encircle you. You tried to breathe, your bout earlier with Loki made you tired and faint. Your body couldn’t get air fast enough.
Embers started at the man’s pant leg and traveled up his body. Another flame erupted on your captor’s arms. He soon let go of you as the flames grew higher. You fell to the ground, no oxygen, almost blacking out.
That was when you heard the soft purring of a motorcycle engine stop in front of you. You heard a scuffle. Some grunts and a painful yell as a fight broke out while flames surrounded your vision.
“Come on, darling.”
“No!” you screamed. Then blacked out.
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A constant beep from a monitor made its way through your consciousness, forcing you to wake up. Your eyes squinted and watered at the bright light overhead. You held out your hands to cover your eyes and noticed an IV stuck on your hand. You slowly got up feeling the tubes of oxygen in your nose.
“Sorry about that. We had to make sure you got enough oxygen or you’d start a fire in the infirmary.” Stephen said to you.
“What am I doing here? What happened?” You moaned.
“Karma, if you ask me. You got the wind knocked out of you.” Loki said from behind you.  You let out a sigh of disappointment and tried to get yourself out of bed.
“Nope. You are staying here. Until I say so.” Stephen tried to push you back down. “You’re lucky I was in the tower when Loki came in with you. Otherwise, you’d have suffocated and died of smoke inhalation.” You unconsciously took a deep breath and let it out. Swirls of air drifted past your lips making a small hurricane on top of your hand.
“I’m fine.” You huffed showing your demonstration to the doctor.
“Just stay. If you’re truly fine, I’ll let you go in an hour. Perks of being an Avenger.” He said winking at you. Ugh, I am not an Avenger!
Dr. Strange left with your chart, leaving you and Loki behind, alone, in the medical room.
“So, do you often go out at night seeking thrills?”  he asked you seriously. Your eyes raked over him up and down, noting that he quickly recovered from your bout earlier. Although, perhaps, you heard a slight twinge of hoarseness in his voice.
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”
“You are a part of this team! You should be glad that someone was there to help you. Those two criminals would’ve likely dragged you off with their other victim.”
“I could’ve taken them!”
“Sure. Would that have been before or after your horned friend in red abandoned you?” Loki snapped. You realized that he saw more than you thought. How long had he been following you? Red must’ve known. Is that why he left so quickly? Ooh, he’ll pay for leaving you with him.
“Jealous? Lucky Charms?”
“Not at all. But if that’s what you’re into, maybe I can wear my horned helmet next time we ‘tussle.’”
“As, if.” Just then, a huge commotion of nurses and agents ran through the window of your medical room.
“Ah, it seems that Sgt. Barnes and Sgt. Wilson are back from their four-month long mission.” Loki noted under his breath.
A man with short, cropped hair and piercing blue eyes stopped in front of the window to your room. He was being assessed by the medical staff and greatly annoyed being done so. You took one look at his metal left arm and gasped a lung full of air.
“NO!” you screamed. “No, no, no, no.” you continued saying as you hurried off your bed, pulling the IV from your hand and the tubes from your nose.
“Zee, what’s the matter?” Loki tried to reason with you. You tried to shake his hand away from you. You tried to push him away. There is no one that’ll stop you now. “Zee! Look at me.” He yelled.
You pushed him back. “NO!” you yelled out. You screamed at him to let you go. The commotion in your room attracted the attention of the people outside. For a brief moment, you locked eyes with the metal-armed man. You locked eyes with Sgt. Barnes. You locked eyes with him, your abuser.
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⬅️Chapter 1 | Chapter 3➡️
All Taglist: @alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @britishserpent @huntress-artemiss @mischief2sarawr @user13cabs @one-oblivious-nerd @crimson25 @nopenottodayson @el-zef @lokiprompts21 @lokisninerealms @lokisgoodgirl @michelleleewise @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane @lucylaufeyson3 @loopsisloops @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vbecker10 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @salempoe
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middleearthpixie · 9 months
Promise Me ~ Chapter Twenty-Two
Summary: Friends since childhood, Gabriella has long held back her feelings where Boromir is concerned, as she did not want to risk losing his friendship if he didn't feel the same. But, then he is summoned to Rivendell, and the night before he is to leave, he stuns Gabriella by confessing his feelings for her as well. 
But, war is coming and he cannot put off what he knows must be done. All Gabriella can do is wait for him and pray for his safe return. 
Fandom: The Lord of the Rings (AU, Boromir lives)
Pairing: Boromir x ofc Gabriella
Warnings: none 
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.6k
Tag List: @sotwk @heilith @fizzyxcustard @evenstaredits @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @emmyspov @finnofamerica @lathalea @ass-deep-in-demons @quiall321 @mistofstars @justfollowtheroad @guardianofrivendell @glassgulls @doctorwhump @kmc1989 @estethell
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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“I’m not hurting you, am I?”
Boromir turned his head to peer at her over his right shoulder. “Not at all, love. I’m fine. You need not fuss over me, you know. I assure you, I’m fine.”
“I know, but it’s been a rough day for you.” Gabriella shifted her position, which was firmly seated on his backside, and smiled as she got more comfortable to resume the back rub she’d offered him. “And, I don't wish to cause you any more pain at all. So you’ll tell me if I grow too heavy, won’t you?”
“You’re fine, Gabby. I promise.”
“Good.” She bit back a sigh at the sight of his bare back. Rain pattered softly against the windowpanes. The bed was a bit of a mess, with the sheet and quilts untucked and half hanging onto the floor, and was thoroughly rumpled besides, and a single candle burned on her bedside table to cast dancing shadows along the walls around them. The flickering golden light highlighted the swells of muscle along his back, across his shoulders, burnishing his skin ivory. He bore several scars across that broad plane as well. Most looked as if they’d come from blades—raised long and thin white lines stretching across this way or that, white with age.
She leaned forward, her hands coming to rest along the thick muscle across his shoulders, and he let out a soft groan of appreciation as she kneaded those bands, his sigh almost lusty as he whispered, “Oh, that feels heavenly…”
“It’s supposed to.”
“It does.”
His head still turned to the right, all she could see was that side of his face and when his eye closed, she smiled. His was such a fascinating profile—the sharp definition of his jawline, the prominence of his nose, the ridge of his brows—she wished she could draw, for she would love to capture the sheer masculine beauty of his face. 
His eye opened then and his lips curved upward in a grin. “That side of my face grows hot, love. Why do you stare?”
“Because you steal the breath from my lungs, Boromir, and you have since we first met.”
That grin grew into a full, if sleepy, smile. “You had a soft spot for boys with big noses, then?”
“Your nose is just fine the way it is, you know. And I doubt anyone would argue that with me.” She gave the thick band of muscle beneath her fingers a gentle squeeze. “I love your face. It’s perfect.”
“It’s far from perfect and you know it.”
“Stop. It’s perfect and I love it.”
His eye closed again and with a low sigh, he seemed to sink more deeply into the mattress. “That feels wonderful, you know. Thank you.”
“You’ve had a long day,” she told him, resuming her kneading. “And I hope I did not overstep earlier, at the funeral.”
“Overstep?” His eye opened again. “How so?”
“Well…” she shrugged, digging her thumbs into a knot in his left shoulder, “I stood with you and Faramir, as if I was part of your family. As Cadell pointed out.”
“Ask me if I care what that fool thinks. You’re going to be my wife, Gabby. I care not if anyone was troubled with you being there because we’ve not made us official yet.” He sucked in a sharp breath as she continued trying to massage out the knot in his shoulder. “Do take care, love. That hurts a bit.”
“Oh,” she stilled her hands and bent to sweep a light kiss where she’d just been kneading, “I’m so sorry. I didn't realize I was rubbing so hard.”
“It’s fine, just a bit tender, is all.”
“Even so.”
“No, there is no need to apologize.” He let out a soft groan as she stretched out and came flush against him. “Oh, this is evennicer.”
She smiled, her lips brushing his ear. “You’ll tell me if I’m too—”
“If you say heavy, love, I’ll toss you clear onto the floor,” he said with a hint of laughter in his voice. “You are anything but heavy and even if you were, I would not care. This feels just perfect, your amazing breasts pressing into my back more than make up for any discomfort.”
She trailed her fingers along his forearms, slipping beneath the pillow under his head to link them with his. “Is that so?”
“Oh, definitely.” His eye closed again. “Most definitely, indeed.”
This time, she swept her lips along his cheek, bristly with new beard once more. “I love you.”
A soft sigh whispered through his lips. “Mmmm… I love you, too, Gabby.”
He sounded half-asleep, which was perfectly understandable, given it was nearly two in the morning and he’d had an extraordinarily long day besides. She snuggled against him, brushed his shoulder with a light kiss, then whispered, “Should I move?”
He didn't answer, but instead carefully shifted onto his back without dislodging her and smiled, letting his hands sweep down over her backside, before bringing them up and wrapping her in his arms once more. “Never.”
She gazed down at him, brushing his hair away from his forehead, her fingertips lingering once more over that scar that probably wasn't very noticeable to anyone not familiar with him. “I never realized how you look after your brother. Not until I heard all those stories tonight. You risked your father’s wrath for him.”
“I did it to spare him. Our father always rode him hard. Too hard, if you ask me. And even when I tried to take the blame, Faramir usually got the worse punishment.” His eyes softened, taking on a bit of a faraway look. “But it wasn't always that way. Denethor was always a bit more lenient with me than he was with Faramir, but our mother would call him out if he went too far.”
“What happened to her? You so rarely speak of her.”
He offered up a sad smile. “She was never truly happy here. She came from Dol Amroth, and Minas Tirith never quite suited her. She was twenty years younger than my father, you know, and he was never an overly affectionate man. I cannot recall ever seeing either one of them touch one another on a whim, but only when formal portraits and or the occasion called for it, now that I think about it.
“But, she was always affectionate with me and later with Faramir. I often wondered if my father preferred to have a daughter instead of a second son, for he always seemed ready to simply ignore Faramir. He left him for my mother to rear on her own and I can only now, looking back, surmise that his birth had been rough for her, for she was never the same after he was born. She grew frail and was often sick. She missed her home. Missed being near the sea. The river wasn’t quite the same, you know.”
Gabriella pressed her lips together as his eyes grew shiny. He cleared his throat and said, “She became a ghost of herself. Just grew weaker and weaker until one day, I went into her chambers to ask her if I could take Faramir to the river and I thought she was sleeping. She’d taken to napping on and off through the day, so it wasn’t so unusual at that hour. But when I touched her arm to wake her, she was cold.”
His voice grew softer, as if speaking hurt, and Gabriella could feel that pain herself, her eyes stinging as a hint of confusion came into Boromir’s voice. “And I just kept trying, just kept asking her to open her eyes until finally, my father came in and saw…”
His voice trailed off and his eyes closed as he drew in a deep breath. “I think he blamed Faramir for her weakened state. I think that’s partly why he always was so hard on him. He was punishing him for what happened to our mother. As if Faramir had intentionally made things rough on her.”
She waited for him to continue, but he just lay there, his eyes closed, and his breathing hitched slightly. Carefully, she eased off him, stretching out alongside him and whispered, “I’m so sorry, Boromir.”
He slid his arm about her shoulders, tugging her closer, and pressed a kiss into her temple. “She would have liked you, I think.”
“Do you? You don't think she or Denethor would have thought along the lines Cadell thought?”
“My mother? No, probably not. Denethor? I couldn't even begin to hazard a guess. I know he didn't think I should waste my time chasing any women.”
She lifted her head. “What?”
He nodded. “I told him I’d met this beautiful girl and he looked me in the eye and said, ‘Your duty is to Gondor first.’ And when I tried to describe her, I was told in no uncertain terms, that lust fades and passion dies and Gondor and power were all that mattered.”
Her gut kinked at that. “Was this when you were sweet on Kaia?”
He shook his head. “No. She didn't even come close to this girl’s beauty.”
Gabriella pursed her lips, wracking her brain to think of who he might have meant. “Danica?”
“Try again.” 
“It had to be Asta, then. I’m fairly certain no woman in Gondor is prettier than she is.”
He rose onto his elbow to gaze down at her. “You’re forgetting one, Gabriella.”
“Then who—” She met that gaze. “Wait…”
He smiled then. “I’d met this beautiful girl who was too young for me then because she was but thirteen years old. By the time we’d both worked up the courage to kiss for the first time, she was thirty-eight and I was forty-one and she is still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Boromir, you cannot possibly be telling me the truth.”
“Well… because… you simply can’t.”
“Of course I can. And you can ask Faramir if you don't believe me. My father didn't want to hear one word about it. I imagine my mother would have wanted to meet you to give you her approval in person.”
“And if she didn't approve?”
“It wouldn’t have mattered. I’d still be here.” He leaned in and his lips touched hers. A moment later, he was pressing her down onto her back and nudging her legs apart to ease his hips between them, and that was the end of all conversation. 
Somewhere in the distance, a door closed, the bang sharp enough that it roused Boromir from a heavy sleep. He lifted his head to squint toward the bedroom door, which was ajar. 
Gabby lay sound asleep beside him, on her side, a hand tucked up beneath her cheek. He draped his arm about her waist, his fingers just barely brushing the soft curve of her belly. She didn't stir, so perhaps the bang he’d heard was simply his over-active imagination toying with him. Or perhaps it was in his dream. He didn't recall, but was thankful he didn't lurch awake or cry out, as he did from time to time since he’d left Rivendell. 
She snuggled closer to him, which made him smile, as nothing offered the same sort of comfort as her seeking him out, of her pressing herself as close to him as possible. It was one thing when she was awake, but quite another when she did it in her sleep. He’d shared his bed before, but she was the only one who, each night, moved closer to him. The only one who, come the morning, he was happy to find there. In past relationships, he preferred to leave, slipping into the darkness before the woman could try to convince him to stay. And he almost never allowed women to pass the night in his flat. 
Until Gabby.
A soft creaking reached his ears. This time, he knew it was not his imagination and so he carefully—and noiselessly—slid from the bed, easing into his small clothes and trousers as he stood. He fastened them, then reached for his sword, gripping it firmly as he padded—noiselessly—to the door and slipped about it. 
The bedchambers were at the end of the narrow hallway, and as he crept toward the snow-clear sound of footsteps, he heard the low hum of whispers.
“If she is not here, where might she be?”
“Perhaps with a friend?”
Both voices were low, only slightly softer than the other and Boromir tightened his fingers on the sword’s grip before stepping around the corner, the blade out. “Who are you and what business have you here?”
“What the deuce!” Agnar sputtered, lurching back to step smack into his wife, Gabby’s mother. 
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Eir shot back, shoving her husband to the side. Her gaze alit on Boromir, widened as it moved over him. “Where is my daughter? What have you done with her?”
Both relief and horror washed over Boromir as he lowered the blade and tried not to think about his state of undress. “I beg your pardon, of course, but Gabby is still sleeping.”
“And you—” Agnar’s eyes narrowed. “Boromir? The steward’s son? What the deuce are you doing here, boy? Is Gabby all right? Has something happened to her?”
“She’s fine, and yes, it’s me,” he nodded, looking from Gabby’s father to her mother. “I assure you, she is perfectly fine. Just… sleeping still…”
“Why are you here, though?” Eir asked softly.
Agnar coughed, a hint of color coming to his cheeks. “Eir, I think we both know the answer to that.”
“We do—oh…” Eir’s eyes went wide, her jaw went slack, and her blush outshone her husband’s. “She did tell us about you. About the two of you, that is… I—I… I don't know what to say.”
Boromir breathed an inward sigh of relief that neither one of them seemed ready to demand his head on a pike, but that didn't mean he wasn't still somewhat uncomfortable, standing there in only his trousers. Gesturing toward the kitchen, he said, “I might fix us breakfast. I think.”
To his surprise, Eir smiled. “I know where everything is, so I will make us breakfast. Perhaps you might tell Gabby we’ve arrived? She’s obviously not expecting us, as I have the feeling we’ve arrived before our post, since I think she might have told you if she knew we were coming.”
“I should hope so. Trust I would not greet you with a blade if I expected you.”
Agnar grinned. “I am only glad you did not swing it.”
“As am I.” Boromir gestured over his shoulder toward Gabby’s bedchamber. “I’ll go wake her.”
“Thank you, Boromir,” Eir said as she began bustling about the kitchen. 
“Do you need wood?”Agnar asked his wife. 
“I think there was some still in the rack,” Boromir replied. “I will go fe—”
“Nonsense!” Agnar boomed. “I am perfectly capable of bringing up wood, my boy. Who do you think did it before we left?”
He didn't wait for Boromir to answer or argue, but tugged open the kitchen door and disappeared down the staircase. That left him and Eir and a rather awkward silence. 
“So, I see you survived your travels to Rivendell. Gabby wrote us to tell us you’d returned home.”
He managed a smile as he leaned his blade against the wall in the corner. “I did, indeed.”
“Although” she peered at him over one shoulder as she moved to the icebox to take out the last of the eggs on their tray, “you do look a bit worse for the wear.”
“I beg your pardon?”
She set the eggs on the counter and gestured to her own collarbone. “The bandage rather gives it away. Were you seriously wounded?”
“Seriously enough, yes.” He stepped up as she struggled to reach one of the bowls on the top cupboard shelf and brought it down to hand to her. “What else did Gabby tell you?”
Eir’s eyes softened. “She said she was worried for you, That you’d walked a long way to return home and were in sorry shape.”
“Sorry shape,” Boromir managed a chuckle. “I suppose that would be one way of describing it. Might I help you with that?”
“You might, indeed. Light a fire, if you’d be so kind.” 
“Of course.” He moved to the hearth, where the kindling was still perfectly stacked and ready to be lit, with both flint and steel on the mantle above the hearth. It took only a few minutes before the flames crackled to life and he stood up, feeling almost no pain from his wounded thigh. 
“So, tell me,” Eir cracked an egg into an earthenware bowl, “what are your intentions, where my daughter is concerned?”
“I promise you, my intentions are the most honorable.” He scooped up the broken eggshells after she cracked each one into the bowl. “I’ve already asked her for her hand and she has said yes.”
“Good. And what does the steward have to say about this?” she asked, attacking the eggs with a whisk.
He cleared his throat softly. “I am the steward, madame. And I am perfectly fine with it.”
The whisk went still. She slowly turned away. “What was that?”
He nodded. “My father… uh… died… ten days ago. So…” he offered up a slightly smile, “I am the steward.”
“I’m so sorry, Boromir. Your father was a fair and noble man.”
“Thank you.”
She bobbed her head and turned back to the eggs. “So, have you and Gabby chosen a date?”
“We’ve not, but simply because she wished to wait until my father was laid to rest, which he was yesterday.”
“Again, I am so sorry. Had we but known—”
“Known what?” Agnar asked as he came through the door, just barely making it with the armful of wood he carried. 
Boromir moved to relieved him of the burden as Eir said, “The steward has passed, Agnar.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” Agnar replied, looking up at Boromir. “My condolences.”
“Thank you.” Boromir moved to the rack near the hearth to stack the wood, then straightened up. Looking from Agnar to Eir and back, he finally said, “I must confess, I’m rather surprised neither of you is upset at finding me here.”
Eir set down the bowl and moved to set the frying pan over the fire, letting it heat. “What purpose would it serve? She is no longer a child and neither are you. And to be honest,” she smiled, “she could do far worse than you.”
He chuckled. “Thank you.”
“Mama? Papa?”
All three of them turned to see Gabby in the kitchen doorway, her hair a tangled mess about her shoulders, her eyes sleepy and heavy-lidded. Eir’s smile widened. “Good morning, love. I was just making breakfast for us.”
The sleepiness faded as she stared at them. “And you’re not… angry?”
“Not at all, no.” Eir shook her head. “Why would we be? As I was just saying to Boromir, neither of you is a child. And while I’d rather not think about why he’s here, I’m certainly not angry about it and neither is your father, isn’t that right, Agnar?”
Although he didn't appear all that happy at all about it, Agnar still nodded and managed to say, “It is, indeed.”
Boromir pressed his lips together to hold back his own smile, especially when Gabby looked at him with her eyebrows practically raised into her hairline. She, however, did not trouble to hold back her own smile as she sank into one of the chairs. “Good.”
“Besides,” Eir added with a hint of pointedness, “he has already assured me he plans to marry you.”
“He does.” Gabby’s eyes softened as they met his once more. “And we will, now that things have begun to settle down here.”
Eir moved to pour the egg mixture into the frying pan. “You’re out of eggs.”
“I know. I need to go to the market, but some things are very hard to come by still.”
Boromir moved over to stand behind her and let his hands come down on her shoulders. Despite her relaxed demeanor, tension wound tight through the delicate muscle of her shoulders and without thinking, he gentle kneaded that tension from them. “I will see about the state of supplies and inventories when I return to the tower, which I should probably do now.”
“You must have something eat first,” Eir told him as she scrambled the eggs in the heavy iron pan. “Go and dress and it will be ready when you return.”
A hint of heat swept through him, growing hotter when Gabby leaned her head back and offered up the impish smile that made him melt on the inside as she said, “Mama’s right. You need to eat.”
The sparkle in her eyes made his stomach flutter and without thinking, he leaned over and pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss, letting his fingers trail lightly down her cheeks and over her jawline. When he drew back, it was to find her still smiling and without thinking, he murmured, “I love you.”
She winked. “I know.”
With that, he straightened up. “I’ll be back in only a few moments.”
“No worries, Boromir,” Eir told him. “The eggs aren’t going anywhere.”
He smiled, gave Gabby’s shoulders another squeeze, and then retreated back to her bedchamber to dress, still marveling that neither her mother nor her father were looking for his head on a pike, but instead seemed happy enough for them.
Brighter days had most definitely come to Minas Tirith at last. 
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schizosupport · 1 year
Hi, it’s the paranoid anon who had a crush on their friend, again…
I’m here to ask advice, again, I hope it’s okay? My social circle is pretty small…
The situation with my friend, currently, is bad.
Until a few days ago, I had the habit of commenting on her posts (ironic posts or even just straight sad posts) with what I thought to me was concerned half jokes.
I thought she didn’t like them, because one day she tagged everyone who’s a mutual friend and said that she’s just trying to make a joke, that she wanted to make us all laugh, and thanked for the efforts. (Plus a few sad and inverted face emojis)
So… I told her, that I thought I made her sad, and so unfollowed her to not hurt her and comment on her posts, to which she replied she wasn’t actually sad, and said it was all a meme (a joke).
And she also told me to keep commenting on her posts. In a very aggressive manner.
That made me feel hurt. Used, for a joke. I felt offended. I really dislike it when people boss me around. And would really not talk to her about it anymore. And also not follow her anymore.
She still interacts with me as before, but… I notice I’m trying to avoid her.
And I wanted to ask… is that an okay course of action? Am I being reasonable here?
I’m not sure because I’m pretty paranoid, and I know my paranoia can get the best of me at times. But I’m also unsure because I’ve been gaslight into doubt before, too.
Hi there anon! It's always ok to send an ask, don't worry about reaching out!
Ok so of course I can only speculate on some elements of this situation based on the information in your ask, so forgive me if I'm totally off.
So I'm going to be honest and say that based on what little information I have in this ask, your level of upset with her behaviour sounds like it might be a bit disproportionate. On the other hand, it also sounds like she's not been very sensitive to things that could upset you, and there can obviously be a number of elements in this situation that I don't know of, which is causing/influencing your reaction.
From your description this sounds like a series of misunderstandings and overreactions from each side. You'd been commenting on your friend's half-jokey sad posts with half-jokey concern. This is normal and okay behaviour. Then your friend makes a post to clarify that she may joke about being sad a lot, but she's ok don't worry, but thanks for the concern! I don't think anyone who is not the least bit sad makes sad humour posts, but she may have realized that some of it may be concerning to others. Alternatively, she may have felt self-conscious about being too open about her emotional life on social media. I have no idea how the sad and inverted emojis fit into this message, but also I'm old.
At this point you interpreted this post as if she's upset/saddened by your comments, you told her as much, unfollowed her and said you will stop commenting. Now again I haven't seen the post she wrote, but based on what you've told me, this isn't an obvious read of the post, and it wouldn't be an expected or desired reaction. She's clarifying that she's ok but 'thanks for the support anyways', and suddenly this is taken to mean that she was upset by the comments, and she is unfollowed by a close friend. You're doing this bc you feel that you've overstepped a boundary and you're trying to respect her, but from the other side this likely didn't make obvious sense. And in the most basic sense, I think she was hurt by it, and she replied aggressively and in generalizing terms.
Then this again is really uncomfortable on your end. You feel like you're being ordered to interact and like you've been made a fool of for showing genuine concern for your friend. Once again, perfectly valid to feel, but I think the reality of the situation is a bit more complicated.
I think she was upset bc you stopped following her (out of the blue from her perspective) and she genuinely appreciated your commentary. Likely for the joke, and likely for the kernel of truth underneath the joking. So I don't think she was telling you to 'keep generate content with me' as much as she was saying 'wtf pls don't cut my hand off all of a sudden'. And given that you reason for unfollowing was your concern that you make her sad, she would be expected to double down on the notion that it's all a joke.
Obviously this all comes down to dynamics and conversations that I'm not privy to, and as I said, there could be factors i don't know of. All I'm saying is that based on what little info you have given me, this isn't necessarily a sign that either of you have wronged the other.
With that being said, even if it's an unreasonable course of action to avoid her etc, I think that it can still be an okay course of action. You are your own person.
I do think that it's important not to dismiss your feelings and desired boundaries out of hand. I think it's worthwhile to examine the evidence behind it, but even if you found yourself completely unreasonably uncomfortable with someone's company, you still get to respect your boundaries and take a break from that person. Taking a step back from a relationship and examining it from above can be helpful in figuring out if that relationship is healthy to you or not.
You can be hurt or uncomfortable even if the other person has a good explanation for their behaviour, even if their behaviour was objectively ok. And you are in your right to take a break or pull away from a relationship if that's what feels best.
But if you are unsure, and if you hope to get back to what once were in a relationship, then trying to have a conversation about what is going on can be helpful. And if pulling away entirely, throwing a 'I'm sorry but I'm feeling triggered and uncomfortable in the relationship right now so I'm going to retreat for now' is a worthwhile effort in my opinion.
Because from the other end, it's very upsetting to be suddenly ghosted, unfollowed or even blocked by a friend for reasons they may not even begin to understand.
I don't know if this is helpful, but that's what I'm thinking off the top of my head. I hope everything goes well, whatever you choose to do!
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kangofu-cb · 1 year
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I posted 1,519 times in 2022
43 posts created (3%)
1,476 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 882 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#queued up - 736 posts
#other people's art - 654 posts
#clint barton - 373 posts
#bucky barnes - 338 posts
#hawkeye - 267 posts
#winterhawk - 155 posts
#kate bishop - 63 posts
#winter soldier - 61 posts
#the winter soldier - 55 posts
#natasha romanoff - 44 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#also i’ve seen the psychic damage people shipping stuff that looks like it will be/ought to be canon and then they get f*me and like
My Top Posts in 2022:
For anyone following the Saga of My Life for the last couple of years
Today my Master of Science in Nursing, Adult Gero Acute Care NP degree was conferred!!!
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51 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, DCU (Comics) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton/Jason Todd, also featuring established Winterhawk Characters: Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Jason Todd Additional Tags: Roleplay, Sexual Roleplay, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Virginity Roleplay, picking up a stranger in a bar, Established Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton, Threesome - M/M/M, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Jason Todd Feels, jason todd is a bossy bitch actually, Switching, Multiple Partners, First Dates, kind of but not really, roleplaying a first date, but somehow it takes a turn for the weird, Crymaxing, slightly subby Clint Barton, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Hair-pulling, Hopeful Ending
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“Listen,” the guy says, and his voice is low and kinda rough, and he’s got an accent Bucky can’t quite place. “I’m not tryin’ to overstep, but I overheard kind of a lot and like. I know you’re, uh… trying to work through some shit, man, and I get it. I, uh, had kinda a fanatical upbringing myself. But I’m not sure this guy is the one to work it out with, you know?”
Bucky… is going to kill Clint. Suddenly all of Clint’s odd comments and strangely demure behavior and even his clothes start to make a kind of insane sense. He’s play-acting at more than just a first date. Clint’s pretending to be someone else entirely, and Bucky’s not sure if it’s a joke or a bad attempt at seduction, but either way a heads-up before the evening started would have prevented a hell of a lot of confusion and maybe prevented Bucky from nearly murdering his husband in a bar in Hell’s Kitchen on a Wednesday night.
55 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
for the ficlet prompts: tv baking competition au
This is kind of what you asked for, and yet, it is not at all what you asked for.
Bucky doesn't know how or why he got drawn into TV cooking shows. He doesn't cook, for fuck's sake. He didn't cook before his accident, and he sure as fuck isn't chopping onions with only one arm these days. Bucky spends half his time wrapped in his comforter eating ham sandwiches.
It started, he thinks, with Great British Bake Off. There's just something comforting about that show. It's just nice. It was something to do when Bucky couldn't even drag himself out of bed, deep in a dark hole of depression an self-loathing and pain. He could turn on GBBO and just... let his brain rest.
And then it sort of... expanded. From baking competitions to cooking competitions to plain old cooking shows.
And now he's watching YouTube episodes of Oh Crepé!, featuring a tall, handsome blond man who seems to enjoy fucking up famous recipes and telling bad jokes.
Bucky's not even sure how he found the guy. But he's funny (if you like puns, and god help him, Bucky does), and kind, and laughs at himself more than he laughs at other people, and he's fuckin' deadly with a knife, and there's something soothing about listening to him describe his sexual attraction to a pork pancake.
Okay, that part's a little weird, but Bucky likes weird, and he likes that the guy - he's called Clint, Bucky knows that, because the girl behind the camera who heckles him incessantly says his name with with varying degrees of exasperation at least twice an episode - is so at ease with himself, so comfortable in his own skin, despite bandages, and bruises, and his inability to pronounce 'self-aggrandizing'.
He's also Deaf, and that's nothing at all like being an amputee, but something about knowing that makes Bucky feel like one day he'll be okay too.
66 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
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For the @winterhawkaubang​ I created this art piece and I was fortunate enough to be chosen by @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy​​ who wrote a lovely work called In The Pool House - please check it out and give it some love!
68 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Chapters: 1/16 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Clint Barton, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers Characters: Clint Barton, James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Original Child Character(s), May Parker (Spider-Man), an ensemble cast tbh Additional Tags: modern suburban fantasy au, Alternate Universe - Teachers, Kid Fic, Werewolves, disconcertingly friendly locals, puppy invasions, bizarre subtle interrogations, roving packs of scheming children, awkward seduction attempts via edible arrangements, a ruinously hot single dad, Werewolf Courting, Werewolf Mates, Oblivious Clint Barton, Protective Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Friendship, Alpha Steve Rogers, Peggy was and remains a spy and it shows, Sam Wilson is a Gift, First Dates, Slow Burn, the things werewolves find attractive are more surprising than you think, Sex, Anal Sex, First Time, fluff and joy and jokes mostly Summary:
After winding up in hot water with the Ukrainian mob, Clint finds himself relocating to a small town in northern Indiana to work as an elementary school gym teacher, and finds his new home invaded by a series of suspiciously wolfish puppies determined to be Lucky's BFFs, and his life invaded by over zealously friendly neighbors determined to feed him. In a startling twist of events, three of his favorite students happen to be his next door neighbors, along with their ruinously hot single dad Bucky, who proves to be just as enamored of Clint as he is of Bucky.
What follows is a classic rendition of thirsting over the hot neighbor, bizarre small-town behavior, and so many puppies.
Chapter 1 of my 2022 WHOB fic is up and includes art from the lovely @claraxbarton!!!
138 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fairytalefragments · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering, out of genuine curiosity, if you could point us in the direction of a blog or two that take requests for fictives? Thyme said that you prefer to do requests for fictionkin, so I didn't want to overstep by requesting ^_^;
(We did notice that requests are closed for the moment, anyway, but I think Thyme has another request lined up for when they open again)
~ Cecil
✦ i have a tag here for blogs that are system focused, im unsure how many of them are currently active since i took such a long break but if anyone knows of any good blogs feel free to reply to this or send in an ask! i do prefer to keep this blog to kin stuff only but i have done fictive requests in the past, i just worry abt overstepping boundaries since im a singlet and this is a kin focused blog, I don't wanna seem like im equating the two yknow? anyway i do hope you can find something Cecil! requests on here should be open again in a few days
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sparklingsin · 2 years
(push your heart, and pull away);
tom holland x female!reader
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summary for series: you've got yourself in a predicament that involves fake dating the star employee of your company (who you might have feelings for), all to convince your family that you're finally happy, after what happened with your last shot at love. can you, the CEO of a booming business, your family's darling daughter pull off the biggest lie you've ever told? [inspired by and based loosely on The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas.]
tags and warnings (full fic): female reader, lots of romance tropes, fake dating, pining, tooth-rotting fluff, some angst, smut (future chapters) minors dni.
a/n: hi there! i am making a comeback as a writer so sorry if this is rough at first. the next few chapters are already written, so expect quick updates :P hope you enjoy the story!
"I'll do it."
You jolted at the sound, instantly hanging up the call with your best friend that you were on. She'd understand.
"I'll be your boyfriend," the gentle yet firm voice called from behind you.
You heard his words loud and clear alright but that didn't make them any more believable. You let the arm holding your phone slide down, praying that you had misheard him. You turned slowly, lips drawn into a line as you faced the source of the declaration.
Tom Holland. Senior Advisor at Meraki, your small gifting business that had taken off during the last year and was now the reason you were on the Forbes' 30 under 30 list. Smart, charming and hard-working— he was a star employee at your company. Everybody at your office adored him as well as his niceness and you had to admit, you didn't mind his company sometimes.
"How long have you been standing there?" you asked, putting on an air of nonchalance, trying your best not to lose your cool at this blatant invasion of privacy.
"Long enough to hear that you desperately needed a fake boyfriend. Aka me," Tom said dryly.
That was bold, even for Tom's standards.
"Need I remind you that doors are for knocking, Holland?"
Tom sighed and held his hands up in admission. "Okay, I overstepped. I assumed you were on a work related call and walked in. But… this seems like fate."
You rolled your eyes at him, even though it made sense. Tom was... not like the others. He was incredibly talented and fun to work with, was at one of the highest positions in the company and you considered him to be a decent acquaintance if nothing more.
He'd be someone who'd be able to navigate your... lifestyle easily if he put his mind to it. He had been at your company for almost a year now and was trustable. In the short deadline that you had to find a suitable bachelor, you didn't think you could find a better candidate.
But one undeniable fact remained. He was your employee and you were his boss. HR would have a field day, if they ever found out that you two were dating.
Well at least, pretending that you were dating. Because that was the problem at hand, the problem that had been slowly driving you insane for the past week, the problem you had created for yourself.
Your brother was getting married in a week's time and you had promised to anyone and anything that mattered, that you would show up with a boyfriend. Not a date, a boyfriend.
"Sweetie, would you be coming alone or..?" Your mother had asked, casually. This time, there was no avoiding the question. And while that had been a perfectly normal query, the tone with which it had been asked set your ego aflame.
"You've been through… a difficult time... but are you finally seeing someone?"
That had been the straw that broke the camel's back.
"Yes, mom. I am seeing someone. It's been a private affair. ..Yes. He will be coming to the wedding," you had snapped in an overtly cheery tone.
Why did you have to lie?
So easily you had told your family that you hid this from them because you had finally found something that felt too good to be true. You did your best to field any other questions (What was his name? What was he like? You wished you knew the answers to those questions too.). They lapped it all up easily, because they knew being a CEO, a woman in power at that, was hard enough without having to share your personal life with everyone too.
It was an absurd lie to tell too. Something that made no sense to lie about and yet, you had done it. If you backed out now, you'd have to concoct a story that would bring in even more questions and pity that you didn't have the energy to face. It was that or actually falling in love with someone in two weeks— one week now.
Herculean tasks were simpler. But you had bought this on yourself, in a moment of sordid weakness and you were going to deal with the consequences.
Which brings us here. To you, considering the possibility of having one of your star employees be your pretend boyfriend for five whole days.
You sighed, sagging against one of the chairs. This was getting too exhausting too quickly. You eyed Tom, as he patiently waited for your reply. His hair was perfect as usual, darkish brown and styled to frame his face well. He wore his usual office attire— a turtleneck and brown pants, his TAG Huer glinting in the amber light of the conference room. He always dressed impeccably.
"That is quite a generous offer. But what do you expect to gain out of this? You know very well that I will not be handing out any benefits with regards to the company. This is a personal matter."
Tom stared at you for a moment, expression unreadable.
"L/N, has it occurred to you that people offer to do things for friends without expecting things in return?" he said slowly.
Oh. This was news to you. You were not aware that Tom Holland thought of you as a friend, as someone he cared enough for to offer help.
The thought unearthed something deep within you, a bright flame that seemed to ignite increasingly coincidental to the times when Holland was around you, but you quickly pushed it away.
"I do not want any perks or grants. I am simply doing this because I want to."
You almost couldn't hide the surprise from your face.
"And as a favour I can call in anytime I want," he added, a tiny hint of a smile playing at his lips.
There it was. Of course he wanted something in return, he just didn't know what yet. As quickly as the flame had burned into existence, it vanished.
You quirked an eyebrow at him.
"You're going to hold this over my head for the rest of our lives then?"
Tom smiled humorlessly. "Maybe."
Tom was trustable if anything. You didn't expect him to ever ask anything of you that would jeopardize everything you stood for. At least you hoped he wouldn't.
Still, you narrowed your eyes.
"Look, L/N. I really am your best option right now. I won't let you down. You have my word," he said fiercely, looking directly at you.
And something in those eyes, something you couldn't place, made you believe that he meant it. You didn't see him much outside of work, didn't know him anymore than most people at your company. But in your heart, even as you contemplated all the ways this could backfire, you knew that you could trust this man.
"What do you say, L/N? Do we have a deal?"
You considered him for a final moment.
You had one week left to find someone crazy enough to be willing to play the part of a pretend boyfriend. Someone who'd understand the situation and not put your reputation at stake. Someone you had at least some control over, in case things got out of hand. You were desperate, that much was true.
There didn't seem anyone more fitting than the man standing before you, with his warm eyes and beige turtleneck.
"Fine. We have a deal. But I will be making a formal contract for this and we can go over it tomorrow." You ran your hand through your hair. You really were doing this. "Lot's to brief you on."
Tom cocked his head to his side and tsk-tsked at you.
You looked at him questioningly.
"Really, darling? You want to voluntarily put something like this on paper? Too many movies about that being a bad call already."
The sudden shift in his boldness shook you more than you'd ever care to admit. The tiny flame had sprung to life again.
He didn't wait for your reply before he turned and walked away, leaving you alone in the conference room, cursing at yourself for getting into this mess. The gravity of what you had agreed to, had only begun to settle in.
Because you see, there was one more variable that you had decided to not think about in this equation. One variable you denied existed. One variable that you should never have ignored.
It was the fact that you had taken quite a liking to a particular someone.
A particular someone who had just offered to be your pretend boyfriend.
feedback is appreciated! if you'd like to be tagged in the future chapters, please leave a comment or send an ask!
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eirasummers · 2 years
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I posted 6247 times in 2021
112 posts created (2%)
6135 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 54.8 posts.
I added 3958 tags in 2021
#twst - 886 posts
#gi - 651 posts
#mxtx - 586 posts
#lmao - 516 posts
#<3 - 443 posts
#tw - 274 posts
#cute - 261 posts
#om - 120 posts
#cute! - 119 posts
#ygo - 102 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#one on my lower back from when i crouched down to get something from the floor and hit myself with a really bad placed sharp angle
My Top Posts in 2021
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I've been working on this for a couple of days. They're from Twisted Wonderland: Deuce and @chibichibisha's OC Ermine.
She shared with me a snipet of them a few days ago and they wer eso precious and gave me so many feels I just had to draw something. I love them so much <3 So my headcanon for the scene goes like this: Deuce tells him "I've found this flower and it reminded me of your eyes" and hold it on his hair "it's pretty, but you're way prettier..." tries to be suave and put the flower on Ermine's hair. He fails miserably because Ermine doesn't have human ears in where to put it. Panics, tries to find a solution and finally notices that he can put the flower on the hairpin so it doesn't fall. Meanwhile Ermine finds him adorable and laughs, and seeing him laugh is worth the embarassement for Deuce. That's it, that's the scene in my head, badly writen lmao I'm not a writer for a reason P.D.: You can see the timelpse on my twitter too~
61 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 12:43:49 GMT
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I've wanted to do my OC Dillon as a chibi in the game for some time already, and I got some assets recently and worked on this!! And since it didn't take much to do, I asked @chibichibisha if she wanted me to do any of her bois too, and so here's Ermine too :D They could be better, but I think they turned out ok~ Hope you like them~~ All the assets I used were from @/alchemivich on Tumblr! Thank you so much! <3
63 notes • Posted 2021-06-29 13:06:00 GMT
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iHello! I come back with something I've been working on for a few days with the amazing @kirayamidemon and @rozengrotto !!! It's a three way collab we decided to do of Twisted Wonderland fanart!! And here they are: Trey, Cater and Riddle!! They all look so good together, I'm so glad we could work on this together!! <3 I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!! :D Edit: here's the link to Milka's post and Kira's post!! Please check them both out!! <3
68 notes • Posted 2021-08-13 21:59:17 GMT
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I've been working on this for a few weeks and I'm finally done!!! I joined a twst discord server and everyone's OCs were so awesome, I wanted to draw some. But also I didn't want to overstep sklfhaklf So I asked them if they would like to request some, and here they all are!! Mar is @tisafinedayforsimping's OC. Russell is @rozengrotto's OC. Yua is @twstedtales's OC. Ermine is @chibichibisha's OC. Ivelyn is @pancaketachi's OC. Yuu is @kirayamidemon's OC. (Actually requested by Andrea.) Iggy is @missbonekitty's OC. (Actually requested by Kira.) Cheryl is @chervill's OC. Ray is @notfairestwriting's OC. Please, check all their tumblrs out, they're all amazing! <3 Also, I made this template myself, if anyone wants it, you can ask me! I can share it! :D
85 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 15:10:33 GMT
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It's technically not yet the 24th where I live, but it is in Japan, so here's B-day art for Riddle!! :D I hope he accepts this offering and blesses me with his b-day card when I pull ┗( T﹏T )┛ It also doubles as a request I got from @rozengrotto, who asked me to draw Fem!Riddle!!
I, obviously, took direct inspiration from his SSR dorm card, kinda recreated it with that in mind!!
That's it, hope you like it! :) You can see the timelapse on my twitter as well~
85 notes • Posted 2021-08-23 19:26:30 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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heoneyology · 2 years
Hello, I hope I’m not overstepping my boundaries (and if I am, feel free to just ignore me because I really do not intend to make you feel uncomfortable). I’m not really active on tumblr but I’ve been following you for a while and saw that you reblogged a post about grief and I saw your tags as well. First off, I want to say that I’m sorry about your loss. I know it doesn’t mean a lot coming from a stranger but I hope you’re okay and know that there are many people in your life who are there for you and supporting you. I lost my dad back when I was a teenager so I could kind of relate to you in a way. I wish I had the right words to comfort you but death is just a difficult topic in general. When talking about grief, I’ve told people that the pain never goes away—you just get used to being without those people. So I think I really appreciate that post as well because I have similar sentiments. To see grief as unexpressed love is such a beautiful and powerful perspective that I had not previously considered and I hope you also find comfort with that stance. Please take care of yourself and take things slow! I really want to emphasize that even if it may feel like it, you’re not alone and that I hope you’re doing well !
hi anon, you aren't overstepping your boundaries at all! sorry it took so long to reply to this message akjdfk you took me by surprise I wasn't expecting anyone to read those tags lol and I was trying to figure out how to reply, but this was very much appreciated and I love you for thinking of me (because I too am not active very much so also the fact you're still following me LOL).
I think one of my issues with this pain and getting used to being without the person is, having moved away from home within a year of graduating high school, I kind of got used to him not being active in my life daily. of course I'd still call and talk to both my parents and visit when I could make the time, but there were many holidays and moments I didn't get to see them, having worked in hospitality and now that he isn't here there's this realization that I'd wish I hadn't gotten used to it, I wish I'd made time and said "fuck you" to my old bosses a little more. like I feel like I grew up too fast without him? so I think that was one reason those gifs you mentioned and andrew garfield's words really touched me. it's not a perspective I ever considered, but like you said it's very beautiful and powerful and such a nice take on the overall process of coping with the grief never really leaving.
alksdjf anyway I am sorry to ramble! thank you for sending this message and thinking of me! I am doing well, and obviously there are days still that are better or worse than others (like today, I find myself really missing my no.1 valentine) but I do know it will take time.
please take care of yourself as well and make sure to stay healthy!
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I don't know if you mind me asking (if you do, please just ignore this ask) but what happened to all the RP blogs you and the other guys had?
The short of it is that the actions and behaviors of a few people- mostly anons, though a couple blogs were involved- were negatively impacting all of our mental wellbeing. There was gross overstepping of boundaries, some predatory behavior, disrespect of people's wishes, etc.
I don't want to say anything about the other's that were affected as it's not my part, but I'm fine with saying my experience. (Under a readmore though, because I don't want anyone that might be triggered by what's discussed. You can check the tags for the specific topics.)
So my part of the suggestionverse unraveling is tied to my blog for Jon. I wasn't in the best place mentally at the time, and I certainly didn't have the same level of healthy coping skills I do now. I can't recall what started first, but a group of anons were pressuring me into doing various things with Jon (i.e. entering a poly relationship with a friend's Riddler that I was Not comfortable with, of no fault to the friend) instead of being the interactive audience the suggestionverse was used to. The anons also repeatedly brought up Jon's sexual abuse trauma (which I admittedly projected too much onto for my own mental wellbeing), continuously fetishized his feminine appearance to the point of making me uncomfortable of my own AFABness (not sure if it was exactly dysphoria or not as I wasn't certain I was nonbinary at the time), and drugged him a few times. There was also the abuse of magic anons to force characters, including Jon, to do things we'd already expressed we didn't want to do. There was a general feeling of being stuck with entertaining these anons, as the verse had progressed in such a way that we more or less relied on our interactive audience to keep things rolling.
I don't really know what else to say, so I hope this is clear enough? I don't mind you asking at all, I'm just busy with travelling at the moment and don't have a stellar memory to begin with. :p
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beanincorporated · 7 years
for risky asks: 1, 7, 9
1. @ the people you want to be friends with.I have no capability to @ all of them but, off the top of my head (note: I also consider 'be better friends with' because I'm too lazy to distinguish it and generally suck at keeping up contact with people):@spiritosovrano@bpdapathy@aprehension@borderlinetraumatized@trauma-ratand really any of my mutuals/people that show up frequently in my notes/people that frequently send me asks? I'm really bad with questions like these oops (but honestly if you want to be friends with me I already love you because I'm a disaster)7. Tell an embarrassing memory or story.my life is an embarrassing story honestybut, to be specific, I graduated high school in May and managed to destroy my mental health enough to do it with honors? and I had to attend a banquet where I was required to make a speech about my post high school plans and. okay. it's a tiny event center. I'm in heels and a dress. every one of my favorite teachers is there. there's 200~ people in the room and I go up to make the speech, already lacking confidence because I'm dressed in clothes I'm not even close to comfortable in, and stumble over every single word in the first sentence, even if it's the simplest information I could ever give about myself (I'm -- and going to -- in the fall to study --). I felt awful after, awful when I went home, and still feel awful now.9. What was your first blog URL?please remember I was 13/14 and going through the "I'm so random lol xD" phase when I made my first blog but as far as I am aware the URL was iamthefuckingoctopus and dear god I hope no one following me knew of it
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quackeroos · 4 years
locker notes pt.2 | p.parker
Pairing: peter parker x reader
Summary: peter confronts the wrong person he sent the love note to. 
Warnings: None
Words: 1k
Notes: originally posted on my wattpad account @aestheticarii. i’ll most likely post some of my other works on here soon! part 2 will be published soon! also, gif is not mine.
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His throat became dry. His eyes were glued to the piece of paper held in between her fingers. Peter couldn't seem to bring his eyes up. He was too embarrassed. Even if it was just the two of them in the gym, he blood turned cold. This was Liz's cousin! What happens today could be the hot topic tomorrow. "Hey." He was pulled back from his train of thought with a snap in front of his face.
Y/n still stood in front of him. Her face was neutral, but he can tell that she was getting a little impatient. "I asked you a question Parker. Did you or did you not wrote this?" He struggled a bit to even form the words, but he had to answer her. "Y-yeah. Yeah, I wrote that."
She stayed quiet for moment, only staring at Peter. Y/n watched him with sharp eyes. She observed him while thoughts ran through her mind. This was the guy Liz was talking about? The cute, puppy dog-eyed batch mate of hers that had a crush on her cousin?
"Might I ask, Parker. What's a love note doing in my locker?"
"Oh-uhm yeah, about that. That's for someone else. My friend slipped it in the wrong locker."
She sighed irritably. "Of course he had. Here take your stupid note." The piece of paper was shoved into Peter's hand. Y/n gripped the straps of her backpack and turned on her heels, walking back to the gym doors. Peter's eyes followed her retreating figure, heart racing a bit. Before Y/n could even push through the doors she turns back and calls out to him. "Next time you send a love note to my cousin, make sure to slip it in to the one on my right." She flashed a fake smile and exits the gym.
Peter only stood there with shock. If she knows about his crush on Liz, then there might be a possibility she would tell her before he could even confess. "Shit!" he cursed loudly. His sneakers bolted out of the gymnasium and he looked left and right to find the mop of h/c hair and denim jacket. No where in sight. This made him panic even more. He runs to the school doors and searches for the same girl earlier. From a far distance he saw her, about to exit the school gates. He could make a run for it, given his heightened abilities, he might be able to just reach her in time.
"I'll take my chances." He muttered, giving no fucks, whatsoever. He bolted across the field as fast as he could, he could almost feel his legs give out, but his dignity depended on it, and his planned out confession. Y/n was already out of the school, and just as she was about to make a turn, a hand grabbed her shoulder and she jumped at the sudden contact. Turns out, the stranger who had held her back was the boy whom she had met moments ago.
When she stood to face him, Peter noticed something that changed. Her eyes and nose were red, and her cheeks were glistening with wet stains. And because of the sight of her, the first thing that came out of Peter's mouth was, "Are you all right?"
Y/n nods, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Because you're crying." he pointed out.
The girl wipes her tearstained face with her sleeve and seethed out the words, "I'm fine.", When in fact, she really wasn't. And Peter could tell because it was obvious, no matter how hard tries to hide it. "Are you sure you're alright 'coz-"
"I said I'm fine!" she yelled out. Peter backed away, afraid to overstep his boundaries even further. Y/n looked away, sniffling a bit, and in a low voice she said. "Look, just because I'm Liz's cousin doesn't mean I'm a one way ticket to her heart. So if you're here to ask me for help then I suggest you walk away now, because I don't do that. I may be related to her but we have a complicated relationship. So good luck at reaching out to her."
"Actually, it wasn't that." Y/n craned her neck, meeting him eye to eye again, but with the same expression she wore before. "I was actually going to ask you to not tell anyone about this? Specially Liz. I-uhm, I was kinda planning to do my own thing."
"Don't worry, I don't tell Liz anybody's secrets, nor mine. Like I've said; we have a complicated relationship."
Peter lets out a sigh of relief, "Great, Thank you, Y/n."  The girl only nods before turning on her heel and proceeds her walk back home. Before he forgets, Peter called out her name again, making her stop in her tracks.
"I'm sorry about the love note, and for overstepping my boundaries earlier. I know we're not friends but I just thought you needed one because you're upset so I-"
"Stop talking."
Her tone was so venomous Peter had inwardly sealed his lips. She fully turned, but still stood at her spot. Although she was a few feet away, Peter could still make out the falling trail of tears and how she would hold back sobs. She was even worse than before. "Let me be clear with you, okay? We are not friends, nor do I need one even if I'm crying myself to shit. Just because I returned what isn't mine doesn't makes us friends nor acquaintances. Any person with a decent mind would've done the same for you. And don't worry about the note, just be sure to give it to her."
Y/n turns on her heel and muttered, "I gave up all of my hopes on you anyway." before walking away. Despite the few feet between them, Peter heard exactly what she had said. He didn't knew why but his heart quickened and his eyes were wide. Was he hearing it right or imagining things? Peter was bewildered.
"She gave up... all of her all of her hopes... on me?" He trailed off in confusion, a thousand thoughts running in his head.
What did she mean?
part 3 of Locker Notes
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ultrahamilham · 4 years
You tagged me in a thing and I had a stroke, bless you
I get all Pikachu meme whenever I see you in my dash and you've referred to me and acknowledged my existence because it is literally the best thing ever, I have a mini stroke every time
Three ships: Jamilton, Jamilams and Jamilmads (would've said lams but then it just sounds like I'm saying the same ship in three different ways lol)
Last song: Uhh, I don't listen to music much, but Ultimately by Khai dreams
Last movie: The Hunchback of Notre dame
Currently craving: Sushi, oddly enough (I haven't had it in about nine years but still, want)
Currently reading: The Da Vinci code, and about five different fanfictions
About a very late answer to your question (My family has COVID, which is shocking to hear, or so I'm told, but they're recovering and they fortunately had a mild case and no one has any history of disease so they're going to be okay! That's what the doctor said and I'm praying), Taco hell made me laugh really hard when I read it and really lifted my spirits because I remember being in not a great place when I started it but it made me smile which was like, a thing for me, and don't judge me but I think The three way was probably my favourite and I don't want to think about what that says about me but it was really because I love works that are that long (around 50k is always my sweet spot). I'm not sure if I'm remembering right and I'm so so sorry if I'm getting the title song wrong but that one Jamilton fic with uh, Gucci and fendi in the title was really fun to read ;-;
I also remeber the first work of yours I ever read was this comfort Whamilton around 1.5 or 2k where it starts raining and Alexander is on edge but George comforts him- Okay, I'm ranting now, apologies. ;-; (idk You're super cool and I want to talk to you like, normally, but you'll hateee me and I don't want that and so here)
I never really get a chance to respond as soon as I'd like, BUT I never get to and if you don't want to know/care about my life- please skip to the next paragraph thank you. So, I did end up watching Snowpiercer! I watched all ten episodes in one day which is iffy to say the least, but I'm still alive! I did love it. And I've been alright- a bit anxious with everything, but I've been giving my tests and uni and stuff. Yesterday, I was about to go to the vet when u realised about two minutes into the ride that I forgot my dog so that was embarrassing. Almost competing with the time I dropped my phone and then followed it, dropping to my knees and immediately bursting into tears (Nothing even happened to my phone!). So if you read this, thank you again.
I wanted to ask how you were doing too! If you don't mind xxx
And as for the fanfic writer asks, would you mind answering 50 ;-;
Wgjfvqkcwkh also I heard about you and Henni getting married so CONGRATULATIONS that is the most amazing, sweetest thing and in honestly so f*cking happy for both of you. I audibly awwed when I saw that post and I can't believe I just remembered.
I'm so sorry this got out of hand with how long it is, I didn't mean for it to be ;-;
-shy anon, sincerely apologising for possibly ruining your day by oversharing and/or overstepping (also with love and congratulations for you and her)
I get the surprised pikachu face whenever you show up in my ask box ;-; It always makes me happy!!!
Okay but sushi is always good. The craving comes randomly for me as well. I didn’t crave it at all when I used to make it for a living, because I got so tired of it, but now I crave it every once in a while lol it’s really good ;-;
I really hope everyone is doing okay! COVID is scary and it’s no joke. Having it before was horrible for me and I would never wish it on anyone. I hope everyone including you is okay ;-;
I’m glad Taco Hell did what I was meaning for it to do! It’s meant to be lighthearted and make people laugh. It’s based off of my life and it’s actual situations I end up in all the time. It’s quite amusing lol
I would never judge you. The Three Way is literally the one fic I am most proud of. I could never judge you. I literally go back and read it every once in a while and go like “I made that... Holy fuck...”
Oh! Gucci Not Fendi is the title. I’m glad you liked it!!!
Rant all you want! I adore that Whamilton fic ;-;
Seriously, my dear, I can promise you that I won’t hate you at all. Believe me, I really won’t. I’m probably the most awkward and annoying person anyone will ever know and I overshare like everything. People know more about me than they really should.. Lol
I care about your life, I was the one that asked you to tell me! But honestly, snowpiercer was soooo good... Like I tried to binge it all in one day but I was trying to write as well and it didn’t go over well lmao, snowpiercer ended up winning! I’m really glad you watched it!!!
That whole forgetting your dog thing is a mood. Today I forgot to turn on the food heaters and I realized it right before it was too late. Almost lost $200 worth of meat... Oops... Lmao
I do that with my phone if I drop it even if it’s okay. I just freak the fuck out and cry before I know if there really is an issue
Also I’m doing good! I decided to just lay back and relax tonight so I’m having a few drinks and I’m gonna watch random shit lol I was up for 33 hours the night before last and slept for 15 hours after. I can’t recommend doing that, especially not when you’re like 24. I’m too old for that shit.
Hell yeah I can do 50! I will give you a sneak peak at the 3rd part of the three way... .-. It will be posted on Oct 19th!!!
Here it is. This is seriously NSFW lol:
Alexander looked down at Thomas and ran the fingers of his free hand through Thomas' hair. He licked his lips as he watched Thomas work his tongue expertly inside George. "You're such a good boy Thomas, you're already wrecking him." He purred. 
Thomas let out a low moan and kept up the work, getting a little more aggressive. Alexander could feel himself getting hard in his pants at the sight coupled with George's shameless moans. Alexander looked back at George's face and grinned a bit. "Are you proud of us, Daddy?" He asked. 
George pressed his forehead against the headrest and panted as Thomas wrecked him. He tried to push back against Thomas to no avail. "Fuck… Y-yes… Yes you two did so good… Please… Please do as you wish… Whatever you choose, do it… I will take whatever you give me, you de-deserve it…" George bit out desperately.
Alexander grinned in delight at that. He looked at Thomas who looked just as excited from what George just said. He then touched Thomas' shoulder. "Alright, that's enough babe. I'm going to stretch him, then we can give him a good spanking. Why don't you undress for me? I have a little treat for you." He purred.  -END of the preview.
Thank you so much! We are so freaking happy that it’s happening. We were planning it more today! It’s so amazing ugh.
I appreciate it all the same! It’s not too long for me at all!! Don’t you worry my dear <3 you didn’t overstep at all!
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