#Hope you enjoy "^^
albino-whumpee · 1 year
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Cover reveal!
Still working on the last few details, but you will be able to order a paperback and kindle version of the book soon! 
Once again, thank you so much for reading! This couldn’t have been possible without the amazing reception it had. Special big thanks to @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi and @sideblogformindtrash for helping me name this little bedtime story that got a little too large and for helping me revise. You two are AWESOME!
It still feels a bit weird, but somehow I realized a dream I thought I would never be able to do. Thank you so much!
The book will be available on amazon.com and will be listed for a price of $20.00 USD. Still figuring out the logistics of the earnings, so I’ll keep you updated!
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crimso-o · 4 months
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Can i request for you to draw a full body art fantasy oc name Amber? I can give you a in detail description of how i would like for her to me design okay. First she’s has long orange hair, she wears a headpiece on her forehead, she wears earrings, she also wears a purple coat with white fur on it, underneath her purple coat she wears a white dress, the purple coat concealed her bare shoulders, bare arms, and bare legs, you can occasionally see her bare legs depending on the movement of her coat, she wears a white open toe high heels, her toes are painted purple, her hands are soft and gently, she has long fingernails, and she also painted her fingernails white. And yeah that should be good enough.
And here some drawing reference of her to help you.
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Here's Amber! Hope I did her justice and you like the piece! ^^
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bagelbucket · 2 years
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
thor x gn!reader [gow: r]
a request from lovely anon: Could I ask for some (GOW) Thor fluff? Perhaps the (GN) reader standing up for Thor when Odin is being a dick to him?? I just feel he hasn’t heard one good word about himself in a long time. I think he needs it. [thanks for the request! I feel so fluffy while writing this. I hope you and all of u will like it! enjoy.]
tags: fluff, gentle!thor, odin is a bad dad (f him), kissing, touching, lap sitting, hugging.
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thor never know that he needed you.
he was a powerful god, the god of thunder, who can kill a hundred men in a single fight. he didn't need anyone to protect him was something he thought but no, you were there, and he saw how he needed you, to protect him. yes, he can easily kill punch of people, creatures and even gods but whenever all father, odin, talk with him, thor becomes weaker. not as physically, but mentally. because of the attitude odin give to him, thor feels dumber and weaker. odin keep his cruel attitude without even thinking about its consequences on thor, how his son feels sad even if he wants to deny it. he even couldn't see it in the first place when you told him how he needed a good treatment, how he deserved one.
but you knew how he would keep saying it was okay but no, it wasn't. it wasn't okay at all. yes, you would give him all the love and affection you have but he needed to be seen by his own father too. odin has to treat him the way he treat to heimdall. he wasn't good at parenting, clearly, but at least he acknowledged heimdall and he had to acknowledge thor either.
so, when odin said, "It's really sad, you know." he took a deep breath, a dissatisfied one, "How I expected too much from you." you felt a great anger on you.
thor looked to other side, not entirely understanding odin's tone, how he make thor lower than him. he sent thor for doing his dirty job in other realm, then, he began to talk how he failed the mission he gave to him without noticing his tone. he didn't give care to the way he talked. he didn't think thor was his son, not his lapdog or someone he could blame for not doing his dirty jobs right. so, you felt too angry about all of this. and suddenly, your mouth took action before your mind.
"why are you doing this?" you asked, poison filled in your voice. "he did nothing wrong. he even got damage in there because of the mission you sent him to."
thor's lovely blue eyes looked at your angry face in shock. yes, you spoke with odin about the way he treated thor but he never see you this angry before. you were like you wanted to fight with odin. so, he came to your side, standing beside you, he said, "It's okay."
you looked at that beautiful face of him, feeling even sadder and angrier because of the love you had. how you wanted to take him far away from odin just to hug him and say how much you love him.
but now, you needed to let it go.
"no, it's not okay!" you turned to odin who was listening you while standing behind his huge desk, looking annoyed because of your sudden blow. "you need to reconsider something. he is your son."
he furrowed, looking both you and thor, judgement on his face, "I recommend you to be careful the way you talk with me young lady." he said, gently, not threatening you at all but you knew he felt so irritated right now. but you weren't someone who could take back what you said, thor needed to be protected.
"I maybe reconsider the way I talk with you when you begin to acknowledge him." you put your palms on the surface of the desk, kneeling closer to him. "Don't think I am someone who has fears of gods."
He smiled, like a father like smile, trying to look nice, like he did nothing wrong. "I can see that." he looked at thor who was holding you by your arms to leave this place. you knew how he felt right now; so vulnerable.
"You picked a good one. She is brave."
thor who stayed silent for a certain time, looked at odin in a way you couldn't describe. however, being father of him, odin knew his gestures better and he said, "no, no. it's a compliment. not a treat."
trying to go back to the topic you started, you said, "We should leave to take care his wounds that caused by the mission you sent. Then, we will have this conversation again."
as you promised, you looked at thor, pointing the door. he moved to leave the room with you, holding you from the waist, gently contrast to his physical power. he always showed you his gentle and delicate side and the moment you left the room, entered your special one, you turned to him.
opening your smaller arms, you hugged his lower chest, "I am sorry." you said, breaking the hug, "I just -"
he took one of your hand, kissed it, making you feel his warm lips on your skin. "I know." he said, looking both sad and happy. "And I am glad. Even if I have lack of actions to show it."
you smiled, kissing his cheek, "You don't need to say anything. I know." then, you pointed to chair to him. his wounds weren't serious but he needed a treatment which you would do gladly. "Sit down. I will take care of you."
he smiled, showing it only around you, showing his real feelings. "I am glad, my love."
taking some medical supplies from closet, you turned to him just to see his blue eyes traveling on your body from head to toe, looking so cute and hot at the same time.
feeling shy, you tried to say, "Thor -"
"What?" he asked, opening his arms for you, pointing his lap for you to sit. "Come."
obeying his wish, you sat down on his huge laps only to feel so small because of his massive body. "I don't need them." he said, pointing to medic you had on your hands, "I need you. Only you. I know I am not very intelligent but -"
"Hey!" you said, putting one of your arms to his shoulder and other to his chest, touching them gently. "No one, even you, can not call yourself unintelligent. Using your heart doesn't mean you are what he called you as. You are Thor, my love, and the God of Thunder who is loved and worshipped by others. So, don't even think about the things he told you. He is wrong." you kissed his lips, taking your time. "You are so much more.  Believe me."
"I do." he said, caressing your hair, "I am glad you are here."
smiling, you say, "I always will."
| masterlist
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keithkog · 2 months
Have to desperately try to stick to my loose and self imposed 2-4 hour roleplay posting schedule for Lance today. Here we go-
(Wanted to let you guys know because it’s not that its taking me 2-4 hours to answer a question/post- It’s just something I do to limit myself because I could talk for hours straight. Hope you guys enjoy, I sure as hell will.)
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boiling-potato · 1 year
Happy birthday my friend!! 🥳🥳
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Sorry for being late! I just woke up (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^)
but anyway Happy birthday @varcic !! 🥳🎉🎁🎂🎉 Thank you so much for the support and hope you enjoy this day with the people you love and loves you back!! (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ💕💕❤️❤️‼️‼️💖💖💘💘✨✨
This is also a payback for the ink art (⁠◔ᴗ◔⁠)✨
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cc-azure · 1 year
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I hope you y’all enjoy this <3
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sketchingstars03 · 1 year
yes! Same person!!! And no worries, you aren’t too personal, I actually really appreciate you rambling and being so nice. You’re a very sweet person!!! I hope you know that!!!
honestly Ink has so many complexities that I feel aren’t explored enough… I love them a lot and relate to them a lot (memory issues, living that enby life, plus I struggle heavily with apathy when I’m not careful to take my meds and stuff-), so seeing people be passionate about them and thinking about how they deal with stuff and their struggles is very- Cathartic? Heartwarming? I’m honestly not sure, it’s just. Nice.
just. They’re trying so hard to be good, to be their best self (whether people realize that or not), and it’s nice to see that talked about, and to talk about it. Especially with Good Dad!Ink, because there’s never enough of that.
thanks a ton for talking with me, by the way!!! It’s very fun, and I like reading your responses and thoughts. Have a nice day/night/whatever is appropriate to you at this time!!!
~ Dad Ink Anon ~
You’re so very welcome, omg 🥹
I’m very glad I got to better someone’s day just by talking with them about a silly skeleton man that we both adore! It’s heartwarming for me to know I’ve had such a positive impact on someone else, so thank you so much for that!! 🥹
Ink is such an amazing character that I love to death, and that means a lot to me as well whenever I get to ramble on and on about this guy (and get to spread my Good Dad Ink propaganda, hehe 😉). It’s sort of cathartic for me too, in a way, to talk about Ink in a more positive light and getting to look at how he might feel inside about all the things people slander him for, after seeing all the negativity and hate about him after Underverse 0.4 released.
And you’re right there can never be enough Good Dad Ink in this fandom.😎✨✨✨
I enjoyed having this discussion with you very much too!!!! Your inputs and headcanons were very nice and fun to read and engage with!! I really like having in-depth conversations about our favourite silly artist guy <3
A good day/night/whatever to you as well!! And remember to take care of yourself, stay determined, and be creative!!!
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
Gwilym pressed himself into the corner of his cell, tucking his limbs into his body as close as he could. His bony knees pressed into his chin. His thin arms were squished behind him. His wings were held down with the band around his chest anyway, but the exposed parts flattened completely against his back.
He might have accepted what Yorath was going to do to him and prepared himself for it, but that didn’t mean he would make it easy. 
Still a fighter. Yorath had muttered that last time. Gwilym held those words close and took them for his own. 
Still a fighter. 
“Do you know why I hurt you, Gwilym?” asked Yorath. 
“Because I tried to kill you twice and blew up three rooms and you like it when I scream and you especially like it if you can make me beg,” said Gwilym, his voice quiet and raspy from disuse and dehydration. He had learned to speak despite the discomfort it caused him. 
He had learned a lot of uncomfortable things. 
“Do you know why I enjoy hurting you specifically?” 
Gwilym shook his head. Because he healed fast? 
Anything to keep him talking and delay the pain. 
“Because through hurting you I hurt Eirlys,” said Yorath. “You burn. Far away, safe at home, Fen screams. Eirlys is powerless to do anything about it. You, as a person, are insignificant. You don’t matter. I’d have killed you within days if not for your connection to Eirlys. Your Fen wouldn’t have been allowed to go home if he were anyone else’s son or were you not soul-bonded. Your crimes merit execution, but I let you live for this.” 
“Why Eirlys?” 
Keep him talking. 
Yorath rested the flat of his knife- not iron this time, thank Brân- against Gwilym’s cheek. “If someone caused the death of your child, wouldn’t you do anything you could to make that person responsible hurt?” 
He sliced down. 
Gwilym didn’t scream. He never screamed at the first cut. Yorath knew this.
Every time, they played the game of finding out at what point Gwilym would scream this time, at what point his survival mechanism of going limp and hiding inside himself would kick in, if and when he would start begging, at what point he would stop begging to preserve his little remaining strength and give up completely, at what point he would pass out from the pain and the constant use of his magic. The game of finding out how many times his body could be destroyed and he would still come back from it.
It was a game for Yorath, at least. For Gwilym, it was a repetition of the most traumatic things to ever happen to him, an exercise in self-control, a discovery of what exactly his magic could do and what his body and mind could take. A discovery of at what point he would try- fail- to kill himself this time.
He hated his magic. He hated how it kept him alive. He hated how it healed him so fast, over and over, and gave Yorath more opportunity and time to inflict pain.
He wanted to die. He wanted it to end. 
The second cut came. Precise, measured, planned, removing skin from his face while preserving the wasting-away muscle beneath it. “Right now, Fen will feel his face stinging. He’ll know what’s coming next. He’ll know or guess that you’re being skinned again. He’ll cry and scream and curse his inability to do anything to save you. Eirlys will hold him and think of me and know what I’m doing to you and why.”
Gwilym still didn’t scream, but he was breathing fast now, too fast, his chained hands shaking violently behind him.
He pushed his face into his knees, slicing himself on the knife against his cheek as he moved. The small, bleeding, skinless portion stung when it touched his grimy pants.
It was already healing over.
This would be the second time his skin would have to completely regenerate. The second time Yorath skinned him alive. 
Maybe it meant the iron would come out. He grabbed for even the smaller bit of hope now, things like maybe he’ll forget or maybe it will only be blunt. 
Yorath twisted his hand in Gwilym’s hair and pulled his head up, horribly and deceptively gently. “Hiding already? We’ve barely gotten started.”
A broken sob came from Gwilym’s chest.
Yorath sat down in front of him, crossing his legs, a cruel grin on his face. He spread out his tools between them. 
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[Image description: A reaction image. It shows a drawing of an emoji-like guy beating their fists on the table and banging their head to it too, excitedly. /end ID.]
omg.....................hes crying...............
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freyzrc · 1 year
I'm so in love with your JJK art *-* they look soooooo amazing <3
Awh messages like this totally make my day! Thank you so much for enjoying my JJK art! I hope you'll continue to enjoy them in the future too! ♥♥
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emilynightshade89 · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
(belated 😅)
I was tagged by the lovely @wretched-mischief   ! 🥰
Well here it is! A teeny tiny sneak peek at Seance AU CHAPTER 3: Forces Beyond Our World.  
Norman walked closely nearer to Octavius. Taking small precautious steps as to carefully avoid the good Doctor’s strange merciful wrath. He manages to get close enough to kneel beside him and place a comforting hand on his shoulder. Swallowing nervously, Otto’s face is half illuminated by the burning fireplace as he turns to look at his friend. “You don’t question it?” he asked puzzled, “Any of it?” Norman offers a kind smile. “After all that you’ve seen of the spectacle that was me and my other half?” Norman shakes his head, “I believe everything you say. You’re a good man Otto Octavius, and I’d trust you with my life.” Otto smiles warmly. “Thank you, old friend.”  
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wanderingsongbird · 3 years
mistletoe + felix! @devil-of-roseville :]
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
can you do headcanons on how hiemdall would flirt with the reader :)
heimdall x reader [headcanon]
tags: fluff, touching.
wc: dunno, but not so long. maybe close to 1k.
thanks to the anon for the request! I really love to write headcanons, especially for this man. ^^ I hope firstly the anon, and you all will like it. enjoy!
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heimdall is kinda flirty but he shows this side of him only for you. yes, he is having fun while flirting with others but just to make you angry or jeaolus. he is a dumbass after all and he needs everything you do, you feel and you think. he needs to know that he is on your mind like – all day and night.
and yes, he is certainly that kind of man who loves to see you giggle, having blushed and pink colored face, taking your breath away with his flirty behaviour. he usally jokes about you or simply, tease you but whenever he feels so wonderful, he comes to your side, making you cut the thing you are doing in the middle just to be in his target of flirty sentences.
he uses the words so delicately and professionaly, you can not help but to think that whether he works on them specially or not in the meantime you are separated from each other. he gives you fire on the heart, skin and mind. he picks up lines that will make you all dizzy, not knowing how to reply. he leaves you nothing except chuckling shyly, trying to hide your blushed face from heimdall who does not hide the fun he has in those moments. he acts like he isn’t flirting with you at all, like it is something he usally does, but no, you know damn well that he does it on purpose because he perfectly choose those moments in which you are focused on something fully, or in front of other people who can not hear but see you very well.
he even likes to flirt with you so openly, in front of other people when they can hear you closely or when you are in a conversation with them because he likes the idea that every fucking people know you belong to him – he is the only one who is allow to make you like this; all dizzy, happy and shy with his flirts.
he uses his body language as well while flirting with you; he caresses your hair, face, back, waist, wrist, hand – simply, wherever he can find in that particular moment but you know that the place he touch you changes from time to time. he touches personal parts of your body when you are alone such as your abdomen, neck, lips, and thighs. using his words while closing the gap between your bodies, kneeling to your level, making you breathless. with touching you so closely, his flirty manner hit you like a bomb, exploding in your heart and even in unholy places.
when you are outside the doors, in front of other eyes, he chooses your hair, cheeks, and hands to show affection while flirting with you. he wants you to comfortable but also he wants to show his love still.
when you are talking with people who he sees as danger for you, he touches in a more protective way; hugging you from behind, holding your back and shoulders. not having any shame to flirt with you in front of those people - because for him, they have bad thoughts about you or simply he gets jealous because of the closeness they show.
in every situation, in every place and moment, he can make you feel passionate and loving. his way of flirting changes according to the mood you have in that moment; if you are happy he just makes you happier, if you are sad he makes you feel calm with his well-chosen words and if you are not sure what to feel, he chooses a delicate flirting style.
he is really good at flirting, especially while having intimate moments. he doesn't wait for you reply with a flirty sentence back, no, he likes to wait there and see its effects on you.
some of flirty sentences he uses;
✵ "sunshine, you are looking gorgeous!" not when you put a special dress on, no, he finds you gorgeous every day and he can say this in every situation, even when you are covered in dust all over.
✵ "I have the eyes that shows me everywhere in all realms but they keep staying on you because you are the only thing worth to look at." how much you loved to see the way his purple glowing eyes looking at you.
✵ "no, no, not at all honey," he will say whenever you feel insecure about something. "you are perfect. you are all perfect. even if you don't, you will be for me. I can't see any thing that wrong with you." he will show you his ability on reading mind and intentions and when you see how he is honest, you will feel a joy.
✵ "look at you!" he will come to your side while you have a special dress on you or lingerie, "all for me. gorgeous, I will have fun while watching this dress on you and I will personally will have much more fun when it is on the ground." yes, he is both flirty and naughty.
✵ "hey people," he will say when he comes to your side while you are having conversations with others, putting a hand on your waist, "and hey, my wonderful love." yes, he loves to use nicknames while flirting.
✵ "and now my sun is rising." he will say the moment you visit him in the afternoon. he sees you as his sun and moon. his days starts with you, and his nights ends with you. he shows it to you clearly. "you know you are brighter than the sun, right, sunshine - or should I say, my sun?"
in the end of the day, you will remember his flirts, smiling to yourself with the love on your heart that you hold for him, only for him. and knowing very well you are under the influence - a good one - of his flirting manners, heimdall will smile to - a real one.
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messinwitheddie · 5 years
Would you at all be able to draw Trager with different/ random practice poses cause dude you draw him so fluid and I FREAKING love it. Your art is fab
(Thank you! ^^
I will be happy to go over these pose sketches and smooth out the detail. Sometimes looking at the rough sketches of others gives me an idea of how to approach drawing figures.
I'm a hobbyist and constantly trying to refine my cartooning, so my style/ quality changes drastically sometimes.
I strongly suggest looking up other/ professional artists for better anatomy drawings. Google images and the kindness of tumblr are my best friends.
Anyways, all my drawings start out looking like this
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And this
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And I just trace over my own sketches until they resemble what I wanted to draw originally ^^.
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Trager has a simple, skeleton-like frame packed with charisma that is easy to pose and animate.
When I was in high school I loved to draw Jack Skellington, Eddie the head and skeletons in general, so naturally I was drawn to Trager's design.
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imyourangell · 3 years
Hi :D
can i request (if not too much) HCs of Vincent Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt, and RZ Michael Myers with a Dyslexic S/O?
(yes i write fanfiction and am dyslexic, took me a while)
i hope this is not too much, have a wonderful day/night
- Mr.Krabs
✨🌸Hihi! It's no trouble sweetheart!✨🌸
✨🌸Also I wanna apologize if it's short! I hope you like it!!✨🌸
🕯️Vincent:✨🌸vincent noticed you're trouble while reading at times!✨🌸
✨🌸He never really asked in fear of upsetting you✨🌸
✨🌸But if you were to ask him for help or a little assistance he would be more than happy too help you!✨🌸
✨🌸Vinny won't tease you so don't even worry about that!✨🌸
✨🌸always reassures you!✨🌸
✨🌸And if anyone even his brothers says something to you about it? They'll have too deal with him personally!🌸✨
🐈‍⬛Micheal:✨🌸too be honest here he probably wouldn't notice until you bring it up to him~✨🌸
✨🌸like Vincent Michael wouldn't make fun of you!✨🌸
✨🌸In a way Mikey understands he has trouble now and then so he'll go easy on you✨🌸
✨🌸He’ll help write things down if you need him to~!✨🌸
✨🌸Will literally hurt someone if they make fun of you!✨🌸
✨🌸He’s like “um?? That's my s/o?✨🌸
✨🌸Very protective of you~!✨🌸
🥺Thomas:✨🌸Aaaa! He is so supportive!✨🌸
✨🌸Like the others he won't make fun of you!✨🌸
✨🌸He also has some trouble now and then so he can understand!✨🌸
✨🌸a lot of reassuring!✨🌸
✨🌸Will help you if you ask him too!✨🌸
✨🌸Need something written down? Done he'll do it for you!✨🌸
✨🌸Oh someone makes fun of you?✨🌸
✨🌸Yeaaah no✨🌸
✨🌸thomas is a soft bear sure BUT he WILL hurt someone over you~✨🌸
✨🌸Luda mae (hope I spelled that right omg) is also very helpful!✨🌸
✨🌸She won't tease you! And will scold anyone who does!✨🌸
✨🌸And if Thomas can't help you she will!✨💕
✨🌸Hihi angel here! I hope this is okay! I enjoyed writing it! Please feel free too request again if you want!✨🌸
🌸🌸My request box is always open! ^^✨✨
With love 💕
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vattenkokare · 3 years
Saw ur art on my suggestions, immediately followed for SuFin.
Keep it up 🖤
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thank you and i hope you'll enjoy your stay 🥰🥰
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