#Hounds of Abaddon
thesixthchaosgod · 7 months
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Hound of Abaddon ready to slay for the Black Legion. These guys are really crisp! I love the extra detailing on the lower part of the chest piece especially! 9 more to go now and these take a bit longer than my normal Black Legionares but the result is so worth it I think
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celembrindal · 10 days
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Vashtorr and his hounds hit the field today to collect on some debts from a Great Unclean One. The new Soulforge detachment is everything I ever wanted from a daemon engine detachment. The new codex is awesome and I cant wait to try out a ton of stuff. Abaddon needs to make his debut soon.
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niqhtlord01 · 2 months
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The Great Git Hunt Part 1: The Death of a Legend
During the turning of the 42nd millennia the universe was to see many upheavals of a galactic nature.
 The 13th Black Crusade finally shattered Cadia and opened the great rift, sundering the universe in two and unleashing innumerable demonic incursions into real space. Tyranid Hive Fleets began appearing more frequently along the entire eastern fringe devouring innumerable worlds and forcing the Imperium to fight tooth and nail for every world to slow the tide of chitin.The Tau launched the Fifth Sphere Expansion while the Imperium’s attention elsewhere and sought to steal several dozen worlds from Imperial control and integrate their populations in the name of the greater good.
Yet the most perplexing, if not confounding, event was to pit two of the greatest warhosts against each other all over the death of one elderly man.
That man was Commissar Sebastian Yarrick.
Dying at the age of roughly 153, the energetic Commissar Yarrick made a name for himself by leading the Imperial resistance against Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka on the world of Armageddon. Taking for himself the severed arm of an ork warchief he slew in combat to replace the arm he lost, Yarrick would become a nay mythical figure amongst Ork culture and the primary rival of Ghazghkull himself. It was said that the warboss only ever cursed Yarrick; an honor amongst orks for sure. Their rivalry would span nearly a century as the two would fight again during the third war for Armageddon and then far afterwards as Yarrick chased the warboss half way across the universe seeking to end the green threat once and for all.
Many would be safe to assume that with a rivalry so deep between two titans of their peoples that their stories would end with a climatic clash of arms where one would lay dead at the others feet. Yet fate sought to intervene in the cruelest of manners.
While pursuing his eternal foe with a fleet of Black Templar space marines, Imperial Guard, and several warships of the Imperial Navy; Commissar Yarrick was set upon by the newly reformed World Eaters chaos space marines legion led by their demonic primarch Angron.
With the opening of the great rift Angron emerged from the Eye of Terror at the head of the largest force of Khorne worshipers the universe had seen since the Horus Heresy. Angron was not content to follow Abaddon and his mongrels, so set out on his own to leave a path of devastation and slaughter spanning several sectors. Each world his followers set foot upon they would leave in fire with nothing but the hollow skulls of its former inhabitants piled in mile high mounds to watch over them. It was in fact the most recent slaughter on the planet Mori that reverberated throughout the warp so strongly it incapacitated the navigators of Yarrick’s fleet and pulled them out of the warp.
Angron was surprised at the sudden appearance of an Imperial war fleet, but welcomed the new challengers with great relish. The Khorne warships descended upon the imperial fleet like carrion fiends and began pulling it apart piece by piece. The navy fought back with great ferocity but the troop transports were left to fend for themselves as hordes of boarding craft were launched at them, each packed with world eater space marines churning for the coming bloodbath.
With their escape routes blocked and the transport ships in danger, Yarrick ordered the ground forces to land on Mori. It was only on the surface of the planet could the imperial force bring to bear their full might. The landing was hounded the entire way by the ever pressing chaos war fleet with many ships never making the journey, but by the grace of the emperor several made it to the surface and disembarked their forces.
Never one to back down from a massacre, Angron landed on the planet once more and led his legion against the now dug-in imperial forces. Under the leadership of Yarrick, the guard and space marine forces held the unending horde back for seven days and seven nights. Yet by the dawn of the 8th day only Yarrick and a handful of guardsman remained. Angron himself took to the field for the final slaughter and slew the guardsman with ease until only Yarrick stood against him.
Power claw met demonic axe as the elderly commissar matched blow for blow. So assured of his victory, the inability to shatter the crude ork weapon infuriated Angron and his rage furthered him to unleash a flurry of blows. One snuck past Yarrick’s guard and violently severed the commissar’s right arm at the shoulder.
As the arm and power claw fell to the ground Yarrick staggered backwards. His remaining hand tightened around his bolt pistol as blood began flowing from the wound. He looked up and saw the demon primarch looking down at him; mangled and jagged teeth grinning as Angron looked down at him. No doubt the monster expected him to beg for his life, but Yarrick would not.
Spitting out a glob of blood at the traitor, Yarrick brought up his bolt pistol and roared “FOR THE EMPEROR!” one final time and pulled the trigger. A single bolt left the weapon before Angron swung his axe and decapitated the commissar. The bolt struck home against one of the skulls hanging from the primarch’s neck and shattered it; a prized treasure as it had belonged to one of his close comrades back when the primarch had been mortal and a slave in the fighting pits of his homeworld. The primarch took up the severed head of Yarrick and put it in its place around his neck; a sign of honor for a great warrior while the rest of the skulls of the dead imperials were collected and offered to Khorne.
News of this massacre did not reach the wider galaxy for several months until a passing merchant ship picked up the distress signals of the imperial navy that still echoed in the warp. They soon found the lifeless husks of imperial ships floating above the planet of Mori and when they descended to the surface found the remains of the imperial’s last stand as well as a lone ork power claw still stained with demonic blood.
When the merchant ship reported their findings to nearby Imperial authorities an investigation force was dispatched by inquisitorial agents which further discovered the truth of the situation and the death of Yarrick.
Initially, there was hesitance with releasing the information regarding Yarrick. In a time of such chaos, the death of such a notable figure if reported to the wider imperium could trigger further outbreaks of panic. In a rare show of defiance however, the Astra Militarum insisted that it be made public and a large scale military funeral be held and broadcasted imperium wide to turn Yarrick into a martyr and potentially Imperial Saint stating that he chose to die fighting the forces of chaos then be cowed into submission.
Had the Astra Militarum made such demands a few generations earlier the Inquisition would have purged their ranks for such brazen defiance; but since the great rift’s opening they found their position had weakened and they needed the legions of Imperial Guard standing with them than against them. So, the Inquisition relented and the military funeral was held on Yarrick’s homeworld. Despite the great dangers of warp travel, several high lords of Terra made the journey to pay their respects as well as countless Imperial Guard regiments, space marine contingents, mechanicus forces, and even a rare Imperial Class Titan joined the funeral procession.
It was during this period of mourning as news of Yarrick’s death was spread throughout the imperium that it also trickled into the hands of the Imperium’s enemies as well.
Ork freebooters hijacking Imperial ships learned of the news while having fun with their human prisoners. There wasn’t an ork alive that didn’t know of the legend of “Old Bale Eye” and the impressive ork body count he had amassed over the century of fighting. News of his death spread even faster amongst orks than it had with imperials until finally words reached the green prophet himself, Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka.
At first, Ghazghkull refused to believe that anyone but him could have done in his oldest rival. He had fought Yarrick too long and knew that the wily hummie wouldn’t go down so easily. But when a squad of his handpicked Kommandos came back from Mori and presented him with Yarrick’s severed power claw, the green prophet flew into a rage.
The roar let out was so powerful that it reverberated in the warp, silencing nearby warp storms and sending countless ships of all affiliations from the astral tides of the warp back into real space. Not since the war of the beast was an ork roar heard so strongly in the warp from so far away that even the navigators on holy terra itself could hear the anger of Ghazghkull.
From that moment on the greatest warboss of orks the universe had ever seen had a new mission. He would take every ship in his fleet, every gargant and war machine his boy’z made, and every ork boi in his waaagh and he would not stop until he had the head of the one who done in Old Bale Eye and mounted it to the front of his flagship.
The Great Git Hunt, had begun.  
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littlebluejaydraws · 1 year
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The king and his hound :)
With @juliet-hellhound-week about upon us, I wanted to work out a slightly more demonic form for Crowley to go along with the hellhounds' aggressive forms.
My HC for this is that more powerful demons (e.g. Alistair, Azazel, Lilith, Abaddon, etc.) have the ability to let their demonic form bleed through a little and alter their vessel's appearance if they choose. These forms are personal and can change over time. Crowley has the two sets of eyes in this form as a reflection of his relationship with his hounds :) I don't think he would take this form very often in front of others- it's a threat display that doesn't quite match his usual mo. The specific moment in canon where I imagine this being brought out would be at the end of season 10 when Sam attempts to murder him and fails, which is the moment that inspired this idea for me.
ID: A compilation of four digital drawings of Crowley. There are two head shots in mostly black and white, one in normal 'human' form and one altered to show Crowley with two sets of red eyes and a ring of horns around his head, like a crown. There are also two full body shots, showing Crowley in profile. Likewise, one of these is in normal human form and the other is altered as with the head shot. These shots also have a hellhound walking beside him in wolf form next to human Crowley and skeleton form against demon Crowley. The full body demon form also shows large black/red wings tucked against Crowley's back. End ID.
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This is Abaddon(with new haircut cause the other one stated clipping a bunch.) And their formerly legion hound Azazel.
(More on both later im to tired atm lol)
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lilibetbombshell · 5 months
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Series: The Four Horsemen Author: Sienna Moreau Rating: 5 / 5 Stars (for the series thus far)
I recently read Sienna Moreau’s new novel based in a world where the Seven Deadly Sins have a great deal of power (the title is Lust and it’s out now) and it was so good I wanted to explore her back catalog. So I started reading this LGBTQ romance series about the four horsemen of the apocalypse and the immortal beings they fall in love with. I fell in love with the overall story arc that carries throughout the four books (there will be a fifth–it’s due out summer 2024), the world building, the magic systems, the found family vibe, the kinks, the spice, and most of all? I fell in love with the characters and their chaotic hot mess found family vibe.
The first book, Conquest, focuses on the first horsemen and a naive baby angel who, for some reason, has no wings and no memories of ever being human. He’s an enigma and he’s being sent down from Heaven to try and find out as much as he can about what Conquest and his brothers are doing and report back to God and the Archangels. This book is heavy on the grumpy/sunshine, size difference, possessive alphahole, “touch him and you die” vibes. Raziel, the baby angel in question, is not only adorable, but he must be protected at all costs.
War is all about enemies to lovers and second-chance romance. Uriel is an Archangel who still remembers being human very well and somehow he and War get stuck in a different dimension together. They hate one another but boy do they love to hate one another. This one is heavy on the mutual possessive AF vibes, the “I’m the only one who gets to hurt you” vibes, and the opposites attract.
Famine is about the centuries and centuries old romance between Lucifer and the third horseman. These two have been in love for almost as long as they’ve known one another, but they’ve gotten too good at hurting one another. God punished them both for falling in love in extreme ways and Famine has never forgiven himself for it. Lucifer doesn’t care about forgiveness because he’s too busy being insane. This one leans very heavy on the second-chance romance, found family, and lots of kinky hot spice vibes.
Death is literally about “touch him and you die”, because Death’s touch is literal. Death last sent the demon Abaddon to death by kissing him. It was the only kiss Death has ever had and it was the only time anyone has ever asked Death to kiss them when they were sent back into the cycle. When Abaddon comes back in an unexpected way, all they can both think about is that kiss. It leads to more than they ever knew could happen. This one is HEAVY on kink and sadomasochism. Like, all the TW/CWs.
Throughout these books there is an intertwined story of gods, angels, demons, madness, blood, war, and terror. There are intelligent horses, innocent but cheeky cherubs, a cute as hell dog-sized arachnid named Paul that I would give my life for, and even a three-headed hell hound named Spot. I have enjoyed reading this series so much and I highly recommend it.
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thekinkyleopard · 5 months
A Shifter’s Tale
AlxKoxNai RP Canon Lore Transcript
Part 1
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Foul Language, Demons, Sneaky Snz Mention
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Description: Two residents of hell, are released out onto our reality on Earth. Each with their own set of reasons. How will that turn out for an Anti-Christ that craves chaos and a Gate Hound that just wants to understand? Join them on discovering the meaning behind being “a person” and building connections.
Author’s Notes: I knoooooow I announced this months ago and just getting to it nooowwww I’m sorryyyyy LOL me and Geez have also been behind on the RP anyway so this will be a short part! Hope you all enjoy 🤪 @aller-geez owns Kanai and Draeko, and did the lovely cover art!
Kezz: Alistar laid back against a large, blackened stone lounge, stretching his long limbs before scratching his stomach and smacking his lips, looking upward at the space above his head. Fire, brimstone, ash. It surrounded him, and for some it would be exhausting to breathe within such a contaminated environment, the demon only thrived. He counted each flickering speckle of dusted ash that floated across his vision before he heard it, the booming sound of his father’s hoove steps. “Abaddon,” he called out, coldly, harshly, like a knife secretly at your kidney. Dont make any sudden movements or sounds. Alistar, however, unphased by the Deity’s darkened, and aggressive manner turned his head, slowly, painfully so. It made the large half goat half demon’s eye twitch, snarling with impatience. “It’s time…while you weren’t due for your collection til next week, Cerberus has asked me that you accompany Kanai to earth, keep him straight,” he narrowed his goat like eyes, staring into the the emptiness that was Al’s true form, his blackened scleras and reddened irises rolled across the back of his skull. “Yeah, okay, whatever gets me the fuck out of her—…” suddenly a sharp pain at his throat, like he couldn’t breathe, and his body slowly lifted off the surface he once was standing on.
He moved to speak, but nothing could come out, every time he tried it was like fire in his esophagus. “Abaddon, there is no room for Error in this mission, shall I discover you’re /slacking/ or failing in anyway….I will not hesitate to eliminate you,” the monster was clear with what he meant, and Alistar was sure in even the farthest corner of his mind, his father meant it, he'd seen him smite others for less. His eye twitched but he didn’t whimper, or cower. He simply went limp, eyes glaring daggers in the direction of his so called dad.
“Yes, that…right there Abs….hold onto that hatred, that anger….itll come in handy…don’t go soft when you get down to earth,” as if someone had tossed a baseball, just as casually, Al went flying through the air, collapsing to the ground with a rough thud and scrape of his jeans, creating more tears in them. “Understood…” he spat, avoiding eye contact now but refusing to show a glimpse of emotion. “Good boy,” Satan smirked waving his hand off to signal that demon’s exit. “Be gone now, do as you were created to,” Alistar came to a stand, dusting himself off and with a grunt, headed toward the gates.
“Fucking bastard…” he grumbled once out of ear shot. “Real piece of work that Satan…” scoffing to himself before he reached his destination. “Nai! S’go!!” His hands cupped around his mouth to amplify the sound of his voice calling out to his best friend.
Geez: Meanwhile, Kanai stood at the huge iron gates as large flames licked up the metal, the thick black layer of soot constantly kept fresh throughout the millennia with ease. The hellhound stood tall and proud, like he wasn’t the size of an ant standing in front to the terrifying three headed beast that was his father. Cerberus had long ropes of drool that slid between his massive teeth as he panted, although Kanai stood completely motionless as if his body was made of stone, his black rimmed heterochromatic eyes focused straight in front of him to show his respect for the huge canine.
“Lucifer has offered for you to be accompanied to the mortal world by his son. He will be joining you to ensure your safe return after your Ramspringa. You are my smartest son, and I have faith that you will simply become bored of the mortal world. Your intelligence should make this the shortest Ramspringa yet, and when you return, I will begin to personally train you to begin the process of taking my place in front of the gate.” Cerberus clapped one massive paw against Kanai’s shoulder and although he didn’t move a muscle, the sheer force behind the encouraging gesture was enough to make the Merle hound lose his balance a little, taking a few small steps to the side in order to regain his balance.
“Yes, father. You have nothing to worry about. I have located a few points of interest that I would like to indulge. I will be returning shortly to allow you to finally step down.” The borzoi nodded very slowly, now allowing himself to make eye contact with one of the three terrifying canine heads that sat atop his father’s shoulders. “I have faith in you, boy. Now, go find his offspring and make sure your temporary flesh vessels were created correctly before you depart through the portal. You will only get one after porting to earth.” His father warned with a stern expression, to which Kanai nodded silently to show he understood.
Just as the hellhound turned to trek through the familiar fire and brimstone that he had called home for 2500 years to locate Alistar, his ears perked up to sit gently upon his head as the same deep, frustrated voice of his best friend resonated within his head. The gold piercings that dangled from the tips of his ears swayed lazily as he whipped his head around towards the familiar voice, his blue and brown eyes instantly connecting with the silhouette of the redhead calling out to him. Padding down the array of blackened stones that let from the thick iron doors, Kanai finally stood face to face with Alistar. “I thought you had no interest in returning to earth, Donnie?” The hound asked with a tilt of his head as they both began to trudge towards the Vessel Laboratory, both mentally preparing for the lengthy process that leaving hell always was.
Kezz: Alistar waited out, kicking the greyish terf about with the point of his steel sole, flesh bound foot cover. Sighing deeply he looked off into the distance, seeing a horizon of fire and the echoing sounds of tormented souls shrieking loudly in his ears. It was mundane. The same shit everyday. Torture. Fire. Ash. Then you have the frozen layer. Torture. Ice. Cold. Even more boring than the fire. He couldn’t wait to get back onto earth. He had only had a few sessions of training down there, supervised of course by a higher level demon, recruited under his father as always. So he never got to have an authentic experience. He just hoped he could at LEAST, find a couple mythicals walking around so he can get some real good tail. His best friend just wasn’t cuttin’ it anymore. The second the Borzoi headed toward him he already nodded his head, running a grey hand through his ruby red hair.
“No interest? Oh Kanai, my dear sweet canine friend, the opposite is true!” He raised his arms high. “There is so much to discover on Earth, so much mischief! You thought mischief down here was entertaining? Wait til we get up there!” Pointing upward toward what could be considered the sky to hell but more or less was just more brimstone. Hell was a lot like being stuck inside a giant castle on fire. While the two of them made their way to the Lab, Alistair sighed with a dreamy like tone to his voice. “It’s going to be so great…two of us…taking on planet earth,” he just really wanted to get the fuck away from the world’s biggest Narcissist ever created. His father. He couldn’t stand being surrounded by brothers who all praised and kissed their father’s ass, with said father eating it up like a thanksgiving brunch. A vulgar sight to see.
He wouldn’t have to speak to them ever again, so long as he kept his vessel alive, and away from any of his brother’s also on earth. Shouldn’t be hard. They were all busy with their objective. Collect souls for hell. The more souls signed over to Satan, by his name or in his honor, the less powerful Lucifer’s chain tethers are. There are tethers in heaven that connect to restraining Lucifer into hell and keeping him there. The less souls in heaven VS in Hell, the less power Heaven has over hell, slowly releasing him. Once he can regain visitation to Earth, he can take over and rule all. Eye rolling himself into the sun, but this is what Al was trained, groomed, and bred to do. Yet, he rejected every part of it. Fuck that. If he was FORCED here, he was going to have the free will his grandfather intended for him, and indulge.
“They better have gotten my customizations right, swear I don’t wanna have to do it down ON Earth it’s so much worse when you’re occupying the vessel,” his half lidded, disinterested eyes turned to that of slight worry, hoping the lab demons didn’t get lazy, or petty. It’s a gamble working with demons. They walked through the archway, and immediately the lackies began to scatter about to get things in line for the two Princes. “Your Majesties…” they began “Ew stop, I’ve told you, don’t do that, My father isn’t a King,” Alistar rolled his eyes. “Our vessels ready? And you didn’t fuck up the instructions did you? Cause I’ll fucking rip that tiny useless head right off your shitty shoulders,” stepping forward with his excruciatingly violent demeanor making the workers shrink nervously.
“Y-Yes Mr. Abaddon, Sir,” snorting he folded his grey arms over his chest.
“Let us see then,” nudging a look over to Kanai to gauge his reaction as their vessels were exposed to them. The bodies looked more or less like they would as people, but Alistar’s flesh was way more lively, blackened hand tattoos and matching blacked out neck, flames going up the wrists. The vessel had piercings, long snakebite spikes, septum, Medusa and tattoos under his eyes. Under the left was 666 under the right was a Leviathan cross. At the end of the day, he hated his dad, but, he knew he was safe covered in their family sigils whilst on earth. Gotta be protected by the radicalized Catholics and religious nuts that’ll try and douse him with holy water. “Oh hey look you did get it…wait…” the Anti-Christ stepped closer to the vessel examining it before looking inside the waist band. “Yo! What the fuck! That ain’t 10 inches!” He looked up with almost shocked rage.
“L-Look S-Sir we had to go with E-Eight….it was t-too much your d-dad said…” they cringed and cowered.
“Typical…fucking Old man, killin’ my buzz…” he crossed his arms and let out an irritated grunt, exhaling loudly through his flaring nostrils.
Geez: “I’m very intrigued to see how the mortals live.” Kanai nodded as he paced along side his best friend. As the two approached the facility, his ears pressed back against his skull, displaying his discomfort clearly as the demons began to fuss over them. They scurried around the building, trying their best to quell the redhead's temper. While the others were all busy with Alistar, the hellhound padded silently towards the vessel they had created for him, his dual colored eyes scanning up and down the mortal flesh before him. One of the worker demons from behind the rest of the group noticed his interest and broke away from the others to stand beside him, nodding with a hopeful look in their eyes. “I hope the vessel we have crafted for you meets your specifications, your majesty?” They asked cautiously.
Despite the redhead’s adversity to that word, Kanai couldn’t help but enjoy the special treatment. As the youngest son of Cerberus, and the only one who didn’t constantly get themselves into savage battles in the name of their father, he didn’t get the special treatment very often. So of course, he took advantage of it at any time he could. The vessel that lay lifeless on a stretcher was gorgeous, more than he even expected to receive. The grey skin accented the shoulder length blue grey hair, and the shiny black horns that protruded from its skull were a perfect replica of his own. The corners of the hellhounds muzzle turned up slightly when he noticed the upside down crosses that hung from the human ears. Littered across the vessels face were a multitude of different piercings: gold cheek piercings, two top lip labrets, two bottom lip labrets, as well as black rings in both nostrils, and another ring buried within its septum.
“It exactly matches my request, you have my gratitude.” Kanai nodded, his dual colored eyes flying to meet with Alistar’s. “Are we prepared for departure then, Abaddon?” His tone was changed only slightly as his impatience began to get the best of him, his paws shuffling until him as he began to get antsy to experience anything besides the bowels of hell that he was used to.
Kezz: Alistar sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing to himself. “8 inches…PFT…” he grumbled under his breath, but before long his pouting intercepted by Kanai’s question. “We gotta get into the vessels first dingaling….and stop calling me that, I made myself a new name for my new life…it’s Alistar….so yeah, from here on Abaddon is dead,” his voice was still very clearly irritated by the work that was done on his vessel, it was such a minor detail to everyone else, it was but a few inches in detail but it was enough to piss him off.
“I’m sorry your highness, truly, it was out of our judgement,” the grey skinned male rolled his darkened eyes and simply waved a hand about.
“Whatever just connect us to the vessels,” trying to get this show done and over with at the least so he could get to having a good time. Fuck this place. Alistar and Kanai were then approached by two tiny goblin like demons, and handed each a small tiny vile of black liquid.
“Here you are, Sir,” Al took the glass in his hand, observed the contents before ultimately downing it like a shot of alcohol. Similarly as well, it burned down his throat and made his whole body shutter violently. Used to the feeling as they had snuck in many times to steal vessels for their entertainment.
Soon the vessel that was once unanimated and laying down started to vibrate and glow a bright crimson and eventually so did Al. “Here we-..” he started to himself before long, the light was so bright neither body was distinguished from within the light, and with a loud crackling sound, BOOM. He and the vessel combined and as a large cloud of black smoke appeared from the sound, it slowly dissipated and revealed Alistar now standing in front of the team of demons all clapping their hands.
“Wonderful! How’s it feel your majesty?” Al exhaled with annoyance once more behind the sounds of celebration, rolling his now clear white scelaras and Ruby irises.
“Stop calling me that,” he didn’t want to be royalty. He wanted to be a God. Every time they called him a prince, your highness, majesty, he was reminded that he was nothing more than a successor to his damn father. No. He wanted to out rank that old man. And he would, so help him, he would.
“Our apologies…does the vessel feel comfortable?” the trembling demon asked.
“It would if I had a bigger dick but I suppose this’ll do….” Shaking his head back and forth in response.
Geez: Kanai snorted a chuckle through his nose. Growing up with Alistar, he completely understood the redhead's adversity towards his father. He, however, wanted nothing more than his father’s approval. His father was a fierce, legendary warrior that was respected by the creatures of hell, and he felt pure admiration for the three headed beast. But because of his overall lack of interest in savage battles like his siblings, he was often overlooked by his father. The fact that he was chosen to take his place in front of the gate should have been the best thing that had happened to him, but he couldn’t help but feel some sort of envy towards his siblings for getting to live their lives separately. How was he supposed to return to the bowels of hell quickly when the only thing waiting for him was solitude?
Getting torn from his own thoughts, a vial of the same viscous black liquid was thrust into his field of view, to which he tossed the goblin a nervous glance. Before he even had a chance to speak, Alistar had downed the substance, and after a moment, his best friend stood in front of him within the new vessel. The hellhound blinked a few times, trying to process the transformation, sure they'd done this a few times behind everyone's backs but this felt weird doing it on purpose, which only made the demon next to him jab an elbow into his side gently. “It’s your turn now, Your Majesty.”
With a nod, Kanai sucked in a deep breath, before taking the vial within his teeth and throwing his head back, the liquid sliding down the side of the glass and emptying down his throat. The liquid had a horrible, sickening taste that one could only describe as acid as it burned down his esophagus and filled his stomach, making the hellhound gag audibly, resulting in the the glass shattering against the ground in front of him. Ugh, he hated that taste.
“Your highness!?” The goblin shrieked nervously as they hopped around trying to avoid the glass that scattered around their feet. Before he could speak, the vessel they had prepared for him also began to vibrate and emit a navy blue light, and his canine body followed suit shortly after. Moments pass before his body was replaced by a disembodied blue orb of light that quickly disappeared within the vessels open mouth with a deafening sparking sound, followed by complete silence.
After a second, the human eyes of the vessel flew open, revealing Kanai’s blackened scleras and heterochromatic irises, and he slowly sat up before lifting his greyed hands and flipping them back and forth in front of him, reunited with human hands instead of the four paws he was used to standing on.
“D-Does…. Does everything feel o-okay for you, my prince?” The goblin asked cautiously as Kanai began to peel his new body from the stretcher it once laid in.
“Different.. but.. Sufficient.” Kanai nodded respectively.
Kezz: Alistar stretched his new arms out, admiring his tattoos and his newly colored flesh. He couldn’t believe that he was this close to getting the fuck out of this literal hell hole. His Ruby gaze stared closely as Kanai swiftly shifted and changed to combine with the vessel waiting for him. Once the body animated to life, he himself smirked and clapped his hands. “Alriiiiiight, let’s do this shit then…gotta get back to the gates in our new vessels and get the whole entire fuck out of here!” Grabbing his best friend now by his very human like shoulders and shaking him back and forth. “We’re gonna be free beings, Nai!” His teeth grinned brightly ear to ear, he couldn’t wait. The parties, the sex, the drugs, the chaos, all of it. The humans too. He couldn’t wait to pluck their souls and fuck with their heads. He hated those little cretins.
“Ready?” He asked as he cocked a look to his best friend. Not long after they found their way back across the darkened ashy wasteland Alistar stared about the large black, metal gates. Though, if you were to touch them, your fingers shall whisper through like an illusion. Around the gates was a large bursting wall of blue flames. “Alright, how the fuck do we do the thing and get down to earth then, are we like…waiting for your dad with the key or…” he looked around with an empty epression on his face but his body jittered with impatience.
Geez: The bright blue light from the flames in front of them reflected in Kanai’s black scleras as he examined the gate for a second, until he finally processed what Alistar had asked him. Turning his head towards the redhead eerily slowly, his face could only display what one would imagine would be a confused expression but it was nearly the same as any other. “…Have you forgotten that the gates of hell require no key, Donnie?” He tilted his head to the side as he questioned the demon, thoroughly confused by the sentiment.
Alistar had grown up in Hell with the hellhound, and had seen the gates used many times in that time. Maybe he had simply forgotten? As his heterochromatic eyes stayed locked on his best friend's, one greyed lanky arm was outstretched in front of him and his palm met with the iron bars of the legendary gate. The closer his hand got to the gate, the more transparent the flames behind it got until they disappeared completely as his skin made contact. He simply pushed lightly against the metal, and the massive gate creaked loudly as it was dragged against the stone ground to open a few inches.
“See? We only have to push it while the seal is lifted for our departure.” He nodded to punctuate his statement before the intense chill of the unfamiliar air behind the gate made the hair on his outstretched arm stand on end. Retracting his arm back quickly as if he had been shocked, his gaze snapped towards the gate as he held his hand to his chest. He had never been close enough to the great gate to feel the other worldly air, and it was a stark reminder that he was about to leave hell, the only place he’d ever known, for the first time.
His heart thudded loudly in his chest, but his facial expression didn’t change at all. Once able to process his thoughts, the hound quickly adjusted the halo that glowed brightly over his head, and turned back to Alistar. “Piloerection while in the vessel feels way more intense with less hair.. I must discover the reason once we have adequate time on earth, Abad-…. Alistar.” Correcting himself quickly, Kanai nodded again as almost a pat on the back for remembering the redhead’s new preferred name. “If you are ready, we may depart. Make sure to remain close behind me, so you may also depart without instance.” He told the other offhandedly, although all of his focus was on the gate now as he reached out both hands and forced the gate open just enough for the two to squeeze through.
Even if it was only opened slightly, the metal made a bone chilling sound as it scraped the ground, and the icy air from outside the gate was strong enough to blow Kanai’s grey blue hair back as it rushed in. Without stopping, suddenly the hound began to move forward and through the gate, into the overwhelming darkness on other side. Shortly, the darkness consumed his entire body, and in the time it had taken him to blink, he suddenly found himself having to squint against the sun that burned his unaccustomed eyes. Raising a hand over his brow to shade his vision, the hellhound looked around at his surroundings. He was standing in an expansive field of well kept sod grass, and off in the distance were metal and plastic structures where a few children hung off of them while laughing, and a few others ran around them, equally bright smiles on their faces. Kanai had never seen such a thing..
As he stood staring into the distance, his train of thought was interrupted by the loud smack of footsteps that seemed to be getting louder, until a teenager ran past them wearing jogging shorts and tennis shoes, but no shirt. “Nice horns, faggot!” The teen jeered as he passed, followed by a sarcastic chuckle and a shake of his head. “You have my gratitude.” Kanai called after him with a nod, taking a moment to run his fingers across the points of his horns thoughtfully. “That was generous of that mortal..” he whispered to himself.
Kezz: Alistar stood there examining the metal from a far. He looked over at Kanai and frowned as he watched him effortlessly open the gates. Sure, he’d seen it done, that doesn’t mean he hadn’t been manipulated. “Easy for you to say asshole, I was told if I try to even touch the gate that I’d explode into a hurricane of guts and return as a worm….but now that I think about it….my dad really is a dirty fuckin liar….” Pursing his lips with agitation and thought. “You forget that only one of our dad’s tells the truth about shit,” rolling his crimson eyes, almost as if he was annoyed that Kanai often forgot how cruel and awful Lucifer is, but I suppose one can only know based off their personal experience, and Lucifer was generally neutral to be around for most everyone in hell. When suddenly Kanai pulled back, Alistar felt a slight tinge of panic from within his chest. “Are you gonna explode?!”
Fearing that maybe his father was right and no one that wasn’t holding a position of power, couldn't in fact open the gates. Noticing there was no look of horror, torment or pain spread across his friend’s face, Alistar chucked a brow up as he looked at him closely noticing that the hound was starting to slowly come back to reality, he then began squinting slightly as the hellion spoke. He allowed the other his slip up, and decided to make no fuss on it. He just shrugged his shoulders.
“Look, I’d rather we didn’t waste anymore time here, let’s go,” starting to fall impatient as they just stood between the very real, obtainable moment of being on earth, and the harsh reality that was the fact, they were still standing in Hell. Once Kanai started to actually open the gate, Al creeped closely behind, hoping to avoid getting lost and them appearing in two different locations.
Luckily, as the darkness that started to consume them, disappeared like clouds opening up from the sun, Alistar squinted, and suddenly like the fog was cleared, he realized they were no longer in hell. The echoing sounds of small humans playing filled his ears, along with the teen, insulting his friend, as he passed by Kanai. The red head swiftly, and in great timing, stuck his leg out and burst into laughter when the kid went flying face forward into the concrete. “Ah!” He exclaimed as his nose hit the cement and blood trickled down his face. “What the hell man?”
“Nah, I don’t live there anymore but, you’re more than welcome….” Alistar stared deeply into the kid’s eyes and towered over his body that still lay on the ground. “Be gone, cretin,” he hissed at the teen, and before long the boy scrambled to his feet and took off. “Kanai, Faggot is an insult, he was essentially saying you’re a dirty dick sucker….which in theory doesn’t make sense…because sucking dick and having your dick sucked is actually….really fucking great so idk, kid is a buzzkill I guess,” he shrugged his shoulders before he looked around to see where exactly they landed.
It was a huge park, massive, in the middle of a very large city, buildings everywhere. “Shit where the hell did the gates drop us off at?” He looked around questionably, before realizing there was stuff in his pockets. He reached down, patted at his pants and realized there was a cell phone, a wallet and any information he would need as a “human.” IE Social Security card, ID (fake address provided) a bank card connected to an account that was indeed, full. “Damn dad really made sure we were set,” he snickered going through the phone and realizing just how much freedom they had now. “Let’s go do something fun….Fuck everything else,” the red head turned to look at his best friend, smirking before someone behind Kanai caught his attention.
A man smoking a cigarette, which intrigued Alistar so much he actually pushed past Kanai to talk to the stranger. “Hey dude do you have another one of those?” The stranger looked at Al up and down, squeezed his eyes with an air of judgement before he scoffed.
“No, who the fuck are you? Fuckin bum, get out of here,” the red head frowned, and scoffed audibly.
“Fine then,” his eyes closed and when they opened again, they were entirely black and suddenly the man went stiff, frozen in place. “Give me all of the Smokey sticks you have,” demanding slowly of the man, who nodded in return, shoveling his hand in his pocket only to pull the pack out and hand it over. “Good, now fuck off,” he spat at the stranger he essentially mind robbed. “Look Nai! Treats!” He held the box up like a trophy, making his way back.
Geez: Watching the boy run off further into the park for a second before turning his attention back to the redhead as he spoke, Kanai was yet again confused by the explanation he was given. “An insult?… but he said he liked my horns, which is a compliment, yes?” The wheels in the hellhounds head were clearly turning, but the concept was lost on him. “Regardless, that mortal seems to be rather uneducated to think that I was ever unclean while engaging in fellatio..”
How would this strange creature even know about his life in hell? Maybe they had certain powers that he hadn’t read about that allowed them such insight into his past life?
Still quite obviously mulling these thoughts around in his head, he opened his mouth to fire off another endless string of questions for the redhead, but was quickly cut off as he was pushed to the side. The hellhound’s halo that hung in the air above him slid a little from the abrupt movement, however he caught the glowing ring in his hand before it manage to slip off of his head and clatter to the ground below him. With what could assume was a frustrated grunt, the halo was readjusted over his head again while he watched Alistar’s exchange with the stranger.
Suddenly, Kanai could feel the energy switch to hostility in the human as he squinted toward the redhead, making the quick decision to stay back and observe on the off chance that if this man attempted to attack, he would quickly become the demon's first soul harvest of their adventure. The hound wasn’t the most adept when it came to physical altercations, so what would it hurt to have a little more first hand experience before he was faced with the task? Although just as quickly as the energy between the two had become hostile, the man became compliant, stuffing the strange box into Al’s outstretched black hand. Huh. Guess there would be no epic battle for him to study.
The word ‘treats’ echoed in Kanai’s head for a second before his multi colored irises finally lifted to the box being held up. He had no idea what the exchange was even over, but he could tell that his friend was excited about their gift, and this alone calmed the warning bells that had been going off in his head. Slowly he made his way across the rest of the field that lie between him and the redhead, and when he finally stood in front of Alistar again he squinted slightly as he attempted to replicate the expression he had seen a few times already. Sure, he didnt know exactly what feeling he was supposed to be conveying by holding his eyes as such, but there couldn’t be that many emotions to fabricate. It must have at least been close to it.. right?
“…. What did you receive? I am unfamiliar with any treats that look as these do..” Kanai asked after a second of intense study, turning his head to look at his friend once again with a seemingly irate expression. Any kind of emotion looked strange displayed on his face having gone 2500 years with the same stoic, blank features, but this one definitely took the cake.
Kezz: Alistar placed his hands at his hips and couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at the other’s naivety. “It was sarcasm, Nai….I see I have my work cut out for me,” he shook his head but then grinned. “You’re not wrong on that end though pal,” pointing at him with finger guns.
Once retrieving the pack of cigarettes, which conveniently had a lighter tucked within the contents. “This is a …cancer stick? Cigarette? Stoge? The humans call them many things…they’re for sinners though…and I hear they taste awful but make you feel really good,” explaining the foreign item to his best friend, looking more at it than his strange expressions.
He slid one out of the package and brought it to his lips. “You light it like they do in the movies with this thing,” pulling out the lighter, he struggled with it a bit. Not exactly sure how to get the fire going. His red brows furrowed inward as he attempted to give the button a press. Nothing. What?
“Hm….” He contemplated audibly before examining the tool closely, the stoge hanging loosely from his lips. “Come on….tch…Uncle fucking Christ dude…why won’t it light??” Starting to get increasingly frustrated before eventually, by accident, his thumb slid along the rolling metal gears of the contraption, and pressing the button, boom, a small flame flickered about.
“Ah-hah!” He grinned with success, bringing the fire up to the end of the cigarette, and soon the demon’s lungs began to fill with smoke as he inhaled. After a few short drags, he exhaled gingerly, allowing the nicotine to rush straight into his brain. “Holy shit….” He stumbled, not used to the kick behind it. “Nai you gotta try this!” The trail of smoke lingering amongst the two and tickling Kanai’s sensitive nostrils, consuming his ability to smell anything else but the burning tobacco.
Geez: “I will have to study the subject more I suppose.” Kanai shrugged, not giving it any more thought. He released a short, sharp exhale to show that he had heard the redhead, his eyes locked onto the lighter in the other's hand as he struggled, although he had no insight on the foreign object so he stayed mainly quiet. When the flame finally managed to lick across the metal of the lighter, the hound's eyes lit up a little, fascinated more by the lighter than the cancer sticks that Alistar was so excited about. “…Mortals have pocket fires?” He asked curiously, reaching out to gesture for a closer look at the object. After a few seconds of silence as the redhead took a few drags, Kanai lifted his gaze from the lighter and back up to meet the other's ruby orbs. He had to admit, watching Alistar experience the intense nicotine rush did make him a little curious to try it himself. You know, for research reasons.
“I suppose I could parta—..” The hound was cut off mid sentence, already attempting to take the cigarette from Al’s outstretched hand, when he began to be overwhelmed by sensations that were completely new to him. His eyes quickly began to water, filling to the brim with liquid that seemed to force him to squint, making the bright blue from his irises almost glimmer in the sunlight they stood in. Within seconds, it felt as if someone had lit fire to the inside of his sinuses, and it only increased exponentially when he attempted a quick sniff to chase off the unbearable itching. The hellhound couldn't help but suck in an involuntary gasp of air as his eyes snapped shut, and he was instantly overwhelmed as the tickle bloomed into two unintentionally harsh releases into the space between them.
“huh’KIISSHH’ah! Eh'kgsssshihh!!“ Dazed, Kanai blinked slowly a few times, feeling an unfamiliar pressure behind his eyes as a single tear slipped from his left eye and down his grey cheek. “Apologies,” the hound sniffed once again as his eyes caught the small cloud of mist he had made into the air reflect the sunlight. With the strange feeling suddenly gone, he attempted to take the cigarette from Alistar once more, although the wind only directed the smoke straight towards him. He didn’t even have time to react this time as the tickle returned with vengeance. “hh’KSHHh’hieww!”
What the hell was going on? This had never happened while he was home. He wasn’t even sure what to call it.. how would he do any research on the subject?
With another quick sniffle, he dropped his outstretched hand to his side and shook his head. “I don’t think they are compatible with my vessel, Donnie.”
Kezz: Once Alistar finally got a flame going he felt much more confident in his abilities to figure out human tools. He smirked and looked over at Kanai with a grin. “Yeah, funny huh? In hell most of us can just flick our fingers and have a spark….humans are so useless they need to make tools for such tasks,” he cackled a bit before taking another large inhale of the cigarette while handing the hound the object in question for him to examine. Enjoying the rush the nicotine gave him as his head, thoughts and reality swirled amongst him.
He was suddenly caught extremely off guard by the sounds exploding out of his best friend. He blinked his crimson eyes once, twice, three times in confusion as the sound didn’t seem to stop, his cheeks turned a slight hue of red and he bit his lower lip, watching as his best friend’s eyes began to leak and his nose crinkled with every blast. “What the hells is that?” He asked curiously, watching as each time Kanai is faced directly with the trail coming off his lit stoge, it caused these loud and moist fits that made the demon’s body tingle and tremble upon witness.
“Looks like /I’ve/ found something to research!” He snickered before pulling his cellular out and typing into the search ‘what is the loud noise that humans make sometimes from their face when there’s smoke around,’
Google: Sneezing
“Hm….what..is….sneezing?” He ticked into the search bar now.
Google: sneeze /snēz/ verb gerund or present participle: sneezing make a sudden involuntary expulsion of air from the nose and mouth due to irritation of one's nostrils. "the smoke made her sneeze"
“Interesting…apparently what you just experienced is a ‘sneeze’ Nai and it says here, they’re 1/8th of an orgasm! ….hot….do it again…” he grinned up now at his best friend wafting the smoke trail closer to the other before they heard a loud commotion.
“Come on dude! I just need a nap! I’m exhausted!” he heard one of the two voices exclaim.
“Find a friend's house to crash at, no sleeping in public parks,” the red head looked over to see what he recognized as a human police officer, aka the fun ruiners and some dirty looking man arguing with him.
“Hmmm might have my first prospects….” He mumbled to himself. He did come here on a mission. Granted, one of his own, without his father’s knowledge….but that was for him.
“Nai, I’m gonna run a collection, then we are gonna get settled and find lodging, cause we can’t just sleep outside,” he scoffed, realizing they had to get some ground work done before any real fun could begin.
Geez: Kanai wiggled his nose back and forth, sniffling lightly as Alistar explained the concept. “A.. sneeze?” He asked, almost cautiously, until the redhead compared it to an orgasm and he was suddenly intrigued again.
The hound leaned forward to place his face in the trail of smoke once again and focused on the newfound sensitivity that instantly sprung to life on his face. Well, if it were 1/8th of an orgasm, this next one should send him over the edge, if the research was correct. Inhaling sharply, the burning sensation once again stole his breath in a ragged gasp before a loud, “HEH'kkssshuuh!” exploded from his features for a fourth time. Scrubbing frantically at his pierced nose, he emitted a quick groan before his bleary eyes peeled open again to almost glare at Alistar. “That—“ he cleared his throat, “—did not feel like any orgasm I have ever experienced, Donnie. The information seems to be inaccurate.”
Shaking his head, his gaze followed the demons and settled upon the officer. He couldn’t understand the need for such an enforcer, but Alistar was right, they needed to find somewhere to sleep for the night sooner rather than later. “Yes, it seems as if he knows where we could find such.. if you don’t mind, I will observe from here and will stay out of your way.” The hound replied matter of factly, his eyes never leaving the human in the uniform as he fiddled with the lighter within his grey fingers.
Kezz: Alistar watched closely, if the man had a tail it would be wagging furiously as he stay witness to his best friend’s research. Hoping that he would get to see this new vessel he was in, come to climax in front of his very own red eyes. When it came flying out of his mouth, he was disappointed slightly by the lack of convulsions and pleasured sounds and crossed his arms. “Well what the fuck! That’s what my cellular device said!” The red head huffed but shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe it has to be the right trigger? Hm? Like something stronger….” Almost contemplating ditching all their efforts of trying to figure out how to settle in out here, and go on an entire rampant search for the orgasm inducing sneeze. It really was hard to stay on track out here.
Almost fully allowing the right side of his brain to lead him into distraction, the left side began to itch and gnaw at him. “I guess we will figure that out later, we have plenty of time for research,” nodding respectively, feeling proud to choose productivity over horny, but it may be the only time.
Allowing his long slender legs to carry him across the grass to the interaction of the two people; he first approached the more authoritative figure.
“Hey, me and my friend are new in town, where’s the closest domicile I may purchase?” The cop raised a brow and folded his arms over his chest.
“What do you mean?” Al crooked his head, unsure of the officer’s confusion and rolled his eyes with impatience.
“You know, a place we can sleep? Eat? Have privacy? A domicile?” The cop scoffed and shook his head.
“What is this the 1800s ?” He chuckled loudly the sound echoing obnoxiously in Alistar’s ears. Already regretting this interaction as a whole.
“I am unclear what that means, but can you help us or not? Is that not what you do?” cocking his hip with judgement at the officer. Alistar couldnt beleive the incompetence, and disrespect. Arent they servants of the public? Scum.
“I don’t baby sit, move along sir, you can find hotels on every corner,” the cop narrowed his eyes and looked over at the homeless man once again. “You get out of here before I ticket you,” the man on the recieving end sighing, gathering his things and starting to walk away as the officer glared back at the two demons. “And you two better not cause any trouble out here,” pointing a stern index at them before he too, began to take his leave.
Al felt slighted, disrespected, what the hell was that? Not even a proper answer he snorted angrily through his nose before quickly walking after the homeless man. “You! What say you? You know where I can find shelter?” The man froze, almost looking at the red head with mocking disbelief.
“Dude if I did, I wouldn’t be getting kicked off a bench now would I?” The dirty man crossed his arms with a read of mistrust.
“Look, I have money, I just need to know where to give it to sleep permanently, I need a…thingy! One of those things that the humans go back to every day after their shenanigans,” mulling his hands in circles trying to remember the human languages he loosely, lazily, half-assedly learned.
“A fucking house, dude?” almost unbelievable how clueless the crimson eyed figure was to the homeless man in front of him, his brows raised.
“Yes! House! Lodging! Shelter! Whichever! Can you point me in the right direction? I can make your wildest dreams come true, trust me,” winking at the man mischievously. “Just grant me access and ownershipofyouressence and it shall be done in the name of Alistar Satanos,” he held up a proud index finger to the sky, knowing full well he was convincing enough to the human ear. The man tilted his head and peaked a brow up.
“Huh?” Unsure of what the strange red head meant or even said, was he purposely mumbling?
“Promise me the directions towards a lodging facility and ownershipofyouressence and I will grant you your deepest desire,” the man considered this for a moment, he looked around and his brows raised with curiosity. At this point, the man just wanted to see if he could benefit from this insane reaction so he interrupted with a wave of his hand.
“Okay let’s say I do, my deepest desire is to be successful and rich so I’ll never have to starve again, you can do that?” still not fully believing the tall random man, but something about Alistar’s smirked coaxed him further.
"I can do more than that but, yes, I can," the stranger swallowed nervously but then nodded and immediately, crimson eyes turned solid black, and they began to glow with an ominous narrowed stare.
"Then so it shall be, in the name of Alistar, you sign yourself to me, and all to which you desire, will come to fruition," his voice suddenly dropping several octaves, echoing loudly in the fore front of this stranger's brain.
At the first thought of acceptance, the stranger froze. Suddenly, the man's eyes rolled back, his arms outstretched wide and Alistar reaches out with an open palm.
"In Alistar's name," the unknown male gurgled behind a strained voice. A brightly shining translucent sphere seemingly floats out from the man’s open throat, and into the demon’s hand, immediately absorbed. Everything fades, his eyes slip back from his head and he sees Alistar standing there normally as he once did.
“Excellent, now, where can I find lodging?” The red eyed demon grinned mischeviously. The man now obviously empty, falls back to a standing position, a shell of what he once was.
“Downtown you can find a realty office, they sell houses fast and cheap, I just could never afford it,” his voice monotoned, the color drained from his cheeks, you almost would believe the man was sickened.
“Well, Steve my man, you can now, enjoy your lifetime of riches and success,” snapping his index and thumb the man’s life, as agreed, changed forever, with a huge disadvantage. Now that Alistar owned his soul, he would never walk the earth as the same man he once was.
Alistar walks away, satisfied with the deal he struck and returning back to Kanai’s side. “Man humans are so fucking stupid and desperate,” he threw his head back in a joyous chuckle. “One soul down, several million to go and I’ll out rank dad,” shooting a wink towards his obtuse partner in crime. “Anyways, Gotta go down town, there is the place called a realty office ….we talk to them and they’ll provide lodging,” exuding confidence as he pulled out his electronic box once more. “Ah, maps, that should help,” clicking the app open he input “realty office downtown” within the search bar. The GPS managed to pop up his results in a matter of seconds, giving the demon an estimation of arrival. “It says if we start now, we will get there in 26 minutes by walking….”
To Be Continued……
Author’s Notes: HAH. Snuck some snz in there. Anyway, sorry if this is so short and slow and only mildly entertaining, mostly just logisitics building and getting them into earth first, it’s all we have as of right now but we plan to write more this year 🥰
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the-consortium · 1 year
How much to get a clone made? I wanna fuck with the Imperial Fists
Oleander is busy sewing half the fingers of one of the hounds back on. Routine. The huntress sits only half-sedated - and that too more so that she doesn't have to make conversation - on an operating table, dangling very slowly with her unfixed legs and looking infinitely bored. In the air is the swelling melody of one of the old pieces of music that the Lieutenant Commander so appreciates. The Apothecary readjusts the lamp and pulls out a piece of a claw from between tattered tendon ends. "Those Eldar mutants again, huh?" The Hound doesn't even make an attempt to reply. Just shrugs her shoulder, which is not tied to the worktable. Oleander is about to reach for a sterile solution when a sudden noise comes from the adjacent hall, the Clonelord's private working retreat. The Astartes and the Hound look at each other, then at the door. Again that strange mixture of a barking snap and something that …. no. It can't be! And yet. Oleander turns slowly, realising that his body has decided that something must be threatening and he is swimming in battle hormones. But instead of one of the terrors still dwelling in the more uninhabited corners of the ancient ruins, Fabius is standing in the doorway. Holding a transcript of a message and …. laughing? He waves the note, which apparently amuses and angers him at the same time. "Entertainment! This is what we've come to! Cloning primarchs so that we can stimulate our senses, sclerosed by the centuries, with the confusion of others! Art! Hah! Not for a long time." He pauses theatrically, crumples the note and looks at the little mutant who has apparently delivered the transcript and is now staring with several wide eyes at his maker, whose behaviour is apparently puzzling to him - as it admittedly usually is. "But then again …" Fabius continues, spinning dramatically around himself "then again, that's exactly how it started. What was the point of creating Ferrus Manus so many times that it lost all meaning? So that our dear Sire could amuse himself with the illusion of having been in the right. Hah!" He sighs. Oleander and the Hound stare no less confused than the little mutant. "All right, then. Why not? A finger exercise in regression. Let the Galaxy repeat another of the old mistakes. Perhaps this time it will burn to slag from which the new will finally grow." Again he looks at the mutant, sighs: "Vox Dictamen." The voice recorder in the Chirurgeon begins recording. "Obtaining the necessary basic material should not be a problem due to the fact that apparently one hand is still present. Whether enough can still be recovered from it remains to be seen - or whether it is the real hand at all. The actual work will take up no more than the resources of a medium-sized trading world. However, I will not perform any educational duties from the time the result is able to breathe unassistent. The reward for my time will depend on what results from the work. In any case, I expect to procure a certain artefact, which will be subject to negotiation. Dictamen finit." He looks to the mutant, who nods obediently and hurries off to relay the message. Oleander draws air through his teeth. "You're making a lot of people very angry again with that. Since you realise that, I suspect boredom as the motive, Master." Fabius snorts indignantly. Oleander continues, "Both Lord Fulgrim and Abaddon will probably send their people again to prevent the work." "Good, with any luck Lucius and that whining sorcerer will be at each other's throats and peace will finally be restored!" With a grand gesture, the Clone Lord turns and disappears back into his lab. Oleander sighs. It seems to be another one of those days.
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spiribia · 2 years
gw2 mount lore is like
raptor: here is a lizard you can ride
springer: here is a bunny you can ride
skimmer: here is a ray you can ride
jackal: when the god abaddon was struck down, his death turned the crystal sea into a desert, and his vengeful remnants sank into the sands. to cleanse the desolation of this tormented magic, the djinn shaped this sand into hound-like constructs that are initially violent and wish to kill but can be tamed into loyal companions
griffon: here is a griffon you can ride
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since the last batch of dailies included the Forged Hounds meta and you fight priests of Balthazar there, that got me wondering about what the whole Five/Six Gods-worshipping scene looks like after PoF again. like yeah there’s that funny scenery joke of someone having put a basket over his statue’s head in Crystal Oasis, but how socially acceptable is it to venerate or invoke him now? are there arguments in Divinity’s Reach about whether or not to rename the landmarks associated with him, to give him the full Abaddon treatment of wiping his monuments away? there’s scattered NPC dialog about how not all of the Zaishen had gone to war on his behalf in Elona, or how some of them ended up switching sides to the Crystal Bloom or what have you, but religious schisms aren’t exactly known to wrap up all quick and easy. and the Commander’s involvement in all this - do some consider them a pariah for killing Balthazar, whether or not they initially supported his return? heck, what if the Commander also worshipped Balthazar?
(additional rambling about OC below)
personally, my main did, and I like to headcanon her as being very torn-up over the whole thing. like, she didn’t have a crisis of faith over fighting him the way Kasmeer initially did; rather, she was pissed at HIM for betraying the ideals she’d grown up believing he championed her entire life. to Rouge, Balthazar was the one you invoked to make things even for the underdog, to give those who abused their power some well-deserved payback. getting killed by him while trying to protect Aurene, who she cared about so much...well, it was a pretty cutting betrayal.
yet she still holds those same beliefs, and doesn’t think the right thing to do would be outright ignoring what a big part of her identity it was. some people assume she wants Balthazar’s name stricken from the face of Tyria. she’s been spit at by more zealous followers a handful of times. she wears her Balthazar sigil under her armor now, not out of shame, but because she herself wouldn’t know how to explain her feelings if she was asked why she’s kept it.
also she has a crush on Zafirah so y’know...things are still pretty awkward there
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cainiine-a · 1 year
@necrcmance​ asked:  Who’s a pretty, snuggable puppy? hm? HMM?? / unprompted.
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The way with which he speaks certainly is odd: pretty? Snuggable? Never before has she been associated with such compliments and, for a brief second, she wonders if he means her to begin with. “ Well, considering I am the only hound present, I assume you mean me. “ Despite her initial bewilderment, a smile spreads across her lips; he has caught her attention, her interest and, apparently, developed a liking for such words in her. She taps a finger against her lips and laughs. “ Though I wonder how you’d know that I’m snuggable. “
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He looks deeply disturbed, his confusion more than just apparent as he looks at him with furrowed brows, eyes travelling up and down his frame to see whether he has perhaps been cursed by Abaddon ( though he is certain he would have informed about such state by the boastful tone of the perpetrator himself ). Slowly his finger lifts to point at himself, unsure, before he takes a step back in horror. “ Oh fuck no, don’tcha dare pat me or some shit! Mess up my hair and I’ll bite your fingers off! “
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thesixthchaosgod · 8 months
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About to unleash some Hounds!!! currently working on that lovely eerie skin and shading the reds
Also to be more lore accurate I'm working on a darker skin tone of my chaosy skin recipe
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Needs a bit more work but I like the tones I chose, Royal Purple mixed with Rhinox Hide and highlighted with Steel Legion Drab, haven't done it here yet but probably Baneblade Brown as a final Highlight and then possibly a very thin wash or glaze of purple to bring the purple weirdness back
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 2 years
because the court comes first. he doesn't want them to go hungry.
I'm not sure stars are currently the option they usually are. he evaded the question. we know that at least one of the courts that was hounding them before followed them to their new home. and that Abaddon's court likely isn't far behind.
cutting off their ability to eat does seem about in line with picking off half of the court's strongest.
no. i get that.
i'm just wonderin'...
he got taken by sabael, yeah?
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pinespittinink · 2 years
hellooo i would love to know more about your star white wip, specifically the ship and the doggo 👀👀 also i'd love to be on any/all taglists you have!
Star White my BELOVED ✨💫⭐️🌟✨ speaking from the origin, it’s a hybrid Sleeping Beauty/Snow White (who could have guessed) retelling, though I play fast and loose with that term. The retained elements are: Daemyung gets abducted by a dark matter entity named Abaddon, and is physically imprisoned and asleep in a glass coffin in the midst of a thorny thicket on Abaddon’s planet.
The doggo is named Molly! She’s an Aegis hound, a breed of large telepathic dog (think like a pale golden retriever/whitish yellow lab larger than a Burmese mountain dog). She’s the equivalent of a service animal for Daemyung, because she can project telepathic shields that keep Daemyung from being overwhelmed by his own natural empathy around other people, which he doesn’t have much control over. Molly’s basically his barrier, bodyguard, and oldest friend.
The ship is Beverly~ she’s a one-of-a-kind spaceship AI interwound with organic matter, and is able to indefinitely slow down the biological clocks of all natural organisms within the body of her ship, making anyone within her effectively immortal. She’s very plucky and intelligent, and shows herself “physically” as a glowing watercolor swirling light that moves fluidly through the walls and floors of the ship. She’s Mateo’s companion and ride while he goes on his search for Daemyung, and becomes his rock over the obscene years they spend together.
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helllords · 1 month
@id1eyouth asked: gladiolus / for aba! / ❥     𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒    [   𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂    ] gladiolus : describe a moment from your muse’s life that they will never forget .
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He values his hellhounds for their efficiency, for their ruthlessness and, most importantly, for their loyalty. They have been sticking to his heels for centuries and both their desire to protect their master and their frightening ability to drag sinners to hell concerned the heavens greatly. Which is why ( unable to comprehend the lengths Abaddon would go for these hounds; perhaps assuming that they are nothing more than a disposable beast ) they tried to kill one of them.
He still remembers it growling, yelping, whimpering with the silver blade buried in its side. Sinking to his knees, cradling its head as he began to seethe, the flames of darkness threatening to burst through his vessel as he extracted its essence from its form and promised himself and god above that if it chose to take one of his children, then he will take one of its.
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This is Abaddon(with new haircut cause the other one stated clipping a bunch.) And their formerly legion hound Azezel.
(More on both later im to tired atm lol)
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