#How To Make Rotisserie Chicken Recipe
crestapex · 6 months
Yesss we love a foodie simon!
Mans will tear up some fried rice and then fuck up some rotisserie chickens 2 min later. Yall stupid if u think u can leave 2 big plates unattended with him. 3 slurps and its gone.
If hes dating and u cant finish ur food he gladly finish it for u. Gets lowkey offended when i pull the plate back and tell him u just ate off that plate/fork. Like wtf u mean i cant eat off ur plate/fork it doesnt matter bc I kiss u anyways SO LET ME FUCKIN EAT😫
Hes the type to eat from the pot/pan. Like as soon as u tell him the food is ready hes already digging in the pressure cooker with a spoon.💀
Yeah-no, ‘cause he’s definitely the type to look at you all confused when you don’t just give him your plate and instead try to shove your uneaten food on to his. He’s quirking his brow, looking at you like, ‘Hello? My tongue has literally been inside you.’ 🤨 And he just gently takes your plate and fork out of your hands while staring at you, nodding in disapproval.
Update: sort of part two.
And “3 slurps and it’s gone” PLEASE, I’M DONE. Also, I just couldn’t stop myself from writing a (semi) little blurb. 🤭 Now introducing big boy helping you cook!
You stand at the stove, wooden spoon in one hand, and switching from spice to spice with the other. Your eyes stay focused on the silver pot below, nearly filled to the brim with hot, simmering soup. It’s one of your own recipes, fresh and homemade from start to finish. The savory smell fills the kitchen, and having certainly flooded into the other rooms of your shared flat. As it appears you’re not the only one who favors this recipe, someone else clearly does as well.
You try your best not to acknowledge the beast of a man looming over you too much, instead letting him quietly watch as you work your magic. Simon’s hand rests on the counter beside the stove, his other hand opting to rest knuckle-first on his hip. Sure, he mostly chooses to remain silent, but he has no problem reaching for and handing you a utensil or spice—often times before you can, and even before you can ask him to do so.
Every now and again you’ll find yourself having to step away for a minute, and a minute is all he needs. All the time he needs to inch over to your spot and take a hold of the wooden spoon, gently stirring the soup. All the time he needs to lift the spoon and bring it to his lips, slurping up the smallest amount it could possibly take to drench his taste buds, no matter how steaming hot it is. And all the time he needs to lower the spoon back into the pot and swiftly move back into position, just as you begin to turn around and make your way back over to the stove.
And you pretend you don’t notice, you like to pretend you didn’t just catch Simon from out the corner of your eye sneak a bit into his system. Though you can’t help but silently laugh to yourself as he lightly pushes a spice in your direction with his thumb, his own, kind way of telling you it needs just a little bit more!
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thefandomdirtymind · 9 months
Shiny offering
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OPLA - Vinsmoke Sanji
Sanji Series - NSFW The small favor
A/N IMPORTANT: I am the little weirdo who's like crows and though that a pirate with a crow would be really cool. So, I'm really sorry if you're scare of bird, but I hope you will find the story funny because I have a lot of fun with it and my new obsession for this man.
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.  
If you enjoy my story please let me know.
Sanji never had a particular interest in birds. At least not living ones. Once featherless, beheaded and ready to be cooked. He, of course, has a lot of thoughts and recipes about how to prepare them, each idea more delicious than the other. 
But, as the Crow expanded his wings and flew above him for the fifth time that day. He started to wonder if the black bird meat would taste more like chicken and then, be better in a rotisserie kind of dish, or would it be surprisingly more delicate, like the duck. 
A mystery he would probably never know even if he could. Or if he did, not with this precise bird. Because, even if the blond never had a thought about the feathered animal, he has a lot of interest in you and, as irritating as it is, your crow seems to dislike him as much as Zoro does. 
He didn’t attack him directly of course, you would never let this happen. 
Yet, if Sanji is too close to you when you're all on the deck or if you share a moment alone with the cook. The damn winged dinosaur never missed a beat stealing his, lite or not, cigarette that was in his hand or between his lips.
The bird has often even tried to take his ring, but, to this day, never succeeded. However his favorite target was his blonde hair. Golden straw that he could pick few at the time between his beck before flying away as quickly as he could. 
Everytime, as you tried without success to not laugh. Biting your lips in that charming way he liked so much. You assure him that Deimos didn’t really hate him, he was  just a little bit too protective or attracted to the shiny thing on his person. Like humans he needs time to adjust to new people. 
“ I understand Madam, but I don’t see stealing Zoro shinny earring neither and that be a show I would love to see “ He once replied, trying to repress the bitterness in his tone, massaging the sore spot on his head where Deimos had took three of his hair.
“Well, Zoro didn’t have hair similar to pretty rays of sunshine, that’s for sure and I honestly don’t know, they seem to already be best buddy that kinda funny “ You said, your gaze fixed on the strange duo that was Zoro and your pet, napping in a hammock between two Tangerine trees. 
“ That because they have something in common, they both hate me that’s why” 
“ You know, Crows love to collect things who shine and offer them to their partner or their favorite human. Once a crow trusts you, he or his children never forget you, they have a memory that they extend to their children for generations and they will always return to you. It’s amazing”  
“ Then Madam it seem that I will be hate for generation “       
It has been almost five months now that you were a member of the crew and the relentless animal didn’t stop. Although, Sanji couldn’t forget that conversation that you had about those damn birds offering shining things to the person they affectionate. The way you smiled, the gleam in your eyes as if you were sharing that fun fact like if it was a romantic story. Even if it was an anodin moment, he couldn’t forget how perfect you were. Relax, your arm crossed on the railing of the upper deck in the soft light of the morning. 
It wasn’t a secret that the blondie fell for you at the minute that he saw you. He had tried to flirt as much as he could, challenged your taste buds by making you his best dishes and even switched his generic “Madam” for a warmer nickname “ mon coeur”. A sweet name he uses, usually as often as he calls himself the Best Cook of the East blue. 
“ Mon coeur, do you want a kind of food in particular for supper ?” 
“ Be careful Mon coeur, the tea is hot” 
“ You see Mon coeur, one day I will see the All Blue and I will explore it with you ”  
But, nothing had seemed to enlighten your comprehension about his intention. Of course, a more direct approach would give him an immediate answer, still, like in his cooking, Sanji liked a more slow and progressive approche.
It was when thinking about his next move that the strange event occurred.
Busy in the kitchen, peeling potatoes for his famous beef stew, the man suddenly heard a metallic noise, like a utensil falling on the floor. As a chef, it wasn't uncommon, but since he was alone in the room and all his instruments were in front of him, it was indeed, really strange. It was only after his gaze had scanned the room that he finally saw it. 
Perched on the side of the table, under the open window, the dark bird, a spoon in his beck, was watching the floor where a solitary fork was laying.
“ Oh no sir, this place is my domain you will not ruin it, get out” He exclaimed, not without thinking of how ridiculous he must look, talking at this bird like if he was a rude client of the Baratie.
For answer, Deimos only croak once, jumps between two potatoes just in front of him, turns his onyx head on the side and then, under the blue glare of the men, drops the polished spoon. 
The eating tool in itself wasn’t really special, unless the fact that it had been lost two weeks ago, along the fallen fork of course.   
“ Oh so now you steal my utensil. My hair and my smoke wasn’t enough ?” Sanji sighs before reaching for the discarded silver instrument. 
For answer, the crow slowly approached his head to the metallic object and started to admire his own smaller reflection before taking his fly, exiting the kitchen.
Coming back after less than five minutes later, this time with a shimmering shell and one of Nami small hair clips. Same as the spoon, he gently drops them in front of the blonde man, tilling his head, like he is waiting for something.
Like said before, Sanji never had a soft spot for birds, but he had a fond memory of that conversation with you about the way they express their affection. So, little by little, as he watched one by one the glittery, polish, shimmery stuff your crow just bought him, two realizations struck him. First, the damn feathers dinosaur has finally taken a liking for him and second he finally knew how to show you how dear you are in his eyes. 
“ Well, I almost regret now that I imagine you many times in my oven. I admit that you don't seem that bad alive now…thank you” Sanji smiled, putting the stew on the stove, letting it cook and before starting collecting the item for his new plan.   
It was only a long time after dinner that he could put his said plan in action. With a little help from his now winged friend.
As the Going Merry was lazily crossing the water, Sanji was still again in the kitchen, preparing diverse elements. To citrus marinade for supper the next day, to dry leaf for future recipes.  
Nevertheless, he was ready when the flap of the wing followed by footsteps could be heard near his area.  
Deimos was the first to enter the kitchen, taking his now usual place in the left corner of the kitchen island, your bracelet still on his beck. Close by a few steps, you enter at his pursuit, stopping only when you seen the strange show that was the gorgeous chef ,slowly busy pressing a lemon and your large pet, sharing the same space without apparent bickering.
“ Hi Sanji, sorry to barge in there like that. Deimos feels apparently playful today, he stole my bracelet. But look at you both, you finally bound as I can see” You joyfully said, taking a seat in front of the kitchen island. 
“ Hello Mon coeur, well as you can see we came to an arrangement if I can call it that. " Sanji replied, pulling an almond from his pocket and giving it to the bird as he rescued your bracelet “ But I’m grateful that he bring you here now, I also had something for you, a special dessert”  
Turning his back from you for a minute, missing the long glance you give to his perfect ass in his tailored pants, you smile. You weren't stupid, in fact, you were particularly smart. Even if you didn’t understand why Usopp had taken a habit of joking about the fact that you seem blind to love. 
You had noticed the blonde chef the first day on this boat and since then, had developpe what Nami had called a “crush” on him. What’s not love about him ? You like the way he calls you Mon coeur making yours fluster, the way his smile reaches his eyes every time he talks about food and of course the fact that he was always so kind with you. But never you would push those thoughts on him, no, it seems that all his love was for food and as long as you live you will respect that.
The first thing you saw after the blondie had put the bowl in front of you was the beauty of the presentation. Served in a plain white bowl, a delicate pale lilac ice cream was piled, decorated with colorful berries that automatically make your mouth water.
However it wasn’t the berries who’s most caught your eyes. Coating there the side of a raspberry, there in a few pieces the side of the cold cream, there floating lazily like if it were on a river, small gold flakes was highlighting the sweet, giving it the allure of a masterpiece. 
“ Homemade lavender ice cream with berries assorted with flakes of edible gold “ Sanji proudly present, your favorite smile on his lips. “ I had the idea when we were talking about crows and their habit of giving their partner or…favorite person…shiny things” He lied. Never would he admit to you that your bird, trying to fancy him, gave him the idea.  Never on his chef corpse.
“ Sanji, that’s almost too beautiful to eat. The colors, the sweet smell , the…glittery gold” You admiratively said, your joy suddenly catching up with the realization of what he had just said. 
You were his favorite person. 
Lifting at the same time your gaze and the spoon, you take a small amount of the ice cream and taste his declaration of love. 
Just like him it was amazing. Sweet, refreshing and addictive. 
“ So...is that to your liking ? “ He inquired after a small moment, unsure if you taken your time to enjoy the dessert or trying to find a delicate way to put him down. 
“ It’s the best thing I ever tasted, here take a bite “ You offer, lifting the silverware at the level of his mouth. 
Taking your offering, your gaze lock on each other, you both couldn’t repress your smile as he let slip the head of the spoon out of his mouth. 
“ Definitely one of my be…” He couldn’t finish. 
His tie caught on your fist, his torso inclined and supported by his strong arms above the kitchen island. Your cold lips had suddenly crashed against his, taking him off guard and at the same time his breath away. 
Sanji, still ,quickly catch up. Adjusting his position to support the back of your head with one of his hands. He slightly brushes his tongues against your sugary lips, savoring them like a peculiar delicacy. But, as your tongue met, exploring and dancing against each other in a french ritual. He became more and more greedy of your lips, throwing away his usual self control at the first hearing of your panting breath. 
Still trapped in the warm embrace of his lips, enjoying the contrast of his warm tongue against your ice cream cold one, you suddenly heard a groan pronounced by none of you. 
“ Great, now the waiter will stop looking like a love sick puppy. But did you really have to expose us to that ?”
Breaking the kiss, you gave a glance at the door where Zoro, his arm crossed on his chest, was rolling his eyes, clearly already done with both of you. 
Biting your lips of embarrassment you still couldn’t prevented, neither Sanji at it seem, to smile. 
“ Nevermind. Come on black chicken “ He calls your bird, who, now used to it ,goes perch himself on one of his shoulders. Before quitting the doorframe to disappear into the ship “ I have to clean my blade and I know they are not clean enough until you watch your reflection in it. “ 
Laughing at the incongruous friendship of the Swordsman and your pet. You returned your attention to Sanji, another tea spoon of ice cream in his hand.
“I’m sorry” You apologize, still laughing. 
“ No need to be embarrassed Mon coeur “ He smile, regaining as it seem, his composure
“ No, I mean, now I don’t know what I prefer between the dessert or your kisses “ 
Taken aback, Sanji slowly smiles, deposing a small kiss on your lips. 
“ Then why not enjoy them both together…I will gladly supply it every time you ask for it”
Smiling you then proceeded to enjoy the delicious cold dessert and the body warm contrast for the rest of the day and more.  
Bonus : 
Not that Sanji was ashamed to tell you, no. But, even after a year after the event of the offering silverware et other shiny knick-knacks.
He still had, hide behind a pile of pots, the many items brought to him, along the years, by Deimos. Because, even after all this, he was still the reason why you were finally in his arms at night and yes, he had to admit it, he had kind of come to like it, that damn bird. 
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Good Fences (Fluffuary #05)
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FEB05: Holding Hands
“Bloody hell,” his familiar voice purred at you, “Look at those gorgeous melons, love. They look so sweet.”
You saw John’s sharp teeth flash in a hungry smile as he admired your shopping bag full of honeydew melons. He was just getting home from the gym, it seemed. You watched him drop his duffel bag in his front entry before turning back to talk to you. You smiled back,
“Yeah, they were on sale. Nice and big, aren’t they?”
“Sale, huh? Guess I’m shopping at the wrong stores,” John lamented, reaching for one of the round fruits through your mesh bag, using his huge hand to gently squeeze it, checking for ripeness.  
“Well,” you admitted, “I forgot to grab a rotisserie chicken before I left, so I need to make a return trip anyway. Do you want to join me?”
“Alright,” he nodded, “You need help putting those away?”
You didn’t really need help, but having him in your apartment was getting to be addicting. It had started with tea. He’d been worried about you being down about your ex, even though you had been quick to recover. You milked it a little, just for the crumbs of attention you could get from John Price. This wasn’t the first time he had helped you with your groceries, and you realized that since you’d been hanging out with him so much, your neighbor knew your kitchen better than you did. He even replaced the trash can liner when he emptied it out for you.  
“Oh, John! You don’t have to do that,” you tried to stop him.
“No trouble, love. You finish up, and I’ll take this out. Meet you downstairs?”
You rushed a bit, wanting to join him as quickly as possible, and grabbed your keys before meeting him in the lower landing. He beamed up at you when he saw you round the corner on the banister, and you tried your best not to look nervous. 
“There she is. Ready?” He held open the door for you and followed you out onto the street. 
“Sure,” you pointed across the road to the park entrance, “I usually go through here. Shortcut.”
“Lead the way,” he grinned, and to your surprise, he took your hand in his. 
Your mind skipped a beat. You thought that maybe he was just being careful to cross the road, as if you were a child, but no. He kept your hand nestled in his, warming your palm, petting the backs of your fingers with his thumb tenderly as you walked. 
He was asking you about work and telling you about his new favorite machine at the gym, and you were trying your best to listen, but all you could think about were how strong his fingers were as they gripped you. You imagined him grabbing you with his hands anywhere else on your body and it made you tremble to think about.
If he held you around your waist, those hands of his would clutch the soft, sensitive skin of your hips. 
If he grabbed you around your thigh, his palm would heat your flesh, squeezing against the muscles there.
If he held your breasts, using those enormous fingers to pinch and tease your pretty nipples…
“Is that the one?” His voice snapped you back from your daydream. 
John was pointing up at the little bodega you’d been shopping at. It was small, but they had the best produce in the whole city. You nodded, 
“Yep, that’s the one.”
“I’ve been wanting to check it out.”
You followed him through the aisles, showing him all your best buys, insisting on some and relenting on others. He took your advice, and he even talked to you about a few recipes he’d been wanting to try, suggesting you might come over and cook with him. You thought about it, being in his kitchen, working together over his hot stove, eating out of the palm of his hand…
“Can’t believe we got all this for under a hundred bucks. You were right. This place is the best,” he was beaming, struggling to carry his haul all by himself. 
“Here,” you offered, “Let me take these for you.”
You grabbed two of his bags so he could redistribute the weight. 
By the time you made it back home, you’d finally recovered from the feeling of his hands against yours, and you were left wondering if that was just a one-time thing. It was your turn to offer to help him put all of his products up in his pantry, and although he initially said yes, what actually happened was that he sat you at the counter with a warm tea and handled the groceries himself while you chatted, sharing little bites of the snacks he’d acquired as he put them away. 
“Thanks for taking me with you, love. I don’t think I’ll be shopping anywhere else,” he smiled, wiping down his countertops. 
“No problem. What are friends for?” You said, off-handedly. 
“Friends, huh?” He leaned his huge forearms against the counter in front of you as he stood next to your stool and gave you a look, “I was hoping I wasn’t the only one feeling sparks when you held my hand earlier, but I guess that’s just me wishful thinking again.”
You stared up at him, in the quiet stillness of his kitchen, trying to breathe. He noticed your nervousness, and he continued with a sly grin,
He took one of his fingers and pet the back of your hand with his knuckles, lifting up your forefinger and cradling it with his ever so gently. His touch was so light, it felt like he wasn’t even touching you, like you were dreaming it. 
“No,” you admitted, “I liked it. Holding your hand.”
He raised his eyebrows as if he were surprised. Then, John threaded his fingers through yours and listened to you sigh at his obvious affection, groaning a bit before he said,
“Mm. Yeah, love. Me, too.”
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messier51 · 5 months
In reference to your tags on the food that makes life worth living post - what are chicken squares???
They're kind of like chicken salad sandwiches but wrapped up and baked in crescent roll dough.
They are very delicious.
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[image description: four baked chicken squares still on the pan. they aren't very square but the crescent roll dough is nicely browned and they're covered in browned stuffing bits]
At the risk of sounding like a food blogger, these are the food that I'd ask for when given a choice for my birthday. These are kind of an ultimate comfort food nostalgia thing for me. I use an altered version of my grandma's recipe (I measure with my heart, I am so sorry gramma but it turns out just fine this way, and no extra mushrooms) which is below vvvv. There IS a recipe online, on the Official Pillsbury Website (https://www.pillsbury.com/recipes/savory-crescent-chicken-squares/) from one of their contests. The name on the recipe is not my grandma, but the location is not far from where she lived. My grandma's recipe is better (obviously) but they're very similar and the version at the link is half the size if you want to try it but don't want to do math or something.
Part of the reason for making the full 8-sandwich version from my grandma's recipe is that it uses a full modern 8oz package of cream cheese (instead of the 3oz version that used to be common I guess?), and then you do not put the other half back in your fridge and forget about it until it gets moldy. If that's too much food, the chicken squares freeze really well! Just bake them for slightly shorter (I do it about 20 minutes) and then stick them in a freezer bag in the freezer until you want to eat them. They just need to be re-baked!
Chicken Squares Recipe (from aj's grandma)
1 8oz package of softened cream cheese
1/2 stick butter (that's 1/4 cup) (recipe says "or margarine" lol) melted (you use the other half of it below)
4 cups cooked cubed chicken (this can be approximate. One rotisserie chicken or so. Leftover turkey works great! Canned chicken would probably be good too. My sister does hers with mushrooms for vegetarian reasons but I have no clue how to do that. You can adjust this though! It's super forgiving.)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
4 Tbsp milk (that's 1/4 cup)
4 Tbsp lemon juice
3 Tbsp chopped chives or onion. (Or like, as much as you want. If you like onion, more onion is really good in this. I have used half a large onion, a whole bundle of green onions, whatever looks good. 3 Tbsp is not enough imo, but if you're not into onions, then maybe ignore me)
2 8oz cans of refrigerated crescent rolls.
1 can chicken broth
2 cans cream of mushroom and/or cream of chicken soup
1 pint cream, half and half, or milk
sauteed fresh or canned mushrooms
Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned Dressing (not the cubed kind) (you can use whatever breadcrumbs you have but the seasonings are really good! Sage, thyme, rosemary, poultry seasonings, whatever.)
The other half of your stick of butter
Cream the cream cheese (a stand mixer is helpful for this) and beat in 1/2 stick of melted butter. Beat until smooth.
Add chicken, onion, salt, pepper, milk, lemon juice. (Order doesn't really matter.) Mix well.
Separate 1 package of crescent dough into 4 rectangles. Firmly press perforations to seal 2 triangles together. Pat out dough to make thinner and larger (make it sorta square if you cant). (See alternate options below*)
Place about 1/2 cup filling into the center of each dough rectangle. Pull the 4 corners to the center. Twist slightly and pinch together, and pinch the sides that came together to seal. (It's totally ok if they're not perfect. They filling isn't gonna go anywhere.)
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[4 unbaked chicken squares on a cookie sheet with a silicone baking mat. Three of them are sealed and kind of lumpy, the fourth is still laying out as a square-ish shape of dough with a scoop of filling in the middle. It's got a lot of green onions in it.]
Repeat with your second roll of rolls.
Melt other 1/2 stick of butter in a shallow bowl or pie plate and fill a 2nd shallow bowl with the stuffing/dressing/herbed seasoned bread crumbs.
Set out a cookie pan (I like to line them with parchment paper but it's fine if you don't, they won't stick).
Carefully lift one sandwich packet. Dip both sides(!) in butter and then in the stuffing. Place on the cookie sheet. (Sometimes I wear gloves for this step, your fingers WILL get gooey. You want the bread crumbs sticking out all over, it'll be delicious.)
Repeat for the rest of them.
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[four unbaked chicken squares coated in butter and stuffing bread crumbs on a cookie sheet, ready to go into the oven]
Bake at 350°F for 20-25 minutes (or at 375 for about half an hour if you live on top of a mountain like me). They should be golden brown when they're done (see photos at top and bottom of the post).
You can partially bake and freeze or refrigerate for later!
Prepare sauce:
(I'm going to be honest I don't bother. Sometimes I make a can of cream of mushroom soup in the microwave and pour it on top. It's good! But it's way too much for just a me, and it doesn't freeze as well.)
Sauté mushrooms in about 1/4 cup of butter (sorry that's another half stick of butter, that wasn't in the list above)
Heat chicken broth and cans of soup.
Mix in mushrooms
Simmer until thick and bubbly. Reduce heat and add cream right before use. DO NOT boil after adding cream.
To serve, ladle mushroom sauce over each chicken square on plate.
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[a baked chicken square in a shallow bowl swimming in cream of mushroom soup]
*Alternatives to trying to make squares out of crescent dough:
Supposedly it works with dinner roll dough too but I don't remember ever doing that.
Buy the sheets of crescent dough, which makes it a little less likely to split along the diagonal where you tried to smoosh them together.
Make little roll ups! Spoon filling onto large side of the crescent roll triangle and roll up just like you would if you were making it without filling (this is also really good with jam or nutella js). You can still dip them in the butter and dressing, they turn out great! You get a bigger bread to filling ratio, so you might need more rolls for the same amount of filling. Bake time is a little shorter though, keep an eye on them. They're cute though!
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[three chicken roll ups(?) on a plate]
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[baked chicken squares and roll ups on parchment paper-covered cookie sheets sitting on the stove]
So, go forth and eat chicken squares. I've got some in my freezer that I made after thanksgiving with my leftover turkey, I'm going to eat some on Monday for my birthday meal, as is traditional.
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Chase Young
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Master Monk Guan
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I wanted to look for overlap in those feasts set by Chase and Guan to see how similar and different their tastes are.
They both have the exact same big bowl of the same recipe of spaghetti and meatballs, the plate of eggrolls, salad, a rotisserie chicken, and most notably, this... dessert?
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Spaghetti and rolls and chicken and salads are such common staples that there's little to say about both of them having that.
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(Although the Xiaolin temple's spaghetti is drawn very differently, with white noodles and smaller clumps of meat, so Chase and Omi at least share that recipe in the very variable dish of spaghetti)
But this (...jello?) dish being exactly same and present in both their feasts makes me wonder if that's a recipe they and Dashi made together back in the day? A recipe they both picked up from somewhere? Does one of them make it and just order it from the other? It is just a coincidental sign of how similar their tastes are?
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sasquapossum · 1 year
Awesome Chowder Recipe
Here’s a recipe for what I rather immodestly call my Awesome Chicken Corn Chowder. It’s not quick, either in hands-on time or total time, but it’s so good. Amounts are approximate, because this is just not the kind of recipe where precision matters all that much.
First, make the stock. I like to do this by buying a rotisserie chicken at the store, carving it up normally for one meal, then using the rest to make stock. First, remove all the usable meat - yield is usually a couple of cups’ worth for us - and save it for later. Then toss the rest in a Dutch oven, cover with salted water, and let it simmer for a couple of hours. I like to add a lot of thyme and a little marjoram too. Or you can skip this part and buy stock at the store ... but then you won’t have the meat as well. You’re on your own for that part.
For the soup itself, the first part is to peel, cube, and boil four large(ish) potatoes just like you would for mashed, but using the stock. You might need a little extra water to cover, and that’s OK but it should be mostly stock. While that’s happening - about twenty minutes - you can prepare the rest.
Cut up about half a pound of bacon and fry it up. The smokier the better. Kayem makes a great double-smoked bacon that’s too strong for most uses but perfect for this.
While you’re cooking the bacon, cut up a large sweet (e.g. Vidalia) onion, then take out the bacon and cook the onion in the fat. It’s a chowder. More fat is good.
While you’re cooking the onions (I love how this all fits together), cut up the chicken you saved earlier.
By this time the spuds should be done. Drain the water into a bowl - not the sink!- because you’ll be using it in a moment. Save half the spuds whole (well cubed), then mash the rest. This is the essential step, thickening up the final result to just the right chowder-y consistency. Now put everything in your Dutch oven.
Whole spud cubes
Mashed spuds
One can of creamed corn
One cup (or more) of thawed frozen corn
My final ingredient is a generous amount of Trader Joe’s umami powder - mostly various kinds of dried mushroom, but also a bunch of other spices so I don’t have to add those separately. I sprinkle on enough to cover the whole surface, maybe a couple of tablespoons. Hard to go wrong, really.
Next, let it simmer for a couple of hours. Most people would do this on the stove top, but I like to toss the whole thing in the oven for better temperature control. Just give it a stir once in a while. When time’s up, finish by adding heavy cream until the color and taste suit your preference - usually about a cup or so for me.
As I said, it’s not quick, but at the end you’ll have a big batch of super rich, hearty soup. All you need to go with that is a good robust bread - a local bakery makes anadama which is perfect for this - and that’s a meal to remember.
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amuppetreference · 8 days
recipe 1
as per my deal with a hungry entity, i am posting the occasional recipe. i am not a professional chef, and these are not written formally. i hope these humble offerings will still suffice.
avgolemono soup
this is basically a creamy soup with no dairy, instead using a mixture of eggs and lemon juice. many different cultures have versions of this as a sauce or a soup. i'm using the greek name as it is the most common in the u.s.
personally, i'm familiar with it through sephardic cusine. kosher law forbids mixing dairy with meat, and thus most cream sauces and soups were forbidden. this proved a wonderful substitute. the ingredients are easy to come by, and while it requires some concentration it doesn't take that long to make.
a pot. i use my dutch oven but pretty much any pot will do. just don't use a saucepan.
large heat proof bowl
spatula. i prefer to use a wooden one.
cutting board
knife. it just needs to be sharp enough to chop onions
salt and pepper. i like kosher salt and have a pepper grinder with a blend of black, white, and red peppercorns, but that's just me.
3ish tablespoons olive oil. just enough to cover the pan and cook the onions. i've tried shmaltz and butter as well, and while i wouldn't recommend substituting it can be done in a pinch.
1 yellow onion. or a white onion. just not a red one. i've tried using a few shallots instead and i wasn't a fan, but some people might like it.
3 or 4 eggs. this will impact texture. 3 eggs to 1/2 cup of lemon juice will result in a slightly lighter and fluffier soup and four eggs to 1/2 cup lemon juice will be slightly thicker and creamier soup.
8 cups chicken broth. i just use better than bullion. if you want more control over the saltiness, i'd recommend getting low-sodium broth and salting to taste.
1/2 cup lemon juice. use fresh lemon juice. it's one of those cases where you really can taste the difference, and citrus juicer are inexpensive. if you're unsure how many you'll need, just grab a bag.
1 cup orzo. arborio rice (a starchy short grain rice used to make rissoto) can also be used, although i'd recommend only using 1/2 to 3/4 cups of that.
shredded chicken. just get a rotisserie chicken and shred it yourself. i prefer breast meat in this dish, but you can add dark meat or even chicken skin if you want. add as much as you want. i'm not your mom.
fresh dill.
shred the chicken
chop or dice the onion according to your preference. if you don't know how, just google some techniques. and use the cutting board. if you don't have one, get one. you need it. season with salt and pepper.
if you haven't already, juice those lemons and measure it out.
gather all your ingredients and tools. trust me, it's way easier.
heat the olive oil in your pot/dutch open/whatever over medium heat
add the chopped/diced onions and sautée until softened. how much is up to you.
add the chicken broth and bring to a boil.
add the orzo and cook until tender.
in the mean time, combine the eggs and lemon juice in the heat-proof bowl and whisk together. don't half ass this. you should end up with a fluffy, light mixture.
now here comes the tricky part. when the orzo is cooked, reduce the heat until the soup is at a gentle simmer (i'd aim for low-medium). then, SLOWLY add about one cup of hot broth to the egg-lemon mixture WHILE WHISKING THE MIXTURE. you can use a measuring cup or your ladle. this can be tricky to do alone, so if you prefer you can get someone to pour the broth or whisk the mixture for you.
then, slowly begin to add the mixture into the soup while CONSTANTLY WHISKING THE SOUP. if done incorrectly, the soup will curdle and you'll end up with something more like egg drop soup. go slow, and pay attention. if the soup gets above a gentle simmer, turn down the heat more. don't stop whisking for more than a few seconds though. i told you this part was hard.
add the chicken. it shouldn't take more than a minute to heat through.
remove from heat and adjust seasoning. serve hot, and garnish the soup with fresh dill. you can skip that last part if you want to, but i think it really brings the dish together flavor wise.
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bisadiemccarthy · 4 months
"Earth to <insert name>! What are you looking at?" "The most beautiful/handsome/stunning person in the world." for any!!
set post-siege. written because i desperately need john to meet sedge. established but early relationship john/elizabeth
Honestly, John isn't surprised when there's nobody waiting for him when he and the rest of the Atlantis team get released from quarantine on Earth. It's been a long time since anyone had cared enough to go through the military rigamarole of traveling to a random base and waiting an unknown amount of time for him to actually be available, only for the reunion to be awkward and strained by unfamiliar surroundings and security clearances.
He speaks to Ford's grandmother, and it doesn't make him feel better. Rodney introduces him to his sister. In the back of his mind, John is counting down the minutes until he's inside Elizabeth's supposedly crappy (he doubts it) apartment, where he's been invited under the condition that he makes his mom's old rotisserie chicken crockpot recipe for dinner.
Speaking of Elizabeth, John had thought that seeing her in bed illuminated only by the Lantean moonlight would be the most unguarded side of her, but he's shocked that even now that assessment is changing. He turns at the sound of her laughter, just because it's an unfortunately rare sound on Atlantis. When he spies her, she's kneeling on the ground, her arms around a large white dog who's excitedly licking her face.
"Hi, Sedgewick," Elizabeth says, still laughing. Her eyes are closed and she's smiling as much as he's ever seen. "Oh, hi baby. I missed you, girl." She buries her face in the dog's coat, and John sees her shoulders relax. He'd expected to see different sides of his team on Earth, but this is a much faster transition than he'd expected. He feels his heart swell at the sight of an unguarded version of Elizabeth.
"Earth to John!"
He starts, realizing that he's literally only been staring at Elizabeth as she's moved on to talking to the woman holding Sedgewick's leash. "Huh?"
"What are you looking at?"
He can't help smirking at her, stepping closer so that none of their friends overhear him. "The most beautiful woman in the world." In any world, but he guesses saying that aloud would break confidentiality.
Elizabeth turns an adorable shade of pink. "Well while you were brainstorming pickup lines, I was trying to introduce you to my mother."
"Oh." He probably should've guessed that. He shakes the older woman's hand. "Major John Sheppard, ma'am. Pleasure to meet you."
"Likewise. You can call me Katherine." Katherine turns her focus to her daughter with a smile. "A military man. You've finally found someone exciting, Elizabeth."
"I'm just saying, there's no thrill in dating academics who collect dozens of the same magazine just because they're featured in it. I can say it now, I always found Simon insufferable."
John raises his eyebrows, but then again, he hasn't mentioned Nancy to Elizabeth yet. Between the near-death experiences and then privately celebrating the not dying part, they've been floating on the relief of coming together too much to ground themselves with serious conversations. He suspects this week will change that.
"You know what, Mom, I'm really wiped from traveling today," Elizabeth says, which is a pretty clumsy topic change by her standards. John chuckles. "Do you want to load Sedge up and drive the boxes you brought me over to my apartment? You can meet us for dinner if you want, John's cooking."
"I would love to." Katherine leans forward and kisses her daughter's cheek. "You'll have to tell me all about how the two of you met."
"That's classified, Mom."
"Oh, you're not getting away that easy!"
John laughs as Elizabeth hands Sedgewick's leash back to her mom and starts to walk away. He takes her hand to give it a brief squeeze, before dropping it again. "Why do I get the feeling she's going to win this battle of wills?"
Elizabeth smiles at him. "I guess talking about you all night isn't the worst way dinner could go."
He winks. "I'll make sure to remind her how awesome you are, too."
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copperbadge · 1 year
Hi Sam! While you were doing your coronation chicken tour, Max Miller of Tasting History posted an episode on the original version of coronation chicken: youtube.com/watch?v=LZJHIOtoH3M&t=919s. I thought you might be interested if you weren't already aware of it!
Oh that's cool! Yeah, with the coronation impending, there were a lot of articles and such on coronation chicken, and I was able to try quite a few versions of it while I was in Europe.
I'm slowly formulating how The Chicken Salad War is going to go, because the crux of the story is two chefs who are each very good at what they do making the same dish in very different ways.
Despite the fact that Michaelis doesn't have a particularly refined palate and Gregory is his father's son in that he likes hearty, protein-rich food and is fond of a cold meat salad, Simon is very traditional and gourmet. (Gregory does have a more developed palate than his dad, mostly thanks to Simon.) Simon makes their curried chicken salad very traditionally, while his love interest makes a version more like mine, which if you have the easily-preserved component parts comes together extremely quickly.
(As I move the dish gently away from the traditional coronation chicken and into something more uniquely Shivadh, I'll probably need to incorporate some backstory into its development -- traditional chicken salad in a heavily Jewish culture wouldn't use dairy in a meat sauce, for example. Most of the royal family doesn't keep super-strict kosher, but they did in the past, and Jerry's family still does.)
I've got a bunch of chicken in the freezer, and I think the next time I make coronation chicken I'm going to try sous-vide; the above video calls for poached chicken breast but the recipe I generally use calls for rotisserie chicken, and honestly I usually make coronation chicken from whatever I've stripped off a roast chicken after eating on it for a day or two. I'll be interested to see what a sous-vide chicken breast might add or detract in terms of texture.
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iceycube · 13 days
Snobrød! 🧑‍🍳🧑‍🍳🔥
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Wrap bread. Fun summer activity, recipe yields 14 breads
50 g fresh yeast
75 g butter (with optional herbs and spices)
800 g flour
400 mL milk
100 mL yogurt or sour cream or kefir
25 g sugar
12 g salt
How to:
Stand mixer with dough hook attachment or big bowl and wooden spoon
All ingredients in the mixing bowl
Mix on slowest speed until all is combined or stir until everything is combined
Turn to speed 2 for 5-ish minutes until dough does no longer stick to the hook. Or knead vigorously for 10-15 minutes until it doesn't stick to your hands. If it keeps sticking you may want to wash your hands and change your kneading technique :b push the dough away from yourself with the ball of your hand and snap it back with your fingers. Do not stick your fingers into the dough. It is a very good workout, so you may want to only wear a t-shirt ;]
Do the gluten test. With clean warm hands take a small ball of dough and carefully stretch it into a thin rectangle just using your fingers. If it doesn't tear your dough is kneaded. If it does tear, you give it 1-2 minutes more on speed 2. If it tears at your fingers, but not in the middle, it is also done.
If you want to freeze the dough, weigh clumps of ca 200 g, make balls, and wrap in plastic wrap. When placing in freezer make sure they do not touch or they will keep each other warm and explode out of the wrap. Dough keeps for 3 months in freezer.
If you don't freeze it: out of bowl unto a floured surface and knead into a big ball. Cover with a dish towel for 1 hour at room temp.
Make a bonfire (one of the styles that actually produce embers and not just fire) and wait for it to get to embers or at the very least until all wood has a layer of ash on it. (maybe a friend can do this while you make the dough)
Weigh the dough to 100-105 g and let rest a little bit before rolling out to the length of two fully stretched hands next to each other (40 cm)
Wrap around a food safe stick (bamboo is good for this) and gently bake the breads over the embers until brown and they let go of the stick. Remember to turn the stick rotisserie chicken style (all the time at slow rotational speed).
Serve as are or with ketchup and sausages or with fruit and jam or chocolate and fire toasted marshmallows (do not use herbs/spices in your butter if you do this).
I suppose you could just bake them like buns in the oven (190 C convection, 8 minutes, turn the baking sheet and give it 2-3 more minutes) but the baking over the bonfire embers, with your friends, just makes these so much better.
If you can't have milk, just use water for both the milk and sour milk portion, and 62 g oil instead of butter.
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petermorwood · 2 years
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More food photography.
The header and this...
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... is Oven-Roasted Pumpkin antipasto with Olive Oil, Herbs and Pine Nuts. It’s intended for European Cuisines, and is based on this South Tyrol recipe.
We didn’t have any cherry tomatoes, though next time a can of chopped toms cooked right down then judiciously spooned about seems a good idea; we also added a sprinkle of crushed chillis for extra zing.
These are Baby Turnips in Berry-Pepper Butter, for Food and Cooking of the Middle Kingdoms.
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@dduane​ says the plate looks too empty so we’ll have to re-do them with More Turnips.
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Until she decided to reshoot with a different bowl and something to drink (a limited edition stout from The Porter House in Dublin) there were actually plenty of turnips.
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However somewhere between end-of-shooting with that lot, and “let’s try again”, there seems to have been a certain amount of Eating The Props...
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind. :-D
This is Beef Heart with Red Wine, Onions, Bacon and Garlic, again for European Cuisines, here accompanied by Trofie and Strozzapreti tricolour pasta.
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The recipe - dating back to the days of Minitel - is already there, but deserves a better photo.
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If finding a heart is difficult or the thought of taking one apart is a bit too forensic, this treatment works just fine with other cheap tough cuts such as shin or oxtail; sear in advance for flavour and colour, then proceed as per the recipe. Long marination and slow cooking is what does the trick.
Here’s Geflügelragout (Roast Chicken Stew) from European Cuisines. Basically it’s a from-the-shop rotisserie chicken in a rich winey lemony sauce which can be made in advance and stored in fridge or freezer. (Make plenty...)
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it’s going to be Brightwood Vintner’s Chicken in The Middle Kingdoms, because they really wouldn’t want to miss out on something this good.
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DD’s recipe calls for a lemon cut into thick slices and all pips removed. These slices are then fished out afterwards along with the bay leaves.
My preference - I like lemons - is to slice the lemon as thin as possible (again, all pips removed) and at the end, when the bay leaves are gone and everything is pushed through a sieve, that everything will include the thin lemon slices.
Try it either way. Try it both ways.
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Accompaniments could be mashed spuds, rice, Spätzli or even udon; in this example it’s Saffron-Pumpkin noodles; these can be made with a machine or by hand, though hand-cutting gives a pleasing irregular “rustic” result.
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Some crusty bread to chase the last of the gravy is also a good idea, so none goes to waste. It really is that good.  ;-)
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kabillieu · 7 months
I haven't been cooking regularly for the past three weeks because first I had my surgery and recovery, and then we had Thanksgiving and all its leftovers. I made plans for this week (creamy mushroom ramen, sweet potato and black bean tacos, chicken piccata), and then I changed my mind at the last minute each time. But they've all been hits!
On Monday I made this chicken pot pie soup. I changed the recipe pretty significantly to accommodate what I had on hand, but I kept the basics: rotisserie chicken, potatoes, and frozen mixed vegetables. It was quick and flexible, and everyone liked it enough for me to make again.
(Tuesday is our going-out-to-eat-night.)
Wednesday I made this curry that I originally was going to make to use up turkey leftovers. We ate up all the turkey before I could get around to making the curry, however, so I used rotisserie chicken but otherwise mostly made the recipe as is (I did use a whole can of coconut milk and a whole can of chopped tomatoes and recommend it). It was really good, just a solid and very flexible base for a flavorful curry. If I wasn't cooking for a bunch of heathen meat-eaters, I would omit the meat and use chickpeas and potatoes. You could put any number of vegetables in it. The spinach was good, but green beans would also be delicious. I just love how easy this recipe is.
Yesterday I made this tomato-ginger chicken and rice soup because Dominic and I both have colds. It was also delicious and easy.
I don't think I'm going to cook today. I always take Tuesdays off and usually (but not always) take Fridays off. And then sometimes Dominic will cook on Saturday or Sunday. I've gotten in a pretty good pattern of cooking most days but not every day, and that helps to keep me from getting too burned out.
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pradame · 10 months
Omg for your latest cooking post can you please give the names of the dishes? Esp the 2nd and the second last and last one? I know recipes would be too long to write but if you can give the name i can search how to make it :) they look so delicious and nice!!!
Hello! Thank you ♡ the second one is called eggs en cocotte (recipe by lindseyeatsla.com)
1 tablespoon softened butter
3-6 eggs 1-2 in each ramekin, depending on size
1/4th cup heavy cream
1/4th cup cheese Boursin garlic & herbs, herbed goat cheese, Comté, Emmental, Gruyere all can work
bundle of chives thinly sliced to serve
Salt and pepper to taste
toasted baguette to serve
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees, and bring a kettle to a boil.
Take your softened butter, and spread around your ramekins to help with any sticking/and to add more flavor. Crack 1-2 eggs in each ramekin (depending on the size of your vessel).
Finish off with crumbled or shredded cheese of your choice (you can use Boursin garlic & herbs, herbed goat cheese, Comté, Emmental, Gruyere all can work)
Finish with your cream; 1/4th cup total divided into 3 ramekins.
Place your ramekins in a baking dish/oven safe proof dish that has a little bit of height. Next, you’re going to make your water bath by pouring your boiling water into the baking dish until it reaches halfway up the sides. Cover with your ramekin tops or foil. This helps cook the eggs really gently, and it stays really creamy!
The second to last one are chicken taquitos!
I shredded a rotisserie chicken and added el pato hot sauce, chopped onions, & cilantro. mix that all together and roll into softened tortillas (I used flour), lightly fry with olive oil in a pan and serve with sour cream, lettuce & shredded cheddar cheese 💕
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montymakesthings · 1 year
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successful “rasta pasta”! so yummy, so much left overs, so easy to make 10/10
recipe under cut ⬇️
- 1 lb pasta (any kind)
- 1 lb pasta (any kind)
- 2 tbsp any kind of cooking oil or fat u desire (i used olive oil)
- 3 colors of bell peppers (or one if you like, chopped)
- 1/2 cup green onions (chopped)
- as much garlic as you like (chopped)
- 2/3 cup heavy cream (more if u like it saucy)
- 1/4 chicken broth or veggie stock (^ see note above)
- 3 tbsp of jerk seasoning (more if u like it on the more spicy side)
- rotisserie chicken breasts (x2) (or regular raw chicken breasts, just cube em and cook it normally with a little jerk seasoning then come back here)
- 1/2 cup parmesan cheese (optional/more if you like, grated)
now, how to make!!
1. chop everything up so u don’t forget and get stressed
2. cook pasta according to package (al dente is the best for this)
3. warm up oil (medium heat) in the biggest sauce pan/skillet/wok you own
4. sauté peppers and green onions, lightly cook until they’re a bit soft but still snap, add garlic and cook until fragrant (about a minute)
5. add jerk seasoning and stir
6. add heavy cream, broth and chicken, stir and cover, allow sauce to simmer until thickened
7. add pasta and parm, mix heartily and allow parm time to melt
8. serve and enjoy :3
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thelionessandmedusa · 5 months
I made stir fry and it turned out great! So here’s the recipe because why not.
Quick note, I cut all of my meat and vegetables before hand because it makes the cooking process go faster. I also use pre cooked meat (usually whatever my dad had grilled earlier in the week that didn’t get eaten. I also use whatever veggies are on hand. But I digress. A lot of what I do is based on preference
• 1/2 onion (I use yellow) diced
I like to do diced or strips. Use your preference!
• 2-3 medium to large carrots (peel them first) cut on the bias
Again, your preference for cuts. If you just want to cut them as simple rounds do that. If you like match sticks do that
• 1-2 celery stalks
Cut it how you like it! Whatever is easiest for you!
• meat of your choice. Tonight I used a leftover pork tenderloin. London broil is good. Heck, a shredded rotisserie chicken is good.
A note about your decision for how you cut the meat and vegetables. Smaller cuts for more dextrous utensils. So if you want to eat with a spoon use a small cut/dice. If you want to eat with chopsticks, make it a large cut, possibly skinnier too.
You can use whatever you want in it. Tonight I also added cabbage. If you’re using a canned vegetable make sure you drain it.
The sauce (make this around the time you’re preparing your vegetables and meat. BEFORE you cook!)
• 1 1/2 cup of broth (go based off your protein)
I used beef base and hot water to make my broth.
• 1/4-1/2 cup of soy sauce
• 1/8th to 1/4 cup of rice wine vinegar
• tablespoon of minced garlic
�� 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of minced ginger
• 1 tablespoon of slap ya mama
• 1/2-1 tablespoon of red pepper flakes
Combine these and then add a cornstarch slurry (alternatively you can also make a slurry with tapioca powder) Do NOT add it straight to the sauce. MAKE THE SLURRY
Now that you have everything prepped we can get cooking
Heat up your wok on medium-high heat. 7-8 on the scale. Make sure you have a heat safe bowl or the lid to your wok on the side. We’re going to put the vegetables in it after we finish cooking. This is stir fry. It goes fast at a high heat. We don’t want to burn our food.
Once your wok is heated add 1-2 tablespoons of oil (I used avocado oil)
Add your first vegetable. STIR CONSTANTLY! And cook it until it’s browned and softened. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just preferably not burned.
When the veggie is finished cooking put it in the heat safe bowl/lid you have on the side.
Add you next veggie to the now empty wok. STIR CONSTANTLY! Until it is browned and a little softens before dumping it in your heat safe bowl.
Around now you might need to add more oil.
Repeat until everything is cooked.
I cook meat last. It’s a habit I got from my dad. Probably because when he makes stir fry he tends to use raw chicken instead of pre cooked meat.
Now that everything has been stir -fried we can make it yummy.
Add everything back into the wok and pour the sauce over it. Let it come to a boil before dropping it down to low so it can simmer. Let it simmer until the sauce has thickened.
Eat on its own or over rice, udon, or (as I tried tonight) Korean glass noodles
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So here's the deal with the magic chicken soup: It's from Heroes' Feast aka the D&D cookbook.  It's labeled Everything Soup in the Halfling section but for everyone's sake I'm just going to explain how to make it with my own advice along the way:
So for Everything Soup you need the following:
6 tbsp butter
2 tsp fresh rosemary
2+ cloves of garlic, to taste
1 yellow onion
3 carrots-If you want more flavor try to find those rainbow carrots
1 red bell pepper
2 bay leaves
¾ tsp dried thyme
5 cups chicken broth
1 potato
4 ounces green beans
1 leek
¾ cup corn, canned or frozen
1 ½ cups or 8 oz shredded chicken (rotisserie is preferred but homemade is fine)
If you’re precooking the chicken you’re also going to need at least ¼ tsp of all of the following:
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
This recipe has 3 parts: the rosemary garlic butter, the chicken, and the soup itself.  It doesn't strictly need the butter but the butter does elevate it.  If you don't want to include the butter, just remove 3 tbsp of butter, the rosemary, and the garlic.
Rosemary Garlic Butter:
Melt 3 tbsp of the butter in a pan, add the rosemary and the garlic and heat until fragrant, stirring frequently.
Set aside, work on your soup, the butter needs to infuse.
The Chicken:
If you need to precook the chicken, try not to overseason it here or it'll ruin the soup.  If you think it needs more than ¼ tsp of everything add more than ¼ tsp but if you aren’t sure, play it safe.  Nothing ruins magic faster than getting the ingredients wrong.
Rub your seasoning mixture on your chicken and let it sit for about 15 mins.
Bake or pan fry the chicken until it's 165°F or 74°C internally.
Shred, set aside.
The Soup:
Now you can make the soup.  Start by prepping your vegetables:
Chop your onion, it doesn't need to be pretty it just needs to be bite-sized.
Peel and cut your carrots into ~¾ inch pieces, diagonally looks nice but is unnecessary
Core and seed your bell pepper, then chop it up into ~¾ inch pieces
Peel and cut your potato into ~¾ inch pieces
Clean and stem your green beans, then cut them into 1-inch pieces
Cut off the really dark green pieces of your leek and cut the light green and white parts in half, clean them thoroughly and chop up both halves
Then Cook the Soup:
Over medium-high heat, melt the other 3 tbsp of butter in a dutch oven, then throw in the carrots, onions, and pepper with the thyme, bay leaves, and a little salt, cook and stir until the vegetables soften, ~5 mins.
Adjust heat to medium-low, cover, and leave it until the vegetables have a nice mini-bath of their own juices.  Should take like 8 minutes.
Add the broth and potato, raise the heat to medium-high until simmering, then turn it down to low, cover, and leave it for 5 minutes or until the potatoes are barely tender.
Add your green beans and repeat the medium-high simmer and low heat cover cycle from the potatoes, but only leave it for 3 minutes this time.
Add your leeks, corn, chicken, and salt and pepper to taste, then repeat the simmer and cover cycle, again leave it for 3 minutes, until the potatoes are soft and everything is cooked through.  Adjust seasoning here, and remove the bay leaves.
Reheat that rosemary butter you set aside and strain it, then top the soup with the butter.  You can also top each bowl with 1-2 teaspoons if you prefer.
And there we have it, magic. I know it seems like the only seasoning is on the chicken but trust me this soup is super flavorful and delicious.
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