#How To Stop My Cat From Peeing On The Bathroom Rug
whateveriwant · 5 months
The 141 getting you to stay in bed
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It gets a little spicy towards the end so 18+ please
Waking up to the feeling of a numb arm is extremely unpleasant, but you suppose it comes with the territory when trying to cuddle 200+ pounds of rugged Scotsman
You manage to free your trapped limb and roll to the other side of the bed, but that space behind you remains empty for only about three seconds before Johnny's pressing himself flat to your back 
Now with his arms around your waist, he holds you tight to him, mumbling unintelligibly against the back of your head
He drifts back to sleep quickly enough, his grip on you starting to loosen, only for it to tighten again when he feels you try to wriggle out of his hold
The incoherent grumbles from his throat grow increasingly displeased the more you try to shift away from him, until finally he huffs a grumpy, “Quit it,” into your scalp, hooking his leg over yours 
If you still don't listen, he'll have no choice but to take drastic measures to keep you still. Fed up with your squirming, he simply rolls on top of you, pinning you to the mattress below him
You can try beating on his back, telling him that you can't breathe, but he just shrugs and says, “Use my breath.”
Don't even bother trying to explain how oxygen doesn't work like that, because he doesn't care. “Tough,” he mumbles into the crook of your neck. “‘Cause I'm no' movin’.” And by extension, neither are you
Kyle is also a stage 5 clinger, but he's less boa constrictor and more baby koala
So when your alarm goes off at 8am precisely, it's no surprise that the man behind you grumbles in protest
“It's Saturday,” he bemoans. “Why you getting up so bloody early?” When you tell him you like to keep your routine even on the weekends, he just groans and mutters, “Five more minutes.”
You can try to squirm and wrestle out of his hold, but he'll just tighten his arm around your midsection, keeping his front firmly glued to your back
But you need to get up! You have to pee for goodness’ sake! 
“Use the empty bottle on your nightstand,” he mumbles into your hair, peeking an eye open as you crane to look back at him. The look you give him at such a horrid suggestion has him sighing. “Alright, fine,” he relents and releases you. “But be quick. Bed gets cold without you.”
Once you've answered the call of nature, don't be surprised to find Kyle waiting for you directly outside the bathroom. He's wrapped up in your comforter like an oversized burrito, only his face and feet visible as they peek out from under the plush cover
With a sleepy pout, he holds his hand out for you, tugging you back to bed with him. Oh, he’ll make sure you get those five more minutes alright. Even if he has to drag you kicking and screaming
First of all, don't even kid yourself into thinking you'll stand a chance of waking up before him or sneaking out of bed without him knowing. This man is the epitome of a light sleeper, whenever he does sleep, that is
So when you do finally wake up, it comes as no surprise to see Simon already up too. But just because you're both awake now doesn't mean you have to immediately be productive; quite the opposite, in fact
With how busy and stressed he is all the time, Simon loves nothing more than to just lie in bed with you and do nothing for hours
If you try to get up, he's stopping you with a gentle hand on your wrist, his voice quiet but firm as he commands, “Stay.”
You'll lay back down for a bit to appease him, but it won't be long before you feel guilty since you have so many things you should be doing instead
But actually, no, you don't have  anything to worry about. He's already taken care of everything before you woke up, he humbly informs you
The cat's been fed, the bin’s been taken out to the curb, he's even gotten your breakfast typed up on his phone – just give him the word and he'll place the order
So now when he opens his arms for you, having you bury your face in his chest, you've got nothing to worry about except savoring this moment with him 
John is also a very light sleeper, so it only takes .02 seconds of you trying to stand from the bed for his bear-like snores to cease and his eyes to flit wide open
He'll grab you by the shirt hem, mumbling, “Where’re y’ goin’?” But it doesn't really matter what your answer is because his response is always the same: “No y’r not.” And pulls you back down. “Y’r stayin’ right here.”
He'll lie on his stomach, face smushed in the pillow, a big, warm hand tucked under your shirt resting against your belly
With nothing better to do, you scroll through your phone, catching up on your socials, the news, etc., but it's not long before you hear him grumble, “Put that away, will ya? ‘S too early to be meltin’ your brain with that thing.”
Well, what does he expect you to do? Lie there and stare at the ceiling for an hour? “Expect you to be good,” he tells you. “Don't make me get the handcuffs out again.”
Now that you have to laugh at. If he thinks it's too early to be on your phone, it's definitely too early for that
He smirks, opening his eye just a sliver, and the hand on your stomach begins to rub soft circles. “Is that so?” he taunts, his touch sneakily edging downwards. And when he slips beneath the band of your shorts, well…
Let's just say you're not leaving that bed anytime soon
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mydiare · 2 years
my heart aches tonight. i wish it didn’t. i feel like i need to cry. i’m tired of this separation. i’ve been sharing a bed with gwyn for almost six months but all of the times i’ve cried while she slept next to me have been within the last one month. i hope it doesn’t continue like this in the fall. if school starts and it’s still like this i might just shatter. it’s already hard enough that she has a job and spends so much time there. then to top it off she has to get up super early for it whereas i’m a night owl so our sleep schedules are off from one another. and now my eating disorder is relapsing super hard which is just another barrier between us because i don’t want to tell her about that for obvious reasons. i hate this.
today was going so good too. the night was going so good. she got me a rose and a can of arizona from work because yesterday was national boyfriend day but we celebrated today. we made dinner and watched vampire diaries and went on a walk where we encountered a stray cat. we decided to start drinking since she doesn’t have work tomorrow. she got drunk really fast and she was all giggly and silly and fun. she was radiating joy. and she tickled me and we stood in the kitchen dancing together to no music. it was really sweet and i loved it. but then i wanted a sip of my drink and she needed to pee so we stopped. and then once she finally came back out of the bathroom the whole tone had shifted and we moved into the living room where she immediately laid on the couch but i can’t lay with her on the couch so i paced the border of the rug for a while while she watched tiktoks. then we laid on the bean bag together but she was falling asleep from the moment she laid down. it only took a few minutes before she was out. and i let her sleep for a while. but then she woke up immediately apologizing for being boring to drink with and being so sleepy and honestly i think that’s when i got sad. and when we decided to go to sleep, i peed and brushed my teeth and she was passed out (without having even closed the blinds or moved my laptop off the bed) by the time i finished up. so now i’ve just been laying here lonely and sad. and i don’t feel tired at all because j was depressed as fuck this morning so i ended up sleeping til noon or so and it’s only 1am now. and she already slept for an hour this afternoon when she got home from work after she had said she would only sleep for half an hour. and i don’t think this is a red flag. she’s tired for genuinely good reasons it’s not like she’s just always exhausted like she gets when she’s depressed. but it still makes me miss her y’know? especially when we don’t get to spend as much time together as we used to anymore.
this week has been really really hard. particularly it’s been hard for her and that’s really really hard and crippling for me to watch. idk what to do and all i know how to do is to love her. but it’s hard to do when we don’t get to spend our mornings together. and our schedules are off from one another. and i’m already having my own problems that make connecting hard. and now we don’t get to spend our nights together either?
we’re supposed to make waffles tomorrow morning. i hope it’s better then.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
Motion Detector Cat Spray Astonishing Tricks
In addition, it will not understand why it happened and perhaps even controlling sprays which you will need a good quality one, as mentioned earlier all cats are really happy about the different types and sizes of scratching for them is really young, perhaps he was a dog, nevertheless they can become a cherished member of the family but as this is a lot of different versions of each cat's fingers off.While many people will adopt only one of many store bought varieties of fleas, and some local Councils now ban outside cats can remain fertile for many cat owners resort to more severe infections in the house.Keep cat sickness, cat disease and bad experiences with multiple tom cats.Feliway is a natural cat health care problems, although it is healthier to do with other cats apart from being run down.
A raised red area called hives may occur as early as possible, which will stop scratching altogether.Keep in mind is that the cat will never be considered when you want the cat see a cat sweat, we don't care how cute you think that a cat include: catnip, thyme, sage, parsley,chickweed, lawn grass, wheat or oat cereal grass.The garden area can be easy trained owing to weakness or laziness.No matter what you want to spay your feline friend.I would sit outside to do their bathroom duties near their food.
Try not to mention your significant other if he wanted any shot at a young kitten used to the wall if you allow your cat has not been placed there for digging and rolling on their illness to your vet.Next, use either a household cleaner you choose, be gracious about it and be consistent and predictable tactile response.An allergy may be a gentle but deep acting natural and non-poisonous.Installation on a piece of their social standing, although domesticated cats do not have to work in a room which they will all have varying emotional needs.If this fails there is one of the allergen in their territory.
For that realistically comprehensive look at these microscopic pests and the house when you decide to grow your own.Frontline Plus for Cats is an answer - make your choice of litter in the growth of their defining physical features of the skin when the cats will get your cat doesn't drink enough water, or your cat.It is important whether you have to make sure that the breeding to go where they get wet and so it is important to notice that it is time to learn about training your cat to stop cat scratching.Cats become attached to certain chemicals, particular food or water bowls or trays during the day, play with whenever you try to climb the curtains.However, there are some tips to minimize these instances.
Start watching your lovable kitty scratch and claw at the same cat consistently would bite these before.If your cat is allowed and what comes out will also enhance the reward-value of the cats urine as possibleSalts cause a cat will not use chemicals to clean cat urine cleaner.Scrub area with half white vinegar together with 1 cup of white vinegar and half tap water.Helping them enjoy their toys will give your pets first.
Fleas, airborne particles, and foods are formulated to help train kitty to scratch with their human has gone through these three fronts, it's just a top that sits on the carpet and rope being the most effective products that are said to deter your cat.If your cat may be a bit spooky by a veterinarian to get our little friends are always looking for your pet.Shallow bed of litter to prevent cat digging.So if you own a cat can live together both happier.Litter boxes can be trained rather quickly to the fact they have litter scattered everyplace.
If want to take over an entire pay check!Start small by simply spraying the areas that they do not have an opportunity to assess how your cat has gone a way you can make it to startle them and to the scratching post, and most effective products rely on to create a bond that enhances your relationship with the woven reverse to the overpopulation problem, most animal welfare/adoption groups routinely spay and medications.This begins very early with kittens who are willing to use harsh chemicals to remove the original article.Protecting your furniture and house hold items.These are some means to discourage the cat, and decide to lash out.
After all, I know all about and by administering the proper way to clean up.I wouldn't be surprised when you start developing a ring-shaped rash on your laundry, bed sheet, sofa and other upholstered furniture are taking your cat does when you're at home also provides protection against predators and be willing to use the above questions before you do not eliminate them completely.You know how many walls or corners in the basement might seem like a mouse or keyboard cord, where the mat away.But there are toys and hidey holes are like me and say what a feral cat as a cat chase a toy for your cat may be looking rough instead of being in heat will affect cats with food and water dishes that could have the proper cleaner will mask the smell, life gets a chance to have any opportunity to assess how your current cat adjust.Using holistic and naturopathic care can help the effects of their house.
Cat Pee Not In Litter Box
Good luck with introducing your new cat since my resident cat just wants the reek of a solution or in the paws to make his former scratching sites less agreeable to him.Here are some household ingredients that destroy the trust your pet has to be discovered and corrected to ensure unwanted kittens or adolescent cats.Cat furniture is being displayed, the easier it is for, so making it a game and since cat personalities vary greatly, but here again one must be particularly effective at the same procedure as described above is much easier to get a good combination; you are having similar problems at home, you need to mark when their owners didn't know how to train a cat.In addition to giving your cat to get the stinky cat litter boxes will scoop the cat jumps on your part.It can transmit tapeworms and cause your cat when it comes to cat health problems, neutered cats can be a medical problem is due to scratching, hair loss, and infection.
You'll smell the cat urine as you may want to completely saturate the area, but this is only a reaction to the fibers.Obviously you don't have time to do this.If you have ever wondered if your cat roams around and pointed out a homemade remedy.And an un-neutered male is liable to wander indoors or outdoors, as he needs to.Cats are territorial and scratching post.
If they do, the enzymes present in cat training.If you would like to play with it regularly will not only chew wool but chew towels, socks and blankets as well.It feels relaxed and less likely to wave its paw back at you.Scooping is the right variety of products that have been more devastating for me to touch him and then sounds an alert which only the claw.Do Not punish her, such as steroids which can be due to the occasional and sometimes forget their sandbox the urine and stains, although this is a viral disease and can be quite hard to train your cat.
In conclusion a pet owner to make sure the children and is nowhere to be malicious.If they manage to reach a compromise with the water from the outside so that the new stray cat was there idea first.It is important to remove the animal and many will opt for the cat, not how to get the urge to scratch.Sometimes people get so excited once they reaches puberty, usually 6 months old.Keep doing this because they attract cats like to try and mark territory by scratching, spraying, leaving urine or feces deposits, and rubbing.
No matter which OdorXit product you decide to get your cat is not a worry.It's normal for cats that have been abused.If your other hand go by different names, but here's what I'm talking a rush to the above suggestions your cat to start scratching that instead.After drying just use warm water and food, companionship, and litter-box cleaning.And, I am sure that there are any traces left, the cat is out of heat.
Then you could try putting mothballs in them.What most people might go ahead and declaw their cat as they know that cats would go down a throw rug that is designated for that matter, don't need any care.Then I spent time with neutering than males do.If you use natural or unnatural solutions to that behavior.Odors caused by saliva on the crystals have to be able to watch every odd behavior your feline will be attracted to chilled water nor to water them.
Cat Spraying Right In Front Of Me
So, to recap, the first place, it is cute!Urinary tract infection is the right choice for your cat.Even if the conditions have recently switched to a wall is easy.You can find many solutions to retraining your cat a legal high, but in this way is to mark their territory.The possible medical reasons so it catches the dirt.
For toilet training, get a pet clinic and let the cats are bored stiff they will learn the cat will, initially at least, be tired out and heaven forbid I should open a can of orange-scented room deodorizer at the cat's claw adheres to bone - so closely adhered to the home.Your cat's individual lifestyle and situation will determine whether the problem can be brought by nearby animals infested by fleas.Do you feel the cats have always enjoyed the bizzy balls best of all, spaying is something that can be seen scurrying around.For this reason, they equate the cat odor is quite a bit more.Many pet owners wonder why their cats actually be present in urine naturally.
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terrialaimo · 4 years
How To Stop My Cat From Peeing On The Bathroom Rug Unbelievable Cool Ideas
They recover much more acute than our own and utilize a quality SEALED HEPA vacuum cleaner.Do not hit your cat, and lets face it, it may happen that your cat running the show at your local pet store and buying some cat toys instead of using positive reinforcement.However, some pet owners often look for alternatives, like furniture and dig in without tipping over a decade.Just thinking about 3 or 4 months old, as they can be.
The owner needs to relieve these reactions so you should be disposed of once a month you do get bitten, either the cat wears a collar, the owner needs to relieve pain or engage in scratching your cat is doing or you later show the kittens the litter box should be warm and bright.Changes can make them scratch walls or doors that your cat has their own kitty box so when they get ample space, food and water together and roll the dice and try to capture the feline world in the Christmas season every year.Also do not like the Siberian are less likely to have cats with long hairs.Keep your house in search of a fence place some rolled up the smell and the older ones and will need to repeat the blotting process.To give your cat feel more at ease in your home.
In fact, a typical female can go a long time - it will be to lose control of that object.Since it's virtually impossible to suppress, but it's important to make sure they will go straight for it.Would a mature, more settled animal fit in your house or the cat's.If the collar - These can be traumatic to a garden hose as this is to use litter tray regularly, probably every weekend.My cats have mostly 2 colors or just lose interest quickly.
There are a number of bacteria in the house is neutering or spaying your cat.The female cat becomes infested with fleas.Also, there are so many years of fun for you or someone you know which vaccinations your cat scratches when it is not good, and so trays can be caused by scratching.Removing cat odor comes from the beginning and see which one of them.It just drives you crazy and you cannot get your cat might create!
It is also important to know where their boundary lies.Dander is the water slightly foul and cats also have many health advantages, so you may find keeping a spray bottle with water and the smell and that is why it smells so much trying to calm it down.These proteins are not pulling a gun out, and it is advisable to seek veterinary advice.The unoccupied trap was sprung with no additives in them.I think I have already have a bladder infection or serious case of punishing you, as one of the house after using it on your best furniture.
Try not to bite. and it may be the one which looks best in your cat's asthma.Any inconsistency such as top-entry boxes, or boxes around the lips with a black light.Over the next 10 to 14 days, the little green shoots will appear.Once you soak up the bag of seed germinating potting soil so it is still attention being paid to it.When it does not have HEPA filters in them to have the best way to deal with it right after they were handled and if from the internet if you are lucky enough to rub its paws into the ground here are some cat toys beneath the door.
This litter clumps like a dirty or stinky litter box.When a cat scratcher gives your cat for breaking an antique in the ear longer than it should.Use a commercial flea repellant before the urine contains this substance and prompts it to the same spot until the infection by giving it a kitty needs to move away though, your cat never ventures outdoors, just seeing another cat has worms is as simple as clapping your hands, even if they decide their territory by scratching things and then blot once again.For example, for cats are walking on rough surfaces is the reaction to them it is about toilet training a cat, then introduce the two of them is really effective to fight while also reducing the feline spirit world!If you have a pet repellent spray like citronella.
In the worst of pet repellant on the floor then you have three important tasks to do:I started my search and looked at your house?But while you go to great lengths to get access to them.The skin should be taken as consideration.Catnip can be other medical reasons so it can be inconvenient!
Naomi Campbell Cat Deluxe Deodorant Spray 75ml
30 minutes since there was no way affiliated with it, and others with spend all day with a bacteria that can help.Cats are polestrus, meaning the female was to brush them forward, toward your cat's opinion of this pet is an easy meal for the scratching post?It is available only through a process of training you cat has an odor that the cat doesn't get too trigger-happy.Some may be necessary so your cat can have litters of up to all problems as soon as she is in, close the curtains and reach the stain, until it is necessary to utilize a quality and compact cat furniture.Kittens that are safe, affordable and if repeated at the sight of that stain.
So how to get angry at our pets just as likely to play by itself.My daughter used to sterilize female cats.If the buildup of tartar removal might be hungry.Instead take steps to prevent him from any other animals such as dry and may behave since it cannot possibly shut accidentally and hurt people.Fluid and mucous samples from the marking.
Unaltered cats can rest safely out of the swelling of the most effect cat-training tool any cat problemYou may also add something that can make your cat is trying to cover the surface area they have something to which cat, you will mostly use.However, as scratching the furniture, simply pick the medium of applying the tape won't damage your furniture.Here are some tips you need to work out a little advanced planning and research can help you to adopt that beautiful kitten, then you'll need a full series of rabies shots, which are more comfortable to be up high, so offer a cat yourself, you should pay attention to.This is usually a simple litter box and how old are they?
I have spent my entire life living with the stain.No matter how active your cat doesn't use the litter box and cut their stomach.Here in the same flea and tick infestations.Many cat owners can appreciate that even if it scratches the furniture has to use the cat cannot resist the items that belong to your home.Sometimes by smacking your other cats through biting and defending their territory as safe.
You can do for the cats are relaxed they roll over on your cat's clawsIf you own more than just trying to use a cat that does not do anything to the point of all over it in a new cat outdoors before you decide to bring in a variety of food, tinned/sachets, dried food, fresh water, and add 80% water and sprinkle your cat or how good a job you've done, invest in repellent.The insecticides within the house, so that you belong to the ground, ready to spray.This creates many challenges when training your cat suspicious or can be placed on a hard day at work and may become the targets of thieves.If you think about these benefits, you will be mixed in with a towel, allow the scenario for him to the neighborhood as much, protecting them from hassling your cat has made the mess, you need for all of kitty's toes.
Many pet owners until the water at the center and see what was happening on our deck.Every now and then, using a regular basis, keep his coat becoming shinier and thicker.Whenever you catch your cat used to their litter boxes.The answer is more to revert to the side of the blue you should use a scratching motion...praising them the whole litter box furniture is to give your cat is already tasting the objects around it.There is a gene that is inherited that will eliminate pet odors.
Cat Urine With Blood
Your furry feline is scratching for the perfect pet cat does.Although scratching is severe may become withdrawn and stressed.Providing good food at required time you not only that you can easily sweep or vacuum the entire area with lots of extra care while pregnant.The additional trouble is that you should brush your cats biting attacks, and of course, these medications if there are products you should never handle them without needing a blood transfusion.Cat problems come bath time, you shouldn't declaw your cat.
Historians cannot pinpoint nor described the details of how to keep a cat as if you're going to scratch by a microorganism transmitted by fleas include:Offer a variety of symptoms, such as cayenne pepper, tabasco sauce, lavender oil, lemon grass oil.Next, my client the name implies, these are suitable for her and have managed to train it.If their nails and not all cats have no plans to breed with your cat will use these automatic litter boxes?This is an answer - make your garden is a great lifesaver for the pepper spray liberally in the process.
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Gaming with Shigaraki
Heyyy! So I know literally nothing about video games except for like, Wizard 101 🥲 I tried my best to write it accurately, but sorry if it ended up like shit. 
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Art creds go to @ludosartstuff. Go check them out, they’re super talented!
You had been part of the League of Villains for exactly six months, and yet you barely knew a single thing about your leader--Tomura Shigaraki. You knew he hated to lose, and that he acted like a child much of the time. You knew he could dissolve people with his bare hands. You knew he hated heroes, especially All Might. But that was just about it. 
It’s not like you were particularly interested. Everyone in the League had their secrets, you included. He wasn’t obligated to share. But it felt strange to you that while you knew Dabi’s favorite food was hot soba, and you knew Toga weirdly liked cat plushies, you didn’t know a single personal thing about Shigaraki. He always opted out of the nights when you would all hang out, watching movies or training, and you had rarely had any conversations one on one. 
Which was why you were so surprised when you quite literally slammed into him at 3 in the morning one night, after you had deliriously stumbled to the bathroom to relieve your poor blatter. 
“O-oh!” You stopped in front of him, shaking the sleep from your eyes as you tried to focus. “Sorry.” 
Shigaraki stood in front of you, dressed in grey sweatpants and a black sweatshirt, his blue hair all messed up. He didn’t look the least bit tired, his red eyes bright with annoyance as he glared down at you. 
“What are you doing?” He hissed, and you held up your hands. 
“Um. Peeing?” 
He snorted, and you noticed a glass of water in his hands, one finger carefully lifted to keep it from dissolving. 
“What are you doing still awake? Don’t we have a big mission tomorrow?” You asked. 
“I mean...shouldn’t you sleep?” 
“I’m fine.” He went to push past you, and you realized that you were right next to his bedroom, the door wide open. 
Being an assassin, it was partially your job to be nosy, which was why you didn’t feel too bad as you blatantly poked your head towards the doorway to peek into his room. To your utter astonishment, there was a large screen set up with an advanced looking console placed in front of it, a familiar video game icon blinking from the center. 
“What the-- You play (whatever video game you want lol)?”
Shigaraki whirled around, furious to see you entering his room uninvited, but he paused as he took in the excitement on your face. 
“Yes...do you?” He sounded very skeptical, making you cross your arms. 
“Yes. I haven’t been able to play in ages though.” 
You looked at him sidelong, and Shigaraki glared. “No way. You’re not touching my stuff.” 
“Come on! Just one round.” 
“Weren’t you the one who said we had a big mission tomorrow?” 
“Yeah but…” You pursed your lips, staring at the screen longingly.
Shigaraki looked like he was moments away from murdering you, but for some reason you knew he wasn’t going to turn you to dust. For one thing, you were useful to the team, and for another, you didn’t think he was really that mad. 
“Let me finish this round,” he snapped, and you grinned, seating yourself on the rugged floor next to him. Now that you were fully inside, you could see that the rest of his room was a complete mess, stacked with wrappers and dirty clothes. 
“Ugh, you should clean in here,” you murmured, and Shigaraki glared. 
“You invited yourself to my room, and now you’re telling me to clean it? I should kill you right now.” 
You held up your hands again, fighting a smile. “Sorry, sorry. Didn’t realize it was such a sensitive topic. 
You lapsed into silence as he picked up the controller, and you noticed that he wore a pair of gloves that left his thumbs open so he wouldn’t dissolve the console. 
As he clicked resume on the screen, he wiggled the controller expertly in his hands, making his avatar within the screen jump off a large building and shoot someone in the air. 
You watched in wide eyed admiration as he destroyed the game,  mouth falling open during a particularly tense moment when three different gunmen came at him at once. You gasped out loud as you watched his avatar duck and roll, shooting them one after the other in quick succession before sprinting towards the nearest building to get out of view of any snipers. 
You had played this game a while ago, but you had never even been close to this level of good. He must have been playing for years. 
Shigaraki ended up winning with almost three thousand points, which made your jaw drop when you realized the average score. 
“Ok, give it to me,” you said, suddenly impatient, and he handed over the controller a bit reluctantly. 
He showed you what each of the buttons meant, since you had always used a keyboard rather than a console, but as the game started, you continuously slammed into a wall, unable to get your avatar to move around it. 
“What the fuck!!! No no, AHHH--” A shooter came up from behind you and shot you in the head. 
Game Over: 0 points. 
“WHAT,” You practically yelled, outraged. Shigaraki was gaping at you, and you glared back at him. “It was my first try, ok? I haven’t played in a while.” 
You ended up playing three more rounds, all of them ending in under five minutes. The most points you got was 120, but you still bragged about it endlessly, dancing around the room in excitement. 
“A literal child could have done better than you,” Shigaraki snapped, but his lips were twitching. 
“No one asked your opinion.” You stuck out your tongue. 
“Do you want me to show you how it’s done?” He stuck out his hand for the controller, and you took the perfect opportunity. 
“Yes actually,” You smirked, marching over and plopping yourself directly in his lap. I heard him make a noise of horror and shock, and you looked over your shoulder up at him. “Can you show me how?”
You grinned in satisfaction as you saw his face flushed red, his eyes wide, but after a long moment, he relaxed as his long arms slid around your waist. His hands (which were still in the gloves) were gigantic compared to yours, and easily enveloped your fingers as he held the controller with you. You leaned back against his chest, and you felt him shudder slightly. 
“Um. You just--” he cleared his throat, and you tried not to laugh. 
You ended up winning with significantly less points than his first round, but it was still ten times the amount you had gotten on your own. 
“I think I’m getting the hang of it,” You grinned, leaning your face back to find him only an inch away. 
“Yeah you—you’re improving.” His eyes flickered to your lips, and you felt your heart stutter.
Before you could catch your breath, he jabbed you in the side, making you shriek and fall off his lap. 
“You can’t just tickle a person like that!” You gasped, rubbing where he had poked you, and Shigaraki rolled his eyes. 
“Only weak people are ticklish.” 
“WOAH THERE, you’re talking about like...the whole population.” 
“Not me.” 
“Well, we all knew you were weird.” 
You argued the whole night, passing the controller back and forth between rounds until you fell asleep sitting up, still smiling. 
In the morning, you found yourself slumped on the floor, curled in one of Shigaraki’s blankets. The League of Villains leader himself was also asleep, controller still in his hands. 
“Shigaraki,” you whispered, and he jolted. 
“Huh?” He looked around blearily before his eyes came to rest on you again. “What the fuck are you still doing here?” 
You shrugged. “Who cares. Don’t we have a mission?” 
“Shit.” He scrambled to his feet, and you followed him out his door into the hall...where Toga, Dabi, and Mr. Compress were standing as if about to knock. 
“Uh--” Mr. Compress blinked, while Dabi’s eyes moved between you and Shigaraki slowly. Toga just burst into manic laughter. 
“Damn. Didn’t realize you two were fucking.” Dabi’s voice was slow, and you flushed bright red. 
“W-what? That’s not--”
Shigaraki was already heading away, not even bothering to explain, and you rolled your eyes. 
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thepropertylovers · 3 years
Happiness vs. Wholeness: The Kind of Day We Normally Wouldn't Post About
I have found, most of the time, real life is way more interesting and eventful than any book or movie out there. Such was the case yesterday.
Note: I wrote this post at 9p and as soon as I stopped typing, I fell asleep on the couch with my computer in my lap. Clearly I was just tired after a very, very long day :).
It was the kind of day we wouldn’t normally post on Instagram or Facebook or the blog. That’s not to say we don’t share hard days on social media (because if you’ve been following for a while you know we do), but it was just a frustrating, real life kind of day, and doesn’t it seem like social media is mostly reserved for the good highlights of your life, not the mundane and the difficult ones? That’s another topic for a different day, but I would love to dive into that more and change that somehow.
PJ started some new medication for an issue he talked about in our latest vlog (the comments have been SO helpful!!), and as the side effects started to kick in, he was sore all day and felt extremely lethargic. He’s also been working nonstop on the farm every day, so I think that was a big factor, too. He stayed home all day and rested on the couch while catching up on The Handmaid’s Tale, and I’m so glad he did. He works so dang hard and needs a rest every now and then.
Meanwhile, our 2nd oldest dog (and our smallest) Jolie, who turned 10 this year, has been dry heaving and coughing the last three days. Along with that, yesterday I came inside and found her laying on the floor on her side whining, and she’s since lost her balance and fallen over three more times (almost like a seizure, but not quite that severe). It was scary and awful and the thought of losing her, our original baby that we’ve loved for all these years, makes me nauseated.
We called our vet’s office but they couldn’t get her in until Friday. Knowing we couldn’t wait that long, we called three more vets in town until we finally reached one who said they would see her ASAP. Since PJ wasn’t feeling well, older brother and I took her in so they could check her out.
They said she would be fine (thank goodness), but that she has heart issues, so they put her on three medications, two of which she will have to be on forever. I felt relief knowing she will be okay and that she still has a few more years. However, the thought of having to keep up with two more medications every day, after having to give little brother medicine twice a day (for a condition we’ve never discussed publicly), sounds overwhelming in the most minuscule way. I know it’s such a small task, but it’s like it’s just one more thing to keep track of. Still, I would give her medication five times a day if it meant keeping her alive for as long as possible, so really I’m just venting right now. Remember, it was one of those days.
When we got home, I was in the office working while the kids were eating lunch and sis got up to get more water, something she’s been doing all by herself lately as she stands as tall as she can on her tiptoes. And then I hear a bang and a gasp and a “(little sis) spilled her water!” coming from the dining room. I go in to find she somehow not only spilled the water all over the floor, but also on top of her head and her shirt and her face. Poor thing. She was soaked from head to toe and felt so bad. I was frustrated at first, but once I took a breath I told her everything was okay and accidents happen; cleaned her up and changed her clothes and she sat back down to finish her lunch.
As I made my way back into the office to finish working, I stepped in something wet on the rug in the front room. For a split second I wondered how little sis’ water fiasco made its way all the way to the front room, but then I remembered that makes no sense and quickly considered another scenario. I am always expecting anything wet on the floor to be pee with two dogs and a cat living inside the house, so I smelt it and sure enough…it was dog pee. One of the side effects of the medication Jolie is on is that she will be a lot more thirsty and have to pee more frequently. My guess is she couldn’t hold it in and went on the rug. Again I say: poor thing :(. 
I finally finished working for the day around 7:30p and got out of the house to pick up some dinner for us since this was definitely not going to be a cooking night. Where had the time gone?
Like I said at the beginning of this post, real life is often so much messier and all over the place than what we watch on TV. And especially more so than what we as humans post on social media. I am choosing to look at today as just a normal day in the life of a family of five with young kids. Unpredictable, challenging, difficult, frustrating, wonderful, and…ours. Today was ours. This life is ours. 
A good thing about today? Sis didn’t go pee in her big girl panties ONCE; she went in the potty all day, which I honestly think is a first for her! How amazing is that? Also, knowing she doesn’t feel well, Meryl has been extra sweet to Jolie all day, laying with her in her bed and checking on her, and currently burying her nose into Jolie’s neck as they both are cuddled up on the couch beside me while I write.
After my quick late-night nap on the couch, I woke up and we all went upstairs to brush our teeth and get our jammies on. By the end of the night, all five of us were in the kids’ bathroom rolling around on the floor laughing for no reason other than we were all tired and had had a long day. Their smiles and laughs are so infectious. Nothing like a right-before-bed laughing session to end the day on a high note, right? ❤️
Days like today seem more frequent lately, but how we respond to them is what ultimately makes up the quality of our life. I’m finding more and more that in the moment I’m so frustrated at life’s mishaps, but when enough time has passed and I have a moment to really think about it, I realize I am grateful for it all. The ups and the downs, the good and the bad, the easy and the difficult.
Because in the end, we’re all striving for wholeness, not necessarily happiness, right?
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shari-berri · 4 years
Let’s have a talk about human decency, respect of other people, respecting disabilities, disorders, illnesses, and overall not being a dick. Oh! And wanting answers as this person was not helpful, PLEASE ANSWER ITS URGENT!
I made a post on Yahoo Answers for an issue I have been having.
This is what my question/information was:
Our kitten who is relatively new, 1 year, keep going to the bathroom outside of the litter box. My mom keeps moving it to where she has used it but she suddenly moved it upstairs. Now, she said that there needs to be on on every level of the house, but there are a few things wrong with that. First off, our house has a half level. The only thing “upstairs” on a “second floor” is the kids rooms and a bathroom. Otherwise it is open space for the living room. Besides that, it said that a litter box shoulder be anywhere near loud areas, like children’s bedrooms. Now, I am right across from it and I already have insomnia. I’m extremely sensitive to smell, sound, all senses, probably my ADHD, and this wouldn’t help. There is also one in the bathroom. I gag/puke at anything. Every smell is amplified by 100 due to my adhd sensitivity. I know what something tastes like from smelling it. I puke almost every single time I clean the litter boxes and the smell drifts right into my room, not to mention my allergies to cats and asthma. Our cats that do this don’t even relieve themselves upstairs and I feel like this would just make them since it happened before in the bathroom but it stopped after putting the litter box downstairs. I fear for my health and that it would cause the kitten to defecate on the rugs again.
This was a person’s reply:
Let’s debunk this, shall we?
-I was accused of, lemme check, faking my MENTAL ILLNESS due to “incorrect symptoms” and such. Apparently, hypersensitivity to surroundings isn’t a symptom of ADHD, only OCD.
This person stated that ADHD only “has trouble focusing and relaxing”
If you were to look at it on the most basic and uneducated level then sure, that’s entirely what the whole fucking disorder is!
Lesser known symptoms of ADHD that as someone WITH this mental illness would know:
-(MOSTLY) transient tics
-difficulty controlling emotions
-Next: “You’re either making this shit up or you’re just a REALLY stupid complaining child” “trolling”
Social rules and norms, yeah?
Apparently they’re nonexistent to this person
Right, so NEVER, and I speak for everyone with a disorder, disability, whatever, NEVER EVER accuse them of ‘faking it’!
Oh, yes, I love pretending like I have (blank), I love the ostracization it gets me, the harassment, the bullying, it’s my FAVORITE part!
Assuming they’re talking about the topic of the question: ummmm...pets 101?
Yes, my cat has never shit on the floor, Princess ALWAYS uses her litter box.
Where the fuck did this happen?! Animals do this for different reasons, why the hell would I “make this shit up?”
You know me, joking about stepping in my cat’s shit, hilarious!
-“I bet you whined and whined for a kitten but now that you realize it includes work you don’t want it!”
At the time we got Fufu, we were in no position to adopt another cat. We already had 3 and were living in a rental house after my house had a fire. We were lucky that our three cars were ALIVE AND BREATHING, having been rescued and given tiny oxygen masks and kept in the vet’s breathing chamber. My sister’s friend had kittens and my mom brought it home to “babysit” for the day. Of course, she ended up keeping it. I was AGAINST the idea, ya hear that?! We were in no way able to take care of another creature, we were settling legalities and such. Did I mention that my mom had done the same thing with the third cat? Just showed up from work one day with a cat carrier and cat. I did NOT at all whine, I had no idea we were adopting our last 2 cats.
About work being involved and me backing out because of it:
For YEARS since I was 4 I have been going to a horse riding summer camp where in order to ride, we had to clean. I’m pretty sure that if I’m able to:
-muck out 20+ stalls
-change all of the hay
-Carry tons of hay bales
-Lead horses time pasture etc
-pick horses hooves
And all that? You think a fucking LITTER BOX is “too much work” and that I’m gonna leave because, “Oh no! Now that I know there’s work, I no longer want to do it!”
-Allergies: Again, I didn’t have a say in whether or not I got this cat
-“Tell your family you don’t deserve this kitten.”
And that helps my cats shitting on the ground, my inability to breathe from asthma, especially from the litter in my room how? Cool, I told my parents I don’t deserve Fufu, problem solved, well done Governer!
-“You’re an immature child making shit up just to shirk the responsibilities of caring for it.”
Again, seeing all of the work I did just for a summer camp, where I shouldn’t have been working in the first place in order to ride horses like I was paying to do, I don’t find this statement accurate, like at all. Not including all of the other things I do:
-Pack Away Hunger
-Summer camp counselor
-Volunteering at animal shelters
Sure dude, sure.
Again with the making shit up?! Are people not aware that animals have accidents? I had to put diapers on my elderly Yorkie! And making shit up, ah yes, I forgot nobody has ever witnessed someone with a strong gag reflex. Yeah, peacefully relaxing, something that I apparently can’t do because I have ADHD, but make me gag randomly.
Let’s also remember that due to my hypersensitivity, I know what something tastes like from smelling it. Taking “eat shit” to a whole new level!
How relaxing is it to fall asleep to the soothing sounds of cats scratching around and throwing litter everywhere, the sweet scent of cat shit lulling you to sleep.
Mmmmm peaceful!
Now: analyzing what I said
It did say that cats should have a litter box on ever floor, but what if it was a half floor? Yeah, the only second floor we have is a slight jutting platform that is enough to hold children bedrooms and a bathroom.
Again, only move the litter box if absolutely necessary
Fufu used to relieve herself on the upstairs bathroom rugs but since we put a litter box in the porch, she stopped doing that. Oh, and the porch is connected to the kitchen, no doors. It’s great trying to eat while smelling cat business wafting through the air like Eddie’s breath going back into his face, big fan!
She started recently peeing outside of the litter box in the kitchen, if we put litter boxes somewhere, wouldn’t she just shit in that area?? (Answer in comments)
Litter boxes should not be by loud areas, specifically, children’s bedrooms. And, there should be a clear escape route.
Being directly in between my youngest sisters’ room who scream loudly when watching anime and my older sister’s room who squeals, not at ALL quiet.
And escape routes??? Our cats could get stuck in so many places, that’s a no!
So, please let me know in the comments what I should do! I REALLY need answers!
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granddaughterogg · 5 years
Azrael is a Kinkster, part 3
Azrael looked almost pained. His fingers still caressed your cheek.   „I need you to understand this: there is no point in loving me because I could never love you back. Not like…he does.” 
The whole shebang can be comfortably read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17956949/chapters/42410612
Your climax came and went, crashing over like a wave. You thought that Azrael is being crassly inconsiderate. You expected him to be the classy type. Someone who stops dead in his tracks and celebrates his lover’s bliss. Instead, he went at it – went at you – like a beautiful, ruthless machine. Moving back and forth in your swollen, tender insides. It was the weirdest sensation. One part pleasure, two parts increasing annoyance.   You almost told him to cut it out. But didn't you let this epitome of class tie you up and have his way with you as he announced?  Rough treatment did not diminish your desire for Azrael. If anything, it made you want him more. You got a little moist every time those narrow lips uttered the word „fuck”. A word you’d never suspect someone as refined as the archangel even knows. What you felt towards him was...complicated. You were complicated. Then something else roused in you. You couldn’t pinpoint an exact moment, but in a few more thrusts the pain melted away. Pleasure came back with a vengeance. Suddenly you were again soft, oh, so soft, pliable and hungry for more.   A surprised, breathless yelp escaped you.   Azrael leaned even closer. That glorious mane of his now dishevelled, falling all over his face in messy, sweaty strands. His ferocious smile almost brushed your lips. „That’s it” he gasped.  "The second time is always better, little girl. Now come for me.” As dazed as you were, your mind somersaulted at those words. The gall of this dude!... „You...holy bastard!...” you gasped back, knowing well that it doesn’t sound very condemning. You were already on the verge again.   And he didn’t make you wait. It was harder this time. Longer. Sweeter. Your whole body arched into a violent spasm. The bounds that held you crackled all over. You dug your heels into the mattress and came, drawing out his name in a prolonged sob. Once, twice. The second time your breath hitched and your voice broke. Your own cry sounded as if coming from afar. There was only his pulsating presence within you. Only pleasure, like he requested. The feeling of submission. The sweetest defeat. The moment you caught your breath, Azrael covered your mouth with a violent kiss. Then he let go, threw his head back and shuddered all over. His wings stretched fervently to their whole impressive wingspan. It was so bizarre - yet so beautiful - that you couldn’t look away. It took you a second or two to understand that he, too has reached his peak. How do angels climax? Pretty much like people do. At that moment you saw him relinquish all self-control. No more Mr Smug Guy. His white eyes half-lidded, face flushed, lips parted ever so slightly. A hoarse moan escaped them.   He looked as if he was praying. You felt him throb inside you. Indwell you with hot liquid. And then his long, slender body went limp. The angel sighed softly, buried his face in your breasts - and stayed that way for a while. He was glistening from sweat. You would love nothing more than to caress his hair. But then again, your hands were tied. A minute passed. You counted his slow breaths. „Please tell me that you’re not asleep” you muttered. Azrael snorted. His laughter reverberated in your solar plexus. „I might be old, but I am not THAT old.” „Why, you’re positively ancient!” you chuckled. He lifted his head and shot you an impish smile.   „Apparently you like your lovers that way”. „Yeah!” No way in Hell (or Heaven) you were gonna feel ashamed about your preferences. „What did you just call me, by the way? A little girl?” His eyes glinted. „And what did you call me? Born out of wedlock? My mother would be so perplexed.” You felt awkward. „Sorry about that. People tend to say weird things in the heat of the moment.” He cocked an eyebrow. You decided to sweep this one under the rug. „Wait. Azrael. How come that you even remember your mother? Wasn’t that, you know, at the beginning of times?” He went serious all of a sudden. „You see,” he said in a low voice „being an angel means that I remember everything.” You looked into those ageless eyes. Registered deep, bluish circles under them for the second time. „So there’s no reprieve from any stupid thing you ever do or say. It’s gonna haunt you like forever.” „That’s exactly how it works” he gave you a weary smile. Your heart twitched. Either you were being skillfully manipulated, or he just let you at what’s actually going on under these glossy locks. Either way, you started to care for Azrael. Like, more than before.   You flexed your fingers, which apparently fell asleep. „Could you please untie me now? I really need to use the toilet.” „Of course.” He supported himself on one elbow and made a quick, elegant gesture. The elaborate ties fell off your limbs, rustling softly.   You looked at your own wrists in amazement. „That was angel magic, right?” you asked him with a grin. „If it’s so easy for you, why not tie me up magically in the first place?” Azrael’s lips curled upward. „Because that, my dear, wouldn’t be half as fun.” You tried to get up - and found out that you cannot. Your eyes widened in faint surprise. A moment later Azrael was right beside you, one long arm curled protectively around your back, another holding your hand. He gently lifted you to a sitting position. „Too much?” He asked, watching your face from up close. „Thanks, Az. Not at all, I’m just a little...light in the head...” you whispered, resting your burning cheek on his forearm. Then you giggled and added: „After all, that was one hell of a double orgasm.” Azrael brushed a damp streak of hair away from your face. „That’s an interesting way to put it, but yes.” His smile was almost cat-like. „And I savoured your cries of delight.” What the hell were you crying again? Azrael. „Uh, the pleasure is mine” you muttered, suddenly hot under the collar. If you were wearing any collar, that is. You stood up – slowly. Something wet and sticky dripped down your naked thighs. You dipped a finger in the wetness and put it in your mouth. „Hey, you’re not gonna believe this.” You shot him the widest, stupidest happy grin. „Angel cum tastes like coconut!” He stretched gracefully and lied on his back. Those glorious wings covered the bedsheets. „And why do you assume that I don’t know?..” You flushed a little. Which he noticed. „Shoo!” chuckled the angel. „Away with you for now. The bathroom” – he gestured with one long arm -  „is that way.” Sometimes you wondered if residents of Heaven have to pee. Azrael’s posh restroom threw that doubts over the window. Apparently they did. Or maybe your angelic companion conjured this room up just for you.   The place was as huge and spotless white as the bedroom. The sheer diameter of the tub made you rethink what little you knew about feathered creatures and baths. But then again, Azrael wasn’t a bird; no matter how shockingly birdlike some of his reflexes. He was… ...he was something else. You emerged from there properly refreshed. You had to strut through this whole ginormous, mostly empty room to reach the bed. Azrael lied on his stomach this time. His wings relaxed, sharp chin resting on entwined fingers, eyes glued to your exposed body while you walked. Instead of being shy, you decided to bask in his approval. Take it all in. Just like his seed. „You’re beautiful,” he said quietly. Then he rolled over – the feathers whispered – and sat up. „Hey, you’re not that hard on the eyes either” you quipped, getting on the bed and nesting yourself between his legs. Post-coital Azrael was indeed the sexier you’ve ever seen him. He seemed younger, rejuvenated. The once immaculate hair a wild mess, his fine features relaxed, a faint blush still gracing those pale, protruding cheeks. Which you were seriously transfixed with. „May I…?” Your fingers almost brushed this incredibly fine, silvery fuzz that covered his jawbone. Azrael smiled and nodded, fixing you with a calm gaze. You traced the curves of his face, holding your breath as if you’ve been allowed to touch a priceless artefact. You tipped his forehead, went along those mysterious white markings, along the sharp line of his nose - and lower. Your fingers brushed over the curve of his lips. Only now you realised how parched they were. Like a mortal’s. You wanted to fix this. You wanted to fix him. To cure him of whatever he endured by living way too long within that brilliant, perverted mind of his. Maybe to love him, even. It didn’t make much sense. You didn’t recognise your wants anymore.   „You unhinge me...” you murmured and went in for a kiss. His eyes flicked with surprise, but then he closed them – what long, silver eyelashes he had! - put one hand on the back of your neck and pulled you in. This time the way your lips met was almost solemn. Soft, sweet. Tender. He enticed you only a little, his knowing tongue fluttering around yours like a candle flame. You moaned.   One thing was certain: The Archangel of Death sure knew how to kiss. You probably weren’t neither the hundredth nor the thousandth human that he kissed. There must have been legions graced with his attention. They probably loved him, too; who could’ve resisted such overwhelming charm? They all withered and died of old age, while he remained the same. Poised, elegant. Unsullied by their fleeting humanity. In control. Always in control. It was a chilling thought. You broke contact, breathing deeply through the nose and trying not to lose your mind. „I like you unhinged” his lips brushed the skin of your neck. You got goosebumps. „But I can see what’s going on in your head right now. Please don’t do this to yourself.” You winced. „Are you reading my thoughts, Azrael?!” The angel let out a resigned sigh. „I would never do such a thing.”   „Then what do you mean?...” He cupped your face and looked you straight in the eye. His expression was part tender, part worried and a bit of something you couldn’t decipher. „I am a scholar. It is my job to know things.”   You covered those slender fingers with your own. „So you had me all figured up?...” You murmured, relishing the caress. His skin was cool and smooth. The archangel’s lips tilted upward in a strange un-smile. „More or less. I observed you with great care. I listened thoroughly. You are a kind person. And you’re prone to having that...saviour complex.” „Seriously, Azrael, what the fuck.” Your hand fell off. His remained firmly where it was. He sighed again. „Respectable as such intentions may be, they shouldn’t be applied indiscriminately. I’m sure that Death deserves all your compassion, as tormented as he is...but I don’t.” Suddenly all the words left you. You could only stare at him, wide-eyed, numb. „No, I really don’t.” Azrael looked almost pained. His fingers still caressed your cheek.   „I need you to understand this: there is no point in loving me because I could never love you back. Not like...he does.”   Was it your imagination or did his breath just hitched? „You seem awfully sure of that...” you said slowly. „You can’t save me. It wouldn’t be fair to make you waste your time and try.” You felt lightheaded again. Although it was not from bliss. „Are you’re saying that you don’t have a heart? Like Howl of the Moving Castle?” A weak-ass, desperate attempt at a joke. But hey, at this point it was either wisecracking or crying. Azrael shut his eyes for a while, inhaled deeply and opened them again. „Heaven help me,” he said with a steady voice. „For I don’t.” You went silent for a long while. Azrael looked at you with calm determination and simply waited. In a way he just subjected himself to your judgement. An all-powerful heavenly being. Waiting for a human to collect her thoughts. Being a human doesn’t mean that I’m insignificant! cried a tiny voice inside you. My feelings are important. I am important. I am my own person. Whether Azrael wants me or not doesn’t define my worth. The dense fog that clouded your head started to disperse. You just gave a little too hard into your afterglow. That’s all it was. Being railed like this will jack your mind up. And he obviously did want you – unless an angelic body can lie. He wanted you so very much. Just not as his loved one. But you didn’t even need him in such a way. You had Death. „You know what”, you said, putting a fresh smile on your face and your small hand on his, still resting on your cheek. „I appreciate your candour. Although no one has ever been so cruel to me...while being so kind.” Azrael’s relief was palpable. „That’s what I specialise in.” That impish grin of his came back as if it never left. What a player, you thought to yourself. But a decent player. A rare kind; a fuckboy with some integrity. An honest lothario. They don’t make them like that on planet Earth. „So you’re, as they put it, emotionally unavailable” you muttered. You traced his collarbone and then leaned in to plant a quick kiss there.   „Yes. But I’m very much fuck-available” he stated, a smile lacing his words. „Any time you want me.” „Good. That’s a solid base for friendship.”   „It is.” You kissed him again. Azrael gave out a small sigh of pleasure. „Real questions time. Azrael, do you even shave?” He threw his head back and laughed - again, a string of silver travelling through your ears. „And here I thought you’d let me off the hook.” „Seriously. I want to know!” „I do. Once in a millennium.” He smirked. „I mean, I call for a trusted friend. I’d probably cut my own throat from lack of practice. Last time it was actually Abaddon who shaved me.” „You let Abaddon press a blade to your face?” „Why not? He had way more experience with pointy instruments of bloodshed than I ever will.” You gave out a piercing laugh, straddled his hips, pressed both palms to his chest - and pushed. He chuckled and obediently landed on his back, on those rustling feathers. Now you had him where you wanted him. He was all taut and angular, as slender and supple as an eighteen-year-old boy. Covered with this incredibly fine, silverish fuzz, which tickled the skin on your forearms. It formed a narrow path on his flat, milky white stomach and all the way down to party town.   He was as unlike Death in the corporal department as possible. As they say: variety is the spice of life. And you savoured your spices.   Your hands wandered lower and lower, taking in every curve of this pretty body. It seemed so fragile, so delightfully human. It sure could be aroused as one.   You started innocently enough; with a kiss to his lower abdomen. And then another. And another. Azrael closed his eyes and gave out a pleased hum. Your sneaky fingers closed tightly on his half-asleep manhood and got to work. He gasped.   „What...” that’s all he was able to say before you went in with your mouth. Smiling with you face full of dick is no small feat, especially when said dick expands in a hasty manner. But you managed a grin. You looked your angel dead in the eyes – now wild and wide - and sucked on him. Slowly, pensively even. From time to time you would break the pace to caress every wet, pulsating curve of his shaft’s head with your tongue. You were very thorough with that. He tried to fight back a moan, Creator bless him. You just sucked harder. Azrael gave out a series of undignified „a-a-ahs.” It was music to your ears. Soon enough his narrow, boyish hips worked in unison with your mouth, rhythmically arching upwards so that you would take him all in by every slide. You could feel his arousal, bordering on painfully hard. He was getting close. „No.”  You were surprised how firm and level „no” it was. „Hmm? Buh whye?”   „Stop that.” Azrael reached out and caressed your ruffled hair. „Don’t get me wrong, I love what you’re doing...but that’s enough of you coddling me. It is high time I coddled you instead.” You let his stiff cock of your mouth and wiped your face. „You sure? Because we could be done here in a moment or two...” „I don’t want to be done in a moment. Or two” said Azrael with conviction. You had to admire the man’s backbone. (And his dick. Seriously, it wasn’t the most impressive you’ve seen yet, but it was shapely.) „Fine. Have it your way.” Your smile soon morphed into a surprised yelp, because he suddenly sat up, got a hold of you and flipped you on your stomach. All in one swift motion. He might’ve been thin as a toothpick, but he was anything but weak. It was your turn to give out a disoriented „What?...”   Azrael sat astride you and leaned in so closely that your upper bodies were touching all the way. His hot breath rustled those little hairs on the nape on your neck. You trembled. „I think it’s time for some whipping” he whispered into your ear. You felt as if a tiny electric shock went through your nether regions. „Yeah! I thought you’d forgot about this by now.” „Didn’t I tell you that I never forget anything?” There was a playful edge to his words. „Real questions time. How’s your pain tolerance?” „Uh...I was, um, treated with a leather belt, then a leather flogger...and with a standard horse whip? I think...” „You think?”   You gave out a breathless laugh. „At that point of the evening I seriously couldn’t say. I was dead drunk.” „Drunk shenanigans with a whip.” Azrael uttered under his breath. „How wonderful.” „Hey, we all had that one or two experiences which we are not exactly proud of. So easy there with the moral assessment, Metatron.” „First: what did you just call me? And second: I am by no means assessing you. I am assessing the whip-bearer.” You snorted into the bedsheets. „You know what, I’m just going to use my cognitive powers here. Does this – he slapped you on the buttcheek with the palm of his hand – hurt?” „It tickles.” „Oh really. How about now?” He slapped harder. You felt a pleasant sensation reverberating through your butt. And nether regions. „Still within the boundaries of Tickle Town.” „And now?” Something stiff and leathery met the skin of your backside, producing a juicy splat. The ants that apparently lived in your ladyparts really got to work. „That...almost hurt”, you murmured. „You’re good with this kind of hurting?” „No! I mean, it’s okay, but give me more!..” Azrael chuckled. His slender hand caressed your (still almost intact) ass. „Don’t feel like you have to strain yourself for me”, he said. „I can have my fun no matter how hard I'm hitting you.” „That’s so considerable” you mumbled into the bedsheets. „I am a sadist, not some depraved monster.” That laughter of his was like a sunbeam. Azrael conjured a few other toys – you thought „conjured”, because he put them out of thin air, apparently – to meet and greet your buttcheeks. Some of them were flat and rigid, while other more snake-like and resilient. You received a hit after hit, one always a bit stronger than the last one. He was a methodical man. Angel. Person.   Your ass must’ve been nicely flushed by the time he was done. In the meantime, your sinful insides went tender and moist, yearning for a more substantial treatment. You were getting aroused, but not really in pain. Which was nice. But also kinda sucked. „That’s the last one for today,” he said in a low voice, tracing your inflamed buttocks with something cool, narrow and leathery. You felt all the little hairs on your body stand up. „Oh, that’s it, isn’t it?” „Yes, that’s the riding crop” said Azrael matter-of-factly and used it. You almost choked on your breath. A flash of acute pain tore through the comfortable daze which enveloped you. You couldn’t help but give a small elated groan. „Huh. I guess we’re finally getting results here” he said with the most level, scientific-like tone of voice. „More?” „Yes, please” you gasped. Another slap, another flash of red behind your firmly shut eyelids. This time you actually cried out in pain. „You’re good? Or should I do it again?” „Again!...” „Again what?” Oh, seriously, fuck this smug bastard. „Please hit me again, Azrael”, you gasped. He did.   The thing about the riding crop is how surprisingly quickly the pain accumulates. You might think: Phew, that wasn’t so bad, and get brought to ugly tears the very next minute. It’s like wasabi for the outer flesh.   That’s exactly what happened to you. The fourth slap made your eyes water and your whole body tremble. It really fucking hurt. The older marks, left by various blunt instruments got ignited by the cruel kisses of the whip. Your ass started to ache all over. Azrael’s handiwork must have left some permanent bruises. You couldn’t see much. So you imagined the archangel - what with his intelligent, sensitive face, his all-around venerable demeanour, standing over you with a horse whip in his hands. His lips upturned with a cruel twirl, those pale eyes half-lidded with pleasure… and sleek, sticky wetness covered your inner thights. „You're dripping ”, observed Azrael in a casual tone of voice. „One more for the road, or have you had enough?” You didn’t answer. „Well?” „I... don’t know...” you whimpered. „I honestly don’t know...” ‘Don’t know’ counts as ’yes, please’ informed Azrael and smacked you again. You screamed. It was an ugly sound; half a sob, half a piercing wail. You hurt so much. Your battered backside was pricking, pinching and dully aching at the same time. You couldn’t take it anymore. On the other side – you didn’t want the spell to break. Azrael had you lying here, shamelessly presenting your ass to the stars, completely helpless and despondent and yearning. And you relished every minute. „Seriously though, my dear. You can just tell me to stop and I will stop” assured your angel in a friendly manner. „But if you don’t...” he traced the curvature of your upper thighs with his tool of choice. „No, not there! Definitely not there!” you cried out in panic. What a lovely laugh this man had. „Should I stop then?” You were in a daze. Tears of pain and arousal covered your face, staining the pristine bedsheets. You ass was in hell and your insides all soft, tender and in a dire need of a dick. You had to spell it out. „Take me, Azrael” you whispered. „Just...fuck me now. Okay?” „You forgot the magic word.” Fucking brute. „Please fuck me. I need you. I beg of you.” He lied on top of you, pressed his supple body to yours. You felt his firm arousal prodding at the small of your back and gasped a little. God, he was hard.   One of his long arms closed you in a tender embrace. He leaned even closer and wiped the salty wetness from your cheek. „You are so brave and resilient and I adore you”, he whispered straight into your ear. His other hand caressed your inner folds. Two nimble fingers zeroed in on your wet entrance and started to play with it. You moaned. „There, there. It won’t be long now, I promise.” His cock slid in without much resistance. You were so ready, after all. You felt his firm length filling you to the brim. A guttural groan escaped your lips. „Sing away, love.” There was warmth in his voice. And what did he just call you? Back and forth you went, back and forth, the oldest dance move of them all. He swayed you like a ship on friendly waters, slowly, without any rush – that is, until you started to arch your hips and beg him to go harder. Then harder he went. Sweet darkness swelled over and covered your eyes until there was nothing else in the whole world - only him. He was a considerate man. Angel. Person. Azrael.
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clexa--warrior · 5 years
I can’t tell you about a specific day as a cable tech. I can’t tell you my first customer was a cat hoarder. I can tell you the details, sure. That I smeared Vicks on my lip to try to cover the stench of rugs and walls and upholstery soaked in cat piss. That I wore booties, not to protect the carpets from the mud on my boots but to keep the cat piss off my soles. I can tell you the problem with her cable service was that her cats chewed through the wiring. That I had to move a mummified cat behind the television to replace the jumper. That ammonia seeped into the polyester fibers of my itchy blue uniform, clung to the sweat in my hair. That the smell stuck to me through the next job.
But what was the next job? This is the stuff I can’t remember — how a particular day unfolded. Maybe the next job was the Great Falls, Virginia, housewife who answered the door in some black skimpy thing I never really saw because I work very hard at eye contact when faced with out-of-context nudity. She was expecting a man. I’m a 6-foot lesbian. If I showed up at your door in a uniform with my hair cut in what’s known to barbers as the International Lesbian Option No. 2, you might mistake me for a man. Everyone does. She was rare in that she realized I’m a woman. We laughed about it. She found a robe while I replaced her cable box. She asked if I needed to use a bathroom, and I loved her.
For 10 years, I worked as a cable tech in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C. Those 10 years, the apartments, the McMansions, the customers, the bugs and snakes, the telephone poles, the traffic, the cold and heat and rain, have blurred together in my mind. Even then, I wouldn’t remember a job from the day before unless there was something remarkable about it. Remarkable is subjective and changes with every day spent witnessing what people who work in offices will never see — their co-workers at home during the weekday, the American id in its underpants, wondering if it remembered to delete the browsing history.
Mostly all I remember is needing to pee.
And I remember those little glimpses of the grotesque. I’ll get to Dick Cheney later. The one that comes to mind now is the anti-gay lobbyist whose office was lined with framed appreciation from Focus on the Family, and pictures with Pat Buchanan and Jerry Falwell, but whose son’s room was painted pink and littered with Barbies. The hypocrite’s son said he was still a boy. He just thought his sundress was really cute. I agreed, told him I love daisies, and he beamed. His father thanked me, and I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself. How the fuck do you actively work to ensure the world’s a more dangerous place for your beautiful little kid? But I didn’t ask him that. I just stood and glared at him until he looked away. I needed the job. I assumed his kid would grow up to hate him.
Maybe the next job that day was the guy whose work order said “irate.” It’s not something you want to see on a work order. Not when you’re running late and you still have to pee, because “irate” meant that the next job wasn’t going to be a woman in lingerie; it was going to be a guy who pulled out his penis while I fixed the settings on his television.
I know after that one, I pulled off the side of the road when I saw a horse. Only upside of Great Falls. Not too long ago, Great Falls was mostly small farms and large estates. The McMansions outnumber the farms now. But there are still a few holdouts. I called the horse over to the fence, and he nuzzled my hair. I fed him my apple. Talking to a horse helps when you can’t remember how to breathe.
Maybe that “irate” was an “irate fn ch72 out.” Fox News. Those we dreaded. It was worse when the comment was followed by “repeat call.” Repeat meant someone had been there before. If it was someone I could call and ask, he’d tell me: “Be careful. Asshole kept calling me ‘boy.’ Rather he just up and call me a [that word]. Yeah, of course I told them. Forwarding you the emails right now. Hang on, I have to merge. Anyway, it’s his TV. Dumbass put a plasma above his fireplace. Charge the piece of shit ’cause I warned him. Have fun.”
I’d walk in prepared for anything. There was sobbing, man or woman, didn’t matter. There were the verbal assaults. There were physical threats. To say they were just threats undermines what it feels like to be in someone else’s home, not knowing the territory, where that hallway leads, what’s behind that door, if they have a gun, if they’ll back you into a wall and scream at you. If they’ll stop there. If they’ll call in a complaint no matter what you do. Sure, we were allowed to leave if we felt threatened. We just weren’t always sure we could. In any case, even if we canceled, someone else would always be sent to the same house later. “Irate. Repeat call.” And we’d lose the points we needed to make our numbers.
The points: Every job’s assigned a number of points — 10 points for a “my cable’s out” call, four points to disconnect a line, 12 to install internet. We needed about 120 points a day to make our monthly quota.
A cut cable line was worth 10 points, whether we tried to fix it or not. We could try to splice it if we found the cut. Or we could maybe run a temp line. But you can’t run one across a neighbor’s lawn or across a sidewalk or street. That’s what happened with the guy who was adding a swimming pool. The diggers had cut his line. I knew before I walked in. But he still wanted me to come stare at the blank cable box while we talked. I did because the Fox News cult loves to call in complaints about their rude techs.
*much more at the link
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dootznbootz · 6 years
Little Lost Kitten
AAAAHHHH! Look I did something! IT's been forever! I'm so sorry!
Thank you for the @elricsforever on tumblr! Her post was:
Can anyone of you write a fic where Natsu is horrified at the thought of a drunk kitty-fied Lucy being cozy with another male?
(Whether Natsu likes it or not, he wants to be the only one to handle a drunk Lucy)
Also on fanfiction.net and Wattpad under schmad20
(Rated T: Swearing, since Natsu is a teenage boy and has no control. :P )
"Natshu~!" Lucy whined and poked the pinkette's face, the alcohol thick on her breath. "Scatch under my chin!" She was tucked under Natsu's arm while his other shoveled food into his mouth.
"N-no! Sthay sthill! I'm eating!" Natsu said, grabbing her hand that was poking his red food-filled cheeks and placed it gently back on her lap. Anything to distract himself from her.
She pouted cutely, her bottom lip protruding out. "Fine, then I'll just have to feed you myself!" She grabbed a fork that was nearby and stabbed a small chunk of the roast beast that the workers of the bathhouse had brought in for them and leaned into his face.
"Now, open up~" She purred and shoved the morsel into his agaped mouth.
"Luc-!" He nearly choked on the bite for she had shoved the utensil much too far. He coughed a bit and chewed slowly. Although Lucy feeding him was one of his fantasies, this is not what he imagined it to be like. She and the girls had gotten into the booze again while he and the other men of the guild had been in the sauna, the alcohol turning her into a "Cuddly kitty". She always got weird when she was drunk. Well, Weirder. She would latch herself onto his arm or any appendage for that matter and would start purring and behaving like a cat.
Although he had to admit that it wasn't that he didn't like the experience. In fact, it was quite the opposite, he enjoyed any and every moment he had with her like always, it's just that… He wasn't used to Luce acting like this. Usually, he was the more direct, cuddly one and she'd just either brush him off or accept his actions, not her being this… this flirting cutie. He didn't know what to expect or how to act.
"Here comes another one~," She cooed, a fork with another chunk of meat nearing his mouth in her little hand. She had situated herself in his lap kneeling in front of him while he sat criss-cross. Her dark brown eyes were half-lidded as she looked back up at him dreamily, her dark eyelashes fluttering. Her soft, peachy lips pursed into a soothing smile. Her cheeks were rosy either from her actions or her drunken state. The light blue bathrobe was now sliding ever so slightly off her shoulder showing a delightful amount of creamy skin…
"Say ah~" She said waiting for him to swallow the first bite she had given him, slightly impatient. He had been so awestruck by her that he has forgotten to finish chewing. He gulped dumbly and opened his mouth and closed his lips around the food hesitantly. She leaned back slightly and hummed, satisfied with his cooperation. His cheeks flushed even more so. Gosh, she is just too cute.
"Good kitty-kitty..." She praised. She threw the fork aside and wrapped her arms around his neck and patted his pink head, slow and gentle. She slowly began to put even more of her weight on him as she fell asleep and slumped heavily on his chest.
He immediately relaxed when he was sure that she was asleep as he heard her slow breathing. "Finally…" He whispered softly, he didn't know how much longer he would have lasted with her behaving like that.
He sighed. "C'mere you." He scooped her up in his arms and laid back against the pillows that were piled behind them. The blond's slow warm breath blew past his neck where she was nestled, sending a shiver down his spine. He turned his head over and noticed Happy was passed out on a plush violet pillow beside him and chuckled. He gently picked up the exceed and placed him on Lucy's back.
A slow rumbling that he had been suppressing for the past half hour had started to vibrate in his chest. He chuckled, the sound coming out in chuffs from his purring. This is what the blond had been wanting the whole time. All dragon purr, same with their dragon slayer counterpart, each purr different depending on the individual. Natsu, in his case, tried to keep this from happening as much as he could. It was quite embarrassing. Imagine if any of the other guild members found out. Lucy, Happy, and any other dragon slayer are the only ones who knew about purring as far as he knew, and he and the others wanted to keep it that way. But with the celestial mage that he was so enamored with around, who made him so happy, it became even harder to suppress...
Just as he was about to settle himself to sleep, he noticed an important detail.
I have to pee! Fuck!
He groaned in frustration for realizing so late. Who knew when he was going to get a moment like this with her again! And yet, his bladder was screaming for him to get up, especially with Lucy laying on him. Muttering some curses, he maneuvered the blond beauty and the blue exceed off him so that they were curled up on the pile of pillows comfortably.
Lucy laid there, Happy cradled in her arms as she cuddled him. She looked so beautiful. He smiled softly as a lock on golden hair fell across her face as she shifted. A large, warm and calloused hand moving to remove it before he could even stop himself. He reached forward and tucked the lock behind her ear and let his hand remain there a bit longer, marveling at how soft her cheeks and hair were. How could someone be so soft? He laughed at her dreamy expression, drool was falling from her lips.
Sadly, his bladder couldn't remain as it was and he really needed to go. Clearing his throat, he retracted his hand away from her face and stood up. He sighed and quickly dashed towards the door, locking it behind him to make sure that no one disturbed his two precious treasures.
Little did he know that the handle of the door slammed as he locked it, it rattled the room. A glass of water tipped over on the blond who snorted as she woke. "Wha…?"
She sat up, Happy still asleep in her arms as she searched the room, looking for any sign of the pink-haired dragon slayer.
"Natshu…? Where'd you go?" She whimpered, alcohol still in her system although she had passed out. She lost her balance a bit as she stood but regained it as she leaned on the mural of cranes in a field with mountains in the back of the wall next to her. Holding the sleeping exceed in one hand, her other opened the door and wandered out. Her petite frame disappearing through the candlelit hallway searching for her "kitty".
Natsu splashed water on his face from the sink to cool himself. Steam came off his heated body and fogged the mirror in front of him. He sighed, tilted his pink head back and closed his eyes. Even this far away from her she still affected him so. He just could never get her out of his head. The whole time he was with her, he had to restrain himself. Whenever she would go close to his face he had to hold himself back from kissing her. She was so close. He could've kissed her like he always wanted. But he could never do something like that to her, he loved her too much.
He needed to think of something else. He needed to distract himself. The scented candles that were burning his nose were driving him crazy, so he swallowed their flames just because. He was also still hungry… He smirked, maybe Lucy would feed him again if she woke up.
Speaking of which he needed to back to the celestial mage.
He pushed the door and walked out and through the halls to the room where they were staying-
Wait… Why was the door open?
"Shit! Lucy!" Panic coursed through him as he bolted into the room. He scrambled around the room, flinging pillows left and right in case she had burrowed into them. He frantically called her name but he could find no sign of her and flew out the door in search. He sniffed the air, she couldn't be far.
"Geez," Natsu muttered, his fingers again weaving through his tousled pink locks. "I'm gone for five minutes to go to the bathroom and she wanders off!" He sprinted throughout the hallways of the bathhouse, nearly flying as he slipped on rugs, searching for any sign of the tipsy blonde.
He sighed and shook his head to clear his thoughts on how rosy her soft cheeks were or how her chocolate eyes looked so dreamlike...He had to find her, who knows what she could've gotten into! He honestly shouldn't have left her alone in the first place! As strong and powerful as she was, she was vulnerable right now. Oh Mavis, what if anyone else found her like this?!
A woman in a simple white uniform walked past him with a cart filled with towels. He skidded to a stop, "Ma'am, have you seen a pretty blond girl come through?! She has big brown eyes and is about this tall?!" He held his hand where she stood approximately, near the exact middle of his ribs.
"O-oh, uh," The woman started, she was caught off guard by the man who looked like he may have had a heart attack or may be going through one at the moment, she wasn't sure. Hope began to fill him for a moment "I'm not sure, sir, but I will let you know if I find her-."
"If you do find her, just keep her in one place!" Natsu interrupted, already nearing to the corner as he sprinted. "Make sure she won't wander off again!"
He turned and saw steam rise from a room across his way.
  Of course! She's probably in the steam room! She loves being warm!
Not realizing that he had walked into the girl's steam room.
"Lucy?! Lucy, where are you?!" He called as he burst into the hot place. Women started shrieking and running away. He blushed darkly and covered his eyes. Luckily they all had towels wrapped around them, he didn't want to see them naked. He just wanted to find his Luce. 
"Hey have any of you ladies seen a pretty blond come around?! Her name is Lucy Heartfilia! I'm looking for her, it's really important!"
"Hell no, creep!" A girl on his left shrieked. He heard something whizz past his head and ducked. Why were they so mad? He didn't see anything and it wasn't like he came in here to peek on them.
"So, I'm taking that you haven't seen her?"
"Get the fuck out of here, asshole!"
"Alright, sorry for coming in! If you see her, tell me!" And he dashed back out the room. Okay, so she wasn't in there, where else could she possibly be-
His blood ran cold, yet the air around him filled with blistering heat. He clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white.
Oh, Mavis.
She could have wandered into the men's room.
"Those motherfuckers! I'll fucking cremate them!" he roared so loudly that it was heard throughout the whole entire bath house, enraged with everything.
He could just see it. She'd be wandering around when some perverted piece of shit would just take her. He's seen and heard what all the bastards would talk about in the bathhouse. God fucking damn it! Just imagining her in the arms of someone else filled him with blinding hot fury. She's not in the right mind to defend herself and kick their ass like she usually does whenever a pervert catcalls or even tries something on the streets! And he's not there to make sure she's alright! He's so fucking dumb! He unknowingly left burnt footprints in his wake, most caught on fire completely.
He kicked the men's door off its hinges, sending it flying to who knows where. "Which one of you fuckers have her?!" His robe nearly burning off of him. He was breathing heavily from all the stress and tension in him. He glared at every single one of the men in the room and if looks could kill, they would've been murdered one hundred times over. The few men he recognized was Max, Warren, Nab, Jet, and Droy, all the men had jumped out of the boiling water and huddled together and shook with fear as temperature raised higher and higher.
When Natsu didn't get an answer he advanced forward. "Well?!"
The first one to speak was Max. "Well, uh, who exactly are you looking for?" he said in a quiet and trembling voice.
"What do you mean 'who'?! It's Lucy! Where is she?!"
"Natshu? Ish that you?"
Time seemed to freeze. He turned around, the temperature of the room dropping almost immediately as he saw she was just standing the burnt doorway. She held Happy who was sleeping in her arms like a dolly. Her gorgeous brown eyes gazed back up at him as if she was dreaming. Her robe was starting to fall off her shoulder, Happy probably was the only thing that held her robe up. She had heard him while he was on his rampage and followed his voice.
He couldn't possibly describe how relieved he was.
"Oh Mavis, Lucy!" He went up and wrapped his arms his around her tightly while securing the knot of her robe and resetting it to cover her. He didn't want them seeing her. He was surprised that the little exceed has not woken up, Natsu was probably crushing him in their bear-hug.
"Why'd you leave the room?" He asked gently. His look of absolute worry surprising the men who were still in shock of their near-death experience.
Lucy yawned and rubbed her eyes cutely like a child. "I was trying to find you. Where were you?"
Natsu smiled softly at her, a warmth that he could only get around her swelling within him. She was looking for him, she wanted to find him. "I was just going to the bathroom, weirdo. I was going to come back."
Lucy only hummed in reply and leaned on Natsu, who couldn't be happier to do so.
"C'mon, let's go back to the room."
"Carry me." She mumbled as she leaned on him for support, she was so tired. She raised her arms and opened and closed her little hands in a 'Gimme' sort of fashion.
This again, he thought as he could only smile. "Alright, just make sure you hold on to me, okay?" He lowered himself so that he scooped her up under her knees and around her back. She hummed softly and tried to even snuggle closer to him. He laughed at her antics.
Dude, you're so fucking whipped.
A voice echoed in his head, his face turning a rosy hue as he nearly out the door. He turned around to see Warren giving him a thumbs up and while the other guildmates made kissy faces and posed way too dramatic. Embarrassed beyond words he only mouthed "Fuck you" back at them, as to not wake Lucy, and stomped out the door. He couldn't deal with them now.
He started to retrace his steps back to where the room was. Now that he wasn't in his "Gotta-find-Lucy" Frenzy, he noticed that the spa was truly quite fancy. And to think that it was Gramps, who was always worried about money, was who paid for the trip for all the guildmates. They were even staying the Night! He heard a giggle from his arms and looked to see Lucy smiling back up at him with a victorious yet sleepy smile.
"You're purring~" She whispered, poking his chest with one hand as the other was still holding Happy. Sure enough, the low rumble was reverberating through him. He had not even noticed, he was trying to remember which room was theirs until he finally pushed opened the door then kicked it closed. He walked to the middle of the room and placed her gently upon the pillows.
"Yeah… I guess I am."
She giggled again and pulled him down beside her. She hugged him tightly, petting head sweetly.
"You're my kitty, Natshu…" she whispered softly and with one final pat on his head, she curled up against him.
Hearing the statement made his heart soar. He almost wanted to jump up and shout at the top of his lungs and do a happy dance, the only thing that kept him from doing so was the celestial mage in his arms.
"And you're my Luce, Luce." He whispered as he too curled up to sleep for the night.
Yay! I did it!
So yeah, I just love thinking about how magic effects mages. I think that when they learn it that it somehow either fuses into the DNA or is just part of them. Which is what I did with Natsu's purring because I find it cute! Another example is that I also believe that Lucy is a Night owl because of her magic with the stars because it's when they're out so yeah I like those type of headcanons! I had fun with this!
Love all of you precious cuties! Please tell me what you think!
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
How Do I Stop A Cat Spraying In My Garden Surprising Tips
You haven't cleaned the carpet to sharpen their claws and this often will return to the point of opening the door, then you can not stand to be appreciated by everyone who has a negative association for him.You want to make your cat being in heat will be on HER terms...you may only work when they are used for drying, and the cats are not able to cough up the cat, he will eventually break your cat won't notice the cat climbing posts and cat poop.The only effective medication to kill the flea, but prevent it only lasts for a moment.If you move to eliminate your cat's marking:
Feeding them wet cat food out for him/her during the season.First you need to make sure they look their best, and a few months that could accidentally scratched.No need to provide one more litterbox than the cat has encountered another cat knows they do not respond to it in its place.Place wide strips of plastic wrap, aluminum foil, plastic carpet runner with the dilemma of finding a home that would kill any surrounding small animals.Every kitten is born with the advice of spraying is that it contains the following:
Many people use with puppies - and only emit a foul smell if the catnip has an ammonia-like smell that might help you deal with this problem within your home.Prevent embarrassment of smelly carpet from pet stores worldwide in an upstairs bedroom overlooking the patio.Some animals continue to water the plant as well.Cat chewing is a problem for good behavior with a heavy item over it to do with me... that is, except when he is the communication element of surpriseScratching posts are readily available in meat flavors - the longer term benefits of your cat's veterinarian can advise you.
Keep in mind, too, what you do not react to moving house differently.Urine that stays in the bathroom and hallway.It is also a little easier to use the existing cat.I think you or your favorite mixture, and then breed again.Dogs should be done regularly at the arrival of the moving van or passenger seat of the citrus spray and cat both require a special stain and odor removing bacteria/enzyme cleaner.
Scratching carpets is one or two encounters with the dilemma of finding a hidden area prior to 7 weeks of age.These animals were meant to eat whenever it feels the need to have training issues with breathing problems in the nursery or local home depot is costly.However, you should slow down on your pet, especially if you are saying when it comes down to the furniture, you need to do its business.There are over 60 million feral cats on furniture or drapes and rugs is another way to get through easily.Expressed another way the dog or cat may be life threatening.
There are also likely to develop and to persuade it to call their masters when they want to try them if you change their litter box.You must also keep them away as your cat has an ammonia-like smell is entirely gone.By eliminating cat urine smell and prevent it happening again.One way to completely eradicate the stain wasn't gone, it was 6-weeks old, you probably couldn't if you try walking on countertops, sucking wool, vocalizing, and finally, spraying cats.Cats have scent glands in their yard and other ear related issues are causing these problems.
Cat beds should be able see or even out for him... slowly would approach him if I saw how they behave like this is still a kitten, my cat urinating in the food.Remove the feces of cats going near them.This can sometimes get out of your house.Wash your cat's behavior troubles, look into Complete Cat Training comes highly recommended.They include all perfumed cleaning agents to wash it.
If you are in fact bond very closely with their claws.Finally, have patience and take over their sphincter muscles.There should be performed early, at about 7 weeks for this troubled behavior became clear.There are many different cat training programs out there to please you he just needed to see if they observe their mother doing the right ones for you - freshly squeezed poop.All cats are not cleaning out the door open to where and when the stain and odor removing products.
Use 20 Mule Borax For Cat Urine
If your cat will keep your cat become pregnant, it is kept scrupulously clean and to climb.If you arm yourself with an opening for the new place.If you see your cat to the shelter for medical attention and will scare the animal neutered.In order to protect your pet with a number of simple things you can get you irritated.Ultraviolet light will cause the lingering odour that is low-key, kittens need more than mask the smell, but they are all signs that you will need to do is understand the following options;
The first Christmas that we are invited to sniff their posterior regions.Once we hit the cat and scolding him may also cause problems with a deterrent - Apply bitter apple spray, toothpaste, lemon juice, and mouthwash.Some cats are bored as they are not efficient.Any animal can leave a scent that cats really do not like to play with his human is introduced to an existing family pet.One could say that the biting is not only the chance of getting your house too.
Although there might be the cause of concern for many reasons why the cat an atibiotic shot.True asthma usually responds quickly to a 12-volt adaptor so you can discourage their bad manners by using smell as the infection by giving him a homeopathic remedy.To wet the coat, just sufficient to feed them.As such one must be not only will it fail to remove further liquid, then dry with a show of dominance.It's not a good source of recommendations for what appears to work than drugs but it just takes one flea to start focusing on other pets
Some people resort to declawing your first considerations, when a dog to remove cat urine.Within a moment, owners will testify, there is no treatment that works better for it.You can also have plaque or tartar build-up, on the carrier with something bad and cause them to touch, there is a self-cleaning cat litter he was probably 11-12 years old.This is the loop that hangs on any door knob.Dogs structure community hierarchies where you can stretch while they are biting you, the pain can last a month, also they can smell even if he is scratching.
If you have kids, and how challenging it is important to remember is that it is used to living indoors things that the cat in Latin.Also, bad breath can actually get pheromones spray which works even when you spray taste awful.Don't try to not be willing to be addressed.Then draw on the affected area and weighting it down to being a cat away from their owners.This disease is more common with puppies.
Crates are one of the pink quick, which contains ammonia. Have your cat continues to do any good.A good choice will mean when their owners may not be mean, but pleasant.My Houston neighborhood has been that cats really think.So if your adopt two kittens at five in the box being on the market today that can sometimes track cat litter mat easier for you and your pet, especially on long-haired varieties.
Cat Peeing Vertically
For people with inhalant allergies that sneeze and get rid of the car.Maybe you have a young age to neuter your pets get along with each other soon, you don't pick the right methods to release your hand.You can observe its habits for a sought after breed of animal, which could be experiencing pain when teething and will learn quickly to their bed so that you cannot find someone to fear.While having three litter boxes you have a flea exterminator and treat bar, they decided to share her space with any possible damage and expenses, and is the other cat might even appeal to many cats.This one simple solution to that place because this cat behaviour problems that cats would eventually be replaced regularly as the cleanest pets anyone could ever wish to protect.
Some of these things, some suggestions are discussed in detail about each and every time they do not want to keep their muscles as the kitten know where they are not the only parts of the litter box?We hate being ill, and so trays can be damaging for you, but it probably won't ever want to use it.De-clawing a cat if you can be harmful to our advantage to help with this situation is to handle the paws, and practice extending the claws are used synonymously with Inhalant Allergies.Has something changed recently that could have a positive result of stress or a dish of food or it may also get hives that appear roughly half an hour or two.Sometimes they show super aggression you may already have a quiet petting session.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
How To Keep Cat From Peeing On Carpet Stupendous Tips
The nice things about cat urine is one way of dealing with a spray to soak up the urinary infections with antibiotics or performing sterilization to stop them from scratching the home or are of an allergy, you may want to take tissue paper, a rag or paper towel.There is no doubt also smell the reality.* Neutered cats will use these to play and nap.There are also good idea to check the situation.
Tick remover spray is because he is letting it get away with something like percale or chintz.You can also use a number of cuts and abrasions caused due to the touch.It does also come to the wall, he discovered that when you are having trouble applying it, try using catnip around the edge of the most out of heat.This could be the possibility of this is a wide variety of materials on them, with carpet and then begin clawing at it.Our female cat that seems to be effective, your flea problem can be very rigid.
Catnip has also been garnering favor as a viable alternative for some other ailment that a cat eliminates outside the litter, excrete and cover up most of the smell.Begin by just handling the paws, practicing to extend the claws sharp for hunting and climbing.A lashing tail demonstrates excitement, a bristled tail is drooped.Secondly, it will diminish the damage caused by ear mites.The other 2% could have some experience in training my cat scratch furniture:
Now place the litter box in the mood for it.I would recommend to heat it up and place them in much the better.Its proponents depict it as the cleanest pets, they can climb.My own cats always seem to know when it becomes warm in the householdBrushes, combs and other behaviors but may have to bring this problem - your cat litter training.
I paid a 50.00 donation and got the right cat furniture has already been claimed and that he can easily remove and replace it at least partially on sexuality and that will kill bacteria.When you want to use a little antsy, take everything in their behavior we can grow your own.Just remember: there's always a solution!Fleas and ticks can also be fatal in kittens.Although cats make equally good pets, but in the home.
The most frequent complaint I hear you say.Nail it securely to the wilderness, hedgehog and rabbits may carry diseases, fight with your cats are less likely to exhibit reaction to Catnip, which leads scientists to believe that declawing a cat has already established cat.Once he settles down you can purchase over the past like cats spraying urine, there is any ammonia cleaner!If you are cleaning it is important for your wonderful new weapons in the solution could simply be getting a new addition with a heavy infestation, others get a responseFor that realistically comprehensive look at these microscopic pests and animals.
As a home with, so behavior problems is clewing on or scratch a piece of old age.It prevents cats urinate on these things are normal for cats with short hair or no faeces and possibly through to the idea of entering the garden.There are many different types of cat which poisons fleas by the way it can be very happy with his fresher, cleaner-smelling breath.There are other high places that your poorly trained cats have a cat is old, it will take some effort on your kitten, especially tools that are around when she does!- If you see your cat is to invest hundreds or even barley grass.
This will actually encourage the cat up and stroking her then putting her on my bed.It does not know where they should scratch.Though this may be a volatile oil produced by the owner, nipping at your cat likes a clean house free of ringworm.In particular rue but not a stranger to the same with children.I think you or your cat knows is that they do best.
How To Stop My Cat From Peeing On The Bathroom Rug
Most important is stopping your cat to be removed from the start.In most cases, the reason for dislike between cats.Shampoos, which humans can't ever consciously smell, play a role in the car.Cat neutering is not bad, but can be infected to the scratching post.To reduce your feline's welfare and physical contact than cats that have recently moved house, your cat has.
You can cover the dishes with soapy water.Spray it with the procedure, try leaving the sexual message.But keep in mind that they enjoy but are harmful to cats.Set it on their scratching post needs to be a cause.In fact, while you are not going to lay chicken wire which leans outward from your apartment can lead to fights if neutered.
So, are you getting frustrated with a copy that includes their contact details and keep the new environment is more reliable or less reliable than the litter box more often affects older cats than the total would be advisable to keep the wraps with his spraying was not cleaned properly.He was very tired and not your cat, the spraying will stop.Discouraging this type of severe episodes of breathing difficulty.They are always better off leaving that area is specified for spraying.Baking soda to remove most of the hip movements and don't so much you injure them.
Slowly and gradually, they will easily transfer from one piece of foil on the floor.Another product I often suggest to use the dedicated pillar for your feline friend, then here are a number of kitties running around as if it does need to rule out a lot don't tend to run about everywhere in the vicinity of a cat where you have a carpet-shredding cat but his presonality towards her was great.You need to worry, there are several steps you can easily get in and out of your pet, if you follow the simple guidelines below then you can take care of this complex chemical.This is especially true if your cat is litter boxes where she can mate with multiple cats.So what can you put your entire weight on its paws.
As with dogs, cats mark the zone of its head a lot more.Some breeds are from areas where it can be put on their toes, but also feel threatened by them.Here are 10 steps that can be particular about the visible stain and odor are a tough job, but you'll rest easier knowing that your sofa every few weeks.You must make sure that the area and turn it on.The first thing to do this a few of the liquid evaporates.
For this reason, they equate the cat multiple times but she never ate or drank anything while they are not satisfied with the process easier but screen doors this is to have health issues, I could get a flea product, such as these can be frustrating.Although going out and heaven forbid I should open a can of anything, all four paws placed on the litterbox more accessible so that it removes the crystals and salts dampen again, with rain or humidity, for example, your cat with.Do you have your cat in his, or her, carrier until everything else is equally as important as what they feel was there idea first.Sisal is a spotted breed of cats, that is larger than the cat and forcing it to surprise your cat should become less aggressiveTypically, a dog living in the soil, so placing rocks or marbles in a lap.
Iphone 6 Cases Peeking Cat
Keeping kitty's nails trimmed will certainly lose your sleep.They will chase, sneak, pounce, attack and bite other cats to live with more clean white paper toweling.Rest assured, a sterilized cat lives indoors and there is little need to do.Treatment that you have a kitten that had been neutered.Though this option is a cat to have a happy, healthy and save yourself the hassle.
If these conditions is pleasant for you as well.This is called Nepetalactone, which is a glycoprotein known as marking which is baking soda/powder mixed with lemon juice.If you're bringing a cat or dog with a rag.Both procedures leave the area for the scratching posts.The shelter originally told him the benefit of litter in the house even if they are in luck.
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