#Hugging UwU
transdemon · 3 months
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Some stuff i did for @lowlywriter 's fic Lost in Paradise bc it's the only thing I think about these days 🥺🩷
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princeoxca · 10 months
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alfred would have told you that I am inspired by you.
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 4 months
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rewatched the movie again and despite the fact that it was meant to highlight skipper and private's relationship, i still love the fact that it showed kowalski and rico also love private. the fact that they had the two have the same amount of panic and level of distraught private was kidnapped, protectiveness when private was being threatened and absolute terror and pain when they thought private was dead as skipper did
they're a family your honor
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lucytsukii · 13 days
"Oh? You seem a little discouraged today…"
"Don't worry, it's not every day that we're one hundred percent…"
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"Come here, it's not much, but if you want, I can give you a hug!"
Who wants a hug from Maru? :3
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risewriter · 14 days
Mikey: Alright, Case! Ready for the fruit test?
Casey Jr: Ready!
Mikey: Great! What’s this fruit called? *Shows card of grapes*
Casey Jr: Easy! Grapes.
Mikey: Good job! Now for a tougher one. *Shows mango*
Casey Jr: Oh! Mango!
Mikey: You’re on a roll!
Casey Jr: Ehehe~ Well, I have a great teacher.
Mikey: Awh staph! Are you ready for the last one? *Shows orange*
Casey Jr: *Ponders, wondering if it’s a mandarin or orange* Uhm.. Angel orange?
Mikey: Angelorange? Is that a special type of orange?
Casey Jr: *Slightly flustered* Ah, I’m sorry, teach. It was your code name for one of our missions.
Mikey: *Touched* Awh! Oh me gosh, that’s such a cute nickname! You passed! You passed with flying oranges!
Casey Jr: Flying orange-?
Mikey: *Jumps towards Casey and hugs him*
Casey Jr: *Smiles* Oh, I get it.
More about this in tags quote in tags.
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weisbrot · 1 year
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meet me in july
hold me if we make it
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beybuniki · 4 months
I think the dissonance between you and the anons comes from the fact that you do see shipping potential with other characters their age but not bkdk, if that makes sense? Like you can see other pairings through a shipping lens so why not bkdk also (I’m not saying you have to, I’m just assuming people see it as a double standards of sorts)
which i would understand if i hadn't stated multiple times that i am not rejecting any romantic reading at all whatsoever, so i don't know why people act like i am, especially when i retweet ship fan art occasionally like why is this so serious to some people help
but to spell it out, i do not enjoy throwing bakugo and deku into silly ship scenarios as easily as i do in other constellations because their canon relationship is more complex and my opinions on their dynamic are more nuanced and deeper than my opinions on their friendships with other characters. the implications of 17yo bakugo asking deku out on a date differ from the implications of someone like rody asking deku on a date and i don't rlly feel like ignoring that.
i do think that deku had a crush on bakugo as a kid and he does carry some of that into their teenage years and makes everything more complicated like i am not denying that, which is why im confused by people who accuse me of having a double standard when my own interpretation and fan art more often than not hinges on this assumption. just because i don't see bakugo recognize or reciprotate any of that does not mean they can't have that one day, throwing them into that as teens just goes against the reading that i'm very commited like it's not that easy (the love thing), or i wouldn't want it to be that easy it doesn't feel right to me
some people do and i like and respect those readings, i wouldn't share their art/thoughts or do those requests otherwise lmao
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 6 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Part 9
Byleth trembled as the Guard gathered in the barracks later that night. He had been found floating belly up near the top floor after having sounded the alarm.
It wasn’t his fault! T-there was a s-s-SIREN. Right there! In front of him! It looked thin and waspish and starving, and he was sure it was gonna maul him to death right then and there. Did you see the teeth on that thing?! Byleth shuddered. His hand went to cover his gills. Imagine being chomped on the neck by that stuff. The stuff of nightmares.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, he wasn’t the only one terrified. Well, that was a little misleading. Byleth stood at attention in line with his fellow guardspeople, awaiting dismissal. The debrief was long and agonising, hearing details about how the siren lurked around unnoticed for hours, but most of his comrades were just irritated, or even disappointed. He glanced to the right, where Ableth was nursing his wounds from trying to tackle the little demon, and he wasn’t even fazed! Like, holy shit. If the siren got that close to him, he’d probably shit his pants right on the spot!
No, the one who was terrified was apparently the local administrator, currently having a ‘conversation’ (more like a shouting match) with their commanding officer out of sight, but definitely not out of earshot.
“It was a child! A baby! Do you even begin, begin to comprehend how bad this makes you, and by extension, me, look?! King Arthur will have our heads! Our heads!”
Their commander audibly sighed (which was a big yikes, considering how patient the guy was even on a bad day). “I understand your concerns, administrator, but this guard have done the best they can. The siren child was armed with weaponry the likes of which we have never seen before, and the raids have been tireless besides.”
“Blah blah blah blah do you even hear yourself? Maybe if you had trained these grunts better they wouldn’t have been out-matched by a toddler!” Byleth took offence to that. He’d like to see the office suit face up against that monster!
“Only one man was hurt, and he’ll be disciplined for his recklessness. The child did not set out to attack anyone, he was only stealing supplies, and fled when resistance appeared. It’s the same story as ever.”
“It sounds like your guards are as incompetent as ever!”
“The sirens have no way to access such advance weaponry. Do you understand what this means? If we don’t speak up, what will we do when a proper war band appears, each bearing these weapons? How many towns will they have razed before your dead spirit will be ready to admit the consequences of this cowardice?”
The administrator sputtered. The ridiculous loss of composure, and the raucous laughter of Byleth’s friends helped sooth the abject terror of a hundred more sirens appearing out of the ravines. By Poseidon spare them!
Line breakening~~
With the adrenaline running low, Damian ran on fumes as he twisted through the ravine, tracing back his fin-strokes to the cave where he’d left Phantom. Against all odds, he found it, and almost cried in relief. Throwing his newly acquired loot to the floor, Damian let his body drop like a cold iron, and passed out.
Danny felt pain. Like, all over. Everything hurt. Normally he’d be able to heal any injuries he got while siren fighting, and what a blessing that was. He wasn’t sure just how dense his parents could be, but he didn’t want to test it. The aching agony all over his body reminded him just how little he ate that morning, and man was he regretting it. Stupid Skulker and his stupid hunting dog dolphins. His stupid hunting doglphins. And stupid Damian for making him come close.
Well, that was a little harsh. He couldn’t blame the kid for believing the dolphin propaganda. They had a tight grip on the world, man.
The smell of blood prickled his nose. Danny shot up, fully awake. “Damian where ar-”
There the kid was, collapsed against the rocky floor of their makeshift hideout. Beside him, bags and satchels spilled out with food, bandages and weapons?! Guilt rocked up Danny’s body. Did Damian go hunting for food while he was unconscious? The kid’s tiny body was littered in bruises, and raw patches where the scales barely healed over. His sail was bent at an awkward angle too. Where the hell did he go?! Where did he get weapons?
No wait. Danny came closer and sniffed the loot closely. You had to be kidding him. There were Atlanteans nearby?! Part of Danny very much doubted the idea that the Atlanteans, probably the number 2 siren haters in the world aside from his parents, would just hand Damian a gift basket if he asked them to. So he stole from them?
Jazz would call this catasrophising, but she wasn’t around, so Danny felt pretty justified in panicking a little. Like, what was he thinking?! The Atlanteans would’ve skewered him without a second thought.
A small whimper caught his attention. Danny’s mental disaster train screeched to a halt. Damian was shivering, violently. Oh right. It was like, midnight or something in a deep ocean ravine. The kid was probably freezing. And if he wasn’t healing, that meant he was low on nutrients, and even lower on body heat.
Right, needed to care for the kid. Crap. He was planning on staying near the surface for most of the trip. A blanket was big and cumbersome and he didn’t have much storage space on him.
But goddammit if he let the kid freeze to death on his behalf. Resigning himself to a fate of being bitten once Damian woke up, Danny picked up the tiny, fragile guppy, and tucked him underneath his fins. As Danny began to eat his fill, he wondered just what kind of person he was going to be swimming across two oceans with, to be brave enough to go out singularly into the unknown…
Damian awoke to the sound of chewing, and gentle purring. He missed Alfred the cat. Poor kitty. He probably missed Damian too. It’s ok, Damian can make it up to him. He’ll give the little kitty all the pets and grooming he could ask for.
A weight settled on his hair, and- oh… oh that was so good. He didn’t know Alfred could pet him too. Maybe this was one of the good endings to his life, one where he’d spend life as a kitten, without a care in the world. That would be so nice, just being there and safe and warm. The hand stroked and straightened his hair, and it snaked down to where his ears were and scratched them. It was pure heaven. Damian thought that such a place would be forever closed off to him, but maybe the world had decided to be kind…?
“Woah, you’re actually lowkey super adorable like this.” Alfred said. Why did Alfred the cat sound like a pasty-faced teenage boy? He’d always imagined him like the real Alfred: prim, proper, distinguished.
“You sound strange, Alfred.” Damian mumbled. The hand scratched his ear again, and Damian’s purring intensified. “Please return to your proper voice at once.”
“Dude, I have no idea who that is.”
Nonsense. Damian had named his cat after a very distinguished man, and let him know it every time he saw him. How could he not know his own name?
“That is preposterous. You are Alfred the cat, my esteemed pet and loyal member of the family.”
Aflred the cat snorted. He snorted. “Oh my god that is so gold. I’m going to hold this over you literally until you grow old and wrinkly.”
Damian felt… offended. That was so mean! Why would Alfred the cat say such a thing, to him, Damian, his owner and friend! Damian always made sure to treat his pets with the care and respect they deserved, and this is what he got!?
“B-bad kitty. You will be disciplined.”
And Alfred the cat just kept laughing! Alright, the air of relaxation evaporated as Damian started getting annoyed. He opened his eyes, ready to teach his wayward cat some manners when-
The last 24 hours caught up again. Before him was not Alfred the cat, as he had thought, but Phantom completely healthy again, lying on his back, laughing his heart out. Almost literally, too. Damian watched as Phantom’s still beating heart, and water-filled lungs bounced and jiggled inside his chest cavity with each half-choked laugh. It was mesmerizing, and kind of nauseating.
Suddenly Damian couldn’t find it in himself to be angry, just an overwhelming feeling of relief.
“Phantom!” He cried out, voice almost cracking. Phantom tackled him into a hug, and Damian only put up a token resistance. It just felt so… right. “You are… You have recovered from your injuries.”
“It’s Danny, actually.” Phantom, er- Danny, said, voice soft, quiet. Almost vulnerable… “Danny Phantom. Most people just know the Phantom part.”
Danny… Daniel…. “I was foolish. I should not have ignored your warnings. Forgive me, Daniel.”
“Hey now, don’t you start picking up the Fruitloop’s habits. It’s never Daniel. Just Danny. Daniel’s a randomass human name, but Danny’s mine.”
“It does not change the fact that it sounds like a nickname. I… I do not do nicknames.” Damian said. Normally he paraded this fact as a matter of pride. With Richard, Drake, even Kent. Now, with Daniel encompassing his body in warmth, he felt strangely small.
“And I don’t do self-deprecation. So what about a deal? I’ll forgive you, if you promise to call me Danny.” The older boy said, voice leaving no room for argument. And yet, the playful tone underneath it gave Damian something akin to comfort. The way Richard did in the early days, despite Damian’s barbs and open threats.
“Very well, D-Danny.” Damian forced out. The name felt alien on his tongue. “This is a privilege few can boast to.”
Daniel- no, Danny, chuckled again. “You sound like a kid saying a swear for the first time and they’re really scared of being caught.”
“I am not a child.” He was never allowed to be.
“You are crazy though. And reckless. And that’s coming from me!”
Ah, so Danny figured it out. “You noticed the smell of Atlantean.”
“What were you thinking? They hate sirens. With a capital H.”
“I will not apologise for my actions in there. You needed food. It was my own poor judgement that got you injured, so it was my responsibility to rectify that.”
Danny was quiet for a moment. “I’m really trying to channel that ‘angry because I’m worried about you’ energy that my sister does, but you’re making it really difficult. Now I just feel bad.”
“They posed no threat to me. It was an easy operation.” Damian said. Danny sighed again.
“What am I gonna do with you? Outside of taking you home, that is.”
“For one, you could unhand me.” Damian’s words were hollow, even to him.
“And let you freeze to death? No chance. Now come on. The sun’s about to rise, and you need your breakfast.”
“Have you eaten enough yourself?” It would not do to let this foolish teenager hurt himself for Damian’s sake again.
“Dude, I’m like triple your size and age right now. It’s my job to be worrying over you.” Damian harrumphed.
It felt nice to be cared for again.
Bruce hung up the phone. Dick was about ready to riot, and the others were on a wire-thin line too. It was one of the most exhausting calls he’d done in his life, but it had to be done. He wasn’t going to leave his family in the dark, not after Jason.
It wasn’t just he who had potentially lost a son, however. In his hours of maddened searching, he’d glossed over the fact that the son of local siren hunters, the Drs Fenton, had also gone missing. Tim was already on the case, sifting through thousands of hours of CCTV footage to analyse the kid’s behaviour of the course of the last six weeks. Two unrelated boys going missing at the same time. And one boy had been displaying suspicious behaviour for months before hand. Something was up.
And so Bruce straightened his tie. He refused to wear any form of black. Not now, not yet, while there was still hope to be clung to. His trip to Fentonworks was in part to share condolences, and in part to investigate. Wherever Damian was, the clues lay somewhere surrounding Daniel Fenton.
He just hoped Damian had to be ok. If this hope died, Bruce felt like he might die with it.
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baker-chan-senpai · 2 years
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sketch dumpy thingy ft claw!serizawa
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jaehwany · 2 years
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When Mum told me about what you did, I forgot all about the competition, the club, everything. What was left was how I wanted to sing this song for you. I really want to thank you. Sing for me then. I’m waiting to hear it.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
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you know when you keep thinking of a scene and cant move on until you at least hastily scribble it? yeah.
(technically skyward sword comic (destiny) concept art but i dont expect anyone to make sense of this mess lol .. its a scene from the third and last part of the story, blue thing is a horribly rough version of hylias true form)
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rudnitskaia · 6 months
Someone she knows just had a baby and Mau is asked if she wants to hold it, how odes she react?
follow-up question is she good with kids?
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Thank you so much for the ask, @coffeintheface, it was super cute to draw! I love to dive into such cozy scenes, they soothe me, and I hope you'll feel that warmth, too. ✨💖✨
And it was the perfect opportunity to show Mau as a kid. :3 Augusto daily tried his best to braid her hair, let's praise the man, he's a pro now. x))
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lucytsukii · 13 days
"Hahaha, another one appeared, I'm happy!"
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tedochan57 · 5 months
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Ayuda,tenía que hacerlo
Help, I had to do it
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betasuppe · 1 year
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A very much so my-styled Uprising Rinz as my cool down distraction for the night♡
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Close up because ehehehhhhh.... he so pwettyyyy♡♡♡
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jinstronaut · 4 months
hi did you know jin is out of the military
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